Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-28 Thread cunobelinus

Soulkeeper;693008 Wrote: 
 FYI, I only refer to what others have quoted; he's on my ignore list

Unfortunately, the Ignore List doesn't work for email options.

Could people stop feeding the troll, please? It's simple enough,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread cunobelinus

On 10 Feb 2012, at 22:42, TheOctavist wrote:

 mr phil...
 here are two of my earliest recordings, as an apprentice rec/balance
 engineer in germany.the haydn..
 just blumlein. akg 426. dav(drsigned by ex decca engineer mick hinton)
 mic preamps into zaxxcom deva

Mr Phil will by no means be the only one who appreciates it. Beautiful. Many 
thanks for posting it.

You say two recordings, though. The Haydn's obviously one, but what's the other?
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FUD, intellectual honesty, digital facts, and the TAS articles...

2012-02-11 Thread cunobelinus

On 11 Feb 2012, at 12:22, TheOctavist wrote:

 ah, i meant the two haydn excerpts. :)
 the others on her page werent recorded by me.!
 I do have this recording in 24/88.2. 
 If I can get permission from them, ill gladly send out a DVDA or two..
 or a DATA disc with the files to do with what you want.

Glad to hear it - well, at least of the Faure. Is that effect of distance (in 
the Pie Jesu) the result of distance from the mic, or balancing, do you know? 
It sounds like the former, and I can't say I terribly care for it. It came as 
quite a shock after your lovely Haydn sound.

It would be grand if you could get permission to share hi res files. A very 
kind thought. Rather than physical media, though, would Dropbox be a 
possibility? It would save the postage to Europe!
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-10 Thread cunobelinus

mherger;689904 Wrote: 
 As Garym said: we don't care about opinions. But the insulting and
 profanity got to a level we can't accept. I'm sorry I didn't monitor
 this thread more closely. I usually avoid this board for the bad mood
 there is... But in the past few weeks we got more complaints about some
 forum members than we did get spam. At some point enough is enough.

That point came at least a month ago. This is long overdue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-06 Thread cunobelinus
I tried Welsh. The tenors and basses sing lovely but the orchestra sounds like 
a piano and the higher registers disappear altogether.

On 6 Feb 2012, at 11:25, adamdea wrote:

 superbonham;688947 Wrote: 
 ... using Russian/cyrillic keyboard (borrowed from a friend) and Konkani
 (#2325;#2379;#2306;#2325;#2339;#2368;) language setting now ...
 best sound so far: beautiful balance, tone, soundstage, depth, timing,
 feels like you can reach into the music, fantastic, never heard
 anything so good.
 I think I can get used to the cyrillic letters on my keyboard but the
 Konkani language setting is giving me a hard time. But hey - it's all
 about the audiophile music reproduction after all ...
 I've been really struggling with the right settings for la nozze di
 figaro- Italian means you can hear the singing perfectly but the
 orchestra shifts backwards in the soundstage, german means the
 orchestra snap into focus but the singers go off for a tea break. 
 At the moment it's tough to decide between german for the win 8
 settings and italian on the SBT (lovely, chewy caramelly flavour with
 just a hint of zirconium on the tongue), and italian for win 8/ german
 on the touch (handles brilliantly round corners but only comes with a 5
 year warranty.)
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-06 Thread cunobelinus

On 6 Feb 2012, at 17:28, erland wrote:

 superbonham;688941 Wrote: 
 I was unhappy with the somewhat narrow and nasal sound of my
 squezzeboxes for a long time. Inspired by this thread I changed the
 language setting of my music server from German to English and - to my
 utter surprise - the music instantly sounded better: somehow broader,
 more open (in a very cosmopolitan way); this must have been the German
 umlauts I suspect. Still there was some harshness left, mainly in soft
 vocal music. Then the scales fell from my eyes: I was still using a
 German keyboard (how could I have been so careless?). I changed it
 immediately and was awarded with silky smooth music filling my living
 The good thing about this revelation for us audiophiles is that there
 are of course endless combinations ahead of us waiting to be tried out.
 Lately I worried that we might run out of server tweaking options,
 having to simply enjoy music without being able to fiddle with OS
 settings - but now I am confident that the journey has just begun ...
 I'm sure it's all in the pixels.
 A language with more pixels likely mean different CPU usage and
 different noise, which will affect the sound...
 The optimal solution is if you can align the pixels on the screen so
 they are aligned with the music, but that might mean that you have to
 change the tags in your music files and that might have other
Looks like a Runic localisation may be in the pipeline.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Are audio-induced 'chest thumps' bad for hearing?

2012-02-06 Thread cunobelinus

On 6 Feb 2012, at 18:59, magiccarpetride wrote:

 Has anyone ever heard chest thumps coming out of non-amplified

Yes: tuba especially multiple tubas; bass drum, especially orchestral  (bigger 
diameter than rock bass drums, although these latter shift a fair bit of air 
too); odaiko; timpani; 16', 32' and 64' organ stops; orchestral double bass 
section; cannon.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl Experiences

2012-02-03 Thread cunobelinus

On 2 Feb 2012, at 15:36, cliveb wrote:

 cunobelinus;688073 Wrote: 
 You can transfer a 45 minute LP in 15 minutes? That's a neat trick.
 Surely TheLastMan means that it takes an extra 15 mins on top of the
 time to do the actual recording.

Clearly, in which case by setting his figure of 15 minutes against mine of 3 to 
4 hours he was, for his own purpose, failing to compare like with like, which 
is what I was pointing out. His figure was only for post processing. Mine was 
for the whole process from the moment I selected the record to transfer to the 
last full stop at the end of tagging. It seemed to me rather strange - one 
might almost say wilful - to juxtapose the two figures without acknowledgement 
of that fact.

My apologies if that was unclear, but I'd much prefer light heartedly to use a 
little wit and indirection to counter a fallacy - and possibly raise a laugh in 
the process - than plod clumsily through some tedious step by step rebuttal, 
(which would in any case to have expended more time and energy on the point 
than it deserved), unusual though this approach might be on an audiophile list.
 cunobelinus;688073 Wrote: 
 It tends to take me 45 minutes, plus the time it takes to clean, set
 levels (often needing a complete dry run through in itself, watching
 the meters all the time, if I'm dealing with unfamiliar music on a disc
 I've not previously heard)
 Assuming you're using a decent modern soundcard its noise floor will be
 so far below that of the vinyl that you have heaps of headroom
 available. Therefore you can afford to be very conservative when
 setting levels and normalise later. So no need for a dry run, which
 will save you 45 mins.

Thanks for the suggestion, but as far as I remember, despite a very decent ADC, 
that was not my experience with those of the classical recordings that I was 
transferring that have an extremely wide dynamic range. I'll experiment again 
next time I have a session, though, and pray I'm wrong.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl Experiences

2012-02-03 Thread cunobelinus

On 2 Feb 2012, at 18:33, TheLastMan wrote:

 cunobelinus;688073 Wrote: 
 Automatic track division tends to be very dodgy indeed with classical -
 the bulk of my music. I'll try VinylStudio again and see if it works
 now, but it certainly didn't last time.
 You are right, track breaks tend to be a lot less obvious in classical
 music.  As I stated in my post, I don't bother to record classical LPs.

Yes, you did state that, which is why I was making the point that our 
experience and requirements - and the experience and requirements in general of 
those contemplating transferring LPs to hard disc - differ.

 I try and buy an appropriate CD. With classical music I am not worried
 too much about the particular performance of a work, as long as there
 is at least one decent performance on CD. I find that most of the
 renowned historical performances are on CD anyway.
 If you are looking for obscure classical music tag data then I doubt
 you will find VinylStudio any better than before.

A huge range lies between the obvious classic recordings of great, popular 
works, (most of which have indeed been transferred) and obscure classical 
music. What I've got is a good, comprehensive, but not exceptional, collection 
by a knowledgeable music lover, which is only occasionally abstruse, (and then, 
illuminatingly so) dating between 1960 or so and 1991. My aim is to preserve, 
in a useable digital reference archive, the integrity of that collection, 
(including that of the individual LPs, very few of which have been released in 
their original form on CD) which in itself throws a light of interest to me 
personally on the related professional field in which the collector was 

 These databases are
 very much geared up to popular music formats.

Yes, indeed, That's why I said that they are no use to me, and was warning that 
the same might be true for others who might be contemplating transferring 
classical LPs. Others will have different experience and requirements.

 I use my own peculiar
 and very personal tagging scheme for classical CDs which probably would
 not suit anybody else anyway.

Likewise. Re-tagging the inconsistent and even absurd offerings of CDDB so that 
they are consistent and logical enough to use with LMS in itself takes hours - 
although not as many as tagging from scratch.
 You can transfer a 45 minute LP in 15 minutes?If I were being uncharitable, 
 I might accuse you of wilful
 misunderstanding! I, of course, mean 15 minutes on top of the time
 needed to record the album, as I stated clearly in my previous post on
 this thread.

If I were being uncharitable, I might accuse you of wilfully failing to take 
the point I was light-heartedly making here: that your 15 minutes and my 3-4 
hours refer to different things, although that is not how it appeared in the 
way you used the figures in juxtaposition, and in opposition.
 I find that with pop/rock I can set levels adequately by sampling a
 minute or two from one or two obviously loud tracks. I have got better
 at this with practice.
 All the stuff I'm transferring is the stuff with which you don't bother.
 It is all acoustic. There is no way round doing it because none of it is
 issued on CD.

 Fair enough. It is not that I don't bother it is more that my
 collection contains very little music that has not been released on CD.

My apologies. I misread that part of your previous post in which, on 
re-reading, you appear to be saying that you didn't bother post-processing 
classical or quiet acoustic folk music. However, you did subsequently also 
repeat in the post to which I was replying

 As I stated in my post, I don't bother to record classical LPs.

which made me for some reason think that it meant that you don't bother to 
record classical LPs, and then to use that phrase in my reply. I am sorry if 
you found this in some way derogatory.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl Experiences

2012-02-03 Thread cunobelinus

On 3 Feb 2012, at 12:22, cliveb wrote:

 Well, just because the music is well-recorded classical does not alter
 the fact that vinyl LPs have a maximum dynamic range around the 60dB
 mark - perhaps 70dB for a pristine audiophile pressing with a
 following wind.
 Modern soundcards routinely achieve noise floors below -90dB. (Even my
 modest M-Audio AP2496, which must be well over 5 years old, achieves
 about -93dB). Using such a soundcard, you can safely record LPs at a
 peak level down around -12dB and the vinyl surface noise will still
 overwhelm the soundcard's noise floor. My recommendation is to visually
 inspect the LP to find what looks to be the loudest section, then set
 levels to peak at about -9dB on that section. That still gives you a
 decent amount of headroom for surprise peaks.

That's what I usually do, saving the -9dB suggestion, which may well be very 
useful. I have been caught out just visually inspecting, but that might well 
make the difference. I'll try it with the next batch. Thank you! (My M-Audio is 
definitely over 5 years old, too, incidentally).
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] psycho acoustics: the nightmare of listening tests

2012-02-03 Thread cunobelinus

On 3 Feb 2012, at 21:33, darrell wrote:

 magiccarpetride;688453 Wrote: 
 To you, whose mind appears to be of a dogmatic, a priori bend, exploring
 things and turning every stone on the path may look like playing
 games... You are the official guardian of the official way of thinking,
 the officially established and sanctified truths, which is a very
 dignified position to be in. Others, the less docile ones, may have
 different approach to examining things. It is a matter of civility to
 tolerate others. Not everyone is constituted to think in dogmatic,
 eternal truths frame of mind. Some of us are more into fluid,
 relativistic way of thinking, exploring, behaving. We are the
 pluralists, we recognize the beauty of many differing world views, and
 we hope that the thousand flowers may blossom, and that there be
 bewildering diversity. Monolithic cultures suffocate us.
 But I'm not expecting you to be in a position to grasp that. Whsh!
 Utter rubbish. If this is serious, it is the plea of fools and
 charlatans everywhere. If it is a joke, it is a very boring one,
 especially after the nth time.

Feed the trolls,
Tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence,
Tuppence a bag
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How low is low?

2012-02-03 Thread cunobelinus

On 3 Feb 2012, at 21:14, Phil Leigh wrote:

 magiccarpetride;688443 Wrote: 
 Surprising to whom? Piano players?
 I think he means people like SBGK whose systems roll off at well above
Much more likely that than piano players, don't you think? They'd all know, and 
most soloists would be well aware that, as I posted a couple of days ago, the 
special order Bösendorfer (the Imperial?) goes down to C0 or 16Hz, as can 't - 
common as muck in 't brass band - tuba in the right hands, although the usual 
tuba pedal note is a major 3rd higher at 20Hz E0.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How low is low?

2012-02-02 Thread cunobelinus
On 2 Feb 2012, at 03:13, Jeff Flowerday wrote:

 My current floor standing speakers are +-3db to 40hz but will extend
 down to 33hz as per specifications.  Who knows how much roll off.

You could check the roll off, if you wanted to, using this:

and a Radioshack SPL. Only a rough guide but might be interesting nevertheless.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl Experiences

2012-02-02 Thread cunobelinus

On 2 Feb 2012, at 10:52, TheLastMan wrote:

 You can make it shorter if you are prepared to use simpler software that
 finds track breaks and tag information automatically.

Audacity and Amadeus Pro are about as simple as it gets! I suspect that you 
mean more complex software that makes the process simpler!
 (* gives
 access to all the usual tagging databases *while the LP is recording*
 and adds the data to your FLAC, OGG or MP3 files automatically.

Very useful reminder. I'd forgotten I'd tried VinylStudio. Thank you. It is 
some time now since I did any transferring, and it's obviously progressed a lot 
since I last looked at it. (I can't even remember now whether it was for Mac 
when I did, or whether it handled Aiff and ALAC). However, there would have to 
be a very good classical database indeed in order to enable this. It would need 
to include classical LPs going back to the 1960s, many of which have never been 
transferred to CD, or which have been issued only as filleted and repackaged 
transfers with missing tracks, extra tracks, amalgamation of tracks from 
several different LPs and so on. Last time I checked, it didn't exist and 
tagging on all the discs I had chosen to transfer (because I couldn't buy the 
CD) had to be completely manual.

 you do is enter the artist and album name and it finds the track
 information and album art. It also detects breaks between tracks either
 through the silences or using the timing information that usually comes
 with the tags. A bit of fine adjustments of the track breaks is usually
 necessary but it has very simple tools for doing that.

Automatic track division tends to be very dodgy indeed with classical - the 
bulk of my music. I'll try VinylStudio again and see if it works now, but it 
certainly didn't last time.

 If you don't do any de-clicking the whole process only takes 5-10
 minutes on top of recording the LP.

I very rarely de-click, and never noise reduce. I clean.

 I am surprised at your combination of Technics and SME V. I would have
 thought a highly rigid, high mass arm like the SME would be better
 suited to a rigid belt drive suspended sub-chassis turntable. Have you
 looked at the SME turntables?

Yes. I do not need to spend more than, or use a setup different from, this. The 
combination I have is better than my ears.
 ...if an LP has been issued as a CD, I buy that rather than rip the LP.
 There is no post processing other than topping, tailing, splitting and
 tagging - and it still takes the best part of four hours per
 (classical) LP including the tagging.
 Four hours!?!
 I give up if it takes me more than 15 minutes!!

You can transfer a 45 minute LP in 15 minutes? That's a neat trick. It tends to 
take me 45 minutes, plus the time it takes to clean, set levels (often needing 
a complete dry run through in itself, watching the meters all the time, if I'm 
dealing with unfamiliar music on a disc I've not previously heard), run/record, 
divide, top, tail, and tag.
 I only go through this process with pop, rock and jazz that are
 generally loud.  I do not bother with classical or quiet acoustic
 folk music where surface noise can be more intrusive. Also classical
 CD recordings are usually much better than you find with recent
 pop/rock CD reissues.  There is not the same compression and loudness
 wars going on with classical CDs.

That's the difference, then. All the stuff I'm transferring is the stuff with 
which you don't bother. It is all acoustic. There is no way round doing it 
because none of it is issued on CD. My collection of amplified music is, on the 
other hand, almost all - with a few exceptions - on CD.  These were either 
bought when the original LPs were first transferred and issued in the new 
format, or were always CD only.
 I am very suspicious of recent digitally remastered re-issues of
 albums from the 1970s - 1990s. I prefer to buy the original CDs second
 hand which are probably more faithful to the vinyl version.

 I don't use remasters if I can help it, either.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl Experiences

2012-02-02 Thread cunobelinus

On 2 Feb 2012, at 14:49, pski wrote:

 the zerostat gun.

 By always I mean even before CD's. The zerostat de-statics TV's and
 monitors as well.

Probably my father's coolest gadget (circa 1968?) applied liberally before 
placement on the Garrard 301. I'm looking at the very one right now. Well, both 
of them, in fact - Zerostat and Garrard.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How low is low?

2012-02-02 Thread cunobelinus

On 2 Feb 2012, at 15:43, pski wrote:

 cunobelinus;688016 Wrote: 
 You could check the roll off, if you wanted to, using this:
 and a Radioshack SPL. Only a rough guide but might be interesting
 A bit of missing in the link: Where do you set the SPL meter to test
 the pink noise?
I hope I've posted the right link: it should have been to a series of equal 
volume test tones increasing by 1Hz a time from 10-300Hz, although the set does 
include a pink noise file as well, which I didn't use, so I'm afraid that I 
can't answer that.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How low is low?

2012-02-02 Thread cunobelinus

On 2 Feb 2012, at 23:48, pski wrote:

 TiredLegs;688202 Wrote: 
 Also, the fact that your speakers are specified to 40 Hz does not mean
 that they have zero output below that frequency, it just means that the
 output below that frequency is reduced below whatever threshold they use
 in their spec. (The response falloff isn't necessarily a cliff.)
 As well, the sound at the bottom is important. Does the speaker drop
 off like a rock or make a graceful exit rather than burp and fart?
 There's a little subjective issue here.
 Where the speakers sit in the room and whether the amp has enough are
 the questions. Expected volume is the other variable. 

My LS3/5As specified a frequency response down to about 70Hz, +/-3db (I think - 
long time since I've looked at the spec). They measured as having a diminishing 
but still very significant output down to 45-50Hz or so, when it tailed rapidly 

My sub was set to start rolling off at 40Hz (I now find, checking the settings) 
and did so at a rate of 12db per octave up to 240Hz, 24db per octave above 
that. The result was a pretty flat response up to 300Hz when the test signals I 
was using gave out. But that's using only an SPL, and as has been pointed out, 
the presence of loud distortions around the measured frequency, especially low 
down, make that only a very rough guide. Still a useful start for tweaking 
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How low is low?

2012-02-02 Thread cunobelinus

On 3 Feb 2012, at 00:35, wrote:

 On 2 Feb 2012, at 23:48, pski wrote:
 TiredLegs;688202 Wrote: 
 Also, the fact that your speakers are specified to 40 Hz does not mean
 that they have zero output below that frequency, it just means that the
 output below that frequency is reduced below whatever threshold they use
 in their spec. (The response falloff isn't necessarily a cliff.)
 As well, the sound at the bottom is important. Does the speaker drop
 off like a rock or make a graceful exit rather than burp and fart?
 There's a little subjective issue here.
 Where the speakers sit in the room and whether the amp has enough are
 the questions. Expected volume is the other variable. 
 My LS3/5As specified a frequency response down to about 70Hz, +/-3db (I think 
 - long time since I've looked at the spec). They measured as having a 
 diminishing but still very significant output down to 45-50Hz or so, when it 
 tailed rapidly off.
 My sub was set to start rolling off at 40Hz (I now find, checking the 
 settings) and did so at a rate of 12db per octave up to 240Hz, 24db per 
 octave above that. The result was a pretty flat response up to 300Hz when the 
 test signals I was using gave out. But that's using only an SPL, and as has 
 been pointed out, the presence of loud distortions around the measured 
 frequency, especially low down, make that only a very rough guide. Still a 
 useful start for tweaking though.

That should have been the combined result was a pretty flat response etc etc.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl Experiences

2012-02-01 Thread cunobelinus

On 1 Feb 2012, at 13:48, maggior wrote:

 Cubase 5 is the most counter intuitive software I've
 ever used.  Unless I can find something it will do that I can't do in
 Audition, I don't think I'll be using it.

My feeling precisely. A copy (of the Lite version, I think) came with my 
Focusrite Saffire. I opened it twice, the second time being because I couldn't 
believe it had been as bad as I remembered..

I tend to use Amadeus Pro - a very simple editor for the nearest thing I've 
found to blade and block. Sound Studio gets a look in sometimes, if it's 
obvious a transfer could do with the integration with Sound Soap (although I 
use that as little as possible)
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Worst sounding album in your collection

2011-11-18 Thread cunobelinus
Fairport Convention: Liege and Leaf. The vinyl sound is awful (a set of jigs 
and reels, for instance, sounds as though played in Das Boot (or should that be 
im Boot?), possibly behind some blankets, and recorded somewhere slightly 
outside it); the CD is at best no better; the digital downloads are about the 
same. Still a great album, though. It all adds to the nostalgic charm, as it 
did when it was brand new.

On 18 Nov 2011, at 17:08, wrote:

 Steely Dan's Gaucho.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-11-11 Thread cunobelinus

On 11 Nov 2011, at 14:30, RadioClash wrote:

 Did you guys really have to wake up that sleeping monster, Phil Leigh? 
 It was so peaceful.
Yes, but so much less fun.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-07 Thread cunobelinus
No, no, no, not on the iPad, dear me, no, good Lord, it's not a computer you 
know, it's a Peripheral Device. You can't have USB ports on a Peripheral 
Device. It's not natural. No, if you want USB ports you need a computer, and 
for that you need - it's the only word for it - a Macbook Air. I'd go out and 
get one right this minute, if I were you. Get a black one, in memoriam.

On 3 Oct 2011, at 16:08, Phil Leigh wrote:

 cunobelinus;661039 Wrote: 
 ... But what's all this about USB ports? I've got tons of them. If you
 want them, you've merely bought the wrong device!
 i meant on my iPad... can't see a USB port...
 Phil Leigh
 You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
 ain't what you'd call minimal...
 Touch(wired/XP) - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1 DAC - Linn 5103
 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5),
 Pekin Tuner, Townsend Supertweeters, Blue Jeans Belden Digital,Kimber
 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus Interconnect cables
 Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
 Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-04 Thread cunobelinus

On 3 Oct 2011, at 20:01, TheLastMan wrote:

 cunobelinus;661039 Wrote: 
 As for dbpoweramp and Foobar - I've got them on the VM, but they're so
 incredibly cumbersome (not least given the iPods) that I avoid them
 whenever possible.
 I cannot imagine a music file player more simple and basic than Foobar!
 Just browse to the music folder, select the tracks you want to play and
 press play. Nothing more to say on that one.

No, neither have I, having already said that I dislike it. But then I don't 
desperately like iTunes as a player, either.
 dBpoweramp is just unsurpassed for ripping, tagging and conversion.  I
 can only assume either that you do not have the full, paid for, version
 - which is essential - or that it does not work well through the VM. 

Your assumptions are wrong.
 The 'Accuraterip' ( database is brilliant
 for ripping QC


 and the multiple tagging data sources essential for
 getting tags sorted from the outset.

Most of the music I rip needs to be re-tagged anyway. No extant software or 
database seems up to listing classical and early music with the care and 
consistency that I think it deserves, or in my standard format.

 The ability to use tag data to set
 folder names makes conversion from the context menu a one-click option.
 As for batch conversion and multiple format ripping - these are huge
 time savers.

For simple rips, it is desperately slow and cumbersome compared with iTunes 
running under OSX and the results are indistinguishable by ear. Even leaving 
that aside, for most of my music Accuraterip is a waste of time in itself. True 
re multiple format ripping, for which I often use it. 
 Sure, the menus and what-not are not in the Apple style, but that is
 just a matter of familiarity. I find Apple menus equally frustrating,
 but that is not Apple's fault, it is just I am used to Windows.

I am used to both, and far prefer Apple.
 As for iTunes, I only use it as a means to get my music onto the iPod.
 Otherwise it is the most bloated, inflexible and frustrating bit of
 software I have ever used. Why oh why can I not display my music by

You can, I believe,  although as I don't use iTunes as a player...

 Or track artist rather than album artist?

 Or cover-flow by

 It is far easier for me to find stuff in my collection simply by
 browsing my folders. If I need to do anything complex like create
 playlists then I use SqueezePlay or Softsqueeze.

Playlists on iTunes are incredibly straightforward. The one thing wrong with 
them is that they have a tendency to vanish sporadically without any apparent 
reason, which is very exasperating.
 One day I will make a list of the things that are wrong with iTunes
 just for this sort of post. ;)

Pippin's done it for you.
 I suppose if you rely totally on iTunes to create a music catalogue you
 won't know what I am talking about.  However if, like me, you put your
 music files (like any other files) appropriately named into a nicely
 ordered folder tree then anything that cannot follow that is just
 frustrating.  I keep my music folders separate from iTunes and backed
 up.  I just use the add folder option in iTunes to get the music in
 for synchronisation with the iPod.
iTunes' folder tree is nicely ordered enough: folders by artists. Moreover, the 
software does it all automatically in one operation after ripping. Having spent 
time carefully tagging files, (and in the case of multiple format rips only, 
having already shunted them from Windows to OSX), I find I run out of the 
patience to indulge in more unnecessary shunting.
 *SqueezeBoxes:* SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
 *Server:* Synology DS107+ NAS (with firmware 2.3-1157) running
 Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 on Synology Package Manager
 *Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, 2 x Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as
 access points
 *Livingroom:* Receiver into Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
 *Kitchen:* Receiver into Denon DM37 mini-system, BW 686 speakers
 *Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-04 Thread cunobelinus

On 4 Oct 2011, at 16:40, TheLastMan wrote:

 cunobelinus;661218 Wrote: 
 QC?Quality control. Accuraterip just gives me confirmation that my rip is
 as good as it can be.
 Most of the music I rip needs to be re-tagged anyway. No extant software
 or database seems up to listing classical and early music with the care
 and consistency that I think it deserves, or in my standard format.Couldn't 
 agree more.  But DBP allows you to change your tags before you

So does iTunes

 Your problem might
 be due to running it under VM.

No, its not. 
 If iTunes can list by Composer, or cover flow by Genre, then there is
 no easy or obvious way to do it, which is not a point in iTunes

Clicking on the heading of the composer column or typing the name of the 
composer into find are not that hard, surely. Perhaps not a point in your 
favour? Cover flow is irrelevant if not using it as a player.
 iTunes' folder tree is nicely ordered enough: folders by artists.Not 
 sophisticated enough for me though. dBpoweramp uses tag data to
 create the right folders for my folder tree as follows;
 \[genre]\[album artist]\[album title]\filename.flac (and .mp3)
 For classical genres (opera, chamber, choral, orchestral etc) I put
 the Composer in the album artist tag field as well as the Composer
 field which means DBP makes the level above genre a folder for the
 composer. That works better on the iPod too.
 Moreover, the software does it all automatically in one operation after
 ripping.As does dBpoweramp, and it can be set up to use and remember this 
 scheme, or any other that you might care to use.  With iTunes you are
 stuck with the artist folder scheme, which is far too limiting for

Fair enough. My concern is not how pleasingly tidy the disk structure looks, 
though, but how well the structure works with SBS. The iTunes structure is all 
that's necessary.
 *SqueezeBoxes:* SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
 *Server:* Synology DS107+ NAS (with firmware 2.3-1157) running
 Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 on Synology Package Manager
 *Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, 2 x Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as
 access points
 *Livingroom:* Receiver into Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
 *Kitchen:* Receiver into Denon DM37 mini-system, BW 686 speakers
 *Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-03 Thread cunobelinus

On 3 Oct 2011, at 11:09, TheLastMan wrote:
 Sure, Apple lossless is a solution for some, but only those who are
 ignorant of the alternatives.

OK, if you like. A rather more thoughtful view might be that ALAC is also for 
those who have thoroughly explored and experimented with, the alternatives, and 
have found that either these do not work for them in practice, or that they 
dislike them, or both, despite any philosophical objections they may have (and 
yes, Phil, I find Apple's refusal to allow FLAC in iTunes not just stupid but 
thoroughly objectionable and infuriating).

My view is also that, having done that, they should be free to apply their 
preferred solution, and suggest it to others as a reasonable alternative, 
without gauche, oafish trolls jumping out of the woodwork at them and telling 
them they are ignorant fanboys (intolerance being one of, I think, only three 
things of which I'm completely intolerant, the others being gratuitous 
discourtesy and unnecessary violence. Oh, yes, and piano accordions. Nearly 
forgot them. And squirrels, of course).

But if you'd rather put on your blinkers and start chanting can't hear you, 
can’t hear you rather than merely acknowledge that experience might just 
possibly bring other intelligent and thoughtful people to prefer different 
solutions to yours, then of course, your mind is yours to close as you wish.
 *SqueezeBoxes:* SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
 *Server:* Synology DS107+ NAS (with firmware 2.3-1157) running
 Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 on Synology Package Manager
 *Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, 2 x Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as
 access points
 *Livingroom:* Receiver into Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
 *Kitchen:* Receiver into Denon DM37 mini-system, BW 686 speakers
 *Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-03 Thread cunobelinus
As I said at the start, the discussion about lossless digital formats is 
unutterably tedious. I'll add that I don't see why any member of the forum 
should, when the mindless trolls come out, be expected to justify with a CV and 
covering letter the statement that there are lossless alternatives to MP3 for 
iTunes (and Apple) users.

I would be interested to know why you say iTunes sucks, though, Pippin because 
my experience of using it to rip and catalogue is exactly the reverse. Is that 
for playback (for which I don't use it because I use SBS and iPeng)? 

On 3 Oct 2011, at 15:02, pippin wrote:

 Well, Apple users have to use iTunes so quite a lot of them have already
 experienced how much it sucks and are well willing to avoid solutions
 involving it wherever possible.
 Luckily you can avoid it from iOS 5 on... Although not for things like
 see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
 *New: iPeng for iPad*, at
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-03 Thread cunobelinus
On 3 Oct 2011, at 15:33, pski wrote:

 Phil Leigh;660986 Wrote: 
 Yes, well, Apple not supporting FLAC is just as dumb as them not
 supporting Flash or not having USB ports. I know perfectly well WHY
 they do it - but it's still dumb.
 I say this as an enthusiastic iPad2 owner, but not anyone's fanboy.
 I can think of no reason why I would want lossless audio (of any
 format) on my iPad anyway... It's not like I'm going to use it as a
 source for my main system. For travelling, 256kbps MP3 is fine.
 The fact remains that under controlled conditions very, very few people
 can reliably tell the difference between 320kbs MP3 and its lossless
 equivalent anyway...
 Most of my collection is m4a apple lossless simply because it was an
 easy way to rip my cd's: I had three machines running iTunes pointed at
 the NAS and rotated boxes of CD's up from the pool room. When a disk
 opens, insert another disk.
 I don't use iTunes for anything else since I don't have any Apple
 playback. Once and a while, I'll use iTunes to burn a CD.
 When I listen remotely, I just turn-on bit rate limiting so there's no
 real need to maintain an MP3 mirror and I am not limited to part of my
 collection. In the car, eight or ten MP3 CD's carry my standard or
 new albums and that's plenty to choose from..

LIkewise, except that I rip to AIFF rather than ALAC because SBS handles AIFF 
better. There's no problem streaming it to SBs over bridged or powerline 
Ethernet. But I do maintain a partial AAC library for use with small iPods, and 
a more complete ALAC library for use with my iPod Classic which has a very 
decent set of earphones attached. As for dbpoweramp and Foobar - I've got them 
on the VM, but they're so incredibly cumbersome (not least given the iPods) 
that I avoid them whenever possible.

I'd go further than you, Phil, and say that Apple not supporting FLAC is not 
just stupid but objectionable and infuriating, as well as nakedly 
self-interested. But what's all this about USB ports? I've got tons of them. If 
you want them, you've merely bought the wrong device!
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-03 Thread cunobelinus
Ha. That explains it. I only use it for ripping and cataloguing, which I find 
very good, and even then not using stuff any outside the iTunes folder 
structure (except that I don't put its music where it tells me to but in an 
external disk). I'm just by chance not using most of the stuff you hate. I 
haven't even synced my own iPod in an eternity (although the family ones get 
regular treatment, poor things, like dosing for worms).

As for the coding side - I may have worked in an IBM lab once upon a very 
distant time, but that is, alas, something of which I am completely ignorant. 
It doesn't entirely surprise me, given the rest of what you say, especially the 
hanging and crashing (which it used not to do many aeons ago, unless the rosy 
specs are on again).

Thanks. Now I know what to avoid with it.

On 3 Oct 2011, at 16:08, pippin wrote:

 cunobelinus;661038 Wrote: 
 I would be interested to know why you say iTunes sucks, though, Pippin
 because my experience of using it to rip and catalogue is exactly the
 reverse. Is that for playback (for which I don't use it because I use
 SBS and iPeng)? 
 Ironically, ripping an cataloging is not too bad, indeed.
 But my list of issues that really, really hurt in iTunes is just too
 1. It hogs memory and CPU and crashes/hangs a lot.
 2. It's library management is far from behaving nicely as soon as you
 do ANYTHING outside iTunes. Delete or move an audio file on your
 machine and you'll have to MANUALLY find and remove that file in
 iTunes. If you do so, it may happen that it automatically removes the
 song from devices you've uploaded it to.
 3. It just can't handle several devices at a time. It has blown apart
 my address book numerous times when trying to sync with a iOS device I
 rarely use and this really, really, really sucks. Actually it's among
 the worst things a software can ever do to you and alone is reason
 enough to disqualify it. It happened to me so often that I've got quite
 a bit of routine in how to get the address book back and have it safe
 but I'm just so looking forward to no longer having to use iTunes for
 4. Same for using more than one Mac/PC with your iThingy.
 5. It's even worse for Apps because it just doesn't allow you to NOT
 sync Apps and it keeps installing and removing Apps from my devices by
 itself all the time. I've even lost Apps that are no longer on the App
 Store that way.
 6. Why can't iTunes (and iThingies) play from a current playlist like
 everything else?
 iTunes is just a badly written mess of a software and is in urgent need
 of a complete rewrite. The library management part is just the best
 working part of it, it's not too bad.
 see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
 *New: iPeng for iPad*, at
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-02 Thread cunobelinus
Quite. Apple lossless is for many one of only two pragmatic lossless options, 
the other being AIFF. That's not to say there's anything wrong with FLAC or 
that in a perfect world FLAC would not be the better solution. But strangely 
enough, in this particular dimension there are some people who do actually use 
iTunes and iPods. Rather more of them than use SBs, according to the sales 
figures. Some people have occasion and good reason to use both, and really 
don't want to put up streaming lossy garbage to their really nice electrostatic 
speakers, for equally good reasons. There is no good reason why anyone should 
expect them to. Which suggests that this ill informed fanboy nonsense is not 
only entirely apt to the subject line, but also purblind and moronic.

As for trying to have a thread here - well, I was just trying to get some kip 
by reading crap about ALAC again.

On 2 Oct 2011, at 02:20, Wombat wrote:

 Please no Fanboy talk, it leads to nothing.
 Apple lossless is fine! 
 Having the choice to have it around is obviously a good point to
 lossless and people discovering it.
 One of the few things that were effectively reverse-engineered was just
 that, ALAC. 
 There is even one person that did it that fine it beats the Apple own
 compression ratio all the time :) Apple did stay calm about that and
 tolerates it.
 If someone wants to use the limited but complete, easy world of Apple
 just should use it, no room for criticism.
 Thats what i thought till lately...
 Now that Apple sues Samsung for copying ideas and even was able to
 enforce a prohibition of sale for Samsung products in Germany i really
 have to rething this whole situaton...
 Transporter (modded) - RG142 - Avantgarde Acoustic based 500VA
 monoblocks - Sommer SPK240 - self-made speakers
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-01 Thread cunobelinus
Who said it was? (And I, for one, really couldn't care less whether it's open 
source or not anyway, so more than enough said).

Just pointing out that there's no excuse for going lossy  even if one uses a 
Mac and iTunes.

On 30 Sep 2011, at 22:47, ralphpnj wrote:

 cunobelinus;660613 Wrote: 
 ALAC does, though, and that's not lossy either
 True. Apple does offer ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) however,
 unlike flac (FREE Lossless audio codec) Lc is not open source. Enough
 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
 Transporter 2 (oops) - Touch
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-01 Thread cunobelinus

On 1 Oct 2011, at 13:05, Phil Leigh wrote:
 People should care about this for their music, photos and other works
 that they own/hold a copyright or licence for.
Well, I don't. The risk is too small, the ability to convert to open source too 
easy, and the whole argument just utterly, utterly tedious. 

 Using proprietary formats (it doesn't matter whose they are) has
 downsides not shared by open source formats. The risk is small but it
 does exist.
 I own an iPad (and it is a great piece of hardware) but I will NEVER
 use AAC or ALAC - I use mp3/wav on that device instead.

I use AIFF, myself, entirely because it takes tags like H2 takes SO4. mp3 is a 
work of Satan, and WAV should be instantaneously consigned to him without pause 
for Purgatory.

 For the same
 reason I avoid WMA like the plague too.

A recommendation as apposite to WMA as to clichés.

 YMMV of course.

 Phil Leigh
 You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
 ain't what you'd call minimal...
 Touch(wired/XP) - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1 DAC - Linn 5103
 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5),
 Pekin Tuner, Townsend Supertweeters, Blue Jeans Belden Digital,Kimber
 8TC Speaker  Chord Signature Plus Interconnect cables
 Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
 Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-10-01 Thread cunobelinus
Whereas I have always known that only the more intelligent Americans have a 
sense of humour and refrain from foolishly insulting people of whom they know 

On 1 Oct 2011, at 19:51, ralphpnj wrote:

 cunobelinus;660745 Wrote: 
 On 1 Oct 2011, at 13:05, Phil Leigh wrote:
 People should care about this for their music, photos and other
 that they own/hold a copyright or licence for.
 Well, I don't. The risk is too small, the ability to convert to open
 source too easy, and the whole argument just utterly, utterly tedious.
 Using proprietary formats (it doesn't matter whose they are) has
 downsides not shared by open source formats. The risk is small but
 does exist.
 I own an iPad (and it is a great piece of hardware) but I will NEVER
 use AAC or ALAC - I use mp3/wav on that device instead.
 I use AIFF, myself, entirely because it takes tags like H2 takes SO4.
 mp3 is a work of Satan, and WAV should be instantaneously consigned to
 him without pause for Purgatory.
 For the same
 reason I avoid WMA like the plague too.
 A recommendation as apposite to WMA as to clichés.
 And thought that Apple fanboys were a wholly American phenomenon. Sorry
 to learn that the evil has spread.
 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
 Transporter 2 (oops) - Touch
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More nonsense...

2011-09-30 Thread cunobelinus
ALAC does, though, and that's not lossy either.

On 29 Sep 2011, at 19:54, ralphpnj wrote:

 Curt962;660475 Wrote: 
 A decidedly Mid-Fi approach Ralph. ;)
 First of all there is nothing mid-fi about a Mac Airbook streaming via
 USB the sound of a Pandora radio stream.
 All kidding aside, why is it that so many of these so called golden
 eared high end audio reviewers listen to low bit rate lossy compressed
 internet radio streams? And enjoy it!?!?!
 I almost never listen to internet audio because it sounds so poor. Give
 me a properly made flac file any day. Oh wait, flac doesn't exist in the
 Apple centric universe of these reviewers. Oh well, lossy mp3s it is
 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
 Transporter 2 (oops) - Touch
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporters Future?

2010-04-13 Thread cunobelinus
Perfect reproduction, Pat - I can hear it from here - of the sound a nail makes 
when whacked squarely on the head. And not just in communicating. Of, course, 
it might merely indicate an unhealthy preoccupation with, and corresponding 
self-referential delusions concerning, the life and works of e e cummings, but 
where there is such a clear lack of interest in communicating, there is 
unlikely to be any interest in those with whom communication is normal - that 
is, in anyone other than oneself. It's at least as much a give-away as, for 
instance, someone who confesses to taking no interest in getting other peoples' 
names right.  Which makes this entire correspondence less and less likely - if 
there ever was such a likelihood - to be remotely productive.

On 13 Apr 2010, at 15:37, Pat Farrell wrote:

 richardw wrote:
 sorry you struggle reading my lack of interest in the shift key.
 perhaps you are not
 really interested in communicating.
 Pat Farrell
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Subwoofer for Active Speakers?

2010-03-02 Thread cunobelinus
and then adjust the roll-off so that the sub is active no higher than 120Hz 
at the absolute maximum. My REL Strata 5 is set to start rolling off at 28Hz 
with LS3/5As - not noted for their massive bass response - and at only 22 with 
my Quad 989s. The REL pre-set roll off is steep, and with these settings it 
works wonderfully with either. You don't notice it's there, if you don't know 
already, but you certainly notice when it's not. These are not, of course, 
active speakers, but the point is that REL's recommendation about their 
settings is reliable - that one should to limit the sub to the very bottom of 
the audible range, and let the main speakers take over as soon as they are 
capable of it

On 2 Mar 2010, at 01:16, pski wrote:

  Many subs are designed more for shaking during movies. Look
 for a model that's flat up to (as near as possible) 400Hz.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice Please

2010-02-05 Thread cunobelinus
Flac won't work with iTunes, or iPods.

Although neither would appear to be of any importance to the OP, those are, 
nevertheless, two reasons for those who want to use their libraries with an 
iPod as well as SB.

On 6 Feb 2010, at 03:29, Daverz wrote:

 Aiff is an uncompressed format that can be tagged with ID3 tags, but I
 still see no reason not to use flac.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter over ethernet

2010-02-04 Thread cunobelinus
You don't happen to recall the address of that bar, do you?

On 4 Feb 2010, at 08:48, cliveb wrote:

 Works with Laphroaig, too. ;)
 +1 Lagavulin
 +1 Highland Park, the older the better.
 You are all philistines - Talisker is the greatest malt.
 PS. I once ordered Lagavulin at a bar in LA and the numpty dumped a
 load of ice in it. For the refill I requested no ice and got a glass
 filled with neat Lagavulin up to the same level it would have been had
 the ice been present. Result! :)
 Transporter - ATC SCM100A
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best settings for transcoding?

2009-12-17 Thread cunobelinus
Only you can answer that, of course, but I hope this may help:

Squeezeboxes don't allow FF and RW in ALAC. They do allow it for .wav, .aiff, 
and .flac. ALAC is therefore not as flexible for SB as .aiff (or the others), 
although of course it is great for iTunes and iPods, and for keeping storage 
space down while using lossless files.

I therefore myself use .aiff for Squeezeboxes (played through two systems, one 
purely Quad, one of Quad amps and speakers that I won't mention on an 
audiophile list!); ALAC for my iPod 4th gen; and AAC at 256kbps for the touch 
and the nanos, all catalogued in different iTunes libraries . The lossless 
files are stored on a 1TB external HD, with an ALAC back up on a second one; 
and the AAC files are on the iMac.

System in all is iMac 3.06Ghz running 10.6.2, using iTunes to rip, tag and 
catalogue, playback using one SB2 and one Classic, and - between the family - 
iPods 4th gen, Touch and Nano.

What ripping/tagging/cataloguing software do you use? That is also a big 
factor, of course.

My suggestion would be that for SB on a Mac you actually go the other way, and 
change from ALAC and WAV to AIFF. But chacun à son goût, as they say in 

On 16 Dec 2009, at 22:15, kphinney wrote:

 SIDE QUESTION - Should I change WAV and AIFF to ALAC?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for upgrade from ARCAM A85 Amp

2009-12-11 Thread cunobelinus
Speakers with three or four driver units (actual loudspeakers) mounted in each 

Just to be slightly mischievous for a moment, I'd point out that 3 or 4 way 
drivers at this price can be pretty wonderful, but if you want mind-blowingly 
wonderful you might need to spend a lot more; and yet, you don't actually need 
them, or to spend more than you suggest, even if you want the very best. Some 
of the very best have just one driver: Quad electrostatics, for instance. 
Second hand, almost new, they are probably well within your budget, and they 
have, to my ears, a wonderful, neutral, natural sound that blows away anything 
else in the price range. They are, though, only worth considering if you happen 
to have the space for a couple of things that look like shortish (4ft high by 
2ft 6 wide) mattresses stood upright a couple of yards apart, and at least 
three or four feet (preferably more) from one end of the room.

On the other extreme, there are lovely small speakers around like the Stirling 
LS3/5a V2 which also have only two drivers but sound gorgeous, given the right 
room and the right stands, and maybe - dare I say it? - just maybe the right 
subwoofer. (And that would give you something you'll want to tweak - and argue 
about the desirability or otherwise of - until your dying day!). They are a lot 
cheaper than $3,000, though.

I'd agree that speakers are the area where you'll get most improvement for your 
money. Go and have fun listening to lots of them.  If you want to find out what 
the rest of your system could sound like as it is by changing to top-draw 
speakers, you could either get a decent dealer to let you try them at home, or 
try the cheap option with some top-draw headphones - something like the 
Sennheiser HD650, which cost a tenth of your budget, and give a really 
fantastic sound.

It all depends on what space you've got, and what music you listen to. 
Classical, Romantic, even really meaty romantic, early, acoustic, jazz, folk, 
and any rock perhaps short of metal (and definitely not garage, house or stuff 
the point of which is to crack your foundations), I'd go (actually, have gone) 
for the Quads, myself. But YMMV and probably will. And then, of course, you 
might also want to doctor your listening room's acoustics...

On 11 Dec 2009, at 19:17, norderney wrote:

 iPhone;493144 Wrote: 
 If one is only going to spend that much money and has the room, I would
 spend every penny on true floor standing full range speakers. The amp
 will drive a good variety of 3 or 4 way floor standing speakers and the
 tighter lower bass and improved midrange will amaze one for years to
 come. At which time, one would be able to upgrade to a better amp.
 Can you explain what is meant by the term 3 or 4 way speakers? 
 Would my existing BW CDM1NT stand mounted speakers be 2 way?
 Sorry if this question is a bit basic, but I am not a hi-fi expert, but
 I am trying to learn!!
 Transporter (Black) - Arcam A85 Amp - BW CDM1NT Speakers - Yamaha
 CDRHD1500 Recorder
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is your DAC? - Really Interesting test results!

2009-12-02 Thread cunobelinus
Do you have a TP with which to try the same trick?

On 2 Dec 2009, at 16:56, Phil Leigh wrote:

 Looking at the spectrum plots of the difference files, it seems that
 actually the big differences are in the lower frequencies. For the SB3
 DAC the correlation above 280Hz is not bad, whereas it rises (worsens)
 sharply below that. On my MF Dac, it doesn't start to rise until below
 Taken at face value, one might infer that the LF performance of my MF
 DAC is superior to the SB3 DAC...
 At higher frequencies the MF gets down to a min of -65dB whereas the
 SB3 DAC bottoms-out at circa -50dB.
 Phil Leigh
 You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
 ain't what you'd call minimal...
 SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
 MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
 LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
 Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
 Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is your DAC? - Really Interesting test results!

2009-12-02 Thread cunobelinus
That'd be fun, too.

On 2 Dec 2009, at 17:46, Phil Leigh wrote:

 cunobelinus;491666 Wrote: 
 Do you have a TP with which to try the same trick?
 [/color] But I do have a Touch!
 Phil Leigh
 You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
 ain't what you'd call minimal...
 SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
 MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
 LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
 Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
 Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ALAC or FLAC

2009-11-30 Thread cunobelinus
I'm afraid I can't answer the specific question, but I can say that your use of 
SC is very close (very close indeed) to mine, but that I've had no problems 
whatever with 7.3.3 under Snow Leopard.

 I too use iTunes and AIFF for all SB music, with ALAC for files used with 
large iPods (Mk 4 80Gb) and AAC at 256kbps for small iPods (latest and previous 
gen Nanos and iPod Touch). I've just moved from OSX 10.4.11 to 10.6.2 with no 
problems at all relating to SqueezeCenter. I have not moved from SC 7.3.3 (and 
after all the reports of problems feel no temptation to do so). 7.3.3 works 
just fine with all the AIFF files under 10.6.2 on my set up.

I'd suggest that there's something else going on here. The only differences 
that I can see between your usage and mine appear to be (1) you use a TP, I use 
a Classic and (2) almost all my files were ripped directly into AIFF, then 
transcoded where needed into ALAC, not the other way round. These may be more 
red herrings, of course.

On 30 Nov 2009, at 11:14, vincentyan wrote:

 I am using iTunes and sometime use FF and RW, so I decided to convert
 all my music from ALAC to AIFF.  It worked fine with SqueezCenter 7.3.3.
 Now I upgrade to OSX 10.6.2 and SqueezCenter no longer works, so I
 upgrade to 7.4.1.  Well, problem comes.  At the end of every song I
 played with my Transporter, there is a pop sound.  I tested ALAC files
 and MP3 with no problem.  How do I understand this?
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ALAC or FLAC

2009-11-27 Thread cunobelinus
Only real advantage of FLAC over ALAC is that you can FF and RW files encoded 
in it on the Squeezebox. Big disadvantage is that you can't use iTunes (for 
tagging/organising) and iPod with it. If you want FF and RW AND be able to use 
iTunes to to tag files you have to resort to AIFF which like .wav takes tons of 
space, but unlike .wav takes tags as well as does FLAC.

On 27 Nov 2009, at 07:52, andynormancx wrote:

 There would be no benefit in audio quality or data size. The audio
 quality will be identical (they are both lossless). The data size will
 pretty much the same, the SB3s will already be having FLAC delivered to
 them and delivering FLAC rather than ALAC to the Radio will be about the
 And yes, it would be less CPU usage on the server.
 Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will a transporter sound as good as the Linn Majik DS

2009-11-17 Thread cunobelinus
This is getting to look very much like arguing for ego rather than truth, 
otherwise known as trolling. If it were not, there would be no need to start 
reaching for such patently - and ludicrously - false analogies and .

Does it really need to be said that the closer one is to a musician, the more 
accurate one's perception is likely to be of the sound being produced - not the 
better that that musician will sound? Does it really need to be spelled out 
that distance and volume do not alter perceptions of interpretation, but 
perceptions of timbre, and (depending on the acoustic in the hall) possibly 
tuning? Isn't it astonishingly obvious that the closer you get to a good 
violinist with a good timbre playing in tune on a good instrument the better it 
will sound, provided there are no other questions of balance with other 
instruments or voices to consider, and that you don't actually disappear into 
his soundbox? But that the further you are from a bad violinist playing with a 
poor timbre on a cheap instrument the better? And does it really need to be 
repeated that audio is about getting the most accurate reproduction of a 
performance, not about getting the best sound, so that if you listen on the 
 best possible set up to a poor performance by a poor musician on a poor 
instrument, that that is exactly what you will hear? And that if instead you 
can mistake that musician for Menuhin on a Stradivarius there is something very 
wrong with your equipment? (Especially if he happens to be playing the trumpet 
at the time).

And does it really need to be pointed out that you are by no means the only 
trained, experienced, or expert professional musician on this forum?

On 17 Nov 2009, at 08:46, JezA wrote:

 Do you need to level match two pianists to make a judgement about their
 Do you have to sit in the same seat in a concert hall to judge two
 Will sitting close to a bad violinist make them sound better than
 sitting further away from a good one?
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter being phased out?

2009-11-13 Thread cunobelinus
Call it speculation, call it hypothesis. Whatever one calls such an exercise, 
it is not the nomenclature that predicts its value. If speculation (or 
hypothesis) is inadequately grounded in known fact, inadequately observed or 
poorly thought through, then, yes, it will be worthless; but if not, then not.

Your thought about rights to abandoned products is one of several known facts 
that I also had in mind. One other known fact is that the TP was one particular 
man's particular baby, if I recall correctly. As you suggest, none of us yet 
knows whether that fact in particular is sufficiently significant to kick the 
Ferraris (or yet Maseratis) onto the drive, or even to prompt the construction 
of a new garage (or, at least, those who do are not saying). But it will be 
interesting to see..

On 12 Nov 2009, at 17:20, Pat Farrell wrote:

 iPhone wrote:;484490 Wrote: 
 Hmm. Wasn't there some chap who started a Tiny Garage Audiophile company
 There was probably a signed No Compete Agreement 
 Most likely. But companies do allow 'insiders to buy out the rights to
 abandoned products.
 This is all just random speculation, not clear that anyone with a Tiny
 Garage has any interest in this stuff.
 Pat Farrell
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter being phased out?

2009-11-12 Thread cunobelinus
Hmm. Wasn't there some chap who started a Tiny Garage Audiophile company that 
was taken over by Logitech and seemed to know a bit about the Transporter - 
used to post a lot here about it, I seem to remember - who's now not working 
for Logitech any more? Did he ever say what he was going to do next? I wonder 
if he still has the garage.

On 9 Nov 2009, at 23:06, Pat Farrell wrote:

 I could even see
 a rationale for Logitech spinning off the rights to make more of them to
 Tiny Garage Audiophile company. Assuming that there is a demand.
 Audiophiles are a tiny, tiny market. There just are not enough of us to
 count to any big company.
 I agree that a Transporter 2 is most unlikely, unless TGA decides its
 needed, and I expect that TGA can't afford the engineering.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter being phased out?

2009-11-12 Thread cunobelinus
Ach, ye'll never get two sheep in the back of a Maserati.
(Local Hero, Bill Forsyth, 1983)

On 12 Nov 2009, at 15:04, Pat Farrell wrote:

 radish wrote:;484490 Wrote: 
 Did he ever say what he was going to do next? I wonder if he still has
 the garage.
 Yeah, he uses it to store the Ferraris :)
 We know he likes cars. Long ago there was a photo posted of a nice big
 expensive German car, triple parked in a no parking zone. I forget if it
 was a BMW or MB. Ferraris are nice, as are Maserattis.
 Pat Farrell
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter wish list...

2009-10-09 Thread cunobelinus
and you don't need extra cabling of any sort to run ethernet, so  
there may be some who can't use it, but probably not that many. I run  
my SB2 and SB Classic via ethernet over mains using 200 Mbps  
Homeplugs. It works wonderfully, no drop outs or rebuffering,  
absolutely no problems. It was plug and play on a Mac, and not much  
more (installing a CD of software and clicking a few times) on a PC.  
Superb. Until fairly recently I used the SB2 bridged with Airport/ 
Airport Express. Never again. Airport now only used to connect iPod  
Touch/iPeng and iMac. And that's even though the mains wiring in this  
place is quite shocking.

Total cost for a seven way extension gang with three ethernet ports  
(£77 including p+p), which connects two computers and a printer to the  
network, and two plug-through mains adapters with a single ethernet  
port each (£37.48 + p+p), under £160.

Even so, I agree that the TP - indeed, the whole range - needs to be  
updated with N wireless. It'll all soon start to look very dated  
without it.

On 9 Oct 2009, at 06:05, iPhone wrote:

 Don't know if you've heard of this, but there is this thing called
 Ethernet. One plugs this big phone Jack cable in the back of the
 Transporter and magic, one doesn't need b/g/n WiFi anything. I run my
 Transporter wired!

 Of course, I know some people just can't but Ethernet solves all
 Network issues.


 Media Room:
 Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5  
 Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

 Living Room:
 Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
 Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1

 Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
 Bedroom: Second Boom
 Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
 Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
 Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The man in the hi fi shop said...

2009-10-09 Thread cunobelinus
Only if you give her the money.

On 9 Oct 2009, at 17:26, ashmore wrote:

 D'you think the wife will buy it? ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Looking for used DAC for Squeezebox ~700 $

2009-05-13 Thread cunobelinus
There was a long thread a couple of years ago which concluded - I  
believe Sean confirmed it though I couldn't now swear to that - that  
reducing the volume of the SB's digital outputs below about 90 per  
cent also significantly degraded audio quality. It starts throwing  
other bits away, I seem to recall. See also the current Transporter  
into amp or pre-amp thread (TAS says that's what happens with the  


On 13 May 2009, at 02:18, audio53 wrote:

 gng;422612 Wrote:
 I have a pre and power amplifier combo and the SB is the only source.
 With a DAC with volume controll I can sell my pre amplifier and can
 connect the DAC directly to the power amp.
 But it's only an idea at the moment. I am not sure.

 OK, I see where you are going with that. I recall reading about some
 people having problems with a Squeezebox connected directly to a power
 amp. Maybe that was without a volume control. Can't recall any details
 since I didn't pay much attention. Might be worth doing a forum search
 though just to see if there are any issues to be aware of. Have fun.



 FLAC-SB3 w/SqueezeCenter-PS Audio DLIII DAC-Yamaha RX-595- 
 Soundworks Ensemble
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread cunobelinus
It can disprove, though, or reveal an absence of disproof, (as in  
that WS quotation) or illuminate a parallel or a correspondence or a  
similarity. Wit's a serious business, and proof isn't everything, (as  
that Voltaire bloke would have realised if he'd read a bit more John  
Donne), but then again, too many cooks spoil the ship and a bird in  
the hand is worth two brass monkeys in a poke.

Quantum? It could take the Transporter into a whole new dimension.  
Don't tangle with it.

Perhaps Sean could put up a prize for the silliest post in this  
thread. Tough choices so far.

On 3 Oct 2006, at 03:21, jacobdp wrote:

joncourage;142244 Wrote:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are  
dreamt of

in your philosophy.

- Billy S. c 1601

A witty saying proves nothing.
- Voltaire



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-29 Thread cunobelinus
Thank you. One minor problem for me with this solution is summed up  
in this word: Mac..

I think, though, that iTunes may have a drag-and-drop facility. Only  
one way to find out whether it works: I'd better get scanning!

On 29 Sep 2006, at 16:04, gharris999 wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED];140485 Wrote:

Gharris999, how do you do this embedding trick, again?[/color]

Slimserver understands jpgs embedded into FLACs in a COVERART tag if
they are base64 encoded.  About a year ago, Aurorix, a participant on
the HydrogenAudio forums, wrote a modification to MetaFlac that allows
text files to be embedded into FLACS via the MetaFlac command line.
See this thread for the details, the binaries and the sources:

I embed my coverart in my whole-album FLACs by first scanning the CD
covers at 300x300 and saving them to the same base file name as the
FLACed album.  I then just drag and drop the FLAC file onto a shortcut
that invokes a script that b64 encodes the jpg and then embeds the
encoded image in a COVERART tag.

I've put my windows scripts and supporting utilities (with sources)
along with a couple of small example test FLACs here:

One caveat: the modified MetaFlac seems to have some limitations:  it
can't handle files greater than 64k.  Also, it seems to have trouble
with ansi text files that include some diacritics (e.g. ÿ).  The
solution to that problem has been to feed MetaFlac text files that are
already UTF8 encoded.  Slimserver is smart enough to recognize the  

byte-order-mark in embedded cuesheets and skip it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-29 Thread cunobelinus
WHAT? That's horrible! It shows how long it is since I went  
into HMV, I suppose. That upstairs section used to be a wonderful  
oasis of civilised, self-indulgent, expenditure - a place where it  
was a pleasure to open one's credit card. That was before Amazon came  
along, though...hmmm..serves me right, then, I suppose.

I'd always assumed that the likes of CDPedia searched all of Amazon.  
Is that not right?

Sorry, this is getting rather OT.

On 29 Sep 2006, at 16:14, adamslim wrote:

mkozlows;140900 Wrote:
Amazon actually has more CD covers than you think.  The key is to  
for Classical Music instead of Music.  Apparently, Classical  
isn't a

subset of music, it's an entirely different thing.  I spent a few
frustrating hours updating my album art in Windows Media Player  

I realized that I was misusing Amazon.

Yeah I've fallen foul of that many times.  As soon as you search
Classical Music you get loads of extra options for composer,  

conductor etc that are not relevant for pop.

It's kind of nice it being separate - I fell out with HMV on Oxford
Street (London UK) when they got rid of the special staircase from the
entrance to the classical section.  One feels more inclined to buy  

when one is not assaulted by Beyonce!


Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859, Living
Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables, Squeezebox due on my birthday :)
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter analog out questions

2006-09-29 Thread cunobelinus
Well, leaving aside the un-Intelness of my Macs, I'm tempted to  
observe merely: pretty easy for you, maybe, but for me - well, I  
might as well waggle my ears and hope to fly!

On 29 Sep 2006, at 18:12, gharris999 wrote:

The sources for the modified MetaFlac are available at the  
link above.  I think it ought to be pretty straight forward to  
compile a

mac version.  Also, the souce to the base64 encoding utility is
available at the gharris999 link above.  Again, I think that code is
pretty portable and ought to compile for your mac.  I assume that  
macs have the same endiness as wintel machines, so the compiles  

to be pretty easy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: embedding covers/notes (was transporter analog out questions)

2006-09-28 Thread cunobelinus
Gharris999, how do you do this embedding trick, again? (Sorry if I  
missed the explanation first time). The light stuff has been  
relatively easy, but dozens of my classical CD covers have failed to  
come up (or, at least, come up accurately) on the iTunes (and CDPedia/ 
Amazon) searches, and the liner notes, of course, are altogether  
absent. What's more, I have yet to find a single database for the  
1000 or so classical LPs - titles and track names, even, let alone  
cover art, sleeve notes and booklets - I'm in the process of  
digitising. Embedding/attaching scans to the music files of all of  
these would save a Herculean weight of work.

Pat, you fairly take my breath away, you do. If you already know by  
heart the details of every early, Renaissance, Galante, Baroque,  
Classical,  Romantic and Modern composer in even a fairly limited  
collection like mine; their antecedents, biographies and milieux;   
the history of their musical style, their influential contemporaries  
and known musical acquaintances; the history and working conditions  
of the conductors/bands/consorts/ensembles that have played the music  
from the first performance to the present, from troubadour via  
Telemann to Dutoit; and the political and geographical conditions  
that produced all of these; and then also have a good working  
knowledge (at least) of English, Spanish, Portuguese, French,  
Italian, German, Latin, Hungarian, Czech, Norman French, and Russian,  
not to mention the odd bit of Urdu, Hindi, Swahili, KwaZulu,  
Bulgarian, Japanese and Punjabi, then your musical and linguistic  
erudition are indeed hugely impressive, and I gladly take off to you  
every single hat in my possession and bow deeply and repeatedly in  
your direction. I am speechless in admiration. Alas, I am nothing  
like so omniscient, and must limp along on a daily supplement of  
reminders from liner note and booklet, with an occasional booster  
injection of Groves online.

On 28 Sep 2006, at 05:03, gharris999 wrote:

Not cursed like I'm cursed, though.  It's not enough that I've got to
flac all those CDs.  Now that I've figured out how to embed the cover
art, I've got to scan all the jewel-cases too.  Next, I'll start
feeling the need to OCR all the liner notes and embed those too.  It's
sisyphusian, man.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: embedding covers/notes (was transporter analog out questions)

2006-09-28 Thread cunobelinus
Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat? I didn't know about AllMusic. Thank you very  
much for that one, Pat. I'm off to have a look in a minute.

On 28 Sep 2006, at 14:56, Pat Farrell wrote:


Right, Amazon only has mass market stuff.
A lot of 'classical' CDs are lucky to sell as many as 10,000  
copies, which doesn't even count for Amazon. AllMusic has many  
more, but I don't like their navigation to find them.

Pat, you fairly take my breath away, you do. If you already know  
by  heart the details of every early, Renaissance, Galante,  
Baroque,  Classical,  Romantic and Modern composer in even a  
fairly limited  collection like mine;

Wise guy :-)

One tries, one tries. One fails dismally, but one tries.

I must be buying the wrong CDs or from the wrong labels.
A lot of mine don't have that kind of information.

European labels often fairly good for this, I think. DG, Hyperion -  
I've just been looking at the booklets for a couple of volumes of the  
Hyperion Complete Purcell Anthems and Services, which are superb -  
Naxos, Archiv, L'Oiseau Lyre - put them all together, you' probably  
get a pretty good reading list for the first year or two of a music  
degree course. (The stuff that came with the Decca Wagner recordings  
alone is probably one unit, and the Philips Complete Mozart probably  
another three! )

Of course it belongs in the SlimServer database.

What database? Sorry to ask what must be a very obvious question, but  
this looks like a trick I have missed in a big, big way.

What's a groves?

What you get when you plant all together a dozens of oakses, asheses  
and thornses. Alternatively (on the off chance that you're not, after  
all, taking the Mick because I stuck an 's' on the end without an  

I have web access at my own desk through my membership of, and a PIN  
supplied by, my local municipal library. Endless hours of swotty  
amusement and hilarity.

Again, this seems to me to be a great topic of an open source,
or open data entry effort.

Would you spell out how something like this might work? I'd been  
thinking along similar lines, but don't begin to know how to set it up.

And the Transporter is going to appeal to folks who want to have  
this information.

Yes, indeed. Very much so.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: embedding covers/notes (was transporter analog out questions)

2006-09-28 Thread cunobelinus
This sounds like the makings of a very good thing, to me. And quite a  

On 28 Sep 2006, at 17:20, Pat Farrell wrote:

There has been a Sql database in the SlimServer 6.* servers.
Starting in 6.5, it is MySql, either one automagically installed or  
a pre-existing one of your choice.

Once we stop thinking about the concept that all knowledge is kept  
in tags in the music files, we can do real data management.  
Relational databases are very good at this, and there are zillions  
of tools to do things like make reports.

I do not expect that the CDDB/FreeDB public database will ever have  
the kinds of details that Jazz and Classical lovers demand. So the  
only choice we have is to build up a community database, and layer  
it onto the MySql database in the SlimServer.

Its all fairly straight foreward, just a SMOP.

Would you spell out how something like this might work? I'd been   
thinking along similar lines, but don't begin to know how to set  
it up.

Probably deserves its own thread, and soon its own forum.

Its fairly simple. Someone, say me, defines a database and puts up  
a web front end, and writes some transfer scripts.

People enter in data, we store it in the database, and periodically  
you can download the text/data that other folks enter. You take  
data and populate your SlimServer's database. Assuming that a skin  
knows how to retrieve it, you can then search for Beethoven's 9th,  
and see all of the copies you have, link to the details of the  
conductor, orchestra playing it, which bassoonist is in that  
orchestra, link to other orchestras that s/he has played in, etc.

One thing that will have to be worked on is that things like liner  
notes are usually copyrighted, just like the phonorecord (P)  
itself, so just scanning the liner notes, pushing them thru a OCR  
and storing the text is probably going to be a problem. But that  
should be able to be solved, maybe by getting permission from the  
label in exchange for a link to their commercial site, etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-22 Thread cunobelinus
Is that a quote from The Hall of the Mountain King? (Musical  
joke..take no notice. I'll be better in a minute. Well, I shall  
if somebody gets it.)

On 22 Sep 2006, at 17:08, joncourage wrote:

Just to get on your nerves.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-20 Thread cunobelinus

You took the words right out of my keyboard.

(Except that it's fibre not finer needles. Don't ask me why - I'm  
not that old - but it's here in black and white in front of me in The  
Songs of Michael Flanders and Donald Swann, Elm Tree Books and St  
George's Press, 1977 price £6.50, also contained in - I believe - the  
CD At the Drop of Another Hat).

It should be compulsory listening to all those beginning to show the  
symptoms of the unfortunate condition of audiophilia, especially the  
short monologue in the middle. At least they'll have been warned what  
people outside the asylum will think of them. Sigh. And carry on  
regardless, no doubt.

The ear can't hear as high as that,
Still, I ought to please any passing bat
With my high fidelity.

On 20 Sep 2006, at 08:28, ceejay wrote:

And then they amplified it,
It was much LOUDER then.
So you sharpened finer needles
To make it soft again

(A Song of Reproduction - check it out if you think that audiophilia
didn't start until the 70s or 80s...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-20 Thread cunobelinus
Thanks, Ceejay, yes, I couldn't remember which one it was in without digging up the box (which is currently at the very bottom of the "just digitised" pile somewhere in the deepest innermost recesses of my den) or else firing up, and taking an eternity to search through on, the Squeezebox, of course!The explanation of why fibre not finer needles is contained in this page (and elsewhere, of course) - instruction on how to make your own fibre needles for a phonograph: explains all - or, at least, most. The line in the FS song would be a reference to the property of fibre phonographic needles that made them produce a quieter, softer sound than steel ones: "They're great for playing records without disturbing the entire household," the page says. But they also have a tendency to wear out before the end of a record, it warns. Which all makes me think that we're so, so lucky..On 20 Sep 2006, at 10:06, ceejay wrote:Its actually in "At the Drop of a Hat", not "Another" prompted byyour post I just went and listened very carefully, and you're right! Ihave to say I prefer my version, but never mind...Ceejay-- ceejayceejay's Profile: this thread: mailing listaudiophiles@lists.slimdevices.com ___
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-19 Thread cunobelinus
Crucial phrase is to those in the trade! The information is  
extremely easy to find - just common knowledge, in fact - to those  
who still are, but I'm not sure that it is easy at all for those who  
are not. Perhaps it's not so surprising that audiophiles in the  
latter group seem to know so little about the former. And, as you  
imply, the demands on home studio stuff are nothing like those made  
by the standards of professional broadcasting or recording  (and your  
image of musicians playing to themselves in home recording studios  
rather than gigging produces a reflex response of:  It'll make them  
go blind, you know.)

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Very handy. Perhaps at last I can  
now find out what software is as cheap, precise and fast as a block,  
some splicing tape and a well-wielded razor blade!

On 18 Sep 2006, at 23:17, Pat Farrell wrote:

 I don't now find the information is that easy to acquire. Neither  
record companies nor broadcasters exactly encourage the public to  
mooch into a studio and play around. Any suggestions, Pat?

Get subscribed to some trade rags. Mix is free to those in the  
trade, as is TapeOp. Sound-on-sound from the UK is the most  
valuable of those aimed a home-studio folks, of the magazines that  
I've read and had to pay for. I don't think much of most of the  
magazines for 'home recording' that are available at your local  

Most of the home-studio folks are not interested in high quality  
recordings, the owners all think that they will be the next band to  
become as rich as The Beatles. They would be a lot better off  
working gigs in bars and learning to make music, rather than  
worrying over which $300 microphone is 'best'.

One fairly good website is
sometimes useful is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-19 Thread cunobelinus

Eh? What's that you're saying? Speak up a bit lad, and stop mumbling.

And what's worse - I say WHAT'S WORSE - is you can't get proper steel  
needles any more either..

On 19 Sep 2006, at 14:39, Michaelwagner wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED];137366 Wrote:

I can now find out what software is as cheap, precise and fast as a
block, some splicing tape and a well-wielded razor blade!

You're showing your age, man!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 1K Balanced impedance

2006-09-18 Thread cunobelinus
I have to agree with this, at least on my own account, the more so since I once (a long time ago) did know, at least, what was state of the art in broadcasting studios in the UK. Then, though I was involved in the business. I don't now find the information is that easy to acquire. Neither record companies nor broadcasters exactly encourage the public to mooch into a studio and play around. Any suggestions, Pat? On 15 Sep 2006, at 21:14, Pat Farrell wrote: I'm boggled that audiophiles are so illinformed about what the state of the art is in recording studios. ___
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: iTunes WAV Ripping - HDCD plus MORE ?'s

2006-09-04 Thread cunobelinus
Both very good ideas. It hadn't occurred to me that EAC might work  
under Virtual PC, which I have (but hate using because is it soo  
slow on the ageing eMac on which I run Slimserver).  I do also have a  
cheap laptop PC so I could use that and then upload on the network,  
in extremis (because I wouldn't answer for the quality of the DVD  
drive!). Thank you very much for the tips.

On 4 Sep 2006, at 15:50, Nikhil wrote:

If its only a few cds that need careful extraction, I am sure you can
find access to a PC and install EAC on it temporarily. If the CDs are
in the accuraterip database, you should be able to get confirmation on
the quality of the rip with the Accuraterip plugin enabled.

If you are using a PPC based mac, another alternative would be to rip
with EAC within a windows emulator like virtual pc.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: iTunes WAV Ripping - HDCD plus MORE ?'s

2006-09-03 Thread cunobelinus
Thanks, Skunk. Just so, I imagine - CDs handled with the same care  
lavished on vinyl. I've been lucky enough to wreck only a couple so  
far (one discovered tonight, alas, although I've no idea how I've  
managed to ruin it), although one or two also arrived that way as  
part of multi-disc sets discovered too late to return. (There's one  
of Anne Sophie Mutter playing Beethoven violin sonatas that is  
particularly distressing).

Must look at Xact, too, it seems.

On 3 Sep 2006, at 16:17, Skunk wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED];133067 Wrote:

Hmm. Thank you for this, Nikhil. If that is the case, since I've
never had any problems with iTunes provided its error correction is
on, I think I might be sticking with it. I am quite curious to know,
though, what is thought to be sub par about it.

One thing about itunes that is subpar is the lack of controls. With  

you can override your drives cache and error correction features, or
change the read offset- for example.

Perhaps you had good luck with iTunes because your cd's are in new


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: iTunes WAV Ripping - HDCD plus MORE ?'s

2006-09-02 Thread cunobelinus
Hmm. Thank you for this, Nikhil. If that is the case, since I've  
never had any problems with iTunes provided its error correction is  
on, I think I might be sticking with it. I am quite curious to know,  
though, what is thought to be sub par about it.

On 1 Sep 2006, at 21:19, Nikhil wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED];132870 Wrote:

Slightly off topic, I suppose, but this does raise the question of
what ripping software is available for Mac, then, that is up to par?
EAC appears to be PC only.

I doubt if there is anything as comprehensive as EAC for the mac, but
Max (along with is sister applications Tag and Cog) is quite good

If you have an intel mac, perhaps you might be able to run EAC under
Code Weavers crossover Mac framework



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: iTunes WAV Ripping - HDCD plus MORE ?'s

2006-09-01 Thread cunobelinus
Slightly off topic, I suppose, but this does raise the question of what ripping software is available for Mac, then, that is up to par? EAC appears to be PC only. (My experience of ripping using iTunes, incidentally, is generally pretty good).On 1 Sep 2006, at 19:03, michel wrote:Sorry to say - ripping to wav is the wrong way. Wav has no tags- youwill not be able to build a structured database, i.e. you won't findanything, you will not be able to discriminate between certain piecesof music.With an SB flac is the way to go.Furthermore, iTunes ripping capability is ..ahem subpar. With worn Cd'syou will have crackles and pops.-- michelmichel's Profile: this thread: mailing listaudiophiles@lists.slimdevices.com ___
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