Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Changing your linear pwr supply for the Duet

2008-03-10 Thread atkinsonrr

I believe when I checked, the voltage coming off the transformer is 9


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Changing your linear pwr supply for the Duet

2008-03-09 Thread atkinsonrr

I bought two of the (semi-famed) Power One HB5-3 power supplies.  I  use
one for my Squeezebox 3 and was planning to use one for the Duet I had
on order.  


The Duet needs 9 volt in, not 5.  Hmmm...  Anybody know how to change
the HB5-3 to 9 volt?  Just a matter of a resistor or two I am guessing,
but anybody know which ones?  

I found the datasheet for the LM723N used in the Power One here:  

The datasheet shows schematics for applications, and I'm guessing the
schematic that applies to the HB5-3 is either schematic #16 or #17, but
that's as far as my limited electronic neurons take me...


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Introductions: Please Make This a Sticky!

2006-11-29 Thread atkinsonrr

Hi, my name is Rob, and I'm an alcho er audiophile.  I played trumpet
for a long time, and for the past year or two have been dabbling in
guitar, but I wouldnt call myself a musician.  I got my start listening
to LPs of Cream or Pink Floyd or Clapton, in a garage with a bunch of
other high schoolers.  Solder smoke mixed with other smoke, wafted
along on air vibrated by the best stereo in town, thanks to my geeky
best friend.  He was always building some Heathkit thing or another. 
Later tended equipment and did the mix for a couple of minor recording
bands.  This got me fascinated with how an amp or PA might have a
particular emotional impact and why.  Thats what drives me in audio.  I
think of it as the intersection of the technological with the
psychological.  It lends itself to a sort of endless noble quest.  

Once I got out of college and grad school, I finally had enough money
to buy a decent rig: Magnepan II's and Audio Research electronics. 
Since then I've owned alot of different things.  In speakers: Klipsch
Cornwalls, Quad 989s, Spendor monitors, Quad ESLs, Martin Logan Sequel
IIs, Carver Amazings, a pair of small Maggies, Advent Large, JSE
Infinite Slope, Mordaunt-Short monitors.  My current main speakers
are a pair of Vandersteen 5As.  In electronics I have had a variety as
well: Home-built Tripath Digitals, McIntosh both classic and new,
Classe, EAR 859, various Audio Research, Conrad-Johnson.  When I get
back to Montana I will be rotating out McIntosh and putting in
Quicksilver mono-blocks.  Why am I now involved with Slim Devices?  I
think its the future.  Once you use hard-drive based audio its hard not
to think the days of discs are numbered. 

My philosophy in audio is probably a bit different.  I have given up
trying to find accuracy or fidelity to live music.  I am just in it for
the emotional high that a great system playing great music can bring. 
And over the years, I have come to the conclusion there are many ways
to get there.  In fact, I often have three systems set up.  So when I
get back to Montana, I plan on setting up a couple of other rigs in
addition to the Vandersteen-Quicksilver system that will be fed via
Transporter.  Quad ESLs and a pair of ancient tube monos will be fed by
an SB3 in the bedroom.  In the office I plan on setting up Spendors with
a Tripath digital amp fed from the computer via USB DAC.  

As for the objective-subjective debate.  I can remember a time before
Total Harmonic Distortion was used and before anyone had heard of
this thing called jitter.  So I dont think measurements via
instruments are anywhere near close to comprehensively describing audio
reality.  Nor do I think ABX testing is the holy grail.  Its my
experience that it takes time to really hear and appreciate.  I readily
embrace the fact that there is a big psychological, perceptual component
and I'm not sure how you control for all that without destroying what
you are trying to measure.  But, being schooled in the social sciences,
I know there are ways to tease out objective measures for that which is
wholistic and subjective.  If and when that happens, we can all live in
peace, as the subjective and the objective will have been reconciled.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wanted to Buy: Modded PS for SB3

2006-11-28 Thread atkinsonrr

Thought I might just throw out a suggestion here.  A while ago, I wanted
to try a super duper tweako power supply on my CD Burner, just for
grins.  I was gonna build one, but then had a thought.  

Went to Ebay and found power supplies on sale that were surplussed from
laboratories.  I took a flyer and bought one.  I think it cost me about
$40 incl shipping.  It arrived, very impressive, weighing about
25-30lbs, a nice meter, rack mountable, only a couple small dings.  If
I remember right, it had Bell Labs and a serial # scratched into the
bottom plate.  I never did an A-B but it worked great and I know I just
felt a little better knowing it had this huge reserve headroom in terms
of amperage draw.  

When I get back to Montana I hope to use it on my SB-3.  If I remember
I'll attempt an A-B test and let you all know.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-28 Thread atkinsonrr

Mark Lanctot;157893 Wrote: 
 Well yeah, but that's kind of a marketing statement.  They couldn't
 possibly have compared it to every single CD player on the market (or
 ever made, for that matter).  And I'm sure those $10K CD transports
 I've heard about have something to them.  If they didn't beat a device
 costing 1/5 as much (which includes a high-end DAC, mind you) they'd
 have some explaining to do.
 It's also all relative, of course.  It's not like that reviewer's
 opinion is the last word on the Denon or the Transporter for that
 In fact being compared favourably against a player costing nearly twice
 as much is a high compliment.

I think Mark has it right.  When this happens to me, I know most of my
bad feelings are coming from the sinking realization that I got fooled
by marketing hype.  Maybe its less about the transporter and more about
kicking yourself.  

I mean by any objective measure, the TP is still shaping up as a great
purchase!  Half the price of a Denon, lot more capability, more cache,
lots prettier to look at, maybe better built  Ya done good man!

And who knows, with a bit of educated, systemic-type tweaking, it might
be in Meitner territory.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-28 Thread atkinsonrr

jonheal;158013 Wrote: 
 Really folks, I think several of you need to just let go. Clearly, no
 one's going to get the last word in, and at this point, all you're
 doing is pouring salt into wounds and contributing to the build up of
 your own stomach acid.
 We're all imperfect creatures. We all have quirks and annoying traits.
 And generally, those traites we find most annoying in others are those
 that we ourselves possess.
 Why don't we draw a line in the sand and move forward on a positive
 note. Frankly, if everyone turned the other cheek a little more often
 instead of sniping back, the world would be a hell of a lot more
 pleasant to live in.
 Forums don't need moderators so much as people need to moderate
 Here are some of my annoying traits:
 - I interrupt people when they're talking
 - I don't listen well
 - I often don't give people the benefit of the doubt
 - I'm often negative
 - I'm selfish

Even tho repetitive I have to say this is right on.  Heck I'll even
admit to having the same annoying traits plus some we wont go into
here...  :=)  Thanks Jon


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-28 Thread atkinsonrr

highdudgeon;158213 Wrote: 
 Okay, so tell us what you know about the Transporter (which should be
 plenty, if you've done your research, because SD has been open about
 design and results).  Tell us, too, about some measurement differences
 with all these goodies and why, specifically, they should result in
 anything more than...well...equal or degraded signal?  I'm guessing
 you're paying at least a grand, or close to that, and that you've been
 told the background will be black, there will be more air, etc.  Words
 are one thing; facts are another; the power of suggestion is powerful

I appreciate your input here, as I think it may be coming from concern,
thinking there was something that he hadnt considered but should
probably consider before making a big financial decision.  

But the above quote sounds like you feel he owes you (or any of us for
that matter) a justificaton of why he wants to spend his own money, and
that he must explain it in using only THD or jitter specs or someting? 
I really dont think this is a reasonable request.  He's already said
that he is doing it based on the track record of his own experience
with the modded SB.

So, one could say he is doing it out of trust in Boulder Mods.  You
might argue his trust is misplaced, but I would bet he believes his
trust is justified by his own experience.  Shouldnt his own experience
be the final arbiter?  

At this point you might say that he was fooled by psycho-acoutic or
simply psychological factors.  In other words sometimes your own
experience can lie.  I agree with that.  But if he's like most of us
(incredibly intelligent!!) people who habit this forum, I again would
bet that he did some kind of A-B testing.  Is the A-B testing up to a
standard that we would all accept?  Maybe not.  

Its obvious you have real passion for finding the truth in audio.  But,
I dont think you are gonna persuade or change his mind by demanding that
he provide all the justification you are demanding.  But if we could put
some of our collective passion into developing a listening testing
scheme that we could all endorse.  Now THAT would be worth the energy!


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-28 Thread atkinsonrr

seanadams;158249 Wrote: 
 However, when someone claims pefectly empirical improvements like lower
 noise power supply with no rationale or data to back them up, I will
 Your sentence above, said it all for me.  If a modder or anyone else is
 claiming (for example) a reduction in jitter when it can be measured and
 disproven I hope you do speak up, and thank you for doing so.  I agree
 with your following post, as well.  Once you clarified you mean
 specific measurements when you say Transporter is unsurpassed.  If
 someone is to claim you guilty of hype, then (given your clarification)
 they should show on what specific measurement and against what specific
 rival machine you have overstated your claim.
 I would hope that modders could show some empirical, instrumented,
 improvements.  On the other hand, I wouldnt claim a modder is full of
 BS simply because all he could say is he performed listening tests and
 found his mods sounded better.  I would take that as information, even
 if not very compelling information.  It would be more compelling if he
 could substantiate it was done independently, with a variety of
 equipment, a variety of listeners, there was some control for bias,
 listening was done over an extended period of time, etc.  Of course,
 most compelling would be if said modder could report results of
 empirical listening tests.  Having a social and not physical science
 background I believe there is a way to make non-instrumented testing
 empirical as well.  Unfortunately, I dont think we have found it yet.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-27 Thread atkinsonrr

tomjtx;157731 Wrote: 
 we have to make sure the audiophile is centered in front of us in an
 equilateral triangle so that our greeting is in stereo

And the objectivists and subjectivists,
We'd all be there
But oh the sound--it'd be so dynamic!
It would make us so electrostatic!
That none of us would care!


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

andy_c;157534 Wrote: 
 Yeah right.  You just want everyone who disagrees with your point of
 view to STFU.  What a bunch of disingenuous crap.

I agree with Pat, and inherent in what he said is that there is
behavior that can make this forum go down the tubes and behavior that
will help to sustain it.  I suggest the kind of behavior evidenced in
the above quote is the former.  

When I find myself doing this I have learned it's helpful to realize
that driving my negative behavior is usually an assumption of some
negative intent on the part of the other person.  The above quoted post
is such a great example because the assumptions the poster is making
about me are so clearly stated.  But it happens all the time. 

For instance many people assumed that PFloding was putting them down by
inferring they were not audiophiles.  And so they attacked in defense.
But in earlier conversation P said that English is not his first
language, and admitted his ability to get grammer and spelling wrong. 
I thought it was plausible that P simply got the meaning of audiophile
slightly wrong, and that he meant to say something like tweaker

I'd like to suggest that one way back to positive behavior would be to
assume positive intent on the part of the person you are responding to.
It really does work.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

opaqueice;157536 Wrote: 
 I go away for a few days and come back to see...  people starting whiny
 threads on an audiophile forum to complain about off-topic threads?? 
 And then another thread to complain that the first off-topic thread
 went off-topic???  Has everyone gone crazy?  Too much turkey?  
 If you don't like the forum, go away.  No one is making you read it,
 and I really doubt anyone from SD is going to step in and moderate it. 
 Stop acting like children (and that goes for almost everyone that posted
 on that other, rather unbelievable thread).
 Let's just get back to talking about audio.

I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence.  And I agree that
enough people acting like children, being emotionally immature, WILL
bring this forum down. 

As for going away if I dont like the forum.  Perhaps I will.  

But before simply going away I feel it is my  responsibility to the
community (see top of page left, after Slim Devices) to try to ensure
an important issue did not get drowned in the noise.  I took a bit of a
risk, to be reaponsible to the community.  But I believe that is what
community is all about -- if that word is to really have any meaning. 
If you find that whiny or childish, all I can do is encourage a moment
of reflection on your part.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

adamslim;157546 Wrote: 
 Good post: this is, I think, one of the main problems.  The written-only
 form of communication misses out such a lot of information, so you need
 to be especially careful with both what you type, and how you interpret
 someone else's.  Chill out, and assume people are reasonable.
 Why not self-moderation: being able to score posts?  That way, if
 enough people score something as a troll post, it gets suppressed for
 most readers.  Slashdot is the best example here.

I agree.  Am thinking about the time back in my corporate life when I
wrote something in the heat of the moment in an e-mail to a colleague
(and everyone on the cc list!)  It was early days of email.  And my
only defense was I really didnt know any better.  I think many of us
must have a similar memory that makes us shudder. 

I grew up in Cleveland with a bunch of working class guys.  And ya
know, this is a really GREAT idea and I'm shouting over the musical
bridge of BORN TO RUN and we've all had 4 OR 5 BEERS, and I preface
everything with YOU A--HOLE...   I mean, I LOVE communicating that
way.  Still do.  

And posting and emailing somehow gets under our radar, seeming less
like writing a letter and more like having that relaxed conversation
for some reason.  And ya know, maybe we all just want to get close

Unfortunately, written communication requires different skills.  Wimpy
stuff like sensitivity, responsibility, discipline.  And man, it
chafes me sometimes!!!

I for one would like to try your system for self-moderating.  Sounds
interesting.  I have never seen it operate tho.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

highdudgeon;157631 Wrote: 
 Well, that's the problem, isn't it?  When we start making judgements
 about other people based on their points of view?  Sure, the
 objectivist -- I certainly lean in that direction and absolutely
 believe in the us double-blind tests -- can get loud; however, the
 subjectivist crowd -- and I'm a bit of that, too, liking as I do
 vintage tube amps -- can get equally defensive and rude.  This very
 post is an invitation to anger and could be construed as insulting.
 The thing is, this community is actually quite small.  Look at the
 threads -- how many new faces do you see?  Perhaps it would be a a good
 idea to start a thread that goes like this: 
 1.  I am so-and-so (moniker, real name, initials, whatever); this is
 how long I've been into the hobby; this is some of my stuff; this is
 how I came to choose it; this is my basic philosophy about audio.
 2. No one -- NO ONE -- replies to that post in a negative way, no
 matter how much you disagree with that individual.
 The point would be to have general introduction session, rather than
 getting to know each other by way of exchanged barbs.  Everyone would
 be invited to write about themselves without potentially insulting
 reference (see above) to other people.
 Any, this is just an idea to clear the air.  How many people are
 involved in these threads?  A dozen?  Twenty, at most?  That's not a
 lot of us and I reckon that, in person, we would be much more polite. 
 Therefore, getting to know each other in a more personal way could be

I think this is a great idea.  I too wonder how much rude or
inflammatory behavior that happens in forums like this would continue
if folks actually knew each other, or were sitting face to face.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

tomjtx;157688 Wrote: 
 Would this be analogous to a 12 steppe program?
 Would it be an attenuater with .5 RDB steps (rudeness decibels)?
 I like the idea, as long as I can make jokes. :-)

Hi... ah...  er... I... I-I'm Rob and I-I'm an Audiophile

Mass response: Hi, Rob!


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

totoro;157696 Wrote: 
 Fair enough. I tried to be careful about not claiming as _fact_ that you
 were seeking protection for only one side. :)
 It just seemed that way to me from the example you picked, I guess.
 I think (from my own experience) that some of the subjectivists tend
 to reduce the position of some objectivists to caricatures, which
 bear little relation to the positions actually expressed. Having
 someone persistently do this to you over a long thread will make you
 cranky unless you have a lot more patience than I do. :)
 I'm sure it happens the other way around, but I've never experienced
 that part directly (except perhaps as a perpetrator).

I too have seen and kinda marveled at this caricature thing in many of
the more heat than light threads.  Its like at some point in the
thread all the posters could just walk away and there would just be two
cardboard cutouts standing there, lobbing pre-scripted repetitive
accusations at each other.  And the thread (not so) merrily goes on...
and on...

Its the same way that propaganda works so well, I guess.  Our brains
must be scripted for it.  And that must be why it takes actual
discipline to avoid falling into.

Living here in China and growing up in the depths of the cold war, I
confront this on a very personal level. Or have to confront it in older
chinese that seem still scripted from the Cultural Revolution, or view
all americans as the same as G.W.Bush.  

I actually have friends in the US that believe the Chinese hate women
and routinely kill their girl babies.  Some that believe female fetuses
are routinely sold in street stalls in Beijing as delicasies.  I only
wish they could see the overt love, pride and devotion chinese friends
of mine heap on their daughters.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

highdudgeon;157701 Wrote: 
 Cool -- let's do it!  What's a good thread name?  Introductions?
 Something more pithy? 12 steps to audiophiliac honesty?

There must be a biblical thing that works here (oh no, religion
again...).  There must be some passage in the Koran or Bible that says
something like Reveal thyself so that we might speak unto you as a
brother, and fellow lover of God...

But also I think you might suggest (suggest -- no censorship!) a format
for people to start with, just so we get the important info from

Maybe we could get it put into a stickie?  

Dont mean we should overwork this, tho.  Shouldnt noodle it to death. 
Lets just do it.  At least if will have two takers!


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

totoro;157705 Wrote: 
 12 steppes? can I be Genghis? :)

SEE!!  SEE!!  
First a GANG and now a HORDE.  

I figure we should give everyone on the Audiophile forum a season
pass on spelling.  Esp. as they might not be native in English.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction Hope for Mac?

2006-11-26 Thread atkinsonrr

highdudgeon;155139 Wrote: 
 But then you'd have to run virtual PC all the time.  Yuck.
 You could always buy a cheap PC laptop to run Slim Server and Inguz. 
 The price could be well under a grand -- which is still a lot cheap
 than TacT/Lyngdorf and, for that matter, a lot of high quality EQs.
 Personally, I'll wait for the Mac solution.  Can't be long.

I think I'm with you on this.  I hope you are right about it not being
too far off.  Let me know if you see it before I do, and I will do the

I have a G5 with dual hard drives, so it seems a shame not to use all
that horsepower.  I am thinking I could totally devote one drive to
music and devote the other to everything else and have a really clean


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There must be a better way for this forum to operate.

2006-11-25 Thread atkinsonrr

A while ago, P.Floding started a thread called something like Moderator
where are you?.  In it, he makes the following point:
The biggest problem is the SNR (signal-noise ratio). It is really easy
to do wisecracking and post the 50th variation on the same old joke and
get a number of your buddies to chime in with their own variations.
Soon you have 10 postings like that for every one serious posting. How
is anyone going to take the time to read through all this to extract
any useful information?
On top of that, when all the wisecracking has a theme that says that
audiophiles are idiots (more or less), how friendly will that feel for
anyone coming here with their questions?

Unfortunately, the thread in which P posted the above went down the
drain in exactly the same way that P was pointing out.  As a result, I
feel the need to start this thread just to say I agree with P on the
problem and on the effect.  

I cannot say what the answer is, and I am not proposing censoring
points of view.  

I can say posting in this forum feels like trying to have a  friendly
game in a playground where a handful of self-congratulating bullies
have taken over the turf.  I choose not to offer my questions,
thoughts or insights much in this forum.  Not because I'm insecure in
my ability to take care of myself on the playground and not because I
am insecure in my beliefs and feelings.  I choose not to participate
because I simply dont feel it offers me enough benefit for the cost in
time or emotional energy I would expend.  

I think the only people who would keep coming back to such a playground
are those that feel they must prove something to the bullies.  Indeed,
for this reason, it seems that without intervention, this forum is
fated to a downward spiral into a lot of heat and very little light.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Good entry level speakers

2006-11-15 Thread atkinsonrr

Over the years I've made some mistakes I might help you avoid.  Speakers
more than any other component have a sound. 

Give up any notion of putting speakers on a universal scale from good
to bad.  Recent research suggests that different people process and
therefore hear music in very different ways.  This must be true, as
some systems I have considered unlistenable have been adored by people
whose judgement I respect.  BTW this also means you should actively
disregard the conclusion from any speaker review.  

You must find what you like. And for less then awful-big money you wont
get it all in a speaker (if then), so you need to be honest about your
priorities.  For ME speakers line up along three axes.  You might find
the same helpful.  Think about it: what aspect of the music really
speaks to YOU.  Is it the harmonic richness of a voice like Norah
Jones' or Johnny Hartman's?  Is it the feeling of being inside the
music that you get when you put on a super well-recorded,
well-produced track?.  Is it the visceral impact of the Stones or
Mahler?  Once you are well grounded in your priorities, speaker reviews
can be helpful if used to interpret if a speaker aligns with those.

Narrow down your search by determining if a boxless planar design is
for you.  The three brands you will most likely run across are
Magnepan, Martin Logan and Quad.  Quad planars will be hard to later
augment for surround, so you might rule them out.  Planar speakers have
a sound all their own, and if it really floats your boat, it is unlikely
that anything else will do.  If for reasons of sound or practicality
these dont do it for you then you can move on.

I have lived in places like Alaska, rural Scotland and Montana, so I
empathize with the need to sometimes get a bit more direction than go
listen.  So here is where I will stick my neck out and give you brands
to think about.  For comparison sake, I will use $2K (new price) as a
max budget.  (If you are in the US, take the advice about They are well respected, excel at what they do, and are
exemplary of the different poles, if you will, of priority in sound. 
There are certainly many more brands out there, but these I have either
owned or been very familiar with.  If nothing else, you might use these
to anchor your search.

Harmonic Richness: Vandersteen's Model 2 has been around forever. 
There is a reason.  It does this rich harmonic thing so nicely.  If
looking at planars, Magnepan is voiced in this direction.  

Inside The Music: Spendor gives you the polite British version of this
sound.  Good models available under $2k.  Detail and spatial cues
galore. They are one of the origial makers of the iconic,
inside-the-music LS3/5a. The more exciting and in-your-face American
version of this sound is Thiel.  In planars, the Quad ESL (but way
beyond 2K new).

Visceral Impact: The classic Klipsch speakers (Klipschorn, Cornwall)
could be had used under $2K.  I have heard their recent designs only in
stores, but they seem to carry on this tradition.  In planar speakers,
Martin Logans.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction Hope for Mac?

2006-11-15 Thread atkinsonrr

Appreciate the suggestion tho.  I read the overview at 
Looks like it is prob very good at what it does, but over my head as to
how to configure on my Mac.  

Any other suggestions?  Will Inguz work with Virtual PC--Anyone tried


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Room Correction Hope for Mac?

2006-11-14 Thread atkinsonrr

I have Inguz envy.  After reading all the posts here about it, I'm
bummed.  Will we have Inguz for Mac at some point?  Is there anything
comparable that works on Mac?   Will Inguz work using Virtual PC on the
Mac?  So little many questions...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2006-10-19 Thread atkinsonrr

Is there any digital room correction scheme that will work on MAC? 
Failing that, will the digital room correction written to work on
Windows work using Virtual PC on the Mac?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Science and audiophilia

2006-10-07 Thread atkinsonrr

This is the point at which I switched off from the earlier
subjective-objective thread mentioned by the OP.  It pains me that
the real potential of a forum such as this will never be realized if
even one person that participates never learned how to play well with
other boys and girls.  Not reading what other people post, pedantic
lecturing, boasting, mine's bigger than yours, put downs  Why not
just have a food fight or a farting contest, it would probably be more


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter: Confused about volume control

2006-10-02 Thread atkinsonrr

Super Q--

The selectable attenuation feature in Transporter only operates on the
unbalanced outs.  That's why I specified in the parens that I am using
balanced outs.  The Rothwells put the attenuation on the amplifier end
of the cable, also, which I think is a good thing?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread atkinsonrr

Look how one bullheaded person can get us all riled up.  Seems my
original impression of Mr. High was correct.  I couldnt believe he is
actually saying that the current suite of measures measures everything
there is to measure?  How irrational can you get, especially for one
always grasping for the cloak of Science.  I think I am old enough to
remember before there was such a thing a THD.  After reading some of
his later posts in disbelief, I decided to just save my breath.  It's a
waste of lather to shave a jackass.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporters have arrived!

2006-10-02 Thread atkinsonrr

Hey Dave-- If you ever do need cables.  You might try visiting Norman at
COEM Audio in the Mong Kok electronics district off Nathan Road.  His
own Rosevoix brand cable that I have tried are very good and very
reasonably priced.  Oh, and by the way, make sure you dont take that
suggestion to use anything braided copper going phono to phono ;)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread atkinsonrr

First off, let me apologize for using the words sad and whatever in
refering to HighD's original post.  It was a reaction to tone.  And as
I read your following posts, High, I found much that I agreed with
(someone else said the same thing).  That got me re-thinking a scheme I
posted on a few days ago.  But no one was interested enough to reply!
(It' under A New Way of Tweaking or something like that in this
forum).  So let me kick this horse one more time...bam..ow!... 

It sounds as if most of us have arrived at a similar place, but we are
arguing about how we got there.  What if we took tweaks proposed for
Transporter and actually tested them together?  Together here meaning
those of us who are traditional measurement cum skeptics and those of
us who are Let's try everything cum skeptics? 

Here are tweaks already mentioned in this forum that could be tried on
Transporter (with a bit of editing for clarity:


1. Chassis Damping, with Dyna-Mat like material
2. Replace the NE5534 Op Amps with Op Amps with high audiophile cred
such as OPA627 or AD8610
3. Piggyback the AKM 4396 DAC chips
4. Add RFI/EMI Sheilding and/or ERS to the SMPS's
5. Replace the IEC input with a filtered IEC input

If we ran these tweaks thru an agreed process with all of our
brainpower, we would come up with pretty good info.  I proposed a
simple process we might use:

1. Idea Generation
2. Cost/Benefit Analysis of Ideas
3. Testing of Selected Ideas
4. Consensus on Proven Ideas to Implement


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread atkinsonrr

Those that separate the world into two kinds of people; and those that

My favorite, I couldn't resist.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why does it sound better?

2006-10-01 Thread atkinsonrr

Thanks so much for your efforts here to educate and illuminate.  I think
we all benefit greatly.  It not only educates.  It also sets a useful
place from which to have informed and therefore healthy debate in these
forums.  And hopefully thru that move this whole hobby/art/science


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter: Confused about volume control

2006-10-01 Thread atkinsonrr

Hi neighbor Dave.  I was in on those earlier posts.  I share your
concern.  My 'take away' from earlier discussion is this: 

There are those that feel that ANY digital volume attenuation will
compromise sound quality (I assume because it will result in lost
bits of information).  

Others, like SuperQ, believe that properly-executed digital attenuation
has no effect on sound quality.  One of the ways cited to properly
execute attenuation is to do it in 24 bits, which is how Transporter
does it.

SO we never got consensus.  But maybe if someone could run us
through the technical rationale for why attenuation in 24 bits will not
affect sound?  Anyone?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter: Confused about volume control

2006-10-01 Thread atkinsonrr

That was very helpful.  Much appreciated!  Once I get everything hooked
up, I will go for maximum volume and see how close that is to 0db.  If
not very close, I plan to purchase a couple of Rothwell 10db
Attenuators I have scoped out at Audiogon.  (Needed cause I will use
the balanced outs).  I also have a PDF chart that shows resistance
values equated to db at different voltage and impedance.  So, if 10db
does not get it close to a zero setting, I should be able to get it
dialed in by changing out resistors in the Rothwells.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-09-30 Thread atkinsonrr

Is Mr. High saying that mods never work?  That if it comes out of the
box that way it has to stay that way?  Or that a lot of people dont
have alot of fun improving things with a bit of solder and capacitors,
op amps, wire, and their own creativity?  Seems kinda uptight and


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporters have arrived!

2006-09-29 Thread atkinsonrr

Yeah Dave, I wouldnt worry about blasting the speakers, I think the
Transporter run without pre has gotta sound better.  I did a thread
earlier about whether the Transporter was truly active and how much
voltage it put out, impedance, etc. because I really wanted to make
sure Transporter was optimized to run direct to power amps.  Afterall,
that was one of the reasons (and rationalizations?) for buying it.  I
could avoid buying a preamp! In fact, as a result of the discussion SD
actually changed the impedance in the Transporter in the 11th hour. 
After all that, I concluded that the Transporter should be about a
PERFECT match driving most power amps.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ideas? New Approach to Tweaking? (Transporter)

2006-09-28 Thread atkinsonrr

OK I'm gonna step out on a limb and propose something y'all may think
crazy. I find groups I work with have difficulty solving problems or
innovating because they dont have an effective process to move ideas
along to some valuable solution(s). I find the same true of forums like
this.  This got me wondering: What would happen if we efficiently
harnessed the collective power of this forum to develop tweaks to

One way to characterize an efficient approach would be: 

1. Idea Generation- a simple brainstorm list without censoring, or
evaluation; no ownership of ideas; just get the ideas captured.

2. Cost/Benefit Analysis of Ideas- use the forum to discuss likely
cost/benefit of each idea one at a time in order to screen the rough
list.  Then distil our judgement by some kind of structured valuing or

3. Testing of Selected Ideas- assign willing testers to actually
install the tweaks in their Transporters and test results using
methodology this forum agrees on.  Methodology can include both
objective and subjective approaches.

4. Selection of Proven Ideas to Implement- final discussion of results
and evaluation of which ideas are 'proven' and worth implementing.  

I can hear people screaming: GZ this things is barely out of the
UPS van and you want to improve it?  Why?  My answer is: Cause thats
what we do, we cant help it!  And even tho it seems early to talk about
improvements, often the best time to get ideas is when we are first
confronted with something.  

I will be happy to try to keep us on track.  Anyone up for this?  If
so, please chime in to this thread with tweak ideas, from the dubious
to the sublime.  Be sincere tho.  If you enter toungue-in-cheek items I
am stupid enough to add them to the list and it will just clutter things
up!  I will start us off:


1. Chassis Damping, with Dyna-Mat like material
2. Replace the NE5534 Op Amps with Op Amps with high audiophile cred
such as OPA627 or AD8610
3. Piggyback the AKM 4396 DAC chips
4. Add RFI/EMI Sheilding and/or ERS to the SMPS's
5. Replace the IEC input with a filtered IEC input


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, Inside Out

2006-09-28 Thread atkinsonrr

WSlam, I am wondering if it would be possible to see pics of the innards
of the DCC2SE?  I would love to hear some of the more technically-savvy
folks here do a compare and contrast between the DCC2SE and
Transporter, and speculate on what gives the DCC its superior clarity,
spatial cues, air, etc.  As you have a SOTA DAC sitting side by side
with Transporter, its a unique opportunity.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporters have arrived!

2006-09-28 Thread atkinsonrr

WS and Dave you are both in Hong Kong?  I am in Shenzhen.  I'm looking
at HK from my balcony right now.  I have a Transporter on the way also
(not shipped yet) but is being sent to my place in Montana.  Where in
HK do you guys live and Dave, what's your system like?  I will be
running Transporter direct into Quicksilver V4 Mono Tube Amps and then
Vandersteen 5A's.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What if one piggybacked the DAC chips?

2006-09-26 Thread atkinsonrr

I just read over at audiogon a discussion of the Transporter and its
AKM4396 converter chip.  Someone made the comment that it is a great D
to A chip, but that other DAC makers are taking it further by using
more than one per channel.  Evidently APL is using the same AKM4396
chip but using SIX of them per channel.  

This got me to remembering reading a few years ago about the
possibility of improving DAC performance by piggybacking the D to A
chips -- actually placing an identical D to A chip above the one
already on the board and simply soldering its corresponding leads to
the one below.  Hmm

Not that I am ready to do this to my Transporter right out of the box. 
And, I am not making any assumptions that this is the way APL is
implementing its multiple chips per channel.  But, is this piggyback
approach feasible in Transporter and would it bring sonic benefits?  
Had you guys at SD tried or considered using multiple AKM4396's per
channel?  If so, what were your findings?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: How Best To Attenuate Balanced Outs?

2006-09-21 Thread atkinsonrr

Thanks EZKC, I did search out the Endlers based on your post.  But I
think I would like to not add another connection and another switch.  

I want the convenience of using the digital control in the Transporter,
but want to get it into better range (i.e. three or four o'clock) by
using a high quality resistor or two placed somewhere 

At the Endler (sales) site, I did find info that says the attenuation
is better done at the amplifier end.  Also Endler says that 4K series
resistance sounds the best.  BTW I could not get the DIY link to work.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: How Best To Attenuate Balanced Outs?

2006-09-21 Thread atkinsonrr

Yes, that's what I was looking for.  Clean and simple.  So it sounds
like one resistor in line with each of the two signal leads on each
channel (4 resistors in all).  Also, thanks for the guidance on
possible value of resistor as well.  

I may even try to find the input resistors in the amps or crossovers (I
have line-level crossovers that sit ahead of the amp inputs) and change
the resistors there.  Seems that might be 'cleaner' still.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How Best To Attenuate Balanced Outs?

2006-09-20 Thread atkinsonrr


I have a Transporter on the way and will be using the balanced analog
outputs into balanced inputs on my amps.  They will be connected via 2
meters of balanced cable.  

If I understand correctly, due to use of a digital volume control,
theoretically the best sound would come from having that volume control
turned up all the way.  The reason being that (although some argue that
the affect is negligible) the digital volume control operates by
throwing away bits, and with those bits, some resolution.  I'm guessing
that's one reason for the attenuation offered on the rca/non-balanced

Assuming the above is true, I would like to find the best way to
attenuate the balanced signal so the volume control would be at 3 or 4
O'clock for normal listening.  What is the best way to implement this? 
And would it best be done inside the Transporter chassis, before the
interconnects or inside the amp chassis and after the interconnects?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-17 Thread atkinsonrr

seanadams;136660 Wrote: 
 That's basically it, with the further point I just thought of: adding
 passive attenuation would be a bad idea unless the source Z in low. 
 Really it looks like 100#937; is the way to go - since nobody's
 rooting for 1K, I'm going to change it.

This is the right thing to do, as you have promised Transporter as a
product for audiophiles.  We audiophiles are well-accustomed (in fact
even relish) the bit of extra care and feeding necessary to use
audiophile gear.  We are well aware of the fact that you can do
something stupid and destroy an amp or speaker.  To make a design
idiot proof at the peril of sonic performance might well be
unforgivable in this crowd. 

Plus, I think you would find that there are many audiophiles like me
with mono amps positioned close to speakers.  These folks are often the
ones who live and breathe this stuff, and are the opinion leaders in the
great cyber knowledge base out there.  If their stuff doesnt sound good
with Transporter, rightly or wrongly, Transporter will quickly get the
reputation of not sounding good, period.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter questions

2006-09-14 Thread atkinsonrr

PhilNYC;136184 Wrote: 
 This does seem kind of high...I've seen cdps with balanced output
 impedances at around 200ohms.  Hopefully Sean or someone else from SD
 will chime in here...

Yes, I agree.  Can someone from SD contribute here?  Seems you could
easily put this concern to rest.  

I believe the question is this: Will there be issues with the
Transporter's abiltiy to optimally (i.e. with the full body, drive and
dynamics of an active preamp) drive some interconnect/amp

If the answer is yes, then help us understand the parameters that the
Transporter must work within to deliver that optimal full-bodied sound
with drive and dynamics.  For instance, is it a certain
amp/interconnect combined impedance, etc?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter questions

2006-09-14 Thread atkinsonrr

Sorry to all if I caused a tempest in a teapot here.  Being not overly
technically endowed I rely on forums like this to learn and understand,
so I am grateful for all the input.  I hope it was helpful for some
others as well.  

I checked the specs on my power amps (Quicksilver V4's) and their input
sensitivity is 1.5 volts and input impedance is 100 KOhms. I read this
to mean that I am in very good territory in terms of matching with the
Transporter for full sonic benefit. 

Also, knowing this information on my amps, I guess I can safely
disregard PhilNYC's comment about sometimes needing up to 25 vrms
output as it does not apply to my situation.  Good to know though, as
Phil's comments would apply if (as in Phil's experience) one has power
amps that are unusually low in sensitivity or unusually high in


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Driving 2m Interconnects OK?

2006-09-14 Thread atkinsonrr

My apologies too for what ended up to be cross-posting.  Those with an
interest here may also want to see the latter posts in the Transporter
Questions thread.  

Thanks again for all the info; it has been very helpful in
understanding how the Transporter will work in relation to cables and
power amps.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Driving 2m Interconnects OK?

2006-09-13 Thread atkinsonrr

I tried posting this in the Beginner forum but got no response, maybe it
is better sited here: 

I have a Transporter ordered and I will be using it to feed two mono
amps that are located close to my speakers. This necessitates 2m long
interconnects. At times I have seen the Transporter referred to in this
forum as acting like a passive preamp. However, the specs indicate that
it provides 4.7volts (peak to peak) out. So.. I am a bit confused.

Will the Transporter be OK driving longer cables? And, in doing so,
will it be dynamic sounding like a regular preamp or will it sound more
constricted like a passive preamp (in my experience, they tend to sound
less dymamic or lively)? Finally, are there any setting that can be
optimized for longer cables (I will be using the balanced outputs)?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Driving 2m Interconnects OK?

2006-09-13 Thread atkinsonrr

DCtoDaylight;135959 Wrote: 
 In my opinion you're safe, although like you I don't know all the
 A 2m length of cable is really very short, no active output stage
 should have any problem driving it. 
 It's been reported elsewhere, that the Transporter controls the volume
 in the digital domain, or before the DAC.  As a result it cannot suffer
 from the high output impedance issues that passive pre's sometimes have.

You are the only one to answer, so I really appreciate it.  I was
getting worried, as one main reason I ordered Transporter was to
replace a preamp in the chain.  I got spooked reading a thread in this
forum from a day or two ago that talked about the problems with digital
volume controls and seemed to indicate the Transporter would behave much
like a passive preamp.  But you are saying it is active and should sound
like an active preamp?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter questions

2006-09-13 Thread atkinsonrr

PhilNYC;135269 Wrote: 
 FWIW, I have no intention of using the built-in volume control...I
 believe an active preamp is too important for most amps

Oh oh NOW I'm really worried, as I have a Transporter on order.  One
big selling point for me was the ability to get rid of a seperate

I am confused by Phil's comment, cause I thought I read elsewhere that
the Transporter puts out 4.7 volts peak to peak on its analog outputs? 
Wouldnt that make it an active preamp?  

This is important to me, as I have found passive pres to sound lifeless
and plus I need to drive 2m of interconnect.  Please clarify. BTW I am
NOT a techie so pls be gentle with me


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