Re: lingo-l RESEND - creating a handler that executes on everyframe

2001-07-27 Thread Carl West

Buzz Kettles wrote:
 the actorlist method seems like too much trouble.
 Since the messaging hierarchy sends enterFrame/exitFrame to every
 sprite, use a dummy sprite.
 Put an unfilled shape, linewidth = 0 in the score and spread it
 across the frames you want to watch.
 put an 'on enterFrame me' handler on it  do your Lingo watching ...


End your enterFrame behaviours with 'pass' and use an enterFrame handler
in a movieScript

617.262.8830 x246

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lingo-l Type 2 Crash. a cautionary tale

2001-07-26 Thread Carl West

Two days ago I started getting catastrophic crashes on my Mac that made
Director simply vanish from my screen with a Type 2 error*. After
placing debugging commands that wrote out to a text file (so I could
read it after the crash). I tracked it down to a single line. This line
would execute fine any number of times, and then for no apparent reason,
would fail and take Director with it. Sometimes the whole machine.
Sometimes the machine would hang a couple minutes later.

The line was something very like:
 sprite(29 + x).setprops(foo, bar, rabnicky)

('setprops' is a handler in one of the behaviours attached to the sprite)
even when crashing, the values for foo, bar and rabnicky were always valid.

It was suggested that calling a handler that way, while it works most of
the time, is not actually supported and that 'call' or 'sendsprite' are
the ways to go. (thanks Dan S.)

now I use:
sendsprite(29 + x,#setprops,foo, bar, rabnicky)

and there are no more crashes.

There you go, FWIW.

* a type 2 is when a program tries to access a word of memory starting
at an odd address. It only works from even ones.

617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l Type 2 Crash. a cautionary tale

2001-07-26 Thread Carl West

Slava Paperno wrote:
 I haven't done the tracing that you have, but I think my Type 2 crashes of
 D8 on Mac OS 9.04 started when I started using the same type of calls...
 Does this Cautionary Tale apply to D8.5?

I suspect so. I tried opening it with 8.5 and had the same crash. (the
project is in 8)

 At 12:43 PM 7/26/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 Two days ago I started getting catastrophic crashes on my Mac that made
 Director simply vanish from my screen with a Type 2 error*...
 The line was something very like:
   sprite(29 + x).setprops(foo, bar, rabnicky)
 It was suggested that calling a handler that way, while it works most of
 the time, is not actually supported and that 'call' or 'sendsprite' are
 the ways to go. (thanks Dan S.)
 now I use:
 sendsprite(29 + x,#setprops,foo, bar, rabnicky)

617.262.8830 x246

Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
knowledge, you forget something that you knew before. It is of the
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Re: lingo-l Controlling Flash Buttons?

2001-07-24 Thread Carl West

Chris Aernoudt wrote:
 Why do it in lingo??

Because I don't do Flash and the Flash assets have already been
delivered to me as buttons.

I'm already talking to the artist about getting them as straight
animations that I _can_ control with Lingo. (They're more than
up/hilite/down buttons, they animate on mouseover, and this way they can
animate on mouseleave too)

I'd like to learn Flash too, but right now I can't afford to.  See the
.sig below.

 -Original Message-
 Dear List,
 In D8. Cross-platform.
 I have some .SWF members that are Flash buttons. Can I control them from

617.262.8830 x246

Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
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Re: lingo-l Controlling Flash Buttons?

2001-07-24 Thread Carl West

Kerry Thompson wrote:

  Steve's helpful hints about flash buttons deleted

... However, I'd like to add a word of caution.
 Don't go overboard with your Flash assets. ... At one point I decided to try
 Flash for the other 44 sprites, to smooth out the on-the-fly resizing.
 Big mistake. My frame rate went from about 30 fps to about 4 fps. Mind you,
 the Flash sprites were single-frame static Flash movies. Direct to stage,
 idleHandlerPeriod = 0, 4 fps (the motion was being driven by a timeout
 object, not the frame rate).

Did you use .static ? The book claims it will help a great deal. I
haven't messed with it yet. Won't for the prototype. Keep their
expectations down. Surpass their expectations later.

617.262.8830 x246

Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
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Re: lingo-l Controlling Flash Buttons?

2001-07-24 Thread Carl West

Steven Sacks wrote:
  I'd like to learn Flash too, but right now I can't afford to.
  See the .sig below.
  It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless
   facts elbowing out the useful ones
 Flash is cake.  I remember everything about Director, and,
 if anything, programming in Flash has improved my object
 oriented programming skills which is directly applied to
 programming in Director.  Nothing useless about Flash.

I didn't mean to say that Flash doesn't teach useful skills, I meant to
say that my head is already full.

I have neither the application nor the time to learn it before my
prototype is due.

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Re: lingo-l child object

2001-07-23 Thread Carl West


Could you set the year on your computer to 2001?
I usually view the newsgroup by date and _all_ your messages are crammed
together at the end because they're all dated 2003.


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lingo-l Controlling Flash Buttons?

2001-07-23 Thread Carl West

Dear List,

In D8. Cross-platform.

I have some .SWF members that are Flash buttons. Can I control them from Lingo?

What I'd like to do is make it stick in the 'down' state when clicked.

I can play with the buttonsenabled property, and that's a start, but
setting the .frame doesn't finish the job, and nothing else seems applicable.

Is this possible? Have I missed something? Or should I just have them as
straight Flash animations that I _can_ control with Lingo? I bet it's no
harder than trying to mess with the buttons on the fly.

617.262.8830 x246

Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
knowledge, you forget something that you knew before. It is of the
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Re: lingo-l Finding If Something is divisible by a number

2001-07-18 Thread Carl West

R. Bhakti Klein wrote:
 but seriously folks. you mean divisible evenly, i presume, for any
 number is divisible by any other number, if uneven-itude counts...
 a couple ways that come to mind:
 assume x and y are integers and you want to see if x goes into y evenly.
 if y.float/x = y/x then {it divides evenly}
 and if y mod x = 0 then {it divides evenly}

If you can't make the assumption that the numbers are integers, you
could use something like:

 on EvenlyDivisible x,y
   return (float(x)/y = integer(x/y))  -- returns a boolean

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Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
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Re: lingo-l QUICKTIME questions

2001-07-13 Thread Carl West

the nightboy wrote:
 I have several DV questions.
 I have a quicktime that I have cued by buttons to go to a certain timecode
 point. First it will take up to 10 seconds to get there. Then it will
 freeze on the first frame, and when it finally plays, jerk up to 3 seconds
 the quicktime is 125 MB and when I try to preload my machine freezes up.
 I assume that the video is just not loaded for the lag.

Depends on the compression too. For example, Sorensen makes a really
small file but it does it by forcing the host computer to do a _lot_ of
calculation to get to any particular frame (the further past a keyframe
the more it has to calculate). You can sometimes get better response by
easing up on the compression and having a larger file with more key
frames, or if you know _exactly_ where you want to go in the DV, be sure
to have a keyframe (or two) right there.

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Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
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Re: lingo-l passing variables from behavior to behavior

2001-06-22 Thread Carl West

Michael Nadel wrote:
 Whenever I pass a command from one behavior to another with a variable, the
 variable turns up all messed up! For example, when I write in a behavior on
 sprite 3:
 sendSprite(3, #checkRight, 15)
 And then on another behavior on sprite 3 I write:
 on checkRight whatNumber
 put whatNumber
 This is what I get in the message window!
 -- offspring findSound 4 125c4b8
 All I want is the number 15, not this weird line. Can someone tell me what I
 am doing wrong please?
 How do I pass a variable from behavior to behavior?

try this on sprite 3:

on checkRight me,whatNumber
 put whatNumber

the spew you're getting is the object reference for the instance of
'findsound' attached to sprite 3

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Re: lingo-l passing variables from behavior to behavior

2001-06-22 Thread Carl West

Irv Kalb wrote:
 Others have already pointed out the need for the me variable.  But
 I'll add something else.  If you have a behavior where to want to
 send something to the same sprite number, instead of hard coding the
 sprite number, use the built in spriteNum variable.  For example,
 instead of:
   sendSprite(3, #checkRight, 15)
sendSprite(spriteNum, #checkRight, 15)
 And be sure to declare property spriteNum as the top of the script.
 This makes the behavior much more general.  You could use it in any
 channel, and it will continue to work if you move your sprite from
 channel 3 to some other channel.

This works when the behaviour is applied to the sprite during authoring,
and it's a wonderful thing.
But, if you apply the behaviour on the fly with Lingo, 'spriteNum'
doesn't get a value. You'll need to set the property explicitly.

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Re: lingo-l list uses

2001-06-12 Thread Carl West

Tyler F Gamsby wrote:
 have a grid, 20x20, that I want to have a sprite navigate around --
 in fact, the sprite is a boat.  Can I use a list to keep track of
 what grid squares are land and what are water, and use that
 information to create a path for the boat to follow (so that the boat
 does not drive across land)?

You could use a list of lists (a 2D array)
a 3x3 might look like: thelist = [[1,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,1,1]]


and you can easily look at any 'square' with: thelist[y][x]

You could replace each of the 'squares' with a property list and be able
to keep track of all manner of terrain information. And you could have
lists in those lists that keep track of how many of each kind of fish
there are...

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Re: lingo-l Re Draging sprites

2001-06-11 Thread Carl West

Gavin Sim wrote:
 Is it possible to drag a sprite and then when you release the mouse the
 sprite will return to its original position?
 I know how  to drag them but not return it to the position.

 - at the beginning of the mouseDown handler, record the sprite's loc
 - in the mouseUp handler put the sprite back to it's original loc.
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Re: lingo-l Quicktime question

2001-06-07 Thread Carl West

Brian Farmer wrote:
 Hello list,
 I have the following code:
 on preparemovie
   if quickTimeVersion()4 then

  alert You need QuickTime 4, here's your chance to install it.

 open QuickTime Installer.smi
   end if
 All works well...But I want to put in a warning box to tell the end user that the 
program will quit and install Quicktime. Where do I pu this code?

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Re: lingo-l Sound control slider

2001-06-06 Thread Carl West

John Trentini wrote:
 Hi guys,
 My project needs a sound control Vertical slider constrained
 by the locV of a moveable graphic; no problem here but..
 Setting the volume of sound(1) to the locV of a sprite makes
 the volume increase as the locV increases.
 I need the slider to work in reverse; that is I need the volume
 to increase as the slider moves from the bottom-Up and vice versa.
 Any help?

-Measure the distance the slider is from the bottom of the track
-divide that by the length of the track
-multiply the maximum sound number (7 or 255, depending on the commands
you're using) by the result
-That's your new sound setting
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Re: lingo-l settings props of a dyanmically attached script

2001-06-05 Thread Carl West

Bill Numerick wrote:
 How can i set properties of a dynamically attached script to a sprite?

sendsprite(spritenum, #setBehaviour1Props, argument1, argument2)

in the behaviour:

on setBehaviour1Props me, arg1, arg2
 property1 = arg1
 property2 = arg2

If you have multiple behaviours on a sprite whose props need to be set
later, be sure the 'setProps' handlers all have different names. There
are scarier ways of doing it, but I don't recommend them.
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Re: lingo-l urgent pleasesssssssssss

2001-05-20 Thread Carl West

Awais Irshad wrote:
 ... i want to
 open the webpages offline in my projector not in
 internet explorer or any other programm. I need to
 open it in the projector.

If the HTML pages have images in them, you're going to need an Xtra.

Look at the messages on this list with the subject: Supported HTML tags
some helpful information was posted just yesterday.

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Re: lingo-l Adding a value to a list if it's not already there

2001-05-17 Thread Carl West

Bastien Bouchard wrote:
  Can someone tell me how to go about checking a list for a value,
  and adding it only if it isn't in it yet?
 An easy way to find if a value is in the list is to use the getPos. In my
 stupid Lingo:
 valueexist=Getpos(mylist,myvalue) --this will return valueexist=0 if the
 value is'nt in the list
 if valueexist=0 then
 --add it to the list

I usually just:
  if not getpos(list, value) then add(list, value)

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Re: lingo-l Need help with a RAM hog on Windows

2001-05-15 Thread Carl West

Colin Holgate wrote:
 Seems to be hairier than that. The QA house is unable to run it on a
 machine that has less than 80MB.
 How much swap file space is there on that machine? I can't quite see
 why a PC with 80 MB would fail.

Exactly, there shouldn't be a problem, but _something_ is sucking up
memory in a big way. And I'm at a loss for techniques for finding it.

I don't have the particulars on the machines that are failing, the QA
folk are in California, I'm in Massachusetts.
The report I've got says that on their 128MB machine there was a pause
while the OS adjusted the size of the swapfile.

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lingo-l Don't Need help with a RAM hog on Windows anymore

2001-05-15 Thread Carl West

Found it.

An innocuous little script that ran through _all_ the members of _all_
the casts and set the fontsize of some them.

It wasn't unloading the members. 

chagrined face

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Re: lingo-l Don't Need help with a RAM hog on Windows anymore

2001-05-15 Thread Carl West

clars danvold wrote:
 Carl West wrote:
  An innocuous little script that ran through _all_ the members of _all_
  the casts and set the fontsize of some them.
 Just curious...
 I have lots of innocuous little scripts that run through all the members
 of all the casts, and do stuff like unlink flash members, or make a list
 of occurrences of a specific member type...
 an example: a handler that searches the casts for members of a certain
 type, whose names contain a certain string:
 on sweepCastsForNameStr aType, aStr
   tFoundMemList = []
   tLibCount = the number of castLibs
   repeat with tCast = 1 to tLibCount
 tMemCount = the number of members of castLib(tCast)
 repeat with tMem = 1 to tMemCount
   if member(tMem, tCast).type = aType then
 if member(tMem, tCast).name contains aStr then
   tFoundMemList.add (member(tMem, tCast).name)
 end if
   end if
  unloadMember(member(tMem, tCast))  --  *
 end repeat
   end repeat
   return tFoundMemList

* This is essentially what I did to mine and it fixed my problem.
(not pointing it at the 20MB cast that had no textfiles I needed to
adjust the fontsize of helped, improved the load time too)

I found my problem by opening the memory inspector, then I watched for
when the memory got hogged and put a debug breakpoint a little before
that and stepped through until the memory used by castmembers jumped to
40MB. Using these two tools together this way is painfully obvious now
that I've done it. Ah, well, another trick in the bag.

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Re: lingo-l qt movies on pcs

2001-05-14 Thread Carl West

ray barker wrote:
 - - Original Message -
 From: Andy Grogan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 4:45 PM
 Subject: lingo-l Quicktime link on PC fails after burning CD
 Hi guys
 Just a small wierd problem I've made a presentation on a mac with 7.0. I
 imported some quicktime movies. These movies are linked to external files.
 When I burn up a CD it works fine on the mac but the PC asks me to locate
 the files - it can't find them, even though they are in the same directory
 as the .dir file. I've tried changing the path structure in the info part of
 the movie, reimporting - everything. Wierder still i've never had this
 problem before. Any ideas?
 Many thanks in advance
 I don't know if it helps but I remeber pulling my hair out with a similar
 problem on a x-platform cd befor I realised that the quicktime movies didn't
 have a .mov extension! Being a mac type person I was unused to such things.
 Ray Barker

Also, be sure the movies are saved 'self-contained'. And if you have the
option with whatever QT tool you're using, be sure they're 'flattened'.
Movieplayer for QT4 doesn't give the 'flatten' option, It seems to just
do it.

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Re: lingo-l simulating the user pressing the TAB key

2001-05-14 Thread Carl West

Gene Fritzinger wrote:
 Actually, all I'm trying to do is to tab to the next editable field and set selStart 
and selEnd after the character count in the first field reaches 10 characters.  I've 
got the char.count part OK but I'm having trouble activating the next field.  Sorry 
for my round-about approach.

set the keyboardFocusSprite

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lingo-l Need help with a RAM hog on Windows

2001-05-14 Thread Carl West

I'm having a problem managing RAM usage on Windows.

My Director 7.0.2 Mac stub projector is set to use 12MB RAM, by the time
it gets to the splash screen it's using 17MB, then, after going through
a couple of submenus to a QuickTime activity, it's using 56MB! Going to
further activities doesn't seem to make any difference, it's happy at 56MB.
The guy at the QA house suggested I uncheck the Use System Temporary
Memory box when I make the projector. It was a good suggestion, now the
problem doesn't happen. On a Mac. It switches movies a little more
slowly but it works in the space allotted to it.

My problem now is that it's hogging RAM on Windows too, in what appears
to be the same way. And there's no little box to uncheck. Is there some
way to tell the projector to be satisfied with 18MB? Right now it needs
a machine withat least 80MB of RAM to run at all.

I have a large (21MB) shared cast, could _that_ be getting loaded all at once?

I'm stuck for an approach to this thing. 
keywords to search with besides RAM, windows, management, hog, leak?
And places to use them?

Carl West

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Re: lingo-l Easy math problem

2001-05-10 Thread Carl West

Teo Petralia wrote:
 I would like to find out the price of an item or better a number of
 this items accordingly to their weight.
 In other words looking at the table below:
 0.5kg = $49.00
 1kg = 63.70
 1.5kg = 78.35
 2kg = 93.00
 5kg = 165.45
 10kg = 275.00
 15kg = 375.10
 20kg = 468.45
 how can I know the price of an order that weight 3kg or and order
 that weight 12.3kg.

These prices aren't linear versus the weights.

I'm guessing that these are price-break points (If you order this much,
we'll give you a break on the price, if you order this much more, we'll
give you this even better break)

If that's the case, the question is:
Would a 7kg item cost 7/5 of what a 5kg item costs? or would it be 7/10
of the 10kg item?

I would expect (using these numbers) the 3kg item would cost 1.5 times
what the 2kg item cost (139.50), and 4kg would cost more than 5kg
(186!!). That's how it works when I buy rivets.

make a property list* of the weights with their price per kilo
find where in the list your order weight would be
get the price per kilo from the next lower weight and multiply it by the
order weight

*or two parallel lists, one of weights, one of prices per kilo. Whatever
works better in your head.

617.262.8830 x246

I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l loop question

2001-05-10 Thread Carl West

N. Taylor wrote:
 To the list:
 I cannot call sprite by their number but instead need to check collisions by

This is a major problem. You need to restructure your project. Members
can't intersect each other, only their sprite-instances can intersect.
Maybe you can put sprites in channels that match their castnumbers.

 This is the loop I've created, but it's not working.  Any advice?

You've got some confusions here...

 i = sprite(mySprite.castNum)

You're setting i to the sprite that's in the channel that has the same
number as the cast number of mySprite... are you sure you want to do this?
Setting i to a sprite isn't something you want to do anyway, you need to
set it to a number, but...

 for i = 6 to 8

it doesn't matter much because you're trying to loop with i set to 6,7
and 8, overwriting the value for i from the first line. except that this
line is not proper Lingo, Try

repeat with i = 6 to 8

 if sprite(i).memberNum = 8 then
 kill me
 end if

As far as I know 'kill' isn't a lingo command (D7) and even if it were,
trying to 'kill' an object from within itself is a recipe for disaster.

Assuming the code you posted _would_ work, you'd have to finish the if
statements and the repeat  statement. 
Take advantage of the lingo compiler and let it tell you where your
major syntactic mistakes are.

 i = sprite(mySprite.castNum)
 for i = 6 to 8
 if sprite(mySprite).intersects(i) then
 if sprite(i).memberNum = 7 then
 sprite(mySprite).width = sprite(mySprite).width * 1.1
 sprite(mySprite).height = sprite(mySprite).height * 1.1
 end if
 if sprite(i).memberNum = 8 then
 kill me
 end if

something like this (non functional code):

repeat with i = 6 to 8
  if sprite(mySprite).intersects(i) then
if sprite(i).memberNum = 7 then
  sprite(mySprite).width = sprite(mySprite).width * 1.1
  sprite(mySprite).height = sprite(mySprite).height * 1.1
end if
if sprite(i).memberNum = 8 then
  kill me
end if 
  end if
end repeat

You're used to coding in some other language aren't you? You need to
spend some more time with the Lingo books and tutorials.

617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l returning to dir: making a grid with an array

2001-05-09 Thread Carl West

Colin Holgate wrote:
 I need to make a grid of squares 50 x 50 and all need to be referenceable as
 when each one is clicked on it needs to change colour. It needs to be in
 some kind of array as i need to check the state of the squares surrounding
 each square that is selected. Is there a way to produce this grid without
 having to draw out 2500 squares?
 Any ideas?
 There are so many ways to do this, but if you literally mean that
 it's a 50 x 50 area of solid colors that need to change, an easy and
 fun way would be to use setpixel on a 50x50 pixel bitmap. You then
 place the bitmap onto the stage and scale it up somewhat.
 Here, I went ahead and made a movie:
 The one and only sprite is 400 x 400, with source bitmap of 50 x 50.
 The script on the sprite is this:
 on mouseUp
s = the currentspritenum
m = the member of sprite s
x = (the loch of the clickloc - the left of sprite s)/8
y = (the locv of the clickloc - the top of sprite s)/8
setpixel member(m),x,y,random(256)-1
 The movie is a D7 one.

and you can use 
to get the data back out of the bitmap

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Problems with QuickTime on Mac

2001-05-07 Thread Carl West

Carl West wrote:
 I have a QT movie as a sprite whose movietime is used to control the
 locations of scrollbar knobs and the scrolltop of a transcript of the movie.
 It runs fine for a while, but after intense manipulation of the
 movietime (back and forth, jumping around) I get the error:
 Property not found: #movietime
 and the movie hangs.
 As a projector it often fails a force-quit, forcing a re-boot. It's
 worst as a projector on a CD, less frequent as a projector on the HD,
 and sometimes it'll do it in authoring.
 QT 4.x
 I'm looking for clues to diagnose this thing.

Found it.
The projector needed more RAM.


617.262.8830 x246

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lingo-l Problems with QuickTime on Mac

2001-05-04 Thread Carl West

I have a QT movie as a sprite whose movietime is used to control the
locations of scrollbar knobs and the scrolltop of a transcript of the movie.

It runs fine for a while, but after intense manipulation of the
movietime (back and forth, jumping around) I get the error:

Property not found: #movietime  

and the movie hangs.

As a projector it often fails a force-quit, forcing a re-boot. It's
worst as a projector on a CD, less frequent as a projector on the HD,
and sometimes it'll do it in authoring.

QT 4.x

I'm looking for clues to diagnose this thing.


617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Another weirdness

2001-04-19 Thread Carl West

Victor Iwan wrote:
 Am I doing something wrong again...
 I create behaviors such us
 On mouseenter
 On mouseleave

hmmm... try:

 On mouseenter me
 On mouseleave me

and be sure the script is a behavior script, not a movie or parent script

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread Carl West

mare wrote:
 David Pexton  kindly wrote:
I need a script which finds those markers in my movie
 that are marked in the score but have no name. I would then like to
 have lingo delete them. Is this possible?
 I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
 delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate the
 deleted frame (if there are 1 frame spritespans in your movie) after the
 deletion. Not very easy.

Actually, not too hard:

on cleanlabels
repeat with i = (the labelList.line.count) down to 1
  go marker(the labelList.line[i])
  if the frameLabel = "" then 
  end if
end repeat
end cleanlabels 

Works for me in D7.0.2, but have a backup copy.

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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lingo-l Re:

2001-04-10 Thread Carl West

limiar40 b wrote:
 hi list!!!
 Haw can i burn a hybrid cd, to work in PC's and Mac's
 i write this script to check the platform.
 on checkMachine
   if the platform contains "windows,32" then
 set gQualpath = the pathname  "data\"
 set gQualpath = the pathname  "data:"
   end if

you could do this:

on checkMachine
 set gQualpath = the pathname  "data"  the last char of the pathname

617.262.8830 x246

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lingo-l MOD tricks

2001-04-06 Thread Carl West

I just stumbled onto this:

In D7.02 'mod' works not only on integers but on lists of integers,
rects and points

foo = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
bar = [4,4,4,4,4,4,4]
put foo mod bar
-- [1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]

a = point(23,48)
b = point(40,40)
put a mod b
-- point(23, 8)

I found this useful for wrapping a moving sprite's loc back onto the
other side of the stage:

untested sample

stageCorner = point(800,600)
newloc = spriteloc + locModifier
sprite(x).loc = newloc mod stageCorner

/untested sample

If someone hits on a use for 'mod'ing rects, I'd be curious to see it.

but it doesn't work with rgb triads.

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l closing miaw windows

2001-04-04 Thread Carl West

Tab Julius wrote:
 You would think so.
 In fact, in a projector, though, this can cause the app to crash.
 The safer way is to do something like this:
 (in miaw)
 on mouseUp
global gWindowToKill
gWindowToKill =the activeWindow
 (in main program)
 on idle
global gWindowToKill
if (gWindowToKill) then
  forget gWindowToKill
  gWindowToKill =VOID
end if
 This puts the "killing" of the window in the context of the stage, not the
 window itself, and won't crash.

So long as the second 'main program' portion is in a cast that isn't
shared by the MIAW.
Chased that one for a day. :-6

I'm still having trouble with 'forget'
When the MIAW is re-opened it often crashes, even in Director.
Because the MIAW is bound to get re-opened (the dictionary on a language
CD), I just use 'close'. 
I don't _like_ it. but it works.

Any other gotchas for closing MIAWs?
617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l Strange Sprite positions

2001-03-22 Thread Carl West

pete carss wrote:
 Cheers Irv, I have tried both the above - good to know that I'm thinking in
 the right direction - is it possible that even after "startMovie" some
 sprites have not been set up yet?

Have you tried placing the sprites in a prepareMovie handler? The one
awkwardness I've found with that is that you can't place one sprite
relative to the coordinates of another 'cause there not there yet.
617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l problem with 'new' Solved!

2001-03-20 Thread Carl West

Irv Kalb wrote:
 You probably have what you think is a parent script that you have not
 set to be of type parent script.  The "new" handler in the script is
 being called using as an argument.  When the "return me" executes, it
 returns #bitmap.  Look through your scripts that have "on new me"
 handlers and you will find one (or more) that are set to be movie
 scripts instead of parent scripts.

 foo = new(#bitmap)
 put foo
 -- #bitmap
 and no new castmember. There's ample room for it in the cast.

Bingo! I did a Find on 'on new me' and command-g'd my way through all
the casts and sure enough there was _one_ behaviour masquerading as a
movie script. now it works fine.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

617.262.8830 x246

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stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l burning hybrid CD. . .

2001-02-09 Thread Carl West

jsweeney wrote:
 on 2/8/01 7:55 PM, Roy Pardi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On a MAC. . .got Toast. . .and a bottle of good wine. (no caviar though ;-)
 Here goes from memory (done a thousand of these darn things, but not of

I do it almost daily with Toast 4.1.2 and have a couple of additions:

 € Create a temp Mac partition
 € quit Toast and save the partition
 € Open the partition and copy you stuff to it
 € Set up you window to look the way you want it too
   when the CD is first put in a MAC. (Do this BEFORE YOU
 € Open Toast
 € Select Hybrid as your type

 If you want the CD to load with it's window open on the Desktop,
have it open Now.

 Drag the icon for the temp partition that you just made onto the
Toast Window, 
 the window will close,
 if you want the CD to load with it's window open on the Desktop,
Open it Now.

 Click the "Data..." button and choose 'Optimize on the fly', 
 this assures that the disc will be HFS and not HFS+ 
 which IIRC System 7x can't read. Assuming that matters to you.

 Drag whatever PC-specific stuff you've got 
 (executables and READMEs with CRLFs for example) onto the Toast window

 € Then click on the PC data button[labled "ISO..."]
 € Add all your data by browsing/clicking on the data in
   the Temp partition

 Or drag them from the temp partition onto the Toast window.

N.B. If you want to have the Mac window open in Icon view on the CD,
never let Toast 'see' it in List view. That is, if you go to the Finder
and change the view of the temp partition to get to files that aren't
visible in Icon view, drag them onto the Toast window while staying in
the Finder, then switch back to Icon view before leaving Finder and
activating Toast.

You can mess with the layout of the files on the CD to improve performance...
Click 'ISO...' and the 'Layout' tab. Files at the top of the list are
nearest the center of the disc and supposedly quicker to access. (I
think I've got that right, seems to work for me anyway)

 € when you come back to the top, under the PC side you
   we see how many megs of stuff that is SHARED is being
 € you will have MAC executable stuff and PC executable stuff
   and they will both share the data

617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l another way to DTS

2001-01-31 Thread Carl West

 is there another way to get graphics infront of a movie in Director then
 using directToStage = FALSE  ?

It used to be (D4) that 'directToStage = FALSE' had no effect on QT
sprites on Windows. Has that changed while I wasn't looking?

A Very Special Case workaround:
If the movie can be 'paused' while the graphic is over it you can set
the QT's trails to true and move it off the stage, then put up the
graphic. But if you move the graphic, bad things will happen. When
you're done, bring the movie back and turn off it's trails
617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Having trouble managing my director file

2001-01-26 Thread Carl West

Nigel wrote:
 ...I am using Lingo for just about everything, and find
 that I hate opening the script window because of the big mess waiting for me
 when I open it.

Maybe you already know these things but if you don't, you should, they
make my life easier.

You can sort scripts out into different cast members.
(and different casts too, for that matter)

Option or Alt double-clicking on handler names will let you 'navigate'
among your scripts.

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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lingo-l re: fonts for Director

2001-01-17 Thread Carl West

On Macromedia's Fontographer forum...

Fontmeister wrote:
 Can someone point me to info on this 'recordable outlines' concept?
 This just means you must have the outline font rather than only the
 screen font.

 Jim Gallagher 
 Macromedia Tech Support 


Putting this tidbit together with what the Director tech note said and
the fact that only TrueType fonts show up as embeddable in Director
suggests that PostScript fonts don't have outlines, and I know that's
not the case. 

Either there's more to this 'recordable outline' business than that OR
it's just an obscure way of saying "we don't support embedding
PostScript fonts in Director"

Is it possible to make a PostScript font with a 'recordable outline'?

While this's all very interesting, my real question is still:
"What do I have to do to get Director to pick up my edited bitmap fonts
that go with my TrueType font?"

Please pardon/understand my crankiness, I've got pressure from my client
to do something that the documentation says I can do, but it's not
working and nobody seems able to help me do it or explain to my client
why I can't.

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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lingo-l Embedding Bitmap Fonts

2001-01-12 Thread Carl West

I'm having trouble getting bitmap fonts to embed in my movie.

D7.0.4 Mac

My client has supplied PostScript fonts and wants them used in their CD
But they don't show up in my Insert  Media Element  Font... dialog.

The tech note says:

 When attemtping to embed a font in a movie (Insert menu  Media Element  Font), 
some fonts may not appear in the list of "eligible" fonts which are listed in the 
"Original Font" field. 
 Director can only embed fonts that have recordable outlines and not all fonts have 
these recordable outlines...

A search found no Fontographer tech note with 'recordable' as a keyword.

I used Fontographer to make a TrueType version of the font and edit the
16 and 18 point bitmaps.
I put the bitmaps in the suitcase with the outline and installed it on
my system. Works great, the 16 and 18 point look great. Embed the font,
specifically including the 16 and 18 point bitmaps, and they're not
making it. They display in neither field nor text members.

What am I doing wrong?

If I re-export the font from Fontographer as Postscript might it have
the 'recordable outline'?

617.262.8830 x246

I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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lingo-l Doubled messages

2001-01-04 Thread Carl West

Is it just me? I'm getting most of the posts on this list twice. The
second of which is always one or two K larger than the first. Probably
because it has stuff like this added into the header:

from (
[]) by (8.9.1/8.9.0) with ESMTP
id LAA04879 for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 4 Jan 2001 11:42:04
-0500 (EST)
by with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #23)
id 14EDSk-000175-00 for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 4 Jan 2001 16:42:02 +
from [] by [] with
DomainPOP (MDaemon.v3.5.0.R) for
2001 16:40:14 +
( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.1) with ESMTP id
IAA14740 for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 4 Jan 2001
08:41:26 -0800 (PST)
[]) by
(8.9.2/8.9.0) with ESMTP id
LAA74408; Thu, 4 Jan 2001 11:34:34 -0500 (EST)
by (8.9.1/8.9.0) id
LAA02118 for lingo-send; Thu, 4
Jan 2001 11:34:04 -0500 (EST)

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Doubled messages

2001-01-04 Thread Carl West

Tab Julius wrote:
 Yes, I noticed this - am looking for a pattern.

They all seem to have the extra stuff in the header that starts with:

  from (

and they've all got two of these on the end

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They're getting re-posted, but it's only a single echo, not a feed back loop.

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Re: lingo-l Can somebody help please ?

2000-12-21 Thread Carl West

Jonathan wrote:
 I am coming towards the final stages of my dir. project and I still have not
 got my scripts to stop my main charecter when he hits a wall or an object.
 I have tried so so many ways.
 Can anybody give me some examples of such scripts.

Not specifically.

It's a classic problem. The man gets into a position that satisfies the
'stop moving' handler and stops. That's good. But, when you try to move
the man, he's still triggering the 'stop moving' handler. You either
need to back the man out of the 'stop zone' after stopping him or check
_before_ moving him whether he will collide and stop him before he does. 

try this:
Move a 'footprint' bitmap _behind_ the background layer, check for a
collision, if there isn't one, move the man onto the footprint, if there
is a collision, move the footprint back under the man.
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Re: lingo-l What Is the Best File format for Images???

2000-12-19 Thread Carl West

Jon Paul Alongi wrote:
 hi jon...
 if your image is less than 256 colors then use gif
 more than 256 use jpg...
 the lowest compressed format that suports transpaerency is Gif
 other than that its PSD   (maybe Png, cant remember)

TIFF also carries an alpha channel
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Re: lingo-l Simple text highliting problem/bug

2000-12-19 Thread Carl West

Irv Kalb wrote:
 I've got a very simple requirement, but I've run into what I believe
 is a bug in text members

It's been s bug for a while.

 I need to have multiple text members on the screen, and give the user
 the ability to highlight any amount of text within any one.  This
 should work identically to highlighting text within a browser window.
 (Then the user can copy text - but I've got this taken care of).
 What I see:
 I can click on either text member, and drag across any amount of
 text, and the selected text does get highlighted correctly.  However,
 when I click on either text member, the background rectangle of the
 member becomes white.  That is, it loses it background transparency.
 Interesting thing is that if you click back and forth between these
 two text members, when you click onto one, the other one (non-active)
 goes back to being background transparent.
 Anybody have an easy work-around?

Use a white-background movie. Place the 'background' as a colored shape
in a channel higher than the text sprites and set it to darken. Plan on
using text darker than the background.

I don't know if that fixes everything, but it's a start. This only works
with colored shapes. Bitmaps of any bitdepth obscure and interfere with
making the selection.
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Re: lingo-l My last point

2000-11-30 Thread Carl West

"Rees, Jonathan" wrote:
 Does anybody know how I can record the point in a list so when the on
 detcetcollision handler is called I can set him to the say a point of 3
 locations before.
 or is there a way of recording the position one or three places or pixels
 or points or whatever before the current position of the sprite, so for
 instance I can place the value of the loc or point into lets say property
 "last_loc" but how do actually make this always be the one  or third point
 (whichever) point before the one its currently at. I would like to use this
 so that when the sprite interacts I can instruct it to go here

You've described it almost exactly. Now translate it into code.

Have a list for each moving sprite. 
Whenever you move the sprite, add its new location to the end of its
list and take the first value off the list. 
Whenever the sprite collides with something, set its location to the
first one in the list (and re-build the list with the three items all
being that new location). 

When you first create the list, make it with the three items all being
the start location of the sprite.

It's a short trail of breadcrumbs. When you find that the trail was bad
(caused a collision) you wipe it out and start a new one.

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Re: lingo-l Re: Font Help (Fontographer)

2000-11-29 Thread Carl West

Brian Farmer wrote:
 Hello, I am having problems embedding a custom font that I made in Fontographer. I 
am getting the following message:"Internal error...Details: This font can't be 
embedded because it is missing certain glyphs that are required for proper hinting." 
I looked in the manual and cannot find anything on this. Anyone know?

Know? no. But I have a guess. It may be looking for these characters: HOno10

The characters you made, what character locations are they in?

Can you turn the hinting off in Fontographer?

Macromedia has a Fontographer newsgroup on their server: 

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Re: lingo-l HELLPP!!

2000-11-10 Thread Carl West

Tony Eggleston wrote:
 .. however there is a freezing of the timer as director pulls questions from a 
pre-randomized list  (this is done in the begging of the game before we start the 
timer).  It then jumps ahead to where the timer is supposed to be but this is 
unacceptable.  The timer needs to be the most critical function that director 

 on showTime  -- I'm calling a showTime from each enterFrame

how involved is the 'question pulling' routine? 
could it be broken up so that you could 'showTime' part way through? or
just have 'showTime's sprinkled through it? It's gross, but it could work.

What version of Director?

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Re: lingo-l case command

2000-11-07 Thread Carl West

Leon McComish wrote:
a pretty thorough description of using the case statement

You can also use the case statement for very disparate conditions:

case TRUE of
  (x=y): do something
  ((the moveiname).char(1)  "A"): do something else
  (the soundenabled): do some other thing
end case

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Re: lingo-l INternational Chars in Field

2000-11-07 Thread Carl West

Kerry Thompson wrote:
  I'm having some troubles with INternational Chars in Field, it
  only occurs in Win2K.
 I've seen several posts in the last couple weeks about similar problems on
 Win2K. I'd like to find out what's going on, too.
 Which characters are you having problems with? Are they characters from the
 Portuguese alphabet, or another Western European language (i.e., Spanish,
 French, German, etc.)

And which font(s)?
We've had problems with 14 point Arial that (I didn't do _exhaustive_
testing) didn't show up in other fonts or other sizes.

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Re: lingo-l me

2000-10-30 Thread Carl West

"Mark R. Jonkman" wrote:

valuable insight into 'me' deleted

 Normally, one would declare the spriteNum property as a property to the
 behaviour and thus make it accessible without the need to include the me
 property spriteNum
 on mouseUp me
 set the foreColor of sprite(spriteNum) = 156
 end mouseUp

This works for behaviours that are dropped on sprites during authoring,
because the act of dropping the behaviour on the sprite tells it where
it is. 

If, on the other hand, you are assigning the behaviours at run time with
a statement like:

 add(sprite(x),scriptinstancelist, new(script "TheBehaviourInQuestion"))

The instance of the behaviour will have no idea what its spriteNum is,
it'll have to be told explicitly. For example, add the behaviour to the
sprite with:

 add(sprite(x),scriptinstancelist, new(script "TheBehaviourInQuestion",x))

and in the behaviour have:

property spriteNum

on new me, passedSpriteNum
  spriteNum = passedSpriteNum
  return me

more valuable 'me' info deleted
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Re: lingo-l Select Folder Dialog

2000-10-25 Thread Carl West

Luiz Gustavo Castelan Póvoas wrote:
 thanks for your help, but I think that my previous message was
 not clear enought.
 I want to make the user select a FOLDER, without having to
 select a FILE inside of this folder.

FileIO's DisplaySave with a "don't worry about the filename" message in
the filename field is what I use on my in-house tools. Just strip the
last item off the returned pathname.
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Re: lingo-l AppleScript and Director

2000-10-20 Thread Carl West

Bruce Epstein - Zeus Productions wrote:
 Perverse curiosity:
 Is it possible to make a Projector AppleScriptable?
 We sell an AppleScript Xtra (zScript) that adds additional functionality to
 it though.
 For example, zScript allows you to compile and send applescript commands to
 other applications. To receive AppleScript events, we have a helper app
 named zQueue.
 You can download demo versions from our web site at:

That's the kind of answer I was looking for. A solution exists. Cool.
Now I have to go find the problem. ;)

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Re: lingo-l Printing

2000-10-20 Thread Carl West

"LYNN L." wrote:
 I'm not sure that I can fully appreciate the POM xtra. Maybe someone can
 help me with this surely simple problem.
 I need to print 5 seperate text fields (each it's own seperate cast member)
 on seperate lines on the same page(document). I've figured out how to print
 them and can set up a document with frames. What i can't figure out is how
 in the heck can I print each of these seperate members on it's own seperate
 line (like forcing a return). The way they are printing now is one text
 field prints immediately after another in a continuous line. The seperate
 cast members form what looks like a solid paragraph.
   I need a command similar to BR in HTML.

Have you tried tacking a couple of returns onto the ends of the first
four text fields?

repeat with x = 1 to 4
  member(fieldx).text =  member(fieldx).text  Return  Return
end repeat

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lingo-l AppleScript and Director

2000-10-19 Thread Carl West

Perverse curiosity:
Is it possible to make a Projector AppleScriptable?

I don't have a project in mind, I've just started messing with
AppleScript and I'm curious.

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Re: lingo-l setfiltermask on a Mac

2000-10-18 Thread Carl West

Bruce Epstein - Zeus Productions wrote:

 From: Carl West [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm trying to show only Quicktime movies in the dialog:
   foo = new(xtra "fileio")
   setfilterMask (foo, "MooV")
   proposedFilename = displayOpen(foo)
   openfile(foo, proposedFilename, 0)
   put "proposedFilename",proposedFilename, getfinderinfo(foo)
 this shows everything in the directory and I get this in the message window:
 - -- "proposedFilename" "Projects:Extracurricular:cinepak2x.MOV" "MooV TVOD"
 I'm clearly doing something wrong here but I have no idea where else to
 look for an answer, I tried DOUG, updateStage, the Macromedia site,
 Director help, the manuals, Director Demystified, another third party
 book... no luck
 My tests confirm what you are seeing, and you're not doing anything wrong.
 Try shutting off the "Automatic File Translation" in the Mac OS Easy Open
 control panel and that should solve your problem.  The OS is showing you
 all the files that can be recognized or translated into the desired type,
 or something like that.

Thanks Bruce, that was it.
Under OS 9.04, the control panel is File Exchange  File Translation,
uncheck "Translate documents automatically'. Now setFiltermask works as

I'm not sure how I feel about having to turn that off. I'll try running
without it for a while. Can't count on the user having it unchecked. grump.

 Don't use "TVOD" and "ttxt". Those are creator codes and not file types.

I had reached the shooting-in-the-dark stage of testing. 

 Looks like I need to add that to Lingo in a Nutshell... ;)

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Re: lingo-l Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #1675

2000-10-18 Thread Carl West

Jonas Brink Worsøe wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Philip Phelan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Sorry, couldn't help responding to this.
 I just always get a kick out of seing that line right above that footer!

I don't know which amuses me more, that or the spelling.

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lingo-l setfiltermask on a Mac

2000-10-17 Thread Carl West

Bruce Epstein - Zeus Productions wrote:

 The setFilterMask accepts up to four "filter types" at once. I don't think
 you can filter for more than four different types using it. You might need
 to resort to a third-party Xtra. If nothing else, you can read in a file
 list using FileIO and then manually contruct the file browser using the
 desired types.
 Here is an example off the top of my head. Many more details in Chapter 14
 of LiaN...
 fileIOinstance = new (xtra "fileIO")
 if the platform contains "Mac" then
 -- displays text, PICT, BMP, and TIFF  files
setfilterMask (fileIOinstance, "TEXTPICTBMP TIFF")
(I'm working on a Mac so I'll stop here)

I'm trying to show only Quicktime movies in the dialog:

  foo = new(xtra "fileio")
  setfilterMask (foo, "MooV")
  proposedFilename = displayOpen(foo)
  openfile(foo, proposedFilename, 0)
  put "proposedFilename",proposedFilename, getfinderinfo(foo)

this shows everything in the directory and I get this in the message window:

-- "proposedFilename" "Projects:Extracurricular:cinepak2x.MOV" "MooV TVOD"

when I use:

setfilterMask (foo, "MooV TVOD")
 or setFilterMask (foo, "TEXT")

it shows everything in the directory.

when I use:

setfilterMask (foo, "MOOV")
or  setFilterMask (foo, "ttxt")

it shows only the subdirectories in the directory, no files at all.

I'm clearly doing something wrong here but I have no idea where else to
look for an answer, I tried DOUG, updateStage, the Macromedia site,
Director help, the manuals, Director Demystified, another third party
book... no luck

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Re: lingo-l Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #1672

2000-10-17 Thread Carl West

roy crisman wrote:
 Can't see it in netscape, because the dcr is being served out as
 text/plain, not x-application/shockwave or whatever.

Ahh... perhaps that 'splains the broken icon and the re-direct to the
plugin site.

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Re: lingo-l using field

2000-10-16 Thread Carl West

vedanta ulises wrote:
 I make it clear. if my field only can show 5 lines and
 my list are 20 lines. how the script (lingo) can make
 my field shows only line 6 and 10.

Look up scrollTop and scrollByLine.

scrollByLine is probably what you want for this

These work with boxtype = #fixed or #scrolling

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Re: lingo-l problem lingo

2000-10-16 Thread Carl West

 We'd love to help you. Can you give us a little more information? If you
 can describe what you are trying to do, and the problems you are having, in
 more detail, we will be better able to help.
 How to call the  picture in folder to interface by typekeyborad

Sounds like Patchareepan wants to import a bitmap that is in an external
folder and show it on the screen, I can't tell whether (s)he wants to do
it in authoring mode or in the executable though.

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Re: lingo-l HELP: dividing up a character string

2000-10-10 Thread Carl West

 I have incoming data from an external device...Data will be arriving in the 
following as below:
 RAE 123 LLF 225.
 In this example RAE is a variable and 123 is it's value. I'd like to look for
 it in a string and record it's value.

Hmm... you want the 'word' after the variable name ...

return DataString.word[1 + 

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Re: lingo-l help with Script Error:

2000-10-10 Thread Carl West

"LYNN L." wrote:
 I'm a somewhat newbie and I'm taking over this project from a predecessor.
 It's a Match Game. You know, select the card, and try to match images.
 Here's the error:
 "Script error: Comma expected. You may need to convert to member reference
 set memDefault = member(the membernum of member memref + 1) of castlib?

Hmmm... try moving the right parenthesis:

set memDefault = member(the membernum of member memref + 1 of castlib castlibnum)
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Re: lingo-l keyPresses

2000-10-10 Thread Carl West

Ask Møller wrote:

 If you want to you can test different machines on this site (a small
 shockwave test site I made)...
 click on "Keyboard Tester"
 I just checked my mac (blue G3, os8.6), and found that I couldn't detect all
 4 arrow keys at once, but most of the time 3 of the keys were detected!!!

My G4 with a macally keyboard showed all combinations of the arrow keys
in any order.

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lingo-l Re: chaps

2000-10-06 Thread Carl West

sam wrote:
 When I said hello chaps I, of course, meant chaps and chapesses!

'chapesses'?  wow.

I don't wear chaps. 

Though sometimes my lips get chapped. 

(urm... that's starting to make a strange picture, 
   I'd rather my lips got chapessed)

Yup, it's Friday, and I'm waiting for feedback from a client.
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Re: lingo-l repeat question

2000-10-03 Thread Carl West

Magnus Ewald wrote:

 Whats wrong with this syntax:
 repeat with i = 1  to 10
 getat(gbildspel, i)
 end repeat
 Director doesnt seem to understand the "i"mmmkay ?

Are you sure it's the 'i' it doesn't get? what does gbildspel look like?
That is the error you are getting?
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Re: lingo-l Performance--clear difference

2000-10-02 Thread Carl West

Brutish and a cpu hog, but pretty smooth:

on startmovie
  -- setup the picture and choose directions
  HdirectionList = []
  VdirectionList = []
  repeat with x = 1 to 30
sprite(x).loc = point(random(600),random (440))
  end repeat
  -- do the animation
  repeat while not the mousedown -- gotta have some way to stop it
repeat with x = 1 to 30
  sprite(x).loc =  sprite(x).loc +  point(HdirectionList[x],VdirectionList[x])
  if sprite(x).loch  0 then 
HdirectionList[x] = HdirectionList[x] * -1
if sprite(x).loch  600 then HdirectionList[x] =
HdirectionList[x] * -1
  end if
  if sprite(x).locv  0 then 
VdirectionList[x] = VdirectionList[x] * -1
   if  sprite(x).locv  440 then VdirectionList[x] =
VdirectionList[x] * -1
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat

see it at:

12 circle bitmaps with background transparent ink
18 square bitmaps with copy ink

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Re: lingo-l following sprites

2000-09-29 Thread Carl West

Colby Dodson wrote:
 I am working on a project and I have built my own scroll buttons for text
 and my text is a totally different sprite and I need it to follow my scroll
 button which is a separate sprite also and I need to be able to set

the 'scrolltop' property will let you control the scrolling of the text
member through lingo.

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: SV: lingo-l case question

2000-09-27 Thread Carl West

Kerry Thompson wrote:
 All the other solutions posted so far do not do what the orignal will.
 You're right, Ike. I was making an assumption, based on his indentation,
 that he wanted an either-or solution.
 Your solution, like the original post, will assign a varying number of
 sprites. If, for example, gAntbild = 3, it will assign members to sprites
 60, 61, and 62.
 It looked like a potential bug to me, and probably to some of the other
 posters. Most of the solutions we posted will assign only one sprite
 member. Is that what he wanted? Only he knows for sure :-)

When he asked for a case statement, I figured that he wanted only one of
the results.

Fun exercise.
617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l Transparency with 3 layers?????

2000-09-27 Thread Carl West

Nikaj Wiggers wrote:
 But how can I move the Alpha channel as a mask?
 Carl West wrote:
  Easy enough to do using mask ink on im3 and changing the regPoint on
  im3's mask according to the movement of im2 over im1.

You don't move the alpha channel, you move the mask. If the distinction
isn't clear, read a bit about the mask ink effect.

The only alpha channel might be on im2, im3 would be behind im2 and in
front of im1.

im2 will cover the aliased edge on im3

The mask for im3  would be a 1-bit image  that is bigger than the hole
in im2 but smaller than the outside of im2

Sort of a cross-section of the image: 
   (the image is viewed from here)

  im2 ...__... ......



the dotted parts of im3 are invisible because of the placement of the
regpoint on im3's mask member.

the dotted parts of im2 are the antialiasing from its alpha channel

when im2 gets moved:

 im2 ...__... ......



617.262.8830 x246

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Re: SV: lingo-l case question

2000-09-26 Thread Carl West

Magnus Ewald wrote:
 Hey there..
 This should be an easy one
 How do you "case"  the following script
 on rumpan
 if gAntbild0 then
 sprite(60).member=member getAt(gValda, 1) of castlib "internal"
 if gAntbild1 then
   sprite(61).member=member getAt(gValda, 2) of castlib "internal"
   if gAntbild2 then
 sprite(62).member=member getAt(gValda, 3) of castlib "internal"
 if gAntbild3 then
   sprite(63).member=member getAt(gValda, 4) of castlib "internal"
   if gAntbild4 then
 sprite(64).member=member getAt(gValda, 5) of castlib "internal"
 if gAntbild5 then
   sprite(65).member=member getAt(gValda, 6) of castlib "internal"
 end if
   end if
 end if
   end if
 end if
   end if

on rumpan
  case true of
(gAntbild0) : sprite(60).member=member getAt(gValda, 1) of castlib "internal"
(gAntbild1) : sprite(61).member=member getAt(gValda, 2) of castlib "internal"
(gAntbild2) : sprite(62).member=member getAt(gValda, 3) of castlib "internal"
(gAntbild3) : sprite(63).member=member getAt(gValda, 4) of castlib "internal"
(gAntbild4) : sprite(64).member=member getAt(gValda, 5) of castlib "internal"
(gAntbild5) : sprite(65).member=member getAt(gValda, 6) of castlib "internal"
  end case


on rumpan
  if gAntbild0 then
theValue = min(gAntbild,6)
sprite (59 +theValue) .member = member getAt(gValda, theValue) of
castlib "internal"
  end if

617.262.8830 x246

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stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: SV: lingo-l case question

2000-09-26 Thread Carl West

Carl West wrote:
 Magnus Ewald wrote:
  Hey there..
  This should be an easy one
  How do you "case"  the following script
  on rumpan
  if gAntbild0 then
  sprite(60).member=member getAt(gValda, 1) of castlib "internal"
  if gAntbild1 then
sprite(61).member=member getAt(gValda, 2) of castlib "internal"
if gAntbild2 then
  sprite(62).member=member getAt(gValda, 3) of castlib "internal"
  if gAntbild3 then
sprite(63).member=member getAt(gValda, 4) of castlib "internal"
if gAntbild4 then
  sprite(64).member=member getAt(gValda, 5) of castlib "internal"
  if gAntbild5 then
sprite(65).member=member getAt(gValda, 6) of castlib "internal"
  end if
end if
  end if
end if
  end if
end if
 on rumpan
   case true of
 (gAntbild0) : sprite(60).member=member getAt(gValda, 1) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild1) : sprite(61).member=member getAt(gValda, 2) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild2) : sprite(62).member=member getAt(gValda, 3) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild3) : sprite(63).member=member getAt(gValda, 4) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild4) : sprite(64).member=member getAt(gValda, 5) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild5) : sprite(65).member=member getAt(gValda, 6) of castlib "internal"
   end case

OOPS!! that'll stop at the first case every time it's  0. It should be:

 on rumpan
   case true of
 (gAntbild=1) : sprite(60).member=member getAt(gValda, 1) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild=2) : sprite(61).member=member getAt(gValda, 2) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild=3) : sprite(62).member=member getAt(gValda, 3) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild=4) : sprite(63).member=member getAt(gValda, 4) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild=5) : sprite(64).member=member getAt(gValda, 5) of castlib "internal"
 (gAntbild5) : sprite(65).member=member getAt(gValda, 6) of castlib "internal"
   end case
 on rumpan
   if gAntbild0 then
 theValue = min(gAntbild,6)
 sprite (59 +theValue) .member = member getAt(gValda, theValue) of
 castlib "internal"
   end if

617.262.8830 x246

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stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Whats the difference? the currentSpriteNum and me.spriteNum

2000-09-26 Thread Carl West

Paul Steven wrote:
 Paul, check if you didn't forget the "me" on your sprite's handler, that
 could be your answer.
 Nope - I didn't forget the me
 Here is the exact handler I have
 on Change_Sprite_To_Appropriate_Note_Member me
   case pInstrument_Icon_Number of
 1: sprite(me.spriteNum).member="Instrument1_Note"
 2: sprite(me.spriteNum).member="Instrument2_Note"
 3: sprite(me.spriteNum).member="Instrument3_Note"
 4: sprite(me.spriteNum).member="Instrument4_Note"
   end case
 end Change_Sprite_To_Appropriate_Note_Member
 Even though it works fine now replacing me.spriteNum with the
 currentSpriteNum, I am still curious as to why it doesn't work with

Getting back to the original question:

If you are dropping the behaviours on the sprites on the stage by hand
or assigning them in the score, they'll know their own spriteNum. But if
you're assigning them on the fly with Lingo they won't, you'll need to
do it with something like:

add(sprite(x).scriptinstanceList, new(script "foo"),x)

And it'll have to have the property 'spriteNum' declared and set
explicitly in the 'new' handler

property spriteNum

on new me, x
  spriteNum = x
  return me

Have I struck close to the problem?

617.262.8830 x246

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stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l Whats the difference? the currentSpriteNum and me.spriteNum

2000-09-26 Thread Carl West

(I tried to send this a few minutes ago, and something I posted
subsequently has shown up, so I'm trying again -cw)

Paul Steven wrote:

 Even though it works fine now replacing me.spriteNum with the
 currentSpriteNum, I am still curious as to why it doesn't work with

Getting back to Paul's original question:

When you drop the behaviours on the sprites on the stage by hand
or assign them in the score, they'll know their own spriteNum and your
script should work.

But if you're assigning them on the fly with Lingo they won't.
You would need to do it with something like:

add(sprite(x).scriptinstanceList, new(script "foo"),x)

And the behaviour'll have to have the property 'spriteNum' declared and set
explicitly in its 'new' handler

property spriteNum

on new me, x
  spriteNum = x
  return me

Have I struck close to the problem?

617.262.8830 x246

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stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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lingo-l OT googols

2000-09-22 Thread Carl West

Kerry Thompson wrote:

 The largest number mathematicians usually deal with is a googolplex
 (really). That's 10 to the 100th power, and as Colin noted, greater than
 the total number of elementary particles in the known universe (about 10 ^ 80).
 Let's get really OT--the name googolplex was invented by the American
 mathematician Edward Kasner's 9-year-old nephew. Kasner asked the boy to
 invent a name for a very large number, bigger than anything that can be put
 into words. His nephew called it a "googol," and mathematicians have been
 calling it googolplex ever since.

Nit picking:

If I recall correctly
googol = power(10,  100)

googolPlex = power(10, googol)

which gives us:
put googol
-- 1.00e100
put googolplex
-- INF


put power(10,1000)
-- INF
put googolplex = power(10,1000)
-- 0
put googolplex + power(10,1000)
-- INF
put googolplex - power(10,1000)
-- NAN


617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l OT googolplex : was - pixels

2000-09-22 Thread Carl West

Tim Forster wrote:
 Almost but not quite correct.
 A googol is 10 to the 10th power. and a googolplex is 10 to the 10th power
 raised to the 100th power !

Wrong on the googol, right on the googolplex
googol = power(10,  100)
googolPlex = power(10, googol)

in D7.02:

googol = power(10,  100)
googolPlex = power(10, googol)

this is amusing:

put googolplex
-- INF

but this is more amusing:

put googolplex = googolplex
-- 0

put googolplex - googolplex
-- NAN

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l RGB commands

2000-09-22 Thread Carl West

Blank Colt wrote:
 Hey all,
 I'm working on a project in D8.0 in which I need to
 gain the individual values of a pixel in the their
 respected R,G,B components, from each pixel on a
 640x480 member. I am using the getPixel command to
 pull the combined RGB value. What I would like to know
 is, what type of varible or object is the result?:
 vColor = rgb( 123, 234, 45 )
 I have tried to use the getAt to remove items from the
 list. But to no avail. I came up with a crude way to
 parse out the values by converting the above to aq
 string and ripping off the forward and back chars and
 using item delimitation. Like below.
 vColor = rgb( 123, 234, 25)
 vColor = string(vColor)
 vCountChar = vColor.char.count
 delete vColor.char[vCountChar-1..vCountChar]
 delete vColor.char[1..5]
 vRed = value(vColor.item[1])
 vGreen = value(vColor.item[2])
 vBlue = value(vColor.item[3])
 Now I am able to do calulations with the different
 What I am looking for is a quicker way, and I think it
 exists. When I type the words, red, green, blue; they
 become hot, like commands, yet I can't find any
 documentation on them. Can anyone help? Thanks.

In D7:
On a whim I tried this and it worked:

color = rgb(23,34,54)
-- 34
-- 23
-- 54

617.262.8830 x246

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Re: lingo-l removing spaces from a string

2000-09-20 Thread Carl West

Colin Holgate wrote:
 One method that nobody mentioned in any of the replies to your
 question is extracting the words from the string rather than
 deleting the spaces:
 I thought of that too, but didn't post it because it would also get
 rid of returns. I'm pretty sure that he wants to get rid of returns
 as well, but he didn't ask for that, so I let it go.

Use the itemdelimiter and you can leave the returns:

This one is fastest by 40 to 50% in all cases I tried, I think that's
largely because it only counts the items in the text once:

on removespaces1 theText
  the itemdelimiter = " "
  newtext = ""
  wordTotal = theText.item.count
  repeat with x = 1 to wordTotal
newText = newText  theText.item[x]
  end repeat
  return newText

For short strings this is faster than the recursion but slower on large
chunks of text:

on removespaces2 theText
  the itemdelimiter = " "
  newtext = ""
  repeat with x = 1 to theText.item.count
newText = newText  theText.item[x]
  end repeat
  return newText

The first of these recursive methods is a hair faster (~4%) than the
second, but both do too much item counting.

on killSpaces inStr
  the itemdelimiter = " "
  if inStr.item.count  2 then return inStr.word[1]
  return inStr.item[1]  killSpaces(inStr.item[2..the maxInteger])

on removespacesrecursively theText
  the itemdelimiter = " "
  if theText.item.count  1 then
theText = theText.item[1]  removespacesrecursively
(theText.item[2..the maxinteger]) 
  end if
  return theText

617.262.8830 x246

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   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: lingo-l animating sine waves.....

2000-09-19 Thread Carl West

grimmwerks wrote:
 Ok, because I'm pretty dopey about SOME things (read: most), I'm looking
 to understand the prerequisite sin, cos, etcand how to animate sine
 wavesbut rather than have a sine wave appear to be flat, I'd like it
 to appear 3 dimensional, meaning the center of the stage being the
 infinate point, and a sine wave animating from there to the side, the
 waves larger, the 'closer' (read: to the edge) they are

This looks like a job for... quads!
But you'll get some weird distortion if you put the whole series of
waves in one image and stretch it from center to edge. It'll probably
look pretty good though if you 'tile' them out to the edge with images
that have just one wavelength on them.

You could either have the image be an animation of a single wavelength
going through a cycle and nail down the quads of each of the sprites, OR
you could have just the one image of a wavelength and march the quads of
the sprites out from the center, dealing with the proportions on the fly.

Did that make any sense?

617.262.8830 x246

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stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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