Re: [expert] error in loading shared libraries ?? WHY???

2001-06-14 Thread John Wolford

Execute strace bin/wdblsnr localhost 8088 and see when it crashes exactly
where it's trying to load that file from. Maybe it's not from where you think
it is.

Let us know what happens when you do this.


--- istvan bereti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm about to install WEBDB on mandrake 7.2.
 I'm stuck..
 I have to enter this command:
 bin/wdblsnr localhost 8088
 and instead of executing it says:
 bin/wdblsnr: error in loading shared libraries: cannot
 open shared object file: No such file or directory
 I added the lib directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable. But in the
 directory there is no such file. There is a file but* so there is an extra underscore. Does it mean something
 or how can I decompress or whatever to do with it ??
 If I simply copy error in loading shared libraries:
 invalid ELF header i got this error.

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Re: [expert] afriad to lose LILO

2001-06-09 Thread John Wolford

Make a boot disk (floppy) with mkbootdisk, then boot from floppy. Then,
assuming all the info in /etc/lilo.conf still applies to your new 98 system,
run lilo and kaboom, all will be (should be) as it was.

If you ever lock yourself out of your system, you can boot with the install cd,
hit f1 as soon as you can, go with rescue and then it will create virtual
linux filesystems. In this situation, if are comfortable making a new entry in
/etc/fstab (on the virtual filesystem), and you make a mount point in /mnt,
then you can mount the partition that has /etc/lilo.conf on your REAL system,
and then run lilo -C /mnt/mountpoint/.../etc/lilo.conf. If the rescue system
doesn't have lilo on it (i have no idea) then you can mount the partitoin that
has /sbin/lilo, and run that:
/mnt/mountpoint/.../sbin/lilo -C /mnt/mountpoint/.../etc/lilo.conf

But there will be no need for that if you just make a bootdisk.

Good luck,

--- OOzy Pal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have dual boot LM8 and Win2000. I want to remove
 Win2000 and install Win98 but if I do this win98 will
 not recognize LM* and will overwrite the boot sector.
 What can I do to avoid this
 What is the purpose of life?
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Re: [expert] Error running Bastille

2001-06-09 Thread John Wolford

So you'd like to know where it's hanging, right? EIther the pop server is
hanging, or your machine is. Here's a few things you can try off the top:

1) Get rid of the firewall briefly with these commands:
ipchains -F
ipchains -X
ipchains -P input ACCEPT
ipchains -P output ACCEPT
This will flush and delete your firewall chains and will set the policy for
input  output to ACCEPT. Now your box is not refusing any connections due to
your firewall. Test your fetchmail and see if it works now. If so, then you
need to tweak your firewall. Don't forget to put your firewall back up
(probably with something like service firewall start or some such thing.

2) Do you have another pop account? You could get one with Yahoo, set it up for
pop access, and test it with that account. This might help you know if it's the
server or not.

3) You could run strace fetchmail or strace fetchmail command and see if
you can get anything from that (as to where it's hanging).

4) You could run tcpdump and see if that gives you anything. I recommend
ethereal as an amazing graphical packet analyzer, you could try that.

5) You could check your logs for DENYed packets (due to firewall). Check
/var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog.

6) Something someone else says :-)

good luck

--- Laura Conrad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Laura == Laura Conrad (me) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Laura When I run InteractiveBastille -x on my Mandrake 8.0
 Laura system, I get this error message:
 Laura About to run through config file...
 Laura Fatal: First boot sector is version 20.0. Expecting version 21.7.
 Laura Line to follow is 18
 Progress report: I decided that the LILO section would be the only
 thing that wanted to do anything about the boot sector, so I answered
 those questions differently and didn't get this error.  
 However, now when I run the firewall, I can't get fetchmail to run.  It
 can connect to the POP server, and see the mail, but it hangs on
 downloading the message.  I had tried an earlier version of Bastille
 with the same result.  Has anyone hit this problem and solved it?
 Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
 (617) 661-8097fax: (801) 365-6574 
 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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[expert] locate: decode_db() aborted. Corrupt database?

2001-06-09 Thread John Wolford

Hi All,

I get the following message via email, daily:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron root@homer run-parts /etc/cron.daily

DB2 problem...: missing or empty key value specified
error: syslog:211 duplicate log entry for /var/log/syslog 

Also, when i try to locate or slocate something, i often get the following.
Note the two different searches - one finds it, then breaks, the other one
breaks before it can find the file i'm looking for.

[john@homer john]$ locate uwillpass.htm
locate: decode_db() aborted. Corrupt database?
[john@homer john]$ locate phonebook
locate: decode_db() aborted. Corrupt database?
[john@homer john]$ ls -l phonebook
-rw---1 john john 1980 Apr 14 03:56 phonebook
[john@homer john]$

I know these two things are related, and someone on irc suggested that my glibc
is toast, but he was too smart to go into the details with me. Does anyone have
any ideas as to what the source of this problem is and what i can do to fix it?


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Re: [expert] Error running Bastille

2001-06-09 Thread John Wolford

hi again,

Just a quick note - from the sounds of things you didn't uninstall the rpm.
The best way to do so is with rpm, that way your rpm database is up to date. To
do so, read the man page and then see if this makes sense:
rpm -e package-name
Note that you're using the package name, not the filename of the package. Thus
soemthing like rpm -e bastille-linux would probably do the trick.

Anyway, glad you got it working, congratulations :-) Always feels good to solve
a problem in linux-world, doesn't it?


--- Laura Conrad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John == John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 John So you'd like to know where it's hanging, right? EIther the
 John pop server is hanging, or your machine is. Here's a few
 John things you can try off the top:
 Thanks for all the good advice; I'm sure I'll use some of it later.  I
 realized after writing this that the likely reason that I was getting
 the same result I got last time was that there was still junk lying
 around from the last experiment, so I removed the Bastille RPMS, all
 the stuff that was still named bastille, put back the RPMS, and ran it
 over again, and this time it seems to be working.  That is, it may or
 may not be blocking anything nasty, but it isn't blocking the things I
 want to do.
 Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
 (617) 661-8097fax: (801) 365-6574 
 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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Re: [expert] what am i missing

2001-05-24 Thread John Wolford

Those daemons that are running are services. ntsysv is a configuration
utility, and it manipulates files in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d (for instance) in order to
get various services to start/stop when you enter a certain runlevel (including
when you boot up into a certain runlevel).

service xfs status will tell you if xfs is running or not. service xfs
start will start it right now, whether it is configured to start at boot (or
entry into the current runlevel).
chkconfig xfs on will configure xfs to start upon entry into current
runlevels (and maybe others). Also you can configure that with ntsysv.

Hope that helps :-)

--- Moses Backman III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have 2 linux machines - one runs redhat 7.1 and the other runs mandrake 
 8.0, both redhat based and both are completely fooling me.  i am still trying
 to get back to linux after my time with FreeBSD.  it still seems weird 
 dealing with runlevels and all, but i'll get used to it.  
 my problem is i'm looking for and inetd.conf file to edit and it's not 
 there... so i see that we've moved to xinetd so i try to deal with that, but 
 there are daemons running which are not set up in xinetd.conf and in fact if 
 i don't start xinetd everything still works ..  what gives
 where is this mystery config file?  maybe then i get anonymous ftp to work...
 help please

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Re: [expert] mandrake 8.0 firewall wizard (bastille-firewall) question...

2001-05-15 Thread John Wolford

Well you have some options (did this get solved already?). Obviously you have
to find out why it's not getting through. You can check ipchains, inetd/xinetd,
httpd service  smb service. Also portsentry, if you use it.

Hope that helps,

 the firewall wizard in mandrake 8.0 blocks access to network services.
 specifically those from samba and apache to internal clients.
 samba and apache worked fine for the client pcs before i ran the wizard now
 access is turned off
 on startup the bastille-firewall is started so i looked at the config and
 made adjustments but no luck. anyone know how to turn on samba ports 137:139
 and web 80 for internal clients?

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Re: [expert] LILO no longer works

2001-05-14 Thread John Wolford

This probably won't work. Check what other's say about this (obviously) but i
think that / is seperate from the MBR and so formatting / will do nothing for
how your machine is(n't) booting. Although when you have exausted the possible,
start probing the impossible.

What you need is some hardware/harddrive guru to tell you what kind of
geometry-of-your-drive info you have to set up explicitly in
LILO/GRUB/whatever. Have you posted all the information possible on your hd
setup? Should you upgrade your motherboard bios? When you have exausted the

dunno :-)

--- Jay DeKing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, that didn't work either. I tried it with both LILO and GRUB, with
 the same results as always.
 The next step, I guess, is to boot up with the install CD and do an
 install/update. Since I have most of the programs and data on partitions
 separate from /, I shouldn't lose too much stuff when it makes me
 format / itself.
 Charles A Edwards wrote:
  I'll give you something else to try.
  Boot your system with a win98 start-up disk and fdisk /MBR.
  Remove the win98 disk and insert your Mandrake boot disk.
  Reboot your system.
  Your system should now boot to Linux before Win rewrites
  the boot record.
  Use sbin lilo or grub sh to install the one of your choice,
  either should now be able to fully install and be operational.
 Charles  (-:
  Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.
 There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.

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Re: [expert] Two issues - inetd and remote X access

2001-05-14 Thread John Wolford

inetd might have disappeared, but did xinetd appear in its place?

It's a service just as inetd is, and it's conf file is /etc/xinetd.conf. It is
a replacement/enhancement for inetd.


--- Jim Gutterman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use an X-Windows server under MS Windows to access my Linux boxes.  I had
 a working system under LM 7.X, and now when I installed LM 8.0 the boxes
 show up in the XDMCP list but do not present the login screen when an
 attempt to connect is made.
 In trying to track this down I noticed that the inetd.conf file is no longer
 Can anyone tell me what happened to inetd.conf and how to reconnect to my LM
 8.0 boxes?
 Jim Gutterman
  Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

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Re: [expert] Setting umask on Nautilus, Konqueror

2001-05-14 Thread John Wolford

Let me understand this properly. Are you saying that you change your umaask
setting in /etc/profile, and that setting is reflected in your shell, while at
the same time Nautilus/Konqueror continue to behave as though the umask was

Maybe you could try starting Konqueror from within the shell (which is behaving
properly), and see if it behaves properly?

Sounds pretty weird :-)

--- Dave Del Signore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 How does one go about changing the umask used by Nautilus and/or Konqueror?
 I've tried setting it in /etc/profileand other places, but nothing I do
 seems to change it from the standard 022 mask, even though it works normally
 for my shell.  I'm running Mandrake 8.0.
 Dave Del Signore

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Re: [expert] REBUILT RPM Bermuda Triangle Mystery -- Where is it?

2001-05-12 Thread John Wolford

Your rebuild was a success (hence the exit 0 at the end).

Try doing something like find /usr/src/ -name bk2site*.rpm
If that does work then maybe search your whole system by replacing /usr/src
with /.

--- Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends:
 I just rebuild a Red Hat source rpm on LM 8.0. What I find curious is
 that a) I am not sure it was a success and b) if it was a success, where
 is the new rebuilt Mandrake RPM file?
 Here is the data:
 1) RPM --REBUILD BK2SITE.XXX.SRC.RPM. Does the data show this rebuilding
 to be a success? If so, please see section 2 below. I know that rebuilt
 rpms should be in /usr/src/... (See data for that below). Well, they are
 nowhere in sight. I would appreciate if you could take a look below and
 help me interpret the data. Actually, interpret it. As an ordinary user,
 I can't tell if it is a success. 
 I rebuilt a program called bk2site:
 [root@sher07 sher]# rpm --rebuild bk2site-1.1.6-1.src.rpm
 Installing bk2site-1.1.6-1.src.rpm
 Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.27751
 + umask 022
 + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
 + cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
 + rm -rf bk2site-1.1.6
 + /bin/gzip -dc /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/bk2site-1.1.6.tar.gz
 + tar -xvvf -
 drwxrwxrwx 0/0   0 2000-12-20 07:42:26 bk2site-1.1.6/
 -rw-rw-r-- 0/0   16559 2000-12-20 07:42:26

=== message truncated ===

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Re: [expert] ReiserFS

2001-05-11 Thread John Wolford

Here's a recent post:

   From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Block Address | Add to Address Book
  Subject:  RE: [expert] reiserfs 1 more time
Date:  Thu, 10 May 2001 09:00:48 +0200


You should be able to use the reiserfs module even when your root fs is on a
reiser partition. To do so, you need an initrd image with the resier fs
module inside. To create the initrd image, use mkinitrd, after ensuring
that the reiser module is in the /etc/modules.conf file. Add the initrd to
the new kernel section in the lilo.conf file and re-run lilo.

Hope this helps


--- Randy Donohoe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm getting ready to do a Mandrake 8.0 install on my notebook with just /and
 swap partitions and want to use Reiser. When you pick Reiser during install
 sets it up as modular, right? Which means I won't be able to boot from my
 drive with just a / and swap, right? I've been following the reiserfs 1 more
 time thread but am still not certain where I'm going here.
 Randy Donohoe
 Mediocrity sucks.

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Re: [expert] Mandrake 8-0 install problem

2001-05-11 Thread John Wolford

Well i'm guessing that you can't connect to the x server because it's not
[john@homer music]$ rpm -qf /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs

So there's a package that has to be installed, and then you have to start the
server with service: service xfs start (as root).

Do you think that could be it?


--- Robert Schweikert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I obtained a 2CD set from Linux Central with the 8-0 release but cannot
 install the distribution. Everything is going well until it is time to
 install and configure X. Then when I choose XFree 4.0.3 or 3.3.6 I get
 the following message
 Can't use an undefined values as an ARRAY reference
 This means nothing to me.
 Then when I boot to the X-Less distro and install the RPMS from the CDs
 I get the following problem after I ran xfconfig
 execve failed for etc/X11/X
 xinit: no such file or directory (errno2): unable to connect to X server
 Does anyone have an idea how I can get this fixed? Preferable without
 downloading X and installing it from scratch.
 Any help is appreciated.
 Robert Schweikert  MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU

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Re: [expert] Snail's Pace

2001-05-11 Thread John Wolford

I would be very tempted to isolate this problem to fetchmail, or a particular
program in the chain of events (man strace). Have you set up a sniffer to watch
the network activity while the mail is downloading? That could tell a lot.


--- SoloCDM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hopefully someone knows of the following problem and email's the
 answer to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Re:%20Snail's%20Pace,
 because my mailing list address is blocked with 9,300 messages.
 Somehow my email is downloaded at a snail's pace.  For every one
 message, it is taking approximately one minute to download from
 the ISP.
 I recently upgraded from LM7.0 to LM8.0.  LM7.0 work just fine!
 A module is loaded that allows ipchains to fully function under
 kernel 2.4.3-20.  Sendmail 8.11.3-1 is the MTA and fetchmail 5.7.4-5
 retrieves the email from the ISP.  All the messages are filtered
 and separated into their individual slots with procmail 3.15.1-2.
 *None* of the configurations used in sendmail, fetchmail, or procmail
 have changed and no errors were reported.
 It's not necessary to abide by the below attached Note: (it's a
 standard attachment).  The first paragraph address is sufficient
 enough for *my* messages.
 Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
   list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.

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Re: [expert] LM 8.0 installation freezes

2001-05-11 Thread John Wolford

Well this isn't really help, but you *might* consider pulling devices/hardware
in different combinations, and see if that makes any difference(s)...

Good luck :-)

--- Steven Bradtke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem installing either RH 7.1 or Mandrake 8.0.
 In either case, installation never really starts.  I'm
 allowed to choose installation mode, after which the initial
 boot system is loaded from the CD ROM and the hardware
 system is checked over.  However, when it comes time for the
 installation utility to come up, the system just hangs.  For
 example, in Mandrake 8.0 installation, I finally get a
 message about drinking eggs and welcome to linux
 mandrake. Then the system completely freezes.  Selection of
 any other installation mode, such as expert, rescue, or text all
 lead to a freeze up at the same point.  RH 7.1 exhibits the same
 I had no problems at all installing RH 7.0 or Mandrake 7.2
 on the same system.  I`m using an Abit VP6 dual processor
 motherboard, with 2 P-III 800`s, 3 HDD`s (windows installed
 on 1), a cdrom, and a cd-rw.  Using an SB Live sound card,
 and an Asus AGP-7100 graphics card.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated!
 Steven Bradtke  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [expert] Mdk8 - install goes ok but X refuses to start

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

I had the same thing happen for me w/ a few 7.2 installs. It got to the point
that i would install it but not test it, just so the install could finish. Then
it (X) would usually start up tho, i think (i can't remember). I invoked it
with startx. That was around the time that i was shutting down absolutely every
service and opening them up as needed - so i shut down xfs without knowing what
it did. X didn't start up (naturally) and then as i stared at the error
messages the gears started to turn and i started up xfs again and it worked. I
don't think i've ever had X not work after a successful install unless i
fiddled with the settings or changed video cards (god help me if i do something
like that, i'm not good enough with the hardware/software interfacing to fix
something like that).

Don't know if that helps, but there is my $0.02 :-)

--- Mike Rambo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At the start, I'd appreciate it if anyone responding would copy my email
 address. I somehow got dropped from the list about a month ago and for
 some reason have been unable to re-subscribe (or else my employer is
 filtering email from mandrake somehow).
 I have installed Mdk8 (from .iso) on two different machines (Dell P166,
 64MB, 6GB IDE and Gateway Celeron 500, I810 chipset, 64MB, 8.6GB IDE)
 and have ended up with the same problem on both. The install goes fine
 including the setup and testing of X but upon rebooting both machines
 try to start X and end up dropping back to the CLI. Manual attempts to
 start X fail as well. I have looked through the list archives and
 haven't seen any other references to this problem (makes me wonder what
 I've done).
 install.log on the Gateway shows these three things - 
 *perl setting locale failed
 *unpacking cpio archive - bad magic
 *glibc-2.2.2 install failed exit status 127
 I haven't been able to check the Dell install for similar entries yet.
 /var/log/messages and /var/log/XFree86.0.log show nothing helpful
 Anyone have any insight on this problem?
 Mike Rambo

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Re: [expert] Mystery Mouse / Kudzu Battle

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

Haha, that sounds very familiar. I have the same mouse and had the same
problem. I think i finally had to tell it i had a MS intellimouse before it
would recognize the middle button, and then when it would pop up and ask me if
i wanted it to take some action b/c of the changes i just picked the shut up
and stay the way you are option. Finally i shut down kudzu all together (at
boot time) as i was finished with hardware swapping. I can always run it if i
want to.

By the way, it never told me that there was no mouse, but it would always tell
me that i had changed the mouse, usually to a generic mouse.

Who knows what was up with that. :-)

--- Ric Tibbetts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an interesting conflict with my mouse,  kudzu.
 It's a standard Logitech 3 button PS/2 Mouse. Nothing fancy. LM 8.0  kudzu
 teamed up to make me miserable. 
 Every time I boot, kudzu changes the state of the mouse. If it's connected 
 happy, kudzu will claim that the mouse has been removed, and pop up the
 to confirm the removal of the device. On the next re-boot, it will detect the
 mouse, and want to re-install it. This happens EVERY TIME I reboot. 
 For now, I've removed kudzu fro the boot up procedure until I can figure this
 Does anyone have any suggestions?
 Ric Tibbetts
 Boeing Shared Services Group
 UNIX System Administration
 Seattle Server Operations

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RE: [expert] Mystery Mouse / Kudzu Battle

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

Yeah, that's what i did too, i set mine up with mouseconfig. Great utility,
that. I had to lie about what mouse i had though, in order to get at that
middle wheel

--- Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently had a similar problem with my new IBM PS/2 2 button mouse, and
 Kudzu occasionally behaved weird with my previous M$ 2 button serial
 mouse. I eventually gave up on Kudzu and ran mouseconfig from a terminal.
 This at least saw the mouse, but still no mouse action. After checking
 the mouse config files (/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and /etc/sysconfig/mouse)
 and making sure the appropriate /dev file was there, the only thing left
 was the BIOS. There I found the PS/2 mouse line with 2 choices: enable or
 auto. I had previously changed it to enable for the new mouse. Oddly
 enough, changing it back to auto did the trick. Hopefully something
 here will work for you.
 On 09-May-2001 Ric Tibbetts wrote:
  I have an interesting conflict with my mouse,  kudzu.
  It's a standard Logitech 3 button PS/2 Mouse. Nothing fancy. LM 8.0 
  kudzu have
  teamed up to make me miserable. 
  Every time I boot, kudzu changes the state of the mouse. If it's
  happy, kudzu will claim that the mouse has been removed, and pop up the
  to confirm the removal of the device. On the next re-boot, it will
  detect the
  mouse, and want to re-install it. This happens EVERY TIME I reboot. 
  For now, I've removed kudzu fro the boot up procedure until I can
  figure this
  Does anyone have any suggestions?
  Ric Tibbetts
  Boeing Shared Services Group
  UNIX System Administration
  Seattle Server Operations

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Re: [expert] Screensaver won't work

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

I've come to the point where i don't trust the graphical configurators much at
alli'm a little biased b/c i always tend to want to do things manually, so
that i can learn what's actually happening (that's whey i orginally wanted out
of Windows in the first place). MandrakeUpdate didn't work properly until i
upgraded it manually and then after some time it stopped working at all. No
error messages, it just doesn't come back with any updates whatsoever. I'm sure
i'm to blame for a lot of it, tinkering with things, tightening down security
to above-average tightness. Then i blew the rpmdrake database of available
packages and could never get it back. And the power manager, no matter what i
would choose it would not save it, but seemed to work as per my settings
anyway. *What* is up with that..So finally i just resigned myself to having
a broken gui configuration which doesn't really rub me the wrong way anyway
(which is why i resign myself to it i suppose).

I'm sure that helps you none at all, but i just thought i'd share it :-)

--- Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Using Mandrake 8.0 with KDE 2.1.1
 For some reason, my screensaver doesn't work. I have set it up for 30
 minutes and selected the screensaver in KDE's Control Center, Look n
 Feel (the hop screensaver), but instead of getting the screensaver, I
 get a black screen. Every time. Never had this problem before. Not even
 in LM 7.2 with KDE 2.1.1
 Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [expert] MDK8.0 XMMS no mouse??

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

Well right-click just to bring the menu down, then you can access any of the
submenus just by holding the right (not left) button down and moving your mouse
to the appropriate submenu - it should just pop open, then you can trace down
it too. This is how it works for me, anyway. It's super easy, i don't even
think twice about it anymore. If it doesn't work that way for you, maybe it's a
setting you can change in the expansive KDE (or whatever) settings..

--- Kang-Ling Weng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I expirenced the problem that I can't use my mouse in some submenues in
   for example in :
   options/skin browser
   also under the playlist I can't use my mouse at +DF
   but I can use my mouse to select file at +File
   any solutions for this problem?
   I am using:
   PIII 733 Mhz
   256 MB RAM
   usb MS intelli Explorer Mouse
   best regards
 On Wednesday 09 May 2001 19:50, John Wolford wrote:
  I have experienced, and continue to experience, similar problems. For full
  access to all the menus/submenus, right-click almost anywhere on winamp
  (but not on the playlist) and navigate thru the menus that way.
 Hi John
 thanks for your advice with the right click .. this makes things easier .. 
 I can't really use the rightclick in the submenues .. so I use the 
 combination right click + space. Right click for marking things or buttons 
 and space for selecting them .. 
 yeah this makes it easier but it is still dificult .. 
 hope that someone outthere can help us .. 
 best regards

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Re: [expert] error during compile

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

I don't know much about this at all, but i can suggest that you read the
manpage of ldconfig, and check out the related files etc.

--- Andrew George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 stumped again (seems to be the story of my life recently)
 I keep getting the following error message when I try to build a source
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb1
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 I tried to look up libldb1 at rpmfind...but didn't have much luckanyone 
 know what I've missed?

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Re: [expert] Screensaver won't work -- Solution

2001-05-10 Thread John Wolford

Yeah, that's intuitive. 


--- Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Klar and friends:
 My thanks to a fellow list member for this.
 Someone wrote me to tell me how to do it.
 You have to activate xscreensaver by typing in the console:
 This activates the screensaver demon. Now select your screensaver. Close
 console. Go to KDE Control Center, Look n Feel, screensaver, choose your
 screensaver and configure it. Try it by setting the time to 1 minute. It
 should work.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [expert] reiserfs 1 more time

2001-05-09 Thread John Wolford

WEll one thing that jumps out at me, and you're probably going to have a
million people tell you this, but if you're booting off of a reiserfs then you
should *not* have it as a module. I mean, what's the point in having it as a
module if you're going to be using it 100% of the time? Just compile it in with
the kernel. But anyway, like i was saying, if it's a module then that means
that the kernel can't use it to load /boot, so how's it going to use it to load
any modules?

I think that's accurate, anyway. Even if the reasoning is not quite right,
still i remember reading that you don't want to make your /boot partition of
the type that is supported by a modular part of the kernel.

So fix that, build it right in.

--- Sirkka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I send this q again...
 I use Mdk 8.0 and use reiserfs on all my partisions (not swap)
 When i compile the kernel i cant get it to boot,
 it says something like cant mount root fs
 Ok...i know that i do something wrong but i dont know what.
 I compile reiserfs=moduleis that right? (someone told me to that)
 Most i have support for ext2 in kernel or can i load in a module when i have
 all my partisions in reiserfs?
 When im compiling i do   make menuconfigmake dep  make clean  make
 make modules   make modules_installmake install
 (but i have even tryed to not make install and copy the bzimage to boot
 and mv it to /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.3-20mdk this right?
 Then when booting up the system...nope cant mount root fs   Arghhh
 Can anyone help me..

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Re: [expert] RTL 8139 Network card

2001-05-09 Thread John Wolford

I tossed out supermount a long time ago. Here's what i have in my /etc/fstab : 
/dev/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom   iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy  vfat sync,nosuid,noauto,user,nodev,unhide   0 0  

Of course, read the man page on mount and fstab before you go just blindly
accepting the options that i happen to use, at least to have an idea of what's
going on (i myself forget what they all stand for).

Hope that helps

--- Gerrit Visser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've installed Mandrake 8, and everything worked fine except for my network
 card: The module it uses is the correct one (8139too), it loads fine, but I
 can't ping anything but my own PC. I've tried to recompile the module with
 different options, but can't modprobe it because of unresolved symbols.
 According to the Kernel info web pages, there were some problems with the
 RTL 8139 driver which were fixed around 2.4.3-ac7 or something.
 Because I can't (or rather don't know how) to get the recompiling of the
 driver module to work, I can't simply patch the driver with the latest
 kernel update and recompile. In the end I had to download the 2.4.4 kernel,
 patch it to 2.4.4-ac4, and use that. The network card now works, but I've
 broken my automount capability for my CD and Disk drive. I can probably
 fix it, but have spent more time / resources on the problem  than I should
 have allready.
 The optimum solution would be if I can simply recompile the modified module
 for the Mandrake 2.4.3 kernel, or if I can get the default one to work with
 some module parameters. Any suggestions how I might acomplish this?
 Dual PIII 600
 Gigabyte GA-6BXDS motherboard (Intel 440BX chipset)
 512 MB Ram
 1x 16.5 GB IDE connected to onboard IDE controller
 Adaptec 7895 SCSI controller (onboard) with
   2x 8.5 GB
 Adaptec 39160 SCSI controller (pci) with
   1x 17.5 GB Ultra 160
 GeForce 2 GTS
 Soho Basic network card (RTL 8139 chipset)
 Thanks in advance
 Best regards,

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Re: [expert] MDK8.0 XMMS no mouse??

2001-05-09 Thread John Wolford

I have experienced, and continue to experience, similar problems. For full
access to all the menus/submenus, right-click almost anywhere on winamp (but
not on the playlist) and navigate thru the menus that way.

--- Kang-Ling Weng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I expirenced the problem that I can't use my mouse in some submenues in xmms.
 for example in :
 options/skin browser
 also under the playlist I can't use my mouse at +DF
 but I can use my mouse to select file at +File
 any solutions for this problem?
 I am using:
 PIII 733 Mhz
 256 MB RAM
 usb MS intelli Explorer Mouse
 best regards

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Re: [expert] Setting up a net proxy on an NT network

2001-05-08 Thread John Wolford

1. Read the proxy-howto to learn about options there (transparent vs.
...opaque? proxies). Another option is simple MASQ'ing (which would also be
transparent even to your internal, trusted, machines). Hmm, i don't know, but
it MAY be the case that with MASQ'ing the original ip is contained somewhere in
the packet. You could easily find that out with a little reading.

2. To get what you want (privacy) you need to have 2 NICs in your proxy. One
that faces your trusted machines and the other one that faces the untrustworthy
network outside. If you only use one nic then whatever that machine sees, all
the rest of the network on that LAN will see, including the ones that are
monitoring traffic.

3. You can set up a firewall that could, as one option, do nothing but log
packets. You can also install any number of network-monitoring applications of
your own - a few that come to mind are snort, ethereal, ngrep and tcpdump. I 
have experience with etherreal, snort and tcpdump, and in my opinion they are
the most user-friendly in that order: ethereal the most, tcpdump the least.
Ethereal needs a gui, the other two will work in a console.

4. If that linux box is supposed to be a windows box then maybe you're
thinking about making it act like one (SMB, netbios, etc). On the other hand
you probably don't want to get nailed for actively deceiving your superiors or
colleagues (assume that you WILL be found out).

5. Im speculating at this point, but from the sounds of it they will be
monitoring your packets for content, and if that's so then you have a few
things to consider:  1) If everything inwards from your linux box (your trusted
machines) is known to belong to you, then they're going to look at the packets
(if it's not encrypted) and know it's coming from you no matter what. 2) If not
everything behind your proxy (on the trusted side) belongs to you then how much
of the physical network are you responsible for? (ie. if someone else is
responsible for machines on either side of the proxy then they're going to
notice/want that proxy box too.)  3) If you don't want people to see the actual
data of your traffic then you will have to tunnel out of there somehow. Maybe
you will use ssh, sftp or https. Maybe you can tunnel to another safe box that
is outside of your untrustworthy LAN and then do all of your unencrypted
traffic (web browsing or whatever) from that spot (it will still look encrypted
to your LAN).

I'm guessing this rabbit hole goes pretty deep

Good luck :-)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our network guys saw fit to install a server that monitors all of our
 internet activity on our network. I'm not happy about this (especially
 since I wasn't notified about it), but want a bit of privacy here.
 Ok, here's what I need to do:
 1. I have a box running LM 7.02. I'd like to set this up as a proxy.
 2. I need to be able to point to this box from my NT4, Win2000, and LM7.2
 machines for all internet browsing. The box has 1 nic in it so I guess I
 would be sending this thing packets and it would, in turn, forward them to
 our main proxy to go out to the internet. I only want this watchdog
 server to see the ip address of this one box instead of the 3 that I'll
 actually be using.
 3. I need to know if they've tried to access the box.
 Any thoughts, ideas, how-to's?

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Re: [expert] error -- urgent... SOLVED

2001-05-08 Thread John Wolford


--- Leonardo T. de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Wolford wrote:
  Try taking all the rpms that you would upgrade to, put them in the same
  directory, and then do something like rpm -Fvh --test *.rpm to see if it
  work. Read the manpage to learn the difference between -Fvh  -Uvh. Anyway,
  moral of this story is that rpm might complain about apparent circular
  dependancies if you try to upgrade each file individually, but if you
  them all at once then rpm will look at the big picture and see that all the
  parts are there.
  Good luck,
   Yeah. I solved.
   The trouble was on the Perl RPMs.
   I've to upgrade to version 6.00-30, and all got Ok.
   But , anymway, are somebody using the Apache-PageKit module
 on Mandrake?
   I'm getting coredump on the httpd-perl wakeup...
 Leonardo T. de Carvalho
   Ibiz Tecnologia
 Frase aleatória:
 If you don't drink it, someone else will.

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[expert] Sound is only coming out of one speaker

2001-05-07 Thread John Wolford

Ok, ok, i didn't get any response to my last post for help with the various
libsafe packages i have installed. I can understand that, it's a tricky problem
that most people probably don't encounter. I have another one that must be more

I have sound coming out of only one speaker. I'm using a Soundblaster AWE32
card, i believe (i did so much swapping around and now it's been awhile since
i've had to open the hood). Definately SoundBlaster, anyway, and i enabled all
the soundblaster modules when i last built my kernel. I configured it with
sndconfig awhile back. I just tried to reconfigure it with Harddrake and every
time it tried to test it, it would come back with the error: modprobe couldn't
locate isa-pnp module. Sure enough, locate isa-pnp comes up empty.

I'm guessing that this is a reasonably common problem. I remember someone
saying that he only had sound out of one speaker but i never saw a resolution
to it. Can anyone help me on this. And while i'm at it, why are there so many
more options (soundcards) to choose from in harddrake then there are in

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: Re[2]: [expert] problems with libsafe, konsole and KDE: I need help please

2001-05-07 Thread John Wolford

WEll i've tried most of that stuff.

locate libsafe gives:

The /etc files:
[john@homer /etc]$ cat
[john@homer /etc]$ grep libsafe
Binary file matches
[john@homer /etc]$ cat
# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
[john@homer /etc]$

[john@homer /etc]$ rpm -q libsafe
[john@homer /etc]$

Like i said, i'm a rank beginner when it comes to libraries, so i'm at a loss.
As far as i'm concerned, either rpm or the person who built libsafe-1.3 is at
fault if rpm won't recognize that libsafe is installed. Which it does, clearly,
if i simply query it. But it doesn't if i go to install anything that depends
on it.

Any more ideas?

Thanks :-)

--- Rusty Carruth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And still with the libsafe craziness. And, by the way, as i look thru my
  message i see that it says[2085]: version 1.2 but it's
 supposed to
  be version 1.3 - that's what the package name is, anyway. Could this be
 part of
  it? Im getting sick of this problem.
 That's a good bet.  What does 'locate libsafe' say?  If that does not make it
 obvious, how about that file in /etc that tells the dynamic loader where to
 find files?  (and also what does the infamous 'find / -name libsafe\*' say?
 (do this only if locate does not make the solution obvious ;-))
 Rusty Carruth  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
 Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
 FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116
 Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825
 ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W

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Re: [expert] Sound is only coming out of one speaker

2001-05-07 Thread John Wolford

Hi Ken,

I saw your original post but i didn't see any replies. What was the advice you
received, and what does installing it the old way mean?


--- Ken Arromdee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 6 May 2001, John Wolford wrote:
  I have sound coming out of only one speaker. I'm using a Soundblaster AWE32
  card, i believe (i did so much swapping around and now it's been awhile
  i've had to open the hood). Definately SoundBlaster, anyway, and i enabled
  the soundblaster modules when i last built my kernel. I configured it with
  sndconfig awhile back. I just tried to reconfigure it with Harddrake and
  time it tried to test it, it would come back with the error: modprobe
  locate isa-pnp module. Sure enough, locate isa-pnp comes up empty.
 Well, I had the exact same error (with a different ISA soundcard) about
 not finding isa-pnp.  After some advice from here I gave up and installed the
 card the old way and it worked (though sndconfig doesn't handle my card).
 I suspect this is a problem with ISA soundcards in general.  I can understand
 not wanting to spend a lot of effort on support of a dying bus type, but
 I really wish someone would fix this.

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Re: [expert] Messed up rpm binary, need advise please

2001-05-07 Thread John Wolford

This might seem extreme, but you could try to boot with a rescue disc (like the
install CD), mount your relevant partition, chroot and then try
updating/replacing the rpm package. I'd wait to hear what anyone else on this
list thinks before trying this. Definately you should run rpm with the --test
and the -vv (double-verbose) option before doing it for real.

That's just a brainstorming idea. Another would be to reinstall rpm from source
(not source rpms, but source files).

I'm interested to see how this turns out.

--- s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all, 
 I was trying to make my gatway a little more secure when I moved the rpm 
 executable from /bin/ onto a floppy with plans on moving it back and forth as
 needed.  But this did not work.  I moved it back and now get segmenation 
 faults when I try to install something from the command line.  rpmdrake 
 (software manager)  and kpackage seem to still work.  I'm using 8.0.
 So, any advise how to repair the damage done, keeping in mind can't install 
 using rpm?  

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Re: [expert] konquerer no long works...

2001-05-07 Thread John Wolford

I should have been a little more verbose, i'm sorry. I wasn't suggesting that
you become root every time you want to browse the web, i was just suggesting
that it might be a permissions problem. And if that's the case then you could
do some debugging to find out what permissions are blocking you.

If you switch over to Netscape, Mozilla, or something else then you better hope
that whatever this problem is, it doesn't start cropping up elsewhere also


--- Neal Lippman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think there is anything that it cannot access; it seems more like 
 some sort of configuration problem in that it used to work just fine.
 I am bothered by having to become root to run it, because I shouldn't be root
 just to web browse...
 Also the behavoir is flakey; last night, I was able to open links in a new 
 window from kmail but not from a konqueror window itself. Maybe I need to 
 just switch completely over to Netscape.
 On Sunday 06 May 2001 01:34, John Wolford wrote:
  This is just a shot in the dark, but try running it as root.
  Another shot in the dark: awhile back someone mentioned that Netscape
  insists on loading its homepage, and if it can't load it when it is started
  then it will die/automatically-exit. I know Konqueror doubles as a
  web-browser, is it possible that it's trying to load something or access
  something that isn't accessible?
  --- Neal Lippman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Any help appreciated. I am using konquerer under KDE 2.1 (the MDK rpms).
   THe underlying system is MDK 7.2 with a self-compiled 2.4.4 kernel.
   I am unable to get konquerer to run. At first, it would run when I
   selected it from the panel or the K menu, but if I right-clicked on a
   link and selected new window the new window would open and then
   immediately close.
   Now, when I try to run it from the K menu or the panel icon, it briefly
   appears in the applications area on the panel, no winow opens, then it
   I cannot find any errors in any /var logs.
   Anyone with any ideas?
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Re: [expert] error -- urgent...

2001-05-07 Thread John Wolford

Try taking all the rpms that you would upgrade to, put them in the same
directory, and then do something like rpm -Fvh --test *.rpm to see if it will
work. Read the manpage to learn the difference between -Fvh  -Uvh. Anyway, the
moral of this story is that rpm might complain about apparent circular
dependancies if you try to upgrade each file individually, but if you install
them all at once then rpm will look at the big picture and see that all the
parts are there.

Good luck,

--- Leonardo T. de Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all.
   I'm having some trouble with mod_perl under Apache 1.3.19.
   Whenever I install all the packages, I got this error:
 httpd-perl: Symbol `PL_statcache' has different size in shared object,
 consider re-linking
   I'm using all packages from Apache-1.3.19, mod_perl too.
   Perl and Perl base 5.600-17.
   Should this problem be caused by the fact that the former
 set of packages coming from Mandrake 8, and the second from 7.2?
   If so, how I can upgrade them without break a hundred depe
   Thank you.
 Leonardo T. de Carvalho
   Ibiz Tecnologia
 Frase aleatória:
 On a clear disk you can seek forever.
   -- P. Denning

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Re: [expert] konquerer no long works...

2001-05-06 Thread John Wolford

This is just a shot in the dark, but try running it as root.

Another shot in the dark: awhile back someone mentioned that Netscape insists
on loading its homepage, and if it can't load it when it is started then it
will die/automatically-exit. I know Konqueror doubles as a web-browser, is it
possible that it's trying to load something or access something that isn't


--- Neal Lippman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any help appreciated. I am using konquerer under KDE 2.1 (the MDK rpms). THe 
 underlying system is MDK 7.2 with a self-compiled 2.4.4 kernel.
 I am unable to get konquerer to run. At first, it would run when I selected 
 it from the panel or the K menu, but if I right-clicked on a link and 
 selected new window the new window would open and then immediately close.
 Now, when I try to run it from the K menu or the panel icon, it briefly 
 appears in the applications area on the panel, no winow opens, then it exits.
 I cannot find any errors in any /var logs.
 Anyone with any ideas?

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Re: [expert] problems with libsafe, konsole and KDE: I need help please

2001-05-06 Thread John Wolford

Ok, an update. Thanks to a few other errors generated, and a tracing of
problems, i found a massive core in / that was filling up my hd. I deleted it,
and now scrollback buffer works in konsole, i can log out through popup k-menu,
and i'm generally a happier person.

BUT: still i can't lock the screen through k-menu (like that stupid program
works anyway, it still accepts anything for a password), and still a few terms
(Eterm, gnome-terminal, to name a few) won't start.

And still with the libsafe craziness. And, by the way, as i look thru my own
message i see that it says[2085]: version 1.2 but it's supposed to
be version 1.3 - that's what the package name is, anyway. Could this be part of
it? Im getting sick of this problem.

Many thanks,

--- John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, i've got a tough one (for me).
 Ive had libsafe-1.3 installed on my system for a long time. Everything has
 been working just fine. The other day i tried to install an rpm that wanted
 libsafe-2.0, and so i pulled it off one of the Mandrake mirrors for 8.0. I
 to install it, and it told me failed dependancies: requires
 it might have wanted the package libsafe-1.3 i don't remember. Anyway, i do a
 rpm -q libsafe and it answers the exact thing that it just said libsafe-2.0
 requires. So what do i do? I think to myself stupid rpm, it's there! and i
 rpm -ivh --nodeps libsafe-2.0.etc.etc (actually, i had to do a
 --replacefiles too because it wanted to overwrite some .gz doc file
 somewhere. So that worked.
 Then the pain started. I had to fight with it awhile and some of you may
 remember that i blew up libsafe-1.3 and had to get someone to send me a copy
 /lib/ which finally worked and so i reinstalled it properly
 all kinds of --nodeps etc to get it to install). So recently i've been unable
 to launch several applications.  I can't log out of KDE with the pop-up K
 nor can i lockscreen. Most normal applications work fine. The scrollback
 (history) feature in konsole is not working, it's as though i've turned it
 (but i haven't). I was at such a loss. Various terminals don't work. Most
 give an error message but Eterm gives this:
 Detected an attempt to write across stack boundary.
 Terminating /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm-O.8.10.
 libsafe violation for /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm-O.8.10, pid=22253; overflow
 by strcpy()
 Null message body; hope that's ok
 /tmp/RsiOT9Pn: No space left on device
 Inspired, i went to the logs:
 [root@homer log]# grep -ir libsafe * 2/dev/null
 auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: version 1.2
 auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: detected an attempt to write
 across stack boundary.
 auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: terminating
 auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: overflow caused by strcpy() 
 Several entries like this, all from Eterm, and all from today.
RXVT works, and so does its scroll-back buffer, but
 other terminals won't even fire up. I have to use the 3-fingered salute
 (ctrl-alt-del) to log out of KDE b/c the menu item is non-responsive.
 And i can't seem to get rid of libsafe-2.0. Now nothing will work without
 either - my system seems to have become dependant on it as well as

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Re: [expert] Internet connection broken

2001-05-06 Thread John Wolford

The other day i was happy to be moved from one @home backbone to another, much
faster one. As a result, my ip changed. Happily, none of my scripts (firewall,
etc) are statically set up ip-wise, and so everything adjusted perfectly. Of
course i'm using dhcp to obtain my ip, and that kept working too.

If DHCP was working before @home changed ips on you, then it would work after
also. Its functionality is absolutely not dependant on what ip it gets. It is
therefore a given that whatever you changed in the configuration is the root of
your problem (not that it's your fault, neccessarily, who knows, maybe some
config utility didn't work properly). Go back and check everything over with a
fine-tooth comb. And while you're at it, ask yourself why you had to change so
much due to simple ip-change (which is itself automatic).

In case it helps, i'll give you the shell code that grabs my current ip,
whatever it is, and puts it in a variable which i can then reference throughout
the script:
eth0ip=`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | awk '/addr:(.+)[:space:]/{print $2}' | sed

There may well be a cleaner way of getting it. To be honest, i came up with
that code quite awhile ago, and it was a real struggle - so there almost
certainly is a cleaner, simpler way of getting it, but i just haven't had time
to do it :-)

By the way, doing ifconfig shows that your network card is not up, right? If
it doesn't hang on the dhcp request, then that shows that the card is not being
brought up properly - but it was before, right? So it's supported in your
kernel, and the only difference between then and now is that you fiddled your
configuation. Fiddle it back :-)

I hope that helps and i hope you sort it out :-)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The other day I was annoyed to find that ATT @Home cable had changed my IP 
 address without my knowledge.  I played around in Linuxconf and DrakProfile 
 to change system settings to reflect that.  Next time I booted up, my 
 internet connection didn't work.  Now whenever I try to make connections to 
 remote sites, I get unknown host.  
 Here's what bootup tells me:
 network: Setting network parameters:  succeeded 
 ifup: SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable 
 network: Bringing up interface lo:  succeeded 
 ifup: Delaying eth0 initialization. 
 network: Bringing up interface eth0:  failed 
 I don't know why this would be.  I've checked my settings in Windows, and it 
 appears as if everything is the same in both systems.
 Other notes:
 NIC is enabled, to use DHCP.
 (is it System Control, the thing that shows devices and related info?)- Shows
 NIC to be properly configured
 HardDrak shows my card as it is, a Via-Rhine 10/100 PCI card.
 I tried running DrakProfile and getting that to set up my card.  It said 
 loading drivers for via-rhine card or something similar, then   complained 
 that my network card is not properly set up.
 This is a big pain in the butt.  My system works great asides from this 
 annoying lack of connectivity.  I'm not going to make many Linux converts if 
 I can't show them a system that works with the internet.  I can also not read
 my POP mail.  I miss KMail.  If you can think of *anything* at all that would
 help, I would appreciate it.   Thanks.
 ICQ 4689648

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Re: [expert] Ownership of devices

2001-05-06 Thread John Wolford

One of the alternatives, and a simple one in a case like this, is to use sudo.


--- David E. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've just been trying to use KFloppy to format a floppy disk from
  within the K Desktop Environment.  As I was logged in as an
  ordinary user (jmorley) and a member of an ordinary group (users)
 I might be viewed as a right-wing conservative, but I'm of the opinion
 that ordinary users should not be able to access raw devices, period. That's
 why the Unix permission scheme exists, among other things. 
 Of course, it's a bit inconvenient to ask root to format the floppies for
 you, and in Linux's case, you happen to be root as well. That's one of
 the things that root is supposed to do, so switch hats and do the 
 operation as root. 
 Still, many suggest that even that is less convenient than just doing
 the thing as a user, so various means to circumvent these restrictions
 have arised. Personally speaking, I haven't really bothered with them - I
 still typically mount/unmount/format things as root. 
  my attempt to access the /dev/fd0h1440 device (owned by root.floppy,
  permissions brw-rw) failed.
 OK, if you are not a member of the floppy group, or have ownership of the
 device, you can't use it. Seems fine to me.
  added my ordinary username (jmorley) to the entry for floppy:
 Adding yourself to the floppy group is a workaround. I don't see why
 you can't access the device at that point. You shouldn't have to 'newgrp
 floppy' because 'floppy' already exists. You might have to relogin again.
 What happens with 'fdformat /dev/fd0' once you're a member of the floppy
 group? If you can do that it would prove you have (group) access to the
 floppy device and can format floppies. If you can do that and still can't
 use kfloppy it would be a problem with the latter.
  The obvious solution would be to change the ownership of /dev/fd0*
  to jmorley but I'm reluctant to do that until I've considered all
  the ramifications.
 Don't. That circumvents the whole point of the permissions. Really, I'm
 kind of appalled at all this 'new-fangled' methodology to make Unix 
 resemble DOS :).
  John Morley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [expert] Monitoring UDP

2001-05-05 Thread John Wolford

You want something that sets your NIC in promiscuous mode. Like snort, or
etherreal, or even tcpdump. Or you could have ipchains log all packets that
come to itlots of options :-)

--- Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What can I use to monitor UDP data?  My Internet gateway is capable of
 continuously sending log messages via UDP.  I'd like to monitor that
 data on another machine (interconnected via Ethernet).  Any ideas on
 what I use to do that and pointers on how to set it up?
 I've looked at the man pages on udp, but that looks like something I'd
 have to incorporate in a c program.
 Randy Kramer

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[expert] problems with libsafe, konsole and KDE: I need help please

2001-05-05 Thread John Wolford

Ok, i've got a tough one (for me).

Ive had libsafe-1.3 installed on my system for a long time. Everything has
been working just fine. The other day i tried to install an rpm that wanted
libsafe-2.0, and so i pulled it off one of the Mandrake mirrors for 8.0. I went
to install it, and it told me failed dependancies: requires or
it might have wanted the package libsafe-1.3 i don't remember. Anyway, i do a
rpm -q libsafe and it answers the exact thing that it just said libsafe-2.0
requires. So what do i do? I think to myself stupid rpm, it's there! and i do
rpm -ivh --nodeps libsafe-2.0.etc.etc (actually, i had to do a
--replacefiles too because it wanted to overwrite some .gz doc file
somewhere. So that worked.

Then the pain started. I had to fight with it awhile and some of you may
remember that i blew up libsafe-1.3 and had to get someone to send me a copy of
/lib/ which finally worked and so i reinstalled it properly (with
all kinds of --nodeps etc to get it to install). So recently i've been unable
to launch several applications.  I can't log out of KDE with the pop-up K menu,
nor can i lockscreen. Most normal applications work fine. The scrollback
(history) feature in konsole is not working, it's as though i've turned it off
(but i haven't). I was at such a loss. Various terminals don't work. Most don't
give an error message but Eterm gives this:

Detected an attempt to write across stack boundary.
Terminating /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm-O.8.10.
libsafe violation for /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm-O.8.10, pid=22253; overflow caused
by strcpy()
Null message body; hope that's ok
/tmp/RsiOT9Pn: No space left on device

Inspired, i went to the logs:
[root@homer log]# grep -ir libsafe * 2/dev/null
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: version 1.2
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: detected an attempt to write
across stack boundary.
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: terminating
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer[2085]: overflow caused by strcpy()   

Several entries like this, all from Eterm, and all from today.

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? I'm totally baffled. My history buffer in Konsole
doesn't work anymore. RXVT works, and so does its scroll-back buffer, but most
other terminals won't even fire up. I have to use the 3-fingered salute
(ctrl-alt-del) to log out of KDE b/c the menu item is non-responsive.

And i can't seem to get rid of libsafe-2.0. Now nothing will work without _it_
either - my system seems to have become dependant on it as well as libsafe-1.3.

Can _anyone_ *please* help me, i dont' know enough about ldconfig and libsafe
and all that jazz to know a sequence of things to try, and i would really like
to have my system fully functional again.

Thanks so much,

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Re: [expert] konqueror doesn't work - f/u

2001-05-05 Thread John Wolford

What thewell then why don't you change the properties of the menu item so
that it executes what seems to work for you in the console?


--- Neal Lippman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I should also note that if I execute konqueror from a console, it works 
 just fine.
 In the menu configuration, what is run via the konqueror menu item is 
 kfmclient openProfile webbrowser. I assume that kfmclient is something that
 chains to konqueror as appropriate, but I don't know why it isn't working to 
 open the web browser.
 Should I just bite the bullet and reinstall all the kde rpms?

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Re: [expert] httpd

2001-05-03 Thread John Wolford

Hi Anthony,

It would help if you gave some more details. It could be poorly configured, bad
hard drive, broken links, a bug, wrong password, corrupted partition,
incomplete installation, improper permissions, flakey hardware

1. Any details on the installation?
2. Did you make any changes after that?
3. How do you try to start it?
4. What happens when you try to start it?
5. Any other prolbems that might be related?

I'm sure you'll get the help you need on this list.
Good luck :-)

--- Anthony C. Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 8, and I cannot get the apache server to
 start.  httpd always fails at start up.  Any ideas on how I can get it

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Re: [expert] PCMCIA nic shutdown troubles

2001-05-03 Thread John Wolford

Read the man page on dhcpcd (man dhcpcd). Maybe you would like to try to run
it in the debug mode, to get details of what it is trying to do when it hangs?

Does your card work while the machine is running? Does it start up properly,
run properly, but not shut down properly? What happens if you turn it off
before you shutdown/restart, does it terminate properly? service network stop
would try to bring down the network, and hence turn off dhcpcd.


--- bassque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 Final detected and installed my EtherJet Cardbus pcmcia
 NIC just fine. But the problem is when I go to restart or shutdown it hangs
 and the machine will not shutdown!!
 I think its the dhcp software causing this, here is the message it never gets
 dhcpcd[637]: terminating on signal 1
 can anyone advise?

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Re: [expert] Problem compling kernel in Mandrake 8.0

2001-05-03 Thread John Wolford

To be precise, the how-to's give the order thusly:

make dep clean modules modules_install bzdisk
and then later depmod -a and then if you're happy with everything when you
boot up with your floppy, back into /usr/src/linux and
make install

I think you modules_install implies modules, but still the point is that you
are making the image before the modules. Could that have something to do with


--- Robert V Fleisig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to compile the kernel provided by kernel-source-2.4.3-20mdk. 
 I do (as root):
 cd /usr/src/linux
 make dep
 make clean
 make bzImage
 make modules
 This is where I run into problems. Please see the attached log.
  make -C  kernel CFLAGS=-D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe 
 -march=i586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/modversions.h MAKING_MODULES=1 modules
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/kernel'
 make[1]: Nothing to be done for `modules'.
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/kernel'
 make -C  drivers CFLAGS=-D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe 
 -march=i586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/modversions.h MAKING_MODULES=1 modules
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers'
 make -C atm modules
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/atm'
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o fore_200e.o fore200e.o fore200e_pca_fw.o
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/atm'
 make -C block modules
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/block'
 make -C paride modules
 make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/block/paride'
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `modules'.
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/block/paride'
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/block'
 make -C cdrom modules
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/cdrom'
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `modules'.
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/cdrom'
 make -C char modules
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char'
 make -C agp modules
 make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/agp'
 ld -m elf_i386  -r -o agpgart.o agpgart_fe.o agpgart_be.o
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/agp'
 make -C drm modules
 make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/drm'
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o gamma.o gamma_drv.o  gamma_dma.o drmlib-mod.a
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o tdfx.o tdfx_drv.o tdfx_context.o
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o r128.o r128_drv.o   r128_cce.or128_context.o
 r128_bufs.o r128_state.o drmlib-mod.a
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o radeon.o radeon_drv.o radeon_cp.o   radeon_context.o
 radeon_bufs.o radeon_state.o drmlib-mod.a
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o mga.o mga_drv.omga_dma.o mga_context.o 
 mga_bufs.o  mga_state.o drmlib-mod.a
 ld -m elf_i386 -r -o i810.o i810_drv.o   i810_dma.oi810_context.o
 i810_bufs.o drmlib-mod.a
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/drm'
 make -C ftape modules
 make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/ftape'
 make -C compressor modules
 make[4]: Entering directory
 /usr/bin/kgcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe 
 -march=i586 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/modversions.h   -c -o zftape-compress.o
 In file included from /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/mm.h:4,
  from zftape-compress.c:35:
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/sched.h:6: nondigits in number and not
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/sched.h:6: nondigits in number and not
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/sched.h:6: parse error before `7b16c344'
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/include/linux/sched.h:6: warning: function declaration
 isn't a prototype
 make[4]: *** [zftape-compress.o] Error 1
 make[4]: Leaving directory
 make[3]: *** [_modsubdir_compressor] Error 2
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/ftape'
 make[2]: *** [_modsubdir_ftape] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char'
 make[1]: *** [_modsubdir_char] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers'
 make: *** [_mod_drivers] Error 2

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Re: [expert] Replying to the mailing list with kmail

2001-05-02 Thread John Wolford

Since i didn't see Steve's message, i assume he sent it to you personally and
it was never addressed to the list. I have, however, and so if you hit the
reply-to-all then it should work (not that you have to send it, necessarily).


--- vahlas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Le Mercredi  2 Mai 2001 12:44, SteveC a écrit :
  On Wednesday 02 May 2001 09:12, you wrote:
   It may sound stupid, but when I want to reply to some post coming from
   this mailing list in kmail, if I simply hit reply the editor window opens
   with the to field already set to the initial author's mail address.
   What I would like is that it opens with the to field set to
   Is this possible?
  Use reply-all...should work (will/should give you the posters mail AND
  the mailing list as recipients)
 It didn't work on this one: I only got your adress and mine!
 In fact I just had a look at the complete header of your last mail and the 
 mailing list address doesn't appear anywhere.
 Could it be server related?

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Re: [expert] sound and the new kernel

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford

This post will totally betray my ignorance, but i'd rather try to help someone
:-)  I had similar errors with one installation (of Mandrake) and i don't
remember how i solved it. Here are a few things that come to mind.

Have you:
1) explicitly made sure that the correct modules are configured before you
build  install your kernel?
2) typed depmod -a lately?
3) run sndconfig?
4) fiddled with modprobe, insmod and rmmod to try to get your module loaded

Sorry i can't give more definative direction :-)


--- Turgut Kalfaoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greetings. Ever since I upgraded to the new kernel, 2.2.19-4 (?) , whatever 
 was available on the MandrakeUpdate, I lost the sound support on the
 Thinkpad A20m. I also lost the modem support, but managed to get that back :)
 Kernel RPM installation went fine, as outlined by that 'security' web page of
 Mandrake, but still sound is lost. I since uninstalled alsa drivers with rpm 
 -e, and installed the newer tarball. I still have no sound, meaning things
 complaining about cannot open /dev/dsp 
 lsmod shows:
 Module  Size  Used by
 snd-pcm-oss34032   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 ppp_deflate40896   0  (autoclean)
 bsd_comp3904   0  (autoclean)
 ppp20496   0  (autoclean) [ppp_deflate bsd_comp]
 slhc4480   0  (autoclean) [ppp]
 ltmodem   349856   0  (autoclean)
 lockd  45456   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 sunrpc 61648   0  (autoclean) [lockd]
 ds  6384   2 
 i82365 22272   2 
 pcmcia_core45760   0  [ds i82365]
 usb-uhci   19056   0  (unused)
 usbcore43536   1  [usb-uhci]
 snd-mixer-oss   8720   0  (autoclean) [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-cs46xx 67184   0  (unused)
 snd-rawmidi11072   0  [snd-cs46xx]
 snd-seq-device  3920   0  [snd-rawmidi]
 snd-pcm46400   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-cs46xx]
 snd-timer   9280   0  [snd-pcm]
 snd-ac97-codec 18128   0  [snd-cs46xx]
 snd28800   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-cs46xx 
 snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device snd-pcm snd-timer snd-ac97-codec]
 soundcore   2608   0  [snd]
 nls_cp437   3920   4  (autoclean)
 vfat9648   2  (autoclean)
 fat31776   2  (autoclean) [vfat]
 supermount 13072   2  (autoclean)
 ./proc/asound/cards says 'there are no soundcards'
 if I do a alsasound restart , this is what I get:
 # /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound restart
 Shutting down sound driver: /usr/sbin/alsactl: error in loading shared 
 libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
 snd: Device or resource busy
 ALSA driver is already running.
 Any ideas?  Thanks, -turgut
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Re: [expert] sound and the new kernel

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford

I gave it some thought and now i remember that sndconfig saved me. If you the
kernel is built with support for your soundcard and all the module dependancies
are set up correctly, then sndconfig is your next step. (That means we're
hoping that your kernel will support it, but try this next step as it's quick
and easy.)

If you don't have it installed then just install from your installation CD's,
or download it from one of the many Mandrake mirrors. I've got 7.2 installed
right now and the package sndconfig-0.55-3mdk.i586.rpm is on the extension CD
(of the two install CD's).

There's an excellent chance that when you run that, your problems will finish.
Install and run sndconfig.


--- Turgut Kalfaoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh, many thanks! I was totally unaware of depmod -a command.
 I tried that, and afterwards did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound restart 
 and it complained about the same thing. argh.
 I dont seem to have a sndconfig  program anywhere on the disk.. 
 Btw, I did not build a kernel; I simply did an rpm -i  of the new kernel 
 file.. Sigh. Maybe I ought to try Mandrake 8 instead! 

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RE: [expert] kppp - ppp daemon has died unexpectedly

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford

Dan, try going through your logs to see if there's anything revealing there:
/var/log/whatever-seems-relevant. You could probably start with
/var/log/daemons/errors, then try .../daemons/info, .../daemons/warnings, 
/var/log/syslog, etc.. You get the idea.

You can use tail -50 /var/log/daemons/errors to get the last 50 lines of the
log, if you don't feel like wading through the whole thing with less or
more or vi or whatever. (Just for your information)

--- Tutty, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes it's the same message, but it works from within Winblows and used
 to work with LM7.2 and 2.2.18.
 -Original Message-
 From: John Wolford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 01 May 2001 14:28
 To: Tutty, Dan; 'expert'
 Subject: Re: [expert] kppp - ppp daemon has died unexpectedly
 Is that the same error message that it produces if you just unplug the phone
 line when you're online? Could it be that your ISP is dropping you for some
 --- Tutty, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there
  Could anyone let me know what the most common causes for the above error
  kppp is
  except for removing 'lock' from /etc/ppp/options?
  I'm using LM8 with an external Creative ModemBlaster and I used to have
  same problem
  with LM7.2 but only when I used a 2.4.x kernel. I tried a 2.2.x kernel
  LM8 but same
  problem occured. Same problem with gnome-ppp also.
  Help greatly appreciated!
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Re: [expert] sound and the new kernel

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford

Oh Turgut, one more thing. Although i'm sure that running sndconfig will almost
certainly solve your problem, another thing you might try doing is going
through some of your logfiles to see if you can get any insight there. Maybe
start with /var/log/syslog and try any other ones that seem relevant.


--- Turgut Kalfaoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh, many thanks! I was totally unaware of depmod -a command.
 I tried that, and afterwards did a /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound restart 
 and it complained about the same thing. argh.
 I dont seem to have a sndconfig  program anywhere on the disk.. 
 Btw, I did not build a kernel; I simply did an rpm -i  of the new kernel 
 file.. Sigh. Maybe I ought to try Mandrake 8 instead! 

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Re: [expert] kppp - ppp daemon has died unexpectedly

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford

Is that the same error message that it produces if you just unplug the phone
line when you're online? Could it be that your ISP is dropping you for some


--- Tutty, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there
 Could anyone let me know what the most common causes for the above error in
 kppp is
 except for removing 'lock' from /etc/ppp/options?
 I'm using LM8 with an external Creative ModemBlaster and I used to have the
 same problem
 with LM7.2 but only when I used a 2.4.x kernel. I tried a 2.2.x kernel with
 LM8 but same
 problem occured. Same problem with gnome-ppp also.
 Help greatly appreciated!

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Re: [expert] Searching for files in packages

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford


I've never used that tool, but you could get it from doing something like
locate nslookup |xargs rpm -qf or the longhanded version:
locate nslookup to find the file, then rpm -qf filename to find the owner
package. If locate gives you too many files then try find / -name nslookup
2/dev/null |xargs rpm -qf or if you're happy with regex's then filter through
the locate output for something that ends in nslookup. Hell, if nslookup is
in your $PATH then you could just do whereis nslookup |xargs rpm -qf.

Just a few ideas.


--- Laurent Duperval [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It used to be (in 7.2) that you could search for a file and it would tell
 you what package to find it in. That functionality seems to have disappeared
 form the Software Manager. Is that a fact or am I not doing things properly?
 Specifically, I'm looking for the package which has nslookup in it.
 Laurent Duperval mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On ne chiffrera jamais assez  le prix de la honte!
  -Le commerçant d'Achille Talon

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Re: [expert] Searching for files in packages

2001-05-01 Thread John Wolford

Hi again,

Just thought i'd mention that i don't have access to linux from where i am, but
i'm sure there are some more efficient ways of doing that. Can you make locate
only locate executables, or locate exact-matching filenames? I don't know, but
if you can then you don't have to worry about gobs of output when you locate


--- Laurent Duperval [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It used to be (in 7.2) that you could search for a file and it would tell
 you what package to find it in. That functionality seems to have disappeared
 form the Software Manager. Is that a fact or am I not doing things properly?
 Specifically, I'm looking for the package which has nslookup in it.
 Laurent Duperval mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On ne chiffrera jamais assez  le prix de la honte!
  -Le commerçant d'Achille Talon

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Re: [expert] Kernel config file

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

Try installing some things as modules. Make careful decisions about what to put
in as a module and what not to. One thing is, i think that some of the Mandrake
kernels have been made with patches, so just getting the .config file might not
be the only thing you need to do.


--- ninetysix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have the .config file used by Mandrake or something similar that 
 closely resembles their kernels?  I tried to compile my own kernel and it 
 came out to about 2MB compared to 700k-800k for mandrake kernels.  I though I
 already disabled most of the stuff that I don't need but I guess not :)  
 Really puzzles me how those 700k/800k kernels has so much drivers in it.  

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Re: [expert] configuring sb16

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

To configure it? Use sndconfig.

Is it an isa card? In that case do something like this:

cp /etc/isapnp.conf /etc/isapnp.conf.bak
pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf
isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf

Standard Advice: Read the man pages on those commands i mentioned :-)

Good luck

--- Pupeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which is the standard way in Mandrake 8 to configure a sound blaster 16 ? 
 (just doing modprobe sb works, but I don't wnat to write modprobe sb in any 
 script, I would like to do it the right way, thank you).

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Re: [expert] Game-unfriendly is Mandrake 8.0

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

I almost hate to take the bait like this, but what the hell

Praedor: Why'd you switch to 8.0 anyway? To get the latest, the greatest,
right? But most any distro that puts out a new major version is going to have
the cutting edge stuff - which is likely always going to be fairly buggy. So
you can switch off to any other distro, and then when that distro comes out
with the newest and bestest, you'll upgrade and likely have more problems. Or
you could join the ranks of those who don't take 7.0 but wait for 7.1 and 7.2,
and who don't take 8.0 but wait for 8.1 etc.

But whatever, and good luck getting those games going! Have fun :-)

--- Praedor Tempus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By all indications, it appears to me that the combination of Mandrake 8.0 and
 KDE 2.1.1 is the most game-unfriendly combination I have ever come across in 
 the linux world.
 I have Terminus, Myth II, and Heretic II, all linux games.  Not a single one 
 of them will play properly under Mandrake 8.0 but they did play VERY well 
 under 7.2.
 With Heretic II and Myth II, you have a choice:  play the games without 
 soundfx (because artsd will not release /dev/dsp so anything else can use it)
 OR kill artsd, which prevents the games from starting at all (don't ask me 
 why this is).
 With Terminus, who know WHAT the problem is.  I even tried deleting the whole
 thing and then reinstalling the game from scratch.  No dice.  The problem 
 here is that the game wont produce ANY informational content at all.  No 
 error messages, nothing.  No CPU activity of any kind.  It is as if one is 
 starting an empty binary, but this isn't the case.  Under Mandrake 7.2, all 
 three of these games played flawlessly.  
 Among the problems that people have been coming across with the latest 
 Mandrake release, add linux games don't work worth a damn in Mandrake 8.0.
 If this cannot be corrected in 8.0, then I will have to go to another distro 
 (seriously). I specifically bought linux games to specifically support linux 
 gaming and help drive further development of linux games (and to enjoy the 
 games, of course).  Please tell me there is a fix for this problem?
 Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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[expert] thanks for the file

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

Just to let anyone who cares know, someone emailed me the file
(THANKS KEN) and i copied it back and my linux box booted up without a hitch. I
love that i can claw my way back from a totally broken system without having to

I have to write a script that will protect me from my stupidity..Thank god
for this list!


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Re: [expert] Game-unfriendly is Mandrake 8.0

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

Ooooh, sounds from multiple apps simultaneously eh, that's pretty nice

--- Jeff Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have Quake3 working flawlessly in Mandrake 8.0, just like I had it working 
 flawlessly in 7.2. I'm having no sound problems whatsoever. I'm using a Sound
 Blaster Live, which I noticed doesnt give me any problems even while I'm 
 playing MP3s in  xmms and hearing sounds from other apps while I'm still 
 playing Q3.
 On Monday 30 April 2001 16:26, John Wolford wrote:
  I almost hate to take the bait like this, but what the hell
  Praedor: Why'd you switch to 8.0 anyway? To get the latest, the greatest,
  right? But most any distro that puts out a new major version is going to
  have the cutting edge stuff - which is likely always going to be fairly
  buggy. So you can switch off to any other distro, and then when that distro
  comes out with the newest and bestest, you'll upgrade and likely have more
  problems. Or you could join the ranks of those who don't take 7.0 but wait
  for 7.1 and 7.2, and who don't take 8.0 but wait for 8.1 etc.
  But whatever, and good luck getting those games going! Have fun :-)
  --- Praedor Tempus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   By all indications, it appears to me that the combination of Mandrake 8.0
   KDE 2.1.1 is the most game-unfriendly combination I have ever come across
   in the linux world.
   I have Terminus, Myth II, and Heretic II, all linux games.  Not a single
   one of them will play properly under Mandrake 8.0 but they did play VERY
   well under 7.2.
   With Heretic II and Myth II, you have a choice:  play the games without
   soundfx (because artsd will not release /dev/dsp so anything else can use
   OR kill artsd, which prevents the games from starting at all (don't ask
   me why this is).
   With Terminus, who know WHAT the problem is.  I even tried deleting the
   thing and then reinstalling the game from scratch.  No dice.  The problem
   here is that the game wont produce ANY informational content at all.  No
   error messages, nothing.  No CPU activity of any kind.  It is as if one
   is starting an empty binary, but this isn't the case.  Under Mandrake
   7.2, all three of these games played flawlessly.
   Among the problems that people have been coming across with the latest
   Mandrake release, add linux games don't work worth a damn in Mandrake
   If this cannot be corrected in 8.0, then I will have to go to another
   distro (seriously). I specifically bought linux games to specifically
   support linux gaming and help drive further development of linux games
   (and to enjoy the games, of course).  Please tell me there is a fix for
   this problem? --
   Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.
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Re: [expert] mandrake 8 rpm

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

Hi Anthony,

You could try doing rpm -iv or -ivv, to get some verbose messages. Also you
might try firing up another console when it hangs, do a detailed ps listing or
run top or something like that, to see if  you can find out what exact process
is hanging, and if it's gobbling up all the memory, etc.

Just a few ideas.

--- Anthony C. Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed mandrake 8 and am trying to install rpms.  However,
 whenever I run rpm -i file.rpm, it just seems to hang.  I've also tried
 Gnome RPM and it also hangs.  Has anyone else been having this
 problem?  Any suggestions on how I could get rpms installed?

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Re: [expert] rpmdrake configuration

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

I think it might help you to read the man page for rpm: man rpm, and see the
related files.

If you're looking for things specific to rpmdrake, try locate rpmdrake
(assuming your database is up to date - update it with updatedb).

Most of those things you will need to run as root.

Hope that helps :-)

--- Pupeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where is the rpmdrake configuration (the configuration file), I would like to
 delete by hand some resources I added because rpmdrake dies when starting, it
 hags... maybe getting a list of rpm from a very slow ftp server or something 
 like that.
 thank you.

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Re: [expert] samba RPM

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

Hi Kaab,

There must be a million tutorials, howto's and examples out there on exactly
that. The first tutorial that i found is
and i got that by doing a google search for samba tutorial quick start. I'm
sure you can come up with a better search string than that :-)

To find out where rpm put all the files that came with the samba package do
something like rpm -ql samba. That will tell you where all the config files
are etc, then just pretend that's where the tutorials think they are.

Good luck,

--- kaab kaoutar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can u put me on track on how to make samba run ?
 this whole book that came with the rpm is too boring for a beginner :(
 can u please tell me the steps in a easier way ?
 thanks a lot
 NB: i always have trouble using rpm cause in tutorials thaey assuming u've 
 install it in /usr/local etc :(
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Re: [expert] rpmdrake configuration

2001-04-30 Thread John Wolford

Oh, ok. Maybe you can just uninstall rpmdrake and reinstall it? No package on
my system depends on it, so that should be simple enough. Did you try anything
that i suggested to debug/troubleshoot it?

Taking a look at the files that come in the rpmdrake package i don't see any
config files. Maybe it's stored in a massive drake config file somewhere? If
you really want to get medival on dat thang, you can do a 
fgrep -r online-resource /* 2/dev/null, or maybe you could be a little
more selective for the directories and so one for /usr, one for /etc, etc etc
(no pun intended :-)).

Basically that's just brainstorming, i hope something in there is helpful :-)

--- Pupeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 30 April 2001 15:25, you wrote:
  I think it might help you to read the man page for rpm: man rpm, and see
  the related files.
  If you're looking for things specific to rpmdrake, try locate rpmdrake
  (assuming your database is up to date - update it with updatedb).
  Most of those things you will need to run as root.
 I use rpm everyday, I wanted to try rpmdrake (the graphic utility), it 
 started prety well and asked me for an on-line resource, I selected one, and 
 then it didn't start anymore, it hangs, no more window refresh. I searched 
 for rpmdrake config files with locate, but I couldn't find anything, i would 
 like to remove that on-line resource and just leave the 2 cd-roms, at least, 
 by now, how can I do it ?

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Re: [expert] Installing Netscape 3.04 and

2001-04-29 Thread John Wolford

Hi Randy,

Yes, go to and look for an older version of libdl. You can also
look at

Then have fun installing that older version. I DONT KNOW, but i would try
something like rpm -ivh --force rpm package filename. Note that you are
_installing_ it, not upgrading it, hence -ivh instead of -Uvh. If that works,
then you should have two versions of that package installed.

Read the man page of rpm, obviously, before you go pulling some stunt like
that. And make sure that the worst that could happen is you would have to
uninstall the misunderstanding and install the original package again.

Good luck,

--- Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For compatibility with mail files on Windows systems, I want to use
 Netscape 3 (3.04) on my Mandrake 7.2 box.
 I've downloaded the tar.gz file, read the instructions,
 unzipped/untarred it and tried to install it.
 First problem:  It says it needs, and sure enough, it's not
 on Mandrake 7.2.
 Someone suggests that I create a softlink between and the
 libdl on Mandrake (, so I did, and they also suggest
 running ldconfig.
 The soft link exists.  At first ldconfig didn't appear to work, so then
 I did:
 ldconfig -l /lib/ , and it seemed to work (no complaint
 Now when I try to run the Netscape installer, I get:
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
 Any suggestions?
 Randy Kramer

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Re: [expert] 8.0: cannot boot into Linux after the install

2001-04-29 Thread John Wolford


Awhile back i tried to make 2 installations of Mandrake. One installation was
already on one drive, and i tried installing the second onto several
combinations of the two drives (several times). Every time, at the part of the
installation where it wants to format the partitions, it would want to format
the swap partition for the first installation too, even though i told it i
wanted another swap partition. Every time it would install fine and then it
would fail to boot, going into a kernel panic; or else it would boot up but
segfault  coredump every time i tried to run almost anything.

Eventually the light dawned and i unplugged the first drive and plugged in some
other drive that didn't have any linux installed on it (i think it was a data
drive, actually) to give it the same drive topology. Then it installed fine. I
made it boot off floppy. Then i swapped the drives back, and it worked
perfectly. The problem seemed to occur during the installation, and i bet
anything it had to do with that original swap partition.

So don't do it, is my advice, and if you must then try to do seomthing along
the lines of what i did. I suspect that it will work (right, why wouldn't it?).

Good luck,

--- Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin Tambascio wrote:
  I have tried three times to install 8.0 on a box that
  previously ran 7.2.  The only difference is that I am
  installing to the second IDE harddrive instead of the
  first, nothing else has changed.  Here is what my system
  looks like:
  Dell PII-450
  20 GB Quantum HD
  RIVA 128 TNT Video Card
  128 MB Ram
  Linksys 10/100 eth card
  The install works fine, and I set up linux partitions like
  / - ~12 GB, reiserFS
  /home - ~8 GB, resiser
  /swap - 400 MB, swap
  When I reboot for the first time, and anytime after that,
  during the Aurora bootup, it says Starting X Font Server,
  and it just hangs for ever.  I let it sit there for 10 or
  15 minutes, and still nothing, no disk activity or
  anything.  I picked X 4.0.3 to use as my X system.
  So I formatted everything again, and selected X 3.3.6 this
  time. Picked the same basic options.  Got the exact same
  result.  Note, the computer is not frozen, because I can do
  a Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot, and the system responds.
  So when it was frozen, I used the Alt+F1-F11 to look at all
  the different consoles to see what was going on, but there
  were no messages on the screen about what was causing xfs
  to not load (yes, I did make sure that xfs was selected in
  the install, I did a expert install).
  I also tried to boot up in rescue mode off the CD, and I
  went into /var to look for any logs, but /var had almost
  I reformatted again, and this time unchecked the boot into
  graphical mode.  I did this, but still got it hanging.
  Any suggestions?
 Kevintry a seperate ext2 /boot partition.

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Re: [expert] How do I copy a partition?

2001-04-28 Thread John Wolford

Thanks, Todd :-)


--- Todd Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Wolford wrote:
  2. copy:
  # cp -a /usr /mnt
 Very good procedure.  As an adder, I would like to highlight that the
 gentleman you were responding to mentioned the need for the -ax option. 
 x keeps it within the same file system.
 For those that don't know what this means, suppose you have /usr as
 /dev/hda7 and /usr/local/dev/hda8.  You want to move /usr to /dev/hda9. 
 So you mount /dev/hda9 to /mnt/usr and begin the copy command.  If you
 specify -x, you will copy all of /usr EXCEPT /usr/local/*.  This may not
 be a big deal for some people, but on my personal system /usr/local is
 2x the size of /usr by itself.
 tlyons at mandrakesoft dot com

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[expert] this is one i could really use your help on.......

2001-04-28 Thread John Wolford

Hi guys,

I won't bore you with the details, but here's where i wound up:

I need to have libsafe-1.3 installed, and i accidentaly uninstalled/upgraded
it. I have 2.0 installed, but that doesn't work if 1.3 isn't there too. So
right now i can run almost no commands (no ls, etc) - oddly enough, rpm works
just fine, as does cd and tab completion! Anyway, everything else under the sun
seems to depend on my libsafe library, and it won't boot without it.

Right now my computer is sitting at home in rescue mode. I booted from the
7.2 cdrom and went into rescue mode. I mounted the / partition, which has /lib
which is where libsafe-1.3 needs to go. Here's the thing that stikes me as odd:
*I can mount everything EXCEPT the cdrom*, which is what has the libsafe-1.3
rpm on it!! I just gave my test box away so i don't have it to help me -
however it doesn't have libsafe on it anyways! And, needless to say, it works
just fine without it.

Anyway, here's how i think you can most immediately help me:

1. send me a copy of your /lib/libsafe-1.3*.so file. If i can put it to floppy
and take it to my place then i can just copy the file into place. Then i will
be able to boot up and rpm it properly. I have just downloaded the binary 
source rpms onto floppy but i'm not certain if it will let me install them onto
a random partition. (I guess i could install it on the ramdisk(?) and then copy
the file over).

2. tell me how can i get at the files that are on the same cd as i just booted

3. suggest any other things i can do.

Clearly i have a few options left that i can try before i need your help, but
i might as well ask now, while i'm at a computer that's working. (yeah i'll
have to plug in my windows box when i get home if i don't get it working right

Thanks a lot guys,

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Re: [expert] Network problem: can't connect via DHCP

2001-04-28 Thread John Wolford

When it rains, it pours. Someone else just asked the exact same question. Ive
been through it myself, and so here's what i said:

When i experienced that symptom (timeout), it was because my ISP required that
i pass a hostname with the request: dhcpcd -h cr843732-a was the thing it
needed. To make that an automatic phenomenon during bootup, make sure to
include the following in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (for eth0):

So check that out, it might be it.

--- Aleksey Naumov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, Mandrake experts!
 I've just installed Mandrake 8.0 on my PII 400MHz HP at work. My
 computer is on a
 college network and connection is done with DHCP. The problem is that I
 can't get
 DHCP connection to work in Linux, while it works just fine in Win98.
 At boot time I get:
 Setting network parameters:[  OK  ]
 Bringing up interface lo:  [  OK  ]
 Bringing up interface eth0:  Determining IP information for eth0...
 I've tried to play with dhcpcd parameters, but with no result:
  dhcpcd -v
 DHCP Client Daemon v.1.3.19-pl4
  dhcpcd -r
 as well as playing woth the -h (host) option:
  dhcpcd -h foohost
  dhcpcd -h machine_name  # name my machine is known as under Win
  dhcpcd -h machine_name.domainname
 I get the same message (in log):
 Apr 27 19:41:41 HAP429 dhcpcd[1355]: broadcasting DHCP_DISCOVER
 Apr 27 19:42:41 HAP429 dhcpcd[1355]: timed out waiting for a valid DHCP
 server response
 I also tried to use the pump daemon instead of dhcpcd:
 Operation failed.
  pump --win-client-ident
 Operation failed.
 as well as all -h options, but with the same result.
 At least pump daemon logs more info, but I don't know if it's useful.
 Does anyone?
 Here it is:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: PUMP: sending discover
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: opcode: 1
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: hw: 1
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: hwlength: 6
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: hopcount: 0
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: xid: 0xf5fba69c
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: secs: 0
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: flags: 0x
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: ciaddr:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: yiaddr:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: server_ip:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: bootp_gw_ip:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: hwaddr:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: servername:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: bootfile:
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: vendor: 0x63 0x53 0x82 0x63
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: vendor:  53   1 0x01
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 pumpd[1348]: breq: vendor: 0xff
 Apr 27 19:37:23 HAP429 kernel: eth0: using NWAY device table, not 8
 People in tech support were not very helpful (it's a Windows only
 campus). They
 gave me IP addresses for subnet, gateway and DHCP server, but what do I
 do with them?
 The DHCP server is probably run on NT.
 I've read the DHCP mini-howto, as well as other network howtos and I
 can't get
 this moving. I also went through network setup in Mandrake control
 center (as well as
 linuxconf), the Mandrake control center uses wizard and determines
 correctly that
 I am on a LAN and using DHCP, then reports that the network is set...
 and it isn't!
 Any ideas would be very much appreciated!
 Could this be a problem with my Ethernet card rather than DHCP? It
 doesn't look
 like it to me (especially since it works perfectly under Win98), but
 just in case,
 here the info on my Ethernet card:
 I have a 3Com 3c905B-Combo [Deluxe EtherLink XL 10/100] card. Of the 3
 the one that's is used is 10Base2 (thinnet with metal
 The driver used is 3c59x that came with the system. I tried to compile
 the newer
 3c90x, but couldn't get it to compile. However, this is likely not a
 problem, since
 the Ethernet-HOWTO says that my card (3c905B) is supported by this
 driver (3c59x).
 I don't know how to check if the card itself works, but the following
 (from dmesg) make me think it's ok:
 3c59x.c:LK1.1.13 27 Jan 2001  Donald Becker and others.
 See Documentation/networking/vortex.txt
 eth0: 3Com PCI 3c905B Cyclone 10/100/BNC at 0x1400,  00:50:04:0a:fb:13,
 IRQ 11
   product code 5545 rev 00.0 date 01-21-99
   8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.
   MII transceiver found at address 24, status 782d.
   Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
 eth0: scatter/gather enabled. h/w checksums enabled
 eth0: using NWAY device table, not 8

Re: [expert] weird network problem

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford


When you moved the linux server, did you carry the cables with it? Plugged into a hub, 
you must
have used straight-through, but in the new location should it be crossover, perhaps? 
Or maybe it
should be straight-through but for some reason it is crossover? In other words, good 
cables but
bad physical configuration?

Is it still on the same LAN, same network address? All sorts of problems could be 
causing it, if

Is it plugging into a switch, or something that needs to be reconfigured to allow 

Does it have to go through a firewall, or a router access control list, that it didn't 
have to

If you pull another test box into the room with the server, and you attatch a 
crossover cable
between them and set up the ip address properly (same network), do you have 
connectivity? (If you
use a hub in between the two, you need straight-through, not crossover). What i'm 
asking, is can
you get the server to connect with ANYTHING in that room, other than plugging it into 
connection which is not currently working?

Was anything getting configured from the server, which is now not getting configured, 
and could
that thing be causing loss of connectivity? Like, say, a router? I guess that would 
come back to
it being on a different network.

Can the server still ping its own network card (specified by its ip address, not by 
If you can't then you can't ping anyone else either. Make sure your network card is 
up. If it's
not, then maybe it gets its ip configuration from a DHCP server, which it is not able 
to reach for
some reason (some physical-layer or layer-2 reason).

Umi guess that's a mish-mash of suggestions: 1) physical (crossover vs 
cables; 2) layer-2 (switches, MAC-based filters); layer-3 (routers, ip-based 
changed networks, changed gateway, ip address configuration (static vs dhcp).

If nothing makes sense, then start looking very closely at the things you take for 
(cables, this, that, whatever). Sometimes just thinking of the things we take for 
granted and
forcing ourselves to not take them for granted is the hardest part of trouble-shooting.

Good luck, let us know any developments. It's fun stuff - for us anyway :-)

--- Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Linuxguys,
 We have a problem which we find rather weird.
 We have a Linux Server running our mail server in the office (we have leased
 This particular server worked well in the other room (server room1) but it
 does not work in another. To say that the cabling at the other room is
 faulty, it is not since we put other machines there and it worked fine... we
 can ping, access the service and all. Even the Windows clients worked there.
 Network card, we're sure nothing wrong with it too.
 But when I put the Linux server machine straight into the hub, it worked. We
 can't leave the server near the hub though, as we don't have anymore space.
 We have to put it somewhere else which apparently it does not work elsewhere
 except the hub... unable to ping, unable to access the service and all.
 Can anybody give us a checklist on what should we check?
 By the way, we are running LM7.0 without X Server, no KDE, no GNOME etc.
 We appreciate your assistance in any kind.
 Best Regards,
 RLU# 186063
 Reading is the essence of knowledge

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Re: [expert] Is that sshd process really serving ssh?

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford

Let me try posting this again

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 20:55:50 -0700 (PDT)
   From: John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [expert] Is that sshd process really serving ssh?

Thanks Rusty, Mark  Karl.

Well to be honest, i first wanted to solve this so that i could keep 
(me) from locking myself out
of my box, which i did in a fit of stupidity awhile ago. So i wrote a 
simple script that has been
doing the job, until a friend pointed out the issue that i just brought 
up. It seemed like an
interesting problem, so i decided to persue it.

And the point is taken, that if someone could kill the sshd process 
that let him/her in, then he
could also kill the watchdog that keeps it up.

I like the netstat -l solution, it's simple and it works. Another 
suggestion was to try to telnet
to port 22 (or whatever port i have it running on) and check for a 
signature response. Another way
would be to keep track of the PID that the orginal server had. Oh, 
another is to have init/inittab
do the deed. A final one that i'll add is to start sshd with something 
like daemon or another
such program that starts applications in daemon mode and makes sure 
they stay running.

Anyway, thanks again for your help. I will play it with a bit more, and 
in the meantime i have
adjusted the logic (logistics) that let me lock myself out. Plus the 
simpleton watchdog that works
well, except that it doesn't make that distinction between server and 


--- Mark Rafn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, John Wolford wrote:
  I have a question that might be off-topic for this list, but then
  again maybe not.
 Probably mildly so.  Comp.unix.programmer is a good spot for 
 like this.
  How can i tell if a given sshd process is serving
  ssh? Other than trying to connect to it, that is.
 sshd is always serving ssh, in some sense.  The main daemon is 
 for new ssh connections, and the spawned daemons are servicing 
 It sounds like you're trying to make sure that there is an sshd 
 listening, regardless of whether there are sshds servicing 
  running on a box, and there is a script watching to make sure that
  it's running. But if someone logs in via ssh, another sshd process
  gets spawned for that connection. If that person were to somehow 
  the sshd server process (the parent of the spawned sshd) then s/he
  could continue on with the connection but nobody else would be able 
  get in. The watchdog would not know this because it would see a 
  in the process list, which is all it is checking for. But i would 
 There are a number of ways to approach this.
 The first thing I usually think when anyone talks about a watchdog 
 is why not use init?  For something this simple, a respawn entry in
 inittab may be all you need.
 If your watchdog script needs to do something more complicated than 
 (logging, e-mailing if something goes wrong, etc.), then you should
 basically do what init does - spawn sshd and wait() for it.  You'll 
 to use something other than a shell script for this - perl, python, 
or C
 can all do this easily.
 If you're really stuck on pure shell scripting, you can either keep 
 of the listener-sshd's PID and check for that, or you can grep the 
 of netstat -l and make sure something is listening for ssh.  There 
 probably other ways to check, but these seem easiest.
 Now on to the harder question.  Why do you need to do this?  Sshd is
 quite stable, and shouldn't need more of a watchdog than any other 
 Are you experiencing problems with sshd dieing?  If so, those should 
 tracked down and stomped.  Users, of course, can't kill the listener
 process unless they're root, in which case they can kill the watchdog 
 Generally, adding a layer of complexity without having a specific 
 is likely to cause more problems than it solves.

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Re: [expert] socket.h file

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford

It doesn't appear to point to anything:

[john@homer Website]$ ls -l /usr/include/sys/socket.h
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root  8340 Jan 17 13:54 /usr/include/sys/socket.h
[john@homer Website]$ 


--- Patrick Shirkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what /usr/include/sys/socket.h is supposed to point
 I managed to delete it and now I need it in order to compile a few
 Patrick Shirkey.
 Boost Hardware.
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Re: [expert] Firewall / Router Advice

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford


Doesn't it strike as a little weird that both interfaces are on the same
network? Which interface does it send to when it wants to ping
Both? Or one of them, and then which one? You have two topologies going on in
the internal network: star topology on the side of the internal interface of
your linux firewall, and bus topology from the internal interface of the
firewall to the router. I just looked up your router and so i now know that
your internal network is 10BaseT. But 10BaseT doesn't work with a bus topology!
According to IEEE 802.3 10BaseT specifications, which is what your linux
firewall is going by, when you send a packet out of eth0, any of the rest of
that network, including the machines on the eth1 side of it, can hear it. So
really, if the linux firewall sends a packet only out of eth0, it's doing
nothing wrong.

The way i see it, you have two options:

1. Do the classic linux firewall thing and set up the network on eth1 to be
something like and on eth1 to be on the network, with
the router as your gateway, and do masq'ing from internal to external
interface. The point is that both NICs need to be on different subnets. For
this check out

2. This is the COOLEST option: set up your linux firewall as a bridge. This
would make it a transparent firewall - a bridge that is also a firewall. Much
less chance of your firewall box itself being compromised. For this check out

I hope that makes some sense :-)

--- Martyn Wendon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Expert List!
 If possible can anybody advise me on the following scenario:
 My home network (4 pcs and a laptop of varying Windows / Linux versions)
 currently accesses the Internet via a 3Com OfficeConnect ISDN router.  The
 machines are connected to a hub, which in turn uplinks to the router.
 Currently the router has an internal IP address of and the
 machines have IP's in the range of 172.18.9.* - On connecting to my ISP a
 dynamic IP is allocated to the external port of the router and it performs
 NAT accordingly.  The default gateway in each machine is set to the internal
 IP of the router and everything works fine.
 What I'm trying to do is put a Linux box (Mandrake 7.2) as a proxy server /
 firewall in between the hub and the router to increase security and offer
 proxying facilities.  I'm fairly new to Linux (been playing with Mandrake
 for about 6 months), but have a reasonable knowledge of networking.
 So far I've fitted 2 network cards in the Linux box, eth0 is
 and is connected to the router and eth1 is and is connected to
 the hub of the internal network.  I've enabled routing in linuxconf, and the
 default gateway is set at, at this point from this Linux box I
 assumed that I would be able to a:) ping the other machines on my network
 and b:) be able to ping the router / internet.  But I can only ping the
 router and the internet, not the internal network.  I also assumed
 (wrongly?) that I'd still be able to ping the router / internet from the
 rest of the machines.  So now I'm a little stuck - too many years of plug
 and pray with Microsoft have taken their toll!
 I'd appreciate any help on getting this all set up correctly, I've got a
 copy of PMFirewall and Squid - although I'm open to suggestions if there's
 anything better - but first things first I'd like to get the Linux box
 working as a simple middle man between the hub and router..
 Many thanks,

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Re: [expert] 2 installs

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford

Hi Gary,

If you're going to install 8.0 along side 7.2, you should do it on an entirely
new partition(s).

And back up anything you care about...

--- Gary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all, 
 have a question.. I have Mdk 7.2 and plenty of room on my HD for another.
 Can I safely install v8 along side of it.  What are the pitfalls.  Do I
 need to have a separate /boot directory, etc, so they do not get combined
 and read by the wrong version?  Any help is appreciated.
 Best regards,
 Today's thought:  It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

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Re: [expert] how to /not/ installing X in mdk 8.0?

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford


If 8.0 is anything like 7.x, then you must install X but then you can go back
and uninstall it once you boot up your new system. Uninstall is done by taking
out all the rpm packages that have anything to do with X. Have fun with that.

And you can disable apmd when you first boot up too. It is a service, so turn
it off.


(and in case you didn't notice, i'm _not_ Mandrake..)

--- Patrick Erler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hello MANDRAKE!
 i need to build a server which will NEVER run X. but, there is no
 option /not/ to install X, it seems?
 also, how can i disable APM at install time?
 thanks in advance...
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Re: [expert] newbie list not runing for me

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford

Why don't you try subscribing again? If that doesn't work, try unsubscribing
and then subscribing again. There's a page to do that off of the Mandrake site:

Good luck,

--- Francisco Alcaraz Ariza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This question is actually for the mandrake person in charge of the newbie 
 list, but I haven't found any other form to communicate this.
 Appart from the expert list, I am (or was?) in the newbie list. 1 month ago 
 suddently newbie messages stoped to arrive. I thought that perhaps I was down
 in the list and I have tried to subscribe again two times; it seems I am 
 accepted in the list, but actually I never receive messages.
 Please could anybody tell me how to start again being a member of the newbie 
 Thanks so much
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [expert] Mandrake 8.0 kills dhcp

2001-04-27 Thread John Wolford

When i experienced that symptom (timeout), it was because my ISP required that
i pass a hostname with the request: dhcpcd -h cr843732-a was the thing it
needed. To make that an automatic phenomenon during bootup, make sure to
include the following in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (for eth0):

So check that out, it might be it.

--- Geoff Low [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am connected via a University network.  I have an allocated ip address 
 (via dhcp).  When I installed Mandrake 8.0, I firstly got the error about 
 eth0 not existing (rtl8139 vs 8139too) which I worked out myself.  So the 
 error no longer occurs on boot.
 However, I still cannot connect and get an ip address (or anything for that 
 matter).  The module loads ok, but then the dhcpcd times out.
 Does anybody know how to fix this?
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[expert] rpm --rebuilddb

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford

I have a small problem: 
[root@homer RPM]# rpm -Fvh RPMS/i686/nedit-5.1.1-9.1mdk.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies: is needed by nedit-5.1.1-9.1mdk
[root@homer RPM]# rpm -q libsafe
[root@homer RPM]# locate
[root@homer RPM]# ll /lib/libsafe
[root@homer RPM]# ll /lib/
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   14 Apr 25 10:14 /lib/ -*
[root@homer RPM]#

So as you can see, i have the required package (and file) installed, but rpm seems 
only half aware
of this. Has anyone else had a similar problem?

I'm thinking maybe a rpm --rebuilddb would be in order, but i'm a little wary of doing 
this, i
don't want to screw things up further. Therefore i'm wondering what are all the files 
that rpm
--rebuilddb would change/touch, so that i may back them up and copy them over if it 
doesn't work?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Re: [expert] Kernel building script

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford


1. What's the difference between copying all those files manually and doing make 

2. Where's your depmod -a?

3. And on a totally different  note, i like usage: $0 new in case someone wants to 
rename the

4. I'm assuming you've tested it out? But then what about things not working without 
having done
depmod -a?


--- Greg A. Bur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is just a small shell script I wrote to assist me in building kernels.  
 Feel free to critique my work and if you have any creative additions to it 
 I'd love to hear about them.
 # simple shell script to build a kernel
 case $1 in
   make dep 
   make clean 
   make modules 
   make modules_install 
   make bzImage 
   cp -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-new
   cp -f /boot/
   echo Now opening lilo.conf for editting...
   perl wait-for-key
   vi /etc/lilo.conf
   echo Usage:  build new
   exit 1
 Greg A. Bur

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Re: [expert] Upgrading MDK7.2 to MDK8.0 with qmail installed

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford


I agree with you on reinstalling rather than upgrading.

You might check out the freezerburn link off the homepage of Someone who 
works at
Mandrake (i forget his name just now) put together an rpm package for qmail and 
accessories. I
found this out by reading the forum on (excellent forum). Apparently it 
would be
included in the distribution but for licensing problems. So this would be the 
unofficial rpm
then There is the same thing for tinydns, and it's a huge site, there's lots more 
there too!

And i know nothing about svscan and tcpserver, sorry :-)


--- Paulo Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using qmail for my mail server on Mandrake 7.2, but I would like to upgrade to 
 I've been reading the messages under the mailinglists newbie and expert and I find 
that it's
 probably advisable to do a fresh install rather then upgrading?!
 Installing qmail is not a task for a sunday afternoon!!! I took almost a week to 
make it work...
 so I would like to avoid reeinstalling it!
 As I find qmail more secure and faster (and other things...) then sendmail or 
postfix, wouldn't
 Mandrakesoft include it in their distributions?
 So, should I try and upgrade... and what about svscan and tcpserver ?
 Opinions welcomed...

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RE: [expert] xinetd

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford


There's no need to get all grumpy. Maybe you should have said what you had tried, in 
your original
message. That's always helpful to people who want to help you. Which is (_obviously_) 
what this
mailing list is about. Try the Mandrake Forum also.

Unfortunately i can't help you with your specific problem, i don't know enough on that 

Good luck with it, have a great day :-)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the reasons I asked was that I HAVE already done 
 chmod 0 xinetd.conf and restarted.\I wanted to know whether this was a feature of 
xinetd or a
 Mandrake security cludge
 Now I dont think thats too much to ask IS IT ?
  Or have I got to strip mandrake off the machine to load Redhat 7 which also usese 
xinetd to see
 if the same thing happens ?
 I thought this was the reason for this group to help others , but perhaps i was 
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf ofTodd Lyons
 Sent: 26 April 2001 03:49
 To:   Mandrake Expert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Re: [expert] xinetd
  last week I posted a request for answers
 Probably because all you had to do was:
chmod 000 /etc/xinetd.conf
/etc/init.d/xinetd start
 and see what happens.
  does xinetd read its config file even with the attibutes set to nothing , ie no 
execute read ,
 or write for either root,
  group, or user... this it seems to
 And the answer is:  yes, it works just like normal.  You will want to
 verify that it still works properly during a reboot.  I think it will
 since during the reboot it will have superuser priveleges, but you
 really ought to test it to make sure.
 tlyons at mandrakesoft dot com

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Re: [expert] Xserver broken -- partition full

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford

Oh! Well, good :-)
But still you need to delete the locked file that xfs created.

Along with df, du is another useful utility. disk usage is what it stands for. 
Read the
manpage, but du -h /var will give you some idea of how much space the things in /var 
are taking
and du -hs /var will summarize how much /var takes up. Anyway, just read the man 

Glad you're on the right track.

--- Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends:
 My thanks to Craig Sprout for this hint. I hope this leads to a
 I checked my partitions (df) and, lo and behold, discovered that my main
 partition (/) is absolutely full (0 bytes left and 100% of disk space
 This doesn't make any sense to me. This may have something to do with my
 failed attempt to install Ximiam Gnome 1.4 a day or so ago, which ended
 with a long list of errors at the very end of installation and forced me
 to cancel the whole thing.
 By the way, all of my XFree86 files are versions 4.03, including my
 Xfree86-xfs file. Is this correct? And I use Xfree86-SVGA 3.3.6 as my
 default Xserver with my Nvidia card. Xfree86 4.0.3 doesn't work on my
 Thanks again for trying to help.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [expert] Needed Libraries

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford

I've been in this KIND of a position before, but not exactly the same. In my situation 
i wanted
two different versions of something installed - a legacy program wanted an older 
version of a
certain rpm package and a new  program wanted the newer version of the same package. I 
wound up
using the --test or -qpl option to see what would happen if i --force'd it (to make 
sure that it
wouldn't overwrite any files currently on the system, and then i forced it. And it 

And one thing that i noticed (it's in my question-post that i posted yesterday) is 
that i have a
link with the name of an older version of an .so file pointing to a new one that is 
there. I could have tried that with my above problem. And so that might be an option 
for you too.

I hope that makes some sensethis is what test boxes are so useful for. I need at 
least one box
to be stable enough that i can do my thing, and the rest can go up and down as 

--- SoloCDM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gnome red-carpet and gnome-vfs need the following (bzip2 1.0.1-6mdk)
 on Mandrake 7.0 with rpm4: is needed by gnome-vfs-0.5-0mdk_helix_4 is needed by red-carpet-0.9.2-0mdk_helix_3
 I have bzip2 0.9.5d-3mdk, which is needed by rpm, rpm-build,
 rpm-python 4.0.2-6x and gnorpm 0.95.1-6.6x packages.  No way can
 I extract the rpm and gnorpm packages, but I can use --force.
 My dilemma -- will the present rpm packages use the new bzip2 with
 --force or is there another rpm way to get the new bzip2 installed?
 In other words: bzip2 is not the problem . . . it's the following
 files that depend on its libraries: is needed by rpm-python-4.0.2-6x is needed by rpm-4.0.2-6x is needed by rpm-build-4.0.2-6x is needed by gnorpm-0.95.1-6.6x
 Will the above file dependencies be damaged by the bzip2
 installation's new libraries or will they begin using the new
 Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
   list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.

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Re: [expert] How do I copy a partition?

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford

Here's a old post that i've wound up re-posting a few times, and here i go again. I'm 
glad i saved

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:07:23 -0800 (PST) 
From: John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Subject: Summary: How to move /usr to another partition 
Greetings again,

Thanks for all the replies re: How to move /usr to another partition? 
It's nice to know that what
i was working with SHOULD have worked, on principle. Here is a brief 
summary of the How to move
/usr to another partition? thread.

1. Resize partition, using Partition Magic or some such thing. [this 
will only work if you
actually have the appropriate space on the drive, of course]

All of the following assume that /usr will be duplicated somehow onto 
/mnt/usr temporarily, then
/etc/fstab will be updated to reflect the new location, reboot and 
presto, you are mounting the
new /usr.

2. copy:
# cp -a /usr /mnt

3. tarball:
# tar cvf /mnt/usr.tar /usr
# cd /mnt
# tar xvfp usr.tar
(Note that this method requires enough free space to hold not just 
mnt/usr but also /mnt/usr.tar)

# tar cf - /usr | ( cd /mnt ; tar xvfp - )
# cd /mnt
# tar cf - -C /usr | tar xvpf
(Note that these last two methods of tarballing only require enough 
free space to hold /usr)

Care must be taken to preserve relative links and file permissions if 
either 2 or 3 is to work.
Soft links do not support spanning partitions or devices and will cause 
failures if this occurs.

An aside: at the time that i was attempting this i was installing and 
re-installing on various
drives on the same system. It MAY have been the case that i had a swap 
partition on the device
that contained /usr and the device that contained the new /mnt/usr. If 
this were true, it could
have caused some problems, i don't know.

Thanks again,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My favorite method of copying partitions on systems on Linux is cp -ax
 (the -x switch tells cp to stay on the current filesystem)
 with / mounted as /, and the new one mounted as /newroot, you can say:
 cd /
 cp -ax . newroot
 Make sure to tell lilo and fstab about the change, of course.
 Also, you may want to look into GNU parted:
 It can resize ext2 partitions, as long as the start of the partition stays
 fixed (so in your case, it would work for / , but you would need to
 handle /usr another way (if you want to change the size of /usr to fill
 what / had before, anyway)

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Re: [expert] PCMCIA fast ethernet card

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford

I can't really help you, but i can give you some advice: buy a new card. I've fiddled 
with many a
network card in the past, and i can frankly say that it's just not worth the hassle. 
Especially if
drivers have not been made for it!

Unless of course, you're into that kind of thingmisery and frustration and all

Good luck :-)

--- Francisco Alcaraz Ariza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear folks, 
 I have to question, I hope somebody could help me:
 1) A month ago I stoped to receive newbie messages; Is perhaps broken? 
 2) The only hardware that MDK 8.0 hasn't detected in my two computers, a 
 Pentium III 800 and a Toshiba Satellite 4090XCDT, is my PCMCIA Fast Ethernet 
 Ovislink 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet PC Card.
 Pcmcia slot TOpic95 are well configured, but the card isn't. In Ovislink the 
 have said me that the are making a driver, but after 6 month not driver :-(
 I am trying to find clues in some pcmcia list, but until now I haven't any 
 succes; it seems that no other linux user has bought this pcmcia card :-((
 Any help will be velcome; thanks :-)
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [expert] Urgent! Xserver broken -- Help!

2001-04-26 Thread John Wolford


Make sure that xfs, your fontserver service, is running. To do this:
[root@homer RPM]# service xfs status
xfs (pid 710) is running...
[root@homer RPM]#

And if it's not running, then start it up with service xfs start and then try startx.

Then, if that's it, check to make sure that xfs is started at boot. You can do this 
chkconfig, ntsysv, and probably some gui configuation utilities.

I hope that's it :-)

--- Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends:
 I seem to have hit a minor snag, but I have no idea how to get out it. I
 would really appreciate your help.
 I am using LM 7.2 with KDE 2.1.1.
 I tried to download Ximiam Gnome 1.4 (which allows for installation on
 LM 7.2).
 After downloading and configuration, I encountered a host of
 installation errors (after the install process was finished). So, I
 decided to go back to Gnome 1.2. I reinstalled the six Gnome files that
 I had to UNinstall prior to trying to install Ximiam 1.4. When doing a 
 rpm -qa | grep gnome
 I see that all my old Gnome 1.2 files are there.
 When doing 
 rpm -qa | grep kde
 I see that all my KDE 2.1.1mkd files are there.
 After rebuilding my rpm database (#rpm --rebuilddb) and updating my
 menus (update-menus -v), both of which were successful and rebooting, I
 logged into KDE 2.1.1 without a hitch.
 But something has since gone wrong, and I can't figure it out. I tried
 to remove my .Xauthority file in my home directory and allow a new
 .Xauthority to be created. Well, a new .Xauthority file was created but
 I still cannot log into X (any X gui, I have tried startx, startx KDE,
 startx Gnome, startxfce, all to no avail. Nothing seems to work). I am
 stuck forever in the console.
 By the way, all of the files in my home directory (ls -la | more) show
 belong to me (sher) rather than root, including .Xauthority.
 Below is the error message I get in the console every time I try to log
 into KDE with startx (or any other command for any other gui):
 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
 Error: Bad length in Symbols
Output file /var/tmp/server-0.xkm removed.
 Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the Xserver
 Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
 _Font TransSocket UNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 failed to set default font path 'Unix/:-1'
 Fatal server error: 
 Could not open default font 'fixed'
 X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). 
 Would really appreciate your help. I just don't understand enough of
 what's going on to fix this.
 Thank you in advance.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

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Re: [expert] mdk8.0 - gcc and kernel problems

2001-04-25 Thread John Wolford

Hi Ken,

1. The list. It's fugged. Do you get a confirmation email asking you to confirm? And 
does it say
to do this by hitting reply? If so, hit instead reply-all and see if you get a 
different list
of recipients. If so, maybe one or two of them include entries like 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which appear in all of the reply-to fields in the list emails. 
Remove them,
and make sure you're sending to the correct confirmation address. This has been going 
on for like
3 weeks now i think, it's rediculous. Maybe Mandrake is trying to subtly push us over 
to the forum
on their website...which is an awesome forum, by the way...more response from the 

2. If gcc doesn't work then you don't have a hope of compiling a kernel. Fix your gcc 
and then
worry about your kernel. The only thing i can suggest for fixing it is to uninstall 
gcc and
reinstall it, via rpm. But i don't really know if this will do it, and if it doesn't i 
don't know
what will. Sorry :-)

Good luck with all that,

--- Kenneth Lierman Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 [please respond to me directly (and the list) the server won't
 subscribe me for some reason hopefully this message will go through]
 2 problems since upgrading to mdk8.0 (on 2 different computers) from mdk
 1) gcc
 gcc is a link to /etc/alternatives/gcc, but that doesn't exist.  I moved
 the link to /usr/bin/gcc-2.??, and it seems to work, but, is that right? 
 What's going on here?
 2) 2.4 kernel sources
 I can't compile the 2.4 kernel neither the mdk version or the real
 linus 2.4.3 version compile.  I get errors while compiling the modules. 
 Can anyone else compile the kernel?  Is this related to problem #1?
 also, i tried to compile the kernel from the src rpm, but it seems to
 require a package (libbinutils-dev), which isn't on the cds it only
 seems to be in the cooker.  Does this seem weird or is it just me??

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Re: [expert] Samba Problems

2001-04-25 Thread John Wolford

Hi there,

Sorry i can't help you more than this, but...It seems to me that your internet 
connection sharing
should come up AFTER your eth0 (plugged into the cable modem) has gotten its ip 
address. Is the
connection sharing a service? That is, does it have a pointer in /etc/rc.d/rcX.d 
where X=your
runlevel (3 for text-based multiuser w/ network, 5 for graphics-based multiuser w/ 
If so, it probably looks something like this: /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network except that 
it will not
be network, it will be connectionsharing or whatever. And the number S10 might be 
different. It
indicates what gets started first. Lower number gets started sooner. So maybe your 
sharing service
is getting started before the network? This probably shouldn't happen, so try renaming 
filename (it's a link) to something with a priority number that makes sense.

to be
responsible for screwing up your system further :-)

The other stuff, i have no idea about.

Good luck,

--- email [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After installing Mandrake 8.0 and moving this machine into being my
 proxy/intranet/fileserver, I have developed a number of problems...
 Any help for any of these would be much appreciated.
 1.  I configured Mandrake 8.0 on this machine as a proxy server to my
 cable modem.  That all worked great using Mandrake's new internet sharing
 function in the Mandrake Control Centre.  Unfortunately, if I reboot the
 machine, my external network card (to the cable modem) fails to obtain an
 IP address.  I cannot obtain an IP address at all until I remove the
 internet sharing, and actually reboot the computer itself without internet
 sharing available.
 I am then able to obtainan IP address, and turn the internet sharing back
 Basically, I have not yet figure out why it will not obtain an IP address
 at boot if the internet sharing is on.  Anyone?
 2.  Before making this machine my permanent server, I was running a Dell
 Poweredge 4100/200 Windows NT4 server.  While that was running, I was able
 to use a simple little smb.conf file that I whipped up quickly which
 shared the drives I needed...
 Now that this is the server, that little smb.conf file doesn't work at
 all, so I wrote a new one that I figured should work (admittedly, I am by
 no means an expert at anything here).  Anyways, here is the new smb.conf
 unix password sync = no
 workgroup = DEVELOPMENT
 netbios name = Nadya
 encrypt passwords = no
 security = user
 map to guest = never
 password level = 0
 null passwords = no
 allow hosts = 192.168.0.*
 os level = 30
 preferred master = yes
 domain master = yes
 wins support = no
 dead time = 0
 debug level = 3
 load printers = yes
 interfaces = eth1
 comment = Canon S400
 available = yes
 printable = yes
 browseable = yes
 public = yes
 comment = home
 available = yes
 browseable = yes
 public = no
 writable = yes
 allow hosts = 192.168.0.*
 user = lyric
 only user = no
 write list = lyric
 valid users = lyric
 available = yes
 browseable = yes
 path = /storage
 public = no
 guest only = no
 writable = yes
 allow hosts = 192.168.0.*
 user = lyric
 only user = no
 admin users = lyric
 write list = lyric
 valid users = lyric
 available = yes
 browseable = yes
 path = /home/data
 public = no
 guest only = no
 writable = yes
 allow hosts = 192.168.0.*
 user = lyric
 only user = no
 admin users = lyric
 write list = lyric
 valid users = lyric
 eth1 is my internal NIC.  I am the only person here that i want to have
 access to any of the shares on Nadya (The linux server).
 This allows the service to start fine, but when i try an smbclient -L
 Nadya I get this;
 doing parameter load printers = yes
 doing parameter interfaces = eth1
 pm_process() returned Yes
 added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
 Client started (version 2.0.7).
 resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name Nadya0x20
 resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name Nadya0x20
 Connecting to at port 139
 session request to NADYA failed (Not listening for calling name)
 resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name Nadya0x20
 resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name Nadya0x20
 Connecting to at port 139
 session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening for calling name)
 my limited understanding has left me with my mouth open shakig my head on
 this one...  again, I could really use assistance here... I don't want to
 return to a Windows NT4 server unless I have to.
 3.  One other oddity.  Mandrake 8 installer refused to see sda on my
 Adaptec 2940 UW when the device was configured 

Re: [expert] 2.2.19 kernel with Mandrake 8.0?

2001-04-24 Thread John Wolford

Aaron, you'll probably have to downgrade manually. You can install kernels through 
doing some
rpm work or by installing it manually from a .tar.gz file or some such thing.

There are numerous howtos for this. You shouldn't need to up/downgrade anything else 
to do it
(does anyone else know about this?) so it should just be a simple install.


--- Aaron J. Ginn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I finally installed Mandrake 8.0 last night.  I intended to install the
 2.2.19 kernel with it because I have a legacy application that the 2.4
 kernel is incompatible with.  Unfortunately, I never saw a dialog box
 asking me which kernel I wanted to install.  I did choose expert
 install, but I didn't see any place where I could specify what kernel to
 use.  Did I just miss it?  How do you select the 2.2.19 kernel with
 Mandrake 8.0?  Right now I have a nice-looking box that I really can't
 use because my primary application, a VPN client, won't work with it.
 Aaron J. GinnPhone: 480-814-4463
 Motorola SemiCustom SolutionsPager: 877-586-2318
 1300 N. Alma School Rd.  Fax  : 480-814-4058
 Chandler, AZ 85226 M/D CH260 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [expert] RE:KERNEL PANIC:8.0

2001-04-24 Thread John Wolford

Yeah, here's my thoughts: Don't think about installing Mandrake over several drives. I 
was trying
that for the longest time, wondering WHAT could be the problem, until a friend 
informed me that
someone he knew went through the same headaches and they all went away when he stopped 
trying to
span Mandrake across 2 drives. At that point i was desperate just to have a working 
so i took his advice and kaboom, it worked. Then, AFTER i had a working installation, 
i moved
things around so my partitions were on the drives i wanted. I used a combination of 
diskdrake and
editing /etc/fstab to get what i wanted. Another piece of advice: try not to move 
root, it can be
a hassle. Install on whatever drive you want / to be on. The others will move much 
more easily.

Good luck,

--- Dale Kosan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okay the problem is not resolved yet. I still get the cant find root at 
 boot-up,during install it says it is hde6 which is what it allways was with 
 7.2, I did get it to go further by passing the following at the promt, linux 
 root=/dev/hda5 ? ? ? ? ? ? HOWEVER, IT GOES TO BOOT AND CANT FIND MOST OF THE 
 from a differant site,verified md5sums and I am still getting the above.Any 
 help would be nice. The system config is as follows, two drives,a Western 
 Digital as master, Maxtor as slave, both connected to a Promise ATA 100 pci 
 card.Windows ME is the first partition, followed by swap,root,var and temp, 
 all on the first drive.This worked with Mandrake 7.2 and Redhat 7.1. I don't 
 want to move to Redhat but I am tired of fighting with this issue.Can it be a 
 bug with the W-D drive? Maybe the Promise ATA 100 pci card? Tonight I may try 
 and hook up the drives directly to motherboard but I don't know if I want to 
 go this far.Any thoughts?

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Re: [expert] kernel-2.2.19 and no ReiserFS support!

2001-04-23 Thread John Wolford

You have to get the ReiserFS patch for 2.2.x. Check out this link for tips on applying 
the patch:

As for 2.4.x, check out a security advisory here:

There are other problems with iptables that i've read about on Bugtraq, i'd suggest 
searching the

When you say compile, do you mean configure? You have to apply the patch, but don't 
you then also 
have to go in and configure (using make menuconfig or whatever) it too?

Hope that helps :-)

--- Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I checked for that 'fudge swirl' kernel and/or patch and wasn't sure, so I
 grabbed the file named 'patch-2.2.19.gz'. however, when i started to
 compile it I noticed that there wasn't anything there for ReiserFS.
 I've started trying to get 2.4.0 to compile because it supports Reiser,
 however I keep running into trouble getting it do the modules when it gets
 to the part with PCMCIA. thats just a matter of getting it configured
 correctly. just takes patience. does anyone know if the security problems
 found with 2.2.17 exist with 2.4.0?
 what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
 at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
 emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
 On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, A V Flinsch wrote:
  On Saturday 21 April 2001 07:44, Mark Weaver wrote:
   Hello list,
   Has anyone else noticed this missing from this kernel or am I missing
   something. The other day it didn't dawn on me to check for this until
   after I had begun the installation of the packages for kernel-2.2.19
   per the security advisory from mandrake. Much to my shagrin(sp) the
   kernel paniced when I attempted to restart the machine to use the new
   kernel. I am running the ReiserFS on my system. I'll never run any
   I've since gotten that mess cleaned up and downloaded the kernel
   source, but I'm not seeing any support for Reiser while configuring the
   kernel for compile.
   Any thoughts?
  Since Reiser is still considered experimental (for the 2.2.x kernels)
  code maturity option/prompt for development drivers (should be the first
  button on xconfig)
  then check under the filesystems button.
  Of course this will not work unless the reiserfs pacth has been applied
  to the kernel source, if you are using the plain vanilla kernel source
  from, then you need to apply the patch. If you are using the
  triple fudge swirl kernel source from mandrake, this should work...

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Re: [expert] Busted Samba

2001-04-23 Thread John Wolford

If you read it again, you'll see that is not the thing that isn't being 
found, glibc_2.2
is. It looks as though is the thing that's not finding glibc_2.2. You need 
to install
glibc_2.2, or so it would appear.


--- Ken Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to install Samba 2.0.8 and here's what it looks like after the rpm 
 The IS on the system in lib's as can be seen from the locate 
 command return. Wot's goin' on?? 
 [root@donald SAMBA 208]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm --nodeps
 samba   ##
 package index.html not listed in file index
 package index.html not listed in file index
 warning: /etc/smb.conf created as /etc/smb.conf.rpmnew
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 /usr/bin/make_unicodemap: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.2' not found 
 (required by /usr/bin/make_unicodemap)
 execution of samba-common-2.0.8-1.3mdk script failed, exit status 1
 Ken Thompson
 Electrocom Computer Services
 Payette, Idaho 83661
 (208) 642-11701
 HAM: WA7SYR - Member QCWA

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Re: [expert] Graphic Login.

2001-04-23 Thread John Wolford

Ok, let's say he logs in as root. Then he wants to do the following:

Change the file /etc/inittab so that the line that says id:3:initdefault: (on mine 
it's 3, but
it might be something different on your friend's) says id:5:initdefault: instead. He 
can do that
with a text editor, or if he doesn't know how to do that, then he can go like this 
(logged in as

[root@homer etc]$ cp inittab inittab.bak
[root@homer etc]$ sed 's/id:.:initdefault:/id:5:initdefault:/' inittab

Then check the new file to make sure that he has changed whatever the 5 used to be to 
If it has been changed then the final step is:
[root@homer etc]$ mv inittab

and now it's all set up to start graphically on his next reboot. You can just jump to 
graphical by typing
[root@homer etc]$ telinit 5
[root@homer etc]$ telinit q

I reccommend reading the man page for init:
[root@homer etc]$ man init

Hope that helps,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A buddy of mine made a mistake on his install and boots to console instead
 of the graphic login. What does he need to do to get it to boot to the
 graphic login prompt?

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[expert] Flashplayer plugin for netscape - Help, please...

2001-04-23 Thread John Wolford

Hello all,

I'm trying to get flashplayer to work as a plugin for Netscape. I'v got
on my system. I went to the flash site and downloaded the package for 
linux, followed the (super
easy) directions, and so far flash continues to not work.

So far i have copied 
into both 
and still whenever i visit a site with flash on it, i get the Netscape 
error message: A plugin
for the mime type application/x-shockwave-flash was not found.
Ive looked in ~/.netscape/plugin-list but it's a bit too cryptic. It 
only has an entry for Java
(and it's a huge entry), and i don't think i can mimmick it for 
flashplayer - and i'm sure i
shouldn't have to.

Typing about:plugins into Netscape brings up a big whack of Java 
component plugins but nothing

Has anyone been through this?

Any help would be much appreciated :-)

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Re: [expert] Is that sshd process really serving ssh?

2001-04-22 Thread John Wolford

Thanks Rusty, Mark  Karl.

Well to be honest, i first wanted to solve this so that i could keep (me) from locking 
myself out
of my box, which i did in a fit of stupidity awhile ago. So i wrote a simple script 
that has been
doing the job, until a friend pointed out the issue that i just brought up. It seemed 
like an
interesting problem, so i decided to persue it.

And the point is taken, that if someone could kill the sshd process that let him/her 
in, then he
could also kill the watchdog that keeps it up.

I like the netstat -l solution, it's simple and it works. Another suggestion was to 
try to telnet
to port 22 (or whatever port i have it running on) and check for a signature response. 
Another way
would be to keep track of the PID that the orginal server had. Oh, another is to have 
do the deed. A final one that i'll add is to start sshd with something like daemon 
or another
such program that starts applications in daemon mode and makes sure they stay running.

Anyway, thanks again for your help. I will play it with a bit more, and in the 
meantime i have
adjusted the logic (logistics) that let me lock myself out. Plus the simpleton 
watchdog that works
well, except that it doesn't make that distinction between server and doer.


--- Mark Rafn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, John Wolford wrote:
  I have a question that might be off-topic for this list, but then
  again maybe not.
 Probably mildly so.  Comp.unix.programmer is a good spot for questions
 like this.
  How can i tell if a given sshd process is serving
  ssh? Other than trying to connect to it, that is.
 sshd is always serving ssh, in some sense.  The main daemon is listening
 for new ssh connections, and the spawned daemons are servicing existing
 It sounds like you're trying to make sure that there is an sshd actually
 listening, regardless of whether there are sshds servicing connections.
  running on a box, and there is a script watching to make sure that
  it's running. But if someone logs in via ssh, another sshd process
  gets spawned for that connection. If that person were to somehow kill
  the sshd server process (the parent of the spawned sshd) then s/he
  could continue on with the connection but nobody else would be able to
  get in. The watchdog would not know this because it would see a sshd
  in the process list, which is all it is checking for. But i would like
 There are a number of ways to approach this.
 The first thing I usually think when anyone talks about a watchdog process
 is why not use init?  For something this simple, a respawn entry in
 inittab may be all you need.
 If your watchdog script needs to do something more complicated than that
 (logging, e-mailing if something goes wrong, etc.), then you should
 basically do what init does - spawn sshd and wait() for it.  You'll want
 to use something other than a shell script for this - perl, python, or C
 can all do this easily.
 If you're really stuck on pure shell scripting, you can either keep track
 of the listener-sshd's PID and check for that, or you can grep the output
 of netstat -l and make sure something is listening for ssh.  There are
 probably other ways to check, but these seem easiest.
 Now on to the harder question.  Why do you need to do this?  Sshd is
 quite stable, and shouldn't need more of a watchdog than any other server.
 Are you experiencing problems with sshd dieing?  If so, those should be
 tracked down and stomped.  Users, of course, can't kill the listener
 process unless they're root, in which case they can kill the watchdog too.
 Generally, adding a layer of complexity without having a specific reason
 is likely to cause more problems than it solves.

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Re: [expert] Update Error

2001-04-20 Thread John Wolford

"Permission denied" seems to suggest that maybe you weren't root when you tried to 

Many rpm packages install, by default, into directories which are not writeable by 
regular users.

Could that be it?

--- SoloCDM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mandrake 7.0, I tried the following and received the error below
 the installation line:
 rpm -Uvh up2date-gnome-2.5.3-0.6.x.i386.rpm
 error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Permission denied (13)
 error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
 It's not the only package that gives me the same error.  I tried
 updating stylesheets and the update wouldn't work.  Everything says
 Mandrake is compatible with RedHat -- what is going on?
 I estimated that RedHat 6.2 was the nearest compatible version.
 Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
   list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.

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[expert] Is that sshd process really serving ssh?

2001-04-20 Thread John Wolford

Hi All,

I have a question that might be off-topic for this list, but then again 
maybe not. How can i tell if a given sshd process is serving ssh? Other than trying to 
connect to 
it, that is.

This situation i'm trying to work with is like this: There is sshd 
running on a box, and there is a script watching to make sure that it's running. But 
if someone
logs in via ssh, another sshd process gets spawned for that connection. If that person 
were to 
somehow kill the sshd server process (the parent of the spawned sshd) then s/he could 
continue on 
with the connection but nobody else would be able to get in. The watchdog would not 
know this 
because it would see a sshd in the process list, which is all it is checking for. But 
i would like

it to be able to check if the sshd that it's seeing in the process list is actually 
serving ssh 
or if it is not serving ssh.

Does that question make sense?


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[expert] flashplayer plugin for netscape

2001-04-20 Thread John Wolford

Hello all,

I'm trying to get flashplayer to work as a plugin for Netscape. I'v got
on my system. I went to the flash site and downloaded the package for linux, followed 
the (super
easy) directions, and so far flash continues to not work.

So far i have copied 
into both 
and still whenever i visit a site with flash on it, i get the Netscape error message: 
"A plugin
for the mime type application/x-shockwave-flash was not found."
I"ve looked in ~/.netscape/plugin-list but it's a bit too cryptic. It only has an 
entry for Java
(and it's a huge entry), and i don't think i can mimmick it for flashplayer - and i'm 
sure i
shouldn't have to.

Typing about:plugins into Netscape brings up a big whack of Java component plugins but 

Has anyone been through this?

Any help would be much appreciated :-)

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Re: [expert] Almost home - resolution is too high

2001-04-19 Thread John Wolford

I'm getting really tired of this undeliverable cr*p...

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Message from
Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

Sorry, I couldn't find any host by that name. (#4.1.2)
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.

--- Original message follows.

Received: from [] by; Tue, 17 Apr 2001 22:41:34 
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 22:41:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [expert] Almost home - resolution is too high
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Nothings working out for you, is it Praedor?


--- Praedor Tempus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, it looks like I have finally gotten DRI working.  The problem is the 
 default X resolution is too high.  I would like to set it lower, to 1024x768, 
 but if I use any of the tools supplied by Mandrake to do this, it screws 
 everything up and sets the system up to use the original XFree86 instead of 
 the DRI stuff.  
 I looked through XF86Config and XF86Config-4 and see nothing obvious that I 
 could edit to change the default resolution.  What file, and where, is in 
 charge of XFree resolution?
 Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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Re: RE[2]: [expert] How do I copy a partition?

2001-04-19 Thread John Wolford

I've tried to post this message already, did it make it? The delivery of my messages, 
both to and
from this list, seems suspect at best. And from the error messages that i do get to 
see, it looks
like the problem is on "mandrax"'s sideAnyway, here's a post that i made awhile 
ago on this
topic, after asking a similar question and getting many responses.

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:07:23 -0800 (PST) 
From: John Wolford [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Subject: Summary: How to move /usr to another partition 

Greetings again,

Thanks for all the replies re: How to move /usr to another partition? 
It's nice to know that what
i was working with SHOULD have worked, on principle. Here is a brief 
summary of the "How to move
/usr to another partition?" thread.

1. Resize partition, using Partition Magic or some such thing. [this 
will only work if you
actually have the appropriate space on the drive, of course]

All of the following assume that /usr will be duplicated somehow onto 
/mnt/usr temporarily, then
/etc/fstab will be updated to reflect the new location, reboot and 
presto, you are mounting the
new /usr.

2. copy:
# cp -a /usr /mnt

3. tarball:
# tar cvf /mnt/usr.tar /usr
# cd /mnt
# tar xvfp usr.tar
(Note that this method requires enough free space to hold not just 
mnt/usr but also /mnt/usr.tar)

# tar cf - /usr | ( cd /mnt ; tar xvfp - )
# cd /mnt
# tar cf - -C /usr | tar xvpf
(Note that these last two methods of tarballing only require enough 
free space to hold /usr)

Care must be taken to preserve relative links and file permissions if 
either 2 or 3 is to work.
Soft links do not support spanning partitions or devices and will cause 
failures if this occurs.

An aside: at the time that i was attempting this i was installing and 
re-installing on various
drives on the same system. It MAY have been the case that i had a swap 
partition on the device
that contained /usr and the device that contained the new /mnt/usr. If 
this were true, it could
have caused some problems, i don't know.

Thanks again,

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Re: [expert] How dost one change from rpm-3.x to rpm-4.x?

2001-04-16 Thread John Wolford

I hate to post another non-productive email on this list, but here is an observation 
of mine: I've
been on this list for several months now and i have seen many a person ask this same 
question (i
myself asked it at one point, at least to myself), but i have not seen *ONE* person 
definative guidance on how to do this successfully. I STRONGLY recommend (ok so i 
guess this is a
little productive) building a test box (even if it's just  another minimal install on 
a different
partition of the same box) and trying it there. That way if/when it all goes to hell, 
it doesn't
take your system with it.

And if you figure it out, *please tell us*, i'm sure there are any number of readers, 
included, who would like to know just how to do this. (Can you guess where i'm at? I 
still have
3.0.5-27mdk installed...i just haven't had time to attack that problem.)


--- Praedor Tempus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am presently in the late process of rebuilding my system.  I reinstalled 
 Mandrake 7.2 and am now upgrading beyond 7.2, but not quite to 8.0.  I am 
 trying to do this cleanly and systematically.  
 I am about to switch to glibc2.2, rebuild my kernel, rebuild XFree86, and 
 then, I would like to upgrade from rpm-3.x to 4.x.  Last time I attempted 
 that particular change, it totally dicked up my system with all my previously 
 installed rpms being lost to the new rpm.
 I would like to avoid this on this go around.  How does one upgrade to 
 rpm-4.x without losing the list/database of installed rpms from 3.x?  
 Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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Re: [expert] Upgrading RPM 3 to 4

2001-04-16 Thread John Wolford

Yeah but what database does it use? Did you have to specify *anything* or did it just 
working on its own?

This is the closest thing to a success story i've heard of on this particular issue.


 SoloCDM wrote:
  Does anyone have ideas how to go from RPM version 3.x to 4.x,
  because RPM version 3.x won't install version 4.x?  Also, what
  files are necessary to completely upgrade?
  Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.
   I had this problem the only solution I found was to download the source
 as a tar.gz archive and compile it, I seem to recall that there were
 some dependencies. If I recall correctly it was htdig which also needed
 a later version (it was certainly a database package). I installed in
 /usr/local and use it from the command line when necessary; this saved
 messing up the rpm-3 installation. Hope this helps.
Colin Close

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Re: [expert]OS idenity,Dhcp Eth0 and more!!

2001-04-16 Thread John Wolford

Hmmm, i got a reply to this post before i got the post itself.

When you subscribed to your Roadrunner ISP, did they give you a hostname? I'm betting 
they did.
Let's pretend that is something like cr934573-a. Then try this on for size:

[root@homer john]# dhcpcd -h cr934573-a
[root@homer john]#

See my last post for details on how to integrate this into your network scripts so 
that it's done

I hope that helps.

--- phil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any comments thanks in advance??
 When i run ifup eth0 I get an error message unable to get ip info via dhcpcd.
 I have went thru netconf a dozen times.If i am using dhcp then no need to 
 enter the Ip address or any of the other things DNS etc. Correct?
 FYI: Linux for Windows (7.2 Mandrake) on a Hp 600mhz ceoron 256mb ram, 
 realtek networkcard trying to get online
 via Cable modem Road Runner acess.
 I have read everthing online(well almost) And Tried almost Everything. 
 concerning Road Runner Cable service,Apparently I am not the only Linux 
 user that has tried to get online thru Road Runner?
 Does anyone know anything about if my eth0 card is Bind to the dhcp,could 
 that be the prob?
  From what I have read I really think that Road runner would prefer that I 
 stick with Windows. from further reading
 Even though with DHCP the OS should not matter right?IN THEORY.
 Could Road runner be preventing me from getting online thru there 
 service?THey are able to Idenify Your OS
 Is Linux considered the Hackers OS? to some people Although that is not my 
 I enjoy trying to get Linux to run, And after all this Windows Quite boring.
 I might as well sign up for AOL aargh LOLPS please dont flame me.

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Re: [expert] Upgrading RPM 3 to 4

2001-04-16 Thread John Wolford

See my last post. This illustrates my point quite nicely.

If you figure it out, please post it.

Thanks :-)

--- SoloCDM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have ideas how to go from RPM version 3.x to 4.x,
 because RPM version 3.x won't install version 4.x?  Also, what
 files are necessary to completely upgrade?
 Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
   list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.

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