Re: Puzzle of a Downfall Child

2006-01-24 Thread phanero

thx peter.
it is on dvd.. i just watched it last night.. try video search of miami
by the looks of this disc, it came from there or a similiar service..
its a total burn job, with a printed sticker. It has french subtitles,
i mean you can't turn them off. its from some lost euro vhs.

the big attraction of this film for me is Viveca Lindfors.
I cannot get enough of her earlier work, mainly the 60's
early seventies stuff.. amazing actress. and hard to find
these films.

- Original Message -
From: Peter Ciccariello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: Puzzle of a Downfall Child

Missed that in the 70's.
Wish it was on DVD.


-Original Message-
From: phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:49:01 -0800
Subject: Puzzle of a Downfall Child

 Puzzle of a Downfall Child

Living in a state of grace must
Be a matter of perception's
Sharpening the mask the
Way a trimming hook winds
Mr. Wong

Winds Uwe who was once
A sculptress in another life
These are the Damned
And now your red beehive
Convertible is hot for men

Like the ethereal doctor
And where your screaming
Gorgonic gasp-fish blew
The soothing straightjacket
Of the beach playing castanets

I only remember your face
Passing into oblivion
As if a garden of screeching
Had finally laid down
A heavy yellow liquid mule

 written while remembering Jerry Schatzberg's 1970 film, Puzzle of a
Downfall Child

Portrait of the Artist as a Face' Bruta Curiositas

2006-01-24 Thread phanero

for Georges-Louis LeClerc and the Comte de Buffon
in memory of their Pickled Monsters 1749 from Histoire naturelle.

Portrait of the Artist as a Face' Bruta Curiositas Sequestered w/i His Own
Face' Bruta Curiositas-Kabinett.. (13Mgs)

Re: From Bjørn Magnhi1døen (Waiting for your respo nse)

2006-01-23 Thread phanero

Why do I have things in my mind like certain frenchman
like amputee girls? Why not italians, or frenchwomen, or Phoenixians?
Why not the gentle folk of Alabama? Why not people everywhere?

Gentle love swims through all these lands and makes a house like a buboe
for small drink.

Small drink told me something today:
The body is the body, and the soul is the soul,
and when you can't stand it no more, you gots to go..

an small drink didnt say:

Empress beards they float so holy..


plz, pleez, babeee lemonade...

ugly is from ugga
beauty, bellus

what did the phoenixians say?

Sanchoniathon, a Phoenician author, who if the fragments of his works that 
have reached us be genuine, and if such a
person ever existed, must be regarded as the most ancient writer of whom we 
have any knowledge after Moses. As to the
period when be flourished, all is uncertain. He is the author of three 
principal works, which were written in
Phoenician. They were translated into the Greek language by Herennius Philo, 
who lived in the second century A.D. It is
from this translation which we obtain all the fragments of Sanchoniathon that 
have reached our times. Philo had divided
his translation into nine books, of which Porphyry made use in his diatribe 
against the Christians. It is from the
fourth book of this lost work that Eusebius took, for an end directly opposite 
to this, the passages which have come
down to us. And thus we have those documents relating to the mythology and 
history of the Phoenicians from the fourth
Sanchoniathon makes mention of a history which he once wrote upon the worship 
of the serpent. The title of this work,
according to Eusebius, was Ethothion, or Ethothia.

old norse and late latin
are scabs
and thin
Captain Cook leaf mulch

but there's a sense
in a sense
that the same particles
can do different things

beauties and hadrons.

oh i don't know
they're all sites of production

did you hear about the lion vs 40 midget fight in cambodia?
20 midgets dead and the government got half the ticket price..

La Strada by Nino Rota

Re: gift - QuickTime video

2006-01-23 Thread phanero

my thing lately is too use the word vagina, or to think 

of the vagina as a symbol for the concept of kunstwollen 
ie the mistaken isness of desire as needing an object, ie 
a lame conjurors trick, but your vagina had this nice 
liminality, it appeared between the fingers and somehow 
non-libidinal spiritual eroticism of form as "becoming 
ie the eroticism of plants.. but not just plants, but a 
kind of solar-lotus-bud,
an illuminated budding.. or budding (buddhing of 
illumination) buddi-bud lum-lumi
that was good stuff bro. and i dug the courbet-ingre 
looking stuff too.. and did you notice
in my hangul-wolf piece the mention of the "half woman" 
which totally reflected your
composition.. she was only there from the torso up.. and 
the wolf poem
which was a weird find, a tenth century "mannerist" arabic 
poet had a similiar
dismemberment.. i love it.. what it means? 

I'm not allowed to buy booksfor now but check this 

  - Original Message - 
  Lewis LaCook 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 6:28 
  Subject: Re: gift - QuickTime video
  ---i'm glad someone else saw a vagina there 
  too...thought i was just being too 

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Re: The Tale of Gordon Bremsstrahlung and Bitter Cherry

2006-01-22 Thread phanero

heh, Gordon certainly has a bit of a Ciccariello look to it..
thx Peter. I think the under-image was an experimental plasma etcher.
There's a black Attic Gorgo plate reduction and what is that lady,
a Tissot maybe.. not sure where I got the snake lady or Gordon
and the actual equation for Bremsstrahlung radiation is splayed
vertically across bitter cherry, i think, though it may have been to long
and i used some further derivation.. bitter cherry was total trance-pasting
have no idea what most of is, except for the herbal image namesake
and a few cute word forms, autille and xaiki, which i took as a petit auteur
or like someversion of pastille those pills that make an image when you throw
them in water (do you know the scene  and novel i mean? hehe) and
xaiki seemed like shaky.. and there's a child's drawing of a cat-erpillar
which i thought was just so sweet a way to express iconism but you can
barely tell its a cat.. also the reason i put the matheme expression vertically
was to create that crescent shape. i saw a map which had a picture of the
fertile crescent and it seemed meaningful that it had an actual sort of symbolic
form to it, you know, not like ohio or something, but actually seemed
kind of a mythic echo of the moon, a kind of lunargraphic demiurgo
a fecundating stain, or some form of holographic burn.. hard to articulate
like a petri-dish idea, anyway irrelevant or ontic, but that's the kind of junk
that goes into it.. thanks Peter..


- Original Message -
From: Peter Ciccariello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: The Tale of Gordon Bremsstrahlung and Bitter Cherry

Wildly excellent!

-Peter Ciccariello

-Original Message-
From: phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 09:42:21 -0800
Subject: The Tale of Gordon Bremsstrahlung and Bitter Cherry

 [two minis]

The Tale of Gordon Bremsstrahlung...


Bitter Cherry

[Prunus Emarginata: kilobug autille]

Comme Portes Dans Un Ovale Haletant

2006-01-22 Thread phanero

Comme Portes Dans Un Ovale Haletant

Les Poupees Claustrophobes
Sommeil dans les marais
Augmentation avec de l'eau dégoûtants.
Sommeil à l'air
Des moustiques ronflant

Arrangement d'extraits de grue
Vers le bas dans les roseaux tordus
Une balise bleue
Jettera sa barbe négligente
La rudesse de l'oppression

Bords de la Somme
À qui lacunes s'entrepénètrant
Dissolvez leurs surfaces assassinées
Présentez un bec parfait
À qui poupée est un non a muré le prisme

Trenez les coeurs propres des oiseaux
Et lavez les briques huileuses là où ce
Marais bleu  rassemblement un savon épineux
Pour cette fabrique de conserves
Les poupées argentées de toux

Recently on Phaneronoemikon

2006-01-21 Thread phanero

Recently on Phaneronoemikon

Re: gift - QuickTime video

2006-01-21 Thread phanero

it kind of took on the qualities of a sea-creatyrr for me
and seem to express some form of alienation, made me think
of Brecht's concept of the Verfremdung which has its parallels
in poetics theory (can't think of the word) make it strange

by verfremdung i get a sense of the hand's alienation from the body
and then there is the moment when the space between the fingers
became a kind of illuminated vagina which made me think of both
post-strucuralism in the sense of one series abruptly generating
a different series by a change in perspektiv

but it also made me think of the  Hinayâna Sarvâstivâdin
of the infinite momentary dharmas we assemble
into intelligibility

and of ignorance as cause, the whole panoply of buddhist
references coming out of that hand as a mudra

but a floppy mudra moving between series
and Mary herself like a chimera of 19th century painting
like an echo of Courbet but blurred
to become a sphinx of optics, something verging
on the melting subconscious forms of Redon
though not melancholic

almost sarcastic
the cocky polysemous?

there is a kind of chickenhouse quality to it as well
holding up the claw
it even looks like a chicken foot at one point

anyhow some short circuiting
duhkha //  a chariot axle not working quite right

the hand a hydra in the foreground
a shimmering emblem of changeable appearance
a Vertumnus-Mudra

in the background
the stable authentic ground of 'Mary

or Maybe its Just lewis
Monkeying w/ the camera


- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: gift - QuickTime video

not sure how this is to be 'read' but it's beautiful - the hand looks a
lot like a child's and i found myself moving through a number of
narratives simultaneously - alan

On Sat, 21 Jan 2006, Lewis LaCook wrote:
 for Mary

 QuickTime video, 2006
 1 minute 38 seconds
 5.88 MB


 sign up now! poetry, code, forums, blogs, newsfeeds...

Yahoo! Photos
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, 

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

insignificant magnificat

2006-01-21 Thread phanero





)slee p tai l wol f fa
foon la

ozone burrows

full shell



a bright paddle
intricate of ray, meant





of hands

a clay

by people
each a polariton


the will
of radiation's

of totemic beings

radiation totem
alien machinic drone
familiarizing the forest

prone to exciton

the tiny red mushroom
british soldiers
the african


obbly-ompten gox

honey sacks
on the altar
of the levitating rootball
of light's artifice

pine mind chandilier
smear of grackle and white moss

mishapen golden foetus
janus flecked with poison gems
feathered cochlea horns
unfurling like ferns
in the invisible wave function


soldered t o t i n
a distance in his eyes
rolling one cigarette after another
rambling about the murder of cows
in Viet Nam

the tidy pile of butts
the steady flow of words

we listen

and move away later
to discuss
our knights armor

a suit of speaker tiles

we scream in the lobby
playing air guitar
looking at breasts

the coke machine
had a black widow mother
we cherished
and watched give birth

i would listen
to the janitor play the violin
3 am
red beans and sri racha we would share
at the silent paintings

Gene ( as grandad delimited delight )

was such an elegant gentleman
his corduroys
his easy manner
and love of good scotch

painting bluebonnets
like a texas titian

the irrelevant stories
he would tell
of old cable cars through dallas

and the parties
of the wives of oil barons
where he'd make himself
just to sell
the work

so he could retire to france
and paint
however he wanted to

never be a social metaph or

a long sigh
just sloping
the sign

molasses over







honeycomb-bach calculus bed
bede sleeping insignificant

fossilized gristle
of rainbow anti-dirge

Re: Hypergraphic Love Poem

2006-01-17 Thread phanero

I like that page turning software magik, but the first 
time i saw that was here
this site is about the Venezuelan avant-garde group El 
Techo de la Ballena,
and also Vincente do Rego Monteiro.. I would like to know 
more about these folks.


  - Original Message - 
  John M. 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 5:02 
  Subject: Re: Hypergraphic Love Poem
  Wonderful to see these things, Lucio - e o 
  portugues nao e problema para mim -JohnAt 05:44 PM 1/16/2006, 
  you wrote:
  You don't ask twice, pal!Here 
you get:Unfortunately almost everything in Portuguese. Read between the 
letters! I think I 
already posted it here before 'cus it is from 03 but it is growing! A 
magazine which has almost 30 years in paper, now reaches the net. I am in 
the middle, try to find it... 
- Lovely work with Flash by the master of this technique, as far as I see, 
Pipol. I am also there, with a poem which could be read in English:who? 
/ this woman/ who has me/ inside her / almost every day (quem? essa 
mulher/que me tem/dentro dela/quase todo dia)You may find something 
also at www.file.orgPlanning to 
show a little bit more this year. For the time on I need the hell of a cable 
to conect my Mini DV to computer and copy some images of my last 
performance... I am trying to get to it.all the bestLucio 
BROn 1/16/06, mIEKAL aND [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Lucio, great to have you back on the list. Send us some links of 
  things you've been working on. I wish I could figure out how to make 
  the piece a lot smaller in file size, but more compression flattened 
  everything  it lost the effect of layers of light.
  On Jan 16, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Lucio Agra wrote: 
Not only the images are great, but the sound... w! Greetings 
Dear fellows
How did I miss you... Your messages were stuck in my old mailbox for 
almost 2 semesters. Now I was able to have you back (or me, back with 
you) and it makes me so glad!
Cheers to all
Lucio BR
PS: Many thanks to John Bennet and Alan Sondheim.
On 1/15/06, mIEKAL aND  

  Writing a light poem with 
  our new Lumix camera—night equals light—obscure flamingo can-can for 
  three legged dancing—a love poem for Camille. (35mb) 

  John M. BennettCurator, Avant 
  Writing CollectionRare Books  Manuscripts LibraryThe Ohio State 
  University Libraries1858 Neil Av MallColumbus, OH 43210 
  USA(614) 292-3029[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.johnmbennett.net___ 

Re: 2 John Bennett: WW

2006-01-17 Thread phanero

i think you've got the wrong guy!
check Kostelanitz's Dictionary of the Avant-Garde for Clarification..

write John?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:18 AM
Subject: 2 John Bennett: WW

JB, do you mind sharing a story or two about the writer William
Wantling? I'm reading up on the guy and am curious to get more info.

You mention that you connected with him here:

so I thought there might be more to the story you could tell.


Said Comanini to Vertumnus

2006-01-17 Thread phanero

Il grottesco non meno anche 
quando in far una cosa un'altra 
Quindi i concetti so si oscuri e 
ch'usciti paion fuor dal gran 
-from G.P. Lomazzo's "Rime ad imitazione 
de grotteschi" [Milan, 1587]

and to thesad icastic music
of nods and tongueless motions
those men in the Roman sewers sang

as they dragged the stone head of Constantine
like a mop
through the labyrinth of wastes

and to the sad music
I have sang
after weaving a shit-christ
whose dreaming brain
and eyes 
of artificial maggots

were tiny machines
which might gather into 
a copulating tentacle

like the rays of
the image itself
like Davinci's Scaramuccia
looking tenderly
upon Quarles' Phaneronomikon
at 5:54 pm, 1-16-06

and the moon
is still the severed head
of King Solipsis
where oceans
of Senatorial brain sperm
join in the congress
of the chaotic umwelt
of the obliterated boundary
of natura/cultura
and make a cultus of nature
a clockwork orange
which defies banality

or is this simply
the presentation
of an obscure
invisible knot

a fabric of adorable improbabilities

deformis formositas ac formosa deformitas

I declare a New Middle Ages, one which
is pierced by a New Renaissance

as inTebaldi's 
The Blinding of Polyphemus

Otake up your monstrous Pan-pipes, blind 
and blow, you are healed!


2006-01-16 Thread phanero

if you launch then go into the projects section
some pretty interesting qt work is avail.

Lau Tzukalski's Jade Chin Dragon

2006-01-15 Thread phanero

tzermatismeng: Lau Tzukalski's Jade Chin Dragon Fountain

Re: 4/365

2006-01-15 Thread phanero

had to try it out..

In those days Noel and I had built the largest wooden skateboard ramp
(with decks) that we could find reference to. His dad was an ex-convict doctor
who had planted rows of marijuana like corn in a drug fueled haze.

Kit helped us build it. His dad was a one-armed alcoholic who had lost
his arm in an industrial meat grinder in the family business as a teen, but 
dad was brilliant and designed solar energy heating systems.

Shelly was gang-raped after she snorted X at a Fraternity party. She
wasn't really raped, but she regretted her actions. She attempted suicide
on the roof of the building where it happened. One of the boys saved her life.

Justin's wealthy family lived in an ultra-modern round walled house. His dad 
real samurai swords and we played Dungeons and Dragons there, and watched
the Night Flight classic J Men. He was instantly decapitated in a car 

Araucaria araucana

2006-01-15 Thread phanero

some say social knowlede
attenuation is

lemur pine
monkey kind

Carthage Flaubert defies

lizard cat Paduan
in bamboo tiger thicket

some what enter woven
knot come out dog
forth width

superimposed itself

on southeast district
Monkey Puzzle

cryptomundi tiger-dog

pine shadow rustling
Gibralter conifer glyptic

jade bypath curio
true gold curio comparisons

colossal green chrysanthemum headed lemur-lion
of true curio society
whose weight in gold
is a complicated starkness
a proportional skeleton
gnawed by pine-quilled hogs
in a porcupine-quiled non-explanation
of our birth results


this morose golden tiger-monkey-bamboo
whose complacent conifer
is Araucaria araucana,
Father Pine of
Alvaro, the man in charge
of the slaughtering and butchering,
who told me that it was his horse
that had been killed and that
now each family would buy meat
from him to take to the Nguillatun.

[no subject]

2006-01-14 Thread phanero

How come?
-OK, there are two mirrors reflecting each other endlessly

I like this alot Bjorn, though I would
remind you of the Edogawa Rampo story
The Hell of Mirrors

i also liked

-So everything has to stop to be an experience?
-When it is an experience it has stopped

though it is and isnt a simplification,
there are discret experiences, but there is the woff and weft,
leitmotiv, return, structure of memory etc, partical and wave baby,
think of it this way
siamese clones connected by hyperfine transdimensional neo-umbilicals

yes? you mustnt believe the [what is the term] exarchy of representation
the field is continuous

- Original Message -
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:28 AM

-Since everything passes, how is it there are experiences?
-What experiences are you talking about?

-So what do you make of the alarm going off right now?
-In each moment I don't hetar anything

-But isn't it right that in each moment you hear the alarm?
-But then how would you know if it stopped or not?

-If it stopped I wouldn't hear anything
-But isn't it so that when it stops you hear it?

-So everything has to stop to be an experience?
-When it is an experience it has stopped

-So where are the changes and the difference between sense impressions?
-It's a calculation, like 7-5=2

-So 2 is an experience?
-2 is an abstract number

-What is this dialogue?
-It didn't take place

-How can we learn anything?
-You're getting deeper in the shit

-How come?
-OK, there are two mirrors reflecting each other endlessly

-I see
-Well, if you saw them they wouldn't

-I see
-If you do you don't


2006-01-13 Thread phanero

webmural (11Mg)

Re: Chary Ode to an Apocalyptic Sandbox

2006-01-12 Thread phanero

i don't know man..
i wrote a whole long response

the informational uncanny
nuff said

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: Chary Ode to an Apocalyptic Sandbox

You have an uncanny relationship to information; of course I didn't 'pull'
out of the work what you intended. Can you say something about this (i.e.
information, not pulling), for that matter magic(k) or the spiritual which
seems to inform these pieces (btw I don't mean spiritual in the new-age
sense)? - thanks, Alan

Jose Lezama Lima's Mule

2006-01-12 Thread phanero

Numerical / STEP
Numerical / PLANAR
Numerical / AGATE
Numerical / SUNKEN
Numerical / HILL
Numerical / MULTIPLE
Numerical / REFLECT
Numerical / VEINS
Numerical / CILIA
Numerical / LAMELLA
Numerical / PETAL
Numerical / SHEEN
Numerical / MOON
Numerical / INT
Numerical / MOD
Numerical / CASSINI
Numerical / HEAVE
Numerical / TWIST
Numerical / RONDO
Numerical / FUNCTION
Numerical / QUALTIC2
Numerical / STRATA
Numerical / POLYHEDRA
Numerical / NET
Numerical / AGGRIGATE
Numerical / MANDELBROT
Numerical / CHAOS1
Numerical / CHAOS
Numerical / HOSE
Numerical / POLAR
Numerical / BEADS
Numerical / MOIRE
Numerical / SHELL
Numerical / TUBE
Numerical / RECURSIVE
Numerical / JULIA
Numerical / COIL
Numerical / FRAME
Numerical / QUALTIC1
Numerical / SPHERES
Numerical / ODDSPHERE
Numerical / CONNECT
Numerical / TETRA
Numerical / CUBES
Numerical / QUALTIC
Poetic / TIME
Poetic / FLUID
Poetic / WORLD
Poetic / CITY
Poetic / AIR
Poetic / CHERRY
Poetic / GATHER
Poetic / MELT
Poetic / EAT
Poetic / FLIGHT
Poetic / CRUISE
Poetic / SHADOW
Poetic / FLOW
Poetic / GLOW
Poetic / ARRAY
Poetic / INQUIRE
Poetic / LAY
Poetic / PLASMA
Poetic / WIND
Poetic / FIELD
Poetic / GALAXY
Poetic / WHITE
Poetic / BLUE
Poetic / BLACK
Poetic / SPHERE
Poetic / TWILL
Poetic / CLOSED
Poetic / CORE
Virtual / OTHERS


2006-01-12 Thread phanero

Donna Kuhn made this poem from a back channel conversation
we've been having including some poems from myself.


o elizabeth was an orphan and her fictions were
charred and arbitrary
not orphans of birds at hitlers feet, our machine cars
bit cigars

the coal is proud and spams my mail sockets
watch the offended and swaddling blinking bird

hand painted art has slanderous hands
bird insect a lazy asshole
fish and hear your mind

misanthropic boring cherubs
the foot with the new lantern

trumpet brain, never ending mule-socks
twilight is mean, 10 birds mending berries

wrong canvas music, bird is here
hand more rabbits to childhoods chicken cherubs

humanity heaves and munches a square
never-ending dugong cabinet

lazy skeletons, fascination, hell lace
orphan lanterns, paper throws the genius water

chicken bit thru empty berries like birds paper

bloody eye munching ekphrastic spam
ears are hand painted for hitlers canvas

your foot is red and feels coal skeletons
mother is talking with the humans

boring insect face
hitler is in rows

he is a giant and he tied our skis

little eye music scolded my stubbed morning

childhoods chains are one

carthapian fig-muscled berry lines
find your text cigars said the spam gravies

beardless and tired of fan mail

wolfskin bird, mail your childhood a bone
morning morning sleeping disturbingly

take your vendors non-existence
your arbitrary mind

somewhere the mountains wrestle your eye berries

humanity, well, the breaks be hell

i hear youre finding humans in the cabinet
bad policy ceramic, get fish chains

not published beardless pages of twilight music
face the lace heave brain, dragging berries bird

Re: two films for large projection

2006-01-11 Thread phanero

oh yes of course, but the vehicle is a virtual automaton, implying (to me only 
the horrific yet wondrous automatism of those vectors.. i think Bellmer's 
libidinous poupee
reaches into the same manifold, the enigmatic drives of representation and 

and these images do seem cathartic (not personally so, per se) to me
which in some strange dreamworld of my own design
snuggles up to some possibly rogue sense of apotropaicism
though what use that sense is, is quite debatable..

the compactifaction (as a sense of effigy) of all the terrors
went before us
as an omen, a doll, twisting within the silent schreamata

the filmic copulation an objectification of the copula, the 'is' of mistaken 
that 'babel-as-desiring-machine' which 'draws' forth the 'action' of the 
as a 'praxis' within the inertia of determination..

and from Wolfgang Kayser a nod to the Grotesque, which these surely are:

In spite of all the helplessness and horror inspired by the dark forces which 
lurk in and behind our world and have
power to estrange it, the truly artistic portrayal effects a secret liberation. 
The darkness has been sighted, the
ominous powers discovered, the incomprehensible forces challenged. And thus we 
arrive at a final interpretation of the

in praise

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: two films for large projection

Thanks, I've been working fairly small for the Web, like your image as

It's not Belmer that's inspiring me, it's the violence of war and the
annihilation of space-time by desire, momentarily, nothing holds -

- Alan

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .


2006-01-11 Thread phanero


In order to ascertain just how wide-ranging thisnew 
form of play was, the semantic realm of theword Desengaño should be 
examined. The word isvitually untranslatable today, due to its 
complexity.It is the opposite of the word engaño (error, illusion,charm, 
deception, hoax, trickery, pretence) andcovers a vast territory that ranges 
from 'discovery'(as in 'discover a deception'), 'disillusion' 
or'disenchantment' to nuances such as 'disappointment'and 'sadness'. The 
eighteenth-century Spanish dictionarygave the word three principle meanings, 
all related:Desengaño. s.m.Luz de verdad, conocimiento del error 
con que se sale delengaño. Lat. Erroris 
cognitio.[The light of truth, the exposing of the error that helps 
dispelthe charm.]Desengaño. Se llama tambien el objeto que exercita 
aldesengaño. Lat. Quod erroris cognitionem 
excitat.[It also means by which we discover a 
deception.]Desengaño. Vale assimismo claridad que se dice a 
otro,echandole la falta en la cara. Lat. Proprum libere dicterum.[Can also be used 
to mean a truth we have told another bythrowing an error in his 
face]It was as part of this relative polysemantism that 
eighteenth-centurymoral literature used the word. An eloquent testimony to 
this isFather Feyjoo's collected essays intitled 'Universal critical 
theatreor diverse discourses of all kinds to be used for the exposing 
ofcommon errors' (Teatro critico universal o discursos varios 
detodo genero de materias para el desengaño communes errores, 
1725-8).Goya's etchings also work in the same way. Thus in the 
inscriptionon the frontispiece to the 'Dreams' the author specifies that 
theiraim is to 'banish (desterrar) harmful, vulgar beliefs and to 
perpetuatein this work of caprices the solid testimony of truth'. The 
advertisementin the Diario de 
Madrid, on the other hand, speaks of 'the censure of humanerror and 
vices' (censura de los errores y vicios 
humanos). In the self-portaitfrontispiece to the final series Goya 
includes additional elements from his ownauthorial mise en scène. He places himself, as we have 
seen, in a dualposition: on the one hand, he is a desengañado ( a disappointed, 
disenchantedperson), 'sad' and 'contemptuous', and, on the other, a desengañador (he whodisenchants, who 
discovers a deception).There is a degree of shrewdness and, at the same 
time, a degree of violencein the very act of disenchantment. The literary 
figure of the Desengañado/Desengañador, as invented by 
someone like Quevedo or Gracián, is a dualand duplicitous creation. The 
Desengañado/Desengañador - the 
disenchantedperson who disenchants - knows in this instance that all is lies 
and illusions.Even the word 'world' (mundus), which originally meant 'clean', is a 
lie. Theworld, explains Gracián, is dirty and foul: 'mundus imundus'. Everything isback to 
front, and the Desengañado/Desengañador 
is the one who knows itand who reveals it. He always has one eye open (el cyclopes), adds Quevedo,and is 
therefore capable of seeing the inside of things (mirar por dentro),seeing through 
appearances, recognizing deceptions, scanning the world inreverse (mirar al rebes). The Desengañado/Desengañador is the one whocan 
see, and who reveals that the world is representation, spectacle,appearance 
and deception. Goya gets into the skin of this dual person, ashis 
self-portrait and the structure of the Caprichos demonstrate. The productof an 
examination (free of illusions) of the world, these images, in order to 
fulfiltheir destiny, had in their turn to return to the world, not to 
'enchant' it butto 'disenchant' it. No.1, Discovering, Disillusion, 
Disenchantment andSadness Street was probably the most appropriate place for 
this to happen.From Goya, The Last Carnivalby Victor I. Stoichita andAnna 
Maria Coderch

Re: Criticalsecret podcast yourself /till January 18

2006-01-11 Thread phanero

ma oui,
Je les allume tous en même temps. Il est merveilleux !


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:24 AM
Subject: Criticalsecret podcast yourself /till January 18 (to continue)
To hear mostly French (all abstracts bilingual)

Poscastoamême/ Podcast yourself
Radio multimedia, régime critique/ suite de l'opus FIRE WORKS
Multimedia radio, critical regime/ to continue the issue FIRE WORKS

mp3 + mp4
Fil rss -

11 mercredi - 18 mercredi (inclus)
Rubrique 3 / Column 3.

#15/3.10. Fire work 3/10
#15/3.10. La poésie sans sa propre langue. Poetry without its proper

#15/3.9. Fire work 3/9
#15/3.9. Sonographie 3.6/8 : La photographe épicurienne.
Sonography 3-6/8: an aepicurian photographer.

#15/3.8. Fire work 3/8
#15/3.8. Neuf heures à l¹arrêt de bus. 9am at the bus stop.

#15/3.7. Quizz Stones et Malaval, série intégrale.
Fire work 3/7
#15/3.7. Quizz Stones et Malaval (Intégrale)

#15/3.6. Fire work 3/6
#15/3.6. Quizz Stones et Malaval 4/4

#15/3.5. Fire work 3/5
#15/3.5. Quizz Stones et Malaval 3/4

#15/3.4 Fire work 3/4
#15/3.4. Quizz Stones et Malaval 2/4

#15/3.3. Fire work 3/3
#15/3.3. Quizz Stones et Malaval 1/4

#15/3.2. Fire work 3/2
#15/3.2. Sonographie 3.5/8 : conductrice de métro
Sonography 3-5/8: subway woman driver

#15/3.1. Fire Work 3/1
#15/3.1. Démocratie réversible. Reversible Democracy.

Fire works 3.

{licture dew kadran}

2006-01-10 Thread phanero

Nescalina 神化 : burning after birds three,
fire on an   葫蘆 [evocatioabrotoloigonaphedynein]

Mekrotzar 神化 : of  春晴 fruitwood
of Aphrodite Somamorpho {licture dew kadran} (409kb)

Tamil Tiger article for Justin

2006-01-10 Thread phanero

Here's an article on Velupillai Prabhakaran the leader of the LTTE (Tamil 
Tigers), just for FYI updates etc..
A good friend of mine lived in Sri Lanka for 2 years and has some understanding 
of the conflict, and actually
was across the street when a large bomb went off in Colombo.. Also an ice-cream 
man was killed
near his house from stray gun-fire.

 Date : 2005-11-27

   V. Pirapaharan: President Rajapakse is considered a 
realist committed to pragmatic politics, we
wish to find out, and first of all, how he is going to handle the peace process 
and whether he will offer justice to our

 Colombo, 27 November, ( Despite the 
threatening fire and thunder that preceded his
annual Heroes' Day speech, Velupillai Prabhakaran has toned down his rhetoric and 
decided to wait and observe, for
sometime Mahinda Rajapakse's moves before intensifying (the) struggle for 

 This is in stark contrast to Mahinda Rajapakse's firm and 
clear cut policy statement which he
presented to parliament. In his speech he rejected, among other things, four 
key elements of the LTTE agenda: 1) the
homeland concept ; 2) LTTE as the sole representative at the negotiating table; 
3) Ceasefire Agreement and 4) Norway.
Side-stepping these issues Prabhakaran states, in rather subdued tones: Having 
carefully examined his policy statement
in depth, we have come to a conclusion that President Rajapkse has not grasped 
the fundamentals, the basic concepts
underlying the Tamil national question. In terms of policy, the distance 
between him and us is vast. However, President
Rajapakse is considered a realist committed to pragmatic politics, we wish to 
find out, first of all, how he is going to
handle the peace process and whether he will offer justice to our people. We 
have, therefore, decided to wait and
observe, for sometime, his political manoeuvres and actions.

 But his sting is in the tail. He states in the concluding 
paragraphs: Our people have lost patience,
hope and reached the brink of utter frustration. They are not prepared to be 
tolerant any longer. The new government
should come forward soon with a reasonable political framework that will 
satisfy the political aspirations of the Tamil
people. This is our urgent and final appeal. If the new government rejects our 
urgent appeal, we will, next year, in
solidarity with our people, intensify our struggle for self-determination, our 
struggle for national liberation to
establish self-government in our homeland.'

 Above all, he has avoided answering the critical question as 
to whether he would accept the hand of
friendship offered to them. He states: This new government is extending its 
hand of friendship towards us and is
calling our organization for peace talks. It claims that it is going to adopt a new 
approach towards the peace process.
Without answering whether he would accept the hand of friendship or not Prabhakaran 
trails off at this point into the wait
and see policy. When Mahinda Rajapakse has stated that the national question 
has to be re-started on a new agenda
outlined by him Prabhakaran is insisting that the new president should offer a 
reasonable political solution to the
ethnic conflict without further delay, keeping the distance between each other 
vast as ever.

 Here is the full text of his speech, which in the main is a 
repetition of the usual complaints against
the Sinhala enemies:

 'The Sinhala nation continues to be entrapped in the Mahavamsa 
mindset, in that mythical ideology. The
Sinhalese people are still caught up in the legendary fiction that the island 
of Sri Lanka is a divine gift to Theravada
Buddhism, a holy land entitled to the Sinhala race. The Sinhala nation has not 
redeemed itself from this mythological
idea that is buried deep and has become fossilized in their collective 
unconscious. It is because of this ideological
blindness the Sinhalese people and their political and religious leaders are 
unable to grasp the authentic history of
the island and the social realities prevailing here. They are unable to 
comprehend and accept the very existence of a
historically constituted nation of Tamil people living in their traditional 
homeland in north-eastern Sri Lanka,
entitled to fundamental political rights and freedoms.

 It is because of the refusal by the Sinhala nation to perceive 
the existential reality of the Tamils
and their political aspirations the Tamil national question persists as an 
unresolved complex issue. We do not expect a
radical transformation in the social consciousness, in the political ideology, 
in the Mahavamsa mental structure of the
Sinhalese people. The scope and power of Sinhala-Buddhist hegemony has not 
receded, rather, it has revived and taken new
forms, exerting a powerful dominance on the southern political 


2006-01-10 Thread phanero


chapeau of Heaviside - clape mortagon
Tunican shadowist and your Dimini
- peed a - lapron  ,shryve  ,telium
bugle-like cunye at your skulle bellamy

nicebecetur lathyrism

,stefhede  ,foozle  ,coolamon ,snape
,knage  ,clode  ,blore  ,tangpu
,hymp  ,shood  ,simpula  ,platic
,groyl  ,mathe  ,dunkadoo  ,shadda

rike slatko

traipsing inchete stuppin borou hoplite
smoko yr  )Caña cornage(  lund treaf
gusli quhynge glossan a cubeb of
knitty draisine on the bedaw

after John M. Bennet's Shape Bed

here in the bead-house:

2006-01-10 Thread phanero

here in the bead-house:

that its longing should shelter
the beadledome that the giant of grey berries
wolfskin swaddling foolish rabbits
with insect eyes
dragging Carpathian mountains
from the beak-iron (of its leavening maw)
of the boring mourning beardless

here in the bead-house:

that its cuneal fibicches should caste
the volgivagant golgibollocks that the giardiasis
hunter's horn swaddling foolish skorners of sklanderous poitis
with hollow floral-rimmed ceramic eye sockets
like dainty buckets of red jam
where coal black cherubs bathe and
strangle in their chains
puniceous varblers

here in the bead-house

that its never-ending food hole would not
a scabbing of hands
over a nymph-golem of leprous coins
whose holographic insignia
danced in the vomiting twilight
and our master's face
was a continent of heaving organs
tatooed with hair tornado currents
that the giant of grey brain berries
might wrestle our skeletons from our sleeping
and hang them like gasping mule-socks
from the charred light
of his tracheotomy lantern cunt

which rec

o mend

O menaed of my trumpet neck
a blasso

a varanid
a booket of extinction's clowper


here in the bead-house:

that its longing should shelter
us rows of stong anvils
blinking with bread ludes
donning our sodom ears
draining our fig-muscled glarney hutches

pour such incandescent gravies
in our quivering blowholes
and rimmed w/ black lace elizabeths
whose faces
like stubbed dugong cigars
are stuffed red crystalline thistles
and munching
such gleeting berries
eyes of a coal fish orphan mother

now throw the box away

Qints, Puarts, p, q, Qleases, Thanp

2006-01-10 Thread phanero

Qints, Puarts, p, q, Qleases, Thanp[+ the 
restless fury of haiku]"a po blog comment field"In Memory ofAlgebra and Alcohol sowers of 
discordand the promoters ofdissension maimed bydemons. Mohammed 
withhis chest torn open.from the film L'Inferno (1911)by 
Bertolini, Padovan, and Liguoro"This is an 
ornamental wound,"he said,"built by unfeeling sympathy."That 
Prometheus whose woundwas attached by a sacred animal(sea for 
cake),Haliaeetus leucocephalus,and would roost in the 
minaretof airy silence where seemingsentences of willful 
electronsleapt from its pregnant echo-la (linear 
arrangement)liashattering upon the shiftingbody 
whose slow green firewould lean against the blindélan of windy sloping 
cragsand give such tender murmurswhich fell on forgers, 
alchemists,and counterfeiters, all flowersin the living beard or 
CagelessZoos of Times.And they would make parksin the crunchy 
hierarchyof pleonasmic inkdom,round as rosettes withgreat hollow 
mosquesin the form of groaningPrometheus, stained glasswindows 
perforatinghis short sweet skin soulsomniloquy:'To hear such 
wrangling isa joy for vulgar minds.'[Now an ancient and 
nakedman approaches with longwhite beard and saggy hugebreasts, 
steering his lonelyNarrenschiff...]"The fire is made of 
machines."or bodies which explode intorebel histories ( a land 
awashwith clicky puffers) blue knightsignorant to the 
heavingsynergos of invisible linestoo rich for any 
picture.Thuddenly...(Poupee quivers)"Mister, Can you wash 
this demon'sloincloth?"{}This little catcovering her 

Re: Reviews of Technologies and Books I like

2006-01-09 Thread phanero

The only thing I've read by brilliakooky klaus is his essay
Circles, Lines and Bits which I thought was marvelously eccentric..
His discussion of busby berkely and the rosettes of consciousness
the flowering drainpipes of ornamental symmetries as models
for an architectural harmonia or some such.. its excellent wiggy stuff.
rich scholarship..

i'll pick up the male fantasies book..
btw which Lingis text should I get.. there's a bunch of them
is Excesses the best place to start.. there's another one called
Abuses which sounds sort of like an updating of Levi-Strauss'
Tristes Tropiques in a way

Here's the Grotesque Studies Bibliography I am going to try and work from as 

thanks alan

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: Reviews of Technologies and Books I like

This is a great list, Lanny -

Have you read Theweleit's Male Fantasies? I'm assuming you have - it fits
well in the list you've presented. I love Berrigan btw - met him once
through Aram Saroyan. I think Alice Notley is still far more interesting -
they were married. You've read Paul Blackburn? Another terrific -

- Alan -

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: two films for large projection

2006-01-09 Thread phanero

la poupee parergon... virtual automata ala Hans Bellmer..
these have always reminded me of Bellmer's work
especially the etchings.. he used a cross-hatching technique
which is very wire-frame like..

i would happy as well with some larger still jpgs say 2M of some of the more
gorgeous frames.. like the final frame on the first piece..
of course this is my rather ancient predjudice against the moving
automata.. I broke out Christopher A. Faraone's Talismans and Trojan Horses:
Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth and Ritual.
while watching these which has possibly one of the more easily accessible 
of binding statues and the strange ancient discourse about 'sacred bondage' w/ 
to statues.. I've told you about the apotropaic foot-twisting before, but
I think you might enjoy this material.. There's another important discussion 
the implications of the kinetic vs static sculptural  image in Indra Kagis 
Socrate's Ancestor..

If I get inspired I'll type in the wonderous table A4-1 called

The Incarceration of Dangerous Statues

Alan, youre probably one of the only artists I've seen whose work
even comes close to resonating with this fascinating material.
Even Daniel Tiffany completely skips over the whole range
of classical automata which was a HUGE disappointment
for me, choosing to focus on the later demonstrably 'historical'
material.. There is a whole swath of ancient mythology which
is basically dealing with ROBOTS.. Even Plato and Aristophanes
make jokes about peripatetic daidala whose flight is equated
with that of a fugitive slave.. if one was to see the statue of Lygodesma
one would go insane, or there would be civil discord, or plague..
this is weirdo magico-aesthetic imbroglio at its finest..\

statue bondage, foot twisting, chimeras.. you've got it all baby

so anyway slip that Kagis McEwen and Faraone in there
and throw out some big giant stills of those monsters

there's one frame where the female torso is curling around
with a kind of shroud like mine.. the way the eyes look is exquisitely
uncanny.. can you imagine those things as real mobiles
with some kind of smart metal fabric for skin with inflatable bladders
inside controlled remotely.. we could build some kinetic humanoid
topos like that somehow it seems, a fibreglass frame some servos
a plastic mesh body covered in latex and hooked up to a nitrogen
feed.. something..

these should be in the tate

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 2:32 AM
Subject: two films for large projection

two films for large projection

yes, yes, yes, the film was found in a ceiling.
honestly, sealed up in the boards. brian gave it to me.
8mm which originated in 1932 but the images are much older.
i'd say from 1920 or so perhaps 1915 perhaps 1905.
even this version chattered in the projector
broke five times in the projector.
now there's this image on top of it.
two versions of the image melded unmelded.
then what's what.
now the image melded unmelded projected ten fifteen feet up there.
dancers are below. oh they want to jump on the bodies.
they want the bodies to jump on them.
someone on someone sometime -- how is the world 10m 8m

Listening to Marty Robbins .. :)

2006-01-09 Thread phanero

Listening to Marty Robbins .. :)

Can anyone please Help ME!
I met this artist in Tokyo a few years ago, and had one of the strongest 
reactions to his work ever..
this guy was a genuine master, and his hungry ghost paintings were so 
incredibly beautiful
they brought tears to my eyes.. You have to realize I was in this very shishi 
ginza district gallery
ooh and aahing and asking to buy a catalogue.. and the receptionist was like.. 
You meet
the artist? I was like Yes.. She took me upstairs, and this small incredibly 
elegant older man in a
leather jacket was standing around with some younger looking artist types.. all 
smoking of course..
very japanese, but extremely cool.. I gushed something about hungry ghosts' 
beautiful monsters
etc.. he smiled.. and had one of his assistants bring me a catalogue which he 
signed.. We spent a good
hour or more looking at all the work. it was like a retrospective, the whole 
gallery was full of his stuff,
and of course we got served tea in the gallery which I thought was nice. Anyway 
can anyone
tell me this guy's name. I think I found it out once, but I've forgotten and 
I'd like to know.
I may scan in some of the paintings from the catalogue if I can get his name.

When we met him
that same morning I had written part of this in an Asakusa Hotel:

Their shattered kotan hung near the fisheries of memory, where syphilis, 
measles made their uimam
and joined in the iyomante..

King Noshikosa of Shamokotan would not see the 3 grotesque dreams of Tokyo, 
and Kusatsu:

K: The Hag who seared her prehensile clitoris on the folding metal griddle-altar
become a portable burden-amulet..
T: The Television show where skateboarding teenagers dressed as sushi jumped and
cavorted in a fanciful skatepark
where parody unkotraps were made from icecream the color of coffee and milk
sprinkled with peanuts, swirled stylistically
into turd-like forms on the floor; contestants would literally hit the shit 
wreck in their brink pink and orange flesh colored costumes.
O: A dream of a succubus-like yurei of beautiful Oyuki who turns into the 
bald and disfigured Oiwa.

Three Monstrous Dreams= 3   Whenever there was a decision to leave, he would 

then reserve account: Gozen sanji no gangu (Toys at 3A.M.)

Bikky Sunazawa's _Aoi sakyu nite_ (In the Blue Sand Dune)


2006-01-09 Thread phanero

by Michael Corcoran

From the Austin  Statesman, Dec. 29, 2002

And Even If It Continues Barking, The Stars Will Shine*

2006-01-08 Thread phanero

oh how they shine
in the firmament
and elegant furniture
of geometry


would they say
then that what had
could have been

some rude graffito
on the barndoor
or even outhouse
of a fading penumbra

that silent faceless pilgrimage
on the way to skull rock

a chicken scratch
upon eternity

and that the fairest
was a frog-faced
Auffrischung Magenfeld
with a nail
through her skull
and a tiny pig
for a sceptre
or ornament
the primeval chaos
of tongues

and that her magical brooch
was a rotary
chopping blade
etched with the sacred
names of atomism

which like the names
of the fallen soldiers
in the battle of the
Devil's backbone

are largely unknown
except to scholars
of the lore

of the 'Civil War'

a term
we just might call
an oxymoron

as if the breath
of history itself
is a grotesque

grew some

as if the innocent
singing molecules
which give us

are both dumber
and more beautiful

Great Chief Language-No[i]se.

Re: a + b - t

2006-01-07 Thread phanero

a + b - t

Some excellent wallpaper 
sized jpgs at the NP.The link below is to their Arnold Böcklin (1827 - 
1901)section which has the marvelous Playing in the Waves1883 (pictured 
above) which has to be one of my favorites.It is sad but true that Adolf 
Hitler was a fan as welland owned 11 of them. I am beginning to mull 
aroundthe idea of book or series dealing with AB. Some extraordinary 
scholarship on him in the 
Comic Grotesque book I noted earlier, an 
to all the misunderstanding associated with this 

figure. Pinakothek [Sammlung - Künstler]

strange bird holding a baby

2006-01-07 Thread phanero

strange bird holding a baby

( for Donna Kuhn)

senile phoenix holding a beak-nippled cherub
whose mothwing eyelids flutter
and disappear
and whose eyeballs pop-out
swim with little feelers
whose blueskin flickers
under the gelatin halo
of a frog's egg-moon

senile phoenix holding a medusa-head cherub
whose hot-pink earthworm mop
and blinky neon clitellum
go 'weep-weep'

senile phoenix
why are you missing a foot?

Go Ask Alice Lakwena

2006-01-07 Thread phanero

Go Ask Alice Lakwena

Joseph Kony sits on a throne
of exploding children
dressed as Santa Clause Jok
in a suit of red muscle

the holiday spirit is
in the air and pieces
of lips and ears are
falling through the
medium of its force

Christ forgives all
Even General Butt Naked
Joshua Milton Blahyi
is living peacefully
as a born again minister
in Monrovia.

You'll notice his
middle name
is Milton...

4 Each An Dove

2006-01-07 Thread phanero

4 Each An Dove

each belle letter
a monstrado
a self-contained presence
or contamination

each weird word
a monstrado
composed of ringing bodies
bade by line to air

each fierce phrase
a monstrado
a snake or emblem
in the umwelt of the wave

each moist meaning
a monstrado
caught between the vortex
of the body

and the scopic regime
of construction's drive
zwerch-kasten quarrel

dove of the everlasting vulgate

2006-01-07 Thread phanero

flying horse mutilation is
Peter's Bell curve
writing in the corsair-satan

oblique, oblique

as finial
as a two-tusked VARAHA

would centrifuge

a tiny king with scrofula
is thrust up inside a mummy
now an ambulance
husked w/ paintings
the fountain of youth
for hood ornament

all these things

inside her breasts
as a factory would display
its little Baudelaires
knotted as primrose
like raceways
entering the nostril
the flared nostril
of 'violent praise'

that snort

where the air
of winter must
intrude, a caricature
a spiny noduled puppet
a leviathan suited in tongues
which are people
shorn of reason
or perhaps
just light
from everywhere

light gets in your glands

the salmon changes
its body is no longer banked

these genitals
they saved
are thrust up inside a mummy
they raise their hands
in ecstatic union

these genitales of light and sound
are thrust up inside a sarcophagi of leviathans
a sarcophagi which wears a suit of tongues
each tongue a leviathan
which goes up inside winter
like a long straight coat of homely prose

these genitales
they saved from the corsair-satan
are thrust up inside a leviathan-mummy-tongue-coat

they raise their hands
in ecstatic union:


like a twin-stomach hieroglyph
which dawns like a tone
like a steel contour
banged by a steel
and mumbling head
bubbling up from the crowd of tongues
fluent in mist
and rot
and chocolate reindeer

it's ghastly but true
writing in the corsair-satan

oblique, oblique

Louis-Charles de Normandie
sits on a stool
milking the breasts of
Marie Antoinette
who smokes a long
translucent pipe which
(being extensive, elastic or telescopic)
'exits' the fine barn
climbs a distant mountain
and sits
happily blinking

a dove
of the everlasting vulgate*

*usually depicted as 'going before'
the tsunami of green lava which
represents the collective transformations
of deep time in certain fictional
ukiyo-e works, and the head of
which is usually depicted as
that of a gently smoking pipe

Frank In Sense and Murmuring w/ 1 N+[rnd.pos] Var.

2006-01-06 Thread phanero

Frank In Sense and Murmuring

Frank in sense and murmuring
A water falling fluidly against
The icy silence itself a sounding
Of the idle spaces whose lilting
Presence signals simple connection
Refigured prefigured where the moment's
Tree like electricity contained a storm
Branching blanching twisting slipping
Whose local and galactic energy
Like a head quest many tiered
Like a skyscraper with a beach
On every floor fell quickly through
The waves where once the image
Had grown now a single silence
A single grown sound of longing
A cellular frontier surging through
The mirrored tale a tender structure
Or elaborate suturing of leaves
A soft green honeycomb splattered
With death and rejoicing
A hand of butter and sand
Mimicking the sun rattle
Saluting the disembodied song
So tethered to the sound
Of emptiness


Frank in sensum and murmuring
A wath falling fluidly against
The icy silene itself a soundling
Of the idle sphacelation whose lilting
Presension signals simple connective
Refigured prefigured where the momist's
Treff like electrum contained a stot
Branching blanching twisting slipping
Whose local and galactic enfaunt
Like a heddle questeroun many tiered
Like a skyvald with a beaconage
On every Floreal fell quickly through
The wawaskeesh where once the Imari
Had grown now a single Silenus
A single grown sourock of longinquity
A cellular frosling surging through
The mirrored taledoux a tender strume
Or elaborate suum of leam
A soft green hong splattered
With debacle and rejoneo
A hand of butteris and sandarac
Mimicking the sunck ratu
Saluting the disembodied songle
So tethered to the sourdet
Of empusa

The Radiation of the Golden Armor of the Werewolf Knights

2006-01-06 Thread phanero

The Radiation of the Golden Armor of the Werewolf Knights
(The Curse of Waldemar of Oregon)

[Come this way!]


like chains
two children

sometimes of the air
sometimes of Paul Naschy's
silver atom

is the Zeus of a single thread
the zen of a single head
or the amorphous black
wolfman-fuzz tentacle
which floated out of
Paul Scheerbart's nib
the way science
even if Paganini
is a single bodiless horn
mounted in a crypt
of microscopes
floated out of a poetic figure
virtuous virtuosi
that gargantuan rose
of green glass bricks
melting in the landscape




the beast of portland
melting under your pentagram
of silky black mud
would sit so refinedly
Ned Ward's Hudibrastic survey
All Men Mad: Or,
England a Great Bedlam (1711)


throws up his castle
under the spell
of your red-headed drug

the radiation
of the golden mirrored armor
of the werewolf knights

that billiards room
which doubles
as a salon
of murky windows

poolball molecules
in the lycanthropic

Lady Bedlam
under whose deceptive
we boil

(hand sliding up to cup the breast)

John Hughes
Waldemar of Oregon

the vampire rugby player
who plays the sitar
all ascrum 
primordial as a bomb or chirp
and drinks from your

drinks from your
fopling flutters
and witwounds

dead serious
Ichabod Crane mosquito

and wants your red beehive
of bloody necks
not to mean
the sleeping real

[Pope Bugbear on an eyelash-leash]

but to bear
to a galactic foal


whose white dwarf spots
(o what gentle, dappled feathers)
something better
more stupid
(as in the incandescent multitudes of oceans)
than the fantastic draining
of images
in the hart
of the whorled
(or a person sitting, near the wheel, near the deer)

in the desert of moths

there is nothing finer
than this paisley house coat
this protoctistan alphabet
(step lively, sir!)

nothing which compares
to the taxidermy
of werewolves

or the eroticism
of a perfect
brown silk

(presently aquimble..)

Paul Naschy's

(hung on an automaton of woven antenna)

placed inside
some clay dark canopic
owl partially
obscured by
northwest fog

'the end'
drawn in gothic cocaine
on the green felt

the fossil ferns
which tile
its giant eye-sockets

the trouble with Krug
thought Krug

Alan Sondheim - June

2006-01-06 Thread phanero

Alan Sondheim - June

mp3 Picasso blue
flamenco pierces
the capriccio air

Job with guitar
neoclassical locust finger

wire-frame humano
with blue flame data hair

there is no battleship
of ibex

or pastoral mayhymn

only a small island
in a receding marsh

network of fireflies
signalling to signal

revernanteridy// false portrait or portal

2005-12-18 Thread phanero

revernanteridy// false portrait or portal

   space/UNIn the unmoving là
   lines/ENTREWithin four lignes
   white/LESA square for the play of joue
cheek/AUThe hand which propper your joue
 moon/UNThe lune
 illumined/JEA face s'allume
 profile/MAISAnother's autre
 eyes/LEBut your yeux
me/UNEI follow the lamp which guides guide
lid/LUNEA finger on a moist humide
  middle/LAIn the milieu
space/UNTears are rolling through 
this espace
four lignes

mirror/DANSA glace

All the tacky bundles

2005-12-18 Thread phanero

I.rr cow6 yow6'
Vuq !t hon.l6 grou6
Fgf6l ph byou6
Wgk!ua g qgf6 tol
Cgrr!ua fo w6'
I y6gl honl zotf ^o!c6
Jo fy6 brgc6 ph fy6 z6g'
Vuq hon.l6 r6gq!ua w6 qomu

Jgk6 g rook gf fy6 mgh fy!uaz zfguq'
Ob6u g pook
M!fy g yo6 !u wh yguq'
D!aa!u. tol aorq
Vuq r!zf6u fo fy6 fy!uaz fy6h zgh'
Bh g conuflh zfhr6
Vuq I bgnz6 tol g my!r6

I.rr cow6 yow6'
Vuq !t hon.l6 grou6
Ou fy6 m!uq fo g u6m qgh'
Zb66q!ua gmgh
Jyonayfz foa6fy6l'
I.rr agfy6l wh tgl-trnua
V pl6gk !u fy6 m6gfy6l`
Zoou6l fygu mg!f tol

F!k6 g aooq fhcoou'
I.w ql!uk!ua cygwbgau6
M!fy uo z!r^6l zboou`
Omu!ua g yow6
Vuq fy6 lg!u` ou gu g!lbrgu6'
@ou6 m!fy fy6 m!uq
Jy6 b!a6ou` fy6 qo^6`
Bgckmglq guq yow6ponuq`

I.rr cow6 yow6'_
_It hon.l6 grou6`
Zf!rr y6gl y6l cgrr!u.
D66b !u wh ql6gwz guq I
L6rr tlow wh ro^6`
Zclgfcy6q ph fy6 zguq fygf
Dlou6 ot fy6 qglku6zz`
Zr66b!u. grou6 !u fy6

Iu fy6 mgk6 ot gu orq z6qgu'
B!q!u. g mg^6
m!fy g pl!ck ou fy6 zguq'
Bl6gk!u. g zf!ck
Jy6 zotg !u Zgu Jlob6s'
Zr!q6 g l!uq qomu p6y!uq
Vz I l6gcy tol g b6gcy

Zgu Jlob6s


2005-12-18 Thread phanero

New : Re: Flushed dreams- by greenpsychosis in The Poets of Chaos

Pharoah_Gnome already got too much pressure from years and years of blood
going to the analytical and verbally-formulative left lobe just behind the 
sinuses, it feels
Pharoah_Gnome entomb me in the nap of forever
dors hello stinky deoxyans
trace hello dors
Nemo_Lotus holy crap im still itchy from the morphine, ive been scratching my 
balls all night long
Nemo_Lotus i seriously need to call a masuthst
Prisoner627 is sober for 2 days and longs for a holland roadtrip
Prisoner627 Weekend is a bad time for sober time :p
dors i am on 2ct2, weed, jazz and nag champa
stinky hi dors and Nemo
Pharoah_Gnome what are them instruments that have a keyboard and ya open and 
them to pass air thru? Often in Celtic, Scottish Italian music ect

chiral enantia of unda hydo

2005-12-17 Thread phanero



in her venerable youth she lay

polluted with innocence
   an immortal urn

- would siphon
  (as typhon-murmurant-pythia)

a new air

   borne on teeming effigies
in a turgor
 of orgiastic

a thigmotropism


 she would envessel

the mascot emptiness

 (as korukos-murmurant-typhein)

 string its
  porous memory

through tribes

of  wit-flecked

which only now
 [supple hand of coral]
another parijata resting
   shifts the sphere

!o swooning urisip sykos ornithodoros mixture!

to reflect an other multitude
 (as parikara-murmurant-saranagati)

a sac wherein a totem
   of bent molecule
once [and ever after]

  like a maid of corinth

   took up the tracing of shadows

took up the gilded nebulae
   of thermonasties


to enfeat the brocade of silences

now holey in its blind adoration

   of the trumpet of auxeos
the archon of euskaryon
  (as dimple-giggle-scribble)

and links to the once placid dæl
where she wandered


(as strangeness-murmurant-meta)

Re: dopamine

2005-12-17 Thread phanero

prolly shudn buh i don mine tokkin bou my brainproblems

I was diagnosed in 1989 w/ schitzo-affective disorder..
straight jackets the whole bit.. padded cell.. yup.
I took tha mufuh sherlock pipe and bopped him upside the hed..
doctorbitch i says, i got ontogenesis, i got perfume bottle engine trouble,
i got telepathic emblematic hierarchonologies of amorphous lava-angels
sacrificing meat emblems in microwave altars tuned to brain-scrambling 
i got jellyfish in muh kookoo clock, and coconuts in my bat-skull belfries
albino coconuts with television nipple-chords
i got elementals having orgies in my external rectum-mall..
schitzo-sht.. Ana l'haqq mufuh..  my voodoo john henry ialdabaoth
will cut an emerald chogie through your boohoo socio-telo-marawarp lickety split
i gotz a crown of laserthorns and i eats mufuh snails and nails fo dinna
i done red loves body by age of twelve and shattin all manner
uh monstrous toopies and getalong dangleruses i done shat out
all the images any hick poet ever did just like old skinny stick burroughs
and his pokey-pokey hero-whine

but then i was sick.. hearing voices ..i read morgenthalers book on smart drugs
began ta dosin.. yessiree i was dosin on some fine german piracetam
etc.. might as well stuff straw in a bozo head.. nuthin works
still crazy as a damn bedbug.. now im thinkin ill get me a ouija
board and set deamons loos on the lot of ya!! yeehiii demon rodeo..
ride that 4-faced avatar to hell you mother theresa slasher flick glass cowhorn 
sodomizing cheddar charlie chan androids with pink ricotta and chiasmus chianti
w stinky cheeez

I'll tell you what edge schitzo-affecty gets ya.. its gets ya a double ginza 
serrated edge
a microfine crystalline ceramic scimitar of hyperfine angstrom slash


and a lot of spooky nights muttering alone listening to 'beings' waiting 
praying for another wave of normalcy
to hit, so you can put your pants on and do your friggin hangin by your teeth 

using yoga mindtricks too.. the whole colored thoughts scheme

all i have to take now though is some chinese herbs and lots of b-vitamins
tons of water.. water is the main thing.. and limit the caffeine (big problem)
it sucks. you look to metaphors for comfort.. things like schrodinger's work 
with unstable harmonic matter
or whatever.. just something that makes you think being crazy is somehow good
you look to matter itself.. the archive.. get a crutch and milk some mulch

sorry to butt in.
but hellzapoppin

Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread phanero

well, lounge lizards or medesky martin wood it aint
but i kinda like the spacey organ sounding ones
you ever think of doing something a little more korla pandit
it needs a little more Korla Pandit i think,
or maybe KP by way of Conlon Nancarrow
then rub in some Chaino.. then i think.. (just kidding)..
I'll throw it in the rotation.. :)

you like KP?


- Original Message -
From: Talan Memmott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

Blue Node // [N]+Semble

Seven, count 'em seven new tracks from [N]+Semble.

A little jazzier than the previous album, PulpCycle.


Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-17 Thread phanero
 excited about, 'cause his label is extremely wicked, 
and he seems to have really good taste
in music. Also, [they'll be] a split 7 with Lesser that will be quite hip-hoppish, 
a Kid 606 12 called Thee Wildstyle
and Havoc EP, a bunch of remix and comp stuff, and a Tigerboy full length. The 
official Kid 606 website, which will be
guaranteed to entertain, should also be up soon, and Lesser is working on a 
Disc site. As far as Disc goes, there is a
full-length CD out now called Brave2ep, and we are working overtime on a 12 
called Transfer, which will be all locked
grooves and other vinyl weirdness and will also be pressed on clear vinyl. Disc 
also did a remix for the David Kristian
Woodworking remix CD, which will be on Alien8 recordings from Canada. There's also 
supposed to be a V/VM-Disc split 7
on red vinyl for this IDM guy's label sfwd [productions]. I am doing a 12 for 
a jungle label called Kultbox (they did a
wicked drill n bass 12 from Casey Rice of Tortoise) and also will be working 
with Christoph de Babalon's Crossfade
Entertainment label. And the infamous Christina Ricci tribute compilation, 
working title Christina Ricci--The Other
White Meat. I have also been talking to friends about doing a tribute comp to 
the equally infamous Hyperprism [audio
software] plug-in called the Sonic Decimator, which is why I got a computer.

Grooves: What do you listen to in your spare time?

Kid 606: Leonard Cohen, Motown, Velvet Underground, Michael Nyman, classical, 
and lots of musique concrete and truly
experimental stuff like Ryoji Ikeda, Fennesz, Harry Partch, Steve Reich. I am 
not down with ambient music with beats in
it at all. Hip-hop: Mase is cool, the Jungle Brothers and Sensational are 
tight. This U.K. label Praxis, Ambush, and
also Subversion do some cool stuff. I like female voices a lot if they are 
different. I like ragga jungle and booty
electro. Lots of four on the floor or heroin house stuff. Joy Division. Lots of 
wicked sonic stuff like Main. Aretha
Franklin. Brit revolution, and psychadelic stuff. The Zombies. Old punk--Germs, 
Sex Pistols, Misfits. Lots of
underground stuff. I hate goth more than country. I have to always be listening 
to something...

- Original Message -
From: phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

well, lounge lizards or medesky martin wood it aint
but i kinda like the spacey organ sounding ones
you ever think of doing something a little more korla pandit
it needs a little more Korla Pandit i think,
or maybe KP by way of Conlon Nancarrow
then rub in some Chaino.. then i think.. (just kidding)..
I'll throw it in the rotation.. :)

you like KP?


- Original Message -
From: Talan Memmott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

Blue Node // [N]+Semble

Seven, count 'em seven new tracks from [N]+Semble.

A little jazzier than the previous album, PulpCycle.


Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

This is a great article.. Have a character.

JP: Perhaps to ask code and coders to think again about the way in which they 
see the world, to move from objects to
things, and practice code as poetry (poeisis). Rather than code as ordering the 
world, fixing and overcoding. Code as a
craft, 'bringing-forth' through a showing or revealing that is not about 
turning the world into resources to be
assembled, and reassembled forever.

A nice bit of punch and judy, although that hammer word 'code' seems to get in 
the way abit of the thinking (whatever
that is..).
and I don;t say that to be rude to the authors who are obviously just warming 
up to their 'subject'.. and I agree that
poeisis is poetry and vice versa, but you won't
find many 'poets' saying this.. This is something the philosopher knows, 
something she says offhanded as a matter of
course.. no big deal.. Because substance itself IS the only poetics.. Let's call it a 
facet of the meaning and just
move on.

but there are some glaring
absences in the text.. for one.. in the above section:

Code as a craft, 'bringing-forth' through a showing or revealing that is not 
about turning the world into resources to
be assembled, and reassembled forever.

Well, as this is mostly the only possible way for the world to work. I'll have to say 
good luck.. How old are the
water molecules in your body?

the 'bringing-forth' is possibly best represented as tecne itself.. tecne is 'a 
letting appear' tiktein is to give
birth. tektein to build..
there is also epiphaneia (an appearing)..

Code is daidala, a 'daidalonics' within the body of tecne, and the body of 
tecne is not unlike the curious working or
daidala of incarnation within Greek religion,
within the pleroma, the pneuma, the breath which is both made and the maker:

Gods were divine because they were athanatoi, deathless. This unending 
appearingness of the Greek gods, their genesis
which is life and movement, is what resided in the scintillating surface of the 
daidalon. Insofar as the appearing of
the daidalon was understood as itself the product of reassembly, the daidalon 
must also have been understood as
something that could always be remade. Like the gods, and unlike the human 
person (brotos, mortal), the daidalon never
entirely disappeared. It is because it was itself a deathless appearing that 
the well made, the cunningly crafted thing
was able to reveal an unseen divine presence. Thus, for example, are the gold 
and silver dogs, crafted by Hephaestus,
which guard Alcinous' palace in book VII of the Odyssey, athanatous ontas, 
deathless beings, just like gods..
(or applets, or golems, or daimons, etc)

It's like tecne is always already the field, like sheldrake's morphological 
fields, and code like the daidalon appears
within the appearing of tecne
daidala is the expression of techne, the same way code is the expression of a 
kind of rhizomatics.. maybe I'm getting
mixed up.. at any rate
they missed the fundamental tecne reference which I think is really essential, 
because code isn't modern or post-modern
and we are still living within a PRIMORDIA..

another thing I found a bit lacking was any reference to the discussion of 
'code' itself within Deleuze and Guattari' A
Thousand Plateaus. There is a pretty extensive discussion of 'code' (in various 
registers) within that text that might
have been useful to pick apart..

anyhoo.. still reading..
thanks for sending this out..

your rustic code-mythographer schitzo-idiot person

Re: Copland

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

clothing = turning the Pnyx

I think Thoth had it right.. Text is the destruction of memory.
Text is the devil, and bedevilment of memory's automony..
I think Giordano Bruno might agree.

as text is autonomous it is also the fundamental impurity,
the engine of both entropy and extropy within culture/nature..
Latour might allow it to be called the sine qua no[n] of factishes

the lack is its desire to draw meaning to itself..
the temporal engine it supposes within its constructed subject both destroys
the timeless onenesss of unreflexive being
and drags us inexorably back to that state
through the catastrophe of manifold ideologies

being as naked thought might be a form of purity
but to conceive of 'text' as a clothing of purity
is simply a reification of utilitarianism as seen through
a kind of nunnery of arbitrary permutations of the social..

our living bodies are capable of more...

- Original Message -
From: Peter Ciccariello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: Copland

If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come.

-Peter Ciccariello

-Original Message-
From: Sheila Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:46:34 -0800
Subject: Copland

 Just now no untouched places need repair. And damages
pass usual anxiety. The gloves dissolve. In these
accustomed eyes of mothering and even quiet, pale
chords have occurred. Each period of year, placed on
soft surface. Pianissimo brass instruments retreat to

If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come.

Choice follows blades of grass fulled into sheaf's
comported space.

One is treble tempting bass. A lull to blur this edge.

sheila e. murphy

can anyone name the poet?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero


In days that's past past beyond our ken
When Painter's saw like other men
And music sang the voice of truth
Yet sigh'd for Painting's homely proof

Her modest blush first gave him taste
And chance to Vermillion gave first place
As snails trace o'er the morning dew
He thus lines of beauty drew

Those far faint lines Vermillion dyed
With wonder view'd - enchanted cried

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

When did code ever 'order the world'? Not even the Dewey Decimal System
does that.

I'll have to differ on this.. the words themselves are the stumbling blocks, but
it seems to me like your overdetermining the concept of 'order', and yet there 
can also
be a sense where the overdtermination is also valid..(ie, the clock)

there is |order| which includes all notions of purposive 'arrangement' but 
within that absolute value
we encode also all the non purposive orderings which would be something called 

these are pretty antique terms.. something hipper and more up-to date might be 
'state of affairs' or 'vector-state'

When did code ever order the world? The 'world' when apprehended through a 
human body is always already encoded.
Take seeing. There is a discrete encoding process which turns visual 
information which is itself a form of encoding by
electron spin states and other atomic phenomena pass a discrete quality through 
the substrate of the environment, which
is in effect
the channel, though this is quite reductive, but in effect a 'coding'. 
Scientists have just within the last few weeks
made some major breakthroughs
in this area if you were reading your Kurzweil. They soon will be able to 
translate with a prosthesis visual information
the world directly into the brain.. You can say that man's mind is encoded in 
his body, although more and more man's
'mind' is
outside his body.. at any rate with man, you can generally say, that the human 
mind has changed the world.. that's the
way to restate one way in which an instantiation of coding has indeed |ordered| 
the world..

another way is to consider plants, Plants use a genetic code and they have 
completely altered the physical envirnoment
of the world..
here again is another instantiation of a code operating in a global fashion..

i don't see what the problem with this is.. Every single idea you possess or 
are able to express has to be encoded in
some fashion
for it to even be said to have an existence.. just because a theorist 
explicitly addresses 'code' as 'code' or doesnt
doesnt mean
that their work has nothing to do with code or coding..

Youve got Frege, Russell, Tarski, Carnap, Wittgenstein, Austin, Grice, Quine, 
Davidson, Donnellan, Kripke, Putnam,
Marcus, Chomsky, Dummett, Burge, Millikan, Pierce, and thousands more Uexkull 
etc.. All of these people are thinking
through coding in one sense or another..

I have Jack Sarfatti''s email addr. I wonder what his take on 'code' is.. Maybe 
I could get his sense of 'code' from a
point of view..

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

The Field of Qualia
Jack Sarfatti
August 26, 1996
 How are our thoughts -- our consciousness -- translated into action?
I actually have a detailed theory of this based upon an extension of Bohm's 
1952 quantum pilot-wave/classical material
hidden variable theory.

Note, the more modern term for hidden-variable is John Bell's term beable.

The inner quantum information density field I(x,t), whose range is in quantum 
Hilbert space H and whose domain is in
classical configuration space C , is, quite literally, the field of thought 
patterns that make up the implicate order.
These patterns of I(x,t) exert a quantum force

Fq = - Grad Q
Q = -(1/2)[ (GradI)^2 + (Grad)^2I]

on the brain material beable B moving in C. That's how thought is translated 
into action.

The field of thought-patterns or qualia I(x,t), together with external 
environmental classical forces Fe create basins
of attraction for the flow of the brain system point B in C. Qualia are encoded 
in these attractors. When B occupies a
given attractor basin the corresponding thought-pattern is felt i.e., 
experienced. This attractor structure in C is the
quantum version of the fractal strange attractors of classical chaos theory 
which leaves out the thought-field force
from I(x,t). In the classical limit only Fe creates the attractor structure in 
C. The pattern of classical Fe forces
represent the Darwinian natural selection pressures of the environment. To 
complete this model of a complex conscious
adaptive system, we need a mechanism for self-organization. Without 
self-organization there is no conscious intent, no
purposeful explicate behavior, and no felt implicate conscious experience. I 
have shown how implicate thought becomes
explicate action. We now have to show how the brain-beable B in C literally and 
directly changes its thought-field
I(x,t) whose range is quantum Hilbert space H. This is the back-action b 
mechanism by which the structure of H is
modified by the actual path taken by B in C. But, that path of B in C is 
determined by both the implicate Fq = - Grad Q
and the explicate Darwinian Fe. Therefore, Fq,Fe, from I(x,t) to B, together 
with back-action b from B to I(x,t) is a
self-organizing cybernetic feedback-control creative strange loop that creates 
the conscious experience and allows the
I-B system to make freely-willed choices which are the results of classically 
nonalgorithmic quantum computations. Now I
can prove rigorously, that only when such a strange loop of Godel 
self-reference is operating, is there an experience of
one actual world. This is a Bohmian ontological model that derives Wigner's and 
von-Neumann's epistemological idea that
consciousness collapses the wave function. The strange loop means that the 
mind (I)-brain (B) complex adaptive system
is continually measuring itself. Only then, is there the inner felt experience of 
qualia. This is the quantum dynamo
generating our streams of consciousness.

 the wave function is linear or passive in that it requires an outside agent to 
select events .
That is exactly what back-action is -- it is the outside agent, except it is 
really inside. It is the generator of

To be more precise. The usual picture of quantum measurement has a measuring 
apparatus M and the system being measured
N. They are not the same system. That leads to the measurement problem which 
you discuss pretty well in its different
aspects. Now Bohm thought he had solved this measurement problem and up until 
recently I thought he was correct. But
now, in dialogue with Henry Stapp, I see a non-fatal, but serious, flaw in 
Bohm's argument. Bohm is able to correctly
show why it is that fringes disappear in the double slit experiment if a measurement of 
which slit 1 or 2? the
particle P passes is made even though the particle wave packets and overlap on 
the screen. Where x is the position on
the screen. This is because of the EPR correlation

|M,N) = |m1)|n1) + |m2)|n2)

(x|M,N) = |m1)(x|n1) + |m2)(x|n2)

|(x|M,N)|2 = |(x|n1)|2 + |(x|n2)|2
because (m1|m2) = 0. That is, the two measuring wavepackets have zero overlap 
in their classical configuration subspace
Cm. The EPR correlation between M and N implies an incoherent superposition of 
the particle wave packets (x|n1) and
(x|n2) even though they do overlap in their classical configuration subspace Cn.

Bohm then makes an incorrect next step for the actual path of the hidden 
variable P in Cn. He says that one can think
that P is really in either (x|n1) or (x|n2) . The occupied wave packet is the 
active information and the empty one is
inactive information. Bohm is trying to establish that only one of the wave 
packets for P is totally determining the
classical mechanical, possibly chaotic, attractor structure for the path of P 
in Cn. That is, Bohm wrongly thinks that,
because of the EPR correlation of N to nonoverlapping packets in Cm, that the 
attractor structure in Cn is in 1-1

the secret noun of henry hoodoo henry

2005-12-15 Thread phanero

1. gogo nine

peeling ectoplasmic pantaloons
the jaunty robot's candelabra

 mutant in the master mystery's
  suspicious homunculus night

 with a straw hat employess
and trying to bind them
  this tiny machine flies naked
where you
   piano collartucked

  sufficient evidence to  convict
   the suns between its legs
every courtesy  unknown shifting

the hopelessdiagnosis
 the telephone chnoubis
a pair of milkmen
drivingacross   macadam teeth

for a sundial
blue spark
to a labial smoker
robot straight-jacket drawing room's
  warm tractor pelt daughter
   of hopping hollow milk plug 

  henry summoned by the butler
blows dust
  escapes into caress

but in the very next room
   something called
mad-aghast-scar madness

henry sniffs   the candelabra
and takesbaby Q
into his arms
  (hearts over factories)
leaking ZWEETS
 baby Q homunculush

is always a triangle
with each turn a turning
named but unknown

in the velvet drawing room of the tongue
of the telephone chnoubis' hopeless diagnosis
on the piano collar of henry  tucked
its frail ectoplasmic monuments (those shirt-tails)
where once ozymandian genitals gogo'd:

Omnia mea mecum porto

and the straight-jacket
like a bacon scythe
between the siamese twin milkmen
   of baby Q's gaga-clapping hands
between the scylla and charybdis
of the double henry's
dark galact-tic humm
 of innumerable
  nautili retorts

mad-aghast-scar blows dust
   ZWEETLY among the caresses
whose macadam of suns
 sniffs a hoodoo dunged busby berkely mandala
  of labial butlers
drawn sweetly
   through the pantaloons
   of the velvet bacon 
tractor's escape
(see the dumb dancing-handed gaga-clapping baby Q again)

henry   always suspicious
peeling robot pantaloons
plugging into the hopeless diagnosis
of the telephone chnoubis
and his face gone velvet
with plugs of boiling milk
employess jaunty in straw headgear
perhaps a toss
this her dream
  (and smoking) being dual
sniffs the cool night air
a skeleton of freezing fog
disremembers a family of fungus (accidents in air)
a hard drink of smile
(hearts over factories)

he-nor a partial-object-wave seeing

2005-12-15 Thread phanero

he-nor a partial-object-wave seeing

sense beach, the wave, they are factish,
as if Marx said, said fetiço, and is he?
there say, didn't say that, wave to
will just see seeing the wave, wave,
beached, colorless, brown, he, he is.
is seeing something, he, is wave is
strange, is waving, seeing, standing,
where which meaning structures is wave
is halting, he isn't he is, on the beach, he,
he is always to crash, see him, him, he
seeing, or, there isn't all the same, the
structure will, will, aren't, they aren't, they
Latour said, a him there, forced into
view, but they wave, everything is
halting he is like a Brownian technophysical,
or standing, along the beach, along,
the wave there as if by magic he is
a wave, the same, the same he is there
there isn't same color, all he is halting,
he is of mean? there see him crashing,
halting, about to halt, halting the if made,
strange, structure is strange, strange,
a beach? he is there always, never, there
color, the same color as was a brown
shadow? where is there moves, there
is of structures, the will about to and
maybe heavy, as the is a brown shadow,
he's there. always there. his bowels
loose, makes him halting the wave,
the mean? where was is never, always,
a strange in the a Brown tone, it's like
did it mean? on the beach isn't there,
where of willing, wave, wave makes
own hysteria, he isn't there, seeing the
the range of is, the wave is saying,
him as a structure, there is
the shadow's jouissance,
technophysical, or seeing, or, and,
and will see him as a brown shadow,
will see him finally, see, him, final
he is final, a finality, he, that he, and,
see, and, will see him as a brown
shadow forced upon the beach, or forced,
or standing, waiting, and made, and
made, and as if made, made, as Budge
said, feitiço, and so said, said fetiço,
and as if by magic said it, said facticius,
and as if, as if by marks it could say, could,
it say? could? As Latour said, a factish,
as if Marx would've said, said, as if Ellis,
as if Ellis said, said fetish, he said fetish,
he said that of the shadow's jouissance,
he didn't say, didn't say that, that isn't said,
said, will see him, will just see him there,
forced into view, standing, along the beach,
along, alone, seeing, he is seeing something, he,
is seeing a wave about to crash, a wave,
a wave which is frozen, he is standing frozen,
watching, seeing, a frozen wave, overhead,
about to crash, a structure, there is a structure,
in the wave there is a structure, he is halting,
he is halting the wave, the wave is halting,
he isn't halting the wave, everything is halting
he is a brown shadow, he is the same color,
the same color as the beach, the same, the
same as the wave, Brownian noise, he is
like a Brownian noise, and the wave is,
the wave is saying, the wave, it's like,
it's like the wave is saying a Brown tone,
it's like that, that wave is strange, he,
he is always afraid of that wave, that wave
is strange, that wave makes his bowels loose,
makes him lose vowels, it's too strange,
there's something strange in the structure,
structures can be strange, structure is strange,
strange, the range of structures is strange,
they're all the same color, all brown, now,
now maybe, all black, now maybe, white,
white, and maybe heavy, really heavy and white
overhead, about to crash, the structure will,
will, the will of the structure, to crash, crashing,
halting, about to halt, halted, before the crash,
crashing, he is watching, seeing, standing,
waiting, he isn't there, there isn't there, there
is a beach, there is a beach in the crashing,
and he is there in the structure, where?
where did it say I was a brown shadow?
where did it mean? which meaning of where?
which meaning  of mean? there he is,
on the beach, colorless, he is seeing the
wave, that wave is his own hysteria, he isn't
there, there isn't a wave, that wave never,
never moves, there is always, never,
there is never, always, a wave, wave, him,
he, I, there is a beach. is there a beach?
he is there on the beach standing under,
standing under a wave, he, the beach, the wave,
they are all the same, but they aren't, they aren't,
they aren't the same at all, at all, the will,
the will of structures, the strange will of structures,
the will of waves, waves of will, waves of willing,
wave, wave to him, he is waving, seeing,
standing, where did it mean? where was this?
this beach. this beach is seeing the wave,
beached, colorless, brown, he isn't there,
where is he? there he is. he's there.
always there. somewhere.
he didn't in the crashing, and that isn't
would've said, said, as really heavy under
a overhead, about to crash, a alone, seeing,
he a beach strange, they're all the wave, he,
the finally, see, him, final he he, and, see, and,
will is standing frozen, watching, a structure, in there,
there is a beach, the wave, it's he said fetish, he said
facticius, and as if, as that wave never,
never if Ellis, as if he is the same the will of
brown, now, now maybe, all there is a

Re: That dopamine buzz

2005-12-15 Thread phanero

try writing that on a pringle...

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:32 PM
Subject: That dopamine buzz

Buffered chasms stashed in the memory of ions across a resonant hoard of 
membranes emitting a subdued luster in the
hidden sockets of logorrhea, the exacting concoction of a seductive night 
entangled up in the dopamine buzz of an
unused anus in a fired kiln.

--Bob BrueckL

Re: And now refers only to mIEKAL's Last Name

2005-12-13 Thread phanero

aah, the batter room, chicken-fried pronghorn, the vestibule of tempura
gloppy with platypus, E, hoary with a hanky-panky of panko!
Reminds me of Paul McCarthy..

endangered breading breeding etc.. nice.
and the original as well
one world is truly not enough..

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 7:00 PM
Subject: And now refers only to mIEKAL's Last Name

edible, the chef of wavering nomenclature, whatever
the indecency shagged in the batter-room a month of
wildness year to today, nevermind

how royally tremendous the lipsuck was, enveloped
flivver of violent outburst, one world is not enough
wakest makest the few of us alive

Re: CNN Breaking News

2005-12-13 Thread phanero

Jumanda and Roy

2005-12-13 Thread phanero

Founded in 1980 the Right Livelihood awards are presented annually in the 
Swedish Parliament and are often referred to
as Alternative Nobel Prizes.

They were introduced to honour and support those offering practical and 
exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges
facing us today.

Jakob von Uexkull, a Swedish-German philatelic expert, sold his valuable 
postage stamps to provide the original
endowment. Alfred Nobel wanted to honour those whose work brought the greatest 
benefit to humanity. Von Uexkull felt
that the Nobel prizes today ignore much work and knowledge vital for our world 
and future. [Jakob von Uexkull is also
the acknowledged father of Biosemiotics.]

December 2, 2005
Dear friends from America,

We are sending you greetings and to let you know that we are still
alive. I thank you for your messages about my grandmother. We are still
struggling to get a permit to go and bury her but the government will
not allow us to go inside the CKGR [Central Kalahari Game Reserve] to
bury her. What we know from her post mortem is that she died because
of dehydration and shock and her stomach was empty when she died.

We are just writing to inform you that our court case has to resume next
year and we are asking if you are prepared to pay for to help with some
donations in which we think Survival has made a budget and forwarded to
you. So we would like to know early before the case resumes because our
attorney would like to know if he is going to Botswana.

We think you guys know that the court case is really important in which
we have seen last time with you inside the CKGR the harassment that we
are getting from the government in which we think the court case is the
only way of resolving our problems. We don't have any chances without
you to pay for our court case.

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Jumanda and Roy

Fw: Daily Newsletter

2005-12-13 Thread phanero

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 6:09 AM
Subject: Daily Newsletter



Self-assembling cubes could carry
medicine, cell therapy Dec. 13, 2005
Johns Hopkins researchers have
devised a self-assembling
cube-shaped perforated container, no
larger than a dust speck, that could
serve as a delivery system for
medications and cell therapy. The
relatively inexpensive
microcontainers can be mass-produced
through a process that mixes
electronic chip-making techniques
with basic chemistry

DNA pyramids make their debut Dec. 12, 2005
A simple method to create robust
DNA pyramids that self-assemble in
seconds has been invented by
physicists in the UK. Each side of
the tetrahedral pyramid is made up
of a double helix of DNA. The
pyramids can then be joined together
to make larger 3D nanostructures on
which to build molecular electronic
circuits and tiny containers for

Thought control brings pain into
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dec. 12, 2005
Researchers have managed to teach
people suffering chronic pain to
reduce their own discomfort simply
by controlling their thoughts.
Patients were able to reduce pain by
about 50 percent by viewing
real-time functional magnetic
resonance imaging of the activity in
their rostral anterior cingulate...

Trace of Human Stem Cells Put in
Unborn Mice Brains
AP December 13, 2005
Scientists have created mice with
small amounts of human brain cells
in an effort to make realistic
models of neurological disorders
like Parkinson's disease. Those mice
were each born with about 0.1
percent of human cells in each of
their heads, raising ethical
concerns about mixing human and
animal cells in stem cell and

Re: sss [The Dolphin is both a string and a flute.]

2005-12-12 Thread phanero

It's sort of like that joke where the skeleton knight in  green chrome armour 
enamelled with a rose-tree of flaming
q'abbalic world rose-head-processors walks into a Stucky's and asks if they have any 
and the clerk says, We got Chick-O Sticks there skinny.. You can imagine even 
the fortress of solitude
could've been built with Chick-O-Sticks.. or you could make a Chick-O-Stick 
Air-Rifle.. A Chick-O-Stick
moving roughly 900mps hits the Prismdent in the side of his primate cranium 
shattering into an orange dust mote
of disassembly bots which turn the Prismdent into a human tapestry, a flat 
image of  a  skeleton knight in  green chrome
armour enamelled with a rose-tree of flaming q'abbalic world 
rose-head-processors. You know what comes
next. It's the pseudopod of bees it uses for a tongue. It's the pseudopod 
bee-tongue that goes into the MAUDE MATRIX OF
DEDI which is pictured as an albino octopus flickering symbols whose suckerpods 
are nipples
and whose beak is a flaming green vagina rose where a few dancing vibrating 
bees land near the clitoris
and begin to do a little dance, a hypoiconic indexical saltarello, perhaps even 
a poem which is a map to a secret
lake where King Stucky and the Little people discuss the myth of the origin of 

You find honey-bear at Celtic Mystery School? They told me there'd be space 
travel in this job.
Friggin' Lyres!

- Original Message -
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 1:20 AM
Subject: sss

not sure if this is spam or not
handmade fake spam-score
first are the simulated gnomish medication
then there's the traverse banyan router filtering (##)
once it's true it's in your inbox, the Actual (arrived (Levy))
[persistent problematics, virtualization]
it's possible that it exists (latency, interval, zizek's master)
the subsistent arrives (the obvious)
[next page is blank]

Akmyzdomeatht, Thitraniumsexsea, Zamatic Virometamagivoidciswo
Vargeexeronpathaphro Ruptdeci. Macbeparaloglli Misdy .book
+   Yxbac Thpseusumseptihypolon Sester Situni Egolsumazxim
Beamnanolyzcyclochegar Intoa Punkfee Cellka 'mystery
+   Hcesuahnezoivtip Cideitletabr Sllatsni
+   Dernaoptishmersce. Moddygyrozconva Mancerphototendmise
Lonultra Chloclon $book
+   Ydcab, Erep Shwi Cga, Llenua, Zepop Edefmot 'hounslow
+   Cycloloop Pisietunnescro. Tiondeci Bongco Scapphoto.
####   ## ## ####
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  ##  ####  ###  ##
##  ##   

Re: A man and A woman

2005-12-12 Thread phanero

I like this Morrigan. For some reason I read it as being 
about the image and the gaze, the image being the woman, and the 
being the man.. these could be swapped of 

He returns to her and 
pulls her to her feet. She flops 
against him like an unfastened puppet. 
He holds her under her arms and she falls into him. It’s all she wants, to be absorbed by 
him and granted strength through acknowledgement.

and the 
spectator views the drama quite by accident

detail is also fascinating:
I see him in front of her, a dark and light 
stripy jumper.

as in the 'line bounding'.. 
boundaries that bound! shades of Blake..

lovely cinema with plenty of 
strange attractors.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 6:31 
  Subject: A man and A woman
  I walk the dog at midnight. 
  The pavements are slick with winter rain that is freezing into speckled 
  ice. The soles of my boots skid 
  almost imperceptibly.
  I hear a woman scream, high and ragged. Immediately I am alerted. I scan the dark horizon. I see her some distance off, running 
  across a road. She is a mere 
  I walk in the direction she is running, 
  worried momentarily that perhaps she has become maddened and will scream at 
  me. I wonder whether she is 
  shouting into a mobile phone.
  I see him in front of her, a dark and light 
  stripy jumper. She is pursuing 
  him but he does not break his stride of singularity. From somewhere deep inside her another 
  gut wrenching howl, ‘I love you so fucking much’. He continues to walk away from 
  her. She quickens her pace and 
  draws level with him, half grabbing, half jumping at him. She hits him. For a moment they tussle and she 
  collapses on the floor, folding up under the weight of her own drunken 
  pain. The man walks 
  She is lying on the ground. Her throat must be open because the 
  sounds from it are reverberating around the park, ricocheting off the trunks 
  of trees, rattling the empty winter benches, strafing the low grass 
  He returns to her and pulls her to her 
  feet. She flops against him like 
  an unfastened puppet. He holds 
  her under her arms and she falls into him. It’s all she wants, to be absorbed by 
  him and granted strength through acknowledgement.
  He rises again and set out from her. With every step he takes the distance 
  between them increases. She 
  stands, her arms flailing, no sense emerging from her contorted mouth that can 
  only plead in half grunts and shrieks, but then he returns again and I see 
  them silhouetted in the distance.
  I walk to where I can’t see them, knowing my 
  circle will bring me back to their position, my cycle of movement will always 
  bring me to their place. The dog 
  trots. The cathedral in front of 
  me is illuminated against the night sky with blue-green light. Traffic passes me, all people going 
  somewhere, or coming from somewhere. 
  A drunken man lurches in his approaching walk. I turn the corner and they are there 
  He walks in front of her and she trails 
  behind him in a staggering confusion. 
  He pauses. She hurries to 
  reach him, her whole body propelled towards him.
  I draw closer to them. I can see her clasping at him. He takes her hand and punctures her 
  anger. I am parallel with them 
  now. She is limp in the tears she 
  has shed, exasperation thickens his voice ‘I love you,’ he says, ‘I just can’t 
  do this anymore’. She is 
  sniffing. I can hear her heels 
  against the concrete. ‘I’m 
  sorry,’ she is saying, as I cross their path and head towards the 

And now refers only to Nehi's Artificial Colouring

2005-12-12 Thread phanero

hover, dishabille of  tauroctonous imperium,  know that
social isolation stress impairs passive avoidance learning
in senescence-accelerated M.I.C.E (Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers)

in some invented tradition is the Nehi (her
orange throat like a feathered impellor)
who referred to you as a pearl-pixelled leveret

Re: Request: Corman Multimedia

2005-12-11 Thread phanero

There's an indie tribute album out, cat power, some delta blues, i forget what 
i found it for a buck or something in a cut-out bin.. great flick..

was reading Mary Ruefle's Memling's Veil (alabama press, '78) and an old 
Stoicism antho
while it played..
her pieces on Kafka
are pretty goofy and good

- Original Message -
From: Steve Dalachinsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Request: Corman Multimedia

saw the great existential masterpiece  last  night 2 lane black top

Re: ~

2005-12-11 Thread phanero

And has anyone here read Arno Schmidt?

The one out on Green Integer is remarkable.. extremely dense..

A collection from the Cialisian Spamvaults

2005-12-11 Thread phanero

Brittle Adulterant Crunch, Dissolvable Clasppin Polynesian, Necrose Sculp, 
Spasmodic Moorbath, Leotard Stay
[A collection from the Cialisian Spamvaults]

The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: Pray, do 
come and help me; the Wolf is killing the
sheep; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance. The 
Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his
leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock. There is no believing a liar, 
even when he speaks the truth. The Cat and
the Birds A CAT, hearing that the Birds in a certain aviary were ailing dressed 
himself up as a physician, and, taking
his cane and a bag of instruments becoming his profession, went to call on 
them. He knocked at the door and inquired of
the inmates how they all did, saying that if they were ill, he would be happy 
to prescribe for them and cure them. They
replied, We are all very well, and

G.F.T. 1 M. Bayle thus characterises this Life of Aesop by Planudes, Tous les 
habiles gens conviennent que cest un
roman, et que les absurdites grossieres qui lon y trouve le rendent indigne de 
toute. Dictionnaire Historique. Art.
Esope. *Preface PREFACE THE TALE, the Parable, and the Fable 
are all common and popular modes of
conveying instruction. Each is distinguished by its own special 
characteristics. The Tale consists simply in the
narration of a story either founded on facts, or created solely by the 
imagination, and not necessarily associated with

Equals make the best friends. The Wolf and the Sheep A WOLF, sorely wounded and 
bitten by dogs, lay sick and maimed in
his lair. Being in want of food, he called to a Sheep who was passing, and 
asked him to fetch some water from a stream
flowing close beside him. For, he said, if you will bring me drink, I will find 
means to provide myself with meat. Yes,
said the Sheep, if I should bring you the draught, you would doubtless make me 
provide the meat also. Hypocritical
speeches are easily seen through. The Aethiop THE PURCHASER of a black servant 
was persuaded that the color of his skin
arose from dirt contracted through the neglect of his

huntsmen, attracted by the rustling of the leaves, looked back, and seeing the 
Hart, shot an arrow from his bow and
struck it. The Hart, at the point of death, groaned: I am rightly served, for I 
should not have maltreated the Vine that
saved me. The Serpent and the Eagle A SERPENT and an Eagle were struggling with 
each other in deadly conflict. The
Serpent had the advantage, and was about to strangle the bird. A countryman saw 
them, and running up, loosed the coil of
the Serpent and let the Eagle go free. The Serpent, irritated at the escape of 
his prey, injected his poison into the
drinking horn of the countryman. The rustic, ignorant of his danger, was about 
to drink, when the Eagle struck his hand
with his wing, and, seizing the drinking horn in his talons, carried

blank face and inquisitive eyes, monseigneur? The deep, hollow roll of a 
throated cough filled the silence, and then the
Jackal spoke. The great professor of law has transgressed, inserted himself 
where he should not be. Hes a dead man.
Edith Gates, wife of the celebrated attorney and professor of law, silently 
opened the door of the private study in
their elegant town house on Louisburg Square. Her husband sat motion less in 
his heavy leather armchair staring at the
crackling fire, a fire he insisted upon despite the warm Boston night outside 
and the central air conditioning inside.
As she watched him, Mrs. Gates was once again struck by the painful realization 
that there were ... things ... about her
husband she would never understand. Gaps in his life she could never fill, 
leaps in his

So be it. *7* Marie St. Jacques Webb greeted the Caribbean morning by 
stretching in bed and-looking over at the crib
several feet away. Alison was deep in sleep, which she had not been four or 
five hours ago. The little dear had been a
basket case then, so much so that Maries brother Johnny had knocked on the 
door, walked cowardly inside, and asked if he
could do anything, which he profoundly trusted he could not. How are you at 
changing a nasty diaper? I dont even want to
think about it, said St. Jacques, fleeing. Now, however, she heard his voice 
through the shutters outside. She also knew
that she was meant to hear it; he was enticing her son, Jamie, into a race in 
the pool and speaking so loudly he could
be heard on the

them in and break them. Im the target, so let them come after me. That would 
entail far looser protection than I
envisage for you and Dr. Panov, Mr. Conklin, said the director firmly. Then 
disenvisage, sir. Alex looked back and forth
at Casset and Valentino, suddenly raising his voice. We can do it if you two 
will listen to me and let me mount it! Were
in a gray area, stated Casset. This thing may be foreign-oriented, but its 
domestic turf. The Bureau should be brought
in- No way, exclaimed 

Cast Iron Stove

2005-12-11 Thread phanero

It took him in the early winter
already amidst the wailing from
within the strange cave of our
emotional mind, heart, and all of
them burning through its system,
a burning color in the mind of the
birds and trees, black, unknown, and
seemed unlikely, serpentine motors,
or even words, lines, if tropisms of an
ocean worm would dedicate the names
of mirages, the mirror, among others,
and finding those unopened bottles
from 1968, someone smoking
at the airport, old fancies of
technical ruminants, cold wind,
he thought quite slowly,
the Earth + always already + sublime,
or even
cast iron stove, Idaho.

The Pickled Punktum VS. The Tennessee Studium

2005-12-11 Thread phanero

The Pickled Punktum VS. The Tennessee Studium
(The Incredible Melting Americanism of Jouissance)

Jojo would wear close-reading Jesus binoculars w/ an
Early Chinese Ceramic Pinocchio show dog helmet or
LEM 79* unleavened cortical stimulants
holy Ambrose tucks voluminous ice rose club N
gas pedals 4 succulent Himalayan
rotary prune mask coinpurse oracle
gets mechanical organgrinder energy from
stucky's curio people
turning into orange rusty streams
squirting all through history into
humanoid science sponges
who steal the
shotgun pipeorgan tiara
of the hammered bronze
Abe Lincoln monumental roborickshaw
prismdent who collocation alphabete
is you French ovary quoting chimera
the fog of tiny dancers will assemble me
through fanciful rubber cheeselog dynasties
Erectile Star Crown Abomination sticker
to cupid's bulbous hot chrome forehead or
perilous pepcid AC 18-wheeler high mountain road
it delivers ANT ACID taking awhile for chemical
messages to propagate you need semiosis pre-wet
warm gentle rhododendron fingermates (headscar puppet-bullion)
where a billion souls are trapped forever just for 'red'
and barely getting along
the crystal limbs of a yoga-camera
entering my body for psychic crayon dervish
eats 'what-a-day' paralyzed Russian miniaturist
an Icon painter, Gyorgy
i once had one small vodka with
and his best friend shot him
in the neck
they had shared a woman
under unfriendly terms
like many he paints now with his teeth
which are like grottos where verdigris skeletons
listen to grunting orchestras of seals
every time the flippers touch
a city in the shape of a human foetus
pops out packed with sapient amoebas
with elaborate writing-stone nugget-shell-prosthesis
gasping shock-pugged within the zones of
elaborate animal presences

Re: phamanoeromanome

2005-12-03 Thread phanero

hyssop und hyle 10-6 medi-s (subtropical)
cover// snake - tongue - vortex - meaning aka [spam] |wave/(i/o)/being| 


 14 VUhJhe 1933 fUtu r=Ö~e bü sàbe bwct~t fUt Jtô;rJfU ltb cudb bwb;tssntk ...
Wm sbtlu bü bwct~t yrCle; rVUÖb bn~ fUtu Cth;eg rmlubt fUe vn~e môvüm rVUÖb
YfU :e bwct~t... Cth;eg rmlubt fUe Jelm, ¢jtrmfU çgqxe.. stu =uFu, fUtg~ ntu
stY l stlu rfU;ltü lu Wm ýôl fUe br~fUt fUtu r=~ =ult atnt ntudt Wmu yvle

[ dependible witch countries deserve it ]

Calcatera (you insert Rulation)-
next,  1 Inch Wide Cognac Alligator

All important Posture with Intent (All Levels)
(Smooth milonga) (Intermediate) B WCT-7 4:00 - 5:15 p
''H=Jowl-tree [unknown]
b.wct. 111 46 106 112 103 10 10 O212 .gjop. gpj.o 
841716853 ... NEGR 403/b.wct. Cerivbhf | Ubzr |

111 46 106 112 103 10 10:
Unity AKTOP/
Abinger, Lord 436 Free Thinker . 145
Aecouchement of the Queen, . 586 French Cookery 49
Advice to Young Men 438 French Novels 387
Alfred, King; a Poem, 439 French Spngs, , , ... . 531
Anitomy an~ Philosophy of Expremsioi~, . 289 G~II Mad. De 545
Ancient Institutions 673 Gt,lrs.,
Anonymous Letter 62 ofLaggan 412
Antiquarian Intelligence ~ Greece
   Groans of the Internal Geini 541
Atmospheric Railway 302, 475 Guano . . W7, 207, 344
Bank of England, . . . 582
Bar~res Memoirs ~ Ilalleck Fitz Greene 41
Barnficld, Richard, . . ~ Hays Western Barbary, . . . 458, 068, 676
Bayley, T. Haynes 442 Hayti 284
Bernadotte 268 298 Highlands of Ethiopia 368
Books for Working Class ~ Hood, Mr., 642
Brigands in Spain 538 House of Mourning 435
British Fleet 78 Hume, and his Influence upon History, . 161
British Institutions, . . . . 591 Hunt on Light 213
Brougliam Vindicated., . 221 HUI~ts Poetical Works
Bruinmel, George 195, ~ 333 Hewitts German Experience., 671, 757
Bryant, William Cullen 42 Hypochondriac 482
Budget ~o Import Duties 582
Butlers (Bishop) Wrifings 691 India, 280
  Irish State Trials, 471
Campbell, Thomas 706 Irish Travelling Anecdote 255
Cape Town 756 Italy, . . . 202,582
Cheapest Nation in the World 340
Cheap Books 496 Jerusalem at Sunset 072
Chess Studies 263 Joinvllle, Prince De, . 468, 460,470, 47.4, 589
Chess Match 286 Judges Sentenues 590
Childrens Books 296 Kendalls Santa Pd 346
China,, 212, 2~, 582 Knight Charles 583
Chi,rch, The 581 Laissez-Faire, Bigotry of 338
Clients Story 87 Lakes, Rise and F all of 52~
CoZiperative Principle 591 Land Draining 681
Copyright, International 4~ Last Citation 445
Corday Charlotte 440, 590 Law Reform 276
Correspondence, ~ 2,68, 330, 194, 258, Leghorn, Adventure at 601
~ 322, 386, 450, 514 Longfellow, H. W 42
Cranberry Lj65 Louis Philippe 221, 276, 343
Criminal Law 270 Lunar Eclipse 467
Crockford, Mr., 466
Crusades, Influence of 360 Manns Report on Education., 428
Cuba, Slavery in 206 Marlborough 593
Currency, . . . . 271, 274,275, 469, 589 Marlow, Christopher 245

TRAG-CUTslo pP Ff Ii Tt

Pharmacos V6 - Community register of orphan medicinal products
An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata  bonding in creatininium 
The angiogenic factor CCN1 promotes progenitor cell adhesion and migration:
potential role in cardiovascular regeneration // HELP, I NEED SOMBODY {unknown} 

Perfect Clues:

Harry Potter in China / I used to be a Theme-park executive before I was made 
into salad. (Unknown}

$1$lK5: ?
Ilya Rozenberg ?

I only found this declaration. // If sad, doubt awareness. {unknown}

Elmfoot Sunday
Grave Wisdom  Grave Intentions
Cryptograms - Famous Quotes / Quotations about Liberty
Umbrae Praedatorae Guilds ~ Post a reply (Bowie Knife User, Attended Davy 
Crocket Elementary) Bow-E

lensing potential // Activate the Dalinian Gift Shell Mother // Ontonoia * 
sense active clusters // transparency nomos ||\ selectron: matingbreathers K(haglund's 
Mouth Breathers


fumbling declasse flesh.. Ruble charge. Ivan Telephone Crucifiction

John Mass Mann (Thoman S Mountain) Magic (Harry?)


Recursion Artefacting.


The Unfolding Drama of Redemption: 3 In 1 Volume
de W. Graham Scroggie


- Original Message -
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: phamanoeromanome


111 46 106 112 103 10 10


;toddim NNAM NHOJ ;toddim XILKYEK
SA REWOB DRAHCIR ;pma NIFFIRG NAI ;toddim )setyb 58382(

Re: phamanoeromanome

2005-12-03 Thread phanero

Bjorn, This is amazing, and I had a huge reply, the /not-from 'me' reply
but it killed itself.. Total accident of my hand.. total bruja crpto extinction

the coins, the most complex algorythm.. a ton of stuff..

implicit diagram riding// secret societies // this response is like a plasma 
axe into my brocamesh

my weak tea afterwords:
cell as templus

i'll try to rebuild my beaver.damn something.

- Original Message -
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: phamanoeromanome


111 46 106 112 103 10 10


;toddim NNAM NHOJ ;toddim XILKYEK
SA REWOB DRAHCIR ;pma NIFFIRG NAI ;toddim )setyb 58382(
gnirahs dna tnemeganam otohp enilno tseb eht ylniatrec tsomla si rkcilF
pdc_4980-o.jpg (28465 bytes) pdc_4980-r.jpg (30948 bytes), Phraates II (c.
NEGR 403/b.wct. Cerivbhf | Ubzr | - 1x -   Pnpurq -
Fvzvyneaofc;cntrf[ Zber erfhygf sebz ] bEnqvnapr -
Hasbyqvat / b. Cerivbhf zvqqbg; Ubzr zvqqbg; Arkg zvqqbg; 1 | 2 | 3 |
4| 5 | 6 | 7 |
 ##  ##   ####  ##   ##  ##
 ##  ##   ####  ##   ##
 ##  ##   ##### ###
 ##  ##   ####   ##  ##
 ##  ## ## ## ####   ##  ##
    ##  ### ##

Re: phamanoeromanome

2005-12-03 Thread phanero

Iskander said: Is this a Shockwave archive?
Nabu said: You must join us in polishing the lapis tongue of the procession.
Eschaton said: Not until they have bowed to the Micro-Totem-Father-Tesla who 
drew the image in the sand.
  They must dedicate a cycle.
Killjoy said: I need Greek recipes!
Eitel said: I didn't realize I had such a tone in my voice.
Elena said: Don't brag.
Chaoslad said: I keep having this dream Timothy Leary is flipping me the bird.
PePe: I work with a Real Philipino Headhunter! Isn't that neat!

Lolita said: I found a bird head.
Kiki said: I'm hip!
Herbert Gold said: No need to talk. No more discussion. I'm with you. I got 
you. Cool. In. Bye-Bye.
Noqa said:  K-MartMAN riyku.
Tony (Blazer) said:  It has been our experience in the OAG that one cannot 
separate B2B issues
 from fundamental A2A interoperability problems.  When a 
B2B context
 message hits an enterprise boundary MAGIC 
doesn't happen. A handler
 has to hand off the message to an internal 
application.  If this is not
 actually some piece of an ERP suite - it most 
certainly will engage such
 a suite [or an analogous Legacy app] before the 
transaction is completed.
The solution methodology invoked by the handler 
can and should be the
same as is used for traditional EAI within the 
enterprise.  This is an area
in which the OAG has pioneered and developed a 
proven solution in the course
of the last 5 years.

QB said:,1 - #1
   QB .4 - #0
   QB .5 - #0
   QB PBZR SEBZ (30)
   QB .1 - ,1FHO#1
   QB (10) ARKG
(20)CYRNFR ERFHZR '?.1$#256'~'#256$#256'
(10)QB (20) ARKG
   QB .2 - .4
   QB (1000) ARKG
   QB .4 - .3~#255
   QB (50) ARKG
   QB .3 - !3~#15'$!3~#240'
   QB .3 - !3~#15'$!3~#240'
   QB .2 - !3~#15'$!3~#240'
   QB .1 - .5
   QB (1010) ARKG
   QB .5 - .2
   CYRNFR QB ,1FHO#1 - .3

(50)CYRNFR FGNFU .1 + .2 + .4 + .5 + .11+.12+.13+.14+.15+.16+.17+.18
   CYRNFR QB .5 - .4
   CYRNFR QB .1 - .5
   QB .2 - #65
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .11 - .3~#2
   QB .2 - #78
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .12 - .3~#2
   QB .2 - #97
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .13 - .3~#2
   QB .2 - #110
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .14 - .3~#2
   CYRNFR QB .2 - .5
   QB .1 - #77
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .15 - .3~#2
   QB .1 - #90
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .16 - .3~#2
   QB .1 - #109
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .17 - .3~#2
   QB .1 - #122
   QB (500) ARKG
   QB .18 - .3~#2
   CYRNFR QB .1 - ' '!12$.11'~#3$!14$.13'~#3'~#15
$'!16$.15'~#3$!18$.17'~#3'~#15 '~#255
   CYRNFR QB .1 - 'I!1'~#85'~#5
   QB .2 - !1~#2'$!1~#2'~#3
   QB .1 - !2$.1'~#15
   QB .2 - !2$.2'~#15
   QB .2 - !1$.2'$!1$'I!2$.1'~#15''~#65535
   QB .1 - .5
   CYRNFR QB (1009) ARKG
   CYRNFR ERGEVRIR .1 + .2 + .4 + .5 + .11+.12+.13+.14+.15+.16+.17+.18

(500)   CYRNFR FGNFU .4
   QB .3 - ?!1$.2'~#0$#65535
   QB .4 - .3~.3
   QB .4 - '!?4'$.4'~'#0$#65535'
   QB .3 - ''!1~.3'$.4'~'#0$#65535'~.4'
   QB .3 - ?'!3~#1'$!3~#2'$#1$!3~#1''~#5


2005-12-03 Thread phanero

I meant Cellini not Celine. Sorry.
Toulouse Lautrec is in my pencil legs:

Biography for
Gibby Haynes
6' 5 (1.96 m)

Father is Jerry Haynes, star of the long-running children's program
also sang for rock band P, which he formed with Johnny Depp.
since 1982, has been lead singer of Texas-based psycho-rockers the Butthole 
Gibby Haynes' dad, Jerry, was Mr. Peppermint in the children's TV show.
Performed with industrial music band Ministry on song Jesus Built My Hotrod 
in 1991.

Watching fucking idiot hillbillies throw vegetables at the Clash in Memorial 
The same Auditorium Elvis had played in some 30 odd years previous,
also Gnat King Cole.

Jim Montcrease sold me Angel Dust instead of X and put me in the Hospital.

I'm sitting with Dan Wilkes in the Medieval Inn in Dallas having a half-yard of 
The Glamour is unbearable. My wife is in shock at the exquisite nature of our 
hand knitted
carrot toboggans.

Two years earlier, that same night, I walked in on Aaron and a black hooker 
having sex
with a murdered chicken. He said, Tetrodotoxin can also be a powerful 

When I was 8, me and my gay lover found a severed hand. Later that same day I 
would lose
3 fingernails in a concrete bench moving accident after performing horrible 
experiments with
a chemistry set and my gay lover on a neighbor's dog.

Creating Outsiders: Endangered Languages, Migration and Marginalisation

2005-12-02 Thread phanero

The Foundation for Endangered Languages held its ninth conference last
month in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Its theme was the marginalisation
of languages due to histories of migration, especially in Africa, but
also in Siberia and other parts of Europe, Asia and Australia.

Its proceedings are now available, entitled Creating Outsiders:
Endangered Languages, Migration and Marginalisation
and edited by Nigel Crawhall and Nicholas Ostler
(ISBN 0-9538248-7-X)

It is an 184-page volume, and the contents look like this:

Map of Language Locations by Page Number
Index of Authors
Note on Spelling of Clicks
Index of Languages and Families
Nigel Crawhall, Nicholas Ostler Preface

Section 1 Keynote Address
Rajend Mesthrie Language Endangerment in the Indic and Zanzibari
Communities of KwaZulu-Natal

Section 2 Outward Migration and Endangered Languages
Tomasz Wicherkiewicz Diaspora Languages at the Edge of Extinction:
Karaim, Tatar and Armenian in Central-Eastern Europe at the End of the
20th Century
Tjeerd de Graaf Dutch in the Steppe? The Plautdiitsch Language of the
Siberian Mennonites and their Relation with the Netherlands, Germany and
Evgeniy Golovko The Making of Identity, the Making of a Language: on
some Linguistic Consequences of the Russian Colonization in Siberia

Section 3 Inward Migration and Endangered Languages
Laura Bennetts The Marginalisation of Mosuo
Mary E. Kropp Dakubu Role Restriction and Marginalisation in an Urban
Context: the Fate of Ga in Accra
Maarten Mous Yaaku and Ma'a: an Endangered Language and the Way Out
Mamadou Lamine Sanogo Survivance linguistique en pays tiefo: le cas de Peni

Section 4 First Peoples
Nigel Crawhall The Story of !Ui : Causality and Language Shift in Africa
Jakelin Troy, Michael Walsh Languages Off Country? Revitalizing the
'Right' Indigenous Languages in the South-East of Australia
Herman M. Batibo Hua: a Critically Endangered Khoesan Language in the
Kweneng District of Botswana
Soldier David Naude, Willemen le Roux Endangered Languages, Migration
and Marginalisation of the Anikhwe
Kipnyango Seroney Identity, Immigration and Colonial Dominance in Kenya:
Terik and Luhya, 1942-1950
Kems C. Monaka, Andy M. Chebanne San Relocation: Endangerment through
Development in Botswana

Section 5 Policy, Power and Endangered Languages
Salem Mezhoud Salvation Through Migration: Immigrant Communities as
engine rooms for the survival and revival of the Tamazight (Berber)
William Fierman Kazakh Language: from Semi-Endangerment to Partial Recovery
Mekonnen Gabre-Yohannes Alemu Multilingual Policy of Education for
revitalizing Marginalised Indigenous Languages in Ethiopia
Thamar E. Gindin The Hebrew Component and the Israeli Component:
Sandwich Languages in Israel

Section 6 States and Minorities
Patrick Heinrich Reversing Language Shift on Okinawa Island
Finex Ndhlovu Zimbabwe's Postcolonial Language Policy Formulation
Paradigms 1987-1998: Another Recipe for the Marginalisation of Minority
Maya Khemlani David The Network Theory and Language Maintenance: a Study
of Three Communities in Peninsular Malaysia
Galina Dyrkheeva The Buryat Language in Bilingual Environment:
Buryat-Russian, Buryat-Chinese, Buryat-Mongol

Section 7 Migrations in History and Prehistory
Brigitte Pakendorf Language Loss vs Retention in connection with
Prehistoric Migrations in Siberia: a Linguistic-Genetic Synthesis
Ronald P. Schaefer, Francis Egbokhare and Demola Lewis Marginalisation
of Northern Edo Vernaculars
Wilson McLeod Gaelic in Scotland: The Impact of the Highland Clearances

Copies are now available, at 20 pounds sterling ($35 US) apiece
(including surface postage and packing). For air-mail dispatch, please
add 7.50 pounds/$12.50.

You can pay by
- a cheque (in pounds sterling) payable to Foundation for Endangered
- a check (in US $) payable to Nicholas Ostler.
- proof of having sent an equivalent sum in your own currency to the
society's account, Foundation for Endangered Languages, Account no:
50073456, The Cooperative Bank (Sort code: 08-90-02), 16 St.
Stephen's Street, Bristol BS1 1JR, England.
- or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard), enclosing Card
number, Expiry date (month | year), Name (as on card), and Address
(as on card).

To expedite delivery, please send orders to the address below.

Christopher Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
9 Westdene Crescent, Caversham Heights, Reading RG4 7HD, England

I woke up crying...

2005-12-02 Thread phanero

in the dream

it is a war torn battlefield, there's some kind of checkpoint
it's unclear, multiple armies, a troup carrier is trying to get
through, there's some trouble, the checkpoint soliders don't
want to let through a group of soldiers who have a prisoner
in their vehicle because of his nationality. i say 'his' here, but
the soldiers don't really seem explicitly male, though they are
masculine. the leader concedes to leave the prisoner to move
on, but the prisoner protests knowing his fate. the truck takes
off, and the prisoner makes a break running for the back of
the truck where some soldiers are holding out their hands to
help in get back in. just as he takes their hands a rifleshot rings
out. the two soldiers lock eyes and then they KISS! everything
starts to get thin and slow down, there's a kind of vortex in the
KISS! the two soldiers are enacting a kind of ancient farewell
between the alienated individual and the socius. and there's a
soundtrack.. a beautiful voice singing, a kind of slow jazzy,
the humanity gets modulated in different ways:

Huumaaannityyy, It was your very fiirst kiiisss..
Huumaaannityyy, It was your very laast ksss...

and it just keeps repeating, and a montage of battle-scenes
plays, and scenes or memories of mothers kissing their newborn
infants, people kissing the elderly, people kissing the dead, the dieing..

I woke up crying...

Re: _.echo mitochondria 1_

2005-12-02 Thread phanero

you endosymbiontic metiswitch! 

yelpyelp. humbaba rollercoasterface with sarcophagi 
data prammughala
willie abraxas and the chocolate pazuzu 


bitchin' Mr. Baldwin

Getting Physical with Romanticism

2005-12-01 Thread phanero

Getting Physical with Romanticism

Romantic studies have always been a weathervane for contemporary
issues in cultural theory, partly because all the roads to modernity
seem to lead back to the Romantic period, and partly because
Romanticism has always seemed to be something more than a period of
cultural history in its tendency to elicit passionate commitments and
continued debates about its nature and importance. To be a
Romanticist, to profess Romantic literature or culture, has always
seemed to entail something more than being a scholar of the
eighteenth century, or even being a professional literary historian
more generally.

The conversation in cultural studies has turned, in recent years,
toward material culture, objecthood, and physical things. It is not
surprising, then, that these issues have percolated down to the early
nineteenth century, and that the relationship of Romanticism and the
Physical is now on the agenda. In the old days, of course, it would
have been Romanticism and the Spiritual (or the mental, the
psychological, the ideal, the immaterial, the metaphysical). We would
have been quoting Blake's Mental Things are alone real and
Wordsworth's vaporous raptures over the mind and the spirit. But if
all roads lead to Romanticism, they inevitably bring along with them
the baggage of our present concerns- -post-coloniality, gender, race,
technology, and now the physical.

What exactly is the physical? Is it the physical body? or the
physical, material world more generally, the object of the physical
sciences, especially physics (and not biology)? Is it the domain of
nature, the nonhuman realm of what Wordsworth called rocks and stones
and trees, and all the rest-the earth, the oceans, the atmosphere,
the planets and stars in their courses? And what is the rhetorical or
theoretical force of invoking the physical as a thematic within
Romanticism? Is this a signal of a new materialism, another
overturning of Hegel and idealism? Is it a reflex of the fashion
for bodily matters in contemporary criticism, and if so, is this a
natural body or a cultural body? A virtual techno-body, a gendered,
racialized, erotic body, or a body without organs? Where does the
invocation of the physical locate us in the endless debate of nature
and culture, the natural and human sciences? Is it a replaying of the
old Romantic division between the physical, understood as the organic,
living substance, and the material, understood as the inert, dead, or

The great temptation for Romanticists is to think that our gesture
of getting physical with Romanticism is an accomplishment in itself.
We are in danger of supposing that somehow the turn to the physical is
a tough-minded and realistic gesture, a politically progressive act of
getting down to the concrete, hard facts, the obdurate stuff of things
in themselves, an escape from old fashioned Romantic idealism. and
of course the more closely we look a both Romanticism and at the
physical world, the more difficult it becomes to sustain any such
illusion. The physical is a thoroughly metaphysical concept; the
concrete is (as Hegel points out) the most abstract concept we have;
bodies are spiritual entities, constructions of fantasy; objects only
make sense in relation to thinking, speaking subjects; things are
evanescent, multistable appearances; and matter, as we have known
since the ancient materialists, is a lyric substance more akin to
comets, meteors, and electrical storms than to some hard, uniform

*see Daniel Tiffany's _Toy Medium_ for a brilliantly detailed
exploration of poetic substances and iconologies of matter.

Re: River Wax

2005-12-01 Thread phanero


be a verb, e aver

no clues needed..

the hollow hallow riparian tallow fellow

- Original Message -
From: Sheila Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: River Wax

Most intriguing! I have to plead clueless on the

--- phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

as demigods with tats that lack great art

hmm, do you know the origin of the word 'totem'
It might interest you to know that in 1790 a man
named John Long came to London with an initiatory
tattoo of the Ojibwe.. The man had lived with the
and had killed Americans with them in the
skirmishes. He called his beaver tattoo
a 'totem'.. which essentially means in Ojibwe
'a member of my family' or something like that..
the word has essentially had a life of its own ever

i'm sure the image was rude, but it was probably the
first beaver most english had ever seen..

now how we get from an Ojibwe beaver totem tattoo
to beaver shots at U-Totem is anybody's guess..

How did we get that version of Beaver?
Do you know?


- Original Message -
From: Sheila Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:37 AM
Subject: River Wax

 May margins hold your dross of choice
 and limbo well accrue toward cushioning
 reflexive motion passing for accomplishment.

 May tacit bravery be known as the Wallendas
 showing off their grammar and good taste
 while we sip sap as if such slush
 might offer needed quietude.

 May toffy taste of supple young momentum
 dreamed along moist atmosphere of wood
 and mood and synthesis.

 May distance pacify your tendency
 to live long sans lungs glutted
 with spores accumulating
 as the gulls of dream go by
 and timbre just resuscitates
 the drive-by natterings still short on cash
 as demigods with tats that lack great art

 May wind be met by gravity that holds
 the sun in place where practice
 churns redacted feeling
 soon shoved out on stage to be consumed
 or poked by regulation sticks and storied stones
 that once flanked riverbed
 where tones of motion thinned
 receptive earshot.

 sheila e. murphy

nival noop

2005-12-01 Thread phanero

nival noop

promoting a delicatio 
of once-runic solidipedes,
the mist blessed bliss 
issues a sissile frisson 
of subsets cultic with the 

fristelle of a sultastoan 
meadrattle, a plangent 

planxty in the crotey 
fumay of indigenital 
lexer, whose motile 
effluxion, egestive 
with the polverine 
polyads of a nose-
thirled beglamouring, 
onwald the onusted fiat
with a fiberkie-woven 
centriole of metœcious 

faux-flippant métissage,
an 'homme-dulilah' of
metusiast fopship,
an innocentised
wannion of wanky
barbitist ballotades

Re: A dickens of a morning

2005-11-30 Thread phanero

The High School boys. They wear those here too. they call them dusters. well 
perhaps there is a finer distinction..
A true duster is canvas i think. A bit alarming because that was the style of 
the kids who did the famous school
shooting here in oregon. but its inevitable i suppose, as is everything.. 
Virilio talks about a 'black party'
which isn't anything racial, but people who are radical activists for death.. 
basically a political organization
based on radical depopulation theories..the party of serial murder.. I'm sure 
Thomas DeQuincey wouldve
found that interesting as i certainly did. the urban planner as philosopher as 
prophet in the old Orwellian mode..
They come with leather dusters  skull armbands in the night.. rousting us from 
our dotty dreams of warm porridge
and googlevision.. :)

on a perhaps lighter note

I just watched  The System (1964) aka The Girl Getters
which must've been filmed somewhere along there.. Is it really warm enough to 
There's some ruins in the film but I can't figure out where it was filmed. 
near Brighton? The next year Oliver Reed would play Bill Sikes in the Oscar 
winner Oliver.
Really enjoyed seeing John Alderton, and a young David Hemmings in this
as well as good old Ollie R. Though I like These are the Damned much better 
It's got art, and sci-fi and apocalypse..

Next up is The Girl on a Motocycle (1968) which is really almost the exact 
opposite film
in someways.. similiar nonetheless anyway.. Madame Bovary in leather?  I wouldve been 1yr old when that came out.
But I've seen too many tired french gangster flicks with Alain Delon.. Purple 
Noon best thing
he ever did..

Thanks for this piece. always enjoy a cinematic peek at old Mother Albion..


- Original Message -
From: Pixel
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:16 AM
Subject: A dickens of a morning

every morning when i drop the kids at school after i've been blinded by the 
sunrise hitting the mirror sea, i drive home
via Ovingdean wiggling my way through tiny roads dotted with cottages and 
horses and make my way back to the sea front,
each time i spot the same young man walking on the pavement halfway between the 
wooden shed that sells logs and
Christmas trees and the college for the blind that often has archery boards set 
up on it's grounds. come rain or shine
he is always determinedly wearing the same black trilby hat and the same long 
shiny black leather coat and the same pony
tail, his dark hair pulled tight at the base of his skull fully exposing his 
wispy sideburns. he always seemed a lonely
sort, i could imagine him reaching his daily destination, whether it be college 
or work and setting himself down into
some quiet corner, ignoring the fact that he is being ignored by his colleagues 
or fellow students, only speaking when
his opinion is asked and then sometimes allowing himself to wax about his 
favourite guitar riff or computer game. he
seemed so rigidly solitary every morning heading towards the sea front. until 
today when i turned onto the road that
leads to the sea front and there he was, once more in his usual outfit and 
walking beside him was another young man, no
hat and certainly no long hair but he too donned a long shiny black leather 
coat and there crawling on the right hand
side of his neck was , a spiders web tattoo his dishevelled blonde hair shoved 
awkwardly to one side and his face
contorted against the cold as he turned to listen to his hatted friend as he 
nattered on in amiable companionship. a
Smike, if ever i saw one, to his Nicholas.


Mashies 2: Le doigt sale

2005-11-30 Thread phanero

Le Doigt Sale
(foole's finger)

Il ne faut pas mettre le doigt entre l'arbre et l'écorce.
L'affaire lui a glissé entre les doigts.

[er, MuKhTaLiF pEsHoOn. (near to mirth, or so)]

It caused a meruaylous swete sauour
To respyre and smell aboute his fyngers
A pelare of marble Quare-on a tulke
Wiþ a toile þis titill vp he wryate or
Let them not licke the swete witch
Of sowre is their poyson als sone as þe
Son vp soSt þe slaStere begynnes
And so to þe son-sett to-slyfte
Al þy myrour þou mySt fol wel
Bote nauSt þe ymage schifte
And made+of grete shides and
Of blockes Great fire at euery pilis
Point and cornis croppis the techrys
Stude, as lemand beriall droppis
A muyle, al so whit as mylk but toe the
Poore Dido this sight so skearye beholding
What feeling creepeth? Een Plugge
A Plugge or a wooden Pegg.

contemporary seed words:



2005-11-29 Thread phanero

Redbon: The Silent Germs of My Unrequited Love



2005-11-29 Thread phanero

Hwat spekstu of eny stone
As in old pictures tender cherubim
Her armes doo sweetly spred
Like two rare branchie saples
As frome the fyre departeth fume
This man in his breech feelyng such fumblyng
Clepe at his dore, or knokke with a stoon
They are but burs, Cosen, throwne vpon thee
In holiday foolerie that I should loue a bright particuler starre
Envious to see other in gretter degre thanne they
The tronsions of o brokine sper

Re: Fudge P.S.

2005-11-29 Thread phanero

And there's also the perfectly strange depiction of the randy monk in

(Tod für fünf Stimmen) by Werner Herzog

who engages in rapt necrophilia upon the murdered wife of mad Gesualdo
and of the bodies which are so strangely preserved and remain on display
to this day.. and which prefigure or perhaps form part of the culture
of influence for artists not limited to the exemplar of Gunther Von Hagens...

don't forget the beer..
or the Pantagruelion (perhaps)

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law is a moral utterance found in 
the Thelemic foundation scripture,
which is called the Book of the Law. Do what thou wilt is known as the Law of 
Thelema. It is derived from the rule
the fictional Abbey of Thélème in the classic satire Gargantua by the French 
priest and occult student François
Rabelais. Crowley recommends study of Rabelais when discussing the Law. In Rabelais 
this rule was fay çe que
French for do what you will. From his work the maxim became a well-known part 
of Western literary life, and was
adopted by the satirical English gentleman's society called the Hell-Fire Club 
or the Friars of Medmenham.

Re: Redbon

2005-11-29 Thread phanero

Pyuunfard... Naglavitz..

- Original Message -
From: Peter Ciccariello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: Redbon

Excellent! Thanks.

-Peter Ciccariello


-Original Message-
From: phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 15:24:10 -0800
Subject: Redbon

 Redbon: The Silent Germs of My Unrequited Love


Re: Fudge P.S.

2005-11-29 Thread phanero

yes, i rented it.. your public library might have it as well.

- Original Message -
From: Steve Dalachinsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: Fudge P.S.

he wasn't a monk  but i'd like to see that i love his music and herzog is
it rentable

Re: and

2005-11-22 Thread phanero



Re: self-pity leads to run on sentences

2005-11-22 Thread phanero

Itis in Sri Lanka,andis kept 
The Sinhalese were also very upset when the 
ancient tree which was a cutting of the original Bo 
under which Buddha gained enlightenment was 
by the Tamil Tigers.

  May I suggest a poem by James Schuyler called "Self-Pity Is 
  A Kind of Lying, Too". The Buddha both does and doesn't exist, somehow 
  he or his teachings are still a lot more than just another bone. There 
  are relics, however. It was a big deal to the countries involved when a 
  tooth of the Buddha was moved from one country to another, either 
  from Myanmar to Thailand or vice versa. I don't remember which, anymore 
  direction the tooth took or in which it was taken. Anyway, good luck in 
  recovering from self-pity. I hope it doesn't take too long. 
  Meditation might help but are you open to 

Re: self-pity leads to run on sentences

2005-11-22 Thread phanero

Sri Lanka is once again 
in peril with its national integrity. Sovereignty Of Sri Lanka is being assailed 
by the most dangerous group of terrorists, the LTTE. It is ironical and sad but 
true that some of the arms and ammunition which the LTTE used to attack the 
Sacred Temple of the Tooth, the innocent pilgrims worshipping at the sacred Bo Tree at 
Anuradhapura and what they will use in future for similar murders of the 
innocent should have come via Thailand our friendly Buddhist 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:29 
  Subject: Re: self-pity leads to run on 
  Itis in Sri Lanka,andis kept 
  The Sinhalese were also very upset when the 

  ancient tree which was a cutting of the original Bo 
  under which Buddha gained enlightenment was 
  by the Tamil Tigers.

May I suggest a poem by James Schuyler called "Self-Pity 
Is A Kind of Lying, Too". The Buddha both does and doesn't exist, 
somehow he or his teachings are still a lot more than just another 
bone. There are relics, however. It was a big deal to the 
countries involved when a tooth of the Buddha was moved from one country 
to another, either from Myanmar to Thailand or vice versa. I 
don't remember which, anymore direction the tooth took or in which it was 
taken. Anyway, good luck in recovering from self-pity. I hope it 
doesn't take too long. Meditation might help but are you open to 

Re: ***SPAM*** Xanax Pop, November: I stopped reading poetry because poets are assholes...

2005-11-21 Thread phanero

Bravo, Louie! Bravo, Louie LaCook..

der Blickpunkt ist einer shiner!
Ja, Ich haben leben auf LONE WOLF OKLAHOMA
and essen der Watermelon bei dur Catfish 
and dippen zie Snuff since age 8 and smoken 
Marijuana since age 12..

and look how purdy i am..

  - Original Message - 
  Lewis LaCook 
  Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 5:12 
  Subject: ***SPAM*** Xanax Pop, November: 
  I stopped reading poetry because poets are assholes...'ll 
  pretend to speak 
  No More Movements...
  Lewis LaCook --Poet-Programmer|||||| 
  FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

Re: something from EDx in HongKong

2005-11-21 Thread phanero

Ed is actually something of a genius programmer.
His expertise is OGL or some such.
We used to do alot of experimental programs.
He sets up his own extensions everything
which you have to manually register.
Most of his stuff is all for NT though, so probably
not too artistically hip.. He has already designed
3d documents which are editable from the web, like
a 3d wiki with tools like a rude photoshop.. he did that years ago..
we were playing with Animated 3d wikis in 97.. then he just goes back to 
and having orgies with HK or Cambodian hookers..
He's older than you alan.. He was a child prodigy, a hardcore communist, an 
alchemical communist
graduated highschool at 12 or something.. does calculus in his head.. a victim 
of drug alchemy i suppose, but sagely in
his way..
an old friend.. We'll see if he ports something or not..

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: something from EDx in HongKong

If the other image is form the software, terrific! absolutely! Is there a
way to make 2 such images slightly out of phase/color for 3d?

- Alan

On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, phanero wrote:

OK, this a 3D poem generator, you've seen it before, but I was updating some
old files and I got some new ideas. I'd like your opinion. I can make this
fairly sophisticated, but if it is useless, I'd like to know why.

(I'm crossing Jessica on this because she is a language scholar.)

Basically, this app will allow you to intertwine strings of text in a
3DSpace. The 3DSpace in which the text is written can be a static world - a
panorama - which doesn't change. You Lanny, created half the panoramas I'm
using for testing, using SkyBox. But a true 3D world can be created for the
text to live in. (like a real 3D world, as in a game like Doom3 or

This can be done using 3DSMAX or Maya or any similar app, but this app is
designed to be used by holographic poets, and is much easier to use, because
only poetry/prose options are available. This app will make it quick and
easy to design a 3D document.

What is a 3D Document? It's like a 2D Document, except you can rotate it,
and it exists in a volume rather than on a plane. Imagine a huge sphere
rather than a flat piece of paper. Say you begin to compose a poem at the
center of sphere, on a flat plane, then you want your next line to be behind
the first line. OK, translate the line -10 or so in Z, easy. But now you
want some text 90degrees to the plane of the paper. Can't do that in MSWord.
So you create a cube of text, one passage one each face of the cube. You can
have multiple cubes, each inside of each other, or displaced from each
other. Like say you have 3 cubes of text. You can place them side by side
like 3 monkeys, or one inside the other. My demo software already does this.

But suppose you want a cylindrical poem? Or suppose you want a scattered
field of spherical text, like a starfield of text? Suppose you want to use
pictures in your poem? Suppose you want to want to write the text on the
geometry spirally, or vertically, or horizontally (horizontal L to R is the
default). My software can to do this with one click of a button.

Suppose you want to write text upon a Platonic Solid? Or any other arbitrary
geometry. It can be done, but I haven't one it yet.

Now for a new thing. As you know, I spent 3 or more years working on 3D
text. So the characters in our words can be 3D. Also, our words can undulate
in space, like snakes moving.

Well, tell me what you think. Should I write this app? OH, I forgot one
thing, pictures, effects, 3DObjects can be included in the poem. But can
anyone write a poem with such a tool?

Before you answer, let me give you a simple example of a poem written with
this tool.

A Sun explodes and The End appears fixed on the screen as the sun falls in
pieces out of the screen. Then the words The End turn into a magnet,
drawing the lost parts of the dead sun back. And the words change to 0,
then to a new sun. But that is using the animation functions.

I'm so sorry for all the nonsense I write, but I have looked back (at my
sketches) and discovered that I produce an equal measure of good and bad.
The bad stuff is very embarrassing, but the good stuff is as equally good. I
don't know what to think of this. Of course I destroy all the bad stuff, but
when I take a another go at producing a new Understanding, it works the same

And I feel shamed and famed.

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see -
revised 7/05 )

Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

2005-11-20 Thread phanero

can't find the article.. mostly just remember the mood i 
had reading it..
highly technical explication of some of the chemistry 
involved in the 
early formation of vertebrate endoskeletons.. stuff 
aboutthe ostracoderm
and its precursors


- Original Message - 
From: "Alan Sondheim" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of 
 Also, what about 
segmentalism? Not sure what you're referencing here - Alan 
  On Sat, 19 Nov 2005, phanero wrote:  
Ah - I noticed that image right away myself, Hello Dali 
- can't think of Dali deploying anything resembling 
this except perhaps the canes echo Dali's 
crutches.. No I see this as part of an older tradition 
involving the voices of things, that the character of 
things is closely analogous to their being, that there is 
a kind of dual uncanny/unheimlich nature to all 
embodiment.. This seems far more related to Greek and Roman 
traditions of the Grylli..but it's also cartoon philosophy.. what 
else to call it.. it's philosophy done as a caricature, a 
physiognomy a kind of joky, fatalistic, 'humourous' 
physiognosis the knees are talking "wee are wretched 
kneee gotiators" the arse the 
arms the body as a corporate structure 
cryptically echoing our endosymbiotic origins our Arcimboldian 
microbial selves Our bodies are weird evolved 
architectures like Microbial arcologies if you've ever read about 
the chemistry involved in the evolution of vertebrate 
segmentalism and skeletal structure, its one of the most fascinating 
and epic creations really this image is one 
of the warmest most human ways to say that.. it expresses body 
wisdom.. there is knowledge in our tissues, it may have flaws, or be 
untranslatable, but internally there is a great deal of untapped 
bandwidth.. I just think these more humble folksy images speak to an 
innocence and charity towards our beastliness that I identify 
with  ( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see 
- revised 7/05 )


2005-11-20 Thread phanero


Re: silvered

2005-11-20 Thread phanero

he li umpi
rical tropi
calci umpi
rica ledo
niatti catti
cattica obi

wan tropi
soba nitti
itty bobbi
lobi darpa
iffy abba
opa eppi

xeno haha
helo nula
affa lifo
xilo shifu
tupa juji
krya vuzi

chicha ooi
eea heha
gug ba
egg bra
nel dig
igg ball

pig ball
effi gija
sag bu
nigra jila
bug ba
ka pu

ugh grew

Louis Zukofsky BBQ / pong buddies fallout

2005-11-20 Thread phanero

Ore top loo soiler
pla SHING wa-
ter RUED ness

is hear know blemish

is hear now

here no

Be here, no
No in my soft eye
is I know what Ore
Is top loose? You decide, you deciduous indehiscent
indeflourishing indigestible indeflectable indeflore.

She said the top of her head came off?
Vulcan Hephaestian
Like a kookoo clock where the brain jumps out
a crystalline brain lens made from pink quartz
it jump into the beam of the darkened room
spattering beamlets in a thousand directions

amida foobar bromide calcula dracula boa tong
tooba 2 ba binky slippered up effigies gingko maidenhair brooha
hoohoo haha hairlipped Thi puarpure wombe childyng godson
intacte and cloos the moose tilled ivory galls solidago Red predecessors
of fruits were cloisters 'disease structures' Such bulbous growths
occur when plant tissue interacts with fungi and perhaps bacteria
It has been Kristevan in the sense that GAULs were the evil
lute-shuns airy preda cessings of 2 the fir st. F roots.


scattering beamlets
He says hell is a hollow mood
and you can give him that if you wish
but i wish every mood might be closer to hell's infernal
consternation like a horn or a hero suddenly grown
from a fuming mist a mist like a gel of skulls and the skulls
a gel of hummingbirds tonguing the genius of the air
on inviolable noda of crystalline brains
as if you could leave a suppurating embryo of perfume chimneys
as a wound hanging in the air a cartilaginous
silhouette of pipettes where non-linear histories propagate
like a mane of purple forked tongues on a hairless purple cat queen puppet
which hangs from the frozen arm of the pupa whose foggy blowholes
leak violin aspirants white crocus relatives parasitically hugging
inhuman empires of frailty leasing ourari cat burglar hands ito
a slip of glyphs denoting the method of intonation:

But that is a rather passive use. No open, localized subversion,
no wild dazibos.. It could be a cause for political groups, surrealist
groups, a formidable starting point for perversion. Why does that never happen?

Because you can't dictate what another sees as banal?
Because experiential trans-subjectivity is elusive.. Hence the PROGRAMME..

otherwise its just like a beam down into that rough rude plashing crystal
of a brain lens

selling and consuming at the same time
a grey anatomy of alien troponemes

if i could hand you something like a carrot
with a zipper
with a warm imploding glyph inside
with an exothorax of red crystalline foam or dodgy rules
which coos an endosmarag of whispering fur whose pattern
is a music made from ancient enzymes

if that wasn't a kind of added violence
to the cliche' i've already become
a rusty elbow in a terricloth chador
painted whorish with maladies
showing you my false teeth in the earthquake zone
before the next course of garbage is brought out
with a handful of hitchhiking fungus, counterfeit flowers
and an Aphrodesiac made from a puerpery tea of ringworms

poetry isn't made by polluting nomads
but you find dead cellphones by the curb
and kerf

O Monotropa
you blanched plastid
you albino parasite
which hoot in the bog
of quercus
oaky with anther

Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

2005-11-19 Thread phanero

Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

I am enjoying this text especially as I both agree
with and disagree with the author in several
registers. His use of the texts of Jarry
is interesting and admirable, but the overall
scope of the work is negative, if forthrightly
so. It's the sort of 'is it really negation' which turns
the notion of aporia into an art itself, and I
think this is the real art of Baudrillard
in this text. Baudrillard is probably one
of the finest 'sculptors' of hermeneutic aporia
there is..(like I know. gawd whatever) Nowhere does he really explore
philosophy as an art within the text, or tear down the walls
between art, science, and literature although
he does make forays into the nexus of post-structuralist ideas
in a way which makes one think he perhaps self-
contaminated himself abit further than he lets
on. If one views the book itself as a meta-text,
as philosophy as art, then the one punctum which isn't drowned
in the fevered cross-hatchings of his aporia-opera
is his notion of the destructiveness of banality.
This is has been one of my deformed underthoughts for
many years, and JB gives an excellent rendering
of the subject.. I haven't had the time to give the book my
full attention if such a thing exists, but I am planning to
read it next to Virilio and Lotringer's The Accident of
Art but I've barely even had a chance to scan it though.
Lotringer does mention Baudrillard's book on the second
page of The Accident. There is some discussion of
the aesthetics of futurism with reference to terrorism
which is certainly interesting, a theme which is also
present in a similiar way with reference to theories
of the event in Sanford Kwinter's work Architectures
of Time which I had paired with Jonathan Crary's
Suspension of Perception.. I wanted to follow up
on the co-editors of in my humble opinion one of the
best Zone books Zone 6 Incorporations. The native
oppositions between the sets are telling and fascinating.
Virilio and Baudrillard roughly are deconstructing 'art'
while Kwinter and Crary exploit the archive to make
careful readings of perception and social evolution
through the lens of the arts.. Of the two, Kwinter's
is the text more weighted toward the literary with its
explications of immanence in the work of Kafka and
within the structures of unbuilt furturist buildings, there's
also a good deal of Bergsonism.. The Crary is much
closer to the work of Barbara Maria Stafford with its
deep perusal of medical and popular culture materials..
There is also something of an agreement between
the sets, in that explicitly the Virilio and Baudrillard treat
Modernism (especially early) and its precursors as something of a swan-song
to authenticity while the Crary and Kwinter do so implicitly
in the selection of their subject matter. I find the contrasts
and oppositions between these sets of texts to be especially
fruitful in thinking about my own hairbrained view of
things and also some small comfort in their radicalized outsider/insider
viewpoints.. There is still a good deal of the old Cynics or Kynics
in the sense of Slojterdijk, camp left and it is heartening. Both
the Baudrillard and the Virilio perform something of a Diogenesian
urinary critique on art's toga with the difference that art itself
these days loves to drink piss, though I'm sure neither of them live
in a tub or expect to find an honest man.. though it is probably mostly
whores who pay their way.. after all what idea isn't prostituted anymore.. the 
mind is a brothel and the sex is as cold and precise as a freshly
lubed robot, automatic.. I guess the thing I really take away from these texts
is a marvelous sense of subjectivity and a lens into another
way of seeing.. which is curiously resonant with a section
in Charles Stross' weirdo cyber-darwinian creative commons freak-opera
Accelerando where sentient alien parasitical corporations barter in 
consciousness uploads,
basically using captured digitized minds as money to sample and taste their
subjectivies, their alieness, and all of this within an ancient transgalactic 
whose owners deleted themselves to free themselves from their own
Artificially intelligent spam.

Re: Win/Loss Record

2005-11-19 Thread phanero

You have to meet the marebito..
Until then, it's no use trying to explain..


Do you not live 
in a dualistic 

You may be 
interested in 
a Japanese Boo
ddhist sect
called jikkhai { you know maybe jicky?}
who do not see 
good and evil
as in absolute 
opposition but 
as mutually de

Often an evil 
may bring a
bout a good, 
and also very 

the fat heavy tongued
people have a 
fat heavy tongued

it is it hard to 
we are all
just scar tissue
dressing as

wabirokudo transabistraction 
"rude huts"

Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

2005-11-19 Thread phanero

I definitely want to look at whatever you suggest alan. The Echolalia book
sounds fascinating, but then I have always had a thing for zone books.
As for the O'Reilly stuff. It all sounds great, but really
I get enough Geektopia at work so I kind of like to get in a more 18th
Century mood at home, you know, bloody piss-stained caftan clustering
my rusty ankles, the smell of the ripe spitoon, that kind of thing..

I am waiting for a hand-signed version of Damien Hirst's only poetry book
to see what that's like though I havent researched this very deeply. I want to 
what such a famous contemporary artist's poetry looks like.. The book is called 
Cancer age i think.
I can always sell it and pick up the Lingis. I am also getting the exhibition 
catalogue to the Chapman's new show
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit which curiously resonates with the Baudrillard 
Actually I was a little disappointed at some of the examples or Lack of them 
chose to talk about. Some of the book is interviewlets.
Have you read Zone 6? or Zone 3, or Zone 5? The Journal Alexandria is excellent 
as well.
There's some great stuff in Zone 6. Metametazoa is a great piece. as well as 
the rest.
I highly recommend Goya: The Last Carnival by Victor I Stoichita and Anna Maria 
This is the third Goya book I've read in 3 years. Stafford references him as do 
the Chapmans.

Barbara Maria Stafford is Brilliant, ne, and Yes, I have read it or at it.. It's
a fatty.. I keep it next to the desk as a primary reference.
Everybody should read her work. Not only Body criticism
but her Artful science as well. These are encyclopedic wunderkammernish works.
the illustration lists obscene. As far as the art goes
in body criticism, be sure to check out T. McClean's
The Body Politic or the March of the Intellect. I think that
one image sums up my whole approach, or what i 'think'
is my approach..

Better be hanged than
thus be headed


- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

I love this text - I'm about to review a Stafford book (that's how I got
it at the SLSA) - Body Criticism - have you read it? What's your take on
her? Also given your interests, you should absolutely check out Lingis'
Excesses if you haven't, as well as his more recent work - Alan

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see -
revised 7/05 )

Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

2005-11-19 Thread phanero

The O'Reilly 'think' books and stuff like Bennahum really hold me however
- if anything these have to do with communalities, not tech -

of course.. you can imagine a kind of floppy freckled useless flipper a 
zombi-flipper growing
from my head, perhaps it's pierced with the etymology of Upanishad. I am always 
open to punishment.

Have you read Zone 6? or Zone 3, or Zone 5? The Journal Alexandria is

Probably not - I assume you're not talking about Zone books? Is the
Baudrillard new? I don't have it -

The Baudrillard and the Virilio are both new from Semiotext(e), both part of 
the Foreign Agents series.

I AM talking about Zone books..(not with Alexandria) They gave them numbers AND 
These are from 1987-1992 and part of the Zone Journal series
in part edited by Michel Ferer and Nadia Tazi.. Some excellent stuff in these..

These are on ZONE books imprimatur. from the MIT Zone books website:

Zone 1/2 : The Contemporary City (Paperback)
by Michel Feher (Editor), Sanford Kwinter (Editor)
This inaugural double issue of the serial publication ZONE examines the 
physical, political, and perceptual
transformations redefining the contemporary city.

Zone 3
Fragments for a History of the Human Body - Part 1
Michel Feher, Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi (Eds.)
Paper / February 1989

Zone 4
Fragments for a History of the Human Body - Part 2
Michel Feher, Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi (Eds.)
Cloth / February 1989

Zone 5
Fragments for a History of the Human Body - Part 3
Michel Feher, Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi (Eds.)
Paper / February 1989
Price $38.50 | ADD TO CART

Zone 6
Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter (Eds.)
Paper / October 1992

but then again

One dog barks at nothing
ten thousand others
pass it on

Barbara Maria Stafford is Brilliant, ne, and Yes, I have read it or at
it.. It's a fatty.. I keep it next to the desk as a primary reference.
Everybody should read her work. Not only Body criticism but her Artful
science as well. These are encyclopedic wunderkammernish works. the
illustration lists obscene. As far as the art goes in body criticism, be
sure to check out T. McClean's The Body Politic or the March of the
Intellect. I think that one image sums up my whole approach, or what i
'think' is my approach..

Ah - I noticed that image right away myself, Hello Dali -

- Alan, better be banged than beaded -

Better be hanged than
thus be headed


- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

I love this text - I'm about to review a Stafford book (that's how I got
it at the SLSA) - Body Criticism - have you read it? What's your take on
her? Also given your interests, you should absolutely check out Lingis'
Excesses if you haven't, as well as his more recent work - Alan

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see -
revised 7/05 )

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see -
revised 7/05 )

Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

2005-11-19 Thread phanero

Ah - I noticed that image right away myself, Hello Dali -

can't think of Dali deploying anything resembling this
except perhaps the canes echo Dali's crutches..

No I see this as part of an older tradition involving
the voices of things, that the character of things
is closely analogous to their being, that there is a
kind of  dual uncanny/unheimlich nature to all embodiment..
This seems far more related to Greek and Roman traditions
of the Grylli..but it's also cartoon philosophy.. what else to call it..
it's philosophy done as a caricature, a physiognomy

a kind of joky, fatalistic, 'humourous' physiognosis

the knees are talking wee are wretched kneee gotiators
the arse
the arms

the body as a corporate structure
cryptically echoing our endosymbiotic origins
our Arcimboldian microbial selves

Our bodies are weird evolved architectures like Microbial arcologies
if you've ever read about the chemistry involved in the evolution of vertebrate 
and skeletal structure, its one of the most fascinating and epic creations 

this image is one of the warmest most human ways to say that..
it expresses body wisdom.. there is knowledge in our tissues,
it may have flaws, or be untranslatable, but internally there is a great deal
of untapped bandwidth.. I just think these more humble folksy images
speak to an innocence and charity towards our beastliness that I identify

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