Re: [newbie-it] Creative Webcamgo USB

2003-01-09 Per discussione Felice Gaudente
Mi spiace non ne so abbastanza per poterti dire cosa faccia o no, ho eseguito un'installazione penso senza troppi fronzoli e sinceramente non so cosa esegua per primo, cosa lanci.. grazie cmq From: miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 9.0 e java

2003-01-09 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 02:01, giovedì 9 gennaio 2003, Corrado ha scritto: Il mar, 2003-01-07 alle 18:34, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto: Ho provato ad installare la 1.4.1 dall'rpm trovato sul sito ma mi da messaggi di errore... dovrai tentare da altri pacchetti ma con la 1.3.1 mi trovo bene, dunque...

Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-09 Per discussione giamgax
Il Wed, 8 Jan 2003 18:33:31 +0100 miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire: fdisk /dev/hda è un tool semplice a usare e che ti salva la vita in tanti casi (tipo ricostruire una tabella delle partizioni rovinata da part.magic o da uso improprio di strumenti potenti come diskdrake o usati a

Re: [newbie-it] Terminale

2003-01-09 Per discussione Matteo Leccardi
Da qualche tempo se apro un terminale, anzichè l'abituale [corrado@localhost corrado]$ Appare bash-2.05b$ Questo non accade con altri utenti... Ciao Corrado, che strano che gli altri utenti abbiamo un prompt di comando diverso. Di solito le informazioni che devono apparire (utente,nome

Re 2 : [newbie-it] Terminale

2003-01-09 Per discussione Matteo Leccardi
[corrado@localhost corrado]$ Appare bash-2.05b$ Qualcosa in piu' sono riuscito a tirar fuori. Purtroppo non hai specificato quale versione di MDK stai usando ma quello che scrivo dovrebbe valere piu' o meno per tutte le release. 1 - la variabile PS1 viene dichiarata in /etc/bashrc. 2 - puoi

Re: [newbie-it] Terminale

2003-01-09 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 01:16, giovedì 9 gennaio 2003, Corrado ha scritto: Mi è successa una cosa, di per se non pare essere un problema, ma vorrei capire di che si tratti... Da qualche tempo se apro un terminale, anzichè l'abituale [corrado@localhost corrado]$ Appare bash-2.05b$ Questo non accade con

Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-09 Per discussione giamgax
Il Thu, 9 Jan 2003 10:59:46 +0100 giamgax [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire: ricavarne un cd bootable? e come che non l'ho mai fatto? cronaca del 1° tentativo: - gnome-toaster non mi permette di mettere la crocetta su rendi bootable, nelle preferenze non trovo nulla che assomigli all'argomento,

Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html

2003-01-09 Per discussione freefred
On Thursday 09 January 2003 12:22 am, miKe wrote about Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html: Sto cercando un editor html molto pratico, insomma paragonabile a frontpage o ancora meglio a dreamweaver, logicamente per linux. Cosa mi consigliate?? non esistono programmi paragonabili ai due 'cosi'

Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-09 Per discussione freefred
On Thursday 09 January 2003 10:59 am, giamgax wrote about Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo: l'ho formattata con diskdrake, e winMe si è incasinato, dice che ci sono problemi nei registri, che non trova explorer e che bisogna reinstallarlo. Sto .azz. se non gli entra la

[newbie-it] Kppp

2003-01-09 Per discussione ba-rk
Salute a tutta la lista dopo aver reinstallato linux e Kppp mi compare il seguente messaggio di errore: /usr/sbin/pppd Assicurati che Kppp sia di proprietà dell'utente root,e che abbia il bit SUID impostato premendo Ok mi compare il seguente messaggio /etc/resolv.conf manca o è

Re: [newbie-it] Kppp

2003-01-09 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 17:25:13 +0100 ba-rk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Salute a tutta la lista dopo aver reinstallato linux e Kppp mi compare il seguente messaggio di errore: /usr/sbin/pppd Assicurati che Kppp sia di proprietà dell'utente root,e che abbia il bit SUID impostato Imposta il SUID

Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html

2003-01-09 Per discussione Yddu
# # # Non si può mai sapere di che cosa si è veramente capaci finché non si ha provato # # # - Original Message - From: freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 4:48 PM Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html On Thursday 09 January 2003 12:22 am,

[newbie-it] Editor video

2003-01-09 Per discussione Luca
Salve a tutti, stavo cercando un editor video che mi consenta di fare operazioni tipo ridimensionamento dei frame o dell'intero video, estrazione dell'audio o del video su avi (tipo il nundub disponibile in licenza gnu per windows), qualcuno saprebbe consigliarmi un programma in ambiente linux?

Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-09 Per discussione freefred
On Thursday 09 January 2003 5:25 pm, giamgax wrote about Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo: i signori della m$, convinti della solidità del prodotto, hanno avuto la bella idea di non permettere nemmeno la creazione del floppy di avvio! In ufficio ho solo win2000. wow. be',

Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-09 Per discussione giamgax
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 22:08:46 +0100 freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Alla fine direi ti serva il dos o un suo simile, niente di piu'. (ma ripeto, vado molto di teoria) giusto, sono riuscito a recuperare un floppy w98 ma al setup mi dice che non può proseguire perchè non c'è la LPA sul disco

Re: [newbie-it] permesso + link

2003-01-09 Per discussione tom
Alle 23:26, mercoledì 8 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto: -rwxrwx---1 tom umail 0 Jan 7 12:19 drafts perchè sono eseguibili? sono file mica dir appunto il casino che dicevo. outbox drwxrwx--- 5 tom umail4096 Jan 5 13:28 sent-mail drwx-w5 tom

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 9.0 e java

2003-01-09 Per discussione Corrado
Il gio, 2003-01-09 alle 10:08, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto: Alle 02:01, giovedì 9 gennaio 2003, Corrado ha scritto: Hai ragione, ho fatto un errore... non so ma ero convinto che il file che si trova su linux magazine fosse un rpm, in realtà è un pacchetto bin dunque non poteva funzionare

Re: Re 2 : [newbie-it] Terminale

2003-01-09 Per discussione Corrado
Il gio, 2003-01-09 alle 11:38, Matteo Leccardi ha scritto: Tornando al tuo problema, ti consiglio controllare questi file ed evenutalmente provare - magari dopo averne create copie di backup - i file di configurazione della tua utenza. export | grep PS1 non restituisce alcun risultato...

Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html

2003-01-09 Per discussione Corrado
Il gio, 2003-01-09 alle 18:45, Yddu ha scritto: Grazie ancora a tutti voi per l'aiuto. Se vorrò usare dreamweaver (che come dici tu non ha veramente nulla a che vedere con frontpage!!!)dovrò quindi imparare ad usare prima wine!:ppp grazie Uhm... la versione di wine di CodeWeavers è facile

Re: [newbie-it] Editor video

2003-01-09 Per discussione Corrado
Il gio, 2003-01-09 alle 21:24, Luca ha scritto: Salve a tutti, stavo cercando un editor video che mi consenta di fare operazioni tipo ridimensionamento dei frame o dell'intero video, estrazione dell'audio o del video su avi (tipo il nundub disponibile in licenza gnu per windows), qualcuno

[newbie] ARTICLE - Network configuration - the easy way

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Beautiful and SIMPLE networking configuration article - y'all will love this one...(Throw away those config utils if you're not afraid to use a text editor!) Cheers!,224997,20271094,00.htm -- Thu Jan 9 19:05:01 EST 2003 7:05pm up 8:47, 3

Re: [newbie] Re: U.S. politics in Linux?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 21:52, NeueZiel wrote: HEY...You know what? This thread is over; old news by popular demand. So cease and desist. ... MY country, MY President... MY say. What you said IS all yours, but that's just it... it's yours, NOT everyone else's! I'm not trying to be

Re: [newbie] Re: U.S. politics in Linux?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 03:14, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 21:52, NeueZiel wrote: HEY...You know what? This thread is over; old news by popular demand. So cease and desist. ... MY country, MY President... MY say. Well, looks like I was wrong. I was 100% certain that

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake

2003-01-09 Per discussione Tuija
Viestissä Keskiviikko 8. Tammikuuta 2003 18:35, Tom Brinkman kirjoitti: as root, urpmi.update -a ...will update all sources you've installed urpmi --auto-select ...will get the updates. Or better yet, urpmi.update -a --wget urpmi --auto-select

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 update on install CDs?

2003-01-09 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 09 January 2003 07:09, ivette brusselmans wrote: Hello, is it possible to burn install CDs that include the updates? There is that bug in the dutch version which blocks Mandrake Control Center, so when I reinstall, I have to pick the English version, do an update that fixes dutch

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Software Manager problem

2003-01-09 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 09 January 2003 07:01, ivette brusselmans wrote: Tried your suggestion, but got the message can't find CD1 although CD1 was in CDROM drive. Poured myself a glass of good wine and installed MDK 9.0 again, added the mirror in MSM and updated the whole bunch. How come the update

Re: [newbie] system in mess

2003-01-09 Per discussione Konrad Cempura
My advice is: You should format disk and reinstall system. :-) --- Wszystko, czego potrzebuje nowoczesna kobieta! Diety, horoskopy, kosmetyczne nowoci... - najlepszy serwis kobiecy! Want to buy your Pack or

Re: [newbie] ARTICLE - Network configuration - the easy way

2003-01-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 21:06, Stephen Kuhn wrote: Beautiful and SIMPLE networking configuration article - y'all will love this one...(Throw away those config utils if you're not afraid to use a text editor!) Cheers!,224997,20271094,00.htm

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:29, Anne Wilson wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 6:45 pm, Michael Adams wrote: I actually have achieved something usefull in this respect. I have a spell checker icon in kmail composer windows. If you're serious, please tell us more Anne Sorry, i'll explain, the

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-09 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Charlie wrote: On January 6, 2003 06:55 am, Robin Turner wrote: snip If people remember to put OT in the header, yes. However, I'm not sure how you do it client-side to prevent the message from being downloaded in the first place, which is the real problem for people with low (and maybe

Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Whichi s better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-09 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Todd Franklin wrote: hmm. did u not see the OT in the subject line? OT or no OT in the subject, I, possibly like many others, do not mind the odd OT message or two but when it becomes an ongoing OT discussion of politics, Star Trek and the like, which are NOT even linux related, I feel that

Re: [newbie] backup what???

2003-01-09 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
Aaron wrote: The question is. I want to retain my ximain evolution mail settings, ny internet settings (I use a provider with a unique setup), and my mozilla bookmarks. My urpmi remote directories etc. This is just a sample of what I know. What directories, files should I backup to insure that

[newbie] Linux Hardware Database

2003-01-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
Has the ZDNet database moved or is it just down for two days now? -- Michael Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 10:17 am, Michael Adams wrote: On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:29, Anne Wilson wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 6:45 pm, Michael Adams wrote: I actually have achieved something usefull in this respect. I have a spell checker icon in kmail composer windows. If you're

Re: [newbie] Personal database use

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 12:18 am, Adolfo Bello wrote: I came from a Borland's Paradox world and after that moved to Access 95-97-2000-2002. However, most of my work as a developer has been done with Sybase, SQL Anywhere and right now I am working with MySQL. I know nothing about Lotus

[newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
I am often amazed at how many people who do not have English as a first language tackle the job of discussing technical issues in English. So often they apologise for their lack of command. Like most British people, I have only a tiny grasp of a couple of European languages, and couldn't

Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which i s better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 11:58 pm, you wrote: This has gone far enough. Spitting insults at each other will change nothing. Anne Now I am wondering if you sent this message out to the others who initiated, and participated in this exchange, or to me alone ? Having read this, I

Re: [newbie] DHCP/net-up script

2003-01-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 6:58 am, Brandon Vanderberg wrote: Hi all, I'm using DHCPCD on a 9.0 box (2 actually) with my broadband connection. I'm also using a dynamic dns service. I need to get my boxes to update the dns when the ip changes. Now I've already got a script that does the updating


2003-01-09 Per discussione Juan Carlos Lopez Montenegro
hello friends, somebody can help me with theinstallation computone intelliport II EX- PCI, inLinux Mandrake 9 step by step? thanks to all Juan Carlos Lopez

[newbie] upgrade php 4.0.6 - 4.3.0 on man8.1

2003-01-09 Per discussione Vrana Bohdan
Good .. for everybody! Two days I trying to update my php libs. I ged apache 1.3.26 and php 4.3.0 from related sites. Using help pages on or I config and make make install new versions to /usr/local. Apache I got to work (rewriting conf.filesL). But if I try to get to any

Re: [newbie] Play CDs Digitally - How?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On 08 Jan 2003 22:12:17 -0600 Chuck Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I need a program that plays CDs digitally, reads the cdda tracks over the data channel and plays them, OR can use the digital audio of the sb-live, though I would suspect this to be a driver issue, and that doesn't seem to be

Re: [newbie] getpix update

2003-01-09 Per discussione Lee
On Thursday 09 January 2003 06:30 am, you wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 5:38 am, Todd Slater wrote: I should keep a list of people (if any?) who use this so I won't trouble the list at large with this. You can change the default extension in the main config section (if your camera uses

Re: [newbie] ARTICLE - Network configuration - the easy way

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 22:41, Anne Wilson wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 11:38 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote: Is this the same artical Stephen?,224993,20271094 ,00.htm your link wouldn't work for me. I think it's wrong

Re: [newbie] ARTICLE - Network configuration - the easy way

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 22:38, Steve Jeppesen wrote: Is this the same artical Stephen?,224993,20271094,00.htm your link wouldn't work for me. Thanks Steve Dang, Steve - and yer link didn't work for me! - ah well, I'm going to

Re: [newbie] Play CDs Digitally - How?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 12:37 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote: On 08 Jan 2003 22:12:17 -0600 Chuck Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I need a program that plays CDs digitally, reads the cdda tracks over the data channel and plays them, OR can use the digital audio of the sb-live, though I would

Re: [newbie] Filter to /dev/null

2003-01-09 Per discussione Keith Powell
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Keith Powell wrote: I once read that KMail could be filtered to send messages straight into the Black Hole which is /dev/null. Ideal for spam! Has anyone tried it, and got it to work? If so, how do you do it, please? I can't work out how to do it. This is only

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 11:52 am, Anne Wilson wrote: Recently I have experience slow boot-up times. Since I rarely re-boot, I have no idea when the problem started. Undoubtedly it is because of something that I have changed, but it could have been any time over the last few weeks, so I could

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione et
are you running hard drake each boot? On Thursday 09 January 2003 06:52 am, Anne Wilson wrote: Recently I have experience slow boot-up times. Since I rarely re-boot, I have no idea when the problem started. Undoubtedly it is because of something that I have changed, but it could have been

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione et
very kwel, thanx On Thursday 09 January 2003 08:15 am, Derek Jennings wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 11:52 am, Anne Wilson wrote: Recently I have experience slow boot-up times. Since I rarely re-boot, I have no idea when the problem started. Undoubtedly it is because of something that I

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
I am often amazed at how many people who do not have English as a first language tackle the job of discussing technical issues in English. So often they apologise for their lack of command. Like most British people, I have only a tiny grasp of a couple of European languages, and couldn't

Re: [newbie] Ksensors and hddtemp

2003-01-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
Another question: With what ambient temp you got this 33c to 40c? What is the room temp? ¡Gracias, Adolfo, por tu ayuda! Este es el foro linuxero más interesante que he encontrado desde mis comienzos con RH 5.x. Y estás autorizado para corregirme cuanto disparate diga,

Re: [newbie] Personal database use

2003-01-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
Thanks for your reply - if you do find anything more in your explorations I would be glad to hear it. Anne I will take a look at pgaccess this weekend. I will post my opinion. See you, Adolfo Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione JM5379
Agreed, Anne. Being American, I'm equally amazed that many who speak something other than english as a primary language can converse in english so much better than many who are raised with it as their only language. Those who can - and do - show such desire to be global have my deepest respect

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Vahur Lokk
On Thursday 09 January 2003 15:47, you wrote: Agreed, Anne. Being American, I'm equally amazed that many who speak something other than english as a primary language can converse in english so much better than many who are raised with it as their only language. Those who can - and do - show

Re: [newbie] Re: U.S. politics in Linux?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Robin Turner
Lyvim Xaphir wrote: Guess I'll be seeing youse guys on the battlefield. ;) Come and visit us in Ankara - we're within Scud range! Sir Robin -- Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun doing it. - Linus Torvalds Robin Turner IDMYO, Bilkent University Ankara

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Software Manager problem

2003-01-09 Per discussione ivette brusselmans
No it doesn't. Get the message that it can't find the mirror list, that I have to wait and try later because network could be down or server unreachable or whatsoever... Tried this for two weeks (can surf and email without probs) and finally inserted a mirror manually in MSM, typing rather

POP3 mail filtering [was: Re: [newbie] OT's on this list]

2003-01-09 Per discussione Robin Turner
Anne Wilson wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 8:58 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote: Wouldn't that be nice if the POP mail system could do that! In my experience, using Netscape and Mozilla mail, I either download all the messages from the ISP or none. Are you sure it doesn't? I'm sure I

Re: [newbie] Filter to /dev/null

2003-01-09 Per discussione Robin Turner
And Stephen Kuhn replied: As far as using the black hole - I make use of it via /etc/procmailrc - this is a processor for mail which can be used for sendmail, postfix, qmail - it contains rules or rather recipes for diverting stuff hither thither and's a quick clip from mine

[newbie] Getting LILO back after installing Win XP

2003-01-09 Per discussione George Baker
I've just installed Win XP onto my C: drive using NTFS. My second drive is partitioned into a D: drive with FAT 32 and the remaining 4 gigs has Mandrake 7.0. I've reinstalled Win 98 before but obviously the C: drive was then FAT 32. Using the MDK 7.0 boot CD and choosing upgrade I have always got

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Robin Turner
Vahur Lokk wrote: On Thursday 09 January 2003 15:47, you wrote: Agreed, Anne. Being American, I'm equally amazed that many who speak something other than english as a primary language can converse in english so much better than many who are raised with it as their only language. Those who can

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
Thats easy to explain - compared to other languages english has no grammar whatsoever, thus being easy to learn for foreigners (who have already grammar experience with their mother tongue) :) Wahur Is Joyce's Ulyses in other language as great as it is in english? I don't think so.

Re: [newbie] Linux Hardware Database

2003-01-09 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
Microsoft Apologist (and ZDNet editor) David Berlind took it down a while ago. On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 23:33:58 +1300, Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Has the ZDNet database moved or is it just down for two days now? -- Michael -- Sridhar Dhanapalan [Yama |

Re: POP3 mail filtering [was: Re: [newbie] OT's on this list]

2003-01-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
little messages, not one or two big ones). On the positive side, Mozilla/Netscape allows you the option of leaving messages on the server but having them deleted there when they are deleted locally - very useful when you're logging on from different computers. I really miss this one in

RE: POP3 mail filtering [was: Re: [newbie] OT's on this list]

2003-01-09 Per discussione Jamie . Kerwick
I have a windows based mail client The Bat! Which can do selective downloading of mail. You just create filters for selective download, as well as a selective download based on file sizes. If The Bat! Can do it I'm sure other email software should be able to

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione JM5379
on the contrary, english does have grammer, syntax and a recognized structure; it`s simply that wiht the vast mixture we ahve from so many cultures, many don`t learn the proper way to use english or they consciously revamp it, making some form of it thier own. i may be wrong having never loooked

[newbie] LM9 Boxed Set

2003-01-09 Per discussione Rob Lindsay
Will be back in the UK in February. Where should I go to get the latest Mandrake Boxed Edition? TIA Rob Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Mozilla locks my machine during downloads

2003-01-09 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday January 8 2003 07:40 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote: append=idebus=66 ide0=ata66 ^ Just like that - then rerun lilo and reboot - this forces the pci bus to 66 (if it can do it) and forces the IDE interface to ata66/ata100 (if it can do it) which

Re: [newbie] Play CDs Digitally - How?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Chuck Burns
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 05:03, Derek Jennings wrote: xmms can do it using the IDE interface. Just like WMP :) There is a guide on my homepage. Sweet, thanks.. that's exactly what I was hoping for: an XMMS plugin. woohoo! -- Chuck Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Getting LILO back after installing Win XP

2003-01-09 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 12:06 pm, George Baker wrote: I've just installed Win XP onto my C: drive using NTFS. My second drive is partitioned into a D: drive with FAT 32 and the remaining 4 gigs has Mandrake 7.0. I've reinstalled Win 98 before but obviously the C: drive was then FAT 32.

Re: [newbie] getpix update

2003-01-09 Per discussione Peter Watson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 13:06, Lee wrote: On Thursday 09 January 2003 06:30 am, you wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 5:38 am, Todd Slater wrote: I should keep a list of people (if any?) who use this so I won't trouble the list at large with this. You can change the default extension

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Chuck Burns
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 08:03, Vahur Lokk wrote: Thats easy to explain - compared to other languages english has no grammar whatsoever, thus being easy to learn for foreigners (who have already grammar experience with their mother tongue) :) Actually.. English is one of the HARDEST

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake

2003-01-09 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday January 9 2003 02:41 am, Tuija wrote: Viestissä Keskiviikko 8. Tammikuuta 2003 18:35, Tom Brinkman kirjoitti: as root, urpmi.update -a ...will update all sources you've installed urpmi --auto-select ...will get the updates. Or better yet, urpmi.update -a --wget

Re: SV: SV: [newbie] OT - Star Trek Nemesis

2003-01-09 Per discussione Miark
Well, they seek technological perfection, so we know what OS they _DON'T_ use. :-) Miark On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 04:10:06 +0800 Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: nerd questionWonder what OS, the borg use to commumicate with the hive? /nerd question rgds Frank Want to buy your Pack or

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione et
On Thursday 09 January 2003 09:42 am, Adolfo Bello wrote: Thats easy to explain - compared to other languages english has no grammar whatsoever, thus being easy to learn for foreigners (who have already grammar experience with their mother tongue) :) Wahur Is Joyce's Ulyses in other

[newbie] CD

2003-01-09 Per discussione Gil Katz
Hi When i enter a music cd into the cdrom i get no cd loaded or when i try to browse the cd from mnt i get premission denied ( i root) what should i do? Thanks Gil Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 1:15 pm, Derek Jennings wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 11:52 am, Anne Wilson wrote: Recently I have experience slow boot-up times. Since I rarely re-boot, I have no idea when the problem started. Undoubtedly it is because of something that I have changed, but it

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 1:40 pm, et wrote: are you running hard drake each boot? I don't know. What should I check? I have usb devices plugged in constantly. Do I need it for that? Anne Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: POP3 mail filtering [was: Re: [newbie] OT's on this list]

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 1:44 pm, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 8:58 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote: Wouldn't that be nice if the POP mail system could do that! In my experience, using Netscape and Mozilla mail, I either download all the messages from the

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 3:37 pm, Chuck Burns wrote: On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 08:03, Vahur Lokk wrote: Thats easy to explain - compared to other languages english has no grammar whatsoever, thus being easy to learn for foreigners (who have already grammar experience with their mother tongue)

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 3:01 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: on the contrary, english does have grammer, syntax and a recognized structure; it`s simply that wiht the vast mixture we ahve from so many cultures, many don`t learn the proper way to use english or they consciously revamp it, making

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione et
On Thursday 09 January 2003 12:25 pm, Anne Wilson wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 1:40 pm, et wrote: are you running hard drake each boot? I don't know. What should I check? I have usb devices plugged in constantly. Do I need it for that? Anne As I understand it, you only really need to

Re: [newbie] CD

2003-01-09 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Thursday 09 January 2003 12:21, Gil Katz wrote: When i enter a music cd into the cdrom i get no cd loaded or when i try to browse the cd from mnt i get premission denied ( i root) what should i do? A partial answer: Don't mount audio cds. Just put the cd in the drive and open a cd player

Re: [newbie] CD

2003-01-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 5:21 pm, Gil Katz wrote: Hi When i enter a music cd into the cdrom i get no cd loaded or when i try to browse the cd from mnt i get premission denied ( i root) what should i do? Thanks Gil Audio cds are not browsed. You need to open a cdplayer. XMMS is very good,

Re: [newbie] Getting LILO back after installing Win XP

2003-01-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
My understanding is that LILO only writes the MBR of hda. The MBR is not NTFS and it is separate from any partitions. You should be able to safely replace the MBR with LILO. I beleive your concern to be if lilo can pass control to the boot of the NTFS partition. I haven't heard anyone complain

[newbie] System Hangs after GF4 install

2003-01-09 Per discussione Jordan Elver
Hi, After the installation of my Geforce 4, my system now hangs for no aparent reason. Does anyone know where I should start looking for the problem? Is this likely to be hardware or software related? Thanks for any help, Jord -- Jordan Elver You don't have to be mad to work here! In fact we

Re: [newbie] MOUSE normal speed

2003-01-09 Per discussione Charlie
On January 8, 2003 05:59 pm, Russ wrote: Hi Charlie, Thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay in responding back. In the process of trying to tweak my mouse it flipped out all together. It wouldn't go more than an inch away from th bottom left hand corner. The wheel wouldn't work either.

Re: [newbie] Linux Hardware Database

2003-01-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
Thanks Sridhar, good to see you are still lurking here. Your occassional advice has been invaluable from time to time. On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 02:42, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: Microsoft Apologist (and ZDNet editor) David Berlind took it down a while ago. On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 23:33:58 +1300,

Re: [newbie] LM9 Boxed Set

2003-01-09 Per discussione et On Thursday 09 January 2003 10:13 am, Rob Lindsay wrote: Will be back in the UK in February. Where should I go to get the latest Mandrake Boxed Edition? TIA Rob Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-09 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 23:35, Anne Wilson wrote: On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 10:17 am, Michael Adams wrote: On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:29, Anne Wilson wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 6:45 pm, Michael Adams wrote: I actually have achieved something usefull in this respect. I have a spell checker

[newbie] MySQL users DB corrupted

2003-01-09 Per discussione Cory
I have a small problem where a power outage has corrupted the user database for mysql, now no users can authenticate/manipulate any databases hosted by the MySQL Engine... This is rather annoying since I am no longer able to administer the databases, and I appear to be unable to modify, or create

Re: [newbie] Slow Boot-up

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 22:52, Anne Wilson wrote: Recently I have experience slow boot-up times. Since I rarely re-boot, I have no idea when the problem started. Undoubtedly it is because of something that I have changed, but it could have been any time over the last few weeks, so I could

Re: [newbie] upgrade php 4.0.6 - 4.3.0 on man8.1

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 23:28, Vrana Bohdan wrote: Good .. for everybody! Two days I trying to update my php libs. I ged apache 1.3.26 and php 4.3.0 from related sites. Using help pages on or I config and make make install new versions to /usr/local. Apache I got to work

Re: [newbie] Re: U.S. politics in Linux?

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 00:24, Robin Turner wrote: Lyvim Xaphir wrote: Guess I'll be seeing youse guys on the battlefield. ;) Come and visit us in Ankara - we're within Scud range! Sir Robin OoooRobin...c'mon mate...ya really don't want to entice 'em into more of this unnecessary

Re: [newbie] Linux Hardware Database

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 00:42, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: Microsoft Apologist (and ZDNet editor) David Berlind took it down a while ago. On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 23:33:58 +1300, Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Has the ZDNet database moved or is it just down for two days now? --

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 00:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Agreed, Anne. Being American, I'm equally amazed that many who speak something other than english as a primary language can converse in english so much better than many who are raised with it as their only language. Those who can - and do

Re: [newbie] Filter to /dev/null

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 00:47, Robin Turner wrote: And Stephen Kuhn replied: As far as using the black hole - I make use of it via /etc/procmailrc - this is a processor for mail which can be used for sendmail, postfix, qmail - it contains rules or rather recipes for diverting stuff hither

Re: [newbie] Sort of OT - language

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 00:51, Robin Turner wrote: Heh heh - I'll tell that to my students! You've got students? Uh oh... thus being easy to learn for foreigners (who have already grammar experience with their mother tongue) :) And frequently have gone through an education system

Re: [newbie] LM9 Boxed Set

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 02:13, Rob Lindsay wrote: Will be back in the UK in February. Where should I go to get the latest Mandrake Boxed Edition? TIA Rob Australia. -- Fri Jan 10 07:00:00 EST 2003 7:00am up 20:42, 5 users, load average: 0.11, 0.34, 0.29

Re: [newbie] System Hangs after GF4 install

2003-01-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 05:01, Jordan Elver wrote: Hi, After the installation of my Geforce 4, my system now hangs for no aparent reason. Does anyone know where I should start looking for the problem? Is this likely to be hardware or software related? Thanks for any help, Jord If after

Re: [newbie] Linux Hardware Database

2003-01-09 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Thursday 09 January 2003 01:42 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: Microsoft Apologist (and ZDNet editor) David Berlind took it down a while ago. On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 23:33:58 +1300, Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Has the ZDNet database moved or is it just down for two days now?

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