Re: Rethinking the crash experience

2014-07-08 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 07/07/14 22:09, Ted Mielczarek wrote:
 I believe this was the primary reasoning behind the current
 implementation (it's been a while, I'm a little fuzzy). We need to
 handle startup crashes, so we need the native crashreporter UI
 regardless of whether we build an in-product crash reporting UI.

This absolutely makes sense.

 It's also worth noting that our behavior matches the behavior of
 existing OS platform crash reporters--on all the OSes I'm aware of
 there's a dialog similar to our own, so it's not an unfamiliar workflow
 to users. That being said the crashreporter UX is essentially unchanged
 from what we shipped in Firefox 3.0, so there's certainly room for

Note, however, that there is a big UX difference between what OSes do
and what we do.

Random OS: Hey, look, *I* didn't crash, Firefox did.
Firefox: Hey, look, *I* crashed.

which I suggest we turn into

Firefox: Oh, by the way, I recovered.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Capturing the JS stack in case of crash

2014-07-08 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Often, we find ourselves attempting to debug JS code that causes a
crash, generally by miscalling a XPCOM component that causes an
assertion failure. Unfortunately, in such cases, the native stack
captured gives little to no indication that can help developers find out
how we reached this specific assertion. This is true both when we run
code locally, on Try or when Firefox is released to users.

Could we find a way to capture the JS stack?

I have the impression that it would be sufficient to modify our
assertion macros to call a DumpJSStack() equivalent before actually
crashing, and to attach the output to the Crash Reporter if available.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Rethinking the crash experience

2014-07-08 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 08/07/14 16:25, Tobias Besemer wrote:
 Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2014 14:21:47 UTC+2 schrieb David Rajchenbach-Teller:
 3. Crash report is stored to disk, without any dialog;
 4. If the crash happened during Firefox shutdown, do nothing, otherwise
 restart Firefox to its previous state (obviously, we need some measure
 to prevent this from looping);
 Please not! I always restart FF offline! This gives me a small footprint.
 If FF restarts online with reloading all tabs, this can go worst ...
 Maybe a option for this, if it will be implemented?
 Something like Restart automatically? ???
 Or like on the profile manager: Don't ask this again? in the crash reporter 

Well, clearly, we would need an option for this. I suspect that many
power users would prefer the Crash Reporter.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Unimplement: @-moz-document regexp support?

2014-07-08 Thread L. David Baron
On Monday 2014-07-07 15:18 -0400, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 That seems pretty bad.  I think we should at least stop supporting
 it for Web content.  David, what do you think?

I'm ok with restricting it to UA and user style sheets, although if
we're going to do that because of security risks I'd like to get a
good understanding of what those are and of what we do and don't
expect authors to do when sanitizing CSS from untrusted sources to
include in their Web content.

I think it might make more sense to continue discussion in the bug.

(I also think sending this out in the format of an
intent-to-implement message was confusing for an initial proposal to
do something that hadn't yet been discussed with any owners or peers
of the module.  I think the format is intended to say that a change
has already been accepted by owners/peers but requires wider


 On 2014-07-07, 4:56 AM, Frederik Braun wrote:
 Attackers can extract secret URL components (e.g. session IDs, oauth
 tokens) using @-moz-document. Using the regexp support and assuming a
 CSS injection (no XSS needed!), the attacker can probe the current URL
 with some regular expressions and send the URL parameters to a third party.
 A demo of this exploit can be found at
 This attack has also been published in the academic paper Scriptless
 Attacks: Stealing the pie without touching the sill[1] by Mario
 Heiderich et al. and numerous other presentations on this topic [2,3].
 My suggestion is to either kill -moz-document for public web content or
 remove regexp support.
 What do you think?
 Spec: n/a. This was pushed out of CSS3 and did not make it to CSS4
 Target release: ??
 Platform coverage: desktop, android
 dev-platform mailing list

턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Improving Session Restore Experience (was Re: Reordering opened windows)

2014-07-07 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
(Cc-ing Philipp Sackl, for UX feedback.)

At the moment, the simplified algorithm is the following:
1. Read sessionstore.js;
2. Open first window;
3. Synchronously, for each window in sessionstore.js, in the order in
which the windows have been opened initially, trigger window opening;
(Whenever a window is opened, restore its contents.)

* all windows are racing for CPU, DOM, http cache, etc. which makes
startup jank and pretty much ensures that Firefox becomes usable only
once all windows have finished loading;
* weird on-screen activity during startup, with all these windows
showing up in an apparently arbitrary order, whether in front or in the

Ideally, I would like to change it as follows:
1. Read sessionstore.js;
2. Open first window;
3. Open the window most likely to be used immediately (i.e. the most
recently used window);
4. Asynchronously, once that window is restored, open in the background
the second window most likely to be used immediately;
5. etc.
(Whenever a window is opened, restore its contents.)

With this scheme, I believe that there are good chances that the user
will be presented with the right window immediately, that the window
will be usable faster and that the loading of other windows will take
place in the background, without distracting visual effects.

However, we cannot do this as changing the order in which windows are
opened also changes their order in the Windows taskbar and, possibly,
their order in MacOS X desktops.

Now, you are right, we can probably do as follows:
1. Read sessionstore.js;
2. Open first window;
3. For each window in sessionstore.js, in the order in which the windows
have been opened initially, trigger window opening (hidden);
4. Once we have opened the window that should appear first, make it
visible, restore its contents;
5. Asynchronously, once that window is restored and the second window
has been opened, make it visible and restore its contents;
6. etc.

A bit more complicated, but it should provide almost the same result.


On 06/07/14 11:08, Neil wrote:
 David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
 We are considering redesigning slightly how windows are reopened by
 Session Restore, to ensure that most recently used windows are loaded

 I can't quite tell from your phrasing whether the bottleneck here is the
 time it takes to open windows. I'm assuming it is, and that Session
 Restore has to wait for all the windows to open so that it can
 prioritise loading the most recent window first.
 Since Session Restore already knows things such as the size and position
 of the window it wants to restore, I'm wondering whether it might it be
 possible to open the windows to about:blank and then start loading
 browser.xul in the most recent window first. (Obviously this only helps
 if there are three or more windows to restore, since you have to have
 loaded browser.xul in the first window to know you want to restore the
 previous session.)

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Rethinking the crash experience

2014-07-07 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 07/07/14 21:21, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 We should keep in mind that sometimes due to startup crashes, we don't
 get to run any of the code in Firefox, so we can't gate the crash report
 submission on that code at least in the case of startup crashes.

Yes, we clearly need to keep the behavior as a fallback, in case of
startup or near-startup crash.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Rethinking the crash experience

2014-07-05 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
I haven't experienced crashes in some time, so I may have missed some
redesigns, but last time I did,  the crash experience looked as follows:

1. Something goes wrong in the code of Firefox;
2. Firefox dies;
3. Crash Reporter appears;
4. Eventually, if the user has clicked restart, Firefox restarts.

Point 3. strikes me as rubbing the nose of the user in the problem we
encountered, as well as possibly counter-productive if the crash takes
place during shutdown.

Could we redesign this as follows?

1. Something goes wrong in the code of Firefox;
2. Firefox dies;
3. Crash report is stored to disk, without any dialog;
4. If the crash happened during Firefox shutdown, do nothing, otherwise
restart Firefox to its previous state (obviously, we need some measure
to prevent this from looping);
5. Upon the next restart, display a bottom doorhanger on all windows
Firefox or an add-on encountered a problem [a few seconds ago / on July
4rd, 2014] and recovered. If you wish, Firefox can report it
automatically so that we can fix the bug report/not this time/always
report/never report.

My apologies if this is part of the ongoing CrashManager work.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Reordering opened windows

2014-07-04 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller

 We are considering redesigning slightly how windows are reopened by
Session Restore, to ensure that most recently used windows are loaded
first. I believe that, in many cases, this would enable users to start
browsing faster.

However, this has been tried in the past and reverted because it caused
windows to appear in the Windows taskbar in an order unpredictable by
power users.

Is anyone aware of an APIs that could be used to change the order of
Windows in the taskbar? The only one I know of is ShowWindow and it is
my understanding that using it would cause ugly flicker.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Depending on libnotify

2014-07-04 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Well, we basically have the Windows version implemented already. We
could possibly use Watchman for other platforms. How do others feel
about introducing a dependency towards Watchman?

I'm not so happy about the idea of using libuv. We already have many
ways of performing I/O and introducing yet another one doesn't sound
good, unless we decide to make a coordinated effort to migrate Necko
towards libuv. Plus, if I recall correctly, libuv makes no effort to
allow access to non-POSIXy stuff, which is bad for us.

The inotify limitation on watchers is indeed annoying in the long run,
but ok for the kind of applications we have in mind, so that's ok for me.


On 02/07/14 18:45, Gregory Szorc wrote:
 I've written a cross-platform file watching API for Windows/OS X/Linux
 before. It's no fun.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Depending on libnotify

2014-07-02 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
For its recently landed WebIDE, the devtools team needs a component to
watch changes in a directory (they are currently using a somewhat
hackish workaround that they want to replace with something better
supported). Both Windows and MacOS X provide built-in functions for this
purpose but most Unices including Linux do not.

Under Linux, I would like to use libnotify. It is not quite clear to me
whether this is something I can do at the moment. Apparently, we already
have dependencies towards libnotify in our gnome bindings and our gtk

Can someone shed some light on the subject?


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Depending on libnotify

2014-07-02 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
The main usecase is an editor that needs to 1/ reload resources when
they have been modified by an outside application; 2/ see when resources
are added or removed.

In other words, watching a directory (recursively) for add/remove/modify
changes to files.

Which library do you suggest?


On 02/07/14 13:19, Mike Hommey wrote:
 libnotify != libinotify. You're talking about the former, but you're
 thinking about the latter. Note that inotify is not really well suited
 for some kinds of directory monitoring (so, depends what you really
 need), and is phased out in favor of fanotify. Also note that glib,
 which we *do* depend on has a file monitor API, but afaik it's inotify-based
 and I don't know how well it overcomes the inotify limitations.
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Depending on libnotify

2014-07-02 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
According to the manpage of fanotify, « there is no support for create,
delete, and move events, » which would make it useless for our scenario.

What kind of drawbacks are you talking about in the case of inotify? The
possible race condition that [1] attempts to solve?

Are there any build incantations needed to use glib?



On 02/07/14 15:07, Mike Hommey wrote:
 I don't know what the windows and osx file monitoring APIs offer. If
 they have the same kind of drawbacks as inotify for recursive directory
 monitoring, then it's probably fine to go with inotify, in which case
 glib is the best choice, as we already depend on it.
 Otherwise, I'd go with a little shim around the fanotify system calls.
 There is fanotify support since glibc 2.13, but I'm not sure that's old
 enough for all the systems we support. (our current glibc dependency is
 on a version = 2.7, fwiw)

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement and ship: Improved ruby parsing in HTML with new tag omission rules

2014-07-02 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-07-02 10:05 +0300, Henri Sivonen wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 10:58 PM, Koji Ishii wrote:
  Platform coverage: all platforms (parsing only, layout will be in separate 
 The parsing change is the easy part. Is there a plan to get the layout
 part implemented?
 My general take on this issue is:
  1) As far as assigning the time of core developers goes, it seems
 that there's always higher-priority stuff to work on instead of
 complex ruby layout.
  2) If someone else has different priorities, really values complex
 ruby working and can develop an implementation that truly just takes
 normal review time from the core developers, I think it makes sense
 let someone other than the core developers to implement complex ruby.
  3) I think the HTML parsing algorithm shouldn't be used as a way to
 block point 2 from happening.
 But is point 2 happening?

We have a summer intern working on ruby this summer; I'm reasonably
optimistic that she'll get much of css-ruby implemented, although
maybe omitting some of the harder bits like 'ruby-position:
inter-character' (which really isn't so much hard as different from
the rest and therefore requiring separate code).

See the 7-digit dependencies of


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Tree Closure Stats - June 2014

2014-07-01 Thread David Burns

Hi Everyone, (cross posted to dev-platform)

Below is the stats for Tree Closures for the main trees that the 
sheriffs manage. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions._

_A lot of the backlog numbers were down to there being AWS machines not 
picking up jobs fast enough. RelEng have been working on this_.

Mozilla Inbound_

 backlog: 9:46:52
 checkin-compilation: 1 day, 2:47:16
 checkin-test: 2 days, 23:38:59
 infra: 16:57:27
 no reason: 0:00:33
 other: 1:41:36
 total: 5 days, 6:52:43


 backlog: 4:55:13
 checkin-compilation: 3:40:03
 checkin-test: 6:24:24
 infra: 9:37:15
 no reason: 0:00:54
 other: 1:42:27
 total: 1 day, 2:20:16


 backlog: 9:30:43
 checkin-compilation: 0:12:54
 checkin-test: 9:52:53
 infra: 12:14:43
 no reason: 0:00:22
 other: 1:41:36
 total: 1 day, 9:33:11


 backlog: 5:06:17
 checkin-compilation: 4:37:29
 checkin-test: 6:54:03
 infra: 8:43:13
 no reason: 3:19:53
 other: 1:01:39
 total: 1 day, 5:42:34

If you would like to see how this compares to previous months please see

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Session Restore (sessionstore)

2014-06-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
I am currently running benchmarks to find the influence of each part of
Session Restore data on startup duration. The work is ongoing, but for
the moment, I can confirm that closed tabs and closed windows have
strictly no measurable influence on startup duration. The ongoing work
towards differential updates will remove any influence they may still
have at runtime. Consequently, I suggest we concentrate on other parts
of Session Restore.

Next benchmarks planned: history and forms.


On 28/06/14 13:27, Tobias Besemer wrote:
 I often restart FF because of memory use bloat - a restart cleans up that 
 memory use somewhat.  When I do that I expect all my history for each tab to 
 be retained, and to be able to undo closed tabs.
 History would be retained, old form data would be cleared, closed tabs would 
 be forgotten, but a setting to keep them would be possible.
 Or I might have to restart because I installed an add-on, etc...
 This solution would not be for a restart in case of a Firefox- or 
 It is not uncommon for me to have over 100 tabs, and my wife has had close 
 to 1000 (obviously not fully loaded).  I'd say she qualifies as a power 
 user.  ;^)
 I have so much, too.
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Session Restore (sessionstore)

2014-06-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
See bug for details
on the proposed Journaled Storage mechanism. This should bring down the
number of writes by an order of magnitude.


On 28/06/14 14:32, Tobias Besemer wrote:
 Am Samstag, 28. Juni 2014 14:25:35 UTC+2 schrieb Tim Taubert:
 Tobias Besemer wrote:

 The amount of I/O is always a problem! E.g. for Notebooks in battery use.
 Yes, of course. That is a known problem and we're working on it by
 increasing the write interval when running on battery and working
 towards a journaled storage.

 As I said before, cleaning sessionstore data on write will not buy you
 much as we write a lot when Firefox is running. This is the problem
 we're tackling in the long run and band-aid fixes won't help here.
 It is not just a question of battery!
 Too much writing accesses also harms the life-time of HDs or SSDs!
 I also asked before (on the bugs) about more informations to the journaled 
 storage ...
 If it is - like I think - a lot of small files, I don't like it!
 A lot of small files wast a lot of un-used bytes on the storage and brings a 
 big fragmentation to it! This significantly slows down a system!
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Session Restore (sessionstore)

2014-06-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
While we should and will reduce the total amount of I/O due to Session
Restore, I must add that we have not attempted to compare it to the
total amount of I/O due to cache access for instance. I would not be
surprised if the cache caused several orders of magnitude more I/O than
Session Restore, in which case our efforts on Session Restore would have
little to no impact on the life-time of your device or on the battery usage.

Tobas, if you have an opportunity to perform a comparison, this would be
an interesting piece of data.


On 28/06/14 14:32, Tobias Besemer wrote:
 It is not just a question of battery!
 Too much writing accesses also harms the life-time of HDs or SSDs!
 I also asked before (on the bugs) about more informations to the journaled 
 storage ...
 If it is - like I think - a lot of small files, I don't like it!
 A lot of small files wast a lot of un-used bytes on the storage and brings a 
 big fragmentation to it! This significantly slows down a system!
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Session Restore (sessionstore)

2014-06-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
I don't follow what you have in mind. Assuming that you suggest we move
to sqlite, you seem to be suggesting that we should considerably
increase the amount of I/O. Or do I misunderstand what you say?

Also, readability of sqlite being better than that of json is quite

Best regards,

On 28/06/14 18:18, Tobias Besemer wrote:
 OK, I made a short test with:
 sqlite3.exe places.sqlite .dump places.dump
 It creates in my case a file with ~9.5MB.
 But it is really fast !!! :D
 Also it is much better readable with an editor then JSON and can be used in 
 any other program that can handle SQL ...
 I think 3MB more for each backup is OK ...
 Better - if HD is a prob - just make 10 backups then 15 ... IMHO ...
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Are you interested in doing dynamic analysis of JS code?

2014-06-26 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
I would be interested in adding boundary checks and invariant checks
that could be eliminated in opt builds. Is this in the scope of your

On 25/06/14 17:15, Jason Orendorff wrote:
 We're considering building a JavaScript API for dynamic analysis of JS
 Here's the sort of thing you could do with it:
   - Gather code coverage information (useful for testing/release mgmt?)
   - Trace all object mutation and method calls (useful for devtools?)
   - Record/replay of JS execution (useful for devtools?)
   - Implement taint analysis (useful for the security team or devtools?)
   - Detect when a mathematical operation returns NaN (useful for game
 Note that the API would not directly offer all these features. Instead, it
 would offer some powerful but mind-boggling way of instrumenting all JS
 code. It would be up to you, the user, to configure the instrumentation,
 useful data out of it, and display or analyze it. There would be some
 when you turn this on; we don't know how much yet.
 We would present a detailed example of how to use the proposed API, but
 we are
 so early in the process that we're not even sure what it would look like.
 There are several possibilities.
 We need to know how to prioritize this work. We need to know what kind
 of API
 we should build. So we're looking for early adopters. If that's you, please
 speak up and tell us how you'd like to instrument JS code.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Intent to unimplement: proprietary window.crypto functions/properties

2014-06-26 Thread David Keeler
[dev.platform cc'd for visibility - please follow-up to]

We intend to remove the proprietary window.crypto functions and
properties. See for what will
be affected by this change.
Our reasoning is as follows: These functions have never been (and never
will be) standardized. The implementation has near-nonexistent test
coverage. What few tests exist were written as a result of finding
easily-encountered bugs years after the original implementation
landed[0][1][2]. As it is exposed to web content, it represents a
considerable attack surface. It is not well-maintained. It is
incompatible with our process-separation and sandboxing efforts. It is
not supported or enabled on Firefox OS.
Meanwhile, we are making progress on implementing the webcrypto
specification[3]. When complete, webcrypto should provide compatible
functionality for what these functions are currently being used to do.
Any functionality not implementable using webcrypto is available to
addons (see the interfaces in security/manager/ssl/public).

Note: this does not include window.crypto.subtle or
window.crypto.getRandomValues, which are part of webcrypto and do not
need to be removed.


Spec: n/a

Platform coverage: desktop, android

Target release: 33

Pref: n/a

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Identifiable TBPL Try push tab titles

2014-06-24 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Thanks for that change. It's really helpful for my day-to-day use of TBPL.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

BzAPI Compatibility API has been rolled out to production BMO

2014-06-20 Thread David Lawrence
  Until recently, Bugzilla supported only older Web technologies, namely XMLRPC 
and JSONRPC. The BMO team created a new REST API
in the summer of 2013 to provide a modern Web interface to Bugzilla.

  Prior to the native REST API[1], a separate proxy service called BzAPI[2] was 
created that provided a REST API using data
obtained through the older RPC interfaces as well as various other Bugzilla 
data sources, including CSV representations. This
was a great interim solution, but now that we have a native API, and since the 
system hosting the proxy is not maintained by
Mozilla IT, the BzAPI service will need to be decommissioned at some point. 
Check out the wiki page[3] for the differences
between BzAPI and the native API.

  To ease the transition, we have created a native BzAPI compatibility layer 
(bug 880669[4]) that acts almost exactly the same
as BzAPI but will translate the queries to the native API layer. Thus clients 
who currently use BzAPI will just need to change
the REST URL to the built-in API[5], which is slightly different from the 
native one[6].

  Even though we've done our own testing, we are interested in having more 
people test the compat API by changing their
dashboards, scripts, apps, etc. to point to the compat API URL instead of the 
BzAPI proxy. Then try to see if anything doesn't
display properly, is missing, or generates an error of some kind. We have a 
component[7] in Bugzilla under the BMO product that
we would like people to use to let us know. You can also browse[8] for bugs 
that have already been submitted.

  We plan to leave the compat API in place for the foreseeable future, but we 
do not plan to make any major changes or
enhancements to it. We will be working to enhance the native REST API instead 
with the upstream Bugzilla community. So any
requests for improvements or new features will need to be directed the native 
API component[9].

Mozilla BMO Team

dev-platform mailing list

Proposed W3C Charter: XML Processing Model Working Group

2014-06-13 Thread L. David Baron
The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:

  XML Processing Model Working Group
  deadline for comments: June 19

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
June 19.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's something
we should say.

I intend to explicitly abstain from the charter review unless
somebody gives a good reason to do otherwise.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Standardized assertion methods

2014-06-07 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-06-06 17:42 -0700, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I definitely understand that it'll be a pain to convert existing tests
 that rely on the relaxed matching. But rather than making the
 implementation of is() be more complex and/or more relaxed, could we
 instead convert those tests to either
 is_relaxed(a, b)
 ok(a == b)

Ideally it seems like we want to convert the existing tests to test
the correct equality, but that requires some knowledge of what
they're supposed to be testing, and also somewhat more manual
changes to the tests.

Temporarily converting them to is_relaxed (or maybe a scarier
sounding name, like deprecated_relaxed_is) might help in fixing the
99% case so that we don't add more problems on top of our existing
ones, though.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Overriding the CSP for privileged protocols

2014-06-07 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-06-06 00:30 -0700, Matthew Gertner wrote:
 As things stand, it should be possible for responsible extensions such as 
 ours (we implement our own nsIContentPolicy for our protocol) to do things 
 like inject CSS into pages.

We should probably have mechanisms for addons to inject CSS into
pages without having to insert a link into the document, though.

Injecting link elements can be observed by the page, could break
page script (I've seen scripts looking for the first/last style
sheet link to add a rule to it), and can presumably be undone by the
page if it wants to break the addon.

Having a more distinct mechanism for this might avoid these CSP


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: DOMMatrix

2014-06-07 Thread L. David Baron
On Monday 2014-06-02 20:45 -0700, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 - change isIdentity() so it's a flag.

I'm a little worried about this one at first glance.

I suspect isIdentity is going to be used primarily for optimization.
But we want optimizations on the Web to be good -- we should care
about making it easy for authors to care about performance.  And I'm
worried that a flag-based isIdentity will not be useful for
optimization because it won't hit many of the cases that authors
care about, e.g., translating and un-translating, or scaling and


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Standardized assertion methods

2014-06-07 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-06-04 14:10 -0400, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 For example, should mochitest-plain be consistent with
 mochitest-chrome?  I would argue yes; the distinction between which
 tests go in which one is more or less arbitrarily decided by what
 APIs we do or don't have on SpecialPowers.
 Maybe the right answer is that pure-JS tests like xpcshell and
 mochitest-browser should be consistent and combined JS-and-markup
 tests like mochitest-plain and mochitest-chrome should (separately)
 be consistent but we shouldn't worry about consistency between the
 two groups of tests?
 I would very much welcome us actually having this discussion and
 deciding _this_ point first, before we start deciding which APIs
 should be deprecated and which should be preferred in which test

I strongly agree here about wanting consistency between
mochitest-plain and mochitest-chrome because the distinction between
them is very small.

As a somewhat unusually but actually probably not all that extreme
example, when writing content/canvas/test/test_drawWindow.html, I
realized most of the way through writing the test -- i.e., when
figuring out why the test I'd written didn't show the without-patch
failures that were expected -- that half of the test needed to move
to mochitest-chrome.  So there are now two files, one in
mochitest-plain and the other
(content/canvas/test/chrome/test_drawWindow_widget_layers.html) in
mochitest-chrome that share between them a common JS file containing
the actual test assertions.  (I believe I didn't want to move the
whole test, because, if my memory is correct (I'm writing this
offline), we run mochitest-chrome on fewer platforms than


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Proposed W3C Charter: Social Web Working Group

2014-06-05 Thread L. David Baron
The W3C is proposing a new charter for two groups:

  Social Web Working Group

  Social Interest Group

both in:
  deadline for comments: June 10

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
June 10.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's something
we should say.

Tantek has been involved in the development of this charter (the
Social Web WG) and thinks we should support it, so I intend to
support it unless I hear a good reason to do otherwise.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: bugzilla can now show bugs that have been updated since you last visited them

2014-06-04 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
That sounds quite useful.


On 04/06/14 08:34, Byron Jones wrote:
 thanks to dylan's work on bug 489028, bugzilla now tracks when you view
 a bug, allowing you to search for bugs which have been updated since you
 last visited them.
 see my blog post for more details:

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Standardized assertion methods

2014-06-03 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-06-03 15:21 +0200, Mike de Boer wrote:
 On 03 Jun 2014, at 15:07, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
  I assume that the mochitest version will use a different reporter that 
  doesn't throw-and-terminate, to preserve the current semantics of mochitest 
  assertions.  (If this assumption is incorrect, we need to have a separate 
  discussion about that.)  If so, we'll have the same methods but different 
  semantics in the different harnesses.  Not sure how much of a problem that 
  is in practice... not least because I don't think people actually write 
  xpcshell tests all that much.
 Ideally, run-until-failure would be a configurable option per test suite. For 
 example, in automation we’d continue on failure and locally we’d stop on 
 failure. Additionally, that’d be configurable per test and per run.

Locally I generally want to see all the failures, since seeing the
complete set of failures is often a much better hint as to the cause
of the failures than just seeing the first one.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Tree Closure Stats - May 2014

2014-06-02 Thread David Burns

Hi Everyone, (cross posted to dev-platform)

Below is the stats for Tree Closures for the main trees that the 
sheriffs manage. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

_Mozilla Inbound
_Closures due to test failures on Inbound are slightly higher than normal.

 checkin-compilation: 23:53:02
 checkin-test: 3 days, 0:45:33
 infra: 11:52:28
 planned: 2:34:02
 total: 4 days, 15:05:05_

Mozilla Central
 checkin-compilation: 0:02:34
 checkin-test: 12:57:52
 infra: 12:58:48
 total: 1 day, 1:59:14
 checkin-compilation: 0:08:23
 checkin-test: 20:24:28
 infra: 13:42:36
 no reason: 0:00:03
 total: 1 day, 10:15:30_

B2G Inbound_
The higher than normal infra closure was down to a 3rd party repository 
having their master branch tracked which was unfortunately broken.

 backlog: 6:08:36
 checkin-compilation: 1 day, 14:58:51
 checkin-test: 15:15:13
 infra: 2 days, 1:17:26
 total: 4 days, 13:40:06

If you would like to see how this compares to previous months please see

dev-platform mailing list

Uncaught rejections in xpcshell will now cause orange

2014-05-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Dear everyone,

  After weeks tracking and fixing blockers, we are in the process of
attempting to land bug 976205. If this sticks, it will change the
behavior of xpcshell tests with respect to uncaught asynchronous errors:
uncaught promise rejections using Promise.jsm will cause

1. uncaught exceptions have always been treated as errors, there is no
reason to assume that promise rejections, which implement the same
behavior as exceptions, are different;
2. experience has shown that ignoring promise rejections could very
easily hide a real bug.

In order to make sure that all uncaught rejections are reported and to
make it easier to pinpoint their sources, we had to make a single
assumption. Namely, we assume if a call to `add_task` leaves a rejected
promise without any error-handler, this rejection will remain uncaught.
So far, this heuristic hasn't caused any false positive.

We intend to progressively extend this policy to:
- mochitests (bug 1016387);
- addon-sdk tests (bug 998277);
- DOM Promise (bug 989960).


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: B2G, email, and SSL/TLS certificate exceptions for invalid certificates

2014-05-28 Thread David Keeler
Regarding the current certificate exception mechanism:

 * there is only a single certificate store on the device and therefore
 that all exceptions are device-wide

This is an implementation detail - it would not be difficult to change
exceptions to per-principal-per-app rather than just per-principal.

 * only one exception can exist per domain at a time

In combination with point 3, is this a limitation? Do we want to support
this? If so, again, it wouldn't be that hard.

 * the exception is per-domain, not per-port, so if we add an exception
 for port 993 (imaps), that would also impact https.

I don't think this is the case. Either way, it shouldn't be the case.
In summary, it would not be difficult to ensure that the certificate
exception service operates on a per-principal-per-app basis, which would
allow for what we want, I believe (e.g. exceptions for
{email-app}/ would not affect {browser-app}/

In terms of solving the issue at hand, we have a great opportunity to
not implement the press this button to MITM yourself paradigm that
desktop browsers currently use. The much safer option is to ask the user
for the expected certificate fingerprint. If it matches the certificate
the server provided, then the exception can safely be added. The user
will have to obtain that fingerprint out-of-band over a hopefully secure
I would be wary of implementing a more involved scheme that involves
remote services.


On 05/28/2014 03:30 PM, Andrew Sutherland wrote:
 tl;dr: We need to figure out how to safely allow for invalid
 certificates to be used in the Firefox OS Gaia email app.  We do want
 all users to be able to access their email, but not by compromising the
 security of all users.  Read on if you work in the security field / care
 about certificates / invalid certificates.
 == Invalid Certificates in Email Context
 Some mail servers out there use self-signed or otherwise invalid SSL
 certificates.  Since dreamhost replaced their custom CA with valid
 and StartCom started offering free SSL certificates
 (, the incidence of invalid certificates
 has decreased.  However, there are still servers out there with invalid
 certificates.  With deeply regrettable irony, a manufacturer of Firefox
 OS devices and one of the companies that certifies Firefox OS devices
 both run mail servers with invalid certificates and are our existing
 examples of the problem.
 The Firefox OS email app requires encrypted connections to servers.
 Unencrypted connections are only legal in our unit tests or to
 localhost.  This decision was made based on a risk profile of devices
 where we assume untrusted/less than 100% secure wi-fi is very probable
 and the cellular data infrastructure is only slightly more secure
 because there's a higher barrier to entry to setting up a fake cell
 tower for active attacks.
 In general, other email apps allow both unencrypted connections and
 adding certificate exceptions with a friendly/dangerous flow.  I can
 speak to Thunderbird as an example.  Historically, Thunderbird and its
 predecessors allowed certificate exceptions.  Going into Thunderbird
 3.0, Firefox overhauled its exception mechanism and for a short time
 Thunderbird's process required significantly greater user intent to add
 an exception.  (Preferences, Advanced, Certificates, View Certificates,
 Servers, Add Exception.)  At this time DreamHost had invalid
 certificates, free certificates were not available, invalid certificates
 were fairly common, Thunderbird's autoconfig security model already
 assumed a reliable network connection, Thunderbird could only run on
 desktops/laptops which were more likely to have a secure network, etc. 
 We relented and Thunderbird ended up where it is now.  Thunderbird
 immediately displays the Add Security Exception UI; the user only
 needs to click Confirm Security Exception.  (Noting that Thunderbird's
 autoconfig process is significantly more multi-step.)
 == Certificate Exception Mechanisms in Platform / Firefox OS
 Currently, the only UI affordance to add certificate exceptions is
 exposed by the browser app/subystem for HTTPS sites.  I assert that this
 is a different risk profile and we wouldn't want to follow it blindly
 and don't actually want to follow it at all[1].
 There are general bugs filed on being able to import a new CA or
 certificate at and 
 Users with adb push access also have the potentially to manually import
 certificates from the command line, see!msg/
 It is my understanding that:
 * there is only a single certificate store on the device and therefore
 that all

Re: B2G, email, and SSL/TLS certificate exceptions for invalid certificates

2014-05-28 Thread David Keeler
On 05/28/2014 06:01 PM, Karl Dubost wrote:
 Le 29 mai 2014 à 09:50, Andrew Sutherland a 
 écrit :
 Trusting you as a human doesn't translate into protecting the users of your 
 server from man-in-the-middle attacks.
  How do you translate the human trust into the technical trust 
 infrastructure supported by Firefox and Thunderbird and the rest of the 
 I was replying to the self-signed certificate == laziness.
 What I'm saying is that if you have 4 users on your server. You may decide to 
 create a certificate yourself and educate your users about what message the 
 certificate will send to their mail client and teach them why they can accept 
 the warning message in this case.

But without verifying that the certificate they received is the
certificate you created, those users are open to attack. On desktop we
unfortunately allowed this to become common. We have an opportunity here
to not make the same mistake on mobile.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Style guide clarity on C++-isms

2014-05-28 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-05-28 21:03 -0700, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
  static T inc(T aPtr) { return IntrinsicAddSubT::add(aPtr, 1); }
  static T dec(T aPtr) { return IntrinsicAddSubT::sub(aPtr, 1); }
  static T or_( T aPtr, T aVal) { return __sync_fetch_and_or(aPtr, aVal); }
  static T xor_(T aPtr, T aVal) { return __sync_fetch_and_xor(aPtr, aVal); }
  static T and_(T aPtr, T aVal) { return __sync_fetch_and_and(aPtr, aVal); }
  static ValueType inc(ValueType aPtr) { return add(aPtr, 1); }
  static ValueType dec(ValueType aPtr) { return sub(aPtr, 1); }
 When it comes to questions of style, IMO clarity should trump almost
 everything else, and spotting typos in functions like this is *much*
 harder when they're multi-line.
 Furthermore, one-liners like this are actually pretty common, and
 paving the cowpaths is often a good thing to do.

I'd be happy for this to be allowed; I've used this style quite a
bit, for similar reasons (clarity and density).

I also like a similar two-line style for code that doesn't fit on
one line, as in:
  bool WidthDependsOnContainer() const
{ return WidthCoordDependsOnContainer(mWidth); }
  bool MinWidthDependsOnContainer() const
{ return WidthCoordDependsOnContainer(mMinWidth); }
  bool MaxWidthDependsOnContainer() const
{ return WidthCoordDependsOnContainer(mMaxWidth); }
but I think that variant may be less widely used.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: CSSOM-View scroll-behavior property

2014-05-24 Thread L. David Baron
On Saturday 2014-05-24 20:00 -0700, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I guess what I'm arguing is that smooth-scrolling vs. instant
 scrolling shouldn't be a per-element CSS property, but rather a
 per-callsite API argument.

I think I tend to agree; I noticed the same thing during the CSS WG
meeting last week and sent:


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Do we still need Trace Malloc?

2014-05-19 Thread L. David Baron
On Monday 2014-05-19 07:25 -0700, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
 Do we still need Trace Malloc? I suspect it's barely used these days.
 For memory profiling, we have about:memory and DMD. For shutdown leak
 detection we have ASAN and Valgrind.
 Trace Malloc is documented here:
 Trace Malloc is enabled for all TBPL debug builds. I'm not sure why; I
 did a try run today where I disabled it and it was green.
 It's used to get stacks within the deadlock detector, but I'm not sure
 if that's necessary, and it doesn't seem like it would be that hard to
 replace if it is necessary.

Are you talking about removing it from the debug builds done on our
infra, or removing it from the tree?  I think the former is fine;
I'd like to know more about the memory graph analysis abilities of
ASAN before being ok with the latter.

(It was enabled because we used to track shutdown leak metrics and
some other metrics, but when we switched to tracking
performance/memory metrics from graphs to tracking them via
regression notices, regression notices weren't added for those
measurements, so they just kept regressing without people noticing.
At some point we then stopped running them because nobody was
looking at them.  I wouldn't mind having that metric tracked again
in some way because it does catch some real leak regressions in
addition to shutdown leaks.)

 There's also Leaky, which is documented on the abovementioned wiki
 page. I think it works in tandem with Trace Malloc, and may be a
 candidate for removal as well.

I don't think leaky is in the tree anymore.  (It was once in


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Do we still need Trace Malloc?

2014-05-19 Thread L. David Baron
On Monday 2014-05-19 20:09 -0700, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
 On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 5:32 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
  Another is being able to find the root strongly connected components
  of the memory graph, which is useful for finding leaks in other
  systems (e.g., leaks of trees of GTK widget objects) that aren't
  hooked up to cycle collection.  It's occasionally even a faster way
  of debugging non-CC but nsTraceRefcnt-logged reference counted
 How does trace-malloc do that? It sounds like it would need to know
 about object and struct layout.

Roughly the same way a conservative collector would -- assuming any
word-aligned memory in one object in the heap that contains
something that's the address of something else in the heap
(including in the interior of the allocation) is a pointer to that
object in the heap.

(It's actually done in the leaksoup tool outside of trace-malloc.)


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship: Hyperlink Auditing (a ping)

2014-05-16 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-05-16 13:35 +0100, Jonathan Kew wrote:
 Maybe that's OK, but I do think this changes things in a significant
 way, and we should give some priority to addressing the concerns.
 Maybe the send-ping preference should be exposed at a similar level
 to Do Not Track?

There's a tradeoff there, though.  If enough users opt out of the
preference for sites to care, then sites will just use other ways to
track users that aren't controlled by the preference.

(And sites could certainly use other ways that don't show up in the
Loading... message in the status bar as well; some of these would
probably also be faster than redirects.)

We need to be careful to design the preferences we expose to the
user in ways that make sense even if sites don't want to honor those
preferences.  It's not clear to me that it makes sense to have a
preference to disable one particular tracking feature when sites can
do that sort of tracking in many other ways that aren't controlled
by the preference.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship: Hyperlink Auditing (a ping)

2014-05-16 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-05-16 08:58 -0400, Wesley Hardman wrote:
 Can you detect if a ping is enabled?  If so, having a preference isn't 
 going to be particularly useful as sites will just fallback to the redirect 
 method.  If it is added as a UI preference, it needs to be silent, or else 
 the preference is really track via pings, or track via slower redirect.

Sites can certainly tell if it's enabled with the help of a server
(which those using it would have anyway); they can try it once, and
if they get the ping, set a cookie.  (And then they might use the
faster ping method rather than the redirect only if the cookie is


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship: Hyperlink Auditing (a ping)

2014-05-16 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-05-16 09:40 -0400, Curtis Koenig wrote:
 On 16 May, 2014, at 09:37 AM, Kyle Huey wrote:
  The point being made is that the preference is not a real choice.  If
  you disable this feature you can still be tracked in the exact same
  way by methods that exist today and are not covered by the preference.
 True, but those methods are being done outside of a browser feature we have 
 control over. In this case given that we can implement and control this 
 particular feature behavior we should try to implement it in a way that 
 aligns with our projects values.

No, I don't think we can implement control over this particular
feature behavior, since for the user to actually have control, the
description of the preference needs to be understandable and then
actually do what it says.

We can control one technical underpinning of tracking which links a
user follows, but we can't control all of them.  This means that any
preference for this that we expose to users would either have to be
described in technical jargon that's not meaningful to most users,
would have to either be untruthful or unclear about what effects it
has.  Compare this to the preference for DNT, which says Tell sites
that I do not want to be tracked. [1]  That's understandable, but
also makes it clear that it's not preventing tracking but telling
the other end about a preference.

Supporting user control should mean that the choices we expose to
users actually control useful and understandable things.


[1] Speaking of DNT -- if it's all just the honor system for
honoring this preference anyway -- why shouldn't it just be
based on the DNT header anyway?  We send the DNT header in the
network request for the ping, right?

턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Argument validation as a JSM?

2014-05-15 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
I remember opening a bug for this ~2.5 years ago. The answer was that
most of these assertions are so trivial to write that putting them in a
module would actually make reading the code harder than simpler. I don't
think the situation has changed since then.


On 15/05/14 08:04, wrote:
 I've been thinking a bit about writing a JSM for validating arguments coming 
 into a function.  
 The first part would be the set of assertion functions: 
   * a non-empty string
   * a whole number
   * a positive number
   * a non-negative number
   * a function
   * instanceof
   * typeof
   * member of a set
   * Custom validation function returning true or false
   * etc.
 The second part would be how to respond to an assertion failure:
   * Throw an Error
   * Throw Components.Exception
   * Report to JS console service
   * Report to a provided Log.jsm logger
   * Trigger a debugger keyword
   * Custom failure function
   * Ordered combinations of the above
 Above all else, the module should have a simple API.  Something like this 
 could be useful throughout the Mozilla codebase, and for addons or custom 
 XULRunner applications.
 Suggestions?  If there's an existing module out there, I'd like to hear of it 
 before reinventing the wheel.
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Proposed W3C Charter: CSS Working Group

2014-05-08 Thread L. David Baron
The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:

  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group
  deadline for comments: May 29

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
May 29.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's something
we should say.

As with charters for other long-lived groups, the details in the
list of deliverables largely matter only in that they might
constrain what the group is allowed to work on without a new
charter; the dates tend to be largely fiction.

My intent (unless I get other comments) is to support the charter,
but point to comments that have been made on the working group
mailing list since the charter was sent out for review (some of
which are about documents omitted from the list) so that the W3C has
a chance to incorporate those comments (which it probably wouldn't
if no AC representative mentioned them).


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)
dev-platform mailing list

Proposal to revise W3C Process

2014-05-08 Thread L. David Baron
W3C recently published the following proposal to revise the W3C
process, which is effectively in the Proposed Recommendation stage
right now:

The document contains a description of the major changes in the
Status of this Document section.

The most substantive change is to merge the Last Call and Candidate
Recommendation stages of the process, and begin the Advisory
Committee review at Candidate Recommendation.  There are also
substantive changes to the rules for what constitutes adequate
implementation experience.

It has been developed mostly in public, in a community group:
(I'm nominally a member, but didn't participate much.)

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments as a W3C member through
June 13.  Comments can also be made on the public-w3process mailing
list.  The document will also be under discussion at the Advisory
Committee meeting on June 9-10, which I am attending, so if there
are comments you think Mozilla should make, it's best that I hear
about them prior to that meeting.

This is an incremental change to the process.  It's making some
rather substantive changes to the stages W3C specifications go
through, and mostly leaving other areas of the process alone.  I'd
prefer not to drag other (unrevised) areas of the process document
into this process cycle in the hopes that there will be further
revisions of the process document to improve other areas of the
process (and thus not go another 9 years without a revision to the
process), although I concede I haven't talked to others about that

If there are things you think Mozilla should raise in its comments,
please bring them up in this thread.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: WebGL 2.0

2014-05-06 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-05-06 10:15 -0700, Ralph Giles wrote:
 It looks like doing so would violate to webgl1 spec. An attempt to use
 any features of an extension without first calling getExtension to
 enable it must generate an appropriate GL error and must not make use of
 the feature.

This model generally isn't how extensibility/versioning has been
done on the Web platform.

On the other hand, it's a model that's less problematic than most of
the alternatives that have been proposed, in that it does deal
reasonably with multiple implementations and iterative addition of
features.  The main problem I see is the implementation cost that
Anne mentioned:  as all these extensions accumulate, that requires
implementations to track (forever) which extensions have been
requested and whether the API being used has been properly
requested.  As more and more extensions accumulate, this code could
become complicated, possibly even with complexity worse than O(N) in
the number of extensions or versions.

I also wonder if there's a tension here relating to the target
audience.  Is WebGL intended primarily for porting applications
written for other platforms (and with those other platforms
practices and conventions in mind) or primarily for authors building
things on the Web platform (and accustomed to its conventions)?


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: OS.File design issue from bug 961080 (making downloads respect umask)

2014-04-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 28/04/14 21:00, Paolo Amadini wrote:
 On 4/28/2014 7:44 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 Based on all discussion to this point, I'm proposing this low-level API:

OS.File.setPermissions(path, options);

Generally, this looks good to me. I'd rather use unix as a prefix than
posix, to match the rest of the API. Unless somebody disagrees, all
that's left is nitpicking and we can finish that discussion on the bug.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Who is the moderator/owner of this group?

2014-04-27 Thread L. David Baron
On Sunday 2014-04-27 09:29 -0700, Dave Hylands wrote:
 Every time I send an email to dev-platform, I get the following email as a 
 Can we get removed from the mailing list? 

To answer your question in the subject, the moderator of the
(mailman side of) this group is listed on:
which says (at the bottom) that it's bsmedberg.

Note that the mailman ( - NNTP
( - google groups interaction means that
moderators sometimes have limited power, since they're only
moderator for what happens in mailman.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: People building and debugging Firefox on Windows wanted

2014-04-24 Thread David Major
My improvements were closer to 5%. I use VS2013's amd64_x86 cross-compiler. I 
didn't touch the -FS flag (I imagine it just becomes meaningless).

Debug build, before: build 17:06, objdir 3.83GB
Debug build, -Z7:build 16:06, objdir 5.22GB
Opt build, before:   build 17:47, objdir 3.01GB
Opt build, -Z7:  build 16:59, objdir 4.43GB

I used the opt Z7 build for a bug investigation and, at least at first glance, 
I didn't notice any problems with the debugging information.


- Original Message -
 From: Mike Hommey
 To: Neil
 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 11:04:35 PM
 Subject: Re: People building and debugging Firefox on Windows wanted
 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:19:11AM +0100, Neil wrote:
  Mike Hommey wrote:
 mk_add_options export MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS=-Z7
  -Z7 is faster than -Zi?
 Surprisingly, yes.
  Do VS2013 users need to turn off -FS?
 Maybe, although it may just be ignored if using -Z7.
 dev-platform mailing list
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Can we remove NS_HIDDEN, NS_HIDDEN_(...)?

2014-04-22 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-04-23 07:51 +0900, Mike Hommey wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:41:06AM +1200, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
  checking For gcc visibility bug with class-level attributes (GCC bug
  26905)... yes
  checking For x86_64 gcc visibility bug with builtins (GCC bug 20297)... yes
  Is that a problem?
 No, that's just how we choose between #pragma visibility and
 -fvisibility=hidden describes the
advantages of #pragma visibility over -fvisibility=hidden (at least
on Linux; from bsmedberg's post it sounds like it doesn't make a
difference on Mac).

(That patch was later conditioned on configure tests in bugs 293438
and 307168 to work around compiler bugs; this is the configure test
you're observing.)


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: ASSERTION: bad size recorded: 'aInstanceSize == 0 || entry-GetClassSize() == aInstanceSize

2014-04-18 Thread L. David Baron
On Saturday 2014-04-19 08:36 +0900, ISHIKAWA,chiaki wrote:
 I see the following ASSERTION error about *800* times during
 test run of |mach mochitest-plain| of full debug build of FF created
 from  M-C portion (./mozilla) of C-C source tree.
 They look grave but test harness seems to pass the tests themsevles most
 of the time.
 ###!!! ASSERTION: bad size recorded: 'aInstanceSize == 0 ||
 entry-GetClassSize() == aInstanceSize', file
 line 441
 What does this error mean?
 I have not seen these assertions in full debug TB test and so not sure
 how grave or light the assertions are.
 A typical trace shows something like this (sanitized a bit to remove the
 at the beginning of the each line) :

It probably means that there are two different classes reporting the
same name to nsTraceRefcnt.

Classes that use the NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTSn or NS_IMPL_ADDREF +
NS_IMPL_RELEASE macros should use the fully qualified class name and
not depend on being inside namespace declarations.

In this case, I think the problem is mozilla::dom::MessagePort and


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Is XPath still a thing?

2014-04-14 Thread David Burns

On 14/04/2014 22:28, Eric Shepherd wrote:
I think I know the answer to this, but want to confirm: is XPath a 
going concern? We want to be sure of its current status before 
migrating its documentation to where it ought to be assuming that it 
is in fact something people still use.

XPath is still a going concern from where I stand. Web Testing people, 
who use Selenium WebDriver, use XPath extensively since they struggle to 
get to have testable documents. Having decent documentation for them 
would be awesome :)


P.S. Having a native implementation of XPath makes Selenium WebDriver 
a lot faster than say Internet Explorer which doesnt have a native 
implementation and relies on a JavaScript polyfill.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Is XPath still a thing?

2014-04-14 Thread David Burns

Not from my side!


On 14/04/2014 22:41, Eric Shepherd wrote:

On 2014-04-14 21:38:24 +, David Burns said:

XPath is still a going concern from where I stand. Web Testing 
people, who use Selenium WebDriver, use XPath extensively since they 
struggle to get to have testable documents. Having decent 
documentation for them would be awesome :)

On 2014-04-14 21:38:20 +, Anne van Kesteren said:

I don't think we should actively recommend it. We're maintaining the
existing code, but are not upgrading our level of support or anything.
And if we could get rid of the existing code, we would.

Well, there's the expected yes/no answer I was looking for. My 
inclination is to go ahead and migrate the doc and keep it in the main 
body of our documentation content, but maybe with an added notice that 
support is limited yadda yadda yadda...

Any disagreements?

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Policy for disabling tests which run on TBPL

2014-04-09 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-04-09 11:00 -0700, Gregory Szorc wrote:
 The simple solution is to have a separate in-tree manifest
 annotation for intermittents. Put another way, we can describe
 exactly why we are not running a test. This is kinda/sorta the realm
 of bug 922581.
 The harder solution is to have some service (like orange factor)
 keep track of the state of every test. We can have a feedback loop
 whereby test automation queries that service to see what tests
 should run and what the expected result is. Of course, we will want
 that integration to work locally so we have consistent test
 execution between automation and developer machines.

I think both of these are bad.

It should be visible near the tests whether they are running or not,
rather than out of band, so that module owners and those working on
the code are aware of the testing coverage.

Annotating something as intermittent is halfway to disabling, and
should thus be reviewed by test authors / module owners just like
disabling should be; it sounds like you're proposing changing that
as well.

The latter solution also breaks being able to describe a test run
with reference to a revision in the VCS repository.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Policy for disabling tests which run on TBPL

2014-04-08 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-04-08 11:41 -0700, Gavin Sharp wrote:
 I see only two real goals for the proposed policy:
 - ensure that module owners/peers have the opportunity to object to
 any disable test decisions before they take effect
 - set an expectation that intermittent orange failures are dealt with
 promptly (dealt with first involves investigation, usually by a
 developer familiar with the code, and can then lead to either them
 being fixed, disabled, or ignored)

I'm fine with the initial policy proposed at the top of the thread;
this part of the subthread seemed to be about a proposal to
auto-retry failing tests and report them as passing if they
intermittently pass; that's the bit I'm not comfortable with.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Policy for disabling tests which run on TBPL

2014-04-04 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-04-04 11:58 -0700, jmaher wrote:
 As the sheriff's know it is frustrating to deal with hundreds of tests that 
 fail on a daily basis, but are intermittent.
 When a single test case is identified to be leaking or failing at least 10% 
 of the time, it is time to escalate.
 Escalation path:
 1) Ensure we have a bug on file, with the test author, reviewer, module 
 owner, and any other interested parties, links to logs, etc.
 2) We need to needinfo? and expect a response within 2 business days, this 
 should be clear in a comment.
 3) In the case we don't get a response, request a needinfo? from the module 
 with the expectation of 2 days for a response and getting someone to take 
 4) In the case we go another 2 days with no response from a module owner, we 
 will disable the test.

Are you talking about newly-added tests, or tests that have been
passing for a long time and recently started failing?

In the latter case, the burden should fall on the regressing patch,
and the regressing patch should get backed out instead of disabling
the test.

 Ideally we will work with the test author to either get the test fixed or 
 disabled depending on available time or difficulty in fixing the test.
 This is intended to respect the time of the original test authors by not 
 throwing emergencies in their lap, but also strike a balance with keeping the 
 trees manageable. 

If this plan is applied to existing tests, then it will lead to
style system mochitests being turned off due to other regressions
because I'm the person who wrote them and the module owner, and I
don't always have time to deal with regressions in other parts of
code (e.g., the JS engine) leading to these tests failing

If that happens, we won't have the test coverage we need to add new
CSS properties or values.

More generally, it places a much heavier burden on contributors who
have been part of the project longer, who are also likely to be
overburdened in other ways (e.g., reviews).  That's why the burden
needs to be placed on the regressing change rather than the original
author of the test.

 Two exceptions:
 1) If a test is failing at least 50% of the time, we will file a bug and 
 disable the test first

These 10% and 50% numbers don't feel right to me; I think the
thresholds should probably be substantially lower.  But I think it's
easier to think about these numbers in failures/day, at least for

 2) When we are bringing a new platform online (Android 2.3, b2g, etc.) many 
 tests will need to be disabled prior to getting the tests on tbpl.

That's reasonable as long as work is done to try to get the tests
enabled (at a minimum, actually enabling all the tests that are
passing reliably, rather than stopping after enabling the passing
tests in only some directories).


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Policy for disabling tests which run on TBPL

2014-04-04 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-04-04 12:49 -0700, jmaher wrote:
  If this plan is applied to existing tests, then it will lead to
  style system mochitests being turned off due to other regressions
  because I'm the person who wrote them and the module owner, and I
  don't always have time to deal with regressions in other parts of
  code (e.g., the JS engine) leading to these tests failing
  If that happens, we won't have the test coverage we need to add new
  CSS properties or values.
 Interesting point.  Are these tests failing often?  Can we invest some 
 minimal time into these to make them more reliable from a test case or test 
 harness perspective?

They're not failing often.  But there has been at least one (and I
think more) occasion where changes in very unrelated code (one was
tracked down to a JS JIT change) caused them, and a bunch of other
tests, to start failing intermittently at higher frequency.  I think
detecting this sort of pattern, of a low level change causing large
numbers of tests to fail at moderate frequency, should be detected
in a way that doesn't lead to us disabling large numbers of tests
(and then probably failing to re-enable them when the problem is

I think we could use better tools for finding regression windows for
intermittent failures.

I'd also note that I've been trying to give frequent intermittent
oranges in layout a reasonably high priority, and encourage others
to do the same.  I think we've been doing a reasonably good job at
this lately, although rates of progress have varied.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: mozilla::Atomic considered harmful

2014-04-01 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-04-02 12:50 +0900, Mike Hommey wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 01, 2014 at 08:34:01PM -0400, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
  That is the code after I changed it.  :-)  Here is the original patch which
  introduced this bug:  The
  thread safety issue was _not_ there before that patch.
 I'm not saying there was a thread safety issue before. I'm saying that in
 your example, there is largely the same thread safety issue whether the
 code uses a plain int or an atomic one. The use of atomics is _not_ hiding
 this bug.

That's not the issue.  The issue is that the syntax is hiding the
use of atomics.

And whether the code would have had a thread-safety bug if it hadn't
been using atomics is also not relevant; lots of single-threaded
code has thread-safety bugs if you magically decide to violate its
threading invariants and use the same object on multiple threads
when it wasn't designed for that.

The issue here is whether this particular way of writing threadsafe
code leads people modifying that code to make mistakes because they
don't even notice that it's threadsafe code.

  As I said in the bug, all this is saying is that thread safety is hard,
  and atomics are merely one of the tools to achieve thread safety. They
  are not a magic wand that fixes thread safety.
  Did you read
 Did you read my answer to that comment?

I think you're continuing to ignore the fact that using operator
overloading obscures what those operators are doing underneath, and
when that difference is important to the reader of the code,
overloading might not be a good idea.

  Continuing to reduce my argument here to atomics should be a magic wand is
  really depressing.
  I also think that making their API not have operators like std::atomic
  has would bring a false sense of security to people writing code using
  them, because it would supposedly be less confusing when it really
  Can you please give an example of that concern?  I'm not sure if I follow.
 Just take the original patch which introduced the bug. I seriously don't
 believe if the patch had been using FetchAndAdd instead of ++/-- the issue
 would have had more chance of being caught at review. And I don't
 believe it would make people more likely to make atomic-using code
 thread safe.

You might claim that the increased chance of being caught is small,
but claiming it's zero is laughable.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Promise.jsm and the predefined Promise object

2014-03-31 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 3/31/14 1:34 PM, smaug wrote:
 Promise.jsm and Promise are still interoperable from the functional
 point of view, the difference is in the above non-functional
 characteristics. Promise.jsm also has better performance due to the
 fact that it avoids the JavaScript / C++ / JavaScript turnaround
 time on chain resolution,
 Has this shown up in profiles? If so, could you please give links to the
 profiles, since
 we should get fast promise handling to the web platform.

I don't remember that we did any benchmark on this. I seem to remember
that this was an assumption based on a discussion with bz a long time
ago, but it might have been someone else.

Numbers would be interesting, though. Paolo, do you have plans to
perform benchmarking?


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Firebug in embedded XULRunner.

2014-03-30 Thread David Bruant
Le mercredi 19 février 2014 13:43:57 UTC+1, a écrit :
 We need to debug and measure execution time of JavaScript inside the pages we 

For this sort of work, web developers tend to use PhantomJS or CasperJS 
nowadays. (built on top of Phantom (Webkit) or SlimerJS (Gecko)).

I have no idea as to the Java embedding story for this though.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Promise.jsm and the predefined Promise object

2014-03-29 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 3/29/14 7:33 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
 If Promise.jsm is obviously superior, why don't we expose that version
 to chrome-privileged global scopes by default? One less footgun.

If we did this, we would end up with two distinct Promise globals, with
two distinct semantics. This seems to me like the bigger footgun.

Also, keeping the necessity to import Promise.jsm will make it easier to
eventually migrate from Promise.jsm to [a superset of] DOM Promise once
we consider that everything is ready for that migration.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Warning about mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object ?

2014-03-28 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
The prototype mutation is hardly necessary for bug 939072, it is just a
nice way to avoid a few indirections.

On 3/28/14 7:15 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
 I'm concerned about this as well.
 In bug 939072, we're looking at doing some dynamic prototype mutation so
 Sqlite.jsm can do things like auto-close databases that have been
 inactive for a while (freeing resources in the process). The prototype
 mutation allows us to do this transparently without consumers of the API
 having to care about the state of the connection.
 I'd appreciate if someone could chime in on bug 939072 with a
 recommended solution that won't bog down performance.
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: MOZ_ASSUME_UNREACHABLE is being misused

2014-03-28 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-03-28 13:41 -0700, Jeff Gilbert wrote:
 It's really handy to have something like MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE, instead of 
 having a bunch of MOZ_ASSERT(false, Unreachable.) lines.
 Consider MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE being the same as 

I agree on the first (adding a MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE), but I don't
think MOZ_OPTIMIZE_FOR_UNREACHABLE sounds dangerous enough -- the
name should make it clear that it's dangerous for the code to be
reachable (i.e., the compiler can produce undefined behavior).
MOZ_DANGEROUSLY_ASSUME_UNREACHABLE is one idea I've thought of for
that, though it's a bit of a mouthful.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Spring cleaning: Reducing Number Footprint of HG Repos

2014-03-27 Thread David Burns

What are mission critical repos since you just put everything in the 
same list?

If we start removing project branches to be put on outsourced VCS we 
remove any sheriff support for that project branch since, as been 
pointed out many times, we dont have access to the server side commit 
hooks and can't close the tree. This may (I want to use *want* but don't 
have the data to prove it) impact engineering productivity. We have this 
situation with Gaia which has its canonical repo on Github. Sheriffs can 
land checkin-needed but can't close the tree. The way the B2G people do 
it is to remove everyone from the repo and then re-add (or thats how 
they used to do it) which then spams you with you are now getting 
notifications for repository X which is annoying.

There is the other thing we need to worry about is the constant DDoS of 
Github[1]. We have seen that when there is a massive one it will take 
down their site for hours impacting engineering productivity again since 
people can't pull or push. I couldn't find similar reports on bitbucket 
but it can happen to any third party we may use.



On 26/03/2014 23:53, Taras Glek wrote:

*User Repos*
TLDR: I would like to make user repos read-only by April 30th. We 
should archive them by May 31st.

Time  spent operating user repositories could be spent reducing our  
end-to-end continuous  integration cycles. These do not seem like 
mission-critical repos, seems like developers would be better off 
hosting these on bitbucket or github. Using a 3rd-party host has 
obvious benefits for collaboration  self-service that our existing 
system will never meet.

We are happy to help move specific hg repos to bitbucket.

Once you have migrated your repository, please comment in we can free some 
disk space.

*Non-User Repos*
There  are too many non-user repos. I'm not convinced we should host 
ash, oak, other project branches internally. I think we should focus 
on  mission-critical repos only. There should be less than a dozen of 
those. I would like to stop hosting non-mission-critical repositories 
by end of Q2.

This is a soft target. I don't have a concrete plan here. I'd like to 
start experimenting with moving project branches elsewhere and see 
where that takes us.

*What my hg repo needs X/Y that 3rd-party services do not provide?*
If you have a good reason to use a feature not supported by 
github/bitbucket, we should continue hosting your repo at Mozilla.

*Why Not Move Everything to Github/Bitbucket/etc?*
Mozilla  prefers to keep repositories public by-default. This does not 
fit  Github's business model which is built around private repos. 
Github's free  service does not provide any availability guarantee. 
There is also a problem of github not supporting hg.

I'm not completely sure why we can't move everything to bitbucket. 
Some of  it is to do with anecdotal evidence of robustness problems. 
Some of it is lack of hooks (sans post-receive POSTs).Additionally, as 
with Github there is no availability guarantee.

Hosting arbitrary Moz-related hg repositories does not make strategic 
sense. We should do the absolute minimum(eg 
required to keep Firefox shipping smoothly and focus our efforts on 
making Firefox better.


ps. Footprint stats:

*Largest User Repos Out Of ~130GB*

*Space Usage by Non-user repos ~100GB*
24K integration/gaia-1_4
28K addon-sdk
28K projects/collusion
32K integration/gaia-1_1_0

Re: Spring cleaning: Reducing Number Footprint of HG Repos

2014-03-26 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-03-26 16:53 -0700, Taras Glek wrote:
 *User Repos*
 TLDR: I would like to make user repos read-only by April 30th. We
 should archive them by May 31st.
 Time  spent operating user repositories could be spent reducing our
 end-to-end continuous  integration cycles. These do not seem like
 mission-critical repos, seems like developers would be better off
 hosting these on bitbucket or github. Using a 3rd-party host has
 obvious benefits for collaboration  self-service that our existing
 system will never meet.
 We are happy to help move specific hg repos to bitbucket.
 Once you have migrated your repository, please comment in we can free
 some disk space.

This seems like a pretty disruptive change -- it involves breaking
links to the places lots of little pieces of our infrastructure

It also means that we're not in control of our own data in a way
that's often useful to us -- having access to our history is often
very important for understanding the present (such as understanding
why code is the way it is).  If we don't have reliable archiving of
our history, those of us who think it's important will end up
spreading that work around and probably being less efficient at it.
(For example, I try to save dev-platform threads that I think are
important locally because I don't trust the Google Groups archive to
be permanent.)

It also makes it harder to find Mozilla-related things.  For
example, many of us publish version-controlled patch queues as user
repositories.  If I'm reviewing a patch queue and want to apply the
queue, I occasionally look around at see if that user has published
the patch queue as a user repository so that I can apply it.  If
there's no longer a standard place for them to be published, I'll
end up either sorting out the patch order manually or waiting 24
hours for somebody in another timezone to wake up and tell me where
it is.

 *Non-User Repos*
 There  are too many non-user repos. I'm not convinced we should host
 ash, oak, other project branches internally. I think we should focus
 on  mission-critical repos only. There should be less than a dozen
 of those. I would like to stop hosting non-mission-critical
 repositories by end of Q2.

The goal of project branches is so that teams can collaborate on a
project that needs continuous integration testing during its
development.  Are we not using it for that?

 Hosting arbitrary Moz-related hg repositories does not make
 strategic sense. We should do the absolute minimum(eg required to keep Firefox shipping smoothly and
 focus our efforts on making Firefox better.

I think it makes sense if individual developers are going to end up
spending more time/resources working around the fact that we don't
do it than it would take to continue doing it.  I don't have data
one way or another, but I think it's a real possibility.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Spring cleaning: Reducing Number Footprint of HG Repos

2014-03-26 Thread L. David Baron
On Thursday 2014-03-27 14:11 +0900, Mike Hommey wrote:
 Note that while user repositories are self-service on the creation side,
 there is no obvious way to self-service a user repo removal. I'm not in

They're just as easy to remove as to create:


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

talk on XPCOM and String APIs

2014-03-25 Thread L. David Baron
During a Layout work week in Taipei last week, I gave a talk on:
 (1) some bits of XPCOM and its history that I thought were worth
 talking about
 (2) our string APIs (a bit about what the internal string APIs do
 and why and how to use them)
(roughly a half hour on each topic)

Since others might be interested, it's at:


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Timed Text Working Group (WebVTT and TTML)

2014-03-22 Thread L. David Baron
On Monday 2014-03-17 13:31 -0400, Richard Eyre wrote:
 Thanks for adding me Anne, you did get my email correct :-).
 Personally, I'm not interested in developing TTML. I still agree to all the
 points from our previous discussion from the page you linked, Anne.
 I'm not really sure whether having a joint working group would be of
 benefit, particularly if there isn't interest in developing TTML in the
 WebVTT community, which from my experience is the case. It also scares me a
 bit because having a joint group might result in WebVTT being modified for
 TTML specific reasons, such as better interoperability, or otherwise,
 (possibly?) which wouldn't be good for the spec moving forward due to our
 previous concerns.

Sorry for not catching up on this thread until it's too late, but

I'm inclined to think that it's not worth putting up a massive fight
over the group's organization here, which I think is what it would
take to change this plan.  I think I'd rather focus the bandwidth of
our communication with W3C management on other issues.

I think if the group goes off into the weeds, it's worth putting up
a fight over that, primarily in the group itself.  (On the other
hand, I think it is worth listening to the real needs of producers
who have large libraries of captions that they'd like to convert to

I suppose I should at least send late feedback over the decision
process, and perhaps also that there should be more mention of the
working group operating as two subgroups than Teleconferences:
Weekly for TTML, and as needed for WebVTT.


 On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:56 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
   The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:
 Timed Text Working Group
 deadline for comments: March 20
   This new charter is quite substantive, in that it recharters a
   working group that was previously only for TTML to now be to develop
   both TTML and WebVTT.  My understanding is that the two halves of
   the group are expected to operate somewhat separately but also
   interact, although the charter doesn't seem to say that explicitly.
   Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
   March 20.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's
   something we should say.
  So we commented pretty strongly against this in the past:
  Has something changed?
  (Not sure I got the correct email address for Rick, I found it on old
  archived email from a year ago.)

턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Should nsIPrefBranch.set*Pref return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED on type mismatch?

2014-03-21 Thread L. David Baron
On Thursday 2014-03-20 13:38 -0400, Irving Reid wrote:
 In a way we're dancing around competing footguns here - do we
 protect against bad code trying to break our preferences by setting
 a value to the wrong type, or do we protect against a broken
 preference messing up our code because we can't recover from a wrong

It seems possible to fix both problems (for prefs with values in a
default preferences file) by making the pref code refuse to set a
preference to a type other than the one in the default preferences
file.  If the set were in a user preferences file, it would just be
ignored; if it were in a set*Pref call, it would throw an exception.

Whether this is worth the work or the (probably not huge, but also
nonzero) compatibility risk is another question.

[ Written on an airplane; sorry if I missed responses in the last 11
hours. ]


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Memory management in features implemented in JS

2014-03-20 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
So basically, you want to add a finalizer for JS component?

Note that we already have a weak (post-mortem) finalization module for
JS, hidden somewhere in mozilla-central. It's not meant to be used for
performance critical code, and it provides no guarantees about cycles,
but if this is necessary, I could rework it in something a bit
faster/more robust.


On 3/20/14 1:25 AM, smaug wrote:
 And we could add a flag to WrappedJS so that it would call some callback
 when it is about
 to go away. That would let cleanup of WeakPromise happen asap.
 Basically keep a hashtable wrappedjs -
 Then when adding an object to the hashtable, wrappedjs would get marked
 with a flag, that
 it should look at the hashtable when it is going away, and if there is
 value in the hashtable,
 call the foo.
 This cleanup mechanism could be used with weak observers and weak
 listeners too.
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Memory management in features implemented in JS

2014-03-19 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Couldn't we insist that any reference to a DOM element in JS (or at
least in JS-implemented components) must be a weak pointer-style
wrapper? I seem to remember that we have introduced something along
these lines a few years ago as a way to fight against leaks of
references to DOM by add-ons.

On 3/20/14 12:39 AM, Kyle Huey wrote:
 Followup to dev-platform please.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship: @counter-style rule

2014-03-12 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-03-12 22:43 -0400, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 It's sad to see us ship a new feature using the old XPConnect based
 DOM bindings, as we have been transition to the new WebIDL based
 bindings [2].  That being said, doing that probably means doing the
 work to expose the base interface (nsIDOMCSSRule) as well.  Do you
 mind doing this before landing this code please?

I don't think we should do this before landing; I'd rather convert
all CSS rules at once in


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Using preferences off the main thread now asserts

2014-03-06 Thread L. David Baron
On Thursday 2014-03-06 19:52 -0800, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Kyle Huey wrote:
  It's taken over 3 years, but Bug 619487 is now fixed, and the
  preferences service will assert (fatally) if you try to use it off the
  main thread.
 Out of curiosity, what's the benefit of this? Is it just a correctness
 issue? The bug didn't have much detail.

It's an issue of not crashing when trying to manipulate the same
hashtable from two different threads at the same time without any
sort of locking.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: W3C Proposed Recommendations: WAI-ARIA (accessibility)

2014-03-04 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-02-25 09:43 -0500, david bolter wrote:
 I support this W3C Recommendation.


While I wasn't entirely happy with some of the history that led to
the current state, I agree we should support it.

(In particular, in the early days of ARIA I was told, in private
conversations, that it was intended as a temporary measure until
HTML5 was ready and had enough of the semantics needed.  But I never
asked the people telling me that that that intent should be
documented publicly, and as far as I know there's no public record
of it, and it probably didn't represent any consensus at the time.
I'd probably have preferred that the semantics needed for
accessibility were part of the semantics of the language rather than
a separate add-on that can be inconsistent, but that's also not the
way the Web platform works today.  I did learn something about the
value of working in public, though.)

So I'll submit a review in support of advancing to Recommendation


 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 2:22 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
  W3C recently published the following proposed recommendations (the
  stage before W3C's final stage, Recommendation):
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0
WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide

턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Blink removing the concept of user styles?

2014-03-02 Thread L. David Baron
On Sunday 2014-03-02 10:58 -0800, Asa Dotzler wrote:
 How much simpler could our style code be if we followed this path?
 What do the standards and other browser vendors say about this?
 Horrible idea? Great idea? Mixed?
 This is in preparation for simplifying the Blink style
 resolution code by removing the concept of user styles.

Conceptually, not at all.  It would be one fewer item in an array.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: We live in a memory-constrained world

2014-02-28 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-02-28 11:04 +, Neil wrote:
 Henri Sivonen wrote:
 Any chance static atoms could reside as plain old static C data structures 
 in the data segment of instead of being heap-allocated?
 At least under MSVC, they have vtables, so they need to be
 constructed, so they're not static. Note that their string storage
 is static, through the use of fake string buffers (possibly this
 should be switched to fake literal strings).

Remember that since this is all in a shared library (which might be
loaded at different addresses, or even different addresses in
different processes [1]), you also have to worry about relocations.
In other words, whenever you have a pointer in a static data
structure pointing to some other data, that pointer needs to get
fixed up when the library loads, which makes the memory that pointer
is in less likely to be shared across processes (depending, I guess,
on how many processes are able to load the library at its default
address, which may in turn depend on security features that try to
randomize library base addresses).  This also slows down loading of
shared libraries.  Or something like that; please correct me if this
is wrong.


[1] Shouldn't be an issue with Nuwa-cloned processes on B2G, though.

턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Consensus sought - when to reset try repository?

2014-02-28 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-02-28 17:24 -0800, Hal Wine wrote:
 So, the question is - what say developers -- what's the balance point
  - too often, making collaborating on try pushes hard
  - too infrequent, introducing increasing push times

Why not change the try repo reset procedure so that instead of just
cloning mozilla-central, you also pull from the old try repo into
the new one all of the heads of try pushes made within the last one
or two weeks.  (Presumably there's a list of them somewhere, or it
could be maintained?)  Then the try reset won't break things for
those recent pushes, but only the older ones.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Consensus sought - when to reset try repository?

2014-02-28 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2014-02-28 17:44 -0800, John Schoenick wrote:
 Or taking this a step further, having a rolling cronjob |hg strip|
 revisions not on m-c older than a certain date would remove the need
 to perform resets entirely, and give a predictable date after which
 your try push would disappear. You could even add a keep me for N
 days parameter to try syntax for pushes that we'd like to stick

I'm not sure how well hg strip would interact with a repository
that people are pushing to at the same time, though.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Fixing build warnings [was: Re: Always brace your ifs]

2014-02-27 Thread L. David Baron
On Thursday 2014-02-27 15:44 -0500, Zack Weinberg wrote:
 This is exactly the same thing dbaron said the last time I brought
 this up (quite some time ago - 2010, maybe?)  I didn't buy it then and
 I don't buy it now.  I think it is far more likely that a
 maybe-used-uninitialized true positive will *go unnoticed* because
 we've trained ourselves to ignore those warnings, and I don't think
 better precision in a valgrind run is worth the risk of letting a true
 positive slip through in a release build.  Those bugs tend to be
 security critical.

I'm ok with it if you're initializing it to a value that's properly
handled as a reasonable default by the later code.

But if you're initializing it to something that's arbitrary or
useless (like, say, initializing an enumerated type to 0 so that
you'll fall into whichever case that happens to be, whether it
involves assuming a tagged pointer is of a certain type or not), I'm
still against, and I'd rather see the valgrind warning.

But I'm ok with restructuring the code to avoid having either

 I also defy anyone to demonstrate a measurable performance impact from
 the tiny amount of additional machine code that might be emitted if we
 added initializations to squelch all those warnings.

I'm not at all concerned about performance impact.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Geolocation Working Group

2014-02-25 Thread L. David Baron
On Monday 2014-02-24 23:57 -0800, L. David Baron wrote:
 The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:
   Geolocation Working Group
   deadline for comments: March 15
 I don't know any of the background on this one.

Actually, I do know one piece of background, which is that the
comparison to the prevous charter is this:
(removed material in red; added material in yellow or green)


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Proposed W3C Charter: Timed Text Working Group (WebVTT and TTML)

2014-02-24 Thread L. David Baron
The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:

  Timed Text Working Group
  deadline for comments: March 20

This new charter is quite substantive, in that it recharters a
working group that was previously only for TTML to now be to develop
both TTML and WebVTT.  My understanding is that the two halves of
the group are expected to operate somewhat separately but also
interact, although the charter doesn't seem to say that explicitly.

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
March 20.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's
something we should say.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Proposed W3C Charter: Geolocation Working Group

2014-02-24 Thread L. David Baron
The W3C is proposing a revised charter for:

  Geolocation Working Group
  deadline for comments: March 15

I don't know any of the background on this one.

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
March 15.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's
something we should say.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Always brace your ifs

2014-02-22 Thread L. David Baron
On Saturday 2014-02-22 15:57 -0800, Gregory Szorc wrote:
 On Feb 22, 2014, at 8:18, Kyle Huey wrote:
  If you needed another reason to follow the style guide:
 Code coverage would have caught this as well.
 The time investment into 100% line and branch coverage is debatable. But you 
 can't argue that code coverage has its place, especially for high-importance 
 code such as crypto.
 AFAIK, our automation currently does not collect code coverage from any test 
 suite. Should that change?

There was some automation running code coverage reports (with gcov,
I think) for at least reftests + mochitests for an extended period
of time; I found it useful for improving style system test coverage
while it was running.

I'm not sure how strong our commitment is to keeping such tests
running, though; I frequently have to defend the tests against
people who want to disable them because they take a long time (i.e.,
a long time for a single test file, which sometimes leads the tests
to approach the per-file timeouts on slow VMs) or because they
happen to exhibit the latest JIT crash frequently because they run a
lot of code.  I'm worried we're moving to a model where tests need
to have active defenders to keep them running (even though that
isn't how features on the Web platform work), because we blame the
old test rather than the new regression.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Announcing AsyncShutdown

2014-02-19 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Indeed, AsyncShutdown should help you in the normal scenario, i.e. if
Firefox is quit normally. It won't help you if the process crashes, is
killed by the task manager, or the computer goes to sleep.


On 2/18/14 6:35 PM, Noitidart wrote:
 Much thanks David. Im working on an addon called Floppers. It's for
 Twitter. It also tells you who has blocked you. So how it does this is
 it checks the history of users that you have been in contact with but
 not on your Following or Follewer lists, it checks behind the scense.
 How it does it is by Requesting Friend on each account behind the
 scense, after the XMLHTTPRequest completes, the req either goes through
 or come back saying you are blocked, and i updated my SQLite database.
 However if it went through I must cancel the request so the user on the
 other end never sees the req came. So its critical I keep firefox open
 for at least 1 more XMLHTTPReq and thats to cancel the req. Which should
 be just 1 to 30 seconds max (for super slow connections). Im worried if
 a ctrl+alt+del happens after the friend req is sent, im trying to find a
 way to notify the user when the process is hung up or crashed after the
 first req.
 Much thanks for the reply David and really appreciate this module
 nonetheless, it should help me with making that final call if they don't
 ctrl+alt+del the process or some other thing causes the process to

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Announcing AsyncShutdown

2014-02-18 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
No, this module is not designed to transact events, just to ensure that
we do not proceed with shutdown before the appropriate time.

What is your application need exactly?


On 2/18/14 11:13 AM, wrote:
 what if someone were to ctrl+alt+delete the process.
 would the queue of events be queued to run on startup? i have a great need 
 for that

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Announcing AsyncShutdown

2014-02-17 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
I'm happy to announce that the AsyncShutdown module is now considered
stable and to invite you to make use of it in your code, should you need
the feature.

The AsyncShutdown module is a simple mechanism designed to help us
handle dependencies between asynchronous modules during shutdown. A
typical example is a module that needs during shutdown to collect data
(asynchronously) then write it to the profile dir (asynchronously)
before profile-before-change completes. AsyncShutdown lets us avoid
(most of) the mess of spinning nested event loops, offers a readable API
and handles {dead, live}locks and error reporting.

For more details, see and

For the moment, this module is only for JavaScript, but we plan to
eventually port it to C++, so if you need it in C++, please get in touch
(bug 918317).

Asynchronously yours,

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

ISomething, nsISomething or mozISomething?

2014-02-17 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Do we have naming conventions for new xpcom interfaces?

I believe that I have seen all three forms on the tree. I need to pick
one for my new bug. Which one should I pick?


(Cross-posting to

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Possible to make all (CSS) transitions 0/1ms to speed up FxOS Gaia tests?

2014-02-16 Thread L. David Baron
On Sunday 2014-02-16 22:37 -0500, Paul Rouget wrote:
 Andrew Sutherland wrote:
  Is it possible / advisable to have Gecko support some preference or
  other magical mechanism to cause transitions and non-infinite
  animations to effectively complete in some extremely small time
  interval / on the next turn of the event loop, at least for
  durations originally less than 1second/other short time?  I briefly
  looked for such an existing mechanism, but was unable to find one.
 Yes. You can use advanceTimeAndRefresh from nsIDOMWindowUtils.
 See comment here:

I'd warn you that advanceTimeAndRefresh is somewhat dangerous since:

 (1) it requires that you take complete control of the clock, and
 you *must* remember to call restoreNormalRefresh when you're done,
 or else the clock will never advance, and

 (2) it affects all presentations that happen to share the same
 refresh driver, which is something that might change over time.

It might work here -- but it's a sharp tool, so be careful with it.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

W3C Proposed Recommendations: WAI-ARIA (accessibility)

2014-02-11 Thread L. David Baron
W3C recently published the following proposed recommendations (the
stage before W3C's final stage, Recommendation):

  Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0

  WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide

There's a call for review to W3C member companies (of which Mozilla
is one) open until March 7.

If there are comments you think Mozilla should send as part of the
review, or if you think Mozilla should voice support or opposition
to the specification, please say so in this thread.  (I'd note,
however, that there have been many previous opportunities to make
comments, so it's somewhat bad form to bring up fundamental issues
for the first time at this stage.)


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

W3C Proposed Recommendations: MathML 3.0 and XML Entity Definitions for Characters

2014-02-11 Thread L. David Baron
W3C recently published the following proposed edited recommendations
(the stage before W3C's final stage, Recommendation, but to revise
an existing recommendation, and thus also simultaneously like a last
call) related to MathML:

  Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition

  XML Entity Definitions for Characters (2nd Edition)

There's a call for review to W3C member companies (of which Mozilla
is one) open until March 11.

If there are comments you think Mozilla should send as part of the
review, or if you think Mozilla should voice support or opposition
to the specification, please say so in this thread.  (I'd note,
however, that there have been many previous opportunities to make
comments, so it's somewhat bad form to bring up fundamental issues
for the first time at this stage.)


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: HTML5 Chinese Interest Group

2014-02-11 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-02-12 11:16 +0800, Kan-Ru Chen (陳侃如) wrote:
 Kyle Huey writes:
  On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 3:27 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
  W3C is proposing a revised charter for the HTML5 Chinese Interest
  Group.  For more details, see:
  Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
  February 24.  Please reply to this thread if you think there's
  something we should say.
  Does Mozilla have someone who would be interested in and capable of
  following discussions in this group?
 I'm subscribed to the mailing list but was not following the discussions
 very closely. Is there anything I could do in addition to follow the

It looks like it's just a mailing list plus occasional

It's hard for me to know whether it would be useful to follow more
closely, given that I don't read Chinese.  So I think it's best for
those of you who read and speak Chinese to figure out whether it's
worth doing anything more.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Tagging legitimate main thread I/O

2014-02-10 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 2/10/14 2:43 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
 On 2/7/2014 10:31 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
 Since main thread I/O keeps being added to the tree, for good or bad
 reasons, I believe that we should adopt a convention of tagging
 legitimate main thread I/O.
 When you say tagging do you mean just code comments, or some other
 marker that we can use in automated tooling to root out untagged
 main-thread I/O?

I am thinking about code comments.
However, BenWa's suggestion of formalizing this as labels for the
profiler sounds useful, too.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Tagging legitimate main thread I/O

2014-02-07 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
When we encounter main thread I/O, most of the time, it is something
that should be rooted out. However, in a few cases (e.g. early during
startup, late during shutdown), these pieces of I/O should actually be
left untouched.

Since main thread I/O keeps being added to the tree, for good or bad
reasons, I believe that we should adopt a convention of tagging
legitimate main thread I/O.

e.g. :
- « Reading on the main thread as threads are not up yet ».
- « Reading on the main thread as we may need to install XPCOM
components required before profile-after-change. »
- ...

Any thoughts?


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Tagging legitimate main thread I/O

2014-02-07 Thread David Keeler
On 02/07/14 10:31, ISHIKAWA, Chiaki wrote:
 [10549] WARNING: Security network blocking I/O on Main Thread: file
 line 422

This generally happens when javascript calls a function on an
nsIX509Cert that attempts to verify it synchronously. If the certificate
has an OCSP uri, network IO will block the main thread. For instance,
AddonUpdateChecker.jsm calls CertUtils.checkCert, which traverses the
peer's certificate chain (in an inefficient way, but that's beside the
point). Getting a certificate's chain causes a verification to happen,
which often results in network IO. This is in part due to the legacy
certificate verification library we're currently hard at work replacing.
In short, this is not legitimate main thread IO, but it's being fixed.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship background-blend-mode

2014-02-06 Thread L. David Baron
On Thursday 2014-02-06 22:02 +1300, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  We would like to ship mix-blend-mode too. In our experiments, Firefox has
  the most stable implementation. (We only have 1 open bug )
  However, we're taking a slow path today and it might take us a while to
  implement the fast path.
  We're facing similar problems on the other browsers so we're doing the same
  staggered approach there.
 I think what we have is reasonable to ship. It's the same situation as our
 SVG filters implementation basically.

OK with me, then.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship background-blend-mode

2014-02-05 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2014-02-05 20:37 -0800, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 This new CSS property allows you to specify blending between background images
 and the background color.

I'm a little concerned about shipping background-blend-mode without
mix-blend-mode, just because mix-blend-mode is the primary blending
control, and background-blend-mode handles an edge case.  I'm
worried that shipping support for the edge case first will encourage
authors to contort what they're doing in order to fit that edge
case, and, as a result, harm other things (for example, by making
things that should be content be background images instead, and
hurting accessibility).

Otherwise I think this is reasonable, though.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Parallel sandboxed iframes

2014-01-20 Thread David Bruant

So far, nobody said that the idea was either stupid or impossible/impractical, 
so I went ahead and filed

dev-platform mailing list

Parallel sandboxed iframes

2014-01-16 Thread David Bruant

Machines are getting more cores, web devs want to make use of that opportunity.
We (webdev hat) have WebWorkers, that's cool, but one can only do ~math in 
there. It's not possible to update a UI in real time from a WebWorker. It's not 
possible to update a canvas or WebGL context either. New APIs are being 
designed and implemented to cover this specific use case.

We have cross-origin iframes which are very very close from being able to run 
in parallel. Communication between an iframe and its cross-origin parent are 
more or less restricted to:
* postMessage + message event
* resizing the iframe from the parent (which modifies the viewport dimensions 
inside the iframe?)
 that's the ideal view, because, of course, web reality kicks in and 
document.domain allows for a frame and its parent to dynamically change of 
origin (and synchronous communication can begin) and there is also named access 
on cross-origin Windows which has proven to be web-required [1].

It looks like cross-origin iframes are a dead end from a practical point of 
view when it comes to parallelism.
Enters: Sandboxed iframes! A sandboxed iframe has the same properties than 
cross-origin iframes with the benefit of document.domain being disabled [2] (I 
need to look at the named access thing). So in theory, it could run in parallel 
from its parent.

I'm writing this message to ask about the practical aspects. From what I 
understand, it's already possible to create process-separated frames [3] which 
I feel isn't that far away from a parallel iframe (though for now, I haven't 
been really able to make it work :-/). 
Sandboxed iframes have flags to disable a bunch of things (plugin, top 
navigation, etc.) if that can help finding a workable subset that can work in 
parallel from its parent.

I believe parallel sandboxed iframes would be a good thing also because it 
would encourage web developers to use them also for their security 
characteristics. It would also save the work of creating new WebWorker-specific 



[3] remote option described in
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Terminating xulrunner?

2014-01-16 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Having proper support for multi-profile is great, by opposition to the
current hidden on the command line support, but I believe that this
discussion deserves its own thread (and its own bug).


On 1/16/14 4:13 PM, WaltS wrote:
 User thoughts.
 You can close this bug as WONTFIX, since the stand alone profile
 manager, which I use is built on xulrunner.
 [214675 – Remove Profile Manager
 [Profile Manager |
 Maybe that page should be also be removed from MDN. That way I won't be
 able to keep recommending it to users.
 I think having a stand alone profile manager is a great idea though. I
 use it to run Nightly alongside the Beta with separate profiles for
 each. I also use it for Thunderbird release and Daily.
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Parallel sandboxed iframes

2014-01-16 Thread David Bruant
Le jeudi 16 janvier 2014 18:31:59 UTC+1, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :
 It's pretty far away in Gecko as it stands, because we have all sorts of
 global state (class statics, say!) that is not parallel-safe. 

 Process-separated is likely to be simpler to get to work without pesky  
 things like memory corruption.
I don't understand the last sentence. Is memory corruption referring to the 
global state you mentioned before?
When you wrote parallel-safe above, was that implicitly thread-parallelism?

As a web developer, I'm happy with process-separated if it's easier, at least 
for a first shot, but I can imagine the costs aren't the same at scale. Maybe 
the current rarity of sandboxed iframe on the web makes it a practical idea?

I forgot to mention that Blink is planning [1] to work on site isolation [2] (a 
site is an eTLD IIUC). I think it flows that sandboxed iframes will be 
process-isolated (since a sandboxed iframe is in its own site).
I believe this lowers the chance of Blink adopting the WebWorker-specific APIs 
to draw on canvas/WebGL contexts that Mozilla is working on.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: W3C Proposed Recommendation: Progress Events

2014-01-14 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2013-12-18 12:50 +, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Kyle Huey wrote:
  Should we be explicitly voting in favor of this one too?
 I suppose. We implement it :-)

OK, I've done so (without further comments).


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
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