Re: Temp SFS environment

2011-03-17 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I don't know about detach, but re-link definitely happens. File pool
minidisks can be defined in the directory with linkmode R and they still
become linked R/W when the server starts and remain R/W after the server

Ivica Brodaric

Re: SFS question

2011-03-12 Thread Ivica Brodaric

Do I understand the formula and definitions correctly?

 You do, but that's just to get you started. It really all depends on how
many objects are going to be created in that file pool. So, take that
formula as an attempt to predict the future.

MAXUSERS determines the logical size of the catalog and that formula is
MAXUSERS * 85 (and that's a real formula). Half of that goes to data blocks
and half to index blocks. The physical size of the catalog (number of blocks
in group 1) can initially be much smaller than that. That smaller space
would again be divided equally to data and index blocks.

It is much easier to add another minidisk to group 1 (when you hit physical
limit) than to do regenerate file pool (when you hit logical limit).
Therefore, allocate MAXUSERS generously, so that you don't have to do this
again soon.

In your case, you have 640 cylinders in group 1 (16 * 40 cyl), which equates
to 115200 blocks. You may have over-allocated group 1, but to decrease that
now would be a pain, so leave it. To be able to use all that space, the
logical size of the catalog has to be at least that much, so MAXUSERS must
be at least 1356, which is 115200 / 85, rounded up. I would suggest that you
use at least 5000 if not 1 for MAXUSERS.

Over-allocating MAXUSERS is not harmful, it just takes a bit of space in
control minidisk. Size of control minidisk (or of the rest of it) determines
the number of potentially addressable blocks in the file pool (maximum size
to which the file pool can grow to). You can see that number if you do QUERY
FILEPOOL OVERVIEW, but roughly, it is a bit less than one million
addressable blocks for each control disk cylinder. There is no formula for
this, because other things go to control disk as well (MAXDISKS has a hand
in it too), but for example (roughly again), with a 50-cylinder control disk
you will be left with at least 45 million potentially addressable blocks,
which equates to around 75 3390 mod3's. That's the maximum size of disk
space that you will ever be able to have in the file pool before having to
regenerate it.

While regenerating file pool, you will have to increase the size of the
control disk. You have to do this to allow for the increase of MAXUSERS in
order to maintain at least the same number of potentially addressable
blocks. Increase it by 25-33% to be sure, but do *not* over-allocate control
disk. Whenever the file pool server performs control data backup (and it
does it automatically when log disks fill up more than 80%), the file pool
will be unavailable to end users for the duration of the backup. You want
that backup to be quick especially if your log disks are small and the
backup is run often. Control data backup backs up *entire* control disk and
*used* blocks in group 1 (catalog). Therefore, over-allocating group 1 is
OK, but over-allocating control disk is not.

Follow the procedure to regenerate a repository file pool to which you have
been pointed to already and you'll be fine. One final word of advice though:
before doing anything like this, make sure that you also have a reliable
backup of the whole file pool (storage groups 2 and above) handy.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Virtual Lock File

2011-03-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 Another way would be to define a VDISK in the PROFILE EXEC of the VDISKS
 machine (instead of VM directory definition) and check the return code of CP
 DEFINE (if it's 0, initialise it).

I forgot to say that in this case you would have to add 'CP LINK VDISKS 222
vaddr MW' a second or two after 'CP XAUTOLOG VDISKS' in VSE machines'

Also, you may choose to add COMMAND XAUTOLOG VDISKS directory control
statement for all VSE machines, which would work even if you IPL VSE
straight from directory by using IPL sysres_addr directory control
statement, and then you don't even have to worry about VSE machines'
privilege class to be able to run XAUTOLOG CP command.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: SFS question

2011-03-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Do QUERY FILEPOOL CATALOG to see the amount of catalog data blocks and
catalog index blocks used. Total number of catalog space blocks (data+index)
is MAXUSERS*85. Maybe your MAXUSERS value is too small?

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Virtual Lock File

2011-03-09 Thread Ivica Brodaric
If your VSE machines are being IPLed by first IPL-ing CMS and then IPLing
VSE from their PROFILE EXEC, then you may do the following:

1. Include 'CP XAUTOLOG VDISKS' in all VSE machines' PROFILE EXECs anywhere
before IPL command. (Make sure all your VSE machines are properly authorised
to XAUTOLOG VDISKS machine.)
2. Modify PROFILE EXEC in your VDISKS machine to include the check wether
the virtual disk is already initialised (check the label or try ACCESSing
it) and then don't initialise it if it is. Another way would be to define a
VDISK in the PROFILE EXEC of the VDISKS machine (instead of VM directory
definition) and check the return code of CP DEFINE (if it's 0, initialise

If you want to keep a VDISK alive for reasons other than having to manually
autolog VDISKS before you IPL the first VSE machine, then take one of the
other good suggestions.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Xedit question

2011-02-21 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 Alas, testing revealed that the trailing quote doesn't get inserted. How

Your trailing doublequote got truncated but XEDIT remained silent, right?
That's one tiny quirk you've got to remember (or it gets etched into your
mind anyway) when using the arbchar. Since your first $ is not followed by
anything, it represents the whole line including all the trailing blanks up
to zone2 column. If you have SET ZONE 1 * and you're making the line
longer with your change, the trailing doublequote in your example will get
truncated but XEDIT will *not* tell you that. Also, the line will *not*
spill even if SPILL is ON. There may be a reason why the designer decided to
do it this way, but I cannot think of one.

To drop the first word and surround the result with doublequotes by using
only CHANGE command, you'd have to use at least two, eg:
c/ //* 1 4   -or-   c/DASD $ /DASD $/*

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Curiousity question - Changing the status area

2010-12-19 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Another way of changing CMS Ready message (does not require R/W disk):

/* Display Userid; instead of Ready; */
parse value userid() with 1 initial 2 rest
name = initial || translate(rest, xrange('a', 'z'), xrange('A', 'Z'))
parse value diag(8, 'DISPLAY 634') with . addr .
call diag 8, 'STORE S'd2x(x2d(addr) + 3) right(length(name), 2, '0')
call diag 8, 'STORE S'd2x(x2d(addr) + 4) c2x(name)

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Moving on (please don't panic)

2010-09-03 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Congratulations, Alan! Good luck in your new job!

Re: New Job

2010-08-02 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Great news, Tom! Congratulations! You'll be all right, don't worry.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Tom Huegel wrote:

 Today I start my new job. It has been eight months in the making.. I sure
 hope I still remember my z/VM stuff...
 If I forgot anything, there is always this list for help.


2010-04-12 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Yes. Do CP DEDICATE USER userid CPU cpuaddr. Or add DEDICATE to the CPU
directory statement.

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Anson wrote:

   Hi All,

 I have question about Linux on IFL. If there is a zVM LPAR with both CPs
 and 1 IFL.  Is it possible to let one Linux guest to excluded use this IFL
 and only use this IFL?   (We assume this IFL is dedicated on this LPAR)


 Best Regards
 Anson Y

Moving On

2010-03-17 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I am glad to announce that after long holidays I started a new job at
BNZ (formerly known as Bank of New Zealand), Auckland. New job, new city,
new country. z/VM, RHEL, z10 EC's, a fairly new installation and a lot of
interesting work to be done.

It was too late to join my new colleagues for a trip to Seattle, but I'm
sure those of you who are at SHARE will treat them well.

Long live VM!

Ivica Brodaric
Technical Services

Re: Automated DDR funny - has anyone got any ideas

2010-03-11 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 I like to use the line delete symbol as a way to add comments to my DDR
 control files.

So, we will all now suffer a brand new control statement because of you.


2010-03-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Did you COUPLE send port with receive port of the other side, ie TCPIP
840 - ZVSE42 841, TCPIP 841 - ZVSE42 840?


Re: An SFS aid

2010-02-26 Thread Ivica Brodaric
IPL (no abbreviation and no operands) executes the last IPL. Abbreviate it,
and you have to specify system name or device address at least.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Ian S. Worthington

 Wasn't aware of this.  What's the difference between IPL long and short?


 -- Original Message --
 Received: 11:00 PM COT, 02/25/2010
 From: Phil Smith III
 Subject: Re: An SFS aid

  I'm trying to remember if there are CP commands besides IPL whose
 varies depending on whether they're abbreviated or not; I can't think of

Re: An SFS aid

2010-02-25 Thread Ivica Brodaric
 years ago. There was no better option.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: An SFS aid

2010-02-25 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I understand, Ray. I just tried to prevent those who read this list and who
may be new to REXX from thinking that Signal is widely accepted in
constructing loops.


On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:30 AM, Mrohs, Ray wrote:

  My posting was the result of frustration with SFS. I wasn't thinking
 about perfect code structure. Frankly, at a certain age you care less about
 those things, as long as it works and the boss is happy. :-) But I
 understand your criticism.


 *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [] *On
 Behalf Of *Ivica Brodaric
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:46 AM

 *Subject:* Re: An SFS aid

 May I suggest that you also see call, return, do forever and leave
 in REXX manual? You can easily implement those in your program. Please don't
 use signal unless you are handling an error and/or about to leave the
 program. I hope I've put this nicely...


Re: z/VM backuprestore procedure

2010-02-25 Thread Ivica Brodaric

2010/2/26 Pluzhnikov Vsevolod

  Hello, All!

 Help me please in understanding the correct way of backup/restore z/VM
 system (on CKD dasd). I’ll need to perform this because of disruptive
 upgrade of our DS8300.

 I’m testing now ddrxa.

  Is it possible to define all 3390 mod9 (540RES, 540SPL, 540PAG, USER…)
 dasd to maint  as full-pack minidisks and just backup all of them on tape?

You can, but I suggest a separate user, call it SYSDASD, SYSDISK, or
whatever, with password NOLOG. Let that user own all full pack minidisks.
You don't need any other statements in that user's directory except USER and
MDISK for each full pack. Then link from a worker machine to perform

 Can I perform a restore with IPL from tape and just typing new dasd in
 output command for restore or it can be done only from z/VM ?

You can restore by IPLing the tape with DDRXA program on it first, and then
mounting data tapes. To create the tape with ICKDSF, DDRXA and DIRECTXA on
accessing MAINT 193. Tape needs to be attached as 181 for this. You may also
put the DDR program at the start of your first backup tape using MOVEFILE:

1. Mount scratch tape and attach it to your machine as 181
2. Do the following commands:
REW 181

You may then IPL this tape in your virtual machine for practice or on a real



2010-02-25 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Or perhaps a JOIN in front of the VAR if you want them all in one variable
for displaying purposes.

Re: z/VM RL

2010-01-18 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Another quick and dirty way to see one spoolid is to enter 'q' (QUERY)
command against a spool member. Spoolids and device addresses are both 4
digits long and CP will respond with a device address (spoolid) in a
message, wether the device exists or not.


Re: VM Best Practices

2009-12-17 Thread Ivica Brodaric

You can *ask* about best practice, but in this case no one can say
what's universally best, not to mention what's best for you. I still
think you got some answers and a few examples of what people are

It depends on what events do you want to protect yourself against, how
quickly do you want your system or its parts back online, how much of
the most recent data are you prepared to lose, and how much can you
pay. Answers to these questions can lead to DR strategies ranging from
a crumpled piece of paper in your pocket to a spare HAL in the orbit
(I'm sure he'd support z/VM if asked politely).

With the prices of disk storage and comms channels going down,
mirroring to another site gained in popularity, but that's certainly
not an answer for everyone. With modern disk systems and their fancy
features you can make snapshots during the day and be happy with that.

All these things said above are, admittedly, as much of an answer for
z/VM as for any other operating system. If you are concerned about
software failures or failures of z/VM features, then you first need to
know the administrative processes of each feature, and that will give
you an idea about a recovery process. In general, tape or virtual tape
or disk-to-disk backups are your best friends. If you are concerned
about CMS application recovery, then checkpoints are your better
friends. Nothing new here. Depending on the amount and type of
checkpoint data, you may use GLOBALV command, TDISKs, VDISKs,
dataspaces, spool files, messages to master virtual machines with
databases, and many other ways to achieve this.

I, and more knowledgeable people on this list, would really need more
specific info from you.


Re: Old question

2009-12-17 Thread Ivica Brodaric
If the file went to userid MYID on the second level, then card one is
OK. Maybe it's format of the files? Try using DISK DUMP instead of
second PUNCH or try this:

/* send file(s) to the second level vm */
   arg fn ft fm userid . '(' option
   if userid = ''
  then userid = 'MAINT'
   if abbrev('FILELIST', option, 1)
  then 'PIPE ' fn ft fm '| SPECS /DISK DUMP/ 1 W1-3 NW | CMS'
  else 'DISK DUMP' fn ft fm


On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Bob Bates wrote:
 Hi all,
     I know there are other ways of doing this, but I can't let go of
 this now that I've thought about it.

     I have a simple 2nd level test system running. I want to send a file
 from 1st level to a user on the 2nd level system. I'm trying to use a
 process from the dark ages of VM/370.

     CLOSE D

     On 2nd level do a START C and the file goes where it needs. The
 question comes about the contents of PUNCH HEADER file:


     Card one is wrong and I can't remember/find the correct format.
 HCPRSR431E says it should be ID MYID or USERID MYID but neither works.


 Bob Bates
 Enterprise Hosting Services
 w. (469)892-6660
 c. (214) 907-5071

 “This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.  If
 you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee,
 you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message
 or any information herein.  If you have received this message in error,
 please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this
 message.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: VM Best Practices

2009-12-16 Thread Ivica Brodaric
 Mirroring does not replace good backup tapes: an accidental ERASE or FORMAT 
 is mirrored perfectly well to your DR site.

Yes. Mirroring does not make any tape backups redundant, but they do
drop to plan B in case of disaster. They remain plan A if you lose a
file or a disk and even then FlashCopy and its brothers may give you a
quicker solution. They (tapes) are the only plan if you lose both
sites. Now, *that* would be a DR test, if someone would pay for it.

 Secondly: if you simply have a two copy mirror, performing DR tests means you 
 break the mirroring during the test and at that time you no longer have a 

Yep. During the test and a few hours after the test until re-sync is
done. But those tape backups are still there.


Re: VM Best Practices

2009-12-15 Thread Ivica Brodaric

I didn't mean to be smart, sorry if it came out that way. I just wanted to
stress that everything you need to perform a DR, including hardcopy reports,
utility tapes, DR procedure manual, CD's with software manuals, etc. has to
be on a DR site or in the off-site storage, that's all.

Of course, mirroring makes that much easier, because your DR system is just
waiting to be IPLed. You have to send less stuff off-site, a lot of it can
be kept on disks. Anything that you may need *before* you bring up VM, and
that answers questions where is...? has to be either in the DR manual or
in the hardcopy report on the DR site.

My recent experience is also with mirroring - two sites running half of
production load each, disk mirroring each way. LPAR configs were identical
between sites and DR meant logging on one second level VM on each surviving
VM(*) and PROFILE and other EXECs would take care of the rest. But I still
miss the good ol' days of walking into a DR site and actually *doing
something* to restore the system. Oh, wait, maybe I don't. It's just
nostalgia. I was just much younger then. :-)


(*) I don't suggest this setup unless you have plenty of storage and zero
paging in production LPARs. At least that.

Re: Rookie question z/VM Linux vol and z/OS backup

2009-12-02 Thread Ivica Brodaric
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Scott Rohling scott.rohl...@gmail.comwrote:

 My experience is that unless you actually do the FORMAT of cylinder 0 --
 you 'may' end up with the VTOC issue described.   We had a new volume - and
 just did a LABEL on it -- and had the same issue.   We then did the FORMAT
 of cylinder 0 - and did not.   So ever since -- my 'clip' script does a
 FORMAT rather than just a LABEL - and the issue disappeared.   While z/VM
 seems happy enough just doing the LABEL and using it -- z/OS did not.

ICKDSF CPVOLUME LABEL, as well as CPFMTXA ... LABEL, rewrites the volume
label *only* and leaves the rest of the label record unchanged. These two
commands should be used only on volumes that are already formatted. If the
volume was previously initialised for z/OS with ICKDSF INIT, record 3 will
be there and you may just update the label, but your VTOC will stay where it
is and it can be anywhere. Ownerid surely won't be CPVOL and allocation
map won't be there. If you later decide to make such volume CPOWNED without
formatting cyl 0, but just doing ALLOCATE, results will still be

CPVOLUME FORMAT writes six records into cyl 0, trk 0: IPL, checkpoint,
label, allocation, and two VTOC records. IPL record will put the system into
a wait state if this volume is IPL-ed and there's no CP; checkpoint record
is all zeros and may be used by CP for a warm start; label record will have
a pointer to the first VTOC record and CPVOL in the ownerid field, letting
CP look for a checkpoint record if it wants to; allocation record will be
all PERM; VTOC will look full. CPVOLUME LABEL doesn't do any of this.

If you want to use the disk in VM, you should format cylinder 0. If you then
copy that disk to a disk of a different size, then you may use LABEL to
relabel it, ALLOCATE to update the allocation record, and REFVTOC to refresh
the VTOC records with a new disk size (so that z/OS doesn't cry).


Re: Rookie question z/VM Linux vol and z/OS backup

2009-12-02 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Sorry for duplicating. I see Alan's and Scott's last e-mails only now.

Re: What is $$$$$$ and $$$lnx on dirmap

2009-11-25 Thread Ivica Brodaric
There are also decoder forms on the net, e.g:

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:24 AM, P S wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Ivica Brodaric


 It's text encoding I think. From David's e-mail:

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

 Try to change to Unicode (UTF-8). It shows OK in Gmail with Safari browser 
 set to Western (ISO Latin 1).

 It's Base64, all right, but it's not something Jim can control.

 But here's a tip: if you ever really, really want to read a note that's
 been misinterpreted by your mailer, and you can get the note with all the
 headers, save them into a file with extension .mm and open it with WinZip.
 It will un-MIME it. The only thing you won't be able to read (again,
 assuming you have all the headers) is Microsoft TNEF (which usually appears
 as winmail.dat). For that, use Fentun ( Actually Fentun
 may be able to read the note as well as WinZip does; I haven't messed with
 it in years.

Re: What is $$$$$$ and $$$lnx on dirmap

2009-11-24 Thread Ivica Brodaric

It's text encoding I think. From David's e-mail:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Try to change to Unicode (UTF-8). It shows OK in Gmail with Safari
browser set to Western (ISO Latin 1).


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Jim Bohnsack wrote:

I use Mozilla Thunderbird as my email program and David's email below is
 greek to me.  If you are seeing it in readable text, let me know what kind
 of font or viewing option you use.  I see a string of mixed case alpha and
 numeric characters, right and left aligned.


 David Boyes wrote:









 Jim Bohnsack
 Cornell University
 (972) 596-6377 home/office
 (972) 342-5823 cell

Re: Z/VM 5.4 and VM:Secure running a CLOSED security system

2009-11-23 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Now that thare's more info, that looks to me like a bug in VM:Secure.
If VM:Secure was running without error messages and was never brought down
and if it correctly resolved the rules for a user that is a member of a
security group only after it left/rejoined the same group, then that is a
bug. Changing NORULE in SECURITY CONFIG should work on the fly. I would
report it to CA.


Re: Z/VM 5.4 and VM:Secure running a CLOSED security system

2009-11-21 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 That's correct, and should be investigated, but if there are any other
 rules that allow this link, then


 should not tell you that the LINK would be rejected via NORULE DEFAULT.

 I agree, but if it says that the link would be rejected, then it should be
rejected. Something is very wrong somewhere.

I see one possible scenario:

1. 'CPACTION * ACCEPT' record in VMXRPI CONFIG (used to generate HCPRPx
modules) telling CP to allow everything if the rules facility is not running
2. Rules facility is not running.

If rules are not running, would QRULES command tell you that? Or would it
just check the rules database?

I would:

1. Run VMSECURE QCPCFG from authorised user (VMRMAINT should be) to verify
all CPACTION settings in the currently running CP.
2. Check that VMSECURE userid's directory entry has IUCV *RPI MSGLIMIT 65535
3. Check the VMSECURE console messages and make sure that rules facility
initialises correctly.
4. Run VMSECURE RULEMAP USER userid to display all rules that apply to
that userid. Run other RULEMAP commands
5. Check all system, group, and user rule files to know what should be
6. Call CA support.


Re: Z/VM 5.4 and VM:Secure running a CLOSED security system

2009-11-20 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 I may have discovered something regarding a GROUP rule.

There are also explicit and default rules for system and groups. Check them
all. The rules hierarchy is:

1. Systems rules
2. Group rules
3. User rules
4. Group default rules
5. System default rules

NORULE record is processed only if applicable rule is not found in any of
the 1-5 above (in that order).


Re: SFS information

2009-10-30 Thread Ivica Brodaric
SC24-6074-01 CMS File Pool Planning, Administration, and Operation

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) wrote:


 I want to start using SFS what manuals best describe how to configure and
 implement SFS fro z/VM 5.3?

 *Thank You,*

 *Terry Martin*

 *Lockheed Martin - Information Technology*

 *z/OS  z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning*

 *Cell - 443 632-4191*

 *Work - 410 786-0386*


 *WFH on Tuesdays and Fridays*

Re: Modify Command question

2009-08-14 Thread Ivica Brodaric
You're welcome, Marcy!
Yes, it is unintuitive (a lot), but at least you can use one command to
change the privilege classes, since it's the only one with IBMCLASS B under
QUERY VIRTUAL. If it was put under general QUERY, then using SUBCMD *
IBMCLASS B would change more than one subcommand and you'd have to save the
status before the change, and undo the collateral damage after. However,
that's exactly what you'd have to do now if you wanted to change privilege
classes for querying *virtual* addresses.

It would be good to name the currently nameless subcommands that represent
addresses so that they can be easily selected with SUBCMD, and then put the
one representing real addresses under general QUERY, where it belongs. But
what do you call real/virtual/logical device address in one name without
suggesting it's a name of the operand of QUERY command? Maybe DEVICE?


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 12:53 AM, Marcy Cortes wrote:

 Thank you, Ivica!  That works.
 And the help kinda does kinda say to do that.  But using the word VIRTUAL
 to change the REAL rdev command threw me.


 This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If
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 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
 Behalf Of Ivica Brodaric
 Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [IBMVM] Modify Command question

 cp modify command query virtual subcmd * ibmclass b privclasses bq

 You have to say VIRTUAL and IBMCLASS B. To check before and after, do
 CP LOCATE CMDBK QUERY VIRTUAL SUBCMD * and look for two lines with blank
 as subcommand name (after XSTORE). You're changing one with ibmclass B.


Re: Console spool?

2009-08-11 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 You make it sound so grandiose.  :-)

Hmm, yes I went on for a while didn't I? I hope my story was illustrative
and easy to remember at least.

Re: Console spool?

2009-08-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 q v cons
 0009 3215   NOEOF OPEN 0044 NOKEEP NOMSG   NAME CONLOG   20090810
 0009 SUBCHANNEL = 0003

As Alan already correctly predicted, you have your console spooled CONT
(continuous). That means that you want to append multiple files to the same
output spool file. It's useful, for example, if you want to print or punch
multiple files as one spool member. In the case of console output, CP CLOSE
CONSOLE closes one output console file  and, since console is still
STARTed, a new console file is immediately opened in the same spool member.
Spool member will be closed when you issue CP SPOOL CONSOLE CLOSE, and a new
spool member will be opened and a first console file in it until you issue


Re: Clean Linux Guest Shutdown

2009-06-04 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 When I issue the shutdown, vm shuts down before most if not all linux
 guests have responded or completed shutdown; always within a minute or two.

Are you using IMMEDIATE operand of SHUTDOWN command? IMMEDIATE doesn't mean
now, it means without sending any signals.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Packing Methods

2009-04-30 Thread Ivica Brodaric
If your main concern is impact on users and you have a speedy link between
the sites, then by all means use hardware compression only. If your link is
slow or there is other traffic on it, you may consider software compression
and then muzzle the backup application using priorities etc. I personally
prefer hardware only, wherever possible. Although software+hardware
compression produces less tapes, both backups and restores may still take
longer regardless of CPU availability (YMMV). Also, if you are prepared to
waste CPU cycles just because you can (e.g. nothing else is running), be
mindful that job schedules may change...


Re: Dirmaint Broken?

2009-04-17 Thread Ivica Brodaric
How did you update the size of MAINT 123? Using GET/REPLACE or using
DMDISK/AMDISK? If you used the latter, then maybe you forgot to use
KEEPLINKS operand of DMDISK. Without that, a LINK to MAINT 123 in DIRMAINT's
(and any other) directory entry would be deleted when you delete MAINT 123.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Private Subnet for Hipersocket connections

2009-01-14 Thread Ivica Brodaric
 All I know is that my network folks tell me they can't give me anything more
 than a few class 'C' subnets and those require justification.

Sounds like a standard, prudent, response from the Networking People -
never give away too much of what you have too easily and never give an
impression of having too much of something to give in the first place.

How many hipersockets do you have? You'll probably want one class C
subnet per hipersocket, but depending on the number of hosts connected
to the hipersocket, that might be a waste of addresses. Even if they
give you only one class C subnet, you'll get 256 addresses which you
can then divide into smaller subnets and use each of those for a
particular hipersocket.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Is there a usable XEDIT FIND ?

2008-12-19 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Use LOCATE as previously mentioned, or just a forward slash followed by a
search string. Also look at ALL, which would show you all lines containing a
search string. Check out SET ZONE as well.
Ivica Brodaric

Re: IPGATE not creating CONNECTion to a DB2/VM server

2008-12-13 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Try increasing MAXCONN value in CSIDB202's directory entry. 48 can be enough
for a DB2 server. However, by introducing IPGATE and its APPC/VM
connections, you might just be unlucky to hit that limit.
For a SFS server, you'd monitor the high watermark for the number of
connections with QUERY FILEPOOL OVERVIEW, but I don't know which DB2/VM
command would reveal this.


Re: Shark Retiring

2008-12-09 Thread Ivica Brodaric
To speed things up, you may also define primary and secondary pairs before
you run ICKDSF with ERASEDATA. That will ease the load on the channels (or
halve the time required to erase everything) and make the subsystem do extra
work for you. Then maybe break the pairs, swap the primaries and secondaries
and rerun the erase. You may even define multiple secondaries for the same
primary, but I'm not sure if you can do it on the Shark.

Re: Shark Retiring

2008-12-09 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 Then maybe break the pairs, swap the primaries and secondaries and rerun
 the erase.

To be clear, break the pairs only after they are fully synced.


Re: Shark Retiring

2008-12-09 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 A process like rewriting data with different patterns is modeled after
 traditional technology. We know at least of some DASD subsystems where
 the remaining 24 rewrites would not cause writing at the same location
 on a disk, and thus not achieve what you meant to do. Those funny
 patterns tend to compress very well and thus may postpone rewriting
 the actual data for quite some time. These devices also implement
 different RAID levels which may have implications w.r.t. traces of
 data remaining in the subsystem.

If you have a modern DASD subsystem and you want to throw it away, then you
may want to remove the disk drives and destroy them or have them destroyed.
It's quick and easy to verify. If you want to get a good price on the second
hand market for your subsystem, then obviously you will include the drives,
but then you first have to do whatever *you* can to destroy the data before
trusting somebody else with it. SE will tell you that (s)he can delete the
LUNs (maybe you can do that too), RAID groups etc. and that it is impossible
to recreate them by avoiding the format function and in a way so that they
point to the same bits of data scattered in random locations on hard drives
and cache in exactly the same sequence so that they resemble your DASDs in
the end. And (s)he is probably right, but the bottom line is your data is
still there unless you wipe it off and SE will be reluctant to spend hours
running some low level utility (which I'm sure they have) to erase the
disks, especially if they are not paid to do so. So, run your ICKDSF's as
many times as you can from as many worker machines as your channels permit
and then convince the SE to do everything (s)he can to destroy the data.
Other than that, and since the original question was about Shark, use IBM's
service mentioned above if you can afford it.


Re: Shark Retiring

2008-12-08 Thread Ivica Brodaric
On Mac OS X's Disk Utility there are Secure Erase Options and under a 7-Pass
Erase it says that it meets the US Department of Defense 5220-22 M standard
for securely erasing magnetic media. There is also a 35-Pass Erase option
with no standard attached to it. I always wondered why is it there...
Hmmm... But let me get a calculator to find out how long would that take...
Umm, no, I'll need a calendar.
A 10mm drill bit cuts through the plates like a butter. 10 seconds tops.
Easy to verify too. They can look through my data now!

I guess a bullet would be ever faster, but a bit harder to implement on
site. Collateral damage might not be acceptable to the neighbours. And it's
a piece of technology after all - drilling it is like an euthanasia...

When is Friday???



2008-10-05 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 It depends on the application. The fact that you can is no guarantee
 the application will.


I mentioned IPGATE only as a way to prove the idea in case if Richard is
still in the planning stage only and doesn't have his own application ready
for testing yet. As he said that he has the control of the EXEC that creates
the sockets, I presume that he would know how those sockets are opened.
IPGATE does open an IUCV connection for each local resource, but those
connections count towards IPGATE server machine's MAXCONN number, not the
TCPIP machine's MAXCONN, which is what Richard is concerned about. IPGATE
does only one socket initialize, and then uses one additional socket for
each active remote user/local resource pair and one additional socket for
every defined remote resource, if I understand it correctly. I just thought
that this could be used as a test case.



2008-10-04 Thread Ivica Brodaric
If you are worried about MAXCONN in general, RSCS LPR links use one IUCV
link to the stack each.
For applications, check IPGATE if you have it. It does only one
socket('INITIALIZE') in the top level routine, but creates new sockets for
each userid/APPC resource pair. According to previous post, it should use
only one IUCV link to the stack.


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Schuh, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What consumes the connections specified in the MAXCONN option of the
 TCPIP machine's directory? Does each open socket consume 1 connection, or is
 it 1 connection for each guest that opens 1 or more sockets?

 Richard Schuh


2008-09-22 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 So if I understand LOGONBY it simply allows a user to logon to lets say
 TCPMAINT using the user's own PASSWORD. Does this mean you still use
 TCPMAINT as the userid?

That's correct. LOGONBY will let a user logon to TCPMAINT using his own
userid and password of his own userid (the command will be LOGON TCPMAINT
BY userid). That will leave an audit trail of *who* logged on to TCPMAINT
and when. But the main advantage of LOGONBY is that user does not need to
know TCPMAINT's password. That also means that you can change it without
having to tell anyone about it.

If you set *yourself* with LOGONBY to all system-type userids, you will
not have to remember multiple passwords, just your own. Then, you can even
let your ESM generate random passwords for userids like TCPMAINT, because
you don't really have to know it either. NB, don't do this (random
passwords) until you are comfortable with LOGONBY. Just don't tell anyone
about the passwords.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Network-SLES10

2008-09-17 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 it is about the only place where the real and virtaul nomenclature goes
 Weird.  We always used to speculate that the DEDICATE statement was written
 by a Waterloo co-op on a
 work term.  Long ago and far away.

Let me guess - they first wrote DEDICATE and tried to conform to the rule of
having the virtual address as a first parameter, but after they heard the
roar of sysprogs, they left the LINK the way it is. :-)


2008-09-16 Thread Ivica Brodaric
CMS knows about the formatted section of the disk, as Alan explained above.
However, don't get cocooned into thinking that CMS knows everything. It
certainly doesn't know that you made an error. If you went to reformat that
disk with CMS's FORMAT command, you would have destroyed not only the
intended portion (in your case 120 cylinders) but all 158 cylinders that you
defined as a size. That means that you would have reformatted the first 38
cylinders of a minidisk that follows MAINT CF1 (which is probably MAINT CF2)
and you would not know it until you IPL that system and try to access the
MAINT CF2 or do QUERY CPDISK and see that MAINT CF2 is not on the list. So,
in this respect, you *were* lucky.
Ivica Brodaric

Re: Partially Successful: OpenVMS on System z

2008-09-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
 **grin** Anybody interested?

 It could get me my job back! :-)

I was dumped together with the IBM boxes (well, not at the same time, to
save me from the impact) when my employer was taken over by another company
which ran similar applications on OpenVMS. Sadly, they then outsourced the
operations to EDS (HP), so I don't think there could be an IBM sale there.
But you never know...


Re: VMFTP Return Code -5

2008-09-03 Thread Ivica Brodaric
OK, so you are running active FTP, no firewalls, your macros always get the
connection and successfully do CWD. In that case, apart from looking at the
FTP server's log (a good suggestion I sadly didn't think of), you may also
setup a packet sniffer and filter all traffic between server's ports 20-21
and client's IP address. Find a failing session and a working one by
timestamp. Compare the results. Look for the order of the packets before the
first data block is sent. Check that the ACK's are in proper place, etc.
This is a bit laborious, so start with the server log. Packet trace may come
handy if you open a PMR.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: VMFTP Return Code -5

2008-09-02 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I mean, if you don't get a connection, then RC -5 on PUT would be correct.
Could this be the case?


Re: Dirmaint Mdisk Allocation

2008-08-20 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Maybe you have them as 3390-03 in REGIONS section and 3390-3 (no leading
zero) in DEFAULTS? I think they must match exactly or it will take the size
of 3390 as defined in DEFAULTS. Try changing the default size for 3390 to

Re: Portable z/VM help?

2008-08-06 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 And I did get used to the improved layout of the PDF books.

I use PDF format for longer reading, BookManager format for quick search. If
you download whole bookshelves, they come with bookshelf indexes which let
you search even multiple bookshelves pretty quickly.

Mind you, I just went to open a PDF file from within Softcopy Reader and it
resorts to command window both on Win XP and Vista. Obviously, something is
broken there (it used to work, scout's honor!). Maybe no support for Acrobat


Re: Portable z/VM help?

2008-08-05 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Have a look at IBM Softcopy Librarian and IBM Softcopy Reader (both free):

You need Windows with Java for both. The Librarian lets you download (or
import from CDs) and maintain the manuals in repository on your PC (and copy
or sync that repository to a network location), while Reader lets you search
and, well, read them. Both support manuals in BookManager and PDF format. I
keep everything I might ever want for multiple releases of operating systems
and accompanying products on my laptop and it's indeed well worth the space.

BTW and OT, both these products being in Java and Softcopy Reader having a
Linux version as well, one might hope there would be a Mac version at some
time in the not too distant future. But then again, one may always be
hopelessly naive and optimistic...


Re: cp_owned .v. user_volume

2008-08-05 Thread Ivica Brodaric
CP will, mercifully, not allow you to DETACH the CP OWNED volumes from
SYSTEM. You can DETACH all other volumes if there are no active links to

Also, if you have a guest that wants to attach some disks by virtue of
DEDICATE directory statement, that guest will like those disks FREE, so you
may want to exclude them from the user volume list or detach them from
SYSTEM by some other means before the said guest comes up. If you want to
keep your user volume list simple, you can do the detach work in AUTOLOGx
user for example.

Re: HiperSockets

2008-07-28 Thread Ivica Brodaric
You can use the same address triplets in all LPARs. In other words, you can
use all 24 addresses in every LPAR. If you have more than one connection to
the CHPID from within the *same* LPAR (e.g. VM's TCPIP stack and LINUX
guests), then,  of course, you must use different triplets there. In z/VM,
you can still attach, for example, E000-E002 to TCPIP and then other
triplets (E003-E005, E006-E008, ...) to LINUX guests always as virtual
E000-E002. That may make LINUX duplication easier.

Re: z/VM IPL

2008-07-27 Thread Ivica Brodaric
What did you put in Operator_consoles in SYSTEM CONFIG? That defines where
will you get the first messages after the IPL. You have to give us a bit
more than it doesn't come up. There are many things in VM that may or may
not come up depending on how you configure it.
When you say remotely I assume you mean that you are accessing VM through
TCPIP and you are not getting a signon screen.

Did you put 'XAUTOLOG TCPIP' in PROFILE EXEC of AUTOLOG1 user? If you
didn't, TCPIP stack will not come up. That's just one thing that may not
come up.

Which reader files were you going through? How can you possibly go through
reader files if the system didn't come up?


Re: z/VM IPL

2008-07-27 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Are you sitting in front of a PC with terminal emulator or a local terminal?
If you are using a local terminal, put 'CP ENABLE ALL' in PROFILE EXEC of
But, in any case, describe us the problem a bit more. Plain words are fine.
And don't worry, no problem is too big or too small for us. :-)


Re: z/VM IPL

2008-07-27 Thread Ivica Brodaric
OK, so TCPIP didn't come up? Logon to TCPMAINT user and inspect its reader
files. That's where the TCPIP's console goes by default.

Re: Adding Paging Dynamically

2008-07-26 Thread Ivica Brodaric
WARM start will be fine as long as you didn't change the order of disks that
contain spool areas. To get the list of all disks that contain spool areas
the way the running system sees them, do CP Q ALLOC SPOOL.

If you changed the order of disks that contain spool areas, the safest way
to go is to backup the spool with SPXTAPE DUMP, do CLEAN start, restore the
spool with SPXTAPE LOAD and re-IPL the system.

COLD start erases all ordinary spool files but leaves SDF files which you
don't want to lose. If you change the order of the spool packs, doing COLD
start may not save you - you can still lose some SDF files and Murphy's law
says that CMS NSS will be one of them.

CLEAN start erases everything and, if you are in a hurry, you *have* to
restore at least SDF files (use SDF option of SPXTAPE LOAD) and re-IPL to
have the system the way you know it. You can then restore the rest of the
spool (RDR, PRT and PUN files) at your leisure. One more word of warning:
immediately after CLEAN start, you will not have CMS NSS, so you will not be
able to IPL CMS anywhere. Use IPL 190 instead.


Re: Question on how RSU maintenance is being handled with DIRMAINT and RACF in the picture

2008-07-16 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 In order to be more democratic and accommodating, we could have a CANCEL
 button that said:
  CANCEL not allowed.  You must press OK.  Press CANCEL to press OK.
 Press OK to CANCEL the CANCEL and then press OK.

Maybe expand the choice with one more option: If you still wish to press
CANCEL to NOT press OK which cancels the CANCEL and presses OK, contact your
Systems Programmer. :-)

Re: Presenting Additional ECKD devices to Linux Guest Dynamically

2008-06-01 Thread Ivica Brodaric
You cannot LINK real DASD but you can ATTACH real DASD as a virtual address
to your Linux guest. You can run LINK command from your guest and ATTACH
command from any authorised user (normally a user with a privilege class B;
MAINT normally has that authorisation).
Both LINK and ATTACH commands will survive Linux re-boot but not LOGOFF of
your guest virtual machine. To make things permanent, you have to add a LINK
directory control statement (to make LINK command permanent) and DEDICATE
directory control statement (to make ATTACH command permanent) to the user
directory entry for that guest and then compile the directory and bring it
online using a method implemented on your site (DIRECTXA, DIRMAINT,
VM:Secure, ...). Be mindful of the order of operands for DEDICATE - it's
DEDICATE vdev rdev, i.e. the reverse of what you specify for ATTACH.


On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) 

 Hi Alan,

 Thanks for the info. One other question. Can I LINK the real DASD device
 address AS a virtual address? LINK * 513D 800. I asked this because up
 to this point I have presented the DASD to the Linux guest via the USER
 DIRECTORY entry as VIRTUAL addresses so I would like to stay consistent
 when I LINK them dynamically while the guest is active.

 If the guest is re-booted will the LINKED DASD is be there after the
 re-boot or would I need to re-LINK?

 Does it matter whether I issue the LINK via the MAINT user or does it
 have to be done from the guest itself?

 This is my first attempt at z/VM and z/Linux so if the questions sound
 elementary until I sort this all out, I apologize.

 Thanks, Terry

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Alan Ackerman
 Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 10:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Presenting Additional ECKD devices to Linux Guest

 On Sat, 31 May 2008 15:29:56 -0400, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)

 I am running z/VM 5.3 with a RedHat 4.6 z/Linux (Kernel level 2.6.9-67)
 guest. I need to give this guest some more ECKD DASD. I want to do this
 dynamically. As far as I knew to accomplish this I should only need to
 add the devices to the User Directory bring that new Directory online
 (DIRECTXA USER). At this point on the Linux side they need to do some
 things to see the new device.

 Updating the directory for a virtual machine has no effect on the
  machine, until the virtual
 machine is next logged on. For a virtual machine that is already logged
 n, you will have to log off
 and log back on again.

 If you want the virtual machine to stay logged on, you can either ATTACH
 the device to the virtual
 machine, or ATTACH it to SYSTEM and then LINK to it from the virtual

 Alan Ackerman
 Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com

Re: Presenting Additional ECKD devices to Linux Guest Dynamically

2008-06-01 Thread Ivica Brodaric
There is another way of making things permanent - through PROFILE EXEC, but
I suggest you stick with the directory for these commands.

Also, if you are new to VM, I suggest you stick with minidisks - they are so
much more convenient that you have to have a good reason to use dedicated
DASD. When you attach a real DASD to a user, then only that user can use it
and it doesn't appear in DIRMAP listing, so you'll have to remember that
that disk belongs to a Linux guest. There are however some performance
benefits in using dedicated DASD (no cylinder address translation plus I/O
assist), but if you have fast DASDs with lots of cache in the controller,
which is common these days, you won't see the difference, especially if you
use minidisk caching on top of that. Dedicating DASD can still make sense
for a large production z/OS or z/VSE guests where you want to extract the
last drop of performance, but for Linux guests, IMHO, there's not much point
unless you have a huge (multi-disk) database or something like that.
If you want to give a Linux guest a whole-DASD worth of space, I suggest you
attach it to SYSTEM, define the cylinder 0 as a minidisk belonging to
$ALLOC$ user (to avoid accidental overwriting of DASD volume label) and the
rest of the DASD as a minidisk belonging to the Linux guest. To attach the
DASD to SYSTEM at VM IPL time, the DASD volume label has to be included in
user volume list in SYSTEM CONFIG.


Re: Real device number assignments

2008-05-30 Thread Ivica Brodaric
2 CECs, both having their local DASD addresses in 6000-6FFF range, and
remote (the other CEC's) ones in 7000-7FFF range.

Re: Console Messages Problem

2008-05-28 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 I think it was related to a problem we are having with the operator
 terminal. I am having the terminal replaces.

Try PROP (Programmable Operator). It runs disconnected (and collects all
messages and may automatically act upon them).


Re: Hipersockets - xposted to VM-L IBM-Main

2008-05-27 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Maybe you are not even using port name on z/OS. I don't know much about
z/OS, so I cannot help you find it, but even if you are not using port name
in z/OS, you have to be sure that nothing else comes up before the z/OS
guest, connects to the hipersocket and changes port name from nothing into
something.(1) Did you check your z/VSE stack for a port name?
(2) Did you have a chance to reset the hipersocket CHPID (vary off the CHPID
from all LPARs *at the same time*, then vary it on to all)?

I remember that on z800 hardware port names could differ in one character
out of eight (but one only), and microcode check would pass. Eg, port names
HSOA1 and HSOB1 were OK, but not HSOB2. Later on I found out that this is in
fact how it worked. This applied both to hipersockets and OSA's. From z990
onwards, this slack was removed and from then on all port names must be
identical or not used at all. So, if you don't really need port names (and
z/VM allows you to not use them from release 4.4 onwards), this exercise of
removing them is well worth your while. And if you do (1) and (2) above, you
will at least be sure that port name is *not* your problem. Then, we'll dig


On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Mark Pace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for the late reply, I've been on vacation.  (some of you may remember

 I do not see where you would specify a port name on z/OS.  I've tried to
 remove the port names from the z/VM definitions, but thus far it has not
 made a difference.

 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 3:32 AM, Alan Altmark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Monday, 05/12/2008 at 01:53 EDT, Stephen Frazier
  My recollection is that the port name must be the same everywhere or
  Try removing your port names and see if that works.

 Port names are meaningful to z/OS, not Linux or z/VM. It is ok if some are
 using port names and others are not.  If you are using port names, then
 all users must have the same port name.  First one in wins.

 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

 Mark Pace
 Mainline Information Systems

Re: Hipersockets

2008-05-27 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 A mismatched port name on an OSA creates an initialization error.

Correct, but with a caveat explained in the other thread (yes for z990
onwards, before z990 one character could mismatch. I know it sounds weird,
but that's the way it worked)

In any case, HiperSockets do not have port names.

Ummm, no. They can be specified for HiperSocket connection in DEVICE
statement in VM and in DEFINE LINK statement in VSE. And after peeking into
some z/OS manuals, I found that even z/OS is not oblivious to port names.
From z/OS V1R9.0 Communications Server IP Configuration Guide:

Therefore, there are two types of HiperSockets devices:

   - DYNAMICXCF HiperSockets device or interface (TRLE IUTIQDIO and an MPC
   group of subchannel devices). The PORTNAME will be IUTIQDxx, where xx = the
   IQD CHPID that VTAM(R) uses (for example, IUTIQDFD when using IQD CHPID
   - A user-defined HiperSockets device or interface (TRLE IUTIQDxx and an
   MPC group of subchannel devices). The PORTNAME is not applicable for this

In both cases, the TRLE is dynamically built by VTAM.

end quote

I presume that we have a user-defined HiperSocket here, but in the response
to Q LAN DETAILS command for the virtual LAN that Mark defined to test the
connection to the VM stack via virtual HiperSocket there is a following

Adapter Owner: ZOS19NIC: 0724  Name: *IUTIQDFF*

That Name: at the end is port name (not device name). If the portname was
not used by z/OS, it should've said Name: UNASSIGNED. So which one is it?
DYNAMICXCF or user-defined? And why did it work anyway? Maybe virtual
HiperSocket is more lax towards the port names than real HiperSocket,
because Mark says that the connection over the virtual HiperSocket worked.

I also do not want to overly emphasize this port name thing, but I still
think that it is worth while clearing.

I think Mark said that he copied z/OS from the LPAR to a guest on VM,
changed the home IP address and attached the real HiperSocket device trio to
z/OS guest as the same addresses that z/OS expects. So I don't think that we
will get any further by doing that again, except that this new copy of z/OS
will be unmodified. Maybe still worth a try...

Your point 1 seems to be in contradiction with the quote above, but I'll
believe you have your reasons.

Your point about MFS and MTU is great. I can't see nothing wrong in NETSTAT
HOME and NETSTAT GATE responses provided in the other thread, but I noticed
there that packet size is 57344 (56K) for IUTLNK1 link. How does that work?
Does z/OS automatically adjust the MTU of the interface when the device is
activated? This would indicate that CHPID is defined with OS=C0 (64K

Mark, when you defined a virtual HiperSocket, you used default MFS of 16K as
I see in QUERY LAN response. Try with MFS 64K operand in DEFINE LAN. Just to
remove any difference between the real and virtual HiperSocket...

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Hipersockets - xposted to VM-L IBM-Main

2008-05-13 Thread Ivica Brodaric
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Alan Altmark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Port names are meaningful to z/OS, not Linux or z/VM. It is ok if some are
 using port names and others are not.  If you are using port names, then
 all users must have the same port name.  First one in wins.

Which means - if z/OS LPAR connects to hipersocket first (not using port
name), then z/VM connects next (using port name XYZ), then z/OS guest (which
may be an image copy of z/OS in LPAR) will have to use portname XYZ. Right?

There is also z/VSE guest on the diagram provided in another thread. z/VSE's
stack (at least if it is a CSI stack) can also optionally specify port name
on the DEFINE LINK statement.

AFAIK, there is no way to query the current port name for the real
hipersocket and no way to reset it to nothing. So, to clear this, detach all
connections from the hipersocket, define them all without port name (or with
the same port name if you insist), vary off the hipersocket CHPID from all
LPARs, vary it on to all LPARs and reconnect all stacks.

Re: Hipersockets - xposted to VM-L IBM-Main

2008-05-09 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Does anything that connects to hipersocket (or your OSA, which you say has a
similar problem) set a portname through DEVICE statement? PORTNAME is not
required since z/VM 4.4 (or 4.3 with a PTF and a certain microcode level),
and I see you are on z/VM 5.2 and you don't use it on DEVICE statement in
z/OS, but maybe something else sets it? If it does, I *think* you still have
to use same portname with any subsequently activated connection to that
shared adapter (hipersocket or OSA). That said, the fact that hipersocket
device *does* initialise in the guest z/OS is confusing, but I don't know
much about z/OS.
Ivica Brodaric

Re: The list it to quiet, here's something to work on.

2008-03-06 Thread Ivica Brodaric
The statement if m d=2*2*2   3*3*3 then do; works because multiplication
is higher priority than concatenation which in turn is higher than
comparison. And, of course, multiple blanks between two expressions evaluate
as concatenation with a single blank between.
Order of precedence in REXX is: prefix, power, multiply/divide,
add/subtract, concatenation, comparison, and, or/xor.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: Impromptu XEDIT Survey

2008-02-20 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I like it on the right. I can concentrate easier that way.
And the command line on top... :-)

Ivica Brodaric

Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-15 Thread Ivica Brodaric
DIRMAINT groups all LINKs first, MDISKs next. What makes it do it and can
this be disabled, I can't remember. Possibly SORT_BY_DEVICE_ADDRESS in
I found the following in DIRMAINT's Tailoring and Administration Guide
(SC24-6135), chapter 3.13 (this is how it treats USER INPUT file. Read Note

Comments in a non-System Affinity source directory (a directory that does
not use the SYSAFFIN keyword in its internal form) must follow the directory
statement to which they apply. DirMaint will re-order the sequence in which
directory statements are placed, keeping comments associated with the
previous real statement. For example, given the following directory segment:
MDISK 0197 3380 DEVNO 00AF .
* This comment is associated with the MDISK 0197 statement.
* So is this comment.
MDISK 0191 3380 DEVNO 00AA .
* This comment is associated with the MDISK 0191 statement.
* So is THIS comment.
After the directory is manipulated and sorted by address (a selectable
option) the same directory segment will appear as follows:
MDISK 0191 3380 DEVNO 00AA .
* This comment is associated with the MDISK 0191 statement.
* So is THIS comment.
MDISK 0197 3380 DEVNO 00AF .
* This comment is associated with the MDISK 0197 statement.
* So is this comment.


1. When DirMaint removes any directory statement, the comments that follow
that statement are not removed. This may be of particular interest when
processing a CMDISK command, as the MDISK is transferred to the DATAMOVE
machine (removing it from the user's directory) and then transferred back to
the user (but not associating it with any set of comments).
2. Blank lines are treated as comments and follow all the same rules.

Ivica Brodaric

On 16/02/2008, Horlick, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, will do.

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Alan Altmark
 Sent: February 15, 2008 10:29 AM
 Subject: Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

 On Friday, 02/15/2008 at 10:10 EST, Horlick, Michael

  The line ?LINK QALPCS 0500 0500 MW? has been shuffled after the
  ?*  360 - ZYZMGH (Master Catalog, Power, Hardcopy,Recorder,etc...)?
  So what?s the secret here?

 I would suggest opening a PMR and getting people In The Know to help

 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

Re: wakeup (iucvmsg never receives output

2008-02-13 Thread Ivica Brodaric

just before 'CP SPXTAPE...'

That sets the diversion as Rob already suggested. Add 'WAKEUP RESET' after
the end of loop.


Re: wakeup (iucvmsg never receives output

2008-02-13 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Yes, thank you Ron, 'WAKEUP +0 (IUCVMSG' just does CP SET MSG IUCV and
WAKEUP RESET puts it back to ON. To trap other stuff, you do need to
explicitly set it (and maybe IMSG/EMSG would be enough in this case). But
Phillip has to set those traps before the SPXTAPE command.
And BTW, Phillip, WAKEUP always returns one message at a time, so  there's
no need for queued(). Also, you may want to do 'CP SP CON * CL x' and 'CP SP
RDR CL x' and then instruct WAKEUP to wait for reader files as well.
SPXTAPE's log files have distinctive filenames and go to wherever your
console is spooled.

On 14/02/2008, Ron Schmiedge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wrote an exec to run on a disconnected service machine to dump the
 VM spool. It was a while ago, but I see I did a CP SET CPCONIO IUCV
 before the wakeup (iucvmsg loop. And a CP SET CPCONIO OFF before the
 wakeup (reset at the end of the loop.
 I am sure I read about this technique somewhere, perhaps in the wakeup
 documentation. But it was written quite a while ago and I tend to
 remember less these days

 On 2/13/08, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  'WAKEUP +00:00 (IUCVMSG'
  just before 'CP SPXTAPE...'
  That sets the diversion as Rob already suggested. Add 'WAKEUP RESET'
  the end of loop.

Re: PUT2PROD Error

2008-02-13 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Your problem is here:

 ST:BLDSEG  : DMSGEN1279E Error(s) occurred during SEGGEN processing.

 ST:BLDSEG  : with return code 32

Return code 32 from SEGGEN is not very helpful (and neither is NOTYPE
option). It could be many things, but my first guess would be that you don't
have current SYSTEM SEGID file on MAINT 490. If you rearrange segments, you
must always copy SYSTEM SEGID file to *both* MAINT 190 and MAINT 490. Second
guess is that 'HELPSEG PSEG A' file is not on BLDSEG's A disk (is it full?).


Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-12 Thread Ivica Brodaric
On 13/02/2008, Huegel, Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am amazed that so many people here still use 80 column '3270's..

My diopter is -4.25. What's yours?

Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-12 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 All in all, maybe the 80-col 3270 **isn't** such a bad thing.

No, it's not. I find it hard to read anything on model 5. My weary eyes go
slowly from right to left and often hit the wrong spot. And having XEDIT
prefix area on my preferred right side, it's just too far away. Model 3 is
to my liking.

And hallelujah to the good old 3278's (although you had to keep typing while
lying on the floor if you dropped them). :-)


Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-12 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 And when entering XEDIT ALL commands, the comments appear with the
 displayed statements, rather than being on a hidden line before or after the
 displayed record.  (Personally, MINIOPT has always bugged me).

Me too. The cure: Z 1 1#ALL /M/

Granted, the comments can be a little far to the right of an 80-byte wide
 the screen, but XEDIT's SET VERIFY 1 * takes care of that pretty easily.

doesn't take care of that correctly. I personally dislike lines spilling on
to the next line on screen given that SCALE doesn't spill. I hate when my
text gets cut off in that hard-to-calculate column in the second line.

F 80 is just fine for me.


Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-12 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I never meant this to be top of the list for IBM Development. There are more
pressing issues, of course. But it just annoys me that in this day and age
(yes, I'll use that phrase) all we have to describe a minidisk using
whatever we want to put in there is a minidisk label (apart from address, of
course). Not to mention other devices that don't have that 6-character
luxury. Sooo 1960's, which may be a good thing (but so was Y2K, for my back
I mean, what does TCP191 tell you? Is it TCPIP or TCPMAINT? I won't even go
to TC0191. And how many times did we forget to change the label after
changing the minidisk address? Q MDISK was invented because Q DISK couldn't
tell you enough and was possibly telling you the wrong thing. So why not
give us a bit more that we can change *at the same time* when we change
something in the directory?
I don't care if that comment or device name is in the directory or CP
gets it from somewhere else (but where else?). Not putting rubbish in those
comments would be just a matter of common sense which you can't rely on, but
if one wants to put something stupid like a URL of MP3 of disk spinning in
that field, so what? The advantage of being able to name a disk CMS Apply
Level n to a newbie (and even to me, considering a rate of my brain cell
depletion) overweighs that. And I can think of much worse ways of bloating
the directory like not using profiles where you can.

I would also like to see it added in CP DEFINE. Call it DEVDESC or DEVNAME,
or whatever.

One has to be careful though not to introduce an ambiguity in design, so
that applications and guest OSs of the future don't hijack it for their own
selfish purpose (you can put anything in this field unless you use XXX, in
which case it has to be structured). I'd hate to see /LINUX SWAPFILE
MAKEONCE or ;TCPIP MAILME WHEN DEAD as device description. But that could
even be a feature, depending on your view. We already have RSCS...

Again, this is not very important, but could open some new doors in the
future and make our VM a bit more modern and palatable to newbies.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
5. Make the syntax similar to the one in SYSTEM CONFIG6. Integrate it into
SYSTEM CONFIG via INCLUDE and keep the source directory on PARM disks.
7. Define the DRCT space in SYSTEM CONFIG the way warmstart and checkpoint
areas are
8. Provide compile/nocompile option or a checkpointing system that would not
compile the directory at every IPL but would if the system is brought up on
a disaster recovery site.

I could go on. That would be NICE. But that would be quite a sweeping
change. I was arguing for a special comment statement just for MDISK because
I think that is the statement that cries for comment option the most. If I
ever put any comment into the directory, then if it is not to do with the
userid itself (which is already catered for by *) it is most likely to do
with MDISK. I would also like the minidisk comment statement to immediately
precede MDISK, not follow it. Plus your ideas 2 and 3. I would like the
comment to be query-able. I can imagine many situations where it would be
very useful and reassuring.

Ivica Brodaric

On 11/02/2008, Alan Altmark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday, 02/09/2008 at 01:15 EST, Ivica Brodaric
  How about adding COMMENT parameter in MDISKOPT? Or even MDISKC
 statement? Yes,
  it would reduce vertical readability, but there is not much space in the
  statement and if you introduce asterisk, semicolon, or any other
 character as a
  start of comment, you'd have to make sure you don't have any passwords
  look just like that. And if you use ESM that does password encryption,
  might have a password that in encrypted form looks like asterisk.

 If you're going to propose changes in directory syntax, why not go all the

 1. Add a COMMENT statement that applies to the most-recently encountered
 non-COMMENT statement
 2. Compile it into the object directory
 3. Provide a way to extract the comment (e.g. QUERY VIRT 190 DETAILS)
 4. Eliminate the F 80 requirement.

 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric

 Then you have never set up guest crypto.  :-)

I no speak English. :-)

Unlike you, I have tended
 to have far more comments on LINKs than on MDISKs, since I care more about
 *why* a user is linking rather than *what* is on the disk.

OK, LINK is crying too, but less so because it has more free space than

MINIOPT already established the precedent of a statement that adds
 information to the previous statement.  It was my intent to keep that
 model, but provide a more generally useful function.  Further, I most
 especially didn't want to compromise the syntactical integrity of existing

I agree. I suggested preceeding to visually distinguish it from MINIOPT,
but if you want to provide a general COMMENT statement tied to any
preceeding statement, I'm all for it.

As to QUERY MDISK, it could be done of course, but QUERY VIRTUAL has the
 advantage of being able to handle all virtual devices, not just MDISKS.

Again, I'm all for it. I was (maybe naively) going for a minimum effort, and
response to QUERY MDISK has a lot of free space.

Ivica Brodaric

Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-09 Thread Ivica Brodaric
How about adding COMMENT parameter in MDISKOPT? Or even MDISKC statement?
Yes, it would reduce vertical readability, but there is not much space in
the MDISK statement and if you introduce asterisk, semicolon, or any other
character as a start of comment, you'd have to make sure you don't have any
passwords that look just like that. And if you use ESM that does password
encryption, you might have a password that in encrypted form looks like
Ivica Brodaric

Re: z/VM Installation from DVD

2008-02-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric
I KNEW someone's going to say that and I do use address COMMAND, but -
obviously not in this exec. I was going to insert it now to prevent the
backlash, but since I don't have a system anymore to test the exec, I
decided against it.
Ivica Brodaric

On 08/02/2008, Kris Buelens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nicely formatted REXX, quoted what need to be, CP commands targeted
 directly to CP.  But.  Where is the ADDRESS COMMAND?  And why use
 PIPE CMS instead of PIPE COMMAND?  Running with ADDRESS CMS and PIPE
 CMS are two loaded guns too.
 Why: read our free Telecourse

 Kris Buelens,
 IBM Belgium, VM customer support

 2008/2/7, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Since you are a VM newbie (welcome!) I thought I might give you a simple
 DDRCOPY EXEC so that you are all set. I found one in my archive. Exec
 doesn't use minidisk passwords in LINK commands, so put OPTION LNKNOPAS in
 SYSDMPPR profile or work around it (depends on your security requirements).
 This exec uses another disk for backup. If you want to use a tape as output,
 you need to replace the second LINK command with ATTACH command for the tape
 drive, modify OUTPUT subcommand of DDR and replace 'COPY ALL' with 'DUMP
  One warning: This is a loaded gun. Please be careful with those
 target_addr parameters in DMPn EXECs previously mentioned. Maybe tell
 your co-worker to read them aloud for you in a melodic voice after you did
 the same. ;-)
  *** Function: Copy a minidisk with DDR
 arg userin addrin userout addrout disktype rest
 if rest ^= ''
then do
   say 'Invalid parameter:' rest'.'
   exit 3
 if disktype = ''
then disktype = '3390'
 if addrout = ''
then do
   say 'Missing parameters.'
   say 'Format: DDRCOPY userin addrin userout addrout disktype'
   say '3390  '
   exit 4
 if rc ^= 0 then exit rc
 pull . fm1 addr1
 parse value diagrc(8, 'LINK' userin addrin addr1 'RR') with rc .
 if rc ^= 0 then exit rc
 'ACCESS' addr1 fm1
 pull . fm2 addr2
 parse value diagrc(8, 'LINK' userout addrout addr2 'M') with rc .
 if rc ^= 0 then exit rc
 queue 'INPUT' addr1 disktype
 queue 'OUTPUT' addr2 disktype
 queue 'COPY ALL'
 queue 'YES'
  queue 'YES'
 call time 'R'
 src = rc
 'ACCESS' addr1 fm1
 'ACCESS' addr2 fm2
 'RELEASE' fm1
 'RELEASE' fm2
 call diag 8, 'DETACH' addr1
 call diag 8, 'DETACH' addr2
 say 'Elapsed time:' time('E')
 exit src
  Ivica Brodaric
  Not with Tabcorp anymore
  (not because of this exec - mainframe is not with Tabcorp anymore
  On 08/02/2008, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you create a PROFILE EXEC on 191 that checks who's running and
 invokes another exec if it's a dumper machine, e.g.:
   if userid() /= 'DMPADMIN' then do
  'EXEC' userid()
   and create userid EXEC for every dumper machine that you are
 actually going to use and that contains something simple (you are going to
 maintain this), e.g.:
   ' EXEC DDRCOPY $VOLS$ source_addr $VOLS$ target_addr'
   then you only need to write a DDRCOPY EXEC that will link source and
 target minidisks and invoke DDR program.
   From here you only need to maintain userid EXEC's from dump
 maintenance machine and autolog dumper machines to do the work.
On 08/02/2008, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   And if you move 191 minidisk from dumper machines to maintenance
 userid, and add a link to that minidisk as 191 RR to SYSDMPPR profile, you
 can define a pool of dumper machines, e.g.:
USER DMP password 5M 25M G
On 08/02/2008, RPN01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you can get them to use a common profile, and possibly run
 a script or
 control file that matches the userid, then there'd really be no
 need for the
 writable 191 in each dumper virtual machine. You could place the
 191 under
  either $VOLS$ or some other maintenance user, and have the
 profile just
 link it rr as well.

 We do this with all our Linux guests; they share a single 191
 minidisk, and
 the profile accounts for any differences that may be required.

.~.Robert P. Nix Mayo Foundation
/V\RO-OE-5-55200 First Street SW
   /( )\   507-284-0844

Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Not that I know. If you have a comment line about a minidisk in from of a
MDISK statement, then if you move or change a minidisk allocation using
DATAMOVE, DIRMAINT will insert a new MDISK statement not following your
visual connection with the comment line, so don't use that technique.

On 08/02/2008, Horlick, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 We have a situation that has been annoying us for quite awhile now with
 regards to DIRMAINT. When we add MDISKs for a user (especially for a VSE
 user) we usually add comment statements just before the new MDISK. No
 problem, except when we later GET the directory entry the comments are in
 the wrong place.


 I created a dummy user:

 USER TEST1 X1X2X 32M 128M G


LINK RSCS 0191 0192 RR


 *  MDISK 0191 3380 1548 3 ST160D MR ALL

 When I do a DIRM FOR TEST1 GET, I get back in my reader:

 USER TEST1 X1X2X 32M 128M G



 *  MDISK 0191 3380 1548 3 ST160D MR ALL

LINK RSCS 0191 0192 RR


 Why and how does DIRMAINT shuffle the directory entry sent to it and is
 there a way to stop it from doing so?



Re: FTP - how can I preserve date time?

2008-02-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric
For a utility to list/view/extract VMARC archives FTP-ed to other platforms
in binary see here:

On 08/02/2008, Bob Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does VMARC come as part of VM or does it have to be ordered/downloaded fr
 om IBM?

Re: FTP - how can I preserve date time?

2008-02-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric

On 08/02/2008, Bob Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does VMARC come as part of VM or does it have to be ordered/downloaded fr
 om IBM?

Re: z/VM Installation from DVD

2008-02-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric
And if you move 191 minidisk from dumper machines to maintenance userid, and
add a link to that minidisk as 191 RR to SYSDMPPR profile, you can define a
pool of dumper machines, e.g.:
USER DMP password 5M 25M G

On 08/02/2008, RPN01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you can get them to use a common profile, and possibly run a script or
 control file that matches the userid, then there'd really be no need for
 writable 191 in each dumper virtual machine. You could place the 191 under
 either $VOLS$ or some other maintenance user, and have the profile just
 link it rr as well.

 We do this with all our Linux guests; they share a single 191 minidisk,
 the profile accounts for any differences that may be required.

.~.Robert P. Nix Mayo Foundation
/V\RO-OE-5-55200 First Street SW
   /( )\   507-284-0844  Rochester, MN 55905
   ^^-^^   -
 In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
  in practice, theory and practice are different.

 On 2/6/08 3:25 PM, Aria Bamdad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 12:44:02 -0500 Hilliard, Chris said:
  I need a short lesson on backing up DASD volumes using DDR.
  Others have made good suggestions.  Over time, you may have more DASD
  that you want to dump or use multiple virtual machines that you want to
  use simultaniously to dump from.  Here is one way to address that:
  Define one dummy user that owns a full pack minidisk on each volume:
MDISK A00 3390  3339 VOLA00 RR
MDISK A01 3390  3339 VOLA01 RR
MDISK A02 3390  3339 VOLA02 RR
MDISK A03 3390  3339 VOLA03 RR
MDISK A04 3390  3339 VOLA04 RR
  Now define multiple dump users that do the dumping to tape.  These users
  will have access to the dummy account disks above.  To make it simpler,
  just define a user profile first then use that in each dump account:
  *  Profile for SYSDUMP users
CONSOLE 009 3215
SPOOL 00E 1403 A
  Now each new dump account can be define using:
MDISK 191 3390   zz W
MDISK 191 3390   zz W
  Now each dump account has a virtual address that matches the real
  address of a real DASD.  You can then do a DDR with input statements
  that point to the virtual address.
  Remember to never make this LINK or MDISK statements in write mode.
  should be in read only mode.

Re: z/VM Installation from DVD

2008-02-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric
If you create a PROFILE EXEC on 191 that checks who's running and invokes
another exec if it's a dumper machine, e.g.:
if userid() /= 'DMPADMIN' then do
   'EXEC' userid()

and create userid EXEC for every dumper machine that you are actually
going to use and that contains something simple (you are going to maintain
this), e.g.:

' EXEC DDRCOPY $VOLS$ source_addr $VOLS$ target_addr'

then you only need to write a DDRCOPY EXEC that will link source and target
minidisks and invoke DDR program.

From here you only need to maintain userid EXEC's from dump maintenance
machine and autolog dumper machines to do the work.

On 08/02/2008, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And if you move 191 minidisk from dumper machines to maintenance userid,
 and add a link to that minidisk as 191 RR to SYSDMPPR profile, you can
 define a pool of dumper machines, e.g.:
 USER DMP password 5M 25M G

 On 08/02/2008, RPN01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you can get them to use a common profile, and possibly run a script
  control file that matches the userid, then there'd really be no need for
  writable 191 in each dumper virtual machine. You could place the 191
  either $VOLS$ or some other maintenance user, and have the profile
  link it rr as well.
  We do this with all our Linux guests; they share a single 191 minidisk,
  the profile accounts for any differences that may be required.
 .~.Robert P. Nix Mayo Foundation
 /V\RO-OE-5-55200 First Street SW
/( )\   507-284-0844  Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   -
  In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
   in practice, theory and practice are different.
  On 2/6/08 3:25 PM, Aria Bamdad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 12:44:02 -0500 Hilliard, Chris said:
   I need a short lesson on backing up DASD volumes using DDR.
   Others have made good suggestions.  Over time, you may have more DASD
   that you want to dump or use multiple virtual machines that you want
   use simultaniously to dump from.  Here is one way to address that:
   Define one dummy user that owns a full pack minidisk on each volume:
 MDISK A00 3390  3339 VOLA00 RR
 MDISK A01 3390  3339 VOLA01 RR
 MDISK A02 3390  3339 VOLA02 RR
 MDISK A03 3390  3339 VOLA03 RR
 MDISK A04 3390  3339 VOLA04 RR
   Now define multiple dump users that do the dumping to tape.  These
   will have access to the dummy account disks above.  To make it
   just define a user profile first then use that in each dump account:
   *  Profile for SYSDUMP users
 CONSOLE 009 3215
 SPOOL 00C 2540 READER *
 SPOOL 00D 2540 PUNCH  A
 SPOOL 00E 1403 A
 LINK MAINT 190 190 RR
   Now each new dump account can be define using:
 MDISK 191 3390   zz W
 MDISK 191 3390   zz W
   Now each dump account has a virtual address that matches the real
   address of a real DASD.  You can then do a DDR with input statements
   that point to the virtual address.
   Remember to never make this LINK or MDISK statements in write mode.
   should be in read only mode.

Re: Old LOCK FILE problem.

2007-12-11 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Entries in your $ASIPROC.PROC should have a format of:

ss is a virtual CPUID (from 'CP SET CPUID ss' or from directory)
and  is a model number. If your virtual CPUID is not found in the list
of CPU statements in $ASIPROC.PROC, the default IPL and JCL procs are used.

Re: z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

2007-09-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Did you vary it offline from all LPARs at the same time?

On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did try toggling the chpid off/on in each of the lpars but I'm not
 sure it worked properly.
 it went from online/online to online/standby. I never did see the
 current state go to offline!

 On 9/10/07, Rich Smrcina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Resetting the ICC port will only affect the ICC users, if most of your
  users are coming in through VM's TCP/IP stack, it's not using the ICC.
  If only your console or datacenter users use the ICC, you can reset it
  without affecting your users.
  James M wrote:
   device shows enabled.
   I cannot reset the port on the hmc since it's a dual port card (icc 
   tcpip) and that would mean dropping many vm  os telnet clients.
   On 9/10/07, David Kreuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   from the hmc try resetting the OSA port at the chpid level.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of James M
   Sent: Mon 9/10/2007 10:47 AM
   Subject: [IBMVM] z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems
   Over the weekend an operator I did something..I don't know what
   has rendered the ICC vm console unusable.
   I tried disable/enable cuu, vary off/on path to cuu and dropping the
   session from the HMC ICC utilities menu all to no avail.
   Can someone please suggest other possible solutions. Thanks
  Rich Smrcina
  VM Assist, Inc.
  Phone: 414-491-6001
  Ans Service:  360-715-2467
  rich.smrcina at
  Catch the WAVV!
  WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008

Re: z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

2007-09-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Yes. It has to be offline to all LPARs in order to reset itself.

On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 maybe we're getting someplace.
 are you suggesting that I have to config path off in all the lpars and
 then config it on in all?
 what I did was off/on in lpar 1 - off/on lpar2 and so on.

 On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you vary it offline from all LPARs at the same time?
  On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I did try toggling the chpid off/on in each of the lpars but I'm not
   sure it worked properly.
   it went from online/online to online/standby. I never did see the
   current state go to offline!
   On 9/10/07, Rich Smrcina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Resetting the ICC port will only affect the ICC users, if most of
users are coming in through VM's TCP/IP stack, it's not using the
If only your console or datacenter users use the ICC, you can reset
without affecting your users.
James M wrote:
 device shows enabled.
 I cannot reset the port on the hmc since it's a dual port card
 tcpip) and that would mean dropping many vm  os telnet clients.

 On 9/10/07, David Kreuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 from the hmc try resetting the OSA port at the chpid level.

  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of James M
 Sent: Mon 9/10/2007 10:47 AM
 Subject: [IBMVM] z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

 Over the weekend an operator I did something..I don't know what
 has rendered the ICC vm console unusable.
 I tried disable/enable cuu, vary off/on path to cuu and dropping
 session from the HMC ICC utilities menu all to no avail.
 Can someone please suggest other possible solutions. Thanks

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at
Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008

Re: z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

2007-09-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Let's be clear. On all LPARs:

Then on each LPAR:


Did you do that?

On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK thanks. I varied all off first and the all on.
 I saw all the devices go off and come back online on operx.
 ...but it didn't help - I still cannot connect from the pc to the icc
 I did enable the console cuu before trying.

 On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes. It has to be offline to all LPARs in order to reset itself.
  On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   maybe we're getting someplace.
   are you suggesting that I have to config path off in all the lpars and
   then config it on in all?
   what I did was off/on in lpar 1 - off/on lpar2 and so on.
   On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Did you vary it offline from all LPARs at the same time?
On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did try toggling the chpid off/on in each of the lpars but I'm
 sure it worked properly.
 it went from online/online to online/standby. I never did see the
 current state go to offline!

 On 9/10/07, Rich Smrcina [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Resetting the ICC port will only affect the ICC users, if most
  users are coming in through VM's TCP/IP stack, it's not using
  If only your console or datacenter users use the ICC, you can
  without affecting your users.
  James M wrote:
   device shows enabled.
   I cannot reset the port on the hmc since it's a dual port card
   tcpip) and that would mean dropping many vm  os telnet
   On 9/10/07, David Kreuter [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   from the hmc try resetting the OSA port at the chpid level.
__ __
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of James M
   Sent: Mon 9/10/2007 10:47 AM
   Subject: [IBMVM] z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems
   Over the weekend an operator I did something..I don't know
   has rendered the ICC vm console unusable.
   I tried disable/enable cuu, vary off/on path to cuu and
   session from the HMC ICC utilities menu all to no avail.
   Can someone please suggest other possible solutions. Thanks
  Rich Smrcina
  VM Assist, Inc.
  Phone: 414-491-6001
  Ans Service:  360-715-2467
  rich.smrcina at
  Catch the WAVV!
  WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008


Re: z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

2007-09-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
That should be OK. Try to ping the IP address from the PC. Do traceroute if
you can't ping.

On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do not have access to all the os's that run in each lpar so I did
 everything from the HMC.
 I higlighted each image one by one and configured the channel path off.
 I again highlighted each image and this time configured the channel
 FYI - the only image that is actually using the ICC chpid is the vm
 5.2 system which I do have access to.
 On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Let's be clear. On all LPARs:
  Then on each LPAR:
  Did you do that?
  On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   OK thanks. I varied all off first and the all on.
   I saw all the devices go off and come back online on operx.
   ...but it didn't help - I still cannot connect from the pc to the icc
   I did enable the console cuu before trying.
   On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes. It has to be offline to all LPARs in order to reset itself.
On 11/09/2007, James M  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 maybe we're getting someplace.
 are you suggesting that I have to config path off in all the lpars
 then config it on in all?
 what I did was off/on in lpar 1 - off/on lpar2 and so on.

 On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you vary it offline from all LPARs at the same time?
  On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I did try toggling the chpid off/on in each of the lpars but
   sure it worked properly.
   it went from online/online to online/standby. I never did see
   current state go to offline!
   On 9/10/07, Rich Smrcina  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Resetting the ICC port will only affect the ICC users, if
users are coming in through VM's TCP/IP stack, it's not
If only your console or datacenter users use the ICC, you
without affecting your users.
James M wrote:
 device shows enabled.
 I cannot reset the port on the hmc since it's a dual port
 tcpip) and that would mean dropping many vm  os telnet

 On 9/10/07, David Kreuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 from the hmc try resetting the OSA port at the chpid

  __ __
  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of James M
 Sent: Mon 9/10/2007 10:47 AM
 Subject: [IBMVM] z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

 Over the weekend an operator I did something..I don't
 has rendered the ICC vm console unusable.
 I tried disable/enable cuu, vary off/on path to cuu and
 session from the HMC ICC utilities menu all to no avail.
 Can someone please suggest other possible solutions.

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at
Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008


Re: z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection problems

2007-09-10 Thread Ivica Brodaric
Then it's likely not a card but a network problem. Asymmetric routing maybe?
Do you get any errors when you try to connect?
On 11/09/2007, James M  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ping works!

 On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That should be OK. Try to ping the IP address from the PC. Do traceroute
  you can't ping.
  On 11/09/2007, James M  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I do not have access to all the os's that run in each lpar so I did
   everything from the HMC.
   I higlighted each image one by one and configured the channel path
   I again highlighted each image and this time configured the channel
   FYI - the only image that is actually using the ICC chpid is the vm
   5.2 system which I do have access to.
   On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Let's be clear. On all LPARs:
Then on each LPAR:
Did you do that?
On 11/09/2007, James M  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK thanks. I varied all off first and the all on.
 I saw all the devices go off and come back online on operx.
 ...but it didn't help - I still cannot connect from the pc to the
 I did enable the console cuu before trying.

 On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes. It has to be offline to all LPARs in order to reset itself.
  On 11/09/2007, James M  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   maybe we're getting someplace.
   are you suggesting that I have to config path off in all the
   then config it on in all?
   what I did was off/on in lpar 1 - off/on lpar2 and so on.
   On 9/10/07, Ivica Brodaric  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Did you vary it offline from all LPARs at the same time?
On 11/09/2007, James M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did try toggling the chpid off/on in each of the lpars
 sure it worked properly.
 it went from online/online to online/standby. I never did
 current state go to offline!

 On 9/10/07, Rich Smrcina  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Resetting the ICC port will only affect the ICC users,
  users are coming in through VM's TCP/IP stack, it's not
  If only your console or datacenter users use the ICC,
  without affecting your users.
  James M wrote:
   device shows enabled.
   I cannot reset the port on the hmc since it's a dual
   tcpip) and that would mean dropping many vm  os
   On 9/10/07, David Kreuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   from the hmc try resetting the OSA port at the chpid
__ __
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of
 James M
   Sent: Mon 9/10/2007 10:47 AM
   Subject: [IBMVM] z/VM 5.2 ICC console connection
   Over the weekend an operator I did something..I
   has rendered the ICC vm console unusable.
   I tried disable/enable cuu, vary off/on path to cuu
   session from the HMC ICC utilities menu all to no
   Can someone please suggest other possible solutions.
  Rich Smrcina
  VM Assist, Inc.
  Phone: 414-491-6001
  Ans Service:  360-715-2467
  rich.smrcina at
  Catch the WAVV!
  WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008




2007-08-22 Thread Ivica Brodaric
We have SHUTDOWN command in a privilege class of its own and only one ops
userid has that class. That user has a SHUTDOWN EXEC on its A disk. Not to
prevent the shutdown but to actually do it. It first checks that it's being
run from that particular user and then asks a are-you-shure-type question.
That pretty much eliminates the possibility of an accidental shutdown of the
first level. I mean, you can still add that shutdown-only privilege class to
your user and and then have an oops! moment, but then it's not an
_accident_. It's not a death wish either. It's an intention to kill.

Fwd: FW: Stuff

2007-07-22 Thread Ivica Brodaric

Re: System utiliization

2007-06-15 Thread Ivica Brodaric

Do 'q rec' and check for a large amount of queued records. Maybe something
stopped collecting? That could eat up your storage too, making things even
worse for not so obvious a reason. Just a stab in the dark...

Re: SPOOL volume disk error

2007-05-08 Thread Ivica Brodaric


Listen to Alan and call in the Support Centre.

While you wait... What did the hardware guys do? Did they replace a
drive in a Symmetrix's RAID group? If they did, I would also check any
other DASD that may be affected (e.g. other DASD on the same stripe
in the same RAID-5/S group as 440E). Any chance that one of those is a
paging volume?
Also check 'q pinned 440e' and 'q pinned subsys 440e'.

Re: SPOOL volume disk error

2007-05-07 Thread Ivica Brodaric

What was the abend code when the system restarted?
What kind of disk is it?
Check the allocation map of the volume against the real size of the
pack. Was the pack initially formated or DDR-copied from somewhere

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