Re: [firebird-support] Compatibility questions: Current release versus

2017-07-26 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
exploring all options to get this resolved. Thanks! --Scott Kindorf General Manager, The WebMaster Internet Radio Network On-Net Personality "The ScottK Radio Show" on WebMaster Internet Radio Network. -- Alexandre Benson Smith Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil

Re: [firebird-support] Enable authorization for legacy Firebird clients

2016-07-07 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
HI Em 7/7/2016 05:49, [firebird-support] escreveu: Hi, I don’t know if i have understand “Enable authorization for legacy Firebird clients” right but.. I just installed Firebird 3 to new development server and checked “Enable authorization for legacy Firebird clients”

[firebird-support] FB 3 - Per database configurations (Providers and Security Database vs Legacy Auth)

2016-07-06 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
Hi ! I am looking at the per-database configuration (FB 3) and have two doubts: I defined my databases.conf like: demo_naolocal=c:\bd\demo_naolocal.fdb { Providers = Remote,Loopback } after that on the same machine I tryed: C:\fb3>isql demo_naolocal -user teste -password abc Statement

Re: [firebird-support] Advice requested on design pattern

2015-05-20 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
On 20/5/2015 16:03, Mike Ro [firebird-support] wrote: Thank you for your response. On 20/05/15 11:25, Alan J Davies [firebird-support] wrote: Another way of doing what you want would be to use SPs instead of Views. Then if you select *

Re: [firebird-support] Computed index for case insensitive queries

2014-08-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
Em 25/8/2014 00:59, Caroline Beltran [firebird-support] escreveu: Mark, thank you for responding. I ended up downloading FlameRobin and it does show computed indexes in the 'Index' tab as well as in the DDL, i.e.: CREATE INDEX IDX_FNAME ON PEOPLE COMPUTED BY

Re: [firebird-support] Suboptimal plan

2014-08-01 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
Hi ! There is some tricks to change the way optimizer will choose the order of tables: example: select * from LongTable L left join ShortTable S on (S.FieldA = L.FieldA) The outer join would force the table on the left to be scaned first. Another option is select * from

Re: [firebird-support] How to convert big FIREBIRD DB to one charset (win1251) to UTF8 ?

2014-06-03 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
Em 30/5/2014 04:26, [firebird-support] escreveu: I need your help and/or suggestions to solve a (maybe uncommon) task. I searched a lot on the web and I had some success using a tool called fbclone but this is definitely not a solution (due to extreme slowness of the

Re: [firebird-support] Aliases and Windows Host - any

2014-05-26 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
Hi ! Em 26/5/2014 21:17, Alan J Davies [firebird-support] escreveu: I'm trying to do that exactly but cannot make it work. I'm using Win7, FB 2.5.1 on host (server) and Win7 on client. The application is running in Delphi XE2 and works perfectly on host

Re: [firebird-support] Query optimization mystery

2014-05-13 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith [firebird-support]
Em 13/5/2014 17:14, Kevin Donn [firebird-support] escreveu: Try this: select * from ( select a.User_ID from Advocate where a.USER_ID=37 ) as FILTER1, supprog sp Where sp.ADVOCATE_CODE=FILTER1.Advocate_Code This doesn't quite

Re: Odp: [firebird-support] Request for advice

2014-04-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 25/4/2014 01:31, escreveu: Hi, But you also misunderstud advice. Blobs are not stored in table with its other fields. In record exists only blob id and blob is stored on separate pages. Then moving it to separate table do nothing. But i always prefere store

Re: [firebird-support] Request for advice

2014-04-24 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 24/4/2014 17:08, Mark Rotteveel escreveu: On 24-4-2014 20:49, Frank Schlottmann-Gödde wrote: As a compromise, I would suggest to place your blobs into a separate table, it will increase the size of your main database, but will also speed up the acccess to your blobs without interfering with

Re: [firebird-support] procedure that calls a procedure

2014-04-11 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 11/4/2014 13:59, escreveu: I have a procedure that calls several other procedures. I have changed one of the embedded procedures and can run that independently and get the results I expect, I was able to compile it and it works.] My question is do I need to compile

Re: [firebird-support] Optimizing this select Query

2014-04-10 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith

Re: [firebird-support] Optimizing this select Query

2014-04-10 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 10/4/2014 19:42, Thomas Beckmann escreveu: Hm, this is just getting rid of using the index on sku - depending on it's selectivity, this might be a way, but than, the index might be of no use... SALEITEMS.SKU+0 = :vSKU AND You might check combined indexes... It's avoiding to use the

Re: [firebird-support] Reading unnecessary records

2014-04-04 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 4/4/2014 09:31, escreveu: I agree with Tim. Whe dont uwe views too becase this speed problem. Em 04/04/2014 08:51, Tim Ward escreveu: We generate the queries on the fly rather than trying to use a view, precisely

Re: [firebird-support] Row_Number () over (partition by field1 order by field 2 desc) as ROWNUMBER

2014-03-27 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 27/3/2014 09:39, Erik Drescher escreveu: Hey there, I use Firebird 2.5 and look after a alternative function ti use Row_Number () over (partition by field1 order by field 2 desc) as ROWNUMBER This works great on Firebird 3, but does anybody knows a good alternative? thanks erik You

Re: [firebird-support] Backup

2014-03-07 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 7/3/2014 14:13, Art McCabe escreveu: I am trying to make a backup of our database that is on a Unix box, from my windows computer. I have used: Firebird Maestro, IP Firebird Database Manager, Firebird SQL Studio. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, or just not possible. When

Re: [firebird-support] RE: very slow inserts with blob-fields

2014-03-06 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 6/3/2014 07:06, Bryan Cole escreveu: On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 22:40 -0800, wrote: Hi! Firebird do not like ext4 FS. You must chane some settings. Thanks for the tip. Remounting my ext4 partition with barrier=0 increased the write

Re: [firebird-support] OT: Vote for Firebird as Database of the Year 2013 at LinuxQuestions

2014-02-05 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
That site sucks. Last Year I registered to vote, I have tried a lot of things and find no way to vote, Then someone told me I need to make a post (oh ! a really smart way to avoid robots :) ), so I made a post, no way to vote, one told me I need to wait some time to refresh the data, other

Re: [firebird-support] install without admin

2014-01-29 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 29/1/2014 13:38, Z T Minhas escreveu: Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to install firebird without the need for admin priveleges. for example i can run mysql from my flash drive, simply unzip and run. is there an install version for firebird? thank you for your assistance.

Re: [firebird-support] RE: Table update performance dropped significantly within few days.

2014-01-16 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Hi ! Em 16/1/2014 04:13, escreveu: Hi guys. Yesterday I was trying to figure out what is the cause of my problem. And I've noticed that two months ago my colleague added one trigger on this table. The trigger is: SET TERM ^ ; ALTER TRIGGER CLIENT_LM INACTIVE AFTER

Re: [firebird-support] index ignored with parameterised 'Like' search?

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 10:13, escreveu: I know there are some nuances to ensuring an index is used with 'Like' searches. I would expect this search to use an appropriate index if one is available (hvalue_search has an ascending_index with selectivity recalculated).

Re: [firebird-support] Computed Index for Integer-Fields and STARTING WITH clause

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 10:37, Christian Kusenbach escreveu: Hi, I have a question about computed indices related to integer fields. In my program there are several selects on integer-fields with a STARTING WITH clause. Firebird internally converts the integer value to a string and then filters

Re: [firebird-support] Table update performance dropped significantly within few days.

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 16:30, escreveu: Hi guys. I have one table that currently has 100 000 000 records. PageSize is 16384. Index statistics for primary key are 0.00 (I've recomputed them). Over a few days inserting and updating this table slowed down significantly. When I

Re: [firebird-support] nbackup questions

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 17:30, Maury Markowitz escreveu: On 2014-01-15, at 2:02 PM, Hugo Eyng wrote: I am not sure if i understood your question. You want to move the fdb file to another computer? That is correct. For reasons that I do not understand, the simple method of simply copying the FDB from

Re: [firebird-support] Table update performance dropped significantly within few days.

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 17:36, escreveu: We had this same issue. We have a large table with much indices and some day all goes slow. Reducing index quantity helped a lot. We was using 90 pages of cache in Classic. We increased this number to 150, shutdown all conections and

Re: [firebird-support] RE: Table update performance dropped significantly within few days.

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 17:52, escreveu: Regarding the number of pages. Correct me if I am wrong ( but if Superserver is using 2048 pages and page size is 16384, than computer must have 32 GB RAM installed. What is happening

Re: [firebird-support] Table update performance dropped significantly within few days.

2014-01-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/1/2014 18:01, escreveu: No. Only when increased cache. Shutdown all conections because when they reconnect will use the new cache limit. I have my doubts... I still think it's more related to a long running transaction then to the increase on the page

Re: [firebird-support] Restore Data

2013-11-14 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 14/11/2013 05:01, liviuslivius escreveu: W dniu 2013-11-13 19:51:19 użytkownik Marco Sucuzhañay napisał: Dear as I can only restore Data ln a database empty, thanks Hi, sorry but what is the question? Describe it much better regards, Karol Bieniaszewski

Re: [firebird-support] RE: Insert into Large Table is slowly!

2013-09-05 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 5/9/2013 13:18, escreveu: Thanks, I will try use GLOBAL TEMPORARY and INACTIVE index. The insert time will be faster without the index, but you will spend a lot of time when you reactivate it... And any query that will run during the insert time will not use the indice,

Re: [firebird-support] Today's performance question - index direction

2013-09-04 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 4/9/2013 13:02, Tim Ward escreveu: Ah, yes, I did write one of those once - a 1980s spelling dictionary for a word processor, where being able to encode an entire word in the smallest possible number of five-bit codes was *much* more important than being able to read the list backwards.

Re: [firebird-support] Classic vs Superserver

2013-08-29 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 29/8/2013 12:17, Tim Ward escreveu: But I thought Superserver used threads? And threads can run on separate CPUs? (Processes are an address space thing, not a CPU thing.) There are threads, but in fact they are serialized, perhaps it's just an over simplification, I don't know FB

Re: [firebird-support] Re: gbak trigger(3) error

2013-08-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Hi ! Em 9/8/2013 12:10, jack.mason58 escreveu: Where do I find fbstat? It is not included in the 2.5.2 download I pulled yesterday from It is not in the bin directory nor the top directory. It's GSTAT It's a long long time that I used Interbase... But I think you

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Historic tables design

2013-07-31 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 31/7/2013 21:38, Iwan Cahyadi Sugeng escreveu: I plan to check the historical table on system start and update the metadata. I'm using n-tier solution, so my server application will do the metadata update I don't know your logic and perhaps this comment doesn't apply to your case, but

Re: [firebird-support] Query optimization help

2013-07-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Hi ! Em 25/7/2013 07:54, escreveu: Just remove any view you use in your statement and try again. Fb is very slow when resolving queryes that use views joining other tables Can you give a real life example of that I had never find such a situation... see you !

Re: [firebird-support] Query optimization help

2013-07-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 25/7/2013 10:53, Kevin Donn escreveu: On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Alexandre Benson Smith wrote: Em 25/7/2013 07:54, escreveu: Just remove any view you use in your statement and try again. Fb is very slow when resolving queryes

Re: [firebird-support] Re: NBackup problem, causing deadlock

2013-07-17 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 17/7/2013 16:38, matthiasbreda escreveu: In the log file of the firebird, a second before stopping all users, have this line: SRVHYPERV2Tue Jul 16 08:40:11 2013 Database: D:\WORK\DATA.FDB deadlock internal Firebird consistency check (Can't lock alloc table for


2013-07-17 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Hi ! Can someone explain me what's the diference between these two tables ? I did the following test: create table foo( a integer, b varchar(10)); grant select on foo to public; grant insert on foo to Alexandre; grant update (a) on foo to Pedro; grant delete on foo to Maria; commit; First


2013-07-17 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 18/7/2013 00:20, Dmitry Yemanov escreveu: 18.07.2013 6:02, Alexandre Benson Smith wrote: Can someone give some info about the role of each table ? As far as I can see RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES has all the information needed and RDB$SECURITY_CLASS dos not have all the information (misses GRANT

Re: [firebird-support] singleton table with many fields

2013-07-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 16/7/2013 00:03, thp_pkmi escreveu: Hi all, I have a table that always contains 1 record and have about 50 fields with various type. It's function is to store system parameters and is accessed very frequent from application and also from database triggers and stored procedures. Is it

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Making a Value Matrix - Delphi Array or Create Query

2013-07-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/7/2013 21:55, Craig Cox escreveu: I will use them in a GIS application or for charting to plot one compound against another, or to show pie charts in the GIS app I prefer to create the cross tab on the client side... I think I have much more control over it... see you !

Re: [firebird-support] Re: singleton table with many fields

2013-07-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 16/7/2013 01:37, thp_pkmi escreveu: Thank you Alexandre for your reply. Furthermore, is it any difference accessing that singleton table by: SELECT .. INTO .. FROM SINGLETON_TABLE or SELECT .. INTO .. FROM SINGLETON_TABLE ROWS 1 Regards, Tjioe There is no way a query in a table with

Re: [firebird-support] Firbird slow performance at windows server 2012

2013-07-08 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 8/7/2013 05:51, Svein Erling Tysvær escreveu: Dear All, I have application with delphi and firebird database, there is no problems until migrate the server to windows server 2012. The query (select, insert, update etc) running to slow. I searching and found the solution example : change

Re: [firebird-support] GBak Backup Restore Problem

2013-06-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 25/6/2013 16:23, Tupy... nambá escreveu: Dear Friends, We have a strange problem with GBak. We make a backup with gbak and then a restore, also with the same. We have a table with 60 rows where a not null type SmallInt column has 0 (zero) as content. When restoring, GBak returns

Re: [firebird-support] GBak Backup Restore Problem

2013-06-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Roberto, Em 25/6/2013 17:07, Tupy... nambá escreveu: Mr.Benson, No, the constraint wasn´t change. As I explain to mr.Jesus Garcia, we take the DB having the data and the constraint in the needed conditions, we made a backup and then the restore. This mean = all the conditions were

Re: [firebird-support] Why a database grows after a cycle backup/restore?

2013-06-18 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 18/6/2013 19:44, W O escreveu: The source database has 3.1 Gb but after the backup/restore have 4.2 Gb Seems very strange for me. Greetings. Walter. Just a shot in the dark... Could be that the original database was restored with -USE_ALL_SPACE and the new database was not be

Re: [firebird-support] Help on this SQL statment

2013-06-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/6/2013 16:54, Iwan Cahyadi Sugeng escreveu: Change it into this syntax: SQLCommand = vbNullString SQLCommand = SQLCommand SELECT SQLCommand = SQLCommand PRODUCTCODE, SQLCommand = SQLCommand PRODUCTDESCRIPTION, SQLCommand = SQLCommand SUM(PRODUCTQTY), SQLCommand = SQLCommand

Re: [firebird-support] Fluxo do software

2013-06-14 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 14/6/2013 08:22, Fabiano Kureck escreveu: Tenho algumas dúvidas quanto ao fluxo dos softwares: A princípio se usa um programa CAD (AutoCad, Solidworks, etc) para gerar o arquivo 3D .stl certo? Após isso se passa para no netfabb para que o arquivo stl seja preparado/compatível com

Re: [firebird-support] 32bit Clients accessing 64bit Server

2013-06-10 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 10/6/2013 11:30, Sudheer Palaparambil escreveu: Hi, Is it okay to access a 64bit Firebird Server (FirebirdCS-2.5.2 amd64) database installed on Scientific Linux 6.3 from Clients Win7 and WinXP 32bit (Firebird-2.5.2 Win32)? The client softwares are using IBPP library to access the

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Rename database command

2013-06-06 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 5/6/2013 20:01, sir_wally_lewis escreveu: Hi Sean, While I don't pretend to understand Firebird at the atomic level. I am just trying to cope with database slowdowns. We find the only bullet proof methodology to solve database slowdowns is a backup restore. So we are searching for a

Re: [firebird-support] Many Items in Many Locations

2013-06-06 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 7/6/2013 01:37, jwcane2003 escreveu: I am building an image database and want to know locations of all copies of images. An image can be displayed in one or more locations: a web page, a show, a book, a commercial gallery, someone's residence, etc. Any of these locations can have

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Rename database command

2013-06-05 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 5/6/2013 17:34, Marcus Bajohr escreveu: From my little knowlegde i would guess Robert is talking about the delta between the oldest active transaction and next transaction. But as long as i do not know anything about the application (event listeners, long time transactions and that) and

Re: [firebird-support] Re: In memory sorting consumes alot of space

2013-05-17 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 17/5/2013 15:33, haris_p_sw escreveu: --- In, Svein Erling Tysv�r svein.erling.tysvaer@... wrote: Hi, I 'd like to share my recent testing experiences with you hoping to help in Firebird development. I 've been using Firebird (classic server 70

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Overflow during backup. Apparent date problem.

2013-05-17 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 17/5/2013 18:24, Ted Miglautsch escreveu: I frequently make changes to system tables and started using Interbase and then Firebird because I could do that. Mostly I extent the size of char and varchar fields. It just requires knowing what you are doing. You have to consider whether the

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Unable to INSERT INTO TABLE

2013-05-15 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/5/2013 16:35, Allstars escreveu: Ok sorry, now I am getting a different error. When I do the insert, I'm getting a Error: arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation string right truncation What does that mean? Thanks! If I read you example correctly you are

Re: [firebird-support] Temporarily stop and disable garbage collection

2013-04-25 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 25/4/2013 21:58, Robert martin escreveu: Is this possible? Sure. see parameter: -housekeeping set sweep interval n Hi I was probably not specific enough in my problem description :) I

Re: [firebird-support] Another Unoptimized question

2013-04-18 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 16/4/2013 11:09, skander_sp escreveu: May be obvious, but til now, i don't see how much unoptimized works the field in subselect syntax. I'm using it in some procedure, just right til now, after check they work in the worse unoptimized mode... example: select * from Table1 T1

Re: [firebird-support] Newbie -- Connecting to an FDB file on a network drive; Windows XP; FB 2.5.1

2013-03-05 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 5/3/2013 22:21, bluewindow99 escreveu: I'm just getting started with FB using the .NET interface. This connect string works just fine: private string ConnectionStringFireBird = User ID=sysdba;Password=masterkey;Database=localhost:C:\\MYLOG.FDB;DataSource=localhost;Charset=NONE;; But

Re: [firebird-support] Create index while database is in use?

2013-03-01 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 1/3/2013 18:39, Raith,Daniel escreveu: Is it safe? I want to create an index on a table but the database (fb1.5) has ~20 active users. Database usage is mostly reads, especially the table I want to index. I just don't want to take a chance creating an index with active connections

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird speed degrades during the day

2013-02-08 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 7/2/2013 08:53, Carlos H. Cantu escreveu: Are you sure you ran gstat when things were already slow (as asked by Thomas)? Carlos Firebird Performance in Detail - - Besides that... We should not forget he

Re: [firebird-support] Some alternative to ZeBeDee?

2013-02-07 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 7/2/2013 04:04, W O escreveu: Hello everybody In some articles I saw that people use ZeBeDee for Internet communication with Firebird, however that product seems discontinued since the year 2005. Do you know another software similar to ZeBeDee which works well with Firebird and it's

Re: [firebird-support] Interbase/Firebird interaction?

2013-01-17 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 17/1/2013 21:40, lcampbell escreveu: We have the following report from a user, who owns a copy of our AuctionTracker software: Background: AT uses IBObjects 4.8.7, and is built running against Firebird V2.2.1.17910. The normal installation requires a Firbird installation on the

Re: [firebird-support] unavailable database

2013-01-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/1/2013 13:22, André Knappstein escreveu: after executing all possible combinations of gfix -m, gfix -v still reports Number of record level errors: 1, and gbak -b -g -i -v ... still does not get over starting transaction. I don't have any idea what happened, but suddenly the

Re: [firebird-support] database over internet

2013-01-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/1/2013 17:45, Matthias Hanft escreveu: On the other side, if your client really *needs* each and every row and colum, you just can look for a faster Internet connection because AFAIK there's no possible data compression between FB clients and server. But this case should happen very

Re: [firebird-support] Rolling back from 2.5 to 2.0

2013-01-08 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 8/1/2013 18:58, halaekinree escreveu: Hi all, I work with proprietary software that interfaces with Firebird 2.0. I recently updated to 2.5, but found that some features of our software had stopped working. Unfortunately, when I tried to roll back my test machine (Win7x64) to 2.0, the

Re: [firebird-support] Using PLAN string in a view

2012-11-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/11/2012 07:48, patrick_marten escreveu: Hello, some time ago I've posted in the IBO support group (although it would have fit in here better) a question about custom PLAN strings for dynamic SQL statements of a query and the conclusion was, that there is mostly no need to use own

Re: [firebird-support] UNION prevents all records from being pulled to the results

2012-10-29 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 29/10/2012 18:39, SoftTech escreveu: Greetings All, The SQL that follows pulls these results: (These results are missing 5 records from the second select of the union) FEE_CODEAMT_EARNED_AGENCYSHOW_IN_PMT_DIST_PLANFEE_CATEGORY CCO27610 SVC1.1710 SVC

Re: [firebird-support] Parameterised like query won't use index in the plan

2012-10-29 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 29/10/2012 20:02, roydamman escreveu: Hello, I have table with an indexed field (Firebird 2.1/2.5). When I use the query: select * from mytable where myfield like 'test' the plan uses the index on myfield and the query returns quickly. When I use the query: select * from mytable

Re: [firebird-support] How do you 0/null results to a GROUP BY query

2012-10-24 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
try something like this: with recursive Datas (Data) as (select Cast('2009-01-01' as Date) From rdb$database union all Select Data + 1 From Datas Where Data + 1 = Cast('2009-01-31' as Date)) select

Re: [firebird-support] How do you 0/null results to a GROUP BY query

2012-10-24 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 24/10/2012 20:21, Doug Chamberlin escreveu: On 10/24/12 5:54 PM, cornievs wrote: I have query which extract the sales per day from a table Select EXTRACT(YEAR from DT) as YEARNO, EXTRACT(YEARDAY from DT) AS DAYNO, SUM(DUE) from CLIENT_INVOICES group by YEARNO, WEEKNO. It works 100%, but

Re: [firebird-support] How do you 0/null results to a GROUP BY query

2012-10-24 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 24/10/2012 20:37, Doug Chamberlin escreveu: On 10/24/12 6:25 PM, Alexandre Benson Smith wrote: Em 24/10/2012 20:21, Doug Chamberlin escreveu: On 10/24/12 5:54 PM, cornievs wrote: I have query which extract the sales per day from a table Select EXTRACT(YEAR from DT) as YEARNO, EXTRACT

Re: [firebird-support] How to create an calculated field for bank balance?

2012-09-12 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith

Re: [firebird-support] How to create an calculated field for bank balance?

2012-09-12 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 12/9/2012 18:02, K Z escreveu: Hello, The ideia is that the first record is the most recent one. The last is the oldest. How to handle where what is the result of select * from Table and select * from Table where AccountId = 12 and select * from Table where AccountID = 12 and

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Desktop Application For Centralized Firebird Database...

2012-09-11 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 6/9/2012 17:54, Aage Johansen escreveu: Vishal wrote: ... Here, my doubt is Using Delphi 5 and Firebird database, is it possible for all the instances of this application which are installed at different cities could access one centralized database ? If yes then HOW ? ... You

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Crystal Report loading pblm from client ODBC

2012-09-10 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 10/9/2012 02:22, mathewabraham68007 escreveu: I checked with a database manager, first the view is dropped and created again, and data is retrived. but for the second time the view cannot be dropped.. My first advice is to not recreate the view each time, there is no reason to do that,

Re: [firebird-support] execute statement

2012-08-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/8/2012 17:03, Sergio escreveu: Hello! I'm trying to do a trigger to maintain a history table. I'm using (for the first time!) execute statement. What I want to do is very simple: if a field change I save the old value in the history When I execute the trigger I get an error:

Re: [firebird-support] execute statement

2012-08-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/8/2012 17:20, Mark Rotteveel escreveu: On 9-8-2012 22:18, Alexandre Benson Smith wrote: There is no IF fucntion in FB, did you meant IIF ??? IF does exist in PSQL. Mark Yes, I know... But at first glance I thought he was trying to use IIF since it's inside a SELECT statement. After

Re: [firebird-support] Re: execute statement

2012-08-09 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/8/2012 17:19, Mark Rotteveel escreveu: I think you need to create an EXECUTE BLOCK statement as text and then execute that using EXECUTE STATEMENT, however I am not actually sure if that would give you access to the NEW and OLD context tables. Mark There is no way to access NEW and OLD

Re: [firebird-support] Error Failed to load gds32.dll

2012-08-06 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 6/8/2012 13:28, himanshu escreveu: Hello all, I am new to this world of connecting and converting databases. I am trying to convert a database from one format to the other. It was recommended in the set instructions written by the previous author to use Firebird, and hence I am here. I

Re: [firebird-support] matrix report

2012-08-01 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 1/8/2012 08:23, mahdoom_a escreveu: Dear all, I need your help to create this report AQNOJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul..Dec. Total_paid --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- 10012000 2000 2000 2000

Re: [firebird-support] (unknown)

2012-07-11 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 11/7/2012 14:23, K Z escreveu: Hello, I'm still far from a expert on firebird and sql. If someone can help me to improve this code, i will be grateful. 1) GOAL: I need to make a search for a partial word in several fields of the customers table. 2) STRUCTURE: I am using a view

Re: [firebird-support] Restoring backup from 2.5 to 2.1

2012-07-04 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Did you tried to use 2.1 gbak against 2.5 server to produce the gbk ? see you ! Em 4/7/2012 15:59, Aldo Caruso escreveu: To restore, I am using gbak 2.1 against a 2.1 server, but reading a *.fbk backup file that was created using a 2.5 server. AFAIK I'm not using specific things from 2.5

Re: [firebird-support] Re: database in external USB HDD

2012-07-04 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Are you sure you are not mixing it with using the database on Pen Drives ? Em 4/7/2012 19:10, Sergio escreveu: I use FB 2.01 in external USB drive connected to the server for about 3-4 years. No problem at all, I think FB 2.5 won't be a problem too. Currently, using FB 2.5 on a RAM Disk (in

Re: [firebird-support] How to limit the number of concurrent users to a database

2012-06-13 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 13/6/2012 14:56, Thomas Steinmaurer escreveu: Not bullet-proof, but you could write an ON CONNECT database trigger and throw an exception if you want to abort the connection establishment. The condition could be queried e.g. by a COUNT(*) on the MON$ATTACHMENTS monitoring table or whatever

Re: [firebird-support] How to limit the number of concurrent users to a database

2012-06-13 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 13/6/2012 17:17, Fulvio Senore escreveu: Besides the cases you pointed out, there is the case of client lost conection. But I think that this is the easiest way to do it... The OP could tell us some more info like: Do you want to count the simultaneous connections or the number of users

Re: [firebird-support] How to limit the number of concurrent users to a database

2012-06-13 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 13/6/2012 18:03, Jesús García escreveu: Why control it in the server side?if your customer can connect to the database as sysdba, can remove the trigger or change the logic in the connect event. If You do it on the client side, after connect, do a select of mon$attachments and if it is

Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird 2.5 (64 bit), strange SQL result

2012-05-08 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 9/5/2012 00:00, trskopo escreveu: Thanks for your reply. I think my database is in problem, because when I tried to restored it, I got error Engine Message : validation error for column ID_DIV_LC, value *** null *** warning -- record could not be restored I think, may be there is a

Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.5 (64 bit), strange SQL result

2012-05-07 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 7/5/2012 21:51, trskopo escreveu: Hi all, I run sql statement via flamerobin, the statment is like this : SELECT * FROM M_INT_FRM a where a.ID_TRS_TYP = 100 It will returns : ID ID_DIV_LC SCT_INI ID_TRS_TYP FRM_INI 4 8 MP 100

Re: [firebird-support] why Blob is so slow ?

2012-05-02 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 1/5/2012 14:51, Fabricio Araujo escreveu: Remember Alexandre, GBAK (and Services API) are a DataPump-style backup, diffent of NBAK (which AFAIR restores database pages instead of loginal structure) which makes me think: you tried that restore on a heavily fragmented storage? Since GBAK

Re: [firebird-support] Performance over VPN

2012-04-28 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 27/4/2012 15:11, Maury Markowitz escreveu: Well one way or the other the latency of the link does seem to be the most important factor in the problem I'm seeing. I have three ways to get at the data: 1) log into the remote server using RDP and run the queries locally. even the most

Re: [firebird-support] why Blob is so slow ?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Hi Roberto, Em 19/4/2012 08:52, Tupy... nambá escreveu: Alexandre, At my point of view, I prefer avoid using BLOB fields. First of all, because these kind of field are not indicated for searches of any kind (most of them are pictures). Second, because normally they have very large

Re: [firebird-support] why Blob is so slow ?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 19/4/2012 12:13, Tupy... nambá escreveu: Hi, Alexandre, For the sample you gave (NFE), I agree with you, because the amount of files that will be generated will be very great and each file itself is not so big, probably they will not become a problem. And, in this case, they are part of

Re: [firebird-support] why Blob is so slow ?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 19/4/2012 12:28, Carlos H. Cantu escreveu: Sorry but the discussion is going off-topic for the original question, that is: why backup/restore of blobs are so much slower compared to non-blobs data. I'm also curious about this. Carlos Firebird Performance in Detail -

Re: [firebird-support] why Blob is so slow ?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 19/4/2012 13:18, Tupy... nambá escreveu: MSSQL has two commands of the DBCC that allow to do defragmentation. The defragmentation is not a garbage collection, but putting all parts of an object (file or columns, hanging of the level - disc or DB) side by side, in a way that the reading

Re: [firebird-support] why Blob is so slow ?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 19/4/2012 16:28, Carlos H. Cantu escreveu: LC It is a little amazing at time when some things work fast on one machine and a LC lot slower on another, but the sort of problem you are seeing I would check that LC there is not a problem with the hard disc. I've seen that sort of

Re: [firebird-support] What the best way to to join 2 tables accross 2 databases ?

2012-03-19 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 19/3/2012 00:15, Helen Borrie escreveu: At 02:19 PM 19/03/2012, Alexandre Benson Smith wrote: You can do cross database joins using execute statement in FB 2.5. It's true that you can perform DML in an external database from within a PSQL module in v.2.5, using the EXECUTE STATEMENT

Re: [firebird-support] What the best way to to join 2 tables accross 2 databases ?

2012-03-18 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 18/3/2012 16:59, nathanelrick escreveu: hello, What the best way to to join 2 tables accross 2 databases ? actually i do on the 1rt database a select First 100 ID from myTable1 where ... and in the seconde database select * from MyTable2 where ID in

Re: [firebird-support] Firebird security acessing database on other server as SYSDBA

2012-03-05 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 5/3/2012 16:19, Marcelo Trópia escreveu: Hi Iwan, thank you. Regarding DB2 security (mainframe DB2 no z/OS), yes, there is this kind of security. If someone copy the VSAM dataset (DB2 tablespace access method) and try to register this tablespace on other DB2 instance, DB2 will not accept

Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 1.5: How to tell the size of one table inside Fdb file?

2012-02-14 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 14/2/2012 22:46, Nando escreveu: Hi to all, I have a Firebird 1.5 database that has grown up to 26.6 Gb. Most of the data is stored in one single table that holds a memo field. I'm worried about the size of this table, because as far as I know the maximun table size for version 1.5 is

Re: [firebird-support] what the most efficient way to do update or insert with value ?

2012-02-14 Thread Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/2/2012 04:54, nathanelrick escreveu: hello, i want to do something like update or insert into mytable(ID, amount) values (123, amount + 100); how to do this ? :) Pretty hard to answer anything taking into account the information you provided

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