Re: Stolen car (non)update - another idea

2006-10-16 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home

I think Nina has a good suggestion regarding calling
the phone.  You can also have people text message your
phone as well.  The person may read the text messages
since this does not require speaking into the phone. 
I recent lost my cell phone at Jewel Grocery Store
when grocery shopping.  Since I use my cell phone for
rescue and the rescue group business, I get alot of
phone calls.  Well after a short period of time, one
of my friends call my direct home number and told me
that my cell phone was at Jewel.  I did not even
notice that I had lost the cell phone.  I just thought
that it was being a quiet night??  You see my cell
phone ringer for caller I.D. is a recording of six 10
day old baby kittens screaming to be feed.  So say the
least, Jewel was delighted to hear from me and that I
was coming to get the phone.  The phone was driving
them crazy and Jewel's customer service text message
my friend that I had lost my phone.  That night was
busy with phone calls that was screaming baby kittens
to be feed!

So maybe the person that took the car may get curious
about all the phone calls and text messages.  Maybe
the person will try to read the text messages and see
they are about the cats.  I know it is a long shot but
it happen to me!

Precious Pets

P. S. Another suggestion would be to offer a reward
for their safe return in the text messages.  

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes Kelly, post the numbers to the local media for
> Leslie and I for one 
> will call and plead for them to run the story.  I
> had another idea, 
> Leslie.  Why don't you place a box ad in the paper? 
> You should put one 
> in the lost/found section as well, but find out how
> much it costs to 
> place an ad somewhere in the paper itself.  When you
> get the salesperson 
> on the phone, tell them your story and see if they
> will put someone on 
> the phone who might find it newsworthy.  I'd start
> with something like, 
> "Cats with medical condition abducted in stolen
> car!".  Offer a reward.  
> Describe the car.  Don't just write emails, keep
> calling the TV stations 
> and the newspapers.  Go down there if you have to. 
> This is off the 
> wall, but have you thought about calling your cell
> phone and see if 
> someone answers?  I'm just sick thinking about those
> sweet angels and 
> what you and they are going through.  Did you get my
> post about the 
> animal communicators?  You may think I'm nuts, but
> what can it hurt to 
> try it?
> Big hugs,
> Nina

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Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home
Dear Leslie:

My poor dear!  You must be sick with worry!  I know
that I would be!  I do not have much time to read the
post these days let alone respond.  I have been
following this all day hoping to have time to respond!
 I will be praying that your cats will be found soon
and safely returned to you!  

Precious Pets


--- Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't
> know how hard it would be
> to put into words.
> I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take
> the cats with me (they
> love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving
> them).  Monday mornings I
> pack everything up including the cats, go back in to
> say goodbye to Ed, and
> then drive the 20 minutes home.
> This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school
> books, the cats, go back in
> kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware
> from the fridge and go
> back outside to find someone in my car backing it
> out of the driveway.  The
> doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it,
> so they must have
> hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling,
> "hey" and "get out" and
> banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the
> tupperware against it,
> having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but
> they kept going.  I
> yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't
> stop.  Ed heard me
> yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on
> the phone with 911.
> As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both
> are microchipped.  They
> ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so
> they were loose.  I don't
> know which is more likely, them to get thrown out,
> or to be kept in.  Satch
> is probably talking the thief's ear off because he
> didn't get fed before we
> left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown
> out.  Satch is a big
> guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is
> likely to present
> itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so
> scared.
> I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.
> He threw my book bag out the window across from a
> nearby park, I have no
> idea why that item of all that he could have (my
> overnight bag, grocery
> bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying
> that even through this
> stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the
> 20 lb biology book was
> probably the most valuable item in the car, not that
> its street value would
> amount to much.
> Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that
> area to see if the cats
> might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found
> anything.  Satch knows
> his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at
> least stay together.
> Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone,
> mine was in the car, but
> maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to
> locate it ), and pray
> that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix
> oblivious to my
> concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging
> out on a nice porch
> waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be
> stressed, but get back
> to me after a harmless adventure on their end. 
> please pray that I see them
> again and that they are unharmed.
> Thank you all so much,
> Leslie

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Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Gina WN
Oh Leslie, I am speechless.  My thoughts will be of you and prayers that you get your babies back.     Gina  .Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.     I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.       This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway. 
 The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.      As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him,
 but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.      I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.       He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much.      Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.      Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate
 it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.      Thank you all so much,  Leslie Visit my Tigger Tales site!       See my cats' gallery at Zazzle 
		Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

Re: Stolen car (non)update

2006-10-16 Thread Marylyn
Do you have photos of the cats?  If so, you might take them to whatever the 
local police districts are called and talk personally to the officers and 
sgts who patrol the area.  Sometimes a personal appeal does more than a 
written report they may or may not see depending on how busy they are etc. 
If they will let you post the information, please do so.  A lot of police 
really like animals and will go out of their way to help.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: Stolen car (non)update

At 06:32 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
oh guys, my heart is so heavy and I think that my stinging eyes might just 
make me too tired to actually sleep tonight.  I have read all of your posts 
and printed them to go over tonight and make sure that I follow all advice. 
I'll put below what I sent to news stations and newspapers, please send 
revisions to make it better.  Do you think that I can resend it to them 
tomorrow?  I'll also call tomorrow those that I sent to today and send to 
more that I think of.  Of course as soon as it was sent I thought of ways 
to make it better, but I just wanted to get something off quickly.

I'm so exhausted, and I've had to deal with regular stuff too like a 
replacement driver's license (trust me, the DMV is NOT where you want to be 
in this deflated mood - you actually feel like you belong there) and phone 
and rental car and prescriptions.  Too bad they had to retake my photo at 
the DMV and now I'll have to remember this day.

If the cats weren't involved I'd just be angry.  As I walked out to catch 
him taking the car, as I touched the car, as I know that he heard my voice, 
that they heard my voice, my feelings of what if, what if, are so 
overwhelming.  But as he took it.  As he took them.  As he drove away with 
the beings that I swore to protect, that I promised them I would protect, 
as he took them farther, is still taking them farther as minutes go into 
minutes, my despair, my hyperventilation is just going and going.  I don't 
blame myself, it is so absurd.  How could I have known?  I couldn't have, 
so I don't blame myself.  But I don't know how I'll be able to sleep 
tonight knowing that they are out there.  That it is raining and I don't 
know where they are.

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention, I am in Portland, OR.  They were taken 
from Vancouver, WA, I live in Portland.

I don't want to take an Ambien tonight, because what if the police call, 
but I know that I won't sleep.  As I don't have a computer at home there is 
nothing that I can do, but wait to get back to work and do more.

I lay my head on all of your shoulders tonight and ask that you send your 
furbabies spirits to be with Satch and Beatrix.  And maybe one or two to 
sleep next to me tonight.

Hideyo, I hear you.  I will find them.  I will get them back.  And they 
will be okay.  I feel the thread.  I feel it going to them and protecting 
them.  I feel you all.

I don't know anyone could do this with a child in the car.  It would be 
even more unbearable.

Anyway, on to class, no more to do tonight.




My name is Leslie Nies and my car was stolen this morning at 6:30 am .  I 
was loading up my car getting ready to drive home from a weekend at my 
boyfriends (he lives in Vancouver, I live in Portland) - which included 
overnight bag, book bag, and my two pet cats, Satchmo and Beatrix.  I went 
inside to say goodbye and when I came back out, someone was backing my car 
out the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but the keys were in my pocket, 
so they must have hotwired it.  I ran toward them yelling "hey" and "get 
out" and started banging on the windshield as they put it in drive.  But 
they kept accelerating.

My boyfriend was already on the phone with the police when I got back 
inside.  Yes, they stole my car, but they also stole my cats!  I can only 
believe that they didn't see them.  It's been suggested to me by a couple 
of people that you might be interested in doing a story on it, and as far 
as I'm concerned, anything that might help me get them back is worth it. 
I've attached a picture of each of them, there are more on my phone, but 
that was in the car also.

They are just the best cats and I am going out of my mind worrying about 
finding them now.  They are both leukemia positive, which means that they 
have compromised immune systems (and why they are indoor only) and though 
they are currently healthy and rambunctious are on a preventive vitamin. 
I don't care about th

Re: Cat Jacking - This is the right number

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 10:00 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:\
 My plan exactly

Thanks.  I just called.  The woman who answered the phone, "Denise" 
told me she had already talked to Leslie.  I urged her to do her 
best to see that this story is put on the air so we might get these 
kitties back to Leslie.  She wouldn't tell me one way or the other 
if they were going to run the story.  She seemed a little annoyed 
actually.  I think we should politely flood them with calls.


kelly wrote:

At 09:50 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:


503   231 4264
forgivr me

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Re: Cat Jacking - This is the right number

2006-10-16 Thread Nina
Thanks.  I just called.  The woman who answered the phone, "Denise" told 
me she had already talked to Leslie.  I urged her to do her best to see 
that this story is put on the air so we might get these kitties back to 
Leslie.  She wouldn't tell me one way or the other if they were going to 
run the story.  She seemed a little annoyed actually.  I think we should 
politely flood them with calls.


kelly wrote:

At 09:50 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:


503   231 4264
forgivr me

Re: Cat Jacking - still a wrong number

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 09:50 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

503   231 4264
forgivr me

Kelly, I just tried to call the
phone number listed below.  It's some sort of food hot line. 
Do you have another phone number for them?  How about information on
the channel so we can call 411 for them?
kelly wrote: 
At 09:37 PM 10/16/2006, you

it is
503 221 8544
it says that number is not in
service... did they unplug the phone line?

Katu may air the story tonight if enough people call...503 3214264

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10/14/2006No virus found in this incoming
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Re: Cat Jacking - still a wrong number

2006-10-16 Thread Nina

Kelly, I just tried to call the phone number listed below.  It's some
sort of food hot line.  Do you have another phone number for them?  How
about information on the channel so we can call 411 for them?

kelly wrote:
At 09:37 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
it is
503 221 8544
  it says that number is
not in
service... did they unplug the phone line?

kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

  Katu may air the story tonight if enough people call...503


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Re: Cat Jacking

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 09:37 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

it is
503 221 8544
it says that number is not in
service... did they unplug the phone line?
kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Katu may air the story tonight if enough people call...503


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Re: Cat Jacking

2006-10-16 Thread Mi Wu
it says that number is not in service... did they unplug the phone line?kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Katu may air the story tonight if enough people call...503 3214264please 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Cat Jacking

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

Katu may air the story tonight if enough people call...503  3214264

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Mi Wu
oh my god... i'm so sorry to hear that...  i saw Kelly's email just now.  i'll call those 2 numbers after i finish this email...Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.     I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.       This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked,
 but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.      As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you
 guys, I'm so scared.      I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.       He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much.      Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.      Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they
 have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.      Thank you all so much,  Leslie  
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Re: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 09:23 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
\Yes by all means .. I am in California.let them know that all of 
careeven better

well, I'm in Wisconsin - will it help?

- Original Message -
From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 11:22 pm
Subject: Re: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

> At 09:19 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
> Did you call them.??. It has been reported to the police.Please
> give
> them a call so they know people are interested
> thanks
> >I might say to the news media people that the incident has been
> reported>to the police in case they want independent verification.
> >
> >Bonnie
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 11:11 pm
> >Subject: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"
> >To:
> >
> > > At 09:08 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Please do and please call those numbers,you can call Leslie
> > > directly at   360   713 2032 she would appreciate it...
> > > >Kelly,
> > > >If you talk to Leslie tonight please ask her if I may begin
> > > posting
> > > >her information to some "lost pet" lists online.  If so, Missing
> > > Pet
> > > >Network asks for an alternate phone #, email address, and nearest
> > > >intersection to where they were lost.  If she is comfortable
> > > having
> > > >this information posted, I'll start right away.
> > > >
> > > >Thanks,
> > > >Beth
> > > >
> > > >PS:  "Cat Jacked" is the perfect headline.
> > > >No virus found in this incoming message.
> > > >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > > >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date:
> > > 10/14/2006
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date:
> 10/14/2006

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 10/14/2006

Re: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
well, I'm in Wisconsin - will it help?

- Original Message -
From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 11:22 pm
Subject: Re: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

> At 09:19 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
> Did you call them.??. It has been reported to the police.Please 
> give 
> them a call so they know people are interested
> thanks
> >I might say to the news media people that the incident has been 
> reported>to the police in case they want independent verification.
> >
> >Bonnie
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 11:11 pm
> >Subject: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"
> >To:
> >
> > > At 09:08 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Please do and please call those numbers,you can call Leslie
> > > directly at   360   713 2032 she would appreciate it...
> > > >Kelly,
> > > >If you talk to Leslie tonight please ask her if I may begin
> > > posting
> > > >her information to some "lost pet" lists online.  If so, Missing
> > > Pet
> > > >Network asks for an alternate phone #, email address, and nearest
> > > >intersection to where they were lost.  If she is comfortable
> > > having
> > > >this information posted, I'll start right away.
> > > >
> > > >Thanks,
> > > >Beth
> > > >
> > > >PS:  "Cat Jacked" is the perfect headline.
> > > >No virus found in this incoming message.
> > > >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > > >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date:
> > > 10/14/2006
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 
> 10/14/2006

Re: Prince says hi :)

2006-10-16 Thread Mi Wu
Thanks for your warm welcome!     Some good news: I took the other 3 cats to my vet today, and they are all FeLV negative.  Now I'm really relieved.      As to Prince, my boyfriend took him in.  I drove with him to his place on Saturday (about 130 miles away).  Prince got used to the new environment very easily, and he's relaxed and happy there.  Actually he already tore open two mouse toys after he arrived.  There are no other cats in my boyfriend's apartment, so the FeLV shouldn't be a problem at least for now.  I'll post new pictures soon.      I'm reading the whole maillist now.  Just trying to figure out who is who and what's your pet's name and so on... :-DGina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi and Welcome!     Prince is a doll, he's so cute!  I love the videos, especially the one of him going after the milk.     Gina and Tigger, Taylor, Bob and Pippin  I'm so happy that I found this website.  I took in a stray cat 2 months ago and he was diagnosed with FeLV (both ELISA and IFA positive).   I have 3 other cats in the apartment, and I need to get them all tested to see if they are infected. :( (This is really my fault.  I only know that I need to de-flea and de-worm a new cat, but I didn't know about FeLV and the fact that it's transmitted by saliva.)  It's been a week since I heard the bad news about the stray cat.  At first it really freaked me
 out and I cried for 2 whole days, but now I'm feeling much better.  I decided not to worry too much about the other 3 cats before their test result is out.  I already isolated them, BTW. Anyway, here is something about the stray cat.  It's a boy, about 1.5 years old.  I named him Prince.  Prince weighs 11 pounds now, compared to 8.5 pounds 2 months ago.  He's very pretty, extremely sweet and purrs all the time.  He also has an amazing appetite.  I had him neutered on Tuesday. Here are some videos that I want to share with you:, he's very very active.  I can hardly believe that he is sick.Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/475 - Release Date: 10/13/2006  Visit my Tigger Tales site!       See my cats' gallery at Zazzle  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2?min or less. 
		Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

Re: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 09:19 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

Did you call them.??. It has been reported to the police.Please give 
them a call so they know people are interested


I might say to the news media people that the incident has been reported
to the police in case they want independent verification.


- Original Message -
From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 11:11 pm
Subject: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

> At 09:08 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
> Please do and please call those numbers,you can call Leslie
> directly at   360   713 2032 she would appreciate it...
> >Kelly,
> >If you talk to Leslie tonight please ask her if I may begin
> posting
> >her information to some "lost pet" lists online.  If so, Missing
> Pet
> >Network asks for an alternate phone #, email address, and nearest
> >intersection to where they were lost.  If she is comfortable
> having
> >this information posted, I'll start right away.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Beth
> >
> >PS:  "Cat Jacked" is the perfect headline.
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date:
> 10/14/2006

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 10/14/2006

Re: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
I might say to the news media people that the incident has been reported
to the police in case they want independent verification. 


- Original Message -
From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 11:11 pm
Subject: RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

> At 09:08 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
> Please do and please call those numbers,you can call Leslie 
> directly at   360   713 2032 she would appreciate it...
> >Kelly,
> >If you talk to Leslie tonight please ask her if I may begin 
> posting 
> >her information to some "lost pet" lists online.  If so, Missing 
> Pet 
> >Network asks for an alternate phone #, email address, and nearest 
> >intersection to where they were lost.  If she is comfortable 
> having 
> >this information posted, I'll start right away.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Beth
> >
> >PS:  "Cat Jacked" is the perfect headline.
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 
> 10/14/2006

RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 09:08 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

Please do and please call those numbers,you can call Leslie directly
at   360   713 2032 she would appreciate it...

If you talk to Leslie tonight please ask her if I may begin posting her
information to some "lost pet" lists online.  If so,
Missing Pet Network asks for an alternate phone #, email address, and
nearest intersection to where they were lost.  If she is comfortable
having this information posted, I'll start right away.
PS:  "Cat Jacked" is
the perfect headline. 
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date:

RE: Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread Gary Murphy

If you talk to Leslie tonight please ask her if I may begin posting her information to some "lost pet" lists online.  If so, Missing Pet Network asks for an alternate phone #, email address, and nearest intersection to where they were lost.  If she is comfortable having this information posted, I'll start right away.
PS:  "Cat Jacked" is the perfect headline. 

Numbers for Leslie

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

Please call
1.  KGW news  503  2265111  ask them to please run the story 
about the 2 hijacked leukemia cats...

2.  503  906 1249   is KPTV
...if enough people call it might help

the oregonian

503221 8544

Please call tonight for Leslie

Re: Let's help Leslie and her babies

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 08:22 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

I told her I needed that also,and location etc

Perhaps the cats are still in the car - we need the description of the
car - maybe if someone local sees the car, that may lead to the

If Leslie can tell me the make and model of the car I will tell my niece
in Vancouver, WA, and she can tell her husband and all their friends to
be on the lookout


- Original Message -
From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:28 pm
Subject: Let's help Leslie and her babies

> I just spoke with Leslie and when she gets out of class she will
> call
> and give me the phone numbers of the local media there in Washington
> Please...Let us all call these places and tell them to please run
> this story,,,get everyone out looking for these cats,,,the car
> etclots of phone calls Please. I will post soon
> Kelly Lane

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 10/14/2006

Re: Let's help Leslie and her babies

2006-10-16 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
Perhaps the cats are still in the car - we need the description of the
car - maybe if someone local sees the car, that may lead to the

If Leslie can tell me the make and model of the car I will tell my niece
in Vancouver, WA, and she can tell her husband and all their friends to
be on the lookout


- Original Message -
From: kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:28 pm
Subject: Let's help Leslie and her babies

> I just spoke with Leslie and when she gets out of class she will 
> call 
> and give me the phone numbers of the local media there in Washington
> Please...Let us all call these places and tell them to please run 
> this story,,,get everyone out looking for these cats,,,the car 
> etclots of phone calls Please. I will post soon
> Kelly Lane

Call it " CAT JACKED"

2006-10-16 Thread kelly


Re: Stolen car (non) update

2006-10-16 Thread Belinda

  I've posted this to a couple of my rescue lists, I'm in Washington 
state way at the other end (Seattle) but the groups are in this area and 
I've asked them to forward to any rescues in WA and OR they know of.  
Praying your babies come home safely very soon.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Stolen car (non)update - another idea

2006-10-16 Thread Nina
Yes Kelly, post the numbers to the local media for Leslie and I for one 
will call and plead for them to run the story.  I had another idea, 
Leslie.  Why don't you place a box ad in the paper?  You should put one 
in the lost/found section as well, but find out how much it costs to 
place an ad somewhere in the paper itself.  When you get the salesperson 
on the phone, tell them your story and see if they will put someone on 
the phone who might find it newsworthy.  I'd start with something like, 
"Cats with medical condition abducted in stolen car!".  Offer a reward.  
Describe the car.  Don't just write emails, keep calling the TV stations 
and the newspapers.  Go down there if you have to.  This is off the 
wall, but have you thought about calling your cell phone and see if 
someone answers?  I'm just sick thinking about those sweet angels and 
what you and they are going through.  Did you get my post about the 
animal communicators?  You may think I'm nuts, but what can it hurt to 
try it?

Big hugs,

Re: Stolen car (non)update

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 06:32 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote:
oh guys, my heart is so heavy and I think that 
my stinging eyes might just make me too tired to 
actually sleep tonight.  I have read all of your 
posts and printed them to go over tonight and 
make sure that I follow all advice.  I'll put 
below what I sent to news stations and 
newspapers, please send revisions to make it 
better.  Do you think that I can resend it to 
them tomorrow?  I'll also call tomorrow those 
that I sent to today and send to more that I 
think of.  Of course as soon as it was sent I 
thought of ways to make it better, but I just 
wanted to get something off quickly.

I'm so exhausted, and I've had to deal with 
regular stuff too like a replacement driver's 
license (trust me, the DMV is NOT where you want 
to be in this deflated mood - you actually feel 
like you belong there) and phone and rental car 
and prescriptions.  Too bad they had to retake 
my photo at the DMV and now I'll have to remember this day.

If the cats weren't involved I'd just be 
angry.  As I walked out to catch him taking the 
car, as I touched the car, as I know that he 
heard my voice, that they heard my voice, my 
feelings of what if, what if, are so 
overwhelming.  But as he took it.  As he took 
them.  As he drove away with the beings that I 
swore to protect, that I promised them I would 
protect, as he took them farther, is still 
taking them farther as minutes go into minutes, 
my despair, my hyperventilation is just going 
and going.  I don't blame myself, it is so 
absurd.  How could I have known?  I couldn't 
have, so I don't blame myself.  But I don't know 
how I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing that 
they are out there.  That it is raining and I don't know where they are.

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention, I am in 
Portland, OR.  They were taken from Vancouver, WA, I live in Portland.

I don't want to take an Ambien tonight, because 
what if the police call, but I know that I won't 
sleep.  As I don't have a computer at home there 
is nothing that I can do, but wait to get back to work and do more.

I lay my head on all of your shoulders tonight 
and ask that you send your furbabies spirits to 
be with Satch and Beatrix.  And maybe one or two to sleep next to me tonight.

Hideyo, I hear you.  I will find them.  I will 
get them back.  And they will be okay.  I feel 
the thread.  I feel it going to them and protecting them.  I feel you all.

I don't know anyone could do this with a child 
in the car.  It would be even more unbearable.

Anyway, on to class, no more to do tonight.




My name is Leslie Nies and my car was stolen 
this morning at 6:30 am .  I was loading up my 
car getting ready to drive home from a weekend 
at my boyfriends (he lives in Vancouver, I live 
in Portland) - which included overnight bag, 
book bag, and my two pet cats, Satchmo and 
Beatrix.  I went inside to say goodbye and when 
I came back out, someone was backing my car out 
the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but the 
keys were in my pocket, so they must have 
hotwired it.  I ran toward them yelling "hey" 
and "get out" and started banging on the 
windshield as they put it in drive.  But they kept accelerating.

My boyfriend was already on the phone with the 
police when I got back inside.  Yes, they stole 
my car, but they also stole my cats!  I can only 
believe that they didn't see them.  It's been 
suggested to me by a couple of people that you 
might be interested in doing a story on it, and 
as far as I'm concerned, anything that might 
help me get them back is worth it.  I've 
attached a picture of each of them, there are 
more on my phone, but that was in the car also.

They are just the best cats and I am going out 
of my mind worrying about finding them 
now.  They are both leukemia positive, which 
means that they have compromised immune systems 
(and why they are indoor only) and though they 
are currently healthy and rambunctious are on a 
preventive vitamin.   I don't care about the car 
or the stuff in it, I just want my cats 
back.  Both are microchipped, but neither have 
collars as they are indoor only cats.  Let me tell you a little about them.

Satchmo is a 6-yr old brown tabby cat.  I 
rescued him from the Cat Adoption Team in 
Sherwood two years ago.  I started out fostering 
him, but ended up adotping him.  When he came to 
me, he had a very severe kitty cold that he 
needed to be nursed through and immediately 
following that he developed corneal 
ulcers!   After lots of love and care, he really 
blossomed into his personality and has a 
beautiful shiny coat now.  Satch and I have been 
through a lot together and I can't stand not 
having been able to protect him from this.   He 
is the kind of cat that would go up and greet a 
pit bull.  He is 13 lbs of muscle and all 
heart.  He knows his name and he is a big talker!  And a big eater!

I just decided to adopt Satchmo a buddy not too 
long ago

Let's help Leslie and her babies

2006-10-16 Thread kelly
I just spoke with Leslie and when she gets out of class she will call 
and give me the phone numbers of the local media there in Washington
Please...Let us all call these places and tell them to please run 
this story,,,get everyone out looking for these cats,,,the car 
etclots of phone calls Please. I will post soon

Kelly Lane

Re: Please add Spencer to the CLS

2006-10-16 Thread catatonya
Nina,     I'm so sorry.  My heart goes out to you.  Spencer will always stay near you.  tSherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Nina my heart cries for you,I understand your feelings and I wish you comfort.  SherryNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Belinda and All,I'm so sad and numb this morning. So completely worn out, I know you all understand how I'm feeling. Spencer had been so weak yesterday, but still so attentive and loving, what an incredible spirit this boy has. The vet was late, (I'm so glad he was), and I had been laying next to Spencer on our bed, keeping him company while we waited. He lifted his
 head and tried to move, but he just couldn't get his once magnificent body to work. I decided to bring him out front. He used to love going out with his dogs every morning to get the paper and I thought he might enjoy going out one more time. I was right. Unbelievably, he rallied and was actually able to stumble to his favorite spot under my Jeep parked in the driveway. He even drank from the feral's water bowl. I couldn't stand seeing him on the uncomfortable cement any longer and put him on his bed and we sat and quietly watched the neighborhood comings and goings from the front steps.I had just brought him back inside when I saw my vet approaching up the front walk. Heaven help me, but I wanted to scream, NO! NOT YET! Of course, it was time to finally say goodbye.Do you still do tributes with their pictures? I'm going to send you his picture off-list to include in case you do. Bless it, this was a hard
 one, (but then I guess there just aren't any easy ones, are there?).I want to express my gratitude once again to this incredible list of caring people. I went through such contortions dealing with Spencer's illness and decline. I don't know how I would have coped without your support and prayers.Much love as always,Nina  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: Stolen car (non)update

2006-10-16 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
 My niece lives in Vancouver near Portland. What kind of car do you have
and what color is it?

bonnie inWI

- Original Message -
From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 8:33 pm
Subject: Stolen car (non)update

> oh guys, my heart is so heavy and I think that my stinging eyes 
> might just
> make me too tired to actually sleep tonight.  I have read all of 
> your posts
> and printed them to go over tonight and make sure that I follow all
> advice.  I'll put below what I sent to news stations and 
> newspapers, please
> send revisions to make it better.  Do you think that I can resend 
> it to them
> tomorrow?  I'll also call tomorrow those that I sent to today and 
> send to
> more that I think of.  Of course as soon as it was sent I thought 
> of ways to
> make it better, but I just wanted to get something off quickly.
> I'm so exhausted, and I've had to deal with regular stuff too like a
> replacement driver's license (trust me, the DMV is NOT where you 
> want to be
> in this deflated mood - you actually feel like you belong there) 
> and phone
> and rental car and prescriptions.  Too bad they had to retake my 
> photo at
> the DMV and now I'll have to remember this day.
> If the cats weren't involved I'd just be angry.  As I walked out to 
> catchhim taking the car, as I touched the car, as I know that he 
> heard my voice,
> that they heard my voice, my feelings of what if, what if, are so
> overwhelming.  But as he took it.  As he took them.  As he drove 
> away with
> the beings that I swore to protect, that I promised them I would 
> protect, as
> he took them farther, is still taking them farther as minutes go into
> minutes, my despair, my hyperventilation is just going and going.  
> I don't
> blame myself, it is so absurd.  How could I have known?  I couldn't 
> have, so
> I don't blame myself.  But I don't know how I'll be able to sleep 
> tonightknowing that they are out there.  That it is raining and I 
> don't know where
> they are.
> Oh, I keep forgetting to mention, I am in Portland, OR.  They were 
> takenfrom Vancouver, WA, I live in Portland.
> I don't want to take an Ambien tonight, because what if the police 
> call, but
> I know that I won't sleep.  As I don't have a computer at home 
> there is
> nothing that I can do, but wait to get back to work and do more.
> I lay my head on all of your shoulders tonight and ask that you 
> send your
> furbabies spirits to be with Satch and Beatrix.  And maybe one or 
> two to
> sleep next to me tonight.
> Hideyo, I hear you.  I will find them.  I will get them back.  And 
> they will
> be okay.  I feel the thread.  I feel it going to them and 
> protecting them.
> I feel you all.
> I don't know anyone could do this with a child in the car.  It 
> would be
> even more unbearable.
> Anyway, on to class, no more to do tonight.
> Leslie
> ---
> Hello,
> My name is Leslie Nies and my car was stolen this morning at 6:30 
> am.  I was
> loading up my car getting ready to drive home from a weekend at my
> boyfriends (he lives in Vancouver, I live in Portland) - which 
> includedovernight bag, book bag, and my two pet cats, Satchmo and 
> Beatrix.  I went
> inside to say goodbye and when I came back out, someone was backing 
> my car
> out the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but the keys were in my 
> pocket,so they must have hotwired it.  I ran toward them yelling 
> "hey" and "get
> out" and started banging on the windshield as they put it in drive. 
> But
> they kept accelerating.
> My boyfriend was already on the phone with the police when I got back
> inside.  Yes, they stole my car, but they also stole my cats!  I 
> can only
> believe that they didn't see them.  It's been suggested to me by a 
> couple of
> people that you might be interested in doing a story on it, and as 
> far as
> I'm concerned, anything that might help me get them back is worth 
> it.  I've
> attached a picture of each of them, there are more on my phone, but 
> that was
> in the car also.
> They are just the best cats and I am going out of my mind worrying 
> aboutfinding them now.  They are both leukemia positive, which 
> means that they
> have compromised immune systems (and why they are indoor only) and 
> thoughthey are currently healthy and rambunctious are on a 
> preventive vitamin.  I
> don't care about the car or the stuff in it, I just want my cats 
> back.  Both
> are microchipped, but neither have collars as they are indoor only 
> cats.Let me tell you a little about them.
> Satchmo is a 6-yr old brown tabby cat.  I rescued him from the Cat 
> AdoptionTeam in Sherwood two years ago.  I started out fostering 
> him, but ended up
> adotping

Stolen car (non)update

2006-10-16 Thread Leslie
oh guys, my heart is so heavy and I think that my stinging eyes might just make me too tired to actually sleep tonight.  I have read all of your posts and printed them to go over tonight and make sure that I follow all advice.  I'll put below what I sent to news stations and newspapers, please send revisions to make it better.  Do you think that I can resend it to them tomorrow?  I'll also call tomorrow those that I sent to today and send to more that I think of.  Of course as soon as it was sent I thought of ways to make it better, but I just wanted to get something off quickly. 

I'm so exhausted, and I've had to deal with regular stuff too like a replacement driver's license (trust me, the DMV is NOT where you want to be in this deflated mood - you actually feel like you belong there) and phone and rental car and prescriptions.  Too bad they had to retake my photo at the DMV and now I'll have to remember this day.

If the cats weren't involved I'd just be angry.  As I walked out to catch him taking the car, as I touched the car, as I know that he heard my voice, that they heard my voice, my feelings of what if, what if, are so overwhelming.  But as he took it.  As he took them.  As he drove away with the beings that I swore to protect, that I promised them I would protect, as he took them farther, is still taking them farther as minutes go into minutes, my despair, my hyperventilation is just going and going.  I don't blame myself, it is so absurd.  How could I have known?  I couldn't have, so I don't blame myself.  But I don't know how I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing that they are out there.  That it is raining and I don't know where they are.

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention, I am in Portland, OR.  They were taken from Vancouver, WA, I live in Portland.
I don't want to take an Ambien tonight, because what if the police call, but I know that I won't sleep.  As I don't have a computer at home there is nothing that I can do, but wait to get back to work and do more.

I lay my head on all of your shoulders tonight and ask that you send your furbabies spirits to be with Satch and Beatrix.  And maybe one or two to sleep next to me tonight.
Hideyo, I hear you.  I will find them.  I will get them back.  And they will be okay.  I feel the thread.  I feel it going to them and protecting them.  I feel you all.
I don't know anyone could do this with a child in the car.  It would be even more unbearable.
Anyway, on to class, no more to do tonight.
My name is Leslie Nies and my car was stolen this morning at 6:30 am
.  I was loading up my car getting ready to drive home from a weekend at my boyfriends (he lives in Vancouver, I live in Portland) - which included overnight bag, book bag, and my two pet cats, Satchmo and Beatrix.  I went inside to say goodbye and when I came back out, someone was backing my car out the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but the keys were in my pocket, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran toward them yelling "hey" and "get out" and started banging on the windshield as they put it in drive.  But they kept accelerating.

My boyfriend was already on the phone with the police when I got back inside.  Yes, they stole my car, but they also stole my cats!  I can only believe that they didn't see them.  It's been suggested to me by a couple of people that you might be interested in doing a story on it, and as far as I'm concerned, anything that might help me get them back is worth it.  I've attached a picture of each of them, there are more on my phone, but that was in the car also.

They are just the best cats and I am going out of my mind worrying about finding them now.  They are both leukemia positive, which means that they have compromised immune systems (and why they are indoor only) and though they are currently healthy and rambunctious are on a preventive vitamin.
  I don't care about the car or the stuff in it, I just want my cats back.  Both are microchipped, but neither have collars as they are indoor only cats.  Let me tell you a little about them.

Satchmo is a 6-yr old brown tabby cat.  I rescued him from the Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood two years ago.  I started out fostering him, but ended up adotping him.  When he came to me, he had a very severe kitty cold that he needed to be nursed through and immediately following that he developed corneal ulcers!
  After lots of love and care, he really blossomed into his personality and has a beautiful shiny coat now.  Satch and I have been through a lot together and I can't stand not having been able to protect him from this.
  He is the kind of cat that would go up and greet a pit bull.  He is 13 lbs of muscle and all heart.  He knows his name and he is a big talker!  And a big eater!
I just decided to adopt Satchmo a buddy not too long ago – he is so lively that I felt he would benefit from a friend.
  Leukemia positive cats can be around other leukemia positi

RE: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Thanks again Belinda!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

 Kerry in all fairness, cats that get HL after only a day or two of 
not eating anything probably haven't been eating well for a few days and

it wasn't noticed until they stopped eating.  Unless you weigh your 
kitties regularly most people aren't going to notice that their cat 
isn't eating as good right away, especially if you have a multi-cat 
household.  I weigh the cats I know don't eat as good as the others 
about once a week and keep a close eye on the rest just because I've had

to deal with HL before.
> this one say's not eating for 3 days, but I know of cats that it took
less time


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]
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Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Marylyn
Find out where all the animal "shelters" are in the area:  Animal Control, 
Humane Society, no kill shelters etc and visit them personally every day. 
Ask the people at the shelters if there are other shelters in the area that 
you don't know about.  You can not just call.  You have to go there.  A 
friend had a dog go missing for 5 days.  She went to every shelter, posted 
over 1000 flyers with color pictures etc and, thank God, the dog was found 
safe and sound (although hungry).  This is what you have to do to recover 
the cats.  Posting flyers on poles near intersections and around parks and 
in fast food places helps.  The media would be wonderful.

My prayers are with you.  Dixie Louise went missing for a few hours on a 
farm and I was beside myself.  I can only imagine what you and, more 
importantly, the cats are going thru.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

At 10:06 AM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

Leslie.Please tell us where you live ..and the local phone number for the 
media...We will call over and over and get the public out looking


Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would 
be to put into words.

I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me 
(they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday 
mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say 
goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.

This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back 
in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and 
go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway. 
The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have 
hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" 
and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against 
it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going. 
I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me 
yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.

As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped. 
They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I 
don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in. 
Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed 
before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch 
is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to 
present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.

I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.

He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no 
idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery 
bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through 
this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book 
was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value 
would amount to much.

Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats 
might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch 
knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay 

Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, 
but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and 
pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my 
concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch 
waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back 
to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see 
them again and that they are unharmed.

Thank you all so much,

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Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 10/14/2006


2006-10-16 Thread kelly
please give us your location and the local press so we can get the to 
do some stories,,,We will call and ask


Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread kelly

At 10:06 AM 10/16/2006, you wrote:

Leslie.Please tell us where you live ..and the local phone number for 
the media...We will call over and over and get the public out looking


Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it 
would be to put into words.

I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with 
me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving 
them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go 
back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.

This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go 
back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the 
fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out 
of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key 
inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing 
up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in 
fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons 
(eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there 
are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by 
the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.

As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are 
microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, 
so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get 
thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's 
ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared 
that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on 
the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, 
but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.

I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.

He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I 
have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight 
bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying 
that even through this stress I still have to 
study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most 
valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much.

Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the 
cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found 
anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they 
at least stay together.

Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the 
car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate 
it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix 
oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging 
out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not 
be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their 
end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.

Thank you all so much,

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 10/14/2006

RE: My Little Luna

2006-10-16 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am so sorry for your loss of your
special Luna --- I think actually “crying” helps… I just lost
my Tsubomi a week ago and have lost seven other kitties within the past year,
and the pains never gets easier.. but it really helps me to know that the bond
that I have had with them will continue to live and they will be always in my
heart.. and Luna’s soul is right besides you as well..


Behalf Of Kris Kulak
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006
7:14 PM
Subject: Re: My Little Luna


Thank you. It's been hours, and I still have my other cats, but I still
can't find peace within myself. I know he's probably content now; he's not in
pain and he's not suffering. But I'm grieving so terribly bad. I can't stop. It
has not been like this for my other kitties. I don't mean I didn't grieve, I
did. But the crying would stop. I just can't seem to with Luna's death. It just
seems so much more unfair because he was so little still. This was the hardest
thing I've ever experienced in my life. Maybe it was because he died in my arms
and my others didn't. 

Barb Moermond

Oh Kris, I'm so so sorry. GLOW to light his path and ease your


Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous 


- Original Message 
From: Kris Kulak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 4:21:02 PM
Subject: Re: My Little Luna

He died in my arms. He was so weak. I couldn't bear the pain he was having.


I am so, so, so
sorry.  Did he die during the transfusion? It's ok if you can not write
about it, but it might help us in the future to know this.






Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread Belinda
Kerry in all fairness, cats that get HL after only a day or two of 
not eating anything probably haven't been eating well for a few days and 
it wasn't noticed until they stopped eating.  Unless you weigh your 
kitties regularly most people aren't going to notice that their cat 
isn't eating as good right away, especially if you have a multi-cat 
household.  I weigh the cats I know don't eat as good as the others 
about once a week and keep a close eye on the rest just because I've had 
to deal with HL before.

this one say's not eating for 3 days, but I know of cats that it took less time


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: TO TONYA re: timing on FeLV+ test

2006-10-16 Thread Kathi Clark

Hi Tonya.  I'll try to make this whole thing clearer for you.

I had a roommate who brought Ellie with her when she moved in.  Kim, my 
roommate, said she'd been tested for disease but she hadn't been.  When she 
finally had her tested, Ellie tested postive.  By that time, all of my cats 
had been exposed to Ellie and Oreo had a lot of direct contact with Ellie.  
So I took all 5 of my cats in to be tested on 6/1/06 and only Oreo tested 
positive, a light positive.  On 6/23/06, Oreo had an IFA that was negative, 
just 22 days later.  I had Ellie and Oreo retested this past Friday, 
10/13/06.  Am anxious to get the results back on Wednesday or Thursday.  My 
vet said this test will be definitive and I can trust these results.  I only 
hope they're negative.


From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 17:33:50 -0700 (PDT)

I'm sorry.  I just don't understand.  Are you saying Ellie was always 
positive.  She gave it to Oreo and he tested positive, but now he's 
negative?  I don't know if your vet knows what he's doing.  If he tested 
positive on Elissa and then tested negative a month later I take that as a 
negative.  Others on the list know more about this.  How and when was Ellie 
tested, and how do you know that Oreo was negative and caught it from her?  
I guess I missed your first post.  It just doesn't really happen that a 
negative catches felv from a positive and tests positive and then tests 
negative and would then 'catch' it again.  I guess it could happen, but I 
have never heard of anything like this.


Kathi Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Sorry I'm getting back with you just now.

Oreo did get it from Ellie. Oreo was given an IFA test just a month after
testing positive on the ELISSA. I understand this vet gave the IFA way too
soon, that perhaps the virus didn't have time to even get into the bone
marrow. I've been told by another vet that he could still have it because
he was re-tested way too soon with the IFA.


>From: catatonya
>Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
>Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 16:20:09 -0700 (PDT)
>Are you saying Oreo got it from Ellie, but now he doesn't have it any
> t
>Kathi Clark wrote:
> Thanks, Tonya. This has given me something to think about. I haven't had
>the other ones tested again and I don't think I will. My vet said if she
>was in my situation she would retest only if I brought them in for an
>illness on down the road. If Ellie tests negative on the IFA on October 

>I'll mix her with the others. If she doesn't, I may still integrate her.
>Is that taking a big risk with the 1-year-olds, though? As I said, Oreo,
>who's 1, became infected by Ellie and I know if I mix the two again,
>have a great deal of one-on-one contact. Oreo and Connie have a lot of
>contact now and if Oreo contracts it again, does that put Connie at risk?
>Sorry so many questions. I'm just a nervous mother and FeLV is so new to
>I would miss Ellie so if I found her another home and would always be
>worried if she was happy or not and taken care of. I just am concerned 
>if she has health issues in the future, I can't financially handle the 
>vet bills. Perhaps someone else who's better off financially could give 

>a happy home, too. But the odds of finding someone who is better off
>financially are small, I know. So, it's just wait and see, like 

>else in life. I try not to panic anymore.
>This is the best site. I've learned more from all of you than I have from
>my vet. I wonder if she knows she shouldn't have tested Ellie with the 

>so soon after the ELISSA. I don't see that vet any longer.
> >From: catatonya
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
> >Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:49:35 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >If I were in your situation I would mix. BUT I would not be second
> >guessing myself if one of the others happens to turn up positive down 

> >line. Unless you've had your other cats recently tested they couled be
> >positive right now. Cats can harbor the virus for years. So in my 

> >I would mix if all my other cats' leukemia shots were up to date.
> >
> > After 10 years of no one catching felv from my positives I've stopped
> >vaccinating for it every year.
> >
> > tonya
> >
> >Kathi Clark wrote:
> > Althea, 13
> >Tabitha, 11
> >Bear, 5
> >Oreo, 1
> >Connie, 1
> >
> >
> > >From: catatonya
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To:
> > >Subject: Re: timing on FeLV+ test
> > >Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 19:31:42 -0700 (PDT)
> > >
> > >How old are the other 5?
> > >
> > >Kathi Clark wrote: Are you all saying that if my
> > >5 kitties have been vaccinated and boostered
> > >for FeLV (July 2006) t

RE: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Thanks so much Belinda!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

 I can find more if you need them:
(this one specifies obese cats but it can happen with any cat)
(this one tells how even a cat eating, though not it's normal amount can

develop this problem)
(this one say's not eating for 3 days, but I know of cats that it took 
less time)


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
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RE: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Diane. I'll pass on the info to the mom.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Rosenfeldt, DianeSent: Monday, October 16, 2006 
4:08 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: o/t 
familiar with these symptoms?
One very serious effect of not eating *can* be hepatic 
lipidosis (fatty liver disease) which can, if untreated, kill 
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie, 
Kerry N.Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 3:58 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: o/t familiar with these 

know that though I'm not able to be on the list all the time at present, and 
have to go away again soon, all your furbabies are always in my thoughts, and I 
especially send positive thoughts for those that aren't doing so well. As 
always, I send my condolences to everyone who has lost a beloved 
beloved foster cat, Kitty, who went to her new home a few weeks ago, while 
being treated at the same time for diarrhea, has had a recurrence of the same 
symptoms, and I'm worried about her. Here's what her new mom 

"She is vomiting clear liquid, not eating as 
much and there was a small amt of blood in her stool this morning too.  I 
talked with Robin (from PAWS) and she said the thing that worried her the most 
was the lack of appetite.  I called my vet and she said the same thing, 
we're going to go in on Thurs AM and run the full gamet of tests- just to be on 
the safe side.  Although, Robin mentioned this was the same type of 
symptoms she had before with you. 
True?   The 
Vet wasn't worried so much and thought the Thursday time was fine enough unless things seem 
to worsen.  like I said she's still hydrated, I've seen her drink and she's 
been playing."
anyone have any idea what these symptoms may mean? She did have all those 
symptoms while with me (I rushed her to the vet). Also, can someone confirm what 
I believe to be the case: that it's unsafe for a cat to go even one day without 
eating. Kitty was very hard to assist feed, and I'm afraid that her new mom may 
not realize how very important it is to get food inside her (it doesn't seem 
like the vet paid much attention to the lack of appetite and associated danger 
in letting it go on). I want to email her mom, but back it up with facts, and 
what the consequences of Kitty not eating can/will be.
Grateful for any information that i can pass 
Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by 
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provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax penalties.

Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread Belinda

I can find more if you need them:
(this one specifies obese cats but it can happen with any cat)
(this one tells how even a cat eating, though not it's normal amount can 
develop this problem)
(this one say's not eating for 3 days, but I know of cats that it took 
less time)


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Title: Message

One very serious effect of not eating *can* be hepatic 
lipidosis (fatty liver disease) which can, if untreated, kill 
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie, 
Kerry N.Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 3:58 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: o/t familiar with these 

know that though I'm not able to be on the list all the time at present, and 
have to go away again soon, all your furbabies are always in my thoughts, and I 
especially send positive thoughts for those that aren't doing so well. As 
always, I send my condolences to everyone who has lost a beloved 
beloved foster cat, Kitty, who went to her new home a few weeks ago, while 
being treated at the same time for diarrhea, has had a recurrence of the same 
symptoms, and I'm worried about her. Here's what her new mom 

"She is vomiting clear liquid, not eating as 
much and there was a small amt of blood in her stool this morning too.  I 
talked with Robin (from PAWS) and she said the thing that worried her the most 
was the lack of appetite.  I called my vet and she said the same thing, 
we're going to go in on Thurs AM and run the full gamet of tests- just to be on 
the safe side.  Although, Robin mentioned this was the same type of 
symptoms she had before with you. 
True?   The 
Vet wasn't worried so much and thought the Thursday time was fine enough unless things seem 
to worsen.  like I said she's still hydrated, I've seen her drink and she's 
been playing."
anyone have any idea what these symptoms may mean? She did have all those 
symptoms while with me (I rushed her to the vet). Also, can someone confirm what 
I believe to be the case: that it's unsafe for a cat to go even one day without 
eating. Kitty was very hard to assist feed, and I'm afraid that her new mom may 
not realize how very important it is to get food inside her (it doesn't seem 
like the vet paid much attention to the lack of appetite and associated danger 
in letting it go on). I want to email her mom, but back it up with facts, and 
what the consequences of Kitty not eating can/will be.
Grateful for any information that i can pass 
Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by 
the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by 
any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under 
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arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the 
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provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax penalties.

o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-16 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

know that though I'm not able to be on the list all the time at present, and 
have to go away again soon, all your furbabies are always in my thoughts, and I 
especially send positive thoughts for those that aren't doing so well. As 
always, I send my condolences to everyone who has lost a beloved 
beloved foster cat, Kitty, who went to her new home a few weeks ago, while 
being treated at the same time for diarrhea, has had a recurrence of the same 
symptoms, and I'm worried about her. Here's what her new mom 

"She is vomiting clear liquid, not eating as 
much and there was a small amt of blood in her stool this morning too.  I 
talked with Robin (from PAWS) and she said the thing that worried her the most 
was the lack of appetite.  I called my vet and she said the same thing, 
we're going to go in on Thurs AM and run the full gamet of tests- just to be on 
the safe side.  Although, Robin mentioned this was the same type of 
symptoms she had before with you. 
True?   The 
Vet wasn't worried so much and thought the Thursday time was fine enough unless things seem 
to worsen.  like I said she's still hydrated, I've seen her drink and she's 
been playing."
anyone have any idea what these symptoms may mean? She did have all those 
symptoms while with me (I rushed her to the vet). Also, can someone confirm what 
I believe to be the case: that it's unsafe for a cat to go even one day without 
eating. Kitty was very hard to assist feed, and I'm afraid that her new mom may 
not realize how very important it is to get food inside her (it doesn't seem 
like the vet paid much attention to the lack of appetite and associated danger 
in letting it go on). I want to email her mom, but back it up with facts, and 
what the consequences of Kitty not eating can/will be.
Grateful for any information that i can pass 
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: Beth's family update and shelter idea

2006-10-16 Thread Gary Murphy

Hi Nina,
Thank you for the link to the indyferal group, what a great site!  I have some of the supplies to make a shelter already, would only have to buy the insulation, I'll try to get something together this weekend.  The real trick is going to be sneaking it into their yard and hiding it somewhere, brush pile would be good, but they're talking of paying someone to come out and chip it.  MIL thinks that anything I do for the cats is attracting skunks and racoons instead.  I'll work it out somehow...
I have been meaning to write for advice on Will's med protocol and neutering tips, but got sidelined by Moxy.  I think the initial reason she recommended Will be on continuous antibiotics is because she and I both got so frightened by how quickly things turned bad for his little sister Ally when she went off of them.  Her URI returned, she developed a bright red "swimmer's ear" infection, and she spiked a recurring high fever.  None of this responded as well to the antibiotics as her initial URI and eye infection did.  It just kind of felt like we'd left the door open a crack and couldn't shut it again.  She was eventually pts with suspected wet FIP, (although this wasn't confirmed by necropsy and I have my doubts on the diagnosis).  Maybe it was just the FCov mutating into FIP that made her so susceptible to the other infections and it had nothing to do with stopping the antibiotic, but it all came on so quickly after the first round of meds ended...
  Now, I think that part of the reason he is still on it is maybe because of the interferon alpha.  I know that a side effect for humans receiving it as an injectable is a temporary reduction in circulating WBC's.  Also, viral infections in general suppress WBC's.  This would lead to an increased risk for bacterial infections.  What I don't know is if the low oral dose he receives has the same effect?  I've got a list of questions for my vet, but have more confidence that this list can give me answers than her.  She has never recommended a probiotic, but that was something I've been meaning to ask about.  I think he's lasted longer than she expected and we need to sit down and come up with a long-term plan for him.  The staff at this clinic are wonderful, the techs race each other to be the one who gets to check in my babies, I can feel them rooting for the whole bunch.  And I like the idea of one clinic knowing them from beginning to end.  I just wish the vet was a little more knowledgeable and proactive.  Anyway, here are my questions:
1.  What are the risks/side effects of long-term antibiotics?  (I'll see if I can find some Pet Dophillus to try)
2.  How often should he be having a blood panel run?  Do we do this on an interferon on week, or an off week, or on 
 a longer interferon break?  Does it have to be run immediately before the surgery, or wait a few days? a week? to
 see how the poke heals before slicing into his privates?
3.  Do we discontinue the interferon before his neuter surgery?
4.  Don't they build up a resistance/antibodies to the human interferon eventually?  Is it still helping him at this point?
 Would feline interferon be affected by these antibodies, or would it still work after he has received several months of
  the human stuff?
I know this is another long book, you don't have to answer all that, it helps me to clarify what I need to ask the vet if I write it out first.  Are there any other questions I should be asking?
Thank you so much,
Hey Beth,Thanks so much for the update about your furry gang.  I'm glad everyone, (including little Moxy who doesn't know how to land like a cat), is doing so well.  Why do you have Will on continuous Clavamox?  I was advised to do the same for Hemobart and Doxy, but that was because of the nature of how Dox works against the parasite.  I would be absolutely sure that you understand the reasoning behind this decision and agree with it.  Do you have him on some sort of probiotic to replenish the good bacteria that is wiped out with the "bad" with continual use of abx?   I use something called Pet Dophilus, (I buy it at the health food store).  That's so funny about him eating the lovebird's lettuce.  What a character!  His slow healing process is troubling, but it's not going to get any better as he gets older and being a grown intact Tom is stressful too.  Be sure to look through the archives about surgery and anesthesia to discuss with your vet before his surgery.It's a good thing your heart is big enough to help compensate for your MILs!  I just ordered a couple of feral outdoor shelters from Indycat:  You might want to check out their site for ideas on creating something for the poor babies still outside.Nina

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Oh my god Leslie you must be horrified.I pray that you find your babies safe and sound.Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.     I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.       This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have
 hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.      As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.     
 I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.       He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much.      Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.      Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix
 oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.      Thank you all so much,  Leslie  
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Barb Moermond

Oh Leslie, I'm picturing them safe and sound and returned to you... sending you strength and calm to get through this we're all here for you! Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous

- Original Message From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSent: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:06:36 PMSubject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix
Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  
This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911. 
As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared. 
I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much. 
Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 
Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed. 
Thank you all so much,

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix - Leslie

2006-10-16 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Title: Message

you can contact my AC jasmine Indra to find out their conditions if you want –
she is really nice and I and Nina loves her – her number is 207-443-1125 –
also, she may not find where they are (she does not do a missing animal) she
can tell you how they are ---and also she suggests a person
Diane Samsel, in South Carolina, to locate missing animals (she will have her




Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006
2:35 PM
Subject: RE: Need immediate
thoughts for Satch and Beatrix - Leslie


You need to hear me out – You are
going to be reunited with your kitties!   Please believe that.
 And, please read the following meditations that I was told by one of my
ACs – it works like a miracle – whenever there is a missing animal
– they are reunited with their owners in a very amazing manner --- do
this meditation as many as you can and ask others to do it for you as well
– I have been reunited with my missing cats more than a couple of times
with this meditation – and please do – it works!!  And I will
do it for you right now as well.


Here it goes. Please everyone else
meditate this for Leslie, too,  It’s very short.



You imagine a golden coil coming from your
heart center, searching and probing for missing Satch and Beatrix.

Latch on to them like a magnet guiding
them safely home to Leslie.


Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006
2:22 PM
Subject: RE: Need immediate
thoughts for Satch and Beatrix


Oh Leslie, what a dreadful thing to
happen. I'm praying so hard that your babies and well and safe and come home

hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006
3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Need immediate
thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

OMG - this is terrible!  I can't even imagine what an ordeal
this is for you.  Prayers with you and your
furbabies.   Please keep us posted.  I'm so sorry you've
been going throug this.






-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:06 PM
Subject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it
would be to put into words.


I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me
(they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday
mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to
Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  


This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go
back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and
go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway. 
The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have
hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and
"get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the
tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they
kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't
stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on
the phone with 911. 


As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are
microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they
were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or
to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off
because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll
have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he
can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you
guys, I'm so scared. 


I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  


He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have
no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags,
etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I
still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was
probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would
amount to much. 


Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the
cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch
knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 


Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the
car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and
pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix - Leslie

2006-10-16 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Title: Message

You need to hear me out – You are
going to be reunited with your kitties!   Please believe that.  And, please read
the following meditations that I was told by one of my ACs – it works
like a miracle – whenever there is a missing animal – they are
reunited with their owners in a very amazing manner --- do this meditation as
many as you can and ask others to do it for you as well – I have been
reunited with my missing cats more than a couple of times with this meditation –
and please do – it works!!  And I will do it for you right now as well.


Here it goes. Please everyone else
meditate this for Leslie, too,  It’s very short.



You imagine a golden coil coming from your
heart center, searching and probing for missing Satch and Beatrix.

Latch on to them like a magnet guiding them
safely home to Leslie.


Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006
2:22 PM
Subject: RE: Need immediate
thoughts for Satch and Beatrix


Oh Leslie, what a dreadful thing to
happen. I'm praying so hard that your babies and well and safe and come home

hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006
3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Need immediate
thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

OMG - this is terrible!  I can't even imagine what an ordeal
this is for you.  Prayers with you and your
furbabies.   Please keep us posted.  I'm so sorry you've
been going throug this.






-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:06 PM
Subject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it
would be to put into words.


I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me
(they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday
mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to
Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  


This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go
back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and
go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway. 
The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have
hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and
"get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the
tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they
kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't
stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on
the phone with 911. 


As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are
microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they
were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or
to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off
because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll
have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he
can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you
guys, I'm so scared. 


I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  


He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have
no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery
bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this
stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book
was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would
amount to much. 


Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the
cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch
knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 


Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the
car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and
pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my
concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting
for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me
after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them
again and that they are unharmed. 


Thank you all so much,


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advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by
the sender or May

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Oh Leslie, 
what a dreadful thing to happen. I'm praying so hard that your babies and well 
and safe and come home soon.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 3:17 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Need 
immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix
OMG - this is terrible!  I can't even imagine what an ordeal this 
is for you.  Prayers with you and your furbabies.   Please 
keep us posted.  I'm so sorry you've been going throug this.
  -Original Message-From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSent: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 
12:06 PMSubject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would 
be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they 
love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I 
pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then 
drive the 20 minutes home.  
This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back 
in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go 
back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The 
doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired 
it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging 
on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other 
weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there 
are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the 
time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911. 
As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  
They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I 
don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  
Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get 
fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown 
out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is 
likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared. 

I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no 
idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, 
etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I 
still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was 
probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would 
amount to much. 
Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats 
might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows 
his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 
Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, 
but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray 
that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my 
concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting 
for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me 
after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again 
and that they are unharmed. 
Thank you all so much,

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Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread etrent

OMG - this is terrible!  I can't even imagine what an ordeal this is for you.  Prayers with you and your furbabies.   Please keep us posted.  I'm so sorry you've been going throug this.





-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:06 PM
Subject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.


I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  


This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911. 


As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared. 


I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  


He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much. 


Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 


Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed. 


Thank you all so much,


Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more.

Pippin, spaying

2006-10-16 Thread Gary Murphy

Hi Gina,
Happy to hear that Pippin is doing well!  I am kind of learning as I go, so others might have better advice on spaying.  I'm going to write Nina next to ask her advice myself.  I think the most important thing is to make sure and have the pre-op blood work done.  And to make sure they use a good gas (Moxy had isoflurane sp? which is good, there might be one that is even a little better, but I can't remember what it's called).  And IV fluids are good too.  Afterwards, if it is possible for you, clear out a spare room for the first couple of days of recovery.  It may not be necessary for Pippin, but it can give you some piece of mind that any small swelling that appears isn't a hernia from jumping.  Moxy even surprised the vet with how lively she was as soon as she woke up from her spay, never slowed down at all.  I tried putting her in the laundry room to separate her from the other kittens, but the itty bitty thing leapt straight up onto the washer and scared the  out of me.  So, she got any empty room with a rug and cat bed after the hip surgery.
I'll post my experience with Will as soon as it happens (next week?),

I'm so glad to hear the good news about Will Feral.  I hope Moxy will be okay with her heart murmer.  I was  LOL re: Will and the lettuce "mouse"!  
My Pippin will be 6 months on the 25th of this month.  I too am afraid about getting her fixed.  Do you have any advice about that?  She's doing so well so far.  She's on L-Lysine and a good diet.

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread cindy reasoner

Did you say your cell phone was in the car?  Can they
track down the car by the cell phone?  Assuming it is
still in the car.  This is just so horrible.  I know
you must be sick with fear about your babies.  Can the
microchip company track your babies or not?  I don't
know anything about that.  You have been in my prayers
ever since I read your post.  I feel so terrible for
you and your babies.  Praying that you will find them
soon.  Oh, how long was it before the police arrived? 
I just wondered how much of a start this a-hole on

Cindy Reasoner

--- Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  you guys are so good.  Even while I was looking, I
> was thinking, I have to
> get to work to let the list know, they'll have good
> ideas and words of
> comfort.
> Yes, the police know about the cats.  The office
> even asked their names,
> which I thought was nice, though in retrospect he
> was probably hoping to
> find a name tag if they were outside of the car.
> When I get home (I'll be leaving early from work) -
> I'll call the chip
> companies.
> The news - what a great idea, they might love this. 
> I know that I have pics
> of Satch able to be printed, but I only have Bea on
> my phone, I think.  I'll
> check.  If I don't hear in the next couple of hours,
> I'll think about
> calling them (though the idea of ME being on camera
> terrifies me, it's not
> as scary as as not getting them back).   face your
> fears, face your fears.
> Especially since all make up was in the overnight
> bag also ... ah well,
> looking as frenzied as I feel won't be a bad thing.
> I'll keep you posted.
> Leslie

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Re: Kerry - who did you lose?

2006-10-16 Thread Nina

Oh Kerry, how very sad about Tom Cat.  You know, his letting you get
closer might have had something to do with his being sick too.  I'm so
sorry he and you had to go through all that trauma together, only to
lose him anyway.  I don't know Kerry, sometimes I just scratch my head
in dismay at the why of things.  I believe there is a reason for
everything.  My sister thinks that everything is just random
happenstance.  Either way, it's what we do with the circumstances of
our life that makes us who we are and effects all those around us.  You
can rest assured that you are effecting others in the best of ways with
your limitless compassion.  I'm so sorry honey.  It does sound like
everything was conspiring against you to save Tom Cat.  I think the
important thing, at least for him, was that someone cared enough about
him to try.  I'm sure he's grateful to you for all you did, even if he
didn't agree with it at the time.
Keep your chin up sweetie, you're getting into Heaven for sure,
Blessings and hugs to you,

Kerry Roach wrote:

  I sent this to Nina..and I don't know for sure if I put all the
info down as it was quite a long week...He (Tom Cat) was my barn
cat..wild as can be... He was hit by a car..received a broken jaw then
ended up having all sorts of problems..
  Thanks for asking...Glad to hear Lucy is doing much better...I
have Inky down to 5mg pred for now...and he is eating chicken K/D along
with his turkey, but I put his pills in tsp of fancy feast..
  Take care,

Re: Junior

2006-10-16 Thread Nina
I'm so glad to hear that Junior is doing better.  It sounds like the vet 
you brought him to knows what he's doing.  You might want to look into 
Immuno Regulin to try.  Some of the list members have had good results 
with it.  You can do a search for it to see discussions about it.  Hang 
in there,


Sally Davis wrote:

Hi Diane and all

Junior is home. He has a upper respiratory and was given a stronger 
antibiotic, subcutaneuos fluids and a b12 shot. I was also told to 
give him some yogurt as he has diarrhea. His fever had gone down a 
little it was 104. He ate when he got home and started purring. Now he 
is separated from tiny.

I have to go to work to make sure I can take care of these kitties. I 
am still looking for help (financially) to get the though this . I 
live near Richmond VA. If anyone knows of any good cat groups to 
contact please let me know.


Sally Davis

Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread roxanne allard

Leslie- I am so very sorry this happened to you and the furkids. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers for speedy recovery for the both of them. Keep us posted.
Hugs, Roxanne


2006-10-16 Thread marta gasper
Noo! How terrible!!! My heart goes out to you and your kitties, many good thoughts and light your way for a safe return.  Do contact the news, police, shelters, vets, maybe somebody found them and took them in to a vet, etc  Hugs  Marta  Please visit my shop Cat Agora gifts for cat caregivers             

Interferon; for Sally

2006-10-16 Thread marta gasper
**I just read the abstract regarding using low dose interferon for treatment of FIV and possibly FeLV. I know this was a small study group. Does anyone here have experience with this sort of treatment?**     Only at crisis time_no eating, etc_however it depends on the cat. My FIV+ cat has been on intereferon since last year when he crashed but as he got better we're reducing the dose so that he eventually will be completly off.  Again, it depends on the cat's needs, I know some people have had cats on interferon for years while others had them on it for weeks.  Interferon supplies what the body can't produce and stimulates appetite; it is used in many crisis type situations, not neccesaraly FIV/FeLV.  Marta  Please visit
 my shop Cat Agora gifts for cat caregivers             

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread TatorBunz

Oh my god!
I feel terrible for you...god only knows how I would react to 
something like this! I would be so out of would be 
Yes, I agree call forms of communications in your area Shelters 
and Rescues. TV stations and the Newspapers. The sooner it is posted the better. 
Especially since they are microchipped and do call the company list them as 
stolen. A.S.A.P.
Sorry to ask...what is your location?
Such A-holes!
& COLLIE RESCUEDonations accepted at:

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Nina
You should contact the local papers with the story too.  We all know how 
well you write, it's sure to get in. 

When you start canvassing the neighborhood putting up fliers, make up 
business size cards with Satch and Beatrix's picture on them.  Have your 
number, the fact that they are inside only cats, special needs, 
how/when/where they went missing, etc.  When my Ursula went missing, I 
knocked on doors with them, gave them to anyone walking about, put them 
on the doors that no one answered.  If you put fliers in mailboxes the 
mailman may remove them, attach them to doors instead.  I'd also think 
about staying at your boyfriend's house.  Cats travel at night when they 
are scared, (although it doesn't sound like the sort of neighborhood you 
should go out alone at night in), if they come or call to anyone, it 
will be you.  Oh, that's another thing, when/if you speak to the animal 
communicator, ask her to tell them to meow if they hear your voice.  
Cats can be two feet away hiding in a bush and not make a sound.  How 
big is your boyfriend's dog?  Maybe he could go with you, who knows, 
maybe he'd be able to sniff them out.  I'm so glad they are micro 
chipped!  Oh honey, you must be going crazy.


Leslie wrote:

you guys are so good.  Even while I was looking, I was thinking, I 
have to get to work to let the list know, they'll have good ideas and 
words of comfort.
Yes, the police know about the cats.  The office even asked their 
names, which I thought was nice, though in retrospect he was probably 
hoping to find a name tag if they were outside of the car.
When I get home (I'll be leaving early from work) - I'll call the chip 
The news - what a great idea, they might love this.  I know that I 
have pics of Satch able to be printed, but I only have Bea on my 
phone, I think.  I'll check.  If I don't hear in the next couple of 
hours, I'll think about calling them (though the idea of ME being on 
camera terrifies me, it's not as scary as as not getting them back).   
face your fears, face your fears.  Especially since all make up was in 
the overnight bag also ... ah well, looking as frenzied as I feel 
won't be a bad thing.
I'll keep you posted.

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Kat
Oh Leslie,

How awful!!   It's good that your boyfriend
called 911.  In the mean time (since I know you're not going to be in any
shape to study)...
First - Notify any and all shelters and vets and animal control in your
area & let them know both your cats names, colors, sizes, sexes, and the
fact that they are microchipped.
Second - Get your boyfriend's dog out & go walking in the direction that
the car went and where your bookbag was found.  Let him guide you as you
walk - the kitties love him, so may be more apt to come out for him.
Third - put up posters everywhere with pictures and a contact number (you
can do this while you're out walking with your boyfriend's dog)
Fourth - contact your local paper & TV station, see if they can help get
pictures out - the more people looking, the better

Please keep us posted!!
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, Leslie wrote:

> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:06:36 -0700
> From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix
> Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be
> to put into words.
> I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they
> love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I
> pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and
> then drive the 20 minutes home.
> This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in
> kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go
> back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The
> doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have
> hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and
> banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it,
> having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I
> yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me
> yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.
> As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They
> ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't
> know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch
> is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we
> left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big
> guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present
> itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.
> I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.
> He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no
> idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery
> bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this
> stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was
> probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would
> amount to much.
> Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats
> might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows
> his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.
> Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but
> maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray
> that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my
> concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch
> waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back
> to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them
> again and that they are unharmed.
> Thank you all so much,
> Leslie

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Nina
Oh my God Leslie.  When I saw the subject line all sorts of horrible 
things went through my head, but I would never have imagined this!  
Don't beat yourself up in any way, you couldn't have either.  Now, I 
don't know how you feel about this, but I suggest you call an animal 
communicator.  The one that Hideyo and I use regularly has proven her 
abilities to me over and over again, although she's not usually home 
during the day, and lost animals are not her forte.  Her name is Jasmine 
Indra:  Her phone number is 

I met a very nice lady that specializes in lost animals when Spencer 
went missing, she was of help and described my neighbor's yard where I 
suspect Spencer was hiding.  Her name is Carol Robinson:   415-924-9094  One of 
her hints for finding lost cats is to take a spray bottle and fill it 
with some of your urine and spray it at cat height all over the 
neighborhood, leading back home.  I wish Satchmo and Beatrix had spent 
time outside your boyfriends house so they'd be more familiar with where 
home is. 

If you decide to call them, tell them I sent you.  They can at least 
tell you, (I'm sorry), if they are still in body, if they are together, 
if they are still in the car...  If they are outside, ask her to ask 
them how long the car was moving before they got out.

I can believe this has happened.  I'm praying that the next message from 
you is good news that the car has been found with the cats safe and 
sound inside.  Oh, I'm so sick about this, I can only imagine what you 
are going through.

Much love, hope and prayers,

Leslie wrote:

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it 
would be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me 
(they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday 
mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say 
goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home. 
This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go 
back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the 
fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of 
the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside 
it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, 
yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, 
smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went 
everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in 
there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I 
got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.
As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  
They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were 
loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or 
to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because 
he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have 
been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can 
handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh 
you guys, I'm so scared.
I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant. 
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have 
no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, 
grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even 
through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb 
biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that 
its street value would amount to much.
Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the 
cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  
Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least 
stay together.
Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the 
car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate 
it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix 
oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out 
on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be 
stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  
please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.
Thank you all so much,


RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Leslie

you guys are so good.  Even while I was looking, I was thinking, I have to get to work to let the list know, they'll have good ideas and words of comfort.
Yes, the police know about the cats.  The office even asked their names, which I thought was nice, though in retrospect he was probably hoping to find a name tag if they were outside of the car.
When I get home (I'll be leaving early from work) - I'll call the chip companies.
The news - what a great idea, they might love this.  I know that I have pics of Satch able to be printed, but I only have Bea on my phone, I think.  I'll check.  If I don't hear in the next couple of hours, I'll think about calling them (though the idea of ME being on camera terrifies me, it's not as scary as as not getting them back).   face your fears, face your fears.  Especially since all make up was in the overnight bag also ... ah well, looking as frenzied as I feel won't be a bad thing.

I'll keep you posted.

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Gary Murphy

Here is a link to an online network with good advice:
Tough to follow some of the advice such as "knock on doors" when they left on wheels.  That's why TV would be best.  It can't hurt to make a call and try to get them to pick it up.   Maybe tell their back story so they know how deep your commitment has been to those two and how deeply they are wanted.  If you can find time to post your area and a description of them, and maybe pics, I am off work today and can add them to the various lost pet lists online.  Hopefully they will be recovered quickly and none of this will be neccessary, but if not, speed in getting the info out there might help.
Best wishes,

Cats In Stolen Car

2006-10-16 Thread Belinda

Please look very carefully in your boyfriends immediate area too, 
the theif may have let them out of the car before taking off or soon 
there after.  Put posters up everywhere and if you have photos make a 
flyer and take it to all of the animal shelters, humane societies in the 
area probably with in 50 miles or so, ask them to contact you or your 
boyfriend should they be turned in.  Prayers you will find them or they 
will find you soon.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
do the police know the kitties are in the car?

- Original Message -
From: Leslie Lawther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:23 pm
Subject: Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

> *OH LESLIE!  HOW AWFUL!!  I'm so sorry you're going through 
> this!!  It
> is absolutely unimaginable!!  You're poor, poor scared cats!!  What 
> kind of
> jerks... oh, don't get me started.  Please keep us posted... I'm so 
> sorry.**Leslie =^..^=*
> On 10/16/06, Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard 
> it would
> > be to put into words.
> >
> > I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats 
> with me
> > (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  
> Monday mornings
> > I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say 
> goodbye to Ed,
> > and then drive the 20 minutes home.
> >
> > This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, 
> go back
> > in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the 
> fridge and go
> > back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the 
> driveway.  The
> > doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must 
> have> hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and 
> "get out" and
> > banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware 
> against it,
> > having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept 
> going.  I
> > yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed 
> heard me
> > yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone 
> with 911.
> >
> > As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are 
> microchipped.> They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, 
> so they were loose.  I
> > don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be 
> kept in.
> > Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't 
> get fed
> > before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown 
> out.  Satch is
> > a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely 
> to present
> > itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.
> >
> > I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.
> >
> > He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I 
> have no
> > idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, 
> grocery> bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that 
> even through this
> > stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology 
> book was
> > probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street 
> value would
> > amount to much.
> >
> > Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if 
> the cats
> > might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  
> Satch knows
> > his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay 
> together.>
> > Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in 
> the car,
> > but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate 
> it ), and
> > pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix 
> oblivious to my
> > concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice 
> porch> waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be 
> stressed, but get back
> > to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that 
> I see them
> > again and that they are unharmed.
> >
> > Thank you all so much,
> > Leslie
> >
> >
> -- 
> Leslie =^..^=
> To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a 
> gardenpatch, or an improved social condition - that is to have 
> succeeded.  That
> only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
> ---Ralph Waldo Emerson

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Gary Murphy

Oh NO!!!  Leslie, that is just horrible.  Not sure what area you are in, but maybe you can get a local news station interested in the story so the whole area can be on the lookout for Satch and Beatrix.  Do you have a couple of pictures for them to show?  Local tv news would be good, (ours use animal stories quite often as a hook to keep you from flipping channels).  Also the newspaper.  Anyone in Leslie's area that can help her get notices posted in local vets offices, pet stores, etc?  Oh, and let the animal shelters know as well.  Any other ideas?  Isn't there an online resource that helps with missing pets?  I'll look now.  
Prayers and hugs to you Leslie,

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread cindy reasoner

Oh this is terrible.  I am praying that you find both
of your babies and they are O.K.  

Cindy Reasoner

--- Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't
> know how hard it would be
> to put into words.
> I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take
> the cats with me (they
> love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving
> them).  Monday mornings I
> pack everything up including the cats, go back in to
> say goodbye to Ed, and
> then drive the 20 minutes home.
> This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school
> books, the cats, go back in
> kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware
> from the fridge and go
> back outside to find someone in my car backing it
> out of the driveway.  The
> doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it,
> so they must have
> hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling,
> "hey" and "get out" and
> banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the
> tupperware against it,
> having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but
> they kept going.  I
> yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't
> stop.  Ed heard me
> yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on
> the phone with 911.
> As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both
> are microchipped.  They
> ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so
> they were loose.  I don't
> know which is more likely, them to get thrown out,
> or to be kept in.  Satch
> is probably talking the thief's ear off because he
> didn't get fed before we
> left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown
> out.  Satch is a big
> guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is
> likely to present
> itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so
> scared.
> I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.
> He threw my book bag out the window across from a
> nearby park, I have no
> idea why that item of all that he could have (my
> overnight bag, grocery
> bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying
> that even through this
> stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the
> 20 lb biology book was
> probably the most valuable item in the car, not that
> its street value would
> amount to much.
> Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that
> area to see if the cats
> might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found
> anything.  Satch knows
> his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at
> least stay together.
> Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone,
> mine was in the car, but
> maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to
> locate it ), and pray
> that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix
> oblivious to my
> concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging
> out on a nice porch
> waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be
> stressed, but get back
> to me after a harmless adventure on their end. 
> please pray that I see them
> again and that they are unharmed.
> Thank you all so much,
> Leslie

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RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Chris

How awful…  Suggestio—IMMEDIATELY
call the chip company to have the chips listed as Stolen—this will have
them hang on to anybody who calls in chip number….  




Behalf Of Leslie
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006
1:07 PM
Subject: Need immediate thoughts
for Satch and Beatrix


Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't
know how hard it would be to put into words.


I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take
the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving
them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back
in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  


This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school
books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware
from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of
the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so
they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling,
"hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in
fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went
everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there,
but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside,
he was on the phone with 911. 


As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both
are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so
they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown
out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the
thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so
scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found
on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the
kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared. 


I would have thought they'd be a theft


He threw my book bag out the window across from a
nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my
overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying
that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically
the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that
its street value would amount to much. 


Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area
to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found
anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at
least stay together. 


Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone,
mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to
locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix
oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a
nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed,
but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray
that I see them again and that they are unharmed. 


Thank you all so much,


Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Leslie Lawther
OH LESLIE!  HOW AWFUL!!  I'm so sorry you're going through this!!  It is absolutely unimaginable!!  You're poor, poor scared cats!!  What kind of jerks... oh, don't get me started.  Please keep us posted... I'm so sorry.

Leslie =^..^= 
On 10/16/06, Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  

This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911. 

As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared. 

I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much. 

Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 

Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed. 

Thank you all so much,
Leslie -- Leslie =^..^=To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson 

RE: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane

Oh my God, Leslie, how utterly 
Here are huge vibes that your car gets located with your 
babies safe and sound.  Or at the very least, that your babies are returned 
to you.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
LeslieSent: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:07 PMTo: 
Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch 
and Beatrix

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would 
be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they 
love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I 
pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then 
drive the 20 minutes home.  
This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back 
in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go 
back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The 
doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired 
it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging 
on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other 
weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there 
are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the 
time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911. 
As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  
They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I 
don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  
Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get 
fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown 
out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is 
likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared. 

I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no 
idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, 
etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I 
still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was 
probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would 
amount to much. 
Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats 
might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows 
his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together. 
Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, 
but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray 
that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my 
concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting 
for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me 
after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again 
and that they are unharmed. 
Thank you all so much,

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Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-16 Thread Leslie
Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home.  

This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911. 

As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kittenoh you guys, I'm so scared.

I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.  
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much.

Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.

Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.

Thank you all so much,

Re: OT animal communicators

2006-10-16 Thread tamara stickler
Karen,     There are those, I believe who can communicate with animals (or rather, and more likely, it is the animal who instigates and directs the communication and the human that is sensitive or not to that direction), however, I believe these people are very few and far between.  Like any other unproven science, there are more hoaxters out there than legitiment communicators.       I have found (through my rescue and placement experiences) many of these "communicators" to be people whose personal lives are a complete and total mess, so they "develop" this "skill" to give themselves a sense of control and an exceptional identity...(not that they are doing this to be misleading, but that they are actually misleading themselves in a desparate attempt to gain some sort of supierority or self-worth)most actually do WANT to help, are longing to be of use, but their "skills" are just
 imaginary.     True communicators cannot expect to score a true reading each and everytime, nor can they be expected to be omniscent, BUT, if their skills are REAL they should be able to lock onto SOMETHING that is unique to you or one of your pets, present or past...whether it be a unique event, a name, or an evironment.  IF they cannot give you a link that this, something specific...move on to another.     MOST of these communicators, be it human or animal just trade in common sense...which is easily manipulated to fit what we WANT to be true.     Good luck finding the answers you seek, but be willing to accept that the answers just may not be accessible to you in this lifetime.     God bless,  T[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I respect you guys a lot tell me what you really think of the claims these folks make.     I am desperate for answers on some of my rescues.      Karen 
		Get your email and more, right on the  new 

RE: Junior

2006-10-16 Thread Sally Davis

Hi Diane and all

Junior is home. He has a upper respiratory and was given a stronger 
antibiotic, subcutaneuos fluids and a b12 shot. I was also told to give him 
some yogurt as he has diarrhea. His fever had gone down a little it was 
104. He ate when he got home and started purring. Now he is separated from 

I have to go to work to make sure I can take care of these kitties. I am 
still looking for help (financially) to get the though this . I live near 
Richmond VA. If anyone knows of any good cat groups to contact please let 
me know.


Sally Davis

At 09:07 AM 10/16/2006 -0500, you wrote:


I'm sorry about your other kitty.  And here are vibes that Junior gets
better.  Don't let the vet railroad you into anything with him.  If the
vet won't treat him just like they would a negative cat, leave.  Here's
hoping it will be okay.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sally Davis
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 7:29 AM
Subject: Junior

Hi everyone

This is a great group. I am waiting until I can see the vet this
Junior who tested positive  for Felv 10/6/06 is now running a fever of
106.7. I am scared and I feel so helpless.
  I lost one cat less than two weeks ago. He crashed at the vet's
He was never tested but I am sure this virus had something to do with
My Nerves are shot. Please pray for junior. I do not know how the vet is

with treating these FeLV cats. I was planning on seeing my usual vet but

they weren't sure how soon they could see junior. I did not sleep well
night. as I knew he wasn't feeling well.

I will let you know tonight.


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Re: Prince says hi :)

2006-10-16 Thread Peggy Ankney

Hi to Prince from Montana, Karma and


We were in the same place as you a few weeks ago.  My husband and I took in a stray
(Scooter) and the day I brought him to the vet, I got
a call at work with the bad news.  Like you, I never considered FELV to be a
possibility, so we were floored to learn he was positive.  After much soul-searching, we opted not
to take the vet’s advice (pts) and decided to keep Scooter.  Fortunately, the vet was supportive as
long as I promised to keep Scooter indoors and of course maintain my two
negatives’ vaccinations.  You
would never know Scooter was sick – he’s just a normal 10 month old
kitten, a bundle of energy and very loving.  My other two cats are allowed to go
outdoors, so I’ve been trying to get Scooter used to a collar and
retractable leash, but the few times we tried it indoors he hated it, and even
seems scared to go outside so if he’s happy being an indoor cat, I’m
fine with that too.  Montana and Karma
are still learning how to deal with him, and there are occasional fights but
mostly just batting and growling but never any scratching or biting.  I don’t separate their dry food,
but I watch carefully when they have their canned food in the morning and
immediately remove and wash Scooter’s bowl so the others won’t be
tempted to eat from it.  I don’t
know what to do about the water bowl but cross my fingers and know I’m
doing the right thing for Scoot even if it puts the others at a slight
risk.  This group is so supportive –
it’s really great to read about the success stories of kitties in peril
being placed, and heartwarming to read the sadder stories of cats who
eventually succumb to the disease, or complications from it, and the response
of everyone when that happens.  


Best of luck to you and Prince and your other kitties!  


Here are links to pics of my
little guys (they’re big files so they may take forever to view):





RE: Junior

2006-10-16 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane

I'm sorry about your other kitty.  And here are vibes that Junior gets
better.  Don't let the vet railroad you into anything with him.  If the
vet won't treat him just like they would a negative cat, leave.  Here's
hoping it will be okay.

Diane R. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sally Davis
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 7:29 AM
Subject: Junior

Hi everyone

This is a great group. I am waiting until I can see the vet this
Junior who tested positive  for Felv 10/6/06 is now running a fever of 
106.7. I am scared and I feel so helpless.
  I lost one cat less than two weeks ago. He crashed at the vet's
He was never tested but I am sure this virus had something to do with
My Nerves are shot. Please pray for junior. I do not know how the vet is

with treating these FeLV cats. I was planning on seeing my usual vet but

they weren't sure how soon they could see junior. I did not sleep well
night. as I knew he wasn't feeling well.

I will let you know tonight.


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Re: Junior

2006-10-16 Thread dede hicken
My thoughts are with you, and prayers, too.


--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> This is a great group. I am waiting until I can see
> the vet this morning. 
> Junior who tested positive  for Felv 10/6/06 is now
> running a fever of 
> 106.7. I am scared and I feel so helpless.
>   I lost one cat less than two weeks ago. He crashed
> at the vet's office. 
> He was never tested but I am sure this virus had
> something to do with it. 
> My Nerves are shot. Please pray for junior. I do not
> know how the vet is 
> with treating these FeLV cats. I was planning on
> seeing my usual vet but 
> they weren't sure how soon they could see junior. I
> did not sleep well last 
> night. as I knew he wasn't feeling well.
> I will let you know tonight.
> Sally
> -- 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 -
> Release Date: 10/14/2006

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17

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2006-10-16 Thread Sally Davis

Hi everyone

This is a great group. I am waiting until I can see the vet this morning. 
Junior who tested positive  for Felv 10/6/06 is now running a fever of 
106.7. I am scared and I feel so helpless.
 I lost one cat less than two weeks ago. He crashed at the vet's office. 
He was never tested but I am sure this virus had something to do with it. 
My Nerves are shot. Please pray for junior. I do not know how the vet is 
with treating these FeLV cats. I was planning on seeing my usual vet but 
they weren't sure how soon they could see junior. I did not sleep well last 
night. as I knew he wasn't feeling well.

I will let you know tonight.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date: 10/14/2006

Re: Kerry - who did you lose?

2006-10-16 Thread Kerry Roach
Michelle,   I sent this to Nina..and I don't know for sure if I put all the info down as it was quite a long week...He (Tom Cat) was my barn cat..wild as can be... He was hit by a car..received a broken jaw then ended up having all sorts of problems..  Thanks for asking...Glad to hear Lucy is doing much better...I have Inky down to 5mg pred for now...and he is eating chicken K/D along with his turkey, but I put his pills in tsp of fancy feast..  Take care,  KerryHi Nina,  Thanks for writing as I know how difficult it is at times like these...guess that is why I didn't get on here much at all..This is sorta a long story, but here goes..  I lost Tom Cat...guess he was a feral as he had been living out at my house where I keep my goats for the last 3 yrs or so...I just started calling
 him Tom Cat this year and really trying to make friends with him as he was really wild...I could finally get within 3 ft of him in the last 6 months at feeding time and he would follow me around when I would go he was I guess you could say my barn cat...  I went to turn my goats out one evening but didn't have any cat food with me and he was waiting at his place for me.  So I thought when I went back later that night I would bring food and he would be there.  He wasn't at the time, but when we drove off, he was across the highway and had been hit by a car. I am sure he saw me turn in the drive and came across the road..I never knew of him to cross the road.. Anyway, a guy that works for me was with me and I told him that was Tom Cat so we stopped and he was hardly breathing so we picked him up on a card board box that we broke down and I took him back to work with me to call the vet.  By this time it was midnight, she met me and got him
 going, but he had a broken jaw and I guess some lung problem...anyway, he was responding to the dex and O2.  That was on a Tues..then on Wed. he even tried to eat something, but they finally had to tube feed him..but on Thurs, I had to take him to Arlington, TX. to a 24 hr emergency place as he needed  extra care..My vets staff was going to continuing education classes all weekend so no one here to see after him or feed him..He was off the O2 by this time and seemed to be doing better..Anyway, when I got him up there since he was wild they had a hard time dealing with him other than IV meds and sedation to check him out..I first asked them to felv and fiv test him before we went any farther so that all came back negative..but his PCV was 13 so since it was so late they didn't have a donor cat available so they gave him oxyglobin to keep him stable, but his PCV didn't go up either so by Sat. we did a blood transfusion and it went to 23..The dental surgeon was out
 of town until Monday..they were all gone to Oregon for a seminar.  Then by Wed. his PCV was going down again so I didn't know what to do and they suggested pts...cause he probably had some other underlying problem, cancer or something..since his PCV didn't stay up and he didn't have a lot of blood loss from the accident.. When the dental surgeon looked at his xrays she said he probably had some sort of tumor in there and the jaw might not heal anyway...He couldn't eat with his jaw all misaligned...I wish now that I would have just brought him home and turned him loose...but he might have died a horrible death and I didn't want that either..He hated being in that cage and all the poking around on him..He was a tough kitty as he fought them when they would try to do anything to him and I hated them sedating him every time...I saw him like that, too..I drove 140 miles everyday to see him in the ICU there from Thurs until the next Wed. (all except 1 day)  I
 forgot to mention they did a bone marrow biopsy and he couldn't get his RBC in circulation...he had some sort of weird anemia...but nothing to do with felv or they tested him again and it was negative...also neg for Hemobart..They said he was probably weak is why he didn't get out of the way of the car as this problem was coming on and I wouldn't know it since he was feral.  I hope I did the right thing...I know I didn't want him to suffer as he was such a good kitty.  I think in a few more months he would have trusted me more and more..Anyway,  I don't know if I've left anything out, but we went thru it all in a week..  I miss him no matter what..He was a black and white tuxedo just like Bandy only bigger..12lbs.  Could you put this on the list for me?  I hope you are doing ok today..It is tough is all I can say...I forgot to mention that a few months ago I named one of my kitties Spencer...I have a hard time with
 names at times and since I read this list alot, I have gotten some good names..  I just hope everyone stays healthy.. You are always in our prayers..  Hugs and head butts to everyone,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angel's Buster, Lil Rascal, Snoopy and Tom CatNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Kerry,Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me about Spe

Re: here is the link to my photo albums

2006-10-16 Thread Sherry DeHaan
thanks Gina :)Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Sherry,     Gorgeous, all of them!  I love seeing everyone's kitty pictures!     :) Gina  Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 
 Visit my Tigger Tales site!       See my cats' gallery at Zazzle  How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates. 
		Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

RE: here is the link to my photo albums

2006-10-16 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Thanks Diane!! :)Diane Rosenfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  What beautiful babies!     Diane R.-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaanSent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:21 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: here is the link to my photo
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: Our Friends & Family Who Have Crossed--Evan and Dee

2006-10-16 Thread Evan & Dee

Hi Gina - I never heard of those sites - thanks for sharing them. We
did a tribute off of our personal webpage:

Gina WN wrote:

  Evan & Dee,
  Such a sweetie!  The poster is a wonderful tribute.  I still
mourn the loss of my Buddy and it will be four years in November.  Does
Ginger have a Dogster page?  I found that doing a Catster page for my
Buddy really was a great experience.
  :)  Gina

 It breaks my heart to see the loss of so many
cherished souls and I wish 
I could offer words that would ease the pain, but they've all been
and said well (this is a very nurturing group). We lost our beloved 15 
year old (canine) daughter earlier this year and it was a devastating 
loss that we still mourn. One of the many things that we decided to do 
to help keep her spirit in our home was to create a digital photo 
montage and take it to Staples and have it blown up into a 2x4 poster 
for our dining room (the size allows for larger, more life size
I know it's not much, but I would gladly create a similar montage image
for anyone that wishes to do something similar for their loved one. The
advantage of creating it digitally is that you can insert several
into one digital "photo" (as well as a poem, verse, tribute...) and
image can be directly transferred (on a much larger, but crisp) scale 
onto the poster. We also did the same for a single photo, which hangs
our bed. I put a scaled down copy of the poster we had made at the site
below. Please feel free to contact me if you would like me to try and
something similar for you. There would be no charge for creating the 
image -  it's just a chance to give a little something back to a group 
that has given so much. You can have it blown up and placed on a poster
board for between $30.00 and $50.00, depending on size you want. It may
be even cheaper if there's a Kinkos in your area.~ Evan

   Visit my Tigger
Tales  site!  
   See my
cats' gallery at Zazzle 
Do you Yahoo!?
Get on board. You're
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2006-10-16 Thread Samiluke

I am so, so sorry to hear about Luna.  I understand how you, having 
just lost my Peanut a little over 2 weeks ago.  You, your family & 
Luna will be in my thoughts & prayers.  Take extra good care of 

Re: To Sally

2006-10-16 Thread Gina WN
Hi Sally,     My thought is that you might first get your group vaccinated, that way the negatives will have some protection against the disease.  Although the vaccine is not 100% effective, it's better than no protection.  Is there a nearby low-cost clinic available?  That is what we did.  We saved $36 by taking our three cats to a clinic for their FeLV shots rather than our regular vet.  Then, we waited a few weeks before mixing them.  One thing I've learned from this group is that FeLV isn't passed as easily as once thought, so I'm praying maybe your others won't contract it.     Also, we are giving Pippin 500 mg L-Lysine per day and it's costs about $7 for 100 capsules.  We give her the contents of one capsule mixed in with her evening wet food.  I'm not knowledgeable about the other drugs; hopefully
 some of the more experienced members of the list can comment.     You and your babies are in my thoughts,     Gina              Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Gina,Thanks for the information about URI. If my brain was working right now I probably would have figured that out. As it turns out all the cats that had the Upper respiratory infection have tested positive. I guess their immune systems were fighting too much. Lily had a sneeze or two but never a full blown cold.I just read the abstract regarding using low dose interferon for treatment of FIV and possibly FeLV. I know this was a small study group. Does anyone here have experience with this sort of
 treatment?More importantly Should all the cats get this drug? The other cats may be already fighting off the virus. I am very limited in funds. And have not yet figured out how I am going to handle the expense of treating and vaccinating the cats. I am still surprised the kitten is testing negative she is probably the most exposed cat to Lionel . They were best buddies. Although he is the only cat testing positive for FIV he may not have been the source of the FeLV. Tiny was the first with the URI. I know I will never know where it originated.OK next question. I could not get appointments for the cats until late November. I will probably be able to get them into the vet as a walk-in sooner. With 9 cats I can't take them all . Should I take the FeLV cats first or get the negative cats to get vaccinated? The cats are separated. For the most part the others are staying outside. Tiny and junior are in my bed room.
 Mainly to keep Tiny from darting outside which he already did yesterday. I managed to catch him right away, but he will get smart about that and I may not be so lucky the next time.The only medicine I have now is amoxycillin which is being used to treat whatever infection caused Junior's temperature to go so high. I also have Pumpkin'sBaytril, so I am giving that to Tiny for his bite wound. I know it is overkill, but many years ago I lost a cat from a bite wound. The vet advised my dad when he was euthanized he had FeLV. He was 12 yrs old and I remember even after antibiotics his wound never healed. He stayed with me until the end. I am sure he had renal failure.I may have more questions. I need to check out the archives as well. Thanks for the help.SallyAt 07:23 PM 10/13/2006 -0700, you wrote:>Sally,>>A URI is an upper respitory infection. I wonder too if Pumpkin might have
 >had FeLV; maybe a more experienced list member might have an idea? I'm >very sorry that he left you so suddenly. It sounds as if there was no >time for you to say goodbye. My heart goes out to you with all that you >are dealing.>>Blessings,>Gina>>>Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:>At 06:42 AM 10/13/2006 -0700, you wrote:>>>I am so sorry you lost your two babies and so close together. You must >>be reeling from the grief and dealing with the other kitties coming up >>positive. How are the rest of your group doing after the URI?>>Not sure what the URI stands for. Right now I came home to find one of my >>cats, Grey and White, up a tree. I guess someone's dog got loose.>> No virus found in this outgoing
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