Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hawgpadre via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

GrannyCheeseWheel wrote:Yeah, and I might even be able to accept that if he ever came forward and was like, ya know, I think I acted a bit too hastily there. Otherwise, no.I sometimes can't believe the lengths people on this forum go to kiss developers' asses.I'm happy to admit I got a little heated, but I think the bans are justified.  This kind of rule lawyering and drama is not something I enjoy at all though, so let's leave it at that.  Anyway, here is a small update on Wayfar: … -1444.html


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I can respect that.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hawgpadre via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

GrannyCheeseWheel wrote:Yeah, and I might even be able to accept that if he ever came forward and was like, ya know, I think I acted a bit too hastily there. Otherwise, no.I sometimes can't believe the lengths people on this forum go to kiss developers' asses.I'm happy to admit I got a little heated, but I think the bans are justified.  This kind of rule lawyering and drama is not something I enjoy at all though, so let's leave it at that.  Anyway, here is a small update on Wayfar here: … -1444.html


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

meh. i don't care about drama. most probably both sides were at fault not sure why hawg began interacting with players in that way. e.g.  spawning  near where they are, shooting them etc. definitely not a good thing. Admins of muds should not do that, at all. I didn't expect that from him.Also not sure why a lot in this community act like children. but that's all i can say in this matter.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@gcwyeah i know what you were meaning i agree with you. i was just stating my own viewpoint on the matter 


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@Darren, I'm not trying to accuse you  or single you out. I'm speaking in general terms about the way developers are often treated as gods and players will continue to frequent their games no matter what they do.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@gcwyou see i don't just accept anything. i don't climb over every little release that comes out because for the longest time most of it is nothing more than rinse and repeat. the best true fps that we have is swamp and nobody has been able to match it. but then again aprone knows exactly what an fps should be in terms of how it works. so yes i'm rather picky about the games i play because i could see at 1 point and as such i know the difference between fps and redspot for example.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

It doesn't though. People on this forum will literally accept anything from devs. At this point, the emotion is gone from my words though.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

oh i certainly don't butt kiss. anybody who's read my posts on this forum should know that by now . but i do think equally that you need to pick your battles. now i wasn't there when the shit hit the fan admittedly. however if it transpired as you say then people's reputation in the long run speaks for itself. let it play out as it will. i guess the biggest reason why i'm not bothered so much is because like so many of us i've had a lot to deal with in terms of changes to every day life etc like all of us have had. so i just really don't consider this to be something worthy of getting all riled up about. whatever happens happens. it's just a game after all. a bit of escapism. so treat it like that. if the admins on said game are that bad then the lack of popularity over time will speak for itself. just look at star conquest for example. now they really are a bad bunch or they certainly were when i was there. the biggest shame of that, is the fact that the game itself has some of the best macanics i've ever seen in terms of muds.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Just in case it needs saying - though I hope it doesn't - I'm not making any comments on this dude as an admin or a game owner or whatnot.LordLundin's warning had nothing to do with who he was targeting.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Yeah, and I might even be able to accept that if he ever came forward and was like, ya know, I think I acted a bit too hastily there. Otherwise, no.I sometimes can't believe the lengths people on this forum go to kiss developers' asses.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

well nobody is perfect we're all human. i mean to be blunt when you consider this pandemic we're all in and the stupidness and selfishness of people throughout whether it be refusing to wear masks, refusing the vaccines, i think something like this is pretty trivial. just enjoy the game. right now for a lot of people there's not that much to enjoy. it's funny, throughout this pandemic the day to day wining and bitching never stops if anything it has gotten worse and people are really losing perspective.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Just to clarify, I never got banned, I chose to leave because I wasn't happy about the way those bans were executed. To appear to be fine one minute, and switch and nuke 3 players the next minute is unpredictability I really don't want or need from not only an admin, but the head admin and MUD owner.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@166I think that closed source games while you're running the game is not only fine, it's even a good idea.But a plan for continuity of your online game if you decide to walk away is important, and he both doesn't have one and has made it clear that he considers it unnecessary.  If he hadn't just randomly taken it down with basically no warning before, shrug, but he's already yanked it out from under people once and I don't intend to invest in something that can render the time spent worthless myself.  But each to their own.I'm mostly just predicting the forum's reaction: unless he's significantly optimized the code, it's going to eventually fall over and get yanked for using too many resources again.  And then, well, if this thread seems heated...


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

it's funny, so london is band from another game, more to add to the list including swamp, has to make me wonder about this whole thing.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

LordLundin wrote:"Fuck you, Hawgpadre."I think that's a match.Your acceptance of my warning is neither expected nor required to validate it. Thanks for coming out.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@jayde telling someone off for lying is not a personal attack thanks, warning not accepted. This topic has more stupidity than is good for me.To everyone that keeps chanting common sense like it's some sort of mantra, you clearly have not read a single thing of what I wrote have you? You have not read anything of what Granny wrote have you? Is it that you do not believe it, or are you simply too dence to understand? I do not care if you play the game or decide to shitpost it or not, but please do not come here and tell me that common sense will save your skin. Granny made a sound pack and helped out with the mud and he still got banned by an admin who calls people faggots and says one thing one moment and acts completely opposite the next.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@jayde telling someone off for lying is not a personal attack thanks, warning not accepted. This topic has more stupidity than is good for me.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.



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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

four Lines of text... Four lines of text with zero context. this is absolutely a bullshit tactic I've seen used time and time again by people who've fallen afoul of staff across various games, It's not me that's the dick... it's them! What's always missing are the few hundred lines of text where they act like abrasive cunts, slowly backing the member of staff into a corner until they end up snapping back. I don't doubt for a second this is what happened here and why should I? There's zero evidence to prove otherwise, just the same dummy spitting we see from your average banned MUD/MOOer. You can see this playing out in the other thread that seems to be related to this, where Caccio72 attempts to play the part of a poor harmless gamer persecuted by the community wherever he goes. He is then willfully obtuse to the extreme, knowing that it will piss everyone else off and that the mods will obediently step in and start handing out warnings. After warnings are handed out, suddenly the guy goes silent and the cycle repeats again.Isn't the community failure clause  supposed to take care of this kind of thing here? I'm willing to bet that this is what got his ass slapped on wayfar1444, but he keeps doing the same thing here again and again.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

To cw and anyone else considering trying the game, I've personally had no issues, neither have I seen anything from Hawkpadre or anyone else that suggests there would be issues.Admittedly, I was offline when the hole Ishtaar shindig went down, which either makes me oblivious, or objective. from where I stand now, Wayfar1444 is just a really good space game which is obviously someone's passion project, and that's no bad thing. One rule I've found for online games generally, is avoid what my brother refers to as "bolitics", this being a portmanto of "politics", and "bollocks!" And for a clearer definition, *points to both giant Ishtaar mess in that other topic, and to posts in this topic which have been stirred up by self same mess. GCW is %100 correct that all online games have politics, it is equally true that most online games will run into bolitics from time to time (I gather that Alteraeon and Cosmic rage have both had their shares), but only in a very few cases has said bolitics made a game literally unplayable. this is indeed why I myself stopped posting in said other thread. So my personal advice would be to just ignore the sound and fury, do your thing, and enjoy games, and there's a lot in Wayfar1444 to enjoy. Indeed, the only part of the recent negative spin this topic has taken that does concern me is the idea of Wayfar1444 going down again with no other admins or recourse to keep it running, but we'll just have to see on that one, since for the time being the game is being actively maintained and developed, and here's hoping it stays that way.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Oh, and because he chooses to keep it closed source is a really shitty reason not to play. It's his choice. I wish it were open source, because I generally do prefer it, but god damn.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

yeah that's my beef, not that they deserved a ban, because they very clearly did, but how it was executed.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Moderation:LordLundin, post 151, you went too far, bro. Personal attack deserves a warning.You have every right to criticize someone. You have no right to personally attack them.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I mean, it isn't very easy to tell when Hawg has his admin hat on actually, and he does keep flipping back and forth between chill and hands off and "this is my game you have no rights".So it's difficult to know where you stand.That said, I'm not very torn up over Lunden or Ishtar being banned.  I just don't like how it was done and worry about the future that's all.It's still a good game.  And if you aren't outspoken about admin decisions, or a shitstarter, you'll be fine anyway.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

The mud being closed source will be a shame until it goes down permanently again and he keeps the source to himself, at which point it will be a source of rage and destroy his reputation, but eh.I'm glad I decided not to log in again.  Looks like it's as much of a shitshow as I expected.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Bro, there's politics around every online community. You might as well watch movies or knit if you are not willing to try to navigate around that stuff. I get that it doesn't interest you. I get that it is annoying, but it's not stopping anytime soon. It's been a staple of MUDs since they came into being.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I will put my view down plainly. Even though the mud looks interesting, it is diffecult to join in when there appears to be alot of infighting around about this mud on a open forem such is the audiogames forem. It makes me ask the question why do I want to go and play a mud that smells like trouble when I can find other things that can usually keep me intertained? Yes, the mud may just be my cup of tea as it were. the infighting may be a huge cup of nothing cake tea coffee as it were. As for me being mad, it seems like every so often something blows up into a major thing on the forem. In away, it is a shame that the mud is going to remain closed source, but that is his choice to make.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I will put my view down plainly. Even though the mud looks interesting, it is diffecult to join in when there appears to be alot of infighting around about this mud on a open forem such is the audiogames forem. It makes me ask the question why do I want to go and play a mud that smells like trouble when I can find other things that can usually keep me intertained? Yes, the mud may just be my cup of tea as it were. the infighting may be a huge cup of nothing cake tea coffee as it were. As for me being mad, it seems like every so often something blows up into a major thing on the forem.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

He said that he will never open source it.I mean, try it for yourself to see if it suits you or not. Maybe you won't have any trouble. Being mad at the situation makes no sense when you don't even know what it's about.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Wayfar1444 sounds like a interesting mud, but with all the surround pissing about just makes me want to stay clear. As far as I am thinking, where there is smoke, there is usually fire. maybe I will just go play Alter Aeon or Cosmic Rage or Miriani or Vast Horizon or awaken worlds or just read The Expanse series. At least that in the series I don't have to worry about any adman wanting to band me, or and players lieing or telling stories, or real shit going down. To say I am a bit mad goes without saying. Is the source code open sourced so that more than one copy can be hosted? You know, so that more than one adman can have a go to see who really does abetter job, or so that players have a bit of a choice of who they are playing with? It just seems that we have things like this blow up from time to time causing alot of dromma, and usually the fault is not usually not all that clear at times.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

He shot me with a colonial rifle while I was in a battle tank. I had a defense walker to bring to bear but I didn't need to. I shot him once with the main cannon and eviscerated him. That was a foolish mistake on his part.I get the rules of common sense. But here's where things begin to get shaky for me. No warnings, no other forms of punishment, just bans. Also, when you say that 3 out of 3k isn't bad, it shows that you dont' really care about the players and just see them as numbers. Why do we go from not doing anything to straight up permanent ban? But you know what, I think Ishtaar does deserve it. It's like the way the mods work here though, they are careful to execute a ban in such a way that all their ducks are in a row first. Maybe they make mistakes here and there, but they're trying.He tells me that this is a positive environment. He keeps saying things like, "This isn't HellMOO". OK, I get that. It's using Hellcore, but apart from that, it's a very unique concept.Then there's trust. The game going down for 4 years or so is going to put me on shaky ground, but I get it. So then the game comes back and within a week, he's up down up down up down up down. nah bruh.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I can anser the how to stay of off of any admins shit list very very easily..Common sense.Here's the thing though. Ishtaar did not make a good first impression. If. IF he'd have kept his mouth shut, and got somewhere in the game, then come out with I'm going to wreck you all, understandable. But no. He came in, dick waving with a giant superiority complex when there were much, much more experienced players, calling everyone else newbs for asking questions when the game relaunched that week, all the while going on this I am 48, I have a 2000 ELO I am so much better than you rant. Wolf, Mat and others called him out for it, but he didn't learn.That was strike 1 really IMO, not making a good first impression and carrying on way, way way past when he was told to shut up and that nobody really cared at all, and for himt o just play the gameStrike 2.I was paged by somebody on the game that stated, point blank, he didn't want to play, he wasn't interested in crafting at all and ddidn't want to craft, period.Add in more running his mouth on chat with narrating absolutely everything he was doing, strike 2And the dog thing was I believe the last strawAnd before this comes up. I used him, because he was playing a female character, something he admitted on chatnet. So that answers that.EDIT: Oh and on the first impressions, he attacked somebody's buildings then was running his mouth when he got killed by an older/more experienced player with good gear, whining and crying about how they were using an OP weapona nd gear and must be a powergamer


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I can anser the how to stay of off of any admins shit list very very easily..Common sense.Here's the thing though. Ishtaar did not make a good first impression. If. IF he'd have kept his mouth shut, and got somewhere in the game, then come out with I'm going to wreck you all, understandable. But no. He came in, dick waving with a giant superiority complex when there were much, much more experienced players, calling everyone else newbs for asking questions when the game relaunched that week, all the while going on this I am 48, I have a 2000 ELO I am so much better than you rant. Wolf, Mat and others called him out for it, but he didn't learn.That was strike 1 really IMO, not making a good first impression and carrying on way, way way past when he was told to shut up and that nobody really cared at all, and for himt o just play the gameStrike 2.I was paged by somebody on the game that stated, point blank, he didn't want to play, he wasn't interested in crafting at all and ddidn't want to craft, period.Add in more running his mouth on chat with narrating absolutely everything he was doing, strike 2And the dog thing was I believe the last strawAnd before this comes up. I used him, because he was playing a female character, something he admitted on chatnet. So that answers that.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Meh, I don't get why people are trying to excuse this. Apparently 3 people were banned at once, then he's like 3 out of 3K big deal. I take bans very lightly. I don't think anyone is arguing the fact he can run his game however he likes, but I don't understand why people are standing for it. No, they may not be able to change it, but they can just not play.And him being a chill admin is kind of a problem if he's like all cool and calm one minute, and on the warpath the next. How are you supposed to know how to stay off his shit list then.I'm not angry about it anymore, but it sucks because I lost a game that I really really enjoyed.Another thing, is this Reddit where it's one minor thing and you're done? Like OK I guess, but that kind of sucks. Also, I don't get the big deal about Ishtaar talking about chopping up a virtual dog. Like yeah, if I thought he meant it for real, sure. I even used that as part of the reason to justify attacking him, but there was more going on there than just that. It also would have been possible to say that from here on out, talking about that sort of thing is not permitted. But he keeps on saying he doesn't want to or doesn't have the time to police language, so. I mean. you can't have it both ways.I also don't care how more or less shitty he is compared to other admins. He did a shitty thing and is acting in unpredictable ways. That's enough to keep me off the game. If you're fine with it, go play, but I'm not going to be taken in by any comparisons about how other admins act. Also, just so you know, this is the one and only time something like this has happen in the oh hell, probably 75 or so MUDs I've played on. Not to say that there aren't more staff problems out there, just that I've not encountered them and I don't have a history of looking to smear the name of MUDs and tarnish their reputations.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Sure, he can run it however he sees fit, I don't think anyone's arguing about that. However, he is not gonna come here and tell anyone that the social atmosphere wasn't similar to hell or was toxic. Your game, your right to simulate the holocaust if you want, just don't give me any bullshit.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

meh i've seen worse worse admins compared to hog


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

That can be summed up very very very simply...Hawg's game. Hawg's way of doing things. If he wanted to have a planet full of pole dancing ponies because I don't know, LSD laden pixie stix, that's entirely fine. There's no rule anywhere saying admins/staff on a game have to stay out of discussions. Here's the thing. I've staffed/staff games and I have /never/ been told do not be yourself on public channels. Just keep it reasonable and keep it appropriate when dealing with players in an official capacity. Aside from that...fairly sure players are smart enough to know when you've got the staff hat on or not. That's common sense.You join a game, you go by their rules, written down or not. There's unwritten rules everywhere. What, you think Wayfar's the only one with unwritten rules? Nope, everywhere has unwritten rules. Hawg is a lot more chill than some admins I know who would ban you for saying fuck, once...and who the hel are you to say what you did in @151I get it. You're heated. I get it. But Wayfar's got a sizeable steady player count which is, if anything, a good thing


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Fuck you, Hawgpadre. If you expected people to be "reasonable", then why did you contribute to chaos? Murdering your players, calling them idiots, using the word faggot? Having a channel designed to make fun of blind people? All of this is fine, but do not show your face here and claim that the environment isn't like hell.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

you could able to claim them back if they are still exists and you remember the locations and,w ell they havent been claimed stilDark wrote:To be honest, Wayfar1444 struck me as no different to most game environments, IE, act like a reasonable human being, and most people, admins very definitely included, would be reasonable right only my concern with Wayfar1444 is more mechanical, since I'd personally be less fond of anyone just randomly destroying my buildings etc when I'm off line just because they felt like it. indeed, I do notice that my holdings on y1444 are gone. I don't mind at all, since I started a new colony on  17-Egret and actually wanted to get rid of the y1444 stuff anyhow, but I'd be a little peeved if I came back to the game at some point and found my 17-Egret colony had gone the same way while I was offline. Oh I get that some people are in to pvp, which is fair enough, but it might be nice if there were some sort of options, or maybe areas where pvp was or was not okay in the game, so players had a choice of stiles, since (very unlike empiremud), the game seems to have more than enough territory to go around.I'd also on a mechanical level really like some more things for my colonists to do, and some more ways of managing my colony as a real settlement, though I admit that seeing them load up my heavy turret and blaze away while I was hunting random wildlife was rather amusing .


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

To be honest, Wayfar1444 struck me as no different to most game environments, IE, act like a reasonable human being, and most people, admins very definitely included, would be reasonable right only my concern with Wayfar1444 is more mechanical, since I'd personally be less fond of anyone just randomly destroying my buildings etc when I'm off line just because they felt like it. indeed, I do notice that my holdings on y1444 are gone. I don't mind at all, since I started a new colony on  17-Egret and actually wanted to get rid of the y1444 stuff anyhow, but I'd be a little peeved if I came back to the game at some point and found my 17-Egret colony had gone the same way while I was offline. Oh I get that some people are in to pvp, which is fair enough, but it might be nice if there were some sort of options, or maybe areas where pvp was or was not okay in the game, so players had a choice of stiles, since (very unlike empiremud), the game seems to have more than enough territory to go around.I'd also on a mechanical level really like some more things for my colonists to do, and some more ways of managing my colony as a real settlement, though I admit that seeing them load up my heavy turret and blaze away while I was hunting random wildlife was rather amusing .


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

To be honest, Wayfar1444 struck me as no different to most game environments, IE, act like a reasonable human being, and most people, admins very definitely included, would be reasonable right only my concern with Wayfar1444 is more mechanical, since I'd personally be less fond of anyone just randomly destroying my buildings etc when I'm off line just because they felt like it. indeed, I do notice that my holdings on y1444 are gone. I don't mind at all, since I started a new colony on  17-Egret and actually wanted to get rid of the y1444 stuff anyhow, but I'd be a little peeved if I came back to the game at some point and found my 17-Egret colony had gone the same way while I was offline.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hawgpadre via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

For the most part, Wayfar players understand that this is NOT hellmoo, or a hellmoo type environment.  Pretty sure that is somewhere in the help files.  I definitely don't have the time to go around policing language but I think it's a reasonable expectation that people behave themselves in a way that's welcoming to random players, and sort of focus on the game itself.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

No dude, you deserved that ban. My issue with Hawgpadre is that he never communicated his intention, or that you were going too far, but as far as crime Vs. punishment, it fits. Stop looking for a way out, there is none. You fucked up, now face the music or get off the stage.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@caccioMan seriously quit trying to find excuses. Please, assume responssability for your decisions.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Hey, no need to react in such a hostile manner, since you others had also problems with the admin, it may be possible, just this one single time, just in this one single case for a change, that it was not just only me responsible for my ban (or permaban?) due my, no doubt problematic communication behavior, (which I don't deny), but in this specific case there is still at least a small chance that the admin treated me just a bit too harsh too, similarily to how he, obviously, treated some others of you too?I wonder if there is anyone willing to at least acknowledge, accept the possibility of that?


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Your opinion? Get the fuck out of here. I was the one who formulated it based on severe mistreatment with several witnesses to back me up. I fully support whatever the admin did to you, and I don't even know what it was. You were being an annoying twat from day 1 and kept writing fucked up shit that even managed to shock me the sociopath. Everyone had a problem with you, and few had a problem with me, or at least they did not say so nor was I ever attacked due to my behaviour. To people who say I was a troll during those days, sure I was, but it was the right atmosphere to be one. It's like going on hell and bitching that people shitpost.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

So it seems there are still some of you here agreeing with me about the admin of this game...Well nice to know at least this time I am not totally alone with my oppinion...


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@defender fucking lol. Honestly that behaviour though is more than should be tolerated in any online community for an administrator. I'm actually kinda sad more didn't come of it.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@LordLundinMethinks yee hath lost thy objectivity amidst the sting of thine defeat; genteel shitlord.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@LordLundinMethinks yee hath lost thy objectivity amidst the sting of thine defeat genteel shitlord.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@LordLundinMethinks yee hath lost thy objectivity amidst the sting of thine defeat good sir!


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@LordLundinMethinks yee hath lost thy objectivity good sir!


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

The admin on empiremud can be a bit of a snobbish dick, and there has been major issues there before, but compared to Hawgpadre he's a saint.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

At the time I had the issue on empire, there were other people's empires all over the place, to the point that I wandered around for two or three rl hours typing nearby and having no luck, and as I said it well might have changed now. I recently saw that Coremud is under new development, which sounds great, since when I last tried, the biggest problem was no player base and no updates.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

The empire's admin happily helped me irlyer though, so I am not sure which part of him isn't friendly. empire is grindy yes, but still manageable even if you would like to solo IMO. peapol actualy leaving the game because of the new empire system but I don't see that is so much as a trouble, it does add up grinding volue to the game though which I think adding more goal to the game. to think of it, empire is open source right? would it be possible to make a scifi mod of the game? obfiusly there are like s many things to change but yeah.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Well, or you deal with the fact that Empiremud is (1) a playerbase of like 10 people now and (2) there are commands to find out what's nearby.  It's probably not as hard as it used to be.  I didn't have a problem with this when I last did it.Unfortunately it's very grindy and low reward.But yes, you can go to war etc.  If you can find someone to go to war with.  See above about tiny playerbase.As for the more general sci-fi stuff, maybe Federation 2?  Federation 2 is at least different though I didn't personally like it.  I've seen good things about Coremud.  But there's just not that much sci-fi content out there.  It's hard to make fun sci-fi games mechanically because you can't just make up stuff from thin air as easily.  Plot sure, but text-based mechanics not so much.  Things like Wayfar that do detailed simulations of a bunch of stuff need a lot of coding skill, and a lot of the problem with Wayfar used to be that Hawg didn't have said skill.  Maybe they do now.Miriani, CR, etc. are big because players who want that kind of game don't have anywhere else to go.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@darkI guess all we need is an admin to help us to find an empty region of the map to start.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

And wayfar1444 now has a db page find it here. I confess I was less a fan of empiremud, since finding a place where I could build my own empire without treading on anyone else's land  was nearly impossible, and when I tried asking about this the games' actual admin was not exactly pleasant, which i confess did rather put me off the game. I also didn't like the way in Empire you could do crafting with literally one quick command and little interaction, albeit I'd probably have got used to that given time, if I could've found a place to start from scratch.Maybe I'll give it another try at some point.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

In empiremud, is it pocible to manage an army?


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Empire is..kinda agood idea, so so execution honestly, Camlorn.By 'comparable', I meant alright, it's sci fi, you can fly around, explore planets, explore spsce, shoot stuff, craft if that's a thing and just have a chil laid back game, does that help any with what I'm looking for?


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

The only other thing similar to Wayfar is Empiremud, but Empiremud is fantasy.  It's at least not laggy as hell though, but maybe Wayfar fixed the lag since the old version.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@jacekAs far as I know, no.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

So are there other less well known games comparable to Wayfar realy with space/planet exploring and so on?I said less well known, before people say CR/Miri/SC, I'm after those games that aren't as hugely well known.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

well if no soundpack for this game is made it won't make much difference to me personally. yes i'd love a soundpack but if whoever was going to make 1 is no longer doing it because they've walked away then firstly that makes no difference to me. i'd still play this game whether there was an sp or not. ok an sp would ad more atmosphere to the game granted but it's not the be all and end all either. so i don't think people will be missing much if a soundpack doesn't materialize.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@123 all I gotta say is you should take english classes.Hawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursWhat is it about this statement that you fail to understand? Please let me  know so I can help unpack it for you.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@125The point of muds is that they're online.  If you turn off everything and play it without any interaction with anyone, you might as well do something else.Maybe look into text adventures.  There's a lot of cool ones out there if you're looking for mud but single player.  Not very hack and slash though, more interactive novels/the best mud quest you've ever seen.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I won't do that. And things were pretty chill up until then, so yeah, IDK what happened.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lml5280 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

This kind of stuff is why I tend to solo muds, and turn off all public chats as soon as I log into a game. I’d love to find a good mud that was more solo focussed.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

But hawg said he wouldn't enforce racist slurs, which is his choice honestly. I don't think lundin was banned for any racial slur. It was because he was being his batshit crazy ass self over 3 days and Hawg had enough. I understand it, but the method in which it was done gave no indication that anything was wrong. I mean, all the sudden, bam. And the thing with the killing, yeah I did see it over laff. That was after Hawg had previously said he doesn't fuck with Wayfar players period, end of discussion. There are just way too many inconsistencies.He even called someone a fucking faggot, then the next day said to keep the swearing to a minimum, we're not a bunch of animals. So how is anyone supposed to work with that. How is anyone supposed to know where the line is so they don't cross it. The answer is, you can't, because it's totally arbitrary.Edit: And let's not forget about him saying that he'd kill you if you crossed him, then later clarifying that to say something akin to, "It's not just a MOO thing, I will fucking shoot you."


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

But hawg said he wouldn't enforce racist slurs, which is his choice honestly. I don't think lundin was banned for any racial slur. It was because he was being his batshit crazy ass self over 3 days and Hawg had enough. I understand it, but the method in which it was done gave no indication that anything was wrong. I mean, all the sudden, bam. And the thing with the killing, yeah I did see it over laff. That was after Hawg had previously said he doesn't fuck with Wayfar players period, end of discussion. There are just way too many inconsistencies.He even called someone a fucking faggot, then the next day said to keep the swearing to a minimum, we're not a bunch of animals. So how is anyone supposed to work with that. How is anyone supposed to know where the line is so they don't cross it. The answer is, you can't, because it's totally arbitrary.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Honestly, it sounds like everyone is the asshole in this case.120, I just don't understand why you might use a racial slur and then be shocked. SHOCKED! that you get banned.I think that being consistent as an administrator is good. But I honestly read some of these posts and am so confused as to how some of you just think you can act any kind of way in an online space and then cry when you find that people don't want to put up with your asinine behavior.Rules should be consistent. I don't fault GCW for not wanting to play in an environment where it is not. But I also think that some of you need to act better in the spaces where you find yourselves.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I mean, I feel like that could be taken to extremes. I've done and said stupid shit in the past. I've been banned here twice, in fact. Does that mean the mods should be like, "Well you don't know what's going on with him, maybe he's having a bad day."Also, I find it somewhat ironic that people are defending this, when all hell would break loose if something like this happened in an online audio game, and you know it would. Look, if you want to have rules, have rules. If not, don't. But that has to be a design choice, and if you make changes to it, it's reasonable to notify the players, and note these rules down for newbies. Just because the admin chooses not to read rules on other MUDs doesn't mean he should ignore having rules on his own.I was very excited for this to come back online, but I won't be blinded by that excitement when sketchy admin shit is going down. If you guys want to keep on playing, all well and good, but I choose not to place myself in an environment where there's flagrant admin abuse.Another thing, since when does bad behavior excuse other bad behavior? If we all followed that logic, we'd be circling the drain. Hell, we pretty much are circling the drain as a species as it is already because of this. I could never imagine banning someone because they spoke of politics, even expressed views I vehemently disagreed with. Maybe I'd make a politics channel and enforce a no political discussion over chat policy, but I'd never just ban someone because they expressed views I didn't like.Maybe I'm the only one who cares about this. Well, so be it, then I'm the only one. And I don't think every admin is perfect or infallible, but the sheer fucking airheadedness of the last 5 minutes of chatnet before Hawg took it to pages with me and then before I left the game was almost unbelievable. I don't even have a word in my vocabulary to express it.If you're willing to turn a blind eye to that and play under those conditions, or you just don't care, well, here's hoping your not next on the chopping block. That's all I've got to say.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@Defender:Right, but none of us know what Hawg was thinking/going through at that point. It's entirely possible he had enough of everyone's shit really and snapped though. Just because somebody is chill doesn't mean they've had enough of whatever shit they are seeing. None of us bar Hawg are in his shoes, right? Yes he's achill admin, hell the town hall chatter showed it (I still like the idea of one big zone with warps between them ftw), but here's my point.Just because somebody seems chill, that doesn't mean they are cool with everything and evryone has a breaking point


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I find the fact that people are defending his actions is ... interesting.@118 there is such a thing as social context. Not every racial slur has an offensive connotation in it. It also depends in which setting it is used. Yell the N-word out the window while you're driving through the ghetto is different to say something in such a way that everyone knows you're not serious.@117 did you even bother to read any of my posts? In which universe is summoning someone and killing them acceptable administrative behaviour? I can assure you the admin engaged in as much trolling as his userbase.To the rest of you, I urge you to read the following message:Hawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursHawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursHawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursIf people still want to defend him, I suppose you can. However I do not want to see another post that shows a severe lack of reading comprehension ... so if you are going to defend him you should do so on the varifiable facts and the actions that took place!


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I find the fact that people are defending his actions is ... interesting.@118 there is such a thing as social context. Not every racial slur has an offensive connotation in it. It also depends in which setting it is used. Yell the N-word out the window while you're driving through the ghetto is different to say something in such a way that everyone knows you're not serious.@117 did you even bother to read any of my posts? In which universe is summoning someone and killing them acceptable administrative behaviour? I can assure you the admin engaged in as much trolling as his userbase.To the read of you, I urge you to read the following message:Hawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursHawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursHawgpadre: im not going to enforce racial slursIf people still want to defend him, I suppose you can. However I do not want to see another post that shows a severe lack of reading comprehension ... so if you are going to defend him you should do so on the varifiable facts and the actions that took place!


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were definitely causing problems.  But the way he handled it just felt out of character for him, as he's usually much more chill and says what he means.And the fact that things had been being said on chatnet which were just as bad IMO plenty of times before this and he didn't seem to care much even though he was on during it sometimes just made the situation really confusing.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were definitely causing problems.  But the way he handled it just felt out of character for him, as he's usually much more chill.And the fact that things had been being said on chatnet which were just as bad IMO plenty of times before this and he didn't seem to care much even though he was on during it sometimes just made the situation really confusing.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were causing problems.  But this just felt out of character for him, as he's usually much more chill.And the fact that things had been being said on chatnet which were just as bad IMO plenty of times before this and he didn't seem to care much even though he was on during it sometimes just made the situation really confusing.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were causing problems.  But this just felt out of character for him, as he's usually much more chill.And the fact that things had been being said on chatnet which were just as bad IMO plenty of times before this and he didn't seem to care much just made it really confusing.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were causing problems.  But this just felt out of character for him, as he's usually much more chill.@LordLundinYeah Maxum is my char, but I'm trying to be objective and non bias here.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were causing problems.  But this just felt out of character for him.@LordLundinYeah Maxum is my char, but I'm trying to be objective and non bias here.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@JaceKThat's the weird thing, because no, he isn't a completely shit admin even now, and yes Ishtar and Lunden were causing problems.  But this just felt out of character for him.@LordLundinNah Maxum isn't my char, I just saw it happen on chatnet.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I feel like refraining from using racist slurs is such a low bar to step over TBH. I feel like I'm reading r/AITA.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

tldr. people got banned for being their normal, trolly selves. K


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@113, yes mailing system works now.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I never said he couldn't do what he wanted with his own game. I just find it unacceptable, and choose not to play there.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

.Right, but the counter point is admins run a game how they see fit however, and don't have to do things a certain way. Hell, on another game I'm on, somebody got banned before they even got in the dor because of stuf they did on other games in the past with sime of the same players so...Point is. Players are not perfect. Admins are not this infalliblee perfect set of beings. They are human as well. No game's administration is perfect, and if anyone assumes that, try being an admin. If you have and you think you are a perfect admin and never wrong, then you are part of the problem, honestly. Hell, I have a friend who got thrown off a game because of their RL political beliefs, despite that not being in the rules, then the staff there stonewalling any attempt at explaining


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DeathDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Hi. So, I’m probably being completely stupid here, but does the mailing system still work? I registered for an account like 1 week ago, forgot about it and today I decided to check back. There has been no email, and I’m sure I typed things in right. How should I fix my idiotic actions?


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

They were, to some degree or other. I'll never say that they weren't. Lunding was being Lundin, caccio was being the great viking Jarl and narrating everything he ever did, then complaining about everything. Then to further it, he was audacious enough to try to fight an admin.So yeah, there were definitely reasons for Lundin and Ishtaar / Caccio to be on Hawg's shit list. I'm not disputing that. What I'm saying is the way it was carried out - without any warnings, without use of established procedure, etc. was wrong.He even told me earlier that day that if I wanted to write good code, I had to do do the design phase. Then he said he took two years to design the game in his notebook. Well, rules are a part of that design. As much as any other thing. And I don't think any admin can be faulted for not thinking of every single way you can fall afoul of decency. So amending the rules is not a problem. But this whole thing of saying the rules should be clear, when they're not even a little bit, is just wrong.Yeah, the soundpack is gone. I deleted every last trace of it. The repo is gone, the keybass archive is gone, and it's gone from my system entirely.It sucks, because it's a game I very much enjoyed, and even now, I want to go back on, but I won't.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Right but it sounds like everyone has some fault honestly IMO. I'll admit, I was laughing at the blinknet example because that amused me entirely too much, because I don't take things like that seeriously. Point is. It sounds like everyone was at fault honestly


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

The summary is already in the posts written here, starting at my own one at 98 after I was banned, then the admin's completely neglegent and fuck all attitude in his responses. What I describe in post 98 is what happened and can be varified by Ironcross and I'm fairly sure Defender was on there as well under the alias Maxim or something like that and he was one of the people summoned by hawg and was in the same room as me when I got killed. He had also been summoned from the plannet he was currently on and needed to get a ride back. I am not sure what happened since everyone was chatting and having a good time, and honestly it didn't even bother me.Honestly, none of these things alone bother me, except the ban for something that had been previously ok and literally just a second ago said by the admin would still be allowed.I wasn't bothered when he repeatedly called me an idiot, nor when he summoned me and killed me without returning me to my ship costing me resources to get it back if I'd gone for it.I wasn't bothered by griefnet which is a channel similar to chatnet, except it's nickname was also blinknet, and when someone with the blind preference on chatted on chatnet it'd sometimes post stupid quotes to blinknet like:Chatzone lundin says: 'wow, this is funny. Let me tell you guys a story'(just  written for illustration purposes and not actually quotes)blinket Lundin says: 'wow, this no I don't have fucking super hearing like a fucking bat! funny. Let me tell you a story."However, combine all of these factors, and you start to see a bit of a disturbing picture. Add his responses on here, his general attitude of "I do what I want" (which is technically correct), I find myself repulsed by his behaviour and now we find ourselves where we're at.If I've missed something or there's another perspective feel free to chime in.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Alright, what did I miss while I was sleeping? Holy fuck I went to sleep post town hall chat (which went wel) and wake up to this? Seriously?Somebody give me the tl: dr of the fiasco?Look. I've been on games with shit admins, and Hawg's not even close to my own definition of a shit admin. You can talk to him, you can say what you want within reason, hell, I was told hey that's a good idea, re: my idea for transit/zones/etc. He didn't ban me for speaking out of turn or joining in saying why other MUDs aren't that good.Point is. A realy, really shit admin would have been all fuck off my game *permaban* for even mentioning other games, or just spitballing ideas, or even if I put a building where they didn't like.So. Did Hawg possibly (I've not seen the logs or anything yet) overreact? Yes. But let's be real here. We players haven't been 110% innocent either. Not just London, honestly. Hel, you've not been the /worst/ on there I've seen. Given the buchering dogs remark, I can take a wild guess who was involved


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I feel a lot better now guys, I realized that Hawg was just projecting when he called me an idiot. I don't think he actually made the game and just stole the source from someone. When I called on  him to show him errors I had to explain thurroly what the issue was, and how to use the items I was bugging. I tend to be pretty clear with other admins and have never had this issue before.Also Ironcross worked more on the game than Hawgpadre has, at least in the last couple of weeks. I also started writing guides for the wiki.I did enjoy the game though, too bad it has to be ran by one of the worst admins I have ever come across.@ironcross nice sound pack, though I think you should take the link though if you haven't done so already.Edit:Changed summoned to call on


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I feel a lot better now guys, I realized that Hawg was just projecting when he called me an idiot. I don't think he actually made the game and just stole the source from someone. When I summoned him to show him errors I had to explain thurroly what the issue was, and how to use the items I was bugging. I tend to be pretty clear with other admins and have never had this issue before.Also Ironcross worked more on the game than Hawgpadre has, at least in the last couple of weeks. I also started writing guides for the wiki.I did enjoy the game though, too bad it has to be ran by one of the worst admins I have ever come across.@ironcross nice sound pack, though I think you should take the link though if you haven't done so already.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I won't be leaving, as I enjoy the game  and if the admin's inconsistencies lead to problems that's up to him, but I didn't much like what I saw there either.Insisting he'd let players handle it multiple times, then banning the person in question though they apparently did nothing new to deserve that, stating that racial slurs wouldn't be moderated and then using a player saying a racial slur in response as the last straw to ban them, continually asking players for feedback but then saying he was disappointed they gave it on the very same channel he asked for it on, banning yet more players after the argument was over...  He was just all over the place.Frankly, I think he just lost his cool and had a bad day, or week, maybe felt like the player's weren't appreciating him for all his work or respecting his authority as the game's creator, but couldn't be honest about how he felt.  I get it, especially during lockdown, but it isn't impossible to just say sorry, unban the players or at least explain better why they got banned in a more permanent place, and do better next time.  We're all allowed to make mistakes, but doubling down will likely only cause more problems.@hawgpadreI assume that the "clear rules" you're talking about are the ones where you tell the person what they are doing wrong at the time it happens right?Which makes it pretty dang confusing for those who aren't on when that happens.Also, you say you've always made them clear, which may be very true, but many people are new to the game, so how would they know what you considered wrong in the past?I appreciate you trying to keep the game feeling free and non bureaucratic, and thinking the best of people.  But when you stubbornly insist on no written rules ever, instead preferring to give people somewhat vague, often semi serious sounding warnings only when you see the problem happening, it's just going to cause players to feel like they have to walk on eggshells as they don't know for sure what's okay.  I don't see how that's any better than people feeling slightly less free because of some simple written rules...I get that it's a hobby project, but players are the life blood, and I don't think it's fair to expect people to just ... know.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I won't be leaving, as I enjoy the game  and if the admin's inconsistencies lead to problems that's up to him, but I didn't much like what I saw there either.Insisting he'd let players handle it multiple times, then banning the person in question though they apparently did nothing new to deserve that, stating that racial slurs wouldn't be moderated and then using a player saying a racial slur in response as the last straw to ban them, continually asking players for feedback but then saying he was disappointed they gave it on the very same channel he asked for it on, banning yet more players after the argument was over...  He was just all over the place.Frankly, I think he just lost his cool and had a bad day, or week, maybe felt like the player's weren't appreciating him for all his work or respecting his authority as the game's creator, but couldn't be honest about how he felt.  I get it, especially during lockdown, but it isn't impossible to just say sorry, unban the players, and do better next time.  We're all allowed to make mistakes, but doubling down will likely only cause more problems.@hawgpadreI assume that the "clear rules" you're talking about are the ones where you tell the person what they are doing wrong at the time it happens right?Which makes it pretty dang confusing for those who aren't on when that happens.Also, you say you've always made them clear, which may be very true, but many people are new to the game, so how would they know what you considered wrong in the past?I appreciate you trying to keep the game feeling free and non bureaucratic, and thinking the best of people.  But when you stubbornly insist on no written rules ever, instead preferring to give people somewhat vague, often semi serious sounding warnings only when you see the problem happening, it's just going to cause players to feel like they have to walk on eggshells as they don't know for sure what's okay.  I don't see how that's any better than people feeling slightly less free because of some simple written rules...


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

@106, I significantly doubt that what you describe is the case at all. they're being a hypocrite of the highest order. And, you know... I was really hoping to play this game again. But there's no way in hell I'll be doing that with an admin who freely indulges in hypocrisy and who clearly demonstrates that they are not admin material at all. I hope I don't have to explain why.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I won't be leaving, as I enjoy the game  and if the admin's inconsistencies lead to problems that's up to him, but I didn't much like what I saw there either.Insisting he'd let players handle it multiple times, then banning the person in question though they did nothing new to deserve that, stating that racial slurs wouldn't be moderated and then using a player saying a racial slur in response as the last straw to ban them, continually asking players for feedback but then saying he was disappointed they gave it on the very same channel he asked for it on, banning yet more players after the argument was over...  He was just all over the place.Frankly, I think he just lost his cool and had a bad day, or week, maybe felt like the player's weren't appreciating him for all his work or respecting his authority as the game's creator, but couldn't be honest about how he felt.  I get it, especially during lockdown, but it isn't impossible to just say sorry, unban the players, and do better next time.  We're all allowed to make mistakes, but doubling down will likely only cause more problems.@hawgpadreI assume that the "clear rules" you're talking about are the ones where you tell the person what they are doing wrong at the time it happens right?Which makes it pretty dang confusing for those who aren't on when that happens.Also, you say you've always made them clear, which may be very true, but many people are new to the game, so how would they know what you considered wrong in the past?I appreciate you trying to keep the game feeling free and non bureaucratic, and thinking the best of people.  But when you stubbornly insist on no written rules ever, instead preferring to give people somewhat vague, often semi serious sounding warnings only when you see the problem happening, it's just going to cause players to feel like they have to walk on eggshells as they don't know for sure what's okay.  I don't see how that's any better than people feeling slightly less free because of some simple written rules...


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I won't be leaving, as I enjoy the game  and if the admin's inconsistencies lead to problems that's up to him, but I didn't much like what I saw there either.@hawgpadreI assume that the "clear rules" you're talking about are the ones where you tell the person what they are doing wrong at the time it happens right?Which makes it pretty damn confusing for those who aren't on when that happens...Also, you say you've always made them clear, but many people are new to the game, so how would they know what you considered wrong in the past?I appreciate you trying to keep the game feeling free and non bureaucratic, and thinking the best of people.  But when you stubbornly insist on no written rules ever, instead preferring to give people somewhat vague, often semi serious sounding warnings only when you see the problem happening, it's just going to cause players to feel like they have to walk on eggshells as they don't know for sure what's okay.  I don't see how that's any better than people feeling less free because of some simple written rules...


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