[CTRL] Fwd: FC: The New Trustbusters (Reason, March 1999)

1999-02-21 Thread Kris Millegan

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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:47:23 -0500
From: "James V. DeLong" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is a skeptical look at current antitrust enforcement.
Jim DeLong

REASON * March 1999

The New Trustbusters
What's behind the resurgence of antitrust activism--and why it's bad news for


Joel Klein is a famous man. The head of the Antitrust Division at the U.S.
Department of Justice usually toils in anonymity, known only to the in-groups
of the bar. Not Klein. He has sued Microsoft, the most prominent company in
America's jazziest industry, and demonized the world's richest human, Bill
Gates. He has assaulted the ubiquitous credit card franchises of Visa and
MasterCard and blocked important aerospace industry consolidations. He makes
speeches extolling the pivotal role of the Antitrust Division in the "new
economy" of globalization and information. These acts have earned him serious
attention in the national press.

Not to be left behind, Klein's fellow antitrusters at the Federal Trade
Commission are equally active. They have beaten up on superstores by stopping
the merger of Staples and Office Depot and by knocking down important
practices of Toys "R" Us. Like the DOJ Antitrust Division, the FTC has gone
high tech. It is challenging Intel, the grandee of computer chips, and probing
Cisco Systems, the dominant company in Internet switching hardware. In a
suit against a drug company, the FTC asserted a heretofore unknown
authority to
force an alleged monopolist to refund to consumers $120 million in allegedly
ill-gotten profits.

Professional discussion of this surge in antitrust activism is proceeding at
two levels. One is the highfalutin language of bar association meetings and
academic conferences, where sessions are given titles like "Antitrust
Enforcement and High Technology Markets," "Networks, Lock-In Effects, and the

Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:47:23 -0500
From: "James V. DeLong" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is a skeptical look at current antitrust enforcement.
Jim DeLong

REASON * March 1999

The New Trustbusters
What's behind the resurgence of antitrust activism--and why it's bad news for


Joel Klein is a famous man. The head of the Antitrust Division at the U.S.
Department of Justice usually toils in anonymity, known only to the in-groups
of the bar. Not Klein. He has sued Microsoft, the most prominent company in
America's jazziest industry, and demonized the world's richest human, Bill
Gates. He has assaulted the ubiquitous credit card franchises of Visa and
MasterCard and blocked important aerospace industry consolidations. He makes
speeches extolling the pivotal role of the Antitrust Division in the "new
economy" of globalization and information. These acts have earned him serious
attention in the national press.

Not to be left behind, Klein's fellow antitrusters at the Federal Trade
Commission are equally active. They have beaten up on superstores by stopping
the merger of Staples and Office Depot and by knocking down important
practices of Toys "R" Us. Like the DOJ Antitrust Division, the FTC has gone
high tech. It is challenging Intel, the grandee of computer chips, and probing
Cisco Systems, the dominant company in Internet switching hardware. In a
suit against a drug company, the FTC asserted a heretofore unknown
authority to
force an alleged monopolist to refund to consumers $120 million in allegedly
ill-gotten profits.

Professional discussion of this surge in antitrust activism is proceeding at
two levels. One is the highfalutin language of bar association meetings and
academic conferences, where sessions are given titles like "Antitrust
Enforcement and High Technology Markets," "Networks, Lock-In Effects, and the
New Economy," and "New Approaches to Reviewing Horizontal Agreements." In this
world, Platonic guardians mull over the implications of technological change
and devise optimal policies to safeguard American enterprise. They "open up a
dialogue with the bar and the academic community about antitrust doctrine," as
Klein put it in one of his speeches, on topics such as "the relationship
between antitrust and intellectual property, the significance of...network
effects and tipping points...
the impact of differentiated products theory, the role of potential
and innovation markets, and [the meaning of] `agreement.'"

The second level of analysis is more skeptical, grounded in the public choice
school of economics. Public choice theory holds that exercises of government
power are driven by the material and ideological interests of the people who
wield it and by 

[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis -- February 22, 1999

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

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Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
February 22, 1999

The IMF, Kosovo, Iraq, Turkey and the Russian Question


A series of unconnected problems are coming together as different
aspects of a single problem: Russia.  The G-7 met this weekend in
Bonn and made it clear that major help for Russia is not going to
be forthcoming without the implementation of impossible reforms.
Russia made it clear that it was going to stand against the U.S.
and the West on the three critical issues of the week.  Russia
let the U.S. know that it would oppose any stationing of NATO
troops in Kosovo without Serb permission, and it would also
oppose air strikes.  Leaks appeared throughout Western newspapers
about Russian arms sales to Iraq.  We believe that these reports
were deliberate leaks from Moscow and Minsk designed to warn the
West.  The Russians condemned the Turkish invasion of Iraq, and a
Russian General said that the S-300 missiles shipped to Armenia
were designed to protect the CIS from Turkey and NATO.  At the
same time, high-level meetings were being held with German and
Japanese leaders.  Russia is putting pressure on these two
countries, and particularly Germany, to get the West to provide
financial help to Russia.  The Russian lever on Germany: the
threat of a return of a mini-Cold War.


Three crises moved along smartly during this past week.  In
Kosovo, the United States and NATO postponed an unchangeable
deadline after which air strikes on Serbia would begin.  The
capture of a Kurdish leader by Turkey led to intense rioting
throughout Europe, a severe governmental crisis in Greece, and
denials by Israelis and Americans concerning involvement in the
capture and handover of Ocalan to the Turks.  In Iraq, daily air
attacks against Iraqi air defense sites continues, with Iraq
continuing to warn of undefined retaliation.  A Shiite cleric in
Iraq has been killed and the Iranians have now said that they
hold Baghdad responsible for the death.  No specific threat of
retaliation was made.

What we are seeing is an intensifying arc of crises running from
the Balkans, through Asia Minor to the Persian Gulf.  We have, in
the past, speculated on coordination between Baghdad and Belgrade
on a strategy designed to draw U.S. military forces deeper into
geographically dispersed arenas by their intensifying inherently
inconclusive conflicts.  Whether there has been intentional
collusion or these are merely separate crises running in
parallel, the fact remains that U.S. forces are now engaged in
daily combat operations in Iraq and currently stand a little over
48 hours away from operations against Serbia.  In the meantime,
almost as a bridge between the two, Turkey, an American ally,
stands simultaneously exultant over the seizure of Ocalan, as
well as under intensifying pressure from a number of quarters.

There appears to us to be two common denominators to these
crises.  The first is obvious. The United States is deeply
involved in each of them.  The second is less obvious but
increasingly apparent.  Russia is increasingly involved in each
of these crises, albeit in different ways.  It is our view that
the willingness of both the Iraqi and Serb governments to resist
U.S. pressure and thereby incur the risks of American displeasure
has a great deal to do with their perception of the new role that
Russia is playing in the world.  It also appears to us that the
Turkish capture of Ocalan and its invasion of Iraq -- while not
particularly triggered by perceptions of Russian policy -- will
serve to hasten the general evolution of Russian foreign policy.

The Russians are primarily focused on their internal political
and economic condition. There is now a general sense that the
West has effectively abandoned Russia.  Except for making
impossible demands for reform, demands that cannot be met given
Russian economic and political reality, the West is no longer
prepared to underwrite Russian reform efforts.  This weekend, for
example, the finance ministers and central bank governors of the
G-7 group met in Bonn, Germany.  Their general position on Russia
was that no further assistance would be forthcoming without major
reforms.  Without that, the G-7 announced, Russia "is
increasingly faced with the serious risk of accelerating
inflation, further exchange rate weakening and continued economic
retraction."  The G-7 announced no steps whatever to solve
Russia's problems, leaving it to the IMF to negotiate with the

In parallel to the Bonn discussions, Russian President Boris
Yeltsin held meetings with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on
Friday.  The meetings included Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny
Primakov, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and Defense Minister Igor
Sergeyev.  This was 

[CTRL] Fwd: Nation's Drug War Lacks Honest Leaders.

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 2/21/99 9:05:58 PM, Expert53 wrote:

For obvious reasons, no one in mainstream media will publish this piece.  If
agree that it needs to be read, please pass it on as far and wide as you can.



Michael Levine

   Once again I cannot believe the latest drug war "news" that mainstream media
swallowed without a comment.  But in this case the reason why is painfully
   The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, our nation's lead
in the war on drugs,  Tom Constantine, issued an edict via USA Today
 attacking " the nation" (whatever he means by that) as not having "either
will nor the resources to win a drug war."
   Well, Sheesh Tom, aren't you looking over your shoulder at what the rest of
drug war generals are doing with our resources against our will?
   It was only last November when Newt Gingrich and President Clinton raised
other's "bipartisan" hands in "victory" over their awarding $2 billion in
funds to every mass media communications corporation on the big board for
proven useless and even contra-productive anti-drug ads. I did not have to be
court qualified expert on Drug Trafficking for my mental rip-off alert siren
sound so loud that cars in front of me were pulling off the road.
Brand Week,  the leading advertising trade magazine, called the whole anti-
ad campaign "suspect."
   In my own book Fight Back, (Dell Publications, October, 1991), recommended
by the Clinton Administration for Communities with Drug Problems,  I cited
indicating that the federal government already knows that these ad campaigns
useless and even contra productive.
   The Bainbridge Washington school district anti-drug campaign was just one of
examples I chose to prove the point.  It was  a model for the Bush-Bennett
anti-drug campaign of 1988-90 that leaned heavily on a three year intensive
ad campaign, (identical in content to the current $2 billion campaign) that
found, by the experts, to be contra-productive;  that is the blatant
of the ads seemed to cause kids to rebel and take the very drugs they were
browbeaten not to take.
   This sentiment was echoed by educators all over the land.
   For example, Robert Ryan, then, an administrator in the California
of Education stated in a Wall Street Journal article titled "Even a School
Is a Leader in The Drug War, Grades Itself a Failure," 11/10/90, by Joseph
 that "We've thrown $45 million over the last three years into drug education
our schools.  But as of yet I don't think we can say what helps and what
   And now, in spite of this kind of experience all over the country,  our
are spending $2 billion in one year?
   As Mr. Constantine pointed out in the USA Today article, the Drug
Administration, our nation's lead agency in the war on drugs only has a
of $1.4 billion.  Wouldn't it be ironic that DEA had to go to Disney or Dream
(President Clinton's future employer) for more enforcement money?
   Hey, I've seen weirder things happen when I was on the job.
   How ridiculously high has this corporate welfare with our hard-earned
gone?  To put this $2 billion dollar expenditure in context, consider the
   In a recent AP release (October 17) entitled "Ad Spending Continues To
it was pointed out that advertising spending  was up 9.7% from last year.
largest advertiser listed was General Motors, spending an approximate $1.1
on print, TV and radio ads. But AP left out one even bigger spender—The
for a Drug Free America.
   The real difficult part for me to accept, being a career law enforcement
who lost both a son and a brother to drugs, came when some of my old
frustrated experts in the Drug Enforcement Administration who speak to me on
of anonymity because I am cheaper and more reliable than a psychiatrist— told
that the $2 billion doled out to mainstream media could have bought every
coca leaf grown in South America this year and saved us about $14 billion in
expenditures, and untold lives.
   And not one of our drug war generals even questions the efficacy of this
of our money moving directly into the coffers of giant corporations without
dollar going into the drug ravaged communities that need it the most?
   And why is that not a single representative of mainstream media will publish
complaint like this one?  Simple folks:  They're getting the money.
   No Mr. Constantine, when you say that "the nation" lacks will and resources
fight your drug war, what you really mean is that we lack honesty and
in both our leadership and the so-called Fourth 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pinochet Fan Club

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

[The Guardian]

Rightwing fan club tinkers
with Chile history

Nick Hopkins attends a rally
of Thatcherites and imported
Chileans sniffing Marxist

Wednesday January 20, 1999

In retrospect, the organisers
of the Pinochet press
conference may regret inviting
200 vocal supporters of his
all the way from Chile.

Whether it was the sight of so
many eminent British
historians of the rightwing
persuasion gathered at a
London hotel, or the
excitement of a free flight
from Santiago, the claque's
whooping and hollering quickly
reduced yesterday's event to a
boisterous political rally.

Even Paul Johnson, the Daily
Mail commentator, found their
enthusiasm a little hard to
take. "It is a tradition of
British press conferences not
to applaud," he mumbled. His
call for decorum was made in

He and Lord Lamont were feted
by the Chileans, but they
reserved their biggest cheer
for Robin Harris, an aide to
Baroness Thatcher.

It was his pamphlet, The Tale
of Two Chileans: Pinochet and
Allende, that the press
conference was launching. It
had been written to set the
record straight, said Mr
Harris, who is a former head
of the Conservative research

Far from being a brutal
dictator, Augusto Pinochet had
"saved" Chile from the Marxist
Salvador Allende. Gen
Pinochet's police force, the
Dina, might have murdered and
tortured people, but there was
no evidence the general had
been involved, said Mr Harris.

He wanted to explode the "myth
of sainthood" which surrounded
President Allende, who, Mr
Harris alleged, had committed
suicide in 1973 during the
military coup. The president
had lived in luxury while his
people had starved, said Mr
Harris, and Gen Pinochet had
seized power reluctantly.

Lord Lamont, who appeared
slightly surprised when Mr
Johnson introduced him as "a
very distinguished" former
chancellor of the exchequer,
said he had met the general on
Monday evening and found him
in excellent spirits - "as you
would expect of the good,
brave and honourable soldier
that he is".

"Bravo, Bravo!" shouted the

And so it continued.

Mr Johnson pointed out that
the demonisation of Gen
Pinochet had been the most
successful and mendacious
propaganda exercise of the
20th century - "the last great
triumph of the Soviet
machine," he boomed.

Gen Pinochet could be accused
of bad management and bad
judgment, but nothing else.

 "There have been countless
attempts to link him to human
rights atrocities, but nobody
has provided a single scrap of

Then there were questions from
the floor.

How many were killed or
tortured? asked one
journalist. And were their
deaths acceptable, a price
worth paying to crush the

 There was a moment of quiet;
the panel fidgeted.

Mr Johnson broke the silence.
Avoiding the first question,
he said that he believed the
general had saved many
thousands if not hundreds of
thousands of lives by
preventing a descent into

 And neither did Mr Harris
appear to know how many people
had died.

Re: [CTRL] Same List? WHY REPTILES EAT ARYAN FEMALES : here comes the science

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/21/99 9:19:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After reading the below, while interesting, it COMPELLED me to ask in a

public forum: Is this the same list that bans discussion on the WWII event

known as the Holocaust ? ? Just asking. Jim Condit Jr.

Your point?

Wow, compelled, hunh, and a public forum, no less. Gee, what compells ya Jim,
your desire to show your ignoranc and prejudices to the world or are you
somebody's slave?

Your problem?

Do you wish to have a discussion of the list rules?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hyposcrisy IN on Farah[CTRL] Who is Joseph Farah?

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/21/99 10:30:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

so get on the

right side of this issue and quit fooling yourself into thinking that it's

so "complex."   . ..  Sorry for confusing you again with Kris Mulligan --

Howdy Jim,
Crawl out from your rock again? Gee, you never answered my last questions. But
here ya are popping up and spouting your dogmatic baalooney.

So if'n we jist get right side of the issue them we's ok, hunh? And you know
the right side, cuz your digmatic thinking says so.  Abortion is a designed
issue to divide the populace. Look at the private actions of many of the
'designated' leaders and you will not find the actions that back-up the
rhetoric. Abortion is fact of nature, it happens and if a group of people can
use the issue to divide our society, they will and have.  Shill games for
shallow dogmatics and ignorant fears.

In a message dated 2/21/99 9:13:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In fact,

most people on this list (that contribute anyway) would probably be happy

with Scaife's real agenda which is population control and "improving" of the

human race through gene splicing, etc. Jim Condit Jr.

Broad bush bashing, again?  Wrong and if you are going to make accusations
please back them with some facts.  Your rhetoric is really quite trite,
boring, telling and ignorant.

In a message dated 2/21/99 9:48:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In fact, I don't have

enough knowledge of all the Hawk wrote to totally evaluate your decision to

terminate him, but the clarity of thought embodied in Hawk's posts, and in

Mr. Moxley's, and in some others, are what I find sorely lacking in most

posts on this list. Jim Condit Jr.

Again, you bring your veneration of ole hypocrite hawk, and your desire to
focus discuss on the rules of the list.

Got a problem?

In a message dated 2/21/99 9:52:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Teo -- the Reptilian post has nothing to do with WWII Holocaust

discussion --  my point was simply that this line of inquiry -- which I've

heard about elsewhere and quite frankly find interesting to read (in small

bits) in the same way as Art Bell is interesting to listen to sometime -- my

point is that it's a LOT more absurd than discussion on ANY side or ANGLE of

the Holocaust discussion possibly could be. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Jim

Condit Jr.

Again your point is?
There is much discussion of the holocaust all over the net. Go to nizkor, MHO.

So Jim, If we did discuss the Holocaust, just what would you say?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On the radio today

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


Well, yours truly will be on the radio this afternoon. KUGN 590 AM, Eugene,

1pm to 2 or 3pm.

The Victor Boc Show. Gonna talk about Skull  Bones  and what not.

Parts of my piece will be run in Paranoia's spring issue. Thanks, Al.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Beast of the Month - February 1999

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Beast of the Month - February 1999
Y2K, Millennium Bug Madness

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

"Be Prepared."
Boy Scouts Motto

As people celebrated the New Year last month, there was a strange feeling in
the air that made the celebration a tad bittersweet.  The feeling was of
ambivalence, confusion and, yes, fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of the
future.  Fear that, one year from now, on January 1, 2000, the celebration
will not be so joyous.

Nothing unites people better than fear.  Maybe that is why stories involving
the alleged impending crisis thanks to the year 2000 have graced the covers of
diverse alternative news sources ranging from Patriot magazine The Free
American to Progressive political primer The Los Angeles Free Press.  Last
month, militia and patriot hero Bill Cooper's Harvest Trust Organization
warned of an attempt to declare martial law over the supposed Y2Khaos that is
developing, sometime between the middle of 1999 to the first quarter of 2000.
Meanwhile, the Biotic Baking Brigade, a group of leftist subversives who use
pies as their weapon, declared their next major target to be the computer and
chip manufacturers who have created the impending crisis by their negligence.

Perhaps now would be a good time to take a step back and describe precisely
what the Y2K bug is in the first place.  The official story goes something
like this: when the first computer codes were designed, space to store the
code was a real commodity.  That being the case, instead of entering the full
year in the code for storing date information, the last two digits were used
(for example, the year 1999 was listed as "99".)  The idea was that by the
time the year 2000 rolled around, this little problem would be solved.
Unfortunately, reality hasn't turned out that way, and now there are all these
date codes hidden everywhere, and not just in computers: electronic equipment,
power grids, and defense systems are all hooked into a system with this glitch
in it, which conceivably could wreak havoc over the coming months.

There are some that question this official story.  For one, Anthony J. Hilder,
the entertaining and showboating conservative conspiracy theorist, has
insisted that the Y2K bug problems are not an "accident", but rather by
design.  The Y2K bug, he insists (and claims to have inside sources who verify
this), is an Illuminati plot to create order out of chaos, to cause such a
social frenzy that people would practically be begging for a police state to
protect them from the violent anarchy that will erupt, using the year 2000 as
a symbolically significant date to initiate the ritual.  If that is true, the
Illuminati certainly appears to be partly there, as already, the coming of the
year 2000 is perhaps the most awaited moment in history, even surpassing the
anticipation for the next Star Wars film.

The anticipation is due to one major fact: no one really knows exactly what is
going to happen on January 1, 2000.  The nightmarish chaos and shutdown of
civilization that some predict is not an implausible scenario.  It is the
unknown X factor that seems to fuel the Y2K frenzy, and it certainly isn't
helped by insincere-sounding denials by authorities (Bill Klinton has insisted
that Social Security is Y2K compliant, but knowing his fidelity to the truth,
this shouldn't be believed), nor the fact that whenever there is a major test
for a computer system, systems tend to crash.

Of course, there are others who argue that the Y2K hysteria is a Phantom
Menace, a bogeyman to keep the masses occupied in a state of paranoia that
will not deliver the doom it promises.  There may be something to this, as the
Y2K madness has been heavily promoted by those associated with the Pentagon
and other organizations that profit handsomely off of exploiting panic.

Case in point is Gary North.  Mr. North, perhaps the most well-known "expert"
on the Y2K phenomenon, has become the chief doomsayer of the coming
millennium, his warnings appearing on his website as well as the popular radio
program of Art Bell.  Often times, it isn't wise to confuse the messenger for
the message, and there are some who insist that North is still an excellent
researcher.  However, the reality is that North's "expertise" is non-existent:
on his own site, he readily admits "I'm not a programmer. My Ph.D. is in
history." So technologically speaking, he is talking way over his head. As for
his "expertise" as a historian, what kind of historian is he? It turns out
that North is a "Christian" theocrat who wants to install a state that uses
Old Testament law enforcement such as stoning people to death for a wide range
of crimes (in addition to such contemporary capital crimes as rape,
kidnapping, and murder), 

[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: Performing On Demand

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

New subscribers: thanks for joining up.  Yes, the column really is free,
and you're welcome to forward it to friends.

If you live in the L.A. area and you'd like info concerning my live
appearances, send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You'll get updated info on where I'm performing once a month or so,
depending on the schedule.

Thanks again.


THE SCOOP for February 22, 1999

Viagra: Performing On Demand
also: Lizard Women, Choking Mormons, and an update on an earlier story
© 1999 Bob Harris

[] = italics

Remember that big study that was in all the papers, saying that forty
percent of men have trouble in the bedroom?  Like maybe we could all do
with a little Viagra now and again?

Well, guess who wrote it?

Two weeks ago, the [Journal of the American Medical Association] released
a highly-publicized report providing conclusive, scientific proof that
Americans are, in precise medical terms, a bunch of linguini weenies.

Practically every media outlet in the country ran with the story, since
everybody loves this kind of news: if you do have trouble getting, er,
perpendicular, it makes you feel like we're all in the same tiny little
boat, while if you stand at attention at ease, shall we say, it makes you
feel like captain of the ship.

There was just one minor detail about the study that the [Journal]
neglected to mention: the labcoats who wrote it were also paid consultants
to Pfizer, the people who make Viagra.

Oh, gee, there's a shock.

One thing that keeps a lot of people from buying Viagra is feeling ashamed
to admit there's a problem... and all of a sudden out comes a study saying
lots of people have the problem, so there's no reason to feel ashamed.


Yeah, maybe.  That doesn't mean the study isn't accurate.  The authors
were paid by Pfizer to review clinical trial data on Viagra before the
drug was submitted for government approval.  There's no direct connection
to the study published in [JAMA], and it's entirely possible that the
scientists' financial interests in no way affected their methodology and
conclusions.  Let's hope and assume so.

But even so, the [Journal], which was informed of the connection, should
have disclosed the information about the researchers' previous work for
the sex drug manufacturer.

If they had, the only medicine a lot of people would be taking as a result
might be a big grain of salt.


Thanks to a new designer label, the Lizard Women of Beverly Hills might no
longer adorn their scaly hides in fur.

If your neighborhood isn't afflicted with rampaging Lizard Women, stay
with me.  I had never seen one myself until just a few weeks ago.  As of
last month, I now record my radio commentaries in a fancy studio just one
block away from Rodeo Drive, known around world as Opulence Ground Zero.
It still feels a little weird to spew forth my progressive babble from a
studio fit for the Sultan of Brunei.  I'd worry that I might sell out,
except full-body immersion in the excesses displayed on the streets
surrounding my lovely new workplace is very possibly making me even more

It's one thing to read statistics about the concentration of wealth.  It's
quite another to drive an ex-girlfriend to a job interview at an L.A.
public school which doubles as an enormous ad hoc graffiti mural, and then
later go to work just fifty yards from an art gallery where similar, less
inspired abstracts sell for more than the price of the school itself.

What a bizarre world I have entered.

Where I'm from, aging is simple : your body gradually becomes triangular,
"Diagnosis Murder" reruns suddenly become interesting, and then one fine
morning you wake up in a silk jogging suit.  Shortly thereafter they close
the lid.  Aging is considered inevitable, and it's accepted with dignity,
grace, and black socks with shorts.

In Beverly Hills, however, aging is merely the process of surgically
removing ever-larger pieces of your own face.  This is the only place in
the world where "paper or plastic" refers to the texture of your current
skin.  Half of these women have their faces pulled so tight they can't
even blink because their eyelids are holding their ears on.

(Cue "Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" theme music.)

These, my friends, are the Lizard Women of Beverly Hills.  And this time
of year, they are most commonly decked out in the latest animal furs to
keep their cold-blooded bodies warm through the arctic L.A. winter.

But maybe not for long.  Animal rights people here have pushed a special
election to decide whether or not new fur coats should carry the following

["Warning -- this product is made from animals that may have been killed
by electrocution, gassing, neck breaking, poisoning, clubbing, stomping,
or drowning."]


Subtlety isn't exactly a high art with the animal rights people.

Or is it?  Notice there's nothing in there about 

[CTRL] Richard Milhouse Nixon - The Elkhorn Document

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.trufax.org/elkhorn/elk18.html"Elkhorn Document /A
If'in y'all ain't read any of this document, hear is a taste. Check'em all
out. The document is on the web several places.

The Elkhorn Document

Page 18

Richard Milhouse Nixon

Return to Table of Contents | Previous | Next


In this section we will explore the Nazi connections of Richard Nixon.
To do so we must return to the years just after the end of World War II
and, of course, a man named Dulles.

The irony of Nixon's political career ending with a cover-up can only be
appreciated with the knowledge that this turbulent career also began
with one. Loftus and Aarons state that:

"According to several of our sources among the 'old spies,' Richard
Nixon's political career began in 1945, when he was the navy officer
temporarily assigned to review . . . captured Nazi documents." The
documents in question revealed the wartime record of Karl Blessing,
"former Reichsbank officer and then head of the Nazi oil cartel,
Kontinentale Ol A.G. 'Konti' was in partnership with Dulles's principal
Nazi client, I.G. Farben. Both companies had despicable records
regarding their treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. After the war
Dulles not only 'lost' Blessings Nazi party records, but he helped
peddle a false biography in the ever-gullible 'New York Times.'"

The authors' sources reveal that not only did Dulles help cover up his
Nazi client's record, he "personally vouched for Blessing as an
anti-Nazi in order to protect continued control of German oil interests
in the Middle East. Blessing's Konti was the Nazi link to Iben Saud
[King of Saudi Arabia] and Aramco [the Arabian- American Oil Company].
If Blessing went down, he could have taken a lot of people with him,
including Allen Dulles. The cover-up worked, except that U.S. Naval
Intelligence scrutinized a set of the captured Konti records."

According to the "old spies," Allen Dulles made a deal with the young
navy officer who was reviewing the Konti files - Richard Nixon. Nixon
would help Dulles bury the Konti files. In return, Allen Dulles
"arranged to finance [Nixon's] first congressional campaign against
Jerry Voorhis." (1)

Dulles's support for Nixon paid off in 1947 when, as the freshman
congressman from California, he "saved John Foster Dulles considerable
embarrassment by privately pointing out that confidential government
files showed that one of Foster's foundation employees, Alger Hiss, was
allegedly a Communist. The Dulles brothers took Nixon under their wing
and escorted him on a tour of Fascist 'freedom fighter' operations in
Germany, apparently in anticipation that the young congressman would be
useful after Dewey became president." [He would be useful anyway,
despite the fact that incumbent President Truman won reelection in 1948,
defeating Dewey.] (2)

After Truman's victory, write the authors, "Nixon became Allen Dulles's
mouthpiece in Congress. Both he and Senator Joseph McCarthy received
volumes of classified information to support the charge that the Truman
administration was filled with 'pinkos.' When McCarthy went too far in
his Communist investigations, it was Nixon who worked with his next-door
neighbor, CIA director Bedell Smith, to steer the investigations away
from the intelligence community.

"The CIA was grateful for Nixon's assistance, but did not know the
reason for it. Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under the cover of the
State Department's Office of Policy Coordination, whose chief, Frank
Wisner, had systematically recruited the Eastern European emigre
networks that had worked first for the SS, then the British, and finally

"The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the United
States less for intelligence purposes than for political advantage. The
Nazis' job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans. One
Israeli intelligence officer joked that when Dulles used the phrase
'Never Again,' he was not talking about the Holocaust but about Dewey's
narrow loss to Truman. In the eyes of the Israelis, Allen Dulles was the
demon who infected Western intelligence with Nazi recruits.

"In preparation for the 1952 Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, the Republicans
formed an Ethnic Division, which, to put it bluntly, recruited the
'displaced Fascists' who arrived in the United States after World War
II. Like similar migrant organizations in several Western countries, the
Ethnic Division attracted a significant number of Central and Eastern
European Nazis, who had been recruited by the SS as political and police
leaders during the Holocaust. These Fascist emigres supported the
Eisenhower-Nixon 'liberation' policy as the quickest means of getting
back into power in their former homelands and made 

[CTRL] Edwin Pauley and George H.W. Bush - The Elkhorn Document

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.trufax.org/elkhorn/elk20.html"Elkhorn Document /A
Just 'nother taste.

The Elkhorn Document

Page 20

Edwin Pauley and George H.W. Bush

Return to Table of Contents | Previous | Next


"Try as he did," continue the authors, "George Bush could not get away
from Dulles's crooked corporate network, which his grandfather and
father had joined in the 1920s. Wherever he turned, George found that
the influence of the Dulles brothers was already there. Even when he
fled to Texas to become a successful businessman on his own, he ran into
the pirates of Wall Street.

"One of Allen Dulles's secret spies inside the Democratic party later
became George Bush's partner in the Mexican oil business. Edwin Pauley,
a California oil man, was . . . one of Dulles's covert agents in the
Roosevelt and Truman administrations . . . a 'big business' Democrat. .
. ."

Among the key posts held by Pauley were: treasurer of the Democratic
National Committee, director of the Democratic convention in 1944 and,
after Truman's election, Truman appointed him the "Petroleum Coordinator
of Lend-Lease Supplies for the Soviet Union and Britain."

Just after the end of World War II, "in April 1945 Truman appointed
Pauley as the U.S. representative to the Allied Reparations Committee,
with the rank of ambassador," as well as "industrial and commercial
advisor to the Potsdam Conference, 'where his chief task was to
renegotiate the reparations agreements formulated at Yalta.' As one
historian noted, the 'oil industry has always watched reparations
activities carefully.' There was a lot of money involved, and much of it
belonged to the Dulles brothers' clients."

At the same time, report Loftus and Aarons,

"the Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi assets out of Europe for
their clients as well as for their own profit. They didn't want the
Soviets to get their hands on these assets or even know that they
existed. Pauley played a significant role in solving this problem for
the Dulles brothers. The major part of Nazi Germany's industrial assets
was located in the zones occupied by the West's forces. As Washington's
man on the ground, Pauley managed to deceive the Soviets for long enough
to allow Allen Dulles to spirit much of the remaining Nazi assets out to
safety. . . .

"Pauley, a key player in the plan to hide the Dulles brothers' Nazi
assets, then moved into another post where he could help them further.
After successfully keeping German assets in Fascist hands, Pauley was
given the job of 'surveying Japan's assets and determining the amount of
its war debt.' Again, it was another job that was crucial to the Dulles
clique's secret financial and intelligence operations." (2)

After Pauley retired from government work he went back to being an
independent oil man. Loftus and Aarons state that: "In 1958 he founded
Pauley Petroleum which: . . . teamed up with Howard Hughes to expand oil
production in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Pauley Petroleum discovered a highly productive offshore petroleum
reserve and in 1959 became involved in a dispute with the Mexican
Government, which considered the royalties from the wells to be too low.

"According to our sources in the intelligence community, the oil dispute
was really a shakedown of the CIA by Mexican politicians. Hughes and
Pauley were working for the CIA from time to time, while advancing their
own financial interests in the lucrative Mexican oil fields. Pauley, say
several of our sources, was the man who invented an intelligence
money-laundering system in Mexico, which was later refined in the 1970s
as part of Nixon's Watergate scandal. At one point CIA agents used
Pemex, the Mexican government's oil monopoly, as a business cover at the
same time Pemex was being used as a money laundry for Pauley's campaign
contributions. As we shall see, the Mexican-CIA connection played an
important part in the development of George Bush's political and
intelligence career. . . .

"Pauley, say the 'old spies,' was the man who brought all the threads of
the Mexican connection together. He was Bush's business associate, a
front man for Dulles's CIA [Allen Dulles was CIA director then], and
originator of the use of Mexican oil fronts to create a slush fund for
Richard Nixon's various campaigns. . . .

"Although it is not widely known, Pauley, in fact, had been a committed,
if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since 1960. It should be recalled that
Nixon tried to conceal his Mexican slush fund during the Watergate
affair by pressuring the CIA into a 'national security' cover-up. The
CIA, to its credit, declined to participate. Unfortunately, others were
so enmeshed in Pauley's work for Nixon that they could never extricate
themselves. According to a number of our 

[CTRL] Edwin Pauley and George H.W. Bush

1999-02-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.trufax.org/elkhorn/elk20.html"Elkhorn Document /A
Just a taste. The whole document is an interesting  read. Spies,  nazis,
money, oil and  . . .

The Elkhorn Document

Page 20

Edwin Pauley and George H.W. Bush

Return to Table of Contents | Previous | Next


"Try as he did," continue the authors, "George Bush could not get away
from Dulles's crooked corporate network, which his grandfather and
father had joined in the 1920s. Wherever he turned, George found that
the influence of the Dulles brothers was already there. Even when he
fled to Texas to become a successful businessman on his own, he ran into
the pirates of Wall Street.

"One of Allen Dulles's secret spies inside the Democratic party later
became George Bush's partner in the Mexican oil business. Edwin Pauley,
a California oil man, was . . . one of Dulles's covert agents in the
Roosevelt and Truman administrations . . . a 'big business' Democrat. .
. ."

Among the key posts held by Pauley were: treasurer of the Democratic
National Committee, director of the Democratic convention in 1944 and,
after Truman's election, Truman appointed him the "Petroleum Coordinator
of Lend-Lease Supplies for the Soviet Union and Britain."

Just after the end of World War II, "in April 1945 Truman appointed
Pauley as the U.S. representative to the Allied Reparations Committee,
with the rank of ambassador," as well as "industrial and commercial
advisor to the Potsdam Conference, 'where his chief task was to
renegotiate the reparations agreements formulated at Yalta.' As one
historian noted, the 'oil industry has always watched reparations
activities carefully.' There was a lot of money involved, and much of it
belonged to the Dulles brothers' clients."

At the same time, report Loftus and Aarons,

"the Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi assets out of Europe for
their clients as well as for their own profit. They didn't want the
Soviets to get their hands on these assets or even know that they
existed. Pauley played a significant role in solving this problem for
the Dulles brothers. The major part of Nazi Germany's industrial assets
was located in the zones occupied by the West's forces. As Washington's
man on the ground, Pauley managed to deceive the Soviets for long enough
to allow Allen Dulles to spirit much of the remaining Nazi assets out to
safety. . . .

"Pauley, a key player in the plan to hide the Dulles brothers' Nazi
assets, then moved into another post where he could help them further.
After successfully keeping German assets in Fascist hands, Pauley was
given the job of 'surveying Japan's assets and determining the amount of
its war debt.' Again, it was another job that was crucial to the Dulles
clique's secret financial and intelligence operations." (2)

After Pauley retired from government work he went back to being an
independent oil man. Loftus and Aarons state that: "In 1958 he founded
Pauley Petroleum which: . . . teamed up with Howard Hughes to expand oil
production in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Pauley Petroleum discovered a highly productive offshore petroleum
reserve and in 1959 became involved in a dispute with the Mexican
Government, which considered the royalties from the wells to be too low.

"According to our sources in the intelligence community, the oil dispute
was really a shakedown of the CIA by Mexican politicians. Hughes and
Pauley were working for the CIA from time to time, while advancing their
own financial interests in the lucrative Mexican oil fields. Pauley, say
several of our sources, was the man who invented an intelligence
money-laundering system in Mexico, which was later refined in the 1970s
as part of Nixon's Watergate scandal. At one point CIA agents used
Pemex, the Mexican government's oil monopoly, as a business cover at the
same time Pemex was being used as a money laundry for Pauley's campaign
contributions. As we shall see, the Mexican-CIA connection played an
important part in the development of George Bush's political and
intelligence career. . . .

"Pauley, say the 'old spies,' was the man who brought all the threads of
the Mexican connection together. He was Bush's business associate, a
front man for Dulles's CIA [Allen Dulles was CIA director then], and
originator of the use of Mexican oil fronts to create a slush fund for
Richard Nixon's various campaigns. . . .

"Although it is not widely known, Pauley, in fact, had been a committed,
if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since 1960. It should be recalled that
Nixon tried to conceal his Mexican slush fund during the Watergate
affair by pressuring the CIA into a 'national security' cover-up. The
CIA, to its credit, declined to participate. Unfortunately, others were
so enmeshed in Pauley's work for Nixon 

[CTRL] Fwd: WND Hubbell The Key To Corruption

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan


The direct link between Beijing espionage, millionaire drug
lords and Bill Clinton is Webster Hubbell.  In 1993, Webster
Hubbell was personally charged by Janet Reno with a Top Secret
project to tap every phone in America.  Hubbell's initial task
was to tap every phone in the U.S. government, starting with the
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

In February 1999, the Dept. of Justice was forced by the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) to release the Hubbell files.
According to the Dept. of Justice, many of the Hubbell documents
are being withheld for "national security" reasons.  In
addition, "fifteen" Hubbell documents remain in the hands of the
FBI and NSA to be reviewed prior to any release.

According to the NSA, FBI and NSC, the Hubbell files are so
sensitive that to release them today may result in charges of
treason and the death penalty.  The newly released Hubbell files
are so secret that even the code word classification level was
blacked out for "national security" reasons by the National
Security Agency (NSA), FBI, and National Security Council (NSC).

Furthermore, the Dept. of Justice was forced to admit that a
1993 letter from ATT CEO Robert Allen to Hubbell was "destroyed
pursuant to the records destruction schedules."  This in itself
is highly suspect because this author has obtained documents
dating as far back as 1983 that were returned by the National
Security Council (NSC) - over 10 years prior to the "destroyed"
ATT Hubbell letter.

One document released by the Justice Dept. is a March 1993
Justice Dept. memo from Stephen Colgate, Assistant Attorney
General for Administration.  Colgate's memo to Hubbell details
the Clinton officials charged with bugging every phone in

According to the Colgate memo, Vice President Al Gore was to
chair a meeting with Hubbell, Reno, Commerce Secretary Ron
Brown, and Leon Panetta in March 1993.  The meeting was on the
"ATT Telephone Security Device".

In 1992, ATT had developed secure telephones the U.S.
government could not tap.  The Clinton administration secretly
contracted with ATT to keep the phones off the American market.
According to Colgate, the secure phones were simply too
dangerous for American citizens.

Assistant Attorney General Colgate wrote to Hubbell "ATT has
developed a Data Encryption Standard (DES) product for use on
telephones to provide security for sensitive conversations.  The
FBI, NSA and NSC want to purchase the first production run of
these devices to prevent their proliferation.  They are
difficult to decipher and are a deterrent to wiretaps."

In 1993, Webster Hubbell was personally tasked with the project
by Reno and Clinton.  Hubbell arranged for the entire production
run of secure ATT phones to be secretly purchased by the Dept.
of Justice, using a slush fund supplied by confiscations from
the "drug war" to keep the buy off the general books.

Part of the secret project included re-fitting the purchased
ATT phones with a new chip called "Clipper" developed by the
NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland.  This chip contained a secret
"exploitable" feature allowing the government to tap the phone
conversation with a special back door key.

The project also included plans to "mandate" the Clipper chip be
installed in all American telephones.  According to the March
1993 Colgate memo to Hubbell, "FBI, NSA and NSC want to push
legislation which would require all government agencies and
eventually everyone in the U.S. to use a new public-key based
cryptography method."

The re-fitted Clipper phones were to be given to the DEA for
their line agents to use.  According to a 1993 classified White
House email from George Tenet, "Ron Brown" insisted the Commerce
Dept. be one of the "key holders" for all Clipper phones.  Thus,
the Dept. of Commerce and Ron Brown demanded direct access to
tap any phone in America.

According to highly classified documents, Webster Hubbell also
received a letter from ATT CEO Robert Allen in October of 1993.
The ATT letter, according to the Dept. of Justice, was
"destroyed."  However, the "control data sheet" a summary of the
ATT letter to Hubbell survived.

According to the data sheet, Robert Allen wanted the Clinton
administration to allow ATT to distribute a limited version of
their secure phone until the government Clipper project was

One document returned from the files of Webster Hubbell was so
classified that five pages are currently being withheld by the
NSA, FBI and NSC for "national security" reasons.  The Top
Secret cover page even has the classified code word blacked out
by the NSA.

The document, a Top Secret Jan. 1994 memo to Janet Reno from
Mark Richard, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, describes a
classified "principles" meeting of a "NSC chaired Inter-Agency
Working Group".

The Hubbell files show that in 1994 the soon-to-be-felon met
with Vice President Gore, Ron Brown, NSA Director McConnell and

[CTRL] Fwd: Now, Forfeiture for Non-Drug-Related Charges

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

NYC Seizes Cars in DWI Crackdown

NEW YORK (AP) -- A city crackdown on drunken drivers began with the seizure of
at least two cars.

New York is the first municipality in the nation to seize the vehicles of
motorists arrested on drunken driving charges as a way to reduce the number of
deaths on roadways.

Motorists with a blood alcohol level of 0.10 percent -- the state's legal
limit for driving -- or higher will have their vehicles seized on the spot.
While the motorist faces prosecution in criminal court, the vehicle seizure
will be part of a separate proceeding in civil court under state forfeiture

And because civil proceedings require only a preponderance of evidence for a
verdict -- rather than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt -- motorists acquitted
of drunken driving in criminal court may still lose their cars in civil court.

Civil libertarians have attacked the new policy as excessive and vowed to
challenge it in court. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said he is confident the plan
will hold up in court.

One car was seized Sunday and one today. Officer Theresa Farello, a police
department spokeswoman, could not immediately explain why a car was seized
Sunday evening, 1 1/2 hours before the program was to start at midnight.

[CTRL] Fwd: Super-Germ

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

'Supergerm' Kills Hong Kong Woman

.c The Associated Press

HONG KONG (AP) -- A supergerm that has proven resistant to one of the most
potent antibiotics available has killed a Hong Kong woman, officials said
today, raising fears that more such germs could develop as doctors continue to
misuse or overuse antibiotics.

The middle-aged woman died last year at Queen Mary Hospital after becoming
infected with a strain of staphylococcus aureus bacteria, or staph, despite
two weeks of intensive antibiotics treatment, a spokeswoman from the official
Hospital Authority said.

Speaking on customary condition of anonymity, the spokeswoman confirmed a
report published today in the South China Morning Post. The hospital declined
to reveal the patient's identity.

The woman, who also suffered from cancer, was one of a few known cases in the
world in which staph proved resistant to vancomycin, an antibiotic known as
``the silver bullet,'' which doctors use as the last resort to treat
infections when all other antibiotics fail.

``We are getting into the terminal stage. It is very dangerous; the bacteria
have broken the last defense,'' Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at the
hospital and the University of Hong Kong, was quoted as telling the newspaper.

For several years, doctors have been warning of the emergence of drug-
resistant bacteria. Bacteria become more deadly as they mutate to survive
increasing potent drugs.

Yuen told the Post that a decade earlier, Hong Kong doctors discovered a case
of streptococcus pneumonia that was resistant to penicillin, but now 70
percent of the cases here are resistant.

Many doctors fear the time is coming when some patients will have no
alternative antibiotics to turn to -- for the first time since antibiotics hit
the market in the 1950s.

Part of the problem is an overwillingness on the part of doctors and patients
to use antibiotics for routine illnesses that could be cured by people's
natural immune systems, which makes the medicines less effective.

Patients ``should not seek antibiotics for a quick cure,'' Yuen said.

Staph, a virulent bacterium that lives on human skin, is a common cause of
infections. Many people have the germ, and it's usually harmless.

But the germ can occasionally enter the body through wounds and cause serious
infections of the skin, soft tissues, bones and joints. It spreads through
direct contact and can cause pneumonia and fatal bacteremia, or bacterial
infection of the blood, which reportedly killed the woman in Hong Kong.

[CTRL] Fwd: Byzantines and Khazars

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Subject: Re: Khans of the Khazars and Byzantine emperors
From: Chris Pitt Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, Feb 21, 1999 07:32 EST


In an article posted here 27 October 1998 (and copied and pasted from
dejanews) Chris Chennet wrote:
In article 7129jo$flq$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Baldwin) wrote:


 To my knowledge, the known genealogy of the Khazar kings is completely
 isolated, and not connected with any other dynasty.  I have seen books
 which briefly give their genealogy, but none of them mentioned either
 Menu Morat of the Bihar Khazars or his supposed Hungarian connection.
 In addition, I am not even sure that the "Bihar Khazars" of Moncreiffe
 are the same group as the well known Khazars.

Not quite completely isolated -- two Byzantine emperors (Justinian II and
Constantine V) married Khazar princesses.  However, the main source of
royal genealogy, the letter of king Joseph (quoted in the Koestler book
IIRC), only covers the period after the version to Judaism, while these two
marriages occured a few generations earlier, so it is difficult to link them
to the later line.  Joseph's letter gives no marriages, just the descent
line, and no dates.

The marriage of Justinian II must have been sometime between 695 and
705 during his exile after his first deposition.   Constantine V
married an Irene, a daughter of a Khan of Khazar.  I've no other
nearby dates so what follows is guesswork:  C~ V's grandson, C~ VI,
was put into a marriage deal with Rotrude, dau of Charlemagne, by his
mother (the notorious Irene) in 781 (THAT'S A DEFINITE DATE), when he
(C~ VI) was about 12 years old.  This would place the marriage of Leo
IV to the said notorious Irene at not later than about 768.  Supposing
C~ V to have been 20 years old when he married the dau of the Khan, he
would have to have been born before about 748,   That would be 43-53
years after the marriage of Justinian II, which would suggest that the
Khans whose daughters married Byzantine emperors were two generations
apart, although it wouldn't be too difficult to telescope the
chronology down to a single generation apart.
Now, supposing that there was a regular male succession of the Khans
of the Khazars, two alternative  tentative outlines can be

1 Unknown Khan I
   2.  Daughter m. Justinian II
   2.  Unknown Khan II
3. Irene m. Constantine V


1 Unknown Khan I
   2.  Daughter m. Justinian II
   2.  Son
3  Unknown Khan II
 4.  Irene m. Constantine V

If one of the above outlines (or a better alternative) could be filled
in with real persons, it would provide an interesting link between the
otherwise-apparently-unconnected Heraclean and Isaurian/Syrian

Can anyone connect the dots?

Bryant Smith
Austin, Texas

Justinian's marriage was to the sister of the then ruling Khan (between
695 and 705), and Constantine's marriage was in 733 to the daughter of
the Khan. So it is not inconceivable that the same Khan could have been
involved, and they are probably unlikely to have been more than a
generation apart. Koestler says the Khan whose sister married Justinian
was called Busir or Bazir. He does not give a source for this statement.
The Khan who adopted Judaism, apparently around 740, is said in Joseph's
letter, a late source, to be called Bulan, and to be the grandfather of
the Obadiah with whom Joseph's genealogy begins.

Presumably for the names of Khazar Khans at this date we are dependent
on stray references in Byzantine and Arab sources. 200 years later,
according to Ibn Fadlan, Khazaria had a dual monarchy, like early 20th
century Nepal. If that situation existed in the early 700s it would
further complicate matters, since the sources might not distinguish
between them.

Chris Pitt Lewis

[CTRL] Fwd: Usurers Line Up to Buy Congress

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Exempt from state usury laws, check cashing outlets are making big
profits by offering short-term loans at more than 390 percent interest per

Legalizing Payday Loans Mulled

.c The Associated Press

When Toby McKenzie wanted states to pass new laws endorsing ``payday loans''
at high interest rates, he and his colleagues in the check cashing industry
got out their own checkbooks.

McKenzie started at home in Tennessee. His family donated $33,200 to
lawmakers' campaigns over three years. He gave $5,000 to Gov. Donald
Sundquist's inaugural committee and later hired one of the governor's top
aides. His wife joined a prestigious lobbying firm as a partner. Last year, he
and his wife gave $130,000 to the Republican Party.

In 1997, Tennessee became the 19th state this decade to make check cashing
businesses exempt from its usury laws, allowing check cashing outlets to make
short-term loans at what amounts to more than 390 percent interest per year.

A similar strategy of campaign contributions and aggressive lobbying has
prepared the way to legality for payday lenders in many states -- despite
criticism from consumer advocates who say the business preys on the poor, the
ignorant and the desperate.

Payday loans work like this: You want money today, but payday is a week or two
away. You write a check dated for your payday and give it to a check cashing
outlet. You get your money, less a fee. In two weeks, the check casher cashes
your check or lets you pay another fee to renew the loan for another two

In 18 more states, as in Tennessee where a temporary law allowing payday loans
expires this year, the check cashing industry is currently seeking to change
laws that forbid their unique brand of triple-digit loans.

``They hired a Noah's Ark of lobbyists,'' recalled Tennessee state Sen. Steve
Cohen, who counted 10 lobbyists for the industry as the Legislature debated
whether to legalize payday loans.

``They hired a black lobbyist to get black votes,'' Cohen said. ``If we'd have
had a transsexual they would have hired a transsexual lobbyist.''

Payday lenders and their families donated at least $105,750 to Tennessee
lawmakers' campaigns from October 1996 through October 1998. While McKenzie
was the big giver, Check Into Cash owner W. Allan Jones and his family gave
$29,300. The Tennessee Cash Advance Association gave $23,300 and members gave
$15,200 separately.

Those figures don't include large, unregulated ``soft money'' gifts to the
Republican and Democratic parties.

Jones' company and McKenzie's subsidiary, National Cash Advance, make loans
from the Carolinas to California. The two industry pioneers and their wives,
who live in Tennessee, contributed as far away as Florida; all four gave the
maximum allowable $500 to Gov. Jeb Bush. McKenzie gave another $5,000 to the
GOP in Florida, where payday lending is legal but remains under fire from
critics and law enforcement officials who say some companies are charging more
than the 10 percent allowed each time a loan is renewed.

One group, the California Check Cashers Association, spent $79,135 lobbying
California lawmakers in 1996, the year the state passed a law allowing and
regulating payday lending.

Lobbyists for payday lenders say their contributions are legal and typical for
any business group trying to influence legislation.

``There is not an industry in any democratic society that does not represent
itself in government bodies,'' said Anthony Simone of the payday lenders'
group Community Financial Services Association, defending the contributions.

Critics argue that powerful lobbyists and big contributions -- not consumers'
best interests -- are what changed state laws.

In Tennessee, Brian McGuire of the consumer advocacy group Tennessee Citizen
Action, said he tried to fight the payday loan legislation. But it was an
uneven match, some observed.

``Legislatures work pretty well if you have good lobbyists on both sides,''
said Tennessee state Sen. Roy Herron. ``Where the system breaks down is where
you have a crew of highly effective and capable lobbyists on one side and only
five-and-a-half million silent Tennesseans on the other side. Then the result
is not always justice.'''

Beyond giving money, payday lenders have also hired well-connected former

In Louisiana, they hired the law firm of former U.S. Sen. Russell Long. In
Tennessee, McKenzie's company made a top executive out of Sundquist's aide,
Chip Saltsman. He's now also chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party.

In Kentucky, Steve Beshear, a former lieutenant governor and attorney general,
ran for the U.S. Senate in 1996, saying, ``Congress is owned, body and soul,
by special interest groups.''

After he lost, he became the top lobbyist for Kentucky's payday loan industry.

His employer, the Kentucky Deferred Deposit Association, spent $102,539 on
lobbying from September 1997 through April 1998, the month the law was


Re: [CTRL] Hyposcrisy IN on Farah[CTRL] Who is Joseph Farah?

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/23/99 5:35:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I forgot to add that

it's the book La Popessa that tells about Cardinal Pacelli (future Pope Pius

XII) coming to the USA to go to Detroit and order Fr. Coughlin to shut down.

And like, I have stated, the cardinal came after Spivak had blown the
Coughlin's scam public.  Coughlin was a nazi stooge, a hypocrite priest and a
traitor to his country.  I'll take Smedley any day.

If the Holocaust was discussed, I'd probably make a few posts and move on to

other things ---

Go for it.

but in light of your views on abortion I more understand

why this list is more lenient of the nurevs than the Hawks. I just find it

humorous that a Conspiracy list would limit discussion on any of the raging

issues of the day that deal with potential deception of the masses on

important issues. . . . You don't think repeated posts about humans (or

human forms) morphing into reptiles, especially while the sleep -- can't

concentrate then, you know, --- begs for some comment when other issues

revolving around historical issues are banned?

Your point is? If you have something to say on the holocaust, please post.

Who's dividing the populace with abortion -- I mean, what are the real big

important issues that we're being diverted from by being force-focused on

the issue of whether the state can legislate

Well, gee, I just can't think of any group that would wish to divide our
population and then use the following confusion to conspire and collude
against our personal sovereignty. Can you? Probably, just some wacko
conspiracy theory. Been reading to much Machiavelli, I guess.

Divert our attention from any big issues,like trashing our constitution, the
private control of our money  the massive importation of drugs by secret
societies with help from our intel and military, . . . naw who would do that?

Again, Jim, what is your point?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 2/23/99

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Spy vs. Spy

Ritter Says the CIA Was with UN in Iraq for Years

Spy placement started in 1992

WASHINGTON -- The CIA began placing American spies among U.N. weapons
inspectors in Iraq only a year after the end of the Persian Gulf war of
1991 and worked closely with the United Nations to organize the
inspections, a former arms inspector says.
The former inspector, Scott Ritter, said in a new book that he and a
senior CIA official operating under an assumed name had planned some of
the largest and most complex inspections undertaken by the United
Nations and that the United Nations inspection teams had included "CIA
paramilitary covert operatives."

He said a coup attempt against President Saddam Hussein of Iraq in June
1996 coincided with the presence of a U.N. inspection team that included
nine CIA officials. Ritter, who does not provide documentation for all
of his conclusions and who has been criticized repeatedly by the Clinton
administration, speculated in his book that the intelligence agency
might have orchestrated the timing.

While Ritter praised the agency's employees as "the kind of people you
want around you in a difficult situation," the book, "Endgame," supports
the Iraqi allegation that the United Nations inspections teams were
riddled with American spies almost from the start. Saddam has accused
Ritter of being one of the chief spies, but Ritter has denied that.

U.S. officials have acknowledged that the CIA gave assistance to the
United Nations inspections program and provided specialists to work on
the inspections teams. But Ritter makes clear that the agency's
involvement was far more extensive -- and began earlier -- than
previously reported.

The book, scheduled for publication in April by Simon  Schuster, is
harshly critical of the Clinton administration and especially of
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. She is depicted as having fought
strenuously last year to have Ritter removed from leading an arms
inspection team because he was considered too aggressive in dealing with
the Iraqis.

Albright has dismissed Ritter's criticism in the past, insisting that he
"doesn't have a clue" about American policy toward Iraq. The CIA and the
United Nations Special Commission on Iraq, or Unscom, which is
responsible for the inspection teams, said they had no immediate comment
on the book. Galley proofs of the book were obtained on condition that
the source not be identified.

The Defense Department, which demanded only last week that Ritter turn
over a copy of the book for a security review before publication, would
not comment Monday on whether it was considering legal action to block

In the book, Ritter provides a detailed description of his work for the
United Nations, which began in 1991 and ended last summer when he
resigned in part in protest over what he described as the Clinton
administration's meddling in the work of the inspectors.

In repeated interviews since his resignation, Ritter has alleged that
the administration hindered the arms inspections out of fear of direct
confrontations with Iraq.

Ritter says in the book that the CIA became actively involved in
inspections in 1992, the year after the United Nations began weapons
inspections in the search for evidence of chemical and biological
weapons in Iraq.

In the book, he says that he and a senior CIA official -- identified in
the book by a pseudonym, Moe Dobbs -- worked closely together "to plan
the operational and intelligence support for the largest and most
complex inspections ever undertaken by Unscom."

Ritter said that beginning in the spring of 1992, "Dobbs and his men
provided seasoned personnel who could operate vehicles, organize
logistics, run communications -- simply put, the kind of people you want
around you in a difficult situation."

The agency played its largest role, he said, in an inspection in June
1996, when nine "CIA paramilitary covert operators" were placed on a
team seeking to inspect compounds maintained by the elite Iraqi
Republican Guards. The compounds were believed to be hiding evidence of
Iraq's programs to build chemical and biological weapons.

The Iraqis tried to block the inspection, resulting in a standoff that
lasted several days and brought swift condemnation of Iraq by the United

That same month, Iraqi dissidents made a coup attempt against Saddam.
The coup failed, and Ritter said he later became suspicious of the
timing of the coup attempt and of the presence of an Unscom inspection
team that included several of the agency's employees.

"There was no proof of Dobbs' involvement, but there was a strong set of
coincidences," he said. "The inspection was directed almost exclusively
at Special Republican Guard sites; the coup plotters were from some of
the same units we were trying to inspect."

While working for the United Nations, 

[CTRL] A virtual unknown

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.mercurycenter.com/svtech/news/special/engelbart/part2.htm"
SiliconValley.com: News   /A
Just two parts of an infromative series.
Part 1: A virtual unknown
Part 2: Against all odds
Part 3: Debunking the legend of the mouse
Part 4: The crusade
Part 5: It's networking
Part 6: A pioneers' reunion
Tech pioneers

Against all odds
Why was such a brilliant visionary exiled? The answer is clear after
talking with friends, family and colleagues. While they universally
agree that Engelbart is extremely gentle and kind, they also describe
him as "single-minded," "bullheaded," and, at times, a "control freak."
Explains Andy van Dam, who credits Engelbart with inspiring his
pioneering work in hypermedia, the use of graphics and text on
computers, "He's not hostile, but he's going to do it his way. This is
the hallmark of a visionary - they have this huge internal compass and
they're going to sail in that direction, the weather be damned."

Futurist Saffo adds: "It's not so much that people overlooked Doug but
that they studiously tried to ignore him because his ideas made them

"It's not so much that people overlooked Doug but that they studiously
tried to ignore him because his ideas made them uncomfortable."

Paul Saffo
Institute for the Future
Engelbart's unwillingness to bend was in evidence when he met Steve Jobs
for the first time in the early 1980s. It was 15 years since Engelbart
had invented the computer mouse and other critical components for the
personal computer, and Jobs was busy integrating them into his

Apple Computer Inc.'s hot-shot founder touted the Macintosh's
capabilities to Engelbart. But instead of applauding Jobs, who was
delivering to the masses Engelbart's new way to work, the father of
personal computing was annoyed. In his opinion, Jobs had missed the most
important piece of his vision: networking. Engelbart's 1968 system
introduced the idea of networking personal computer workstations so
people could solve problems collaboratively. This was the whole point of
the revolution.

"I said, 'It [the Macintosh] is terribly limited. It has no access to
anyone else's documents, to e-mail, to common repositories of
information,' " recalls Engelbart. "Steve said, 'All the computing power
you need will be on your desk top.' "

"I told him, 'But that's like having an exotic office without a
telephone or door.' " Jobs ignored Engelbart. And Engelbart was baffled.

"We'd been using electronic mail since 1970 [over the government-backed
ARPA network, predecessor to the Internet]. But both Apple and Microsoft
Corp. ignored the network. You have to ask 'Why?' " He shrugs his
shoulders, a practiced gesture after 30 frustrating years, then recounts
the story of Galileo, who dared to theorize that the Earth circles the
sun, not vice versa. "Galileo was excommunicated," notes Engelbart.
"Later, people said Galileo was right." He barely pauses before adding,
"I know I am right."

Debunking the legend of the mouse
The first time I heard about Doug Engelbart I was confused. The
invitation for "Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution," a daylong symposium
in December at Stanford University, promoted the computer scientist as
the inventor of the computer mouse.

"That can't be right," I told my husband. "The mouse was invented at
Xerox PARC."

That's the story I'd been told since arriving in Silicon Valley. The
legend goes like this: In 1979, Steve Jobs was touring Xerox Corp.'s
cutting-edge Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) when he spotted a version
of the mouse. He refined the idea and used it in Lisa, forerunner of the

What's left out of the story is that the mouse and a multitude of other
personal computing firsts spotted by Jobs on that Xerox PARC tour
actually came from Engelbart's lab at the Stanford Research Institute
(SRI). The ideas were brought to PARC by Engelbart researchers who
started migrating over in the early '70s.

"People say, 'Oh, you invented the mouse? You were at Xerox PARC.' And I
tell them, 'No, I was at SRI.' "

Douglas Engelbart
The symposium, organized by Saffo and co-hosted by the Institute for the
Future and Stanford University Libraries, whetted my interest in
Engelbart's work. I called him and asked for an interview.

Hesitantly, he agreed to let me tag along and observe a typical
Engelbart morning. And so, at 7 a.m., post-gym, Engelbart and I are
sitting in his frigid home office. When I point out that a window is
open, Engelbart looks sheepish. "I opened it last summer and forgot to
shut it."

I bring up the Xerox PARC legend. "Yeah, I bump into that story a lot,"
he confirms matter-of-factly. "People say, 'Oh, you invented the mouse?
ou were at Xerox PARC.' And I tell them, 'No, I was at SRI.' "

Engelbart checks the morning 

[CTRL] How Many Bloodlines?

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 11
   Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 09:36:28 -0800 (PST)
   From: xxx
Subject: How Many Bloodlines?

There was quite a thread just recently on the subject of 'alternative'
lives of Jesus, particularly referring to the Notovich MS. (published by
Elizabeth Clare Prophet as 'The Lost Years of Jesus') and Jesus's
alleged flight to Kashmir after the crucifixion.

Intriguing things that came out of that discussion included information
on the many different (and incompatible!) versions of the 'Lost Years'
story that exist, both in 'channelled' material, and in the form of
alleged secret or hidden MSS., like Notovich's version; and also
information on what might be called an 'alternative Bloodline' - the
existence of people in Srinagar, north India, who claim to be descended
from Saint Yuz Assaf, whom they identify with Jesus.

There's another one. I don't think anybody mentioned it at the time, but
there is _yet another_ 'alternative Bloodline' in existence. This one is
in, of all places, Japan.

In the village of Shingo (formerly Herai) in the Aomori Prefecture of
Northern Honshu, there are two mysterious graves, and a tradition that
links Jesus with the village. Apparently, a Shinto priest named Koma
Takeuchi, who was not originally from Shingo, had in his possession an
ancient scroll written in archaic Japanese that he couldn't read.
Eventually he had it translated, and discovered that it was the Last
Will and Testament of Jesus Christ, written in Shingo two thousand years
before. In 1935, Takeuchi went to Shingo to investigate, and discovered
there the two graves, and a family named Sawaguchi who had cared for
them for centuries.

Prior to Takeuchi's arrival, the Sawaguchi family hadn't known whose
graves they were guarding; they simply preserved them. With the
translation of the manuscript, it was revealed that one of the graves
was that of Jesus himself, while the other contains the ears (!) of
Jesus's brother and a lock of his mother's hair.

The story in the Takeuchi MS. states that Jesus didn't spend his 'lost
years' in Egypt, or the Himalayas, or even in Palestine. Instead, he
travelled across Asia, visiting Siberia and Alaska, before settling in
northern Japan, where he undertook spiritual training. He then returned
to Palestine, where he carried out his ministry. According to this
story, he wasn't crucified, but, in Koranic style, another suffered in
his stead (apparently voluntarily): this was his brother, named Isukiri
in the MS. After this event, Jesus returned to Japan, taking his
brother's ears with him, and went back to the place he had trained in:
Shingo, then called Herai. Once there, he apparently ceased to preach,
perform miracles or to be in any way remarkable. He married a local
woman called Yumiko (or Mariko), changed his name to Daitenku Taro
Jurai, had three daughters and died at the age of 106, having spent 70
years as a garlic farmer. To this day, Shingo's chief products are
garlic, apples - and the Jesus industry.

Since the MS. has come to light, Shingo has become a place of pilgrimage
for Christian Japanese (there aren't many of these) and for New Agers. A
New Age guru called Michel Desmarquet has invested the discovery of the
graves and the MS. with prophetic significance, and has written a book
on the subject ('Thiaoouba Prophecy'), while his associates have posted
a summary of the story on the internet
at http://www.thiaoouba.com/tomb.htm  . Shingo has Jesus Festivals and a
Jesus Museum, and some enterprising soul has even begun to make and
market Jesus Sake ('Kirisuto no Sato' brand; this means 'Christ's Home
Town'). There are crosses everywhere, and the graves are now fenced off,
marked with crosses, and decorated with flowers.

Many Japanese barely know who Jesus was, and regard all this with
intense bemusement, but I guess the locals of Shingo know when they're
on to a good thing.

Unfortunately, the original of 'Jesus's Will' was destroyed in WWII,
though the MS. had by then been copied. So it's not available for
carbon-dating or other such tests. The text is in the archaic Japanese
of two thousand years ago, and it does say what the translators say it
does, but there's no way, now, of knowing exactly when or by whom it was

The story was summarised in Fortean Times no. 110, May 1998. As well as
the Thiaoouba site, which despite its ulterior motive is by a long way
the most interesting and complete, there are other websites devoted to
the topic:

Jesus in Japan! http://www.japan.co.jp/~jesus

The tone of this one is quite unpleasant, being apparently an attempt
by outsiders to poke fun at the strange inbred people of Shingo and
their weird legends, but it does summarise the story and give many
photographs of the surrounding area, including road signs in Japanese
and English 

[CTRL] [6] Shrine of the Silver Dollar

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Shrine of the Silver Dollar
John L. Spivak(C)1940
Modern Age Books
New York, NY
The book that brought down demagog Charles Coughlin, who was the second-most
listened to person in the '30's, right behind FDR. John Spivak exposed Father
Coughlin to be a fraud and in league with Nazi propagandists. Out of print for
many years.


I HAD INTENDED to show in more detail in this last chapter that Coughlin's
broadcasts, which influence an estimated 3,500,000 listeners, cost much more
than the public contributes for this purpose. I had planned to list all the
forty-seven radio stations in his network and show that an hour's time on each
plus the "line charges" cost over half a million dollars a year. (Line charges
are costs met by the sponsor for the hook-ups between stations.)

The figures which I had from Father Coughlin's own books showed that neither
the Radio League of the Little Flower nor Social Justice magazine, which back
the weekly broadcasts, clears that much money. Since these are the only two
corporations established by the radio priest which raise money on a large
scale, the natural questions were: Who met the difference., and for what

Father Coughlin, however, saved me the necessity of going into these details.
He frankly admitted, in the December 18, 1939, issue of Social Justice in
Pleading for a $200,000 radio fund that:

"Radio expense is now close to $10,000 per week."

This estimate, so far as I have been able to ascertain, is correct.

Let's see how the Radio League, which has already collected about a million
dollars from the public and which is tightly controlled by Coughlin's little
coterie of three, functioned right from the beginning.

By the end of 1930--only a few months after it was incorporated--the Radio
League had taken in over $44,000, but business was on the downgrade. I shall
not go into the detailed take from the public in the first few years when the
income fell to a pretty low figure (assets of only a little over $6,000 by the
end of 1934). It was in this period of small assets and a discouraged outlook
that the radio priest began to waver in his fervent pro-Roosevelt and pro-New
Deal speeches. He seemed to be uncertainly feeling his way to see what would
happen. One week found him for the New Deal and the next against it. By the
end of 1935 he was chiefly anti-Roosevelt and anti-New Deal. Big industry and
finance also hated the President and even his remotest ancestor; in Coughlin
they heard a voice which reached the country and attacked the man they hated.
In this very same period the money suddenly started coming in and assets
boomed to almost $80,000. Then funds appeared for launching Social Justice and
for distributing Coughlin's talks free of charge to anyone who asked for
copies. A political organization, the National Union for Social Justice, was
started, and the radio priest sought more and more stations to reach the
people. He didn't seem to have the slightest worry as to how the money to pay
for them would come. By the end of 1936, when he was most active in attacking
Roosevelt and the New Deal, the money he received, presumably in the dollar
and two-dollar contributions from his audience, brought the assets of this
neatly controlled corporation to a little over $200,000 clear of all
liabilities. Coughlin and his two stenographers took the money the public sent
in for the Radio League and bought $14,000 worth of real estate and $54,000
worth of other tangible property, extended credits of $125,000 and socked
$12,000 away in the bank.

By the end of 1937 the radio venture had assets of over $190,000 and not a
penny in liabilities. The trio--Coughlin and his two secretaries--had bought
about $50,000 worth of real estate, extended credits of $116,000, and had
$22,000 in loose change carefully put away in a bank. It was during this year
that Coughlin quarreled with his ecclesiastical superior, the Archbishop of
Detroit; and fearful that the Church might somehow stop him from running the
Radio League, he stepped out as president, though he left Amy Collins and
Eugenia Burke to keep an eye on things and run the outfit. The mysterious
Edward Kinsky became president of the Radio League and vice president of the
privately owned publishing business issuing Social Justice magazine.

Business continued booming, and by the end of 1938 (the latest balancing of
the Coughlin corporation books) the triumvirate had bought around $100,000
worth of real estate, almost $65,000 worth of property, had extended credits
of $118,000, and had a nice nest egg of $190,000 in cash in the bank.

The important thing is not that this trio ran the take up to almost half a
million dollars or that they were buying real estate and other property, which
they controlled exclusively, but that the money was collected from the public
for "charitable and religious" purposes and, in 1937, for "maintenance of

[CTRL] [8] The Plot to Seize the White House

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Plot to Seize the White House
Jules Archer(C)1973
Hawthorne Books, Inc.
New York, NY

{Some of his testimony was not released in the official record of the
hearings, for reasons that will be discussed later, but was nevertheless
ferreted out, copied, and made public by reporter John L. Spivak. This
censored testimony is indicated by the symbol + to distinguish it from the
official testimony eventually released by the McCormack-Dickstein Committee.
The same was true of testimony given by reporter Paul Comly French, who
followed Butler as a witness, and the same symbol (+) indicates the censored
portions.* [* The reader who wishes to examine the official testimony is
referred to the government report, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities
and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities: Public Hearings
Before the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of
Representatives, Seventy-third Congress, Second Session, at Washington, D.C.,
December 29, 1934. Hearings No. 73-D.C.-6, Part 1. Extracts of the censored
testimony are revealed in the books A Man in His Time, by John L. Spivak, and
2000 Americans, by George Seldes.]}


After Butler had completed his testimony, Paul Comly French took the witness
chair to report on his own investigation of the plot, in which a candid two-
hour conversation with MacGuire at the latter's office figured prominently.

Describing these talks on the premises of Grayson M.-P. Murphy and Company,
French verified every allegation about the plot the general had attributed to
MacGuire. In addition French reported the more open statements MacGuire had
made to him about the nature of the conspiracy and how it would work. More
frank with French, apparently, than he had dared to be with the general,
MacGuire made little attempt to disguise the Fascist nature of the proposed
putsch with euphemistic phrases about "supporting the President."

FRENCH: We need a Fascist government in this country, he insisted, to save the
Nation from the Communists who want to tear it down and wreck all that we have
built in America. The only men who have the patriotism to do it are the
soldiers and Smedley Butler is the ideal leader. He could organize a million
men overnight.

During the conversation be told me he had been in Italy and Germany during the
summer of 1934 and the spring of 1934 and had made an intensive study of the
background of the Nazi and Fascist movements and how the veterans had played a
part in them. He said he had obtained enough information on the Fascist and
Nazi movements and of the part played by the veterans, to properly set up one
in this country.

He emphasized throughout his conversation with me that the whole thing was
tremendously patriotic, that it was saving the Nation from Communists, and
that the men they deal with have that crackbrained idea that the Communists
are going to take it apart. He said the only safeguard would be the soldiers.
At first he suggested that the General organize this outfit himself and ask a
dollar a year dues from everybody. We discussed that, and then he came around
to the point of getting outside financial funds, and he said that it would not
be any trouble to raise a million dollars.

French's use of the phrase "crackbrained idea" to describe the notion by
financiers and captains of industry that the country needed to be saved from
communism was obviously his own, and not MacGuire's, expression.

Censored in French's testimony was his revelation of the sources to which
MacGuire had said that he could turn for the funds to finance the veterans'

+ FRENCH: He said he could go to John W. Davis [attorney for J. P. Morgan and
Company] or Perkins of the National City Bank, and any number of persons to
get it.

Of course, that may or may not mean anything. That is, his reference to John
W. Davis and Perkins of-the National City Bank.

French testified that MacGuire had sought to impress him by indicating high-
level support for the conspiracy from important movers and shakers of the
American Legion.

FRENCH: He then pushed a letter across the desk and said that it was from
Louis Johnson, a former national commander of the American Legion.

CHAIRMAN: Did he show you the letter?

FRENCH: I did not read it. He just passed it over so I could see it, but be
did not show it to me. He said that he had discussed the matter with him along
the lines of what we were now discussing, and I took it to mean that he had
talked of this Fascist proposition with Johnson, and Johnson was in sympathy
with it.

 During the conversation he also mentioned Henry Stevens, of Warsaw, N.C., a
former national commander of the American Legion, and said that he was
interested in the program. Several times be brought in the names of various
former national commanders of the American Legion, to give me the impression
that, whether justly or unjustly, a group in the American Legion were actively

Re: [CTRL] Incredible Disclosures and Dis-Ease

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Please let me apologize from any dis-ease you felt from  the list. A story
such as yours is bound to elict guffaws and worse, but as you surmise we do
all bring something to the table. If not just the chance to make yourself
understood and strengthen your mettle.
This subject carries many subcurrents that have benn circulating for years.

Some questions.

How long is the video and how may it be obtained?

Have you told your story in a book form or to you have something written about
your expierence that you may post ?

If, not, would you be interesting in telling your story for publication?

Are there any news reports that relate to your story?


Yours in understanding.


In a message dated 2/23/99 10:05:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I too, have symptoms of an incredible
dis-ease - a lack of ease with the way Human Being treats Human Being.
I have that trouble with Global Politicians conspiring in self interest,
I have that trouble wwith the way that MY family has been treated and I
have that trouble with Mr Nurev - who has mis-behaved - only I suppose
because what he saw was too far outwith his 'comfort zone'

But perhaps - like myself, even he has a perspective to contribute to our
knowledge of the continuing inhumanities of the Human Race.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland
[00 44] 131 554 4486
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Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] World control

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:492895"World control/A
Subject: World control
From: World Domination [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 1999 10:38 PM

In case you did not think the USA was trying to become world
control. Now they are your Web Police.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Millennium Report - February 22, 1998: Contrail and Y2K Updates, Miami Circle SAVED, UFO News, Martia

1999-02-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:492782"The Millennium Report -
February 22, 1998: Contrail and Y2K Updates, Miami Circle SAVED, UFO News,
"Martial /A
Subject: The Millennium Report - February 22, 1998: Contrail and Y2K Updates,
Miami Circle SAVED, UFO News, "Martial
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada)
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 1999 3:50 PM

The Millennium Report
The News Service of The Millennium Project

February 22, 1998:
Contrail and Y2K Updates, Miami Circle SAVED, UFO News,
"Martial Law" in Texas and more!


The Millennium Project Web Site:


In This Report:

Contrail Reports, Photos and Feedback -
Updated, Including Report and Photos from Missouri
(Special Research Projects)

Contrails: William Thomas Interview on Art Bell - February 18, 1999
(This audio file link requires RealAudio or RealPlayer)

Contrails Over Long Island, New York - Report and Photos

Contrails: Mass Vaccination?

Contrail Analysis: Examining the Difference Between
"Normal" and "Spray" Contrails

ABC News: Weather as a Weapon?

New "Radar Circle" Anomaly in Nevada
(Special Research Projects)

White House Fears Y2K Panic

Y2K: American Cities Begin Alerting Public

GAO: Y2K May Bring DC to a Halt

Y2K Glitch in Ontario Results in Erroneous Traffic Tickets -
Payment Due in 2097!

Miami Circle SAVED!

Miami Circle Live Cam

US Attacks US: "Martial Law" Training Exercises in Texas

Armed and Dangerous: Fear And Loathing in Kingsville, Texas

ABC News on STS-48 UFO Footage

UFO Roundup 4.8, February 22

Filer's Files - February 19, 1999

Scientists Slow Down Speed of Light to 38 mph!

A Steamy Coverup on the Red Planet


The Millennium Report is the news service of
The Millennium Project, an independent research
organization initiated in January 1999 as an alternative
source of news and information to the maintream media.
TMP was founded by future studies researcher Paul
Anderson, also director of Circles Phenomenon Research

TMR is updated weekly or as breaking news develops.
This free e-mail summary is available by subscription;
to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send
your request, including either "subscribe TMR" or
"unsubscribe TMR" and e-mail address to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A web edition of TMR, with this report plus previous news
listings, is available on the TMP web site.

Where possible, external links are provided directly to
original sources. If a link is no longer working or a
document is unavailable, please notify TMP by e-mail at

See the TMP web site for complete news
and information updates:

Main Web Site (frames):

The Millennium Report:

Special Research Projects:


© TMP, 1999

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] [6] The Plot to Seize the White House

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/23/99 11:59:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I missed parts 1-5, can you resend?

They are at the archives

Archives Available at:



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 2/24/99

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Year 2000

Senate Study Says Y2k Risks Widespread

The main risk is from lawyers

A report on the Year 2000 computer problem prepared by a special Senate
panel warns that a number of foreign countries and U.S. economic
sectors, especially the health care industry, appear at significant risk
for technological failures and business disruptions.
The report, scheduled for release this week by Sens. Robert F. Bennett
(R-Utah) and Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), includes a letter to Senate
colleagues describing the problem of computers' ability to recognize
dates starting on Jan. 1, 2000, popularly known as Y2K, as a "worldwide
crisis" and as "one of the most serious and potentially devastating
events this nation has ever encountered."

The prospect of widespread computer glitches and lobbying by industry
groups have galvanized bipartisan groups in the Senate and House to
press for legislation protecting companies that fail to deliver goods
and services on time because of Y2K problems.

Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.) estimated yesterday there might be $1
trillion in lawsuits filed because of the glitch and urged adoption of
an industry-backed House bill to allay "a great deal of fear regarding
out-of-control litigation."

A draft copy of the Senate report, provided by staff aides to The
Washington Post, describes in vivid detail the scope of the potential
Y2K problem and the frustrations that Senate investigators encountered
as they tried to gather information from industries reluctant to
describe what progress they have made in fixing computer and
telecommunication systems.

But the report represents the most comprehensive assessment of the Y2K
problem to appear as companies and governments scramble to fix their
computer systems. In addition to health care, the report portrays the
oil, education, farming, food processing and construction sectors as
seriously lagging on computer repairs.

Among the report's findings: More than 90 percent of doctors' offices
and 50 percent of small- and medium-sized companies have not addressed
the Y2K problem; telephone systems are expected to operate; and planes
will not fall out of the sky. The Senate panel also worries that
communities will not be able to provide "911" and other emergency

Even though governments and corporations have mobilized technology
staffs and consultants to sift through millions of lines of software
code looking for Y2K glitches, the 161-page draft also underscores how
little experts know about the potential impact of the so-called
millennium bug.

"The interdependent nature of technology systems makes the severity of
possible disruptions difficult to predict. Adding to the confusion,
there are still very few overall Year 2000 technology compliance
assessments of infrastructure or industry sectors. Consequently, the
fundamental questions of risk and personal preparedness cannot be
answered at this time," the draft said.

Clinton administration officials have portrayed the Y2K problem as
similar to a severe winter snowstorm that causes inconveniences but
little lasting harm. Yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
assured Americans that they can keep their money in the bank over New
Year's 2000 without fear.

"There's almost no conceivable way . . . that computers will break down
and records of people's savings accounts would disappear," he told the
Senate Banking Committee.

Still, almost all government agencies are drawing up emergency plans,
including the Fed, which plans to stockpile an extra $200 billion in
cash for banks, about a third more than usual.

The Senate report, which grew out of a series of hearings last year by
the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem,
concludes "that the biggest Y2K impact will occur internationally."

Two important trading partners, Japan and Venezuela, seem to have
miscalculated the time and money needed to fix the computer glitch,
according to the draft report.

Relying on surveys by consultants, the report suggests that Japan "may
have underestimated the resources needed to address the problem," noting
that major Japanese banks have indicated far lower repair costs than
U.S. banks.

Venezuela and Saudi Arabia lag from a year to 18 months behind the
United States in Y2K preparations, raising concerns about the
availability of oil and other critical imports, the report said.

International ports are widely described as far behind in their Y2K
efforts, prompting worries that the maritime industry will face shipping
problems that could interrupt commerce, the report added.

International aviation and foreign airports also appear at risk, and
"flight rationing to some areas and countries is possible," the report

Overall, the report said, "the least-prepared countries are those that
depend heavily on foreign investment and multinational 

[CTRL] Crypto Giant Gets Smart

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.thestandard.com/articles/display/0,1449,3608,00.html"The
Industry Standard: Crypto Giant Gets Smart/A
February 23, 1999
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Top News

Viacom's Dot-Com Play (Feb 23, 1999)

TheStreet.com Walks the Street (Feb 23, 1999)

PC Deal Maker to Take Stand for Microsoft (Feb 23, 1999)

Microsoft's Rosen Bungles Testimony Again (Feb 23, 1999)

U.S. Out of Our Database: ACLU Requests Hearing (Feb 23, 1999)

More Technology News

HotBot Searches for a Direct Hit (Feb 22, 1999)

A Galaxy of Digital Watermarks (Feb 18, 1999)

Nokia Dials Up DSL Buy (Feb 16, 1999)

Music Licensing Made Simple (Feb 11, 1999)

EDS, MCI WorldCom in Asset Swap (Feb 11, 1999)


Headlines from
CNN Interactive

Crypto Giant Gets Smart
By Jackie Cohen

The big cryptography giant is wising up. Security Dynamics Technologies,
the parent of RSA Data Security, will announce Tuesday its entree into
smart card technology. The product should be on the market as early as
this spring.

The SecurID 1000 Smart Card is the company's first chip card-based tool
for authenticating people, either on the Internet or in enterprise
deployments. The actual hardware is manufactured by Gemplus, the
Paris-based chip card vendor; the microprocessor chips on the cards
house Security Dynamics authentication technologies.

The cards are intended for use with server-based solutions sold by the
company under the ACE/Server moniker. With 7K of memory, the cards can
house multiple applications. These could include providing remote and
local access to corporate networks; verifying identity; generating
cryptography; electronic payment schemes; and loyalty points (like
frequent flyer programs).

Each chip holds a unique identifier. The cards can also be personalized
with holograms, employee photographs, company logos and other options.
And organizations already using Gemplus cards will be able to upgrade
them to Security Dynamics versions.

The company expects to peddle the cards to its existing base of
customers for SecurID. Over 4 million people use the authenticators in
various hardware and software forms.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Political News from Wired News

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/18070.html"Political
News from Wired News/A
First-Hand Lesson in Censorship
by Declan McCullagh
9:00 a.m.  23.Feb.99.PST
Michaun Jensen's troubles began innocently enough in a computer lab at
Southern Utah University. She was researching a sociology paper on
censorship of offensive words and images.
Her first offense was viewing an erotic Web site. A student complained.
The lab monitor walked over to Jensen's computer and warned her.

"He said, 'You need to stop,'" said Jensen, a 19-year-old junior.

Then she followed links to a Hitler Was A Pagan site, which features a
photo of Adolf Hitler alongside Italian dictator Benito Mussolini with
arm extended in a Fascist salute.

That was enough to prompt Gary Stewart, the student overseeing the
computer lab, to kick her out for violating the university's rules on
computer use.

It also fueled a campus debate -- including a front-page article last
week in the school newspaper -- that began simmering last year over the
breadth, scope, and constitutionality of the policy, which bars students
from downloading or viewing "objectionable material."

Of course, Southern Utah University, nestled in conservative Cedar City,
Utah, is not alone in drawing up such rules. Many administrators have
grown nervous about Internet use, and in their recent book, The Shadow
University Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglate list dozens of fear-reaching

Southern Utah University draws an unusually clear line, however, barring
computer users from reading controversial newspapers or books online,
even if the same publication appears in the school library. The
university says neither faculty members nor students may use computers
to "acquire, store, or display" material that is "racially offensive" or

Jensen's professor argues that the school's library offers plenty of
books about Hitler, as well as microfiche copies of Playboy going as far
back as 1953.
First-Hand Lesson in Censorship Page 2
9:00 a.m.  23.Feb.99.PST

"What they're really after is to keep students from looking at
pornography," said Dan Pence, an associate professor of sociology and
Jensen's instructor. "This seems to be a pretty clear example of taking
as much control as you can get away with."

Pence and other social science faculty members voiced their views
loudly, and repeatedly, last fall when they returned to campus to find
the administration had quietly adopted the new rule over the summer.

Administration officials downplayed the rule at a December meeting, and
said it wouldn't be used to stifle "legitimate" research. A committee
voted to reevaluate the regulation, but not to dispense with it.

According to the campus newspaper, university attorney Michael Carter
said at the time: "If someone has a legitimate educational purpose [for
viewing a Web site], that should be all right."

Carter did not return phone calls from Wired News, but a spokesman did.
"The student who asked Ms. Jensen to leave the lab did what he was
obligated to do under the current policy," said Neal Cox, director of
public relations. "The bottom-line desire we would have is that students
coming from diverse backgrounds feel comfortable in the presence of one

Valuing comfort over freedom might be constitutional at a private
university -- where the First Amendment does not apply -- but not at a
public school where free-speech rights are protected, critics say.

"It's not constitutional. The First Amendment constrains what government
agencies can do," said Carl Kadie, a research programmer in Redmond,
Washington, and Electronic Frontier Foundation volunteer who founded the
group's Computers and Academic Freedom project.

"These policies infuriate me, but not just because they are unjust and
unconstitutional. They infuriate me because the policy makers implicitly
deny that justice and the Constitution even apply to computers," Kadie

Federal district courts have ruled that similar speech codes -- that
apply only offline -- violate First Amendment guarantees of free speech.

Jensen has not been disciplined further, though school policy allows her
account to be suspended. The school's spokesman said he did not know of
any plans to do so.

"The school is saying we're just children and we don't know what we're
talking about," Jensen said.
Related Wired Links:
Censoring Censorware
Court Limits Online Speech
Library Filters Must Go
Virginia: Professors Don't Really Need Net
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy 

Re: [CTRL] Hyposcrisy IN on Farah[CTRL] Who is Joseph Farah?

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/24/99 12:13:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Watch out now, Kris, the same people who are still trying to smear Coughlin

say that Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) himself was a Nazi stooge. Why would he

shut Coughlin down.

Gee, I don't know, Jim, maybe because Coughlin got his hand in the cookie jar
with the lights on and his operation was exposed.

How many copies did Spivak's book sell -- I'll bet a drop in the bucket. It

was made to be distributed to Coughlin's supporters to try and cause

dissention. I'll bet it was not made an issue by the national press, which

hated Coughlin, because they didn't want to raise such absurd issues that

Coughlin could demolish on his Radio Shows.

So, Jim, what a willing to bet? Oh, and just how was this book designed to be
distributed to Coughlin supporters? His show was demolished, not these 'absurd

Everyone remembers Coughlin, no one remembers Spivak, who is not more

significant than that idiot Joseph Welch who the evil Big Media lionized for

saying to the great Senator Joseph McCarthy, "Have you no decency, Sir?"

McCarthy, of course was never sued by anyone about anything,
I haven't been sued, does that mean I am speaking truths. Again, I'll take
Smedley against Coughlin and McCarthy, any day.

and Ted Koppel

admitted after the KGB files were released
KGB files are source of information, misinformation and disinformation, are
you aware enough to know which is which?

(as if Koppel needed this to

know) to show all the communists agents in the US government. Koppel, in a

great understatement, said, "It looks like McCarthy was right." This is the

"revelation of the method" -- the conspirators like to expose themselves, if

no one else has done it, after it is too late to reverse what they've done -

to give the populace a feeling of hopelessness in the face of such

"all-powerful" Conspirators  (for the most provocative book ever written

on the subject of mass manipulation by the media through the technique of

the "Revelation of the Method" see "Secret Societies and Mind Control" - I

think that's the title, it's close, anyway - by Michael Hoffman. It has a

picture of Mario Cuomo on the front, and is found at www.hoffman-info.com )

Had a copy for years, Jim. Your analysis does not make your view correct.

.. Anyway, if McCarthy was right (he was) then Fr. Coughlin was right, but

Coughlin went further in attacking the power behind Communism, the dominant

faction of International Organized Jewry. (Today's Communism in Russia has

been abandoned, and is run by Russians reacting against the plundering of

Russia by those who used to run Communism -- which was abandoned by the

International Banking Elite in 1989 as no longer useful.) Incidentally,

anyone who thought McCarthy was a light-weight madman opportunist, needs

only to read his speech on the Senate floor, which became the book

"America's Retreat from Victory" which shows in absolutely clear fashion how

traitor George Catlatt Marshall and his superiors handed China to their

puppets, the Communists. It was McCarthy's way of speaking in a way so that

the average man could understand him that made him such a threat to the

Ruling Elite, just as Buchanan could be today. The same with Fr. Coughlin.

Jim Condit Jr.

Yes, there is a ruling elite, but IMHO you are barking up the wrong tree and
absolutely wrong with logic and facts. Buchannan is no threat, he is a shill.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Military Jams East Coast GPS

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

The FAA, Washington, D.C.
The U.S. is staging a multinational military exercise that will
black out GPS signals starting the week of Feb. 22.  The Global
positioning signals from U.S. satellites will be jammed up to 6
hours during night military operations from Jacksonville,
Florida to Newark New Jersey.

The FAA has notified commercial and private pilots of the
outages.  However, the agency did not say how long the GPS
jamming will be in effect or what areas they will cover.

CHINA 15 - U.S.A. - 1
The White House, Washington D.C.
The Chinagate flap and the Cox report have put DoD and the State
Dept. in command - for the moment.  Hughes lost its $500 million
license to sell Asia Pacific Mobile Telecommunications (APMT)
two advanced satellites.  The license denial by the Clinton
administration comes after DoD and the State Dept. openly argued
that the sale would "harm U.S. national security."

APMT is half owned by the Chinese Army unit COSTIND, the
Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National
Defense.  The APMT satellites were to be equipped with advanced
40 foot diameter antennas.  The APMT Hughes satellites would
have provided the PLA with accurate navigation and more secure
communications in the Pacific region.

The White House and the Commerce Department were both pushing
for Hughes and the Chinese Army to win.  Of course, public
awareness of Clinton taking large donations from both Hughes and
COSTIND (e.g. Costind Col. Lui) may have influenced the
President to just say "no".

Silicon Valley, California
Microchip Technologies Inc. has developed a R/F identification
chip which costs 30 to 35 cents in quantities of 10,000.  The
new low cost RF chip emits a 154 bit code when illuminated with
a 13.56 MHz signal.  The chip is intended to locate packages, and
airline baggage.

However, the same R/F signaling features can be abused to
secretly track U.S. citizens.  The R/F chip could be included
inside autos or placed in electronic items such cellular phones,
and computers.

One source noted the chip R/F generators can be made powerful
enough to disable the electronic ignition in a car or ruin the
computer in which it is installed.  The intention is to provide
law enforcement with the ability to remotely disable vehicles,
computers or handguns made with advanced electronic safety
mechanisms.  One such gun, called the "smart gun", was
demonstrated by the Federal Government.

During the Gulf war, U.S. forces were able to locate Iraqi
command posts because of a similar R/F emitter chip secretly
deployed by the NSA.  The so called "bomb-me" chip was installed
in printers sold to Iraqi air defense units.  The chip emitted a
coded radio signal in the Gigahertz range whenever the printer
was in use.  During the war, USAF R/F intelligence aircraft were
able to pin-point the faint signals from the "bomb-me" chips and
pass on the printer locations to F-117A Stealth bombers.

Zagreb, Croatia
Croatia has selected Israel's ELBIT systems to upgrade their
MiG-21 aircraft in an initial contract worth $80 million.  The
Israeli victory is a major export loss to Russia's prime defense
contractors, Roosvoorouzhenie and Sokol.  The upgrades to as
many as 40 of the former Yugoslavian AF MiGs will be done by
Israeli and Croatian engineers at ZTZ, Zagreb.


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR http://www.softwar.net  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [CTRL] [6] Shrine of the Silver Dollar

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/23/99 11:40:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow, Kris, great expose! The bully Spivak intimidates some poor old lady who

was acting as a trustee for Fr. Coughlin, but who wasn't up to facing a

soulless hit man like Spivak.

Golly gee, Jim, great rationalizations and character assassination. No mention
of the fact that Father Coughlin's trustee was a shill and put in her position
by Coughlin.

The dollars that Coughlin's organization are "charged" with raising here are

LAUGHABLE in the face of the super-crimes being committed by the FEDERAL

RESERVE BOARD in the same period (See Speeches of Congressman Louis T.

McFadden, Omni Publications, Palmdale, California).

So you believe that the ends justifies the means. Is that a concept of Jesus
AKA The Christ? And if the Federal Reserve committes crimes does that give
authority to do likewise?

If Coughlin had committed some crimes, fraud, etc. WHY DIDN't Roosevelt or

anybody else bring him to "justice"  -- I mean, Roosevelt controlled the

whole government. Yet, not one charge, NOT ONE CHARGE was ever brought

against Coughlin. So much for the investigative reporting of Spivak.

Again, Coughlin was removed from his position and platform. Roosevelt
controlled the whole government, hunh? Jim, you really do have an absolutist
mindframe. So, in one sentence ya say Coughlins crimes weren't crimes because
compared to others crimes and now you try absolve Coughlin and denigrate a
reporters work because he is not a prosecutor.

Also, I HOPE Coughlin flouted the "NWO-Judeo-Masonic" inspired rules that

govern money and politics in this country. These rules have been made since

circa 1913 to keep down the patriots and to allow the NWO crowd to romp all

over America, stamping their footprint repeatedly in the average guys face.

These rules have been followed by good people, but completely ignored by the

NWO favored candidates as is proven by Clinton's last campaign. The CROOKS

at the Federal Election Commission selectively go after some, and leave

alone others (Alan Keyes was left alone in 1996 because he was dividing Pat

Buchanan's vote -- this is not to say that Keyes is a bad guy, he was just

used in a bad way, and allowed to file late, and ridiculously incomplete for

his services.) Maybe you haven't heard, but everything about the IRS and its

extortion of income taxes is illegal --- but that's another subject, a very

important one.

Wow, you mean the Fed is funky and national politics is abunch of shills.
Imagine that.

I wonder if we can look forward to your expose of how AIPAC,(American

Israeli Political Action Committee), and all the other Jewish lobbies get

501C3 status while they BLATANTLY pressure Congressman and politicians all

the time. Somehow I doubt it.There's no bigger joke that this set up. One

set of rules for the Self-Chosen, and another for average Americans.

You have an expose, post away.

Fr. Coughlin was a great American and a great priest. He was in harmony with

the writings of the great Fr. Denis Fahey, who in turned condemned the

anti-Christ machinations of the dominant Jewish Lobbies in all countries,

Hitler and the Nazis, and Stalin and the Communists  pointing out that

these were all different manifestations of a naturalistic disorder against

the Divine Plan for Order Established by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Jim Condit


Coughlin was a traitor and a nazi stooge. So, Jim, ya know you never answer
any of my questions. And just continue to expose your dogmatic prejudices. Do
you actually see any logic in your rationalizations and ignorant fears?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Church Burnings/Satanism

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

The Washington Post

Cops Say Man Admits to Church Fires
By Rex W. Huppke
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, February 23, 1999; 10:57 p.m. EST

  INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- An Indiana man has admitted to
  setting fire to as many as 50 churches in seven states,
  and claims he began his spree with two others who
  helped him burn a church in a satanic ritual.

  The arrest of Jay Scott Ballinger of Indiana was made
  with the help of the National Church Arson Task Force,
  which was formed in 1996 to investigate a series of
  fires at Southern black churches, the U.S. Department
  of Justice announced Tuesday.

  Ballinger, 36, was charged with setting seven church
  fires in Indiana and one in Ohio dating back to 1994,
  according to a probable cause affidavit filed by the
  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

  However, he allegedly said he set fire to up to 50
  churches between 1994 and 1998 in Kentucky, Tennessee,
  Mississippi, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, and other

  Ballinger was arrested Sunday after going to a hospital
  with bad burns, which he got from one of his latest
  Ohio fires, investigators allege. Satanic books and
  writings were recovered from his home. Ballinger was
  being held in federal custody in Indianapolis.

  Two others were charged in one fire: Angela Wood, 24,
  of Atlanta, identified in court documents as
  Ballinger's girlfriend, and Donald A. Puckett, 37, of
  Lebanon, Ind. Wood is in federal custody in Georgia and
  Puckett is being held in Indianapolis. All three are
  white and most of the church burnings in Indiana have
  involved rural white churches.

  Judith A. Stewart, U.S. Attorney for southern Indiana,
  would not comment on a possible motive. The ATF said
  searches of Ballinger's central Indiana residence
  turned up a gasoline container and satanic books and

  According to the affidavit, Ballinger said that he and
  the others set fire to the Concord Church of Christ in
  January 1994 after engaging in a satanic ritual at
  which Wood painted an upside-down cross on the steps of
  the Lebanon, Ind., church.

  Investigators said Wood admitted she was present for
  several fires.

  After a Feb. 6 church fire in Brookville, Ohio,
  authorities say a radio call for medical assistance was
  made from the Ballinger house in Yorktown, Ind. An
  officer who recognized Ballinger's name from a church
  arson investigation interviewed Ballinger's father, who
  said his son was badly burned when he came home early
  on Feb. 7, authorities said.

   © Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

[CTRL] Fwd: Galactic News Update

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

The "Galactic News" has been updated today February 23, 1999.

Topics this week include:

Year of the Rabbit
Secrets of the Miami Circle
Venus/Jupiter in the Sky
Traditional Kiche' Maya New Year
August 11, 1999 Total Solar Eclipse

and more . . .

Hot Tip: Holding down the "shift" key while reloading will bring up the
latest version of a page from the server, rather than the older version of
a page that may be stored in your computer.

Want off this list? Just reply and say so.

[CTRL] Catholic Encyclopedia: THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/14493a.htm"Catholic
--Such was the tragic end of the Templars. If we consider that the Order
of Hospitallers finally inherited, although not without difficulties,
the property of the Templars and received many of its members, we may
say that the result of the trial was practically equivalent to the
long-proposed amalgamation of the two rival orders. For the Knights
 (first of Rhodes, afterwards of Malta) took up and carried on elsewhere
the work of the Knights of the Temple--


The Knights Templars

The Knights Templars were the earliest founders of the military orders,
and are the type on which the others are modelled. They are marked in
history (1) by their humble beginning, (2) by their marvellous growth,
and (3) by their tragic end.


Immediately after the deliverance of Jerusalem, the Crusaders,
considering their vow fulfilled, returned in a body to their homes. The
defense of this precarious conquest, surrounded as it was by Mohammedan
 neighbours, remained. In 1118, during the reign of Baldwin II, Hugues
de Payens, a knight of Champagne, and eight companions bound themselves
by a perpetual vow, taken in the presence of the Patriarch of Jerusalem,
to defend the Christian kingdom. Baldwin accepted their services and
assigned them a portion of his palace, adjoining the temple of the city;
hence their title "pauvres chevaliers du temple" (Poor Knights of the
Temple). Poor indeed they were, being reduced to living on alms, and, so
long as they were only nine, they were hardly prepared to render
important services, unless it were as escorts to the pilgrims on their
way from Jerusalem to the banks of the Jordan, then frequented as a
place of devotion.

The Templars had as yet neither distinctive habit nor rule. Hugues de
Payens journeyed to the West to seek the approbation of the Church and
to obtain recruits. At the Council of Troyes (1128), at which he
assisted and at which St. Bernard was the leading spirit, the Knights
Templars adopted the Rule of St. Benedict, as recently reformed by the
Cistercians. They accepted not only the three perpetual vows, besides
the crusader's vow, but also the austere rules concerning the chapel,
the refectory, and the dormitory. They also adopted the white habit of
the Cistercians, adding to it a red cross.

Notwithstanding the austerity of the monastic rule, recruits flocked to
the new order, which thenceforth comprised four ranks of brethren: the
knights, equipped like the heavy cavalry of the Middle Ages; the
serjeants, who formed the light cavalry; and two ranks of non-fighting
men: the farmers, entrusted with the administration of temporals; and
the chaplains, who alone were vested with sacerdotal orders, to minister
to the spiritual needs of the order.


The order owed its rapid growth in popularity to the fact that it
combined the two great passions of the Middle Ages, religious fervour
and martial prowess. Even before the Templars had proved their worth,
the ecclesiastical and lay authorities heaped on them favours of every
kind, spiritual and temporal. The popes took them under their immediate
protection, exempting them from all other jurisdiction, episcopal or
secular. Their property was assimilated to the church estates and
exempted from all taxation, even from the ecclesiastical tithes, while
their churches and cemeteries could not be placed under interdict. This
soon brought about conflict with the clergy of the Holy Land, inasmuch
as the increase of the landed property of the order led, owing to its
exemption from tithes, to the diminution of the revenue of the churches,
and the interdicts, at that time used and abused by the episcopate,
became to a certain extent inoperative wherever the order had churches
and chapels in which Divine worship was regularly held. As early as 1156
the clergy of the Holy Land tried to restrain the exorbitant privileges
of the military orders, but in Rome every objection was set aside, the
result being a growing antipathy on the part of the secular clergy
against these orders. The temporal benefits which the order received
from all the sovereigns of Europe were no less important. The Templars
had commanderies in every state. In France they formed no less than
eleven bailiwicks, subdivided into more than forty-two commanderies; in
 Palestine it was for the most part with sword in hand that the Templars
extended their possessions at the expense of the Mohammedans. Their
castles are still famous owing to the remarkable ruins which remain:
Safèd, built in 1140; Karak of the desert (1143); and, most importantly
of all, Castle Pilgrim, built in 1217 to command a strategic defile on
the sea-coast.

In these castles, which were both monasteries and cavalry-barracks, the
life of the Templars was full of contrasts. 

[CTRL] Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/07477a.htm"Catholic
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem

(Also known as KNIGHTS OF MALTA).

The most important of all the military orders, both for the extent of
its area and for its duration. It is said to have existed before the
Crusades and is not extinct at the present time. During this long career
it has not always borne the same name. Known as Hospitallers of
Jerusalem until 1309, the members were called Knights of Rhodes from
1309 till 1522, and have been called Knights of Malta since 1530.

The origins of the order have given rise to learned discussions, to
fictitious legends and hazardous conjectures. The unquestionable founder
was one Gerald or Gerard, whose birthplace and family name it has been
vainly sought to ascertain. On the other hand, his title as founder is
attested by a contemporary official document, the Bull of Paschal II,
dated 1113, addressed to "Geraudo institutori ac praeposito
Hirosolimitani Xenodochii". This was certainly not the first
establishment of the kind at Jerusalem. even before the crusades,
hostelries were indispensable to shelter the pilgrims who flocked to the
Holy Places, and in the beginning the hospitia or xenodochia were
nothing more. They belonged to different nations; a Frankish hospice is
spoken of in the time of Charlemagne; the Hungarian hospice is said to
date from King St. Stephen (year 1000). But the most famous was an
Italian hospice about the year 1050 by the merchants of Amalfi, who at
that time had commercial relations with the Holy Land. Attempts have
been made to trace the origin of the Hospitallers of St. John to this
foundation, but it is obvious to remark that the Hospitallers had St.
John the Baptist for their patron, while the Italian hospice was
dedicated to St. John of Alexandria. Moreover, the former adopted the
Rule of St. Augustine, while the latter followed that of the
Benedictines. Like most similar houses at that time, the hospice of
Amalfi was in fact merely a dependency of a monastery, while Gerard's
was autonomous from the beginning. Before the Crusades, the Italian
hospital languished, sustained solely by alms gathered in Italy; but
Gerard profited by the presence of the crusaders, and by the gratitude
felt for his hospitality, to acquire territory and revenues not only in
the new Kingdom of Jerusalem, but in Europe -- in Sicily, Italy, and
Provence. In the acts of donation which remain to us, there is no
mention of the sick, but only of the poor and strangers. In this respect
the hospice of Gerard did not differ from other, and his epitaph defines
his work:
Pauperibus servus, pius hospitibus . . . . Undique collegit pasceret
unde sous.
Thanks to the resources accumulated by Gerard, his successor, Raymond of
Provence (1120-60), caused the erection of more spacious buildings near
the church of the Holy Sepulchre, and henceforth the hospice became an
infirmary served by a community of hospitallers in the modern sense of
the word.

Strictly speaking, therefore, the Hospitallers of Jerusalem only began
with Raymond of Provence, to whom they owe their rule. This rule deals
only with their conduct as religious and infirmarians, there being no
mention of knights. It especially sets forth that the hospital shall
permanently maintain at its expense five physicians and three surgeons.
The brothers were to fulfil the duties of infirmarians. a pilgrim, about
the year 1150, places the number of sick persons cared for at 2000, a
figure evidently exaggerated, unless we make it include all the persons
harboured in a whole year. Raymond continued to receive donations, and
this permitted him to complete his foundation by a second innovation. To
accompany and defend at need, the arriving and departing pilgrims, he
defrayed the cost of an armed escort, which in time became a veritable
army, comprising knights recruited from among the crusaders of Europe,
and serving as a heavy cavalry (see CHIVALRY), and Turcopoles recruited
from among the natives of mixed blood, and serving as light cavalry
armed in the Turkish fashion. With this innovation originated the most
ancient military dignities in the order: the marshal, to command the
knights, the turcopolier, for the Turcopoles. Later the grand masters
themselves went into battle. Gosbert (c. 1177), the fifth successor of
Raymond, distinguished himself, and Roger de Moulins perished gloriously
on the field of battle (1187). Thus the Order of St. John imperceptibly
became military without losing its eleemosynary character. The statutes
of Roger de Moulins (1187) deal only with the service of the sick; the
first mention of military service is in the statutes of the ninth grand
master, Alfonso of Portugal (about 1200). In the latter a marked
distinction id made between secular knights, externs to the order, who
served only for a time, and the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Psychosurgery to Control Addicts

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 11:40:28 -0800
To: "DRCTalk Reformers' Forum" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: David Hadorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: News report: Brain operation for addicts
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.2.08 -- ListProc(tm) by CREN

This is from the New Zealand Drug Foundation news update site:
http://www.nzdf.org.nz/update/messages/551.htm  Haven't seen it elsewhere.
The story adds what (to me) is a new twist to the increasingly scary WOD.
Could this be a look into our future?

BBC News Online - 18 February 1999

Brain operation for addicts

Russian surgeons are claiming high cure rates for a controversial treatment
for heroin addiction which involves drilling holes in patients' heads and
removing parts of their brain.

Doctors at the St Petersburg Institute the Human Brain say their technique
is cheap and has an 80% success rate. The operation involves drilling holes
into the brain and removing tiny parts of the brain which they claim govern
drug addiction. So far the surgeons have tried the technique out on more
than 100 patients. Their high success rates mean the technique could soon
attract worldwide interest.

Radical breakthrough

Professor Svyatoslav Medvedev, who leads the Institute's team, says the
operation is a radical breakthrough in the treatment of heroin addicts. "I
don't know any other methods which can successfully remove this
psychological dependency. During the operation we have full cooperation and
full voice contact with patients. We never use general anaesthetic, only
local anaesthetic."

The ability to communicate patients during the operation is intended to
help ensure surgeons do not damage other vital parts of the brain.

Working slowly, they use waifer-[sic] thin needles to probe brain tissue as
well as a compressor adapted from a car foot pump. The surgeons do not
boast that the treatment is a miracle cure. They say if patients return to
drugs their addiction may come back. Also, they cannot control the social
environment in which patients live.

Drug problems

St Petersburg faces huge economic problems and drug use there is out of
control. Last year, two tonnes of heroin were found in port of St
Petersburg. But several former patients back the operation. Sveta says she
feels like a new woman two months after she went to the Institute. She
said: "This operation was my last chance. All my previous attempts had
ended in failure. Since the surgery I have not felt the need for heroin at

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[CTRL] List of supposed 'heirs' of deMolay

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from prioryofsion digest450
As always, Caveat Lector.
Message: 16
   Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 01:01:42 -
   From: ""
Subject: larmenius  charter

since we've been discussing the larmenius charter, thought i'd dig through the
archives to re-send the list of supposed 'heirs' of deMolay as found in 'the
warriors and the bankers' (available at

1313 to 24   john-marc larmenius

1324 to 40   thomas theobald of alexandria

1340 to 49  arnaud de braque

1349 to 57   jean de claremont

1357 to 81   bertrand du guesclin

1381 to 92   bernard arminiacus

1419 to 51jean arminiacus

1451 to 72jean de croy

1472 to 8  bernard imbault

1478 to 97   robert leononcourt

1497 to 1516   geleatius de salazar

1516 to 44phillippe chabot

1544  to  74   gaspard de galtiaco  travensis

1574 to 1615   henri de montmorency

1615 to 51   charles de valois

1651 to 81   jacques ruxellius de granceio

1681 to 1705   jacques henri duc de duras

1705 to 1724   phillippe duc d'orleans

1724 to 37   louis auguste  bourbon

1737 to 41   louis henri bourbon conde

1741 to 76   louis-francois bourbon conti

1776 to 1792   louis-hercule timoleon, duc de
cosse brissac

1792 to 1804  claude mathieu radux de chevillon

1804 to 38  barnard raymond fabre palaprat

-== Sent via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==-
http://www.dejanews.com/  Easy access to 50,000+ discussion forums
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Howdy . . .

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Howdy Sir,
My Name is Kris Millegan and I run an email list CTRL(Conspiracy Theory
Research List) and I would like to send your email to the list with your
permission. May I? It would be sent as such. Or I can block your name out
prioryofsion digest 448

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 6
   Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 02:47:40 PST
   From: "Donato Ranzato" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Larmenius

From: ""

that suggestion tends to suggest that forgery is the answer for the
document - i am very interested to hear other arguments

Gould in his History of Freemasonry declares the document to be spurious
largely on the grounds that the Latin of the transcript does not conform
to fourteenth-century practice and that no original of the document has
ever been seen. This latter criticism was remedied in 1911 when Bro.
Fred Crowe, a member of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, published a paper
claiming to have found the original. This was in the form of a parchment
written in cipher based on dissections of the Templar Cross. On
translating the document it was found to be in accord with the
transcripts previously published but, more importantly, it contained
certain abbreviated forms of words as were in use in the fourteenth
century and the absence of which would have cast severe doubts upon its

The parchment can be seen in Mark Masons' Hall. There would not seem to
be any further references which either prove or disprove its
genuineness. A further criticism of the Charter is that by their
Statutes the knights elected the Grand Master by an elaborate system of
lot and ballot, whereas in this document each Master appoints his own
successor. However, this change in procedure is recorded in the document
itself which reads: Therefore with the help of God and with the sole
consent of the supreme Assembly of the Knights, I have conferred . . .

Quatuor Coronati Lodge has a website, so maybe they have more
information about that paper by Bro. Fred Crowe. Otherwise some English
listmembers could possibly go to Mark Masons' Hall and see the Charter
for themselves if it is still there.

I remember x hinting about the importance of the dissections
of the Templar Cross on the templars onelist. Maybe he can give some
more info about this interesting subject.

Donato Ranzato

"Rerum Cognoscere Causas"

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Howdy . . .

1999-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Howdy Sir,
My Name is Kris Millegan and I run an email list CTRL(Conspiracy Theory
Research List) and I would like to send your email to the list with your
permission. May I? It would be sent as such.
prioryofsion digest 448

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 3

   Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 17:12:09 -0800

   From: Barry Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: I know you're out there

Dear friends,

Several factors inclined me to join this list. First David Hudson discussed

Holy Blood, Holy Grail in various lectures. In his Dallas lecture he said:

"Now if that isn't heavy enough for you, when I found out that the name for

the golden tree of life was the ORME, ormus or ormes.  And the name of my

patent is Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements.  In the Book of Isaiah,

it says a latter day David, a descendant of the Davidic blood line, my

cousin, bless her soul joined the Mormon Church, and they had her do her

genealogy, and my great-great-great grandmother, was Hanna de Guise,

daughter of Christopher de Guise, brother of Charles or Claude de Guise,

who if you got a copy of "Holy Blood Holy Grail" there, Charles or Claude

de Guise is in the book.  Nostradamus worked for the de Guise family and

Nostradamus prophesied by 1999 the occult gold will be known to science.

Very specific prophecy, very exact dates, very precise.  And a descendent

of this family, a latter day David, is the one who's to plant the Golden

Tree of Life.

And I didn't know any of this when I filed my patent.  And so when you

realize what this is, and you realize what it does, and you realize why

it's here, then you realize why my job is not to make money with it.  I

can't make money with it.  My job is to tell those people who are ready for

it what the state of things are and when it's going to be available.  I

can't sell it, I will solicit donations to cover our costs in producing it.

 But it has to be made available for those people who are ready for it."

I am interested in checking out Hudson's claims and several of them relate

to the subjects discussed on this list.

I have long been interested in Jesus and his life story.

x  wrote:

I know what it is with me. It's entirely personal. I heard about William

Phipps's book 'Was Jesus Married' when I was fourteen years old, twenty

years before HBHG was published, and I've never recovered, because I

read the book and found that nothing in it was news to me; in fact I

went into 'recognition shock' and stayed that way for years. I've spent

quite a bit of time since then attempting to find out how it is that

I've always known these things. When I heard there was a PoS mailing

list, it was completely beyond my power _not_ to join. I feel very

strongly indeed about some of the issues raised, and I've posted the

rant to prove it.

This about sums it up for me too, only my sources of alternative knowledge

about Jesus were Edgar Cayce and hypnotic past life regressions that I did

with anyone that I could talk into it for several years. (Several of my

subjects spontaneously told me that I was a despotic head of an Essene

community on the Dead Sea about 150 BC.)


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter


Blue Mountain Native Forest Alliance

WEB Page: http://www.triax.com/bmnfa/index.htm

Voice: 541-523-3357

Fax:   541-523-9438


 Help Protect America's Heritage Forests at http://www.ourforests.org

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Das GOAT notes - 2/25/99

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

notes from Das GOAT
Forwarded Message:

Date:   Wednesday, February 24, 1999 1:05:31 AM
From:   J1mS1
Subj:   Re: Toxic Waste Sites, Leaking Tanks, etc. in your area

Sent on:AOL 3.0 16-bit for Windows sub 58

Subj:Toxic Waste Sites, Leaking Tanks, etc. in your area
Date:   99-02-24 01:08:12 EST


Many of you are familiar with Nexis databases.  However, Lexis/Nexis also has
many other databases with which you may be less familiar.

ENVIRON   environmental files library

within which are these

 SITE  pollution site records
 FDSITEfederal sites
 STSITEstate sites
 NPL   national priority list
 FINDS facility index
 CORRACT   Corracts sites
 FTTS  fifra and tsca tracking
 NPDESFnpdes facilities
 RCRIS rcra sites
 NPLISTnpl list
 PRP   potentially responsible parties
 SPL   state priority
 NFRAP cercla nfrap sites
 TRIS  toxic release inventory sites
 OSHAIRosha inspections
 LUST  leaking underground storage tanks
 SWS   state waste sites - landfills
 USTASTunderground tanks

So, you can look up any township, county, municipality or city, on any or all
of these databases to obtain lists of locations and owners.  Searching
uncommon names makes your task earlier, and avoids the need to restrict the
search by including a state abbreviation.

Important Note:  Find out from your reference librarian or IT specialist
whether your use agreement covers these databases, first to see if you can
access these databases and secondly to avoid any unpleasant cost surprises.

If you search your immediate geographic area on these databases, you would be
likely to come up with surprising results.

Another Important Note:  For whatever reasons, there are some disclaimers on
the accuracy of the data.  You probably want to cross check the results,
and/or perhaps to use a disclaimer yourself.

Finally, the EPA Regional Office closest to you, and perhaps NICAR, also may
have SOME of this data.

** NOTICE:  In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, material appearing
here is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for research and educational purposes.
For more information go to:
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml  **
Canadians Blame FDA for Bad Blood

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Already in court in Canada, hemophiliacs who are victims of
AIDS and hepatitis are taking their campaign for compensation to the United

They say the U.S. government knew about infected blood plasma from state
prison inmates yet failed to stop its export.

``If I had asked questions 15 years ago, lives could have been saved,'' said
Michael Galster, a former medical worker at a now-defunct Arkansas company
which collected plasma from a state prison in Grady, Ark.

The plasma was sold in Canada and is suspected of having caused widespread
disease among hemophiliacs who need the blood-clotting characteristics of the
blood product.

The Food and Drug Administration decided the plasma was ``not fit for the
United States,'' said hemophiliac Michael McCarthy. ``It's unbelievable that
they allowed it to be exported.''

McCarthy is the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against the Canadian
government for failing to safeguard that nation's blood supply.

At a news conference, the Canadians said they plan to sue the FDA and the
states of Arkansas and Louisiana, which allowed private companies to take
blood plasma from prison inmates in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

They said they plan to question President Clinton in connection with the
lawsuit about what he knew of the prison plasma program when he was Arkansas'

According to a report prepared for the Canadian government, the Arkansas
company, Health Management Associates, promptly told the FDA about blood
samples that had been collected from five Arkansas inmates who had previously
tested positive for hepatitis.

The FDA informed the Canadian government, because some of the plasma from the
company had been exported to Canada, and the company voluntarily kept off the
market the plasma it still had.

FDA spokesman Lawrence Bachorik said the agency does not comment on pending or
potential litigation.

The 1983 incident at the prison in Grady became an important part of the study
prepared for the Canadian government on how hemophiliacs in Canada might have
contracted hepatitis C.

Regarding Clinton, ``there's no credible suggestion of any involvement by the
president when he was governor,'' said White House spokesman Jim Kennedy.

``Any issues relating to how the state of Arkansas dealt with this matter
should be referred to the relevant agencies. Any suggestion of any possible
future legal actions involving the president are at this point 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Butler Firm (http://www.thacherproffitt.com/bfirm.htm)

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

Butler, Stillman  Hubbard

ith the exit of Barney, 1873 was a crucial year in the evolution of the law
partnership that would become Thacher Proffitt  Wood. 1873 was also a year of
transition for the American economy. The Panic of 1873 ushered in a long
period of deflation and recession that lasted until the end of the century.
The nation at large increasingly turned from sectional controversies to
economic matters. Less priority was given to the problems of the South, while
the rights of labor, the control of the railroads and the "trusts," the
agitation of populists and others for a "looser" currency and the coinage of
silver became the leading political issues of the day.

Much of this new concern about economic matters focused upon the one-square-
mile area at the tip of Manhattan Island, now often referred to generically as
"Wall Street." The banks and other financial institutions of lower Manhattan
dominated the nation's financial affairs as never before. National banks,
federally chartered institutions permitted under the Banking Act of 1863, held
balances for banks throughout the country and, in the absence of a single
central bank, acted as the de facto guardians of the nation's money supply.
Private financial markets also came to new prominence at this time. The New
York Stock Exchange acquired its first permanent home in 1865. When John D.
Rockefeller in 1883 moved the headquarters of Standard Oil from Cleveland,
Ohio to 26 Broadway in Lower Manhattan, it was another indication that the
city was attracting an unprecedented concentration of corporate and financial

This increasing economic importance of the city's business required the
attention of a growing army of lawyers. Many lawyers now specialized in
commercial practice, forsaking highly public courtroom appearances for behind-
the-scenes work for business clients. It was at this time that the Wall Street
law firm came into its own. Though still minuscule by modern standards, law
firms were beginning to increase in size. The Butler firm, which had at most
three partners from 1848 to 1873, had seven partners by 1880. This put the
Butler firm in the forefront of New York firms. It was one of eleven firms in
New York in 1880 with five or more partners. (By 1915 there were fifty-one
firms of that size.)

It was not merely the size of the firm that was undergoing change. The
structure and nature of law firms were transformed as well. Before the Civil
War it had not been uncommon for lawyers to maintain extensive legal business
outside of the partnership. Lawyers often made separate arrangements, on a
case by case basis, with their law partners. New law clerks (what today are
called associates) had often been given office space and some legal duties to
perform, but no salary. They were expected to benefit from the prestigious
association with the senior attorneys and earn a living by picking up work on
the side. The larger concerns now provided salaries for their new clerks who,
in return, were expected to work full-time for the firm. Furthermore, there
was a professionalization of legal education. Law clerks were now expected to
be both college and law school graduates (and preferably from elite eastern
schools to get clerkships at the more prestigious firms). Previously, new
clerks expected relatively short stays at their first legal positions, which
they hoped would provide some contacts and final polishing of their legal
skills before striking out on their own. Now the more accomplished clerks
accepted positions with the understanding that, should their performance be
satisfactory, they would one day be made a partner.

The Butler firm was among the first to adopt these new procedures. In his
autobiography, Butler described the principles of operation at the firm:

I early formed the idea that the successful practice of law in our chief
metropolitan center required the use, to a certain extent, of commercial
methods, foremost among which were the delegation to competent subordinates of
all matters not requiring the personal attention of the partners; the
separation of moneys belonging to, or collected for, clients from the moneys
of the firm; immediate settlement with claimants for moneys received on their
account; no accounting between partners, all sums received from any source
being turned over to the cashier, by whom all disbursements were made, and
dividends declared only out of ascertained profits. In addition to these
rules, another followed with almost unvarying regularity, has been the
recruiting of the partnership from within and not from without, so that my
partners have been almost without exception trained in my own office.

Despite all the lawyers in the city of New York in 1870, many wondered whether
New York was truly governed by law. New York's population, which nearly
doubled in size to almost one million inhabitants between 1850 and 1870, was
rapidly expanding beyond the framework 

[CTRL] [10] The Plot to Seize the White House

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Plot to Seize the White House
Jules Archer(C)1973
Hawthorne Books, Inc.
New York, NY
"So who the hell cares?" Butler shrugged. "There wouldn't be a
United States if it wasn't for a bunch of radicals. I once heard of
a radical named George Washington. As a matter of fact from
what I read he was an extremist--a goddam revolutionist!"



About seven weeks after Butler and French had testified, John Spivak asked
McCormack for an interview, and it was granted. McCormack had no fear of
talking to a reporter from the New Masses, for which Spivak was writing at the
time. Communist-oriented or not, McCormack knew that the Masses was in the
forefront of exposing Nazi and anti-Semitic activities in the United States.

Asked about the deleted testimony, McCormack at first suggested that Spivak
was relying on gossip. When Spivak revealed and convinced McCormack that he
had seen the transcript of the executive session, the congressman grew annoyed
and canceled the interview. He agreed to let Spivak leave questions with him,
however, and said he would reply to those he chose to answer within three

Writing Spivak a letter three days later, he gave no specific answers to
questions about the American Liberty League, the American Legion's passage of
the gold resolution, and the report that John W. Davis had written the speech
that MacGuire and Clark had wanted Butler to make.

"The reason for certain portions of General Butler's testimony in executive
session being deleted from the public record," he wrote, "has been clearly
stated in the public record."

He went on to make a broad attack against the plotters and to suggest that the
hearings had defeated them: "As a result of the investigation, and the
disclosures made, this movement has been stopped, and is practically broken
up. There is no question but that some of the leaders are attempting to carry
on, but they can make no headway. Public opinion, as a result of the
disclosures of the investigation, is aroused."

Spivak went to see Dickstein and asked him why Colonel Grayson M.-P. Murphy
had not been called upon to testify. "Your committee knew," Spivak reminded
him, "that Murphy's men are in the anti-Semitic espionage organization, Order
of 76."

"We didn't have the time," Dickstein replied. "We'd have taken care of the
Wall Street groups if we had the time. I would have had no hesitation in going
after the Morgans."

"You had Belgrano, commander of the American Legion, listed to testify. Why
wasn't he examined?"

"I don't know," Dickstein replied, and referred him back to McCormack for the


Spivak decided to inform General Butler, who, he was sure, did not realize it,
that portions of his and French's testimony had been omitted in the official
report issued by the McCormackDickstein Committee. "If he knew and said so
publicly," Spivak reasoned, "he would reach a vastly greater audience than was
available to me through the New Masses."

Telephoning the general, Spivak announced that he was from the New Masses and
wanted to see him about his testimony.

"Come on out," Butler said promptly. "Glad to see you."

The roads had not been cleared of a heavy snowfall of the night before, and
Spivak trudged to the house in Newtown Square through knee-deep snow. His
spartan march appealed to Butler, who welcomed him heartily with the approval
he had always shown to soldiers who disregarded the foulest weather to push on
doggedly with their assigned missions.

Spivak-saw a slender man with receding hair, lined and sunken cheeks, thick
eyebrows, furrowed lines between keen eyes, generous nose, and jutting
underlip. He liked Butler instantly, and the feeling was apparently mutual.

During their talk Butler revealed that he was intensely preoccupied with the
corporate exploitation of the military for profit. Anxious to arouse Americans
to this spoliation, he now believed it might be done by a more sophisticated
book of memoirs and reflections than Old Gimlet Eye.

"I think you're the man I've been hoping to run into to help me do an
autobiography," he told Spivak. "There are things I've seen, things I've
learned that should not be left unsaid. War is a racket to protect economic
interests, not our country, and our soldiers are sent to die on foreign soil
to protect investments by big business."

Spivak said regretfully that he felt compelled to continue investigating and
exposing a more urgent and dangerous situation --Nazi activities in the United
States. Butler agreed at once that this activity was more important and
offered to help by opening any doors be could for Spivak.

During their discussion Spivak learned "things about big business and
politics, sometimes in earthy, four-letter words, the like of which I had
never heard." Butler spilled over with anger at the hypocrisy that had marked
American interference in the internal affairs of other governments, behind a
smoke screen of pious 

[CTRL] [1] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich(C)1997
Metropolitan Books
Hennry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
Well-written and thoughtful; when all is said and done, the veneer between
passions, expectations, propaganda and thought can be very thin.


So elemental is the human need to endow the
shedding of blood with some great and even
sublime significance that it renders the intellect
almost entirely helpless(1)




Different wars have led to different theories of why men fight them. The
Napoleonic Wars, which bore along with them the rationalist spirit of the
French Revolution, inspired the Prussian officer Carl von Clausewitz to
propose that war itself is an entirely rational undertaking, unsullied by
human emotion. War, in his famous aphorism, is merely a "continuation of
policy . . . by other means," with policy itself supposedly resulting from the
same kind of clearheaded deliberation one might apply to a game of chess.
Nation-states were the leading actors on the stage of history, and war was
simply one of the many ways they advanced their interests against those of
other nation-states. If you could accept the existence of this new super-
person, the nation, a battle was no more disturbing and irrational than, say,
a difficult trade negotiation--except perhaps to those who lay dying on the

World War I, coming a century after Napoleon's sweep through Europe and
northern Africa, led to an opposite assessment of the human impulse to war.
World War I was hard to construe as in any way "rational," especially to that
generation of European intellectuals, including Sigmund Freud, who survived to
ponder the unprecedented harvest of dead bodies. History textbooks tell us
that the "Great War" grew out of the conflict between "competing imperialist
states," but this Clausewitzian interpretation has little to do with the
actual series of accidents, blunders, and miscommunications that impelled the
nations of Europe to war in the summer of 1914.(2) At first swept up in the
excitement of the war, unable for weeks to work or think of anything else,
Freud was eventually led to conclude that there is some dark flaw in the human
psyche, a perverse desire to destroy, countering Eros and the will to live.(3)

So these are, in crude summary, the theories of war which modern wars have
left us with: That war is a means, however risky, by which men seek to advance
their collective interests and improve their lives. Or, alternatively, that
war stems from subrational drives not unlike those that lead individuals to
commit violent crimes. In our own time, most people seem to hold both views at
once, avowing that war is a gainful enterprise, intended to meet the material
needs of the groups engaged in it, and, at the same time, that it fulfills
deep and "irrational" psychological needs. There is no question about the
first part of this proposition--that wars are designed, at least ostensibly,
to secure necessaries like land or oil or "geopolitical advantage." The
mystery lies in the peculiar psychological grip war exerts on us.

In the 1960s and '70s, the debate on the psychology of war centered on the
notion of an "aggressive instinct," peculiar to all humans or only to human
males. This is not the place to summarize that debate, with its endless
examples of animal behavior and clashes over their applicability to human
affairs. Here I would simply point out that, whether or not there is an
aggressive instinct, there are reasons to reject it as the major wellspring of

Although it is true that aggressive impulses, up to and including murderous
rage, can easily take over in the heat of actual battle, even this statement
must be qualified to take account of different weaponry and modes of fighting.
Hand-to-hand combat may indeed call forth and even require the emotions of
rage and aggression, if only to mobilize the body for bursts of muscular
activity. In the case of action-at-a-distance weapons, however, like guns and
bows and arrows, emotionality of any sort can be a distinct disadvantage.
Coolness, and the ability to keep aiming and firing steadfastly in the face of
enemy fire, prevails. Hence, according to the distinguished American military
historian Robert L. O'Connell, the change in the ideal warrior personality
wrought by the advent of guns in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, from
"ferocious aggressiveness" to "passive disdain."(4) So there is no personality
type--"hot-tempered," "macho," or whatever--consistently and universally
associated with warfare.

Furthermore, fighting itself is only one component of the enterprise we know
as war. Wars are not barroom brawls writ large, or domestic violence that has
been somehow extended to strangers. In war, fighting takes place within
battles--along with much anxious waiting, of course--but wars do not begin
with battles and 

[CTRL] [2] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich(C)1997
Metropolitan Books
Henry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
Well-written and thoughtful; when all is said and done, the veneer between
passions, expectations, propaganda and thought can be very thin.

"And an Ashanti king stated in the mid-nineteenth century that "if I were to
abolish human sacrifice, I should deprive myself of one of the most effectual
means of keeping the people in subjection (24)"

Shades of the JFK killing.

In the familiar grade-school "values clarification" exercise, students must
decide which occupant of a hypothetical lifeboat--the homemaker, the banker,
the nun, and so forth--should be tossed overboard to lighten the load. In this
case, it is the sea which will consume the sacrificial victim, but often we
imagine a literal predator. A recent New York Times story was headlined "An
Offering to the Wolves: A Shuffling of His Staff Buys Time for Clinton," and

It is one of the oldest rites of government: when things are not going well,
when the leader is in trouble, a member of his retinue must be sacrificed. At
least the wolves will be silenced for a while.
As Hubert and Mauss, the nineteenth-century historians of sacrifice, pointed
out, the meat left by ancient Greek sacrificial rituals was sometimes
literally carried off by wolves.


Can one be sure of making a distinction
between the sacrificer holding a knife and the
wolf with gaping jaws reddened with blood?(1)




There is no question that the sacrifice of animals reenacts human predation on
animal life. Certain forms of sacrifice, however, have a very different
dramatic function: that of reenacting the predation of animals on humans.
Through the sacrifice of animals as stand-ins for human victims--or the
sacrifice of humans themselves--human beings not only celebrated their own
status as predators, possessed of the power to kill. They also acknowledged,
and thrillingly replayed, their own long, long prehistory as prey.
If predation played as significant a role in human prehistory as I have
suggested, and if it remained a concern well into historical times, we might
expect to find some trace of that horrifying experience in cultural rituals.
One obvious place to look is at the category of ritual which is termed
apotropaic, referring to actions aimed at warding off evil in the form of
enemies, disease, or malevolent spirits.

Powerful evil forces must be frightened or appeased, and in some cases these
forces are, or once were, literal beasts. In European folk tradition, for
example, children run through the town at some point in spring or winter,
cracking whips--a custom probably left over from a time when whips were used
to drive marauding wolves away.(2)
Many forms of sacrifice could also be regarded as apotropaic rituals insofar
as the failure to perform them is, in the view of the sacrificers, an
invitation to disaster. Here, too, the original danger may have been predation
by carnivorous animals. Walter Burkert, who in Homo Necans explained sacrifice
as a way of dealing with the guilt occasioned by the hunting and killing of
animals, took a very different approach in a later essay. Attempting to
imagine the "unritualized, real situation" from which sacrificial ritual might
have evolved; he proposes a group surrounded by predators: men chased by
wolves, or apes in the presence of leopards. The utmost danger is met with
excitement and anxiety. Usually there will be but one way of salvation: one
member of the group must fall prey to the hungry carnivores, then the rest
will be safe for the time being. An outsider, an invalid, or a young animal
will be most liable to become the victim. This situation of pursuit by
predators must have played a momentous role in the evolution of civilization,
while man, as a hunter, became a predator himself.(3)

In general, he suggests, the demons who must be pacified in various apotropaic
rituals "cannot but assume the features of predators."(4)* [*Intuitively,
Burkert's conjecture has a definite appeal, Situations in which one individual
must be sacrificed so that others may live both haunt and intrigue us. In the
familiar grade-school "values clarification" exercise, students must decide
which occupant of a hypothetical lifeboat--the homemaker, the banker, the nun,
and so forth--should be tossed overboard to lighten the load. In this case, it
is the sea which will consume the sacrificial victim, but often we imagine a
literal predator. A recent New York Times story was headlined "An Offering to
the Wolves: A Shuffling of His Staff Buys Time for Clinton," and began:

It is one of the oldest rites of government: when things are not going well,
when the leader is in trouble, a member of his retinue must be sacrificed. At
least the wolves will be silenced for a while.
As Hubert and 

[CTRL] OEN 2/25/99

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

US Current Account Deficit

Greenspan's Conundrum

by Paul E. Erdman

An excerpt from the Humphrey-Hawkins Senate hearings:

SENATOR BUNNING: Do you think the present trade deficit is a cause of

MR. GREENSPAN: There is a tricky problem here, which we have not been
able to solve. We do know that the trade deficit creates a very large
so-called current-account deficit, which is really the net borrowing
from the rest of the world. And invariably, what we are seeing is a
major increase in dollar asset holdings by non-Americans, which is
clearly the other side of the trade deficit. As of now, the appetite to
hold U.S. dollar-denominated assets seems quite extensive, and there is
no evidence that I'm aware of which is suggestive of any individual's
eschewing dollar asset holdings.

But we nonetheless do have the problem of projecting how far into the
future this particular type of current account deficit can continue
without impacting on the exchange rate and, as a consequence, on the
whole structure of the American economy.

* * * * *

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) How much of our national debt is in foreign
hands? A lot. In the decade prior to 1994, it had remained at around 20
percent or less. Since then, foreign ownership as a percent of total
privately held public debt has rocketed up to 38 percent. With our trade
deficit projected to be in excess, maybe well in excess, of $200 billion
in years ahead, that may rise to a level approaching 50 percent. Among
the largest holders are Japan, mainland China and OPEC nations, which
many would regard as hardly the safest of hands.
So how to solve Mr. Greenspan's problem? There are only two ways that I
know of. If foreign investors begin to get skittish, the Fed could raise
dollar interest rates to entice them to keep the money pouring in. The
other way is to allow for a major devaluation of the dollar, in order to
"correct" the trade imbalance. The trouble with this is that it takes a
long time to really accomplish that end.

When the word gets out that this is the new direction the United States
is taking, rather than suffer severe foreign exchange losses on the
dollar holdings, many foreign investors, and especially the Japanese,
might decide to pull out of U.S. Treasurys and back into the yen en

One conclusion making the rounds is that the $200 billion-plus needed to
finance our trade deficit, and an immense Japanese budgetary deficit
that will approach 10 percent of their gross domestic product, will
require an extraordinary tapping of global savings.

It has been suggested that this could drive the Japanese bond yields
toward 3 percent, and our 30-year Treasury yield toward 6 percent. Such
higher U.S. bond yields would provide the needed enticement for
foreigners to stay put, preclude the need for the Fed to change
short-term interest rates, and allow the United States to maintain its
bias in favor of a strong dollar.

This world is getting complicated.

CBS Marketwatch, Feb. 24, 1999

Unindicted FLOTUS

Hubbell Trial Will Haunt First Lady

Cow patties smelling of Rosewhitewater

WASHINGTON (AP) -- If Hillary Rodham Clinton runs for the Senate, she
will be campaigning amid the continuing legal saga of Whitewater. Mrs.
Clinton's legal work back in Arkansas will be a key issue in the pending
trial of her former law partner, Webster Hubbell.
Mrs. Clinton is referred to 36 times in a fraud indictment against
Hubbell, signifying that her name will be brought up repeatedly in her
old friend's trial, scheduled to begin June 14. It could get more

She could be called as a witness, either by Kenneth Starr's prosecutors
or Hubbell's defense team.

Starr alleges Hubbell concealed his own and Mrs. Clinton's work during
the 1980s on a failed Arkansas land deal, known as Castle Grande, that
federal regulators say was riddled with ``insider dealing, fictitious
sales and land flips.'' The Clintons' Whitewater partner, Jim McDougal,
tried to sell off pieces of Castle Grande to prop up his collapsing
savings and loan.

``It seems that one side or the other's got to call Mrs. Clinton as a
witness because if she's inextricably bound up in these affairs, she's
got information that one side or the other would want,'' said George
Washington University law professor Mary Cheh.

The first lady's name also could come up in next month's criminal
contempt trial of former Whitewater partner Susan McDougal, who is
accused of obstructing Starr's probe. The indictment against Mrs.
McDougal details a series of grand jury questions about Mrs. Clinton and
Castle Grande that Mrs. McDougal refused to answer.

University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato said the Hubbell
case is one of many obstacles to Mrs. Clinton's potential run for a New
York Senate seat.

"She will be target No. 1 not just for the New York press corps but 

[CTRL] Quigley's Tentative Roster of the Milner Group:

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Quigley's Tentative Roster of the Milner Group: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
ESTABLISHMENT 311-315 (1981)

A. The Society of the Elect
Cecil John Rhodes
Nathan Rothschild, Baron Rothschild
Sir Harry Johnston
William T. Stead
Reginald Brett, Viscount Esher
Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner
B. F. Hawksley
Thomas Brassey, Lord Brassey
Edmund Garrett
[Sir Edward Cook]
Alfred Beit
Sir Abe Bailey
Albert Grey, Earl Grey
Archibald Primrose, Earl of Rosebery
Arthur James Balfour
Sir George R. Parkin
Philip Lyttelton Gell
Sir Henry Birchenough
Sir Reginald Sothern Holland
Arthur Lionel Smith
Herbert A. L. Fisher
William Waldegrave Palmer, Earl of Selborne
[Sir Alfred Lyttelton]
Sir Patrick Duncan
Robert Henry Brand, Baron Brand
Philip Kerr, Marquess of Lothian
Lionel Curtis
Geoffrey Dawson
Edward Grigg, Baron Altrincham
Jan C. Smuts
Leopold Amery
Waldorf Astor, Viscount Astor
Nancy Astor, Lady Astor

B. The Association of Helpers
1. The Inner Circle
Sir Patrick Duncan
Robert Henry Brand, Baron Brand
Philip Kerr, Marquess of Lothian
Lionel Curtis
William L. Hichens
Geoffrey Dawson
Edward Grigg, Baron Altrincham
Herbert A. L. Fisher
Leopold Amery
Richard Feetham
Hugh A. Wyndham
Sir Dougal Malcolm
Basil Williams
Basil Kellett Long
Sir Abe Bailey
Jan C. Smuts
Sir William Marris
James S. Meston, Baron Meston
Malcolm Hailey, Baron Hailey
Flora Shaw, Lady Lugard
Sir Reginald Coupland
Waldorf Astor, Viscount Astor
Nancy Astor, Lady Astor
Maurice Hankey, Baron Hankey
Arnold J. Toynbee
Laurence F. Rushbrook Williams
Henry Vincent Hodson
Vincent Todd Harlow

2. The Outer Circle
John Buchan, Baron Tweedsmuir
Sir Fabian Ware
Sir Alfred Zimmern
Gilbert Murray
Robert Cecil, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood
Sir James W. Headlam-Morley
Frederick J. N. Thesiger, Viscount Chelmsford
Sir Valentine Chirol
Edward F. L. Wood, Earl of Halifax
Sir [James] Arthur Salter
Sir Arthur H. D. R. Steel-Maitland
William G. A. Ormsby-Gore, Baron Harlech
Dame Edith Lyttelton, Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton
Frederick Lugard, Baron Lugard
Sir [Leander] Starr Jameson
Henry W. C. Davis
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
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All My Relations.
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[CTRL] TURMEL: Consequences of interest-free money

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from LETS Digest #46
As always, Caveat Lector.
Message: 10
   Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 05:15:24 -0500 (EST)
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Turmel)
Subject: TURMEL: Consequences of interest-free money

Date: Sun Feb 21 14:51:32 1999
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Charles Michael")
Subject: [lets] Re: Consequences of interest free money?
Hi all, Some really stimulating debates lately. Here's a few ideas.
A standard and well proven aspect of the law of supply and demand is
that, when you make an important commodity (money) free of cost (o%
interest on loans) then demand for that commodity skyrockets. That is
why, for example, when a country establishes a national health care
system that appears to make all medical services "free" then you
quickly get waiting lists and queing because demand quickly outstrips
available supply.
 JCT: Actually, there will be a service charge associated with
each transaction. And of course, all loans must be repaid so it's not
as if we're just giving away money like we're giving away medical
services so the analogy is not correct. As well, it's impossible to
outstrip supply. Gambling casinos have been offering such interest-
free loans of chips for decades if not centuries with none of the
suggested problems.

In the LETS banking system that is under discussion, creating new
credit for a loan requires a mere push of a button. So, no shortage
there. However, there are limits to the supply of goods that will be
demanded by the new money that will be created by all those loans.
 JCT: You're putting the cart before the horse. Rather than issue
the money and then hope the goods will be there to be bought, once the
goods have been ordered and produced, then the money is issued. Loans
will never be created unless the product is actually there to be
bought. It's a often-made economic assumption that with a zero
interest rate, people will all borrow a billion dollars just so they
can have a billion dollars. In reality, using their Visa cards then as
they do today, the loan won't be created until they are purchasing the
goods and if there are no goods to be purchased, no loans are
forthcoming. But even if we allowed people to borrow a couple of
suitcases of money because they chose to, who would it hurt if they
walked around with their two suitcases of money until they realized
that it's not doing the many good since they could use their credit
cards when they need to so they're lugging all non-to-be-used money
around for nothing.

Given 0% interest, the cost of buying a house or car will drop
 JCT: Actually, the cost of the house won't change, only the cost
of buying it will and only drop by the amount of the interest. So
instead of the cost of buying a $100,000 house being $300,000, the
cost of buying the $100,000 house will be $100,000 plus a dollar per
monthly payment for the banker's service charge. The men who built the
house will still receive the same money they would have, it's only the
men who created the loan who get dollars rather than hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

Avalanches of people will rush to take out loans that will be fully
collateralized by the houses and cars they purchase.
 JCT: Okay, this is true. Every person will try to buy their
apartment, every person will try to buy their home, every person will
try to buy their transportation, every person will try to buy their

Soon every carpenter, plumber, building materials supplier and car
maker will be working flat out to 110% of capacity.
 JCT: Operating at 110% of capacity is an economics notion, much
like living beyond our means by eating next year's crop. Yes, they
will all be working to full capacity though never beyond their means.
No, they can't work beyond 100%. All I've ever promised is 100%. And
of course, the boom will also generate unskilled labor jobs for all
those people who owe for the houses they've purchased.

Now we have a classic demand pull inflation with too many LETS
dollars chasing a limited supply of goods and services.
 JCT: This is jumping to a conclusion based on the fact that
you've assumed that everyone is running around with suitcases of money
and nothing to spend it on when they are really only running around
with their interest-free credit cards looking for something to buy
with it. No LETS dollars were ever created until the point of sale,
until the point of capture, never during the chase.
 I don't doubt that after prices go down by the amount of interest
manufacturers no longer have to pay, that prices will then be bid up
by the law of supply and demand and that's okay as long as everyone
realizes that they are bidding with hours of their own labor they'll
have to pay back.

The point here is that simply collateralizing loans will not ensure
0% inflation!
 JCT: Remember that no new loans are issued by cashier's cage
until someone has a home or other asset to be collateralized. So there
can be no 

Re: [CTRL] Nightmare on Orme Street

1999-02-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

[priory-of-sion] Digest Number 452

The mailing list resource page can

be found at the following address


Message: 16
   Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 16:37:32 -0800
   From: Barry Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Nightmare on Orme Street

Dear Friends,

At 04:09 PM 2/24/99 -0500, Ex wrote:

 From: "guy" 

 de lys, Arthur, the Grail, the Cathars etc complete with wild word
 associations and yes, you guessed it... monatomic gold. Apparently the
 ancient royal offspring were nourished on 'starfire' - royal menstrual
 blood. In time, however, this 'was replaced by the eating of a white
 monoatomic gold, to heighten consciousness'. I shall certainly be popping
 into Watkins to peruse the index and sources for Mr Gardner's offering.

  OK, I have to admit I've never been nourished by royal menstrual blood.
But I just can't see the relationship between monoatomic gold and royal
menstrual blood.  Was the blood reported to have gold in it?  Iron? Sure!
But gold?

The ORMUS (or ORME) elements have been identified in body fluids. David
Hudson claims that ORMUS rhodium is excreted in the urine:

"Over 80% of the rhodium passes directly into the urine and out each day.
The iridium doesn't, the iridium seems to be absorbed into what they call
the meridian system, for what that's worth."

(Source: Hudson's Dallas Lecture:
http://www.triax.com/bmnfa/science/ORMUS/Presentations/Dallas1.htm )

Other sources claim that iridium is excreted in perspiration.

Some of my colleagues have tested urine for the ORMUS elements and have
determined that they are there though they have not identified the specific
elements which are in urine.

Drinking urine is a fairly common medicinal practice in some traditional
cultures. Urine is also commonly used in alchemical processes. Here is the
excerpt (from
http://www.hps-online.com/hurine2.htm) which relates to a modern theory
about the efficacy of urine therapy:

"Urine can be considered to contain an exact holographic picture of the
body fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by
re-ingesting the urine may well inform the energy system in a way which
helps restoring a disturbed balance. The medical doctor and urine therapist
Abele cautiously discusses the possible effect of urine as
holographic feedback: "The question rises as to whether urine could
possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid-hologram. Once the body has
been made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being
reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection) the whole organism
evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms (at
least in specific cases)."

Since the ORMUS elements appear to be essential to life, it is reasonable
to assume that they would also be particularly abundant in fluids
associated with reproduction such as menstrual fluid and semen. Hudson
claims that the ancient Egyptians called these elements the semen of Father
in Heaven:

"Okay, now we come back to the Hebrews who exited Egypt.  All of the
Egyptians that had this knowledge were slaughtered, and no one was there to
bring them back to life.  But the Hebrews had this knowledge, and Bezaleel,
the goldsmith, was commanded by Moses to prepare the "What is it?", the
manna, or the "bread of the presence of God", which was another name, they
knew it in old kingdom Egypt.  In old kingdom Egypt they had three other
names for it, it was called "the golden tear from the eye of Horus", it was
called "that which issues from the mouth of the Creator", the spittle, or
it was called "the semen of the Father in Heaven".  And if you take the
white powder gold and you mix it with water, it forms a gelatinous white
suspension, that, as a farmer I can attest, it does look just like semen,
which we use to, for the cattle and all.  Ah, that would be a good
description of it, if I was trying to convey to someone what it looks like."

It is likely that, if menstrual blood was a source for the ORMUS elements,
it was processed in some way to concentrate them. I would guess that these
concentration processes were then used to concentrate these elements from
mineral sources.

There are several types of ORMUS gold. The most common is a white powder.
Less common is a purple/red gold. The white powder of gold is generally
considered to be a spiritual dead end. Ingesting it leaves one somewhat
lackadaisical and forgetfull. The purple/red gold seems to have a much more
beneficial effect, both physically and spiritually. The alchemists called
this product the "Red Lion".

I would guess that menstrual fluid contains a mixture of ORMUS rhodium and
iridium. These two elements are most closely related to physical healing
and regeneration. It may contain the red gold but I doubt it. It is my
personal theory that the "iron" in hemoglobin is sometimes (or always)
ORMUS rhodium.

None of the ORMUS elements 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush II -- Eyes Right, FAR Right

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Bush Builds Campaign Brain Trust

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Texas Gov. George W. Bush has laid claim to the network of
friends and campaign supporters collected by his father over a political

But the younger Bush, who is two weeks away from announcing his own intentions
regarding a presidential run, hasn't tapped his father's White House advisers
in assembling a brain trust. Instead, the experts brought in to burnish Bush's
views on economic, domestic and foreign policy come largely from the Reagan
wing of the Republican Party. Others are new faces.

Bush has turned to Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, a leading disciple of
privatization, for domestic policy advice. Lawrence Lindsey, who served on
President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers and later was appointed by
President Bush to the Federal Reserve Board, heads the governor's economic
policy team. Another Reagan economic adviser, Harvard professor Martin
Feldstein, also has come aboard.

Condoleezza Rice, a Bush administration foreign policy adviser, heads the
foreign policy team. Paul Wolfowitz, who held State and Defense department
posts in the Reagan and Bush administrations, also is a key adviser.

The lineup, some suggest, marks a clear effort to send the signal that the
son's presidency would be far more conservative than the father's, which many
on the right had viewed as a watering down of the Reagan legacy.

``I would characterize them as conservative thinkers,'' Bush said this week of
his advisers.

He is openly stressing his ideological independence from his father. ``I'll be
a different candidate than the previous George Bush who ran for president,''
he told The Dallas Morning News. ``I love my dad, but I'm a different

William Kristol, who served in the Bush White House as Vice President Dan
Quayle's chief of staff, said the governor's strategy in picking a kitchen
Cabinet makes sense.

``He's emphasizing the outreach to the Reagan wing because he knows that his
potential vulnerability as a Bush is to a Reaganite assault,'' said Kristol,
who is editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine. ``How does he lose
the nomination? He loses the nomination if someone else can say, `I'm Reagan,
he's Bush.'''

The prospective Republican field, which Bush and former Red Cross President
Elizabeth Dole dominate in early polls, includes several hopefuls who would
seek to outflank Bush on the right. Among them are Quayle, billionaire Steve
Forbes, TV commentator Pat Buchanan, social activist Gary Bauer and Sen. Bob
Smith of New Hampshire.

While declining to read anything into the makeup of Bush's advisory team,
Goldsmith, the Indianapolis mayor, said the advisers are advocates of
conservative policies.

``Big ideas drive quality of life, and to have even a small part in this
effort to think through governance is really an enormous opportunity for me,
and hopefully a way I can contribute a little bit,'' said Goldsmith. He has
joined in several policy roundtables in Austin, Texas, and heads there again

Bush's choice of counselors may be as much generational as ideological, said
Norman Ornstein, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

``He is picking people who come from the Reagan-Bush administration, but in
some ways he's picking a different generation,'' Ornstein said. ``The younger
Bush administration team, as a group, was more ideological than the people who
were from George Bush's generation.''

excerpts from "George W's Brain Trust for 2000" by columnist Robrt D. Novak
San Francisco Chronicle, February 24, 1999

 "Contrary to the conventional wisdom that Bush is agonizing over whether
to seek the presidency, advanced development of a brain trust confirms those
in close contact with the governor who say it is now 100 percent certain he
will.  What's more, the nature of his advisers suggests that a second Bush
presidency would be considerably MORE conservative than the first ...
 "The most interesting new initiator of the national-security neophyte is
Paul Wolfowitz, one of the pre-eminent foreign-policy hard-liners ...
Wolfowitz's close friend and ally Richard Perle is expected in Austin soon for
his first visit with Bush.  Taking an even harder line than Wolfowitz, Perle
was the Reagan administration's "Prince of Darkness" as assistant secretary of
 "The budding Bush brain trust is unusual because it precedes a campaign
team.  But that is understandable for a Republican presidential front-runner
who is a blank page when it comes to foreign and much of national policy.
 "If the brain trust reflects who the governor would put in office if
elected president, his administration would be to the right not only of his
father's but of Ronald Reagan's ..."

[CTRL] Fwd: Japan

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

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Try STRATFOR's Find Facts Service
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Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
February 26, 1999

Japanese Factions Accept Expanded Role for Military


With revised guidelines for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation under
consideration and Japan's continuing concern over North Korean
missile tests, the future role of the Japanese Self Defense
Forces is being hotly debated. Interestingly, all major Japanese
factions, from the ruling LDP-LP coalition to the opposition
Minshuto, while not exactly in harmony, are at least agreed on a
general policy direction - that the SDF should have an expanded
set of missions, particularly abroad. Yet while the Japanese are
paving the way for a more active SDF, much to the consternation
of China and North Korea, Russia has focused its criticism on the
SDF's cooperation with the U.S. military, tacitly linking
settlement of the Kuriles islands sovereignty dispute to Japan-
U.S. military cooperation.


Naoto Kan, head of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan
(Minshuto), said on Fuji Television on February 21 that, "The
dispatch of the Self Defense Forces (SDF) overseas to rescue
Japanese is not out of the question" Kan then indicated that
the scope of the SDF overseas missions could be broader still, as
"their mission would be to rescue Japanese and other nationals."
Moreover, Kan said that, "If the Self Defense forces are attacked
during the course of rescue operations, retaliation using arms
would be possible." In an address to the Foreign Correspondents
Club of Japan on February 22, Kan appeared to go even further,
stating that Japan might be able to dispatch the SDF "overseas on
combat missions," but only with the approval of neighboring
countries like China or South Korea. Kan did cite Japan's
constitutional ban on involvement by Japanese forces in "direct
military attack" on other nations and insisted that SDF
deployment abroad must also fall within the Japan-U.S. defense
cooperation guidelines. According to a February 12 article in the
Daily Yomiuri, Minshuto is currently drafting a security policy
that could go so far as to lift the ban on SDF participation in
UN peacekeeping operations.

The Japan-U.S. defense guidelines were revised in 1997 to include
cooperation in undefined "areas surrounding Japan." The
guidelines allow the SDF to inspect ships to enforce sanctions,
to provide rear area support for U.S. forces, and to carry out
rear area search and rescue operations. Bills required to
implement the guidelines have remained mired in Japan's Diet
since their introduction last April. Both Minshuto and the
opposition New Komeito party, which the ruling Liberal Democratic
(LDP) hopes to attract into a coalition, seek revision of the
bills to require Diet approval of SDF operations as well as
clarification of the conditions under which Japanese forces will
be deployed abroad. However, on the fundamental issue of the
expansion of SDF operations, most factions in Japan seem to be
working in the same direction.

Japan's ruling LDP and its coalition ally, the Liberal Party
(LP), have moved well ahead of Minshuto in their willingness to
contemplate SDF missions abroad, as they have dealt directly with
the threat of another North Korean missile test. The Japanese
Defense Agency revealed on February 21 that it had finished
drawing up the basic principles under which the government and
SDF will respond to possible future North Korean missile
launches. The principles envision two scenarios. If North Korea
announces an upcoming test, Japan will take all available
diplomatic measures to prevent it. If, in the case of an
announced launch, the missile or portions thereof fall on Japan,
the SDF will be deployed to the impact area to inspect and deal
with the damage, under laws allowing the SDF to deal with
"disasters." If Japan learns of preparations for an unannounced
test, it will again pursue all diplomatic steps to prevent it,
including the broadcast of information regarding the test to the
Japanese public. However, if Japan detects secret preparations
for a North Korean missile launch that is determined to be a
clear military attack on Japan, "the government will immediately
prepare to have the SDF act in Japan's defense."

The accepted missions of the Japanese Self Defense Forces,
severely restricted by Japan's post-war constitution, are being
intensely debated as Japan reevaluates its security situation and
the nature of its defense relationship with the United States.
The debate is well underway, launched into prominence by Japan's
impotence during the hostage crisis at the Japanese embassy in
Peru in 1996-1997. The debate has continued in the context both
of the as yet unapproved revised Japan-U.S. defense guidelines,
and of the region-wide social unrest that has accompanied 

[CTRL] Fwd: Nixon's Plumbers' OTHER Burglary

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Nixon Tape Tells of 1972 Burglary

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- On newly released tapes from the Nixon White House,
President Nixon is heard discussing a break-in at the Chilean Embassy in
Washington, according to a transcript.

The transcript was made by the Nixon Library  Birthplace Foundation from
tapes kept at the National Archives. It was made public today simultaneously
with the National Archives' release of tapes of 54 minutes of conversations
that were recorded by Nixon's secret taping system in the White House.

A break-in at the Chilean Embassy on May 13, 1972, was reported in the
newspapers at the time, but no link was made to the White House.

``When we get down, for example, to the break-in, the Chilean Embassy -- that
thing was part of the burglars' plan, as a cover,'' Nixon tells White House
counsel J. Fred Buzhardt Jr. in an Oval Office conversation on May 16, 1973,
according to the transcript. ``Those ... (expletive) are trying to have a
cover -- or a CIA cover.''

Former Nixon aide John Taylor, co-executor of the Nixon estate and executive
director of the Nixon library in Yorba Linda, Calif., said he could shed no
light on the Chilean break-in.

The tapes made public today had been withheld by the archives because they
covered matters with national security implications. The archives previously
released 201 hours of tapes that deal with alleged abuses of government power.
More tapes are scheduled to be released over coming months.

The National Archives does not make transcripts of the Nixon tapes, except
under court order, because there is no way to ensure their accuracy, said Karl
Weissenbach, director of the Nixon project at the archives.

Transcripts are hard to prepare because of background noise, several people
talking at once, the difficulty of identifying voices and the quality of the
recordings, he said.

[CTRL] Fwd: Parents Sued for Negligence for Teens' Sex

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 Now, this is an interesting tack ... To curb teen sexual activity and
unwanted pregnancies, prosecute their parents for negligence.  The effect in
lawyers' fees alone should send chastity belt stocks through the roof on Wall
Street  ...

Trial Begins in Teen Sex Lawsuit

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -- A teen-age girl at the center of a lawsuit over her
pregnancy said today that she had sex at her boyfriend's house because his
mother condoned the activity.

``She said that she was 16 when she had ( her son) and that he should have a
child when he was 16,'' Leanne Detmer told jurors. ``I liked being at their
house because we could do what we wanted. There were no rules over there.''

Dawn Bixler is being sued by Doug and Sharon Detmer, who allege she was
negligent in supervising her son and should pay the costs of the abortion
their daughter had.

The case is believed to be the first of its kind in this country.

Doug Detmer said he and his wife were unaware their daughter was having sex
with the boy, Dallas Mills, after the two 16-year-olds began dating in 1996.

The girl told them she was pregnant in April 1997 and had an abortion.

Sharon Detmer testified the children spent most of their time at Bixler's
north Lincoln home. She said her daughter often came home late from the Bixler
residence and that the Detmers once had to call police to retrieve their

The Detmers are asking for more than $11,000 in medical expenses and an
unspecified amount of general damages. The medical expenses also include cost
of the treating the girl's depression, which was aggravated by the pregnancy,
lawyer Brett McArthur said.

Ms. Bixler's lawyer, Susan Strong, said the lawsuit borders on frivolous
because the sex was consensual. She said Ms. Bixler suspected the two teens
were having sex and confronted them.

``They laughed at her,'' Ms. Strong said.

Ms. Strong said Detmer drank and was abusive toward his daughter and that she
got pregnant to get back at him.

``Leanne Detmer's damages were not caused by my client,'' she said.

Earlier, Lancaster County District Judge Jeffre Cheuvront ruled that Mills
should be dropped from the lawsuit because the sex was consensual.

In his ruling, the judge said teens had sex 15 to 20 times at various
locations, including her home, his home and the home of a friend. He ruled
there was no legal wrongdoing by the boy but that questions about his mother's
responsibility should be decided at trial.

``The issue is whether she had a duty to act,'' Cheuvront wrote. ``Certainly
it is foreseeable that harm can result to a person of tender years who finds
herself pregnant.''

Simon Heller, a lawyer with the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy in New
York said earlier that the lawsuit was novel.

Once a person engages in some activity with another person consensually, a
successful lawsuit for damages is generally considered to be impossible,
Heller said.

[CTRL] Fwd: FMSF Washington Times

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Open letters to the Washington Times as printed Jan. 27, 1998

Letters to the Editor
The Washington Times
3600 New York Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002

To the Editor:

Suzanne Fields' column is replete with misinformation apparently culled
out of a False Memory Syndrome press kit ("The inexact science of the
human mind," Op-Ed, Jan. 19). Why has she avoided reporting on the
scientific research on traumatic amnesia for childhood sexual abuse? At
least, she could have noted the widespread disagreement of mainstream
practitioners with the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Report. But the
real question is: Can a support group for parents accused of sexual abuse
(and in some cases convicted or held liable) ignore or suppress what the
scientific research actually says, substituting instead their own denial
as science? Apparently they can, and have even persuaded the media to help

There is a hundred years of research on the "forgetting" or amnesia
associated with traumatic events such as combat, torture, natural
catastrophes, accidents, abuse and crimes. WWII produced some solid
documentation of dissociation and memory loss associated the trauma of
war. At least thirty-six recent studies demonstrate the phenomenon of
traumatic amnesia, and show that it is possible to accurately recall
suppressed memories of childhood sexual abuse.

Nevertheless, historical revisionism is alive and well, led by parents who
want to re-frame their son's and daughter's memories in an effort to blot
out what actually happened. Some families have reconciled by pretending
nothing happened or by blaming a therapist. The most courageous have faced
the past and themselves, forging new bonds based on empathy and
responsibility--the true qualities of caring parents.

In the future, I hope that Miss Fields is prepared to explore the wealth
of scientific research supporting traumatic amnesia, and address the
public health epidemic of child sexual abuse our country is facing.

Sherry A. Quirk
President and Counsel
One Voice: The National Alliance
for Abuse Awareness

From Emily Samuelson, Ph.D.: [The Ph.D. was cut from the published letter]

Suzanne Fields' column "The inexact science of the human mind" was a very
irresponsible piece of journalism. Ignoring the facts about recovered
memory, she presented an inaccurate and biased view about a psychological
phenomenon that has a long, documented history.

None of us wants to believe that adults use children for sexual
gratification. But they do. Children who grow up being violated by adults
close to then cannot bear to feel the pain of such betrayal. Some children
develop dissociative defenses to protect themselves from the pain and to
allow themselves to continue surviving in an abusive environment. Although
some children cannot block out memories of abuse, it is common for those
who are repeatedly abused to forget the experiences until later in life.
Just ask the victims of former priest James Porter. Or Ross Cheit, the
Brown university professor whose delayed recall of sexual abuse resulted
in a successful lawsuit against his abuser. Or Marilyn Van Derbur Atler, a
former Miss America whose father sexually abused her throughout her

Miss Fields should get information from clinical sources rather than the
self-serving rhetoric of advocacy groups made up of parents who have been
accused of abusing their children. Her inaccurate and inflammatory piece
has done disservice to the many victims of abuse who were silenced in

Emily Samuelson

From Sharon Rodgers Simone:

My dad abused all seven of his children. I didn't remember some of it
until my 40's. My sister and I sued him for childhood sexual, physical and
emotional abuse in 1990 and won a $2.3 million judgment.

It took a lawsuit; a $2.3 million jury award; a 20/20 ABC news segment,
"Incest: A Crime Never Forgotten"; a CBS television film, "Ultimate
Betrayal"; my getting federal legislation passed (Child Abuse
Accountability Act); and his nearly dying two years ago for him to stop
his denial. I stopped my denial, too. Dad had abused me and my sibling and
I told him so. It took guts to let go of the protection that denial had
offered me for years.

Two years ago, my father was dying and I visited him fro the first time in
16 years. He owned up and said he was not proud of what he had done. Shame
is a powerful inhibitor of truth.

I am proud of him. He stopped drinking the day he was served the lawsuit
papers and has stayed sober since 1989. From his hospital bed, he told me
the truth -- that he had been in denial. We cried together and held each
other -- father and daughter.

Recently, we were talking about a lawsuit I have against a powerful
insurance company fro its abusive insurance practices and I said, "Dad,
what kind of a daughter did you raise, anyway?" He answered, "I raised a
daughter who is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and I'm
proud of you." If we each had not 

[CTRL] Fwd: FCC to Bill Internet Use as Long-Distance

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan


 from "Business Digest,"
 San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Feb 1999

 Consumers could wind up paying more for Internet service
under a plan expected to be voted on today by the Federal
Communications Commission.  Bloomberg News reported that the FCC
will issue a draft proposal that would reclassify most calls to
Internet service providers as long-distance calls, even if the
consumer calls a local phone number.
 ISPs would have to pay local phone companies, including the
Baby Bells, a fee to carry Internet traffic.  Although the
proposal, if approved, would not immediately raise the cost of
Internet service, the ISPs could pass along their higher costs to

[CTRL] Fwd: Quality of Life Sumptuary Laws

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 What do you get when you cross a control freak with an anal-
retentive obsessive-compulsive?
 Just another aging yuppie -- and one of a growing number of
puritanical "quality of life" nazis who, alas for us, can TOO
easily afford lawyers and lobbyists.
 One of them, I'm sure, invented "forfeiture" as punishment.


 by Bob Wieder
 San Francisco Examiner, February 1, 1999

 El Cerrito [California] -- Civic leaders in Palo Alto and
Menlo Park [near Stanford University] apparently assumed they'd
come up with a breakthrough in the field of the punitive arts.
Citing a forgotten ordinance from the 1800s, they began to
distribute photos of "known problem drinkers" so liquor stores
wouldn't sell to them.
 Not everyone greeted this innovation with a joyful clicking
of heels.  Nitpickers, killjoys and legal scholars carped and
complained that the procedure violated the Constitution in
several distinct ways.
 It smacked of harassment.  It presumed guilt without due
process.  And it was almost, by definition, discriminatory.  None
of this evidently carried much sway with city officials in Palo
Alto and Menlo Park.  They suspended the program not because of
its implications for civil liberties and personal freedom, but
because, doggone it, some of the photos they posted turned out to
be of ordinary citizens with no known drinking problems.
 Presumably, once the authorities get their 8x10 glossies
properly labeled, the program will gear up again.
 Constitutionally, our judicial system and a world of
potential litigation aside, the truly eye-catching aspect to this
ploy is that it doesn't zero in on public drunkenness or drunk-
and-disorderly conduct --activities which are explicitly criminal
infractions-- but on unpopular personal behavior.
 The reasoning seems to be: "You aren't breaking any law, so
we can't lock you up, and the ACLU would be on us like lice in a
henhouse if we tried public humiliation using the pillory or the
ducking stool, drat the luck.  But we can, by gosh, make it
awkward and difficult and inconvenient for you to maintain those
habits that we find annoying, improper or unpleasant."
 What a fabulous concept: para-punishment.  Effectively
barring people from engaging in perfectly lawful behavior if they
tend to do so in a manner, or to a degree, that the citizenry
considers to be unseemly and/or excessive.
 Just imagine how this principle could enhance our quality of
life if, emboldened by the get-tough example of Menlo Park and
Palo Alto, we expanded its application to cover all variety of
acts that offend our sensibilities.
 For starters, consider these guaranteed crowd-pleasing
crackdown measures:
 *Photos of known two-pack-a-day smokers will be posted
wherever tobacco products are still sold, and they will be barred
from buying same.
 *Photos of persons who are clinically "grossly obese" will
be posted wherever food is sold.  They will be limited to meals
of less than 1200 calories in restaurants and fast-food outlets
and will not be sold dessert items, snack foods or butter.  Any
clothing store that sells them a bathing suit or leotard is in
big trouble.
 *Photos of "known habitual unhygienics" --individuals guilty
of chronically objectionable body odor and/or unkempt appearance
-- will be posted in subways and train stations and on buses,
where they will be denied access to public transportation.
 *Persons identified as incorrigible "sonic polluters" for
loud boom boxes will be photographed for "mug books" to be
distributed to retailers.
 *Persistent and unapologetic "package rustlers," whose noisy
snacking distracts other patrons in movie theaters, will be
photographed by ushers, banned from snack bars and frisked for
packaged food items.
 *Photos of motorists who habitually tailgate, double park,
drive with turn signals on and/or talk incessantly on cell phones
in traffic will be circulated to gas stations, which will refuse
their patronage, and to car dealerships, which will be prohibited
from selling them anything larger than a golf cart.  Volvo
dealers may not even permit them on the property.
 Golly, there's almost no end to the number of displeasing
behavior that we could cut off at the source with the [Scarlet
Letter] gambit.
 Sports fans who habitually sound air horns, paint themselves
with team colors or wave those huge, vision-obstructing "No. 1"
hands would be politely but firmly turned away from all sporting
 Kids who whip by you on wheels in malls and on sidewalks,
making you flinch and drop things and generally feel like a fool,
would be shown the door wherever rollerblades, skateboards or, in
truly incorrigible cases, shoes are sold.
 And those rude and invasive skinflints who read over
people's shoulders every day on public transportation?  Well,
they'd be in for an unpleasant surprise the next time they needed
an eye exam or new 

[CTRL] Fwd: books to check out

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

DIRTY TRUTHS by Michael Parenti
 1996, City Lights, San Francisco
 ISBN 0-87286-317-4

THE END OF KINGS: A History of Republics and Republicans by Wm R. Everdell
 1983, Free Press (Macmillan), NY
 ISBN 0-02-909930-7

WORLD HUNGER: 12 Myths, by Francis Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins
 1986, Grove Press, NY
 ISBN 0-8021-5041-1

Mentioned before, rare, but a used copy seen at local bookstore going for $25:
THE ATOM SPY HOAX by William A. Reuben
1955, Action Books, NY

[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Myanmar

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

A newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.


  INTERPOL'S Yangon (Rangoon) heroin conference opened this week
(February 23, 1999), on the world's drug problems.  It was almost entirely
shunned by the First World.   Washington and the Europeans declined to attend
the meeting because Myanmar is one of the world's leading producers of heroin,
saying they feared Myanmar would use the event to give a false impression of
its drug suppression efforts.  (Some of the absentees had also linked their
refusal to attend to Myanmar's poor human rights and political record.)  Of
Interpol's 176 member countries, only 24 – mainly from Asia and southern
Africa – are represented at the conference.During the conference, the
Burmese authorities will dramatize their claims to be fighting the drug menace
with a mass destruction of heroin, opium and amphetamines in Rangoon on
Friday.  Evidently the drug lords that run the country want to convince the
world that they are law- abiding members of the world community.

 Amnesty International reports details of torture, prolonged shackling, lack
of proper medical care, and insufficient food for both criminal and political
prisoners.  There are also reports of people being employed in a jade mine
under sub-human conditions.  Two-thirds of the 100,000 workers at Hpakant Jade
Mine are paid by drugs rather than cash.. More than 90 percent of the addicts
in the region are H.I.V. positive, according to a U.N. report.  In its latest
human rights report, the State Department said Myanmar has ``a highly
authoritarian regime'' that has killed and jailed its political opponents,
squelched free speech and demonstrations and pressed thousands of people into
forced labor to assist the military.  The rulers do not seem to care if the
entire population becomes addicted.  In fact, appearances are that the rulers
are deliberately engaging in genocide, depopulation.  The conditions that
exist in Myanmar are so oppressive that a  number of companies  have withdrawn
and are no longer doing business there, including Hewlett-Packard and Eastman
Kodak Co.  Our federal government has not seen fit to impose any  penalties,
but the State of Massachusetts has refused to trade with them.

Last Fall, a federal court ruling struck down the Massachusetts  law imposing
sanctions on firms doing business with Myanmar.  U.S. District Judge Joseph
Tauro found that the Massachusetts Burma Law, which effectively barred firms
doing business with Myanmar from state contracts, "unconstitutionally
infringes on the federal government's exclusive authority to regulate foreign
affairs."  The World Trade Organization, at the urging of the EU and Japan,
agreed to set up a dispute panel to examine the Massachusetts law.  It is
unclear what will happen in that action.  Evidently the United States
government sees nothing wrong in doing business with criminals.

Sources:   The Austrailian  /www.the
Washington Times, June 8, 1998, p.
  http://www.msnbc.com/local/RTMA/4498.asp, http:
//www.amnesty.org/news/1995/Myanmar.22.09.95.txt, and Reuters and AP reports

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[CTRL] Pentium III Draws More Fire

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/18139.html"
Technology News from Wired News/A
Many embeds
Pentium III Draws More Fire
by Leander Kahney
2:45 p.m.  25.Feb.99.PST
Intel may wish the Pentium III privacy issue would just go away. But
wait until Friday's launch.
Privacy groups, including the Center for Democracy and Technology have
chosen that day to file a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission

Ari Schwartz, a policy analyst with the CDT, declined to discuss the
complaint in advance, other than to say that it will point out "all the
ways (Intel) engaged in unfair and deceptive practices."

Earlier in the week, a coalition of privacy groups organized a boycott
 of the chip and sent a strongly worded letter to the FTC urging an
investigation of Intel.

And the Electronic Privacy Information Center filed a request under the
Freedom of Information Act to find out if the federal government
pressured Intel to include the serial number for snooping purposes. A
reply is not expected for months.

Intel said the serial number is designed to help administrators of large
networks keep track of hardware and as a safe and secure way to identify
individuals for e-commerce. However, privacy advocates contend that the
serial number is an easy way to track people's movement on the Internet
and is an infringement of privacy.

Meanwhile, following revelations that the chip's serial number can be
cracked without the user's knowledge, computer manufacturers said they
will turn off the number at the lowest level of a computer's operating

Compaq, Dell, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard said they will build switches
into the system BIOS -- the very first instructions that get a machine
running as it boots up -- and that the default setting will turn off the
serial number. Intel said a switch in BIOS adds an extra level of

However, Andreas Stiller, the hardware editor at c't magazine who
discovered the original software hack, said contrary to assurances, the
BIOS switch isn't secure either. Stiller said he cracked a BIOS switch
in a system shipped to the German magazine in about 30 minutes.

"It was very easy," he said. "It was much easier than I thought. I did
it in less than half an hour. You do not need a specialist cracker. For
this job it was quite easy."

Stiller said that instead of installing a switch, computer manufacturers
could more or less permanently disable the number in BIOS, but he didn't
think they were willing to do so.

"This is the only secure fix, all the others can be fooled," he said.
"They can do it but they will not do it because they want this number
for e-commerce."

Intel spokesman Tom Waldrop said he was aware of the proposed FTC filing
but declined to comment until he knew its substance.

"We are in discussion with CDT and we are aware that they have
differences with us on this issue," he said. "But we certainly believe
that we have not done anything deceptive or illegal."

Waldrop also confirmed that the switches in the software utility and
BIOS can be hacked.

"It's absolutely true that any kind of software, whether it's a software
utliity or BIOS, can be hacked if someone has the skill and motivation,
we've always said that," he said. "Software is eminently hackable.
That's why we added a hardware serial number... There's a touch of irony
in that the hardware serial number is supposed to protect security and
Related Wired Links:
Privacy Hack on Pentium III
Intel Thinks Different, Too
Chips Ahoy
Firm Sidesteps Intel on Chip ID
Intel on Privacy: 'Whoops!'
Boycott Targets Intel

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Grab your ankles . . .

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Clinton Rapes Social Security


Look at the bottom line. This shows the federal budget is $100 billion
in deficit and is projected to stay that way over the next several
years. Look at the top line. This is Clinton's so-called budget
"surplus". It is obtained by adding the current cash flow surplus from
Social Security to the bottom line. This Social Security cash flow
surplus results from higher Social Security taxes enacted to "save"
Social Security. But the government simply takes the extra money and
spends it. Or rather, it "borrows" the Social Security surplus by
issuing government bonds to the Social Security Trust Fund. These latter
bonds will eventually have to be paid out of general tax revenues.
The people who are now paying higher social security taxes to "save"
Social Security will eventually be taxed again to pay the bonds issued
to the Social Security Trust Fund. They will be taxed twice to pay for
the same thing.

But the key here is that the current Social Security cash flow surplus
is not government income. It is borrowed money. So the top line is a
lie. The top line is Bill Clinton's "budget surplus." How nice that Bill
Clinton is going to use some of this non-existent "surplus" to "save"
Social Security.

Bend over America.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [11] The Plot to Seize the White House

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Plot to Seize the White House
Jules Archer(C)1973
Hawthorne Books, Inc.
New York, NY

Butler's speeches at bonus rallies and over the air helped put pressure on
Congress to pass the Patman Bonus Bill. As it went to the White House, Butler
urged the President to sign it into law, pointing out that it was one way the
nation could make amends to the veterans for their exploitation by big
business in America's wars of the twentieth century. In a radio broadcast on
May 9 he urged his listeners to deluge Roosevelt with a million wires and
letters supporting the bill.

But the President vetoed it. On May 21 Butler conferred with Senator Elmer
Thomas, of Oklahoma, in Washington on tactics to get Congress to override the
veto. Afterward he declared his hope of organizing a large-scale political
movement of veterans to press for the bonus.

"My idea," he told the press, "would be a mammoth organization like the Grand
Army of the Republic, which would bring political pressure to bear to take
care of the soldiers."

Now he criticized not only the American Legion but also the V.F.W. for
avoiding the political arena: "They're no good. They've got provisions in
their bylaws which say they can't engage in political action. The politicians
put them to sleep If the soldiers don't get theirs now, they'll organize
and get it. There'd be about five million of them."

He was asked who would head the new organization.

"I don't know who we'd get to lead it," he replied.

He was instantly besieged with requests from various veterans groups that he
take them over as the nucleus for his battle for the bonus and veterans'
pensions. Morris A. Bealle, publisher of Plain Talk magazine, wrote Butler on
May 24 that he had already begun such an organization, calling it the Iron
Veterans. He urged Butler to assume its leadership.

"You may be interested to know that Bill Doyle tried to finance this
organization for us," Bealle wrote, "but acted so suspicious[ly] at Miami that
I thought he was trying to take it over for the Royal Family of the American
Legion, and declined to do business with him." This was the same Doyle who had
accompanied MacGuire in the plotters' first contact with Butler. Bealle added,
"A few weeks later I discovered to my horror that he was trying to take it
over for the House of Morgan."

But Butler, made wary by the Fascists' plan for a veterans'
superorganization," began to have second thoughts about the wisdom of any
attempt to organize a national veterans group for political purposes.

"To attempt a national association in the beginning," he wrote to the
organizer of the American Warriors in Iowa, "would only lead to great
financial expense and exploitation of the veterans by chiselling
professionals. . . . While it might be possible to find those who would
contribute the necessary funds, it would put the veterans under obligation to
the contributors."

His fight for the Bonus Bill, and his bare-knuckled attacks against the
establishment, led to cancellation of his radio broadcasts as of July 3. A
month earlier, when Van Zandt urged him to come to Montana to speak for the
soldiers' bonus at a V.F.W. rally there, Butler declined.

"Such a trip would be a very heavy drain on my pocketbook," he explained. "And
as long as I am being put off the air for being too noisy in my criticism of
this administration and for taking the part of the soldiers, I more or less
shall have to conserve my resources.

But he was determined to get the truth as he saw it out to the American people
and undertook a new lecture tour that would cover the country. Roosevelt had
not been able to get the press to carry his message to the people, so he had
turned to national radio. Butler had not been able to get national radio to
carry his message, so he turned to town-hall meetings all over America.

On June 12 the American League of Ex-Servicemen asked him to speak at a rally
in favor of the bonus with American Labor party Congressman Vito Marcantonio.
Butler agreed, with the understanding that he spoke as an individual only, not
as a representative of any group. The League adjutant quickly agreed, adding,
"Millions of rank-and-file veterans have always looked to you as a champion of
their cause in fighting for their rights and to receive justice from the

Meanwhile a vigorous debate was taking place in Congress, sparked by the Nye
Committee revelations and the weakness of the League of Nations, over the
Ludlow Resolution calling for a national referendum before war could be
declared. The resolution failed, but on August 31 Congress passed the First
Neutrality Act. It forbade transportation of munitions to any belligerents
after the President had declared a state of war to exist between them and
authorized the President to prohibit travel by American citizens on the ships
of belligerents.

Butler regretted the failure of the Ludlow Resolution to pass, because he saw
it as a way 

[CTRL] [3] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich©1997
Metropolitan Books
Hennry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
 I can not say enough about this book. These excerpts do it little justice. I
strongly recommend reading this book.Well-written and thoughtful; when all is
said and done, the veneer between passions, expectations, propaganda and
thought can be very thin. There are chapters on the warrior elites, the
sacralization of war, the effect of missle(guns/longbow) warfare and war
worship. A very important book.

Is it not wonderful for a man, having been born a man,
to die at the hands of another man and then,
with his quiver and bow at his side,
lie on the ground as a corpse?(1)




However and wherever war begins, it persists, it spreads, it propagates itself
through time and across space with the terrifying tenacity of a beast attached
to the neck of living prey. This is not an idly chosen figure of speech. War
spreads and perpetuates itself through a dynamic that often seems independent
of human will. It has, as we like to say of things we do not fully understand,
"a life of its own."

Biological metaphors for war are popular among those who study war abstractly,
through the grid of mathematics.(2) Normally we think of war as a product of
human volition—an activity, a habit, perhaps an "institution"—growing out of
human needs and cultural proclivities. And of course it is that: Take away
human whims and passions, and there is no war, or at least no human versions
of it. But if we consider war abstractly, we see that something else is going
on. As the Dutch social scientist Henk Houweling points out, the mathematical
study of outbreaks of war and of national decisions to participate in wars
shows "strong indications of epidemicity":

By using methods of epidemiology we do not suggest, of course, that wars are
transmitted by bacteria or by common exposure to some causal variable in the
environment. Our analysis does not reveal the cause of war. But it does
suggest that one of the causes of war is war itself.(3)

If war is analogous to a disease, then, it is analogous to a contagious
disease. It spreads through space, as groups take up warfare in response to
warlike neighbors. This may seem obvious, but statistical studies show that
warfare is indeed more intense and frequent in the vicinity of warlike
groups.(4) War has another way of spreading, too, and that is through time.
Ineluctably, the insults inflicted in one war call forth new wars of
retaliation, which may be waged within months of the original conflict or
generations later. Even the conditions of peace may serve as a springboard to
new wars, as the modern world learned from the Treaty of Versailles; among the
Central Enga of New Guinea, unpaid indemnities from one war are a common
excuse for the next one.(5) So, to continue the epidemiological metaphor, if
war is regarded as an infectious "disease," it is caused by a particularly
hardy sort of microbe—one capable of encysting itself for generations, if
necessary, within the human soul.

Stated in more conventional terms, war spreads from band to band and culture
to culture because it is a form of contact that no human group can afford to
ignore or disdain. If outsiders show up hoping to woo mates or trade goods or
induct you into their religious practices, you can always tell them to go
away. But, as Andrew Bard Schmookler argues in his brilliant exploration of
human power relationships, The Parable of the Tribes, you can no more brush
off a war party than you can tell a mugger who demands your money or your life
that, frankly, you'd rather keep both and continue peaceably along your way
(6) If the other tribe harbors a corps of thuggish aggressors, so must
yours—or fall prey to those who thought up thuggery first. No warlike
instinct, greedy impulses, or material needs are required to explain why war,
once adopted by some, must of necessity be adopted by all. Peaceable societies
will survive only in isolated or marginal locales—the deep forests of the
Mbuto, the snowfields of the Inuit. Everyone else is swept up into the dynamic
of war. As Schmookler writes:

Among all the cultural possibilities, only some will be viable The warlike
may eliminate the pacificistic; the ambitious, the content Civilized
societies will displace the remaining primitives, modern industrial powers
will sweep away archaic cultures. The iron makers will be favored over those
with copper or no metallurgy at all, and the horsemen will have sway over the
unmounted. Societies that are coherently organized and have strong leadership
will make unviable others with more casual power structure and more local
autonomy What looked like open-ended cultural possibilities are channeled
in a particular, unchosen direction.(7)

In other words, as it spreads from place to 

[CTRL] [4] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich(C)1997
Metropolitan Books
Hennry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
I can not say enough about this book. These excerpts do it little justice. I
strongly recommend reading this book.Well-written and thoughtful; when all is
said and done, the veneer between passions, expectations, propaganda and
thought can be very thin. There are chapters on the warrior elites, the
sacralization of war, the effect of missle(guns/longbow) warfare and war
worship. A very important book.

Do you not know that I live by war and that
peace would be my undoing?(l)




Nothing more clearly illustrates the power of war as a culture-shaping force
than the eerie parallels between feudal Japan and feudal Europe. Both
societies rested on the labor of relatively unfree peasants, and both were
ruled by hereditary warrior classes--knights in Europe and bushi, or samurai,
in Japan--representing, or at least serving, the landed aristocracy. If,
through some magical transposition, a medieval knight and a samurai had met on
the same road, they would have immediately recognized each other as kin. Both
wore helmets and armor, fought on horseback, rallied to flags emblazoned with
dynastic symbols or totems, invested their swords with mystic power, and
subscribed to a special warrior ethic--chivalry in Europe, bushido in
Japan--which codified, for its adherents, a kind of religion of war.

In her study of the bushi tradition, Catharina Blomberg lists these parallels,
only to dismiss them as "entirely fortuitous"(2) since, after all, there had
been no contact between medieval Europe and Japan. What she misses is the
entirely unfortuitous effect of the means of destruction which these two
cultures shared: Both employed metal blades to cut human flesh and horses to
transport warriors to and about the battlefield. This technology leads to, and
even seems to require, the kind of social arrangement we know as feudalism,
which has been defined as an "essentially military . . . type of social
organization designed to produce and support cavalry."(3) A very similar
pattern emerged in precolonial western Africa: a social and economic elite of
mounted, knightlike warriors, subscribing to a quasi-religious warrior
ethic.(4 )

The knight and the samurai are in some ways special cases, preferring, as they
did, to fight at close range with their cherished swords. Other warriors of
the pre-gun era, no less proud and individualistic, fought from a distance
with metal-tipped arrows propelled by compound bows. The European knight was
again and again shocked to encounter, during the Crusades and the various
incursions of nomadic Asian "hordes," highly skilled-mounted warriors who
announced their attacks with a hail of arrows and used their bladed weapons
primarily to dispatch the wounded. But all--swordsmen and archers alike--were
part of a system of warfare that depended on the synergy of metal and muscle.
The metal could be worked to a point as an arrow tip or pounded to a cutting
edge as a sword. The muscle could be that of the human arm alone or that of
the arm reinforced by the speed and strength of the horse. Either way, the
metal-and-muscle approach to warfare imposed certain common themes on the
cultures that engaged in it, whether they did so reluctantly or with zest.

The most obvious and fundamental commonality was that the metal-bearing
warrior depended on the labor of other, nonwarrior men. In small-scale
horticultural societies, such as those of New Guinea or the Amazon Valley, all
men are warriors, and the induction to warrior status coincides with the male
initiation rite to which all boys are subjected. To be a man, a "real" man, is
to be a warrior; ideally the two conditions are indistinguishable. But as the
tools of war evolve and become more costly, warrior status narrows to an elite
set off from other men as well as women. The Yanomamo warrior made his own
weapons and required no "underclass," beyond that represented by his wives, to
do his planting and hoeing and cooking. Behind each knight or samurai,
however--or, for that matter, each mounted archer--stood a small army of food-
producing peasants of both sexes, plus grooms and other servants, as well as
miners and craftsmen to manufacture his weapons and armor.

For more than 5,000 years, from the beginning of recorded history to A.D.
1500, and over a huge geographical range, the means of destruction centered on
this combination of metal and muscle. Bronze weapons and armor first appeared
in Mesopotamia at about 3500 B.C. and cheaper iron weapons came into use about
1,300 years later. Horses made their battlefield debut early in the second
millennium B.C., pulling sturdy chariots from which men shot arrows and hurled
spears. Within a few centuries, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Sarah Jane Moore: I Spied for the FBI

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 00:16:13 -0800
From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Subject:Sarah Jane Moore: "I Spied for the FBI"

Sarah Jane Moore: "I Spied for the FBI"

 "When I was getting ready to go public regarding my spying activities a
journalist attempting to verify some facts was told by the FBI that if the
story appeared I would be in danger.

"This warning was repeated to me by the FBI with the additional suggestion
that I should leave town. Charles Bates told me that of course they couldn't
stop me from talking but that I was placing myself in danger if the story
appeared. He stated that at any rate he was not going to allow the FBI to be

- S.J.Moore


"How in two years did I change from a relatively normal middle aged
suburbanite to a would be assassin?"

This is a question from a seven page statement by Sarah Jane Moore in 1975.
When I ask around to see if anyone remembered who she was, I got mixed
responses. My children were sure Sarah Jane was a cookie like Mrs. Fields.
Someone said she was an F.B.I. agent.

Some never heard of her and most people remember her as the woman who tried
to knock off President Ford. And she was an agent and she did try to shoot
Ford with a hand gun.

I was given this statement by someone who had been in prison with Sarah
Jane. The women who gave me the papers was in prison for demonstrating
against the war in Vietnam.

Sarah was often referred to as a poor demented woman. Here is a portion of
what she wrote about that period of her life.

"The impression is being deliberately fostered that I am a poor demented
woman who went off her rocker and in a moment of madness fired a shot at
Gerald Ford. The success of the F.B.I. is people like me...for whom the
American dream has worked (then) we find out that for a majority of
Americans it is not only a myth but that our very comfort and success is
dependent on the oppression and repression even the blood of others...Gerald
Ford's life is no more valuable than...an American soldier killed in
Vietnam...when any government uses assassination...it must expect that tool
to be turned back against it.

"I am not...insane...well qualified psychiatrists who examined me...agreed I
was under pressure and my judgement was "somewhat imparied".

"My attorney...urged my complete and honest cooperation with both the
defense and prosecution psychiatrists. I agreed since (I did not want) to
spend the rest of my life in prison...No one has been charged with, nor is
on trial for the assassination plots against Castro, Allende, or other
foreign leaders.

"I did indeed willfully and knowingly attempt to murder Gerald R. Ford, the
president of the United States, by use of a handgun...I have spent
time...seriously considering...the rights I waive with a guilty plea and the
consequencies of that plea. (She allowed time to reconsider her plea of

"I looked at my sister prisoners and wondered if this opportunity to review
my plea and consider the consequences would have been offered if my skin was
black or my name (was latina)instead of Moore...I thought about all the
money sent by the government to have doctors flown in from all over the
country to examine me at length and contrasted that with the struggle of the
other women at County Jail simply to get to see a psychiatric nurse.

"I am as frightened as I have ever been in my entire life, but I am at peace
with myself, ( with the plea of guilty)." In answer to questions ask by a
probation officer, Sarah had this to say:

"Would I counsel anyone else to attempt such an assissination? No.

"Do I think assassination a valid political tool? Yes, (but) it has been
more often and most effectively used against rather than by progressive

"Am I sorry I tried? yes and no.

"Yes because it accomplished little except to throw away the rest of my
life...No, because at the time it seems a correct expression of my anger
and, if successful, the assassination combined with the public disclosures
of this government's own activities in this area just might have triggered
the kind of chaos that could have started the upheaval of change.

"How in two years did I change from a relatively normal middle aged
suburbanite to a would be assassin? ...I think I was relatively normal. Many
of the people around me were almost as disatisfied as I with the system and
were also looking for answers. They worked in the same causes as I...In the
peace movement...the farm workers...the Black Panther Party then trying to
bring good medical care to the people by establishing free medical
clinics...new awareness of the prison system.

"...the kidnapping of Patty Hearst brought me...to the attention of the
F.B.I. as I met 

[CTRL] Fwd: DIA FOIA Log Data Available on Diskette

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Subj:DIA FOIA Log Data Available on Diskette
Date:   99-02-26 18:15:13 EST

The Defense Intelligence Agency has released its 1994-1998 FOIA Case Logs on
3.5 inch diskette--presumably because someone previously requested them in
that form.  There are two files which cover the years 1994-1998, both files
are zipped, i.e. compressed using WINZIP 6.3.  Once unzipped, the files can be
viewed using Netscape 4.06 or higher -- the files are in HTML format.

 Some portions were redacted for national security and privacy reasons.

 If you would like a copy of this diskette, simply send a request letter to:

 Robert P. Richardson,
 Chief, FOIA Staff
 Defense Intelligence Agency
 Attn:  SVI-1 [FOIA]
 Washington, D.C.  20340-5100

You may wish to encourage them to post these caselogs in addition on their
EFOIA Reading Room Website in the future, which would obviate the need to
request such data.

The Defense Intelligence Agency has released its 1994-1998 FOIA Case
Logs on 3.5 inch diskette--presumably because someone previously
requested them in that form.  There are two files which cover the years
1994-1998, both files are zipped, i.e. compressed using WINZIP 6.3.
Once unzipped, the files can be viewed using Netscape 4.06 or
higher--the files are in HTML format.

Some portions were redacted for national security and privacy reasons.

If you would like a copy of this diskette, simply send a request letter

Robert P. Richardson,
Chief, FOIA Staff
Defense Intelligence Agency
Attn:  SVI-1 [FOIA]
Washington, DC  20340-5100

You may wish to encourage them to post these caselogs in addition on
their EFOIA Reading Room Website in the future, which would obviate the
need to request such data.

Michael Ravnitzky

[CTRL] Fwd: Charles Bates, FBI Conspirator, Dead

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

The Gate
Charles W. Bates -- Led Patty Hearst   Friday, February 26, 1999
SF Gate Home Probe

Stephen Schwartz
Charles W. Bates, who was special agent Get a
in charge for the FBI in San Francisco  printer-friendly
during the Patty Hearst kidnapping  version of this
case, died yesterday.

Mr. Bates died at Sequoia Hospital in   [Image]
Redwood City after a long illness. He was 79.

Charles Bates, led FBI hunt for Patty Hearst
Mr. Bates became a major media figure
in the Bay Area during his tenure in   .
the FBI's San Francisco office. In
addition to the Hearst case, he covered
the Chowchilla kidnapping of a school
bus full of children in 1976.
In addition, away from public view at
the time, he directed a controversial
FBI program against leftists and

Mr. Bates was born in Dallas and
 graduated from Southern Methodist
 University, where he played on the
 football team. He joined the FBI in

 He served in Buffalo, Newark, and
 Washington, D.C., and as legal attache
 for the U.S. Embassy in London from
 1958 to 1965.

 He was a special agent in charge in
 Omaha and Cleveland before being
 assigned to San Francisco in 1967.

 In 1970, he was transferred to Chicago,
 and in 1971 he was promoted by J. Edgar
 Hoover to assistant director for the
 general investigative division of the

 In 1972, with the adoption of a bureau
 policy under which headquarters
 officials returned to field duty, Mr.
 Bates returned to San Francisco.

 With the abduction of Hearst, which he
 referred to as ``the first political
 kidnapping . . . in this country,'' Mr.
 Bates became an internationally known

 He was responsible for the bureau's
 mammoth investigation of the crime and
 its aftermath, which included various
 additional crimes such as bank robbery,
 firearms violations and interstate

 Mr. Bates also supervised eight agents
 assigned to the local activities of
 FBI's counterintelligence program,
 known as Cointelpro, which was directed
 against Marxist and student-radical

 In addition to the eight full-time
 agents, Cointelpro employed 22
 informants on campuses throughout the
 Bay Area. Targets included the Young
 Communist League, then known as the
 W.E.B. DuBois Club; the Young Socialist
 Alliance; Students for a Democratic
 Society; the Black Panther Party and a
 number of anti-draft and peace groups.

 Mr. Bates signed off on memorandums
 assailing mainstream media for an
 alleged leftist bias, and he proposed
 the mailing of fake letters, printing
 of false documents, and creation of
 fraudulent legal complaints to disrupt
 the Black Panthers and SDS.

 He retired from the FBI in 1977 and
 joined Burns International Security
 Services as a consultant.

 He also worked as an investigative
 reporter for KGO-TV, operated his own
 private investigation firm, and ran
 unsuccessfully for law enforcement
 offices on the Peninsula.

 Funeral services are pending.

 ©1999 San Francisco Chronicle  Page A25

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: CIA/John Ramsey/Lockheed

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

From website (ciajfk.com)
  February 27,1999

A Bruce Adamson footnote:

NBC has bombarded the airwaves with interviews of Laurence Schiller on
the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey.  Mr. Schiller has written on Lee Harvey
Oswald and what he fails to tell anyone is that John Ramsey's computer
company was sold to Lockheed, a CIA affiliate.  One may want to note
that Adnan Khashogi, Mohamed Al Fayed's brother-in-law, uncle to Dodi Al
Fayed, was the middle man dealing with Lockeed during the Iran-Contra
missle deal.

Sincerely yours,

Bruce C. Adamson
P.O. Box 1103
Santa Cruz, CA, 95061

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

- Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-  Posted by: "Adam Royale" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] OEN 2/27/99

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Russian Follies

Russia Is Sinking into the Void of a "Failed State"

We better work fast to restore the Soviet Union to its prior glory

"We need more authority now!"

MOSCOW - When President Boris Yeltsin arrives at the Kremlin, a Russian
tricolor is hoisted over the citadel of government authority to show
that he is there - at work.
But the flag has not flown much lately. Mr. Yeltsin, suffering from a
bleeding ulcer, has come to the Kremlin only sporadically.

Although he was back in the office Friday, his prolonged absences are
contributing to what some prominent analysts maintain is a long slide
toward the collapse of central authority in Russia and, perhaps, the
crumbling of Russia as a federation.

Russians have long feared that the country would shatter in a violent
crack-up, ignited by secessionist movements in its diverse regions.

But a different model is now gaining currency among political and
economic analysts, who say Russia is in imminent danger of becoming a
''failed state,'' not breaking into pieces as the Soviet Union did in
December 1991, but simply ceasing to function as a cohesive federal

Many Russian politicians and political analysts say the debasement of
Moscow's authority - possibly leading to a long stagnation and drift in
which no one rules - threatens to bring its own special dangers, opening
the doors to even more corruption and lawlessness, weapons
proliferation, health hazards and environmental pollution.

If Russia becomes a failed state, the risks are that individual regions
and parts of Russian society will go their own way - making it
difficult, for example, for Russia to control factories making missile
parts or to cope with such problems as a spread of disease or massive
piracy of intellectual property.

Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov has become so concerned about the ebbing
power of the central government that he suggested recently that Russia
should scrap the election of regional governors, seen by many as one of
the major gains of the country as it seeks to democratize.

Instead, Mr. Primakov proposed that regional chieftains answer directly
to the Kremlin, as they did in Soviet days - which would require
rewriting the constitution. Mr. Primakov lamented that the Kremlin's
chain of command over the country was ''not a solid line'' but rather
''a vertical broken line - broken.''

Moscow's once all-powerful authority had been eroding for years, even
before the disintegration of the Soviet Union. But in recent months,
several factors seemed to add to the disarray.

Hobbled by economic decline, the government has become dysfunctional in
some of its core responsibilities, including such pillars of central
authority as the military, the courts and tax collection.

Also, a political vacuum at the top - the president ill, his prime
minister struggling to hold together an unwieldy coalition cabinet - has
left Russia rudderless and thrust problems on the often-unprepared
regional bosses.

The deterioration of Kremlin power could be difficult if not impossible
to reverse. Russia has become an anything-goes, chaotically libertarian
society. [Sure it has.]

Meanwhile, the central government has crumbled from within. In
everything from law enforcement to the military, from public health to
scientific research, Russia's national institutions and agencies are a
bare shadow of earlier years.

Some of Mr. Yeltsin's lieutenants have tried in vain to reassert the
might of the center, such as an attempt two years ago by Deputy Prime
Minister Anatoli Chubais to use police tactics to force major companies
to pay taxes.

It flopped. As a result of government weakness, many analysts say they
expect that Mr. Yeltsin will be succeeded by a leader more inclined to
resort to authoritarian methods.

The Kremlin's troubles have set off fresh alarms. Sergei Karaganov,
deputy director of the Institute of Europe and chairman of the Council
on Defense and Foreign Policy, a group of Russian business and political
leaders, said the ebb of central authority was becoming so acute that
the Kremlin might as well not worry about setting economic policy.

Mr. Karaganov said that Mr. Yeltsin no longer projected any meaningful
authority from above and that Russians no longer trusted their
government from below, following the devaluation of the ruble last year
that brought on the country's most serious economic crisis since Soviet
rule fell apart seven years earlier.

''I don't think there can be any economic policy,'' he said in an
interview. ''It's useless to have any economic policy in a situation
where there is political paralysis spreading through the whole body.
There are two sicknesses. One is the president, which paralyzes greatly
the whole body, and the second is the fact that the population mistrusts
the government greatly.

''We are experiencing a rapid 

[CTRL] TV Show About Opening A Tomb In Egypt.

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:496357"TV Show About Opening A Tomb In
Subject: TV Show About Opening A Tomb In Egypt.
From: "John F. Winston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 11:16 PM

Subject: TV Show About Opening A Tomb In Egypt.Feb. 26, 1999.

  Here is something about the opening of a lost tomb in Egypt.
Although I will be watching this myself, I believe that the length of
this show will be so long and that the average person will either be
asleep or loss interest in the subject.  If you are a great fan of
Egyptology then you will probably love this show for the whole two


From: L
Subject: Egypt Special on Fox-TV - Opening the Lost Tomb
"http://www.fox.com/egypt/show.htm"Opening the Lost Tomb
First Live-On-Television Excavation On Egypt's World-Renowned Giza
Plateau To Open Sealed Tomb Of The Unknown And The Queen's Pyramid;
Also Nefer, The Oldest Mummy Ever Unearthed Expert Archeologists
Dr. Gaballa Ali Gaballa and Dr. Zahi Hawass Featured
Picture: Maury PovichHosted by Maury Povich
On Tuesday, March 2, 1999 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT), FOX, in an
unprecedented alliance with the Government of the Republic of Egypt,
will present the two-hour special event, OPENING THE LOST TOMBS: LIVE
FROM EGYPT, the first-ever live broadcast of an archeological
excavation on the Giza Plateau.
"Since only 15% of Giza has been excavated to date, the potential for
new discoveries is extremely high," commented Dr. Gaballa Ali Gaballa,
Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Antiquities
 Marking the first time that exploration of Egypt's Old Kingdom
monuments, which date back over 4,600 years, will be conducted on
camera, FOX will take audiences on an exclusive adventure to otherwise
inaccessible areas that are strictly off-limits to tourists and visitors.
Opened live on television will be the pyramid of Queen Khamerernebty
II (Ka-MAIR-air-neb-tee), the wife of the Pharaoh Menkaure, who built
the Third Pyramid at Giza. Explored for the first time is the newly
discovered, sealed Tomb of the Unknown, which lies near the burial
place of Kai (high priest to Pharaohs Senefru, Khufu, Djedefra and
Khafre), which has remained undisturbed for over four millennia.
FOX will also travel just outside of Giza to Saqqara in order to examine
Nefer, the oldest mummy discovered in situ and still in its original
resting place, dating back to Egypt's 4th Dynasty (2575-2467 BC) in the
Old Kingdom.
In addition, viewers will witness an expedition to an undisclosed
location which "may reveal a very significant discovery," according to
renowned archeologist and Undersecretary of State for Egypt's Giza
Plateau, Dr. Zahi Hawass. The Egyptian Government has permitted FOX to
be present when Drs. Gaballa and Hawass and their world-class team of
archeologists take this rare and exciting look back into ancient times.
Employing digital video technology, robotics and state-of-the-art
archeological techniques, FOX will lead television audiences back through
time to reconstruct the connection between the past and the present.
Peter Isacksen is executive producer and Fadel Gad is co-executive
producer, Nancy Stern is supervising producer, Wenda Fong is producer
and Artie Kempner is the director. Casey Bierer is executive in charge
of production, Bert Berdis is creative consultant and Charles Bond and
Anne Powell are associate producers.
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Unsubscribe: Send message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subscribe: Send message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Winston.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion 

[CTRL] [1] Bits and pieces about the Conspiracy

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/"The Conspiracy/A
Many embeds, very active site.
Bits and pieces about the Conspiracy

from a Muslims perspective, but also non-Muslims are welcome to read.
Last updated 26 February 1999.

I haven't contributed many news lately since I study about vitamins,
oils, minerals, enzymes and herbs. A large area to study. Some of it is
contributed into Healthy Living Diet. I am working on a big spreadsheet
model that Insh-Allah will contain information about this + effects of
common poisons in food, water, teeth, tooth paste, toys, plastic and
environment and where to expect to find these good and bad elements.

Latest Months News

Those of you who know about the "Big Bang" might be interested in this
article published in the Christian Newsletter Prophezine. Odd that they
will chose 1 of May 1999 as a testday, (only testday?).26 February 1999
British Army Spraying E.Coli In Germ Warfare Tests26 February 1999
Interesting about most common poisons26 February 1999More about Germ
Warfare26 February 1999Interesting about Milk26 February 1999Genetically
modified potatoes26 February 1999Pesticides in fruits and vegetables26
February 1999Cancer in Polio vaccine before 196326 February 1999Udated
Healthy Living Diet with a little bit more info about vitamins,
minerals, oils and enzymes23 February 1999AIDS where does it come from?
(One of many theories)16 February 1999List of most contaminated foods
 with pesticides and what to buy instead16 February 1999Healing modern
diseases like CFG, Candidiasis, Herpes, Lyme Disease, Salmonella,
Legionnaires Disease, AIDS9 February 1999A typical modern diet contains
too much fat. Children whose diets are changed from the typical Western
high fat diet to a diet low in fat, can perform simple mental tasks 20%
faster and with greater accuracy once their blood is clear of fat.9
February 1999Doctor prescribed drugs kill 100,000 each year in the US9
February 1999The very low efficiency and high cost of chemotherapy9
February 1999MD:s cure themselves with Gersons alternative therapy9
February 1999Added more links to Gersons alternative therapy in the
Cancer fact sheet9 February 1999USA feeds processed slaughterhouse waste
to cows, chickens and pigs as low cost, high protein feed
supplementation. This is the very practice that got British cattle
industry in such bad trouble 15 years ago, feeding cows to cows. CJD
could be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease7 February 1999
Phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables may help against cancer,
environmental hazards and diseases.7 February 1999More and more bacteria
resistant against antibiotics5 February 1999Genetically Modified food. 5
February 1999Some serious symptoms of Gulf war Syndrome linked to
Brucellosis Bacteria giving different serious symptoms in different
people5 February 1999The different poisons in cigarettes5 February 1999
Added a link about the neurotoxin Mercury in Amalgam tooth fillings in
the fact sheet about Amalgam5 February 1999A book: Vaccination: 100
years of Orthodox Research shows vaccines represent a medical assault on
the immune system, added to the list of literature.5 February 1999Many
more facts about vaccination of children in the fact sheet about
vaccinations5 February 1999Added a link about Danger of Canola Oil in
Healthy living3-4 February 1999Added a link about how toxic chemotherapy
 is even to the Nurses and Pharmacists in the fact sheet about cancer3
February 1999Added a book about a cancer cure in the list of Literature
 and in the fact sheet about cancer3-5 February 1999Added a link to a
cure of Diabetes in Healthy Living3 February 1999Add a link about
Fluoridated tooth paste in the fact sheet about Fluoride3 February 1999
Added information about two other successful alternative cancer cures in
the fact sheet about Cancer and in Healthy Living.3 February 1999Added a
chapter about how dangerous most unfermented Soy Bean products (like
soya milk, baby soy formula etc.) are in Healthy Living. 3 February 1999
Added a link to the palm oil based product Carotino + facts about Bee
Pollen in Healthy living29 January 1999Added a link about chlorine and
how long time hat is needed to boil water to take away Chlorine in the
fact sheet about chlorine29 January 1999

•Why has USA that is supposed to be against Communism never won any
single war against Communist regimes in Soviet during the Second World
War, Cuba, North-Korea, North-Vietnam and several South-American
•Why does not one single country that is "helped" by IMF and the World
bank get a better economy more than perhaps a short while?
•Why has Cancer increased from around 2-4% in the beginning of this
century to over 30% and still rising today?
•Why does your children need expensive braces when both parents did not
in their childhood, and why do 

[CTRL] [2] Bits and pieces about the Conspiracy

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/"The Conspiracy/A
Many embeds, very active site.
Family a.Breaking up of family ties, increase in divorces Ref 1 2 3
b.Higher taxes Ref 1
c.Undermining of authority Ref 1 2 3
d.Children's programs on TV is like having Satan as a baby-sitter Ref 1
f.Kindergarten, to take away safe and sound upbringing
h.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicine and
in the environment Ref 1

 For some of the items below in the list go to the fact sheets and find
out about the symptoms, where it can be found and suggestions of what to
do. a.Make people weaker and more sick so they are unable to give enough
resistance physically and mentally. Ref 1 2
b.Reduce population. Less people to control. Ref 1
c.Who is who in the Poison "Industry"
d.Earn money on medical and dental care.
e.Make it extra difficult for common people to use legal procedures or
demonstrations against low value food
f.Additives. Those "allergic" reactions are they really exceptions from
normal reactions to a poison?
g.Aluminum. Around up to 10 symptoms
h.Aspartame. Over 110 symptoms
i.Fluoride. Over 90 symptoms
j.Lead. Over 20 symptoms
k.Healthy Life. A Survival Diet Ref 1 2
l.Milk. i.Pasteurization destroying enzymes.
ii.Bovine growth hormone given to the cows can cause cancer for people
and lots of diseases for the cows and just a marginal extra production
of milk. Unnecessary when there is already an overproduction of milk.
iii.MSG put in low fat yoghourt, ice cream and almost everywhere else.
m.Contamination of the food supply, toxic chemicals, Lindane a common
pesticide, Chloroform Ref 1
n.Soda Pop, with additives and with or without Fluoride and with or
without Aspartame
o.Juice made on concentrates diluted with water with Fluoride and
p.Cadmium. Over 40 symptoms.
q.Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Over 40 symptoms
r.MTBE. Is a kind of petrol that is more common than expected.
s.Junk Food, sometimes reduces the efficiency of the immune system.
t.Olestra. Check what it does to the uptake of vitamins, minerals, oils
and enzymes from all of your food in spite of adding extra vitamins into
the junk food to make people think it is safe and good.
u.Processed food Ref 1
v.Extra Vitamins in bread etc. to give a false sense of security when
eating food with refined flour. The majority of mice fed only on such
vitaminized bread made on refined flour died after a few months.
w.Refined sugar, refined rice, refined flour takes away extremely
essential vitamins, enzymes, oils and minerals. Cannot easily be
x.Soy Bean Products
aa.Obesity common
ab.Food "slander" a crime.
ac.Genetic Engineering. Sometimes to reduce vitamin B17 etc. i.Already
plentiful in the American diet
ii.Soya beans ad.Microwave Oven reducing essential value of food causing
abnormal change in human blood and immune system.
af.Mad Cow Disease. Check also a cure against CJD, a related disease i.
USA feeds processed slaughterhouse waste to cows, chickens and pigs as
low cost, high protein feed supplementation. This is the very practice
that got British cattle industry in such bad trouble 15 years ago,
feeding cows to cows. CJD could be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease.
ag.Nutritional quality of Baby Food
ah.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicine
and in the environment

Freemasons 1.Adam Weisshaupt founding of the Illuminati Order 1776, 1
May. Different degrees in the Order. Using FreeMasonry as a cover for
communist ideals. Ref 1 2 3
2.A German society was formed in the beginning of the 1800:s trying to
preserve the Illuminati traditions. It took the name "Association of the
Honests" and later on changed name to "The Association of the Communists
3.Adam Weisshaupt Ref 1 2 3
4.Perfection of man Ref 1
5.Universal Brotherhood Ref 1
6.Different orders Ref 1
7.Beautiful facade with only good samaritan welfare on the surface Ref 1

8.Good honest persons seldom get high in the 33 level hierarchy. "The
squemish and gullible never rose higher than the lowest degrees, while
the bold, ruthless and cynical, those ready and willing to dispense with
religion, morality, patriotism and any other hindrances, rose to the
top." Ref 1 2
9.Submission without questions Ref 1
10.Secrecy Ref 1
11.Secret Greetings
12.Albert Pike writes in 1871 about the three world wars and their
outcome Ref 1
13.Red Cross and Rosicrucians
14.Fabian Society for extinction of private property Ref 1 2 3
15.Involvement in revolutions. Comte Cagliostro was arrested by the
inquisition in 1789 and revealed that the freemasons planned to start a
whole series of revolutions in Europe and to abolish Papacy or take it
under control. He also mentioned that Jewish bankers financed all these
revolutionist activities. Ref 1
17.Skull and Bones Ref 1 2 3
18.Charles Darwin
19.Change of names on organizations 

[CTRL] [3] Bits and pieces about the Conspiracy

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/"The Conspiracy/A
Many embeds, very active site.
Religion a.Akida i.God has created the earth and all humans, animals in
pairs, symbiosis, no proof of evolution etc... I have written some of
the points from the links below since I suspect that many of you are to
lazy to follow up links or it is quite simply too much to read. Since it
is so important and since the West over floods every possible media with
lies about the evolution, dinosaurs etc. I hope you give yourself time
to read the below if you don't already know it. There is also a separate
fact sheet about creation. Ref 1 1.There is only one possible
combination of amino acids that gives life. One in The chance of 100
amino acids aligning in exactly the right order is one chance in one
followed by 158 zeroes or something similar. Edward Conklin, a
biologist, has said that: "The probability of life originating from
accident [or chance] is comparable to the probability of the unabridged
dictionary resulting from an explosion in a print shop." Ref 1
2.An animal that lies dead in the desert will after a very short while
loose all its skin and meat. After a while even the bones are gone. The
longer the animal lies in the elements, the less there is to fossilize.
Yet the so called scientists tell the world that it takes millions of
years for the required amount of dust, mud or debris to cover the animal
. Yet fossils have been found nearly intact, down to the skin and
wrinkles (fossilized worms, for instance). Ref 1
3.The first identifiable life is found as fossil evidence in the
Cambrian layer of rock, supposedly 500,000,000 (five hundred million)
years old. That are no known fossil evidences in the two layers
underneath. There have been billions of fossils found in this one layer
alone and all have been of a highly complex nature. No one has found any
fossil evidence of a development of life from a single cell, just as the
creationists theorized. Ref 1
4.The reason the rocks are old is because the fossils in them are old.
The reason the fossils are old is because the rocks they are contained
in are old. This is called circular reasoning. Ref 1
5. It is not at all unusual for strata, (layers of rocks), to be found
completely out of the approved order, with 'old' strata resting
comfortably on top of 'young' strata." Ref 1
6.Transition forms between birds, fish and land animals quite simply
impossible. The Fish on land would be suffocated within 1-2 minutes by
too much oxygen. The fish does not have any drinking reflex which is
necessary for land animals to dispose of waste products. The land
animals have mechanisms for keeping liquid equilibrium always at the
same level. The lungs function completely differently from gills. Sea
and land dwelling organisms are totally different from other organisms
on land regarding lenses of the eye, circulation and excretion system.
7.The Birds have a body temperature over at least 42 degrees and make
use of food and oxygen extremely efficient. The skeleton weighs less
than all the feathers. The lungs are highly efficient which is
absolutely necessary for flight. The head weighs less than 1% of the
body. Some have a magnetic compass built into their brains in order to
navigate thousands of kilometers. Halfway built wings cannot be used to
fly with. A birds beak can crush a nut with 68.5 kilos force. A human
heart strikes around 78 times in a minute. A fly birds 615 times in a
minute etc. etc. A transition form would quite simply not survive.
8.Read a whole book about Creation vs Evolution that is published free
on the Internet and learn also about how FreeMasons including Charles
Darwin has poisoned the minds of humanity all these years. Ref 1
9.It is now known that complex plants existed in the Cambrian Period,
which, on the evolutionary time scale, 200 million years or so before
even simple land plants are supposed to have evolved Ref 1
10.One of the most startling discrepancies in the fossil record came to
light when a tuatara lizard was found alive on some islands off of New
Zealand 135 million years after the animal was supposedly extinct. Ref 1

11.One scientist became troubled when he was checking fossil remains in
the Grand Canyon. He found a layer of rock containing a certain fossil.
Above that layer was a thick barren layer, indicating that the fossil
had become extinct. But the layer directly above the barren layer was a
layer containing the fossil evidences again. "The evolutionary theory
allows no backtracking, no renewal of a species, once it has become
extinct." Ref 1
12.More than half of the geologists in the world work directly for oil
companies, and the support for many geologists in academic [pursuits]
and [in] government comes from Petroleum. Ref 1
13.Evolutionists claim that mutations are the changes that account for
the changes in species, yet scientists know that about ninety-nine out

[CTRL] CIA Terrorism

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41819"CIA Terrorism/A
Subject: CIA Terrorism
From: Ralph McGehee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 5:42 AM

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CIA Support For Terrorism, Murder, Torture and Rape

   Earlier I drew from CIABASE a report on CIA support for death
squads around the world. Direct or indirect support for Death Squads
was a universal of CIA operations -- it itself conducted death squad
operations in Vietnam killing over 35,000 Vietnamese.

Now the Historical Clarification Commission, in Guatemala,
documents CIA support to the Guatemalan military's murder, torture
and rape.

   The Historical Clarification Commission charged to investigate human
rights abuses during Guatemala's 34-year civil war accused the U.S.-backed
military of responsibility for the vast majority of the crimes, including
murder, torture, rape, destruction of Indian villages and widespread
state terrorism.

   The report of the Historical Clarification Commission, said the
massacres eliminated entire Mayan villages. The commission found the
"government of the United States, through various agencies including
the CIA, provided direct and indirect support for some state operations."

   The report, "Guatemala, Memory of Silence," found that about
200,000 people -- the overwhelming majority of them civilians -- were
killed or "disappeared" during the war. The panel...documented 626 massacres
committed by the army in the 1980s, during the height of its scorched-earth
policy against Indian peasant communities. The army "completely exterminated
Mayan communities, destroyed their dwellings, livestock and crops...and
carried out a systematic campaign of "genocide."  Washington Post 2/26/99 A19.

   Now DCI Tenet wants to run more CIA operations than even during the
Cold War.

Ralph McGehee


Subject: Re: CIA Terrorism
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 7:07 AM
Message-id: 7b6db9$8rm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ralph McGehee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

CIA Support For Terrorism, Murder, Torture and Rape

   Earlier I drew from CIABASE a report on CIA support for death
squads around the world. Direct or indirect support for Death Squads
was a universal of CIA operations -- it itself conducted death squad
operations in Vietnam killing over 35,000 Vietnamese.

Now the Historical Clarification Commission, in Guatemala,
documents CIA support to the Guatemalan military's murder, torture
and rape.

   The Historical Clarification Commission charged to investigate human
rights abuses during Guatemala's 34-year civil war accused the U.S.-backed
military of responsibility for the vast majority of the crimes, including
murder, torture, rape, destruction of Indian villages and widespread
state terrorism.

   The report of the Historical Clarification Commission, said the
massacres eliminated entire Mayan villages. The commission found the
"government of the United States, through various agencies including
the CIA, provided direct and indirect support for some state operations."

From the New York Times article today:

Although the broad outlines of American support to Guatemala's military have
been known, the nine-volume report confirms that the CIA aided Guatemalan
military forces.

The commission listed the American training of the officer corps in
counterinsurgency techniques as a key factor "which had a significant bearing
on human rights violations during the armed confrontation."

   The report, "Guatemala, Memory of Silence," found that about
200,000 people -- the overwhelming majority of them civilians -- were
killed or "disappeared" during the war. The panel...documented 626 massacres
committed by the army in the 1980s, during the height of its scorched-earth
policy against Indian peasant communities. The army "completely exterminated
Mayan communities, destroyed their dwellings, livestock and crops...and
carried out a systematic campaign of "genocide."  Washington Post 2/26/99

More Excerpts from the NYTimes article:

The commission has been able to establish that state forces and allied
paramilitary groups were responsible for 93 percent of the documented
violations, that the insurgent forces were responsible for 3 percent and that
the remaining 4 percent of the cases include other authors. . . .

We have reached the conclusion that the structure and nature of the economic,
cultural and social relationships in Guatemala, as well as racism, the
closing of spaces for participation and the refusal by the state to promote

[CTRL] CIA's Perception Management Program

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41816"CIA's "Perception
Management" Program/A
Subject: CIA's "Perception Management" Program
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 1:06 AM

"'Perception Management' is a science modeled after CIA covert operations
abroad where political goals are more important than the truth.
"They were trying to manipulate [U.S.] public opinion using tools from the
CIA covert operation shop," an official admitted. "If you look at it as a
whole, the CIA was carrying out a huge psychological operation [here in
the United States] -- the same kind used by the military to influence
people in enemy territory."
The operation browbeat news correspondents who tried to write stories
conflicting with its foreign policy goals. It planted "white propaganda"
in the media through op-eds secretly financed by agents, as well as "black
propaganda," outright falsehoods.

from The Consortium

Lost History: CIA's Perception Management by Robert Parry

WASHINGTON -- William J. Casey was a quick study, always looking for an
edge whether in business or in the ideological struggles that consumed the
last years of his life. So in early August 1983, the balding CIA director
hunched over a desk at the old Executive Office Building and scribbled
down notes from five public relations experts who were brainstorming how
to sell Ronald Reagan's Central American policies to the American people.
Earlier that day, a national security aide had warmed the P.R. men to
their task with dire predictions that leftist governments would send waves
of refugees into the United States and cynically flood America with drugs.
The P.R. executives jotted down some thoughts over lunch and then pitched
their ideas to the CIA director in the afternoon.
"Casey was kind of spearheading a recommendation" for better public
relations for Reagan's Central America policies, recalled William I.
Greener Jr., one of the ad men. Two top proposals arising from the meeting
were for a high-powered communications operation inside the White House
and private money for an outreach program to build support for U.S.
The ideas from that session and other meetings held during the Reagan
administration's first years still resonate today. Through the mid-1980s,
Casey's domestic propaganda campaign would descend into scandal-generation
and disinformation against opponents, tactics that are now generic to
American politics.
But few Americans know about Casey's "public diplomacy" apparatus which
refined this approach in the 1980s -- or that the operation was overseen
by CIA propagandists and military psychological warfare experts steeped in
an Orwellian concept called "perception management."
Scores of documents about this operation poured out during the Iran-contra
scandal. The documents made clear that the driving force behind these
aggressive P.R. tactics was Casey, the World War II spymaster who
understood the power of information and the value of deception. But the
documents received little attention in the mainstream press.
As the Washington media grew bored with the Iran-contra story, articles
focused on the celebrity of Lt. Col. Oliver North and narrow questions,
such as who authorized a diversion of Iran arms sales profits to the
Nicaraguan contra rebels. Yet, the "public diplomacy" campaign was a
dramatic tale, too.
It was the story of how the top level of the CIA had circumvented law and
manipulated U.S. public opinion in support of CIA covert operations in
Central America. Although the CIA is legally barred from influencing
domestic politics, no one was held accountable for the apparent violations
of law.
At the start of the Reagan administration, Casey's challenge had seemed
daunting. The administration saw Sandinista-ruled Nicaragua as another
Cuba and Daniel Ortega as another Castro. But in late 1980, the American
people saw El Salvador's right-wing military engaged in a bloodbath
against leftist political opponents. To make matters worse, Salvadoran
soldiers even raped and murdered four American churchwomen. The public
also retained fears of "another Vietnam."
So, Reagan's initial strategy of bolstering the Salvadoran army required
defusing the negative publicity and somehow rallying the American people
to the anti-communist cause.
As deputy assistant secretary to the Air Force, J. Michael Kelly, put it,
"the most critical special operations mission we have ... is to persuade
the American people that the communists are out to get us."

Hounding the Press

At the same time, the White House worked to weed out American reporters
who uncovered facts that undercut the desired images. As part of that
effort, the administration attacked New York Times correspondent Raymond
Bonner for disclosing the massacre of about 800 men, 

[CTRL] Hackers For Hire

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41802"Hackers For Hire/A
Subject: Hackers For Hire
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 1999 6:42 PM
Message-id: 7b2dbf$psq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

hackers for hire

 References available. Privacy and discretion assured


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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] State of CIA Virginia

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41798"State of CIA  Virginia
Subject: State of CIA  Virginia
From: Ralph McGehee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 1999 5:54 AM

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   The State of CIA and Virginia

   Below is an article from the Washington Post concerning
the fall-out and actions following the Aldrich Ames betrayal.

   First, a number of issues present themselves from this article.
One -- the Washington Post, in my view, serves as (one) official
disseminator of CIA information and mis-information. It publishes
frequent articles sourced to the DCI Tenet, and others, many lauding
the CIA.

   Two -- the below article blames most all of the CIA's current
problems on Aldrich Ames.  This is mostly incorrect.  We have seen
over and over criticisms of the CIA based on its faulty intelligence
(putting it mildly), the poor management and leadership in the
Directorate of Operations (DO), the use of the Inspector General (IG)
not to correct wrongs but to punish internal protesters. The promotion
system that encourages fraud. The analytical inability's of the
Directorate of Intelligence (DI) -- exposed and excoriated by the
House Intelligence Committee, whose Chairman is a former CIA officer.

   The IG's revelations of the CIA's use of drug dealers in Central
America in the eighties who imported drugs into the United States.
This is not new, from the earliest days the CIA has used and cooperated
with drug dealers helping the creation of the current international
drug dealing and crime.

   The CIA operation in Afghanistan in the 1980's, leading to the
creation of current international terrorism.

   The recent publication of the IG's 1962 report on the failure
of the CIA's operation at the Bay of Pigs. In it the IG blames CIA's
ignorance, arrogance and incompetence for that disaster.

   Following that failure, the CIA spotted Soviet missiles being
installed in Cuba, leading to the crisis of 1962. The CIA took
credit for its intelligence re this.  Later we find that the
Soviets had operational missiles and warheads in Cuba and the
local Soviet commander had the authority to fire them based
on his own judgment. The CIA was unaware of the operational
nuclear missiles when advisers were urging President Kennedy to
attack Cuba.

   The list goes one and on. One wonders what the CIA would
do if it was not now targeted to correct its own mistakes?
But the CIA blames Aldrich Ames, see below:

   Morale inside the Agency's Directorate of Ops, is devastated by
post-Ames attacks by Congress, the press and the public, leading
case officers to quit in droves over the past several years. Hitz,
the CIA's former Inspector General issued a scathing 400-page critique
of the nine-year mole hunt. But the reaction grew in intensity, when
then-CIA Director Woolsey ignored recommendations for dismissals and
other tough sanctions and chose only to reprimand 11 senior managers.

  Today, senior CIA and FBI counterintelligence officials are
positioned to catch future moles, realizing their own lethargy,
and lack of cooperation enabled Ames to betray dozens of Soviet agents
and compromising more than 100 intelligence operations from 1985 to 1994.

   A FBI official now has access to CIA files and runs all investigations
from inside the CIA. CIA tripled resources to counterespionage --
operations aimed at internal security breeches. Paul Redmond Jr., the only
senior official lauded for his role, wonders whether CIA will ever fully

   Clinton issued a directive three months after Ames's arrest putting
a senior FBI executive in charge of CIA's counterespionage group.
Congress followed with legislation mandating CIA and all other
government agencies immediately notify FBI whenever info surfaces
indicating that classified info may have been improperly disclosed to
a foreign power. CIA now requires all employees to file annual financial
disclosures. Tenet hired Raymond A. Mislock Jr., a 25-year FBI
CI agent, to oversee a new Center for CIA Security. Background
checks and polygraphs are given all new hires--and repeated every
five years on all--have become far more rigorous.

   Roy W. Krieger, an attorney of a number of CIA employees who
claim their careers are now being ruined by overzealous CIA polygraph
examiners. CIA, Krieger said, appears "preoccupied with counterintel
almost to the exclusion of what its main mission is."
Washington Post 2/22/99 A13.

[CTRL] Intel on Vietnam

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41799"Intel on Vietnam/A
Subject: Intel on Vietnam
From: Ralph McGehee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 1999 7:45 AM

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  A Book Review -- A collection of reporting on Vietnam.
[In 1959] TIME magazine was upbeat about Vietnam: "The presence of the
Americans symbolized one of the main reasons why South Viet Nam, five years
ago a new nation with little life expectancy, is still independent and
free and getting stronger..." 16 years later the public and most of the
American press turned against the war. That was due to the words and
pictures from the correspondents sent to Vietnam. The most remarkable
reporting has been collected in a two-volume compendium called Reporting
Vietnam: American Journalism 1959-1969 and 1969-1975, published by the
(Library of America). The work of 80 journalists, with a sampling of memorable
reportage from the home front. There are stories by the New York Times'
David Halberstam and Neil Sheehan that peel away the optimism of American
officialdom. Or the devastating comparison by Washington Post's Richard
Liarwood of inflated, official battle reports against the accounts of
correspondents on the scene. Reporting Vietnam makes one wonder
at America's ability to sustain the war effort as long as it did, given
the grim news and harsh truths that were being sent home from the front.
Was no one listening? Was the power of the government information machine
so vast as to overcome the real news from Vietnam? Time 11/23/98.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How the U.S. undid UNSCOM through its empire of electronic ears

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41807"How the U.S. undid UNSCOM
through its empire of electronic ears/A
Subject: How the U.S. undid UNSCOM through its empire of electronic ears
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 5:09 AM
Message-id: 7b3i1k$nl0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Village Voice

   February 24 - March 2, 1999

jason vest and wayne madsen

A Most Unusual Collection Agency
 How the U.S. undid UNSCOM through its empire of electronic ears

When Saddam Hussein raised the possibility of attacking U.S. planes in Turkey
last week, his threats illustrated what many in diplomatic circles regard as
an international disgrace— the emasculation of the UN by the U.S.

When UNSCOM, the UN's arms-inspection group for Iraq, was created in 1991, it
drew on personnel who, despite their respective nationalities, would serve
the UN. Whatever success UNSCOM achieved, however, was in spite of its
multinational makeup. While a devoted group of UN staffers managed to set up
an independent unit aimed at finding Saddam's weapons and ways of concealing
them, other countries seeking to do business with sanctions-impaired Iraq—
notably France and Russia— used inspectors as spies for their own ends.

But what ultimately killed UNSCOM were revelations that the U.S. government
had manipulated it by assuming control of its intelligence apparatus last
spring (or perhaps even earlier by using the group to slip spies into Iraq)
not so much to aid UNSCOM's mission, but to get information for use in future
aerial bombardments. When stories to this effect broke last month, however,
there was almost no consistency in descriptions of the agencies involved or
techniques used. The New York Times, for example, said only one CIA spy had
been sent into Baghdad last March to set up an automated eavesdropping
device. Time had multiple Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) operatives
planting bugs around Baghdad throughout 1998. The Wall Street Journal
referred to the use of one "device" from the National Security Agency (NSA)
last year and "a series of espionage operations used by the U.S. [since] 1996
to monitor the communications" of Saddam and his elite.

When probing the world of espionage, rarely does a clear picture emerge. But
according to a handful of published sources, as well as assessments by
independent experts and interviews with current and former intelligence
officers, the U.S. government's prime mover in Iraqi electronic surveillance
was most likely a super-secret organization run jointly by the the CIA and
the NSA— the spy agency charged with gathering signals intelligence (known as
SIGINT)— called the Special Collection Service. Further, there is evidence to
suggest that the Baghdad operation was an example of the deployment of a
highly classified, multinational SIGINT agreement— one that may have used
Australians to help the U.S. listen in— months after the CIA failed to
realize the U.S. objective of overthrowing Saddam Hussein through covert

According to former UNSCOM chief inspector Scott Ritter, when the U.S. took
over the group's intelligence last year, a caveat was added regarding
staffing: only international personnel with U.S. clearances could
participate. "This requirement," says Ritter, "really shows the kind of
perversion of mission that went on. The U.S. was in control, but the way it
operated from day one was, U.S. runs it, but it had to be a foreigner [with a
clearance] operating the equipment."

Under the still-classified 1948 UKUSA signals intelligence treaty,
eavesdropping agencies of the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and
New Zealand share the same clearances. According to Federation of American
Scientists intelligence analyst John Pike, this gives the U.S. proxies for
electronic espionage: "In the context of UKUSA, think of NSA as one office
with five branches," he says. As UNSCOM demonstrates, though, sometimes the
partnership gets prickly; the British, according to Ritter, withdrew their
personnel following the U.S.'s refusal to explain "how the data was going to
be used." (According to a longtime British intelligence officer, there was
another reason: lingering bad feelings over the NSA's cracking a secret UN
code used by British and French peacekeepers during a Bosnian UN mission.) At
this point, says Ritter, he was instructed to ask the Australian government
for a "collection" specialist. "We deployed him to Baghdad in July of 1998,"
recalls Ritter. "In early August, when I went to Baghdad, he pulled me aside
and told me he had concerns about what was transpiring.

He said there was a very high volume of data, and that he was getting no
feedback about whether it was good, bad, or useful. He said that it was his
experience that this was a massive intelligence collection operation— one that
was not in accordance with what 

[CTRL] John Lennon Murder

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41785"John Lennon Murder/A
Subject: John Lennon Murder
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 1999 11:23 PM

Monday, June 1, 1998

Into the son

Lennon legacy's a hindrance as well as a help to Sean


Toronto Sun

[Image] If Sean Lennon has inherited anything from his father, it's his
tendency to be misquoted.

The 22-year-old son of Yoko Ono and the late John Lennon recently followed
in his parents' musical footsteps with his debut solo album, Into The Sun.
He plays the Molson Amphitheatre Wednesday with headliner Beck and Ben Folds

But last month, when New Yorker magazine reportedly quoted him out of
context about his father's 1980 assassination being part of a U.S.
government conspiracy, the headlines eclipsed Into The Sun and the singer
regretted saying anything at all.

"I don't regret it anymore," Lennon says recently, over the phone from
hometown New York City. "People know how I feel, now that it's kind of
cooled over a little bit."

The experience also taught Lennon a bit about media manipulation, a task his
dad mastered after his own famous misquote about The Beatles being bigger
than Jesus.

Lennon Jr.'s conspiracy theories are a tough sell.

Then again, my father wasn't murdered when I was six.

It is well-documented, however, that the U.S. government did a lot of
snooping and sliming in order to have John Lennon deported in the early

"People don't really know that, though," his son says. "The people who do
know that really supported me in what I said."


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] CLINTON EXPELLED FROM MASONIC ORDER - was: Clinton's Masonic Connections

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.freemasonry
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.government.abuse:37706"CLINTON EXPELLED FROM
MASONIC ORDER - was: Clinton's Masonic Connections /A
Subject: CLINTON EXPELLED FROM MASONIC ORDER - was: Clinton's Masonic
From: Koleshak--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 11:55 AM

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The Bill Mattocks wrote:

Is President Clinton a member of the Order of DeMolay?


Did the Order of DeMolay assist him in becoming President of the
United States?


Is the Order of DeMolay affiliated with Freemasonry?


Does the Order of DeMolay now claim affiliation with President


My sources of information follow:


...the motto of the Order, "No DeMolay shall fail as a citizen, as a
leader, or as a man."


DeMolay is the premier youth organization dedicated to teaching young
men to be better persons and leaders. Under the "advisorship" of
adults; leadership skills, civic awareness, responsibility, and
character development are learned through a variety of self directed,
real world applications and activities. DeMolay builds confidence;
teaches responsibility, cooperation and community service; and fosters
trust, respect, fellowship, patriotism, reverence, and sharing.

DeMolay still teaches the same seven precepts or basic life principles
upon which DeMolay members should base their lives:

Filial love (love of parents), reverence for sacred things, courtesy,
comradeship, fidelity (faithfulness), cleanness, and patriotism.

How do we know that President Clinton is/was a member of the DeMolay
organization?  Simple, they admit it.  Ah, but things have changed


"He [Clinton] also was active in the Hot Springs Key Club and the
Order of DeMolay."

"In 1963, he [Clinton] was a Hot Springs High School delegate to Boys
State, where he was elected as Arkansas' delegate to Boys Nation.
While attending Boys Nation in Washington, D.C., Mr. Clinton had an
experience that set him on the road to political greatness: He shook
hands with President John F. Kennedy. A photograph of that meeting,
only four months before President Kennedy was assassinated, is one of
President Clinton's proudest possessions."

NOTE: "Boys Nation" is a DeMolay activity.

"From Hot Springs to the World Bill Clinton attended Park Place
Baptist Church in Hot Springs and formed close and lasting
relationships with Hot Springs classmates and civic leaders. Bill
Clinton's education and active youth in Hot Springs gave him the
background and experiences that enabled him to gain admission to
Georgetown University and later saw him become a Rhodes Scholar and a
Yale Law School graduate."

NOTE:  "...active youth."  Read - activity in the Order of DeMolay.


The Masons celebrate President Clinton's ties to the Order of DeMolay:

What do Bill Clinton, John Wayne, Dan Rather, Paul Harvey,
Willard Scott, and Walt Disney have in common? Did you guess
DeMolay because of the headline? That's okay. You can even add Bob
Mathias, Walter Cronkite, one out of 12 governors, and one out of ten
US Senators to the list of well-known men who were DeMolay
members in their younger years.


Masonic Temple: 311 West Grand. This is where the DeMolays met.
President Clinton served as Master Counselor of DeMolays while in high
school. He also received his Degree of Chevalier, which is the highest
honor an active DeMolay can receive.


1992 1st Sr. DeMolay elected President of The United States. (William
"Bill" Clinton).


"The perfect Ashlars of the Temple of Tomorrow are Hewn and Squared in
the Quarries of DeMolay!"


The three diverging red stripes, which pierce the field of white,
represent the basic tenants and foundation of DeMolay.  Those being:
Love of God, Love of Home, and Love of Country.  They diverge through
the white to symbolize that these tenants should be spread throughout
ones lifetime. The stripes converge into a field of red which takes
the shape of an oblong square, or rectangle, which symbolizes
DeMolay's ties to Freemasonry.

And finally, it appears that the Order of DeMolay has had enough of
President Clinton's embarrassing behavior.  His name does NOT appear
on any of their webpages, nor on their "Hall of Honor" list.  This
message was recently posted 

[CTRL] Venus is Virtually Littered With Artifacts?

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.government.abuse
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.government.abuse:37693"Venus is Virtually
Littered With Artifacts?/A
Subject: Venus is Virtually Littered With Artifacts?
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 1999 6:58 PM
Message-id: 7b2e9e$qfh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm assuming this might be news. On the heels of Liz Edward's discovery of
the Martian south polar city, the surface of Venus seems to be virtually
littered with artifacts, many of them are landforms that feature Egyptian
designs and symbols, if the Magellan images are not fakes. I have now found a
total of seven or eight occurances of the balance, an astronomical/
astrological symbol, in the ancient Egyptian style, with less than 200 of the
Magellan images surveyed thus far.

Links to Liz Edward's page are on one of my webpages:


and I have to my own satisfaction assured myself that what she put on her page
can be found in the original NASA image.

I have two webpages of Venus image enlargements, the originals are specified,
and links are provided so you can look into this for yourself. Don't take my
word for it. You don't have to.


I could be mistaken, but finding monuments on Venus seems to be like shooting
fish in a barrel, I'm not kidding. Please have a look.

In the spirit of this newsgroup, maybe its too easy, and I'd love to know if
someone at NASA or MIT faked possibly every one of the images from Magellan,
and I'd don't know how much of the Martian imaging- and in the event that that
is what has happened, I'd love to see them hang- slowly- by their own petards
for this. I'd be appauled by the audacity, I'm sure. What's odd is that the
Magellan Image Server puts often puts out images where the constrast is set to
make them less obvious. Perhaps one way or another, they know, and I'm
obviously not sure another imaging satellite or manned mission to Venus is the
right way to the bottom of this if their integrity has already come into


Chronos Apollonios [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
http://www.dejanews.com/   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ! Master Plan For Planet Earth

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39313"! Master Plan For Planet Earth

Subject: ! Master Plan For Planet Earth
From: "Jerry Newport" tamRE-M-O-VEmSP2AM*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, Feb 20, 1999 10:47 PM
Message-id: p%Nz2.1941$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you point your browser to this web site you will find that the secret
Religious Unification scripture of Freemasonry is THOTH.

Entrance Page

English Home Page

THOTH ("The Holiest of the Holies" or the "Last Testament"
THOTH was the Egyptian god of Wisdom.
Notice the CBS style eye of Horus as the O of THOTH at the top of this page.
This must be the agenda behind Dan Rather's report on CBS World News were he
was announcing how "ancient cultures" like the Indians had legends of some
"godmen" or "supermen" from another world that visited Earth. He was trying
to condition the people to accept this Maitreya and the rest of his
"Masters" as some godmen avatars from outerspace. These legends from the
cultures can be found in the Bible. They were the disobedient angles who
married the daughters of men before the flood who are now the demons. Seems
OLE Dan Rather as a Demoly Freemason is fond of demons. Of course the
Anglo/Ayan Freemason Illuminati have been selectively breeding Anglo/Aryans
for years so they could be passed off as some godmen avatars to deceive the
people to establish their religious unification conspiracy.

"The Master Plan for Planet Earth"
Notice that an explanation for the Pyramid on the back of the dollar bill is
given in this document which is their Luciferian political system. It should
be noted that "Benjamin Creme" of "Share International" who has been
preaching to people about "Maitreya" for some time now is backed by the
United Nations as a favored religious system. Maitreya and the other
"Masters" must be "Master Masons". Freemasonry has been looking forward to
the day that people of all different religions could gather together as one
at the "alter of Freemasonry" and establish "Universal Fraternite".

For more information point your browsers here.

Also see the links Art Bell and MAJESTYTWELVE at
It should be noted that I DO NOT support William Cooper's stand of taking up
arms as a solution.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] interpol heroin (fwd)

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.nsa
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.nsa:14256"interpol heroin (fwd)/A
Subject: interpol heroin (fwd)
From: rosaphil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 10:43 AM

and george bush jr. was/is a cocaine addict in the eighties whilst george
bush senior was selling arms for coke for arms for coke for arms and legs
with the contras et al.

karma is a bitch...and then we die.

+** Snail me yer rosehips if you liked this post! 
*Better Living Thru Better Living!* http://www.interport.net/~rugosa *

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:39:40 EST
To: Multiple recipients of list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: interpol heroin

Interpol, the international policing agency, is staging the fourth
International Heroin
Conference in Rangoon, Burma this week in the face of an international
uproar by
human rights activists.  Burma is now called Myanmar by the politically
correct, but not
by the politically concerned, including me.
RCMP drug experts from Vancouver and Bangkok were expecting to attend,
but the
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade now says the
Mounties aren't
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] General Named to Head NSA Air Force's Hayden Faces Big Challenges

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.nsa:14254"General Named to Head NSA
Air Force's Hayden Faces Big Challenges/A
Subject: General Named to Head NSA Air Force's Hayden Faces Big Challenges
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Amer War Lib'y)
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 5:56 PM

25 Feb 1999
General Named to Head NSA Air Force's Hayden Faces Big Challenges

By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer

EXCERPT: "President Clinton has nominated Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael
V. Hayden, a veteran intelligence officer with a background in
information warfare and defense policy analysis, as the next director
of the supersecret National Security Agency. Hayden's nomination,
which requires Senate confirmation, comes at a critical juncture at
the NSA. The nation's vast electronic eavesdropping and code-breaking
organization faces technological challenges from encryption
technology, fiber-optic cables and digital cellular telephones.
Hayden, 52, deputy chief of staff for the United..."

This copyrighted report cannot be reproduced in its entirety
here. However, you can read it in full today, 25 Feb 1999, at
the following URL. (Combine the following lines into your
web browser), or use the hyperlink, below.)


to full report

Brooke Rowe, Correspondent
Preserving The Photo History Of All Who Served
Personnel Registry Application
Military, Veteran, War Website Linklist Request

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Next MI6 chief: Richard Dearlove

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy.princess-diana
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy.princess-diana:22365"Next MI6 chief:
Richard Dearlove/A

Subject: Next MI6 chief: Richard Dearlove
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (banana)
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 9:25 AM

When David Spedding's five-year term as MI6 chief ends in September 1999,
the man who takes over will be Richard Dearlove. Dearlove was named

Below is the AP report.

What is interesting is that AP mentions his postings to Nairobi, Kenya,
Geneva and Washington, but does not mention his postings to Prague
and...PARIS. (These are mentioned in today's Guardian).

I don't know when he was in Paris, it's possible it was a long time ago.

The Guardian also mentions that Dearlove's dispatches will be sent to the
Queen as well as the Foreign Office. This isn't a new revelation, but note
that the author of the Guardian piece was Richard Norton-Taylor, who
fancies himself as a bit of an 'openness and accountability' man.
Norton-Taylor no doubt has chums in the 'less reactionary' parts of MI6.

If there are some officers in MI6 who are thinking about a controlled
damage-limitation approach that involves junking the Windsors, as there
may well be, one guesses that the Windsors would want a 'safe pair of
hands' at the top after Spedding.




Britain Names New MI6 Spy Chief

LONDON (AP) -- Britain announced the appointment Thursday of a new spy
chief to head MI6, the once-secret intelligence agency.

Foreign Secretary Robin Cook announced the new chief would be Richard
Dearlove, who joined MI6 in 1966 during the Cold War.

Dearlove, 54, is the assistant chief and will take over in September
after the retirement of the present head of MI6, Sir David Spedding,
Cook said.

Dearlove received part of his secondary education in the United
States, at Kent School in Connecticut, before going on to Cambridge
University's Queen's College.

The Foreign Office would not give any further information about
Dearlove's years in the United States during his childhood.

Dearlove joined MI6 at 21. His overseas duties included postings in
Nairobi, Kenya, Geneva and Washington.

The government acknowledged the existence of its fabled Secret
Intelligence Service only seven years ago, though it became known to
readers through the characters of novelists such as John Le Carre and
Ian Fleming.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] G. Bush dirt

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.media
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.media:96155"G. Bush dirt/A
Subject: G. Bush dirt
From: "Jennifer M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 6:45 AM
Message-id: 7b90fb$323$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just spent some time browsing the net for web sites about George Bush. Of
particular interest to me today were the anti-Bush sites. What I found so
far are rumors, innuendo, and petty crap, not much different than the
anti-Clinton sites.

So he had sex, did drugs, and drunk heavily until he was 40 (notice I didn’t
use the word “alleged” – thanks to our conservative friends, we are now
allowed to treat rumors as facts).

As a liberal, I say “Bring on George! It will be fun to sit back and see how
conservatives deal with him. For example, what will conservatives say if it
turns out to be true that George played air guitar to a Fohgat tune during a
party in college?? Oh my…

Jennifer M.
CyberGrrlz -- http://www.cybergrrlz.com
The e-zine for girls with brains and a sense of humor
(smarter guys will like it too)

If you reply to me by e-mail, make sure you remove the anti-SPAM "x" at the
end of my e-mail address

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] News Media and Culture War

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.media
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.media:96081"News Media and "Culture War"
Subject: News Media and "Culture War"
From: Norman Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 4:40 PM
Message-id: APC1'0'69e030e8'[EMAIL PROTECTED]


By Norman Solomon

 You may be tired of hearing about a "culture war," but such talk is
just getting started. On the media battlefield, righteous warriors are
lining up to fight the infidels in the first big political conflict of
the 21st century.

 With the 2000 presidential campaign beckoning, some conservative
crusaders see a new chance to sweep aside ambiguities and clearly divide
friend from foe. "Culture war" could be an effective slogan, especially
if the goal is to escalate arguments that can gain media attention while
polarizing American society.

 News outlets -- especially TV networks -- often welcome a simplistic
fight. The real world is filled with contradictions and dilemmas that
don't fit very well between commercials. Why explore the complexities of
issues by including dozens of perspectives when it's easy to feature a
dramatic clash between "both sides"?

 Among the rhetorical gunslingers with fondness for cultural
shootouts, none is quicker on the propaganda draw than Patrick Buchanan.
Despite all his denunciations of news media, Buchanan has found them to
be quite hospitable to his bombast. That's why he's in a strong position
to squirt lighter-fluid on smoldering social tensions.

 During work stints in the White House, serving the Nixon and Reagan
administrations, Buchanan sharpened his media-manipulation skills. He
went on to become the first political pundit to appear on national
television every day of the week.

 Although he has never held elective office, Buchanan ran for the GOP
presidential nomination in 1992 and again in 1996. Now he has begun yet
another leave of absence from his job as co-host of CNN's "Crossfire" so
he can jump into his third presidential campaign.

 It has become traditional for Buchanan's sparring partner to give
him a cordial send-off when he leaves "Crossfire" to seek the presidency.
In mid-February 1995, his "from the left" co-host at the time, Michael
Kinsley, helped Buchanan to hold up a sign that gave his campaign's 800

 The on-camera moment was symbolic: While Buchanan and his allies are
fierce partisans for right-wing causes, their network-designated
"opponents" are wishy-washy liberals who rarely put up a fight for
progressive positions.

 A few weeks ago, Buchanan's syndicated column proclaimed that "in
the culture, the left and its Woodstock values have triumphed." According
to Buchanan, whose heroes include such dictators as Francisco Franco of
Spain and Augusto Pinochet of Chile, "an anti-Western counterculture has
completed its long march through America's institutions, capturing the
arts, entertainment, the public schools and colleges, the media and even
many churches."

 Fine-tuning his battle cries for the 2000 campaign, Buchanan is now
saying that American culture is a disaster -- and political action is the
only way that conservatives can hope to rescue the country. "Politics is
the last contested battlefield of our culture war," he declares, "for
only through politics can the new cult, a militant and intolerant
secularist faith that will abide no other, impose its values on us."

 Read back over that last sentence, substituting the word "religious"
for "secularist," and Buchanan is aptly describing his own approach.

 Actually, war is a misleading metaphor for cultural conflicts in the
United States. Often, demagogues are trying to make hay out of diversity
that we should affirm rather than deplore. Even when people are at odds
over social policies, there are more than two or three alternatives
available. Genuine dialogue usually helps, though it frequently seems to
be in short supply.

 But conservatives aren't the only ones who find "culture war"
imagery useful. Liberals often enjoy doing battle with theocratic
conservatives like Buchanan and Gary Bauer, the former head of the Family
Research Council who is running for next year's Republican presidential
nomination. While the Buchanans and Bauers wage holy war, cheered on by
true believers, Democratic strategists seem to be pleased -- mindful that
such right-wing blather repels most Americans.

 Odious bigotry is involved in the "culture war" rhetoric of Pat
Buchanan and his ilk, who disparage many people -- including millions of
immigrants, blacks, Latinos, independent women, gays and lesbians -- for
failing to measure up to some arbitrary yardstick of Godliness.

 But no one should be smug about the status quo. After all, we live
in a culture dominated by huge media institutions that give top priority
to profits while undermining more precious values. 

[CTRL] Parallels between Roman Catholicism and Mithraism

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.watch.pair.com/eucharist.html"eucharist/A
Many embeds and links.

--"An inscription in the Mithraeum under the Church of Santa Prisca in
Rome referred to Mithras saving men by shedding the eternal blood of the
bull. On the very spot on which the last Taurobolium took place at the
end of the fourth century, in the Phrygianum, today stands the Vatican's
St. Peter's Basilica."

The church in which the Popes say Mass at the Vatican, St. Peter1s
Basilica, is standing on one of many temple grounds where the Cult of
Mithras once practiced their rituals.--



This report documents the many parallels between Roman Catholicism and
Mithraism. One of the most significant comparisons is found in the
meaning of communion -- as partaking of the actual flesh and blood of
the god that is worshipped. In Leviticus 17:10-14 and Acts 15:29, God
forbade the drinking of blood among His people. The third file on the
Eucharist shows the extremity to which the false doctrine of
transubstantiation has taken the Catholic Church and has earned it the
name, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Some of the
pictures referenced in this file are truly abominable, so do be prepared
if you download them!!

The "gods" In Our Midst

By Ed Tarkowski

Alabama Discernment Ministries

November 11, 1996

 In "MITHRAISM: The Legacy of the Roman Empire's Final Pagan State
Religion," written in 1993, David Fingrut quotes British author and poet
Rudyard Kipling1s "A Song to Mithras":

"Mithras, God of the Morning, our trumpets waken the Wall!

Rome is above the Nations, but Thou art over all!"

Fingrut sees Christianity as an outgrowth of pagan religions, and also
equates the Christian faith with Roman Catholicism, which of course I
would dispute. But his research into the pagan cults is interesting. In
his Introduction, Fingrut writes,

"For over three hundred years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped
the god Mithras. Known throughout Europe and Asia by the names Mithra,
Mitra, Meitros, Mihr, Mehr, and Meher, the veneration of this god began
some 4000 years ago in Persia, where it was soon embedded with
Babylonian doctrines. . . .

"The widespread popularity and appeal of Mithraism as the final and most
refined form of pre-Christian paganism was discussed by the Greek
historian Herodotus, the Greek biographer Plutarch, the neoplatonic
philosopher Porphyry, the Gnostic heretic Origen, and St. Jerome the
church Father. Mithraism was quite often noted by many historians for
its many astonishing similarities to Christianity.

"The faithful referred to Mithras as "the Light of the World", symbol of
truth, justice, and loyalty. He was mediator between heaven and earth
and was a member of a Holy Trinity. According to Persian mythology,
Mithras was born of a virgin given the title 'Mother of God'. The god re
mained celibate throughout his life, and valued self-control,
renunciation and resistance to sensuality among his worshippers. Mithras
represented a system of ethics in which brotherhood was encouraged in
order to unify against the forces of evil.

"The worshippers of Mithras held strong beliefs in a celestial heaven
and an infernal hell. They believed that the benevolent powers of the
god would sympathize with their suffering and grant them the final
justice of immortality and eternal salvation in the world to come. They
looked forward to a final day of judgement in which the dead would
resurrect, and to a final conflict that would destroy the existing order
of all things to bring about the triumph of light over darkness.

"Purification through a ritualistic baptism was required of the
faithful, who also took part in a ceremony in which they drank wine and
ate bread to symbolize the body and blood of the god. Sundays were held
sacred, and the birth of the god was celebrated annually on December the
25th. After the earthly mission of this god had been accomplished, he
took part in a Last Supper with his companions before ascending to
heaven, to forever protect the faithful from above.

"However, it would be a vast oversimplification to suggest that
Mithraism was the single forerunner of early Christianity. Aside from
Christ and Mithras, there were plenty of other deities (such as Osiris,
Tammuz, Adonis, Balder, Attis, and Dionysus) said to have died and
resurrected. Many classical heroic figures, such as Hercules, Perseus,
and Theseus, were said to have been born through the union of a virgin
mother and divine father. Virtually every pagan religious practice and
festivity that couldn't be suppressed or driven underground was
eventually incorporated into the rites of Christianity as it spread
across Europe and throughout the world…"

"The great festival of the Mithraic calendar was held on December the
25th, and the 16th of every month was kept holy to Mithras. The first
day of 


1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
by Stephen Birmingham (C) 1987
Berkley Book, New York, NY 1990
A very interesting book for details and such. Very well researched and I would
reccommend many of Mr. Birmingham's books to any searcher of history. For it
is my belief, that by better understanding history, we can see today's course.
3. Manor Lords
 . . .
 Henry Livingston has four grown children, two sons and two daughters, but
only one of his eight grandchildren so far-little John Henry Livingston-has
the family name. "We intend to keep Oak Hill in the family if we possibly
can," he says. "My children have always loved the place. There's a way you can
set up a trusteeship so it's permanent. Also, since it's a landmark, there's a
possibility we might get a special tax break if the house were opened to the
public at certain times."
 He can't help but grow a little wistful thinking about the old days of the
colonial manor lords. "The manors were run like early corporations," he says.
"Livingston Manor was run like an early version of IBM, and the point of the
manorial system was to encourage the growth potential of the country. The
manor lord was given the rights to hold courts, collect taxes, maintain roads,
and to maintain his own militia, but the point was to develop the land and
make it productive. The first lord sensed that there was lead and iron ore
here, and Livingston Manor provided ninety-nine percent of the iron used in
the Revolution. Settlers were encouraged to come as tenants, to provide a
labor force. A tenant was given tools, food, seed, and the wood to build
himself a house within a year. Then it was his, to live in for his lifetime,
plus one generation. Some manors had disgruntled tenants. Not us, The manor
system was very carefully structured, and out of it the lords gained a
perception of government, and a perception of what the land and the
surrounding environment could yield. For instance, all the trade up and down
the Hudson River was developed and managed by the Livingston manor lords.
Breaking up the manors resulted in the same sort of mess that's come from the
breakup of ATT. You can't just keep dividing up land, and then dividing it
again, every time someone dies. I'm not a Royalist, but the manorial system
was a system that worked."
  Needless to say, Henry Livingston is a member in good standing of the Order
of Colonial Lords of Manors in America, a patriotic society of proven
descendants of manor lords.
  Looking back from a distance of all those generations, Henry Livingston can
perhaps be forgiven for looking at the manorial system somewhat romantically.
In fact, it was neither as pretty nor as simple as he describes it in the
  In the early seventeenth century, when the New York and New Jersey colonies
were under Dutch rule, the Dutch West India Company had created a system of
patroonships-patroon translates as  "patron" or "master" -under which the
more important officers were rewarded with large tracts of land to do with as
they wished. The first of these was Rensselaerwyck, purchased in 1630 for
Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, an Amsterdam-based director of the company, and
Rensselaerwyck set the tone of the other land grants that followed. It
consisted of more than seven hundred thousand acres on the west bank of the
Hudson (including the town of Albany) and was purchased from the Indians for
"certain quantities of duffels, axes, knives, and wampum," making it, along
with the purchase of Manhattan Island, one of the better bargains in the
history of real estate. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer never bothered to visit his
property, but his descendants did, including, eight generations later, Stephen
Van Rensselaer, who inherited the estate at the age of five and went on to
found America's first scientific college, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in
1824 at Troy, New York, just across the river from his family's property.
 During the British colonial period, the British monarch continued the Dutch
policy, granting manorships to important colonists who had proven useful, in
one way or another, to the British cause or to British trade with the
colonies. Among these manors Were Pelham Manor, granted to Thomas Pell;
Philipsborough, to Frederick Philipse; Morrisania, to Lewis Morris; and
Cortlandt Manor, to Stephanus Van Cortlandt; these properties were always in
choice locations, either in the Hudson River valley or along the Atlantic
coast or Long Island Sound. But the very first of these British manorships.
along with the title of lord of the manor that went with it, had been ceded to
Robert Livingston in 1686 by James II. Thus, just as in the British House of
Lords a premier peer is one bearing the oldest title of his degree, the
Livingstons could consider themselves the premier American family.
 On the other hand, if the Livingstons today tend to create the impression
that they were granted their great manorial lands as the 

[CTRL] [5] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich(C)1997
Metropolitan Books
Hennry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
I can not say enough about this book. These excerpts do it little justice. I
strongly recommend reading this book.Well-written and thoughtful; when all is
said and done, the veneer between passions, expectations, propaganda and
thought can be very thin. There are chapters on the warrior elites, the
sacralization of war, the effect of missle(guns/longbow) warfare and war
worship. A very important book.

Happy the blest ages that knew not the dread
fury of those devilish engines . . . [which] made
it easy for a base and cowardly arm to take the
life of a gallant gentleman.[1]




War, ultimately, has no great affection for the men who love it most. General
Douglas MacArthur might have preferred to combat the enemy one on one, saber
in hand, just as Don Quixote pined for the days before guns, when the joust
had determined everything. But no tradition is so sacred to a warrior elite
that it cannot be swept aside by new and more effective methods of death-
dealing. In the centuries between 1500 and 1800, European warfare changed in
ways that fundamentally challenged the primacy of the old warrior elite, and
eventually, in some times and some places, the very notion of an elite of any
kind. The foot soldier, whose role in medieval warfare had usually been of an
auxiliary and janitorial nature--cleaning up, with axes and pikes, after the
glorious charges of knights--moved to center stage, while the knight sunk to
his present status as the quaint symbol of a romanticized past.

Two "military revolutions" swept Europe between the sixteenth and nineteenth
centuries, the first consisting largely of technological and organizational
changes--in weaponry, in command structures, in the means of raising and
provisioning armies--and the second overlapping with the political revolutions
of the late eighteenth century. The earlier of the military revolutions
reduced the common man to the level of a tiny precision component within that
larger engine of war, the bureaucratized army; the later one invested him with
the kind of glory once reserved for the warrior elite. Readers wanting more on
the purely military side of these changes are referred to the experts I have
relied on.[2 Here we will be more concerned with the accompanying
transformation of the passions of war, which were, in effect, diffusing
downward from the elite to the average soldier and citizen. In the new era,
the sacralization of war would depend less on established religions like
Christianity, and more on the new "religion" of nationalism.

The gun is usually credited with being the weapon which overthrew the old
elite style of fighting, but the change began centuries before the widespread
employment of firepower. A prescient observer would have glimpsed the coming
transformation of European warfare in 1346, at the battle of Crecy, where the
French nobility was mowed down by the arrows of English peasant longbowmen.
The principle, in the case of both the gun and the bow, is of action at a
distance: Where the elite warrior's goal was to close with an individual enemy
and defeat him in single combat, now the bow or the gun propelled inanimate
missiles at an enemy whose features might never be visible. The killer and the
killed could be many yards away from each other, even crouched, unheroically,
behind bushes or rocks.

One crucial feature of the missile-propelling weapons was that they were far
cheaper than the ponderous equipment of the old-time knight. Each peasant
could fashion his own bow, if necessary, and handheld guns became increasingly
affordable at the end of the eighteenth century when mass-production methods
began to be applied to their manufacture. Guns and bows were also far easier
to learn how to use than the knight's complex armamentarium; a knight began
his training in boyhood, but a bowman or a gunner could be readied for combat
in months or weeks. Cheap weapons and cheaply trained men almost guaranteed
that the size of fighting units would rise-- from tens of thousands of men in
the sixteenth century to hundreds of thousands by the eighteenth.

Missile-based warfare favored mass, sub-elite armies in another way, too: It
made killing an impersonal business, requiring little motivation on the part
of the individual gunner or bowman. The missile-bearing foot soldier did not
meet his enemy with a shouted defi, or challenge, in which each announced his
noble lineage; he did not have to meet him at all, since he barely had to see
him to make him a target. The victim might be a nobleman of intimidating
stature and wealth, or he could be a peasant foot soldier like oneself. The
archer or gunman might never know which individual had been doomed by his
arrow or bullet, might never be able to separate the 

[CTRL] [6] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich(C)1997
Metropolitan Books
Hennry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
I can not say enough about this book. These excerpts do it little justice. I
strongly recommend reading this book.Well-written and thoughtful; when all is
said and done, the veneer between passions, expectations, propaganda and
thought can be very thin. There are chapters on the warrior elites, the
sacralization of war, the effect of missle(guns/longbow) warfare and war
worship. A very important book.


Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion,
and lift up himself as a young lion: he shall not
lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the
blood of the slain.

--NUMBERS 23:24



"The nation" is one of the most mysterious categories of modern thought. It
is, most citizens of nations would agree, something that people are willing to
die for. But anyone seeking a more precise and scientific definition will be
plunged into a swamp of turgid scholarship, which gets even more deeply
frustrating if the quest is expanded to include the passions inspired by
nations, or nationalism. There are not many things people are willing to die
for that they cannot point to or touch or even adequately put into words.

One historical reason for the mystery of nations and nationalism is that the
great social theorists of the nineteenth century were transfixed by something
far removed from the thought of glorious and voluntary death. After the
hideous bloodletting of the Napoleonic Wars, Europe lapsed into a period of
peace and economic development. It was the capitalist market economy,
burgeoning throughout much of Europe since the early 1800s, that fascinated
Karl Marx and Adam Smith. As John Keegan writes, Marx put all his emphasis on
the market economy largely because, at the time when he wrote, finance and
investment overshadowed all other forces in society, and the military class
exhausted by the Napoleonic wars and dispirited by the defeat of its interests
in Russia in 1825 and in France in 1830-was at an unnaturally low ebb of self-

The rise of the market favored a new "materialist" view of humanity--as
rational, calculating individuals seeking to advance their individual
interests. In fact, the phrase "the Wealth of Nations" in the title of Adam
Smith's 1776 volume is a misnomer; only individuals, or corporations, were the
possessors of the wealth that built factories and harnessed the power of
steam. "Nations" were of little interest to Smith or to Marx, and in the harsh
capitalist world their theories described, there was no possible motive for
giving anything, perhaps especially one's life. In the Marxist paradigm that
has played such a large role in Western social thought, nationalism could only
be a form of "false consciousness," a seemingly irrational distraction from
the class struggle through which working people, banding together, would
advance their true interests.

For a long time, the puzzle of nations and nationalism could be sidestepped by
assuming that nations are "natural" groupings analogous to biological
families. If there were indeed significant genetic commonalities among, say,
French people or Germans, then it could be argued that a soldier giving his
life for one of these nations is, in some small measure, acting in his own
genetic self-interest. But even the most venerable nations turn out to be
mongrels. France has its Bretons, with their distinct language and traditions;
Britain its Scots and Welsh; Spain uneasily embraces the Basques and
Catalonians. Furthermore, most of the world's nations are hardly venerable but
are newcomers like Uganda or, for that matter, Italy. Instead of being rooted
in fixed bloodlines, nations are fairly arbitrary agglomerations, forever
being shaped and reshaped, like Russia or Yugoslavia, by the vicissitudes of
politics and war.

In Benedict Anderson's memorable phrase, nations are not natural but "imagined
communities," whose imagining has taken a great deal of conscious effort. In
the European cases, intellectuals had to resurrect the folklore and epics
which could be used to give people a sense of a common past. The printing
press, along with the new market in what we now call "information," had to
publicize these findings to increasingly literate publics. State-sponsored
schools had to impose a common vernacular language on what was often a
hodgepodge of dialects and then educate people to literacy in it. Equally
strenuous efforts were required in the third world, where national boundaries
had often been laid down arbitrarily, for the convenience of the European

The work of Anderson, and of historian Eric Hobsbawm, has much to tell us
about the creation of nations as a purely cognitive undertaking: How do people
come to believe there is such a thing as Serbia or France? What these scholars
fail to explain, 

[CTRL] [7] Blood Rites - Origins History of the Passions of War

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blood Rites - Origins  History of the Passions of War
Barbara Ehrenreich(C)1997
Metropolitan Books
Hennry Holt  Companty
ISBN 0-8050-5077-9
I can not say enough about this book. These excerpts do it little justice. I
strongly recommend reading this book.Well-written and thoughtful; when all is
said and done, the veneer between passions, expectations, propaganda and
thought can be very thin. There are chapters on the warrior elites, the
sacralization of war, the effect of missle(guns/longbow) warfare and war
worship. A very important book.


The idealization of war by peoples become
primitive again is no sign of moral decadence,
but on the contrary the sign of a new hero-
worship and sacrificial spirit.[1
-Count Keyserling



Lofty feelings directed toward an intangible, superhuman being: Most people of
our own time would recognize these as the ingredients of a religion. The
analogy between nationalism--and I mean, of course, "secular" nationalism--and
religion has been drawn many times. Benedict Anderson admits nationalism's
"strong affinity with religious imaginings."[2 Toynbee went further, seeing
nationalism as a replacement for Christianity, which had been vitiated by a
soulless capitalist economy. But for the most part the relationship between
nationalism and religion has been left as a sort of decorative analogy. Few,
if any, have pressed the issue or found it useful to pursue the notion of
nationalism as a religion, complete with its own deities, mythology, and

One reason we hesitate to classify nationalism as a kind of religion is that
nationalism is a thoroughly "modern" phenomenon. It emerges in Europe in the
nineteenth century and is spread throughout the third world--largely in
reaction to European imperialism--in the twentieth century. Our own modernist
bias convinces us that things which are recent must also be "modern," in the
sense of being rational and "progressive." On one side of that great
historical divide identified as the Enlightenment lie superstition,
oppression, and fanatically intolerant religions. It is on the other side,
along with science and a faith in progress, where we locate nationalism. To
acknowledge that nationalism is itself a kind of religion would be to concede
that all that is "modern" is not necessarily "progressive" or "rational": that
history can sometimes take us "backward," toward what we have come to see as
the archaic and primitive.

It is in times of war and the threat of war that nationalism takes on its most
overtly religious hues. During the temporary enthusiasms of war, such as those
inspired by the outbreak of World War I, individuals see themselves as
participants in, or candidates for, a divine form of "sacrifice." At the same
time, whatever distinctions may have existed between church and state--or,
more precisely, between churchbased religions and the religion of
nationalism--tend to dissolve. During World War I, for example, secular
authorities in the United States devised propaganda posters in which "Jesus
was dressed in khaki and portrayed sighting down a gun barrel."[3 For their
part, religious authorities can usually be counted on to help sacralize the
war effort with their endorsements. During the feverish enthusiasm of World
War I, the Bishop of London called on Englishmen to kill Germans--to kill . .
. the good as well as the bad, to kill the young men as well as the old As
I have said a thousand times, I look upon it as a war for purity, I look upon
everyone who dies in it as a martyr.[4

But if nationalism is to be more than a temporary passion whipped up by war,
it has to find ways to sustain and institutionalize itself apart from more
conventional religions. It must, in other words, assume some of the trappings
of a conventional, church-based religion itself. Uplifting myths are required,
special holidays, and rituals that can be enacted by people who may not feel,
at the moment of enacting, any great passion at all. Such rituals and myths
keep nationalism alive during times of deprivation and defeat even during
interludes of peace--just as, say, Christian ritual preserves the faith in
people who may only occasionally, or once in a lifetime, experience genuine
spiritual transport.

It was World War II that saw the full flowering of institutionalized
"religious" nationalisms, designed to maintain the fervor of whole populations
for months and years at a time. In many ways, the Second World War was a
continuation of the first, growing out of grievances implanted by the first
war and featuring some of the same alliances and forms of war-making. The
tank, the submarine, and the airplane, for example--which did so much to
distinguish World War II from the wars of previous centuries--were all first
deployed in World War I. So the two wars may be seen as a continuum analogous
to the Thirty Years War--a "double war" that could not find a way to 

[CTRL] [1] Downside Legacy - THE GENERAL TIMELINE TO 1996

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3636bca8533a.htm"10/28/98
Thanks, Bard.
Topic: Clinton's Rogues Gallery
10/28/98 Downside Legacy - THE GENERAL TIMELINE TO 1996

Various FR Posters
10/28/98 Various FR Posters

Revised 10/28/98

The following list is a compilation from Free Republic posters, edited
by Free Republic posters. It is dynamic, subject to continuing
authentication, editing, correction and expansion. The list seeks to
exclude emotion, judgment and rhetoric by using minimal qualifiers and
gentler words - such as "contradiction" over the more inflammatory
alternative. Please help to keep the list up-to-date, draw your own
conclusions, and use it as you wish.

Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act (IIANA)
Arms Export Control Act (AECA)
Export Administration Act (EAR)
Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act (NPPA)
Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)
China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
Nonproliferation Treaty (NT)
Export-Import Bank Act (EIBA)

General - Late 1970’s
•Chinese nationals Mochtar and James Riady whose base of operations was
in Indonesia joined with Jack Stephens to take control of Worthen Bank
in Little Rock, Arkansas. It has been determined that James and Mochtar
Riady have had a long term relationship with a Chinese intelligence

•Gov. Clinton got the Arkansas Teachers retirement fund to invest in
Norinco and Cosco.
•Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Vince Foster, James Riady, Jackson
Stephens, Webb Hubbell, David Watkins, William Kennedy, Mack McLarty,
Betta Carney and William Cravens all met at Worthen bank in Arkansas.
Riady and Stephens owned Worthen Bank.
•June China announced plans for a new commercial space program -
satellites, rockets and ground stations

•September 23 China and Western Union signed agreement for
communications satellite launch.

•October 22 In retaliation for China’s alleged sales of missiles to
Iran, Reagan administration announced it will curb plans to export
certain high-tech products.

•March 9 After assurances that China is not supplying anti-ship missiles
to Iran, high tech export barriers were lifted.
•September 9 Reagan administration approved plan to export a US made
communication satellite for launch on a Chinese rocket

•James Riady, Maria Hsia and John Huang formed the Pacific Leadership
Council, and invited Senator Al Gore to the Hsi Lai temple headquarters
in Taiwan. On behalf of the Chinese government, Maria Hsia promised Al
Gore that she would persuade all her colleagues "in the future to play a
leader role in your presidential race."
•February 26 President George Bush: "We will advance technology to China
as much as we possibly can under what is known as the COCOM
[Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Security Controls
-COCOM] arrangement. There are some highly sensitive, highly sophistic
ated military technologies that I'm not even sure China is interested
in, but that we are prohibited from exporting under the law. Having said
that, we have exported some highly sophisticated technology to China,
and as President, I want to continue to do that. And that will benefit
the life of the average Chinese citizen."
•June 5 President Bush freezes all military sales to China because of
the Tiananmen Square massacre.
•December 8 Loral Corp pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the US,
conversion of government property, and filing a false statement re: USAF
contract for radar warning receivers. Loral was put on a "watch list."
•December 19 George Bush approved the launch of three communications
satellites built in America for Australia: Statement by Fitzwater: "The
satellites are civilian communications satellites, to be controlled
after launch by companies based in Australia and Hong Kong. This action
is therefore consistent with the President's expressed determination, in
imposing sanctions last June, to maintain commercial relations with

General 1990’s:
•CITIC (China government leading business conglomerate) floated bond
issues in the US. PLA established an extensive presence in the U.S.
through private companies controlled by military trading groups such as
Norinco, which has set up a family of trading companies that act as
wholesalers for goods, rifles, and chemicals made in Chinese military
factories. Roger W. Robinson, Jr., a Reagan administration National
Security Council aide and an investment banker by trade, found 36
Chinese-government bond issues in the U.S. since 1989, which have raised
$6.725 billion for Chinese government-owned banks and trading companies.
All but four of the bonds, worth $420 million, have been issued since
Bill Clinton became president.

[CTRL] [2] Downside Legacy - THE GENERAL TIMELINE TO 1996

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3636bca8533a.htm"10/28/98
April 1, 1996
Accusing Senate Democrats of "stonewalling" on the Whitewater inquiry,
Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-N.Y.) announced that the Whitewater hearings he
chairs will resume under the Banking Committee's jurisdiction unless
Democrats drop their demands that hearings end by mid-June.

April 3, 1996
•Within 3 weeks of the policy change by Clinton - a plane carrying Ron
Brown, U.S. commerce secretary, and 34 others, crashes in rocky terrain
over Croatia. There are no survivors. Pearson's investigation was closed
soon after Brown's plane crashed. Unfinished matters, including the
investigation of Hill and Brown's son Michael, were turned over to the
Justice Department.
•Huang’s ex-boss, Charles Meissner Assistant Secretary for International
Economic Policy at the Department of Commerce, also died in the same
plane crash with Ron Brown.
•The CIA discovered evidence that China is supplying parts and
technicians for a plutonium reprocessing plant in Pakistan.
April 8, 1996
Bill Clinton meets John K. H. Lee, the South Korean Chairman of Cheong
Am America Inc., whose firm made an illegal $250,000 campaign
contribution to the DNC.

April 10 1996
Loral sent Senior Vice President Dr. Wah L. Lim to Peking for
preliminary meetings with technicians from China Great Wall Industries
Corp. (CGWIC), the maker of the Long March booster rockets.

April 11, 1996
•Security advisers at Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, Calif., were
closely monitoring on video tape the Chinese Long March 3B rocket
•Stephen Bryen, security adviser in a Loral Meeting (about providing
assistance to China on failed launch): " I said , No , you cannot do
that , ' That is a transfer of technical data . " But 11 days later,
they went ahead..
April 12, 1996
President Bill Clinton announced that he will name U.S. Trade
Representative Mickey Kantor to succeed the late Ron Brown as Commerce
Department head.

April 15, 1996
President Bill Clinton travels to Asia to meet with South Korea's
president Kim Young-sam in South Korea to discuss North Korea's
continued troop movements on its border with South Korea.

April 17, 1996
v Letter from Barbara Fredericks to Laura Sherman, in reference to the
Clinton administration's desire to appoint Charlie Trie to the
Commission on the United States-Pacific Trade and Investment Policy:
"Officials of the United States Trade Representative's office who
reviewed Trie's disclosure report found that Trie's position on the
Commission could have a "direct and predictable effect" on his interests
in Daihatsu, San Kin Yip, and Walmart and that he thus possessed "a
disqualifying financial interest."

April 22, 1996
•A Memo is sent to Anthony Lake regarding a letter written by Charlie
Trie regarding China/Taiwan.
•William Schweikert, Loral's technology transfer control manager, told
the IRC that because the accident review involved getting information
from China and not providing information to China, there was no need for
Pentagon export security officials to be present. He also said that
merely accepting or rejecting China's own conclusions on the crash would
not constitute technical assistance. Later the same day, committee staff
director Nick Yen traveled to Washington and briefed officials of the
Departments of State, Transportation, Commerce and Defense on what the
IRC planned to do, Loral's outside experts said.
•President Clinton announced the appointment of Charlie Trie to the
newly created Commission on the United States-Pacific Trade and
Investment Policy ("the Commission"). Several circumstances surrounding
Trie's appointment to and involvement with the Commission, however,
indicate that Trie's political contributions and fundraising were
critical factors in the Administration's decision. At the time of Trie's
appointment to the Commission, he had contributed a total of $205,000 to
the DNC. When allegations surfaced of Trie's involvement in campaign
finance illegalities, Trie fled the United States for China and sent a
letter to the Commission apologizing for the impact of the scandal on
the Commission's work and expressly stating that he would no longer be
participating in Commission activities. However, the Administration
never formally revoked Trie's appointment, and he remained a member
until the Commission submitted its final report in April 1997.
April 24, 1996
•Mr. Trie returns to Cardozo's office with another $179,000 in
questionable contributions.
•Anthony Lake responds in a letter regarding Charlie Trie letter on
Taiwan Issues.
April 26, 1996
•Clinton forwards a letter to Charlie Trie regarding Taiwan Issues.
•Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission Ann Brown attends
White House coffee chat in Al Gore's office and meets with a leader of a
trade group she regulates.
April 29, 1996
•Al Gore attends 

[CTRL] Mind Control

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.luxefaire.com/newpage1.htm"Mind Control/A


The "Colorable" money of the Federal Reserve Banking System was made
"Colorable" with the intent of drawing the populace under one vast
umbrella of "Benefit". The "Benefit" of course is that the currency of
the United States is spendable throughout the fifty states, and in many
places throughout the world. "Colorable" money is currency without hard
assets to back it, just "Benefits", which of course are DEFINED, or
colored, by the printers, read Banks, for We the users. It has become
coldly calculated maneuverings and machinations with pennies as the
goal. Just as many pennies as you can get. And when you get all the
pennies, go for souls.

This system of currency could not exist under the strictures of the
Constitution of the United Sates, as it WAS written. The total
usurpation of that document had to take place before any "Colorable"
money could be used against Americas population. The law as it was
written here in these United States of America was once called Public
Law. After 1938 Public Law became "Public Policy", and as far as
legalese is concerned, the difference is vast. Because as it WAS
written, there are stark laws concerning contracts, and the effort to
coerce someone into an unrevealed contract is considered fraud, and a
violation of law. The whole point is that the bankers and lawyers have
gotten together so well in the last 100 years or so that by just
spending a dollar bill, a currency furnished by the Federal Reserve
Banking System, by partaking of that BENEFIT, you are, by lawwledgeable about.
Law and equity have been affectively

The fight to survive today has been created by animals who run the
currency by which the fight is accomplished...and its all done like this
just to keep The People from paying attention to the things that
actually concern them most. Which should be their livelihoods, and the
future lives of their offspring. Once the invention of television came
into the picture, especially from the forties through the sixties, where
alternative programming was nil, the lock snicked shut loudly and
clearly. All television programming of that time period was aimed at
inducing fear, which became much more possible after America absconded
with the lions share of the records from the prison camps of Nazi
Germany. Mob control and manipulation. Thats how the CIA was born too.
Everything became spun to create a particular group mind set. Through
this puppeteering we as a financially coherent group were led past
bankruptcy, into utter and inextricable insolvency. No honor in that,
nothing but spite and malice. The Federal Reserve Banking System has
become an instrument of Destruction so gargantuan and powerful that it
is a parasite whose removal will result in both its death, and the death
of its host. One must ask oneself if this is just the way humans get?
Does complete debauchery result from excess? That is a really negative
outlook, and not one I adhere to. Many many hours of soul searching and
Earth searching brought about the outlook I do adhere to, and I will try
to share it. It may seem convoluted in places, and maybe incomplete.
That appears to be a byproduct of investigation. There are not enough
hours in a LIFETIME to study even one facet of any given branch of a
science, and trying to makes heads or tails of known and archaeological
history means having an almost supernatural grasp of your Milieu. I can
tell you that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this mileu is
nothing like it seems, and that there is Much Much more to it than can
be experienced with senses developed strictly for this Earthly

Religion has always been HuMankinds bridge across the gap of the unknown
into its past, attempting to explain from whence we have come, and to
where we head. Religion is the one intellectual force that has been with
mankind since the beginning, uncannily similar across a large diversity
of culture, with some variance, granted, but all fairly well based on
explaining the unexplainable, and rejoicing in it. Religion layed down
the laws of human interaction, which really are pretty basic when it
comes right down to it, and it was not uncommon for a tribe to have well
less than the 10 laws that most modern people believe they should At
Least try to observe. Then, about 2000 years ago, there came a uniting
force, and that force was so awesomely horrible in its scope, and with
the power of an empire behind it, that its vibrations are to this day
felt with resounding amplitude. Unfortunately the adherers to this creed
have found reason to idolatrize the very instrument of torture that
epitomizes that violent and horrible event, and it can only be stated
that their Devoutness is at fault here. You see, most of the people to
have become ultimately affected by that hanging in the desert were of a

[CTRL] [1] The Truth About The Fed

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.luxefaire.com/thetruth.htm"The Truth About The Fed/A
The Truth About The Fed

Copy and Distribute

On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges
against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The
Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury
for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY,

The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the
Judiciary Committee and has


Congressman McFadden

on the Federal Reserve Corporation

Remarks in Congress, 1934


Reprinted by permission 1978 Arizona Caucus Club

Congressman McFadden's Speech

On the Federal Reserve Corporation

Quotations from several speeches made on the Floor of the House of
Representatives by the Honorable Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania. Mr.
McFadden, due to his having served as Chairman of the Banking and
Currency Committee for more than 10 years, was the best posted man on
these matters in America and was in a position to speak with authority
of the vast ramifications of this gigantic private credit monopoly. As
Representative of a State which was among the first to declare its
freedom from foreign money tyrants it is fitting that Pennsylvania, the
cradle of liberty, be again given the credit for producing a son that
was not afraid to hurl defiance in the face of the money-bund. Whereas
Mr. McFadden was elected to the high office on both the Democratic and
Republican tickets, there can be no accusation of partisanship lodged
against him. Because these speeches are set out in full in the
Congressional Record, they carry weight that no amount of condemnation
on the part of private individuals could hope to carry.

The Federal Reserve-A Corrupt Institution

"Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt
institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve
Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed
has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the
United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt. The
depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the
National debt several times over.

"This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these
United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our
Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which
it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and
through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

"Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks United States
Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the
people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their
foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and
rich and predatory money lender. In that dark crew of financial pirates
there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his
pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to
control our legislatures; there are those who maintain International
propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new
concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and
set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.

"These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally
foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and
repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions.
Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war
against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money
in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace
between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in
World War. They financed Trotsky's passage from New York to Russia so
that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They
fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund
of American dollars at Trotsky's disposal in one of their branch banks
in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken
up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural
protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the
dispersal of American children. "Mr. Chairman, there should be no
partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this
Country, and I do not speak with any.

"In 1912 the National Monetary Association, under the chairmanship of
the late Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, made a report and presented a
vicious bill called the National Reserve Association bill. This bill is
usually spoken of as the Aldrich bill. Senator Aldrich did not write the
Aldrich bill. He was the tool, if not the accomplice, of the European

[CTRL] [2] The Truth About The Fed

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.luxefaire.com/thetruth.htm"The Truth About The Fed/A
Great Britain, Partner in Blackmail

"Mr. Chairman, the Fed has offered to collect the British claims in full
from the American public by trickery and corruption, if Great Britain
will help to conceal its crimes. The British are shielding their agents,
the Fed, because they do not wish that system of robbery to be destroyed
here. They wish it to continue for their benefit! By means of it, Great
Britain has become the financial mistress of the world. She has regained
the position she occupied before the World War.

"For several years she has been a silent partner in the business of the
Fed. Under threat of blackmail, or by their bribery, or by their native
treachery to the people of the United States, the officials in charge of
the Fed unwisely gave Great Britain immense gold loans running into
hundreds of millions of dollars. They did this against the law! Those
gold loans were not single transactions. They gave Great Britain a
borrowing power in the United States of billions. She squeezed billions
out of this Country by means of her control of the Fed.

"As soon as the Hoover Moratorium was announced, Great Britain moved to
consolidate her gains. After the treacherous signing away of American
rights at the 7-power conference at London in July, 1931, which put the
Fed under the control of the Bank of International Settlements, Great
Britain began to tighten the hangman's noose around the neck of the
United States.

"She abandoned the gold standard and embarked on a campaign of buying up
the claims of foreigners against the Fed in all parts of the world. She
has now sent her bailiff, Ramsey MacDonald, here to get her war debt to
this country canceled. But she has a club in her hands! She has title to
the gambling debts which the corrupt and dishonest Fed incurred abroad.

"Ramsey MacDonald, the labor party deserter, has come here to compel the
President to sign on the dotted line, and that is what Roosevelt is
about to do! Roosevelt will endeavor to conceal the nature of his action
from the American people. But he will obey the International Bankers and
transfer the war debt that Great Britain should pay to the American
people, to the shoulders of the American taxpayers.

"Mr. Chairman, the bank holiday in the several States was brought about
by the corrupt and dishonest Fed. These institutions manipulated money
and credit, and caused the States to order bank holidays.

"These holidays were frame-ups! "They were dress rehearsals for the
national bank holiday which Franklin D. Roosevelt promised Sir Ramsey
MacDonald that he would declare.

"There was no national emergency here when Franklin D. Roosevelt took
office excepting the bankruptcy of the Fed- a bankruptcy which has been
going on under cover for several years and which has been concealed from
the people so that the people would continue to permit their bank
deposits and their bank reserves and their gold and the funds of the
United States Treasury to be impounded in these bankrupt institutions.

"Under cover, the predatory International Bankers have been stealthily
transferring the burden of the Fed debts to the people's Treasury and to
the people themselves. They the farms and the homes of the United States
to pay for their thievery! That is the only national emergency that
there has been here since the depression began.

"The week before the bank holiday ws declared in New York State, the
deposits in the New York savings banks were greater than the
withdrawals. There were no runs on New York Banks. There was no need of
a bank holiday in New York, or of a national holiday.

Roosevelt and the International Bankers

"Roosevelt did what the International Bankers ordered him to do!

"Do not deceive yourself, Mr. Chairman, or permit yourself to be
deceived by others into the belief that Roosevelt's dictatorship is in
any way intended to benefit the people of the United States: he is
preparing to sign on the dotted line! "He is preparing to cancel the war
debts by fraud!

"He is preparing to internationalize this Country and to destroy our
Constitution itself in order to keep the Fed intact as a money
institution for foreigners. "Mr. Chairman, I see no reason why citizens
of the United States should be terrorized into surrendering their
property to the International Bankers who own and control the Fed. The
statement that gold would be taken from its lawful owners if they did
not voluntarily surrender it, to private interests, show that there is
an anarchist in our Government.

"The statement that it is necessary for the people to give their gold-
the only real money- to the banks in order to protect the currency, is a
statement of calculated dishonesty!

"By his unlawful usurpation of power on the night of March 5, 1933, and
by his proclamation, which in my opinion was in violation of the
Constitution of the United 

[CTRL] Past Forgetting - My Love Affair With Dwight D. Eisenhower

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

excerpts from:
Past Forgetting - My Love Affair With Dwight D. Eisenhower
Kay Summersby Morgan(estate of)©1976
Bantam Books
ISBN 0-553-11095-0
An interesting piece of social history, some tidbits:

--The General is really on a tight leash. He is not his own master." . . . and
told me a bit about how the General was always surrounded by political people
who practically dictated his every move.--

--During the General's first trip to London, the orderly who had been
temporarily assigned to him confided in a burst of democratic exasperation
that he was even expected to help Eisenhower on with his underpants in the
morning. ...Later I learned it was true. The General had learned to enjoy
being waited on hand and foot when he served under General Douglas MacArthur
in the Phillippines, where servants were plentiful.--


From the Publisher

KAY Summersby Morgan wrote this book under a death sentence. In late 1973, her
doctors gave her six months to live, but Kay stretched it into more than a
year-and lived every day until the very last with her customary gaiety and
relish. "There's no point in dwelling on it," she would say.

She kept on working. Her last job was as fashion consultant for the film The
Stepford Wives. On weekends she drove her beat-up secondhand Volkswagen to the
Hamptons, where she played bridge and an occasional few holes of golf with old
friends. And she .wrote. She wrote this book because she wanted the truth to
be known.

"I was always extremely discreet," she said. "But now the General is dead. And
I am dying. Once I am dead, then I would like this book to speak for me. I
would like the world to know the truth of the Eisenhower affair."

p. vii



MORE than half my life I have felt like the girl in the hair-coloring
advertisement, the one that asks the question, "Does she . . . or doesn't
she?" In my case, they were not speculating about my hair color.

It used to distress me enormously, but as time went by, emotional scar tissue
formed over the raw nerve ends, and eventually "Did she . . . or didn't she?"
became a curiously old-fashioned speculation. If, through some time warp, I
were to be in my early thirties again, serving as driver, secretary and
confidante to the stalwart and utterly charming Supreme Commander of the
Allied Forces in Europe, General Dwight David Eisenhower, no one would wonder
"Did they ... ?" Today people would simply assume that we did-and given modem
mores, forget the whole thing.

But that was not the way it was. It took years and years, decades, for. people
to forget. And just when I thought the whole issue had disappeared from
people's minds, it was raised again-this time with a vengeance that ripped
open that emotional scar tissue-in Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry
S. Truman by Merle Miller. Late in the autumn of 1973, even before the book
was officially published, the few, paragraphs in it about General Eisenhower
and me made the front pages of newspapers all over the world.

It was absolutely unbelievable. The General had been dead for four years. And
I had not seen himexcept from a determinedly anonymous distance-for more than
a quarter of a century. It was ancient history. Or so I had thought. But the
world did not agree. As Lloyd Shearer wrote in Parade magazine, "Journalists
began an intensive search for Kay Summersby. But Kay Summersby could be found

There was a reason for that. I had been on the operating table when the story
broke. But journalists axe a persistent breed. An Englishman finally tracked
me down. He had looked up the old newspaper clippings and called a friend of
mine who had been mentioned in one of them.

"Mrs. P——?" he had asked. "I'm calling from London. Weren't you present when
Kay married Reginald Morgan?"

She was quite unsuspecting. "I certainly was," she replied. "They were married
right here in my apartment."

"I'm an old friend of Kay's," he said, "and I've been trying to get in touch
with her. Can you tell me where she is?"

This was a lie. I had never heard of him, but there was no way for her to know
that. She told him, "Kay's in New York Hospital. She has had some surgery."

So there I was, barely out of the recovery room, with an intravenous solution
dripping through a tube into my arm and another tube threaded through my
nostril, and the hospital switchboard was calling to say that it had an
overseas call for me. Did I feel up to taking it? I did not, but I took it
anyway, positive that it was my brother, Seamus, calling me from Johannesburg,
eight thousand miles away. Instead, it was this man.

"I'm calling from London," he said. "What about all this?"

Only someone who has had major surgery can understand the state I was in. The
effects of the anesthetic had not worn off completely, and I was drained, just
terribly fatigued by the shock of surgery. Talking was an immense effort.

"What about all what?" I asked feebly.

"About you and Ike," he said. "Is 

[CTRL] Fwd: Heaven's Gate Theosophy

1999-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 Heaven's Gate UFO Cult
 Suspicious Discrepancies and a Link to Theosophy

 Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 14:10:41 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Fwd: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 2, Number 13
 Volume 2, Number 13
 March 30, 1997
 Editor: Joseph Trainor



 Heaven's Gate, the UFO group headed by Marshall Herff Applewhite,
 had links to 19th Century occultists, including Madame Blavatsky
 and novelist Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain.

 The house at 18241 Colina Norte is just down the street from the
 San Dieguito Reservoir, a favorite spot of Mrs. Katherine A.
 Tingley, a disciple of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky. Mrs. Tingley
 moved to San Diego in 1896 and founded an ashram of the
 Theosophical Society at Point Loma. The center opened February 25,
 1897, with a ceremony attended by several prominent people in San
 Diego, including the mayor. (See the San Diego Union for February
 26, 1897)

 Like Applewhite, Mrs. Tingley believed that a major cataclysm
 would sink most of California and end Western civilization. She
 predicted that San Diego would survive to become the capital of an
 island nation called "Nueva California."

 She also had an interesting vision of alabacore tuna swimming
 through the drowned halls of the Assembly building in Sacramento.

 Another one of Madame Blavatsky's disciples had a vision in India
 in 1907 of San Diego in the year 2100 as "a gleaming white city
 and capital of the New Age world."

 Interestingly enough, in 1907, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, aka Mark
 Twain, wrote a short story entitled "Extract from Captain
 Stormfield's Trip to Heaven," in which the hero leaves Earth for
 "an extended excursion among the heavenly bodies" on the tail of a

 In the story, the hero has his passport on him, plus five dollars
 and three 25-cent pieces for the fare.

 Many of the Heaven's Gate victims had their passports on their
 persons and $5.75 in their hands. (See New York Post, March 29,
 1997, page 6)

 In a strange twist, the comet Hale-Bopp has the same initials as
 Helena Blavatsky.

 Also, the acronym for Evolutionary Level Above Human (ELAH) spells
 HALE backwards. (See the Boston Herald for March 29, 1997, page 3)


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