H-Net* Kedai untuk dijual

2001-05-17 Thread Abdullah

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Re: H-Net* ASB & ASN dah halal?

2000-12-19 Thread muhammad abdullah
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H-Net* Ayn Jalout Battle: 6 25 Ramadhan 658Ah (6 September 1260 CE)

2000-12-22 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Ayn Jalout Battle: 6 – 25 Ramadhan 658Ah (6 September 1260 CE)
Ayn Jalout witnessed one of the most crucial battles in history on Friday,25 Ramadhan 658 H (6 September 1260 CE). The Tartars had the logistic andscientific potential to win the fight against the Muslim army. Theiradvantages included:-
+ Efficiency and experience gained from the great number of wars theywitnessed.
+ High morale because they were never defeated.
+ They had a large number of fighters and more weaponry.
+ The efficiency of their cavalry who knew many advanced fighting techniquessuch as the thunderbolt method, which was a distinctive feature of theTartarians.
+ They were able to manage well because they were close to the bases of their supplies and support.
+ The strategic locations of their army were better than those of the Muslimarmy.
Despite the overwhelming superiority of the Tartarian army, the Muslim army scored a momentous, exceptional victory.
The Qutz army was characterized by the fact that it was an "Islamic" armyaimed at consolidating Islam and protecting its Holy Land. The greatscholars and religious men of Egypt joined this army making it a sacred army constructed and built for the sole purpose of prioritising the word of Allah and supporting its religion, Islam, in the land. Moreover, the army wasfurther characterized by having a faithful leadership who cherished a true"will to fight", a crucial factor in winning any battle.
Qutz told his army to wait until they finished the Friday prayers: "Do notfight them till it is sunset and the shadows appear and the winds stir, and the preachers and people start to implore Allah for us in their prayers",and thereafter the fighting began.
Jullanar, the wife of Qutz, was killed during the battle. He rushed towards her saying, "Oh my beloved one". She told him while uttering her lastbreath, "Do not say that, and care more for Islam." Her soul ascended toAllah after telling her husband that the Jihad for the sake of Allah andIslam is more important than love and personal relations. Qutz stood upsaying "Islamah…Islamah". The whole army repeated that word after him until they achieved their victory.
During the battle, the horse of Qutz was also killed, and he stepped downand started to fight on the ground till they brought him another horse. Herefused taking the horse of the other princes who volunteered their horsesto him saying that he did not want to impede them from their holy duty,rescuing himself instead. He was asked why he did not ride on a horse andwhy he jeopardized himself and Islam. He answered, "If I was killed, I would have gone to Heaven, and as to Islam, Almighty Allah is well capable ofprotecting it." After the battle was over and the victory was achieved forthe Muslims, Qutz stepped down from his horse and smeared his face with the dust of the battleground and kneeled to Allah in thankfulness and gratitude.
The Muslims immediately started to chase the Mongolians, and Qutz enteredDamascus five days after Ayn Jalout battle. The chase continued to Halab,and when the Mongolians felt the approach of the Muslims, they left behindthe Muslim prisoners, and suffered a great deal. In one month's time, theMuslims were able to restore Bilad Ash-Sham entirely from the hands of theTartars and the Mongolians.
This battle is considered to be one of the greatest battles in history inwhich the Mongolian invasion was put to an end. It was the beginning of the end of the Mongolians, who were forced to retreat. This liberated BiladAsh-Sham from their occupation.
It was reported that when Muslims defeated the Tatars in Bilad Ash-Sham, the scholar Ibn Taymiyyah asked the Tartar leaders to release the prisoners ofwar including the non-Muslims. Although the Tartar leaders agreed only torelease Muslim prisoners of war, Ibn Taymiyyah insisted that all prisonersof war be released, including the non-Muslims, stating, "we will never allow you to hold one prisoner Muslim or otherwise." In fact even though Muslimswere in a state of physical occupation, they were still able to influencethe Tartars to become Muslims and that was another victory for the Deen ofAllah.
Indeed scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah very well understood the necessity of defending the Islamic State.
In his book As-Siyaasatu Ash-Shar'iyah Fi Islah Ar-Raa'ee war Ri'ayyah (The Political Divine Rules in Reforming the Caretaker and the Caretaking),states in the first sentence of the last chapter of the book entitled "TheObligation of the Adherence to the Leadership (of the Ummah)":
"It is known that the Office of Wilayatul Amri An-Naas (one in charge of the entire Muslim Ummah, i.e. the Khalifah) is of the greatest of obligations of the Deen (Islam). Albeit, there is no establishment of the Deen, except byit." He continues, saying: "This is the opinion of the Salaf, such as AlFadl ibn 'Iyad, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and others."
This battle is yet another example of the good attitudes of the Muslims.Whilst they prayed Nafl at night, read Q


2000-12-22 Thread Adielynn Abdullah

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H-Net* The Battle of Hitteen Ramadhan 1187 A.D.

2000-12-23 Thread Asiah Abdullah
The Battle of Hitteen Ramadhan 1187 A.D.
Glory to Allah (swt) who blessed mankind with the month of Ramadhan and its blessings, and Who raises among His slaves a servant like Salahuddin whofreed the Holy Place of Masjid al-Aqsa from the Crusaders in the sanctified month of Ramadhan, in the year 1187 AD.
This article does not intend to narrate the history of Salahuddin, rather it will deal with three specific points.
1) The Condition of the Ummah Before the Battle:
The state which is supposed to run the Wilayat (provinces) was not in fullcontrol, so much so the provinces were semi-autonomous to the point of being states within a state. The Wali (governors) acted independently from theKhalifah. They only sent him the Zakah, jizyah and homage in the khutbah.The Khilafah was not united as Islam demands. The state was declining. Thecrusaders took advantage of this weakness and occupied the Muslim land.
Salahuddin, out of the simplicity of character and directness of his vision, saw clearly that the weakness of the Muslim body politic which had permitted the establishment and permitted the survival of the crusading states was the result of political demoralization. His goal was to restore and revive thepolitical fabric of Islam as a single unified nation, not under his ownrule. Rather, as a selfless servant, he aimed at returning the rule of TheRevealed Law although he had the opportunity to usurp the power.
This is evidenced by the event of Kurdistan. When the Khalifah requestedthis land to be transferred to his rule, Salahuddin immediately complieddespite the anger and scorn of the Ameers of his army. He simply replied,"The Khalifah is the ruler of mankind and the repository of true faith. Ifhe were to join us here, I should give him all these lands. So what of theland of Shahrazur?"
2) The Battle of Hitteen:This is the Salahuddin, who led Jihad in 1187 to battle the Crusaders.12,000 strong Muslims cavalry, and about an equal number of troops andirregulars would form the army. On Friday, 26th June 1187 AD, they departed to liberate Palestine. It was in Ramadhan, 4th July, 1187 that Salahuddinwith the Muslim Mujahideen would fight one of the most important battles in the history of mankind. The Muslims, on this day, in one single day,virtually routed all local Christian forces capable of defending theCrusaders establishment in the Near East. Facing no resistance, Salahuddintook his time to reach the city of Jerusalem on 9th October 1187, a Friday, and the Holy city was returned and purified.
3) Lessons to be learnt from this Battle:Salahuddin is known by historians to have exacted whatever the enemiesdeserve. He did not care about the Romans who were the superpower at thattime. He showed no mercy to traitors or perjurers, Muslims or Christiansalike, who for decades harassed the borders of Egypt and Arabia. He was not a coward like the present leaders in the Muslim lands who consult thecolonialists at every step.
However battles are not won by a single individual, it was theinfrastructure of the state i.e., the Khilafah that enabled Salahuddin torally the Ummah. Yet where is this structure today to free the Muslim lands and defend the lives of our brothers and sisters? Where are our rulerstoday? We have not one hero amongst them who will rally the Muslims to unite nor will they do anything to halt the slaughter of Muslims around the world!
Source:  Ramadhan.orgDo You Yahoo!?
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H-Net* Ramadhan In History

2000-12-23 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Ramadhan In History
All praises to Allah (SWT), Lord of the worlds. He who revealed in HisGlorious Quran, "Oh you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those who came before you that you may keep your duty to your Lord (having taqwa)," 2:185. And may blessings and-peace of Allah (SWT) beupon His last Messenger Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Oh you who believe, Ramadhan is a sacred month wherein Almighty Allah (SWT) is constantly testing Hiscreation and giving humanity the opportunity to achieve His (swt) pleasure.
Fasting is means of purification and developing the consciousness of ourrelationship with Allah. This Taqwa, is a protection against the schemes of Shaitan, and this world. Allah (SWT) has informed us that, "Whoever keepshis duty to Allah (has taqwa), He ordains a way out for him and gives himsustenance from where he imagines not. And whoever trusts in Allah, He issufficient for him. Surely Allah attains His purpose. Allah has appointed a measure for everything." (65:2) Ramadhan should be a time of increasedactivity wherein the believer, now lightened of the burdens of constanteating and drinking, should be more willing to strive and struggle for Allah (SWT). The Prophet (pbuh) passed through approximately nine Ramadhans after the Hijrah. They were filled with decisive events and left us a shiningexample of sacrifice and submission to Allah (SWT).
In the first year after the Hijrah, the Prophet (pbuh) sent Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib with thirty Muslim riders to Saif al Bahr to investigate threehundred riders from Quraish who had camped auspiciously in that area. TheMuslims were about to engage the disbelievers, but they were separated byMajdy ibn Umar al-Juhany. The Hypocrites of Al-Madinah, hoping to oppose the unity of the Muslims, built their own masjid (called Masjid al-Dhirar). The Prophet (pbuh) ordered this masjid to be destroyed in Ramadhan. 
On the seventeenth of Ramadhan, 2 A.H., Almighty Allah (SWT) separated truth fromfalsehood at the Great Battle of Badr (see article). Allah (SWT) gave them a decisive victory on this day of Ramadhan, that would never to be forgotten.
In 6 A.H., Zaid ibn Haritha was sent to Wadi al-Qura at the head of adetachment to confront Fatimah bint Rabiah, the queen of that area. Fatimah had previously attacked a caravan led by Zaid and had succeeded inplundering its wealth. She was known to be the most protected woman inArabia, as she hung fifty swords of her close relatives in her home. Fatimah was equally renowned for showing open hostility to Islam. She was killed in a battle against these Muslims in the month of Ramadhan. 
By Ramadhan of 8 A H., the treaty of Hudaibiyya had been broken and the Muslim armies hadengaged the Byzantines in the North. Muhammad (pbuh) felt the need to strike a fatal blow to disbelief in the Arabian Peninsula and conquered the city of Mecca in ramadhan (see article). This was one of the most important dates in Islamic history for after it, Islam was firmly entrenched in the ArabianPeninsula. During the same month and year, after smashing the idols ofMakkah, detachments were sent to the major centers of polytheism and al-Lat, Manat and Suwa, some of the greatest idols of Arabia, were destroyed.
Such was the month of Ramadhan in the time of the Prophet (pbuh). It was atime of purification, enjoining the good, forbidding evil, and striving hard with one’s life and wealth to make the word of Allah the highest and Islamthe dominant Deen. After the death of the Prophet (pbuh), Muslims carriedthis Sunnah on and Allah used the true believers to affect the course ofhistory. Ramadhan continued to be a time of great trials and crucial events.
Ninety-two years after the Hujrah in Ramadhan, Musa ibn Nusair, the Umayyad governor of North Africa, and his courageous general Tariq ibn Ziyadsucceeded in liberating whole of Spain, Sicily and of France (see article). Beginning of the Golden Age of Al-Andalus where Muslims ruled for over 700years.
In the year 682 A.H., Salahuddin al-Ayyubi, after battling with theCrusaders for years, finally drove them out of Syria and liberated the whole of the occupied lands in the month of Ramadhan (see article). The Muslimworld was then destined to meet one of its most greatest challenges. 
In the seventh century A.H. the Mongols were sweeping across Asia destroyingeverything that lay in their path Genghis Khan called himself "the scourgeof God sent to punish humanity for their sins. "In 617 A.H. Samarkand, Ray, And Hamdan were put to the sword causing more than 700,000 people to bekilled or made captive. In 656 A.H. Hulagu, the grandson of Genghis Khan,continued this destruction. Even Baghdad, the leading city of the Muslimworld, was sacked. Some estimates say that as many as 1,800,000 Muslims were killed in this awesome carnage. The Christians were asked to eat pork anddrink wine openly while the surviving Muslims were forced to participate in drinking bo

Re: H-Net* Mau report ka tidak?

2000-12-29 Thread muhammad abdullah
gkang sengaja ditahan," katanya. 
> > 
> >Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau berharap setiap orang akan memahami 
> >kedaulatan undang-undang di negara ini yang tiada orang dikecualikan 
> >daripadanya termasuk, Menteri-menteri. 
> > 
> >"Saya harap media asing akan memahami yang tidak kira anda parti 
> >pembangkang atau pemerintah jika anda menyalahi undang-undang anda harus 
> >hadapi akibatnya. 
> > 
> >Inilah kedaulatan undang-undang sebenar...semua orang saksama mengikut 
> >undang-undang. 
> > 
> >Jika anda tidak memahaminya maka itu mustahil..." Dr Mahathir juga 
> >menafikan yang penahanan itu merupakan petanda operasi penangkapan 
> >secara besar-besaran akan diadakan. 
> > 
> >"Ia bukan operasi berleluasa. 
> > 
> >Ia bagi tujuan yang sangat khusus. 
> > 
> >Undang-undang itu sudah ada dan mereka ditahan di bawah undang-undang 
> >itu," kata Perdana Menteri. 
> > 
> >-- BERNAMA 
> > 
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H-Net* Ada kerja kosong ???

2001-01-04 Thread norizma abdullah

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Re: H-Net* Murtadnya seorang Mahasiswi

2001-01-30 Thread Hassan Abdullah
 ianya juga bahan tindakan Gabungan Mahasiswa
> Islam Semenanjung (Gamis) pada tahun itu. Isu gerakan kristian menyusup masuk
> bagaikan halimunan (invisible) ke dalam kampus dan menjalankan dakyah terkutuk
> mereka terhadap para pelajar muslim.
> Adakah kita rela untuk mempertaruhkan nilai iman dan akidah kita dengan
> membiarkan mereka bebas bermaharajalela membiarkan mereka menghasut serta
> menperdaya para sahabat dan saudara seagama kita.
> Isu terbaru yang timbul memecahkan kebuntuan dan menguji para pejuang Islam
> dengan murtadnya seorang pelajar UPM tahun satu di gereja Brickfield. Ini akan
> diceritakan kronologi kejadiannya di bawah. Berdasarkan beberapa fakta menarik
> sekitar isu ini yang ingin saya
> Kemukakan ialah antaranya:
> 1) Gerakan Kristian bergerak secara sindiket dengan menggunakan pengarauh
> sama ada individu mahupun kewangan.
> 2) Sasaran golongan ini ialah wanita remaja yang patah hati ataupun putus cinta.
> 3) Menggunakan saluran Chat Internet dalam menguasai remaja wanita yang lemah
> imannya, sehinggalah ia berkeyakinan seterusnya mengatur pertemuan.
> 4) Setelah pertemuan berlangsung, mereka menggunakan kekerasan secara
> berkumpulan sekiranya enggan dan cara yang sopan jika kita menerima mereka
> dengan baik.
> 5) ganjaran bagi pemuda Melayu mengkristiankan wanta melayu ialah sebanyak
> RM3000 ke atas.
> 6) Di dalam tempat rahsia( maybe macam HEBRON MALAYSIA) dijadikan markaz
> untuk men'turning over'kan pemikiran remaja terutama wanita yang mudah dikuasai
> kerana faktor klemahan fizial dan mental.
> 7) Kebanyakan remaja dari Borneo (Sabah dan Sarawak) menjadi sasaran utama
> berbanding dengan Semenanjung kerana pengaruh kristian di sana lebih dominan
> dan ini mudah untuk mereka menakluki mndaremaja yang tidak ada waris di sini
> semasa belajar.

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Re: Fw: H-Net* Re: Abd. Rahman Al-Salafiah yang Jahil Usuluddin

2001-02-05 Thread Hassan Abdullah
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Re: H-Net* Perempuan mudah Menyerah Lelaki macam Kambing Jantan

2001-02-18 Thread Hassan Abdullah

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Memang tidak adil jika kita menyalahkan satu pihak jika tidak didengari alasan
dari kedua-dua belah pihak.

Jika seorang lelaki 'merosakkan' seorang perempuan. Yang sepatutnya dicemuh
'perosakkah' atau yang menjadi mangsa 'rosak'. Jika tanaman sekalipun rosak
akibat perosak tanaman maka yang dicemuh dan patut dihapuskan adalah perosak
tanaman. Begitu juga dengan komputer, jika perosak komputer menular (akibat
penyebar virus komputer), yang patut dibentras dan dimusnahkan adalah perosak
tersebut (sekadar dua contoh perosak).

Begitu juga dengan makhluk perosak manusia. Makhluk perosak manusia ini ada
yang berupa makhluk yang ganas, bengis dan garang, tetapi ada juga yang
menyamar sebagai manusia baik, pelindung, kekasih dan sebagainya.
Sejahat-jahat makhluk perosak tanaman atau haiwan ternakan, tidak sejahat
makhluk perosak manusia.

Makhluk perosak manusia boleh memasuki pagar yang berkunci, rumah yang
berselak dan bermangga. Seterusnya boleh pula menyamar dengan berbagai-bagai
penyamaran. Sesudah gadis atau wanita yang menjadi mangsanya dirosakkan, dia
boleh mengabui mata masyarakat umum pula. Kononnya yang rosak bukan dia tetapi
wanitalah manusia perosak.

Pada hal, yang sebenarnya, makhluk perosak manusia itulah yang terlebih dahulu
rosak. Rosak akhlak, kewarasan, peribadi dan Imannya.

Kita tahu, wanita adalah golongan yang lemah. Mereka perlukan perlindungan,
keamanan dan keselamatan daripada pihak yang lebih kuat. Pihak itu tentulah
kaum lelaki. Tetapi kebanyakan kaum lelaki perosak kerap menggunakan
'kelemahan' kaum wanita sebagai titik dan sasaran yang memudahkannya
memperdaya dan menipu mereka. Pada hal yang sebenar, tipu daya itu kena pada
batang hidung mereka sendiri.

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak pernah lalai daripada apa jua yang kamu (manusia)
"Dia Maha Mengetahui apa jua yang belum pun kamu zahirkan di dalam hati kamu

Kesalahan, kejahatan, kemusnahan yang dilakukan oleh sesiapa jua, sama ada
lelaki atau wanita adalah tanggungan diri mereka masing-masing. Setiap orang
akan dibalasi setimpal dengan apa yang mereka kerjakan.

Jika lelaki berbuat jahat dan rosak. Mereka tetapi tidak terlepas daripada
balasan Allah. Demikian juga wanita. Dan tidak timbul persoalan, lelaki
berbuat jahat atau rosak, tetapi yang jahat dan rosak adalah wanita.

Allah jua yang Maha Mengetahui!

mamat roslina wrote:

> Assalamualaikum saudara, kalau nak ngutuk pompuan pun jangan macam separuh
> akal je.  Fikir lah dulu.  Pompuan ke gatal lelaki yang cepat
> tangan...dua-dua dapat dosa sama je..sama banyak je...Kalau dah lelaki
> jahat dapat kat pompuan jahat..kalau pompuan jahat dapat kat lelaki jahat.
> memang mudah nak salahkan orang.  cakap ikut nafsu..tapi fikir sikit, bila
> dapat anak nanti, tahulah nak jaga anak-anak especially yang pompuan
> tu...Anak tok imam pun tak gerenti selamat.
> lagi satu memang pompuan tu nafsu 9 akal 1 je, so tak leh ko lelaki yang
> akal 9 tu didik mak we mak we tu biar elok sikit?
> >From: "Abu Hafiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: H-Net* Perempuan mudah Menyerah Lelaki macam Kambing Jantan
> >Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 15:34:54 -
> >
> >

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2001-02-19 Thread Hassan Abdullah

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Assalamualaikum wbt.

Saya cuma nak tumpang sedikit bagi pendapat dari segi kenapakah sekarang ini makin
ramai orang meminta derma untuk pembinaan surau, masjid, madrasah dan
pondok-pondok pengajian agama (yang pada suatu ketika dahulu agak kurang seperti
yang diutarakan oleh sdr. Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi)?

Antaranya ialah :

1. Kos membina bangunan surau, masjid dan madrasah sudah meningkat berkali ganda.
Contohnya saya pernah menjadi salah seorang ahli jawatankuasa pembinaan surau di
Taman tempat tinggal saya pada akhir tahun 80an. Tugas saya ialah menyiapkan plan
dan kos pembinaan. Saya telah berusaha mendapatkannya berdasarkan kepada tiga
contoh surau yang sudah siap terbina dan kosnya antara RM55000 hingga RM7.
Oleh kerana beberapa sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan, saya telah berpindah dari
Taman tersebut.

4 tahun kemudian, saya berpindah balik ke Taman berkenaan. Saya dapati bukan
sahaja surau tiada, tapaknya pun masih semak samun.

Saya temui semula bekas pengerusi jawatankuasa pembinaan surau. Saya diberitahu,
jawatankuasa yang baru adalah terdiri daripada ramai ahli akademik sebuah
universiti. Mereka bijak-bijak belaka. Nak bina surau takkan dengan harga dalam
lengkungan RM55000 - RM7. Malulah sikit, pasal kawasan perumahan di situ
rata-rata harga rumah sahaja RM200,000 - RM300, 000.00. Jadi jika nak bina juga
kenalah disesuaikan dengan kos rumah ketika semasa. Kira punya kira, kosnya dalam
lengkungan RM300,000.00. Tetapi malangnya duit yang terkumpul dari setiap pungutan
ahli kariah tak pun sampai RM30,000.00.

Jadi faham sahajalah!

Bila bangunan surau siap, kosnya menjangkau sehingga RM320,000.00.

Itu baru surau belum lagi masjid.
Tiap waktu jemaah yang hadir paling ramai waktu maghrib adalah satu baris atau
satu baris setengah. Waktu siang, zohor dan asar tiada orang. Waktu Subuh pun ada
tiga, empat orang. Sedangkan bangunan cukup besar dan indah!

2. Biasanya orang yang suka berderma ini adalah orang yang baik latar belakang
agama dan kesedaran agamanya. Orang-orang inilah juga yang suka atau menyegerakan
ibadah Haji dan Umrah. Oleh kerana kos mengerjakan ibadah Haji dan Umrah pun sudah
meningkat antara RM9000 - RM11000 bagi haji dan RM3500 - RM5000 bagi Umrah untuk
seorang. Jika dua orang, kali dua. Jika tiga orang atau empat orang satu
keluarga!? Jadi bayangkanlah, banyak mana yang boleh didermakan untuk pembinaan
surau dan masjid.

Dahulu mungkin setiap orang boleh berderma sehingga RM1000 seorang bagi surau atau
masjid kampungnya. Jadi jika masjid dan surau kampungnya nak dibina baru atau
dibaiki, tidak perlu lagi memohon derma dari kampung atau penduduk tempat lain.
Tetapi sekarang faham sahajalah keadaannya.

3. Kos kehidupan sekarang yang semakin menghimpit. Kos pendidikan yang tinggi dan
semakin tinggi. Bermula daripada anak masuk hadanah (sejak usia sebulan dua) atau
tadika (dua tahun) , hinggalah ke peringkat kolej atau universiti, kosnya tinggi
dan makin meningkat. Jika pendapatan isi keluarga lebih daripada RM5000 sebulan
bolehlah bertahan. Tetapi berapa ramai pendapatan isi rumah umat ISlam yang hidup
di kawasan urban berpendapatan sedemikian.

Sekian. wassalamualaikum wbt.

Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi wrote:

>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Assalamualaikum sdra Zuddy Al_Zuhdy,
> Saya tidak tahu mana satu tulisan saya yang sdra cuba ulas balas, tetapi
> berdasarkan tulisan sdra di bawah ini, saya merasakan tulisan sdra ini adalah
> ulasan balas kepada Ulasan Isu Semasa yang saya tulis sempena mengingati
> kematian Allahyarham Tun Razak tempoh hari.

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Tarekat Sufi

2001-02-19 Thread Hassan Abdullah

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 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
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Assalamualaikum wbt.

Pada pendapat saya adalah lebih baik menemui dan mendekati sendiri 'penulis'
buku/tesis berkenaan berbanding dengan hanya membaca atau menatap hasil
tulisannya. Selain daripada penulisnya masih hidup, dalam bidang kerohanian, ada
banyak sekatan dan masalah penulisan yang tidak  dapat diluahkan ketika
berkarya. Ia hanya terongkai sekiranya sesaorang itu menemui orang berkenaan dan
bertanyakan sendiri kepadanya.

"Setiap gedong itu ada pintunya. Pintu ilmu adalah dengan bertanya (kepada yang
ahli berkenaan dengan sesuatu ilmu)"

Sebenar-benar ilmu tidak terletak, tercatat atau terukir di dalam buku atau
kitab. Sebenar-benar ilmu itu terukir dan terpahat di dalam hati orang yang

Tetapi jika minat sesaorang itu hanya setakat untuk mengambil tahu atau sepintas
lalu, mendapatkannya melalui pembacaan adalah memadai. Kaedah yang sedemikian
adalah tidak menepati ciri menuntut ilmu untuk pengamalan dan penghayatan.

Sekian. Wassalamualaikum wbt.

"Prof. Nurani" wrote:

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Borok2 SUFI 1

2001-02-23 Thread Hassan Abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
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Assalamualaikum wbt.

Nukilan sdr. Abdul Rahman ini berlainan sekali daripada apa yang saya
dapatkan melalui buku MAZHAB ORANG SUFI (al ta'arif lima mazhab ahli al
Tasauf) karangan ABU BAKAR MUHAMMAD AL KALABAZI yang hidup antara 300
Hijriah dan 400 Hijriah, yang diterjemah ke Bahasa Melayu oleh Abdul Majid
bin Haji Taib (1977).

Buku tersebut turut memuatkan kata-kata penghargaan daripada :

1. Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmud (Naib Canselor Universiti Azhar)
2. Muhammad Amin al Nawawi (Pensyarah Universiti Azhar dan Nazir Umum
Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah)
3. Muhammad Othman el MuHammadi (Perunding  di IKIM)

"Allah SWT mencabut ilmu daripada manusia bukan dengan melupakannya tetapi
dengan mematikan orang-orang yang berilmu, tetapi oleh kerana manusia
memerlukan pimpinan lalu diangkat di kalangan mereka orang yang jahil
sebagai pemimpin , orang itu bukan sahaja sesat malahan menyesatkan orang

Ke hadrat Allah SWT dipohonkan agar saya dan sdr. Abdul Rahman serta sdr.2
lain yang tersemat cita-cita dan kesungguhan dihati untuk menemui Rabbnya,
dikurniakan petunjuk, rahmat, perlindungan dan keselamatan fitnah di dunia
dan di akhirat.

Wassalamualaikum wbt.

Abdul Rahman wrote:

>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Borok-Borok Sufi
>   Salim Al-Hilali dan Ziyad Ad-Dabij
>   Halaman satu dari tiga tulisan

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Persoalan Serius

2001-02-23 Thread Hassan Abdullah
a sihir dan tipu
daya mereka merupakan perancangan mereka yang serba lemah dan kekurangan,
sementara yang daripada Allah adalah merupakan perancangan Allah, yang pasti
mengalahkan dan mengatasi sekalian makhlukNya.

"Perteguhkanlah olehmu perhubungan dengan Allah (hablillah) dengan
seteguh-teguhnya, usahlah kamu longgarkan, renggangkan, leraikan, putuskan dan

Fikirkanlah bersama wahai orang-orang yang mempunyai akal yang sempurna.
Daripada Allah jua dipohonkan petunjuk dan keampunan.
Wassalamualaikum wbt.

nurnajiha abd kadir wrote:

>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> a.kum, netters semua. saya setuju dgn imam b. dlm hizbinet ni saya tak
> banyak membalas tapi sekadar byk membaca. saya byk mengkaji ttg tiga agama

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Persoalan Serius-Cabarlah Minda anda dengan ini!!

2001-02-25 Thread Hassan Abdullah
in terdapat didalam "doa/solat".
> Wassalam

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* sakit buasir........sapa ada ubat traditional???

2001-03-11 Thread alias abdullah

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saya mengidap sakit ni agak lama...cuma dia belum
terasa sakit...dan segan nak buat operate
so..sapa2 yg ada petua traditional boleh
lah ajukan direct to me


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Re: H-Net* Persoalan Serius-Cabarlah Minda anda dengan ini!!-Khusyuk

2001-03-19 Thread Hassan Abdullah
 kita ikuti dan turuti serta menjadi sembahan kita atau yang kita
pertuhankan selain daripada sebenar-benar Rabb. Kerana orang yang memperbuat dosa 
adalah orang yang tunduk kepada selain daripada Allah, iaitu tunduk kepada tuntutan dan
runtunan nafsunya yang tidak dapat dikalahkannya.

Insya Allah bersambung.

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Pengirim: Hassan Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

FWD: H-Net* Confessions of a British Spy

2000-04-19 Thread Salam Abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
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Assalamualaikum, warga hizbi

Ada sesiapa tahu kenapa spy british ini confess dan adakah sesiapa/url
yang telah translate kepada bahasa melayu.

jazakallah hukhairan.

anyhow thanks for the info.

> --
> Sent: Wednesday, 08 March, 2000 10:39 AM
> Subject:  H-Net* Confessions of a British Spy
>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Salammulaykum Jalalludin,
> Thanks for forwarding the url. Haven't read it yet though.
> Much appreciated for your kindness.
> *gina*
> >>  From: Jalalludin Rumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: H-Net* Re: Confessions of a British Spy
> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 21:07:45 -0800 (PST)
> salam Gina,
> silalah ke
> http://www.aicp.org/html/memoirs_of_mr._hempher__the_br.htm
> wassallam.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Pengirim: Salam Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

FWD: H-Net* Confessions of a British Spy

2000-04-20 Thread Salam Abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
Assalamualaikum, warga hizbi

Ada sesiapa tahu kenapa spy british ini confess dan adakah sesiapa/url
yang telah translate kepada bahasa melayu.

jazakallah hukhairan.

anyhow thanks for the info.

> --
> Sent: Wednesday, 08 March, 2000 10:39 AM
> Subject:  H-Net* Confessions of a British Spy
>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Salammulaykum Jalalludin,
> Thanks for forwarding the url. Haven't read it yet though.
> Much appreciated for your kindness.
> *gina*
> >>  From: Jalalludin Rumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: H-Net* Re: Confessions of a British Spy
> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 21:07:45 -0800 (PST)
> salam Gina,
> silalah ke
> http://www.aicp.org/html/memoirs_of_mr._hempher__the_br.htm
> wassallam.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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> Pengirim: "Gina S. D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Pengirim: Salam Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Astora JJabat vs PAS Bukit Mertajam( pertanyaan penting )

2000-04-20 Thread muhammad abdullah

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Nak tumpang tanya jugaksaya ni bukan orang yang arif tentang soal 
soalan pertama: ada bukti ke Ustaz Asri ni wahabi, contohnya pengakuan Ustaz 
Asri sendiri?

soalan kedua: apakah yang salah dengan aqidah wahabi?  setahu saya raja 
saudi sendiri adalah wahabi...walaupun dari segi politiknya saya memang 
tidak berkenan dengan tindak-tanduk raja saudi, dari segi aqidahnya, setakat 
pengetahuan saya, belum ada jumhur ulama' muktabar dalam dan luar negara 
yang menyatakan mereka terkeluar daripada ahlus sunnah. Correct me if I'm 

soalan ketiga: Sekiranya Wahabi ini aqidahnya tidak seleweng, mengapakah 
perkara ini perlu diperbesarkan? Ingatlah saudara-saudaraku, kita ada musuh 
yang terang lagi bersuluh, yang tidak takut menghina Allah dan Rasul- itulah 
yang wajib kita perangi sekarang ni..bukannya mempersoalkan benda-benda 
furuq dan khilaf.

>From: Pemerhati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: H-Net* Astora JJabat vs PAS Bukit Mertajam( pertanyaan penting 
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 23:21:25 -0700 (PDT)
>  *~*
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>  *~*
>  ~~~
>assalamualaikum... tumpang tanya..
>encik Imran check dekat mana? macam mana buleh confirm
>sah dia wahabi pure? harap buleh perjelaskan lagi..
>--- Imran Selamat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Aku dah check dah - memang sah dia WAHABI PURE. Tapi
> > dia sudah tikam itu
> > dada (depan) astora. TAk de pulak dia tikam
> > belakang. PAs jenis kepartian ni
> > yg kita takut ni. Ni le yg sebenarnya musuh dlm
> > kelambu.
> >
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H-Net* Siapa Syazana Hamzah Sebenarnya?

2000-04-23 Thread muhammad abdullah

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Suatu waktu dulu- kira-kira setahun atau lebih sikit dahulu, hizbinet cuba 
diganggu oleh pepijat alaf bernama Muhazam - orang Kelantan jugak. Sekarang 
ni oleh Syazana ni pulak. Gaya bahasa, kedangkalan hujanh dan sokongan 
membabi buta kepada UMNO oleh kedua-dua nya  amat mirip sekali.

Adakah mereka ini mempunyai kaitan rapat antara satu sama lain , ataupun 
lebih dari itu , mereka orang yang sama? adakah syazana ni sebanarnya 

>From: "Syazana Hamzah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: H-Net* Lucunya Syazana Hamzah Ni
>Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 18:11:41 PDT
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>Maka itulah kerja penyokong penyokong PAS  mengatakan orang MUNAFIQ,
>KAFIR dll tanpa usul periksa dan bukti bukti jelas(rujuk: AMANAT HAJI
>HADI TAHUN 1982)bawa bendera PAS di Mekah.ha ha ha ...lucu sungguh
>puak puak penyokong PAS.sangguo tengok rakyat didalam kemiskinan 
>cita cita nafsu pemimpinnya berjayaada EXCO Kelantan dah beli honda CRV
>PLUS MB E220 kerajaan..rakyat masih dengan masalah airnya, jalan
>berlubangnya..ISLAMIK KAH ITU>>>>?Tak ada beza pun dengan 
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H-Net* jawaban pembohongan BH 24/4 kpd Terengganu

2000-04-24 Thread Salam Abdullah

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Ekoran kenyataan akhbar Berita Harian bertarikh 24 April 2000 
berkenaan "Pas tidak tepat janji-Hanya bersetuju bayar gaji 60 hari 
cuti bersalin",berikut adalah penjelasan berkenaan pekeliling Pejabat 
Setiausaha Kerajaan Bil 8 Tahun 2000.
1.Kemudahan Cuti bersalin 90 hari merupakan satu kemudahan
   yang menepati dengan  segala peraturan-peraturan berkaitan
   dengan kemudahan cuti bagi penjawat  awam   sebagaimana
   Perintah Am bab C iaitu Perintah Am 25 Bab C-cuti bersalin,
   Perintah Am 26(a),(b),(c)-Cuti bersalin 5 kali,Cuti Menjaga
   Anak, dan Cuti Isteri Bersalin.

2.Kerajaan Negeri  Terengganu sekarang masih menerimapakai
   kesemuaperaturan yang   ada berkaitan   dengan cuti bersalin
   dan juga cuti isteri bersalin   sebagaimana   pindaan kepada
   peraturan tersebut sepertimana Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 2
   Tahun 1998.

3.Bagi melaksanakan kemudahan ini,pegawai/guru wanita diberi
   opsyen tambahan 30 hari cuti bersalin dimana cuti ini
   direkod sebagai cuti menjaga anak(cuti tanpa gaji)
   Kerajaan Negeri telah bersetuju membayar gaji penuh 30 hari
   tambahan cuti pegawai/guru wanita tersebut dan bayaran
   tersebut dikira sebagai Elaun Khas Bersalin.

4.Didalam keadaan sebenar,pegawai/guru wanita yang menerima
   opsyen ini akan menerima pendapatan 90 hari bergaji penuh.

5.Bagi Cuti bersalin,seseorang pegawai lelaki secara automatik
   akan diberi Cuti Tanpa Rekod selama 3 hari untuk membantu isteri
   bersalin sebagaimana Perintah Am 26(c).Kerajaan negeri bersetuju
   memberi opsyen tambahan 4 hari cuti menjadikan 7 hari dimana
   Elaun Khas Isteri Bersalin  akan dibayar pada hari-hari didalam
   tempoh opsyen tambahan 4 hari tersebut yang diambil daripada
   cuti rehat yang yang berkelayakan atau cuti tanpa gaji sekiranya
cutirehat tidak berbaki.

6.Kemudahan cuti ini secara opsyen kerana ianya melibatkan perkiraan 
   sebagaimana perkara 98,Perlembagaan Persekutuan dimana ianya adalah
   dibawah bidang kuasa Kerajaan Persekutuan.


24 HB APRIL 2000

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Pengirim: Salam Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Hj Yusuf Rawa pulang ke Rahmatullah

2000-04-27 Thread muhammad abdullah

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Di Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Gelugor, P Pinang - somewhere opposite dengan 
Astaka Selera & Masjid Sg Gelugor. Exact address kurang pastitapi 
rumahnya tepi jalan. Boleh tanya orang ramai di sekitar kawasan tersebut.

>Subject: Re: H-Net* Hj Yusuf Rawa pulang ke Rahmatullah
>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:48:00 +0800
>  *~*
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>  *~*
>  ~~~
>Al Fatihah untuk beliau
>sesiapa tahu alamat  rumah Tuan Haji.
>.niat nak pi ziarah.terima kasih
>"Ui Dann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@hizbi.net on 04/28/2000 01:37:34 AM
>Subject:  H-Net* Hj Yusuf Rawa pulang ke Rahmatullah
>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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>  *~*
>  ~~~
>Adalah diberitahu bahawa Tuan Haji Yusuff Rawa, bekas Mursyidul Am dan
>Presiden PAS, telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada pagi ini di rumah beliau di
>Pulau Pinang.  Perkara ini telah diberitahu oleh menantu beliau.
>Minggu lepas mereka adik-beradik telah berpakat untuk membelikan katil
>hospital berharga RM1,000.00 untuk beliau dan gas tank kerana beliau sesak
>nafas dan tidak mahu lagi tinggal di ICU. Semuanya sudah di beli,
>Allahyarham sudah sempat tidur di atasnya dan Allahyarham telah pulang tak
>akan kembali.  Allahyarham meninggal pada pagi Jumaat meninggalkan
>yang soleh dan solehah
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Pengirim: "muhammad abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2000-04-28 Thread muhammad abdullah

ni alamat betul rumah almarhum Ustaz Yusuf Rawa

> > Assalam-mu-alaikum waroh-matullah hi wabarokatuh...
> >
> > Ingin memaklumkan bahawa Ust Yusof Rawa, bekas Murshidul-Am PAS telah
> > kembali ke
> > Rahmatullah pagi tadi jam 7.30pagi (Jumaat ) 23 Muharram 1421 di rumah
> > beliau
> > 363-J Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, berhampiran MOBIL petrol station.
> >
> > Insya Allah mayat beliau akan disimpan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Jln 
> > Keramat selepas Asr. Solat jenazah di Masjid Glugor
> >
> >

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2000-04-30 Thread Asiah Abdullah
AAA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Assalamu'alaikum,The message below comes from Fareena Alam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> inSingapore. We must warn you in advance that if you are very sensitive to graphicdepictions of human suffering, then please brace yourself for what you areabout to read.Yahya---Assalamualaikum,In February, I released a letter I wrote to the Straitss Times regarding the newspaper's biased portrayal of the violence in Maluku. The ST did not print my letter, nor did they acknowledge receiving it. The negative portrayal, however, died down. But Maluku is in the news again and ofcourse, what better decoration for the ST, than a picture of Muslims holding parangs and swords and screaming "Jihad!".The problem lies in the fact that most Western media, as well as the ST, do not give any limelight to the reasons why Muslims in Maluku are calling for Jihad. Why are these Muslims reacting so emotionally? What have they gone through? What are the reasons for being so angry? The reasons are complicated - very complicated. Nether the Muslims nor the Christians are fully innocent. This is why, ST's over-simplification of the matter, by reducing it to a case of violent Muslims, is misleading. As you will see from my letter to the ST, this one-sided portrayal is deliberate and consistent.Below I include:1. A letter from Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, President, Medical Relief Society, Malaysia - she has been to Maluku herself. - http://www.themodernreligion.com/world_maluku.html2. My letter to the ST in English - http://www.themodernreligion.com/media_st_indonesia.htm3. My letter to the ST in Malay (translated by Awang Semut, with the help of Sumiyyah Kader) - http://www.themodernreligion.com/media_st_indonesia.htm#st_malay4. "What provoked Moluccas violence?" according to BBC World - http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_595000/595473.stmYou can read all four below or simply go to the URLs provided above, if you don't like scrolling through long e-mails.Let's not sit here and do nothing about it. Please circulate this e-mail as widely as possible, Inshallah. Make use of this powerful tool to raise awareness about information that the local media will not bring to us.Regards,Fareena Alamhttp://www.themodernreligion.com@@Dr. Jemilah Mahmood:PresidentMedical Relief SocietyBismillahirahmaanirahiimAssalamualaikum everyone  Alhamdulillah, Karen & I returned last night. Azhar insyallah will arrive tomorrow followed by Wan hazmy and Al-Amin on 19th & 25th respectively. None of us imagined it would be so far and difficult to get to and we had a chance to try almost everything.. jetplanes, smallplanes, boats, ships, 4wds etc..  Brothers and sisters, the war in Maluku is really brewing and as I write this, I expect that new advances by the mujahiddins in Ambon and North Halmahera are taking place.  It is a true jihad..in every sense of the word.  To be frank, I had initially been quite sceptical as so little had been written in the press.  But now I understand and I have returned with the amanah of the people of Maluku to spread the truth about the wars there.  If you think Kosova was bad, imagine being in situations worse than that.  This is a war inspired and provocated by an international conspiracy. Geographically, it makes sense that with the fall of East Timor to the hands of the Christians, Maluku, Sulawesi and if we're not careful East Malaysia will follow suit.  This will provide a barrier for countries like Australia and the west.  The war started with a call by the High Priests in Maluku to destroy Muslims and drive Islam out of Maluku which is 50%-50% Muslim-Christian. Muslims in Maluku are tolerant people not unlike Malays in Malaysia. They never expected this to happen.  They never expected to be attacked on Idil Fitri 1999.  They never expected to be burnt alive whilst performing solat tarawih last Ramadhan.  Imagine now a land where muslims have been brutally murdered by the thousands.  Not only murdered and beheaded etc. but afterwards mutilated, hearts cut out and eaten or pounded to make a gunpowder mix for ammunition!  Imagine women being raped in mosques by savages including priests who afterwards pass comments like "Enak juga kulit wanita Islam".. (the flesh of the Muslimahs were delicious) in front of their families who await their turn for death.  Their breasts cut off and thrown around like frisbees as they lie in pain awaiting the final blow that will bring death to them..  Imagine an imam being killed and buried only to be exhumed later, crucified, his genitals chopped off and stuffed into his mouth with pieces of raw pork..the earth shook and only that act by Almighty Allah stopped them from going further.  Imagine children with dirty faces and mucus running down their shrivelled and dry faces holding on to you crying "Bu..lapar bu..ngak makan tiga hari bu.." (Mother, I'm hungry... I hav

H-Net* Sipadan: Mahathir perlu bertanggung-jawab

2000-05-02 Thread muhammad abdullah
lists accompanied Amin.
>   The captives told Amin during the
>   45-minute visit that they were hungry.
>   They pleaded for water and said they
>   had diarrhea. It was the first time they
>   had been examined by a physician since
>   being kidnapped.
>   "It's terrifying ... We sit here every day. We're sick. 
>can't eat. We can't
>   drink, and it seems that nothing is happening. We hear 
>news," Monique
>   Strydom, of South Africa, told the reporters.
>   "We eat only rice, and the only water we have is the 
>from the rain," Loisy
>   Stephone, of France, added. "It's very difficult to be 
>here. You understand,
>   we have problems with diarrhea, all of us."
>   Said France's Sonia Wendling: "Today is a good day 
>we had rain and we
>   could wash, and we had lunch too ... Sometimes we're
>laughing because if not,
>   we'll become crazy."
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>  ~~~~
>Pengirim: Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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2000-02-15 Thread Hanzala Abdullah

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>From: "Ir. Mohd. Salleh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Dr. Esmady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"ASSB-PRODEV - Azizi (ASSB 
>Subject: Re: H-Net* Lulusan UK versus USA...
>Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 07:59:26 -
>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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>  *~*
>  ~~~
>pemerintahan islam yang adil tidak akan ujud selagi tidak ada imam atau 
>khalifah tidak tengah umat islam. sebab itulah umat islam sentiasa 
>dirundung malang dan sentiasa menempuh layanan yang tidak adil. mustahil 
>ada khalifah dalam umat islam sebab ujudnya khalifah mesti dimulakan dengan 
>diutusnya seorang nabi. contohnya kita rasulullah saw diutus dan kemudian 
>wafat maka beliau digantikan oleh empat orang khalifah. sesudah itu sistem 
>khilafat berakhir bagi umat islam. majoriti umat islam menolak akan diutus 
>lagi seorang nabi sesudah rasulullah saw. sedangkan tidak ada dalam alquran 
>mengatakan nabi tidak diutus lagi sesudah rasulullah saw. Rasulullah saw 
>sendiri bersabda, "kaifa antum izanazala ibu Maryama fikum wa imamukum 
>minkum" (bagaimanakah keadaan kamu(umat islam)apabila ibnu Maryam turun 
>dikalangan kamu menjadi imam kamu dari kamu sendiri). Disini terdapat 
>perkataan 'minkum' yang bermakna ' dari umat islam sendiri'. manakala dalam 
>alquran pula tidak ada nas mengatakan bahawa nabi Isa as hidup di atas 
>langit malahan alquran menjelaskan bahawa nabi Isa as hanyalah seoran 
>manusia biasa (makan, minum, tidur dan sebagainya) yang berpangkat rasul 
>dan beliau telah wafat menurut alquran. inilah sebabnya apabila nabi Isa 
>yang dijanjikan diutus di akhir zaman akan dicemuh, difitnah, dihina dan 
>dikafirkan. Allah swt berfirman, "walammaa dhuriba ibnu Maryama masalan 
>(misal) izakaumuka minhu yasiddudn" (dan apabila ibnu Maryam disebut 
>sebagai misal (masalan) tiba-tiba kaum engkau (umat islam)bersorak 
>kerananya). 'Bersorak' bermakna umat islam akan menjadi kecoh dan marah 
>sihingga mengkafirkannya.
oleh itu umat islam yang yakin bahawa nabi isa telah wafat menurut alquran 
akan menerima kedatang nabi isa yang dijanjikan di akhir zaman. orang yang 
tidak percaya dengan dengan keterangan alquran (tentang kewafatan nabi Isa 
as), akan tetap menunggu nabi isa turun dari langit hingga hari kiamat. umat 
islam harus faham bahwa nabi isa hidup di atas langit adalah akidah uamt 
kristian. sebenarnya nabi isa yang dijanjikan turun diakhir zaman adalah 
gelaran kepada seseorang yang berpangkat nabi dan rasul yang diutus untuk 
memperbaiki umat manusia. diutusnya nabi isa as dan apabila wafat maka akan 
bermula lagi sitem khilafat dalam umat islam.
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Pengirim: "Hanzala Abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* MADAH oleh Syeikh Ashaari Muhammad

2000-02-16 Thread Hanzala Abdullah

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2000-02-16 Thread Hanzala Abdullah

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Pengirim: "Hanzala Abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: H-Net* Lulusan UK versus USA...

2000-02-16 Thread muhammad abdullah
suasana US lebih byk
>entertainment (memang kerajaan us nakkan rakyatnya
>berkhayal), student kita khayal dgn entertainment, tu
>sebab byk student engineering terpaksa tukar degree
>pada half way thru sebab theyall start rasa susah.
>Padahal sama jer silibusnya dgn di Malaysia atau di
>Tak ramai student dari US yg jadi engineer pada
>akhirnya, byk yg jadi statistic, material science dsb.
>Padahal saya rasa sistem first degree di US tu dibuat
>utk menyenangkan pelajarnya. Bayangkan la subject
>matematik pun ada soalan objective diperingkat 1st
>degree level.
>berbanding dgn student kita di UK, walaupun
>entertainment tu ada, tapi sebab weather di uk tu
>sejuk tak menentu dan kadangkala mandom, jadi student
>kat sana have no choice and have to study. lepas tu it
>is not easy for them to change their degree courses
>halfway thru. Tambahan pulak ramai postgraduate yg
>berada di UK, jadi mereka ni lah yg control undergrade
>3. Dari segi godaan, saya rasa dok studi kat malaysia
>lagi byk godaan kot, muslimat pun ramai. The point is,
>kalau nak rosak tu tak payah gi oversea, kat malaysia
>ni ramai yg dah rosak dah walaupun local U.Even wan
>Azizah saya dengar pakai tudung masa studi di UK dulu.
>4. I have heard statistic that hanya american company
>jer yg akan ambil US grad ni, the rest tu prefer local
>U or UK grad. Kalau tak caya, saya tengok ramai UK
>grad yg jadi lecturer di local Univ instead of US grad
>ni. betul ke tak betul allah saja yg tahu.
>=== message truncated ===
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2000-02-17 Thread Hanzala Abdullah
ammad is the "Last
>(end) of the Prophets."
>in Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.4, hadith #735nabi Muhammad claims that he is
>the last of the Prophets.
> Narrated Abu Huraira:
> Allah's Apostle said, "My similitude in comparison with the other
>prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and
>beautifully, except for a place of one brick in a corner. The people go
>about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: 'Would that this brick be put 
>its place!' So I am that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets."
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Pengirim: "Hanzala Abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Al Quran -

2000-02-23 Thread Abdullah Ahmad

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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apa tujuan kamu membawa isu-isu macam ni  Sesungguhnya Allah swt mengetahui
apa yang tersirat di hati kamu.

saya bukanlah ahli dalam pekara ini, tegur saya kalau saya silap.

Masa sekolah dulu, kita ada belajar mengenai surah Al-Asr (Demi Masa). Cuba sdr
lihat balik ayat itu 1000 kali dan lihat dan baca serta fahamkan terjemahannya
1,000,000 kali. Kalau perlu bukak balik buku sekolah. Perhatikan !!! ada ayat
Nasikh dan Mansukh dalam surah ini. Ini kerja rumah untuk sdr.


Abu Alifa wrote:

>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Assalaamu'alaikum,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Wed, 23 Feb 2000
> ..   .. Dalam Quran pun ada juga ayat-ayat yang bertentangan makna
> antara satu sama lain tapi taklah kita kata Quran tu tak betul. Orang tahu
> ilmu Quran (Ulumul Quran) dah bincang benda-benda macam ini maka wujudlah
> istilah ayat yang Nasikh dan Mansukh berdasarkan bila ia diturunkan.
> Betulke ni.. Ada ke ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang bertentangan makna antara satu
> sama lain dan ada ke ayat-ayat yang sudah di mansukh.
> Harap dapat jelaskan dan kalu dapat dengan contoh sekali.
> Wassalam.
> __
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Pengirim: Abdullah Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* yakinlah dengan kemenangan yang bakal diperoleh!

2000-02-23 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Assalamualaikum ww,
Adiyy ibn Hatim mengisahkan satu perbualan telah terjadi antara RasuluLlah SAW dengan Adiyy ibn Hatim:
" RasuluLlah SAW bersabda: Barangkali, wahai Adiyy, satu-satunya perkara yang menghalangmu daripada memeluk deen ini ialah kamu memerhatikan bahawa umat Muslimin hidup dalam kesengsaraan dan kemiskinan. Demi ALlah, hampir tiba masanya kekayaan melimpah ruah di kalangan mereka hinggakan tiada siapa sanggup mengutipnya lagi.
Barangkali, wahai Adiyy, satu-satunya perkara yang menghalangmu daripada memeluk deen ini ialah kamu memerhatikan bahawa umat Muslimin sangat sedikit sedangkan musuh mereka ramai. Demi ALlah, hampir tiba masanya kamu akan mendengar berita bahawa seorang wanita keluar dari Qadisiyyah dengan menaiki unta hingga sampai ke rumahnya tanpa takut kepada sesiapapun selain ALlah. 
Barangkali, wahai Adiyy, satu-satunya perkara yang menghalangmu daripada memeluk deen ini ialah kamu memerhatikan bahawa kedaulatan dan kekuasaan terletak di tangan mereka yang bukan Muslim. Demi ALlah, hampir tiba masanya kamu akan mendengar berita bahawa mahligai putih di Babylon terbuka untuk mereka dan limpahan kekayaan dari Coshroes anak Hormuz jatuh tercampak ke atas tanah mereka."Harta Coshroes anak Hormuz?" Tanyaku, tidak percaya."Ya, harta Coshroes anak Hormuz," jawab Baginda.
Dengan itu, saya pun mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah dan menyatakan keislaman saya. "
Adiyy ibn Hatim (RA) hidup dengan umur yang panjang. Lama kemudiannya beliau berkata:
"Dua perkara (yang diperkatakan RasuluLlah SAW itu) telahpun berlaku dan tinggallah perkara yang ketiga. Demi ALlah, ia pasti akan berlaku.
Saya telahpun melihat wanita yang meninggalkan Qaddisiyyah menaiki unta dengan tidak takutkan sesiapa pun selain ALlah hinggalah dia tiba di rumah ini (Rumah Nabi di Madinah).
Saya sendiri telah berada di barisan depan tenetra berkuda yang menjejaki harta Chosroes dan telah mengambilnya.
Dan saya bersumpah demi ALlah bahawa peristiwa ketiga pasti akan terealisasi."
Dengan izin ALlah, perkara ketiga yang disebutkan oleh RasuluLlah SAW terjadi semasa peemrintahan Khalifah yang soleh, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz. Kekayaan melimpah dengan banyaknya di kalangan kaum Muslimin hinggakan apabila pengumuman dibuat di seluruh negeri Islam supaya yang layak datang mengambil zakat, tiada sipa pun tampil untuk mendapatkannya.
Beginilah keyakinan yang wajib kita milik tentang masa depan gemilang Islam sekalipun situasi yang menimpa kita kini jauh sekali daripada baik. Yakinlah dengan firman-Nya:"Pertolongan daripada ALlah dan kemenangan semakin hampir."
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2000-02-19 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: TWO POEMS!We watchedI fear you.How will we answer to you on Qiyamah?When our Sisters and mothers were raped we watchedWhen our Brothers were sodomised, we watched,When our Elders were mutilated we watched,When the Mujahideen were tortured, we watched,When Children were beheaded we watched,When Depleted uranium burned their insides, we watchedWhen Pregnant bellies were slashed open we watched,When Babies were thrown to their deaths we watched,When His mother lay there bleeding and motionless, we watched.When Children became insomniacs because of atrocities their eyes witnessed, we watchedWhen Grenades explode in schoolyards we watched.When he witnessed the gang rape of his mother, we watched.When Children became mutes because of the incomprehension of atrocities, we watched.When the Infant was trampled on infront of his screaming mother, we watched.When C!
hildren stopped smiling we watched.When Boys were forced to take up arms to defend their women folk, we watched.When her Brother was used as a human shield, we watched.When Muslim land was occupied and terrorised, we watched.When She was raped at the age of four we watched.When Her husband was beheaded and torched, we watched.When we saw Mujahids sacrificing their lives for Akhirah, we watched.When we were called to Jihaad we watched.Yaa Allah, we watched and ignored.We shed tears whilst they shed blood for you yaa Allah!Will you forgive us? Will the beloved Prophet of Islaam even glance at us yaa Allah?When the Ummah was humiliated we watched and sat here complacently.Yet we call ourselves Muslims.And yet here we stand, and again we watch.From one who claims to be your slave."Think not of those who are Slain in the way of Allah as dead. Nay they are living. With their Lord !
they have Provisions." 3:169 Al-Quraan"Verily! Allah will not change the condition of a people until they changewhat is within themselves'. [Ar-Ra'd:11]Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 18 Feb 2000 03:51:38 -Mailing-List: ListBot mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: "Aqidah Islamic Information Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>From: "Aqidah Islamic Information Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "Aqidah Islamic Information Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Valentine's Day at Al-AmiriyaAqidah Islamic Information Servicesource:The Gulf Times (Qatar)OpinionsFeb. 14, 2000--http://www.gulf-times.com/2000/02/14/opinions.htm--Valentine's greetings in the form of missil!
esDear Sir,This is a poem, which appeared in an English newspaper in Iraq in 1993.The poem was written by a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, Nahla al-Shagra,expressing her feelings about the genocide committed against harmlessIraqi civilians, who thought they were safe at Al-Amiriya shelter inBaghdad during the US-led aggression on Iraq. Yet, they did not escapedeath. Two American missiles struck the shelter, killing hundreds ofcivilians, mostly women and children.I think it is fitting to publish this poem on the ninth anniversary ofthis horrible crime. Of course let us not forget that the Iraqi children,who survived the US-led raids and bombing. They continue to suffer underthe sanctions imposed by the "United Nations" and thousands of them dieevery month in this silent and forgotten war that the US has declaredagainst the Iraqi people.The best gift any of us can give the Iraqi children is to raise ourvoic!
es, say "NO" to the US and end the suffering of millions of innocentchildren.Abo JennaIraqi nationalDohaOn the sweet morning of "Valentine's Eve",The US sent greetings, for Iraq to receive.They came in the form of missiles and bombs,Not chocolate-heart-candies nor bon-bons.While the world was busy, mailing out cards,Writing love letters and preparing for balls,Al-Amiriya shelter lay sound asleep,A sleep so heavy, quiet deep.Even when the sound of sirens pierced the air,No one woke up, they just didn't care.The children dozed off, snuggled up, undisturbed,Their sweet night dreams left unperturbed,They slept huddled so close to each other,Hugging blankets, bears, sisters and brothers.Little did they know of their horrible doom,The missile that will turn the shelter into a tomb.The clock in the shelter read four and a half pas!
t,When all of a sudden there was a killing blast,It buried bodies in the shelter so deep,The same shelter which had been serene with sleep.Screams and shouts or horror and pain,Were heard all over again and again.A fire started in the middle of the room,Distributing poisonous, gaseous fumes.A child screamed his mother's name,Then all was silent once again.So, while the world was hugging and kissing with glee,The few survivors were trying to get free.But, with bodies strewn across the floor,And a computer closing every door.The poor prisoners, holding their breath,For either rescue to come or death.Either one, at

H-Net* Clinton to help resolve Kashmir issue!

2000-02-23 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: Clinton to help resolve Kashmir issue!Assalaamu alaykumThis type of behaviour from our so-called leaders is dangerous though too common. How can Muslims who want to resolve the Kashmiri issue, one would assume Islamically by returning the land to Islamic rule, think that calling Clinton to intervene will help solve the issue. Don't they see they're playing to America's goal in this New World Order which is to become the global policeman, judge, jury and executioner in all regional and/or international disputes! Obviously the US will only "resolve" such issues according to its kufrcapitalist ideology which can NEVER BE ANYTHING BUT MORE PROBLEM FOR THE UMMAH!WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND FAST!!!AFPTuesday, February 22 10:38 PM SGT-http://sg.dailynews.yahoo.com/headlines/asia/afp/article.html?s=singapore/headlines/000222/asia/afp/Muslim_guerrila_groups_urge_Clinton_to_help_re!
solve_Kashmir_issue.html-Muslim guerrila groups urge Clinton to help resolve Kashmir issueKARACHI, Feb 22 (AFP) - The head of an alliance of guerrilla groups fighting inIndian-administered Kashmir on Tuesday urged US President Bill Clinton tohelp resolve the crisis.Syed Salahuddin Ahmed told a news conference that the dispute, which hascaused two of the three wars between Pakistan and India, could not besolved by the US talking to India alone.Ahmed heads a United Jihad (holy war) Council, which embraces more than adozen militant groups.Clinton should convince India to engage in talks with the All PartyHurriyet (Freedom) Conference, an umbrella organization of Muslimpolitical and militant groups in Indian Kashmir, he said.He also said the US leader should not skip Pakistan during his March tourof South Asia as that would "in!
crease tension in the region.""We welcome Clinton but if he wants to make his tour fruitful he shouldaddress the core issue of Kashmir. He must contact the leadership ofKashmir while engaging both India and Pakistan," Ahmed said."It (Kashmir) is not a border issue. It is an international issue."Clinton is scheduled to visit India and Bangladesh, but has not yetdecided to include Pakistan on his itinerary."If Clinton visits only India then there (in Kashmir) the situation willworsen. The situation is volcanic and complicated. Anything can happen,"the guerrilla leader said.He suggested tripartite talks involving Pakistan, India and Kashmirirepresentatives, to be held with the blessing of the United States.Asked whether the militant groups would stop fighting if such talks gotunder way, he said: "The guns will only be down when the last Indiansoldier is withdrawn from Kashmir."Clinton has offe!
red to broker peace between Pakistan and India if bothcountries request mediation. India has ruled out any third-partyinvolvement."(The) Mujahideen have chalked out an aggressive policy for the year 2000.And if India does not stop its human rights violation and massacre ofMuslims in Kashmir then our activities will shift from the valley toIndia," Ahmed warned._
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2000-02-16 Thread Hanzala Abdullah
k Norizah masuk ke
> > dalam Pasar Chow Kit, di tengah jantung ibukota Kuala Lumpur. Bagaimana
> > keadaannya? Tak banyak beda dengan pasar-pasar lain di Malaysia.
> > Kalau masalah air kuning berkarat, saya rasa mungkin kerana kebetulan.
> > pernah tinggal lama di Pengakalan Chepa, sekitar lapan kilometer dari
> > Bharu. Tidak pernah lihat pun air berwarna kuning seperti yang
> > Norizah. Saya sempat tinggal di Wangsa Maju, KL, dan pernah mengalami
> > masalah air berkedodok. Terkadang tidak mengalir langsung sampai sehari
> > suntuk. Di Penang pun terkadang terpaksa mandi dan minum air payau.
> > Jadi hal-hal begini, kalau hanya melihat atau merasakan sepintas lalu,
> > boleh serampangan membuat kesimpulan. Jangan kerana kita benci kepada
> > seseorang, maka kita ungkit-ungkit sisi buruknya saja. Keramahan orang
> > Kelantan, bagaimana?
> >
> >
> > --Original Message--
> > To: Norizah Bt M Ali
> > Sent: February 11, 2000 3:59:58 PM GMT
> > Subject: Re: [islah-net] Sembang-sembang
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Saya rasa niat Norizah ni baik iaitu untuk melihat Negeri Kelantan tu
> > dari sampah sarap.
> > Tapi yang tak kena nya cuma cara. Adalah lebih baik cik/puan Norizah
> > complain tu kepada
> > pihak yang berkenaan. Janganlah ditulis dalam ruangan ini kerana peluang
> > akan diambil oleh
> > yang tidak bertanggung jawab sebagai senjata menghentam kerajaan
> > Kalau Cik/Puan
> > Norizah berpeluang melancung ke Pulau Pinang , lihatlah sendiri
> > negeri Pualau Pinang
> > yang terkenal dengan Pualau mutiara , yang mana mutiara itu kelihatan
> > malap,Pergi lah ke Pantai
> > pantai yang terdapat di Pulau Pinang dan saksikanlah sendiri
> > Kemudian buatlah
> > komen. Oleh itu kalau niat tu betul kenalah caranya pun betul. Oleh itu
> > berhati
> > hati dalam perbuatan
> > kita  agar tak menyinggung mana
> > pihak...
> > ..  .  .,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "Norizah Bt M Ali"  on 02/11/2000 09:38:03 PM
> >
> > cc:(bcc: Amir Abdullah)
> >
> > Subject:  Re: [islah-net] Sembang-sembang
> >
> >
> >
> > From: "Norizah Bt M Ali"
> >
> > saya tak sentuh pun soal politik PAS ke atau apa ke...
> >
> > saya sentuh soal kebersihan...
> >
> > encik jgn salah faham.. cik orang sana ke
> >
> >
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> >
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> > Jamaah
> > Islah Malaysia (JIM) melainkan yang dinyatakan sedemikian
> >
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> >
> > Untuk urusan pengiklanan, sila hubungi: Aris Sipan "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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> >
> > Nota: Kandungan mel ini tidak menggambarkan pendirian rasmi Pertubuhan
> > Jamaah
> > Islah Malaysia (JIM) melainkan yang dinyatakan sedemikian
> >
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H-Net* INS Will Begin Tracking all Foreign Students in the United States (fwd)

2000-02-16 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: INS Will Begin Tracking all Foreign Students in the UnitedStates (fwd)You have the right to be tracked, monitored and prosecuted by the US government in the name of protecting freedom, democracy and the American way of life!>>INS Will Begin Tracking all Foreign Students in the United States:>^^>http://www.ianaradionet.com/E_newstext/newst_fe10.html>>The INS will begin implementing next year a plan to track by computer the>movements and plans of all foreign students and scholars on American>campuses. The plan will eventually be widened to include computerized>tracking of most aliens in the US on long-term visas. The Immigration and>Naturalization Service developed the plan, known as Coordinated>Interagency Partnership Regulating International Students (or CIPRIS),>under a tough new immigration law signed !
by President Clinton in 1996.>Under the plan, all foreign students will be charged $95 and issued an>identification card complete with their photograph, fingerprint, and>electronically coded information. All of the alien's plans and "life>events" will be stored in an INS database. This will help authorities>monitor students' lives for what it considers suspicious activities, like>dropping out. Proponents of the system say that universities have been>required by law for years to inform the INS of changes in status for all>foreign students, and that CIPRIS will allow the INS to better manage the>information it already collects. However, the law that authorized CIPRIS>also suspended some protections under the Family Educational Rights and>Privacy Act of 1974. Although the INS emphasizes that the system is>designed to reduce visa fraud, CIPRIS was primarily developed to weed out>potential te!
rrorists. In hearings prior to the passage of the law>requiring the INS to track this information, witnesses testified that many>potential terrorists from so-called "rogue states" were entering the>United States on student visas. In a handout distributed at a conference>in 1996, the INS's Foreign Student Task Force wrote: "The involvement of>former foreign students in the World Trade Center bombing and the homicide>outside CIA headquarters have caused foreign students to have a higher>profile within certain law enforcement circles." The INS admits, however,>that CIPRIS is not likely to improve security. "No one is under the>illusion that improvements in the accuracy and availability of student>information is likely to make a significant difference in our country's>security," says the same handout. "Rather, the fact that former foreign>students have been involved in these incidents simply highli!
ghts and>reinforces the conclusion that the Immigration Service does not currently>have accurate data on this population." The INS plans to expand electronic>tracking of aliens beyond students. The contractor that developed the>system for the INS, Texas-based Electronic Data Systems (or EDS), says the>system will eventually be used to track foreigners on most long-term visa>categories, excluding those in the US as tourists or on business. CIPRIS>was pilot tested for three years at the INS Atlanta Port of Entry and>district office, the Texas Service Center, Department of State and United>States Information Agency headquarters, and 21 universities in Georgia,>Alabama, and North and South Carolina. >To subscribe to ININ please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]>>In the body of the message !
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H-Net* Fwd: [islah-net] 3 Mac (Maret) 1924 - Khilafah dihancurkan

2000-03-02 Thread Asiah Abdullah
assalamualaikum ww,3 Mac (Maret) 1924  - Khilafah dihancurkan3 Mac (Maret) 2000 - 76 tahun umat Islam menderita kerana tiada KhilafahPada 3 Mac (Maret) 1924 Khilafah (sistem pemerintahan (Islam) secara rasmi telah dihapuskan oleh Mustafa Kamal Ataturk di Turki. Mustafa Kamal, agen Britain, telah bertindak menghapuskan Khilafah sesuai dengan arahan (instruksi) yang telah diberikan oleh negara-negara Barat kepadanya. Khilafah inilah yang telah menyatukan umat Islam seluruh dunia dari berbagai bangsa dan berlainan kedudukan geografi dalam sebuah negara, seorang pemimpin, sebuah bendera dan satu undang-undang. Malangnya negara-negara Barat telah menanamkan ideologi Barat seperti demokrasi, liberalisme, komunisme dan sosialisme sehingga mengakibatkan umat Islam meninggalkan Islam. Mereka juga menanam semangat nasionalisme yang mengakibatkan umat Islam berpecah kepada lebih dari 50 buah!
 negara yang kita saksikan sehingga hari ini. Tidak ada kepimpinan alternatif pada hari ini walaupun beberapa buah negara mendakwa bahwa mereka adalah negara Islam seperti Sudan, Iran, Arab Saudi dan Afghanistan. Negara-negara tersebut mencampurkan Islam dengan sistems-sistem lain tetapi malangnya mengaku mereka melaksanakan Islam dengan sempurna. Janganlah umat Islam patah semangat. Ingatlah Allah SWT akan membantu mereka yang mengikut perintahNya sebagaimana yang telah Allah SWT janjikan dalam Quran. Rasulullah SAW juga telah berjanji bahwa Khilafah akan muncul semula menyelamatkan umat Islam dari masalah yang mereka hadapi hari ini.Dari buku yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Taqiyuddin Nabahani, seorang ulamak Timur TengahKhilafahKhilafah adalah kepimpinan umum bagi seluruh kaum muslimin di dunia untuk menegakkan hukum-hukum syari’at Islam dan mengembang da’wah ke segenap penjuru dunia. Kata lain dari Khila!
fah adalah Imamah. Imamah dan Khilafah mempunyai arti yang sama. Banyak hadits sahih yang menunjukkan bahwa dua kata itu memiliki konotasi yang sama. Bahkan tidak ada satu nas pun, baik dalam Al-Quran maupun Al-Hadits yang menyebutkan kedua istilah itu dengan makna yang saling bertentangan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Kaum muslimin tidak harus terikat dengan salah satu dari keduanya, apakah istilah khilafah atau pun imamah. Sebab yang menjadi pegangan dalam hal ini adalah makna yang ditunjukkan oleh kedua istilah itu.Menegakkan khilafah hukumnya fardu (wajib) bagi seluruh kaum muslimin. Sebagaimana telah dimaklumi bahwa melaksanakan suatu kewajipan yang telah dibebankan oleh Allah SWT kepada kaum muslimin adalah suatu keharusan yang menuntut pelaksanaan tanpa tawar menawar lagi dan tidak pula ada kompromi. Demikianlah adanya dengan kewajipan menegakkan khilafah. Melalaikannya berarti merupakan salah satu perbuatan mak!
siat terbesar dan Allah akan mengazab para pelakunya dengan siksaan yang sangat pedih.Dalil-dalil mengenai kewajipan menegakkan khilafah bagi seluruh kaum muslimin termaktub dalam Quran, Sunnah dan Ijma’ As-Sahabat.Dalam Quran, Allah SWT telah memerintahkan Rasulullah SAW agar menegakkan hukum di antara kaum muslimin dengan hukum yang telah diturunkanNya. Dan perintah itu dalam bentuk yang tegas (pasti). Allah SWT berfirman :“ Maka putuskanlah perkara di antara manusia dengan apa yang telah diturunkan Allah dan janganlah engkau menuruti hawa nafsu mereka dengan meninggalkan kebenaran yang telah datang kepadamu” (al-Maidah, 48)“ (Dan) Hendaklah kamu memutuskan perkara di antara mereka dengan apa yang telah diturunkan Allah, dan janganlah engkau mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka. Dan waspadalah engkau terhadap fitnah mereka yang hendak memalingkan dari sebahagian apa yang telah diturunkan Allah kepadamu.” (Al-Maidah, 49)Firman Allah SWT yang ditujukan kepada RasulNya juga merupakan seruan untuk ummatnya, selama tidak ada dalil yang menunjukkan bahwa firman itu dikhususkan untuk beliau. Sementara pada ayat ini tidak ditemukan dalil yang mengkhususkannya kepada Nabi, sehingga menjadi seruan yang juga ditujukan kepada kaum muslimin untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan. Tidak ada arti lain dalam mengangkat khilafah kecuali mewujudkan pemerintahan.Sambungan Dari buku yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Muhammad Ismail, seorang ulamak Timur Tengah(1) Kewajipan mendirikan sistem pemerintahan Islam.(2) Adalah berdosa jika tidak berusaha menegakkan Negara Islam.(3) Khalifah (Imam) adalah pelindung bagi umat IslamAllah SWT juga memerintahkan agar kaum muslimin mentaati ‘Ulil Amri’ iaitu penguasa. Perintah ini juga termasuk di antara yang menunjukkan kewajiban adanya penguasa atas kaum muslimin. Allah SWT berfirman :“Hai orang-orang yang beriman,!
 taatilah Allah dan taatilah RasulNya, dan ulil amri dari kamu sekalian.” (An-Nisa, 59)Tentu saja Allah SWT tidak memerintahkan kaum muslimin untuk mentaati seseorang yang tidak berwujud. Sehingga menjadi jelas bahwa mewujudkan ulil amri adalah suatu yang wajib. Tatkala Allah memberi perintah untuk mentaati ulil amri, berarti pula perintah untuk mewujudkannya. Adanya ulil amri menyebabkan terlaksanany

H-Net* respon hanzala & kliner thdp kisah Tantawi + nabi terakhir

2000-03-03 Thread Asiah Abdullah
nya mari kita perhatikan hadith-hadith di bawah, dan tanya diri sendiri, keluarga, kawan-kawan, dan ustaz-ustazah: Adakah kata-kata Tantawi itu berlandaskan syara'??
Sebahagian drp hadith ttg hukuman murtad ini disimpan oleh Imam Al-Bukhari dlm kitabnya jilid 84 dlm bab 9: "Tindakan terhadap org Murtad". Berikut adalah terjemahan hadith lengkap  nombor 57, 58 dan 59:
57:Ikrimah meriwayatkan:Beberapa orang Zanadiqa (atheist) dibawa kepada 'Ali dan 'Ali membakar mereka. Berita kejadian ini, sampai kepada Ibn 'Abbas lalu beliau berkata, "Kalau saya berada di tempatnya, saya tidak akan membakar mereka, kerana Rasulullah melarang (perbuatan membakar sedemikian) dengan sabdanya, 'janganlah menjatuhkan hukuman dengan hukuman Allah (api).'  Saya akan membunuh mereka berpandukan pernyataan Rasulullah, ' man baddala deenahu faqtuluh (barangsiapa menukar agama Islamnya, maka bunuhlah dia).' "
58:Abu Burda meriwayatkan:Abu Musa berkata: "Saya datang kepada Nabi bersama dua orang (dari kabilah) Ash'ariyin, seorang di kanan saya, seorang di kiri saya, tatkala Nabi Allah sedang memberus giginya (menggunakan Siwak), dan kedua-dua lelaki meminta pekerjaan daripada baginda. Nabi berkata, 'Wahai Abu Musa (Wahai Abdullah bin Qais!).' Saya berkata, 'Demi Dia yang mengutuskanmu dengan kebenaran, kedua lelaki ini tidak memberitahukan saya apa di dalam hati mereka dan saya tidak fikir yang mereka sedang mencari pekerjaan.' tatkala saya sedang melihat Siwak rasul ditarik ke penjuru bibirnya, baginda bersabda, 'Kami tidak pernah (atau, kami tidak) menugaskan untuk sesiapa untuk mencari pekerjaan bagi urusan kami.' Tetapi wahai Abu Musa! (atau Abdullah bin Qais!) Pergilah ke Yaman.'  "Nabi kemudiannya menghantar Mu'adh bin Jabal mengekorinya dan apabila Mu'adh sampai kepadanya, dia membentangkan hamparan kepadanya dan memintanya duduk (di atas hamparan itu). Sa!
ksikanlah: terdapat seorang lelaki yang terikat di sebelah Abu Musa. Mu'adh bertanya: "Siapakan (lelaki) ini?" Abu Musa berkata, "Dia dahulu beragama Yahudi kemudian Muslim kemudian kembali menganut Yahudi." Kemudian Abu Musa meminta Mu'adh untuk duduk tetapi Mu'adh berkata: "Saya tidak akan duduk sehinggalah dia dibunuh. Inilah hukum Allah dan rasul-Nya (bagi kes ini) dan diulangnya tiga kali. Kemudian Abu Musa mengarahkan supaya lelaki itu dibunuh, dan lelaki itu dibunuh. Abu Musa menambah, "Kemudian kami berbincang untuk mengadakan solat malam dan seorang di antara kami berkata, 'Saya solat dan saya tidur, dan saya harap Allah akan mengganjari saya bagi tidur saya juga solat saya."
59:Abu Huraira meriwayatkan:Apabila Nabi wafat dan Abu Bakar menggantikannya dan beberapa orang Arab murtad, 'Umar berkata, "Wahai Abu Bakar! Bagaimanakah kamu boleh memerangi orang-orang ini walaupun Rasulullah bersabda, 'Aku diperintahkan untuk memerangi manusia hingga mereka mengucapkan Asyhadu an la Ilaha illa Allah, dan barangsiapa berkata Asyhadu an la Ilaha illa Allah, Allah akan menyelamatkan hartanya dan nyawanya daripadaku, melainkan (dia melakukan sesuatu yang wajar dihukum) dengan adil, dan perkiraannya adalah dengan Allah?' "Abu Bakar berkata, '"Demi Allah! Saya akan memerangi sesiapa saja yang membeza-bezakan solat dengan zakat dan zakat itu adalah hak yang mesti diambil daripada harta (mengikut perintah Allah). Demi Allah! jika mereka enggan membayar kepadaku walaupun seekor anak kambing yang sebelum ini mereka membayarnya kepada Nabi Allah, saya akan memerangi mereka kerana keengganan itu." 'Umar berkata, "Demi A!
llah: Itu tak mengapa, bahkan saya perasan yang Allah telah membuka dada Abu Bakar kepada keputusan untuk berperang, oleh itu saya sedar bahawa keputusannya itu benar." 
Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Daruquthni dan Al-Baihaqi dari Jabir, iaitu:Bahawa Ummi Marwan telah murtad, kemudian Nabi SAW memerintah agar dipujuk memeluk Islam kembali. Sabda baginda SAW, 'Jika bertaubat (biarkan hidup), jika tidak maka dia harus dibunuh." 
Walaupun al-Quran tidak menyebut hukuman bunuh bagi orang murtad, tetapi hadith sahih yang dikoleksi oleh Imam Bukhari dengan jelas telah menyebutkan demikian. Begitu juga ijma' Sahabat memutuskan demikian. Janganlah kita mengatakan sesuatu hukum itu bukan hukum syara' kerana ia tidak dihuraikan dalam al-quran, kerana sumber hukum syara' adalah al-quran, sunnah, ijma' sahabat dan qiyas. Kalau kita mahu merujuk kepada al-quran semata tanpa memerhatikan hadith mutawattir sebagai sumber aqidah dan hadith sahih sebagai sumber syari'ah, maka bagaimanakah kita mengerjakan solat?
dengan ini, jelas sekali pendapat syeikhul Azhar itu tertolak atas dua sebab:1. Jika apa yg dikatakannya itu merupakan hasil ijtihad, maka ijtihad itu tidak boleh bertentangan dgn nash dan tidak boleh ada ijtihad jika ada na

H-Net* [islah-net] 3 Mac (Maret) 1924 - Khilafah dihancurkan

2000-03-03 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: [islah-net] 3 Mac (Maret) 1924 - Khilafah dihancurkan From: "idris syafiee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3 Mac (Maret) 1924  - Khilafah dihancurkan3 Mac (Maret) 2000 - 76 tahun umat Islam menderita kerana tiada KhilafahPada 3 Mac (Maret) 1924 Khilafah (sistem pemerintahan (Islam) secara rasmi telah dihapuskan oleh Mustafa Kamal Ataturk di Turki. Mustafa Kamal, agen Britain, telah bertindak menghapuskan Khilafah sesuai dengan arahan (instruksi) yang telah diberikan oleh negara-negara Barat kepadanya. Khilafah inilah yang telah menyatukan umat Islam seluruh dunia dari berbagai bangsa dan berlainan kedudukan geografi dalam sebuah negara, seorang pemimpin, sebuah bendera dan satu undang-undang. Malangnya negara-negara Barat telah menanamkan ideologi Barat seperti demokrasi, liberalisme, komunisme dan sosialisme sehingga mengakibatkan umat Islam meninggalkan Islam. Mereka juga mena!
nam semangat nasionalisme yang mengakibatkan umat Islam berpecah kepada lebih dari 50 buah negara yang kita saksikan sehingga hari ini. Tidak ada kepimpinan alternatif pada hari ini walaupun beberapa buah negara mendakwa bahwa mereka adalah negara Islam seperti Sudan, Iran, Arab Saudi dan Afghanistan. Negara-negara tersebut mencampurkan Islam dengan sistems-sistem lain tetapi malangnya mengaku mereka melaksanakan Islam dengan sempurna. Janganlah umat Islam patah semangat. Ingatlah Allah SWT akan membantu mereka yang mengikut perintahNya sebagaimana yang telah Allah SWT janjikan dalam Quran. Rasulullah SAW juga telah berjanji bahwa Khilafah akan muncul semula menyelamatkan umat Islam dari masalah yang mereka hadapi hari ini.Dari buku yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Taqiyuddin Nabahani, seorang ulamak Timur TengahKhilafahKhilafah adalah kepimpinan umum bagi seluruh kaum muslimin di dunia untuk menegakkan hukum!
-hukum syari’at Islam dan mengembang da’wah ke segenap penjuru dunia. Kata lain dari Khilafah adalah Imamah. Imamah dan Khilafah mempunyai arti yang sama. Banyak hadits sahih yang menunjukkan bahwa dua kata itu memiliki konotasi yang sama. Bahkan tidak ada satu nas pun, baik dalam Al-Quran maupun Al-Hadits yang menyebutkan kedua istilah itu dengan makna yang saling bertentangan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Kaum muslimin tidak harus terikat dengan salah satu dari keduanya, apakah istilah khilafah atau pun imamah. Sebab yang menjadi pegangan dalam hal ini adalah makna yang ditunjukkan oleh kedua istilah itu.Menegakkan khilafah hukumnya fardu (wajib) bagi seluruh kaum muslimin. Sebagaimana telah dimaklumi bahwa melaksanakan suatu kewajipan yang telah dibebankan oleh Allah SWT kepada kaum muslimin adalah suatu keharusan yang menuntut pelaksanaan tanpa tawar menawar lagi dan tidak pula ada kompromi. Demikianlah adanya deng!
an kewajipan menegakkan khilafah. Melalaikannya berarti merupakan salah satu perbuatan maksiat terbesar dan Allah akan mengazab para pelakunya dengan siksaan yang sangat pedih.Dalil-dalil mengenai kewajipan menegakkan khilafah bagi seluruh kaum muslimin termaktub dalam Quran, Sunnah dan Ijma’ As-Sahabat.Dalam Quran, Allah SWT telah memerintahkan Rasulullah SAW agar menegakkan hukum di antara kaum muslimin dengan hukum yang telah diturunkanNya. Dan perintah itu dalam bentuk yang tegas (pasti). Allah SWT berfirman :“ Maka putuskanlah perkara di antara manusia dengan apa yang telah diturunkan Allah dan janganlah engkau menuruti hawa nafsu mereka dengan meninggalkan kebenaran yang telah datang kepadamu” (al-Maidah, 48)“ (Dan) Hendaklah kamu memutuskan perkara di antara mereka dengan apa yang telah diturunkan Allah, dan janganlah engkau mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka. Dan waspadalah engkau terhadap fitnah mereka yang hend!
ak memalingkan dari sebahagian apa yang telah diturunkan Allah kepadamu.” (Al-Maidah, 49)Firman Allah SWT yang ditujukan kepada RasulNya juga merupakan seruan untuk ummatnya, selama tidak ada dalil yang menunjukkan bahwa firman itu dikhususkan untuk beliau. Sementara pada ayat ini tidak ditemukan dalil yang mengkhususkannya kepada Nabi, sehingga menjadi seruan yang juga ditujukan kepada kaum muslimin untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan. Tidak ada arti lain dalam mengangkat khilafah kecuali mewujudkan pemerintahan.Sambungan Dari buku yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Muhammad Ismail, seorang ulamak Timur Tengah(1) Kewajipan mendirikan sistem pemerintahan Islam.(2) Adalah berdosa jika tidak berusaha menegakkan Negara Islam.(3) Khalifah (Imam) adalah pelindung bagi umat IslamAllah SWT juga memerintahkan agar kaum muslimin mentaati ‘Ulil Amri’ iaitu penguasa. Perintah ini juga termasuk di antara yang menunjukkan kewajiban adanya penguasa atas kaum muslimin. Allah SWT berfirman :“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah RasulNya, dan ulil amri dari kamu sekalian.” (An-Nisa, 59)Tentu saja Allah SWT tidak memerintahkan kaum muslimin untuk mentaati seseorang yang tidak berwujud. Sehingga menjadi jelas bahwa mewujudkan ulil amri adalah suatu yang wajib. Tatkala Allah memberi perintah untuk mentaati ulil amri, 


2000-02-29 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Assalamualaikum ww
My own comment:
Bagi kita di Malaysia, tentu sekali kita masih ingat pernyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh al-Tantawi semasa lawatannya ke Malaysia: 'malaysia negara Islam' dan 'Murtad tak perlu dihukum'. Orang² seperti inilah yang sekian lama mengelirukan minda Islam di sebalik kedudukan dan kelulusan mereka sebagai tok syeikh! (Termasuk dlm golongan ini: Muhammad Abduh (Mesir), Ali Asghar Engineer (India), Gus Dur (Indonesia), Hamid Othman (Malaysia) dan banyak lagi...)
Assalaamu alaykumWhat treachery from "Shaykh al-Azhar" thanking the Pope for his honourable stand vis a vis the Palestinian people! What honourable stand? As far as the Vatican is concerned, Jerusalem is their holy city which must be "internationalised" and supervised by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Whereas Islam says that all of Palestine is uniquely Islamic land which MUST BE UNDER THE HANDS OF MUSLIMS WHO RULE BY THE SHARI'AH. Can there be any clearer contradiction? And does Shaykh al-Azhar forget--or does the kufr regime he serves so faithfully make him forget!--that this is the second time that the Holy Land is out of our hands. The first time was via the Crusades ordered by Catholic popes who asked their followers to clear Jerusalem of the "infidel barbarians" i.e. Muslims, which they did with incredible brutality and atrocities (similar to what the Russians are doing now in Chechnya!). The only solution then to the occupation of Islamic land, then and now, w!
as the unity of Muslims and the fighting of jihad to liberate all occupied land from the filth of kufr. Then there was the Abbasid Khalifah and Salah ud-Deen Al-Ayyubi as "amir al-jihad" (leader of Islamic army) to do the job. Today where is our Khalifah and our amir al-jihad?Wake up, O Muslims!Aqidah Islamic Information ServiceAssalamu aleikum." ... There is no difference between Christians and Muslims," said IslamAbdel Moneim, 11, a Muslim." May Allah (S.W.T.) forgive us all for failing to convey even the mostelementary teachings of Islam to the Muslim children, including apparentlyeven Surah al-Ikhlas.__source:Middle Eastern Times (Cairo)25 February 2000 International Edition--http://metimes.com/2K/issue2000-8/methaus.htm-!
-Pope denounces violence in religious guise Andrew Hammond Pope John Paul II, decrying violence under the banner of religion, metEgypt's top Muslim and Coptic Christian clerics in Cairo Thursday with amessage of peace. "To promote violence and conflict in the name of religion is a terriblecontradiction and a terrible offense against God," the pope said at thestart of his three-day visit to Egypt. "But past and present history give us many examples of such a misuse ofreligion," he said in an arrival address. The 79-year-old pontiff appealed for Muslim-Christian harmony and calledfor a Middle East peace in which the rights and legitimate aspirations ofall peoples would be respected. The pope visited Grand Sheikh Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi of al-Azhar, the1,000-year-old seat of learning whose influence stretches throughout theSunni Muslim world. "I t!
hanked the Vatican and his Holiness the Pope for their honorableposition regarding the Palestinian people," Tantawi told reporters aftertheir 45-minute closed meeting. He said he had told the pope that common interests joined Christians andMuslims, who had lived in Egypt for 14 centuries "under one sky, on oneland and breathing the same air." Tantawi said he had assured the pope that Egyptians, whether Christians orMuslims, enjoyed equality of rights and duties. The two men exchanged gifts, the pope receiving a book on al-Azhar'shistory and Tantawi a religious painting. The pope earlier went to the cathedral residence of Coptic Pope ShenoudaIII, whose Orthodox church has never recognized papal supremacy in nearly2,000 years of existence. Shenouda praised the pope's efforts for peace in the Middle East andharmony among Christians. "We wish all efforts for Christian unity may goforward through your h!
elp," he said. Shenouda reminded his guest that Egypt was a holy land, sanctified by thevisit of Jesus and his parents, said to have spent three years in Egypt toescape King Herod's persecution. President Hosni Mubarak, who greeted the pope at the airport, called him"a man of courage, wisdom and tolerance." In a sign of his increasing frailty the Pope, who once began his foreignvisits by kissing the ground, this time kissed a bowl of Egyptian soilpresented to him by a child. "We should strive together to fight fanaticism, prejudice and hatred. Weshould oppose all discrimination, injustice and double standards if we areto establish a new viable world order. Your voice on these issues is ofenormous value," Mubarak told his visitor. Mystical Sinai Moment The highlight of the pope's visit to Egypt, the first

H-Net* Makluman tentang pementasan Teater - mesti tonton

2000-03-23 Thread A.Ghafar Abdullah

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Saya ingin memohon kerjasama hizbi.net untuk memanjangkan maklumat tentang 
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sejarah hidup Rasulullah S.A.W. Amat menarik sekali dan banyak memberikan 
pengetahuan kepada kita tentang liku-liku hidup jujungan kita itu. 
Pementasan yang dibuat secara kreatif diselang-seli dengan deklamasi puisi 
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Persembahan ini dinamakan persembahan Persona Sastera Al-Amin berdasarkan 
buku puisi Al-Amin -Riwayat hidup Rasulullah S.A.W dalam puisi karya 
Sasterawan Negara Datuk A. Samad Said. Buku inipun baru sahaja dilancarkan 
oleh Raja Permaisuri Agung sehari sebelumnya.

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2000-03-27 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Assalamualaikum ww
Kalau ada sesiapa yang membaca sedutan ucapan di bawah masih tidak berasa apa-apa, silalah renungkan firman Allah: 'Sesunggunhnya deen di sisi Allah hanyalah Islam", surah Al-Maidah.
Wassalam.Assalaamu alaykumIt looks like the puppet leaders imposed upon us by the West are no longer ashamed to openly expose their utter dependence on the West. Can you imagine a so-called Muslim leader in the Holy Land of Palestine calling the Pope "your holiness" and thanking him for his "just position" in relation to Palestine! Does the Pope--or any other western or even eastern leader--accept the Islamic position that this land has, since the conquest by Khalifah Umar bin al-Khattab (RA), been purely Islamic land which must be ruled over by Muslims based upon the Islamic Shari'ah. Does he realise that the only time when the people of the land ever saw peace was when the Shari'ah was implemented comprehensively over Muslim, Jew, Christian etc giving each his due right and demanding from each his obligation? Of course not! The solution the Pope and other nonMuslim leaders offer will always be one other than the Islamic position--so why does Arafat amo!
ng many others grovel and prostrate to them? Obviously, it is because he--like the rest of the puppets ruling over us--depend not upon Allah but their western masters and that he desires not to implement the Shari'ah in its entirety but rather fight against it.As Allah ta'ala says: May Allah cause them to perish, how much they do lie!!! [TMQ Surah At-Taubah]Associated Press3/22/2000 07:16-http://www.boston.com/dailynews/082/world/Excerpts_from_Arafat_s_speech_:.shtml-Excerpts from Arafat's speech at pope's arrival in Bethlehem Excerpts from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's speech today welcomingPope John Paul II to the West Bank town of Bethlehem: ''In the name of the Palestinian people, and in my name personally, Iwelcome your holiness, I welcome you as an esteemed guest in holyJerusal!
em the eternal capital of Palestine, the land of prophets andmessengers, in this holy and blessed land, in the city of the Nativity,which welcomed the prophet of peace and love, Jesus Christ, peace be uponHim.'' ''You are welcome to our land and we thank your holiness for undertakingthis visit, which we have repeatedly hoped that you would undertake.'' ''The Palestinian people value highly your just positions in support ofits cause and its rightful presence on its homeland as a sovereign andindependent people.'' ''Today your presence in Bethlehem and at the Dheisheh refugee camp, whichis inhabited by displaced Palestinian refugees and later on in Jerusalemand Jericho, is an act that gives witness to the oneness of God, showingthat there is no difference between one human being and another as long asthey are obedient to the Almighty.''_!
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H-Net* Women unite against enforced dress code

2000-03-27 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Assalamualaikum ww
Islam, apa bila tidak berdaulat seperti sekarang, perlaksanaannya ditentang. Sedangkan dalam negara Islam yang sebenar (sudah runtuh sejak 76 tahun yang lalu, tapi akan tertegak kembali, insyaAllah) perlakuan tidak mengikut syariah Islam seperti membuka aurat di khalayak, tidak puasa dan solat akan dikenakan hukuman ta'zir oleh pemerintah. Tanggungjawab kita di sini bukanlah mengeluarkan pernyataan yang menyeleweng seperti tiada paksaan dalam agama dan sebagainya, sebaliknya mengusahakan agar terdiri kembali daulah Islam khilafah supaya semua aturan Allah itu dilaksanakan dengan sempurna. Wassalam.
Subject: Women unite against enforced dress code(fwd)!Aqidah Islamic Information Service - http://www.angelfire.com/journal/aiisAssalamu aleikum.[COMMENTS: Does this not make it clear how the current elite in the Muslim world and those "in opposition" who want to replace them are commonly affected by western views and an inferiority complex vis a vis the west? What real difference, in the Islamic sense, would there be between the corrupt Mahathir ruling Malaysia and the young pretender Anwar and his wife--both of whom are part of a westernised "freedom and democracy" brigade? Would Islam ever be implemented comprehensively by either of them? Obviously not, so why are the Ummah--whether in Malaysia or elsewhere--fooled by manufactured opposition politicians when the only real solution is the comprehensive implementation of Islam?]__source:South China Morning Po!
stThursday, March 23 8:44 AM SGT --http://english.hk.dailynews.yahoo.com/headlines/asia/scmp/article.html?s=hke/headlines/000323/asia/scmp/Women_unite_against_enforced_dress_code.html--Women unite against enforced dress codeThe imposition of a dress code for Muslim women in Terengganu, the easternstate won by the opposition Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS) in the lastelection, has sparked feminine outrage across the Malaysian politicalspectrum.A women's organisation, Sisters in Islam, said the Koran did not clearlystipulate any specific form of dress. It added that imposing laws andregulations did not necessarily lead to more piety.The ruling even resulted in two prominent women who are normally atloggerheads taking a similar stand on the issue.Rafidah Aziz, the Minis!
ter of International Trade and Industry, said themove ignored the right of individuals.Wan Azizah Ismail, president of the opposition National Justice Party,said wearing the tudung - wrap-around head-gear which is now a must inTerengganu - was a woman's choice.The second state to fall into the hands of PAS, Terengganu announced thatwomen would have to wear the tudung and cover all other parts of theirbodies except their hands.A similar dress code was applied in Kelantan in 1995, five years after PAStook control of that state. On Monday, a Kelantan official said 23 Muslimwomen had been fined M$30 (HK$62) each for not wearing the tudung inpublic.The common stand of Ms Rafidah and Dr Azizah on the new dress codecontrasts with their opposing attitudes on most other matters. Ms Rafidahis a rapid-fire and forceful speaker, while Dr Azizah speaks softly andhesitantly.Dr Azizah always wears the tudung !
in public. The minister seldom wearseven a head scarf.But the women are diametrically opposed on the subject of Anwar Ibrahim,former deputy prime minister and Dr Azizah's husband. He is an oldpolitical foe of Ms Rafidah, who backs the Government over Anwar's sackingand jailing for corruption.However, Ms Rafidah took a swipe at Terengganu's rulers, saying theyshould not make laws just to satisfy PAS leaders.Dr Azizah, whose party formed an opposition alliance with PAS for theelection, said simply: "There is no compulsion in religion."One should be wise in how to implement [the Terengganu ruling]."_Do You Yahoo!?
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2000-03-27 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: CLASH BETWEEN RABBI AND IMAM IN PALESTINE!Assalaamu alaykumAny interfaith dialogue we participate in must always be premised on the obligation to convey Islam to others as the ONLY EXISTING DIVINELY-REVEALED WAY OF LIFE. Now, this may seem as intolerant to other faiths with their own views, but it is the reality we must never lose sight of. As a friend would say: "The truth hurts but the fact remains!"The Prophet (SAW) would never meet nonbelievers except to call them to Islam, whether they appreciated the call or not, nor would he participate in a meeting which would somehow equate Islam with kufr in any way. As for "not mixing politics with religion", the fact is that Islam is a political way of life (i.e. comprehensive ideology covering all aspects of human life) based upon a spiritual creed (i.e. a rational creed in the Almighty Creator). So anyone who tells us not to mix politics with religion in order to get along, s/he is calling us to abando!
n Islam for some false secular model which pleases none but the devil! Actually, those kuffar who organise these official interfaith meetings have their own kufr political agenda which they seek to propagate to us, so we must be very wary.As Allah ta'ala says: The Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their faith [TMQ Surah Al-Baqarah]Associated Press3/23/2000 17:28-http://www.boston.com/dailynews/083/world/Interreligious_meeting_turns_i:.shtml-Interreligious meeting turns into political feuding By Julia LieblichJERUSALEM (AP) The dialogue with Pope John Paul II was supposed to promoteharmony between Muslims, Christians, and Jews. But the Muslim clericrailed against Israel before walking off the stage, leaving the pope and arabbi alone to plant a tree for pea!
ce. Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, Sheik Taysir Tamimi and the pope met Thursdayat a Catholic conference and study center in Jerusalem, where the popecalled for ''closer ties among all believers.'' Those ties became strained, though, when the Jewish and Muslim leadersmixed politics with religion. Lau, Tamimi and the pope began the evening sitting in throne-like chairson a stage in front of a mural of a dove flying over Jerusalem. Chorusesof Muslim, Christian, and Jewish schoolchildren sang songs of peace in thePontifical Institute of Notre Dame, formerly on the border of east andwest Jerusalem. ''Religion is not, and must not become, an excuse for violence,particularly when religious identity coincides with cultural and ethnicidentity'' said the pope. But Lau drew a heckler when he said the pope's visit indicated therecognition of Jerusalem as ''a united capital eternal city'' for Israel;Palestin!
ians claim part of Jerusalem as their own capital. And Tamimi,deputy chief justice of the Palestinian Islamic courts, gave an angrylitany of Israeli aggression against Palestinians, including confiscationof land and Israeli occupation of Jerusalem. Rabbi David Rosen, an interfaith activist with strong ties to the Vatican,said Lau's comments ''were less than tactful.'' ''But I think the sheik outdid him in inappropriateness,'' Rosen said.''This is normal for those of us involved in interfaith work.'' Many Palestinians applauded during Tamimi's talk, but the response fromthe audience was mixed. Sister Hortense Nakhleh of the Rosary Sistersschool in Jerusalem said many Palestinian Christians who work for peacewere offended. ''At the beginning of each encounter between religions, we expect someexplosions, but not in the presence of the pope,'' she said. Kitty Cohen, a veteran of interreligious work, said d!
ialogue remainspossible between the sides, but not by religious leaders with politicalagendas. In his remarks Thursday night, the pope called on Christians, Muslims andJews to ''find in our respective religious traditions the wisdom and thesuperior motivation to ensure the triumph of mutual understanding andcordial respect.'' Religion, he said, ''is the enemy of exclusion and discrimination, ofhatred and rivalry or violence and conflict. ... We must do all we can toturn awareness of past offenses and sins into a firm resolve to build anew future in which there will be nothing but respectful and fruitfulcooperation between us.'' Afterwards, Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, the Vatican official in charge ofinterreligious dialogue, summed up the night: ''Nothing is perfect in asituation like this. But that we could have it at all was alreadysomething.'' _!
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Re: H-Net* Tidak sesuai bagi ahli UMNO

2000-04-02 Thread AMAL ABDULLAH

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Terima kasih kepada Zaidah kerana menyampaikan amanat Tuan Guru Nik Aziz 
sempena kedatangan awal muharram. Amanat begini yang terbaik dari seorang 
pemimpin kepada rakyatnyauntuk kesejahteraan hidup rakyat di dunia dan 
akhirat. Walaupun hanya sebaris ayat,ia merangkumi keseluruhan aspek hidup 
kita kerana kita hanya berusaha tetapi Allah yang mengurniakan rezeki, 
mendekatkan yang jauh,membersihkan yang halal dan memberkati keseluruhan 
rezeki kita supaya hidup kita sentiasa berpandu.tak payah nak 
pecah-pecah modul hidup ini kepada ekonomi saja, politik saja, perundangan 
saja, teknologi maklumat saja dsbnya .

>From: "zaidah mohd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: H-Net* Tidak sesuai bagi ahli UMNO
>Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 21:54:32 GMT
>Tidak sesuai bagi ahli UMNO
>Dalam Kuliah jumaat minggu lalu tuan guru Nik Aziz meminta kepada kesemua
>rakyat kelantan berpuasa pada 6.4.2000.
>Beliau berkata mereka yang berpuasa pada hari berkenaan akan mendapat
>ganjaran pahala yang lumayan di akhirat nanti , dan keikhlasan kita dengan
>Allah  hanyalah dengan berpuasa. Memandangkan orang lain lain yang bermewah
>dengan makanan kita pula berpuasa.
>Pada malam 6.4.2000 kesemua muslimin dan muslimat yang berada di Malaysia
>dijemput hadir ke stadium sultan muhamad ke IV kelantan bagi menunaikan
>solat hajat dan mendengar khutbah akbar yang akan disampaikan oleh pejuang
>pejuang islam masakini.
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H-Net* Debat Ust Asri-Astora Jabat - jadi atau tidak?

2000-04-06 Thread muhammad abdullah
 kerumitan 'terms' yang menyulitkan mereka. Apa yang
>saya nampak, agenda yang cuba diketengahkan sebenarnya ialah, suatu
>pernyataan sokongan terhadap kaedah pembangunan duniawi yang sedang
>dilaksanan oleh PM dan sekutunya. Itulah yang saya dapat simpulkan daripada
>kupasan pembentangan beliau. Sesiapa yang ingin melihat secara lebih 
>bolehlah melawat ke halaman http://www.kpmm.com.my, yang mengandungi kertas
>kerja beliau.
>Selesai pembentangan, saya melihat para peserta masih cuba 'recover'
>daripada leteran panjang beliau. Begitulah selalunya yang terjadi jika
>seseorang pintar cuba menegakkan sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak betul, 
>dengan kemahiran mereka, membuat ulasan-ulsan yang kompleks yang 
>pendengar leka malahan pasrah terhadap hujjah mereka. Menyedari hal ini,
>saya bangun menempelak isu utama beliau dengan penegasan kembali bahawa
>halatuju utama kita adalah sebenarnya ke akhirat, bukannya dunia dengan
>berdalilkan ayat ke-4, surah ad-Duha. Bagi saya keperluan pembangunan dunia
>perlulah dilihat dari konteks tanggungjawab kita sebagai khalifah di bumi,
>yang hasilnya akan dipersoalkan di akhirat kelak. Saya juga melahirkan
>kebimbangan tentang merebaknya penyakit 'hubbud-dunya' (cintakan dunia) 
>menyerang para korporat dan cendekiawan, yang menumpukan seluruh tenaga
>mereka hanya untuk dunia dan telah lari dari maksud asal kehidupan kita di
>dunia ini. Tanpa halatuju yang jelas ke akhirat, kita sebenarnya bukan
>membangunkan dunia, tetapi akan merosakkannya.
>AlhamduliLlah! Penegasan sedemikian nampaknya dapat disambut baik oleh para
>peserta dan mulalah perbincangan menjadi hangat dan lahirlah beberapa
>kritikan membina. Jauh dalam sudut hati saya, saya berdoa semoga para
>peserta tidak terpedaya dan semoga agenda utama beliau untuk mengelirukan
>masyarakat itu dapat disekat.
>Selesai daripada kongres, saya bertemu semula dengan beliau semasa 
>komuter untuk balik ke Kajang. Saya berjaya mengelak dan cuma memerhatikan
>beliau dari kejauhan. Kelihatannya beliau bersama seorang perempuan TIDAK
>BERTUDUNG dan seorang anak kecil, saya agak itu adalah keluarga beliau
>(husnus-dzan ya Sheikh!).  Beliau juga turun di stesen Kajang dan mengambil
>teksi untuk ke destinasi yang tidak saya ketahui bersama 'keluarga' beliau
>Analisis deduktif yang saya buat, kalaulah 'isteri' beliau (atau mungkin
>keluarga terdekat) pun dibiarkan togel sedemikian, maka tentulah penekanan
>kepada penghayatan Islam beliau tidak mantap. Berdasarkan pula
>tulisan-tulisan beliau yang sering mengelirukan bahkan berbahaya itu, saya
>berpendapat kita harus berhati-hati dengan orang sebegini. Asas ilmu yang
>ada serta kepintaran akal beliau mungkin digunakan untuk maksud yang tidak
>baik. Oleh yang demikian, tulisan dan hujjah beliau sepatutnya tidak
>dibiarkan bebas tanpa ditapis dan perlu dijawab untuk mengelakkan sebarang
>kekeliruan kepada masyarakat umum.
>Saya mengalu-alukan debat yang bakal diadakan antara beliau dengan Ustaz
>Asri di Markaz al-Imam Ibnu Qayyim di Bukit Mertajam pada 8hb. April ini.
>Cuma, saya mengharapkan satu persediaan yang rapi dibuat untuk menangkis
>sebarang dakyah yang akan beliau sebarkan. Perhatikan betul-betul mantik 
>konotasi bahasa yang beliau gunakan, dan patahkanlah hujjah-hujjah beliau
>dengan baik dan mudah difahami oleh pendengar. Saya harap perdebatan ini
>menjadi medan terbaik untuk kita mengenali dengan lebih dekat seorang 
>ulama liberal' yang sedang dipromosi secara besar-besaran oleh UMNO dewasa
>Semoga tulisan dan respons saya ini memberi manfaat untuk saya dan ikhwan
>semuanya. Wassalamu'alaikum...!
>Akhukum fil Islam,
>Rozi Bin Muda
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H-Net* Debat Ust Asri-Astora Jabat - pembetulan

2000-04-07 Thread muhammad abdullah

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Saudara Alif dan para netters,

Pembetulan - debat tersebut inshaAllah akan dilangsungkan di Markas Ustaz 
Asri di Mengkuang, bukan di masjid Sg Gelugor. Sebenarnya , saya sendiri tak 
berapa pasti exact route ke Markas mengkuang tersebut. kalau ada sesapa yang 
tahu, harapa dapat ceritakan sedikit route dia dari PLUS highway.

Kita sama-sama  doakan pihak-pihak pengecut  itu tidak akan menggunakan 
authoriti yang ada pada mereka untuk membatalkan debata ini pada saat akhir.

>From: Alif Kamari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], "'muhammad abdullah'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>"Aziz, Azrul Mahathir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [maharana] RE: H-Net* Debat Ust Asri-Astora Jabat - jadi atau 
>Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 00:27:02 -0400 (EDT)
>Baguslah kalau kedua-duanya sudi tampil membahaskan isu pro-kontra negara
>Islam, sehingga kita semua akan lebih jelas apakah Astora Jabat yang
>didaulatkan oleh orang-orang Umno sebagai ulama mereka itu akan 
>hujah yang dicari-cari untuk membenarkan pendapat golongan mereka yang
>menentang pendirian negara Islam,
>Sama-samalah kita hadir di Masjid Sungai Gelugor pada malam ini.
>--Original Message--
>From: Omar AlKhatab
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], 'muhammad abdullah' , "Aziz, Azrul Mahathir"
>Sent: April 8, 2000 3:37:26 AM GMT
>Subject: [maharana] RE: H-Net* Debat Ust Asri-Astora Jabat - jadi atau
>Wa`alaikummussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
>Saya tengok ada poster kuliyyah ustaz Asri di Masjid
>Sungai Gelugor ditunda ke hari Ahad.Untuk makluman
>semua,selalunya kalau ikut jadual kuliyyah di masjid
>Sungai Gelugor,Ustaz Asri punya turn adalah hari Sabtu
>minggu pertama.Jadi,dengan tundaan ke keesokan
>harinya,maka kemungkinan besar ust Asri akan berentap
>malam ni.
>Ini ada no tel ust Asri : Ustaz Asri Zainal Abidin
>--- "Aziz, Azrul Mahathir"
> >
> >
> >
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -
> > http://www.hizbi.net }
> >  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   }
> >  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > assaalamualaikum..
> >
> > saya ada terlihat poster debat berkenaan.menurut
> > isinya kandungannya debat
> > antara astora jabat dengan ust asri zainul
> > abidin.Tajuk pro-kontra negara
> > islam.
> > tarikh 8/4/00 tempat di markas Mengkuang bukit
> > mertajam.
> > tak dapat saya nak sahkan.walau macamanpun teringin
> > jugak nak pi ushar..
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: muhammad abdullah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 4:01 PM
> > Subject: H-Net* Debat Ust Asri-Astora Jabat - jadi
> > atau tidak?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -
> > http://www.hizbi.net }
> >  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   }
> >  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Assalamualaikum,
> >
> > Kepada netters di sekitar Pulau Pinang, saya
> > berharap ada sesiapa yang
> > dapat confirmkan sama ada debat Ust Asri dengan
> > Astora Jabat ni jadi atau
> > tidak? kalau jadi , saya nak balik kampung hujung

H-Net* Dunia Arab kini...

2000-04-07 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: Arab countries are the world's leading weapons market!Assalaamu alaykumThe worst thing is that all these money is not spent in the way of Allah to protect the Ummah in Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya etc. It is just money being thrown away by our puppet rulers to prop up the economies of their western masters!Can you imagine, Arab countries spent US$44 billion on arms in 1998 yet cannot get rid of the illegitimate state of Israel, OR IS THAT THEY DO NOT WANT TO???Arab countries are the world's leading weapons marketWednesday, March 29, 2000 11:14 PM EST Marrakech (North Africa Journal, March 29, 2000) - According to theInternational Institute for Strategic Studies, the Arab countries are theworld's leading weapons market, both in absolute terms and as a percent ofgross domestic product. According to the United Nations, expenditures by Arab countries on basicservices such as health care and education have !
been minimal, with Jordanon top, spending 3.7 percent of its GDP on these sectors in 1998. Military expenditure in the Arab countries increased by 9.1 percent in1998, to $44.4 billion from $40.7 billion in 1997. Total defenseexpenditure constituted 7.4 percent of GDP, well above the world averagemilitary expenditure of 2.4 percent of GDP. The share of military spending to Gross Domestic Product in Egypt was 4%. Military expenditure in 1998 increased for the North African countries by13 percent on the level in 1997 and amounted to $5.8 billion, with Algeria's share at about 40 percent. The group's average defense expenditure as ashare of GDP (3.9 percent) is the lowest in the Middle East- North Africaregion. The 1999 defense budgets for the North African countries decreasedmarginally, by about 1 percent. Algeria 's 1999 defense budget showed adecrease of 5 percent, while Libya maintained its previous level.!
 Moroccoand Tunisia's defense budgetary allocations grew last year by 2 percentand 3 percent, respectively. The perpetual trend of high military spending among the Arab countries hascaused an immense imbalance in the use and allocation of resources awayfrom health care and education, which are well below world averages formost countries of the region.__Do You Yahoo!?
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H-Net* Masalah Visual Basic

2000-04-11 Thread norizma abdullah

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Assalamualaikum warga Hizbi ...

Saya ada masalah untuk menghubungkan database di server (Windows NT) dengan 
program Visual Basic 6.0. Program tu hendak menggunakan database Informix. 
Saya sudah install Informix-CLI dalam pc dan telah buat configuration. Tapi 
di dalam Visual Basic saya tidak tahu macam mana untuk access database 

Di harap sesiapa yang tahu VB boleh menerangkan kepada saya. Terima kasih.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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RE: H-Net* Had Kesabaran Melayu

2001-04-09 Thread muhammad abdullah
>>diri yg 
>> >belajar yg tahu hakikat ini lantas marah tak tentu pasal. Lainlah 
>> >dikatakan PARIAH ada alasanlah nak marah walaupun pada hakikatnya 
>> >pariah! 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >>From: "Fawzi Bin Kassim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> >>Subject: H-Net* Had Kesabaran Melayu 
>> >>Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 19:52:02 -0700 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> *~* 
>> >> { Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - http://www.hizbi.net } 
>> >> { Hantarkan mesej anda ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] } 
>> >> { Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] } 
>> >> *~* 
>> >> ~~~ 
>> >> 
>> >>Saudara KoKenIRON dan lain-lain, 
>> >> 
>> >>Kebanyakan Keling kalau kita tidak cakap direct mereka buat-buat 
>> >>faham. Mereka fikir Melayu boleh di pijak-pijak sesuka hati 
>> >> 
>> >>Tanah Melayu sudah sampai ke tahap hancur-binasa. 
>> >>Apa ertinya sopan-santun dan budi-bahasa jika anak-cucu kita 
>> >>pengemis di Tanah Melayu sendiri  
>> >> 
>> >>Enough is enough ! 
>> >>All the bad Keling, please get lost from Tanah Melayu  
>> >> 
>> >>Tiada siapa mahu selamatkan Tanah Melayu melainkan Melayu 
>> >> 
>> >>Now or never !! 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>** 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>Hello kawan, relax lah brother...jangan buat kecoh di alt-net 
>> >>penting ni kita FAHAM perasaan orang lain jugak ..Kalau nak maki 
>> >>, makilah macam mana pun ...tapi samalah seperti di ADIL-Net 
>>depa tak 
>> >>lu sebut Keling, saya juga mewakili rakan-rakan lain di alt-net 
>> >>mahulah sebut perkataan itu. Maki hamun pun tengok lah kiri 
>>kanan beb 
>> >> 
>> >>Hang nak MAKI Mahathir pakai lain punya bahasa tak jadi problem 
>> >>Tapi FAHAMI lah SIKIT perasaan orang lain. Perasaan orang MELAYU 
>> >>kamu simpan ajelah.. 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> ~~~ 
>> >> > 
>> >> >Saya sebagai seorang Anak Melayu sudah hilang kesabaran akibat 
>> >>yang telah dilakukan oleh Keling-Keling jahat dan tamak di Tanah 
>> >> > 
>> >> >Saya dan keturunan saya sudah tiada negara lain selain dari 
>> >>(Malaysia). 
>> >> > 
>> >> >Di harap semua Keling-Keling faham perasaan saya. 
>> >> >Siapa yang masih berdegil seperti Mahathir Laknat di harap 
>> >>berambus dari Tanah Melayu dan kembali ke India ! 
>> >> > 
>> >> >Faham Keling-Keling semua  
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>Who needs Cupid? Matchmaker.com is the place to meet somebody. 
>> >>FREE Two-week Trial Membership at 
>> >> 
>> >> 
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>> >> 
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Pengirim: "muhammad abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Mokhzani tidak sepatutnya tunduk kepada tohmahan

2001-05-05 Thread kirk abdullah
diri (daripada dunia
korporat)... saya 
>>>>tidak perlu sebab yakin dia berniaga dengan cara
profesional. Anak 
>>>>Mahathir mendapat semua itu (kejayaan dalam
perniagaan) adalah atas
>>>>kebolehannya sendiri.
>>>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 
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menggambarkan )
>>>( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  
>>>( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Pengirim: kirk abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Mokhzani tidak sepatutnya tunduk kepada tohmahan

2001-05-06 Thread kirk abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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Alah org2 K'tan(bkn semua) cakap jer cam tu tapi
kesenangan BN tumpang juga.Contoh coverage h/p..pantai
timur coverage alahai..sedih selain celcom(kroni punya
gak-tak malu ke pakai line celcom tolong kayakan
kroni?) yg lain hampeh terutama yg
PCN(digi/tmt/adam-paling out>At least kat edah/Johor
coverage boleh kata agak baik...itu la lambang atau
tempias kemajuan kawan.Bila dah marah semua yg betul
jadi salah!Dulu saya pun ada kawan yg memang anti dgn
org2 Jerman ni(bahasa kiasan utk org k'tan) tapi bila
kawin org k'tan (PAS) beria2 nak jadi org
K'tan..hairan..hairan..kata UMNO munafik la..apa
la..sendiri pun sama...
Pasal baca quran dlm bahasa ARAB..org2 PAS paham ka
bahasa arab? Kita org arab ka??Anwar salah tak salah
biar mahkamah tentukan? Kalau tak salah ok la kalau
salahnaya kita org melayu!

Pikirkan..sedara yg matang(konon la)

--- Azmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assalamu'alaikum,
> Macamana pulak kalau anwar tak bersalah
> Siapa pulak yg perlu dipersalahkan  PM 
> Agustine Paul??? Rahim???
> Judiciary system
> Dan apalah yg maju sangat dgn highway, kilang,
> bangunan tinggi kalau banyak
> maksiat, nightclubs, karaoke, disco, kadar jenayah
> seks yg tinggi & pemimpin
> yg tak pernah baca AlQuran dlm bahasa arab?
> ..tepuk dada, tanya
> Fikirkan..
> p.s.  Bukan aje org kelantan yg berhijrahorg
> negeri lain pun!!
> biaselah tu.
> ~The truth is out there~
> > >
> > 
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
> http://www.hizbi.net }
> >  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> }
> >  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> > 
> > 
> > Aku sangat sokong zack
> > kalaulah anwar betul2 salahlaku..bayangkan betapa
> > berdosanya dia!!Org melayu berpecah pun pasai dia
> > la...!!Tengok la dulu bkn main sokong k'jaan ,la
> ni
> > kutuk pulak..!Lepas tu dok fitnah PM..apa la salah
> dia
> > tu..cakap dia betul apa.K'tan bkn maju pun...hiway
> > tadak,kilang tadak..Tanya la kenapa org2 k'tan
> > terpaksa hijrah pi kerja kilang kat
> > johor/penang/kl/kedah???
> >
> >
> > Pikir la..
> >

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Pengirim: kirk abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Kursus Perkahwinan

2001-05-07 Thread Adielynn Abdullah

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ade kat dayabumi ... tempat tu memang famos tapi mintak mahap le saya dah 
lupa apa ke name company tu ... dia ada buat setiap sabtu & ahad ... 
insyallah kalau saya dapat cari company name & tel saya akan email semula ..


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Pernah nampak banner2 tepi jalan especially kat pagar Masjid.
pegi lah check..

~The truth is out there~

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Pengirim: "Adielynn Abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Tiket Bas KL-KB 02 Jun 2001 8 mlm

2001-05-29 Thread Mustafa Abdullah

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

Satu tiket bas dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kota Bharu dengan bas 
Ekspres Budaya untuk perjalanan Sabtu, 2 Jun 2001 jam 8 malam 
untuk dijual kerana pemilik mengubah rancangan perjalanannya.

Sila hubungi ana di 013-397 4044 sekiranya berminat.

Terima kasih.

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Pengirim: Mustafa Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Fwd: Reason behind " Who Wants To Be A Millionaire "

2001-06-24 Thread Abdullah Musa

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Walaupun DiGi dapat hasil yang banyak, tapi network nya masih macam tu jugak. 
Manalah perginya duit-duit tu?

Quoting Ismet Ulam Petai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Note: forwarded message attached.
> =
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Pengirim: "Abdullah Musa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2000-10-16 Thread Asiah Abdullah

Subject: KINDLY POST: WHO DO THESE AGENT RULERS THINK THEY ARE FOOLING?!Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 16:37:33 +0300Assalaamu alaykumWe should not be fooled by empty threats by corrupted agent so-called Muslimrulers in the Middle East and elsewhere. Why are they threatening to fightwar while at the same time accepting US and UN "mediation" in Palestinewhich is blessed Islamic land whose people are Muslims and whose matter CANONLY BE SETTLED BY ISLAM? Why do they turn the kufr and kuffar for resolvingour disputes which is the sign of the hypocrite? How dare they have openeddiplomatic relations with the enemy occupier Israel?Why do they threaten warnow, and even then only indirectly, after living with Israel's "existence"for more than 50 years? How can anyone think they will move now for theIslamic solution of jihad when they have never done so before? How can theysend food and blankets and money alone, when what is obliged is for them tosend their armies? How come when Allah (SWT) obliges jihad to liberateIslamic lands they are slow and hesitant, yet when the US ordered them tofight against Islam they are ready and willing? How dare some of them talkof opening geurilla camps to train mujahideen to go fight when they alreadyhave huge armies sitting in barracks doing absolutely nothing; this is thejob of a Muslim army led by an Islamic leader, not a few individualsfighting as geurillas. They have the armies under their commands yet give noorders to fight!How can they even fight against Israel, an illegitimate state, when they areclosely allied to Israel's allies, the US and Europe. How could these agentrulers fight the illegitimate son, Israel, when they slavisly submit to itsparents, their western masters? How weak they are when they even refuse touse the oil which Allah ta'ala blessed the whole Ummah with--not does itbelong to some corrupted royal families--as a weapon against the Ummah'senemies?These rulers are western agents implementing kufr over the Ummah, and theyare merely massaging public opinion so that their people do not turn againstthem to replace them with one sincere Islamic ruler who will implement Islamcomprehensively and lead the obligatory jihad to liberate Palestine and alloccupied Muslim lands followed by carrying the Islamic message to the entireworld soon Insha'Allah. Our noble Ummah must wake up to the fact that whileIsrael is the external enemy we have even worse enemies internally i.e. thehypocrite agent rulers, and we will not resolve any of our problems until wereplace these corrupted agent rulers with the only legitimate Islamic one,the Khaleefah.By John K. CooleyA T H E N S, Greece, Oct. 10 - Saudi Arabia has been never much of acombatant in past Arab-Israeli wars, but it has become one of Israel'stoughest critics in the current Palestinian-Israeli crisis. And now, it hasbecome the first major Arab state to warn of possible action against theJewish state.The warning, from Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz, was coupledwith an assurance that the kingdom would not use oil as a leverage pointagainst the West, as it had when tensions heated up in the past.In October 1973, Saudi King Faisal sanctioned the Arab oil embargo to punishthe West for its support of Israel in the Arab-Israeli war. Prince Abdullah, who effectively runs the Saudi realm for his ailing elderbrother King Fahd, spoke Monday while visiting Palestinian woundedhospitalized in Riyadh. Saudi broadcasters quoted him as saying the kingdomwould "respond" if Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak carried out pledges touse force against Syria and Lebanon if border violence flares again."Barak must think carefully," said Abdullah, who generally avoids politicalstatements and weighs his public words carefully, "before taking theslightest intolerable step ... and no one can imagine that the Saudi kingdomand the entire Arab-Islamic nation would remain still."The Saudi crown prince did not specify what action the world's largest crudeoil producer might take. Other Arab Countries Join InApparently trying to match its bigger neighbor and rival Saudi Arabia,Yemen's leadership has publicly proposed sending weapons and armedvolunteers to help the Palestinians.Past Israeli-Saudi friction, mediated by the United States, has occurredover small Saudi-claimed islands in the Red Sea and the Straits of Tiran, onthe southern approaches to Israel's port of Eilat. Israel occupied oneSaudi-owned island, but later evacuated it after the 1967 war.In early Arab-Israel conflicts, from 1948 onward, Saudi military contingentseither were not mobilized, or in the 1967 and 1973 wars, did not make it tothe front lines. However, Saudi armed forces were deployed in Syria in 1973and suffered some casualties.Saudi Arabia cut its oil exports to punish Britain and France for helpingIsrael in the 1956 Suez war, and to hurt the United States and other Westernnation

H-Net* virus spread through e-mail about palestine from ahmad mahmud

2000-10-20 Thread Asiah Abdullah
  aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Assalaamu alaykumthis was forwarded to me so I forward on to you

-Original Message-From: Rafik I. Beekun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 7:22 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Warning: virus spread through e-mail about palestineAssalaamou 'alaikoumPlease read the message below and pass it on.Best wishes.Br. Rafik---forwarded message--Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 2:02 PMSubject: FWD - Warning -- please spread the word> If you get an email from "ahmad mahmud" regarding pictures of> palestinians killed by israelis, DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY.> > It's a virus, or a poor attempt of one actually.> > It's a DOS batch program that DELETES your windows directory.> > Please spread the word.> > > Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

H-Net* Hudud (formerly: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision)

2000-10-25 Thread muhammad abdullah
> > tak nak negara kita kelam kabut, Cina belum faham yang banyak ttg Islam
> > dah nak implement Hudud, nanti dia sensitif. Are you prepared to see
> > kelam kabut, anak nak keluar rumah pun takut, boleh terima hakikat ini
> > berlaku sekarang?
> >
> > Principle...principle...!!! What the heck? You don't have any 
> > When you were with the govt in all those so called govt programs, you 
> > you were brainwashed. Now it seems that you have been more brainwashed
> > PAS.
> >
> > On success of the Kelantan govt. , I merely ask you 10 Questions, so far
> > answers. Such things should be at yr finger tips if you think that they
> > so good. I have warned you not to use the Fed govt as an excuse, you 
> > use it as an excuse! What a whimp.
> > I will join jihad if it is a very true cause. Remember the Serbians
> > Christians justified slayings of Muslims in Yugoslavia due to their holy
> > cry. It was so called 'jihad' in the christianity teachings but for the
> > wrong reasons. PAS jihad, if they dare called it can be of same meaning.
> >
> > Sandiwara are mostly in TVs by actors/actresses. What has the govt got 
> > achieve by sandiwara.
> > What a joke, from a so called educated person from our educated society.
> >
> > On Islamic country, then in this case name me 3 Islamic country in this
> > world and why or is there none basing on yr simple and naive definition.
> > chose to close yr ears on the file that I have forwarded to you 
> > this matter.
> >
> > On economic crisis, I am glad that you have quit EON, the so called 
> > Mahathir. Good principles, after so many years... I don't understand yr
> > statement on this point.
> >
> > Yeah you are surely right on Datuk Harun statement, only that he should
> > labelled it on both his beloved PAS and BN- "nak seribu daya, tak nak
> > nak sandiwara) 1000 excuses"...
> >
> > May Allah gives victory to faithful people.
> >
> > I can go on and on and on ...
> > but we Malays Muslims are so stupid. Surely the Chinese and the Indians
> > laughing at us behind our back. Melayu terus layuthe others are
> > their time surfing the net for knowledge and entrepenuerial 
> > and we...
> >
> > Wassalam.
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >  
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> >  
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Pengirim: "muhammad abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Palestine - the solution (2/4)

2000-11-09 Thread Asiah Abdullah
1. Solution by peace negotiations--
* We know of the first solution being presented to the Muslims. Thesolution that involves entering into a permanent peace with the Jews.
* Peace means giving credence to the idea that Israel has a right toexist. The problem with the Jewish State of Israel is one of existence, and not one of it's borders.
* How is it possible, my dear brothers, for this solution to even be aconsideration for us?
* Have we forgotten the significance of this land?
* Have we forgotten that this blessed land is linked to our aqeedah?
* Have we forgotten the very first ayat in Surah Al-Isra, whereAllah-tAllah says:
(TMQ 17:1: Blessed is the One who took His Servant during part of the night on aJourney from Masjid Al-Haram to Masjid Al-Aqsa, whose precincts we did bless )
* Have we forgotten that it was to this very land that Rasool-Allah(saw) did the Isra to, and it was from this very land that Rasool-Allah(saw) did the Meraaj?
* Have we forgotten that it is this very Mosque that the Jews want todestroy, and build their Temple Mount, this very Mosque, Al-Aqsa, that wasthe first Qibla for the Muslims?
* The very same Mosque that Rasool-Allah (saw) lead all the Prophetsin Salaah.
* No my brothers, I am sure that not one of us forgets these nobleincidents.
* How can we sit and negotiate over a land that has such a gloriousIslamic heritage? 
* Indeed, Allah makes it haraam to give away this land, which is theimplication of a lasting peace.
* Do we think, for one second, that America would want to make peacewith us if we occupied her White House? Would Tony Blair entertainnegotiation and dialogue if the Muslims forcefully took over the Houses ofParliament? * We all know, that in 1982, Britain sent her army to take back anisland in the South Atlantic Ocean called the Falklands, an island that ismany thousands of miles away from the mainland. Indeed Britain did notcompromise, and yet she expects this Ummah of Rasool-Allah to compromise.
* We also know of the Umari Agreement, signed by Umar-Al-Khataab (ra),in his capacity as the Khaleef, with the Christians, that prohibited theJews from living in Al-Quds.  * This alone my brothers, is sufficient to prove that the peacenegotiations are haraam, because the glorious Sahabaah witnessed theincident of the agreement and gave their approval, indicating their Ija'ma.
* I came across a very inspiring quote from one of the UthmaniKhaleefs', Sultan Abdul Hameed the 2nd, at the beginning of last century in Istanbul in 1901.
* This Khaleefah, may Allah reward him for his political courage, wasapproached by a prominent Jewish Zionist, called Dr Theodore Hirtzel, whowanted to buy this blessed land of Al-Quds from the Muslims.
* This is how the Khaleefah responded:
"Please do tell Dr Hirtzel not to take any serious steps towards this issue. I cannot concede one single handspan of the Palestinian land for it is notmine to concede. Palestine belongs to the Muslim Ummah..."
"My people have fought hard for this land and irrigated it with their blood. The Jews might as well keep their millions..."
"If the Khilafah State one day fell they can take Palestine without anyprice. But as long as I am alive, I would rather be cut to pieces than tosee Palestine cut off from the Khilafah State and this shall not happen."
"I cannot agree to the mutilation of our bodies as long as we are alive."
* This is how the Khaleefah responded. Let us look to how some of theMuslim rulers responded, on the same issue:
* We know that Yasser Arafat said : "Despite all thedisappointments... we choose a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace. Ourgoals are the liberation of our land, the establishment of our independentstate... with holy Jerusalem as its capital..."  * and Allah says in response, in Surah Al-Mumtahanah, in verse 9,
(It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of your Deen, And have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out,That Allah forbids you to befriend them.)
* Clearly what they mean by peace, which in reality is the giving awayof the lands of the Muslims, is haraam on any Muslim land, let alone theblessed land of Al-Quds.
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H-Net* Palestine - the Solution (3/4)

2000-11-12 Thread Asiah Abdullah
2. Solution by lobbying western governments
* The second solution presented to the Muslims is to lobby the kuffarwestern governments.
* Let us examine this proposed solution in the light of what Allahsays in the Qu'ran in Surah al-Nisa, verse 141:
(And Allah will never grant an authority to the disbeliveers over thebelievers)
* From this ayat, Allah (swt) has made it completely haraam for theUmmah to refer her affairs, as an Ummah, to the kuffar.
* She has the final revelation, the haqq, from which to look for asolution.
* Furthermore, when we look to the history of the kuffar, which statewas that in November 1917 that drafted a bill called the Balfour Declaration which mandated the existence of Israel? We all know that it was Britain. * Which state was it that formally aided in the creation of Israel in1948? We all know that it was Britain.
* We are behaving like the orphan, who does not know how to behaveafter the death of his parents. Like we go to the butcher who murdered ourparents, and ask for his help, whilst he is still holding the bloody dagger dripping in his hands that was used in the killing of our parents.
* No my brothers, Allah prohibits this, and we are not allowed to gowith a begging bowl to kufr, as this adds insult to the humiliation that we are already suffering.
3. Solution by holding long demonstrations---
* The third solution presented to this Ummah is to do demonstrations.  * We have seen this Ummah protest and demonstrate over the last 25days.
* We saw over 1 million people demonstrate in Rabat in Morocco, andeven in this country we have seen demonstrations in London at 10 Downing Street.
* We have seen many demonstrations, up and down the Muslim world overthe last few weeks, born out of frustration and despair at the blood being spilt.
* Demonstrations are in themselves a good way for the establishment inthis country to allow the Muslims to vent their anger and frustrations.
* It allows the Muslims to channel their anger, which would otherwisebe channelled towards Islam to find the solution that Allah Taala commands.
* It gives an outlet for the Muslims to scream and shout, within apolice controlled environment, and also to build confidence in the eyes ofthe Muslims, that Tony Blair cares for the Muslims because he allowed it.
* My brothers, a demonstration that would add value, and be withpurpose, would be a demonstration declaring:
1. The state of Israel is illegitimate and is not worthy to exist;
2. The solution is Jihad via an army;
3. The Muslim rulers are corrupt because they prevent the armies, thesincere sons of this Ummah, from doing their duties;
4. These rulers and their corrupt systems need to be removed;
5. The Khilafah needs to be established that will be the shade of Allahon this earth, and be the shield that protects the Muslims.
* Yes, my brothers, a demonstration with purpose, with value, withhonour, is to declare that the only solution that is acceptable to Allah, is Jihad via an army, and not as individuals.
4. Solution by simply giving charity-
* The fourth solution presented to the Ummah is to solely give charityto the Muslims in Palestine, including money, clothes and medical equipment.
* By Allah, this Ummah is not poor, and does not need money, whetherthis be in the form of clothes, food, or even money to buy arms.
* Our money, is not the pounds in our pockets, or the thousands ofpounds in our banks, but the trillions and billions of dollars in the banks of New York, London and Paris.
* Yes brothers, our money is being hoarded by these rulers, and notbeing used for the benefit of our Ummah.
* Is it not shameful for these Arab countries, to raise a billiondollars for the Muslims in Palestine, money which already is theirs by right of the Sharaah, and give it as a form of Sadaqah?
* It is humiliating indeed!
* A brother from Palestine said that the Muslims in Palestine do notneed money because they are already rich, far richer than Egyptians andJordanians, what they need, is for the money that had already been spent To buy weapons by the Muslims armies, for these armies to be released and Used against the Jews.Do You Yahoo!?
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H-Net* Palestine - the solution (1/4)

2000-11-07 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Palestine - the solution
Hayes Civil Hall, Saturday 28th October 2000
Bismillah ar Rahman ar Raheem.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen. As salatoo was salaam ala sayyidinna almursileen. Qala Allah-t-Alla fe Quran shareef:
 (TMQ 2:190 - And fight in the Way of Allah, those who fight you.)
* Assalamu Alaikum, my dear brothers in Islam.
* I find it unnecessary to go into detail about the importance of thisland, of this land that we call Al-Quds.
* I find it unnecessary to describe the brutal, horrific massacres ofover a 120 Muslims, that bought pain to our hearts, and tears to our eyes.
* We know of how this Ummah of Rasool-Allah (saw), our brothers andsisters, faced the bullets, bombs and helicopter gunships of this Israelistate, with nothing more than sticks and stones, and their firm yakeen inAllah (swt).
* We all know how the world witnessed the innocent killing of MuhammadDurrah, a 12 year old, who died in the arms of his father. The last wordsthat his father heard, before his son died shaheed were "Baba, for the love of Allah, protect me."
* Brothers, we all know of these events, and it has provoked in us thepure and sincere Islamic emotion of anger, disgust and love.
* Anger, at how our beloved Ummah is being treated at the hands of thecowardly Jews.
* Disgust, at the pathetic response of the Muslim rulers, Arab andnon-Arab alike.
* And brotherly love, for our honourable brothers facing the hard coldsteel of metal bullets with nothing but stones in their hands, and yakeen in their imaan in Allah (swt).
Linkage to other Muslim lands-
* Rasool-Allah (saw) said:
"Al Muminoon ka rajulin wahidin ashtaka ainahu ashtaka kulluhu,wa in ashtaka ra'suhu ashtaka kulluhu"
"The Believers are like one man, if his eye becomes sore then the whole(body) feels pain, and if his head is in pain then his whole (body) feelsthe pain"
* Brothers, we must remember that what is happening to our body, thisUmmah that Allah loves more than the Ka'aba and it's entire surroundings,all over the world is something that angers Allah (swt).
* The recent bloodshed in Palestine is not something new to thisUmmah.
* We see, that not a day goes by without this blessed Ummah sufferingthe death of one of her sons.
* This bloodshed we have witnessed, with pain and suffering, all overour lands.
* We see today, how the enemies of Allah fight us all together, andyet we are not able to respond, as this noble Hadith dictates, as one body, with one unified voice.
* We see how the Messenger of Allah (saw) made it incumbent on thewhole Ummah to respond collectively, not as individuals.
* We could not ignore a bullet in our eyes nor could we ignore beingwounded by a bullet. And yet the body of the Ummah is being hit from allsides, from all corners, from all enemies.
* Wherever we look, whether it be in Kashmir, or Burma, or Nigeria, orIndonesia, or Chechnya, we observe with heartache, the same butchery, thesame killing and the same dis-honour.
* We witness daily, the same blood being split, the same torment inthe eyes of our mothers, and daily we also witness the desperate attempts of our brothers to solve these problems, without referring this matter to Allah (swt).
How Muslims should respond--
* The concern that I have, is that as Muslims, our response should notbe the response of erratic, pragmatic and reactionary  people.
* Rather, our response should be the response from Islam. The responsethat pleases Allah, and practically solves the problem.
* For example, we all know how Imam Ali (ra) when engaged in a fightwith a Jew, whereupon the Jew spat upon Imam Ali's face, and then Imam Alirefrained from fighting. When asked why, Imam Ali replied that he would have killed the Jew for his anger at the Jew for spitting at him, as opposed toit being for the sake of Allah (swt).
* The Prophet (saw) said in one Hadith: "No one of you is a truebeliever unless his emotions (masha'air) are in line with what I havebrought".
* This means that the Muslims are not allowed to respond to thesituation in Palestine any way they feel, or any way that may remove theguilt. * Before we discuss the only Islamic solution to the situation inPalestine, let us look to some of the incorrect solutions that have beenpresented to the Muslims.
* 4 solutions are being presented to the Muslims, by various factionswith their varying vested interests:
1. We are told that the only way to solve the current conflict is bynegotiation towards a comprehensive peace settlement;
2. We are told to lobby the western governments (like Britain), andother kufr organisations like the UN, which we know that certain Muslimorganisations are trying to do;
3. We are told to hold long demonstrations, which we know many Muslimorganisations are organising;
4. We are told to simply provide charity to our brothers and sisters.
* Let us briefly examine these solutions, and see if this is how Allahwants us to respond.Do You Yahoo!?
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[islah-net] Palestine - The Solution 4/4

2000-11-17 Thread Asiah Abdullah

How Muslims should respond - The Islamic Solution-
* O honourable brothers! We have seen that all the above-mentionedsolutions, do not practically solve the problem.
* How many years have we been engaged in, in giving charity,organising demonstrations, lobbying the kuffar and trying to have peace? * No! Indeed this is not how the Ummah should respond. Allah wantsthis Ummah to respond in a different manner, not only to remove the filth of the Israelis, but also to put your finger in the eyes of those that aresupporting them too!
* As Muslims, the only way we must view the issue of Palestine is fromthe eyes of the Shariah, and see how Islam defines the solution to theproblems happening to our beloved Ummah in Palestine. * The Prophet (saw) also said: "No one of you is a true believer untilI become the mind by which he thinks" 
* The Islamic solution to the occupation of Muslim land is Jihad.  * Therefore, as Palestine is occupied Muslim land, the Islamicsolution is Jihad, and Allah (swt) says in Surah At-Tauba, verse 123:  (O you who believe! Fight those who fight you, And let them find harshness in you, And know that Allah is with those are al muttaqeen (the pious)) * The duty is Jihad and may Allah (swt) reward those who have foughtas Mujahideen to fight the aggressor. * But this Jihad needs to be done through an army and sincereleadership of an Ameer, not as individuals.  * We need to come to the realisation that only an army, equipped withthe best technology, can fully realise this hukm of Allah Taala.
* What is preventing these great Muslim armies from once again risingup and responding to the command of Allah to that which gives them life? * What is preventing the strongest Muslim army, the army of Egypt,whose army barracks are less than 1 hour away from the Israeli border, from going to help their brothers in Palestine? * What is preventing the nuclear capability of Pakistan from coming tothe aid of the Muslims? * Inevitably, the only thing preventing the sons of this Ummahresponding to their brothers are these treacherous rulers, may Allah cursethem all.
* These same rulers who implement kufr over us, safeguard theinterests of Britain & America and prevent our brothers in the armieshelping our suffering Ummah in Palestine. * Indeed, it is shame on this blessed Ummah, for her not to take theinitiative one more time. To remove these leaders and respond with fire and bombs, not sticks and stones. * We need to work for that shield, as Rasool-Allah (saw) described:Innama Al-imaam ul junnah, behold, the Imam is a shield, from behind whichyou fight, and from behind which you are protected.
* Where is this Imam, the junnah, that is mentioned in this hadith? 
* By Allah, this hadith does not apply on the Kings and Presidents ofthe Muslim world, as it is shame on this Ummah to be represented by thosewho met in Sharm-ul-Shiekh a few days ago.
* By Allah, we need to work to re-establish the Khilafah, which willremove the unnatural entity of Israel via Jihad.   * It takes an army to defeat an army, a state to defeat a state.  * The Khilafah will liberate all the Islamic lands like that occupiedby the Russians, the Serbs and the mushriks of India.
* What better example than history?
* In the 12th and 13th centuries, when the Muslims had their landstaken away, they had the mechanism of the Khilafah to solve these problems. * So when we faced the problem of Baghdad being ransacked by theMongols in 1258, we realised the commitment to our belief to solve thisproblem and we retook Baghdad with the army of the Khilafah. * When the Crusaders took the land of Al-Quds in 1099, SalahuddinAyyubi (Raheemullah), as a Muslim general led the army of the Khilafah andretook Palestine.
* My dearest Muslim brothers, we must realise that the Khilafah is theonly solution to Palestine, any other solution proposed is born out ofnaivety and contradicts Islam.
* It is obligatory upon every Muslim to work to re-establish theKhilafah, such that we are not witness to these bloody scenes.
* According to Quran, the Jews are prophesied to suffer 2 verylarge-scale defeats at the hands of the Muslims. One has already occurred to the Jews of Khaybar at the hands of Rasool-Allah, and the other has yet tooccur by our hands, Insh'Allah.
* And I want to conclude, by giving us hope, for the impending victoryis near, when, as Rasool-Allah said, "The hour will not come until theMuslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, until the Jews hide Behind the rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees say: 'O Muslim! O Abdullah! A Jew is here behind me, so come and kill him', except the Gharqad [boxthorn], which is the tree of the Jews."
* And truly Allah has power over all things, but most peopleunderstand not.
* And I want to end my talk today, with the same ayah that I beganwith:
(TMQ 2:190 - And fight in the Way of Allah, those who fight you.)
* Alhamdulillahi Rabbi

[Dakwah] Kronologi pencabulan Israel ke Atas Umat Islam - catatan sejarah moden

2000-10-27 Thread Asiah Abdullah
disepakati oleh A, B, dan C. 
29/9 – Akhbar Israel, Jerusalem Post menyiarkan kenyataan Barak: "Mana-mana PM Yahudi tak akan sekali-kali menandatangani sebarang dokumen mahupun pakatan yang memindahkan kuasa atas Masjidil Aqsa kepada Palestin atau pertubuhan Islam."
16/10 – Persidangan Sharm Al-Sheikh di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin Arab untuk menghentikan Intifadah Al-Aqsa.
Abdul Qadeem Zallum, How the Khilafah was Destroyed, ISBN 1 899574 050, Al-Khilafah Publications, London, 1998. (Terjemahan kepada buku asal: Kaifa hudimat al-khilafah, 1962)
Timeline of the History of Islam (poster), Islamic Cultural Workshop, http://www.khalifornia.org
Umat akan terus-menerus dalam kehinaan selagi tiada daulah Islam yang melindunginya. Marilah kita bersatu atas dasar ukhuwah Islam melakukan perubahan yang mendasar dan menyeluruh agar izzah kita kembali. Kita tidak ubah seperti hidangan yang dikerumumuni oleh kafir dari pelbagai penjuru, tapi tak dapat mempertahankan diri kerana telah diserang penyakit 'Al-Wahn. (Mencintai dunia dan membenci mati). Semoga Allah bantu hamba-hamba-Nya yang berjuan dan memasukkan kita ke golongan hamba-hamba-Nya yang berjuang.
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Re: H-Net* Syabas kepada Cina di Lunas

2000-11-30 Thread muhammad abdullah

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Melayu di Lunas ni kebanyakannya golongan tua yang memang susah nak diubah 
pemikiran depa. Yang muda-muda kebanyakannya dah berhijrah/bekerja  di 
tempat lain seperti Prai dan Penang. Yang Kerja di Kulim Hi-Tech pulak 
ramainya orang Melayu dari tempat lain.Depa tak mendaftar di Lunas walaupun 
mereka tinggal di situ.

>From: "Putra Sulong ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: H-Net* Syabas kepada Cina di Lunas
>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 17:30:36
>{  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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>Salam sejahtera.
>Saya mahu mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan syabas kepada kaum Cina di
>Lunas di atas sumbangan mereka kepada kemenangan Barisan Alternatif.
>Daripada statistik di bawah, kita boleh mendapat gambaran bagaimana kawasan
>majoriti Cina lebih cenderung kepada menyokong BA berbandingkan kawasan
>majoriti Melayu. Tidak silap kalau saya membuat ulasan bahawa kaum Cina di
>Lunas lebih cerdik berbanding Melayu Lunas yang masih mahu mengekalkan
>kebanggangan mereka.
>Akhir sekali, tahniah kepada BA!!!
>>From: Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: H-Net* DUN Lunas: keputusan terperinci
>>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 20:08:47 -0500
>>Berikut adalah keputusan detail peti2 undi di DUN LUNAS:
>>Peti Undi BA  BN
>>1. Hanrietta (maj India)   330 556
>>2. Victoria (maj India)117 849
>>3. Naga Lilit (maj Melayu) 288 235
>>4. Batu 6 (maj Melayu) 364 477
>>5. Kg Baru Lunas (maj Cina) 723  266
>>6. Sg Seluang (maj Melayu)  1121  837
>>7. Paya Besar (maj Melayu)  715  1364
>>8. Tmn Sejahtera502  499
>>9. Pekan Lunas (maj Cina)  664  374
>>10.Sg Limau 244  180
>>11.Keladi (maj Melayu)  370  467
>>12.Tmn Selasih (maj Melayu)  1922 1398
>>13. Simpang 3 (maj Melayu)   487  575
>>14. Jln Serdang  331  326
>>15. Kg Tunku Putra   482  359
>>16. Kg Baru  218  228
>>17. Kilang sago (maj Cina)   759  409
>>18. Pondok Labu  205  207
>>19  Kg Dusun 252  210
>>Insyaallah Ulasan Detail dari saya akan menyusul selepas ini.
>>Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi
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H-Net* Satu lagi pilihanraya kecil di Kulim

2000-12-02 Thread muhammad abdullah

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Boleh sapa-sapa dari area Kulim/Lunas sahkan berita adun Kulim Yong Pau Chak 
telah meninggal dunia petang tadi?

Kalau betul, satu lagi p/raya di sana tak lama lagi.

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H-Net* Invitation from http://www.ramadhan.org

2000-12-02 Thread Asiah Abdullah

Ubadah ibn al Samit (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:"Ramadhan has come to you. It is the month of blessings in which Allahenvelops you (with His kindness). He makes His mercy descend upon you. Heforgives your sins and accepts your prayers. Allah witnesses you when yourace one another (in virtuous deeds) in this month and becomes proud of youbefore His angels. Therefore, show Allah the best deeds from your side,because unfortunate is that person who deprives himself from Allah's mercyin this month."Ramadhan - the month in which Allah has invested great merits, in which theQuran al-Kareem was revealed in order that man may rule by it, in whichheroic battles were fought, lands were liberated, the forces of kufr crushedand the call of Islam spread throughout the world.http://www.ramadhan.org invites you to join the hundreds of thousands ofvisitors that have regularly visited this premier website over the last!
 fewyears. To benefit from the tafseers, Islamic culture, muslim news and audiovisual presentations that will appear daily throughout this blessed month.Register, FREE, now to be informed by email of the sighting of the new moonfor the beginning of Ramadhan and the announcement of Eid.http://www.ramadhan.org - A time for thought. A time for action. A time forchange.Do You Yahoo!?
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2000-12-08 Thread Adielynn Abdullah

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 > Hi,
 > i would like to announced that :-
 > 1) my parents sell "ikan terubuk masin" RM 8.00 per piece
 > 2) my friend sell "sabun susu kambing" RM 6.50 per piece.  can apply from
 > head to toe.  similar like H&H product but more chiper, bigger size and
 > very good for whole famili.
 > pls fill free to call or email to me if u guys would to purchase it.
 > Thank you & Regards,
 > Siti Aishah Dollah
 > Telesales cum Marketing Asst.
 > Compaq Customer Services (CCS)
 > Tel: 03-7953 3336
 > Fax: 03-7958 2988
 > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2000-12-10 Thread Adielynn Abdullah

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lupa nak bagitau ...
kalau nak order minima 5 - 10 ekor/kotak kurma atau sabun dan penghantaran 
percuma within shah alam, subang, pj dan mana2 yg dekat ngan sungei way la 

kalau berminat sila telepon En Dollah or Pn Salina di:- 603-7876 3741 atau 
017-675 0770.

p/s: saya jual sabun susu kambing aje takde pil okay ...


 > Ladies & Gentlemen,
 > 1) pls be informed that IKAN TERUBUK MASIN now comes in bigger size and
 > price increase (a bit lah!) RM 13/ekor.
 > this ikan not only can goreng, its also can cook as asam
 > pedas/kari/sup/sambal goreng/tauchu etc.  So, think about lauk for buka
 > puasa it won't complete withour IKAN TERUBUK MASIN (hehehehe just
 > kidding)!
 > p/s: sadly we not selling the telur, okay!
2) Kurma Kalakarane Puyra (Golden Dates) from Iran - soft, sweet and
delicious RM 10 per box.

 > 3) any one still interested to look young & fresh!!! so don't miss out
 > SABUN SUSU KAMBING too!! RM 6.50/pcs
 > Interested call me at 431 3000 x 3336 or email back!
 > Rgds/Siti
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H-Net* pejuang Islam di Chechnya menang

1999-12-16 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 18:16:38 +0300To: (Recipient list suppressed)From: aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: A CHECHEN VICTORY!Assalaamu alaykumWe must thank Allah ta'ala for this victory, but at the same time remember the heavy cost we have suffered in terms of tens of thousands of women, children and men lost both in this current campaign and the 1994-96 war in which 80,000 Muslims are estimated to have died!ource:ReutersWednesday December 15 6:33 PM ET --http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/19991215/wl/russia_chechnya_589.html--Russians, Chechens Clash in Grozny, Many DeadBy Maria EismontGROZNY, Russia (Reuters) - Russian troops clashed with rebel fighters nearthe center of Chechnya's capital Grozny late Wednesday but it was notimmediately clear whether th!
is marked the start of a full-scale stormingof the city.I saw more than 100 Russian soldiers lying dead after their column oftanks and armored personnel carriers was surrounded and attacked by asmany as 2,000 Chechen guerrillas.The armored column had advanced deep into Grozny from the direction ofKhankala on the eastern edge and almost reached the central Minutkadistrict before turning back. Russian troops occupied Khankala, site of amilitary airport, over the weekend.It was the first Russian tank attack on Grozny since the disastrous1994-1996 Chechen war and could stir up grim memories among Russia'svoters ahead of Sunday's parliamentary election.Russians allegedly suffered heavy lossesGROZNY, Russia (CNN) -- Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev denied Thursday that there had been any tank assault on Grozny, and said Russian forces had not suffered any casualties.But correspondents for Reute!
rs and The Associated Press said Russian armored personnel carriers and tanks attacked central Grozny on Wednesday, where they were beaten back during three hours of fighting by about 2,000 Chechen rebels armed with grenade launchers.The blackened hulks of seven Russian tanks and eight APCs stood in Minutka Square, where an Associated Press reporter counted the bodies of 115 Russian soldiers, many of them mangled by gunfire and badly burned.Chechen commanders claimed at least 220 Russian soldiers were killed.There was been no video immediately available to document the reports.Earlier Wednesday, a senior Russian commander predicted that Grozny would fall within days.The alleged attack appeared to be the worst defeat the Russian military has suffered since its forces entered Chechnya in September to try to restore Moscow's control over the breakaway province.Meanwhile, Russian forces shelled Grozny !
through the night and into Thursday morning, laying down indiscriminate salvos of shells on the city as they have done for weeks.
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1999-12-17 Thread Abdullah Zubair

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Assalamualaikum wrt

Clearly there is something very wrong with Malaysian's
Prime Minister. 



New Straits Times, 15 December 1999, p12:


Dr Mahathir's World Analysis
Mainichi Daily News

I AM VERY GLAD THAT we achieved the target of a two-thirds
majority for
the National Front in the general election.  But the
majority and the margins we won have been significantly reduced. 
also failed to recapture one State and we lost another.  For of
cabinet ministers lost in the election.  The Opposition made
into Kedah, my home State.  Selangor which had been an UMNO and
Nasional stronghold lost a parliamentary seat to PAS (Parti
SeMalaysia or Pan Malaysian Islamic Party) for the first time.

 Apparently quite a large proportion of Malays, the
people of Malaysia, have turned against UMNO, their main
party.  Ordinarily, a Governnment which had fended off a vicious
on its economy and had turned around the economy so decisively
have gained the support of the people.  In fact, it does among
ethnic Chinese who are more involved in business.

 But the Malays did not really suffer from the currency and
turmoil.  There was no unemployment or shortages of supplies. 
In fact,
the devaluation of the currency meant they earned more ringgit
from the
palmoil they produce and export.  For the Malays the issues are
economic.  They are based on the perceptions of the new educated
who had been exposed both to Western liberalism while studying
and to the more extreme variety of Islam as preached by PAS.

 The focus on Western liberalism was initiated by my former
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.  To get me to step down he and his
in the party condemn alleged cronyism, nepotism and lack of
in the Government.  He expected the attack to be supported so
widely by
the grassroots leaders of the party, especially at the 1998 UMNO
assembly, that I would have to step down and he would take over
as the
annointed successor.  Unfortunately for him the assembly ave
support to me.  Nevertheless, the outcry against alleged
misdeeds of the
Government was picked up by opposition parties and by

 Later, when Anwar was removed from office following the
that he was involved in unacceptable immoral activities, and he
subsequently arrested and charged for abuse of his authority,
Opposition immediately whipped up popular support for him.  His
followers inside and outside the party and the opportunistic
took up his allegation that his removal was due to a conspiracy
prevent him from becoming the Prime Minister.  His misbehaviour
breaches of the law were ignored even though he was tried in an
court.  He succeeded in convincing his followers that the court
taking orders from the Prime Minister.

 The educated elites, in particular the salaried
assume that those in power and in a position to be corrupt must
corrupt.  Proof of corruption is not necessary.  Similarly, the
of anyone in business, whether they are friends or children of
leaders or not must be due to cronyism and nepotism.  They
became anti-Government.  Many of the educated elites had been
and even indoctrinated by PAS while they are still students. 
became infused with anti-establishment sentiments.  They
took up defence of Anwar when he launched a campaign against
Government corruption, etc, immediately after his removal from

 PAS and other opposition parties saw in the anti-Government
campaign by Anwar an opportunity to gather more votes.  Whether
believe in his innocence or not, the Anwar affair brought the
parties together in a loose coalition which effectively made the
election a straight contest between two parties, the Barisan
coalition versus the opposition coalition of four parties.  PAS
benefitted the most from this opposition coalition.  The
Action Party of extremely chauvinistic Chinese lost popularity
of its association with PAS and its proclaimed desire to set up
Islamic state.  Keadilan, the party formed by Anwar, won only
where PAS
was strong and supported it for tactical reasons.  The urban
elites who
wanted to achieve political positions from exploiting 

H-Net* Senarai Penipuan Pilihanraya: Hjh Marina Yusoff

1999-12-17 Thread Abdullah Zubair

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Assalamualaikum wrt

Beginikah caranya Barisan Nasional dan Mahathir menang
didalam pilihanraya ?






Keputusan pilihanraya yang memihak kepada Barisan
Nasional telah memeranjatkan seluruh rakyat dan telah
mengecewakan majoriti penduduk yang mahukan perubahan.
Kami mempunyai bukti bahawa penipuan telah berlaku di
seluruh negara. Kami sedang mengumpul bukti-bukti dan
akan memfailkan petisyen pilihanraya. Antara
masalah-masalah yang telah timbul adalah:-

680,000 pengundi berdaftar diberitahu bahawa mereka
tidak layak mengundi. Bagaimanapun, beberapa orang
dari mereka telah pergi ke pusat mengundi dengan
memakai kemeja-T dan topi BN telah dibenarkan untuk
membuang undi.

Nama-nama sejumlah pengundi telah hilang dari senarai
pilihanraya. Selepas mereka bertegas dan tidak mahu
beredar barulah senarai kedua dikeluarkan dari dalam
meja dan dengan tidak disangka nama mereka ada di
dalam senarai itu dan membolehkan mereka mengundi.
Semua ini berlaku di khemah BN. Ramai penyokong kami
terpaksa berlagak seperti penyokong BN untuk
mendapatkan maklumat. Ramai juga yang terpaksa pulang
dengan kecewa.

Setengah pengundi telah diberitahu bahawa mereka
telahpun mengundi padahal sebenarnya mereka belum
berbuat demikian. Mereka telah ditunjukkan senarai
dimana nama mereka telah ditandakan yang menunjukkan
mereka telah mengundi. Mereka berkeras mengatakan
bahawa orang lain telah menggunakan nama mereka untuk
mengundi. Banyak aduan dibuat tentang pengundi
mengundi lebih dari sekali.

Di beberapa kawasan, kita menerima laporan yang kertas
undi seperti disapu lilin atau resin. Bukan
keseluruhan kertas undi yang disapu lilin tetapi hanya
dalam kotak untuk Barisan Alternatif. Sesetengah
pengundi menceritakan bahawa mereka tidak boleh
pangkah dalam kotak Barisan Alternatif dengan betul.
Sesetengahnya mengatakan ia terlampau licin dan tanda
pangkah tidak boleh melekat. Sesetangah lagi
menceritakan apabila mereka pangkah BA, mereka sapu
kertas undi dan mendapati tanda pensil menjadi debu
dan hilang begitu saja.

Walaupun undian lot dibuat atau dadu digunakan, adalah
terlampau kebetulan untuk semua calon BN menjadi calon
pertama dan BA calon kedua dalam kertas undi.
Ramai pengundi mengadu tentang pensil yang disediakan
yang terlalu tumpul dan sudah tiada lead lagi. Apabila
mereka bertanya samada mereka boleh menggunakan pensil
atau pen yang mereka bawa, mereka diberitahu bahawa
tidak boleh menggunakan pensil lain kecuali yang telah

Pengundi-pengundi ditawarkan wang untuk mengundi BN.
Banyak laporan polis telah dibuat dan sehingga
sekarang ini masih terus dilaporkan di seluruh negara.

Terdapat banyak keraguan yang serius dalam undi pos.
Undi untuk BA sampai ke kawasan yang salah dan dikira
undi rosak. Setengah saksi yang memerhati pengiraan
undi memberitahu pada mulanya calon BN kalah teruk.
Kemudian mereka membawa masuk undi pos yang masanya
terlalu lewat dan melepasi masa yang ditentukan dan
keputusannya tiba-tiba berubah menjadi kemenangan
untuk BN.

Satu contoh ialah Dato’ Seri Najib. Pada masa
pengiraan undi berjalan, semua orang dapat lihat
beliau kalah teruk. Tiba-tiba beberapa karung undi pos
dibawa masuk dan yang amat pelik ialah semua undi pos
itu untuk BN. Ini memberikan kemenangan tipis kepada
Dato’ Seri Najib.

Pihak SPR tidak mengambil kira dan guna pakai had-had
masa yang ditetapkan oleh mereka. Tiada kesinambungan
dalam penjagaan undi pos, peraturan yang ditetapkan
SPR tidak diguna pakai, calon-calon tidak dimaklum di
mana undi pos disimpan dan penjagaan keselamatan undi
pos terbengkalai.

Di Wangsa Maju undi untuk kawasan lain dengan logo PRM
dan logo DAP dilihat berada dalam undi pos yang
dikira. Undi pos untuk Wangsa Maju yang mengundi BA
dijumpai di Bandar Tun Razak dan dikira sebagai undi
rosak. Senarai ini berterusan.

Beberapa calon telah memberitahu kami bahawa
kotak-kotak undi telah dibuka tanpa kehadiran
wakil-wakilnya. Apabila kotak-kotak ini sampai ke
tempat pengiraan undi, ianya sudahpun dibuka. Ada juga
aduan mengatakan banyak kotak-kotak undi telah hilang
dan apabila dijumpai kemudian, telahpun kosong.
Pengiraan undi telah dibuat di tempat berasingan dari
tempat yang sebenar. Sewaktu pengiraan dibuat, para
pemerhati kami mendapati bahawa terdapat tiga hingga
lima kertas undi terlipat bersama dengan tanda pangkah
untuk BN. Bantahan yang dibuat tidak dihiraukan.
Ejen-ejen pengiraan kami sepatutnya diberikan "tally

H-Net* Kementerian Pendidikan: Yang Tersurat & Tersirat

1999-12-17 Thread Abdullah Zubair
Mahathir yang penuh sistematik, mesti dihadapi
dengan perancangan dan tindakan yang lebih baik dan
bersistematik juga.

Tulisan ini dimajukan bukan bermaksud tuan-tuan dan
puan–puan tidak sedar, tidak tahu atau tidak dapat
membaca  situasi yang ada, cuma untuk berkongsi rasa
dan pendapat serta pandangan. Ingat dan mengingati
amat mustahak dalam gerakan ini.

Sebenarnya, saya tidak ingin memberikan apa–apa
cadangan atau langkah- langkah yang perlu dibuat. Itu
terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan, kepakaran dan ilmu
yang ada.

Lagipun saya sangat berminat kiranya artikel mengenai
PERANCANGAN Mahathir ini dibuka untuk perbincangan,
kritikan, komen dan pendapat umum. Kemukakan
kritikan, hujahan, komen dan pendapat  tuan- tuan dan
puan - puan  demi untuk kebaikan bersama. Ini sangat
penting  sebagai persediaan menghadapi pilihanraya
ke–11 nanti. Alangkah moleknya,  kalau kita dapat
mengatur strategi supaya berada selangkah di hadapan
musuh. Kita hidu dan cium dahulu perancangan mereka.
Dengan itu, kita dapat membuat persediaan yang cukup
sebelum turun ke gelanggang.

Cuma satu pandangan ikhlas dari saya, apapun, dalam
membuat perancangan dan bertindak, kita perlu “
SMART.” Teruskan perjuangan. Semoga kita akan terus

14 Disember 1999.

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H-Net* Surat untuk Penjaring: IKLAN DI SANA SINI

1999-12-17 Thread Abdullah Zubair

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Iklan iklan dimerata tempat ini bukan sahaja menjejaskan
perjalanan diskusi tetapi juga menyakitkan mata.

Saya merasakan para penjaring tidak sepatutnya menyalah
gunakan kebenaran untuk mengiklan dengan menghantar
iklan terus ke ruangan diskusi. Apalah gunanya ada
saluran iklan di [EMAIL PROTECTED] jika tidak dimanafaatkan ?

Semoga sdra/sdri maintainer dapat berbuat sesuatu agar
kesemua iklan iklan ini tidak menjelma disana sini semacam
tidak terurus.

Terima kasih


Abdullah Zubair

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H-Net* Ahli -ahli Parlimen MCA yang banyak mulut

1999-12-17 Thread Abdullah Zubair

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Assalamualaikum wrt

Bermula dengan Dr Chan ( Alor Setar) yang mempersoalkan tentang Harakah
kemudian Dr Tan ( Segambut)yang mempersoalkan tentang perjalanan 
majlis ilmu di Masjid. Entah besok Ahli Parlimen yang
lain pulak mempersoalkan tentang hal hal lain yang 
ekslusif milik orang Islam dan Melayu.

Inilah balanya dan balasannya kepada orang Melayu UMNO
yang terpaksa melutut untuk mendapatkan undi Cina (MCA)
Sampai sekarang tidak ada sebarang Melayu UMNO yang 
berani menegur ahli parlimen MCA yang banyak mulut ini.
Kenapa sampai begitu?
UMNO sendiri tidak pernah percaya kepada kebebasan akhbar 
dan tidak pernah tahu tentang fungsi sebenar masjid. UMNO
ingin bersengkol dengan orang kafir sehingga sanggup
menggadai kehormatan Islam. Samada "best atau tak best 
langsung " itulah hakikatnya.



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Pengirim: Abdullah Zubair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


1999-12-17 Thread Asiah Abdullah

aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:40:17 +0300To: (Recipient list suppressed)From: aaa<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: NOBILITY OF ISLAM: ENTRY INTO SAMARKAND!Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhuSomething about Islam's entry into Uzbekistan"Is There a Parallel in Any Civilization?"When 'Umar ibn 'Abdul 'Azeez came to the office of Caliphate, a delegationof men (i.e. Kuffaar) from Samarqand saw him and represented that thegeneral of the Islaamic armies, Qutaibah, had unjustifiably stationed hisarmy men in the town in their midst. 'Umar ibn 'Abdul 'Azeez wrote to thegovernor of Samarqand that he should appoint a tribunal to judge and settlethe dispute between Qutaibah and the people of Samarqand; If the judgementof the tribunal goes against the army chief and his men are asked to vacate,they must do so at once.The governor appointed Jami' ibn Hadhir Albaji as judge for the inquiry.After the inquiry was over, he - though himself a Muslim - passed thejudgement that the Muslim army must vacate the town. He also remarked thatthe commander of the Muslim forces ought to have served an ultimatum of warto the city, and according to the Islaamic Law relating to war, he ought tohave cancelled all the treaties with them so that the people of Samarqandcould get time to prepare for the war."Sudden attack on them without warning was unlawful."When the people of Samarqand witnessed the state of affairs, they wereconvinced that this was an unparalleled case in the history of mankind… theState keeping its Commander-in-Chief and the armies under such strictdiscipline and control, bound by lofty moral principles. And consequentlythey decided that fighting against such a people would be futile. Rather,they came to regard!
 it as a mercy and a blessing from God. Therefore theyagreed to live with the Islaamic army in Samarqand.Just imagine. An army conquers a city and enters it. The inhabitants of thatcity complain to the victorious government and the judges of that governmentdecide the case against the victorious army, and order the deportation,saying that they could not live there without the consent of the people ofthat city.Can either the ancient or modern history of mankind point out any war inwhich the fighting men kept themselves so strictly bound by the moral code,and followed such lofty principles of truth and justice, as demonstrated bythe sons of our civilization?...["Glittering Aspects of the Islamic Civilization",Mustafaas-Siba'I]
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H-Net* Reformasi di Pakistan

1999-12-21 Thread Asiah Abdullah

aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:41:59 +0300To: (Recipient list suppressed)From: aaa<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Musharrafs Reforms don't address real issuesSubject: Musharrafs Reforms don't address real issues>>As Salamu alaikum,>>What is Musharraf's reforms going to really do for Pakistan? Are they>aimed at addressing the real problems that the people face?>>NOT AT ALL!>>The guise under which he took power was the endemic corruption in>Pakistan. So does the gathering of some money through unpaid loans and>extra taxes address the heart of the Problem? No, because if the>materialistic values of greed and self-sensual satisfaction are>encouraged and pursued within the society, then rishwa and corruption>will be common. Furthermore, when the people make laws, then revise them>due to the inherrent flaws, then re-revise them due to the unfair biases>et!
c etc then we have toconclude that the mess of the Pakistani political>system is at the root cause.>>Where the people to adopt a system that encouraged the same values as>eminate from their beleif. The encourage that Allah's pleasure is more>important than some luxurious position, or even life itself; and at the>same time expose the fallacy of clinging on to all of the riches of this>life to the utmost, such that they override the Shariah of Islam and>therfore the interests of the society. Then the Pakistani people would>no longer have to suffer the hypocritical and oppressive democratic>system which pushes the people to seek only selfish interests and allows>those corrupted opportunists to control the country according to their>own personal gains.>>The Muslims should wrest the power from those dull, unliving people who>have made the Pakistani society a seething quagmire of!
 corruption and>bribery. Those who came to power through such bribery and force. Those>who despise the rule of Allah as they realise that they would not be>able to take advantage of the people anymore and themselves would have>to submit to its Shariah.>>The Muslims of Pakistan should hold the rulers and officials accountable>to whether they rule according to Allah's rules, and disregard these>false 'ehtesab' reforms which never address the real issues at all.>>THe corruption will be a part of the society as it is in France, Britain>and US because the people are ruling by their own pleasures and the>powerful can exploit that situation to ensure thier pleasures are>supremely achieved.>>So we must ask ourselves, Muslims of Pakistan and the whole world, whose>pleasure do we desire? That of the corrupt officials who hold Allah's>rules in disdain; or that blissful p!
ermanent and everlasting pleasure of>Allah subhaanhu wa ta'ala, to whom we and the corrupt rulers will all>return and be given our just deserves. Then justice will be enforced>according to Allah's desires, rather than the justice system of Pakistan>which accounts according to a person's pleasure.>>In fact the reforms of Pakistan will only perpetuate the corruption and>foreign powers grip on the country. The Pakistani people do not suffer>because of bribery alone, nor low economy alone, nor lack of foreign>investment. Rather they suffer at the hands of exploitative>collaborators who take every opportunity to better their own condition>at the expense of the people, taking every bribe and morsel from the>Western colonialist powers.>>Pakistan knows well its problems, but lack the vision to see them>solved. We don't need Musharrafs reforms, nor any more Democratic>reforms!
, we only need the practical and real implementation of Allah's>Khilafah System which he ta'ala gave us as a great baraka.>>"Answer the call of the messenger when he calls you to that which gives>you life">
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H-Net* Siapakah Gus Dur "pemimpin negara Islam Indonesia" ?

1999-12-21 Thread Asiah Abdullah

aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 18:12:30 +0300To: (Recipient list suppressed)From: aaa<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: TRUE COLOURS OF INDONESIAN RULER!Assalamu 'alaikumWith rulers like these, who needs enemies?Wahid's links with Israel should not be a surprise^^http://www.muslimedia.com/zion-indo.htmIndonesian president Abdur Rahman Wahid raised eyebrows on December 4 whenhe told his new economic affairs commission that Israel had agreed toinvest $200 million in Indonesia.He was quoted in the Jakarta Post as saying: "I told them, and theythemselves agreed, not to directly invest but rather do it through a thirdparty. They agreed to do it through a Dutch or US company." Wahid had previously expressed support for commercial links with thezionist state, although not diplomatic relations, but no-one had expectedthat an agreement would be r!
eached so quickly. It was probably done whenhe visited Washington last month.However, Wahid got in trouble for telling the Far Eastern Economic Reviewthat Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad had asked him to fostercloser ties with Israel. The Malaysian government strongly denied thereport, saying that "Malaysia's position is clear: we have no intention ofestablioshing diplomatic or commercial ties with Israel."However, a Malaysian commentator said that the allegation rang true."Malaysia has encouraged sporting and other links with Israel. Probablythe only difference is that Wahid is naive enough to admit his plans,despite the precaution of routing the funds through a US or Dutchcompany." Abdur Rahman Wahid has long been regarded by some as a opportunist, whoseIslamic credentials are largely sham. He failed to graduate from Al-Azhar,where he was known for his fondness for weste!
rn films, particularly Frenchones.He also likes western music, dancing and night-life; he celebrated hiselection as head of Indonesia's Nahdhatul Ulama with a party atCasablanca, a well-known Jakarta nightclub; some of his guests were soshocked that they left early. Muslims should expect little from him; eventhen they might be disappointed.
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Re: H-Net* Isu Khinzir lagi

1999-12-27 Thread Abdullah Ahmad
kewibawaan kerajaan Pas.
> > Sebenarnya apa yg amat menakutkan bukan Islam ialah
> > soal hudud dan potong tangan, bukan persoalan membela
> > babi.
> >
> > Seterusnya apabila di lihat pula dari sudut maslahat
> > umum esp. kpd umat Islam, nyata sekali keburukannya
> > berbanding kebaikannya. Apa lagi dari aspek pencemaran
> > alam sekitar. Justeru itu saya masih merasakan bahawa
> > menarik-balik larangan membela babi yg telah
> > dikuat-kuasakan sebelum ini adalah keputusan yg kurang
> > wajar.
> >
> > Berkenaan dgn cadangan saya agar kerajaan memberikan
> > penerangan kpd masyarakat bukan Islam tentang
> > keburukan makan babi, saya cadangkan agar ia boleh
> > dilakukan secara lembut dan indirect. Insyaallah,
> > lama-kelamaan mereka akan menerima. Sekiranya orang
> > China boleh berubah dari sistem beraja, dari satu
> > dinasti kpd dinasti, kpd nasionalis, bertukar pula kpd
> > pemerintahan komunis, menerima pula kemasukan budaya
> > barat, menganut pula kpd agama Kristian ... takkan
> > pula mereka tidak boleh menerima Islam dan
> > undang-undangnya jika kita mampu memberi penerangan
> > dan dakwah dgn kaedah yg tepat kpd mereka.
> >
> > Akhir sekali ingin saya ceritakan akan soalan yg
> > ditujukan oleh seorang sahabat, "Mengapa engkau takut
> > sangat org Cina bela babi?". Jawaban saya, adakah
> > pandangan saya ini disebabkan oleh masalah rasa takut?
> > Apakah kita mahu tragedi JE dan Bukit Pelandok berlaku
> > di Terengganu atau mana-mana negeri lain? Atau, adakah
> > kita sendiri yg taksub (taklid) buta tuli sehingga
> > takut utk menegur kesalahan pucuk pimpinan? Andai
> > sahaja pucuk pimpinan atau sesiapa jua dapat
> > menunjukkan kewajaran atas keputusan tersebut dengan
> > menjawab setiap persoalan yg saya ajukan, insyaallah
> > tidak teragak-agak bagi saya utk menerima keputusan
> > ini.
> >
> > Sebagai penutup kali ini, saya ingin mengucapkan
> > terima kasih sekali lagi kpd DRTN98. Walaupun huraian
> > sdr DRTN98 belum menjawab soalan saya, namun banyak
> > ilmu yg kita perolehi esp bab fiqh daulah dan siasah.
> > Terima kasih sekali lagi.
> >
> > Wassalam.
> >
> > Pengirim: Sani Norku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Pengirim: Abdullah Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* apa pula yg 'Kiyai' Gus Dur kata...

1999-12-28 Thread Asiah Abdullah
aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 00:11:05 +0300To: (Recipient list suppressed)From: aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: FW: Quotes From Abdul Rahman WahidIslamic scholar? You be the judge.>>The world according to Gus Dur >^^>Below is a selection>of Wahidisms, gleaned from public statements, the Indonesian press and>Asiaweek: > >On Megawati Sukarnoputri>"Privately, I still support Mega." (Kompas, July 1999) >>On political Islam>"The Islamic movement should detach itself from involvement in politics.>Islam is a moral force, a way to promote morality." (Asiaweek, January>1999) >>On religious Islam>"For me, an Islamic society in Indonesia is treason against the>Constitution because it will make non-Muslims second-class citizens. But>an Indonesian society for Muslims that is strong - !
and strong means>functioning well - I think that is good." (1995) >>On nationalism>"In the entire Islamic world, the relationship between nationalism and>Islam has become an issue - nationalism is considered a form of>secularism. People don't understand that nationalism as practiced in>Indonesia is not secular, but respects highly the role of religion.">(Speech to the Nahdlatul Ulama, Mar. 1, 1992) >>On the ethnic Chinese>"Become a good Indonesian and work as an Indonesian. Please come back>here." (Republika, June 1998, after many ethnic Chinese fled when they>were targeted in riots) >>"If we want to make Indonesia a strong nation, the expressions pri>(indigenous) and non-pri have to be forgotten. The differences that exist>must be eliminated. In the long run, there has to be a process of>integration." (Republika) >>"I don't agree with a C!
hinese party. This party is sectarian. My sentiment>toward the election is that I will support nationalist parties that>promote national unity." (Republika) >>On the military>"If it does not want to be out of step with the times, it has to take>democratic measures. It has to understand a situation in which the society>is this open, the press no longer needs licenses and there is no longer a>single labor organization." (Republika, June 1998) >>On the economy>"One principle is profit motive. Without profit motive there's nothing.>Then free trade. Otherwise we will be like North Korea. So the basics will>not change. Suharto just tried to satisfy his cronies, his friends. We>have to build an economy with the will of the majority. Suharto tried to>rob this country by allowing conglomerates and cronies to control the>economy. The majority of people live at the subsistence !
level. We will>give them subsidies, not the conglomerates." (Asiaweek, June 1999) >>On Suharto>"When I met him, I expected to find him fighting everybody. But no, when I>went there, I was surprised to find he had already buckled. He was so>defeated." (Asiaweek, May 1998, when Suharto stepped down) >>"Pak Harto cannot be comfortable anymore. He must accept the situation>that has happened. And this means he must sympathize with democracy.">(Republika, June 1998) >>
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2000-01-02 Thread Asiah Abdullah

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--- aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:02:07 +0300
> To: (Recipient list suppressed)
> From: aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Assalaamu alaykum
> Read both articles together to see how the West
> deliberately attacks Islam and Muslim activists
> i.e. "fundamentalists" in their code language.

> Released December 31, 1999
>  The Wisdom Fund, P. O. Box 2723,
> Arlington, VA 22202
>  Website: http://www.twf.org -- 
Press Contact: Enver Masud
>  Article:
>  Facts Belie Hype About "Islamic Terrorism"
> Muslims rounded up, to be held until end of
> Ramadan: report 
> WASHINGTON, Dec 30 (iviews.com) - The CIA is
> coordinating a worldwide
> operation to detain hundreds of Muslims
> suspected of ties to terrorism,
> and hold them until after Ramadan, according to
> an NBC report. The report
> quoted officials who admitted many would
> probably never be charged.
> According to the report, hundreds of Muslims in
> Europe and the Middle East
> identified by U.S. agencies have been rounded
> up by local security forces
> as a result of "prompting" by U.S. authorities.
> The suspects will be held
> until the end of Ramadan "as a precaution."
> U.S. officials described the crackdown as a
> "roundup of the usual
> suspects." In most cases, they said, those
> arrested have been under
> long-term surveillance on suspicion of planning
> terrorist attacks. A CIA
> official told NBC the aim of the operation is
> to "maintain truth, justice
> and the American way."
> U.S. officials have in the past been accused of
> violating civil rights
> overseas as a response to the threat of
> terrorism.
> Kathi Austin, a visiting scholar at Stanford
> University's Center for
> African Studies and a former researcher for
> Human Rights Watch, told
> iviews.com that in the wake of terrorist
> bombings of U.S. embassies in
> Tanzania and Kenya, FBI agents used little
> discretion in detaining Muslims
> in those countries.
> "The FBI rounded up members of the Muslim
> community indiscriminately --
> imams, leaders, whoever. They even arrested the
> captain of a local soccer
> team. They really caused a lot of resentment."
> The revelation that the Muslims arrested in the
> current operation will be
> held until the end of Ramadan comes after
> efforts by the U.S. State
> Department to distance itself from its earlier
> statement linking the
> Islamic holy month to terrorism.
> Secretary of State Madeline Albright told
> American Muslim leaders
> concerned over the linking of Ramadan and
> terrorism that "your views are
> being heard," and promised to hire more
> Muslims. 
> That prompted one Muslim leader to tell the
> Associated Press that the
> Department of State had subsequently been "very
> positive in delinking the
> issue of terrorism from faith."
> CIA officials would not speak with iviews.com
> for this story.

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Pengirim: Asiah Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Kad jemputan kahwin

2000-01-19 Thread Salam Abdullah

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Sesiapa yang tahu tentang laman kad walimatul urus ?
Tolong reply.


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Pengirim: Salam Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [H-Net* WALI SYAITAN !!]

2000-02-07 Thread Abu Abdullah
 nyata bagi saya..wahabi/salafi nie..lurus
> bendul..buat apa yg nabi(saw) buat 
> dan tak buat lebih dari tuh..walaupun pada kita
> benda tuh baik tapi tidak 
> bagi mereka..jadi terpulanglah..yg saya marah
> nie..diorang selamba ajer kata 
> imam wahab nie sesat agent britishlah..korang
> nie..mana dapat bukti 
> nie..atau saja ikut apa yg orang lain kata..kena apa
> yg korang kata tu 
> fitnah..apa korang nak buat..bila berhadapan dengan
> Allah nanti..bagi saya 
> lebih baik duduk diam sebelum orang tahu kita nie
> teruk rupanya..:)..dulu 
> sebelum jumpa dengan wahabi/salafi..ada jugak pernah
> dengar orang kata 
> diorang nie..sesat..bila saya tahu yg
> sebenarnya..tak patut 
> betul..jadi..sebelum buat sesuatu tuh..kaji
> dulu..belajar apa sebenarnya 
> diorang nie?..lepas tuh kalau rasa tak
> betul..bincang baik2..daripada korang 
> bincang pasal wahabi/salafi nie..lebih baik korang
> kumpul duit bagi kat 
> saudara kita kat Chechen, Ambon, Maluku, Acheh,
> Patani dan yg lain2..tak pun 
> kalau rajin pegi ke site http://www.qoqaz.net atau
> http://www.kavkaz.org
> Itu ajer.
> Wassalam
> Ps:Saudara maintainer boleh tak berhentikan isu ini,
> buat penuh mailbox saya 
> ajer.
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Pengirim: Abu Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Pas Jangan Takbur

2000-02-09 Thread Abdullah Ahmad

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Betul kata si ziadah tu, "jangan tuduh yang bukan bukan tanpa usul
periksa". Kalau ada satu pekhabaran dari orang fasik kita mesti menyiasat
dulu kebenaranya.

Tapi kadang-kala, menyiasat dengan melihat sahaja boleh menimbulkan
prasangka. Tengok dan terus buat kesimpulan. Macam mana kalau kesimpulan
yang dibuat itu tidak betul, kan dah jadi fitnah. Cuba imbas kembali
sejarahbagaimana isteri Nabi, saidina Aisyah kena fitnah oleh puak

Betul ke ziadah pasti ke yang mereka mengambil air koloh itu untuk buat
pelaris. Zaidah yakin ke ? Zaidah dah lihat mereka buat kerja-kerja
khurafat ? Jangan tuduh orang membabi buta. Zaidah dah tanya mereka buat
apa mereka ambil air tu ?

Saya pernah melihat orang berubat dengan mengunakan air kolah. Biasanya
berubat dengan air kolah ini adalah untuk sihir yang agak berat dan berat
seperti santau dan bermacam-macam jenis sihir. Untuk berubat sihir macam
ni, mereka akan mandi dengan air kolah tujuh masjid. Air kolah yang
digunakan mestilah macam kolah biasa di mana kita boleh membasuh anggota
wuduk di dalamnya dan bukan kolah berpaip.

Bila terlajak cakap pasal bab sihir ini. Mungkin ada yang sukar nak
terima kerana tiada bukti saintifik, kononnya... Ilmu sains yang ada pada
manusia pada hari ini sangat kecil skopnya. Pengetahuan manusia dan jin
terhadap pekara-pekara ghaib amat terbatas sekali.

Ingin saya bawa cerita seorang mangsa sihir kat kampung sepupu saya.
Cerita ini diceritakan oleh mangsa sendiri kepada saya. Pakcik ni
mengidap sakit ganjil yang teruk dan sudah lama dia berubat di hospital
kerajaan. Pihak hospital memberikan ubat yang agak kuat kesannya tetapi
tidak memberikan apa-apa kesan. Setelah lama mengambil ubat itu, doktor
pakar hospital berkenaan memanggil pakcik itu. Kata doktor itu, "biasanya
ubat yang diberikan itu adalah untuk sakit yang kronik yang boleh membawa
maut. Sepatutnya dalam dos yang sebegini pak cik mungkin dah mati".
Kemudian doktor itu menyuruh pakcik itu berubat dengan cara lain pula.
Kata doktor tu, "pak cik cuba berubat dengan cara kampung pula. saya
takut kalau-kalau pakcik terkena santau. kalau santau, ubat-ubat di
hospital ini tidak dapat mengubatinya dan mungkin menyebabkan masalah
lain pula".


killer fish wrote:

>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
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>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Kat Rusilo pung... samo jugo... pado haghe jumaat
> baru-baru ning... pada 4/2/2000 masa ayah chik wat
> kuliah, killer ade tengok ghama oghang ambik air kat
> koloh ayah chik. Ada yg uuboh dalang botol & cebok
> uuboh dalam tipuware.
> wallahua a'lam.
> --- zaidah mohd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... <<< padam >>>

> > sapa kata ambo tok sir ke islam.
> >
> > Pasal air kolah , tak percaya datang sendiri
> > sembahyang subuh di pulau
> > melaka tengok dan lihat sendiri.
> >
> > jangan tuduh yang bukan bukan tanpa usul periksa.
> >


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Pengirim: Abdullah Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* useful phone numbers

2000-02-11 Thread Hafidza Abdullah

Untuk rujukan kita bersama, insyallah.


 Mac Word 3.0

H-Net* RE: Lulusan UK versus USA...

2000-02-12 Thread muhammad abdullah
February 11, 2000 10:23AM
>>  *~*
>>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>>  *~*
>>  ~~~
>>Masa nak pilih university tiba lagi. Bagi yang nak
>>keluar negara, kat manakah yang paling baguih untuk
>>Teman ada dengar, ada orang kata graduates dari UK lagi
>>berkemahiran dari graduates USA.  Sebab dia orang punya
>>exam lagi susah nak lulus. Tapi ada pula orang kata
>>graduates dari USA lebih flexible sebab sistem
>>pembelajaran dia lebih terbuka - ada banyak mata
>>pelajaran optional. Ada pula yang kata nak lulus
>>1st degree, senang di USA, sukar di UK. Nak lulus
>>Master, senang di UK, susah di USA. Dari segi
>>penampilan diri pula, lulusan UK khabarnya sangat
>>formal sedangkan lulusan USA lebih relax dan bersahaja.
>>Betul ke tidak, wallahu'alam.
>>Bagaimana pula dengan lulusan tempatan? Mungkin
>>ditengah2 antara UK dan USA.
>>Khabarnya sekarang semua pelajar yang masuk University
>>diwajibkan menghadiri kursus di BTN untuk melahirkan
>>pelajar yang cintakan negara.  Baguihlah.  Generasi
>>teman dulu tak berkesempatan semua ini.  Tapi cinta
>>pada negara tak pernah terlondeh. Apa lagi kalau negara
>>ini jadi negara Islam tulin.
>>Selingan: Teman dikemukakan satu soalan, jawapan belum
>>dijumpai lagi (nampak macam soalan bodoh tapi tak
>>bodoh sangat): "Apasal bila nyamuk mati, badannya
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Pengirim: "muhammad abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2000-02-24 Thread Asiah Abdullah
Subject: THEY ARE SERIOUS ABOUT KILLING MUSLIM CHILDREN!Assalamu 'alaikumPenganiayaan mereka ke atas seluruh umat Islam begitu nyata dan ketara. Moga penentangan kita terhadap mereka tidak terhenti setakat demo petang ini saja. Teruskan penentangan terhadap Yahudi, sedarkan mereka yang masih belum sedar, dan bersamalah membina daulah Islamiyah agar kedaulatan syara' pulang ke gagangnya. Selamat berjuang, mulakan langkah demo anda dengan bismillah dan niat liLlahi Ta'ala, dan azam untuk tidak menghentikan usaha setakat di situ. Wassalam.
Levy says he means what he said yesterday about killing Lebanese children^Khaled AmyrehIsraeli Foreign Minister David Levy said today he meant what he saidyesterday in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, about killing Lebanesechildren and incinerating the whole of Lebanon.The Israeli state-run radio today quoted Levy as saying that "what I saidyesterday was not a slip of the tongue nor a bout of anger, I meant what Isaid."Levy said he wanted to sound a warning to all those "who supportedHizbullah terrorism," adding that his warnings were "receiving listeningears on the other side."The Zionist official repeated his threats, saying "if Israeli citizenswere attacked, our reaction would be swift and harsh." While speaking before the Knesset Wednesday, Levy said "we'll killLebanese children if our citizens were attacked.""A tooth for a tooth and a child for a child," he said.Levy's statements were castigated by Arab Knesset members who describedthem as "primitive" and "inappropriate for a Foreign Minister."Observers in Palestine see no surprise in Levy's statements, since killingArab civilians has always been a consistent Israeli policy since thecreation of the Zionist regime more than fifty years ago. (end) 
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Re: H-Net* fahami maksud ambang

2001-07-10 Thread hassan abdullah
 pulan bin
> pulan adalah ahli neraka. Tetapi Rasullah SAW hanya berkata sesiapa  sahaja
> yang melanggar Hukum Allah SWT maka dia adalah ahli neraka, jadi di sini
> Rasullah SAW sendiri tidak mengkhususkan siapa bin siapa,, tetapi saudara
> telah  terlajak jauh.
> Kita kembali kepada ayat yang dikeluarkan oleh  saudara:
> Sabda Rasulullah
> Orang orang yang sombong dan bengis(zalim) itu nanti dikumpulkan pada hari
> kiamat dalam bentuk srupa semuat kecil yang dipijak pijak oleh orang ramai
> . Ini  adalah kerana mereka mnegambil ringan kepada Allah 'Azza wa jalla"
> Firman Alla Ta'ala
> "Bagi Allah adalah semua yang dilangit dan dibumi agar Allah dapat
> memberikan balasan kepada orang-orang yang berbuat kejahatan sesuai dengan
> amalan-amalan mereka dan memberi balasan orang orang yang berbuat kebaikan
> dengan kebaikan pula."
> S.Najm 31.
> Dimanakah letaknya pengkhusussan si pulan bin pulan adalah ahli neraka.
> Jadi di sini tidak baik sama sekali kita meletakkan seseorang itu adalah
> ahli  neraka, kerana kita belum tahu siapa yang akan masuk neraka dan siapa
> yang akan  masuk syurga.
> Walhal Nabi SAW mempunyai satu permintaan yang mana permintaan tersebut
> belum pernah dipinta oleh Rasullah SAW. Cuba kita lihat zaman Nabi Nuh,
> Nabi  Luth dll. Mereka telah menggunakan permintaan mereka kerana umat di
> zaman itu  telah terlalu  terlanjur jauh sesat. Jadi besar kemungkinan
> insyallah di  akhirat nanti Rasullah SAW akan menggunakan niat tersebut.
> Wallahu`alam.
> Tujuan saya mengutarakan komen di sini bersandarkan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah
> tidak bersandarkan kepada politik.
> Wallahu`alam.
>  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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Pengirim: hassan abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Re: Kepala angguk sungguh

2001-07-11 Thread muhammad abdullah
> ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan ) 
> ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net ) 
> ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 
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Pengirim: "muhammad abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Fw: FW: GEREJA MELAYU DI KL - Apa dah jadi.... (

2001-07-11 Thread hassan abdullah
H-Net* Fw: FW: GEREJA MELAYU DI KL - Apa dah jadi (
> >Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 08:12:33 +0800
> >
> >
> >  *~*
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
> >  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
> >  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
> >  *~*
> >  ~~~
> >   Buat ape suruh mahadir jawab, apa tanggungjawab kamu lak..
> >lihat aje
> >   Jangan asyik kait sesuatu peristiwa dengan mahadir sahaja.
> >Bukankah negara kita membenarkan kebebasan agama so mana
> >tanggungjawab emak bapa mereka, masyarakat sekeliling mereka
> >dan mana kamu pulak utk memastikan masyarakat kita tidak
> >bertambah murtad lagi.
> >   Kalau emak bapak pun tak jalan takkan kerajaan nak robohkan
> >gereja lak.. itu bukan jalan yang terbaik... cuba kamu rasa
> >perasaan kamu bila masjid dan surau tempat kamu dirobohkan
> >oleh org bukan islam mesti kamu marah kan. Mereka pun ada
> >perasaan jugak mereka bukan robot.
> >   Kita umat ISLAM yg bodoh. Lihat bagaimana Persatuan2
> >Kristian menjalankan aktiviti2 begitu tersusun baik segi kewangan
> >dan juga kebajikan umat mereka. MANA persatuan2 ISLAM kita,
> >Baitul Mal ada berjuta2 ringgit. Kenapa kita tidak boleh meniru
> >mereka. Kita asyik berbalah dan asyik salah menyalahkan antara
> >satu sama lain. Kita asyik berangan nak ujudkan negara ISLAM
> >aje tetapi kenapa  pentadbiran kita masih tak tersusun lagi.
> >Macam mana org agama lain nak hormat dan percaya akan
> >kebaikan dan kebajikan agama ISLAM sebagai ad-din dan tunjang
> >pemerintahan kita.
> >   Entah ler aku malas nak coret lagi, Aku macam fobia bila
> >cakap pasai murtad nie sebab mak saudara aku pun pernah
> >murtad tetapi alhamdulilah mak saudara aku dah kembali masuk
> >Islam bersama suami dan anak2 mereka. Malahan beliau juga
> >sudah mengislamkan seorang lagi baru2 nie. Berapa banyak kita
> >mengislamkan org lain dan berapa banyak kita menyelamatkan
> >umat kita daripada murtad... kita asyik cakap... cakap cakap
> >dan cakap tetapi tiada tindakan macam NATO ( No action Talk
> >Only) atau OIC ( I See).
> >
> >On 10 Jul 2001, at 9:18, Lori Hantu wrote:
> >
> >Pengirim: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
>  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
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>  ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
>  ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  ~~~~
> Pengirim: "pretender my" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Pengirim: hassan abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Tahniah TNB Customer Service !!

2001-07-18 Thread Normawati Abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

Bolehkah saudara berikan alamat email customer service
TNB sebab saya juga ingin membuat aduan mengenai lampu
jalan di kawasan perumahan yang saya dudukki

Keadaan persekitaran yang gelap telah menyebabkan
kegiatan yang tidak bermoral dan maksiat berleluasa di
kawasan perumahan tersebut...

Sekian terima kasih

--- leman seman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
> http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>   }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> Salam,
> Ingin saya mengucakpkan tahniah kepada TNB Customer
> Service melalui internet yang telah response dengan
> pantas sekali kepada mail yg dihantar.
> --- leman seman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Salam,
> > 
> > Saya ada hantar mail kat TNB customer service.
> > Nak tengok ada response ke tidak.  Kalau belum
> > nak ada response, nanti nak mail pula ke Company
> > Secretary dia.  Kalau tak ada juga, nanti nak
> > mail ke VP, kemudian President, kemudian JJ.
> > Lepas tu mungkin Adun, Menteri, PM. InsyaAllah.
> > 
> > Sebabnya, kita perlu jadikan "beringat sebelum
> kena"
> > sebagai satu budaya. 
> > 
> > Kalau nak tunggu macam kes Nor Suzaily terjadi,
> baru
> > nak keluar undang haramkan cermin gelap, kes Nur
> > Hanis
> > baru nak tebang semak samun, kes 3 beradik
> terbakar
> > di Kelana Jaya, baru nak upgrade 999 servis,
> rasanya
> > sudah cara ini sudah ketinggalan zaman.
> > 
> > -- leman seman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Assalamualaikum tuan/puan TNB customer service,
> > > 
> > > Mengikut seorang kenalan saya yg duduk ditaman 
> > > ., dia sudah buat lapuran tentang kerosakan
> > > lampu jalan (...) sudah berkali2 . Dah lebih 2
> > > bulan, masih lagi belum dibaiki.
> > > 
> > > Malah beberapa lagi lampu jalan menuju ke taman
> > itu
> > > juga sudah lama padam.
> > > 
> > > Ditepi jalan ke Taman itu banyak semak samun.
> > Dengan
> > > ketiadaan lampu jalan, tentu boleh mengundang
> > > sesuatu yang tidak diingini terutama diwaktu
> > malam.
> > > 
> > > Harap pihak tuan dapat mengambil tindakan segera
> > > yang sewajarnya.
> > > 
> > > Bagi pihak kenalan saya, saya dahului dengan
> > ucapan
> > > terima kasih.
> > > 
> > > Wassalam
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> > http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

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> menggambarkan )
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> Pengirim: leman seman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Pengirim: Normawati Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Menanggung Kerja

2001-07-24 Thread norizma abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

Saya hendak tanya tentang menanggung kerja di pejabat(kerajaan).
Bolehkah ... contohnya saya menanggung kerja org lain dalam suatu masa 
(cthnya 2 bulan), tetapi sepanjang masa tersebut tiada kerja yang saya buat 
atau perlu buat. Jadi dari sudut agama bolehkah saya menerima duit menangung 
kerja tersebut.

Harap ada yg sudi menjelaskan. Terima kasih.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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Pengirim: "norizma abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Dari Hati Seorang Wanita

2001-08-01 Thread hassan abdullah
> > > > >
> > > > > _
> > > > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> > > > http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > 
> > > > >  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE
> > > HIZB)
> > > > >  ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE
> > > HIZB)
> > > > >  ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan
> > >   )
> > > > >  ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net
> > >   )
> > > > >  ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >   )
> > > > >
> > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > Pengirim: "Ui Dann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> > > >  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE
> > > HIZB)
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> > > )
> > > >  ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > )
> > > >
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > Pengirim: mede jusoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >  
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> > >  ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > >  
> > >
> > > Pengirim: "Ir. Hj. Khasbullah A. Kadir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
> > http://phonecard.yahoo.com/
> >
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> >  
> >
> > Pengirim: Pabiyen Sitok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Pengirim: hassan abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Akhlak pemuda pemudi kelantan rendah

2001-08-01 Thread hassan abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
Assalamualaikum wbt.

Nampaknya komen ke atas tajuk ini semakin melarat-larat ke negeri-negeri lain.
Komen-komen  tersebut disisipkan pula dengan beberapa tuduhan dan dakwaan. Tuduh
pemuda/pemudi negeri lain teruk, dakwa negeri sendiri tidak berapa teruk ...
atau 2X5 ..
Membuktikan di kalangan kita bahawa masih jelas menebalnya semangat kenegerian.

Kurang yang memberikan komen untuk memperbaiki keadaan dan merapatkan jurang
fahaman dan semangat kenegerian.

Sebenarnya inilah yang dikatakan fitnah. Bahaya fitnah ialah ia mudah merebak
dan sukar dibendung. Ia mudah merebak kerana kebanyakan kita mudah
mempercayainya tanpa usul periksa. Sukar dibendung kerana ramai di kalangan kita
lemah pertahanan diri/perisai diri terhadap jangkitan fitnah. Disangkakan ia
bukannya fitnah.

Contohnya jika seorang pemuda A datang dari negeri B berperangai kurang sopan
maka dengan melulu kita tuduh pemuda dari negeri B berperangai tidak senonoh.
Tuduhan itu adalah fitnah kerana pemuda A bukannya mewakili kesemua pemuda di
negeri B. Menuduh pemuda negeri B akhlaknya rendah semaknalah dengan menuduh
kesemua pemuda di negeri berperangai sedemikian. Inilah bahaya yang mata dan
akal kita tidak nampak. Bahaya ini sebenarnya sangat besar. Orang yang
melakukannya sebenarnya telah berbuat kezaliman yang besar ke atas dirinya

Berhati-hatilah saudara/ri sekalian. Ramai di kalangan manusia yang bakal
dihumbankan ke dalam Neraka di Akhirat kelak lantaran telah melakukan dosa-dosa
yang tidak diketahuinya/disedarinya. Sebaliknya mereka menyangkakan telah
berbuat baik atau kebajikan dengan mencela manusia-manusia lain yang sebenarnya
merupakan fitnah yang amat besar.

Takutilah dan hindarilah fitnah, ia memdamkan sekalian amalan-amalan yang baik
seumpama api yang membakar kayu-kayu kering.

Lebih baik kita padukan tenaga dan fikiran serta masa ke arah memperbaiki
kepincangan dan kerosakan akhlak anak muda kita. Ia lebih bermanfaat dan
mendatangkan kebajikan.
 Seterusnya dapat menghilangkan rasa dendam dan curiga antara satu sama lain.

Ingatlah tidak ada sesiapa pun yang baik dan sopan melainkan Allahlah yang telah
memperbaiki akhlak dan kesopanannya.


Salasiah binti Kisman wrote:

>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Assalammualaikum,
> Saya rasa pun begitu jugak, takkan la negeri lain tuh semuanya elok je
> perangai, mungkin pemuda pemudi Kelantan memang begitu perangainya, apa kata
> survey...habit yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan..contohnya...kalau jumpa kawan
> sekampung , gerenti kawan yg ada kat sebelah terpinga pinga..kena
> tinggalmaafkan saya kerana terpaksa mendedahkannya..masa saya dok bujang
> dulu..ada room mate Kelate..dia memang pandai masak (tak dinafikan ore
> Kelate memang pandai masak, coz totaly kedai yg ada kat Shah Alam ni Kelate
> tukang masoknye), pandai mengaji, 2 pekara je yg buruknya..balik kampung
> pakai tudung..kat pekan bukak tudung.and then tengah kita beborak ngan
> dia , sekali member sekampung datang...terpinga pinga le awak di
> tinggalkan

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Pengirim: hassan abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Seruan Jihad makin hampir!!!

2001-08-05 Thread muhammad abdullah

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

Ayuh saudara-saudaraku dalam Islam, bersedialah!!! Mahathir  si celaka itu sudah melampau.. bersedialah bila-bila masa kita diseru berjihadsi celaka itu mesti ditumbangkan kerana dia zalim  dan fasiksucikan niat untuk berjihad kerana Allah

>Subject: Re: H-Net* Tangkapan ISA 
>Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 05:26:21 +0100 (BST) 
> *~* 
> { Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - http://www.hizbi.net } 
> { Hantarkan mesej anda ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] } 
> { Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] } 
> *~* 
> ~~~ 
>sebab negara ini sedang menuju ke arah dictatorship. 
>Kita boleh ditangkap dan dipenjarakan 
>sewenang-wenangnya tanpa sebarang bukti hanya untuk 
>menjayakan cita-cita politik seorang diktator gila. 
>--- zaidi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > Anak kepada 
>Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Aziz iaitu Nik Adli 
> > di tangkap di bawah ISA pada pukol 10.33 a.m. 4 
> > Ogos 2001, Kenapa eh? 
> > 
> ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB) 
> ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] pada body: UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB) 
> ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan ) 
> ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net ) 
> ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 
>Pengirim: =?iso-8859-1?q?Jude?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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RE: H-Net* Dimana letaknya puduraya?

2001-08-13 Thread muhammad abdullah
n a kilometre away. It is especially bad on 
>weekends or on the eve of school holidays. 
>“The are many buses using the terminal. The 
>congestion is unbelievable. With all the fumes and 
>noise, one can easily fall sick just being at 
>A reader, Azmi Atan in his letter to the New Straits 
>Times recently expressed his disappointment with the 
>Puduraya bus terminal. 
>He said that the terminal is so congested that it is 
>not suitable for the elderly. It is also a health 
>A check at the Puduraya terminal showed that the 
>ceiling fans can no longer ventilate the stale air at 
>the waiting area which is also polluted by fumes 
>coming from the express buses waiting for passengers 
>in the basement. 
>The paint at several places has peeled off and there 
>are not enough seats at the waiting area. 
>The waiting area is also congested with bus ticket 
>counters, kiosks and food stalls. 
>The spokesman said the company was unable to overcome 
>the traffic problem but can only upgrade and maintain 
>the public amenities at the terminal. 
>“We are in a dilemma. The demand for inter-state 
>buses is increasing daily and if we reduce the number 
>of buses, we will be denying commuters an essential 
>service,” he said. 
>He said Urus Bangunan could only maintain the bus 
>terminal up to a certain level but to improve the 
>overall condition would take a lot of work and money. 
>“Presently, we are doing some upgrading work and 
>repairing the lights at the basement for safety 
>reasons,” he said, adding that the upgrading work 
>would take two months to complete. 
>Meanwhile, City Hall has received a proposal to 
>relocate some of the north-bound express buses to the 
>Hentian Duta bus terminal. 
>The proposal is aimed at dispersing the services of 
>express buses which will help to reduce traffic 
>congestion at the Puduraya bus terminal. 
>There are also plans to have a shuttle bus service 
>between the Puduraya and Hentian Duta bus terminals. 
>“It is only a suggestion, we are still studying the 
>proposal,” said City Hall Press officer Hanim Hashim. 
>The proposal has been welcomed by Urus Bangunan. The 
>spokesman said Hentian Duta was presently under 
>“The bus terminal only serve commuters from Kuala 
>Lumpur to the Sepang International Airport. 
>“By re-locating the north-bound bus service to 
>Hentian Duta, congestion at Puduraya will be 
>The spokesman said the move will also complement the 
>Hentian Putra and Pekeliling bus terminals which 
>cater to East coast bound commuters. 
>“We were informed that this proposal will remain 
>temporary until the Plaza Rakyat bus terminal is 
>completed and operational,” he said. 
>He added that once the new terminal was completed, 
>all buses will be stationed there for the convenience 
>of commuters. 
>The spokesman said UDA Holdings will develop the old 
>Puduraya. He, however, declined to elaborate on the 
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Re: H-Net* Tapak pasar borong jalan hamzah pusat maksiat

2001-09-08 Thread Normawati Abdullah

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Bukan setakat kat tapak pasar borong saja yang menjadi
pusat maksiatbahkan kat tempat kawasan rumah saya
pun turut dijadikan sarang oleh pekerja kilang
(kawasan perumahan Taman Desa Kemumin Padang Tembak)

Saya telah membuat aduan kepada pihak yang berkenaan,
tapi masih tiada lagi tindakan yang sewajarnya

--- zaidah mohd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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apa sudah
jadi dengan tapak pasar borong dijalan hamzah , kalau
dahulu disini adalah kegiatan ekonomi yang halal ,
tetapi nampaknya tempat ini sekarang telah menjadi
tempat dagangan daging hidup pula. 
kalau nak bina bangunan percepatkanlah jangan
jadikan tempat tersebut tempat yang tersohor dengan
terima kasih.Get
your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Pengirim: Normawati Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Fwd: Re: How Good Were the World Trade Center Pilots?

2001-09-12 Thread muhammad abdullah
rade Center, 
>> >Flight 
>> >11, made a dramatic change from its original course--turning 
>>south, toward 
>> >New York, rather than continuing west toward Los Angeles. At a 
>> >accomplishing that turn would require a pilot who knew how to 
>>switch off 
>> >the 
>> >"Flight Management Systems" and autopilot that were programmed to 
>>guide the 
>> >plane to Los Angeles. Amateur pilots, like me, would know how to 
>>handle the 
>> >autopilots on small planes; they wouldn't necessarily know how to 
>>do it in 
>> >a 
>> >Boeing. 
>> > 
>> >More impressive, Flight 11 was at 29,000 feet before it made that 
>>turn. It 
>> >had to lose 28,000-plus feet of altitude by the time it hit the 
>> >Making a plane descend is easy if you know what you're doing. But 
>>if you 
>> >were experienced only in small airplanes, a descent in a big 
>>airplane could 
>> >be terrifying. You wouldn't know how much to reduce the power, to 
>> >the plane from gaining too much speed as it went down. (A descent 
>>at full 
>> >power can push a plane past its "never-exceed" speed and lead to 
>> >failure.) You wouldn't know how or when to arrest the descent, to 
>>be sure 
>> >you could level off and be under control when you neared the 
>> >Everything would be faster, bigger, and heavier than you were 
>>used to. 
>> >You'd 
>> >do what almost every pilot does when encountering a bigger, more 
>> >plane: "over-control" it, making the plane lurch from side to 
>>side and 
>> >up-and-down, and "getting behind the airplane," reacting with 
>> >lag time to what the airplane was doing. The result would less 
>>likely be a 
>> >suicide attack, like the ones in New York and Washington, than 
>> >suicide. 
>> > 
>> >In short, odds are that at least three of the four hijacked 
>>airplanes were 
>> >flown by experienced pilots, who one way or another had gotten 
>> >training. And conceivably, a difference in piloting experience 
>>may explain 
>> >why the fourth hijacked plane simply crashed in Pennsylvania, 
>>rather than 
>> >crashing into a target. When the facts are out, of course, the 
>> >explanation for that fourth crash could be something else 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >James Fallows is the national correspondent of the Atlantic 
>>Monthly and 
>> >author of Free Flight. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >_ 
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