RE: PS to "does this crash make sense?"

2001-07-25 Thread Sean Wilson

> I guess it may also be relevant that the text is displayed in an embedded
> font and is antialiased (it has to be). Kerning is off. Ink is Copy.

I tried mine with all kinds of combinations - saveBitmap, antiAliasing
FALSE, DTS etc., etc.

> Have
> you tried other ways of highlighting (e.g., bolding, or a bitmap, or
> changing the fontszie)?

The work-around I used is via imaging lingo. Gave exactly the same look as
changing the colour of the word clicked. It works very well.

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Creating little html table in Director

2001-07-25 Thread JJ

Hi, Guys...

I am new to this list... I'm glad to know of this one... :)

I have a little routine that creates a html table...  I was able to create one with 
all same width in all columns with this code...

html = ""

repeat with i = 0 to gDatabase[1].count
  put ""&getPropAt(gDatabase[1],i)&""
   after html
end repeat

put "" after html

Say that I have 5 columns in my table and I want them to be 10%, 20%, 20%, 30%, and 
20% for each columns... So... I tried the previous code with multiple if statements 
and following statement... and got errors...

put ""&getPropAt(gDatabase[1],i)
  &"" after html

What am I doing wrong??? Director says that I need commas to split the "... I'd 
appreciate it if somebody can help me out here... Thanks a lot!!! 


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PS to "does this crash make sense?"

2001-07-25 Thread Slava Paperno

I guess it may also be relevant that the text is displayed in an embedded 
font and is antialiased (it has to be). Kerning is off. Ink is Copy.

The earlier post follows, unchanged:

I've traced my projector crashes to this stripped-down script:

--script in a text member sprite

on mouseDown me
   MouseWord = sprite(me.spriteNum).pointToWord(the mouseLoc)
   if MouseWord = -1 then pass
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.word[MouseWord].color =rgb(138, 16, 8)
end mouseDown

on mouseUp me
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.color = rgb(0, 0, 0)
end mouseUp

This stripped-down script highlights the clicked word while the mosue is 
down. When it is executed about 30 times in a row (not with unreasonably 
fast mouseclicks, i.e. waiting long enough to see the color change after 
each click), the projector crashes.

This is a D8 projector, on a G4 w/350 MHz chip and 256 MB RAM, under Mac OS 

The text member has only about 500 characters, but there's a noticeable 
delay before the color changes after the mouseclick. This happens with many 
text members in the same movie.

Has this been noted before? Do these crashes make sense?

If so, is there a workaround?



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RE: does this crash make sense?

2001-07-25 Thread Sean Wilson

Hi Slava,

> The text member has only about 500 characters, but there's a noticeable
> delay before the color changes after the mouseclick. This happens
> with many
> text members in the same movie.
> Has this been noted before? Do these crashes make sense?
> If so, is there a workaround?

I posted something similar earlier this month, but got no replies.

FYI, here it goes again (and sorry again for the length):

SUMMARY: setting member.word[n].color OR word[n].foreColor is MUCH slower on
Win 9x variants than Win 2K.

BACKGROUND: I've been working on a (windows-only) application. In one
section of this, the user is required to click on words in a text member.
This text member contains around 125 words. I have been changing the color
of the word clicked to provide instant visual feedback that they did indeed
click that particular word.

PROBLEM: dynamically changing the color to an rgb color, or the foreColor
using a paletteIndex color, is fine on my development machine - Windows 2000
Professional SP2. When I run the same movie on Win 98 SE2 or Win ME,
changing the word color takes a massive time hit after a few words are
quickly clicked. Running the text with "copy" ink or directToStage or
"saveBitmap" or whatever variation I've tried makes no difference.

RESEARCH: I've trolled the direct-l archives, updateStage's quirk-list and
MM's technote section and found nothing relating to this. There are a couple
of threads from direct-l relating to an apparent limit on setting the color
of words past ~word[240].

DUPLICATION: create an empty movie, loop it on a frame, create a text member
and put a bunch of words into it - 20 or so should demonstrate the problem.
Drop the following behavior onto the text sprite:

property pSprite
property pMember

on beginSprite me
  pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  pMember = pSprite.member

on mouseDown me
  sMillis = the milliseconds
  cLoc = the clickLoc
  tWord = pSprite.pointToWord( cLoc )
  -- the offending line of code:
  pMember.word[tWord].color = rgb(255, 0, 0)

  elapsed = the milliseconds - sMillis
  put "#mouseDown: elapsed =" && elapsed

on endSprite me
  pMember.color = rgb(0,0,0)

Run the movie, click on each word *as quickly as possible* and check your
message window for timing results. Comment out 'the offending line of code'
and click again.

on my machine (Win 2k Pro sp2) I get:

-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 19"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 10"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 12"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 15"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 18"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 21"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 24"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 27"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 30"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 34"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 37"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 40"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 42"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 46"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 49"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 53"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 55"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 59"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 62"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 64"

on a machine with Win 98 SE I get:

-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 29"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 59"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 67"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 106"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 108"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 157"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 180"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 173"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 196"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 216"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 215"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 243"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 267"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 283"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 325"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 364"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 409"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 400"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 390"
-- "#mouseDown: elapsed = 430"

They both appear to slow as a general trend, but for Win 98 alarmingly so!
This holds for Win ME also. I realize that cpu speed and RAM probably have
an impact also, but having tried 2x Win 2K and 3x Win 98/1x Win ME systems
it holds true that the Win 9x variants slow to a crawl while the Win 2K
systems are (acceptably) fast enough not to notice a lag while
clicking/changing color. I have tried this with D8 and D8.5 and there is no
perceivable difference - ie. the trend holds. I have tested on a machine
that dual-boots to Win ME and Win 2K and it behaves as described; so it's
not (only) RAM, CPU and video card differences. Totally untested on any Mac
systems, or Win 95.

REQUEST: Would anyone care to confirm this? Feel free to mail me directly,
or return results to the list. It would be especially useful if someone
could try Win NT as I no longer have access to a machine running Winnt.
I'm wondering if this speed difference behaves on Winnt as a Win 9x variant,
or as on Win 2K.
Most interesting would be if it behaved like Win 2K, as this would suggest
it was related to how the OS handles text rendering.

WORKAROUND: for D8 and above: use imaging lingo and copyPixels() (to the
stage) a highlight over the word clicked. D7.02: use a series of off-stage
shape sprites with add/lighten/(insert approprite inkType) and move 

Re: Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread pranavn

All that is ok, but I found a funny thing happening while I tried to
capture the stage.

If the size of the stage is changed, (the stage).image continues to return
an image whose size is the same as the original stage width and height.
Changing the size, saving the movie and restarting Director is what makes
Director report the new size. Maybe Gretchen should know of this...

I've tried this on Director 8 with WinNT SP6

Can someone check it out on 8.5 and with other OS's?

Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface.

You can use imaging Lingo :
set OnScreenImageWidth to 640
set OnScreenImageHeight to 480
OnScreenImage = image(OnScreenImageWidth, OnScreenImageHeight, 16)
OnScreenImage.copyPixels((the stage).image, OnScreenImage.rect,
member("imageCapture").image = OnScreenImage

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does this crash make sense?

2001-07-25 Thread Slava Paperno

I've traced my projector crashes to this stripped-down script:

--script in a text member sprite

on mouseDown me
   MouseWord = sprite(me.spriteNum).pointToWord(the mouseLoc)
   if MouseWord = -1 then pass
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.word[MouseWord].color =rgb(138, 16, 8)
end mouseDown

on mouseUp me
   sprite(me.spriteNum).member.color = rgb(0, 0, 0)
end mouseUp

This stripped-down script highlights the clicked word while the mosue is 
down. When it is executed about 30 times in a row (not with unreasonably 
fast mouseclicks, i.e. waiting long enough to see the color change after 
each click), the projector crashes.

This is a D8 projector, on a G4 w/350 MHz chip and 256 MB RAM, under Mac OS 

The text member has only about 500 characters, but there's a noticeable 
delay before the color changes after the mouseclick. This happens with many 
text members in the same movie.

Has this been noted before? Do these crashes make sense?

If so, is there a workaround?



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Re: music player [x-post]

2001-07-25 Thread pranavn

It stutters a few seconds into the song (after the "who you gonna call...")

P3 500/128MB RAM/Plenty of free disk space
WinNT 4 SP6/IE5.5
And I've got a dual ISDN...

I'll try the dialup at home.

Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface.

I have Cable Modem here, no dialup so I'd appreciate it if some folks
who have dialup connections could try these & let me know how they

please let me know the following if you respond:

 modem speed:
 computer type:
 Browser & version:

NOTE: the modem speed is the really critical part here 

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Sprite Movement

2001-07-25 Thread Locke Morgan

Dear List,

--Newbie here--
  My behavior works great for sprites whose original location is
greater than the destination (as far as stopping the animation at the
destination), but when the original position is less than the destination
the animation continues off the screen.  What am I missing?

--script snip

on exitframe me
Case (pControl) of
  "Move horizontally"
if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch < pDestination) then
  sprite(me.spritenum).loch = sprite(me.spritenum).loch + pRange
  if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch >= pDestination) then
sprite(me.spritenum).loch = pDestination
  end if
  sprite(me.spritenum).loch = sprite(me.spritenum).loch + pRange
  if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch <= pDestination) then
sprite(me.spritenum).loch = pDestination
  end if
end if
  "Move vertically"
if (sprite(me.spritenum).locv < pDestination) then
  sprite(me.spritenum).locv = sprite(me.spritenum).locv + pRange
  if (sprite(me.spritenum).locv >= pDestination) then
sprite(me.spritenum).locv = pDestination
  end if
  sprite(me.spritenum).locv = sprite(me.spritenum).locv + pRange
  if (sprite(me.spritenum).locv <= pDestination) then
sprite(me.spritenum).locv = pDestination
  end if
end if

--end script snip

W. Locke Morgan
New Orleans, LA - USA

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Re: Debugging OOPs in lingo with Director 5

2001-07-25 Thread Irv Kalb

Peter Small had some errors in his book and put an errata sheet on 
his website.  You can find it at:

However, many people feel that his book is somewhat difficult to 
understand and his presentation of objects is not "mainstream".  The 
discussion of objects as viruses that you are trying to work through 
is an example of his unusual view of object oriented programming.

For what I think is a more straight-forward real world description of 
some underlying concepts of OOP, I invite you to read my free 
(unfinished) on-line book at:


At 8:10 PM -0500 7/25/01, Will Mazurek wrote:
>I am tring to learn OOPS programing using Peter Small's LINGO SORCERY
>copywrite 1996.
>In the 2nd chapter there is a demonstration where you start in a movie
>called "workshop" that has the parent script and a button to make a
>object called "virus".  You then go to a movie called "isolated"  where
>you have a button called "move around" when it is clicked on it goes to
>a movie called "host" where it replaces a sprite on the stage with the
>"virus" object  and moves it around the stage.  I had a problem with it
>and could not figure out how to debugg it.  If i put a breakpoint back
>in the parentscript in the 1st movie it was never tripped.  even after I
>got it to work it would not trip it.
>Is there a way to step through a parent script to debug it when you are
>not in the movie that contains it?


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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Re: baXCopy progress

2001-07-25 Thread R. Bhakti Klein

worse comes to worse, you can always display text asking the user to
wait, and remove it when the copying is over.
it can even be a film loop or animated gif so that there's some motion,
even if it's just a simple repetitive animation...
but whatever you do, riki, don't lose that number.

-bhakti, groaning right along with all of you

riki witehira wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Haven't been able to find anything on this yet... thought all your brilliant
> minds would have the answer.
> i am using buddyApi's baXCopy function to copy a directory form a CD to the
> users hard drive... problem is, i need some form of progress bar as at
> present the system looks like it is locked up until the copying is complete
> and knowing from what i do when it looks like the computer is locked up, i
> need to make it look like it's doing something.
> the script is as follows.
> on exitFrame me
>   set copyAll = baXCopy( the moviePath&"\TestFiller" , "c:\TestFiller" ,
> "*.*" , "Always+", true)
>   set deskShortcut = baMakeShortcut( "c:\TestFiller\test.exe" ,
> "c:\windows\desktop" , "test movie")
>   if copyAll = 0 then
> go to "shortcuts"
>   else if copyAll < 0 then
> go to "error"
>   end if
> end
> any ideas or hints would be most appreciated.
> thanks
> riki
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R. Bhakti Klein
Educational Software R & D
Baritone, unaffiliated but open to suggestions...
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
  -- Mother Theresa

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Re: Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Kurt Griffin

> Don't get too hot under the collar, Kerry.  You do have good logic, but
> this whole issue was a little new to me, since MACR used to have stubs
> available on their site, and MACR people used to post that it was OK on
> Direct-L.  MACR's policy has changed, it makes sense, but don't take it too
> personally when people wonder about other methods.
> Sure, you can make someone else a "product" that's just a stub...assuming
> you comply with the MACR licensing agreement and include a 4 second MACR
> logo in your stub.

No, I don't think that's accurate. I distinctly remember this as an item in
the license agreement.

> Most of us who've done any development realize you NEED the other platform
> copy to debug and work on that platform...I suspect that many people
> looking for a mac-stub probably don't even have a Mac computer.

Perhaps, but that's not a good legal argument. Few courts accept "ignorance"
> And finally, I've just changed jobs, and for the first time in my 5+ years
> of MACR programming, I have legitimate copies of all the software on my
> machine and none of them are being "stretched" between multiple
> machines.  Director, the OS, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, etc. - if you work for a company that is reluctant to comply,
then you really are morally obligated to try to change their thinking. If an
individual or organization is making money from the use of software
products, then they absolutely should be paying for the tools. By explaining
to the management that one disgruntled employee notifying the BSA will
probably exterminate the business (the fines are, shall we say, steep), you
might make a point.

> The last job I had, in the US,  the salesguy said "get the sound from
> I said "I tried, but they haven't responded to my email."
> "No, I think  and  just want you to capture it." said
> .
> " can't do that!" quoth I.
> "Sure you canjust hold the microphone up to the speaker," said .
> "You can't do that" I said.
> "Oh yeah, the soundcard won't play and record.  Here, let me help push this
> computer closer so you can capture from a second computer." 
> I ended up holding out and the client ended up buying music for the project
> (or reusing music they already had the rights to (but who knows if they had
> unlimited rights?)).  Eventually I convinced this company to buy A copy of
> SOME of the software everyone was using, and now, almost all the employees
> are working under valid work-visas.

Then you are doing your part. I think it's healthier to put a little
pressure on, internally, than to "bust" a company. If we all work towards
compliance, it will be far more effective than what the BSA could cover on
their own.
> I'm certainly not saying it's right, just realize what some people running
> shoddy companies that are uncomfortable to work for are doing.  Coming
> across with a little more legal, educational rant would probably help more
> than just the moral or group-altruism rant.  "It's the only legal way,
> now." not "You're a bad person and you're endangering our
> livelihood."  Trust me,  fired the accountant out of the blue and
> caused the secretary to quit by asking her to not share the financial
> numbers with the guy who bought the company...he really doesn't care a lot
> about whether MACR's existence is solid to make your paycheck stable.

Don't really know what your point is. Are you saying that it's acceptable to
ensure your paycheck by working on illegal copies of your tools? In the end,
Kerry's absolutely right. You can justify it all you want, but using illegal
copies of software is wrong. You know it's wrong. Whether or not that makes
you a "bad" person, I don't know - you decide for yourself. But the issue is
not gray, it's pretty black and white - accept the license agreement, or
don't use the software. If the company is "uncomfortable" to work for, then
you have to ask yourself whether it's worth getting tainted by their filth.

An aside, for Buzz and the other good folks who bring us Director. When I
went looking for my software license agreement in order to verify that my
memory of "no stubs" was accurate, I couldn't find it. There's nothing in my
Dir app folder, and several searches of the MACR site turned up nada.

I didn't feel like reinstalling Dir just to print the license agreement
(especially since I'm a longtime Dir user, and just LOVE having to enter two
serial numbers both in the installer and then when I launch the app for the
first time... what's up with that?). I think it would be nice of MACR to
make the license agreement available online, or, if it is available, make it

Sorry if this is percieved as a rant,

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Re: Debugging OOPs in lingo with Director 5

2001-07-25 Thread Tab Julius

What do you mean:

"After clicking this button I then go to "file" and open the second movie."

What specifically is the code to "open the second movie"?

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Re: Debugging OOPs in lingo with Director 5

2001-07-25 Thread Will Mazurek

I'm still working at understanding this so my explanation is not that clear.
In the 1st movie  I have the parent script.

property image, spriteNumber, currentPosition, stageBoundry, centerSpot,
usurpedImage, imageAddress

on takeShape me
  set the image of me to the picture of member "vimage"

on goOnStage me, which
  set spriteNumber to which
  put the memberNum of sprite spriteNumber into imageAddress
  put the picture of member imageAddress into usurpedImage
  set the picture of member imageAddress to image

on removeTraces me
  set the picture of member imageAddress to usurpedImage

on new me
  return me

on findHost me
  go Movie "Host"

on adoptaSprite me, spriteNum
  set the spriteNumber of me to spriteNum

on noteYourPosition me
  put the loc of sprite spriteNumber into currentPosition

on whereAreYou me
  put currentPosition

on moveRandom me
  set moveAmount to point(0,0)
  set switch to point(-1,1)
  set direction to getAt(switch,random(2))
  set the locH of moveAmount to random (50)*direction
  set direction to getAt(switch,random(2))
  set the locv of moveAmount to random (50)*direction
  return moveAmount --This returns a horizontal and vertical move.

on getBearings me
  set maxHorizontal to the stageRight-the stageLeft
  set maxVertical to the stageBottom-the stageTop
  set the stageBoundry of me to rect(0,0,maxHorizontal,maxVertical)
  set the centerSpot of me to

on makeALegalMove me

  repeat while 1
set intendedMove to moveRandom(me)
set newPosition to the currentPosition of me+intendedMove

if the locH of newPosition<0 or the locV of newPosition<0 then next repeat

if the locH of newPosition>getAt(the stageboundry of me,3) then next repeat

if the locV of newPosition>getAt(the stageboundry of me,4) then next repeat

if(the locH of newPosition>the locH of the centerSpot of me-50) and
(the locH of newPositionthe locV of the centerSpot of me-50) and (the locV of
newPosition I'm not familiar with either the book or the example, but by "not in the
> movie" you mean you are running a movie in a window, then the answer is no,
> you cannot debug a movie in a window (MIAW).
> If you mean that you transfered (using 'go to movie') to another movie,
> then you physically can't be running a script in the movie you came from,
> so I don't know what you're talking about in that case.
> However from the description I almost wonder if you simply mean, go to a
> movie script.  ??
> Maybe someone else more familiar with the example can say.
> - Tab
> At 08:10 PM 7/25/01 -0500, Will Mazurek wrote:
> >I am tring to learn OOPS programing using Peter Small's LINGO SORCERY
> >copywrite 1996.
> >In the 2nd chapter there is a demonstration where you start in a movie
> >called "workshop" that has the parent script and a button to make a
> >object called "virus".  You then go to a movie called "isolated"  where
> >you have a button called "move around" when it is clicked on it goes to
> >a movie called "host" where it replaces a sprite on the stage with the
> >"virus" object  and moves it around the stage.  I had a problem with it
> >and could not figure out how to debugg it.  If i put a breakpoint back
> >in the parentscript in the 1st movie it was never tripped.  even after I
> >got it to work it would not trip it.
> >
> >Is there a way to step through a parent script to debug it when you are
> >not in the movie that contains it?
> >
> >Thanks for any help!
> >
> >will
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RE: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Tab Julius

You may be right - I am referencing D8 and earlier - to be honest I haven't 
tried this in D8.5...

At 02:54 PM 7/25/01 -0400, Kafka's Daytime wrote:
>Except, note that (on Windows at least) the messageWindow (at runtime)
>doesn't seem to work in 8.5 the way it did with 8.0. Never had a problem
>under 8.0 - 8.5 seems to be a different story.
>There is no messageWindow line in the 8.5 "director.ini" file and adding
>to your "projector.ini" does not produce any result at all.
>I've just been informed that in 8.5 I should set the debugPlaybackEnabled
>to TRUE to display the messageWindow with a projector or Shockwave -
>Director online help says the same. However, under 8.5, this doesn't seem to
>be working for me either.
>-Original Message-
>Behalf Of Tab Julius
>Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:54 PM
>Subject: Re:  message window question
>Sure.  You will need a .INI file of the same name as the projector in the
>same folder as the projector.
>So, if your projector is SIMON.EXE then you will need (if you don't have
>one already) a file called SIMON.INI
>This is a text file, and you can edit it with Notepad (or SimpleText if
>Mac).  If you have an existing one, just amend it, otherwise create a new
>file, or copy over the DIRECTOR.INI from the Director folder and rename it,
>then edit it.
>Make a section that looks like this (put it at the end of the file, or the
>very top, to simplify things):
>And that should bring it up.  The FullScreen and UseTitleBar are only
>necessary if you have a full-screen projector to begin with, otherwise just
>do the MessageWindow line.
>- Tab
>At 12:21 PM 7/25/01 -0400, Allard, Simon wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >Is it possible to create the "message window" of Director for a projector.
> >My project work fine in Director but when I create the projector it quit
> >no reason, so I want to find out where the problem is.
> >
> >Thanx
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RE: baXCopy progress

2001-07-25 Thread Al Hospers

> i am using buddyApi's baXCopy function to copy a directory
> form a CD to the
> users hard drive... problem is, i need some form of progress bar as
> present the system looks like it is locked up until the
> copying is complete
> and knowing from what i do when it looks like the computer is
> locked up, i
> need to make it look like it's doing something.

hi riki,

While Buddy's baXCopy function certainly will perform the function
admirably, users will not be happy with a static message while the
computer hangs there & grinds away and most likely neither will your
client! They certainly expect at a minimum the standard display of a
bar indicating how the copy is proceeding.

May I suggest the ProgessCopy Xtra from UpdateStage? The ProgressCopy
Xtra copies files with an optional progress bar display. The progress
display can include a custom text message, and provides the user with
a Cancel button.

You can get more information, read the on-line documentation, download
a fully functional demo version or purchase the Xtra here:

Platforms: 32-bit Windows, Win 3.1, Mac
Director versions supported: 5,6,7,8,8.5 Authorware 3.5 and up
Author: Glenn Picher

Hope that this is of use,

Al Hospers
Marketing Associate

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trouble free, not troublesome

2001-07-25 Thread Bastien Bouchard

> For a real, professionnal, easy, configurable, troublesome
> installation tool check .

My dumb english once more... You should read "trouble free", not
"troublesome" in the previous post...

> >

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RE: set cursor to field?

2001-07-25 Thread Mark R. Jonkman

Alternatively, change the order that the fields are placed on the stage...
The field that you want to gain focus first on entering the frame should be
in the sprite channel with the lowest channel number and the next one, the
next higher channel number, etc...

The keyboardfocussprite will also work, but it can leave a visual ugliness
as the cursor might be in say the second field then jump unexplainable to
the first field unless you have them in order according to sprite channel.

Mark R. Jonkman

> -Original Message-
> From: Slava Paperno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:28 PM
> Subject: Re:  set cursor to field?
> Try the system property called "the keyboardFocusSprite"
> S.
> At 08:24 PM 7/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >I have three editable field boxes.  Is there any way through lingo to
> >return the cursor to the first field box upon starting the movie?
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Re: Re: baXCopy progress

2001-07-25 Thread Kurt Griffin

> worse comes to worse, you can always display text asking the user to
> wait, and remove it when the copying is over.
> it can even be a film loop or animated gif so that there's some motion,
> even if it's just a simple repetitive animation...
> but whatever you do, riki, don't lose that number.
> - -bhakti, groaning right along with all of you

Yes, I am groaning (thanks, Bhakti)... is that number 867-5309?

Just want to add that you've set things up well by using the exitframe. That
should allow you to do *something* while the copying goes on. You might
consider changing the cursor to an hourglass, as well.

2 cents,

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Re: set cursor to field?

2001-07-25 Thread Slava Paperno

Try the system property called "the keyboardFocusSprite"


At 08:24 PM 7/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I have three editable field boxes.  Is there any way through lingo to
>return the cursor to the first field box upon starting the movie?

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MUI question - coding a file selection dialog

2001-07-25 Thread Kafka's Daytime


I'd like your advice on a small design issue:

I'm working on a director app that requires the
user to select a large number of HTML files and
do a little bit of organization with those files:
the usual stuff: add, remove, move up, move down
before clicking "Done" to send all of the file name info
to an external file for processing and creation of
an XML file.

What is the most elegant way to approach creation of the file selection
(for an example think of Director's "Import" dialog)

My first solution involved a WindowsOS "Open Multiple"
dialog, an editable field for selection and display and
some lists to hold items and remove them or move them up or

Does this seem like a solid approach? Should I be using arrays?...
something else?



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RE: baXCopy progress

2001-07-25 Thread Bastien Bouchard

Here is my personnal hint riki,

For a real, professionnal, easy, configurable, troublesome installation tool
check .

Bastien Bouchard
Logique multimédia

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Re: Sprite Movement

2001-07-25 Thread Tab Julius

I think this is what is happening...

- If it is less than the destination you add to it, and then see if you 
added too much, in which case you try to set it to the final location.

- Eventually you will get to the destination.  The locH will be equal to 
the destination.

- Since it is EQUAL, it will fail the first 'if', which sees if it is <.

- Since it failed, it will go to your unconditional else, which 
automatically adds some pixels on.  Remember that you are ALREADY at the 
destination so you don't want to add pixels, but you are.

- The next line checks to see if you are <= the destination (which you are 
not, since you were adding).  It might have corrected, but it won't, since 
you are past the destination already.

You could probably correct this by changing the unconditional else to be a:

else if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch > pDestination)

which means that if it's < then you add, and if it's > then you subtract, 
but if it's = then you leave it alone.

At 08:07 PM 7/25/01 -0500, Locke Morgan wrote:
>Dear List,
>--Newbie here--
>   My behavior works great for sprites whose original location is
>greater than the destination (as far as stopping the animation at the
>destination), but when the original position is less than the destination
>the animation continues off the screen.  What am I missing?
>--script snip
>on exitframe me
> Case (pControl) of
>   "Move horizontally"
> if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch < pDestination) then
>   sprite(me.spritenum).loch = sprite(me.spritenum).loch + pRange
>   if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch >= pDestination) then
> sprite(me.spritenum).loch = pDestination
> updateStage
>   end if
> else
>   sprite(me.spritenum).loch = sprite(me.spritenum).loch + pRange
>   if (sprite(me.spritenum).loch <= pDestination) then
> sprite(me.spritenum).loch = pDestination
> updateStage
>   end if
> end if
>   "Move vertically"
> if (sprite(me.spritenum).locv < pDestination) then
>   sprite(me.spritenum).locv = sprite(me.spritenum).locv + pRange
>   if (sprite(me.spritenum).locv >= pDestination) then
> sprite(me.spritenum).locv = pDestination
> updateStage
>   end if
> else
>   sprite(me.spritenum).locv = sprite(me.spritenum).locv + pRange
>   if (sprite(me.spritenum).locv <= pDestination) then
> sprite(me.spritenum).locv = pDestination
> updateStage
>   end if
> end if
>--end script snip
>W. Locke Morgan
>New Orleans, LA - USA
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Debugging OOPs in lingo with Director 5

2001-07-25 Thread Will Mazurek

I am tring to learn OOPS programing using Peter Small's LINGO SORCERY
copywrite 1996.
In the 2nd chapter there is a demonstration where you start in a movie
called "workshop" that has the parent script and a button to make a
object called "virus".  You then go to a movie called "isolated"  where
you have a button called "move around" when it is clicked on it goes to
a movie called "host" where it replaces a sprite on the stage with the
"virus" object  and moves it around the stage.  I had a problem with it
and could not figure out how to debugg it.  If i put a breakpoint back
in the parentscript in the 1st movie it was never tripped.  even after I
got it to work it would not trip it.

Is there a way to step through a parent script to debug it when you are
not in the movie that contains it?

Thanks for any help!


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AutoCropper utility

2001-07-25 Thread Kendall Anderson

Hey all -

There's been some talk of such things recently, so I thought I'd point
out that I've got a movie script utility for automatically cropping
image sequences against a reference image based on how they differ. This
also uses Werner Sharp's technique of the imaging lingo 'reverse' ink
trick, to great effect. :)

It can be had at

It requires Director 8 because of Imaging Lingo. It assumes the images
to be cropped are already imported and that the reference image is also
imported (in the same castlib) - see the comments at the beginning of
the script for info. It is NOT a MIAW tool (at this point anyways), and
works simply by selecting the reference image and sequence in the
castlib, then running the script from the message window - short and


Kendall Anderson

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set cursor to field?

2001-07-25 Thread Eric Adamo

I have three editable field boxes.  Is there any way through lingo to
return the cursor to the first field box upon starting the movie?

I'd appreciate any ideas.

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RE: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Kafka's Daytime


Except, note that (on Windows at least) the messageWindow (at runtime)
doesn't seem to work in 8.5 the way it did with 8.0. Never had a problem
under 8.0 - 8.5 seems to be a different story.

There is no messageWindow line in the 8.5 "director.ini" file and adding
to your "projector.ini" does not produce any result at all.

I've just been informed that in 8.5 I should set the debugPlaybackEnabled
to TRUE to display the messageWindow with a projector or Shockwave -
Director online help says the same. However, under 8.5, this doesn't seem to
be working for me either.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Tab Julius
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: Re:  message window question

Sure.  You will need a .INI file of the same name as the projector in the
same folder as the projector.

So, if your projector is SIMON.EXE then you will need (if you don't have
one already) a file called SIMON.INI

This is a text file, and you can edit it with Notepad (or SimpleText if
Mac).  If you have an existing one, just amend it, otherwise create a new
file, or copy over the DIRECTOR.INI from the Director folder and rename it,
then edit it.

Make a section that looks like this (put it at the end of the file, or the
very top, to simplify things):


And that should bring it up.  The FullScreen and UseTitleBar are only
necessary if you have a full-screen projector to begin with, otherwise just
do the MessageWindow line.

- Tab

At 12:21 PM 7/25/01 -0400, Allard, Simon wrote:
>Hi all,
>Is it possible to create the "message window" of Director for a projector.
>My project work fine in Director but when I create the projector it quit
>no reason, so I want to find out where the problem is.

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Debugging OOPs in lingo with Director 5

2001-07-25 Thread Tab Julius

I'm not familiar with either the book or the example, but by "not in the 
movie" you mean you are running a movie in a window, then the answer is no, 
you cannot debug a movie in a window (MIAW).

If you mean that you transfered (using 'go to movie') to another movie, 
then you physically can't be running a script in the movie you came from, 
so I don't know what you're talking about in that case.

However from the description I almost wonder if you simply mean, go to a 
movie script.  ??

Maybe someone else more familiar with the example can say.

- Tab

At 08:10 PM 7/25/01 -0500, Will Mazurek wrote:
>I am tring to learn OOPS programing using Peter Small's LINGO SORCERY
>copywrite 1996.
>In the 2nd chapter there is a demonstration where you start in a movie
>called "workshop" that has the parent script and a button to make a
>object called "virus".  You then go to a movie called "isolated"  where
>you have a button called "move around" when it is clicked on it goes to
>a movie called "host" where it replaces a sprite on the stage with the
>"virus" object  and moves it around the stage.  I had a problem with it
>and could not figure out how to debugg it.  If i put a breakpoint back
>in the parentscript in the 1st movie it was never tripped.  even after I
>got it to work it would not trip it.
>Is there a way to step through a parent script to debug it when you are
>not in the movie that contains it?
>Thanks for any help!

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baXCopy progress

2001-07-25 Thread riki witehira

Hi everyone,
Haven't been able to find anything on this yet... thought all your brilliant
minds would have the answer.

i am using buddyApi's baXCopy function to copy a directory form a CD to the
users hard drive... problem is, i need some form of progress bar as at
present the system looks like it is locked up until the copying is complete
and knowing from what i do when it looks like the computer is locked up, i
need to make it look like it's doing something.

the script is as follows.

on exitFrame me
  set copyAll = baXCopy( the moviePath&"\TestFiller" , "c:\TestFiller" ,
"*.*" , "Always+", true)

  set deskShortcut = baMakeShortcut( "c:\TestFiller\test.exe" ,
"c:\windows\desktop" , "test movie")

  if copyAll = 0 then
go to "shortcuts"
  else if copyAll < 0 then
go to "error"
  end if

any ideas or hints would be most appreciated.

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Re: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Buzz Kettles

Are you sure that you've got a frame script in place to do looping?
(and it's not just working in auth because of the Control Panel's 
loop button...)

* a long shot, but I've done this to myself "


At 12:21 PM -0400 7/25/01, Allard, Simon wrote:
>Hi all,
>Is it possible to create the "message window" of Director for a projector.
>My project work fine in Director but when I create the projector it quit for
>no reason, so I want to find out where the problem is.
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Re: Checking parameters

2001-07-25 Thread Buzz Kettles

Doh!  What was I thinking?

Kerry's right -  the #range parameter can used to filter the values 
and the standard place to re-verify props is in the beginSprite 
handler (or call a verification/initializer handler from there).


At 12:17 PM -0700 7/25/01, Kerry Thompson wrote:
>>How can I get Lingo to call checkParam after one clicks on the OK 
>>button of the parameter dialog?
>I think you need to take it out of the getPropertyDescriptionList 
>handler. Can you do it on beginSprite, or possibly call it from the 
>message window with sendSprite? The program would have to be running 
>for sendSprite to work, of course.
>Or is there another way around it? Can you use the #range property 
>to filter properties? Something like this:
>on getPropertyDescriptionList
>   suitableSound = GetSuitableMembers([#sound])
>   p_list = [#pMySound: [#comment: "Sound:", #format: #member, 
>#range: suitableSound, #default: whatever]]
>   return p_list
>Kerry Thompson
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music player [x-post]

2001-07-25 Thread Al Hospers


I have a music player that I just did for a client. simple, straight
ahead kind of thing. it plays either MP3 or SWA audio. problem is that
he is on a dialup & sometimes it does NOTHING or plays like crap,
breaks up in the middle & all that. doesn't seem to matter for SWA or
MP3. I am buffering the audio for 15 seconds so it should play unless
the connection is really abyssmal. of course we live up here in the
hinterlands of New Hampshire, so that may be the case!

I have Cable Modem here, no dialup so I'd appreciate it if some folks
who have dialup connections could try these & let me know how they

please let me know the following if you respond:

 modem speed:
 computer type:
 Browser & version:

NOTE: the modem speed is the really critical part here 

thanks a lot,

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Colin Holgate

>The last job I had, in the US,  the salesguy said "get the sound 
>I said "I tried, but they haven't responded to my email."
>"No, I think  and  just want you to capture it." said 
>" can't do that!" quoth I.
>"Sure you canjust hold the microphone up to the speaker," said .
>"You can't do that" I said.
>"Oh yeah, the soundcard won't play and record.  Here, let me help 
>push this computer closer so you can capture from a second 

That's terrible to hear. I mean, wouldn't they pick up room noise? 
Surely a directly lead from the sound out would have worked better?

Don't worry, I'm just kidding.


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Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Roy Crisman

At 10:35 AM 7/25/01 -0700, you wrote:

>>If someone is selling cross-platform projectors, they need to buy both sides.
>This is one of my pet peeves. If you've heard my rant before, feel free to 
>tune out.
>We're in a business, hopefully to make money. For better or worse, we have 
>hitched our wagons to Macromedia's star. The better Director does, the 
>better off we are as developers.
>Forget any personal feelings about Macromedia (I happen to like them, but 
>that's irrelevant). This is relevant: if you circumvent Macromedia's 
>legitimate sales, you are hurting yourself, and all the rest of us.
>If you're doing cross-platform projects, buy Director for both platforms, 
>and add a dollar to your hourly rate. Amortize the cost over several 
>projects, or pass it along to a single customer. You're doing yourself a favor.
>Kerry Thompson

Don't get too hot under the collar, Kerry.  You do have good logic, but 
this whole issue was a little new to me, since MACR used to have stubs 
available on their site, and MACR people used to post that it was OK on 
Direct-L.  MACR's policy has changed, it makes sense, but don't take it too 
personally when people wonder about other methods.

Sure, you can make someone else a "product" that's just a stub...assuming 
you comply with the MACR licensing agreement and include a 4 second MACR 
logo in your stub.

Most of us who've done any development realize you NEED the other platform 
copy to debug and work on that platform...I suspect that many people 
looking for a mac-stub probably don't even have a Mac computer.

And finally, I've just changed jobs, and for the first time in my 5+ years 
of MACR programming, I have legitimate copies of all the software on my 
machine and none of them are being "stretched" between multiple 
machines.  Director, the OS, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, etc.

The last job I had, in the US,  the salesguy said "get the sound from".
I said "I tried, but they haven't responded to my email."
"No, I think  and  just want you to capture it." said 
" can't do that!" quoth I.
"Sure you canjust hold the microphone up to the speaker," said .
"You can't do that" I said.
"Oh yeah, the soundcard won't play and record.  Here, let me help push this 
computer closer so you can capture from a second computer." 

I ended up holding out and the client ended up buying music for the project 
(or reusing music they already had the rights to (but who knows if they had 
unlimited rights?)).  Eventually I convinced this company to buy A copy of 
SOME of the software everyone was using, and now, almost all the employees 
are working under valid work-visas.

I'm certainly not saying it's right, just realize what some people running 
shoddy companies that are uncomfortable to work for are doing.  Coming 
across with a little more legal, educational rant would probably help more 
than just the moral or group-altruism rant.  "It's the only legal way, 
now." not "You're a bad person and you're endangering our 
livelihood."  Trust me,  fired the accountant out of the blue and 
caused the secretary to quit by asking her to not share the financial 
numbers with the guy who bought the company...he really doesn't care a lot 
about whether MACR's existence is solid to make your paycheck stable.

Roy Crisman 

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Re: Checking parameters

2001-07-25 Thread Buzz Kettles

Only call checkParams if the values of the GPDL parameters are non-blank.

At 8:36 PM +0200 7/25/01, Enrique Nivasch wrote:
>Hello again,
>I'm posting again my question.
>I would like to check some parameters that a behavior gets through a 
>What I did is create a handler called checkParams and placed it 
>inside the behavior. I call checkParams right before the return of 
>the getPropertyDescriptionList, after all the addProp.
>My problem is that checkParams is called immediately after the 
>behavior is attached to the sprite, before I had any chance to enter 
>the values of the parameters.
>How can I get Lingo to call checkParam after one clicks on the OK 
>button of the parameter dialog?
>Did I make myself clear?
>Sr. Enrique
>Libros, Multimedia y Software en Castellano
>Visite nuestra tienda online:
>Dirección electrónica
>Teléfono y Fax:
> +972 9 744 4701
>Dirección postal:
> Sr Enrique
> P.O. Box 875
> Ra'anana 43108
> Israel
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Checking parameters

2001-07-25 Thread Brian Romanko


When a behavior is dropped onto a sprite, getPropertyDescriptionList is
called 2 times.  The first, to initialize to default values, and then
again to display the dialog.  This is why your checkParams is called
immediately after it is attached to your sprite.  As far as I know,
getPropertyDescriptionList does not allow much in the way of data

You could try forcing users to enter valid data by using things like
sliders, checkboxes, and the #range property.  Or, if you are feeling a
bit daring you could look into the runPropertyDialog handler and try to
cook up your own forms for user input.  However, this could be more
trouble than it is worth.

What exactly are you trying to validate anyway?  Maybe there is a way to
force users only to enter proper data.

Brian Romanko
Lead Developer - Neo/SCI Corporation
Member - Greater Rochester Macromedia User Group

-Original Message-
Hello again,

I'm posting again my question.

I would like to check some parameters that a behavior gets through a 

What I did is create a handler called checkParams and placed it inside
behavior. I call checkParams right before the return of the 
getPropertyDescriptionList, after all the addProp.

My problem is that checkParams is called immediately after the behavior
attached to the sprite, before I had any chance to enter the values of

How can I get Lingo to call checkParam after one clicks on the OK button
the parameter dialog?

Did I make myself clear?


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Mark R. Jonkman


> Sure.  You will need a .INI file of the same name as the projector in
> the
> same folder as the projector.

This is true of director 7 and 8 but not of director 8.5.. if you happen to
be using D8.5 then you will need to add the line
the debugPlaybackEnabled = true
to some convenient place in your code.. such as the startMovie..

PS. If you have external castlibs with all your code in it and you've
created a projector.. then it might not be finding the castlibs and exiting
because there was no code to execute...
Try creating a stub and running your project that way...

Mark R. Jonkman

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Checking parameters

2001-07-25 Thread Kerry Thompson

>How can I get Lingo to call checkParam after one clicks on the OK button 
>of the parameter dialog?

I think you need to take it out of the getPropertyDescriptionList handler. 
Can you do it on beginSprite, or possibly call it from the message window 
with sendSprite? The program would have to be running for sendSprite to 
work, of course.

Or is there another way around it? Can you use the #range property to 
filter properties? Something like this:

on getPropertyDescriptionList
   suitableSound = GetSuitableMembers([#sound])
   p_list = [#pMySound: [#comment: "Sound:", #format: #member, #range: 
suitableSound, #default: whatever]]
   return p_list


Kerry Thompson

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Checking parameters

2001-07-25 Thread Mark R. Jonkman

Hi Enrique

the quick and dirty answer is that you can't

The GPDL is basically a MUI call, it parses the GPDL passes the list to a
specialized instance of MUI or an equivalent.. and generates the dialogue
that you see.. end of connection to the gpdl handler.

After that all work is done in the depths of director and is not reacheable
by us mere mortals except that you can check the illegal parameters on a
beginSprite event at runtime or in authoring.

Mark R. Jonkman

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Determining all the global variables within a MIAWs

2001-07-25 Thread Bill Numerick

>Is there a way to have my projector return to the message window a >list of 
>all global variables currently being used?

Just put showGlobals into your script somewhere or you can do it manually by 
putting it in the msg window.  It will also show you the globals that 
Director sets.


- Bill

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Re: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Kerry Thompson

>Sure.  You will need a .INI file of the same name as the projector in the 
>same folder as the projector.

And, if you're running Director 8.5, you need to set the 
debugPlaybackEnabled property to TRUE.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: Determining all the global variables within a MIAWs

2001-07-25 Thread Irv Kalb

In the message window type:



At 3:43 PM -0400 7/25/01, Gene Fritzinger wrote:
>Hello List,
>I have a director movie with many MIAWs and many global variables. I 
>am testing my projector by displaying the message window (thanx to 
>an earlier post). Is there a way to have my projector return to the 
>message window a list of all global variables currently being used?


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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RE: Determining all the global variables within a MIAWs

2001-07-25 Thread Al Hospers

p 219, Lingo Dictionary

the globals

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Detecting Write permission error in Lingo

2001-07-25 Thread Al Hospers

check out the AlertHook

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Detecting Write permission error in Lingo

2001-07-25 Thread Roy Crisman

check out "the alerthook"


At 03:42 PM 7/25/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello list,
>There is an error I want to trap before it's spitted out to my end user
>(questions at the bottom of email) :
>If you try to define a DrawRect To a MIAW and that Movie in this MIAW is
>opened with Write permission you get the error (this error is from window i
>guess) : "Unable to open file [...filepath...] because it is already open
>with write permission by another user".
>Then on the next instruction to the MIAW you get the error : "Object
>Expected" Or "Property not found".
>Demonstration :
>Global wMap, gMapWidth, gMapHeight
>wMap = Window("Map1.dir")
>wMap.DrawRect = Rect(0,0, gMapWidth,gMapHeight)
>-- Right after the DrawRect we get the first error
>wMap.Windowtype = 2
>-- Then here we get the property not found
>Open wMap
>I manage to trap the second erreor by doing this test :
>If wMap <> VOID Then
>   wMap.Windowtype = 2
>   Open wMap
>   wMap.MoveToFront()
>End If
>But I still get the first error (The Write permission one)... Is there any
>way to trap it before the user see it ?
>I'm new to Lingo but I code since a little time now, I havent seen any Error
>handling ability to Lingo (Neither "a la C++" : Try..Catch or "a la VB" : On
>Error Resume Next, On Error Goto. If there is such error handling mechanism
>can you point me out to an article / tutorial URL please ?
>Thank in advance,
>Alexis Cloutier
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
>email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Roy Crisman 

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Determining all the global variables within a MIAWs

2001-07-25 Thread Gene Fritzinger

Hello List,
I have a director movie with many MIAWs and many global variables. I am testing my 
projector by displaying the message window (thanx to an earlier post). Is there a way 
to have my projector return to the message window a list of all global variables 
currently being used?

Thanx in advance,
g fritzinger

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Detecting Write permission error in Lingo

2001-07-25 Thread Alexis Cloutier

Hello list,

There is an error I want to trap before it's spitted out to my end user
(questions at the bottom of email) :
If you try to define a DrawRect To a MIAW and that Movie in this MIAW is
opened with Write permission you get the error (this error is from window i
guess) : "Unable to open file [...filepath...] because it is already open
with write permission by another user".
Then on the next instruction to the MIAW you get the error : "Object
Expected" Or "Property not found".
Demonstration :
Global wMap, gMapWidth, gMapHeight
wMap = Window("Map1.dir")
wMap.DrawRect = Rect(0,0, gMapWidth,gMapHeight)
-- Right after the DrawRect we get the first error
wMap.Windowtype = 2
-- Then here we get the property not found
Open wMap

I manage to trap the second erreor by doing this test :
If wMap <> VOID Then
  wMap.Windowtype = 2
  Open wMap
End If

But I still get the first error (The Write permission one)... Is there any
way to trap it before the user see it ?
I'm new to Lingo but I code since a little time now, I havent seen any Error
handling ability to Lingo (Neither "a la C++" : Try..Catch or "a la VB" : On
Error Resume Next, On Error Goto. If there is such error handling mechanism
can you point me out to an article / tutorial URL please ?

Thank in advance,

Alexis Cloutier

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Repeating through records in a V12DBE to populate a field

2001-07-25 Thread Gene Fritzinger

Hi List,
'm creating a geography selection screen and there are 5 different geography hierarchy 
levels (NATIONAL (which is the highest level), ZONE (there are 15 zones, so ZONE.V12 
has 15 records), REGION (there are 24 regions, so REGION.V12 has 24 records), MARKET 
(there are 118 markets, MARKET.V12 has 118 records) and ACCOUNT (there are 1500+ 
accounts, ACCOUNT.V12 has 1500+ records).   I'm displaying two fields in a director 
movie.  I'm populating the field on the left with one of four V12DBE files, based on 
the geography hierarchy level. The field on the right displays the geographies 
selected by the user. There are also spinner buttons which allow the user to drill up 
or down to the next geography hierarchy level.  Here's an example: National includes 
all geographies, so we'll start at the ZONE level.  Say the user selects the EAST ZONE 
and then clicks on the drill-down spinner button,  what needs to happen is, the field 
on the right needs to display all the REGIONS (which is the n!
ext level down) within the EAST ZONE. so the field should then display New York 
Region, New England Region, Mid-Atlantic Region and Great Lakes Region. If the user 
clicks on the drill down button again, the field on the right should then display all 
the MARKETS (which is the next level down) with those 4 REGIONS. There are 7 MARKETS 
within those 4 REGIONS.  The V12 DBE files are designed with 2 fields to help in this 
process.  There is a GEOKEY field (which  is a unique identifier) and a PARENT01 
field.  The GEOKEY record for EAST ZONE is 2, the PARENT01 record for EAST ZONE is 1, 
because the only level higher than ZONE is NATIONAL which includes all geographies. 
All the REGIONS which belong to the EAST ZONE have a PARENT01 record of 2. So when the 
drill-down button is click, I need to repeat through all the REGION.v12 records to 
find all with PARENT01 of 2 and put those REGIONS into the field on the right, and so 
on etc. I'm not quite sure where to start.  Should  I have 4 di!
fferent V12 files or should there be 4 TABLES within 1 V12D!
BE file
repeat loop which searches the PARENT01 records look like?

Thanks very much for any help,
g fritzinger

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: messageWindow at runtime removed...

2001-07-25 Thread Kafka's Daytime


Thanks Mark.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mark R. Jonkman
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:45 PM
Subject: RE:  messageWindow at runtime removed...

in your startmovie handler ( or anywhere else you please) put 

the debugPlaybackEnabled = true

instant message window

if it ever gets set to false before or after it has been opened, 
you will not be able to open it again in that session. Thus you
the author have control over whether or not you wish to display
the message window and not some hacker

Mark R. Jonkman

> -Original Message-
> From: Kafka's Daytime [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:19 PM
> Subject:  messageWindow at runtime removed...
> Is it me or has the ability to display a messageWindow at runtime been
> removed with v.8.5?!
> messageWindow under [Settings] has been removed from the Director.ini
> and
> adding it to my "projector.ini" does nothing.
> Any info on this?. This has always been a valuable debugging tool for
> me,
> especially when I'm testing stuff that normally gets trapped during
> authoring (like
> command/control keys). Is it gone for good?
> Any of you insiders know anything? (Buzz?)
> Josie
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: put... before fonction HELP!!

2001-07-25 Thread Irv Kalb

 From your post, it's unclear what you are checking, and what you 
assigning, but I'll give you a general idea using a Lingo list 

on BuildString theEndingWord, theWordListIn
stringOut = ""
repeat with thisWord in theWordListIn
   if thisWord = "yes" then
  stringOut = stringOut & "1"
  stringOut = stringOut & "0"
   end if
end repeat
stringOut = stringOut & theEndingWord
return stringOut

And you would call it like this:

   someVariable = BuildString("help", ["yes", "no", "yes", ... ])

Or if you already have your data in global variables and want to keep 
it that way:

   someVariable = BuildString("help", [toto, toto2, toto3, ...  ]]


At 1:56 PM -0400 7/25/01, Dominic Villiard wrote:
>how can i put the expression of 6 different variable before aand other
>for example :
>global a, b, c, d, e
>word = hello
>if toto = "yes" then
>a = 1
>a = 0
>if toto2 = "yes" then
>b =  1
>b = 2


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Florian Bogeschdorfer

That's why I said in my earlier mail that I would not do it. So I agree.

regards, Florian

Kerry Thompson wrote:
> >If someone is selling cross-platform projectors, they need to buy both sides.
> This is one of my pet peeves. If you've heard my rant before, feel free to
> tune out.
> We're in a business, hopefully to make money. For better or worse, we have
> hitched our wagons to Macromedia's star. The better Director does, the
> better off we are as developers.
> Forget any personal feelings about Macromedia (I happen to like them, but
> that's irrelevant). This is relevant: if you circumvent Macromedia's
> legitimate sales, you are hurting yourself, and all the rest of us.
> If you're doing cross-platform projects, buy Director for both platforms,
> and add a dollar to your hourly rate. Amortize the cost over several
> projects, or pass it along to a single customer. You're doing yourself a favor.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Tab Julius

Sure.  You will need a .INI file of the same name as the projector in the 
same folder as the projector.

So, if your projector is SIMON.EXE then you will need (if you don't have 
one already) a file called SIMON.INI

This is a text file, and you can edit it with Notepad (or SimpleText if 
Mac).  If you have an existing one, just amend it, otherwise create a new 
file, or copy over the DIRECTOR.INI from the Director folder and rename it, 
then edit it.

Make a section that looks like this (put it at the end of the file, or the 
very top, to simplify things):


And that should bring it up.  The FullScreen and UseTitleBar are only 
necessary if you have a full-screen projector to begin with, otherwise just 
do the MessageWindow line.

- Tab

At 12:21 PM 7/25/01 -0400, Allard, Simon wrote:
>Hi all,
>Is it possible to create the "message window" of Director for a projector.
>My project work fine in Director but when I create the projector it quit for
>no reason, so I want to find out where the problem is.

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Checking parameters

2001-07-25 Thread Enrique Nivasch

Hello again,

I'm posting again my question.

I would like to check some parameters that a behavior gets through a 

What I did is create a handler called checkParams and placed it inside the 
behavior. I call checkParams right before the return of the 
getPropertyDescriptionList, after all the addProp.

My problem is that checkParams is called immediately after the behavior is 
attached to the sprite, before I had any chance to enter the values of the 

How can I get Lingo to call checkParam after one clicks on the OK button of 
the parameter dialog?

Did I make myself clear?


Sr. Enrique
Libros, Multimedia y Software en Castellano

Visite nuestra tienda online:
Dirección electrónica
Teléfono y Fax:
 +972 9 744 4701
Dirección postal:
 Sr Enrique
 P.O. Box 875
 Ra'anana 43108

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: How to put the QUOTE symbol into a string?

2001-07-25 Thread Buzz Kettles

Just don't your get your ascii in a not.

At 1:31 PM -0400 7/25/01, Colin Holgate wrote:
>>Maybe Colin's gone all 'sensitive' ?
>That could be the case. Sometimes I'm case sensitive.
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Kerry Thompson

>If someone is selling cross-platform projectors, they need to buy both sides.

This is one of my pet peeves. If you've heard my rant before, feel free to 
tune out.

We're in a business, hopefully to make money. For better or worse, we have 
hitched our wagons to Macromedia's star. The better Director does, the 
better off we are as developers.

Forget any personal feelings about Macromedia (I happen to like them, but 
that's irrelevant). This is relevant: if you circumvent Macromedia's 
legitimate sales, you are hurting yourself, and all the rest of us.

If you're doing cross-platform projects, buy Director for both platforms, 
and add a dollar to your hourly rate. Amortize the cost over several 
projects, or pass it along to a single customer. You're doing yourself a favor.


Kerry Thompson

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: put... before fonction HELP!!

2001-07-25 Thread Dominic Villiard

ok forget this 
i've found out all by myself juste after i sent the email :)


- Original Message - 
From: Dominic Villiard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:56 PM
Subject:  put... before fonction HELP!!

> how can i put the expression of 6 different variable before aand other
> expression
> for example :
> global a, b, c, d, e
> word = hello
> if toto = "yes" then
> a = 1
> else
> a = 0
> if toto2 = "yes" then
> b =  1
> else
> b = 2
> ... and so on...
> now i want to put all the global in a string before the variable "word"
> so at the end i have something like "11010hello"
> there must be a simple way to do this...
> thanx
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: put... before fonction HELP!!

2001-07-25 Thread Tab Julius

Instead of things like toto1 and toto2 you should try using lists, but that 
aside, you want to concatenate using the ampersand &, so make an empty 
string, then append on the parts you want, and at the very end put out the 

outText =""
if (whatever) then
   outText =outText & "1"
end if

if (whateverElse) then
   outText =outText & "2"
end if

outText =outText & "hello"

put outText
-- 12Hello

At 01:56 PM 7/25/01 -0400, Dominic Villiard wrote:
>how can i put the expression of 6 different variable before aand other
>for example :
>global a, b, c, d, e
>word = hello
>if toto = "yes" then
>a = 1
>a = 0
>if toto2 = "yes" then
>b =  1
>b = 2
>... and so on...
>now i want to put all the global in a string before the variable "word"
>so at the end i have something like "11010hello"
>there must be a simple way to do this...
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

put... before fonction HELP!!

2001-07-25 Thread Dominic Villiard

how can i put the expression of 6 different variable before aand other

for example :

global a, b, c, d, e

word = hello

if toto = "yes" then
a = 1
a = 0

if toto2 = "yes" then
b =  1
b = 2

... and so on...

now i want to put all the global in a string before the variable "word"
so at the end i have something like "11010hello"

there must be a simple way to do this...

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RE: message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Kafka's Daytime

good timing Simon...

soo yesterday's thread on same topic below:


Thanks Mark.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mark R. Jonkman
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:45 PM
Subject: RE:  messageWindow at runtime removed...

in your startmovie handler ( or anywhere else you please) put

the debugPlaybackEnabled = true

instant message window

if it ever gets set to false before or after it has been opened,
you will not be able to open it again in that session. Thus you
the author have control over whether or not you wish to display
the message window and not some hacker

Mark R. Jonkman

> -Original Message-
> From: Kafka's Daytime [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:19 PM
> Subject:  messageWindow at runtime removed...
> Is it me or has the ability to display a messageWindow at runtime been
> removed with v.8.5?!
> messageWindow under [Settings] has been removed from the Director.ini
> and
> adding it to my "projector.ini" does nothing.
> Any info on this?. This has always been a valuable debugging tool for
> me,
> especially when I'm testing stuff that normally gets trapped during
> authoring (like
> command/control keys). Is it gone for good?
> Any of you insiders know anything? (Buzz?)
> Josie

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Allard, Simon
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject:  message window question

Hi all,

Is it possible to create the "message window" of Director for a projector.
My project work fine in Director but when I create the projector it quit for
no reason, so I want to find out where the problem is.


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Re: How to put the QUOTE symbol into a string?

2001-07-25 Thread Colin Holgate

>Maybe Colin's gone all 'sensitive' ?

That could be the case. Sometimes I'm case sensitive.


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Re: Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread Nicolas MAREY

You can use imaging Lingo :
set OnScreenImageWidth to 640
set OnScreenImageHeight to 480
OnScreenImage = image(OnScreenImageWidth, OnScreenImageHeight, 16)
OnScreenImage.copyPixels((the stage).image, OnScreenImage.rect,
member("imageCapture").image = OnScreenImage

Nicolas MAREY
ADELIS - Développeur Multimédia
- Original Message -
From: "Stephen Recker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject:  Screen capture

> Hello,
> Does anyone know an alternative to ScrnXtra for capturing a protion of the
> screen to a cast member? I'd been using ScrnXtra but it fails sometimes in
> D8.5. Thanks.
> Stephen
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread grimmwerks

Screen capture of the stage or of the user's desktop? If it's the stage,
then lingo has the built in (the stage).image.

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Buzz Kettles

If someone is selling cross-platform projectors, they need to buy both sides.

Since this expense is being driven by the client's requirements, it 
could logically be passed back upon them.


At 3:00 PM +0200 7/25/01, Florian Bogeschdorfer wrote:
>I knew, there had to be something wrong. What if I changed his movie a
>little bit? As a kind of co-author?
>>  Actually Florian, that is not allowed either. The runtimes that you
>>  distribute can only be used to playback movies that you have authored
>>  yourself. I had queried the chaps at Macr. about this and they made this
>>  point pretty clear.
>>  Regards,
>>  Pranav
>>  ---
>>  Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface.
>>  That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
>>  you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
>>  ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
>>  Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
>>  CD-production. He won't be the license holder.
>>  regards, Florian
>>  Chris Aernoudt wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the
>>  right
>>  > to ditribute without a license.
>>  >
>>  > -Original Message-
>>  > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
>>  Of
>>  > Rama krishnan
>>  > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
>>  > Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
>>  >
>>  > Hi list
>>  >  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
>>  > of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
>>  > For this samll project buying the mac version of
>>  > director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
>>  > stub.
>>  [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>>  To post messages to the list,
>>  email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>  Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread Tony Åström

Hi Stephen,

I use ScrnXtra with FilIO in 8.0 and it works great.
Modify this and I hope it will solve your problem.
Excuce for the swedish and multiLang in the script
/ Tony

-- Put this in the moviescritr:
  member("left").text = "0"
  member("top").text = "0"
  member("right").text = "800"
  member("bottom").text = "525"
-- Specifi the picturename

global gFile, gLang

-- Display filesave dialog
-- Purpose: Uses FileIO to display a file save dialog
-- and puts the chosen path in a field
-- Usage: Drop behavior on a button sprite
-- Requires: FileIO Xtra and a field to store the path.
-- Field does not have to be on stage.
-- myField: name of field storing path
-- dialogTitle: title to display at top of save dialog
-- defaultFilename: default saved file name to display in dialog
property myField,dialogTitel,defaultFilenamn

on mouseUp me
  member("returnmessage").text = ""
  -- if not xtraExists("fileio") then exit
  set gFile = new(xtra "fileio")
  if not objectP(gFile) then exit

  proNamn = member("kundnamn").text
  -- put proNamn into defaultFilenamn

  if gLang = "sve" then
dialogTitel = "Ange ett bildnamn.  Se (?) "
defaultFilenamn = proNamn
dialogTitel = "Specify a picturename.  See (?) "
defaultFilenamn = proNamn
  end if

  set thePath = displaySave(gFile,dialogTitel,defaultFilenamn)
  langd = thePath.length - 4

  if the machinetype = 256 then
foo = ".bmp"
put thePath.char[1..langd] & foo into field myField
foo = ".pct"
put thePath & foo into field myField
  end if

  if member("bildnamn").text.length < 5 then  -- cansel om endast foo
go to frame "hisskorg_artnr"
go to frame "ta_bild"
  end if

  set gFile = 0

on mouseEnter me
cursor 280
  end if

on mouseLeave me
cursor -1
  end if

-- on xtraExists theName
-- set n = the number of xtras
-- repeat with x = 1 to n
-- if the name of xtra x = theName then
-- return TRUE
-- end if
-- end repeat
-- return FALSE
-- end

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set retlist = [:]
  set sublist = [:]
  addProp sublist,#comment,"Field-namn för lagring av sökväg:" --"Field name
to store path:"
  addProp sublist,#format,#string
  addProp sublist,#default,"Filepath"
  addProp retList,#myField,duplicate(sublist)
  set sublist = [:]
  addProp sublist,#comment,"Dialog titel:"
  addProp sublist,#format,#string
  addProp sublist,#default,"Spara dokumentet som:" -- "Save this document
  addProp retList,#dialogTitel,duplicate(sublist)
  set sublist = [:]
  addProp sublist,#comment," Förvat filenamn:" -- "Default file name:"
  addProp sublist,#format,#string
  addProp sublist,#default,"Utan titel"
  addProp retList,#defaultFilenamn,duplicate(sublist)
  return retList
-- And the StageToFile button script.

on mouseUp
  -- get coordinates of capture rectangle
  set left to the value of field "left"
  set top to the value of field "top"
  set right to the value of field "right"
  set bottom to the value of field "bottom"

  -- get filename argument
  if length(field "bildnamn") = 0 then
ShowRetVals("", "You must specify a filename")
puppetsound "cameraclick"

set filename to field "bildnamn"-- string specified
  end if

  set retVal to StageToFile(left, top, right, bottom, filename)

  ShowRetVals(retVal, GetMessage(retVal))
  go to frame "hisskorg_artnr"
  member("bildnamn").text = ""

on mouseEnter me
cursor 280
  end if

on mouseLeave me
cursor -1
  end if

Stephen Recker wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone know an alternative to ScrnXtra for capturing a protion of the
> screen to a cast member? I'd been using ScrnXtra but it fails sometimes in
> D8.5. Thanks.
> Stephen
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Re: URGENT pl. ? Create good quality VCD...

2001-07-25 Thread Simon

Try to use WinOnCD to brun the CD ..its pretty good .

Damian Lopez wrote:

> hi all
> Can anyone help me how to create a VCD
> i have used filename.mpg file and cut in VCD formate but it gives
> error when i play it...
> alternate i have also tried with uncompressed filename.avi file its
> working but i am not satisfied with its quality
> I am using Nero software to burn the CD...
> can anyone help me
> thanks in advance
> danny
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: How to put the QUOTE symbol into a string?

2001-07-25 Thread Buzz Kettles

Maybe Colin's gone all 'sensitive' ?

At 11:57 PM -0700 7/24/01, R. Bhakti Klein wrote:
>well, i just didn't read anyone explicating it like that, and maybe it's
>the teacher in me, or maybe i like this list best when it's educational
>or theoretical like that, and not just people writing code for each
>other. i knew *you* knew why you were iterating backwards, but maybe
>there are some lurkers for whom my comment was helpful. no offense intended.
>Colin Holgate wrote:
>>  >the key is iterating backwards. if you iterate forward 1 char at a time,
>>  >and you replace one char, the quote, with a multi char string, the
>>  >repeat loop gets mighty confused about where it is. the same thing can
>>  >happen when you loop through a list, and change the list in the loop. do
>>  >it backwards, and the extra characters are added at a point that's after
>>  >the iteration point, so the next iteration of the loop deals with the
>>  >correct char.
>>  >
>>  >-bhakti
>>  I'm confused, were you explaining this to someone? I already iterate
>>  backwards, for the reasons you said.
>>  --
>>  [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>>  To post messages to the list,
>>  email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>  Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
>R. Bhakti Klein
>Educational Software R & D
>Baritone, unaffiliated but open to suggestions...
>"On Earth, you can only do little things;
>but you can do them with a lot of Love."
>   -- Mother Theresa
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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

message window question

2001-07-25 Thread Allard, Simon

Hi all,

Is it possible to create the "message window" of Director for a projector.
My project work fine in Director but when I create the projector it quit for
no reason, so I want to find out where the problem is.


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread Stephen Recker

on 7/25/01 8:49 AM, Colin Holgate at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Does anyone know an alternative to ScrnXtra for capturing a protion of the
>> screen to a cast member? I'd been using ScrnXtra but it fails sometimes in
>> D8.5. Thanks.
> You can set the picture of a bitmap to the picture of the stage, and
> then crop the bitmap to what you need. Or you can use imaging lingo
> and copypixels directly from the rect you need in the stage's image
> to the image of the bitmap.

That is awesome. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread Colin Holgate

>Does anyone know an alternative to ScrnXtra for capturing a protion of the
>screen to a cast member? I'd been using ScrnXtra but it fails sometimes in
>D8.5. Thanks.

You can set the picture of a bitmap to the picture of the stage, and 
then crop the bitmap to what you need. Or you can use imaging lingo 
and copypixels directly from the rect you need in the stage's image 
to the image of the bitmap.

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread Stephen Recker


Does anyone know an alternative to ScrnXtra for capturing a protion of the
screen to a cast member? I'd been using ScrnXtra but it fails sometimes in
D8.5. Thanks.


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Links for Lingo Learning for Pascal

2001-07-25 Thread Pascal Deraed

merci beaucoup Pierre Yves.(un autre français sur la liste)
Je te contacterai si jái un problème. Pour le moment, j´en suis aux  listes
[] mais ce n´est
de comprendre.

- Original Message -
From: Pierre-Yves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject:  Links for Lingo Learning for Pascal

> Hello,
> It's for Pascal who want to learn Lingo, here's to
> links i found for learning Lingo, this one in french :
> The other one, very interesting propose you to learn
> lingo since the very beginning programming a "space
> invaders" :
> You can also check this website in french for
> lingo/flash designer :
> If you're looking for french book, go to
> is a lot of books about
> Lingo/director and you can order them without problem
> even if you live in a foreigner cold land !!!
> Euh, that's all ...
> Je te souhaites bonne chance dans ton apprentissage,
> si t'as besoin de question , n'hésites pas à m'envoyer
> un mail perso !!!
> Pïerre-Yves
> ___
> Do You Yahoo!? -- Vos albums photos en ligne,
> Yahoo! Photos :
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: messageWindow at runtime removed...

2001-07-25 Thread Roy Crisman

>in your startmovie handler ( or anywhere else you please) put
>the debugPlaybackEnabled = true
>instant message window
>if it ever gets set to false before or after it has been opened,
>you will not be able to open it again in that session. Thus you
>the author have control over whether or not you wish to display
>the message window and not some hacker
>Mark R. Jonkman

To clarify, in order to protect your projectors, you have to declare
the debugPlaybackEnabled = FALSE
inside a .dir filesuch as on prepareMovie.  If you don't do this, 
someone can change a lingo.ini to allow access and turn it on with the 

Roy Crisman 

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Links for Lingo Learning for Pascal

2001-07-25 Thread Pierre-Yves


It's for Pascal who want to learn Lingo, here's to
links i found for learning Lingo, this one in french :

The other one, very interesting propose you to learn
lingo since the very beginning programming a "space
invaders" :

You can also check this website in french for
lingo/flash designer :

If you're looking for french book, go to is a lot of books about
Lingo/director and you can order them without problem
even if you live in a foreigner cold land !!!

Euh, that's all ...

Je te souhaites bonne chance dans ton apprentissage,
si t'as besoin de question , n'hésites pas à m'envoyer
un mail perso !!!


Do You Yahoo!? -- Vos albums photos en ligne, 
Yahoo! Photos :

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Florian Bogeschdorfer

I knew, there had to be something wrong. What if I changed his movie a
little bit? As a kind of co-author?

> Actually Florian, that is not allowed either. The runtimes that you
> distribute can only be used to playback movies that you have authored
> yourself. I had queried the chaps at Macr. about this and they made this
> point pretty clear.
> Regards,
> Pranav
> ---
> Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface.
> That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
> you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
> ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
> Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
> CD-production. He won't be the license holder.
> regards, Florian
> Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> >
> > Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the
> right
> > to ditribute without a license.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
> Of
> > Rama krishnan
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
> > Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
> >
> > Hi list
> >  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
> > of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
> > For this samll project buying the mac version of
> > director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
> > stub.
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Florian Bogeschdorfer

Allright!! So You charge 900 USD for 10 minutes of work.

Excuse me, I would gladly hand you over my complete company including
all customers and projects, computers, cars and stuff, if you give me a
10-years contract for 10% of the money (makes 540 USD an hour, wheewww!!)

Well, to get back to reality. I would charge for 10 minutes converting a
stub-dir to a projector a general fee of maybe 50 USD.
But -sorry- this is not an offer. I simply won't do it.

regards, Florian

Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> You're right, but then you would have to send him a bill, and at the rate we
> charge here, he'd be better of buying D8.5 mac. :))
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Florian Bogeschdorfer
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:17 PM
> Subject: Re:  mac stub dir 8.5
> That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
> you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
> ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
> Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
> CD-production. He won't be the license holder.
> regards, Florian
> Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> >
> > Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the right
> > to ditribute without a license.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
> Of
> > Rama krishnan
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
> > Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
> >
> > Hi list
> >  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
> > of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
> > For this samll project buying the mac version of
> > director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
> > stub.
> > pls revert to me so i can give the specifications
> >
> > thanks
> > rk
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Newbie question.

2001-07-25 Thread Roy Crisman

>Global functions exist in movie scripts.
>Sorry, you couldn't declare them in Lingo.ini (if only, unfortunately 
>there'd be a security problem).  However you could reference external 
>casts and link them in dynamically or import the script text.
>- Tab
>At 11:35 AM 7/25/01 +1000, Brendon wrote:
>>How do i make a global (or would it be public? i'm not sure of terminology)
>>function in director?  As i'd prefer to encapulate often typed code.  Could
>>i store these functions in lingo.ini for quick mods?

You can declare globals in the Lingo.ini, which makes it very convenient 
when you know a client is waffling on several different things at the end 
of a project (then when the client says they changed their mind, they don't 
want the warning screen up that comes up at the beginning, you just change 
one value in your lingo.ini and reburn without having to change the 
protected director files.

And I usually have something in the prepareMovie handler to define those 
variables IFF they are void.

in Lingo.ini:
on startup
   global gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni
   gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni = "roymeo says that I can!"

end startup

in the director file:
on prepareMovie
   global gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni
   if voidP(gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni) then
 gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni = "Tab says that I cannot."
   end if
   alert gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni

and the alert appears with "roymeo says that I can!"
and in the message window in the projector (cut n pasted directly from a 
projector message window):
put gCanIHaveVariablesInLingoIni
-- "roymeo says that I can!"

Roy Crisman 

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: URGENT pls.. How to create a good quality VCD...

2001-07-25 Thread Bastien Bouchard


I assume you work on a PC.

CD burning soft encoder are generally not what i would call "state of the

For very complete information about vcd, go there:

The best encoder i tried: TMPEnc beta 12f+.
This is a very good quality, very flexible tool and it is free!... You'l
find detailled guides to use it on

For an easy/cheap/good way to author your vcd, pre-encode your movie into an
mpg vcd compliant file with tmpeg and author it with NERO.

Bastien Bouchard
Logique multimédia

99 Turcot
Beauport (Qué.)
G1B 2L4
(418) 821-0301

2480, Benny-Crescent
# 105
H4B 2R1
(514) 569-1238

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URGENT pl. ? Create good quality VCD...

2001-07-25 Thread Damian Lopez

hi all

Can anyone help me how to create a VCD

i have used filename.mpg file and cut in VCD formate but it gives
error when i play it...

alternate i have also tried with uncompressed filename.avi file its
working but i am not satisfied with its quality

I am using Nero software to burn the CD...

can anyone help me

thanks in advance


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RE: Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

2001-07-25 Thread Pekka Buttler

Even the sample movies which Macromedia provides say it don't work in IE5.


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Ivan Preziosi
> Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 14:28
> Subject: Re:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> Strange to me, i just made a shockwave applet that makes use of
> externalEvent and evalScript and it runs well even under IE5. I'm pretty
> sure of it
> I just controlled, and it runs smooth on my IE5 under win2000pro.
> It passes data to and from javascript, java and a db.
> What's the case?
> Anyway the external parameter way is really intresting and will
> surely come
> useful in the future.
> Ivan Preziosi
> Multimedia Developer
> Web Developer
> - Original Message -
> From: "Pekka Buttler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:11 PM
> Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> > That's true, but be warned that evalscript does not work in IE
> 5 (neither
> > platform)
> >
> > Macromedia says it's a browser limitation. With IE5 covering
> about 30% of
> > the WinDos users and 40% of the macusers that is a serious limitation.
> >
> > You can always use a Javascript which structures the HTML for you and
> saves
> > the cookie into the SW parameters.
> >
> > Look in the Macr. technotes for "sw1" or "ExternalParamName"
> >
> > Pekka
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > Behalf Of Ivan Preziosi
> > > Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 11:09
> > > Subject: Re:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> > >
> > >
> > > Sure man,
> > > you should do it by JavaScript, using externalEvent and
> > > evalScript commands.
> > > What a fool I am not thinking of it before...
> > > eh eh eh...
> > >
> > >
> > > Ivan Preziosi
> > > ShockWave Developer
> > > Web Developer
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -
> > > L'albero della liberta' deve essere
> > > irrorato di quando in quando
> > > dal sangue dei padroni.
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:27 PM
> > > Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> > >
> > >
> > > > > How can I pull information from a cookie that was set
> > > > > on the previous page?  Is this possible from within
> > > > > director.
> > > >
> > > > not directly.  you could have a Javascript function
> that did it
> > > > tho.
> > > >
> > > > hth
> > > >
> > > > Al Hospers
> > > > CamberSoft, Inc.
> > > > alcambersoftcom
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > A famous linguist once said:
> > > > "There is no language wherein a double
> > > > positive can form a negative."
> > > >
> > > > YEAH, RIGHT
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest
> mode, go to
> > > >  To post messages
> to the list,
> > > > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email
> > > > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.
>  Thanks!]
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> > >  To post messages to the list,
> > > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> > >
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> >
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Font issue

2001-07-25 Thread Brian Romanko

Hi Nikaj,

I had to do a similar thing some time ago because a client requested
that multiplication symbols not be simple 'x' characters, but rather
small centered x's only available in the PC Symbol font.

Basically, it looked for a specific character (in this case,
numToChar(215)), and changed the font on that character.  You could
store all of your Euro symbols as a special string such as '€' and
then replace the '€' with the corresponding letter in your font,
and then change the font.

I spent all of 5 minutes slapping together this script, and although it
would probably be bettew written looping in reverse, this should be
modifiable to do the trick for you.

On ConvertChar(castMember)

  -- Check for multiplication signs
  mLoc = offset(numToChar(215), member(castMember).text)
  mLocLast = 1
  repeat while mLoc > mLocLast
member(castMember).char[mLoc].font = "Symbol *"
mLocLast = mLoc
mLoc = offset(numToChar(215), member(castMember).char[mLocLast +
1..member castMember).text.length])
mLoc = mLoc + mLocLast
  end repeat 



Brian Romanko
Lead Developer - Neo/SCI Corporation
Member - Greater Rochester Macromedia User Group

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Nikaj Wiggers
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 7:54 AM
Subject:  Font issue

Hi List,

Long time ago :-)

I have the following problem:

I am making a program in 12 languishes. The problem I encountered was
that i had to use a differed font for the Greek languish because it has
special characters. The problem is that in this font the EURO-sign is
not supported so I want to do a query in the text for the symbol that
UB-Helvetica uses for the EURO-sign end change the font for this
character to Arial. Is it possible to change the font for just one
character in a text field? if NOT can I copy a EURO-sign from another
castmember were it is in the right font (Arial) and copy it into the
textcastmember and then it keeps the settings of that specific

I hope that somebody has a solution.


Nikaj Wiggers

Araneum Interactive Productions
Tussen de Bogen 113
1013 JB Amsterdam
T: +31 20 6706707
F: +31 20 6706701
M: +31 654725584 

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Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread pranavn

Actually Florian, that is not allowed either. The runtimes that you
distribute can only be used to playback movies that you have authored
yourself. I had queried the chaps at Macr. about this and they made this
point pretty clear.

Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface.

That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
CD-production. He won't be the license holder.

regards, Florian

Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the
> to ditribute without a license.
> -Original Message-
> Rama krishnan
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
> Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
> Hi list
>  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
> of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
> For this samll project buying the mac version of
> director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
> stub.

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Comparing Multiple Lists with One List

2001-07-25 Thread Ravi Garimella

Thanks Guys for the INFO. Mucho appreciated. I think i was not paying 
attention in my assembly language class??:)


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Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Pascal Deraed

Ha!Ha!Ha! you´re just amazing guys!! and how much would that be?

- Original Message -
From: Chris Aernoudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:23 PM
Subject: RE:  mac stub dir 8.5

> You're right, but then you would have to send him a bill, and at the rate
> charge here, he'd be better of buying D8.5 mac. :))
> -Original Message-
> Florian Bogeschdorfer
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:17 PM
> Subject: Re:  mac stub dir 8.5
> That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
> you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
> ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
> Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
> CD-production. He won't be the license holder.
> regards, Florian
> Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> >
> > Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the
> > to ditribute without a license.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> Of
> > Rama krishnan
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
> > Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
> >
> > Hi list
> >  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
> > of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
> > For this samll project buying the mac version of
> > director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
> > stub.
> > pls revert to me so i can give the specifications
> >
> > thanks
> > rk
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Chris Aernoudt

You're right, but then you would have to send him a bill, and at the rate we
charge here, he'd be better of buying D8.5 mac. :))

-Original Message-
Florian Bogeschdorfer
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:17 PM
Subject: Re:  mac stub dir 8.5

That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
CD-production. He won't be the license holder.

regards, Florian

Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the right
> to ditribute without a license.
> -Original Message-
> Rama krishnan
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
> Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
> Hi list
>  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
> of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
> For this samll project buying the mac version of
> director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
> stub.
> pls revert to me so i can give the specifications
> thanks
> rk
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

URGENT pls.. How to create a good quality VCD...

2001-07-25 Thread Damian Lopez

hi all

Can anyone help me how to create a VCD

i have used filename.mpg file and cut in VCD formate but it gives error when 
i play it...

alternate i have also tried with uncompressed filename.avi file its working 
but i am not satisfied with its quality

I am using Nero software to burn the CD...

can anyone help me

thanks in advance


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Florian Bogeschdorfer

That's an interesting question. What if he pays another developer (like
you or me) for producing a stub projector, which he will then
ditsribute. You don't need to pay a license fee for the runtime stuff.
Therefore this should be legal. It's the same as if a customer orders a
CD-production. He won't be the license holder. 

regards, Florian

Chris Aernoudt wrote:
> Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the right
> to ditribute without a license.
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Rama krishnan
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
> Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5
> Hi list
>  I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
> of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
> For this samll project buying the mac version of
> director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
> stub.
> pls revert to me so i can give the specifications
> thanks
> rk
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Chris Aernoudt

Economical or not, you'll have to buy it, because you don't have the right
to ditribute without a license.

-Original Message-
Rama krishnan
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:47 PM
Subject:  mac stub dir 8.5

Hi list
 I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
For this samll project buying the mac version of
director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
pls revert to me so i can give the specifications


Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread Rama krishnan

Hi list
 I'm doing asmall  hybrid project, i have the copy
of director 8.5 for windows I need a stub for mac.
For this samll project buying the mac version of
director 8.5 is not economical, so anybody can send me
pls revert to me so i can give the specifications


Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

2001-07-25 Thread Ivan Preziosi

Strange to me, i just made a shockwave applet that makes use of
externalEvent and evalScript and it runs well even under IE5. I'm pretty
sure of it

I just controlled, and it runs smooth on my IE5 under win2000pro.
It passes data to and from javascript, java and a db.

What's the case?

Anyway the external parameter way is really intresting and will surely come
useful in the future.

Ivan Preziosi
Multimedia Developer
Web Developer

- Original Message -
From: "Pekka Buttler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

> That's true, but be warned that evalscript does not work in IE 5 (neither
> platform)
> Macromedia says it's a browser limitation. With IE5 covering about 30% of
> the WinDos users and 40% of the macusers that is a serious limitation.
> You can always use a Javascript which structures the HTML for you and
> the cookie into the SW parameters.
> Look in the Macr. technotes for "sw1" or "ExternalParamName"
> Pekka
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of Ivan Preziosi
> > Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 11:09
> > Subject: Re:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> >
> >
> > Sure man,
> > you should do it by JavaScript, using externalEvent and
> > evalScript commands.
> > What a fool I am not thinking of it before...
> > eh eh eh...
> >
> >
> > Ivan Preziosi
> > ShockWave Developer
> > Web Developer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > L'albero della liberta' deve essere
> > irrorato di quando in quando
> > dal sangue dei padroni.
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:27 PM
> > Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> >
> >
> > > > How can I pull information from a cookie that was set
> > > > on the previous page?  Is this possible from within
> > > > director.
> > >
> > > not directly.  you could have a Javascript function that did it
> > > tho.
> > >
> > > hth
> > >
> > > Al Hospers
> > > CamberSoft, Inc.
> > > alcambersoftcom
> > >
> > >
> > > A famous linguist once said:
> > > "There is no language wherein a double
> > > positive can form a negative."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> > >  To post messages to the list,
> > > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Team collaboration

2001-07-25 Thread Miguel Gonzalez

I'm sure your system can works properly in some case, I don't know if it
could work in my case, I will think about it.

Any other idea will be welcome.

- Original Message -
From: Pekka Buttler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:19 AM
Subject: RE:  Team collaboration

> I have another Idea for you.
> First off, Director is probably as unfriendly collaborative environment as
> it gets. I used to work in teams, where only 1 member of the team had
> to touch the shared casts, which won't work if you want everyone to be
> to fully participate.
> The real option, which I've had to make use of once (I had my doubts, but
> worked brilliantly) in a rush project (although I admit that it is
> demanding) is to work in shifts.
> Shift 1 : 800-1700
> Shift 2 : 1600 - 0100
> Shift 3 :  - 0900
> The overlapping time was used for briefing the next shift on what had to
> done. We changed Shifts every week, so that none would get his daily cycle
> too effed-up.
> In the end it fell apart and all three of us were there 24h/d, but at that
> time 2 guys were testing, and one was debugging...
> As I said, It don't work in all situations and with all kinds of people,
> you can always consider it. Naturally modifying this model for 2 shifts is
> quite possible...
> Pekka
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of Miguel Gonzalez
> > Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 11:21
> > Subject: Re:  Team collaboration
> >
> >
> > I have this problem and we have decided work using MIAW, each one
> > can make a
> > movie and later all of them will work together. Each movie will have its
> > appropriate casts library's.
> >
> > Any other idea?
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Victor Iwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:50 PM
> > Subject:  Team collaboration
> >
> >
> > > Well, I used to work alone and now I learning to use director in a
> > > Any suggestion how to manage team in director ? Can I add
> > > in frame x in director ? I mean like insert 30 pre-built frame in
> > > x How about cast member ? Can a frame behavior consist of many
> > > behavior ?
> > >
> > > Thanks...
> > > victor
> > >
> > >
> > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> > >  To post messages to the list,
> > > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Team collaboration

2001-07-25 Thread Pekka Buttler

I have another Idea for you.

First off, Director is probably as unfriendly collaborative environment as
it gets. I used to work in teams, where only 1 member of the team had rights
to touch the shared casts, which won't work if you want everyone to be able
to fully participate.

The real option, which I've had to make use of once (I had my doubts, but it
worked brilliantly) in a rush project (although I admit that it is
demanding) is to work in shifts.
Shift 1 : 800-1700
Shift 2 : 1600 - 0100
Shift 3 :  - 0900
The overlapping time was used for briefing the next shift on what had to be
done. We changed Shifts every week, so that none would get his daily cycle
too effed-up.

In the end it fell apart and all three of us were there 24h/d, but at that
time 2 guys were testing, and one was debugging...

As I said, It don't work in all situations and with all kinds of people, but
you can always consider it. Naturally modifying this model for 2 shifts is
quite possible...


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Miguel Gonzalez
> Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 11:21
> Subject: Re:  Team collaboration
> I have this problem and we have decided work using MIAW, each one
> can make a
> movie and later all of them will work together. Each movie will have its
> appropriate casts library's.
> Any other idea?
> - Original Message -
> From: Victor Iwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:50 PM
> Subject:  Team collaboration
> > Well, I used to work alone and now I learning to use director in a team.
> > Any suggestion how to manage team in director ? Can I add 'sub-project'
> > in frame x in director ? I mean like insert 30 pre-built frame in frame
> > x How about cast member ? Can a frame behavior consist of many
> > behavior ?
> >
> > Thanks...
> > victor
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> >
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

2001-07-25 Thread Pekka Buttler

That's true, but be warned that evalscript does not work in IE 5 (neither

Macromedia says it's a browser limitation. With IE5 covering about 30% of
the WinDos users and 40% of the macusers that is a serious limitation.

You can always use a Javascript which structures the HTML for you and saves
the cookie into the SW parameters.

Look in the Macr. technotes for "sw1" or "ExternalParamName"


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Ivan Preziosi
> Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 11:09
> Subject: Re:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> Sure man,
> you should do it by JavaScript, using externalEvent and
> evalScript commands.
> What a fool I am not thinking of it before...
> eh eh eh...
> Ivan Preziosi
> ShockWave Developer
> Web Developer
> -
> L'albero della liberta' deve essere
> irrorato di quando in quando
> dal sangue dei padroni.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:27 PM
> Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> > > How can I pull information from a cookie that was set
> > > on the previous page?  Is this possible from within
> > > director.
> >
> > not directly.  you could have a Javascript function that did it
> > tho.
> >
> > hth
> >
> > Al Hospers
> > CamberSoft, Inc.
> > alcambersoftcom
> >
> >
> > A famous linguist once said:
> > "There is no language wherein a double
> > positive can form a negative."
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> >
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to  To post messages to the list,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Team collaboration

2001-07-25 Thread Miguel Gonzalez

I have this problem and we have decided work using MIAW, each one can make a
movie and later all of them will work together. Each movie will have its
appropriate casts library's.

Any other idea?

- Original Message -
From: Victor Iwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:50 PM
Subject:  Team collaboration

> Well, I used to work alone and now I learning to use director in a team.
> Any suggestion how to manage team in director ? Can I add 'sub-project'
> in frame x in director ? I mean like insert 30 pre-built frame in frame
> x How about cast member ? Can a frame behavior consist of many
> behavior ?
> Thanks...
> victor
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

2001-07-25 Thread Ivan Preziosi

Sure man,
you should do it by JavaScript, using externalEvent and evalScript commands.
What a fool I am not thinking of it before...
eh eh eh...

Ivan Preziosi
ShockWave Developer
Web Developer

L'albero della liberta' deve essere
irrorato di quando in quando
dal sangue dei padroni.

- Original Message -
From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

> > How can I pull information from a cookie that was set
> > on the previous page?  Is this possible from within
> > director.
> not directly.  you could have a Javascript function that did it
> tho.
> hth
> Al Hospers
> CamberSoft, Inc.
> alcambersoftcom
> A famous linguist once said:
> "There is no language wherein a double
> positive can form a negative."
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to  To post messages to the list,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

2001-07-25 Thread Ivan Preziosi

I think the only way is to use setpref and getpref. If the cookie was set by
a director movie (i mean using setpref command), it's all ok, but if it's
not... i don't think there's a way. Security issues in shockwave prevent
access to whatever is on a client disk. Isn't it?

Ivan Preziosi
Lingo Programmer
Web Developer

L'albero della liberta' deve essere
irrorato di quando in quando
dal sangue dei padroni.

- Original Message -
From: "Johnny Abbate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 5:36 PM
Subject:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

> How can I pull information from a cookie that was set
> on the previous page?  Is this possible from within
> director.
> Thanks

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