Re: iChat screen sharing v Apple Remote Desktop

2009-01-12 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Ronni. All of the settings you suggest are in order, and  
eventually got it to work after rebooting my machine, and having only  
iChat running. Very slow though, to the point of being unworkable,  
which I suspect may be a bandwidth / internet speed issue.

I wonder whether Apple Remote Desktop is likely to improve performance  
over iChat Screen Sharing, or whether, if comparing the same  
functionality, performance such as speed and connectivity is likely to  
be the same across both applications. If not, I guess the next obvious  
question would be why buy ARA when you have iChat?

Cheers, Steven

On 13/01/2009, at 10:43 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 13/01/2009, at 3:36 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 13/01/2009, at 2:37 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Does anyone know from 1st hand experience whether Apple Remote  
Desktop has more stable connectivity (between a Mac and a remote  
user of a Mac) than the screen sharing ability of iChat?

I am trying to screen share between two Macs (via the internet,  
not the same network) and keep getting the message ...

Failed to start Screen Sharing because:
Screen sharing could not be established

But I didn't want to fork out for Apple Remote Desktop unless it  
was likely to solve the problem.

Hi Steven,

I've been using Apple Remote Desktop 3 for a number of years to  
control remote computers. It is a very stable Application once you  
have it setup and a Remote Admin: User Account on the other  
client computers.

Have you checked Connection Doctor to see if both computers are  
capable of screen sharing in iChat?

I have never used iChat to screen share. A couple of things needed  
to be able to Screen Share using iChat.

1. In iChat Application Screen Sharing from the Audio  Video Menu  
must be enabled on both computers.

2.Is UPnP Enabled on your Router?

3. In System Preferences  Sharing  - is Screen Sharing enabled on  
both computers?

Also check your firewall  in System Preferences  Security.
Select Set access for specific services and applications and Add  


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Trying to send file via ftp - can't connect

2009-01-09 Thread Steven Knowles

Hoping for some tips.

I'm trying to connect to a domain via ftp in order to upload a file,  
but not having much luck connecting. The domain is registered with  
NetRegistry, which has suggested FileZilla for ftp. I don't know a lot  
about what I'm doing, but here are some things I've tried.

I've tried both Cyberduck and FileZilla, both to no avail. I have  
latest version of each ftp client, and latest version of MacOS.  
Username and password definitely correct. For router/modem I use a  
Linksys Wireless-N ADSL2+ Gateway WAG160N, with a Time Capsule hard  
wired to the router.

The error message I get from Cyberduck is Connection failed.

The error message I get from FileZilla is:

Error:  Connection timed out
Trace:  CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Trace:  CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Error:  Could not connect to server

On FileZilla I found a found it has a firewall  configuration wizard.  
A first run of the wizard gave me the message wrong external IP  

So I went into the web interface for the router, found the IP  
Address in the Status panel, and put this IP Address into an option  
within FileZilla's wizard which states Use the following IP Address.  
Running the Wizard again seemed to indicate success.

I then took the IP address for the router, and in FileZilla's  
Preferences, there is a panel in FTPActive mode which allows me to  
stipulate an IP address, so I stipulated the IP Address for the router  
(which I'm unsure about because I note NetRegistry's support pages  
stipulate Passive mode - still, in the PreferencesFTP panel, I still  
have Passive checked). Even so, same errors.

In the MacOS System PreferencesSecurityFirewall, I have checked  
Allow all incoming connections.

In the router settings, under SecurityFirewall, SPI Firewall  
Protection is disabled.

I reckon it has something to do with this external IP address thing.  
I've tried hard wiring my Mac to the router, but that didn't make any  

Is there any other obvious settings to anyone which I should be  

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Trying to send file via ftp - can't connect

2009-01-09 Thread Steven Knowles
Please ignore - problem solved - ended up being a combination of not  
putting ftp. before the domain I had :-(

Cheers, Steven

On 09/01/2009, at 11:38 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hoping for some tips.

I'm trying to connect to a domain via ftp in order to upload a file,  
but not having much luck connecting. The domain is registered with  
NetRegistry, which has suggested FileZilla for ftp. I don't know a  
lot about what I'm doing, but here are some things I've tried.

I've tried both Cyberduck and FileZilla, both to no avail. I have  
latest version of each ftp client, and latest version of MacOS.  
Username and password definitely correct. For router/modem I use a  
Linksys Wireless-N ADSL2+ Gateway WAG160N, with a Time Capsule hard  
wired to the router.

The error message I get from Cyberduck is Connection failed.

The error message I get from FileZilla is:

Error:  Connection timed out
Trace:  CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Trace:  CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Error:  Could not connect to server

On FileZilla I found a found it has a firewall  configuration  
wizard. A first run of the wizard gave me the message wrong  
external IP address.

So I went into the web interface for the router, found the IP  
Address in the Status panel, and put this IP Address into an option  
within FileZilla's wizard which states Use the following IP  
Address. Running the Wizard again seemed to indicate success.

I then took the IP address for the router, and in FileZilla's  
Preferences, there is a panel in FTPActive mode which allows me to  
stipulate an IP address, so I stipulated the IP Address for the  
router (which I'm unsure about because I note NetRegistry's support  
pages stipulate Passive mode - still, in the PreferencesFTP panel,  
I still have Passive checked). Even so, same errors.

In the MacOS System PreferencesSecurityFirewall, I have checked  
Allow all incoming connections.

In the router settings, under SecurityFirewall, SPI Firewall  
Protection is disabled.

I reckon it has something to do with this external IP address thing.  
I've tried hard wiring my Mac to the router, but that didn't make  
any difference.

Is there any other obvious settings to anyone which I should be  

Cheers, Steven

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Compression error

2009-01-05 Thread Steven Knowles

I'm trying to compress a folder which contains about 1.8GB of data.

Using MacOS to compress (10.5.6), the process begins but stops part  
way through with error being The operation cannot be completed  
because you do not have sufficient privileges for folders.504.

I've looked at the Info window of the top level folder, and sharing   
permissions are set to Read  Write. I've also used the Apply to  
enclosed items function, but besides, I'm the administrator of the  
Mac on which the folder resides.

The folder is set as a Shared folder, and it's unlocked.

Anyone know why else this error message might throw up?

Cheers, Steven

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Creative solution required - transfer of folders contents to database

2009-01-04 Thread Steven Knowles
I'm sure there's a solution to this problem, but I don't know what the  
solution is. Hoping for a creative genius!! Maybe it can't be done.

I'm using latest MacOS (10.5.6).

I currently have a collection of 147 folders. Each of these folders  
have been labeled with a person's full name in the following format ...

SURNAME First name Middle name (if any).

For instance, a person named John Paul Smith would have a  
corresponding folder labeled ...

SMITH John Paul

Within each folder, there are a number of files in a range of formats  
(Word, pdf, txt, eml, jpg, etc).

What I need to do is export all of the folder names into a separate  
database. The database accommodates surname, first name, and middle  
name, so ideally I'd like to do this automatically though I imagine  
this could be tricky, ie. taking the name of each folder and  
automatically dissecting the name into surname and other names. The  
database is also connected to a storage facility, which is where all  
the files are to be stored.

Importantly, I also need to somehow retain the link between each  
folder and the files within each folder. For example, if within the  
folder labeled SMITH John Paul there are two documents Word.doc  
and Photo.jpg, the transfer process needs to remember that these  
files have a link to John Paul Smith.

Grateful for any ideas.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Why does Archive Utility produce a cpgz file?

2009-01-03 Thread Steven Knowles

Hi Ronni

I should clarify firstly that the zip issue is independent of the  
game. That particular pdf was just a random selection - any old  
document to use as a test. Incidentally though, I have no trouble  
accessing and playing that game via Safari (latest browse and OS).

That particular pdf is one which I uploaded via the form at this  
link ...

Once a file is submitted, it is a sent to mailbox which I have access  
to. In between submission, and arrival in the mailbox as a zip file,  
this is what I have been told happens to it, as stated by one of the  
people behind creating the site ...

It's something that I do in the code behind the scenes. It's using  
the ZIP compression algorithm. I've been able to open them in WinZip  
with problems.

If I open the zip file with Stuffit Expander, no problem. If the file  
is opened by Archive Utility, I get a cpgz file.

So I guess the question remains - why is it that Stuffit Expander and  
Springy Application decompresses this particular zip file just fine,  
but causes Archive Utility to create a cpgz file? I'll just use  
Stuffit Expander for now, but it'd be nice not to have to.

Cheers, Steven

On 03/01/2009, at 10:44 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Steven,

Was this zip file downloaded from a Website or Web Server?
If so if you download it using Firefox, does it unzip correctly?

I think  the problem may be caused by a misconfiguration on the  
download web server.
Or, the person that sent you the zip file has not downloaded it or  
compressed it correctly?

I dropped the file you sent to me onto Springy  
Application v1.4.2 it opened a PDF titled
If you click a link in the pdf you are taken to 
 to Tred2 Game which you need Flash Player 8 or later installed to  
play it.

With both Safari  Firefox the game is unable to be played even with  
Flash Player plugin installed.


On 02/01/2009, at 2:14 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hi Ronni

Here's a sample file. I've received the following response to a  
question about what creates this zip file ...

It's something that I do in the code behind the scenes. It's using  
the ZIP compression algorithm. I've be able to open them in WinZip  
with problems.

Cheers, Steve

On 31/12/2008, at 12:10 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Steven, yes email one to me as I have a few ideas why this is  

I'll have a look at it tomorrow sometime.

I have to knock off now and prepare for New Year's Eve ;-)

Happy New Year  all the very best for 2009.


On 31/12/2008, at 5:01 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Just seems to be some zip files Ronni. I created one myself using  
Leopard's Compress option, and then decompressed, and it works  

If you're particularly interested I could email you a sample, but  
I'm content just to live it with it for now.

Cheers, Steven

On 30/12/2008, at 10:22 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 29/12/2008, at 12:36 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hoping someone can explain to me why, when I double click on a  
zip file, Archive Utility creates a cpgz file of equal size?

I've looked at Archive Utility's preferences, but there are no  
obvious settings to tweak. At the moment my workaround is to  
manually decompress the zip file with Stuffit Expander, but it  
would be better if Archive Utility would decompress zip files  

I realise I can change the system such that Stuffit Expander is  
the default application to decompress zip files, but is this  
the only option? It makes sense to me to have MacOS built in  
functions be the default.

Hi Steven,

Are you saying that all zip files are having problems or is just  
some failing to unzip correctly?

Maybe the file is corrupt or was made by a pc user with a  
proprietary zip format that is not compatible?

Make your own zip file and see if you can open it correctly.

Download another zip file and see if you can open it.

Archive Utility supports these formats:
bom (.bom) [1]
bzip2 (.bz, .bz2)
cpgz (cpio gziped)
cpio (.cpio)
gz (.gzip, .gz)
tar (.tar)
tgz (tar gziped)
tbz, tbz2 (tar bziped)
compress (.Z)
ZIP (.zip) – password-protected ZIP archives are not supported


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Re: Why does Archive Utility produce a cpgz file?

2008-12-31 Thread Steven Knowles
Just seems to be some zip files Ronni. I created one myself using  
Leopard's Compress option, and then decompressed, and it works fine.

If you're particularly interested I could email you a sample, but I'm  
content just to live it with it for now.

Cheers, Steven

On 30/12/2008, at 10:22 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 29/12/2008, at 12:36 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hoping someone can explain to me why, when I double click on a zip  
file, Archive Utility creates a cpgz file of equal size?

I've looked at Archive Utility's preferences, but there are no  
obvious settings to tweak. At the moment my workaround is to  
manually decompress the zip file with Stuffit Expander, but it  
would be better if Archive Utility would decompress zip files  

I realise I can change the system such that Stuffit Expander is the  
default application to decompress zip files, but is this the only  
option? It makes sense to me to have MacOS built in functions be  
the default.

Hi Steven,

Are you saying that all zip files are having problems or is just  
some failing to unzip correctly?

Maybe the file is corrupt or was made by a pc user with a  
proprietary zip format that is not compatible?

Make your own zip file and see if you can open it correctly.

Download another zip file and see if you can open it.

Archive Utility supports these formats:
bom (.bom) [1]
bzip2 (.bz, .bz2)
cpgz (cpio gziped)
cpio (.cpio)
gz (.gzip, .gz)
tar (.tar)
tgz (tar gziped)
tbz, tbz2 (tar bziped)
compress (.Z)
ZIP (.zip) – password-protected ZIP archives are not supported


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Intranet based operations manual - software to create?

2008-12-31 Thread Steven Knowles
Hoping for some informed suggestions on the best software application  
to use for the Mac platform.

I want to set up an instruction manual for staff. It needs to be  
accessible by staff from anywhere, potentially a big number of them,  
so delivery via the web makes sense. Writing the manual using html  
would enable me to make use of hyperlinks for user friendly navigation  
and cross referencing. Does anyone know of any software which makes  
writing such a manual easy? I've pondered basic web authoring  
software, but I need something that will do things like automatically  
number sections and clauses, automatically update cross references,  
hyperlinks, etc. A layered security feature (to stipulate access  
levels by user or groups) would be a useful feature.

Someone has suggested utilising ProjectForum 
. Would this achieve what I want? Any better options?

As well as the above need, I have a document which is divided into a  
number of clauses. I want to create the document with some software  
which will not only automatically number clauses (obviously a basic  
Word processor will do this), but will automatically update references  
or links to other areas or clauses of the document should another  
clause be inserted or deleted. To clarify by example, let's say I have  
created a document which contains clauses numbered 1 to 10. Let's say  
clause 9 makes reference to clause 1. Later, I insert a new clause at  
the beginning of the document, so that the new clause becomes clause  
1, and the old clause 1 becomes clause 2. What I want is that the  
original reference within clause 9 to clause 1 is automatically  
updated to become a reference to clause 2. Hope that makes sense.

Any tips or thoughts appreciated. Freeware / open source applications  
ideal, but will buy commercially for better solutions.

Cheers, Steven

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Why does Archive Utility produce a cpgz file?

2008-12-29 Thread Steven Knowles
Hoping someone can explain to me why, when I double click on a zip  
file, Archive Utility creates a cpgz file of equal size?

I've looked at Archive Utility's preferences, but there are no obvious  
settings to tweak. At the moment my workaround is to manually  
decompress the zip file with Stuffit Expander, but it would be better  
if Archive Utility would decompress zip files automatically.

I realise I can change the system such that Stuffit Expander is the  
default application to decompress zip files, but is this the only  
option? It makes sense to me to have MacOS built in functions be the  

Cheers, Steven

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Time Capsule - why multiple and none sparsebundle files?

2008-11-19 Thread Steven Knowles
I have three Macs backing up To Time Capsule at the moment - an MBP,  
an MB, and iBook. All running latest OS.

When I look at the contents of Time Capsule, by clicking on Time  
Capsule in the Shared section of a Finder window, I see a folder named  

If I look inside the Data folder, I see three sparsebundle files for  
my MBP. Why three? I would have thought just one.

There is one sparsebundle for the iBook. That makes sense.

And there is no sparsebundle file for the MB, although I have checked  
the MB and according to it, the backups are working fine. Should the  
MB not have a sparsebundle file also?

I checked the name of the MB, just in case that had been named MacBook  
Pro also - nope, just MacBook.

Cheers, Steven

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Time Capsule as a server ?

2008-11-18 Thread Steven Knowles
I currently use my main MBP as server for a MB to access a communal  

Problem with this is that my MBP needs to be awake whenever the MB  
needs to access the folder, which is occasionally inconvenient.

But ... I also have everything backing up to Time Capsule. I don't  
know why I haven't pondered this before, but can Time Capsule not be  
used as a server? If so, how do I go about that?

If I did use Time Capsule as a server, I would then need to worry  
about the backup of the folder parked on Time Capsule. Maybe one the  
MBP could be set up such that it syncs with that folder? In other  
words, reverse things so that the folder parked on Time Capsule is  
automatically backed up to the MBP?

Is this all feasible ?

Cheers, Steven

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JBL Creature speakers - anyone have an unused but working right satellite ?

2008-11-18 Thread Steven Knowles
I have a set of JBL Creature speakers, which Apple used to sell  
through their stores, I don't know about any longer, but my right  
satellite speaker has died. Anyone happen to have one they no longer  
use and want to get rid of or sell?

Cheers, Steven 

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Can't see Apple TV in iTunes ?

2008-11-14 Thread Steven Knowles

I'm running latest MacOS, and Apple TV has latest software installed.

Anyone have any clue as to why I can't see Apple TV under Devices  
within iTunes ?

I can see Apple TV from iTunes as a speaker option for streaming  
iTunes music, so presumably that tells me the Apple TV is within range  
and working. I can control and do everything with Apple TV from the  
usual TV set which Apple TV is hardwired to. But I still can't see  
Apple TV in iTunes. I've done the usual reboot of hardware, both Mac  
and Apple TV and router. Firewall is set to allow all incoming  

Any tips gratefully received.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Can't see Apple TV in iTunes ?

2008-11-14 Thread Steven Knowles

Thanks Ronni. Problem solved!

Regards, Steven

On 15/11/2008, at 6:52 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Steven,

First I would try:
Go into iTunes-Preferences and de-select 'Look for Apple TVs'
Quit iTunes
Restart iTunes
Go into iTunes-Preference and select 'Look for Apple TVs'

If that doesn't work, have a look at this support document.


On 15/11/2008, at 11:42 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I'm running latest MacOS, and Apple TV has latest software installed.

Anyone have any clue as to why I can't see Apple TV under Devices  
within iTunes ?

I can see Apple TV from iTunes as a speaker option for streaming  
iTunes music, so presumably that tells me the Apple TV is within  
range and working. I can control and do everything with Apple TV  
from the usual TV set which Apple TV is hardwired to. But I still  
can't see Apple TV in iTunes. I've done the usual reboot of  
hardware, both Mac and Apple TV and router. Firewall is set to  
allow all incoming connections.

Any tips gratefully received.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

2008-11-10 Thread Steven Knowles
Unfortunately not Ronni. I've rebooted (holding down the button on  
front and the button on top), followed by Syncing the MBP and the  
iPhone via iTunes again, and no luck.

Cheers, Steven

On 10/11/2008, at 3:13 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:


Have you rebooted your iPhone?
If you look back to our email correspondence to WAMUG 15th September  
2008 Re: Contacts in iPhone lack phone numbers. What the?

Sometimes it takes awhile for a sync to show up.


On 10/11/2008, at 7:33 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Further on this one, I now see that all my contacts have been wiped  
from my iPhone :-(

Plugging it into iTunes and Syncing doesn't fix it. My contacts are  
still all there at MobileMe and on MBP, but now just not flowing to  
iPhone (and for some reason they've all been wiped completely).

I've pondered doing a Restore via iTunes, but I don't like the  
sound of that. I'm afraid it may lock up my unlocked iPhone again.  
Any other suggestions regarding forcing the iPhone to sync with  
MobileMe for contacts?

Cheers, Steven

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 9 November 2008 10:57:02 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

Just checked Ronni - no, the iBook Address Book addition wasn't  
appearing in Contacts in the online MobileMe account.

I've just gone through all the Reset Sync Data and it does appear  
to have fixed the problem, so thanks heaps for that suggestion. I  
should have thought of it myself, because I think I've been down  
that route before when my iPhone wasn't syncing properly. I forgot  
about that fix - it's buried so deep within the bowels of System  

Thanks again!

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 12:05 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Steven, Is the Contact you have made  in Address Book on the  
iBook, reflected in your online MobileMe Account under Contacts?

i.e.: Has it synced to MobileMe online cloud-servers?

I just had a quick look at Apple discussions and sounds like you  
are not the only person having sync issues at the moment.
Apparently Apple Engineers are aware of the problem and they'll  
fix it, eventually.

Some people have had success Resetting their sync data. NB. If  
you try this make sure you have a backup first as resetting your  
sync data deletes all the synchronised data from the other  
You can just replace 'Contacts' in the Reset Sync Data - Replace  
pop-up menu, if that is the only problem sync you are experiencing.

I have not experienced any problems syncing to my devices or my  
computer, but some people have.

This is worth a read: 


On 09/11/2008, at 3:59 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks Ronni. This is the problem though - I add the contact on  
the iBook, do a manual Sync (several times now), but still the  
new contact does not reflect on the MBP, despite having also  
forced a manual sync on the MBP also.

Just checked the MBP again - still no contact added. That's why  
I'm thinking there must be something else.

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 2:08 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 09/11/2008, at 4:51 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each  
set up with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set to  
sync contacts. If however I add a contact on the iBook, and  
Sync the iBook, and then sync the MBP as well, I just don't  
see the added contact in Address Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the  
MobileMe system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel of  
each Mac, and everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Hi Steven,

When you add a Contact in Address Book on the G4 iBook your  
computer does not send that data immediately to the
MobileMe servers. At best, your computer checks in with  
MobileMe once every 15 minutes (unless you sync it manually)— 
and in some cases

the delay is much longer.

You should see the added contact on the MBP eventually, but not  
straight away.

MobileMe does push sync, but it's not push from end to end - yet!
Apple has indicated that we should expect push updates from  
Computers to the cloud at some point in the future, but for  
the time being, it's only push from the cloud down.


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Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

2008-11-10 Thread Steven Knowles
Further on this one, I now see that all my contacts have been wiped  
from my iPhone :-(

Plugging it into iTunes and Syncing doesn't fix it. My contacts are  
still all there at MobileMe and on MBP, but now just not flowing to  
iPhone (and for some reason they've all been wiped completely).

I've pondered doing a Restore via iTunes, but I don't like the sound  
of that. I'm afraid it may lock up my unlocked iPhone again. Any other  
suggestions regarding forcing the iPhone to sync with MobileMe for  

Cheers, Steven

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 9 November 2008 10:57:02 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

Just checked Ronni - no, the iBook Address Book addition wasn't  
appearing in Contacts in the online MobileMe account.

I've just gone through all the Reset Sync Data and it does appear to  
have fixed the problem, so thanks heaps for that suggestion. I  
should have thought of it myself, because I think I've been down  
that route before when my iPhone wasn't syncing properly. I forgot  
about that fix - it's buried so deep within the bowels of System  

Thanks again!

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 12:05 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Steven, Is the Contact you have made  in Address Book on the iBook,  
reflected in your online MobileMe Account under Contacts?

i.e.: Has it synced to MobileMe online cloud-servers?

I just had a quick look at Apple discussions and sounds like you  
are not the only person having sync issues at the moment.
Apparently Apple Engineers are aware of the problem and they'll fix  
it, eventually.

Some people have had success Resetting their sync data. NB. If you  
try this make sure you have a backup first as resetting your sync  
data deletes all the synchronised data from the other location.
You can just replace 'Contacts' in the Reset Sync Data - Replace  
pop-up menu, if that is the only problem sync you are experiencing.

I have not experienced any problems syncing to my devices or my  
computer, but some people have.

This is worth a read: 


On 09/11/2008, at 3:59 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks Ronni. This is the problem though - I add the contact on  
the iBook, do a manual Sync (several times now), but still the new  
contact does not reflect on the MBP, despite having also forced a  
manual sync on the MBP also.

Just checked the MBP again - still no contact added. That's why  
I'm thinking there must be something else.

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 2:08 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 09/11/2008, at 4:51 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each set  
up with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set to sync  
contacts. If however I add a contact on the iBook, and Sync the  
iBook, and then sync the MBP as well, I just don't see the added  
contact in Address Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the MobileMe  
system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel of each Mac,  
and everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Hi Steven,

When you add a Contact in Address Book on the G4 iBook your  
computer does not send that data immediately to the
MobileMe servers. At best, your computer checks in with MobileMe  
once every 15 minutes (unless you sync it manually)—and in some  

the delay is much longer.

You should see the added contact on the MBP eventually, but not  
straight away.

MobileMe does push sync, but it's not push from end to end - yet!
Apple has indicated that we should expect push updates from  
Computers to the cloud at some point in the future, but for the  
time being, it's only push from the cloud down.


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Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

2008-11-10 Thread Steven Knowles
Well, maybe I just gotta learn to be patient. Just picked up my iPhone  
and there are all my Contacts back in there. Like last time. Should  
have learned my lesson. Seems that the syncing process completing just  
isn't completion. The reboot seems to have worked after all.

Thanks Ronni.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10 November 2008 3:39:08 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

Unfortunately not Ronni. I've rebooted (holding down the button on  
front and the button on top), followed by Syncing the MBP and the  
iPhone via iTunes again, and no luck.

Cheers, Steven

On 10/11/2008, at 3:13 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:


Have you rebooted your iPhone?
If you look back to our email correspondence to WAMUG 15th  
September 2008 Re: Contacts in iPhone lack phone numbers. What the?

Sometimes it takes awhile for a sync to show up.


On 10/11/2008, at 7:33 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Further on this one, I now see that all my contacts have been  
wiped from my iPhone :-(

Plugging it into iTunes and Syncing doesn't fix it. My contacts  
are still all there at MobileMe and on MBP, but now just not  
flowing to iPhone (and for some reason they've all been wiped  

I've pondered doing a Restore via iTunes, but I don't like the  
sound of that. I'm afraid it may lock up my unlocked iPhone again.  
Any other suggestions regarding forcing the iPhone to sync with  
MobileMe for contacts?

Cheers, Steven

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 9 November 2008 10:57:02 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

Just checked Ronni - no, the iBook Address Book addition wasn't  
appearing in Contacts in the online MobileMe account.

I've just gone through all the Reset Sync Data and it does appear  
to have fixed the problem, so thanks heaps for that suggestion. I  
should have thought of it myself, because I think I've been down  
that route before when my iPhone wasn't syncing properly. I  
forgot about that fix - it's buried so deep within the bowels of  
System Prefs.

Thanks again!

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 12:05 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Steven, Is the Contact you have made  in Address Book on the  
iBook, reflected in your online MobileMe Account under Contacts?

i.e.: Has it synced to MobileMe online cloud-servers?

I just had a quick look at Apple discussions and sounds like you  
are not the only person having sync issues at the moment.
Apparently Apple Engineers are aware of the problem and they'll  
fix it, eventually.

Some people have had success Resetting their sync data. NB. If  
you try this make sure you have a backup first as resetting your  
sync data deletes all the synchronised data from the other  
You can just replace 'Contacts' in the Reset Sync Data - Replace  
pop-up menu, if that is the only problem sync you are  

I have not experienced any problems syncing to my devices or my  
computer, but some people have.

This is worth a read: 


On 09/11/2008, at 3:59 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks Ronni. This is the problem though - I add the contact on  
the iBook, do a manual Sync (several times now), but still the  
new contact does not reflect on the MBP, despite having also  
forced a manual sync on the MBP also.

Just checked the MBP again - still no contact added. That's why  
I'm thinking there must be something else.

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 2:08 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 09/11/2008, at 4:51 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each  
set up with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set  
to sync contacts. If however I add a contact on the iBook,  
and Sync the iBook, and then sync the MBP as well, I just  
don't see the added contact in Address Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the  
MobileMe system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel  
of each Mac, and everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Hi Steven,

When you add a Contact in Address Book on the G4 iBook your  
computer does not send that data immediately to the
MobileMe servers. At best, your computer checks in with  
MobileMe once every 15 minutes (unless you sync it manually)— 
and in some cases

the delay is much longer.

You should see the added contact on the MBP eventually, but  
not straight away.
MobileMe does push sync, but it's not push from end to end -  
Apple has indicated that we should expect push updates from  
Computers to the cloud at some point in the future, but for  
the time being, it's only push from the cloud down

Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

2008-11-09 Thread Steven Knowles
Just checked Ronni - no, the iBook Address Book addition wasn't  
appearing in Contacts in the online MobileMe account.

I've just gone through all the Reset Sync Data and it does appear to  
have fixed the problem, so thanks heaps for that suggestion. I should  
have thought of it myself, because I think I've been down that route  
before when my iPhone wasn't syncing properly. I forgot about that fix  
- it's buried so deep within the bowels of System Prefs.

Thanks again!

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 12:05 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Steven, Is the Contact you have made  in Address Book on the iBook,  
reflected in your online MobileMe Account under Contacts?

i.e.: Has it synced to MobileMe online cloud-servers?

I just had a quick look at Apple discussions and sounds like you are  
not the only person having sync issues at the moment.
Apparently Apple Engineers are aware of the problem and they'll fix  
it, eventually.

Some people have had success Resetting their sync data. NB. If you  
try this make sure you have a backup first as resetting your sync  
data deletes all the synchronised data from the other location.
You can just replace 'Contacts' in the Reset Sync Data - Replace pop- 
up menu, if that is the only problem sync you are experiencing.

I have not experienced any problems syncing to my devices or my  
computer, but some people have.

This is worth a read: 


On 09/11/2008, at 3:59 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks Ronni. This is the problem though - I add the contact on the  
iBook, do a manual Sync (several times now), but still the new  
contact does not reflect on the MBP, despite having also forced a  
manual sync on the MBP also.

Just checked the MBP again - still no contact added. That's why I'm  
thinking there must be something else.

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 2:08 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 09/11/2008, at 4:51 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each set  
up with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set to sync  
contacts. If however I add a contact on the iBook, and Sync the  
iBook, and then sync the MBP as well, I just don't see the added  
contact in Address Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the MobileMe  
system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel of each Mac,  
and everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Hi Steven,

When you add a Contact in Address Book on the G4 iBook your  
computer does not send that data immediately to the
MobileMe servers. At best, your computer checks in with MobileMe  
once every 15 minutes (unless you sync it manually)—and in some  

the delay is much longer.

You should see the added contact on the MBP eventually, but not  
straight away.

MobileMe does push sync, but it's not push from end to end - yet!
Apple has indicated that we should expect push updates from  
Computers to the cloud at some point in the future, but for the  
time being, it's only push from the cloud down.


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Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

2008-11-08 Thread Steven Knowles
I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each set up  
with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set to sync contacts.  
If however I add a contact on the iBook, and Sync the iBook, and then  
sync the MBP as well, I just don't see the added contact in Address  
Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the MobileMe  
system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel of each Mac, and  
everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Why doesn't Address Book sync on two Macs ?

2008-11-08 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Ronni. This is the problem though - I add the contact on the  
iBook, do a manual Sync (several times now), but still the new contact  
does not reflect on the MBP, despite having also forced a manual sync  
on the MBP also.

Just checked the MBP again - still no contact added. That's why I'm  
thinking there must be something else.

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 2:08 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 09/11/2008, at 4:51 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each set up  
with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set to sync  
contacts. If however I add a contact on the iBook, and Sync the  
iBook, and then sync the MBP as well, I just don't see the added  
contact in Address Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the MobileMe  
system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel of each Mac, and  
everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Hi Steven,

When you add a Contact in Address Book on the G4 iBook your computer  
does not send that data immediately to the
MobileMe servers. At best, your computer checks in with MobileMe  
once every 15 minutes (unless you sync it manually)—and in some cases

the delay is much longer.

You should see the added contact on the MBP eventually, but not  
straight away.

MobileMe does push sync, but it's not push from end to end - yet!
Apple has indicated that we should expect push updates from  
Computers to the cloud at some point in the future, but for the  
time being, it's only push from the cloud down.


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IMAP - why doesn't access to same inbox from 2 separate Macs sync ?

2008-11-02 Thread Steven Knowles

Using latest MacOS and Apple Mail as email client.

I've set up a mailbox using IMAP, as I needed a communal inbox, I  
accessed by more than user.

My understanding is that what I see in my local inbox should be a  
mirror of what's on the host server (which in this case is  
Netregistry, the route I've chosen to take for now).

If I access the same inbox from a separate Mac, my understanding is  
that I should see exactly the same thing as what I see from the other  

However, I am seeing two different inboxes, depending on which Mac I'm  
looking at. For instance, I have a particular message in one inbox,  
but I don't see that inbox in the other, despite checking all Mail  
settings are the same, and despite forcing a Mailbox  Synchronize on  
both Macs.

Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a setting somewhere, eg.  
outside of Mail, which I should also be considering?

All tips appreciated.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: IMAP - why doesn't access to same inbox from 2 separate Macs sync ?

2008-11-02 Thread Steven Knowles
Forget this one - problem appears to have repaired itself after  
quitting Mail and restarting. Why I didn't think of doing that earlier  
I don't know.

Sorry to have wasted everyone's time.

Cheers, Steven

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 2 November 2008 12:57:59 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: IMAP - why doesn't access to same inbox from 2 separate  
Macs sync ?

Using latest MacOS and Apple Mail as email client.

I've set up a mailbox using IMAP, as I needed a communal inbox, I  
accessed by more than user.

My understanding is that what I see in my local inbox should be a  
mirror of what's on the host server (which in this case is  
Netregistry, the route I've chosen to take for now).

If I access the same inbox from a separate Mac, my understanding is  
that I should see exactly the same thing as what I see from the  
other Mac.

However, I am seeing two different inboxes, depending on which Mac  
I'm looking at. For instance, I have a particular message in one  
inbox, but I don't see that inbox in the other, despite checking all  
Mail settings are the same, and despite forcing a Mailbox   
Synchronize on both Macs.

Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a setting somewhere,  
eg. outside of Mail, which I should also be considering?

All tips appreciated.

Cheers, Steven

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File sharing on Macs - MB won't connect to MBP

2008-10-31 Thread Steven Knowles

I have a MacBook Pro (MBP) and a MacBook (MB) both running latest OS.

With File Sharing turned on for each machine, the MBP can connect to  
the MB, but the MB won't connect to the MBP.

From the MB, I can see the MBP listed under Shared Devices. If I  
click on the MPB icon, the main windows says Connecting But it  
never connects. After a couple of minutes it says Connection Failed.  
If I click on the Connect As.. button, it just goes through the  
Connecting... process again.

Any suggestions as to what may be the problem, or how to fix it?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: File sharing on Macs - MB won't connect to MBP

2008-10-31 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Daniel. Had a read of those sites. The problem does sound  
similar to mine, but I couldn't follow the fixes proposed. The  
solution makes reference to deletion of a URLMount (from old Mac). I  
do have a URLMount folder on both MBP and MB, but not a URLMount  
(from old Mac) on either. I did however back up the data on the MB  
from Time Machine, and then once I got my MBP back from repair, I  
transferred the user (me) from the MB to the MBP using Target Disk  
mode. So it must have something to do with the problem it seems.

By the way, when I use the Connect As.. function, eventually I get  
this error message...

Connection failed. The server may not exist or is not operational at  
this time. Check the server name or IP address and your network  
connection and try again.

Both MB and MBP are accessing the network just fine, and as mentioned  
earlier, the MBP can access the MB.

Cheers, Steven

On 31/10/2008, at 1:18 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

On 31/10/08 5:59 PM, Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a MacBook Pro (MBP) and a MacBook (MB) both running latest OS.

With File Sharing turned on for each machine, the MBP can connect to
the MB, but the MB won't connect to the MBP.

From the MB, I can see the MBP listed under Shared Devices. If I
click on the MPB icon, the main windows says Connecting But it
never connects. After a couple of minutes it says Connection  

If I click on the Connect As.. button, it just goes through the
Connecting... process again.

Any suggestions as to what may be the problem, or how to fix it?

Cheers, Steven

Hi Steven

A quick google search using the terms Network Sharing Connection  

will give you quite a few results.

Some of it suggestions if you migrated data from a backup or time  
backup from another computer, then some of the network files can be  
Some people corrected by doing an Archive and Install whereas  
then points to the Apple Support site 

suggestions removing a file and letting it Reset it.

Try that and see how you go.

Kind Regards

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: daniel @ macwizardry . com . au

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Re: File sharing on Macs - MB won't connect to MBP

2008-10-31 Thread Steven Knowles

James, I think that's it!

I was in process of following Daniel's suggestions - Repair  
Permissions on both machines made no difference. Seeing your message,  
I checked System Preferences  Security  Firewall. On the MBP I had  
this set to Allow only essential services. Changed it to Allow all  
incoming connections. Problem solved.

Thanks fellas.

Cheers, Steven

On 31/10/2008, at 2:09 PM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Steven,

Make sure there isn't a firewall on the MBP that blocks fire sharing.


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Re: File sharing on Macs - MB won't connect to MBP

2008-10-31 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Johann. I've checked this out as suggested. On both MB  MBP,  
the Guest Accounts had Allow guests to log into this computer  
unchecked, and Allow guests to connect to shared folders checked.

So I checked Allow guests to log into this computer on both  
machines. Unfortunately, problem remains, ie. MB won't access MBP.

Cheers, Steven

On 31/10/2008, at 1:26 PM, Johann Kienbrandt wrote:

if you have a guest account, allow it to connect to shared folders,  
that should do the trick.


On 31/10/2008, at 17:59 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MacBook Pro (MBP) and a MacBook (MB) both running latest OS.

With File Sharing turned on for each machine, the MBP can connect  
to the MB, but the MB won't connect to the MBP.

From the MB, I can see the MBP listed under Shared Devices. If I  
click on the MPB icon, the main windows says Connecting But  
it never connects. After a couple of minutes it says Connection  
Failed. If I click on the Connect As.. button, it just goes  
through the Connecting... process again.

Any suggestions as to what may be the problem, or how to fix it?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Email servers etc - I need some ideas

2008-10-30 Thread Steven Knowles

Hi Steve

Casting your mind back to the below discussion, I appreciate your  
suggestion. I've been having a look at the Google Apps pages, but what  
I'm unclear about, and hoping you or anyone else might be able to  
enlighten me, is what will Google's Gmail Premier service do for me  
which I can't achieve via my existing email host NetRegistry?

NetRegistry's email plans are here...

The storage capacity is an obvious difference, but I could get round  
that with keeping the communal email inbox constantly cleared, or  
increasing the capacity with NetRegistry (presumably they would do so  
if I paid them more).

What's the benefit in involving yet another party (ie. GMail) in the  

My ignorance shining brightly! :-)

Cheers, Steven

On 20/10/2008, at 5:33 PM, Steve Woods wrote:

On 20/10/2008, at 7:48 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I'm looking for some advice in terms of setting up a corporate  
email environment on the Mac platform (but catering for users of  
other platforms who would be potentially anywhere).

I'm quite familiar with pop email accounts, understand the concept  
of IMAP (I think). But I haven't really been involved with email  
servers and the like, which I think is probably what I need. I'm  
familiar with having a standalone Mac, and popping email from my  
email host (NetRegistry).

However I'm now using mailboxes which I need to allow communal  
access to - potentially several people accessing the communal  
mailboxes in the future. I also need to have a system whereby  
although I set up an indovidual user's personal email account, the  
business still retains copies of those emails. I imagine I could  
use NetRegistry and set up an IMAP account, but then I am reliant  
on a 3rd party entirely, including for storage of our email. I'm  
not totally comfortable with that. So does this mean I need to set  
up an email server of our own, with accompanying back up solutions?  
If so, can someone give me an idea of the hardware  software  
requirements, rough idea of costs?

Or does it sound like I need to engage a networking specialist to  
solve all of my problems? Are there any networking specialists  
amongst wamug people? (I trust a Mac user's advice! :-)

Cheers, Steven


I'd suggest Google Apps for business.

Ticks all the boxes in your list - including using your own domain  
name, archiving of all corporate messages, and IMAP accounts of up  
to 25GB per user.  Price is hard to beat too!


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Re: Long shot - anyone using Linksys WAG160N with Time Capsule ?

2008-10-27 Thread Steven Knowles
Neil, I tried the firmware using both Firefox and hardwiring Mac to  
router, and it worked. So I don't know whether it was Firefox or  
ethernet that fixed it, but I no longer care :-)

Thanks for the ideas.

Still no luck extending the network with the Time Capsule though. We  
shall persist.

Cheers, Steven

On 27/10/2008, at 5:47 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi Stephen,

I don't know if it is relevant, but recently when changing some  
settings on
my Billion ADSL2 router, I found that some settings were not being  
applied - ie I could log onto the router change the settings and all  
fine - but if I went to another settings screen  then went back it  
would be

showing the original settings.

In my case, the problem was Safari - which looked to be working fine  
logged onto the router but had issues with some settings commands  
(don't ask

me - I only found out through a mention on a forum post somewhere!).

In my case, using Firefox to change the settings then worked.

With the firmware update - do you have access to a PC, or Windows on  
Mac, if so you could try running the upgrade from Windows. I don't  
have any
info to suggest that this is the problem - but it wouldn't be the  
first time

that something like this ends up being OSX incompatibility.

Again, I would stress that these are just some thoughts - I have no  

experience with this router.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 27/10/08 3:12 AM, Steven Knowles at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If anyone out there is using a Linksys WAG160N ADSL2+ modem, with  

Capsule connected to it wirelessly, I'd love to compare settings 'cos
I can't get it to work.

Also, if someone does have the Linksys WAG160N and has successfully
updated firmware from a Mac, would like to hear from them. I'm trying
to update the Linksys firmware from version 1.00.07 to 1.00.09, but  

just won't complete the process.

Cheers, Steven

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Long shot - anyone using Linksys WAG160N with Time Capsule ?

2008-10-26 Thread Steven Knowles
If anyone out there is using a Linksys WAG160N ADSL2+ modem, with Time  
Capsule connected to it wirelessly, I'd love to compare settings 'cos  
I can't get it to work.

Also, if someone does have the Linksys WAG160N and has successfully  
updated firmware from a Mac, would like to hear from them. I'm trying  
to update the Linksys firmware from version 1.00.07 to 1.00.09, but it  
just won't complete the process.

Cheers, Steven

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Mighty Mouse alternative ?

2008-10-25 Thread Steven Knowles
I think I've reached the end of my tether with the Mighty Mouse scroll  
wheel problems.

I recall seeing recommendations previously about Logitech mouses. Is  
there a particular model Logitech mouse that closely resembles the  
Mighty Mouse? Considerations include...

* I use latest Mac OSX.
* I think I prefer a wired mouse rather than wireless because I can't  
be bothered replacing batteries
* I don't use Buttons 3 (pressing down the scroll ball) or Button 4  
(squeezing the sides) at all, so if that functionality is missing from  
a particular Logitech mouse, I don't mind.

Grateful for any recommendations or first-hand experiences.

Cheers, Steven

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How to transfer MacBook user content to MacBook Pro ?

2008-10-24 Thread Steven Knowles
I usually use a MacBook Pro (MBP). However a month or so ago, my logic  
board blew up, so it had to go in for repair.

Not being able to access the content on my MBP would have been a  
disaster. Fortunately I use Time Capsule / Time Machine, and so I had  
to go and buy a new MacBook (MB) and restore my system from Time  

Now I have my MBP back. The data is as it was at the point the logic  
board blew up, ie. outdated. What I want to do is put my system as it  
is now on my MB (current) on to the MBP.

What I don't want to do though is have to reinstall the entire system  
(MacOSX) on my MBP because I don't have the original install disks for  
another week, and ideally I need to do this today.

What's the safest, cleanest, quickest and best way to do this? I have  
a firewire cable handy so that I can connect the MB  MBP if I need  
to. The disk on each is about 160Gb but with only 10Gb room left.

I thought that should be a way of syncing the MBP with the TIme  
Capsule (which is currently back up by with MB data), but I'm afraid  
that what would happen is that the Time Capsule data would be  
overwritten by the month old MBP data.

Grateful for any tips.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: How to transfer MacBook user content to MacBook Pro ?

2008-10-24 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks for everyone's suggestions. For anyone remotely interested,  
after taking all the comments on board, I ended up getting it done  
with Migration Assistant. With limited disk space on my MBP, I deleted  
my own user account (being the old one), which freed up just enough to  
get everything across except some movie files, so I left those out,  
and then transferred those across afterwards after cleaning things up.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Email servers etc - I need some ideas

2008-10-22 Thread Steven Knowles
To all who have commented (Steve, Rob, Rob, Matthew) - much  
appreciated. Have been considering your comments closely. And Google  
certainly sounds like it might be worth a run. I haven't heard anyone  
come up with a good reason NOT to use Google yet.

Thanks again all.

Cheers, Steven

On 23/10/2008, at 5:55 AM, Rob Davies wrote:

Morning All,

Pending on your Corporate Computer Security planning (intranet,  
internet or extranet) and laws, I find it very hard to go pass  
Google as Steve suggested. But be very careful in checking these  
laws based on your business model and corporate responsibilities.

Accessibility from anywhere via any device including mobile, cost  
factor is extraordinary - FREE.
Construction cost zero - time very fast for such a network, as is  
experience level required.
Domains are transferrable, meaning email names are in accordance  
with your corporate identity.
Apps (Calendars, notes, etc) available online, very hard to beat as  
these are accessible from just about anywhere.

Suggestions Google passing on your information I find this statement  
very pessimistic except to say commissions for what recommended. But  
if one feels it is an issue introduce a Corporate wide GPG key for  
email very simple to initiate as all mail clients have some form  
off. To be frank and honest if your corporate information is of such  
a secure nature then this should already be in place, as others can  
leach easier than Google can remove from their servers. Google mail  
has encrypted mail servers meaning all your mail travels both  
directions via an encrypted secure port.

Further information or ideas please feel free to contact me direct.


20Oct2008, at 9:33 pm, Steve Woods wrote:

On 20/10/2008, at 7:48 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I'm looking for some advice in terms of setting up a corporate  
email environment on the Mac platform (but catering for users of  
other platforms who would be potentially anywhere).

I'm quite familiar with pop email accounts, understand the concept  
of IMAP (I think). But I haven't really been involved with email  
servers and the like, which I think is probably what I need. I'm  
familiar with having a standalone Mac, and popping email from my  
email host (NetRegistry).

However I'm now using mailboxes which I need to allow communal  
access to - potentially several people accessing the communal  
mailboxes in the future. I also need to have a system whereby  
although I set up an indovidual user's personal email account, the  
business still retains copies of those emails. I imagine I could  
use NetRegistry and set up an IMAP account, but then I am reliant  
on a 3rd party entirely, including for storage of our email. I'm  
not totally comfortable with that. So does this mean I need to set  
up an email server of our own, with accompanying back up  
solutions? If so, can someone give me an idea of the hardware   
software requirements, rough idea of costs?

Or does it sound like I need to engage a networking specialist to  
solve all of my problems? Are there any networking specialists  
amongst wamug people? (I trust a Mac user's advice! :-)

Cheers, Steven


I'd suggest Google Apps for business.

Ticks all the boxes in your list - including using your own domain  
name, archiving of all corporate messages, and IMAP accounts of up  
to 25GB per user.  Price is hard to beat too!


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Email servers etc - I need some ideas

2008-10-20 Thread Steven Knowles
I'm looking for some advice in terms of setting up a corporate email  
environment on the Mac platform (but catering for users of other  
platforms who would be potentially anywhere).

I'm quite familiar with pop email accounts, understand the concept of  
IMAP (I think). But I haven't really been involved with email servers  
and the like, which I think is probably what I need. I'm familiar with  
having a standalone Mac, and popping email from my email host  

However I'm now using mailboxes which I need to allow communal access  
to - potentially several people accessing the communal mailboxes in  
the future. I also need to have a system whereby although I set up an  
indovidual user's personal email account, the business still retains  
copies of those emails. I imagine I could use NetRegistry and set up  
an IMAP account, but then I am reliant on a 3rd party entirely,  
including for storage of our email. I'm not totally comfortable with  
that. So does this mean I need to set up an email server of our own,  
with accompanying back up solutions? If so, can someone give me an  
idea of the hardware  software requirements, rough idea of costs?

Or does it sound like I need to engage a networking specialist to  
solve all of my problems? Are there any networking specialists amongst  
wamug people? (I trust a Mac user's advice! :-)

Cheers, Steven

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Communal email inbox ?

2008-10-05 Thread Steven Knowles
Could I please pick the communal brain of wamug and ask people how  
they would set things up if they wanted to create a communal email  
inbox, either on a multiple Mac / Windows wireless network, or if  
necessary involving the internet?

I haven't been able to find a way of allowing 3rd parties to access a  
particular email inbox on my Apple Mail client, so I'll assume that's  
not possible.

Since I have a Time Capsule for backups, I don't suppose there is a  
way of using Time Capsule as some kind of mail server is there? If  
necessary I could buy some additional hardware, if that was going to  
provide a good solution - but I'm afraid the whole concept of severs,  
despite having a very basic understanding of what they do, is new to  
me. Ideally I would like multiple users to be able to access a  
standalone version of Apple Mail and the relevant inbox.

In previous environments, I've worked in a Windows Outlook  
environment, and apart from my own personal email inbox, there has  
been public folders as well which anyone on the network could access.  
Does the same kind of concept exist in an Apple Mail environment?  
Because that would probably work. If so, how do I go about setting it  

I'm guessing I'm trying to move things from a couple of individual  
Macs in a wireless network environment, to a more corporate  
environment, with access to public mailboxes from both local machines,  
but also from the other side of the world (which I presume will  
involve the internet, or 3rd party servers, or something).

I'm obviously confused, but would welcome a few thoughts and ideas  
thrown at me. There are probably a million solutions, most of them  
quite simple, but I'm not sure I know where to start.

Cheers, Steven 

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Re: Communal email inbox ?

2008-10-05 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks James. I'll follow that clue up with my email hosting service  

Cheers, Steven

On 06/10/2008, at 3:42 AM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Steven,

As a general rule, communal mailboxes are set up by your e-mail
*server*. Provided you are connected to your mail server with
IMAP/Exchange/anything-except-POP, and provided that shared folders
have configured for your accounts in your IMAP/Exchange server, you
can have access to those folders with Apple Mail. I've never initiated
shared folder permissions via Apple Mail, but it's certainly something
that can be done by a mail server administrator.


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Useless iCal reminder system....

2008-10-01 Thread Steven Knowles
...just cost me over $200 in late fee and interest on my credit card  
because the iCal reminder just didn't work for some reason.

I know, I know ... maybe there was some click here or some click there  
that hasn't worked, but it's happened before and I'm extra careful to  
try and get it right. Never had this problem with Entourage. Sad to  
say, as much as I like Mail and MobileMe syncing, I reckon the iCal To  
Do function sucks.

Cheesed, Steven

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Accessing a Mail mailbox from another Mac ?

2008-09-25 Thread Steven Knowles
Is there a way of allowing access (ie. view, compose, send, receive  
etc) to a particular Mailbox within Apple Mail on one's own Mac, to a  
3rd party operating from another Mac ? In other words, so that the 3rd  
party has full access to that Mailbox, but no other mailboxes that  
have been set up?

Incidentally, so glad I made the move from Entourage to Mail after  
many years using Entourage. Mail is heaps better!

Cheers, Steven

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Skype - can you log in with two accounts at same time yet?

2008-09-24 Thread Steven Knowles

It could be just me but the Skype forums seem a hard nut to crack.

So, I'll see if anyone here has had any luck yet with determining  
whether there is a way to be signed into two Skype accounts at the  
same time? On a Mac of course.

Or, is there a way to change your Skype Name without having to create  
a new one altogether?

I can't see that there's a way for either of these options, but maybe  
someone's found a way?

Cheers, Steven

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G4 iBook - strange screen on startup - Adium problem I think

2008-09-24 Thread Steven Knowles

Have an iBook G4 running 10.5.5.

Suddenly an overlay of DOS-style white text on black bakground  
appeared on the screen, and everything froze. The iBook can be booted  
up from holding down the power button, but after reaching a certain  
point it returns to the same state, freezing and requiring holding  
down of the power button again.

I have a screen shot if anyone's interested, poor enough quality not  
be able to read the text (shot taken with another Mac), but here are  
some of the things that are stated. I'll just mention a few of the  
things that might be more relevant, including first and last lines and  
a bit in the middle which mentions Adium...

System Failure: cpu=0; code=0001 (Corrupt stack)
Latest crash info for cpu 0:

snip lots of gobbledygook snip

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Adium

snip lots of gobbledygook snip

panic: We are hanging here

So, it seems to have had something to do with Adium (latest version  
installed). That may because on my daughter's user account, who was  
trying to log in when the problem occurred, has Adium set to launch at  
start up.

So, I rebooted, logged in as Administrator. Everything fine. Launched  
Adium. Everything fine.

Suspecting it may be Adium just on my daughter's account, I put Adium  
in the trash and then logged in as my daughter. Everything fine.  
Switched back into my account, untrashed Adium, switched back to  
daughter's account, and then launched Adium. The ugly screen appeared  
and then froze.

Anyone know why might be the cause of that? Should I just reinstall  
Adium, or trash daughter's preferences or something? What would be the  
likely fix? I want to avoid trying a variety of things and making the  
iBook crash the hard way each time. I don't think it's got eons of  
life left in it as it is.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Help! MacBook Pro won't boot!

2008-09-20 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks for your suggestions Peter. As it turned out, the service  
centre said that the logic board had died. So in hospital for 3 weeks  
waiting for parts. I had to rush out and buy a spare baby MacBook. At  
least the Pro is still under warranty, and fortunately a month or so  
ago I bought Time Capsule.

Cheers, Steven

On 18/09/2008, at 4:20 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 18/09/2008, at 6:19 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Running latest OS.

MacBook Pro lid was closed. Sleep light solid (not blinking), then  
I open lid, no action.

I can power down using power button, and Mac shuts off I think as  
sleep light goes out. Hit power button, and you can hear a little  
noise from the hard disk as it clicks into gear, but then no start  
up strum, no action on screen, no nothing.

Any tips that I can try? Have removed and put battery back on - no  

Have a ton of work to get done so must mac booted urgently.  
Grateful for any tips.

Cheers! Steven

Sent from my iPhone

Are you truly powering down, ie, holding the power button down for  
at least 10 seconds?

Have you tried adjusting the brightness with the F2 key (this little  
trick has caught me out before)?

I presume you are trying all of this with the charger attached. You  
should also be sure that no other devices are connected to the  
computer, including such things as Bluetooth mice.

How about the Three-Finger Salute (hold down the Control and the  
Command keys, then press the power button - the computer should  

Can you boot into Target Mode (hold down the T key at startup, and  
you should be rewarded with a Firewire logo on your screen, at which  
point you can connect to another computer via a Firewire cable and  
at least see your hard drive).

If none of these measures or tests produce results, it's starting to  
sound like a hardware problem, most likely a hard drive issue.


Peter HinchliffeApwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482Fax (618) 9332 0913

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Help! MacBook Pro won't boot!

2008-09-17 Thread Steven Knowles

Running latest OS.

MacBook Pro lid was closed. Sleep light solid (not blinking), then I  
open lid, no action.

I can power down using power button, and Mac shuts off I think as  
sleep light goes out. Hit power button, and you can hear a little  
noise from the hard disk as it clicks into gear, but then no start up  
strum, no action on screen, no nothing.

Any tips that I can try? Have removed and put battery back on - no joy.

Have a ton of work to get done so must mac booted urgently. Grateful  
for any tips.

Cheers! Steven

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Wireless network WPA2 problem

2008-09-11 Thread Steven Knowles
Sorry Neil, on closer reading, doesn't seem that you're using WDS  

I had an Apple base station in place to extend the reach of my 7404VGP- 
M's wireless network, as well as an Airport Express. And I recall  
somewhere along the line learning that if I wanted security in place,  
it had to be WEP. I'm 99% certain it was in the manual, but I've just  
checked the manual for your model and it doesn't seem to state that.

Anyway, at risk of stating the obvious, I'd make sue you have the  
latest firmware installed (new version released on 10 July 08). Be  
sure to connect your Mac to the Billion via ethernet before doing an  
update. The last time I did mine wirelessly, it stuffed things up, and  
right now that particular Billion is getting 're-flashed' by Billion  
under warranty. They blamed it on me doing the upgrade wirelessly  
(which is always the way I'd done it with no prior problems).

The online support offered by Billion is not too bad either in case  
you haven't tried it. They're quite quick with a response.

Cheers, Steven

On 11/09/2008, at 10:39 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hi Neil

I have endless hours of experience using a 7404VGP-M under similar  

Currently I am not using the Billion, and I don't have it with me,  
but if you check the Billion instruction manual I think from memory  
you will need to compromise with security and use WEP. It's a  
limitation of the Billion. I'll read your email in a little more  
detail when I get chance, but hopefully that's a clue. I was using a  
WDS, and it may have been that which was incompatible with WPA.  
Anyway, it does allude to it in the manual.

Cheers, Steven

On 11/09/2008, at 9:16 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi all,

Anyone using a Billion 7402VGP (or similar?) and connecting with WPA2

My problem:

I've been using the above ADSL2 modem/router/VOIP for quite a while  
without using the wireless (since the computer is right next to the  
I just used ethernet) - all has been well (only ADSL here in  
Albany, still

waiting on ADSL2) with internet, networking and VOIP.

Recently I decided it would be good to try the wireless:

1) to stream iTunes to the stereo via an Airport Express (bought  
with the

iMac in November but not tried until now)

2) to let me wander around with the laptop (bought in May for  
overseas trip)

Here's where I'm at:

My first try at setting up the billion met with mixed success:

-   Turned on the wireless feature and could connect up and browse  
the net

OK - but default was unsecured - not a state I was happy with.
-   Turned on WPA2 (I thought) and connected up again - but was not  
for a password and the network showed up without the secured  
- Rechecked the router config via browser and sure enough security  

disabled - turning it on and applying did not seem to take.

I turned off the wireless till I had time to research.

I had no problems with the airport express - other than complaining  
that it
wasn't connected to the internet (wireless not working on Billion,  
no spare

ethernet to connect to it) I set up a network OK, I have successfully
streamed the iTunes and printed to the attached printer and  
connected to the

Express wireless network from a second computer.

I won't go into all the interminable forums I checked out - but I  
got WPA2 security turned on for the Billion - It turns out Safari  
talk well to the Billion - just for wireless security, it seems, I  
had had

no problem setting everything else up!

Anyway after much resetting of the router, saving of configuration  
(checking them with BBEdit to check what had changed) changing  
incrementally and using Firefox to apply the WPA2 settings - it all  
to have worked - after a restart the setting have all stuck  and  
when I

turn on Airport, the network is scanned and shows up as a secure
(padlocked) network.

I just can't connect to it!!

When I try, I get a message connection timeout - it obviously is  
to the Billion because if I use the wrong password it tells me   
password so when I use the correct password, it is accepting that  
- but

then some process is timing out before I get properly connected.

I have tried this from both the 24 Intel iMac and the 20 G5 iMac  
and the

behaviour is the same in both cases.

And, remember, I had no problem connecting before I turned on the  
security -
so there is no basic incompatibility with the wireless on the  
However, I am obviously not happy to just turn off the security! (I  
thought prematurely that I had wireless working when I selected  
WLAN in the
airport list - till I realised I hadn't actually switched mine on -  
it was
just an unsecured network in the area! - if I figure out who, I'll  


So... any ideas... anybody...




Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: [EMAIL

iBook G4 track pad problems

2008-09-11 Thread Steven Knowles
I have a G4 iBook which is a little long in the tooth these days.  
Running latest version of Leopard. The track pad has developed a  
problem in that sometimes the cursor moves as normal, and sometimes  
the cursor just stays in one spot.

Using a mouse gets round the problem, but it's not always practical to  
use a mouse.

Does the track pad just wear out after a while? Any suggested fixes?

Cheers, Steven

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iTunes 8 available

2008-09-10 Thread Steven Knowles

Check software update

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Re: iTunes 8 available

2008-09-10 Thread Steven Knowles

Oops...and I thought I'd scooped...I see it's old news :-(

On 11/09/2008, at 12:04 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Check software update

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Re: Unlocked iPhone bought in Australia works in UAE

2008-09-07 Thread Steven Knowles
Hmm. In that case I'm not sure. I would guess not since Etisalat have  
no deal with Apple on iPhones at this stage. I hit the Voicemail icon  
on my iPhone, and it seemed to dial the most recent number in history.


On 07/09/2008, at 12:35 PM, Alexander F. Hartner wrote:

Hi Steven,

Visual voicemail lets you navigate you message visually. Each  
message can be selected an played without having to dial 100 (or  
whatever it is) to listen too.

It's quite nice, but requires the network operators to host some  
special apple stuff on their network.


Steven Knowles wrote:
Alex, apologies for delayed response. I just found this message,  
which had slipped through the cracks and was spiraling towards the  
bottom of my chronological inbox.

Voice mail? Same as in Australia. The carrier which I'm with,  
Etisalat, has a service called Al Mersal, which is just a standard  
voice mail.

Visual voice mail? I'm not sure if I even know what that is other  
than guessing.

Cheers, Steven

On 01/09/2008, at 2:32 AM, Alexander Hartner wrote:

How is voice mail handled. Is visual voice mail supported ?


On 24 Aug 2008, at 07:03, Steven Knowles wrote:

I can now confirm that my Australian-bought iPhone, unlocked by  
Optus, does work in Dubai, both voice and data, with an Etisalat  

I did come across a shop in Dubai which is selling an unlocked G3  
iPhone - but for about AUD $2,400 !

Cheers, Steven

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What's a shell box ?

2008-09-05 Thread Steven Knowles
If someone from the Windows world, an IT guy who knows only Windows,  
asks me to

find your shell box and type in...




...and send me the details.

Can anyone translate that to Mac-speak? I have no idea what a shell  
box might be.

Cheers, Steven

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Question for VPN experts

2008-09-04 Thread Steven Knowles
Hoping for a suggestion or two to help me jump over another obstacle  
in my never-ending saga of accessing a remote server via VPN.

Currently using Cisco's VPN Client 4.9.01 (latest) on latest MacOS.

It doesn't connect. The log of VPN Client states the following, which  
is beyond me. I've manually replaced server's IP address with

Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 4.9.01 (0100)
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Client Type(s): Mac OS X
Running on: Darwin 9.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.4.0: Mon Jun  9  
19:30:53 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

Config file directory: /etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient

1  01:01:16.253  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x4312
Begin connection process

2  01:01:16.254  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x4314
Establish secure connection using Ethernet

3  01:01:16.254  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x43100024
Attempt connection with server

4  01:01:16.254  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CVPND/0x43400019
Privilege Separation: binding to port: (500).

5  01:01:16.255  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CVPND/0x43400019
Privilege Separation: binding to port: (4500).

6  01:01:16.255  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/6 IKE/0x433B
Attempting to establish a connection with

7  01:01:16.350  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x4313
VID(Frag), VID(Nat-T), VID(Unity)) to

8  01:01:16.594  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x4378
IPSec driver successfully started

9  01:01:16.595  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

10 01:01:17.969  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x432F
Received ISAKMP packet: peer =

11 01:01:17.969  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x4314
VID(?), KE, ID, NON, HASH) from

12 01:01:17.969  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x4301
Peer supports XAUTH

13 01:01:17.969  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x4301
Peer supports DPD

14 01:01:17.969  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x4301
Peer is a Cisco-Unity compliant peer

15 01:01:17.969  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x4382
Received IOS Vendor ID with unknown capabilities flag 0x0025

16 01:01:18.060  09/05/2008  Sev=Warning/3  IKE/0xC357
The received HASH payload cannot be verified

17 01:01:18.061  09/05/2008  Sev=Warning/2  IKE/0xC37E
Hash verification failed... may be configured with invalid group  

18 01:01:18.061  09/05/2008  Sev=Warning/2  IKE/0xC39B
Failed to authenticate peer (Navigator:904)

19 01:01:18.061  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x4313

20 01:01:18.061  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x4313

21 01:01:18.061  09/05/2008  Sev=Warning/2  IKE/0xC3A7
Unexpected SW error occurred while processing Aggressive Mode  

22 01:01:18.061  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x4317
Marking IKE SA for deletion  (I_Cookie=DF71A8F51BE1CB6E  
R_Cookie=E67FEB28B8A699A6) reason = DEL_REASON_IKE_NEG_FAILED

23 01:01:18.594  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x434B
Discarding IKE SA negotiation (I_Cookie=DF71A8F51BE1CB6E  
R_Cookie=E67FEB28B8A699A6) reason = DEL_REASON_IKE_NEG_FAILED

24 01:01:18.594  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x43100014
Unable to establish Phase 1 SA with server because of  

25 01:01:18.594  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/5 CM/0x43100025
Initializing CVPNDrv

26 01:01:18.595  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 CVPND/0x4340001F
Privilege Separation: restoring MTU on primary interface.

27 01:01:18.595  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x4301
IKE received signal to terminate VPN connection

28 01:01:19.094  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

29 01:01:19.095  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

30 01:01:19.095  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

31 01:01:19.095  09/05/2008  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x437A
IPSec driver successfully stopped

At the other end, they have suggested turning off firewall, but I have  
tried setting MacOS firewall setting to allow all incoming  
connections, and the above log is what is returned.

In the absence of anyone knowing what's causing the problem, would  
using a different VPN client help? If so, anyone have a suggestion for  
an alternative VPN client?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Question for VPN experts

2008-09-04 Thread Steven Knowles
Oh, I tried using MacOS built in VPN client. After putting in what I  
think are correct settings (namely server address, account name, and  
user authentication password), I click the Connect button, and simply  
nothing happens. No connection, no error message, nothing. It's as if  
the Connect button is non functional. I don't know whether I need to  
enter anything into the Machine Authentication fields, but if I do I  
don't know what they are.

Cheers, Steven

On 05/09/2008, at 1:45 AM, Steven wrote:

Hoping for a suggestion or two to help me jump over another obstacle  
in my never-ending saga of accessing a remote server via VPN.

Currently using Cisco's VPN Client 4.9.01 (latest) on latest MacOS.

It doesn't connect. The log of VPN Client states the following,  
which is beyond me. I've manually replaced server's IP address with


At the other end, they have suggested turning off firewall, but I  
have tried setting MacOS firewall setting to allow all incoming  
connections, and the above log is what is returned.

In the absence of anyone knowing what's causing the problem, would  
using a different VPN client help? If so, anyone have a suggestion  
for an alternative VPN client?

Cheers, Steven

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F1 F2 brightness control - stopped working on MacBook Pro

2008-09-03 Thread Steven Knowles

I have a 17 Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro running latest OS.

Can anyone give me a clue as to what else I can do to get function  
keys F1 and F2 controlling my screen brightness again? They stopped  
working a while ago - no idea why. Screen brightness can still be  
controlled using System Preferences, but when I hit F1 or F2 all I get  
is an error beep.

I've reset the PMU - didn't fix it.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: F1 F2 brightness control - stopped working on MacBook Pro

2008-09-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Doh! Thanks guys. That's it. I forgot that I'd changed this for easier  
access to Spaces (F8).

Problem solved.

Cheers, Steven

On 03/09/2008, at 11:05 AM, Shay Telfer wrote:

Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a 17 Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro running latest OS.

Can anyone give me a clue as to what else I can do to get function  
F1 and F2 controlling my screen brightness again? They stopped  
working a
while ago - no idea why. Screen brightness can still be controlled  
System Preferences, but when I hit F1 or F2 all I get is an error  

I've reset the PMU - didn't fix it.

Cheers, Steven

Try it while holding down the fn key at the lower left.

If that works, then open System Preferences - Keyboard and Mouse  
and then uncheck the Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function  
keys option on the Keyboard tab.

Have fun,

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Re: Increasing RAM

2008-08-31 Thread Steven Knowles

Michael's question prompted one of my own.

I have a G4 iBook still functional, but seems to have slowed somewhat  
following an update from Tiger to Leopard. It's a 1.33GHz model with  
1Gb of RAM.

I also have a G4 Powerbook which is pretty much a dead duck now, and  
not in my opinion worth spending any money on for repairs. So, is it  
feasible to haul the RAM out of the Powerbook and throw it into the  
iBook? I haven't got the Powerbook handy now so don't know what RAM is  
in there.

And if I were to do it, is it an easy enough task to take on yourself?

Cheers, Steven

On 31/08/2008, at 12:05 PM, Michael Hawkins wrote:

I have a 17 MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo with 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2  
With my first couple of Macs I upgraded RAM to the maximum available  
for the
particular computer. Is that strategy still desirable with the  
MacBook Pro?

If so, what's it likely to cost?

OS 10.5.4

Thank you,

Michael Hawkins.

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Re: Accessing 3rd party database via VPN

2008-08-28 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks to Neil H, Shay and Peter H for your thoughts on my query about  
accessing Workdesk.

I've since found a little more info, after finding a Windows machine  
on which to launch the software I've been given. The software sent to  
me is Cisco's VPN Client, which has been sent to me in order to access  
the server on which I presume a Workdesk application and database is  
housed. So this VPN Client has nothing to do with WorkDesk itself.  
It's just a means of accessing the remote server (I think?).

So would the MacOS have the functionality of Cisco's VPN Client built  
into it? What prompts me to ask that question is that I notice within  
my Mac's Network settings that there is a VPN (L2TP) option, which I  
currently have set as inactive. Could I use these settings instead of  
a 3rd party VPN Client?

Or, do I need to obtain a Mac version of VPN Client which, according  
to, does exist.

Apart from the Windows version of the VPN Client application, I've  
been given a server and Workdesk login, and a Username and password.

Cheers, Steven

On 28/08/2008, at 5:10 AM, Steven wrote:

Hoping someone can give me a tip or two please.

I need to access a 3rd party database housed  
on a remote server, and to do so someone has given me a bunch of  
files to instal on my machine.

They are clearly Windows files, named as follows...

Does this give anyone much of a clue as to what's actually being  
installed, and should I be able to achieve the same thing on from my  
Mac (running latest OS) without having to use Bootcamp or any  
virtual Windows software? Workdesk are a closed shop when it comes  
to Mac support or answering questions.

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Re: Disappearing attachments

2008-08-28 Thread Steven Knowles
I had this problem recently Chris, ie. someone telling me the  
attachment wasn't received, when it was clearly included in the sent  
message. The recipient later confirmed that it was, it's just that it  
was embedded in the email unlike a normal attachment - something like  
that anyway.

Cheers, Steven

On 29/08/2008, at 7:50 AM, Chris Griffiths wrote:

My apologies if this has come up before.

Sometimes when I send attachments to the dark side they disappear.  
They just don't receive them.

I have marked 'Send Windows-friendly attachments' and also 'Insert  
attachments at end of message' which are the suggestions (from the  
mail help) for this problem but I still get clients missing  

Any ideas greatly appreciated!

Regards Chris Griffiths

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Accessing 3rd party database via VPN

2008-08-27 Thread Steven Knowles

Hoping someone can give me a tip or two please.

I need to access a 3rd party database housed on  
a remote server, and to do so someone has given me a bunch of files to  
instal on my machine.

They are clearly Windows files, named as follows...

Does this give anyone much of a clue as to what's actually being  
installed, and should I be able to achieve the same thing on from my  
Mac (running latest OS) without having to use Bootcamp or any virtual  
Windows software? Workdesk are a closed shop when it comes to Mac  
support or answering questions.

Cheers, Steven

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Unlocked iPhone bought in Australia works in UAE

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Knowles
I can now confirm that my Australian-bought iPhone, unlocked by Optus,  
does work in Dubai, both voice and data, with an Etisalat SIM.

I did come across a shop in Dubai which is selling an unlocked G3  
iPhone - but for about AUD $2,400 !

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Unlocked iPhone bought in Australia works in UAE

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Knowles

Hi Jane

Optus says its standard turnaround time is 10 days, however they  
escalated mine because there wasn't 10 days between when I bought the  
phone and when I departed. I bought the iPhone on 11 August, and I had  
an unlocked iPhone on 19 August, but this involved 2 or 3 follow up  
calls after promised deadlines weren't met.

Now all I need is to have international roaming activated on the Optus  
SIM card - something Optus seems to be dragging their feet with. Also  
takes 10 days apparently, must be an easy number to remember, but 10  
days has been and gone.

Cheers, Steven

On 24/08/2008, at 11:52 AM, Jane Griffiths wrote:

Hi Steven

That's good to hear.

How long did it take from requesting the unlock to the phone being  


On 24/08/2008, at 2:03 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I can now confirm that my Australian-bought iPhone, unlocked by  
Optus, does work in Dubai, both voice and data, with an Etisalat SIM.

I did come across a shop in Dubai which is selling an unlocked G3  
iPhone - but for about AUD $2,400 !

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Query - sent emails from iPhone

2008-08-21 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Peter. I guess that makes sense for IMAP, but I use POP, which  
in hindsight I should have stipulated.

As a user of POP mail on Apple's Mail, can anyone suggest an easy  
solution for me to have an email sent from my iPhone also appear in my  
Sent folder in Mail?

Cheers, Steven

On 20/08/2008, at 4:20 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 20/08/2008, at 5:20 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

If I send an email from my iPhone, a disadvantage seems to be that  
the message doesn't appear as a sent item within Mail on my Mac.

Is there a way to achieve this automatically?

You should see all sent items if your email is set up as an IMAP  
account. Certainly, all mail I have sent from my phone using my .mac  
address shows up in my Mail account on my iMac.


Peter HinchliffeApwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482Fax (618) 9332 0913

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Re: 12volt Air Auto adaptor - LLpower

2008-08-21 Thread Steven Knowles

I did the same , ie. splurged ona a Magsafe Airline Adapter.

So far I've found Cathay Pacific as the only airline on which I've  
travelled which on some of its aircraft has access to power points in  
economy. And even then, all I needed was a standard adapter to fit a  
UK-style powerpoint. The Magsafe has so far proven useless over the  
two years I've had it. Perhaps its more aligned to the aircraft flying  
out of the US?!

Cheers, Steven

On 21/08/2008, at 3:13 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hehe - yeah, I splurged on one of these to go on hols with my new  
laptop -

then found out I needed to be up the pointy end of the plane to have a
socket to plug it in - not provided in cattle class!

Have fun,

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 21/8/08 6:45 PM, Kyle Kreusch at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Reg Whitely [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Do Apple make an adaptor? No

But Apple do make a (Apple MagSafe Airline Adapter)


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Query - sent emails from iPhone

2008-08-19 Thread Steven Knowles
If I send an email from my iPhone, a disadvantage seems to be that the  
message doesn't appear as a sent item within Mail on my Mac.

Is there a way to achieve this automatically?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Modem Mac Wii

2008-08-17 Thread Steven Knowles

Hi Jo

My Billion 7404VGP-M provides internet access to my MacBook Pro, an  
iBook, Airport Express, and a Wii. I also have a Time Capsule on the  
network, which provides extended range via a WDS. Though when I leave  
the range of the Billion, and need to rely on the extended reach of  
the Time Capsule, for some unknown reason I continue to have problems  
connecting to the network. I can eventually, but it takes a series of  
attempts. No idea of the cause of it (I thought I'd nutted it out at  
some stage but was subsequently proved not to have).

Cheers, Steven

On 17/08/2008, at 6:28 PM, Jo Brookes wrote:

I'm looking for a wireless modem that will work with the mac and the  

Power PC G5 10.4.11

My daughter wants to play and talk to her friends in America using  
the Wii

I've seen Belkins mentioned on the list before as being ok with macs.
The guy at Harvey Norman says he has heard that Belkins are not good  
for the Wii.. but then added that his Wii works fine with the Belkin  
router but he doesn't know why.

I thought it might be because he has the more expensive model.

Is anyone using a Wii and a Mac on the same wireless router , if so,  
which ones work?


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Query - Stationery - Apple Mail

2008-08-17 Thread Steven Knowles

Using latest version of Apple Mail.

I have a jpeg image (company logo) which I want to use as a banner in  
business emails which I send out. And I have no idea how to create  
one, but I thought I'd give the Stationery facility in Apple Mail a  

I'm sure it's more complicated than this, but for the moment I thought  
I'd try creating a new email, dragging the jpeg onto the email, and  
then Save as Stationery.

Two problems so far...

 * The jpeg is reasonably good resolution - it's about 668KB in size,  
and when opened in, say, Preview, clarity is good. After dragging into  
the body of the new email window, resolution goes downhill  
dramatically. Why is this?

 * If I Save as Stationery, and then go to use the Stationery,  
instead of the logo I get a little blue lego piece with a couple of  
question marks on the side.

Grateful for any guidance. Also happy to email the logo to anyone who  
loves doing this stuff!!

Cheers, Steven

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Attachments to sent email - Apple Mail - where are they stored ?

2008-08-16 Thread Steven Knowles
As an ex-user of Entourage, I would periodically check my Sent emails  
and 'remove' attachments. Not delete the email itself, just remove the  
attachment. This was because when you attached a file to an email  
message in Entourage, it would basically duplicate the file and store  
it within the Entourage filing system somewhere. Your Entourage  
'Database' file could become extraordinarily large and cumbersone if  
all attachments were left attached.

Now an Apple Mail user, Mail doesn't seem to let you remove  
attachments from sent emails. I've done a couple of tests but I'm  
confused (not a difficult thing to do). If I send an attachment via  
Mail, and then delete the original file, the file remains attached to  
the sent email. There is a folder LibraryMail Downloads where  
attachments seem to be stored. I've deleted the attached file from  
this folder too, but the file still seems to be attached to the sent  
email. And when I open the file that is attached to the sent email,  
the attached file seems to be recreated in the Mail Downloads folder.

Would someone be able to explain to me how the attachment filing  
system works with Mail ? Is there any need to remove attachments from  
sent emails to avoid unnecessary use of disk space?

Cheers, Steven 

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Unread messages in Mail

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles
I'm new to Apple Mail, ex Entourage user. Using latest version of Mail  
app and Leopard.

In Entourage, I used the Preview panel for a preliminary look at  
incoming emails. The choice existed to leave an email with Unread  
status, despite having previewed it in the preview panel.

In Mail, I have the preview panel operational (if that's what it's  
called?), but I can't seem to figure a way to leave an email as  
Unread. Each time I click on the email, and the contents of it show in  
the preview panel, it automatically changes the email to Read status  
(ie. blue dot disappears and unbolded). I can manually change the  
status of the email to Unread, but I don't want to have to do this.

Is there a way of leaving emails in Unread status, despite having them  
display in the preview pane?

Cheers, Steven

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POP, IMAP or Exchange ?

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles
In process of migrating to a totally Apple apps / iPhone / Mobile Me  
set up.

Using latest apps and Leopard.

I've traditionally used POP for email settings, but I was reading an  
article on the web which mentioned something like why would anyone  
use POP these days when there is IMAP?.

I don't understand the differences between POP and IMAP (happy to  
receive an education in layman's terms) but as someone in a big rush  
to just get this whole thing set up properly, is there a clear cut  
option in terms of which I should use? Also, does it matter that I  
will be using this set up also in the UAE?

I have an email account on Mail set up as POP at the moment, but maybe  
that's the reason why I'm not seeing emails on the iPhone despite  
having gone through the Sync process?

As an aside, if I have my iPhone on the 3G Optus network, as well as  
connected to my home wireless internet account, if, say, surfing the  
web on the iPhone, is it the Optus network that is accessed, or is it  
the home internet account? Preference is the latter because I'm not  
chewing up the limited download capacity I have with Optus mobile  
contract. I did ask an Optus iPhone rep, who seemed to be in a distant  
land and largely clueless.

Grateful for thoughts and answers.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Unread messages in Mail

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Ronni. I've worked that one out as mentioned (see last sentence  
of my 2nd last paragraph), but I was wondering if there was any way of  
leaving the message as Unread if only having seen in the preview pane,  
ie. without having to manually change it back to Unread.

Cheers, Steven

On 15/08/2008, at 4:20 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 15/08/2008, at 3:27 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I'm new to Apple Mail, ex Entourage user. Using latest version of  
Mail app and Leopard.

In Entourage, I used the Preview panel for a preliminary look at  
incoming emails. The choice existed to leave an email with Unread  
status, despite having previewed it in the preview panel.

In Mail, I have the preview panel operational (if that's what it's  
called?), but I can't seem to figure a way to leave an email as  
Unread. Each time I click on the email, and the contents of it show  
in the preview panel, it automatically changes the email to Read  
status (ie. blue dot disappears and unbolded). I can manually  
change the status of the email to Unread, but I don't want to have  
to do this.

Is there a way of leaving emails in Unread status, despite having  
them display in the preview pane?

Hi Steven,

Go to 'Message' in Menu bar, scroll down to 'Mark' - 'As Unread'.

I prefer to just click 'flag' messages I need to attend to later.


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Re: POP, IMAP or Exchange ?

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles

Thanks Glen. Getting it slowly (I think).

I use a 3rd party email host. If I use IMAP on my Mac, then aren't I  
putting myself at risk of losing all my email if the 3rd party's  
server blows up? And what happens if I am offline, how would I then  
access my inbox to catch up on mail, if I've never downloaded a copy  
to my local harddisk? Or how could I search through historical email  
communication on my hard disk if not online to the server?

If I'm understanding things correctly, IMAP sounds an attractive  
option for my iPhone, because I don't really want to use my iPhone as  
a long term storage device. However if I POP mail to my Mac, and  
things are set up so that email is immediately deleted from the 3rd  
party server, then would that mean that I would never see those emails  
on my iPhone?

I don't think my penny has dropped yet :-(

Cheers, Steven

On 15/08/2008, at 4:38 PM, Glenn Nicholas wrote:


With POP, your mailbox is on a server, email messages arrive in your
mailbox and you download a copy of the message to your mail
application (on your Mac or iPhone). You can configure you mail app to
delete the server copy of the message, or leave it on the server.

With IMAP, you read the message from the server, but never actually
download the message to your Mac/iPhone.
Your mail app knows how to work with IMAP so it appears the same as
when reading POP mail. But once a message is read, it stays read (even
if you log on to your email from a separate Mac/mail application).
This is better than POP because you only ever have 1 copy of a
message, regardless of where you read it from.

There is a third (and imho better) way. Just use webmail.  That is,
access your mailbox via a browser. No mail reading app required.  This
is the way Google Mail, Yahoo Mail and Hotmail work.

And now to  confuse everything, Google have Gmail for iPhone, which is
an iPhone app that makes your web mail easier to use when you have an
iPhone   Ajax enabled webmail at work.

Got all that?


2008/8/15 Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
In process of migrating to a totally Apple apps / iPhone / Mobile  
Me set up.

Using latest apps and Leopard.

I've traditionally used POP for email settings, but I was reading  
an article
on the web which mentioned something like why would anyone use POP  

days when there is IMAP?.

I don't understand the differences between POP and IMAP (happy to  
receive an
education in layman's terms) but as someone in a big rush to just  
get this
whole thing set up properly, is there a clear cut option in terms  
of which I
should use? Also, does it matter that I will be using this set up  
also in

the UAE?

I have an email account on Mail set up as POP at the moment, but  
that's the reason why I'm not seeing emails on the iPhone despite  

gone through the Sync process?

As an aside, if I have my iPhone on the 3G Optus network, as well as
connected to my home wireless internet account, if, say, surfing  
the web on
the iPhone, is it the Optus network that is accessed, or is it the  
internet account? Preference is the latter because I'm not chewing  
up the
limited download capacity I have with Optus mobile contract. I did  
ask an
Optus iPhone rep, who seemed to be in a distant land and largely  

Grateful for thoughts and answers.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Can Leopard installed from another Mac ?

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles

Worked a treat Kyle. Thanks!

In fact I used your suggestion again to install MS Office on the  
MacBook (because this MacBook kept spitting out that installation disk  
as welll), which went well except it looks like I've inadvertently  
uninstalled MS Office on my MacBook Pro. Doh!

Cheers, Steven

On 15/08/2008, at 11:32 AM, Kyle Kreusch wrote:

How did it go Steven

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Steven Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thanks Bob, thanks Kyle.

Bob, I gave the suggestion that you found a go, but it didn't seem  
to go

further than allowing me to launch the pkg file.

I'm in the midst of Kyle's suggestion now - so far so good -  
Leopard seems

to be installing.

Cheers, Steven

On 14/8/08 1:39 PM, Kyle Kreusch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Steven This used to work

1. Insert the Leopard installed DVD into the MacBook Pro
2. Put the MacBook Pro into target disk Mode
3. Connect it to the MacBook
4. The Leopard install Disk should show up on the desktop


On 14/8/08 1:50 PM, Robert Howells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 14/08/2008, at 1:39 PM, Kyle Kreusch wrote:

And then there is this if it's any help ...Bob

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Adding a note to a folder - for easy viewing ?

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles

Anyone know of a solution to this?

I want to be able to run my mouse over a folder, or highlight the  
folder and hit the space bar or similar (as in Quick Look), so that a  
note attached to that folder springs up or is easily viewable.

I know that I can add Spotlight Comments via Get Info, but to access  
those notes is cumbersome compared to running a mouse over the folder,  
or a Qiuck Look style action. Plus the Spotlight Comments space is  
small and if comments exceed the size of the space, it's difficult to  
read all comments.

I thought perhaps there's a 3rd party app out there somewhere, or  
maybe something within Leopard I haven't discovered.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Two Skype user names

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles

Hi Roger

Not sure I follow your answer. What did you do?

Cheers, Steven

On 14/08/2008, at 10:20 PM, Roger Kortas wrote:

Hi Rod

I did that and no updates needed for it !!


On 14/08/2008, at 9:46 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Anyone know whether something exists for a Mac user to be able to  
log in

with two Skype Names simultaneously on the one Mac?

There's this,  
but it's

for Windows only.

Cheers, Steven

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Roger P Kortas
Haiyan Kortas
PH: 61 8 08 9381 4046
Mob: 0413 307995

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Re: POP, IMAP or Exchange ?

2008-08-15 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks for another take, Paul. Very clear. There are pros and cons  
with both obviously, but at least I can make an informed choice now.  
I've chosen to stick with POP for a couple of the same reasons which  
Neil Houghton has just mentioned in his post. Not that affects me, but  
I just wondered for the sake of someone like Neil, if he went the IMAP  
route, what happens if you change your email host ?!

Cheers, Steven

On 16/08/2008, at 8:08 AM, Paul Kitchener wrote:

Steven Knowles wrote:
In process of migrating to a totally Apple apps / iPhone / Mobile  
Me set up.

Using latest apps and Leopard.
I've traditionally used POP for email settings, but I was reading  
an article on the web which mentioned something like why would  
anyone use POP these days when there is IMAP?.
I don't understand the differences between POP and IMAP (happy to  
receive an education in layman's terms) but as someone in a big  
rush to just get this whole thing set up properly, is there a clear  
cut option in terms of which I should use? Also, does it matter  
that I will be using this set up also in the UAE?
I have an email account on Mail set up as POP at the moment, but  
maybe that's the reason why I'm not seeing emails on the iPhone  
despite having gone through the Sync process?
As an aside, if I have my iPhone on the 3G Optus network, as well  
as connected to my home wireless internet account, if, say, surfing  
the web on the iPhone, is it the Optus network that is accessed, or  
is it the home internet account? Preference is the latter because  
I'm not chewing up the limited download capacity I have with Optus  
mobile contract. I did ask an Optus iPhone rep, who seemed to be in  
a distant land and largely clueless.

Grateful for thoughts and answers.
Cheers, Steven

Hi Steven,

I regularly use different Computers/Devices, at home (two macs,  
first in best dressed) and work.

IMAP suits this perfectly and I love it so.

To me IMAP is like a cross between Webmail and POP.
In essence it is using your email client,, Thunderbird etc,  
to remote control your webmail (your email server in fact).

When you view email using IMAP the message(s) *are* downloaded to  
your machine and you can save it or print it like normal at that  
When you close that email it is effectively no longer on your  
machine, it was just a copy for viewing etc. You will still have  
just the *one* original up on the server.
If you go to another machine and access email via IMAP your emails  
will look identical and the read ones will appear as having been read.

Backup is another issue, individual emails can be backed up by you  
but I don't know about email folders.
I personally rely on the service itself having a reliable back up  
regime, any self respecting one will be backed up like crazy, if you  
are with dunno.wot you may not be so lucky.

So if you like the 'portability' of Webmail *and* you like the way  
email clients work then IMAP is for you.

Paul (simultaneously having and eating his cake)

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Re: Recurring 'to do' in Apple Mail ?

2008-08-14 Thread Steven Knowles
Sounds like a cracker of an idea Eugene. Will run with that I think. Good

Cheers, Steven

On 14/8/08 7:26 AM, Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steve,
 I think you have a different interpretation of the TO DO function.
 This is simply a list of items of things you need to do. They aren't
 date specific.
 If you want to have something that periodically reminds you to do
 things without appearing on your calendar I suggest you do the
 Create a new calendar (LHS column) and call it TO DO if you wish.
 If you need this reminder every Tuesday put the first item in Tuesday
 and ask it to repeat weekly.
 Set an alarm to this event, wither a sound, sound with message or e-
 mail which reminds you of the event
 Hide the calendar so that it isn't visible on your screen
 This will remind you of the TO DO event every week.
 On 14/08/2008, at 5:35 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 Bob, Erin, Eugene - thanks for the tips. But none of them seem to
 do the
 I understand how I can use a repeat option with regards to a
 Calendar event.
 That's no problem.
 However, I'm referring to the To Do Items which appear in a
 vertical pane
 to the right of my calendar. Immediately below the Spotlight search
 If I click on one of those items and Get Info, a box comes up with
 to change due date etc, but there is no repeat option. If I add a
 new 'To
 Do' option, same deal - no repeat option.
 How do you go about a creating a repetitive To Do Item? Example,
 let's say
 I want to check the letter box every day, and I want to remind
 myself to do
 that. I don't want it in my Calendar, because I don't want to have
 to do it
 at the same time each day - I just want it in my To Do list. But I
 want to have to add the entry every day. I just want to have a To
 Do item
 which pops up each day. (BTW, just an example - I don't really want
 to do
 that!). Same as the Task function in Entourage allows you to do.
 Cheers, Steven
 On 13/8/08 6:59 PM, Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Steven,
 iCal allows some quite sophisticated repeat options.
 When you have enter an item open the Information drawer. (command+i)
 You will see an option called repeat - click on it. Your initial
 option is to repeat every day, week, month or year. However if you
 select custom you can incorporate even more complex options. Your
 option for repeating each Thursday is actually one of the basic ones
 but you could get iCal to repeat every third Thursday of the month if
 you went to the custom option.
 On 13/8/08 6:07 PM, Erin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Steven
 Have you figured this out yet?
 Try double clicking on your to do item in the weekly/monthly view
 thingy.  Then click edit.  There's a repeat option in there.  :)
 On 13/8/08 6:06 PM, Robert Howells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steven ,
 Go to the iCal help file and search for : -
 Adding events to a calendar
 The description there will tell you how to set up a repeating item
 basically after the first entry for the event you do an Apple E to
 edit it
 and there are options there
 On 13/08/2008, at 5:54 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 After considering previous comments from the group, and reading a
 reviews and opinions online, I've decided to migrate from a long
 Entourage user, to the Apple Apps and Mobile Me regime.
 I've started with iCal and have hit a snag. In Entourage, you could
 set up
 task on a repeating basis. So for instance, if there something I
 needed to
 each and every Thursday, Entourage could accommodate that.
 With iCal and the To Do functionality, there doesn't seem to be a
 option. Am I missing something, or is there another way to achieve
 I thought I'd get iCal all sorted as a first step before bringing
 and mail across.
 Cheers, Steven

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Re: Can Leopard installed from another Mac ?

2008-08-14 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Bob, thanks Kyle.

Bob, I gave the suggestion that you found a go, but it didn't seem to go
further than allowing me to launch the pkg file.

I'm in the midst of Kyle's suggestion now - so far so good - Leopard seems
to be installing.

Cheers, Steven

On 14/8/08 1:39 PM, Kyle Kreusch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steven This used to work
 1. Insert the Leopard installed DVD into the MacBook Pro
 2. Put the MacBook Pro into target disk Mode
 3. Connect it to the MacBook
 4. The Leopard install Disk should show up on the desktop

On 14/8/08 1:50 PM, Robert Howells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 14/08/2008, at 1:39 PM, Kyle Kreusch wrote:
 And then there is this if it's any help ...Bob

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Two Skype user names

2008-08-14 Thread Steven Knowles
Anyone know whether something exists for a Mac user to be able to log in
with two Skype Names simultaneously on the one Mac?

There's this, but it's
for Windows only.

Cheers, Steven

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Recurring 'to do' in Apple Mail ?

2008-08-13 Thread Steven Knowles
After considering previous comments from the group, and reading a few
reviews and opinions online, I've decided to migrate from a long time
Entourage user, to the Apple Apps and Mobile Me regime.

I've started with iCal and have hit a snag. In Entourage, you could set up
task on a repeating basis. So for instance, if there something I needed to
each and every Thursday, Entourage could accommodate that.

With iCal and the To Do functionality, there doesn't seem to be a recurring
option. Am I missing something, or is there another way to achieve this?

I thought I'd get iCal all sorted as a first step before bringing contacts
and mail across.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Free roaming smtp server?

2008-08-13 Thread Steven Knowles
Rob, at risk of stating the obvious, if your wife knows which ISP it is,
then the web site of the ISP should have details of their outgoing mail
server address.

Incidentally my brother-in-law and his wife live in Nullagine - Bill 
Kerrie Edwards. I think there are only about 30 people in the town?!

Cheers, Steven

On 13/8/08 9:18 PM, Rob Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My wife is working 2-on, 1-off up North and she is not able to send
 emails from her camp in Nullagine. She uses the new Eudora based on
 Thunderbird and can receive mail.  Her company is not able to tell her
 the smtp server details of their ISP.
 Is there some other way that she can send emails using smtp?  Like a
 free remote smtp service?  I don't think she is able to use postfix in
 OSX, and it isn't secure anyway.  Any suggestions welcomed.

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Re: Recurring 'to do' in Apple Mail ?

2008-08-13 Thread Steven Knowles
Bob, Erin, Eugene - thanks for the tips. But none of them seem to do the

I understand how I can use a repeat option with regards to a Calendar event.
That's no problem.

However, I'm referring to the To Do Items which appear in a vertical pane
to the right of my calendar. Immediately below the Spotlight search field.
If I click on one of those items and Get Info, a box comes up with options
to change due date etc, but there is no repeat option. If I add a new 'To
Do' option, same deal - no repeat option.

How do you go about a creating a repetitive To Do Item? Example, let's say
I want to check the letter box every day, and I want to remind myself to do
that. I don't want it in my Calendar, because I don't want to have to do it
at the same time each day - I just want it in my To Do list. But I don't
want to have to add the entry every day. I just want to have a To Do item
which pops up each day. (BTW, just an example - I don't really want to do
that!). Same as the Task function in Entourage allows you to do.

Cheers, Steven

On 13/8/08 6:59 PM, Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steven,
 iCal allows some quite sophisticated repeat options.
 When you have enter an item open the Information drawer. (command+i)
 You will see an option called repeat - click on it. Your initial
 option is to repeat every day, week, month or year. However if you
 select custom you can incorporate even more complex options. Your
 option for repeating each Thursday is actually one of the basic ones
 but you could get iCal to repeat every third Thursday of the month if
 you went to the custom option.

On 13/8/08 6:07 PM, Erin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steven
 Have you figured this out yet?
 Try double clicking on your to do item in the weekly/monthly view pane
 thingy.  Then click edit.  There's a repeat option in there.  :)

On 13/8/08 6:06 PM, Robert Howells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steven ,
 Go to the iCal help file and search for : -
 Adding events to a calendar
 The description there will tell you how to set up a repeating item
 basically after the first entry for the event you do an Apple E to
 edit it
 and there are options there
 On 13/08/2008, at 5:54 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 After considering previous comments from the group, and reading a few
 reviews and opinions online, I've decided to migrate from a long time
 Entourage user, to the Apple Apps and Mobile Me regime.
 I've started with iCal and have hit a snag. In Entourage, you could
 set up
 task on a repeating basis. So for instance, if there something I
 needed to
 each and every Thursday, Entourage could accommodate that.
 With iCal and the To Do functionality, there doesn't seem to be a
 option. Am I missing something, or is there another way to achieve
 I thought I'd get iCal all sorted as a first step before bringing
 and mail across.
 Cheers, Steven

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Can Leopard installed from another Mac ?

2008-08-13 Thread Steven Knowles
I have a MacBook on which I want to install Leopard (I have a 5-user family
pack), but the DVD drive of the MacBook spits the Leopard install disk out

Is it feasible to connect the MacBook to my MacBook Pro via firewire, start
the MacBook up as the target disk, insert the Leopard disk into the MacBook
Pro and install Leopard to the MacBook that way?

I¹m asking in advance because I don¹t have a firewire cable here at the

Many thanks...Steven 

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Re: iPhones and Westnet

2008-08-12 Thread Steven Knowles
Mine was there by default Peter - I've added nothing at this stage. But
there was a software installation that took place, ie. an update to the
iPhone software.

Cheers, Steven

On 12/8/08 7:07 PM, Peter Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Speaking of iPhones ...
 I picked my new iPhone up yesterday straight after Steven K (only took
 about 10min Steve) and manage to get a round
 of golf in as well ...
 Set up went well, iinet account and mobileme.
 One small problem ... there is no app store icon to be seen anywhere.
 There a 2 home screens and it isn't on either
 of them. Should it be there from the start or do I have to get
 something from the app store ( via itunes) .
 I am not overly concerned at its absence as most of the apps I get I
 would load them through itunes, but if it is meant to be there
 I would like to why it isn't
 On 12/08/2008, at 5:24 PM, Malcolm Burtenshaw wrote:
 Speaking of Westnet...
 Anyone with an iPhone on Westnet at the moment?

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iPhone accessory query

2008-08-11 Thread Steven Knowles
Finally found a 16Gb black iPhone at All Phones at Gateway Shopping Centre.

After 2 hours in the shop (no exaggeration) of jumping through Optus hoops,
and an extra $140 to upgrade from my existing Optus contract which I didn't
know I had, I walked out with an iPhone (I sign up for a longer term
contract and a larger monthly fee, and they slug me $140 for it!!?).

Is the iPhone supposed to come with an instruction book? I've found a guide
online, but odd that it comes with no instructions it seems. All I have is
an Information Guide, which pretty much talks about hazards so obviously
just an exercise in disclaiming liability, and a little fold out thing
called Finger Tips. Nothing that tells me how to go about setting it up,
putting SIM card in etc. Maybe you're just supposed to know how to do this.

The online guide refers to a SIM eject tool. I guess I'll get by with a
paperclip for now as I can see no hint of a SIM injection tool in the pack -
but based on the missing items so far, should I have been given another pack
or something?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: iPhone accessory query

2008-08-11 Thread Steven Knowles
Brilliant Holmes!!! Got it.

Hopefully I haven't wrecked the iPhone already by poking around with a
paperclip. Still haven't managed to pop the tray out.

On 11/8/08 4:04 PM, Michael Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 HI Steven,
 The Sim eject tool is actually in the packaging just have a look as i
 think its under the top tray that holds the iphone in.
 On 11/08/2008, at 4:02 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 Finally found a 16Gb black iPhone at All Phones at Gateway Shopping
 After 2 hours in the shop (no exaggeration) of jumping through Optus
 and an extra $140 to upgrade from my existing Optus contract which I
 know I had, I walked out with an iPhone (I sign up for a longer term
 contract and a larger monthly fee, and they slug me $140 for it!!?).
 Is the iPhone supposed to come with an instruction book? I've found
 a guide
 online, but odd that it comes with no instructions it seems. All I
 have is
 an Information Guide, which pretty much talks about hazards so
 just an exercise in disclaiming liability, and a little fold out thing
 called Finger Tips. Nothing that tells me how to go about setting it
 putting SIM card in etc. Maybe you're just supposed to know how to
 do this.
 The online guide refers to a SIM eject tool. I guess I'll get by
 with a
 paperclip for now as I can see no hint of a SIM injection tool in
 the pack -
 but based on the missing items so far, should I have been given
 another pack
 or something?
 Cheers, Steven

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17 G4 PowerBook

2008-08-11 Thread Steven Knowles
I have a 17 G4 PowerBook which I don't require anymore, but I think the
hard disk is flawed as Leopard won't install.

The whole top half (as in the monitor) was replaced under warranty in Nov

Since Leopard won't install I can't access About This Mac, but I'm pretty
sure I beefed it up with double whatever RAM came as default at the time.

No power adaptor either as I use that for another Mac.

Open to highest bidder - currently located in Como.

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Anyone know of a store with an Optus iPhone in stock ?

2008-08-09 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks. However as is typical of Telstra shop, I just rang them and they
don't answer the phone.

On 9/8/08 3:32 PM, F.W. Hänel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you can buy from Telstra Galleria Morley, they will unlock it as well.
 On 09/08/2008, at 1:58 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 I just rang three phone shops and none have iPhones in stock, just
 rain-check arrangement. Trouble is with a rain-check no guarantee of
 phone will arrive, and I'm heading overseas in a week - need before
 Anyone know of a shop selling Optus plans (so I can buy unlocked)
 with 16Gb
 iPhone ready to go? Anywhere in Perth is fine, but closer to south
 side of
 CBD the better.
 Cheers, Steven

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Re: Anyone know of a store with an Optus iPhone in stock ?

2008-08-09 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Jude. Just called them - no 16Gb black version in stock :-(

On 9/8/08 4:45 PM, Jude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We just got an 8 gig from All Phones at Midland on an Optus plan.
 Might be worth a call. I think they had at least one more in stock.

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Anyone know of a store with an Optus iPhone in stock ?

2008-08-08 Thread Steven Knowles
I just rang three phone shops and none have iPhones in stock, just this
rain-check arrangement. Trouble is with a rain-check no guarantee of when
phone will arrive, and I'm heading overseas in a week - need before then.
Anyone know of a shop selling Optus plans (so I can buy unlocked) with 16Gb
iPhone ready to go? Anywhere in Perth is fine, but closer to south side of
CBD the better.

Cheers, Steven

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iPhone - still only Optus selling unlocked ?

2008-08-06 Thread Steven Knowles
For those that are keeping right on top of the iPhone plans, could I trouble
someone to confirm that Optus are currently the only telco with an unlocked
version of the iPhone on offer? That's the last I heard.

Basically all I need is an unlocked handset, as it will be for use on
Etislat in the UAE.

Optus FAQ states...

The iPhone 3G will be locked to the Optus Network.

If you connect the iPhone 3G to a Post-Paid (on account) contract you are
able to unlock the handset by calling Optus Customer Service. No unlocking
fee is applicable.

With Optus Pre-Paid an $80 fee applies if network locking is removed within
the first 6 months from the activation date. Alternatively, the customer
needs to have recharged up to the value of $80.

So I interpret this as that an unlocked version of the iPhone would cost me
$80 more than buying the just the handset itself. Correct? Is there a
cheaper option?

I don't like the idea of being a guinea pig - there's gotta be someone out
there who's tested this already, ie. an Optus-sold unlocked iPhone on a
foreign network?

Why is it that only Optus sell an unlocked version (if that is still the

Cheers, Steven

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Does this matter ?

2008-08-05 Thread Steven Knowles
I bought a Time Capsule in Dubai recently.

Back in Perth for now, and amongst the Time Capsule settings, there is one
which asks you to select a country. Presumably because I bought the TC in
the UAE, Australia is not an option. Does this matter in the slightest? Can
it be changed?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Dubai

2008-08-05 Thread Steven Knowles
Seems to be a mixed bag Walter, at least that's what I've found.

See also...

Cheers, Steven

On 5/8/08 10:05 PM, F.W. Hänel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello group,
 can anyone tell me what type of power plugs are used in Dubai ?

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Re: Dubai

2008-08-05 Thread Steven Knowles
To add to David's comment, I was staying in a house in Dubai recently, and
that hose was indeed a standard UK 3-pin house.

However I bought a Time Capsule in Dubai last week, and it came fitted with
the US 2-pin type, as in the one pictured here...

Maybe UK 3-pin is standard, but there is no requirement for goods imported
to comply, so no-one bothers changing the plugs? Who knows.

Cheers, Steven

On 6/8/08 12:40 AM, David Ring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The wall sockets are standard UK 3 pin.
 On 5 Aug 2008, at 18:05, F.W. Hänel wrote:
 Hello group,
 can anyone tell me what type of power plugs are used in Dubai ?

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Bringing forward Time Machine start time ?

2008-08-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Having just upgraded to Leopard and bought a Time Capsule, regarding Time
Machine is there a way of forcing Time Machine to bring the 'Next Backup'
time to now, rather than in an hour's time? Other than disconnecting and
reconnecting it.

This initial back up is frustrating. There is 130Gb to back up. Over Airport
was proving too slow, and besides the back up failed by the time I got up in
the morning, supposedly due to a connection error. So I connected Time
Capsule via Ethernet, which is obviously faster (but still slow) and now
it's failed again :-( Looks like Time Machine doesn't remember at what point
it reached of the initial back up.

And would the connection via USB be faster than Ethernet? I have a Core 2
Duo MacBook Pro. (No FireWire connection on the Time Capsule it seems -
which is disappointing).

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Bringing forward Time Machine start time ?

2008-08-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Ronni. Does too!

Cheers, Steven

On 3/8/08 4:46 PM, Ronda Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steven,
 On 03/08/2008, at 4:37 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 Having just upgraded to Leopard and bought a Time Capsule, regarding
 Machine is there a way of forcing Time Machine to bring the 'Next
 time to now, rather than in an hour's time? Other than disconnecting
 reconnecting it.
 Click and hold the icon in the dock for Time Machine. The context menu
 should come up with an option to Back Up Now...
 This initial back up is frustrating. There is 130Gb to back up. Over
 was proving too slow, and besides the back up failed by the time I
 got up in
 the morning, supposedly due to a connection error. So I connected Time
 Capsule via Ethernet, which is obviously faster (but still slow) and
 it's failed again :-( Looks like Time Machine doesn't remember at
 what point
 it reached of the initial back up.
 And would the connection via USB be faster than Ethernet? I have a
 Core 2
 Duo MacBook Pro. (No FireWire connection on the Time Capsule it
 seems -
 which is disappointing).

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Entourage Database - does Time Machine treat as single file ?

2008-08-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Just a thought, does Time Machine treat the Database file, relating to
Microsoft's Entourage application, as a single file?

I ask because my Database file currently sits at about 600MB in size, and
with email being my most used application, does that mean a back up that
relatively large file will be done every hour?!!

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Entourage Database - does Time Machine treat as single file ?

2008-08-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Hmm. That's something to think about. Maybe I'll have to exclude it from
auto back up, and instead back it up to Time Capsule manually and less
frequently via drag and drop as a separate file. Kinda defeats the purpose
of Time Machine though.

Thanks for your help Ronni.


On 3/8/08 7:42 PM, Ronda Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steven,
 On 03/08/2008, at 7:31 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 Just a thought, does Time Machine treat the Database file, relating to
 Microsoft's Entourage application, as a single file?
 I ask because my Database file currently sits at about 600MB in
 size, and
 with email being my most used application, does that mean a back up
 relatively large file will be done every hour?!!
 Extract taken from 'Take Control of Easy Backups in Leopard (1.1.1)
 Under Items To Consider Excluding:
 Entourage database: If you use Microsoft Entourage, you
 have a file called Database, which stores all your email, calendar
 items, and to-do tasks. (By default, it¹s stored in ~/Documents/
 Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main
 Identity; substitute Office 2004 or Office X for Office
 2008 if you are using an older version.) This file can grow to several
 gigabytes in size or larger, and it changes every time you receive or
 file an email message‹or do just about anything else in Entourage.
 As a result, Time Machine must recopy that entire file every time
 it runs. Not only will that make your hourly backups take a long
 time, it¹ll rapidly fill up your backup disk. However, since this file
 is important, if you exclude it from Time Machine, I recommend
 backing it up in some other way

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Re: Entourage Database - does Time Machine treat as single file ?

2008-08-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Neil, sounds interesting, but I'm afraid I don't follow you. What's a
SuperDuper clone?

Cheers, Steven

On 3/8/08 8:15 PM, Neil Houghton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Steven  Ronni
 Of course if you go the belt  braces of Time machine for the archiving
 backed up by a SuperDuper bootable clone for disaster recovery, your clone
 would fulfil the backing it up in some other way and would be as current
 as your last SuperDuper clone.
 As mentioned on previous posts, Virtual Machine files (ie Parallels or VM
 Fusion Windows machine files) are also very large files which change
 constantly (when you have the VM fired up) so they give the same problem -
 and can be handled by the same solution.

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MS Word page numbers - change when saving as pdf ??

2008-08-03 Thread Steven Knowles
Anyone know what might be causing this? I'm using Word 2004 with Leopard
10.5.4. If I include page numbering on a Word document in the form 'Page X
of Y', despite working okay within the Word document, it doesn't flow
through properly to the pdf.

For instance, I have a 3-page Word document now displaying Page 1 of 3, Page
2 of 3, and Page 3 of 3 on the respective pages. Save to pdf, and the page
numbering of the pdf changes to Page 1 of 1, Page 2 of 2, and Page 3 of 3.

Any clues?

I'm finding Leopard pretty buggy so far!

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Creating a website for publishing family tree - suggestions

2008-07-31 Thread Steven Knowles
Matt, a simple zero cost option is to have Reunion produce a gedcom, then
upload the gedcom to WorldConnect. See...

Cheers, Steven

On 31/7/08 7:35 PM, Skehan Adrian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi matt,
 I have put my family tree up using Reunion, iWeb and iDisk, its not
 too difficult.  I also registered a domain name and have hosted it on
 MobileMe: I am just about to go out for the
 evening so will post again tomorrow.
 On 31/07/2008, at 5:11 PM, Matt Falvey wrote:
 Hi All.
 I have nearly finished compiling my family tree using Reunion for
 Mac.  One of the distribution options is to create a website and
 export the tree and all of the photo's, documents etc. to it.
 Reunion can create a web folder using web reports saved in HTML and
 if I use .Mac and iDisk (Which I think is now called MobileMe 
 iDisk) the web folder can automatically be uploaded. If I don't use
 the iDisk apparently I will need an FTP program to upload the
 files.  (iWeb has anyone used this for a family tree?)
 I then read that a program called The Next Generation of
 Genealogical Site Building V7 (TGN V7), is a powerful way to manage
 and display your genealogical data on the internet, all without
 generating a single page of HTML.  Instead, your information is
 stored in MySQL database tables and dynamically displayed in
 attractive fashion with PHP (a scripting language)
 I have no idea of the difference between HTML and MySQL, but the
 websites constructed using TGN had a nicer appearance and seemed to
 possess more options than the Reunion templates.  Nor do I know what
 FTP is.  Then I read that there has been a massive problem with the
 roll out of MobileMe.
 So I am totally confused. Does anyone on the list host a family tree
 site? Anyone aware of any examples of family trees put up from
 Can anyone give me any recommendations as to the best way to go as
 regards to the best way to get a site set up, should I get a
 MobileMe account and use the 20GB to host the tree?  I did notice on
 MobileMe pricing that An Individual subscription comes with 20GB of
 combined email and file storage, 200GB of monthly data transfer and
 full access to everything MobileMe has to offer
 Now am I correct in believing that once I have created a website and
 loaded all the photo's, doc's etc. to it, that when someone goes to
 the website and looks through it, downloads from it etc. that the
 download would be on their account not on mine? The 200GB of
 monthly data transfer seems to say that it is all on my account?
 Or should I go to a hosting provider? Any recommendations?
 Matt Falvey

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Outlook Contacts solution on a Mac ?

2008-07-28 Thread Steven Knowles
Historically I've maintained my contacts in Outlook due to employers always
operating on a Windows platform, and employer-supplied telephony being a
Blackberry, which synchronised with Outlook, so all was rosy.

Having left the world of employment, and with my contacts currently sitting
on my MacBook Pro in .pst format (ie. an MS Outlook file), is there a
solution other than, say, buying a Windows emulator and installing a copy of
MS Outlook on my Mac? I prefer not to have to go to that expense just to
solve my Contacts problem.

I'm guessing that running Windows via Boot Camp would be too inconvenient,
ie. I'd have to reboot my Mac whenever I wanted to update a contact, which
is frequently. But tell me if I'm wrong on that.

I haven't yet bought an iPhone - holding off as long as I can until I can
get confirmation that an unlocked version will work in the UAE with one of
the local Dubai carriers. And if I do get an iPhone, will the iPhone sync
with MS Outlook running on my Mac?

Would be grateful for any solutions. I do like Outlook for managing contacts
- maybe just what I'm used to. What would you guys do?

Cheers, Steven

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Re: Outlook Contacts solution on a Mac ?

2008-07-28 Thread Steven Knowles
Thanks Bob. I guess you're right.

I do need the contacts on both my Mac, and on a portable device, ideally an
iPhone which I'm yet to get, and if the iPhone won't sync contacts then I'll
probably have to get a Blackberry.

I use MS Office on Mac, including Entourage, but I just don't think
Entourage would cut it for business grade contact maintenance. Or am I way
off on that? I have about 3,000 contacts in my file at the moment.

Cheers, Steven

On 28/7/08 4:23 PM, Robert Howells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 28/07/2008, at 3:33 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
 Historically I've maintained my contacts in Outlook due to
 employers always
 operating on a Windows platform, and employer-supplied telephony
 being a
 Blackberry, which synchronised with Outlook, so all was rosy.
 Having left the world of employment, and with my contacts currently
 on my MacBook Pro in .pst format (ie. an MS Outlook file), is there a
 solution other than, say, buying a Windows emulator and installing
 a copy of
 MS Outlook on my Mac? I prefer not to have to go to that expense
 just to
 solve my Contacts problem.
 I'm guessing that running Windows via Boot Camp would be too
 ie. I'd have to reboot my Mac whenever I wanted to update a
 contact, which
 is frequently. But tell me if I'm wrong on that.
 I haven't yet bought an iPhone - holding off as long as I can until
 I can
 get confirmation that an unlocked version will work in the UAE with
 one of
 the local Dubai carriers. And if I do get an iPhone, will the
 iPhone sync
 with MS Outlook running on my Mac?
 Would be grateful for any solutions. I do like Outlook for managing
 - maybe just what I'm used to. What would you guys do?
 Sorry , but that is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string ?
 Question for you What would you like to do ?
 Do you need to have these contacts portable ?  On what sort of device ?
 Do you need them also on your Mac ?  They probably need to sync ! ?
 What Mac software would you prefer ?

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Re: New iMacs and MacMini (Take 2)

2006-09-07 Thread Steven Knowles
Any guesses as to when the Core 2 Duos will make it through to the Macbooks?

Cheers, Steven

On 7/9/06 10:38 AM, Stuart Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 My apologies for the last email. Sent it from my Blackberry, but it's never
 done that before!
 Apple introduced some fantastic product updates overnight, including updated
 17 and 20 iMacs and an all new 24 iMac. Best of all - Price drops!!!
 All the new iMacs feature Intel Core 2 Duo - 64bit, 65 nanometer dual core
 processors with 128-bit SSE3 vector engine.
 Full product features are on the Apple website.
 1.83 and 2.0Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The 1.83Ghz machine has
 integrated Intel GMA950 Graphics with 64MB shared memory. It does not have
 Bluetooth or an Apple Remote.
 The 2.0Ghz machine has an ATI Radeon X1600 with 128MB of memory.
 The 1.83Ghz starts from just $1549
 2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 128MB ATI Radeon x1600 - upgradable to
 256MB - $2299
 New size - 24
 24 display, 1920x1200 resolution.
 2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo - upgradeable to 2.33Ghz
 NVidia GeForce 7300GT with 128MB graphics memory, upgradeable to NVidia
 GeForce 7600GT with 256MB of Ram
 The Macmini was also updated - 2 configurations, the entry now a Core Duo
 1.66Ghz processor, the top model a 1.83Ghz Core Duo processor.
 Stuart Evans
 AppleCentre Albany
 (08) 9842 9660
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