[CTRL] [1] Chaos and Fractals in Financial Markets

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Chaos and Fractals in Financial Markets

Part 1

by J. Orlin Grabbe

Prologue: The Rolling of the Golden Apple

In 1776, a year in which political rebels in Philadelphia were
proclaiming their independence and freedom, a physicist in Europe was
proclaiming total dependence and determinism. According to Pierre-Simon
Laplace, if you knew the initial conditions of any situation, you could
determine the future far in advance: "The present state of the system of
nature is evidently a consequence of what it was in the preceding
moment, and if we conceive of an intelligence which at a given instant
comprehends all the relations of the entities of this universe, it could
state the respective positions, motions, and general effects of all
these entities at any time in the past or future."

The Laplacian universe is just a giant pool table. If you know where the
balls were, and you hit and bank them correctly, the right ball will
always go into the intended pocket.

Laplace's hubris in his ability (or that of his "intelligence") to
forecast the future was completely consistent with the equations and
point of view of classical mechanics. Laplace had not encountered
nonequilibrium thermodynamics, quantum physics, or chaos. Today some
people are frightened by the very notion of chaos. (I have explored this
at length in an essay devoted to chaos from a philosophical perspective.
But the same is also true with respect to the somewhat related
mathematical notion of chaos.) Today there is no justification for a
Laplacian point of view.

At the beginning of this century, the mathematician Henri Poincaré, who
was studying planetary motion, began to get an inkling of the basic

"It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce
very great ones in the final phenomena. A small error in the former will
produce an enormous error in the latter. Prediction becomes impossible"

In other words, he began to realize "deterministic" isn’t what it’s
often cracked up to be, even leaving aside the possibility of other,
nondeterministic systems. An engineer might say to himself: "I know
where a system is now. I know the location of this (planet, spaceship,
automobile, fulcrum, molecule) almost precisely. Therefore I can predict
its position X days in the future with a margin of error precisely
related to the error in my initial observations."

Yeah. Well, that’s not saying much. The prediction error may explode off
to infinity at an exponential rate (read the discussion of Lyapunov
exponents later). Even God couldn’t deal with the margin of error, if
the system is chaotic. (There is no omniscience. Sorry.) And it gets
even worse, if the system is nondeterministic.

The distant future? You’ll know it when you see it, and that’s the first
time you’ll have a clue. (This statement will be slightly modified when
we discuss a system’s global properties.)

I Meet Chaos

I first came across something called "dynamical systems" while I was at
the University of California at Berkeley. But I hadn't paid much
attention to them. I went through Berkeley very fast, and didn't have
time to screw around. But when I got to Harvard for grad school, I
bought René Thom's book Structural Stability and Morphogenesis, which
had just come out in English. The best part of the book was the photos.

Consider a crown worn by a king or a princess, in fairy tales or
sometimes in real life. Why does a crown look the way it does? Well, a
crown is kind of round, so it will fit on the head, and it has spires on
the rim, like little triangular hats—but who knows why—and sometimes on
the end of the spires are little round balls, jewels or globs of gold.
Other than the requirement that it fit on the head, the form of a crown
seems kind of arbitrary.

But right there in Thom's book was a photo of a steel ball that had been
dropped into molten lead, along with the reactive splash of the molten
liquid. The lead splash was a perfect crown--a round vertical column
rising upward, then branching into triangular spires that get thinner
and thinner (and spread out away from the center of the crown) as you
approached the tips, but instead of ending in a point, each spire was
capped with a spherical blob of lead. In other words, the shape of a
crown isn't arbitrary at all: under certain conditions its form occurs
spontaneously whenever a sphere is dropped into liquid. So the king’s
crown wasn’t created to "symbolize" this or that. The form came first, a
natural occurrence, and the interpretation came later.

The word "morphogenesis" refers to the forms things take when they grow:
bugs grow into a particular shape, as do 

[CTRL] [11] From Major Jordan's Diaries

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
From Major Jordan's Diaries
George Racey Jordan©1952 All rights reserved
LCCN 52-6448
Western Islands
395 Concord Avenue
Belmont. Massachusetts 02178
Harcourt, Brace edition published 1952
Free Enterprise edition published 1958
American Opinion edition published 1961
The Americanist Library edition published 1965
170pps — out-of-print


The Priest Who Confronted Stalin

Many surprising things turned up on the Pipeline, but most unexpected of all
was a priest.

Before I tell the story of Father Orlemanski, it is necessary to recall some
details of the tragic fate of Poland. I speech on Jan. 22, 1944 Winston
Churchill gave the clue that the Western Powers were planning to deliver
Poland, one of their staunchest allies, into Russian hands. The Prime
Minister could afford to take the public lead; he had no Polish constituency,
while the United States had 3,000,000 citizens of Polish birth or descent. At
Teheran, four months earlier, Poland's death-sentence had been arranged; it
was to be executed at Yalta early in 1945.

Prominent roles in the tragedy were played by two American citizens who were
cleared from Great Falls to Moscow on April 12 and 19, 1944. Both had been
equipped by the State Department with passports authorizing travel to the
Soviet Union, and by the War Department with military passes for the Western
Defense Command (Great Falls) and Alaska Defense Force (Fairbanks).

First to arrive was Oscar Richard Lange, professor of economics at Chicago
University. Born and educated in Poland, be had been a traveling fellow of
the Rockefeller Foundation from 1934-36 and had come to America in 1937, at
the age of 33. He was naturalized in 1943.

I first heard of Oscar Lange from Colonel Kotikov, who was leaving on one of
his mysterious hurry-up flights to Washington. He asked me to keep a
particular look-out for a man "high in Polish affairs" who would be passing
through on the way to Moscow. He could be identified because he "walked with
a limp." On account of an urgent appointment in Edmonton, he was to be sent
along without delay.

As my diary records, Professor Lange arrived on April 11 and departed early
the next morning. In the press of other business I took little notice except
to examine his papers, which were in order. But I sat up when a telegram was
forwarded by the Airbase Commander. It was from General Marshall, who sent
his personal order for the professor's clearance. I thought, "This Lange must
really be a V.I.P." Never before, at Great Falls, had such intervention from
the Army Chief of Staff occurred.

The second American was Father Stanislaus Orlemanski. To the best of my
information, Professor Lange and Father Orlemanski were the first Americans
to pass the "Iron Curtain" stretched across the Bering Sea.

Father Orlemanski was the pastor of a church in Springfield, Mass. He was
possessed by the idea of an heroic mission. He would confront Joseph Stalin
face to face and wrest from him a promise that Communist persecution of
religion would cease. For such a dream there have not been too many parallels
since the Middle Ages. In the year 1219 another of "God's fools," Saint
Francis of Assisi, trudged across a no-man's land in Egypt, through the
Moslem camp where there was a price on every Christian head, and stood at
last before the Saracen commander-in-chief. To Sultan Malik-al-Kamil the
friar preached the Gospel and implored him to accept baptism. The monarch
smiled, but granted safe-conduct to Francis and remarked to his courtiers
that for the first time he had met a "true Nazarene."

On the morning of April 18 Colonel Kotikov telephoned us that he had been
stranded at Billings, Montana. In a B-25 bomber, Colonel Boaz, Major Paul
Reid and I flew to the rescue, returning about 2:15 the same afternoon.

There in my office, sitting with an air of tranquil patience, was a Catholic
priest. He was nearly six feet tall and had the build of a husky workingman.
We shook hands and exchanged names.

Quite simply, Father Orlemanski said that he was on the way to Moscow. I,
Major Jordan, was to put him on a plane. He spoke with the serenity of one
who had taken to heart the favorite maxim of Saint Francis of Assisi: "Cast
your care upon God, and He will protect you." Thinking of the fate in store
for a priest in Russia, I was horrified.

I demanded his credentials, never dreaming he could have any. To my
stupefaction, he offered military passes for the Alaska Defense Force and
Western Defense Command, bearing the names of their respective chiefs, Major
General Simon B. Buckner and Major General David McCoach, Jr. Next he
produced a passport from the State Department empowering him to travel to the
Soviet Union by way of Egypt, Iraq and Iran. He also had visas for the three

I asked why he was in Montana instead of the Near East. The Soviet Consulate
in New York, he answered, had instructed him to ignore the 

[CTRL] [4] Ritual Abuse

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Ritual Abuse
Margaret Smith©1993
HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
ISBN 0-06-250214-X
213pps — out-of-print
Chapter 4

Physical, Sexual, and
Emotional Abuse of Children:-
Brainwashing and Programming

Dream: April 11, 1985

I was at the kitchen table eating dinner with my family. Everyone was talking
and laughing, and I kept trying to say something. Their conversation became
louder drowning out my voice. Nobody looked at me. Nobody acknowledged that I
had said something. I felt like I was in a glass cage. I could see out, but
no one could see in. The feelings of isolation were unbearable. I walked over
to my mother and started pulling on her sleeve. "Mom, Mom, listen to me!" I
pleaded. She continued to laugh with the others, without so much as her head
turning toward me. I looked up at my entire family. "Listen to me!" I
screamed, "Why won't you listen to me?" Still, they didn't look at me. I I
felt like I was invisible. Anger burned inside of me. The frustration made
every cell in my body turn to fire. I hated them, but there was nothing I
could do to make them acknowledge my existence.

I reached for a hammer and smashed my arm. "Look at this!" I said. "Do you
see this?" Still no one noticed. I became crazed with my fury to hurt myself
I was mocking just how little they cared. "Look at this!" I said, and I
started rubbing my body on the carpet as hard as I could to give it rug bum.
I felt nothing. My body didn't exist. All I wanted to do was hurt my family,
and my body was the tool I could use to show just what they had done to me. I
wanted to make people see the pain. I wanted to mock the games of silence I
never had control over Still nobody noticed.

There was a knock at the door I got up and answered it. It was my best
friend, Kristin. She looked at me with horror "Oh, my God," she said. "What
have you done?" For the first time, I looked down at my body and noticed the
torn and mangled flesh. I felt confused and numb. I had never noticed the
physical damage. "We've got to call the ambulance," she said. I was quiet. I
didn't know what to do anymore.

The ambulance came, and they hooked me up to an I.V. and a life-support
system. The medic looked down at me and said, "You know you may die." I
looked over my body and saw the bruised limbs and the tired bones. I felt
overwhelmed with grief My body had paid the price for all the pain I could
never express in words. I realized that the most important relationship in my
life is the relationship I have with myself. Who was my family, anyway? Who
were any of those people who ignored me? My body was going to die. I was
going to die. What had I done to deserve any of this?

I had punished me because I could never punish anyone else. I always vented
my frustration on me because no one else could acknowledge the
all-penetrating injustices perpetrated against me.

In that final instance, I saw it. I saw that no matter what happens, that no
matter what anyone ever says or does to me, it will never be worth losing me.
And I felt it. I truly felt it. Me—without anyone's opinions or ideas of what
I was. just me. I looked at my body, and I truly remembered. I knew I had to
keep living. I had found my reason to survive.

Although many different groups engage in ritual abuse, the abuse has many
common characteristics. Sexual abuse, animal and human sacrifice, and
physical torture are common themes. Many groups also profit financially from
child pornography and child prostitution. Most victims of ritual abuse report
being drugged during the abuse. Due to the effects of the drugs, many of the
ritual abuse memories may have a distant, foggy quality, as survivors
remember the abuse in therapy. Tables 4.1 and 4.2 list the types of abuse
perpetrated against ritual abuse survivors in our study

Table 4.1 The Forms of Abuse Perpetrated Against
Ritual Abuse Survivors

Molestation or intercourse  100%
Forced participation in group sex with adults   96%
Torture of you  94%
Witnessing or forced participation in animal sacrifice  90%
Witnessing or forced participation in human sacrifice   88%
Sodomy  88%
Drugged during the abuse88%
Witnessing or forced participation in cannibalism   82%
Forced to torture others75%
Child prostitution  52%
Child pornography   52%
Forced to breed children who were later sacrificed  36%

Table 4.2 Other Forms of Abuse Mentioned by
Ritual Abuse Survivors

Mental programming  21%
Bestiality  17%
Use of electric shock for torture   13%
Witnessing/ forced participation
in dismemberment/mutilation of bodies   12%
Being hung upside down  10%
Forced to kidnap children from playgrounds  8%
Hypnotism   8%
Pets killed 4%
Psychic surgery 4%
Being rented out to other cults 4%


[CTRL] Fwd: S99-95, Day 69 (May 31, 10:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GWBulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-95, Day 69
May 31, 1999; 10:00PM EDT


Phoenix  1. Memorial Day Weekend Slaughter

Surdulica2. NATO Returns to the Scene of an Earlier
  11 Dead in Strike on Old Age
Home, Sanatorium

New Delhi 3. Times of India Poll: 66% Consider Clinton
a War
  Criminal; Only 24% Think That of

California  4. "Zdravo, Bob Djurdjevic!  Ti si
najbolji!!!; I Should Have
  Been Born in Serbia, Greece or
Russia" (By Dave Thomas)

New Zealand 5. "Not in My Name!" (By Gerard van Royen)

Arizona 6. "Every Clinton Supporter Should
  Read TiM" (By Paula Maas)

Belgrade   7. Serb Black Humor - For Your Memorial Day

1. Memorial Day Weekend Slaughter

PHOENIX, May 31 - Memorial Day Weekend usually brings reports of death toll
on the U.S. highways.  This time, however, the slaughter took place half
the world away as death rained on Serb cities, highways and bridges from
the skies over Serbia.

With about an hour to go before the stroke of midnight on Monday, the Serb
civilian Memorial Day Weekend slaughter stood at over 100, said a TiM
source at Radio Belgrade, making this the bloodiest weekend since the start
of NATO's bombing on Mar. 24.

Many more are also dying as indirect victims of the NATO strikes, which
knocked out electricity this evening again in Belgrade for the second day
in a row.  Specifically, it is the hospital patients on life-support
systems and the newborn babies who cannot survive the electrically-powered
medical equipment.  The exact number of such casualties across Serbia is
not known, but it should be added to the above death toll number.

So as we say our prayers today for the fallen American soldiers of the past
wars, let us not forget to do so also for the souls of the innocent
civilians killed in their beds or on the bridges by the current crop of
American and other NATO pilots.

2. NATO Returns to the Scene of an Earlier Crime: 11 Dead in Strike on Old
Age Home, Sanatorium

SURDULICA, May 31 - NATO returned today to the scene of an earlier crime
striking an old age home and sanatorium in Surdulica, killing at least 11
people.  More victims are feared dead, buried under the rubble. This was
the second time the sanatorium had been hit since the NATO air strikes
began on March 24.

Surdulica, about 75km (50 miles) southeast of the city of Nis near the
Nis-Skopje highway, was also the scene of one of NATO's previous
high-profile blunders. On April 27, 20 people, mainly women and children,
were killed during an air strike intended for an army barracks. NATO later
admitted that a laser-guided bomb went astray and hit a residential area,
destroying scores of homes (see S99-58, Day 36, Update 1, Item 1, Apr. 28).

In Ripanj, a village below Mount Avala south of Belgrade where a huge
transmitter has been crippled in previous strikes, Slavica Kostic lay dead,
surrounded by the rubble of her house, the Reuters newswire reported today.
 Her small cat, blood dripping from its ears, crouched near her body,
refusing to move. Her son Ljuba was wounded in the attack, which destroyed
several surrounding houses.

The electrical power plant in Obrenovac, outside of Belgrade, was last
night hit, causing power failures in some parts of the capital. Belgrade
residents also reported hearing strong explosions from the southern and
eastern suburbs of the city.

The city authorities later said three people were wounded in an attack on
an empty barracks in Volga Street, in the densely populated Zvezdara
district. Many buildings several blocks away had their windows shattered.

"Our whole building shook and windows and doors rattled," said a TiM source
who lives in New Belgrade, several miles away from the site of last night's

A woman standing outside her house spoke on the telephone, its cord
stretched through a hole where her window had been, the Reuters newswire
reported this morning from Belgrade.

And this evening, many parts of Belgrade were again without power,
following another powerful explosion, the same source from New Belgrade
reported.  Which also means no water for many apartment dwellers.

"We are okay on the ground floor," our source said.  "But the people who
live higher up don't have any water when the electricity goes out."

"Guess this means no bread again tomorrow morning," the source added,
almost as an afterthought.

"No bread?  Are you serious?  Why not?"

[CTRL] Moral Relativism: The Phantom Menace

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Moral Relativism: The Phantom Menace

a movie review by Lauren Bain

I attended the Houston opening of Star Wars on my 25th birthday. The
Jedis were good and Darth Vader was bad, and the Force was everywhere.
Two weeks shy of my 48th birthday, I attended Episode I: The Phantom
Menace at a Seattle theater that would be at home on Endor. The Jedis
are getting surly, Darth Vader is nine and irresistibly winsome, and the
Force is too much with us.

George Lucas is undeniably a cinematic genius of sweeping creativity and
impact. What a shame he gladhands with altruism and moral relativism. I
cannot help but compare Star Wars with Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. The
Trekkers who roamed the known universe were true heroes: They saved
themselves, they defended free trade and the rule of law, and they told
gangbangers to get the hell out of the way. Lucas's champions run around
in medieval robes, besmirch reason in favor of instinct, and commune
with the Force—though they seem not to know it very well, for they miss
the rather enormous reality of the existence of the Siths, their evil
counterparts who sport very Gothic drag, wield double-ended light
sabers, vault nuclear reactors, and generally are a real nuisance to the
freedom-loving universe.

So much for trusting your feelings, Luke.

What a dismal sense of life we see in Lucas's galaxy: humans are the
slaves of corrupt gambling lords, led by Jobba the Hutt, who looks like
a cross between Humpty Dumpty and a blowfish, and who would just as soon
bite off your head and spit it out at a gong as look at you.

Fetching little Anakin Skywalker is a slave who lives with his mom (who
really can't explain his paternity, but the Force has its ways, and it
evidently did with her) on the bleak planet Tatooine, that would make
Winslow, Arizona look like Hollywood on New Year's Eve. He's a clever
lad with big blue eyes, long blond bangs, and a doom-filled destiny.
Down come a couple of Jedi knights needing a few space ship parts, along
with a wise and beautiful 14-year-old democratically elected queen
cleverly disguised as her handmaiden. She effects this disguise by not
putting on her Elizabeth I white pancake makeup and leaving her
hair—normally done up to resemble Roman plumbing—down. The Jedi give
little Anakin a blood test and determine not only that he is one of
them, but a master of masters. Anakin wins his freedom in a pod race,
and goes off to Jedi training camp with his new friends. Mom has to stay
home and be a slave ("My future is here"), but Anakin vows to return and
free her. If he can. He thinks. Mom commends him for "giving all to
those who had none." Shmi Skywalker gives all she has, too—Anakin—and
now has nothing but a future of slavery to endure alone among her
fish-faced masters. Ugh.

Anakin is his mother's son, a true altruist. And to his credit, Lucas
understands that the flip side of altruism is evil tyranny. Anakin, of
course, grows up to be Darth Vader, dark lord of the Siths. He murders,
tortures, plunders, blows up other people's planets, and systematically
destroys most of his once-fellow Jedi. But he does all this only because
he's caught in the grip of the dark side of the Force, not because he's

That's the trouble. Lucas refuses to make Darth Vader evil. In the final
episode, Darth Vader pitches the true evil genius, the Emperor of the
Terribly Haggard Eyes, down the reactor and saves his own son, whom he
has sought to destroy for at least three episodes. The Lord of Darkness
is redeemed. He dies without his helmet on in the middle of a touching
father-and-son reunion, but his holographic projection is nonetheless
welcome at his children's victory party where they celebrate the
restoration of freedom, peace, and prosperity in the galaxy. I can tell
you that if my Dad blew up my home planet and killed all the best people
in the galaxy and made a general evil nuisance of himself, he would not
be invited to my

party. But moral relativism demands so much more largesse. It demands
forgiveness of evil—abnegation of the very concept of evil. Lucas
expects us to get off Darth Vader's case. Little Anakin, after all, was
such a sweetie, and the wise and beautiful 14-year-old democratically
elected queen had a definite thing for him. He was good by nature. Never
mind his subsequent actions.

Perhaps, Virginia, there are Siths out there. But they are not bogeys
with horns and tattoos and double-ended light sabers. They are rotten
philosophy: they are, specifically, moral relativism. Good fantasy does
not attempt to obscure that reality, and very sadly, The Phantom Menace

[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: The Rambo-yay Agreement

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

To new subscribers: thanks for joining up.  Yes, the column really is
free, and you're encouraged to forward it to friends.  That's how our
readership grows.

Sorry this one's long again.  But there's a ton of stuff about the war
that almost nobody is reporting.  If you think other people should know,
send it around.

Thanks for sticking with me as I cope by blithering it all at you at once.


THE SCOOP for May 31, 1999

Violating The War Powers Act, Kosovo's Kuwait, and the Rambo-yay Agreement
also, A Memorial Day Prayer
© 1999 Bob Harris

[ ] = italics

["The president is in violation of the law. That is clear. It does not
require an interpretation of the Constitution.  It is the War Powers Act
of 1973."]
-- Rep. Tom Campbell (R-Calif.)

["The representatives of the American people voted against this war in the
Balkans... Yet the war continues unauthorized, without the consent of the
-- Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)

According to the White House, the United States is not technically at

Excuse me?  This is Bill Clinton we're talking about.  People are actually
relying on a definition of "war" from a man who claimed that what he and
Monica had wasn't "sex."

This [is] a war, as the rest of the world is acutely aware.

And as such, this war is now quite plainly illegal under U.S. law,
specifically the War Powers Act.

As this space pointed out last week, Article I of the U.S. Constitution
gives Congress the power to decide when and if the nation should go to
war.  As a practical matter, the White House has always had some leeway to
respond to short-term crises, but the War Powers Act mandates clearly that
the White House must notify Congress of military action within 48 hours,
and lacking a resolution of support from Congress, must withdraw the U.S.
military from hostilities withing 60 days thereafter.

According to U.S. federal law, Bill Clinton's war had to end by May 25th.

(I've posted the text of the War Powers Act and Article I, Section 8 of
the U.S. Constitution at http://www.bobharris.com so you can read them for

The White House has so far ignored the law, claiming it's unconstitutional.

Too bad they apparently haven't [read] the Constitution.  The Supreme
Court is the only body that can rule on whether the War Powers Act is
constitutional, and until they say otherwise, it remains federal law,
which Clinton has sworn under oath to uphold.

Which is why on May 26th, a bipartisan group of 26 members of Congress,
led by Representatives Campbell and Kucinich, filed a motion in U.S.
District Court to end the U.S. role in the bombing of Yugoslavia.

How that motion is adjudicated just might set an enormous precedent -- not
just over the practical authority to declare war, but the ability even to
compel the White House to obey the law.

This is a legitimate constitutional crisis.

Not that most reporters seem to care.

The [Washington Post] has mentioned the subject exactly 3 times: twice in
short items on pages A25 and A28 on the day the deadline passed, and then
yesterday in a TV listing in section C.

And as Fairness  Accuracy In Reporting has pointed out, a search of the
[New York Times] database reveals that the War Powers Act has not yet been
mentioned even once.


Then again, a lot of things aren't getting reported in the United States.

I'm writing this at about 3:45 pm PST on Sunday, May 30.  European news
agencies have reported all of the following just in the last 24 hours:

• Several civilians have been killed and at least 40 wounded in the town
of Krusevac; early reports state that bombs intended for a bridge over the
Morava river apparently exploded near a street market full of people
celebrating a local religious holiday.

At this moment, CNN is running an interview with a stock analyst
discussing the price of banking shares.

• Two vehicles carrying foreign correspondents from Italy, Portugal, and
England have been heavily damaged by a NATO missile in Rekane.  Two
reporters are wounded.  One person has been killed.  

Fox News is airing a report on the decline in the Euro relative to the

• One civilian has been killed, over 30 have been wounded, and at least
130 homes have been damaged or destroyed in the villages of Suvi Do and
Pavlovci.  Also, seven more bodies have been found in the rubble at the
Estok prison, raising the casualty total there to 93 dead and over 200

Meanwhile, MSNBC is hyping a special program tonight, on which Tom Brokaw
will hype his new book.  Fox News is now discussing the renovation of the
Chelsea hotel in New York.  Headline News is running a feature on summer
travel bargains.  

And so it goes.

U.S. media widely reported that the Serbian military was responsible for
2000 deaths in Kosovo prior to the bombings.

This is unquestionably a 

[CTRL] Socialism: the Forbidden Ideology

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Socialism: the Forbidden Ideology

by Robert L. Kocher

More than thirty years ago I read a book stating, "Socialism is the myth
that two people can live off each other indefinitely without either of
them doing any work." While that definition may get a laugh from those
already predisposed to agree with any criticism of socialism, and does,
in fact, contain a measure of truth, it's not the most incisive or
comprehensive analysis in the world. Socialism—make that contemporary
liberalism—has developed far beyond that in the last three decades.

Perhaps it is necessary to put economics into a historical perspective
at this point. There was a period in which much of the known world lived
under a feudalism which made any individual economic progress impossible
for all but those born into nobility or position. Among the potential
remedies necessary to correct the condition or its vestiges, socialism
was one simplistic and direct answer. Crudely implemented, it means
overthrowing the existing order and distributing their possessions among
the angry mob. That could be interpreted as immediate socialism. In a
more refined implementation, the method is to put the process to a vote
which accomplishes the same result in a more pretentious fashion. The
intellectual underwriting is less than philosophically comprehensive,
and does not guarantee human rights or economic opportunity. People
assuming the right to take from other people never guarantees other

Socialism is a better vehicle for anger than it is a vehicle for
economic advancement or individual rights. It results in an angry
triumphant party which dies out when the stores in the confiscated wine
cellar are completely consumed. Contrary to socialist belief, partying
and human rights are not the same.

The great depression of the thirties produced immense distrust of the
free enterprise system, with consideration of substitution of socialism
as a remedy. People were desperate to end the economic catastrophe.
There are certain artificialities in the economic and banking system
that were poorly understood at the time and were devastating. There are
Nobel prizes awarded periodically in economics. The awarding of those
prizes for advancement in the study of economics signifies that an
absence of that advancement existed seventy-five years ago.

Socialism has partly been a historical act of economic desperation. But
that has not been so in recent times.

The explosive expansion of the radical political left in this country,
as the so-called "New Left," in the sixties was an entirely different
phenomenon. Economic opportunity in this country had expanded
enormously. Educational levels had advanced about four years in several
decades. Five times as many people were in college and on their way to
professional careers as there had been a few years earlier. Unemployment
or under-employment was low. The economic problems for which socialism
was conjectured as being a necessary remedy were nonexistent, or
becoming nearly nonexistent. By the 1950's the American economic
condition was the greatest in world history. The rate of economic
opportunity expansion in the country was far beyond anything that had
ever been seen, and was certainly beyond anything taking place in the
socialist world. The issues of socialism were not economic opportunity.

In a psychotic contradiction, the alternative systems the new left
endorsed never in practice produced economic levels remotely approaching
the levels being attained at median levels in this country. The
alternative political systems being romanticized never approached the
degree of freedom existent in this country which the left complained
about as insufficient or repressive. The most egregious failures in
socialist and communist societies were excused while the most minor
flaws in free enterprise were obsessively and desperately seized upon by
the left as reason to implement systems that were far more flawed. That
degree of contradiction and distortion is indicative of underlying
motivated commitment to another primary agenda.

Sophomoric Economics

Then why liberalism/socialism—and what is its theology? If economic
progress had occurred and economic promise had been expanding at a high
rate, what was the failure to be addressed by liberalism? The answer was
a new kind of failure. That failure was the failure of reality to
conform to the immature and unrealistic fantasies, and the childlike
demands, in a too-soft generation.

There was a time when the purpose of a successful economic system was to
provide economic opportunity and food on the table. In recent years the
demand has become for an 

[CTRL] Presumed Innocent No Longer

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Presumed Innocent No Longer

by Peter Topolewski

Criticizing the government, particularly about taxes and wasteful
spending, is an age-old pastime in western society. It is enjoyable,
often justified, and can be practiced by all range of people, from
simpletons to geniuses. More importantly, citizens should consider
criticizing the government necessary for the preservation of both
society and individual liberty. But until the people can admit their
complicity in government wrongdoing, all criticism is nothing but gripe
to pass the time. Until citizens admit that they have – through
laziness, ignorance, complacency, bribery and et cetera – granted power
to the government, they will not admit that they can take that power
away, and they will not admit that the power to remedy what grieves them
lies within their own hands.

The obstacles hindering most of us from making such admissions are many.
In these days when governments educate our children and provide them
values, regulate speech and set wages, mandate hiring practices, tell us
what food to eat, and employ millions, regular citizens find it
difficult to recognize that they have given the government
responsibility and authority to do all this, and much more. Add to this
the fact that in the name of self-preservation the government does not
want us to know that we have granted them their power. Everyday they
encourage us to forget by exchanging goods from their horn of plenty for
our lazy silence while they extend their domain. And as the government
bestows more and more services upon its citizens, we are disinclined all
the more to ever want that power – and responsibility – back.

All of this I thought I more or less got off my chest over the last few
issues of Laissez Faire Times. But only last week did I realize not only
how fundamentally people have lost sight of their own responsibility for
the condition and operation of their societies, but how negligent they
have become in their relationship with their governments. I found the
 source of my realization in an editorial in the Vancouver Sun,
supposedly the city’s right-wing newspaper. At issue was the fact that
the federal government in Ottawa every year collects $5 billion in motor
fuel taxes for the purpose of constructing and maintaining roads, and
yet spends only $300 million (or 6 percent) of that on the national
highway system. The rest they shove into general revenue to pay for all
other manner of programs. This pathetic practice has gone on for years,
and so it comes as no surprise that a 1997 Transport Association of
Canada report estimates the national highway system requires $17.4
billion worth of work to make it more than a series of goat trails. In
order to come up with the money required to upgrade the highways the
federal Transportation Minister David Colinette is toying with the idea
of imposing highway tolls.

Now this whole scenario is ridiculous, and the government’s handling of
these funds is in my opinion criminal. The more fundamental problem,
however, lay in the editorial itself. The Vancouver Sun closed its
critique of the government by blaming the wretched shape of the highway
system and its source of funding on "Ottawa’s priorities". Exactly here,
in the midst of educating the public of problems affecting every
Canadian, the newspaper can blame only the ever-present and durable
"Ottawa". When newspapers and the public can presume that Ottawa
operates in complete isolation, and plucks its "priorities" out of thin
air, we see how drastically disengaged from their sense of
responsibility citizens have become.

One way, one of the main ways, governments maintains or expands its
power is by appeasing those who have granted it to them and who can
therefore grasp it back from them. And so the reason Ottawa actually
spends only 6 percent of the money it raises for roads on roads is
because the public has a long list of things they want, and roads are
one of the least glamorous items on the list. That is, the people – not
Ottawa – have other priorities.

The Complicity of the Governed

The blame, then, belongs to both government and the governed. And blame
is the right word, because although the fuel tax revenue is being spent
in a way that in some form reflects the public’s priorities, no one is
happy. People still complain about taxes that are way too high, and
(although lost on many) the deteriorating highway system is undeniably a
major cause of inefficiency and Canada’s falling productivity. And so
the outrageous amount of fuel tax and its misuse again points to the
problem underlying the view of government as the solution to all woes:
the cost is 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Michael Aquino Files To Be Taken Down In One Week

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The Michael Aquino Files will be taken down from The Konformist website on
June 6, 1999.  This will give researchers interested in downloading the
material enough time to do so, if they wish.

For more background information, please visit:


The information was placed on the site after I worked a full weekend to
format it, and despite the fact that I was advised by many people not to do
it, as I would be opening myself up to threats of lawsuits from Dr. Aquino.

Surprisingly, Dr. Aquino has been cordial to me during this whole endeavor,
and is not the reason it is being removed, as many may suspect.

The actual reason it is being removed is because Curio Jones has unfairly
been criticized by others for being associated with The Konformist, which
supposedly is both "pornographic" and "vulgar" (at least the second
accusation is true.)

Curio Jones never has endorsed anything in The Konformist, publicly or
privately, nor would I ever ask her to do so.  The reason her work was
included in The Konformist was to ensure that her work would not be removed
from the internet.

Unfortunately, her continued work in the field of ritual abuse may be
hindered if her information remains on The Konformist.

I included the information on my site to help her, not to hurt her, and when
she explained to me her dilemna, I told her that if I were her, I would
request that it be taken down, which I am respectfully doing.

I have no anger towards Ms. Jones, and only wish her the best in her work.
If she ever needs the information back up on my site, I will be happy to
include it.  In any case, she is a brave woman, and I don't think it is fair
for her to have to defend my work.  That is my battle, not hers.

I must admit, however, that I am not pleased at the reasons behind me having
to pull this.  I consider it ungrateful of critics to attack The Konformist
for trying to publicize their cause.  There are few things I dislike more
than a lack of gratitude, and these same critics have no reason to whine in
the future as they wonder why more media outlets don't present their
evidence.  Further, I am left to wonder if anyone else would be interested in
presenting the Aquino files in the future, knowing full well they will be
threatened not only to be sued but to be pissed on by those they are
defending.  One of the reasons I did this in the first place is because I
know nobody else would have the spine to do it: good luck in the future.
Finally, I think some will look at the fact that Mr. Aquino was more polite
to me during this episode than people in the ritual abuse community, and draw
some conclusions from this.  As far as I'm concerned, the critics have no one
to blame but themselves for this.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit http://www.eGroups.com/list/konformist/ and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-94, Day 68 (May 30, 10:30PM EDT) - A Special TiM GWBulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan


Come and join the big anti-war rally being held at the Vietnam Memorial in
Washington, DC, on Saturday, June 5, starting at noon at the Vietnam
Memorial.  Your editor is supposed to be one of the speakers. Let's tell
Bill Clinton we don't want a KOSOVO MEMORIAL next to the Vietnam one.

Here is your chance to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! So that one day, with your
head held high, you can tell your children or grandchildren: "During the
Days of the American Infamy, I did not remain silent; I stood up against
Washington's Evil Empire, and defended America the Beautiful which our
Founding Fathers had created."

For those who can't make it to DC but are close enough to San Francisco,
there is a companion anti-war march being held there the same day (June 5).
For details, check out www.iacenter.org.

The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-94, Day 68
May 30, 1999; 11:30PM EDT


Belgrade   1. Eleven Killed, 40 Wounded in Another
  NATO Bridge "Kill"

Belgrade   2. Crossing the Bridges: Only Under the Sign
of Cross?

Pristina 3. Foreign Media Convoy Bombed: One Dead,
  Two Injured

Sarajevo   4. Serbs Said to Snatch Away Six NATO Soldiers;
  Release Them after Eight Hours of

Belgrade  5. Yugoslav Jews Stand by Their Serb
Neighbors: I'd
 Rather Be Poor in Belgrade Than
Rich in Tel Aviv!

Belgrade  6. ...As Did Belgrade's Ethnic Germans

1. Eleven Killed, 40 Wounded in Another NATO Bridge "Kill"

BELGRADE, May 30 - Add at least 11 more counts of murder, and 40 counts of
attempted murder causing bodily harm, to the growing list of NATO's war
crimes, after today's bombing of yet another bridge. Plus one damaged
hotel, one church and one city hall.

This time, all these NATO "military targets" were in Varvarin, a small town
110km (65 miles) south of Belgrade.  Three missiles struck the bridge while
civilian traffic was flowing across it. More deaths are feared as a number
of vehicles fell from the bridge into the swollen Velika Morava river.

Ironically, the town's name - Varvarin - means Barbarian in Serbian.  Now,
the town's residents can see that real barbarians live high up in the sky.
And may consider renaming their town after the war - "Barbarians' Target."

Meanwhile, back in Brussels, the NATO leaders rejoiced in another
"successful" day at the office, having launched a record 1,000+ sorties,
along with over 300 strike sorties, in that 24 hour-period.  A NATO
spokesman confirmed the Varvarin bridge "kill," calling it a legitimate
military target.

2. Crossing the Bridges: Only Under the Sign of Cross?

BELGRADE, May 30 - Crossing a bridge in Serbia these days is a crap shoot
with your own life, as the above Varvarin story illustrated. But not all
casualties are directly attributable to NATO.

One person was killed and another badly injured in a traffic accident on
Belgrade's Gazela bridge last night (May 30). Fearing possible bombs, a
driver reportedly sped up, lost control of his vehicle, and crashed through
the fence and into the river below.

When this writer visited Serbia in late April, he had a similar experience,
though with a happier ending.  As you can see... by being able to read
about it.

One of the three highway bridges near Novi Sad was still standing at the
time.  As we approached it after a brief stopover in downtown Novi Sad, the
driver crossed himself, and asked everyone in the van to say a prayer.
Then he gunned the vehicle across the bridge.

Half way across Europe's longest waterway, his eyes glued on the roadway
ahead, "De Gaulle," the nickname which the driver, a tall wiry Serb, earned
for having lived a few years in Paris, motioned to the right.  "This is
where the missile hit," he said.

Indeed, the damage was extensive and obvious, though the bridge was still
standing.  Back then.  It no longer is.  A couple of weeks later, NATO came
back and finished the job.

No wonder many taxi drivers in Belgrade have crosses hanging under their
rear view mirrors, having to cross the bridges across the rivers Sava and
Danube numerous times every day.  Only under the crosses, of course.

Incidentally, "DeGaulle" almost caused an accident a few days later right
at the Kneza Milosa exit off the Gazela bridge in downtown Belgrade.

As this writer was walking along Kneza Milosa street to take pictures of
the bombed-out Interior Ministry buildings (see the photos at our Web site
- http://www.truthinmedia.org/Kosovo/photos-rsd.html), a 


1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

By Eric Samuelson, J.D.

I am presently researching a biography on David Rockefeller. An
ovrview of the book will soon be sent to a New York City agent for
circulation among all the major publishing houses. Among the topics
that will be covered is the role of British USA Round Table member
Rep. Wayne Hays (Demo-Ohio) in "killing" the Reece Committee
investigation of tax-exempt foundations, the disappearance of the
research on the Rockefeller-funded Kinsey studies and the "disposal"
threats made to Reece Investigator Norman Dodd by a lobbyist for the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

In 1986 Hoover scholar Antony C. Sutton published his "magnum opus"
OF SKULL AND BONES. In his preface Sutton said he had been given an
eight-inch batch of documents which was "nothing less than the
membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the
sheets it was more than obvious--this was no ordinary group. The
names spelled Power with a capital P." Throughout the book Sutton
hinted at even deeper revelations he would make in books to come.
However, the full list never was published by Sutton. In making
inquiries of those who knew Sutton, I was told that he had become
exiled in his own country. For months I searched the Web looking for
a list of the members of Skull and Bones. At long last, a notebook
was given to me which required the use of a magnifying glass to make
out the names. So, the following semi-final list is about 97%
accurate. It opens the door to the Bones realm at a time that one of
their own is now hitting the campaign trail for the Republican
presidential nomination.

For about the past ten years I have been studying secret elite
groups. The average person has almost no knowledge of them and there
are very few sources of information. These secret groups include the
Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Knights of the
Garter, The Knights of Malta, The 33rd Degree Masons, the Rhodes
Scholars, The Skull and Bones and the Trilateral Commission. What is
needed is a historical roster of the membership of each of these

The list that follows is only the first of an upcoming series of
historic exposes of these secret societies. If you have any
biographical information on any of these individuals, your sharing
will be appreciated and reciprocated. Any mistakes or corrections

 Abbe Frederick Randolph1848
 Aberg, Jr.   Donlan Vincent1952
 Abrams   Peter Mark1983
 Acheson  David Campion 1943
 Ackerman Stephen H.1957
 Ackerman Stephen H.1957
 Acosta   John Sidney   1921
 AdamsCharles Edward1904
 AdamsCharles Hemmenway 1866
 AdamsFrederick Baldwin 1862
 AdamsFrederick Baldwin 1900
 AdamsGeorge Webster1904
 AdamsLewis G.  1920
 AdamsMason Tyler   1899
 AdamsStephen   1959
 Adams, Jr.   Frederick Baldwin 1932
 Afeiju   Bernard I.1967
 Ahlbrandt, Jr.   Roger S.  1963
 AikenEdwin Edgerton1881
 AitchisonWilliam   1848
 AlbrittonPaul Berem1978
 AldisOwen Franklin 1874
 Aldrich  Malcolm Pratt 1922
 AlexanderEben  1873
 AlexanderWilliam DeWitt1855
 AlexanderWilliam Felix 1851
 Ali  Mehdi Raza1965
 AllenArthur Dwight 1901
 AllenArthur Huntington 1873
 AllenCalvin Durand 1913
 AllenCharles E.1958
 AllenFrederick Winthrop1900
 AllenHenry Elisha  1924
 AllenJohn DeWitt Hamilton  1876
 AllenParker Breese 1919

[CTRL] The Fifth Man - The Counterfeit Money Caper

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

The Fifth Man

The Counterfeit Money Caper

by Alex Cline

Sam Colt smiled as he told the story:

"The ‘Ambassador’ stood quietly amazed as he watched the masters
working. The Swiss-made presses whirred as the uniquely processed paper
was fed into stacks to dry. He had heard from others who took the time
to tour the U.S. Mint that it was an awesome experience, but it just
never struck home until now. During the morning briefing he had been
told that, with current inventory, the presses could produce $200
billion dollars. He felt a tremendous satisfaction at a job very well

"It had been a long, hard road to get to where he was today, and well
worth the effort. But he couldn’t take all the credit. If it were not
for his inside contact at the Department of Treasury, the project
probably would not have been successful. It was damn near impossible to
purchase security presses. When I say security presses, I mean equipment
which can produce bank notes and monetary-standards printing. This is a
highly sensitive area and requires several sets of checks and balances
to keep the criminal element out of the high-grade counterfeiting
business. The U.S. Department of Treasury, however had an open line with
the manufacturers. So that’s one reason it was vital to have a Treasury
employee on the team.

"The second reason was very basic. We needed plates. One-hundred-dollar
denomination U.S. Treasury Plates. Nothing else would suffice. So the
inside man had to be at a level to have access to the plates. The third
and fourth requirements from our man in Treasury were the inks and
paper. But his responsibility didn’t end there. As in any successful
covert operation, it is imperative that it remain a secret, even after
the mission is complete. I’m talking containment again. This insider had
to clean-up the purchase orders and delivery orders in total. Now I’m
not going to tell you who this operative was, but you can bet that he
had to be well placed at the Department of Treasury to have unlimited
access. I will say that he kinda looked like Clark Kent with thicker

"With the old guard on Capital Hill slowly retiring or dying off, we
knew that the Intelligence Oversight Committee would soon require us to
report through them more frequently for funds than we had formerly been
accustomed. The word out and about was even worse. We would have to have
congressional approval for all covert operations before any funding is
provided. Well, now, we sure had a problem with that. Have you ever
known a politician to keep a secret—other than who he was sleeping with?

"I have to agree with their reasoning there Alex . . . and I don’t say
that lightly. I say it from personal experience. When we finally decided
to invade Grenada, President Reagan called Congress and advised them of
the military operation as required by law. Now, here we are sitting in
the Caribbean with a strike force poised for an attack on the Cuban-held
stronghold on the Island. The primary mover for the force was
helicopters, flying low and slow. The only thing we had going was the
element of surprise. But some congressman thought that it was inhumane
to attack without prior notice: so he called the Cubans and told them
when and where we were attacking. I had a friend that died that day—from
the 160th Aviation Battalion. There are normally losses in battle, but
that captain never would have died had the congressman kept the mission
under tabs. But that’s a whole other story.

"The fact of the matter is very simple: Politicians all have their own
agenda, and it is rarely in keeping with the agenda of National
Security. That is why we could not chance the covert operation’s
congressional approval process. Now don’t get me wrong, we did, on
occasion, request congressional approval on what we consider
insignificant operations. But never the major ops.

The CIA’s Department of Treasury

"So it was necessary for some creative banking. And what better way is
there than to start your own ‘Department of Treasury’. The new banking
location was already in place. There was only one question that
remained. Who would be the CIA’s first ‘Secretary of Treasury’?"

Sam paused, and then again continued with a smile.

"I can see the help wanted ad now: ‘Management level position with
established company. Must be loyal, reliable, and a self-disciplined.
Experience in covert operations, congressional scrutiny, and
assassination politics a must. The successful applicant will have at
least 25 years experience in the intelligence community. Preferences
given to ex-CIA Directors.’

"I have to admit, the candidate list was very short. There were only a

[CTRL] Copyrights and Property Rights

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Copyrights and Property Rights

by Wolf DeVoon

Let me present the dilemma as bluntly as possible. Suppose I write a
book on anarchy. One of the most peculiar problems in issuing a book on
anarchy is that the law of copyright (which is enforced by government)
seems to contradict and sabotage the author's political purpose.

By submitting the manuscript to a publisher and demanding a royalty from
him, it would seem that I implicitly accept and intend to rely on the
principle of de jure legal rights, which prohibit publication without
the author's consent and compensation. Certainly, any prospective
publisher will insist that either he or I assert a copyright -- or else
an unscrupulous competitor (upon seeing the success of our first edit
ion) might claim a common law right to reproduce the text, without
paying a royalty to either of us. As an author, it seems fair that I
should receive some benefit for the work of writing. It seems proper,
too, that the publisher should be compensated for the expense and risk
of promoting my book to a point where it might conceivably be worth

Although an obscure political tract is less vulnerable to unauthorized
exploitation (there will be no movie rights, for instance), doesn't
anarchy amount to "a naive floating abstraction," as Ayn Rand called it,
which ultimately strips everyone of the mechanism for preserving and
protecting their rights? Without government, law courts, and in this
case the laws of copyright, doesn't anarchy prevent me from receiving
payment for the intellectual property which I created? And without
consenting to a copyright notice, would any publisher in his right mind
issue such a book?

It does no good to hope that the original publisher or anyone else will,
as a matter of honor, pay royalties simply because they wish me to
receive an income. Sending someone a manuscript does not immediately
impose on the recipient an obligation to pay for its publication, or to
pay royalties in any fixed amount, except as may be negotiated and
agreed with the author, if the publisher wishes to make such an offer.

Nor do I believe that all men (including publishers) should be
self-governing to the extent of policing themselves in endless
perfection of "good will" and Kantian respect for each person as an
end-in-himself. The purpose of contract and copyright law is to enforce
rights based on mutual, rather than unilateral, execution of property
transactions. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary,"
James Madison observed. And so, the classic defense of the State rests
on the fairly straightforward proposition that men are not angels.

It might be suggested that I escape the issue by renouncing property --
which is exactly what the "classical" anarchists were forced to do,
since it was assumed that property could not exist without the
protection of a State to confer and uphold various claims of title to
property. "The extreme individualist is not an anarchist, for he
considers the State to be necessary. It is needed to protect life,
liberty, and property" (Jacobsen) "A society without an organized
government would be at the mercy of the first criminal who came along
and who would precipitate it into the chaos of gang warfare It is
the need of objective laws and of an arbiter for honest disagreements
among men that necessitates the establishment of a government." (Rand)

Any social system which denies property rights is doomed, not
necessarily because men are hopelessly corrupt and un-angelic, but
because property is a fundamental human right which cannot be repealed
by idealistic notions of socialism. The vast majority of Americans
recognise that the principle of private property is moral, just, and
pragmatically desirable -- which explains why anarchists have
historically had so little influence in U.S. political history.

By "property" we mean the things of our own making, which do not in any
sense belong to others or to the community. A manuscript is one example;
an invention is another. And so, the laws of copyright and patent
guarantee to authors of original works an exclusive right to sell,
license and profit from their creations. When such rights are conveyed
by contract to someone else (for instance, a publisher), the law secures
each party's contribution to the long process of making the property
available for sale to the public, and guarantees that income will be
divided according to each party's contribution of labor, capital and
risk. Without such laws and a coercive State to guarantee their
enforcement, wouldn't all property-based rights suffer? What justice
would anarchy provide for Lionel 

[CTRL] Ditching the Hangman

1999-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 22
Laissez Faire City Times
May 31, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 22
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Ditching the Hangman

by Sunni Maravillosa

Recently I wrote about the various groups of freedom lovers and the
in-fighting that seems to be rather common among us. While we allow—or
participate in—the bickering, statism and the liberty-destroying efforts
of government continue to grow and to take lives. The problem is clear:
we’re contributing to the gobbling up of freedom by our choice to fight
amongst ourselves. Solutions, however, seem not so clear, yet they’re
what is most needed. How do we overcome such deep-seated habits? Is it
even possible for all kinds of freedom lovers to cooperate, or is that a
dream that will never happen?

Changing Human Nature?

In describing the origins of this in-fighting, I stated that
categorizing or labeling individuals is virtually universal—each person
does it to some degree, as a way to create a more ordered,
understandable world. It’s part of human nature to categorize. So, does
that mean we’re "doomed" to narrow-minded thinking, because of the
pattern of categorizing? I don’t think so. Categorizing is very helpful
to us, else we would not have evolved with that way of thinking. The
challenge seems to lie in recognizing when it is helpful, and when it is
potentially limiting or dangerous.

Categorizing is most helpful when a person encounters a situation about
which she knows very little, or must rely on information from others.
For example, when we enter a new restaurant, we know that it’s very
likely that the bill-paying will go one of a few ways: we order the food
and pay when we receive it; after the meal, the waitstaff brings the
check and settles the bill for us; or we pay on our way out. Most
individuals watch others as they leave, in order to know what’s
appropriate. When a person interacts with someone of an unfamiliar
background or occupation, she generally acts on what she thinks such
individuals might be interested in—say, a statistician is probably
interested in numbers, and therefore might enjoy gambling. Going with
such hunches is typically a safe strategy at first, but as she comes to
know the person better, it becomes smarter to base her interaction on
the information she learns about the person, rather than the group-based
generalities. Indeed, an individual is likely to get upset if he thinks
he’s being treated as a stereotype instead of a person.

Part of human nature is also to break beyond categories and traditional
ways of seeing things, to create new perspectives and revolutionary
approaches to problems. This unbridled creativity is the hallmark of
human advancement. Yet many of us tend to view creativity as something
only inventors and those who like puzzles need. Creativity is a valuable
asset in any situation, by design—it shakes up the routine and forces us
out of our mental patterns. Many people seem to think of themselves as
not creative, in part because of the fairly strict way of looking at the
phenomenon already mentioned. However, psychological research has shown
that individuals can increase their creativity simply by pretending to
be creative. In doing so, a person frees his mind from the routine, and
disables the "self-censoring" that often goes on. Without those limits,
possibilities open up, and many people are surprised at the things they
think of. If that happens just by pretending, consider the power that
would be unleashed if an individual were to choose to deliberately
exercise his creativity every day.

Although it is part of human nature to categorize, it is important to
learn when to rely on it, and when to move beyond it. Exercising one’s
creativity more is also a skill that can be developed, and can help a
person move beyond relying upon labels. As I pointed out in a previous
article, freedom lovers pride themselves on being more intelligent than
the general population. If that opinion is based on fact, it shouldn’t
take too much effort to develop creative responses to those categorizing
impulses when they arise. Rather than allowing the labeling aspect of
our nature to dominate, we can choose to exercise a different aspect of
human nature. Thus, we can see that it isn’t necessary to change human
nature, just to change which aspect of our nature we respond to fellow
travelers with—by doing so, the task becomes less Herculean.

Breaking the Bonds of the Group

Even individualists have the need to feel valued, to be part of
something meaningful. Yet thinking in terms of belonging to a group
encourages the tendency to categorize. One way to overcome that
unfortunate tendency is to remember that groups as such have no concrete
existence. Every group is composed of individuals who do exist in 

Re: [CTRL] Nazi ism = New Age?

1999-05-30 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Meme this and meme that,  the ol'e Machaevellian divide and conquer two-step.


In a message dated 5/30/99 5:22:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes New Age Crap there is - in fact all Humanity is unified in that one
unarguable organic fact - but its who or what we use to wipe it all up
that separates the ProHumans from the AntiHumans.
Turn new agers against one another - they need some Lucifer to straighten
them out  send in the Kabal, the Nazis are calling people nazi - but do
they really THINK that they have ANY CREDIBILITY left  to make that
If Naziism is New Age, then the f**king New World Order is LIBERAL - RIGHT ??

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis June 1, 1999

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis May 24, 1999

The Return of National Security


The news from around the world is about war, political intrigue,
and espionage.  The obsession with free and fair trade, global
interdependence, and economies without borders has evaporated over
the past year or so.What we are experiencing is the reassertion of
traditional understandings of nationalism and of national security
and the decline of the ideology of globalism.  The return of
conflict among nations to the center stage of history and in the
daily newspaper is the important news.  The nation-state, far from
declining, is vigorously reasserting itself, with the inevitable
accompaniment of bullets and blood.


It is occasionally useful to step back from the issues dominating
the news to consider some of the deeper and more important
processes that are underway in the world.  When we do that, something
quite startling leaps out at us.  Perhaps what is most startling about
it is that we should be startled at all, for the return of national
security at the center of global concerns is merely the return of the
world to its natural order.  After a decade of hearing about the
decline of the nation-state and the triumph of globalism, the fact is
that the nation-state and nationalism are vibrantly alive.  It follows
from this that concern for the security of the nation has superceded
the globalist visions of "the world without borders" and the
transcendence of politico-military issues by denationalized economic
entities and forces.

This is not a local, parochial evolution.  This weekend, NATO forces
are engaged in combat against Serbia.  U.S. aircraft are flying combat
air patrols over Iraq.  Indian air and land forces are engaging
Pakistani forces.  Secret talks are going on between Syria and Israel
over the Golan Heights.  CIA and FBI counter-intelligence people are
working desperately to try to figure out what Chinese intelligence
acquired, when they acquired it, and how it will affect the regional
and global balance of power.  Russian covert operatives are trying to
influence events in the Caucuses.  In short, the world is returning to
its normal state in which politics, war, and espionage - along with
economics - are the natural currency among nations.

This is startling only in the context of some of the things that were
being said less than a decade ago.  In the minds of some, the end of
the Cold War marked the end not only of an era in history, but of a
fundamental, millennial shift in how the world worked.  According to
many extremely practical and influential people, the end of the
Cold War inaugurated a new era in which commercial and economic forces
had supplanted political and military issues.  From Tokyo to Bonn to
New York, there was a general consensus that borders had become archaic
and meaningless and that they had been rendered so by the globalization
of economic life.

The dynamics of economic life, this theory went, had taken us to a
point where international trade had created an intensifying
interdependence among nations.  Markets were so intimately tied together
that the disruption of any one market would disrupt all other markets.
This made war and even deep-seated political conflict unthinkable, since
war and conflict would inevitably disrupt economic and commercial
relations which, in turn, would wreak havoc on not only the combatants,
but also on third parties who would be affected by any hot or cold war.
Given this, even if two nations were inclined to engage in intense
politico-military competition, their irrationality would effect the
interests of other members of the international community immediately,
who would act to suppress this disruptive behavior.

Consider the case of U.S.-Chinese relations.  Under this theory,
intensifying commercial relations between the two countries had
reached such a point of intensity that both countries had a fundamental
interest in maintaining and expanding them.  Each country would suppress
any action that might disrupt those relations.  Thus, it began to appear
as if the fact that China was a communist country was purely incidental,
an archaic legacy rendered irrelevant by commercial interests and in no
way incompatible with its splendid relations with the capitalist world.
Similarly, deep-rooted geopolitical issues, such as China's relationship
with Taiwan, were regarded as archaic.  Taiwan, China and the United
States all wanted the same thing: robust economic growth fueled by
international trade and investment.  The issue simply appeared
meaningless in the broader context of globalization and interdependence.

The China example can be universalized to a general theory of how the

Re: [CTRL] Moral Relativism: The Phantom Menace

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Howdy, one of CTRL's functions is as an informational exchange and archive.
There are psychological sets(memes) deliberately and undeliberate that are
released into our lifestreams. By 'reading the river' one can be more
prepared and understanding of where one is at . MHO. These 'libertarian'
memes and others are sent out not as an endorsement but for awareness and
understanding. We are in the midst of info/cultural.meme war for our
children's future.  One needs to look especially at 'cutting edged' political
thinking, manipulations - one of these are these differring viewpoints. You
may always delete.

Read many views - Be careful of what you believe - Actions begat.


In a message dated 5/31/99 10:47:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any way to stop these mailings from the Libertarians?  There must be
an egroup for those people to use w/o bothering us.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] some more on l.d. brown's book

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

From: cameron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One additional post on the L.D. Brown book before I pass it along ...

Most of what Brown says re. cia-drugs is contained in Chapters 8 and
9--the two chapters I excerpted.
In Chapter 10 he goes on to describe some further work he did for Felix
Rodriguez: three trips to the Bahamas, $1000 per trip to stand guard
with an AK-47 while containers were unloaded off a boat.  He was told
the containers carried weapons.  In the same chapter he retells the
story about being sent to assassinate Terry Reed--nothing new there, as
far as I can see.

In Chapter 11 he discusses, among other things, his role in
investigating the Train Deaths.  He discovered that Malak hadn't
conducted the appropriate tests to determine how much THC was in the
boys' systems.  He informed Doug Stephens, the commander of the criminal
division of the Arksansas State Police who then  told him:

"L.D., I'm taking you off this case.  This has something to do with

There are some interesting accounts of his experiences with the media.
Mike Wallace called him and said they wanted to do a story on Clinton
and the CIA.

"He then went on  to tell me of his friendship with Donald Gregg, also
known to me ... as CIA operations officer Dan Magruder.  'I just find it
hard to believe a man like Donald Gregg would be talking with an
Arkansas State Trooper,' he said with a sort of prissy tone.  Well I
know some Arkansas state troopers may seem to be a lower life form, but
still the remark upset me a little.  He sensed this and decided to go
for broke. "L.D., I hear you like to take a drink," he offered,
obviously buying into the Clinton lie that I was Little Rock's answer to
Mayberry's Otis Campbell ..."

(BTW Donald Gregg aka Dan Magruder (see excerpts from chapter 8) was
national security advisor to Bush 1982-89 and Rodriguez's boss in

He also describes how Jerry Seper from the Washington Times wrote a
story misquoting him without actually having interviewed him.  The
Weekly Standard reported an allegation, originating from Clinton
attorney Kendall, that Brown had killed his mother, without checking it
out. And so on ...

Overall, the book strikes me as being a straight-forward account of his
experiences.  But there are two passages that I can't help but see as
red flags. Perhaps I'm overly suspicious.

The first on page 131: "From my dealings with Rodriguez, I believe he
was as opposed to drug dealing as he was to Communism.  He often talked
about both.  I still do not think he knew in advance of the drugs being
flown into the United States by Seal or anyone else who had connections
to the Agency."

I find it suspicious that Brown would even speculate about what
Rodriguez knew or didn't know.  As if Rodriguez would reveal to him what
he knew or didn't  ...

The second on page 160: "Knowing Vince as we did, and having the
knowledge of how the case has been mishandled, I think there may be some
truth in the theories that the official report is not altogether the
whole story.  The alternative version that I would accept would involve
the movement of Vince's body.  The suicide may have occurred at a place
(and time) that was embarrassing to the Clintons."

Here I don't see how he can be so sure it was a suicide when there is no
evidence at all that it was--the evidence points more to homicide.  He
also pushes the idea that Foster had a "torrid" affair with Hillary and
that they were "soul mates" but without actually explaining how he came
to know about the depth of their emotional attachment.  He goes on:

"I believe this is so, since it is absolutely inconceivable to me that
Vince would have killed himself without having said goodbye to Hillary."

Unless he was one of Foster's close friends--which he wasn't--it makes
no sense to make that statement.

The book could be construed as an exercise in containment.  He doesn't
push our understanding of the issues further, there's not much that
hasn't already been revealed--except maybe for the D'Amato headlock
which is just weird ...
have a happy memorial day!
cameron z.

Give back to your community through "Grow to Give."
See homepage for details.

[CTRL] House Intell Comm Holds Surprise Shut Door Hearings on CIA/Drugs in LA-Maxine Waters barred

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.copvcia.com/HIC_closed_session.htm"BREAKING NEWS/A
House Intelligence Committee Holds Surprise
Closed Door Hearings on CIA and
Drugs in Los Angeles

Maxine Waters denied admission after written request.
Tuesday, May 25, 1999 - 1450 PST
In a move which still has many leaders on both coasts reeling from its
suddenness, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)
today held closed door hearings, "on allegations that the CIA is
involved in
drug trafficking in California." A posting announcing the hearings was
placed on a Congressional web site directory announcing upcoming events
sometime late Friday and was not noted by Congressional staffers until
Monday or Tuesday.
Maxine Waters (D), California, who has been an outspoken critic of CIA
involvement was not notified directly and her staff did not catch the
announcement until sometime on Monday, according to sources in the
Congresswoman's DC office. A source in Waters' office told From The
Wilderness, "We sent a letter requesting that the Congresswoman be
to the hearings over by messenger this morning. The request was denied."
Waters, who has been in the forefront on the issue has received both
criticism and praise for her handling of the issue in recent months.
Appearing at a private fund raising event for tribunals held by the
Institute for Policy Studies at USC this past weekend, Waters discussed
recent efforts on the subject. These ncluded the passage of an amendment
had written for the Intelligence Appropriations Measure (HR 1555) which
prohibits CIA from engaging in drug trafficking.
The wording of the HPSCI announcement, however, leaves many confused as
the exact subject of the hearings. The only pending hearings in HPSCI
are on
the subject of Volume II which is not about Los Angeles but about CIA
involvement throughout the Contra war - all over the hemisphere. The Los
Angeles connection to CIA/Contra activities was discussed in an open
session in Washington on March 16, 1998 and was focused on the contents
Volume I of a CIA Inspector General report prepared by retired CIA
General Fredrick P. Hitz in 1997.
When questioned, a receptionist at HPSCI stated this afternoon that she
not know whether today's hearings were on Volume II or not. She stated
all staffers were inside the hearings and that no one was available to
provide any further information at the moment.
The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a Washington, D.C. based
held public hearings on Drug Policy at the University of California on
Saturday and Sunday May 22  23. The tribunals, attended by the academic
journalistic "Who's Who" of CIA and drugs, were well publicized in
This writer attended those tribunals and found them enormously useful
not revelatory in terms of breaking news. A private fundraiser was held
Saturday night at which Maxine Waters spoke of her recent efforts. In a
conversation with this writer it was apparent the she had no hint of
NOTE: Recent articles by this writer, connecting Volume II to the
Impeachment of Bill Clinton, did not soften the public relationship of
writer and Waters who publicly embraced me and openly acknowledged my
at the fundraiser. I really believe that, within the realities of the
system, Maxine wants to find and answer. - MCR]
The day before the tribunals however, at USC, From The Wilderness and
Bush Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, released an
exclusive article connecting CIA drug trafficking in South Central Los
Angeles to HUD mortgage defaults and apparent ethnic cleansing in Los
Angeles. The Friday night press conference was attended by CNN and The
WEEKLY newspaper. Advance copies of Fitts' article in From The
were distributed to at least one member of Congress and two news
organizations on Wednesday and Thursday.
The substance of Fitts' article was to produce documentary evidence
a clearly traceable pattern of HUD backed mortgage defaults in the heart
South Central Los Angeles and to connect that data to the revelations
the CIA had been connected to LA crack cocaine kingpin Ricky Ross.
fired by Housing Secretary Jack Kemp in 1990, had become a hugely
investment banker in 1996 working with HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to
auction defaulted mortgages into the private sector.
Fitts attended the IPS tribunals with this writer on Saturday and spoke
directly with Maxine Waters at the fundraiser on Saturday evening.
It was because of data bases developed by Fitts' firm, Hamilton, in 1996
that Fitts now believes she was targeted for destruction at the same
the Gary Webb stories appeared in the San Jose Mercury News (8/96). In
years since, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: Re: The United States is Still a British Colony]

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

BREAKING NEWS: House Intelligence Committee Holds
Surprise Closed Door Hearings on CIA and Drugs.
Maxine Waters (D) is Denied Admission

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: The United States is Still a British Colony
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 15:47:19 EDT



Lawyers out of Public Office ~ IT'S THE LAW is the only
catalyst issue which has to be considered before any other
issue can work! It is the only way to cut govt. costs,
reduce taxes, increase fire-police protection-etc. (hard
costs) ~ all at the same time! The big Miami Herald
refuses to print the law (Art. I I, Sec. 3, State
Constitution). Please bombard the Publisher (a lawyer)
and Editors with demands as to why they refuse to at
least debate this issue and report the progress of an
official complaint made against two Lawyer Candidates
for Mayor of Miami Beach (one has already dropped out).

Your action could be the 1st. shot heard around the world!

June 1st., 1999

Dear Fellow Taxpayers and Residents of Miami Beach:

My name is Mike Calhoun and I am not a lawyer. I am
running for Mayor of Miami Beach on the comprehensive issue
of: Lawyers out of Office ~ IT'S THE LAW (Art II, Sec 3, Fla.
I am a former Dade County Commissioner, an experienced
campaigner, and former member of the Metropolitan Dade County's
Zoning and Tax Relief Boards. I am writing to ask for your
moral and financial help in this campaign. Moral in the form
of a statement supporting my position (or one calling for
public debate on this issue). Financial in the form
of a campaign contribution.
This campaign is regarded by many as the first real
attempt to bring significant, meaningful, and permanent
changes to a conflict-of-interest damaged political landscape.
It would result in cutting taxes and cost of govt., while
providing increases in fire-police protection. All this
would be achieved by commencing the dismantling of the
unconstitutional monopolistic control by lawyers of all
It is an illegal 'monopoly' directly responsible for
most legalized corruption. It is the source of most of our major
problems in every key area of our lives: govt. projects,
excessive legal fees, education, health care, crime prevention,
a failed justice system, divorce, environment, loss of
individual rights, to name only a few. The problems are so
pervasive and apparently un-solvable, regardless of which
lawyers we elect, Democrat or Republican, that surveys
consistently show the majority of voters do not trust govt.
and therefore do not bother to vote at all (60-70% on Mia.
Two other candidates for Mayor are lawyers. Both
already occupy public office illegally. Their names are:
Incumbent Mayor Neisen Kasdin, and City Commissioner
Martin Shapiro. Several of us have challenged their
qualifications to run for (and implicitly occupy), public
office. The public challenges are in the form of complaints
to the Miami-Dade County Election Supervisor's Office.
Unconfirmed media reports indicate Atty. Shapiro has
withdrawn from the race but continues to hold public
office as a Commissioner. Atty. Kasdin has evaded the
issue completely and remains in the race and in office
as Mayor, until a judge removes him.
No-one, including the Fla. Bar (an arm of the Fla.
Supreme Court) has even presented an argument, not evasive
of the issue, to refute my position (see attached letter)!
This is because anyone with a working knowledge of
English can see our complaints are well founded. Nevertheless
all available evidence supports the conclusion that my
opponents believe no 'judge will go against his own people';
that logic, law, and common sense will fail in the
face of peer pressure and other types of influence. I still
believe there is enough integrity left in our judicial
system, to force justice to surface, so therefore we
may very well win in Court, especially if voters
become aware, speak up, and vote!
So to win in Court or at the ballot box, I need help
from you and the electors. We must speak out now. Public
opinion is the most neglected (and the most important)
aspect of judicial decision making. Judges tend to go
with public opinion or outcry. Winning at the ballot box, even
with delays in the Courts, will achieve a same effect.
Lawyers will lose elections and the means to deceive the
public, get the message, and stop running for office
(research: http://www.constitutionalguardian.com
Many of us have innocently supported lawyers' campaigns
for public office, unaware that the campaign was illegal
(and the reasons why it is illegal). Now all of us,
most particularly those who helped lawyers gain

[CTRL] OEN 6/1/99

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson From The Collapse of Barings

by Stephen Fay

The difficulty was that Leeson knew no way of becoming an elite trader
himself without exploiting his secret 8 account. He was using it in
a canny way to build his reputation among Barings' traders in Tokyo.
They would ask Leeson to execute, on their behalf, a sell order at the
prevailing price, say $99.20. Lesson would report the sale to Tokyo at
$99.50, giving Tokyo an unexpected profit of 30 cents. Leeson had sold
at the prevailing price ($99.20), and the subsequent 30-cent loss was
absorbed by the 8 account. Naturally, Leeson's 'skill' at executing
Tokyo's orders was admired by established traders . . . As a mark of
their confidence, Leeson was permitted to start trading options for
clients in October 1993.

That was a boon to him. By October 1993, the loss on the 8 account
was up again-- to 5.7 million British pounds . . . and by the end of the
year they were 24.39 million British pounds . . .

But the loss never showed up in the accounts because Leeson had written
options which had sold for 30 million British pounds. This was the most
hazardous transaction he had entered into so far because, if the market
had moved against him, the potential loss was unlimited. But, if his
deception was to continue, Leeson had no choice. Although he never
received the option premiums in cash--the premium is automatically
remitted to the exchange as margin for the deal--the 30 million British
pounds appeared as a credit to Leeson's profit-and-loss account,
balancing his real loss on the 8 account, and hiding his trail.

Killer Shoes

54 Dead, 100 Injured in Minsk Stampede

42 Dead Teen Girls Blamed on High Heels

MINSK, May 31, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) Fifty-four people died and
more than 100 others were injured in a stampede in a passageway leading
to a Minsk subway station after a rock concert, according to a first
official toll Monday.
Nearly all the victims were teenagers under 18 who had been to the
concert on Sunday evening, Belarus government radio said .

The death toll could rise as some of the injured were in serious
condition, said Interior Minister Yuri Sivakov in a statement early
Monday over Belarus television.

The accident occurred during a sudden storm at around 9 p.m. (1800 GMT).
The crowd of around 2,500 who had been at the open-air concert rushed
for cover into a nearby passageway leading to an underground station,
crushing those who had fallen underfoot in the stampede.

Two policemen and a few adults who had been on their way out of the
subway station also died after getting caught in the crowd.

The interior minister said of the 54 dead, 42 were girls wearing
high-heeled shoes that had apparently caused them to stumble and fall in
the rush.

He said many of the people at the show, billed as a "beer concert," had
been drunk.

Most of the victims had died of suffocation, the report said.

The Belarus government was to hold an emergency meeting Monday as
investigators tried to sort out how the tragedy occurred.

Belarus television and radio had stopped regular programming and played
classical music on Monday.

Russia Today, June 1, 1999

Hacking for Jesus

Hackers Threaten to Take Down All Government Web Sites

Gee, wouldn't that be a tragedy...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Computer hackers vandalized two more government sites
on the Internet today and left a taunting note promising to attack more
federal computers because of a related FBI investigation.
Hackers from different organizations defaced a Web page early Monday
within the Interior Department and a site run by a federal supercomputer
laboratory in Idaho Falls, Idaho, claiming ``it's our turn to hit them
where it hurts.''

``These are the perils of open government,'' said Stephanie Hanna, an
Interior spokeswoman. ``We try to make as much of the materials of the
Interior Department as open and available as possible. The consequence
of that is, those who choose to do damaging things can do that.''

Last week, hackers claiming to be from another group defaced the Web
site for the U.S. Senate, causing it to be taken offline until the

The FBI also was forced to take down its own Internet site last week
after hackers launched an electronic attack against it. It remained
inaccessible Monday, along with the Web site for its National
Infrastructure Protection Center, which helps investigate computer

Messages left at the attacked sites suggest they were vandalized to
retaliate against what was said to be the FBI's harassment of specific
hacker groups, including the group that boasted of breaking into the
White House site last month.

The FBI confirmed it executed four search warrants last week in Texas
related to an investigation into allegations 

[CTRL] Magickal Histories . . . ?

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 583

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

An always interesting list.
Message: 5
   Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 01:20:20 +0200
   From: x
Subject: Re: Crowley and Gardner (was: Women)

Ok, to clarify this subject a bit. (I expressed myself badly before.)
Mathers was Crowley's teacher and initiator in his first years in the
Golden Dawn (1898 and a couple of years). Later Crowley and Mathers
became bitter enemies and he portrayed him (justified?) in a very disgusting
in some of his books (Moonchild and others).
   Anyway, this was in the beginning of Crowley's career as a magician. His
contact with
Gardner was much later, in the middle 40s, just before Crowley died. Gardner
Crowley (at a generous fee), to write the rituals for his new Gardnerian
Crowley wrote and when reading the Book of Shadows it only too obvious that
it was
Crowley who wrote it and there is a lot of word by word phrases from the Book
of the
Law and other books by Crowley.
Of cource Gardner edited the material and added the floggingstuff, but
Crowley gave
the "spirit" to it.

Love is the Law
/ Daedalus

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Magus Ater [SMTP:x]
 Skickat:   xxx
 Ämne: Re: [priory-of-sion] Women

 From: )

 Dxxx writes:

 "Gerald Gardner for sure stole or lended much of his material from
 Crowley when he re-fired the wicca-momentum. Mathers and the Golden Dawn
 was way before that."

 Not so, but contrarywise.  Crowley joined the Golden Dawn while Mathers
 was its head and ultimately tried to take control of the organization
 from him.  Much of Crowley's magickal system was based on / extrapolated
 from things he learned while in the Golden Dawn.  His seminal "Book of
 the Law was the result of a working that was based on the magick in the
 Abra-Melin the Mage grimoire that Mathers discovered and translated.
 The magickal tradition of Crowley could not be more closely intertwined
 with Mathers.

Message: 10
   Date: Fri, 7 May 99 23:53:44 -0700
   From: Qxx
Subject: Re: Emma Calv=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=e9_in__the_GD=3f_=28Was:_Women=29?=


I would be very happy if you (or someone else) could give me sources to
that information! I knew that
Emma Calvé had some occult friends who mingled with Golden Dawn members, but
not that she was connected any closer than that to the GD.
  That Sauniere was connected to the GD in any way is an exciting idea,
but I've never even
heard of that before. RA Wilson wrote in "Everything is under Control"
that Sauniere was
a member of one or more occult groups in Paris. But I have been unable to
verify that either.
It would be great if you could suggest a book where this information is
present. (I thought I
had read most of the English books on the subject).

I'm trying to find my source-- which actually said Emma had been initiated in
the Paris chapter of either the Golden Dawn or one of it's immediate
successors. But just because that book says it doesn't guarantee that it's
true, most of the books I read are bosh. Mathers did a lot of scrambling
trying to keep his Parisian occult connections afloat. I have some serious
prejudices against Mathers -- he changed his supposed sun sign to suit his
mood and pretensions-- but his wife Moina apparently channeled most of the
real occult stuff and I respect her.

 I believe Emma had a connection to several initiates-- the bedroom kind of
connection. She reminds me of that actress mentioned in the Dumas Club who
used her bedside manner to seek entry to the higher mysteries-- Adah Isaacs
Menken, who is way too early for our story. It's a real wonder she didn't
hook up with Crowley but perhaps she had more aesthetic tastes. She was
Langued'oc born and bred by the way and spent a lot of time down south so
could have met Sauniere on his own home territory if his trip to Paris is
proved an absolute washout-- that, I think I got from either the Templar
Revelation or The Tomb of God-- I read the both of them one right after the
other and can't keep them straight.

Give me a bit of time-- I'm a bit medicated at present and going through a
kind of a healing crisis.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no 

[CTRL] [9] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh,(C) 1994
Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Books Ltd. 27 Wrights Lane London W8 3TZ, England


Operation Barbarossa

The organisation to which Stauffenberg was posted was OKH, Oberkommando des
Heeres, the General Staff or high command of the army, officially designated
as the Wehrmacht. There was also a distinct, separate, overlapping and often
conflicting organisation, OKW, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the high command
of all the armed forces, which did not deal specifically with the Wehrmacht
as such. OKH was under the supreme command of the Chief of the General Staff-
who, when Stauffenberg joined it, was his old friend,
Colonel-General Franz Halder, one of the guiding spirits behind the thwarted
coup of 1938. OKW, on the other hand, was under the supreme and direct
command of Adolf Hitler. In addition to OKH and OKW, there were a number of
other chains of command: the SS and the SD; Goering and the Ministry of the
Interior; the Foreign
Office under Ribbentrop.

The whole set-up was a chaos of competing authorities, each in its own
watertight compartment . . . Hitler was obsessed by a suspicion mania.
Instead of a sound, sensible organisation for war, he preferred this total
confusion, since it prevented any potential concentration of power in the
hands of any one authority. [1]

If the situation seems hopelessly baffling now, it was almost as much so to
German officers at the time. One of his colleagues described a lecture
Stauffenberg gave to a group of young officers training for General Staff
positions. He drew diagrams on the blackboard beside him, detailing the
various command organisations and the tangled links of authority and supply
between them.

Before long, his diagram looked like a confused work of abstract art.
Stauffenberg paused. Finally, in despair, he asked his audience if any
organisation so constructed could possibly win a war.[2]

On another occasion, at the General Staff College, he opened a lecture as

If our most highly qualified Genera! Staff officers had been told to work out
the most nonsensical high level organisation for war which they could think
of, they could not have produced anything more stupid than that which we have
at present.[3]

The muddled command structure of the Third Reich's armed forces is generally
regarded as a major contributing factor to Germany's eventual defeat. It was
also to be the bane of Stauffenberg's existence during the two and a half
years he spent with the General Staff. Its headquarters, to which he was
officially attached, were, for much of the war, frenetically peripatetic. At
first OKH headquarters were shunted about between various sites in southern
Germany. After the French campaign, they were established at Fontainbleau,
near Paris, which enabled Stauffenberg to make frequent trips into the French
capital and visit the opera. By October 1940, headquarters were back in
Germany, at Zossen, near Berlin, and after the invasion of Russia in the
summer of 1941, they were moved to the Eastern Front. Eventually, during the
latter phases of the war, they were installed in East Prussia, not far from
Hitler's own (OKW) headquarters at Rastenburg.

Stauffenberg was placed in charge of Group II of the General Staff's
Organisation Section. The head of the section and his immediate superior was
Colonel Walther Buhle, a man he did not particularly like. Subsequently, as a
major-general, Buhle was to be transferred from the General Staff to Hitler's
own (OKW) headquarters - and to be injured in the blast of 20 July 1944.
Among Stauffenberg's colleagues on the General Staff was another friend,
Albrecht Merz von Quirnheim.

Stauffenberg's responsibilities involved much travel, both to the front and
to support areas in the rear. He had virtually complete freedom of movement,
and transport - including aircraft - was made available to him whenever he
wished. At the front, he was obliged to maintain ongoing observation of
various units and to monitor their battleworthiness, the state of their
equipment, supply and morale. In the rear, he had to monitor training
programmes in the Reserve Army, to allocate replacements, to find positions
for new officers, to shunt recovered casualties back to front-line formations
- and to confront the problem, increasingly insoluble as the war progressed,
of keeping front-line units properly supplied, reinforced and up to strength.
These and numerous other duties kept him incessantly busy. Of all the
officers in his section, he is the most frequently cited in the OKH war diary
for 1942.

On 1 January 1941, six months after his appointment to the General Staff,
Stauffenberg was promoted to major. By this time, he was deeply involved in
planning the invasion of Russia, preliminary studies for which had begun as
early as July 1940. From the very beginning, 


1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:528628"MYSTERY BALLOONS LAND IN
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 1999 2:46 AM
Message-id: uLO43.11$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just seen 11.29 GMT 1/6/99.
UK BBC 2 CEEFAX page 121
(sorry, no URL).


Police are investigating a dozen giant balloons which have landed at
different sites throughout western Japan.

The balloons, measuring 20ft by 7ft, were discovered in Hiroshima, Shimane,
Okayama and Hyogo, according to police,

Attached to each is a timer inside a black box, and a cylindrical object.

“It is no known where they were flown from and what for because there was
nothing written on then,” said a Hiroshima police spokesman.


Could there possibly be a connection with the AUM Yokohama proposed death
penalty (see

I smell either a dire warning, or an impending bio-war attack. Tokyo
underground part two?

Comments anyone…..

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Many links and embeds.

November 9, 1910 - January 3, 1977
The January 6, 1977, obituary of Carroll Quigley
published in The Washington Star,
where for many years he wrote book reviews.

Carroll Quigley died in early January 1977. A few weeks later his
long-time research assistant and personal friend, Miss Helen E. Veit,
telephoned me to ask if I would be her lawyer for the probate of
Quigley's last will and testament, which left to her all rights to his
books, papers and research materials, but which Quigley's widow was
intending to contest.

Happily, a compromise between Lillian Quigley and Helen Veit was reached
and a will contest avoided. Carroll Quigley's wishes were all honored.

Someday I hope Carroll Quigley has an appropriate web site on the
internet. I have a huge collection of his writings, as well as many tape
recordings of his lectures. A very impressive "Carroll Quigley" site
could be constructed. It amazes me how relevant many of Quigley's
writings and lectures still are, more than twenty years after his death.

Among Quigley's most valuable insights were those concerning education.
Carroll Quigley was not only a natural-born "great" teacher; he was also
a serious student of what it takes to be a "great" teacher. One of his
essays having the most lasting value surely is his famous article "Is
Georgetown University Committing 'Suicide'?"

Listed below are the "Quigley Links" I have found on the internet. As
one can see, many of the people still interested in Carroll Quigley seem
to have taken entirely out of context the extensive references that he
made in his book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time to
a high-level Anglophile conspiracy that he contended flourished before
World War II and believe that Quigley thought this conspitacy has
somehow continued to operate right up to our day.

As, however, Dr.Quigley once told me, the reality is much scarier.
Instead of a secret cabal now being in charge, no one is now in charge.
We have instead a kind of chaos or anarchy.

•Fine Leather Binding of "Tragedy and Hope." (Richard Minsky)
•President Clinton's Mentor. (David Billington)
•Carroll Quigley: Insider Who Talked or Vatican Propagandist.
(A-albionic Research)
•A Review of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. (James Martin)
•A Review of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. (Reggie Keith)
•An Introduction to Carroll Quigley. (John Dulaney)
•An Introduction to President Clinton's Political Mentor Carroll
Quigley. ( )
•Clinton, Quigley, and Conspiracy: What's going on here? (Olivier
•Philanthropists at War: President Clinton, CIA, Drugs and Power.
(Daniel L. Brandt)
•Tragedy and Hope: The Global Elite. (Ruffin Prevost)
•Advertisement for 2 Audio Tapes (each 60 min. long) of an interview
with Carroll Quigley. (Radio Liberty)
•Phyllis Schafly's Review of Carroll Quigley's Book Tragedy and Hope.
(Phyllis Schafly)
•Carroll Quigley Listings in Public Information Research. ( )
•Abstract of a Study of Carroll Quigley's Thought. (David Wilkinson)

Click here to Send me a Message.

Return to Georgetown University Page.

Return to Catholicism Page.

 Return to TJB Home Page.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Nato promised 'hell' in Kosovo - The Bilderberg conspiracy . . .

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


tm"BBC News | Monitoring | Nato promised 'hell' in

Sunday, May 30, 1999
Published at 23:17 GMT 00:17 UK

Nato promised 'hell' in Kosovo

Serbian media have reported fresh defiance by the military in Kosovo
while Nato steps up psychological pressure on the troops on the ground.

Serbian TV reported an interview with the head of the Yugoslav Army in
Kosovo, Col-Gen Nebojsa Pavkovic, promising Nato ground forces "real
hell" in the event of an invasion.

"Should Nato decide to carry out a ground invasion, its soldiers will go
through real hell every step of the way," Col-Gen Pavkovic told the
defence magazine `Vojska'.

Despite two months of bombardment, Serbian troops were still a force to
be reckoned with, having preserved men and equipment and a "favourable
operational deployment of ground units" using "various tactical moves
and actions".

"We would soon stand face to face on the terrain which we know extremely
well and which we have prepared well to defend.

"The enemy's technological and technical advantage would start to
diminish in the first days of any invasion."

Col-Gen Pavkovic added, while the troops were ready for battle they were
also prepared to implement any "peace and other initiatives" from
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

'B-52s will be after you'

The Serbian news agency Beta reported Nato aircraft had dropped leaflets
over the Kosovo capital Pristina urging Serbian troops to desert their
units and leave or face bombardment by B-52 bombers.

Nato says its leaflets are designed to domoralise Yugoslav troopsTwo
B-52s flew over the city at high altitude as the leaflets were dropped.

"The Yugoslav Army forces are warned to leave Kosovo, because Nato is
now using B-52 bombers to cast MK-82 bombs, weighing 225 kilograms
each," one of the leaflets read.

"Every B-52 bomber can carry more than 50 such bombs. These aircraft
will be after you until they drive you out of Kosovo... and prevent you
from committing atrocities.

"If you want to survive and see your families again, you should abandon
your units and firearms."

The leaflets warned that "thousands" of bombs would be dropped on
Serbian forces.

The Bilderberg conspiracy

An article in Vojska reports that Western politicians ranging from the
queen of Spain to Margaret Thatcher produced a blueprint for a "Balkan
Vietnam" at a meeting in Scotland in 1996.

Spain's Queen Sofia (left): Key member of the Bilderburg Group?The
"Bilderberg Group" decided to push for the arrest of "war criminals from
among the Serbs" using the Hague war crimes tribunal as its tool, in
order to provoke a war with Russia, the article, quoted by the Yugoslav
state news agency Tanjug, said.

"The Bilderberg Group is obviously a self-styled world supra-government
which is earning billions of dollars thanks to crises and wars it,
itself, is provoking."

The article named as group members Queen Sofia of Spain, Margaret
Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Valery Giscard D'Estaing, Lord Peter Carrington,
Lord Owen, Henry Kissinger, Giovanni Agnelli, David Rockefeller and
Baron Rothschild.

Vojska quoted as its source of information "a thorough investigation
conducted by independent US journalists".

Yugoslav lawyers eye damages claim

Tanjug has reported that the country's top law organizations have
demanded compensation from Nato for the damage caused by its campaign.

"The persons who destroyed Yugoslavia are obliged under international
law to compensate for all forms of damage incurred," a two-day seminar
by the Serbian Bar Association and the Yugoslav Association for Criminal
Law and Criminology concluded.

Russian and Greek lawyers also attended the seminar in Belgrade's Hall
of Justice.

Tourist season opens in Montenegro

Montenegrin TV has reported the arrival of its first tourists this

A couple of hundred holiday-makers from the Serbian part of Sarajevo
have checked into the Dolphin Hotel in the resort town of Bijela and the
TV showed the youngsters splashing in the sea and tanning on the beach.

With Montenegrin radio reporting NATO air raids on the coastal towns of
Tivat and Herceg-Novi this weekend, one of the Sarajevo teachers was
asked if his group was not concerned.

"It's nothing new," he told the TV.

BBC Monitoring (http://www.monitor.bbc.co.uk), based in Caversham in
southern England, selects and translates information from radio,
television, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150 countries in
more than 70 languages.

©The BBC

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Heads up - UK-TV - 6/1/99

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Tuesday 1st June 1999

Tonight on UK TV 

BBC2 21:30 - 22:20

"Under the Sun"

Under The Sun
BBC2 9.30pm  (a Four Star Rating ... Wow)

In America, the power elite is drawn from secretive university societies 
known as the Greek System. 
Eighty per cent of elected politicians, 
85 per cent of corporate leaders and Supreme Court judges 
come from the Greek System, as have all but two American presidents. 

The first of a new series, 
this film gives a startling insight into the 
hidden class system that decides America's leaders. 

This year's week-long selection process for new 
members of the sorority and fraternity houses coincided with 
the week that one of the most famous members of the Greek System, 
Bill Clinton, admitted his affair with Monica Lewinsky. 

The students we see here are destined to run the U.S. in the 
not too distant future. 


Coming soon ...

13 June 1999
Part one of a two part series looking at past 
and present members of the Russian 'SAS'(their words not mine).

Whats becoming of members of their elite units.
What the specialised training they received is being used for.
Crime gangs, Mercenaries, private security 
Its not all for the govt.

 Today's mighty oak 
   is just yesterday's nut 
that held its ground. 

Check out his website  books at:
  "The Biggest Secret"    
  "...And the Truth Shall Set you Free" 

Because e-mail can be altered electronically,
the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.


[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The crimes of Mena, Arkansas.... will there ever be justice?!?

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan


These 2 innocent young boys died because of CIA drug smuggling, and
corruption within the Arkansas and federal government in Mena. Bill Clinton
and his cronies have gotten away with too much already.  Kevin and Don were
unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As a mother, former U.S. soldier, former law enforcement officer, and as a
child of God, it infuriates me to know that these things have taken place in
our country, with the involvement of presidents and government agencies, and
breaks my heart that justice has yet to be seen for all of the victims and
their families.

You can expect my donation of at least $50.00 within the next few weeks.

Now I have a request

I was just given a free 2 day vacation (that I'm supposed to use to recover
from recent surgery) at one of the casinos in Biloxi, Mississippi. During the
hours of 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 3, I will be playing slot
machines at the Isle of Capri solely for this cause.  I'm going to start out
with $50.00 and am pledging any monies I win to you, for justice for Kevin 
Don. Whatever my winnings (or losses) are - the $50.00 is guaranteed.

What I'm requesting of you is for you to pray that I win a BIG jackpot for
this cause! (Or even a lot of small ones...) $50.00 isn't much, but maybe
I'll get lucky and win a lot of $$ for the fund with the help of your

This idea may sound silly, but I've won many thousands of dollars in the past
starting with less $50.00 and playing for several hours. I strongly believe
in the power of prayer, and if ever there was a cause to pray and play for -
this is it!

This will be the REAL Trial of the Century... If I can turn that $50.00 into
$500.00, or $5,000.00, or even $100.00, it would bring me great joy to be
able to give that money to Linda and Jean for this cause.

Thanks in advance for your prayers, and have a wonderful day!

- Tanina

P. S. Anyone who may be in the area that wants to join me for this event is
welcome to. Just send me an email, and we'll make plans to meet so we can
"pray and play for justice" for Kevin, Don, Linda, Jean and the other victims
of the crimes at Mena!
The "train deaths"  at: http://www.idmedia.com

UPDATE: 6-1-99

by Jean Duffey

This is a difficult update for me to write. It is a plea for money to support
our federal law suit that is going to trial the first week in August.
We have been able to finance our website and support a continued
investigation of the murders of Kevin and Don with donations from supporters
and with proceeds from the sale of our video “Obstruction of Justice: The
Mena Connection” (we receive 2% of the sales).

When the funds are short, we cover the expenses personally. We are adamantly
opposed to making one penny profit from anything associated with the story.
There is almost nothing we dread more than having to ask for money, but we
are financially in our most desperate hour. We are $50,000 short of financing
the upcoming trial.

The expose below is a recap of the events which have brought us to the brink
of realizing justice for Kevin and Don. A year after the release of
“Obstruction,” Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane sued our video's producer,(1) Pat
Matrisciana, for naming them as suspects in the murders. Linda and I welcomed
the suit as an opportunity to put
evidence into public record and get the facts before a jury. After
depositions last summer, each party filed motions for summary judgment and
argued several points of law. We flew over that hurdle with a ruling from the
judge in our favor on every point of law. The last hurdle is the jury trial
which is scheduled to begin on August 2. We
are absolutely confident in our case and look forward to presenting our
evidence to the jurors.

Our only obstacle is financing. Pat has run out of money and does not have
the last $50,000. A mere $50,000 - not very much compared to the hundreds of
thousands of dollars raised for Paula Jones and
Bill Clinton and the millions spent by Kenneth Starr. The amount seems even
more insignificant when compared to what a favorable ruling will
accomplish. Not only will we realize some measure of justice for Kevin and
Don, the Mena cover-up will unravel.

Please help us realize the most important opportunity for justice in the
nearly twelve years since Kevin and Don were murdered to protect a
government-sanctioned drug operation.
Mainstream media is perpetuating the cover-up, (2) and if we have to default
for lack of money, they will never let us recover. On the other hand, if we
can get through the trial, they will not be able to ignore
the findings of a federal judge and jury.

Please don't think that a small contribution of $5 or $10 won't be
appreciated. The truth is, we'd rather have $5 from 10,000 supporters than
$50,000 from one. E-mailing and faxing I.C. Smith and Paula Casey has 

[CTRL] [3] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)
Chapter 12


Freemasonry in its momentary command of power, failed
in its supreme endeavour. Taught by these experiences, its
progress has become slower and surer. (1)
Count Leon de Poncins

In 1796, the survivors of the House of Bourbon escaped to the island of
Sicily where they lived protected by the British Navy until after the Battle
of Waterloo.(2) When Napoleon was banished to the island of St. Helena, and
Europe reorganized under oligarchic rule, the Bourbons offered to return, but
the French Freemasons sought a king neither Bourbon nor Catholic. They
approached the Protestant and Masonic king of Holland to be king of France.
Dillon explains what followed this unsuccessful bid:

This failing, they contrived by Masonic arts to obtain the
first places in the Provisional Government which succeeded
Napoleon. They endeavoured to make the most of the
inevitable, and to rule the incoming [Bourbon King] Louis
XVIII, in the interests of their sect, and to the detriment of
the Church and of Christianity.(3)

In the first revolution French Freemasonry had shown open hostility to the
House of Bourbon. Bizarre as it may seem, when Louis XVIII ascended the
throne, he favored the Republican Templar Grand Orient. Stranger yet,
Talleyrand became minister. Moreover, other advanced Masons of the Napoleonic
empire, such as Emmanuel Sieyes, Regis de Cambaceres, and Joseph Fouche,
obtained positions as well. Louis's court was filled with Masonic Templars
and Sionists, who were once again plotting against the throne. Dillon
outlines the disastrous events that flowed from their schemes:

These men at once applied themselves to subvert the sentiment of reaction in
favour of the monarchy and of  religion. Soon, Louis XVIII gave the world the
sad spectacle of a man prepared at their bidding to cut his own throat. He
dissolved a Parliament of ultra loyalists because they were too loyal to him.
The Freemasons took care that his next Parliament should be full of its own
creatures. They also wrung from the King, under the plea of freedom of the
press, permission to deluge the country anew with the infidel and immoral
publications of Voltaire and his confederates, and with newspapers and
periodicals, which proved disastrous to his house, and to Christianity, in
France. These led before long to the attempt upon the life of the Duke of
Berry. to the revolution against Charles X, to the elevation of the son of
the Grand Master, the traitor Duke of Orleans, Philip the Egalite, as
Constitutional King, and to all the revolutionary results that have since
distracted and disgraced unfortunate France.(4)

The French Revolution of 1830

Unable to dethrone the Bourbons, the Priory of Sion settled for a
constitutional monarchy. This adjustment to political reality in fact was not
as strange a departure from the character of Sion as might first appear. The
authors of The Messianic Legacy explain Sion's reason for accepting a
constitutional monarchy:

The essence of such a monarchy is that it rests on the basis espoused by the
Prieure de Sion and ascribed to the old Merovingian dynasty of France. For
the Merovingians, the king ruled but did not govern. In other words, he was
ultimately a symbolic figure. To the extent that he remained unsoiled by the
tawdry business of politics and government, his symbolic status remained
pristine. As one of the Prieure de Sion's writers declares in an article,
"The king is." In other words, his currency resides in what he embodies as a
symbol, rather than in anything he does, or in any real power he might or
might not exercise. The most potent symbols always exert an intangible
authority, which can only be compromised by the more tangible forms of

The "more tangible forms of power" were of course the plotters in the French
parliament, comprised of representatives from both Sion and the Temple. The
constant assignment of the Grand Masters of Sion was to steer the ship of
Sion toward a course favorable to the interests of the "Lost King." This goal
proved more difficult in France than it had been in England. In England, Sion
had no adversary. In France, however, a constitutional monarchy was just as
easily subverted by the Templars. Such was the case when in the three-day
revolution of 1830 the Templars once again took power when royalty was
deposed in favor of a republic.

In a speech full of Masonic terminology, de Poncins quotes Freemason M.
Dupin, who credits the coup to long-term planning:

Do not believe that three days have done everything. If the revolution has
been so prompt and sudden, if we have made it 

[CTRL] [8] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry,Vol 3

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
Freemasonry,Vol 3
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)



The Chinese Opium Wars: A Blueprint for America

As long as this country maintains its drug traffic, there is not the
slightest possibility that it will ever become a military threat, since the
habit saps the vitality of the nation.(1)

So spoke a leading drug trafficker in a letter to his superiors. Although the
trafficker could well have been describing America, he is not referring to
the United States, but to China in 1838, on the eve of the first Opium War
when Great Britain landed troops to compel Chinese to ingest the poison
distributed by British merchants.

Four years later in 1842, Great Britain's army of ten thousand soldiers had
won a victory over 350 million Chinese.(2) London's military success against
the Chinese was not due to superior military advantage, but to its strategy
between 1830-1839 of decimating the Chinese army through drug addiction.

This famous cartoon, reproduced here, dates back to the 1839 Opium War, and
shows a British military man shoving opium down the throat of a Chinaman.(3)

British Merchants of the Earth

The vehicle by which London shipped her drugs to China and elsewhere around
the world was founded in 1600. Capriciously called "Dope, Inc.," the British
East India Company (BEIC) was incorporated by royal charter on December 31,
1600, under the name "Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading
with the East Indies." Begun as a monopolistic trading body, the BEIC became
involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India
starting in the mid-eighteenth century (4)
From its earliest years, the British East India Company was involved in
Masonic revolutions, specifically Oliver Cromwell's Rosicrucian-Masonic
insurrection against the Stuart monarchy.(5) At first Cromwell dissolved all
crown-protected monopolies, but finding his protectorate short of capital, he
granted the BEIC a new charter in October of 1657 in return for financial

The BEIC was not just another monopoly, but a Masonic monopoly. According to
Dr. John Coleman, a former British intelligence officer. "to operate a
trading company within the BEIC, the merchant must first be a Freemason or an
initiate in one of its adjunct orders; and second, he must be given
permission to join by the BEIC stockholders. "(7 )Initially the BEIC received
tea, spices, and silks from the Orient in return for fabrics manufactured
from cotton grown on the southern plantations in the newly colonized
Americas. As the ships sailed on their return from the Orient, they dropped
anchor off the coast of Africa to board captured blacks who they would sell
as slaves to work the cotton fields on the east coast of America. The use of
slave labor enabled BEIC stockholders to maintain low overhead in their
cotton production. Merchant families and plantation owners rapidly
accumulated great wealth.

Prior to the American Civil War, the same British trading companies behind
the slave trade in the South were running large numbers of Chinese indentured
servants to the West Coast. This was called the "coolie trade" or "pig trade"
by its British Hong Kong and Shanghai sponsors.(8) The term "Shanghaied" has
its origin in kidnapping drug-addicted Chinese, who were boarded on BEIC
ships at the port of Shanghai, and then shipped to the west coast of the
United States of America to be sold as indentured servants. These Chinese
were the first buyers in the BEIC drug market in the western hemisphere, and
as addicts they simultaneously served as the initial means for trafficking in

The only competition the BEIC faced was from other nations such as France and
the Netherlands, which also formed East India companies. The Dutch were
unable to compete with the British and eventually gave England their trade
rights to India. This gave the BEIC exclusive control of the entire opium
trade in India, whose farmers produced the largest drug crop in the world.
Through a strong advertising program, the BEIC encouraged the sale of tea
while rapidly and energetically expanding its spice trade Expanding revenues
from tea made it possible for the English to colonize India, the garden spot
of the world for poppy. Poppy juice, called opium, was extracted from the
poppy and transported to China by the BEIC. It was this drug that helped
bring on the Opium Wars in the mid-1800s, which further benefited British
America was involved in the opium trade through Freemason John Jacob Astor,
founder of the New York Astor family dynasty during the Revolutionary era.
Astor was granted the privilege of becoming a BEIC stockholder and 

[CTRL] [5] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)
As, always Caveat leactor

Chapter 15


There existed...ln antiquity the great time clock in the night sky, which we
still share with our ancestors. This is the zodiac, a great turning wheel of
twelve constellations making a complete circle every 25,920 years but with
each of its twelve constellations in order having ascendancy over the skies
of earth approximately every 2,160 years.
According to zodiacal tradition the ascendency of each new sign every
2,000-odd years is accompanied by catastrophic or otherwise crucial events on
the earth.(1)

What Is the New Age?

As the zodiacal wheel turns to the constellation of Aquarius, astrologers are
studying the stars, predicting that a major event will soon occur, which will
bring in their World Teacher. From the "New Era" of Emmanuel Swedenborg
(1757) until today, the Masonic world has been poised for the coming of the
"New Age." In fact, the title of the Scottish Rite monthly magazine, New Age,
has been suggesting this for over a century.(2)
"Masonry and the Impending New Era," an article in New Age, July 1941 (five
months before America entered the Second World War), spoke of the "world
government" expected to be established at the conclusion of the war to help
usher in a "newer phase of evolutionary progress."(3) In April 1943 the New
Age reported that "the struggle for the freedom of man began with the
American and French Revolutions, and World War II is the climax of a world
ideological struggle which started at the end of the 18th Century. It is the
struggle of the New Age against the Middle Age."(4)
The phrase "Middle Age," as used in the text above, is Masonic jargon for
Christianity. Webster's Dictionary defines the Middle Ages as "the period of
European history from about A.D. 500 to about 1500," -- the same period of
time the Catholic Church dominated European politics. We can readily decode
the Masonic lingo above and accurately name the enemy against which Masons
struggle: "It is the struggle of the New Age against the age of Christianity."
Although Masonry's "New Age" dates from the end of the 18th century, the
motives of the modern New Age Movement were not manifest until the end of the
nineteenth century, when in 1889 the Luciferian Doctrine of Palladism was
introduced to the twenty-three Supreme Councils of the world. Before this
date the general body of English Masons, including most of the Supreme
Council, were not Luciferians, but deists.

Atheists, Spiritists and Luciferian

Three significant events prior to the 1889 Masonic Congress prepared English
Freemasonry to accept Lucifer as god. First, in 1877, the existence of God
was debated between the atheistic French Grand Orient and the deistic French
Grand Lodge. The Grand Orient had replaced the Great Architect of the
Universe with the slogan “To the Glory of Humanity," declaring "God is
The second event followed that same year when the English Grand Lodge, which
requires a belief in deity, broke fellowship with all Grand Orient bodies
throughout the world.
The third event, that of founding of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic
Research in London, England, actually had its roots in the 1860s, but did not
become a reality until three years before the 1889 International Masonic
Congress. In 1860, Great Britain had just concluded her second Opium War
against China when English Freemasonry, in search of her roots, decided to
launch a massive investigation of Oriental mystery religions. As a result,
Masons in various parts of the British Empire wrote numerous occult books,
many of which were repetitive. To avoid further duplication, Freemason Sir
Walter Besant, brother of socialist and theosophist Annie Besant, began a
drive in the early 1870s to organize a Masonic research lodge to catalog the
data. In 1886 the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research, No. 2076,
London, England, was founded. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry states
that the Quatuor Coronati "has long since become the supreme court of
learning and authority in Masonic scholarship throughout the world.”(6)
The constitution of this Mother Research Lodge stipulated that forty of  the
most prestigious Masons in England be members, one of whom must always be
high up in the Anglican Church. When any "Member of Forty" died, the
thirty-nine remaining voted on his replacement. Sir Walter Besant was one of
the original "Members of Forty."
In 1887 a Correspondence Circle was attached to the lodge. Any Mason of
literary, archaeological, or investigative talent could join the Circle.
Within a decade the Circle had printed the Ars 

[CTRL] [4] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)


Chapter 14


The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degree,
maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine The doctrine of
Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the
belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of
Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and

Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, 1889

Albert Pike (1809-1891) was a General in the Confederate Army during our
American Civil War (1860-1865). From 1859 until his death in 1891, he was the
most powerful Mason in the world. He occupied simultaneously the positions of
Grand Master of the Central Directory at Washington, D.C. Grand Commander of
the Supreme Council at Charleston, S.C., and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal
Freemasonry.(2) He was an honorary member of almost every Supreme Council in
the world, personally receiving 130 Masonic degrees.(3)
On October 26, 1919, twenty-eight years after Pike's death, Alva Adams of
Colorado addressed the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish
Rite at Washington, D.C., with the following commendation of Albert Pike:

As the Laws King Alfred wrote a thousand years ago are still a part of
England's glory and liberty, so in another thousand years will the ideals,
the poetry, the moral code and philosophy of Albert Pike be shaping the
influence and destiny of Masonry. It is a patent of nobility to be a Brother
to this god-like leader -- Prince in the House of Solomon and Hiram.(4)

There is a subversive side to Albert Pike, however, about which many remain
silent. Before accession to his prestigious Masonic positions, Pike secretly
organized the rebellion of the southern states against the United States,
using the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry to conceal his
conspiracy. Most of the political and military leadership of the Confederacy
were Masons under Pike's secret command. In reality, our Civil War was
another battle in the war between English and French Freemasonry.(5)
Prior to our 1776 War of Independence, 32nd degree French Templarism had not
yet reached America. Although a few Templar lodges from Ireland and Scotland
were scattered throughout the northeast U.S., most were military lodges and
had not progressed beyond nine degrees. Predominant were the three-degree
English lodges. By the time George Washington was elected our first
President, 32nd degree Templar Scottish Rite Freemasonry had already been
established at Charleston, S.C. -- on the 33rd degree parallel. The Scottish
Rite assisted our new government in developing French republican ideals. In
1801, nine American Masons created the 33rd degree and the Charleston lodge
became the Mother Council of the World.
High-degree Scottish Rite lodges soon dotted the southern portion of the
United States, and the Rite moved northeast where low-degree English Masonry
was strongest. Evidence suggests that to counter this intrusion into English
Masonic territory, the British sent John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865) to
New York to organize clandestine Scottish Rite Lodges throughout that
Gourgas was well-suited to this subversive task. The Gourgas family had been
French Scottish Rite Masons living in Switzerland prior to the French
Revolution. During the Reign of Terror, the family emigrated to England,
where John James Joseph became a well-known merchant on the royal exchange.
As a matter of course, he joined low-degree English Freemasonry.(7)
The Gourgas family sailed from England to Boston in 1803, finally settling in
Weston, Massachusetts. J.J.J. Gourgas went to New York around 1806. By 1813
he had organized five clandestine Scottish Rite lodges, one of which was
called the Cerneau Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of
the Thirty-Third Degree. These subversive lodges had assisted England in her
War of 1812- 1814 against the young American nation.
In the early summer of 1813 Emanual de la Motta, a Supreme Council member
from Charleston, was visiting New York and discovered the five clandestine
lodges. An investigation ensued, and none were found to have received
sponsorship from Charleston. After conferring with the Charleston hierarchy,
Motta was told to rectify the situation as quietly as possible. He
immediately worked out a territorial arrangement with Gourgas. Thus was born
the Northern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry on August 5, 1813,
with confirmation on December 24th by the Mother Supreme Council at
Permanent headquarters for the Northern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry 

[CTRL] [9] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry,Vol. 3

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
Freemasonry,Vol. 3
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)



[The day] I [became] a member in the Masonic order, I [saw] the wealth and
power they possess, the influence they hold. I think over their ceremonies
and I wonder [how] a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times
appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an

Why should we not form a secret society with but one object—the furtherance
of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under
British rule, for the recovery of the United States, [and] for...making the
Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?

Freemason Cecil Rhodes(1)

The once powerful British Empire, on which the sun never set, was on the wane
following the loss of its American colonies. Anything said about world
government emanated from Paris, not London. Throughout most of the nineteenth
century, French Freemasonry, and not English Freemasonry, appeared to be the
dominant revolutionary force in the Old World—offering the lower and middle
classes a voice in government.

English Freemasonry was partially to blame for the decline of the British
empire. Since its beginning in 1717, the British Brotherhood was
aristocratic, capitalistic, and monopolistic. Prior to the Victorian era of
the nineteenth century, upper class income came from ground rent, banking and
trade. A middle class hardly existed in England in those days. The uneducated
lower class had little chance of economic or social improvement.

The right-wing aristocracy of Great Britain, who were wrapped up in English
Freemasonry, were called "British race patriots" by their Grand Orient
left-wing opponents. British race patriots believed that the British race was
at a higher evolutionary level than other races. When French Grand Orient
Freemasonry sent a German-born Mason, Karl Marx (1818-1883), to England to
agitate the lower classes to rebel against the aristocracy, the British race
patriots at least became concerned about the political ascendancy which
French Freemasonry had enjoyed for the last hundred years. To counter the
increasingly influential ideology of French Freemasonry, in 1870 a select
group of English Masons devised a plan which would both satisfy the
proletariat and keep the Masonic oligarchy in power. The scheme was
introduced at Christ Church, Oxford, by Freemason John Ruskin.
John Ruskin (1819-1900), writer, critic, artist, and British race patriot,
was born of wealthy but strict parents. Ruskin had received his formal
education at Christ Church College, Oxford University. A course on Plato's
Republic had been his favorite. Ruskin's inspiration and devotion to the
creation of an elite of race patriots derived directly from Plato's Republic,
which he read almost daily. In the Republic, Plato called for "a ruling class
with a powerful army to keep it in power and a society completely subordinate
to the monolithic authority of the rulers."(2) Ruskin's studies of ancient
political philosophers taught him that the most effective way to conquer a
man is to capture his mind. Realizing that a century earlier French Masons
had captured the working man's mind through revolutionary propaganda, Ruskin
set out to recoup and extend the influence of British Masonry. He wanted to
do this by the education of the working man.
In 1870, Ruskin was asked to return to Oxford to hold a chair in the fine
arts. His inaugural lecture, which set forth his views on the ruling class as
developed from Plato's Republic, sent shock waves through Oxford. The
undergraduates to whom Ruskin spoke were the scions of the British
aristocracy. They listened with awe at Ruskin's message, of which a portion

[You, the undergraduates are] the possessors of a magnificent tradition of
education, beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency, and self-discipline
but...this tradition [can] not be saved, and [does] not deserve to be saved,
unless it [can] be extended to the lower classes in England itself and to the
non-English masses throughout the world. If this precious tradition [is] not
extended to these two great majorities, the minority of upper-class
Englishmen [will] ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the
tradition lost. To prevent this, the tradition must be extended to the masses
and to the empire [emphasis added].(3)

Historians have touted Ruskin as a protector and educator of the downtrodden
masses of the working men and the poor. In reality he had another rationale
for proclaiming such ideas. He planted in the fertile minds of his Oxford
students the theory that if they educated the working man and 

[CTRL] [1] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  Box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)
The blueprint to destroy the Church through this means was drawn up over two
hundred years ago by Adam Weishaupt, who has been called 'The Human Devil."
Whether Weishaupt received it from Voltaire or Frederick the Great is not
known. Nesta Webster suggests some connection when she notes that "The
resemblances between Weishaupt's correspondence and that of Voltaire and of
Frederick the Great are certainly very striking."(87)
You recall that from 1750-1755 Voltaire was a guest at Frederick's court.(88)
Monsignor Dillon wrote of that visit:

[Voltaire] sketched out for them the whole mode of procedure against the
Church. His policy as revealed by the correspondence of Frederick II, and
others with him, was not to commence an immediate persecution, but first to
suppress the Jesuits and all Religious orders, and to secularize their goods;
then to deprive the Pope of temporal authority, and the Church of property
and state recognition. Primary and higher-class education of a lay and
Infidel [sicl character was to be established, the principle of divorce
affirmed and respect for ecclesiastics lessened and destroyed. Lastly, when
the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and Infidelity
[sic] strong enough, the final blow was to be dealt by the sword of open,
relentless persecution. A reign of terror was to spread over the whole earth,
and to continue while a Christian should be found obstinate enough to adhere
to Christianity. This, of course, was to be followed by a Universal
Brotherhood without marriage, family property God, or law(89)

Weishaupt took up the cause of Voltaire, providing the vehicle by which the
plan would be carried to future generations. When Weishaupt penetrated
Freemasonry with illuminism, the Lodge took up the cause, citing Voltaire as
a patron. Miller explains in Occult Theocracy that after the 1789-1793
destruction of old France, and subsequent to the reign- of Napoleon, Grand
Orient Freemasonry's aim was the same as Voltaire's. From the minutes of the
Italian Masonic Lodge, Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules;
Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry, Miller quotes: "'Our
final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution, -- the complete
annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately of Christianity Under this
cloak [of Freemasonry, we may conspire at our convenience, and arrive, little
by little, at our ultimate aim."(90)
The Masonic Lodge ever since has been bent on the destruction of our
families, our churches, our nation, our world, and our God. Freemasonry's
ultimate aim is a one-world humanistic government without Christ and His
Church. Obviously, the Masonic Lodge is still carrying out Voltaire's plan.
Freemason Voltaire, born flfty-four years before Weishaupt, had laid the
groundwork for insurrection. Weishaupt advanced it. Perceiving an eminent
revolution in France, which had long been agitating French Masons, Weishaupt
saw and took his chance to impose the doctrines of the Illuminati on the
existing French Grand Lodge. This gave him a platform from which to operate.
Realizing the Grand Lodge had to be separated from English Masonic obedience
before it would initiate and fully support a revolution against the monarchy,
Weishaupt used the illuminated Grand Orient Masons to subvert the Grand
Author and 18th century English Freemason John Robison in Proofs of a
Conspiracy (1798) quotes a letter from Weishaupt to his Illuminatus brother
Cato, wherein he states his use of Masonry to another end: "'The great
strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any
place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another
occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the
public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes
little notice of it."'(92)
Having achieved this goal, Weishaupt's next step was twofold: 1)through
revolution win freedom for the subjects of what he regarded as despotic kings
and Church; and 2) after revolution inaugurate an ostensibly atheistic
government under the guise of democracy. Commander Guy Carr in The Conspiracy
writes that 'Weishaupt never intended that any except specially selected
Masons, from the Higher Degrees, should learn The Full Secret' of Lucifer.
Only those known to have defected completely from Almighty God were initiated
into the Higher Degrees of the Grand Orient Lodges and told that the
Illuminati were a secret organization with the order dedicated to the cause
of forming a One World Government Weishaupt stated this action would
ensure permanent 

[CTRL] [6] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)

Chapter 16


The government of the O.T.Ocombines monarchy with democracy; it includes
aristocracy, and conceals even the seeds of revolution, by which alone
progress can be effected. Thus we balance the Triads, uniting the Three in
Book of Equinox

When the hierarchy of the Templar Palladium failed to unite permanently the
three Masonic obediences, it was Sion's turn. Miller confirms the story told
in the Book of Equinox, of which a portion is cited above. The word
"monarchy" refers to English Freemasonry; "democracy" represents both French
and American Freemasonry; and "uniting the Three in One" alludes to all three
Masonic obediences.
All three must come to agreement both religiously and politically if world
government is to be a reality. However, unity among contradictory religious
organizations is impossible. Likewise, unity among opposing political
viewpoints is unrealistic. The war between English and French Freemasonry
turns on differences of opinion on both these issues. The conflict? Which
religious and political system will eventually rule the New World Order?
Atheistic Templar Grand Orient Masonry desired a dictatorship of the
proletariat -- the lower class -- with communism guaranteeing equal
distribution of wealth. While awaiting the fruition of this dream, the Grand
Orient encouraged laborers to form unions and, with the might of worker
strikes, gain their share of the wealth. With this ideology, French
Freemasonry was thus able to win the lower classes.
In contrast, Pantheistic Sionist English Freemasonry, whose sovereigns shared
power with an elected parliament, desired a New World Order dominated by an
aristocracy. For two centuries English Freemasons had kept their society
aristocratic, capitalistic, and monopolistic. They had dismissed and
forgotten the common laborer, losing him politically to their adversary.
To remedy this divisive stalemate, English Freemasonry attacked the problem
by creating dual fronts where commonality could be predicated. First they
established political-economic fronts, called "think tanks," where the
intelligentsia from both sides of the Channel could discuss a coefficient for
politics.(2) Second they created mystic front organizations intended to
appeal to and gratify man's baser instincts, and thus reach and destabilize
all levels of society.
English Freemasonry assigned the latter task to the-Quatuor Coronati Lodge of
Masonic Research, which, as we have seen, in turn developed a variety of
degenerate sub-Masonic fronts known as co-Masonry. (3)
To win the confidence of the French atheists who believed that individuals
were endowed with equal, inalienable rights founded upon natural law, the
English expanded the concept of natural law to include mythological law.(4)
The Quatuor Coronati Lodge discovered that pagan religions, in harmony with
their cyclical world outlook, had long ago interwoven into their political
society mythological law, through which they maintained control of the
populace. The dominant figure in these prevailing myths was usually a goddess
who symbolized "Mother Earth" and who thus provided the basis for an ideology
that man and earth were one.(5)
Pagan religions taught that Mother Earth required the continuation of
creation through procreation, with periodic demands for population control.
These myths were carefully cultivated and applied by a designated caste of
priests, who designed licentious rituals in their worship as a sacrament to
Mother Earth. These rituals, of course, appealed to the base nature of man.
Therefore, these mythologies, created by man, became mythological law.
In this religion Mother Earth could become "angry"; when she did so it meant
that man was multiplying too rapidly. To appease the mother goddess,
mythological law demanded human sacrifices, usually of the very young. Paul
deParrie, in Unholy Sacrifices of the New Age, says, 'Whether known as Kali
(the many-armed Hindu goddess Kali, who wears for a necklace a chain of human
skulls), Diana, Isis, or Astarte, Mother Earth or her dark mirror image
consistently required blood as an appropriate offering; she who created (or
procreated) also destroyed and devoured her own young in bloody ritual."(6)
The purpose of the sacrifice was to "save the earth." Nigel Davies, in Human
Sacrifice in History and Today, confirms: "Both sacrificer and victim knew
that the act was required, to save the people from calamity and the cosmos
from collapse. Their object was, therefore, more to preserve than to destroy

Mythological law required mothers to 

[CTRL] [2] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)

Chapter 11


Many minor German Princes continued to be Freemasons. The Duke of Brunswick
was the central figure in the first Masonic conspiracy The Court of
Vienna was more or less Masonic since the reign of the wretched Joseph II.
Alexander of Russia was educated by La Harpe, a [Grand Orient]

The Elector of Hesse, Prince William of Hanau, held broad views in religious
matters, associated much with Freemasons and practiced complete religious

Royalty in Europe had long been involved in Freemasonry before Weishaupt came
on the scene -- not that they were revolutionary, although some of course
were -- but because they were curious. Freemasonry was considered the
custodian of science, something into which an intelligent man should look. It
was also anti-Catholic, which suited many of the German Protestant princes.
Even Catholic monarchs, nominal in their Christianity, disregarded the
Vatican's ban on membership and attached themselves to the Order. After the
French Revolution plunged Europe into political chaos, both Protestant and
Catholic monarchs changed their attitudes toward the Craft.

As we know, the original intent of the French Revolution was to dethrone the
Bourbon dynasty in favor of Sion's Lorraine-Habsburg "King of Jerusalem"
cult. Yet, when the Revolution began, the strongest players appeared to be
the Templars, who had outsmarted Sion's Illuminati with exposure. Strong
evidence of Templar involvement is seen in the appearance of the Jacobin
Clubs when the doors of the Illuminati's Grand Orient lodges closed. It is
true that most conspiracy researchers view this as nothing more than the
Illuminati changing their name. The Jacobin Clubs were illuminated, and, as
we have noted before, the name Jacobin recalls Jacques de Molay, strongly
suggesting Templar influence, if not control.

At the time of the French Revolution, there were actually three major
conspiracies working -- all under the Masonic banner. They allegedly united
in 1782 at Wilhelmsbad to cooperate in revolution. All three were illuminated
at that conference. As subsequent events reveal, however, each had secretly
planned its own outcome via the Revolution. For example, the French Grand
Lodge, an English Masonic front, was Royalist, wanting a constitutional
monarchy. The French Grand Orient, an Illuminati front of the Priory of Sion,
fought to replace the Bourbon dynasty with another. The Scottish Rite, a
Templar front, planned to avenge a four-centuries-old murder, destroying the
monarchy and replacing it with a republic. Thus divided, the revolution was
doomed to failure.

Freemasonry's desire to alter the despotic politics of Europe might have been
an admirable undertaking, but the outcome could not have been foreseen, nor
given the anti-social passions that had been aroused, restraint possible. The
French Revolution ended in the Terror. According to Mackey's Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry, not until December 27, 1801 did two of the warring factions of
Masonry, the Templar Scottish Rite and the Grand Orient bodies, merged.(3)
Soon afterwards, the third Masonic party, the Grand Lodge, came into line and
all three upheld Napoleon.

De Poncins, in The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, explains that

By wishing to go too fast, freemasonry [sic] miscarried. The excesses of the
Terror brought about a violent reaction of the country. Being unable to do
better, freemasonry [sic] resumed its philanthropic guise and respectful
attitude to social order. It upheld Napoleon, who, moreover, served it by
spreading the revolutionary spirit all over Europe In a word he was for
Europe what the revolution had been for France.(4)

Napoleon Bonaparte and the Templars

Napoleon Bonaparte was not a self-made man. He was selected by Templar
Freemasonry to salvage the revolution -- to solidify the revolution in his
name, since rumors persisted that the exiled Bourbons would return. Msgr.
Dillon writes that "As a lesser evil, therefore, and as a means of forwarding
the unification of Europe, which they had planned by his conquests, the
Freemasons placed supreme power in the hands of Bonaparte, and urged him on
in his career"(5)

Although general history presents Napoleon as a fervent Catholic, Msgr.
Dillon contradicts that judgment:
[Napoleon's] letters breathe everywhere the spirit of advanced Freemasonry,
gloating over the wounds it had been able to inflict upon the Spouse of
Christ. Yet this adventurer has, with great adroitness, been able to pass
with many...as a good Catholic...but he was in all his acts what 

[CTRL] [7b] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)

The Protocols, Jack the Ripper and Gentile "Non-Masons"

Gentile Freemasonry refers to its initiates as Jews, refers to its lodges as
Solomon's Temple, and calls non-Masons Gentiles. Likewise, a republic founded
by Freemasonry and governed by Masons is by inference a Jewish nation.
Conversely, a kingdom not ruled by Freemasonry, such as Russia, would be
considered a Gentile nation. Christian Russia, then, would certainly be
called a "Gentile government" by "them that say they are Jews, and are not,
but do Stephen Knight documents the Masonic use of the word "Gentile" in The
Brotherhood When a meeting is called at the Masonic Temple, he says Masons
converge on the lodge from all directions. "Once inside the Hail, each turned
his steps towards the Crypt, which was cordoned off so that no intruder could
make his way down the stair and report the goings-on to any 'Gentile'.(71)
Knight connects the Protocols to Gentile Freemasonry by examining a seemingly
unrelated subject: the notorious murders of Jack the Ripper, committed in
1888 between August and November. 'The Jack the Ripper murders in the East
End of London in 1888," asserts Knight, "were perpetrated according to
masonic [sic] ritual and a subsequent police cover-up was led by the
Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, both
To comprehend what is meant by "murders...according to Masonic ritual," we
must understand the Masonic ceremony of the 3rd degree -- the Master Mason
degree. Stephen Knight explains the Masonic ritual focus on murder:

Much of Masonic ritual centres on murder. At the 3rd degree, the victim is
Hiram Abiff, mythical architect in charge of the building of Solomon's
temple. The ceremony involves the mimed murder of Hiram by three Apprentice
Masons, and his subsequent resurrection. The three Apprentices are named
Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum -- known collectively as the Juwes [Masonic
spelling for Jews]. In masonic [sic] lore, the Juwes are hunted down and
executed, "by the breast being torn open and the heart and vitals taken out
and thrown over the left shoulder," which closely parallels the details of
Jack the Ripper's modus operardi.(73)

In 1888, Sir Charles Warren was Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and
one of the country's most eminent Freemasons. Two years earlier Warren also
helped found the most secret of Masonic Lodges, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of
Masonic Research. Knight reports that

Warren impeded the investigation of the murders at every turn, caused endless
confusion and delays, and personally destroyed the only clue the Ripper ever
left. This was a scrawled chalk message on a wall inside a tenement block
near the site of the fourth murder. Beneath the message was a blood-soaked
piece of cloth which Jack the Ripper had recently cut from the apron of his
latest victim. The message itself, according to a careful copy made by a
conscientious PC who was at the scene early -- which had been concealed in
the Scotland Yard files on the case for nearly ninety years before I gained
access to them -- read:

"The Juwes are The Men That will not be blamed for nothing"

The moment he was told of this, Warren, who had not previously ventured near
the East End, rushed to the place before the message could be photographed
and washed it away. This has never been explained. The truth was that Warren,
who had been exalted to the Royal Arch in 1861, had realized that the writing
on the wall was a masonic [sicl] message.
Warren, a founder of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research and by
the time of the Ripper murders a Past Grand Sojourner of the Supreme Grand
Chapter, knew only too well that the writing on the wall was telling the
world, "The Freemasons are the men that will not be blamed for nothing."(74)

The significance of the word "Juwes" in the Ripper's message will not escape
anyone versed in Masonic lore. As Knight pointed out in a previous book, Jack
the Ripper: The Final Solution (1976], Masons refer to themselves as Jews,
and use the word "Gentile," "borrowed from Hebrew and used to mean
How does the message at the scene of the fourth "Ripper" murder shed light by
analogy on who may have authored the Protocols? First, it confirms that
Freemasonry establishes decoys, then calls those decoys Jews. Second, the
scrawled chalk message on the wall above the scene of the fourth Ripper
murder can be extrapolated and applied to all Masonic intrigues and their
authors, including authors of the Protocols: 'The Freemasons are the men that
will not be blamed for the Protocols." Third, by making the Protocols read

[CTRL] Andre Malraux

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


Jean Cocteau (1918-) - an associate of Jacques Maritain and Andre Malraux,
he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor (for his quiet work in the
Resistance?). Although associated with royalist Catholic circles, Cocteau's
Catholicism was highly unorthodox and his redecorations of churches
reflected Rosicrucian themes.

The Modern Merovingian Connection
(1) Napoleon Bonaparte
"Sion appears to have been at the nexus of two French anti-monarchical
movements, the Compagnie du St.-Sacrament of the 17th century (acting on
behalf on the Guise-Lorraine families) and the Fronde of the 18th, as well
as an attempt to make the Hapsburgs emperors of all Europe in the 19th- the
Hieron du Val d'Or."
 - Steve Mizrach, "The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Château and the Prieure du

"...In 1740, the Grand Master of the Order of Malta caused the Bull of Pope
Clement XII, to be published in that island, and forbade the meetings of the
Freemasons. On this occasion several Knights and many citizens left the
island; and in 1741, the Inquisition persecuted the Freemasons at Malta. The
Grand Master proscribed their assemblies under severe penalties, and six
Knights were banished from the island in perpetuity for having assisted at a
 - Commander Gourdin (from A Sketch of the Knight Templars and the
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem by Richard Woof)

"In 1796 Napoleon was one of three revolutionary 'Directors' heading the
government. Another 'Director' was Abbe Sieyes, who knew of certain
genealogical researches that had been undertaken by one Abbe Pichon. Pichon
had access to the royal archives captured by the revolutionary government,
where some important genealogies had been hidden away, and he discovered
that a direct descent from Dagobert II had been maintained up to then."
"...Abbe Seiyes urged Napoleon to marry Josephine Beauhamais because she was
a Merovingian descendant, and to adopt her two children by a previous
marriage who were of this anciently royal stock." In 1798 "on the way to
Egypt, Bonaparte detoured to capture Malta and the treasure held by the
Knights of Malta."
 - Michael Bradley, Holy Grail Across the Atlantic

"It was fortunate for the French that there was little fight left in the
Knights of St. John...the last Grand Master, the apathetic von Hompesch,
made only a show of resistance before accepting Bonaparte's terms...For the
cost of three men killed, the French secured an invaluable naval base and a
great deal of treasure..."
"Over the five days following the island's capture, Bonaparte tore apart and
refashioned every aspect of Maltese life. The Order of St. John was
abolished and its members departed, apart from a handful who were persuaded
to join the Army of Egypt...The treasures of the Order, amassed over 500
years, were promptly sequestered... and seven million francs' worth was
diverted to the military chest."
 - David G. Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon

"...At his coronation as Emperor in 1804 he adorned his imperial robe with
the gold bee figurines which had been discovered in the tomb of Childeric I,
father of Clovis. Napoleon styled himself Emperor of the Franks, not
'Emperor of the French'..."
 - Michael Bradley, Holy Grail Across the Atlantic

A clue to the gold bee figurines on Napoleon's imperial robe may be the
Sarmoung Society.

(2) Vichy France

"To Saint-Yves d'Alveydre the Templars stood for a policy of federation and
universal peace which went back to the Carolingians of the early Middle
Ages. Like many French conservative thinkers, including (many years after
him) Charles de Gaulle, he felt that the ancien regime in France had take a
wrong turning, responsible for its later catastrophe, which he could
identify. Unfortunately his choice of the Templars as a solution to the
supposed riddle of the French monarchy was wrong; they had performed none of
the functions that he attributed to them, and his speculations about them
were daydreams added to the old fantasies of Aroux. [who had portrayed the
Middle Ages as having been penetrated by a vast Manichaean conspiracy]."

"The Vichy regime legislated against Freemasonry, and co-operated with the
Germans in identifying and acting against Masons. But, even within the
regime itself, people were very doubtful that Freemasonry had genuinely been
banished. In the so-called 'Chavin Report', which seems to have originated
from within or near government circles, allegations were made that large
number of people in responsible positions belonged to Masonic political
groups called 'synarchist' which had been in existence since the 1920s.
These synarchists were supposed to have been inspired in part by the
doctrine of Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. They were represented as a group of
influential politicians, businessmen, and so-called 'technocrats' who had

[CTRL] [7a] Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)
Chapter 13


At first these "Protocols," printed in broadsheets by the millions, were used
to stir up fear and hatred of Jews in Germany. They were then re-issued,
somewhat revised, and directed at England to stir up hatred of the English.
In Russia the "Protocols" were used to back up charges against the Jews for
"ritual murders."

Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry(1)

The Jewish Holocaust of World War II fulfilled a prophecy made 150 years
earlier by the Orthodox Rabbis in Germany, who warned the Frankist-Reform
Jews that persecution would start at Berlin if they persisted in their amoral
destruction of society. To help fulfill this prophecy, anti-Semitic Gentile
Freemasonry engineered the exposure of the Jews through the fraudulent
creation of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion. These Protocols, a
compilation of twenty-four documents, developed the required anti-Semitism
that ended in the death of six million Jews in the midst of World War II.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion were first said to have been the
minutes of the first Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland, August 29-31,
1897. According to Robert John, author of Behind the Balfour Declaration, the
197 Jewish delegates were a mixture of the orthodoxy, nationalists, liberals,
atheists, culturalists, anarchists, socialists and capitalists.(2) In three
days these Jews are said to have discussed, debated, then agreed upon a
detailed conspiracy for world dominion. The alleged outcome of that Congress
was a document containing the minutes to twenty-four lengthy meetings
detailing how the Jewish intrigue was to unfold.
It defies imagination, how Jews of such mixed convictions, who find it
difficult to agree on any issue within their own persuasion, completed
twenty-four Protocols in just three days.
Those who read the documents were apparently convinced that Zionist Jews were
planning to take over all governments through a well-orchestrated plan of
subversion, using the press, secular schools, and Gentile Masonry as a cover.
The Jews allegedly were planning to enslave the world through this
conspiracy. Their first insurrection was to take place in Russia, which in
retrospect many believed to have climaxed in the Bolshevik Revolution of
1917. So well had Gentile Freemasonry placed the Jews in the forefront of
that insurrection that the West began hearing rumors of Jews taking over
Russia. Appendix 2, Fig. 33 presents the caricatures of these allegations
that were printed in newspapers throughout the world.

History of the Protocols

We have learned that Sion is the French spelling for the English Zion. The
original Protocols were written in French, stolen from a Masonic lodge in
Paris in 1884 (as we shall see), then taken to Russia where they were
translated and first published in that language in 1903.
After the first publication of the Protocols in Russia, they were banned in
1905 by the ill-fated Czar Nicholas II following an attempt to topple his
government. In 1917, following the February Revolution, the new Kerensky
government confiscated and burned the second edition before it reached the
streets and immediately outlawed anti-Semitism.(3) On April 5, 1917, the
Russian Jews won emancipation.(4) By October Kerensky's government had lost
to the Bolsheviks, who, in the "Red Terror" that followed, appeared to
fulfill the slaughter written of in the Protocols.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Protocols made their way back to the
West, where, from 1921 to 1935, the newspaper-reading-public of the world was
made aware of their contents.
Publishing the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion was a most malicious
crime committed against the House of Israel. At the same time as the
Protocols began to circulate throughout Europe, conspiracy researchers were
attempting to connect the Bolsheviks with the Illuminati. In many ways the
two movements were the same. We see this, for instance, in their colors.
Weishaupt had selected the color red to represent his bloody revolution.
Likewise, the Communists. Since then Communists have been nicknamed "Reds."
Those who opposed the Reds formed their own republic called Belorussia, or
White Russia, bordering on Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. The Whites waged a
short-lived counterrevolution against the Reds but lost in 1919 for lack of
funds. When the Whites fled to the West, most settled in Germany. With them
came copies of the Protocols. Soon these documents were in the hands of
Hitler, who set out to rid the world of this so-called Judeo-Masonic

Hitler's Mein Kampf makes mention of the 

Re: [CTRL] Moral Relativism: The Phantom Menace

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/1/99 6:49:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IMHO, CTRL is by far the best daily source of alternative
information on the net. Thanks deeply Kris, keep up the
fantastic work.

Thanks for the kind words and THANK-YOU to all the fine folks that share, for
I for one could not present all the viewpoints we see each day. I thank-you
all for helping in my understandings.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

a friend

Jesse Jones

Much is often made of the fact that the development of Houston after World
War II was controlled by George and Herman Brown's "Suite 8F Crowd," but
little is ever said about the background of the individuals who composed that
powerful faction.  Jesse Jones, who built the Lamar Hotel at the site of his
uncle's lumber company, was born in Tennessee but had moved as a youth to
Beaumont where his father worked in the M.T. Jones Lumber Co.  They were in
partnership with S.J. Carter, who was the father of W.T. Carter of Houston,
as well as the founder of the Lumbermen's National Bank.  The Carters also
controlled large timber reserves in East Texas in the town of Camden.

In 1902, on his way to London to attend  the coronation of King Edward VII,
Jones went by way of New York to talk to Robert S. Lovett, attorney and chief
executive officer of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads,
thinking he might obtain financing from E.H. Harriman similar to what John
Henry Kirby had from the Santa Fe Railroad.  Lovett had moved to New York
from Houston after being hired by E.H. Harriman, a former stockbroker who had
gained control of the Illinois Central Railroad, and then took over operation
of the Union Pacific after the bankruptcy reorganization in 1898.  Jones had
been a client of Lovett's in Houston.  The proposition made to Jones was that
Harriman would furnish as much money as he could use at 4% interest, with any
profits to be divided 50-50.  The Southern Pacific would also buy and route
the lumber Jones produced.  According to Jones, he then went to Kansas City
and drew up a partnership plan, but later decided not to sign.1

In 1905, when banks became legal in Texas, Jones became a stockholder in the
first bank in Texas to be chartered-the Union Bank  Trust in Houston
[176/517 DR].  According to the charter there were seven stockholders who
held 200 shares in the bank.  The most well-known of these was A.W. Mellon of
Pittsburgh.  In 1902 Mellon had transformed the Pittsburgh bank his father,
Thomas Mellon had founded in 1869 into the Mellon National Bank, and in 1903
merged Pittsburgh National, Citizens National and the Union Trust.2  This
occurred only a short time after Mellon became involved in Texas with the
Spindletop discovery.  Two investors from Pittsburgh had obtained start-up
capital by the Mellon bank's issuance of stock--40% of which was retained by
Andrew Mellon and part of which he sold to other Pittsburgh investors.
Mellon also gave Governor James Hogg, "a slice of the action."3  In 1907 the
Mellons bought out enough bondholders to acquire control of the Guffey Co.
and formed Gulf Oil in Beaumont.

Other large stockholders in the Union Bank  Trust were J.S. Rice and his
brother W.M. Rice, each with 200 (their brother David had 30); W.T. Carter
from Camden, Hyman Levy, Frank Andrews and J.M. Rockwell (manager of the M.T.
Jones Lumber Co. before Jesse took over).  Jones himself had only 90 shares
individually and held 10 as trustee.  His aunt Louisa had 100.  T.W. House
held 110, shares, Charles Dillingham4 150, W.B. Chew 100, and Thomas H. Ball
120.  Another stockholder from outside Texas was Tom Randolph of St. Louis
with 100 shares.  Edwin Parker and James A. Baker, Jr. each owned 50, and
E.M. House owned 30.  Two years after the Union Bank was established the T.W.
House private bank went into bankruptcy after T.W. Jr. assigned all assets to
Union shareholders J.S. Rice and W.B. Chew.

The Mellon connection with the Union Bank is extremely interesting, given the
fact that Jesse Jones had encouraged the Mellons to locate the headquarters
for Gulf Oil in Houston in 1908, just a year after Mellon had taken over the
company.  Jones built two different headquarters buildings for Gulf in
downtown Houston-one of which has always remained the home of what was
considered to be Jones' bank.5  In 1911 the Union Bank built the 12-story
building at 220 Main which became the Continental Bank6 in 1953 when Union
National merged with South Texas National, the forerunner to today's Texas
Commerce Bank.
In 1920, at the age of 65, Andrew Mellon became Warren Harding's Secretary of
Treasury.  To accept the appointment he had to resign from directorship of 51
corporate boards, but he served in this post for 12 years-during the
administrations of Coolidge and Hoover as well.  His tenure is not unlike the
climate of the 1980s, believing as he did that corporations should not be
taxed, working people should not expect a living wage, and that stock
speculation was good for the economy.  In 1932 Congressman Wright Patman of
Texas brought impeachment proceedings against the Treasury Secretary,
charging that Mellon had "violated more laws, caused more human suffering and
illegally acquired more property to satisfy his personal greed than any other
person on earth without fear of punishment and with the sanction and approval
of three chief 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-96, Day 70 (June 1, 10:30PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-97, Day 70
June 1, 1999; 10:30PM EDT


Varvarin 1. NATO Barbarians' Varvarin Carnage

Prizren   2. Unexpected Double Encounters with the

Belgrade3. A War on Beasts, Not Just Civilians

Toronto  4. NATO Leaders Have Taken Us Back to 
  Barbarism (a former Canadian

Brussels 5. Broken Promises: "Declaration of
Belgrade6. A Serb Farmer Teaches "Marketing 101"

1. NATO's Barbarians' Varvarin Carnage

VARVARIN, May 31 - In our Special TiM GW Bulletin S99-94, Day 68, Item 1,
May 30, we brought you an initial report about the carnage on a bridge
struck on Sunday by the NATO barbarians in a small Serb town Varvarin,
whose name happens to mean Barbarian in Serbian. The following day, a group
of reporters visited the scene of devastation.  Here are some excerpts from
a story filed by an Irish reporter, Lara Marlowe, published by the Irish
Times on May 31. But we have to warn you, the text is not for the faint of

"Father Milevoj Ceric's headless body lay on the mortuary slab, just hours
after he said Mass. His black shoes were polished and his pale blue shirt
was still neatly tucked into the trousers of the black suit he had worn to
celebrate his villagers' feast day (Sunday). 

Father Milevoj's parishioners said he was about 50 years old, but it was
impossible to know what he looked like because his head - blown off in the
NATO air raid - was not found. 

The man lying next to him on the slab had his guts torn out by the
explosion, and his waxy, white arms were thrown back over his head as if in
panic or in horror. A handsome young man was one of eight bodies laid out
in the morgue, someone had put his legs beside him on the stretcher. 

NATO aircraft dropped their first bomb on the rusty old bridge across the
Morava River at 12.53 p.m. They came back 14 minutes later - as townspeople
including Father Milevoj, rushed out to help the victims of the first
explosion - and dropped two more bombs. 

"Ten people were killed. We don't know how many more have found graves in
the waters of the Morava", said Mr. Dragan Cavnic, the mayor of this pretty
town of 5,000. Forty people were still missing. 

Varvarin is famous for its rosé wine and vegetables. "Everybody knows today
is a religious holiday here. This has been our market day for centuries.
People from surrounding villages gather. They bombed as people were leaving." 

The NATO spokesman, Mr Jamie Shea, said: "Our policy hasn't changed.
Everything we attack is a military target. Just because there wasn't a tank
on the bridge, doesn't mean it wasn't a military target." 

But the bridge was too narrow for a tank to cross. Villagers said the two
NATO aircraft flew low. They believe that NATO planned to kill the maximum
number of people. 

Mr. Dragoljub Stanojevic, the principal of a local school, said: "If they
had bombed the bridge at night, I could believe it was a military target,
but on a Sunday when it was full of people?"
TiM Ed.: Of course, we can choose to believe the people like Jamie Shea.
Or we can choose to trust an independent eyewitness report by a western
journalist, like Ms. Marlowe.  Or we can choose to keep our heads in the

Whatever our choices, the Serbs and God know that this was a case of
premeditated murder of innocent civilians.  Twice over.  Including that of
a brave and unselfish priest, trying to help his parishioners injured
during the first strike.  Not only was the old, narrow bridge of no value
to the Yugoslav military, the local hotel, church and the town hall were
also damaged in the strike, as you saw from our initial report.

Anyone who saw Jamie Shea this Sunday practically gloat on TV over this
NATO strike, arrogantly saying "tough luck" to all people killed and
injured in Varvarin, has got to feel sorry for this NATO spokesman and the
dogs of war he serves.  For, even if somehow they manage to escape
miraculously the gallows or dungeons on this earth, they should start
reading Dante's "Inferno" to see what awaits them after that.

2. Unexpected Double Encounters with the "Enemy"

PRIZREN, May 31 - A group of foreign journalists in Kosovo had two
unexpected encounters with the "enemy." First, they were bombed by the
people they thought were friends (as you saw in one of our weekend reports
(see S99-94, Day 68, Item 3, May 30).  Then, they were saved and treated
like royalty by the folks they thought were the enemy - the Serb Army.



1999-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/1/99 7:34:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe something is in
the offing.

Can you sing?  To the tune of Lucy in the Sky

 Jesus in the Sky with aliens.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Beast of the Month - May 1999

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Beast of the Month - May 1999
Monsanto, Korporate Chemical Giant

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

Sometimes, evil is obvious and in your face: take, for example, the NATO
bombings of Kosovo, or the school massacre at Littleton, Colorado.  At other
times, however, evil is secretive and hidden, and when that happens, it often
hides in the most unlikely place: out in the open.  This is the most popular
place to hide for huge multi-national korporations such as Monsanto, The
Konformist Beast of the Month, the U.S.-based chemical behemoth whose
products are loved and consumed regularly by Americans, despite the fact that
even a marginal inspection of their history would reveal a shocking pattern
of deceit and contempt for its customers.

For those of you who are unaware, Monsanto is best known for introducing the
sugar substitute aspartame, which they sell under the brand names of
NutraSweet and Equal.  Contrary to what the name "NutraSweet" implies,
however, aspartame is not nutritious, and is quite unhealthy, having earned
the nickname "NutraPoison" from critics.  As reported in Alex Constantine's
now-classic underground conspiracy expose "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA"
(in the aptly-titled chapter devoted to Monsanto and NutraSweet "The Swirl
and the Swastika"), as well as the work of noted Monsanto critic Betty
Martini of Mission Possible, aspartame has been documented to cause
headaches, numbness, fatigue, blurred vision and blindness, heart
palpitations, brain lesions and tumors, memory loss, dizziness, muscle
spasms, irritability, anxiety attacks, vertigo, seizures, rashes,
tachycardia, tinnitus, joint pain, nausea, mood alterations and depression,
hearing loss, slurred speech, loss of taste, and insomnia, as well as erode
intelligence and short-term memory.  It also helps trigger multiple
sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein Barr, Parkinson's,
Alzheimer's, diabetes, mental retardation, lymphoma, and birth defects.  No
real surprise here: originally, aspartame was categorized as a biochemical
warfare weapon by the Pentagon in a list submitted to Congress. In 1969, Dr.
Harry Waisman studied the effects of aspartame on primates, and seven infant
monkeys were fed the chemical in milk. One died after 300 days, 5 others had
Grand Mal seizures. These findings were deleted from the report to the FDA.
MIT researchers surveyed 80 people who suffered brain seizures after eating
or drinking products with Aspartame, and the Community Nutrition Institute
states: "These 80 cases meets the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard
to the public health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a
product from the market."

Despite this, NutraSweet was in over 9,000 foods by 1997 and on nearly every
restaurant table.  The irony is that the two things aspartame is most often
marketed for, diabetes and weight loss, it has been shown to not be
beneficial for.  According to  Dr. H. J. Roberts, after summarizing 58
diabetic aspartame reactors, "I now advise ALL patients with diabetes and
hypoglycemia to avoid Aspartame products."  Further, aspartame triggers a
craving for carbohydrates, hardly the reaction wanted for those trying to
lose pounds.  The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints over
aspartame, approximately 80% of all complaints about food additives since
being introduced to the market.  If the FDA was an honest organization,
NutraSweet would not have ever been approved: fortunately for Monsanto, that
isn't the case. Former FDA Commissioner Arthur Hayes overruled his own board
of inquiry to approve aspartame (claiming, falsely, that criticism was
"anecdotal") then went to work for a public relations firm retained by G.D.
Searle (the company which introduced the product that was acquired by
Monsanto in 1985.)  Federal attorney Sam Skinner was assigned to prosecute
Searle for fraudulent tests in their application, but switched sides and went
to work for Searle's lawyers instead.

Thanks to the compromised nature of the FDA, Monsanto has received a yearly
multi-billion dollar license to kill through aspartame, one that it defends
relentlessly.  They have waged a campaign against stevia, the natural
zero-calorie herbal sweetener that is up to 300 times sweeter than sugar,
using the FDA - supposedly its "watchdog" - as an attack dog instead.
Claiming that stevia has not been proven to be safe as a sweetener (something
that aspartame has been certifiably shown not to be), the FDA, under intense
pressure and backing by Monsanto, banned it in 1991, then later lifted the
ban after receiving numerous complaints from outraged consumers.  Still,
stevia is only available as a food supplement, and manufacturers can't add it
to foods or drinks.  In 


1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


written by Anthony J. Hilder:


On the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month (666), the 2nd Annual
People's Rally will be held at the periphery of what has been described as
America's most "TOP SECRET" underground bacteriological, biological and
chemical warfare test site.  This covert military facility operates
independently from the purview of Congress.

The rally, which will be held on Sunday (June 6, 1999) will be preceded by a
PRESS CONFERENCE on Saturday, June 5, at high noon at the Little A-le-Inn in
Rachel, Nevada.  This news conference (public is urged to attend) will
feature Ted Gunderson, former Chief Agent-in-Charge of the FBI in Dallas,
Memphis and Los Angeles, and Anthony J. Hilder, producer of the
ILLUMINATI/CFR expose.  Hilder and Gunderson will reveal what they envision
as being a series of staged events occuring over the next six months, which
will lead the nation towards the installation of martial law, the
cancellation of the Constitution and a move towards the acceptance of a One
World Government upon the ashes of all national sovereignty.  What has this
got to do with DREAMLAND (the secret facility) and future wars agains the
people of the United States and all sovereign nations of the world?  Come and

This is an invitation for the public to attend and the press to cover this
historic event, which is intended to give answers and direction to avert an
impending international crisis.  There will be a seminar a the Little
A-le-Inn from 3 p.m to 5 p.m. and from 7p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, June 5,
featuring four different speakers which will expand the information on the
national crisis which many in attendance feel will be coordinated with a
stock and currency crash coupled with a Y2K catastrophe.  If you're looking
for another UFOOLOGY event, this is not it.   The anti-gravitational flying
discs which are being tested at the Groom Lake site are not flown by aliens,
but rather pilots who live at the covert operations facility.

John Lear, once holder of seventeen different world flight speed and distance
aviation records, has been invited to participate.  You will be notified
within days if Mr. Lear (son of the founder of the Lear jet) will disclose
his latest revelations.

The Rally on Sunday, June 6 is a lawful public assembly in accordance with
the First Amendment.  It will take place on public land.  All in attendance
OF THE BASE.  Everyone coming up from Las Vegas or down from Salt Lake are
URGED to fill up their tanks with gasoline in either Ash Springs or Alamo
BEFORE proceeding up to the Tikaboo Vally and/or the Little A-le-Inn as there
are NO gas stations for fifty miles.

Three major topics will be addressed at the Seminar.   (There will be a $4.00

1. FRANKENSTEIN FACTORIES  There is evidence which would lead us to
believe that genetic engineering, cloning and cross-species gene splicing are
being conducted.
3. ANTI-GRAVITATIONAL FLYING DISCS that may be used to stage a mock invasion
to create panic and usher in a Global Government under ILLUMINAZI control.

For more information, please contact:
Joe and Pat Travis at the Little A-le-Inn
HCR 61 Box 45
Rachel, NV 89001  (702) 729-2515

Press Contact:   Anthony J. Hilder at (310) 288-6656


Saturday, June 5, 199912 noon:
Press Conference  (public is urged to attend)

Seminars from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
and also from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Sundary, June 6, 19996 a.m.  to  9 a.m.
the main Rally at the Restricted Boundary Line on Groom Lake road

Breakfast in Rachel10 a.m.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.:   Final seminars and conclusion.

For those in Las Vegas, listen to the LOU EPTON SHOW  on Friday, May 21, from
10 p.m. to midnight.  Topic:  The People's Rally at AREA 51
KXNT AM Radio   840 on your dial.

(you can catch this station even in Los Angeles area)

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit http://www.eGroups.com/list/konformist/ and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

eGroups Spotlight:
"Military Spouse Unlimited" - Participate in this support group for
military spouses of on-duty servicemen and women.

eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/konformist
http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications

[CTRL] Conspiracy Theory

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Found this but don't know if it's been listed

From www.zmag.org


Conspiracy Theory

Michael Albert

NOWADAYS, WHEREVER they go, leftists encounter many questions from newly
political folks about this or that political episode--the October Surprise,
the BCCI scandal, Irancontra, David Duke--with an emphasis on who did what,
when, and with what knowledge and intent. They field far fewer questions
about the systemic causes of trends and events. People study the membership
of some rogue group. They ignore the structure of government and
corporations. How did this "fashion" come about? Where is it taking us?

Conspiracy Theory

A CONSPIRACY THEORY is a hypothesis that some events were caused by the
intractable secret machinat ions of undemocratic individuals. A prime example
is to explain Irancontra as the secret rogue acti ons of Oliver North and
co-conspirators. Likewise, another conspiracy theory explains the
hostage-holding in Carter's last presidential year as the machinations of a
"secret team" helping Reagan win the presidency. A conspiracy theory of Karen
Silkwood's murder would uncover the names of people who secretly planned and
carried out the murder . Bending usage, we could even imagine a conspiracy
theory of patriarchy as men uniting to deny women status, or a conspiracy
theory of the U.S. government as competing groups seeking power for their own

Conspiracies exist. Groups regularly do things without issuing press releases
and this becomes a co nspiracy whenever their actions transcend of "normal"
behavior. We don't talk of a conspiracy to win an election if the suspect
activity includes only candidates and their handlers working privately to
develop effective s trategy. We do talk about a conspiracy if the resulting
action involves stealing the other team's p lans, spiking their Whiskey
Sours, or other exceptional activity. When a conspiracy cause's some outcome,
the outcome woul d not have happened had not the particular people with their
particular inclinations come together.

Conspiracy theories may or may not identify real coteries with real
influence. Conspiracy theories:

(a) Claim that a particular group acted outside usual norms in a rogue and
generally secretive fashion.

(b) Disregard the structural features of institutions.

Personalities, personal timetables, secret meetings, and conspirators' joint
actions, claim attenti on. Institutional relations drop from view. We ask,
did North meet with Bush before or after the meeting between MacFarlane and
Mr. X? Do we have a document that reveals the plan in advance? Do phone
conversations implicate so and so? How credible is that witness?

Institutional Theory

IN AN INSTITUTIONAL theory, personalities and personal motivations enter the
discussion only as res ults of more basic factors. The personal actions
culminating in some event do not serve as explanation. The theory explains
phenomena via roles, incentives, and dynamics of underlying institutions. An
institutional theory doesn't ignore human actions, but the point of an
institutional explanation is to move from personal factors to institutional
ones. If the particular people hadn't been there to do it, most likely
someone else would have.

An institutional theory of Irancontra and the October surprise would explain
how and why these activities arose in a society with our political, social,
and economic forms. An institutional theory of Karen Silkwood's murder would
reveal nuclear industry and larger societal pressures that provoked her
murder. An institutional theory of patriarchy explains gender relations in
terms of marriage, the church, the market, socialization, etc. An
institutional theory of government emphasizes the control and dissemination
of information, the dynamics of bureaucracy, and the role of subservience to
class, race, and gender interests.

Institutions exist. Whenever they have sufficient impact on events,
developing an institutional theory makes sense. However, when an event arises
from a unique conjuncture of particular people and opportunities, while
institutions undoubtedly play a role, it may not be generalized and an
institutional theory may be out of place or even impossible to construct.

Institutional theories may or may not identify real relationships with real
influence on the events they explain. Institutional theories:

(a) Claim that the normal operations of some institutions generate the
behaviors and motivations leading to the events in question.

(b) Address personalities, personal interests, personal timetables, and
meetings only as facts about the events needing explanation, not as
explanations themselves.

Organizational, motivational, and behavioral implications of institutions
gain most attention. Particular people, while not becoming mere ciphers, are
not accorded priority as causal agents.

The Difference

TO SEE THE operational difference between conspiracy theory 

[CTRL] OEN 6/2/99

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

NATO Bombs Albania


TIRANA, Albania, June 1 (UPI) - NATO warplanes dropped seven bombs on
Albania, injuring two Albanian soldiers, the Albanian Telegraphic Agency
has reported.
NATO admitted some weapons apparently landed on Albanian territory
today, and that one of Albania's "pillbox" bunkers had been destroyed.
Spokeswoman Monique Tufeli said NATO has no knowledge of anyone being
wounded by the errant bombs.

The Pentagon said any such bombing would have been directed at the
Kosovo-Albania border area, where Yugoslav army troops are battling the
Kosovo Liberation Army around Mount Pastric.

The bombs fell this afternoon between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. local time
(8:30 and 9:30 a.m. EDT), the ATA correspondent in Kukes said. "There
was bombardment inside Albanian territory by NATO jets," the report

At a briefing in Washington today, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Charles
Wald said NATO planes are targeting the Yugoslav army, which has troops
in the border zone.

"We don't plan to attack inside the Albanian border," Wald said, adding
that the actual borderline is very poorly defined.

The Albanian report said Xhevdet Shaqiri and an unidentified soldier
were wounded in the strong explosions. ATA said it was a shock for local
people, who did not expect NATO jets to bomb Albania.

Witnesses told ATA the explosion destroyed 10 bunkers and left craters
30 feet deep. Power lines were knocked down near Morini, the border post
where hundreds of thousands of Kosovar refugees have entered Albania.

Xhuni Myftari, a local spokeswoman for the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, told United Press International that a NATO jet
launched seven bombs 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) inside Albania.

Albania put its airspace under NATO control before the airstrikes
against Yugoslavia began 10 weeks ago. NATO also controls the only
Albanian international airport and a few military airports.

Albania is a member of NATO's Partnership for Peace program and aims to
be a full member.

Around Tirana, conspiracy rumors are spreading. Some say NATO is driving
Serb troops out of the area to convince refugees it is safe to return to
Kosovo. Others say NATO is bombing the border to test the strength of
the pillbox bunkers that are ubiquitous reminders of Albania's years of
political isolation.

UPI, June 1, 1999

Single Currency

Euro Hits a Low Against the British Pound

European Leaders Say, "Have faith, brother!"

EUROPEAN leaders are preparing to issue a "statement of faith" in the
single currency after it slipped to its lowest point against the pound
Sterling soared past three German marks for the first time since last
July and breached the level of 10 French francs for the first time since
May 4. The euro has fallen by 7.7 per cent against the pound since it
was launched at 70.55p at the beginning of the year. It is now worth

Its continuing decline thrust the Government plans to join the single
currency in 2001 or 2002 to the centre of the campaign for next week's
European elections. Tony Blair was forced on to the defensive as William
Hague urged him to drop a multi-million pound drive to prepare Britain
for joining the euro.

The Government has sought to play down the single currency in the run-up
to the June 10 elections. But Mr Hague accused Mr Blair and Gordon
Brown, the Chancellor, of "burying their heads in the sand" and ignoring
the truth about the euro.

Francis Maude, the shadow chancellor, said that the Government was "in
denial" on the issue. He said: "While more and more of our leading
commentators urge caution and pragmatism, Labour continues its headlong
rush to scrap the pound."

Downing Street hit back by claiming that it would be an "act of folly"
to abandon preparations for Britain to be in a position to decide
whether to join the euro after the next election. The Prime Minister's
spokesman said that Mr Blair had not shifted on the single currency. The
spokesman said: "The Government believes it would be in Britain's
interests to join a successful single currency. The intention to join is
real - and so are the conditions."

Today Mr Brown will reaffirm that the Government is pressing ahead with
plans that could axe the pound within five years. He will say that Mr
Hague's call for the scrapping of the National Changeover Plan -
practical preparations for 3.5 million businesses, ranging from the
corner shop to multi-national companies - as "the height of
irresponsibility. Mr Brown will tell the West Midlands CBI: "Having
failed to prepare in any year up to 1997, the Tories now want to ensure
that no preparations are made for the euro at all."

But there is concern in Government that the slide in the euro is playing
into the Tories' hands. Robin Cook, the Foreign Secretary, 

[CTRL] The SWISS connection in the Kosovo war...

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:527388"The SWISS connection in the
Kosovo war...
Subject: The SWISS connection in the Kosovo war...
Date: Fri, May 28, 1999 8:10 AM

Maybe people areu naware tha the SWISS recently pulled a fast one on

In guise of HUMANITARIAN aid 50 old SWISS army trucks,filled with food
,blankets etc, bound for the KOSOVAR refugees was having a hard tiem
reaching them..

 All the drivers were SWISS volonteers..When they go to the Italy
border,the conviy was held up for days are different posts...
  The  SWISS  equivalent of Foreign Minister had to go to Italy to iron
things out..Finally,out of despair,all the SWISS volonteers drivers quit
and left it to Italy to take the good to their final destination..

 This was a big fuss on SWISS TV-for about 2 weeks,then silence...!

 The Italians finally bowed to (NATO,no doubt) pressures and the trucks
are arriving in Albania..Then when they are emptied they will  be
donated to volunteer organisations to transport AID to various Kosovar
refugee camps scattered across Albania..

 So is is WRONG with the ABOVE ?

Simply that NATO,CIA,etc are USING International AID organizations to
transfer arms to the KLA,drugs,etc...do spying activities
lready you have 3 m3mebrs of CARE accused of spying in Kossovo ;they
are(Australians natives and Kosovars) being judged by a Serbian Military

 Earlier(2 weeks ago) the Italians caught a CARITAS convoy sponsered by
the RCatholic Church and SWITZERLAND that had ARMS destined for the

  The Italians suspected that the SWISS truck convoy was a ploy-the
trucks to go to the KLA to transport troops..It appears that they were
right..already reports by journalists mention KLA members moving troops
in old SWISS army trucks..

 So there you have it if you can read the news...


P.S. The Italians did NOT want the trucks to go to Albania-but bowed
under NATO pressure..funny tha the US ?western press did not make a big
deal out of this..-except in Italy,Switzerland,etc..

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Rambouillet: The truth behind the war in Yugoslavia

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:527902"Rambouillet: The truth behind
the war in Yugoslavia
ubject: Rambouillet: The truth behind the war in Yugoslavia
From: "Joe Long" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, May 30, 1999 12:20 AM
Message-id: zE643.12$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The entire text can be found here:

The proposed status of autonomy for Kosovo would have meant that Kosovo would
have received its own government, supreme court and
security forces. The Kosovo government would have been able to negate laws
passed by the federal legislature and to conduct its
own foreign policy - both rights that neither the US states nor the states of
Germany possess.

Look at some excerpts of the accord proposal:

Chapter 4a, Article I -- "The economy of Kosovo, shall function in accordance
with free market principles."

It is crystal clear whose interests are being advanced here: Kosovo has
substantial mineral resources, including the richest mines
for lead, molybdenum, mercury and other metals in all of Europe. Obviously
one cannot leave the control over such resources to an
independent Yugoslavia.

 Chapter 5, Article V -- "The CIM [*] shall be the final authority in theater
regarding interpretation of the civilian aspects of
this Agreement, and the Parties agree to abide by his determinations as
binding on all Parties and persons." *Chief of the
Implementation Mission Chapter 7, Article XV -- "The KFOR [NATO] commander is
the final authority in theater regarding
interpretation of this Chapter and  his determinations are binding on all
Parties and persons."

In other words, two foreign commanders would have had the power to overturn
elections, shut down organizations and media, and
overrule any decisions made by a provincial or the federal governments
regarding Kosovo. These are terms of occupation, not those
of an agreement acceptable to a soveriegnstate.

Just for fun..

My bumper sticker ideas...

   "We need a Leader, not a Liar"

  "Clinton Sucks"

   Clinton=Hitler-you make the call

   "Bill Bombs Babies"

   Pull out now..eww Bill, my dress

Support NATO, Bill's private army

joe long
they're coming for our guns...
they won't succeed, but they will come.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: So, Just What's Really Changed?

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-   ___      __
   /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
  / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
 /_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\BARAK ALREADY SOUNDS LIKE BIBI

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  For latest informaton email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   MER - Washington, 2 June:  Different styles and temperaments, true.
Different supporters as well. And a chance for the Arafat group to take a
deep breath and squander abit more time and hope, and for "liberal"
American Jews to pretend some more, also true.  But when it comes to
actual policies...well there the differences are far harder to find.
Indeed, just read this article in yesterday's Ha'aretz, Israel's
leading newspaper, remembering that what Barak is doing now is precisely
the same thing Netanyahu did last year.  OK, we know...we've warned you
to watch out for this kind of thing before!  Good Cops/Bad Cops is a
constant theme in Israeli manuevering when it comes to the political
theatrics of dealing with both the Arabs and the Americans.
   Meanwhile, most importantly of all, the settlements continue to
expand, the viable land continues to be gobbled up by the occupying
power, the demolition of Palestinian homes continues, and for Jewish
expansion purposes the borders of eastern Jerusalem have now been
extended far into the desert further severing the West Bank with a
stretch now annexed to Israel.

 By David Makovsky, Diplomatic Correspondent

[Ha'aretz, 1 June 1999]: Prime Minister-elect Ehud Barak is considering
whether to consult with the U.S. and the Palestinians about not
implementing the Wye agreement and instead jumping directly to final
status talks, Labor Party sources say.

According to aides, Barak is planning to omit the implementation of the
Wye agreement from the coalition guidelines, although they will mention
the Oslo accords.

Until now, the Palestinians and the U.S. have been assuming that Barak
would immediately implement the last two stages of the Wye accord when he
becomes prime minister.

In 1995, after he joined the Rabin government, Barak was the only member
of the inner circle dealing with peace negotiations who opposed the
interim pullbacks put forward in the Oslo II agreement, preferring that
everything be left for the final accord.

Should Barak hold consultations, they will be based on the premise that
his government will have the political clout - which the Netanyahu
government lacked - to deliver a final status deal, and hence there is no
need for interim steps.

According to a Labor Party source, "Barak is considering talking to the
U.S. and the Palestinians about not implementing Wye and going straight
to final status. He has not made a final decision.

"However, even if he does so, he would not unilaterally jump to final
status against the wishes of the U.S. and the Palestinians, since [Wye]
is an international agreement signed by the government of Israel."

The Netanyahu government withdrew from 2 percent of the estimated 13
percent of the territories due to be handed over under the Wye agreement.

Barak's thoughts of skipping over the Wye agreement comes at the same
time as he has told the National Religious Party (NRP) that settlement
activity can continue under certain conditions. "Barak said clearly that
he won't freeze settlements," stated NRP head Education Minister Yitzhak

Even if Barak goes ahead with Wye, keeping mention of it out of the
government's statement of principles could also make it easier for Barak
to woo right-wing elements such as the NRP.

"We are worried about the intentions of this new government. During its
campaign, the Labor Party said funds would be for schools, not
settlements," said Faisal Husseini, the top PLO official in Jerusalem.
"To bring into the government parties that support settlement makes us
wonder about the intentions of this government.

   M  I  D  -  E  A  S  T  R  E  A  L  I  T  I  E  S
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Fax: 202 362-6965 / Phone: 202 362-5266

Re: [CTRL] The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Yo, Let us all please tone down. The posts were/are not an attack on people's
faiths. Histories of religions are very much involved with conspiracy theory.

Please let us take invective discussion off  the list. The truth is for each
to find in his/her own relationship with the divine. mho


May God bless us all.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [12] From Major Jordan's Diaries

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
From Major Jordan's Diaries
George Racey Jordan©1952 All rights reserved
LCCN 52-6448
Western Islands
395 Concord Avenue
Belmont. Massachusetts 02178
Harcourt, Brace edition published 1952
Free Enterprise edition published 1958
American Opinion edition published 1961
The Americanist Library edition published 1965
170pps — out-of-print

How Russia Got U.S. Treasury Plates

I returned to Great Falls, for the last time as an Army Officer, on June
13th, since I had just been replaced by Lieutenant George Walewski Lashinski.
I was due to speak in Omaha on the 16th, and this was my last chance to say
good-by to my friends, including Colonel Kotikov. On a personal level, I had
always been very friendly with the Colonel; he was one of the most unusual
people I had ever known, and he had many likable traits as a human being. It
was only when politics intervened, or orders came to him from above, that his
attitude and manners became difficult.

During our farewell talk, Colonel Kotikov mentioned the "money plane" which
had crashed in Siberia and had been replaced. I asked what he meant by "money
plane." The U.S. Treasury, he explained, was shipping engraving plates and
other materials to Russia, so that they could print the same occupation money
for Germans as the United States was printing.

I was certain he was mistaken. I was quite sure that never in history had we
let money plates go out of the country. How could there be any control over
their use? "You must mean, Colonel," I said, "that we have printed German
occupation money for Russia and shipped the currency itself."

"No, no," he replied. He insisted that plates, colored inks, varnish, tint
blocks, sample paper—these and similar materials had gone through Great Falls
in May in two shipments of five C-47s each. The shipments had been arranged
on the highest level in Washington, and the planes had been loaded at the
National Airport.

I was still incredulous, but I was impressed enough to pass these remarks on
to Colonel Bernard C. Hahn, the Air Force Inspector who had come on as a
result of my trip to Washington.

Not until 1950 did I learn all the particulars about these money plates. The
full story has never been released to the general public, and only a few
people in Washington seem to know the details of this Lend-Lease scandal. I
see no reason why every citizen should not know how his public servants
handled such a grave matter in wartime.

The sum of money which we lost in redeeming the marks which the Russians
rolled off their presses, with no accountability whatever, appears to have
been $250,000,000! It was not until September, 1946, that we put a stop to
the siphoning of our treasury by refusing to redeem further marks. By this
time the plates had been in Russian hands over two years. At the closed
hearing in June 1947 Senator Styles Bridges, chairman of the Committee on
Appropriations, inquired of Assistant Secretary of War Howard C. Petersen:
"Does Russia still have the plates, so far as you know?"

Mr. Petersen: As far as I know, they still have the plates.

Chairman Bridges. And as far as you know, are they still printing the

Mr. Petersen: As far as I know, they are still printing the currency.

Chairman Bridges: And has there been any protest from this Government
endeavoring to stop them?

Mr. Petersen: There have been strenuous efforts from the Allied Control
Council in Berlin to obtain an accounting from the Russians as to the amount
of Allied military marks which they have issued. Those efforts have been

Senator Bridges and Mr. Petersen had previously had this exchange:

Chairman Bridges: Was there any action taken by the War Department to
restrict the number of notes issued by the Russians?

Mr. Petersen: The answer of the War Department is "No."

Chairman Bridges. And, as far as you know, was there any action taken by the
State or the Treasury Department to restrict Russia in the number of notes
she would issue?

Mr. Petersen: To my knowledge, none.[2]

Mr. Petersen later stated: "I know when we stopped the use of them (the
Allied marks) in Germany. It was September 1946."

Here is the exchange between Senator William F. Knowland of California and
Assistant Secretary Petersen:

Senator Knowland. As I understand, there are $380,000,000 more currency
redeemed than there were appropriations for?

Mr. Petersen: That is correct

Senator Knowland. And you expect eventually that that amount will be cut down
to $160,000,000; is that right?

Mr. Petersen: Yes ...

Senator Knowland: Now what I would like to ask is, what is the amount
outstanding as of, let us say, the end of last month (May, 1947)?

Mr. Petersen: That is $340,000,000.[3]

The hearing continued for two days. At its end there were, 141 printed pages
of oral testimony, and in addition 31 pages of State Department documents, 59
pages of Treasury Dopartment documents, and 474 

[CTRL] [5] Ritual Abuse

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Ritual Abuse
Margaret Smith©1993
HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
ISBN 0-06-250214-X
213pps — out-of-print

Chapter 5

The Abusers

Most people don't understand the all-encompassing cycle of ritual abuse. They
think that getting away from the cults is as simple as making the choice to
leave. I know better Everyone raised in it and entrenched in the way I was
knows better

If you were raised in a cult, leaving is the most painful and difficult thing
you will ever do. Not only does the cult come after you most of the time, but
you have to worry about your own personalities beings manipulated and tricked
into returning. And the isolation and pain you feel as you leave is
unbearable. In order to protect themselves, survivors who were raised in
cults have to give up their entire family and all their friends to go into a
world that, overall, doesn't believe them or support their life changes in a
healing manner

The cult I was raised in has a history. People who are in it today are the
modern players of a religion that has been passed on for centuries. My
abusers were people. They were not monsters, even though what they did to me
was monstrous. Sometimes I saw their aching and longing for change. My
cult-boss once told me, I know what we are doing is wrong, but we don't know
how to stop it." Cult abusers are not there because ritual abuse is fun. Many
of them are there because they can see no way out.

Many violent cults keep their members by telling them lies that make members
feel self-hating and helpless. The lies are difficult to differentiate from
truth because the person telling the lies has been brainwashed. Everyone in
the cult believes the lies to be truth, and the insanity is passed on from
generation to generation as unquestionable wisdom.

I support survivors who hate their abusers. I respect survivors who swear to
themselves they will never turn out like the people who hurt them. I do not
want to deny survivors their right to feel angry.

This anger is justified; it is what gives us the power to change. But I also
want people to understand that for too many survivors, ritual abuse
victimization does not end in childhood.


Cults that ritually abuse children set up situations in which children are
forced to molest and sometimes kill other children. Ritually abused children
are drugged, lied to, emotionally tormented, and manipulated with threats
until they commit the violent acts Children who react to their orders with
fear or sorrow are taunted and humiliated by other group members. The
children have no physical escape from the room in which the violence occurs.
They have no choice but to comply with the demands of their abusers.

Ritually abused children in these situations must adapt. They stop feeling
their initial emotions of fear and grief and replace these appropriate
emotions with behavior modeled by their abusers. They learn to laugh at
victims who writhe in pain. They make fun of people who are crying or afraid.
They adopt the belief systems of their abusers in order to avoid more pain.
These children are not bad. They are not evil. They are in a situation that
they cannot change, and they do whatever they have to in order to survive.

If the children continue to be exposed to the cult environment, they grow up
to act abusively in cults. Because they were raised in cults where they were
forced to abuse others, these trained abusers' minds are no longer their own.
Even though they abuse children in rituals-with no visible coercion-they are
still controlled by the cult. All the years of torture, training, and
manipulation are the unseen coercion that makes adult cult members feel
helpless to change.

Here is one personality's memory of the process:

I never abused animals or children outside of the cult experience. Most of my
rage and hatred was vented on the men I dated. I would fantasize about
killing them, but I never acted violently. I was afraid of being thrown in
jail. I was afraid of people hating me. My cult deliberately programmed me
never to be violent outside of the cult experience. This kept me from giving
away any secrets about the cult. It made me able to hold respectable roles in
the community.

I never remembered the ritual abuse in my daily life. If the cult wanted to
talk to me, they had to access me using triggers to speak to my cult
personalities. I was primarily involved in cult activities that took place in
the middle of the night.

Getting ready for a ritual was like going to the bathroom in the middle of
the night. I woke up in a seemingly hypnotic state. I wasn't excited. I
didn't feel anything. I was a zombie acting on orders. Once I arrived at a
ritual, I felt at home. I felt a final sense of relief and belonging, that I
no longer had to hide anything or pretend I was something I was not. it felt
great to finally be in my cult personalities, and I 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-97, Day 71 (June 2, 1:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-98, Day 71
June 2, 1999; 1:00PM EDT


Washington   1. Death of Freedom in America? March on
   Pentagon Banned by Arlington Police!

Sweden  2. Anti-NATO Protests Banned in Europe; 
   Protesters Beaten by Police

Santa Cruz 3. California Anti-war Protester Beaten the
  Rodney King-Style

1. Death of Freedom in America? March on Pentagon Banned by Arlington Police!

WASHINGTON, June 2 - As you saw in our Bulletins S90-93 and S99-94, there
is a big anti-war protest planned in Washington for this weekend.  The plan
was to assemble at the Vietnam Memorial at noon, hold some speeches there,
and then march across the Potomac to Virginia, and reassemble for more
speeches at the Pentagon.

We've just received word from one of the protest organizers, the
International Action Center, that the Arlington police had denied us the
permit to march along public streets.  If we allow this decision to stand
unchallenged, it will mean the death of constitutional guaranteed freedom
in America.  

If you value your freedom of speech and that of peaceful assembly, we call
upon you to call or fax immediately the Arlington County Police, the
governor of the state of Virginia, the White House and the Justice
Department - and demand that they reverse this outrageous violation of our
constitutional rights.  

(1) Arlington County Police--phone: (703) 228-4252, (703) 558-; fax:
(703) 228-4127, (703) 228-4192.

(2)  Gov. James Gilmore, Virginia--phone: (804) 786-2211, fax: (804) 371-6351.

(3)  White House--phone: (202) 456-1414, fax: (202) 456-2461.

(4)  Justice Department/Attorney General Janet Reno--phone: (202) 514-2000
(Dept. of Justice, ask for Janet Reno), fax: (202) 514-0323.

And now, here is the text of the International Action Center's message: 


In an outrageous effort to suppress the June 5 anti-war March on the
Pentagon, the police authorities have denied a permit to march on the
streets to the Pentagon.  We are launching a massive political and media
campaign to demand the right of the protest to march in the streets of
Virginia.  We believe the White House and the Pentagon are colluding with
local police agencies in this effort.

We are appealing to all those who believe in free speech and especially to
those who oppose the war in Yugoslavia to assist us in a phone, fax, and
email campaign to protect the first amendment rights of all those who plan
to participate in the June 5 March on the Pentagon.

With just three days to go before the June 5 March on the Pentagon, the
Arlington County Police have denied the June 5th demonstration the right to
march on a small stretch of Virginia roadway between the Vietnam Veterans'
Memorial, located in Washington DC, and the Pentagon building, located in
Virginia.  This is an arbitrary and political decision.  It is an
outrageous attempt to violate the first amendment right to free speech.  It
is an attempt to either stop the June 5th March on the Pentagon or to
create a chaotic situation at the demonstration.  

While denying the right of the marchers to the roadways leading to the
Pentagon, police authorities are trying to reroute the march into a narrow
and dangerous bike trail that at points becomes a single-file line,
crossing a major highway.  The police know that this is not a safe or
tenable route for a march of ten thousand or more.  The Arlington County
Police refuse to return phone calls from the organizers and attorneys of
the June 5 march.

The June 5 demonstration is the largest mobilization to date against the
U.S./NATO war in Yugoslavia.  We believe that it is impossible for the
county of Arlington police to unilaterally try to prevent us from carrying
out an orderly demonstration.  We hold the Clinton White House and Virginia
Governor James Gilmore responsible for this flagrant violation of our rights.

We will not be stopped.  The war in Yugoslavia has killed thousands of
innocent civilians.  We will not allow the U.S. authorities to stop the
anti-war movement from exercising its rights.

Please immediately phone and/or fax to the following authorities an angry
protest against the denial of our rights to march on the streets to the
Pentagon.  Tell the authorities, we demand the right to march on Route 27
to the Pentagon.  Please phone and/or fax to the following:

(1)  White House--phone: (202) 456-1414, fax: (202) 456-2461

(2)  Justice Department/Attorney General Janet Reno--phone: (202) 514-2000
(Dept. of Justice, ask for Janet Reno), 

[CTRL] Inside The Miami Circle

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.parascope.com/index.htm"ParaScope: Something Strange is
Inside The Miami Circle
D Trull, Enimga Editor, Parascope

I nl a t e   1 9 9 8 ,
a  r o u t i n e  e x c a v a t i o n  a t  a
M i a m i c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e t u r n e d u p
a  r e m a r k a b l e  d i s c o v e r y .  O n  a  p a r c e l
o f  w a t e r f r o n t  d o w n t o w n  p r o p e r t y  a t  t h e
m o u t h  o f  t h e  M i a m i  R i v e r ,  i n t e n d e d  f o r  a
$ 1 0 0 m i l l i o n r e s i d e n t i a l a n d c o m m e r c i a l c o m p
l e x,
a  3 8 - f o o t - w i d e  c i r c l e  o f  a p p a r e n t l y  a n c i e
n t  o r i g i n
w a s  f o u n d .  T h e  u n e a r t h i n g  o f  t h e  " M i a m i  C i
r c l e "
p r o v o k e d   a n   o u t c r y   o f   s u p p o r t   f o r   p r e s e
r v i n g
t h e  p o t e n t i a l l y  i n v a l u a b l e  a r c h a e o l o g i c a
l  f i n d
a n d  s p a r k e d  a n  i n t e n s e  p o l i t i c a l  f u s i l l a d
e  o f
l a n d  v a l u e s  a n d  t a x  d o l l a r s ,  a n d  u l t i m a t e l
y ,
c i t y  o f f i c i a l s  c h o s e  t o  b l o c k  c o n s t ru c t i o n
o n  t h e  s i t e .  F o r  t h e  t i m e  b e i n g ,
t h e  c i r c l e  w i l l  b e  u n b r o k e n .
Although its history remains undetermined, the primitive carved
structure is widely believed to have been created by the Tequesta tribe
between 500 and 2,000 years ago. Initial carbon-dating tests have found
charcoal fragments from the site to be about 2,000 years old, but those
results do not necessarily reflect the age of the circle. Some have
speculated that the Miami Circle may have been used as a celestial
calendar of some sort, like a Native American version of Stonehenge, or
that it may possess deep mystical and spiritual significance. But des
pite all the hoopla, there is little evidence yet to support any of the
rampant theories surrounding the Miami Circle, cosmic or otherwise.
Interestingly, the Miami Circle is not situated on virginal territory
that has never been touched by modern development. Previously an
apartment complex was built on top of it and stood there for decades
until being recently demolished. The circle managed to survive all that
activity intact, lying unidentified until preparations for a new round
of construction began. Developer Michael Baumann acquired the land and
planned to erect a massive twin-tower development to be called Brickell
But then the curious rock formation was discovered on the site. Cut into
limestone rock, the large circle contains patterns of holes and basins
of various sizes. One series of holes appears to delineate an east-west
line, and other markings point roughly to north and south. Archeologists
have judged the circle to be of exceptional note primarily because
nothing like it has ever been found in this part of the country before.
The most popular supposition is that it was carved centuries ago by
indigenous peoples of the Tequesta tribe, who once occupied southeast
Florida. This possibility brings considerable significance to the Miami
Circle, because the Tequestas were wiped out by war and disease
following the arrival of European colonists. The tribe has been extinct
for nearly 300 years, and today very little is known about them, and few
of their artifacts remain intact.
 [Click to view enlargement ^]
ABOVE, BELOW: Two views of the Miami Circle.
 [Click to view enlargement ^]
Almost immediately, a movement began in support of saving the Miami
Circle from being plowed over to make way for a new development. Baumann
had already secured all the necessary permits and clearances to move
forward with building Brickell Pointe, but he volunteered to change his
plans in an effort to preserve the historical find.
"I was born and raised in Miami and I'm raising my family here," Baumann
said. "I care about this city. The way I see it, the money I spend
helping preserve these artifacts is an investment in my family's and my
hometown's future."
But not everyone was pleased with Baumann's supposedly generous gesture.
The problem was that he had not canceled his plans to build on the site
-- he was proposing to pay for the removal and relocation of the rock
formation to another place, so that his development could proceed as
scheduled. This idea outraged Native American groups and archaeologists,
who argued that slicing up the Miami Circle like "a pizza pie" or "a
jigsaw puzzle" to be reassembled elsewhere would be a desecration, and
could possibly damage the artifact irreparably.
Alex Penelas, mayor of Miami-Dade County, came to the defense of the
Miami Circle and spearheaded the fight to leave it intact in its proper
"I simply cannot stand by and allow an important piece of this
community's history to be destroyed," Penelas said. "I just cannot allow
that to happen in good conscience."

[CTRL] [6] Ritual Abuse - The Groups: Beliefs, Practices, History, and Structure

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Ritual Abuse
Margaret Smith©1993
HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
ISBN 0-06-250214-X
213pps — out-of-print

Chapter 6

The Groups: Beliefs, Practices, History, and Structure

My abusers taught me that people of this world are ruled by the God of
Abraham, the God of the Old Testament. His laws are unjust laws based on the
rules of nature. He teaches an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. He is the
God of Ignorance, the God of Violence and lower intelligence. In his world,
people suffer In his world, there is chaos, plague, and starvation. His world
is in the desert.

In our belief system, the ultimate deity is the God manifested in the actions
of Jesus. We believe Jesus was not a doctor or a magician who healed physical
blindness. He healed the blindness of the spirit, a feat far greater than the
acts of any doctor or magician. He said the words that our hearts longed to
hear He spoke the Truth. But when he died, so did his Word. Once again, the
Word was lost.

We believe Jesus's teachings should not be dictated by some "church."
Morality is not something we learn intellectually. It is something we each
must emotionally experience. We believe people must find the truth inside
themselves if they want to understand from their hearts what Jesus was trying
to say. We designed rituals and systems of thought to help people realize the
deep revelations Jesus spoke about. We believe that in order to learn the
Truth found in his words, people must lose the Truth in their own lives. In
other words, in order to have compassion for people who are hungry, you must
have experienced hunger yourself In order to have compassion for people who
are freezing on the street, you also must have felt bitterly cold.

We believe that through Jesus radiated the perfect emanation of Heavenly
Light. The heavenly light is also symbolized in the Old Testament of the
Judeo-Christian Bible as Lucifer, the Light Bearer the serpent who enticed
Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Religions based on the teachings of
the Old Testament referred to
Lucifer as Satan or the Devil because he led people astray from the teachings
of the God of Abraham. In our teachings, Lucifer was not the "Devil ." He was
the Bringer of Light, the bringer of wisdom, which allowed humankind the
opportunity to overcome the laws of nature. He was the bringer of knowledge,
which allowed humankind the ability to judge the world from something other
than our immediate experiences. He told us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil so we could know what was right and wrong and could see the
Laws of the Ignorant God are Unjust.

We most certainly would not consider ourselves to be Satan worshipers. We
believe that "Satan" is a term used by the church to separate the world into
good and evil through the eyes of the God of the Old Testament. In our belief
system, Satan—or the personification Of evil—is Ignorance. It is only a
shadow, a temporary stage of thought before Revelation. Only love, light, and
truth exist. Everything else is a mistake, a shadow, an "accident." That is
why we believe that we can commit any act without feeling shame or remorse.
Our philosophy says, "Nothing can be created that is not God."

We symbolize the loss of the Word in a number of ways: the death of Osiris in
the Egyptian myth, which leaves Isis weeping and yearning for her lost
husband; the quest for the Holy Grail, which contains the water that gives
eternal life. The acts we commit during rituals intensify the power of this
imagery. No one yearns for the water or the Word more than someone who each
day is having it taken away.

We believe we have to create the perfect race: a race of warriors to prepare
for his second coming. We don't know where he is going to be born. We don't
know where the Word is going to become manifest, but we have to make a people
that is going to be ready to hear the message.

This is what they taught me. They used this philosophy to manipulate and
control me time and time again. For people who believe only love, light, and
truth exist, they certainly did everything in their power to see that I never
felt loved.

My abusers taught me that our mission is to unite all humankind under a
single principle. They used a great deal of symbolism to describe that
principle, but they would never say what it was. Due to my own past and what
I knew was important to me, I always assumed that principle was love. I
actually found support for my theory in some cult philosophy.

When I told my idea to them, they led me to believe I had found the supreme
secret. They told me they do what they do to make people value the importance
of love. They told me that no one knows more about just how important love is
than someone who has had it stolen from their life everyday. In a way, I
could see their twisted logic. I knew because I lacked love most of my life,
I longed for it desperately.

I saw that my 

[CTRL] [5] The Right People

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Right People - A Portrait of the American Social Establishment
Stephen Birmingham©1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968
Little, Brown and Company
LCCN 68-11525
360pps. — out-of-print


"We're Coming Out Tonight"

HISTORY'S first debutantes were, presumably, young women of marriageable age
who were presented at European Courts during the seventeenth century for the
approval of Court ladies, Court gentlemen, and, sometimes, the Monarch. But
there is strong evidence that the practice of introducing eligible virgins to
members of the tribe began considerably before that, and that the debutante
ritual dates from the Old Stone Age, if not before. The ritual has always
carried strong sexual overtones — a rite of passage between the ages of
puberty and of marriage — and, even in primitive cultures, has been carried
out with trappings intended to demonstrate the debutante's social position
and wealth. Among certain tribes in New Guinea, fathers announce the
marriageability of their daughters by throwing large quantities of coconuts
into the sea — the richer the man, the more coconuts he throws. In Africa,
there are tribes which ritually prepare their young women for their debuts by
placing them in "fattening houses" where, for beauty's sake, their bodies are
anointed with butter for weeks on end while the girls are stuffed with food.
Again, it is the richest men who produce the fattest daughters. In most of
these primitive ceremonies the girls wear approximations, or adaptations, of
the wedding costume, just as American debutantes — anthropologically just a
step away from their sisters in the savanna — today appear in their almost
identical, though "one-of-a-kind" long white gowns, wearing bits of veiling,
carrying bouquets, and stand in receiving lines like make-believe brides.
Otherwise, today's debutantes retain few of the tribal Practices of the Stone
Age, but they have developed some equally interesting ones of their own. The
father of a modern debutante does not toss coconuts into New York Harbor or
San Francisco Bay, but he tosses considerable amounts of money in other

There are, of course, many degrees of debutante parties, just as there are
degrees of debutantes. Take, for instance, one of the largest and best-known
debutante functions in New York, the Debutante Cotillion and Christmas Ball.
Customarily given at the Waldorf-Astoria, where the grand ballroom is
decorated in clouds of pink and silver fluff, pink tablecloths and twinkly
lights, the Cotillion annually presents a hundred or more debutantes to
"society." Around the dance floor, the tables are largely filled with members
of New York business firms who have agreed to sponsor bits and pieces of the
Cotillion and, from tiers of boxes above, parents and friends of the
debutantes, plus patrons and patronesses of the Cotillion and members of the
Cotillion Committee, survey the proceedings below. In the bar outside,
whitetied young men press relentlessly toward a small band of perspiring
bartenders, and it is clear that in the face of such a jostling, thirsty
throng, the hotel has abandoned any pretense of seeking proof-of-age from the
young drinkers. In the anteroom outside the ballroom, games of chance offer
rewards ranging from color television sets to ladies' gloves to Waring
Blenders to free photographs "By Famous Fashion Photographer, Irving Penn."
Domestic champagne circulates in this area for two dollars the glass and,
through an opening in the crowd, one may see a shiny new automobile being
raffled off at one dollar the chance. If the New York Cotillion seems to have
a faint odor of commercialism, to say nothing of Las Vegas, this perhaps can
be forgiven, since the whole affair is for the benefit of the New York
Infirmary, and all the merchandise offered as prizes in the lottery games has
been donated. Just how much money the Cotillion makes for the Infirmary is
not recorded as a rule, but, according to Mrs. Eugene W. Ong, a former
Cotillion chairman, "The Infirmary could not keep its doors open without the

Within the ballroom the lights dim as the debutantes are presented from the
center of the stage. The orchestra plays a tinkly version of "The Teddy
Bears' Picnic" over and over again as, one by one, the girls step forward,
grip their escorts' hands for wobbly support, and sink into a deep curtsy. A
master of ceremonies intones each girl's name over the loudspeaker. Once
presented, the young women and their escorts perform a series of Cotillion
figures, after which, in somewhat thin and reedy voices, the girls sing "The
Coming-Out Waltz" the lyric of which was written by Mrs. Eugene W. Ong's
daughter when she was a debutante:

We're coming out tonight,
 We're having a fling!
 Debs dressed in yards of white,
Waltzing we sing -'cause —
Beaux flock around tonight,
Flowers are part of the scheme!
Tomorrow may be just another day,
But tonight we are 

[CTRL] [10] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh,(C) 1994
Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Books Ltd. 27 Wrights Lane London W8 3TZ, England
Part Four


After the War of Liberation

As Robert Musil has stated, the collective impulses, urges, fears,
aspirations, yearnings, dreams and tensions of a people or a culture would,
if contained in the psyche of a single individual, produce a frothing
lunatic. That, of course, applies to all peoples and cultures. Humanity has
long known itself to be its own worst enemy. Nevertheless if the psyche of a
'sane' individual cannot accommodate the spectrum of human experience as a
whole, it can still provide, in miniature or in microcosm, some indication of
the broader logic governing peoples and cultures. Like individuals, people
and cultures pass through periods of collective infancy and childhood,
adolescence and youth, maturity and adulthood, senescence and decay. Like
individuals, peoples and cultures pass through phases of well-being and
maladjustment, health and disease, self-confidence and self-doubt, exuberant
energy and apathetic torpor. And like individuals, peoples and cultures can
undergo agonising identity crises.

In the half-century since the Second World War, the Third Reich has been
explained in terms of many kinds of phenomenon - sociological, economic,
ideological, psychological. It was, of course, a combination of all of these.
But it was a manifestation of something else as well, something much older,
and more deeply rooted, than anything arising from the specific circumstances
of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was a manifestation of -
and an attempt to resolve- what might be described as a collective identity
crisis, an anxious and long-standing quest for self-definition. The
resolution posited by the Third Reich can now be seen as misguided,
benighted, demonic and thoroughly inimical to humanity. But the problem that
engendered it still exists, and remains unresolved. Germany is still in the
throes of a collective identity crisis, still in quest of a viable
self-definition. The problem has, if anything, become even more acute with
the difficulties thrown up by reunification in 1990. If the Third Reich's
putative resolution of the problem proved more destructive and disastrous
than anything else, Claus von Stauffenberg offers a more positive and
constructive alternative, not just for Germany, but for Western society as a
whole. In order to see how and why he does, however the problem itself must
be explored more fully.

In the early nineteenth century, Prussia began to exert a significant
influence on the rest of Germany, and to challenge Austria for the
opportunity, if not the right, to mould and shape German politics and the
German collective psyche. The struggle between these two powers extended from
the Oder in the east to the Rhine in the west, from the Baltic in the north
to the Alps in the south. But it was also a psychological struggle enacted in
the mentality of individual Germans, and Claus von Stauffenberg was no
exception. He, too, provided an arena for the struggle. The struggle
continued on both a personal and a cultural level long after it had been
decided politically by the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Ultimately, Austria
and Prussia can be seen as metaphors (what T. S. Eliot calls 'objective
correlatives') for a polarity in the German collective psyche. Whatever
happened on the battlefield or at the negotiating table, Austria and Prussia
remained symbolic embodiments of a less tangible, more internalised conflict.
In effect, Austria and Prussia were not just geographical or political
entities, but also orientations, attitudes and states of mind.

The principle that made Prussia so dynamic a military power in Frederick the
Great's time was not nationalism as we know it today, nor even as it existed
in other nations at the time. Frederick's soldiers and administrators acted
less out of devotion to the state than out of a kind of feudal loyalty to
their monarch. Their loyalty was, in effect, not patriotism, but an
unquestioning allegiance to a charismatic king. It was not until the
Napoleonic era that allegiance was transferred from the sovereign to the
state. Prussian (and German) nationalism was, in fact, born out of the
conflict with Napoleonic France. That conflict was initially traumatic, then
euphorically uplifting - for Germany in general and for Prussia in particular.

Until 1806, Prussia had reposed on the martial laurels won by Friedrich, the
'Soldier King', nearly half a century before. The army of Napoleonic France
had proved invincible against Italians, Austrians and Russians, but no one at
the time doubted that it would crumble against the Prussian military machine.
In the years since Friedrich, however, the Prussian military machine had

[CTRL] Origins of POS

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 625

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

an always interesting list.
Message: 3
   Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:20:12 +0100
   From: "Dx
Subject: Re: origins of the pos

Txx wrote:

 From: T

 --- "D wrote:
  From: "xxx
  T wrote:
   Anyone's guess.  Seventeen former Templar properties were acquired
   Pierre Duese between 1316 and 1324, most bought with papal funding.
 Almost as
  though he was expecting to find something hidden away.  No idea what
 it was  he found, though, if anything.  Judging from the marriages
 that the next six
  generations of his descendants contracted, though, it could be that
  found something important.

  What noble family did e found and what
  sort of people did they marry - I'm poor
  on this area.

 Well, let me start by saying that the more likely explanation one would
 reach by applying "Occam's Razor" (see, I learned a new term) is that
 Pierre Duese may have just availed himself of the opportunity to pick
 up a lot of cheap real estate...

 Pierre was the first Vicomte de Carmain.  His son Arnaud married the
 Isle-Jourdain heiress (cadet line of Toulouse); their son Arnaud II
 married a Beaufort, sister and niece to two subsequent popes;their son
 Arnaud III married an Albret; their son Hugues married Beatrix, the
 Pereilles heiress; their son Jean married a Foix heiress; their son
 Jean II married first another Foix heiress (his mother's cousin in
 fact) and then a La Tour de Boulogne; and then their son Antoine
 married a St. Etienne heiress.  Whether by purchase or by marriage, by
 the mid 1500s they had amassed a great deal of property with Templar or
 Cathar history, including St. Felix de Carmain (now St. Felix
 Lauragais) where two important Cathar conclaves were held.  One
 Foix-Carmain, Paul, Archbishop of Toulouse, brought Nostradamus to the
 attention of his cousin Catherine de Medici; another, Aldoncine, one of
 Catherine's ladies-in-waiting, was stepmother to the young Montgommerie
 who killed Catherine's husband in accordance with Nostradamus'
 "predictions".  The La Tour d'Auvergne-Boulogne dukes of Bouillon were
 sufficiently interested in this family and their property to buy most
 of it up in the 1600s, but they never found anything.

 Pierre's brother, John XXII, had been Bishop of Porto in Portugal at
 one point in his career, and he was the pope who chartered the Order of
 Christ in Portugal, the only body that can authentically trace it's
 origins to the Templars.

It would seem that Pierre was being opportunist, encouraged by his
brothers partiality for the Templars - there could be absolutely nothing
in this as John XXII could just have been trying to preserve his ideal
of the templars and partially trusting his family to do it.

Saying that, its a vary interesting mix of families - the Montgomery in
question is a very close scion of the scottish noble family connected
with the freemasons; he or his children actually returned to Scotland
where they held a lot of political influence. Then there are the La
Tours, d'Albrets and Foix - note the latter two became the ruling
families of Navarre overlapping with old Septimania while the former one
of the leading noble families of France. The Foix-d'Albret heritage
passed to the Bourbons who in the person of Henri IV became king of
France. There is allsorts of weird politics going on here I am not sure
I have my head around. Can you remind me if there were any connections
between the Navarrese families and the Guise-Lorraine faction?


Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:39:02 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Tx
Subject: Re: origins of the pos

--- "D wrote:
 From: "Dxxx

 It would seem that Pierre was being opportunist,
 encouraged by his brothers partiality for the
 Templars - there could be absolutely nothing in this
 as John XXII could just have been trying to preserve
 his ideal of the templars and partially trusting his
 family to do it.

Yes, perhaps you're right.  :)

 Saying that, its a vary interesting mix of families
 - the Montgomery in question is a very close scion of the scottish
noble family connected with the freemasons; he or his children actually
returned to Scotland where they held a lot of political influence.

No, the man in question, Gabriel de Lorges de Montgommerie died without
heirs, and the whole shebang went to his niece Marguerite.  She married
Jacques de Durfort, Marquis de Duras in 1603, and their descendants
became the Dukes of Durfort-Duras and of Lorges-Quintin in France.  One
later descendant did marry the English Countess of Feversham but he
died childless in 1709.  Related to the Scots Montgomeries, yes, but
this line stayed in France.

 Then there are the La Tours, d'Albrets and Foix - note the latter two
became the ruling families of Navarre 

Re: [CTRL] Andre Malraux

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 623

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 24
   Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:28:26 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Txx
Subject: Re: Andre Malraux

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Modern Merovingian Connection
 (1) Napoleon Bonaparte
 "Sion appears to have been at the nexus
 of two French anti-monarchical movements,  the Compagnie du
St.-Sacrament of the
 17th century (acting on behalf on the
 Guise-Lorraine families) and the Fronde
 of the 18th, as well as an attempt to
 make the Hapsburgs emperors of all Europe  in the 19th- the Hieron
du Val d'Or."
  - Sx, "The Mysteries of
 Rennes-le-Ch_teau and the Prieure du

Sorry to be a noodge, Sxxx, but the Fronde was also a 17th century
movement, not 18th. It's motivation was to replace Louis XIV with his
uncle Gaston d'Orleans, who was married to a Lorraine, by starting
viscious rumors about Mazarin being the king's father (obviously the
common folk didn't have access to a portrait of Louis XIII in order to
see the resemblance to his son).

 "In 1796 Napoleon was one of three revolutionary 'Directors' heading
 government. Another 'Director' was Abbe Sieyes, who knew of certain
genealogical researches that had been undertaken by
 one Abbe Pichon. Pichon had access to the royal archives captured by
the revolutionary government, where some important genealogies had been
 away, and he discovered that a direct descent from Dagobert II had
 maintained up to then." "...Abbe Seiyes urged Napoleon to marry
Josephine Beauhamais because she was a Merovingian descendant, and to
adopt her two children by a previous marriage who were of this
anciently royal stock." In 1798 "on the way to Egypt, Bonaparte
detoured to capture Malta and the treasure held by the
 Knights of Malta."
  - Michael Bradley, Holy Grail Across the

(Groan) I don't understand why Napoleon keeps getting dragged into

No, he was not a member of the Directory government.  He was appointed
Commander of the French forces in Italy by the Directory on 9 March
1796 and married Josephine de Beauharnais the same day.  He became a
Consul, along with Sieyes, and then First Consul, when the Consulate
replaced the Directory in 1799. Josephine was the Widow Beauharnais,
having been born Tascher de la Pagerie to a recent annobli and his
Creole wife on the island of Martinique.  Her first husband's family
was ennobled in 1360 and there's no record of them going back any
further than that.

 "...At his coronation as Emperor in 1804
 he adorned his imperial robe with the
 gold bee figurines which had been
 discovered in the tomb of Childeric I,
 father of Clovis. Napoleon styled himself  Emperor of the Franks,
not 'Emperor of
 the French'..."
  - Michael Bradley, Holy Grail Across the

 A clue to the gold bee figurines on
 Napoleon's imperial robe may be the
 Sarmoung Society.

Sorry, but the bees on Napoleon's coronation robe were embroidered.  It
can still be viewed at the Hotel des Invalides in Paris.  The bee
connection is not an allusion to the Merovingians, but to the fact that
the Buonapartes of Corsica considered themselves descended from the
Princes Barberini, whose coat of arms, like that of the Buonapartes,
features the heraldic devices still known as the "Barberini Bees".  It
was the best Napoleon could come up with to prove even a tiny bit of
noble descent.

And again, I'm sorry, but there is absolutely nothing on record to
indicate that Napoleon ever styled himself "Emperor of the Franks" - he
was styled "Empereur des Francais", or Emperor of the French.

prioryofsion digest 625
Message: 22
   Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:49:26 -0400
   From: sx)
Subject: Re: Andre Malraux

 Sorry to be a noodge, Sxx, but the Fronde was also a 17th century
 movement, not 18th. It's motivation was to replace Louis XIV with his
 uncle Gaston d'Orleans, who was married to a Lorraine, by starting
 viscious rumors about Mazarin being the king's father (obviously the
 common folk didn't have access to a portrait of Louis XIII in order to
 see the resemblance to his son).

Txx, I don't mind being corrected, but I just *admitted* that I made this
mistake (largely by misreading HBHG and not checking with other sources)
not too long ago.  :-)  Apparently, there were two 'Frondes,' but the later
one was ALSO in the 17th century. The first one - which is the one that
HBHG discusses and you mention - was coterminous with the Compagnie. In
fact, rereading that section of HBHG, it's suggested that the Compagnie
(which BLL claim was itself the 'front' for the Priory) was an organizing
force behind the "Fronde." Somehow, the section in HBHG that discussed this
had me confused, thinking these things had occurred in different time
periods. It could be 

[CTRL] Blood on the Mountain

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 624

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be found at the following address

an always interesting list.
Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:37:03 +0100
   From: bxx
Subject: blood on the mountain

over the weekend i managed to finish reading "blood on the mountain" by
richard andrews

i was left with more questions than answers but i must say i enjoyed reading

botm is a straightforward history of temple mount from solomon to the
present day that suggests the ark is still concealed within the mount - it
includes some good stuff on wilson, warren and brownlow-parker's
investigations but curiously almost ignores the work done during the isreali
occupation after the 6 day war

it is riddled with minor errors and a constant referral to the herodian
temple as the second temple is irritating although this may pandering to a
jewish thing of which i am unaware

the acceptance of hiram abif - the freemasons temple architect - as a
factual figure is curious and speculative analysis of his life and death is
even more curious - it's a little like discussing whether father christmas
enjoys reading shakespeare

anyone with a knowledge of temple mount will get little from this book but
it is a good starter for the initiate - lovers of pyramid puzzles will enjoy
being told that one of the stones in temple mount wall weighs nearly 600
tons - how did they get it there?

the question that remains uppermost in my mind is why a major jewish
publisher should put out such a book with so many minor errors and why they
should choose an amateur gentile to write on a subject that has so many
eminent authorities who could have been called upon to write it up


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Some celestial news - Eta Carinae

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 627

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be found at the following address

Message: 25
   Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:14:33 -0400
   From: sx
Subject: some celestial news

Cosmic Coincidence Control Center (Lilly's C4) is phucking me in the arse

Eta carinae just doubled in brightness... from this morning's Gainesville Sun:

"One of the most famous stars in the sky, Eta Carinae, has suddenly doubled
in brightness... instruments focused on the star suggest its energy output
has doubled or tripled in the last year and a half... what puzzles
astronomers is that Eta Carinae was not supposed to do this. 'Occasionally
something happens in astronomy that is so bewildering that it makes
astronomers nervous... this is weird. We really don't understand,' said
Kris Davidson, a University of Minnesota astrophysicist.

Eta Carinae was a routine part of the sky in the Southern Hemisphere until
the 1840s, when it suddenly erupted with a massive outflow of energy, dust,
and gas. It became very, very bright and for 20 years it was one of the
brightest in the southern sky... and then it started becoming dimmer and
dimmer until it faded from view to the naked eye. Astronomers theorized,
and later telescopic images confirmed, that the light from Eta Carinae
faded because an immense cloud of dust from the eruption was obscuring the
view. They forecast that it would be visible as the dust cleared. That
happened about 20 years ago when Eta Carinae blinked into view, dimly at
first, after an 80-year absence.

Astronomers expected Eta Carinae to brighten gradually... but it surprised
the experts. Over a matter of months, the star began spewing out vast
amounts of energy in all bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Astronomers
had not expected such an energy burst for many decades. And its future may
hold more surprises to come. Sometime in the next 10,000 years, Eta Carinae
is expected to collapse suddenly and then explode. It could collapse, said
Davidson, 'and become an instant black hole'."

Any guesses which constellation Eta carinae is in? Well, you astronomy
buffs will know it's in Argo Navis... alpha carinae is Canopus.

Now, guess who eta carinae's associated with? Back to Allen, p.73:

"Jensen claims it was one of the temple stars associated with Ea, or
Eridhu, the Lord of the Waves, otherwise known as Oannes, the mysterious
human fish and greatest god of the kingdom. [Footnotes: 1. Eridhu, or
Eri-duga, the Holy City, Nunki, or Nunpe, one of the oldest cities in the
world. In its vicinity the Babylonians located their sacred Tree of Life.
2. Berossus described Oannes as the teacher of early man in all knowledge;
and in mythology he was even the creator of man and the father of Tammuz
and Ishtar. Some have regarded him as the prototype of Noah.]

The nebula surrounding this star has been called the Keyhole from its
characteristic features; but the most brilliant portion, as drawn by Sir
John Herschel, seems to have disappeared between 1837 and 1871. Near eta is
a vacant space of irregular shape that Abbott has called the Crooked
Billet; and there are two remarkable coarse clusters in its vicinity."

Oh yeah. One other point, to kick you all upside the head. Speaking of
death and resurrection spans of 70 years:

According to Allen, the star reached its lowest recorded magnitude of 7.6
on March 1886.

Anybody remember anything notable about the year 1956, 70 years later?

Wasn't a certain organization supposedly 'reborn' into the modern era in
that year?

I got chills as I was writing this. And that doesn't happen often.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nazi MI5

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529668"Nazi MI5/A
Subject: Nazi MI5
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Corley)
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 1999 9:31 AM

This is an article which I faxed to MPs a few weeks ago. It's probably a
childish to compare even our own un-esteemed secret police to what happened
central Europe 50-60 years ago. This is the most extreme article I've ever
written really. Don't be offended by it, it's only directed at a small group

*** Comparing the MI5 Persecution with German "Final Solution" ***

It might seem offensive to compare the mass murder of millions of civilians
wartime with the peacetime persecution of merely one person. Yet the
has been coursing through my mind for several years now, because the
of German intent to "sub-humans" is very much comparable to the brutality of
British intent to someone they vituperate and term "not up to British
standards". The methods may differ, but the persecutors mindset is the same.

--- The Germans first targeted the mentally disabled, too ---
During WW2 millions of ethnic Russians, Poles, Jews, mentally ill, gypsies
other minorities were rounded up and murdered in purpose-built camps by the
German regime, in the name of "racial superiority". Fifty years on, the
Secret Police, MI5, instituted a campaign of mass hysteria; but in their
cowardice, limited their activities to one single victim.

It is instructive to note that the early German "cleansing" effort was
primarily not at Jews, but at the mentally ill. The Nazis set up the T4
in the thirties to "cleanse" away 70,000 mentally disabled people, including
schizophrenics and epileptics. After WW2 the Jews with their media influence
used the reaction from the holocaust to roll back anti-semitism in the
countries; however, the mentally ill are today still a persecuted group in
modern Western world as they were under the Nazis (the current home secretary
in the UK intends to bring in laws for incarceration without any criminal
charge for some mentally ill people - he protects his own minority, but does
nothing for the other minorities in todays society), and this continuing bias
forms a central cause for the current acts of persecution in the UK.

--- Widespread knowledge of what is happening to the "un-British" minority
In both the German persecution of the thirties and early forties, and the
current British persecution, many, many people are well aware of whats
happening. There is widespread complicity through inaction of populace; and
a substantial proportion of the mainstread population, the persecution
widespread enthusiastic support; yet in both the German case in the 1940s and
the British today, the existence of persecution is a mass secret which must
never admitted out loud. In the recent Lawrence case this "secret bigotry"
been termed "institutionalised racism", and that is a very good word for what
the British are doing today The persecutory attitudes and omerta regarding
are so deeply ingrained in the national psyche that they define the national

During WW2 many Germans knew minorities were disappearing, and through
quietly condoned their government's mass murder of "un-German" minorities and
inferior "foreigners"; and in the 1990s, similarly, many English people know
what the MI5 British Secret Police have been doing, and not only condone it,
but actively take part, because of xenophobia against the "un-British" unit
minority that is the target of "British" actions. This attitude by the
persecutors has been made explicit through the words "he's not up to British
standards"; the British seem to have found their very own "untermenschen" to

--- Why these obsessive "holy wars" happen ---
This type of aggression occurs when the majority is threatened or humiliated
some way, economically, militarily or culturally. In pre-WW2 Germany the
was primarily economic and military, following Germany's humiliating defeat
the first world war and the reparations it was forced to pay. In modern
Britain, one might guess that the majority English who are behind the
persecution feel pressured by the swiftly diminishing status of Britain in
world, and the rapidly increasing coloured colonisation of their country,
in time will see the ethnic English a minority in their own land, and their
more antisocial elements, unable to reply to the obvious threat, instead
project their aggression onto another, weaker, unit minority

In both cases there is a whiff of "holy war" or irrational obsession with the
persecution. Certainly the German behaviour fifty years ago bordered on the
not-quite-sane, and the current British behaviour towards their chosen victim
is strongly tinged with a leave-taking of reason. And the choices open to the

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts
The role of blackmail and orchestrated emergencies is approaching fever pitch
in the U.S. Capitol and a few other places. Item: Vice President AL Gore, Jr.
contends to confidants that the report by the House Committee headed by
Christopher Cox [R-47th, CA] is a blackmail device. Parts of the report have
apparently been leaked out to the New York Times and members of the French
Press. It deals with serious national security violations in respect to top
nuclear secrets given to the Red Chinese. Reportedly directly implicated
bought-and-paid-for treason are President William Rockefeller Clinton , with
a somewhat lesser role by V.P Gore. Knowledgeable sources contend, based on
this in items even beyond the Cox Report and other data, there is sufficient
reasons available to force from office the President, the Vice President, and
the current Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who although 5th in line of
Presidential succession is not eligible as non-U.S. born.
If Clinton and Gore are forced to the wall, set to become acting President
would be Speaker of the House, J. Dennis Hastert [R-14th, Ill.]  Hastert
became Speaker when Speaker-Designate Bob Livingstone [R-1st, LA] was
reportedly scandal-fingered with the crooked aid of ABC newsfaker Cokie
Roberts. [Her father, Cong. Hale Boggs of Louisiana, started to go public
with his regrets about his role on the Warren Commission proclaiming a lone
assassin, not the CIA, assassinated President John F. Kennedy. As Boggs
started to go public with his misgivings, he was murdered by way of a
"disappeared plane" scenario in Alaska, one month before the re-election of
President Nixon who was implicated in the Dallas JFK murder. The Clinton
Justice Department is quietly, not in open Court, seeking a reported
injunction or other Court remedy to stop the circulation of a new book,
Betrayal--How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security, by
Bill Gertz.  The Justice Department contends the book is revealing forbidden
national security secrets as to Clinton, Gore, and others. So far there seems
to be no comment from the publisher, Regnery Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box
97199, Washington, D.C. 20090-7199.
Item:  Clinton's handlers and controllers are prepared to set in motion an
orchestrated financial emergency, a gimmick so far set for Summer, 1999.
Clinton as puppet is preparing to announce the use of his Emergency Powers,
by way of the War Powers Act of 1917 never withdrawn or rescinded, to force
all Americans to turn in all 20, 50, and 100 dollar denominated paper
currency that does not have the new metal-like strip embedded in the
newer-issued currency. Americans would have one-week to turn in their old
currency, after which, for the first time in U.S. history, the older currency
would be void.  Unlike the U.S., in Europe for centuries the central
governments profit by outlawing the old paper money after a certain quick
cut-off date to turn it in.  Those with large quantities of the older paper
purported U.S. money [actually, Federal Reserve notes backed by nothing but
hot air, no gold, no silver, nothing] are subject to being grilled by federal
authorities as to how and where they got and have so much paper money.
Questions to be asked, with demand for quick, documented answers: [1} Did you
report this on your state and federal income tax returns and pay tax on this
as income? [2] If not, where else did such a quantity of paper money come
from? Can you prove that it did not come from illicit transactions, dope, gun
smuggling, bribery? Upon being unable to give quick, on-the-spot answers with
documentation suitable to the inquisitors, your older paper money may be
confiscated, without a receipt being issued and without legal recourse to
having it turned in for the new paper money.  And will the new paper money be
issued, dollar for dollar, or will you lose because of a devaluation, such as
50 of the new dollar paper money for each 100 denominated of the older paper
money?  Quietly, the federal Gestapo is seeking to refit metal-type detecting
apparatus in airports, and to be installed in major train and bus stations so
as to be able to detect if your luggage and you are carrying the currency
with the metal-like strip. Some overly clever folks with tweezers have pulled
out the strips from their 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Littleton: NATO/Baltimore Attack

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Subj:   NATO/Baltimore Attack
Date:   Wednesday, June 02, 1999 05:25:49 AM


©1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved


In  what this reporter feels is some of the most bizarre, disturbing,
inexplicable and chilling news yet about the Columbine High School
shooting incident is news that a large NATO truck--possible more than
one--and obviously at least some NATO troops, were reportedly present at

I ws notified by email by a TV viewer who DISTINCTLY recalls seeing the
NATO vehicle while watching local TV station Fox-WFLD in Chicago shortly
after the massacre began. The local station was picking up a live feed
from a CNN chopper in the air above Columbine High School.

We have spoken with a station representative of WFLD and can at least
verify that indeed they WERE broadcasting the feed as stated. WFLD
however apparently has no video record of their own as they were
rebroadcasting CNN's (live) video.

This information is EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT, powerful evidence of what an
utter lie the entire American populace is living under regarding the
true, fundamental status of our nation, who's actually running it, and
it's very socio/political foundations. This is literally DEVASTATING
news for any of us who still believe we live in some sort of "free,"
sovereign democratic republic.

It has long been postulated, with some very good evidence to back it up,
that the Denver area is one of the primary command, control and support
hangouts for the NEW WORLD ORDER crew. Reams of evidence far to
extensive to go over here give substantial weight to such statements.

This is what was reported regarding what our contact saw while watching
the Columbine tragedy unfold on TV.

."I saw a NATO bomb squad from a live helicopter shot on TV,: ...it
made me wonder what they were doing there, who were the good guys and
who were the bad?

OK, this is what I saw on FOX WFLD Chicago. They had a live feed coming
from CNN and early on in the transmission they had a aerial view from a
helicopter, at about 12:30 CST. In the parking lot right outside of the
school there was what what looked like a blue moving van and in front of
the truck there was a four foot blue curved shield (looking like a half
of a barrel) with the letters of NATO clearly marked on this armor. Well
the camera did a close up but after only a couple of seconds that feed
was cut. 

I am POSITIVE about what I saw on FOX WFLD Chicago within the first hour
of coverage."

ANYONE who recalls seeing this while watching the CNN live camera feed
from a chopper PLEASE contact NewsHawk at once!

NewsHawk has also since received further verification and corroboration
that NATO military personnel were present at Columbine from people who
saw such personnel with NATO body shields on CNN almost IMMEDIATELY
after the massacre began--meaning they may well have been there

The following supportive testimony from ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is indicative
of what we've received. 

"To MY AMAZEMENT I saw a dark colored outfitted person with a personal
protection shield walking around and on the top of this shield it said =
N A T O  in white!! I said what in  the hell are they doing there, 15
minutes probably into the scene?? !!! I'm guessing about the time John

(This correlates time-wise with information revealed by my contact in
Chicago watching live CNN footage a NATO vehicle at Columbine.-JQ)

"I was going for NBC and flipped down both CNN and FOX: they're two
channels apart so hard telling."
John Whitney

The presence of NATO personnel and equipment operating ANYWHERE on
American soil is utterly and extraordinarily outrageous; and a complete,
total violation in every possible way of what WE BELIEVE TO BE our
national sovereignty. 

Furthermore, aside from these terribly serious implications just noted,
the presence of NATO personnel and equipment at Columbine High so soon
after the shooting began appears HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS in terms of their
possible involvement in some way with the mayhem and murder itself, as
this contingent was apparently literally on the scene immediately--if
not sooner.

Additionally we have noted that FBI personnel in riot gear were also on
the scene at Columbine EXTREMELY QUICKLY--if you get the drift. I guess
FBI riot squads and NATO vehicles and personnel just happened to be in
the neighborhood of Columbine High School that morning. Okay.

Adding additional weight to the reported presence of NATO 

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Robert Anton Wilson at The Prophets Conference ~ Port Townsend

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

The Prophets Conference ~ Port Townsend, taking place the weekend of August
27-29 in the idyllic and picturesque setting of Port Townsend, Washington, is
bringing together an extraordinary group of visiting faculty to explore two
main themes: “The UFO: Anomaly, Reality, Implications” and “Evoking the
Numinous: A Path of Revelation, Evolution, Awakening.”  

One of the mind opening conference presenters is the ‘erudite, witty, and
genuinely scary,’ Robert Anton Wilson, who will be joining Dr. Edgar Mitchell,
Joe Firmage, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, Joan Ocean, and Dr. Steven Greer on the UFO
panel. Wilson will also be presenting an individual teaching during this
historic event entitled, “There’s a Seeker Born Every Minute,” where he will
wax sarcastic (or witty) about both dogmatic Believers and dogmatic Deniers. He
will be joined during his presentation by one of America’s truly great and
prophetic novelists, Tom Robbins, a non-dogmatic person reportedly raised by
wild dingoes in the Australian outback. 

Other presenters at the conference include Gregg Braden, Ilona Selke, and James

You will find full information on The Prophets Conference ~ Port Townsend
linked at http://www.greatmystery.org/prophets.html.

Looking forward to seeing you in August.


About Robert Anton Wilson

“Dazzling…the most thrilling tilt-a-whirls and daring loop-o-planes on the
midway of higher consciousness.”
-Tom Robbins

“We’ve needed this for a long time…”
-Henry Miller, author of Tropic of Cancer

“What great physicist hides behind the mask of Wilson?”
-New Scientist

“One Of The Leading Thinkers Of The Modern Age…”
-Barbara Marx Hubbard

(Excerpt from “COSMIC TRIGGER III: My Life After Death” 
by Robert Anton Wilson”)


In Which a Paper Rattlesnake Turns
Around and Bites Us in the Ass

Professor, you've got a bad case of Gogo on the Magogo.

No ordinary tomato could do this, but-
-Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

On April 24, 1989, when glasnost had already come to bloom but before the final
break-up of the Soviet Union, a man named Ivan Vesalova in Cherepovetsk saw or
imagined a craft of enormous size, bigger than any airplane, hovering about a
thousand feet above the ground.  Just another UFO sighting.  Nothing special.
We all know that Vesalova might have actually seen an airplane distorted by
lighting and weather, or a balloon, or a heat inversion. Those of us
open-minded enough-or mad enough, as you will-to think he might have seen an
alien spaceship do not need to rush in haste to the True Believer position of
changing "might have seen" to a dogmatic and fervent "did see." We just don't
know, and most of us prefer to remain dubious about such a case, where multiple
earthly explanations seem quite likely.

On June 6, in Konantsevo, several children reported the landing of a luminous
sphere in a meadow. They saw, or hallucinated--, as you will, a headless person
climb out.  Then, like a special effect in a sci-fi movie, both the craft and
the headless ginkus disappeared.  Just faded away...

Well, maybe the kids had smoked some decadent Capitalist weed.  Maybe they just
wanted to hoax the grown-ups and invented it all. Maybe...maybe...We do not get
beyond "maybe" in cases like this, unless we have a Dogma in mind and want to
force the data to fit it.

On June 11 in Volagda a woman reported a fiery sphere crossing the sky, visibly
for about seventeen minutes.

Maybe she saw a meteor.  Maybe she saw a space ship.  You decide such maybes
definitely only if you made up your mind long, long ago that you would always
decide them that way.

For several days in October that year, in the town of Voronezhan industrial
center of about one million inhabitants--scores of witnesses reported landings
of spherical craft.  They also reported gigantic extraterrestrials (twelve to
fourteen feet high) who got out of the craft and went walking around the city

They even saw or hallucinated several cases of seeming "teleportations"--people
who vanished from one place and then re-appeared elsewhere.

The witnesses to all this weirdness did not number two or three, who might have
hatched a good hoax between them.  In most cases, witnesses consisted of huge

Kind of makes me wonder.  George Lucas, as noted earlier, could fake this on
film, but I don't know of any existing technology that would fake it in several
parts of a "real," "solid" town.

The alleged extraterrestrial allegedly had three eyes, according to some
witnesses.  Others denied that and said the Visitors (let's not assume we know
what kind of space they came from) had a strange bump in their
foreheads that looked only a little bit like a third eye.

Many of the sightings had very large crowds of witnesses.  For 

[CTRL] Fwd: Reel and unreal

1999-06-03 Thread Kris Millegan

The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 3, 1999
from The Philadelphia Inquirer, Thursday, June 3, 1999
Reel and unreal

In a wave of recent movies, characters grapple with the actual world versus
alternative worlds. They find it hard to tell the difference. What is that
saying about us? 
By Steven Rea


In The Matrix, everybody - save Keanu Reeves and a band of renegades in
way-cool sunglasses - walks around in a simulated universe, oblivious to the
fact that humankind is being manipulated by an evil artificial intelligence.
The question "What is real?" is asked more than once.

In eXistenZ, people plug into fleshy gamepods that transport their
consciousness to another realm - one that looks very much like the realm they
just left. After a while it becomes difficult for the players, whose nervous
systems are jacked directly into the game, to tell the difference. The
question "What is real?" is asked more than once.

In The Thirteenth Floor, a computer system transports people into an imaginary
otherworld - a Hollywood noir 1930s - that nonetheless leaves a palpable
impression, not to mention bloodstains, on the folks of millennial Los
Angeles. The question "What is real?" is asked more than once.

Invoking Plato, Descartes (The Thirteenth Floor begins with the father of
modern philosophy's cerebral sound-bite: "I think, therefore I am"), and pulp
scribe Philip K. Dick, Hollywood has discovered the paranoiac possibilities
inherent in the universe(s) of virtual reality.

These films, with their unfolding, Chinese box scenarios, are surfing a
zeitgeistian wave. As the definition of reality blurs and bends, pictures such
as The Matrix and eXistenZ reflect a growing sense that our culture is
fracturing, that a collective psychosis is descending on the land.

"VR movies have become a bona fide subgenre," says eXistenZ auteur David
Cronenberg, who made the heroine of his dark VR movie a game designer because
he sees her ilk as the new artists of the 21st century. 

With $155 million in box-office receipts for the spring smash The Matrix,
Warner Bros. and filmmakers Andy and Larry Wachowski are already discussing a
Matrix 2. The director brothers say they have ideas for a Matrix 3 as well.
(They also have a series of electronic comic books, each with alternate Matrix
plots, on the film's Web site, http://www.whatisthematrix.com)

Neuromancer, adapted from William Gibson's seminal 1984 cyberpunk novel about
a digital cowboy who hooks into something very much like the Matrix, is being
developed by Seven Arts Pictures. 

And Chris Carter, creator of The X-Files, has a Fox series called Harsh Realm
set for the fall. It, too, ventures into Matrix-land, with a hero who is
recruited to take part in a virtual-reality battle simulator. The catch: Once
he gets in, there's no way out. The government has put him into the "game" to
find and kill a bad guy who's been messing with everybody's reality.

Indeed, taking Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey several steps further,
virtual reality has become a Hollywood metaphor for the fear that humans are
ceding control of their lives to technology.

"We're in danger of becoming fodder for our own systems," notes Michael Heim,
author of The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality. Heim - who relayed his thoughts
on VR movies, appropriately enough, via e-mail - has coined the term AWS, or
Alternate World Syndrome. The Matrix, he says, "plays intellectually" with
that theme.

One needn't go as far as the Wachowskis to fear the cyber future, he says.
"It's not necessary for our systems to become super-intelligent for them to
make us fodder - or embryonic batteries - that serve them. We can become
fodder in more profound ways." 

For Mark C. Taylor, author of About Religion: Economies of Fate in Virtual
Culture, VR movies raise a raft of issues. A professor of humanities at
Williams College, Taylor sees "explicit Baudrillard" in The Matrix. That's not
like explicit sex, but an espousal of the tenets of French philosopher Jean
Baudrillard about "simulacra" and the dystopic vision of "the desert of the
real." In other words, that the simulated has replaced the real, and that the
future will be a bleak and numbing place devoid of hope.

"Whoever did The Matrix obviously knows some of what's going on in
contemporary philosophy," says Taylor, whose work examines the way pop
culture, cyber culture, religion and philosophy overlap.

As the line between real and virtual blurs (look at the Web shrines dedicated
to cyber sex symbol Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider video-game heroine, and at
"synthespian" Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace) and
the wrap-around worlds of video games and CD-ROMS become ever more sensorial,
there's the danger of mounting cultural psychosis.

"Each year we take steps toward creating virtual environments that are
indiscernible from reality," says Richard Garriott, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-100, Day 72, Update 2 (June 3, 8:30PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-100, Day 72, Update 2
June 3, 1999; 8:30PM EDT


Phoenix 1. Milosevic Is No Prince Lazar; More 
  Like Vuk Brankovic

London  2. When Others Converted, the Serbs Didn't

Belgrade3. "The Night Will Always Belong to Us"

Phoenix 4. Who Won and Who Lost?

1. Milosevic Is No Prince Lazar; More Like Vuk Brankovic

PHOENIX, June 3 - "Capitulation!"  With this single word, a Belgrade
resident summed up the "peace agreement" reached today, after the
discussions between the Russian envoy, Viktor Chernomyrdin, and the Finnish
president, Martti Ahtisaari, with the Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic.  

Yugoslav parliament approved the agreement by a 136-74 vote in a special
closed session this morning, as the Radical Party pulled out of the
coalition government with Milosevic's Socialist Party.  "We shall not sit
in the government and await the arrival of NATO troops in Kosovo," said
Vojislav Seselj, the Radical Party's leader.

"Chernomyrdin stabbed us in the back," the above Belgrade resident added.
Predictably... as he had done to Russia in Chechnya.  As we have said
several times before, "no friend of Al Gore can be a friend of the Serbs"
(see S99-69, Day 45, Update 1, Item 1, May 7; S99-73, Day 49, Update 1,
Item 1, May 11 and S99-79, Day 53, Update 1, Item 3, May 15).

"You were right all the time about 'Chernobill'," was the reaction of a
Serbian-American theology professor from Indiana.  "Weep Serbdom!"

"Why did it take him so long to betray us?", another Serb resident told us,
referring to Milosevic.  "We could have had the same result with far fewer
lives lost."

Belgrade and much of Serbia was appropriately in darkness this evening, its
lack of electricity, due to earlier NATO strikes, symbolizing this moment
of darkness in Serb history.  

Almost 610 years ago, the Serb Prince Lazar faced similar choices.  Unlike
Milosevic, however, Prince Lazar chose the heavenly, over the earthly
kingdom.  Here's a poem about it from the epic cycle of Kosovo:

 Prince Lazar of noble ancestry!
 Which kingdom will you choose?
 Will you choose the earthly kingdom?
 Or you will choose the heavenly kingdom?
 If you choose the earthly kingdom…
 All your army will perish,
 And you, Oh Prince, will die with them"

 After the Prince heard these words,
 He pondered all sorts of thoughts:
 "Dear God, what shall I do and how shall I?
 Which kingdom shall I choose?
 Shall I choose the earthly kingdom?
 Or shall I choose the heavenly kingdom?
 The earthly kingdom lasts only a brief time,
 But the heavenly kingdom always and forever."

 So the Prince chose the heavenly kingdom..
 Then the Turks mounted their attack against Lazar.
 And the Serbian Prince Lazar perished,
 Together with his entire army,
 Seventy-seven thousand a number,
 And all was holy and honorable
 And acceptable to gracious God…

So Milosevic is no Prince Lazar.  This turncoat communist is more akin to
Vuk Brankovic, a traitor who failed to heed Prince Lazar's call to Battle
of Kosovo in June 1389, heralded here through the famous curse of Stefan

 If any Serb, or man of Serbian birth,
 Or any man of Serbian kith or kin,
 If any such a man comes not with me
 To battle on the field of Kosovo -
 Never shall he know a son or daughter;
 Whatsoever he may touch shall wither;
 Vineyard, field of wheat - his sweat and labor fruitless; 
 And his generations barren!

Milosevic's betrayal was unfortunately all too predictable.  It was just a
matter of time and circumstances.  Here is, for example, an excerpt from a
column which this writer wrote on Oct. 11, 1998.  It was published by the
Washington Times on Oct. 25, 1998 under the title, "An Ugly Double Standard
in Kosovo Conflict" (the full text is available at our Web site -

"...Ever since the summer of 1994, Milosevic has been playing the role of a
"designated bogey," thus facilitating the realization of the U.S.

[CTRL] Fwd: OKLAHOMA BOMBING - Terry Nichols speaks out...!

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

OKLAHOMA BOMBING - Terry Nichols speaks out...!

Subject: Terry Nichols speaks out
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:33:38 -0700
From: Sandra Papovich  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Freedom's End http://www.freedomsend.com
To: American Patriot Friends Network: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are friends of Terry Nichols and he recently sent
us a 28 page, hand written, signed  notarized
document concerning his thoughts on double jeopardy,
the constitution and how it applies to his case.
As you might know, the state of Oklahoma and
prosecutor Bob Macy are trying to obtain a new
trial for Terry in Oklahoma for the OKC bombing
AGAIN. We would like to share this document with
as many as possible so we have put it on our web
sit at http://www.freedomsend.com under Terry Nichols
speaks out. Please feel free to read, copy or send
this document to whomever you wish. If you want to
contact us our e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for your time,
Bob  Sandy Papovich


a href="http://www.freedomsend.com"FREEDOMS END
OKC BOMBING [Freedom's End is a book by James D.
Nichols disclosing startling new information about
the April 19, 1995 terrorist attack on the
Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.]

Advertisement Soldier of Fortune Page 11 -  May 1999

Easy prey for the FBI. False security for America.
The untold truth about the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Two lone drifters. The government would have us believe that
they---and they alone---are behind the most devastating
terrorist act ever committed on American soil. Now, the
court appointed defender of Timothy McVeigh reveals the
real story behind the case. With a skilled legal eye,
Stephen Jones unlocks a preponderance of shocking evidence
from one of the most exhaustive investigations in law
enforcement history: Evidence  that implicates the government
in a rush to justice designed to lead us astray while the
terrorist were left at large..

"Jones has written the closing argument he never to
 to deliver..". Newsweek
Public Affairs, a member of the Perseus Books Group



a href="http://www.okcbombing.org/"
Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee
http://www.okcbombing.org/ /a


Secretary of the Treasury is an employee of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF, an independent foreign
corporation) and "Receiver" in the National Bankruptcy
(See. Reorg. Plan No. 26, 5 USCA 903, Public Law 94-564).
US District Court Judges are immune from civil torts and
are members of an "independent judiciary" paid by
[foreign] IMF-controlled Treasury Department. The Civil
Service Commission suspended the loyalty oath (see: the
Stewart Case, 1970) for its federal employees and many
agencies have transferred allegiance to the UN through
"Service Agreements" and "Memorandums of Understanding"
(MOUs). The US Marshall's' Oath to the Constitution
under 28 USC 563  was deleted (Congressional Record,
H7935, 9/22/66 - House) and subverted to INTERPOL et ed,
by UN mandate 22 USC 263(A). These wholesale repudiations
of the people under Article 6 of the US Constitution
should be construed as a hostile takeover and Act of War.


[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: S99-100, Day 71 (June 4, 1:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-100, Day 73

June 4, 1999; 1:30AM EDT


Washington   1. March on Pentagon Is On, Rain or Shine!

Brussels2. Anti-War Protests Okay, Except at NATO HQ

Canada 3. Yellow Dust - Uranium Oxide?

Phoenix 4. Farewell to Arms?  For Now...

1. March on Pentagon Is On, Rain or Shine!

WASHINGTON, June 3 - Thanks to you, the Arlington Police were starting to
"melt," the June 5 protest organizers were telling us this morning.  They,
as well as the Arlington County officials, apparently had been swamped with
thousands of phone calls and faxes - many from overseas, too (as you know,
TiM is now read in about 100 countries now).

Thanks again for your support.  And keep it up.  Until we manage to educate
the "Klinton Gestapo" proxies that Americans won't put up with their
efforts to abridge our rights and freedoms.

Meanwhile, for those of you who are close enough to DC, come and join us at
the big anti-war rally being held at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington,
DC, on Saturday, June 5, starting at noon at the Vietnam Memorial.

Here is your chance to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! So that one day, with your
head held high, you can tell your children or grandchildren: "During the
Days of the American Infamy, I did not remain silent; I stood up against
Washington's Evil Empire, and defended America the Beautiful which our
Founding Fathers had created."

For those who can't make it to DC but are close enough to San Francisco,
there is a companion anti-war march being held there the same day (June 5).
For details, check out www.iacenter.org.

2. Anti-War Protests Okay, Except at NATO HQ

BRUSSELS, June 3 - Several TiM readers based in the Belgian capital have
written to us to correct the comment by our Swedish correspondent about the
anti-NATO demonstrations being banned in Brussels (see S99-97, Day 71, Item
2, June 2).  They said that, while that was true during the early weeks of
NATO's war on Serbia, it is no longer now - as long as the protesters don't
vent their steam right around the NATO HQ.

In fact, a big anti-war demonstration was held in Brussels on May 2, our
correspondents write, and another one is planned for this Sunday, June 6,
at 2PM - in front of the WTC (World Trade Center), next to the railroad
station Brussels-North.  So be there!

3. Yellow Dust - Uranium Oxide?

CANADA, June 3 - Reacting to a story in our yesterday's Special TiM GW
Bulletin (see S99-98, Day 72, Update 1, Item 5, June 2), one of the TiM
correspondents from Canada wrote:

"It is entirely possible if not likely that the yellow dust your
correspondent mentions is indeed Uranium Oxide, especially if (s)he has
been downwind of DU munitions use.

Uranium Oxide is an inert ceramic like powder of a pale though visually
pleasant yellow quality. It was actually used as a pigment at one time, but
now that we know a thing or two about the dangers of radiation, it is no
longer done.

The powder is particularly dangerous if inhaled, and if inhaled by a
smoker, the combined effects are VERY serious. People in the vicinity of DU
shelling should stop smoking, or the DU shells may claim a victim not too
long after the war is over.

The radiation from this dust is beta (electron) radiation mainly, and does
not penetrate deeply into or through tissue, unless it is inhaled or
ingested.  Obvious targets of DU munitions should be steered clear of by 50

For gods sake don't let women clean it up, since they are at significantly
more risk than men from accumulated doses. Unlike men who produce fresh
genetic material continuously, women's reproductive materials are present
from their birth.

Thus radiation damage accumulates in women, potentially causing problems
from the entire lifetime exposure."

4. Farewell to Arms?  For Now...

PHOENIX, June 4 - Speaking of exposure of a different kind, this is now the
100th Special GW Bulletin published in the 73 days of NATO's war on Serbia.
 Unless something extraordinary happens, it may well be our last - Special
Bulletin, that is.

Following our trip to Washington, DC, this weekend, we hope to return to
our normal periodic - not daily, or multiple daily - coverage of global

For those of you interested in the Balkan affairs who have been with us for
the last 100 issues and 73 days, thank you for your perseverance and support.

For those of you from other parts of the world, sorry if we had neglected
you, while tending to this global emergency.  We hope to make it up to you
in the coming weeks and months.

Thank you for your support, and God 

[CTRL] Fwd: Eurpoean/American Issues Forum

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Thursday, Jun 03, 1999 

Cops blast flyers on tourist's killing
Racial motivation for killing suggested

By Jim Herron Zamora

 A San Bruno-based organization founded by a retired San Francisco cop
came under fire from police after it posted flyers in the Russian Hill
neighborhood suggesting that the slaying of a tourist last week was racially
 About a dozen of the flyers ‹ reading "Zebra killings. Never again!" ‹
turned up this week in a two- to three-block area surrounding the site where
the tourist, Shayne Worcester of Maine, was fatally shot during a robbery.
 By Wednesday morning, most of them had been torn down, and none of the
dozen or so area residents interviewed by The Examiner even knew of their
 The Zebra killings referred to in the flyers were a series of street
attacks throughout The City that began in October 1973 in San Francisco. By
the time five suspects were arrested six months later, 14 men and women had
been slain and seven wounded, including Art Agnos, who later became The
City's mayor in 1988-92. Prosecutors maintained that the suspects were black
revolutionaries who were randomly targeting whites to provoke a race war.
Worcester, a 29-year-old aspiring filmmaker, was shot in the head a week ago
during a robbery on Vallejo Street. Police believe Worcester's killers are
black. Worcester was white.
 Lt. David Robinson, head of the Police Department's homicide team, said
Wednesday that there was no evidence that Worcester's slaying had been
racially motivated. He called the flyers and the organization that posted
them irresponsible, inflammatory and wrong.
"Unless these people have some evidence that we haven't seen, it is
irresponsible and inflammatory to put out this misinformation..." Robinson
said. "This doesn't help us solve the crime."
 The organization responsible for the flyers, the European/American
Issues Forum, was formed to call attention to hate crimes against people of
European ancestry, said its founder, retired San Francisco police officer
Louis Calabro.
 Calabro conceded that he didn't know whether Worcester's slaying was
racially motivated, but said it could have been.
 "The severity of the attack indicates that it may be racially
motivated," Calabro said. "The purpose of the flyers is to alert the
community that there is a problem. These people just came in there from
somewhere else and apparently executed this poor man."
 Worcester, who was in The City visiting friends, was attacked as he
walked with an old high school chum along Vallejo Street at Hyde Street.
Although he offered no resistance and told his two assailants that his money
was in his wallet, he was shot at close range in the back of the head,
police said. He died at San Francisco General Hospital about 10 hours later.
 Despite a $28,000 reward being offered, no one has been arrested in the

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [SWR] If Big Brother Has A Name, It's Bill McCollum

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Genie Brittingham) (by way of She Who Remembers 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Webster)
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 1999

Pubdate: April 25, 1999
Source: St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Copyright: 1999 St. Petersburg Times.
Website: http://www.sptimes.com/
Forum: http://www.sptimes.com/Interact.html
Author: Robyn E Blumner

Rep. Bill McCollum thinks it's his business to know yours. The Altamonte
Springs Republican has seen the enemy, and it is your privacy, and he
has devoted himself to eradicating it.
From giving the FBI expanded wiretapping authority to trying to give the
agency a window into our encrypted data, McCollum has decided his role
in Congress is to make sure our telephone conversations and e-mail are
all within easy earshot and eye-shot of the government.
His dogged and extreme efforts to invade your privacy recently earned
him the less-than-coveted Orwell Award, given at the Computers, Freedom
and Privacy '99 Conference in Washington, D.C. The dishonor is given to
those who have done the most to promote Big Brotherism. The trophy
sports a head on its side with a boot on top, smashing the side of the
"Out of all members of Congress in the last five years, McCollum has
been the most pro-active in introducing new surveillance technology,"
said David Banisar, Policy Director for the Electronic Privacy
Information Center. "He's by far the worst of the bunch."
Banisar points out that, as chairman of the Judiciary Committee's crime
subcommittee overseeing the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and
the Federal Bureau of Prisons, McCollum has been a "cheerleader," not a
When, in 1998, FBI Director Louis Freeh was shopping around a wish list
of added powers for the agency that he wanted slipped quietly into a
large appropriations bill, McCollum stepped up to oblige. He added
roving wiretap authority -- which allows the FBI to wiretap phones
wherever a suspect goes without an additional court order -- as an
amendment to the huge Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
1999 while the bill was in conference committee.
Not only had roving wiretap authority not been in either the House or
Senate versions of that bill, Congress had rejected a narrower
formulation of roving wiretaps when it came up during the debate on the
1996 Anti-Terrorism Act. Members thought it gave too much power to the
FBI without sufficient judicial oversight. Nonetheless, it was made part
of the huge spending measure last year and is now federal law.
Now McCollum has taken up the banner for another of Freeh's pet
projects: encryption.
In 1997 Freeh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the
proliferation of strong encryption threatens "the public safety of our
citizens." His gripe with encryption is that it allows people to
communicate without the FBI and other law enforcement agencies being
able to eavesdrop. So, in the same way the FBI (with a big push from
McCollum), got Congress to force the telecommunications industry to
retrofit their phone system to accommodate wiretapping, Freeh called on
Congress to impose a "key recovery" scheme on all manufacturers of
computers and software with encryption capabilities. He wants Congress
to require them to hold a decryption key that would be available to the
government with a court order.
McCollum to the rescue.
In March, McCollum attempted to gut the pro-encryption Security and
Freedom through Encryption Act, or SAFE. The SAFE bill, which is widely
applauded in the computer and civil liberties community, would remove
current barriers to the export of strong encryption, restrictions that
are hurting our international competitiveness in computer products. (Who
overseas would want to buy American computers if he knows the U.S.
government can listen in?)
McCollum tried to amend the bill in the House Judiciary Committee to
require manufacturers to crack any encryption they wish to export,
either by building in a back door or by holding a decrypting formula.
Manufacturers would be responsible to provide law enforcement with a
decrypted transcript of any communications it had "lawful authority" to
seize. Although the amendment was ruled out of order, McCollum is
undaunted and will, according to committee staff, try to inject it into
the bill as it moves through different committees.
His idea would not only handicap U.S. computer makers vis-a-vis the rest
of the world, but would burden them with the secretarial function of
providing reams of transcripts to our government. McCollum's "keep the
genie in the bottle" approach to encryption is laughable, since very
strong encryption software is already freely available on the Internet.
McCollum is also behind a push to make our Social Security card
tamper-proof and as secure against fraudulent use as a passport, which
probably means a picture, fingerprint or other biometric system would
have to be 

[CTRL] OEN 6/4/99

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson From Good Night, Sweet Prince: The Life and Times of John

by Gene Fowler

Barrymore was capable of such immediate attunement to anyone's lifework,
whether that of a dwarf newsboy or a scientist, as to seem a colleague.
Einstein, for example, said after a visit with him: "Several
mathematicians understand my theories, but of all persons it is an
actor, John Barrymore, who discusses them the most intelligently."
Similarly, Dr. David Starr Jordan, president emeritus of Leland Stanford
University, corresponded familiarly with Barrymore. Their friendship
arose from their mutual fondness for monkeys and apes. At a later time,
Barrymore impressed Dr. Gustav Eckstein, celebrated physiologist and
author, as "the most remarkable man I have met!" Dr. Eckstein kept
numerous pet canaries in his laboratory, and each one would answer by

The Religion Business

Bank of Dark Land May Cancel Robertson Deal

The wankers won't stand for it

THE Bank of Scotland was last night reviewing its business links with a
Right-wing American television evangelist after he described Scotland as
a "dark land" in the grip of homosexuals.
Pat Robertson, who has been widely criticised for his extreme views on
women, race and homosexuality, said Scotland had violated its Christian
heritage by tolerating gays and lesbians. The bank, which is planning to
set up a direct banking scheme in the United States with the preacher,
said it was reconsidering its position, though it had "no definite plans
to call off the deal". But as the bank's share price fell by four per
cent, officials said that they were planning to meet Mr Robertson in
America later this week.

Around 500 customers have closed their accounts in protest, and
politicians, union leaders and churchmen have called on the bank to end
its relationship with the evangelist. During an interview on his
Christian Broadcasting Network, the preacher said "in Scotland you can't
believe how strong the homosexuals are".

MSPs joined the protests yesterday after learning that the parliament
account was with the bank. Andrew Wilson, of the SNP, described Mr
Robertson's views as abhorrent, adding: "We cannot allow these kinds of
views, which are utterly discriminatory, to be associated in any way
with our new parliament."

The bank began negotiations with Mr Robertson last year in the hope of
selling direct banking to the 55 million viewers of his television
channel. The scheme is due to be launched in the next few months, and
the preacher's Christian Coalition is said to have paid around £30
million for a 25 per cent stake in the venture.

Bill Speirs, of the Scottish TUC, called on the bank to stop debating
the issue and withdraw from the deal. He said: "We believe his
gratuitous and offensive attacks on Scotland and its people reinforce
the message we have already given to the bank - Pat Robertson is bad

The charity ActionAid said it intended to withdraw its affinity card
contract, which earns it £83,000, and West Lothian council has
threatened to withdraw deposits of around £250 million.

The London Telegraph, June 4, 1999

Copper Market

The Hamanaka Copper Scandal Continues!

You should have bought those copper options from Barclays when you had a

Sumitomo, the Japanese trading company, is suing UBS and Chase Manhattan
Bank for a total of ¥91.7bn (£460m) in damages in connection with
derivatives transactions by Yasuo Hamanaka, the former chief copper

Sumitomo, which has filed a lawsuit in Tokyo seeking damages of ¥27.9bn
from UBS and another in New York seeking $532m (¥63.8bn) from Chase
Manhattan, alleges that both banks used complicated copper derivatives
transactions to make unauthorised loans to Mr Hamanaka.

When Mr Hamanaka's activities came to light, Sumitomo repaid about
¥27.9bn to UBS and $532m to Chase Manhattan. However, its own
investigations since March 1996 revealed that the derivatives deals were
in fact unauthorised loans amounting to more than $250m from UBS and
$500m from Chase Manhattan Bank.

"The transactions look like derivatives deals but on closer examination
we believe they were, in fact, loans to Mr Hamanaka," said Sumitomo.

The company charges that Mr Hamanaka repeatedly borrowed funds from UBS
and Chase Manhattan Bank to hide his expanding copper losses and
believes UBS and Chase Manhattan were fully aware that Mr Hamanaka was
not authorised to take out the loans.

By providing financing to Mr Hamanaka for derivatives transactions that
did not take place, the banks helped him continue his secret deals,
Sumitomo charges.

UBS said yesterday it "disputes Sumitomo's right to claim any amount
whatsoever in connection with these transactions". Chase Manhattan was
not immediately available for 

[CTRL] A List of Strange Deaths of Individuals Who All Had Verifiable Ties with Bill Clinton

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.devvy.com/death_list.html"Death List/A
A List of Strange Deaths of Individuals Who All Had Verifiable Ties with
Bill Clinton

•The Clinton Body Count
•About That Clinton Body Count
•Are Dead Men Telling Lies [List]

The following list is not some vast right-wing conspiracy. These people
are dead and the only common denominator is their relationship to the
current President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton. Some
people believe in coincidence, but will they believe in coincidences?
You be the judge.


Millions of words have been written about these two people. Bill Clinton
didn't acquire the nickname "Slick" from all his years in politics down
in Arkansas without good reason. Bill and Hill's political regime has
always been referred to as the "Dixie Mafia" for the incredibly bold
fashion in which these two routinely break the law. No? Oh, please, open
your eyes and look at the facts.

Below in the reference section are materials that you can acquire which
document their crimes from day one. Not gossip, not spin, not
conspiracy, but facts. Doesn't it bother the American people when they
hear this "the White House is putting the best spin on it" stuff?
Doesn't the American public see what "spin" translates into? It means
taking lies, massaging them into something resembling a smidgen of truth
and then force feeding it down people's throats. How insulting.

When I say that Bill and Hill are Marxists, that's exactly what I mean.
Bill Clinton is the President of the United States of America. He is
privy to the highest and most classified secrets of our nation dealing
with national security. Do you know he cannot and does not have any kind
of security clearance? That's right. Why? Because of his past dealings
with the Ruskies, the KGB and his cocaine use. Heavens! This should
bother the heck out of every thinking American out there. Apparently it
doesn't because we continue to hear the chant of the brain-dead: "I
don't care who he has sex with in his private life," "It's not our
business who he sleeps with, if it doesn't bother Hillary, it doesn't
bother me." What sniveling bubble heads these sheep are in their myopic
world of blind loyalty to any politician who will grease their palms
with the most government perks from my checkbook. Let's look at Mr.
Clinton's own words to judge what his political ideology really is:

The following is an excerpt from Des Griffin, a gifted writer and
prolific researcher of facts [March, 1998]:

"In the final analysis, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal is a sideshow - a
relatively minor distraction. Its salacious nature serves to draw away
from more important issues, namely those that effect the future of the
U.S. For well over three decades, the life of William Jefferson (Blythe)
Clinton has followed an unrelenting pattern of personal deception,
immorality, political corruption and national betrayalLeaving the
U.S. to avoid serving his country in Vietnam, went to England on a
Rhodes Scholarship. As a student at Oxford, Clinton organized and led
anti-American demonstrations and engaged in other leftist activities. In
1970, Bill Clinton was rewarded for his anti-American activities: he was
the guest of the KGB on an all-expenses paid trip from Paris to Moscow.

The October 25, 1992 issue of Rudge Pravda, the official paper of the
Czechoslovakian Communist Party, carried an article titled, "Mr. Clinton
Stayed with Agent of STB, Select Company." It revealed that on his
return journey from Moscow, Clinton stopped off for ten days in Prague.
There he stayed in the home of Marie Svermore and her husband Bedrich
Kubold." For the sake of brevity, this family is well plugged into the
Communist Party and their son, Jan, attended Oxford with Clinton.

"Another interesting trip made by Bill Clinton was exposed by the
Italian paper, Il Sabato, August 1992 in an article titled 'Comrade
Bill,' where reporter Antonio Socci told of an interview he had with
Clinton at the Democratic convention in NY a few weeks earlier. Clinton
revealed that he had gone to Italy five years earlier to study how to
solve economic problems. "I came five years ago to find out how the
cooperatives, the artisan cooperatives, and the micro enterprises
function. Then I went back to Arkansas and helped to put together 70
youth cooperatives."

Socci was fascinated. "Don't tell me this communist cooperative is your
economic prescription for America?" "Absolutely," Clinton replied. Upon
his return to Italy, Socci interviewed members of the Italian Communist
Party and they confirmed that Clinton had in fact visited their
cooperatives in 1987. One remembered the visit well, saying that he told
Clinton the cooperatives were run by communists and socialists.
Clinton's response was, "No problem."

No? This can't be real? This must be more anti-Clinton, vast right-wing
conspiracy smear material! Wake Up. 

[CTRL] FBI Agent-in-Charge to speak at Nevada rally

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529867"FBI Agent-in-Charge to speak
at Nevada rally
Subject: FBI Agent-in-Charge to speak at Nevada rally
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GroomWatch)
Date: Fri, Jun 4, 1999 5:31 AM


Former FBI Special Agent-in-Charge of Bureau Operations in Los Angeles,
and Dallas will reveal at high noon (12 p.m.) on June 5 in Rachel, Nevada, for
the first time in public, video documentation that will verify that Satanic
covens throughout the country are engaged in human sacrifice.

Ted Gunderson, former FBI Special Agent-in-Charge, will show video clips from
federal drug raid that interrupted a Satanic ceremony.  Results of the agent's
search uncovered the videotape showing the human sacrifice.

It is the opinion of the Rally's organizers, Anthony J. Hilder and Norio
Hayakawa, that human subjects are being used for medical experiments, human
cloning and genetic engineering programs.

It is their belief that there are secret facilities in several key locations
within the U.S. which are used to test biological, bacteriological and
weaponry in addendum to new generations of black, triangular (as well as
possibly disk-shaped) spy craft (and remotely-controlled surveillance and
delivery platforms) that may be utilizing "exotic" propulsion systems.

Information on Anthony Hilder can be found at:

Victor Camacho, L.A.'s number one late night talk show host whose broadcast on
KTNQ-1020 on the AM dial beats out Art Bell in the Southern California
will also speak at the Press Conference.

Camacho and Hilder will discuss AREA 51 as well as above human rights

Hilder, Camacho and Gunderson will be featured speakers at the 2nd Annual
People's Rally Against the New World Order to be held at the 6th hour of the
6th day of the 6th month (6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on June 6) immediately adjacent to
the perimeters of the top-secret Groom Lake complexes.  The Press Conference
(public urged to attend) and following seminar on Saturday the 5th of June
be held at the Little A-le-Inn in Rachel, Nevada.   Tel. (702) 729-2515.

Hilder and Hayakawa expect this year's turnout will surpass the 200 that
up for last year's event, which brought people from 11 states and 4 countries.

Additional speaker:  Dan Stewart, author of an intriguing novel called THE
PINNACLE, a novel about global elitists' conspiracy.

Chris Miller will show some dramatic footage of some highly unconventional
craft in flight filmed near Tonopah, Nevada for the past 6 months or so.

WARNING:  The Satanic human sacrifice video to be shown by former FBI Special
Agent Ted Gunderson presents an extremely graphic murder scene.  It was not
recommended for general public view.  Although they are not unwelcome, it is
not recommended that attending news media send in female reporters to view
film during that portion of the June 5 noon News Conference.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Biowarfare Attack on Fort Wayne, Indiana

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529866"Biowarfare Attack on Fort
Wayne, Indiana
Subject: Biowarfare Attack on Fort Wayne, Indiana
From: David Feustel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, Jun 4, 1999 5:25 AM

Between 3:30 and 4:30 am on June 4th, 1999, Fort Wayne Indiana was
subjected to a biological warfare attack. The attack was conducted
by airplanes which sprayed biological warfare agents over the  entire city.
The first spraying was laid down in a north-south line just east of
the center of the city. Additional spray trails were laid down in 4
parallel east-to-west lines ranging from north of to south of the city.

This attack is only the latest of many being conducted on Fort Wayne
(see my earlier letter to the Journal Gazette reporting a daytime
spraying) and other cities all over the U.S. and also in England and
Australia most likely under the auspices of the United Nations with
major logistical support by the U.S. Armed Forces.

These attacks in other cities have been very highly
correllated with hospital emergency rooms being overrun by people
with 'flu-like' symptoms, a number of which subsequently died.
Analysis of apparent spray residue has documented the presence of
biological warfare agents never before seen outside of U.S. military
biological warfare laboratories.

For additional info on and pictures of these biological warfare attacks
taking place on American Cities, see

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] INTelligence #99 - Summary Version

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529836"INTelligence #99 - Summary
Subject: INTelligence #99 - Summary Version
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 1999 4:59 PM
Message-id: 89b83ca0[EMAIL PROTECTED]

INTelligence #99 - Summary Version

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit

N. 99, New Series, 31 May 1999
Every Two to Three Weeks
Next Issue on 21 June 1999
Publishing since 1980

Olivier Schmidt

TABLE OF CONTENTS, N. 99, 31 May 1999




TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNIQUES - Open Source Intelligence. p.5


PEOPLE - Open Source Intelligence. p.8




USA - Open Source Intelligence. p.11
WESTERN EUROPE - Open Source Intelligence. p.19
EASTERN EUROPE - Open Source Intelligence. p.20
LATIN AMERICA - Open Source Intelligence. p.21
AFRICA - Open Source Intelligence. p.22
MIDDLE EAST - Open Source Intelligence. p.24
AUSTRALIA - The DSD "Blows" UKUSA Cover. p.25
ASIA - Open Source Intelligence. p.26


Intelligence, N. 99, 31 May 1999, p. 1



On 5 May, the Senate Energy Committee was told that as early as
1996, managers at Los Alamos National Laboratory wanted to
examine the computer of Wen Ho Lee, a scientist suspected of
espionage, but were warned away by Justice Department lawyers
who feared the search would taint information for use in court.
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM), pointed recently to at least four
"missed opportunities" by federal authorities to halt actions
of Wen Ho Lee. When Lee's office computer was searched last
month, it was found that more than 1,000 secret files of
computer codes on nuclear weapons had been deleted after being
improperly transferred from a highly secure computer system.
Sen. Don Nickles (R-Okla.) said that such bumbling between
government agencies included the loss of Lee's security
clearance review file at the Department of Energy (DOE)
headquarters in the late 1980s.
Now the press is listening to experts who downplay China's
spying and claims that the loss of US nuclear secrets to China
represents, at worst, a marginal threat to national security.
China has yet to field a weapon a decade after it allegedly
stole design information from US nuclear weapons labs, and some
of the information Beijing's spies collected is now
declassified. Even conservative former secretary of state,
Henry Kissinger, publicly cautioned against overreacting and
told senators that with stolen US nuclear secrets it would take
China 15 years to develop the capacity to manufacture weapons.
Many specialists believe that even if China does have the
information and knowledge, it is incapable of manufacturing
such arms without going through a long, costly and slow
development period at a time when China clearly has other
things on its mind and priorities elsewhere.

Intelligence, N. 99, 31 May 1999, p. 7


Jonathan Aitken, the discredited Conservative Cabinet minister,
who lost his libel action against the "Guardian" newspaper in
1997, has declared himself bankrupt. The former minister for
defence procurement owes an estimated  2 million in legal costs
as a result of his action. According to a statement released by
the "Guardian" after Aitken's bankruptcy announcement: "Aitken
promised to pay 80% of the costs. So far he has not paid a
penny. He is 

[CTRL] PISO conspiracy ?

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529817"PISO conspiracy ?/A
Subject: PISO conspiracy ?
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 1999 9:40 PM

Certain authors,web sites claim that the PISO family invented
Chrisitanity..Humm could but true BUT to  believe that ALL people during
that time were morons,stupids,that the Jews did not know better,thatt
Christianity was invented to destroy the liberal JEWS(?) who numbered 8
millions at that time,that they(JEWS) wanted the abolition of

  Sounds to me that some JEWS are doing once again a FREE-MASONIC
hatchet job,on command by their masters..

 Old docs do exit about New testament,mainly the Gospel of James  (!) I
believe,an old Coptic doc dated about 45 AD.

 Also the Dead Sea Scrolls mention the Master of Justice and light that
will soon come,that was 100 BC...

Some people did in fact prophetised  during those times but as saviours
come and go  others took upon themselves to embellish the  original
stories..like the Apostle St. Paul who some claim as the REAL founder of
Christianity-the mysogynist attitude of the Roman Catholic Church  vs
women can be dated from those writings...

So there were probably  3-4 more known saviours/zealots from  100BC till
70 BC and what we had were fights amongst their disciples as to who
would prevail..If you add to that  some ET's dabblings to produce some

So the conjugated efforts of St Paul,the Piso family and countless
others(those deriving from secret societies-they knew that the OWO-Old
Word Order,the Roman Empire in its latest incarnation,was in its death
throw) like hydrid ET(the Reptilians...)finally made the Catholic
religion the state religion.It was  on PURPOSE made DEFECTIVE for:

-to create future theological schisms

- to boost the skeptics scoffings at the too many contradictions

-as a vehicule to futher develop parallel religions ,with a Christian
essence...at its core...

- as a mind/behavorial control ideology

-to mask the hidden purposes of the secret societies that could develop
within its apparent structures/dogmas

-to deceive human people about their true reptilian origins

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [11] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler

1999-06-04 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh,(C) 1994
Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Books Ltd. 27 Wrights Lane London W8 3TZ, England



Culture and Conquest

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in 1749, seven years after Frederick the
Great ascended the throne of the still-fledgling Kingdom of Prussia. He died
in 1832, seventeen years after the Battle of Waterloo, when Prussia was
solidly established as one of Europe's 'great powers' and already outbidding
Austria for the 'heart and soul' of Germany. He did not live to witness the
events and personalities that shaped Germany and the German people during the
last two-thirds of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, his life spanned a
crucial and formative period of German history; and for much of his life, his
position and status enabled him to exert a significant influence on German
attitudes and thought. Like Mann a century later, Goethe regarded himself as
sophisticated, cosmopolitan, 'European'. At the same time, and again like
Mann, he felt himself to be utterly and distinctively German. Both men used
their understanding of the relationship between Germany and the world beyond
to investigate the qualities of German self-definition and cultural identity,
and both were obsessed with the nature of the 'German soul'. For Goethe, the
'German soul' was largely uncharted terrain, inviting exhaustive exploration.

Confronted with the emergence of German nationalism during the War of
Liberation, Goethe was alarmed. The German people, he had concluded, could
not be trusted with political responsibility. They were unsuited, he felt,
for political activity; and nationalism. in their hands, could only be
misused. Why should this be so? In part, Goethe believed, because the
Germans, unlike other major European peoples, were claustrophobically hemmed
in and effectively land-locked. Their outlets to the Atlantic were
restricted, and the Baltic was a tamed, domesticated sea. How then, Goethe
wondered, could the German people find space in which to expand, extend
themselves, reach outwards? In what direction could they hope to aspire, to
express and fulfil man's inherent yearning to overreach and transcend
himself, to probe new frontiers, to conquer new dominions? For Germany,
hemmed in and land-locked as she was, such an impulse, if translated into
political terms, must necessarily assume the form of territorial expansion,
and this would inevitably lead to militaristic aggression.

For Goethe, there was only one domain in which the German people could safely
and validly reach out and extend themselves - the domain of culture and the
spirit. Germany, Goethe maintained, was a nation not in any conventional
political sense, but in spirit and culture. As an embodiment of these
principles, the German people could be a beacon to the entire world,
surpassing even the achievements of France, believed at the time to be the ne
plus ultra of civilisation. If the German people's energy and resources were
translated into political reality instead, they could be dangerous. If they
were converted to a political reality oriented towards petty nationalism,
they could be more dangerous still. And if nationalism were embraced under
the aegis of Prussian militarism, the results would be catastrophic- not
immediately, perhaps, but unquestionably within the span of a century.

Translated into modern terminology, Goethe felt that German nationalism,
especially if pursued through Prussian militarism, could not possibly
accommodate the spectrum encompassed by the German collective psyche- the
spectrum running from the irrational to the hyper-rational. By all means, he
insisted, let Germany and the German people lead the world in philosophy, in
music, in the arts, in creative endeavours that served to express and
transmit culture and the spirit. Let rationality and irrationality contend
with each other, cohabit, remain in opposition or achieve equilibrium in that
sphere. Let Germany establish a cultural and spiritual imperium analogous to
the political imperium of Napoleonic France; but for her own sake, as well as
for that of the civilised world, Germany must not attempt to compete in the
arena of politics and war.

France, under Napoleon, aspired to European, if not world, domination, but
Napoleon was no Hitler, and his aspirations were tempered by moderation, by
adherence to a rigorous legal code, by a sense of responsibility and by
humanity. Should Germany develop aspirations to political domination, Goethe
questioned whether they would be so tempered. The Germans, he feared, would
prove incapable of controlling themselves, incapable of self-restraint. In
consequence, he saw the energies released by the War of Liberation as
tantamount to a genie escaping from a bottle - a genie that would assume a
form similar to Frankenstein's monster.

In retrospect, of 


1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:530113"BILDERBEG SCAM ?/A
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 1999 7:06 AM

The present Bilderberg Conference that is on-going it
Sintra,Portugal,from June 3rd- 6th appears to be a SCAM or PLOY...

 NONE(?) of those mentionnend earlier on a leaked list APPEARS to be
there,if we compare it with the Official Bilderberg relase list of
invited guests !

So one can conclude(?) ot hint that :

-Bilderberger watchers have HYPED that annual Conference for monetary
gains-sell docs,books,give conferences,newsletters,etc about evil

-The RELEASED official list of invited guest is a BOGUS one-that is
there is ANOTHER LIST  but rael problems here as many of the political
invited guests will nOT be there-The Pope is now in Poland,Clinton In

-DISINFORMATION,once again-governmental/Bilderberger AGENTS  "leaked the
it was doen INTENTIONALLY..

 So what to conclude ?

Simply that the Bilderberger Conference is NOW an annual DECOY.It has
seved it usefullness.The REAL conference is at another place,under
another name and probably broken into more manageable groups(30-40 ?)
and all are connected via the NET through video-Conferencing..

 One proof is that the  upcoming G-8 Foreign Minister conference that
was supposedly to be held in Cologne this Coming Monday is going to
be(as per latest news) delayed due to TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES...

I think that the real Bild Conference is closer to the meeting of the
G-8 Meeting,under the guise of preparatory meetings for the G-8..It
would eb interestign to see who will be thre let us say 1 week before
the official opening of the G-8 Summit...

The G-8 is just a PR Global job-even mainstream media acknowledges that
the world leaders are just there for photo ops-all has been decided
BEFORE yet the media remains silent as to how it did happened..

Final though-always BEWARE of ex-Spooks(secret service
agents),informers,ex-insiders,etc...they are  ALWAYS agents of
These people have been used time and time again in the UFO field..Why
do  gullible people keep falling for this ?People are CHOSEN to be
secret.covert,etc agents   with a primordial ingredient-they will stay
LOYAL to the BITTER END..no matter what   and these agents are trained
all their  active life just to do that so that when they leave the
service they WILL remain agents(sleepers).They will NOT TELL... In fact
very FEW DO like Thompson who only told a fraction of what he knows and
look the mess he has gotten into...

So all those "tell them all "going around the UFO circuit,writing
books,putting out videos,on radio/tv talk shows are JUST
ENTERTAINERS,but governmental PAID entertainers..(or fools being
controled)Same case can be made for ex-Bilderbergers etc...

Those with Bilderberger Websites,etc better do some quick accountability
because their credibility is spiralling towards zero...in my books
anyway...Guess they were had too ! Now that is the ultimate
conspiracy-to fool the conspiracy buffs,Bilderberger watchers..


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Rudolf Hess Nazi Spandau Prison (http://www.compura.com/hess/index3.htm)

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan


Newly Discovered Scottish Documents provide further proof that it was not
the real Rudolf Hess who died in Spandau prison.

In 1996, Walter Rudolf Hess's Iron Cross was auctioned at Bonhams in London.
With the cross was a box of documents including original eye witness
accounts, photographs of the landing strip at Dungavel, as well as the Duke
of Hamilton's original Statement.

These papers prove that Churchill knew of Hess's mission twenty-four hours
before Hess landed in Scotland.

These manuscript letters and papers became the key which opened the door to
other collections of undisclosed and secret documents pertaining to Rudolf
Hess, the deputy Fuhrer, and his peace flight to Scotland during World War

They have also revealed evidence that the prisoner who was kept and died in
Spandau was not Rudolf Hess. Official medical examination reports and x-ray
carried out on Rudolf Hess within 48 hours of his landing in Scotland
confirm Dr. Hugh Thomas, British military surgeon at Spandau, in his
conclusions that prisoner no.7 was not Walter Rudolf Hess.

The cache of papers which includes first-hand accounts, hitherto unpublished
material and photographs, adds a further dimension to the conspiracy for
peace that brought Hess to Scotland.

Further research also revealed documents belonging to the then Lord Provost
of Glasgow (1941), Polish papers, Swedish diplomatic documents and the diary
style notes of the wartime Air correspondent of the Glasgow Herald, Fred
Nancarrow, who died in mysterious circumstances in September 1942. He was
not the only person involved to meet untimely death.

The documents and photographs provide irrefutable proof that Hess intended
landing his aircraft at Dungavel airstrip, owned by the Duke of Hamilton,
and show an agreement existed that Hess would be refuelled and allowed to
return to Germany within three days, after the peace discussions. They also
reveal that the group suing for peace on the allied side encompassed most
European Royal households and that those delegated to meet Hess included
General Sikorsky, Guards Officer Colonel Pilcher, the Duke of Buccleuch, the
Earl of Suffolk, and the King's brother the Duke of Kent, who had been
offered the Polish throne after the war ended.

Had these negotiations been successful, millions of lives could have been
saved, Europe spared economic destruction, communism would have been
contained and the USA would not have emerged as the only Superpower.

The meeting was the culmination of a series which had taken place in Spain,
organised through the Swedish Royal family, by their representative Baron
Knut Bonde.

Winston Churchill learned of Hess's plans via spies working in the
Messcherschmitt factory, he cancelled all leave in the landing area and
arranged a light armoured exercise to take place, on the moor, surrounding

A manuscript containing the above and many other undisclosed factors in the
Hess story is in preparation. It will at last reveal the true story of what
has become the greatest legend of the second World War, and perhaps the best
kept secret of this century. These revelations coincide with the 10th
anniversary of the death of the man who never was.

For Further information contact :-

Jeffrey Simmons at Jeffrey Simmons Literary Agency.

10, Lowndes Sq. London SW1 X9H

Tel 44 (0)171 235 8852 Fax 44 (0)171 235 9733


Press Articles
The Herald Monday 18th August 1997

The Herald Monday 18th August 1997

html design


[CTRL] Fwd: Hess Archives (http://www.compura.com/hess/herald1.htm)

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Hess had been under the delusion that the Duke of Hamilton and other members
of the British establishment would be willing to discuss peace terms with
Germany, and that the common enemy was Stalin's Soviet Union.

The peace proposals were never taken seriously and he was later sentenced at
Nuremberg to life imprisonment for war crimes. For 20 years, Hess was the
lone inmate at Spandau prison. The prison was torn down after his death to
prevent it becoming a neo-Nazi rallying point.

However, numerous investigators have questioned this official version. One
theory is that the Rudolf Hess may have been kidnapped by Special Operation
Executive agents, taken to a secret location in Scotland, interrogated, and
may subsequently have been executed. A doppelganger, or double, may have
been planted by SOE in a bid to demoralise and confuse the Nazi leadership.

Dr Hugh Thomas, who looked after Prisoner No.7 in Spandau, has consistently
claimed he was not the real Hess.

The new research, however, adds a confusing twist to the doppelganger
theory. The authors claim that it was indeed the real Hess who landed in
Scotland, but he later died and was "replaced" by British intelligence with
a doppelganger.

It was essential to maintain the pretence that Hess was still alive, the
authors argue, because of fears that should the Nazis suspect he had been
ill-treated or even murdered this would have an adverse effect on the
treatment meted out to captured British officers.

British intelligence was also aware the Nazi leadership had been thrown into
confusion with Hess's defection and was keen to exploit it

It has never been satisfactorily explained, however, who this mysterious
"double" was, nor why the fiction had to be maintained.


[CTRL] Fwd: Scots Members of the French Nobility (http://www.heraldica.org/topics/france/sc

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Interesting site


Scots Members of the French Nobility
One peculiar aspect of the "auld alliance" between France and Scotland
(founded on the common enmity with England) was the existence of French
titles held by Scots nobles. These notes discuss three known cases: the
earls of Douglas, the Stuarts of Darnley and the earl of Arran. They also
discuss the case of another Scottish family which was granted a quarter of
France in their arms, namely and Kennedy. Finally, the case of Montgomerie
is discussed: their arms are identical with those of France, but it seems to
be a coincidence.

Stuart of Darnley
See also The Great Hall of the Clans for more information on Scots clans and

1415 had been a bad year for France: the army of Henry V of England defeated
the French at Agincourt (Azincourt in French) and the French nobility was
decimated. English troops occupied Northern France, and the treaty of Troyes
(1420) was imposed on the mad king Charles VI and his divided court. The
treaty provided for the marriage of Henry V with Charles VI's daughter, and
the accession of Henry V to the French throne upon the death of Charles VI,
passing over the Dauphin Charles, son of Charles VI.



[CTRL] Fwd: The Clan Hamilton (http://www.tartans.com/clans/Hamilton/hamilton.html)

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan


The second Earl of Arran was made Regent while Mary, Queen of Scots was
still a child and he attempted to marry his son to her to secure the Throne
for his family. This union did not take place and Mary was married to the
Prince of France, the Dauphin. The Earl was created Duke of Chatelhault in
the French peerage in 1548 for his part in the marriage arrangements.

After the death of the Dauphin, Hamilton again hoped fro a union into his
own family and was sent into exile in 1561 when he openly opposed the
marriage of the Queen to Lord Darnley. He did however try to save the
ill-fated Queen after her escape from Loch Leven.

The 4th Earl of Arran and 3rd Duke of Chatelhault became Chancellor of
Scotland and keeper of the castles of Stirling and Endinburgh. He was
advanced to the rank of Marquess in 1599. Another branch of the family is
descended from his brother, Claude, who was made Lord Paisley in 1587 and
later created Lord Abercorn. Abercorn was later raised to an earldom and
finally a Dukedom in 1868.

In reward for the 3rd Marquess' support, Charles I made Hamilton the premier
peer in Scotland elevating him to a Duke. He led and army into England to
rescue Charles I but was defeated at Preston in 1648. He was beheaded in

The title fell to the Duke's daughetr Anne who married William Douglas, Earl
of Selkirk. Her son the 4th Duke, died in a duel in London in 1712. The 5th
and 6th Dukes extended the palace and built the splendid hunting lodge named


[CTRL] Fwd: The Clan Kennedy (http://www.tartans.com/clans/Kennedy/kennedy.html)

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan


On the death of the tenth Earl the title passed to a kinsman who had settled
in America. Captain Archibald Kennedy was an officer in the Royal Navy who
held estates in Hoboken in New Jersey and became the greatest property owner
in New York. He tried to be neutral during the American War of Independence,
and was accordingly mistrusted by both sides. Half of his New York
properties were confiscated, including number 1, Broadway, which was
appropriated by George Washington. His son, the twelfth Earl, was a close
friend of the Duke of Clarence, who, on his coronation as William IV,
created him Marquess of Ailsa. The second Marquess, Archibald Kennedy, was
killed in a hunting accident in 1870. His son succeeded to the title at the
age of twenty-two, and after his death in 1938 the family title was borne by
each of his three sons in turn.


[CTRL] Blood line of the Messiah into the tightly intermarried royal gene pool of Europe.Ê. . .?Ê

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


hitnum=22"Deja.com: "Blood line of the Messiah into the t
Forum: alt.talk.royalty
Thread: "Blood line of the Messiah into the tightly intermarried
royal gene pool of Europe."
Message 23 of 77 Subject:"Blood
line of the Messiah into the tightly intermarried royal gene pool of
Author:V.Verenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First of all, warning , the above topic coul not be taken too
seriously, i prefer to refer to it as a current genealogical
claiming,even though "not true one".

This discussion will consist of two parts:
A.first one , which will cover the jewish-ethiopian origin of
Mountbattens, and through that lineage the future heirs of british
throne.The article is taken from
alogy.html and cover the "african"
B.second one, dedicated to the analysis of Bagratids` genealogy from the
Cleopa, brother of Jack,"step-father of Messuah",to first Bagrat. The
main source is Varkhutsi Bagrationi`s book "The history of Georgia" both
with Stewen Baldwin`s speculations on that account.The genalogy starts
with Cleopa,goes through numberous generations to the house of ikshans
of Armenia and kings of Georgia.Kings of Armenia entered into maritial
relations with byzantine and bulgarian princes, through those marriages
a plenty of daughters of byzantine dynasts was given as wifes to western
princes, such as emperors of H.R.E.O.G.N, kings of Hungary etc,and many
of Rurikids also concluded the marriage with greek
princesses.Of course, it would not be hard to trace the relations
between Arpads, Rurikids, Comnens etc and the head of present ruling
houses.Even with ease!

Part1.Dedicated to Bicenntiary Celebretion of Pushkin`s Birth

I have put the complete article here:
"Although the vast majority of African Americans are unfamiliar with
Pushkin's monumental works, most students of literature
are at least aware of his "Blackamoor of Peter the Great," an unfinished
romance which relates the biographical data of the
poet's great-grandfather, Ibrahim Petrovitch Gannibal his black great-

Some early critics wrongly suspected that Pushkin attempted to
aggrandize the African lineage of this black forebear by playing up the
family tradition that he was an Ethiopian princeling. However, Pushkin
certainly did not need to embellish his ancestor's own personal history.
For the accomplishments of Ibrahim Petrovitch Gannibal are proof of what
any man -despite his colour - could rise to, given the opportunity.
Ibrahim was treated as no less than a member of the royal family at

   To a divine rights monarch like Peter whose relationship to a nation
of serfs was entirely paternalistic, a child as a personal gift or
possession could only be regarded as one of his own kith and kin.
Indeed, at the eight-year old Ibrahim's baptism, the Emperor himself was
his godfather, while his godmother was the Queen of Poland.
(the wife of Stanislav Leszynsky? or of August?)
   Although, as we now realize, no Blackamoor at any 18th century
European court was merely decorative, in Ibrahim's case, Peter's
expectations for him were as loaded with responsibility as those he
would have had for his own son. If he was the Emperor whose patriotic
duty it was to drag Russia spiritually and intellectually out of its
Byzantine backwardness and into the future of the Enlightenment, then it
would literally be Ibrahim's responsibility to care for his adopted
country's physical formation and his defence of it.
In 1717 the young blackamoor was sent to France for an education in both
civil and military engineering. He studied at the Ecole
d'Artillerie of La Fere under the brilliant Bernard Forest de Belidor
and afterwards, at the Ecole d'Artillerie of Metz, an institution
founded by the illustrious Sebastien Le Preste, Marquis de Vauban.

Besides the education which prepared him for his long life of
government service, Ibrahim returned from France with something he
obviously regarded just as importantly - a name. Like any black kid
today reaching back through time to clutch at whatever historical straw
of affirmation he can reach for, Ibrahim not only identified as his
model but appropriated as his surname that of the Carthaginian general,
Hannibal. Although it could be argued that like Hannibal, he knew that
he too would soon enough attain the rank of general, Ibrahim's choice
probably betrayed an almost adolescent edge of race conscious defiance
considering the threat this Punic potentate had once posed to Rome.
Perhaps a better understanding of what Ibrahim intended to imply with
his new name can be 

[CTRL] [15] From Major Jordan's Diaries

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
From Major Jordan's Diaries
George Racey Jordan©1952 All rights reserved
LCCN 52-6448
Western Islands
395 Concord Avenue
Belmont. Massachusetts 02178
Harcourt, Brace edition published 1952
Free Enterprise edition published 1958
American Opinion edition published 1961
The Americanist Library edition published 1965
170pps — out-of-print


As final corroboration of the story which I have set forth in this book, I am
going to call on testimony which comes from the other side of the Iron
Curtain. It is the testimony of four people, two of whom are Russian and two
American. The first witness is a former member of the Soviet Purchasing
Commission, Victor A. Kravchenko, author of I Chose Freedom, who was
questioned by the counsel for the House of Representatives Committee on
Un-American Activities, Frank S. Tavenner, Jr., as follows:

Mr. Tavenner: What position did you hold with the Soviet Government while you
were in the United States?

Mr. Kravchenko: I was economic attache of the Soviet Purchasing Commission
from August 1943 to April 1944.

Mr. Tavenner: Will you explain to the committee the set-up of the Soviet
Purchasing Commission, that is, who controlled the activities in which the
Commission was engaged, and any other pertinent matter regarding its
functions which this committee would be interested in?

Mr. Kravchenko: Yes. First I ask your permission to explain the general
features of the situation during the war. Before we came to the United
States-when I say "we" I mean all members of the Communist Party who bad more
or less responsible duties or more or less responsible jobs-before we came to
the United States, we had received instructions from the party.

Mr. Tavenner: By "party" are you referring to the Communist Party?

Mr. Kravchenko: Communist Party, of course, because in the Soviet Union there
is only one party. In conversations which I had with officials of the Central
Committee of the Party, I was told repeatedly: "You are going to the
capitalistic United States. We are allies today because we need each other,
but when the war is over and we shall have won victory-and we are sure we
shall win it—we shall again become open enemies. We shall never modify our
philosophy and our doctrine. We are allies in trouble, but both partners know
that they hate each other. Sooner or later a clash between the two is
inevitable. Until then the Allies will remain our friends and we shall
cooperate in our mutual interests. For this reason and with an eye to the
future we must study carefully the industry in the United States, the
military industry, the civilian industry, all technological and industrial
processes, and we must get hold of their secrets so that we can achieve
similar results in our country and when the time comes we will be ready for
the fight."

Rep. Francis E. Walter: Did the Russians regard the United States as their
enemy during the period we were fighting for the common cause?

Mr. Kravchenko: Ideologically and secretly, yes. For example, every week we
had closed Party sessions in our office in Moscow. Somebody would come from
the Central Committee or from the Politburo. He would give us a speech on the
international situation, the war situation, and so on, and would make it
absolutely clear,I mentioned it in my book and it is not necessary to repeat,
but I would like to mention that they always said and always repeated: "We
are Allies because there is a war on. But we must realize that the Americans
will never like us and we will never like them." Also, "We will never like
the English and the French; I mean their political attitudes." And
practically—as a practical result of all this-every Soviet official, when he
goes to the United States or to any other country, he always has two duties
to perform. These duties go parallel: One of them is an official duty. For
example, a man comes as a simple engineer to the Soviet Purchasing
Commission, but before he comes to the United States, the Central Committee
of the Party or some special government office or department, issues orders
indicating where in the United States he must work, which factory or chemical
plant, or any kind of industry he has to watch. I am talking now about
engineers, because I was one of them and I know their work best. I dont know
what orders were given by the general staff.

Now, when this man came to the United States he had to do two jobs at the
same time. The one was open and legal, and the other was conspiracy. And when
he went back to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Government would appreciate his
work in the U.S.A. according to the secret information he had gathered for
the Soviet industry or for the military staff. All of us had such duties.

Mr. Walter: Is that true of the diplomats as well?

Mr. Kravchenko: Absolutely. They are absolutely no different. In 1943 or 1944
Mr. Rudenko, who was chairman of the Soviet Purchasing 

[CTRL] [6] The Right People

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Right People - A Portrait of the American Social Establishment
Stephen Birmingham©1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968
Little, Brown and Company
LCCN 68-11525
360pps. — out-of-print


Playing the Game

ACCORDING to the best possible source — the Social Establishment itself — the
most important college, socially, is unquestion-ably Yale, Princeton has a
lot of glamour, but Yale is solider. Boston, naturally, has always favored
Harvard, but it is only a particular part of Harvard — a Harvard centered
around such clubs as Porcellian, Fly, and Spec — that is favored. (There are,
in a very real sense, two
Harvards. In the Porcellian Club, a one-way mirror on the dining room wall
symbolizes the division; members, dining, can look out on the rest of the
university as it passes by; non-members see only a re-flection of themselves.
The two Harvards, therefore, neither speak to,nor recognize, each other.)
Though Philadelphia prefers the St. Paul's-to-Yale route, it still sends a
number of its upper-class sons to its own
University of Pennsylvania, an institution which Philadelphians blandly admit
is "second-rate Ivy League," and which other cities place far down on their
lists. For company and solace at the University, the well-born young of
Philadelphia huddle together in three select frater-nities — Delta Psi (St.
Anthony's), Delta Phi (St. Elmo's), and Zeta Psi — and quite literally never
meet anyone else. These three clubs are so selective and conservative that
they have occasionally had years when they took in no new pledges at all;
there was simply no one suitable to take in. New England's "little three,"
Williams, Amherst, and Wesleyan, are favorites of individual families, with
the first two considered "better," from a social standpoint. Dartmouth has a
rather raffish reputation, associated with hard drinking and long winter
weekends. "A lot of Dartmouth men go into advertising,'; says one
non-Dartmouth man. Also, a lot of them are Irish." (Nelson Rockefeller,
Dartmouth '30, however, is neither Irish nor in advertising.) Notre Dame is
not considered in the social running at all. Yale men are supposed to go into
banking. (David Rockefeller, however, who is a banker, went to Harvard.)

A rough indication — and very rough — of the social standing of American
colleges is the Social Register, which lists college and classes of the
socially registered. The Register has standard abbreviations for all the
colleges of the Ivy League — Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth,
Columbia, the University of Pennsylvania, and "perhaps Cornell." For years,
however, it listed only two of the "little three" — omitting Wesleyan, though
it long included the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Trinity, and,
somewhat mysteriously, Union College, Rutgers, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Johns Hopkins, C.C.N.Y., and N.Y.U. For reasons equally
mysterious, the only women's college honored with its own Social Register
symbol is Barnard, although Smith, Vassar, and Bryn Mawr, of the "seven
sister" women's colleges, are all a good deal more fashionable. And none of
these may be as prestigious as certain of the women's junior colleges
Bennett, Briarcliff, and Colby. Recently, Wesleyan was recognized and given
its own Social Register symbol, "Wes," indicating a possible improvement of
its status. At the same time it has seemed to a few sensitive observers that
Wesleyan is only partway into the Social Register. Though other collegiate
symbols are translated in full in a key at the front of the book — "J Hop,"
for instance, is said to stand for "Johns Hopkins Graduate" — "Wes" is
somewhat sneeringly dismissed as "Wesleyan Univ. Grad."

The Social Register makes allowances for graduates of both Annapolis and West
Point, but has never recognized the United States Air Force Academy, and, of
course, regional editions reflect local preferences. The San Francisco
Register has symbols for Stanford and the University of California and, of
the Eastern colleges, for only Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. The Washington
book adds Georgetown and George Washington University, lists all the Ivy
League except Cornell, and in another hard-to-fathom move, adds Hobart, which
is in upstate New York.

There are other social "list" books besides the Social Registe—rthough none
considered as "reliable" — and a glance at their stand on colleges reveals
that there may be a connection between the colleges and universities
recognized and the alma maters of the lists' publishers. The National Social
Directory, for instance, in its "The List of Society," gives the nod to all
the colleges of the Ivy League and the "little three," plus — in an attempt,
perhaps, to give the publication the appearance of national scope — four
others: Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois; Northeastern
University, in Boston; Southwestern University (whether of Los Angeles or of
Georgetown, Texas, the 

[CTRL] [7] Ritual Abuse

1999-06-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Ritual Abuse
Margaret Smith©1993
HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
ISBN 0-06-250214-X
213pps — out-of-print
Chapter 7

Getting Out

This chapter was difficult to write because I didn't want to scare anyone.
After thinking it over I decided I had to tell people all that I know in
order to give survivors the tools they need to protect themselves from their
abusers. Not surprisingly, like most destructive cults, violent cults try to
control almost every aspect of their members' lives. When ritual abuse
survivors have the courage to remember adult ritual abuse, they remember what
seems to be willing participation in these violent rituals. They usually
remember that loved ones and close family members are involved in the cult.
When survivors have these memories, they are overcome with fear and disbelief
I don't want survivors to be overcome with panic. I want them to believe
their personalities, who want to protect them from further victimization.
Based on my own experience, here are some suggestions to help survivors get
through these difficult times.

1 . Don't let fear consume you. Tell your personalities that you must control
your fear until you are safe. If you become overwhelmed with your fear you
won't be able to effectively protect your-self. You might become paralyzed
and give up.

2.  Allow your personalities to remember information about the current
ritual abuse memories without the physical sensations or emotions. From these
memories, you must make decisions about how to protect yourself from further

3.  Don't be surprised if you remember close friends and family members
who are involved in the ritual abuse. If you do remember their involvement,
you might be overwhelmed with grief from potentially losing a relationship
with them. Although you must limit contact with loved ones who are still
involved in the cult, you can still love them and have them in your life. In
order to protect yourself you must exercise certain precautions, but you may
find that your loved ones are in the same boat that you are. They are also
victims waiting for change.

4.  It is in your friends' best interest that you break free. Once You're
free, the cult can no longer force them to hurt you. You show loved ones that
it's not hopeless. There is a way out.

5.  Don't alienate your personalities who seem to be willing participants
in the cults. It is important to remember your own victimization. If you
befriend these cult personalities, they can help you break free. If you
alienate them or disbelieve them, they will turn to the cult for support.

6.  You don't always have to be aware of the behaviors of these cult
personalities in order for them to help you. If you have their respect, they
can slowly manipulate their abusers, loosening their ties to the cult. They
can plan their escape, while you learn to protect yourself from victimization.


1.  Cults don't usually kill members who were ritually abused as
children. In their eyes, such people are an investment, and they will wait
indefinitely to collect on their investment.

2.  In time they will stop pursuing you because it reminds them that they
are losing. In an arrogant stance, they will leave you alone, still believing
you will come back eventually.

3. As you are breaking free, if you have personalities that are still
returning to the cult, they will be reprogrammed and tortured. This will make
you especially fearful and confused. At this point, make the break as soon as
possible. Keep control of your fear, and manipulate your abusers however you
have to in order to make yourself safe.

4.  You don't have to punish yourself for searching for freedom.

5.  Each day your mind will become clearer, and you will find they -have
less control over your life. Someday you will truly know the meaning of the
word freedom.


The length of time that survivors were abused generally determines whether
they will be able to get out of the cult before memories of the abuse surface
as an adult. A survivor who was abused outside of the home only for a short
duration of time-who was not forced to participate for the first eighteen
years of life-has some freedom from the cult brainwashing. A survivor who was
raised from infancy to adulthood in a cult, however, faces a different
situation because the cult controlled almost every aspect of this persons
life. Survivors who grew up in cults have the most difficult time ever
breaking free.

Abuse for a Short Duration of Time
During Childhood

Some children are ritually abused in day-care centers for two or three years,
or by only one family member for a short duration of time. These children
spend most of their lives away from the cult learning a different way of
life. Although the programming and pain of the ritual abuse remains hidden in
their minds, they still 

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: S99-101, Day 74 (June 5, 6:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-101, Day 74
June 5, 1999; 6:00PM EDT


Washington   1. The Day Serb Flag Was Flying at the Pentagon

Washington   2. Drop Clinton, Not Bombs! (A Speech by Bob

1. The Day Serb Flag Was Flying at the Pentagon

WASHINGTON, June 5 - Mark this day - June 5! This is the day a Serb flag
was flying at the Pentagon possibly for the first time in history, mounted
high on top of the soundstage erected on the Pentagon lawn, right next to
the official U.S. Defense Department flag pole.  All around the
red-blue-and-white Serb banner, more than 30,000 anti war demonstrators who
took part in today's "March on the Pentagon," billowed from the top of
their lungs, "Yu-go-sla-via! Yu-go-sla-via!" 

If such an event were to have taken place in some overseas country, people
might have assumed a World Cup soccer match was taking place.  But this was
America.  And the surprisingly small number of the Pentagon security detail
and the Arlington Police, looked on in amusement, snapping pictures of the
crowd on this hot Saturday afternoon.

It was moment to behold. Chinese drummers beat their drums; Serbian
protesters blew their whistles; Korean demonstrators sang their songs;
Greeks wrapped themselves in their blue-and-whites; the Russians, the
Koreans, the Cubans, the Poles waved their flags - nearly all of them
wearing TARGET signs - joined in the chants: "Yu-go-sla-via!
Yu-go-sla-via!" And, "bombs and missiles - we say no, U.S. out of Kosovo!"
"One, two, three four - we don't want your bloody war."

And yes, as you may have gathered by now, this preceding means that the
Arlington Police and the County officials backed down, unable to stop the
30,000+ marchers from closing the Memorial Bridge and the Washington
Boulevard, supposedly also for the first time in history.  So freedom of
speech and right to peaceful assembly is still alive and well today in

Our thanks to all TiM readers who contributed to it. But as with all
rights, if we ignore them, they will go to a higher bidder.  So we'll have
to keep it up…

Meanwhile, large masses of anti-NATO protesters had assembled earlier this
afternoon at the Vietnam Memorial, where the opening speeches were given,
including that by your editor, enclosed below as Item 2 of this report. 

After the speech, the TiM editor also gave interviews to NPR radio, to the
Russian and Chinese news agencies, and to some other local news media. The
American public TV network C-SPAN, reportedly carried a live broadcast of
the proceedings.  Predictably, there were no CNN, NBC ABC or CBS cameras or
satellite trucks in evidence.  But there were several media helicopters
filming the march (stand by for TiM's photos from the protest, which we
will post at our Web site upon returning to Phoenix).

Later this afternoon, CNN Headline News showed some pictures of
demonstrators crossing the Memorial Bridge, with the Lincoln Memorial
visible in the background, saying that only 5,000 people participated in
today's demonstrations.  This contrasts with the estimates of the protest
organizers which ranged from 30,000 to 40,000 people.  

Whatever the actual number of protester, it was without a doubt the largest
anti-war demonstration held in the nation's capital since the days of the
Vietnam war. To those TiM readers who joined us either in person or in
spirit; to all those who stood up and made a stand for truth and justice
today, we say: "Thank you!  Now you can proudly tell your children or
grandchildren that you had not remained silent during the days of the
American Infamy."

2. Days of American Infamy II (A Speech by Bob Djurdjevic)

WASHINGTON, June 5 - The following is the prepared text of the speech which
TiM's editor delivered today at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC:

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow-patriots, friends of the truth and liberty,

I come to Washington from the Grand Canyon state of Arizona to join you in
your righteous protest against an American government which has become so
un-American.  This is no longer a government "OF the people, BY the people,
FOR the people."  This is a government OF and FOR a group of "death
merchants," bankers and industrialists, run BY corrupt politicians, like
Bill Clinton.  And it is a government AGAINST the interests of the American

Is it in our interest to have a $5.6 trillion national debt? 

Is it in our interest to pay for the IMF bailouts of Wall Street bankers in
Mexico, Asia, Russia or Brazil?

Is it in our interest to have American troops stationed in over 100
countries around the world?

Is it in our interest to have to build a 

[CTRL] OEN 6/6/99

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson From The Decline of the West

by Oswald Spengler

The outcome of this way of thinking is that the old possession, bound up
with life and the soil, gives way to the fortune, which is essentially
mobile and qualitatively undefined: it does not consist in goods, but it
is laid out in them. Considered by itself, it is a purely numerical
quantum of money-value.

As the seat of this thinking, the city becomes the money-market, the
centre of values, and a stream of money-values begins to infuse,
intellectualize, and command the system of goods. And with this the
trader, from being an organ of economic life, becomes its master.
Thinking in money is always, in one way or another, trade or business
thinking. It presupposes the productive economy of the land, and,
therefore, is always primarily acquisitive, for there is no third
course. The very words "acquisition," "gain," "speculation," point to a
profit tricked off from the goods en route to the customer--an
intellecutal plunder--and for that reason are inapplicable to the early
peasantry. . . .

He who commands this mode of thinking is the master of money. In all the
Cultures evolution takes this road. Lysias informs us in his oration
against the corn-merchants that the speculators at the Piraeus
frequently spread reports of the wreck of a grain-fleet or of the
outbreak of war, in order to produce a panic. In Hellenistic-Roman times
it was a widespread practice to arrange for land to go out of
cultivation, or for imports to be held in bond, in order to force up
prices. In the Egyptian New Empire wheat-corners in the American style
were made possible by a bill-discounting that is fully comparable with
the banking operations of the West. Cleomenes, Alexander the Great's
administrator for Egypt, was able by book transactions to get the whole
corn-supply into his own hands, thereby producing a famine far and wide
in Greece and raking in immense gains for himself.

The Religion Business

Bank of Scotland to Pay Pat Robertson £30m

Hey. I called Scotland a bunch of wankers. How much do I get?

THE Bank of Scotland has agreed to pay up to £30 million in compensation
to Pat Robertson, the American evangelist, after being made to abandon a
telephone banking joint venture with him yesterday.
The decision followed a meeting late on Friday night in Boston between
Robertson and Peter Burt, the bank's chief executive. In a statement the
bank said: "Pat Robertson and Peter Burt agreed that the changed
circumstances made the proposed joint venture between Robertson
Financial Services and Bank of Scotland unfeasible."

Robertson Financial Services is thought to have paid £30m for a 25 per
cent stake in the venture - a phone banking company modelled on
Sainsbury's Bank, a joint venture between the supermarket chain and Bank
of Scotland which has 800,000 customers. Burt will be under pressure
from shareholders this week to explain why the conservative Bank of
Scotland entered into an alliance with Robertson, a right-wing
television evangelist known for his outspoken views and fervent
opposition to homosexuality.

The bank has been under intense pressure in the past week to cut its
links with Robertson after it emerged that he had made an outspoken
attack on Scotland on his popular 700 Club television show. West Lothian
Council threatened last week to close its £250m account with the bank.
It was joined by a series of charities including Action Aid.

Since the telephone bank was announced in March between 400 and 500
people have closed their accounts. Affinity credit card deals with the
Trades Union Congress and a series of charities are also under threat.
This week, the bank will start seraching for a new partner to save its
£30m expansion into America.

The London Telegraph, June 6, 1999

Russian Follies

White Nights Red with Killings in St. Petersburg

If only Russia had gun control. That would solve the problem. Sure.

CONTRACT killings along one of St Petersburg's most elegant canals has
earned it the nickname "the shooting range".
The bodycount on the Griboyedov Canal, which winds through the city
centre, reads like a local Who's Who. All the attacks have been on top
figures, one of them a leading politician whose murder caused
international outrage.

Since last autumn there have been four assassination attempts on people
who live or work on the canal, three of them fatal, one seriously
wounding the target. Even the presence of a base housing St Petersburg's
Omon police, an elite paramilitary unit used against dangerous criminals
and threats to public order, has failed to stop the slaughter. None of
the murders has been solved and, judging by the performance of Russia's
law enforcement bodies, it seems unlikely that justice will be done.

In the most 

[CTRL] Congress, NSA butt heads over Echelon

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.fcw.com/pubs/fcw/1999/0531/web-nsa-6-3-99.html"Congress,
NSA butt heads over Echelon

JUNE 3, 1999 . . . 18:34 EDT

Congress, NSA butt heads over Echelon


Congress has squared off with the National Security Agency over a
top-secret U.S. global electronic surveillance program, requesting top
intelligence officials to report on the legal standards used to prevent
privacy abuses against U.S. citizens.

According to an amendment to the fiscal 2000 Intelligence Authorization
Act proposed last month by Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.), the director of
Central Intelligence, the director of NSA and the attorney general must
submit a report within 60 days of the bill becoming law that outlines
the legal standards being employed to safeguard the privacy of American
citizens against Project Echelon.

Echelon is NSA's Cold War-vintage global spying system, which consists
of a worldwide network of clandestine listening posts capable of
intercepting electronic communications such as e-mail, telephone
conversations, faxes, satellite transmissions, microwave links and
fiber-optic communications traffic. However, the European Union last
year raised concerns that the system may be regularly violating the
privacy of law-abiding citizens [FCW, Nov. 17, 1998].

However, NSA, the supersecret spy agency known best for its worldwide
eavesdropping capabilities, for the first time in the history of the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence refused to hand over
documents on the Echelon program, claiming attorney/client privilege.

Congress is "concerned about the privacy rights of American citizens and
whether or not there are constitutional safeguards being circumvented by
the manner in which the intelligence agencies are intercepting and/or
receiving international communications...from foreign nations that would
otherwise be prohibited by...the limitations on the collection of
domestic intelligence," Barr said. "This very straightforward
amendment...will help guarantee the privacy rights of American citizens
[and] will protect the oversight responsibilities of the Congress which
are now under assault" by the intelligence community.

Calling NSA's argument of attorney/client privilege "unpersuasive and
dubious," committee chairman Rep. Peter J. Goss (R-Fla.) said the
ability of the intelligence community to deny access to documents on
intelligence programs could "seriously hobble the legislative oversight
process" provided for by the Constitution and would "result in the
envelopment of the executive branch in a cloak of secrecy."

Mail questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copyright 1999 FCW Government Technology Group

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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


Critics Charge Researchers Attempting to Legitimize Pedophilia
June 4, 1999

By Robert Anthony Phillips

NEW YORK (APBNews.com) -- A national furor has erupted over a study
published in a medical journal that claims that adult sex with children
is not always psychologically damaging to the child and in some cases it
was a "positive" experience for willing youngsters.
The study, done by two psychologists and a graduate student, was
published in the July 1998 issue of the American Psychological
Association Bulletin and initially attracted little attention. The
authors said the study was meant to test widely held assumptions that
all instances of child-adult sex were harmful to children.

However, when a Philadelphia radio talk show host found out about the
study through a caller and interviewed one of its authors on the air in
March, a firestorm erupted.

Then, national radio talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger heard about
the study and turned up the heat, beginning a crusade against it over
the airwaves and in her syndicated newspaper column. She described the
study as an "attempt to normalize pedophilia."

Conservatives, congressmen enraged  conservative lobbying groups, politicians
some psychologists have gone on the warpath, sharply criticizing the
study as advocating pedophilia, challenging its findings and wondering
whether it will be used by criminal defense attorneys to get child
molesters off the hook in court.

A group of congressmen want the report "condemned" by both Congress and
President Bill Clinton. The Alaska Legislature has passed a resolution
urging the president and Congress to reject the conclusions of the
study. Similar resolutions have also been introduced in California and

Concerned Women of America (CWA), the nation's largest women's public
policy group, called the study an "outright endorsement of pedophilia"
and says it is a "slap in the face to concerned citizens everywhere."

Related Documents:

American Psychological Association statement

Authors' response to criticism

North American Man/Boy Love Association statement

Related Forum:

Can adult sex with children EVER be right?
"According to the 'experts,' child sexual abuse is now considered O.K.,"
began a story in the CWA's monthly magazine.

And the conservative Family Research Council says that it is worried
that lawyers will now start using the report in courts to try to help
pedophiles evade criminal charges.

"It seems outrageous that we are even having to deal with this issue,"
said Kristin Hansen, spokeswoman for the group.

'Good news' for 'boy-lovers'

Adding fuel to the raging debate was a statement released by the North
American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which wants criminal laws
changed to allow children and adults to have consensual sexual

In the statement, NAMBLA described the findings as "good news," adding
that it was proof that the current "war on boy-lovers" has no basis in
"science" and that most male child sex experiences with an adult were

NAMBLA did not return a telephone call for further comment.

Alaska Rep. Fred Dyson "I predicted months ago that pedophile
enthusiasts would start using this study," said Alaska state Rep. Fred
Dyson, a Republican who sponsored a bill in the state that condemned the
conclusions and methodology of the study.

Jody Gorran, the founder of the National Foundation to Prevent Child
Sexual Abuse, blasted the APA for publishing the study, which he called

"It's like a lobbying organization for pedophiles," Gorran told

Meanwhile, the publicity surrounding the study prompted the APA to
release a statement saying that it has always believed that "sexual
abuse of children is wrong and harmful to its victims" and the
publication of the study in the bulletin does not mean the organization
endorses its findings.

Authors: Media misreporting facts

However, not everyone agrees that the controversial study is a
scientific manifesto in favor of pedophilia.

The authors, the APA and one statewide group, the Indiana Psychological
Association, charge that the media and other groups are making false and
sensationalized claims that the study condones child sex abuse.

The authors released a statement through the APA saying that their study
was an attempt to show that, for scientific research purposes only,
distinctions should be made among categories of child sex abuse in order
to predict future effects on the child.

80,000 cases a year

The study concludes that it is wrong for researchers to assume that all
cases of child sex abuse harm children and adolescents. However, the
authors, both in their APA statement and in the study, said that legal

[CTRL] Freedom, Choice, and Consequences

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Freedom, Choice, and Consequences

by Robert L. Kocher

Among the long-term consequences of the borderline-psychotic social
revolution of the sixties and seventies are many common misconceptions
of the nature of freedom, of what constitutes choice, and what freedom
does not confer.

Few people today understand what freedom or is, or could define freedom.
They believe freedom allows them unlimited right to do what they want to
do. However, that is not a definition of freedom, but of unlimited
egocentricism, of license, or of unlimited freedom of action. Far from
being the basis of a free society, it's a recipe for tyranny.

The ideal condition of freedom of action would be to have the freedom
from responsibility of a child, while having the autonomy and power of
an adult—along with infinite financial resources. Until recently, kings,
queens and princes lived under that condition. The king could do as he
wanted, supported by enforced confiscation of the complete economic
resources of the kingdom when it suited him. It was neither good for the
royalty or the people. The royalty inevitably degenerated while the
people were drained and suffered. The economies of nations were enslaved
and destroyed for the building of pyramids, palaces and other royal
self-indulgences. Entire continents were at war in the service of
various royal temper tantrums. Overthrow of the existing order of mona
rchy was periodically necessary. This made up much of the content of
human history for the last four thousand years.

Members of royalty did not mature because it wasn't necessary for them
to do so. They didn't need to negotiate with their subjects because
their subjects interests were subordinate to those of the king or the
prince. They didn't need to consider reality because they were insulated
from reality. The process of giving up childhood egocentricism and of
balancing personal impulses against the rights of others is
intrinsically unpleasant. Kings and queens are not required to undergo
unpleasantness. This discomfort, as it is with all discomfort, will be
avoided if possible. In this case the discomfort is necessary to achieve
adult maturity. If you are the king or queen, you can make it a rule
that other people adapt to your wantonness and undergo the discomfort
instead of you.

It may not be a very happy relationship for your subjects, but, as king
or queen, you can decree the additional rule that your subjects are
required to like it. Besides, there is no place for your subjects to go.
If they go down the road to the next kingdom, there's no assurance that
the next king will be an improvement.

While it works for kings and queens, in ordinary day-to-day life this
doesn't work. As a practical matter only one member of any community can
have unconditional freedom of action while the other members inherently
become relegated to the oppressive role of forced adaptation to those
actions while having no rights. Thus, it can be seen that unlimited
personal action is not freedom or a free society. Absolute personal
freedom of action for any one person inherently means personal
subjugation of everyone else.

Mutual Agreement

Freedom means social and economic interactions occur on the basis of
mutual agreement between participating parties. This implies strong
restrictions upon behavior. In a free society you cannot willingly
subject other people to actions to which they reasonably disagree.
Actions which subject eventual intrusional consequences upon other
members of society or otherwise intrude upon their lives or damage them
are not acts of freedom, but acts of imposition or acts of enslavement.

To particularize with an example. there is no such thing as freedom to
rape someone. Rape is a crime against freedom. It violates the critical
principle of mutual agreement. It is the purposeful subjecting of
someone to an act to which he or she seriously and reasonably disagrees.
That constitutes a violation of freedom.

One of the first principles of a free society is that members of that
society have a responsibility to conduct their lives in such a way as
not to impose upon other community members. In addition to being a basic
political principle, this was once taught as part of having basic
respect for other members of the community. Many of what have become
mislabeled as contemporary social problems are in truth social
impositions people have imposed upon other members of society by
demanding license for themselves.

The indiscriminate having of children while charging the other members
of the community with the responsibility of maintaining those children
is not an act of freedom. It is a act of 

[CTRL] Well-Wishers Bid Families Adieu

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Well-Wishers Bid Families Adieu

by Peter Topolewski

Chalk up another victory for the decency soldiers of the feel-good 90s.
This one goes to the politically appointed social engineers in Canada’s
Supreme Court. With the familiar refrain "get with it, this is the 90s",
they delivered a decision to strike down the heterosexual definition of
"spouse", demonstrating that they lack foresight as much as the other
politically correct cronies who have, this decade, deconstructed meaning
in the name of "civility".

The case came to the Supreme Court of Canada when a Toronto lesbian
discovered she could not seek alimony from her ex-lover and business
partner because Ontario laws defined spouse as someone of the opposite
sex. The woman sued to have the definition struck down and two lower
courts agreed with her. The Ontario government appealed the decision all
the way to the top and lost. In its decision the court gave Ontario six
months to amend its laws, noting that dozens of them use the
heterosexual definition. The federal government and all the provincial
governments will have to fall in line or face future lawsuits.

Outside of the immense paperwork required, the legal ramifications are
far reaching. In addition to granting a gay person’s right to alimony,
the court decision affects the tax code, spousal benefits, health care
coverage, and such things as disclosure rules for elected officials and
political appointees. This means that with the benefits due them gay
couples will also take on the accompanying legal responsibilities and
headaches that heterosexuals know all too well – headaches and
responsibilities that many gays would happily and ironically leave to

The Meaning of Spouse

The woman who originally brought the case to court, and who long ago
settled out of court, was essentially in a contractual relationship born
of the time she spent with her girlfriend and the division of the spoils
from their business venture. Not surprisingly, at its core the Supreme
Court’s ruling outlines the legal contractual obligations required by
and of homosexuals in a relationship. But to grant these obligations by
questioning the definition of the word spouse and declaring that its
exclusively heterosexual application is unconstitutional is not only
pointless, but also unjustified. And the reason is simple – the
heterosexual definition of the word "spouse" cannot be unconstitutional
because that is what spouse means. And the alimony payments and the
legal obligations applying to spouses do not apply to homosexuals
because they are not, by definition, spouses. The Ontario laws do not
apply to homosexuals and therefore cannot be unconstitutional. If there
is an absence of law to cover the obligations and benefits due
homosexual couples, fine, but no matter what the Supreme Court says,
"spouse" concerns only husbands and wives.

The winners in this wondrous display of doublespeak are, as usual, the
lawyers. For they, most of all, will be busy in the courtrooms arguing
on behalf of a sibling, friend, and or half-relative roommate who is
common law and owed alimony among other things. Everyone, the courts
will convince us soon enough, in any kind of relationship has the right
to be a spouse. Or so the relativist vigilantes would have the rest of
us believe.

The problem is that with the ends in sight we have lost all sight of the
means. In fighting to inscribe in law the equal treatment of all people,
those fighting the equal rights battles have allowed equality to become
sameness. This is a travesty, for they are not interchangeable and
making them so is not desirable or the purpose of equal rights.
Providing a gay couple the legal protections and responsibilities they
deserved – "no more, no less" says John Fisher of EGALE, a Canadian gay
rights group – is not the same as saying a gay couple is a heterosexual

In the terms in which the ruling has been couched, such a prospect is
not desirable to either gays or heterosexuals. But the true goals go
beyond the strict arguments of the Supreme Court ruling. Ian Brodie, a
political science professor at the University of Western Ontario, states
that the ruling "stops short of saying same-sex couples can get married,
but that’s almost a secondary issue now." The problem of course is that
marriage is, by definition and by tradition, a union of a woman and a
man. If such a legal union for gays were all that were sought by equal
rights warriors, it should be, with all our human ingenuity, possible to
invent one in law with no cost to the heterosexual tradition. But gay
marriage is sought for, among other reasons, to make "family" 

[CTRL] Microsoft Madness

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Microsoft Madness

by Don Lobo Tiggre

One of the most bizarre aspects of the just-resumed U.S. government
persecution of Microsoft is the number of libertarians, anarchists,
objectivists, and other ostensibly pro-freedom individuals who are
cheering the state on. These people allege that Microsoft has done
Terrible Things, and maybe it has, but it’s still very strange that they
should so strongly favor the state’s use of a power it shouldn’t have:
the economic interference we call "anti-trust".

First off, let me say that I am not particularly a fan of Microsoft. It
seems hypocritical, to say the very least, that Microsoft (MS) should
use the bludgeon of the state against software companies that allegedly
"reverse engineer" MS products, when MS Windows itself is nothing but a
second-rate "reverse engineering" of the MacIntosh operating system
(OS). Ah, if only Apple had licensed the Mac OS, how different the world
would be! J And have you ever tried to get any so-called "support" from
Microsoft? Hah! What a joke!

Also, the practice of requiring hardware manufacturers that want to use
MS products to sign contracts guaranteeing that they will only use MS
products seems short sighted. It’s an aggressive move with the likely
outcome of long-term costs in enmity outweighing short-term gains in
cash flow.

However, as aggressive as that move has been, it is one that hardware
manufacturers have accepted voluntarily, in order to be able to sell
more products—they know what the consumer’s choice is most likely to be.
As Microsoft attorney John Warden put it during opening statements in
the trial, on October 20, 1998:

"Microsoft hasn't denied consumer choice, it is consumer choice..."

And that’s really the bottom line, isn’t it? People choose to use MS
products. No one forces them. Even the state’s own star economic witness
admitted on January 12, 1999, the final day of the government’s case,
that Microsoft has done nothing so far that would harm consumers. This
is why I have used the word "persecution" instead of "prosecution"—this
isn’t about protecting the people (the general purpose alleged to
justify the state) and never has been. It may be about protecting
Microsoft’s rivals at public expense—has anyone checked the campaign
contributions made by those rivals?—but is more likely a simple matter
of the state reacting with hostility to any large and powerful
organization it doesn’t control. In this context, the state’s
persecution of Microsoft is unethical, unconstitutional, and
counterproductive. Perhaps the state has other reasons for its
actions—could it be they the statists know that MS has the power to
seriously disrupt their systems, should it ever occur to them to do so?

Whatever the answer to that may be, my take on the whole situation might
be quite different if the state’s case were based on the allegations of
out-right fraud and other forms of sublimated violence that
anti-Microsoft people accuse the company of. If MS really has done those
Terrible Things, then the victims should step forward and press charges
for their legitimate grievances.

Using Government to Bludgeon Competitors

But that’s not what we see. Instead of victims of real harm, we see a
loser in the marketplace resorting to the coercive mechanisms of the
state to try to benefit his company. In the free market, you don’t
always win and you can’t force your opponents to give you market share,
but people like Netscape CEO Jim Barksdale don’t seem to get it.
Consider this ‘enlightening’ comment by Barksdale recorded by Wired
 magazine’s Joe Nickell:

"As long as there are competing products on the shelf for soup, if I can
access either and buy either without... any of the stuff in the soup
that I may not want because they have included it without asking me, I
would think that would be an open market."

Never mind the confused nature of this statement—people get nervous on
the witness stand and don’t always make the most sense—it would still be
nonsense if it was clearer. Nobody but Campbell’s tells Campbell’s what
to put in their cans of soup, and there are competing cans of software
"soup" on the shelves; it’s just that most people pick MS "soup" of
their own free will. In fact, before MS started giving their Internet
Explorer away for free, Barksdale was arguably in a more monopolistic
position than Bill Gates, since Netscape was used by pretty much
everybody (and was also given away for free).

But Netscape didn’t get the lion’s share of the browser market by any
dastardly means; they just produced a product that worked like nothing
else out there and gave it away. Microsoft may have done some dastardly

[CTRL] Systems Thinking Government Failure

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Systems Thinking  Government Failure

by James Wright

I took a training class a few years back, to learn SPC/SQC; this is
Statistical Process Control / Statistical Quality Control. All the
math-phobic reading this can relax; I’m not going to try to condense
three days of instruction into an essay. But I learned quite a few
useful things from this class, which may help you to improve your
understanding of why U.S. government actions, works and departments so
often fail to reach their objectives.

The instructor started by defining a system as a process which takes
inputs and transforms them into outputs. Simple enough, yet powerful
when widely applied. He drew three columns on the board and started
filling them in.

Inputs   Process  Outputs
Adult coyotes,  Reproduction   Baby coyotes
rabbits, water,
other carrion, time

Money, materials,General MotorsGM automobiles
work, time

Matter, energy, time   Reality   Universe

That last one is probably a bit too simplistic, but it gets the idea
across: any process can be analyzed in terms of what it uses, how it
transforms it, and what results. Anyone doing this can choose the level
of detail you want in inputs and outputs, few or many.

Another idea I want to bring in from this course was also from the first
day of instruction:

Every system is perfectly designed, carefully maintained and precisely
operated to give you exactly what you get.

This applies to all systems, not just the heavily-automated industrial
machinery processes we were concerned with at the time. It applies to
the coyote system, to GM, the universe and all the various systems we
call America. The rest of the world will have to analyze their own
systems; I’m not familiar enough with them to comment.

I am writing this to spread this virulent set of memes across the land
as efficiently as possible, because I see some of the same things that
Robert L. Kocher does, albeit from an engineering point of view. Many,
many people across this land cannot understand that all the governmental
"systems" that are failing us on a daily basis are doing so because they
have to. They are designed faultily, maintained faultily or operated
faultily, and failings are what they produce. The examples are numerous,
but here are a few to get you started.

Inputs  Process
Children, tax money,Government schools Dull and
apathetic adults
 time, teachers,
  unwilling to think critically
facilities, administrators,
"theories" regulations,...

People, tax money,  Government tax system (IRS) Coerced adults
deprived of
time, papers, laws,
   what they’ve produced in order
   to fund government "programs"

People, tax money,Prisons
   Alienated, hardened and
time, facilities, laws, ...
determined criminals who

   cannot fit into society well

People, money,  American society
Indeterminate; largely a
time, facilities,
 mixture of mature adults,
laws, customs,...
"tall children", criminals,

deviant-behavior types,

   saints, sinners, 

If you do not appreciate what the system you observe is giving you, then
you need to change something. One definition of insanity is doing the
same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. By that
definition, anyone who wants to "mend them, not end them" must
demonstrate that mending them will produce better results. Government
tried to "mend" the welfare system for forty years before finally moving
towards "ending" it, by giving those on welfare a few years to find a
job before benefits were to terminate. Someone finally got the message
that the welfare "system" was fundamentally flawed in design (and
operation), and could not be "mended" under the existing design limits.
It may finally be time to "end" the government schools systems, the
government tax systems, the prison systems, or others similar systems.

Some more insights from systems theory and operation are available.

Imagine a thermostat: the box on the wall you tweak when the house is
too hot or cold. Imagine you have one of the old kind, a
single-controller unit that controls both the furnace and air
conditioner. Imagine setting the controller to try to cool the house to
74 degrees at the same time it is set to heat it to 75 degrees. What

The air 

[CTRL] [12a] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler - repost

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh,(C) 1994
Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Books Ltd. 27 Wrights Lane London W8 3TZ, England


Myth and Might

For most English-speaking readers today, and especially for those who fought
it, the Second World War was probably as close as one can imagine to a just
war. It had a clearly discernible and defined justification and sanction.
Moral issues were starkly delineated. There was no question of who was right,
who wrong. Distance in time has, of course, rendered certain Allied actions
and policies - the bombing of Dresden, for example - difficult, if not
impossible, to condone; but except for the occasional warped would-be
historian, no one has attempted to excuse or 'rehabilitate' Nazi Germany.

If the Second World War was indeed a just conflict, it was so because it
constituted a moral contest, a crusade against madness and recognisable
'evil'. General Eisenhower could title his account Crusade in Europe without
seeming guilty of pretentiousness, portentousness or rhetorical hyperbole. To
the extent that Nazi Germany could be seen as embodying and incarnating the
potential madness and 'evil' of all mankind, that madness and 'evil' became
endowed with form; and once something is endowed with form, it can be opposed.
One knows what one is fighting against, and this clarifies and crystallises
what one is fighting for. If one knows what one is fighting for, the fight is
meaningful and justifiable.

By incarnating madness and 'evil' within itself, the Nazi regime,
paradoxically, 'redeemed' the rest of the Western world into sanity and
virtue. This, with typical Olympian irony, Thomas Mann demonstrates in Doctor
Faustus; and other writers, from George Steiner in England to Jorge Luis
Borges and Carlos Fuentes in Latin America, have since picked up the theme. It
took Nazi Germany to teach us the meaning of atrocity and outrage. It took
Auschwitz and Treblinka to remind us of what we as human beings are capable of
perpetrating, despite our veneer of civilisation, and to make us wish to
disown such propensities. Nazi Germany rendered us, albeit only temporarily
perhaps, a degree or two more moral, more decent - a degree or two more
sensitive to such things as, for example, 'ethnic cleansing' in what used to
be Yugoslavia. To that extent, and however uncomfortably the recognition may
sit with us, we are in Nazi Germany's debt.

If the Second World War made sense and rested on some moral basis, the First
World War did not. On the contrary, the First World War was the most
terrifyingly insane conflict in the whole of modem European history, not
excepting the Thirty Years War of 1618-48. It was insane in its causes (or
lack thereof), its motivation (or lack thereof), and the policies (or lack
thereof) that precipitated it. It was pre-eminently insane in its conduct. On
the opening day of the Battle of the Somme on I July 1916, more than a hundred
thousand British and French soldiers, forming three lines fifteen miles long,
clambered out of their trenches. Each bearing sixty pounds of equipment on his
back, they then proceeded not to charge, not to duck or dodge, but to march,
as if on parade, into the face of machine guns firing more than a hundred
rounds per minute. By the end of the first day - the single most costly day in
the history of the British Army - 57,470 had fallen. By the end of the battle,
the toll on all sides amounted to a million and a half. The territory gained
at this price came to an average, along the front, of five miles - five miles
of mud, of shell craters, rubble and devastated fields.

This was insanity, and the insanity was repeated at Verdun, at Ypres and
Passchendaele, at Gallipoli, on the Russian and Italian fronts. Never had
mankind engaged in such wholesale and mindless slaughter to so little purpose,
with so little to show for it. And while this orgy of carnage enacted itself,
arms merchants and munitions manufacturers in Britain, France and Germany were
negotiating business deals and trade agreements with each other, keeping the
blood flowing because it was profitable to do so.

There have been numerous evocations of the First World War's madness. Some of
the best, and most penetrating, can be found in Hermann Broch's novel The
Sleepwalkers, first published in 1931.

The unreal is the illogical. And this age seems to have a capacity for
surpassing even the acme of illogicality . . . it is as if the monstrous
reality of the war had blotted out the reality of the world. Fantasy has
become logical reality . . . An age that is softer and more cowardly than any
preceding age suffocates in waves of blood and poison-gas; nations of bank
clerks and profiteers hurl themselves upon barbed wire . . . Amid a blurring
of all forms, in a twilight of apathetic uncertainty brooding over a ghostly
world, man like a lost child 

[CTRL] [8] Ritual Abuse

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Ritual Abuse
Margaret Smith©1993
HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
ISBN 0-06-250214-X
213pps — out-of-print

Chapter 8

Survivor Revictimization and Proposed Solutions

One of the most important aspects of talking about survivor revictimization
is identifying the victimizers. Are they the cult members or part of the
noncult public? If revictimizers are cult members, then they victimize
survivors either because they are acting on orders, or because they can't
handle their own entrapment in the cult. The noncult public revictimizes
survivors because they don't believe survivors. They don't want to hear about
ritual abuse because it scares them. They want to believe they live in a safe
world. They want to send their children to school and church worry-free. They
don't want to know about the corruption. They don't want to believe cults
have power because they would have to change their entire understanding of
the world.

When I first remembered the abuse, I told everyone about my memories. It
never occurred to me that I wouldn't be believed. It never occurred to me
that people wouldn't have compassion for me. Many of my friends said they
believed something bad had happened to me, but they didn't believe the ritual
abuse memories. A few of my friends believed the ritual abuse memories, but
they couldn't believe the prevalence of the problem. It is devastating to
have the memories questioned. Let's put it this way: When I am feeling the
pain of the abuse and someone has the nerve to doubt my memories, it feels
like I am lying there, with bruises up and down my thighs, welts on my rectum
and vagina, while the onlookers determine whether I have a tight to my pain.

 Just as devastating as the nonbelievers were the people who believed me,
but who decided I was somehow responsible for what happened. I was judged and
blamed for things I couldn't control. One friend told me she didn't think I
felt guilty enough. She wanted me to scream and cry in remorse for the
violence I was forced to commit. What she didn't realize is that I felt so
guilty when it happened that I stopped feeling at all. I don't accept blame
for what happened to me. I remember how bad it was, and that the society that
is judging me today is the same society that turned its back on me when I was
a child.

Then there were the people who believed me, but who wanted to control my
recovery They wanted to tell me where my wounds were. They wanted to tell me
how to heal. Like the cult, they told me who to love and who to hate. Not
being believed is painful enough. Being blamed for what happened felt as
cruel as cult behavior Trying to tell me how to live my life, and how to
understand the ritual abuse, is every bit as violating as being blamed and
not believed.

  Society needs to accept that sometimes people do hurt other people on
purpose. They need to stop pretending they live in a safe world at the
expense of those who are victimized. They need to feel their own pain so that
they can have compassion for those of us who have the courage to face our
pasts. And if they can't handle it, they need to understand that it is their
problem, not ours.

It seems clear from the newspaper reports I have seen linking child molesting
with "Satanic Rituals," that the phenomenology of the Salem witch trials is
being created all over again; that is, innocent adults are being accused by
hysterical children.
Catholic theologian Aidan Kelly[1]

Jeffrey Burton Russell, a historian at U.C. Santa Barbara who has written a
four-volume study of the idea of the devil, sees a parallel between fear of
satanism and the witch trials of the past "brought on by hysteria."... "My
one wish is people would play this down and it will go away."

Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1991

Not only does the general public offer no support to survivors, many
of the people who are supposed to help them don't either. Many survivors are
revictimized as they search for therapists. Most therapists do not believe
children are abused in cults. Some therapists believe ritual abuse happens,
but they are unaware of the prevalence of the problem. When survivors do find
therapists who believe them, skeptics say survivors are led by these
therapists to believe they are ritual abuse survivors. They say being a
satanic ritual abuse survivor is a fad.

Authorities say America is witnessing an epidemic of concern over Satan and
his minions, especially among adherents of fundamentalist Christianity.
So-called ritual abuse is only a part of it. But are these tales of incest
and human sacrifice true? Many mental health experts think not.

Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1991

When ritual abuse is publicly denied, it is extremely painful for the victims
who are trying to recover. Ritual abuse survivors really have two
perpetrators: the cults that violated them, and the society that let it
happen and that today still does not 

[CTRL] [7] The Right People

1999-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Right People - A Portrait of the American Social Establishment
Stephen Birmingham©1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968
Little, Brown and Company
LCCN 68-11525
360pps. — out-of-print


The Dirty Part

IN a large stone house outside Philadelphia, surrounded by acres of venerable
lawn, at the end of a long graveled driveway that is raked so often that each
car approaching leaves fresh furrows in it, lives a certain little old lady
with servants and roomfuls of family photographs. At tea time, on designated
afternoons, she receives her brothers and cousins, her nieces and nephews and
little grandnieces and grandnephews, most of whom live nearby, and, as she
pours from a large, heavily embossed silver service, the conversation is
witty and cultivated and intimate and gay. "Gentle talk," she calls it.
Mostly it is family talk, but often it ranges to art, the opera, the
symphony, the local dances. Politics is a rare topic; so is the theatre
-unless, of course, someone "knows someone" who has made the unusual move of
"going into politics," or is "taking a fling" at going on the stage. The
talk, in other words, centers around "people we know." When tea is over, the
children kiss their elderly relative good-by and leave with parents or
governesses, and a few adults stay on for cocktails and a few of these old
members of the family may remain for dinner. At eleven o'clock, the great
doors of the house close for the night.

This lady is a member of one of Philadelphia's oldest and wealthiest and most
distinguished families. At eighteen, she was the city's most beautiful and
popular debutante. Strangers ask why she never mar ried. This is a subject
that is not discussed much in the family any more; the reasons why no longer
matter much. But, if pressed for an answer, close friends will tell the story
of how once, when she was a young girl, she fell in love. The man she loved
was out of her class, and was Jewish — either one of which circumstances
might have been remotely tolerable, alone. But together they made the
situation impossible. She never fell out of love, never fell in love again.
Once, it is said, she asked her father for permission to marry the man. Papa,
very gently, explained that it was out of the question. She bowed to Papa's
wisdom. This story, in its classic simplicity, presents a classic truth:
love, among the rich, can be cruel.

Love among the rich is different simply because the rich are rich, and for no
other reason. (F. Scott Fitzgerald's sensitive observation about the rich
that they are "different" from you and me and Ernest Hemingway's flat-footed
rebuttal of it, that they have more money, reveals only that one man
understood the power of money and the other did not.) "Power," states an old
Chinese proverb, "is ancient wealth." And it is to this thinking that most
American rich, knowingly or not, subscribe. The adjective here is most
important. In order for the power — the influence, the prestige, the ability
to control other people and shore up reserves against the world's inequities
— to be at its fullest, the money must age. This is why the newly rich are
very different from the anciently rich. Money, like a good strand of pearls,
improves and grows more lustrous with each generation that wears it.

This, of course, explains why so much of the talk among the very old rich is
family talk. Money is part of the bloodline, inextricable from it, celebrated
along with it so that the two are tacitly considered to be the same. Family
money is a thing that, from generation to generation, must not only be
preserved, but must also be enriched and fed and nourished from time to time,
from whatever sources are at hand, resupplied from other wells of ancient
wealth. Otherwise, any family fortune — unless the strictest rules of
primogeniture are adhered to — dissipates quickly through division, taxation,
and simple spending. Marriage, therefore — the right marriage — is of prime
importance. "Love" — taken to mean romantic love, or even sex — must be
subordinated to that, or at least made equivalent to that. Among the rich,
money and love and marriage go together like a horse and a pair of carriages
— the money being the horse that pulls the caravan. In upperclass love, money
is always raising its ugly head. Before the demands of love can be met, the
demands of money must be. In marriage, money is definitely the dirty part;
sooner or later all the implications of that five-letter word must be faced.

The rich in America are often accused of living in the past, but this is not
really the case. The past, the family, and where the money came from provide
a textured background for what goes on today, but the true concern of the
rich is for the future: where the money will go. A child is more than a
child. He is also the carrier of the money into the next generation, and the
one after that. This is the reason for the unquestioning 

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