RE: [Vo]:The process by which the proton decays in LENR

2017-04-11 Thread

It my be that there are Cooper pairs of particles—maybe hydrogen or bigger 
isotopes—formed during the synthesis of the barium compounds.  The magnetic 
conditioning described by Weber etal in the video disrupts the lower energy 
state of the  Cooper pairs originally formed creating an excited system with 
“loosely bound” particles which seek a lower stable energy state,  given 
necessary resonant conditions.

Thus, the entangled system seeks (produces) a different—transmuted—nuclear 
species (at a lower potential energy) with the release of charged particles and 
a resulting voltage on the large block of material or Manelas device.

The magnetic binding of Cooper paring would be a key parameter to understand 
for hydrogen as well as other particles with an intrinsic magnetic moment.  The 
excited state caused by a strong B field may derive directly from the theory 
associated with Cooper paring.  I would guess that the  magnetic B field will 
degenerate the entangled system, thus creating a higher probability that a 
nuclear reaction between constituents of the entangled system can occur by 
tunneling as a result of the close proximity of individual constituents.

A strong electric field imposed upon the system would also have an effect by 
changing resonant conditions in any given entangled system as well as system 
degeneration.   The surface of the block would be more influenced by the 
electric field than the deeper material.   If this were the case, the deeper 
parts of the device may serve as a reservoir for “depaired” loosely coupled 
entities  which move to the surface to an entangled system where transmutation 

The surface cooling may actually be important in creating a thermal gradient in 
the block of material to drive the loosely coupled entities to the surface.  
And the 2-dimensional nature of the surface may further increase degeneration 
and the likelihood of tunneling.

A similar Cooper paring may occur in Pd FCC lattice sites with degenerate 
conditions created by strong magnetic fields, improving the odds for D fusion 
seen in that system particularly near the surface of the Pd crystal lattice.

Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The process by which the proton decays in LENR

Axil, How can we apply this concept to the Manelas Billet?

Symmetry breaking may decouple spins from underlying delocalized vibrational 

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 3:51 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The process by which the proton decays in LENR

Physicists observe spontaneous symmetry breaking in an 
Figure 1: An effective potential in the form of a 'Mexican hat' (right) leads 
to spontaneous symmetry breaking. The potentials on the both sides are 
symmetric, but ...

Physicists have observed spontaneous symmetry breaking in an optical 
microcavity, they have demonstrated experimentally the emergence of spontaneous 
symmetry breaking in an 
ultrahigh-Q whispering-gallery microresonator. The Optical whispering gallery 
(WGW) microcavity is the structural form that the Surface Plasmon Polariton 
assumed in LENR. . These whispering gallery 
modes are analogous to the 
acoustic resonances in the whispering gallery in St. Paul Cathedral in London.

A critical clue to the role of symmetry breaking in LENR is the observation 
that the application of an electrostatic field catalyzes spontaneous symmetry 
breaking in the WGW via the Kerr effect.


The application of an electrostatic field has been listed as a trigger of the 
LENR reaction in Rossi's patent. When this electrostatic field is applied, the 
WGW produces symmetry breaking which induces a energy transfer between a proton 
and a simultaneous decay in that proton via a symmetry breaking based entangled 

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:

  1.  The process by which the proton decays in LENR.

Some esoteric process is causing the proton to decay in LENR. This process is 
the root source for the production of energy and sub atomic particles in LENR.

Whatever is causing the proton to decay into strange matter is a new 
unrecognized if not unknown process in physics. This cause is not part of 
current standard model theory. This makes LENR 

RE: [Vo]:The Gupta Patent of early 1989

2017-04-21 Thread

The Gupta and Jacobs patent was not missed by R. Mills.  Look at the references 
cited at the end of the 1991 patent document.  Randy was quick to pick up on 
the technology shortly after the patent lapsed in 1999.  It may be that Gupta 
and Jacobs were bought out by somebody or the technology was declared dark at 
the time the patent lapsed.  That would be  consistent with actions to poo-poo 
the Pd D ideas by the military- industrial complex.

Note the related GE and M-D patents (reference by the Gupta-Jacobs patent) 
granted in the early 1960’s.

Interestingly, I remember a flare of activity reported by a physics friend in 
the 1964-65 timeframe concerning a newly found heavy water—not deuterium 
oxide—with unusual properties.  However, the flickering flame of activity was 
extinguished in less than a week as I recall.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Gupta Patent of early 1989

One reason for the post below concerns the apparent evolution of Gupta's
research, in which a superior lithium ion battery is the result.

The company is Ectrovaya - which is Canadian... and their battery
recently won a competition with other advanced batteries... yup, they
are apparently superior to the new battery offering of Tesla.

Not sure if there is a contribution from LENR or not. But batteries
could be the backdoor for commercialization ... All those lithium
battery meltdowns were indeed- a message.

> Here is a strange bit of history which seems to have been somehow
> overlooked and misplaced. It almost reads like "alternate facts"
> The Fleischmann/ Pons announcement of cold fusion happened on March
> 23, 1989. Ostensibly this date was forced on them by concerns about
> the competing work from Steven Jones at BYU, but there was another
> more specific threat. Perhaps their rush was not BYU but concern over
> a competing line of research which Fleischmann had participated in,
> going all the way back to the 1970s. These were palladium metal
> lattice experiments described by B. Dandapani (and Fleischmann as
> coauthor) in the Journal of Electronal. Chemistry, 39, in 1972 and later.
> On March 31, 1989 - 8 days after the hurried Utah announcement the
> following patent was actually filed by Gupta and Jacobs in the USA,
> and it was soon GRANTED !  And then it was almost completely ignored
> today, even though it undercuts the IP claims of others and actually
> mentions "dense hydrogen" as the operative mechanism. Yet, the IP was
> not commercially useful,  probably due to the high cost of palladium.
> It is now in the public domain.
> "Process and apparatus for generating high density hydrogen in a
> matrix" US 4986887
> That's right - the first LENR filing was actually granted by the
> Patent Office - so there is no wonder why later filings did not succeed.
> There was and still is - a lot of whining going on - but no evidence
> of a "grand conspiracy" by insiders in Hot Fusion, although they did
> not agree there was a breakthrough. Plus, there is no way Gupta could
> have based his IP on "stealing the P work" since it normally takes
> months to draft a decent patent filing and several days to get it to
> USPTO by mail, and Gupta had published on the subject before 1989.
> We now understand why almost everyone else's patent application was
> denied or languished, and it has nothing to do with violating the Laws
> of Physics or Thermodynamics, nor to a hostile hot fusion establishment.
> There was, in fact, a valid patent granted for LENR.

RE: [Vo]:The process by which the proton decays in LENR

2017-04-13 Thread
I agree that the Boomsma thesis is a gold mine of information.


Interesting that a key nuclear theory identified by Boomsma was available in 
1961.   .

However, I do not think it will take a century to understand LENR unless the 
establishment cover-up conspiring factions increase their efforts by a 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:36 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The process by which the proton decays in LENR

In this edition of EGO OUT (Tuesday, April 11, 2017) Peter has referenced a 
wonderful and impactful idea in this article:

Proton-nuclei smashups yield clues about 'quark gluon plasma'Physicists probe 
exotic state of nuclear matter at Europe's LHC

Science is studying the "chiral magnetic effect" (CME) in Quark-gluon plasma, 
or QGP. The magnetic fields that are generated in the QGP have a similar effect 
on quarks that LENR has on protons. The CME that appeared after the big bang in 
the QGP that existed back then was strong enough to keep energy from condensing 
into protons. Now-a-days, such vacuum altering magnetic fields are only seen in 
LENR. As stated by Jorn Kerst Boomsma in the summary of his thesis:

Effects of instanton interactions on the phases of quark matter

IMHO, this thesis is a goldmine for LENR theory.


“There are strong indications that in heavy-ion collisions a new phase of 
matter is created, quark matter, which is a state of matter with deconfined 
quarks. Besides being created in heavy-ion collisions, it is also believed to 
have existed in early universe.

Today it might exist in the interior of very dense neutron stars. In this 
thesis we have studied how quark matter is influenced by instantons. These 
nonperturbative effects are closely related to the QCD vacuum angle θ. Because 
of the existence of instantons observables can become θ-dependent. In Nature θ 
appears to be very close zero, an additional argument for this was presented in 
Chapter 4 of this thesis. In heavy-ion collisions θ may effectively become 
nonzero, at least that conclusion is drawn from an effective low-energy theory 
of the strong interaction. When θ is different from 0 (mod π), the theory is 
not invariant under CP."

As additional background on this subject, the following article explains why CP 
violation is important to how the universe was created after the big bang:

RE: [Vo]:Why Scientists Must Share Their Failures

2017-04-16 Thread
Jones and Nygel—

I worked for a good engineer for 18 years.  His moto was:

“It takes a $M worth of mistakes to make a good engineer,” and that was 50 
years ago and applied to engineers and scientists, mostly engineers.

The problem now-a-days is that the R persons foster mistakes, since more 
mistakes mean more money to make more mistakes.  Look at the hot fusion R 

I  have found that the “devil is in the details.”   The article Harry and Nigel 
have noted is right on IMHO.

Mistakes AND null experiments should be made public by those who want to 
further technical development and all scientists to further understanding  
nature—this being the objective of authentic scientists.  Keeping the natural 
laws secret is the role of paid investigators of natural laws or commercial 
pseudo- scientists so to speak.

Bob Cook


Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Scientists Must Share Their Failures

The problem is that with many experiments, the result may clearly be not 
successful, or the experiment may have ended prematurely, but it is NOT a 
complete failure and has an avenues for improvement. Null results often point 
to avenues for improvement. Most often, this is not an "either/or" situation.

Since the experimenter may want to see the work repeated, and may have plans to 
do it better himself, he is not willing to label it as a failure and in the end 
- may take the easy route ... which is doing nothing. "Doing nothing" preserves 
his ability to seek additional funding with improvements added, whereas a 
negative report makes continuation less likely.

In LENR, this kind of thing can be seen clearly with the Parkhomov 
"replications" or lack thereof. There were many null results, but several of 
those appeared to have slight gain, or else some other redeeming value such as 
a radiation burst.

Of course, the equivocal results could be written up in a way that does not 
prejudice future work - but then we are asking that the experimenter be both an 
expert in the Lab as well as an excellent writer.

Nigel Dyer wrote:

Excellent article.

I have found that it is possible to find out some of the failures by going to 
conferences and talking with people.  For every field there is usually someone 
who knows what has been done, and what has worked and what has not.  The 
problem is that this is very hit and miss and the information is not very 
accessible, which is not a good way to do science

 H LV wrote:
Why Scientists Must Share Their Failures

We don’t ask people in other professions to do it, but it’s vital for speeding 
up progress in crucial areas of research from climate to medicine and public 

By Ijad Madisch on April 13, 2017

RE: [Vo]:The Gupta Patent of early 1989

2017-04-22 Thread

;You noted:

“We now understand why almost everyone else's patent application was
denied or languished, and it has nothing to do with violating the Laws
of Physics or Thermodynamics, nor to a hostile hot fusion establishment.

There was, in fact, a valid patent granted for LENR.”
I think the PO would normally inform an applicant of why their patent is 
rejected including the existence of conflicting patents. .
 I would guess it was because of the unofficial PO handling of cold fusion 
patents, such handling intended to discourage further invention in the cold 
fusion arena, consistent with the infamous action the government took regarding 
Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 10:13 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:The Gupta Patent of early 1989

Here is a strange bit of history which seems to have been somehow
overlooked and misplaced. It almost reads like "alternate facts"

The Fleischmann/ Pons announcement of cold fusion happened on March 23,
1989. Ostensibly this date was forced on them by concerns about the
competing work from Steven Jones at BYU, but there was another more
specific threat. Perhaps their rush was not BYU but concern over a
competing line of research which Fleischmann had participated in, going
all the way back to the 1970s. These were palladium metal lattice
experiments described by B. Dandapani (and Fleischmann as coauthor) in
the Journal of Electronal. Chemistry, 39, in 1972 and later.

On March 31, 1989 - 8 days after the hurried Utah announcement the
following patent was actually filed by Gupta and Jacobs in the USA, and
it was soon GRANTED !  And then it was almost completely ignored today,
even though it undercuts the IP claims of others and actually mentions
"dense hydrogen" as the operative mechanism. Yet, the IP was not
commercially useful,  probably due to the high cost of palladium. It is
now in the public domain.

"Process and apparatus for generating high density hydrogen in a matrix"
US 4986887

That's right - the first LENR filing was actually granted by the Patent
Office - so there is no wonder why later filings did not succeed.

There was and still is - a lot of whining going on - but no evidence of
a "grand conspiracy" by insiders in Hot Fusion, although they did not
agree there was a breakthrough. Plus, there is no way Gupta could have
based his IP on "stealing the P work" since it normally takes months
to draft a decent patent filing and several days to get it to USPTO by
mail, and Gupta had published on the subject before 1989.

We now understand why almost everyone else's patent application was
denied or languished, and it has nothing to do with violating the Laws
of Physics or Thermodynamics, nor to a hostile hot fusion establishment.

There was, in fact, a valid patent granted for LENR.

RE: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

2017-08-02 Thread

Do you know of any examples of a “ complex fractal energy spectrum”.  That 
would help explain what such a spectrum is.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 8:42 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

The paper referenced in this article could be drawing another duel between 
string theory and condensed matter physics.

String theory phenomenology and quantum many–body systems

Sergio Gutiérrez, Abel Camacho, Héctor Hernández

arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]

In the paper, the authors calculate how additional space-like dimensions affect 
a condensate of ultracold atoms, known as Bose-Einstein-Condensate. At such low 
temperatures, the atoms transition to a state where their quantum wave-function 
acts as one and the system begins to display quantum effects, such as 
interference, throughout.

In the presence of extra-dimensions, every particle’s wave-function has higher 
harmonics because the extra-dimensions have to close up, in the simplest case 
like circles. The particle’s wave-functions have to fit into the extra 
dimensions, meaning their wave-length must be an integer fraction of the radius.

It seems to me that all the conditions required to show the hidden dimensions 
expected by string theory are meet in condensed matter physics using the 
bosonic quasiparticle called the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP). This boson 
can form non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and 

In “Oscillatory behavior of the specific heat at low temperature in 
quasiperiodic structures” E.L. Albuquerquea;∗, C.G. Bezerraa, P.W. Maurizb, 
M.S. Vasconcelos, a structure featuring 11 level discontinuity in specific heat 
as predicted by the Mexican paper is shown to exist.

The behavior of a variety of particles or quasi-particles (electrons, phonons, 
photons, polaritons, magnons, etc.) has been and is currently being studied in 
quasi-periodic systems. A fascinating feature of these quasi-periodic 
structures is that they exhibit collective properties not shared by their 
constituent parts.

Furthermore, the long-range correlations induced by the construction of these 
systems are expected to be reflected to some degree in their various spectra, 
designing a novel description of disorder. A common factor shared by all these 
excitations is a complex fractal energy spectrum.

Could this discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPPs be 
exposing the higher dimensions of reality as predicted by the Mexicans?

RE: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

2017-08-02 Thread


IMHO your comments regarding a grand unified theory is right on.  The energy 
maintained by a coherent system can be divided into potential  energy and 
kinetic energy.

The potential energy is associated with electric and magnetic fields  and 
kinetic energy associated with motion of   massive particles within the 
confines of a coherent system.   The coherent system can be described by a 
single wave function.  Gravitational fields also must be considered as 
providing potential energy of the coherent system.

The EMG force is what begs a good quantitative physical model.  A.C.  Jessup 
proposed such a model in the late 1950.l

Angular  momentum is associated with the kinetic energy of the system  and is 
limited to
discrete quanta of angular momentum equal to  whole number multiples of Planks 

Coherent systems become more stable when potential energy is reduced and 
kinetic energy is increased and momentum conversation maintained  in the 
changed system or systems.  Free photons that manage to escape the coherent 
system constitute a new coherent system that shares in the 
distribution/conservation of energy and momentum.

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 12:41 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

Grand unification of the forces of nature is an important concept in LENR 
because it can explain why the weak force seems to be strengthened in LENR 
where LENR ash comes out of LENR reactions stabilized as if the weak force has 
acted instantaneously to stabilize the products of nuclear activity.

The concept that grand unification of the forces of nature might also 
correspond to the establishment of a bose condinsate to expose the folded 
dimensions of strings to a quantum like energy filling process to activate a 
strengthened weak force inside the influence of that bose condinsate.

The energy of grand unification is not associated with a single particle but is 
marshaled as a shared resource of an aggregation of coherent identical 

When a nuclear event occurs within the province of the bose condinsate... a 
condinsate that has accumulated the required combined excitation energy shared 
among the members of its aggregate members, the weak force no longer functions 
as a separate force. In this condition, the excitation produced by the nuclear 
reaction is instantaneously relaxed into a stable configuration.

This concept explains why gamma radiation is sometimes seen in a very weak LENR 
system where energy pumping is not sufficient to power the development of a 
bose condinsate. But when the LENR system is robustly pumped with sufficient 
energy to keep the bose condinsate in place, no gamma radiation is detected.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:

The paper referenced in this article could be drawing another duel between 
string theory and condensed matter physics.

String theory phenomenology and quantum many–body systems

Sergio Gutiérrez, Abel Camacho, Héctor Hernández

arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]

In the paper, the authors calculate how additional space-like dimensions affect 
a condensate of ultracold atoms, known as Bose-Einstein-Condensate. At such low 
temperatures, the atoms transition to a state where their quantum wave-function 
acts as one and the system begins to display quantum effects, such as 
interference, throughout.

In the presence of extra-dimensions, every particle’s wave-function has higher 
harmonics because the extra-dimensions have to close up, in the simplest case 
like circles. The particle’s wave-functions have to fit into the extra 
dimensions, meaning their wave-length must be an integer fraction of the radius.

It seems to me that all the conditions required to show the hidden dimensions 
expected by string theory are meet in condensed matter physics using the 
bosonic quasiparticle called the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP). This boson 
can form non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and 

In “Oscillatory behavior of the specific heat at low temperature in 
quasiperiodic structures” E.L. Albuquerquea;∗, C.G. Bezerraa, P.W. Maurizb, 
M.S. Vasconcelos, a structure featuring 11 level discontinuity in specific heat 
as predicted by the Mexican paper is shown to exist.

The behavior of a variety of particles or quasi-particles (electrons, phonons, 
photons, polaritons, magnons, etc.) has been and is currently being studied in 
quasi-periodic systems. A fascinating feature of these quasi-periodic 
structures is that they exhibit collective properties not shared by their 
constituent parts.

Furthermore, the long-range correlations induced by the 

RE: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

2017-08-03 Thread


That summary is instructive.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 5:36 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

Figure 1 in arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<> shows 
what a fractal energy spectrum would look like.

On page 367 and 368 it is explained, as energy is added to the system, that 
additional energy goes into filling the 11 energy levels from low orfer to 
higher order. For example, e1 to e2 then on the next level e4 to e4 then on the 
next level e5 to e6 and so on.

When a given energy level is completely filled, there is a discontinuous jump 
in specific heat to the next energy level which makes more room for more energy 
storage space.

As more energy is loaded into the SPP BEC, more energy storage space is created 
to accommodate that added energy. The specific heat of the BEC increases as 
energy  is added but with quantum like discontinuities up through 11 levels. 
These 11 levels correspond to the 11 dimensions required by string theory.

According to the Mexican paper,<>

this energy filing mechanism represents how the hidden dimensions of string 
theory are utilized to handle the increasing amplitude of a particle's wave 
function as additional energy is added to that wave function.

When the energy of the wave function of the particle increases, the fundamental 
forces begin to converge as per grand unification.

In terms of LENR, the SPP BEC and a high energy particle both with increasing 
energy have the same Grand unification functionality as energy is added to each 

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 8:08 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:

Do you know of any examples of a “ complex fractal energy spectrum”.  That 
would help explain what such a spectrum is.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 8:42 AM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

The paper referenced in this article could be drawing another duel between 
string theory and condensed matter physics.

String theory phenomenology and quantum many–body systems

Sergio Gutiérrez, Abel Camacho, Héctor Hernández

arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<>

In the paper, the authors calculate how additional space-like dimensions affect 
a condensate of ultracold atoms, known as Bose-Einstein-Condensate. At such low 
temperatures, the atoms transition to a state where their quantum wave-function 
acts as one and the system begins to display quantum effects, such as 
interference, throughout.

In the presence of extra-dimensions, every particle’s wave-function has higher 
harmonics because the extra-dimensions have to close up, in the simplest case 
like circles. The particle’s wave-functions have to fit into the extra 
dimensions, meaning their wave-length must be an integer fraction of the radius.

It seems to me that all the conditions required to show the hidden dimensions 
expected by string theory are meet in condensed matter physics using the 
bosonic quasiparticle called the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP). This boson 
can form non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and 

In “Oscillatory behavior of the specific heat at low temperature in 
quasiperiodic structures” E.L. Albuquerquea;∗, C.G. Bezerraa, P.W. Maurizb, 
M.S. Vasconcelos, a structure featuring 11 level discontinuity in specific heat 
as predicted by the Mexican paper is shown to exist.

The behavior of a variety of particles or quasi-particles (electrons, phonons, 
photons, polaritons, magnons, etc.) has been and is currently being studied in 
quasi-periodic systems. A fascinating feature of these quasi-periodic 
structures is that they exhibit collective properties not shared by their 
constituent parts.

Furthermore, the long-range correlations induced by the construction of these 
systems are expected to be reflected to some degree in their various spectra, 
designing a novel description of disorder. A common factor shared by all these 
excitations is a complex fractal energy spectrum.

Could this discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPPs be 
exposing the higher dimensions of reality as predicted by the Mexicans?

RE: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

2017-08-03 Thread

The following link has no figures and

1707.07757 [gr-qc]<>

Are you sure it is the document you say has the figure with the fractal energy 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 5:36 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

Figure 1 in arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<> shows 
what a fractal energy spectrum would look like.

On page 367 and 368 it is explained, as energy is added to the system, that 
additional energy goes into filling the 11 energy levels from low orfer to 
higher order. For example, e1 to e2 then on the next level e4 to e4 then on the 
next level e5 to e6 and so on.

When a given energy level is completely filled, there is a discontinuous jump 
in specific heat to the next energy level which makes more room for more energy 
storage space.

As more energy is loaded into the SPP BEC, more energy storage space is created 
to accommodate that added energy. The specific heat of the BEC increases as 
energy  is added but with quantum like discontinuities up through 11 levels. 
These 11 levels correspond to the 11 dimensions required by string theory.

According to the Mexican paper,<>

this energy filing mechanism represents how the hidden dimensions of string 
theory are utilized to handle the increasing amplitude of a particle's wave 
function as additional energy is added to that wave function.

When the energy of the wave function of the particle increases, the fundamental 
forces begin to converge as per grand unification.

In terms of LENR, the SPP BEC and a high energy particle both with increasing 
energy have the same Grand unification functionality as energy is added to each 

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 8:08 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:

Do you know of any examples of a “ complex fractal energy spectrum”.  That 
would help explain what such a spectrum is.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 8:42 AM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

The paper referenced in this article could be drawing another duel between 
string theory and condensed matter physics.

String theory phenomenology and quantum many–body systems

Sergio Gutiérrez, Abel Camacho, Héctor Hernández

arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<>

In the paper, the authors calculate how additional space-like dimensions affect 
a condensate of ultracold atoms, known as Bose-Einstein-Condensate. At such low 
temperatures, the atoms transition to a state where their quantum wave-function 
acts as one and the system begins to display quantum effects, such as 
interference, throughout.

In the presence of extra-dimensions, every particle’s wave-function has higher 
harmonics because the extra-dimensions have to close up, in the simplest case 
like circles. The particle’s wave-functions have to fit into the extra 
dimensions, meaning their wave-length must be an integer fraction of the radius.

It seems to me that all the conditions required to show the hidden dimensions 
expected by string theory are meet in condensed matter physics using the 
bosonic quasiparticle called the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP). This boson 
can form non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and 

In “Oscillatory behavior of the specific heat at low temperature in 
quasiperiodic structures” E.L. Albuquerquea;∗, C.G. Bezerraa, P.W. Maurizb, 
M.S. Vasconcelos, a structure featuring 11 level discontinuity in specific heat 
as predicted by the Mexican paper is shown to exist.

The behavior of a variety of particles or quasi-particles (electrons, phonons, 
photons, polaritons, magnons, etc.) has been and is currently being studied in 
quasi-periodic systems. A fascinating feature of these quasi-periodic 
structures is that they exhibit collective properties not shared by their 
constituent parts.

Furthermore, the long-range correlations induced by the construction of these 
systems are expected to be reflected to some degree in their various spectra, 
designing a novel description of disorder. A common factor shared by all these 
excitations is a complex fractal energy spectrum.

Could this discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPPs be 
exposing the higher dimensions of reality as predicted by the Mexicans?

RE: [Vo]:LENR as a superconductor

2017-08-14 Thread
Conductivity and resistance apply generally to a common state of matter.  Super 
conductivity is also addresses an assemblage of such matter.

As far as I know these parameters do not apply to a coherent QM system.

If LENR reactors work within a coherent system the redistribution of charge to 
a boundary of the system may occur instanteously.(With quarks and gluons 
who know what happens in such a system.)

Maybe Randy’s GUT address the mechanics of such a system and the redistribution 
of charge.

Thinking outside the box,

Bob Cook--

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 9:11 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR as a superconductor

A polariton is a special quasiparticle. It is an electron that has has most of 
its mass and charge removed. It can only exist when it is generated by a 
nanoparticle or a pit or bump in the surface of a metal.


This is a picture of polariton formation in pits and bumps in a metal.

As a special case, metallic hydrogen is a nanowire that produces the LENR 
reaction without a plasma forming. This includes other hydrogen based metalized 
compounds like water.

But when a plasma is used to produce the LENR reaction, because the polariton 
needs is a nanoparticle to exist, it is passively critical. When that 
nanoparticle vaporizes, the polariton dies. So a dirty plasma that is passively 
maintained at the vaporization point of a given metal will produce many self 
sustaining forms of energy including heat, light. XUV. x-rays, gamma, pressure 
from fast particle generated shock waves, electrons  and various other types of 
subatomic particles.

On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 12:04 AM, Kevin O'Malley 
> wrote:
On 8/12/17, Axil Axil > wrote:

  What we see in that polariton
> condensate is how the universe functioned during the first few seconds at
> the beginning of the universe before the universe cooled.
 ***That's disheartening.   It would mean there is very little chance
of stabilizing such a condition to be able to harness it for energy.

RE: [Vo]:Thermionic LENR patent 20170213611

2017-08-10 Thread

That’s a great link and indications of things to come.

A higher temperature application may use high temperature thermocouples to 
achieve higher efficiencies than thermionic or thermo-tunneling technology.  I 
believe that space craft use the high temperature provided by Pu-238 decay to 
generate electricity via thermos- couple
Technology.  It is old hat technology from the 1960’s !

Bob Cook

From: Kevin O'Malley
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 11:54 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Thermionic LENR patent 20170213611

Openly mentions LENR and Andrea Rossi...

Document Type and Number:
United States Patent Application 20170213611 Kind Code: A1

A system and method are provided for generating electric power from
relatively low temperature energy sources at efficiency levels not
previously available. The present system and method employ recent
advances in low energy nuclear reaction technology and
thermionic/thermotunneling device technology first to generate heat
and then to convert a substantial portion of the heat generated to
usable electrical power. Heat may be generated by a LENR system
employing nuclear reactions that occur in readily available materials
at ambient temperatures without a high energy input requirement and do
not produce radioactive byproducts. The heat generated by the LENR
system may be transferred through one or more thermionic converter
devices in heat transfer relationship with the LENR system to generate
electric power.

Cox, Rodney T. (North Plains, OR, US)
Walitzki, Hans (Portland, OR, US)
Application Number:
Publication Date:
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Borealis Technical Limited (London, GB)
International Classes:
G21D7/04; G21D1/00; G21G1/02; H01J45/00
Attorney, Agent or Firm:
1. A high efficiency electric power generating system comprising one
or more low energy nuclear reaction generating means for producing a
reliable source of heat and one or more thermionic converter means in
heat transfer relationship with said low energy nuclear reaction
generating means for receiving said reliable source of heat, wherein
said thermionic converter means is configured to efficiently generate
electric power from said reliable source of heat at an efficiency
within the range from about 10% of Carnot to about 80% of Carnot

2. The electric power generating system of claim 1, wherein said low
energy nuclear power reaction generating means is designed to use low
cost reactants to safely produce a heat generating reaction.

3. The electric power generating system of claim 1, wherein said
thermionic converter means comprises at least a pair of electrodes
separated by a gap, and each one of said pair of spaced electrodes has
an Avto metal surface configuration on a surface of said electrode
facing said gap.

4. The electric power generating system of claim 3, wherein said
thermionic converter means further comprises a first active area in
thermal contact between said low energy nuclear reaction generating
means and one of said electrodes and a second active area in thermal
and electrical contact between another of said electrodes and electric
power destination means.

5. The electric power generating system of claim 1, wherein said
source of heat comprises a heat transfer fluid selected from heat
transfer fluids comprising liquids and gasses.

6. The electric power generating system of claim 1, wherein said low
energy nuclear reaction generating means comprises barrier means
designed and positioned to contain any radioactivity produced when
said source of heat is produced.

7. The electric power generating system of claim 1, comprising a
plurality of low energy nuclear reaction generating means positioned
to be in heat transfer relationship with said one or more thermionic
converter means.

8. The electric power generating system of claim 1, wherein a
plurality of thermionic converter means is positioned to be in heat
transfer relationship with said one or more low energy nuclear
reaction generating means.

9. A high efficiency method for generating electric power from heat
comprising: a. providing at least one low energy nuclear reaction
generator and activating said low energy nuclear reaction generator to
produce a low energy nuclear reaction between reactants selected to
produce a supply of heat; b. providing at least one thermionic
converter in heat transfer relationship with said low energy nuclear
reaction generator, wherein said thermionic converter is designed to
convert heat 

RE: [Vo]:Picking up the pieces

2017-07-07 Thread

I agree with much of your assessment of the Rossi effect, what you call the 
Rossi reactor.  I   agree that there is a history of high 
temperature reactions, but many of these have been associated with the Pd-D 
system, which I consider entails a different physical mechanism for the 
conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.

Rossi has developed a reactor (an engineered system which includes a control 
system for the important physical parameters—dynamic magnetic and electric 
field intensity, and temperature of the nickel nano- structures—and heat 
transfer devices/agents) that works to limit the production of energetic 
particles associated with normal fission or hot fusion reactors and the 
unstable isotopes such reactions are notorious for.

One of the keys to the success of the Rossi reactor R IMHO has been the 
development of  a Ni based nano-particle—a quantum mechanical coherent 
system—which is cooled by Li vapor—to avoid a run-away reaction which you, 
Axil, correctly associate with temperatures around 3000 C.

The small size of the nano-particles provides a limit to the effects of a 
run-away release of potential energy and  destruction of the reactor or more 
than one nano-particle.  (And no muons or other sub atomic particles are 
produced by the relatively low kinetic energy associated with 3000 C. )

There are many commercial devices that create temperatures above 3000C, for 
example electric arc welders which I have used many times.  They do not produce 
the energetic particles or photons you, Axil. are concerned about with respect 
to the “Rossi reactor” IHMO.

Bob Cookhere are many common commercial reactions that occu

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 8:06 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Picking up the pieces

There are multiple third party validations. Rossi's methods and approach have 
been verified in part by his many replicators. This is not to say that Rossi's 
reactor or any LENR reactor for that matter  can be commercialized due to heavy 
subatomic particle emissions. This includes R. Mills and the SunCell.

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 5:11 AM, Alain Sepeda 
> wrote:
from recent data, taking any conclusion on Rossi's claims is at best risky, and 
to be honest, baseless.

2017-07-07 3:01 GMT+02:00 Axil Axil 

What the Rossi experiments has shown over many years is that LENR in a lattice 
is not workable because the reaction cannot be controlled. This lack of control 
makes the E-Cat technology untenable. Rossi has realized this and Rossi is will 
to let this knowhow fadeaway. The LENR reaction wants to operate at the boiling 
point of the metal lattice (nickel) which is 3000K. LENR is based on activation 
of nanoparticles in a dusty plasma. Rossi has struggled to control the LENR 
reaction at low temperatures but he always fails because LENR would invariably 
get to 3000K and meltdown his reactor. So Rossi finally decided to use reactor 
structural material that doesn't melt at 3000K. This material must be an 
insulator that does not melt at 3000K. Mills has stumbled on the same reaction 
and his SunCell runs at the vapor point of silver at only 2200C. Mills has 
solved the meltdown problem is another way, he justs runs everything as a 
liquid without any containment. Holmlid is on to the same LENR mechanism. There 
is nothing unusual with metalized hydrogen. In the LENR reaction, metalized 
hydrogen acts like any other metallic nanoparticle.

Using a lattice for LENR is a losing proposition. The dusty plasma approach to 
the LENR reaction is the only way to go. I beleive that Rossi has settled on a 
high temperature  tube material that works: boron nitride, a transparent 
isolator whose melting point is 3000C.

Alan Smith 

I do remember. BTW, eye witness accounts claim that the tube itself is 
transparent, and the electrodes bright silver colour. nothing is visible in the 
gap. I have no idea about sealing or anything else - except that the plasma can 
apparently be made 'any colour you like'. The example shown was glowing yellow 
when energised for short periods. That's all the info I have.

Unlike most other observers of Rossi, I know that the QuarkX works because its 
reported behavior fits in with my understanding of how LENR works.

For example:

New research into polariton condensates has revealed a side emission channel 
that produces light whose frequency is proportional to the density of the 
polariton aggregation...for example, the dense polariton condinsate produces a 
higher frequency light (blue) and a less dense condinsate will produce red 
light. Rossi must have a way to control the density of the polariton population.


RE: [Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-13 Thread

Do  you know that the Allais Effect is predicted in some manner by Munera”s 
theory involving the concept of an aether in 3D space, or is you comment merely 

If not conjecture, what is your basis for the comment about proving an aether 

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Terry Blanton
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 3:15 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Allais Effect

In August you will have a chance to prove the aether exists.

RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

2017-07-16 Thread

Regarding the observation of gammas at the beginning and end of LENR power 
output, it may be that the controlling magnetic field, B.  passes through 
intensities that allow nuclear transitions without coupling to the electronic 
orbital kinetic angular momentum energy and a change of nuclear potential 
energy to lattice kinetic energy.

One would expect to see a change in the isotopic composition of the fuel 
compared to the composition resulting from LENR without gammas.

In addition the gammas may heat the nano-particles of fuel sufficiently to 
quickly change resonances that allowed the reaction producing the gammas and 
favoring the coupling in the coherent nano-particle system to the lattice 

IMHO the function of transient SPP BEC’s  would not be 100% effective at 
shielding gammas routinely produced by a LENR nuclear isotopic transition.

The production of neutral muons or other neutral subatomic particles without 
gammas may be an unrealized problem of some LENR reactions, however.  I 
consider energetic neutrons, if produced, would be readily observed.

Bob Cook
From: Axil Axil
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 5:45 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Gamma's were also seen at reaction shutdown. What produces those gammas?

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> wrote:
I believe gammas are generated and then absorbed into the BEC, sliced
and diced into X rays.   That is, the vast majority of the gammas.
Some poke their heads through, especially in the initial phase where
it's an endothermic reaction starting the whole thing.   That's why
Celani saw Gammas at Rossi's demo, but only at the outset.

On 7/11/17, Axil Axil > wrote:
> Gamma rays are not generated in LENR reactions because the reaction energy
> is completely drained by the entanglement of the SPP BEC that is in place
> on the nanoparticles that produce the LENR reaction.
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> >
> wrote:
>> I have thought for a long time that there have been multiple LENR
>> reactions.   When you let loose a gamma inside a lattice and it hits
>> those other nickel (or palladium) atoms, it generates fission
>> reactions.   The ash analysis results have been all over the board.
>> On 7/11/17, Axil Axil > wrote:
>> > I now believe that there is multiple LENR reaction types. For example,
>> > Rossi has developed a low temperature LENR reaction and has tested it
>> > in
>> > the yearlong IH test. The mechanism for this type of LENR reaction is
>> based
>> > on magnetic flux line focusing by the hexagonal based lattice of mica.
>> This
>> > reaction mechanism follows along the lines that was shown to be
>> > effective
>> > in the Golden Balls of D. Cravins where the magnetic flux lines of a
>> SmCo5
>> > magnet is focused by the hexagonal based lattice of graphite.
>> >
>> > See
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This article explains how magnetism can be focused into skyrmion
>> > magnetic
>> > textures involving topological, non-topological and instanton droplets
>> > driven by spin-transfer torque in materials with perpendicular magnetic
>> > anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction
>> >
>> > During the year long test, Rossi has stumbled on the plasma phase LENR
>> > reaction and has built the QuarkX reactor to take advantage of this
>> > reaction type. Rossi has come to believe correctly that the plasma type
>> > LENR reaction is superior to the low temperature LENR reaction type and
>> has
>> > in effect tossed the low temperature technology in the trash as
>> > noncompetitive.
>> >
>> > The QuarkX technology is very difficult because it demands very high
>> > temperature structural materials. This requires specialized expertise
>> > in
>> > material science and extensive testing to ensure the robustness of this
>> > material under extreme stress over time.
>> >
>> > The plasma based LENR reaction is centered on the production of
>> > nanoparticles produced by the condinsation of metal vapor. Polaritons
>> > naturally form on those nanoparticles that convert the spin of infrared
>> > photons into powerful magnetic fields.
>> >
>> > By the way, I believe that the SunCell is using the plasma phase LENR
>> > reaction. Like Rossi, R. Mills has stumbled on this reaction type and
>> > is
>> > attempting to bring it to market.
>> >
>> > I am saying that if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a
>> nail.
>> > If Mills encounters unexplained plasma based high energy reaction, it
>> > is
>> > human nature to reform and modify your existing thinking to incorporate
>> > that reaction into those existing theories. Mills would naturally
>> > resist
>> > rejecting all his 

RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

2017-07-17 Thread
I do not consider it is proper to classifyl Bremsstrahlung radiation  as  gamma 
radiation.  Gammas are associated with nuclear transitions as a result of a 
change of potential energy of ta  nucleus to kinetic energy of a photon IMHO.

You may be right about EM radiation  being given off during hole elimination.  
Bremsstrahlung is associated with the slowing of  a charged particle which 
enters a substance at a velocity greater than the speed of light in the medium. 
 I doubt that the electrons that might move to fill a hole reach a velocity 
greater than C.  A calculation is warranted or an experimental reference may 
help clarify.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 6:14 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

When the meissner effect associated with Hole superconductivity goes away 
during the shutdown of the LENR reaction, all the electrons that were pushed 
out of the positive superconductive core fall back into that core. This 
movement of electrons produce bremsstrahlung radiation when the LENR reaction 

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 9:50 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:

With the loss of a magneticfield the resonant conditions providing coupling 
of a nucleus  to the lattice electrons are eliminated; however, with the 
transient magnetic field short lived resonances are established that allow 
nuclear isomers or other unstable isotopes that decay or react with production 
of gammas or the 0.51 Mev EM radiation associated with the reaction of a 
electron and a positron.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 5:45 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Gamma's were also seen at reaction shutdown. What produces those gammas?

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
<<>> wrote:
I believe gammas are generated and then absorbed into the BEC, sliced
and diced into X rays.   That is, the vast majority of the gammas.
Some poke their heads through, especially in the initial phase where
it's an endothermic reaction starting the whole thing.   That's why
Celani saw Gammas at Rossi's demo, but only at the outset.

On 7/11/17, Axil Axil <<>> wrote:
> Gamma rays are not generated in LENR reactions because the reaction energy
> is completely drained by the entanglement of the SPP BEC that is in place
> on the nanoparticles that produce the LENR reaction.
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> <<>>
> wrote:
>> I have thought for a long time that there have been multiple LENR
>> reactions.   When you let loose a gamma inside a lattice and it hits
>> those other nickel (or palladium) atoms, it generates fission
>> reactions.   The ash analysis results have been all over the board.
>> On 7/11/17, Axil Axil <<>> wrote:
>> > I now believe that there is multiple LENR reaction types. For example,
>> > Rossi has developed a low temperature LENR reaction and has tested it
>> > in
>> > the yearlong IH test. The mechanism for this type of LENR reaction is
>> based
>> > on magnetic flux line focusing by the hexagonal based lattice of mica.
>> This
>> > reaction mechanism follows along the lines that was shown to be
>> > effective
>> > in the Golden Balls of D. Cravins where the magnetic flux lines of a
>> SmCo5
>> > magnet is focused by the hexagonal based lattice of graphite.
>> >
>> > See
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This article explains how magnetism can be focused into skyrmion
>> > magnetic
>> > textures involving topological, non-topological and instanton droplets
>> > driven by spin-transfer torque in materials with perpendicular magnetic
>> > anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction
>> >
>> > During the year long test, Rossi has stumbled on the plasma phase LENR
>> > reaction and has built the QuarkX reactor to take advantage of this
>> > reaction type. Rossi has come to believe correctly that the plasma type
>> > LENR reaction is superior to the low temperature LENR reaction type and
>> has
>> > in effect tossed the low temperature technology in the trash as
>> > noncompetitive.
>> >
>> > The QuarkX technology is very difficult 

RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

2017-07-17 Thread

I agree.

But, on the other hand the 5 folks who did the Lugano testing may be FOS as 
Brian suggests.  


Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Russ George<>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 6:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Brian’s words are very true. The amount of experimental based wisdom found here 
is very rare indeed while there is a super abundance of pundiprophecy, aka 
bullshit. Alas this is not a matter of witch doctors who often had some basis 
in observational experimental results they work from, rather what Brian calls 
‘witch doctoring’ is far more akin to the selling of snake oil.

Brian is however also subject to having drunk to much of his own snake oil in 
spite of being a good experimentalist. Wherein he has not been able to show an 
excess of 1 watt and would insist that no one else has either. There he’s 
showing his perfectly tuned blind eye as many demonstrations of cold fusion far 
in excess of that single watt have been demonstrated for decades. The folks who 
have succeeded at doing so just haven’t been willing to share their hard won 
know how with every lazy lowlife that demands their teaching for free.

From: Brian Ahern []
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 9:46 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Axil's pronouncements seem to indicate well established experimental evidence.  
There is none.

Inviting superconductivity into LENR has no more validity than bringing in a 
witch doctor to lead the discussion.

The sad reality is that nobody has succeeded in producing 1.0 watts of excess 
energy with a COP > 1.5 on a repeatable and demonstrated platform.

From: Axil Axil <<>>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 10:14 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

When the meissner effect associated with Hole superconductivity goes away 
during the shutdown of the LENR reaction, all the electrons that were pushed 
out of the positive superconductive core fall back into that core. This 
movement of electrons produce bremsstrahlung radiation when the LENR reaction 

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 9:50 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:

With the loss of a magneticfield the resonant conditions providing coupling 
of a nucleus  to the lattice electrons are eliminated; however, with the 
transient magnetic field short lived resonances are established that allow 
nuclear isomers or other unstable isotopes that decay or react with production 
of gammas or the 0.51 Mev EM radiation associated with the reaction of a 
electron and a positron.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 5:45 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Gamma's were also seen at reaction shutdown. What produces those gammas?

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
<<>> wrote:
I believe gammas are generated and then absorbed into the BEC, sliced
and diced into X rays.   That is, the vast majority of the gammas.
Some poke their heads through, especially in the initial phase where
it's an endothermic reaction starting the whole thing.   That's why
Celani saw Gammas at Rossi's demo, but only at the outset.

On 7/11/17, Axil Axil <<>> wrote:
> Gamma rays are not generated in LENR reactions because the reaction energy
> is completely drained by the entanglement of the SPP BEC that is in place
> on the nanoparticles that produce the LENR reaction.
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> <<>>
> wrote:
>> I have thought for a long time that there have been multiple LENR
>> reactions.   When you let loose a gamma inside a lattice and it hits
>> those other nickel (or palladium) atoms, it generates fission
>> reactions.   The ash analysis results have been all over the board.
>> On 7/11/17, Axil Axil <<>> wrote:
>> > I now believe that there is multiple LENR reaction types. For example,
>> > Rossi has developed a low temperature LENR reaction and has tested it
>> > in
>> > the yearlong IH test. The mechanism for this type of LENR reaction is
>> based
>> > on magnetic flux line focusing by the hexagonal based lattice of mica.
>> This
>> > reaction mechanism follows along the lines that was shown to be
>> > ef

RE: [Vo]:Interest in cold fusion has waned

2017-07-09 Thread
What went through my mind was that Axil seemed a bit like a latter-day Jules 
Verne.  Jules predicted nuclear subs that went to sea 82 years later.

On the other hand, maybe Axil needs a little more Li in his reactor. 

Bob Cook

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 5:44 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Interest in cold fusion has waned

This note from Axil reminds me of my friends postings when he was in the manic 
phase when all things seem possible and easy to obtain.

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Saturday, July 8, 2017 4:40 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Interest in cold fusion has waned

My view of LENR is predicated on the control of the quarks inside of matter. If 
these quarks can be manipulated and managed, control of matter at any arbitrary 
distance might one day be possible.

Atomic weapons could be disabled at a distance when the fissile elements are 
transmuted into non fissile ones by a muon beam. The atmosphere of venus could 
be modified to remove the Co2 so that Venus could be made habitable.

The core of Mars could be reactivated with nuclear fire to restore the magnetic 
shield that once protected its atmosphere in the first step at terraforming 
Mars into someplace that can be colonized by mankind. Then Co2 could be created 
to start a heated atmosphere to heat Mars to livable temperatures.

The there is near light speed spacecraft engines that become possible to build 
that are driven by bear light speed subatomic particles.

The energy source that the work of Holmlid is exploring might prove to make 
interstellar travel practicable. Holmlid first assumed that the energy produced 
by the reaction he was studding was some sort of hot fusion reaction activated 
by laser ignition. But when Holmlid studied the type of sub atomic particles 
that were being generated, he recognized that fusion could not generate the 
huge amount of power that the reaction was producing. For example, Holmlid 
detected Kaon triplet generation. He postulates that two protons are being 
destabilized into decay to produce three kaons and 390 MeV of binding energy. 
This very same proton decay reaction was one of the target reaction searched 
for by the Super-Kamiokande proton decay detector to prove that protons must 
decay in support of grand unification supersymmetric theory.

The proton is assumed to be absolutely stable in the Standard Model. However, 
the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) predict that protons can decay into lighter 
energetic charged particles such as electrons, muons, pions or others which can 
be observed. Kamiokande helps to rule out some of the theories. 
Super-Kamiokande is currently the largest detector for observation of proton 

The proton decay action could increase the energy yield by 100,000 over what 
was postulated in the Bussard ramjet interstellar system.

The Bussard ramjet is a theoretical method of interstellar spacecraft 
propulsion proposed in 1960 by the physicist Robert W. Bussard. Bussard 
proposed a ramjet variant of a fusion rocket capable of reasonable interstellar 
travel, using enormous electromagnetic fields (ranging from kilometers to many 
thousands of kilometers in diameter) as a ram scoop to collect and compress 
hydrogen from the interstellar medium.

When proton decay is used as a power source for the Ramjet, once the hydrogen 
is collected, it is isotopically purified and the deuterium is stored in a 
separate container. The purified hydrogen then enters storage to even out the 
collection of interstellar gas. This storage strategy will enable the ramjet to 
maneuver freely in space without concern for variations in the density of 
residual hydrogen throughout space. From storage the hydrogen gas is metered 
into a Holmlid reaction chamber were the hydrogen is ignited into a high energy 
plasma via the catalyzed reaction.

Since the continued propulsion of a proton powered ramjet spaceship is 
dependent on interstellar hydrogen, the nature of interstellar hydrogen is the 
main issue of concern when designing such a spaceship. Two aspects of 
particular interest are the overall density and the isotopic composition of the 
interstellar hydrogen. The overall density controls the rate at which proton 
reactions can take place relative to the craft's speed and the size of the 
scoop's area. The isotopic composition determines which reaction pathway is 
best to use

The interstellar density of hydrogen is 0.86 atoms/cm3. At a minimum, the 
energy gain relationship determined by Holmlid  was found to be 390 MeV per 
each diproton reaction (two hydrogen atoms). For deuterium fusion, only 10 MeV 
can be generated per reaction. In the proton reaction, The remainder of the 
proton mass and associated electrons are used as reaction mass. From this info, 
the scoop volume might be 

RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

2017-07-11 Thread

You may be right.  The trial results promised to be a lose-lose situation for 
all concerned: settlement a win-win situation for all concerned.

It does suggest that Woodford Investments and Darden, etal., have a common 
strategy regarding venture capital expenditures—protect existing investments in 
alternate energy source investments and fossil fuel based  energy.

Sifferkoll’s blog has addressed this issue in the past.

Bob Cook

From: H LV
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Rossi was suing IH for millions of dollars, so he had to prove the device in 
Florida worked as he claimed. If the trial proceeded I think it is very likely 
that the preponderance of the evidence would not support his claim.


On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
Kevin O'Malley > wrote:

On 7/9/17, Jed Rothwell > 
OJ Simpson...
> Obviously he was guilty.
***Then obviously Rossi is Not Guilty of Fraud.   You just agreed with
the legal standard.

I cannot judge legal standards. By scientific standards and by common sense 
standards he is guilty of fraud.

> All I did was read the Penon report. That's all it takes.
***Bullshit.  Plenty of others have read the report and came to
different conclusions than you did.

Not as far as I know. Some people such as Axil refuse to read the report. 
Others people claim they read it and reached different conclusions, but they 
have not given any reasons. A few are so gullible they believe the post hoc 
lies about invisible heat exchangers that do not show in photographs. Such 
"conclusions" are so irrational they have no place in a serious discussion.

 At least his next intended victims
> have the court docket to warn them off.
***Well if you were to write a point by point delineation of all the
scientific claims that are fraud then his next "intended victims"
would have that.

I have no idea what his next scheme will be. Perhaps it will be the QuarkX? 
Rossi told Lewan in the interview that he is setting up in Sweden where people 
want to invest. I suppose that means he has begun a new scam, but maybe he made 
that up and there are no investors.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:LENR Insights from Proton 21

2017-07-10 Thread
Jones and Axil—

A additional idea in connection with the Proton 21 folks and the Stanford 
strung theory folks:
It may be that after the super heavies formed during inflation, the unstable 
super superheavies evaporated/exploded and only a reduced of stable super 
heavies remained, well distributed as dark matter in the expanding universe 
consistent with SOBB.

Bob Cook

PS: What has happened to these folks in the last ten to 15 years?  Did they 
suffer the same ridicule of being “scientific frauds”  as others, currently and 
in the past, have in the field of LENR?

Maybe Jed knows?

Bob Cook

Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 9:09 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:LENR Insights from Proton 21


The big bang may still hold, if the super heavies were formed early- on, caused 
the expansion early-- on (inflation) with repulsive gravity  and then changed 
to attractive gravity after the initial rapid inflation.

The big bang (BB) will become the standard of BB models,  SOBB.   It may 
require only the addition of a SINGLE constant!

Bob Cook

From: Che<>
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR Insights from Proton 21

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 3:10 PM, Axil Axil 
<<>> wrote:

There is another assumption connected with these sections and it refers to 
cosmology. It is known that there is a great quantity of "dark" matter in the 
universe, and it cannot be detected by ordinary tools. It is possible that the 
"black holes" we observed are part of this matter. It may be made of the nuclei 
of super heavy elements.
Display More

Such a fact would appear to militate against the 'Young Universe' 'Big Bang' 
theory, wouldn't it..? It would take a LOT of time to build up such a huge mass 
of trans-uranic elements thruout the Kosmos...

RE: [Vo]:LENR Insights from Proton 21

2017-07-10 Thread

The big bang may still hold, if the super heavies were formed early- on, caused 
the expansion early-- on (inflation) with repulsive gravity  and then changed 
to attractive gravity after the initial rapid inflation.

The big bang (BB) will become the standard of BB models,  SOBB.   It may 
require only the addition of a SINGLE constant!

Bob Cook

From: Che
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR Insights from Proton 21

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 3:10 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:

There is another assumption connected with these sections and it refers to 
cosmology. It is known that there is a great quantity of "dark" matter in the 
universe, and it cannot be detected by ordinary tools. It is possible that the 
"black holes" we observed are part of this matter. It may be made of the nuclei 
of super heavy elements.
Display More

Such a fact would appear to militate against the 'Young Universe' 'Big Bang' 
theory, wouldn't it..? It would take a LOT of time to build up such a huge mass 
of trans-uranic elements thruout the Kosmos...

RE: [Vo]:Picking up the pieces

2017-07-08 Thread

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 11:24 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Picking up the pieces


Most of your answers I do not understand because of the use of non meaningful 
terms IMHO, for example, proton neutron decay, activated surface plasmon 
polaritons, magnetic power, insulating bosonic gas, muon catalyzed fission, 
nuclear binding energy is stored, condensation of this energy, etc.

Bob Cook

I agree with much of your assessment of the Rossi effect, what you call the 
Rossi reactor.  I   agree that there is a history of high 
temperature reactions, but many of these have been associated with the Pd-D 
system, which I consider entails a different physical mechanism for the 
conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.

LENR gets its energy from proton and neutron decay caused by intense nano 
magnetism. The  physical mechanism involves the generation of ACTIVATED Surface 
Plasmon Polaritons that produce intense magnetism which gain sufficient 
magnetic power from the formation of a superradiant superconductive Bose 
condinsate of SPPs on various types of nanostructures which include cracks, 
pits, bumps, nanoparticles, cavitation bubbles, and in general any 
nanostructure that can confine electrons for long enough to become entangled 
with photons to form polaritons. Most metals will support this function. An 
insulating gas is required to produce polaritons on the surface of these 
various metals. The insulating gas might need to be bosonic. Nitrogen will not 
work and neither will a mixture of protium and deuterium. Hydrogen in the 
metallic state produces nanoparticles and is therefore LENR active.

Rossi has developed a reactor (an engineered system which includes a control 
system for the important physical parameters—dynamic magnetic and electric 
field intensity, and temperature of the nickel nano- structures—and heat 
transfer devices/agents) that works to limit the production of energetic 
particles associated with normal fission or hot fusion reactors and the 
unstable isotopes such reactions are notorious for.

Fusion and fission are produced in LENR as a SECONDARY reaction from muon 
catalysis at a distance from the primary nucleon decay reaction site.  These 
muons may be entangled with the SPP BEC that produced them and the energy from 
the fusion and fission is captured at a distance by the SPP BEC where the 
nuclear binding energy is stored. This energy will form more mesons through 
particle production. Excess electrons are also produced from a condinsation of 
this energy.

The BEC radiates both thermal energy (Hawkins radiation) and light energy (red 
through XUV) as a side channel reaction.

One of the keys to the success of the Rossi reactor R IMHO has been the 
development of  a Ni based nano-particle—a quantum mechanical coherent 
system—which is cooled by Li vapor—to avoid a run-away reaction which you, 
Axil, correctly associate with temperatures around 3000 C.

In the low temperature LENR reaction, lithium helps in the production of 
metallic hydrogen and lithium nanoparticles.  In the high temperature reaction, 
nickel vapor condinsation produces the nanoparticle. The QuarkX just involves 
nickel and hydrogen.

The small size of the nano-particles provides a limit to the effects of a 
run-away release of potential energy and  destruction of the reactor or more 
than one nano-particle.  (And no muons or other sub atomic particles are 
produced by the relatively low kinetic energy associated with 3000 C. )

Muons are always produced in LENR even when the reaction is produced by a 
anisotropic magnet like SnCo5 as in Cravens golden balls at 80C.  The muon 
production rate is proportional to the power output of the reaction. Most of 
the energy produced by LENR comes in the form of muons and electrons from 
particle creation.

There are many commercial devices that create temperatures above 3000C, for 
example electric arc welders which I have used many times.  They do not produce 
the energetic particles or photons you, Axil. are concerned about with respect 
to the “Rossi reactor” IHMO.

Muons are hard to detect. Nitrogen is a LENR poison which may dampen the LENR 
reaction, however.  IMHO, Ken Shoulders has produced SPPs via nanoparticle 
generation via spark discharge. Shoulders thought these solitons (EVO) where 
electron vortexes but they are really polariton vortices.

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 8:06 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Picking up the pieces

There are multiple third party validations. Rossi's methods and approach have 
been verified in part by his many replicators. This is not to say that Rossi's 
reactor or any LENR reactor for that matter  can be commercialized due to heavy 
subatomic particle emissions. 

RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

2017-07-17 Thread

C is a constant and is the speed of light in empty space.  Light  also 
propagates in various media at a speed always below C.  Particles may move at a 
higher velocity than light in a medium, but not in empty space—all this is 
standard physics today.

Bob Cook

From: Kevin O'Malley<>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

On 7/17/17, <> wrote:
  Bremsstrahlung is associated with the slowing of  a charged
> particle which enters a substance at a velocity greater than the speed of
> light in the medium.
Velocity greater than C?   I thought there was nothing that could move
faster than C?  Except perhaps INFORMATION, i.e. tachyons and spooky
actions at a distance.

RE: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

2017-07-16 Thread

With the loss of a magneticfield the resonant conditions providing coupling 
of a nucleus  to the lattice electrons are eliminated; however, with the 
transient magnetic field short lived resonances are established that allow 
nuclear isomers or other unstable isotopes that decay or react with production 
of gammas or the 0.51 Mev EM radiation associated with the reaction of a 
electron and a positron.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 5:45 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled

Gamma's were also seen at reaction shutdown. What produces those gammas?

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> wrote:
I believe gammas are generated and then absorbed into the BEC, sliced
and diced into X rays.   That is, the vast majority of the gammas.
Some poke their heads through, especially in the initial phase where
it's an endothermic reaction starting the whole thing.   That's why
Celani saw Gammas at Rossi's demo, but only at the outset.

On 7/11/17, Axil Axil > wrote:
> Gamma rays are not generated in LENR reactions because the reaction energy
> is completely drained by the entanglement of the SPP BEC that is in place
> on the nanoparticles that produce the LENR reaction.
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> >
> wrote:
>> I have thought for a long time that there have been multiple LENR
>> reactions.   When you let loose a gamma inside a lattice and it hits
>> those other nickel (or palladium) atoms, it generates fission
>> reactions.   The ash analysis results have been all over the board.
>> On 7/11/17, Axil Axil > wrote:
>> > I now believe that there is multiple LENR reaction types. For example,
>> > Rossi has developed a low temperature LENR reaction and has tested it
>> > in
>> > the yearlong IH test. The mechanism for this type of LENR reaction is
>> based
>> > on magnetic flux line focusing by the hexagonal based lattice of mica.
>> This
>> > reaction mechanism follows along the lines that was shown to be
>> > effective
>> > in the Golden Balls of D. Cravins where the magnetic flux lines of a
>> SmCo5
>> > magnet is focused by the hexagonal based lattice of graphite.
>> >
>> > See
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This article explains how magnetism can be focused into skyrmion
>> > magnetic
>> > textures involving topological, non-topological and instanton droplets
>> > driven by spin-transfer torque in materials with perpendicular magnetic
>> > anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction
>> >
>> > During the year long test, Rossi has stumbled on the plasma phase LENR
>> > reaction and has built the QuarkX reactor to take advantage of this
>> > reaction type. Rossi has come to believe correctly that the plasma type
>> > LENR reaction is superior to the low temperature LENR reaction type and
>> has
>> > in effect tossed the low temperature technology in the trash as
>> > noncompetitive.
>> >
>> > The QuarkX technology is very difficult because it demands very high
>> > temperature structural materials. This requires specialized expertise
>> > in
>> > material science and extensive testing to ensure the robustness of this
>> > material under extreme stress over time.
>> >
>> > The plasma based LENR reaction is centered on the production of
>> > nanoparticles produced by the condinsation of metal vapor. Polaritons
>> > naturally form on those nanoparticles that convert the spin of infrared
>> > photons into powerful magnetic fields.
>> >
>> > By the way, I believe that the SunCell is using the plasma phase LENR
>> > reaction. Like Rossi, R. Mills has stumbled on this reaction type and
>> > is
>> > attempting to bring it to market.
>> >
>> > I am saying that if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a
>> nail.
>> > If Mills encounters unexplained plasma based high energy reaction, it
>> > is
>> > human nature to reform and modify your existing thinking to incorporate
>> > that reaction into those existing theories. Mills would naturally
>> > resist
>> > rejecting all his ideas formed over a lifetime and that are central to
>> the
>> > survival of his company whether they are valid or not to impartially
>> > include a these new experimental results.
>> >
>> > On top of that, it is in the commercial interest of Mill’s company to
>> avoid
>> > any nuclear based theory that would restrict his ability to patent his
>> > experimental results or taint his work with the onus associated with
>> LENR.
>> >
>> > To top things off, sooner or later, someone will test the plasma type
>> > reaction for muon generation, and when the government finds out that
>> muons
>> > are being produced in massive amounts, then the government will take
>> > 

RE: [Vo]:Fwd: Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project just uploaded a video

2017-07-22 Thread
TWO ideas about noble gases and fuel preparation:

  1.  Being inert, they can be used in combination with H or D to diffuse into 
a metallic lattice  and cause mico-cracking   with creation of LENR active 
sites with large internal surface areas for formation of SSP’s.
  2.  Repeated cycling, gassing and degassing,  would allow measurement of 
increased number of mico-cavities until a desired density is established.   
Careful measurement of the volume of gas that diffuses in and out with each 
cycle would be instructive in this regard.  A mass spectrometer to determine 
ratios of the diffusing gases and knowledge of their diffusion rates in the 
fuel should provide additional information regarding the status of micro-cavity 
density in the fuel.

A nano-particle fracture mechanics analysis may be warranted to determine 
desirable pressure and temperatures during cycling/fuel preparation.  
Brittle-ductile transition temperature of the metallic fuel lattice would help 
determine appropriate lower temperatures for cycling, since brittle fractures 
with 1 or 2 dimensional characteristics may be a desirable LENR geometry for 
SSP’s.  Acoustic emission   monitoring of the fuel cycling would aid in 
determination of fracturing occurring during cycling at various temperatures, 
pressures and noble gases being used.  (Cavities that are too big  may be bad 
for LENR+.

Bob Cook
From: Axil Axil
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 10:46 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fwd: Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project just uploaded a video

ECCO shows that the preparation of the LENR fuel is required for a sucessful 
LENR reaction to take hold.

This was true for the Papp engine all the way up to and including the Rossi and 
ME356 reactors.

We have to ask ourselves, what can the preparation of fuel do to enable the 
LENR effect? Something is produced in the fuel that is special. A theory of 
LENR must include a description and the function of the special element in the 
fuel. ECCO uses cavitation to produce this special thing. One of the most 
closely held secret that Rossi has is his method of fuel production. For 
example in the IH/Rossi lawsuit settlement, IH was force to destroy all written 
records about the production of the fuel. In the ME356 reactor test, ME356 
states that this fuel was weak because he did not have enough time to process 
the fuel. So the duel must be a state of matter that contains a LENR sensitive 
factor that takes time to produce and that factor increases over time. The ECCO 
fuel preparation process takes 200 hours to complete. So a cavitation based 
factor must accumulate the LENR factor a little at a time to become LENR 

What can noble gas compounds and cavitation have in common?

Anybody have any ideas?

RE: [Vo]:The Papp engine and cavitation

2017-07-25 Thread

It seems the FBI raided the Company developing the Papp engine in 2013 and the 
Government took the technology in to the dark IMHO.


I wonder if the company has been charged with a crime? Or merely given an order 
curtailing their ability to communicate—i.e., speak.  They (the real people 
affected) should check with the ACLU.

The reported raid sounds typical of a shady attempt to curtail R

Bob Cook

Subject: RE: [Vo]:The Papp engine and cavitation

The following may help understanding:

Bob Cook
From: Axil Axil
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 12:05 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Papp engine and cavitation

·One of the big mysteries of the Papp engine is understanding the Papp 
engine fuel preparation device. What does that device do and why is it 
important to the function of the Papp engine? All the Papp engine replicators 
have discounted the need to use this fuel prep device and try to get the Papp 
engine to work without prepared fuel. Papp knew that prepared fuel was 
critically important to getting the engine to work. Three months before his 
death in 1989, Papp destroyed all the fuel he had prepared so that no one could 
ever get his engine to work ever again. The engine laid useless inside his 
workshop. That engine was his alone forever and could never be shared with the 

The cavitation theory of the Papp engine provides the reason why fuel 
preparation is essential. A intense shock wave is required to form the ultra 
dense crystal nature of the fuel in the alternate paired cylinder. Without that 
shockwave, active fuel cannot be formed. The fuel preparation device produced 
ultra dense water and latter in the fuel to act as a bootstrap or initial 
plasma shock wave so that cavitation could occur in the paired cylinder. 
Without that first shock wave, recurring fuel formation does not begin in the 
alternate cylinder when the compression of the water vapor/gas is underway.

Papp used this prepared fuel to disintegrate a 5/8 inch stainless steel pipe 
when he demoed his Papp common in the desert.


On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:
I am beginning to understand that the Papp engine was a cavitation based device.

In the 1960's Papp used water for his fuel. Papp must have produced water 
crystals in the compression part of the cylinder cycle where the volume of the 
cylinder was decreasing. During this increasing pressure environment inside the 
cylinder, cavitation bubbles must have formed thereby producing ultra dense 
water crystals.

For example, some larger diesel engines suffer from cavitation due to high 
compression and undersized cylinder walls. Vibrations of the cylinder wall 
induce alternating low and high pressure in the coolant against the cylinder 
wall. The result is pitting of the cylinder wall, which will eventually let 
cooling fluid leak into the cylinder and combustion gases to leak into the 

To stop the cavitation based erosion of the cylinder walls and the subsequent 
loss of compression over time, Papp went to noble gases which produce ultra 
dense noble gas crystals during the compression stage of the cylinder cycle but 
the formation of ultra dense noble gas crystals did not damage the cylinder 

When Papp fired a spark, the ultra dense noble gas crystals exploded as happens 
in the Holmlid experiment when the ultra dense hydrogen cycltals produce atomic 
particle fragments that move outward at 3/4 the speed of light. Currently, 
Holmlid does not capture that huge amount of energy inherent to his expanding 

To utilize the energy in the expanding plasma, Holmlid might capture that 
nuclear powered expanding plasma as Papp once did in an engine design using 
ultra dense hydrogen as fuel.

RE: [Vo]:Fission may be the best fit for future LENR

2017-07-25 Thread
When you don’t have a solution, just give up.

On the other hand maybe you should pray to God to find salvation for yourself.  
 And, if you are patient,  a prescription for filtering claque will be provided.

Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 3:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fission may be the best fit for future LENR

I do not know how to filter. I want to block the Rossi claque.

From: Che 
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fission may be the best fit for future LENR

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 9:17 AM, John Shop 
> wrote:
As the smoke cleared Brian Ahern mounted the barricade and roared out:

I use outlook for e-mails.How do you block certain senders?

From: Che 
.  .  .

Best to filter all vortex mail to its own folder so that it doesn't get in the 
way of real email and you can delete en-mass when required.

Alternatively if it is only one annoying sender (and if I guess right), then 
you probably just have to mention to our list patron Bill Beatty that it looks 
like our petty-bourgeois grok is back and starting to get up lots of peoples 
noses - and Bill will banish him to vortexB again!

Spoken like a natural-born police-informer.

If all it takes to censor people here is a little clique having its way -- so 
be it.

RE: [Vo]:The Papp engine and cavitation

2017-07-25 Thread
The following may help understanding:

Bob Cook
From: Axil Axil
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 12:05 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Papp engine and cavitation

·One of the big mysteries of the Papp engine is understanding the Papp 
engine fuel preparation device. What does that device do and why is it 
important to the function of the Papp engine? All the Papp engine replicators 
have discounted the need to use this fuel prep device and try to get the Papp 
engine to work without prepared fuel. Papp knew that prepared fuel was 
critically important to getting the engine to work. Three months before his 
death in 1989, Papp destroyed all the fuel he had prepared so that no one could 
ever get his engine to work ever again. The engine laid useless inside his 
workshop. That engine was his alone forever and could never be shared with the 

The cavitation theory of the Papp engine provides the reason why fuel 
preparation is essential. A intense shock wave is required to form the ultra 
dense crystal nature of the fuel in the alternate paired cylinder. Without that 
shockwave, active fuel cannot be formed. The fuel preparation device produced 
ultra dense water and latter in the fuel to act as a bootstrap or initial 
plasma shock wave so that cavitation could occur in the paired cylinder. 
Without that first shock wave, recurring fuel formation does not begin in the 
alternate cylinder when the compression of the water vapor/gas is underway.

Papp used this prepared fuel to disintegrate a 5/8 inch stainless steel pipe 
when he demoed his Papp common in the desert.


On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:
I am beginning to understand that the Papp engine was a cavitation based device.

In the 1960's Papp used water for his fuel. Papp must have produced water 
crystals in the compression part of the cylinder cycle where the volume of the 
cylinder was decreasing. During this increasing pressure environment inside the 
cylinder, cavitation bubbles must have formed thereby producing ultra dense 
water crystals.

For example, some larger diesel engines suffer from cavitation due to high 
compression and undersized cylinder walls. Vibrations of the cylinder wall 
induce alternating low and high pressure in the coolant against the cylinder 
wall. The result is pitting of the cylinder wall, which will eventually let 
cooling fluid leak into the cylinder and combustion gases to leak into the 

To stop the cavitation based erosion of the cylinder walls and the subsequent 
loss of compression over time, Papp went to noble gases which produce ultra 
dense noble gas crystals during the compression stage of the cylinder cycle but 
the formation of ultra dense noble gas crystals did not damage the cylinder 

When Papp fired a spark, the ultra dense noble gas crystals exploded as happens 
in the Holmlid experiment when the ultra dense hydrogen cycltals produce atomic 
particle fragments that move outward at 3/4 the speed of light. Currently, 
Holmlid does not capture that huge amount of energy inherent to his expanding 

To utilize the energy in the expanding plasma, Holmlid might capture that 
nuclear powered expanding plasma as Papp once did in an engine design using 
ultra dense hydrogen as fuel.

RE: [Vo]:Fwd: Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project just uploaded a video

2017-07-23 Thread

You nailed my thought process.

Look at the dots: and make logical connections with  PRACTICAL scheme for 
testing.  This is IMHO the crux of R

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Che<>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2017 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fwd: Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project just uploaded a video

On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 2:57 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:
TWO ideas about noble gases and fuel preparation:

  1.  Being inert, they can be used in combination with H or D to diffuse into 
a metallic lattice  and cause mico-cracking   with creation of LENR active 
sites with large internal surface areas for formation of SSP’s.
  2.  Repeated cycling, gassing and degassing,  would allow measurement of 
increased number of mico-cavities until a desired density is established.   
Careful measurement of the volume of gas that diffuses in and out with each 
cycle would be instructive in this regard.  A mass spectrometer to determine 
ratios of the diffusing gases and knowledge of their diffusion rates in the 
fuel should provide additional information regarding the status of micro-cavity 
density in the fuel.

A nano-particle fracture mechanics analysis may be warranted to determine 
desirable pressure and temperatures during cycling/fuel preparation.  
Brittle-ductile transition temperature of the metallic fuel lattice would help 
determine appropriate lower temperatures for cycling, since brittle fractures 
with 1 or 2 dimensional characteristics may be a desirable LENR geometry for 
SSP’s.  Acoustic emission   monitoring of the fuel cycling would aid in 
determination of fracturing occurring during cycling at various temperatures, 
pressures and noble gases being used.  (Cavities that are too big  may be bad 
for LENR+.

Bob Cook
First it starts with the by-chance, haphazard nano-fracking.
Then follows the sophisticated, calculated, systematic nano-tek build-system...

RE: [Vo]:Borghi, Missfeldt and Gray

2017-07-24 Thread
DOE’s response to Gray’s inquiry about making helium by a fusion process is 
short and dismissive  The information on Gray’s  web site is mostly nonsense 

Gray did not have much standing  and got little fanfare about his cold fusion  
process, unlike  MF and MP.

I wonder if IH sponsored him?

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 6:54 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Borghi, Missfeldt and Gray

The Higgs boson with spin 0 is now proved, at least to most physicists. It is 
the only spin 0 massive particle known to exist in nature, if it is not a 
funding vehicle for CERN  ;-)

A hypothetical particle of interest (wrt UDH) is known as the chameleon 
particle. It has zero spin and other possible features which are compatible 
with those of UDH.

The $64 question: Could UDH actually be the chameleon, and/or is it spin 0?

One way to both detect and modulate the virtual neutron, if it exists in the 
form of UDH and has spin, would be by the Larmor frequency in a magnetic field 

The Larmor frequency can be visualized as magnetic precession along a force 
axis, analogous to a spinning top. Here is the range of frequencies for related 
particles (you will not be able to see this table in plain text):






1.7608 x 1011

28.025 GHz/T



2.6753 x 108

42.5781 MHz/T



0.4107 x 108

6.5357 MHz/T



1.8326 x 108

29.1667 MHz/T

The spin of UDH, considered as a neutron-like unit containing 3 quarks, but not 
an elementary particle (or is it?) is an interesting subject but there is very 
little authoritative guidance.

If UDH has effective QM spin of 0 then easy detection is going to be difficult 
and its usefulness diminished.

In 1955, Italian Physicist Don Carlo Borghi synthesized neutrons in a Klystron 
filled with hydrogen and irradiated with microwaves. Neutrons were verified by 
the assorted radioactive isotopes following activation, and their decay rates. 
The experiment was validated by Missfeldt in 1978 in Germany. The experiment 
was further validated by William Gray of Menlo Park CA circa 2000.

Mainsteam science generally overlooks these experiments... and especially the 
validation by Santilli, who actually is selling a commercial version as a 
neutron generator -- but possibly the high level rejection is for the wrong 
reason. The experiments were very likely making dense hydrogen, not neutrons. 
UDH or ultra-dense-hydrogen has many of the same characteristics as the neutron 
and can be called a "virtual neutron". The decay mode is even similar.

Gray used a Cyclotron to energize protons to 0.78 MeV and an Electron Gun to 
match their velocities, and got high yields. In its virtual neutron state, the 
orbital electron travels at 2.74 x 10^8 m/s, according to Gray - not light 
speed, because the proton and electron radii limit the orbital size to 2.76 fm. 
Gray also fused the species into helium. He calls this process Modulated 
Quantum Neutron Fusion.

Many of Gray's papers can be found at

Finnish theoretical physicist Matti Pitkanen discusses some of this here:

RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

2017-07-27 Thread
Living in fantasy land is like living in the desert with head in the sand 
IMHO---not unlike the land where religious dogma is prevails.

My wondering did not take long to be resolved.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

Anyone who thinks Rossi "won" is living in fantasy land.

The only big winners were the attorneys for both sides.

Both sides submitted bills to the Court of about $7.5 million each,
hoping the judge would assess those costs to the other side. This
similarity of bills looks like collusion on their part - but there is no
reason to believe that they were paid substantially less by their clients.

That means most of the initial $11 million which Rossi got from IH was
lost to him in the filing of the lawsuit. But he is not home-free. Rossi
gets to keep his junk IP and apparently the Swedes love him, so he may
resurface over there if he can stand the winters.

Rossi was not charged with perjury for his deposition - at least not
yet. IH believes he should have been charged - and that could still
happen. No agreement with IH will protect him from perjury.

As for the legal fees of IH plus the other money they paid to Rossi up
front - that is probably over $20 million, BUT they offloaded all of
that expense and more to a British Investment firm - which has actually
gone up in value since they made the $50 million investment in IH/Cherokee.

If you are "following the buck" in all of this, here is how it stands:

1) Rossi has a net of about $4 million ($11 million minus attorneys fees)
2) Darden has a net of about $30 million ($50 million from Woodford
minus $20 million)
3) The attorneys have a net of about $15 million
4) Woodford Patient Capital Trust is up about 14% from when they
invested in IH

In a way, it looks like Darden is in fact the biggest winner here ...
but in one of the never-ending mysteries of capitalism - the big loser
is not apparent... other than the vorticians who wasted hundreds of
hours posting and reading a "show about nothing"

... with apologies to Jerry, his nothing was at least funny...

RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

2017-07-27 Thread
Adrian and Lennart—

I wonder who after Che will be the first to defend their former  anti-Rossi 

Bob Cook

From: Adrian Ashfield<>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

I  agree Lennart.
Vortex is not the worst offender. is worse.  People there write 
hundreds of pages of insulting, unproven waffle/speculation.  Apart from Jed 
most are anonymous armchair critics who do nothing themselves but apparently 
can't stand the thought of someone actually doing what they can only dream 
about. Many are so arrogant they are certain they have all he answers when they 

-Original Message-
From: Lennart Thornros <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 27, 2017 7:22 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'
I agree with Bob.
It has been a lot of name calling here on Vortex during the last year.   
Especially AR has been given very demeaing epithets.
I still don't know how well his invention works. I know he is a true 
entrepreneur. He believes in his ideas. One overwhelming proof is that he 
settled for just freedom from poor bed fellows to persuade the ideas. He could 
have retired before filing and had enough for the rest of his life.
Che could learn about benefits in free society isn't always driven by Money.
Jed could learn that things get done without government is involved and that 
unortodox methods  can be used.
I hope his invention has a great value.

On Jul 26, 2017 21:22, 
<<>> wrote:
The folks on Vortex-l that in the past have suggested Rossi was a fraud etc 
must be busy eating crow based on the significant silence of their anti-Rossi 

Bob Cook

From: Che<>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:58 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

This has likely already been pointed out here -- but I'll point it out now 
(again), if it hasn't.

Here’s The Settlement—Getting The License Back Was Rossi’s Top 

The bottom line appears to be that IH 'settled' -- because they simply could 
not *prove* fraud (which perhaps, never actually took place -- at least the way 
IH sees it). Simple as that. So they would have _lost_ the case if it had gone 
to trial -- and been liable for whatever _they_ would have been liable for.

Rossi OTOH, strategically forewent the money he was 'owed': because he valued 
the IP over everything else -- and is smart enuff to know when to 'fold' and 
walk away.

Is that it, or close enuff..?

RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

2017-07-26 Thread
The folks on Vortex-l that in the past have suggested Rossi was a fraud etc 
must be busy eating crow based on the significant silence of their anti-Rossi 

Bob Cook

From: Che
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:58 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

This has likely already been pointed out here -- but I'll point it out now 
(again), if it hasn't.

Here’s The Settlement—Getting The License Back Was Rossi’s Top 

The bottom line appears to be that IH 'settled' -- because they simply could 
not *prove* fraud (which perhaps, never actually took place -- at least the way 
IH sees it). Simple as that. So they would have _lost_ the case if it had gone 
to trial -- and been liable for whatever _they_ would have been liable for.

Rossi OTOH, strategically forewent the money he was 'owed': because he valued 
the IP over everything else -- and is smart enuff to know when to 'fold' and 
walk away.

Is that it, or close enuff..?

RE: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

2017-06-29 Thread

I agree with you that the crux of the trial is about fulfilling a contract, not 
about validity of technical data taking, recording and interpretation.  Darden, 
Vaughan etal. all agreed with the year long testing and the ERV.  The technical 
issues do not matter and could only get in the way of raising venture 
capital—Darden’s apparent objective.  The test and the ERV worked nicely to 
bring in $150M.  That’s what he is using to engage the old-timers in the LENR 

If you listen to Brillouin, the Rossi technology works like a charm. And even 
if Darden has to pay $89M, he still has $60M to play with to gain control of IP 
and LENR in the United States.  This tactic is intended to assure his backers 
of established alternate and fossil fuel energy can ride out the “disruptive” 
political and financial situation that LENR poses and the Establishment rightly 

Darden’s biggest mistake IMHO was trying to screw Rossi and prevent his 
continued R and commercialization of his inventions by holding back on the 
$89M of VC raised.

Bob Cook


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

Jed Rothwell wrote:
Jones Beene wrote:

This should be an epic trial, but it appears that people are expecting that it 
will end with the general public knowing whether the Rossi technology works or 

Anyone can see it does not work. The Penon report is proof of that.

Whoa. The ERV report is not really self-evident proof of anything to a jury - 
other than that it supposedly provides a basis for Penon's conclusion. These 
are average citizens who don't do data, so to speak.

A top scientist could believe what you state, and I suspect that 95 out of 100 
scientists might agree with you. But there are no scientists on the jury and 
this trial is not about science at its core. It is about a contract which may 
be one-sided, and it may not matter what is actually in the report, as far as 
the actual data - only its conclusion.

If the mystery man Penon were to state under oath that this report validated 
the terms of the contract in favor of Rossi, it is possible that the judge 
could rule that it does not matter what is actually in the report and it does 
not matter that the report is even faked, or that most other experts say it 
does not support the Penon conclusion (of a successful demonstration).

In short, it was a huge mistake for Darden to sign such an agreement, since it 
does not include the usual safeguards but perhaps TD did not interpret it that 
way when it was signed, or did not read it carefully, or had bad legal advice. 
But ... the big issue is this: can an ill-conceived contract be interpreted by 
a jury to overlook the actual results (to imply that only the ERV's conclusion 
matters, not the substance of the report) ?

I think it could be interpreted that way, even if goes against science. That 
may be the crux of this trial.

However, from Rossi's perspective, Penon will probably not be there to make 
this assertion. This adds another wrinkle. Penon is even mysteriously absent 
from Rossi's witness list. It will be much harder to maintain an anti-science 
stance if Penon fails to show and stand up as the ERV but apparently that will 
be what Rossi will attempt to do in some way.

Another possibility could be that Rossi's lawyer is laying a trap here and will 
spring the Penon positive conclusion of the ERV report at the appropriate time 
such as to have a recorded deposition admitted without his presence. This would 
look suspicious, but stranger things have happened in trials like this. Despite 
Darden's legal team having a good name  their performance to date has not 
been stellar. They seem to following the tactic that they will win on appeal no 
matter what, so lay a proper basis for appeal. This tactic could backfire.

RE: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

2017-06-29 Thread


You said,

” I have met with the Brillouin people. As far as I know, they think Rossi is 
criminal fraud.”

Is as far as you know  based on actual statements regarding the fraud status of

Bob Cook

RE: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

2017-06-29 Thread

My thought’s parallel yours.

IMHO the IH corporate shield will NOT work to protect Darden and Vaughan, 
however.  They would suffer bankruptcy as well.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Adrian Ashfield
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

I had thought much the same thing.  If the ERV's report  is the deciding factor 
in the contract it will be difficult to put it aside.  Both sides paid/agreed 
on the man.

I also agree IH will appeal it for ever if they lose - and ultimately declare 
chapter 11 if they lose, rather than pay $89 million plus damages.

RE: [Vo]:A forgotten chapter in LENR

2017-07-03 Thread
Just as a clarification of semantics being used in this thread:

It is useful to use the term gamma to describe EM radiation that originates 
from a change in the energy state of a nuclear entity or reaction between two 
or more nuclear entities.  Thus, an excited nuclear entity may decay from an 
elevated kinetic energy state—an isomeric state—to a lower energy state giving 
a gamma of relatively low energy.  It is called a gamma because it resulted  
from a nuclear transition.  All other EM radiation is not properly called gamma 
radiation IMHO.  Various types of non-gamma radiation may be very high energy 
photons exceeding most gamma radiation.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2017 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A forgotten chapter in LENR

The Fredericks work is with photographic emulsion, which is a
light-sensitive chemical reaction used in photography. That kind of film
is much easier to expose and consequently it has limited usefulness for
LENR. Even body heat from the experimenter's handling can produce fogging.

X-ray film is much more difficult to expose and consequently, when
fogging occurs, it means that something more energetic (enough to
produce x-rays) is taking place. However, in both cases silver is a main
ingredient of the film. Thus if one wishes to get away from film
altogether, and try to verify that a novel type of radiation is being
produced, then it may help to retain silver, and this is what Alan is
doing. Silver may have special properties, such as for converting dense
hydrogen back to normal hydrogen.

Alan's first test run is underway and details can be seen in the Google
Live Doc at

Imagine (as an arguable mechanism) that nickel contact converts a tiny
amount of hydrogen into a dense form (UDH)... and then silver contact
converts it back to full density. If this process is not symmetrical in
terms of energy, then soft x-rays could be the end result. As to where
that x-ray energy comes from - that can be determined later but if it
were to be actual fusion, we would expect gammas.

The Arata work and Ahern's replication is similar - and in all cases,
the lack of electrolysis current only means that the radiation effect
does not depend on electrochemistry - only on mechanical contact. As for
Nigel's point about actual fusion as the underlying mechanism - yes,
nothing including fusion should be ruled out at this stage - but finding
an alternative mechanism makes this more palatable for the mainstream
and we do not need another "miracle" to explain the lack of gammas.

  Kevin O'Malley wrote:
 > Why does it matter that this was NOT electrolysis?
 > Didn't Arrata load up his cells with pycnodeuterium and no power input?
 >  Che wrote:
 >  Axil Axil  wrote:
 > IMHO, the person who has done the best work is Keith A.
Fredericks at
 > Keith does not know what he is seeing has comes about, but he
does understand how the metalized hydride behaves.
 > Keith thinks that the energy loaded metalized hydride crystal
is a tachyon.
 > How can time -- motion, that is -- have a 'negative' aspect..?

RE: [Vo]:Nature reporting overunity?

2017-04-27 Thread
The quantum dots seem to me to be large coherent quantum systems—an entangled 
systems.  LENR is a quantum dot system that allows the transfer of nuclear 
potential energy to phonic energy or energetic free electrons and/or conductive 
holes.The high temperature dots with strong lattice bonds are the ones that 
work well for LENR, since they do not melt easily.  However, at low energy and 
infrequent  coupling even biological systems may be able to take advantage of 
the available nuclei in a quantum dot system.

The discussion in Wikipedia under “quantum dot” is informative.  Per Robin’s 
comments about Yan etal. work on the Pb-S quantum dot system, it would appear 
that the dots can be fabricated to size and address a variety of energy 

No wonder there is coupling with the nuclear magnetic resonances of some 
nuclei.   A variable magnetic field assures some coupling some of the time.

Bob Cook

from: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Nature reporting overunity?

To compare apples-to-apples - for approximating the optimal use of solar 
energy, whether it is solar-photovoltaic, or solar photoelectrochemical 
(hydrogen output) or both - here are some ballpark numbers which incorporate 
the new water splitting research of Yan, as reported in Nature.

For the idealist, the end result is looking brighter that ever before, so to 
speak. We could be on the verge of solving the future energy dilemma in a way 
that pleases almost everyone except the owners of the power grid.

For solar-photovoltaics, 100 sq meters of cells/mirrors could capture 
approximately 100 kW of spectral irradiance of which 15% is in the UV range. 
Higher elevation is better for UV. Commercial solar panels can convert about 
18% of this in the form of DC electricity, with losses to convert to AC. The OU 
water splitter, however, is 114% efficient so even though only 15% of the 
radiation is UV, the net output could be very close to the same percentage as 

But of course, the better option is to combine the two and have both hydrogen 
and electricity as the outputs.  Thus, an optimized home roof of the future can 
supply both the electrical power, heating and the transportation fuel for 
several cars, and with energy left over to sell.

This scenario is significantly enhanced if we are presented with the hybrid 
option, which would be to use the hydrogen output as an intermediate fuel, and 
the electric output to power a laser, such that the Holmlid effect can be 
implemented. We end up massive amounts of heat/hydrogen/kWH, and at moderate 
cost and off-grid. The one drawback is that the energy is not fully renewable, 
in that some hydrogen is annihilated or converted into dark matter.

Even a few grams per year, per person would be problematic... in a few billion 
years .

The bond enthalpy of OH-H is 268 kJ/mol or 2.78 eV which is essentially in the 
UV range for photons. Most UV is captured by the atmosphere but enough gets 
through to make it interesting. The band gap of silicon for photovoltaic is 
only 1 eV but the coupling losses are huge so the comparative efficiency is 
below 20%. Thus splitting water via sunlight would be viable, especially for 
automotive uses once the problem of storage is solved.  Moreover, the "waste" 
visible sunlight not robust enough to split water can still produce electricity 
so a combined facility would be advantageous.

To put this new report about overunity water splitting into perspective - it 
should mean that making hydrogen as well as making electricity are 
complementary processes - and once the storage problem is solved, hydrogen 
could be the favored output. Fortunately, there is a German company which seems 
to have solved the hydrogen storage problem in a unique way - as a solute not 
requiring pressurization.

This has "automotive" applications written all over it. Will the new Tesla be a 
German startup which is quickly snatched up by VW or Mercedes?

RE: [Vo]:Nature reporting overunity?

2017-04-27 Thread

You sound a bit cynical.

It may be nothing more than fake news.

Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Nature reporting overunity?

This is a shameful announcement. It makes the populace think there is a 
wonderful new energy technology.

This is funding season and this is a tawdry example of scientific pandering.

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Nature reporting overunity?


Wiki agrees that "quantum efficiency" is the ratio of the number of charge 
carriers (in the case of water that would be protons) which are collected by 
the solar cell, compared to the number of photons of a given energy incident on 
the solar cell. This is essentially what you said and it means that the useful 
efficiency of solar water splitting, in terms of hydrogen output per unit of 
area, is limited to UV irradiance, which is a fraction of normal sunlight.

The bond enthalpy of OH-H is 268 kJ/mol or 2.78 eV which is essentially in the 
UV range for photons. Most UV is captured by the atmosphere but enough gets 
through to make it interesting. The band gap of silicon for photovoltaic is 
only 1 eV but the coupling losses are huge so the comparative efficiency is 
below 20%. Thus splitting water via sunlight would be viable, especially for 
automotive uses once the problem of storage is solved.  Moreover, the "waste" 
visible sunlight not robust enough to split water can still produce electricity 
so a combined facility would be advantageous.

To put this new report about overunity water splitting into perspective - it 
should mean that making hydrogen as well as making electricity are 
complementary processes - and once the storage problem is solved, hydrogen 
could be the favored output. Fortunately, there is a German company which seems 
to have solved the hydrogen storage problem in a unique way - as a solute not 
requiring pressurization.
Energy Storage - Hydrogenious 
Hydrogenious Technologies developed the breakthrough in hydrogen storage. The 
safe and efficient storage of hydrogen in Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers 

This has "automotive" applications written all over it. Will the new Tesla be a 
German startup which is quickly snatched up by VW or Mercedes? wrote:

In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Wed, 26 Apr 2017 17:32:42 -0700:



A double miracle since ostensible OU was reported by Nature, the

anti-miracle(anti-LENR) mag...

There may or may not be an LENR connection here.

An overunity giant step toward producing hydrogen fuel? Essentially,

they created what is known as a quantum dot photoelectrochemical cell

that catalytically achieved quantum efficiency for hydrogen gas

production exceeding 100% --  approaching 114% ...

...but hey - we can be happy, even elated with 99% since solar to

electric only gives about 18%. However, you may want to contemplate how

quantum efficiency differs from the normal variety...

I think quantum yield is just the number of electrons per photon. In which case

it's not surprising that they exceed 100%, since some high energy photons are

capable of creating multiple free electrons. This may happen when a high energy

photon is absorbed, ionizing an atom and leaving the electron with enough excess

kinetic energy to ionize another atom. Hence two free electrons iso one.

Last year (I think) I tried pointing out to Mills that his optical spectrum was

ideal for taking advantage of this principle, but it seems to have fallen on

deaf ears.

(Most of the energy he produces is in the UV to soft x-ray band.)


Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

2017-07-29 Thread
With all due respect to Higgins, I concluded at the time he was grasping at 
This was based on the detail in The following links:

Bob Cook

From: Eric Walker
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

Another possibility brought up by Bob Higgins in 2015 was that the two analyses 
that were carried out in connection with the Lugano test were thought by the 
authors to be of the ash but ended up being of the fuel instead, due to how the 
samples were obtained:

This is of course consistent with the understanding that Rossi may have 
purchased some 62Ni at some point.


On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
Kevin O'Malley > wrote:

The ash-swapping accusation is one of those continental
divide/watershed issues.   Either he swapped the samples or there was
evidence of transmutation.   There is no middle ground.

Error might be another possibility. I do not know about this instance, but I 
know that mass spectroscopy is difficult and prone to error. Irregular samples 
produce bogus results. Two labs looking at the same sample sometimes come up 
with different results. These samples would have to be tested in 2 or 3 labs 
before I would have confidence in the results.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

2017-07-28 Thread

You suggest that the poor Swedish and Italian professors doing the Lugano test  
ash evaluation were fooled by a mysterious swap of “ash” by Rossin or an 
accomplice at the end of the test.

With all due respect I do not agree.

To prepare a fake ash sample would be very difficult with known technology 
IMHO.  This conclusion  reflects the highly skewed isotopic ratios of Ni 
reported by the professors..

Bob Cook

From: Alain Sepeda
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 10:40 PM
To: Vortex List
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

This is a key point to rule out the theories of Rossi's defenders.
If IH was sincere, and enthusiastic as it is clear, this remove the theories 
that they tried to fake a negative result. What was fake was the methods, like 
in Lugano.

Even if you swallow the theories that it works, the way the test was conducted 
would have been manipulated to deter the investor, and defraud him of his 
intellectuel property.
As Rossi said about the way he pretend to have deterred a Swedish team, it 
would be a "magnificence". I don't swallow that theory, but even if true, it is 
even more disgusting.

I have been fooled, and the skeptic can play it easy to say we were warned by 
past results and never coming serious test. I don't regret as it was to verify, 
but we have the verification, BASTA!

only thing more painful than to be fooled is to be attacked when you face 
reality, by more fooled than me, and by friends and respected people, among.

LENR is a fractal tragedy. a fractal fiasco.
Some LENR supporters are not more scientific and realist than Huizenga or Parks.

It have to stop.

as you can read elsewhere I see the only exit in making PdD research with 
modern instrumentation as used in accumulator technology research.
This is my model for what woudl be a good LENR research:

I have few doubt we can move to NiH for industrial applications, and I even 
hope we can move to biological LENR, graphene, or many metal alloys, but first 
need to to have a theory, and my sad opinion is we need to temporarily throw 
out theorists and physicists, until there is much data they can work on. 
Urgency is for chemists and nanoscience experts.

2017-07-28 1:09 GMT+02:00 Eric Walker 

There is further corroborating evidence to suggest that IH were sincere,

RE: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

2017-08-08 Thread

I reviewed the item in Infinite Energy in 2010 of the interview with John 
Fisher about his polyneutron theory and experimental work with the late Richard 
Oriani, the experimentalist in LENR:

The testing Fisher reports seems wile the “LENR” happened in the gases around 
the electrodes, not unlike what has been reported as LENR  in a dusty plasma.

The reported production of charged particles reflects Rossi’s apparent reported 
direct electrical energy production in his Quark-X reactor.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 11:17 AM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

In response to the requirement  for data supporting theoretical predictions of 
discontinuity in the specific heat of polariton/plasmonic based Bose 
condensates, please consider this example of specific heat discontinuity in a 
family of solid state systems showing the associated onset of unconventional 

Specific heat discontinuity, ΔC, at Tc in BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2—consistent with 
unconventional superconductivity

Bose condensation is solid state systems might fill the need for use as a 
research tool to show string theory productions.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Axil Axil 
<<>> wrote:
Sorry, try this one<>

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:26 AM,<> 
<<>> wrote:

The following link has no figures and

1707.07757 [gr-qc]<>

Are you sure it is the document you say has the figure with the fractal energy 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 5:36 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

Figure 1 in arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<> shows 
what a fractal energy spectrum would look like.

On page 367 and 368 it is explained, as energy is added to the system, that 
additional energy goes into filling the 11 energy levels from low orfer to 
higher order. For example, e1 to e2 then on the next level e4 to e4 then on the 
next level e5 to e6 and so on.

When a given energy level is completely filled, there is a discontinuous jump 
in specific heat to the next energy level which makes more room for more energy 
storage space.

As more energy is loaded into the SPP BEC, more energy storage space is created 
to accommodate that added energy. The specific heat of the BEC increases as 
energy  is added but with quantum like discontinuities up through 11 levels. 
These 11 levels correspond to the 11 dimensions required by string theory.

According to the Mexican paper,<>

this energy filing mechanism represents how the hidden dimensions of string 
theory are utilized to handle the increasing amplitude of a particle's wave 
function as additional energy is added to that wave function.

When the energy of the wave function of the particle increases, the fundamental 
forces begin to converge as per grand unification.

In terms of LENR, the SPP BEC and a high energy particle both with increasing 
energy have the same Grand unification functionality as energy is added to each 

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 8:08 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:

Do you know of any examples of a “ complex fractal energy spectrum”.  That 
would help explain what such a spectrum is.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 8:42 AM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

The paper referenced in this article could be drawing another duel between 
string theory and condensed matter physics.

String theory phenomenology and quantum many–body systems

Sergio Gutiérrez, Abel Camacho, Héctor Hernández

arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<>

In the paper, the authors calculate how additional space-like dimensions affect 
a condensate of ul

RE: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

2017-07-27 Thread
I would agree that the court documents were significant.  I particularly 
thought that Darden’s email to Rossi regarding the successful production of 
fuel  and reactor performance using the super confidential fuel mixture , known 
by only 4 individuals, was deterministic.

>From Mats’ recent interview with Rossi it was noted:

“During the discovery phase, emails from Darden were provided and made public, 
where Darden himself confirmed to have replicated our process successfully. We 
also have testimonials from persons who have assisted at such replications. 
Woodford [Investment Management] assisted at one of those replications, after 
which it invested USD 50M in Industrial Heat, even before the [one-year 1MW] 
test started in Doral [Miami], at a time when IH obviously had nothing but our 
IP in its portfolio.”

I guess Eric Walker does not know about this are thinks it is not true.

Bob Cook
From: Eric Walker<>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

Hi Bob,

I'll propose another reason for the recent silence:  disappointment at an 
extractive settlement and a realization that it is a mostly futile excercise to 
continue to debate with what remain of the hard core of Rossi's followers who 
haven't yet decamped after becoming familiar with the contents of the lawsuit 
docket.  No need to postulate the eating of crow, except in those instances 
where someone made a prediction about the outcome of the lawsuit.  Few people 
that I recall expressed much confidence in any particular outcome.

So we are left with two groups of people following developments, even more 
divided than before the lawsuit, with each somehow further confirmed in their 


On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 8:22 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:
The folks on Vortex-l that in the past have suggested Rossi was a fraud etc 
must be busy eating crow based on the significant silence of their anti-Rossi 

Bob Cook

From: Che<>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:58 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Why Rossi 'won'

This has likely already been pointed out here -- but I'll point it out now 
(again), if it hasn't.

Here’s The Settlement—Getting The License Back Was Rossi’s Top 

The bottom line appears to be that IH 'settled' -- because they simply could 
not *prove* fraud (which perhaps, never actually took place -- at least the way 
IH sees it). Simple as that. So they would have _lost_ the case if it had gone 
to trial -- and been liable for whatever _they_ would have been liable for.

Rossi OTOH, strategically forewent the money he was 'owed': because he valued 
the IP over everything else -- and is smart enuff to know when to 'fold' and 
walk away.

Is that it, or close enuff..?

RE: [Vo]:Fukushima Revisited - Dr. Michio Kaku - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Facility Is A "Ticking Time Bomb"

2017-08-19 Thread
Kaku’s statements about the exposure due to I-131 is off base.  This fission 
product has a half life of about 8 days.  It is mostly out of the picture, 
unless a new criticality occurs.  He does not address this issue.  If a new 
criticality were to occur a much larger region in Japan may become 
contaminated.  If the criticality happened and conditions were appropriate to 
allow a super critical chain  reaction, a nuclear explosion would result and 
would likely result in even more wide spread contamination IMHO.

I consider that the most likely health issues will result from mobile 
radioactive isotopes  with relatively long half-lives contaminating the ground 
water.  These include C -12, I-129, Se-79, Sr-90, Tc-99  Cs-137 and radioactive 
actinides soluble in water as a carbonate complex ion.  The geochemistry at the 
site effects the concentration of the complex carbonate ions.

The “nuclear village” in Japan is the biggest issue the population faces IMHO.  
Kaku does a reasonable job of identifying this problem.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 10:06 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Fukushima Revisited - Dr. Michio Kaku - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear 
Facility Is A "Ticking Time Bomb"

RE: [Vo]:Activating LENR in the Quark Reactor.

2017-08-20 Thread

FF, now in Sweden by recent reports, probably wore polarized sun glasses when 
he saw the blue light from the Quark X and was quite surprised.  Maybe he has 
friends in Crete.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 10:59 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Activating LENR in the Quark Reactor.

​Researchers from Crete have just discovered that if a polariton BEC is 
squeezed between two metallic contacts, and excited by applying a tiny voltage 
pulse over these contacts they could change the spin state of the condensate.  
Because all particles in a BEC occupy the same quantum state, the whole BEC 
responds in unison, assuming one of the two spin states, up or down. This 
process operates like a memory cell, and the information is kept in the spin 
state. This sounds like a possible LENR activation stimulant that might apply 
to the Quark reactor.

They use extremely low power in the voltage pulse to switch the optical state.  
The switch is actually bistable. The voltage is only required to switch the 
device between states, and the total energy required is just 0.8 femtojoule.

The other find was that the light emitted by the polariton BEC demonstrates 
clarity of the optical signal. This signal has a pure, 100-percent polarization 
state, in contrast to spintronics, where you have both states, and one state is 
stronger than the other, This switch mechanism might be a result of the KERR 

The activation stimulus changes the magnetic nature of the polariton BEC so 
that it emits a pure monopole magnetic beam. A typical polariton lasts for just 
a few picoseconds so this activation signal must be reapplied at a rate that 
can activate the new polaritons as they are reformed.

Another indicator that the Quark reactor is using this polariton activation 
process is the nature of the light that it emits. If the light that the Quark 
reactor emits is in a pure, 100-percent polarization state​, we know that Rossi 
is using a polariton BEC in the Quark reactor and a high frequency low powered 
activation signal.

RE: [Vo]:Activating LENR in the Quark Reactor.

2017-08-20 Thread
EveN in a weak magnetic field, large changes in spin energy suggested by 
changing the spin state of the BEC may give up enough energy to effect a 
nuclear transition in the BEC and at the same time transfer some spin energy to 
nearby nanoparticles to increase their phonic (thermal) energy.

The constraint on the reaction would be only that the spin quanta of the new 
coherent system add up to  an  integral number of quanta of units of angular 
momentum where one unit is equal to Planck’s constant, h. divided by 2pi.   If 
the system lost spin energy. It would show up as added spin energy of EM 
radiation and/or phonic energy (orbital spin energy) of a coupled 
nanoparticle(s) lattice(s).

Such a reaction would transfer nuclear potential energy  to the kinetic spin 
energy of the surrounding materials (thermal energy and EM radiation) 
consistent with an increase of entropy and the 2nd Law of TD.


Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 10:59 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Activating LENR in the Quark Reactor.

​Researchers from Crete have just discovered that if a polariton BEC is 
squeezed between two metallic contacts, and excited by applying a tiny voltage 
pulse over these contacts they could change the spin state of the condensate.  
Because all particles in a BEC occupy the same quantum state, the whole BEC 
responds in unison, assuming one of the two spin states, up or down. This 
process operates like a memory cell, and the information is kept in the spin 
state. This sounds like a possible LENR activation stimulant that might apply 
to the Quark reactor.

They use extremely low power in the voltage pulse to switch the optical state.  
The switch is actually bistable. The voltage is only required to switch the 
device between states, and the total energy required is just 0.8 femtojoule.

The other find was that the light emitted by the polariton BEC demonstrates 
clarity of the optical signal. This signal has a pure, 100-percent polarization 
state, in contrast to spintronics, where you have both states, and one state is 
stronger than the other, This switch mechanism might be a result of the KERR 

The activation stimulus changes the magnetic nature of the polariton BEC so 
that it emits a pure monopole magnetic beam. A typical polariton lasts for just 
a few picoseconds so this activation signal must be reapplied at a rate that 
can activate the new polaritons as they are reformed.

Another indicator that the Quark reactor is using this polariton activation 
process is the nature of the light that it emits. If the light that the Quark 
reactor emits is in a pure, 100-percent polarization state​, we know that Rossi 
is using a polariton BEC in the Quark reactor and a high frequency low powered 
activation signal.

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-12 Thread

You noted the following:

Monday, June 5, 2017 6:23 PM—

“However, as I recall there is a story floating around that a certain batch of 
Pd from the supplier seemed to work best.  If that is true then the energy 
storage might have happened prior to the experiment when the Pd was processed 
by the supplier.”

Pd manufacturing may well involve various grain sizes as well as their 
orientation with respect
Crystalline axis orientations.  Strong ambient magnetic fields during hot 
processing (hot rolling for example) with rapid quenching are what I have in 

Nickel may also respond like the Pd does during processing or subqequent 

I would guess that Pd nano particles may act in a similar manner to Ni nano 
particles in a LENR+ reactor.  Surprisingly, I have not heard of LENR 
experiments using Pd nano particles.  However, I m,at just be in the dark.

Bob Cook

From: H LV
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

Ok, the numbers in this paper rule out the possibility of energy storage during 
the experiment.
However, as I recall there is a story floating around that a certain batch of 
Pd from the supplier seemed to work best.
If that is true then the energy storage might have happened prior to the 
experiment when the Pd was processed
by the supplier.


On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 8:43 PM, Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
Please review the numbers in the paper, which is here:

For experiment 4, the excess heat lasted 70 days. The total experiment duration 
was 123 days. If there was a storage phase, it lasted 53 days. This would show 
up as an endothermic reaction, which would reduce power output by much more 
than the exothermic reaction that followed, because it would be shorter. Any 
calorimeter that can measure a positive exothermic reaction of X watts can 
measure an endothermic reaction of -X watts equally well.

Energy storage is ruled out.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

2017-06-20 Thread

  1.  A reduction process of the powers to get rid of Oxides would be desirable 

  1.  Separation of the particles during milling is warranted.  Liquid Nitrogen 
will work but complicates the milling ops.

  1.  For room temperature milling  or a bit higher temperature a bit of Hg 
(liquid or vapor) in a trial run may cause better mixing and actually result in 
an amalgam type bonding between silver and nickel.  It could also change the 
LENR potential by modifying magnetic response and resonances.

Good luck,

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: AlanG<>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

Nickel and Silver are mutually insoluble (or only with great difficulty) as has 
been pointed out. Following Jones' original post, I'm preparing a simple 
experiment to test "mechanical alloying". I will ball-mill ~2 um powders of the 
two metals for several hundred hours, using 3/8" tungsten carbide balls for 
media. SEM/EDS will be used to examine the resulting mixture.

If the results appear to be successful, a further test will be done by exposing 
the amalgam to flowing hydrogen at various temperatures, looking for radiation 
as a signature of nuclear activity. Advice and suggestions for this test are 

On 6/19/2017 7:46 PM,<> 
Jones and Bob—

Bob is correct rfegarding terminology for alloys.  An alloy has an ionic bond 
between metallic nuclei as I understand.   But those bonds may only occur at 
grain boundaries with individual grains of the “quasi-alloy” being in bulk one 
or the other metallic element.

However the smaller the grains, the more ionic bi-metallic alloy you get.

With this concept in mind starting a manufacturing process for Ni-Ag “alloy” 
would use nano sized metallic particles and proiceed to obtain a homogeneous 
mixture of the two metals, evacuate the mixture and hot press the mixture with 
various sintering times to allow a variety of heats and  LENR properties.

Homogeneous mixing is the key.  Cryogenic conditions using a liquid gas such as 
nitrogen or helium may help avoid clumping of like metal particles during 
mixing.  Jones suggestion of a rapid ball milling procedure (with an inert 
cryogenic fluid) may work well.  Maybe merely a tumbling mixing would work.  
However, I would guess that ball milling would further attrite the Ni  and or 
Ag nano-particles and assure good mixing.

The N or helium should coat each particle with  atoms to avoid clumping.  When 
the fluid mixture is poured in to a hot press mold evacuated and hot pressed, 
the individual Ni and Ag particles should remain well mixed as the N gas (or 
other gas) evaporates from its position around reach individual particle.   
Boundary exchange of particle nuclei may then occur at temperature.

An interesting alternative would be to use liquid H with precautions to handle 
a reaction should LENR conditions be right.  This may result in a bi-metallic 
hydride ripe for LENR with correct resonant stimulation and ambient magnetic 


Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Bob Higgins<>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:41 AM
Subject: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

Jones,  As you have discussed, the Type A Pd that appears to be LENR active is 
an actual alloy.  In an alloy you expect an atomic level crystal lattice 
alteration - the lattice constants of the alloy are uniform and different than 
with Pd alone.  However, what you describe as a "mechanical alloy" is unlikely 
to be anything other than an admixture of grains of Ag with grains of Ni.  An 
"alloy" and a "mechanical alloy" are two vastly different things.  It is sort 
of like the nickel silver not having any silver - the mechanical alloy has no 
True alloying would alter the lattice constants by creating a new crystal 
structure incorporating the alloy metal at the basic atomic crystallographic 
level; hopefully in a way that allows more H to enter the lattice.  Also, 
forming a true alloy would potentially lower the vacancy formation energy of 
the Ni; which, in some theories would raise the LENR rate.  OTOH, if a 
"mechanical alloy" is formed, the only difference achieved will be creation of 
dirty grain boundaries between solid grains of Ni and Ag.  It is possible that 
effects could occur at such grain boundaries, so it can't hurt to try.  It is 
just hard to envision what would promote LENR by creating a "mechanical alloy".

On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Jones Beene 

[Vo]:Lens Flare, Any Ideas

2017-06-24 Thread
The following link describes lens flare phenomena:

Does the file image at the following link depict lens flare?

This is a follow-on to the Any Ideas thread initiated by Robin on 2017/06/15.  
Terry raised the question about the “UFO”  in the image being lens flare..

The image was apparently created in 2008/02 by a street level camera.  The 
original links that Robin identified no longer include a file of the image in 
the web page image noted above.  The link is a Google URL shortener IMHO and 
was not erased from the Google server.

It remains to see how long the shortener remains as a link to the original 
image identified on 20017/06/15 by Robin.

Mysterious things happen on the internet.

Bob Cook

RE: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

2017-06-19 Thread
Jones and Bob—

Bob is correct rfegarding terminology for alloys.  An alloy has an ionic bond 
between metallic nuclei as I understand.   But those bonds may only occur at 
grain boundaries with individual grains of the “quasi-alloy” being in bulk one 
or the other metallic element.

However the smaller the grains, the more ionic bi-metallic alloy you get.

With this concept in mind starting a manufacturing process for Ni-Ag “alloy” 
would use nano sized metallic particles and proiceed to obtain a homogeneous 
mixture of the two metals, evacuate the mixture and hot press the mixture with 
various sintering times to allow a variety of heats and  LENR properties.

Homogeneous mixing is the key.  Cryogenic conditions using a liquid gas such as 
nitrogen or helium may help avoid clumping of like metal particles during 
mixing.  Jones suggestion of a rapid ball milling procedure (with an inert 
cryogenic fluid) may work well.  Maybe merely a tumbling mixing would work.  
However, I would guess that ball milling would further attrite the Ni  and or 
Ag nano-particles and assure good mixing.

The N or helium should coat each particle with  atoms to avoid clumping.  When 
the fluid mixture is poured in to a hot press mold evacuated and hot pressed, 
the individual Ni and Ag particles should remain well mixed as the N gas (or 
other gas) evaporates from its position around reach individual particle.   
Boundary exchange of particle nuclei may then occur at temperature.

An interesting alternative would be to use liquid H with precautions to handle 
a reaction should LENR conditions be right.  This may result in a bi-metallic 
hydride ripe for LENR with correct resonant stimulation and ambient magnetic 


Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bob Higgins
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:41 AM
Subject: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

Jones,  As you have discussed, the Type A Pd that appears to be LENR active is 
an actual alloy.  In an alloy you expect an atomic level crystal lattice 
alteration - the lattice constants of the alloy are uniform and different than 
with Pd alone.  However, what you describe as a "mechanical alloy" is unlikely 
to be anything other than an admixture of grains of Ag with grains of Ni.  An 
"alloy" and a "mechanical alloy" are two vastly different things.  It is sort 
of like the nickel silver not having any silver - the mechanical alloy has no 
True alloying would alter the lattice constants by creating a new crystal 
structure incorporating the alloy metal at the basic atomic crystallographic 
level; hopefully in a way that allows more H to enter the lattice.  Also, 
forming a true alloy would potentially lower the vacancy formation energy of 
the Ni; which, in some theories would raise the LENR rate.  OTOH, if a 
"mechanical alloy" is formed, the only difference achieved will be creation of 
dirty grain boundaries between solid grains of Ni and Ag.  It is possible that 
effects could occur at such grain boundaries, so it can't hurt to try.  It is 
just hard to envision what would promote LENR by creating a "mechanical alloy".

On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Jones Beene 
> wrote:

One further detail about the possible advantage of using silver alloyed with 
nickel in LENR, instead of pure nickel - with hydrogen as the gaseous reactant, 
instead of deuterium.

If this were to work for LENR gain, the identity of the nuclear reaction is not 
the same. Obviously, such an alloy as Ni-Ag (assuming it is made via mechanical 
alloying)... would be unlikely to produce helium from fusion, as happens in 
Pd-D... since there is no deuterium (although a alpha emission following proton 
nuclear tunneling is not ruled out.) But there is an ideal alternative reaction.

First - a detail which you may not be aware of is the composition of control 
rods in nuclear fission reactors going back 50 years. As it turns out - silver 
has been commonly used as an alloy in control rods, along with boron. Part of 
the explanation is here but there is more to it than meets the eye. Silver is 
like a magnet for neutrons more so than any other element across the entire 

In short, silver has a high cross section for neutrons of all energies whereas 
boron and cadmium and other absorbents generally work with neutrons of a narrow 
energy range. Silver wants them all and this could imply more, if Ag works with 

But where are the neutrons to being with? - oops - there are none, or so it 

But lets broaden this suggestion to include Holmlid's results. Holmlid shows 
that UDH can be made simply by flowing hydrogen over a catalyst. If so then we 
could end up with a neutron substitute, which is the 

RE: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

2017-06-20 Thread

One other fact to consider during milling:  The colder the better.  A 
temperature below a ductile—brittle transition for both Ag and Ni is warranted 
to  get attrition.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: AlanG<>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

Nickel and Silver are mutually insoluble (or only with great difficulty) as has 
been pointed out. Following Jones' original post, I'm preparing a simple 
experiment to test "mechanical alloying". I will ball-mill ~2 um powders of the 
two metals for several hundred hours, using 3/8" tungsten carbide balls for 
media. SEM/EDS will be used to examine the resulting mixture.

If the results appear to be successful, a further test will be done by exposing 
the amalgam to flowing hydrogen at various temperatures, looking for radiation 
as a signature of nuclear activity. Advice and suggestions for this test are 

On 6/19/2017 7:46 PM,<> 
Jones and Bob—

Bob is correct rfegarding terminology for alloys.  An alloy has an ionic bond 
between metallic nuclei as I understand.   But those bonds may only occur at 
grain boundaries with individual grains of the “quasi-alloy” being in bulk one 
or the other metallic element.

However the smaller the grains, the more ionic bi-metallic alloy you get.

With this concept in mind starting a manufacturing process for Ni-Ag “alloy” 
would use nano sized metallic particles and proiceed to obtain a homogeneous 
mixture of the two metals, evacuate the mixture and hot press the mixture with 
various sintering times to allow a variety of heats and  LENR properties.

Homogeneous mixing is the key.  Cryogenic conditions using a liquid gas such as 
nitrogen or helium may help avoid clumping of like metal particles during 
mixing.  Jones suggestion of a rapid ball milling procedure (with an inert 
cryogenic fluid) may work well.  Maybe merely a tumbling mixing would work.  
However, I would guess that ball milling would further attrite the Ni  and or 
Ag nano-particles and assure good mixing.

The N or helium should coat each particle with  atoms to avoid clumping.  When 
the fluid mixture is poured in to a hot press mold evacuated and hot pressed, 
the individual Ni and Ag particles should remain well mixed as the N gas (or 
other gas) evaporates from its position around reach individual particle.   
Boundary exchange of particle nuclei may then occur at temperature.

An interesting alternative would be to use liquid H with precautions to handle 
a reaction should LENR conditions be right.  This may result in a bi-metallic 
hydride ripe for LENR with correct resonant stimulation and ambient magnetic 


Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Bob Higgins<>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:41 AM
Subject: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

Jones,  As you have discussed, the Type A Pd that appears to be LENR active is 
an actual alloy.  In an alloy you expect an atomic level crystal lattice 
alteration - the lattice constants of the alloy are uniform and different than 
with Pd alone.  However, what you describe as a "mechanical alloy" is unlikely 
to be anything other than an admixture of grains of Ag with grains of Ni.  An 
"alloy" and a "mechanical alloy" are two vastly different things.  It is sort 
of like the nickel silver not having any silver - the mechanical alloy has no 
True alloying would alter the lattice constants by creating a new crystal 
structure incorporating the alloy metal at the basic atomic crystallographic 
level; hopefully in a way that allows more H to enter the lattice.  Also, 
forming a true alloy would potentially lower the vacancy formation energy of 
the Ni; which, in some theories would raise the LENR rate.  OTOH, if a 
"mechanical alloy" is formed, the only difference achieved will be creation of 
dirty grain boundaries between solid grains of Ni and Ag.  It is possible that 
effects could occur at such grain boundaries, so it can't hurt to try.  It is 
just hard to envision what would promote LENR by creating a "mechanical alloy".

On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Jones Beene 
<<>> wrote:

One further detail about the possible advantage of using silver alloyed with 
nickel in LENR, instead of pure nickel - with hydrogen as the gaseous reactant, 
instead of deuterium.

If this were to work for LENR gain, the identity of the nuclear reaction is not 
the same. Obviously, such an all

RE: [Vo]:"Type A nickel"

2017-06-19 Thread

Cryogenic processing of solid rocket propellants—oxidizer, fuel and rubber glue 
or matrix does make a lot of  sense.

Being cryogenic, its SAFE.  It  affords an efficient chemical reaction and 
release of maximum energy, being very well mixed in a stoichiometric  
proportion.  And it does not entail a batch production of solid fuel in  
limited volumes.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ? wrote:
 > An interesting alternative would be to use liquid H...

This type of experiment should have been attempted ... but surprisingly
- nothing relevant turns up in a quick search.

Can a cryogenic cold catalyst like Pd-Ag or Ni-Ag pass protons as ions
if they were in an intense magnetic field ? There could be an overlooked
commercial market. For instance, rocket propellant.

Think about this. Imagine a spacecraft where only LH is carried as fuel,
no LOX or other oxidizer. The thrust may be cold, but who cares?

You have saved lots of fuel weight by ditching the oxidizer - but how
much thrust do you get by pumping LH through a proton conducting
catalyst membrane like palladium or equivalent?

First off, everything can be superconducting - since you have "free
cryogenics" by virtue of using the LH as the fuel. Palladium hydride is
superconducting. (I do not know about Pd-Ag or Ni-Ag hydrides, as far as
being superconductive. If protons could be released on the "other side
of a membrane" [doubtful] and that other side represents the exhaust of
a rocket motor - then, voila...

We have a case for very cold ion acceleration in an intense but "free"
magnetic field using no oxidizer. Alternatively, if deuterium was used
and a few PPM were fused as it is passing through, then you have warm or
hot thrust.

Here are some interesting facts on LH with the associated gaps of knowledge.

1. Molecular hydrogen, despite its extraordinarily large bond
dissociation energy of 436
kJ/mol, readily dissociates in the presence of palladium at temperatures
as low as 37 K. Not sure what happens closer to 0 K.
2. Hydrogen atoms migrate from hole-to-hole through the matrix of
palladium very rapidly with minimal applied pressure. The speed of this
migration is incredible due to the mobility of protons.
3. The hydrogen density is greater in Pd than than in liquid hydrogen
and the palladium membrane would appear to be a "diode" in this case.
4. Palladium hydride is superconducting. Although molecular hydrogen is
diamagnetic, atomic hydrogen has a self-field of 12.5 Tesla due to the
electron. This should create a huge acceleration gradient since the
hydride is atomic in transit.
5. Normally, H2 is released after passing through a membrane by the
reverse process of hydrogen absorption and there is no net gain or loss
even though the matrix would normally heat up from additional pressure.
6. However, in a very large applied magnetic field, say 10 Tesla what
happens ? ... will protons be accelerated away from the membrane as
ions... as they emerge on the other side, or as molecular ions or as
molecules? Can a charged grid be used to boost acceleration?
7. If the LH enters on one side of a membrane and emerges as very cold
protons along magnetic field lines - the thrust could be very large -
much larger than combustion. Plus the lower weight.

Sure, we can agree that this scenario is most unlikely since it violates
the Laws of Thermodynamics (unless ultra-cold fusion occurs) but the
actual testing of the concept seems never to have been done...

hmmm... it is a safe bet that the large vapor trail in Oz is hydrogen

[Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--

2017-05-20 Thread
The following link contains interesting views on the subject of this thread.

IMHO these are key LENR concepts.   Trading nuclear potential energy for metal 
lattice electron orbital (thermal) angular momentum is LENR.

The following is excerpted from the article on thermodynamics:

“Imagine a vast container, or reservoir, of particles that possess both
energy and angular momentum (they’re both moving around and spinning).
This reservoir is connected to both a weight, which takes energy to
lift, and a turning turntable, which takes angular momentum to speed up
or slow down. Normally, a single reservoir can’t do any work — this goes
back to Carnot’s discovery about the need for hot and cold reservoirs.
But the researchers found that a reservoir containing multiple conserved
quantities follows different rules. “If you have two different physical
quantities that are conserved, like energy and angular momentum,”
Popescu said, “as long as you have a bath that contains both of them,
then you can trade one for another.”

In the hypothetical weight-reservoir-turntable system, the weight can be
lifted as the turntable slows down, or, conversely, lowering the weight
causes the turntable to spin faster. The researchers found that the
quantum information describing the particles’ energy and spin states can
act as a kind of currency that enables trading between the reservoir’s
energy and angular momentum supplies. The notion that conserved
quantities can be traded for one another in quantum systems is brand
new. It may suggest the need for a more complete thermodynamic theory
that would describe not only the flow of energy, but also the interplay
between all the conserved quantities in the universe.

The fact that energy has dominated the thermodynamics story up to now
might be circumstantial rather than profound, Oppenheim said. Carnot and
his successors might have developed a thermodynamic theory governing the
flow of, say, angular momentum to go with their engine theory, if only
there had been a need. “We have energy sources all around us that we
want to extract and use,” Oppenheim said. “It happens to be the case
that we don’t have big angular momentum heat baths around us. We don’t
come across huge gyroscopes.”

_”Popescu, who won a Dirac Medal last year for his insights in quantum
information theory and quantum foundations, said he and his
collaborators work by “pushing quantum mechanics into a corner,”
gathering at a blackboard and reasoning their way to a new insight after
which it’s easy to derive the associated equations. Some realizations
are in the process of crystalizing. In one of several phone
conversations in March, Popescu discussed a new thought experiment that
illustrates a distinction between information and other conserved
quantities — and indicates how symmetries in nature might set them apart.”

RE: [Vo]:ZPE as the superset of Dark Energy

2017-05-18 Thread
Jones –

Interesting item and related comments.

Additional comments:

  1.  The wave length of E-M radiation in the solid state is not the same as in 
a vacuum.
  2.  The CalPhysics item does not address the energy and angular momentum 
associated with nuclear entities, atomic entities and photons, nor how the 
uncertainty principle of Planck applies to the transition of spin angular 
momentum in integral units of h/2pie in any system.  Their discussion carefully 
avoids spin energy and related angular momentum.   There may be no quantum 
fuzziness associated with spin. angular momentum and related energy.

Addressing these questions may provide understanding why LENR does not entail 
radiation associated with high energy particles and annihilation reactions.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:11 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ZPE as the superset of Dark Energy

A practical detail... assuming that the 1.7 THz phase transition is the peak 
energy of ZPE photons which can interact in a mechanical conversion system in 
order to harness dark energy (which is one possible interpretation of the 
CalPhysics info)...

1.7 terahertz = 176.3 wavelength in micrometers

The practical question becomes - is there a way to utilize this dimension as in 
an LENR experiment, so that part of the gain (or all of the gain) can derive 
from dark energy? This is obviously a geometry which much larger than 
nanometer, for instance. But these days, everyone wants to focus on nanometer. 
That could be a mistake.

Obviously, a photon in the Casimir geometry (2-20 nm) corresponds to EUV 
wavelengths ... and this size discrepancy may explain why the Jovion patent 
discussed in the reference below does not work. There is no coupling.

That patent is premised on  what they are calling the "Casimir-Lamb Shift" 
which indicates that certain electron orbitals in atoms are lower in energy 
inside a Casimir cavity than outside.

Perhaps the widespread emphasis on "nano" has been misplaced and we should be 
thinking about how to implement reactants in a comparatively huge geometry, 
which is slightly below the one millimeter scale.

However, it could also be the case that one needs both scales in the same 
experiment. That would be new territory to explore.

>From the CalPhysics site... (paraphrased and annotated to make a point)

A major discovery in astrophysics in the late 1990s was the finding from 
supernovae redshift-luminosity observations that the expansion of the universe 
is accelerating. This led to the concept of dark energy, which has been labeled 
as a resurrection of Einstein's cosmological constant. The universe now appears 
to consist of about 70 percent dark energy, 25 percent dark matter and five 
percent ordinary matter.

Zero-point energy can be defined as having the apparent desired property of 
driving an accelerated expansion, and thus having the requisite properties of 
dark energy, but to an absurdly greater degree than is required but recent 
work by Christian Beck and Michael Mackey may have resolved the disparity. If 
their work is accurate, then dark energy is basically nothing other than ZPE or 
a superset/subset.

They propose that a phase transition occurs such that zero-point photons below 
a frequency of about 1.7 THz are gravitationally active whereas above that they 
are not. If true, the dark energy problem is solved: dark energy is the low 
frequency gravitationally active component of zero-point energy.

The 1.7 THz phase transition value is an important marker and consistent with 
measurable QED effects such as the Casimir effect, the Lamb shift, etc. The 
proposed phase transition value should be testable in the near future. It is in 
range which comes up in the studies of SPP (surface plasmons). NASA has done 
recent R work using terahertz radiation in a slightly higher THz range on a 
nickel lattice loaded with hydrogen, in order to induce LENR.

Perhaps NASA should have aimed lower and/or perhaps Holmlid will find access to 
the new THz lasers which are coming out in this exact range (which seems to be 
favored in terms of efficiency).

From: with comments added

RE: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion

2017-05-22 Thread
Their  (AAA) device is immense and expensive, worse than common day fission 
nuclear plants.   IMHO it would suffer the same financial issues associated 
with the nuclear power plants here and elsewhere.  The world needs small, 
cheap,  non-centralized power supplies.

Moritz did not support this concept while in DOE and probably won’t change his 
mind.   That’s what that is.  I suspect he is dreading the looming E-Cat trial 
by jury and/or settlement out of court, which may not be secret.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2017 7:46 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion

There are jokes that never cease about hot fusion being only 20 years away... 
not worth repeating except to say, sooner or later there could be no joke left 
if we simply rename the process ... and we may have passed a 20 year marker 
anyway.  Let's relabel it as neutron-free-fission to distance it from the 
boondoggles of fusion.

Did you know that former U.S. Energy Secretary and Physicist, Dr Ernest Moniz 
joined the Board of Directors of Privately funded Tri Alpha Energy recently? 
Few outside of California took notice... unless they have google alerts.

This could be a big deal, but not LENR. Even without neutrons, the technology 
is as far from LENR as from a Tokamak. But Moniz brings instant credibility, 
not that they needed it. The company is somewhat secretive, even with a web 
site, yet the few visitors allowed are genuinely impressed, and the company has 
raised a ton of money. Recent reports (off-the-record of course) of the final 
breakthrough leading to a commercial order in fewer than 20 years are ... shall 
we say... a bit glowing.

As any reader of vortex would know - the history of the tri-alpha boron 
reaction: 11B(p,α)αα which is essentially boron fission instead of fusion... is 
almost as old as nuclear physics itself. The reaction was studied by Lord 
Rutherford 75 years ago. Then he used proton energies of 200 keV, and a crude 
accelerator -- whereas resonance is much higher 675 keV.

So close but so far away.

RE: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion

2017-05-22 Thread
In my earlier Imeant to Spell the former DOE Secretary’s name correctly—Moniz, 
vice Mortiz.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2017 7:46 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion

There are jokes that never cease about hot fusion being only 20 years away... 
not worth repeating except to say, sooner or later there could be no joke left 
if we simply rename the process ... and we may have passed a 20 year marker 
anyway.  Let's relabel it as neutron-free-fission to distance it from the 
boondoggles of fusion.

Did you know that former U.S. Energy Secretary and Physicist, Dr Ernest Moniz 
joined the Board of Directors of Privately funded Tri Alpha Energy recently? 
Few outside of California took notice... unless they have google alerts.

This could be a big deal, but not LENR. Even without neutrons, the technology 
is as far from LENR as from a Tokamak. But Moniz brings instant credibility, 
not that they needed it. The company is somewhat secretive, even with a web 
site, yet the few visitors allowed are genuinely impressed, and the company has 
raised a ton of money. Recent reports (off-the-record of course) of the final 
breakthrough leading to a commercial order in fewer than 20 years are ... shall 
we say... a bit glowing.

As any reader of vortex would know - the history of the tri-alpha boron 
reaction: 11B(p,α)αα which is essentially boron fission instead of fusion... is 
almost as old as nuclear physics itself. The reaction was studied by Lord 
Rutherford 75 years ago. Then he used proton energies of 200 keV, and a crude 
accelerator -- whereas resonance is much higher 675 keV.

So close but so far away.

RE: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion

2017-05-22 Thread

Check out the following links:

They depict  a better bet for energy conversion than steam—more compact and 
cheaper.  A Quark-X heater would fit nicely with a GE CO2 supercritical turbine.

>From reading Rossi’s comments on his blog he already appreciates this type of 
>electricity generator.  Any vehicle could probably fit around this electrical 
>plant, not the least of which would be Navy ships with electric driven 
>weapons—a step up from steam driven turbines.

Better yet would be direct electricity production using high temperature Nb-Ir 
thermos-electric conversion
without the turbines IMHO.   Mechanical stuff makes for problems in the long 
run.  On the other hand they can be quite robust under attack even though slow 
to respond and hard to repair.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion<> wrote:
Their  (AAA) device is immense and expensive, worse than common day fission 
nuclear plants.   IMHO it would suffer the same financial issues associated 
with the nuclear power plants here and elsewhere.  The world needs small, 
cheap,  non-centralized power supplies.

The most attractive feature of the Tri Alpha technology is the fuel. No doubt 
about that. It would be great if the boron-proton reaction lent itself to a 
small footprint, but it does not - at least not yet. Perhaps that will happen 
eventually, but in many cases  - engineering for a large scale is actually more 
expedient for getting a product to market than going small. Off-the-shelf parts 
are available, for one thing.

There is another option, yet to be mentioned - a hybrid. If dense hydrogen can 
be manufactured and stored for a short time, perhaps that path will be the way 
to harness the tri-alpha reaction on a small format.

In the best of all scenarios, we could imagine a Holmlid laser device which 
produced excess heat and UDH as a by-product. The UDH could then be used 
immediately in a second step to fission boron. That is not as far out as it 
sounds and it works because there are no (few) neutrons.

It looks like almost everyone prefers the idea of small power formats, but the 
large centralized power plant may have a place for centuries to come. The 
economics of steam conversion favor large formats and that may not change. 
Therefore, this choice is probably not a case of "either/or" ... and all form 
factors would find a place in the future - if technology permits. Actually, the 
intermediate size of about 30-50 megawatts is probably the largest market.

RE: [Vo]:Missing Neutrons? In a neutron-rich tin nucleus, electromagnetism can win over the strong force

2017-05-23 Thread
This report is another nail in Standard Model’s coffin.Folks should take a 
look at the theory of P Hatt to understand better what happens in the tin 

 Bill Stubb’s item in Infinite Energy last year evaluating high energy electron 
scattering experiments is also instructive in IMHO.

Bob Cook

From: Alan Fletcher
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2017 9:05 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Missing Neutrons? In a neutron-rich tin nucleus, electromagnetism 
can win over the strong force

Just wondering if this might be relevent to one of the Cold Fusion "miracles"

In a recent experiment ... scientists .. made a very surprising observation: 
High-energy gamma rays—which are mediated by the electromagnetic force—are 
emitted in the decay of a certain excited nucleus—tin 133, in competition with 
neutron emission, the decay mode mediated by the strong nuclear force. This is 
despite the fact that the neutron emission was expected to be orders of 
magnitude faster since the force is much stronger.


The RIBF results suggest that structure effects, which are commonly neglected 
in the evaluation of neutron-emission probabilities in calculations of global 
beta-decay properties for astrophysical simulations, are much more important 
than generally assumed
Alan Fletcher 

RE: [Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--

2017-05-20 Thread
Dave and Bob--

In common nuclear magnetic resonance machines the angular momentum of nuclei 
are  changed by a resonant radio frequency energy source in a strong ambient 
magnetic field.  That field aligns  the  nuclear magnetic dipoles and creates 
new  discrete potential energy levels for the nuclei.When excited to a new 
level by the radio frequency input, the nuclei are said to be in an elevated 
isomeric energy state.  When the ambient magnetic field is shut off, the nuclei 
relax giving off EM energy.  This energy from the relaxing nuclei is monitored 
to determine the location and concentration of nuclei which return to a ground 

I believe the energy associated with the various nuclear spin states is 
considered nuclear binding potential energy, but not associated with mass 
energy binding protons and neutrons within a nucleus.  However, this potential 
energy  of an isomer DOES add mass to nuclei.

Thus, I would guess that transitions of nuclear species during LENR from one 
ground state to another ground state (with  a different combination of neutrons 
and protons and lower net angular momentum) would involve coupling via a 
magnetic field to the orbital electrons of a metal lattice.  You can call that 
energy mass energy,  binding energy or whatever.  It is a parameter of the 
nucleus in question in units of joules.  Energy is energy no matter what force  
field is involved IMHO.


( I  believe linear momentum can be co-linear (not necessarily orthogonal) with 
angular momentum for properties ascribed to a particle or system of particles.  
  Even thought they have the same units mass-length/time, one must change in 
units of h/2pie and the other is associated with free particles in space and 
subject to uncertainty in its actual value reflecting Planck’s constant, h.

  ( I am not sure I understand your comment regarding classical physics.)

Bob Cook

From: David Roberson<>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--

Of course, in classical physics linear momentum and angular momentum are 
orthogonal to each other and can not be exchanged within a closed system.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Higgins <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sat, May 20, 2017 11:16 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--
This is interesting thinking.  The idea that angular momentum, linear momentum, 
and energy are "conserved" is a hypothesis created and supported (as I 
understand it) by observation, not by derivation based upon a fundamental 
principle.  While it would be a violation of the hypothesis, trading between 
these conserved quantities would not invalidate a fundamental premise (am I 
So, Bob, when you say, "Trading nuclear potential energy for metal lattice 
electron orbital (thermal) angular momentum is LENR", what is the nuclear 
potential energy that you are saying is being traded (exchanged) into the 
electron orbital angular momentum?  What in the nucleus do you envision being 
Clearly the nucleus is not as well understood as we imagine.  If you read 
Norman Cook's book, "Models of the Atomic Nucleus", you will see the sorry 
state of things.  Present models for the nucleus predict fission as occurring 
in equal portions, but experiment shows that is far from the case.  Even though 
we rely heavily on engineering of nuclear fission, the models don't predict the 
characteristics of the reaction.  Could the "smallness" of the constituents in 
the nucleus allow interaction with a zero-point field, where at such small 
scales physics is different than we know?  Could the trading of "conserved" 
quantities be commonplace at such small scales?

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 7:30 AM,<> 
<<>> wrote:
The following link contains interesting views on the subject of this thread.

IMHO these are key LENR concepts.   Trading nuclear potential energy for metal 
lattice electron orbital (thermal) angular momentum is LENR.

The following is excerpted from the article on thermodynamics:

“Imagine a vast container, or reservoir, of particles that possess both
energy and angular momentum (they’re both moving around and spinning).
This reservoir is connected to both a weight, which takes energy to
lift, and a turning turntable, which takes angular momentum to speed up
or slow down. Normally, a single reservoir can’t do any work — this goes
back to Carnot’s discovery about the need for hot and cold reservoirs.
But the researchers found that a reservoir containing multiple conserved
quantities follows dif

RE: [Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--

2017-05-21 Thread
I just looked at Marco’s comment of May 20 on the Rossi Blog Reader, Tom 
Conway’s comment and Rossi’s answer to Conway.   Marco is close to the right 
answer IMHO.

The following is Macro’s comment:

>>>>>>”Regarding magnetic fields I am very curious. I am a researcher in the 
>>>>>>medical field and have access to magnetic resonance devices, with fields 
>>>>>>up to 3 Tesla. I ever wondered if a strong magnetic field can increase 
>>>>>>the hydrogen loading in nickel lattice or reaction rate, since a strong 
>>>>>>magnetic field has a big effect on hydrogen atoms.”

“Nickel is a ferromagnetic element, so it should further increase the local 
magnetic field.
Hydrogen atoms subject to a magnetic field tend to align with it: the stronger, 
the lesser the casual orientation of the atoms spin. Another property of 
hydrogen (along with each atom with odd number of protons or neutrons) is the 
resonance. For hydrogen subject to a magnetic field of B Tesla, it is 
susceptible to an RF pulse of 43.5*B MHz center frequency. (43.5MGz is called 
the Gyromagnetic ratio).
This means that an aligned hydrogen atom, can be excited with a such RF pulse. 
The more the intensity, the more the energy absorbed. Then the hydrogen atom 
returns to the quiescent state with a time constant depending on the material 
in which is immersed. This is exploited in the magnetic resonance devices to 
detect which material the hydrogen is immersed in.”
“But we don’t care of this behaviour, becouse we care only of the fact that an 
RF pulse can give energy to hydrogen atoms. This can increase the reaction rate 
into an Ecat: excited atoms are more prone to reaction: we know tha temperature 
is one of the contro factor. But heat is unordered oscillation of the atoms, 
while an RF pulse on hydrogen aligned with a magnetic field is an ordered 
oscillation. If the nickel lattice is regular enough (i am thinking of a solid 
rod instead of a powder, but also in a powder there should be an effect), an 
ordered oscillation is better of a chaoitc oscillation. At worst it should have 
the same effect of heat.”
“I don’t know if you have a codified method to calculate the frequency of the 
RF pulses to give to the Ecat, but here there is the possible theoretic 
A DC current in the coil, with nickel mixture in the inside, produce a magnetic 
field of B Tesla (you can measure it). Then, the best RF pulse to att to the DC 
component should have 43.5*B MHz as main frequency. The more the intensity, the 
more the “cadence”, the more energy you give to the hydrogen atoms. It can even 
happen that a strong enough RF pulse train can start the reactions even with 
cold reactor. This can be a method to trigger the reaction even at “low” 
temperature. Obviously the RF pulse intensity should be lowered with the 
increase of the reactor temperature.”

“This can also explain the instabilities that you may have detected during the 
R phase and the increase of the reaction rate with some RF pulses: RF pulses 
have multiple frequency harmonics and probabily one of them excited hydrogen 
atoms immersed in the low magnetic field of the coil.”

“Here i gave a theory and a possible direction of research…”


Those devices Marco refers to are nuclear magnetic resonance machines I 
believe.  I did my own research on them in 1961.

Bob Cook

Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--

Dave and Bob--

In common nuclear magnetic resonance machines the angular momentum of nuclei 
are  changed by a resonant radio frequency energy source in a strong ambient 
magnetic field.  That field aligns  the  nuclear magnetic dipoles and creates 
new  discrete potential energy levels for the nuclei.When excited to a new 
level by the radio frequency input, the nuclei are said to be in an elevated 
isomeric energy state.  When the ambient magnetic field is shut off, the nuclei 
relax giving off EM energy.  This energy from the relaxing nuclei is monitored 
to determine the location and concentration of nuclei which return to a ground 

I believe the energy associated with the various nuclear spin states is 
considered nuclear binding potential energy, but not associated with mass 
energy binding protons and neutrons within a nucleus.  However, this potential 
energy  of an isomer DOES add mass to nuclei.

Thus, I would guess that transitions of nuclear species during LENR from one 
ground state to another ground state (with  a different combination of neutrons 
and protons and lower net angular momentum) would involve coupling via a 
magnetic field to the orbital electrons of a metal lattice.  You can call that 
energy mass energy,  binding energy 

RE: [Vo]:A Brief History of Tomorrow

2017-05-28 Thread

Unfortunately greed and avarice can go hand –in- hand with  intelligence.  The 
government is not the problem, it’s the people that elect the government 
management and their (the peoples’) lack of concern about the non-immediate 
future.   We live in a growing, me-now society stemming from a long history of 
survival of families and small related groups, consistent with Darwin’s theory.

Bob Cook

From: Adrian Ashfield
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Brief History of Tomorrow

Interesting food for thought.  I think there would be revolutions and much 
blood in the street before much of this happened.
I'm not as pessimistic as Harari who was of course just looking at the down 
side.  With a more intelligent government than we currently have life could 
improve for most of us.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Znidarsic 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, May 24, 2017 11:03 am
Subject: [Vo]:A Brief History of Tomorrow

RE: [Vo]:Measuring Spin

2017-05-28 Thread

Spin, angular momentum and magnetic moment are closely related in particles and 
entire coherent systems of particles IMO.  Angular momentum is a vector 
quantity and can be aligned in a specific direction, if there is a magnetic 
moment associated with the entity with the angular momentum.  Electrons are 
identical examples of such an entity.

Regarding the experiment that destroyed the spin in a non-measured axis, it 
would seem to me that the manipulation of the subject (measured) particle 
depended upon its magnetic moment being aligned with a magnetic field and 
associated angular momentum such that there was no way to determine spin along 
the other axes.

Philippe Hatt’s theory of the composition  and parameters of neutrons and 
protons—charge, mass and magnetic moment---as a system of positons and 
electrons is instructive.  His predictions of these parameters is “dead nuts 
on” with respect to existing experimental accuracy.  (No quarks involved or 
other virtual particles, only real particles.)

Bob Cook

Spin Of particles Nigel Dyer
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 7:16 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Measuring Spin

I have been musing about spin and Leonard Susskinds lectures and books
have got me thinking in a slightly different way:  There is very much
LENR related, but I will start with a 'simple' question
In the Stern Gerlach experiment the act of 'measuring' the spin of the
particle has an effect on the spin, in that the information about the
spin in the non-measured axis has been destroyed.  In what sense has the
state of the particles spin been changed and what mediates the change.
Can it be thought of as in terms of a virtual photon exchange?.  I
assume that overall there must be conservation of spin, so in what sense
has the spin state of the rest of the system been changed?

RE: [Vo]:Next Big Future - Brillouin

2017-05-29 Thread

In your model used to calculate the speed of dissolved hydrogen is the hydrogen 
a neutral H-2 molecule, a hydrogen H+ ion or some other form of hydrogen?

What is the force field that couples the dissolved hydrogen to the lattice 
which is vibrating?

How does the speed of the dissolved hydrogen compare to the speed of the 
lattice nuclei—Pd or Ni-- whatever the case may be?

Bob Cook

From: Frank Znidarsic
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Next Big Future - Brillouin

The cut and paste did not text the same as in the book.
1013 is 10 to the thirteenth power hertz.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Znidarsic 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Mon, May 22, 2017 11:05 am
Subject: Fwd: [Vo]:Next Big Future - Brillouin

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Next Big Future - Brillouin
I tried to lower the plasma frequency to get emissions in the RF band.  I used 
helium because it is heavier to get operation in the lower frequency range.  No 
anomalous energy again.
I used a light bulb to try argon.  No anomalous energy again.
One thing for sure is that the stimulation has to be intense.  Maybe my stuff 
was not powerful enough.  With more power the electrode will just burn out.  
Congrats to anyone who got a system working.

>From my book:

A typical cold fusion cell is constructed of palladium or nickel.  Hydrogen is 
driven into the metal.  The composite metallic structure naturally resonates at 
thermal frequencies (1013 hz).  This vibration is enhanced with heat, laser 
light, or radio waves.  Nanometer scaled domains couple strongly with the 
external stimulation35.  The vibration imposes a speed of 1,093,850 meters per 
second upon the dissolved hydrogen.  In the gravitomagnetic devices, electronic 
vibration is transferred to the non-bound nucleons that rest between the layers 
of a superconductive disk.  The nucleons enter into a state of continuous 
quantum transition as the magnetic spin orbit force is expelled to the surface 
of the nano-domain.  “The constants of the motion tend toward those of the 
electromagnetic” and the cold fusion process proceeds..

This speed greatly exceeds the normal speed of sound (6,000 m/s) in the 
metallic structure.  Dr. Edmund Storms and Dr. Michael Mckurby have found that 
the metal must be highly loaded with hydrogen.  The resulting pressure 
increases metal’s natural frequency from 1012 to 1013  hz.  This is the 
frequency of the warm thermal vibrations.  Electrons and mobile nucleons 
simultaneously enter into a state of quantum a transition at the speed Sn 
(1,093,850 meters per second).  This high speed is difficult to achieve, 
however, it appears that the cold fusion speed is much more accessible than the 
hot fusion temperature.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Znidarsic >
To: vortex-l >
Sent: Mon, May 22, 2017 10:40 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Next Big Future - Brillouin

Some of this new version of structured waves is tied into the recent papers on 
the discovery of RF from cells producing OU. There are several. I will try to 
post a bibliography at some future time but the underlying strategy appears to 
be this: when the anomalous heat is present, an RF signal is also present.

That's what I tried to do, generate RF by adjusting the size of the 
nano-particles.   I was envisioning RF in the millimeter band.  RF energy can 
be converted directly into electrical current with a diode.  My experiments did 
not produce any RF energy.  I did many of these experiments even at cryogenic 
temperatures.  I never completed the experiment with the co2 laser.

Frank Znidarsic

RE: [Vo]:ZPE as the superset of Dark Energy

2017-05-18 Thread

Nearing 80 I don’t do experiments any more.  However, your proposal sounds 

A sandwich of a semi- conductor and mylar or any transparent material may 
provide interesting creation of extra photons from the ZPE space or whatever 
that space is called.  Just coordinate the wave length in the film of integral 
unit wave length thickness with the energy/frequency of the electrons in the 
conduction band of the semi-conductor.

Extra photons would mean a free energy source and no high energy problems.

Bob Cook

PS:  I had retinal vascular eye hemorrhage in December after a routine dilation 
procedure using  muscle relaxant and decongestant tropicamide and phenylephrine.

Old age leads to lots of problems, including weak blood vessels, white coat 
hypertension, intentional blood thinning and risk of excessive  bleeding, 
macular degeneration—dry and wet, high intraocular hydraulic pressure, etc.

Considering all this I am on a kick to support development of analytical 
computer model of a human eyeball with individual unique changing  
parameters—inter ocular pressure, blood pressure, cordial and retinal vascular 
dimensional and stress/strain response  characteristics (available with 
state-of-the-art ocular angiography) retinal membrane stiffness and other 
mechanical properties, normal blood pressure etc.

The objective is to understand the real time and accumulated  ocular conditions 
that cause glaucoma, wet age related macular degeneration and other eye 
problems.   The program would/will make use of AI to correlate medicines and 
other parameters that could affect normal cell repair mechanisms, for example 
optic nerve sheath deterioration and repair associated with glaucoma.(I 
think that wear and tear on the retinal structure and the optic nerve due to 
dimensional changes in the eyeball may be correlated with problems, depending 
upon lifestyle—reading, alcohol consumption, chronic drug usage—statins, for 
example,  vitamin and food supplements, diet, etc.

Many over 50 may benefit in the long run to preserve their  eyesight.

I am focusing on a brain physiologist and a graduate program at a University in 
Portland at the moment to perform the programing I have suggested above.


RE: [Vo]:CNL seeks input on small modular reactor technology

2017-06-03 Thread
Terry noted:

“And it has soured the market on future sales by anyone.”

WPPSS had the same cost overrun experience 35 years ago and cancelled 3 

Big reactors and crummy top  management are prone to create a disaster.  The 
“Nuclear Village” in Japan is the latest example.  China and India are waiting 
off stage for the 4th and 5th (final) acts of the Mother of all Tragedies .

Bob Cook

From: Terry Blanton
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2017 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:CNL seeks input on small modular reactor technology

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 3:45 PM, Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
I do not think Fukushima has anything to do with the Toshiba bankruptcy.

Not directly.  Indeed Toshiba is playing an important role in the cleanup and 
is likely profiting from that.

When Plant Vogtle units 1 and 2 were under construction, their cost was 
projected to be $800M.  Then, March 28, 1979 TMI happened.  When I was with the 
Power company in 1981, regulatory changes had driven the projected cost to $2B. 
 I think the final cost was between 2 and 3 B.

Ironically, construction on units 3 and 4 was well underway when Fukushima 
happened.  I doubt we can quantify the costs resulting from regulatory changes 
directly related to that accident; but, it almost certainly has to play a 
significant role.  And it has soured the market on future sales by anyone.

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-05 Thread
Degeneracy is a major factor in all the LENR reactions, since it reduces the  
allowable space for all charged particles of a coherent system such as a 
crystal lattice  commonly found in LENR phenomena.

The odds of 2 or more particles in the same general location such that their 
electric charge fields interact is improved.  Strong magnetic fields can cause 
degeneracy in a crystal.

IMHO fission or fusion can occur in a coherent system as long as the potential 
energy (binding energy) can be distributed through all or some of the coherent 
system as kinetic energy---vibrations in the Chubb theory as in the Mossbauer 
Effect.  This kinetic energy is also called phonic energy of the lattice.  It 
is the result of higher orbital spin states of many electrons making up the 
lattice (crystal).  .

The beauty of the engineering of such a system is in the planning to allow 
hadron particle changes with a modified positive charge center with causing a 
major weakening of the lattice  with respect to
remaining in tact at high temperatures.

A range of lattice dimensions for the various nano-particles will alter the  
phonic resonances the various particles have, such that as degeneracy happens 
with changing ambient conditions all nano-particles do not react at the same 
time to sinter the particles together.

Cooling the particles IMHO depends upon convective heat transfer by Li vapor or 
Hydrogen gas to the reactor walls.  Maintaining the fuel—nanoparticles-- near 
the center of the reactor vessel with good mixing is also an engineering feat 
that relies on the thermal activity of the heat transfer agent and magnetic the 
ambient magnetic field—probably a field that varies in magnitude significantly 
above 0.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 11:20 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

The problem with this fusion idea is that it does not explain the subset of 
LENR experiments that show fission is occurring. Can this theory explain 
fission in LENR? I don't think so.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:13 AM, Kevin O'Malley 
> wrote:
In particular, this paragraph seems to support my Balloon analogy for absorbing 
most of the high energy emissions into the lattice.

" in the Mossbauer effect, through a real effect, implicit in the 
symmetry associated with rigid lattice translations that preserve periodic 
order, it is possible for a lattice to “recoil” elastically, as a whole, in 
response to a collision at a point. In the generalization of band theory [19] 
to many-body, finite systems, the same symmetry is invoked and leads to a huge 
degeneracy. Because indistinguishable particles are involved in these systems, 
implicitly, additional degeneracies are also present. The combined effects 
provide a means for particles to have appreciable overlap at many, periodically 
displaced “points” (as discussed below), simultaneously, for finite periods of 
time, in a manner that can result in new forms of collisions in which momentum 
is transferred from the locations where overlap can occur, rigidly to the 
lattice as a whole. When these idealized forms of motion are initiated by 
collisions resulting from the overlap between d’s in IBS’s, they can result in 
forms of coupling that can cause nuclear fusion to take place in which small 
amounts of momentum and energy from many different locations are transferred 
coherently to the solid as a whole and subsequently transferred to many 
different particles in a cooperative fashion. As a consequence, in agreement 
with experiment, the associated nuclear energy is predicted to be released 
without high-energy particles. "

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Kevin O'Malley 
> wrote:
In this old thread, we discussed BECs with Edmund Storms.   He unsubscribed 
from Vortex soon after this interaction, hopefully I wasn't the one who drove 
him off.

Anyways, at the time I did not have access to Chubb's theory but now Jed has 
uploaded his Ion Band State Theory (IBST)  paper onto

It is compelling.   But I am disheartened that Jones Beene said it is above his 
pay grade.   Now I think it is two layers above my pay grade.   It seems to 
cover all the bases and it uses conventional physics.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Kevin O'Malley 
> wrote:

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Edmund Storms 
> wrote:

NO!!! That is not the issue Cold fusion produces He4 without radiation.
***There have been some observances of radiation.  Not very much, but some.

Hot fusion produces a mixture of energetic fragments of He.These are two 
entirely different processes producing different products. The 

RE: [Vo]:new thread --- apres Rossi era looming

2017-06-06 Thread
he are a number of ways that nuclear reactions can release potential energy.  
Kinetic energy in the for of high velocity neutral and charged particles, 
electromagnetic radiation and  kinetic energy in the form of angular momentum 
or spin energy.

Rossi and N. Cook claim that some of their Ni-H=Li system changed Li-7 with 
accretion of Pto Be-8. .
They suggest:

 “The double alpha lattice  structure (C) can then break into independent 
 two alpha particles (D), which are released with   MeV of angular 
 momentum, but without gamma radiation.”

I point out  they do not seem to believe the alpha particles left the reaction 
with high velocity.  EM radiation normally associated with slowing-down of 
charged particles was not reported.   (  I assume it did not happen.)

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7:57 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:new thread --- apres Rossi era looming

As observed in the Holmlid experiments, LENR energy could be formated into the 
form of subatomic particles that are hard to detect.

These hard to detect subatomic particles could be carrying off any remaining 
residual LENR based kinetic energy  from the reaction site. There may be a 
method that can be engineered that can capture this energy so that this LENR 
energy can be localized to the site of the reaction and converted to heat.

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 10:41 PM, Jones Beene 
> wrote:
Brian Ahern wrote:

> After 28 years nobody has succeeded in generating 100 watts excess in a 
> repeatable process. In fact there is no qualified system that can achieve 10 
> watts excess and a COP > 1.5

... and Bob Cook says I'm too cynical ...

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-05 Thread

You are too cynical IMHO.  LENR is a tough engineering problem.  LENR+ is much 
tougher.   The Nautilus did not break ice at the North Pole on a shoestring 
budget .  The modern Navy has had a long time to work on LENR+ with more than a 
shoestring budget.  Chubb was part of the Navy for a long time.

I think the difficult engineering is pretty well done, although not yet 
available to your dying group of researchers,  which  are more and more in 
number from my perspective. .

The Pd-D system is a red herring IMHO, a bit of a distraction.  The 
Establishment with its energy model is doing its best to poo-poo the LENR+ Ni 
alloy,  nano fuel systems.

I too will become cynical, if the Establishment is successful.

I hope that globalism with its multinational corporations and global energy 
Establishment will succumb to a new  nationalism with a competitive driver that 
thumbs its nose at the multinational corporate elite with their focus on 
generation of wealth with diminaimus trickle-down to the populous.

An interesting essay regarding this potential situation can be found at the 
following link:

The New Class War - American Affairs 

Bob Cook

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature


Storm's theory is partly right, but mostly lacking - and he has had
little new to add this century... as is that of Chubb (partly right) and
others including Takahashi, but they are mostly incomplete and let's
face it - the field is dying.

Your balloon analogy is helpful as well but much more is needed. The
theorists are mostly wrong because they have not given us a clue which
leads to a robust experiment to scientifically prove the effect.

Here is the best experiment, sad to say.

The intractable problem in cold fusion is that this "hero effort" - the
very best result to have occurred in 28 years was itself little more
than a yawner. People tend to forget that this result (almost 300 MJ of
gain) was statistically very close to a null result in total (as an
average) and it did not point the way to a useful device. The "Roulette"
paper covers seven simultaneous runs of which 5 failed completely. They
ran for a long time – up to 152 days… and the one with biggest net gain
(the hero effort) did not see any excess energy at all for the first 60
days! No wonder funding dried up.

Fig. 7 of that paper shows that the average gain of the effort at about
one watt (low average due to the failed runs).

So there you have it - the field of LENR is a dying angel... in need of
a tourniquet, as they say.

Kevin O'Malley wrote:

 > Anyways, at the time I did not have access to Chubb's theory but now
Jed has uploaded his Ion Band State Theory (IBST)  paper onto

RE: [Vo]:new thread --- apres Rossi era looming

2017-06-06 Thread

You are not alone.

Cynics love company.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:new thread --- apres Rossi era looming

Brian Ahern wrote:

 > After 28 years nobody has succeeded in generating 100 watts excess in
a repeatable process. In fact there is no qualified system that can
achieve 10 watts excess and a COP > 1.5

... and Bob Cook says I'm too cynical ...


2017-06-17 Thread
My first impression is that it was an interception of  a ICBM coming into the 
atmosphere from the left leaving a large ionization trail  by a rocket 
propelled missile leaving a vapor trail from the right.  The flash of light is 
an explosion.  Note the mass coming in from the left continued through the 
explosion leaving an addition (not so sharp) trail to the lower right of the 

The UFO in the upper left is a mysterious object.  I think the Google image is 
taken from a high flying airplane or a satellite?  So its hard to say whether 
the photo is looking  up   or down on the strange object.  The object appears 
to be an oblong object and the orange glow at one end may be the reflection of 
the explosion light.  If this is the case, the object would appear to be above 
the camera taking pictures.

Bob Cook

Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Any ideas?

In reply to  H LV's message of Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:31:05 -0400:
>I think it has something to do with way google street view stitches images

If you look carefully where a beam enters a cloud there is a darkening of the
cloud around the beam, and also some of the beam is visible through the edge of
the cloud. But perhaps not as much as I would expect from a real beam.

Furthermore, I have seen black rectangles in the middle of the ice in Greenland
before, where images don't quite line up properly, but never a funnel shaped
thing like this.

I though it might be a consequence of pushing the camera to it's limits, but
images taken at other places and other times are completely normal.


Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Any ideas?

2017-06-17 Thread

I tried to link up to both the addresses you provided and got images of Dec 
2014.  The link a couple days ago was dated 2008 FEB. I remember.  The older 
images were the ones I described as an explosion.

Can you send a new link that shows the strange phenomena/

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Any ideas?

In reply to  H LV's message of Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:31:05 -0400:

BTW, if you zoom out you will find this right where the previous shot was taken.,121.9802858,2280a,35y,35.77h,44.35t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x2c79c76b69f7224b:0x400f6382479c870!8m2!3d-18.7113202!4d121.9747422

One might wonder:-

What is the large circular region?
What is anyone doing growing a few acres of crops way out in the middle of the
Where do they get their water from?

If you zoom in on the "settlement", you will see a large polished horizontal
cylindrical object. I doubt this is a water or gas tank, but it could be.,121.9960692,298a,35y,35.77h,44.9t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x2c79c76b69f7224b:0x400f6382479c870!8m2!3d-18.7113202!4d121.9747422

Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-10 Thread

In reply to your message of  Fri, 9 Jun 2017 16:15:51

My suggestion about allowable locations for Bose particles reflects the 
Introduction below form
The following document noted by Axil:

‘Disorder, synchronization and phase locking in
non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates’

BY:  Paul R. Eastham, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland and
Bernd Rosenow University of Leipzig, 04009 Leipzig, Germany

It is twenty years  weakly-interacting ultracold gas. In other settings,
namely superconductivity (which we understand in terms of a Bose-Einstein
condensate of Cooper pairs), Bose-Einstein condensates have been available
in laboratories for over a century. Yet their behaviour is still startling.
Because the many particles of the condensate occupy the same quantum
state, collective properties become described by a macroscopic wavefunction,
with an interpretation parallel to that of the single-particle wavefunction
of Schrodinger's equation. Thus, many of the phenomena of single-particle
quantum mechanics appear as behaviours of the condensate.”

Bosenovas are uncontrolled  reactions of a BEC resulting in resulting in the 
release of EM radiation in  lieu of phonic energy IMHO.  A spectrum analysis of 
the Bosenova would tell much about the BEC coherent system allowable energy 

Bob Cook

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

In reply to's message of Fri, 9 Jun 2017 16:15:51
>To  add to Axil’s comments, it is my understanding that Bose particles (0 or 
>+/- integral intrinsic spin) can occupy the same energy states in  a coherent 
>system.  This implies that that it is possible for two particles to be at the 
>same location at the same time.

No, it doesn't.


Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-11 Thread
It’s the last sentence in the introduction that is pertinent.  It makes the 
point that the BEC
Can be described by a wave function as if it were a single particle.  The wave 
function would include spacial parameters relative to its charge center or with 
respect to its axis in a magnetic field.

You suggest that a coherent system state as described by a wave function does 
include a specification of probable . relative location of charge centers 
and/or magnetic dipole centers.  What  are the parameters of the system state 
that you believe the paper considers are pertinent?

Bob Cook
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

In reply to's message of Sat, 10 Jun 2017 22:47:12
>In reply to your message of  Fri, 9 Jun 2017 16:15:51
>My suggestion about allowable locations for Bose particles reflects the 
>Introduction below form
>The following document noted by Axil:
>‘Disorder, synchronization and phase locking in
>non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates’
>BY:  Paul R. Eastham, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland and
>Bernd Rosenow University of Leipzig, 04009 Leipzig, Germany
>It is twenty years  weakly-interacting ultracold gas. In other settings,
>namely superconductivity (which we understand in terms of a Bose-Einstein
>condensate of Cooper pairs), Bose-Einstein condensates have been available
>in laboratories for over a century. Yet their behaviour is still startling.
>Because the many particles of the condensate occupy the same quantum
>state, collective properties become described by a macroscopic wavefunction,
>with an interpretation parallel to that of the single-particle wavefunction
>of Schrodinger's equation
Note that he says "state", not "place"/"location".


Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-11 Thread
The mechanics of Bosenovas, which seem to entail a fast release of EM energy 
that exceeds the energy associated with single nuclear reactions suggests a 
larger system of reacting particles.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

 Axil Axil wrote:
The polariton is the exception to Jones' conjecture. The polariton is of boson 
not subject to the Pauli principle and can form a BEC at any temperature.

But the polariton is a quasi-particle, meaning "less than real" if not 

Nevertheless, the argument is alluring.

We need to see evidence that quasi-particles can undergo the same reactions 
that real particles undergo.

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-11 Thread
I believe wave functions specify a probability of a particle being at 
coordinates of a continuous special system function of continuous time.  I do 
not think that uncertainty principle comes into play in wave functions in a 
secondary manner.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature


A different and maybe clearer wording of what Robin is saying is that
the collective quantum "state" in a packed palladium matrix, which could
lead to an overlap of location if it were perfect, is never really
localized in 3 space, due to macro movement of earth in orbit around a
Sun in orbit around the Milky Way, etc. etc ...

And since the state itself of any two particles cannot have exactly zero
momentum (in the real world of a Universe in motion) in fact not even
close -  then the Heisenberg principle ALWAYS puts a lower limit on the
degree to which localized packing of particles can be densified when
they are composite bosons. And it is always far from perfect - usually
no different from high mechanical pressure.

If the bosons in question are composite bosons, such as deuterium in
LENR, and they have non-zero momentum due to rapidly changing position
in 3-space, and the "state" of each must the include the constituent
parts - which are moving relative to each other (Fermionic parts like
the electrons) and which are never in complete alignment due to macro
movement. The fermionic bits of each atom are then are REQUIRED to obey
the Pauli principle as if they were independent and not bosonic. If this
were not so, then a flawless diamond could occasionally disappear when
brought to near zero k.

Consequently, and despite the allure of an easy route to fusion, a BEC
can never really be condensed down to an extremely dense accumulation,
leading to easy fusion.

As a practical matter, composite bosons must be treated as fermions when
it comes to ultimate packing ratios. This is not the easy route which
proponents of LENR first imagined.

Jones wrote:
> In reply to's message:
> My suggestion about allowable locations for Bose particles reflects the 
> Introduction below form The following document noted by Axil:
> ‘Disorder, synchronization and phase locking in
> non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates’
> BY:  Paul R. Eastham, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland and
> Bernd Rosenow University of Leipzig, 04009 Leipzig, Germany
> It is twenty years  weakly-interacting ultracold gas. In other settings,
> namely superconductivity (which we understand in terms of a Bose-Einstein
> condensate of Cooper pairs), Bose-Einstein condensates have been available
> in laboratories for over a century. Yet their behaviour is still startling.
> Because the many particles of the condensate occupy the same quantum
> state, collective properties become described by a macroscopic wavefunction,
> with an interpretation parallel to that of the single-particle wavefunction
> of Schrodinger's equation
> [snip]
> Note that he says "state", not "place"/"location".
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-10 Thread


Your thought experiment IMHO clearly swapped potential energy of the 
gravitational system of earth mass and weight mass to an electrically coupled 
system of atoms in the spring as well as heating the water with added phonic 
energy in the form of increased linear kinetic energy of water molecules as 
well as an increase in the average of their spin energy in the form of angular 

It’s a good example of a macroscopic system changing potential energy into 
kinetic, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics and reflecting 
what happens in coherent systems involved in LENR.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: H LV
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 1:07 AM, H LV 
> wrote:
animation explaining Joule's apparatus and his calculations.


On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 11:43 PM, H LV 
> wrote:

Joule's apparatus used a spindle with paddles which was turned by a falling 
weight outside the calorimeter. The motion of the falling weight did not result 
in the generation of potential energy. It only resulted in the warming of the 
water inside calorimeter. However, if the falling of the weight were to wind up 
a spring in addition to turning of the paddle then the same energy input - in 
the form gravitational potential energy (i.e. the weight time the height 
through which the weight falls) would warm the water AND store energy in the 
spring. According to Joule the amount of heat generated is only a function of 
how far the weight falls. It is not a function of how quickly it falls, so even 
if the spring slows the descent of the weight the calorimeter will read the 
same rise in temperature with or without the spring attached.
This thought experiment demonstrates how two systems can have the same energy 
input and generate the same temperatures but one can store energy and the other 

What I said above is not correct. In my thought experiment where I add a spring 
to Joule's original experiment (described in the video link given above) the 
amount of heat generated will be reduced because the weight will fall more 
slowly as it has to overcome both the resistance of the water and the spring.  
What needs to be emphasized is that Joule's original experiment implicitly 
assumes that the water does not store energy because the the amount of heat 
generated is claimed to be only dependent on the height the weight falls. 
Another way of stating this assumption is that all the resistance experienced 
by the falling weight is converted into thermal energy and none of it is stored 


RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-09 Thread

To  add to Axil’s comments, it is my understanding that Bose particles (0 or 
+/- integral intrinsic spin) can occupy the same energy states in  a coherent 
system.  This implies that that it is possible for two particles to be at the 
same location at the same time.  For Bose particles with a magnetic 
moment—non-0 spin—a magnetic field will degenerate (reduce the possible 
locations and energy states) the coherent system “allows” for its constituent 

This may  make it more likely that the wave function of 2Bose particles over 
lap and promote a system reaction involving no immediate loss of energy, only a 
change in the coherent system’s configuration of constituent particles with 
greater kinetic energy and less potential energy tied up in force fields.

The new kinetic energy is spin angular momentum, exhibited as phonic energy 
(thermal energy) of the entire coherent system—the nickel lattice.

The nickel latticed is cooled by some mechanism or mechanisms.  IMHO Li  vapor 
and hydrogen gas or Cooper pairs of hydrogen are part of a convective cooling 
medium surrounding each nano- particle or clumps of particles.

The complex engineering of the coherent systems, the control system which 
changes the probability of a reaction, anti-clumping conditions, and the 
cooling system suggested by the above conceptual reactor design  is the reason 
why LENR+ has taken so long for folks with small budgets to succeed.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 9:54 AM
To: vortexallows for-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

A Bose condinsate brings super radiance and super absorption into play. These 
mechanisms produce concentration, storage,  and amplification of low level 
energy and goes as "N", the number of items in the condinsate.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Frank Znidarsic 
> wrote:
Why is a Bose Condensate needed?  Its a matter of size and energy.  The smaller 
the size of something we want to see the more energy it takes.  Using low 
energy radar you will never be able to read something as small as this text.  
You need to go to UV energies to study atoms.  Higher ionizing energies are 
needed to study the nuclear forces.  Really high energy accelerator energies 
are required to look at subatomic particles.

The common complaint physicists have with cold fusion is that the energy levels 
are to low to induce any type of nuclear reaction.  They never, however, 
considered the energy levels of a large hundreds of atoms wide condensed 
nano-particle.  Its energy levels are quite low.  Warm thermal vibrations 
appear to the nano particle as a high energy excitation.  This again is a 
matter of its size.  It's not cracks, or shrunken atoms at work.  It is the 
thermal excitation of a nano particle that yields the required energy.

Again the simulation induces a velocity of one million meters per second.

Frank Z

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-14 Thread
CD Sites—

I have for some time been of the mind that nuclear potential energy tied up in 
a lattice of coherent (entangled) particles is transfered to the lattice 
electrons in the form of spin orbital momentum—phonic energy during LENR.

In the Pd system with D at high loading a small BEC of D nuclei  could form and 
then fuse to He g iven the correct  conditions involving EM coupling to link 
neutron and proton magnetic moments with magnetic moments of the Pd lattice 
electrons.  In this regard I consider it takes a relatively strong local B 
field to accomplish the necessary coupling with the neutron and proton making 
up a D nucleus.

The BEC status of D’s within the lattice would allow their close approach 
during a reaction forming a He nucleus.  The potential energy released would 
not result in energetic particles or EM radiation, but only phonic (spin) 
energy spread across the entire lattice.

With proper resonant coupling and many BEC within a single lattice a larger, 
more energetic, reaction occurs releasing enough phonic energy to destroy the 
lattice or to create a bosenova.

The reactions suggested above seem to fit observations from Pd system LENR 
testing IMHO.

Bob Cook.

From: CB Sites
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 3:49 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

I'm kind of late on this, but would spin conservation do what Ed Storm asked?

"However, why would only a few hydrons fuse leaving just enough unreacted 
hydrons available to carry all the energy without it producing
energetic radiation? I would expect occasionally,many hydrons would fuse 
leaving too few unreacted hydrons so that the dissipated energy
would have to be very energetic and easily detected."

  If I remember, Steve and Talbot Chubbs had proposed that bose band states 
could distribute the energy over many nucleons
in the band state.  In a 1D kronig-penny model of a periodic potential, H and D 
form bands and their band energy levels are separated by a
0.2eV, which means when 20MeV is spread across the band, the spectrum would be 
20MeV / (n * 0.2eV) where n are the number of hyrons
making up the band.  That's just back of the envelope using a 2D kronig-penny 
period potential.  And all of that photon energy spread over
n-hydrons gets dumped right back into the lattice.  Similar in a sense to the 
Mossbauer effect.

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:

Superfluid polaritons seen at room temperature

the polaritons behave like a fluid that can flow without friction around 
obstacles, which were formed by using a laser to burn small holes in the 
organic material. This is interpreted by the researchers as being a signature 
of the superfluid behaviour.

there might be some sort of link between a superfluid and a Bose–Einstein 
condensate (BEC) – the latter being a state of matter in which all constituent 
particles have condensed into a single quantum state. He was proved right in 
1995 when superfluidity was observed in BECs made from ultracold atoms

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:
A Bose condinsate brings super radiance and super absorption into play. These 
mechanisms produce concentration, storage,  and amplification of low level 
energy and goes as "N", the number of items in the condinsate.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Frank Znidarsic 
> wrote:
Why is a Bose Condensate needed?  Its a matter of size and energy.  The smaller 
the size of something we want to see the more energy it takes.  Using low 
energy radar you will never be able to read something as small as this text.  
You need to go to UV energies to study atoms.  Higher ionizing energies are 
needed to study the nuclear forces.  Really high energy accelerator energies 
are required to look at subatomic particles.

The common complaint physicists have with cold fusion is that the energy levels 
are to low to induce any type of nuclear reaction.  They never, however, 
considered the energy levels of a large hundreds of atoms wide condensed 
nano-particle.  Its energy levels are quite low.  Warm thermal vibrations 
appear to the nano particle as a high energy excitation.  This again is a 
matter of its size.  It's not cracks, or shrunken atoms at work.  It is the 
thermal excitation of a nano particle that yields the required energy.

Again the simulation induces a velocity of one million meters per second.

Frank Z

RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-13 Thread

Thanks for that instructive review.

It seems that Storms was worried about a fast reaction of the BEC’s.

Ball lightening or Bosenovas may in fact be a reaction close to what Storms was 
worried about in the thread of 2013 you have found.  The following link 
addresses the possibility of bosenovas.

Various LENR researchers have witnessed what they report as bosenovas.

Bob Cook

RE: [Vo]:The Kerr effect

2017-05-05 Thread


Those references are quite instructive.

The idea of power transfer vectors as a coupling mechanism is a new concept for 
me,  I hope that this is being taught in undergraduate physics chemistry and EE 

The magnetic field and spin energy transfer all closely connected IMHO.   
Engineering coherent systems in the solid state  to allow the coupling to the 
nuclear part of the potential energy  of the system is the crux of achieving 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2017 10:04 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Kerr effect

The following reference actually shows the monopole magnetic field produce by 
the polariton. If you cannot understand that picture, I cannot do more.

The Ni/H reactor produces the same effect using polariton vortexes that form on 
the surface of  nickel micro particles and in clusters of lithium hydride 
nanoparticles. There is also the condensation of these polariton solitons that 
provide super-radiance as another powerful amplification mechanism.

see figure 2 for a picture of the monopole magnetic beam

Half-solitons in a polariton quantum fluid behave like magnetic monopoles

Nanoparticles produce Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) which are the optical 
cavities that produce that magnetic fields that result in meson emission. Sorry 
if the line of connections is long, Here is how nanoparticles produce EMF 
amplification of light.

Plasmonics with a twist: taming optical tornadoes on the nanoscale

Nanoplasmonics provide many types of EMF amplification mechanisms. One of the 
more difficult mechanisms to understand is how a pile of nano and micro 
particles greatly amplify EMF. The reference provided in this post shows how 
the topology in the way particles aggregate explain how EMF is concentrated 
through vortex formation. The reference defines an analogy between a vortex and 
a gear. Like a funnel, a large particle gathers the energy from a wave of EMF 
far larger than its diameter, In the case of the Rossi system, this type 
particle is the 5 micron nickel particle.

This large particle produces a relatively huge vortex. Other particles of 
various sizes accumulate around the nickel particle. Each of these particles 
produce a vortex proportional to the size of the particle. These vortexes fit 
together like gears where the large vortex provides a large amount of power, 
and the other smaller vortexes provide a gear train that speeds up the rotation 
rate of the smaller gears down the train.

Finally, the smallest vortexes associated with hydrogen crystals, spin at high 
rates of speed providing large EMF power amplification.
The take away is that a large spread of particles sizes produced within an 
aggregation of particles generates the most powerful EMF amplification effects. 
This fact explaines why the “secret sauce” effect provides such a large EMF 
power amplification result. These alkali metal hydrides supply the 
intermediatly sized gears that allows the large nickel gears to transfer their 
vast store of energy with little loss to the smallest hydrogen based gears down 
a smoothly running vortex power transmission chain.
I venture to say that there is randomness associated with this particle 
aggregation process that enables a sort of  natural selection where the most  
effective dust pile configurations provide the most EMF amplification. When 
there are an abundance of particles, the chances are good that some of these 
piles will be LENR capable. That is to say, when there are a large number of 
particles, the chances are good that some of their aggregates will produce EMF 
amplication great enough to catalyze nuclear effects.

There is also a certain lifetime associated with particle formation. Particle 
piles are constantly falling apart. These particle aggregates must be 
constantly rebuilt to maintain a sustained reaction rate.

The SunCell is an example of dusty plasma based LENR where silver vapor 
condenses into nanoparticles that produce the LERN reaction.

RE: [Vo]:Great quote from Benjamin Franklin

2017-05-31 Thread

I hope you are right about no muon radiation, but I would check LENR devices 
for muon releases and not rely on your authority.

A good basis for engineers is to assume the devil is in the details; and LENR 
has many details, most os which are not well understood, is understood at all.

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 11:29 AM
To: Vortex
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Great quote from Benjamin Franklin

Axil Axil > wrote:

A good engineer will imagine a billion ways in which an invention will fail so 
that invention is built to avoid all those failure modes.
It is not possible to avoid a billion failure modes, or even 100. A product 
designed to avoid too many modes will not work. It will have so many layers of 
protection they will interfere with one another. Early designs for many 
products suffer from this problem. For example, a railroad locomotive design on 
paper (that was never built) had spikes in the wheels, and holes in the rails, 
to prevent slipping. This would never have worked in the real world.

You have to discover first whether a failure is possible, or plausible. If it 
is not, a design to avoid that problem will itself be cause problems, interfere 
with other functions, and add unnessary cost and complexity. For example, 
suppose you imagine that cold fusion causes intense muon radiation. You might 
take steps to avoid damage from this. These steps will cost money, and they may 
interfere with the operation of the machine or cause a safety problem. It is a 
fact easily established that cold fusion does not cause muon radiation. This is 
an imaginary problem. So there is no need for protection against it. Adding 
unnessary protection and unwanted features to a product does not make it 
better. Keep doing this and the product becomes unusable, and even dangerous.

- Jed

FW: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature

2017-06-05 Thread

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature


You are too cynical IMHO.  LENR is a tough engineering problem.  LENR+ is much 
tougher.   The Nautilus did not break ice at the North Pole on a shoestring 
budget .  The modern Navy has had a long time to work on LENR+ with more than a 
shoestring budget.  Chubb was part of the Navy for a long time.

I think the difficult engineering is pretty well done, although not yet 
available to your dying group of researchers,  which  are more and more in 
number from my perspective. .

The Pd-D system is a red herring IMHO, a bit of a distraction.  The 
Establishment with its energy model is doing its best to poo-poo the LENR+ Ni 
alloy,  nano fuel systems.

I too will become cynical, if the Establishment is successful.

I hope that globalism with its multinational corporations and global energy 
Establishment will succumb to a new  nationalism with a competitive driver that 
thumbs its nose at the multinational corporate elite with their focus on 
generation of wealth with diminaimus trickle-down to the populous.

An interesting essay regarding this potential situation can be found at the 
following link:

The New Class War - American Affairs 

Bob Cook

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature


Storm's theory is partly right, but mostly lacking - and he has had
little new to add this century... as is that of Chubb (partly right) and
others including Takahashi, but they are mostly incomplete and let's
face it - the field is dying.

Your balloon analogy is helpful as well but much more is needed. The
theorists are mostly wrong because they have not given us a clue which
leads to a robust experiment to scientifically prove the effect.

Here is the best experiment, sad to say.

The intractable problem in cold fusion is that this "hero effort" - the
very best result to have occurred in 28 years was itself little more
than a yawner. People tend to forget that this result (almost 300 MJ of
gain) was statistically very close to a null result in total (as an
average) and it did not point the way to a useful device. The "Roulette"
paper covers seven simultaneous runs of which 5 failed completely. They
ran for a long time – up to 152 days… and the one with biggest net gain
(the hero effort) did not see any excess energy at all for the first 60
days! No wonder funding dried up.

Fig. 7 of that paper shows that the average gain of the effort at about
one watt (low average due to the failed runs).

So there you have it - the field of LENR is a dying angel... in need of
a tourniquet, as they say.

Kevin O'Malley wrote:

 > Anyways, at the time I did not have access to Chubb's theory but now
Jed has uploaded his Ion Band State Theory (IBST)  paper onto

RE: [Vo]:Info about the fuel me356 uses in his reactor.

2017-09-16 Thread

See what can be done at the nano-scale to evaluate electric and magnetic field 

Bob Cook

From: Stephen Cooke
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2017 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Info about the fuel me356 uses in his reactor.

Hi Bob, Axil, Nick etc

Over on ECW Me356 made a very interesting reply to me that I think you might 
find interesting.

I was asking about the materials in first pictures he sent but his reply gives 
some interesting details:

Interestingly he says that brighter components are from heavier atoms and even 
more interestingly that heavier are at the end of those tracks and lighter 
atoms at the beginning.

I also had some thoughts about what might cause this, I'm quite curious what 
you think.

Just some thoughts going through my mind right now:

I wonder if those tracks compositions are arranged like that due to some kind 
of sorting of elrements in an electric or magnetic field or if they are due to 
some kind of transmutation.

If it is sorting it is strange they form tracks and that the light elements are 
at the beginning and  heavier elements are at the end of the tracks I would 
expect the heavier ones to be deposited first. Although I suppose the degree of 
ionization would also play some role. On the other hand the tracks seem aligned 
to some degree which might imply some kind of field I suppose.

If it's transmutations that's really amazing but I suppose it could be found if 
unusual elements or isotopes are present.

I wonder if there is some kind of transmuting agent along The lines Axil 
suggests or Bobs charge clusters or Some kind of dense Hydrogen if it is 
initially traveling at speed then slowing down if it would have stronger 
transmutation affects locally at slower speeds hence leading to heavier atoms 
towards the end of the tracks.

One strange thing I noticed is that it seems that the apparent branching in 
those patterned tracks are very often at close to 90 degrees even the smaller 
patterns seem to show this effect. It almost seems to me they need to be 
orthogonal. Could this tell us about something about the physical process... is 
it implying spinning particles or something that need to be orthogonal to not 
interfere with each other or some other vector property that has to be 
orthogonal ? Or could it be an artifact of stresses in the carbon tape.

I wonder if he was also able to look at the composition of the spikes in the 
later picture. Its interesting he attached them in reply to Axil after Axil was 
talking about UDH but would such material show up in these images. On the other 
hand can Nickel crystals form sharp spikes like this? very curious.i would live 
to see their composition. At least if conductive I wonder if the affect the EM 
environment strongly especially in a glow discharge.

Nick's images of marks on wood look intriguing to me too it's a good approach I 
think to look for analogues.

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Sep 2017, at 04:50, Bob Higgins 
> wrote:
The photos of ME356's fuel are fascinating.  I don't know what to make of the 
fractal growth on the carbon sticky tape.  I would love to see an EDS of the 
fractal growth.  Ni crystals do tend to grow when there is sufficient heat and 
in the absence of oxygen, but the Ni crystals are normally spiky spears (as is 
seen in some of the photos).  I can't believe that the fractal growth is 
metallic hydrogen - just too far fetched Axil.
I can speculate about what ME356 does to prepare his fuel.  Here are a few 

  *   The fuel is Ni or Ni alloy wire wound into a coil shape that will fit 
into a reactor tube.

  *   From what we have seen, it doesn't seem like ME356's reactor runs a 
current through this coil - it is possible, but it is risks short term burnout 
limiting the life of the reactor.  My guess is that it is just a coiled up wire 
fuel inside of a fused silica or ceramic tube that contains the fuel coil and 
H2 gas.

  *   ME356 talks of pre-treating his fuel.  He says that the longer he 
pre-treats the fuel the more active it is in producing LENR.  I think the 
pre-treatment consists of putting the Ni coil inside a vacuum chamber, that has 
been evacuated to less than 1 micron.  The wire is heated and cooled until it 
stops outgassing.  Then the chamber is filled with about 10 torr of H2, the 
wire is heated, and the wire or an adjacent Ni electrode is driven with RF at 
one of the ISM band frequencies.  This will provide some sputter-like 
activation of the surface.

  *   After the hot sputter processing, take the coil out and put it into the 

RE: [Vo]:Fission of heavy nuclei under assymetric electron screening?

2017-09-18 Thread
IMHO strong magnetic fields varying at a given resonant   frequency  (like in a 
laser or gaser) have a good chance of causing a metastable isomer that  
fissions—gives up potential energy to kinetic energy of two or more new 
particles which may be unstable themselves.

This method of radioactive waste management is one of 7 or8 options listed in 
the DOE’s EIS for high level waste management at Hanford, issued in the late 
1970’s.  It was considered impractical since there was no open (not dark) 
laser/gaser technology available to produce the resonant magnetic/electric 
fields of sufficient intensity to penetrate the atomic electronic structure.

Bob Cook

From: Eric Walker
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fission of heavy nuclei under assymetric electron screening?

Hi Robin,

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:34 AM, 
> wrote:

In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Sun, 17 Sep 2017 19:10:22 -0500:
Hi Eric,

While the concept is interesting, consider that it won't deliver excess energy
unless the original isotope is already radioactive. If it is, then you may have
a way of shortening the half life. How are you contemplating going about it?
(Plenty of radioactive substances around that many people would be only to happy
to pay you to take away. ;)

The hope was that if the idea had merit in the case of heavy nuclei that decay 
by spontaneous fission, it might also be applicable to heavy nuclei that are 
normally stable.  One thought about how to trigger the process: a strong 
magnetic field will shift the electron orbitals in a preferred direction; 
perhaps this will in turn set up a gradient of electron density along the 
preferred direction.


RE: [Vo]:Grand theory of Philippe Hatt

2017-10-06 Thread
Nigel and Jones—

IMHO Hatt’s theory of the nature of particles with mass and electrical/magnetic 
properties is correct.  His predictions are consistent with existing 
experimental evidence and go way beyond the accuracy of existing measurement 
technology to be confirmed as this technology improves.

The theory of  A.C.  Jessup is quite close to Hatt’s massification model .   
These two free thinkers may be considered by the Nobel folks henceforth as 
Jones suggests.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2017 7:37 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:Grand theory of Philippe Hatt

This theory will not appeal to everyone but it has attractive features which 
“tend to grow on you”. Thumbs up from me.

The author (like Peter Gluck and Cervantes) is quite fond of, and skilled at 
neology – making-up new English words – which some find annoying.

The author (like Einstein) finds that the precision and simplicity of the basic 
Universal dynamic (massification/demassification) points to a kind of superior 
intelligence – which some find annoying

Not me, in fact with a little editing this could be made into grand  literature 
- of some arcane but enjoyable genre… “beyond hard sci-fi” or… it could win the 
Nobel if correct. Take your pick.

Apparently this thinking is not new, and others have already borrowed heavily 
from it. It was presented at Sochi recently, mainly for Russians, but the 
author’s name was misspelled. Not that anyone noticed…

RE: [Vo]:Grand theory of Philippe Hatt

2017-10-06 Thread

Stubbs has a good paper in Infinite Energy about a year ago that presented high 
energy electron testing in your neck of the woods that was consistent with 
Hatt’s theory, particularly the presence of muons in the structure of protons 
and neutrons.

Hatt’s predictions of the mass and electrical/magnetic properties of muons (all 
three types) are accurate.

Stubbs and Hatt are in contact with each other as far as I know.

The standard theory involving the idea of quarks is merely a good empirical 
correlation that has come out of high energy physics experiments.  The 
fractional spin and charge associated with the “quark zoo” of imaginary 
(virtual) particles IMHO belies the empirical nature of the standard model.

Planck would take issue with the idea that spin quanta can be divvied up in 
fractional quanta less than h/2pie units.

I tend to consider that electrons and positrons are real  primary particles 
which carry a unit quanta of charge and spin, not fractional units of the 
respective charge and angular momentum units.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene
Sent: Friday, October 6, 2017 7:13 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Grand theory of Philippe Hatt

>From the strange coincidences department:

I was going to recommend another interesting GUT-type of theory (that of 
William L Stubbs) where simple logic takes the place of complex mathematics… 
and lo and behold, most of the former links have gone cold, but in this one … 
it looks like Hatt beat me to it by a couple of years

Does this mean a lepton basis for mass was once a “hatt topic”?

Between Stubbs and Hatt, there could something being missed by the mainstream - 

It is possibly no accident that CERN has pretty much unknowingly validated 
Stubbs muon cross-identity:

(which is a simulation, giving them plenty of wiggle room)

From: Nigel Dyer

As you already know, I find this sort of work fascinating.  The hope is that 
looking at the data in a different way might result in seeing some connection 
that has been missed when we just look at the standard model and which might in 
turn inform our understanding of the standard model..

What is intriguing is how little quarks figure in the document, the only bit 
being when Phillip looks at the three generations of quarks.  The basis for the 
three generations of matter is particularly poorly understood, so if this 
approach provides an insight then that would be useful.   On an initial skim 
through I have not spotted any obvious leads


JonesBeene wrote:

This theory will not appeal to everyone but it has attractive features which 
“tend to grow on you”. Thumbs up from me.

The author (like Peter Gluck and Cervantes) is quite fond of, and skilled at 
neology – making-up new English words – which some find annoying.

The author (like Einstein) finds that the precision and simplicity of the basic 
Universal dynamic (massification/demassification) points to a kind of superior 
intelligence – which some find annoying

Not me, in fact with a little editing this could be made into grand  literature 
- of some arcane but enjoyable genre… “beyond hard sci-fi” or… it could win the 
Nobel if correct. Take your pick.

Apparently this thinking is not new, and others have already borrowed heavily 
from it. It was presented at Sochi recently, mainly for Russians, but the 
author’s name was misspelled. Not that anyone noticed…

RE: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece That Explains How The EM Drive Works

2017-10-09 Thread

Does the DH EPO theory entail a propagation velocity within the aether  for an 
energy field to your knowledge?

I recall some gravity shield  projection experiments which propagated at rate 
greater than c, light speed in a vacuum.

Bob Cook
From: Russ George
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2017 12:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works

Yes the paper does help. I like the pilot wave convention as surely something 
of that sort is required to explain the cold fusion process which I have been 
working on for so many years. It takes some doing to convert deuterium to 4He 
and even 3He but that surely is irrefutable.

It is curious that the EM drive which is so far ‘outside of the box’ of 
classical physics seems to be close to ‘cold fusion’ I presume we have simply 
expanded the ‘box’ and are thus able to see the relationships.

Thanks for the paper. I am eagerly awaiting some super cooled EM drive data.


From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 7:37 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works


Does this paper help?

On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:32 AM, Russ George 
> wrote:
Alas once again the world of vulture science has placed this seemingly 
interesting paper behind a paywall. We need a grand inquisitor to take on the 
world of science again but this time to apply the screws to those in science 
who put knowledge behind paywalls. The world cannot afford nor should it 
tolerate this sort of perverse capitalism. Science trolls greedily guarding the 
bridges to knowledge need to be eliminated.

From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 8:23 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works

What the pilot wave theory applied to the EM drive does not explicitly say is 
that a coherent wave pattern acts like a large particle. The Em drive becomes a 
large particle. It goes to reason if the EM drive where made coherent then the 
EM drive would be very much more powerful because the coherent resonant pilot 
wave would coherently coupled with the EM drive making everything a single 
giant particle.  A superconductive EM drive would do that.

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 9:55 PM, Jack Cole 
> wrote:
This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece That Explains How The EM 
Drive Works

RE: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece That Explains How The EM Drive Works

2017-10-09 Thread

A test of the theory out of Lisbon University  would be a simple reshaping of 
the EM Drive casing to a trumpet like shape with different nodes of null energy 
density.  One should see differential thrusts as predicted.  (No need for super 
cooling.)  It should take a day or so to fabricate a modified thruster casing.

NASA has already probably done such testing in their dark laboratory.

Elon’s Mars excursion design group should take notice, if they have not already 
done so.

Bob Cook

From: Russ George
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2017 12:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works

Yes the paper does help. I like the pilot wave convention as surely something 
of that sort is required to explain the cold fusion process which I have been 
working on for so many years. It takes some doing to convert deuterium to 4He 
and even 3He but that surely is irrefutable.

It is curious that the EM drive which is so far ‘outside of the box’ of 
classical physics seems to be close to ‘cold fusion’ I presume we have simply 
expanded the ‘box’ and are thus able to see the relationships.

Thanks for the paper. I am eagerly awaiting some super cooled EM drive data.


From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 7:37 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works


Does this paper help?

On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:32 AM, Russ George 
> wrote:
Alas once again the world of vulture science has placed this seemingly 
interesting paper behind a paywall. We need a grand inquisitor to take on the 
world of science again but this time to apply the screws to those in science 
who put knowledge behind paywalls. The world cannot afford nor should it 
tolerate this sort of perverse capitalism. Science trolls greedily guarding the 
bridges to knowledge need to be eliminated.

From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 8:23 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works

What the pilot wave theory applied to the EM drive does not explicitly say is 
that a coherent wave pattern acts like a large particle. The Em drive becomes a 
large particle. It goes to reason if the EM drive where made coherent then the 
EM drive would be very much more powerful because the coherent resonant pilot 
wave would coherently coupled with the EM drive making everything a single 
giant particle.  A superconductive EM drive would do that.

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 9:55 PM, Jack Cole 
> wrote:
This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece That Explains How The EM 
Drive Works

RE: [Vo]:Savannah, GA evacuated/IH help needed

2017-09-08 Thread
Those folks in Ga subject to Irma flooding should reach out to IH and their 
largesse  for help to  keep their heads above water—that’s  before IH goes 

Per the Rossi/Darden  trial statements  (see the recent  E-Cat World 
item from ABD) IH got $50M for 4% of newly issued stock.  Reading the opening 
statements containing the projection the facts of discovery and future 
testimony by the various presenters, I concluded Darden and Vaughan got cold 
feet and decided to settle the case without further losses.

However, IMHO much of that  $50M has been spent in legal fees, settlement costs 
and funding for old-time LENR experts and IH supportive  public voices.

It would be interesting to see IH’s  current balance sheet.

It remains to be seem whether any government or other persons or corporate 
interests have the wherewithal to put the Rossi effect on a dark pantry shelf.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Terry Blanton
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Savannah, GA evacuated

I think Deal is making a wise decision.  Current projections show Irma 
remaining a Cat. 3 with a potential storm surge for the GA coast of 18-23 ft:

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
News item:

"Mandatory evacuation order issued for parts of Georgia

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal just ordered a mandatory evacuation for the area 
east of I-95 in Georgia. This includes the city of Savannah.

In addition, Deal ordered mandatory evacuations for Chatham County, and some 
other low-lying areas."

This seems like an over-reaction to me. Evacuating Miami, FL I can see. By the 
time the storm reaches Savannah, I expect it will be reduced in force.

Offshore islands in the Carolinas are being evacuated. I see the need for that. 
Those places seem like they are 6' above sea level.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]: f13C or faux13C

2017-09-05 Thread

The magnetic resonance states of the fC13 would be easy to test for and should 
say much about the nature of the entity, if it exists.   An unpaired electron 
in a 1p H(0) would certainly have a unique signature IMHO.  The key would be to 
get enough to test.

Bob Cook

From: Bob Higgins
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2017 9:25 AM
Subject: [Vo]: f13C or faux13C

As I understand it, there are two hydrino-like transitions that could occur, 
perhaps on a 12C atom.  Suppose that the 12C is subject to catalytic hydrino 
formation wherein one of its electron enters a (1/p) state.  Such an electron 
would enter an orbital around the nucleus that is smaller than the s orbital 
and would screen one of the protons from the remainder of the electrons.  This 
would cause it chemical and spectral properties to appear as 12B instead of 
12C.  This would be a very unusual find because real 12B decays with a 
half-life of 20ms and should not be seen in the experiment.  Finding a stable 
signature of 12B would be a likely indicator of formation of the hydrino state 
of 12C.
Now consider that a hydrino hydride ion, described by Mills as H-(1/p) could 
enter a hydrogen nucleus and bind so tightly as to become an innermost orbital 
below the s orbital.  A similar thing would happen in that this tightly bound 
negative charge would screen a proton as far as the remainder of the 12C 
electrons are concerned - it would have a mass of 13, but would chemically and 
spectrally appear as 13B, not 13C.  13B has the same uniqueness in discovery as 
the 12B - because real 13B has a half-life of only 17ms and hence should not be 
found in the experiment.  It would only be determined to be 13C accidentally if 
there were no spectra taken - I.E. in a high resolution mass spectrometer test 
only.  This aspect is certainly not out of the question, as 13B would not be 
anticipated to be found because real 13B would quickly decay most of the time 
to 13C anyway.  If they were to test for the x-ray spectra of B, perhaps the 
hydrino hydride of 12C could be detected.

Note, however, that 13C is stable and is about 1% of natural C.  It is not used 
for dating.  Interestingly, the natural variation of 13C is nearly +/-1%.  
Could the hydrino hydride of 12C cause a measurement uncertainty in the 
isotopic ratio of 13C/12C?

I estimate that hydrino states would be as stable in atoms with multiple 
electrons as they are with hydrogen having a single electron.  The reason is 
that the additional electrons of, say a 12C, provide a possible means of 
evanescent coupling to the innermost (hydrino) electron and provides some 
opportunity to transfer energy without photon transfer and relieve the hydrino 

On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 9:44 AM, JonesBeene 
> wrote:
Here is a detail which came up earlier – the embedded proton concept works best 
in the context of the Mills’ “hydrino hydride” where the proton and two very 
tight electrons combine into a stable ion which replaces carbon’s innermost 
orbital electron. The innermost orbital of carbon would need to have a binding 
strength which is resonant with dense hydrogen in order to do this so Rydberg 
values come into play.

Holmlid, Mills, Miley, Mayer, Meulenberg and others who have written on the 
subject of dense hydrogen have different thinking on the details. They could 
all be partly correct with Mills being the most accurate for this detail (but 
he does not mention 13C).

The innermost carbon electron is bound at slightly less than 490 eV which is 
exactly the 18th Rydberg multiple… yet it is not clear how significant that 
detail is in the context of coal formation.


In prior thread, the premise was suggested that there are two different species 
(allotropes) of carbon which are being called carbon-13. One of the two species 
is the normal isotope with 7 neutrons, but the second is carbon-12 with a 
deeply embedded proton of UDH (the ultra-dense hydrogen) of Holmlid.

This result has happened with some types of carbon during the 100 million year 
formation process of decay from ancient vegetation under pressure in coal beds, 
especially anthracite and mineral graphite. This type of coal is often used to 
manufacture the kinds of graphite where physical anomalies have been witnessed.

Here is another piece of evidence which points to a thermal anomaly with carbon 
which could be explained with this hypothesis. (Thanks to Can for the link)

The Replication of an Experiment Which Produced Anomalous Excess 
More on those details later…

RE: [Vo]:RE: f13C or faux13C

2017-09-05 Thread

Keep in mind that Bose particles are those with 0 or integer intrinsic spin , 
either + or -.   I think the theory for BEC allows for existence of a 
condensate of particles with different integer spin states.  Kim’s theory for 
LENR addresses such  a BEC I believe.

The collapse of a BEC which part of an entangled system—a metal lattice for 
example—may allow transfer of the potential energy of the BEC to the lattice 
phonic (kinetic-energy)  while conserving angular momentum.

Bob Cook
From: Axil Axil

Sent: Monday, September 4, 2017 9:39 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:RE: f13C or faux13C


therefore decisive

should read

therefore destructive

On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Axil Axil 
> wrote:
C12 is a boson and as such is LENR capable. C13 is a fermion and therefore 
decisive to the formation of a bose condensate of atoms. It is reasonable to 
expect that C12 will aid in the production of ultra dense hydrogen.

The same boson characteristic will support the use of lithium that has been 
enriched Li6 over the fermion Li7. All elements used to produce the LENR 
reaction should be a boson which includes hydrogen.

Hydrogen with non-zero spin will not participate in the LENR reaction whereas 
cooper pairs of protons will. Expect LENR reactions centered on pairs of 
protons with zero spin.

Also, as the LERN reaction matures and more NMR active isotopes accumulate, the 
LENR reactor will put out increasing levels or rf radiation derived from the 
nuclear vibrations of the NMR isotope.

This NMR thinking also applies to the nature of the various isotopes of 

Molecular hydrogen occurs in two isomeric forms, one with its two proton spins 
aligned parallel (orthohydrogen), the other with its two proton spins aligned 
antiparallel (parahydrogen). At room temperature and thermal equilibrium, 
hydrogen consists of approximately 75% orthohydrogen and 25%  parahydrogen.

Orthohydrogen hydrogen has non zero spin, this is bad for Ni/H LENR because the 
non zero spin wastes magnetic energy by producing RF radiation.Parahydrogen 
hydrogen has zero spin. This is good for Ni/H LENR because this type of 
hydrogen is magnetically inactive.

This is a way to increase parahydrogen hydrogen by using a noble metal catalyst.


Catalytic process for ortho-para hydrogen conversion

On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 11:44 AM, JonesBeene 
> wrote:
Here is a detail which came up earlier – the embedded proton concept works best 
in the context of the Mills’ “hydrino hydride” where the proton and two very 
tight electrons combine into a stable ion which replaces carbon’s innermost 
orbital electron. The innermost orbital of carbon would need to have a binding 
strength which is resonant with dense hydrogen in order to do this so Rydberg 
values come into play.

Holmlid, Mills, Miley, Mayer, Meulenberg and others who have written on the 
subject of dense hydrogen have different thinking on the details. They could 
all be partly correct with Mills being the most accurate for this detail (but 
he does not mention 13C).

The innermost carbon electron is bound at slightly less than 490 eV which is 
exactly the 18th Rydberg multiple… yet it is not clear how significant that 
detail is in the context of coal formation.


In prior thread, the premise was suggested that there are two different species 
(allotropes) of carbon which are being called carbon-13. One of the two species 
is the normal isotope with 7 neutrons, but the second is carbon-12 with a 
deeply embedded proton of UDH (the ultra-dense hydrogen) of Holmlid.

This result has happened with some types of carbon during the 100 million year 
formation process of decay from ancient vegetation under pressure in coal beds, 
especially anthracite and mineral graphite. This type of coal is often used to 
manufacture the kinds of graphite where physical anomalies have been witnessed.

Here is another piece of evidence which points to a thermal anomaly with carbon 
which could be explained with this hypothesis. (Thanks to Can for the link)

The Replication of an Experiment Which Produced Anomalous Excess 
More on those details later…

RE: [Vo]:A preliminary look at Mizuno's air flow calorimetry spreadsheets

2017-09-06 Thread
Unfortunately, Mizuno’s spread sheets regarding calorimetry inform next to 
nothing about the science of LENR.  (DARK SCIENCE IS THE IN THING AROUND THE 

MFMP is the only light on the scene. and that light .  Even the Swedish folks 
seem to have slipped into the darkness with their advocacy of open science.   
So  much for Nobel: He’s turning in his grave.

The Indian, Japanese  and/or Chinese  dark LENR R may be the real competition 
for Rossi, given their need for alternate safe energy sources that cannot 
produce a Fukushima  type disaster.

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2017 11:53 AM
To: Vortex
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A preliminary look at Mizuno's air flow calorimetry 

I now have the entire 9 hours of the 120 W calibration. I have uploaded the 
spreadsheet here:

I uploaded a graph from the Excel version here:

The graphs in the Google spreadsheet seemed to survive the transition better 
than last time, so I left them in the Google sheet, but the Excel graph looks 

Here is the main thing. in the calibration (just uploaded) the Delta T 
temperature goes to 4.5°C and it stays there, stable. When the power is turned 
off, it falls rapidly back to zero, straight down. Under what appears to be 
identical calorimetry, with the same input power, the excess heat Delta T goes 
up to 7.5°C, and then when the power is cut, it takes longer to reach zero.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:A preliminary look at Mizuno's air flow calorimetry spreadsheets

2017-09-07 Thread

You noted: “Come to think of it, I do not recall that he has any instruments to 
do this. So I suggest you replicate the experiment and do this yourself.”

Thanks for the nice suggestion.  I did my first experiments with a spectrometer 
in 1958, but do not have the facility to do such testing anymore..

MFMP is In a good position to do the Mizuno replication with a spectrometer.  
The fuel preparation seems to be key.  I would help fund a good EM  spectrum 
analyzer for MFM,P if they do not already have access to one.

I am surprised you have not suggested this to Mizuno, given your involvement in 
the Mizuno’s efforts over the years.

There must be hundreds of such analyzers in Japan.  ‘

I have  written a request for information from a researcher knowledgeable in 
the field of emission spectroscopy for a suggestion about instruments useful 
for evaulating the energy source of  the dusty plasma heating   described in 
the Mizuno report.

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell<>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 6:43 AM
To: Vortex<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A preliminary look at Mizuno's air flow calorimetry 

I wrote:<> 
<<>> wrote:

Jed noted: “”Mizuno is being 100% open! What more do you want from him?


The EM energy spectrum he saw through his reactor’s window! And any other data 
regarding the LENR process.
he knows about.

Have you asked him for this?

Come to think of it, I do not recall that he has any instruments to do this. So 
I suggest you replicate the experiment and do this yourself.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:A preliminary look at Mizuno's air flow calorimetry spreadsheets

2017-09-06 Thread
Jed noted: “”Mizuno is being 100% open! What more do you want from him?


The EM energy spectrum he saw through his reactor’s window! And any other data 
regarding the LENR process.
he knows about.

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell<>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 6:24 PM
To: Vortex<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A preliminary look at Mizuno's air flow calorimetry 
<<>> wrote:

Unfortunately, Mizuno’s spread sheets regarding calorimetry inform next to 
nothing about the science of LENR.  (DARK SCIENCE IS THE IN THING AROUND THE 

What does that mean? The spreadsheets are the raw data, and they show how he 
processes it. You can analyze them and decide for yourself whether he is doing 
it correctly. If he is, there is anomalous excess heat.

What else can you expect from these spreadsheets? What more information could 
they provide?

When I say these spreadsheets are the raw data, I mean that his Hewlett Packard 
data logger records data directly into them, except it is an older format. You 
are looking at the raw numbers. There is no other data and nothing more 

MFMP is the only light on the scene. and that light .

They have not seen any excess heat. They have made no contribution, and their 
results are of no interest to anyone. They have made a brave effort and worked 
hard, and I admire them, but they have not achieved anything.

  Even the Swedish folks seem to have slipped into the darkness with their 
advocacy of open science.

Mizuno is being 100% open! What more do you want from him?

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:This work could be supportive of Holmlid

2017-09-29 Thread

You mentioned the effect of salt in the cavitation tests.
Could you identify the source.

Bob Cook
From: JonesBeene
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 7:31 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:This work could be supportive of Holmlid

“New evidence for small drops of quark-gluon plasma?”

Date: September 18, 2017  Source: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Summary: Particles emerging from even the lowest energy collisions of deuterons
with heavy nuclei at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider exhibit the formation 
of a
soup of quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks of visible matter.

First, the deuterons are called “lowest energy” but are still relativistic and 
very fast – but
the fact that they see these results at all (as does Holmlid) at the lowest 
input they have
could be indicative of a “back-door” route to thermal gain, not involving 
fusion and 50-100
times more energetic than fusing deuterons to helium..

The point being that the annihilation of hydrogen is more easily achievable 
than realized.
Possibly the annihilation event is achieved with a laser and dense hydrogen in 
a two-step process.

This is the most important message and meaning of Holmlid’s oeuvre.

OTOH, this is also the time when Labs are looking for the last bit of stray 

RE: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form ofLENR?

2017-09-29 Thread

I do not know of the Mayer person you mention?

I guess he could be part of the hot fusion bunch, however—lots of scam artists 

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Che
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form 

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:48 AM, Brian Ahern 
> wrote:

If you believe in MiB, then it is axiomatic that you believe in UFO 
conspiracies as well.

Unfortunately this leaves you blind to scams by experts Rossi, Papp, Mills and 

What a stupid thing to assert. NOT 'axiomatic'. Actually a NON SEQUITUR.

So who's blind here, eh?

From: Che >
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form 

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Brian Ahern 
> wrote:
> LeClair hides behind the conspiracy curtain. "He can't do any demos or the 
> Men in Black will get him."

Whatever the truth of anything else being claimed here on this eList -- the 
so-called 'MiB' are very, VERY, *VERY* real. Forget Hollywood.

People who predictably scoff at the very real threat posed to regime opponents 
of all kinds, are themselves not to be taken seriously, hear..? Such as 
yourself clearly do not understand how REAL power is used in this World. 'OU' 
researchers are obviously (to non-fools) MOST definitely 'of interest' to 
Status Quo 'Concerns': who want to KEEP things that way... (Got it?) 
Regardless. Ruthlessly and MOST criminally, if necessary. VERY 'Mafia'... and 
today, **most clearly right up to the oligarchic U.S. President himself** (Gawd 
help us...). Take a GOOD look at that publicity-seeking buffoon: because 
_behind_ him are similar others who *avoid* the limelight he seeks. And for 
good reason. THEY wield this awful power over us, which frightens so many.

So we should be kinder to these people; and maybe understand the perhaps 
*justified* paranoia of those now in possession of something *possibly just 
worth stealing*... or shutting them up about.

(Sheesh. Why does this have to be spelled out to pompous fools who won't listen 

RE: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form of LENR?

2017-09-29 Thread

I read your paper twice and have the following comments:

  1.  As Jones points out, hiding .511Mev EM radiation from electron/positron 
reactions is not likely IMHO.  Therefore I doubt it occurs during CES.
  2.  The model which includes high kinetic energy products is also hard to 
imagine in the water system without generation of EM radiation that  should be 
easy to observe.  Therefore, I doubt energetic particles are present in CES.
  3.  I consider that the cavitation produces a coherent system that is coupled 
by electric and/or magnetic fields and within a very short time frame changes 
its potential energy to phonic (vibrational) kinetic spin energy of the entire 
coherent system of the remaining particles  including the electrons.
  4.  As the coherent system collapses, the constituents give up heat 
(vibrational L energy--spin energy) to the surround water in a normal slow 
transfer of heat and increase of enthalpy.
  5.  Finally, all the model’s assumptions about virtual neutrinos and other 
virtual particles  are unnecessary  and only uggest a non-real mechanism 
associated with understanding high energy physics experiments, not like 
condensed matter LENR of coherent QM systems.
  6.  A good model which explains how spin quanta are redistributed within a 
coherent system in whole number multiples of Planck’s constant  divided by 2 
pie (h/2pie) is warranted with  conservation of angular momentum and total 
energy IMHO.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 4:50 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form of 

The hellish conditions found in the Earth’s lower mantle: more than 1,800 miles 
below the surface, the lower mantle experiences temperatures nearing 4,000 
degrees Fahrenheit and pressures that are 1.3 million times higher than the air 
at earth's surface is where diamonds are created after a milion years of 
enduring these intense physical conditions.

Graphite-to-diamond transformation induced by ultrasound cavitation

Diamond microcrystals have been synthesized using ultrasonic cavitation of a 
suspension of hexagonal graphite in various organic liquid
media, at an average bulk temperature of the liquid up to 120°C and at 
atmospheric pressure. The yield of diamond is up to 10% by mass. The
diamonds were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction 
and laser Raman spectroscopy. Analysis of the crystallite size
distribution showed that the diamonds were nearly mono-dispersed, having a size 
6 or 9μm ± 0.5μm, with cubic, crystalline morphology.

one “successful” cavitation bubble collapse = one diamond crystal)

If cavitation can produce diamonds from graphite in a microsecond, cavitation 
can also produce the same intense conditions that can produce metallic hydride 
components such as metallic water and hydrogen deep inside the earth and other 

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Nigel Dyer 
> wrote:
For some months I have been working with Cavitation Energy Systems 
( who have been developing an efficient 
steam generator based on cavitation.  What is not obvious until you start going 
through the details of what they say on the website is that there appears to be 
five times more energy in the steam they produce than the electrical energy 
they use to produce it.
I have met up with them in Florida and gone through the details of the system 
and it does appear to be as they claim.   The question is how does it manage to 
do this?  By combining knowledge of their system with other 'excess energy' 
systems that I am aware of and had dealings with I think the mechanism is as 
· As they intended, they use a diesel injector to create a pulse of 
water that is full of cavitation bubbles.
· When the pulse hits a nearby surface a shock wave travels back 
through the water initiating an almost synchronous  collapse of all the bubbles.
· The potential differences within the collapsing bubbles accelerate 
some free protons such that they have an energy of the order of 10kV, enough to 
overcome the coulomb barrier and initiate fusion.
· The fusion energy is carried away by a virtual neutrino, and there is 
a cascade of virtual neutrinos which distribute the energy as kinetic energy 
among nearby protons and electrons.  Some of the protons have sufficient energy 
to initiate a secondary fusion event starting a short duration chain reaction.  
With others the kinetic energy they gain is transferred to the water molecule 
and consequently the water is heated up until it boils.
The way that the bubbles collapse directs the energy away from the surface, 
avoiding the normal problems of 

RE: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form of LENR?

2017-09-29 Thread

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 4:50 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form of 

The hellish conditions found in the Earth’s lower mantle: more than 1,800 miles 
below the surface, the lower mantle experiences temperatures nearing 4,000 
degrees Fahrenheit and pressures that are 1.3 million times higher than the air 
at earth's surface is where diamonds are created after a milion years of 
enduring these intense physical conditions.

Graphite-to-diamond transformation induced by ultrasound cavitation

Diamond microcrystals have been synthesized using ultrasonic cavitation of a 
suspension of hexagonal graphite in various organic liquid
media, at an average bulk temperature of the liquid up to 120°C and at 
atmospheric pressure. The yield of diamond is up to 10% by mass. The
diamonds were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction 
and laser Raman spectroscopy. Analysis of the crystallite size
distribution showed that the diamonds were nearly mono-dispersed, having a size 
6 or 9μm ± 0.5μm, with cubic, crystalline morphology.

one “successful” cavitation bubble collapse = one diamond crystal)

If cavitation can produce diamonds from graphite in a microsecond, cavitation 
can also produce the same intense conditions that can produce metallic hydride 
components such as metallic water and hydrogen deep inside the earth and other 

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Nigel Dyer 
> wrote:
For some months I have been working with Cavitation Energy Systems 
( who have been developing an efficient 
steam generator based on cavitation.  What is not obvious until you start going 
through the details of what they say on the website is that there appears to be 
five times more energy in the steam they produce than the electrical energy 
they use to produce it.
I have met up with them in Florida and gone through the details of the system 
and it does appear to be as they claim.   The question is how does it manage to 
do this?  By combining knowledge of their system with other 'excess energy' 
systems that I am aware of and had dealings with I think the mechanism is as 
· As they intended, they use a diesel injector to create a pulse of 
water that is full of cavitation bubbles.
· When the pulse hits a nearby surface a shock wave travels back 
through the water initiating an almost synchronous  collapse of all the bubbles.
· The potential differences within the collapsing bubbles accelerate 
some free protons such that they have an energy of the order of 10kV, enough to 
overcome the coulomb barrier and initiate fusion.
· The fusion energy is carried away by a virtual neutrino, and there is 
a cascade of virtual neutrinos which distribute the energy as kinetic energy 
among nearby protons and electrons.  Some of the protons have sufficient energy 
to initiate a secondary fusion event starting a short duration chain reaction.  
With others the kinetic energy they gain is transferred to the water molecule 
and consequently the water is heated up until it boils.
The way that the bubbles collapse directs the energy away from the surface, 
avoiding the normal problems of cavitation systems where the cavitation causes 
damage to surfaces. The way that the shock wave causes all the bubbles to 
collapse and initiate fusion at close to the same time means that the energy 
from the proton-proton fusion is able to heat all of the water, converting it 
to steam, at which point the chain reaction stops.

Not only do they appear to have significant energy gain but it is available in 
a highly usable form, as high temperature steam.  I have put together some more 
detailed notes.


RE: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form ofLENR?

2017-09-29 Thread

I assumed Mayer was the correct name of an “expert”  scam  person  Ahern 

I also thought about the possibility of a “conspiracy” among the hot fusion 
family. not unlike the nuclear family in Japan responsible for the crummy 
reactor designs and large financial rewards, although maybe not as dangerous.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Nigel Dyer<>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form 


I imagine that would be Stanley Meyer. or was that a comment on the misspelling?

On 29/09/2017 17:13,<> 

I do not know of the Mayer person you mention?

I guess he could be part of the hot fusion bunch, however—lots of scam artists 

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Che<>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form 

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:48 AM, Brian Ahern 
<<>> wrote:

If you believe in MiB, then it is axiomatic that you believe in UFO 
conspiracies as well.

Unfortunately this leaves you blind to scams by experts Rossi, Papp, Mills and 

What a stupid thing to assert. NOT 'axiomatic'. Actually a NON SEQUITUR.

So who's blind here, eh?

From: Che <<>>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel form 

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Brian Ahern 
<<>> wrote:
> LeClair hides behind the conspiracy curtain. "He can't do any demos or the 
> Men in Black will get him."

Whatever the truth of anything else being claimed here on this eList -- the 
so-called 'MiB' are very, VERY, *VERY* real. Forget Hollywood.

People who predictably scoff at the very real threat posed to regime opponents 
of all kinds, are themselves not to be taken seriously, hear..? Such as 
yourself clearly do not understand how REAL power is used in this World. 'OU' 
researchers are obviously (to non-fools) MOST definitely 'of interest' to 
Status Quo 'Concerns': who want to KEEP things that way... (Got it?) 
Regardless. Ruthlessly and MOST criminally, if necessary. VERY 'Mafia'... and 
today, **most clearly right up to the oligarchic U.S. President himself** (Gawd 
help us...). Take a GOOD look at that publicity-seeking buffoon: because 
_behind_ him are similar others who *avoid* the limelight he seeks. And for 
good reason. THEY wield this awful power over us, which frightens so many.

So we should be kinder to these people; and maybe understand the perhaps 
*justified* paranoia of those now in possession of something *possibly just 
worth stealing*... or shutting them up about.

(Sheesh. Why does this have to be spelled out to pompous fools who won't listen 

RE: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel formofLENR?

2017-09-29 Thread

I though the miracle was wine-to-pee not wine-to-water.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: JonesBeene
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 7:54 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Have Cavitation Energy Systems stumbled on a novel formofLENR?

From: Brian Ahern

If you believe in MiB, then it is axiomatic that you believe in UFO 
conspiracies as well.

Unfortunately this leaves you blind to scams by experts Rossi, Papp, Mills etc


Oh shucks, you mean to say the MIB aren’t reporting back to UFOs? Then they 
must be T-men G-men or what?

LOL. I think Kellyanne nailed it… this is a case of “alternative facts”. We 
want our Kellyanne back!

Wiki sez: reports of men in black represent experiences that "don’t seem to 
have occurred in the world of consensus reality"… they were quoting Jerome 
Clark, a county music song writer (therefore an expert on fabricated reality)… 
but seriously UFOs open the door to more than one reality – and given the 
dangerous notion of “majority rule” we could see MIB prerogatives written into 
an executive order – the future of BLM.

To a few cynical scientists, this essentially means that there is indeed a “non 
consensus reality” (a huge fraction of the population which can become a 
majority in more than a few cases) where MIB/UFO/NWO/ and QuarkX exist as a 
figment of the imagination which is as real to that segment as the miracles of 
wine-to-water etc.

Objective reality is such a bitch….

RE: [Vo]:Re: QuarkX demonstration

2017-10-03 Thread


Now, Now.

Bob Cook
From: Adrian Ashfield
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: QuarkX demonstration

I'm glad you have reposted your nasty, uncalled for prediction for easy 
reference when you are shown to be wrong.
So the demo maybe three weeks later than his forecast many months ago.  Is that 
a crime?  It is starting to look like you are just jealous because unlike you, 
Rossi has actually discovered something.

-Original Message-
From: Brian Ahern 
To: Vortex 
Sent: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 10:30 am
Subject: [Vo]:Re: QuarkX demonstration
Andrea Rossi promised a demonstration of the Quark X in October. Voila!

My 17th consecutive prediction of his behavior is:

No Demo, but I expect a great new excuse.

A.R. Is a master of plausible excuses and his coterie will once again blindly 
support him.

n.B. IH is not hosting ICCF 21. Are they gone for good?

From: Jed Rothwell >
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 9:32 AM
To: Vortex
Subject: [Vo]:Test


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