Re: [darktable-user] Strange update behaviour

2022-02-16 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 16/02/2022 à 14:29, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

* Peter  [02-16-22 06:53]:

Dear all

End of december I updated to dt 3.8, then last week came the mail for
the update to 3.8.1. Because I was away, I wanted to update today Feb
16th. I first opened the program for a check and strangely I found then out, 
that my version is 3.8.1!! Hence I am not very long with Linux (Mint 20.3), I 
wonder how this can happen, is this normal?

appears you have someone helping you administer your system.  have you
been breached?


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Re: [darktable-user] Question regarding .svg watermarks comparing Windows and Ubuntu Linux

2022-03-01 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 01/03/2022 à 18:48, Willy Williams a écrit :
Pascal, you were correct.  The watermark works well in Linux now.  
Thank you!

Willy Williams

On 3/1/22 at 12:15, Pascal Obry wrote:

Hello !

I believe that if you convert the text to a path all will work well.


Does this mean that dt kerning handling differs according to the OS ?



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[darktable-user] Color calibration charts

2022-04-16 Thread Jean-Luc


I just updated dt to recent 3.8 (from 3.2 on the computer I am currently 
using) and noticed the color calibration module that uses calibration 
Unfortunately, the one I own is not listed, and the fine manual states 
that "Users are not currently permitted to use custom targets, but a 
limited number of verified color checkers (from reputable manufacturers) 
are supported".
OK, but is there any chance my Faust IT8 can be added some day ? Or, is 
there something I can do to help adding it ?

Merry Eastern,


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[darktable-user] extract_wb_from_images error

2022-05-08 Thread Jean-Luc


I decided to contribute and followed the instructions so as to get the 
wb presets for Nikon D4s cameras.
I first could not find the script in no place on both the computers I am 
currently using, so I downloaded it directly from github.

Unfortunately, when I launch it it ends with an error message :
ligne 7:  erreur de syntaxe près du symbole inattendu « newline »
ligne 7:  ``
Would I have missed something ?



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Re: [darktable-user] extract_wb_from_images error

2022-05-08 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 08/05/2022 à 23:18, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

* Jean-Luc  [05-08-22 15:43]:

Le 08/05/2022 à 19:29, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

* Jean-Luc  [05-08-22 13:19]:


I decided to contribute and followed the instructions so as to get the wb
presets for Nikon D4s cameras.
I first could not find the script in no place on both the computers I am
currently using, so I downloaded it directly from github.
Unfortunately, when I launch it it ends with an error message :
ligne 7:  erreur de syntaxe près du symbole inattendu « newline »
ligne 7:  ``
Would I have missed something ?

you did not provide the version of dt and dt is a moving target?

Yes, indeed. Why should I have bothered with that ? I am not using dt, but a
script running on its own.

the provided script appears for me on openSUSE Tumbleweed at

Neither this one, nor the py one here.

So I (thought I) downloaded it from the master branch at github. But it
seems that what is named there is not a script but
a html page - thank-you Sarunas.

and completes w/o error

Extracting WB presets.
preparing tarball...
cleaning up...
Extracting wb presets done, post the following file to us:

and I cannot read/translate other than English.

I just copyed the message as is. Translating it into english would have had
no sense IMHO.

well, it makes absolutely no sense to me in ?French?

the correct *current* script is available here:


Sarunas pointed me to the right file which I downloaded and and ran.

Then it could generate the archive and I submitted.

Unfortunately, it seems that I replied to Sarunas instead of the list, 
so you did not know about this.

I am quite sure I did settings in thuderbird so as to always include the 
list. Must have been altered when my HD crashed last week and I 
struggled to retrieve data.



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[darktable-user] Struggling with noise profiles creation

2022-05-24 Thread Jean-Luc


I am desperately trying to create the profiles following these 
The prerequisites are all met, but whatever my settings are the pictures 
are stated not over-exposed and the script fails.
On my last attempt, I made sure the pictures would be over-exposed, but 
then most of the pictures are reported as neither over-exposed nor 
under-exposed, as some are reported as not over-exposed only.
What annoys me is that I cannot find any log, the only file except raws 
and jpegs being output-files-list.txt which contains the list of jpegs 

Any idea where this log could be hidden ?



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Re: [darktable-user] Struggling with noise profiles creation

2022-05-25 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 25/05/2022 à 00:03, Jean-Luc a écrit :


I am desperately trying to create the profiles following these 
The prerequisites are all met, but whatever my settings are the 
pictures are stated not over-exposed and the script fails.
On my last attempt, I made sure the pictures would be over-exposed, 
but then most of the pictures are reported as neither over-exposed nor 
under-exposed, as some are reported as not over-exposed only.
What annoys me is that I cannot find any log, the only file except 
raws and jpegs being output-files-list.txt which contains the list of 
jpegs created.

Any idea where this log could be hidden ?



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Oops ! I was really tired at the time I wrote this - I did not mention 
the OS. 😬

I am running Ubuntu 20.04.
I do not think the version of dt should be relevant, as I am running a 
script on its own, but in case it would : I downloaded and built 
different versions from 3.8.1 to latest, and always faced the same 



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[darktable-user] WB strange behaviour

2022-07-12 Thread Jean-Luc


I am still running focal and finally got dt to upgrade to 4.0 yesterday. 
Cool !
I will have to learn some more things, as it comes with many 
improvements and bug fixes.

And it finally brings wb and noiseprofile support for my D4s.
About wb, I noticed something strange.
I had worked on a few photos on 3.8, on which I had set wb to Camera 
neutral and adjusted Color calibration using the color picker.
But, when I reviewed my photos on 4.0, a few minutes ago, they all 
displayed a warning on both wb and cc, and it appeared that wb was reset 
to Camera (instead of Camera neutral).
Could this be a normal behaviour, due to the fact that there were no wb 
support for this camera before ?



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Re: [darktable-user] WB strange behaviour

2022-07-12 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 12/07/2022 à 21:39, Pascal Obry a écrit :

Hi Jean-Luc,

This is not a bug but an anticipated side effect of a move that was
really needed since a long time.

The camera adobe coef are now taken from rawspeed directly instead of
dt adobe_coeff.c. We knew that some coefs were not in sync with the
ones in rawspeed and that's why you see this behavior.

The good news is that this simplification by using directly the coefs
from rawspeed instead of a copy will avoid any more issues like this.

To fix, just reapply the camera neutral setting in WB module.


Hello Pascal,

Fine, now I know.
And, of course, I found that just re-applying the preset seemed to work, 
but I wanted to be sure whether it was a normal behaviour or not before 
telling about it.

No need anymore, you did it. ;-)
By the way, does it mean that now copying/pasting wb from a picture to 
others will give more accurate results (from my quick testings, it seems 
that yes, but i am not sure) ?



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Re: [darktable-user] "while balance applied twice" warning in DT 4.0

2022-07-13 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 13/07/2022 à 10:57, Mikael Ståldal a écrit :
Ah, got it, thanks for the explanation. Now when I know how it works, 
it makes sense.

(I guess that I should have read the user manual before asking, since 
it is explained there.)

However, I think the error messages could be improved. I am used to 
modules working more or less independently from each other, and this 
coupling is unexpected.

On 2022-07-13 10:42, Remco Viëtor wrote:

On mercredi 13 juillet 2022 10:20:50 CEST Mikael Ståldal wrote:

Now I get the same problem when importing a new photo in 4.0. It's fine
right after import, but as soon as I change something in the White
Balance module, I get the "while balance applied twice" warning, and in
Color Calibration it says "white balance module error".

I get this in the console:
[color calibration] white balance error
[color calibration] white balance error
[color calibration] white balance error
[white balance] double application of white balance
[white balance] double application of white balance
[color calibration] white balance error
That's exactly the planned behaviour: if you want to use the color 

module, the white balance module should be set to "camera reference".
The reasoning behind that is that the demosaic module needs some form 
of white
balancing/camera correction to give a decent result, but the proper 
place to

correct for illuminant (aka colour of scene lighting) is later in the
I must admit I did not understand when I read this using the help on the 
WB module.
But now, after Pascal explained it and you pointed it again, I read the 
help again and finally found that it makes sense.

[OT]By the way, I realize that I never thanked the devs for adding exif 
handling in the metadata fields at import.

This feature is really helpful. Many thanks. :-) [/OT]



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[darktable-user] Auto-applying presets... what am I doing wrong ?

2022-07-14 Thread Jean-Luc


Running dt 4.0 on Focal 20.04.
I am currently setting presets that should automatically be applied 
according to the recognized lens.
But, unfortunately, none of them are. Or, more exactly, the module is 
not activated - neither at import, nor when resetting the history, and 
so I have to activate it manually each time.
I suppose it must be related to the way the lens are identified and how 
I set it. So let's take an example :

1. the exif image infos reports this
2. the lens is reported like this

3. I filled the fields this way

   (after activating the module, of course).

I insist on the fact that I activate the module before I create the 
setting - though I am not sure whether it really matters or not.

The online manual does not say much about this. What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance,


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[darktable-user] Crash when applying time offset

2022-07-16 Thread Jean-Luc


[dt 4.0 / ubuntu 20.04]

Struggling with geotagging. Trying to apply an offset to photos, but dt 
always crash and returns to desktop.
One hour later, I opened an issue there 

Anyone else facing this ?



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Re: [darktable-user] Auto-applying presets... what am I doing wrong ?

2022-07-21 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 14/07/2022 à 18:01, Jean-Luc a écrit :


Running dt 4.0 on Focal 20.04.
I am currently setting presets that should automatically be applied 
according to the recognized lens.
But, unfortunately, none of them are. Or, more exactly, the module is 
not activated - neither at import, nor when resetting the history, and 
so I have to activate it manually each time.
I suppose it must be related to the way the lens are identified and 
how I set it. So let's take an example :

 1. the exif image infos reports this

 2. the lens is reported like this

 3. I filled the fields this way

(after activating the module, of course).

I insist on the fact that I activate the module before I create the 
setting - though I am not sure whether it really matters or not.

The online manual does not say much about this. What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance,


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Would it happen to be something obvious ? I am afraid that I still do 
not understant what is wrong.
Moreover, I am nearly sure - no, in this case I cannot state it - it 
used to work on dt 3.8.



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Re: [darktable-user] Auto-applying presets... what am I doing wrong ?

2022-07-22 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 21/07/2022 à 21:08, Pascal Obry a écrit :

Hello Jean-Luc,

The name you reported from the Exif contains Zoom and this is not what
is entered into the pattern for the matching on the module.

The string must be exact match or you can use the joker '%' before and
after to match whatever is in prefix or suffix.

Heu !?

I thought it had to match the string in the lens-info section of lens 
correction module ! 😬
It made no doubt to me, so I made sure I typed the string with no 
alteration and checked... many times, before I came here searching for help.

I will correct this as soon as possible.



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[darktable-user] How to lock sorting order ?

2022-07-27 Thread Jean-Luc


The online help does not say aynthing about this :

1. on the top of the window, select a sorting order (for instance :
   full path)
2. in the left panel, go to Collections and select what to filter on
3. double-click on to the collections that are displayed in the list
4. the sorting order is reset to it's original kind (in my case : name)

So each time I have to go and select again Full path.
Is there a way to lock the selection ?



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Re: [darktable-user] How to lock sorting order ?

2022-07-28 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 28/07/2022 à 06:12, Terry Pinfold a écrit :

Hi Jean-Luc,
       I am using DT on a windows computer and I followed your 
instructions and could not replicate your issue. Even after closing 
and restarting DT it kept the same sort settings for me. I am not sure 
if anyone else can replicate your problem. Knowing the OS and DT 
version may help. Good luck.

On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 01:12, Jean-Luc  


The online help does not say aynthing about this :

 1. on the top of the window, select a sorting order (for instance
: full path)
 2. in the left panel, go to Collections and select what to filter on
 3. double-click on to the collections that are displayed in the list
 4. the sorting order is reset to its original kind (in my case :

So each time I have to go and select again Full path.
Is there a way to lock the selection ?



Hello Terry,

Indeed. Focused on describing as accurately as possible, and again 
forgot to give details about OS and dt.😬

So : dt 4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.
Here are screenshots :
Step 1- set sort order

Steps 3- to 4- (1: to 3: on the screenshots)...

If you confirm it does not behave this way on your system, I will open 
an issue.



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Re: [darktable-user] How to lock sorting order ?

2022-07-29 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 28/07/2022 à 23:48, Terry Pinfold a écrit :

Hi J-Luc,
         On my system DT sorts correctly. I have tested this on two 
different windows computers.

On Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 00:48, Jean-Luc  

Le 28/07/2022 à 06:12, Terry Pinfold a écrit :

Hi Jean-Luc,
       I am using DT on a windows computer and I followed your
instructions and could not replicate your issue. Even after
closing and restarting DT it kept the same sort settings for me.
I am not sure if anyone else can replicate your problem. Knowing
the OS and DT version may help. Good luck.

On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 01:12, Jean-Luc


The online help does not say aynthing about this :

 1. on the top of the window, select a sorting order (for
instance : full path)
 2. in the left panel, go to Collections and select what to
filter on
 3. double-click on to the collections that are displayed in
the list
 4. the sorting order is reset to its original kind (in my
case : name)

So each time I have to go and select again Full path.
Is there a way to lock the selection ?



Hello Terry,

Indeed. Focused on describing as accurately as possible, and again
forgot to give details about OS and dt.😬
So : dt 4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.
Here are screenshots :
Step 1- set sort order

Steps 3- to 4- (1: to 3: on the screenshots)...

If you confirm it does not behave this way on your system, I will
open an issue.



OK, so time for a bug report.



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[darktable-user] Highlights recovery / Filmic v6

2022-08-16 Thread Jean-Luc


Running dt 4.0 from ppa on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (still not 22.04 yet).
I am trying to understand whether it makes sense or not to use 
Highlights reconstruction together with filmic v6, since it seems it 
brings its own highlight reconstruction tools.
The french online help seems no longer available, and maybe I did not 
understand correctly.

Could someone please confirm ?



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Re: [darktable-user] Highlights recovery / Filmic v6

2022-08-16 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 16/08/2022 à 16:23, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On mardi 16 août 2022 15:11:06 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:


Running dt 4.0 from ppa on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (still not 22.04 yet).
I am trying to understand whether it makes sense or not to use
Highlights reconstruction together with filmic v6, since it seems it
brings its own highlight reconstruction tools.
The french online help seems no longer available, and maybe I did not
understand correctly.
Could someone please confirm ?

I think the two tools work differently.

The highlight reconstruction module (at least for "clip" and "reconstruct in
Lch" modes) works on individual pixels, where filmic uses the surrounding area
as well to get some detail back in clipped areas.

The "laplacian" reconstruction in the "highlight reconstruction" uses the
surrounding area as well, but is horrendously slow on larger areas.


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So, I assume I need only one to be activated at one time (that was in 
fact the actual meaning of my question).
It seems to me that overburned areas are altered when using HL 
reconstruction,  displaying blue-gray-ish tint instead of white.
But I was not sure whether it is normal, or because of some inapropriate 
module and/or setting.
I find white rendering better than blue-gray-ish, so deactivating HL 
reconstruction while letting filmic do the job seems a better choice.

Le 16/08/2022 à 15:40, a écrit :

Search on youtube, there's a video about highlight recoveries in DT &
filmic "darktable pink highlights and how to fix them filmic" from
studio petrikas

Excellent explanations

I am eating videos heavily those times, mainly french ones because this 
is my native language and the only one that I really understand.
I often have to listen many times to english ones before I can 
understand, and subtitles - when existing - ... well... better not being 
there. 😠

Thanks to both.



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[darktable-user] dt 4.0 corrupts disk

2022-08-16 Thread Jean-Luc


dt 4.0 repo / Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Dell E5540 16 GB RAM / 1To SSD, photos 
on external DD.

This is the second time this happens since running dt 4.0 : pasting 
development to a series of photos, dt suddenly freezes and nothing 
responds anymore.
After over one hour waiting in vain, I have to kill dt. Then, the 
external DD displays garbage and cannot be accessed anymore. So I have 
switch the computer off.

When I restart it, te DD is no more mountable, nor accessible by Gparted.
The only way to read it is memtest, which sees the partition and the 
files but, in the second part, detects inconsitency in sectors sizes.
It takes about two hours before the scan is finished, so I can copy the 
backup fat onto the main one, and all is fine again.
I hope it will end soon, so I can check all ran fine, but this is how I 
did the first time.
The question is : is there a chance dt has stored some crash report 
somewhere, so I can attach it when I create the bug report ?



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Re: [darktable-user] dt 4.0 corrupts disk

2022-08-17 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 16/08/2022 à 23:17, I. Ivanov a écrit :

On 8/16/22 13:59, Patrick Shanahan wrote:

* Jean-Luc  [08-16-22 16:42]:
I would definitely try another external drive and maybe try to store 
on a

local drive and move the files after finishing.

Agree with Patrick.

It is more likely the DD responds with corrupting the data because of 
the operation (writing xml I expect) than Darktable actually doing 
something wrong.

If it is a spin disk – you may want to check it for bad sectors. But 
what Patrick suggest should take the disk out of the equation completely.




First, it is Testdisk, not memtest - I do not know why I always mention 
the second instead of the first... 😬
And I do not know as well why I wrote the scan lasts two hours, since it 
takes more than twelve. 😬😬
And, yes, does not really reflect the reality : as I have still not 
upgraded to 22.04, the problem might be caused by anything else than dt 
itself, so a log would have been a good starting point.
My interrogation was whether dt coul have saved a crash dump though 
launched as usual - ie with no commuter, aso. The answear is obviously 
no, unfortunately.
The last time it happened I ran a full test after restoration (another 
12+ hours) and no bad sector was detected.
In any case, I have a backup of the files, I just need to get the 
sidecars then I can copy to another disk and restart clean.



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Re: [darktable-user] dt 4.0 corrupts disk

2022-08-17 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 17/08/2022 à 13:45, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

* Jean-Luc  [08-17-22 06:12]:

Le 16/08/2022 à 23:17, I. Ivanov a écrit :

On 8/16/22 13:59, Patrick Shanahan wrote:

* Jean-Luc  [08-16-22 16:42]:
I would definitely try another external drive and maybe try to store
on a
local drive and move the files after finishing.

Agree with Patrick.

It is more likely the DD responds with corrupting the data because of
the operation (writing xml I expect) than Darktable actually doing
something wrong.

If it is a spin disk – you may want to check it for bad sectors. But
what Patrick suggest should take the disk out of the equation




First, it is Testdisk, not memtest - I do not know why I always mention the
second instead of the first... 😬
And I do not know as well why I wrote the scan lasts two hours, since it
takes more than twelve. 😬😬
And, yes, does not really reflect the reality : as I have still not upgraded
to 22.04, the problem might be caused by anything else than dt itself, so a
log would have been a good starting point.
My interrogation was whether dt coul have saved a crash dump though launched
as usual - ie with no commuter, aso. The answear is obviously no,
The last time it happened I ran a full test after restoration (another 12+
hours) and no bad sector was detected.
In any case, I have a backup of the files, I just need to get the sidecars
then I can copy to another disk and restart clean.

you are still not eliminating possibilities with your current approach.
Yes, I do, since I intend to copy the files to another disk. I just need 
to retrieve my sidecars first.

try first to export to a local disk.
That might not be really relevant, the problem does not occur 
systematically. Only two times since dt upgrade and heavy work 
(reworking my whole images collection, 24k+ photos).

also try to another removable drive.

See above, 1st reply.

I doubt "22.04" is the problem.

It is not, since I still have not upgraded. So, rather *my* 20.04 install with 
dt4 - if even.
I have installed lots of stuff, and restarting from a fresh 22.04 clean install 
might be the solution.
However, restoration is still in progress, so I have to wait a little bit more.



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[darktable-user] dt from repo / build

2022-08-17 Thread Jean-Luc


And sorry for that maybe stupid questions, but...
I currently run dt from repos, and all works fine though some stuff is 
not installed (especially tools like noise, profiling, etc.).
On a second machine (not the one I use for processing my photos !), I 
compiled it using the instructions on those pages 
However, it seems that some files are not at the same places that those 
intalled from repos. Maybe it is something normal.

My questions:

1. is it possible (and safe ?) to force the installation in the exact
   same location that the offical packages ? How ?
2. I found there is no stable branch, just master and numbered.
   If I type
   git clone --branch latest --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   it will fail, however
   git clone --branch master --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   will work. No possibility to get something else than master ?
3. In the same kind of things, a little further one can find
   git checkout tags/release-4.0.0
   which seems to only work with numbering, even master is not
   recognized ('tags/release-master' does not correspond to any file
   known by git [translated from french]).
   What does this deserve ?

Sorry for all those questions, but I am trying to understand how things 
work for this project, as it seems the commuters differ slightly from 



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Re: [darktable-user] dt 4.0 corrupts disk

2022-08-17 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 17/08/2022 à 15:33, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On mercredi 17 août 2022 15:12:35 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 17/08/2022 à 13:45, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

* Jean-Luc  [08-17-22 06:12]:

Le 16/08/2022 à 23:17, I. Ivanov a écrit :

On 8/16/22 13:59, Patrick Shanahan wrote:

* Jean-Luc  [08-16-22 16:42]:
I would definitely try another external drive and maybe try to store
on a
local drive and move the files after finishing.

Agree with Patrick.

It is more likely the DD responds with corrupting the data because of
the operation (writing xml I expect) than Darktable actually doing
something wrong.

If it is a spin disk – you may want to check it for bad sectors. But
what Patrick suggest should take the disk out of the equation




First, it is Testdisk, not memtest - I do not know why I always mention
second instead of the first... 😬
And I do not know as well why I wrote the scan lasts two hours, since it
takes more than twelve. 😬😬
And, yes, does not really reflect the reality : as I have still not
upgraded to 22.04, the problem might be caused by anything else than dt
itself, so a log would have been a good starting point.
My interrogation was whether dt coul have saved a crash dump though
launched as usual - ie with no commuter, aso. The answear is obviously
The last time it happened I ran a full test after restoration (another
hours) and no bad sector was detected.
In any case, I have a backup of the files, I just need to get the
then I can copy to another disk and restart clean.

you are still not eliminating possibilities with your current approach.

Yes, I do, since I intend to copy the files to another disk. I just need
to retrieve my sidecars first.

try first to export to a local disk.

That might not be really relevant, the problem does not occur
systematically. Only two times since dt upgrade and heavy work
(reworking my whole images collection, 24k+ photos).

also try to another removable drive.

See above, 1st reply.

I doubt "22.04" is the problem.

It is not, since I still have not upgraded. So, rather *my* 20.04 install
with dt4 - if even. I have installed lots of stuff, and restarting from a
fresh 22.04 clean install might be the solution. However, restoration is
still in progress, so I have to wait a little bit more.



While you  are troubleshooting, perhaps also do a memtest on the RAM. A faulty
RAM chip once gave me a lot of "bad sectors" on a HDD (and as they were marked
as such, replacing the RAM stopped it getting worse, but didn't recover the
"bad" sectors...)

In any case, I'd rule out hardware problems before upgrading to a new OS


Good idea, I will do this.😎
The scan has finished, the partition was reported as Deleted. It was 
enough to revert it to Primary, I am able to access the whole disk 
I am currently copying the sidecars, then I will copy the raws from the 
backup disk to a new one and copy the sidecars, and finally run a test 
on the "faulty" disk.

It may take some time, I will come back and report when done.


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Re: [darktable-user] dt from repo / build

2022-08-17 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 17/08/2022 à 18:36, William Ferguson a écrit :

On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 10:15 AM Jean-Luc 


And sorry for that maybe stupid questions, but...
I currently run dt from repos, and all works fine though some
stuff is not installed (especially tools like noise, profiling, etc.).
On a second machine (not the one I use for processing my photos
!), I compiled it using the instructions on those pages

However, it seems that some files are not at the same places that
those intalled from repos. Maybe it is something normal.
My questions:

 1. is it possible (and safe ?) to force the installation in the
exact same location that the offical packages ? How ?

You can do it.  I would remove the official packages first.  When you 
build specify /usr as the installation prefix


 2. I found there is no stable branch, just master and numbered.

master is the current branch that all changes are merged to.  There is 
no stable branch since darktable is not a rolling release.

releases are tagged so that they can be checked out and built.

 1. If I type
git clone --branch latest --recurse-submodules --depth 1
it will fail, however
git clone --branch master --recurse-submodules --depth 1
will work. No possibility to get something else than master ?

git checkout release-4.0.0
git submodule update

This checks out the versions of the submodules used to build release-4.0

 1. In the same kind of things, a little further one can find
git checkout tags/release-4.0.0
which seems to only work with numbering, even master is not
recognized ('tags/release-master' does not correspond to any
file known by git [translated from french]).
What does this deserve ?

git checkout master takes you back to master.  Just do a git submodule 
update after you change back.

Sorry for all those questions, but I am trying to understand how
things work for this project, as it seems the commuters differ
slightly from others.



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Thanks, Bill. 😎
I think (I hope...) I understand.



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Re: [darktable-user] Exif tag lost during conversion nef to jpg

2022-10-14 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 14/10/2022 à 17:53, Ruud Baart a écrit :


while converting from nef to jpg using

    darktable-cli file.nef xmp-file file.jpg

the exif tag GPSAltitude is lost. There are more differences in the 
exif tags between the jpg and nef file. See attached pdf.

I seems to me  the missing GPSAltitude and the double DateTimeOriginal 
are bugs. Other differences can be correct. Could someone with more 
experience than I have maybe take a look at it? The missing  
GPSAltitude is a bit annoying.


Maybe I am wrong, but if I remember correctly this can be set using a 
menu in the export module.

There you can set what data you whish to export together with you images.



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[darktable-user] Building dt

2022-11-04 Thread Jean-Luc


Not exactly that.
In fact, the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems not 
active anymore - or at least only once a year.

So I did not get the summer update so far.
I would like to build dt myself, but not see it fall into my home 
directory, as it always happens when I do it.
So, my question : how can I manage to install it as if it were done 
frome repo ?
I searched and could find with /wereis/ that it currently uses the 
following directories :

   darktable: /usr/bin/darktable /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/darktable
   /usr/libexec/darktable /usr/share/darktable

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [darktable-user] Building dt

2022-11-05 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 04/11/2022 à 21:58, Bernhard a écrit :

Bernhard schrieb am 04.11.22 um 21:54:

Jean-Luc schrieb am 04.11.22 um 17:49:


Not exactly that.
In fact, the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems not 
active anymore - or at least only once a year.

So I did not get the summer update so far.
I would like to build dt myself, but not see it fall into my home 
directory, as it always happens when I do it.
So, my question : how can I manage to install it as if it were done 
frome repo ?
I searched and could find with /wereis/ that it currently uses the 
following directories :

    darktable: /usr/bin/darktable 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/darktable /usr/libexec/darktable 
/usr/share/darktable /usr/share/man/man1/darktable.1.gz

You know these instructions?

It tells you to do this

mkdir build/
cd  build/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable/ ..
sudo make install

with the prefix being the directory to install to ...
This works for me although I don't know much about all these things.

btw. I use `checkinstall` instead of `make install` to build a package 
(.deb in my case) and then use the package manager (dpkg in Debian) to 
install/uninstall the package.

Hello Bernhard,

So I might have done something weird when I tried this.
However, I notice that then the maintainer of the repository from which 
I installed did follow the instructions, since dt appears in 
/usr/bin/darktable instead of /opt/darktable/.

At this point, what would you advise me to do ? Backup my config and

 * unsinstall dt, erase everything related to it in the directories
   above and build as described in github, or
 * use cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin/darktable ..



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Re: [darktable-user] Building dt

2022-11-12 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 07/11/2022 à 23:22, Bernhard a écrit :

Jean-Luc schrieb am 06.11.22 um 00:22:

Le 04/11/2022 à 21:58, Bernhard a écrit :

Bernhard schrieb am 04.11.22 um 21:54:

Jean-Luc schrieb am 04.11.22 um 17:49:


Not exactly that.
In fact, the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems 
not active anymore - or at least only once a year.

So I did not get the summer update so far.
I would like to build dt myself, but not see it fall into my home 
directory, as it always happens when I do it.
So, my question : how can I manage to install it as if it were 
done frome repo ?
I searched and could find with /wereis/ that it currently uses the 
following directories :

    darktable: /usr/bin/darktable 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/darktable /usr/libexec/darktable 
/usr/share/darktable /usr/share/man/man1/darktable.1.gz

You know these instructions?

It tells you to do this

mkdir build/
cd  build/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable/ ..
sudo make install

with the prefix being the directory to install to ...
This works for me although I don't know much about all these things.

btw. I use `checkinstall` instead of `make install` to build a 
package (.deb in my case) and then use the package manager (dpkg in 
Debian) to install/uninstall the package.

Hello Bernhard,

So I might have done something weird when I tried this.
However, I notice that then the maintainer of the repository from 
which I installed did follow the instructions, since dt appears in 
/usr/bin/darktable instead of /opt/darktable/.

At this point, what would you advise me to do ? Backup my config and

 * unsinstall dt, erase everything related to it in the directories
   above and build as described in github, or
 * use cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin/darktable ..

What distro do you use? You write
the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems not active 

There should be a package for most common distros here:

I use /opt since I do like to try darktable master every now and then 
and want to make sure this does not interfere with production 
darktable stable version (which is installed to /usr/bin by package 
manager from repo above).

If you compile and this is the only version you want to use ... I'd 
think nothing speaks against the procedure you suggested.



So, I had prepared to run the commands with /usr/bin/darktable instead 
of /opt/darktable/ when the package manager displayed available updates.

There was dt among the updates, so I let do.
I will now be able use the geotagging module safely on my photos.



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Re: [darktable-user] Building dt

2022-12-23 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 12/11/2022 à 17:52, Jean-Luc a écrit :

Le 07/11/2022 à 23:22, Bernhard a écrit :

Jean-Luc schrieb am 06.11.22 um 00:22:

Le 04/11/2022 à 21:58, Bernhard a écrit :

Bernhard schrieb am 04.11.22 um 21:54:

Jean-Luc schrieb am 04.11.22 um 17:49:


Not exactly that.
In fact, the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems 
not active anymore - or at least only once a year.

So I did not get the summer update so far.
I would like to build dt myself, but not see it fall into my home 
directory, as it always happens when I do it.
So, my question : how can I manage to install it as if it were 
done frome repo ?
I searched and could find with /wereis/ that it currently uses 
the following directories :

    darktable: /usr/bin/darktable 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/darktable /usr/libexec/darktable 
/usr/share/darktable /usr/share/man/man1/darktable.1.gz

You know these instructions?

It tells you to do this

mkdir build/
cd  build/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable/ ..
sudo make install

with the prefix being the directory to install to ...
This works for me although I don't know much about all these things.

btw. I use `checkinstall` instead of `make install` to build a 
package (.deb in my case) and then use the package manager (dpkg in 
Debian) to install/uninstall the package.

Hello Bernhard,

So I might have done something weird when I tried this.
However, I notice that then the maintainer of the repository from 
which I installed did follow the instructions, since dt appears in 
/usr/bin/darktable instead of /opt/darktable/.

At this point, what would you advise me to do ? Backup my config and

 * unsinstall dt, erase everything related to it in the directories
   above and build as described in github, or
 * use cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin/darktable ..

What distro do you use? You write
the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems not active 

There should be a package for most common distros here:

I use /opt since I do like to try darktable master every now and then 
and want to make sure this does not interfere with production 
darktable stable version (which is installed to /usr/bin by package 
manager from repo above).

If you compile and this is the only version you want to use ... I'd 
think nothing speaks against the procedure you suggested.



So, I had prepared to run the commands with /usr/bin/darktable instead 
of /opt/darktable/ when the package manager displayed available updates.

There was dt among the updates, so I let do.
I will now be able use the geotagging module safely on my photos.




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New dt release made me decide to do it.

 * I first removed the PPA so it would not interfere with the build :

   sudo ppa-purge ppa:savoury1/graphics

 * Then uninstalled dt :

   sudo apt autoremove darktable -y

 * Checked the prerequisites :

   sed -e '/^#\sdeb-src /s/^# *//;t;d' "/etc/apt/sources.list" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list >
   /dev/null \
  && (
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get build-dep darktable
   sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list
   sudo apt-get install gcc g++ cmake intltool xsltproc libgtk-3-dev
   libxml2-utils libxml2-dev liblensfun-dev librsvg2-dev libsqlite3-dev
   libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev liblcms2-dev
   libjson-glib-dev libexiv2-dev libpugixml-dev checkinstall

 * Cloned the repo :

   git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   cd darktable
   git fetch --tags
   git checkout tags/release-4.2.0
   git submodule update --init

 * And, finally, launched the final process :

   mkdir build/
   cd build/
   cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..
   sudo checkinstall

And... I have now got rid of the main problems I did report so far, and 
even one I did not : the size of the menus now matches the settings I do 
in preferences.

Christmas before the day, thanks to the whole team. 😎



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Re: [darktable-user] A weird occurrence

2023-01-09 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 09/01/2023 à 15:23, Willy Williams a écrit :

I was finally able to successfully get darktable 4.2.0 to install on 
my one Linux Mint machine yesterday after having had to delete 
virtually everything darktable-related from prior versions due to 
bogus lock file issues.  The reinstalled product works splendidly, but 
I've run into a true confuser.  The small darktable shutter logo does 
not appear in the start menu, although the text does appear, and when 
I pin darktable to the system tray, a blank space appears where the 
shutter should appear.  When I click on either, darktable starts and 
runs without a hitch.  It's just that the shutter logo is absent. Any 
clues as to how to remedy this condition?

Willy Williams


  "When a photo of a person looks deep into your spirit and tells you 
a thousand stories ...
  stories from your past even before you existed, then the photo is 
way above any description."

  - Sameh Elsayed


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Hello Willy,

This happened to me when I compiled using

   cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable/ ..

I solved it by putting dt in /usr instead

   cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..

Hope this helps.


And best wishes to everyone.


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Re: [darktable-user] A weird occurrence

2023-01-10 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 09/01/2023 à 19:24, Willy Williams a écrit :

Thanks, Michael.  I'm not yet sufficiently versed in Linux Mint to 
install otherwise, but Ill get there.

Willy Williams

On 1/9/2023 at 13:15, Michael Rasmussen wrote:

On Mon, 9 Jan 2023 12:47:12 -0500
Willy Williams  wrote:

Thanks, Jean-Luc.  I have installed darktable using a flatpak, so
everything is in a different place.  I'll keep digging into this.

Never use flatpak since flatpak breaks the integration to Gimp and
could break the integration to OpenCL.

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I was kindly helped in my attempt to build on Ubuntu - I even found that 
I asked twice within a couple of months, which I apologize for.

Maybe you could find such help so as to build on your system.

I have banned both snaps and flatpacks from my system. They both lead to 
weird behaviours.

I hope next time I will successfully build without needing any help.


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Re: [darktable-user] missing database

2023-02-12 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 12/02/2023 à 16:38, Willy Williams a écrit :

On my Windows 10 system, it's in 
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\darktable.  You will likely need to 
give yourself admin privileges to access this location.

Willy Williams


On 2/12/2023 at 09:43, Jan Minekus wrote:


I just realized that my systeem info is missing. I'm sorry!

My system HP labtop Windows 10 home, 64 bits.
It may be connected to my deinstallation of darktable that did't 
darktable 4.02 gave problems, so I installed 4.01 version after 
making a backup of tthe database folder.

darktable 4.01 had no problems.


Jan Minekus

Op 12-2-2023 om 15:32 schreef Patrick Shanahan:

* Jan Minekus  [02-12-23 09:02]:


I try to install darktable again in my freshly installed computer.
Problem is the standard database is missing. Local directory does 
not have a

darktable directory which I can overwrite with a backup.
I tried to start darktable without the database but that window is 

What is wrong?
What can I do??

what operating system?  on linux you can copy your backup library.db to

I am guessing windows and I can offer you no help there.


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Hello Jan,

Close dt, go to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\darktable\ and replace 
data.db and library.db whith those from your backup.

On next atart, dt should be happy - as you should.


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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 4.2.1 released

2023-02-25 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 25/02/2023 à 22:34, tony Hamilton a écrit :

Thanks for the suggestions.

With respect, your observation is clearly easy for you to say, but 
(and I have a LOT of experience on this) not so easy for me to do. The 
explanation (aside from the opinion oft expressed by others that I'm 
chronically, endemically and terminally stupid) is indeed simple: 
those who write the instructions on how to compile have to write for a 
general audience and so make assumptions - sadly often wrong - about 
my computing environment and my ability to comprehend those 
instructions. The latter factor reflects the fact that they are 
written by obviously technically competent authors who are also 
subject matter experts (but not necessarily writers), writing for 
people like themselves - who, by very definition, do not need such 
instructions. Those instructions are, in consequence, usually 
inaccessible and inapplicable to people like myself.

A significant part of the compile process is the handling of 
compilation errors; here the documentation is frequently inadequate, 
depending on a level of detailed knowledge and understanding which is 
beyond the average Linux application user. They are typified by 
impossible to parse scenarios which have an explanation of the nature 
of: "Oh, didn't we tell you about dependencies abc, hij, opq (which is 
incompatible with def, as long as you have, or, possibly, have not, 
included rst) and xyz (but not in version 2.99)? Sorry about that."

Oh, maybe I'm just too old and lacking a sense of humour

On 25/02/2023 15:19, Patrick Shanahan wrote:

really building is simple and instructions are provided on github.


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Hello Tony,

Assuming you are running Ubuntu, here is a working process I used, based 
upon the instructions on GitHub together with help kindly provided by 
people on this list :

# Prérequis : Dépendances

   sudo apt -y install gcc g++ cmake intltool xsltproc libgtk-3-dev
   libxml2-utils libxml2-dev liblensfun-dev librsvg2-dev libsqlite3-dev
   libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev liblcms2-dev
   libjson-glib-dev libexiv2-dev libpugixml-dev exiv2 libexiv2-27
   libgmic1 libheif1 libraw20 checkinstall

# Clônage du dépôt GIT

   git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 darktable
   git fetch --tags
   git checkout tags/release-4.2.1 # the version you intend to build

# Récupération des sous-modules

   git submodule update --init

# Build manuel

   mkdir build/
   cd build/
   cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..
   sudo make install # or sudo checkinstall

This will install dt in /usr instead of /opt, so you first might have to 
uninstall dt before :

   sudo apt -y autoremove darktable

Should this help.



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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 4.2.1 released

2023-03-02 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 28/02/2023 à 07:34, I. Ivanov a écrit :

I checked obs today and what I am noticing is that no packages are 
updated—for any Linux that is on obs.

Flatpak is not available either.

I guess for now the only option is compiling from source.

On 2/26/23 01:40, tony Hamilton wrote:
I very much hope this service is maintained. Without it I will be 
reduced to either working only* on my existing level of dt, or - very 
much to be avoided if at all possible - using Windows, with all the  
security, bloatware, tracking, spying and advertising issues that 
operating system is designed to support and encourage.

* The dt package for Mint is typically some months after the first 
availability of a new version.

On 25/02/2023 22:05, I. Ivanov wrote:

Not sure if the OBS repository is maintained any more...


Last time I checked, there was no package for Ubuntu. So I made up my 
mind and compiled from sources.

That was about six months ago.
I must add that compiling dt is not that difficult, most of the work is 
automated. There are issues when one tries to do things not fully 
following the instructions.



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Re: [darktable-user] error building master since 4.3.0+1632~g7a3c976cff

2023-04-09 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 09/04/2023 à 18:46, Pascal Obry a écrit :

Le dimanche 09 avril 2023 à 12:41 -0400, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

and I cleaned and recloned to no avail.

Expected, see:

Nothing we can do at this point.


I was about to reply that I could build 4.2.1 yesterday, then I checked 
the version of gcc on my system : it is 11.

So, obviously, downgrading (is it only possible ?) to gcc 11 might help.



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Re: [darktable-user] darktable-users list, fewer postings?

2023-04-24 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 24/04/2023 à 11:00, Michael Staats a écrit :

On 24/04/2023 03:06, Terry Pinfold wrote:

"that you follow m$ *only* shows your age, not your

Maybe this passive aggressiveness on your part also chased me away.

But beside perception, there's something called "facts". And, sorry to
say, Patrick is right, you are not.

TOFU quoting was invented by Microsoft, way too late, when other
standards were already implemented and followed. The fact that most
Outlook users don't know better (again, I know what I'm talking about),
does not change that.
Actually, with a little bit of experience in IT, all alarms should fire
if you follow some rule just because MS has established it.


By the way: For sure, Microsoft will have a standard product to replace
darktable. Better go for that.




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Re: [darktable-user] darktable-users list, fewer postings?

2023-04-24 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 24/04/2023 à 11:15, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On lundi 24 avril 2023 03:06:45 CEST Terry Pinfold wrote:

"that you follow m$ *only* shows your age, not your

Maybe this passive aggressiveness on your part also chased me away.

On Mon, 24 Apr 2023 at 11:01, Patrick Shanahan  wrote:


Maybe, but Patrick is right in that bottom posting is an accepted standard,
and not just in email (usenet had the same rules).
But snipping of irrelevant material is also part of the netiquette...


And the aim of those "rules" is to make understanding of the message easier
(not necessarily the reading, there's a difference).


And, related to Michael's parallel answer, MS has a habit of implementing
standards in its own way, (often) in a way that's not compatible with other




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Re: [darktable-user] darktable-users list, fewer postings?

2023-04-26 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 26/04/2023 à 00:49, Glenn Malling a écrit :
I am an almost completely silent on this list.  However, before I 
retired in 2006 I ran the email systems, including a LISTSERV email 
list manager for Syracuse University.  At that time there was no RFC 
specifying the proper reply message body protocol.  So, unless such an 
RFC has been published since then,other than the MIME RFCs, all this 
griping is pretty much out of bounds. Personal preferences are not 
binding on others.

Glenn Malling

Retired email postmaster.
I entered the arena in the late 80s/early 90s.I did not know anything 
about rules and netiquette, so I posted the way I thought was right.
Anyone here who argues that Patrick's interventions might be 
inappropriate, rude or offensive either did not suffer the same beatings 
I did at the time - or else has forgotten about them.
Not to mention I did learn very quickly. Having braced myself on my 
positions would have meant depriving myself of valuable information so, 
yes, I complied with the rules that I took the time to read.
The established rules have the sole purpose of making it possible for 
everyone to go in the same direction. If everyone goes his own way, 
well, noone can progress.
If certain products of a brand mentioned somewhere above in this 
discussion were well thought out and free from defects before being 
published, it would have been known for a long time, and this discussion 
would not take place.
And since it is easier to get used to it than to hope for a fix, this is 
why there are so many bad habits that persist and end up becoming standards.
A bit as if, for example, you had to adapt to driving vehicles whose 
brakes do not work the way they ought to. And decide that, since it is 
the way the manufacturer designed it, it must become a de facto standard 
- despites the fact this is a bug.

A bit exaggerated as a comparison, but nevertheless...
BTW : pixl makes everyone use bottom posting without ever thinking nor 
complaining about it.
Now is the time for me to dive back into the dt documentation - yes, I 
know: the stuff you're never supposed to read. 😛
As for the rules above-mentioned, a simple search (google netiquette) 
would make it clear (although the english version seem to differ from 
the french one - WTH ?). And, once again, make this almost useless 
discussion end.



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Re: [darktable-user] Filtering combining multiple dual conditions

2023-05-07 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 07/05/2023 à 15:37, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On dimanche 7 mai 2023 14:24:03 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:


I need to export pictures with eight different tags but belonging to the
same roll.
The only way to achieve this seems to combine (rollname and tag1) or
(rollname and tag2) ... or (rollname and tag8) in the filter fields.
The problem is : it seems limited to ten lines, which means five conditions.

Perhaps "collection filters" with "search" option can work? I.e. select the
filmroll with the images you need, then set up a series of collection filter
rules with "search" for a (partial) tag name. Don't forget to switch the
combination option to "or" for the second and following rules!

This works well for simple searches (combining all rules with the same boolean
operator), not sure how easy to use it is with complex filtering.

Hello Remco,

I think - I hope - this is the way I did.
Unfortunately, as you can see on the screenshot, I can only set five 
conditions, where I need much more.

But maybe this is not what you meant.



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Re: [darktable-user] Filtering combining multiple dual conditions

2023-05-07 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 07/05/2023 à 18:06, Guillermo Rozas a écrit :

Hi Jean-Luc,
you can use the collections module to define the filmroll, and then 
the filters module to select the tags. Since datktable 4.2.1 there is 
an AND implied between them, so you can just OR all the tags in the 
filter and will only apply to the selected filmroll.


On Sun, May 7, 2023, 09:25 Jean-Luc  wrote:


I need to export pictures with eight different tags but belonging
to the
same roll.


Hello Guillermo,

I did absolutely not understand this part of the documentation, it 
remained obscure to me until both Remco and you made it clear.

Many thanks to both, it seems it works fine and does what I need ! :-)



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Re: [darktable-user] Filtering combining multiple dual conditions

2023-05-07 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 07/05/2023 à 18:04, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

Indeed, I was talking about the "collections filter", which is just below the
"collections". Basically, pick the film roll you need in the "collections"
section, then go to the section *below* that.

Many thanks again (cf. reply to guillermo).



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[darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-13 Thread Jean-Luc


Maybe I am doing things really wrong, but I am running into a problem 
that the manual could not help me to solve.

If I add a module to a workflow, it is easy to have it autoapplied.
But, if I then remove it from the workflow, it still gets applied and 
activated upon compress history or new import - whatever I do.

I am getting nuts - what on earth am I doing wrong ?



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Re: [darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-13 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 13/05/2023 à 14:03, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On samedi 13 mai 2023 12:23:12 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:


Maybe I am doing things really wrong, but I am running into a problem
that the manual could not help me to solve.
If I add a module to a workflow, it is easy to have it autoapplied.
But, if I then remove it from the workflow, it still gets applied and
activated upon compress history or new import - whatever I do.
I am getting nuts - what on earth am I doing wrong ?

Which module?

And what exactly do you mean by "adding a module to a workflow"? Afaik
(version 4.2.1) it's not possible to add a module to one of the predefined

What you can do is define auto-applied *presets*. But removal of the preset
should stop them from being autoapplied...


Hello Remco,

Yes, you are right, wrong terminology from my side. What I was calling 
workflow is actually a preset from the modules menu.

The machine running dt is three roms away from the one I am writing from.
I cloned the scene referred preset and rearranged the modules within, 
tweaking some of them - filmic RGB is one.
Now, I would like to remove the filmic RGB module, but even then it 
still gets applied at new import or history compression.
I tried with another module - sigmoid, that I just added - it behaves 
the same : no way to have it forgotten once it has been added.

Am I that stupid ? What part am I misunderstanding or doing wrong ?



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Re: [darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-13 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 13/05/2023 à 18:45, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On samedi 13 mai 2023 18:41:52 CEST Remco Viëtor wrote:

On samedi 13 mai 2023 18:00:17 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 13/05/2023 à 14:03, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On samedi 13 mai 2023 12:23:12 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:


Maybe I am doing things really wrong, but I am running into a problem
I am getting nuts - what on earth am I doing wrong ?

Going nuts not getting. :-(


It sounds like you tried to change a built-in preset and store it under the
same name. I don't think you can change the built-in presets.

No, I did duplicate an existing one.

But the solution is simple: select the layout you want to use as a basis,
then go to "manage presets" and "duplicate" the preset. You'll be asked to
give it a new name, and then you can adjust it to your liking.

That is what I did.

Oh, and a quick follow-up: module layout set through those presets doesn't
influence which modules will be auto-applied. That's determined by your
workflow settings in the "settings" dialog and possible presets in individual

In my case, there is no preset defined in the module.
By the way, I would expect that removing a module from a preset would 
prevent it from being applied and activated.

There is definitely something I have trouble in understanding.
I think Aurélien P. or Luc V. might have done videos where this could be 
explained, I just have to get ahold of the one.


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Re: [darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-14 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 14/05/2023 à 08:10, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On dimanche 14 mai 2023 00:36:10 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:
On samedi 13 mai 2023 12:23:12 CEST Jean-Luc wrote: 


In my case, there is no preset defined in the module.
By the way, I would expect that removing a module from a preset would
prevent it from being applied and activated.
There is definitely something I have trouble in understanding.
I think Aurélien P. or Luc V. might have done videos where this could be
explained, I just have to get ahold of the one.

In version 4.2.1, the *only* place where you can remove an individual module
from a preset is in the module layout. And that layout has no influence on
whether a module is auto-applied, auto-activated or not.

We are dealing with at least three different "presets" here:
- presets in individual modules, can be autoapplied or not.
- workflow presets, selected in the global settings dialog. These will
determine which modules are initially activated, and cannot be changed by the
- module layout presets. These *only* determine which modules will be visible
in the module section of the right sidebar. This has *no* influence on the
modules that will be activated for a new edit or after fully clearing the

OK, that is clear. What is not, still, is the way it behaves here.
Filmic did not appear in the moduel section before I added it into the 
group I had created from the main one.
And it was not activated nor applied until I created a preset in the 
module itself telling it to autoapply to all photos matching some 
Then, I wanted to get rid of it, so I first removed the preset upon 
which it was autoapplied. But, on my great surprise, it still gets 
applied upon history compression or new import.

OK, I went to the machine running dt, ensured there was no preset left 
into Filmic, then created one matching this :

I am sure none of the photos I took matches any of those conditions, so 
compressing the history I ought not see Filmic anymore but, guess what ? 
It is there again displayed in the history.
So, what makes it behave this way ? Why does it still bother me, instead 
of staying still ?

Back to dt again, to test whether it might also happen with other 
modules. I recently added Sigmoid to my workflow, and created the preset 
so it could be autoapplied.
Deleting the preset, Sigmoid is not applied anymore upon compression or 
new import. Re-creating the preset, Sigmoid auto-applies again.
At this point, unless someone proves that I am doing something wrong, I 
think it is time I open a bug report.



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Re: [darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-14 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 14/05/2023 à 16:04, thouks a écrit :

Which workflow preset did you choose in the global setting?

Am 14. Mai 2023 15:04:33 MESZ schrieb Jean-Luc 

Le 14/05/2023 à 08:10, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On dimanche 14 mai 2023 00:36:10 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:
On samedi 13 mai 2023 12:23:12 CEST Jean-Luc wrote: 


OK, that is clear. What is not, still, is the way it behaves here.
Filmic did not appear in the moduel section before I added it into
the group I had created from the main one.
And it was not activated nor applied until I created a preset in
the module itself telling it to autoapply to all photos matching
some conditions.
Then, I wanted to get rid of it, so I first removed the preset
upon which it was autoapplied. But, on my great surprise, it still
gets applied upon history compression or new import.
Back to dt again, to test whether it might also happen with other
modules. I recently added Sigmoid to my workflow, and created the
preset so it could be autoapplied.
Deleting the preset, Sigmoid is not applied anymore upon
compression or new import. Re-creating the preset, Sigmoid
auto-applies again.
At this point, unless someone proves that I am doing something
wrong, I think it is time I open a bug report.

Hello thouks,

I am not sure whether I understand your question...
If you mean the preset I started from, the one I duplicated, then the 
answear is Relatif à la scène (Scene referred if I translate correctly).
This seemed logical and obvious to me to use a workflow built for the 
kind I would use.



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Re: [darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-14 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 14/05/2023 à 19:07, Jack Bowling a écrit :
Change the workflow preference in the settings to "None" and see if 
your problem goes away.


On 2023-05-14 09:07, Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 14/05/2023 à 16:04, thouks a écrit :

Which workflow preset did you choose in the global setting?

Am 14. Mai 2023 15:04:33 MESZ schrieb Jean-Luc 

Le 14/05/2023 à 08:10, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On dimanche 14 mai 2023 00:36:10 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:
On samedi 13 mai 2023 12:23:12 CEST Jean-Luc wrote: 


OK, that is clear. What is not, still, is the way it behaves here.
Filmic did not appear in the moduel section before I added it
into the group I had created from the main one.
And it was not activated nor applied until I created a preset in
the module itself telling it to autoapply to all photos matching
some conditions.
Then, I wanted to get rid of it, so I first removed the preset
upon which it was autoapplied. But, on my great surprise, it
still gets applied upon history compression or new import.
Back to dt again, to test whether it might also happen with
other modules. I recently added Sigmoid to my workflow, and
created the preset so it could be autoapplied.
Deleting the preset, Sigmoid is not applied anymore upon
compression or new import. Re-creating the preset, Sigmoid
auto-applies again.
At this point, unless someone proves that I am doing something
wrong, I think it is time I open a bug report.

Hello thouks,

I am not sure whether I understand your question...
If you mean the preset I started from, the one I duplicated, then the 
answear is Relatif à la scène (Scene referred if I translate correctly).
This seemed logical and obvious to me to use a workflow built for the 
kind I would use.

Hello Jack,

I was sure I had checked this before. Hopefully, I did it now.
Surprizingly, switching to None or Display (and restart dt) makes things 
work as expected. I tested both.
So I will keep this setting to None until a solution is found. And 
update the report to take this into account.



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Re: [darktable-user] Module that still applies even if removed

2023-05-14 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 14/05/2023 à 21:14, Jean-Luc a écrit :

Le 14/05/2023 à 19:07, Jack Bowling a écrit :
Change the workflow preference in the settings to "None" and see if 
your problem goes away.


On 2023-05-14 09:07, Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 14/05/2023 à 16:04, thouks a écrit :

Which workflow preset did you choose in the global setting?

Am 14. Mai 2023 15:04:33 MESZ schrieb Jean-Luc 

Le 14/05/2023 à 08:10, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On dimanche 14 mai 2023 00:36:10 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:
On samedi 13 mai 2023 12:23:12 CEST Jean-Luc wrote: 


OK, that is clear. What is not, still, is the way it behaves here.
Filmic did not appear in the moduel section before I added it
into the group I had created from the main one.
And it was not activated nor applied until I created a preset
in the module itself telling it to autoapply to all photos
matching some conditions.
Then, I wanted to get rid of it, so I first removed the preset
upon which it was autoapplied. But, on my great surprise, it
still gets applied upon history compression or new import.
Back to dt again, to test whether it might also happen with
other modules. I recently added Sigmoid to my workflow, and
created the preset so it could be autoapplied.
Deleting the preset, Sigmoid is not applied anymore upon
compression or new import. Re-creating the preset, Sigmoid
auto-applies again.
At this point, unless someone proves that I am doing something
wrong, I think it is time I open a bug report.

Hello thouks,

I am not sure whether I understand your question...
If you mean the preset I started from, the one I duplicated, then 
the answear is Relatif à la scène (Scene referred if I translate 
This seemed logical and obvious to me to use a workflow built for 
the kind I would use.

Hello Jack,

I was sure I had checked this before. Hopefully, I did it now.
Surprizingly, switching to None or Display (and restart dt) makes 
things work as expected. I tested both.
So I will keep this setting to None until a solution is found. And 
update the report to take this into account.



So, it seems it is a wanted behaviour, as Filmic is a mandatory module 
when the wokflow is set to scene-referred.

Unexpected, but there was surely a good reason for this.
And, I realize I did not read correctly the manual - I must have skipped 
the section where this is explained. Sorry for this.



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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 4.4.1 released

2023-07-02 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 01/07/2023 à 08:19, Pascal Obry a écrit :

We're proud to announce the new corrective release of darktable, 4.4.1!

The github release is here: 

As always, please don't use the autogenerated tarball provided by
github, but only our tar.xz file. The checksums are:



A few days after 4.4 release announce, I tried to compile from sources, 
following the steps I used for 4.2 - and that was still up-to-date at 
this time.
I ended up with abort due to many missing dependancies and gcc-12+ 
After some time spent to satisfy most of the dependancies, I still could 
not override the gcc problem.
I finally thought I had solved it, after some more browsing, but the 
only result was a fatal system crash and I had to reinstall from scratch.
I am now in the previous state of dt 4.2.1 running, but not willing to 
try again the compiling adventure without being sure I will not run into 
the same issue again.
Have the compiling instructions been updated, so I will be able to reach 
the end of the process ?
I am currently running Ubuntu 22.04-2, and the steps for getting dt from 
sources are those :


   # Pré-requis : installation des dépendances
   sed -e '/^#\sdeb-src /s/^# *//;t;d' "/etc/apt/sources.list" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list >
   /dev/null \
  && (
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt build-dep darktable
   sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list

   # Prérequis : Dépendances
   sudo apt install gcc g++ cmake intltool xsltproc libgtk-3-dev
   libxml2-utils libxml2-dev liblensfun-dev librsvg2-dev libsqlite3-dev
   libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev liblcms2-dev
   libjson-glib-dev libexiv2-dev libpugixml-dev

   # Paquets divers
   sudo apt install exiv2 libexiv2-27 libexiv2-dev libgmic1 libheif1
   libraw20 checkinstall

   # Clônage du dépôt GIT
   git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   cd darktable
   git fetch --tags
   git checkout tags/release-4.4.0

   # Récupération des sous-modules
   git submodule update --init

   # Build manuel
   mkdir build/
   cd build/
   cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..
   sudo checkinstall --pkgname=darktable
   --pakdir=/home/jean-luc/.config/debian --nodoc



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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 4.4.1 released

2023-07-04 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 02/07/2023 à 18:54, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On dimanche 2 juillet 2023 17:29:28 CEST Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 01/07/2023 à 08:19, Pascal Obry a écrit :

We're proud to announce the new corrective release of darktable, 4.4.1!

The github release is here:

As always, please don't use the autogenerated tarball provided by
github, but only our tar.xz file. The checksums are:



A few days after 4.4 release announce, I tried to compile from sources,
following the steps I used for 4.2 - and that was still up-to-date at
this time.
I ended up with abort due to many missing dependancies and gcc-12+
After some time spent to satisfy most of the dependancies, I still could
not override the gcc problem.
I finally thought I had solved it, after some more browsing, but the
only result was a fatal system crash and I had to reinstall from scratch.
I am now in the previous state of dt 4.2.1 running, but not willing to
try again the compiling adventure without being sure I will not run into
the same issue again.
Have the compiling instructions been updated, so I will be able to reach
the end of the process ?
I am currently running Ubuntu 22.04-2, and the steps for getting dt from
sources are those :

Once you have the source code and all dependencies, what worked for me was:

export CC=gcc-12; export CXX=g++-12; ./ --prefix /opt/darktable --
build-type Release --install --sudo

That forces use of the GCC version 12 C and C++ compilers before starting the
build process. But make sure you have removed a "build" directory that may
have been created in your source tree by earlier attempts: cmake caches some
results there and will reuse them whenever it finds them. But if you changed
anything, those cached results will be wrong...


Thanks Remco,

I did not know about this syntax. I did have installed gcc-12, but I did 
not know the way to force it to be used instead of the previous one.
So I tried to remove the previous installed stuff, and I did so many 
things I read here and there that I ended up in system upside-down.

Than-you again for your help.



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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 4.4.1 released

2023-07-04 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 03/07/2023 à 10:07, tony Hamilton a écrit :

On 02/07/2023 16:29, Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 01/07/2023 à 08:19, Pascal Obry a écrit :


You helped me to compile 4.2.1 some months ago; I hope this helps you 
now: My attempts to compile 4.4.0 immediately after it was announced 
failed with a compiler version error (see discussion in under 
"Don't understand failure to compile dt 4.4.0 from source"). That was 
fixed by installing g++-12 using Synaptic and running two additional 
commands before the build: "export CC=gcc-12" and "export 
CXX=g++-12".  I then used the same process as described in the readme 
( see without 
problem, under Mint 21.1, using the 'easy method' to compile.

Yes, I did not know about that syntax.

Thanks to you as well.



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Re: [darktable-user] Build error with 4.4.2

2023-07-24 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 24/07/2023 à 15:50, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :

* Remco Viëtor  [07-24-23 09:39]:

On lundi 24 juillet 2023 15:02:24 CEST Patrick Shanahan wrote:
(concerning build instructions)

the directions in dt's github repository are quite good.

However, what I did miss in them was how to tell the build system which
compiler to use. Not all distributions have the latest GCC as "standard"
version, even when it is available in their repositories.
Hence the need for something like: "export CC=gcc-12; export CXX=g++-12;".

(Would this be something to include in the build instructions, or is it too
much "required knowledge" for those who insist on building from source?)

it is not always necessary but when it is, it is.  it would be a good
addition to the github instructions, imnsho

Yes, yes ! Thanks to Toni and Remco, I could finally install dt 4.4.2, 
but if it had been written in the build instructions that would have 
spared time to them.

Er... not sure if I correctly transcribed what I think... I hope...



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Re: [darktable-user] A different build error with 4.4.2 under Mint 21.2

2023-07-25 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 25/07/2023 à 13:57, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On mardi 25 juillet 2023 10:57:27 CEST tony Hamilton wrote:
(...)Given my level of skill and understanding

, coupled with the non-specific nature of the error messages generated
by CMake, it is impossible for somebody like me to determine precisely
what package dependencies are missing from my instance of Linux. Result:
compile is bound to fail, until somebody like me gets help from somebody
like you.

But behind all this frustration there is somebody (somebodies) who know
EXACTLY what the dependencies are. It would transform the compile
success rate for somebody like me if those dependencies were completely
documented somewhere, or, better still, if there was a command which I
could copy/paste that would act to meet all those dependencies.

But the dependencies *are* listed, just before the (perhaps outdated) commands
to install them. The list gives you the library name and minimum required
version (if any). It cannot give the package names to install, as they vary
between distributions (and perhaps even versions). Then again, I think most
distributions have a graphical package manager, with search function (Yast for
OpenSUSe, Synaptic(?) for Mint)... And make sure you install the required
development packages as well..

There is a learning curve for compiling programs, but once you master it, you
are a lot less dependant on packagers.

When you run into issues, remember to look at the first error message listed,
it's usually the most important (note: *error* message, information and
warning messages are often less helpful).
I faced this exact same problem when trying to compile 4.4.1, along with 
the one related to compiler being obsolete.
I did not know about the apt-cache search command, so I did search 
through the net and could find most of the missing libraries.
The other one was the export tip, that I now know about, thanks to your 
However, people like Tony, many others and I are casual compilers - I 
personally only do this mainly for dt. So there is really very few 
chances for us to master the compiling process.
I did read the howto pages before trying to compile 4.4.1, but I finally 
had to ask for help.
I know that listing everything that is needed for a peculiar task is 
tedious - I do this more than once at work, I have to do it on my spare 
time, and I am neither paid for that, nor rewarded in any way.
But then, I am sure that the colleagues that read the docs can go 
through the whole process - if they even will read it, but this is 
another thing.
There will always be people that will not read the howtos, but then the 
ones which will have will be able to help them and let the devs do what 
they really are involved in : offer us this wonderful piece of software.

Yes, I know : I am a dreamer...



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[darktable-user] Collections sorting default setting

2023-07-25 Thread Jean-Luc


I am facing an issue that I thought I had solved long ago, but I could 
not find any trace of anything related to it.
When I browse collections using tags, the sort order is set to filename 
by default. I would like it to be set to full path, just like on the 
attached screenshot.
I could not find anything in the manual, the built-in help has no entry, 
and the filter preferences does not display it either.
This would not patter if I browed the collections one by one, but I am 
currently browsing them by tag, so a same tag can belong to many 
collections and thousends of pictures that are not sorted upon my needs.

Did I miss something ?



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Re: [darktable-user] Collections sorting default setting

2023-07-25 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 25/07/2023 à 17:42, Jean-Luc a écrit :


I am facing an issue that I thought I had solved long ago, but I could 
not find any trace of anything related to it.
When I browse collections using tags, the sort order is set to 
filename by default. I would like it to be set to full path, just like 
on the attached screenshot.
I could not find anything in the manual, the built-in help has no 
entry, and the filter preferences does not display it either.
This would not patter if I browed the collections one by one, but I am 
currently browsing them by tag, so a same tag can belong to many 
collections and thousends of pictures that are not sorted upon my needs.
Did I miss something ? 

I found something weird in my install of dt.
Reset everything, deinstalled dt and currently reinstalling from sources.
Hoping this will fix my problem.

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Re: [darktable-user] Collections sorting default setting

2023-07-25 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 25/07/2023 à 18:29, Jean-Luc a écrit :

Le 25/07/2023 à 17:42, Jean-Luc a écrit :


I am facing an issue that I thought I had solved long ago, but I 
could not find any trace of anything related to it.
When I browse collections using tags, the sort order is set to 
filename by default. I would like it to be set to full path, just 
like on the attached screenshot.
I could not find anything in the manual, the built-in help has no 
entry, and the filter preferences does not display it either.
This would not patter if I browed the collections one by one, but I 
am currently browsing them by tag, so a same tag can belong to many 
collections and thousends of pictures that are not sorted upon my needs.
Did I miss something ? 

I found something weird in my install of dt.
Reset everything, deinstalled dt and currently reinstalling from sources.
Hoping this will fix my problem. 

That did it !



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[darktable-user] Crop not visible anymore

2023-07-26 Thread Jean-Luc


I apologize for this, but myself cannot even understand what really 
happened, nor how to reproduce it.
I was editing pictures yesterday, using among other things filtering 
One of the pictures was cropped, and I could see the cropped part inside 
the full picture.
Then, I had to type something in a field for searching or filtering 
purpose, but the cursor might not be placed where it ought to.
As I had typed the characters, I looked back at my picture and noticed 
that the display had commuted to full screen - no problem with that - 
but the cropped area was not displayed anymore.
The full picture was displayed instead. I had to quit dt and, after 
launching it again the crop was correctly displayed again.
I was then using a shaky install of dt (cf. my previous posting), but 
even in the clean install I could not find any shortcut that would 
explain this.
I know it is like asking you to crystal gaze, but just in case someone 
could know...



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Re: Fwd: [darktable-user] darktable suddenly refuses to launch on Manjaro

2023-08-30 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 25/08/2023 à 14:31, Bruce Williams a écrit :

No, I had not!
This was the error thrown by the terminal:

an error occurred while trying to execute gdb. please check if gdb is 
installed on your system.

backtrace written to /tmp/darktable_bt_XHGFA2.txt
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  darktable



And sorry to come so late.
There has already been a discussion about such an error involving gdg 
(gnu debug).

IIRC, such error is related to some corrupted config or db file.
Might be worth restoring the files at the time you updated to 4.4 and 
see what happens...



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Re: [darktable-user] Module "rotate and perspective" / aspect ratio

2023-12-10 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 10/12/2023 à 19:13, Michael Fritze a écrit :


I use the "rotate and perspective" a lot and I only miss one feature. Maybe I
did not find it, maybe there is another module to do this.
When I use this module most times X/Y ratio does not look correct. E.g.
squares are not squares and circles look like an ellipse.
Is there a way to scale aspect ratio?


Last option when specific is selected as lens type is Aspect adjustment 
(Ajustement de l'aspect, in french).

Could you check if it is set to 1.00 when the problem occurs ?


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Re: [darktable-user] Installing darktable 4.6 in Ubuntu 22.04.3 why is it so hard?

2023-12-27 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 27/12/2023 à 14:54, Remco Viëtor a écrit :

On mercredi 27 décembre 2023 14:04:30 CET Andrew Greig wrote:

I have backed up my ~config/darktable of 4.4.2 and

I have issues with the installation, what is best? apt snap or flatpack?
why do we have such a shit fight?
In 2002 I was using Mandrake and it was as smooth as.  Best detection
and configuration of hardware because of the outstanding installer, but
here we are 21 years later and things are really shit!!


Darktable team can only provide so many binary packages. If they don't provide
a package for your distribution, you'll have to wait until someone else
prepares one.

The latest version was published dec. 21, that's about a week ago, with
christmas in that week. Some of the packagers might have had other obligations
during that time?

And of course, if you are in a hurry, you can always download the source code
and compile dt yourself. Apart from a possible hurdle concerning compiler
versions(*), it's not that difficult. (it's what I did...)

  (*: you need at least GCC 12, and then best use "export CC=gcc-12;export
CXX=g++-12" before starting the build)


I second this fully. Packaging is not as just snapping one's fingers.
Forget about flatpaks and snaps which could lead to unexpected 
behaviours, the best is compiling from sources - what I began to do a 
few releases ago.
I install in /usr so as to get things as close as possible from the 
first installation from Pascal D.'s repository, and I use checkinstall 
instead of make install.
The whole process stands below (don't forget to backup your important 
folders) :

   # Désinstallation de darktable (optionnel)
   ## #sudo apt autoremove darktable -y #
   Pré-requis : installation des dépendances
   ### sed -e '/^#\sdeb-src
   /s/^# *//;t;d' "/etc/apt/sources.list" \ | sudo tee
   /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list > /dev/null \ &&
   ( sudo apt update sudo apt build-dep darktable ) sudo rm
   /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list # Prérequis :
   Outils  sudo apt -y install autoconf automake
   autopoint appstream build-essential checkinstall clang cmake exiv2
   extra-cmake-modules g++-12 git git-all intltool m4 make meson nasm
   ninja-build patch pkg-config tar xsltproc # Prérequis : Dépendances
   # sudo apt -y install libavif-dev
   libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexiv2-27 libexiv2-dev libgmic1 libgtk-3-dev
   libheif1 libimath-3-1-29 libjpeg-dev libjson-glib-dev liblcms2-dev
   liblensfun-dev libportmidi-dev libpugixml-dev libraw20 librsvg2-dev
   libsqlite3-dev libtiff5-dev libxml2-dev libxml2-utils # Clônage du
   dépôt GIT ## git clone --recurse-submodules
   --depth 1 cd
   darktable git fetch --tags git checkout tags/release-4.6.0 #
   Récupération des sous-modules ### git
   submodule update --init # Build manuel ## mkdir build/
   cd build/ export CC=gcc-12 export CXX=g++-12 cmake
   -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ .. make sudo checkinstall

Worked flawlessly with 4.4.x (with add-on of 2 new export instructions), 
4.5.0 and latest 4.6.0, I adapt it upon release version and new 
dependancies and other needs such as GCC versions.

As always, before everything : backup all important datas.

Rgrds, and happy New Year celebrations,


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Re: [darktable-user] dt 4.6.1 - Fatal error in build from source; advice requested

2024-02-23 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 20/02/2024 à 11:25, tony Hamilton a écrit :

I'm building dt 4.6.1 following the build procedure in the READMe.MD file on
github as accurately as I am able to - that is I am following every command
line instruction/example given. I'm running Mint 21.3, up to date as of this

The build proceeds to about 95% complete; it then posts this error (copied
from my terminal dialog):

The error is consistently reproducible. I am deleting ~/darktable and
/opt/darktable entirely between build attempts.

Hello Tony,

I just gave it a try a few minutes ago with no problem.
Ubuntu 22.04.
Maybe something weak in your system. :-/



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Re: [darktable-user] dt 4.6.1 - Fatal error in build from source; advice requested

2024-02-26 Thread Jean-Luc

Le 24/02/2024 à 09:53, tony Hamilton a écrit :

On 23/02/2024 23:14, Florian Heer wrote:

On 23/02/2024 21:28, Jean-Luc wrote:

Le 20/02/2024 à 11:25, tony Hamilton a écrit :

I'm building dt 4.6.1 following the build procedure in the READMe.MD file on
github as accurately as I am able to - that is I am following every command
line instruction/example given. I'm running Mint 21.3, up to date as of this


Don't forget, after compiling, to update lenfun - otherwise some cameras 
might be missing.

sudo apt update liblensfun-bin

My D4s had vanished once more, this made it come back.



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Re: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: [darktable-user] Linux question

2020-11-25 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 25/11/20 02:05
> De : "Patrick Shanahan" 

> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: [darktable-user] Linux question
> * Michael  [11-24-20 19:30]:
> > yeah I am just a simple guy... that is too complicated for me!
> > Let's see find -maketime ? type file -deletefile
> > 
> > see, too complicated!
> > 
> > On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 7:20 PM Patrick Shanahan 
> > >
> > > * Michael  [11-24-20 19:14]:
> > > > find it easier to:
> > > >
> > > > sudo updatedb
> > > > locate 
> > > >
> > > > well that might be because I never learned the find command but still
> > > > it works for me.
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 2:53 PM Anton Aylward 
> > > > >
> > > > > On 24/11/2020 12:09, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > > > > > * Sakke K  [11-24-20 12:01]:
> > > > > >> locate is a faster command than find.
> > > > > >> For example, locate _A250256.ORF.xmp
> > > > > >
> > > > > > yes, find actively scans your file structure while locate just look 
> > > > > > into
> > > > > > its database. but the database must be up-to-date or your locate 
> > > > > > will
> > > > > > fail.
> > > > >
> > > > > RTFM
> > > > > Just to clarify from TFM:
> > > > > ==
> > > > > locate(1) General Commands Manual
> > > > >
> > > > > NAME
> > > > > locate - find files by name
> > > > >
> > > > > SYNOPSIS
> > > > > locate [OPTION]... PATTERN...
> > > > >
> > > > > locate reads one or more databases prepared by updatedb(8) and
> > > > > writes file names matching at least one of the PATTERNs to standard
> > > > > output, one per line.
> > > > >
> > > > > ...
> > > > >
> > > > > By default, locate does not check whether files found in database
> > > > > still exist (but it does require all parent directories to exist if
> > > > > the database was built with --require-visibility no). locate can
> > > > > never report files created after the most recent update of the 
> > > > > relevant
> > > > > database.
> > > > > ===
> > > > >
> > > > > So if you've uploaded (or relocated after uploading to a scratch 
> > > > > directory)
> > > > > since the last update to the relevant databases, 'locate' is not 
> > > > > going to be
> > > > > useful. 'find', by comparison deals with what is actually in the file 
> > > > > system
> > > > > right now.
> > > > >
> > > > > The man page on 'updatedb' says it is refreshed daily by 'cron', but 
> > > > > on some
> > > > > systems it is done by a systemd timer unit.
> > > > >
> > > > > Either way, it may not, on you system, be enabled by default. It 
> > > > > isn't on mine.
> > > > > So I prefer to use 'find'. Which is more flexible about such matters 
> > > > > time and
> > > > > size and the ability run subcommands such as 'exifgrep' on any 
> > > > > potential match.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > darktable user mailing list
> > > > > to unsubscribe send a mail to 
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > :-)~MIKE~(-:
> > > > 
> > > > darktable user mailing list
> > > > to unsubscribe send a mail to 
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > except that updating the locate db more than likely takes quite a bit
> > > longer than a more localized find command.
> > >
> > > but locate will be easier for you if that is what you understand and do
> > > not understand find.
> > >
> > > that said, find is very handy once you learn it as it has many
> > > applications. I automagically remove files in a particular directory
> > > based on their file-date:
> > > find -mtime +22 -type f -delete
> > >
> > > Just one example.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri
> > > openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri
> > > Photos: paka @ IRCnet freenode
> > > 
> > > darktable user mailing list
> > > to unsubscribe send a mail to 
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > :-)~MIKE~(-:
> > 
> > darktable user mailing list
> > to unsubscribe send a mail to
> much simpler if you type the command correctly, ie: it is not "maketime".
> so perhaps it really is too complicated. 
> your words.
Find... a very powerfull swiss knife, indeed !

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Re: [darktable-user] Importing from camera

2021-01-02 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 02/01/21 16:44
> De : "KOVÁCS István" 
> A : "Darktable Users List" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Importing from camera
> On Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 20:27, Willy Williams  wrote:
> >
> > When you open lighttable, you'll see an "import" function top left directly 
> > under the darktable logo.
> > Click on "import and you'll see two possibilities; "image..." and 
> > "folder...". Assuming that
> > you're looking for a folder on your camera, click on "folder...". When the 
> > folder window
> > pops up, look for your camera and find the folder on your camera that 
> > contains your images.
> Wouldn't that register the images in darktable's DB with the paths on
> the camera, without copying them over?
> 'If your distribution tries to automount it, select the option to
> abort the mount operation'
> And also here:
> Kofa

I wonder why on earth do some people absolutely want to import right from the 
It is far slower and less safe than doing it by reading the card from a card 
Safe : if the card falls on to the ground, it will not be the same as if it 
were the camera.
Slower : I admit this is based upon my own observations with Nikon 1 v1, D700 
and D4s conneted either via usb2 or usb3. 
Plus, if I do not mistake, this just does import the pictures into the 
database, so they will not be available anymore after unplugging the camera.
I think, together with others on this list, that the best is to copy the files 
from the card to the disk, and then import them.
There are many tools that allow organizing while copying, most of them have 
been listed in previous posts.



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Re: [darktable-user] Importing from camera

2021-01-03 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 02/01/21 19:30
> De : "Tom Whale" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Importing from camera
> On 02.01.2021 at 18:47 Jean-Luc CECCOLI wrote:
> > I wonder why on earth do some people absolutely want to import right from 
> > the camera.
> > It is far slower and less safe than doing it by reading the card from a 
> > card reader.
> > Safe : if the card falls on to the ground, it will not be the same as if it 
> > were the camera.
> > Slower : I admit this is based upon my own observations with Nikon
> > 1 v1, D700 and D4s conneted either via usb2 or usb3. 
> > Plus, if I do not mistake, this just does import the pictures into
> > the database, so they will not be available anymore after unplugging the 
> > camera.
> > I think, together with others on this list, that the best is to
> > copy the files from the card to the disk, and then import them.
> > There are many tools that allow organizing while copying, most of
> > them have been listed in previous posts.
> But you cannot import directly from SD-card. When doing this, the
> photos remain on the SD-Card and the sidecar-files are written on the
> SD-card. Sorry but this is a no-go.
> The only practicable way is to copy the photos on the harddisk.

Yes, indeed.
And this is why I use /import/ through the 5 first lines, describing what I 
think to be a database related operation (line 6), and then suggest to /copy/ 
the files to the disk as the most sensible thing to do.



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[darktable-user] Camera / lens not found

2021-01-13 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

This happens with 3.4.0 on 20.04LTS. My Nikon D4s (and only this one) is no 
longer recognized in the lens correction module - even the oldest ones, for 
which I used the module.
This did not with previous version of dt.
Any suggestion welcome.



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re: [darktable-user] Camera / lens not found

2021-01-13 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 13/01/21 19:31
> De : "Jean-Luc CECCOLI" 
> A : "Darktable Users List" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [darktable-user] Camera / lens not found
> Hello,
> This happens with 3.4.0 on 20.04LTS. My Nikon D4s (and only this one) is no 
> longer recognized in the lens correction module - even the oldest ones, for 
> which I used the module.
> This did not with previous version of dt.
> Any suggestion welcome.
> Rgrds,
> J.-Luc

Self-replying : /usr/share/lensfun/version_1 was not up to date (53 files / 1.9 
MB against 55 files / 3+ MB on my w10 machine).
Copying the folder from my w10 machine solved the problem.
As this happens on both my 2 Ubuntu machines, I will file a bug.
Curious to know if others noticed that, btw.



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Re: [darktable-user] Camera / lens not found

2021-01-13 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 13/01/21 19:56
> De : "KOVÁCS István" 
> A : "Darktable Users List" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Camera / lens not found
> On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 at 19:49, Jean-Luc CECCOLI
>  wrote:
> > Self-replying : /usr/share/lensfun/version_1 was not up to date (53 files / 
> > 1.9 MB against 55 files / 3+ MB on my w10 machine).
> > Copying the folder from my w10 machine solved the problem.
> > As this happens on both my 2 Ubuntu machines, I will file a bug.
> Don't. Those files are not shipped by darktable; your Linux distro
> (Ubuntu) ships them.
> Instead, run the lensfun-update-data command in a terminal.
> Kofa

Thanks István ; sudo apt install liblensfun-bin + sudo lensfun-update-data did 
However, let me insist on the fact that all worked fine with previous dt 
version on the same system version.
Nothing changed except dt being updated.
This sounds very strange to me.



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re: [darktable-user] Windows: how to safely upgrade from 3.2.1 to 3.4

2021-01-21 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI





> Message du 21/01/21 13:17
> De : "Marc Cabuy" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [darktable-user] Windows: how to safely upgrade from 3.2.1 to 3.4
> Dear darktable under Windows user(s),  I will appreciate your advice.

> This may be a stupid question: how to safely upgrade from 3.2.1 to 3.4 on 
> Windows while keeping the database, settings, etcetera.
> When I upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.2.1 I wiped everything, entered manually all 
> settings again (and loaded/imported my raw and xmp files).

Why on earth did you do that ?
When upgrading to a new version, dt first asks you whether you agree or not 
with doing so, then makes a backup of your db and settings and, finally, 
installs the new stuff.

> Especially re-entering the settings in darktablerc helped me to avoid strange 
> interference for newly imported raw’s as both the base curve module and the 
> filmic module appeared for a (than new) scene-referred workflow.

> I hope I can avoid this now.

Just let the installer do its job, and you're done.

> Thanks,

You're welcome...

> Marc


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Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

2021-02-15 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 15/02/21 18:00
> De : "DougC" 
> A : "darktable-user" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?
> That thread helps my understanding a lot! Thank you.
> My conclusion is that allowing a manual sort order in a module tab in the GUI 
> would make it difficult to implement other changes that are under 
> consideration. To me, that is a good argument.

I do not know what extra work it would imply for the devs, nor if it would be 
either useful or convenient, so please do not bash !
Please, consider also that I am only a casual user, and I rely upon the devs' 
decisions and choices, even if some do not match my tastes (or I do not 
understand the reason why they chose to do so, nor the goal).
But, why not allow the user to create a tab with aliases to the original 
modules, which would never be altered whatever the alias tab displays ?
When the user needs to see what is really happening, he goes back to the main 
tab, and when he wants to work according to his taste, he uses his alias tab.



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Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

2021-02-16 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 15/02/21 20:09
> De : "Guillermo Rozas" 
> A : "darktable-user" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Still no GUI module order possible?

>> But, why not allow the user to create a tab with aliases to the original 
>> modules, which would never be altered whatever the alias tab displays ?
>> When the user needs to see what is really happening, he goes back to the 
>> main tab, and when he wants to work according to his taste, he uses his 
>> alias tab.

> Check the link I posted 
> (, it more or less 
> answers your question (related to the new 'basic module', which is 
> reminiscent of your 'alias tab').

OK, I had read it before, but not completely understood. Language barrier 
implies I often have to read the posts at least 4~5 times before I can 
understand more or less.
Do not forget too that I am a casual user, with no experience with other 
graphics nor photo software. Yes, in fact : Bibble / Aftertouch, but not 
heavily as well.

> The main points for me (not a developer, but happy to answer user questions) 
> are two: 

> - consistency: everything else is pipe-ordered. Having a single tab ordered 
> not in pipe order, while the rest is, means people get confused. People 
> confused means more work answering questions and wrongly filled bugs. Notice 
> that the proposal linked above has a small chance to go through precisely 
> because it's a separate 'module', which could be made clearly different from 
> the regular tabs to convey the idea that GUI sliders order and pipe order are 
> not related ONLY in that module.

> - having all tabs not in pipe-order loses the 'physical' (visual?) connection 
> between module order and image result, which is worse. As somebody said 
> before, you don't expect a layer-based software (like Gimp or Photoshop) to 
> allow you to re-order the layers independently of how they will be merged 
> (usually top to bottom). This is the same situation: pipe-order is central to 
> how darktable works, operations are applied in a defined order, and the GUI 
> order reflecting pipe-order is a manifestation of that (now more than ever 
> because pipe-order can be changed).

This all makes sense - it was explained in the link, thank-you to re-developing 

Nothing more to add.



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Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts

2021-02-23 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 22/02/21 20:37
> De : "Patrick Shanahan" 

> A : "darktable forum" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts
> [.../...]
> and *indeed* one SHOULD NOT REPLY ALL as most who read the list have
> absolutely no need or want for a duplicate msg.
Well, if I only had hit "Reply", you only would have received this post.
In order to let it be distributed to the list, I had to hit "Reply all" and 
then delete your address form the recipients.
When I happen to forget to do this, you get the duplicaate and tell me not to 
send directly to you.
This list is the only one I have been belonging to that behaves this way - 
which does not mean it is the only one - but it is not convenient at all.
Add to that that it also handles the posts / threads in a way that often makes 
them unreadable for others...



darktable user mailing list
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Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts

2021-02-23 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 23/02/21 21:19
> De : "Patrick Shanahan" 

> A : "darktable forum" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts
> > > Message du 22/02/21 20:37 
> > > De : "Patrick Shanahan" 
> > 
> > > A : "darktable forum" 
> > > Copie à : 
> > > Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts 
> > > 
> > > [.../...] 
> > > 
> > > and *indeed* one SHOULD NOT REPLY ALL as most who read the list have 
> > > absolutely no need or want for a duplicate msg. 
> > > 
> > Well, if I only had hit "Reply", you only would have received this post. 
> > In order to let it be distributed to the list, I had to hit "Reply all" and 
> > then delete your address form the recipients. 
> > When I happen to forget to do this, you get the duplicaate and tell me not 
> > to send directly to you. 
> > This list is the only one I have been belonging to that behaves this way - 
> > which does not mean it is the only one - but it is not convenient at all. 
> > Add to that that it also handles the posts / threads in a way that often 
> > makes them unreadable for others... 
> > 
> > Rgrds, 
> > 
> > J.-Luc 
> > 
> >  
> > darktable user mailing list 
> > to unsubscribe send a mail to 
> >
> > 
> > darktable user mailing list
> > to unsubscribe send a mail to
> > 
> so just two people have misconfigured email clients? very odd that mine
> works fine.
Patrick, I do not use any email client, but my isp's web interface - which is 
not configurable at all.
I only can choose to use html or plain text, no automatic cc nor reply-to nor 
If I choose html, then each CR is seen by others like 2 CR - a blank line 
between each line - and misquoting appears on replying. Pretty unreadable.
If I choose plain text, then I may have problems with posts from people using 
such interface - double CR and misquoting, that means one cannot see who wrote 
Attempted that when using the same tool there is no problem, then we can assume 
the problem is araised between the two parts.



darktable user mailing list
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Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts

2021-02-24 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 24/02/21 00:29
> De : "Patrick Shanahan" 

> A : "darktable forum" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts
> * Jean-Luc CECCOLI  [02-23-21 18:16]:
> > > Message du 23/02/21 21:19
> > > De : "Patrick Shanahan" 
> > 
> > > A : "darktable forum" 
> > > Copie à : 
> > > Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts
> > > 
> > > > > Message du 22/02/21 20:37 
> > > > > De : "Patrick Shanahan" 
> > > > 
> > > > > A : "darktable forum" 
> > > > > Copie à : 
> > > > > Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts 
> > > > > 
> > > > > [.../...] 
> > > > > 
> > > > > and *indeed* one SHOULD NOT REPLY ALL as most who read the list have 
> > > > > absolutely no need or want for a duplicate msg. 
> > > > > 
> > > > Well, if I only had hit "Reply", you only would have received this 
> > > > post. 
> > > > In order to let it be distributed to the list, I had to hit "Reply all" 
> > > > and then delete your address form the recipients. 
> > > > When I happen to forget to do this, you get the duplicaate and tell me 
> > > > not to send directly to you. 
> > > > This list is the only one I have been belonging to that behaves this 
> > > > way - which does not mean it is the only one - but it is not convenient 
> > > > at all. 
> > > > Add to that that it also handles the posts / threads in a way that 
> > > > often makes them unreadable for others... 
> > > > 
> > > > Rgrds, 
> > > > 
> > > > J.-Luc 
> > > > 
> > > >  
> > > > darktable user mailing list 
> > > > to unsubscribe send a mail to 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > darktable user mailing list
> > > > to unsubscribe send a mail to 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > so just two people have misconfigured email clients? very odd that mine
> > > works fine.
> > > 
> > Patrick, I do not use any email client, but my isp's web interface - which 
> > is not configurable at all.
> > I only can choose to use html or plain text, no automatic cc nor reply-to 
> > nor whatsoever.
> > If I choose html, then each CR is seen by others like 2 CR - a blank line 
> > between each line - and misquoting appears on replying. Pretty unreadable.
> > If I choose plain text, then I may have problems with posts from people 
> > using such interface - double CR and misquoting, that means one cannot see 
> > who wrote what.
> > Attempted that when using the same tool there is no problem, then we can 
> > assume the problem is araised between the two parts.
> I would stongly consider another email client.
> fwiw: your current email client is's web interface.
> and you can use another email client.
Well, I tend to rather consider as real email clients programs that can be 
configured, like thunderbird for instance, but that does not matter and is OT.
I have been using many real email clients in the past, each one having its 
strengths and weaknesses, and I have ended up in rather being limited to basic 
capabilities than suffering from many problems because of too many 
The fact is, that what one calls standard is not what others interpret as so, 
and leads to such situations.



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Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts

2021-02-25 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 24/02/21 18:29
> De : "Patrick Shanahan" 

> A : "Jean-Luc CECCOLI" 
> Copie à : "darktable forum" 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Not seeing replies to my posts
> * Jean-Luc CECCOLI  [02-24-21 12:20]:
> > > Message du 24/02/21 00:29
> > > De : "Patrick Shanahan" 
> > 
> [.../...]
> fwiw: you apparently believe I need two copies of list mail as you have
> apparently optioned to reply to ALL. 
No, I just forgot to erase your address from the to field. :-/



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re: [darktable-user] Bottom line previews movement

2021-03-01 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 28/02/21 16:45
> De : "Lorenzo Fontanella" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [darktable-user] Bottom line previews movement
> I am asking about an annoying DT behavior I have always encountered, it could 
> be a design choice but it is very uncomfortable for me.
> In particular in "darkroom" 
> The bottom line that shows the previews, moves all the previews one position 
> to the right or left depending on which preview I select.
> I would like the previews to stay still, I can't find the setting to change 
> this behavior. 
> Thanks

> Lorenzo Fontanella

This is, I think, because dt centers the view to the selected picture, so you 
always know which one you are working on.



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re: [darktable-user] changing directory

2021-03-27 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 27/03/21 17:49
> De : "Jan Minekus" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [darktable-user] changing directory
> Hello,
> The drive letter of my darktable folder has changed when I did a new 
> install of my computer. All files have the same structure as before.
> How can I change this? I would like to keep all the changes I made and 
> be able to go back to the original version of the files.
> In the darktablerc file I can change the entries containing the drive 
> letter.
> Is there another way to do this?
> In the preferences is no entry containing the path.
> I'm using windows 10 home 64 bits and darktable
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Jan Minekus

Better go to windows drive manager and modify the letter so it matches the 
previous one.



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re: [darktable-user] changing directory

2021-03-27 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 27/03/21 23:36
> De : "Jean-Luc CECCOLI" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : re: [darktable-user] changing directory
> > Message du 27/03/21 17:49
> > De : "Jan Minekus" 
> > A :
> > Copie à : 
> > Objet : [darktable-user] changing directory
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > The drive letter of my darktable folder has changed when I did a new 
> > install of my computer. All files have the same structure as before.
> > How can I change this? I would like to keep all the changes I made and 
> > be able to go back to the original version of the files.
> > 
> > In the darktablerc file I can change the entries containing the drive 
> > letter.
> > Is there another way to do this?
> > In the preferences is no entry containing the path.
> > 
> > I'm using windows 10 home 64 bits and darktable
> > 
> > -- 
> > Kind regards,
> > Jan Minekus
> >
> Hello,
> Better go to windows drive manager and modify the letter so it matches the 
> previous one.
> Rgrds,
> J.-Luc

Well, yes, of course, you can do that another way : directly within the db - 
this is why I did not suggest it before.
1- First of all, backup your library.db file
2- open original library.db with any sql editor.
3- go to the sql console window
4- type the two following lines :
update film_rolls SET
folder = replace( folder, 'new_unwnated_path_to_the_files', 
Be aware to replace the values between single quotes by the actual ones !
5- execute the code

But I still think acting directly on the drive letter is better and safer.



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Re: [darktable-user] changing directory

2021-04-01 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 28/03/21 06:07
> De : "August Schwerdfeger" 
> A : "Darktable Users List" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] changing directory
> A third option (which does not involve any hand-hacking of the database) is 
> to open the folders collection, right-click on the root folder containing all 
> the misplaced images, and click "search filmroll...". This will bring up a 
> dialog box in which you should select the new location of that same folder.

Well, this option did not exist (or, maybe, I could not find it in the manual), 
5~6 years ago, as I had to merge my pictures from several small disks to a 
bigger one.
As the db contained paths to files in each of them, I had to directly access 
the db (after doing a back-up) and replace the values.

As for modifying the windows drive letter, it is not a hack but a system 
function that any basic windows user must be able to achieve.
The OP did a new install thaat modified the drive letter, the safest and 
fastest way IMO is to tell the computer it is wrong and reasign the letter - if 
This often happens when preparing new computers at work : the disk is split in 
two partitions, but after installing from the usb key it is the key itself that 
is assigned the D: letter, instead of the second disk partition.

> --
> August Schwerdfeger


> > On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 6:02 PM Jean-Luc CECCOLI  wrote:
> >
> > Message du 27/03/21 23:36
> > > De : "Jean-Luc CECCOLI" 
> > > A :
> > > Copie à : 
> > > Objet : re: [darktable-user] changing directory
> > > 
> > > > Message du 27/03/21 17:49
> > > > De : "Jan Minekus" 
> > > > A :
> > > > Copie à : 
> > > > Objet : [darktable-user] changing directory
> > > > 
> > > > Hello,
> > > > 
> > > > The drive letter of my darktable folder has changed when I did a new 
> > > > install of my computer. All files have the same structure as before.
> > > > How can I change this? I would like to keep all the changes I made and 
> > > > be able to go back to the original version of the files.
> > > > 
> > > > In the darktablerc file I can change the entries containing the drive 
> > > > letter.
> > > > Is there another way to do this?
> > > > In the preferences is no entry containing the path.
> > > > 
> > > > I'm using windows 10 home 64 bits and darktable
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > Kind regards,
> > > > Jan Minekus
> > > >
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > Better go to windows drive manager and modify the letter so it matches 
> > > the previous one.
> > > 
> > > Rgrds,
> > > 
> > > J.-Luc
> > 
> > Well, yes, of course, you can do that another way : directly within the db 
> > - this is why I did not suggest it before.
> > 1- First of all, backup your library.db file
> > 2- open original library.db with any sql editor.
> > 3- go to the sql console window
> > 4- type the two following lines :
> > update film_rolls SET
> > folder = replace( folder, 'new_unwnated_path_to_the_files', 
> > 'old_expected_path_to_the_files');
> > Be aware to replace the values between single quotes by the actual ones !
> > 5- execute the code
> > 
> > But I still think acting directly on the drive letter is better and safer.
> > 
> > Rgrds,
> > 
> > J.-Luc

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re: [darktable-user] News about darktable 3.6

2021-04-01 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 01/04/21 16:49
> De : "Pascal Obry" 

> A : "darktable-dev" , "darktable-user" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [darktable-user] News about darktable 3.6
> Hello!
> Some news about darktable positioning.
> The good news is darktable binary is now half the size of previous
> release. Thanks to the removal of most superfluous modules that almost
> nobody uses like velvia, tone curves, liquify... The GUI is now lighter
> than ever. 
> Some views have also been removed like Map, Tethering, Slideshow to
> keep the most important ones. 
> All remaining modules have also been revamped to remove many controls
> and keep them usable by beginners (most dev modules have now one or two
> sliders), the others parameters have good defaults or computed based on
> the others. This will be a good ground to attract beginners, for hard-
> core people it is highly advised to keep 3.4.1.
> These decisions are been made because the dev community is too small
> and we cannot at this stage support all the base code. We have decided
> to keep Windows for now but the MacOS port will be removed.
> The 3.6 release is still plan for end of June or very early in July.
> Regards,

Hello Pascal,

You almost got me, I read your post at least three times to be sure, but, 
then... april 1st, well... :-D



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re: [darktable-user] Wacom tablet and DT and GIMP

2021-04-07 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 07/04/21 08:56
> De : "Andrew Greig" 
> A : "darktable-user" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [darktable-user] Wacom tablet and DT and GIMP
> Hi All,
> Are there any users of the Wacom Tablet under Linux who could recommend 
> a model that works well, or maybe everything works well.
> Cheers
> Andrew

CTL-6100WL works fine under Ubuntu 20.04, not tested with DT though, but I 
guess basic functions will work fine.



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re: [darktable-user] Wacom tablet and DT and GIMP

2021-04-08 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 07/04/21 12:36
> De : "Jean-Luc CECCOLI" 
> A : "darktable-user" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : re: [darktable-user] Wacom tablet and DT and GIMP
> > Message du 07/04/21 08:56
> > De : "Andrew Greig" 
> > A : "darktable-user" 
> > Copie à : 
> > Objet : [darktable-user] Wacom tablet and DT and GIMP
> > 
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Are there any users of the Wacom Tablet under Linux who could recommend 
> > a model that works well, or maybe everything works well.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Andrew
> >
> Hello,
> CTL-6100WL works fine under Ubuntu 20.04, not tested with DT though, but I 
> guess basic functions will work fine.
> Rgrds,
> J.-Luc

This is this one :
I am not skilled enough to use it correctly, but I could use it to do basic 
actions in dt (almost) like with my trackball.

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Re: [darktable-user] News about darktable 3.6

2021-04-10 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 10/04/21 22:21
> De : "I. Ivanov" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] News about darktable 3.6
> What happens if older images were processed with such modules? Does it 
> mean we cannot re export the images as originally processed (because the 
> modules are gone)?
> Regards,
> B
> On 4/1/21 07:49, Pascal Obry wrote:
> > The good news is darktable binary is now half the size of previous
> > release. Thanks to the removal of most superfluous modules that almost
> > nobody uses like velvia, tone curves, liquify... The GUI is now lighter
> > than ever.

Not the last to get caught by this huge fish, I'm afraid. (sigh).

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Re: [darktable-user] Plan for dt 3.6

2021-04-13 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 13/04/21 06:09
> De : "Michael Staats" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Plan for dt 3.6
> On 13/04/2021 05:35, Chas G wrote:
> > Maybe I'm missing something since I tend to delete email pretty fast,
> > but I don't see where "Postmaster" has specified what has failed for him
> > or her.
> I think "postmaster" should be ignored. He's what has been called a
> "troll" in the old Usenet days (I think the meaning has changed a bit
> nowadays, but it's a still negative meaning, and that's what applies to
> him). If someone would bother to find out what "" is, it
> might help, but why waste the time?
> Best regards,
> Michael
That is what I was thinking too : a troll. Just to be ignored.



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Re: Presets setting too many parameters, sometimes (was: [darktable-user] Activating the pipeline)

2021-05-05 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 05/05/21 13:31
> De : "Patrick Shanahan" 

> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: Presets setting too many parameters, sometimes (was: 
> [darktable-user] Activating the pipeline)
> * Michael Staats  [05-05-21 01:33]:
> > Hi Patrick
> > 
> > On 04/05/2021 17:01, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > > * Michael Staats  [05-04-21 08:51]:
> > >> Hi
> > >> FYI: Just opened feature request #8861
> > >>
> > >> "Smart Presets": More flexible presets: only set some parameters of a
> > >> module
> > >
> > > can you not do that already by setting the scope or just "%" which matches
> > > everything?
> > 
> > I'm not sure what you mean by "setting the scope". If you are talking
> > about the matching criteria, where you can set "%" to match everything:
> > Well, this can be used to decide if a preset will be applied, or not.
> > But not which parameter of the module is affected, it's always all
> > parameters, with values that were active when the preset was created.
> > Which is fine for many cases, but not for all.
> > 
> > Ok, coming back to my use-case: For my Sigma 17-70, I could of course
> > create, say, 10 presets in lens correction, each for a different focal
> > length, and match this in the matching criteria. But I'm afraid, this is
> > a bit too tedious.
> so what you desire is possible but not "easy" ...
I think that is not possible at all, unless one creates a preset for each focal 
length - e.g., for a 17-70, it would need 54 presets at least. And 131 for a 
70-200 ! ouch !
I think certain values ought to be flexible, depending on, for instance, the 
focal length.
I do not mean I want this, though. I know it may be very difficult to 
implement, if not impossible, as I read such requessts in threads for other 
photo software.



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Re: [darktable-user] Question regarding v3.4 and v3.6 file importing

2021-07-18 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 16/07/21 10:22
> De : "Bernhard" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Question regarding v3.4 and v3.6 file importing
> Michael Staats schrieb am 16.07.21 um 07:37:
> > On 15/07/2021 20:47, Willy Williams wrote:
> >> I tend to think that perhaps I'm overthinking this, but here's the
> >> question:  In v3.4, I could "import" an "image" or a "folder" (section
> >> 2.3.1 of The Fine Manual for v 3.4).  Now that v3.6 has been released, I
> >> can "import" then "add to library" or "copy & import", per section 1.4.1
> >> of The New Fine Manual.  It almost seems that these changes are purely
> >> verbiage, not unlike a used car salesman calling a "pig" a "cochon" to
> >> be able to double the sale price.  Frankly, I prefer to be able to open
> >> a single image the way I did in v3.4 to the new way of opening a
> >> library, then a folder, then an image as in v3.6.  It seems to me that
> >> if my perception is correct, darktable is sliding too close to things I
> >> detest about Lightroom.  If my perception is wrong, I'm very open to
> >> seeing it differently, but this is what I see right now. Thoughts?
> >>
> >> Willy Williams
> >>
> > Hi
> > According to what I understood, you are mostly right, except that it's
> > more like calling a "pig" a "pig" and a "cow" a "cow", and not only one
> > button with "some mammals" ;-)
> >
> > In other words: There were many discussions about what (the old)
> > "import" means, when you (e.g.) connect your camera directly, or
> > "import" from a local directory. One was involving copying files, the
> > other did not. And this has become clearer now. Otherwise it's the same
> > thing.
> >
> > Please someone correct me if I'm wrong
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Michael
> >
> >
> Exactly what you say.
> And if Willy wants to import just one/few image(s):
> "copy & import" (or "import", if you want do edit on the memory card 
> (?)), then navigate to the folder, then select the image(s) - press 
> "import" and you're done ...
> Don't see the problem here.
> -- 
> regards
> Bernhard

This seems a little confusing, as in my mind /importing/ - from DT side - means 
_add to the database_, by opposition to transfering the files from the camera 
to the DT space.
For file transfer, I have been using an utility that handles this part very 
well - Rapid Photo Downloader -, and I will continue to use it as long as it is 
For everyting else, I use DT for what it does best : processing the photos.
So, from my point of view, I think this discussion is no more than a storm in a 
tea-cup - sorry, and aplogizes, if someone feels offended, I am just stating 
what I feel.
But I hope DT will never become such a gaz factory as Photoshop, Lightroom, 
Gimp, etc.



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Re: [darktable-user] I need help updating my Nikon P1000 firmware

2021-09-25 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Updating Nikon camera's firmware is as easy as taking a candy from a baby.
I just wanted to be sure, but your camera does not differ from my D700 and D4s.
Here is a video I just found :
I really cannot understand the problem you are actually facing.
And my only conclusion is that either your camera has a problem, or this is a 



> Message du 25/09/21 21:28
> De : "Ed Wugalter" 
> A : "Ed Wugalter" ,
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] I need help updating my Nikon P1000 firmware

Windows 10 64 bit
> After doing all the "prescribed steps" I put the chip with the update into 
> the camera
I select the prompt that's supposed to give me the option to update but the 
prompt doesn't appear.


On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 1:04 PM Patrick Shanahan 
* Ed Wugalter  [09-25-21 11:03]:
> > No matter how many times I try I fail despite Nikon phone support.
> > I live in Toronto, Ontario and if I can go to someone and someone can come
> > to me to accomplish it
> > I would be grateful.
> what is the problem
> what operating system
> -- 
> (paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
>    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri
> Photos:               paka @ IRCnet freenode

> darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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Re: [darktable-user] Adding a browser

2021-10-07 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Lorenzo Fontanella schrieb am 06.10.21 um 17:58:
> > Evening,
> > I submit to you some considerations:
> > DarkTable originated along the lines of Lightroom but with the purpose of
> > [.../...]
> > What do you think.
> > For me it would be a double option that would facilitate the adoption of
> > this great software by those who do not want to be forced to work with
> > databases and forced imports.
> >
> > Translated with (free version)
> >
> >
> > Lorenzo Fontanella
> Message du 06/10/21 19:28
> De : "Bernhard" 
> A :,
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] Adding a browser
> I think this would have many drawbacks ...
> [.../...]
> So for me the current concept makes sense.



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Re: [darktable-user] problem installing darktable

2021-10-14 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI
> Message du 14/10/21 11:10
> De : "Jan Minekus" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [darktable-user] problem installing darktable
>I forgot to mention: I have deleted every file and folder of the 3.6.0 version 
>with Revo uninstaller. And expected that only the new installation would start.

Well, at least now we know he is running Windows OS.

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Re: [darktable-user] ICC profiles / SoftProof / Export

2021-12-09 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello,I have faced this kind of behaviour some times ago.Just like you, I thought it happened only with some pictures, as the error message was not always displayed (so did I think), but in fact it did not work for any of the pictures. The error message just needed time to display.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 9 décembre 2021 à 14:21de : KueWW à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : [darktable-user] ICC profiles / SoftProof / ExportHello,I've downloaded ICC profiles from a printing laboratory.I've placed them in the ".config/darktable/color/out" and dt detects them. Everything's fine so far.Selecting the profile to SoftProof works and the result is shown well, I think.Even when I select the ICC profile to export the image using this profile dt says "the profile is replaced bay sRGB because the selected ICC profile is not supported". There are just some profiles this message appears. Some others seems to work fine.My question are:Why does the SoftProof preview seems to work and the export don't?What can I do to check / solve this issue?Thanks for help!Dietmardarktable user mailing listto unsubscribe send a mail to

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[darktable-user] Re: Bouncing messages from

2021-12-13 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello,I have been receiving this kind of alert at least three times in two weeks.As I am not accustomed to spamming others - o-kay, I admit the things I write from time to time may not be very accurate -, I just wonder why this is happening.Unless I am not the only one facing this, in which case it might be a servers' problem.However, how can I check and retrieve the message(s) that are mentioned as bounced ?Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 11 décembre 2021 à 08:00de : darktable-user+ow...@lists.darktable.orgà : jean-luc.cecc...@wanadoo.frobjet : Bouncing messages from darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgHi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing thismessage it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for yourinformation.Here is the list of the bounced messages:- 12057

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Re: [darktable-user] Re: Bouncing messages from

2021-12-14 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello Andrew,It is not my case : just one same and single address for ages.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 13 décembre 2021 à 22:10de : Andrew Greig à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : Re: [darktable-user] Re: Bouncing messages from darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgOn 14/12/21 4:38 am, Jean-Luc CECCOLI wrote:Hello,I have been receiving this kind of alert at least three times in two weeks.As I am not accustomed to spamming others - o-kay, I admit the things I write from time to time may not be very accurate -, I just wonder why this is happening.Unless I am not the only one facing this, in which case it might be a servers' problem.However, how can I check and retrieve the message(s) that are mentioned as bounced ?Rgrds,J.-Luc>> envoyé : 11 décembre 2021 à 08:00>> de :>> à :>> objet : Bouncing messages from>>>>>> Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the>>  mailing list.>>>> Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this>> message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your>> information.>>>> Here is the list of the bounced messages:>> - 12057>> darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to darktable-user+unsubscr...@lists.darktable.orgHi,Jean-LucI have multiple email addresses and sometimes I reply to the list using an address that is not known to the mail-server. And it bounces with that message.When I change the address to the right one, the message gets through. I kick myself and remind myself of the old anagram GIGO - garbage in garbage out.Andrewdarktable user mailing listto unsubscribe send a mail to

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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released

2021-12-24 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Jut on time to fill the bag of the red man (who, BTW, used to be green some times ago IIRC).Merry Christmas to everyone.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 24 décembre 2021 à 11:02de : Pascal Obry à : darktable-user , darktable-dev objet : [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedWe're proud to announce the new feature release of darktable, 3.8.0!The github release is here: []( always, please don't use the autogenerated tarball provided bygithub, but only our tar.xz file. the checksums are:```$ sha256sum darktable-3.8.0.tar.xz2e65c7c78d074ad218e3ef7a8c3051a8ea78f4a0406386667859645e5e4bf705 darktable-3.8.0.tar.xz$ sha256sum darktable-3.8.0.dmgfe1f1100bf3ca1acc11f69e2ffc6dbb58d11449ed85c086e0ecc52d5acb78e24 darktable-3.8.0.dmg$ sha256sum darktable-3.8.0-win64.exec74d76f9feefc5648c41938bf430b261d3a3308df0ef87085be590b5a5d1110d darktable-3.8.0-win64.exe```When updating from the currently stable 3.6.x series, please bear inmind that your edits will be preserved during this process, but the newlibrary and configuration will not be usable with 3.6.x anymore.You are strongly advised to take a backup first. Important note: to make sure that darktable can keep on supporting the raw file format for your camera, *please* read [this post]( on how/what raw samples you can contribute to ensure that we have the *full* raw sample set for your camera under CC0 license!- Almost 3915 commits to darktable+rawspeed since 3.6- 571 pull requests handled- 265 issues closed## The Big Ones- The keyboard shortcut system has been entirely reworked and extended to allow you to control darktable with other devices, for example, MIDI devices and game controllers. Standard keyboard/mouse shortcuts can now make use of mouse movements (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) as well as multiple button/key presses and short or long presses/clicks. Please note that any shortcuts you have previously created are not transferred to the new functionality and will need to be redefined in darktable 3.8.- New diffuse or sharpen module, allowing you to simulate or to revert diffusion processes to reconstruct images from lens blur, hazing, sensor low-pass filter, or noise. It can also be used to simulate watercolor smudges, increase local contrast, simulate blooming or apply surface blur. Special rules can be defined to specifically diffuse across or along edges, as well as to avoid sharpening or blurring them.- New scene-referred blurs module, to synthesize motion and lens blurs in a parametric and physically-accurate way. This module allows you to define the motion path or the lens diaphragm and then generates the corresponding blur.- Perspective correction module has been renamed to rotate and perspective and now allows you to manually define correction settings by drawing lines or rectangles on the image (replicating keystone correction functionality from the deprecated crop and rotate module)- Added support for multiple images in the print view. The page can be filled with multiple areas, each of which can be moved around and placed on the page with the ability to snap to a grid for precision.- A new LMMSE demosaic algorithm has been introduced. This algorithm is particularly suited to high ISO and/or noisy images.- The composition guides from the crop module are now available globally and no longer require the crop module to be activated.- The Canon raw CR3 format is now supported (see list of supported cameras in the section below). This support is provided by LibRaw and requires at least exiv2 version 0.27.4 with BMFF support activated.- The color checker profiling tool, introduced in darktable 3.4 as part of the color calibration module, is now normalized patch-wise in exposure to discard the effect of uneven lighting and fall-off when shooting color checkers hand-held and on-location. This robustly decreases the residual average dE after calibration and noticeably helps to recover natural dark blues while preventing yellow shifts in highlights.## Other New Features And Changes- The denoise (profiled) module now uses wavelets mode by default and its default settings in Y0U0V0 mode have been improved.- Flip buttons have been added to the orientation module (functionality moved from crop and rotate).- Background jobs handling has been removed from preferences.- Much of the SSE-specific code has been removed, since compiler-generated code is usually faster.- The darktable-generate-cache script now displays filenames and image IDs.- File name matches in the collections module are now faster.- Mask handling is faster.- Processing module order can now be automatically applied based on image properties.- Folder status is properly refreshed when a mount is changed.- An area color picker is selectable by using a Right-Click in addition to the existing Ctrl+click acti

Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released

2021-12-26 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello,I got dt automatically update today to 3.8. Ubuntu 20.04. So you might as well get it.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 25 décembre 2021 à 14:06de : Francesco Scaglioni à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedHiOddly when I download DT 3.8 for ubuntu 20.04 from the open build service apt informs me that my current DT 3.6.1 will be downgraded.  If I try and install the downloaded deb via the gui installer I am informed that DT will be removed ??  When I add the open repository to sources and apt update I am informed that all packages are up to date.Guess I need to wait a while.F  darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released

2021-12-30 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello,Well, maybe did I not understand correctly, if so please accept my apologies.However, I imported photos after dt upgraded to 3.8, and I could do this for 2 folders - one at a time.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 30 décembre 2021 à 13:53de : Willy Williams à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedAs much as I have been thinking that the module gods have been messing with me with the release of darktable 3.8, I did manage to figure it out (eventually) and we're good now.  That experience has led to to make a request of the module gods, now that they've had their giggle.  In releases of darktable as recently as v3.4, one had the option available in the lighttable view of importing images individually or from a folder (see this screen grab).   Since v3.6, we've lost that ability and have been shoved kicking and screaming into this new paradigm. Sadly, the new paradigm is a huge failure in my workflow, not to mention being a general PITA.  That said, I'd like to request that there be an option in preferences - lighttable to choose the import methodology desired.  Options could be called "file, folder" and "add to library, copy & import".  This has a precedent under preferences - processing in which we can choose to auto-apply pixel workflow defaults, with "scene-referred", "display-referred" and "none" being the available choices.  Thanks for considering this as an option for the next release of darktable.  Willy Williams   darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released

2022-01-03 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello,Happy new year to all, and many thanks to every dt involved.Sorry for top-posting, maybe time for me to leave Orange web-based client. :-(I got another update today. Maybe some fixes ?Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 26 décembre 2021 à 22:34de : Jean-Luc CECCOLI à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedHello,I got dt automatically update today to 3.8. Ubuntu 20.04. So you might as well get it.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 25 décembre 2021 à 14:06de : Francesco Scaglioni à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedHiOddly when I download DT 3.8 for ubuntu 20.04 from the open build service apt informs me that my current DT 3.6.1 will be downgraded.  If I try and install the downloaded deb via the gui installer I am informed that DT will be removed ??  When I add the open repository to sources and apt update I am informed that all packages are up to date.Guess I need to wait a while.F  darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to  darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released

2022-01-03 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

If I understood correctly, photos edited with 3.8 will not be editable with 3.6, but 3.8 can handle previous versions.Rgrds,envoyé : 3 janvier 2022 à 22:20de : RE Blue à : Terry Pinfold , "" , Jean-Luc CECCOLI objet : Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedI thought I read that you cannot access photos processed in 3.6 if you upgrade to 3.8. Is this correct, or am I confused again? From: Terry Pinfold  Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 3:04 PM To: ; Jean-Luc CECCOLI  Subject: Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released  It is a sad world when we have to worry about top or bottom posting. Just as long as we are posting. Let our web-based clients do as they want. DT 3.8 is a great improvement over 3.6. Filmic works a little nicer, the LMMSE demosiac option is incredible for reducing noise in high ISO images, the denoise  profile works so much better, and there are some nice presets in the new diffuse or sharpen module to get you started. I recommend watch Aurelien's video on the module[EN] darktable 3.8, new module : diffuse or sharpen - YouTubedarktable 3.8 will introduce an advanced module to manage bluriness and sharpness in a physically-accurate way. Let's dive into its features From: Jean-Luc CECCOLI  Sent: Tuesday, 4 January 2022 5:31 AM To:  Subject: Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 released Hello,Happy new year to all, and many thanks to every dt involved.Sorry for top-posting, maybe time for me to leave Orange web-based client. :-(I got another update today. Maybe some fixes ?Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé :  26 décembre 2021 à 22:34 de :  Jean-Luc CECCOLI  à : objet :  Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedHello,I got dt automatically update today to 3.8. Ubuntu 20.04. So you might as well get it.Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé :  25 décembre 2021 à 14:06 de :  Francesco Scaglioni  à : objet :  Re: [darktable-user] darktable 3.8.0 releasedHiOddly when I download DT 3.8 for ubuntu 20.04 from the open build service apt informs me that my current DT 3.6.1 will be downgraded.  If I try and install the downloaded deb via the gui installer I am informed that DT will be removed ??  When I add the open repository to sources and apt update I am informed that all packages are up to date.Guess I need to wait a while.F  darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to   darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to   darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to   This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise.  darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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Re: [darktable-user] Broken images after upgrade to 3.8.0

2022-01-04 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

envoyé : 4 janvier 2022 à 08:54de : Paul Marfell à : Niranjan Rao cc : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : Re: [darktable-user] Broken images after upgrade to 3.8.0On Tue, 4 Jan 2022, 01:14 Niranjan Rao,  wrote:On 12/31/21 3:01 PM, Bernhard wrote: > > > Niranjan Rao schrieb am 31.12.21 um 23:53: >> I don't have camera anymore to contribute but do have images which  >> were supported at one time. > This I don't understand: > Looks as if this camera provides > 4.000 x 3.000 Pixel (4:3) > 2.816 x 2.112 Pixel (4:3) > 2.048 x 1.536 Pixel (4:3) > > So simply look into your archive and find some landscape image without  > persons with these resolutions and upload to ... > I'd be happy to do that, but I can't open the images right now. I'll see  if other machine cooperates. I'm doubtful if I will have all these  variations. Hello,Many softwares that can open NEF files, XNview for instance, free and easy to use.Rgrds,Have you tried opening the files in an image viewer? Many will display the embedded jpeg. Ufraw supports that camera so you do have ways getting something to look so you can find something suitable to send in. darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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Re: [darktable-user] DT can't access files on external hdd with special software

2022-01-13 Thread Jean-Luc CECCOLI

Hello Hieke,Sorry, it took me a while to understand - If I even did it - but it reminds me a similar problem with a HD being shared between a w7 machine and a Ubuntu 16 one.Each time the disk was read on the windows machine, I could not read it anymore on my linux one, and had to re-format it.It took me long - very lng - to understand that the culprits were the docking stations : they were not as compatible as they claimed to be, as they behaved differently depending the OS they were used on.Maybe could this be the same for you ?Rgrds,J.-Lucenvoyé : 12 janvier 2022 à 14:17de : Hieke van Hoogdalem à : darktable-user@lists.darktable.orgobjet : [darktable-user] DT can't access files on external hdd with special softwareHi there,A few weeks ago we had a conversation about darktable on my Macbook Air (M1) not being able to see (let alone import) photos from my external HDD that I had created on my Windows laptop. The tip was: format it. The HDD is ntfs formatted so I bought and downloaded this license for ease of use and quickness: The installation seems to be done correctly (I got this on screen message saying something like ‘All you have to do now is restart your laptop and enjoy your ntfs files’). What else can I do to make this work? I didn’t download the latest version yet. Will it work on M1 Macs? The installation notes say that Intel is required – can that be it? I can hardly believe but I just needed to ask. Kind regards,Hieke van Hoogdalem  darktable user mailing list to unsubscribe send a mail to 

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