[Coworking] Re: The Centre for Social Innovation is opening its business model!

2009-09-17 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Alex,

I'd be curious to hear an example of #1?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Sep 17, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> I'm curious who ends up taking advantage of this. Based on the scope  
> of the people who I've spoken with over the last 2 years since the  
> uptick in interest in opening coworking spaces, it boils down to:
> 1) Small to medium special interest groups
> 2) Pre-existing businesses that introduce a coworking component to  
> their workspace (agencies, think tanks, etc) for a variety of reasons.
> 3) Property developers who have space that isn't being utilized and  
> read about coworking in the news
> None of these are right or wrong, mind you. I'm just curious who is  
> going to help the most by this $400 package.
> In the last 9 months the volume of inquiries I've fielded about  
> helping people get started (or do damage control on a failing  
> venture) has skyrocketed. Most interestingly, but not surprisingly,  
> the volume of types 2 and 3 above have become the majority.
> I've always contributed to this group, and in other public forums,  
> as much as my time allows. I've made it a priority, since I consider  
> that the "open source" side of my contribution.
> For one-on-one sessions, though, I began offering a coworking- 
> specific deal on my Unstick.me microconsulting services as the  
> defacto for most one-on-one help.
> http://unstick.me/coworking.html
> I never had specific expectations of what this would turn into, but  
> the one observation that I want to share now because I think it's  
> relevant to the discussion about the Centre for Social Innovation's  
> offerings (which sound robust) is this:
> People who can afford the help have done the least with it.
> People who can't afford the help continue to cobble things together  
> until it works.
> There are exceptions to both of these points, and my intention is  
> not to say that anyone who I've done an unstick.me with has done  
> wrong with the information I've given. On average, though, the  
> people who these programs do the most good for don't have access to  
> funds, even a little bit.
> It's been a struggle of mine to figure out how I can be compensated  
> for my time and be on the ground helping the people who really want  
> it, the people who really need it.
> So far, hourly and package consulting hasn't been completely  
> INEFFECTIVE, but it's not nearly as effective as when I've gone  
> somewhere on my own dime (usually my half-assed version of a  
> vacation, or a conference) and spend some time really talking  
> through things with other leaders/groups/etc. Those are the success  
> stories that make me glow.
> I admittedly don't know where this leaves the package offered by the  
> Centre for Social Innovation, or any of our combined efforts to help  
> coworking grow and evolve into new regions and communities. I just  
> thought it was a pertinent time to speak up and share.
> -Alex
> -- 
> -
> -- 
> -
> Alex Hillman
> im always developing something
> digital: a...@weknowhtml.com
> helpful: www.unstick.me
> visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> local: www.indyhall.org
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Jessica Richman  > wrote:
> I have the same question. How is it "opening the model" if it costs  
> over $400? That's like saying "it's open source software" -- but you  
> have to pay for it.
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Jerome Chang  
>  wrote:
> I should clarify that I hadn't intended to be critical or accusatory  
> in my original email.  So before anyone else chimes in to say this  
> site is a horrible idea, I just want to inquire about how this site  
> can provide more info than what already is provided on these threads?
> Jerome
> __
> "work wide open"
> www.blankspaces.com
> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
> Los Angeles, CA 90036
> 323.330.9505 (office)
> On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Jacob Sayles wrote:
>> Yeah it's more that it has no indication of what this is for.  You  
>> create a profile and then it asks for money.
>> Jacob
>> ---
>> Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation
>> http://www.officenomads.com -  (206) 323-6500
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Alex Hillman > > wrote:
>> I'm with Jerome on this. I acknowle

[Coworking] Ignition Alley: New Coworking Space in Atlanta

2009-09-17 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi All:

While I've been on the list over a year and participated briefly at  
times I haven't proactively introduced myself or our space yet.  I've  
been trying to find a way to get a space going for almost 2 years, but  
as of Monday, Atlanta will have one between Midtown and Virginia/ 
Highlands just off Ponce de Leon thanks to my co-founder Tim Dorr  
(@timdorr on Twitter) of A Small Orange web hosting.

While I can't speak for Tim my motivations have been as a meetup  
organizer (http://atlantawebentrepreneurs.org) wanting a place for  
more casual events that are not our monthly meetings, and I've  
proactively been involved in the growing the tech startup community in  
Atlanta.  Referring back to Alex's email of the 3 types, maybe that  
makes me a special interest but I would instead would say I'm much  
more of a community organizer.

Our space is called Ignition Alley and we have 6000 sqft including  
quiet and loud areas, a large conference room, and a huge training  
room/meetup room. What's more we are opening Monday September 21st and  
we are having open houses on Fridays from 2pm-7pm from now until who  
knows when.  Check us out!


I look forward to participating a lot more on this list moving forward.

-Mike Schinkel
Co-founder; Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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[Coworking] Re: Ignition Alley: New Coworking Space in Atlanta

2009-09-17 Thread Mike Schinkel
Thanks Alex,

I definitely look forward to picking your brain and hopefully meeting  
face to face at some point in the future.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Sep 17, 2009, at 2:56 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> Mike,
> I'd consider what you just described to be what I meant by #1 in my  
> previous post.
> I'd say IndyHall, and a large number of other spaces active on this  
> list, fall into that category as well!
> Either way, I'm glad to hear Atlanta finally has something off the  
> ground. I've been watching from a distance and this sounds great.  
> Congrats!
> -Alex
> -- 
> -
> -- 
> -
> Alex Hillman
> im always developing something
> digital: a...@weknowhtml.com
> helpful: www.unstick.me
> visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> local: www.indyhall.org
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Mike Schinkel  > wrote:
> Hi All:
> While I've been on the list over a year and participated briefly at  
> times I haven't proactively introduced myself or our space yet.   
> I've been trying to find a way to get a space going for almost 2  
> years, but as of Monday, Atlanta will have one between Midtown and  
> Virginia/Highlands just off Ponce de Leon thanks to my co-founder  
> Tim Dorr (@timdorr on Twitter) of A Small Orange web hosting.
> While I can't speak for Tim my motivations have been as a meetup  
> organizer (http://atlantawebentrepreneurs.org) wanting a place for  
> more casual events that are not our monthly meetings, and I've  
> proactively been involved in the growing the tech startup community  
> in Atlanta.  Referring back to Alex's email of the 3 types, maybe  
> that makes me a special interest but I would instead would say I'm  
> much more of a community organizer.
> Our space is called Ignition Alley and we have 6000 sqft including  
> quiet and loud areas, a large conference room, and a huge training  
> room/meetup room. What's more we are opening Monday September 21st  
> and we are having open houses on Fridays from 2pm-7pm from now until  
> who knows when.  Check us out!
> http://www.ignitionalley.com
> I look forward to participating a lot more on this list moving  
> forward.
> -Mike Schinkel
> Co-founder; Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> http://www.ignitionalley.com
> http://twitter.com/mikeschinkel
> >

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"Coworking" group.
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2009-09-28 Thread Mike Schinkel


I just emailed someone I met yesterday at WordCamp Birmingham who  
lives in Charlotte who lamented that "coworking is unlikely to emerge  
in Charlotte."
Hopefully he will become a member (his name is Brett!)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Sep 28, 2009, at 3:03 AM, LIGHTBULB COWORKING wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> It;s great to be a part of the group...we have already learned so much
> from the resources here...hopefully it has saved us quite a few
> headaches and certainly some finances as we were getting our space
> ready to open.
> Don't have too much to say, other than we have just opened a great
> coworking space here in Charlotte.  We are located in the heart of the
> Historic Southend District, which was by far the top choice for this
> concept here in our city.  Just over 2000 sq. ft, we have room for six
> "anchor" tenants and workspace for an additional 12-24 people, which
> will evolve as we build a community of users.
> Good news!  We have already scheduled our first evening meetup, with a
> local networking group of video and animation creatives...we hope we
> can regularly be a place where small groups, non-profits, and other
> folks simply needed a place to meet can do just that.
> So...that's it for now...still wrking on the website, and some killer
> pics of the finished space...but we wanted to get the word out and
> officially put ourselves on the hook.
> You can contact Lightbulb Coworking anytime at
> tf...@lightbulbcreative.com.
> Talk to you all later!
> >

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[Coworking] Atlanta Coworking

2009-10-03 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Jerome,

Long time, no talk.  I hope BLANKSPACES is going well.

Since June it's been a whirlwind for me here in Atlanta as I found a  
partner to launch a coworking space and he was ready to go asap.  He  
was someone I've know for almost 3 years and also someone whose  
company I've personally been a customer of his for 5 years.  His  
company is www.asmallorange.com and it's a web hosting business.

Given our prior conversations I felt I should contact you and let you  
know the direction I took. I've been meaning to contact you sooner but  
each day has slipped by and it was never as urgent as the urgent  
things I had to do for each day.  This weekend I'm finally getting to  
some of those less urgent items.

So we opened at Ignition Alley (www.ignitionalley.com) around  
September 1st and last week we started signing up members. Our model  
turns out to be very different from yours. It seems your approach  
based on your website title keywords is to target people wanting to  
lease office space; we are catering to tech startup entrepreneurs and  
freelancers and we've set our rates much lower than yours; we are  
1/5th to 1/10th as expensive as your rates. All our plans are one  
price for the month, we don't have long term agreements, and we're  
open 24/7. We picked a very inexpensive building and spent as little  
as we could to build it out. We are more than anything trying to help  
lots of startups grow successful here in Atlanta.

In less than 10 days we've signed almost 30 members and have another  
15 requested member agreements out for signature so we are pretty  
happy with our progress.  We'll be breaking even with me having a  
salary if we can hit 100 members which I think we'll make within 30  

Anyway, the main reason I moved forward but didn't at least contact  
you to joint venture was because my partner wanted to move fast and  
had the financial resources to do so. I was so happy to find someone  
who would finally bankroll this thing I've tried to make happen for  
two years that I didn't want to rock the boat. Not sure if there will  
ever be any way we can work together moving forward but I sure would  
like to keep the door open for doing so if an opportunity arises.

If you are ever in Atlanta I'd love to show you the place if for no  
other reason than to put a face to a voice.

-Mike Schinkel
Web Marketing Strategist and Atlanta Startup Catalyst

P.S.  I started a page of coworking locations around the world on our  
website and included yours:


You'll note that I've done it in such a way that the links help SEO  
for each space with the keywords "{city} Coworking" where "{city}" is  
their city.  So that means I've linked to your site to help you with  
the keywords "Los Angeles Coworking."

I'm hoping that each site we link to will reciprocate somewhere on  
their site by linking back to our site at www.ignitionalley.com with  
one of the following:

-- Atlanta Coworking
-- Coworking Atlanta
-- Atlanta's Coworking Space
-- Coworking in Atlanta
-- Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
-- Atlanta's Coworking: Ignition Alley 

Let me know if you end up doing that, and thanks much in advance.
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[Coworking] Re: Atlanta Coworking

2009-10-03 Thread Mike Schinkel

Didn't mean that to go to the list, but fortunately didn't include  
anything confidential.  Sorry for bothering everyone.


On Oct 3, 2009, at 11:04 PM, Mike Schinkel wrote:

> Hi Jerome,
> Long time, no talk.  I hope BLANKSPACES is going well.
> Since June it's been a whirlwind for me here in Atlanta as I found a  
> partner to launch a coworking space and he was ready to go asap.  He  
> was someone I've know for almost 3 years and also someone whose  
> company I've personally been a customer of his for 5 years.  His  
> company is www.asmallorange.com and it's a web hosting business.
> Given our prior conversations I felt I should contact you and let  
> you know the direction I took. I've been meaning to contact you  
> sooner but each day has slipped by and it was never as urgent as the  
> urgent things I had to do for each day.  This weekend I'm finally  
> getting to some of those less urgent items.
> So we opened at Ignition Alley (www.ignitionalley.com) around  
> September 1st and last week we started signing up members. Our model  
> turns out to be very different from yours. It seems your approach  
> based on your website title keywords is to target people wanting to  
> lease office space; we are catering to tech startup entrepreneurs  
> and freelancers and we've set our rates much lower than yours; we  
> are 1/5th to 1/10th as expensive as your rates. All our plans are  
> one price for the month, we don't have long term agreements, and  
> we're open 24/7. We picked a very inexpensive building and spent as  
> little as we could to build it out. We are more than anything trying  
> to help lots of startups grow successful here in Atlanta.
> In less than 10 days we've signed almost 30 members and have another  
> 15 requested member agreements out for signature so we are pretty  
> happy with our progress.  We'll be breaking even with me having a  
> salary if we can hit 100 members which I think we'll make within 30  
> days.
> Anyway, the main reason I moved forward but didn't at least contact  
> you to joint venture was because my partner wanted to move fast and  
> had the financial resources to do so. I was so happy to find someone  
> who would finally bankroll this thing I've tried to make happen for  
> two years that I didn't want to rock the boat. Not sure if there  
> will ever be any way we can work together moving forward but I sure  
> would like to keep the door open for doing so if an opportunity  
> arises.
> If you are ever in Atlanta I'd love to show you the place if for no  
> other reason than to put a face to a voice.
> -Mike Schinkel
> Web Marketing Strategist and Atlanta Startup Catalyst
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeschinkel
> http://twitter.com/mikeschinkel
> http://mikeschinkel.com
> P.S.  I started a page of coworking locations around the world on  
> our website and included yours:
> http://www.ignitionalley.com/coworking-locations
> You'll note that I've done it in such a way that the links help SEO  
> for each space with the keywords "{city} Coworking" where "{city}"  
> is their city.  So that means I've linked to your site to help you  
> with the keywords "Los Angeles Coworking."
> I'm hoping that each site we link to will reciprocate somewhere on  
> their site by linking back to our site at www.ignitionalley.com with  
> one of the following:
> -- Atlanta Coworking
> -- Coworking Atlanta
> -- Atlanta's Coworking Space
> -- Coworking in Atlanta
> -- Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> -- Atlanta's Coworking: Ignition Alley 
> Let me know if you end up doing that, and thanks much in advance.
> >

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To post to this group, send email to coworking@googlegroups.com
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[Coworking] Re: Headphones in the office!

2009-10-06 Thread Mike Schinkel

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 6, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Chad Ballantyne wrote:

> it's now officially adopted in our rules - thanks!
> On 6-Oct-09, at 10:14 AM, Daniel Fiker wrote:
>>  Incredible Simple and direct
>> From: dangerouslyawes...@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 23:35:21 -0700
>> Subject: [Coworking] Re: Headphones in the office!
>> To: coworking@googlegroups.com
>> That was awesome.
>> --  
>> -
>> --  
>> -
>> Alex Hillman
>> im always developing something
>> digital: a...@weknowhtml.com
>> helpful: www.unstick.me
>> visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
>> local: www.indyhall.org
>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Jerome Chang  
>>  wrote:
>> Hi.  We made this quick short on Friday about headphones in the  
>> office to ward off the occasional "downsides" to coworking.
>> http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=707190387635&saved
>> Enjoy!
>> Jerome
>> __
>> "work wide open"
>> www.blankspaces.com
>> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
>> Los Angeles, CA 90036
>> 323.330.9505 (office)
>> >>
> Chad Ballantyne
> 705.252.2423
> c...@rhubarbmedia.ca
> www.rhubarbmedia.ca
> ü Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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"Coworking" group.
To post to this group, send email to coworking@googlegroups.com
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[Coworking] Re: hourly packages vs days per month

2009-10-06 Thread Mike Schinkel

We have Occasional (5 calendar days a month) and Unlimited.

We wanted to give most members one monthly bill that was automatically  
deducted from their credit card so they stop thinking about their  
usage of the space.  We've told members that Occasional will be on the  
honor system but if really abused we'll probably noticed. We're  
instead focusing our attentions on growing a great community and space  
and marketing it to outside people and less on the logistics of daily  

Of course, we're less than one month in business. Thus far it's worked  
great but who knows if it will work well long term or not.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 6, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Emma Persky wrote:

> hello
> we are just putting the pricing strategy for the trampery together and
> this has come op
> what are people thoughts on this. for example
> 100 hour package vs 3 day a week.
> maybe the 100 hours could be used across multiple months.
> I like the idea in principle - gives people more flexibility. but i
> wouldn't want something "enforced" as in clock in - clock out, that
> just seems to regimented for co working. i guess an honesty system -
> tell us when you've used your 100 hours might work...
> emma
> >

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[Coworking] Re: hourly packages vs days per month

2009-10-06 Thread Mike Schinkel
> This is one reason why we avoided the pay to play model entirely at  
> Gangplank.  Once people start tracking minutes and space it becomes  
> a real estate transaction rather than a community building action.   
> I realize that not everyone can have anchor companies that cover the  
> extra costs, but it does help to keep this out of the forefront of  
> your community and instead allows people to build a genuine  
> relationship.

As a counter, we looked at anchor companies that would gift the space  
to people and we found too many problems with it.

1.) The anchor companies are too likely to introduce vested-interest  
in the space if and when the fall on hard times and don't have the  
benefit of being so altruistic.

2.) We have more people interested than we have space to accommodate.   
Setting a price allows us to manage that with supply and demand.

3.) We want a community where we have people who value the community  
and where we have people we can trust. Those who pay value more on  
average than those who don't, and without fee it will be much more  
likely someone would join just to steal from our members.

However, we've priced very low so that the amount they pay is no more  
than a cost of a latte per week day.

Truth be told, we do have one anchor company but it's not mine and I  
plan to be a watchdog on the undue influence from my partner's web  
hosting business.

> No one wants to be tasked with starting and stopping the stop watch  
> or enforcing this stuff - we all have better things to do with our  
> time.

With that I completely agree. That's why we have simply Occasional (5  
calendar days) and Unlimited.  We don't want people thinking "Am I  
about out of paid time?"  Reminds me of my MacBook's damn battery vs.  
my Dell laptops.  On the former I'm always watching the battery meter  
but with the later I almost completely forget about it and the latter  
makes my life so much nicer. :)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 6, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Chris Conrey wrote:

> This is one reason why we avoided the pay to play model entirely at  
> Gangplank.  Once people start tracking minutes and space it becomes  
> a real estate transaction rather than a community building action.   
> I realize that not everyone can have anchor companies that cover the  
> extra costs, but it does help to keep this out of the forefront of  
> your community and instead allows people to build a genuine  
> relationship.
> No one wants to be tasked with starting and stopping the stop watch  
> or enforcing this stuff - we all have better things to do with our  
> time.
> Chris Conrey
> chrisconrey.com
> Human->Geek Relations at Integrum
> @conrey on Twitter
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Jerome Chang  
>  wrote:
> You'll find that some people will complain that if they're there just
> 1-2 hours, they don't want to count that as an entire day.  That's one
> reason why we break up our days into morning, afternoon, and evening
> sessions.  We still do get people who want to then only count the # of
> actual hours used, but we've resisted in smaller increments.
> Keep that in mind.
> Jerome
> __
> "work wide open"
> www.blankspaces.com
> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
> Los Angeles, CA 90036
> 323.330.9505 (office)
> On Oct 6, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
> >
> > We have Occasional (5 calendar days a month) and Unlimited.
> >
> > We wanted to give most members one monthly bill that was  
> automatically
> > deducted from their credit card so they stop thinking about their
> > usage of the space.  We've told members that Occasional will be on  
> the
> > honor system but if really abused we'll probably noticed. We're
> > instead focusing our attentions on growing a great community and  
> space
> > and marketing it to outside people and less on the logistics of  
> daily
> > usage.
> >
> > Of course, we're less than one month in business. Thus far it's  
> worked
> > great but who knows if it will work well long term or not.
> >
> > -Mike Schinkel
> > Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> > http://ignitionalley.com
> >
> >
> >
> > On Oct 6, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Emma Persky wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> hello
> >>
> >> we are just putting the pricing strategy for the trampery together
> >> and
> >> this has come op
> >> what are people thoughts on this. for example
> >>
> >> 100 hour package vs 

[Coworking] Re: hourly packages vs days per month

2009-10-06 Thread Mike Schinkel

That's very interesting. I'd be interested in what kind of RFID  
systems you are using?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 6, 2009, at 9:32 PM, Jeff Gunther wrote:

> Hi All,
> I echo Jerome's comments. We explored the idea of day passes, but
> found that potential coworkers worked at most in 4 hour blocks of
> time. If a coworker used 2 hours one day, they didn't think it was
> fair to count that day against them.
> After studying several non-coworking hourly-based businesses, we
> created a different approach. We decided to launch with two options: a
> "pay as you go" model (i.e. a higher hourly rate) and a "monthly by
> the hour" model (i.e. a lower hourly rate). By utilizing an active
> RFID system to track usage -- coworkers don't have to check in or
> check out, they simply use the space. Our web-based billing system is
> completely automated and simply charges coworkers once per month via
> their credit card.
> To address the real estate transaction issue, we are giving our "pay
> as you go" coworkers two hours per month in our space for free. These
> free hours allow people to test-drive our space without a commitment
> while still participating in the community. Here is a link to our  
> site:
> https://secure.getopenspace.com/rates
> Just something to consider.
> Jeff Gunther
> OpenSpace
> 455 Second Street SE, Suite 100
> Charlottesville, VA 22902
> T: (434) 409-2676
> F: (866) 812-5291
> jeff.gunt...@getopenspace.com
> On Oct 6, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Jerome Chang wrote:
>> You'll find that some people will complain that if they're there just
>> 1-2 hours, they don't want to count that as an entire day.  That's  
>> one
>> reason why we break up our days into morning, afternoon, and evening
>> sessions.  We still do get people who want to then only count the #  
>> of
>> actual hours used, but we've resisted in smaller increments.
>> Keep that in mind.
>> Jerome
>> __
>> "work wide open"
>> www.blankspaces.com
>> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
>> Los Angeles, CA 90036
>> 323.330.9505 (office)
>> On Oct 6, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
>>> We have Occasional (5 calendar days a month) and Unlimited.
>>> We wanted to give most members one monthly bill that was
>>> automatically
>>> deducted from their credit card so they stop thinking about their
>>> usage of the space.  We've told members that Occasional will be on
>>> the
>>> honor system but if really abused we'll probably noticed. We're
>>> instead focusing our attentions on growing a great community and
>>> space
>>> and marketing it to outside people and less on the logistics of  
>>> daily
>>> usage.
>>> Of course, we're less than one month in business. Thus far it's
>>> worked
>>> great but who knows if it will work well long term or not.
>>> -Mike Schinkel
>>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>>> http://ignitionalley.com
>>> On Oct 6, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Emma Persky wrote:
>>>> hello
>>>> we are just putting the pricing strategy for the trampery together
>>>> and
>>>> this has come op
>>>> what are people thoughts on this. for example
>>>> 100 hour package vs 3 day a week.
>>>> maybe the 100 hours could be used across multiple months.
>>>> I like the idea in principle - gives people more flexibility. but i
>>>> wouldn't want something "enforced" as in clock in - clock out, that
>>>> just seems to regimented for co working. i guess an honesty  
>>>> system -
>>>> tell us when you've used your 100 hours might work...
>>>> emma
> >

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[Coworking] Re: hourly packages vs days per month

2009-10-06 Thread Mike Schinkel
likely to be  
petty one-on-one than if they know everyone will see their pettiness.

Lastly we don't have long term contracts. If someone is unhappy they  
can just leave; if they are really unhappy we'll refund their last  
month. But then they loose all the benefits of the environment and  
community so that further helps moderate the petty behavior.

Of course, we've only been doing this or a month now so I could be  
wrong on all this. Time will tell...

> Again, I don't think your model is any worse than mine - just  
> different angles that I'm trying to share.


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 6, 2009, at 11:21 PM, Chris Conrey wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Mike Schinkel  > wrote:
> As a counter, we looked at anchor companies that would gift the  
> space to people and we found too many problems with it.
> 1.) The anchor companies are too likely to introduce vested-interest  
> in the space if and when the fall on hard times and don't have the  
> benefit of being so altruistic.
> Certainly - with the wrong interests in mind this would easily go  
> badly in this direction.  But what sort of vested interests can  
> really be involved if its just open space anyway?
> 2.) We have more people interested than we have space to  
> accommodate.  Setting a price allows us to manage that with supply  
> and demand.
> Great problem to have.  We took advantage of the down real estate  
> market to get a bigger space than we would need for this very reason.
> 3.) We want a community where we have people who value the community  
> and where we have people we can trust. Those who pay value more on  
> average than those who don't, and without fee it will be much more  
> likely someone would join just to steal from our members.
> That's kind of a strawman argument with no data from a model where  
> there is no cost to join and the only time anything has ever been  
> stolen here was when some junkies broke in and stole our fax machine.
> With that I completely agree. That's why we have simply Occasional  
> (5 calendar days) and Unlimited.  We don't want people thinking "Am  
> I about out of paid time?"  Reminds me of my MacBook's damn battery  
> vs. my Dell laptops.  On the former I'm always watching the battery  
> meter but with the later I almost completely forget about it and the  
> latter makes my life so much nicer. :)
> -Mike Schinkel
> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> http://ignitionalley.com
> I certainly hope that you don't think I'm judging your model as  
> wrong, I just like it differently.  I'm glad that it is working for  
> you (and nearly everyone else on this list who runs a space).  My  
> concerns with your model are very similar to yours with mine.
> 1) In hard times the person(s) who own and run the space are going  
> to be tightening up or exerting undue influence in one way or  
> another (raising prices, restricting usage, cramming more people in  
> etc).
> 2) In a worst case the model is unsustainable because of a lack of  
> folks with an ability to continue paying - much like a gym  
> membership when they can run anywhere - their co-working membership  
> when they can work at a starbucks or at home. (Yes I know the  
> analogy is flawed in detail but on the surface it works)
> 3) You build a community with a sense of entitlement when things go  
> wrong you get the "Well I paid my dues so I am owed my share of time  
> in the conference room" or "The bandwidth was down so I want some  
> refund for my costs" or etc.   When people are monetarily involved  
> in things they behave differently (not going to google psychological  
> studies but there are plenty).
> Again, I don't think your model is any worse than mine - just  
> different angles that I'm trying to share.
> Chris Conrey
> On Oct 6, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Chris Conrey wrote:
>> This is one reason why we avoided the pay to play model entirely at  
>> Gangplank.  Once people start tracking minutes and space it becomes  
>> a real estate transaction rather than a community building action.   
>> I realize that not everyone can have anchor companies that cover  
>> the extra costs, but it does help to keep this out of the forefront  
>> of your community and instead allows people to build a genuine  
>> relationship.
>> No one wants to be tasked with starting and stopping the stop watch  
>> or enforcing this stuff - we all have better things to do with our  
>> time.

[Coworking] Lockers for Members?

2009-10-07 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi all,

We are about to order lockers for our space and wanted to first ask  
the experience of those on the list.  Specifically:

-- Do you find your members want/need lockers?
-- If yes, what percent of members want/need them?

-- Do you offer lockers?  
-- If No, why not?
-- If Yes:
-- Where did you get them?
-- What size(s) did you get?
-- How many do you have of each?
-- How much did you pay for them?
-- Do members store anything unexpected in them that you know of?  
(i.e. besides laptops)
-- Did you buy new or used, or get them donated or other?
-- Do you allow them to have their own locker, only share them, or  
-- Do you have lockers that are available only during the day, or 24/7?
-- Do you charge members extra for lockers?  If so, how much?

-- Any suggestions or lessons learned?

Thanks in advance!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. Hope this hasn't been covered on the list before...

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[Coworking] Re: Lockers for Members?

2009-10-07 Thread Mike Schinkel
> They are gym size, 4 high so about 1 metre high each (that's three
> feet to you imperial users).

LOL!  ;-)

Thanks so much for answering.  It helps.
Curious, if 6 lockers are in use what percentage of use is there? IOW,  
how many members do you have?

BTW, your pricing is almost the same as the price we are paying, so  
that's nicely inline.

> They are gym size, 4 high so about 1 metre high each (that's three
> feet to you imperial users).

Am I reading that correctly?  They are 4 meters/~12 feet high?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 7, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Steven Heath wrote:

>> -- Do you find your members want/need lockers?
> Yes we have 12 lockers. It was mainly to show that people could lock
> away their stuff if they had concerns.
>> -- If yes, what percent of members want/need them?
> Only about 6 are in use. But then again this was more of a emotional
> aspect for the open work space and keeping stuff private.
>> -- Where did you get them?
> From a store :-)
>> -- What size(s) did you get?
> They are gym size, 4 high so about 1 metre high each (that's three
> feet to you imperial users).
>> -- How many do you have of each?
> 12, but we can epxand more 4 at a time (one row)
>> -- How much did you pay for them?
> about 1k NZ ($600ish US) including being shipped and installed onsite.
>> -- Do members store anything unexpected in them that you know of?  
>> (i.e.
>> besides laptops)
> Some private papers and some whiskey
>> -- Did you buy new or used, or get them donated or other?
> new
>> -- Do you allow them to have their own locker, only share them, or  
>> both?
> Private use with us having a master key.
>> -- Do you have lockers that are available only during the day, or  
>> 24/7?
> 24/7
>> -- Do you charge members extra for lockers?  If so, how much?
> $25 NZ  month extra (about $15 US a month)
> -- 
> Steven Heath
> Director, Foxbane Consulting
> Founder, AltSpace
> Cell: +64 21 706-067
> www.foxbane.co.nz
> Level 22
> Plimmer Towers
> 2 Gilmer Terrace
> Wellington
> AltSpace.co.nz - Shared office space in Wellington for home based
> workers, freelancers, or nimble companies
> >

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[Coworking] Re: Lockers for Members?

2009-10-07 Thread Mike Schinkel

Thanks.  FYI, these are the ones I'm probably going to go with (unless  
I hear of something much better):  http://www.asilockers.com/


On Oct 7, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Mike Pihlman wrote:

> How timely...
> 1. We have been talking recently about open cubbies (like in school)  
> or
> lockers that can be locked.  There is NOT an urgent need or request,  
> so
> far just casual discussions.
> 2. Not offered, mostly right now due to cost (I am funding the place
> myself...).  As membership increases amenities will increase.
> Good news from TVO:  Just signed up a new member!   WhooHoo!  :-)
> Mike
> Mike Schinkel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>We are about to order lockers for our space and wanted to first
>>ask the experience of those on the list.  Specifically:
>>-- Do you find your members want/need lockers?
>>-- If yes, what percent of members want/need them?
>>-- Do you offer lockers?
>>-- If No, why not?
>>-- If Yes:
>>-- Where did you get them?
>>-- What size(s) did you get?
>>-- How many do you have of each?
>>-- How much did you pay for them?
>>-- Do members store anything unexpected in them that you know
>>of? (i.e. besides laptops)
>>-- Did you buy new or used, or get them donated or other?
>>-- Do you allow them to have their own locker, only share
>>them, or both?
>>-- Do you have lockers that are available only during the day,
>>or 24/7?
>>-- Do you charge members extra for lockers?  If so, how much?
>>-- Any suggestions or lessons learned?
>>Thanks in advance!
>> -Mike Schinkel
>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>> http://ignitionalley.com
>> P.S. Hope this hasn't been covered on the list before...
> -- 
> Mike Pihlman
> TracyVirtualOffice
> "A Coworking Community"
> 95 W. 11th Street, Suite 203
> Tracy, CA 95376
> Mobile: 209-608-4340
> Web: TracyVirtualOffice.com
> Twitter: @TracyVirtOffice
> Skype:  tracyvirtualoffice1
> >

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[Coworking] Re: Lockers for Members?

2009-10-08 Thread Mike Schinkel

Awesome, I googled for used and looked on ebay but didn't think of  
Craigslist. I'm an idiot! Thanks.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 8, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> We've bought lockers on craigslist twice and it's been great/cheap. ~
> $200 for a bank of 30 lockers.
> On Thursday, October 8, 2009, Mike Schinkel  > wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Thanks.  FYI, these are the ones I'm probably going to go with  
>> (unless I hear of something much better):  http://www.asilockers.com/
>> -Mike
>> On Oct 7, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Mike Pihlman wrote:
>> How timely...
>> 1. We have been talking recently about open cubbies (like in  
>> school) or
>> lockers that can be locked.  There is NOT an urgent need or  
>> request, so
>> far just casual discussions.
>> 2. Not offered, mostly right now due to cost (I am funding the place
>> myself...).  As membership increases amenities will increase.
>> Good news from TVO:  Just signed up a new member!   WhooHoo!  :-)
>> Mike
>> Mike Schinkel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>We are about to order lockers for our space and wanted to first
>>ask the experience of those on the list.  Specifically:
>>-- Do you find your members want/need lockers?
>>-- If yes, what percent of members want/need them?
>>-- Do you offer lockers?
>>-- If No, why not?
>>-- If Yes:
>>-- Where did you get them?
>>-- What size(s) did you get?
>>-- How many do you have of each?
>>-- How much did you pay for them?
>>-- Do members store anything unexpected in them that you know
>>of? (i.e. besides laptops)
>>-- Did you buy new or used, or get them donated or other?
>>-- Do you allow them to have their own locker, only share
>>them, or both?
>>-- Do you have lockers that are available only during the day,
>>or 24/7?
>>-- Do you charge members extra for lockers?  If so, how much?
>>-- Any suggestions or lessons learned?
>>Thanks in advance!
>> -Mike Schinkel
>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>> http://ignitionalley.com
>> P.S. Hope this hasn't been covered on the list before...
>> --
>> Mike Pihlman
>> TracyVirtualOffice
>> "A Coworking Community"
>> 95 W. 11th Street, Suite 203
>> Tracy, CA 95376
>> Mobile: 209-608-4340
>> Web: TracyVirtualOffice.com
>> Twitter: @TracyVirtOffice
>> Skype:  tracyvirtualoffice1
> -- 
> -- 
> -
> -- 
> -
> Alex Hillman
> im always developing something
> digital: a...@weknowhtml.com
> helpful: www.unstick.me
> visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> local: www.indyhall.org
> >

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[Coworking] Re: CoWorking Business Model: Profit vs. Non Profit

2009-10-15 Thread Mike Schinkel
Suggestion: Engage heavily in the local Meetup.com community and  
aggressively start offering your space for free to Meetup organizers.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Wes & Steve - Verge wrote:

> Hi all, my business partner and I are in the midst of launching a
> space in downtown Wilmington, DE in the upcoming months.  We have
> already found and secured a space, but are still unsure of the proper
> business model to employ.  We have been leaning towards not-for-profit
> mainly to have a better chance of raising some initial capital and
> securing sponsorships.  We would appreciate if anyone could give us
> some pros and cons for whether for-profit or not-for-profit is the
> better choice, as well as some tips on raising investment.  Thanks!!!
> >

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[Coworking] Re: Fundraising for CoWorking Space in Munich, Germany

2009-10-19 Thread Mike Schinkel

I've been following this dialog for what feels like a while.  I think  
all the suggestions that have been made to you have been spot-on and  
are worthy of serious consideration.

Two that I'd like to add are:

1.) It's easy to create a list of expenditures and to write checks.  
It's much harder to be creative about finding ways not to spend the  
money but instead get the things you need via donation, barter,  
prepaid fees, etc.  In my experience the people who are most  
successful are the ones who master the latter ability.

2.) Do you have any idea what a nightmare you will create for yourself  
if you have 50 equity partners, especially if the partners may somehow  
(want to) be involved in the decisions of an operating entity?!?  
You'll have all the headaches and none of the rewards of dealing with  
50 different opinions all of which you'll have a fiduciary  
responsibility to address.  Better to have 50 customers who pay 3 to 6  
months in advance to enable you to make something happen that, without  
your effort and their money, you wouldn't be able to make happen *for  

I hope this helps.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 19, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Jörg Dennis Krüger wrote:

> Tony,
> of course I thought about this approach as well. But there where many
> critics on this when we discussed this his.
> - Is a small CoWorking space really able to deliver the flexibility  
> needed?
> - If you grow you need to move, which could be very bad for the  
> CoWorking space?
> If someone wants a table in a small shared office there are many
> offers available. But for me CoWorking is much more, e.g. the
> flexibility to need one desk today and three tomorrow. So if you start
> with less then 10 desks available the fear is you end up as a simple
> shared office without the flexibilitx and dynamic needed.
> How did you solve that problem?
> Dennis
> >

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[Coworking] Re: Mailbox services for community members

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Jen,

Congrats on your soon-to-be-open space.

On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:08 PM, JeninVT wrote:
> One question (among the thousand ) on my list...some potential members
> have asked if I will be providing mailbox services at the space.  I
> did a quick search in this group because I thought I saw some
> discussion on this previously but couldn't find the thread.

I *just* went through this just last week.  We've had 3 members  
explicitly ask for it, and many others mention it (fyi, we have over  
45 paying members as of today.)

We launched less than 1 month ago and so we've not had lots of time to  
validate our approach, so take all of this with a grain of salt.

> Pros I see in doing this include providing a great service for at-home
> businesses (we've all been there) that need a professional address
> other than a home address or a PO box address.

What I've heard is that for certain members it is a huge plus to offer  
postal addresses that are not denoted with "po box."

> Cons are:
> - space constraint

How much space do you have?  Both inside and immediately outside of  
your facility?

> - what if I lose mail
> - liability

That's a huge liability, unless you do what we did.

> - I'm not open on Saturday yet

If you do what we did, you can just give the post office access to  
your space, or have it delivered outside.

> Anyone doing this successfully? Tips? Does the USPS care about this?

Basically you need to be set up as a multi-tenant facility and get a  
USPS approved set of multi-tenant commercial post office boxes. That's  
what they require and AFAIK the liability essentially goes away  
because that is was the USPS "blesses."

For examples:


If you have the ability to mount one outside you could get something  
like these:


One thing I think can be done, I'm assuming can be done, but don't  
know for sure is the ability to assign a "suite" number to each box  
and thus allow your members to have "Suites" based on the box number.   
We haven't verified that is possible with the USPS but if MailBoxes  
etc. can do it I'm not sure why we can't.

Now we were super lucky; we found an indoor freestanding unit with 8  
small boxes and 16 larges boxes on Craigslist for $400, delivered.   


> What do you charge?

We want to empower our members as much as possible so we are charging  
$5/month for the small boxes and $10/month for the larger boxes, on a  
first-come-first-serve month-to-month basis.  That's much cheaper than  
most P.O. boxes but they do have to be members to get a box.

If you have to buy a new unit you can probably get $15 and $25  
respectively per month rental for your boxes, maybe?

Hope this helps.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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[Coworking] Insurance for Coworking Spaces

2009-10-26 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi All:

I hope this hasn't been covered before but I was just advised by a  
State Farm agent that our space is not an eligible business for any of  
their programs.

Has anyone run into this and more importantly, where have you found  
business insurance and what issues have you come across?

Thanks in advance!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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[Coworking] Re: Insurance for Coworking Spaces

2009-10-26 Thread Mike Schinkel

Big thanks Alex and Jerome!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 26, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> We have a great agent for The Hartford. They have policies
> specifically for shared space businesses. I recommend looking for your
> local agent, if there is one.
> We carry a general liability for the business, our space, and our
> assets, I think it's something like a $2mm policy and it's extremely
> affordable.
> Based on location, YMMV.
> -Alex, IndyHall
> On Monday, October 26, 2009, Mike Schinkel  > wrote:
>> Hi All:
>> I hope this hasn't been covered before but I was just advised by a  
>> State Farm agent that our space is not an eligible business for any  
>> of their programs.
>> Has anyone run into this and more importantly, where have you found  
>> business insurance and what issues have you come across?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> -Mike Schinkel
>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>> http://ignitionalley.com
> -- 
> -- 
> -
> -- 
> -
> Alex Hillman
> im always developing something
> digital: a...@weknowhtml.com
> helpful: www.unstick.me
> visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> local: www.indyhall.org
> >

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[Coworking] Visit your San Fran space, Friday Nov 6th?

2009-10-28 Thread Mike Schinkel

Hi All,

I'm going to be in San Francisco all next week and have Friday free to  
visit some coworking spaces. Anyone available/want to suggest spaces I  
should try to visit?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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[Coworking] Re: Visit your San Fran space, Friday Nov 6th?

2009-10-28 Thread Mike Schinkel


You are the best!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 28, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:

> Citizen Space (425 - 2nd Street, #100)
> The Hat Factory
> PariSoma
> Sandbox Suites
> Cubes and Crayons
> Tara
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Mike Schinkel
>  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm going to be in San Francisco all next week and have Friday free  
>> to
>> visit some coworking spaces. Anyone available/want to suggest  
>> spaces I
>> should try to visit?
>> -Mike Schinkel
>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>> http://ignitionalley.com
> -- 
> tara 'missrogue' hunt
> Book: The Whuffie Factor (http://www.thewhuffiefactor.com)
> Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://horsepigcow.com)
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missrogue
> phone: 514-679-2951
> >

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[Coworking] Re: Intro

2009-10-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Mo,

Start by organizing local meetups in your area to first build a  
community.  Focus on the meetups that will appeal to your desired  
demographics.  You don't need to be an expert on any of those topics,  
you just need to recruit experts from your community to speak and  
engage.  That's what we've done and it's been very successful in  
generating interest albeit I started the main meetup 3 years ago...

That said, I'd love to recruit some lawyers to become members in  
Ignition Alley in Atlanta.  Any idea how I could go about that?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 27, 2009, at 9:27 AM, maureen krasner wrote:

> Hi--
> I'm Maureen (Mo) Krasner, a solo practitioner lawyer in metro  
> Detroit.  I was recently laid off from a large law firm and I'm re- 
> thinking things.  Upon my return to the home as an office for a  
> while I came to realize that almost as much as the steady income I  
> miss the community of "the office".  My husband is a graphic  
> designer who has been working out of the home for years and he feels  
> the same-- and says its really impossible to get even going with  
> your laptop to the local Starbucks.
> I also have this recollection of waiting in a hospital ICU waiting  
> room on a critically ill relative for many days and having a few of  
> us sit there with our laptops and completely different careers  
> ( sales, senate intern, graphic designer, lawyer) side by side  
> working while we waited and it was phenomenal how great it was to  
> bounce things off each other and get perspectives unlike what you  
> would get if (in my case) you were sitting among a bunch of other  
> lawyers.
> I get a sense that there are many entrepreneurs, free-lancers, etc.  
> working in my community who would benefit and welcome a space/ 
> community co-working space.  With so many companies/industries down  
> sizing and more people going solo I think co-working has to be  
> factored into a successful future. My thought for a local space  
> would not be limited to any particular field or discipline. The city  
> of Grosse Pointe is actually a great place for something like this  
> it with the town being very small, banks, coffee shops, bagels, a  
> few restaurants, a library etc. all within walking distance of each  
> other. And like so much of Michigan a place looking to renew/ 
> reinvent itself.  I'd like to start trying to figure out if this is  
> doable and how to make it happen.
> Mo Krasner
> mtkras...@gmail.com
> >

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[Coworking] Re: Insurance for Coworking Spaces

2009-10-28 Thread Mike Schinkel

Thanks again for all the help!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Oct 27, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> Yeah, Preston-Patterson has been very good to us, and everyone we've  
> referred them to.
> -Alex
> -- 
> -
> -- 
> -
> Alex Hillman
> im always developing something
> digital: a...@weknowhtml.com
> helpful: www.unstick.me
> visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> local: www.indyhall.org
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Mike Pihlman  > wrote:
> Based on the advice from this group several months ago, we went with
> Preston-Patterson when I found our local insurance co's (in Tracy, CA)
> (even one I have been with over 25 years!) could not / did not want to
> cover us.  I am very happy with Preston-Patterson.  Very reasonable
> cost, very efficient.and patient with a newbie like me.
> Mike
> Scott Tillitt / BEAHIVE wrote:
> > Hey Mike, I asked the same question 6-7 months ago and got a good  
> rec
> > from Tony Bacigalupo of New Work City (NYC). The agent is outside of
> > Philly, but they work with folks all over to find the right  
> insurance
> > company (in my case, Ohio Casualty). We're in New York's Hudson  
> Valley.
> >
> > I was surprised how affordable it was.
> >
> > Agency: Preston-Patterson Co.
> > Account Manager: Jennifer Makarczyk (my original agent left and I
> > haven't yet spoken directly with Jennifer)
> > 1-610-834-0090 x101
> > www.preston-patterson.com <http://www.preston-patterson.com>
> > jenni...@preston-patterson.com
> >
> > Good luck,
> > scott.
> >
> > On Oct 27, 2009, at 4:26 AM, coworking group wrote:
> >
> >>  
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> ==
> >> TOPIC: Insurance for Coworking Spaces
> >> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking/t/02981ed581fda90b?hl=en
> >>  
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> ==
> >>
> >> == 1 of 3 ==
> >> Date: Mon, Oct 26 2009 4:28 pm
> >> From: Mike Schinkel
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi All:
> >>
> >> I hope this hasn't been covered before but I was just advised by a
> >> State Farm agent that our space is not an eligible business for  
> any of
> >> their programs.
> >>
> >> Has anyone run into this and more importantly, where have you found
> >> business insurance and what issues have you come across?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance!
> >>
> >> -Mike Schinkel
> >> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> >> http://ignitionalley.com <http://ignitionalley.com/>
> >
> >   - ---
> > PR yogi / writer / community catalyst
> > [ sc...@beahivebeacon.com <mailto:sc...@beahivebeacon.com>  /
> >  917.449.6356 / Twitter: @bluehwyflaneur
> > <http://www.twitter.com/bluehwyflaneur> ]
> >
> > collaborative community workspace / join the hive. engage.
> > *sign up for** **BEAHIVE Bzzz* <http://eepurl.com/caxT>
> > [ www.beahivebeacon.com <http://www.beahivebeacon.com>  /
> >  Twitter: @BEAHIVE <http://www.twitter.com/BEAHIVE> ]
> >
> > socially conscious communications / apply liberally.
> > [ www.antidotecollective.org <http://www.antidotecollective.org> ]
> >
> >   - ---  t h i n k / f e e l  --- -
> > ...an idea or product that deserves the label 'creative' arises from
> > the synergy of many sources and not only from the mind of a single
> > person.” (Mihaly Csikszentmihaly)
> >
> >
> > >
> --
> Mike Pihlman
> TracyVirtualOffice
> "A Coworking Community"
> 95 W. 11th Street, Suite 203
> Tracy, CA 95376
> Mobile: 209-608-4340
> Web: TracyVirtualOffice.com
> Twitter: @TracyVirtOffice
> Skype:  tracyvirtualoffice1
> >

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[Coworking] Re: MBA student: Confused about Profitability of Cowroking?

2009-10-31 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Oct 28, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> People - investing in our community is the other half.
> People leads to profit. Profit doesn't necessarily lead to people.  
> Involving the community in the operations of the business has been a  
> part of our secret sauce.

Thanks for sharing these Alex.  This list is such a great resource.

Can you elaborate on exactly how you involve the community in  
operations of the business?  Do you open the books to the community?   
Do you have them vote on enhancements?  What logistics/technologies do  
you use?  Other specifics?

> 3) we've been recognized by individuals, businesses, and  
> representatives of the city that our efforts and our community are a  
> significant contributor to the growth and visibility of a community  
> in a city that wasn't otherwise known for technology, creative, or  
> independent workers.

Can you suggest how you got notices by the representatives in your  
city? I'm fearing that Philadelphia is more progressive than Atlanta  
in that respect...

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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[Coworking] Re: MBA student: Confused about Profitability of Cowroking?

2009-11-01 Thread Mike Schinkel
al of improving the neighborhood  
> he lived in. The value of working to improve your surroundings is  
> immense, and that became the beating heart of our mission: to make  
> Philadelphia a better place to make a living doing what you love.  
> That's a great mission to check ideas against, and partnerships, and  
> opportunities. People identify with it, and it's crystal clear why  
> you're there.

We've been focused on building a "community center" for creative,  
technical, and startup-focused individuals with a goal of helping them  
get to know each other, become resources for one another, and  
ultimately grow business for one another.  Sounds though like that's  
not what you mean.  Sound like you are referring to something  
"greater" than that?

Again, can you elaborate?

> It's also important to define why you're interested in being noticed  
> by the city. Is it for recognition? Press? Funding? Public  
> resources? What else?

Good point.  I'll really have to think about that one.

> Desks and collaboration are NOT a part of our core mantra,  
> surprisingly to some. You're not going to get the attention of the  
> city by putting a bunch of desks in a room.

We've made a point it's not the desks, but we have focused on the  
value of collaboration.  Sounds like you don't see that as having much  

> You ARE going to get the attention of the city by gathering minds,  
> achieving goals, proving a track record, improving a local industry,  
> and as I said at the beginning, being bold at every turn.

Examples?  What kind of goals?  How have you improved (a) local  

> And the best part about our solution is that it doesn't rely on the  
> city for support.

Heh.  Same here.  We've decided "rather than wait on them doing the  
right thing, we'll do the right thing without them."

> We keep doing what we're doing, with or without them. We've had  
> similar discussions with other organizations that are big and slow- 
> moving, and our mentality has always been, "look...we're working  
> towards the same thing, and that's great. but we're not going to  
> wait around. we're going to keep doing what we're doing, and when  
> you're ready to get on board, or see an opportunity to get involved  
> in a way that you're comfortable...we'll still be here and you're  
> more than welcome to join us".

Great positioning, I like it.

> In the spirit of disclosure, it helps that Geoff has been involved  
> with civic organizations. Quite a bit. He's been on transition and  
> branding committees with the mayor's office. He's sat on panels and  
> boards with leaders from many, many significant communities. He's  
> not directly involved with the city, but having people involved with  
> your community that have a a track record with city officials helps.  
> Again, if this is a part of your goal, be on the lookout for those  
> people, and give them an opportunity to contribute by bringing their  
> network to the table.

Interesting. I have been involved in the startup and entrepreneur  
community running Atlanta Web Entrepreneurs (1800+ members in 3 years)  
but have not gotten involved with the city yet. I guess that part  
should have been obvious to me, and I also guess I can see how we need  
to align it with our goals and mission.

Funny how things are so obvious once someone points them out to you. :-)

Thanks again, and thanks in advance.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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[Coworking] Re: MBA student: Confused about Profitability of Cowroking?

2009-11-01 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Nov 1, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> Having people involved in the space from the get-go sets this  
> example. We signed a lease on a Tuesday, and sent out an e-mail that  
> day asking people to show up on Saturday with rollers to start  
> painting. The following week, a desk-building party. Turning tasks  
> into social events sounds sneaky, but it's worked really well at  
> helping people identify with a sense of ownership. They're more than  
> paying members, they have an emotional attachment to the space  
> because they've contributed to its existence. They're proud of it.
> The beauty of this is that it's the first shove in a cycle of  
> creating more of this mentality. The people with that sense of  
> attachment lead by example, and new members that join see that  
> activity and the reward (public thanks and recognition is the  
> simplest reward), and the cycle continues.

Excellent.  We didn't do enough of that from the get-go.  Hopefully we  
can course-correct.

> Tying needs to special interests helps, too. One of the topics at  
> the Town Hall was regarding the installation of Bike storage.  
> Someone who actually rides his bike every day has a vested interest  
> in seeing that happen. I gave him the contact info of our landlord  
> to see if they're interested in supporting the idea before we do it  
> ourselves. He gets to run with it and not only fulfill his own self  
> interest in having a bike rack, but now he's a hero for the other  
> bikers.

Great point!

> The bike rack project is one example. Designing and installing sound  
> baffles to cut down on echo is another.
> I think the #1 way we've established project leads was to pair  
> peoples' interests and areas of expertise, with their own self- 
> interests, with the greater benefit of the community. It takes some  
> massaging sometimes, but more often than not, the opportunities  
> present themselves as the diversity of the community and its' needs  
> grows.

That example was what I needed, thanks.

> Monkey see, monkey do. :)
> Before some members started collaborating out in the open, people  
> more or less kept to their own projects, socializing but less on the  
> idea exchange. Once a few members started showing that it wasn't  
> only safe, but beneficial to work out in the open, share ideas, and  
> find partners...collaboration and teams started to form MUCH more  
> often.

So the point is to look for things people want in the space and get  
them to start making them happen, right?

How have you handled things that need funds?  Established a budget?

> Core values aren't shared 100% across the board. There's no  
> requirements that you need to identify with any, or all, of those  
> things in order to be a member of IndyHall. What we believe is that  
> the greatest value from involvement is when some, or all, of those  
> values are considered. There are also lots of people outside of the  
> paying membership that identify with those values. They tend to be  
> the ones that we align best with as an organization. Tend. :)

So the first FAQ are your core values you speak of?


> How to define the community's best interests is tough, but what it  
> means in this case is that it was the community and not any one  
> individual's best interests. Does that help?

To clarify here, when you say "the community" you are referring to the  
community of your members and not the broader community of Philly,  

> We use Basecamp in the same way that you've used a google group, and  
> even in that case, you end up with some people paying more attention  
> than others.

Not a fan of 37 Signals...

> A lot of our members are on Twitter, and we broadcast a lot of  
> messages/updates that way, but it's not 100%.

Do you use a hashtag so people can go back and find the updates?

> We have a bi-weekly newsletter that we distribute with Newsberry.

Ha!  I see you are using a Philly company.  We use MailChimp, and  
Atlanta company. :-)

> We have a Campfire chat room that gets used in waves. Geoff is a big  
> proponent of Campfire but I haven't seen adoption pick up enough to  
> make it consistently used.

Hmm.  Interesting.

> E-mailing me, while old and funky, is tried and true :)

True, but that only works for member-to-operator, but not member-to- 

> I've seen Ning groups born and die. I've seen Facebook groups born  
> and die.

Yeah, wasn't thinking those would work well either.

> There's a very real problem, especially as you grow, with keeping  
> communication moving when members (and owners/catalysts) are not in  
> the space every day. It's something we continue to try, and I'm  
> always interested in new ideas.

We are seeing that problem now.

> The only thing that's CONSISTENTLY kept people in touch was  
> events...not tools.

Funny you mention.  We plan to start coordinating lunch & learns once  
we hit 100 members.  My Meet

Re: [Coworking] Opening coworking space in Atlanta

2009-11-18 Thread Mike Schinkel

Congrats to you and Rick.  Great to have another solid Coworking option in 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Nov 17, 2009, at 2:13 PM, Strongbox West wrote:

> Hi everyone, my partner and I are in the process of opening a new
> coworking space in Atlanta's West Midtown neighborhood.  Wanted to
> introduce myself, I'm Amy Hoover and my email is
> a...@strongboxwest.com.  We are a couple weeks away from conducting
> open houses and accepting memberships so if anyone has advice they
> would like to share, it is very welcome.  If not, then please just
> consider this an introduction from someone very excited to provide
> space in our part of town for independent professionals tired of
> working alone every day.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [Coworking] Coworking in Savannah, GA

2009-12-12 Thread Mike Schinkel
Congrats Tom!  Great to have another Georgia-based coworking space!

-Mike Schinkel
Partner, Ignition Alley

On Dec 12, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Tom S. wrote:

> Hello everyone!  My name is Tom Shimada, and two partners and I will
> be opening up a coworking space in Savannah, GA in about two months.
> We are just in the midst of renovating the space.  I have been
> learning a lot from all of you through your experiences, and I hope
> that I will have some of my own stories to share in the near future.
> Our space will start out with about 2000 sq. ft of community space and
> another 1000 sq. ft. of offices for those who would like or need some
> privacy.  Being in Savannah, we think that our space may be attractive
> to design-oriented people, and one question that has popped up is- is
> it worth it to have an IMac and/or other equipment for members to use
> or do most members already have their own software and computers that
> are sufficient?  Initially, we thought that most people would prefer
> their own laptops, but one of our partners who is an architect thought
> that many people would not have access to the latest software and
> computers especially if they were recently downsized or working on a
> tight budget.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> I will keep you updated on our progress, and if anyone is near the
> Savannah area, please let me know.
> All the best,
> Tom Shimada
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [Coworking] Coworking and Crowdfunding

2009-12-14 Thread Mike Schinkel
Get idea.  One thing would be to get pro bono law firm to draw up standardized 
legal agreements to lower costs?
(not sure how that would work across jurisdictions.)


On Dec 14, 2009, at 4:24 PM, BrianR wrote:

> From a search of our list archives I see the word 'crowdfunding' was
> mentioned once about three years ago. So I'd like to take this
> opportunity to bring it back up.
> As coworking spaces open and grow we'll need more and more capital.
> There are lots of ways to raise it. To keep the real sense of
> community embedded in coworking we must engage more people in
> ownership opportunities.
> My business is planning on growing. I can do this lots of ways. I'd
> like for it to be done with my greater community. So lets figure it
> out here. For the benefit of everyone. I hope this thread will be like
> a workshop.
> http://www.kickstarter.com/
> What if you need to raise $100,000 USD? If you offer lifetime
> memberships to your coworking space for $500 you'll need 200 sales.
> What kind of services do coworkers get for a lifetime membership?
> What if you raise seed capital to guarantee a loan? Can initial
> capital just be used to raise more money?
> Can you give 200 coworker members/investors real equity in your
> company? What are the challenges in doing this?
> What is the overhead of raising money? Online transaction fees? Legal
> fees?
> 1) Organize concept, legal, website, etc
> 2) Publicize membership/investment offering
> 3) Accept funds
> 4) 1st Deadline - End of fundraising
> 5) 2nd Deadline - When money must be used for stated purpose (ex.
> Launching space)
> Please edit these steps, answer questions, and add to the process.
> Lets crowdsource this crowdfunding HowTo.
> -BrianR
> Carrboro Creative Coworking
> www.carrborocoworking.com
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Coworking" group.
> To post to this group, send email to cowork...@googlegroups.com.
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.


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Re: [Coworking] Presentationmasters and coworking?

2009-12-19 Thread Mike Schinkel
> Does this sound like an appropriate use of a coworking meeting room? A  
> good fit with the coworking community? Is this sort of thing generally  
> interesting or am I out in left field on this with the other  
> Slideshare and Ignite dorks?

I can only speak for us in Atlanta at Ignition Alley but it's a perfect fit for 

We've opened up our space to many people for collaborative events, most 
recently an "Ad-based website roundtable":


We want our space to become a community hub. We don't even require membership 
but we do appreciate when those using the space  choose to join so as to offset 
the cost of us making the space available to the community, and that is 
happening quite frequently.

For other space owners I'd suggest similar.  For those wanting to use the 
space, I'd suggest they be aware that running a coworking space is often a 
labor of love and a gift to the community and that those using the space 
support the space financially in whatever way is appropriate.


-Mike Schinkel
Co-founder; Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Dec 19, 2009, at 1:12 PM, Phil Wolff wrote:

> Ever needed to practice a talk before a barcamp or a conference? Work  
> out rough spots with a friendly audience? Get comfortable  
> whiteboarding your chalktalk? Polish your stage presence while using a  
> clicker and a prezi/slide show? Want to see how horrible you look on  
> video when you can still do something about it?
> Me too.
> Toastmasters doesn't do it for me. Among other things, they nearly  
> always lack the presentation tools and facilities. And power and  
> broadband.
> So I thought of coworking spaces.
> Does this sound like an appropriate use of a coworking meeting room? A  
> good fit with the coworking community? Is this sort of thing generally  
> interesting or am I out in left field on this with the other  
> Slideshare and Ignite dorks?
> Phil 
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.


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Re: [Coworking] Re: Google Wave

2009-12-20 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Mike,

Are you using a notifier yet?  Or on a Mac are you using WaveBoard[1]? You need 
a notifier for it to be useful.

Once I got WaveBoard is all of a sudden became useful.  I'm finding it won't 
replace email for when I want to notify something of something or ask for 
information but I can completely see how I will do my best to get others to use 
it when I need to collaborate with them.  I'm already using it to plan a 
conference with one person and to plan launch of a non-profit with another.

It's like be able to set up a wiki for collaboration with any set of people you 
like all without the hassle.

-Mike Schinkel
Co-founder; Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
[1] www.getwaveboard.com

On Dec 20, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Mike Pihlman wrote:

> When someone figures out what is so great about Google Wave, please let 
> me know.  I have worked and worked to try to find something about it 
> that makes me say "Wow!"but have yet to find it.  BUT...I am open to 
> anyone who can show me the way.  :-)
> Mike
> On 12/19/2009 3:48 PM, Mark Clayton Hand wrote:
>> Gotcha covered, Gomez. Sometimes it takes a couple days to process, so
>> be patient.
>> If anybody else wants invites, message me directly
>> (mark.c.h...@gmail.com); I only check this group every few days.
>> Regards,
>> Mark Hand
>> On Dec 19, 3:22 pm, Robert Braxton  wrote:
>>> http://wave.google.com/help/wave/closed.html
>>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Loretta Kanewrote:
>>>>  what is google wave?...
>>>> --
>>>> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 18:13:53 -0700
>>>> Subject: Re: [Coworking] Re: Google Wave
>>>> From: con...@chrisconrey.com
>>>> To: coworking@googlegroups.com
>>>> I've got a bunch of invites to give out, so you are next.
>>>> Chris Conrey
>>>> chrisconrey.com
>>>> Human->Geek Relations at Integrum
>>>> @conrey on Twitter
>>>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 6:12 PM, surfnyc  wrote:
>>>> Me too, pretty please, anyone. TIA,... Mahalo&  Aloha
>>>> http://www.mac212.com
>>>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/otter-living-computer-consulting/id318...
>>>> On Dec 18, 7:43 pm, Chris Conrey  wrote:
>>>>> coming to you
>>>>> Chris Conrey
>>>>> chrisconrey.com
>>>>> Human->Geek Relations at Integrum
>>>>> @conrey on Twitter
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Shawn @ Office Underground<
>>>>> sh...@pioneer-building.com>  wrote:
>>>>>> I wanted to get on Google Wave, and was informed that one must be
>>>>>> invited to use Google Wave. Will someone please invite me. Shawn
>>>>>> Jezerinac, Office Underground, sh...@pioneer-building.com.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Shawn
>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> coworking+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>>>>>  .com>
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
>>>> --
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>>>> "Coworking" group.
>>>> To post to this group, send email to cowork...@googlegroups.com.
>>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>>> coworking+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>>>  .com>
>>>> .
>>>> For more options, vis

Re: [Coworking] PariSoMa and Zipcar

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hey Julian,

We might be interested. (And hope you are doing well.)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Dec 21, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Julian @PariSoMa wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to let you know about a great partnership PariSoMa has
> started with Zipcar.  All coworkers can now sign-up for $25 ($50 off
> regular pricing), they get $25 of free driving credit, and we have
> flat rate fees M - F ($8.75/hr, $54 7am - 7pm, $66 for 24 hours).
> Zipcar originally didn't give us the flat rates but then called us
> back to offer us an even better deal with the flat rates.  They have
> set us up as a corporate account, and given us our own unique url
> www.zipcar.com/parisoma.  All I did was contact the local head of
> marketing for Zipcar.  When people sign-up via the URL we have to
> approve them, so it ensures no one takes advantage of the deal.
> I think Zipcar is a great partner for coworking spaces.  We are
> starting to look for more partnerships like this to give our coworkers
> added bonuses for being part of the community such as our local food
> co-op, CityShare, bike stores, etc.
> I hope some of you guys get involved with Zipcar too.
> Cheers,
> Julian
> --
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Re: [Coworking] My thoughts on the private office vs public space issue

2009-12-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
I'm in the middle on this, and thanks for the ack Clark.

Listening is important, but so is deciding what you want your space to be able 
and catering to that subset of the population. Like Jacob we have said "no" to 
"by the hour."  We want to build a community, not cater to a set of transients. 
 And like Tara said we try to figure out what they need.  

But hey, we've only be doing this 3 months so we've still got a long way to go!

-Mike Schinkel
Co-founder; Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. For another take on listening to customers there's always "The Innovator's 
Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 3:24 PM, Jacob Sayles wrote:

> I disagree.
> We tell folks "no" all the time.  It's not about forcing them into our model 
> or trying to change their behavior, it's about knowing what is important to 
> us and what business we want to be in.  We get folks asking over and over if 
> they can rent our conference rooms by the hour.  We are not in the "rooms by 
> the hour" business so we tell them no.  If we said yes, we could easily fill 
> them up to the detriment of the residents who are our number one priority.  
> It all goes hand and hand with the base philosophy that we don't want to be 
> all things to all people...  we only hold 40 or so.
> Jacob
> ---
> Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation
> http://www.officenomads.com -  (206) 323-6500
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Clark Covington  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Cowork space owner, and active reader of this Google Group here.  Let
> me preface this note by explaining that I absolutely love this group.
> It is a wonderfully rich well of knowledge that I dip into often as
> the owner of a new coworking space. Many people in this group have
> personally helped me including Mike from Ignition Alley, Tara via her
> book Whuffie Factor from Citizen Space, and the folks at CoLab Orlando
> to name just a few. So by no means am I trying to argue with those
> that know far more about this concept than I. However, from what I’ve
> seen the genuine need in what people are at least telling me they want
> out of a workspace is the hybrid model of having both private offices
> and common space.
> I’ve written a blog post fleshing out my feelings about what people
> really want in a coworking space here. After talking with dozens of
> building owners, leasing agents, possible tenants, current tenants,
> and other facility owners this post was my conclusion of where the
> demand truly exists. If you have time over the holidays I’d be
> thrilled if you’d give it a look.
> http://clarkcovington.blogspot.com/2009/12/give-them-what-they-want-or-go-home.html
> Thanks and Happy Holidays,
> Clark Covington
> --
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Re: [Coworking] Re: Partnerships (was PariSoMa and Zipcar)

2009-12-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Tara Hunt wrote:
> However, the most beneficial partnerships we've found is that startup tech 
> companies tend to want to share their software and gadgets at the space - 
> lots of startups bring by discount and freebie codes in exchange for us to 
> put their fliers/stickers on the commons table. This way members get free 
> software and use of cool new gadgets. We were sponsored by Belkin early on 
> for a BarCamp (lots of power strips) - and then kept these for Citizen Space. 
> And I know that Indy Hall has lots of cool stuff like special happy hour 
> rates at their local haunts, they had Belkin sponsorships, were working on an 
> Ikea coworking thing, etc.

Any interest on this list in negotiating collectively with software vendors for 
these things?  It'd be easier to have a list of 25 coworking spaces when one of 
us would go to a tech company than for that tech company to do a deal for just 


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking


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Re: [Coworking] Re: Partnerships (was PariSoMa and Zipcar)

2009-12-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
> I'm interested in the [collective negotiation] list.

Could we do it as simple as a page on the wiki where spaces can sign up to be 
interested in collective negotiation (including a list of the types of things 
they would interested in, if applicable) and then empower any space owner who 
wants to to talk on behalf of the "collective" to whomever they are interested 
in negotiating with to do it using the list as support?  This would eliminate 
any bottleneck/friction of having a "committee" to decide or a central group to 
do the negotiations.

Maybe we should have a first step to be to email this list to let others know 
you are (planning to be) in negotiations so that others don't duplicate efforts 
with the same person in the same companies?  We can then work out the details 
as we go along?

Sounds like a plan?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Dec 22, 2009, at 6:59 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:

> I'm interested in the [collective negotiation] list.
> Jerome
> __
> "work wide open"
> www.blankspaces.com
> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
> Los Angeles, CA 90036
> 323.330.9505 (office)
> On Dec 22, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:
>> Probably the best idea. I had started talking with national organizations 
>> like Zipcar and Freelancers Union, but got sidetracked by 1,000,001 things. 
>> We do have some stuff worked out with Freelancers Union (list your coworking 
>> space on their site), but Zipcar was tough because not all spaces (at the 
>> time) were near Zipcars.
>> T
>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Mike Schinkel  
>> wrote:
>> On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Tara Hunt wrote:
>>> However, the most beneficial partnerships we've found is that startup tech 
>>> companies tend to want to share their software and gadgets at the space - 
>>> lots of startups bring by discount and freebie codes in exchange for us to 
>>> put their fliers/stickers on the commons table. This way members get free 
>>> software and use of cool new gadgets. We were sponsored by Belkin early on 
>>> for a BarCamp (lots of power strips) - and then kept these for Citizen 
>>> Space. And I know that Indy Hall has lots of cool stuff like special happy 
>>> hour rates at their local haunts, they had Belkin sponsorships, were 
>>> working on an Ikea coworking thing, etc.
>> Any interest on this list in negotiating collectively with software vendors 
>> for these things?  It'd be easier to have a list of 25 coworking spaces when 
>> one of us would go to a tech company than for that tech company to do a deal 
>> for just us.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Mike Schinkel
>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>> http://ignitionalley.com
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
>> -- 
>> tara 'missrogue' hunt
>> Book: The Whuffie Factor (http://www.thewhuffiefactor.com)
>> Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://horsepigcow.com) 
>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missrogue 
>> phone: 514-679-2951
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
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Re: [Coworking] Leases and landlords

2009-12-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
I found someone willing to give me a building until we had met a target number 
of members.  Of course we were not ready to expand so didn't take up his offer. 
You just have to find the right building owner; you might get "no" 100 times 
before you get 1 "yes."  So while it's not the norm a good entrepreneur can 
make, persistence is key! 


On Dec 22, 2009, at 4:02 PM, Tom S. wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> Has anyone leased their space using a revenue-sharing concept with
> their landlord or is everyone on a standard term lease?  It seems
> apparent that every coworking space needs some time to get to that
> break-even point, so instead of getting into too deep of a financial
> hole, we have thought about offering our landlord a percentage of our
> revenue.  If we reach our max capacity, then we will be able to pay
> 10% over the current market rent, but at the same time, as we grow to
> that point, we will not be saddled with a growing amount of debt or
> dipping into our own wallets as much.  It would seem in today's tough
> market, landlords would be willing to receive something instead of
> nothing especially if there is an opportunity of extra profit on the
> other end.  Just a thought
> Tom from Savannah
> --
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[Coworking] Re: Partnerships (was PariSoMa and Zipcar)

2009-12-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:35 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:
> Count me in! 

Alrighty then!  

I've added this page as a framework for collective negotiation:


Let the games begin!  :)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking


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Re: [Coworking] Re: Partnerships (was PariSoMa and Zipcar)

2009-12-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
Thanks Julian & Tara!

Happy Holidays and look forward to working with everyone on this in 2010!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Dec 23, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:

> Great work on the page. :)
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Julian @PariSoMa  
> wrote:
> A framework for collective negotiation is a great idea Mike!  The
> power of many is much greater than the power of one.
> I would love to see coworking spaces collaborate together more and
> this is a great way to start.
> Does anyone have any experience collaborating with other coworking
> space in similar things?  What do other coworking spaces already have
> set-up?
> Very happy to see so many people are excited about this.
> Happy Holidays,
> J./
> On Dec 23, 5:46 am, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
> > On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:35 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:
> >
> > > Count me in!
> >
> > Alrighty then!  
> >
> > I've added this page as a framework for collective negotiation:
> >
> > http://coworking.pbworks.com/Membership-Incentives
> >
> > Let the games begin!  :)
> >
> > -Mike Schinkel
> > Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworkinghttp://ignitionalley.com
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
> -- 
> tara 'missrogue' hunt
> Book: The Whuffie Factor (http://www.thewhuffiefactor.com)
> Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://horsepigcow.com) 
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missrogue 
> phone: 514-679-2951
> --
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Re: [Coworking] Re: Partnerships (was PariSoMa and Zipcar)

2009-12-27 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Dec 27, 2009, at 10:08 PM, WHERE MMM wrote:
> I am a bit behind in this discussion but wanted to answer this question 
> specifically. I have worked in community development and creating 
> collaborations for nearly the past 20 years on a regional and national level. 
> This is a fantastic start Mike and we thank you all. 

Thanks.  Good to see you on the list again.

> The question that I pose is how do we all want to contribute in a way that 
> will be organized, streamlined and most effective?

That's a great question and one that I really don't know the answer to you. I 
figure it will flesh itself out, hopefully, as we attempt to move it forward.

> Happy Holidays to you all...

Yes, happy holidays to all!


> Danielle Nicoli
> "WHERE" work lounges in Los Angeles  
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Julian @PariSoMa  
> wrote:
> A framework for collective negotiation is a great idea Mike!  The
> power of many is much greater than the power of one.
> I would love to see coworking spaces collaborate together more and
> this is a great way to start.
> Does anyone have any experience collaborating with other coworking
> space in similar things?  What do other coworking spaces already have
> set-up?
> Very happy to see so many people are excited about this.
> Happy Holidays,
> J./
> On Dec 23, 5:46 am, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
> > On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:35 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:
> >
> > > Count me in!
> >
> > Alrighty then!  
> >
> > I've added this page as a framework for collective negotiation:
> >
> > http://coworking.pbworks.com/Membership-Incentives
> >
> > Let the games begin!  :)
> >
> > -Mike Schinkel
> > Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworkinghttp://ignitionalley.com
> --
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Re: [Coworking] How important is having reserved/dedicated desks for members?

2009-12-29 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Dec 29, 2009, at 6:27 PM, Angel wrote:
> In the survey that Tara did awhile back, respondents didn't rate
> having reserved space as highly as I would have thought.  What ratio
> of reserved to flex/drop in spaces are working for folks?  I'm
> wondering if having just flex desks would be a viable model???

At Ignition Alley we're seeing 2/3rd get an occasional membership, 1/3rd get an 
unlimited membership, and 1/9th get a dedicated desk (we require an unlimited 
membership to get a dedicated desk.)  That's with 3 months of data.


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking


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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking on NPR

2010-01-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
Summarized into five words:  "There is no silver bullet."  :)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:38 PM, felicity at cubes wrote:

> Agreed...we have gotten lots of press over the past 2 years and most
> of it doesn't bring
> in long time members.  It does seem to increase awareness and build
> brand validity, so there
> is something to be said for that.  And of course, press on even one
> space is beneficial
> to all in terms of people learning about coworking options out there.
> All the best,
> Felicity
> Cubes&Crayons
> Outside the Cube
> On Jan 6, 2:27 pm, "Liz Elam"  wrote:
>> Here is some more good press (please pass on to your mother):
>> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122252297&sc=fb&;...
>> From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:cowork...@googlegroups.com] On
>> Behalf Of Jacob Sayles
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:32 AM
>> To: coworking@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking Article in WSJ
>> Big press makes my mother happy and improves our google ranking. All that
>> aside, we haven't had anyone serious about signing up that said "I heard
>> about you in the WSJ". It does get us many interesting calls about opening
>> in other locations. Being involved in the local community is orders of
>> magnitude more effective.
>> Sent from my iPhone in Brazil
>> On Jan 6, 2010, at 1:38 PM, Rick  wrote:
>> Dave brings up a good point.  Anyone using this press locally with members
>> or prospective members?
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:09 AM, spacelogix  wrote:
>> Well the hits just keep on coming. I like to free marketing that we
>> can use to promote in our own markets with these articles.
>> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122252297
>> <http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122252297&sc=emaf>
>> &sc=emaf
>> Darryl
>> Space Logix
>> Greensboro NC
>> On Jan 5, 3:34 pm, Rick  wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> Rick Myers from Strongbox West in Atlanta GA.
>>> Maybe I missed it, but it doesn't seem anyone has mentioned it, so I
>> thought
>>> I would pass along that there was a coworking piece in the WSJ on New
>> Year's
>>> Eve.
>>> You can read it
>> here<http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870415280457462825332226..
>> .>
>>> if
>>> you like.
>>> -Rick
>>> Rick Myers
>>> Co-Founder
>>> Strongbox Westwww.StrongboxWest.com<http://www.strongboxwest.com/>
>>> Twitter: @StrongboxWest
>> --
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Re: [Coworking] More coworking press out of CNN

2010-01-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:40 PM, felicity at cubes wrote:
> Going solo mentions coworking in CNN article.  Includes Office Nomads,
> Beehive Baltimore, Sandbox Suites, and Cubes&Crayons...
> http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/worklife/01/07/on.the.go.office/

I think we need to sic the hyphen police on CNN & NPR[1].  Where's Tara when 
you need her?  ;)

(Kudos to WSJ[2].)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

[1] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122252297


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Re: [Coworking] More coworking press out of CNN

2010-01-08 Thread Mike Schinkel
> If we could rally to get coworking into the dictionary this year (it being 
> the "year of coworking" and all), the problem would start to sort itself out 
> :)

I like that idea.  :)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Jan 8, 2010, at 10:04 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> The issue is that the dictionary marks the unhyphenated version as incorrect.
> If we could rally to get coworking into the dictionary this year (it being 
> the "year of coworking" and all), the problem would start to sort itself out 
> :)
> -Alex
> /ah
> indyhall.org
> coworking in philadelphia
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Mike Schinkel  
> wrote:
> On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:40 PM, felicity at cubes wrote:
>> Going solo mentions coworking in CNN article.  Includes Office Nomads,
>> Beehive Baltimore, Sandbox Suites, and Cubes&Crayons...
>> http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/worklife/01/07/on.the.go.office/
> I think we need to sic the hyphen police on CNN & NPR[1].  Where's Tara when 
> you need her?  ;)
> (Kudos to WSJ[2].)
> -Mike Schinkel
> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> http://ignitionalley.com
> [1] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122252297
> [2] 
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704152804574628253322262872.html
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] Is this a values dilemma or am I overthinking it?

2010-01-21 Thread Mike Schinkel
+1 to what Alex said.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> You're overthinkimg it.
> If there's no cost to you and they create something truly valuable, rock on.
> I wouldn't bank on the "silver bullet" being software, though.
> No values quandary here, though. Their desire to sell software
> shouldn't compromise your vision or values.
> -Alex, IndyHall.org
> On Wednesday, January 20, 2010, Angel  wrote:
>> I am working on opening a space and was approached by a team of web
>> developers (apparently the best in town, I heard) who want to develop
>> the software that could integrate and solve a lot of owners' systems
>> integration problems.  Imagine one unifying system that does pos,
>> billing, reservations, real time updates of who's in the space,
>> traffic tracking, online collaboration, keycard access, etc.  Yes, a
>> dream come true.
>> Here is my dilemma, they want to beta test the software in my
>> coworking space--easy enough, I've done that type of thing before but
>> ultimately they want to commoditize the software and sell it at the
>> end of the process.  This seems counter to the coworking values of
>> openness and collaboration.
>> I feel like if I go with them, I might be perceived as "selling out"
>> but if I don't, I will probably end up with some kind of
>> frankensteinish conglomeration of systems that don't all play well
>> together.
>> Am trying to decide if I want to partner with them and am hoping this
>> community can weigh in with thoughts on this issue.
>> Thanks!
> -- 
> /ah
> indyhall.org
> coworking in philadelphia
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] 2 Years

2010-01-24 Thread Mike Schinkel
Congrats Felicity!  We look forward to being as excited about our 2nd birthday!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Jan 24, 2010, at 10:11 PM, felicity at cubes wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Somehow Cubes&Crayons' 2 year birthday came up and surprised me this
> year.  As many of you are now thinking of launching new spaces, 2
> years in the coworking world suddenly seems like a long time.  What I
> can tell you for those of you embarking into this arena is that is
> challenging, thrilling, and after 2 years, we have hit our stride.
> Just this month we have seen an enormous surge in new members and an
> increase in use.
> Coworking is definitely becoming more well-known and talked about it
> and I feel lucky to be part of this great community.  So as we
> celebrate 2 years, I definitely want to reach out and thank all of you
> in the coworking group who have shared ideas, thoughts, conversations
> and more as we learned with all of you about how to make this exciting
> concept work.  I have found great resources and new friends.
> I look forward to being part of the community for many years to come.
> And for those of you in the Mountain View area, drop in Monday or
> Tuesday this week for a cupcake - because, we do believe you can have
> your cake and eat it, too!
> All the best,
> Felicity
> Cubes&Crayons
> Coworking meets Coplaying
> www.cubesandcrayons.com
> Outside the Cube
> The space for professionals, entrepreneurs, and freelancers to
> support, learn and engage in a community
> www.otcsf.com
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] Re: 2 Years

2010-01-24 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:21 PM, felicity at cubes wrote:
> Thanks, Mike - I have no doubt you will hit 2 years with a bang, and
> hope to come celebrate when you get there.

I'll hold you to that. :)


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Re: [Coworking] Coworking Annual Meeting???

2010-01-30 Thread Mike Schinkel
The problem with SXSW (this year) is it's right around the corner and some of 
us haven't planned to attend... 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Jan 30, 2010, at 11:32 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> There's already a rather significant contingent of coworking folks that meet 
> annually at SXSW Interactive, unofficially of course...but I think it'd be 
> great to piggyback on that continued momentum.
> Austin's pretty great for this, the weather is nice, and the conversation is 
> ALREADY taking place...it could just be more focused!
> -Alex
> /ah
> indyhall.org
> coworking in philadelphia
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Woodie Neiss  wrote:
> Anyone want to get together for the first International Coworking Community 
> Annual Meeting in ummm let’s say a warm, sunny place like Miami?  Sort of a 
> one day event where we could discuss best practices, set some protocols for 
> future coworking locations and formally organize ourselves so that we can 
> leverage our combined power?
> Suggested topics to discuss (feel free to edit/add to/delete/etc)
> 1)   Keys to success
> a. pricing
> b. Serivices to offer
> 2)   Managing the bottom line
> a. Financing the start up
> b. Negotiating lease agreements
> c.  Managing monthly expenses
> 3)   Marketing & PR
> a. Building awareness
> b. How to generate more buzz
> c.  The power of meet-ups
> d. Leveraging your chamber of commerce
> 4)   Creative suggestions from some of our winning locations
> 5)   How to formally organize ourselves into an International organization
> Perhaps we could all complete some surveys prior, and then present the 
> results at the meeting as well?
> Regards,
> Woodie
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking in Savannah, GA

2010-02-03 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hey Brett,

Thanks for the shout-out!  

All these new spaces opening it just awesome for spreading the gospel of 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Feb 3, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Brett Bumeter wrote:

> Hey Tom,
> I'd agree with the other poster, supplying a computer isn't really
> necessary.  From a business perspective, I'd even posit that if they
> can't afford a computer then they probably can't afford to pay a
> coworking membership on a regular basis.  :)
> If you haven't checked out Mike Schinkel's place in Atlanta, I'd
> highly recommend it.  I'm in the Charlotte area and a member of Tyler
> Ford's coworking space LightbulbCoworking.com .
> That said, I am definitely interested in possibly picking up a
> coworking membership with yourself once you open in Savannah.  I lived
> and did business in Savannah in the early 90's and I'm looking to
> expand out in that area again after attending Geekend last fall(we
> might have met then).
> Best Regards,
> Brett
> http://twitter.com/brettbum
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking Annual Meeting???

2010-02-07 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi all,

The first thing I thought about when I saw this topic come through was "Great, 
yet another expense on top of all the other expenses we have."  

As some of you know we operate Ignition Alley mostly as a service to our local 
startup and freelance community and much less to generate a profit.  Attending 
a conference means probably $1000+ in travel expenses and that is not 

But then I thought "This need not be like commercial conferences, it could be 
in run like coworking itself as a collaborative for the benefit of those who 
participate and not as a way for someone to make money."  So at a very high 
level I'd like to propose the following without having worked out all the 

-- Create a coworking facility co-op
-- Each facility that wants to can participate in the co-op
-- The co-op runs the conference
-- Co-op members work to get sponsors
-- The co-op markets to economic development agencies, chambers of commerce, 
and major corporations[1] for paid attendance
-- Co-op members get their cut of the profits which help them pay to attend the 


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

[1] Major corporations are starting to look to the coworking model to be 
greener in facility use and to maximize worker/space density to cut costs.
On Feb 3, 2010, at 10:30 PM, rachel young wrote:

> I think an annual coworking conference is a great idea, something dedicated 
> to coworking, not tacked on to another event. Something where we could focus 
> on coworking and community issues, meet each other, see one another's cities 
> and spaces. I'm in! 
> There would have to be a lot of value to it in order to bring these already 
> busy and stretched folks our of their spaces for a few days, though, 
> something that could leverage our buying power for, I dunno, office furniture 
> or health care benefits or travel discounts or something. Something where we 
> can not only have those providers/suppliers sponsor the event to offset 
> costs, but to provide real value that would be worth traveling for.
> I've been involved in a few organisations that are spread across multiple 
> timezones or parts of the world, and they have decided on location in similar 
> fashions, which is basically that host cities post their proposals and the 
> community votes on where it should be, perhaps one vote per coworking 
> facility. We can build in assurance that it won't always be in the same 
> cities or parts of the country all the time so that people in, say, the west 
> coast don't alwyas have to travel to the east coast. (ie, establish general 
> zones and ensure the annual event rotates between zones)
> Anyway, I think it is certainly worth exploring, and being an event planner I 
> am all for it.
> I put your suggested starting topics onto a wiki page 
> (http://coworking.pbworks.com/Coworking-Conference), which I think would be 
> better to collaborate from there. I do think that this would take some time 
> to plan out properly (and give folks some time to save up some money), so if 
> you were thinking of escaping the winter conditions in the next few months, 
> then perhaps sxswi is your better option for this year.  
> r.
> -- 
> rachel young
> rac...@camaraderie.ca
> (416) 801-0196
> Find us in person:
> Camaraderie
> 102 Adelaide St E, 2nd Floor
> Find us online:
> camaraderie.ca/blog
> twitter.com/camaraderie
> Woodie Neiss  Jan 30 09:49AM -0500 
> Anyone want to get together for the first International Coworking Community 
> Annual Meeting in ummm let’s say a warm, sunny place like Miami? Sort of a 
> one day event where we could discuss best practices, set some protocols for 
> future coworking locations and formally organize ourselves so that we can 
> leverage our combined power?
> Suggested topics to discuss (feel free to edit/add to/delete/etc)
> 1) Keys to success
> a. pricing
> b. Serivices to offer
> 2) Managing the bottom line
> a. Financing the start up
> b. Negotiating lease agreements
> c. Managing monthly expenses
> 3) Marketing & PR
> a. Building awareness
> b. How to generate more buzz
> c. The power of meet-ups
> d. Leveraging your chamber of commerce
> 4) Creative suggestions from some of our winning locations
> 5) How to formally organize ourselves into an International organization
> Perhaps we could all complete some surveys prior, and then present the 
> results at the meeting as well?
> Regards,
> Woodie
> -- 
> You received

Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking Annual Meeting???

2010-02-07 Thread Mike Schinkel
> Sounds like a "traditional" alliance or org that services all coworking 
> facilities.  Members pitch in a monthly/yearly amount to an org that returns 
> them benefits, etc.

So, do you think "traditional" is good or bad? 


On Feb 7, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:

> Sounds like a "traditional" alliance or org that services all coworking 
> facilities.  Members pitch in a monthly/yearly amount to an org that returns 
> them benefits, etc.
> __
> "work wide open"
> www.blankspaces.com
> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
> Los Angeles, CA 90036
> 323.330.9505 (office)
> On Feb 7, 2010, at 7:44 AM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The first thing I thought about when I saw this topic come through was 
>> "Great, yet another expense on top of all the other expenses we have."  
>> As some of you know we operate Ignition Alley mostly as a service to our 
>> local startup and freelance community and much less to generate a profit.  
>> Attending a conference means probably $1000+ in travel expenses and that is 
>> not attractive.
>> But then I thought "This need not be like commercial conferences, it could 
>> be in run like coworking itself as a collaborative for the benefit of those 
>> who participate and not as a way for someone to make money."  So at a very 
>> high level I'd like to propose the following without having worked out all 
>> the details:
>> -- Create a coworking facility co-op
>> -- Each facility that wants to can participate in the co-op
>> -- The co-op runs the conference
>> -- Co-op members work to get sponsors
>> -- The co-op markets to economic development agencies, chambers of commerce, 
>> and major corporations[1] for paid attendance
>> -- Co-op members get their cut of the profits which help them pay to attend 
>> the event 
>> Thoughts?
>> -Mike Schinkel
>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>> http://ignitionalley.com
>> [1] Major corporations are starting to look to the coworking model to be 
>> greener in facility use and to maximize worker/space density to cut costs.
>> On Feb 3, 2010, at 10:30 PM, rachel young wrote:
>>> I think an annual coworking conference is a great idea, something dedicated 
>>> to coworking, not tacked on to another event. Something where we could 
>>> focus on coworking and community issues, meet each other, see one another's 
>>> cities and spaces. I'm in! 
>>> There would have to be a lot of value to it in order to bring these already 
>>> busy and stretched folks our of their spaces for a few days, though, 
>>> something that could leverage our buying power for, I dunno, office 
>>> furniture or health care benefits or travel discounts or something. 
>>> Something where we can not only have those providers/suppliers sponsor the 
>>> event to offset costs, but to provide real value that would be worth 
>>> traveling for.
>>> I've been involved in a few organisations that are spread across multiple 
>>> timezones or parts of the world, and they have decided on location in 
>>> similar fashions, which is basically that host cities post their proposals 
>>> and the community votes on where it should be, perhaps one vote per 
>>> coworking facility. We can build in assurance that it won't always be in 
>>> the same cities or parts of the country all the time so that people in, 
>>> say, the west coast don't alwyas have to travel to the east coast. (ie, 
>>> establish general zones and ensure the annual event rotates between zones)
>>> Anyway, I think it is certainly worth exploring, and being an event planner 
>>> I am all for it.
>>> I put your suggested starting topics onto a wiki page 
>>> (http://coworking.pbworks.com/Coworking-Conference), which I think would be 
>>> better to collaborate from there. I do think that this would take some time 
>>> to plan out properly (and give folks some time to save up some money), so 
>>> if you were thinking of escaping the winter conditions in the next few 
>>> months, then perhaps sxswi is your better option for this year.  
>>> r.
>>> -- 
>>> rachel young
>>> rac...@camaraderie.ca
>>> (416) 801-0196
>>> Find us in person:
>>> Camaraderie

Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking Annual Meeting???

2010-02-07 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 7, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:
> I have been collaborating with the head of ABCN already. That org is a global 
> network of exec centers.  Coworking technically falls under a niche within 
> biz centers and I've just proposed to ABCN to create a new, separate group. 
> We utilize their experience with alliances and therefore their 
> infrastructure. 
> Any thoughts or serious objections? 

My own bias would be to move in our own direction because we'll likely disrupt 
their member's business models and it would be better for us to be purely 
coworking rather than based on a legacy organization.  But again, my bias.

On Feb 7, 2010, at 9:49 PM, rachel young wrote:
> Well, my first few thoughts were:
> 1. Do you mean an actual legal entity that is an association or co-operative, 
> or more of an unofficial collective?

Not sure. Probably needs to be a legal entity because someone somewhere has to 
take the money, sign up for the facility, pay the vendors, etc. But the less 
heavy it can be the better IMO.

> 2. Regardless of whether it is a traditional or modern concept, what about 
> the rest of us that are not in the USA? There are so many restrictions for 
> such organisations that would be great for americans (or just canadians if it 
> were a canadian co-op, or just british if in england, etc) but useless for 
> the rest of us.

What restrictions do you refer to?

> So, if something were to exist, we could only participate if it was 
> structured as an international association.

I'm not sure I understand the specific distinction between an international 
association and one that is not. If it states it's mission to be international, 
is that not enough?
> 3. This would also cost money. If the cost of a conference is an issue, then 
> additional dues, fees, etc would also be an issue, even if they went 
> exclusively to conference costs.

What specific expenses do you envision prior to collecting sponsorships?   
Legal fees?  Can probably get that handled pro-bono.  Other?

> I do, however, like the idea of some sort of association, if it were 
> international, and I do love the idea of the association (or co-op, or 
> whatever) being the organisation that runs the conference.


BTW, I'm just brainstorming and might be way off base on some of these thoughts 
and ideas.


On Feb 7, 2010, at 9:49 PM, rachel young wrote:

> Well, my first few thoughts were:
> 1. Do you mean an actual legal entity that is an association or co-operative, 
> or more of an unofficial collective?
> 2. Regardless of whether it is a traditional or modern concept, what about 
> the rest of us that are not in the USA? There are so many restrictions for 
> such organisations that would be great for americans (or just canadians if it 
> were a canadian co-op, or just british if in england, etc) but useless for 
> the rest of us. So, if something were to exist, we could only participate if 
> it was structured as an international association.
> 3. This would also cost money. If the cost of a conference is an issue, then 
> additional dues, fees, etc would also be an issue, even if they went 
> exclusively to conference costs.
> I do, however, like the idea of some sort of association, if it were 
> international, and I do love the idea of the association (or co-op, or 
> whatever) being the organisation that runs the conference.
> r.
> On 7 February 2010 20:06, Jerome Chang  wrote:
> Oh. Traditional is fine. I just thought having much further discussion about 
> a co-op would be reinventingte wheel. From what I've seen, we have two 
> related proposals:
>1. National org/network/co-op
>2. National conference
> Forming #1 would assign the people/resources toward creating #1 and at the 
> same time, create add'l discussions/collaborations/benefits throughout the 
> year regardless of the conference. 
> I have been collaborating with the head of ABCN already. That org is a global 
> network of exec centers.  Coworking technically falls under a niche within 
> biz centers and I've just proposed to ABCN to create a new, separate group. 
> We utilize their experience with alliances and therefore their 
> infrastructure. 
> Any thoughts or serious objections? 
> Jerome
> On Feb 7, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
>>> Sounds like a "traditional" alliance or org that services all coworking 
>>> facilities.  Members pitch in a monthly/yearly amount to an org that 
>>> returns them benefits, etc.
>> So, do you think "traditional" is good or bad? 
>> -Mike
>> On Feb 7, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:

Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking Annual Meeting???

2010-02-09 Thread Mike Schinkel
 lead coworking communities, or 
> people who own coworking facilitates. Obviously there's overlap, but defining 
> the "why" will lead and inform the "who".

I'm going to assume it would be: owners of spaces and people wanting to open 
spaces including community economic developers and larger corporations looking 
to downside facilities for the same number of staff.

> The people who *really need this conference* won't be able to attend if 
> there's big price ticket attached to it, and the people who show up are 
> likely to gain the least because they don't need it as badly. That's a shame, 
> but a very real challenge we need to creatively overcome.

Further, I'm going to add to my proposal that there be multiple classes of 
membership, one for each type of member and that the members who are not 
affiliated with an entity that subsidizes them (i.e. not affiliated with 
government of a fortune 1000 company) are the ones that are able to participate 
in the profit sharing as the others are the ones that would end up providing 
the needed funds.
> Bottom line: as Eli points out below, this needs to align with the coworking 
> values or else it's not worth it. Accessibility is one of those things, and 
> introducing $500 ticket prices to what could easily be facilitated for MUCH 
> less removes that quality.
> To quote some new friends we made at Turnstone a few weeks back, "this 
> shouldn't be about reducing the price, but increasing the attainability". 


Anyway. JMTCW (and not necessarily the views of my partner at Ignition Alley; 
he's been preoccupied lately so haven't discussed with him.)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Improving the Google Group

2010-02-09 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 9, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> I did some research and found that a Zoho forum to support our group would 
> cost $75/month, and incur a one-time $500 fee to migrate all of the existing 
> data (messages, threads, and even users) from Google Groups to Zoho. There's 
> even an option to interact with Zoho via e-mail for those of us that like 
> this.

They might even do it for free eliminating your cons.  Contact dhan [at] 
zohocorp [dot] com who is the Product Manager for Zoho Discussions.

See close to the bottom: "Zoho Discussions for your Open Source Project":

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Improving the Google Group

2010-02-09 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hmm.  Will Zoho forums provide email notifications of new and updated forum 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Feb 9, 2010, at 12:46 PM, John Sechrest wrote:

> The difference between mailing lists and forums is much more complex and much 
> more subtle that you are outlining here.
> I have seen several efforts to move to forums blow up discussions. In 
> addition, I have also seen moves like this end up translating into a 
> biforcation of the conversation into two different groups. 
> The choice of how you view data is a critical one. And I totally agree about 
> the need for a tool that helps you focus your attention well. For me, google 
> groups + gmail does this well. 
> In general, I have yet to meet a forum that I like. Web based forums hide 
> information and make it harder for me to find things. I find this especially 
> true of forum sites like NING. (pet peave) 
> I do not know how zoho forums work, having never used them.
> For me, I am immediately suspicious when I see the word forum. Since forums 
> usually take me more time to process, take more energy to keep in context. 
> I suspect it is an information processing style issue, since these are the 
> very issues you are trying to address. 
> I would just urge caution. A shift like this from google groups to zoho 
> forums is likely to quietly and subtly alter who is participating, and who 
> stays connected to the group. 
> I have watched other groups have a significant shift of membership with tool 
> changes like this.
> Be sure you are getting what you think you are getting. And be sure you know 
> which audience you are serving with the change. 
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Alex Hillman  
> wrote:
> So, Woody just suggested that an active thread be moved out of the main 
> channel so as to not disrupt others. While I think it was a good topic to 
> keep in the group's visibility, his question of "can I move this to a sub 
> folder" reminded me of something.
> Google Groups kinda sucks.
> To be fair, it's become our home. This is the most active repository of 
> information for coworking, and the place where I send people first to learn 
> more and meet more coworking people. But the Google Group is anything but 
> good for discovery. Spam moderation is chaos for the people who actively 
> manage it. The lack of sub-threads is annoying, and the lack of message 
> context makes it hard to know what messages to pay attention to.
> Recently, the open source javascript library jQuery moved away from Google 
> Groups for a lot of these same reasons...to Zoho forums. 
> I did some research and found that a Zoho forum to support our group would 
> cost $75/month, and incur a one-time $500 fee to migrate all of the existing 
> data (messages, threads, and even users) from Google Groups to Zoho. There's 
> even an option to interact with Zoho via e-mail for those of us that like 
> this.
> The pros:
> Much better organization of our knowledge. The ability to set message 
> "topics" to things like "question", "introduction", "idea" would be HUGE for 
> this group.
> Easier on-boarding for new members
> Better spam moderation tools
> The cons:
> It's not free
> Since it's not free, somebody needs to pay for it, which means somebody is 
> ultimately a "keyholder"
> The cons aren't huge, but they do need to be addressed. 
> I think this could be a very valuable evolution of this discussion forum that 
> we all love so much. What say you, the coworking group?
> -Alex
> /ah
> indyhall.org
> coworking in philadelphia
> -- 
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
> -- 
> John Sechrest  . 
> Corvallis Benton.
>Chamber Coalition  .   
>   420 NW 2nd   .
>  (541) 757-1507  . sechr...@corvallisedp.com
>  .
>  .
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Coworking" group.
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Re: [Coworking] Improving the Google Group

2010-02-09 Thread Mike Schinkel
Personally I tried NING for my own network a while back and could just never 
warm up to using it.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Feb 9, 2010, at 1:07 PM, Mike Pihlman wrote:

> TVO member Phil has the Coworking Cube.  It may be possible that discussions 
> can proceed there?
> Just a possible alternative...??? :-)
> Mike
> http://mobileoffice.ning.com/?xg_source=badge
> On 2/9/2010 7:52 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:
>> So, Woody just suggested that an active thread be moved out of the main 
>> channel so as to not disrupt others. While I think it was a good topic to 
>> keep in the group's visibility, his question of "can I move this to a sub 
>> folder" reminded me of something.
>> Google Groups kinda sucks.
>> To be fair, it's become our home. This is the most active repository of 
>> information for coworking, and the place where I send people first to learn 
>> more and meet more coworking people. But the Google Group is anything but 
>> good for discovery. Spam moderation is chaos for the people who actively 
>> manage it. The lack of sub-threads is annoying, and the lack of message 
>> context makes it hard to know what messages to pay attention to.
>> Recently, the open source javascript library jQuery moved away from Google 
>> Groups for a lot of these same reasons...to Zoho forums.
>> I did some research and found that a Zoho forum to support our group would 
>> cost $75/month, and incur a one-time $500 fee to migrate all of the existing 
>> data (messages, threads, and even users) from Google Groups to Zoho. There's 
>> even an option to interact with Zoho via e-mail for those of us that like 
>> this.
>> The pros:
>>* Much better organization of our knowledge. The ability to set
>>  message "topics" to things like "question", "introduction",
>>  "idea" would be HUGE for this group.
>>* Easier on-boarding for new members
>>* Better spam moderation tools
>> The cons:
>>* It's not free
>>* Since it's not free, somebody needs to pay for it, which means
>>  somebody is ultimately a "keyholder"
>> The cons aren't huge, but they do need to be addressed.
>> I think this could be a very valuable evolution of this discussion forum 
>> that we all love so much. What say you, the coworking group?
>> -Alex
>> /ah
>> indyhall.org <http://indyhall.org>
>> coworking in philadelphia
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
> -- 
> Mike Pihlman
> TracyVirtualOffice
> "A Coworking Community"
> 95 W. 11th Street, Suite 203
> Tracy, CA 95376
> Mobile: 209-608-4340
> Web: TracyVirtualOffice.com
> Twitter: @TracyVirtOffice
> Skype:  tracyvirtualoffice1
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] Improving the Google Group

2010-02-10 Thread Mike Schinkel
> You will want to ask that question just a bit more detailed. If you compare 
> how Facebook provides email notifications and how NING uses mail 
> notifications, you will find a really wide variance in usability. 


> I live in my email system, doing most of my work by email. Drupal Forums, 
> Facebook and NING all fail for me in the notification of updated threads. 
> They drag me away from where my attention is focused and are divergent forces 
> on my attention.

Agree completely on Drupal Forums/Facebook/NING; none of those work for me.  

The best forum I've ever used has been vBulletin which offered email 
notifications the first time someone replies to a thread but no more until you 
revisit the forum, and it's pages loaded so quickly it wasn't a bother like 
having to go to Facebook.  That would work for me, as would something that 
works like Google Groups.

> So the question I would interpret that you are wanting to ask is:
> Can I see an updated zoho thread in my email and know what happened with it, 
> without going to the forum?

It would be great if the user had the option.  For example, some heavy threads 
I'd really prefer not to be bothered with whereas other's I'd like to see. So 
the way vBulletin works is great for me, but for you don't like to have all of 
it echoed.  Options are good here.

> (otherwise, what is the value of getting an email that says: "The thread was 
> updated, follow this link"? ) 

Believe me, that's a serious pet peeve of mine as well.  That may be one reason 
I hate Facebook so much.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Community Acquisition of Coworking.com

2010-02-15 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 15, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> I said this to Mike Schinkel, offline:
> This isn't buying a membership to an association. This is contributing to a 
> specific cause, and being a sponsor.  
> I think that we're on the path to form something more organic and accurately 
> representative of what this community needs instead of bucketing it into a 
> co-op or any other organization just because we know what that looks like. 
> I think we're getting more organized, and there's no doubt about that...and 
> I'm happy to lead the charge and have the community's support :)

Just to include the full conversation I basically emailed Alex and said it 
sounded like he was heading in the direction of the Coworking co-op I suggested 
previously and that I felt he was the best one to lead the charge.  He 
responded with the above to which I replied "Cool."

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 16, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:
> I've been hearing that some of you out there have not been so happy about my 
> mentioning of executive suites and therefore, not adhering to the ethos of 
> coworking.  I want to clarify that my previous emails were only to propose 
> utilizing some resources that I've come across, and as a way to expedite some 
> progress toward two milestones that I do wish we all hit: conference and 
> organization/alliance/league.
> The exec suites owners are not the "Evil Empire", even though like you, I 
> openly criticize their model and practices.  They merely are based on a 
> culture that we coworking people feel needs to adapt and evolve.  Besides, 
> they are fully aware of our coworking movement and some of them have already 
> re-appropriated their spaces for coworking.  If they are already doing so, 
> shouldn't we at least collaborate with them on a discussion level so they 
> subscribe to our ideals?  

The problem is that exec suites are the incumbent industry and they currently 
have a lot more money than coworking space operators.  The Coworking "movement" 
is one that seeks to be a change agent.  Anyone who has read "Innovator's 
Dilemma" will know that incumbents will fight change unless it's in their 
selfish best interest. Positive change that's not aligned with entrenched 
interests need to come from the outside, not from the inside.  

If we engage the exec suites industry the likelihood is they will use their 
funds to extinguish the nascent coworking space operations who are in the 
formative stage.  I'd really prefer to see coworking grow and become it's own 
thing rather than see it be subsumed as just another exec suite option.

(Rereading that last statement, I realize I sound more like a revolutionary 
than I ever knew! :)

> Otherwise, their huge market presence and marketing power will effectively 
> confuse and dilute our own efforts to communicate coworking to the general 
> public.  That discussion can be done, albeit briefly, at their annual 
> conference to be in SF this year, should we find ourselves piggybacking on 
> their plans.  That is a big IF [we piggyback].  Remember, no one has really 
> stepped up to the plate either to plan this conference or even get everyone 
> to agree on the format; meanwhile, we have all agreed we want to convene in 
> some format.

Not if collectively we control the Coworking.com domain and hence its brand.  
I'd propose that we collectively establish a set of criteria for Coworking much 
like the Open-Source Initiative defines "open source" and that way we'll have 
far more control of our message.  We can even create a logo that is used to 
signify "real" coworking so that we have copyright over it and can keep spaces 
that don't adhere to the definition from using it.

> On a similar note, this fundraising for the coworking.com domain does bring 
> up some concerns for me...

Agreed. My comments above imply a single legal entity which I proposed earlier 
as a "co-op" but it could be any format as long as it meets our collective 
needs.  It's time to form such an entity, isn't it?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 16, 2010, at 1:40 PM, rachel young wrote:
> I am volunteering to look into what an international co-op or association 
> could be, and I'll report back pros and cons to the group in a few days. (or 
> maybe by Mon, given what my weekend already looks like)
> r.


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Tony Bacigalupo wrote:
> Serious stuff here. Let's take a step back for a second.

I agree with you in principle, but not as black & white.   

Do you see the Open Source Initiative as harmful?  They did it in part to 
control the branding of "open source" which is essentially what acquiring a 
domain is about, branding.  This doesn't have to be able running a conference, 
but it should be about branding, IMO.

When you get people with shared interest in an initiative together it works 
when the number is small (see "Dunbar's number" as reference) but as the number 
grows and new people come in without the crystal clear ethos of the original 
members things turn to chaos without some way to manage it.  Sadly it's human 
nature and wanting it to stay the same won't make it so.  Worse, someone who 
does manage it well will be able to co-op the initiative (i.e. the exec suites 
industry in this case) if it isn't managed by the existing thought leaders and 
I'd put you, Alex, Tara and a lot of others online here in that group.

I don't know what the answer is, but I'm pretty sure the answer is not "do 
nothing."  I also think we are all smart and capable people able to come up 
with an answer that works well if we put our heads together on the matter.  
Lead us.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Schinkel
odels, practices, communications, and more. I'm going to say something 
> controversial, but is largely true: operating with unsustainable practices is 
> something that open source projects aren't much better at than anybody else.

You are comparing apples & oranges.  IndyHall, New Work City, BlankSpaces, 
Ignition Alley, et. al. are analogous to an open source "project."  This is 
discussion is instead analogous to the definition of open source and as the 
Highlander says, "There can be only one." :)  (There is only one 
"coworking.com", right?)   

> Awesome, healthy discussion here. I love hanging around so many smart people!!

Ditto!  This is all healthy and good.

That said, if everyone still disagrees and wants to allow coworking to evolve 
without collective input on it's definition I'll acquiesce after this.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Clarification

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 16, 2010, at 6:57 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> We're now talking about THREE separate but related issues:
> How to pay for/who owns the domain, long term
> What kind of entity could exist
> The definition of coworking
> Just for those keeping track :)


On Feb 16, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Susan Evans wrote:
> In our years of experience here in Seattle, I have come away with the
> lesson that attempting to define coworking out of a fear that someone
> else will utilize the word for their own benefit hasn't been a
> worthwhile practice. Reacting out of perceived fear isn't always
> prudent. I am happy to continue talking about organizing for the
> benefit of coworking's sake, but not out of fear that if we don't
> define it some other entity will somehow snatch it from out underneath
> us.  The probability that will happen is pretty darned low IMO.

Thanks.  Is it possible to date that nobody has wanted to co-op the name? I 
believe the executive suites industry will very much try to co-op the name and 
will have the money to do so.

I also think that the same debate about not being able to define "Open Source" 
happened many years ago but they defined it.

Maybe we can start with a list of principles?  Clearly we won't argue there are 
not some unifying principles, right?  (But I'm not the best one to submit those 

But again if everyone else really thinks it's unimportant, I will demure and 
we'll just see were the chips fall.  

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Implications of Coworking.com.. and mixing it up some

2010-02-17 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 17, 2010, at 12:24 PM, Jacob Sayles wrote:
> Putting something high up, at the coworking.com level, forces people to come 
> to a consensus and is more fracturing then uniting.  

Curious, then why some much monetary interest for part of coworking.com?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Clarification

2010-02-17 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 17, 2010, at 12:49 PM, Jacob Sayles wrote:
> That's a far cry from putting together a blanket coalition for all of 
> coworking.  Danger!  Danger Will Robinson!

I don't get the fear that this instills in some.  It would be what we'd define 
it, not a "blanket coalition."

Then by the assertion that it can't be defined is this definition by definition 


On Feb 17, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Susan Evans wrote:
> Todd, I meant the exact opposite of protectionism - you CANNOT draw
> hard lines around coworking which is what I think is so beautiful
> about it.

If it's too hard to define then most of the population will never understand 
it. I think that fear of defining it is an assurance that what we all 
individually know and love about coworking will be relegated to the fringes as 
others define its meaning to be something different for the majority of the 
population.  Frankly, I'd like to see more people "get" it, not less.

Anyway, it seems that I'm one of the few that would prefer a bit more 
definition so without the majority support I'll drop it and spend my energies 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] coworking.com: the next generation

2010-02-18 Thread Mike Schinkel
> We're a Drupal studio.  If planned well the site can be both aesthetically 
> pleasing and self sustained.  (Drupal is the # 1 opensourse CMS)

Sorry to hijack the thread but only for a bit; I just can't let that assertion 
stand unchallenged! :-) Drupal is not the #1 opensource CMS, WordPress is! It's 
got far more users than Drupal!  ;-)

Anyway, I'm a former Drupal guy who after 2 years finally realized how much 
pain Drupal was causing me and switched to WordPress, never been happier! :) 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

p.s. OTOH, my partner in Ignition Alley is a Drupal guy so there you go! 

On Feb 18, 2010, at 7:55 PM, TCS wrote:

> We're a Drupal studio.  If planned well the site can be both aesthetically 
> pleasing and self sustained.  (Drupal is the # 1 opensourse CMS)  We're 
> willing to help develop the site if y'all wanna do the leg work on 
> Information Architecture, finalize a content outline and navigation 
> schematic, name the taxonomy terms and design.  ;o)  We can do design as 
> well, but thought that could be another studio if they want to help. Don't 
> know if there's funds available to offer to help build, but we're willing to 
> do whatever for the cause of coworking!
> Chad
> The Creative Space - Canada
> www.thecreativespace.ca
> 705-252-2423
> On 2010-02-18, at 7:29 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
>> Over the last several hours, I've finalized the transactions with Bernie and 
>> Gerrit, transferred the domain, configured the DNS, and set up a simple 
>> static homepage to display the community core values and point them to the 
>> three communal resources that we have, just like intended by the proposal 
>> sent out earlier this week.
>> The new coworking.com points to the google group, the wiki, and the blog. It 
>> defines some explicit activities that people can do at each of those places 
>> to get involved. 
>> http://coworking.com
>> It does not attempt to define coworking any more than is already defined on 
>> the landing page of the google group. It does not express any commercial or 
>> even organizational intent. It just says "we're here, and we're not going 
>> anywhere". I think this stake in the ground is extremely representative and 
>> lets us go ANY direction we want. 
>> The design is the product of...well...an hour of my time put in to 
>> copywriting and CSS. I'd be just as happy to throw it away if something else 
>> came along and the group suggests that, so long as the general concept stays 
>> clear.
>> I'd also be willing to take design/copy tips/tweaks to heart. You can't hurt 
>> my feelings too bad, I'm not a designer and I know it :) 
>> There are still a number of other matters to sort out that have come up 
>> since we started down this fun journey this week, and they can be dealt with 
>> one at a time. 
>> I'll be following up with all of the contributors, as well as the list, to 
>> discuss the next steps in managing the remaining funds. 
>> I'd really like the next discussion on this list to help find a more 
>> sustainable mechanism for allowing people to contribute to the website fund 
>> without raising money that we simply don't need. Right now the fund raise is 
>> spread out over ~20 people. That de-risked the initial purchase, and let 
>> this happen at all. In the next phase, I think the objective should be to 
>> spread the fund wider and, as Chris Messina said, put the focus on 
>> individual supporters instead of business supporters, giving everyone more 
>> equal access to the resources that come with having the domain. 
>> Let's brainstorm!
>> I also want to publicly thank Bernie and Gerrit for being so awesome during 
>> the transaction. They asked me to share this retrospective they posted last 
>> night on the last 10 years with the domain. 
>> http://www.smartmobs.com/2010/02/17/coworking-past-and-future/
>> -Alex
>> /ah
>> indyhall.org
>> coworking in philadelphia
>> -- 
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>> coworking+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en.
> Chad Ballantyn

Re: [Coworking] Re: Clarification

2010-02-18 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 18, 2010, at 3:36 PM, Chris Stewart wrote:
> I'm leaning toward the idea of a regional
> , since the economic and social climates differ between
> Dallas, Seattle, Philadelphia, and New York, etc. The regional
>  and individual spaces could people to an inter/national
> .

Clearly I agree with everything else you said in your comments, and as far as 
any kind of organization regional can make some good sense too. OTOH, we really 
can't have regional definitions of "Coworking" can we?  Not with a global web 
and only one coworking.com.

JMTCW but Alex's implied definition on coworking.com is a great start (isn't 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Clarification

2010-02-18 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 18, 2010, at 3:53 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:
>> "Every starfish needs a center..."
> Technically that is untrue. Cut off a floating leg and it'll grow another 
> core and four more legs. ;)

In the spirit of being pedantic :) while cutting a floating leg off a starfish 
grows another core and four more legs in reality it is, after all, a different 
starfish with a shared leg.   If a group splinters off coworking that 
realistically doesn't make the new group coworking but instead a new thing 
derived from coworking which rightly would get its own name (and if there are 
any true marketers involved trying to promote it, it will.)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: coworking.com: the next generation

2010-02-19 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 19, 2010, at 9:25 AM, TCS wrote:

> We realize there's more users - I wasn't counting users, rather considering 
> the overall expandability and multifunctional use of a website tool.  It's 
> not the easiest to use as a developer, but once you get it, it is robust!  
> Just thinking if you want to create a community environment and build on a 
> more robust tool, Drupal's great.  We love Wordpress too!  

On Feb 19, 2010, at 9:17 AM, Patrick wrote:
> Wordpress is a blog platform that can be used as a CMS, not an actual
> CMS ;)
> Just teasing.

Yes mine was some as light hearted teasing as well. Glad you took it as as 
such. :)

Still, "many a truth said in jest" as they say. I really have seen people have 
a lot more difficulty getting Drupal projects completed vs. WordPress projects 
and then training users to understand Drupal is yet another complication where 
it's pretty easy for users to get WordPress.  As way to explain and a rule of 
thumb I tell prospective users that the minimum WordPress project cost they'd 
pay a local consultant for a professional design and a bit of custom 
functionality developed in PHP and/or jQuery is about $2500 vs. the minimum 
Drupal is around $10k.  Drupal typically makes the first 85% easy but the last 
15% can be very difficult (and hence time consuming/expensive.)

FWIW a year ago WordPress didn't have the feature set needed in core+plugins 
but does now.  A partner and I are actually launching a conference in Atlanta 
called "The Business of WordPress" to highlight how to use it for local 
businesses in part because I want them to see how effective it is now.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-22 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Rachel,

This is great stuff, really!  Thanks for all the effort.

One point of note on your non-profit "con" about political lobbying, at least 
in the USA, if an organization elects 501(h) instead of 501(c)(3) then they can 
lobby. Generally, organizations that make the 501(h) election under the 1976 
lobbying law may spend 20% of the first $500,000 of their annual expenditures 
on lobbying ($100,000), 15% of the next $500,000, and so on, up to $1 million 


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. I've recently looked into this issue for another non-profit I'm setting 
up. :)

On Feb 22, 2010, at 11:47 PM, rachel young wrote:

> Hi all,
> On 16 February 2010 13:40, rachel young  wrote:
> I am volunteering to look into what an international co-op or association 
> could be, and I'll report back pros and cons to the group in a few days. (or 
> maybe by Mon, given what my weekend already looks like)
> r.
> If you don't want to read all of this info, please scroll to the end to find 
> a link to a very simple survey.
> There has been both support in favour of and warnings against forming some 
> sort of organisation. So, as promised, here is a high level comparison of the 
> different types of formal organisations we could form - this info is not to 
> sway your opinion for or against such an organisation, but merely to help 
> inform you of some options. Since there is money involved (now with the 
> acquisition of coworking.com, and potentially in future for conferences or 
> even other currently unknown opportunities similar to the domain acquisition) 
> I do recommend that if we decide we want some sort of organisation then it 
> should be a formal legal entity. In keeping with the wish that this not be to 
> any one person's benefit, the only two real options would be a co-op or a 
> non-profit.
> Co-operative
> A co-op is an autonomous association of persons (or companies with one 
> representative) united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and 
> cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and 
> democratically-controlled enterprise which is incorporated.
> one share, one vote
> all members are owners, all members share in the profits through dividends
> a fair amount of red tape for the initial set up and distribution of dividends
> all members essentially run the company, unless staff are hired (many of us 
> run our own company in addition to running the business of our coworking 
> spaces, so this would be a third company)
> it is grammatically correct to include a hyphen in "co-op" or "co-operative" 
> and aesthetically that would look weird with "coworking"  (this is not a real 
> point either way, just inserting some rib-jabbing levity in between corporate 
> mumbo jumbo)
> Non-profit Corporation 
> Forming a nonprofit corporation is much like creating a regular corporation, 
> except that nonprofits have to take the extra steps of applying for 
> tax-exempt status. Also called a 501(c)(3) in the USA. 
> tax exemption(s)
> greater qualification for grants
> business activities cannot result in personal benefit for any director, 
> officer, or member, which helps in keeping this community as great as it is
> cannot participate in political lobbying (influencing legislation) as a 
> substantial part of its total activities (if ever we want to band together to 
> show support in affecting legislation in any country)
> there may be some restrictions on the use of assets to purposes justifying 
> tax exemption
> Does anyone know of another form of legal organisational entity that would be 
> a possible fit for our community?
> Basically, from what I could find, it would take forming an organisation in 
> one country and then crafting the bylaws to include international members.
> All forms would essentially be governance, meaning that there would be one 
> body to make decisions for the betterment of all members or interested 
> parties, whether that body is composed of one representative from each 
> coworking space for a co-op or a smaller board of representatives for a 
> non-profit organisation. Either way, the structure would include variations 
> of these steps:
> Choose a Business Name
> Prepare and File Articles of Incorporation
> Apply for Applicable Tax Exemption(s)
> Draft Corporate Bylaws
> Appoint Directors
> Hold a Directors' Meeting (attendees can be virtual in most cases)
> Obtain Appli

Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel

I concur with Rachel.  Offer criticism yes, but please accompany with 
alternative solutions?

FWIW if an entity is formed is it only defined in the terms of the law and 
taxation.  A corporation is a only legal and tax entity, after all; beyond that 
it has no meaning. Even "Private International Law" isn't a jurisdiction itself 
but concerns dispute resolution across jurisdictions[1].

So as far as I know you have to follow the laws of some country and ideally 
compatible laws of many other countries but ultimately it has to be based 
somewhere. Where as an alternate would you suggest, and why?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_law#Conflict_of_laws

On Feb 23, 2010, at 7:17 AM, rachel young wrote:

> Actually no, these are not "ALL USA stuff", these are both valid in Canada as 
> well (I'm Canadian, coworking facility based in Canada, and have worked with 
> and set up both co-ops and non-profits in Canada).
> I cannot find anything online that would support legal entity that is an 
> international association that would offer memberships and tax exemptions for 
> all countries. All associations start somewhere, in some country, and that 
> country deals with the laws and taxations assocated with the type of 
> organisation, therefore can get whatever applied tax exemptions. If you can 
> find something, I suggest you post it to the group as an option.
> What other suggestions do you have? It is fine to speak your mind, but can 
> you offer another option that you think might serve the community better?
> r.
> On 23 February 2010 03:47, Steven Heath  wrote:
> My one comment and it is a major one is this is ALL USA stuff.
> While are we looking at USA laws?
> As I have said before I would rather no legal entity then one based on USA 
> laws.
> Also when you say things like 'tax exemption(s)' you mean for USA tax payers.
> Thank god I am not and never will be one.
> Last time I checked this is a world wide movement that happened to start in 
> USA.
> This may sound like a rant because it kinda is.
> If other non North American people can speak up it will be great,
> otherwise I will just fade back as a lurker on this pet peeve of mine.
> Steven Heath
> PS I lived for 9 years in Canada, married a Canadian and both my kids
> were born in Canada so I do have some perspective and 'experience' of
> the Norther American vs 'the rest' views.
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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 7:19 AM, rachel young wrote:
> You do have a lot of lobby groups, after all.   :-P

Yes. About 2 orders of magnitude more than we should! ;-)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
> Reminder that 501c3 or whatever non-profit status ironically costs about $20k 
> after filing and legal fees (there is a helluvalotta paperwork)

Unless you get legal done pro-bono and then it's much cheaper, which is likely.

> and requires gobs of administrative work and reporting going forward, meaning 
> you need to hire people for money to do that for you as it's awfully 
> complicated.

This, of course, is harder to get around.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Feb 23, 2010, at 8:54 AM, Tara Hunt wrote:

> Reminder that 501c3 or whatever non-profit status ironically costs about $20k 
> after filing and legal fees (there is a helluvalotta paperwork) and requires 
> gobs of administrative work and reporting going forward, meaning you need to 
> hire people for money to do that for you as it's awfully complicated.
> I watched Freecycle go through this painful process and they really regret it.
> T
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 7:19 AM, rachel young  wrote:
> Ah, thanks for the clarification. Learning the a corporate structures of 
> other countries has been a steep learning curve, but this does make sense. 
> You do have a lot of lobby groups, after all.   :-P
> r.
> On 23 February 2010 01:32, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
> Hi Rachel,
> This is great stuff, really!  Thanks for all the effort.
> One point of note on your non-profit "con" about political lobbying, at least 
> in the USA, if an organization elects 501(h) instead of 501(c)(3) then they 
> can lobby. Generally, organizations that make the 501(h) election under the 
> 1976 lobbying law may spend 20% of the first $500,000 of their annual 
> expenditures on lobbying ($100,000), 15% of the next $500,000, and so on, up 
> to $1 million dollars.
> http://www.muridae.com/nporegulation/lobbying.html#lobbying_who_may
> http://www.asaecenter.com/PublicationsResources/whitepaperdetail.cfm?ItemNumber=12202
> -Mike Schinkel
> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> http://ignitionalley.com
> P.S. I've recently looked into this issue for another non-profit I'm setting 
> up. :)
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> -- 
> tara 'missrogue' hunt
> Book: The Whuffie Factor (http://www.thewhuffiefactor.com)
> Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://horsepigcow.com) 
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missrogue 
> phone: 514-679-2951
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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Steven Heath wrote:
> Before looking at entity I think we need to go back to what Alex (and
> others have said).
> Why are we doing this?

Rachel was doing research in parallel. That way we can know what the options 
are when we discuss the why.

> One thing in the possible approach is about tax exemption and possible
> charitable status.
> If lots of people in USA and Canada thinks this is a good idea AND
> required then ok. But then realised that this has NO benefit outside
> of these two countries.

Are there no non-profit entities outside USA and Canada?  I ask not to advocate 
for non-profit but just to better understand international issues.

> I still think we need to address what our requirements are.

Yes, but I think that goes without saying.  Deciding requirements does not have 
to be a critical path before researching structural options.

BTW, another option is to set up an LLC as effectively a "not-for-profit" 
entity and to establish bylaws that require it to be managed as we collectively 
like, regardless of specific org type. The bylaws could establish what it does 
and how it is allowed to operate.  The bylaws could establish voting rules, and 
how members of many countries participate.  The ownership of the entity could 
be held in trust[1] by a law firm and then everyone that participates could 
become a type of member as defined by the bylaws.

We don't get tax benefits from this approach but it we distribute any potential 
profits to members then there is no need for tax benefits. We wouldn't get 
preferred status from orgs that give cheap/free things to non-profits but then 
we wouldn't have the issues of forming/running a non-profit either.

As for the requirements, minimally I think there's a need for an org to house 
and run coworking.com and to establish a way for people to understand what 
coworking is and what it is not just as the open source group did for open 
source (I would have said "define" it but didn't since some of your reacted so 
negatively to that term.)

> I would like to add that the get together at SXSW should be one of the
> many places to discuss... not the place.

I agree, since I won't be at SXSW.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_(law)

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
> To continue my point, IndyHall existed as a non-entity (just a word, and a 
> bunch of people spreading ideas) for a long time before we created any kind 
> of legal entity, and that was because a commercial lease needed to be signed. 
> There have been no commercial requirements to pull off anything (including 
> the acquisition of a domain), and definitely not for spreading of ideas. 

Minimally an entity needs to exist to own the domain.  Most likely it could be 
an endowed trust that has funds to pay for perpetual hosting.  That way if you 
die or if you get sued to bankruptcy for whatever reason we don't loose the 

Unless I miss my guess the domain is currently tied to you as a legal entity. 
If not, please explain how the community is protected in either of those two 
awful cases?

> In fact, the controlling nature of any singular entity (no matter how 
> altruistic) would squash the growth potential that we've all benefited from. 

I'm not being sarcastic but reading that perspective from you and others I 
can't stop the premise of "Green Eggs and Ham" from running through my mind.  
It feels like rather than discuss what it might be and what value it might have 
that some are just reacting out of fear and thus are closing themselves off 
from even considering that there may be some value. Please don't take offense, 
I'm just explaining how it seems to me.

As proposed the entity would only do those things we agreed to allow it to do. 
If there are things it would do that would "squash the growth potential that 
we've all benefited from" then we explicitly disallow those things in the 
bylaws without a supermajority or unanimous vote of members.

One thing that *is* needed, and I'll stand firmly on this, is something we can 
point people to who want to understand what coworking is but who are not "true 
believers" like most on this list. For example, the media. Having the media 
right stories about coworking ends up having them define it for us whether we 
like it or not. I'd far rather we are in control of that definition and not 
others who couldn't be bothered to get it "right."

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. We can "define" it using principles and by giving examples, it doesn't 
have to be a single sentence.  But it we do not define it others will.

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
e's sorry it's gone 
this way for Alex but that he has shareholders to answer to and they demand 
that be pursue what's in their interest. Swindle tells Alex and he does have an 
option that his shareholders would be satisfied with: Swindle will authorize 
BEC to pay all of Alex's legal fees to date and reimburse all people who have 
contributed to his legal fund all in exchange for ownership in the 
coworking.com domain! 

Swindle will even hire Alex to promote BEC's "Coworking" options in the major 
markets that have proven viable like New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los 
Angeles, etc. with a goal of attracting all existing coworkers to BEC 
offerings. However this "job offer" is a three year contract that must be 
agreed to for BEC to drop the lawsuit, and it comes with legal liability if 
Alex can be found to be undermining BEC's competitive pursuit of customers from 
existing establish coworking facilities. Further, Swindle implies they have yet 
another lawsuit that a subsidiary will pursue against Alex if Alex doesn't 

Alex is now faced with two awful choices: 

1.) working for BEC to undermine everyone else in the community that he 
was so instrumental in advocating for, or 
2.) personal bankruptcy.  

We pretty much know how bad #1 would be, besides we know our good Alex would 
never do that anyway, so let's assume Alex defiantly chooses #2.  

During Alex's personal bankruptcy BEC makes it clear to the judge that one of 
Alex's assets is the domain coworking.com and BEC lobbies the court to provide 
that BEC get's the domain as their remedy for their lawsuit that Alex declares 
bankruptcy to avoid. And since nobody is now willing or able to pay a lawyer to 
defend against this inappropriate lawsuit, the court gives BEC coworking.com!  

BEC begins to throw money at every market where there is a coworking space 
operating not solidly in the black (i.e. most of them.) From them on both 
coworking as an "undefinable wild, wild west" and the domain coworking.com as 
we knew it are both gone. 

And all this because a vocal group was adamant early on that no structure be 
put in place to provide Alex liability and defend against such an action.  Sad, 

Implausible?  Only if you've never been a party to a lawsuit.  It's disgusting 
what happens when someone who has plenty of money and lawyers on staff can to 
do those who don't have an infinite war chest to defend, even against frivolous 
lawsuit, at least in the USA.

Yes, an entity could be sued too and we might still loose coworking.com but it 
wouldn't destroy Alex financially and it wouldn't be viewed by others early on 
as "Alex's problem."  Having a proper entity can insulate us each from 
liability and do our best to protect against these types of attacks. For 
example, the entity could have insurance against such legal attacks to ensure 
we have an equivalent war chest if it get sued.


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. I figured you all might enjoy a story more than a simple rant. :)

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Re: [Coworking] Trusts, current state, examples and ideas!

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Steven Heath wrote:
> I think if we go to a formal structure that a Trust is the best way as
> it means the Trust has to operate based on its purpose. Also we can
> separate the ownership issues with the operational issues (i.e.
> ownership of coworking.com vs. the content on the site, F2F meetings
> etc).

> My opinion coworking.com is already held in trust but suffers from
> lack of documentation and detail to ensure it is ‘water tight’ (such
> as appointment of trustees)

Great leg work, and +1.

> I think that should the community wish a legal entity to hold the
> domain name that a trust be established as long as this trust is
> inactive and does not trade (ie holds passive assets like domain name
> etc)

I would argue that it should allow it's members to have the option to allow it 
to trade it later the members decided they wanted to by some sizable majority.

> Finally if we follow this route then country the Trust is created is
> key. I propose New Zealand law because everyone loves us :-)

Who says everyone loves NZ?!?  You guys are the worst, 2nd only to those awful 
Aussies!  Never in NZ!!!

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. I jest! Seriously, I jest!  :-) :-) :-)
I visited both NZ and Oz long ago and absolutely loved 'em both. 

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 6:59 PM, Steven Heath wrote:
>> Implausible?  Only if you've never been a party to a lawsuit.  It's
>> disgusting what happens when someone who has plenty of money and lawyers
>> on staff can to do those who don't have an infinite war chest to defend,
>> even against frivolous lawsuit, at least in the USA.
> Thank you for you very long message

Stories tend to be longer and opinions. :)

> about possible risk for an
> American based entity and outlines in detail some of my reasons for
> 'anything but a USA based entity'.

Hmm. That's wasn't the correctly understood takeaway. That's what happens 
without a legal entity, not with one.

BTW, you are saying you don't have lawsuits in New Zealand? Hmm, this seems to 
indicate otherwise?


-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

P.S. Methinks you've got a bit of angst regarding the USA?  Just be aware that 
the USA is filled with people just like NZ, and not all of us prescribe to the 
Fox News "USA can do no wrong" mentality.


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Re: [Coworking] Trusts, current state, examples and ideas!

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 7:09 PM, Steven Heath wrote:
> I feel unless someone is unable to fulfill their duties and is not
> malfeasance, not in jail, bankrupt (or sold out to Evil Office Suites
> R Us which Alex will do later in life :-) then I do not think we
> should change the 'group' or tell them what to do. But that 'group'
> having an operational arm underneath them (like in my NZNOG detail) is
> a different matter. Each year NZNOG calls for volunteers to be on that
> committee and people are appointed based on ability etc.

Sounds good to me.  

Though I do think after meeting Alex that he will go down in flames before he 
sells out. (Don't prove me wrong, Alex! ;-)

>> Finally if we follow this route then country the Trust is created is
>> key. I propose New Zealand law because everyone loves us :-)
>> Who says everyone loves NZ?!?  You guys are the worst, 2nd only to those
>> awful Aussies!  Never in NZ!!!
> At least we agree Aussies are worse!

heh. You forgot to include my disclaimer of jest. :)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Clarification

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 7:29 PM, Steven Heath wrote:
>> http://www.nzlii.org/
> That points to *laws*  and *case law* not *lawsuits* :-)

Sigh.  http://www.nzlii.org/nz/cases/NZHC/2010/  ;-)

>> P.S. Methinks you've got a bit of angst regarding the USA?  Just be aware
>> that the USA is filled with people just like NZ, and not all of us prescribe
>> to the Fox News "USA can do no wrong" mentality.
> No, NZ is not a overly litigious country and case law would not
> support the hypothetical situation you proposed.

Maybe not, but you said my story was an example of why not to form an entity 
when the reverse is true.  Currently in the USA (as Alex is in the USA) it 
could happen to an individual if the individual continues owning the domain.  
IF we create a US-based entity (US as a counter example for your assertion 
against US-based entities) and we give it proper insurance such an outcome 
would be highly unlikely.

> desc "Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides comprehensive,
> no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and
> visitors to New Zealand." www.acc.co.nz
> Workers, employers and the government pay into it and means that you
> CAN NOT sue for injury occurred, be it at work, on rugby fielded or a
> car crash.

We in the USA have the same, it's called "Workers Comp."

> Read that again, it is illegal to sue for damages a driver of a car
> that hits you. If they broke the law they will be charged and go
> through the the courts and insurance (assuming carried) will cover
> damage to car and ACC will cover your hospital bills and rehab costs.
> Or in turn you have work place accident and employer has unsafe
> machinery then they will be charged etc...
> I know this is off topic but it shows how 'different' America is with
> regard to legal approach. The sad thing is of course is most Americans
> do not know any other way so think everyone operates like them.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the US' legal system and prefer others that are less 
monopolized by entrenched legal interests.  But Alex doing nothing while being 
subject to US laws doesn't help.

I'm not arguing (necessarily) for a US-based entity (nor am I arguing against), 
I'm arguing against doing nothing, especially while the holder of the domain is 
a US citizen.

> And to shake things up even further is I do not even have
> health/medical insurance amazing eh?

Then we *definitely* don't want you to hold the domain... ;-p

Whatever the case, I think this pro-vs-con on the US entity is a bit overblown 
for our purposes.  Hell, let's put it in neutral territory: Switzerland (if we 
could just afford all the fees it would cost!)

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Introducing myself from San Diego, California

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 23, 2010, at 7:49 PM, scott anderson wrote:
> Would there be an “elevator pitch” or 30 second commercial of some kind that 
> I could use when trying to explain coworking?

We've just recently been discussing such a definition here on the list but thus 
far the consensus is there is no consensus. It turns out "coworking" means too 
many different things to too many different people so clearly it's impossible 
to define.  

Explain it however like; "coworking" means whatever you want it to mean.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Digest for coworking@googlegroups.com - 25 Messages in 7 Topics

2010-02-24 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 24, 2010, at 7:40 PM, David Troy wrote:
> If we can't trust at least one community member to be a good steward to an 
> asset like coworking.com, maybe we have bigger problems on our hands.

I wasn't going to say anything more on this issue but I believe the discussion 
continues to ignore key points so I'll say it again.

We all agree that we can trust Alex to be a good steward.  (Right?) 

But what we can't trust Alex to do with 100% certainty is to not die and we 
can't trust him to not get sued into bankruptcy.  This is what legal entities 
(like trusts) are for.  Many here argue against it for presumed complication 
and presumed overhead but that as stated is a red herring as people have 
ignored the death/bankruptcy concern.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Digest for coworking@googlegroups.com - 25 Messages in 7 Topics

2010-02-25 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Max,

For clarity, I don't see the term "governance" used by Jerome or myself below.  

As Alex pointed out earlier we have several potentially distinct issues that we 
are discussing.  In the email thread below we are discussing the need to 
protect the domain via a legal entity that is distinct from Alex so that in 
case of bad fortune for Alex the domain continues to be owned and managed by 
its stakeholders here on the list.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Feb 25, 2010, at 10:19 AM, MaxBuck wrote:

> I don't like the term "governance," which suggests rules and
> regulations.  I don't see either a need or a desire for those things
> among coworkers or among those who are expediting their work space.
> What we're looking for, I believe, is simply to catalyze collaboration
> on a larger scale (or maybe a different scale) from what we currently
> have here.  Am I mistaken?
> Max
> On Feb 24, 8:34 pm, Jerome Chang  wrote:
>> I completely agree.   The legal entity is just to put into writing  
>> what we all believe, then set a couple of options should "something"  
>> happen.
>> Jerome
>> __
>> "work wide open"
>> www.blankspaces.com
>> 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
>> Los Angeles, CA 90036
>> 323.330.9505 (office)
>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
>>> On Feb 24, 2010, at 7:40 PM, David Troy wrote:
>>>> If we can't trust at least one community member to be a good  
>>>> steward to an asset like coworking.com, maybe we have bigger  
>>>> problems on our hands.
>>> I wasn't going to say anything more on this issue but I believe the  
>>> discussion continues to ignore key points so I'll say it again.
>>> We all agree that we can trust Alex to be a good steward.  (Right?)
>>> But what we can't trust Alex to do with 100% certainty is to not die  
>>> and we can't trust him to not get sued into bankruptcy.  This is  
>>> what legal entities (like trusts) are for.  Many here argue against  
>>> it for presumed complication and presumed overhead but that as  
>>> stated is a red herring as people have ignored the death/bankruptcy  
>>> concern.
>>> -Mike Schinkel
>>> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
>>> http://ignitionalley.com
>>> --
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>>> .
>>> For more options, visit this group 
>>> athttp://groups.google.com/group/coworking?hl=en
>>> .
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Re: [Coworking] Re: Clarification

2010-02-25 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 26, 2010, at 1:33 AM, Jerome Chang wrote:
> If we equalize the amounts across many people, it sounds to me like we have 
> "shares" to a [corporate] legal entity.  We could either:
>   1. Continue to "sell" single shares to add'l people in the future, 
> which would pay for hosting and domain renewals, or other related domain fees.
>   2. Redistribute each quarter any refunds.  Ie., we have 50 shares now @ 
> $100 each for a total of $5k, then next quarter have 100 shares @ $50 ea so 
> the original 50 get refunded $50.  It's like issuing more shares and 
> proportionally diluting the value of a stock.
> Either way, we could then assign each share as legally joining some basic 
> basic entity to formally own the domain.

+1, if it can be handled without too much complexity.  (The "shares" could be 
memberships instead of legal shares is shares make it complex with the bylaws 
describing the rights of "members.")

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] A question...

2010-02-26 Thread Mike Schinkel
I'll come back to the issues that Alex threw out a while back, paraphrased. 
There are several issues/topics.

1.) Recapitalizing the domain purchase.
2.) Protecting the domain (likely in a trust.)
3.) Long term management of domain (maybe a co-op, non-profit, simple LLC 
w/bylaws, or we can risk doing nothing.) 
4.) Branding of "Coworking" so that we can promote it, help others market the 
concept, and help the "average joe(sephine)" to understand what it is and is 
5.) Creating (some form of) an association that can provide services to member 
orgs, like negotiate for collective partnerships and discounts, etc.
6.) Running a conference (and I'd like this to be in the form of a co-op, even 
if the co-op lasts only for the length of each conference.)

There may be more, but there are at least these. Point of note, not everyone 
agrees with all these goals, some don't agree with any. But each issue can be 
addressed separately or  some can be merged.  Hopefully this list can help us 
identify what we are discussing in any given response on this list?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Feb 26, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Derek Young wrote:

> I have been lurking on this conversation so far, but here are a few thoughts:
> The greater the complexity of this organization, pseudo-organization, or bank 
> account, the less likely it is that the organization will represent the 
> greatest number of coworking spaces.
> 1. Keep it simple. Fine, we decide to organize in some way. This group is 
> extraordinarily diverse. Let's keep the organization as flat as possible, be 
> inclusive as possible, and only raise what we think we need for 1) the 
> objective or 2) a series of objectives + a small percentage contingency. This 
> prevents a hierarchy of spaces and people. This also means that there isn't 
> some big surplus of cashing sitting around in a bank account for us to worry 
> about. Should the group suddenly disappear, our greatest loss would be trust 
> and not money. One of Suite133's partners is president of our local downtown 
> business association. While very old school in membership, the issues we're 
> talking about are amazingly similar.
> 2. The right answer may be some form of non-profit / membership based 
> organization. Something that I don't think has been mentioned would be for us 
> to find a fiscal agent willing to handle our money and non-profit status 
> while we figure things out. Plus, we could, in theory, apply for grants to 
> support something like a conference. There are fees involved, but it's a lot 
> cheaper than incorporating - then changing our minds. Shunpike.org, for 
> example, does this for arts organizations in Seattle/Tacoma and has been a 
> regular user of Suite133 for nearly a year. I used this model when setting up 
> a new non-profit a few years ago in partnership with our local community 
> foundation. 
> I just saw Alex's email ... I'll stop now and chime back in next week.
> Derek Young
> Suite133 - Tacoma, WA
> de...@seasonalview.com
> On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:
>> If you're interested in creating an entity to help support the conference 
>> you want to run, then I say: do it! There are future endeavors that may even 
>> be able to find value in supporting or being a part of that supporting 
>> entity. But trying to make it an umbrella for EVERY possible thing that 
>> comes up in the future is not something I think is a mission I can support.
>> Mixing it in with the ownership of the domain, my tax liabilities, and the 
>> direction of the larger community is a different issue though, and one that 
>> the group does not seem to cohesively support, myself included. 
>> None of us would be here having this conversation today if that's how this 
>> movement had started. 
>> -Alex
>> /ah
>> indyhall.org
>> coworking in philadelphia
>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM, rachel young  wrote:
>> Exactly why do people want to set up a charitable organization? What would 
>> it get us? 
>> Charitable organisations mean something different in some countries. In 
>> Canada, a charity is only one type of non-profit organisation, and is one 
>> that is more a stringent structure because it can issue tax receipts for 
>> donations. A corporation can still be a non-profit (one that operates for 
>> self-benefit and that redistributes surplus towards its goals) without being 
>> a charity.
>> I admit that I've  been skimming some e-mails in the l

Re: [Coworking] A question...

2010-02-26 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 26, 2010, at 2:37 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:
>> On Feb 26, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
>>> I'll come back to the issues that Alex threw out a while back, paraphrased. 
>>> There are several issues/topics.
>>> 1.) Recapitalizing the domain purchase.
>>> 2.) Protecting the domain (likely in a trust.)
>>> 3.) Long term management of domain (maybe a co-op, non-profit, simple LLC 
>>> w/bylaws, or we can risk doing nothing.) 
>>> 4.) Branding of "Coworking" so that we can promote it, help others market 
>>> the concept, and help the "average joe(sephine)" to understand what it is 
>>> and is not.
>>> 5.) Creating (some form of) an association that can provide services to 
>>> member orgs, like negotiate for collective partnerships and discounts, etc.
>>> 6.) Running a conference (and I'd like this to be in the form of a co-op, 
>>> even if the co-op lasts only for the length of each conference.)
> Seems like we could do a couple of things:
>   1, 2, & 3. BASIC legal entity to manage the domain
>   4 & 5. A separate org consisting of some of the coworking 
> operators/advocates that address these two issues.
>   6. Yet another org to address this issue.
> Therefore, say, 100 people join #1-3, maybe 10-15 for 4&5, and another 10-15 
> for #6.  Some people will be in all three groups, or just one.  Totally 
> voluntary.  Each group will grow organically or just exist for that one 
> project.

I like it, but have a question: would 4+5 get to use the domain in 1+2+3?  
Something to consider...

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Did you see this writeup?

2010-02-26 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Feb 26, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Sanford Dickert wrote:
> http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/09_34/b4144058838022.htm
> Interesting combo - a little of coworking, a little hoteling and a little 
> Y-Combinator

When I was in San Fran for the Paypal conference several months back I decided 
to stay a few extra days to tour coworking facilities. Someone told me to check 
out Plug & Play Tech Center when I was there.  I happen to meet Saeed Amidi at 
the conference and asked if I could visit. and he invited me for lunch the next 

I showed up expecting a small facility only to find a 485,000 sqft facility 
housing 180 startups, and was one of 3 similar facilities in the region, that 
one being the largest.  I was completely unprepared for what I found!  Better, 
the CEO of this major enterprise Saeed was completely gracious with me and 
spent a hour having lunch and giving me a tour.  

I was totally blow away.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-02-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:24 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> I'd like to offer the idea that's more lightweight than the organizations 
> that have been proposed. The thing we've really been talking about is ironing 
> out the expectations associated with coworking, and largely, tying them back 
> to core values somehow. The problems with organizations are many, and 
> something I'm not interested in debating here. What I'm curious, legitimately 
> curious because I don't have enough knowledge to back up successful or failed 
> models, is the idea of using something like a license to unify us and set 
> expectations. 
> Not like a drivers license, but like a software license. One that encourages 
> sharing, reciprocity, building market value, and ultimately, more knowledge 
> capital along with the word "coworking" and its associated ideas.
> The downsides to this, of course, are that software licenses themselves have 
> a bit of a holy war background to them, and that they're complicated to 
> understand. Such is legal.

As you are envisioning it, what exactly would be licensed, and who would be 
licensing it?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-02-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
Hi Alex,

I like essence of the idea, but I can't see directly how to apply it.

When I look at open source licenses (which is what I assume inspired you) they 
are licenses that people apply to their software and those licenses are free 
for anyone to use to apply to their software.  The OSI's role is to bless the 

The best analogy to open source licenses I can see would be to have a member 
agreements that coworking facilities can use where the member agreements would 
be "approved" as coworking member agreements. And just like open source 
licenses there could be many different approved member agreements.  But to 
follow the open source lead all approved member agreements would need to be 
consistent with a single set of core bedrock principles. And it would be these 
principles which we would discuss and then agree upon.  After that any member 
agreements that wanted the "coworking" seal of approval would need to be 
submitted and reviewed before approving.

Now, that said, I'm not necessarily advocating the above nor do I even know if 
it would be possible for it to be workable.  But it is the analogy I see.

What I do see as a possible start, assuming you and others agree, could be to 
identify those principles when can be objectively evaluated/measured to which 
we all agree.  If approved member agreements follow from there, great. Or if 
something else follows from there, great too.  Of course what those principles 
are I'd prefer you to start...


On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:40 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:

> As you are envisioning it, what exactly would be licensed, and who would be 
> licensing it?
> Not sure.
> It was an idea, not a literal translation of licensing models. My suggestion 
> is that we might look there for cues, not directly port anything that 
> necessarily exists. Learn from what has worked well, and what hasn't. Someone 
> already pointed out that I might have chosen the wrong CC license on the 
> coworking.com homepage, but didn't suggest or explain an alternative so I 
> haven't changed it yet. 
> The idea isn't fully baked, just a new ingredient I wanted to mix in.
> /ah
> indyhall.org
> coworking in philadelphia
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Mike Schinkel  
> wrote:
> On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:24 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:
>> I'd like to offer the idea that's more lightweight than the organizations 
>> that have been proposed. The thing we've really been talking about is 
>> ironing out the expectations associated with coworking, and largely, tying 
>> them back to core values somehow. The problems with organizations are many, 
>> and something I'm not interested in debating here. What I'm curious, 
>> legitimately curious because I don't have enough knowledge to back up 
>> successful or failed models, is the idea of using something like a license 
>> to unify us and set expectations. 
>> Not like a drivers license, but like a software license. One that encourages 
>> sharing, reciprocity, building market value, and ultimately, more knowledge 
>> capital along with the word "coworking" and its associated ideas.
>> The downsides to this, of course, are that software licenses themselves have 
>> a bit of a holy war background to them, and that they're complicated to 
>> understand. Such is legal.
> As you are envisioning it, what exactly would be licensed, and who would be 
> licensing it?
> -Mike Schinkel
> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> http://ignitionalley.com
> -- 
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Re: [Coworking] Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-03-01 Thread Mike Schinkel
t; On Mar 1, 2010, at 3:28 PM, Ryan Price wrote:
>> I'm inspired a bit by the Creative Commons license widget:
>> They give you a choice, to require those who re-use your work to:
>> Attribute you,  the author; (A)
>> Keep commercial interest out of the picture; (NC)
>> Preserve the original piece - don't make derivatives; (ND)
>> Share-alike, thereby making the license viral. (SA)
>> There are checkboxes, allowing you to choose CC with a combination of 
>> flavors. CC-A-NC-ND-SA 3.0 (the license also has versioning)
>> Maybe our widget would simply walk you through what it means to accept each 
>> checkbox, and how others have created the environment that allows these 
>> values to be enforced by the community. Almost like a public service 
>> announcement: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" were the old principles there.
>> Is it as simple as a page on your site (or in a printed brochure)? "These 
>> are our values, and we've taken a few from the global Coworking movement". 
>> (no hyphens, please)
>> If every space could be transparent about how they were putting these into 
>> practice, and it were as easy to adopt as the Creative Commons experience, 
>> then we may even see an easy way to build a directory of spaces, because of 
>> everyone who fills in the widget, and let the people in each city choose for 
>> themselves...?
>> If your personal values are in line with Coworking, lobby your space's 
>> stakeholders to adopt at least a few principles and be public about it. 
>> Obviously, they have to follow-through. It is an advantage to call attention 
>> to these differences as a reason to choose your space and become involved.
>> Maybe we can even come up with some graphics / branding / micro-site for 
>> this? (a possible use for some community funds) Now, one of the efforts of 
>> Coworking.com becomes trying to enable, showcase and support people who 
>> choose to get involved with a global, distributed movement. However, you 
>> need not participate in this campaign explicitly order to be recognized.

Assuming the above issues are resolved, I love this; great job Ryan.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-03-01 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Mar 1, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Ryan Price wrote:
> Maybe one step (achievable this week) could be documenting these statements 
> and putting them side-by-side for others to compare to. Just a page on the 
> wiki that points to relevant statements of values / key principles everywhere 
> it is already documented.
> Much like the "About" and "Contact" pages are now standard on many sites, 
> should we encourage a standard name, like "Values" or "Core Principles"? Is 
> this a possible META tag / RDF attribute for easy discovery?
> rel="values" type="coworking" 
> href="http://coworking.com/values/COSCA/2010-02.html";
> Sorry, I'm a web programmer, I had to go there.

I'm a web programmer too;  love it!

Maybe the "statement of values" become's coworking's equivalent to an open 
source license.  We name each one and publish them on the coworking.com site 
and we come up with a simple method (vote on a straw poll with unanimous minus 
one to pass?) to approve a new one.  We could start with Citizen Space's as a 
first one?

That will allow discussion and clarification around named statements of values, 
and it will make it so people can grab and use them for new spaces, and read 
blogs like Alex's (cause I know he'll write lots about them) to help understand 
what the specific meaning is for a given set of values.

It's very lightweight and I think should address everyone who is concerned with 
overthinking things and/or creating too heavy/rigid of a structure.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-03-02 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Mar 2, 2010, at 1:54 PM, Patrick wrote:
> The "erroneous" use of the word is pretty
> much completely an annoyance, nothing more, there isn't really
> anything bad coming out of it.

I disagree. If someone with big $$$ starts promoting their executive suites as 
"coworking" in an area is will cause people in the area to associate coworking 
with executive suites and it could smother real coworking spaces in the area.  
That to me is "bad."

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-03-02 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Steven Heath wrote:
> PS Mike your posts are very hard to read as your replies are inline
> and same indentation as the orginal.

Hmm. Not sure what the difference is, looks like the same to me:


I'm using Mac email client; tell me what I'm doing wrong?

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-03-02 Thread Mike Schinkel
On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
> I could see it make some sense in theory, but I think falls more into 
> traditional business paranoia than any scope of reality.

It's not business paranoia, it's a concern about branding. 

If someone going to run a space branded as "Coworking" I would think that 
someone would want to make sure that brand means something and it means what 
they offer.  If there's no guarantee that it won't be diluted and come to 
effectively mean nothing then I think they'd be better off coming up with their 
own term and promoting that instead.

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Coworking.com, not an org, instead a "license"

2010-03-03 Thread Mike Schinkel
I understand the perspective, I just think it's shortsighted.  But as I'm in 
the vocal minority here, I'll abstain from further debate. 

-Mike Schinkel
Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking

On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Tony Bacigalupo wrote:

> I think we mostly all don't like the idea of people co-opting the word. If 
> someone has a reasonable solution to offer, feel free to share. One hint, the 
> answer is not to try to create an authority which must decide who gets to use 
> the word and who doesn't.
> The issue is that "coworking" is more of a concept than a brand. Spaces that 
> truly embody the *concept* behind the buzz are the ones that will benefit the 
> most from the trend in the long term, even if others try to jump on the 
> bandwagon and water down the word itself. 
> We're all probably sick of hearing about how everyone's "going green," but 
> the companies that really get it and embrace environmental sustainability in 
> their practices are the ones which are going to win out in the long run. 
> People have a growing need for real coworking. People that provide something 
> that fulfills that need will find success. 
> "Coworking" is a wonderful word, but we can only rely on it to take us so 
> far. We are building organizations which we hope to be sustainable in the 
> long run, I hope, and should therefore be able to continue to thrive in a 
> future world in which there's an untold number of coworking, cobaking, 
> colaundry, whatever spaces everywhere. New Work City will still be around 
> down the road not because it's coworking, but because it's New Work City. The 
> concept behind coworking is of course at its core, but if the word itself 
> gets watered down or goes away, we'll still be here. 
> There's been talk in the past about what the future of coworking is, and I 
> posited that one day it will just be "working." Whether the word gets used or 
> not, the concept behind coworking is being woven into how we think about work 
> and life in general, and that's awesome. We get to help build that. 
> Aside from the lower-case "coworking," the concept, we've also described 
> capital-c "Coworking" as a movement, and movements have their own life cycle 
> of growth, peak, and decline. But this email's long enough so I'll leave it 
> at that for now :)
> We got off track from discussing specific actionable things. What can we do 
> to advance the discussion of a license/badge to a place where a decision can 
> be made and we can move on? 
> Tony
> -
> New Work City - Work with, not for.
> Web:  http://nwcny.com
> Twitter:  http://twitter.com/nwc
> Email:t...@nwcny.com
> Phone:(888) 823-3494
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Mike Schinkel  
> wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:
>> I could see it make some sense in theory, but I think falls more into 
>> traditional business paranoia than any scope of reality.
> It's not business paranoia, it's a concern about branding. 
> If someone going to run a space branded as "Coworking" I would think that 
> someone would want to make sure that brand means something and it means what 
> they offer.  If there's no guarantee that it won't be diluted and come to 
> effectively mean nothing then I think they'd be better off coming up with 
> their own term and promoting that instead.
> -Mike Schinkel
> Ignition Alley Atlanta Coworking
> http://ignitionalley.com
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[Coworking] Re: New Work City membership agreement - version 1

2008-09-29 Thread Mike Schinkel

An open source working agreement would be GREAT.
I don't know how much I can contribute (legally), but would love to see one
created and will provide ideas the best I can.

-Mike Schinkel 
President; NewClarity LLC 

-Original Message-
From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alex Linsker
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 5:04 AM
To: Coworking
Subject: [Coworking] Re: New Work City membership agreement - version 1

Hi Alex,

I'd like to help create an open source working agreement.  Although I'm not
a lawyer, I've worked for lawyers in relevant fields, and have written
employment, partnership, client and outsourcing contracts which have been
greenlighted by some of the best lawyers.  I'm great at writing really
plain-language, simple, direct, easy-to-read contracts.

What's the next step?


Alex Linsker
(646) 269-4915
Organizational democracy: helping people work together in companies

On Sep 26, 11:01 am, "Alex Hillman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To the many of you who've worked from our agreement:
> Ours was taken from a very generic "shared space" agreement that I 
> found somewhere on the web. We needed something FAST, so we slightly 
> modded the TOS that I'd found and worked from there.
> It's been my desire for over a year now to tone down that agreement, 
> it's got a lot of garbage and legalese in it.
> If anyone is interested in working with Geoff and myself, as well as 
> if anyone has any legal resources that could chip in, I'd love to work 
> together to create an open source coworking agreement that covers what 
> really needs to be covered, and cuts out all of the other crap.
> -Alex
> --
> -
> --
> -
> Alex Hillman
> im always developing something
> digital: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> visual:www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> local:www.indyhall.org
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Tony Bacigalupo
> > Agreed all around. So should we simply removed the "disparaging" or 
> > get rid of the clause altogether? Is it important to have protection 
> > against defamation?
> > Also, since the space isn't open yet, we'll be adding stipulations 
> > that membership won't start until after the space is open, and that 
> > the space will open within a certain range of dates or the agreement is
null and void.
> > Anything else?
> > On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 8:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > statements or comments of a defamatory or disparaging nature to 
> >> > any third party regarding NEW
> >> Yeah, we based our contract on IH too (thanks Alex!) but took out 
> >> "disparaging" after the first round of signings, "defamation" is 
> >> one thing but with "disparaging" in there it looks like we don't 
> >> want to be critiqued either.
> >> Btw, if anyone opens up a space in Canada, our version has a couple 
> >> of local tweaks so feel free to ask for the file.
> >> Patrick
> >> station-c.com- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[Coworking] Re: New Work City membership agreement - version 1

2008-09-30 Thread Mike Schinkel

>> We are however, working up a very thorough partnership agreement for an
LLC. Anyone need one of those? :)

Yes. :) 


-Original Message-
From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dusty
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:10 AM
To: Coworking
Subject: [Coworking] Re: New Work City membership agreement - version 1

I'd also dig helping with an open source coworking member agreement.
We're currently not using one at Conjunctured! :o

We are however, working up a very thorough partnership agreement for an LLC.
Anyone need one of those? :)

Would be nice to have a open source coworking legal library.


On Sep 29, 11:51 pm, "Mike Schinkel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An open source working agreement would be GREAT.
> I don't know how much I can contribute (legally), but would love to 
> see one created and will provide ideas the best I can.
> -Mike Schinkel
> President; NewClarity LLChttp://mikeschinkel.com
> -Original Message-
> From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> On
> Behalf Of Alex Linsker
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 5:04 AM
> To: Coworking
> Subject: [Coworking] Re: New Work City membership agreement - version 
> 1
> Hi Alex,
> I'd like to help create an open source working agreement.  Although 
> I'm not a lawyer, I've worked for lawyers in relevant fields, and have 
> written employment, partnership, client and outsourcing contracts 
> which have been greenlighted by some of the best lawyers.  I'm great 
> at writing really plain-language, simple, direct, easy-to-read contracts.
> What's the next step?
> -Alex
> Alex Linsker
> (646) 269-4915
> Organizational democracy: helping people work together in companies
> On Sep 26, 11:01 am, "Alex Hillman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > To the many of you who've worked from our agreement:
> > Ours was taken from a very generic "shared space" agreement that I 
> > found somewhere on the web. We needed something FAST, so we slightly 
> > modded the TOS that I'd found and worked from there.
> > It's been my desire for over a year now to tone down that agreement, 
> > it's got a lot of garbage and legalese in it.
> > If anyone is interested in working with Geoff and myself, as well as 
> > if anyone has any legal resources that could chip in, I'd love to 
> > work together to create an open source coworking agreement that 
> > covers what really needs to be covered, and cuts out all of the other
> > -Alex
> > --
> > -
> > --
> > -
> > Alex Hillman
> > im always developing something
> > digital: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > visual:www.dangerouslyawesome.com
> > local:www.indyhall.org
> > On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Tony Bacigalupo
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > > Agreed all around. So should we simply removed the "disparaging" 
> > > or get rid of the clause altogether? Is it important to have 
> > > protection against defamation?
> > > Also, since the space isn't open yet, we'll be adding stipulations 
> > > that membership won't start until after the space is open, and 
> > > that the space will open within a certain range of dates or the 
> > > agreement is
> null and void.
> > > Anything else?
> > > On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 8:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> > statements or comments of a defamatory or disparaging nature to 
> > >> > any third party regarding NEW
> > >> Yeah, we based our contract on IH too (thanks Alex!) but took out 
> > >> "disparaging" after the first round of signings, "defamation" is 
> > >> one thing but with "disparaging" in there it looks like we don't 
> > >> want to be critiqued either.
> > >> Btw, if anyone opens up a space in Canada, our version has a 
> > >> couple of local tweaks so feel free to ask for the file.
> > >> Patrick
> > >> station-c.com- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Coworking" group.
To post to this group, send email to coworking@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Coworking] Re: Common Coworking Software (was Co-Working Directory)

2008-09-30 Thread Mike Schinkel

That would be really, really helpful.

-Mike Schinkel 
President; NewClarity LLC 
Organizer: Atlanta Web Entrepreneurs

-Original Message-
From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tara Hunt
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:12 PM
To: coworking@googlegroups.com
Cc: Amit Gupta
Subject: [Coworking] Re: Common Coworking Software (was Co-Working

I wonder if having a section for landlords of buildings that coworking
spaces are in would be helpful for new coworking spaces? I'm sure our
landlord would give a testimonial saying that we've been good tenants and
that it makes for a nice addition to his building.


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Darrell Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Yeah, this directory is great!
> Amit & I are working on JellyDesk, and are currently talking to a lot 
> of people & spaces about common issues and where we will add some 
> tools with this project.  Yesterday Tony & I negotiated the New Work 
> City space, and it was very interesting to hear hesitancy directly 
> from the landlord, who basically demanded more accountability & 
> predictability of NWC.
> Todd, are you coming to Jelly @ my place on Friday? I just put up the 
> wiki a minute ago.  I'd love to continue our conversations..
> http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyManhattan2008-10-03
> Darrell
> On Sep 30, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Todd Sundsted wrote:
>> Derek: this is *great* piece of work!  (Said as someone who has spent 
>> altogether too much time hunting for spaces in the past!)
>> All: Drew Jones and I have been discussing the topic of common 
>> coworking software recently, and this post kindled that discussion 
>> again.
>> Off-the-shelf tools like wiki's, blogs, etc. are great time-savers 
>> and can get an idea off the ground quickly.  However, their limits 
>> become apparent at some point of growth.  You could probably find a 
>> way to tack disqus onto the wiki to add conversations, etc. but I'm 
>> sure you all understand the problem and the limitations of that ad 
>> hoc approach.
>> There has been talk in the past about open source membership 
>> management software, etc.  With coworking visas now in play, the 
>> challenge of contacting an owner/manager when you're in town, finding 
>> a space in the first place, finding/reserving a desk, managing 
>> payment, etc. there's an opportunity for the right tool to simplify 
>> the process of setting up and managing a space.  With New Work City 
>> in the wings here in NYC, I'm being reminded of all of these issues 
>> again.
>> So I'm gauging interest in this project.  There are enough hot shots 
>> at work in coworking spaces, and enough great technologies out there 
>> (OpenID, etc.) that we could build and sustain an open source project 
>> like this.
>> Todd
>> On Sep 26, 6:55 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> After a recent trip to Los Angeles and being frustrated trying to 
>>> find a local co-working space.  I figured there must be a directory 
>>> of facilities somewhere.  I could not find one.  I got to thinking 
>>> that we had done a project recently for a directory of a different 
>>> type of business.  I spent an hour or so retrofitting it to 
>>> co-working and pushed it out.
>>> You can find it here:http://wurkspaces.com/
>>> If something else exists let me know.  You should be able to add 
>>> your own space or a space you visit without logging in.  If you all 
>>> hate it just let me know, if you like it and have additional 
>>> functionality you would like to see just let me know.  I know that 
>>> right now it only supports locations in the US.  I will look at 
>>> changing that soon if people are interested in the project.  Again 
>>> not looking to step on toes, just wanting feed back.  I was going to 
>>> add a flag to denote those that support in the VISA program as well.
>>> Flame away. : )
>>> --
>>> Derek Neighbors
>>> Gangplankhttp://www.gangplankhq.com
>> >
> >

tara 'missrogue' hunt

Book: The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your
Company: Citizen Agency (http://www.citizenagency.com)
Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://www.horsepigcow.com)
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missrogue
phone: 415-694-1951
fax: 415-727-5335

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Coworking" group.
To post to this group, send email to coworking@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Coworking] Re: Common Coworking Software (was Co-Working Directory)

2008-09-30 Thread Mike Schinkel

Todd (and all):

The idea of a open-source co-working software would be uber-great,
especially if built on an open-source CMS.  

What's more, if we started with either Drupal or WordPress I could probably
contribute a significant amount of my time to it as I currently do implement
consulting for both of them with a focus on the more advanced features and
modules/plugins (vs. theming; bleh, I'm not a designer! ;-)

-Mike Schinkel 
President; NewClarity LLC 
Organizer: Atlanta Web Entrepreneurs

-Original Message-
From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Todd Sundsted
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:26 AM
To: Coworking
Subject: [Coworking] Re: Common Coworking Software (was Co-Working

Derek: this is *great* piece of work!  (Said as someone who has spent
altogether too much time hunting for spaces in the past!)

All: Drew Jones and I have been discussing the topic of common coworking
software recently, and this post kindled that discussion again.

Off-the-shelf tools like wiki's, blogs, etc. are great time-savers and can
get an idea off the ground quickly.  However, their limits become apparent
at some point of growth.  You could probably find a way to tack disqus onto
the wiki to add conversations, etc. but I'm sure you all understand the
problem and the limitations of that ad hoc approach.

There has been talk in the past about open source membership management
software, etc.  With coworking visas now in play, the challenge of
contacting an owner/manager when you're in town, finding a space in the
first place, finding/reserving a desk, managing payment, etc. there's an
opportunity for the right tool to simplify the process of setting up and
managing a space.  With New Work City in the wings here in NYC, I'm being
reminded of all of these issues again.

So I'm gauging interest in this project.  There are enough hot shots at work
in coworking spaces, and enough great technologies out there (OpenID, etc.)
that we could build and sustain an open source project like this.


> After a recent trip to Los Angeles and being frustrated trying to find 
> a local co-working space.  I figured there must be a directory of 
> facilities somewhere.  I could not find one.  I got to thinking that 
> we had done a project recently for a directory of a different type of 
> business.  I spent an hour or so retrofitting it to co-working and 
> pushed it out.
> You can find it here:http://wurkspaces.com/
> If something else exists let me know.  You should be able to add your 
> own space or a space you visit without logging in.  If you all hate it 
> just let me know, if you like it and have additional functionality you 
> would like to see just let me know.  I know that right now it only 
> supports locations in the US.  I will look at changing that soon if 
> people are interested in the project.  Again not looking to step on 
> toes, just wanting feed back.  I was going to add a flag to denote 
> those that support in the VISA program as well.
> Flame away. : )
> --
> Derek Neighbors
> Gangplankhttp://www.gangplankhq.com

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Coworking" group.
To post to this group, send email to coworking@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Coworking] Re: Common Coworking Software (was Co-Working Directory)

2008-10-01 Thread Mike Schinkel
That would be really, really helpful.



From: coworking@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alex Hillman
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:15 PM
To: coworking@googlegroups.com
Cc: Amit Gupta
Subject: [Coworking] Re: Common Coworking Software (was Co-Working

We could get a similar testimonial as well! Great idea.
Alex Hillman
im always developing something
visual: www.dangerouslyawesome.com
local: www.indyhall.org

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Tara Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wonder if having a section for landlords of buildings that coworking
spaces are in would be helpful for new coworking spaces? I'm sure our
landlord would give a testimonial saying that we've been good tenants
and that it makes for a nice addition to his building.


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Darrell Silver
> Yeah, this directory is great!
> Amit & I are working on JellyDesk, and are currently talking to a lot
> of people & spaces about common issues and where we will add some
> tools with this project.  Yesterday Tony & I negotiated the New Work
> City space, and it was very interesting to hear hesitancy directly
> from the landlord, who basically demanded more accountability &
> predictability of NWC.
> Todd, are you coming to Jelly @ my place on Friday? I just put up the
> wiki a minute ago.  I'd love to continue our conversations..
> http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyManhattan2008-10-03
> Darrell
> On Sep 30, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Todd Sundsted wrote:
>> Derek: this is *great* piece of work!  (Said as someone who has spent
>> altogether too much time hunting for spaces in the past!)
>> All: Drew Jones and I have been discussing the topic of common
>> coworking software recently, and this post kindled that discussion
>> again.
>> Off-the-shelf tools like wiki's, blogs, etc. are great time-savers and
>> can get an idea off the ground quickly.  However, their limits become
>> apparent at some point of growth.  You could probably find a way to
>> tack disqus onto the wiki to add conversations, etc. but I'm sure you
>> all understand the problem and the limitations of that ad hoc
>> approach.
>> There has been talk in the past about open source membership
>> management software, etc.  With coworking visas now in play, the
>> challenge of contacting an owner/manager when you're in town, finding
>> a space in the first place, finding/reserving a desk, managing
>> payment, etc. there's an opportunity for the right tool to simplify
>> the process of setting up and managing a space.  With New Work City in
>> the wings here in NYC, I'm being reminded of all of these issues
>> again.
>> So I'm gauging interest in this project.  There are enough hot shots
>> at work in coworking spaces, and enough great technologies out there
>> (OpenID, etc.) that we could build and sustain an open source project
>> like this.
>> Todd
>> On Sep 26, 6:55 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> After a recent trip to Los Angeles and being frustrated trying to
>>> find
>>> a local co-working space.  I figured there must be a directory of
>>> facilities somewhere.  I could not find one.  I got to thinking that
>>> we had done a project recently for a directory of a different type of
>>> business.  I spent an hour or so retrofitting it to co-working and
>>> pushed it out.
>>> You can find it here:http://wurkspaces.com/
>>> If something else exists let me know.  You should be able to add your
>>> own space or a space you visit without logging in.  If you all
>>> hate it
>>> just let me know, if you like it and have additional functionality
>>> you
>>> would like to see just let me know.  I know that right now it only
>>> supports locations in the US.  I will look at changing that soon if
>>> people are interested in the project.  Again not looking to step on
>>> toes, just wanting feed back.  I was going to add a flag to denote
>>> those that support in the VISA program as well.
>>> Flame away. : )
>>> --
>>> Derek Neighbors
>>> Gangplankhttp://www.gangplankhq.com
>> >
> >


tara 'missrogue' hunt

Book: The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build
Your Business
Company: Citizen Agency (http://www.citizenagency.com)
Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://www.horsepigcow.com)
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missrogue
phone: 415-694-1951
fax: 415-727-5335

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Coworking" group.
To post to this group, send email to coworking@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

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