Re: [dba-dev] OO 2.0.3 db-access issue

2006-07-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Rado,

 I've been working with 2.0.2 for a while now and just upgraded to 2.0.3.
 After upgrading my scripts don't work any longer.

I can reproduce this with a MySQL/ODBC database. Do you mind submitting
an issue for this, so we can fix this regression it ASAP?

Thanks  Ciao

(and btw, thanks for this wonderful macro to easily reproduce the problem)

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Finishing PostgreSQL SDBC driver

2006-07-11 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Joerg,

 2) The integration of the driver 'as is' into the OOo installation set 
 involes quite a lot of work, in detail

What do you think about integrating the driver as-is? That is, we
would simply pre-install the driver with OOo, as package. No CWS, no
further specialized UI, nothing. Just a freshly installed OOo which
behaves as if you already installed the package.

Would this make sense?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Linkage of drivers with libraries

2006-07-11 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Joerg,

 I personally felt it to be very difficult to match
 1) the existing helpers (which don't have a spec )


Well, at least the ones at cppu level are usually well-documented, and
IIRC, e.g. OPropertySetHelper could spare you some code. (Not to mention
OPropertyContainer/Helper, but those are from comphelper, e.g. above the
UDK. Not to mention all the about 20 other XPropertySet-related helpers
somewhere :))


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Form Autopilot gone?

2006-06-29 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,

 using OO.o 2.0.2 I wanted to fiddle with the form generating code and
 found the still existing BASIC code cannot be it.

We still ship a Basic module with this name/code? Argh. Do you mind
submitting an issue and assigning it to bc?

 Where is the implementation now?

It's a Java wizard right now. The source is in the wizards module:
So if you want to play with it, you need to get the source and build it
(which is probably doable outside a full-blown build environment).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Google SoC - new SQLite-Driver

2006-06-29 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi André,

sorry for the delay, missed yur mail completely yesterday ...

 | - If this doesn't work ... hmm. Debug into
 |   dbaccess/source/ui/misc/dsntypes.cxx, in particular
 |   initUserDriverTypes, and see whether your driver is listed there. If
 |   not, your DataAccess.xcu is wrong. If yes, debug the callers to see
 |   why your type is ignored later.
 I looked into the sources. But how can I debug into it?
 I only have my CVS-workspace with a compiled build and I use 'dmake'
 with my tcsh to build a package. ;-)

touch the files you want to debug (dbaccess/source/ui/misc/dsntypes.cxx,
as a first step), and do a build debug=1 in the respective module. The
replace the libs in the installation with the ones generated in the
module (in this case: libdbu680*.so). Then use your favourite debugger :)

The interesting question in dsntypes.cxx is whether your type is read
from the configuration.

And now that I write this ... there might be an easier way. Run the
following Basic macro:

  Option Explicit

  Sub displayUserDefinedDriverNames
Dim provider as Object
provider = createUnoService( _ )

Dim arguments(0) as new
arguments(0).Name = nodePath
arguments(0).Value = _

Dim config as Object
config = provider.createInstanceWithArguments( _, arguments )

Dim settingsNames() as String
settingsNames() = config.ElementNames()

Dim i as Integer
Dim names as String
For i = LBound( settingsNames() ) to UBound( settingsNames() )
  names = names + settingsNames(i) + chr(13)
Next i

MsgBox names
  End Sub

Does it show the configuration name of your driver?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Display Image from database in ImageControl using a macro

2006-05-19 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Willem,

 I want to display an image from a database in an ImageControl,
 straight from a macro.
 I know how to get the binary data out of the database.
 But I cannot seem to find out how to display that image.
 What I have already tried is, to create in, by using getBinaryStream on the
 resultset, but the ImageControl want a as the input of the read method.
 How can I convert the XInputStream to the XObjectInputStream?

read is a method of, and intended to read the
object itself - i.e. the image control model - from the given stream.
That's not what you want to use, believe me :)

Unfortunately, there are only two ways how to put an image into the control:
- the ImageURL property, pointing to an image file
- the connection to a binary database column

Since you say your image results from a database column, I wonder why
you need explicit macros. Normally, it should be sufficient to put the
control into a dedicated logical form, bind this form to your
database/table, and the control to the binary column in question.

If you definately need macros, then your only option is to write the
image into a (temporary) file, and set the ImageURL property appropriately.

Since both options are not really satisfying, you might want to submit
an issue requesting that an image control can be fed with an image
explicitly. Should not be too difficult to implement.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] summer of code:need help

2006-05-08 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hello 柏战华,

sorry for the delay in answering, I saw this mail too late :(

 I am an Computer Science student at the Soochow University, located in
 Soochow,China. I'm willing to make some contribution to the open souce
 comunity, so i decide to take part in the google's soc.
 C/C++ is, probably, my preferred programming language.I'm familiar with
 SQLite DB development,and get some knowledge about OOo's component
 technology.I have been a User, and  very enthusiastic
 about it. I hope to contribute sth, and this is why started writing
 something about Native Sqlite Driver.Could you give me any advice?Thank you!

thanks for your interest in the Google Summer of Code, and in particular
the SQLite driver project.

If you want to apply for this project, you should provide your ideas on
how to solve this, perhaps a rough schedule, some information about you
and your background ... - the application form at [1] (Summer of Code
2006 Student Participant Sign Up) should give you a good idea, as it
will give you some questions to answer.

Note that there's a preliminary SQLite driver available at [2], which
was written quite some time ago, and is meanwhile abandoned. The project
in question here would follow a different architectural approach (the
existing driver is an add-on, while the SOC project would be to create
an integrated driver), but you might get ideas from this existing code.

Looking forward to see your application!

Thanks  Ciao


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] JavaDB/Derby Base

2006-05-04 Thread Frank Schönheit
Hi Josh,

 Of course, now that Sun is the official lead sponsor of the Derby/JavaDB 
 project, they want to use it for OOo-Base.   I've been asked to raise the 
 issue here, namely:
 What would it take to get OOo to switch from HSQLDB to JavaDB?
 Significant assistance from the Sun Derby team, including migration and 
 is not at all out of the question.  So what are the reasons not to switch?   
 What's the costs?

In short: Credits in the user base.

In long, it's more complex than this. Of course.

One thing I mentioned here quite some time ago, when I was asked what's
the future of HSQLDB in OOo, is the following: I don't have any
intention to ship OOo with a different database engine every second
release. I consider reliability - people should know what to expect from
their product - a major item.

It's not that we do not have experience with this kind of thing ... When
I started working for StarOffice, it had a third party database engine
licensed from a company whose name just slippes my mind :). Two releases
later, we gave it up (for good reasons) and shipped with Adabas D.
Currently, we're shipping SO with Adabas D and HSQLDB. That kind of
thing - the constant need for migration, the constant adaptions to
quirks of the current engine - is no fun at all. And, worse, it
doesn't give the user the feeling of reliability, because with every
change, we start over from scratch.

All that said, I, as project owner of Base, don't have any intention to
switch from HSQLDB to another engine.

On the short term, I cannot rule out that we at least ship OOo with
Derby/JavaDB as alternative. On the medium term, I cannot rule out that
there's an decision to use Derby/JavaDB as default engine.

But at the very moment, with the very limited developer resources we
have in the Base project, I don't think it's a good idea to spend those
resources to integrate Yet Another Database Engine (no offense
intended at all), just to have basically the same situation / feature
set as before.

Of course, if somebody else volunteers to spend resources for this
project, we certainly won't block this (as you can see in [1]). What I
*would* try to block is making Derby/JavaDB the default engine by
tomorrow, for the reasons mentioned above.

The fact that I work for Sun, and Sun is the main sponsor of the Derby
project, doesn't change this. It just means that it's possible that I'll
be overruled Sun-internally ;)

Okay, so far for the reasons not to switch, with some small digressions :)

For the costs: Certainly some implementations have to be done on Derby
side, whose costs I cannot judge, but I am sure they'd be willing to
provide all needed assistance. On OOo side, writing a driver for an
embedded Derby would take guestimated 2 man months for a halfway
experienced developer.

Plus, if we're really talking about a switch and not just an
alternative, the political decision to do so. As said, I'd oppose such a
decision, until convinced or overruled.

Does this answer your questions?



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Re: [dba-dev] localization of currency strings

2006-03-13 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,

 No, in fact it is the other way round: I need to convert displayed
 number strings to real (database ready) numbers for creating SQL
 statement strings. The number formatter is only one way in converting
 un-localized strings into localized ones.
 I really think there should be a service for de-localizing values. A
 perfect place for this would be an optional method or a set thereof at
 the number formatters of the DataSource (and maybe the Connection).

Forgive me, but I don't think I completely grasp your scenario 
Originally you wanted to convert the number into a string, now vice
versa. Do you get the values from a Calc cell, then why can't you use
it's (already mentioned by you) getDouble (or so) method and let it do
the de-localization for you?

There *is* a service for de-localizing strings: the number formatter.
Use the locale in question (see below) and a standard numeric format
(always format key 0, IIRC, else obtainable via getStandardFormat), and
let the formatter convert your string to a double.

The locale might or might not be the Office's UI locale, but this
depends on where you got the number/string from. I'm not sure about Calc
cells, if their getString in fact retrieves the string formatted with
the UI locale, then this is (should be) probably documented at the service.

If not from a Calc cell, where else do you obtain localized string
representations of numeric values?

 Something else deeply needed (at least by me, as always ;) would be a
 database compatible way of asking a SpreadsheetCell for it's value
 contents. Having such a thing would make a lot of conversions
 unnecessary (dunno if this is for the dba or sc project).

Probably for DBA (and a separate thread :). If you elaborate what you
mean with database compatible (and be it for the records and for
reasons of reproducibility), then this could justify an RFE.

 Concluding one could say the way from the document or GUI back to the
 database should get into the view of responsible API designers. ;)

Like a few other Problem X cannot be solved easily in DBA's API issues ...

Let me suggest you create a Wiki ( page
called DBA API issues, and describe your scenario in detail.
We could add other DBA-API-insufficencies over time there ...

Thanks  Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] localization of currency strings

2006-03-10 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
 Another idea: Use a prepared statement for this (with ... WHERE
 afield=?), and fill in the parameter as double value. This completely
 spares the string-ization (the system driver would translate your string
 back into a double, anyway).

nonsense, since you said in another mail that you need the way
string-double ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Bug hunting

2006-02-10 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Ross,

 Well, I have to believe my eyes, and unless I'm dreaming, things have
 improved. As unlikely as it now seems, I would have liked to solve this
 one just to give something back - but now I'll just have to find
 something else in there to work on :)

Oh, we can *surely* find something if you want :)

For completeness:
The portion which was fixed was a (not really expensive, if used once)
call which had to be made for every sub form/sub form in the document.
The bug was that it was made for every *element* (forms, sub forms, all
controls) in the whole document, which obviously summed up quite a bit ...

 I'm very happy in any case ... and can get on with my real project - I'd
 almost forgotten I had one.


 By the way, some of those side effects seem to include:
 - faster updating when moving to next record.
 - no more strange positioning errors when I bring up my sample form (the
 one attached to ).

I can't really explain the latter without investigation, but nice to hear :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] localization of currency strings

2006-02-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,
 I'm searching an API for changing the appearance of values in self built
 strings for use in SQL statements to the right form.
 If I want to make SQL strings myself and fire them from OO.o to a
 connected DB this difference has to be detected and handled. At the
 moment I have to ask the databases metadata for every single field what
 type it is, have in mind what types are possible (decimal, float,
 currnecy, ...) and do the right thing. That is a tedious and error prone
 How is it done inside OO.o and is there a publicly available
 service/inteface for shrinking my code?

Inside OOo, this kind of string creation is deep inside some parser
code, and not available as UNO service. At a low level, the
XLocaleData.getLocaleItem might at least help you in obtaining the
proper separators.

At a higher level, the XSingleSelectQueryComposer, in particular its
appendFilterByColumn method, are the only way to let an UNO service
generate the string representations. However, this contradicts your wish
to create the SQL strings yourself, it seems.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] MDB management using Base

2006-02-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi John,

 It appears that the mdb-sdbc-driver-0.1.0 together with the 0.6 beta of 
 mdbtools might enable me to write to MDB files using Base.
 Is this true?

Not sure, I thought it doesn't include write access so far.
However, also note that 0.1.0 is that low for a reason: This driver
isn't stable by far. I quickly got it crashing when just _reading_ some
data from an MDB file ...

 If not - are there any other options for write access to MDB files via 
 Base, or via anything else I can run on a linux-based (debian 
 stable/sarge) development system?

Nothing I know, sorry.


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Re: [dba-dev] purging dbase database

2006-01-29 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,

 If I had a scratch'n'sniff-GUI this would smell like an issue. ;)

well, yes, I can smell it, too ...

 What is the correct term for this task, translated from german it would
 be reoganization, can I use that one?

pack, as suggested by Kelvin, sounds okay to me. Not sure how it was
called in StarOffice 5.x ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] purging dbase database

2006-01-27 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,

 How can I clean up DBase file databases via API? (And how is this done
 from the GUI?)

Uhm. Both via UI and API, the (ugly) workaround would be to copy the
table under a new name, delete the old one, and rename the new one to
the old name. Ugly, as said.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Serious regression in rc4 regarding dbase-files

2005-12-15 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Peter,

 in one folder I have three dBase databases I worked a long time with 
 (StarOffice 5.2 and OpenOffice2).
 In RC4 only one of the three is recognized and appears in the UI of the 
 registered Database.

For the records: Discussion about this is ongoing in 59273 ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Formatted Fields in Calc

2005-12-15 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Jonathon,

 Has anyone used Formatted Field controls in Calc with any success?
 I seem to be able to add as many as I want, all with the same
 formats (%) and it works fine until I save the file and then they
 all lose formatting details except the first one - the top most
 Is this a known problem, or something new? I am using OOo2.0 on
 Ubuntu Linux 5.10 at the moment. Is there a work-around at least?

This is a known problem, whose ID I currently don't find :) - do you
mind trying 2.0.1. AFAIK, this was fixed there.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] StarBasic: connecting to Oracle via css.sdbc.DriverManager

2005-12-09 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,

 The only hint coming to my mind is that the SDK speak of registered
 drivers, but how to register a driver is not shown afaik. Mabye
 elsewhere. Is your driver registered (whatever this may be)?

registered as in registered UNO component. This might be a
pre-installed component/driver, or one registered via Tools|Packages, or
the command-line-analogon to the latter.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Thunderbird address book access

2005-11-15 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Alex,

 How about if the files are not in the default locations?

OOo mirrors the mimic how Thunderbird finds the profile
information/files, so I don't think this would make a difference.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Joins in dBase queries Project

2005-11-15 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Christian,

 I would like to contribute to the OOo development process.

Let me join Ocke in giving you a Welcome :)

 I've picked out the Joins in dBase queries project, as I like
 parsers and know dBase dialects quite well. My problem is the lack of
 time, so don't expect to get results very soon. Additionally, I will
 have to do some warming up before I can do useful contributions (I did
 not use too much of the OO database stuff before, and never installed
 nor looked into the SDK).
 Is it worth while and how to start?

Since the project is about extending the existing drivers, it's probably
good to set up an build environment first [1].

Once this is done (please tell us :), you might want to get a feeling
for the existing code in the locations Ocke mentioned:

OStatement_Base::construct [2] in FStatement.cxx is the entry point
where statement objects (you might want also want to read in the
Developer's Guide [3] about statements and result sets) are constructed,
and where currently statements with more than one table are rejected.

Familarizing with our parser [4] and iterator [5] might also be a good
idea - they are the basis for analyzing SQL statements, and iterating
through an SQL parse tree.

I think the basic idea would be to enhance the statement classes.
Currently, they know exactly one table (as m_pTable) and a set of
columns from this table. Before going into detail here (which Ocke could
do better than me, anyway, since he's the author of those drivers), I
suggest you set up the pre-requisites to build/debug, and
perhaps sneak into the existing code to get an initial feeling for it.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Thunderbird address book access

2005-11-14 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Alex,

 I'm not a developer, just trying to use the software.
 Can anyone tell me if the code to access a Thunderbird address book works?
 Or tell me what I might have done wrong.
 I tried on Windows XP and Ubuntu 5.10.  It did not work on either system.
 I entered just the profile directory name and the full path.  Same 
 results. Message says no Thunderbird address book directory found.

All I know is:
- it works on my system(s) :)
- There are reports that Thunderbird Address Book access doesn't work if
  you have both Mozilla and Thunderbird installed


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: [sc-dev] oo 1.1.5: inserting form control via script - can't print until save reload

2005-11-04 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Oliver,

 this seems not to happen in writer (oo1.1.5) ...
 no problems in writer/calc with oo 2.0

Ehm - *does it* or does it *not* happen in Calc 2.0?

 so should i submit an issue for this ?

If I understand Niklas correctly, the fact that control shapes need to
be part of a layer named Controls is an implementation detail of Calc,
which API users should not be bothered with. So, if inserting shapes
doens't work without knowing this implementation detail, I consider this
a bug.


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Re: [dba-dev] oo 1.1.5: inserting form control via script - can't print until save reload

2005-11-03 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Oliver,

 the following basic script will insert a form control into a spreadsheet.
 but it is not possible to print the form control (have a look at the print
 printing of the form control will only work after a save  relaod ...
 any hints whats wrong ?

This sounds like a problem with inserting shapes into Calc. If the same
code works (aka: prints the control) in other applications, please
submit an issue for Calc.

Thanks  Ciao
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Re: [dba-dev] create new form from scratch in BASIC

2005-11-01 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Marc,

 MyNewFrom = MyFormDefContainer.createInstanceWithArguments(sType, args())
 MyFormDefContainer.insertByName(NewFrom, MyNewFrom)
 Can someone tell me how to fill the gaps correctly,please? I do not know
 how to handover the NewWriterDoc.

You cannot ... :(


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Re: [dba-dev] Can not delete a previously opened Base document

2005-10-31 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 You got me there I have not tried this on my Linux computer, only on 
 a Windows XP Professional computer. I have noticed that on Windows, if a 
 Write document is open, I can not attach it to email. It is probably the 
 same problem. I can probably disable this behavior on Windows entirely. 
 I wonder why Bsa documents are held open after closing on Windows, but 
 not on Linux. It is probably related to the issue of a Calc datasource 
 not refreshing without closing OOo and restarting. I am just guessing, 

Windows has real file locking, while Linux hasn't (no OS wars, please).
On windows, if some process opens some file for writing, this is usually
(not only by OOo) done in a way that other processes cannot write to it
at the same time - which includes deleting it. Such file locks are
usually not used on unix (and, as I seem to remember, conceptually
broken in some way, as some low-level Unix hacker once told me).

OOo locks any document file (included .odb's) as long as the document is
loaded. So, in your scenario, it seems the DB is still opened in OOo in
some way - which can only be told if you describe your scenario in more
detail (a simple open/close/delete in the UI does work for me).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Base connections

2005-10-31 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Matthew,

  My question:  Is there any way to connect Base to a native xml
 database such as BerkeleyDB XML?

No, currently not.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: [users] OO 2.0 Base

2005-10-31 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew/Richard,

If I 
open a report, 
add in doc properties 
save it, 
then save the base document 
reopen the report 

the doc properties have been removed - is this a bug?

Definately. Is it already in IZ?

Thanks  Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Can not delete a previously opened Base document

2005-10-31 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 I will perform some more complete checks and come up with a minimal set 
 of steps to reproduce the problem. I am using macros, which means that I 
 am using a database context to get the database. I then obtain a 
 connection. I close the connection, but I do not dispose the retreived 
 database. I think that I did that in a prerelease version and then I 
 could no longer obtain the database without restarting OOo :-) I will 
 verify the details, I need to go somewhere else to have access to a 
 Windows computer for testing.

Try close( true ) on the database document. See the XCloseable
documentation at the OfficeDatabaseDocument service (in the IDL
reference in a recent SDK).

And yes, this interface at this service is relatively new, exactly
because there *was* a problem with undefined ownerships of database
documents opening via API and/or UI.

Hmm, now that I think about it ... the addition of the XCloseable might
not have made it into 2.0, but only 2.0.1. The long delay between fixing
an issue and seeing it in a final build is ... disturbing sometimes.

In any case, exactly the not-disposing in your macro could be the
problem. Try loading the document into a hidden frame instead of
obtaining it from the context, and then closing this frame. This should
get rid of the ownership problems. In 2.0.1, you should use close( true
) then.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Adding tables using SQL does not update a Base document immediately.

2005-10-31 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Wolfgang,

 Sounds good, but
 running a macro (with Base-Doc not open), how can I obtain 
 a controller of the document and dispatch the command 
 .uno:DBRefreshTables ?

Ocke's last sentence

 Normally it should be enough to query for the XRefresh
 interface and call a refresh.

was referring to the tables container of your connection object, and I
think this is what caused Andrew's ecstasy :)

Ocke's first solution about dispatching an Command to the controller
only updates the view in this controller. This internally *also*
refreshes the tables container of the connection of the controller, but
since your macro most probably has a connection different from the one
used in the controller, this isn't of much help for *your* connection.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Can not delete a previously opened Base document

2005-10-31 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 Something simple like this causes a problem:
 oDBContext = createUnoService( )
 oDB = oDBContext.createInstance()
 oDB.URL = sdbc:embedded:hsqldb
 oDB.DatabaseDocument.storeAsURL(dbURL, Array())

Yes, exactly this caused an ownership problem: Nobody ever closed the
DatabaseDocument, this the underlaying file kept locked.

 I even tried adding:

As said, I think this is only part of 2.0.1 and not yet available in
2.0. Possibly oDB.DatabaseDocument.dispose might help in 2.0 - though
this is dangerous, since all other clients of this document (e.g. if
it's currently loaded in some frame) might be affected, too.

 and that did not help. Should I open a case for this with a simple macro 
 that essentially performs the steps shown above?

You might. I suppose I will close it as does happen in 2.0, but not in
680m137 anymore :), but we might want to be on the safe side.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] My Sql

2005-10-14 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hello Yannis,

 can anyone recommend a step to step guide to JDBC driver for OO2. I 
 tried to find one, but they are refering to the 1.x editions and the 
 interface has changed 

Not sure what interface you're referring to, but if you have an JDBC
driver which works in OOo 1.x, it should also work in 2.0. JDBC is a
generic database access interface which is stable and
downwards-compatible ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] vacation notice

2005-09-26 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Joerg,

 Depending on how much sleep my new-born daughter
 Congratulations for your new 'lifetime-task' :-).

Thanks :)
Also thanks to everybody who congratulated in private mail.

 will allow me in the
near future, I might be able to return to normal 
 work in about two weeks or so :)
 we will see ...

It have been 3 ... how did you know? Ah, yes, I remember you having the
same issue some time ago :)

Thanks  Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] About data descriptors

2005-08-23 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Santiago,

 I'm a little confused about [OPTIONAL]s in the API. I was using the ODBC
 driver with a PostgreSQL database. The call to createDataDescriptor
 doesn't fail, but seems to return nothing.

In general, if an OPTIONAL interface is present, it should do what is
defined. If it cannot fulfill the contract of the interface, it should
not implement it.

 My intention was to create a basic database migration wizard, at the
 higher possible level of abstraction (sdb or sdbcx), without messing
 with sdbc drivers directly.
 I believed that I could copy a table structure between databases just
 using this call to createDataDescriptor, but then realized that there
 are 'incompatible' properties to be aware of.

exchanging data descriptors between different databases will most
probably not work, I fear you need to explicitly code this. The most
interesting part here is probably the migration of data types, as those
have the highest chance to not match between different databases.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: Implementing the KDE Address Book driver

2005-08-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
 driver works in the UI, then chances are high that all
(implicit and explicit :) requirements to a driver are fulfilled.

 Please note that it's not too difficult to handle either. User management 
 results in no-operation,

But if your driver procides an (no-op) implementation for user
administration, the UI will be tempted to use it - and result in a
non-functional UI. This is probably not what you would want.

 When you are like me a newcomer to uno, this weak coupling of components is 
 rather surprising. You are used to be _obligated_ to implement pure virtual 
 functions, and to be happy to be _able_ to implement simple virtual 
 functions. There is no such thing like oh, and there is another interface I 
 could implement.

Never saw it this way, but yes 

 OK. the kab driver doesn't do currently update access, but I will certainly 
 someday. There is an identificator mechanism in KDE's address book which 
 would allow implementing primary keys, but bookmarks wouldn't harm either.

Sounds like those identificators could be used as bookmarks, too. If you
don't want them to be visible to the user (perhaps since they would be
meaningless to him), then bookmarks are the better choice: They're a an
additional column in a result set not reflected in the UI, and can be
filled with driver-dependent values (nobody outside your driver will
ever attempt to interprete them).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Re: Implementing the KDE Address Book driver

2005-08-18 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Éric

I see. Okay, in database terminology this means that your database meta
data should return |false| form othersFooAreVisible methods ...
 I have checked, yes, they do all return sal_False. I suppose they would need 
 to return sal_True once the concurrency is handled better?

Yes. Though, I suppose those *really* are methods which are never
encountered. That is, I suppose our SDB-layer and our UI do not use
them, since this information is finally irrelevant for the user, but
only relevant to somebody scripting the API.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] reuse AutoQuoting from basic

2005-08-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Alex,

 Just on the off-chance here, because I don't know what is going on, but
 this wouldn't have anything to do with OOo getting the letter D confused
 as an instruction for date fields ?

Yes, it is. D is a keyword, since it's used for the {D ...} date
notation. Unfortunately, OOo's parser recognizes it as keyword only,
though it *could* see from the context that it's not meant as such.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] reuse AutoQuoting from basic

2005-08-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Marc,

 Very nice, and the best thing is this service is published at the
 API. :)

Hey, of course, what did you expect? ;)


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Re: [dba-dev] reuse AutoQuoting from basic

2005-08-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Marc,

 Secondly, there is no oConnection.createInstance in OOo 1.1.3 but this
 code does in fact work:

Yes, the SingleSelectQueryComposer is new in OOo 2.0. 1.x had the
css.sdb.SQLQueryComposer, which is what your code uses. This service is
still present and functional in 2.0, but deprecated, since the
SingleSelectQueryComposer is more powerful.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Current status of PG driver?

2005-08-12 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Joerg,

 there are several issues, I think the most important ones are
 1) integration of the driver into OOo

If somebody wants to drive this, I'd be glad to assist. We would first
need to create a CWS [1] to host the code, probably after some legal
review (since we're using external code/headers). I would care for the
latter, at least.

 2) serial support on data insertion on tables without oids (could be 
 done using the currval() function, but will involve a lot of work)
 3) fixing some bugs
 4) some communication effort ( the driver currently should be marketed 
 as  beta quality, as beside one certain crash, there are no more known 
 bugs anymore at the moment).

Before integrating the driver into the regular builds, you should find
the courage to admit that it's production quality :). Seriously, before
a CWS gets integrated into regular master builds, we should, in all
conscience, say that it's mature enough (however this is defined in
particular) for this step.

 5) Adding user administration support (OOo-2.0 offers a useradmin gui, 
 this is currently not supported sufficiently).

This, for instance, is somethig which could be done in a second step. A
missing support for user administration must not necessarily hinder the
integration of the driver as such.

 If you want some results within a resonable time span and the amount of 
 money is not the problem [ :-) ], you might consider contacting Sun 
 (Frank?), they certainly have or could quite easily build up the 
 knowledge to support the driver.

I'm not sure that money would help here, either :), since we also have
more projects we want/must/like to do than we can ever realize. Of
course we will offer every needed support, but I don't feel we could do
major efforts, if they were required.



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] report writer, crystal reports, etc

2005-08-05 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hi Daniel,

 I really don't know how you'd approach it from the OOo side of things.
 Since PDF::ReportWriter requires complex items to be passed into it (
 structures that describe fields, groups, and the data array itself ), I
 suppose the easiest ( and dodgiest ) way of approaching it would be to
 construct a temporary file in the format of a Perl data structure, and
 then add support to PDF::ReportWriter for loading the report definition
 and data from these files. Along the same theme, I suppose I could add
 support to PDF::ReportWriter for loading a report definition and data
 from a database.

I suppose as long as there's no UNO binding for perl, passing the report
definition in an external medium - be it a file or a database - is the
way to go.
The difficult thing might be the data access. Not sure if we would
really want to transport all those data via a file. But everything else
would again require access in Perl to OOo's database drivers - UNO binding.

 It's also highly likely that there are better approaches around. It's up
 to people here to discuss whether it's worthwhile pursuing
 PDF::ReportWriter option or not.

Let me mention an alternative way:

You might have seen Majid Ali Khan on this list recently - he's
currently developing an OASIS export filter for Jasper Reports
(, a widely used open source report
generator. Such an export, together with a way to deliver OOo database
data to Jasper, would also provide a (basic) reporting solution.
Providing the data here would be easier, since Java *has* an UNO binding.

 As you say, OOo doesn't include a Perl
 distribution, so I suppose there's a hurdle to get over before you
 start. Of course OOo already relies on Java for the database module
 anyway, so IMHO all the arguments for this ( relying on Java ) also
 apply to Perl.

Well, I think Perl would even be less problematic from the religious
point of view, since the usual But Java is not really free-arguments
would not apply to Perl, /me thinks.

 so I'm sure people who have an affinity for OOBasic / Java / whatever
 could port it relatively easily ... assuming OOo's PDF rendering support
 is up to it.

OOo does not support direct rendering. Instead, you can print documents
on an PDF device. So, as Alex mentioned, we would need to create a OOo
document first. Would have the additional advantage that people can do
fine-tuning to the document, before exporting it to PDF or printing it,
on a level which is not possible by editing the mere report definition.

 I assume you want a GUI report designer ... somebody else can do that

That, of course, is a topic of its very own ...

However, coming back to the above-mentioned alternative way: Jasper
Report also has an UI designer for creating report definitions 


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Re: [dba-dev] Differences between Calc and Base with date format

2005-08-05 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Sophie,

 Just for information changing the date to 01.01.1900 under 
 tool/options/Calc solved the problem. In fact with the default 
 30.12.1899, applying a number format to this date #01/01/1900 00:00:00# 
 return 2 in Calc and it returns 0 in Base.
 I don't understand completly why it's different, but it's not a Base 
 problem but a Calc (or a Sophie) one, so sorry for the noise :)

I'm not quite sure of the exact scenario where you encountered the problem.

In general: If you use the OOo UI to exchange data between Calc and
Base, no matter in which way (drag and drop, linked tables,
copy'n'paste, whatever-you-like), then there should be *no* offset in
dates. If there is, then it's a bug.

If you exchange data programmatically, then it's your own responsibility
to care for dates: Both a data source and a Calc document have a Number
Formatter, which has a NullDate property. Date values, if they're
transported as numeric values such as doubles, are always relative to
this null date.
So, if you have code which obtains a date from a database as double (and
*not* as null-date-independent format, e.g., and
transfer it to some Calc-object (which usually understands only
doubles), then this code has to take the null dates of both participants
into account.



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] 'number-rows-spanned' attribute Query

2005-08-04 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Majid,

  I had a query regarding 'table:number-rows-spanned' attribute of the
 'table' element in OASIS document format. I am using it for creating
 cells that span multiple rows and it does seem to work. 

 I was reading through an online document format resource:
 and it seems to suggest that this attribute is not supported and a
 'subtable' should be used instead.

This seems to be a pretty comprehensive book on the OASIS format, but I
wouldn't use it as *definite* source :)

 I just need to confirm that OOo does support (and will keep supporting)
 'table:number-rows-spanned' attribute.

In general, if the OASIS standard defines this attribute, conforming
applications should be able to read it.

Though there currently is no application which fully implements the
standard (since it was intentionally defined as general as possible, not
caring for current implementation status), any change here will only be
towards *more* coverage of the standard, not *less*.

So, if OOo currently supports this attribute, I strongly doubt that this
will change in the future. *If* it would change, I would consider this a


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] OOo driver for Embedded Data

2005-07-27 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 Are there currently any plans to implement either a JDBC or ODBC driver 
 for access to the data in an Embedded database file?

No, there aren't. I suppose a JDBC driver wouldn't be too difficult.

The existing HSQLDB JDBC driver supports an abstract API for file
access, and when you implement this API so that it accesses the sub
streams in an .odb file, you're done.

In fact, this is exactly the way how OOo itself handles it, except that
the implementation of the file access API is done in C++.

An ODBC driver would basically require an ODBC driver for HSQLDB, which
sounds like an ambitious task.

Since you're asking for it :), I would like to point you to While
this page is not completely up-to-date (I have to find some time to
refresh it), the most interesting part there, which has been asked for
relatively often, is Embed SQLite into OOo database files. Maybe you
want to have a look at it?


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Re: [dba-dev] Embedded Database and User accounts and Schema's

2005-07-27 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 A few questions regarding User accounts and the embedded HSQL database 
 I suppose I can boil it all down to - Will they be supported or not?

Users - maybe. At the moment, they aren't - as you rightly stated -, but
they might make sense.

Schemas - probably not. The self-contained database feature is
targeted at unexperienced users, and those would most probably be
confused when we throw terms like schemas at them (well, my dad
definately would). So, if we ever go to support schemas for the embedded
HSQLDB database, then we would need to be very careful to not alienate
large parts of our target user base.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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Re: [dba-dev] Strange behavior when loading a form using a macro.

2005-07-26 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

   'oFormDoc = oFormDef.execute(sOpenMode, nCmd, eEmpty)  ' Variable NOT 
   'oFormDoc = oFormDef.execute(sOpenMode, nCmd, oNull)  ' Object 
 Variable NOT set
   'oFormDoc = oFormDef.execute(sOpenMode, nCmd, NULL)  ' Object Variable 
 NOT set

In all three cases, the error message was not about the last parameter,
but about sOpenMode. |execute| does not take a string, but a - sorry for the confusion, I blindly assumed it
were a string. This of course (unnecessarily) complicates the macro when
using |execute|.

To make things worse, our implementation currently also requires a
OpenCommandArgument2 to be present in the Command structure - either
directly in its |Argument| member, or, if |Argument| is an array of
property values, in one of the values in this array. This again is
unnecessary, but sadly complicates things even more.

The complete solution would look as follows:

 Dim identifier as Long
 identifier = oForm.createCommandIdentifier()

 Dim UcbCommand as new
 UcbCommand.Name = openDesign
 Dim Arguments as new
 Arguments.Mode =
 UcbCommand.Argument = Arguments

 Dim environment as Object

 Dim component as Object
 component = oForm.execute( UcbCommand, identifier, environment )

This, of course, makes me to completely withdraw my statement about
|execute| being easier to use than |loadComponentFromURL| :(
(though I think we will do something about it, at least we should not
required an OpenCommandArgument, but default it)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Database -
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Re: [dba-dev] Strange behavior when loading a form using a macro.

2005-07-25 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 While loading a form using a macro, the form disappears as soon as the 
 macro finishes unless I store a reference to the form definition outside 
 of the subroutine that loads the form.
 Is this a bug that I should report?

Yes, please do. Forcing API developers to hold the definition object
alive to keep the document open sounds ... inconvinient to me, at least.

side notes:

- Passing an ActiveConnection to the loadComponentFromURL call should
  not be necessary (if I'm not wrong) - any reasons you do so? Did it
  cause problems when you didn't?

- instead of doing a loadComponentFromURL, you should also be able to
  do a (shorter?)
oFormDoc = oFormDef.execute( _
  openDesign, oFormDef.createCommandIdentifier(), _
  some_null_arg )
  because a document definition is also a UCB content.

- your macro creates a connection, but does not dispose it anywhere,
  which is a resource leak. I hope that this is just because you
  shortened the macro :)

Thanks  Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Database -
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Re: [dba-dev] Strange behavior when loading a form using a macro.

2005-07-25 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germa ny
Hi Andrew,

 It looks like I require a command envirnment as the final argument and 
 it can not be NULL How can I get one?

No, you shouldn't. Actually, the internal implementation of
loadComponentFromURL also just delegates to execute, without any command
environment. What happens if you try to pass an empty object there?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Database -
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Re: [dba-dev] report writer, crystal reports, etc

2005-07-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germ any
Hello Dan,

 First, I apologize if this email is directed to the wrong place or people.

no, you're at the right place here :) - welcome!

 I'm working with the pre-2.0 beta version of the database.

Older than m79? How ... adventurous :)

 What can anyone do to speed up or help with the database reporting side of  
 the the project. I'm pretty good with Crystal Reports, but I'm not a  
 programmer. Has anyone looked into getting a widget written for Crystal  
 Reports that would allow it to read the OOo database files?

I don't know enough about Crystal's architecture here, so I cannot judge
what it would take to write a widget for it. AFAIK, nobody ventured
into this so far.
I suppose the main problem here would be that OOo database files not
necessarily contain the actual data. Instead, they refer to the data.
So, even if the widget would read the OOo database files, it still would
need a mechanism to access the actual data. This might turn out
difficult, since it either means using (parts of) OOo itself, or to
re-implement the basic data-access functionality of OOo Base.

 Could the mailmerge code of Writer be expanded or changed to allow  
 database reporting?

Hardly, IMO. To me it sounds as if there are so few commonalities
between mail marge and reporting (except that for both, the source is
some tabular database data), that adding reporting to mail merge seems
equally expensive as doing reporting from scratch.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Database -
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Re: [dba-dev] Copying date values with internal database - 1.95

2005-05-19 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany
Hi Michael,

 Is there a different interpretation of numeric date values in HSQLDB and
 the rest of

If so, it's a bug :). The infamous two-days-difference bugs keeps
popping up in different places, often when interacting between Base and
the other applications :(.

Would you please submit it in IssueZilla, component Database Access?
Please add a (as detailed as possible) description on how to reproduce
the problem, and perhaps a sample database?

Thanks  Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems -
- Database -
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Re: [dba-dev] table views? What's that.

2005-03-22 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Hi Jacob,

 I don't think I understand the concept of table views. What is a table view?

Basically a server-side query. To clients (such as OOo), it basically
looks like an ordinary table. Depending on the server, it means that you
might be able to do table-operations on them - for instance, use them in
another query.

(Note that server is meant in a rather wide sense. Replace it with
the database engine if you like.)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems, Inc. -
- Database Access -
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[dba-dev] Funding for remaining HSQLDB work

2005-02-15 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Over the last months, we have worked on providing Base
with a built-in database engine, namely HSQLDB.

This required work in's code, and *substantial* work in
HSQLDB code - more than we originally estimated. It's definately true
that without the invaluable, voluntary help of the HSQLDB project
maintainer, Fred Toussi, we would not have reached the current status,
by far. In addition, there's still some work to be done, and some
desired features to be implemented.

While work is paid by the project sponsor's, in
particular Sun Microsystems, Inc., there is no such funding available
for the HSQLDB project.

If you want to support the HSQLDB integration in, and
help to ensure that gets a compelling, powerful database
engine, making it the ultimate open source office suite database
solution available, please consider donating to the HSQLDB project:


and learn what you can do to help making this integration a success!

While we, as the core project, have - with Sun
Microsystems, Inc. - a major sponsor paying a lot of our bills (e.g. the
hosting at, and the majority of active core developers), not
every open source project is equally lucky. Since open source does not
automatically imply free beer, I definately believe that the approach
chosen by the HSQLDB project is worth your consideration!

Even if you can't help by donating, please spread the word about the
above site, so others with an equally large interest in the HSQLDB
integration know about it.

Thank you, and Regards

- Frank Schönheit[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Project Owner Base -
- -
- Sun Microsystems, Inc. -
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Re: [dba-dev] Small query about RESOLVED/FIXED issues

2005-02-14 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Hi Justin,

 Went there and with a bit of investigating, found it as TaskID 'i42033'.
 It's Milestone (integrated) is blank, and the Est. due date (ready for 
 QA) is a few days ago (10th Feb), so it probably means it'll be 
 available for testing soon.

yes, it's status is Ready for QA, which means development stopped on
that branch, and QA is testing (or going to test) this for regression.

Estimated due date is the day after tomorrow, so we can guess it's
probably in m80 or so (currently m79 is build).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems, Inc. -
- Database Access -
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[dba-dev] Funding for remaining HSQLDB work

2005-02-14 Thread Frank Schönheit
Over the last months, we have worked on providing Base
with a built-in database engine, namely HSQLDB [1].

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Re: [dba-dev] unopkg problem

2005-02-03 Thread Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Hi Chris,

 ERROR: ( { { Message = Lock
 file indicates that a concurrent Office process is running!,
 Context = ( 0x0 } }

juest guessing: see whether your ~/.openofficesomething (or was it the
installation directory) contains a .lock file.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems, Inc. -
- Database Access -
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