Re: [Emc-users] LCNC TED Talk style

2017-06-15 Thread Florian Rist

Hi Sven,
here is short video of a art project of one of my students, Maria 

The six axes are controlled by a BBB and LinuxCNC.

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Re: [Emc-users] Koerner retrofit

2017-02-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Peter

> Windows 95 / 98 is MS-DOS with a graphic user interface on top.

Yes, I remember.

The Körner controller ran as a Windows GUI program, AFAIR.

> There was a boot option to start with DOS and then start Windows
> manually afterwards from the command line, calling c:\windows\win.exe.
> It was possible to stop Windows, too, get out and return to the normal
> DOS surface.

That's exactly what a hot wire cutter from Stepfour that we have here is 
doing. It start windows 95, than quits Windows, returns to DOS and 
starts the CNC controller. I should change this and prevent win.exe from 
starting in the first place... Well actually I wanted to retrofit the 
hot wire cutter and use LinuxCNC for a long time but I still didn't find 
the time. Unlike the Körner controller software the one from Stepfour 
running the hot wire cutter really lacks some important features and I 
can't read G-Code.

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Re: [Emc-users] Koerner retrofit

2017-02-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sven

> That's a feature I really want in LCNC!

Me too.

> Problem is it's outdated. I can only feed it with a floppy disc.

Hmm, even if it's running DOS you could at least update to USB. There is 
a USB driver that makes USB flash drives available as a CD drive to USB. 
It works quite well, I use it on an other CND mill running a proprietary 
controller software on MS DOS. The only problem you need old small USB 
flash drives (around 512 MB).

Ethernet and SMB should be possible somehow as well, but I think I never 
tried this.

And now that I think about it some more, I think 'my' Körner's 
controller ran MS Windows 95, not MS DOS, so maybe you should check if 
your controller software relay offers the nice feature before spending 
time on MS DOS.

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Re: [Emc-users] Koerner retrofit

2017-02-18 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sven

> The computer is still working so I will see if I can dig out
> any config from it.

If the PC is still working, why not use the original controller 
software. It's actually not bad and it has a nice feature that LinuxCNC 
does not have: You can jog using the job wheel along the path of a 
g-code program, forward and even backwards.

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Re: [Emc-users] Question on Renishaw MP3 IR probe

2016-10-03 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Hubert

> Renishaw replied that it used a 12 volt rechargeable

Oh, that sounds unusual and impossible to get in that form factor.

Thanks for the update

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Re: [Emc-users] Question on Renishaw MP3 IR probe

2016-10-01 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Hubert

> Does anybody know what batteries a Renishaw MP3 IR probe with a round
> battery compartment uses.  All the current literature shows a
> compartment with 2 9-volt batteries.

The OMP40 (and some other probes as well) uses two 1/2 AA 3.6V lithium 
batteries. These batteries are about 25mm long, so two are only slightly 
longer than a 9V block. The diameter of the 1/2 AAs is 14.5mm. Maybe the 
MP3 also uses 1/2 AAs.

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Re: [Emc-users] Best way to jog all three axis using a single push button?

2016-09-29 Thread Florian Rist
I just tried to link all three axis:

net emcmot.00.pos-cmd   axis.0.motor-pos-cmd=> pid.0.command
net emcmot.00.pos-cmd => pid.1.command
net emcmot.00.pos-cmd => pid.2.command

That seams to work. I can't home any more, but for now that's good 

Thanks for your super quick support. :-)

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Best way to jog all three axis using a single push button?

2016-09-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy,
thanks for the suggestion:

> Connect the buttons to the halui.jog.N.minus  and pins

That is indeed very easy. I just tried this. It kind of works. 
Unfortunately the axis do not move fully synchronized. X starts first, a 
fraction of second later y start to turn and y is last. On multiple jogs 
this results in the three position slowly drifting apart.

I guess I could link all three motor position commands, but than I cant 
home individually any more?

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Best way to jog all three axis using a single push button?

2016-09-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi John

> Do you need/intend to use g-code at all for this installation?


And I'm now just trying to modify it quickly to do a manual 

Could I do something with the axis jog pins:


> I have a few custom HAL components that I could share if useful.
> For example, one lets you switch from manually controlling each
> motor (for "homing") to coordinated control.

Oh, sounds very interesting.

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Best way to jog all three axis using a single push button?

2016-09-29 Thread Florian Rist
just a simple question:

I need to add two momentary switches to a 3 axis machine (not a mill, 
more like a art installation) that jog all axis (xyz). Press one button 
all axis move up, press the other one all move done in sync.

Whats the best way to do this. The three axis are moved by servo motors 
via a Mesa card and Mesa amplifiers.

I have plenty of unused IOs on the Mesa card.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-09-25 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sarah

> anyone suggest a better infra red detector than the AX-1838HS

Jon Elson uses a QSE159 [1]. I bought a few, but I did not find the time 
to test it.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Accessing a Signal using the Python HAL Interface?

2016-09-23 Thread Florian Rist
thinks more or less work now, but I'd like to have LinuxCNC take care of 
homing and limits.

Here's what I did:

I disconnected the axis axis.3.motor-pos-cmd pin from the 
emcmot.03.pos-cmd signal and connected a pin of my new component. I set 

Now I can control the position of axis 3 from my Python script and AXIS 
displays axis position. That's nice and work well.

Now the only think that I'm missing is someone taking care of the travel 
limit of my axis. I have a homing switch and set-up homing and 
soft-limits for the axis, but as I'm not using AXIS to control the axis 
this does not have an effect any more.

Is there away to get back the travel limiting in a easy way?

Thanks for you help.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-09-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sarah

> i'm looking at my renishaw probes...

I don't know much about the Renishaw siganls jet. I want to take a 
closer look, but didn't find the time yet.

However I thought I quickly mention that, at least my Renishaw probe has 
two different modes of operation, one compatible with the order 
interfaces and one for the more modern ones. It can be changes by a 
deflection the stylus in certain way after inserting the batteries. And 
the old mode mentioned to have 'no modulation' while the one is with 
modulation. It might be easier to decode the old protocol, or at least 
it might be worth taking a look at both. My probe is currently running 
the old protocol for a old OMI.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Accessing a Signal using the Python HAL Interface?

2016-09-20 Thread Florian Rist
thank you all for you help.

> A pin created by a python userspace component can be linked to a signal
> with the "net" command, just like any other HAL pin.

I thought about that, but I could not find 'net' command.

Can this be done from the Python script without calling halcmd?

I just tried this and it worked very well:

h.newpin("com-pos", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN)
msg=Popen('halcmd net emcmot.03.pos-cmd', shell=True, 

h['com-pos'] = newpos

It's fast and feels responsive. Nice. Real time is not a requirement.

However I have the feeling that that's not the nicest solution. I guess 
I should use the 'loadusr' hal coammnd in my .hal file to load the scrip 
and use the '-Wn mycom' parameter to wait for the creation of my 
component and than create the link between the signal and my pin in the 
.hal file.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Accessing a Signal using the Python HAL Interface?

2016-09-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sebastian

> My guess is you won't get smoother motion by bypassing the G-code
> interpreter and going directly to HAL, but you can try.

Well calling halcmd is allready much better than the MDI approach, and I 
guess using the Python interface and eliminating the system call would 
improve things further.

>  Like the
> `linuxcnc` python module JT linked you to, there's also a hal module:

I know that documentation page. But I don't get it

How to access an existing signal?

> I think you'll get the smoothest results by getting rid of python 
> (which
> is not realtime) and writing a realtime component instead.

Certainly. But this thing has to be simple and quick and it's moving 

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Accessing a Signal using the Python HAL Interface?

2016-09-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi John,
thanks for you message.

> You can control with the python interface.

That refers to the LinuxCNC Python interface, but that does not give me 
access to HAL, right? I tried to implement my sensor following thing 
using MDI, so I send sommands like:

   c.mdi("G0 A{:f}".format(newpos))

This does work in some way, but i require either to wait until each 
command is finished before the next commanded position is approached or 
to about the running command. This make it to slow and does not give 
smooth motions.

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Accessing a Signal using the Python HAL Interface?

2016-09-20 Thread Florian Rist
I'm trying to control an axis position using an user space Python 
script, but I don't relay understand the Python hal library.

So, I want to use Python to periodically set the command position of an 
axis (3 in my case) based on a sensor read out.

To do so I disconnected axis.3.motor-pos-cmd from emcmot.03.pos-cmd by 
removing these lines from my .hal file:

   net emcmot.03.pos-cmd  <= axis.3.motor-pos-cmd
   net motor.03.pos-fb <= hpg.stepgen.03.position-fb

I kept these:

   net emcmot.03.pos-cmd => hpg.stepgen.03.position-cmd
   net motor.03.pos-fb => axis.3.motor-pos-fb

Now I manged to set emcmot.03.pos-cmd by calling halcmd from Python:

   msg = Popen('halcmd sets  emcmot.03.pos-cmd  {:f} '.format(newpos),
 shell=True, stdout=PIPE)

This works as expected and changes the command position, the axis starts 
to move to the new position.

Now I'd like to do the same using the Python HAL interface and get rid 
of the shell command.

I can create a new HAL component and a new pin but how can I access the 
existing signal? Any idea where I night be able to find an example?

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-09-08 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Jon

> Yes, I thought about building a receiver out of various
> parts, but there are application specific parts that combine
> all this in one unit.  Most are made with 38 KHz band pass
> filters for VCR remote controls,

Yes, that's why I didn't even look into theses integrated devices.

> but the QSE159 does not
> have the BPF, looked to be sensitive enough, and was really
> cheap ($1.06)

Indeed, interesting.

Not sure if it is sensitive enough, 0.25 mW/cm² worst case translates to 
2.5W/m², that's quite a lot. But, now that I started looking, there are 
quite a few similar integrated devices available, some with much high 
sensitivity down to at least 10µW/cm². However most are lacking the 
Schmitt-trigger of the QSE159, nice part, that you found, I'm going to 
get one, too.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-09-07 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Jon,
thanks for the update on your experiments, very interesting.

> I still need to build a better IR transmitter and receiver
> so that can be more than a few inches from the probe.

Regarding the receiver I have not built anything yet, but when I was 
looking for information on this subject I came across this nice design 
for a simple 1 MHz receiver:

The used OpAmp OPA320 as well as the photo-diode SFH213 are easy to get.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-08-18 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Jon

> Thanks, not sure it corresponds.

Here is one that should fit:

It explicitly covers the P03.5000-010-A2 (that's the type number of a 
TC50 probe, second generation), BUT it is in Russian. :-)

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-08-17 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Jon

> And, the info available from Blum is only
> sales info, with no user manual or anything that
> I can find.

I had a quick look and fond a lot of info on the TC60. Its identical to 
the TC50 except it uses radio instead of IR. The features, LEDs, etc. 
should be the same, I guess.

Here is an overview on documents on the TC60 submitted to the FCC:

TC60 Manual:

Receiver Manual:

> I'll have to look harder.

Or ask Blum.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-08-13 Thread Florian Rist
Hi John


Thanks for the images.

That's surprisingly simple. I would have expected that much higher 
surface quality on the contacts is needed. Interesting.

My guess would be be a hard gold on nickle plating on a brass body, 
elector polishing the surfaces prior to coating might be a good idea. 
And to ensure a long life the max. current has to be small, but not to 
small, 500µA maybe and only very small capacitive and inductive loads on 
the line.

I once thought about building a high precision touch probe, but in the 
end I just used a precision witch from Baumer, <1µm repeatability for 
about 100 EUR, but that is single contact (1D switch).

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Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-08-12 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Rene

> I can provide dumps of OMM, OMI, Mahrpos and Heidenhain turn-on codes
> if anyone is interested.

Yes, I'd b interested, especially in OMM and OMI.

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Re: [Emc-users] snagged touch probe on eBay - anybody know how to interface ?

2016-08-12 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sarah

> i had the same problem with a Renishaw ir probe , so i reverse
> engineered the ir protocol

Oh, and did you publish your findings somewhere, or could you post them 

I'd be really interested, because I have a Renishaw probe but I don't 
have the receiver (OMI). Well actually I have two Renishaw probes, but 
only one receiver and reverse engineering the protocol is on my list of 
things to do, but it will take long before I can find the time, to work 
on it.

Did you work on the old (OMI receiver) or the new (OMI-2 receiver) 

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Re: [Emc-users] Curing Oven

2016-08-04 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Ricardo

> Take care that normal ssr as those (cheaper) i know doesnt like been
> driving as an igbt :).

Yes, and unfortunately (as already mentioned in another post) SSRs tend 
to short out when failing, unlike contactors. I'm not jet sure what to 
use for my oven, the good thin is, that this particular oven is designed 
to be connected to the mains without ans kind of regulation, it reaches 
1100 °C in this case.

> A temperature fuze is a must  if the thingy runs unnatended.

Hmm, there are note fuses for 1200 °C or so I guess, well I have to 
look, maybe there are. But I might mount one for maybe 150 °C or so on 
the outside, that would be simple.

> If someone needs the code simply ask.

Thanks, I'll try the Chinese controller first, if it doesn't work I 
might get back to your offer.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Curing Oven

2016-08-03 Thread Florian Rist
Hi John

> I just scanned (real quick) the pdf and didn't see where you could 
> store
> multiple recipes, did I miss something?

On page 22 it reads:

"According to users' requirements, instruments with 10×8-segments 
(patternnumber: 0~9) or 6×16-segments (patternnumber: 0~5) can be 

So I think you can get 10 different recipes, each composed out of 8 
segments (or 4 recipes and 16 segments). The display also shows a one 
digit 'STEP' and a 'PTN' number, I assume that's the segment and 
program/recipe number. The manual calls a program a patter, on Page 8/9 
for example, where the front panel is explained.

I ordered the 10/8 version, we'll see what I get and if really works as 

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Re: [Emc-users] Curing Oven

2016-08-03 Thread Florian Rist

> Different ramp times, or different set temps, or both?  Some of the
> controllers allow you to store multiple settings.

An example of such a controller is the PC410. I ordered one just a few 
days ago from Aliexpress [1]. Here is the manual:

It will take a few weeks to get here, but than I will try to control a 
small furnaces with it. I can report on the results, if anyone is 

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Re: [Emc-users] Cutting tool fingernail style need

2016-02-21 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gene,
making the tool sounds feasible, but I have a last link:

And the overview here:

All designed for cutting wood, but still suitable for a lot of other 

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Re: [Emc-users] Cutting tool fingernail style need

2016-02-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gene

> Way above my pay grade. :(  And still the ends of the cutters are at 90
> degrees.

Did you ask a manufacture for a custom ground cutter?

I had several end mills custom ground to my specifications by Wedco. I 
only had to specify the contour shape, in my case cones with different 
angels and rounded tips, and the material to be machined. Wedco designed 
the exact shape and ground the tool from tungsten carbide. Dimension 
were about 8 mm in diameter and 60 mm in length. With some 50-80 EUR it 
was less expensive than I expected and took only a few days.

Another idea: Maybe there is some tool like the one you need used in 
Turbine blade machining. They use all sorts of strange cutters, here's 
link to the first PDF Google brought up:

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Re: [Emc-users] Cutting tool fingernail style need

2016-02-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gene,
I'm not sure if it's useful, but using this tool:

An doing two cuts you might be able to get what you want. Hoffman sells 
these from 2 to 0.2 mm but the charge about 150 EUR for each.

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Re: [Emc-users] Cheap Chinese Spindles?

2015-10-19 Thread Florian Rist
I replaced Persce spindel by a cheaper alternative as well. We are using 
various spindles (2 kW to 8 kW water cooled with ATC) vom HSD for 
several years now and so fare the work very well.

One of these might be a suitable replacement:

If noise is an issue I can highly recommend the models with an extra 
fan, not as quiet as a water cooled spindle but much less noise 
especially at high rpm than the standard system.

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] OT: How is the kinematic system called usually used by 5axis water jet cutters?

2015-09-05 Thread Florian Rist
this is off-toppic, but maybe you can help me out:

How it the kinematic system called, that most, if not all, 5axis (some 
times called 3D) CNC water jet cutters use to adjust the jet angels?

Here a some images showing the mechanics:

The advantage is clear, the angles can be adjusted without moving the 
tool center point in space. I guess this was a advantage in the early 
years, simplifying the control (interpolation only in 4, not 5 axis, 
si), but why is the configuration still used today? And what is it 

By the way, has anyone built a water jet cutter? I need to sketch a 
concept quickly (over the weekend actually) and I'd be happen to be able 
to ask a few questions to someone more experienced.

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Re: [Emc-users] Serial FPGA buses/interconnections [Was: Sandy box]

2015-06-10 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Philipp,
thanks for the summery. I'd be interested in hearing what solution you 
come up (if any) in the end. Maybe you could post this briefly once the 
project is finished. The problem seams to be common.

> there is no space left for one or two PHYs and the
> Ethernet jack(s).

The jacks have a rather large footprint indeed, the PHY can be pretty 
small, I'm sue I've seen packages smaller than 5x5 mm.

Regarding the RJ45 connectors you could replace them by something 
smaller (e.g. Molex Mini50), just like lot of the Ultrabook 
manufacturers do, but that would spoil a lot of the advantages of 

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Serial FPGA buses/interconnections [Was: Sandy box]

2015-06-08 Thread Florian Rist
right now I don't have the time to follow the thread, and maybe it's 
been mentioned already, but you might want to look at Powerlink as well:

A few years back I looked for a real time Ethernet system and found 
Powerlink simpler than EtherCAT. The project died in a very early stage 
so I can't contribute any relay experiences in using or implementing it.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] PCB adapters for oscilloscope probes

2015-03-17 Thread Florian Rist

> Could you use SMA or microdot connectors instead (and not use an
> actual test probe?)

This is most probably not an option, as Philipp has to minimise the 
influence of the probe on the signal. But the SMA connector might be a 
good idea, still.

A SMB jack has a outer diameter of about 3.6 mm, close to the probe's 
one. So a straight PCB mount SMC plug might be able to hold the probe, 
not as good as the suitable adapter would, but it might work.

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Re: [Emc-users] PCB adapters for oscilloscope probes

2015-03-17 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Philipp

> Now the question: Does anyone here have an idea how or where to get 
> some
> spares of those adapters?

Do you have other probes available as well? It's much easier to find 
these adapters for 2.5 mm probes.

Using your probes, don't you think you'd bee good just using any 
suitable receptacle for the tip and the ground spring contact on the 
probe to connect to a ground plane? You could extract a single pin from 
precision DIL socket for the probe tip.

If you need 'full' pcb adapter for the 3.5mm probes and since this is 
the LinxCNC mailing list, you could get a few carrier DIL socket for the 
center pin and mill the outer sleeve from a piece of brass.

(I'm not 100% sure if a standard probe tip fits in..)

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Re: [Emc-users] temperature reader

2014-11-22 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Aram

> Is there temperature sensor similar to
> but i want to instead USB connection it simply output 0-5 V DC
> 5 V DC ( or 10 V DC) equal 2200  C  degree
> Some king laser none contact temperature reader

Sure, just look for 'pyrometer'. If the search does only bring up 
handheld pyrometers, add 'sensor'.

This one goes to 1200C° only, but its close to what you are looking:

I didn't look it up, but I'm sure micro-epsilon could provide a suitable 

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Re: [Emc-users] 5i25 2x 7i76 to control two machines?

2014-08-24 Thread Florian Rist

> You can have two (or more) different CNC machines connected to 
> different
> 7i67 pins (or other kinds of I/O), with different linuxcnc .ini files
> for each CNC machine.  But you can still only run one at a time.

Well, LinuxCNC can control a lot of axis, so multiple machine could be 
treated as a single multi-axis machine and run all simultaneous - 
theoretically at least, somehow, to some extend...

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Re: [Emc-users] OT: 5axis Workpiece Offset Compensation (in Sinumerik and LinuxCNC)?

2014-08-19 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy and Stuart
thanks for you messages.

>> Now I mount the cube on the machine, after touching off it turns out
>> that its 0.1 mm off in XYZ and turned and tilted by 0.1°.
>> How to compensate this misalignment?
> My first guess would be to touch-off the B axis of your coordinate
> system to 0.1 degrees and leave the CAM untouched...

That's how I hope or wish things would work.

Obviously its not like this.

Difficult to say with 0.1° but I did some testes at 20° or so, to see 
whats going on:

The first thing that somewhat difficult for me, is that G54 takes not 
only B and C offsets, but also rotations around X, Y and Z.

The difference is if I enter 10° offset to B and move to g1x0y0z0a0b0 
the table is tilted by 10° (as expected). If I enter the 10 as a 
rotation around Y and move 0 g1x0y0z0a0b0 the table says horizontal, but 
a move to 100,0,0,0,0 will result in a 10° upward motion of the Y axis 
(ending at 100,17,0,0,0 in machine coordinates).

Now lets assume I use the 'normal' offset method of G54 and dill want to 
drill holes to each center of the mentioned 10x10x10 cube at machine 
center but off by B=10°. The hole in the top start at 5,5,10,0,0 
perfect. Left and right holes start at 10,5,5,90,0 and 0,5,5,-90,0. 
Fine, these all worked and are orthogonal to the tilted cube. Now the 
hole on the front is a problem: The table needs to be tilted and turned. 
I'd assume it starts at 0,5,0,90,90 but this is not the case. It starts 
at 0,5,0,80,90. Hmm.

Similar problem when using the alternative G54 rotate around axis 

> Depending on your kins this might or might not work.

Kinematic is XYZ in the tool, tilt (B around Y) and turn (C around Z, if 
B=0) table for the workpiece.

By the way the problem complex not only bothers me on the Sinumerik 
controlled mill, but also fora planed 5 axis hot wire cutter which will 
be LinuxCNC controlled.

I think I'm somewhat misunderstanding all the 5axis positioning in 
milling. For example I always wonder why the xyz workpiece coordinates 
of the tool tip do not change when I rotate and/or tilt the table. In my 
understanding I'm rotation the coordinate base, so if the tool is not 
moving in the machine base coordinate system this is still causing a 
motion in the workpiece coordinate system. In other words if I'm the 
workpiece I see the tool move, why do the workpiece coordinate not 

See you

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Re: [Emc-users] OT: 5axis Workpiece Offset Compensation (in Sinumerik and LinuxCNC)?

2014-08-19 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Stuart,
thanks for your comment.

> Do all your programming in reference to the XYZ0 you choose to make 
> setup
> and multiple ops the easiest possible. Then use G54-G59 to set the zero
> coordinate offset from machine zero.
> This will work for 3, 4 and 5 axis programming.


Lets assume a cube 10x10x10mm³ in CAM positioned at 0 aligned to the 

Now I import this to CAM, the cube shows up at the machine zero point, 
aligned to the axis. So fare so good.

Now I mount the cube on the machine, after touching off it turns out 
that its 0.1 mm off in XYZ and turned and tilted by 0.1°.

How to compensate this misalignment?

If i use G54 I can correct the misalignment by applying a offset to 
XYZBC or by offsetting XYZ and rotating BC. This is all fine as long as 
it's 3axis job but as soon as I tilt the table tings go wrong.

Say I tilt the table by 90° the former x offset has to become a offset 
in z. I don't see where this transformation takes place.

I cant be done in CAM, as CAM does not know about the offsets, the 
machine controller doesn't do it either as the XYZ motion is obviously 
treated to be independent from BC.

There must be something that I'm missing here.

> I don't know the mechanical configuration of your machine but LinuxCNC 
> has
> 5 axis tool length offsets.

Sorry, forgot to mention, the machine moves the tool in XYZ and tilts 
and turns the workpiece by B and C.

> You can add pivot length to the TLO so the .ngc program coming from the
> CAD/CAM system doesn't need to deal with pivot length or tool lengths.
> Your 4 and 5 axis program can position the tip of the tool just like a
> three axis program. The 5 axis TLO can take care of the positioning of 
> the
> tool.

I knew that, and it also works on the Sinumerik controller, but it does 
not solve my problem, does it?

See you

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[Emc-users] OT: 5axis Workpiece Offset Compensation (in Sinumerik and LinuxCNC)?

2014-08-18 Thread Florian Rist
sorry, this is somewhat off-topic, as it does not (only) concern 
LinuxCNC but Sinumerik controls, however I think you guys will know and 
I hope you don't mind me asking.

I'm trying to figure out the proper way to handle workpiece offsets in 
5axis machining, especially on Sinumerik 840D controls and LinuxCNC.

Here's the situation:

I mount a workpiece in a vice, it's roughly aligned (say 0.1° off in B 
and C). I can easily measure this using a touch probe. So fare so god.

Now if this was a 3axis job I'd simply rotate the table to align the 
workpiece to the coordinate axes and touch off a corner of the WP to use 
this as a G45 offset. I'd move my CAD model to match the touch off point 
and generate tool paths. No problem (as far as I can see).

However, what to do if the machining will be 5axis?

At present I determine the orientation (A and B) and position of my WP. 
Move _and_ rotate my CAD model (either in CAD or CAM) and clear all 
offsets on the machine.

This works, but it's time consuming and many things can go wrong while 
writing down the angels and coordinates etc.

This can't be the right way. So, how to do it?

I know how this is down in robotics and its is very simple, a local 
frame is defined and this is truly a new (translated, rotated) 
coordinate system. But I looks like there is no such thing either in 
LinucCNC nor Sinumeric 840D. I don't get it. What am I missing here?

I hope someone can give me a hint.

See you

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Re: [Emc-users] Slip ring - experiences

2014-07-19 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Tomaz

> Does anyone here have any experiences with slip ring components?

Well, I don't have any personal experience, but I recently spent some 
time reading about the subject as I wanted to use slip-rings in a 
project (unfortunately it was canceled) to transmit 100 Mbit Ethernet 
and power).

Technically its no problem to get a slip-ring assembly that can handle 
power and control/encoder signals. Morgan Rekofa for example would be a 
company offering said assemblies (signal transmission up to a Gb/s, 
hundreds of Amps, etc): Unfortunate these 
things are pretty expensive. So I briefly considered DIY solution but 
didn't do any tests, as the project was canceled.

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Re: [Emc-users] Slip ring - experiences

2014-07-19 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gene

> Power thru the rings seems easy enough to do, but shipping the encoder
> back thru adjacent slip rings would seem to be to subject to a huge 
> amount
> of interference from the servo motors cummutation noises.

One way to rid of this is to use optical transmission, so rings of 
acrylic glass, LEDs and photo diodes and a little bit of electronic on 
both ends. For digital encoder signals this should be fairly easy to do 
I think.


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Re: [Emc-users] 5i24?

2014-05-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Peter

 > Pretty sure the 5I23 manual pinouts are correct (all even pins are
 > grounded on all 50 pin I/O FPGA cards)

It's quite likely that I made a mistakes or misread the manual, 
unfortunately I did not investigate this problem in depths, I changed 
something and it worked. The machine is dissembled right now, but I'll 
install it in a few days. We'll see it the problem shows up again.

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Re: [Emc-users] 5i24?

2014-05-20 Thread Florian Rist
I was just about to suggest it might be caused by wrong labelling 
because I had a similar issue with a 5I23 connected to a 7I42TA.

I don't remember exactly what the problem was, but output and GND pins 
were mixed up some how, or the output pin numbering - I don't remember.

Maybe you can check the 5I23 manual as well.

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-25 Thread Florian Rist

>> [Beaglebone black + BLDC contorller]
> Alternatively the Pico PWM brushless servo amp only needs a single
> channel of PWM:

A Gecodrive G320X [1] would be even easier to run from a Beaglebone as
it does not require a PWM/Dir but a Step/Dir signal. This would be less
challenging regarding timing and thread period, right?

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-25 Thread Florian Rist
thanks for all your comments so fare.

>>  0. move to home position (0°)
>>  1. wait for low frequency trigger, a hardware or a software signal
>>  2. within say 10° accelerate and synchronises to the 50Hz trigger
>> so that the 10° position is reached 20ms after the last trigger
>> and at a given speed (specified in degree per trigger pulse,
>> not in seconds as the pulse rate of the trigger may change slightly)
>>  3. keep on moving at the give speed (in sync with the trigger) for 100°
>>  4. decelerate an move to a safe position
> This sounds like fun. It might "just work" with a G33 or G33.1
> synchronised move, or it might need an elaborate system of PIDs and
> PLLs.

I've been doing some research on rigid taping and I think is should work.

As fare as I understood it rigid taping takes the information from the
spindle encoder and moves Z accordingly.

So in my case I take the ca. 50 Hz signal from the scanner and treat it
like a spindle encoder signal (if necessary I can create A/B and an
index pulse somehow, eg. using an external micro controller) and my
rotary axis as a linear Z axis. OK.

Now, how is acceleration and deceleration handled?

I move to a specific starting location (G1 Z0 F100), start the
synchronised motion (G33 Z90 K0.1). This should give me a total scan
angel of 90° and 900 scan lines (not considering acceleration), total
scan time is 18 seconds (+ acceleration/deceleration time).

The LinuxCNC G-Code reference provides some information on acceleration
[1] but I'm not sure if I really understand the paragraph.

Lets say I takes about 2 seconds for the 'Z' axis to reach the necessary
speed, this is equivalent to about 100 'spindle encoder' ticks (a=50
ticks/s). Where does my synchronised motion start? I guess at a 'Z'
position of about 10 (z=1/2*t^2*a=100 ticks=10°). So I have to drop my
first 100 scan lines and start collecting them at Z=10, or start at -10.

What about the end of the synchronised motion? Using G33 the spindle is
not revered and there will no return move. Where does Z stop? At the
given Z value (90) or at the given Z value + 10 for deceleration?

See you


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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-23 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

>> Andy Pugh suggested you could run my PWM servo amps with
>> just ONE wire/output pin
> What I was meaning was that it only needed one PWM channel, rather
> than the phase-locked 3-phase PWM that the 7i39 needs.
> I wasn't suggesting that it didn't also need direction, enable etc pins.

That's how I understood your comment in the first place. Never the less
the keywords sign-magnitude and synchronous anti-phase led me to some
interesting insight in motor control.

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-23 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Jon

> Andy Pugh suggested you could run my PWM servo amps with
> just ONE wire/output pin.  That is what I was referring to, 
> and that two wires would be better.

Ah, OK. Got it. Thank for the clarification.

> With sign/magnitude control, there is no output
> until the PWM signal has pulses on it (ie. when power is 
> needed to move the motor).  With synchronous antiphase, 
> both sides of the full-bridge are cycling at 50% duty
> cycle all the time, ramping triangle-wave currents through
> the motor windings.

> As for the synchronization part of your question, I didn't 
> have any
> comment on that.  But, I think it might be fairly simple to rig
> up suitable functions with standard HAL components that can
> do what you need.  Probably there'd be the PID component,
> but I don't understand the rest of the requirement enough
> to say more.

I'll try to wire something up on the weekend. We'll see how fare I get.

A possible alternative would be to make LinuxCNC capture the current
position when the trigger signal is received and send the position data
via Ethernet to the scanner control computer. This is less elegant
though and will rewire more post processing of the captured scan data.

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-23 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Jon

>> Ah, I see that would make thinks much easier.
> You COULD, in theory, run it with just the Direction signal in
> synchronous antiphase mode, but this may cause the
> filter inductors (and maybe the motor, too) to run hot.
> Our servo amp was designed to run in sign-magnitude mode.
> That only takes TWO signals, PWM and Direction.

Hmm, by looking at the 'H-Bridge Secrets' [1] article by Andras Tantos
I think I got an idea what the two different modes of operation are.
(The article is on DC motors, but I seams to be more or less clear what
it means on the phase BLDC drivers.)

But I don't see how the mode of operation makes a difference regarding
my synchronisation problem. What do I miss?

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-22 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

> Not directly. For multi-start threads you offset the starting position.

So two G33.1 calls at the same position and with the same parameters or a Z 
offset of an integer  multiple of the pitch will cut the same thread. In a way 
the thread starts always at 0°.

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-22 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Dave

> I think this could be done as a geared solution,

Of couse, I forgot to mention, there will be a reduction gear about 1:50
or 1:100, the motor is not very strong and the scanner ways about 5 kg
and will be mounted eccentrically, so it will create quite some torque
and inertial mass.

> if you could work from a phase locked (to 50hz) clock at some 
> higher rate,

I guess I could build a external PLL to generate more or less any
frequency from the 50 Hz, yes.

> and use that as the encoder signal, and the 50hz 
> as a trigger to g76 with suitable parameters it would then be
> synchronised and have a flyback (gate the laser off then),

I'll look into G76 (I never worked on a CNC lathe, so I haven't used it
yet), but I think I don't get the 'flyback' part.

> or use g33

By the way, can the starting angular position of the thread be specified
in LinuxCNC? The machines here running LinuxCNC do not support rigid
taping (no spindle feedback), so I never used G33.1. On Sinumeric
controls it is possible to set the starting angle of the thread.

> or play with the gearing that can be used
> with hobbing, see
> (add any logic to suit).

The video link in the Wiki article is broken, I guess it refers to this
video, if so I'll update the articel:

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Re: [Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-22 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy,
thanks for you comments.

> Alternatively the Pico PWM brushless servo amp only needs a single
> channel of PWM:

Ah, I see that would make thinks much easier. And I'm not forced to use
the Beaglbone I could was well you a micro/nanoATX board and a MESA FPGA
card. I'm jut flowing the Beagelbone news with interest and one day I'd
like to use it - this might not be the right project.

> Any number of off-the-shelf drives from the likes of AMC are likely to
> be able to drive your motor
> Both the Pico and AMC drives are likely to need Hall sensors on the
> motor. If you need to you may be able to "fake" these with the bldc
> HAL component.

Oh, the motor has HAL sensors and 1000 CPR encoder and a 1:50 or so

>>  0. move to home position (0°)
>>  1. wait for low frequency trigger, a hardware or a software signal
>>  2. within say 10° accelerate and synchronises to the 50Hz trigger
>> so that the 10° position is reached 20ms after the last trigger
>> and at a given speed (specified in degree per trigger pulse,
>> not in seconds as the pulse rate of the trigger may change slightly)
>>  3. keep on moving at the give speed (in sync with the trigger) for 100°
>>  4. decelerate an move to a safe position
> This sounds like fun. 

Hmm, not sure if its fun for me... :-)

> It might "just work" with a G33 or G33.1 synchronised move,

Oh, good idea, instead of syncing to a spindle speed I use my scanner
signal. I'll think about it and see if I understand the idea and can map
my problem to rigid taping.

> or it might need an elaborate system of PIDs and PLLs.

This is what I am afraid of and is even more complicated than a PLL as
not only the phase (in this case speed) has to be correct but also a
position. Is there something like a PLL component in LinuxCNC

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[Emc-users] Motion Synchronization to ext. trigger? (BeagleBone Back + Mesa 7I39, Machinekit?)

2014-04-22 Thread Florian Rist
I'm facing a slightly unusual problem and before I head forward into the
wrong direction I'd like to hear what you think about it:

I have to pan a laser scanner (a single rotary axis), so I thought about
using a BLDC (which I happen to have already), a MESA 7I39 BLDC
controller and a BeagleBone Black.

So, first question: Can I hook up the 7I39 to a BeagleBone Black. Well
of course I can, but is this somehow supported already, so that it is
simple to do? Any other driver suggestions?

The bigger problem is that I need to synchronise the motion with a high
'frequency trigger' signal (about 50 Hz). The motion pattern needed is
cyclic an has to look something like his:

 0. move to home position (0°)
 1. wait for low frequency trigger, a hardware or a software signal
 2. within say 10° accelerate and synchronises to the 50Hz trigger
so that the 10° position is reached 20ms after the last trigger
and at a given speed (specified in degree per trigger pulse,
not in seconds as the pulse rate of the trigger may change slightly)
 3. keep on moving at the give speed (in sync with the trigger) for 100°
 4. decelerate an move to a safe position

 5. goto 1. and repeat the process in reverse direction

How could I use LiuxCNC/Machinekit to synchronise the motion to the
external trigger signal and ensure a specific position is reached at a
specific speed in sync with the trigger?

The reason why I want this is to make sure the scanner captures lines at
the same angular positions. The trigger comes from the scanner an
indicates the start of a line capture.

Unfortunately the scan process can not be trigger externally, this would
be much easier, but I only get a signal each time a scan line starts.

Hmm, well. What do you think. Is LiuxCNC right for the job or not.

See you

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Re: [Emc-users] How to rotate an axis constantly at a given speed?

2014-03-31 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Dave

> What kind of motor?

A small DC motor with encode, now connected to a 7i39 and controlled via
a 5i23. Currently the drive is set-up as a angular axis A. See the
"Improvised DC Motor Control using Mesa 7i39?" Thread.


Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] How to rotate an axis constantly at a given speed?

2014-03-31 Thread Florian Rist
after I managed to set-up a forth angular axis I realised that I need to
be able to command this axis to rotate at a given speed while other
motion commands in x, y, z are executed.

Is there a way to do this without changing the configuration and setting
up as a spindle?

Maybe I could modify the PID to control velocity rather than position
and somehow control the commanded velocity from G-Code?

See you

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy and Peter,
I did it. :-)

It works. My configuration is still a total mess, but I'll clean up

The strange thing is, that the tiny DC motor feels to have more torque
than the much bigger BLDCs. I think there is still something wrong with
my setup. The BLDCs are 75W, 0.28Nm at 4.7A and I easily make them stall
by turning a 20 mm axis with my fingers. Or is this to be expected.

Thanks for all the help.

Oh and I might need some more. Now that it's done I discovered that I'd
like the new axis to behave like a spindle. I'll investigate that
tomorrow. Should not be too hard to change this I guess.

See you

PS: My configuration is on-line at:

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

>> Right?
> Aye, right.

I'm working on it. Encoder input is already working.

See you

PS: I'm working on the 2nd generation of this art installation: (The head is unrolling thing blue sewing
thread, the motions are generated only from feedback data gathered by a
camera in the head looking down.)

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
...oh and I need to add the new PID to the servo threads:

addf servo-thread



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Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

> It's mainly just copy and paste of the configuration you have already
> written for the other motors. Just a bit _simpler_.

Hmm, I didn't write the configuration for the other motors, I copy
pasted it. I think from a plasma cutter example that you provided.

>> Would leaving the encoder feedback and the PID away simplify things.
> Not really, if you are copying and pasteing.

OK, I'll try with encoder.

I don't need an other BLDC component, right so 'loadrt bldc
cfg=qh,qh,qh' is untouched.

I need an other PID so 'loadrt pid num_chan=3' changes to 'loadrt pid

I need scale, so:

  loadrt scale count=1
  addf scale.0 servo-thread
  setp scale.0.gain -1.0

I do need one more PWM generator and an extra encoder input, so I modify
my ini:
CONFIG="firmware=hm2/5i23/SVTP6_7I39.BIT num_encoders=3
num_pwmgens=0 num_3pwmgens=3 num_stepgens=0"

CONFIG="firmware=hm2/5i23/SVTP6_7I39.BIT num_encoders=4
num_pwmgens=0 num_3pwmgens=4 num_stepgens=0

Now I need connect everything: I take one of my bldc axis, keep most of
it but drop the BLDC part, the PIT part is the same except that the
output is connected to the PWM generator and the inverted output is
connected to the other PWM generator, both PWM outputs connect to tow
hardware pins. I don't know which jet.

Hmm I think I do not jet understand the 'connect everything' part.

Any comments welcome. :-) And I'll keep reading the hal manual.

See you

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

> You just need to drive the 3-phase PWM pins in the right
> way. Basically set up the DC motor exactly the same as the
> other motors, but don't use the bldc component. You need a
> scale component to create a negative copy of the PID output.
> Then drive two of the 7i39 phases with the positive and
> negative PID.

Sounds difficult (for me)...

Would leaving the encoder feedback and the PID away simplify things. I'd
be perfectly happy with the PWM signal only, as long as I can set the
ration by a G-Code command.

See you

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy,
thank you so much for your help.

> Yes.

Cool. :-)

> The 7i39 has Hal pins for each phase 
> amplitude. Set A to 1 and B to -1 for one direction,
> and the other way for the other.

Hmm, could you explain this a little?

I guess I have to set-up a pwm generator and pins and signals and nets...


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[Emc-users] Improvised DC Motor Controll using Mesa 7i39?

2014-03-30 Thread Florian Rist
after your help my torque problems improved. I think I have enough
torque for now, but I'm facing another problem:

I need to improvise rudimentary control of a small DC motor.

What I want:

Set speed and direction of the motor from G-Code. I don't need encoder
feedback, it would be nice, but I could live with a simple PWM signal
(24V, > 1A max.), if I can set polarity and pulse width from G-Code.

Hre's what I have:

DC Geared Motor 24V, <1A, 1000 CPR encoder, very low load;

Spare Mesa 7i39 channel
Is there any change I could utilise this unused BLDC driver to power my
DC motor? Like use one Phase against ground and set the PWM rate of this
phase somehow?

Spare channels on a Mesa 7I42 breakout board
Can I create the signals to control a H-bridge on four pins? Or at least
a direction and PWM signal for a intelligent H-Bridge driver on two of
the pins? I sure have a bunch of MOFETs to build a driver stage but
probably not a 'intelligent' driver.

So, what would you do? Any other idea?

Thanks for you comments

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Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

> qh is almost certainly the best. You could try qhi if, and only
> if, you are sure of the index pulse orientation.

I don't know the orientation aka offset, but I tried to measure it, by
observing the index signal, the encoder counter and the hall sensors in
hal scope. I think I got it right but it doesn't help.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Peter,

> I'll pull the current limit jumper and report back. Thanks.

OK, now the jumper are moved from left to right and I reached 6 A max.
on one phase. Better. Torque does not feel much stronger though.

And the over current LED still light up. But now the current limit is
protecting the driver.

The drive does not feel very stiff, I can rotate it about 10° maybe 20°
before the maximum current is reached. This is a PID settings issue, right?

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

> It is probably worth checking that it works properly in plain 
> "h" mode as a test that the hall pattern is correct.

I'll try.

What would be the best setting? The drivers have 3 hall sensors and a
4000 CPR encoder with index.

> But the 600mA at stall looks like the real issue. 

No, this was my mistake, I just took a reading somewhere without
thinking, the correct maximum is 3.5 A.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Peter

> Where did you measure the current?

I measured one phase.

> (you may indeed measure 600mA in the power 
> leads with current limiting (7.5A) in the driver)

The 600 mA was mistake, current reaches 3.5 A actually.

> If you see a red LED light on the 7I39, you have reached the current limit

Oh, in deed it dose light up, it flickers a bit, though.

I'll pull the current limit jumper and report back. Thanks.

> Another thing to check is that you have not somehow limited the max PWM value 
> so you are not getting sufficient drive voltage (PWM does not get near 100% 
> or 
> near 0%)

This would be done using hal scope, right? I'll try that.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
an brief update, because my current measurement was wrong.

I now used a normal ampere meter (Flue 87V) and measured a maximum
current of 3.5 A. (I commanded the motor to a position where the phase I
observed was at maximum current under low load and than increased the
load until the motor stalled. I hope this makes sense.)

But still not close to the current limit.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy,
I decided to put the system on my desk to investigate the case, this
took a while.

> How are you commutating?

The present configuration is 'qh'(use encoder input, use hall sensor
input). I didn't override the default commutation setting, so I think
its sinusoidal.

Here are my config fies:

See you

PS: The set-up, a three rope system:

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Peter,
thanks for you reply.

> Its hard to tell with motor specifications, sometimes they are RMS and 
> sometimes they are DC (for example lots of large BLDC motors are rated 320V
> which actually means they are 220V AC motors)

I see. I'll stick with 24 V for now, the power supply is a 350 W unit.

> 1. initial rotor alignment (if wrong you will have different torque each 
> direction)

I think this is OK, as the motors spin smooth and nice in both directions.

> 2. Make sure the deadtime is set to 0

It is set to 0 (line 207 of the hal ini:

> 3. Make sure the PWM rate is set fairly high so you dont get current limiting
> from ripple current (40KHz is good for 7I39s)

PWM frequency (is that PWM rate) is set to 20 kHz, but I tried 40 kHz
and it makes no difference.

> 4. Make sure you have the 7I39 current limit set to 15A and not 7.5A

Current is limited (still default setting) but I don't think this is the
problem. Using a clampmeter I measure 600 mA max. at stall.

> 5. If you have problems at high speeds, consider running LinuxCNC master and 
> raising the servo thread rate as high as you can (good MBs can do 4 KHz or 
> better) (linuxcnc master has a patch to BLDC than extrapolates the 
> commutation 
> angle base on velocity so approximately halves the commutation angle
> error at high speeds)

Oh, that's cool feature, but I only need very low speeds - so no need to
switch I guess.

What's next to investigate?


Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] BLDC Servo Torque Problem?

2014-03-27 Thread Florian Rist
I have some problems in setting up BLDC servos, I just don't manage to
get enough torque. Here's the set-up:

  Intel D525MW
  Mesa 5i23
  Mesa 7i39-LV
  Nanotec DB57L01 + 4000 CPR endoder

The servos are rated 24V DC, 4.6A (peak 17A). My power supply is 24V DC
SNT rated at 500W.

I suppose I just don't get the PID settings right, but before
investigating this a question regarding power supply:

Is the 24V supply correct? Or do I misread the BLDC data sheet and the
24V is a  RMS rating?


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Four cable CNC with LCNC. Someone finally did it.

2013-12-10 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Viesturs

> Paused at 0:57 and I see 7 ropes.

Right, I didn't notice this. Maybe the plan was to have 8 but one of the
drives died. :-)

>  And at 3:17 I certainly do no understand,
> what kind of g-code is that, it seems to use G01 and G02, but the axis
> words seem strange. 

Indeed, looks strange.

> Are those meant to be some parameters?

Maybe taught points. Reminds me of a array of taught locations in a KRL
Kuka robot program.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Four cable CNC with LCNC. Someone finally did it.

2013-12-09 Thread Florian Rist
One more thing regarding ropes: This is the pro version (6 ropes):

Developed at the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart:

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Four cable CNC with LCNC. Someone finally did it.

2013-12-09 Thread Florian Rist

> What is that machine doing?

It's laying out a thin thread spooled from a large 1 m spool sitting
next to the white base. The motor to do so sits in the head, supported
by the three ropes. This head also carries a Raspberry Pi board, a WLAN
bridge, a servo driver and USB camera. The camera monitors what the
thread is doing, especially how dark a particular area already is. The
data is sent via WLAN to a other computer and feed into an algorithm
calculating the next movement. The motion command is then sent to
LinuxCNC via linuxcncrsh. The machine moves very slowly and creates the
drawing over the course of a week.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Four cable CNC with LCNC. Someone finally did it.

2013-12-09 Thread Florian Rist

> I think it's only a matter of zeroing..

In deed, getting the kinematics right is the tricky part.

Here's short presentation of the three rope system that I and two
colleges built recently - it's an art installation, a drawing machine.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Laser engravng

2013-12-06 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gen

> Humm, thats beginning to sound like non-exportable munitions. Not to 
> mention eyeball wreckers just from the reflections off the surrounding 
> walls. :( Bad idea for someone not well versed in the tech.

Yes proper eye protection is important, but also at just 2 W and a diode
from a DVD burner. The power density that can be reached at the retina
is surprisingly high as soon as you deal with culminated (parallel)
beams. So even 2 W of continuous wave beam can cause permanent damage
especially if the light is in the visible range of the spectrum. The
10600 nm fro a CO2 laser are less dangerous, as they will 'only' burn
the corona and not reach the retina.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Laser engravng

2013-12-06 Thread Florian Rist
Hi David

> iv'e try'd copper and even with 600w + it's difficult to even mark it

Yes, 600W is not enough. That's why a q-switched laser with short pulses
is needed. Pulse peek energy on my laser is 25 kW, that's still not
enough, the one on the mentioned laser was about 1 MW. This instantly
turns the coper into plasma. Its not melting not vaporising it, it tuns
a very thin layer into plasma within less than a ns. This process is
very controlled an would allow to remove the 35 mµ of coper in multiple
paths without heating the FR4 and without hardly removing any of it.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Laser engravng

2013-12-06 Thread Florian Rist
PS: There was a ns pulsed UV Laser (quadrupled YAG) on ebay recently,
this would be the right one for the job. I was close to buying it was
quite cheap.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Laser engravng

2013-12-06 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gene

> So my question is, to someone who may have tried/done this, is can a 1
> ounce layer of copper be burned away rapidly enough so as not to leave a 
> burned, conductive path where the copper was?

I tried this with two different Lasers sources:

120 W CW CO2 Laser at 10600 µm wavelength:
Result: no way to 'burn' the copper. It was hardly possible to burn away
a the play of photosensitive coating used in the normal 'wet' process.

200W q-switched Yb:Yag Laser at 1064 µm:
Result: even the 25 kW max. pulse energy were not sufficient to burn
away the copper properly. It is possible to cut through the coper layer
by the precess is not controlled enough. The pulse energy would probably
have to be at least 10 times higher to establish a decent process. But
this laser removes the light sensitive coating quite well at low power

> I ask because I have 3 or 4 old dvd writers that no longer write a usable 
> disk, although the written area can be seen on the throwaway disk.  Pack 
> rat that I am, I haven't binned them yet.

No way to affect the coper layer with a diode from a DVD writer, but is
should be possible to expose the light sensitive coating using a low
power blue LED. So this could eliminate the traditional exposer
processes but you would sill have all the rest of the wet process.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] More flexible handling for coordinate systems?

2013-11-17 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Philipp,
I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think you could do it by
modifying the kinematic module.

I once added a non-linear compensation to the trivkins kinematics to
compensate for a deformed machine frame. It worked quit well and was
easy to do, but unlike yours my compensation parameters were constants
and just compiled into the new kinematic module.

I stared from the simple skew compensation in 'millkins.c':

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Rotary stage

2013-11-04 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Stuart

Thanks for the link.

I searched for 'orbital drive' but only found 1964 (or so) patent with a
few drawings that didn't help to much.

I knew this kind of drive, but could not see it in the iges sketch file,
as I didn't see any of the inner 'wobbling' system. I imported the file
to Rhino to view it and probably only got like half of the drawing.

Thanks for your explanations.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Rotary stage

2013-11-03 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Stuart

> Not harmonic
> Same concept of two gears - one with one less tooth than the other.
> All parts are solid - no flexing.

Hmm, so I don't get it. The ratio is almost one so, right?


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Re: [Emc-users] Mainboard suggestions for a 5axis stepper machine

2013-10-25 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Gene

> And I have grown confident of the Chinese 2M542, 50 volt 4.2 amps. 

Ah, interesting alternative, thanks.

> By now I would have destroyed at least 2 or 3 more 
> of the A3977 based cards, something I got tired of after 
> the third one.

I used this chip on a set of boards that I designed an built on my own.
Thy work well and the foot print is very small, so for low power
application this allows nice and small PCBs, but I killed a couple of
A3977s as well. They don't like the drive to be connected or
disconnected while powers up.

I was thinking about using my own design, but building one of these
boards is more expensive than buying the suggested TB6600 board. Lets
hope they work well.


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Re: [Emc-users] Mainboard suggestions for a 5axis stepper machine

2013-10-25 Thread Florian Rist
thanks for all your comments.

> I ordered a set of these recently for a very price sensitive project:

I ordered some and I'll give them a try. They are probably not as
reliably as the Gecko drivers and I guess the will not be able to handel
the 40V 4.5A, but they are cheap.

Regarding the mainbaord. Any suggestions?

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[Emc-users] Mainboard suggestions for a 5axis stepper machine

2013-10-24 Thread Florian Rist
being a bit confused by partly following the D525MW discussions, I'd
like to ask for recommendations for the conversion of a 5axis hot wire

Which mainboard would you use? My plan is to use one of the Mesa PCI I/O

And while we're at it: Any suggestions for small stepper drivers (30V,
2A or so)?

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Re: [Emc-users] 3D Models from photos

2013-09-12 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Andy

> I am pretty impressed

But you habe to hand your data over to Autodesk.

I use Agisoft PhotoScan:

Super cheap and powerful everything stays local.

See you

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] BBB Laptop Screens?

2013-09-07 Thread Florian Rist
... forgot the easiest solution:

There is a HDMI/LCD cape for the BBB:

The panel directly connects to the cape - a adapter to change the
pin-out might be necessary, though.


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Re: [Emc-users] BBB Laptop Screens?

2013-09-07 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Kirk

> Does anyone have thoughts on using an LCD screen from a laptop with a BBB?

AFAIK the Raspberry Pi features a LCD connector, so I should be possible
to directly connect the panel to the PI. Not you cold remote control the
BBB. Though this is a bit strange, it might be easier.


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Re: [Emc-users] Will any ol' RS485 adapter be good enough?

2013-08-24 Thread Florian Rist


I have the USB-RS485-PCB. It's only half-duplex.

The USB to serial converter might be capable of full duplex RS485 out of
the box, but the driver on this module is not.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Help IDing this chip (off topic)

2013-08-14 Thread Florian Rist

> I guess it makes sense to go for the biggest?

Not necessarily. TRIACs require a minimum latching current to flow
through it, otherwise they will switch off to early after triggering.

For the types in question this current (IGT) varies from 50 to 100 mA.
This us usually not a big deal, but it might be.

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Re: [Emc-users] USB Pendant (again)

2013-08-12 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Sven

> I've now got info from the retailer that the producer actually -
> right now - is working on a LinuxCNC setup. :)

Cool. Keep us posted in case you get any news.

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Re: [Emc-users] NSK vt150RAS1

2013-07-29 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Curti

> It seems to be a 3 phase motor with A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C connections.

Hmm, in there current data sheets they call the encoder signals lines
A+, B+, C+ and the motor windings U, V, W.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] USB Pendant (again)

2013-07-18 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Pete

> ReasonableHMM 

But not certain. These pndants need a Mach3 plug-in, so it could be any
kind of protocol and some of them feature a small display.

Dose the wireless on, discussed recently, need a plug-in for Mach3, too?

> today's my birthday.H..

Congratulations. :-)

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] USB Pendant (again)

2013-07-18 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Pete

> Ooh thats pretty, how much are they

According to On 19.07.2013 00:16, Pete Matos wrote:
the website, linked by the OP, 99 USD

> and do we have software for LinuxCNC to work with them?

Most probably not. But it most probably acts as a HID and emulates a
keyboard and so all it would take is to record the key press responses
and adapt the existing (there is a solution out there for one of these
wireless versions, right?) USB pendant solutions.


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Re: [Emc-users] Need MESA 5i25 + 7i77 in EU quickly

2013-07-16 Thread Florian Rist

>  Does somebody have spare kit in EU? Need it in Lithuania.

I recently ordered a 5i25 from Martin Duží:

I got it within three days including standard shipping, so it must have
been sent off right after ordering.

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Re: [Emc-users] 5axis Simulation?

2013-07-07 Thread Florian Rist

Hi John

> The two starting places I'm aware of, in case you end up writing
> your own, are OpenSCAM (currently 3D only, but the author seems
> to think 5D, and lathes are possible) ...

Oh, interesting project, seams to be quite complex and offer a lot of
features. I'll take a look at the code and see if it seams to be easy to
add 5 axis support. Unfortunately it uses it's own G-Code interpreter.

> Anders Wallin's cutsim (library w/no app, 5D capabilities unknown).

I'll download the code and take a look. Thanks. Seams like there is some
kind of application, tough it might just be a kind of demo.

> Let me know if you take this route and get serious about it;
> I might like to lend a hand.

Well, not sure yet. I need a simulation tool for a complex project, but
the milling has to be done within about four weeks and I need to write a
set of scripts to generate the tool paths first so there might be no
time for the simulation and I might end up testing the code using XPS
form on the actual machine. But I don't like his idea as the movements
will be complex, often very close to tool/workpiece or tool/machine
collisions and use the working area of the machine to the very last mm.

The machine is not LinuxCNC powered this case, it has a Siemens
Sinumeric 840D controller, but I think LinuxCNC is the best G-Code
interpreter so I think it would be a good idea to use it.

vismach, that Dave pointed me to is probably a good point to start. I'm
thinking about using VTK ( for a voxel based volumetric
simulation of the material removal process and for visualization.

I'll see if I can find out how to get the simulated took path from LinuxCNC.

It's off-topic, but does anyone know if the Sinumeric control offers a
'simulation' mode, so the G-Code is interpreted by Sinumeric but all
machine movement is disabled and the coordinates a just streamed to a
client. Kuka robots offer this for simulation, to ensure a simulation
result as close to the real movement as possible.

See you

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Re: [Emc-users] 5axis Simulation?

2013-07-07 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Dave

> modify vismach in linuxcnc to show stock and allow cutting
> (graphic subtraction)

Thanks for pointing me to vismach.

I'll try to get is to run later this evening.

See you

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[Emc-users] 5axis Simulation?

2013-07-06 Thread Florian Rist
I'm looking for a simulation software that allows to simulate 5axis
material removal, that is at best open source and hast be not expensive.

If this does not exist I'm thinking about writing one. The geometry part
of it is not so much of a problem (as long as it does not have to be
efficient) but the G-Code interpretation is. Is there a way to use
LinuxCNC as an interpreter to get xyzabc coordinate every so and so
millimeter or degree?

By the way I know about these simulators, has any one used one of these?

Free (but from 2004):

  The sources should be out there, but I was not able to find it yet.


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Re: [Emc-users] Brain-Dead LinuxCNC G-Code Interface?

2013-06-24 Thread Florian Rist

> Yes, the best option if someone _really_ wanted to do this seems to be
> running the rsh interface and just sending gcodes one at a time as MDI
> commands.

Well, I did something like that using rsh recently, but there is a big
problem with it: As far as I can see a continuous motion (G64) is not
possible. So the machine comes to a full stop after each command.

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Re: [Emc-users] Set Axis Jog Mode to Teleop Mode (world mode)

2013-06-20 Thread Florian Rist
Hi Viesturs

> Did you already try to jog the machine or are you afraid to try in fear of
> breaking something?

Jogging works in axis mode, machine runs a program, but jogging in world
mode would be convenient during setup.

> I _think_ that it depends, whether there is KINEMATICS_BOTH or
> KINEMATICS_IDENTITY in the module (please, do not ask for explanation, what
> do they mean, I feel like I have some distant understanding, but that is
> it). All the nontrivial kinematics modules I have seen have the first one,
> so they "return" both world and joint coordinates and there is joint and
> world mode available in Axis; trivkins has the second one, so it returns
> only world coordinates, and that is why there no joint mode option.

Ah, ok, this is the problem. Thanks.

> I would bet a good beer that your kinematics module is based on trivkins,
> so it has KINEMATICS_IDENTITY. Am I correct?

Yes, its  a non trivial kinematic, but I modified trivkins, so it
returns KINEMATICS_IDENTITY. I'll change this.

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