Mayberry Moment

2007-09-12 Thread bcq145
I guess this goes under my "Mayberry Moment" category.
This past Saturday, four-year old John Clay was playing "football coach" and he 
was heard making the
following remarks:

"I will be your football coach.? I know everything about football.
Rule Number One:? If you have any questions, just ask me.
Rule Number Two:? If I forget the rules, everything will be OKAY!

My little ones?have heard the "two rules of Mayberry" all their lives--Rule 
Number One, Obey all rules; Rule
Number Two, No writing on the walls because it takes a lot of work to remove 
writing off of the walls--
so many times and I suppose?they just assume no talk is really a good?talk 
unless you put in two rules.

And to Kim, your idea about why Ramona Wiley Bectoris forgot all about our 
Barney is as good as any
I could come up with, and yes, how about that name!

And Judy, you will get a lot of responses about the Mr. question.? It's a 
cultural thing here in the South.
And to us it seems odd to address an older person by his or her last name 
only.? But Barney was so
impressed with that convict he wanted Gentleman Dan?to treat him (Barney) as a 
close friend.? Thus
calling him by his first name.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and my 
children won't address
any adult without a Miss or Mr. in front of his/her name--that's just right.

"Now act like somebody."

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There's Some People You Just Can't Forget

2007-09-06 Thread bcq145

Yeah, I'd like to believe Ramona (the grand acting Mrs. Bectoris)?was just 
pretending with ol' Barn on account of her husband, but
something deep down inside me says this gal did not remember him at all and for 
that I give her a "rude."
I mean, how can anybody forget our Barney?? It ain't natural.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and I 
won't forget none of
you, especially the shy ones--you're too?nice.

"Aunt Bee gave my yearbook away to some disease drive."

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The Tears on Our Pillows

2007-09-04 Thread bcq145

You know what me Lydia talk most about "Class Reunion"?? Why Barney's old 
Ramona Wilely Becktoris, did not remember him at all.? His looks certainly had 
not changed
that much.? It wasn't a very large class, and even if she did not like Barney 
the way he liked
her, surely she had to recall who he was!? I can understand why his feelings 
were hurt.? A
small class, only twenty years later, and someone acting like they never 
remembered you even
Never made sense to Lydia; never made sense to me.? Maybe that's why some of us 
don't want
to attend our class reunions.? No one made a big deal over?us the first time.? 
Can you?guess how
badly?we feel? after?30 years?

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and I 
know one thing:? No
one wants to feel forgotten.? Shame, shame on Ramona Wilely Becktoris
"It's good to meet you, Mr. Fife."?? Really.

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Just when you think no English teachers are looking...

2007-08-29 Thread bcq145

I'm sorry, my friend Ken (and all other trained noticers out there), but the 
Shingles Lydia had should have been written with a capital "S" not a small 
one.? I apologize for the confusion.

Not that I do know? for sure if Miracle Salve could not work on shingles--dang 
stuff works on almost anything.

Except?my creepy question marks.
Nothing works on that.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Gal and I'm at my 
wits' end on this question
mark business
"You can't call it a whim if we change our underwear."

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I Won't Say Underwear and You Can't Make Me--You're Fired

2007-08-28 Thread bcq145
Re Aunt Bee's refusal to say the word "underwear" in the "Return to Mayberry" 

Of course, now, me and Lydia don't have any inside information, but for Aunt 
Bee to actually refuse
the voice-over for that reason, or for Andy or the other writers not to come up 
with some kind of
a compromise even if this were the case, does not seem likely to us either.? We 
more suspect that Aunt Bee did
not want to appear "dead" in the movie.? Does that seem likely to any of you?

Perhaps she would have thought it better if the writers had her visiting her 
sister or away on a trip with?Clara?to explain
her absence during the movie, and had used her real voice?as?a memory piece for 
Andy.? Some have
said she was a vain lady and maybe this would have been more attractive to 
her.? Just our thoughts.

After all, what's the matter with underwear?? It ain't dirty.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Gal and I like to 
keep my talk clean too

"What's the matter with third party?? It ain't dirty!"

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The mark of shame

2007-08-27 Thread bcq145
Well, there's one thing that has not changed.? I see those pesky question marks
are still hanging around and hanging around.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Girl--I wonder if the 
Miracle Salve will
work on them as good as it did Lydia's shingles.

"And there he'll come, dragging that albatross behind him."

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Re: Shingles, Salve, Situations, etc.

2007-08-27 Thread bcq145
(This is my second copy.? But I forgot to sign my first one.? Go figure and 
pass that bucket around.)

Hey, Friends!

I've been out nursing Lydia who's had the shingles and she's just been a beast, 
I tell you, just a
beast!?? That girl whines over cold sores.? Give her a whole left side covered 
in the shingles and
she goes crazy.? Luckily I had several jars of the Miracle Salve to rub on her 
and it worked wonders.

Me and Lydia spent our down time watching Andy and we had this to note about 
the "Class Reunion"
episode.? In a class as small as Mayberry High, don't you think it odd that 
Ramona Wiley Becktoris
did not remember Barney at all?? His looks certainly have not changed.

And what about that name?? Ramona Wiley (Becktoris).? Heard it before?? 
Course?you have.? There's
the Ramona who Ernest T. has a crush on and then there's the Mrs. Wiley of the 
party fame. 
The writers?of Andy have enough?good?sense?to never?let a good name go to waste.

Laura Lee Hobbs,? (another good name if I do say so myself) Dime Store Clerk 
and Gold Truck Receiver
Extraordinaire and?one who does not deny the sickEmail and AIM finally 
together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
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Shingles, Salve, Situations, etc.

2007-08-27 Thread bcq145
Hey, Friends!

I've been out nursing Lydia who's had the shingles and she's just been a beast, 
I tell you, just a
beast!?? That girl whines over cold sores.? Give her a whole left side covered 
in the shingles and
she goes crazy.? Luckily I had several jars of the Miracle Salve to rub on her 
and it worked wonders.

Me and Lydia spent our down time watching Andy and we had this to note about 
the "Class Reunion"
episode.? In a class as small as Mayberry High, don't you think it odd that 
Ramona Wiley Becktoris
did not remember Barney at all?? His looks certainly had not changed.

And what about that name?? Ramona Wiley (Becktoris).? Heard it before?? 
Course?you have.? There's
the Ramona who Ernest T. has a crush on and then there's the Mrs. Wiley of the 
party fame. 
The writers?of Andy have enough?good?sense?to never?let a good name go to waste.

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It's hard to decide on a boyfriend when all your friends are boys

2007-07-17 Thread bcq145
Hello, Everyone!

Kim, I always get a kick out of reading your posts and your idea about me 
hooking up with Jim Lindsey is a hoot!? The
guy is quite good looking.? My only problem with him is that he is on the road 
too much, and you are also right about
Ernest T. being a nuisance in the Dime Store.? But?Ernest T.'s?good health 
makes up for a lot.
My main problem is I just like all the boys too much to settle down with one.

Marti, seems like you have the same trouble with wandering question marks as I 
have.? If you find out what is causing
them, please let me know.? They sure mess up a person's post, don't they?

That's all for now.? Be sweet and "act like somebody."

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire 

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What Could Be Causing That?

2007-07-16 Thread bcq145
Attention People of Mayberry:? Attention People of Mayberry:

Loathsome question marks have returned.? Loathsome question marks have 
Will?Mr. Neil "My card in case you ever need my services" Bentley please 
contact me at the Dime
Store as soon as possible as I am thinking about taking legal action against 
The Man?

Thank you very much,

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver and at my wits' end 
over these ?
"I don't think I have ever seen anything like that before in my life!"??? 

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The Loves of Laura Lee and Lydia

2007-07-15 Thread bcq145

Oh, man, have I enjoyed reading all the theories about Mr. Schwump.? (I do have 
a secret crush on the

man, you know, and so does Lydia--easy enough to understand. He is a charmer.)? 
Although the real love of my dreams

is Frisco Darling (a real man if there ever was a real man),? Mr. Schwump runs 
a close second, right

next to Gomer with his sweetness and beautiful singing voice.? Then Ernest T. 
Bass.? I am not ashamed to admit me and Lydia have always had a little crush on 
that wild boy what?with his good health and?his natural rock throwing

ability.? A girl?couldn't ask for a better rock thrower than Ernest T. 
Bass.?And if Ernest T. ever did get that gold tooth he was always?talking 
about, well, I don't believe me or Lydia could have resisted him.

Then,?of course, there's Floyd.? We
have always loved?us some Floyd.? And don't even get?us started on how much?we 
love Andy and Barney--not that?we had too much of a chance once Andy got stuck 
on Helen and Barney?got with his?Thelma Lou, but a girl can dream, can't she?

And if the truth be told, me and Lydia always held a real soft spot?for 
precious Goober what with his
natural innocence and his little hat.
And then there was Howard.? Yeah, me and Lydia could have dated Howard pretty 
fine too.? Some say
he was a mama's boy, but Lydia has always held the belief they make the best 
husbands as they are
already trained.
And then there are the Darling Boys...They could get a little loud at times, 
but their music more than
made up for their lack of manners.? I guess this is all the room I have for the 
loves of me and Lydia,
but you get the picture.? It's a shame none of them worked out.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and 
Boy Crazy Girl

"You know, Jennifer,?you'd ?have a?real good head on your shoulder if only you 
weren't so boy crazy."

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All I Want Is A ? Free Post

2007-07-13 Thread bcq145
OK, Friends,

I checked my keys and I called The Man and I am sending this through as a 
Trouble Check.

Let's see if there's any of those pesky ? marks in here this time!

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and 
fed-up with 

"No thanks, Leon."

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When a ? appears I want it to be from ME

2007-07-12 Thread bcq145

(I know this is the second time this is running but I am trying something out 
trying to get rid of the ?)

Friends and Neighbors,

I have a most peculiar problem.? Question marks are?appearing out of nowhere 
and cluttering up my posts.? And here's the
real strange part.? On my copy, they are no where to be seen!? 

Curious.? Curious.? Now what? causes that? (That question mark did indeed come 
from me, LLH, but if you see any other in this here post consider yourself 
spooked--I am.)??Maybe I ought to see your doctor.? ?Any and all ideas and 
suggestions will be appreciated.? Me and Lydia have been under the buckets long 
hours over this one.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and 
you all know that I am
no good at all with a computer, no good at all, but this is gettin' down right 

"Call the man.? Just call the man."
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When a ? appears I want it to be from ME

2007-07-11 Thread bcq145
Friends and Neighbors,

I have a most peculiar problem.? Question marks are?appearing out of nowhere 
and cluttering up my posts.? And here's the
real strange part.? On my copy, they are no where to be seen!? 

Curious.? Curious.? Now what? causes that? (That question mark did indeed come 
from me, LLH, but if you see any other in this here post consider yourself 
spooked--I am.)??Maybe I ought to see your doctor.? ?Any and all ideas and 
suggestions will be appreciated.? Me and Lydia have been under the buckets long 
hours over this one.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and 
you all know that I am
no good at all with a computer, no good at all, but this is gettin' down right 

"Call the man.? Just call the man."

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Too Few Girls

2007-07-10 Thread bcq145
Watching? one of Lydia's favorite episode, "The Beauty Contest," always 
leaves?me pondering the question of why
there were so few contestants.? The Mayor's three daughters (in a deleted scene 
he tells Andy he doesn't mind which of his three daughters he chooses for Miss 
Mayberry and our own Lydia portrays his youngest?Josephine and?looks lovely, if 
I do say so myself), ?Floyd's niece (Virginia Lee),?Miss Ellie, and the other 
two girls who showed up at Andy's house? (Darlene-who at age 19?had lost all 
her baby fat-and Barbara Sue-who
wasn't too pretty, but who had muscles), and that was it. And that was all?we 
saw on the stage.? Seven girls.??

It just felt like more girls should have been in the contest, but then no one 
has ever asked
my opinion. 

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and I 
like a beauty?contest too
"With girls?"
"Well, they help."

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High Heat and Deep Insight

2007-06-23 Thread bcq145

Me and Lydia were in the Dime Store last week and I guess the heat was getting 
to us pretty
good when a subject came up.  We all know how perfectly behaved little Opie 
is.  But he called many
adults by their first names.  Did any of you find that odd for a child 40 years 
ago in the South?

'Course, like I said, the heat was getting to us pretty good.  Maybe we ought 
to get back under those
buckets and we can figure this one out for ourselves.  I just know that many 
years ago in a city named
Shady Grove, if I had called anybody older than 15 by his or her first name, my 
mama would have come
after me in a way in which I would not have enjoyed.  Heck, me and Lydia have 
known each other over
30 years and I still often forget that I can drop the "Miss"   when talking 
directly to her face.  
She's particular about things like that.
I think it's because she's allergic to the sun, and things like that.  She's a 
curious one. Curious.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire, and 
Deep Thanker
"I'm gonna get back under the bucket and have another thank."

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When You Life Depends on Your Better Half

2007-06-20 Thread bcq145

Hey, Friends!

Did you see today's episode where Andy (again) saved Barney's job?  If you did, 
did it make you  wonder:  Who took care of Barney when Andy wasn't around?

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire 
and all-around worrier of

Barney especially when Andy ain't around...
"This town has never had a better friend than Andy Taylor."

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Haven't I Seen You Before?

2007-06-12 Thread bcq145
Hello, Friends and Neighbors:

I'm mostly writing this to see if my computer is still acting ugly.  But this 
here is what I have to say.
  Isn't it nice the way TAGS  
kept using favorite actors in its shows?  For example,  the lovable Man in a 
Hurry was the same actor to portray the Foster furniture polish man  (Robert 
Emhardt).  So nice.  Still driving a fancy car just like before.  Even the 
beginning of the two storylines were similar:  some kind of car trouble right 
outside of town.  That's  one reason why watching this show seems like a 
visit home.  You keep seeing the same faces over and over again and
not a whole lot seems to change.  And ain't that the way we wish we could keep 
our own life?  At least
the good parts.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store and Gold Truck Receiver and face observer 
"That's the mark of us Fifes."

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????And All The World Did Sink

2007-06-09 Thread bcq145
First, what is with all those question marks that appeared in my last 
post--about the education of Ernest T. Bass?  I'm pretty sure I did not put 
them there.  Is my computer messing up or what? I
probably need to call the man.

Now, for my second observation.  How many of you noticed that it was Aunt Bee's 
butter and egg
man, Mr. Hendricks (Woodrow Chambliss), who played Clara Edwards' "love 
interest" on last night's  episode?
Rather cute that the same man was chosen to  play both parts.  But what 
happened to the guy who
cut the slit in his shoes?  Did they break up?  Did her boy Gale have anything 
to do with it?
Makes you wonder.

Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver and boy oh boy, that 
Clara can play that Organ.  
"Don't play 'Will you love me when I'm old and ugly,' Pa.  That one always 
makes me cry."

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Ernest T. and His Love Rock

2007-06-08 Thread bcq145
 I have always wondered if anyone else ever noticed how Ernest T. Bass
was able to write so well in his first episode ("Mountain Wedding," season 
three) and yet not be able to do so well later on ("The Education of Ernest T. 
Bass," season five).  He knew some words,
but not nearly enough to compose the Charlene love rock.  In fact, he needed 
help for simple facts.

The rock Ernest T. threw at the Darlings had  fairly complicated sentences 
warning them of impending doom
and giving Andy the idea of replacing Charlene with beautiful Barney, "I 
wouldn't marry you if you were
the last man on earth."  And yet two years later the Ernest T. we learned to 
know and love would not
have been able to write this message:  No, Trespass, Hunt, Out To Lunch, Beware
of Dog...that was about it.
"Why Ernest T., you're not stupid.  You're just-- ignorant."
"You're just being kind."

Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire, and 
noticer of writings

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I've Got a Nervous Girl On My Hands!

2007-05-17 Thread bcq145
With all the uproar on selling things, does this mean that I can only sign-off 
as Gold Truck Receiver girl and no longer as a Dime Store Clerk Extraordinaire?
I wouldn't mind so much for myself, but this kind of thing just upsets Lydia 
Laura Lee Hobbs, the you-know-what clerk, and Gold Truck Receiver 
Extraordinaire, and a person who really hates to
have to work with Lydia at the you-know-what store when she gets upset because 
the girl gets nauseated, don't you know, when anything bothers her, just like 
she does from eating too many chocolates only this ain't a bit of fun.  Just 
ask anybody who's ever been near her.
"Lydia, are you feeling all right?"
Yes, now that I'm near a window."  And there ain't enough windows to take care 
of this.

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To Air or Heir, That's The Question

2007-05-11 Thread bcq145
Dear Cassandra,
You are going to get a lot of response to your question, but what Barney is 
saying to Andy is, "Opie, your son and
heir..." (walking hand in hand with Miss Crump).
Thought me and Lydia would be one of the first to help clear that one up for 
you.  We like to help when we can.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Receiver Extraordinaire and 
all-around helper
"She's nice.  She's real nice."

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2007-04-30 Thread bcq145
Dear Paul,
Every time "Those Gosspin' Men" comes on, I promise myself to listen closely 
enough to hear if Floyd calls his son
Randall or Wendell.  But it goes by so fast that I'm never sure which name he 
says.  Sometimes I'm sure he
says "Randall"; other times I'm sure it's "Wendell." It gets me every time.   I 
am just glad I'm not the only one not able to make out the correct name.  I 
just know it ain't Norman.
Lydia's no help at all.  You know, she has that slight hearing problem and 
hates to be reminded of it.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and No 
Expert With Names, Though
Me and Lydia Tries and Tries
"We thought about killing him, but we kinda hated to take it that far."

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The First Thing You Check Is The Hand

2007-04-28 Thread bcq145
Dear Frank,
The wedding ring your wife noticed on Aunt Bee's hand, I, too, have noticed.  
In fact, I have written about
it a couple of times over the many years I have been here, but without 
response.  I thought I was seeing
Aunt Bee does indeed wear a band on her third finger, left hand just as if she 
has been married.  I say "as if"
because we certainly know she is not married right now, and, as far as the show 
is concerned, a former husband has never even been hinted at either.  All we 
can do is
just assume Aunt Bee is Andy's unmarried aunt (sister to his father--hence the 
same last name), and perhaps the ring she often wears
belonged to her mother or someone else dear to her.
But keep looking.  Trained noticers will surely see a band on her left hand.  I 
have just never read anything
about why she would wear one on the show.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
Finger Checker (a girl can't be too careful, you know)

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Good Times, Good People

2007-04-10 Thread bcq145
I have never known of any place more like Mayberry than the lovely community 
where I was raised and that
is Shady Grove, Mississippi.  Our parents worked, but a neighbor woman looked 
out as best she could for my
brother and me.  I mean, she didn't come to our house or anything, but she was 
home next door if we needed
her.  It was, as they say, a much more informal time.
Children picked up empty soda bottles and sold them for two cents to buy a real 
Coke for six cents--then a dime. 
A family of Smith Brothers stood in for the Darlings and nobody would think of 
missing church.  Your only choice was which one of the two community churches 
to go to, the Baptist one or the Pentecostal one.
Either way, you went to church.  It was just your decision if you got to wear a 
little makeup or not.
Everybody knew everybody else and their "ways."  Their timid ways, their loud 
ways, their sweet ways,
their gossiping ways, their know-it-all ways,  their loving ways, whatever.  
You name it.  But everybody had a "way."
My beloved person says I ought to write a book.  But I'm just lazy.
That, and I'm waiting for enough of the people to die out so I don't get sued.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and yeah boy,  do I 
have some "ways"
"Barney, you are a good son."
"I try."

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Quotes We Like and Spoon Beating

2007-04-09 Thread bcq145
Those photos of Barney and his "other woman" are gone.  I would never want to 
hurt our sweet Thelma Lou.
Just wasn't thinking.
For a quote me and Lydia have always been able to get a laugh out of:  
"Everybody lies at lunch.  What of it?"
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and an 
all-around sweet gal
"But I ain't gonna be beat to death with no spoon!"  (another quote Lydia likes 
after an especially rough day at the Dime Store)  

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Photos and What About Barney

2007-04-05 Thread bcq145
Thank you, Albert, for your lovely post.
Yes, the Dime Store has many delightful post cards to refresh your memories of 
all the good times in Mayberry.  We have one with a picture of the Milo Boys 
coming back from the War; we have one of
Sarah's mama's hip right after she broke it at the bowling alley and after it's 
nicely mended (bless her
heart); we have one of Barney and Juanita over at Morelli's with them Gypsies 
playing in the background
(course you got to tip them a quarter every now and then); and we have a nice 
picture of the roll of
tin foil that Barney used to collect as a child.  So you hurry on in and see 
the collection of beautiful post
cards we have at the Dime Store.  You can look at them for free, but if you 
want to take one of them home
it is going to cost you a dime.
As far as the description Ken sent in that the writers wrote about our Barney, 
I will say this:  it was fairly
accurate EXCEPT if a person really studied the show, they left a big ingredient 
out of Barney's character
and that ingredient was h-e-a-r-t.  And that, my friends, made all the 
difference in turning the Barney
Fife character (which could have been annoying)  into someone we are still 
loving all these years later.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and Lover of Barney 
over 40 years later
"Boy, those Gypsies are moody."

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Mature Choices for EE's

2007-04-03 Thread bcq145
Dear Mayberry Fans,
Like I said, Lydia choosing one of those slumped-over teenage boys for her EE 
rather than a more mature
gentleman makes no sense.  Just like that girl though.   Doesn't thank--not a 
bucket in sight.
Anyway, this week's special over at the Dime Store is cornmeal.  A sack of it 
will set you back only 32 cents.
Remember, all prices at the Dime Store are reasonable and our smiles are free.  
So put your thankin' buckets on and come on over and smile at us...
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and bucket wearer
"Makes you thank."

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Mr. Schwamp--A Man for all Reasons

2007-04-01 Thread bcq145
This is a question to all you nice Mayberry fans who love to party.
If you were going to somewhere special and you needed an Emergency Escort 
(known at the Dime Store as an EE) who would you pick--Mr. Schwamp or One of 
those Slumped-over Teenage Boys?
Now, me personally, I'd choose our smiling Mr. Schwamp every time as my EE; but 
that Lydia--complicated,
contrary, confusing Lydia--says she'd choose one of those Slumped-over Teenage 
Go figure.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and, for various 
reasons, often needer of an EE
"I'm not going to stand in a stag line with Old man Perkins (?) and a bunch of 
slumped-over teenage boys."

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It's The Best Salt I've Ever Tasted!

2007-03-26 Thread bcq145
Attention:  Mayberry Shoppers
This week's special at the Dime Store--two pound packages of salt for 10 cents 
a package, either the plain kind or the kind with iodide added, a necessary 
nutrient.  Quantities limited to ten packages.  That means that for about one 
dollar you can buy (depending on the amount of salt you and your family use) 
enough salt to last for a year, maybe more.
It's a deal Newton Monroe couldn't resist.
And it's good salt!
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"I'm ept."

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If it weren't for my corrections, I'd have little to write about

2007-03-24 Thread bcq145
Yeah, I know.  Gomer didn't date Lydia.  Goober did.  But I bet they did talk 
about it.
Ordinary conversation, not chit-chat.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
Confuser of the G cousins
"I wonder what causes that?"
"Maybe I ought to see their doctor?"

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Dating Lydia

2007-03-23 Thread bcq145
I have a message to N.B. or for that matter any other guy who says he would 
never go out with Lydia.
Just remember the following rules:  (Rule number one--Obey all rules.  I just 
had to say that!)
If you can keep her out of the sun (she gets the herpes), avoid guitar music 
(she don't mind the clarinet or the saxophone), don't feed her too many 
chocolates (they make her nauseated), avoid any and all forms of chit-chat 
(ordinary conversation will do just fine),
and I wouldn't recommend  a trip to the bowling alley (bad back), nor can I 
advise you to play cards as
the girl is against all forms of gambling (on the plus side, Lydia has no known 
arrest record);
 and last but not least, always, always remember to sit her near a window in 
your car as she gets car sick really easily and tends to hang her head out the 
car window like a dog.
 But, N.B. and other guys,  if you can merely remember these simple rules, you 
can have one great date.
Just ask Gomer.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
Best Friend to Lydia
"Tires.  She has bad tires."

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Where Do You Suppose That Came From?

2007-03-20 Thread bcq145
The following is a true Mayberry Moment.  Hope you enjoy reading about it half 
as much as I enjoyed living it.
Little four-year old red haired boy was propped up in bed watching a favorite 
movie with a tray of chicken, fries, corn and tea on his lap, and me right 
beside him.  Every now and then I would hear, "Corn," and I (who willingly 
spoils this little red-haired boy beyond belief) would feed him a spoon of 
corn; next, the command, "Chicken," would be heard," and
the appropriate food would be placed in Mr. John Clay's mouth.  Then, "Tea," 
and so on and so on, until finally
I asked myself, where did this little Opie-look-alike come up with this?  Now 
this little guy has been receiving TAGS since the womb.
Do you think that Mayberry can be genetic?   Maybe that explains the red hair.  
His dark-haired daddy sure has been asking a lot of questions! lol  (granddaddy 
is a red-head)
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire--and no 
red hair on our side of the
family, but we wouldn't change a lock of hair on our little boy's head for the 
"He sure is nicely mannerized."

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Betty Lynn Answers My Question

2007-02-27 Thread bcq145
I'm sure many of you have seen TV Land's behind the scenes program that is 
currently airing.  But in case some of you may have missed  it, may I offer 
this little bit of treasure from our own beloved  Betty Lynn.  While I was out 
sick, I hope this
wasn't discussed and I just overlooked it.  If so, my apologies.
Betty Lynn said she never believed Thelma Lou would have married another man so 
soon after Barney left because Barney was the one love of her life.  And so 
when she had to come back and play in the
class reunion show, she simply pretended--in her mind--that Thelma Lou had paid 
a man to pose as her husband.  In some ways this may seem a silly idea, but 
when you think about it, it does answer the question as to why no one in 
Mayberry had ever even heard about Thelma Lou getting married.  For such a 
small town
and with the people so close, that always did seem odd to me.
But then as Mr. Schwamp says, I'm always full of questions.  And this makes one 
of my saddest episodes a lot easier to take.  "Do the tears on your pillow 
bespeak the pain that is in your heart?"
Of course, then there's the issue of Thelma Lou's divorce in Mayberry's movie 
to explain.
Well, nothing's perfect.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"I have an inquiring mind."

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Old News Is Good News

2007-02-26 Thread bcq145
Dear Mayberry Friends,
Three weeks ago I was put down by the worse sinus infection known to man.  
Today when I finally made it back to the accumulation of Digests a-waiting me, 
what did I find but a lot of talk about "Andy, the Angry Years" (exactly what 
we were talking about when I left you three weeks ago, but, hey,  it ain't like 
you to deny the sick), some talk about TV Land getting  off schedule again 
(what else is new) , and some
talk about our beloved Barney being honored (exactly as it should always be).  
And, yes, some people were still  talking about pj pants (the way it will be, 
I'm guessing,  for a long, long time).
Just the way I love things to be in "our little corner of the world" where I 
can always feel the safest.
 I may still not feel too great, but it's  great to be back among the best 
people on Earth.
 But, oh,  by the way.  If any of you folks want to buy any Miracle Salve, 
remember, Opie no longer sells the
stuff.  But you can buy all you want for 35 cents a jar down at the Dime Store 
and get all the gossip for free.
Mr. Schwamp and Lydia and me, well, we just can't wait to see you!  
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"I hate to chit-chat. I don't mind ordinary conversation, but I hate to 

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The Big One That Got Away

2007-01-29 Thread bcq145
 We here at the Dime Store want to know about the fish named Floyd.  Did he 
ever make it to Nashville?
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
naturally curious about fish
"I'm headin' to Nashville."

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Truck Watching & Matters of the Heart

2007-01-25 Thread bcq145
 Dear Thelma Lou (Janet), and Other Mayberry Fans,
I think you are soo right. 
Andy's main problem was in confronting women, though perhaps I noticed it more 
with Helen because his personal relationship lasted longest with her.  And 
let's face it, the women on the show seemed to have no trouble  in confronting 
Andy.  I think he did take an almost too relaxed attitude with women when
any kind of problem or trouble developed.  But why was this?
 We know
Andy is not a coward and he is certainly not a stupid person.  But we also know 
he lost his mother when he was a baby and was raised by Aunt Bee; we know his 
first love Sharon deSpain left him; we also know  his first
wife died soon after little Opie was born. So maybe he was really scared of 
having a close relationship with a
woman.  Maybe he thought if he did anything too strong he might "hurt" the 
woman in his life.  Perhaps, because  his mother and his first wife died 
(really hard blows for any man to overcome)  he
saw all women as far more delicate than they really are.
Who knows?  Just some of my guesses based on a few facts and some things he has 
said to Opie over the years about women being a lot more sensitive than men and 
the way he was always trying to get Barney
to treat Thelma Lou a little more honestly.
I've said before that Andy acted almost "scared" of Helen. Not in the physical 
sense of the word.   But I think it was a deep
down kind of fear that maybe Andy was not even really aware of.
I think Andy was really afraid that the woman he loved he was going to lose.  
And he tried very hard not to do anything to upset her.
And that's as deep as me and Mr. Schwamp and Lydia can get.
Laura Lee Hobbs, thankin' buckets back under the tables,
"What do you know about love?"  you can't watch out for gold trucks for 20 
years and not learn something about l..o..v..e

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A Man Such As Schwamp

2007-01-24 Thread bcq145
 You know, underneath everything, that Mr. Schwamp really is a deep thinker in 
matters of the heart.  He
 knows a lot about love.  I can't tell you how many times he has helped Lydia 
get over the broken heart.
The man is wise.
And diseases?  That man is a walking encyclopedia about diseases--both foreign 
and domestic.  I cannot tell
you how many times he has helped our Lydia get over a sickness either.  And 
that girl gets sick a lot.  She's
particularly sensitive to the sun, don't 'ya know.
Well, that's all for now.  Just thought I'd point out yet again more of Mr. 
Schwamp's  sterling qualities,
in addition to some of his other ones like,  heading nodding, root beer 
pouring,  standing in the singles line at a dance, and  being a right-hand man 
to Mrs. Wiley when Ernest T. throws one of his rocks.
Is there anything that man can't do?
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and Mr. 
Schwamp Pal
"Every time I go out in the sun, I get the herpes."  Lydia
"Well, of course you do."  Barney

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Is Mayberry On You?

2007-01-22 Thread bcq145
In light of what Dennis wrote about coffee, if I might add the following 
"opine" (and Mr. Scwamp agrees with
me totally):  Nothing beats a hot cup of coffee in a big, thick plain white 
mug.  I don't know why, but I do
like my cup of Joe better in those thick white cups than in any kind of fancy 
china types.  Maybe it came
from watching Barney and Andy take their afternoon cup at the courthouse.  I 
don't know.  I just
know that I went out of my way to find those exact kind of cups to have with my 
morning coffee.
Mayberry sure rubs off on folks, don't it?  From what they name their pets to 
how they drink their coffee.
It's just one thang after another.
Now excuse me.  It's thankin' time and me and Mr. Schwamp have to go and get 
under our buckets.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and a 
person with a lot of Mayberry
rubbed off on her
"Mayberry...gateway to danger."

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An E For Effort

2007-01-20 Thread bcq145
 Dear Mayberry Fans,
On my last post, I spelled Danna's name with only one "n"  when it should have 
had two; I made at least one punctuation error; and I had a number
of subject/verb disagreements.  But if you noticed them, just give me a D plus, 
unless we are grading on
scale, and then I think I would deserve at least a C.  I mean, this was an 
English assignment, wasn't it? lol
But I could have been a little clearer on the "Dinner at Eight" episode.  See, 
my biggest concern with the Andy/Helen relationship is that Andy too often acts 
like he's afraid of Helen and no episode reflects that better than the "Dinner 
at Eight" one.  But it doesn't have to.  A simple flipping of the order in 
which the suppers were served would have changed the entire way the viewer 
looks at Andy.
For example,
 what if Goober had Andy
going to Helen's first (right after he had eaten Goober's supper)? You could 
have better understood why Andy would
have thought it might be best to suffer through one more spaghetti meal in 
silence without saying anything to his girlfriend, Helen, and her uncle.  I 
mean, most people can eat a little more to keep from hurting
someone's feelings.  So that would have made sense. It doesn't look like he's 
afraid of Helen.  He just doesn't
see any reason to complicate things for her when her uncle is visiting; and at 
that point, Andy is thinking 
this is the last supper he will have to eat.  He doesn't looked "bossed" by 
Helen.  Only that he is kind-hearted
and wants to protect her.  (You can argue this point for the third supper too.  
But by that time Andy is really
suffering and you wonder just how much pain this man will go through just to 
keep an inconvenient truth from Helen.)
In the new storyline,  Andy comes home and Goober tells him about the mix-up 
only this time he remembers it  with
the Spragues.  Well, Andy may be comfortable with calling up Howard and getting 
the Goober situation straightened out, but everyone is intimidated with that
Mrs. Sprague. So Andy--being the  nice guy that he is--bravely goes forth to 
face his third spaghetti
dinner.  Mrs. Sprague is a  decent person when someone like Andy shows up at 
her house as a guest
for a meal, realizes a misunderstanding has happened, and the Spragues proceed 
as usual to feed poor Andy
 his third (their second) spaghetti meal.  None are too happy.
So, the story is NOT changed, just the order in which the meals are served.  I 
feel like Andy showing up for his third dinner at his girlfriend's house
without even telling her how Goober messed things up (when everybody knows how 
Goober messes things up) is not too
realistic.  But I can understand Andy not telling Mrs. Sprague anything.  I 
would have avoided conforting her like the  pip.
And I ain't even too sure what the pip is.  (Mr. Schwump says it's something 
like the flu or maybe a lung
infection like TB.  He's not too sure himself; he just says we should avoid it. 
 And that man knows diseases.)
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
English Professor on the side
"When I get back, I'm going to kill you."

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Don't Put Words in my Mouth

2007-01-20 Thread bcq145
I grew up wishing Andy were my father.  More than anything, I wanted Andy for a 
dad.  He was always loving
to Opie and fair and proud of him, and was just about the exact opposite of the 
one I got, though I love my
father and know he did his best under hard circumstances.  
So, please, excuse me, Dana, but me and the girls at the Dime Store never once 
said (or even implied) that
Andy was brutal with Opie or anyone else in our last post. It is simply not in 
the nature of the man to be brutal with anyone. 
  What we meant was that when you compared the
Andy in the black and white episodes to the Andy in the colored episodes there 
is a clear change in his demeanor--much like during the first season Andy has 
more of a hillbilly-kind of talking character and then he changed that part of 
him.  He is Southern, just not so hillbilly, and frankly, I'm glad this change 
was made.
If you'll notice, when the colored season first starts, Andy is not nearly so 
laid back.  It may be because he's missing his friend Barney.  But for whatever 
reason, Andy does seem grumpy and this is more apparent with Opie, I think.   
When Opie  is taking care of Dolly the horse,  Andy shows a remarkable lack of 
tenderness  toward his child that I think the old Andy would have shown.   This 
is my opinion.  You are welcomed to disagree.

But I never said he was a bad parent or that he mistreated anyone.  I said he 
often tried to play the nice guy
to help those he loved, and his anger got shown to Opie more often than anyone 
else because Opie was the one who would take it.  I never said he mistreated 
Opie.  Big difference.  And I do think there are several shows where Andy is 
just clearly more annoyed with Opie than maybe he should be, but that's my 
But can anyone explain to me why Andy did not tell Helen about the mix-up on 
"Dinner at Eight."  I think the
episode would have been better if Andy had gone to Helen's house  first, then 
to Howard's.  It would have been
easier to understand his eating the third dinner without any explanation at all 
to Howard and his scary mother.  For heaven sake's, Helen was his girlfriend!  
Just my feeling.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and the one thing 
everybody knows is that Andy
is a good father
"But I do believe in Opie."

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Andy and Aunt Bee

2007-01-17 Thread bcq145
 This is me and the girls over at the Dime Store's opinion of the Andy/Aunt Bee 
Let's face it.  Most of the time when Aunt Bee (or someone else like Barney for 
that matter) got angry with Andy,
Andy's biggest blunder was in trying to solve someone else's problem, or at 
least in trying to PREVENT what he saw as a potential for a problem for someone 
he cared deeply about; or else he was always trying to keep someone like Barney 
or Aunt Bee from getting their feelings hurt.  In other words, Andy was trying 
to play the nice guy
with an often stubborn adult who would refuse to see two sides to an issue 
("Aunt Bee, call the man!").  How
frustrated he must have been!  But why didn't HE call the man?  He spent so 
much time in fussing with Aunt
Bee, who refused to see reason and he knew she was this way,  he could have 
picked up the phone and talked to the man himself.  Problem solved.
The colored episodes have been called Andy's Angry Years.  But really the only 
one I see Andy really taking his  anger out on is poor little Opie.
This is our thinking anyway.  Maybe Opie is the only one who  would take it.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire  

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Colored Episodes

2007-01-11 Thread bcq145
Granted, I do not consider myself in any way to be a trained noticer when it 
comes to the colored episodes,
but I would like to comment briefly on the two episodes that aired last night.
Regarding the episode concerning Warren's sleep walking:  Why do you think 
Helen felt safe running into
the jail cell?  The key was hanging right there on the wall and Warren could 
have gotten in anytime he wanted to, if he were really chasing her the way 
Helen thought.  Wouldn't just leaving the the jail had made better sense? 
Things like that prey on my mind.
But I did think the Ernest T. Bass episode--"Malcolm at the Crossroads"--was 
really funny and then I noticed
that it was written by our own beloved Harry Bullock and I understood why I 
enjoyed it so.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
girl who wonders about stuff
"Said I wouldn't throw a rock; didn't say I wouldn't throw a brick."

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Night Scenes

2007-01-05 Thread bcq145
Charley Varney came in the Dime Store today and asked a question I didn't have 
the answer to, but maybe
some of you do.
Do you know if any of TAGS scenes were filmed at night; or were they all filmed 
during the day and just made to
look dark, if a night scene was needed, by way of some kind of special film or 
lighting technique--if that was even
possible back in the 60s, and I just assume it was, but I don't really know.  
We can do so many things now
that sometimes we forget how limited people were only a few decades ago.
Anyway, just curious.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
All-round Curious Gal

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All God's Children Love a Calendar

2007-01-02 Thread bcq145
 Hey Friends,
I've been out of town and I had about 20 Digests waiting for me when I got 
back, but it was gd reading.
I want to thank Miss Cheryl for her information regarding actor Vincent 
D'Onofrio.  I had no idea he was the actor who played Private Pyle in "Full 
Metal Jacket" and now plays the detective on "Law and Order:
CI."  He surely has changed.  I guess that's the actor of the man.
Yeah, I have also noticed how calendars were all over the place.  But then, it 
seemed,  back in the '60s, no place of business was without a calendar, unless 
it was a real fine business like Weaver's or an elegant a  restaurant like 
Morelli's.  And they probably had a calendar.  It just wasn't right out front 
where the public could see it.
Now, the Dime Store?  Honey, we got a calendar every place you look. And most 
of them advertise Monroe's
Funeral Home on the top.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and Funeral Home 
advertiser on the side because
it never hurts to diversify.
"I better move my truck.  It's parked right out side your door."  Orville 
Monroe to Barney

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Traveling Mayberry People

2006-12-26 Thread bcq145
 Hey, Everybody!
The Dime Store is closed today (hope that doesn't inconvenience anyone too 
much), but anyway, we had the
set on TV Land and "Leave It To Beaver" was on.  Saw our Floyd playing a barber 
named Andy.  It sure was
curious.  He gave Wally his first professional shave, not that Wally really 
needed it, but it more or less helped
Ward make up to Wally for putting him down in front of Eddie H., Of All People.
Then we saw Otis on "Green Acres" as a farmer who was getting ready to sell his 
farm because his two sons
wanted to move to the big city and he didn't think he could run the place on 
his own.
 Mayberry people surely do get around.  Of course, the first thing we all learn 
is that if you want a good suit, you have to go to Mt. Pilot.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and TV 
Observer like you wouldn't
believe...let's go over to Daphne's house
"I'd like to see that George Raft movie myself."

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Digest 363, Where Art Thou?

2006-12-19 Thread bcq145
 Dear Friends,
While some of you were getting repeat Digests,  I did not receive Digest 363.  
Got Digest 361 and 362 and
364, but no 363.  Some kind of computer glitch, I guess, or maybe Lydia is 
hiding it from me because I talked
about the albatross and her hating vultures and all.  You know how that girl 
hates publicity!  She don't mind
being talked about, but she hates publicity.  I tell her all the time, all 
publicity is good publicity as long as
they spell your name right, but she don't go in for that stuff.
So if you see Lydia, ask her if she's got my Digest 363, and please tell her to 
pass it along to me.  That girl
is a bird in this world.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and Sometimes Lydia's 
Public Relations Officer
"That's the couch I was telling you about."

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Smartest People in Town

2006-12-18 Thread bcq145
 Dear Mayberry Friends,
Yes, Sirs and Madams, you name it and we probably got it at the Dime Store 
where our motto is, "If we ain't
got it, you don't need it."  And service with a grin.
And gossip.  Lots and lots of gossip, but hopefully none of it mean-spirited.
To be completely fair about it, more people come for the talk than for anything 
else, but we don't mind. Nobody works here to get rich, just to make friends.
And by now,  you all know our dear Lydia.  It's the chit-chat she hates; not 
the ordinary conversation.
And while me may get our facts mixed up every now and then over at the Dime 
Store (the Lord only made
one Paul), we are never too proud to admit them and get on with the task of 
more gossip.
Ain't it a shame in this world!
Come on over and see me and the girls and Mr. Schwamp, (after visiting the 
other fine stores in Mayberry).
And, may I say, who would have thought so many people in Mayberry knew about an 
albatross?  Just goes to show, as rerun watchers
go, we are the smartest in the bunch!  The Lord may have made only one Paul, 
but that doesn't mean there
are not a whole lot of other smart people at this site, too!
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire, and, 
next to Viola Slatt, biggest
gossip in town
"Barney didn't tell me.  I heard it from Laura Lee Hobbs over at the Dime 
Store."  Gomer

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Gomer vs Goober

2006-12-15 Thread bcq145
 Dear Readers,
Of course,  "Gomer"  should be "Goober."
Sorry about that.
Laura Lee Hobbs

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An Ode To An Albatross

2006-12-15 Thread bcq145
 Dear Friends,
When last we heard of it, the noble albatross was being used by Barney to 
describe Gomer dating Lydia:
"There he'll come, dragging that albatross behind him."
Today we learn that this mighty bird can be used to help monitor the world's 
climate.  A team from the University of California (Of All Places) Santa Cruz 
is attaching small data loggers to the birds that will be able
to measure sea surface temperatures across the North Pacific in far greater 
detail than satellites.
Lydia ain't surprised.  She never once worried about being compared to the 
She don't mind the albatross; it's the vulture she hates and the raven; the 
albatross she don't mind.  But she hates the vulture.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher, and Occasional Bird 
"Next time I go tiger hunting, I'm going to take my tweezers."

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Dime Store Shopping

2006-12-12 Thread bcq145
 Dear Albert and Other Friends in Mayberry,
It is indeed with sadness that I learn of the heartbreak of Christmas Past and 
shopping in the Dime Store.
Let's not let that happen again, Sir.
As you know, our motto at the Dime Store is, "If we don't have it, you don't 
need it."  Now, of course, that
has to be taken with a grain of salt, but you get the general idea.  We have 
cheap stuff, cheaply sold,  and service with a grin.  Lydia has a problem with 
that last part, but she's working on it.
We have all kinds of things that would make for lovely Christmas presents for a 
guy or girl on a tight budget.
We have imitation perfume, like Ernest T. Bass' favorite "Midnight in Paris."  
No, it don't smell just like it's
suppose to, but if you have the same kind of nose Opie has and cannot tell the 
difference between a busted
bottle of colored water from expensive perfume, it'll get you by.
Also, we have facial tools.  You know, those handy little devices to help out 
with pesky unwanted facial
hair in men and women of a certain age.  And at the Dime Store, we are 
discreet.  Those items are wrapped
in a brown paper bag, at no extra charge.
  We have salt 'n pepper shakers in a variety of decorative shapes
and sizes to accommodate any housewife's taste and decorum.
Wigs, heavens, we have all kinds of wigs.  (Where did you think Mr. Schwamp got 
his?  Weavers?  No, much
too expensive.  We saved him a bunch of money and you can barely tell the 
So, if you want something really nice, go to Weavers or maybe the drugstore.  
But if you budget is tight and
your heart is big, come on down to the Dime Store.  That's what we are here 
for.  We'll pick out something
for you and, with any luck at all, you two will still be together to ring in 
the New Year!
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and Christmas Present 
Picker Outer Extraordinaire
P.S.  For the next two weeks, Ramona will be wrapping gifts for no extra 
charge.  She's on vacation from
her regular job as button inspector at the factory in Mt. Pilot.

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What Is This World Coming To?

2006-12-12 Thread bcq145
 It took Seven calls to get a right answer to your Aunt Bee pickle question?
Do the tears on your pillow bespeak the pain that is in your heart?
Laura Lee Hobbs and the rest of the gang over at the Dime Store

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Trained or Untrained that boy can write

2006-12-11 Thread bcq145
 Dear Untrained Voice, and Other Friends of the Digest,
After your beautiful tribute to me and gold trucks, may I say, Sir, that you 
may call yourself, if you so desire,
the Trained Voice.  You go right up there with Barney and his light classics!  
Right at the top!
And, no, that did not come from Mrs. Poultice, who gives you "A's" in breathing.
And, no, that did not come from the talented Miss Hazel, even though she raves 
about your rhymes.
And that did not even come from Mr. Schwamp, even though he is nodding 
vigorously for the way you pronounced every word correctly (not easy to do when 
you have a complicated song like you composed).
That comes directly from me and the girls from the Dime Store, and it comes 
directly from our heart.
And it's a Big One.
(Ernest T. sends you his best, too; and if there's one thing that boy knows, 
and you know there is one
thing that boy knows, it's music.)
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher, and Tender Hearted 
Gal Extraordinaire
Lydia says your poem made her cry and she hates to cry; she don't mind being 
made kind of weeping eyed or
sad hearted; but she hates to cry.

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Ernest T. Hangs His Hat

2006-12-07 Thread bcq145
 OK, friends, get out your thankin' buckets and let's have a set while we 
ponder this.  What kind of house
do you suppose Ernest T. Bass lives in?
Do you reckon it is a house--in the usual sense of the word--at all?  I mean, 
with walls and a floor and
a roof?  Or do you think, like I do, that he just might live in a cave?  With 
various animals running in and
out all the time, keeping him company and teaching him things, like how to wash 
his food before eating it.
Somehow, that's the way I've always picture our fair Ernest T.  He's always 
been a little closed-mouthed
about his personal life, and you know me and the girls over at the Dime Store, 
we don't like to pry.  Yes, we
like to gossip and at times we like to question; but we never, ever like to pry.
 But I can  just picture him out there in his cave with his wild (tame to him) 
I  know he basically wears the same clothes, except for the time Barney loaned 
him his uniform and that suit they bought him for Mrs. Wiley's party, and those 
are none too clean. But then, Ernest T. doesn't stink too bad when he comes in 
the store; but that may be because Lydia is always buying some smell good stuff 
to splash on him.  His special favorite is Midnight in Paris.  Says it reminds 
him of the lovely Hogette (it's French) Winslowe. 
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and always curious 
(but never prying) about Ernest T. Bass
"We thought about killing him, but we kind of hated having to take it that 
far."  Mr. Darling.  (appox. quote)

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What's In A Name?

2006-12-06 Thread bcq145
 Want to know something?  All these years I figured "Untrained Voice" got his 
name as a kind of inside joke
used in describing Barney's singing voice.  You know, when Barney was trying to 
get John Masters to use
him in the choir and he kept telling the story about what his tenor coach used 
to say--a choir without a tenor is like a
star without its glimmer and then John Masters asked him about his trained 
voice.  That's how I thought the
"Untrained Voice" came up with his name and I thought is was very clever.  But 
it wasn't that way at all.
His "Untrained Voice" name had nothing at all to do with that episode.  
Oh, well.  It's still a cute name.  And he's still one of my favorite posters.
Not as cute as Laura Lee Hobbs, but it's cute.
Laura Lee Hobbs (who did you think wrote this) Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck 
Watcher Extraordinaire and
all-around curious gal
"Barney, don't you ever call me dumb again."  Gomer

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Three Girls and a Song

2006-12-05 Thread bcq145
 News Alert:
Hazel, the piano player, has just given me and the girls a B+ in our breathing! 
 Take that Mrs. Poultice!
Yes, our practicing is coming along just fine.  Last night we ran our song, 
"Sliver Bells and Gold Trucks"
by John Masters and he actually had tears running down his face.  Viola said 
she was pretty sure they
were tears of happiness rather than tears of pain because she heard him say as 
he was leaving, "I sent
all the way to New York for the music, and this is what I get."  I think he 
meant that as a compliment.
I know it's going to be tough to compete against Barney and his selection of 
the light classics, but we
girls are going to give it our best.
Hazel has even come up with a name for our little group:  Three Girls and a 
I do declare, that woman has more talent in her little pinky than most people 
have in their whole body.
She can play a piano, teach breathing lessons, and come up with a name that 
suits a group right off the top of her head in a second flat.  Now, not even 
Ima Winslowe can do that and she's the smartest person I know
next to Paul.  Talent, pure talent.
Well, see you at the choir festival,
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher, and member of "Three 
Girls and a Song"  singing group, and they are gd.
"Barney,  you have a trained voice?"  John Masters

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Party Hardy Part II

2006-12-04 Thread bcq145
 Again, Untrained Voice and Others,
In case I did not answer fully your first question, yes, Mrs. Wiley's party was 
a sort of social gathering
mainly for singles; a meeting place, if you will, for the community.  At least 
that's what I took them to
be because when Andy told her Ernest T. (posing as Oliver) was very shy, she 
said "Well, that's what
we're here for."  I think she considered it one of her social duties to invite 
people over from time-to-
time for a lovely party.  She enjoyed things like that.  I have a mother just 
like that!
And you ain't lived 'till you've been to one of her parties!
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and daughter of a 
real Party Gal
"It rained last week." 
"Yeah, I know.  I was out there in it."

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Party Hardy

2006-12-04 Thread bcq145
 My dear Untrained Voice and my other Friends in Mayberry,
Me and the girls at the Dime Store are going to let in you in on a little clue 
at the Wiley party.  Barney's
"joke" about the dogs was because the girls were ugly.  Yeah, it was cruel, and 
I don't think too true
because I saw some cuties, but to each his own.  (Remember, Andy had asked him 
if he saw anybody he wanted to dance with and Barney told Andy
there was nothing but dogs at the party; Andy kind of scolded him, but Barney 
persisted and then came up
with his line, "...  if you threw a quail in here, all the girls would point.")
Let's face it;  Barney ain't exactly the world's most compassionate man until 
Andy himself points out another's
need, then Barney can come through in times of trouble.
Now, I just always assumed Mrs. Wiley was a widow or else Mr. Wiley did not 
enjoy these parties and kept himself busy elsewhere whenever she gave one of 
her socials.  Maybe he was over at the lodge or in the
bedroom watching that doctor show on TV and eating a pan of cashew fudge, you 
know, just doing whatever
Mr. Wiley wanted to do.  They loved each other, but he just wasn't as into  
socials as much as she was,
she being from Back Bay Boston and all.  
Personally, I have always wondered that Mrs. Wiley did seem awfully fond of our 
Mr. Schwump.  But let's
not read too much into that.  She has always done her Christian best to make 
shy people feel right at
home.  And, let's face it.  When it comes to shy, none have wrote that book 
better than our Mr. Schwump.
Laura Lee Hoobs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and Mr. Schwump's 
friend, too
"How do you do, Mrs. Wiley."   Now, one more time...

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The Dress of Many Colors

2006-11-30 Thread bcq145
 Dear Kim, and you other Nice People from Mayberry Land,
I'm sorry, Sweetie, but I just HAD to read your post.  Even though you had a 
"Laura Lee, read no further"
sign on it, you know how curious I am, and that just set me off like a bear to 
honey.  I don't mind you one
little bit for going to the dollar store and buying your "Andy" dvds.  Anybody 
who can buy an "Andy" and
save money at the same time is one smart gal or guy, and my congratulates to 
you.  But remember, at our
Dime Store, you don't just get cheap items, you get cheap socializing with 
And, now until Christmas, you can, if you ask for it (and why wouldn't you?) 
listen to me and the girls sing our song, "Silver and Gold Trucks."  Hazel has 
already given us an "A" in pronouncing all the words and a "B-"
in the breathing.  OK, so we all are a little nasal on the breathing part.  We 
still have a couple of weeks to
work on it and John Masters has said he will drop by to help.  That man is a 
Prince of a Fellow!
Progress has been made on the dress controversy:  Me and Viola Slatt will wear 
the gold and silver dress,
while Lydia will retain her independence by singing in the middle in a red 
dress trimmed in gold.  You are correct:  It seems the girl was wearing a 
silver pant suit during bowling when she threw out her back, having
to stay in traction for over a month, and she has since hated the color silver. 
 Who knew?
That Lydia is a complicated person; nice, real nice, just as nice as our shy 
Mary Grace,  but complicated.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and all-round 
compromising person extraordinaire,
anything to get along with that guitar hating, chit-chat despising, can't stay 
out in the sun,  Lydia
"Goober, will you tell Lydia to stop hanging her head out of the car window 
like a dog?"


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What is a Rod?

2006-11-29 Thread bcq145
 Dear People of Mayberry and especially Thelma Lou,
First,  let's clear up a little mistake in my last post. Of course, it was the 
taxidermist who sewed up Hogette's head; it was Ernest T. who hit her. Glad 
that's off my chest.
I also love it when we can turn a frustrating situation into a Mayberry moment. 
 That is truly the Mayberry
spirit at work.
Thelma Lou wrote an excellent piece on spanking and she made many wonderful 
points. I know we are not
suppose to talk "Bible" here, but if I may, just this once, make one little 
point.  People often quote, "Spare
the rod, spoil the child."  But the rod in Scriptures refers to discipline, not 
an actual stick.  Remember Psalm
23?  "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."  This is referring to a shepherd 
gently guiding his flock and
keeping them safe; not beating them over the head with his stick.  He keeps the 
wolves away and guides
his sheep.
Personally, I do not know how anyone can raise children without ever giving 
them a smack on the behind,
at least once in a while.  I have three and, as sweet as they are, they are not 
that good.  But if you are
shouting more than you are hugging and laughing with your child, something is 
wrong.  And no amount of
trips to the woodshed is going to fix that.
That's just my thoughts,
Laura Lee Hobbs 

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Did She Run Off And Get Married Or What?

2006-11-28 Thread bcq145
 This is one for the Trained Noticers out there, but I don't recall it being 
brought up before.  Emma's last
name changed from "Brant" (remember in the "Ellie Comes to Town" episode)  to 
"Watson" (ex., "The Manicurist").  Me and Ima Winslow (Hogette's sister) just 
wanted to see how many of you were paying attention.
It's important to Ima for people to pay attention.  She's not nearly as pretty 
as Hogette, but she paid her 
own way through beauty college by selling Mary Kay products and she drives that 
pink Cadillac with the top all
the way down with considerable pride.   She claims she was their top saleslady 
because she never forgets
a name.  Hogette, what with that jagged scar on top of her head and all, may be 
the family beauty, but Ima has the family smarts.  And, you and know what they 
say, smart is sexy. Jagged Head Scar or Not.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
Not Too Bad On The Eyes, 
if I say so myself
"She married the taxidermist what hit her on the head."  Ernest T. Bass

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1 Question, 76 Replies

2006-11-28 Thread bcq145
 One thing about our little corner of the world:  You ask a question, you will 
get an answer.
Laura Lee Hobbs, still wrestling with Lydia, in our little corner of the Dime 
"What do you suppose causes that?  Maybe I ought to see their doctor?"

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Pills, Rocks, and Wrestling Moves

2006-11-27 Thread bcq145
 Attention:  People of Mayberry...
I have the sad duty to report that there ain't much love in the Dime Store 
today, and it's all Lydia's fault!!!
That girl will not cooperate with me and Viola Slatt on the choice of dress to 
wear in the Christmas choir
musical festival.  And to think, John Master's sent all the way to New York for 
the music.
Mr. Schwump is solidly on our side in this disagreement; Emma has offered Lydia 
one of her pills if she thinks
it will help the situation any; and Ernest T. has offered to hit her with a 
rock; but Lydia is just being stubborn.  She is as ornery as a mule. Well, 
she's our friend and our problem.  We will take care of it.  We'll get her in 
that gold and silver dress if we have to hit her over her bow and shove her 
into it.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire, and 
Occasional Lydia Wrestler
Barney, "Women. They're all nuts."

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Music Is Life

2006-11-26 Thread bcq145
 Dear Friends,
Aunt Bee wouldn't come to the door for Opie and his family?  Gee whiz, that's 
troubling news, but maybe we
can think of a reason.  Like perhaps she had a late party the night before and 
she was just worn out and
didn't even hear the buzzer.
Or maybe she was out visiting Clara.  You know how close those two are.  Maybe 
Clara tried to clean be-
hind her stove again and hurt her back and Aunt Bee stayed over there to help 
out until Clara can stand up straight.  Poor thing, she walks all crooked when 
she gets that way.
I am just sure it was not a mean or personal thing against Opie.  It just 
couldn't be.
Now, to John Masters, Choir Director:  Hazel is working wonderfully hard with 
us girls.  After many tries
we finally made it through "Silver and Gold Trucks" without Missing A Single 
ABOUT THAT?  Pretty amazing considering we've only been practicing for about 10 
days. Maybe we deserve
an "A."
 A few more days, and shoot, we'll  be able to almost sing that song in tune!
Just one problem: Me and Viola want to wear Gold dresses trimmed in silver, but 
Lydia wants an all red
dress, and to me and Viola, that's just stupid.  We will decide by a game of 
rocks, paper, scissors.
See ya'll at choir practice.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"You got time to breathe, you got time for music."

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Full House

2006-11-20 Thread bcq145
 It was "Full House."  The name of the show that starred the Olsen twins (that 
I couldn't think of a few minutes ago) was "Full House."
Glad I got that off my chest.  Usually it's just the pretzels that lay heavy on 
my chest.
Laura Lee Hobbs.

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This and That

2006-11-20 Thread bcq145
Greetings From the Dime Store,
First to my friend John Masters,  may I ask if you specifically have a special 
piece that you ordered all the
way from New York City for me and the girls to sing?  Not that me and Lydia and 
Viola Slatt are particularly
good singers, but we'll give it all we got.  You know we will.  Between Barney 
and the Untrained Voice, Mrs.
Poltice's time is all taken up, but maybe Hazel could work us in for a couple 
of practice sessions.
Now, Dixon, about those family pictures.  I meant on a regular basis that 
family pictures were not shown
on the  walls or featured in any kind of prominent place where viewers could 
easily see them each
week.  Yeah, for a special show, every now and then, a series might pull out a 
photograph.  But it's not the
usual thing.  Not then and not now.  The only exception that I recall is that 
show which starred the Olsen
twins (and for the life of me I cannot think of its title just now) but I do 
remember seeing photographs of
the kids on the mantle or somewhere else in the living room.  But the last show 
of "Leave It To Beaver" was
entitled, "The Family Album" and it gave the series a chance to feature a 
Anyway, Thanksgiving is almost here and if I don't have a chance to tell you 
all, I've been here for a number of years.  I love you all and I thank Allan 
for the good work he does in keeping us all together. 
You all have a safe and joyous holiday with your real family and our family 
here in Mayberry, which is almost
just as precious to me, will be here for us, as always.  Isn't that wonderful?
from, Laura Lee Hobbs and the girls (and Mr. Schwump) over at the Dime Store

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Please Don't Cry, It Moves Your Hair

2006-11-20 Thread bcq145
 Dog gone you, Untrained Voice.  With what you wrote yesterday, you made all of 
us at the Dime Store
cry and you know how Lydia hates to cry.  She don't mind gettin' a little 
weepy-eyed, but she hates to
cry.  Even Mr. Schwump broke down so hard his hair piece had to be adjusted.  
Now that's hard crying.
We just wanted you to know, we love and appreciate you, too.
Got to go.  The girls have started up again and when they start, Mr. Schwump 
starts, and oh, lordy, it's
a mess around here.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher, and Sentimental Fool 
with the best of them
"Do the tears on you pillow bespeak the pain that's in your heart?"

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Family Pictures--Now Smile

2006-11-18 Thread bcq145
 Hello, Friends,
Me and the girls were watching my little TV on its 11 inch screen (the one we 
keep at the Dime Store when
business gets a little slow) and you know what we noticed?  Not many of the 
sitcoms keep family pictures
in the homes.  Remember the observation Paul wrote about the picture of Aunt 
Bee in the Taylor's house?
Well, that's about the only family member's picture you will see  that I can 
remember unless
they show a particular photograph for a special show (like Andy or Barney's 
high school picture in the yearbook).  I know it has been discussed that 
perhaps the picture of Opie's mom was not seen because the show was a comedy 
and a photograph of her might cause unhappiness to the viewers. But even
on the sitcoms of todays, photographs of the children in the family will rarely 
be seen in the homes. No pictures of grandparents, cousins, nothing.  It's like 
the family lives in a vacuum.  Did any of you ever notice
Wonder what causes that?  Maybe we ought to ask their doctor.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire, and 
Family Picture Taker
"...all because two little old women's feet fall to sleep."

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What's In A Name?

2006-11-14 Thread bcq145
 Attention:  Mayberry Fans.  Attention:  Mayberry Fans.
The quote  "Gomer didn't tell me.  I heard it from Laura Lee Hobbs over at the 
Dime Store,"  should have
read, "Barney didn't tell me..."
Why is that a person recognizes a mistake as soon as she sends in her post and 
not BEFORE she pushes the
mail button? Does that ever happen to you?   Why can we send a man to the moon 
and yet not make a computer than prints what we want it to print rather than 
what our dumb fingers push?
Stupid, stupid, stupid old computer! 
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire (they 
didn't teach computer when I was in school)

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It Only Hurts When I Bend Over...

2006-11-14 Thread bcq145
 Dear Untrained Voice,
You have a deviated WHAT?  We girls (and boys) over at the Dime Store are 
really concerned about you.
Mr. Schwump wants to know if you have ever tried hanging yourself in the closet 
the way Barney did?  He
says that may straighten things out a bit.  Maybe put a few light weights on 
your feet to pull at both ends.
We are not sure that Miracle Salve can cure this problem, but Emma says you are 
welcome to try a few
of her life-saving pills.  They have saved her  many a time.  
Let us know if we can be of any help.  Meanwhile, keep on with Mrs. Poltice.  I 
know she's hard, but you are
a raw bundle of big undiscovered talent that shouldn't be thrown out with the 
bath water.  That's what Floyd says, anyway.  And you know how wise Floyd can 
be.  You don't cut hair for 30 years and not learn about
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"What's the matter. Ain't you ever seen a man read a newspaper?"

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Gold Truck

2006-11-13 Thread bcq145
 Dear Friends (and you are my friends),
Me and the girls over at the Dime Store have an idea for a Monopoly piece.  
What about a Gold Truck?
Seems to do the trick for us.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"Gomer didn't tell me.  I heard it from Laura Lee Hobbs over at the Dime Store."

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Just What's So Wrong With the Dime Store?

2006-11-09 Thread bcq145
 It was another exciting day at the Dime Store.  Thanks to you, Untrained 
Voice, for answering my question
about which episode it was that contained the epilogue of Barney and Thelma Lou 
smooching in Thel's house.
Sure, you get a free prize:  A bouncy ball, a whistle--I put a new pea in it, 
but I'm not a gonna charge you for it, or a bag of fudge, you name it.  Just so 
it doesn't cost over 50 cents.  I'm not a millionaire, you know.
But what I want to know, Untrained Voice, is if you work with Mrs. Poultice, 
how come you are call the UNtrained Voice.
The girls told me she gave you an "A" in breathing.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher extraordinaire
"Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush. Is that all you can talk about, Leonard Blush?"


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Morelli's Swinger

2006-11-07 Thread bcq145
 Dear Albert Acevedo,
It was an exciting day at the Dime Store.  The girls went crazy reading your 
post, not that many of us have
ever actually been to Morelli's, but you sure sounded like you looked 
sharp--nervous--but sharp.  But don't
worry now, we'll get you through it.
Lydia mostly stays away because of her bad back, you know, and she hates that 
Gypsy music; can't stand
that Gypsy music.  Just remember to tip them a quarter when they come by.  They 
sure can be moody.
Viola says of course you must ask for a doggie-bag if you cannot finish your 
steak.  The Chef will take it as
a compliment.
The only time I ever went was on a double date with Goober and Lydia.  Goober 
said their salt was the best
he ever tasted.  And you know Goober.  He don't hand out compliments like that 
for no reason.
Come by the Dime Store if you want anything extra to make your fine dining and 
dancing experience in the
Big City even more exciting.  Like some male smell good.  We have some good 
stuff over at the Dime
Store and it won't cost you too much.  I know after what you have already 
spent, you probably don't have
a lot left.  Why those wingtips alone probably cost a pretty penny!
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"We usually go Dutch treat."

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They Said What?

2006-11-07 Thread bcq145
It was another exciting day at the Dime Store.  I do my best to keep my 
customers informed--ok no laughing
now--and one way is to buy them newspapers from many different parts of the 
 In a straight from Kelsey's Woods department, the following comes from a paper 
which was running articles about funny things candidates have actually said 
while explaining to the editorial boards why they
should endorse them:
"A guy we'll call Mr. X was running for city council.  He came to the editorial 
board in his sap-streaked coveralls having just come in from the woods where he 
was cooking down maple syrup.  When asked why he wanted to sit on city council, 
he launched into this long explanation about how his rural property had been 
annexed 15 years ago and he didn't want any part of it.
We said, 'Yeah, but Mr. X, if you're elected to city council, you can't 
un-annex your land.'
He said, 'You can't?'  Well, then I don't want on there.  I haven't got time 
for all them meetings anyhow.'
He went back to the woods where we assume he's still cookin' the sap."
Can't you just see somebody like Ernest T. Bass doing something like that?
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk, Gold Truck Watcher and Occasional Sap 
cooker myself
"Ernest T., you aren't stupid.  You're just ignorant."
"You're just being kind."

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Better Be True To Your Girl

2006-11-06 Thread bcq145
 Hello, Friends,
It was another exciting day at the Dime Store.
Thinking about the Melissa story (or as it is entitled "Barney on the Rebound") 
don't you think Andy let Melissa
and her daddy/husband off  too easy?  I mean, as soon as he knew for sure they 
were trying to con poor  old
Barney, all he did was run them out of town.  So they just became somebody 
else's trouble.  Surely they were breaking some kind of number law and he could 
have put them in jail or fined them.  Hurt them a little bit.
Of course now we over at the Dime Store ain't near about knowable over this 
kind of situation.  If we were
we'd be able to do something besides sell stuff that people need at a 
reasonable price.
But as it is, me and the girls do love to get together and talk about what we'd 
like to see happen to people
like that Melissa who hurt our Barney.  Not that Barney didn't get the whole 
thing started by flirting with her
when he had a girl, Thelma Lou. 
Still, Melissa was a mean one!  And her "daddy"?  Well, don't even get us 
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"What would...a girl like that want with a squirt?"

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Two Kissing Scenes

2006-11-05 Thread bcq145
 Dear Doug,
I don't mean to be too picky either but you have completely confused two 
episodes.  Yes, there is the scene where Andy and Opie come in on Thelma Lou 
and Barney kissing--the one where Barney tries to
hide his head in the filing cabinet, the one you remember and it is in the 
episode where 
Barney is in need of a new room; but, the one I was talking about was the 
epilogue showing Andy coming in on Barney at Thel's house and, yes, they were 
"coffee" but  also doing a little smooching because Barney's face is covered 
with Thelma Lou's kisses. To tell the honest truth, I can't be sure of the 
show.  I think it's the
Melissa one, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.  So any help I can get on 
pinpointing which exact show this
epilogue belongs to (Paul, anyone else?) would be appreciated.  This is one 
time I have drawn a blank.  It
happens.  At least to me it does.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk, Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"Haven't you ever seen a man drink a cup of coffee before."  Yeah, he said it.

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Hats, Gloves & Socks, But How Do They Smell?

2006-11-03 Thread bcq145
 Dear Friends,
It was another exciting day at the Dime Store.  Ernest T. Bass came in with a 
bag of freshly killed 'possums.
That guy knows where the money is.
'Possums' pelts?
Daddy, you are sooo right.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire

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Endings We Have Liked

2006-11-02 Thread bcq145
 Dear Friends,
It was another exciting day at the Dime Store.  Ernest T. Bass came over and we 
discussed which epilogue
we thought was the best ending to a particular show.  It was a hard task.  But 
Ernest T's and Lydia's and my top three choices, in no particular order, are:
The  women convict show--where Barney buys the newspaper showing how Floyd 
managed to arrest all
the women right by himself, hilarious.  "Maude, Al, if those hamburgers are 
ruined, I won't be responsible."
The magic kit show--and the ending when it seems to come true about Andy and 
Helen getting married in June after all;  "And you know Barney; he'll believe 
just about anything."
 And last, but certainly not least,
the epilogue where Andy walks in on Barney's face covered with Thelma Lou's 
kisses and Barney just sits there  innocent as he can be, cup of coffee in his 
hand, telling Andy how he and Thel were doing nothing but  talking about their
problems and hoping to work them out.  Great stuff, great stuff.
How can anybody choose which season is the best out of a classic like this show?
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraodinaire,  
"You better get yourself a room."

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1 Plus 1 is 2

2006-11-01 Thread bcq145
Dear Albert and any other interested Miracle Salve Buyer,
 It was another exciting day at the Dime Store.  And yes, you can indeed 
purchase Miracle Salve at the Dime
Store either by the jar (39 cents a bottle) or by the gross, which involves a 
higher level of mathematics which I'm just not inclined to get into right now.  
(Where's Ernest T. Bass when you need him?)
While we don't wish to compete right up front with Weaver's, our motto at the 
Dime Store has always been,
"If we don't have it, you don't need it."  So stock up on all your Miracle 
Salve  right here right now and
avoid the holiday rush.
Great idea you had there, Albert.  Just Great!
Remember though, do NOT ingest the Miracle Salve. 
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"Goober, you were on a date.  You weren't taking medicine."

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Going, Going, Growing

2006-10-31 Thread bcq145
 Lovely People of Mayberry,
If you read my last post, of course, my hair ain't exactly "going" back; 
hopefully, it's "growing" back, but
after what happened with Miracle Salve, we can only pray, can't we?   Anyway, 
wig will arrive soon. Still
ain't heard from Neil "My card in case you ever need my services" Bentley.  But 
I think I have a strong a
case in spite of some evidence to the contrary.  Don't you?
Personally, I don't believe Miracle Salve had one thing to do with Sarah's 
mother's hip healing up as nicely
as it did.  Not one thing.
Laura Lee Hobbs

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Mr. Schwump and His Lusty Head 'o Hair

2006-10-31 Thread bcq145
 It was another exciting day in the Dime Store today.  Mr.  Schwump came in and 
told me where I can
buy a wig to wear while my hair is going back after the unfortunate incident 
with Miracle Salve.  And if
there is one thing that Mr. Schwump knows--and we all know that there is 
definitely one thing that Mr.
Schwump knows--it's where to buy a good hair piece.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
"My cousin Goober ain't stupid.  He's ugly, but he ain't stupid."

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Sarah's Mother, Ya'll Remember Her, Don't Ya?

2006-10-30 Thread bcq145
 It was another exciting day in the Dime Store.  Sarah's mother came by and 
she's 100% in favor of the Miracle Salve.  Said it worked wonders on her hip 
after she injured it at the bowling alley several years
Bless her heart.
'Course, my hair is still falling out in bunches, bunches.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher extraordinaire
"And who in the world is Opie Taylor, Sr.?"

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Salve Brings Heartaches

2006-10-29 Thread bcq145
 Re Miracle Salve at 39 cents a bottle:
A girl tries to save a little money by buying Miracle Salve instead of hair 
products in a beauty parlor and
what does she get?  Heartaches, nothing but heartaches!
Laura Lee Hobbs
P.S.  Lydia reports  J.Oliver responding well to mange cure.

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Calling Mr. Bentley

2006-10-26 Thread bcq145
 Attention:  All people of Mayberry.  Attention:  All people of Mayberry.
Do not use Miracle Salve on human head.  Do not use Miracle Salve on human head.
I do not care what Viola Slatt may have told you.
It will cause hair to come out in bunches.   Bunches...Bunches.
I will be contacting Mr. Neil "My card in case you ever need my services" 
Bentley as soon as possible
to see if I am eligible for any monetary award.
Salve is acceptable for mange on dogs, hoof rot in small sheep, and a glandular 
condition in African wildebeest, but that is all.  Not for human use or human 
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk extraordinaire (and slightly bald at this 
"It just goes to show, if you want a good suit you have to go to Mount Pilot."  
And if you want good
hair products, go to Floyds or the beauty shop, don't listen to Viola Slatt!

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Itchy Head vs Mange

2006-10-26 Thread bcq145
 Hey to All,
Lydia came into the Dime Store early this morning with her lovely but aged dog, 
J. Oliver.  I have told her and
told her to leave him at home, but the girl will not listen to me.  She wanted 
to buy a bottle of Miracle Salve
for J. Oliver; seems that he has another case of the mange.  Poor thing.  He 
suffers from it so.
Viola Slatt was in the store and she said she wasn't naming any names but she 
had heard that some people
use the Salve on their itchy scalp and it worked like, well, like a miracle.  I 
guess that where it got its
I have that problem.  Maybe I ought to use that stuff. 
It couldn't hurt.
Let you know how it turns out.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk extraordinaire and Gold Truck watcher
 "...Here comes Viola Slatt. Biggest gossip in Mayberry" 

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A Serious Floyd

2006-10-24 Thread bcq145
 Dear Jim,
The movie where you saw our Floyd play a doctor was "Anatomy of a Murder," an 
excellent if somewhat
dark film, starring James Stewart and Lee Remick, George C. Scott, Orson Bean, 
and many other well-
known actors.  It did seem rather odd seeing Floyd play a serious role (which 
he did quite well) and yet
he still had a small stammer.  Just goes to show the real actor in the man.
Well, it's cold down here.  No watching out for Gold Trucks for me.  Just the 
honest living of clerking and
helping Lydia to get over her intense and unnatural dislike of guitar music.  I 
tell you, that Girl is a bird
in this world!
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk extraordinaire and Lydia's good friend
"I hate the guitar; I don't mind the clarinet or the saxophone; but I hate the 
guitar."  Lydia

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Leonard Blush To Mask or Not To Mask

2006-10-20 Thread bcq145
 Dear Mike,
Now listen, Mike, I like Leonard Blush just as much, if not better than, you 
do.  But I have to ask:
Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush.  Is that all you people can talk about-- Leonard 
Lydia likes him.  She don't love him.  But she likes him.
Me?  I L-O-V-E him.  Even better when he's wearing the mask.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Leonard Blush fan extraordinaire

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A Hog By Any Other Name Smells As Sweet

2006-10-19 Thread bcq145
 Regarding the fact that once I used to write in as Laura Lee Hobbs, then I 
used the name Lydia, now
I'm back as Laura Lee Hobbs,
a lot of people have split personalities...what of it?
Laura Lee Hobbs (for right now anyway)  "Pretty name."
"Hogette?  Yeah, yeah.  It's French."

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My, What a Pretty Dress You Have On

2006-10-19 Thread bcq145
Did any of you ever notice the following thing:  Aunt Bee often wore the
same outfits over and over, just like we do in real life,  while today's 
actresses--even if they are not suppose to be rich--usually never wear the same
outfit twice on their show?
We certainly saw Aunt Bee's dresses more than once.  And granted I don't watch 
too many of today's series.
So perhaps it's just the ones I pick.  But once an actress wears an outfit, you 
won't see her in it again.  But not Aunt Bee.  She's a regular girl.
Laura Lee Hobbs, as regular as you can get over at the Dime Store and out at 
Highway 6 Looking Out for Gold
  Trucks, helping Lydia overcome her aversion to chit-chat

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Barney, Thel, Juanita, Sitting in a Tree

2006-10-16 Thread bcq145
 Hello, good people of Mayberry,
I've been having a little correspondence with a sweet lady, Marie to be exact, 
and she got me wondering about
the differences in the girls Barney dated.
Obviously, we never even got to see Juanita.  But don't we all have in our 
minds what that lady looked like?
I figure dark-hair set in sort of a beehive, red lipstick, lots of eye makeup, 
not heavy but a little hippy maybe (some junk in the trunk), pretty face and a 
big flirt.  Just about the opposite of Thelma Lou.  And unlike Thel, Juanita 
did not slap so often, if you know what I mean.
I think Thelma Lou was beautiful (to me, she was much more attractive than 
Helen, though Helen was pretty
especially when she smiled).  And frankly, while Andy was handsome enough that 
it never surprised me
that pretty girls were drawn to him,  Barney was proof that being less than 
perfect is no hindrance to
getting the ladies.  Barney was a confident man, most of the time,  and this 
seemed to come through.
Women do like confident men.   And they liked our Andy and our Barney, even if 
these two were about as opposite
as opposites can be.
"I want to hear it from his own thin lips."  (Odd.  To me, Barney's lips were 
the only FULL things about that
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire, and I 
think I would have dated either Barney or Andy.  I have more in common with 
Andy, but I probably would have had a better--if cheaper date--with Barney.

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Barney Fife--The Good

2006-10-13 Thread bcq145
 Hello, Good People of Mayberry,
We all know the qualities of Barney that made him, well, human.  He could be 
weak.  He wasn't faithful to
Thelma Lou.  Heaven knows his pride got the better of him more times than it 
should have.  And he may not
have been the best deputy in the world no matter how much Andy tried to tell 
him he was.  Yeah, a lot of
times Barney acted like a big kid and Andy was the grown-up.
But he had wonderful qualities too.
He was neat.  Once he was aware of another human in need, his compassion knew 
no bounds. (Remember,
after Andy reminded him of poor, widow Olive with four children, Barney decided 
to let her keep the extra quarter tip, bless her heart.)   He was an honest 
person.  And he was loyal, in the emotional sense.  Thelma
Lou was always his true girl, Andy always his best friend.  Even though Barney 
could be tight with Thelma
Lou, he dug deep when  friends were being kicked out of their homes.
And, in my opinion, Barney was better than most people in admitting his faults. 
 It did not come easy to him,
but deep inside Barney knew what his weaknesses were. He could face Andy and 
say, "I'm sorry.  I was a
durn fool."
Maybe,  just maybe, that was his greatest strength. 
Anyho, that's just my thoughts for today.  Love to hear yours.
Laura Lee Hobbs, clerking at the Dime Store and checking out Gold Trucks
"That's right.  Right now you're acting like a big kid!"

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Spelling-- It's the Hardest Course

2006-10-10 Thread bcq145
 Dear Harriet and All you other picky spellers out there,
Yes, Heaven knows we don't have enough accurate spellers in our world.  But if 
we are going to be accurate,
let's go all the way and include our dear Allan Newsome (not Allen, as some 
spell the name).
But me and my Lydia just happen to live in a glass house and, personally, we 
don't like to throw stones.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher--not stone thrower.
"Oh, there's a lot of different ways you can spell Fife.  Win with Taylor!"

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Odd Facts Known By Few

2006-10-06 Thread bcq145
 As a member of the 99.9% who did not know about Goober's sisters or the failed 
series pilot show,
may I be one of the first to say, aren't we lucky to have Paul?
"Well, Wynken will tell Blynken, Blynken will tell Nod, Nod will tell Barney, 
and Barney will tell you."
No, you did not know about it, Lydia, and stop saying that you did!
Laura Lee Hobbs,  "Barney didn't tell me.  I heard about from Laura Lee Hobbs 
over at the Dime Store."

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Goober As An Only Child

2006-10-03 Thread bcq145
 In the episode of Howard as the "Big Brother" (when he agrees to mentor a 
teenage troubled boy and falls
for the boy's older sister), Goober mentions that he (Goober) is an only child. 
 However, I clearly remember
a show about Goober's brilliant brother.  This was probably in the Mayberry RFD 
But I was just wondering if any trained noticer out there picked up on this.  
So long for now.  Yesterday was Lydia's birthday and she's still sick from 
eating all the chocolate she was
given.  That girl has no impulse control.
Laura Lee Hobbs, over at the Dime Store still looking out for Gold Trucks and 
taking care of  Lydia

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It's Me, It's Me--It's Laura Lee

2006-10-03 Thread bcq145

 Hello, Mayberry friends and relatives,
After being off the air for several weeks--and it was a pain, don't you 
know?--me and Lydia are now back
amongst you all here in the pleasant land of Mayberry.  What a pleasure it is 
just to breathe the air.
I'll try not to cause too much trouble.  I'll keep an eye on that Lydia.  We'll 
both mind our mouths and keep
to the traffic laws.
What's that Lydia?  Just shut up and stop sticking you head out the car window 
like you was a dog!  Dog gone it!  There goes your hair ribbon again,
Well, bye for now.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk extraordinare and Gold Truck Lover, don't yah 

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Fwd: It's Me, It's Me--It's Laura Lee

2006-10-03 Thread bcq145

 Hello, Mayberry friends and relatives,
After being off the air for several weeks--and it was a pain, don't you 
know?--me and Lydia are now back
amongst you all here in the pleasant land of Mayberry.  What a pleasure it is 
just to breathe the air.
I'll try not to cause too much trouble.  I'll keep an eye on that Lydia.  We'll 
both mind our mouths and keep
to the traffic laws.
What's that Lydia?  Just shut up and stop sticking you head out the car window 
like you was a dog!  Dog gone it!  There goes your hair ribbon again,
Well, bye for now.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk extraordinare and Gold Truck Lover, don't yah 

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Fwd: It's Me, It's Me--It's Laura Lee

2006-10-01 Thread bcq145
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 2:48 PM
Subject: It's Me, It's Me--It's Laura Lee

 Hello, Mayberry friends and relatives,
After being off the air for several weeks--and it was a pain, don't you 
know?--me and Lydia are now back
amongst you all here in the pleasant land of Mayberry.  What a pleasure it is 
just to breathe the air.
I'll try not to cause too much trouble.  I'll keep an eye on that Lydia.  We'll 
both mind our mouths and keep
to the traffic laws.
What's that Lydia?  Just shut up and stop sticking you head out the car window 
like you was a dog!  Dog gone it!  There goes your hair ribbon again,
Well, bye for now.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk extraordinare and Gold Truck Lover, don't yah 

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Holidays & Weather

2006-08-28 Thread bcq145
  Hey, Friends,

I'm a little behind times, but someone asked if Halloween was ever observed in 
Mayberry.  It was mentioned in the episode when Ed Sawyer comes into town 
wanting to make Mayberry his home  when Barney is in the barber shop telling
Andy about the time he "arrested" some twelve-year old boys for ringing door-
bells and running off at Halloween last year.  (Barney wanted permission to run
Ed Sawyer in for ringing Lucy's doorbell.)  So, I guess that provides some 
that Halloween was observed in Mayberry.
Take care of yourselves.  Man, it's hot down here.  Laura Lee Hobbs can't even
watch out for Gold Trucks it's so hot.  Now that's hot!
Lydia,   "Like Calvin Coolidge always said, 'People talk about the weather, but 
nobody can do anything about it.' "  (Floyd)
"Floyd, Calvin Coolidge didn't say that.  Mark Twain said it."  (Andy)
"Well, he must have said something.  He was the President."  (Floyd)

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News from our Show

2006-08-17 Thread bcq145
Hello, Everyone!

Me and Laura Lee Hobbs thought Brian's idea of inviting all the former kid 
from TAGS to share with us their behind the scenes memories of the show was
just great.  I welcome all the information I can get on my Andy's and what I 
best is any little secrets of the cast and crew.  Since most of  the outtakes, 
from what I understand, have been destroyed, all we have now is the memories of 
people involved with the show.  And I would love to hear from anyone.  Who 
knows?  We may even learn the real identity of our Mr. Schwump.  Now, wouldn't
that be a kick!
 Lydia--"Give some people a mail sack and it goes right to their heads."

WBMUTBB mailing list

Oldies but Goldies--Their Nice!

2006-08-15 Thread bcq145
Hey, Everybody!

I was over at the Dime Store buying up another pair of binoculars and me and
Laura Lee Hobbs discussed why people did not use the show's proper titles,
and why people don't use a little effort and look up some of their questions for
We are not experts by any means, but we figured that if the only things used
were the question and the show's title, it would probably confuse the new  
even if they had aids  because some titles are rather similar in the plot to 
other shows.  For example, just think how many episodes have dealt with Barney 
his singing/choir or Aunt Bee and romance?  
Now, us oldies but goldies, would know a show from its title without any aid; 
heck, me and Laura Lee Hobbs can see
a five-second frame--without sound--and know what show is airing.  But we are
pros.  We are oldies but goldies.
And, yeah, a true Mayberry fan should buy all the books, etc.  and most of the 
questions would already be answered. But that would cut down on our Digest, and
I would never want that.
It's a theory of me and Laura Lee Hobbs that a lot of the people who write in 
to the Digest write less for the exact answer and more for the company that 
their question or observation may provide them.
Like I said, we ain't the smartest gals in the world.  But the next time 
someone writes in wanting to know what happened to Opie's mom or letting the 
world know
what he/she called a soft drink, be tolerant and most of all, be kind.  The 
is Big, but the world can be lonesome, and the words you write  have more power 
than you think.
Lydia, "She's nice.  She's real nice."

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