Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread docp101


Representative Jeffeson of New Orleans he of the money in the fridge is also a 
reverend.? Norman HSU is also deeply religious.? He's a Mooney I think.

God bless!

-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 3:54 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Sounds like the Word of God; something a conservative, wouldn't know
or practice!  They worship at the altar, located on WALL street!

--- In, Jersey Shore John

 Religion and Conservative just seem to go together.  Huh?
 Does this sound like a Republican?:
 21 Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go, sell what you  
 possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;  
 and come, follow me.

This, a Republican, could NEVER do!
 Does this sound like a Republican?:
 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle  
 than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

They'd PAY someone then claim the credit!
 Does this sound like a Republican?:
 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to  
 preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to  
 the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty  
 those who are oppressed

HELL, no!

 Does this sound like a Republican?:
 12 He said also to the man who had invited him, When you give a  
 dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or  
 your kinsmen or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return,  
 and you be repaid.
 13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame,  
 the blind,
 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will  
 be repaid at the resurrection of the just.

That would be doing the right thing and being humble!

 Does this sound like a Republican?:
 [13] No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the  
 one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise  
 the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:14 PM, Mike Hemeon wrote:
  No one monopolizes either. Liberals, or Progressives, signify a  
  free for all lifestyle to me based on my many years of life  
  experience and Republicans are more conservative.

Not when they're behind closed doors!  They're down right FREAKY!  See
the rest room incident, see Mark Foley and those racy pages!

  Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why is it true that liberals have no God?
  Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?
  On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:
  Being a Conservative take more work than being a
  Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

I've burned a bra or two!

  One issue to watch in the future is National
  Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
  that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
  National Healthcare program.

Better than having Bush  Co., keeping me alive for 30 more years and
NOT paying the bill!

  I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

That's just what I plan to do!

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread docp101

You seem to be mighty bitter.? The democrats aim to keep the poor as poor.? 
Just enough entitlements to keep them poor.? They believe in the welfare 
nation.? Glad to see you love them so but please don't make blanket half truth 
lies about republicans.

Semper Fi!
-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 3:41 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

While Republicans profess to have a lock on God and Christianity,
nothing could be furthur from the truth!  Republicans ran on the
so-called Christian ticket, beating their chest, that Democrats were
Liberal, meaning they were in favor of a woman's right to choose, stem
cell research, equal more than civil rights, which is better, etc. 
Liberals are inclusive, tolerant and forward thinking, whereas,
Conservatives are envious, mean-spirited, racist, greedy,
draft-dodgers, never-served, less-educated and are the equivalent of
countrified hill-billies, in Brooks-Brothers suits!  A bunch of
hypocrites, who get their hands caught in the cookie jar and make all
kinds of excuses for themselves!

 --- In, Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Although one could also say practice what you preach.  There's little  
 doubt to most of the country that Republicans have been far more  
 hypocritical in the way they live their lives.  Every time a  
 Republican gets caught doing something like adultry or prostitution  
 it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets caught because it just  
 reaffirms the way some of us feel - that Republicans USE RELIGION  
 rather than our truly religious.
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
  statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
  agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  
  -Original Message-
  From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
  Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God
  Why is it true that liberals have no God?
  Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?
  On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:
  Being a Conservative take more work than being a
  Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.
  One issue to watch in the future is National
  Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
  that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
  National Healthcare program.
  I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out
  --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
   is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
   paying attention.
   The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
   that define
   people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
   If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
   better be able to
   survey the landscape.
   --- In, Kevin Brown
--- In,
justifiedright@ wrote:

 --- In, Kevin Brown

 It is
  really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
   rising in

 Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do

My political view is way beyond the local arena!
New jersey is not the litmus...
Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
   on the WTC, the
Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
   declaring we killed
Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her
  Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get  
  listings, and more!
  Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread docp101


Does Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick ring a bell.? Yeah the liberals are 
such a prize.

-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 4:18 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.? He is
a Reverend of some sort.? He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in plastic his refrigerator!? Oh but wait he was a democrat!
 Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had
to resign, versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick (Juanota
Broderick) and is given an atta boy by the press.
 Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes to
supporting Senator Craig.? Now who is the hypocrite?

I'm one!  Not bleeding heart, just tolerant, of those different from
me.  You know what Sen, Craig's problem?  He got caught cold-handed
and froze!  He was guilty, caught red-faced and being the hypocrite,
he is, after thumping his bible-belt chest, after vetoing every
pro-gay bill, is gay himself!  

The height of hypocrisy!  If Bill Jefferson is guilty, so be it. 
Funny, the FBI knew where to look, for the money!  What about Vitter
of La., another hypocrite!  I have sinned!  No, you got caught with
your hypocritical pants, DOWN!  

This guy and Sen. Craig, went after Bill Clinton, as did Newt the
lover Gingrich, screwed his assistant, while his wife lay dying of
cancer,  and Henry I have an illegitimate son, Hyde, ALL while they
were impeaching Bill Clinton, while performing sexual acts with women,
NOT thier wife!

So, that said, is being Conservative better?  I'll stay a swinging
liberal, who'll say, Yeah, I did it! So what?  I'll just go to
confession, make a good act of contrition and try to do better! 
Catholics get drunk on Friday, go to confession on Saturday, then
attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, on Sunday!  Any questions?


Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread docp101


Oh so the FBI new where to look in Jefferson's fridge so it was a plant?? Get 

That's as crazy as Bill Clinton allegedly having a illegitimate son by the name 
of Danny Williams from a black prostitute.

With regards to Craig, you really know how to twist it.? All the bleeding heart 
liberals came to the defense of McGreevey even though? he got caught...if you 
recall he got caught using his influence to get a job in the (state homeland 
defense agency) for his gay lover.? 

I fought for your right to spout off but I would request you be more fair and 

Typical liberal hypocrite.

Semper Fi!
-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 4:18 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.? He is
a Reverend of some sort.? He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in plastic his refrigerator!? Oh but wait he was a democrat!
 Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had
to resign, versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick (Juanota
Broderick) and is given an atta boy by the press.
 Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes to
supporting Senator Craig.? Now who is the hypocrite?

I'm one!  Not bleeding heart, just tolerant, of those different from
me.  You know what Sen, Craig's problem?  He got caught cold-handed
and froze!  He was guilty, caught red-faced and being the hypocrite,
he is, after thumping his bible-belt chest, after vetoing every
pro-gay bill, is gay himself!  

The height of hypocrisy!  If Bill Jefferson is guilty, so be it. 
Funny, the FBI knew where to look, for the money!  What about Vitter
of La., another hypocrite!  I have sinned!  No, you got caught with
your hypocritical pants, DOWN!  

This guy and Sen. Craig, went after Bill Clinton, as did Newt the
lover Gingrich, screwed his assistant, while his wife lay dying of
cancer,  and Henry I have an illegitimate son, Hyde, ALL while they
were impeaching Bill Clinton, while performing sexual acts with women,
NOT thier wife!

So, that said, is being Conservative better?  I'll stay a swinging
liberal, who'll say, Yeah, I did it! So what?  I'll just go to
confession, make a good act of contrition and try to do better! 
Catholics get drunk on Friday, go to confession on Saturday, then
attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, on Sunday!  Any questions?


Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread Jersey Shore John

Liberals don't have to defend Craig. He's all yours, dude. Suck it up.

On Sep 14, 2007, at 7:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Oh so the FBI new where to look in Jefferson's fridge so it was a  
plant?  Get real.

That's as crazy as Bill Clinton allegedly having a illegitimate son  
by the name of Danny Williams from a black prostitute.

With regards to Craig, you really know how to twist it.  All the  
bleeding heart liberals came to the defense of McGreevey even  
though  he got caught...if you recall he got caught using his  
influence to get a job in the (state homeland defense agency) for  
his gay lover.

I fought for your right to spout off but I would request you be  
more fair and balanced.

Typical liberal hypocrite.

Semper Fi!
-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 4:18 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Gary,   
  Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.?  
He is a Reverend of some sort.? He got caught with 30,000 wrapped  
in plastic his refrigerator!? Oh but wait he was a  
democrat! Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a  
womans leg and had to resign, versus Bill Clinton who allegedly  
raped a chick (Juanota Broderick) and is given an atta boy by the  
press. Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers  
when it comes to supporting Senator Craig.? Now who is the  
hypocrite? I'm one! Not bleeding heart, just tolerant, of those  
different from me. You know what Sen, Craig's problem? He got  
caught cold-handed and froze! He was guilty, caught red-faced and  
being the hypocrite, he is, after thumping his bible-belt chest,  
after vetoing every pro-gay bill, is gay himself! The height of  
hypocrisy! If Bill Jefferson is guilty, so be it. Funny, the FBI  
knew where to look, for the money! What about Vitter of La.,  
another hypocrite! I have sinned! No, you got caught with your  
hypocritical pants, DOWN! This guy and Sen. Craig, went after Bill  
Clinton, as did Newt the lover Gingrich, screwed his assistant,  
while his wife lay dying of cancer, and Henry I have an  
illegitimate son, Hyde, ALL while they were impeaching Bill  
Clinton, while performing sexual acts with women, NOT thier wife!  
So, that said, is being Conservative better? I'll stay a swinging  
liberal, who'll say, Yeah, I did it! So what? I'll just go to  
confession, make a good act of contrition and try to do better!  
Catholics get drunk on Friday, go to confession on Saturday, then  
attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, on Sunday! Any questions?   
online go to: (Yahoo!  

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread docp101

I'm not at all defending Craig.? I am pointing out the lack of the bleeding 
hearts and the gays coming to his defense.? That is a bit hypocritical when 
they did come out in support of McGreevey.

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 7:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Liberals don't have to defend Craig. He's all yours, dude. Suck it up.

On Sep 14, 2007, at 7:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Oh so the FBI new where to look in Jefferson's fridge so it was a plant?? Get 

That's as crazy as Bill Clinton allegedly having a illegitimate son by the name 
of Danny Williams from a black prostitute.

With regards to Craig, you really know how to twist it.? All the bleeding heart 
liberals came to the defense of McGreevey even though? he got caught...if you 
recall he got caught using his influence to get a job in the (state homeland 
defense agency) for his gay lover.??

I fought for your right to spout off but I would request you be more fair and 

Typical liberal hypocrite.

Semper Fi!
-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 4:18 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free?AOL Mail!


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-14 Thread Jersey Shore John
You're asking someone else to defend him. Unfortunately, for you, the  
only people who would be called to defend him are other Republicans.  
No one else would be expected to defend Craig. Except by you. It's  
called a strawman. Throwing up a false choice. The choice is  
Republicans defend him or abandon him, not Republicans defend him or  
Democrats defend him.

Craig said he's not gay (we've been here before doc, and it's what  
makes your postings so tedious) so there would be no call for gay  
people to come to his defense. The Log Republicans did because he's  
Republican, just like they foolishly defend all other Republicans.

On Sep 14, 2007, at 8:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm not at all defending Craig.  I am pointing out the lack of the  
bleeding hearts and the gays coming to his defense.  That is a bit  
hypocritical when they did come out in support of McGreevey.

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 7:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Liberals don't have to defend Craig. He's all yours, dude. Suck it up.

On Sep 14, 2007, at 7:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Oh so the FBI new where to look in Jefferson's fridge so it was a  
plant?  Get real.

That's as crazy as Bill Clinton allegedly having a illegitimate  
son by the name of Danny Williams from a black prostitute.

With regards to Craig, you really know how to twist it.  All the  
bleeding heart liberals came to the defense of McGreevey even  
though  he got caught...if you recall he got caught using his  
influence to get a job in the (state homeland defense agency) for  
his gay lover.

I fought for your right to spout off but I would request you be  
more fair and balanced.

Typical liberal hypocrite.

Semper Fi!
-Original Message-
From: 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 4:18 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Gary,  
   Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New  
Orleans.? He is a Reverend of some sort.? He got caught with  
30,000 wrapped in plastic his refrigerator!? Oh but wait  
he was a democrat! Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his  
hand on a womans leg and had to resign, versus Bill Clinton who  
allegedly raped a chick (Juanota Broderick) and is given an atta  
boy by the press. Where are all the bleeding heart  
homosexual lovers when it comes to supporting Senator Craig.? Now  
who is the hypocrite? I'm one! Not bleeding heart, just tolerant,  
of those different from me. You know what Sen, Craig's problem? He  
got caught cold-handed and froze! He was guilty, caught red-faced  
and being the hypocrite, he is, after thumping his bible-belt  
chest, after vetoing every pro-gay bill, is gay himself! The  
height of hypocrisy! If Bill Jefferson is guilty, so be it. Funny,  
the FBI knew where to look, for the money! What about Vitter of  
La., another hypocrite! I have sinned! No, you got caught with  
your hypocritical pants, DOWN! This guy and Sen. Craig, went after  
Bill Clinton, as did Newt the lover Gingrich, screwed his  
assistant, while his wife lay dying of cancer, and Henry I have  
an illegitimate son, Hyde, ALL while they were impeaching Bill  
Clinton, while performing sexual acts with women, NOT thier wife!  
So, that said, is being Conservative better? I'll stay a swinging  
liberal, who'll say, Yeah, I did it! So what? I'll just go to  
confession, make a good act of contrition and try to do better!  
Catholics get drunk on Friday, go to confession on Saturday, then  
attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, on Sunday! Any questions?  
online go to: (Yahoo!  

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John

Like Faux Noise would ADMIT it?

On Sep 13, 2007, at 7:40 AM, justifiedright wrote:

AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
ADMITTING to doing it.

Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?

I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left wing
site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.

I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have acted
 poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting things
 other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
 intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things up. I
 with you until you went there, at which point your entire argument
 was invalidated...

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  --- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@ wrote:
   Just because Fox News or
   Rush says so doesn't make it so...
  CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
  NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
  Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
  they doctored photos or staged photos
  New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories
  Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal where
  they doctored photos or staged photos
  Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam media
  been caught making things up and admitting it.
  I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
And Dan Rather's documents aside, where was George Bush during his  
TANG service? Just as the Wing Nut Wurlitzer wanted, that issue was  
completely abandoned.

On Sep 13, 2007, at 7:40 AM, justifiedright wrote:

AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
ADMITTING to doing it.

Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?

I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left wing
site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.

I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have acted
 poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting things
 other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
 intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things up. I
 with you until you went there, at which point your entire argument
 was invalidated...

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  --- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@ wrote:
   Just because Fox News or
   Rush says so doesn't make it so...
  CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
  NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
  Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
  they doctored photos or staged photos
  New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories
  Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal where
  they doctored photos or staged photos
  Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam media
  been caught making things up and admitting it.
  I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
This is what Mort Kondracke said yesterday about the Military  
Commissions Act, while he sat next to Fox News anchor Brit Hume and  
Fred Barnes, neither of whom contested what he said:

MORT KONDRACKE: Well, as to that human rights watch spokesperson,  
it's just false that this is — you can lock them up and throw away  
the key is not correct. I mean, these detainees have a right to go to  
a military — they have been tried in a military tribunal. The case  
goes on appeal to the U.S. district — the Circuit Court of appeals  
for the District of Columbia, second highest court in the land, which  
reviews the evidence. And so there is judicial review of a  
conviction, at least, and so, you know, it's just flatly false.

What is flatly false is what Kondracke told Fox viewers about the  
Military Commissions Act. It is true that the Act creates military  
commissions and establishes rules for those commissions in the event  
that the President wants a certain detainee tried, convicted and  
punished (almost certainly execution). Not even the Bush-led U.S.  
will openly execute detainees without a finding that they are guilty  
of terrorism. The commissions exist so that the Executive branch can  
impose sentence (such as the death sentence) on detainees who are  
found guilty of engaging in terrorism (or some other war crime).

But there is no right for detainees to be tried before a commission,  
and there is no obligation for the President to bring any detainee  
before a military commission. If the President does not want to  
obtain a finding of guilt and impose punishment, he has no reason to  
bring them before a military commission. He can just keep them  
detained forever without any finding of guilt and without any  
punishment being imposed (just as many of the Guantanamo detainees,  
and even U.S. citizens, have been kept in cages for years with no  
finding of any kind of guilt).

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

 Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

 I don't think there are any.

 I gave you several in the MSM.

 --- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
  really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
  mean it was real.
  --- In, justifiedright
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
   ADMITTING to doing it.
   Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
   I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
   site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
   I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
   --- In, asburycouple
Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
 up. I
with you until you went there, at which point your entire
was invalidated...
--- In, justifiedright
justifiedright@ wrote:

 --- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@

  Just because Fox News or
  Rush says so doesn't make it so...


 CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.

 NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a

 Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
 they doctored photos or staged photos

 New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories

 Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal
 they doctored photos or staged photos

 Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam
 been caught making things up and admitting it.

 I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

I don't think there are any.

I gave you several in the MSM.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
 really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
 mean it was real.

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
  ADMITTING to doing it.
  Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
  I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
  site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
  I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
  --- In, asburycouple
   Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
   poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
   other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
   intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
up. I
   with you until you went there, at which point your entire
   was invalidated...
   --- In, justifiedright
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@
 Just because Fox News or
 Rush says so doesn't make it so...
CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos
New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories
Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos
Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam
been caught making things up and admitting it.
I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
In reporting and commenting on Sen. Rick Santorum's (R-PA) and House  
Intelligence Committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra's (R-MI) June 21 claim  
that a recently declassified intelligence report found that there  
were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq prior to the March 2003  
U.S.-led invasion, Fox News' Brit Hume, John Gibson, and Jim Angle,  
as well as nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Janet  
Parshall, continued to ignore conclusive assertions of intelligence  
officials that the degraded chemical munitions found were not, in  
fact, in the category of weapons of mass destruction that the U.S.  
was looking for at the time of the invasion. They also ignore the  
Iraq Survey Group's (ISG) September 2004 final report (also known as  
the Duelfer report), which noted that degraded chemical munitions had  
already been found in Iraq, and that they were not proof of an  
existing chemical weapons stockpile or of a renewed Iraqi chemical  
weapons program. Indeed, former ISG head Charles Duelfer stated that  
the munitions hyped by Santorum and Hoekstra do not qualify as  
weapons of mass destruction, though they may still pose a local threat.

Nevertheless, Hume reported that [t]op administration officials said  
today that chemical and biological weapons have indeed been found in  
Iraq, and a report by Angle uncritically aired a statement by  
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld that these munitions are  
weapons of mass destruction. Further, Angle's report  
mischaracterized a statement by Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), ranking  
Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, to suggest that she  
downplayed the danger of these munitions.

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

I don't think there are any.

I gave you several in the MSM.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
 really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
 mean it was real.

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
  ADMITTING to doing it.
  Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
  I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
  site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
  I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
  --- In, asburycouple
   Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
   poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
   other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
   intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
up. I
   with you until you went there, at which point your entire
   was invalidated...
   --- In, justifiedright
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@
 Just because Fox News or
 Rush says so doesn't make it so...
CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos
New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories
Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos
Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam
been caught making things up and admitting it.
I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with  
an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or  
falsifying the news in the United States.

Back in December of 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson,  
were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT  
in Tampa Bay, Florida. In 1997 the team began work on a story about  
bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured  
by Monsanto Corporation. The couple produced a four-part series  
revealing that there were many health risks related to BGH and that  
Florida supermarket chains did little to avoid selling milk from cows  
treated with the hormone, despite assuring customers otherwise.

According to Akre and Wilson, the station was initially very excited  
about the series. But within a week, Fox executives and their  
attorneys wanted the reporters to use statements from Monsanto  
representatives that the reporters knew were false and to make other  
revisions to the story that were in direct conflict with the facts.  
Fox editors then tried to force Akre and Wilson to continue to  
produce the distorted story. When they refused and threatened to  
report Fox's actions to the FCC, they were both fired.(Project  
Censored #12 1997)

Akre and Wilson sued the Fox station and on August 18, 2000, a  
Florida jury unanimously decided that Akre was wrongfully fired by  
Fox Television when she refused to broadcast (in the jury's words) “a  
false, distorted or slanted story” about the widespread use of BGH in  
dairy cows. They further maintained that she deserved protection  
under Florida's whistle blower law. Akre was awarded a $425,000  
settlement. Inexplicably, however, the court decided that Steve  
Wilson, her partner in the case, was ruled not wronged by the same  
actions taken by FOX.

FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second  
District Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the settlement  
awarded to Akre. The Court held that Akre’s threat to report the  
station’s actions to the FCC did not deserve protection under  
Florida’s whistle blower statute, because Florida’s whistle blower  
law states that an employer must violate an adopted “law, rule, or  
regulation. In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the  
Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against  
falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a law, rule,  
or regulation, it was simply a policy. Therefore, it is up to the  
station whether or not it wants to report honestly.

During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules  
against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the  
First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately  
distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not  
dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false  
story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so. After  
the appeal verdict WTVT general manager Bob Linger commented, “It’s  
vindication for WTVT, and we’re very pleased… It’s the case we’ve  
been making for two years. She never had a legal claim.”

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

I don't think there are any.

I gave you several in the MSM.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
 really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
 mean it was real.

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
  ADMITTING to doing it.
  Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
  I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
  site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
  I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
  --- In, asburycouple
   Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
   poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
   other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
   intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
up. I
   with you until you went there, at which point your entire
   was invalidated...
   --- In, justifiedright
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@
 Just because Fox News or
 Rush says so doesn't make it so...
CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
It’s been a rough week for our ol’ friends at Fox News. Thanks to  
some IP-address based research, the political world learned that the  
FNC was responsible for “touching up” Wikipedia pages, editing  
content that didn’t fit with the partisan network’s political agenda.

For example, embarrassing content from Media Matters about FNC  
personalities was quietly removed. Criticism of Keith Olbermann and  
Al Franken was accentuated. The network that specializes in on-air  
propaganda had taken its usual schtick to Wiki pages.

With that in mind, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Fox News’ Chris  
Wallace — you guessed it — sought to undermine Wikipedia’s  
credibility with a report tonight.

The irony is rich. Pay particular attention to the references to  
“self-serving agendas” and businesses desperate to “improve their  
public image.”

Fox News tried to exploit Wikipedia, and got caught, so naturally  
it’s time to undermine the source of the network’s embarrassment.  

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

 Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

 I don't think there are any.

 I gave you several in the MSM.

 --- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
  really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
  mean it was real.
  --- In, justifiedright
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
   ADMITTING to doing it.
   Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
   I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
   site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
   I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
   --- In, asburycouple
Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
 up. I
with you until you went there, at which point your entire
was invalidated...
--- In, justifiedright
justifiedright@ wrote:

 --- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@

  Just because Fox News or
  Rush says so doesn't make it so...


 CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.

 NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a

 Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
 they doctored photos or staged photos

 New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories

 Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal
 they doctored photos or staged photos

 Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam
 been caught making things up and admitting it.

 I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
Bill O'Reilly Lied About Calling For The Pepsi Boycott

He (Bill O'Reilly) says I'm calling for all responsible americans to  
fight back and punish pepsi for using a man who degrades women, who  
encourages substance abuse and does all the things that hurt  
particularly the poor and our society. Then he says, I'm calling for  
all americans to say, hey, pepsi, i'm not drinking your stuff.

That sounds like calling for a boycott.

Here is exactly what O'Reilly said, right from the transcript of his  

OREILLY: Well, look, just because you think it's in the bottle is off  
doesn't mean i have to accept it as an american consumer so I'm  
calling for all responsible americans to fight back and punish pepsi  
for using a man who degrades women, who encourages substance abuse  
and does all the things that hurt particularly the poor and our  
society. I'm calling for all americans to say, hey, pepsi, i'm not  
drinking your stuff. You want to hang around with Ludacris, you do  
that, I'm not hanging around with you. Am I wrong to do that?

OREILLY: I don't want Ludacris to be banned. I'm not talking about  
that. Let Ludacris be Ludacris, all right? Thank you. Let him do what  
he wants. He's a dumb idiot who's got lucky and exploits the system  
that we have. Fine. Pepsi cola is my problem. Pepsi cola is my  
problem here.

The lie: Bill told an e-mailer that he did not call for a pepsi  
boycott, because he never used the word boycott.

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

 Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

 I don't think there are any.

 I gave you several in the MSM.

 --- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
  really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
  mean it was real.
  --- In, justifiedright
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
   ADMITTING to doing it.
   Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
   I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
   site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
   I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
   --- In, asburycouple
Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
 up. I
with you until you went there, at which point your entire
was invalidated...
--- In, justifiedright
justifiedright@ wrote:

 --- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@

  Just because Fox News or
  Rush says so doesn't make it so...


 CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.

 NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a

 Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
 they doctored photos or staged photos

 New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories

 Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal
 they doctored photos or staged photos

 Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam
 been caught making things up and admitting it.

 I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.



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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John
Fox's O'Reilly Factor covered the Mark Foley (R-FL) issue in two  
different segments, one of them with a page who says he received  
communications from Foley, and another with Ann Coulter. Incredibly,  
during a total of three different cutaways to video footage of Foley,  
he was labelled at the bottom of the screen eachtime as (D-FL).

Three different times. In two different segements. Each cutaway about  
15 seconds or more. Showing Foley as a Democrat.

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inline: FoxOReilly_MarkFoleyDEM_100306.jpg

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:10 AM, justifiedright wrote:

Any examples of them making stuff up where they didn't admit to it?

I don't think there are any.

I gave you several in the MSM.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For years professional wrestling wouldn't admit that they weren't
 really fighting either. The fact that they wouldn't admit it
 mean it was real.

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
  ADMITTING to doing it.
  Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?
  I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left
  site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.
  I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.
  --- In, asburycouple
   Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have
   poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting
   other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
   intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things
up. I
   with you until you went there, at which point your entire
   was invalidated...
   --- In, justifiedright
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@
 Just because Fox News or
 Rush says so doesn't make it so...
CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos
New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories
Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal
they doctored photos or staged photos
Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam
been caught making things up and admitting it.
I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-13 Thread Jersey Shore John

On Sep 13, 2007, at 1:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


George Bush was in the National Guard while Bill Clinton was  
protesting against the US on foreign soil while smoking doobies.

nice how you say Dan Rather's documents aside  you may be a spin  
master...just not a very good one!

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 9:50 am
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

And Dan Rather's documents aside, where was George Bush during his  
TANG service? Just as the Wing Nut Wurlitzer wanted, that issue was  
completely abandoned.

On Sep 13, 2007, at 7:40 AM, justifiedright wrote:

AsburyCouple I gave examples of the MSM making up stories and
ADMITTING to doing it.

Do you have anything on Fox that comes close?

I'm sure someone on this board is going to link to some left wing
site that will say they don't like Fox. That's not the point.

I'm talking about admitted examples of making stuff up.

--- In, asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tom - I'll buy that both sides of the media spectrum have acted
 poorly and at times have not served the public by reporting things
 other than the truth. But please don't insult everyone's
 intelligence by saying that Rush and Fox don't make things up. I
 with you until you went there, at which point your entire argument
 was invalidated...

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  --- In, Gary Wien lightgrw@ wrote:
   Just because Fox News or
   Rush says so doesn't make it so...
  CBS did Dan Rather's forged document show.
  NBC blew up a truck with a device pretending the truck had a
  Reuters got caught repeatedly in the Fauxtography scandal
  they doctored photos or staged photos
  New York Times colunist Jayson Blair simply made up stories
  Associated Press got caught in the Fauxtography scandal where
  they doctored photos or staged photos
  Fox News and Rush don't make things up. The mainsteam media
  been caught making things up and admitting it.
  I'll take Fox News for integrity any day.

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101


Rep., Jefferson he of the money in the fridge was a reverend as well.? I think 
Norman Hsu was very religious as well, I think he was a Mooney!

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:34 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Yea, just like the Liberal Progressive Democrat Assemblyman Preacher 
who just got caught taking bribes.

That sure prooves your point.


--- In, Jersey Shore John 

 Conservatives only pretend to be religious but actually worship 
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
  statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has 
  agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god 
  -Original Message-
  From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
  Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God
  Why is it true that liberals have no God?
  Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?
  On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:
  Being a Conservative take more work than being a
  Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.
  One issue to watch in the future is National
  Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
  that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
  National Healthcare program.
  I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out
  --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
   is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
   paying attention.
   The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
   that define
   people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
   If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
   better be able to
   survey the landscape.
   --- In, Kevin Brown
--- In,
justifiedright@ wrote:

 --- In, Kevin Brown

 It is
  really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
   rising in

 Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do

My political view is way beyond the local arena!
New jersey is not the litmus...
Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
   on the WTC, the
Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
   declaring we killed
Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her
  Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, 
  listings, and more!
  Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL 

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John

the Liberal Progressive Democrat Assemblyman Preacher

Liberal Progressive Democrat? Got anymore bias you wanna throw in  
there, Reverend? Why not add Dirty F#king Hippie while you're at  

On Sep 11, 2007, at 10:34 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

Yea, just like the Liberal Progressive Democrat Assemblyman Preacher
who just got caught taking bribes.

That sure prooves your point.


--- In, Jersey Shore John

 Conservatives only pretend to be religious but actually worship

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket
  statement and is probably not 100% accurate. However, one has
  agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god
  -Original Message-
  From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
  Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God
  Why is it true that liberals have no God?
  Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?
  On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:
  Being a Conservative take more work than being a
  Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.
  One issue to watch in the future is National
  Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
  that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
  National Healthcare program.
  I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out
  --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
   is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
   paying attention.
   The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
   that define
   people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
   If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
   better be able to
   survey the landscape.
   --- In, Kevin Brown
--- In,
justifiedright@ wrote:

 --- In, Kevin Brown

 It is
  really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
   rising in

 Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do

My political view is way beyond the local arena!
New jersey is not the litmus...
Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
   on the WTC, the
Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
   declaring we killed
Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her
  Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews,
  listings, and more!
  Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/10/2007 9:51:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

We will.  Mario's buying me beer the  last night (I think it's September 30). 
I of course owe Oak a beer or three. I  think apoojo owes me one, also.
It's either going to be a  funeral or a re-birth.  Let's hope for the  latter.


A beer?   Sheeit!   I'll cover your  bar tab that night for all you did last 
week.  And not once  touting it here. 

(That  phrase agreement, of course, still holds.)   
In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:11:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I've tried to stay out of this conversation;  will you permit me to end it? 
Also Mario, please forgive me for violating my  own rule and using something 
Growing up in my house, my mother  had pictures of only 3 men on the walls - 
Elvis, Jesus and Jack Kennedy (and I  think she had them in that 
order of importance;-))  Of course  liberals believe in God.  

I've got nothing against anecdotes; they are useful,  especially when used to 
lighten the tone.  It's anecdotal evidence that I  object to; it's rarely 
accepted as proof; worse even than analogies which are  the second least 
effective in debate.

Can that  please be the end of this silly thread?
It is a silly subject line; if I had authored it,  I'd be embarrassed every 
time saw it in a Re: [Asbury Park]
But confirms your tab anyway as per agreement.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 7:51:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

If  conservatives are about limited government and liberals are about  
government involvement then I think the only real conservatives left  
are the Libertains.  Because those who today label themselves  
conservative are often just religious liberal, using the government 
to  drive their own agenda just as traditional liberals  do.  The 
only difference is that atleast traditional liberals are  honest about 

I'd say zealots instead of liberals, but otherwise your post reveals  the 
uselessness of the traditional party slogans.  (e.g.,  One nation  Under God; 
under God was inserted in 1954 under pressure during the McCarthy  period.  
Depends on whose ox is being gored by big government programs: the  poor, the 
people getting capital gains and estate tax reductions; K Street  lobbyists or 
social welfare programs; offshore companies and corps  getting contracts they 
don't have to submit biids for; et al.; Eminent  Domain used/abused for 
public or private gain.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 3:32:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Kevin Brown  is no monkey.

I know because one of his web sites says he can ordain me as a  minister.  
For $5,000 and six months study; moreover, some of the  prerequisites for 
admission can be waived after a personal  interview.


** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 10:01:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

The  examples you have given equal religion vs. no religion. Pick one of your 
 examples. Let me make it perfectly clear, in my opinion, religion causes 
more  problems than it is worth.
Reasonable conclusion from history:  Jihadist beheadings, Christian  
Inquisition trials, or shootings at Abortion clinics.  Strict dogmatism in  any 
group.  Stalinists as Secular Religionists; Fascist race superiority;  Klu Klux 
Klans crosses  

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:17:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Jersey John,

Not sure what your rambling post was about but this sure sounds  Republican...

No America in the Sermon of the Mount.Rather the  sermon refers to the 
Blessed are... as any people who cultivate certain  virtues.  I don't think 
Tom Delay's America or the corrupt of all stripes  and any domain would be 
among the Blessed.  

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:57:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Just so the  group knows, I do not skirt issues.  I answer questions relevent 
to the  issue.  I never respond to personal questions that have nothing to do 
 with the issue. 
Depends on what you mean by skirt.  Juggling excerpts from scripture  and 
slogans are shallow answers to questions about most issues raised  here.  E.g.: 
 How will Asbury Park Benefit from JSRM.

I also do  not respond to people who do not have a profile identifying who 
they really  are.
Nor I.  
doc_p has no profile, and I've had experiences with his sending me personal  
email whose tone and intent was to intimidate me from posting my  perspectives 
here.  (2-3 yrs. ago)  Yahoo suggested, as a first  response, that I delete, 
without reading, or auto send his mail to spam and save  for their future 


** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 5:05:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I believe one of the worst things to happen in my lifetime was NAFTA  which I 
blame Clinton for.  

Most liberals or at least labor unions did also.   Clinton's wing  of the 
Democratic Party was quite moderate on economic and trade issues:  The 
Leadership group.

I admit I lean liberal on a lot of issues and conservative on  others.  Kinda 
sounds independent to me. 

Goldwater came out for gay rights; Lester Maddox late in life apologized  for 
his opposition to the MLK Civil Rights movement;  Wm. F. Buckley,  father of 
modern conservatism, favors the legalization of drugs which now  called 
illicit; Hagel and other Republicans oppose Bush's handling of the  war.  No 
need to 
admit.  Anyone who understands politics knows the  continuum of political 
views on various issues
To really find out what label applies to you, try this site.  You  answer a 
series of questions; then your views are charted on a graph with not  the 
simple continuum, but with a sophisticated graph, with both horizontal and  
vertical (forgot what they're called.)

 But I guess because I don't worship at the altar of guys like Rush  Limbaugh 
I would be considered a liberal.   I love those guys.   Dittoheads -- they 
proudly say they're a ditto head and then say the other  side doesn't have a 
brain.  Amazing!

Dittoheads are our era's version of the herd animals in Animal  Farm:  no 
understanding, just bleating of slogans to out-shout  dissenters:  Four legs 
good!  Two Legs bad!  Love it or Leave  it.  These Colors don't Run, USA! 
USA! USA! et  al.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 1:10:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Liberal Progressive Democrat?  Got anymore bias you wanna throw in there, 

Be proud of that epithet when it's thrown at you.  Those  words carry 
negative connotations only among the herd-like   dittoheads.

Why not add  Dirty F#king Hippie while you're at it.

Commie, Pinko, vermin, dot head too.
Four Legs Good!  Two Legs Bad!  repeated  endlessly.


** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/11/2007 3:39:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm sure  he's not, but...whenever somebody posts something that addresses 
how the  
homeless population effects AP and it's residents, he never answers the  
question, he just 
skirts the issue.

See why:
_Liberals  More Likely Than Conservatives To Break From Habitual  ..._ 
Science Daily (press  release) - USA
Science Daily -- Liberals are more likely than  are conservatives to respond 
to cues signaling the need to change  habitual responses, according to a new 
study ...
_See all stories on this topic_ 
_Brain  Differences In Liberals and Conservatives_ 
Slashdot - USA
i_like_spam writes  Scientists from NYU and UCLA report in Nature 
Neuroscience that  the brains of Democrats and Republicans process information 
differently.  ...
_See all stories on this topic_ 
_Do  You Have a Left-Wing or a Right-Wing Brain?_ 
Elliott Wave - Gainesville,GA,USA
Scientists at New York  University and UCLA published their study this week 
in the journal  Nature Neuroscience. It turns out that liberals cope with  ...
_See all stories on this topic_ 
_Political  Science, Meet Politicized Science_ 
Discovery Institute - Seattle,WA,USA
(A) specific region  of the brain's cortex is more sensitive in people who 
consider themselves  liberals than in self-declared conservatives, they advise 
_See all stories on this topic_ 
Google Blogs Alert: 
_Liberals  More Likely Than Conservatives To Break From Habitual  ..._ 
Liberals are more likely than are  conservatives to respond to cues signaling 
the need to change habitual  responses, according to a new study by 
researchers at New York University and  UCLA. The findings, which show that 
_Original Signal - Transmitting Science  - 
_ (  
_Neuroscience News -  Healthcare Industry Today_ 
Study: Liberal And  Conservative Brains Process Information Differently 10 
Sep 2007 01:50 GMT  ... UCLA showed through a simple experiment to be reported  
_Study  finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain_ 
Even in humdrum  nonpolitical decisions, liberals and conservatives ... in  
the journal Nature Neuroscience , scientists at New York University and  UCLA 
show ...
_Study:  Liberal And Conservative Brains Process Information  ..._ 
Conservatives see black  white,  liberals see shades of gray.  reported 
Monday in the journal  Nature Neuroscience that political orientation is 
related  ...
_#Liberals  had more brain activity and made fewer mistakes than ..._ 
liberals tolerate ambiguity and conflict better than  conservatives because 
of how their brains work. Scientists at New York  University and UCLA showed ...
_Sexy  Hot Beauty: UCLA Discovers Liberal Brain, Conservative  Brain_ 
UCLA Discovers Liberal Brain,  Conservative Brain ... experiment reported 
todayin the journal  Nature Neuroscience, scientists at New York University and 
UCLA  ...

Google News Alert: 
_Bruin Recap - So Far, So  Good_ 
LAist - Los  Angeles,CA,USA
Since it's already Tuesday and UCLA's 45-17  victory over lowly Stanford 
feels like an eternity ago, we won't give you any  game recap of what was an ...
_See all stories on this topic_ 
_Dirty  Larry_ ( 
Slate - USA
A few  liberal bloggers point out Craig's support for the federal Defense of  
Marriage Act, plus his opposition to a bill that would have banned job  ...
_See all stories on this topic_ 

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 8:44:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Yes but  anyone can become a preacher or call themselves one. To prove a 
point I just  became a Universal Ministries minister over the internet. Anyone 
need a  marriage officiated..

Wow!  Gonna change to RevTVnetDude?
Was it cheaper than the one you could get in Long branch for  5,000,  and 
maybe a 50% discount.
_Click  here: Ministry Training_ 

Even get waivers:
_Click  here: Ministry Training_ 

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101

Blah Blah.? If this is your idea of intimidation, you are doing a poor job.? 
But then I've come to expect nothing less from you!

Now can we end this thread since every one (myself included) has made their 
respective points.? So Lets move on about how to?make money in AP.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 5:45 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:57:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Just so the group knows, I do not skirt issues.? I answer questions relevent to 
the issue.? I never respond to personal questions that have nothing to do with 
the issue.?

Depends on what you mean by skirt.? Juggling excerpts from scripture and 
slogans are shallow answers to questions about most issues raised here.? E.g.:? 
How will Asbury Park Benefit from JSRM.

I also do not respond to people who do not have a profile identifying who they 
really are.

Nor I.? 


doc_p has no profile, and I've had experiences with his sending me personal 
email whose tone and intent was?to intimidate me from posting my perspectives 
here.? (2-3 yrs. ago)? Yahoo suggested, as a first response, that I delete, 
without reading, or auto send his mail to spam and save for their future 




See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 3:57:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I use to  hide my money in my freezer, years ago.

From tuition checks?

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Mike Hemeon
SAY AY! PRAISE HEM! I'd be the only athiest minister. Maybe I could 
start a new religion. Athiests for Jesus.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:In a message dated 9/12/2007 8:44:36 
A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Yes but anyone can become a preacher or call themselves one. To prove a point 
I just became a Universal Ministries minister over the internet. Anyone need a 
marriage officiated..
  Wow!  Gonna change to RevTVnetDude?
  Was it cheaper than the one you could get in Long branch for 5,000,  and 
maybe a 50% discount.
Click here: Ministry Training 

  Even get waivers: Click here: Ministry Training 

  See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.


Building a website is a piece of cake. 
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101


I'm going to humor you here.? Please advise whats wrong with patriotism.? USA 
USA USA is a good thing and not a bad thing.? Love of country leads!

Semper Fi!

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 5:48 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

In a message dated 9/11/2007 5:05:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

I believe one of the worst things to happen in my lifetime was NAFTA which I 
blame Clinton for.? 

Most liberals or at least labor unions did also.?? Clinton's wing of the 
Democratic Party was quite moderate on?economic and trade issues: The 
Democratic Leadership group.


I admit I lean liberal on a lot of issues and conservative on others.? Kinda 
sounds independent to me.?

Goldwater came out for gay rights; Lester Maddox late in life apologized for 
his opposition to the MLK Civil Rights movement;? Wm. F. Buckley, father of 
modern conservatism, favors the?legalization of drugs which now called 
illicit;?Hagel and other Republicans oppose Bush's handling of the war.? No 
need to admit.? Anyone who understands politics knows the continuum of 
political views on various issues


To really find out what label applies to you, try this site.? You answer a 
series of questions; then your views are charted on a graph with not the simple 
continuum, but with a sophisticated graph, with both horizontal and vertical 
(forgot what they're called.)

?But I guess because I don't worship at the altar of guys like Rush Limbaugh I 
would be considered a liberal.? ?I love those guys.? Dittoheads -- they 
proudly say they're a ditto head and then say the other side doesn't have a 
brain.? Amazing!

Dittoheads are our era's version of the herd animals in Animal Farm:? no 
understanding, just bleating of slogans to out-shout dissenters:? Four legs 
good!? Two Legs bad!? Love it or Leave it.? These Colors don't Run, USA! 
USA! USA! et al.

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101


This was directed to Kevin, but let me answer this directly for you...though i 
did not at all agree with Clinton in the Balkans, (I felt we should have gone 
in massively rather than with pinprick bombings) I did not outright questions 
our CIC since I have respect for the office of the leader of the free world.? 
This is despite the fact Clinton made a mockery of the office.

In a way I also realized that we were forced to go in because of the ineptitude 
of Nato, the EU, and UN.? We wanted them to handle it and they bungled it!

Is that direct enough for you?

-Original Message-
From: asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 5:59 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Alright Kevin - here's an issue related to a discussion we had a couple
of weeks ago that you appear to have skirted several times despite my
asking you very directly.  You have been extremely critical of anyone
who questions our commander in chief on Iraq - essentially saying it is
wrong to question the CIC when our people are in harms way.  So this is
the fourth time I've asked you the same question...  When we were in
harms way in the balkans, did you also support our then President
Clinton as aggressively as you are now supporting Bush?

Let's see if you can avoid skirting the issue.  I'm sure the previous
times I've asked you just forgot to respond.

 In a message dated 9/11/2007 4:57:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

 Just so the group knows, I do not skirt issues. I answer questions
 to the issue. I never respond to personal questions that have nothing
to do
 with the issue.

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101

Maybe you can offer salvation to Norman Hsu!

-Original Message-
From: Mike Hemeon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 6:01 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

SAY AY! PRAISE HEM! I'd be the only athiest minister. Maybe I could 
start a new religion. Athiests for Jesus.


In a message dated 9/12/2007 8:44:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Yes but anyone can become a preacher or call themselves one. To prove a point I 
just became a Universal Ministries minister over the internet. Anyone need a 
marriage officiated..



Wow!? Gonna change to RevTVnetDude?


Was it cheaper than the one you could get in Long branch for 5,000,??and maybe 
a 50% discount.

Click here: Ministry Training 



Even get waivers:?? 
Click here: Ministry Training 

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Building a website is a piece of cake. 
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.  

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 5:59:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


Blah Blah.  If this is your idea of intimidation,  you are doing a poor job.  
The intimidation was in your private email to me.

But then  I've come to expect nothing less from you!   
You can expect my continued efforts to respond to what I consider bs.

Now can we  end this thread since every one (myself included) has made their 
respective  points.  So Lets move on about how to make money in  AP.

I wasn't able to responded to this thread until today.  My  respective point 
have been made for now, depending 
on what comes down the pike.
I won't be responding to yours because your still go to the spam  folder.  I 
see your posts only when they're attached to other posts.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:09:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm  going to humor you here.  Please advise whats wrong with  patriotism.  
USA USA USA is a good thing and not a bad thing.  Love  of country leads!

Gonna humor you for you go back to the spam folder where you remain  unread.
Nothing wrong with patriotism.  Jingoism is not patriotism.  
Sam Johnson - The last refuge of scoundrels is patriotism.  That  kind of 
patriotism is one form of jingoism.
This White House manual for discouraging dissent, secret until it had to be  
released by a court case,
instructed Bush squad of rah-rah's to shout USA! over and over again so  
the media could not hear protestors,  And they were to be blocked from the  
media's cameras.  I posted links to that manual a few days ago.
USA! USA! USA! belongs in the sports arena maybe.  Not as a tactic to  stifle 
freedom of speech.
Love of country is great, as long as it doesn't turn into Chauvinism.
But USA! has been part of dirty tricks in many a campaign function to  
suppress.  That's not love of country.
Remember that old chestnut: I may disagree with what you say, but I'll  
depend to the death your right to say it.  (various authors).
That's love of country.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:10:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Clinton  made a mockery of the office.

Only after several years of dogging (Whitewater etc) of Clinton.   Finally he 
was outed for a BJ.  Some Americans saw that a waste of 60+  million dollars 
+ in investigations.  How'd he win reelection if the office  was mocked.  The 
tight ass religious right who used a private sex to  enhance their 
Europeans thought we were foolish about the issue.
Bush has lost our respect and integrity around the world.  Thankfully  most 
are anti_Bush, not anti-American. We'll need multilateral cooperation among  
the various diplomatic corps and other agencies world-wide to curtail  
That bumper sticker:  When Clinton lied, no one  died.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101


As an ex vet I have and will always defend your right to say what you want to 
say despite the lack of proper perspective displayed by's your right 
to be clueless!

And patriotism is not jingoism...I support the troops, I support our great 
nation, an I support your right to be a freak!

Semper Fi!


-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 6:34 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:09:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

I'm going to humor you here.? Please advise whats wrong with patriotism.? USA 
USA USA is a good thing and not a bad thing.? Love of country leads!

Gonna humor you for you go back to the spam folder where you remain unread.


Nothing wrong with patriotism.? Jingoism is not patriotism.? 


Sam Johnson - The last refuge of scoundrels is patriotism.? That kind of 
patriotism is one form of jingoism.


This White House manual for discouraging dissent, secret until it had to be 
released by a court case,

instructed Bush squad of rah-rah's to shout USA! over and over again so the 
media could not hear protestors,? And they were to be blocked from the media's 
cameras.? I posted links to that manual a few days ago.


USA! USA! USA! belongs in the sports arena maybe.? Not as a tactic to stifle 
freedom of speech.



Love of country is great, as long as it doesn't turn into Chauvinism.


But USA! has been part of dirty tricks in many a campaign function to 
suppress.? That's not love of country.


Remember that old chestnut: I may disagree with what you say, but I'll depend 
to the death your right to say it.? (various authors).


That's love of country.



See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101


1.? Last time I checked we're not in Europe!? And actually we finally have 
favorable regimes in old Europe (Germany and France)

2.? How quickly you forget the Juanita Broderick rape by Bill Clinton.? How 
quickly you forget the Vince Foster suicide, and?the theft of VCRs from the 
white house as he was leaving office (just kidding about that)

3.??Clinton did get re-elected?but then so?did?Bush.??It's called our elections!

4.? Things are getting better in Iraq so what talking points will 
you be spouting next!

Semper Fi!

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 6:42 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:10:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Clinton made a mockery of the office.

Only after several years of dogging (Whitewater etc) of Clinton.? Finally he 
was outed for a BJ.? Some Americans saw that a waste of 60+ million dollars + 
in investigations.? How'd he win reelection if the office was mocked.? The 
tight ass religious right who used a private sex to enhance their 


Europeans thought we were foolish about the issue.



Bush has lost our respect and integrity around the world.? Thankfully most are 
anti_Bush, not anti-American. We'll need multilateral cooperation among the 
various diplomatic corps and other agencies world-wide to curtail terrorism.


That bumper sticker:? When Clinton lied, no one died.

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 5:49:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, I  wrote:

To  really find out what label applies to you, try this site.  You answer a  
series of questions; then your views are charted on a graph with not the  
simple continuum, but with a sophisticated graph, with both horizontal and  
vertical (forgot what they're called.)

I forgot the link:

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Gary Wien

On Sep 12, 2007, at 6:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 1.  Last time I checked we're not in Europe!  And actually we  
 finally have favorable regimes in old Europe (Germany and France)

Both who were right in trying to stop us from invading Iraq.  Notice  
I said Iraq not war.  The ENTIRE world was with us to go into  
Afghanistan after the Taliban.  President Bush squandered the support  
of the world with the Iraq invasion.

 2.  How quickly you forget the Juanita Broderick rape by Bill Clinton.

Actually, the question could be to you - how easily do you believe  
things you want to believe?  Clinton may or may not have been guilty  
in some of the accusations but the rape was alleged and not proven  
and it's pretty well known that right wing groups were offering money  
for just about anybody they might be able to connect to the Clintons  
for a story.

Juanita said I just don't think anyone would have believed me. --  
when asked why she didn't come forward at the time.  I think she came  
forward a decade later for one reason -- money.

 How quickly you forget the Vince Foster suicide,

Once again... let's stay away from talk radio conspiracies.  If you  
want to believe those, there are plenty about this administration as  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101


Keep in mind the French did not want us to go to war to protect that.

Also keep in mind that Juanita Broderick was in no ways a republican or a 
conservative.? She was democrat as was Kathleen Willey who was a democratic 
volunteer and who alleged that Clinton?sexually assaulted her.? She got ripped 
by the vast left wing conspiracy.?

Not sure what happened with Vince Foster other than he was having an affair 
with Hillary.? I'd probably commit suicide as well!

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 7:27 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

On Sep 12, 2007, at 6:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 1.  Last time I checked we're not in Europe!  And actually we  
 finally have favorable regimes in old Europe (Germany and France)

Both who were right in trying to stop us from invading Iraq.  Notice  
I said Iraq not war.  The ENTIRE world was with us to go into  
Afghanistan after the Taliban.  President Bush squandered the support  
of the world with the Iraq invasion.

 2.  How quickly you forget the Juanita Broderick rape by Bill Clinton.

Actually, the question could be to you - how easily do you believe  
things you want to believe?  Clinton may or may not have been guilty  
in some of the accusations but the rape was alleged and not proven  
and it's pretty well known that right wing groups were offering money  
for just about anybody they might be able to connect to the Clintons  
for a story.

Juanita said I just don't think anyone would have believed me. --  
when asked why she didn't come forward at the time.  I think she came  
forward a decade later for one reason -- money.

 How quickly you forget the Vince Foster suicide,

Once again... let's stay away from talk radio conspiracies.  If you  
want to believe those, there are plenty about this administration as  

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Gary Wien

Here's something for the jingoistic folks on this list

Sen. John Warner (R-Va.): I hope in the recesses of your heart that  
you know that strategy will continue the casualties, stress on our  
forces, stress on military families, stress on all Americans. Are you  
able to say at this time if we continue what you have laid before the  
Congress here as a strategy, do you feel that that is making America  

Petraeus: Sir, I believe that this is indeed the best course of  
action to achieve our objectives in Iraq.

Warner: Does that make America safer?

Petraeus: Sir, I don't know, actually. I have not sat down and  
sorted out in my own mind. What I have focused on and been riveted on  
is how to accomplish the mission of the Multi-National Force-Iraq.

*** Shouldn't the ultimate mission be to make America Safer?  If our  
leaders can't answer that, would you like to take a shot at how Iraq  
makes us safer and why we are there? (while you're at it why don't  
you give an idea how many years do you expect us to be there?)

Sometimes leaving is the best thing to do.  It prevents having  
thousands of losses for the same reason.

On Sep 12, 2007, at 9:58 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:10:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

 Clinton made a mockery of the office.

 Only after several years of dogging (Whitewater etc) of Clinton.
Finally he
 was outed for a BJ. Some Americans saw that a waste of 60+
million dollars
 + in investigations. How'd he win reelection if the office was
mocked. The
 tight ass religious right who used a private sex to enhance their

 Europeans thought we were foolish about the issue.

 Bush has lost our respect and integrity around the world.
Thankfully most
 are anti_Bush, not anti-American. We'll need multilateral
cooperation among
 the various diplomatic corps and other agencies world-wide to
curtail terrorism.

 That bumper sticker: When Clinton lied, no one died.

 ** See what's new at

In Somalia he punked out and left Rangers  spec ops people stranded!
Wanna put that on a bumer sticker?


Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101
Mario is a teacher?
God bless his students!

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101
Leaving while clear progress is being made?  You just can't stand when we 
finally get some good news!  
For every Warner I'll give you a Lieberman.

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 10:09:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I hope  wherever Mario teaches, that the parents keep a watchful eye on what 
he  teaches to 
his students.

Cordiali  saluti,


** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John
Broaddrick could not remember the date, even the month, of the  
alleged 1978 incident. And NBC's Lisa Myers reported that Broaddrick,  
a volunteer in Clinton's first gubernatorial campaign, attended a  
Clinton fund-raiser three weeks later. I think I was still in  
denial, Broaddrick said. I still felt very guilty at that time,  
that it was my fault. By letting him come to the room, I had given  
him the wrong idea.

Asked about Broaddrick's allegation at a news conference earlier in  
the day, President Clinton said: Well, my counsel has made a  
statement about the . . . issue, and I have nothing to add to it.  
Attorney David E. Kendall's statement called the charge absolutely  

The nursing home operator, previously known as Jane Doe No. 5, told  
Myers that she felt violated but finally stopped resisting  
Clinton's sexual advances because it was a real panicky situation.  
She said that he was just a vicious, awful person.

Pressed by Myers as to whether she was raped, Broaddrick said she had  
been. It was not consensual, she insisted. As for her feelings now  
toward the president, Broaddrick said: My hatred for him is  

NBC's decision to broadcast the Jan. 20 interview after a month of  
heated internal debate dramatically boosts the visibility of  
Clinton's latest accuser, since Dateline normally draws an audience  
of more than 10 million households. Broaddrick has already given her  
account of the alleged 1978 incident, when Clinton was Arkansas  
attorney general, to the Wall Street Journal editorial page, The  
Washington Post and, in an article published yesterday, the New York  

Had NBC aired the interview during the Senate impeachment trial and  
the furor over Monica S. Lewinsky, it might have had a significant  
impact on the political climate. Whether the story has any lasting  
significance now, outside the context of any legal or impeachment  
proceeding, is unclear. NBC executives say the Myers report needed  
further checking and corroboration before it could be broadcast.

Broaddrick was dubbed Jane Doe No. 5 in the Paula Jones sexual  
harassment lawsuit against Clinton early last year, when Jones's  
attorneys cited her in court papers and she filed an affidavit  
calling the allegation of sexual assault untrue. In the interview,  
Broaddrick, 56, said: I didn't want to be forced to testify about  
the most horrific event of my life.

Broaddrick later recanted that affidavit when questioned by FBI  
agents working for independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, who found  
her account inconclusive. Two of the House impeachment managers  
spoke to Broaddrick but did not pursue her allegation.

Broaddrick told NBC she considered coming forward last year, after  
Kathleen E. Willey accused the president of groping her in the Oval  
Office. But, she said, I just wasn't brave enough to do it.

Dabbing at her eye with a tissue, Broaddrick said she agreed to go on  
camera because I just couldn't hold it in any longer. She said she  
did not want her grandchildren to ask: Why didn't you tell what this  
man did to you?

NBC interviewed four friends who say Broaddrick told them about the  
alleged assault soon afterward, including Norma Kelsey, who said she  
saw Broaddrick's swollen lip and torn pantyhose that day.

But the man Broaddrick was married to at the time, Gary Hickey, told  
NBC he did not remember the injury or her attempt to blame it on an  

On Sep 12, 2007, at 6:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


1.  Last time I checked we're not in Europe!  And actually we  
finally have favorable regimes in old Europe (Germany and France)

2.  How quickly you forget the Juanita Broderick rape by Bill  
Clinton.  How quickly you forget the Vince Foster suicide, and the  
theft of VCRs from the white house as he was leaving office (just  
kidding about that)

3.  Clinton did get re-elected but then so did Bush.  It's called  
our elections!

4.  Things are getting better in Iraq so what talking  
points will you be spouting next!

Semper Fi!

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 6:42 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:10:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight  
Time,[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Clinton made a mockery of the office.
Only after several years of dogging (Whitewater etc) of Clinton.   
Finally he was outed for a BJ.  Some Americans saw that a waste of  
60+ million dollars + in investigations.  How'd he win reelection  
if the office was mocked.  The tight ass religious right who used a  
private sex to enhance their self-righteousness.

Europeans thought we were foolish about the issue.

Bush has lost our respect and integrity around the world.   
Thankfully most are anti_Bush, not anti-American. We'll need  
multilateral cooperation among the various diplomatic corps and  
other agencies world

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread MarioAPNJ
In a message dated 9/12/2007 10:09:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I hope  wherever Mario  teaches, that the parents keep a watchful eye on what 
he  teaches to 
his students
A long and successful career in teaching.  Legitimate credentials  too.
Governor's Teacher of the Year for my district in the mid 90s.   Former 
students still come back to thank me, some even to explainI was the  reason 
chose to become teachers also.  Those who didn't care for the  discipline and 
structure, (inherited by osmosis I guess from Catholic education)  in my public 
school class, often came back after college to credit my class for  enabling 
to succeed and graduate in some of the top schools, in contrast to the  many 
who get accepted but quit before graduating.  And in a moderate  Republican 
I won't bring up certification again, but I will suggest that as a  minister, 
you should have learned how to spell Isaiah.  Simply through  osmosis 
during the extensive studies of scripture which must have  been required, eh?
It's Isaiah. Not Isiah.   Isiah is the Knicks'  coach.
In a message dated 9/8/2007 10:16:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

One of  those  situations is what we did with a homeless person.  Jesus  
talks about it at length in the gospels, but he was simply repeating what  
penned below
Isiah 58   7Is it not to  (P)divide your bread with the  hungry   
And  (Q)bring the homeless poor into the  house;...   

I suggest you drop this vocation angle ASAP.


** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John
March 23, 2006—A November 29, 1963 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)  
lawsuit memo unearthed in 1977-78 proves that former President George  
H. W. Bush was a member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and  
the recipient of a full briefing on the day after the assassination  
of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 when Bush was 39  
years old, despite his protestations to the contrary.

Additional evidence linking Bush 41 directly to the scene of the  
crime is available and is circulating the internet over the past few  
days in the form of a U.S. intelligence-leaked photo taken just after  
the JFK assassination at the door of the Texas Book Depository in  
Dealey Plaza.

The individual in the photo has the identical profile and hairline of  
a more youthful George H. W. Bush, standing to the left of the  
doorway of the building just after the assassination looking in the  
opposite direction of the authorities who were intent upon locating  
Lee Harvey Oswald.

The image of the elder Bush at the Texas Book Depository is authentic  
and can be verified by the intelligence operatives who took the  
picture and would testify if subpoenaed, according to U.S.  
intelligence expert Thomas Heneghan, who provided the photo which was  
leaked to others.

On Sep 12, 2007, at 7:27 PM, Gary Wien wrote:

 On Sep 12, 2007, at 6:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1. Last time I checked we're not in Europe! And actually we
  finally have favorable regimes in old Europe (Germany and France)

 Both who were right in trying to stop us from invading Iraq. Notice
 I said Iraq not war. The ENTIRE world was with us to go into
 Afghanistan after the Taliban. President Bush squandered the support
 of the world with the Iraq invasion.

  2. How quickly you forget the Juanita Broderick rape by Bill  

 Actually, the question could be to you - how easily do you believe
 things you want to believe? Clinton may or may not have been guilty
 in some of the accusations but the rape was alleged and not proven
 and it's pretty well known that right wing groups were offering money
 for just about anybody they might be able to connect to the Clintons
 for a story.

 Juanita said I just don't think anyone would have believed me. --
 when asked why she didn't come forward at the time. I think she came
 forward a decade later for one reason -- money.

  How quickly you forget the Vince Foster suicide,

 Once again... let's stay away from talk radio conspiracies. If you
 want to believe those, there are plenty about this administration as


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101
Jersey John,
I always figured you were an avid reader of the Globe.  It all makes sense 

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101
Jersey John,
You should also dig up the John Kerry being a Viet Cong sympathizer scandal 
as well.  
You'll have to understand that it wasn't Bush that was involved in the JFK 
killing.  It was a conspiracy involving Joe Dimaggio and Arthur Miller.  They 
were pissed that JFK was tapping Marilyn!
Get a life!
Semper Fi!

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John

Oh! I see! Only YOUR wildly insane conspiracy theories are legitimate!

(Get a life? Really? What are you, twelve years old?)

On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jersey John,

You should also dig up the John Kerry being a Viet Cong sympathizer  
scandal as well.

You'll have to understand that it wasn't Bush that was involved in  
the JFK killing.  It was a conspiracy involving Joe Dimaggio and  
Arthur Miller.  They were pissed that JFK was tapping Marilyn!

Get a life!

Semper Fi!

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101
What you don't believe that JFK was killed by a cabal of jilted ex Marilyn 
Monroe lovers led by Arthur Miller and Joe Dimaggio.  Look it up on the Globe! 

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Gary Wien

On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Jersey Shore John wrote:

 Oh! I see! Only YOUR wildly insane conspiracy theories are legitimate!

This actually is a big difference between Republicans, Democrats and  
Independents.  Republicans seem to honestly believe anything that  
they read on right wing sites or hear on talk radio.  Those people  
may say they only speak the truth but they've been proving false time  
and time again.

About 95% or more of the Clinton conspiracies are not nearly as  
true as Republicans would like to believe.  Just because Fox News or  
Rush says so doesn't make it so...

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread docp101
Oh really,
I guess Norman Hsu is a product of the vast right wing conspiracy.
I guess Clinton did not lie under oath?
I guess Clinton does not have a bastard child from a black prostituteum 
ok, thats probably a wild conspiracy! 

** See what's new at

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John

only your wild unfounded conspiracy theories are legit...

On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jersey John,

I always figured you were an avid reader of the Globe.  It all  
makes sense now!

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John
why do you subscribe to only HALF of the wild unfounded conspiracy  
theories? let yourself go, dude. get all the way into it. you're  
almost there now.

On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What you don't believe that JFK was killed by a cabal of jilted ex  
Marilyn Monroe lovers led by Arthur Miller and Joe Dimaggio.  Look  
it up on the Globe!

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John

Just because Fox News or Rush says so doesn't make it so...

In fact, there ALWAY disproved as lies. always. It's a big drawback  
of Vicodin addiction.

On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Gary Wien wrote:

On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Jersey Shore John wrote:

 Oh! I see! Only YOUR wildly insane conspiracy theories are  

This actually is a big difference between Republicans, Democrats and
Independents. Republicans seem to honestly believe anything that
they read on right wing sites or hear on talk radio. Those people
may say they only speak the truth but they've been proving false time
and time again.

About 95% or more of the Clinton conspiracies are not nearly as
true as Republicans would like to believe. Just because Fox News or
Rush says so doesn't make it so...

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-12 Thread Jersey Shore John
I guess every single member of the Bush Administration did not lie  
under oath?

I guess Laura did not murder her ex-boyfrind in a jealous rage by  
running over him in her car... not once, but twice...

um ok, thats probably a wild conspiracy!


On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh really,

I guess Norman Hsu is a product of the vast right wing conspiracy.

I guess Clinton did not lie under oath?

I guess Clinton does not have a bastard child from a black  
prostituteum ok, thats probably a wild conspiracy!


See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Mike Hemeon
Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program. 

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin.  For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.
 The only issue out there is Iraq.  All other issues
 that define 
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to 
 survey the landscape.  
 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is 
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in 
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the 
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed 
  Iraqi citizens.  I don't know who is doing her


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Mario
Yesterday's Los Angeles Times reported the findings of researchers at
NYU and UCLA: Study finds left-wing brain, right wing brain:  Even in
humdrum nonpolitical decisions, liberals and conservatives literally
think differently, researchers show.   Click here: Study finds
left-wing brain, right-wing brain - Los Angeles Times,1\
,7735909.story?coll=la-headlines-nationctrack=1cset=true   Those who
prefer the primary source can find it here:Neurocognitive
correlates of liberalism and conservatism
David M Amodio, John T Jost, Sarah L Master  Cindy M Yee
Published online: 09 September 2007 | doi:10.1038/nn1979
Abstract  |
Full text  |
PDF (139K)  |
Supplementary Information\
In a message dated 9/10/2007 5:34:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Man I really pity anybody that thinks
she's telling the truth.  She's an entertainer  if that.
On Sep 10, 2007, at 5:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Wake up people.  Ann Coulter is not stating anything that isn't true.

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays attention
to her or believes anything she says...

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:
--- In
, 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need help!

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Brown jerseykev@ wrote:
  great Ann Coulter Interview...

That's the name of her book.

Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Mike Hemeon
The examples you have given equal religion vs. no religion. Pick one of your 
examples. Let me make it perfectly clear, in my opinion, religion causes more 
problems than it is worth. 
  How many of the people that were busted in NJ's political scandal a few days 
ago were Republican vs. Democrat? I don't know the breakdown but if I were to 
venture a guess I would say Democrat.
  asburycouple [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So here's what always bothers me a bit about the modern 
day conservative. As I understand it conservative philosophy at 
it's heart is about limited government. Limited assistance and also 
limited involvement in individual decisions. And while I don't 
always agree with individual application of that philosophy I do 
respect it and in many cases think there is significant merit to it.

But those who consider themselves conservatives today have perverted 
that philosophy. It's no longer limited government. Now it's 
limited government involvement unless someone wants to do something 
we don't like - then the government needs to mandate how everyone 
should live. There are so many examples of this, from Terry Shiavo 
(I know I can't spell) to fighting gay marriage (why is it the 
government's business who marries who) to a women's right to choose. 
There are so many other examples... 

If conservatives are about limited government and liberals are about 
government involvement then I think the only real conservatives left 
are the Libertains. Because those who today label themselves 
conservative are often just religious liberal, using the government 
to drive their own agenda just as traditional liberals do. The 
only difference is that atleast traditional liberals are honest about 

--- In, Mike Hemeon [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Being a Conservative take more work than being a
 Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.
 One issue to watch in the future is National
 Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
 that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
 National Healthcare program. 
 I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out
 --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
  is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
  paying attention.
  The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
  that define 
  people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
  If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
  better be able to 
  survey the landscape. 
  --- In, Kevin Brown
   --- In,
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Kevin Brown

It is 
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
  rising in 

Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
   My political view is way beyond the local arena!
   New jersey is not the litmus...
   Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
   On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
  on the WTC, the 
   Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
  declaring we killed 
   Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her
 Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get 
listings, and more!


Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101


Most people on this thread are entertainers...and bad ones at that!

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 5:28 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Man I really pity anybody that thinks she's telling the truth.? She's an 
entertainer? if that.

On Sep 10, 2007, at 5:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wake up people.? Ann Coulter is not stating anything that isn't true.

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays attention to her 
or believes anything she says...

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

--- In, 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need help!
 --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@ wrote: 
  great Ann Coulter Interview...

That's the name of her book.

Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Gary Wien

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program.

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.

 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the

 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to
 survey the landscape.

 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get  
listings, and more!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Gary Wien
Although one could also say practice what you preach.  There's little  
doubt to most of the country that Republicans have been far more  
hypocritical in the way they live their lives.  Every time a  
Republican gets caught doing something like adultry or prostitution  
it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets caught because it just  
reaffirms the way some of us feel - that Republicans USE RELIGION  
rather than our truly religious.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program.

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.

 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the

 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to
 survey the landscape.

 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get  
listings, and more!

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Mike Hemeon
No one monopolizes either. Liberals, or Progressives, signify a free for all 
lifestyle to me based on my many years of life experience and Republicans are 
more conservative. Religion and Conservative just seem to go together. 

Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Why is it true that liberals 
have no God?

  Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

  Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program. 

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.
 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define 
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to 
 survey the landscape. 
 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is 
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in 
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the 
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed 
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, 
and more! 



Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
Check out fitting  gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Jersey Shore John

Conservatives only pretend to be religious but actually worship money.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program.

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.

 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the

 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to
 survey the landscape.

 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Gary Wien

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:32 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

 But I find it rather odd that people equate God and religion. I for
 one never thought it was God who wanted a religious form of
 fellowship, but rather a fellowship in personal relationship between
 God and believer.

 I as a minister, do not foster religiosity. I promote individual
 relationship. I find the symbols and high church attributes
 culturally beneficial, but does little to cause a soul to desire the

I agree with you.  I think people can be very religious or spiritual  
and not belong to an organized religion.  Personally, I think  
organized religions are behind much of the problems in the world  
because they do pit people against people.   Much of the world's  
intolerance comes from against the religion of others.  Many of the  
wars fought were fought in the name of religion.  And many of the  
greatest criminal swindlers made their money from pretending to be a  
spiritual leader.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Jersey Shore John
Religion and Conservative just seem to go together.  Huh?

Does this sound like a Republican?:

21 Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go, sell what you  
possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;  
and come, follow me.

Does this sound like a Republican?:

25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle  
than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Does this sound like a Republican?:
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to  
preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to  
the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty  
those who are oppressed

Does this sound like a Republican?:

12 He said also to the man who had invited him, When you give a  
dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or  
your kinsmen or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return,  
and you be repaid.
13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame,  
the blind,
14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will  
be repaid at the resurrection of the just.

Does this sound like a Republican?:

[13] No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the  
one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise  
the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:14 PM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 No one monopolizes either. Liberals, or Progressives, signify a  
 free for all lifestyle to me based on my many years of life  
 experience and Republicans are more conservative.

 Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why is it true that liberals have no God?

 Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 Being a Conservative take more work than being a
 Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

 One issue to watch in the future is National
 Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
 that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
 National Healthcare program.

 I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

 --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
  is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
  paying attention.
  The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
  that define
  people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
  If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
  better be able to
  survey the landscape.
  --- In, Kevin Brown
   --- In,
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Kevin Brown
It is
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
  rising in
Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
   My political view is way beyond the local arena!
   New jersey is not the litmus...
   Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
   On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
  on the WTC, the
   Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
  declaring we killed
   Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101


Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.? He is a Reverend 
of some sort.? He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in plastic his 
refrigerator!? Oh but wait he was a democrat!

Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had to resign, 
versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick (Juanota Broderick) and is 
given an atta boy by the press.

Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes to supporting 
Senator Craig.? Now who is the hypocrite?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:22 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Although one could also say practice what you preach.? There's little doubt to 
most of the country that Republicans have been far more hypocritical in the way 
they live their lives.? Every time a Republican gets caught doing something 
like adultry or prostitution it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets 
caught because it just reaffirms the way some of us feel - that Republicans USE 
RELIGION rather than our truly religious.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket statement and is 
probably not 100% accurate.? However, one has to agree that on the whole 
liberals have been far more anti-god than conservatives

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program. 

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.
 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define 
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to 
 survey the landscape. 
 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is 
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in 
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the 
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed 
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, 
and more! 

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101


I finally agree with you.? Muslims do seem to be the cause of most of the 
worlds problems since the vietnam war!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:50 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:32 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

 But I find it rather odd that people equate God and religion. I for
 one never thought it was God who wanted a religious form of
 fellowship, but rather a fellowship in personal relationship between
 God and believer.

 I as a minister, do not foster religiosity. I promote individual
 relationship. I find the symbols and high church attributes
 culturally beneficial, but does little to cause a soul to desire the

I agree with you.  I think people can be very religious or spiritual  
and not belong to an organized religion.  Personally, I think  
organized religions are behind much of the problems in the world  
because they do pit people against people.   Much of the world's  
intolerance comes from against the religion of others.  Many of the  
wars fought were fought in the name of religion.  And many of the  
greatest criminal swindlers made their money from pretending to be a  
spiritual leader.

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101

Jersey John,

I guess Representative Jefferson was really a conservative but was just 
pretending to be liberal.? And all those corrupts liberals in the NJ 
legislature...are just pretending to be liberal but are really conservative

Learn something new everyday!

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:52 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Conservatives only pretend to be religious but actually worship money.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket statement and is 
probably not 100% accurate.? However, one has to agree that on the whole 
liberals have been far more anti-god than conservatives

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program.?

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.
 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define?
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to?
 survey the landscape.?
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Brown
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Brown
   It is?
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in?
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the?
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed?
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, 
and more!

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free?AOL Mail!


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101

Jersey John,

Not sure what your rambling post was about but this sure sounds Republican...


-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 3:02 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Religion and Conservative just seem to go together.  Huh?

Does this sound like a Republican?:

21 Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go, sell what you  
possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;  
and come, follow me.

Does this sound like a Republican?:

25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle  
than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Does this sound like a Republican?:
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to  
preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to  
the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty  
those who are oppressed

Does this sound like a Republican?:

12 He said also to the man who had invited him, When you give a  
dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or  
your kinsmen or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return,  
and you be repaid.
13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame,  
the blind,
14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will  
be repaid at the resurrection of the just.

Does this sound like a Republican?:

[13] No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the  
one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise  
the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:14 PM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 No one monopolizes either. Liberals, or Progressives, signify a  
 free for all lifestyle to me based on my many years of life  
 experience and Republicans are more conservative.

 Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why is it true that liberals have no God?

 Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 Being a Conservative take more work than being a
 Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

 One issue to watch in the future is National
 Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
 that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
 National Healthcare program.

 I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

 --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
  is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
  paying attention.
  The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
  that define
  people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
  If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
  better be able to
  survey the landscape.
  --- In, Kevin Brown
   --- In,
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Kevin Brown
It is
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
  rising in
Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
   My political view is way beyond the local arena!
   New jersey is not the litmus...
   Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
   On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
  on the WTC, the
   Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
  declaring we killed
   Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

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 listings, and more!

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Gary Wien

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doesn't matter that Clinton did not preach right or wrong...I did  
 not have sex with that woman...oh wait there is no governing  
 authority that describes a bj as sex... (Al Gore, 2000)...And the  
 media did not jump on the Clinton rape allegation becasue they did  
 not want to believe it

 And Gary, I know independents, several are friends of mine... and  

That's funny.  I guess you've never seen my voting record.

I was raised in a strict Republican household.  Problem is I can  
recognize that Republicans are liars and Democrats are liars.  There  
are very few party related people who ever seem to admit that their  
side is wrong.  That's why I'd never join either party.

It's really funny the way Republicans treat independents.  They act  
as if there's no such thing.  Truth is that I think more people are  
independent than they'd realize.  How can anyone believe everything  
one party has for its platform? If they have a brain they should pick  
and choose from both sides.  I'm guessing that you'd have a hard time  
calling me a Democrat if I told you that I am a firm supporter in a  
flat tax, that I think illegal immigration has ruined the country, etc.

There's more to life than talk radio and being told what to think...

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101


Speaking of Talk Radio...You're sounding eerily similar to Al Franken!

In your world belonging to a party makes it one sided, I guess you did not 
realize that each party has their own factions and all members of a party do 
not subscribe to one ideal

face it, you are a liberal who has a few righteous beliefs (flat tax, anti 
ilegal immigration),,,that does not necessarily make you an 
makes you a liberal with a few righteous beliefs!

and you have to admit that you've been bashing everything from the 
now, I don't belive you to be independent!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:28 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doesn't matter that Clinton did not preach right or wrong...I did  
 not have sex with that woman...oh wait there is no governing  
 authority that describes a bj as sex... (Al Gore, 2000)...And the  
 media did not jump on the Clinton rape allegation becasue they did  
 not want to believe it

 And Gary, I know independents, several are friends of mine... and  

That's funny.  I guess you've never seen my voting record.

I was raised in a strict Republican household.  Problem is I can  
recognize that Republicans are liars and Democrats are liars.  There  
are very few party related people who ever seem to admit that their  
side is wrong.  That's why I'd never join either party.

It's really funny the way Republicans treat independents.  They act  
as if there's no such thing.  Truth is that I think more people are  
independent than they'd realize.  How can anyone believe everything  
one party has for its platform? If they have a brain they should pick  
and choose from both sides.  I'm guessing that you'd have a hard time  
calling me a Democrat if I told you that I am a firm supporter in a  
flat tax, that I think illegal immigration has ruined the country, etc.

There's more to life than talk radio and being told what to think...

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Jersey Shore John

But Toe-Tappin' Larry isn't gay, remember?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.  He is  
a Reverend of some sort.  He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in  
plastic his refrigerator!  Oh but wait he was a democrat!

Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had  
to resign, versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick (Juanota  
Broderick) and is given an atta boy by the press.

Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes to  
supporting Senator Craig.  Now who is the hypocrite?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:22 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Although one could also say practice what you preach.  There's  
little doubt to most of the country that Republicans have been far  
more hypocritical in the way they live their lives.  Every time a  
Republican gets caught doing something like adultry or prostitution  
it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets caught because it just  
reaffirms the way some of us feel - that Republicans USE RELIGION  
rather than our truly religious.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program.

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.

 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the

 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to
 survey the landscape.

 --- In, Kevin Brown
  --- In,
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- In, Kevin Brown
   It is
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews,  
get listings, and more!

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Jersey Shore John
 the sentence of  
former Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis Scooter Libby following  
Libby's conviction on obstruction of justice and perjury

July 3, 2007: A grand jury report declares that the sale of public  
land to Republican Congressman Ken Calvert and his business partners  
violated the law

July 11, 2007: Republican state Representative and Florida co- 
Chairman of McCain for President Bob Allen is arrested for soliciting  
a male undercover police officer, offering to pay $20 to perform oral  

July 16, 2007: Republican Senator David Vitter holds press conference  
acknowledging being on the D.C. Madam's list and past involvement  
with prostitutes

July 16, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski  
was involved in a sweetheart real estate deal

July 19: Republican former state legislator Coy Privette is charged  
with six counts of aiding and abetting prostitution

July 24, 2007: Michael Flory, former head of the Michigan Federation  
of Young Republicans, pleads guilty to sexual abuse

July 26, 2007: Media report that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski  
will sell back land purchased in a sweetheart deal, following close  
scrutiny of the shady transaction

July 29, 2007: Glenn Murphy Jr., recently-elected Chairman of the  
Young Republican National Federation, is accused of sexually  
assaulting a sleeping man

July 30, 2007: The FBI and IRS raid the home of Republican Senator  
Ted Stevens following investigations into Stevens' dealings with the  
corrupt VECO Corporation

August 2, 2007: Bush administration senior adviser Karl Rove  
disregards a Congressional subpoena and refuses to testify before the  
Senate Judiciary Committee

August 6, 2007: Investigation called for after House Republican  
Leader John Boehner leaked classified information regarding a secret  
court ruling over warrantless wiretapping

August 8, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig pleads guilty to  
misdemeanor disorderly conduct following his June 11 arrest

August 9, 2007: Major Republican donor Alan Fabian is charged with 23  
counts of bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, obstruction  
of justice, and perjury

August 15, 2007: Republican state House candidate Angelo Cappelli is  
arrested for perjury and grand theft

August 22, 2007: Republican political consultant Roger Stone resigns  
his role with the New York state Senate Republicans after reports  
surfaced that he made a threatening, obscenity-laced phone call to  
the 83-year-old father of Governor Eliot Spitzer

August 27, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Larry Craig was  
arrested and pled guilty - he had not publicly disclosed the events  
to that point

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jersey John,

 I guess Representative Jefferson was really a conservative but was  
 just pretending to be liberal.  And all those corrupts liberals in  
 the NJ legislature...are just pretending to be liberal but are  
 really conservative

 Learn something new everyday!

 -Original Message-
 From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:52 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 Conservatives only pretend to be religious but actually worship money.

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
 statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
 agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 Why is it true that liberals have no God?

 Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 Being a Conservative take more work than being a
 Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

 One issue to watch in the future is National
 Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
 that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
 National Healthcare program.

 I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

 --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
  is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
  paying attention.
  The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
  that define
  people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
  If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
  better be able to
  survey the landscape.
  --- In, Kevin Brown
   --- In,
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Kevin Brown
It is
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
  rising in

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101

Jersey John,

Is that all you've got?

Democrat corruption over the last three months

Democrats are harping on the corruption of the Republican Party. Please note 
that Democrat corruption in government is widespread and far reaching. I could 
have listed many examples of Democrat corruption such as Sandy Berger stealing 
documents from the National Archives- however- I decided to look at headlines 
over the last three months. The below are headline from September - just over 3 
months of Democrat corruption. 

- An independent counsel who investigated possible tax violations by former 
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros charged that the Clinton 
administration thwarted his efforts to get to the truth.

- U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) is under criminal investigation by the 
U.S. Justice Department for possible bribery in exchange for promoting business 
deals in Africa

- Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents that Ernest Newton, a former 
state Democrat Connecticut senator worked with a reputed mobster and his 
associate to try to stop police raids on businesses and advance their business 

- Clarence Norman Jr., the longtime powerbroker of Brooklyn NY Democrats was 
found guilty of intentionally soliciting illegal campaign contributions.

- A top aide to Jim Black, the Democratic speaker of the state Legislature of 
North Carolina, resigned amid reports he had received payments from a company 
hoping for the lottery contract. The .State Board of Elections is investigating 
Black's campaign finances. The investigation comes after the group Democracy 
North Carolina said it found evidence that video-poker operators were funneling 
money through unsuspecting donors to Black's campaign. 

- West Virginia.Logan County Clerk Glen Dale Hound Dog Adkins admitted to 
selling his vote for $500 in the 1996 Democratic Party primary, while Perry 
French Harvey Jr. pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe voters in last year's 
Democratic contest

- Former Democat Gov. Donald Siegelman of Alabama was charged in a widespread 
racketeering conspiracy that includes accusations he took a bribe from former 
hospital executive Richard Scrushy for a key state appointment. 

- Frank Ballance - a former Democrat Rep. from North Carolina was sentenced to 
four years in federal prison for conspiring to divert taxpayer money to his law 
firm and family through a charitable organization he helped start. Ballance, 
was a state senator before being elected to Congress in 2002, also agreed to 
repay $61,917 and to forfeit $203,000 in a bank escrow account in the name of 
the John A. Hyman Memorial Foundation. 

- Five Democratic activists in Wisconsin accused of slashing the tires of vans 
rented by Republicans on Election Day 2004 are currently on trial

- Chuck Chvala, a Former Democrat Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader was 
sentenced to nine months in jail for felony misconduct in office and illegally 
funneling campaign contributions. Chvala had reached a plea deal with 
prosecutors earlier this year, admitting to charges that he directed a state 
employee to run a political campaign and used an independent expenditure group 
to funnel campaign contributions to a fellow Democrat. 

- Brett Pfeffer, a former legislative director to Rep. William Jefferson, 
D-La., pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official and 

- Raymond Reggie, a New Orleans political Democratic consultant and fund-raiser 
who is Senator Kennedy's brother-in-law was sentenced to a year in prison 
yesterday after pleading guilty to bank fraud charge

Get a clue hypocrite!

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Jefferson? Is that all you got?

Let's try this:

January 23, 2007: Republican radio personality Scott Eller Cortelyou  
of Denver arrested on suspicion of using the Internet to lure a child  
into a sexual relationship

January 29, 2007: Republican former Jefferson County, Colorado,  
Treasurer Mark Paschall indicted on two felony charges in connection  
with an allegation that Paschall solicited a kickback from a bonus he  
awarded one of his employees

January 31, 2007: Republican Congressman Gary Miller is named by  
Republicans as ranking member of oversight subcommittee of House  
Financial Services Committee despite the FBI's investigation into his  
land deals

February 14, 2007: Major Republican fundraiser Brent Wilkes and  
former CIA executive director Kyle Dusty Foggo are indicted by a  
grandy jury for corrupting CIA contracts

February 16, 2007: Major Republican donor Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali  
Alishtari, aka Michael Mixon, is indicted in federal court on charges  
of providing material support to terrorists

March 5, 2007: Ethics complaint filed against Republican Senator Pete  
Domenici for his role

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Gary Wien
I believe one of the worst things to happen in my lifetime was NAFTA  
which I blame Clinton for.

Does that make you happy?

I admit I lean liberal on a lot of issues and conservative on  
others.  Kinda sounds independent to me.  But I guess because I don't  
worship at the altar of guys like Rush Limbaugh I would be considered  
a liberal.   I love those guys.  Dittoheads -- they proudly say  
they're a ditto head and then say the other side doesn't have a  
brain.  Amazing!

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

and you have to admit that you've been bashing everything from the now, I don't belive you to be independent!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:28 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Doesn't  
matter that Clinton did not preach right or wrong...I didnot  
have sex with that woman...oh wait there is no governing 
authority that describes a bj as sex... (Al Gore, 2000)...And the
 media did not jump on the Clinton rape allegation becasue they  
didnot want to believe it   And Gary, I know independents,  
several are friends of mine... andary...YOU'RE NO INDEPENDENT!  
That's funny.  I guess you've never seen my voting record. I was  
raised in a strict Republican household.  Problem is I can
recognize that Republicans are liars and Democrats are liars.   
There   are very few party related people who ever seem to admit  
that their   side is wrong.  That's why I'd never join either  
party. It's really funny the way Republicans treat independents.   
They act   as if there's no such thing.  Truth is that I think more  
people are   independent than they'd realize.  How can anyone  
believe everything   one party has for its platform? If they have a  
brain they should pick   and choose from both sides.  I'm guessing  
that you'd have a hard time   calling me a Democrat if I told you  
that I am a firm supporter in a   flat tax, that I think illegal  
immigration has ruined the country, etc. There's more to life than  
talk radio and being told what to think...   Yahoo! Groups Links  
to:! ID  
Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101

Jersey John,

At a minimum, Senator Craig is accused of being gay!? So why aren't all the 
bleeding hearts now rushing to his defense...because of hypocrisy...the only 
group who has rushed to his defense are the log cabin republicans

It's the same hypocrisy that was evidents when feminist groups did not renounce 

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

But Toe-Tappin' Larry isn't gay, remember?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.? He is a Reverend 
of some sort.? He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in plastic his 
refrigerator!? Oh but wait he was a democrat!


Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had to resign, 
versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick (Juanota Broderick) and is 
given an atta boy by the press.


Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes to supporting 
Senator Craig.? Now who is the hypocrite?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:22 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Although one could also say practice what you preach.? There's little doubt to 
most of the country that Republicans have been far more hypocritical in the way 
they live their lives.? Every time a Republican gets caught doing something 
like adultry or prostitution it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets 
caught because it just reaffirms the way some of us feel - that Republicans USE 
RELIGION rather than our truly religious.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:



While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket statement and is 
probably not 100% accurate.? However, one has to agree that on the whole 
liberals have been far more anti-god than conservatives

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Why is it true that liberals have no God?

Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

Being a Conservative take more work than being a
Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

One issue to watch in the future is National
Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
National Healthcare program.?

I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

--- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
 is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
 paying attention.
 The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
 that define?
 people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
 If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
 better be able to?
 survey the landscape.?
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Brown
  justifiedright@ wrote:
   --- [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Brown
   It is?
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
 rising in?
   Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
  My political view is way beyond the local arena!
  New jersey is not the litmus...
  Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
  On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
 on the WTC, the?
  Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
 declaring we killed?
  Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, 
and more!

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free?AOL Mail!


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101

My point is being a follower a particular party does not meam he/she follows 
100% of their ideals

An independent is different than a conservatove democrat or a moderate 

The NJ 11 were? probably independent as well in that they didn't care who they 
got money from!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

I believe one of the worst things to happen in my lifetime was NAFTA which I 
blame Clinton for.

Does that make you happy?

I admit I lean liberal on a lot of issues and conservative on others.? Kinda 
sounds independent to me.? But I guess because I don't worship at the altar of 
guys like Rush Limbaugh I would be considered a liberal.? ?I love those guys.? 
Dittoheads -- they proudly say they're a ditto head and then say the other 
side doesn't have a brain.? Amazing!

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


and you have to admit that you've been bashing everything from the 
now, I don't belive you to be independent!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:28 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101

Just to be sure people,? my point is not to say (as is insinuated by Jersey 
John) that Republicans do not have corruption within their ranks or only dems 
have point is that there is corruption on both sides

I am trying to be a counterbalance to the all republicans are evil argument; 
And yes I am a republican and yes I am proud of it!? That being said, there are 
dems that I repsect, Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller come immediately to mind!

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Jersey John,

Is that all you've got?

Democrat corruption over the last three months

Democrats are harping on the corruption of the Republican Party. Please note 
that Democrat corruption in government is widespread and far reaching. I could 
have listed many examples of Democrat corruption such as Sandy Berger stealing 
documents from the National Archives- however- I decided to look at headlines 
over the last three months. The below are headline from September - just over 3 
months of Democrat corruption. 

- An independent counsel who investigated possible tax violations by former 
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros charged that the Clinton 
administration thwarted his efforts to get to the truth.

- U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) is under criminal investigation by the 
U.S. Justice Department for possible bribery in exchange for promoting business 
deals in Africa

- Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents that Ernest Newton, a former 
state Democrat Connecticut senator worked with a reputed mobster and his 
associate to try to stop police raids on businesses and advance their business 

- Clarence Norman Jr., the longtime powerbroker of Brooklyn NY Democrats was 
found guilty of intentionally soliciting illegal campaign contributions.

- A top aide to Jim Black, the Democratic speaker of the state Legislature of 
North Carolina, resigned amid reports he had received payments from a company 
hoping for the lottery contract. The .State Board of Elections is investigating 
Black's campaign finances. The investigation comes after the group Democracy 
North Carolina said it found evidence that video-poker operators were funneling 
money through unsuspecting donors to Black's campaign. 

- West Virginia.Logan County Clerk Glen Dale Hound Dog Adkins admitted to 
selling his vote for $500 in the 1996 Democratic Party primary, while Perry 
French Harvey Jr. pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe voters in last year's 
Democratic contest

- Former Democat Gov. Donald Siegelman of Alabama was charged in a widespread 
racketeering conspiracy that includes accusations he took a bribe from former 
hospital executive Richard Scrushy for a key state appointment. 

- Frank Ballance - a former Democrat Rep. from North Carolina was sentenced to 
four years in federal prison for conspiring to divert taxpayer money to his law 
firm and family through a charitable organization he helped start. Ballance, 
was a state senator before being elected to Congress in 2002, also agreed to 
repay $61,917 and to forfeit $203,000 in a bank escrow account in the name of 
the John A. Hyman Memorial Foundation. 

- Five Democratic activists in Wisconsin accused of slashing the tires of vans 
rented by Republicans on Election Day 2004 are currently on trial

- Chuck Chvala, a Former Democrat Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader was 
sentenced to nine months in jail for felony misconduct in office and illegally 
funneling campaign contributions. Chvala had reached a plea deal with 
prosecutors earlier this year, admitting to charges that he directed a state 
employee to run a political campaign and used an independent expenditure group 
to funnel campaign contributions to a fellow Democrat. 

- Brett Pfeffer, a former legislative director to Rep. William Jefferson, 
D-La., pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official and 

- Raymond Reggie, a New Orleans political Democratic consultant and fund-raiser 
who is Senator Kennedy's brother-in-law was sentenced to a year in prison 
yesterday after pleading guilty to bank fraud charge

Get a clue hypocrite!

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:55 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Jefferson? Is that all you got?

Let's try this:

January 23, 2007: Republican radio personality Scott Eller Cortelyou  
of Denver arrested on suspicion of using the Internet to lure a child  
into a sexual relationship

January 29, 2007: Republican former Jefferson County, Colorado,  
Treasurer Mark Paschall indicted on two felony charges in connection  
with an allegation that Paschall solicited a kickback from a bonus he  
awarded one of his employees

January 31, 2007: Republican Congressman Gary

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread Jersey Shore John
As usual, you're just making things up: He was accused of  
solicitation in a public restroom, not of being gay. Try to stop  
getting ALL your info from Thrush King Vicodin Limpballs. It's the  
repukelicans who are, shall we say, uncomfortable with the gay aspect  
of the story. Also, where were the stone hearted repubs? Why weren't  
they rallying around their own?

A Republican senator who has represented his state in the U.S.  
Congress for 27 years is finding himself increasingly isolated from  
his political allies as more members of his party call for him to  
resign over his arrest in an airport men's room on a disorderly  
conduct charge.

And why, exactly, do you think feminist groups should have renounce  
clinton? (Of course, without Clenis™, you're nothing)

On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jersey John,

 At a minimum, Senator Craig is accused of being gay!  So why aren't  
 all the bleeding hearts now rushing to his defense...because of  
 hypocrisy...the only group who has rushed to his defense are the  
 log cabin republicans

 It's the same hypocrisy that was evidents when feminist groups did  
 not renounce clinton

 -Original Message-
 From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 But Toe-Tappin' Larry isn't gay, remember?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.  He  
 is a Reverend of some sort.  He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in  
 plastic his refrigerator!  Oh but wait he was a democrat!

 Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had  
 to resign, versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick  
 (Juanota Broderick) and is given an atta boy by the press.

 Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes  
 to supporting Senator Craig.  Now who is the hypocrite?

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:22 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 Although one could also say practice what you preach.  There's  
 little doubt to most of the country that Republicans have been far  
 more hypocritical in the way they live their lives.  Every time a  
 Republican gets caught doing something like adultry or  
 prostitution it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets caught  
 because it just reaffirms the way some of us feel - that  
 Republicans USE RELIGION rather than our truly religious.

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
 statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
 agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 Why is it true that liberals have no God?

 Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 Being a Conservative take more work than being a
 Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

 One issue to watch in the future is National
 Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
 that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
 National Healthcare program.

 I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

 --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
  is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
  paying attention.
  The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
  that define
  people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
  If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
  better be able to
  survey the landscape.
  --- In, Kevin Brown
   --- In,
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Kevin Brown
It is
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are
  rising in
Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do
   My political view is way beyond the local arena!
   New jersey is not the litmus...
   Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.
   On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks
  on the WTC, the
   Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie
  declaring we killed
   Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her

 Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews,  
 get listings, and more!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101
Thanks for the heads up about wrap text?DF.? Webmail formatting is a pain in 
the ass.

I will take better caution in future posts!

-Original Message-
From: dfsavgny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 5:29 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please select wrap text.

Yahoo! Groups Links

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-11 Thread docp101
Jersey John,

There you go with the name calling.  I admit I am uncomfortable with Craig 
since he has always run on family values and I am uncomfortable with someone 
using that platform having an alternative lifestyle...that being said it is 
also not surprising that all those bleeding heart supporters of alternative 
lifestyles have not come to his defense.

Are you for real into why feminist groups shoudl not have denounced Clinton?  
You are kidding right?

-Original Message-
From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 5:32 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

As usual, you're just making things up: He was accused of  
olicitation in a public restroom, not of being gay. Try to stop  
etting ALL your info from Thrush King Vicodin Limpballs. It's the  
epukelicans who are, shall we say, uncomfortable with the gay aspect  
f the story. Also, where were the stone hearted repubs? Why weren't  
hey rallying around their own?
A Republican senator who has represented his state in the U.S.  
ongress for 27 years is finding himself increasingly isolated from  
is political allies as more members of his party call for him to  
esign over his arrest in an airport men's room on a disorderly  
onduct charge.
And why, exactly, do you think feminist groups should have renounce  
linton? (Of course, without Clenis™, you're nothing)

n Sep 11, 2007, at 4:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jersey John,

 At a minimum, Senator Craig is accused of being gay!  So why aren't  
 all the bleeding hearts now rushing to his defense...because of  
 hypocrisy...the only group who has rushed to his defense are the  
 log cabin republicans

 It's the same hypocrisy that was evidents when feminist groups did  
 not renounce clinton

 -Original Message-
 From: Jersey Shore John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 4:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 But Toe-Tappin' Larry isn't gay, remember?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 4:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Kind of like that Representative Jefferson from New Orleans.  He  
 is a Reverend of some sort.  He got caught with 30,000 wrapped in  
 plastic his refrigerator!  Oh but wait he was a democrat!

 Kind of like Bob Packwood, he put his hand on a womans leg and had  
 to resign, versus Bill Clinton who allegedly raped a chick  
 (Juanota Broderick) and is given an atta boy by the press.

 Where are all the bleeding heart homosexual lovers when it comes  
 to supporting Senator Craig.  Now who is the hypocrite?

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 2:22 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 Although one could also say practice what you preach.  There's  
 little doubt to most of the country that Republicans have been far  
 more hypocritical in the way they live their lives.  Every time a  
 Republican gets caught doing something like adultry or  
 prostitution it looks far worse than when a Democrat gets caught  
 because it just reaffirms the way some of us feel - that  
 Republicans USE RELIGION rather than our truly religious.

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 While I would agree that liberals have no god is a blanket  
 statement and is probably not 100% accurate.  However, one has to  
 agree that on the whole liberals have been far more anti-god than  

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 1:55 pm
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

 Why is it true that liberals have no God?

 Did the Republican Party monopolize religion?

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Mike Hemeon wrote:

 Being a Conservative take more work than being a
 Liberal. If you're a liberal anything goes.

 One issue to watch in the future is National
 Healthcare. It is true that liberals have no god and
 that being said, euthanasia will become part of the
 National Healthcare program.

 I would imagine you would just check-in to a check-out

 --- justifiedright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say
  is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't
  paying attention.
  The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues
  that define
  people as conservative or liberal are barely in the
  If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd
  better be able to
  survey the landscape.
  --- In, Kevin Brown
   --- In,
   justifiedright@ wrote:
--- In, Kevin Brown
It is
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Gary Wien
Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays  
attention to her or believes anything she says...

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

--- In, 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need help!

 --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@ wrote:
  great Ann Coulter Interview...

That's the name of her book.

Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread docp101

Wake up people.? Ann Coulter is not stating anything that isn't true.

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays attention to her 
or believes anything she says...

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

--- In, 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need help!
 --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@ wrote: 
  great Ann Coulter Interview...

That's the name of her book.

Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

  great Ann Coulter Interview...

That's the name of her book.

Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Jersey Shore John
Even interview has a tenuous connection to the blond harpy in a  
black slip dress. She bloviates. She does not interview.

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:56 PM, Hinge wrote:

The words Great and Ann Coulter should never be used together.

--- In, Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays
 attention to her or believes anything she says...

 On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

  --- In, 2fine4u sharon_b283@ wrote:
   You need help!
   --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@  
great Ann Coulter Interview...
  That's the name of her book.
  Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Gary Wien
Man I really pity anybody that thinks she's telling the truth.  She's  
an entertainer  if that.

On Sep 10, 2007, at 5:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wake up people.  Ann Coulter is not stating anything that isn't true.

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays  
attention to her or believes anything she says...

On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

--- In, 2fine4u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need help!

 --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@  
  great Ann Coulter Interview...

That's the name of her book.

Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Jersey Shore John
Somewhere, Keith Olbermann is sticking pins in a Bill O'Reilly voodoo  
doll: Fox News' ratings, TVNewser reports, are down since August of  
last year. Like, way down. Like down 28 percent in primetime among  
all viewers, down 20 percent in primetime in the money  
demo (viewers aged 25-54) and down 7 percent in daytime viewership  
overall. In fact, the only place Fox is up is during the day, when  
they managed a ratings increase of just 2 percent, and even then only  
in the money demo.

And lest you think this is an industry-wide trend, consider this:  
over the same time period, CNN and MSNBC are up. CNN's up 35 percent  
during the day -- 46 percent in the money demo -- and up 21 percent  
in primetime overall, 25 percent in the money demo. MSNBC's ratings  
increases aren't quite as impressive -- up 6 percent in primetime  
overall, 8 percent in the money demo, and up 36 percent in the money  
demo during the day, 26 percent overall.

On Sep 10, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

yea well is not your FOX News type media. Also Fox News
the biggest ratings on Cable news. That means majority share. It is
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are rising in America!

--- In, Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays
 attention to her or believes anything she says...

 On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

  --- In, 2fine4u sharon_b283@ wrote:
   You need help!
   --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@
great Ann Coulter Interview...
  That's the name of her book.
  Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Jersey Shore John
Reporting on the ratings rivalry between the Fox News Channel (FNC)  
and CNN is often misleading--and almost always over-hyped.

Fox Tops CNN as Choice for Cable News, declared one typical  
headline (Chicago Tribune , 3/24/03). Fox News Channel Continues to  
Crush CNN , reported Knight Ridder (Dallas Morning News , 2/3/04) in  
a column comparing the rivalry to a party primary: Fox News Channel  
is winning the Nielsen caucuses. Last summer (8/17/03), the New York  
Times Magazine declared, looking back at the period of the Iraq  
invasion, Fox was--and still is--trouncing CNN in the ratings.

After exposure to countless similar stories published since January  
2002, when Fox was reported to have surpassed CNN in the Nielsen  
ratings, one might naturally conclude that Fox has more viewers than  

But it's not true. On any given day, more people typically tune to  
CNN than to Fox .

So what are the media reports talking about? With few exceptions,  
stories about the media business report a single number for ratings  
(often expressed two different ways--as points or share). This  
number is often presented as if it were the result of a popularity  
contest or a democratic vote. But it is actually the average number  
of viewers watching a station or a show in a typical minute, based on  
Nielsen Media Research's monitoring of thousands of households.

The average is arrived at by counting viewers every minute. Heavy  
viewers--those who tune in to a station and linger there--have a  
greater impact, as they can be counted multiple times as they watch  
throughout the day.

When an outlet reports that CNN is trailing Fox , they are almost  
invariably using this average tally, which Fox has been winning for  
the past two years. For the year 2003, Nielsen's average daily  
ratings show Fox beating CNN 1.02 million viewers to 665,000.

But there is another important number collected by Nielsen (though  
only made available to the firm's clients) that tells another story.  
This is the cume, the cumulative total number of viewers who watch  
a channel for at least six minutes during a given day. Unlike the  
average ratings number the media usually report, this number gives  
the same weight to the light viewer, who tunes in for a brief time,  
as it does to the heavy viewer.

How can CNN have more total viewers when Fox has such a commanding  
lead in average viewers? Conventional industry wisdom is that CNN  
viewers tune in briefly to catch up on news and headlines, while Fox  
viewers watch longer for the opinion and personality-driven  
programming. Because the smaller total number of Fox viewers are  
watching more hours, they show up in the ratings as a higher average  
number of viewers.

CNN regularly claims a cume about 20 percent higher than Fox 's  
(Deseret Morning News , 1/12/04). For instance, in April 2003, during  
the height of the fighting in Iraq, CNN 's cume was significantly  
higher than Fox 's: 105 million viewers tuned into CNN compared to 86  
million for Fox (Cablefax , 4/30/03). But in the same period, the  
ratings reported by most media outlets had Fox in the lead, with an  
average of 3.5 million viewers to CNN 's 2.2 million.

Even among Fox 's core audience of conservatives, CNN has an edge in  
total viewership. A study by the ad agency Carat USA (Hollywood  
Reporter , 8/13/03) found that 37 percent of viewers calling  
themselves very conservative watch CNN in the course of a week,  
while only 32 percent tune to Fox .

On Sep 10, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

yea well is not your FOX News type media. Also Fox News
the biggest ratings on Cable news. That means majority share. It is
really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are rising in America!

--- In, Gary Wien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank God that nobody (except for a few fans of Fox News) pays
 attention to her or believes anything she says...

 On Sep 10, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Kevin Brown wrote:

  --- In, 2fine4u sharon_b283@ wrote:
   You need help!
   --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@
great Ann Coulter Interview...
  That's the name of her book.
  Actually: Godless: The church of Liberalism

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Jersey Shore John

Reality bites.

On Sep 10, 2007, at 7:08 PM, justifiedright wrote:

--- In, Kevin Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

It is
 really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are rising in America!

Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do you?

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Liberals Have No God

2007-09-10 Thread Gary Wien


We should all try to get together at the Wonder Bar one night.   
Whether or not we can keep it open it would be good to have people  
from the list celebrating Asbury Park regardless of any other  
political or philosophical views.  There is one thing we generally  
have in common.  We may not all agree on the best way for Asbury to  
come back, but we all want Asbury to come back.


On Sep 10, 2007, at 9:42 PM, justifiedright wrote:

I'm not talking about Jersey Kevin. For you to say Conservativism
is on the rise nationally - well you just aren't paying attention.

The only issue out there is Iraq. All other issues that define
people as conservative or liberal are barely in the political

If you are going to be a political advisor, you'd better be able to
survey the landscape.

--- In, Kevin Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In, justifiedright
 justifiedright@ wrote:
  --- In, Kevin Brown jerseykev@
  It is
   really bugging Liberals that Conservatives are rising in
  Errr, you don't follow politics too much, do you?

 My political view is way beyond the local arena!

 New jersey is not the litmus...

 Watch come this Sunday - should be interesting.

 On the eve of The anniversary of terrorist attacks on the WTC, the
 Pentegon and Flight 93 - even crazed Rosie declaring we killed
 Iraqi citizens. I don't know who is doing her math?