Re: Internet mapping server and geographic projects at the ASF

2005-12-25 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

You might want to take a look at what we (my group at MIT) did the 
international semantic web conference:

Sorry, this was meant to be


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Re: Internet mapping server and geographic projects at the ASF

2005-12-24 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi

Philip Mark Donaghy wrote:
Inspired by the ApacheCon and a discussion during the closing talks on 
maintaining a virtual map of the world using devices carried by humans, 
I wish to propose a project at Apache that does that and more. I would 
like to seek out interested people who would like to work on mapping 
software at the ASF.

The projects that interest me are,

1. A map server that shows the location of people at the Apache 
conference. This is for people who wish to remain accessible to others. 
This idea bothers some people. But as with any ASF project security and 
privacy are very important.

2. I wrote a portlet application for Jetspeed 2 which uses the MapServer 
project. This could be separated out as a generic portlet map server.

3. I would like to do a community driven social experiment as a way of 
gathering global data.

4. A generic Java map server project. I would like to build some better 
tools for authoring and publishing online maps.

5. Torsten Curdt spoke to me about his ideas of blogging by geographic 
location. Essentially all blogs are tagged with a location based on IP 

6. I discussed a mapping project with Chris Schaefer. There is some live 
data being published by the california highway authority about traffic. 
It is text and html and lacks a mapping server so it is rather difficult 
to visualize the information.

7. Google is obviously leading the way in mapping technology. I would 
like to see an apache project that provides similar quality services. I 
am learning where my web traffic comes from using Google analytics. But 
they don't provide interactive maps.

Please contact me if anyone is interested. Obviously the incubator is 
where this project will start but building the community is the first 
step. Happy holidays everyone!

You might want to take a look at what we (my group at MIT) did the 
international semantic web conference:

and note: we already have scripts that transform some of the ASF data 
into RDF already.

As for an 'apache mapping' project, I think you *seriously* 
underestimate the amount of resources required to run such a service.

Landsat 7 data is available as public domain, for a really nice little 
program that uses you can check out WW2D

which is a NASA WorldWind java+opengl clone (and amazingly fast! at 
least on my mac).

There are two tile servers available to the public: one is run my 
Microsoft (part of terraserver, *not* virtualearth), one is run by NASA 
(as part of the infrastructure that powers WorldWind).

Landsat 7 has a resolution of 15m per pixel, while GoogleMaps is using 
images from QuickBird (operated by DigitalGlobe) which has 0.6m per 
pixel (but it's clearly not public domain ;-)

I would personally very much like apache to host the software that 
clones the javascript part of google maps in an open source way, but 
running the tile server is going to require massive amount of technical 

A much better idea is to partner with NASA and Coral


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Re: At what point do you unsubscribe/deny a misbehaving user?

2005-12-17 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi

Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Roy T. Fielding wrote:

On Dec 16, 2005, at 5:17 PM, Jean T. Anderson wrote: has been grappling with someone who  
delights in belittling other posters on the list. The topic was  
raised on women@ (see the thread starting with http://mail- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ), but I think it's more appropriate for  
this list.

For crying out loud, would you please supply links to the exact posts
you consider to be in poor taste and the person's name?  I just wasted
10 minutes trying to follow the bread crumbs.  You have to make it
easier on reviewers -- everyone seems to be painfully avoiding
a pointer to an actual message.

sorry -- I'm not trying to frustrate folks. I considered posting 
specific links, but withdrew them at the end, even though they are links 
to public archives. The name at the core is Michael Segel.

Below are links to public responses to some of his posts (which are 
numerous enough that they alone would be frustrating to wade through):[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The first two posts were disassociated from the offending message and 
the tactic clearly didn't work.

The last two were recent (this week). Off line communication makes me 
believe he has no intention of moderating his behavior, hence the 
question of at what point you unsubscribe/deny a user.

In general, it is the responsibility of the PMC to govern its own
lists.  If the PMC decides to boot them, then go ahead.  Most
groups just shun the user.

One of the DB PMC members was asking about frequency of denial, which is 
an excellent question, which Noel responded to with Rarely.  Really 
really rarely.  It's helpful for us to know how other projects at the 
ASF handle such situations. I'm getting questions from users asking why 
we don't just boot him. I'm happy to respond with The ASF doesn't like 
to do that except for the most extreme cases if that is the right 
answer. This case is merely very annoying, not extreme.

I think ignoring is an excellent tactic for a developer's list. I worry 
that isn't strong enough for a user's list, but I also wouldn't want to 
embark on a path that could backfire.

One technique that I have applied with very nice success works like this:

 1) somebody crosses the line of respect and you see a pattern
 [at this point you feel you should say something: *DON'T*]
 2) but somebody less clueful will
 3) you flame the #2 guy

Now, it sounds pretty weird but this is the rationale:

 1) those who cross the line of respect with a pattern do it 
intentionally, the motivations are numerous but they are normally asking 
for help or they are just looking for a good fight

 2) in both cases, replying to him (yes, him, it's *always* a guy) and 
tell him what the rules of the community and stuff like flame-free 
zone are just going to make things worse. If he wants help, he'll start 
looking for the fight, if the fight was what he was looking for, he 
found it.

 3) there is always somebody in the community that doesn't know this 
pattern, so they will reply quietly or, even better, they will flame him.

 4) if they flame him back, it's easier: just flame the counter-flamer. 
The counter-flamer probably has tons of respect for you, because he 
(again, a guy) wants to protect the community he cares for. He's just 
not seeing the whole picture. So, what you do is tell him that the 
original flamer has all the rights in the world to speak in the way he 
wants. If #2 doesn't flame (as in your case), it's harder for the 
reasons below.

 5) let's say you flamed the counter-flamer, this has two consequences:

a) the counter-flamer is a little offended but a private email 
explaining this rational would save his ego and also have the benefit of 
increasing the trust he has on you as a leader. For sure he will stop 
flaming, because that's what he wanted to avoid in the first place and 
calling him on that stops it.

b) but more important, the original flaming guy is puzzled. If he 
was looking for help, he found out that he doesn't have to tone his 
language, he feels more accepted, therefore less defensive, therefore 
his language changes and gets easier to deal with. If he was looking for 
a fight, he knows he's not going to get it here and leaves.

Now, the *WORST* thing you can do is to reply this is a flame-free 
zone. It's very hard to get out of there, because now the guy feels 
cornered and anything you do in relation to his behavior is going to 
enforce it.

Kicking him 

Re: [ANN] Introducing Apache Agora - reloaded!

2005-07-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Will Glass-Husain wrote:
 Replying to the community list as requested...

Thank you.

 Neat app!  Not immediately intuitive as to how to interpret it, but with a
 little experimentation I could see patterns.  For example, it was
 interesting to notice how my email moved from the outskirts of the circle
 with data from early months to the center of the circle in later months
 the projects I'm involved with).
 I'm still unclear on what to look for in terms of community health.  

eheh, I'm not sure either :-)

 What are some of the general macro patterns you've seen with this tool?

First of all, the 'size' of the pruned graph is generally a good sign
because it means there is less chance of a few key players moving out of
the project and leaving the social network disconnected.

Another interesting thing is that the people at the center are actually
the people I expect to be there. In projects that I follow, I was hardly
ever surprised: the distance of their node from the 'center of social
gravity' of the community was always (and I mean *always*) reasonable.

I don't know about the projects that I don't follow, but I've never
heard anybody complain.

I also found out to be very effective in understanding how much
traction/influence a person might have in a community by dragging his
node. Sometimes, if more people are involved in a discussion, I pull
their nodes apart and see where the center of gravity shifts. Normally
the result of the discussion tends to settle toward the person that
moved more the graph.

This is amazing, because agora does *NOT* even try to understand what
the messages say, but only that the message did happen.

I suspect there is a deep reason for the apparent incredible signal: in
well behaving communities, people do not reply if they don't have
anything to say.

I suspect Agora would fail miserably to be as effective in disfunctional
communities where people keep emailing eachother with flamewars.
Luckily, this is rarely the case in the foundation.

 What insight does this provide into the community?  The docs provide a good
 level description of how the app models the relationships between
 individuals, but don't discuss the macro patterns that emerge.   It'd be
 interesting to hear some of your thoughts.

I wrote this years ago, as an experiment. Then I started to use it more
and more as a 'telescope' to look at communities that I didn't know, to
understand who were the key players in that communities or, if I heard
something worrysome about somebody, whether or not to worry that it
could have a big impact on a particular community.

Unfortunately, this came before the incubator was setup, so the mail
archive on nagoya, who was based on eyebrowse, was kinda left alone and
a lot of the mailing lists were not there. Some people from the
incubator wanted to evaluate the growth of the project with Agora, but
they couldn't.

There seems to be a lot of information in there. I have my own way of
using it but I don't know if it's a general rule and I don't want people
to think that their project is better than another just because their
graph is bigger or more densly connected.

But it is fascinating to compare different mailing lists, especially
over time. For example, whether or not 'dev' is more or less densily
connected than 'users'.

And it's also very useful to understand the 'bridges', the people that
write email in more than one mailing list, those are very important
people for the ASF, as they bring crosspollination and allow information
to flow thru the various islands (and improves our ability to
evolutionarely adapt to change in the technical and social ecosystem).

It's a social telescope. And normally it's a lot of fun to use
telescopes, even if you don't understand everything about the why the
stars and galaxies are they way they are. I feel the same way about
Agora: you don't have to have a model of what is happening absolutely,
as long as you can spot differences between various projects.

But I don't know the metric for community health and I don't think such
a thing even exists, so if that's what you are looking for, you are not
going to get it from Agora (nor anything I do).


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Re: [ANN] Introducing Apache Agora - reloaded!

2005-07-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Ian Holsman wrote:
 How would you compare it against Microsoft's Netscan
 which also tries to find the main contributors in different communities.

I think main implies metrics and I really didn't want to go there. I
think contribution is inversily proportional to the distance from the
center of gravity of the group, but I wanted to keep it subjective to
avoid building altars than that people want to fight to step on.

 Is 'agora' public knowledge?
 what does the 'decay' area do?
 How does one differentiate between a useful communication and a flame
 war? I remember seeing Mark Smith (the netscan developer) talk about how
 he could identify the different types via the length of the conversation.
 Overall a big '+1'
 Will Glass-Husain wrote:
 Replying to the community list as requested...

 Neat app!  Not immediately intuitive as to how to interpret it, but
 with a
 little experimentation I could see patterns.  For example, it was
 interesting to notice how my email moved from the outskirts of the circle
 with data from early months to the center of the circle in later
 months (for
 the projects I'm involved with).

 I'm still unclear on what to look for in terms of community health. 
 are some of the general macro patterns you've seen with this tool?  What
 insight does this provide into the community?  The docs provide a good
 level description of how the app models the relationships between
 individuals, but don't discuss the macro patterns that emerge.   It'd be
 interesting to hear some of your thoughts.


 - Original Message - From: Stefano Mazzocchi
 To: Apache Committers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:14 PM
 Subject: [ANN] Introducing Apache Agora - reloaded!

 NOTE: please excuse the noise if you are not interested, but there is no
 easier way to reach all of you and I thought many of you might be
 interested in this.

 hat type=director mode=off

 A few years ago, around the time the incubator started to appear as the
 escape valve for the growth problems that some projects were exhibiting,
 I started to wonder if there could be a way, for those mentoring and
 providing oversight for particular projects, to make their job easier,
 especially if they were not participating in the day-to-day work of the
 various communities they were helping grow strong and self-sufficient.

 The task is very difficult, not only due to the nature of the problem
 (and the unstructuredness of the data), but also about the fact that you
 don't want to create more problems that you are solving: for example,
 you won't want people to feel spied or abused by numerical rating and

 The result of that thinking was Apache Agora, a system that I designed
 and implemented 3 years ago and that has been running (quite silently)
 on Nagoya since then.

 Since Nagoya is going away, I moved Agora over to minotaur and I have
 aligned it with the existing mail archive (the same one that we use to
 power our official mod_mbox based archives). Find it at

 |   |
 | |
 |   |

 what is this?

 Agora is a community visualizer. If you wonder who is the core of a
 particular community (for example, to know who to ask for something) or
 how big/active/diverse/balanced a community is, Agora is for you.

 how does it work?

 Agora is composed of two pieces:

 1) a python scripts that reads mbox files and generates 'precooked' data

 2) a java applet that reads the precooked data and visualizes it

 the script is running every week (on sundays) on minotaur and it's fully
 incremental, meaning that knows where it lefts off the week before.

 how about the network?

 The network is created by harvesting the email addresses and linking
 them depending on the fact that one address replied to a message sent by
 another address.

 I say address because an address is not a person, as there might be
 several addresses belonging to the same person (and no, the system
 doesn't (yet) allow different addresses that belong to the same person
 to be smooshed together)

 In order to reduce noise, the network is the pruned. All addresses that
 only received or sent email are removed from the graph. So, the
 resulting graph is a smaller version of those nodes that exhibit minimal
 connectivity characteristics (and helps to remove, for example, agents
 like bugzilla or SVN or spam, that never reply, or lurkers that don't
 participate in discussions).

 how do I start using it?

 The tree on the left lists all

Re: [ANN] Introducing Apache Agora - reloaded!

2005-07-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 Ian Holsman wrote:
How would you compare it against Microsoft's Netscan
which also tries to find the main contributors in different communities.
 I think main implies metrics and I really didn't want to go there. I
 think contribution is inversily proportional to the distance from the
 center of gravity of the group, but I wanted to keep it subjective to
 avoid building altars than that people want to fight to step on.

sorry, hit sent too soon.

Is 'agora' public knowledge?

no 'private' mail list is being analyzed, so yes, it's public knowledge.

it has not been largerly publicized (yet) but I wouldn't be against
putting it in a more visible position on the web site.

what does the 'decay' area do?

if you do one reply to a message of mine, agora creates a link between
you and me of strenght 1.0, then if you do another reply this gets
added. Note that links are directional: you might reply a lot to me, but
I never reply to you, this is still calculated in the graph drawing

Decay means that you get 1.0 if you reply now and exponentially lower
value if your reply was earlier in time.

I introduced this because I was curious about how much the past of a
project (especially if you load a lot of months of a project in memory)
was influencing its present.

Rather surprisingly, decay does *NOT* introduce substantial difference
in the way the graph is shaped or the position of people in the graph,
which is a very very interesting property and I have no idea why that is
the case.

How does one differentiate between a useful communication and a flame

There is no attempt to do, ATM.

I remember seeing Mark Smith (the netscan developer) talk about how
he could identify the different types via the length of the conversation.

As I mentioned earlier, we don't tend to host a lot of inflammatory
people in Apache (don't really know why, I suspect is an historical
thing or avoiding to react agressively to aggressions, which make
flamelovers go somewhere else, but I don't know how to test this
hypothesis), this keeps the signal/noise ratio high.

Identifying a conversation means that at least *you* can pretend to
understand the difference between inflammatory and not. I suspect this
difference is also very cultural: a conversation that is a 'normal' tone
in one community might be considered very 'strident' in another. I'm
sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this.

At the end of the day, I'm a big fan of the love/hate hypothesis:
replying to somebody indicates a sort of preferential attachment, no
matter what you are saying. Ignoring them is the only signal that the
communication is not useful.

NOTE: I do *not* think that the size of the social cluster is an
indication of health, there is something else that influences it... but
I don't know what it is (yet).

Overall a big '+1'



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Re: [Tsunami help] Help somebody find this boy

2005-01-11 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Please do NOT send this further:
The boy was reunited with his family weeks ago.
Thank you. And sorry for the noise.
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Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed

2004-12-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Stephen McConnell wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 21 December 2004 20:22
Subject: Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed
Stephen McConnell wrote:
No policy adopted by a project can supercede the policies of the
Any that do are null and void, or, at best, advisory only.
Then clearly you have been negligent in your responsibility towards
Avalon community.
No more than, say, the federal government is to citizens of a state
when that state passes laws that encroach on federal authority.  I.e.,
not at all.  Things stand until they're tested.
Bravo, Stephen; you've now competely and utterly convinced me that
you're an accomplished troll.  It's evidently impossible to hold a
reasoned discussion with you.  Apparently you're not the least bit
interested in Truth; all you're interested in is Being Right.  Or
so it seems to me.
Until you demonstrate that you can at least attempt dispassion and
objectivity, I don't intend to waste any more of my time responding
to your trolls.

Clearly you are not prepared to face up to the fact that the there is a
disconnect within the ASF policies and procedures and the functioning of
an open community.  Clearly you are not prepared, willing or able to
address this.  You decision to abstain from further discussion within
this context is an appropriate move and I commend and applaud this
Yes, Stephen, you are right: 9 directors, 120 members, 10 PMC members 
and 200 subscribers to this list are wrong and you are right.

You are so right.
Oh my god, you are so right, please, please, take us in your new 
wonderful world, please, take me with you! I so love your magic wisdom 
and the fact that no matter what you have an answer for everything and 
your world is so clean and perfect and shine

[john lennon's imagine playing in the back]
please, please, take me with you, I was wrong, all of us where wrong... 
you know how to make software, you know how to make people unite for a 
cause, you know how to bring money and experience and knowledge to 
people so that they will be grateful to you and send you good vibes...

please, please, don't go away, stay with us, become the Executieve 
Director and lead us to the next millenium and teach us your wisdom, 
humility and balance.

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Re: Florida election shenanigans caught on tape

2004-11-20 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
The way you make the bed, is the way you are going to sleep.
in case you didn't notice, the ASF is *NOT* a democracy.
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Re: Organizational analysis of ASF codebases

2004-11-12 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Dave Brondsema wrote:
I hadn't seen this before; hopefully others will find this interesting 
Hmmm, my day job is about graph analysis and I have researched way to 
visualize community structure and interaction in the ASF for the last 2 

Personally, and you can quote me on this, I find this paper very 
interesting but scientifically shaky.

First of all their use of Newmann's algorithm is 'twisted' to say the 
least. Newman and his assistant Girvan found a method to clusterize 
community of nodes, not to find a spanning tree between those.

The idea of visualizing a spanning tree rather then the entire cluster 
topology is interesting but might yield to severe artifacts in 
representation of the relationship information.

Second, their use of CVS cross-commits is a very interesting idea, but 
without taking into consideration mail communication (which is where 
social communication happens), it might yield to other artifacts.

In short, inferring political information (as somebody is already doing) 
out of such graphs analysis is purely speculative and should be taken 
with a little bigger grain of salt.

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Re: Open Source, Cold Shoulder (fwd): One woman's comments

2004-10-20 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Brian Behlendorf wrote:
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Julie MacNaught wrote:
Conclusion?  Just play nice.

Right on!  It's amazing how well a bit of humility, encouragement of 
others, and responding to fire with ice works in online communities - 
whether technical like this one, or social, or whatever.

I'm haunted, though, by whether there's a sort of cognitive dissonance 
in being nice and the Apache name.  I'm not suggesting we rename 
ourselves the Cute Nice Fluffy Bunnies Software Foundation.  :)  Just 
wondering if it's something we should overtly work to overcome rather 
than just inertly hope we aren't setting the wrong tone...
Let me remind of when Marc Fleury of JBoss once named us the fat ladies 
drinking tea while he named the JBoss people the knights fighting the 
big evil corporations.

How many girls does JBoss has?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Open Source, Cold Shoulder (fwd)

2004-10-09 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Henri Yandell wrote:
I'm really not very impressed with the article.
case in point?

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Re: Open Source, Cold Shoulder (fwd)

2004-10-09 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
I'm really not very impressed with the article.
case in point?
What I mean by that is, look at us, read our style in replying. We like 
to be slick and sharp, and sometimes email is a form of word-based chess 
playing made with quotes and (smart) elisions.

I looked at and, I have to say, seeing all those women 
ranked and doing some job I think to myself: what a nicer place the ASF 
will be with some women in the house.

I lived with male roomates before and other friends' too: it's just not 
as good (I live only with roommates from both sexes, if gay even 
better). It's not about doing the dishes, or about having to take a look 
at them when they got out of the shower or things like that, is the 
little touch, the vibe of mutual yet resonating differences in how we 
perceive reality and how that shapes the environment in a better way.

why don't women come in? for the same reason why girls put girls-only 
on craigslist. A women in an established full-man house will just feel 
out of place.

Oh, yeah, smarty pants, if you read FLOSS it's just about crap? scratch 
taht surface a little, would you?

Now, re-read that sentence.
I know Ben can take it. He will probably smile at it. He will probably 
like me even more after that.

Now, imagine the author of that paper reading Ben's comment. Will she 
take it like that? Sure she doesn't know Ben, she doesn't understand 
that if he does not say something bad, it means he felt it was good 
enough. Silence is probably the best complient you can get from him.

Imagine living in a house where teh ASF board members lived together.
[mental image of stefano running out of the house screaming]
Look at us. Yeah, us, alpha geeks!
A little flowers on the table might not be enough to get the alpha 
geek-ness go away, but, know what?, it's not the result (which is going 
to be pathetic anyway, and they know that already), it's the effort!

I really strongly hope that efforts like take off... in a 
few years, *we* might be using female aliases to go overthere and be 
able to start questions without having to spend a few months ahead of 
time to know enough not to look like idiots (or using the violent tone 
just to mask our knowledge lacks with arrogance).

Or maybe, I'm all wrong. And it's their fault. And we are cool and they 
are a bunch of losers. So let's go back and play. Where were we? Who's 
up for a DD game? [sound of stefano scratching ass]


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Re: Board Commentary: Metro and Avalon

2004-09-28 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
The problem that Nicola perhaps doesn't realize is that, for Apache to be 
long-term viable, it constantly needs to revive and evolve itself. Otherwise 
it will become a speck in history, and not a dominant force of horizontal 
open-source projects. And as you, Ceki, correctly point out, suche evolution 
is likely to come from a minority and possibly not from the top-tier.
I very much agree with that.
Unfortunately, what Avalon proposes now is a friction-based style of 
community development which impedence creates mismatch with the 
consensus-based style of community developement that is welcome and 
incubated in all other projects.

This impedence mismatch requires continue energy from the top to be 

Now the board is left to determine if we want to promote this new style 
to top level or not and, as a director of the foundation, I have *NOT* 
seen anything that indicates that this approach works better, or even 
equivalently well, with the style that we have today in place.

If you want to change my mind, that's how you start: tell me what is the 
benefit for the ASF in promoting this style of community building, 
despite its long-term history of social energy waste, frustration and 
contract instability.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: IDE licenses

2004-09-21 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Brian Behlendorf wrote:
Eclipse is open source.  Why is this company using their brand?  Ugh.
And you know what's funny? This company bought its way in the board of 
Eclipse too.

F***ed up might not be right, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Policy (Was: Playboy mirror logo?)

2004-08-26 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le 25 août 04, à 15:53, Sam Ruby a écrit :
...What Jim meant when he said that is that people should STOP saying 
things like I am begging you!! and God help us all., 
and START making concrete suggestions on how the policy itself should 

So how about:
a) In principle, only logos from IT-related [1] entities are accepted

-1. First of all, what's non-IT company's fault so it gets discriminated 
like that? Are they somehow second class and do not deserve to be 
mentioned? Second of all, I just don't see any logical justification 
behind this suggestion.

b) Logos from other entities might be accepted if a vote among ASF 
members is more than X percent positive (suggest 80%)

we will take your bandwidth, thank you, but your logo too sucky to be 
ever shown on our page. That's not the message I'd like ASF to show to 
the world out there.
I completely agree with Vadim.
if you don't like to download stuff from don't. How hard 
is that?

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Re: Inexpensive Lists

2004-07-21 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On Sunday, July 18, 2004 4:20 PM -0400 Brian McCallister 

I suspect that if 3 ASF'ers want to discuss a topic via email, and think
a mailing list would help, there should be a mechanism to simply have it
created, bang. Just my 2 cents =)

Mailing lists without PMC oversight should be treated with extreme 
caution. Lists without the necessary oversight might expose the ASF to 
unwanted liability.  The ASF isn't a personal soapbox medium: it's meant 
to facilitate collaborative software projects.

For example, this list (community@) is a *horrible* waste of time that 
adds little value: almost every topic here has a more appropriate list 
elsewhere in the ASF (or, ideally, outside of the ASF).  But, people 
seem to use this list as a dumping ground and are often too lazy to 
think about what the 'proper' list is - instead they just post to 

Bitter?  Nah.  ;-)  -- justin
I completely disagree with this view.

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Re: ASF Board Summary for June 23, 2004

2004-06-28 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Greg Stein wrote:
* The Cocoon PMC Chair also switched over to Sylvain Wallez, after 
  decided to step down. Steven and Geir are both part of the new PRC, 

What new PRC?

Three paragraphs earlier, in Greg's summary:
* The Board approved the formation of the Public Relations Committee
  (PRC). This new committee replaces the Fundraising Committee and also
  rolls in the responsibility and management of our press activities,
  public relations, and management of our web sites. The intent is to
  present a coherent message to the press, our sponsors, and all
  interested parties. This new committee is chaired by Brian Fitzpatrick.
Oh, given the text formatting, I thought it was something related to 
cocoon. Consusing typesettings, but nevermind.


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Re: CVS and Subversion

2004-06-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
On Jun 11, 2004, at 2:20 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:
1) Website needs to be in SVN, else we'll still need accounts for 
who wants to modify their site annd do releases. Are the SVN based
projects taking an approach that handles this? Will it?

In the company we right now use a small script, triggered by
the commmit - which syncs the website up everytime a
commit is made to the released branch/tag.
curious, why not mod_proxy-it directly?

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Re: CVS and Subversion

2004-06-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
On Jun 11, 2004, at 10:35 PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Brian McCallister wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mccallister]$ umask
umask 0002
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mccallister]$ umask -S
and set the group sticky bit on the repository home so that group is 

good hint, thanks.
As we had some conflicting requirements we pretty much killed all use of 
svn over ssh - and forced people to use HTTP/DAV (even on localhost). 
That  solved 80% of those problems :-)
can you elaborate more on this? [very interested]

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Re: CVS and Subversion

2004-06-11 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 11 Jun 2004, at 22:02, Jim Moore wrote:
Actually, the all or nothing part of the transaction isn't a big deal
because, as you said, it's very rare that a commit in CVS would fail.

Problem being (though) is that I've seen Subversion (1.0.2 under Linux) 
fail right because of that... Somehow an atomic transaction was left 
open on the server, don't ask me why...

Basically, after that commit failed, the entire repository was so slow 
that most TCP/IP connections were failing after 3 minutes for timeouts...

Only solution was to run a svn recover followed by a svn rmtxt and 
again followed by another svn recover...
I am experiencing random svn corruptions with svnserve over ssh with svn 
1.0 (how do I find out the real version btw? why isn't svn -v|--version 
give me the version?) over linux 2.6.4

any clue?

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Re: CVS and Subversion

2004-06-11 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Brian W. Fitzpatrick wrote:
On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 13:15, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:

On 11 Jun 2004, at 22:02, Jim Moore wrote:

Actually, the all or nothing part of the transaction isn't a big deal
because, as you said, it's very rare that a commit in CVS would fail.

Problem being (though) is that I've seen Subversion (1.0.2 under Linux) 
fail right because of that... Somehow an atomic transaction was left 
open on the server, don't ask me why...

Basically, after that commit failed, the entire repository was so slow 
that most TCP/IP connections were failing after 3 minutes for timeouts...

Only solution was to run a svn recover followed by a svn rmtxt and 
again followed by another svn recover...
I am experiencing random svn corruptions with svnserve over ssh with svn 

Please be careful to distinguish corruption from my repository needs
to have 'svnadmin recover' run on it.
Could you be running into a repository permissions error?

(how do I find out the real version btw? why isn't svn -v|--version 
give me the version?) over linux 2.6.4

any clue?

'svn --version' works for me:
$ svn --version
svn, version 1.0.2 (r9423)
   compiled Apr 28 2004, 17:16:48
hit me with a baseball bat!
Stefano, crawling back in his corner :-(

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Re: The Opposite of Incubator

2004-05-04 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
At Avalon we have a small problem.
Phoenix has ceased to be actively developed, and an external fork has occurred 
driven by the previous Phoenix developers, called Loom at CodeHaus, and users 
who needs help with Phoenix are directed to the Loom project.

Now, what do we do with the Phoenix codebase in ASF??
GUMP makes this apparent. When changes are made in CVS in projects that 
Phoenix depends on, we will receive Nags. These are of three types;
1. Temporary and will disappear by themself.
2. Incompatible change in other project, by mistake or un-awareness.
3. Permanent Incompatible change. 1.0 - 2.0

By upgrading Phoenix to these changes, seems fairly meaningless.
Killing the Gump descriptor seems like the most logical thing to do, but that 
would affect projects that depends on it (or other similar cases), James in 
this case, I think.

Should there be a notion of Compost, Graveyard or Retirement Home for 
projects that has outlived their community?
There was a lot of discussion about this at the time of the incubator's 
birth. It was suggested that anything related to 'death' was a bad idea.

JServ is, for example, in dead from a community point of view, yet many 
people use it in production. JServ is now located at

If the avalon project feels like discontinuing phoenix, I think you just 
require a PMC vote and then require infrastructure to seal the CVS 
repository and put it in the archive.


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Re: ASF use spamassassin?

2004-04-20 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Martin Kraemer wrote:
On Fri, Apr 16, 2004 at 09:18:17PM -0400, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Will the ASF use Spamassassin?
But my biggest concern is about false positives.

That is why I switched from SA to using *only* bogofilter since
last summer. I never regretted it, because the heuristic approach of SA
needs rule updates everytime a new pattern arises. (Or did I miss a new
SA development?)
Well, I still use SA because it is invoked by amavisd, but I ignore its
decisions completely (because of the false positives, and because of its
suboptimal detection rate overall). 
that has been my experience as well, but spammers are becoming more 
creative and they figured a way to make bayesian blind.

does anybody know if SA is able to update rules automatically now?

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Re: ASF use spamassassin?

2004-04-18 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
David Crossley wrote:
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Sounds like a *contest* to me!  :-)  Can anyone (besides Stefano, who's
in a class by himself :-) beat my 1,540 references
I found 2 unique references for my address.  I was hoping for
none, since I never use it. One is because I simply hadn't noticed that
someone had used that address when adding me to a page.  The other can't be
helped: it is in the KEYS file.  You know ... as in:
pub  1024D/23CB7A2A 2004/04/17 David Crossley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key servers are also a list of e-mail addresses for spammers.

It is a classic isn't it. A search at for apache
does the trick. So we are doomed.
Stefano, i notice that you are not on the list. Is that deliberate?
no, I just never got serious enough with PGP to actually be able to say 
this is my key and never felt the urge for it.


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Re: Announcing Erathostenes 1.0

2004-04-18 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Andrew Savory wrote:
On 17 Apr 2004, at 18:59, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Find out how this works here:

Interesting! But when you say the assumption is that you *never* delete 
anything ... do you mean in perpetuity? How realistic do you think this 
is, given the ~40kb payload of most virus mails these days? Over the 
last 6 months, I've accumulated over a gigabyte of such mail ... that's 
a pretty high cost in disk space!

Or do you discard after retraining?
In this version of the script, if you remove an email from the spam 
folder, the spam database is untrained. This allows you to avoid the 
escalation of false positives (if you can still spot them!).

In the previous incarnation, the script was not doing this, but the 
problem was that if you had a false positive (or, much more frequent, 
you moved your ham in the spam folder by mistake and you didn't notice 
before cron called the trainer) this pollutes the database.

In order to be able to perform undo in training (this is not frequent 
but it's a nice feature) you need to save everything at all time. 
Actually, the way the script works today is that it makes a local copy 
of the email in your server, so not only you save everything, but you 
have two copies of it.

Note that it is entirely possible, in case your disk space is limited, 
to modify the script to remove binary attachments from email.

Anyway, In my case, I have 320mb of spam in the last 6 months. Disk 
space is not that big of a deal these days, especially on servers.


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Re: ASF use spamassassin?

2004-04-18 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
David Crossley wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
David Crossley wrote: 

It is a classic isn't it. A search at for apache
does the trick. So we are doomed.
Stefano, i notice that you are not on the list. Is that deliberate?
no, I just never got serious enough with PGP to actually be able to say 
this is my key and never felt the urge for it.

Ah, and also that you are using S/MIME not PGP.
Sorry for asking silly questions, i am new to this minefield.
eheh, it's a field you learn fast, nothing better than some good itches 
to scratch to stimulate your creativity ;-)


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Re: ASF use spamassassin?

2004-04-17 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
David Crossley wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
But my biggest concern is about false positives.
One solution would be to use spamassassin for tagging purposes only, but 
at that point it's much better to let people do the filtering 
themselves. There is no reason in wasting precious CPU power for that.

A more socially-acceptable compromise would be to leave the threshold 
level of the cutoff point to the various people to set (you could set a 
.spam_threshold file in your home directory with the cut-off point). So, 
if you keep the threshold low and complain, well, that was your own fault.
I would prefer to see server-side filtering because i don't
want to even receive the volume of junk. It is a big waste
of precious bandwidth.
True, but keep in mind that you can still do server-side filtering, just 
you have to do it on your own (as I do already today, for example).

Surely we can tune SA to minimise false-positives, especially
since we have the experts themselves at Apache.
Being an expert in pattern matching doesn't make you an expert in 
understanding what is spam or not for somebody.

My point is that no matter what, there is only so much you can do on a 
centralized spam filter and you should not, IMO, attempt to do to much.

That's why I think leaving the threshold configurable by person is the 
best approach since it leaves you the ability to turn the nob in how 
selective your filter is.


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Re: ASF use spamassassin?

2004-04-17 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi dijo:
David Crossley wrote:
Surely we can tune SA to minimise false-positives, especially
since we have the experts themselves at Apache.
Being an expert in pattern matching doesn't make you an expert in
understanding what is spam or not for somebody.

AFAIK, if anti-spam expert existed, the SPAM problem will be solved years
ago and this is not the case. People is trying to find the anti-spam
solution. The progress in the area is good, but nobody found the right
solution. I personally think the one (or team) who will solve the
anti-spam problem will be part of the computer history for ever!
Sometime I found you very reluctant to some technologies. Please look
around and you will find that spamassassin is the best we can have right
now in anti-spam technology. This is not casuality that many companies are
building anti-spam product using spamassassin to stop spam around the
world. Currently, spamassassin is scaning millions of mail per day and is
sucessful in that:
And we (on the ASF) are discusing right not about if will be fine to eat
our own food. :-(
I didn't say we aren't not going to use it.
I just said that given the size of the email traffic and the variety of 
people (almost a thousand) that this move will impact, the ASF 
infrastructure team is considering this with great care and, as usual, 
doesn't want to rush things, but try to do them right.

Besides, there is no hurry since, as I said, you still do all you want 
from your end without impacting everybody else.


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Announcing Erathostenes 1.0

2004-04-17 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
My email address gets 3,820 references in google. Security by obscurity 
doesn't work, nor fighting spam via obfuscation.

My counter indicates 4534 spam message since monday.
Of these, only 45 reached my inbox (and half of those are those damn 
Vicodin strains! grrr)

Of all the 27000 spam messages that my spam repo has, I was not able to 
find a single false positive in the last 6 months.

Find out how this works here:
Hope this helps.

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Re: ASF use spamassassin?

2004-04-17 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Antonio Gallardo wrote:
I just hope soon the spam problem will find a final solution.
The final solution is to render it obviously ineffective and this battle 
is done on your end.

Why do you think google gives you a Gb-worth of storage? so that you 
don't delete anything.

Why that? have way more subsymbolic semantic data to train their 
networks, so that not only they can be the best search engine, but also 
the best spam filter in the world.

I've been doing this myself for more than a year now and I could not 
imagine a world without this, it would be impossible for me to find a 
single email in the pile of shit I receive.

The hope is not that spammers will go away, but that those who *pay* 
them for spamming will find the thing so ineffective that will put them 
out of business.

And you win this battle only with with better content-based filters, not 
obfuscation, nor whitelists, nor blacklists.

Or you make sending email more expensive or you have authorities 
regulating digital identies. But those might create more problems than 
they solve.

What we need is a web of distributed identity control.
But that's the hardest thing in the history of technology applied to 

Luckily Apache hosts a few people that have been working extensively in 
the area... so well, something might turn out from that too.

For now, I just filter the hell out of them ;-)

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Re: Mailing lists hiding sender's address?

2004-04-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Ceki Gülcü [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Your comments are welcome.
If you pick 10 people and ask them, you come up with at least 20 
solutions for spam and 100 ideas.

I think email obfuscation is just as useless yet appealing as security 
thru obscurity if the amount of email obfuscated is high enough (and 
apache produces tons of it). We can pick n random obfucation methods, 
but this will make the job just n times harder and I don't think we can 
come up with more than, say, 20 meaningful obfuscation methods.

Another idea is to remove the From: header entirely. This way, you don't 
know who sent the email, nor spammers can. But this will totally destroy 
the mail list ecosystem.

Your proposal of using bogus address looks appealing at first, but it 
potentially makes the problem even worse: it might be a worm sending you 
that message, pretending to be me.

Net result: Ceki is now (involuntarely) spamming Stefano.
Note that if this method was institutionalized, you need rebouncing 
prevention (my bogus address spamming your bogus address and ping-pong 

I am strongly against any system that bounces email and my 300 
spam/bounces messages a day prove why [ and I can't estimate how many 
don't even reach my inbox due to prefiltering ]


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Re: Adding Stefano's How it Works! paper to Apache web

2004-04-04 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
On Apr 4, 2004, at 4:14 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
After forwarding the whitepaper version of Stefano Mazzocchi's 
Apachecon 2003 session on How the ASF Works to several people 
interested in learning about Apache, it occurred to me that having 
this content somewhere easy to find on the web site would be a good 
thing.  So...with Stefano's permission, I converted the pdf to xdoc 
and submitted a patch here
I included a patch to add a link to the new page off of the Foundation 
menu. Both the formatting and placement are just initial suggestions. 
If others think this is a good idea, we can reformat / pull apart / 
relocate in whatever way makes sense.

 Nice ! Very Nice !
I have received a lot of positive comments on that content and I'm very 
happy (and proud) that Phil took the time and effort to do this.

I would be honored if that became the official document on the ASF.
I also received a bunch of suggestions mostly from Ben and Jason (here 
copied because I'm not sure they are subscribed here). I hope they chime in.


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Re: Apache should join the open source java discussion

2004-03-19 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Costin Manolache wrote:
Serge Knystautas wrote:
Leo Simons wrote:
Key ASF individuals are joining these discussions, on weblogs and 
various discussion forums. But the ASF as a whole is silent.

In lieu of forming a statement for the ASF as a whole, what about 
organizing/encouraging/guiding people who want to participate?  Maybe 
specific resources that should be targetted, such as where the most 
active and/or productive discussions are taking place.

What about starting by making sure Apache java projects _do_ work with 
the 2 open source JVMs that are mentioned in the
article ?  That would be a statement, much better than we like open 
source java, but our software doesn't run on it because it doesn't
really matter.
Nobody has been stopping you from proposing an incubation project about 


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Re: Apache should join the open source java discussion

2004-03-19 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
On Mar 18, 2004, at 7:10 PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Costin Manolache wrote:
Serge Knystautas wrote:
Leo Simons wrote:
Key ASF individuals are joining these discussions, on weblogs and 
various discussion forums. But the ASF as a whole is silent.

In lieu of forming a statement for the ASF as a whole, what about 
organizing/encouraging/guiding people who want to participate?  
Maybe specific resources that should be targetted, such as where the 
most active and/or productive discussions are taking place.

What about starting by making sure Apache java projects _do_ work 
with the 2 open source JVMs that are mentioned in the
article ?  That would be a statement, much better than we like open 
source java, but our software doesn't run on it because it doesn't
really matter.

Nobody has been stopping you from proposing an incubation project 
about this.

Why would it be an incubation?
Because all new project have to go thru incubation to get up to speed.

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Re: Apache should join the open source java discussion

2004-03-19 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
What about starting by making sure Apache java projects _do_ work
with the 2 open source JVMs that are mentioned in the
article ?  That would be a statement, much better than we like open
source java, but our software doesn't run on it because it doesn't
really matter.
Nobody has been stopping you from proposing an incubation project
about this.
Why would it be an incubation?
Because all new project have to go thru incubation to get up to speed.

What new project?  I didn't see one.  I don't think Geir saw one.  All I saw
was a notion that existing projects would test with other JVMs.  This could
be done by each project that cares to do it, and perhaps GUMP could do it
for all.
And, by the way, outside projects enter the ASF through the Incubator.  I
don't believe that anyone has ever said that if, for the sake of argument,
Cocoon wants to build a new Flash-based webapp framework, that it needs to
start it in the Incubator.
Did I miss a memo?
No, you are both right, it's me misunderstanding Costin's comments.
Apologies, I need a brain transplant soon.

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Re: Apache should join the open source java discussion

2004-03-18 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
David N. Welton wrote:
Brian McCallister [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I suspect that getting a consensus from the ASF members, much less
the community at large, as to a stance on open source Java will be
pretty difficult. The ASF is made up of individuals, not a small
number of which are intimately involved with each of the major JVM

Is anyone actually against this?  I would find that disheartening.  I
think a simple, general statement would be a good contribution:
The Apache Software Foundation would like to add our encouragement to
the parties looking into open sourcing some or all of Java.  We are in
no way opposed to the existance of proprietary software, but in our
years of experience working with open source infrastructure, have come
to recognize that having the basic building blocks for some of our
most successful projects be free would be of enourmous benefit to all
involved, both individuals and corporations
Or something along those lines...short, sweet, not asking, but
I would totally give my +1 for something like this.

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Re: Renaming package names

2004-03-12 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Nick Chalko wrote:
Ceki Gülcü wrote:
In one of my current projects I have come across some 3rd-party
commercial product, that they have renamed the
(from org.apache.log4j to - just wanted to
know if this does not violate the Apache Software license?

I think bea, does this. It is one way of ensuring that bea will use 
exactly the version of log4j they want without naming/classpath 
confilts. I think it is fine as long as the NOTICE with attribution to 
the ASF is left.
java (unlike c#) does not have a versioning concept for classes so many 
people are resulting in changing package names to do exactly that and 
make sure that you don't trigger class cast exceptions during classloading.

[cocoon is currently voting about doing the same on the other side, 
changing the name of the rhino packages to avoid collision with rhino 
shipped with weblogic and websphere]

also, keep in mind that there is nothing in the license that stops 
people from changing package names.

You could think that the use of the name apache and log4j in the 
package name would be considered abusive, but this would result in them 
changing the name entirely and this would not solve any issue.

In short: if they give credits, they are in good faith, if not, no 
matter what they do with the software, they are abusive... but package 
name change should not be considered abusive as such, but rather a 
necessity that arised out of java internal limitations.


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Re: Subversion 1.0

2004-02-27 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Jeff Trawick wrote:
Sander Striker wrote:
On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 21:02, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Is SVN being proposed for Incubation?  I hadn't heard.

SVN is built on top of APR, and also implements an Apache module
(mod_dav_svn), so it already uses a lot of ASF code.  That said,
it would totally rock if SVN would come to the ASF.

well put!!
I wonder how the SVN community would feel about this.
Greg, do you have any idea? what would be your opinion about this?

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Re: [ Subversion 1.0.0 released.]

2004-02-23 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Greg Stein wrote:
- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Subject: Subversion 1.0.0 released.
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 04:24:55 -0600 (CST)
Subversion 1.0.0 is ready!
It lives! :-)
Finally, I must say [with all due respect, that is] ;-)
More than anything, I strongly hope that means that the protocol is stable.

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Re: ASF Board Summary for February 18, 2004

2004-02-23 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Feb 23, 2004, at 10:05, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
On 23/02/2004, at 3:55 PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Greg Stein wrote:
It's amazing to see how the foundation, despite it's growth, is still 
flexible enough to make serious decisions in changing old habits and 
past mistakes.

This is all very refreshing.
Thanks !
Great work guys, I'm proud.
:-) Ha!
:-) :-) But no amounth of flattery is going to keep you safe - one day 
we will finally
find a way to see you shanghaied and tied up onto a board seat.. :-) 
Damn smart kids! :-)
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Re: planet aggregation doing some editing?

2004-02-09 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 9 Feb 2004, at 10:04, Brian McCallister wrote:
On Feb 9, 2004, at 9:50 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
the style attribute is dangerous?
absolute positioning, maybe.
with color.
I remember somebody (norman walsh?) showing how you can change the 
meaning of a page by injecting style that could color words in a 
sentence white on a white background, then rearrange the words around 
and make it look like a totally different sentence.

pretty clever hack and for sure not that portable with current state of 
CSS selectors support, but in the future, well, that's something to be 
really concerned about in general.

but for this particular case, style is no danger since it's embedded 
and come from the same source.

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Re: Single Location for syndicated Apache blogs

2004-01-10 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 8 Jan 2004, at 19:38, Ted Leung wrote:
Next someone will insist that this has to go through the incubator.
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Re: Community *thanks* and Community *responsibility*

2003-12-22 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
Now I am exploring about our brains. :-)
left-side cerebral cortex (A) | right-side cerebral cortex (D)
left-side limbic system   (B) | right-side limbic system   (C)
(A) can be expressed as Calculation Brain
(B) can be expressed as Organization/Planning Brain
(C) can be expressed as Communication Brain
(D) can be expressed as Innovation/Integration Brain
(A) is opposed to (C) as well as (B) is opposed to (D).
The confrontation between (A) and (C) can be expressed as
the difference of men/women. (Just a difference of the preference of
(B) brain often takes responsibilities of local organization
(and person). Also, (B) brain is highly related to sectionalism,
(Bureaucrats often create trifling works in order to maintain their
*local* organizations and keep their prides ;-)
On the other hand, (D) brain (as opposed to (B) brain) can also
take responsibilities, however, they would be rather global
responsibilites. I imagined these *responsibilities* can be highly
associated with community thanks.
When I became Apache Software Foundation Committer, I felt strangeness
of the messages Thanks/Sorry from some ASF members. I tried
to confirm what makes them say such words in particular situations.
Now, I do realize that this was Community thanks/Community sorry.
( = These *thanks* messages are derived from the WILL of our community)
Yes, I have come to realize and now feel these Community Thanks/Sorrys
very comfortable. Also, I can proudly say that Thanks, Apache. Maybe,
this is one of the most important factors by which Apache attracts a lot
of developers and users from all over the world.
Also, as I've read the bylaws of the ASF, this bylaws seems to have
affinity to these kinds of Community Thanks/Sorry/Responsibility
... really nice.
... What do you folks think?
What is this community thanks/sorry thing? and what does this have to 
do with the brain stucture you describe?

Excuse my evident stupidity but I don't get it.
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Re: Transition of the subscribers to announce MLs

2003-12-02 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 1 Dec 2003, at 22:55, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 11:40:21 -0600
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
If you want to avoid offense, a much better term for your efforts (and
more recognizable in the western open-source world) is evangelism.
And those evangelism efforts from you, and many folks who champion
the foundation and the ApacheCon show, are always appreciated :-)
Aha... Okeydokey, I've already known the term evangelize and
it's common in japan, too. I did not know that this word can be
used in the western open-source world. I imagined that
evangelize/evangelist could be used only by me and Stefano ;-)
# Evalgelion -- The title of the famous Japanimation.
To contextualize a little: Tetsuia and I had a few private 
conversations about differences in culture between Italy and Japan 
(also, the are also amazing similiarities... don't forget that WWII was 
Germany+Italy+Japan vs. rest of the world, definately not something to 
be proud of, but nevertheless interesting to understand how it could 
came to be)

During these conversations, I expressed my long-time fascination for 
the japanese culture and society that, I believe, was transmitted to me 
thru anime (I basically grew up watching anime) and more recently 

BTW, the complete title is Neon Genesis Evangelion and I believe 
it's, by far, the best robot anime ever. If you can, watch it.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Talk about ASF

2003-11-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 28 Nov 2003, at 09:57, Sander Striker wrote:
On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 08:28, Avik Sengupta wrote:
I have been invited to give a talk on the Apache Software Foundation 
the Linux Bangalore/2003 ( which bills
itself as India's premier Linux/OpenSource event.

I hope to give the audience an idea of what the ASF community is all
about. A brief outline of my thoughts for the talk is at
I would be keen to get some advise from folks here.. what are the
attributes of our community you would highlight at events like this.
I suggest you have a chat with Stefano, who did a talk at the ApacheCon
this year about the structure of the ASF:
  The second plenary on monday.
Find the presentation here
and the whitepaper here
feel free to use.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Mailing from apache email address

2003-11-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On 7 Nov 2003, at 23:25, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
Therefore, you have one other option involving SSH, but allowing you to
use your local mail client. is configured to allow
SMTP relaying via the localhost interface.  So what you do is set up an
SSH tunnel that connects your own localhost port X (X can be any value
above 1024) to minotaur's localhost port 25; then in your mail client
configuration, you set your SMTP server to be localhost, port X.  
you send a message, your mail client will connect to localhost:X, 
over your SSH connection to localhost:25 on minotaur.  I do this, 
not with's server.
Uh, didn't know that minotaur allowed that. You learn something new 
every day ;-)

Stefano, who likes to have several options when email is concerned
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Re: Inappropriate use of announce@

2003-10-21 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Tuesday, Oct 21, 2003, at 07:03 Europe/Rome, Craig R. McClanahan 

Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 08:02:35 -0400
(Subject: Re: Inappropriate use of announce@)
Rodent of Unusual Size [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

tetsuya has a lot of energy, and i think we are seeing the common
decay into inertia and conservatism common to groups as they grow
and age.  imho, we should work against this tendency, and seek to
empower people (or at least help them find appropriate ways to
use all that energy) rather than stifle them with policies and
Thank you :)
The only two ways to avoid bureaucracy are :
* Accept the difference, heterogeneous ways of thinking
 with each other (with RESPECT)
* Invite Innovative-Mind guys/ladies constantly
Innovative (half of the computer engineers have such a mind)
way of thinking can be easily in opposition to that
of Conservative. This is explained by the brain
(In these cases, right-cerebral brain and left-limbic brain) 

Bureaucracy is highly tied up with left-limbic brain. Also,
bureaucracy is one of social-diseases, which are curable
by no means. Bureaucrats tend to hide their asses,
possess the instinct of self-preservation, and highly
show the self-defense mechanism when
attacked by innovative (non-conservative, liberal) ones.
# Self-Defense Mechanism can be perceived by very funny
# reactions of the bureaucrats. Very Funny, Indeed.
The matter is worse, those who are genuine :) bureaucrats can not 
assay themselves as they are suffering from the disease
of bureaucratism.

This (bureaucracy) can be found here, there, everywhere in japan :)
Incurable serious disease of the society... As if we are awiting
the collapse to death of our social system within a few years.
well well, you are just going too far here, IMO.
One thing is being rude and non diplomatic. An entirely different thing 
is to be a part of a serious disease.

Even more sad that you can see the similarities, but not the 

When I apologized it was because of the tone of the discussion and 
because the discussion took place in the wrong location (when 
foundation-wide entities  start to deal with merit issues, the entire 
foundation looses the ability to increase its diversity, thus to adapt 
better to a changing environment)

Now, you want the system to adapt to you, but how much are you going to 
adapt to the system?

Calling the ASF beaurocratic shows only how low your ability to 
understand and adapt to a much more complex system is.

This is understandable, but not excusable as a reason to resign.
[you can just say sorry, I'm tired or have no time for this and 
that would be a perfect reason to resign, but that's another story]

Like many others here, I definitely appreciate your contributions on 
the Apache Newsletter.  It has been a task needing to be done, but 
nobody previously was willing to put in the energy and enthusiasm you 
have shown to actually make it happen.  But I would like to point out 
something you *might* not have given enough weight to in your own 
thinking -- cultural sensitivity is a two way street.

One of the hardest things for many newcomers to Apache (or other open 
source cultures that operate similarly) is the brusque-sounding tone 
of many comments.  It's not personal -- it's based on a (shared) goal 
to improve things, not necessarily (or even usually) intended to shut 
things down.  There are more than a few times when I've come close to 
saying to heck with this place due to criticisms of my actions that 
I took too personally; but not doing so was one of the best things I 
ever avoided doing.

Your comment about bureacracy is interesting.  For the first time in 
my life, I've spent the last three+ years working for a big company 
(Sun), after working for organizations with  500 employees previously 
in my career.  Apache's bureaucracy doesn't hold a candle to Sun's 
:-).  Nor, from what I gather, does it compare to most other big 
organizations either.  In fact, the real problems I see for Apache are 
almost the opposite.  It is the *lack* of a final authority making 
decisions is what causes most of the conflict I see.
True, but for deity;'s sake, I wouldn't want to change!!!
As a wise and effective politician once said democracy is a terribly 
poor form of government, but every other one is worse.

The meritocratic system we use has its own defects and it's 
questionable if it can scale more without collapsing on its own weight 
(due to its inverted top-bottom flow of control), but any other form of 
government would possibly induce higher efficiency, but lower our 
ability to adapt and diversify.

In the case at hand, you ended up reacting to one person's statement.  
That person did not speak for the Board or the Members; he spoke for 
himself.  I personally doubt if his opinion was, or is, even a 
majority view of whatever constituency you consider to be the Apache 
community.  And, the fact that the previous 

Re: Inappropriate use of announce@

2003-10-21 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
I don't want to drag this along forever, but I feel I need to be 
precise because I don't want email communication to make it drier than 
it is.

On Tuesday, Oct 21, 2003, at 09:07 Europe/Rome, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 08:52:16 +0200
Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
When I apologized it was because of the tone of the discussion and
because the discussion took place in the wrong location (when
foundation-wide entities  start to deal with merit issues, the entire
foundation looses the ability to increase its diversity, thus to
adapt better to a changing environment)
Stefano, to tell the truth, what made me sad was
the apologies from you at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You, announce@ moderator, should not have apologized because
you were *not* guilty. What made me angry and sad was
not the TONE of the controversy at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rather, what I did (publish the newsletter) let
you apologize to the other people.
I understand and respect your feelings and positions, but I also would 
like you to know that I was not sad, nor angry, just disappointed by 
what happened over at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This discussions seems to be touching several human sides and it's 
probably getting bigger that is should be, but there are a few things 
that were realized:

 1) infrastructure@ should deal with infrastructure issues *only*. the 
decisions to use announce@ for publishing the newsletter should *NOT* 
have been discussed on infrastructure and any decision taken by them 
without a reasonable infrastructural concern should be void and 

 2) open source communities tend to be aggressive environments. I don't 
know if this is because we have our hearts on our keyboards as Ken 
poetically phrased ('poetically' intended as a compliment, not as 
ironic criticism), if because email is such a poor communication media, 
if we use a common language and native speakers tend to forget the 
impedence mismatch with non-native speakers, if we haven't seen in 
person before,  a lot of potential reasons.

NOTE: #2 is, IMHO, the reason why women cannot stay in an open source 
environment for long. Women dislike aggressive environments by nature.

 3) burn-out happens. I have been burned out twice and in both 
situations I left for a while. As long as one year at one point. All 
the people that I know and learned from all burned out, some left for 
some time, some left entirely.

 4) the more the foundation grows, the harder is going to be to change 
something. this appears as beaurocracy, but it's not, it's just social 
inertia and it's not as bad as it seems because it keeps thing sane.

Yes, I knew that you did really take care of the
mood of community and i suspect that you apologized
because of it. However, it made me sad at the same time.
You shouldn't be.
I felt I had to apologize because when I consider myself part of a 
community or team (not that I'm consider myself part of 
infrastructure@, i'm just a stupid lurker there with no sysadm skills 
whatsoever), if one makes a mistake, the entire community makes it.

I don't think David and Sander did such a bad thing, they expressed 
their opinion, but I disliked the way they did and I wanted to 
apologize for the feeling you got out of this.

You felt sad but they probably felt angry at me because of this, but, 
if they did, they didn't express it publicly.

As you see, there are many sides all the time and it's really hard to 
find a balance.

It takes respect and a good dose of patience and ability to digest what 
you dislike and simply pass by without taking it personally. And, 
believe me, this is an art on its own and crosses cultural borders to 
reach the limits of wisdom.

...but I'm getting too philosophical, I think, so I stop here and just 
respect your choice.

Calling the ASF beaurocratic shows only how low your ability to
understand and adapt to a much more complex system is.
No, I did not declare. I am now talking about the
*beaurocracy* with the people in japanese government.
Most of my juniors (Kouhai) / seniors (Sempai) are
government officials.
That's it.
Oh, then if I misinterpreted your comments. Sorry for that.
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Re: How to get pgp keys signed

2003-10-16 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Wednesday, Oct 15, 2003, at 23:31 Europe/Rome, Ben Hyde wrote:
 - ben (who thinks that the web of PGP signatures doesn't grow because 
people can't figure out the rules and are embaressed to admit it)
..or they haven't been given a reason to care.
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Re: How to get pgp keys signed

2003-10-16 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Oct 16, 2003, at 18:56 Europe/Rome, Ben Hyde wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Ben Hyde wrote:
 - ben (who thinks that the web of PGP signatures doesn't grow 
because people can't figure out the rules and are embaressed to 
admit it)
..or they haven't been given a reason to care.
My dear friend Stefano -  go ahead, pull my cord, bait me, tease me...
yep, that was the goal! :-)
Hot button:  How to make your community more action oriented: Don't 
focus on motives for actions, focus on barriers that prevent those 

There is a wonderful bit of psych research on this.  They were 
attempting to see if people[1]  were better motivated by reason or 
fear.  So they made two pamphlets, one explained the benefits of 
testing for STDs and the other painted a horrific picture of the 
consequences of going untreated.  Much to their frustration the 
behavior of the students was mostly indistinguishable.  Both 
approaches resulted in some increase in the desired behavior.

But this is the important bit.
They then made a 'slight' modification to the pamphlets.  They 
provided directions on how to get to the clinic along with it's hours 
of operation.  This single change made all the difference.

  - ben :-)
[1] undergrads actually.
Point taken and understood, but ask yourself: would have they gone to 
the clinic if they didn't know what a clinic was?

If somebody doesn't know what difference does it make to have a key 
signed or not, why would he/she want to go thru it?

Before giving the clinic hours of operation, you should at least tell 
them what a clinic actually is for, no?

Stefano, crypto ignorant but fascinated by it
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Re: Apache Web Of Trust, was Re: [FYI] Apache Agora 1.2

2003-10-13 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Monday, Oct 13, 2003, at 15:35 Europe/Rome, Ben Laurie wrote:
Speaking of which: where's those t-shirt designs, dammit?
I would gladly to the graphic design part but don't have any idea on 
what to write on it :-(

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[FYI] Apache Agora 1.2

2003-10-04 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
It's with great pleasure that I announce the availability of Apache 
Agora 1.2.

Find it over at
[NOTE: the location has changed since last version!]
Unlike previous versions where dataclouds were generated by a script 
and simply visualized by the application, with this new version, you 
can play interactively not only with the graph, but changing it 
directly from the application.

In the above location you find an instance of agora running as an 
applet (NOTE: you need Java 1.2 or above to see it!) and connecting to 
the Apache mail archives hosted on Nagoya.

Agora runs a preprocessing scripts over the entire eyebrowse archives 
every Sunday morning (Pacific time) understanding which mbox files were 
modified and reprocessing only those who need reprocessing.

You can also download a distribution to run the visualizer and the 
script locally on your own MBOX files. See the README.txt file included 
in the distribution for more info on how to do this.

The changes since version 1.1 are:
o) Added the ability to zoom into the graphs by right-clicking
   (or control-clicking for single-button mice) and show the labels
   of the nodes closeby (they are drawn radially from the mouse
   location to reduce label overlap).
o) Moved the datacloud aggregation and processing into the application.
   This allows a nicer usability of the tool so that users can create
   dataclouds on the fly using preprocessed mailbox information
   that can be published on the web.
o) Added the ability to introduce time-based link decay which
   simulates the fact that the importance of a reply decays with
o) Modified the mailbox processing scripts to produce message data
   instead of dataclouds. Message data is fetched by the application
   to produce the datacloud according to the selection of the processed
   message archives that the user selects.
o) Improved the overall prettyness of the drawing by extensive use of 
   functions like rounded rectangles and transparency. The overall 
   performance has been reduced, but there is the ability to turn off 
   of the drawing to improve performance.

o) Introduction of a grouping capabilities that draws circles around 
   nodes that participated in a particular community. This allows better
   identification of the 'node clusters' which belong to different 

 - o -
Agora will be presented in detail at my Virtual Community Dynamics at 
ApacheCON 2003

As usual, feedback, is very welcome.
Happy playing! :-)
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Re: [Apache Newsletter Draft] News from YOUR PROJECTS in July, 2003

2003-08-02 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Friday, Aug 1, 2003, at 15:01 Europe/Rome, David Reid wrote:
Can we move discussions about newsletters to another mailing list?
I know I'm not alone in finding that while some here will be 
many aren't interested in assisting though will happily read the 
results. Regrettable? Certainly.

Why not add a newsletter@ mailing list and those that feel they have
literary bones can join there and contribute towards the newsletters
production, then once it's ready and available it can be announced on
announce@ (and possibly here as well).
Life is too full of emails that can be considered spam already and I'd
rather not add to that pile with messages (however well intentioned) 
newsletters and the administration thereof.
what happend to the tune please not yet another mail list?
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Re: MailAlias.txt

2003-07-24 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Tuesday, Jul 22, 2003, at 23:41 America/Guayaquil, Tetsuya Kitahata 

I put the text file named MailAlias.txt on the committer module
(on the top directory).
The aim of this file is to make AGORA stats more precise.
I created this file for the purpose of making stats on
each mailing lists (fantastic!) via my favorite mail client soft
originally, however, I thought that this could be used for
AGORA, too.
Please feel free to add your e-mail alias or modify this file.
I'll patch agora to include this information ASAP.
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Apache Newsletter [Re: Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9 -- May-June 2003]

2003-07-11 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 7/11/03 6:07 AM Thom May wrote:

 Why the obsession with email?

push vs. pull

example: we are having this conversation and the information I'm sending
its pushed into your mailbox. I could post this information on a weblog
and then point you to it, but, in my experience, the chance that you
will read it is much lower.

another reason is asynchronicity. if I push it in your mailboxes, you
carry it with you. maybe on a train, as it was already noted. Sure, you
can download stuff from the web and carry it with you but it *requires*
effort from your part. Again, the chance that you will do it is much lower.

This is what I would like to see:

 1) the ASF publishes a newsletter (following the very nice style used
in the recent Jakarta one) that covers all the ASF endevours. Including
infrastructure, licensing, security, incubation and all the
non-so-project stuff.

 2) the newsletter is sent to

 3) the newsletter is then archived on[date]

What do you think?


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Re: Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9 -- May-June 2003

2003-07-10 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 7/10/03 4:21 PM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

one of the consequences of encouraging the breaking up of jakarta is
that there are a lot more apache projects (whether they started in
if we do manage to get some momentum for an apache-wide newsletter, would
 Please please !
 I think that none of us works in a vacuum across artificial boundaries.
 Virtually all systems I build at work or for play, mix and match things; a
 bit of XML here, some application language there, perhaps some java left,
 somea bit of apache to connect it safely to the internet; some PDF
 generation to keep PHB's happy, etc, etc.
 XML, web and java are rarely separated; WS and ant straddle half our world
 - t is hard to think of any app server environment whilst ignoring bits of
 php or mod_perl, etc, etc
 So an apache-wide newsletter would be great. And posting it to apache wide
 announce, or even xposting it to all announce mailing list - sure. I'd
 love that. Having it on the web is nice for archival too - but I certainly
 do not mind 5-25k of well written quality newsletter (like the recent one,
 or like apache week) delivered to my doorstep.
 Keep up the good work - and think broad - there are no real boundaries in
 the ASF, except for those we invent ourselves.

I can hardly agree more with Dirk's view.

I think we should have an apache-wide newsletter and deliver it thru once a month.

At apachecon one of the most packed sessions is always the explaination
about all the different projects in one confy session.

This newsletter tells people about the status quo without having to
shop around for info. I think it would be a great tool to increase
crosspollination and awareness even for people inside the ASF (me first!)


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Re: WORA Considered Evil ;-)

2003-06-28 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/27/03 5:37 PM Steve Brewin wrote:

 - the chance of a JVM exploit.
 - potential exploits via native code in
   a JDBC driver.
 - the use of native code in matchers/mailets,
   e.g., the anti-virus matcher.
 - the use of third party matchers/mailets.
 - the use of user-defined scripting matchers/mailets
 - support for SOAP
 - one pipeline being extra busy or big
   performing lots of processing and/or
   handling large messages, should not
   deny service to other users.

 I remain unconvinced that all of the issues are potential security risks,
 but as I tried to say in an earlier posting, its a matter of trust.

Many java programmers are used to think that being so abstract from
metal, a java JVM is instrinsically more secure.

It is true that the usual types of attack like buffer overflows just
don't make any sense (unless they attack the native libraries
underneath, but even that is hard) and that the JVM security model is
very well designed (they choose security over performance and it's a
choice that, IMO, paid well, .NET does the other way around and we'll
see what happens)

At the same time, imagine taking all sendmails of the world and
substitute them with what James right now, how long would it take hack
into it?

I would suspect a few weeks.

Yeah, it's a matter of trust and it's because of paranoia that trust is
created because it's a catch-22 cycle:

 - sysadm are paranoid (irrationally so, so forget about changing that)

 - sysadm with big load and with a system that works, won't change it
because of architectural elegance, you need functionality: they look at
security, performance and ease of configuration/use (in that order) and
99% of them stop there

 - performance can be effectively measured, ease of configuration/use
can be tried and appreciated (although irrationally as well, so be
prepared to do stuff that *they* are used to, not stuff that you think
they should be learning to do! this is the key to usability: adapt the
system to users, not the other way around) but...

 - security cannot be measured, it's a matter of trust.

I'll tell you a story: Apache JServ is still considered today one of the
most solid, scalable and lightweight servlet engines on the market. So
much so that Oracle still ships it in their AppServer.

Well, we *never* were able to convince the Apache sysadms to install it
on apache machines. Why? at the end, I think, it was lack of trust. On
java, on java on freeBSD, on the load consumption, on the memory
consumption, I can't really tell you what it was, but, reality is that
it never happened.

is there an *real* reason for that? I don't think so. but we are humans,
we have feelings and we have fears. If you don't design a technical
system taking ease of use and the users' fears into consideration, you
are doomed to failure in aquiring a good and diverse community of users.

Reading your post that dismiss the UNIX sysadm fears as a think of the
past, remind me of the discussion Pier and I had when we thought about
the exact same thing of Brian's (for us, excessive) concerns on java.

Today, after being involved in infrastructure@ for a while (just
lurking, I'm not even close to be decent enough as a sysadm to help
them), I can tell you that it's exactly this get modern and stop the
crap approach that is hurting java and stopping it from becoming
mainstream in main fields.

I might be wrong, but I blame it on WORA.

I'm really happy to hear Noel having a much more down to earth
approach to the problems, it will give James much more chances of being
appreciated by a much wider audience.

And this was the reason why I started talking about this.

You can argue all day about the technical reasons why those fears are
unjustified, but fears are not objective: there are aereonautic
engineers who are afraid of flying. From a purely rational point of
view, it should be impossible, but it happens.

Pier is a world-class java programmer and earned this merit by
participating in writing some of the best java software available on the
market. Still, and maybe because of this, he doesn't trust it as much as
it trusts other software or, let's put it this way, doesn't trust the
WORA-injected syndrome that everything should be run inside the JVM.

I heard rumors that many of the Solaris engineers in Sun think exactly
the same about java, but they are silenced by the company. Go figure.

So, at the end, while I agree with you that some of those fears are
technically hard to justify, the only objective part is that they exist.

You can choose to ignore them, but in doing so, James will just never
exit the cool concept stage it has been in since its creation.

I believe there is critical mass for this project to exit that stage and
enter the next phase where it really starts eroding marketshares of
other mail servers, but the mindset of its developers must exit the 'go
pure and screw their stupid fears' because it's not 

Parrot [was Re: How ASF membership works and what it means]

2003-06-27 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
copying the cocoon folks since we are getting pretty serious with
continuations overthere (we implement them using a modified version of
Mozilla Rhino, a javascript engine written in java)

on 6/26/03 3:15 PM Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

 On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Santiago Gala wrote:
I still feel shocked when I (rarely) see a JavaVM crash with a seg fault
(out of memory always, maybe some beta JDK at times). The safety of the
JavaVM contrasts a lot with the dangers of C/C++ environments, and makes
it compelling to write a java alternative even when good native
libraries do exist. This is the viral character of it. I wonder
is parrot will do the same for perl/python/ruby.
 I think it has always been true for those languages that people
 often choose to reimplement something in that language instead of
 wrapping a C module.
 Some of the big things that Parrot hopefully will bring are:
   easy interop between languages that are targeted to the parrot VM
   (use Python and Perl libraries in your BASIC program)
   Shared VM development between the various dynamic languages
   instead of having everyone roll their own as it happens now.

yeah, this is a cool thing and it's impressive to note that almost all
modern programming languages are moving (one way or another) the VMS way
of bytecode compilation for a virtual machine. (even XSLT stylesheets
are being compiled into bytecode)

 Dan Sugalski wrote an article about why we can't just run Perl,
 Python or Ruby on the JVM or CLI:

  - ask
 ps. was the April Fools joke, is not.  :-)

Wow, a VM with native continuations, very interesting.

Question: do you think it would be possible to compile java source code
into parrot bytecode? how would the limited Perl typing capabilities
would impact that?

I feel like crosspollinating these days ;-)


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Re: Java + Scripting languages

2003-06-27 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/27/03 5:58 AM Sam Ruby wrote:

 Sometimes it sucks to be four years ahead of your time.



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Re: WORA Considered Evil ;-)

2003-06-26 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/26/03 8:03 AM David N. Welton wrote:

 Glen Stampoultzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes. As dogmatic as Sun has been about pure Java it's still a
success factor in the adoption of Java.  There's still no other
platform out there that makes it as easy as Java to write for
multiple platforms. 
 Errr... really?

Glen is talking about the JVM, I suspect, more than the java language.

This is in line with things like Jython and PHP5 being all compiled to
java bytecode.

It is even more so in .NET where the CLI virtual machine has been
designed to be similar to a modern high-end processor, not as a
microwave oven microcontroller one (as, unfortunately, it is the case
with java, where the JVM architecture sucks ass).

And exactly for this reason, if Mono is successful and doesn't get
locked by Microsoft legal battles and Sun doesn't open up the JVM, we'll
simply write a compiler from JVM to CLI and simply mix the best of both
worlds, escaping, at least, vendor lockin from the JVM part and
hopefully removing some of that holy WORA syndrome that is really
stopping people from thinking about the fact that diversity is good for
you and doesn't necessarely prevent portability.

BTW, Glen, HTTPd is written in C and it's *by far* more portable than
any java program out there.

At the same time, the amount of work done to allow this portability is
impressive, while, compiling for a JVM, gets you instant portability and
almost no cost.


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Re: How ASF membership works and what it means

2003-06-26 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/26/03 6:46 AM Santiago Gala wrote:

 Stefano Mazzocchi escribió:
on 6/24/03 6:59 AM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

I think that we have multiple subcultures under the ASF umbrella, due to
the way that the umbrella projects were formed.  Whether you like that
or not, I think that is the reality.  I know that I personally would

And I think that is a healty thing. It makes us more resiliant and self
supporting in a changing world. I certainly do not thing that 'enforcing'
the patterns of 'httpd' are a good idea.

I agree, also because I'm not so sure that the patterns of httpd are
necessarely the best ones. I believe that the
culture of a lower bar for committership created the explosive growth of
jakarta and xml. Something that the HTTPd culture fails to identify as a
value, but it might well be from a purely darwinistical perspective,
because it allows more noise and mutations to enter the system, thus
improving the ability to adapt to environmental changes.
 This, I think, is the other side of WORA at work. Your criticism of it 
 does not show that WORA (or, really, the Java VM architecture) allows 
 for a lot more safety to experiment than native architectures.
 I still feel shocked when I (rarely) see a JavaVM crash with a seg fault 
 (out of memory always, maybe some beta JDK at times). The safety of the 
 JavaVM contrasts a lot with the dangers of C/C++ environments, and makes 
 it compelling to write a java alternative even when good native 
 libraries do exist. This is the viral character of it. 

Hey, don't forget that, despite my criticism on the java monoculture, I
remain a java fan. I just opened up my views to other languages
(expecially scripting ones) since I think that java falls short in many

 I wonder is 
 parrot will do the same for perl/python/ruby.

uh? wasn't parrot an april's fool joke?


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Re: Java + Scripting languages

2003-06-26 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/26/03 7:55 AM David N. Welton wrote:

 Hi guys, I saw this:
 The specification may include a Java API that can be used,
 possibly through JNI, by an scripting language engine to
 access the desired Java objects.
 Can anyone give us a more concrete description of what this is really

From where I stand, it looks like the JSP folks changed gears in their
marketing engine. Now they want to make it easy to move millions of PHP
folks into the J2EE.

 It looks interesting, because... hey, who wouldn't want to associate
 with a million dollar marketing machine:-)

Yeah, that's exactly how they are going fishing for new market
opportunities, so you wait for them instead of doing your own stuff and
you get locked into their politics.

I heard rumors that PHP5 might be (partially) compiled into bytecode,
with JNI hooks to existing php libraries, or, on the other hand, use JNI
hooks to access the servlet API exposed objects.

btw, our good old Sam Ruby showed it's already possible both hooking
from java to php or from php to java. Code is already into PHP and there
was a time where you could write an XSP page for Cocoon using PHP as a
scripting language (but nobody cared and the code died)

At the end, I will not be surprised if this turns out to be yet another
JSP-like political compromise between vendors, with no technological
value associated to it.

[note: I was part of the JSP JSR and asked to be removed exactly because
I couldn't stand their political-driven design attitude.]

Sorry to sound cynical or rain on the party, but I lost hope in the JCP
(or all committee-driven design, for that matter) a long time ago and
it's simply getting worse.

My point is: you can hook to java *right* now, if you care (look at
Sam's code in PHP if you want to see how). JNI is there and it's all you

It is true that a *common* native abstraction for hooking into
scriptable java objects would make it much easier to hook different
scripting languages to the java platform (today, you have to do
everything by hand for every language you hook), but then again, it's
nothing that is not already possible.

Hope this helps.


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Re: WORA Considered Evil ;-)

2003-06-26 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/26/03 11:28 AM Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 So, we created the Mailet API and started JAMES, later we had Federico
 involved that did most of the coding.

The above is not painting the picture correctly. Federico did the POP3
server and the first Avalon integration, while Serge did the SMTP part
(including DNS lookup and all that).

Serge has been the real driver of the JAMES project since the beginning.
Pier, Federico and I were just instrumental in getting the concept in and inject a little vision on the mailet concept.

But James has been a real community development and we have pretty much
nothing to do with what James is right now.

Serge infinite much more credits than we do.

Apologies for not having been precise.


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Re: How ASF membership works and what it means

2003-06-24 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/24/03 6:59 AM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

I think that we have multiple subcultures under the ASF umbrella, due to
the way that the umbrella projects were formed.  Whether you like that
or not, I think that is the reality.  I know that I personally would
 And I think that is a healty thing. It makes us more resiliant and self
 supporting in a changing world. I certainly do not thing that 'enforcing'
 the patterns of 'httpd' are a good idea.

I agree, also because I'm not so sure that the patterns of httpd are
necessarely the best ones. I believe that the
culture of a lower bar for committership created the explosive growth of
jakarta and xml. Something that the HTTPd culture fails to identify as a
value, but it might well be from a purely darwinistical perspective,
because it allows more noise and mutations to enter the system, thus
improving the ability to adapt to environmental changes.

The problem was, IMO, that this growth was not identified early on and
this lead to the creation of somewhat balkanized subcultures, which we
(ASF) are now trying to reduce by allowing projects to autogovern
themselves and escape the umbrella.

But again, only if they like so, because freedom of choice is key in a
healthy and respectful organization.


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Re: How ASF membership works and what it means

2003-06-23 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/21/03 11:01 PM Thom May wrote:

 * Stefano Mazzocchi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
NOTE: copying members@ and community@ since this might be helpful to
many people.

 this was a really well written piece that, for me anyway, explained
 perfectly the difference between committers and members and what the process
 was for moving from one state to the next.
 Would it be possible to put this under the foundation site somewhere?


as I wrote inside my email, while the description of the process is more
or less objective and it can well be placed on the web, the value of
membership is only my own personal view and it's not a vision shared by
the entire group of members.

But I believe that the meaning of membership will be a hot discussion
point in the future and, as we come up with consensus, I'll be happy to
describe it and place it in a public location.

 Thanks again, and thanks to everyone for granting me the distinct privilege
 of being a member of the ASF.

Welcome on board! ;-)


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Re: How ASF membership works and what it means

2003-06-23 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 6/23/03 8:42 AM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

 On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Steven Noels wrote:
Stefano's insightful post got me carried away to run some stats on
members  projects:
 I've always stopped short of doing just this; and more kept things limited
 to a pie diagram and postings/#of commits.
 This as it mostly shows 'today' rather than the members body which grew
 over time and is effectively lagging. I.e. you are looking at data which
 tells you more about history than about the future. And that todays future
 is tomorrows history.

Dirk is right pointing out how a specific frame in time tells you the
'position' but not the 'speed'. Luckily, social dynamics don't exhibit
the Heinsenberg principle.

Please comment if you care, but keep the thread on community (or
cocoon-dev). I'd love to hear your opinion.
 My main interpretation is
 -We are tremendously dynamic in terms of ratio's and
   relative numbers; things turn upside down regulary.

Yeah, in analysing dynamics, change in time cannot be overlooked.

 -xml and java are 75% of the activity; the 'old school'
   has dropped below 20% now (Ignoring PHP here).
 -Despite the enourmous influx of java and xml the ASF
   as a whole is growing significantly slower than the internet.

This might not be as bad as it seems: you fail to note that the growth
of the internet is *not* necessarely the same growth of its technical
side. When a technology matures, the growth indicates adoption, not
necessarely increase in social technical substrate.

I think the social technical substrate is growing much slower than the
internet in general. And it might just be the same growth that we
exhibit. Which would be totally fair.

[no numbers to prove this, nor any idea on how to get those numbers]

 -Documentation is growing even slower; even including

*this* is a problem. I'm currently spending all my research effort to
overcome this. I think it's entirely possible.

 -Organisationally xml and java are still lagging behind;
   but have been catching up (though the catch up has slowed down
   somewhat due to a much larger influx from the old school
   side; and that influx is by average younger than the proposed
   influx from xml and java (in terms of lines of code and/or years
   of activity on *MORE* than one project).

the inertia of the foundation is big. but things are slowly moving. I
expect more stabilization and new top-level projects in the future. this
will help uniforming the foundation and participation.

 -Java (and to a lesser extend xml) is _actively_ under
   represented and produces less orgaisational/infrastructure/legal
   people than one would expect given the current relative number of
   existing java/xml folks in organisational positions. That may
   be a cultural thing.

could be. could also be lack of information or lack of social contact
with other parts of the foundation. In my todo list I still have some
plans to increase the power of Agora as a community microscope.

 -In the java, and to some extend the xml world, we have much, much
   much more code which was only touched 1-4 times by = 2 people
   over time.

this is another problem and, IMO, it's a cultural thing as well: java
people tend to like to reinvent the wheel, just because coding in java
is easy and the WORA religion is a powerful engine.

 -the java world seems to need amazing number of indians (or
   committers) relative to lines of codes or bugs fixed. And seems
   to see more isolated pockets of people than the xml and other
   parts of the ASF.

I don't get what you mean here, can you elaborate more?


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How ASF membership works and what it means

2003-06-22 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
NOTE: copying members@ and community@ since this might be helpful to
many people.

As many of you know, three cocoon committers were nominated then elected
members of the Apache Software Foundation yesterday. Since I've been
inquired by a few on how the system works, I'll spend some words on the
process and what it means for me.

Note: there is current a debate happening inside the members of the ASF
on the value and meaning of ASF membership so, please, don't take my
words as the ASF truth (if there is one), but just as my personal
opinion on this matter.

Now, for the objective things, here is how the process works:

 1) any ASF member has the right to nominate an ASF committer for

 2) when such nomination is done, a few sentences have to be provided on
the reason for the nomination, for example, explaining what they have
done for the ASF and why the nominator thinks that they have the
skills/will/behavior required to be an ASF member.

 3) in the past, a nomination required to be seconded by another ASF
member. This is no longer required (am I right on this?), even if highly
welcomed by the members because it indicates some level of agreement.

 4) every 6 months or so, the members do an election. In the past, the
elections were done physically and synchronously. Today, we have a
digital voting system which works like this:

  a) if you are eligible to vote (you are a member and you are not
emeritus), you receive an email with a number that uniquely identifies
your vote.

  b) you connect thru SSH to and use the tool on
/home/voter/ to vote, using the number that identifies your vote along
with the vote content.

  c) the vote takes a time span (normally one or two days), you can vote
as many times you want and the last vote is the one that counts
(previous votes are overridden).

  d) votes are then counted. results shared to the members list (which
is a private list where only ASF members can read/write email) and the
elected people are informed and asked for participation.

Members have access to all election data, so a member is able to find
out who nominated him/her and who seconded. Votes, on the other hand,
are secret and remain so, even for members.

 - o -

Now for the value of ASF membership.

The chain of merit inside Apache is:

 user - committer - member

- everybody can be a user
- users who care about a project are elected as committers
- committers who care about the foundation are elected as members

It is hard to nominate a member, much harder, IMO, than to nominate a

Why? well, because it's easy to understand if somebody cares about a
project (they submit code, they participate in the community, they do
stuff and get to be known), but it's much harder to know if someone
really cares about the foundation, because normally they don't do much
for the foundation if they are not made members.

Kicken-egg problem.

There are great committers who can be terrible members. And regular
committers who can be incredibly good members.

A committer that works on more than one project and takes
cross-pollination and community building practicesa in great
consideration, makes a great candidate for membership.

A committer that evangelizes about the apache spirit, that cares about
community dynamics, that tries to help other apache communities, makes a
great candidate for membership.

But since I value membership so much, I personally have a pretty high
bar for membership (this is not shared by other people and others
projects inside the ASF, but I don't see this as a problem because
respecting differences is what makes us stronger and able to learn) and
this is why it takes years for me to nominate somebody for membership.

Now, what is a member?

A member is a shareholder of the foundation. Basically, it's part of
those who own the foundation and are able to effectively decide how
the foundation works and, for example, where it spends its money.

You want to make an official apache conference? the members decide how
and who should.

You want to have our servers hosted in a location that we own instead of
sharing bandwidth with a corporation that can cut us off at any moment?
the members decide how, where, how much we can afford to pay for it and
so forth.

You have an idea to promote the foundation or to do something new and
marvellous? the members decide what to do.

Also, remember that members nominate the board of directors who are
the one that run the foundation in all those daily details that most of
us don't see and take for granted.

Yeah, all of this is still, in perfect apache spirit, a volunteer job.

This is the reason why committers are nominated, then elected but it's
still a personal choice if they want to participate or not.

Becoming a member is not only a great personal achievement, but it's
also a responsibility. A responsibility in front of those committers,
those people, that you are going to represent with your vs.

2003-04-05 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Recently, I've started to dive into mozilla with a developer eye. *very
slowly* since my c++ skills are almost non-existant (and my c skills
are, h, rusted and ruined by the java garbage collector :-)

Anyway, the cultural differences between their style of development and
ours are striking.

1) they have *ONE* big CVS module where all developers can commit to

I believe this is a *major* mistake because devs have to download the
whole thing in order to build mozilla. the communicator philosophy was
attached to their very mindset. also notice that the mozilla CVS module
is 650 Mb (as of yesterday), this rules out almost all dialup or
pay-per-minute fee users. Which means, in the last 5 years, probably 80%
of the potential non-US developers!!! While DSL is changing this for
europe and other first-world nations, this is not so for the rest of the

with smaller and more manageable CVS modules (and nightly snapshots to
route around CVS firewall restrictions), *our* potential dev pool is
orders of magnitude bigger than theirs.

2) tinkerbox is a nightly build system which aims to improve continuous
integration by forcing everybody to commit to the same tree. I think
this can't scale as much as we can with a Gump-like approach. The
continous forking friction (chimera, phoenix, minotaur) is tearing their
communicator-inflicted mindset apart. Rightly so, IMO. The more diverse
the development community becomes (and this is slowly happening, also,
maybe, because of increase on european broadband), the more the
community will look for 'KISS' solutions that are driven by lazyness and
'getting the job done' by small incremental steps.

In this new mindset, their infrastructure will have to change
significantly to adapt to this.

3) doesn't have the concept of separate 'users/dev' forums
[see below why I call them 'forums']. This means that development is
mostly done internally, or privately. Most available forums are
equivalent to our 'users' forums where power users post questions on use
and simply don't care about the internal development. I believe this
sums up the problem of acquiring new developers: people are rarely
sucked in and they don't get to 'know' and appreciate the developers by
listening to their dev-oriented conversations.

Star stages are bad, but visibility is the way people pay back. having a account is not seen as valuable as having an
account. why? well, because all netscape people got one for free! there
is no clear meritocracy and this means no clear visibility value since
there are no mozilla stars. not even as a group. nothing.

This is emerging now with the smaller projects like phoenix and camino
and minotaur where a few people really drive the show and earn their
merit and create envy in others that want to be part of that show and
feel cool.

ego is an incredible motivator for geeks. only recently has
understood a way to make good use of it and this is stop forcing
everybody in the same room and see what happens.

[even the ASF is doing this by promoting projects in top-level domains
and this is a good thing for both, IMO]

 - o -

Now, there is one difference that puzzled me.

In, forums are newsgroups. In, forums are mailing

Yes, I'm aware that it's possible and quite doable to automatically map
one into the other (and sites like GMane do already for some of our
lists), but I think the differences might be a lot more important.

Worth discussing the differences:

 1) the ASF has human spam filtering, doesn't. This shows.
The amount of spam in their newsgroups is, well, irritating even if not
very high. This is clearly a plus for our approach.

 2) is archived at google groups. this is clearly a plus for
their approach since our mail archiving and indexing capabilities, well,
suck ass compared to theirs. (no offense for the eyebrowse people, just
stating reality) moreover, google groups archives the entire history of
the internet. From an historical perspective this is going to be
incredibly important (and another reason to worry about google to be the
next microsoft/AOL big-brother-wannabe, but that's another story)

 3) mail clients have newsgroups-advanced features that are normally
lacking in mail folders. For example, autotrimming forums to, say, the
last 500 messages. (please don't tell me how smart is your client or
your solution to do it anyway: my point is that newsgroups and NNTP were
*designed* for forums, while email was designed for point2point
communication and clients reflect these mindsets) also the need for mail
filtering is a lot decreased (again, don't tell me how you do it because
I don't care)

 4) for newsgroups, lurkers can read archives from their favorite
mail/news reader. for mail lists, they have to use web-based intefaces.
This is, IMO, a *HUGE* plus for newsgroups.

   - o -

Re: vs.

2003-04-05 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
on 4/5/03 4:22 PM Glen Stampoultzis wrote:

 At 11:15 PM 5/04/2003, you wrote:
Recently, I've started to dive into mozilla with a developer eye. *very
slowly* since my c++ skills are almost non-existant (and my c skills
are, h, rusted and ruined by the java garbage collector :-)

Anyway, the cultural differences between their style of development and
ours are striking.
 Have you talked to them about this.  

No, and this is exactly the point: I don't know who to send it to! post
it on their 'general mail list' seems a bit ackward. Posting it to their
'board-equivalent' too much high.

they don't have or [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! they just
have newsgroups for users and everything that happens behind the scenes.

Sure this might well appear the same about the ASF from the outside, but
I found myself with no reference.

Any suggestion?

 The comparison could be very interesting/useful to them.

I would love to see and crosspollinating more. It
 can only be useful for the web. Leading web Server and web Client open
development communities unite to keep the web open! That would make a
great story, wouldn't it? :-)

But, IMO, this shouldn't happen *from the top*, but from the bottom.

Too bad that their skills/programming-languages are almost orthogonal to
the ASF's ones. :-/

We host just two C++ projects and all of them have been donated and are
maintained mainly by corporate sponsorship (and would probably die in a
few seconds if they stopped supporting them)

Actually, the bigger overlap between the ASF and (despite
the dependency on HTTP, of course) is done by, guess what?, Cocoon which
is actively using Rhino as the engine for its continuation-based web
application framework.

Too bad rhino is a satellite of the world since java counts
almost nothing there (and for a reason, I would add), in fact, it's
rhino that doesn't really fit to, IMO.

Anyway, I'm very interested in both Minotaur (the factored out mail
client, which indeed rocks even at 0.1a state!) and Midas (the
iframe-based inline editing component). I'm seriously thinking about
working to add serious contentEditable= operativity to mozilla and
this will require pretty hard work inside the trunk.

I might eventually be able to get commit access in order to maintain it
and that would be pretty cool.

but all this depends on many variables about my workign future so don't
hold your breath or take this as a promise :-)


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talking about privacy

2003-04-05 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
I started looking up a bunch of US people I know and I found this:

Gosh, Sam, you really look younger than your age ;-)

Anyway, such a site would be *SUPER ILLEGAL* in europe and, I'll tell
you what, my gut feeling is that I'd really like it to remain so.


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Scrambling jar files?

2003-02-28 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
I just ran into this and found that might be worth injecting into the 
jar repositories discussions.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: Ant PMC Issue (was: RE: [proposal] daedalus jar repository)

2003-02-26 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Jason van Zyl wrote:
Or how about we make a tautalogical resolution like the Ant or Cocoon
resolutions which got passed. I'm fine with changing the resolution to
something like those of Ant or Cocoon: The Maven Project will deal with
the Maven system.
FYI, the ASF Board stated clearly that this 'recursive nature' of the 
Cocoon Resolution is a problem and that they expect the Cocoon PMC to 
fix this ASAP.

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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[fyi] apache ego massage

2003-02-21 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: the artistic license and ASF code - okay?

2003-02-18 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Henri Gomez wrote:
FYI, Cocoon ships with Jetty built in.
Never tried to bundled with Tomcat ?)
No, Cocoon is big enough already.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: build systems vs. license issues [Re: Hashing it out ...]

2003-02-10 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby wrote:
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
I believe the FSF has an ulterior motive for keeping the Java 
situation quite murky.  -- justin

I'd like to caution you against attributing motives to other's actions 
or inactions.  I'm not making this suggestion with any official Apache 
hat on, but based on my experience that such statements rarely lead to 
productive consequences.

As for me, I would like to observe that we have the public statements 
made by the FSF, including the text of the GPL license.  We have the 
knowledge that this issue has been around for a long time and has never 
been resolved.  And we know that that people like Brian have invested a 
fair amount of time on this topic.

What I conclude from this is that it would be both difficult and 
unlikely for a successful resolution of this issue.  Despite the fact 
that quite a number of us (myself included) would love to see this 
As Santiago hints, I bet Mono will lead the way for this. We care to 
have this resolved, but it's not vital to have the FSF flag on our camp. 
For them is a different story (even if, they already released their 
libraries using the MIT license and RMS wasn't pleased, to say it midly)

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: Hashing it out [was: Re: Clear the air Re: ATTN: Maven developers ...]

2003-02-07 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Morgan Delagrange wrote:
OK, Java-specific question.  It seems likely that
altering or inlining LGPL code pollutes the Apache
license.  Are you of the opinion that IMPORTING but
not altering or distributing LGPL classes pollutes the
Apache licecnse?  And if so, can that be stated on the
Wiki page?  If LGPL code cannot be imported, it's
pretty much useless in any capacity for Java projects.
The only *reasonable* way of dealing with LGLP stuff would be thru some 
for of reflection (reflection, for those who don't know, is the ability 
for java to connect to 'named' resources of classes. it's the most 
*dynamic* form of loading for a language which is already entirely 
dynamically loaded).

So, suppose that LGPLObject is there somewhere in your classloading 
space (the classloader is the virtual machine subsystem that looks for 
your classes, classes being the objects and main units for java 
programs, all classes are always dynamically loaded)

and this LGPLObject contains the method (java terminology for a 
function) called doSomething()

If you use *regular* programming practices you have to do
 import LGPLObject;
 LGPLObject o = new LGPLObject();
that will
 1) ask the classloader to find that object
 2) allocate memory for it
 3) create the object
 4) invoke the object method doSomething
This means, mostly, for legal sakes that the LGPLObject *MUST* be in the 
classloading space during compilation time.

Now, if we use reflection, we can do
  Class c = Class.forName(LGPLObject);
  Object o = c.newInstance();
  Method doSomething = c.getMethod(doSomething);
which compiles even without having the LGPL library in your classpath.
*BUT* programming java in this way is *FOOLISH*. Reflection was created 
to load classes programmatically at runtime, it was not created as a way 
to route around legal problems.

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: Hashing it out [was: Re: Clear the air Re: ATTN: Maven developers ...]

2003-02-07 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Santiago Gala wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Morgan Delagrange wrote:
OK, Java-specific question.  It seems likely that
altering or inlining LGPL code pollutes the Apache
license.  Are you of the opinion that IMPORTING but
not altering or distributing LGPL classes pollutes the
Apache licecnse?  And if so, can that be stated on the
Wiki page?  If LGPL code cannot be imported, it's
pretty much useless in any capacity for Java projects.

The only *reasonable* way of dealing with LGLP stuff would be thru 
some for of reflection (reflection, for those who don't know, is the 
ability for java to connect to 'named' resources of classes. it's the 
most *dynamic* form of loading for a language which is already 
entirely dynamically loaded).

So, suppose that LGPLObject is there somewhere in your classloading 
space (the classloader is the virtual machine subsystem that looks for 
your classes, classes being the objects and main units for java 
programs, all classes are always dynamically loaded)

and this LGPLObject contains the method (java terminology for a 
function) called doSomething()

If you use *regular* programming practices you have to do
 import LGPLObject;
 LGPLObject o = new LGPLObject();
that will
 1) ask the classloader to find that object
 2) allocate memory for it
 3) create the object
 4) invoke the object method doSomething
This means, mostly, for legal sakes that the LGPLObject *MUST* be in 
the classloading space during compilation time.

In legal terms, your program will not build without a class named 
LGPLObject which has a public doSomething() method. 
Incorrect: it will *build*, but it will not *execute*.
So, you *depend* on 
it. In a sense, with import you're stating dependency in your sources.
True. This is the reason why this legal route-around will not work 
against GPL, but only against LGPL.

Now, if we use reflection, we can do
  Class c = Class.forName(LGPLObject);
  Object o = c.newInstance();
  Method doSomething = c.getMethod(doSomething);
which compiles even without having the LGPL library in your classpath.
In legal term, again, your program will *behave differently* if a class 
named LGPLObject exists in your runtime environment and it happens to 
have a doSomething() public method. With dynamic loading you're not 
stating dependency, merely *acknowledging existence*.
This accademic trick is done to prove there is a way to totally isolate 
the virality of LGPL in Java (at least, that's my personal opinion). I 
think it would be pretty hard to state that my program can be considered 
part of the LGPL-ed library if I call build it even if it's not even 
present on my disk.

As the concept of derivative work is about something that extends or 
change a preexisting work, the second approach will probably skip it 
(specially if your program tests for the result of the snippet code and 
survives when the given class is not in the path).
I don't think that even reflection will stand in court if your program 
cannot perform its duty without the given library being there. I.E. fine 
 when alternate services can perform a task, or for non-essential 
components of a project.
Again, you are not taking into account that I working again the LGPL, 
not the GPL. There is no way to route around GPL. It was very carefully 
designed for that purpose.

*BUT* programming java in this way is *FOOLISH*. Reflection was 
created to load classes programmatically at runtime, it was not 
created as a way to route around legal problems.

disclaimer type=IANAL
   ditto. Also, I am just a plain committer, so take it as just my opinion.
let me state again that I consider this discussion pretty accademic 
(there is no way in the world I would suggest going down the reflection 
path to use a LGPL library... it would be much easier to rewrite the 
damn library or convince the author to change the licensing!)

Still, I think we need to sort out all possible cases since they're 
going to come up again in the future.

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: Where to place Agora?

2003-02-05 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Ben Hyde wrote:
So one possible awnser to the question is: check it into committers 
someplace and see if you can get a community to begin to emerge.  The 
privacy issues can be used as cover for not going more public at this 
stage :-).
what about using the /community CVS module instead and move Krell into 
that as well?

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: Where to place Agora?

2003-02-05 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Santiago Gala wrote:
There is potentially a huge value in fostering research on data 
emergence, expecially if related to reasonable-sized and well logged 
communities like ours.

The map experiment (the bulb could bright or be coloured according to 
data collected) would be easily linked to Agora, bringing additional 
spacial and day/night information into play at a glance.
Wild! crosscorrelation between 'virtual distance' (calculated thru 
agora) and 'physical distance'... h

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate [William of Ockham]

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Where to place Agora?

2003-02-03 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Hello there,
I've received many personal comments about my little thing Agora (for 
those who missed it, go to and I 
have already received comments, suggestions and patches (a PHP script 
that harvests NNTP newsgroups instead of mbox files)

Now, I'd like to ask you what I should do with this.
People suggested that Agora could be used as a tool to visualize any 
type of massively interconnected graph (from personal relationships, to 
hyperlink tolopologies, ontologies and what not).

People suggested ways to improve the visualization.
Others suggested ways to improve the algorithm of energy minimization (I 
spent a good night with Ben Laurie in London talking about the use of 
symulated annealing and other symulated entropy-based thermodynamic 

All I know is that if the code remains on my disk, they will ask me and 
I'll be the bottleneck.

so, I wonder, should I go down the path of 'incubation'?, should I move 
it under the committers/ CVS? or in the community CVS? move it on 
sourceforge? should we clutter this mail list or should we ask for 
another one?

just like this community enjoyed the fun brought back by Ben on the map 
of committers, I would like to bring some fun back with Agora, but I'm 
asking because I really don't know on how to move from here.

Thank you.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate [William of Ockham]

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Re: Open community (was ... secret discussions ...)

2003-01-30 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Joshua Slive wrote:
Ben Hyde said:
Didn't we settle this most contentious issue some time ago with a few
megabytes of text and a long complex vote coupled with a solid turn
out?  If so it's painful and cruel to reopen the issue.  - ben

I've already apologized twice for rehashing an old issue, but that is
obviously a penalty a list must pay if it has no archives.
True. In fact, this list voted to have a public archive in place. The 
fact that such archive is not existing is merely a do-ocracy issue: 
nobody cared enough to create the archive.

From what I've been able to glean from people's selective memory and mail
quotes, the lack of archives is simply an oversight.  What that tells me
is that there was never an intention to discuss anything private on this
list.  Rather, the purpose of closing this list seems to have been
intended to keep out unwanted opinion.  I still find this repugnant.
Look again. The intention of the people who voted to keep it closed is 
to keep the signal/noise ratio high enough so that people can cope with it.

I will reiterate my arguments, then I'll go away for to save you all the
pain of my opinions:
1. The list is, at minimum, terribly misnamed.  The Apache community
consists of more than just committers.  
The majority of the people which are interested (quite a lot, that 
votation was the most voted poll in the entire history of the 
foundation) voted to keep it closed to try to improve the signal/noise 
ratio but also recognized the necessity to make available to the public 
the entire discussions so allowed a public archive to be available.

What about the thousands of people
who have made substantial contributions to Apache by submitting important
patches, filing detailed bug reports, answering questions on users lists,
etc?  You can guarantee that many of these people have contributed more to
Apache than many committers.

2. Excluding outside opinions hurts us all.  It limits our perspective, it
inhibits the recruitment of new participants, and it makes us seem like a
bunch of stuck-up cool kids who just want to keep to ourselves.
And no, allowing invited guests does not eliminate either problem.
I'm not sure this is the type of community that I want to participate
CVS repositories are open for read and closed for write to people who 
deserved that right.

This is an ASF-wide community mail list. It's open for read (just didn't 
happen yet) and closed for write to people who deserved that right.

Since we have CVS and mail list oversight on code and we can always roll 
back, we could, in theory, let everybody write on CVS and filter them 
out later.

We could apply the same policy here.
Since the ASF decided for closing down the CVS repositories and filter 
people *before* they are given the ability to modify the code, we are 
applying the same pattern here.

Please explain why you find this pattern 'repugnant' on a mail list, but 
you don't on a CVS repository.

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[announce] Agora 1.1

2003-01-16 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
I'm very proud to announce the availability of Agora 1.1.
This improved version includes a totally rewritten datacloud visualizer 
(written in Java since Dynamic SVG was *way* too slow for the purpose). 
It runs both as an applet and as a command line application.

The tool includes enough documentation to get you started and use the 
tool yourself, including some pregenerated dataclouds to play with the 

Get it from
Comments, questions and any kind of feedback will be very appreciated.
Thank you.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: python foo (was: email notification done...sorta)

2003-01-10 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Greg Stein wrote:
But out of the box? Python has multidimensional arrays. Not sure what you're
smoking :-)
I said *better* support. I didn't say that Python doesn't support them. 
The creation and manipulation of multidimensional arrays was the only 
thing I found to be cumbersome and harder than in java, until I found 
Numberic Python which does have a bunch of API that help you a lot with 
those. But at the end, I was able to go around the problem myself. Just 
took a while. In fact, there are a couple of requests for enhancements 
on exactly about this so I assume I'm not the only one who 
had this problem.

Ah, btw, yes, I'm not sure about what I have been smoking either :)
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: email notification done...sorta

2003-01-09 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
David N. Welton wrote:
Noel J. Bergman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm going to be curious to see how Subwiki works out -- if the
intent is to switch --- being in Python, not Perl, but still not in
Java.  Are there more Python coders than Perl here?

Anyone can code in Python.  It's easy, and it runs anywhere.  Not
quite an offer of help, but... if you have figured out one programming
language, picking up Python will not be hard, nor unpleasant.
That's been my experience... but python really needs better support for 
multidimensional arrays :-) or merge numeric python in the default 
language. But anyway...

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fyi wiki statistics

2003-01-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Greg Stein wrote:
On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 05:08:19PM -0500, James Taylor wrote:
You are stating that:
 0) download a working copy [this is done only once]
 1) go to a page
 2) edit it
 3) save it
 4) commit the page
is comparably simple with

Feh. I said no such thing. I said that if you wanted to do multiple page
edits without spamming the change-notification mailing list, then SubWiki
makes it possible [by following the steps you suggest].
In no way did I say it was comparably simple to standard Wiki editing. Of
course not... jeez, just how small do you think my brain is? :-)
Sorry, I clearly overreacted. Apologies :-)
 1) go to a page
 2) edit it
 3) save it
and I disagree.
If it means I can edit the page in my fancy editor of choice rather than
a dumb web browser then it is much simpler.

And standard tools and standard commit emails and standard access control
and all kinds of other stuff.
Point taken and appreciated.
The (only?) beauty of a wiki is its dead-simple editing cycle.
I believe sub wiki also has a TTW editing interface. No reason you can't
have both. Because it uses subversion to hold pages, the interface is
nicely seperated from the data store.

Yes. You definitely cna edit pages via the web site. That *is* what a Wiki
is all about. Not the stupid formatting rules.
And both is actually incorrect. You have four ways to view the content and
three ways to edit the content:
  1) read/write via the Wiki itself
  2) read/write via working copies
  3) read/write via WebDAV (new from sussman and jerenkrantz)
  4) read via web browser
This implements separation of concerns and everybody knows I'm happy 
when I see that :)

Sure, it is not ready for primetime, but I like the idea a lot.

The code is ready, but I don't have all the standard formatting rules and
macros in there right now. There are a number of things that people expect
which just aren't in there.
This is not a problem as I think people might add those if needed.
And Python is much easier than Perl for java people anyway :)
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: email notification done...sorta

2003-01-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tapestry incubation

2003-01-07 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Eric Dobbs wrote:
On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 02:35  AM, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
My only concern is, that we will spread a
limited number of developers over too many projects.

The developers and their communities are already
spread over those many projects.
As Jim wrote:
(communities are what really matter, not code.)

Over time (maybe lots and lots of time) cross-project
pollination does happen here in Apache land.  Two
years ago when I got started with Turbine I remember
there being animosity toward Avalon and Inversion of
Control.  Now Turbine developers are warming up to
Avalon.  Let time and proximity do the hard work.
Amen, brothers.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CPAN for java [was Re: RSS feed for ApacheWiki now in beta test]

2003-01-02 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Danny Angus wrote:

Invent a CPAN style method of satisfying Java dependancies, quick while
you're still enthusiastic

And define jar-filename and a a MANIFEST standard for jar's across the
ASF; including license references ;-) some level of indirection system
where ' - maps to a bit of XML with the right info
followed by a nice and tight Ant task to do the right thing :-) And should
any energy be left over; a niftly class loader (with added crypto checks)
would be lovely too :-)
I would add: transparent integration with the ASF mirroring system.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[FYI] Cocoon Wiki

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
The Cocoon Project was the first to setup a wiki system. You can find it on
It has been recently 'forrestized' and its effectiveness in creating new 
useful content has been impressive and over our own expectations.

Also, being implemented in Java, it makes it easier for the cocoon 
community (which is generally perl-agnostic).

NOTE: this wiki has been setup more than a month *before* the ASF wiki 
was in place.

But today, I'd find myself very unconfortable to force the cocoon people 
to move into the ASF wiki (migration issues aside) since it doesn't have 
the appeal and the features that our current wiki does (at least to many 

Also, having a project-specific wiki helps a lot the community oversight 
issues that we were discussing before. In fact, we'll probably be adding 
direct wiki-diffs emails to the cocoon-docs@ mail list.

I'm telling you this just to let you know. I'm not asking for actions or 
anything, just pointing out that many different things are happening in 
wikiland these days (probably influenced by the concept of weblogging? 
might be)

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [FYI] Cocoon Wiki

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I'd find myself very unconfortable to force the cocoon people
to move into the ASF wiki (migration issues aside) since it doesn't have
the appeal and the features that our current wiki does (at least to many

Does JSPWiki v2 provide all of the features necessary to host the ASF Wiki?
Yeah, well, I think so. I already provides RSS feeds, much better 
structured content support, I find it more usable and it's java so for 
me it's a plus (but I understand that for others might be a minus so I 
won't emphasize that here)

Does anyone really care about usemodwiki other than that it's there and it
works?  As far as I know, Andrew just saw the interest and *did* something
about it, for which kudos are deserved.
Oh, totally.
Also, having a project-specific wiki helps a lot the community oversight
issues that we were discussing before. In fact, we'll probably be adding
direct wiki-diffs emails to the cocoon-docs@ mail list.
Push notification is my primary issue with a wiki in the context of group
I think Andy has a pretty good point about security, though... see next 

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wiki RSS

2002-12-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
I agree with Justin, expecially because while email is a generally 
used tool around the ASF, weblog and related technologies are not as 
You know...One could have said that a couple years ago regarding XML 
technologies...  Besides.. RSS is just XML.. ..  We like XML right?
eheh, sure. But XML is just a syntax and RSS is just a semantic. If I 
have no tool that reads RSS and does something good with it for me, it's 
useless data. Well-formed and valid, but still useless.

I emphasize *to me* because I don't run RSS feeds, nor have *any* 
intention of doing it since newsfeeds don't go along very well with my 
off-line habits (mine and those of million others throughout the world 
which aren't as lucky as many here).

Unlike good old asynchronous email.
But I'm not saying that it's a bad idea to have it, gosh no, just that 
it is not a general-enough technology for people to use it instead of 
email notification.

Also, I think that 'page-based' RSS it way too granular.

Look at this:

It looks like I was wrong. .  Its not per page.. Its the recent changes 
syndicated as rss...  I thought it was per page... ooops.
Oh, great, that removes one of my concerns. Cool.
Let's just create a wiki@ mailing list and send everything there.  
Have it send unified diff's in the style of our CVS mailer.  -- justin

If I had to choose I'd rather prefer to send the udiffs to the various 
mail lists that control their areas.

To be honest there's a fat chance you're getting udiffs.  funny 
requestedaction=laughThats like asking a kangaroo to shit turtles.. . 
You most likely will get diffs which will match what is written to the 
wiki file that will make sense. 
To enable this someone needs but to submit the appropriate patches and 
I'll be pleased to install them.
Don't count on me :(
Think about having [EMAIL PROTECTED] with *all* CVS commits going thru, I 
don't think that anybody would stand such a low signal/noise ratio and 
I fear this might be happening here if the wiki takes off.

Yes...  I think the wiki is set up to allow you to specify mail lists 
for those.  
Ah, good to know.
I am not convinced this is a good idea  Might be a great 
tool for spamming or exploiting sendmail.
Hmmm, pretty damn good point, didn't think of this one.
Could be wrong... 
I'm kinda a paranoid administrator...  
Yeah, well, I'm no system administrator and definately not paranoid 
these days but I think I know enough about email to question if this is 
a real security concern or just paranoia.

I don't think it's possible to write something in a wiki, get it picked 
up, sent to a mail list, infect a sendmail of some sort simply by 
receiving the message (we use qmail, so no problem from our side, I'm 
concerned on the mail list subscriber receiver end) and do something nasty.

If that was possible, then a normal spam flood would do as much damage.
The only thing I see is people abusing the wiki to place shameless plugs 
of themselves that get submitted to the mail list.

But email doesn't really change the picture there.
So, call me liberal but I think we have more to loose than to gain in 
not allowing diffs forwarding to the mail lists.

If it were just up to me, I'd ask 
someone to write a script that goes and does this in a batch based on 
some rules in a cvs module (so that access was restricted)...

crontab {
 bootstrap running daily/hourly/whatever
} {
  checks out latest version of myscript and its settings
  runs it
} {
   reads the wiki database, sends mail notificaiton of changes to 
various lists based on rules (perhaps just simple regex or something) 
specified in myDataFile

myDataFile {
Cocoon*, *Cocoon, *cocoon, *cocoon*, *Cocoon*,, message from your loving ApacheWikidaily 
POI*, POI*, *poi, *poi*, *POI*, Poi*,*Poi,*Poi*,, come and get it, fresh POI served from the 
I don't think I get your point, Andy. What is this different from direct 
diff emailing?

In short, while a single-page RSS is too specific, a wiki-wide diff 
mail list is way to general.

I think the RSS is useful.  check it out:
As I said, I'm not advocating against it, I'm just saying that we need 
email nofication also.

My personal suggestion would be to find a way to partition the wiki 
pages per project and send those diffs to the various project mail lists.

But I have no idea on how difficult/feasible that is with the current 

Its highly feasible, I just don't know how wise the facilities 
provided are (letting someone say sure mail this out to here seems 
dangerous...)  The above suggestion is probably more secure, easy to 
implement, etc.
I'll let the more sys-adm-savy people take a shot there.
Stefano Mazzocchi

Re: Apache Trove

2002-12-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Steven Noels wrote:
Hi all,
due to the recent and upcoming reorgs in terms of the 
'federation'/project/subproject structure and the assumed increased 
difficulty for people finding their way around ASF projects, I have been 
playing around with a draft 'trove' application, which isn't much more 
than some XML  XSLT glued together, running on top of Cocoon. (warning: data entry hasn't 
been completed yet)

This 'app' runs on top of a very free-formed XML document currently:
  federation name=XML
keyword name=XML/
site uri=
project name=FOP
  keyword name=XSL-FO/
  keyword name=Java/
  site uri=
  project name=BCEL
site uri=
federation name=Jakarta/
keyword name=Java/
and should be maintained by the respective project communities. I 
already went searching what Gump could offer me in terms of available 
data, but Gump is for obvious reasons limited to Jakarta and XML (Java) 
projects. Adding the Gump people to add a 'keyword' element to their 
descriptors wouldn't cause too much harm, but the problem is that I also 
store the project hierarchy in my data file, and this is slightly 
orthogonal to Gump's structure. So adding extra data to Gump's 
descriptors would help, but not enough and not for everybody (including 

Another approach might be to store a small trove file per project in the 
committers cvs module, where assumably everybody has access too, and me 
aggregating those.

The (XML) structure being required would be something like:
project name=
  site uri=/
  keyword name=/
  (federation name=/)
Projects can contain projects, and can be grouped into 'federations', 
aka httpd, xml, jakarta and others. I tried to set up the stylesheets to 
do something meaningful without many strict requirements on the 
hierarchy of the datafile.

Anyway, this is just a heads-up. I don't know where I could move it too 
since it falls a bit in-between projects. The presentation is by no 
means finished, but should be easy to tweak. I can nurture this thing on 
my own on my own server, but if other people would be interested in 
playing along, just gimme a yell.

I like it!! what about moving the sources over to the community CVS 
module so that maybe others can play with it and enhance it? Just a 
random suggestion.

Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-02 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby wrote:
The ASF I wish to be a part of is one and/or create is one that 
tolerates differences in points of view or approach to solving problems.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-02 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
The foundation is responsible for everything on our servers.  I don't 
care for it to be associated with *personal* views.  Go find a different 
soapbox to stand on top of.  Your contributions to the ASF don't merit 
you getting a personal bully pulpit.  -- justin
There are 450 people with commit access. Each one of them can put 
something in our servers that can screw the ASF, including web sites.

Why is this any different?
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-02 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Aaron Bannert wrote:
As Justin pointed out, we get automatic oversight right now when someone
makes a change to a project website, including the contributor listings.
This works very well for code commits, so whatever we come up with should
probably have the same level of oversight.
Justin has a very valid point: without proper oversight people might 
abuse their pages without even knowing they are doing it.

Unfortunately, you fail to see that some of us work on so many different 
projects that it will be a major PITA to scatter our bio information all 
over the place. It would be *much* easier to link directly to our 
asf-related personal page.

[yeah, let's call it 'ASF personal page' rather than home page so that 
nobody freaks out]

Now, I wonder: why don't we use the 'community' CVS repository for 
personal pages? (or create another community-pages repository)

By doing so we could:
 1) have proper oversight because all diffs are sent on a cvs-related 
mail list like all the other CVS repositories (we could send those diffs 

 2) we are future-compatible in case the apache infrastructure is able 
to remove the need for account on

 3) it is easier for non-unix committers to setup their pages since 
they already have to know how to use CVS.

 4) all personal information about everybody is kept in one place, so 
it's easy for infrastructure people to keep an eye on disk usage for 
those personally-related information

 5) community personal pages don't conflict with existing users pages
Possible objections:
 a) that community cvs module might become huge and I don't want to 
checkout the whole thing.

answer:  cvs checkout community/pages/$user/  will download only your 

what do you think?
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Ben Hyde wrote:
On Sunday, December 1, 2002, at 06:04 AM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Ben Hyde wrote:
'' web site.

Uh, thanks Ben. That helped a lot understanding the reasons behind 
your negative vote.

My prior post regarding this enthusiasm follows...
Ok, cool. See my comments below.
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It would be fun to have an Apache community aggregate of web logs, but
I have trouble seeing how it serves the foundation's mission.  Sorry to
be a wet blanket...
I'm concerned that if we create we create another
inside/outsider boundary.  I've got a handful of other concerns about
this, but that's my primary one.
I hear your concerns but today there is no easy way to find out some 
context about the person that I'm talking to on this list.

My personal experience shows that promoting personal context helps 
creating more friendly communities.

The real-life events are a way to promote personal context, but these 
events will not scale with the amount of people the ASF currently has.

Thus a need to find a more decentralized solution.
Some other ones...
I'd rather not co-mingles the Apache brand with the personal web face
of individuals in various subparts of the community.
Our mission.  Creating great software.  Puzzling out how to do that
productively in cooperative volunteer teams.  Releasing that widely
under a license that is both open.  Crafting an effective open license.
One that doesn't entrap folks.
This proposal is exactly about 'puzzling out how to do that productively 
in cooperative volunteer teams'.

The ASF is currently fragmented. Allow me to say balkanized. I see 
this as a problem. I want to 'puzzle out' how to solve this problem and 
I think that giving more personal context will help out.

This is my personal experience. You might disagree. But try to remember 
if knowing apache group members in person helped the creation of the 
httpd community.

Sure I'd love to organize gettogethers every week, but we don't have the 
resources for that.

Having homepages for ASF-related stuff might not be as good as meeting 
people in real life, but it's much better than having just a dry name to 
confront to.

I have to do a lot of A supports B supports C supports D before I get
to the conclusion that D, building out a mess of committer web pages,
supports A, the mission of the foundation.
Hope the above explains my intentions.
Bringing people closer together is for sure part of the mission of the 

I'm concerned that a few highly vocal members might generate the
impression that the foundation is taking positions that it's not.
Consider Sam's web log with where he's been poking at RSS - that's not
a ASF position.  Consider my web log with it's rants on the wealth
distribution - that's not an ASF position.
I *am* *NOT* proposing to turn apache web pages into weblogs. Weblogs 
are personal things, I totally and completely agree with you that 
weblogs should *NOT* be part of those homepages.

I just want to be able to associate a name with a person. some bio 
information, his interests around the ASF and whatever else the person 
wants me to know about his ASF involvement.

my proposal is *NOT*:
 - about weblogs
 - about moving all personal info inside the ASF web zone
 - about forcing people to do anything, but empowering those who want 
to have their personal info available in a coherent manner

The easiest way to avoid a star stage is not to build the stage.
Fair, but that is not my intention.
Hope my explaination change the picture somehow.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
I would like to propose the creation of such a virtual host so that 
all apache homepages will be hosted at
That page should be hosted on your public_html directory on your account (all committers have one, unlike 
where only a few do)

A very small adjustment to the proposal: make 
redirect to ~name/public_html/community or some such.  This makes it 
completely opt-in.  Those that don't want to participate, are not affected.
Good idea. I like it.
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Sander Striker wrote:
From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 December 2002 16:34

Yeah.. I'm confused...what does ANY of the issues brought up have to do 
with creating the dns entry?  It seems some folks are voting/debating 
the home directories themselves.  Those are already there and I assume 
that decision was already made.  I suppose you could propose they be 
shut down, but I DON'T see what creating the DNS entry has to do with 
that...  But I'm kinda dull, so maybe if someone explains it, I'll get it.  

Right now the homepages aren't linked to from anywhere and certainly
not promoted.  Creating the dns entry will seem like promoting the use
of the homepages.
Yes, that's exactly the intention. or will imply that such a domain
entails all the people of the ASF or the entire community of the ASF.
It's damn easy to create a list of all committers and provide links only 
for those who happen to have their ASF homepage available. That solves 
'in/out' problems.

simply can never be true since not everyone has time to create and maintain
a 'community' area in his homepage area.
It's up to you to partecipate in this, but I don't see why the fact that 
you don't have time should limit others in their ability to be more 
community friendly.

Some of us barely have spare time
and are likely to contribute to their projects rather than maintain their
'community' area.
Fair, then don't do so.
So, in the end, only the people with lots of time on
their hands, or simply the most vocal ones, will (likely) be perceived (by
visitors of to _be_ the ASF, instead of a few faces
within the ASF.
pfff, if I lack the time to partecipate in a mail list discussion should 
I propose to shut the mail list off until I have enough time?

I'm moving my -0 to a -1 on this basis.  It would be something else if were only accessible by committers...
Sander: since the ASF was created, this page
contains the list of all members and not all of them have the 
time/will/energy/whatever to maintain an ASF-related homepage (I'm one 
of them, BTW).

Nobody ever said that those linked ones receive more attention than the 
others. I hope you are not implying this.

I agree with you that ASF 'visibility' should not be a function of 
whether or not you have a homepage setup.

So, just like you don't stop discussions if you don't have time, but you 
still receive messages, I would suggest that we list *all* committers, 
but then we link only those who do have an ASF-related homepage setup.

Does that remove your fears?
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby wrote:
Ben Hyde wrote:

I'd be more comfortable if the individual committer pages were
hosted outside the domain, as is the case with this
example.  - ben

With a few notable exceptions, for example:
Stefano Mazzocchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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