Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problems with connection between player and

2022-12-28 Thread Redrum

MikeyOne wrote: 
> Let me know if anyone knows how to fix?

@toby10's response (from 2011) is the way to fix it. Your player is
registered to a previous owner. By doing a reset, declining to use the
old registration, and registering it to your account that should do it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-17 Thread Redrum

I am no windows expert, not even a novice, but I have read (on this
forum) where recent updates made security/permission changes that caused
allot of difficulty for many. You might want to search on a few of those

Also, I am not a big believer in coincidence. I'm more of a cause and
effect person. If this truly happened immediately after your update,
that's the cause. Maybe you could roll back a few updates? I have never
had any success doing something like that, I eventually blue screen my
box :mad: and end up with a clean install of windows.

Regarding your use of the radio paradise stream, if it is any of the
flac streams, and perhaps you used them from a favorite, that does
require that the radio paradise plugin to operate. It will error without
it. See if any of the mp3 320kbps streams will play, they don't need the

Your comment on the plugin page not showing some things - there is a
triangle icon at the start of each category that is an expand/hide.
Example V Active will show, >Active will hide. Makes sure what is
missing isn't hidden.

I saw Paul is recommending 8.3.1 worth a try. If it was me, and you had
another old PC, I would do a new install with a thumb drive of music,
say 2-4 albums. Get that working. It should take under an hour.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-17 Thread Redrum

DLD-UK wrote: 
> I have no idea why but I've got the same problem again. The only thing I
> have done is reboot my PC. I can now play music on my PC but nothing off
> the internet.
> It is deinitely time to move to a Pi but that means converting all my
> Flac files to Linux friendly names. 
> Can anyone explain why LMS can't resolve IP addresses when the PC it is
> running on can?

@DLD-UK, can you please give an exact description of the error message,
what device you are seeing it on (your touch?), and what you are
attempting when it happens?

For example, might this be what you are seeing?:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-16 Thread Redrum

DLD-UK wrote: 
> I'm totally lost.
> It makes me more convinced that I should move LMS and my library to a
> Raspberry Pi so that it is separate to everything else.

Happy for you! Confusion and working is better than not working. Some
times things just happen. Probably no doubt your windows update shuffled
the cards a bit.

I moved from windows to a raspberry pi (picoreplayer) for my server
quite a while ago, and it was one of the best sb moves I ever made.
Cheap (when you can get them), low power consumption, running 24/7,
doesn't involve windows, and when you turn your windows machine off, the
music doesn't stop. I seriously would turn off my PC and say "hey, what
happened to the music?" :o


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-16 Thread Redrum

@DLD-UK, I tried and experiment and am confused as to the results. I was
hypothesizing that LMS was not properly logged into, and
perhaps that was causing your problem. I tried to recreate, and just
ended up confusing myself.

First, does your LMS settings-> look like this?:


If it does, I assume it means you are properly logged into via
LMS. I logged out, then entered an incorrect pw, and it would not allow
login, so I assume seeing this screen (as opposed to username and
password fields) means you are properly logged in

So, I stayed logged out, restarted LMS, removed/reapplied power to my
touch, then went to settings->advanced->network->switch to
(hoping to generate your error), and it worked fine, it allowed me to
access even though I was logged out :confused: There must be
some cache involved there somewhere. Or, maybe the touch needs a factory

I have two other thoughts:

1) If you can post specific steps to your issue, perhaps with screen
shots or a photo of what your touch's complaint is, that might help.

2) If you have another machine (as a test) - PC, laptop, etc start with
a fresh install of LMS, then try to connect your touch to it. If you do
this, best to shutdown your original LMS, so that the touch only sees
the new one.


|Filename: mysb.png |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-16 Thread Redrum

DLD-UK wrote: 
> .
> I can log into okay so I assume account/password is
> okay. .

Sorry to hear. Allot to unpack here. A couple quick things, in a browser
make sure you are accessing *www* as opposed to There is a difference, but I am not real clear on what
it is.

Second, did you try reentering your credentials in LMS
settings-> (tab)? Even if they "look ok"? You did not
say. This has tripped up a couple members here. This is what LMS uses to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-15 Thread Redrum

agbagb wrote: 
> My apologies: I use DEFALUT INTERFACE  (I regularly use another bit of
> software in a "Classic" mode.)

I repeated my experiment with the default UI, and it behaved just as
@ktp described. It did take a few seconds after the "move" for the
screen to refresh, and the player to show up

After connecting the radio to, and before moving it to LMS:


I never realized this, as I never use But I have setup systems
for friend who tell me "hey, I lost radio station xxx" and we determine
that they are connected to (like the OP), and xxx is only a
favorite of LMS. This is a good way for them to troubleshoot on their


|Filename: lms4.png |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-15 Thread Redrum

Redrum wrote: 
> .
> I'll rerun it and get some screen grabs

OK, in material, I found the player indicated that it was connected to, at the bottom of "manage players". First I pulled down the
list of players with the red radio connected:

Then I connected the red radio to, and it was dropped from the
pull down list

Then I choose "manage players", went to the bottom of that page, and
there it was. Sweet, I learned something today!


|Filename: lms 3.png|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-15 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> Works fine for me, both Default & Material skins
> LMS v8.4.0.

Interesting. I wonder if it's a version thing. I'm on 8.3. I just ran a
test, in material, pulled down to look at all my players. Then I took a
radio and via the radio, connected it to I then went back to
Material, the radio is gone (as @agbagb noted), and no note to connect,
even if I choose manage players.

I'll rerun it and get some screen grabs


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-15 Thread Redrum

A guess - since your windows update (or related) seemed to affect LMS
(player could not find, switch to - maybe something to do with
the lms connection to also got affected.

I am not sure what you mean by "I used to be able to connect to
without issues but now I can't"? Have you tried to log into on
your pc using your credentials with a browser? If that works, in LMS go
to settings-> and reenter your credentials, hit apply.

As Paul mentions, check the logs. LMS->settings->information->Logitech
Media Server Log File

I also hope that you rebooted everything - modem, router, PC,
that order.

If all else fails you can reinstall LMS (which I have had to do). There
are some things you can do to save/restore favorites and plugins. Check
back before you reinstall.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Interface says no player

2022-12-15 Thread Redrum

DLD-UK wrote: 
> Yes. That seems to have fixed it. 
> My question now is why? Should I not have been able to select the player
> from the web interface?
> Also, what caused it to happen? I've never had that before.

probably what happend is your player was connected to
By selecting my music, you are requesting the player connect to LMS
(which is the only place you can access your local music files).

Why did it happen? Probably LMS was not running after your windows
update. It has happened to me before (seemingly) no reason. At some
point you tried to use the player when LMS was not available/running, so
the player possible said (something like) "could not connect, switch to" then it did.

If you are not familiar, is basically a cloud server (before we
called then cloud servers), where you use the players with installing
LMS on say, a pc/mac/other. It is the "out of the box/get it
working/stream internet/pandora/etc" solution. You installed LMS to get
alot more function including local music.

If you want to replicate what probably happened, on the touch go to
settings->advanced->networking->switch to Then log into on your pc browser. Go to players. You should see your touch
connected, and the LMS control UI should have the touch "missing". Then
as Michael says, choose my music, the browser will still have
the player listed, but not connected, and the player should be in the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-22 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> The embedded server of a touch was an after thought because the
> developers realized it "might" work.  Causes lots of headaches and never
> works quite good enough.  And now, with rPi units that can serve as
> small, low power draw, full power LMS servers (running, eg.,
> piCorePlayer), there is really no reason to even play with the embedded
> server.

we discourage using tiny LMS it a touch, but it does work, albeit
limited and unstable. I set one up for a non technical friend thinking
this would be the perfect solution for him (his library on a USB stick,
a few radio stations). It did work, but crashed so many times and there
were all sorts of stations he wanted to, but could not play. He ended up
having "feature creep" He originally wanted a few radio stations and a
small library un USB, but then "can it do this"? "No", "can it do this?"
"No"...I ended up getting him a rpi 3b+ and installed picoreplayer.

One of the things to remember about tiny LMS is some time after the
touch was released, it was no longer developed or supported, and in the
mean time, real LMS blossomed into what it is today.

Also, yes, there is, but it also is no longer developed, and as
a result, for example, you cannot stream https, only http streams, just
like tiny LMS

So Chris, give it a try, why not? If anything it will make you
appreciate LMS more ;)

Glad your pesky message is gone...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Volume Control

2022-09-21 Thread Redrum

Hi Andy;

I don't have an answer with you, I have tried blue tooth volume control
and given up, not really needing it myself.

But, you posted in the "touch" forum, you might get a few more eyes if
you post in the general, or Linux/Unix (where the main picoreplayer
thread is).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread Redrum

sorry if I sent you down the wrong path, I wasn't thinking to straight
before my first cup. I have allot of radios and did the patch often pre
8.2, so my typing was a reflex action. I have never had to do anything
to the touch (as @slarti mentioned). But I do remember reading that the
touch, controller, similar were added to the message?

I stand my my tiny LMS comments :)

You could also try doing a factory reset to the touch, then restart LMS,
all the while with fingers crossed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread Redrum

I haven't done this in a long time, and only on a radio, but one thing
that might trip you up is this:

you install the patch installer applet from the applet installer menu,
then you need to go to the patch installer menu to install the version
comparison patch, so, a different menu.

I can't remember if you need to power cycle the device, I don't think
so. But, you will need to stop/restart LMS (after installing) for the
warning you are seeing to go away

Regarding tiny LMS - no offense to the original developers, but it's not
worth playing with. Would you drive a rusted out ford pinto (famous for
rear impact gas tank explosions) if you have a corvette in the garage?
:). Seriously, it's limited, and does not support https (most radio
stations) only http. Try to ask it to do too much, and it crashes. You
have already moved past it if you have LMS running on another machine.
It was removed from community firmware both because of this and other

As an aside, I run touches on the stock firmware, have not tried
community, and they work fine. You can also always revert,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Straightforward Hard Drive to revive Touch

2022-03-03 Thread Redrum

Dhammavijaya wrote: 
> Since setting up this system things are basically fine, but I’m having a
> frustrating problem.
> I rip the new Tears for Fears CD on my MAC , physically connect the
> external SSD to it, and transfer the ripped files to it.
> Then I reconnect the SSD to the Pi, go into LMS via PiCorePlayer and
> rescan. The newly transferred CD is not being found by the rescan
> though. I know it’s there on the SSD because it shows up when
> reconnecting to the MAC. LMS just doesn’t seem to find it.
> Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

Listened to that TFF yesterday, first listen sounds quite good!

Assuming you do a "look for new" and not a "wipe and rescan", and are
looking in LMS, are you looking for the first entry in album artist->
new music? or album artist->tears for fears? What could happen is when
you rip, the meta data for the CD is not read/found by the ripping
software, and the files are created as unknown artist or unknown album.
Look under album artist->unknown. With TFF it isn't a problem, but "the"
can be involved - "Flaming Lips" and "The Flaming Lips" but LMS is
usually setup to ignore "the" (settings->my music-> articles to

Are you using a tagging software after your rip, and before LMS? This
can be used to fix your tags. I use media monkey (not sure I would
recommend it) but allot of people here use foobar2000 and mp3tag. 

Finally, out of desperation, remove the CD from the HDD, rescan, and
note the total number of tracks via LMS (settings_>information-Library
statistics), add the CD, rescan, then check the number of tracks again.
If it increases...its in there somewhere :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC Radio Stations

2022-02-25 Thread Redrum

Labarum wrote: 
> The problem was the BT wireman messing with the connections in the
> street cabinet. My Father-in-Law kept his internet in a neighbouring
> flat while losing his telephone, but for a different reason. Someone at
> the exchange had turned him off.

while we are telling these stories, I have a seasonal cabin in an area
in Northern NY, where there are maybe 20-30 people on a long dirt road.
For the longest time all we had was DSL on old, crappy, undocumented
phone lines, that nobody understands, buried in the dirt, sometimes
sticking out. In the spring, when a family would come in to open their
camp, the phone/dsl truck would come to hook them up and mess with the
wiring in what we call "tombstones" by the road. As a result someone
else would go down. Often it was me. It got pretty funny loosing
internet and quickly jumping in our trucks to go down the road to find
the service truck to tell him what he caused (and block him from
leaving). It got to the point where we all got anxious when we saw their
trucks going down the road. I would turn on a sb radio so I could hear
if I went down!

It got to where if the internet went down, my wife would say "well, the
cummings must be here!"

A year ago we got new fiber (part of an initiative to get "high speed"
in rural underserved areas). But even seeing their trucks get us a bit
anxious. We have not healed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC Radio Stations

2022-02-25 Thread Redrum

slartibartfast wrote: 
> VOIP is great until your broadband goes down, you can't even phone up to
> complain about the broadband [emoji1787]
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

you guys don't have cell phones? :).

How about using a cell phone in a location of no cell coverage to report
that your power is down. Then you realize your phone was working because
it was using wifi calling, which is down with the power. Of course, this
is a new realization to you every time it occurs!  :eek::o


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC Radio Stations

2022-02-25 Thread Redrum

Labarum wrote: 
> Yes. Seen it before. Not really explored it.
> Just tried to load it as a favourite in LMS. No sound!

I just tried (US) and it plays. Takes a few seconds to start (like
Ronnie mentioned)...I also played it in a browser on windows


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC Radio Stations

2022-02-25 Thread Redrum

Heuer wrote: 
> Juke Radio has a FLAC stream and hosted/curated by a member here.

+1 How could I have forgotten to mention Juke?! Also available in the
Radio Now Playing plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC Radio Stations

2022-02-24 Thread Redrum

Labarum wrote: 
> I believe Naim Audio has flac streams for other genres too

As Ronnie and @ktp pointed out, we don't know if the OP is running LMS
or looking at If it's the latter, we should persuade him to
LMS :)

Paul's Radio Now Playing has all three Naim stations, but here are the
urls for the other two: There
appear to be both http and https streams.

Note that I have found a few urls on this site broken from time to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC Radio Stations

2022-02-24 Thread Redrum

As stated above Radio Paradise and Paul's Radio Now Playing Plugins are
great places to start.

Also, this site seems to be updated from time to time. Some redundancy
with above suggestions


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New Power supply wanted.

2022-02-02 Thread Redrum

here is a post with the OEM supply, and specs (voltage, VA, and barrel):

maybe you can source your own. Things are getting pricier these days,
but you should still be able to pick up a reasonable supply close to oem


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-20 Thread Redrum

Jaca wrote: 
> .
> BTW raspberry pi 4 as just player is massive overkill.. 3b+,3b, or even
> 2b makes more sense

and many of these lesser (maybe less desirable to some) models are
available. You can find 2b's an ebay for around/less than $50USD. I see
a couple right now for about $35 with a case.

To repeat one of my earlier thoughts, if you are going to use this for
casual listening, and considering using the headphone jack as analog
out. A sb radio is a nice choice, available for less than $100USD. It
has the bonus (if you get a battery) of being portable to bring the
music with you. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-19 Thread Redrum

Ikabob wrote: 
> I am afraid I need spoon feeding when it comes to buying the Raspberry
> PI.
> Which one will be similar to the Touch?
> Do I buy thru Amazon? Is the kit complicated to put together? Does the
> Raspberry work with Ipeng? 
> Thanks for any suggestions. I just want to be sure I order the right
> device and that it functions just like the Touch.
> Thank you

I saw this after I posted. Let us know what you need and don't need
(screen, analog/digital, etc) and we can guide you.

The one complication is because of the supply chain thing, pi's are a
bit hard to get right now. But let's start with what your user needs


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-19 Thread Redrum

Touches show up occasionally on ebay, There is one there now (I see you
are in US) for $200, but the screen looks a bit scratched up. I have
bought touches, radios, booms on ebay, and often they are in pretty good
shape, maybe seldom used. I have kept watch for years, and from time to
time I have bought some players that I didn't need because they are in
such nice shape (or, say I didn't have a white radio) :) Sadly, I don't
have an extra touch for you. If you aren't in a hurry, keep an eye

@AB has mentioned pi and polyvection route (both good options), curious
is the touch screen user interface important to you? Do you need any on
board user interface, or do you control with say a phone or pad? Do you
use the digital or analog output of the touch? The reason I ask is if
you don't need the UI, it gets much simpler.

One option that I have setup for friends (for casual listening**) that
has a UI, is to use the headphone jack output to RCA cable of a sb radio
into a amp/receiver. Radios are cheaper and more plentiful, and it's
actually quite nice because of the UI, button controls, presets, etc. My
non techie friends find them easy to use because its a screen and
buttons rather than menus.

** I say casually listening because the signal quality out of the
headphone jack might not be up to the RCA output. I don't know. It was
discussed in a thread a few years back. But for my friends with modest
equipment, and non critical listening, it sounds quite good.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-18 Thread Redrum

Apesbrain wrote: 
> .Can you push something through these openings and force the front panel
> away from the surrounding enclosure?  .

really good idea (if you can hang onto the back).

In looking closer at the photos, those 5 indentations on the inside of
the case front appear to be hinge locks, there must be the mate on the
inside of the rear at the top. I say this because you will have to open
from the bottom (as advised) until the "hinging" on the top is at a
sufficient angle for them to release. If you are prying at the top
first, they won't open.

I have broken a few things (like remotes) trying to get them open from
the wrong end. Once broken and open, I go "oh" :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-18 Thread Redrum

I haven't done it, and the only thing I could find is post #3 in that
thread I provided, look for the reference to the silver foot.

If you have a thin plastic tool, like the ones used for disassembling
cell phones, maybe use those as a persuasion pry to get the separation
started. Also, small amount of heat around the seams (heat gun or hair
dryer) might help.

also (from experience) do be careful with those FPC connectors.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-16 Thread Redrum

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Some photos of the Touch interior here:
> Here's the rub: for whatever reason, there are no RPi boards available
> anywhere right now.

True. I imagine it's the same reason you can't get a new vehicle
(driving up used vehicle prices) and my sister has been waiting for her
new bath tub since March :)

But, here in the US, you can still get some of the more expensive kits:
(at least it appears that way), while the cheaper kits and boards are
out to January->June

Also, you can still pay 2-3x the normal price on ebay. Seems obscene
when you normally pay $50 for a pi, but when you stop to think about
what you are really getting for 2-3x that price? Not so bad...:p:)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-16 Thread Redrum

Ikabob wrote: 
> Where are instructions to open case?

I haven't done it, but try here:

I usually do a search engine search (say google) instead of trying to
search with the forum tools. I am not to good with those. In this case I
searched "squeezebox touch disassembly"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-15 Thread Redrum

your op said that the touch doesn't power up (or at least the screen
doesn't come on?). A couple things:

- there is factory reset button on the back, when powered, hold the
button until (hopefully) you get a "factory reset" button.
- also, assuming you are running LMS, see if the UI "sees" the dark
touch (in the list of players). You can even use the good touch, go to
"choose players" and see if the dark touch is listed. You could even try
playing the dark touch.

This might indicate if it is indeed power, or maybe the screen has


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power Cord Adaptor for SB Touch

2021-12-15 Thread Redrum

MrC wrote: 
> I have a Touch that had trouble starting, or maintaining an On state. 
> Turned out to be the power connector was not making good contact with
> the miniplug.  After opening the case, cleaning and adjusting the
> contact a bit (the "barrel" I think), and carefully reassembling the
> case, its been working fine. 
> There are some instructions on the forum here for opening up the case.

agree with MrC, but I would try cleaning before opening the case. Just
spray some deoxit or similar contact cleaner in the socket and
insert/remove a few times maybe with a bit of rotate and wiggle wiggle


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Favorites visible on, but not in Favorites on Squeezebox Touch

2021-11-30 Thread Redrum

MisterTTT wrote: 
> Jim, the new account solves everything: favorites visibility on
> Touch and LMS can log in.
> Michael saw that there were in fact 2 accounts for the old account email
> address! Both created > 11 years ago, within a few seconds. Must have
> been a bug at the time which made this possible. He deleted 1 account, I
> reset the Touch, logged in with the old account, but then get the same
> issue again. I now requested a password reset for the old account. Let's
> see if that works.

great for you! and good to know. The symptoms were so odd, it's good to
know that it was a issue r=rather than...??? :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Favorites visible on, but not in Favorites on Squeezebox Touch

2021-11-29 Thread Redrum

MisterTTT wrote: 
>  I just created a new MSB account and it works normally now. The other
> one was linked to an old e-mail address I rarely use and can be deleted.

Tim, are you saying that with the new account, everything works
now including your favorite visibility fixed?

It's not clear because of your reference to "works normally", does that
mean all your problems, or just the login issue?

It will be interesting to find out as this was an interesting one :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Favorites visible on, but not in Favorites on Squeezebox Touch

2021-11-28 Thread Redrum

Lots of smiley faces in the last couple posts, what's going on over
there? :cool: we need an emoti that is holding a beverage:p

Tim will have to tell us, but I find this interesting:

MisterTTT wrote: 
> When using (MSB) as server in the Squeezebox Touch
> (SBT), I am able to create the favorites both via the SBT or MSB, but
> the list of favorites is only shown in the favorites tab on MSB and can
> only be played via the remote tab on the MSB site, not in the Favorites
> list on my SBT home screen itself. That list remains empty. Does anybody
> have an idea what could be wrong here?

The only way you can control the player from the remote tab is if it's
connected to So, if he can choose and play a favorite on the
touch via remote tab, should he not be able to see his favorites? 

There is also a setting on the touch settings->advanced->squeezebox
server that will tell you if you have tinyLMS running...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Favorites visible on, but not in Favorites on Squeezebox Touch

2021-11-28 Thread Redrum

I read through the thread and wondered if it's as simple as the touch
being connected to TinyLMS (or LMS, but it's not clear if that is
running anywhere?)? "My favorites are missing" is often a connection to
the wrong server

on the touch: settings->advanced->networking->switch to Note that the "switch to..." being present indicates
you are not connected to already


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amason Music App

2021-11-20 Thread Redrum

I believe that it's because Amazon does not open it's universe to
developers (forgot the technical specifics).

But you can sign a petition

It was discussed a few years back here:!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Radio on Touch

2021-11-20 Thread Redrum

wheresmebbc wrote: 
> The re-install returned everything to "normality". 

That's great to hear! I know that others might have :rolleyes: when I
report what I have seen, but your symptom of the black screen saver is
exactly what I see after a power failure/restore. On restoration, I
suspect that the pi boots much faster than my isp modem, and when it
looks to get to the internet for the current time, it fails. Another
sure way is if you have the radio paradise flac plugin (recommended if
you like the music), because the interactive streams use time, they
don't work.

The black screen is because the screensaver is looking for the time, and
can't find it.

So, if it happens again, pay attention to what might have preceeded it,
maybe a power failure, maybe you turned of the power strip that powers
your modem and pi, etc.

Cause and effect. When this happens to me, after a quick "it just
happened" and "I didn't do anything" I quickly move on to "what did I
do/what happened before this happened?" :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Radio on Touch

2021-11-19 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> I'd like to amend that. :)
> If you were connected to LMS and you powered off (disconnected from
> mains) the Touch, then the next time you powered on, pressing the
> "Radio" menu item would connect you to *only* if LMS was no
> longer running.

Right, and this is what I have seen. Connection to is usually
"uh oh, LMS is not running". In my practice, I see the black screen
saver, reboot picoreplayer remotely through a PC (which restarts LMS),
then (from memory) I might not have to repower the touch, just turn it
off then on? I think the key for me is restaring pcP and LMS when there
is an internet connection. 

If I can suggest to the op, rather than reinstall and take the risk of
getting nowhere, when this occurs, try rebooting LMS and/or the pi. Then
the touch.

Also, it would be helpful to understand your system, what pi, what is
running LMS on the pi, how is everything connected, does the NAS go to
sleep when not in use, etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Radio on Touch

2021-11-19 Thread Redrum

If I am to understand the OP has a touch, which is connected to LMS on a
Pi, which has a NAS as a mounted file serve.

At my cabin where there are frequent power failures I have a touch
connected to a picoreplayer (LMS Only), which is a USB HDD as a file
serve (similar). I have seen the "black screen saver" that is fixed by
repowering the touch and/or rebooting LMS. When this occurs for me it's
because there has been a power failure and on restore, the pcP reboots
faster than my isp modem and my router, and because of this the "time"
info is not there when the pcP is looking for it.

Some of the time it appears that LMS behaves normally, but, in addition
to the time ss not working, time based plugins like radio paradise flac
do not work properly or at all. Sometimes on restore the touch initially
gets redirected to because LMS on the pcp is not functioning at
all. In this case I just reboot the pcP. 

I should also note that when this first started happening, I had the LMS
data and cache on the HDD and the power failure caused the HDD mount to
get lost, so the system was bricked until I set it back up. I since have
moved the LMS data to a 3rd partition that this allows a easier recovery
(leaving it in the normal partion of the SD worked too).

I have a few threads on this in the forum, it baffled me for a long

I have not seen the "Radio" selection missing, the only thing I can say
in this regard is you can "hide" menu items, and perhaps this
disappearance, along with no clock saver are symptom of LMS limping like
I have observed.

Please don't roll your eyes, this actually happens, honest. In fact I
can come home, look at the touch and say "there has been another power
failure" The blinking microwave clock confirms it :)

I guess my suggestion would be to reboot LMS (when the NAS is ready) and
see if this resolves time and missing "radio". Looking forward, where is
the LMS data being stored, on the SD or the NAS? If it's the NAS,
perhaps (guessing) it's a powerup timing issue similar to mine, maybe
the NAS is hibernating and not "ready" when the pi is looking for it and
it tries to start LMS but can't find the data? (Im guessing here). I
think I have read that there is a "spinup" setting on pcP that can help
in this regard.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] WiFi dead? What are my options?

2021-11-11 Thread Redrum

My touches are still alive (one on wifi), so I have not tried this, but
if your touches are fine on ethernet, others have used vonet wifi
dongles, which (I have read) can be powered by the USB port of the

minimal cost and worth a try, even if just for debug purposes


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What Apps Do I Really Need?

2021-10-06 Thread Redrum

Bama214 wrote: 
> Thanks for all the tips!  
> I especially am going to try the “persistent “ option instead of the
> normal streaming. Hopefully that will resolve some of the glitches I’ve
> noticed. 

I reread your op, and you mentioned possible network issues. I would
suspect and try to resolve those first. For me, "reliable", now
"network->persistent" only solved issues with podcasts, and I think that
is why Philippe created it (see

In my experience, and in so many posts on this forum, issues are solved
by addressing the network, and/or replacing power supplies (especially
if the player symptoms are bizarre) :) 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What Apps Do I Really Need?

2021-10-05 Thread Redrum

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I always though "Persistent" mode was equivalent to the Reliable plugin,
> so no need to use "cached"
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

right, agree with persistent = old reliable (good 'ole reliable :) ) but
the description refers to cached as "the way to go", so just looking for
insight and maybe some user experience. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What Apps Do I Really Need?

2021-10-05 Thread Redrum

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Yes, installation and loading are two different things, probably because
> you can up/downgrade LMS and keep the same installedPlugins directory.
> The features of "reliable" have been extended (cache & persistent) and
> integrated in LMS 8.2 (in "Network" options)

I'm so glad you explained this in detail because I now realize I have
running without it (but haven't been listening to podcasts much either).
I guess I assumed it was "built in", but even with the old reliable, it
has to be enabled. Light bulb moment...

so, now we have:

So my question would be this - should I run without and address if I run
into issues, or just turn on cached and move on? Is the buffered cache
stored in the normal LMS "cache folder"? How big can it get, will it
buffer and entire, say 1 hour podcast?

I am running LMS on pCP's with a USB HDD. I have a third partition on my
SD for LMS files like cache and prefs. 

Sorry for taking this thread on a left turn, maybe there is another area
that this was discussed? The Announce 8.2 thread maybe?


|Filename: 2021-10-05 06_47_01-Server Settings.png  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What Apps Do I Really Need?

2021-10-04 Thread Redrum

philippe_44 wrote: 
> It’s there if you use a version of LMS < 8.2

I am using 8.2.0 - 1627922070 

Reliable appears in the list of 3rd party plugins. If I try to add it,
after restart, it appears in the list of active plugins (unchecked) with
the message "plugin is incompatible with this version of LMS, please
update". So, it cannot be added.

Upon checking, I still have the reliable repository listed in my 3rd
party repositories, maybe this is why?

I do remember reading that it is now part of LMS (as of 8.2 I think?).
But I thought it's kind of goofy that it's still listed 3rd party, and
can't be added. That is why I mentioned what I did...

BTW, thanks for you work on this, podcast listening game changer! :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What Apps Do I Really Need?

2021-10-04 Thread Redrum

d6jg wrote: 
>  DSTM is part of LMS

I did not know that! :) All I knew is I still have it and use it...

Similar to Philippe's "Reliable"? I remember it was to be added to LMS,
but see that the plugin is still in the list (however, it cannot be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What Apps Do I Really Need?

2021-10-03 Thread Redrum

Bama214 wrote: 
> When I look at the list of installed plug-ins on LMS it’s pretty
> extensive.  Do I really need all them?  Is there a recommended basic
> list of what should be there?
> I guess mostly I’m concerned that this giant list of installed plug-ins
> is actually working to my detriment.  I’m generally inclined toward
> simpler is better.  I appreciate all comments and help!

Yes, looking at the plugin options can be daunting, eh? I tend to agree
with you, not sure if unneeded plugins "hurt" in any way or are benign.

What I have done is look at the list of installed plugins and if I don't
understand exactly what they are, or if I would ever use them, I
uninstall. Similarly with uninstalled, or 3rd party. Then see if I "miss
them" :) If you find one that looks "interesting" do a search of this
forum or web for more information.

But there are some great plugins, many developed by this community:

There are all of the streaming service plugins - spotty, etc (I don't
use a streaming service). Then there are allot of other plugins that
open up free services (BBC, CBC, RadioNet, etc). There are plugins to
connect to chromecast audio and airplay devices.

Some that are essential for me:
Music and Artist Information 
Material Skin (including apk for android devices)
Radio Paradise (FLAC, 4 genre streams)
You Tube (play audio from any you tube video)
Podcasts (use Material for easy search/add)
what was that tune.
don't stop the music

But there are so many more that I have not tried. I think there are
threads here in the forum (somewhere) where people chime in on their
favorite extensions/plugins.

Good luck and welcome;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Patching a SB touch

2021-09-27 Thread Redrum

onesandnoughts wrote: 
>  After a bit of digging around on the web it appears that the powerline
> adaptors I use can be prone to going off line at random. Our house was
> rewired about 15 years ago and the main breaker board is younger than
> this so I'm inclined to be believe it's the powerline. 

I have not used powerline adaptors, but it has always been my
understanding that they work best on the same circuit (breaker) but at
least need to be on the same phase leg to work reliably or at all.

Here in the US/Northeast, power comes into our homes 240VAC - two hot
"phases" (A,B or odd/even) and a neutral (and a ground of course). You
obtain 240v between A+B, you have two "phases" of 120vac each between A
+ neutral and B + neutral. In your panel (typically) one phase is the
left side row (A or odd number breakers), the other on the right (B or
even number breakers).

So (again only my understanding, never tried) both the tx and rx of the
adaptors need to both be on breakers of even or odd number, and work
best (?) if they are on the same breaker, which allot of the time is not
practical (allot of the time one breaker feeds an area/room.

If you are curious, maybe you could check this and try moving one or the
other, at least as a test.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch unable to complete factory reset

2021-09-15 Thread Redrum

@ Mongo, @Frankd - I would encourage you to try replacing the power
supply. It can't hurt at under $15USD. By now they are old, and
typically are "on" their entire life. I have found with receivers and
radios, they "start to fail" by doing goofy things, like playing for
hours and just powering down. Or, starting to power up, then dying.

The time off to restore (hour not seconds) might indicate that something
needs to cool down as opposed to a "reset". This might be the power

see "partially working" 

The same could be true for an ethernet switch, if there is one between
the router and your touch.

You could also try running your touch on wifi and see if it occurs


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrade LMS

2021-09-13 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> I had forgotten he was using the "tiny LMS" built into the TOUCH.  Yes
> that's mostly a disaster.  You'll be VERY happy with the TOUCH as a
> player and LMS running on your rPi4.  And you don't need a HAT, because
> your rPi won't be attached to the DAC. It will just run LMS.  The DAC
> will connect to the TOUCH via optical or coax.

@zoleprole - this is exactly what I am doing with two systems I use and
others I have built for friends - use the RPI as a LMS server only. It's
a relatively cheap investment - pi 3b+ or 4, power supply, sd card -
<$50USD. Case if you want

Of course you can also have the pi be a "player" also, but I still like
using my players = touch, radio, boom (and also Philippe's squeezeamp).

I setup a friend originally with a touch running "tiny LMS" with his
library on a usb jump drive, and while it worked, it crashed and became
very limited (no Radio Paradise FLAC, no https which many radio stations
and moving toward, etc.). So I just put together a pi for him as a
server only, installed it, and said "you owe me $50". :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrade LMS

2021-09-13 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> And I suspect your TOUCH is fine as player. first I'd add LMS to rPi4
> and use with TOUCH and see how that works. That's what Jeff was
> suggesting.

agree with Gary and Jeff. The probable reason that the Touch "got on
your nerves" is because you were running "tiny LMS" (built into the
touch). You can crash "tiny" if you ask it to do too much, and it hasn't
been supported or upgraded in years. I'm betting when you get a much
more powerful and supported LMS your love for your touch will


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch unable to complete factory reset

2021-09-07 Thread Redrum

One of my thoughts was to swap out the touch for another that you have,
to see if it's the specific player.

I decided to search on "squeezebox touch wifi not working" and there
were several related threads in this forum in the results. This one
looked interesting and is maybe related? You felt there should be a wifi
option showing but there isn't


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch unable to complete factory reset

2021-09-07 Thread Redrum

I don't have a touch handy, so I'm foggy on the setup, but, the original
state of the touch in your first post (my music and settings only) is
how one of my touches looks after a power failure. The touch has come
back up after power restore, but the network has not (takes a long
time), or, LMS has not restarted properly. So I would assume that your
touch does not see the network or LMS. 

Then when you connect via ethernet, the connection is made, and the
touch is happy.

So I would suspect there is a problem with the WIFI on your touch
OR...quite frequently the power supply (brick) is faulty. This forum is
filled with "I replaced the power supply and all is well" stories :)

Since you have 3 touches, swap power supplies and see if the problem
stays with the device or supply. Alternatively, factory reset a
different touch and see if it is happy with the network/LMS.

If you indeed do have a wireless problem with one of your touches, in
addition to fixing it, you could just add a ether to wifi dongle.


PS - "factory reset" is also available via settings->advanced (from

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrade LMS

2021-08-31 Thread Redrum

slartibartfast wrote: 
> No
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

zoleprole, maybe the next best thing would be to listen to any of the RP
stations via the high bitrate (320kbps) AAC or MP3 links:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Input question

2021-07-08 Thread Redrum

M-dB wrote: 
> I'm overwhelmed by much of what has been suggested with the components
> I'm currently using.
> I'm looking into locating an ethernet connection near my equipment rack
> and possibly eliminating the Mac Mini from the digital audio chain
> altogether and start over from scratch.
> For now I have a great deal to learn to make a more informed decisions.
> The Logitech Squeezebox Touch is such an elegant devise and the support
> this site offers is a great thing. All the best.
> M

dont be overwhelmed, you are an experienced squeezeboxer, you own a
touch and know how to use it. You know what LMS is. You know the lingo,
you know to come here to hang out :)

Our comments may have led you astray. You don't need an ethernet
connection near your equipment rack if the touch is to be your player
and you have a strong enough wifi signal.

You could run LMS on your mac mini or a raspberry pi running
picoreplayer (or other). We may have tried to influence you to the
latter because it is a way allot of us have adopted, and are very
satisfied with for many reasons.

I may have caused the ethernet connection confusion because I run my
picoreplayers _as_LMS_servers_onl_y on a 1-2'' ethernet cable attached
to my routers, then wifi to touches and other devices. They are a small
box with nothing more to see than flashing led's :) It is recommended to
do it this way, but I believe you can set them up via ethernet, then run
via wifi. If you want to use the touch as your player, and the
picoreplayer as a LMS server only, the picore does not have to be near
your equipment.

If you are interested in learning more about picoreplayer, here is the
official "how to" site:
Look around, look under projects, there are several that might be
relevant to you, like "build a LMS Server"

Here is the "Main" Picore site whose "help" leads you to the previous
"how to" link. At this site you can see some pictures and options Sometimes pictures can help get a

Take Care

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Input question

2021-07-01 Thread Redrum

Man in a van wrote: 
> I'm a bit immersed, each day, dans Le Grande Boucle :):)

Hi Ronnie, ah, yes, that time of year again! Enjoy all of the pedal
rotations! ;):D

I have a friend who is an amateur cycle competitor, so he is glued to
the tube, me, it's the NHL Hockey playoffs! But, I think the cyclists
are crazier :eek:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Input question

2021-07-01 Thread Redrum

Man in a van wrote: 
> @M-DB
> I will make the assumption (not a good thing to do:() that you use
> iTunes for your music file playback and for streaming
> from the internet ?
> The Metrum  dac
> so there is not much benefit to be gained from installing the EDO applet
> on the SBTouch.
> Likewise your Mac-mini is restricted to High Sierra, and frankly,
> installing LogitechMediaServer on the Mac-mini is too much of a hassle.
> My suggestion is that you purchase a raspberry pi 3b+ or 4b (2g) with
> the official rpi foundation power supply  and a  good quality (see
> Sandisk) micro sd card.
> If you buy new, then do so from a seller approved by the Raspberry Pi
> Foundation.
> There are daughter boards for the raspberrypi called HATS. Some of these
> have SPDIF (co-ax and Toslink) outputs. 
> Raspberry pi and HATS are sometimes available second-hand from furum
> members upgrading.
> Install LMS on the raspberry pi using the piCorePlayer OS and also
> utilise the raspberry pi as the player (with attached HAT) and plug the
> preferred output into the Metrum dac.
> Connect the rasperry pi to the network via Ethernet
> Use the SBTouch to control the player output from the raspberry pi (with
> your Mac-mini running) you will be able to access the iTunes music
> files. 
> This will not provide any great change in sound quality but will enhance
> your user experience and prove a relatively low cost introduction to
> "digital options"
> There is a learning curve :):), but plenty of support is availble from
> the members here
> Please let us know your approximate location, there may be someone close
> who can offer a trial unit or invite you to a demo.
> Don't rush; have a think about how you want to proceed and do some
> research :p.
> atb
> ronnie


@M-dB, what Ronnie is suggesting sounds daunting at first, but is quite
easy and inexpensive. If you decide to go this route there are alot of
"get started" threads which address "how to's" for the new to the game.
Also, "official" picoreplayer instructions.

There are alot of benefits to what he is suggesting, ease, stability,
24/7 operation, low power consumption, and a very large user
base/support. I ditched running LMS on a Windows machine years ago.

Ronnie, I am curious though, why would you not suggest just using the
picore as a LMS server, and the touch as a player? Is there something I
am missing (said the guy who uses a touch as a player)?

Also, I am wondering what the thought is for music library storage, a
network location, or local drive? 

@M-db, you say that you "don't know what LMS is..." It is a music
"server" the source that provides (to a player) either your own music
library (downloads, ripped albums/cd's), internet radio stations, and/or
music services (spotify, tidal, etc). You interface/control your
"player" (touch, or as Ronnie suggested a rpi with a hat) to access LMS,
and stream the requested media (music, track info, etc).

Further, there are just "controllers" (phone/pad apps, URL's, etc) which
are your user interface. One of many many nice things about squeezebox
devices (like your touch) is they are both players and controllers, and,
can control other players. That is what Ronnie was suggesting to control
the pi with hat. The pi with hat on it's own does not have a user
interface to act as a controller (but one could be added, or use a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] External dac?

2021-02-22 Thread Redrum

On my main touch system I use feed the digital audio to an Oppo BDP105D.

On another system I have a touch with a Schitt BiFrost DAC (with "analog
upgrade"). I think it's about 6 years old and was about $450 USD. I know
that it has been superseded since. The difference between the touch DAC
and the schitt is night and day (to me) when I A/B then through an Arcam
analog amp. I'm not versed with the audiophile lingo, but the music
seems clearer and more detailed, almost like you can hear subtle things
through the schitt that you can't through the touch. It's a bit brighter
too, but not overly.

It's really a nice $500 DAC IMO, and a reasonable companion to a touch.

As an aside, A while back, I decided to A/B the DAC in the schitt with
the DAC in the Oppo, and I really couldn't tell the difference. The Oppo
105 was about a $700 analog upgrade over the 103.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Four years on a "new" Touch . . .

2021-02-04 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> He would only get the option to update the Touch's firmware if he was
> connected to a recent LMS version, had installed the Community Firmware
> plugin and ticked the option to enable it.

Thank you, he's safe. I have built a pCP server for him, but wont see
him until April. I decided against shipping it to him

sorry to take this thread off topic, back to the OP's new discovery!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Four years on a "new" Touch . . .

2021-02-04 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> A word of caution for those who didn't know, installing the latest
> firmware for the Touch, removes the TinySC (TinyLMS) feature.

good to know! So, if my friend is running tinylms, and it says "new
firmware available" and he selects it, will he be DOA? Sorry to have to
ask, he is 250 miles away. I'll need to caution him.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Four years on a "new" Touch . . .

2021-02-04 Thread Redrum

Apesbrain wrote: 
> You only need Logitech Media Server if you have a local music library to
> play.  You can download it here:
> Install and point it to your music folders.
> If you only listen to internet radio or online music services, just log
> your Touch into your MySqueezebox account same as your other
> Squeezeboxes.

There is one other option if you have a music library, and that is to
use the built in "TinyLMS" in the touch. Plug a thumb drive, maybe USB
HDD in the USB port of the touch. I have a no tech friend setup this
way, but.

With both TinyLMS and, they only support http radio
streams and many internet radio streams are only using or redirecting to
http*s *. Also, Tiny LMS works, but it can behave erratically due to
limited memory and it's unsupported for years. I am building a pCP for
my friend because he is running into trouble "losing" his favorite radio

OP - curious/confused by your first post, you have booms and operation? I guess I am assuming they are in boxes as well

Regarding the resell suggesting, I watch these devices on ebay here in
the US, and touch's are selling at a premium IMO. Radios are quite
cheap. So much so, I bought more :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Sudden Static Noise in between tracks

2020-10-21 Thread Redrum

Take a look at this thread, with the op's resolution around posts 59,

his "noise" may not be related to your "noise" but it is on a touch, and
he resolved it by reinstalling the firmware


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-13 Thread Redrum

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I have a web site hosted on a large well known hosting provider ... they
> offer one free https certificate as part of the hosting deal but can
> also run a web site from it with regular http.
> I have no problem hosting the .opml for the 2 people here but updating
> the contents becomes a bit more complicated.
> I suppose I could put a small PHP script in place allows a opml file to
> be uploaded and make it require a password that is only available to the
> editor.

I appreciate the offer Paul, but I don't want to impose or complicate
things on your side or mine. I'll probably end up going the pi route,
after all, who doesn't want to build another pi system? :) I can also
search around a bit, but I realize I am pandering to an old, limited
system (TinyLMS). There is so much that $50 for a pi server running the
latest LMS can offer my friend. In fact it should make long distance
tech support much easier for me!

Thank also for the help in diagnosing the answer regarding tiny LMS. We
all learned something


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-13 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> I'm sure there is, as Paul Webster did it on his server (earlier in this
> thread) and it worked. But his is probably a private server.  I suspect
> any commercial hosting sites are all using https by now.   Running an
> rPi is easier than hosting your own private 24/7 server I suspect.

thanks gary, yea, I saw that Paul was successful. Even if it isnt good
new for tinyLMS, it's good to know what works and what doesn't. I just
asked about commercial options for http host as I know that dropbox
isn't the only game in town (just the only one I use). Just wondering if
someone knew of one.

I suspect your are right, probably time to build a pi system for him.
Even with that though, your solution is terrific for sharing/maintaining
favorites, which I'll use moving forward. It's a great way to share
favorite station with others in a tidy package.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-13 Thread Redrum

mherger wrote: 
> > What about just editing the link to http, and letting dropbox
> redirect
> > it?
> Dropbox would re-direct to https, which TinyLMS would fail to load, 
> trying http instead, which Dropbox would re-direct... and so on.
> -- 
> Michael

thanks for the clarification, I still wonder (not being
knowledgeable in this area) is there a way/service available to host a
file http? I know I could just get my friend a pi based system, but just
exploring all of the options


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-13 Thread Redrum

mherger wrote: 
> > However, using TinyLMS, although there *is* a "on"
> > entry in the favourites menu, I see "Redirection Limit Exceeded".
> Most likely TinyLMS is failing the https request, trying to get http, 
> which in turn is re-directed to https by Dropbox.
> -- 
> Michael

I am not savvy in the ways of http and https, but Michael's comment
above - TinyLMS https fails->Tries http->dropbox redirects to https ->
too many redirect errors

What about just editing the link to http, and letting dropbox redirect
it? It would bypass the first two steps above? I am thinking maybe if
dropbox does the only redirection (again, I am not one with knowledge in
this area :))

I tried it on a windows PC in chrome (edited the dropbox link to http)
and it was redirected (by dropbox I assume) to https and gave me the

Is it possible that this might work? I don't have tinyLMS to test, but
could try it with my friend, why not...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-12 Thread Redrum

Interesting series of posts since I last checked in. So it seems like
Tiny LMS won't redirect using https like newer full versions of LMS.

Gary, yes, a pCP/Rpi is a good fallback (that I have been avoiding), and
I may get one and set it up for him eventually. Even if I do, the method
you outlined is a great way for me to share favorites, repair broken
links, or even replace links with higher quality streams if the come
available. I can handle the "technical" part of keeping his streams
alive, adding new. Wi a RPI, he could also listen to the Radio Paradise
FLAC stream instead of the 320k. There are allot of benefits.

In the mean time, Paul, others, I am not really up on services that may
allow hosting via http. I have sort of turned my back/avoided cloud
storage, kind of old school in that regard. Is that something that might
be available? Are their any that you know of? Or, should I just avoid
due to the less secure nature of http? Maybe it's a big fight for a
small win

Drop box is the only thing like this that I use, mostly for sharing with

Thanks everyone;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-12 Thread Redrum

Hi Gary;

Works great so far on my system - loaded my favorites.opml on dropbox,
chose share->share a link instead, create link, copy link. Then went to - favorites. For some reason I couldn't add a new favorite, so
I just took an existing unused one, renamed it "JB's Favorites", pasted
the link, changed the '0' to '1' as you instructed.

On my LMS, went to favorites, on, JB's favorites, and viola,
there was my structured favorites.

My next step is to hope that tiny LMS has "on" under favorites,
and give my friend a call and walk him through it. I'll report back to
close that loop.

This is really cool. I have LMS at two locations and have been using a
USB portable HDD carried back and forth to mirror my music and
favorites. I also have other family and friends that I have setup and
gotten them started with my favorites (I only favorite radio stations).
Now, I can set both of my locations and the others this way, so when I
have to fix a broken link, or when I favorite a new station, I can just
update the favorites on dropbox for all to access! What is also really
nice is they can build their own favorites, structured or not, seperate
from mine, and they can always go back to mine via Brilliant.

Thank you again, I'll report back on if it worked with TinyLMS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-11 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> Once the favorites.opml file is saved on dropbox, and then the URL for
> the link to the file is created and used in, you don't need to
> be logged into dropbox for this to work.  (So the favorites.opml file
> can be on your dropbox account and he doesn't need any login
> accessjust the URL pasted into his account.) The only
> hiccup I had was that my pasted link had d=0 instead of d=1.  Once I
> changed end of URL to d=1, all worked perfectly.

really cool, like I said, I'll test it. My friend and I share allot of
favorites so he can use my favorites.opml via, then if he wants
to add some of his own, they can be local to tiny, or even a separate favorite. I'm sure he will get used to it.

The great thing is when a link gets broken, or a I find a new station he
might like, I can update my favorites.opml and tell him "check out..."

the flexibility of the sb environment makes me giggle some times! Thanks
for your input...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-11 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> And now that I think about it, this could actually solve the problem of
> switching back and forth from tinyLMS to  I'm not sure about
> tinyLMS, but in regular LMS, assuming you have your credentials
> entered in LMS, when you look at favorites in LMS, the last item listed
> is "On".  So assuming tinyLMS is the same, you could
> simply remove all the other favorites, and your friend would be left
> with only one favorite"On" and he'd click on this
> and then on the favorite that was saved earlier (my "Gary's LMS
> Favorites") and everything would be there in subfolders. And could be
> updated from the internet by anyone with access to the dropbox account
> where favorites.opml stored and the account.

what a clever idea! Thank you! I'll play with it on my account and try
to get a mirror of my favorites on my account. If successful, I
can then modify his mysb account (I have his credentials).

The idea of fool proofing it by deleting all other favorites, eliminates
confusion. Plus, when going back to my music it always suggest
connecting to your library, so going back and forth will be predictable
for him.

I wonder (and will find out) if you have to be logged into dropbox for
this to work?

Thank you, I'll report back.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-11 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> Why can't he just connect his Touch to

yes, he could, the option I forgot to list...

When I helped him setup his favorites, we did it in a folder


>Radio Paradise
>Pear Radio
Blues - 
> Aardvark Radio
> Johnny Winter's Blues Station
Classic Rock -

etc, etc.

In it's just a list, no folders

Also, I would have him have to switch back and forth between
and tiny LMS for his library. He's kind of a "make this thing play
music" guy ;)

Thats why I was wondering about url->tinylms


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Tiny LMS - adding Favorites

2020-10-11 Thread Redrum

I use LMS8 on a pCP 1.6, but I setup a "simple" system for a non
technical friend who doesn't live in the area, so tech support is
phone/email. In an effort to save him the $50 for a Pi, and the
technical aspects of understanding separate music "server" and a
"player", I skipped the Pi, got him a touch, added his library to a jump
drive, plugged it in, and we manually created favorite radio stations by
searching and adding.

He loves it btw

Over time, a few of the favorite stream urls have gone dead, and in some
cases he can't search and fine anything through the "radio->search"
(Tunein) menu.

Of course with my pCP (or any LMS) I can go to the web, find non tune in
urls that work and add them through the LMS web interface, or even
access the favorites.opml file. I am wondering if something similar can
be done with the touch and Tiny LMS?

It would be great if I can help him do any of the following. Remember,
this is remote support, I don't have his touch in front of me:
1) Manually enter a URL favorite into tinyLMS
2) He can manually enter a url through, could one then be
"imported" to Tiny LMS?
3) If I could send him a favorites.opml file, it lit located somewhere
on the jump drive, or is it accessible in the touch?

I realize that this is trailing edge technology and some of the
community would prefer I abandon Tiny LMS :p. I am starting to lean
toward spending the $, and setting up a pCP for him and helping him
understand how to plub in the jump drive and use it. I would make remote
support easier.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot get Touch to connect

2020-09-03 Thread Redrum

dasmueller wrote: 
> Now I have some questions
> 1. What  programs would tell me what neighbors are using and what
> channel ?
> 2. How do I tell what channel my router is using ?
> 3. Currently I have AT&T DSL service w a Motorola NVG510 router. If I
> were to look for a new router is there a site I can use to compare how
> powerful other ones might be.
> Still OK now just want to be smarter. Thanks again
> Don

Q1 and Q2 - I use what kidstypike uses - wifi analyser on android. As
you see in his post you can see your channel as well. The nice thing
about a mobile app is you can walk around to see the effect on your and
other's signal.

Q3 - as I mentioned before, Networking and equipment is not my strong
suit, but my dad had used a Asus RT-N66U (the three antenna style) to
cover his aircraft hanger (his hobby) so I bought one and it was a
substantial improvement over my DSL provided gateway. Our area has since
gotten fiber optic, so I bought a Asus RT-AC66U. The nice thing is both
are reasonable, cheap and plentiful on ebay, and you can use them as a
repeater, that is your modem communicates to the second (repeater) modem
to your device, effectively allowing your touches to be "closer". 

So you could buy one, try it out, and if still not happy, either use it
as a repeater with your dsl modem, or just buy another. If you do decide
to go this route, and your dsl supplied equipment is a modem/router
combo (gateway), look to see if you can put their gateway into bridge
mode (effectively disables their modem) or, just leave as is and turn
off their wifi radios in their settings. I had dsl for years and I had
both setups. 

Then depending on your living situation (own or rent, basement or not)
there is always running an ethernet cable. Not something we look to do,
but my sb's that are on ethernet (along with my roku) are just rock

Good luck;


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot get Touch to connect

2020-09-02 Thread Redrum

I agree with everything that garym has advised, but, with 15% - 20%
signal strength seen at the touch, you are operating in the
unstable/unpredictable/unreliable environment. Why not just improve it
and gain reliability? Do all that Garym said, but also consider getting
a better router (used less that $100USD on ebay), use ethernet if
possible, get a repeater, use another router as a repeater, use a
powerline extender, anything.

I am no network expert, but understand physics, signal strength and
signal to noise (as an analog analogy). Try to tune in that distant FM
station - works fine one day, static the next, gone the next. You want
to strive for "much better than necessary" rather than "barely enough".

I don't mean to preach, honestly (although it sounds like that :)). I
was trying to run a receiver in a detached building at 25 - 40% signal
strength and it drove me nuts.  I got a better router, moved the router,
moved the receiver, signal strength improved, it's now fine. The
receiver I have in my basement is ethernet, it's fine. I have three
touches, two on wifi with excellent signal strength, they are fine. The
touches are better wifi devices and the receivers, but the same laws of
physics apply.

Make your network better than it needs to be to give you reliability 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot get Touch to connect

2020-09-02 Thread Redrum

dasmueller wrote: 
> I also have problems getting my 2 Touch units connected to a Win 10 PC
> via wifi to connect reliably. Everything used to work fine and in all of
> the attempts to fix things I am sure I goofed something up. I have done
> pc router shutdowns and resets. I have done numerous factory resets on
> the units themselves. Sometimes a unit will connect to my network but
> not my computer. Awhile ago I got the unit furthest away from the router
> to "play" It played for a bit and then cut out. Everything worked fine
> for years but I fear I screwed it up.
> What can I do ?
> Don

Don, so it looks like your success in post #28 didn't last?

It has been suggested a few times to try an ethernet connection, not
sure that you have tried that but that's a good place to start. If that
works reliably focus on your wifi.

You can also download a copy of squeezelite-x to your PC. Besides being
useful for listening while at the PC, this gives you a "player" that is
connecting to LMS, but not via the network. Doesn't help a netork
problem but it tells you that LMS and a player are working together.

I have mentioned this before, forgive me, but I battled, both for myself
and my friend, installing duet receivers in marginal wifi signal
strength locations (say below 60%). I could never get them to work
reliably. They might work for an hour, a day, a few days, but inevitably
I had to make a change. For my friend I moved his router and got him a
touch. For myself, I ran ethernet cable.

If you identify the problem as wifi related, the one other suggestion
that pays other benefits too is if you are using the router/modem that
your isp is providing, buy a better one, even used, like a netgear or


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot get Touch to connect

2020-08-24 Thread Redrum

dasmueller wrote: 
> Shut down my PC running LMS and my router for wifi and pulled the power
> from one Touch. I let everything sit for better than 30 minutes.
> Restarted router and did a reset. Went and reconnected power to the
> Touch unit that had been disconnected. Success it worked. I turned on
> the stereo and heard music. A short while later I went to the unit which
> power I had not disconnected and I was able to get to normal screens.
> Did not turn on that stereo but it appears OK. 
> My guess is leaving the router off for a long period of time was the
> solution and not the router reset - I had previously done that. At any
> rate it appears that I have this great system back and running ! Yipee
> !
> I thank all of you for your thoughts, suggestions etc. You are the best
> !!

I am happy for you! I reread your first few posts last night before bed
and kept thinking, this is the way my wifi connected touch behaves when
the internet drops out (I had crappy DSL at one time). I was thinking
that I should have asked if you had any other internet/wifi connected
devices (roku, smart tv, etc) that were still working...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot get Touch to connect

2020-08-23 Thread Redrum

just a wild thought to make the touch "do something" have you tried
plugging in a thumb drive of music to see if the touch will just play
that (using tinylms)? It has nothing to do with networking, but perhaps
it could be a baby step to prove that the touch is somewhat functional
and just go from there?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot get Touch to connect

2020-08-23 Thread Redrum

I used to see this routinely with duets/receivers connected to wifi,
especially with a marginal wifi signal strength at the device. This
mostly went away when I connected them to ethernet. My touch's... not
sure if I have seen this, but the one touch I have on wifi is close to
the router

When this would happen I would reset the player, reconnect to the wifi,
then LMS. Have you tried this? 

Also try connecting via ethernet, as a test?

In addition to sbf's question, if when trying my music fails, will it go
to and play?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch can't find network after power outage

2020-06-24 Thread Redrum

netchord, I know alot of the focus has been on wifi channel, but I
wanted to tell you to keep your eyes open to other possibilities.

As I stated, I too have frequent power failures, and when the power
comes up, my system is not completely broken, but crippled. My touch
does not show the time screensaver, it is blank. My radio and boom show
an incorrect time. LMS on a pcp runs with the players, but things act
goofy, rebuffering, etc. The touch forgets it's name (maybe that's
because LMS stored the renamed name?) while the radio and boom remember

When in this state, if I stop and restart LMS, it hangs, forever if I
let it, and I essentially have to rebuild LMS on my PCP, remount the HDD

I never have to do anything with the players. The sd card of the pcp
might have gotten corrupted, but it doesn't get damaged, as I am able to
restore with the same card.

It was suggested (for me) to see if PcP 6.1 is better, so I updated.
Waiting for the next thunderstorm/high wind event.

I'm sorry I don't have a good solution for you, but I wanted you to know
that I experience the same, and it's not the players


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch can't find network after power outage

2020-06-12 Thread Redrum

se74 wrote: 
> Hi!
> I've searched the forum, but this issue does not seem to have been
> covered.
> I've never had my Touch connected via Ethernet cable. It's always been
> wifi.
> We sometimes have power outages here. When the power is restored, the
> Touch goes into "can't find wired network, make sure blah blah blah".
> The same if I try to reset to factory settings and setup from scratch.
> I have the latest LMS installed on my MacBook Pro, and our router is
> TPLink EBA-848. I do not have an Ethernet cable. 
> I have sometimes managed (by what seems to be magic) after several times
> unplugging the Touch, doing factory resets, unplugging the router,
> restarting my computer and restarting the LMS, and various combinations
> thereof, to get back to a working screen (my screensaver is the clock).
> I hardly ever play music on the Touch nowadays and can't remember why I
> thought I needed a standalone music player when I bought it. But it is a
> handy (if expensive)  digital clock.
> Can anyone suggest a short and simple way to get back to the clock or a
> working screen after power outages instead of scrabbling around for a
> hit or miss (mostly miss) solution?
> Thank you.

I don't have a solution for you, but can tell you that my system goes
goofy after a power failure, and it is repeatable (it happens as a
result of every power failure), see my thread:

Our power goes out all of the time (wind + tall trees = no power).

On this system I have a PiCore 4.0 with a usb HDD (as a LMS server), and
a touch, boom, and radio as players. What always happens after a power
failure is this:
Touch time screensaver goes dark (assume time data is corrupt or
Time on boom and radio are wrong, off by hours.
Radio paradise FLAC plugin gets goofy (interactive mode stutters,
regular stream has no artwork or song info)

It seems from your post that you have clock issues as well? You usually
have the clock, do you have the black screen when this happens? It seems
we might have something in common in that regard.

My recovery is a bit of pain, but I have a known method. It's very
similar to uninstalling and reinstalling LMS, rescanning, etc. My path
forward is to upgrade to PiCore 6.0, we'll have to see if that does any
good. I suspect it's something LMS related, tho...

Good luck

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Hard Drive

2020-03-18 Thread Redrum

I setup a touch with tiny LMS for a friend, using a usb stick of music,
as he wanted only bare bones. He is only using the touch, but I remember
reading that the touch could act as a server for other players, so I
went out looking for where I read it:

when I setup my friend's touch, I got alot of help from the comunity
here (limitations are discussed):

But, I only did this because my friend wanted simple. I agree with
everything Garym says. Although my friend's touch is fine for him, the
resources can't handle allot of strain without crashing. The PiCore
solution that garym mentions is a far superior solution and a reasonable


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch and Internet Radio

2020-02-24 Thread Redrum

ews2k wrote: 
> I am pondering whether the 'rushing' sound was not possibly caused by
> data getting into the audio stream? Imagine the sound when standing in,
> around or under a waterfall - this is what it was doing.
> -Eric

In all my sb years, I have not heard anything like you describe, but one
thing to consider/keep in mind is grounding, ground loops, and EMI
interference. Usually these problems are more of a hum or buzz. I have a
receiver hooked to an old analog integrated amp in my garage that
occasionally starts to buzz, then with a "snap" sound it stops. I have
yet to find out why, as it happens so infrequently. I think my circa
70's amplifier has a ground issue somewhere, maybe it changes with heat,
who knows. 

The SB power supplies are all switching, so they are electromagnetically
noisy as well. 

fingers crossed that your mystery resolved itself :), but if it does
reappear, and you can recreate it, swap things out, even the outlet it's
plugged into, items nearby that might be radiating EMI, the touch power
supply, the amplifier you are using, try the analog instead of digital
out, stream internet, local media, etc. Just keep swapping until you can
eliminate some of the possible causes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch and Internet Radio

2020-02-24 Thread Redrum

toby10 wrote: 
> But no guarantee that will solve your issue if the problem is your
> network or ISP.

ews2k, why not try loading a few songs on a thumb drive and see if the
problem persists when listening to music locally (no network or ISP)?
This is an old document, and things might have changed, but page 12 runs
you through the steps:

I set a touch up for a friend like this this past summer, after
struggling with an duet/LMS solution on his unstable network/isp
(combined with the fact he is not technical and quick to frustrate, I

This might at least tell you if you are dealing with the player or the
network. It might make you happier about your purchase :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch and Internet Radio

2020-02-22 Thread Redrum

toby10 wrote: 
> Try a different station?  Possibly a station streaming issue?

to the op, new user, Toby brings up a good point, a good reason why to
have LMS,, and a music library (even if it's one cd's worth),
even if you don't need/want them all - debug/diagnostics.

I have two systems, LMS on PcP, multiple players, but I setup a touch
for a "non technical" friend with tinyLMS and a USB stick with music
(mentioned earlier in this thread).

When ever anything goes goofy with my system (or my friend's which I
support via the phone :)), even if it's just re-buffering, loss of
stream connection, etc. I switch internet stations, switch services,
switch to my library, switch to, just to try to localize the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-15 Thread Redrum

Paul Webster wrote: 
> RP (Radio Paradise) in particular lists lots of stream URLs at
> The Radio menu in LMS comes from TuneIn ( - not to be confused
> with Tune-In (in Germany - who provide a similar service to some
> non-Squeezebox internet radio hardware devices).
> From a regular LMS (don't know about TinyLMS) you can go to the More
> Info item for a playing stream and see the other stream URLs that TuneIn
> knows about.

Thanks Paul, I know the URL's, got them from RP's site, but the
challenge (i.e. what I don't know how, or if it's possible) is how to
enter a URL as a favorite in TinyLMS. With LMS I can do it from control
panel, with I can do it at the website.

Thanks for letting me "Radio"'s source, good to know.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-15 Thread Redrum

Everyone, thanks for your help. I went to my friend's and we setup the
touch with tinylms last night. It went well, I think this is really
going to work for him. I do appreciate the guidance. 

One remaining thing is porting the favorites from to
tinyLMS. We plan on doing it the manual way (in lms find the station,
then add it), but I am wondering if anything can be done for those that
can't be found, in terms of somehow manually adding a url?

For example, the RP 320kbps streams, I know that the main mix can be
obtained via "Radio"->"Search" but I'd like to add the other streams,
and as expected, I can't find them in "Radio", and there is no RP plugin
for TinyLMS.

Any thoughts? Where is "Radio" pulled from?

I hate to be a bother, especially since tiny is in everyone's tail
lights (legacy).  If it's not possible, that's fine. When he goes to
"favorites" in tinyLMS, there is an option to switch to favorites in Simple enough, but I thought I would check before we call it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-14 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> Using TinyLMS, why not > Radio > Search > enter radio station name > "+"
> button on remote (or long press station name on Touch) > Save to
> Favourites.
> May take some time, but is infallible.

Thanks, the brute force way, but I am unsure what "Radio" pulls from and
if any and all of the stations he under would be there. Some I
added to via a url (e.g. the 320kbps Radio paradise - Normal,
Mellow, Rock, Eclectic).

I tried the switch to, play favorite, go back to LMS, and the
service switch wipes "now playing" (i.e - switch back to lms, now
playing is the previous now playing LMS).

So, I guess it comes down to this:

1) Is there a way to enter a url radio stream in tinyLMS?
2) Is there a way to manipulate favorites.opml from LMS to TinyLMS? (AB,
I did not try SSH, I can, but have never done it, and would need to load
sw to try it)
3) Just stay with for some of his favorites (i.e. the ones that
"radio" or "tune in" or... cannot locate)

Unless there is a break through I will try to add as many mysb favorites
to touch favorites as I can, and he will have to go to for
those I cannot find through radio or other.

Please understand I am not trying to push TinyLMS into what it is not. I
know it's limited. I am using regular LMS. I am not asking the community
for more than it is, rather "what is it, what can it do?".  It's for my
(non technical and short attention span) friend, Touch with a USB stick
is such a perfect solution, essentially, the USB stick has the music
library. The touch with a USB drive is a "self contained" player of
internet radio and music files. He doesn't have to grasp "server and
player". We were there and he struggled with it.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-14 Thread Redrum

mherger wrote: 
> > Also, I am not sure if tiny LMS is still being maintained, but I think
> I
> I'm sorry, it's no longer being maintained.
> > found a tiny insignificant bug - I added "switch to"
> to
> Why would you switch to mysb?
> -- 
> Michael
I think right now because he has all of his internet radio station
favorites in his account. That's one of the reasons that I am
interested in porting the contents of my favorites.opml to tinyLMS. Most
of his favorites I suggested, or we found together, and I have all of
them in my picore LMS as well. , so if I could get either my
favorites.opml or his favorites into tiny LMS, we would no
longer need

I am not sure (haven't tried) if we can select/play a favorite in, switch to LMS, and add it as a favorite in LMS. I could try
that and port them individually if that works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-13 Thread Redrum

Redrum wrote: 
> thanks, read the thread, and agree. I'll have him remove the usb stick
> to add music, which will be very infrequently.
> The other thing with TinySC (sorry) is favorites. I know with normal LMS
> there is a favorites.opml file that I can backup/copy over, even edit,
> but I don't see anything in the squeezebox folder on the TinySC USB/SD.
> I was hoping maybe to copy over my favorites.opml (which are an
> organized structure of radio stations) for his use. It also got me
> thinking of how, with TinySC, you can organize favorites, add folders,
> etc. With full LMS I would go into the LMS control/configuration page on
> the server's ip address. Is there something similar for tinysc or, is it
> limited in terms of favorites? Similar to (can add to as list
> and that's all)?
> Jim

I would like to try to bring this thread back on subject. Can anyone
comment on my question above regarding tinyLMS favorites? I have played
around quite a bit and only see the ability to add them through the UI,
and in a list only. If that's the way it is, that's ok, just curious.

Also, I am not sure if tiny LMS is still being maintained, but I think I
found a tiny insignificant bug - I added "switch to" to
the home menu (convenience for my friend), and moved it's position on
the home menu. As with the current version of my LMS (PiCore) if you
select it, the menu item disappears (as expected). However, with
tinyLMS, if you go back to LMS (say by choosing "my music"), when you
return to the home menu, when the "switch to" menu item comes back, it
is positioned under my music in the list. It moves I tested it on my LMS
and this "movement" of the menu item does not happen, it reappears in
whatever position it is moved to.

Like I said, insignificant, but I thought I would mention it in case
someone is still maintaining it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-11 Thread Redrum

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Old post about it here
> However, it might make it less stable (less memory spare to do things
> like play music)

thanks, read the thread, and agree. I'll have him remove the usb stick
to add music, which will be very infrequently.

The other thing with TinySC (sorry) is favorites. I know with normal LMS
there is a favorites.opml file that I can backup/copy over, even edit,
but I don't see anything in the squeezebox folder on the TinySC USB/SD.
I was hoping maybe to copy over my favorites.opml (which are an
organized structure of radio stations) for his use. It also got me
thinking of how, with TinySC, you can organize favorites, add folders,
etc. With full LMS I would go into the LMS control/configuration page on
the server's ip address. Is there something similar for tinysc or, is it
limited in terms of favorites? Similar to (can add to as list
and that's all)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-11 Thread Redrum

kidstypike wrote: 
> Yes, you have it about right.
> However I wouldn't get too exited about it, the Touch's server is ok if
> you give a player a track or an album to play and let it get on with it.
> If you start flicking through the menus, starting & stopping tracks,
> ect., the server will eventually crash, and you will need to re-scan the
> library, not a very good UX.
> OTOH, (not sure why I'm typing this), but did you know that any of the
> Squeezeboxes on your local network can play the music files on the
> Touch's attached USB/SD card.
> On the Touch running the server, browse to "Choose player" > select a
> player, go to "My Music" > "Switch Library" > select "Touch USB".
> 28322
> 28323

thanks for the confirm on power, and the crash warning. Yea, I realize
it's not ideal, but if you go back to my first post, its for a friend
who has simple expectations, and has a difficult time grasping what is
going on behind the scenes (i.e. "why do I need my laptop on?" - to run
LMS). I had thought of building hime a picore with a usb HDD as a server
(what I an using), but I feared him having to do anything through the ip
address configuration screens, and why not save a couple $. It seems
with tinysc/touch, anything I have to talk him through over the phone
will be exclusively on the touch.

If it does crash, even if he trashes the sd/usb, he can listen to until we get things fixed. I'll have him keep a backup image of
the usb on his pc.

He has been enjoying SB exclusively with, and now we want to
add his music library, so we'll see how it goes. I do appreciate the
note that you can access the sd/usb with other players, but this will be
one player only.

One thing I was looking for, haven't found via search yet, I saw a
reference to samba transfer of files to the sd/usb on the touch, but I
haven't yet found how to initiate it on the touch side of things. It
would be nice if he could add new music via samba rather than


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-11 Thread Redrum

I have been playing around with this, and it seems like adding a usb
stick (128GB) to the touch will be perfect for my friend. It really is
quite cool to discover something new on a device that is already so cool

The one question I have, and am concerned with (because he is non
techie) is the mount/dismount and power up/down.

I understand the need to dismount, but am unclear as to what power up
and down mean (as defined in the wiki). I assume that it means
disconnecting and reconnecting power to the unit, and not the power
button on the touch (that brings on the "power off" screensaver)?

This assumption means you can operate the touch continuously and power
it on and off through the touchscreen. But, if you need to unplug it for
whatever reason - unmount the sd/usb first. Then when you repower, mount
the usb, and start the lms.

Also, for him to add music, it would be:
1) Unmount USB,
2) Take USB to his PC to add music
3) Plug USB back in, follow prompts to mount.
4) Start LMS, rescan initiates.

Do I have this right?


PS - I have to admit something embarassing. I own and use 3 touches for
years, and am prepping this fourth for my friend. I never knew there was
a SD slot on the side. I guess I never needed to know...:o

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-10 Thread Redrum

I just put one together, now I know what the interface is, that is an
add on" to the standard menu system. I should have put it together
before I asked, sorry.

I'll play with it but so far, looks like it might be a good "simple all
in one solution" for him.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-10 Thread Redrum

sounds like fun, I will give it a try on one of my touch's first.

Michael, to clarify, mysb won't be available, or is it that it wont
solve the https issue? I ask mostly out of unfamiliarity of the touch
servver interface when compared to lms or msb (e.g. favorites, etc).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-10 Thread Redrum

mherger wrote: 
> > Try it.  A 32GB SD card or 64GB flash drive costs under $10 so not
> much
> > to lose.  The biggest issue with "Tiny SC" is speed (library rescans,
> in
> > particular), but it may be adequate for your friend particularly if
> the
> > card/drive is updated infrequently.
> Besides speed and random crashes due to running out of memory I'm seeing
> one more important issue (compared to LMS on a different system, not 
> mysb): more and more music services and radio stations require https 
> streaming. The Touch can't handle this.
> -- 
> Michael

Curious, with touch as a server, would the option to switch to
still be available on the menus? This would address the https streaming.
Similar to switching between mysb and lms.

Rescan is not an issue, but the "random crashes" are concerning to me
(my friends inability to tolerate, restart things). Do they "just
happen" or is it when you try to do too much?


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server?

2019-10-10 Thread Redrum

I have been working on a sb setup for a friend who is not only not
techie, he can react poorly to anything complicated or things not
working as expected. Combine that with distance and infrequent short
visits, its been a challenge.

We went through a few iterations of extra players I had on hand (duet,
radio), and have now settled on a touch as his best solution for a
number of reasons (visibility primarily)

We have him listening to internet radio, pandora, etc on I
installed LMS on his laptop, but he is yet to grasp the
differences/advantage of lms over, and often his laptop isn't
on, or around, and this causes confusion.

He wants to add his digital music, and I had planned on helping him add
it to lms on his PC, but since he doesn't really understand why lms is
there, I had been thinking maybe my best route would be to build him a
picore server with a USB HDD (my current setup). So he would have a
"thingie" plugged into his router, and his player would work.

But, then I stumbled across this - touch as a server:

My question - is this still a legitimate an up to date method of
providing him with an "all in one" server/player? I ask because
sometimes wiki articles can be old and irrelevant, and sb's are ever
evolving... Before I go about giving it a try I thought I would ask.

Basically, if I haven't made myself clear in my ramble above, I am
looking to give him a self contained system, even if its limited (i.e.
doesn't have the full features of lms, plugins, etc). He is happy with
internet radio and pandora, and I think he would be happy with just
playing his library, random mix, etc.

Oh, one other thing, the touch would need to be on wifi. Not sure if
there is an ethernet requirement.


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