Inaudible Reminder...

2000-06-14 Thread Lance @ Inaudible

Just a quick note to remind you of tonight's Inaudible
Radio/Webcast which will be broadcasting this
evening from 9-11 pm Eastern Standard Time.

To listen over the internet visit
at 9 pm and click on the "Click here for Audioactive
Feed" link. If you are in the Cleveland area you can
tune in by setting your radio to 89.3 fm.

Hope you'll all tune in!

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states

Re: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-14 Thread Phonopsia
1) I ask that we please have this posted to the 313 FAQ, if it ever was
created, for any future such unfortunate events. I think Otto would have
just earned visiting professor status @ the Wayne State institute for
electronic music if such a think existed.

2) I hope everyone saw Otto's note ">PS: Note 2) Yes, I am taking the piss."

3) I will be staring a new email list for likeminded thinkers:

"FrogboyMCI" on AOL Instant Messenger

New Album, "Québécois", online now.

-Original Message-
From: Otto Koppius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313 <>
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 4:52 PM
Subject: [313] The epistemology of techno

>Re: what is the definition of techno?
>One has to ask first, what is a definition? A definition is a label
>attached to a phenomena and it does not convey any attributes other than
>those relevant for the phenomenon under examination to have
>discriminative validity (I choose not to engage in the raging parsimony
>debate of definitions and axioms here). In order for a definition to
>have meaning, it has to be universally agreed upon by the relevant
>actors. For these actors, such a definition has utilitarian value. This
>value consists for instance of reduced communicational ambiguities by
>creating a body of knowledge that can subsequently be used for further
>advancements and refinements of the original concept (see also note 1).
>Note that a definition cannot be true or false, for any potential
>falsification process would consist entirely of (non-)acceptance by the
>relevant actors and thus cannot be considered a falsification process in
>the strict Popperian sense, since for all practical purposes, the
>definition acceptance process makes definitions more akin to axioms,
>which by definition cannot be falsified.
>The acceptance process by the relevant actors is rarely explicit and can
>be best understood as an implicitly socially constructed process between
>the relevant actors. However, quite often it is not *all* relevant
>actors whose actions are consequential in this process, but only a
>nucleolus of actors with a high network centrality whose actions
>constitute milestones in the definitional acceptance process. Yet rarely
>are such actions effective immediately, given their dependency on the
>receiving parties' attitude and reaction, thus rendering any decision
>process by the nucleolic actors regarding their intended actions in this
>process boundedly rational.
>The highly amorphous nature of this definitional acceptance process
>makes tracing and explicitizing it a problem of an intractible nature.
>Hence, the social constructivist paradigm argues that there does not
>exist a universal definition of any phenomenon, since the social
>circumstances are not constant, yet they are crucial to the definition
>acceptance process. This implies that definitions are potentially
>subject to variations over time, thus contradicting the single most
>essential aspect of a definition: its universal consistency through time
>and space.
>When taken to the extreme, this paradigm implies that as many
>definitions can exist as there are actors and even the staunchest social
>constructivists have realized that this is an untenable position from a
>realistic point of view. To avoid this, they have utilized the concept
>of the Anthropic Principle, which in its original form can be stated as:
>"A phenomenon is the way it is, because we are there to observe it in
>that way". This establishes an explicit, irrevocable causal link between
>the phenomenon, the observer and the observation method, a link that is
>an anathema to the positivistic paradigm (note the interesting parallel
>with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the controversy that arose
>when it was first proposed).
>An important corollary of the Anthropic Principle is that, because
>observer and observation method matter, once an observer starts to
>describe the phenomenon under observation, there is inherently a loss of
>information about the phenomenon because a different observer, using a
>different observation method, would describe the phenomenon differently.
>Note that this does not render any such descriptive definition invalid
>from a practical standpoint, given the socially constructed process of
>defining. However, it does mean that no single observer (and by
>consequence, any finite number of observers) can theoretically arrive at
>a complete definition, since the process of defining inherently involves
>a descriptive reduction, thus rendering any definition inexorably
>If we apply this to the definition of 'techno', it means that although a
>common understanding of 'techno' has emerged (in other words: the
>definition acceptance process has converged), articulating that
>definition would immediately destroy the richnes

Re: [313] what is techno

2000-06-14 Thread Cyclone Wehner

Look, I am gonna humbly try to answer Dustin's question in the name of
closure and moving on. Dustin, I am hoping that by posting this you will
stick with your agreement and let us do this.

The reason why people have trouble defining 'techno' is that, while it has
become universal, it exists simultaneously in a specific cultural context.
Also it is not merely a form of music but rather one driven by an
intellectual, philosophical and spiritual impulse. What's more, somewhat
paradoxically, Detroit's techno auteurs - Juan, Derrick and Kevin - were
consciously making a music that resisted definition. This is why the
(American) mainstream cannot cope with it as the music is so radical that it
disrupts its rigid social codes. It is a truly underground music form.

A lot of this music's power is intuitive; you feel it. Listen to your heart;
listen to your soul.

Once you understand the cultural context and circumstances that gave birth
to this wonderful music you will understand the distinction between 'techno'
and what we recognise as 'trance' and the aversion that many within this
music scene have to 'trance'.

There is nothing wrong with liking trance but at least then you will
understand why discussing it isn't appropriate here. It's a respect value
more than about taste.

It's deep and complex, and that is how it is meant to be, and I would feel
presumptuous in trying to explain it myself here but I will guide you to
where you can readily find this knowledge:

(1) Dan Sicko's book Techno Rebels explains the cultural context.

(2) Any interviews with techno's auteurs - especially Derrick May. Derrick
is a very articulate and intelligent and passionate individual and not
afraid to voice an opinion. If there is anyone who can really sum up the
impulse behind this music, it's him. Likewise Juan, he's the Godfather, also
Jeff Mills, and there are others. There are plenty of interviews on line and
there have been some good ones over the years in the international press,

(3) Carefully read the posts of those from Detroit, those who went to the
Music Institute, etc - they are/were there, they know about the roots. They
are the source. The teachers.

Finally, some wise words from Jeff Mills: "Why some people think Techno
should be definite is a mystery. Perhaps they categorise for convenience.
One thing that Techno has brought, is that there is nothing wrong with not
understanding something. This I think is the origin of many of mankind's

This is not an answer, it's a guide.



Re: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-14 Thread Hugh G. Blaze

Well, duh.

Re: what is the definition of techno?

One has to ask first, what is a definition? A definition is a label
attached to a phenomena and it does not convey any attributes other than
those relevant for the phenomenon under examination to have
discriminative validity (I choose not to engage in the raging parsimony
debate of definitions and axioms here). In order for a definition to
have meaning, it has to be universally agreed upon by the relevant
actors. For these actors, such a definition has utilitarian value. This
value consists for instance of reduced communicational ambiguities by
creating a body of knowledge that can subsequently be used for further
advancements and refinements of the original concept (see also note 1).

Note that a definition cannot be true or false, for any potential
falsification process would consist entirely of (non-)acceptance by the
relevant actors and thus cannot be considered a falsification process in
the strict Popperian sense, since for all practical purposes, the
definition acceptance process makes definitions more akin to axioms,
which by definition cannot be falsified.

The acceptance process by the relevant actors is rarely explicit and can
be best understood as an implicitly socially constructed process between
the relevant actors. However, quite often it is not *all* relevant
actors whose actions are consequential in this process, but only a
nucleolus of actors with a high network centrality whose actions
constitute milestones in the definitional acceptance process. Yet rarely
are such actions effective immediately, given their dependency on the
receiving parties' attitude and reaction, thus rendering any decision
process by the nucleolic actors regarding their intended actions in this
process boundedly rational.

The highly amorphous nature of this definitional acceptance process
makes tracing and explicitizing it a problem of an intractible nature.
Hence, the social constructivist paradigm argues that there does not
exist a universal definition of any phenomenon, since the social
circumstances are not constant, yet they are crucial to the definition
acceptance process. This implies that definitions are potentially
subject to variations over time, thus contradicting the single most
essential aspect of a definition: its universal consistency through time
and space.

When taken to the extreme, this paradigm implies that as many
definitions can exist as there are actors and even the staunchest social
constructivists have realized that this is an untenable position from a
realistic point of view. To avoid this, they have utilized the concept
of the Anthropic Principle, which in its original form can be stated as:
"A phenomenon is the way it is, because we are there to observe it in
that way". This establishes an explicit, irrevocable causal link between
the phenomenon, the observer and the observation method, a link that is
an anathema to the positivistic paradigm (note the interesting parallel
with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the controversy that arose
when it was first proposed).

An important corollary of the Anthropic Principle is that, because
observer and observation method matter, once an observer starts to
describe the phenomenon under observation, there is inherently a loss of
information about the phenomenon because a different observer, using a
different observation method, would describe the phenomenon differently.
Note that this does not render any such descriptive definition invalid
from a practical standpoint, given the socially constructed process of
defining. However, it does mean that no single observer (and by
consequence, any finite number of observers) can theoretically arrive at
a complete definition, since the process of defining inherently involves
a descriptive reduction, thus rendering any definition inexorably

If we apply this to the definition of 'techno', it means that although a
common understanding of 'techno' has emerged (in other words: the
definition acceptance process has converged), articulating that
definition would immediately destroy the richness of the implicit
definition of 'techno', thus invalidating the question "What is


PS: Note 1) A more malicious view would be that definitions are often
used to obfuscate reality, thus creating a halo of perceived expertise
around those who use those definitions, even though their expertise is
based solely on linguistical dexterity and not on a conceptual
understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Obviously I do not
subscribe to such a view.
PS: Note 2) Yes, I am taking the piss.

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re: please ban dustin s.

2000-06-14 Thread The Deliverator

"Sorry, but this kid is creating list disruption on a scale that Luke Montiero 
and Kelly Hacket could only dream of. If somebody acted like this on Tech-Gear 
I would have given them their walking papers a week ago. "

You should the the email I just got from her, apparently dustin is her cousin.  
I'm witholding it from the list in good taste ;-)

Is this really what happens when technology moves to the lowest common 




2000-06-14 Thread Ben
I will be unsubscribing for a while folks, too much to do + mailbox getting out 
of hand!  I will be back soon, if any on you have any info an my last message 
about Illic by Laurent Garnier or wish to email my about anything else please 
feel free.
thanks for reading.


2000-06-14 Thread R Vincent
to answer "what is techno" we will use the few words i spoke with
carl craig at a small event recently-
me-"so have they dropped any techno yet?"
craig-"well it is ALL techno" 
(this was said as the dj dropped yet another horrific trance

"For those who know, stay low, stay strong, stay ready,stay underground. For 
those who don't, learn.For those who"stole the soul",live in fear as the 
spirits will track you into your next life and beyond. Nothing good will come 
to you.". .- Mad Mike/UR

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[313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Ian Dinsmor
please make it stop
if it appeases anyone... this is how it appears in Websters...
techno: {Gk. fr. techne} 1. art : craft  *technography* 2. technical :
technological < technocracy >
3. opp. trance.

ok well not the last part,
waiting in vain

first flower

2000-06-14 Thread peter mueller
i recently came accross the first flower ep on undertow featuring a mills mix. 
i'm curious just about everything with this release. did the subjects release 
anything else? what are the other releases on undertow, is the label still 
around?also, the label says 'side b: the subjects vs. timothy leary'. was the 
timothy leary i'm thinking about right now involved in this?

thanx in advance


-_-_-_-UR13.5: ' Man must know his past before challenging the future'-_-_-_-

RE: [313] please ban dustin s.

2000-06-14 Thread Sathya Gosselin
Forgive us Dustin, but as busy individuals with a supposed common
interest, there is no time to be reading all this noise.  I would second
such a move.


-Original Message-
From: Curtis White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 6:06 PM
To: '313'
Subject: Re: [313] please ban dustin s. 

--- Intermodal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, but this kid is creating list disruption on a
> scale that Luke
> Montiero and Kelly Hacket could only dream of. If
> somebody acted like
> this on Tech-Gear I would have given them their
> walking papers a week
> ago. 
> MT
> -- 
>  Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  "I am often rich...not in money...but because I
> have found 
>   in my work something which I can devote myself to
> heart 
>   and soul, and which inspires me and give a meaning
> to life."
>   Van Gogh

Luke Montiero trolled this list also? I constantly
hear about his previous misadventures on Txraves all
the time boy I now know that this list doesn't
need another troll..

Curtis White 
Content Coordinator

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Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is reality?

2000-06-14 Thread phred
I have a simple rule when dealing with someone online who is doing an
uncanny impersonation of a write-only infobot.  The temptation is very
great to engage them on their terms.  Do not do this.  Eventually they
will start being conversational, or go away.


Theo Parrish discography

2000-06-14 Thread zinosat
Hi guys,
we set up a page with Theo's discography at:
http:/ (in the "spotlight" section)

If you had problems get there directly via

Let me know what you think about it (and the missing bits!)


Re: [313] please ban dustin s.

2000-06-14 Thread Curtis White

--- Intermodal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, but this kid is creating list disruption on a
> scale that Luke
> Montiero and Kelly Hacket could only dream of. If
> somebody acted like
> this on Tech-Gear I would have given them their
> walking papers a week
> ago. 
> MT
> -- 
>  Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  "I am often rich...not in money...but because I
> have found 
>   in my work something which I can devote myself to
> heart 
>   and soul, and which inspires me and give a meaning
> to life."
>   Van Gogh

Luke Montiero trolled this list also? I constantly
hear about his previous misadventures on Txraves all
the time boy I now know that this list doesn't
need another troll..

Curtis White 
Content Coordinator

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread Christian Bloch
you're right, except that it's not the fx, it's the oscilation of the
synthesizer. the tone generator's oscilation...

christian bloch

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, peter mueller wrote:

> hm.. i thought that  expression existed in english as well. i'll try to
> explain as far as i am able to do so. the curves of the fx of those sounds
> heckmann (others as well) is known for are shaped like a sawtooth of a saw,
> but i am not a producer so i could be wrong with that.
> anyone else?
> >"sawtooth"?  are we missing something?
> >
> >couldn't find any entries in any of the online slang dictionaries...
> >
> >>Subject: Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

Re: [313] please ban dustin s.

2000-06-14 Thread Recoil ->

I second that...I have only been on this list a week, and I also am on an 
oldskool hardcore/jungle list and I don't appreciate this guy clogging up my 
mailbox with such innane chatter



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The epistemology of techno

2000-06-14 Thread Otto Koppius
Re: what is the definition of techno?

One has to ask first, what is a definition? A definition is a label
attached to a phenomena and it does not convey any attributes other than
those relevant for the phenomenon under examination to have
discriminative validity (I choose not to engage in the raging parsimony
debate of definitions and axioms here). In order for a definition to
have meaning, it has to be universally agreed upon by the relevant
actors. For these actors, such a definition has utilitarian value. This
value consists for instance of reduced communicational ambiguities by
creating a body of knowledge that can subsequently be used for further
advancements and refinements of the original concept (see also note 1). 

Note that a definition cannot be true or false, for any potential
falsification process would consist entirely of (non-)acceptance by the
relevant actors and thus cannot be considered a falsification process in
the strict Popperian sense, since for all practical purposes, the
definition acceptance process makes definitions more akin to axioms,
which by definition cannot be falsified.

The acceptance process by the relevant actors is rarely explicit and can
be best understood as an implicitly socially constructed process between
the relevant actors. However, quite often it is not *all* relevant
actors whose actions are consequential in this process, but only a
nucleolus of actors with a high network centrality whose actions
constitute milestones in the definitional acceptance process. Yet rarely
are such actions effective immediately, given their dependency on the
receiving parties' attitude and reaction, thus rendering any decision
process by the nucleolic actors regarding their intended actions in this
process boundedly rational. 

The highly amorphous nature of this definitional acceptance process
makes tracing and explicitizing it a problem of an intractible nature.
Hence, the social constructivist paradigm argues that there does not
exist a universal definition of any phenomenon, since the social
circumstances are not constant, yet they are crucial to the definition
acceptance process. This implies that definitions are potentially
subject to variations over time, thus contradicting the single most
essential aspect of a definition: its universal consistency through time
and space.

When taken to the extreme, this paradigm implies that as many
definitions can exist as there are actors and even the staunchest social
constructivists have realized that this is an untenable position from a
realistic point of view. To avoid this, they have utilized the concept
of the Anthropic Principle, which in its original form can be stated as:
"A phenomenon is the way it is, because we are there to observe it in
that way". This establishes an explicit, irrevocable causal link between
the phenomenon, the observer and the observation method, a link that is
an anathema to the positivistic paradigm (note the interesting parallel
with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the controversy that arose
when it was first proposed).

An important corollary of the Anthropic Principle is that, because
observer and observation method matter, once an observer starts to
describe the phenomenon under observation, there is inherently a loss of
information about the phenomenon because a different observer, using a
different observation method, would describe the phenomenon differently.
Note that this does not render any such descriptive definition invalid
from a practical standpoint, given the socially constructed process of
defining. However, it does mean that no single observer (and by
consequence, any finite number of observers) can theoretically arrive at
a complete definition, since the process of defining inherently involves
a descriptive reduction, thus rendering any definition inexorably

If we apply this to the definition of 'techno', it means that although a
common understanding of 'techno' has emerged (in other words: the
definition acceptance process has converged), articulating that
definition would immediately destroy the richness of the implicit
definition of 'techno', thus invalidating the question "What is


PS: Note 1) A more malicious view would be that definitions are often
used to obfuscate reality, thus creating a halo of perceived expertise
around those who use those definitions, even though their expertise is
based solely on linguistical dexterity and not on a conceptual
understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Obviously I do not
subscribe to such a view.
PS: Note 2) Yes, I am taking the piss.

Re: [313] Good reading

2000-06-14 Thread Dale Lawrence

I'm so glad your name isn't Dustin,

At 04:35 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I agree but I like to think that my modivation for making music is more than
>money. That is what separates us from them.  The major record companies,
>napster, eminem, puff, and the others who play the mainstream game have only
>one modivation for everything they do, $. I think it is evident by the
>of music played on the radio these days. 

The problem with that is that most radio itself is
funded by major labels who have $ as their only
motivation. They're even worse than the puffy's,
and other sell outs (but what is selling out if they
don't really get paid?)-- they actually created those
monsters, and have complete control of them.
Some less money-hungry individuals make a rash
decision and sign the wrong contract and they're
sucked into the system as just a spot of grease
on the cog of a giant moneysucking machine.

The good news is that it won't be
>around very long, where as a well made track can outlive our kids.  I do
>that the artistic value of a piece is compromised when flaunted around the
>for free, but it is harmed even more when another person is selling it for
>their own profits. I would be a fool to be ingnorant to the fact that
>musicians need to be re-embersed(sp) for their work, but the true gold a
>person recieves for his/her work is the ispiration it instills on it's
>listeners. From that standpoint free music can be viewed as a blessing.

True, but you said yourself that artists do need
to get something back.  I mean, they do have to
eat too.  Should they get a full time job and
spend maybe a few hours a night on the music, when
they could be spending 8-12 hours a day on putting
out even more, and developing their sound even
further?  What if they did make just enough to get
by and maybe even enough to get some better equipment,
etc...  Better music would most likely result.

The question is, do we as a society value the
freedom of music and the freedom of that music
to be distributed without cost to all people for
their enjoyment, or do we value the *quality* of
that music and pushing boundaries in music even
further.  I don't think you can honestly say that
we can have both, without some sort of compensation
system for the artists, so that they can continue
to develop and push their music further--and in
this capitalist system, I don't think the government
has our back either, so the artists do need to keep
a sharp eye out for themselves.

A lot of the great painters, etc., in history
became great painters because they came from
wealthy families that could afford to let them
just create new material to their heart's content.
Wouldn't it be nice if artists today could simply
be compensated (so they could continue creating)
-- not because of a wealthy upbringing --not by
chance-- but by the merit of their own
creations/accomplishments?  --completely outside
of the reach of the major labels? (read: content

>I can
>relate to your comment about losing you soul to the mass media. That is why
>vinyl is so value, I am a strong believer that the true soul of electronic
>music lies in the analogue sound.  Analogue is the true language of sound
>where as once it is copied digitally it is then translated to an unhuman form
>that somewhat loses the essence of the emotions and feelings put into it. Its
>like listening to an old Miles Davis track on CD then listening to the vinyl.
>There is something much more real hidden in the clicks, pops, and spaces of
>the analogue recording.  I think that is where your soul lives, not in the
>digitally copied and copied again tracks distributed via internet.

Hmm... call me punk, or what you will, but I don't
really notice the difference between the two mediums
--but I drink both coke and pepsi too without notice.
I *do* know that mp3's sound far worse than cd audio.
A song I arranged 'day from hell' has all these clicks
as the main treble pieces of the track, but in the mp3
version they all sound like scissors snipping--
completely different.


Re: [313] please ban dustin s.

2000-06-14 Thread Greg Malcolm

AMEN!!! and i don't mean the break...

From: Intermodal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'313'" <>
Subject: [313] please ban dustin s.
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 16:28:41 -0400

Sorry, but this kid is creating list disruption on a scale that Luke
Montiero and Kelly Hacket could only dream of. If somebody acted like
this on Tech-Gear I would have given them their walking papers a week

 Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "I am often rich...not in money...but because I have found
  in my work something which I can devote myself to heart
  and soul, and which inspires me and give a meaning to life."
  Van Gogh

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Matthew L. Thompson

Worse yet, it's spawning equally evil (and repetitive) threads!  I don't
even care anymore (not that I cared to begin with)!  Y'all are talking in
circles... die, thread, die

Can we get back to the music?  B*tch about Moby or Carl Cox or haggle over
t-shirts?  Gripe about Sony or BMG?  Anything but this anymore!

So ---> Did anyone go to the World's Largest Live PA thing?  Was it
any good or did I not miss out on anything?  I'm just curious as to whether
Juan Atkins and Kevin Saunderson actually showed up there or not


Re: [313] Techno and Trance

2000-06-14 Thread john sokolowski
I apologize for continuing this ridiculous thread, but the lunatics have
taken over the asylum.

Techno and Trance are inexplicitly linked, ever since Trance dripped out of
Techno's arse into the toilet.

Sorry, I couldn't resist :-)

Re: [313] Good reading

2000-06-14 Thread Sevn

I agree but I like to think that my modivation for making music is more than
money. That is what separates us from them.  The major record companies,
napster, eminem, puff, and the others who play the mainstream game have only
one modivation for everything they do, $. I think it is evident by the quality
of music played on the radio these days. The good news is that it won't be
around very long, where as a well made track can outlive our kids.  I do agree
that the artistic value of a piece is compromised when flaunted around the net
for free, but it is harmed even more when another person is selling it for
their own profits. I would be a fool to be ingnorant to the fact that
musicians need to be re-embersed(sp) for their work, but the true gold a
person recieves for his/her work is the ispiration it instills on it's
listeners. From that standpoint free music can be viewed as a blessing.  I can
relate to your comment about losing you soul to the mass media. That is why
vinyl is so value, I am a strong believer that the true soul of electronic
music lies in the analogue sound.  Analogue is the true language of sound
where as once it is copied digitally it is then translated to an unhuman form
that somewhat loses the essence of the emotions and feelings put into it. Its
like listening to an old Miles Davis track on CD then listening to the vinyl.
There is something much more real hidden in the clicks, pops, and spaces of
the analogue recording.  I think that is where your soul lives, not in the
digitally copied and copied again tracks distributed via internet.


Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread Christian Bloch
sawtooth as in wave as opposed to pulse or sine etc. maybe you have to
have been near a synthesizer to understand it

christian bloch
tresor/LL/simple muzik/funque droppings

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, detroit science wrote:

> "sawtooth"?  are we missing something?
> couldn't find any entries in any of the online slang dictionaries...
> >Subject: Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben
> >Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:17:41 EDT
> >
> >hahahaha!  asking questions about "sägezahn" for me being from germany is
> >just too funny.
> >
> >i`ve to admit, i don´t feel like clearing this one up, the question alone 
> >is
> >just
> >too sweet. sometimes language barriers are sweet as hell.
> >
> >
> >andy
> >background records
> >
> >-
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\()/ funque droppings
 \/  christian bloch : label manager

please ban dustin s.

2000-06-14 Thread Intermodal
Sorry, but this kid is creating list disruption on a scale that Luke
Montiero and Kelly Hacket could only dream of. If somebody acted like
this on Tech-Gear I would have given them their walking papers a week

 Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "I am often rich...not in money...but because I have found 
  in my work something which I can devote myself to heart 
  and soul, and which inspires me and give a meaning to life."
  Van Gogh

Re: [313] KMS records

2000-06-14 Thread Emanuel
Hans Veneman wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 06:30:37PM +0930, Scott Vallance wrote:
> > Those very kind people at KMS records have made some of their back
> > catalogue available on This includes one of my all time
> > favourites Ahnongay... I seem to remember it used to get quite a bit of
> > play on dreaming daisies (for those in adelaide :)... anyway enjoy!
> >
> >
> There's an mp3 on this page of KMS-070, Casa Cagat by Gary Martin. I hope this
> will be available on vinyl soon, because it's the version on the b-side that
> got all 4 of us Dutch technotourists shuffling our feet at NSC when it was
> mastered there. The break in the b-side mix will send dancefloors into a 
> frenzy.
> Mazzel,
> Hans
> --
> Hans Veneman

Hey since you guys can shuffle your feet pretty well, I'm pretty good at
nodding my head, so as long as Otto approves I wana be a TechnoTourist
too! =)

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music." 

  --Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963) 



2000-06-14 Thread Myke Mitchell
Hey all, another Wednesday and another installment of 1 TRAK.  Tonight we 
have a special free event celebrating Gary's birthday (one of the 
promoters).  For your listening pleasure we have Jay Hunsberger of Cynosure 
fame, then coming up, a battle - Mike Shannon again of Cynosure fame and 
Michigan Myke going at it head to head.  Come on out, it's free so you can't 
beat that and drinks as always are a decent price for a nice sized pint.  
Doors open at 9:30 and goes till @ 2:30.  Stop on in and wish Gary a happy 
B-day, without him 1 TRAK wouldn't be possible.  Anyways hope to see some of 
yas out.  Pieces.

 'Michigan' Myke [1 TRAK Resident]

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [313] Hipnotech/Shake(was re: All this Trance...)

2000-06-14 Thread K Hawkins

Dale:  Thanks for the well-reasoned reply to Dustin.

All: Could we all just agree to stop replying to Dustin on this topic? 
(Unless, of course, anyone wants to seriously discuss genre definitions). 
Otherwise, blocking him's only half effective. I hate to be cruel, but. . . 
it's hard to believe that anyone's this obtuse, so I'm finding myself 
wondering whether a bizarre research experiment on patience is being 
inflicted on 313.  Or if it's the havoc wreaked by a disgruntled Alan Oldham 
(whose posts I sorely miss, and mean no offense to him or anyone else with 
this comment).  So, in an effort to change the subject. . .

I have the second Hipnotech release (of I think six), and have to say that 
I'm, well, not disappointed, but less impressed than I expected I'd be by 
UR's hiphop branch. Same goes for Mr. Shakir's Beat Store. I always buy 
Anthony Shakir's records on sight, and I didn't regret this one, but it 
doesn't grab me quite the way his other releases do, new or old (including 
the 1996 "Mood Music for the Moody", which features the incredible "Electron 
Rider", which has, oddly enough, a slight German hard trance edge to it, 
Dustin).  I generally find techno-tinged hip hop more interesting than the 
reverse.  Any thoughts on this?  Anyone care to convince me that I'll 
consider these top-notch releases if I keep listening?

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [313] what is techno

2000-06-14 Thread glyn

> yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
> definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of music??

techno is an uncontrollable urge to jack your bo... oh wait


RE: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread John Bush
This guy is **SO** not-for-real...

I'll save Mr. Sledgianowski the trouble of replying to my open-ended and
offensive message by putting on my Carnac the Magnificent hat and divining
his reply, no doubt forthcoming in about six minutes and transmitted to the
entire list:

"What do you mean not for real? I am as real as anyone else in this world
and if I want to be real I will be real besides what is your definition of
real? Everything I have mentioned is real and if what you hear is real you
should really be able to hear it."

Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Christos Michalakis
While we are on the subject of redicilous off topic questions, 
  What is the meaning of life?
  What is the "self?"
  What is love?
  What is the definition of a "musician?"

Look man, if you don't know what techno is, what 313 is (and I dont mean
the list) and its relation to techno, if oyu don't know how you can
"feel music with your brain," etc. then you are on the wrong list. I
don't know what encouraged you to join, but if I were you, I'd unsuscribe.

I apologize for adding even more fuel to the fire.


On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:

> yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
> definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of music??
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:41:30 -0400 "Benjamin Cuthbert (Merch)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > you have too much time on your hands!
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 3:51 PM
> > Subject: Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza
> > 
> > 
> > that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont 
> > get it
> > isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - 
> > ooh i
> > am feeling the brainwaves in my music
> > dustin
> > 
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > writes:
> > > I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's what 
> > 
> > > this
> > > list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always 
> > felt
> > > that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> > > electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, 
> > just 
> > > a
> > > stated preference.
> > > 
> > > Dale,
> > > Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. Also
> > > enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> > > 
> > > Dale Lawrence wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > I'll make this short and sweet:
> > > > 
> > > > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
> > > > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > > > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > > > 
> > > > Dale
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > -
> > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > > 
> > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > 
> > 
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> > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> > 
> > -
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
well actually i dont need it - you do because how can anything you say
about techno ever be taken seriously unless you know exactly what techno

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 22:23:07 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Veneman)
> > no i dont know what he means - i need the exact definition
> No, you don't need it. What you need is to stop bothering hundreds 
> of people.
> Do you have too much spare time? Isn't there anything more useful 
> you can do 
> with it?
> > what is it?
> It is extremely irritating that you just can't see that you crossed 
> a line for
> many people. And no, i'm not going to define "irritating".
> At first i agreed with the point you were trying to make, but i 
> really don't 
> care anymore, just like everyone on the 313 mailing list. Can't you 
> just see
> that? You just don't want to see it. You only seem to care about 
> your own
> very important opinion.
> Hans
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 16:07:55 EDT "Greg Malcolm" 
> > writes:
> > > words have many definitions, and you can make them say almost 
> > > anything...i'm 
> > > sure you know this.  i think you know what he means.
> > > 
> > > just a guess
> > > 
> > > Greg Malcolm
> > > Twine/Moniker/Twinesound Audio Productions
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > >From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Subject: Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza
> > > >Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:48:47 -0400
> > > >
> > > >so what makes music be fluff? what is candy?
> > > >tell me an exact definition
> > > >dustin
> > > >
> > > >On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:29:58 -0400 Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > writes:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >   I'll make this short and sweet:
> > > > >
> > > > >   Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated 
> cities.
> > > > >   Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > > > >   Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > > > >
> > > > >   Dale
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > 
> -
> > > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> > > >Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> >-
> > > >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > 

> > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> -- 
> Hans Veneman 

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Re: [313] what is techno

2000-06-14 Thread Dale Lawrence

Ok, I lied.  One more post.

Once Techno becomes finally defined it will cease
to matter and evolve as a progressive form of music.
Period.  By asking us to define it you are asking
us to stop the music from progressing further.
I know you have no idea what I mean by that
but that's not my fault.

In the early 90's trance was born as an offshoot
from techno.  When it did it was no longer considered
techno because though it may have used similar
instruments, it seemed to completely lose all the
good qualities that techno was celebrated for. 
Instead of real soul it relied on cliche emotional
triggers that made the listener think they felt
a certain way--though to the techno intelligentsia,
it just made them vomit and run for the door.
Just sappy candy-coated watered-down drivel--IMO.

Now go find an appropriate list for yourself.


At 03:56 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
>definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of music??
>techno is whatever i feel it is...
>also: techno has no snare rolls, big buildups and breakdowns or that heavily
>delayed goa shit.
>techno is 4/4
>techno is whatever we say it is.
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
but how come you cant uncover more? is there a limit to what you can

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 16:19:41 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It is just one opinion. I am not discounting that trance for some is
> enjoyable. I personally don't like it. When I listen to techno I 
> just
> don't feel it, I think about it too. Much in the same way as Jazz or
> Classical music, I feel it, but often times there are stories behind
> these compositions in which the title hints to something more---a
> feeling, a thought, an idea, whatever. I think about how it was
> produced, what am I supposed to be thinking, feeling, etc. 
> In that regard there are compositions that don't make me think even
> though they have lyrics and a message. Why? Because there is nothing 
> to
> uncover. It is what it is. And as an example I think most of us 
> wouldn't
> blink an eye, expend any thought, about pop artists like B.Spears, 
> 'N
> Sync, Backstreet, etc. Why? Because that's what it is. There's 
> nothing
> more to uncover. 
> For me trance doesn't do it either. Is techno better? For me, yes. 
> The
> point of all this, and I am sorry if you got flamed, is that there 
> is
> room for Trance for those who are interested. It, however, doesn't
> belong on this list. We have all subscribed to this list to discuss 
> techno.
> Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > 
> > that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont 
> get it
> > isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - 
> ooh i
> > am feeling the brainwaves in my music
> > dustin
> > 
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > writes:
> > > I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's 
> what
> > > this
> > > list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always 
> felt
> > > that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> > > electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, 
> just
> > > a
> > > stated preference.
> > >
> > > Dale,
> > > Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. 
> Also
> > > enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> > >
> > > Dale Lawrence wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'll make this short and sweet:
> > > >
> > > > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated 
> cities.
> > > > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > > > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > > >
> > > > Dale
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> -
> > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> > 
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> > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> > 
> > 
> -
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> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Roberto Ty
It is just one opinion. I am not discounting that trance for some is
enjoyable. I personally don't like it. When I listen to techno I just
don't feel it, I think about it too. Much in the same way as Jazz or
Classical music, I feel it, but often times there are stories behind
these compositions in which the title hints to something more---a
feeling, a thought, an idea, whatever. I think about how it was
produced, what am I supposed to be thinking, feeling, etc. 

In that regard there are compositions that don't make me think even
though they have lyrics and a message. Why? Because there is nothing to
uncover. It is what it is. And as an example I think most of us wouldn't
blink an eye, expend any thought, about pop artists like B.Spears, 'N
Sync, Backstreet, etc. Why? Because that's what it is. There's nothing
more to uncover. 

For me trance doesn't do it either. Is techno better? For me, yes. The
point of all this, and I am sorry if you got flamed, is that there is
room for Trance for those who are interested. It, however, doesn't
belong on this list. We have all subscribed to this list to discuss techno.

Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont get it
> isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - ooh i
> am feeling the brainwaves in my music
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's what
> > this
> > list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always felt
> > that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> > electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, just
> > a
> > stated preference.
> >
> > Dale,
> > Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. Also
> > enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> >
> > Dale Lawrence wrote:
> > >
> > > I'll make this short and sweet:
> > >
> > > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
> > > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > >
> > > Dale
> > >
> > >
> > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
well then how can you tell when you hear drum n bass that you are hearing
drum n bass? how can you tell when you are hearing techno that that is
what you are really hearing
everything i am talking about is related to 313 techno

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:12:17 -0700 (PDT) Curtis White
> --- Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can
> > give an exact
> > definition of techno then how can techno be an exact
> > form of music??
> > dustin
> Can you give an exact definition of country,
> alternative, rock and roll, heavy metal, etc. no
> because it is almost impossible to describe music with
> exact definitions. Although music is categorized the
> only way to tell it apart is with your own ears. Whats
> drum and bass? hmm well it has drums and bass and
> breaks and vocals, but so do the other genres of
> electronic. Yet when you hear drum and bass you know
> it is drum and bass and not trance. Please stop this
> you are not thinking rationally and before long the
> list moderator is gonna kick your ass off. 
> =
> Curtis White 
> Content Coordinator 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Greg Malcolm
words have many definitions, and you can make them say almost anything...i'm 
sure you know this.  i think you know what he means.

just a guess

Greg Malcolm
Twine/Moniker/Twinesound Audio Productions

From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:48:47 -0400

so what makes music be fluff? what is candy?
tell me an exact definition

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:29:58 -0400 Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I'll make this short and sweet:
>Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
>Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
>Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
why not religious? who is to say what music is

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 16:07:41 -0400 Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   People that feel the music within themselves are
>   taking that music to a deeper level, perhaps even
>   to a spiritual (not religious) level.  I understand
>   completely what he is talking about.  It also
>   provokes thought, but since you seem to spend most
>   of your time talking and not thinking, I doubt you
>   are at the point in your life where you will
>   understand this.
>   I'm not trying to be elitist, but depending on
>   where you're at, you're either going to get it
>   or you won't.  And by your admission that you
>   have no idea what we're talking about when we
>   try to explain it, maybe this isn't the list
>   for you-- *at this time*.
>   Also, I gave you the benefit of the doubt but
>   if you reply to this with any more intentionally
>   beyond-vague questions, I will also add you to
>   my delete filter.  I wade through about 200+
>   emails a day and I don't need provocative-for-
>   the-sake-of-being-provocative posts wasting my
>   bandwidth.
>   No more posts from me on this subject at this
>   time...
>   Dale
>   PS- it's my birthday today.  Now be nice to
>   me and grant me the wish of not talking anymore
>   and just taking some time out to *listen*.
> At 03:51 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont 
> get it
> >isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - 
> ooh i
> >am feeling the brainwaves in my music
> >dustin
> >
> >On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >writes:
> >> I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's 
> what 
> >> this
> >> list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always 
> felt
> >> that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> >> electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, 
> just 
> >> a
> >> stated preference.
> >> 
> >> Dale,
> >> Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. 
> Also
> >> enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> >> 
> >> Dale Lawrence wrote:
> >> > 
> >> > I'll make this short and sweet:
> >> > 
> >> > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated 
> cities.
> >> > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> >> > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> >> > 
> >> > Dale
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> 
> -
> >> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> 
> >> 
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> >> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> 
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Curtis White
--- Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can
> give an exact
> definition of techno then how can techno be an exact
> form of music??
> dustin

Can you give an exact definition of country,
alternative, rock and roll, heavy metal, etc. no
because it is almost impossible to describe music with
exact definitions. Although music is categorized the
only way to tell it apart is with your own ears. Whats
drum and bass? hmm well it has drums and bass and
breaks and vocals, but so do the other genres of
electronic. Yet when you hear drum and bass you know
it is drum and bass and not trance. Please stop this
you are not thinking rationally and before long the
list moderator is gonna kick your ass off. 

Curtis White 
Content Coordinator

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
no i dont know what he means - i need the exact definition
what is it?

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 16:07:55 EDT "Greg Malcolm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> words have many definitions, and you can make them say almost 
> anything...i'm 
> sure you know this.  i think you know what he means.
> just a guess
> Greg Malcolm
> Twine/Moniker/Twinesound Audio Productions
> >From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza
> >Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:48:47 -0400
> >
> >so what makes music be fluff? what is candy?
> >tell me an exact definition
> >dustin
> >
> >On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:29:58 -0400 Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> writes:
> > >
> > >
> > >   I'll make this short and sweet:
> > >
> > >   Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
> > >   Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > >   Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > >
> > >   Dale
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> >
> >
> >Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> >Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> >
> >-
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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what's up w/dusty

2000-06-14 Thread Manika K Arora
i feel bad for adding to the flame, but my finger is sore from
having had to delete all this bullsh!t for the last week.
no hard feelings, but could you please swallow what little pride you have
left and move on.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:

> stop telling me to shut up!!
> you do not know what techno means
> that is the point
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:52:59 -0400 (EDT) The Deliverator
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > hello all.  Please forgive me, as I'm a little pissed now!
> > 
> > 
> > quoting dustin:  please note the use of quotation, and the fact that 
> > i have deleted all irrelevant data below what I am quoting.
> > 
> > "i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding and
> > starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
> > maybe you cannot answer my question?
> > what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
> > anything else like trance or drum n bass
> > only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else - 
> > i
> > need some proof as to why techno is "the best music" "
> > 
> > If you want to talk about trance or drum n bass, find a f*cking 
> > elist dedicated to it and leave the rest of us alone. 
> > 
> > If I wanted to talk about trance i would've joined 
> > 
> > Why the hell is this so hard to understand?  Why do I sense an 
> > adolescent need to make everyone feel the same way you do?  Look at 
> > it this way- people are going to disagree with you all the time, no 
> > matter what you think or what elist you are on.  Deal with it and 
> > move on!  
> > 
> > If you don't remember what this list is about, i would suggest going 
> > back to and re-reading the list manifesto.
> > 
> > out (ARGGHHH!)
> > 
> > jim  (this message ends here, and does not have 3 pages of text 
> > following it.)
> > 
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
sorry but i am not on the wrong list - if you do not know exactly what
techno means then how can anything you say be relevant to techno???

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 16:02:40 -0400 (EDT) Christos Michalakis
> While we are on the subject of redicilous off topic questions, 
>   What is the meaning of life?
>   What is the "self?"
>   What is love?
>   What is the definition of a "musician?"
> Look man, if you don't know what techno is, what 313 is (and I dont 
> mean
> the list) and its relation to techno, if oyu don't know how you can
> "feel music with your brain," etc. then you are on the wrong list. I
> don't know what encouraged you to join, but if I were you, I'd 
> unsuscribe.
> I apologize for adding even more fuel to the fire.
>  -christos  
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
> > definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of 
> music??
> > dustin
> > 
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:41:30 -0400 "Benjamin Cuthbert (Merch)"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > you have too much time on your hands!
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 3:51 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza
> > > 
> > > 
> > > that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i 
> dont 
> > > get it
> > > isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head 
> - 
> > > ooh i
> > > am feeling the brainwaves in my music
> > > dustin
> > > 
> > > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty 
> > > writes:
> > > > I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's 
> what 
> > > 
> > > > this
> > > > list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have 
> always 
> > > felt
> > > > that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> > > > electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that 
> music, 
> > > just 
> > > > a
> > > > stated preference.
> > > > 
> > > > Dale,
> > > > Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. 
> Also
> > > > enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> > > > 
> > > > Dale Lawrence wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'll make this short and sweet:
> > > > > 
> > > > > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated 
> cities.
> > > > > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > > > > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Dale
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> -
> > > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> -
> > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> > > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 

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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dale Lawrence

People that feel the music within themselves are
taking that music to a deeper level, perhaps even
to a spiritual (not religious) level.  I understand
completely what he is talking about.  It also
provokes thought, but since you seem to spend most
of your time talking and not thinking, I doubt you
are at the point in your life where you will
understand this.

I'm not trying to be elitist, but depending on
where you're at, you're either going to get it
or you won't.  And by your admission that you
have no idea what we're talking about when we
try to explain it, maybe this isn't the list
for you-- *at this time*.

Also, I gave you the benefit of the doubt but
if you reply to this with any more intentionally
beyond-vague questions, I will also add you to
my delete filter.  I wade through about 200+
emails a day and I don't need provocative-for-
the-sake-of-being-provocative posts wasting my

No more posts from me on this subject at this


PS- it's my birthday today.  Now be nice to
me and grant me the wish of not talking anymore
and just taking some time out to *listen*.

At 03:51 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont get it
>isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - ooh i
>am feeling the brainwaves in my music
>On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's what 
>> this
>> list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always felt
>> that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
>> electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, just 
>> a
>> stated preference.
>> Dale,
>> Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. Also
>> enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
>> Dale Lawrence wrote:
>> > 
>> > I'll make this short and sweet:
>> > 
>> > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
>> > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
>> > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
>> > 
>> > Dale
>> > 
>> > 
>> -
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [313] what is techno

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
right - techno is whatever we feel it is
maybe whatever we say it is too
so then how come if i say it is connected to trance it can not be so?? is
techno is open enough to be whatever we say then how can it not be open
enough to be a part of other music

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:56:55 -0400 "Holly C MacDonald-Korth"
> yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
> definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of music??
> dustin
> ==
> techno is whatever i feel it is...
> also: techno has no snare rolls, big buildups and breakdowns or that 
> heavily
> delayed goa shit.
> techno is 4/4
> techno is whatever we say it is.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:

Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread peter mueller
hm.. i thought that  expression existed in english as well. i'll try to
explain as far as i am able to do so. the curves of the fx of those sounds
heckmann (others as well) is known for are shaped like a sawtooth of a saw,
but i am not a producer so i could be wrong with that.

anyone else?

>"sawtooth"?  are we missing something?
>couldn't find any entries in any of the online slang dictionaries...
>>Subject: Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben
>>Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:17:41 EDT
>>hahahaha!  asking questions about "sägezahn" for me being from germany is
>>just too funny.
>>i`ve to admit, i don´t feel like clearing this one up, the question alone
>>too sweet. sometimes language barriers are sweet as hell.
>>background records
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>>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [313] Sound Signature

2000-06-14 Thread Renegade Rhythms
   I don't have Theo's contact information off hand but I don't believe 
that he does any kind of retail sales. I may be wrong though.  To the 
best of my knowledge, I do believe that the new sound signiture LP/CD is 
not out yet.  Should be real soon and as soon as I see them in the mail , 
I'll let you guys know, he did release a Sound Signature complilation CD 
and some Mix CD's.
  If you are having trouble locating the Sound Signature Catalog , we 
distribute Sound Signature, so provide your local store with our contact 
info or contact us yourself if you are having difficulty obtaining these 
crucial sounds.

Here's the details for the new releases that we just got.

Mix CD's: (if you like his DEMF set then you have to get these!)

Live in Detroit 1999
Methods of Movement 2000 (also available on tape)

Compilation CD:

Sound Signature Series 
Tracklisting: Shadow Dancing, Moonlight, Ebonics, Dan Ryan , Dance of 
Drunken Drum, Lake Shore Drive,
Took Me all the Way Back , Lost Keys , Music Pt. 1, Dusty Cabinets

You can reach us through [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or through fax at 
Our website doesn't have any distribution or retail info up right now , 
as it is 
currently handling some of our other projects such as our events and 
webcasts but should
have some additional features in the near future including online 
ordering.  But til
then , give us an email and we can work out the specifics of getting you 
the products. We 
also have most of the back catalog Sound Signature releases.  Get them 
while you can.

Renegade Rhythms 

Quoting Jason Stanley Birchmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Can anyone supply me with contact info for Sound Signature?  I keep 
> to e-mail them at the e-mail address listed on the "Summertime Is Here" 
> but haven't gotten a response.
> Seems kind of silly to me that they don't make their CDs more 
> There certainly seems to be adequate demand.
> Thanks
> Jason Birchmeier

Renegade Rhythms   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Exploring the Inner Dimensions of Sound
Live House and Techno Webcasts every Wed. and Sat.
Next Live Real Audio Broadcast: Sat June 17, 2000 2 pm - Sun 9 am


what is techno

2000-06-14 Thread Holly C MacDonald-Korth
yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of music??


techno is whatever i feel it is...
also: techno has no snare rolls, big buildups and breakdowns or that heavily
delayed goa shit.
techno is 4/4
techno is whatever we say it is.

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
stop telling me to shut up!!
you do not know what techno means
that is the point

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:52:59 -0400 (EDT) The Deliverator
> hello all.  Please forgive me, as I'm a little pissed now!
> quoting dustin:  please note the use of quotation, and the fact that 
> i have deleted all irrelevant data below what I am quoting.
> "i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding and
> starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
> maybe you cannot answer my question?
> what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
> anything else like trance or drum n bass
> only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else - 
> i
> need some proof as to why techno is "the best music" "
> If you want to talk about trance or drum n bass, find a f*cking 
> elist dedicated to it and leave the rest of us alone. 
> If I wanted to talk about trance i would've joined 
> Why the hell is this so hard to understand?  Why do I sense an 
> adolescent need to make everyone feel the same way you do?  Look at 
> it this way- people are going to disagree with you all the time, no 
> matter what you think or what elist you are on.  Deal with it and 
> move on!  
> If you don't remember what this list is about, i would suggest going 
> back to and re-reading the list manifesto.
> out (ARGGHHH!)
> jim  (this message ends here, and does not have 3 pages of text 
> following it.)
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:

RE: what is "techno"? - the big bang

2000-06-14 Thread Spellman, Scott

"maybe i am missing the point as to why techno should be kept separate
from everything like it is so much better... well what makes it so much

You seem to miss the key point of the 313 list here-the list exists for the
sole purpose of talking about Detroit techno because we want to talk about
Detroit Techno and just techno.  We don't want to talk about trance, jazz,
the Spanish Inquisition, sea monkeys, or Bevery Hills 90210. It's not that
techno is BETTER than the Spanish Inquisition, we just don't CARE about that
HERE.  Get over this and move on.  If you don't like, make your own techno +
trance + jazz + the Spanish Inquisition e-mail list.

4th dimension/detroit

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread The Deliverator
hello all.  Please forgive me, as I'm a little pissed now!

quoting dustin:  please note the use of quotation, and the fact that i have 
deleted all irrelevant data below what I am quoting.

"i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding and
starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
maybe you cannot answer my question?
what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
anything else like trance or drum n bass
only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else - i
need some proof as to why techno is "the best music" "

If you want to talk about trance or drum n bass, find a f*cking elist dedicated 
to it and leave the rest of us alone. 

If I wanted to talk about trance i would've joined [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Why the hell is this so hard to understand?  Why do I sense an adolescent need 
to make everyone feel the same way you do?  Look at it this way- people are 
going to disagree with you all the time, no matter what you think or what elist 
you are on.  Deal with it and move on!  

If you don't remember what this list is about, i would suggest going back to and re-reading the list manifesto.

out (ARGGHHH!)

jim  (this message ends here, and does not have 3 pages of text following it.)

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
if techno is so BROAD then how is it that techno is not connected to
trance?? why is everyone trying to isolate it so badly
i do not understand...

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:43:12 -0500 "K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> God, I am usually just a bystander in this list but I have got to say
> something on this one
> Why does it have to have a dictionary definition???  I think 
> everyone has
> their own opinions as to what techno means.  Techno is a very broad 
> term and
> means different things to different people.  If you find some techno 
> to be
> trancy, well thats great, but I am positive that people are getting 
> really
> sick of seeing your name in their inbox trying to find a deeper 
> meaning to
> it fact I don't think at this point if there was a 
> definition
> that you would get one.i am guessing that your messages are 
> either
> a)being filtered or b)getting deleted before read at this point.
> Just face it, this is a battle that could go on for eons...just 
> give it
> up and give techno your own definition.there are way to many 
> genres and
> sub-genres out there and what one person considers one style another 
> might
> consider something else
> just get over it alreadyits a battle that obviously will 
> never be
> won
> peace
> -K
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dustin A Sledgianowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> > if you cannot answer a simple question like "what is techno" then
> > obviously you dont know
> > and if you dont know then it is important because how long have 
> you been
> > on this list without knowing what techno means?? it is the most 
> list
> > relevant thing there could be
> > it is more important that people know the truth rather than worry 
> who is
> > annoyed...
> > what are the hardships of keeping it real?? how can you know it is 
> real
> > if you dont even know what techno MEANS
> > dustin
> >
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:46:08 -0700 Todd Smith 
> > writes:
> > > Dustin,
> > >
> > >You are posting to a list that is subscribed to by thousands 
> of
> > > people.
> > > You are also taking email that people post to you privately and
> > > sending
> > > your response back to the list.  Therefore you are bothering
> > > thousands of
> > > people (some of whom emailed you privately and asked you to stop 
> in
> > > the
> > > first place).  I ask you kindly to take your discussion to your 
> own
> > > private
> > > email forum, where people can respond to you as they wish, and 
> the
> > > thousands of us out here no longer need sort through your 30 
> some
> > > odd posts
> > > about the same subject (and I stress the same subject since your
> > > original
> > > question is still the subject of your posts, there is no
> > > discussion).  If
> > > you still think that these people think that techno is better or
> > > that they
> > > are better because of techno, then let them live that way.  But 
> to
> > > most of
> > > us these people on this list are the people who strive to make
> > > techno
> > > better and endure the hardships of keeping it real. Here the
> > > difference
> > > between techno and trance is irrelevant.  It is not an issue and
> > > furthermore does not reflect what we want discussed on this 
> list.
> > > You may
> > > think this is an invasion into your world free speech, but 
> remember
> > > you
> > > joined this list (a techno list, a detroit techno list in
> > > particular.) and
> > > once you join a list you must endure the fact that people here 
> want
> > > to talk
> > > about certain things.  Sure techno and trance are born of the 
> same 4
> > > to the
> > > floor seed.  But hell so is rock'n'roll but we're not talking 
> about
> > > that
> > > now are we?
> > > todd
> > >
> > > Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > >
> > > > i will stop posting when someone is a little more 
> understanding
> > > and
> > > > starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
> > > > maybe you cannot answer my question?
> > > > what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak 
> about
> > > > anything else like trance or drum n bass
> > > > only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing 
> else
> > > - i
> > > > need some proof as to why techno is "the best music"
> > > > dustin
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:55:15 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > > did you read my post??   This is bullshit,  I have no 
> quomes
> > > > > w/you or
> > > > > your taste in music or any fucking thing about you.  I just
> > > don't
> > > > > want to
> > > > > see anymore debates/agruments/flames/etc/ on this list.  
> This
> > > makes
> > > > > me ill.
> > > > > Don't reply to this mail on the list.  Reply to me if you 
> have
> > > got
> > > > > an issue
> > > > > w/me 

Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
yes but the truth of the matter is that if NOONE can give an exact
definition of techno then how can techno be an exact form of music??

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:41:30 -0400 "Benjamin Cuthbert (Merch)"
> you have too much time on your hands!
> -Original Message-
> From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 3:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza
> that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont 
> get it
> isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - 
> ooh i
> am feeling the brainwaves in my music
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's what 
> > this
> > list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always 
> felt
> > that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> > electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, 
> just 
> > a
> > stated preference.
> > 
> > Dale,
> > Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. Also
> > enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> > 
> > Dale Lawrence wrote:
> > > 
> > > I'll make this short and sweet:
> > > 
> > > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
> > > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > > 
> > > Dale
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza - Welcome to my mail filter

2000-06-14 Thread Ignatius J. Reilly
Since, for some reason, you're so concerned with "exact definitions" -

Pronunciation: &-'noi
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English anoien, from Middle French enuier, from Late Latin 
inodiare to make
loathsome, from Latin in + odium hatred -- more at ODIUM
Date: 13th century
transitive senses
1 : to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts
ANNOY implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness 

20-odd posts a day is ridiculous, even if you did have a valid point in there 
Why do you feel the members of this list need to justify their taste in music 
to you?
Your email address has been added to my list of blocked addresses. Ciao.


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Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread K
God, I am usually just a bystander in this list but I have got to say
something on this one

Why does it have to have a dictionary definition???  I think everyone has
their own opinions as to what techno means.  Techno is a very broad term and
means different things to different people.  If you find some techno to be
trancy, well thats great, but I am positive that people are getting really
sick of seeing your name in their inbox trying to find a deeper meaning to
it fact I don't think at this point if there was a definition
that you would get one.i am guessing that your messages are either
a)being filtered or b)getting deleted before read at this point.

Just face it, this is a battle that could go on for eons...just give it
up and give techno your own definition.there are way to many genres and
sub-genres out there and what one person considers one style another might
consider something else

just get over it alreadyits a battle that obviously will never be


- Original Message -
From: "Dustin A Sledgianowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

> if you cannot answer a simple question like "what is techno" then
> obviously you dont know
> and if you dont know then it is important because how long have you been
> on this list without knowing what techno means?? it is the most list
> relevant thing there could be
> it is more important that people know the truth rather than worry who is
> annoyed...
> what are the hardships of keeping it real?? how can you know it is real
> if you dont even know what techno MEANS
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:46:08 -0700 Todd Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > Dustin,
> >
> >You are posting to a list that is subscribed to by thousands of
> > people.
> > You are also taking email that people post to you privately and
> > sending
> > your response back to the list.  Therefore you are bothering
> > thousands of
> > people (some of whom emailed you privately and asked you to stop in
> > the
> > first place).  I ask you kindly to take your discussion to your own
> > private
> > email forum, where people can respond to you as they wish, and the
> > thousands of us out here no longer need sort through your 30 some
> > odd posts
> > about the same subject (and I stress the same subject since your
> > original
> > question is still the subject of your posts, there is no
> > discussion).  If
> > you still think that these people think that techno is better or
> > that they
> > are better because of techno, then let them live that way.  But to
> > most of
> > us these people on this list are the people who strive to make
> > techno
> > better and endure the hardships of keeping it real. Here the
> > difference
> > between techno and trance is irrelevant.  It is not an issue and
> > furthermore does not reflect what we want discussed on this list.
> > You may
> > think this is an invasion into your world free speech, but remember
> > you
> > joined this list (a techno list, a detroit techno list in
> > particular.) and
> > once you join a list you must endure the fact that people here want
> > to talk
> > about certain things.  Sure techno and trance are born of the same 4
> > to the
> > floor seed.  But hell so is rock'n'roll but we're not talking about
> > that
> > now are we?
> > todd
> >
> > Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> >
> > > i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding
> > and
> > > starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
> > > maybe you cannot answer my question?
> > > what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
> > > anything else like trance or drum n bass
> > > only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else
> > - i
> > > need some proof as to why techno is "the best music"
> > > dustin
> > >
> > > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:55:15 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > did you read my post??   This is bullshit,  I have no quomes
> > > > w/you or
> > > > your taste in music or any fucking thing about you.  I just
> > don't
> > > > want to
> > > > see anymore debates/agruments/flames/etc/ on this list.  This
> > makes
> > > > me ill.
> > > > Don't reply to this mail on the list.  Reply to me if you have
> > got
> > > > an issue
> > > > w/me or what I say.  The list doesn't care.  The list cares
> > about
> > > > techno.  I
> > > > nor anyone else am in a position to say who is better or worse
> > or
> > > > what the
> > > > fuck ever than you or yours.  Where the hell did you get that
> > from
> > > > my
> > > > post  Take a lesson from Mohandas Gandhi, the best reaction
> > is
> > > > inaction.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Scott
> > > >
> > > > ps.  to reiterate, I have never said that I was above anyone or
> > that
> > > > techno
> > > > made me what I am today, so get off it.
> > > >

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313-THATS IT

2000-06-14 Thread Diana Potts

i think some one is up for a bitch slap (ref: your email addy)

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
that is the point - how can you feel music with your head? i dont get it
isnt the head for thinking? how do you feel music with your head - ooh i
am feeling the brainwaves in my music

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:34:58 -0400 Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's what 
> this
> list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always felt
> that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
> electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, just 
> a
> stated preference.
> Dale,
> Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. Also
> enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.
> Dale Lawrence wrote:
> > 
> > I'll make this short and sweet:
> > 
> > Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
> > Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> > Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> > 
> > Dale
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What is up with 313-THATS IT

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
ok this is it- why is everyone so worried about "what they can learn"??? 
why are you so worried about what is "good music"?
if you so badly need other people to keep on telling you what is the
"good music", what are the good records and good songs, then really what
do you know about music??? why do you need someone to keep telling you
what music to listen to??
dont you know how to listen to music for your own self?? or what? what
does it matter what the others say - do you not have ears on your own

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:57:18 PDT "Diana Potts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dustin,
>   FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please take this private or to a seperate 
> list of ppl 
> who care. You are like a little kid who whines "it isn't fair!?" 
> over and 
> over again.
>   whatever meaning we give you,it wont please you-that's pretty 
> obvious.Everything is relevant.
>   Sometimes you can learn more from being silent than by yelling.
> S young lotus.
> d

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 

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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
so what makes music be fluff? what is candy?
tell me an exact definition

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:29:58 -0400 Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   I'll make this short and sweet:
>   Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
>   Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
>   Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
>   Dale
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [313] re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Roberto Ty
I couldn't agree more. That's what I love about it and that's what this
list is about, so Dustin end the insanity please. I have always felt
that Detroit Techno was more "heady" music than other forms of
electronic music, like Trance. This is not a dis on that music, just a
stated preference.

Finally picked up Ion and totally enjoyed it. Keep it up man. Also
enjoyed your performance at the DEMF.

Dale Lawrence wrote:
> I'll make this short and sweet:
> Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
> Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
> Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.
> Dale
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Kevin Michael Robbins

This kid is either an idiot or just fucking with people.  If you continue
to send him private emails he'll continue to post them to the list with 
the same generic response.  Use some common sense and please ignore him
instead of trying to reason with him.  I'm having Luke Monteiro


On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:

> i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding and
> starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
> maybe you cannot answer my question?
> what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
> anything else like trance or drum n bass
> only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else - i
> need some proof as to why techno is "the best music"
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:55:15 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > did you read my post??   This is bullshit,  I have no quomes 
> > w/you or
> > your taste in music or any fucking thing about you.  I just don't 
> > want to
> > see anymore debates/agruments/flames/etc/ on this list.  This makes 
> > me ill.
> > Don't reply to this mail on the list.  Reply to me if you have got 
> > an issue
> > w/me or what I say.  The list doesn't care.  The list cares about 
> > techno.  I
> > nor anyone else am in a position to say who is better or worse or 
> > what the
> > fuck ever than you or yours.  Where the hell did you get that from 
> > my
> > post  Take a lesson from Mohandas Gandhi, the best reaction is 
> > inaction.
> > 
> > 
> > Scott
> > 
> > ps.  to reiterate, I have never said that I was above anyone or that 
> > techno
> > made me what I am today, so get off it.
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 1:14 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> > >
> > >
> > > to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> > > you are missing the point
> > > if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", who 
> > cares -
> > > that is the whole point
> > > if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then 
> > really you
> > > do not need techno at all
> > > only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i am 
> > better
> > > because of techno"
> > > i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say why 
> > they
> > > are so much better
> > > this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot understand 
> > that
> > > then you dont understand techno
> > > dustin
> > >
> > > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about 
> > techno,
> > > > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting all
> > > > these
> > > > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are s
> > > > mean,' 'you
> > > > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about 
> > other
> > > > stuff'
> > > > 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of electronic
> > > > music??'
> > > > etc, etc, etc.
> > > > My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't
> > > > waste your
> > > > time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring a
> > > > point like
> > > > this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> > > >
> > > > My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> > > >
> > > > Scott
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 
> > -
> > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> > > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
if you cannot answer a simple question like "what is techno" then
obviously you dont know
and if you dont know then it is important because how long have you been
on this list without knowing what techno means?? it is the most list
relevant thing there could be
it is more important that people know the truth rather than worry who is
what are the hardships of keeping it real?? how can you know it is real
if you dont even know what techno MEANS

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:46:08 -0700 Todd Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dustin,
>You are posting to a list that is subscribed to by thousands of 
> people.
> You are also taking email that people post to you privately and 
> sending
> your response back to the list.  Therefore you are bothering 
> thousands of
> people (some of whom emailed you privately and asked you to stop in 
> the
> first place).  I ask you kindly to take your discussion to your own 
> private
> email forum, where people can respond to you as they wish, and the
> thousands of us out here no longer need sort through your 30 some 
> odd posts
> about the same subject (and I stress the same subject since your 
> original
> question is still the subject of your posts, there is no 
> discussion).  If
> you still think that these people think that techno is better or 
> that they
> are better because of techno, then let them live that way.  But to 
> most of
> us these people on this list are the people who strive to make 
> techno
> better and endure the hardships of keeping it real. Here the 
> difference
> between techno and trance is irrelevant.  It is not an issue and
> furthermore does not reflect what we want discussed on this list.  
> You may
> think this is an invasion into your world free speech, but remember 
> you
> joined this list (a techno list, a detroit techno list in 
> particular.) and
> once you join a list you must endure the fact that people here want 
> to talk
> about certain things.  Sure techno and trance are born of the same 4 
> to the
> floor seed.  But hell so is rock'n'roll but we're not talking about 
> that
> now are we?
> todd
> Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding 
> and
> > starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
> > maybe you cannot answer my question?
> > what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
> > anything else like trance or drum n bass
> > only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else 
> - i
> > need some proof as to why techno is "the best music"
> > dustin
> >
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:55:15 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > did you read my post??   This is bullshit,  I have no quomes
> > > w/you or
> > > your taste in music or any fucking thing about you.  I just 
> don't
> > > want to
> > > see anymore debates/agruments/flames/etc/ on this list.  This 
> makes
> > > me ill.
> > > Don't reply to this mail on the list.  Reply to me if you have 
> got
> > > an issue
> > > w/me or what I say.  The list doesn't care.  The list cares 
> about
> > > techno.  I
> > > nor anyone else am in a position to say who is better or worse 
> or
> > > what the
> > > fuck ever than you or yours.  Where the hell did you get that 
> from
> > > my
> > > post  Take a lesson from Mohandas Gandhi, the best reaction 
> is
> > > inaction.
> > >
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> > > ps.  to reiterate, I have never said that I was above anyone or 
> that
> > > techno
> > > made me what I am today, so get off it.
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 1:14 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> > > > you are missing the point
> > > > if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", 
> who
> > > cares -
> > > > that is the whole point
> > > > if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then
> > > really you
> > > > do not need techno at all
> > > > only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i 
> am
> > > better
> > > > because of techno"
> > > > i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say 
> why
> > > they
> > > > are so much better
> > > > this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot 
> understand
> > > that
> > > > then you dont understand techno
> > > > dustin
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about
> > > techno,
> > > > > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting 
> all
> > > > > these
> > > > > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are 
> s
> > > > > mean,' 'you
> > > > > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Roberto Ty
Could you please tell me how I might be able to do this as well? I'm
sure others would be interested as well. This thread is totally inane. I
use Netscape browser btw. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

michael thomas coyote wrote:
> i cant take any more..
> i'm filtering mr sledgianowski from my mailfeed, and i encourage any of you
> who are tired of this bs to do the same..  dustin, im sorry, but you leave
> me no choice. i will eventually remove you from my filters, but not for a bit.
> peace,
> mc
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 03:00:00PM -0400, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > i will shut up when someone can speak up and tell me the true meaning of
> > techno... do you know what techno means? if you cannot tell me then there
> > is no reason why i should have to shut up - i believe the meaning of
> > techno is very relevant to this list and will help some people further
> > their understanding of the music
> > dustin
> >
> --
> e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  c: +1.614.260.6716  u:
> "People forget the meaning of the word independent. They want to be different
> but be accepted. Forget it. I just want to achieve some kind of quality. If
> I sell 2 copies of a CD I've outsold the Mona Lisa." -- Tom Ellard
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

re: All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-14 Thread Dale Lawrence

I'll make this short and sweet:

Trance is candy-coated, for candy-coated cities.
Detroit is not a candy-coated city.
Detroit Techno is (usually ;) not fluff.


Good reading

2000-06-14 Thread Dale Lawrence

Read this:

Turns out it's by Courtney Love of all people.
She blasts major labels, and talks about the
future of on-line music distribution...

"But what about the Plimsouls? Why can't pay each artist a fixed
amount based on the number of their downloads? Why on earth should
pay $120 billion to four distribution companies, who in most cases won't
have to pay a nickel to the artists whose copyrights they've stolen through
their system of organized theft? "

"Being a "content provider" is prostitution work that devalues our art and
doesn't satisfy our spirits. Artistic expression has to be provocative. The
problem with artists and the Internet: Once their art is reduced to
content, they may never have the opportunity to retrieve their souls. "


Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread michael thomas coyote

i cant take any more..

i'm filtering mr sledgianowski from my mailfeed, and i encourage any of you 
who are tired of this bs to do the same..  dustin, im sorry, but you leave
me no choice. i will eventually remove you from my filters, but not for a bit.



On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 03:00:00PM -0400, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> i will shut up when someone can speak up and tell me the true meaning of
> techno... do you know what techno means? if you cannot tell me then there
> is no reason why i should have to shut up - i believe the meaning of
> techno is very relevant to this list and will help some people further
> their understanding of the music
> dustin

e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  c: +1.614.260.6716  u:
"People forget the meaning of the word independent. They want to be different
but be accepted. Forget it. I just want to achieve some kind of quality. If
I sell 2 copies of a CD I've outsold the Mona Lisa." -- Tom Ellard

Re: [313] what is "techno"? - the big bang

2000-06-14 Thread Curtis White
Well seeing that this is a techno list and not a
trance list (there are several Trance oriented out
there) it would seem like common sense for people to
want to discuss techno. If you want a general
electronic list this is not for you. I am also on the
gabber list and although I also like disco house I
would never mention it on that list because I joined
to discuss strictly gabber. No one was ever saying
techno is better than any other genre (that is just a
matter of opinion), but since this list "specializes"
in detroit techno why bring up any other genre?
--- Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ok this is a response for all of the people who have
> sent me private
> emails about why i should not post on this list - it
> seems that when you
> want me to quiet myself you would treat me nice,
> then later you will not
> know me just so you can keep going on in your usual
> ways - but that is
> not how i will have it...
> it is ridiculous that i can not say the word
> "Trance" without people
> attacking me - that is not what techno is about
> so if techno is so great then tell me why?
> what is techno?? what does it mean...
> maybe i am missing the point as to why techno should
> be kept separate
> from everything like it is so much better... well
> what makes it so much
> better??
> someone tell me please
> dustin

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Curtis White 
Content Coordinator

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Peter B Leidy
I thought you made some really great points, but that was about 3 days
ago, and about 5-billion redundant emails ago. I agree with your
reasoning but dont want to hear about it anymore. You are wasting serious
bandwidth. For those individuals who email you personal disagreements, you
should school them right, but the rest of us who dont need schooling or
just dont give a sh!t, please do not waste our mailbox space. You are
practically begging for enemies, and it has nothing to do with what may be
an opposing viewpoint, but entirely to do with doubling the volume of
traffic in what was already a high-traffic list. Totally uncalled for. 
Thus concludes my first and last email on this wretched drawn 
out and convoluted thread.


On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:

> maybe that is the problem - how do you know that noone cares what i have
> to say? you are too wrapped up in your own self to care whether anyone
> else wants to know what i have to say
> dustin
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:40:44 -0700 (PDT) hans kaufmann
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Will you please stop cluttering my mailbox, no one cares what you 
> > think and
> > the thread is getting old.
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:13:45 -0400, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > 
> > >  to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> > >  you are missing the point
> > >  if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", who 
> > cares -
> > >  that is the whole point
> > >  if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then 
> > really you
> > >  do not need techno at all
> > >  only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i am 
> > better
> > >  because of techno"
> > >  i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say 
> > why they
> > >  are so much better
> > >  this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot understand 
> > that
> > >  then you dont understand techno
> > >  dustin
> > >   
> > >  On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > >  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >  > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about 
> > techno,
> > >  > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting 
> > all 
> > >  > these
> > >  > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are 
> > s 
> > >  > mean,' 'you
> > >  > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about 
> > other 
> > >  > stuff'
> > >  > 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of 
> > electronic 
> > >  > music??'
> > >  > etc, etc, etc.
> > >  > My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't 
> > 
> > >  > waste your
> > >  > time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring 
> > a 
> > >  > point like
> > >  > this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> > >  > 
> > >  > My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> > >  > 
> > >  > Scott
> > >  > 
> > >  > 
> > >  > 
> > -
> > >  > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >  > 
> > >  
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> > >  Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
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> > >  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
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Re: What is up with 313-THATS IT

2000-06-14 Thread Diana Potts

From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please take this private or to a seperate list of ppl 
who care. You are like a little kid who whines "it isn't fair!?" over and 
over again.
 whatever meaning we give you,it wont please you-that's pretty 
obvious.Everything is relevant.

 Sometimes you can learn more from being silent than by yelling.

S young lotus.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread detroit science

"sawtooth"?  are we missing something?

couldn't find any entries in any of the online slang dictionaries...

Subject: Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:17:41 EDT

hahahaha!  asking questions about "sägezahn" for me being from germany is
just too funny.

i`ve to admit, i don´t feel like clearing this one up, the question alone 

too sweet. sometimes language barriers are sweet as hell.

background records

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Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
you dont know anything about my taste - you only know the words i am
speaking, but my taste on the inside you cannot grasp
since this list is so geared towards "techno" maybe you would like to
answer my question
just what is techno???
i would surely like to know

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:27:46 -0400 (EDT) "Ethan Joseph Fraley"
> Dustin,
> I have to agree with Scott.  I have no problem with your taste in 
> music, etc.
> I'm not gonna say your missing the point per say, but it would be 
> like me
> talking about punk rock on here.  This list is geared towards a 
> specific type
> of music and it's influences, etc.  I am sure there are other lists 
> to talk
> about d-n-b, trance, etc.
> regards,
> ethan
> > > i will stop posting when someone is a little
> more understanding and > starts looking at others viewpoints besides 
> his own
> > maybe you cannot answer my question?
> > what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
> > anything else like trance or drum n bass
> > only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else 
> - i
> > need some proof as to why techno is "the best music"
> > dustin
> >
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:55:15 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > did you read my post??   This is bullshit,  I have no quomes
> > > w/you or
> > > your taste in music or any fucking thing about you.  I just 
> don't
> > > want to
> > > see anymore debates/agruments/flames/etc/ on this list.  This 
> makes
> > > me ill.
> > > Don't reply to this mail on the list.  Reply to me if you have 
> got
> > > an issue
> > > w/me or what I say.  The list doesn't care.  The list cares 
> about
> > > techno.  I
> > > nor anyone else am in a position to say who is better or worse 
> or
> > > what the
> > > fuck ever than you or yours.  Where the hell did you get that 
> from
> > > my
> > > post  Take a lesson from Mohandas Gandhi, the best reaction 
> is
> > > inaction.
> > >
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> > > ps.  to reiterate, I have never said that I was above anyone or 
> that
> > > techno
> > > made me what I am today, so get off it.
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 1:14 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> > > > you are missing the point
> > > > if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", 
> who
> > > cares -
> > > > that is the whole point
> > > > if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then
> > > really you
> > > > do not need techno at all
> > > > only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i 
> am
> > > better
> > > > because of techno"
> > > > i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say 
> why
> > > they
> > > > are so much better
> > > > this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot 
> understand
> > > that
> > > > then you dont understand techno
> > > > dustin
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about
> > > techno,
> > > > > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting 
> all
> > > > > these
> > > > > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are 
> s
> > > > > mean,' 'you
> > > > > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about
> > > other
> > > > > stuff'
> > > > > 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of 
> electronic
> > > > > music??'
> > > > > etc, etc, etc.
> > > > > My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  
> Don't
> > > > > waste your
> > > > > time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or 
> belaboring a
> > > > > point like
> > > > > this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> > > > >
> > > > > My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> > > > >
> > > > > Scott
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > 
> -
> > > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > >
> > > >
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> > > > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, 
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> > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > 
> > Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
> > Try it

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
i will shut up when someone can speak up and tell me the true meaning of
techno... do you know what techno means? if you cannot tell me then there
is no reason why i should have to shut up - i believe the meaning of
techno is very relevant to this list and will help some people further
their understanding of the music

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 14:43:24 -0400 Matt Trinneer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If you post shit about trance on a heart surgery list don't you think
> that people would tell you to shut up?  If you post shit about 
> trance on
> a gardening list don't you think people would tell you to shut up?  
> If I
> post shit about techno on a bird-watching list I expect that people
> would tell me to shut the f&^k up.
> This isn't a trance list it's a techno list.  Post about techno or 
> go
> find a list that deals with trance (read: SHUT THE FUCK UP).
> -Matty
> PS - Sorry if this makes it's way back to the list.  This guy seems 
> to
> insist on posting private messages to a pulic list.
> Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > 
> > to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> > you are missing the point
> > if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", who 
> cares -
> > that is the whole point
> > if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then 
> really you
> > do not need techno at all
> > only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i am 
> better
> > because of techno"
> > i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say why 
> they
> > are so much better
> > this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot understand 
> that
> > then you dont understand techno
> > dustin
> > 
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about 
> techno,
> > > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting all
> > > these
> > > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are s
> > > mean,' 'you
> > > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about 
> other
> > > stuff'
> > > 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of electronic
> > > music??'
> > > etc, etc, etc.
> > > My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't
> > > waste your
> > > time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring a
> > > point like
> > > this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> > >
> > > My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> > 
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> > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Matt Trinneer   PHN: 519-824-4120 x4360
> Information Technology Coordinator  FAX: 519-767-1670
> Student Housing ServicesE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> University of GuelphWeb:
> Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1ICQ: 21880434

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2000-06-14 Thread Glyph1001
Y ha   Awww yeah I'm going too!!!  
Dude, i'm gonna dance my freakin' ass off...forget about it.
Look for tall asian chick. 
see ya's there =D

_g l y p h_

In a message dated 6/9/00 10:55:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I thought this might interest some people on the list. 

Have a nice weekend everybody, it's 5.54pm here and the weekend is



friday 07 july



02:00-05:00...carl cox

05:00-endetom clark


23:00-01:00...mad max

01:00-03:00...steve rachmad


05:00-endemad max

saturday 08 july



01:00-04:00...blake baxter

04:00-07:00...jay denham (house set)

07:00-endedjoker daan



02:00-05:00...claude young

05:00-07:00...james ruskin




02:00-03:00...super_collider LIVE PA t-1000

06:00-09:00...james pennington

sunday 09 july


09:00-20:00...sven väth


20:00-23:00...resident dj

23:00-02:00...dan bell

02:00-04:00...claude young (house set)


08:00-enderesident dj


20:00-23:00...eva cazal

23:00-01:00...james pennington

01:00-03:00...jay denham

03:00-enderecyver dogs


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Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread Christian Bloch
for more try listening to some of bo vestergaards tracks -

christian bloch
tresor/LL/funque droppings/simple muzik

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Jason Stanley Birchmeier wrote:

> Just started listening to the above listed CD and am loving it.  Very
> driving techno with hard percussion and swirling synths that pull you in.
> I'm frustrated though.  I know nothing about this guy and found that Force
> Inc's artist link is not working.  Can anyone share a bit about this guy?
> One of the descriptions listed his style of music as "Sagezahn."  That is
> a new term for me.  Anyone wish to share their knowledge?
> thanks
> Jason Birchmeier
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\()/ funque droppings
 \/  christian bloch : label manager

Re: [313] what is "techno"? - the big bang

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
well then where are they?? i am sure they are ready to speak up about it
then... i shouldnt have to wait very long with all the well educated
people on this list
someone should be able to tell me immediately what techno means

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:03:02 -0700 (PDT) tristan watkins
> Dustin, 
> This is not an issue of quality, it is topicality.
> Trance is off-topic to the 313 list because people on
> the list, and many who have been on the list for a
> long time, don't believe it has anything to do with
> detroit techno. If you don't yet know what Detroit
> techno is, I encourage you to sit back and learn form
> the many knowledgable people on the list. 
> Tristan
> --- Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > ok this is a response for all of the people who have
> > sent me private
> > emails about why i should not post on this list - it
> > seems that when you
> > want me to quiet myself you would treat me nice,
> > then later you will not
> > know me just so you can keep going on in your usual
> > ways - but that is
> > not how i will have it...
> > it is ridiculous that i can not say the word
> > "Trance" without people
> > attacking me - that is not what techno is about
> > so if techno is so great then tell me why?
> > what is techno?? what does it mean...
> > maybe i am missing the point as to why techno should
> > be kept separate
> > from everything like it is so much better... well
> > what makes it so much
> > better??
> > someone tell me please
> > dustin
> >
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Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
i will stop posting when someone is a little more understanding and
starts looking at others viewpoints besides his own
maybe you cannot answer my question?
what is techno? why is it so much better that i cannot speak about
anything else like trance or drum n bass
only techno - because techno is the best and there is nothing else - i
need some proof as to why techno is "the best music"

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:55:15 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> did you read my post??   This is bullshit,  I have no quomes 
> w/you or
> your taste in music or any fucking thing about you.  I just don't 
> want to
> see anymore debates/agruments/flames/etc/ on this list.  This makes 
> me ill.
> Don't reply to this mail on the list.  Reply to me if you have got 
> an issue
> w/me or what I say.  The list doesn't care.  The list cares about 
> techno.  I
> nor anyone else am in a position to say who is better or worse or 
> what the
> fuck ever than you or yours.  Where the hell did you get that from 
> my
> post  Take a lesson from Mohandas Gandhi, the best reaction is 
> inaction.
> Scott
> ps.  to reiterate, I have never said that I was above anyone or that 
> techno
> made me what I am today, so get off it.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Dustin A Sledgianowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 1:14 PM
> > Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> >
> >
> > to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> > you are missing the point
> > if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", who 
> cares -
> > that is the whole point
> > if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then 
> really you
> > do not need techno at all
> > only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i am 
> better
> > because of techno"
> > i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say why 
> they
> > are so much better
> > this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot understand 
> that
> > then you dont understand techno
> > dustin
> >
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about 
> techno,
> > > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting all
> > > these
> > > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are s
> > > mean,' 'you
> > > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about 
> other
> > > stuff'
> > > 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of electronic
> > > music??'
> > > etc, etc, etc.
> > > My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't
> > > waste your
> > > time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring a
> > > point like
> > > this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> > >
> > > My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> >
> > 
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> > Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
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> >

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Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
maybe that is the problem - how do you know that noone cares what i have
to say? you are too wrapped up in your own self to care whether anyone
else wants to know what i have to say

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:40:44 -0700 (PDT) hans kaufmann
> Will you please stop cluttering my mailbox, no one cares what you 
> think and
> the thread is getting old.
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:13:45 -0400, Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> >  to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
> >  you are missing the point
> >  if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", who 
> cares -
> >  that is the whole point
> >  if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then 
> really you
> >  do not need techno at all
> >  only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i am 
> better
> >  because of techno"
> >  i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say 
> why they
> >  are so much better
> >  this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot understand 
> that
> >  then you dont understand techno
> >  dustin
> >   
> >  On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> >  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  > I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about 
> techno,
> >  > specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting 
> all 
> >  > these
> >  > strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are 
> s 
> >  > mean,' 'you
> >  > think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about 
> other 
> >  > stuff'
> >  > 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of 
> electronic 
> >  > music??'
> >  > etc, etc, etc.
> >  > My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't 
> >  > waste your
> >  > time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring 
> a 
> >  > point like
> >  > this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> >  > 
> >  > My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> >  > 
> >  > Scott
> >  > 
> >  > 
> >  > 
> -
> >  > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  > 
> >  
> >  
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Re: [313] DEMF - Stacey Pullen

2000-06-14 Thread trobbs

I believe the track you're talking about is called "Dangerous Vibes".
I'm not sure of the label/artist but I know my roommate has a copy.

Perhaps I'll go searching for it and let it land in my crate for awhile. 



At Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:46:44 +0100, "Richard Hart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>about 29 mins in the first Pullen mix there is a track that goes
>"Its dangerous - Oh yeah - this groove is dangerous" etc
>anyone know this track ??

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Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread BACKGROUN0
hahahaha!  asking questions about "sägezahn" for me being from germany is 
just too funny.

i`ve to admit, i don´t feel like clearing this one up, the question alone is 
too sweet. sometimes language barriers are sweet as hell.

background records

Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
to me it doesnt matter how long you have been...
you are missing the point
if you have to say "I am such and such, been here 5 years", who cares -
that is the whole point
if you need techno as an excuse to be above other people then really you
do not need techno at all
only yourself - how about "i am simply better" rather than "i am better
because of techno"
i think it is ridiculous how people have to use excuses to say why they
are so much better
this is not what techno was meant for - if you cannot understand that
then you dont understand techno
On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:24:48 -0400 "Scott MacInnis"
> I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about techno,
> specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting all 
> these
> strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are s 
> mean,' 'you
> think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about other 
> stuff'
> 'why is this list about techno and not other forms of electronic 
> music??'
> etc, etc, etc.
> My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't 
> waste your
> time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring a 
> point like
> this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.
> My two cents in the battle for useful content.
> Scott
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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what is "techno"? - the big bang

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
ok this is a response for all of the people who have sent me private
emails about why i should not post on this list - it seems that when you
want me to quiet myself you would treat me nice, then later you will not
know me just so you can keep going on in your usual ways - but that is
not how i will have it...
it is ridiculous that i can not say the word "Trance" without people
attacking me - that is not what techno is about
so if techno is so great then tell me why?
what is techno?? what does it mean...
maybe i am missing the point as to why techno should be kept separate
from everything like it is so much better... well what makes it so much
someone tell me please

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Re: [313] what does "techno" mean

2000-06-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
thanks for speaking up
it is hard to get some good points across when everyone bashes someone
who speaks a word of "trance"

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000 19:46:32 -0400 Emanuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dustin A Sledgianowski wrote:
> > 
> > i just noticed this - this is why you are lost
> > 
> > > Proper techno is deep, soulful and funky and trance
> > > is Souless and funkless!
> > 
> > there is no such thing as "proper techno"
> > if you have to follow guidelines to what is good music then really 
> you
> > dont understand at all what music is about
> > you arent listening to music, just guidelines
> > dustin
> Very well put, so many people that are into electronic music base 
> what
> they actually listen to on specific "guidelines", soul is soul and
> that's all I have to say about that.
> -- 
> "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the 
> inexpressible
> is music." 
>   --Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963) 
> Emanuel

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Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-14 Thread Manika K Arora
the url that has artists and tracks listed is:

filled in some of it off the top of my head.. not sure how accurate it is.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Nathaniel Hovan wrote:

> Can anyone help me with artists and/or labels for these songs off i-F's Mixed 
> Up
> in the Hague Vol. 1 CD?  These are the tracks I'm stuck on:
>patrick cowley -Primitive World
>pluton & humanoids -World Invasion
>man parrish -Manmade
>charly -Spacerwoman
>message...? -Robot is Systematic
>camerons? gang -Super Shuffle
>mr. flagio -Take A Chance
>klein & mbo -Dirty Talk
>? -Living Up
>doctor's cat -Feel The Drive
>? -Catch
>electronome -Influence
> Thanks a lot,
> Nate
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thomas Heckmann: Welt in Scherben

2000-06-14 Thread Jason Stanley Birchmeier
Just started listening to the above listed CD and am loving it.  Very
driving techno with hard percussion and swirling synths that pull you in.

I'm frustrated though.  I know nothing about this guy and found that Force
Inc's artist link is not working.  Can anyone share a bit about this guy?

One of the descriptions listed his style of music as "Sagezahn."  That is
a new term for me.  Anyone wish to share their knowledge?

Jason Birchmeier

Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-14 Thread Peter B Leidy
go to

this has the complete artist/title listing, but no labels.

ps, shortly after this came out, clone had a new white label stocked w/
numberofnames:sharevari and charlie:spacerwoman- both of which were in the
i-f mix.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Jorge Velez wrote:

> >From: "jim proffit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1
> >Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:23:11 PDT
> >
> >Nathaniel Hovan wrote:
> >
> >>Can anyone help me with artists and/or labels for these songs off >i-F's
> >>Mixed Up
> >>in the Hague Vol. 1 CD?  These are the tracks I'm stuck on:
> >>
> >>-Primitive World
> >>-World Invasion
> >>-Manmade
> >>-Spacerwoman
> >>-Robot is Systematic
> >>-Super Shuffle
> >>-Take A Chance
> >>-Dirty Talk
> >>-Living Up
> >>-Feel The Drive
> >>-Catch
> >>-Influence
> >
> >Haven't heard that mix. Here's some tracks anyway...
> >
> >
> >Patrick Cowley-Primitive world (Megatone)
> >
> >Man Parrish-Man made (Importe/12)
> >
> >'Lectric workers-Robot is systematic (Discomagic)
> >
> >"Take a chance"... Uh, it's by some of these bands I guess:
> >
> >Bizzy & co.
> >Malcolm J. Hill
> >Mr.Flagio (my guess is it would be this. Vocoder classic...)(Squish)
> >
> >Klein & MBO-Dirty talk (Zanza)
> >
> >Doctor's cat-Feel the drive (Discomagic)
> >
> >"Catch"... I guess it's by Sun La Shan...? Silly song. (Superradio)
> >
> >
> >-Proffit
> >
> While we're on this subject: who did the electro version of   
> "BladeRunner"?  And has anybody heard the Anthony Rother CD yet?
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fwd: Do a good thing

2000-06-14 Thread Acacia1313
In a message dated 6/14/00 11:35:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Do a good thing
 (Apologies if you've already received this)
 This is important for all of us!!!
 Brazilian congress is now voting on a project that will reduce the amazon
 forest to 50% of its size. The area to be deforested is 4 times the size of
 Portugal and would be mainly used for agriculture and pastures for live
 All the wood is to be sold to international markets in the form of
 woodchips, by multinational companies...
 The truth is that the soil in the amazon forest is useless without the
 forest itself. Its quality is very acidic and the region is prone to
 constant floods. At this time more than 160.000 square kilometers
 with the same purpose, are abandoned and in the process of becoming
 We cannot let this happen. Copy the text into a new email, put your
 name in the list below, and send to everyone you know.  (Don't just forward
 it cos then it will end up with rows of  >>>'s )
 If you are the 100th person to sign please send a copy to
 Thank you.
 01-Fernanda de Souza Saviolo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 18/06/83
 02-Nara Maria de Souza - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 11/08/50
 03-Julio Cesar Fraga Viana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 01/01/54
 04-Monica Grotkowsky Brotto -Sao Paulo - SP - 23/08/77
 05-Mauricio Grotkowsky Brotto - S*o Paulo -SP 29/09/78
 06-Ricardo A. Corrallo - SP 16/08/75
 07-Sunny Jonathan - SP 18/10/1970
 08-Leonardo Larsen Rocha - SC 23/01/1972
 09-Evandro Sestrem - SC 26/06/1979
 10-Marco Aurlio Wehrmeister - Blumenau - SC 18/06/1979
 11-Angela Maria Gonalves - Blumenau -SC 25/07/1959
 12-Alessandra Bernardino - Blumenau - SC - 25/12/1980
 13-Pedro Carstens Penfold - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 12/09/82
 14-Annelena Porto Delgado - S*o Paulo - SP - 27/07/77
 15-Erica Couto -S*o Paulo -SP 29/09/78
 16-Elaine Couto- S*o Paulo - SP
 17-Tatiana de Almeida Voivodic - S*o Paulo-SP
 18-Solange B Furlanetto - S*o Paulo / SP
 19-Marcos de Souza Mello - S*o Paulo / SP
 20-Eliane Santiago - S*o Paulo / SP
 21-Francisca J. Bezerra Alves Ara*jo - S*o Paulo / SP
 22-Carlos Alberto Dantas Junior - Rio de Janeiro / RJ
 23-Daniel Rodrigues da Cruz - Rio de Janeiro / RJ
 24-Gabriella Gaida - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 04/05/72
 25-Ceclia Silva Teixeira Pinto - RJ - 03/06/75
 26-Tania Santos Miguel
 27-Celso Henrique Diniz Valente de Figueiredo - RJ - 10/08/49
 28-Marcelo Lopes Rheingantz - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20/12/80
 29-Rodrigo Tassinari de Oliveira - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 19/04/83
 30-Andr Lobato Pinheiro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 07/07/81
 31-Ismael dos Santos Silva - RJ - 28/08/79
 32-Gustavo Alexandre Caetano Correa - RJ - 08/09/80
 33-Juana Varella Barca de Amorim - Rio de Janeiro, 14/03/83
 34-Nara Faria Silva -RJ- Rio de Janeiro , 15/12/82
 35-Isabella Jaggi - SP - S*o Paulo, 03/12/82
 36-Diana de Andrade Freitas - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 21/06/83
 37-Karina Dourado - S*o Paulo - 18/01/80
 38-Pablo Genuncio Garcia - Rio de Janeiro - 27-06-81
 39-Fabola Morais de Lucca - S*o Paulo - 03/02-78
 40-Alexei Morais de Lucca - S*o Paulo - SP - 12/08/75
 41-Renata Regina Roxo - S*o Paulo - SP - 03/11/74
 42-Fernanda Teixeira - S*o Paulo - SP - 17/09/76
 43-Patricia Freitas - S*o Paulo - SP
 44-Cintia Regina K*rner - Alemanha - DE -
 45-Wolfgang K*rner - Alemanha - DE
 46-Roseani Vieira Rocha - San Francisco - CA
 47-Angela Ichimura - S*o Paulo - SP
 48-Assunta Viola - Sao Paulo - SP
 50-Marina Amaral - Alemanha - DE
 51-Fabian Rodrigues Caetano - Sao Paulo - SP - 15/01/1971
 52-Luciana Cabrera- Santa Barbara- Ca
 53- Andrea Torres- Lahaina, Hawaii
 54- Carla Duarte- New York, NY
 55- Sergio Goes- New York, NY
 56- Itaal Shur - New York, NY
 57- Hiroyoku Sanada-New York,NY
 58- Marianne Ebert-new york,NY
 59- Gloriana M. Calhoun - New York, NY
 60- Roger Jazilek - New York, NY
 61- Cheryl To - New York, NY
 62- Judy Mercer - Paris, France
 63- Evelyne Pouget- Woodstock, NY
 64- Hera-Woodstock, NY
 65- Nicos Peonides - Cyprus - New York NY
 66 - Fiona Cousins - new York, NY
 67 - Alistair Millington - London, UK
 68 - Edgar Craggs - Bristol, UK
 69 - Chris Hastie - Nottingham, UK
 70 - Adam Barley - Bristol, UK
 71 - Dawn Morgan - Bristol, UK
 72 - Lottie Berthoud - Bristol, UK
 73 - Julia Simnett - Bristol, UK
 74 - Lindsey Colbourne - Bath, UK
 75 - Wendy Lawton - Bath, UK
 76- Ruth Stevenson - Machynlleth, Powys
 77- Rod Edwards - Machynlleth Powys UK
 78 - Hayley Myles - Machynlleth  UK
 79 - Beth Woolley - Newbury, UK
 80 - Mark Hinnells - Oxford, UK
 81 - Zoe Scanlan - London, UK
 82 - Hannah Cromarty - London, UK
 83 - Suzy Aronstam - London, UK
 84 - Sarah Hicklenton - London, UK
 85 - Graham Hobbs - London UK
 86 - Julian Blake - London Uk
 87 - Justin Eade - London UK
 88 - Peter Quicke - London UK
 89 - Duncan Smith - London UK
 90 - Lisa Davis - London UK
 91- Mario Gorsuch-USA

--- Begin Message ---
Do a good thing
(Apologies if you've already

Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-14 Thread Jorge Velez

From: "jim proffit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:23:11 PDT

Nathaniel Hovan wrote:

Can anyone help me with artists and/or labels for these songs off >i-F's
Mixed Up
in the Hague Vol. 1 CD?  These are the tracks I'm stuck on:

-Primitive World
-World Invasion
-Robot is Systematic
-Super Shuffle
-Take A Chance
-Dirty Talk
-Living Up
-Feel The Drive

Haven't heard that mix. Here's some tracks anyway...

Patrick Cowley-Primitive world (Megatone)

Man Parrish-Man made (Importe/12)

'Lectric workers-Robot is systematic (Discomagic)

"Take a chance"... Uh, it's by some of these bands I guess:

Bizzy & co.
Malcolm J. Hill
Mr.Flagio (my guess is it would be this. Vocoder classic...)(Squish)

Klein & MBO-Dirty talk (Zanza)

Doctor's cat-Feel the drive (Discomagic)

"Catch"... I guess it's by Sun La Shan...? Silly song. (Superradio)


While we're on this subject: who did the electro version of   
"BladeRunner"?  And has anybody heard the Anthony Rother CD yet?

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: [313] 6.21.00,detroit slaps nyc

2000-06-14 Thread johno
Hmm, I'm used to putting other stuff in my pipe... ;-)

John out , peace!

-Original Message-
From: Diana Potts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:55 PM
Subject: [313] 6.21.00,detroit slaps nyc

WTF: A gallery showing of art and jungle stylins from Detroit artists,
DJs and 2 Cali MCs, featurin the work of your host Tristan Eaton.
His brother Matt will be spinnin-and if you haven't seen or heard Matt spin 
Jungle...YOU NEED TO

WhereTF:CBGB Gallery

WhenTF:630pm-1030pm, Wednesday 6/21/00

Detroit/NYC posse in full effect.
word is bond,yo.

put that in your 313techno pipe and smoke it


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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

6.21.00,detroit slaps nyc

2000-06-14 Thread Diana Potts

WTF: A gallery showing of art and jungle stylins from Detroit artists,
DJs and 2 Cali MCs, featurin the work of your host Tristan Eaton.
His brother Matt will be spinnin-and if you haven't seen or heard Matt spin 
Jungle...YOU NEED TO

WhereTF:CBGB Gallery

WhenTF:630pm-1030pm, Wednesday 6/21/00

Detroit/NYC posse in full effect.
word is bond,yo.

put that in your 313techno pipe and smoke it


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

sound stream label...

2000-06-14 Thread jim proffit

Nick Walsh wrote:

Bought a record on Saturday with the title "Sound
Stream". It has 4 funky housy tunes on it, featuring
blatant samples from old funk/disco records. Love 'em
to death tho... Does any one have any more info on
this? The record is pretty blank with just thenames of
the tunes and the title of the record on it. The tunes
are as follows:

a1. Good Soul
a2. Motion
b1. Let's Break
b2. Love Town

I heard that the guy behind it works at Hardwax or at Dubplates & 
mastering... a cutter? But works with the Maurizio-mafia anyway.

He also did the MMM-label few years back if you remember? Same kinda 
loop-moving tracks: Donna Summer's "Our love" etc...

I like that Sound stream release too...


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Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-14 Thread jim proffit

Nathaniel Hovan wrote:

Can anyone help me with artists and/or labels for these songs off >i-F's 
Mixed Up

in the Hague Vol. 1 CD?  These are the tracks I'm stuck on:

-Primitive World
-World Invasion
-Robot is Systematic
-Super Shuffle
-Take A Chance
-Dirty Talk
-Living Up
-Feel The Drive

Haven't heard that mix. Here's some tracks anyway...

Patrick Cowley-Primitive world (Megatone)

Man Parrish-Man made (Importe/12)

'Lectric workers-Robot is systematic (Discomagic)

"Take a chance"... Uh, it's by some of these bands I guess:

Bizzy & co.
Malcolm J. Hill
Mr.Flagio (my guess is it would be this. Vocoder classic...)(Squish)

Klein & MBO-Dirty talk (Zanza)

Doctor's cat-Feel the drive (Discomagic)

"Catch"... I guess it's by Sun La Shan...? Silly song. (Superradio)


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DEMF - Stacey Pullen

2000-06-14 Thread Richard Hart
about 29 mins in the first Pullen mix there is a track that goes
"Its dangerous - Oh yeah - this groove is dangerous" etc
anyone know this track ??

Re: [313] What Is Up With 313?

2000-06-14 Thread Nick Walsh
Bought a record on Saturday with the title "Sound
Stream". It has 4 funky housy tunes on it, featuring
blatant samples from old funk/disco records. Love 'em
to death tho... Does any one have any more info on
this? The record is pretty blank with just thenames of
the tunes and the title of the record on it. The tunes
are as follows:

a1. Good Soul
a2. Motion
b1. Let's Break
b2. Love Town

Verdict's please...

Also, I wanna just apologise if I offended anyone
yesterday with my comments. I was having a hell of a
bad day as it was and when I saw grown ppl arguing
like a bunch of school kids about something utterly
childish, I thought it was time I stuck my oar in...

I think everyone will agree that it isn't particular
GENRES that any of us hate. It's COMMERCIALISM that
destroys music. In fact it's money that destroys most
creativity. Trance labels like Platipus and
Superstition have stayed true to what they believed in
at the start. It's twats like Pvd and Oakenfold that,
as they've gained recognition, have had to buy bigger
and bigger wallets and their skill and love for the
music is lost as their desire for fame and money
continues to grow. 

You see, many ppl love music and make a living doing
what they love, but few can cope with fame and stay
true to what they originally believed in. Priorities
change when you can afford just about ANYTHING and
MILLIONS love you. This is the downfall of todays
music industry.

I feel that, as commercialist promoters pick up on
genres and take wannabes for a short but very fast
ride, they end up destroying the scene, before they
move on to something else. The only way that music can
stay alive even through our commercialist society is
to stay close to it's roots, the underground. Hip hop
has been picked up by big name promoters but it won't
die because there are always kids on the street,
starting from scratch, actually feeling the vibe in
their hearts. The same goes for house music. What the
kids fail to realise is that the centre of the scene
isn't at the top, in the big clubs, or the names on
the back of a Sony cd. It's at the bottom, in that
kids bedroom, on his turntables, in the little
underground record shops, in the soul of all the ppl
who truly love the music...

In the end it isn't trance or garage we should hate...
It's commercialism that steals our creativity, our
child and cuts all the rough edges off and puts it in
a nice tidy, shiny box and sells it to dumbass school
kids for £15.99. That's what we should hate


--- 0 0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Date: Tue, 13
Jun 2000 05:43:45 -0700 (PDT)
> >From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Nick=20Walsh?=
> >Subject: Re: Re: Re: [313] What Is Up With 313?
> >I've been on this list for about 3 months now and
> I'm
> >beginning to notice a hierarchy in here. Why the
> f*!k
> >do ppl have to bitch each other just for giving
> their
> >personal opinions? I used to kinda respect some of
> the
> >ppl posting stuff on this list. I kinda looked up
> to
> >some of them, the well known ones, but it seems ppl
> >who post stuff, especially those who actually work
> in
> >the industry, are a bunch of self opinionated
> >w*$kers...
> >cya,
> >Nick (Dj Pacific:)
> >Pps. I don't see why Jeff should be booted.
> There're
> >too many ppl getting away with much worse stuff
> just
> >recently. I can cope with messages about
> undelivered
> >email. What I CAN'T cope with is gobsh*t f*ckwits
> >causing sh*te for the rest of us... I remember
> reading
> >in the terms of use that we weren't allowed to use
> >foul language... check it out...
> Some people can't seem to take a bit of winding up,
> basically.
> Jesus, if you cant cope with all that then you are
> fucked in the music ind. 
> You sound like a right jumped up student and/or
> mummys boy.
> Slap my wrist.
> >Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:50:58 -0400
> >From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> >if you arent willing to listen to other music
> besides "your music" then
> >obviously you wont be able to see what i am talking
> about
> >it seems that people are openminded enough to
> listen to techno, but >then
> >fall into the genre trap again despising all other
> music besides "what >is
> >theirs" -
> >dustin
> >i just noticed this - this is why you are lost
> >>Proper techno is deep, soulful and funky and
> trance
> >>is Souless and funkless!
> >there is no such thing as "proper techno"
> >if you have to follow guidelines to what is good
> music then really you
> >dont understand at all what music is about
> >you arent listening to music, just guidelines
> >dustin
> My guidelines are: It's either got the
> funk/swing/attitude or it ain't.
> Simple as that. Nothing to do with what you said
> above. Nothing to do with 
> what is "Who's music"(!)
> I've been buying/selling/working with music for a
> good few years now, so I 
> can see how labelling stuff can be good and bad,

Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-14 Thread Pieter Lub
At 07:51 14-6-00 -0400, you wrote:
>Can anyone help me with artists and/or labels for these songs off i-F's
Mixed Up
>in the Hague Vol. 1 CD?  These are the tracks I'm stuck on:
>-Primitive World
>-World Invasion
>-Robot is Systematic
>-Super Shuffle
>-Take A Chance
>-Dirty Talk
>-Living Up
>-Feel The Drive

Well you try Clone in Rotterdam  The Netherlands

I've found the title by the item : 'stock by artist"

I-f  Mixed up the hague vol 1  (Panama 01) F35,00  
I-f shows of with a great mixed CD full of hard to find electro and disco
tracks.A very well mixed eclectik trip The Hague stylie. 



Pieter Lub  
Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam / Amsterdam University Library
Interbibliothecair Leenverkeer / Inter Library Loan
Postbus 19185  
NL-1000 GD  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

tel.  + 31 (0)20-525 2322   
fax   + 31 (0)20-623 6070

RE: [313] KMS records

2000-06-14 Thread Scott MacInnis
Yeah, you want a classic?  check out Tiger Trance 

> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Hart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 6:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [313] KMS records
> talking of Gary Martin - can anyone recommend
> tracks worth buying ?? Which are the best
> Teknotika records etc ??
> Cheers,
> Rich
> > On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 06:30:37PM +0930, Scott Vallance wrote:
> > > Those very kind people at KMS records have made some of their back
> > > catalogue available on This includes one of my all time
> > > favourites Ahnongay... I seem to remember it used to get 
> quite a bit of
> > > play on dreaming daisies (for those in adelaide :)... anyway enjoy!
> > >
> > >
> >
> > There's an mp3 on this page of KMS-070, Casa Cagat by Gary
> > Martin. I hope this
> > will be available on vinyl soon, because it's the version on the
> > b-side that
> > got all 4 of us Dutch technotourists shuffling our feet at NSC 
> when it was
> > mastered there. The break in the b-side mix will send dancefloors
> > into a frenzy.
> >
> > Mazzel,
> > Hans
> -
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[313] Re: What is up with 313

2000-06-14 Thread Scott MacInnis
I've been on this list for 5 years.  I like reading about techno,
specifically detroit techno.  I'm a little tired of deleting all these
strings about (said in a whiny bitch voice)  'you guys are s mean,' 'you
think you know every thing about techno and won't talk about other stuff'
'why is this list about techno and not other forms of electronic music??'
etc, etc, etc.
My advice, shut the f*ck up and read what interests you.  Don't waste your
time, or mine, by constantly flaming, badgering, or belaboring a point like
this.  Please stick to content or forever hold your email.

My two cents in the battle for useful content.


Very OT: Warning - Lost all my stuff

2000-06-14 Thread Counterforce - Lay


*** Sorry for posting this to the whole list, but It'll have to be.
*** Yesterday I lost all information in one of my hard disks, which means I
lost all contact informatin on people. I had some things going on with
people here in 313, so I'll ask them to get in touch with me since I don't
have their addresses anymore. Sorry for the hassle, but I realy can't
retrieve the contact info:

1. I had asked some people some time ago to translate their testemonies on
the DEMF and post them at my site. Can these people get in contact with me?
2. Nick (sorry for the misspell), I was trading CD's with you, can you
re-send me that last message you sent? I read it, but didn't reply. I also
need your address.
3. I also asked people on photos of the DEMF. I didn't even had the cance to
reply to them, which seems like I wasn't interested. Can you please get in
touch with me?

I realy need these people to get in touch with me, since I have no way to
contact them.
Well, I think that's about it for now, I'll try to get on with my life
without data :-))
Once again, sorry for this post.

Unconditional Empowerment

Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-14 Thread Nathaniel Hovan
Can anyone help me with artists and/or labels for these songs off i-F's Mixed Up
in the Hague Vol. 1 CD?  These are the tracks I'm stuck on:

-Primitive World
-World Invasion
-Robot is Systematic
-Super Shuffle
-Take A Chance
-Dirty Talk
-Living Up
-Feel The Drive

Thanks a lot,

What Is Up With 313?

2000-06-14 Thread 0 0

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 05:43:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Nick=20Walsh?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [313] What Is Up With 313?

I've been on this list for about 3 months now and I'm
beginning to notice a hierarchy in here. Why the f*!k
do ppl have to bitch each other just for giving their
personal opinions? I used to kinda respect some of the
ppl posting stuff on this list. I kinda looked up to
some of them, the well known ones, but it seems ppl
who post stuff, especially those who actually work in
the industry, are a bunch of self opinionated

Nick (Dj Pacific:)

Pps. I don't see why Jeff should be booted. There're
too many ppl getting away with much worse stuff just
recently. I can cope with messages about undelivered
email. What I CAN'T cope with is gobsh*t f*ckwits
causing sh*te for the rest of us... I remember reading
in the terms of use that we weren't allowed to use
foul language... check it out...

Some people can't seem to take a bit of winding up, basically.
Jesus, if you cant cope with all that then you are fucked in the music ind. 
You sound like a right jumped up student and/or mummys boy.

Slap my wrist.

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:50:58 -0400
From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313

if you arent willing to listen to other music besides "your music" then
obviously you wont be able to see what i am talking about
it seems that people are openminded enough to listen to techno, but >then
fall into the genre trap again despising all other music besides "what >is
theirs" -

i just noticed this - this is why you are lost

Proper techno is deep, soulful and funky and trance
is Souless and funkless!

there is no such thing as "proper techno"
if you have to follow guidelines to what is good music then really you
dont understand at all what music is about
you arent listening to music, just guidelines

My guidelines are: It's either got the funk/swing/attitude or it ain't.
Simple as that. Nothing to do with what you said above. Nothing to do with 
what is "Who's music"(!)

I've been buying/selling/working with music for a good few years now, so I 
can see how labelling stuff can be good and bad, but shit music is just shit 
music, it doesnt matter what 'genre' it is.
I'd buy a hardfloor record if it was good and I'd turn down a Jeff Mills 
record if i thought it was crap.


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RE: [313] KMS records

2000-06-14 Thread Richard Hart
talking of Gary Martin - can anyone recommend
tracks worth buying ?? Which are the best
Teknotika records etc ??



> On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 06:30:37PM +0930, Scott Vallance wrote:
> > Those very kind people at KMS records have made some of their back
> > catalogue available on This includes one of my all time
> > favourites Ahnongay... I seem to remember it used to get quite a bit of
> > play on dreaming daisies (for those in adelaide :)... anyway enjoy!
> >
> >
> There's an mp3 on this page of KMS-070, Casa Cagat by Gary
> Martin. I hope this
> will be available on vinyl soon, because it's the version on the
> b-side that
> got all 4 of us Dutch technotourists shuffling our feet at NSC when it was
> mastered there. The break in the b-side mix will send dancefloors
> into a frenzy.
> Mazzel,
> Hans

Re: [313] KMS records

2000-06-14 Thread Hans Veneman
On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 06:30:37PM +0930, Scott Vallance wrote:
> Those very kind people at KMS records have made some of their back
> catalogue available on This includes one of my all time
> favourites Ahnongay... I seem to remember it used to get quite a bit of
> play on dreaming daisies (for those in adelaide :)... anyway enjoy!

There's an mp3 on this page of KMS-070, Casa Cagat by Gary Martin. I hope this
will be available on vinyl soon, because it's the version on the b-side that
got all 4 of us Dutch technotourists shuffling our feet at NSC when it was
mastered there. The break in the b-side mix will send dancefloors into a frenzy.


Hans Veneman 

KMS records

2000-06-14 Thread Scott Vallance
Those very kind people at KMS records have made some of their back
catalogue available on This includes one of my all time
favourites Ahnongay... I seem to remember it used to get quite a bit of
play on dreaming daisies (for those in adelaide :)... anyway enjoy!


Re: [313] Phortune (was forcefield paradise)

2000-06-14 Thread e&a rinon

-Original Message-

>It's also on HMF-LP-01 'Acid LP' (1988).
>Phortune - Can You Feel the Bass

diffrent mix to the 12" (yes the comp one is better imo)

>Fingers - Juice
>Fingers - Ecstasy
>Does anybody know if the two Fingers tracks have appeared anywhere else?
Juice is on the Amnesia 2 x lp

-Original Message-
From: James Bucknell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>saber put out a 4 disk comp a few years ago. it it might be on that. but
>say i remember it.

actualy on that compilation they had the b side of "can you feel the bass"
12" on HM5
the classic piano tune by Ralphi Rosario&Pierre "String Free"

>come across the saber 4 pack. might have more luck in england with the
saber as
>it a uk label

Saber is from chicago! the compilation you are talking about
"the definitive story - chicago house 86-91"  4 x lp
came out under Saber but in reality was done by the guys from
Beechwood Music who were responsible for the New Electronica
compilations back in the day,yes in England & i think this was due
to Angie & her Trax uk runing around the same time

-Original Message-
From: Otto Koppius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> last time i saw CC play was in 96 (?) when he was djing in australia, it
>> may have been his first visit (cyclone?).
>November 1995, Adelaide, The Synagogue.

he was in Brisbane earlier that year,and it was his first time in oz
acording to his 3zzz intvw i still have here somewere

-Original Message-
From: david siska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>din, to me, still has it all in place.  that arovane full-length 'atol
>scrap' is a very nice piece of work, and the design on all of the din
>stuff has been and continues to be great.

Amen! David is right they have been carrying the torch for the whole
berlin posse in 99,now when is the new one from Various Artists out?
can't wait


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