Re: RE: [Histonet] CD31 in rats

2010-03-01 Thread TF
Hi, we use Abcam mouse-anti CD31 also acetone fixed frozen sections. pretty well. 2010-03-02 TF 发件人: Hernandez, Anna 发送时间: 2010-03-02 09:50:38 收件人: Annette Featherstone; 抄送: 主题: RE: [Histonet] CD31 in rats Hello Annette, We use Purified Mouse

Re: RE: [Histonet] Double labeling with antibodies that need differentfixatives

2010-02-22 Thread TF
orrect me if I err here!). Sorry for the lengthy answer: I wanted to cover everyone's questions and concerns. Dick Richard W. Dapson, Ph.D. ANATECH LTD. 1020 Harts Lake Road Battle Creek, MI 49015 800-262-8324 or 616-964-6450 Fax 616-964-8084 E-mail

Re: Re: [Histonet] Double labeling with antibodies that need differentfixatives

2010-02-22 Thread TF
what is the other marker than CD31? May you let us know? 2010-02-23 TF 发件人: Adam . 发送时间: 2010-02-23 10:55:18 收件人: Phebe Verbrugghe 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] Double labeling with antibodies that need differentfixatives Although I haven't tried it myself, others have g

Re: Re: [Histonet] 0.1 M PB & 0.01M PBS

2010-01-17 Thread TF
For longer term preservation of brain sectins in floating state...0.01M PBS is not as good as 0.1 M PB.. 2010-01-18 TF 发件人: Adam . 发送时间: 2010-01-18 11:02:26 收件人: tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] 0.1 M PB & 0.01M PBS I've used 1X PBS for e

[Histonet] 0.1 M PB & 0.01M PBS

2010-01-17 Thread TF
We use 0.1 PB for tissue fixation (4% PFA), cryo-preservation (30% sucrose) then go 0.01 PBS for IHC though these are routines here, I wonder anyone can specify on the use of two different solutions, especially why? 2010-01-18 TF ___ Histonet

Re: RE: Re: [Histonet] Eliminating the edge effect in IHC/IF

2010-01-14 Thread TF
sections 2010-01-15 TF 发件人: Karen Cai 发送时间: 2010-01-15 03:29:56 收件人:; 'Rene J Buesa'; 'histonet' 抄送: 主题: RE: Re: [Histonet] Eliminating the edge effect in IHC/IF Hi, Thank you very much for your input. Could you describe more with the floating

Re: Re: [Histonet] Eliminating the edge effect in IHC/IF

2010-01-13 Thread TF
"floating section" method, no edge effect now. 2010-01-14 TF 发件人: Rene J Buesa 发送时间: 2010-01-12 13:30:49 收件人: histonet; Karen Cai 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] Eliminating the edge effect in IHC/IF Usually that is the result of incomplete fixation. Check your fixation protocol. René

Re: Re: [Histonet] Counterstain for fluorescent tissue

2010-01-09 Thread TF
How about fluorescent nissl? 2010-01-10 TF 发件人: Nicholas David Evans 发送时间: 2010-01-10 02:16:57 收件人: Adam . 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] Counterstain for fluorescent tissue Dear Adam, Thanks very much for the very helpful advice. I guess my real question, which you're ans

[Histonet] Trophic factors staining on brain sections

2009-12-02 Thread TF
concentration small molecules? thanks! 2009-12-02 TF ___ Histonet mailing list ___ Histonet m

[Histonet] Trophic factors staining on brain sections

2009-12-02 Thread TF
concentration small molecules? thanks! 2009-12-02 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: Re: [Histonet] PCNA

2009-12-02 Thread TF
we use the cell signaling one. PCNA of mouse IgG 2009-12-02 TF 发件人: Richard J 发送时间: 2009-12-02 19:04:06 收件人: linresearch 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] PCNA Looks like clone PC10 works well in rat, mouse, human, chick and zebrafish Protocols and images at http

[Histonet] IBA1-microglia staining on frozen sections

2009-11-26 Thread TF
fixation? 2009-11-26 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] BrdU & EM

2009-11-16 Thread TF > Szilvia Mezey PhD student Semmelweis University Dept. of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Tuzolto u. 58. Budapest, 1094, Hungary T.: +36-12156920/3687 F.: +36-12155158 E-mail: me...@ana.sot

Re: [Histonet] CD31/PECAM antibody

2009-11-12 Thread TF
hi...that one works...according to my collegue BUT...dont use PFA fixation u can do frozen section, or parrafin section with Zinc fixation 2009-11-13 TF 发件人: Nicholas David Evans 发送时间: 2009-11-13 09:24:09 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] CD31/PECAM antibody

Re: [Histonet] RE: Antigen retrieval question

2009-10-21 Thread TF
hold in PBS as long as several days without any problem, under 4 C. 2009-10-22 TF 发件人: Perry, Margaret 发送时间: 2009-10-22 04:14:31 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] RE: Antigen retrieval question If we need to hold retrieved slides for awhile we hold them in

Re: [Histonet] Re: looking for CD31 for rat tissues

2009-10-21 Thread TF
after Zinc fixation what should you do before cutting sections on a cryostat/microtome? need sucrose cryoprotection as well? 2009-10-22 TF 发件人: Melanie Black 发送时间: 2009-10-22 01:16:43 收件人: Patsy Ruegg 抄送: histonet 主题: [Histonet] Re: looking for CD31 for rat tissues Hi Patsy Yes

Re: [Histonet] in search of cd31 for rat tissue

2009-10-19 Thread TF
never successful once u fixed the tissue with PFA...even lightly but u can always be positive on frozen & zinc fixed 2009-10-20 TF 发件人: Patsy Ruegg 发送时间: 2009-10-20 00:23:25 收件人: 'Histonet' 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] in search of cd31 for rat tissue Has anyone used RECA

Re: [Histonet] OX-42

2009-10-12 Thread TF
i wanna the amount of ox-42 protein in microglia? I have also performed OX-42 IHC before...another company's antibody, same problem as yours. 2009-10-12 TF 发件人: Anand Vasudevan 发送时间: 2009-10-12 21:47:38 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] OX-42 Hi, I am doing antibody staining

Re: Re: [Histonet] Re: uneven alternating sections on cryostat

2009-09-01 Thread TF
ld be too hard ! this always happen if you are using the frozen microtome, but applies to cryostat as well. 2009-09-01 TF 发件人: Emily Sours 发送时间: 2009-08-28 22:58:24 收件人: Johnson, Teri 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] Re: uneven alternating sections on cryostat You've gotten gr

Re: [Histonet] Caspase 3 staining in frozen tissue

2009-08-25 Thread TF
acetone fixed -> PFA fixation again? I think one step is enough 2009-08-26 TF 发件人: 发送时间: 2009-08-26 03:04:41 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Caspase 3 staining in frozen tissue Hello everyone, Is there anyone out there doing Caspas

Re: Re: [Histonet] anti-bromodeoxyuridine staining

2009-08-20 Thread TF
sure. but i guess that works best on thin the way, i am using 40 um brain sections. 2009-08-21 TF 发件人: Colleen Forster 发送时间: 2009-08-21 02:48:47 收件人: tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] anti-bromodeoxyuridine staining Using the antigen retrieval works well too. Colleen

Re: [Histonet] anti-bromodeoxyuridine staining

2009-08-20 Thread TF
use 4N HCl, no trypsin! 20 min roomtemperature, works very wee 2009-08-21 TF 发件人: Kitchell, Marianne 发送时间: 2009-08-20 05:04:01 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] anti-bromodeoxyuridine staining I am having a problem with my anti

Re: [Histonet] CD31(PECAM-1) by novocastra on FFPE rabbit tissue

2009-08-17 Thread TF
2009-08-18 TF 发件人: sotiris lakis 发送时间: 2009-08-16 17:57:03 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] CD31(PECAM-1) by novocastra on FFPE rabbit tissue Hi, I have question about CD31(PECAM-1) by novocastra. Has anybody worked with it on FFPE rabbit tissue? I know for instance that DAKO&#

[Histonet] Bielschowsky's Silver Stain for Axons -

2009-08-17 Thread TF
make the staining replicable? It seems not be the problem of signal intensity, but none axons are stained in many sections. 2009-08-18 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: Re: [Histonet] Re: IHC on frozens

2009-07-07 Thread TF
at section; this approach does not require HIER. 2009-07-07 TF 发件人: Colleen Forster 发送时间: 2009-07-07 02:41:59 收件人: Johnson, Teri 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] Re: IHC on frozens I disagree. I do heat retrieval on frozen sections that have been fixed in a fo

Re: [Histonet] IHC on frozens

2009-07-02 Thread TF
Yes, one paper published on J Histochem Cytochem, 2005 or 2006, by a Japan group. 2009-07-03 TF 发件人: Kimberly Tuttle 发送时间: 2009-07-03 01:01:18 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] IHC on frozens Can you do heat retrieval on frozens? Kimberly C. Tuttle HT (ASCP) Pathology

Re: RE: [Histonet] RE: mouse brain fixation Attn: Annette Featherstone

2009-07-01 Thread TF
hI, i AM using formalin-free Zince fixative made from Zinc salt & Tris buffer. Then I made frozen sections after dehydration in 30% sucrose... No CD31+ staining... I also tried shock frozen, acetone fixed tissue, the antibody works in this condition. 2009-07-02 TF 发件人: gayle callis

Re: Re: [Histonet] Good Perfusion...

2009-06-30 Thread TF
;sacrifice". That is some back rules in writing papers, but it make some European reviewers better. To have good fixation on inschemic area, post-fixation at room temperature with changes of fixative every 24-48 hours is required. 2009-07-01 TF 发件人: Chana de Wolf 发送时间: 2009-0

Re: Re: [Histonet] Good Perfusion...

2009-06-30 Thread TF
let me say like this during the overdose injection, look into the animals' eyes. take their soul away. then the pre-mortem perfusion is humanized. 2009-07-01 TF 发件人: Chana de Wolf 发送时间: 2009-07-01 09:30:01 收件人: Ingles Claire 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] Good Perf

Re: Re: [Histonet] Signs of good perfusion

2009-06-30 Thread TF
sized needle. 2009-07-01 TF 发件人: Joseph Saby 发送时间: 2009-06-30 07:44:28 收件人: Merced M Leiker; Thach, Dzung (NIH/NIAID) [E]; histonet 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] Signs of good perfusion I agree that the pale liver is a great sign.?However, if the lungs fill up fluid comes out the

Re: [Histonet] signs of good perfusion

2009-06-30 Thread TF
st-fix the tissue more than 6 hours after a 30 min perfusion, for example, when examing HRP inside the tissue. For many CD markers, a brief 4% PFA perfusion was followed by 30% surcose perfusion. Then the brain was post-dehydrated in 30% sucrose at 4 C. 2009-07-01 TF 发件人: raghul 发送时间: 2009

Re: [Histonet] RE: mouse brain fixation Attn: Annette Featherstone

2009-06-30 Thread TF
I tried Zinc fixative I made myself. Does not work at all? And, the tissue quality is very bad. Any comments? 2009-07-01 TF 发件人: gayle callis 发送时间: 2009-06-30 23:57:35 收件人: 'Histonet' 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] RE: mouse brain fixation Attn: Annette Featherstone Annette, Y

[Histonet] Which kind of Golgi staining is good in visualizing AXONS

2009-06-26 Thread TF
Hi all let me sharpen my question a bit more if I want to use golgi staining to stain the axons which one should i use. i know golgi, fast golgi, golgi-cox,,,etc. 2009-06-26 TF ___ Histonet mailing list http

[Histonet] Silver staining /other methods to reveal axonsprouting/retraction following injury

2009-06-25 Thread TF
njury changes of axons after transection, for example? Also, any other comments on molecular approaches are welcome. 2009-06-25 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Silver staining /other methods to reveal axon sprouting/retraction following injury

2009-06-24 Thread TF
njury changes of axons after transection, for example? Also, any other comments on molecular approaches are welcome. 2009-06-25 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: RE: [Histonet] Storage of tissues in PFA beforedehydrationandembedding

2009-06-07 Thread TF
Just want to mention a point that some antigens are too fragile to PFA and in my hand can not be retrieval"ed" anymore...such as rat CD31. 2009-06-08 TF 发件人: Patsy Ruegg 发送时间: 2009-06-08 00:13:46 收件人: 'Tony Henwood'; 抄送: 主题: RE

[Histonet] Whole rat skull decalcification protocol

2009-05-25 Thread TF
, in a gentle but slower way, 14% tetrasodium EDTA (pH 7.4-7.6) Anyone has other good sugestions to do so? Thanks! 2009-05-25 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Preparation and store of the 1mM CaCl2 in PBS

2009-05-22 Thread TF
TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: AW: Re: AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primaryantibody

2009-05-18 Thread TF
ell morphology in the other channel), and around 10-50% clear co-labeling of two different cell markers. Without any treatment between the 1st and 2nd IHC, I set up this as a control. Maybe, the blocking step Frauke mentioned can greatly reduces co-labeling? 2009-05-19 TF 发件人: Gudrun Lang 发

Re: Re: AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody

2009-05-18 Thread TF
. 2009-05-18 TF 发件人: Rene J Buesa 发送时间: 2009-05-18 22:31:30 收件人: tifei; gu.lang; Merced M Leiker 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody I am completely confused. IF you have an epitope in the tissue and you react with it an specific antibody

Re: AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody

2009-05-16 Thread TF
But the heat also damage the fluorescnece... u need specific amplication kit anyway. 2009-05-17 TF 发件人: Gudrun Lang 发送时间: 2009-05-17 02:00:18 收件人: 抄送: 主题: AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody For

Re: RE: Re: [Histonet] 70% alcohol fixation of brain

2009-05-16 Thread TF
washing the slide... Under the microscope...the background is high, and you can only see granule-like existences filled by small cavities. Actually I frozed the OCT-embedded tissue with liquid nitrogen..dont know why the tissue quality is still so bad! 2009-05-17 TF 发件人: Patsy Ruegg 发送时间

Re: Re: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody

2009-05-16 Thread TF
Hi, but I dont want to destory everything I am trying to see if I can prevent the binding of another 2nd antibody to the primary antibody for the first antigen! There fore you can perform double staining from same sepecies-derived primary antibodies! 2009-05-17 TF 发件人: Rene J Buesa

[Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody

2009-05-16 Thread TF
Hi all, just wonder what kind of treatments/chemicals can complete block the binding of 2nd antibody to binded primary antibody on antigen? I tried HCl , but does not damage all the primaryantibody binding sites - i can still see staining pattern finally. 2009-05-17 TF

Re: Re: [Histonet] 70% alcohol fixation of brain

2009-05-15 Thread TF
thanks to the reply. some antigens will be damaged by PFA fixation and can not be retreieval. the shock frozen section with acetone is of quite bad tissue quality. therefore I am trying alcohol! 2009-05-16 TF 发件人: Geoff McAuliffe 发送时间: 2009-05-15 23:55:15 收件人: tifei 抄送: Histonet

[Histonet] 70% alcohol fixation of brain

2009-05-15 Thread TF
dehydration before cutting frozen sections on a cryostat/microtome, should I use 95% alcohol? I am now using 30% sucrose~ 2009-05-15 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] 0.2M borate acid pH 7.0

2009-05-13 Thread TF
TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: Re: [Histonet] xylene substitues

2009-05-13 Thread TF
tulane !!! 2009-05-13 TF 发件人: Lynette Pavelich 发送时间: 2009-05-13 23:49:59 收件人:; 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] xylene substitues We use Propar by Anatech. It works great. Lynette >>> 05/13/09 10:25 AM >>> just w

[Histonet] 0.2M borate acid pH 7.0

2009-05-11 Thread TF
TF ___ Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Anti -rat CD31

2009-05-11 Thread TF
Dear All Just wonder whether you know any anti-rat CD31 that work on PFA-fixed tissues - frozen section ? It seems all of them just work on acetone fixed tissues! The tissue quality can not be promised ! Even you try antigen retrieval, it wont work? 2009-05-11 TF

[Histonet] 4% PFA/10% formalin in PB or in PBS?

2009-05-04 Thread TF
? Thanks. 2009-05-05 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] Questions regarding tissue shrinkage during fixation anddecalcification

2009-05-04 Thread TF
if you fix the brain at room temperature, the shrinkage can be neglected. 2009-05-05 TF 发件人: Phillips, Derrick 发送时间: 2009-05-05 08:57:26 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Questions regarding tissue shrinkage during fixation anddecalcification Dear Histonet

[Histonet] Which kind of pre-coated slides is good for brain sections?

2009-05-04 Thread TF
Just want to buy some slides for our brain sections. Pre-fixed before cryostat section. normally 10 um -40 um. Thanks very much ! s/#Disclaimer ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] mounting media for IHC

2009-04-30 Thread TF
Hi, we are using DAKO fluorescent mounting medium. We also have DAPI-mouting medium so that you dont have to stain for DAPI/hoechest. 2009-05-01 TF 发件人: Rashmil 发送时间: 2009-04-30 22:44:48 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] mounting media for IHC Hi Is there a mounting solution that

Re: [Histonet] Reusing Citrate Antigen Retrieval Buffer

2009-04-30 Thread TF
We never tired that but I think you should not do that. For the sake of the 2nd batch of sections; also, the solution pH, concentration, ion strength after boiling should have changed/ 2009-05-01 TF 发件人: Jason McGough 发送时间: 2009-04-30 23:15:31 收件人:; histonet

[Histonet] Mounting sections, rolling sections and peeling off sections

2009-04-28 Thread TF
is kind of mounting and cryostat mounting? Is OCT causing the peeling off of cryostat sections? I dont know, I hope someone can comment on these questions. 2009-04-29 TF 发件人: ooi.ting.huay 发送时间: 2009-04-29 13:15:46 收件人: tifei 抄送: Dearolf, Jennifer;

[Histonet] BSA blocking and Goat-serum only blocking

2009-04-28 Thread TF
days any comment is appreciated 2009-04-29 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] Rolling sections

2009-04-28 Thread TF
I also have problems in mounting brain sections...10um-30um in Leica Cryostathope anyone can share their experience? sometimes we use a brush to paint a mini drop of PB/water on to the slide, and then mount the sections. it is very flat then. 2009-04-29 TF 发件人: Dearolf, Jennifer

[Histonet] Doublecortin, Ki67, Caspase-3: need antigen retrieval ?

2009-04-26 Thread TF
), ki67, and caspase-3? I got very weak staining signals. I am not sure whether it is due to the low primary incubation concentration? Or insufficient antigen binding site exposure? 2009-04-27 TF ___ Histonet mailing list Histonet

Re: [Histonet] Long term storage for IHC?

2009-04-25 Thread TF
Hi, i embeded all of them in OCT and put them under -20. To prevent water vapor leakage, use some parafilm to pack the OCT block or seal it. We tested this in samples harvested 5 years ago (2004-2009). 2009-04-26 TF 发件人: Mikael Niku 发送时间: 2009-04-26 04:31:05 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题

[Histonet] Doublecortin staining with Abcam antibody

2009-04-24 Thread TF
"leaking" pattern of staining. 2009-04-24 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] Myeloperoxidase Antibody

2009-04-23 Thread TF
Hi, we use Rb a Hu Myeloperoxidase Dakocytomat A039829 It works great on rat tissue! 2009-04-24 TF 发件人: Smith Wanda 发送时间: 2009-04-23 03:16:36 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Myeloperoxidase Antibody Good Afternoon Everyone, Where do you recommend

Re: Re: [Histonet] Cryostat sections mounting with 0.1M PB solution onto slides

2009-04-19 Thread TF
How about to use a drop of water? Sometimes the section is a bit big, and it is hard to mount the section very flat on slides without a bubble... 2009-04-20 TF 发件人: Paula Pierce 发送时间: 2009-04-03 23:59:43 收件人: tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] Cryostat sections mounting with 0.1M PB

Re: [Histonet] CNS Fixation

2009-04-19 Thread TF
What are the differences between alcoholic formalin and PFA, NBF? We here perfuse brain with 4% PFA, followed with 4% PFA post-fixation for 6 hours-several days. Then we cut brain into sections, mount to slides. 2009-04-20 TF 发件人: Breeden, Sara 发送时间: 2009-04-17 22:40:37 收件人: histonet

[Histonet] BrdU + TUNEL, which one first

2009-04-15 Thread TF
Hi all, in many IHC co-labeling with BrdU, we perform the other antigen first. How about TUNEL? Do BrdU antigen retrieval (HCL or citrate buffer) affect TUNEL staining? Thanks very much. 2009-04-15 TF ___ Histonet mailing list Histonet

Re: [Histonet] Fixation question - Cerebellar granular cells

2009-04-07 Thread TF
Hi, i normally work on tissue. I think 4% PFA in 0.1M PB is fine. so approach 3. 2009-04-08 TF 发件人: Guillermo Palchik 发送时间: 2009-04-08 05:03:13 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Fixation question - Cerebellar granular cells Dear Histoneters, I am doing some IHC on rat cerebellar

[Histonet] Cryostat sections mounting with 0.1M PB solution onto slides

2009-04-03 Thread TF
about the proper heating time (with a heat plate) before dry the sections up in a fumehood. Should we heat the sections at 60 degree for 10 min or 2 hours shortly after mounting? Thanks very much. 2009-04-03 TF ___ Histonet mailing list Histonet

Re: [Histonet] bovine vs donkey anti-goat IgG

2009-04-01 Thread TF
-01 TF 发件人: Andrea Hooper 发送时间: 2009-03-30 23:28:03 收件人: Histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] bovine vs donkey anti-goat IgG Has anyone compared the bovine anti-goat IgG to the donkey anti-goat IgG secondaries from Jackson IR and seen whether there was a considerable benefit to using the

Re: [Histonet] Looking for a CD20 that works on mouse tissue

2009-03-25 Thread TF
ABCAM we r using ab9475 2009-03-25 TF 发件人: Colleen Forster 发送时间: 2009-03-25 05:27:58 收件人: Histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Looking for a CD20 that works on mouse tissue Hello Histonetters, Have a new project that wants to stain CD20 in mouse samples. One is brain and the other

Re: Re: [Histonet] BrdU immunostain on rat brain section

2009-03-17 Thread TF
Abcam monoclonal rat-anti BrdU Just compare to other Abcam anti-BrdU, it has most citations at least. 2009-03-18 TF 发件人: Amy Lee 发送时间: 2009-03-18 07:14:56 收件人: tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] BrdU immunostain on rat brain

Re: [Histonet] BrdU immunostain on rat brain section

2009-03-16 Thread TF
hi, we worked a lot on this. I prefer to use 40 um frozen sections. Abcam anti-BrdU (rat sourced) is the best ever I know. It does not have high background with rat IgG. Some other mouse-/sheep- sourced BrdU are available. 2009-03-17 TF 发件人: Amy Lee 发送时间: 2009-03-17 05:02:28 收件人

Re: [Histonet] Disposal of Formaldehyde

2009-03-13 Thread TF
Hard to say... we perfuse sooo many animals everyday...several litres for one lab into the sea 2009-03-14 TF 发件人: Jessica Piche 发送时间: 2009-03-13 23:25:02 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Disposal of Formaldehyde ? Hi All, We have a question regarding the disposal of

Re: RE: [Histonet] CD31 on rat brain

2009-03-11 Thread TF
hi, i am trying to stain the rat CD31 the cat: 550274 is the anti-mouse CD31 have anyone tried this one: test it on parafin sections? 2009-03-12 TF 发件人: Chiriboga, Luis 发送时间: 2009-03-07

Re: RE: [Histonet] slide disposal

2009-03-11 Thread TF
we treat with SHARPS + Biological Hazardous 2009-03-12 TF 发件人: Mike Pence 发送时间: 2009-03-11 21:29:29 收件人: Sharon Campbell; 抄送: 主题: RE: [Histonet] slide disposal All of our slides are put into buckets and placed in the regular dumpster as long as

Re: RE: [Histonet] CD31 on rat brain

2009-03-06 Thread TF
thx. I did notice another anti-rat CD31 from Abcam (they have 41 types of anti-CD31). only mentioned works on Frozen section. How's BD bioscience CD31 work on IHC-Frozen and paraffin sections (animals were fixed with PFA)? 2009-03-07 TF 发件人: Chiriboga, Luis 发送时间: 2009-03-07 00:

Re: Re: [Histonet] postnatal brain sections using vibratome

2009-03-06 Thread TF
Hi, I dont think glutaraldehyde is good for many antigens...though the brain does become firmer... 2009-03-06 TF 发件人: Geoff McAuliffe 发送时间: 2009-03-06 23:37:34 收件人: shymaa shawadfy 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] postnatal brain sections using vibratome If you put a little

[Histonet] CD31 on rat brain

2009-03-06 Thread TF
Just wonder anyone has a suggestion of antibody that works on rat brain? Frozen section and parafin sections? It would be great if this also works on mice. 2009-03-06 TF 发件人: Colleen Forster 发送时间: 2009-03-06 00:57:29 收件人: tifei 抄送: iskaliora; histonet; ΕΛΕΝΗ ΚΟΝΣΟΛΑΚΗ 主题: Re

Re: [Histonet] postnatal brain sections using vibratome

2009-03-06 Thread TF
2009-03-06 TF 发件人: shymaa shawadfy 发送时间: 2009-03-06 10:55:20 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] postnatal brain sections using vibratome Dear all I am trying to use vibratome 50 祄 thick sections for immunofluorescence using Postnatal day 0 brains. The probl

Re: Re: [Histonet] staining brain vessels

2009-03-05 Thread TF
Anyone know the Abcam CD31 on rat brain? Or suggest another one? 2009-03-06 TF 发件人: Colleen Forster 发送时间: 2009-03-06 00:57:29 收件人: tifei 抄送: iskaliora; histonet; ΕΛΕΝΗ ΚΟΝΣΟΛΑΚΗ 主题: Re: [Histonet] staining brain vessels You have

Re: [Histonet] staining brain vessels

2009-03-05 Thread TF
hi, CD31 works great in my section alpha-SMA also works another way is to perfuse the brain with BSA-rhodamine. you will get the fluorescence without the need of staining. 2009-03-05 TF 发件人: iskaliora 发送时间: 2009-03-05 18:49:11 收件人: histonet 抄送: ΕΛΕΝΗ ΚΟΝΣΟΛΑΚΗ 主题: [Histonet

[Histonet] AXOn staining

2009-03-04 Thread TF
uffer. These antibodies also work nicely with IF Good luck! Nancy Walker Molecular Biology Scientist Sanofi-Synthelbo Research B.P. 37 Labége Innopole 31676 LABEGE CEDEX FRANCE tel : (33)561004179 fax :(33)561004001 2009-03-05

Re: [Histonet] Cresyl violet problems

2009-03-04 Thread TF
Try some freshly prepared cresyl violet solutions? 2009-03-04 TF 发件人: Walters, Katherine S 发送时间: 2009-03-04 04:09:07 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Cresyl violet problems To the "brainy" histo-people, I have a student doing a cresyl violet sta

[Histonet] Inflammation cell marker on Tissue & Quantitive Immunohistofluorscence

2009-02-24 Thread TF
exposure time) or the area of positive region as the quantitive index? At least semi-qunatitive. 2009-02-25 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: Re: [Histonet] Curious to know

2009-02-16 Thread TF
he might consider sth like western blot or any other signals that can be wrote in a paper 2009-02-17 TF 发件人: Rene J Buesa 发送时间: 2009-02-17 06:09:50 收件人: histonet3 histonet3; yan gao 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] Curious to know I think that your question is somewhat confusing. Could you

Re: [Histonet] Need some staining help

2009-02-12 Thread TF
. 2009-02-12 TF 发件人: Jennifer Sipes 发送时间: 2009-02-12 21:50:19 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Need some staining help I have an investigator that is doing BRDu (?) staining and is having trouble with it.?Does anyone out there have a protocol that works well so we can compare

Re: Re: [Histonet] Antibody penetration problem

2009-02-12 Thread TF
Hi arvind, this is for gary. 2009-02-12 TF 发件人: arvind 发送时间: 2009-02-12 14:29:58 收件人: tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] Antibody penetration problem try increasing the incubation time ant add 0.2 % triX to the primary i had also used the SMI 311 for my human brain sections it had

Re: [Histonet] Sections coming off of slides

2009-02-11 Thread TF
dry it up again and heat a bit. 2009-02-12 TF 发件人: Kathleen Roberts 发送时间: 2009-02-12 03:51:17 收件人: '' 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Sections coming off of slides Hi all, I just had a professor come to me asking if I had any tricks to rescue a se

Re: [Histonet] Antibody penetration problem

2009-02-11 Thread TF
just add up to 2% triton in antibody dilution and increase the incubation time. another way is to use floating sections. 2009-02-12 TF 发件人: Amos Brooks 发送时间: 2009-02-12 08:11:23 收件人: grudow1; 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Antibody penetration problem Hi

Re: [Histonet] Help with antigen unmaksing on frozen sections

2009-02-11 Thread TF
u pictures if u want,. 2009-02-12 TF 发件人: Sarah Tarran 发送时间: 2009-02-11 12:19:58 收件人: histonet 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] Help with antigen unmaksing on frozen sections Hi everyone, I some help with antigen on frozen sections as I am having a lot of trouble getting antibodies to work. I

Re: [Histonet] brain sections falling off slides during IHC

2009-02-11 Thread TF
eezer ->each time before IHC, heat the section at 60 C for 10 min (dry up after taking out from freezer). I boil the slide in 95 C citrate buffer for 30 min, <1 sections from 100 falls off. 2009-02-12 TF 发件人: Thurby, Christina 发送时间: 2009-02-11 23:43:16 收件人: histonet@lists.utsouthwe

Re: Re: [Histonet] feulgen stain on brain sections

2009-02-09 Thread TF
Thanks very much. I will extract the lipids first. 2009-02-10 TF 发件人: Geoff McAuliffe 发送时间: 2009-02-10 00:17:29 收件人: tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet] feulgen stain on brain sections Dear TF: Schiff reagent reacts with the lipids (the aldehydes in the

[Histonet] feulgen stain on brain sections

2009-02-06 Thread TF
still in red color. 2009-02-07 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] methyl green - multiple labelling

2009-01-23 Thread TF
yes methyl blue & methyle green are too dim.. try neutral red...? it seems fast green/light green might lead to intense staining? I am not sure, you may test it. 2009-01-24 TF 发件人: anjan kumar 发送时间: 2009-01-24 13:11:19 收件人: triple immunohistochem 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] methyl g

Re: RE: Re: [Histonet] Fixation of the damaged brain tissue

2009-01-12 Thread TF
Thanks, Dont you think high pressure during perfusion leads to tissue swelling and disrupted morphology? 2009-01-13 TF 发件人: Charles Scouten 发送时间: 2009-01-13 00:02:40 收件人: 抄送: histonet 主题: RE: Re: [Histonet] Fixation of the damaged brain tissue Formaldehyde

Re: Re: [Histonet] Fixation of the damaged brain tissue

2009-01-12 Thread TF
kull into PFA for 1-2 days. It should work... The perfusion is not well in many conditions - in my injury model, part of the blood supply was interrupted. 2009-01-12 TF 发件人: Geoff McAuliffe 发送时间: 2009-01-12 22:59:22 收件人: tifei 抄送: histonet 主题: Re: [Histonet] Fixation of the damaged b

[Histonet] Fixation of the damaged brain tissue

2009-01-11 Thread TF
removing the brain from in situ. But it does not help a lot. Can anyone provide some suggestions? 2009-01-12 TF ___ Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Feulgen Nucleal Reaction

2009-01-09 Thread TF
Hi all, just wonder any one has the protocol for Feulgen Nucleal Reaction on thick brain sections, such as 20-40 um> I have one protocol refering to: 2009-01-09 TF ___ Histo

Re: [Histonet] IHC Doublestain

2009-01-07 Thread TF
Any different of the two approaches? I think for most antigen they both work. 2009-01-08 TF 发件人: Kimberly Tuttle 发送时间: 2009-01-08 00:24:59 收件人: 抄送: 主题: [Histonet] IHC Doublestain I am supposed to try a doublestain using the DAKO autostainer

Re: Re: [Histonet] Differences between WB antibody and IHC antibody

2009-01-02 Thread TF
-terminus of doublecortin of human origin recommended for detection of doublecortin and DCAMKL1 of m, r and h origin by WB, IP, IF and ELISA Thank you all! 2009-01-03 TF 发件人: Andrea T. Hooper 发送时间: 2009-01-03 06:14:16 收件人: Emily Sours; histonet; tifei 抄送: 主题: Re: [Histonet

Re: [Histonet] IgM monoclonal antibody compatibility

2009-01-02 Thread TF
I have the same post last week but did not get reply. Actually I have a IgM primary antibody and I can just visualize the staining with IgG 2nd antibody. SOme IgG 2nd antibody can just applied to do so. This has been proved. But you should test yours anyway. 2009-01-03 TF 发件人: anjan

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