Re: Includig package g-brief

1999-03-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Martin" == Martin Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Martin Thanks JMarc, I think I am on my own, because the result of
Martin g-brief is much more sophistikated than dinbrief. I´m not able
Martin to write LaTeX macros so I won´t analyse dinbrief and
Martin g-brief. I´ll go on watching this mailing list and wait until
Martin somebody else did this. German users who like g-brief, which
Martin is really good, will all have the same need.

Try to tell to all LyX german users you see that g-brief is great,
until one of them gives up and implements it :)


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Re: corrupt file? argh!

1999-03-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Tony" == Tony Dancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tony Not quite a total lyx question, but i hope i am forgiven.

Tony There i was, typing away in Lyx on my laptop when the battery
Tony died. The file i was working on was on floppy disk and is/was
Tony important. The disk was an ms-dos disk. Now when i try and read
Tony the file, i get Input Output error, and the file is empty!

You might want to look at what is in the file. Is it really empty.

Tony Does anyone know if there is ANY way of getting back some or
Tony part of the file and overcoming the i/o error (which i assume
Tony was caused when the battery died - perhaps it was being written
Tony to or read from at the time)?

Another solution might be to have a look at your /tmp directory, where
there might be recent .tex versions of the document, from which reLyX
could make sense. This will only be the case if you did some dvi
preview, of course.

Finally, what are the files available in the directory where your
document was?


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Re: Includig package g-brief

1999-03-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Martin" == Martin Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Martin additionaly to my problem i tried to reLyX a LaTeX document
Martin written with g-brief which didn´t work.

That is to be expected... reLyX has to know a bit of things about your
g-brief document before it can translate it... This data is contained
in the .layout file.


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Re: Includig package g-brief

1999-03-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Martin" == Martin Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Martin "Jean-Marc" ==Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jean-Marc Could you show us what you did put in your layout file?

Martin 1. g-brief.sty and g-brief.cls are in a location where LaTeX
Martin finds it (...texmf/tex/latex/g-brief/g-brief.sty and .cls)

Martin 2. I created a minimal g-brief.layout:
Martin --- #%
Martin Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #
Martin \DeclareLaTeXClass{g-brief (Geschaeftsbrief)} # German
Martin DIN-Brief textclass definition file.  # Author : Martin Rose

Martin # Input general definitions Input g-brief
Martin ---

You need to give some informations to LyX on what g-brief does, what
syntax it uses, how it looks... You can certainly not input the LaTeX
document class, since LyX is certainly not able to make sense off it.

So, is the g-brief class similar to LaTeX letter class or to the
dinbrief class? In this case, you will be able to reuse the
definitions from there. Otherwise, you are on your own...


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Re: Feedback from LyX presentation at Linuxtage Berlin

1999-03-10 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Florian" == Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Florian In case some people (LyX-developers?) like to hear about it:
Florian LyX 1.0 got overwhelming feedback during a public
Florian demonstration in Berlin.

Personally, I really *love* to hear about it :)

Florian At the end, I mentioned some features planned for future LyX
Florian versions, with particular emphasis on the effort to make LyX
Florian GUI-independent. You can probably imagine that the prospect
Florian of a reunited LyX and KLyX and a Gnome version of LyX made
Florian all people happy, but you may not have expected this:

Florian The audience _freaked out_ of enthusiasm when I mentioned the
Florian project of a curses frontend to LyX!

Good. And did you find volunteers to help with the port? :P


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Re: controlling enumerations

1999-03-10 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "David" == David Steffen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David Hi Folks, I've got a newbie question: I'd like to be able to
David control the numbering in my enumerations, so they don't always
David start at 1.

David (I'm typesetting some competition rules, using enumerations for
David each article; there are 6 sections, but the articles are
David numbered continuously from the beginning of the document to the
David end. Personally I think it'd make more sense to do it the way
David Lyx wants to do it now, starting over again at 1 for each
David section. But they didn't ask me. ;-)

Do you really use an enumeration for that? What you present looks
rather like sections... Keeping the counter is possible, but it
requires to know a bit more about what you are doing.

David It'd also be really cool if I could change the enumeration
David thing so that instead of saying:

David  15. Awards

David for the 15th thing in the enumeration, it'd do this:

David Article 15. Awards

If you use enumerations, you can probably do:
\renewcommand{\theenumi}{Article \arabic{enumi}.}
in the preamble. You will not see the label on screen, though.


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Re: Feature

1999-03-09 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Thierry" == Thierry Michalowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thierry Hello!  I don't know even the first bit of how the Lyx code
Thierry is organized, but this leads me to a reflexion: why is there
Thierry no embedded interpreter (or may I have missed it?) in Lyx?
Thierry This could be an easy - ok, maybe not _that_ easy - way to
Thierry allow expanding the capabilities of this wonderful tool.
Thierry Emacs is just build around this concept, which makes it so
Thierry powerful! (I agree that it somehow interfaces with humans in
Thierry a strange fashion, though) Just to say it...

There is no interpreter because it is not done yet. I think we will
include a small scheme implementation like SIOD in LyX 1.2.


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Re: Feature

1999-03-09 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Bruce" == Bruce M Beach [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There is no interpreter because it is not done yet. I think we
 will include a small scheme implementation like SIOD in LyX 1.2.

Bruce   Does this mean that I would be able to group keystrokes into
Bruce one command and execute them with some hotkey that I have
Bruce assigned?

Among other things, yes. You could also bind a complex command with
loops, test and whatever to a single key. 


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Re: depth-decrement, buffer-previous

1999-03-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Kostas" == Kostas Oikonomou [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kostas Hello,

Kostas I have two questions (I'm using 1.0.1pre4):

Kostas 1. Is buffer-previous (C-x b) supposed to work?  It doesn't
Kostas for me, i.e. the command has no effect.  I'm running LyX on a
Kostas Sun, Solaris 2.6.1, CDE.

Yes, it is broken, and nobody bothered to reimplment it properly... 

Kostas 2. How is it possible to add an icon to the toolbar for
Kostas depth-decrement?  Supposing I have created the icon, how do I
Kostas tell LyX about it?  Is that explained somewhere?

You already have it: just right click on the depth-increment icon.


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Re: forwarded message from Uwe Brauer

1999-03-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Uwe" == Uwe Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Uwe Here are the details: I have install a Linux (Suse 4.4) Version,
Uwe that is basically a modified slackware distribution with a 2.025
Uwe kernel and the 0.81 Xforms. The modification with respect to the
Uwe slackware distribution concerns the location of the Xforms files,
Uwe basically they are in /usr/X11R6/

You should probably upgrade to xforms 0.88, but this is not your
problem here.

Uwe ** Cannot find X window libraries and/or headers. Check your
Uwe installation.  If you use a Linux system, check that you have
Uwe installed the development tools.

As the message says: did you install properly the X window development
package? You need in particular all the header files for X11.

If you did, please send me the file config.log. It should contain
hints on what went wrong.


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Re: compiling of lyx 1.0.0

1999-03-02 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Marcel" == Marcel Sandow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marcel Hello!  Last weekend I've decides to update my older lzx
Marcel version to lyx 1.0.0.  But iI've received an error message
Marcel while the configure file run. In the .log file was the note:

Marcel can't exec cc1plus not a file or dircetory

Marcel I've checked for the cc1plus file but it is where it should
Marcel be.  Does anybody have an idea what to do to solve the
Marcel problem.

You installation of gcc/g++ is broken. Do a 'g++ -v' to see where g++
searches for cc1plus.


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Re: re/French keyboard

1999-03-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Carol" == Carol Morrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Carol My daughter will be visiting from France this summer and needs
Carol access to = the French keyboard AZERTY. could you send any help
Carol to her? Her e-mail = address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you
Carol for any information you can give her. Carol Morrell


I'm not sure I understand what you mean? A way of emulating a french
layout over an american QWERTY keyboard?


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Re: citations

1999-03-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Tony" == Tony Dancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tony Thanks to everyone for the previous help getting lyx installed.
Tony I now have some questions about citations. Using Harvard.sty
Tony (which i have) i need to

Tony a) be able to cite two authors, date of publication and
Tony associated page numbers within the round brackets eg. (smith,
Tony 1999, p12; bloggs, 1988, p101) - how do i do this? (I assume
Tony some latex commands are necessary)

Tony b) be able to do secondary citations, eg (Banner 1998 in Smith
Tony 1999, p6)

I do not think that either of those can be done with LyX. The only
solution is to insert your citations as TeX code.


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Re: No abstract in amsart?

1999-02-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "nbecker" == nbecker  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

nbecker I don't see any abstract in amsart.  Why not?  I do see it
nbecker under article.

Which lyx version are you using? It seems to me that it is here, just
between Author and Address...


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Re: enumerate (LyX 1.0.0)

1999-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Horst" == Horst Kausch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Horst I want to have two enumerate environments, one following
Horst directly after the other, both inside an outer enumerate, as
Horst in:

This is a known limitation of the way enumerates (and other
environments) are handled. A solution is to add between the two blocks
and empty paragraph in standard text with a single % marked as TeX.


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Re: lyx on SGI

1999-02-24 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "jph" == jph  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jph I just installed lyx-1.0 on irix 6.5.2 with development option.
jph I had previously installed gcc and gnu-make which are used by
jph default.

jph No major problem so far, although configure warned that Xpm was a
jph rather oldish version with threats of 'weird crashes'.  No
jph problem installing teTeX/xforms either.

jph Only glitches so far: -WARNING: plp: context IRQ out of
jph order-stop printing 

?? What is that?

jph -what looks for lpr does not find it-calllp by hand

And is that a problem on your system?


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[ lyx-1.0.1pre2 is out]

1999-02-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes


Since it does not seem to have propagated here yet, here is the
message that Lars just sent to the developpers. 

Corollary: if you want to make sure that your favourite bug is fixed
in 1.0.1, get 1.0.1pre2, try it out, and report your findings.

Have fun.


Available at,

Next pre scheduled in a week.

1.0.1 scheduled 1. Mar.


Re: Turning off tooltips

1999-02-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben Is there an X resource I can set to turn off the tooltips?  --

No, I don't think so. Are they so annoying?


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Re: A question about Foiltex, and a question about Latex

1999-02-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jose" == Jose L Gomez Dans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jose Hi!  I'm using lyx 1.0.0, and have been usuing lyx since
Jose 0.12. Top job, guys!  Anyway, I have a couple of queries. I have
Jose a little Latex experience, and so far, I've been using the
Jose report class. I now find myself in nedd to produce some foils,
Jose and I haven't got a clue of what the layout out for that is. I
Jose was wondering if anyone could supply a dummy (or not so dummy
Jose :D) lyx file with an example. 

Look for the foils class, which is available if you have foilTeX (aka
foils.cls) installed. Once it is set up, you can do File-Open, click
on 'examples' and select Foils.lyx to see what it can do.


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Re: Info on LyX server?

1999-02-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Paul" == Paul L Lussier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul Hi all,

Paul I keep hearing about the "LyX Server".  Where is this
Paul documented, and what does it do/offer me?

It offers you a way to send commands to a running LyX from an outside
program. For example, you bibtex editor could insert citations inside

Have a look in Help-Customization for more info.


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Re: revtex troubles

1999-02-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Bill" == Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill I am trying to use Revtex for a paper written using LyX
Bill (1.0.0pre2).  I selected the article(Revtex) document layout. I
Bill am using BibTeX with osa.bst. At first I had only revtex.cls
Bill installed; I installed all the .sty files I needed (I
Bill think). (At each error complaining about a missing file I
Bill installed it)

Bill I get several errors when I try to view dvi.  The first is:
Bill "!LaTeX error: The font size command \normalsize is not defined:
Bill there is probably something wrong with the class file".

Bill Later on I get another Latex error about a missing
Bill \begin{document}. And a couple about an undefined control
Bill sequence.

Bill Anyway there are lots of latex errors (63 at this pt).  Has
Bill anyone out there got the article(revtex) document layout to
Bill work?  I wonder what I am doing wrong!

Which revtex.cls do you use? The one distributed with LyX or the one
distributed with revtex?


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Re: duplicate newcommand{LyX} definitions

1999-02-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Der-Yi" == Der-Yi Sheu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Der-Yi Hi, all, When I output my documentaion to .tex file, by
Der-Yi File-Export-as LaTex, I got two sets of the following lines:

Der-Yi %% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
Der-Yi \newcommand{\LyX}{L\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{Y}\kern-.125emX\@}

Der-Yi Latex will choke when reading it.  This happens in both
Der-Yi verions 0.12 and 1.0.  Any idea how to avoid that?

Check in Layout-LaTeX_Preamble that this definition is not already
there. If it is, the remove it.


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Re: duplicate newcommand{LyX} definitions

1999-02-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  "Der-Yi" == Der-Yi Sheu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Der-Yi Hi, all, When I output my documentaion to .tex file, by
Der-Yi File-Export-as LaTex, I got two sets of the following lines:

Der-Yi %% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
Der-Yi \newcommand{\LyX}{L\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{Y}\kern-.125emX\@}

Der-Yi Latex will choke when reading it.  This happens in both
Der-Yi verions 0.12 and 1.0.  Any idea how to avoid that?
  Check in Layout-LaTeX_Preamble that this definition is not
 already there. If it is, the remove it.

Reuben To clarify, this will happen if you export a LyX file as
Reuben LaTeX, then reimport it. In my view this is another reason why
Reuben \LyX should be defined using \providecommand rather than
Reuben \newcommand.

This will not happen if you export/import with version 1.0.0 of
LyX/reLyX. reLyX skips the parts of the preamble that have been
generated by LyX.

I agree however the \LyX should use \providecommand.


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Re: Style files

1999-02-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Matthew" == Matthew Ettus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Matthew I took your advice, and I got it to work.  Thanks.  I get the
Matthew following error 2 times with IEEEtran when I try to print or
Matthew view anything, even an empty document:

Matthew ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

Matthew It then shows some other junk.

Matthew I checked the exported latex file, and it does have a begin
Matthew section.  ANy ideas as to what is going wrong?

Could you send an example latex document generated by LyX that gives
this error? I do not have IEEEtran installed here, so it is difficult
to say what is wrong.


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Re: minor bug: filenames for print commands

1999-02-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Ronald" == Ronald Florence [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ronald While trying to print and send to export-custom-ascii for an
Ronald envelope-printing command we use, I found that a filename like
Ronald es.lyx, though perfectly legal in Unix, will fail in LyX.  I
Ronald suspect filenames like this, because of the  character, need
Ronald to be protected in the shell commands that are used for some
Ronald printing and export operations.

I fixed that. Thanks.


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Re: New feature suggest

1999-02-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Thomas" == Thomas Stroese [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thomas Hi Lyxers!  Thanks for the great release 1.0.0!

Thomas I have 2 little suggestions for new features:

Thomas Makeindex: In the dialog box for new index entries could be
Thomas two shortcuts and buttons ("bf", "em"), which add a "|textbf"
Thomas bzw. "|textit" in order to generate a bold bzw. emphasized
Thomas pagenumber in the index.


Unfortunately, this would really be too particular and some people
would just come and ask why it is not possible to get a slanted page

Thomas Fontshape \slshape: Why is there no entry in the Reference
Thomas Manual and no command/shurtcut for \slshape? Wasn't it there
Thomas in an earlier release? It is nice i.e. in theorem
Thomas environments. Or have I been to stupid to find it?  (It in of
Thomas course in the layout-charakter menue.)

There is no particular function for slanted because people probably
felt it did not deserve it... It is not difficult to implement but, as
usual, you would have more chances to see this done if you provided
some code :)


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Re: Typewriter style?

1999-02-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Paul" == Paul D Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul The problem with the above is the extreme pain involved with
Paul _USING_ it, not defining it.  The use of it is what you do over
Paul and over.

Paul As I understand it, for every single filename in my document
Paul (which could well be in the hundreds or more) that I wanted to
Paul apply this to, I first have to type M-c t to enter TeX mode,
Paul then \filename, then M-c t to exit TeX mode, then {, the
Paul filename, and }.

This is indeed a pain, I agree.

Paul Can I bind a key to do all this?  I'll have to go look that up
Paul in more detail.

I do not think this is possible yet.

Paul Certainly I agree; I've been using Emacs, etc. too long not to
Paul appreciate the power of a full scripting language you can escape
Paul to.  But what you need is the ability to customize the user
Paul interface, too, to get those applications easy to use.

... and unfortunately, LyX does not have a full scripting language


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Re: Apalike problems for 1.0.0pre6

1999-02-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Marco" == Marco Bravi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marco Dear LyX users, I am getting LaTeXing errors if I specify:

Marco \usepackage{apalike}

Marco in the LaTeX preamble with lyx  1.0.0pre6 and am therefore
Marco sticking to that version. Any suggestions?

Hmm, you could maybe tell us what those errors are?


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Re: Same files in different directories

1999-02-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Hugh" == Hugh Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hugh At the time I unzipped lyx-1.0.0pre2, I believe I remember
Hugh having a choice of the directory for this this.  I think I chose
Hugh this long directory name in order to distinguish it from the
Hugh already installed lyx which was at /usr/local/lyx.  Sometimes
Hugh compiling doesn't go well, and my previous version was working
Hugh ok.  So I imagined that by specifying a different directory I
Hugh could save the old, in case something went wrong with the new.
Hugh But the compile went very smoothly.

Note that the place where you unpack the lyx distribution for
compiling is different from the place where you want to install it. 

Hugh I no longer have the older lyx and the newer one definitely
Hugh looks for the supporting files at /usr/local/share/lyx, for I
Hugh have tested this.

So, and does it cause problems? [sorry, I am a bit overflown by the
number of messages on the list, and do not remember which were the
problematic directories for you]

Anyway, installing different lyx versions can be done with these two

* using --prefix=/foo in configure will install lyx in /foo/bin,
/foo/share/lyx, ...

* using --program-suffix=-bar will install lyx as
/usr/local/bin/lyx-bar, /usr/local/share/lyx-bar...

You can of course combing these two options. 


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Re: Window geometry?

1999-02-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Paul" == Paul D Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul Well... first, I don't understand why the name of the app should
Paul have anything to do with parsing the command-line options.
Paul Sure, the name of the app is always used as the instance name
Paul for X resources, but what does that have to do with the command
Paul line?

Not sure. I'll have to re-read the xforms manual...

Paul Obviously, for xforms perhaps it does (weird!).  At the very
Paul least, if it's trying to combing the command-line handling with
Paul the "normal" resource handling somehow, it should use the
Paul resource class name "LyX", not the instance name.

Maybe the error is on our side. I'll check that.

jl You found it: xforms does not use Xt. I guess this means that
jl handling resources a la Xt would be too difficult.

Paul Bleah.  When did you say you were moving to a new toolkit ? :)

Currently, the toolkits considered are Qt, Gtk+, fltk and curses. None
of these support Xt :-|

Paul Xforms may be simple to develop with, but it sure has some
Paul bletcherous aspects (the menu handling I find particularly
Paul annoying :-/).

Horrible, isn't it?


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Re: Same files in different directories

1999-02-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Hugh" == Hugh Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hugh Jean-Marc, you have been very kind to answer my ignorant
Hugh questions.  I'm sure you have much to do.  It's ok with me if
Hugh you just ignore this.

Don't worry. My `job' in LyX is partly to make sure that
configuration/installation works well...

Hugh So, I just took a deep breath and did rm -r -f
Hugh /usr/local/lyx-1.0.Opre2 to get rid of all the files there.
Hugh Then I ran lyx.  It ran fine.

That's how it should be. In fact, what people do in general is to
create a /usr/local/src file where they put sources. If you have
enough disk space, you do not have to remove
/usr/local/src/lyx-1.0.Opre2 after installation. You might want to do
a 'make clean' to remove the compilation products, anyway.

Hugh From this, I conclude that after lyx is installed one may delete the
Hugh directory tree into which the lyx distribution was unpacked.  If
Hugh this is a terrible blunder, I will learn it soon enough!

No, you did it right. You just passed your first exam in compilation
of unix programs :)

We try to put understandable compilation instructions in the file
INSTALL. If you feel that some things there are not clear or explicit
enough, please propose a better version.


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Re: Same files in different directories

1999-02-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Hugh" == Hugh Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hugh My install directory for lyx is /usr/local/lyx-1.0.0pre2.  I see
Hugh it its subdirectories many of the same files that are found in
Hugh subdirectories /usr/local/share/lyx. By looking through the
Hugh files in /usr/local/share/lyx, I can see that they include some
Hugh specific to 1.0, so they shouldn't be just a leftover from my
Hugh former version of lyx.

Hugh Is this seeming duplication necessary, or is it a leftover from
Hugh the compile process that I should have done something about?

Did you install twice? How did you specify your install directory?


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Re: Include other documents.

1999-02-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Paolo" == Paolo Di Francesco [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paolo Hi,

Paolo I'm writing a document, and I have a problem. I don't know if
Paolo it's a FAQ, but please help me! 8)

Paolo I must include in this document, many figures and other thing
Paolo done using other programs. How can I import figures (images in
Paolo gif, jpg, etc...)?  Can I use something to convert images?

You have to convert your images to encapsulated postscript (.eps)
first. For example, the program 'convert' from ImageMagic does that.


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Re: cv-1.3

1999-02-09 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Florian" == Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Florian The solution is "bibtopic.sty". It's excellent, and you can
Florian grab it=20 from any CTAN-mirror. (Bibtopic-support in LyX
Florian would be nice... seems as if I should get to learn C++...)

Where on CTAN is this style? The one I found looks a bit outdated.


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Re: Some questions

1999-02-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Filip" == Filip Miletic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Filip I solved a similar problem by making a symbolic link that says
Filip -, although I don't know how this lib5
Filip thingy appeared since I recompiled LyX from source. It may have
Filip come from xforms, which I had downloaded in binary form. I
Filip guess that making symbolic links to libraries with higher
Filip version number should not do harm, so try it if you need to.

It can do *much* harm, since libc5 and libc6 are completely different
beasts. The right thing to do is to upgrade to a good xforms-for-libc6
rpm. I think there is one in the contrib directory of redhat ftp site,
but I am not sure...

Filip btw, is anyone from LyX team interested in adding support for
Filip the Serbian language? I worked on that on my own, adding
Filip Serbian language to babel, and modified LyX source a bit to
Filip allow for serbian language and keyboard layout to appear in the
Filip appropriate menus. I'd appreciate if someone advised me with
Filip this so that we would have Serbian LyX in a short while. btw,
Filip anyone have an idea of how to contact teTeX maintainters and
Filip send support for Serbian language? There already is support for
Filip similar languages so I guess it should not be a problem.

I think you should feed your changes to the babel maintainers. This is
the proper way of adding support. Then of course, we can add Serbian
to LyX list of languages. 


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Re: url with space

1999-02-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Daniel" == Daniel Naber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Daniel Hi, whenever I insert an URL with Insert-URL it will have a
Daniel space at the beginning on the printed page. This way i cannot
Daniel set URLs in parentheses (well, I could put the parentheses in
Daniel the URL, but I guess that's not intended). Any ideas?

This is one of the small bugs in URL support. It will have to be fixed
in 1.0.1.


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Re: Title pages in lyx-1.0.0

1999-02-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Example" == Example user S u S E Linux 5 3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Example I apologize, evidently SUSE placed some files in
Example /usr/local/share that where parsed by the newer version and
Example evidently some conflict regarding the title arose. My fault,
Example I get the moron award. Thanks for the quick response and the
Example lyx effort!!

You are forgiven :) You are right that some textclasses are not
backward compatible, anyway... :(


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Re: slide broken in lyx 1.0.0?

1999-02-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Martin" == Martin Rother [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Martinhello...  yesterday afternoon I installed lyx 1.0.0, but
Martin the slide style is broken now -- including the template.

Martinthe slide sequence I created (and used) more or less
Martin happily just in the morning from the slide.lyx-template with
Martin lyx-0.12 now runs into errors too: LaTeX failed with


I took a quick look at the textclass and the \renewcommand{\AtEnd}{...}
statement looks really suspicious. I added the class author in Cc: to
get his input.

John, what have you been trying to do here? If it were me, I'd replace
this statement with a 
but I guess this is not what you meant. So the question is: what did
you mean to do? 


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Re: table questions

1999-02-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Edwin" == Edwin Leuven [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Edwin Hi there, I've been using lyx for a while now and I really love
Edwin the program.  There are however two things concerning tabular
Edwin material that I'd like to do, but I am not sure whether there
Edwin is actually a way. First, I'd like to line out the table on the
Edwin page as I used to do under latex with:
Edwin \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l\@{extracolsep{\fill}}}. The
Edwin second thing which I would really like is alignment on the
Edwin decimal point.


Although I am not sure that point-alignment is possible yet, it is now
possible to add your own options to a table using the 'Extra' popup in
the table popup.


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Re: Version 1.0

1999-02-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Raymond" == Raymond E Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Raymond Hello Last night I tried upgrading to 1.0.0; failed on
Raymond several fronts.

Raymond 1) The system configured and compiled correctly.  Except it
Raymond mentioned that libXpm 4.6 was old.  Actually I have 4.9 but
Raymond the version of xpm.h says 4.6; I must resolve this.

Yes. And this can cause problems, I guess.

Raymond 2) The system was _very_ unstable, couldn't even open a file
Raymond without seg faulting.  I have a very "customized" ( a
Raymond euphinism for random updating).  I am going to buy SUSE next
Raymond week in hopes of standardizing my system with new libraries
Raymond and (hopefully) kernel 2.2.0 .  I must mention that my
Raymond previous version (0.13.1 or some such) worked perfectly
Raymond though.

Pleas etell us if you still encounter problems. And tell us what
version of gcc/egcs you are using.

Raymond 3) After doing "update configuration" from the menu bar it
Raymond refused to recognize an old file as a lyx file, even though
Raymond it had done it just before!

That's pretty strange. Did you have error messages while
reconfiguring? What is the contents of your ~/.lyx/textclass.lst?

Raymond 4) This is the most worrysome failure; after loading (before
Raymond the "update") I saved off a Latex version of a old file
Raymond containing Paul Taylor's communative diagram package.  After
Raymond Running Latex, dvi, ps and examing the result; diagrams were
Raymond completely trashed!  Even though I had made no changes and
Raymond they had come out correctly before (13.1)!  If somebody would
Raymond like to evaluate the file I will be happy to email a copy.

Yes, please send a short version which domonstrates the problem.


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Re: insert reference panel

1999-02-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Stefano" == Stefano Ghirlanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Stefano Hi, this is a slight "problem" with lyx 1.0.0 (great work).
Stefano When I call the insert reference panel (M-i r), it appears
Stefano with the mouse positioned in the middle of the Name text
Stefano field. Like this I have to use the mouse to select the label
Stefano I want. It seems to me that in 1pre2, that I used before, the
Stefano pointer was inside the frame containing the list of labels,
Stefano so that after M-i r one could use the arrow key to select the
Stefano label without using the mouse. Am I right or maybe I did
Stefano something to my window manager?

I guess it is due to the change of size of the popup. I don't know
what we can do about it.


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Re: Version 1.0

1999-02-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lars And if you really used 0.13.1 you are on your own. That is a
Lars development version that is likely to turn on you.

He said that 0.13.1 is the one which works and 1.0.0 the ne which fails


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Re: 1.0.0 rpm

1999-02-04 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Sai-Lai" == Sai-Lai Lo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sai-Lai The File-Import-Latex option is grey out. The
Sai-Lai Options-Latex option does not give any pop-up. I guess it
Sai-Lai may be a configuration problem but I don't know what to look
Sai-Lai for.

Sai-Lai Any suggestion?

Sai-Lai I read lyxrc.example and have added \reLyx_command "reLyX" to
Sai-Lai force LyX to use reLyX. No luck either.

Did you change that in lyxrc.example? This should be done directly in
lyxrc, since lyxrc.example is just an example and is not used by LyX. 

However, I do not quite understand why it is needed to do that. Do you
have a working reLyX script installed? What happens when you just type
'reLyX' in a shell window?


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Re: Some questions

1999-02-04 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Alexander" == Alexander Stasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alexander I have a couple of problems and would appreciate if someone
Alexander could help me out.

Alexander When I run my linux (Red Hat 5.2) at runlevel 5,
Alexander i. e. automatically start up X windows, and then try to
Alexander start LyX, I get an error message: can't resolve symbol
Alexander '__argz_strinify' and LyX won't start. Why does this
Alexander happen?

Did you use a precompiled binary? What version of the libc does it


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Re: spacing in enumerate

1999-02-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Frederic" == Frederic Leymarie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Frederic Hello everyone anyone knows how to reset spacing in
Frederic "enumerate"-like (or itemize or description) environment ??

You'll have to do this by hand: for example, for one particular list,
you can add in LaTeX at the beginning


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Re: Titlepage etc

1999-02-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Alexander" == Alexander Stasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alexander Hi.  I'm newly subscribed to this mailing list and my first
Alexander question is, how can I unsubscribe from it? Is it just done
Alexander the trivial way by sending a message with unsubscribe at
Alexander the subject line?

It seems that the answer is at the end of your message :)

Alexander Well, on to the important stuff.  I am writing a
Alexander mathematical thesis and would like to get a nice titlepage
Alexander as well as beeing able to use all the nice
Alexander theorem-environments in the ams document style. I would
Alexander also like to be able to include such things as \mathcal{Z}
Alexander or \mathcal{R} easily in the math formulae.

For the ams classes with theorems environments, have a look at the
'Book (AMS)' textclass.

Having \mathcal is easy: just use M-c e (emphasize) in your
formula. You see some italics sans serif on screen, but the result
will be correct on paper.


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Re: compilation on SGI

1999-02-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Hezi" == Hezi Gildor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hezi hi, when trying to compile pre8 on SGI, i get

Hezi don't know how to make lyx-1.0.pot (bu42).  *** Error code 1
Hezi (bu21)

Hezi any advice ?

You have two solutions:

1) try to use GNU make, if this is installed on your system (under the
   name gmake or gnumake)

2) wait for lyx 1.0.0 tomorrow

3) apply the fix that is in lyx 1.0.0 (see appended patch to be
applied either by hand, or with the patch command).

Hope this helps


RCS file: /usr/local/lyxsrc/cvsroot/lyx-1_0_x/po/,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---  1998/10/26 22:14:17 1.1
+++  1999/01/26 18:23:11 1.2
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
mv $(PACKAGE).po $(srcdir)/$(PACKAGE).pot
 $(srcdir)/cat-id-tbl.c: $(srcdir)/stamp-cat-id; @:
-$(srcdir)/stamp-cat-id: $(PACKAGE).pot
+$(srcdir)/stamp-cat-id: $(srcdir)/$(PACKAGE).pot
rm -f cat-id-tbl.tmp
sed -f ../intl/po2tbl.sed $(srcdir)/$(PACKAGE).pot \
| sed -e "s/@PACKAGE NAME@/$(PACKAGE)/"  cat-id-tbl.tmp

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Re: compilation on SGI

1999-02-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jean-Marc You have two solutions:

Oops! Obviously, that makes three solutions. This shows that problems
often have more solutions that one might think at first sight ;)


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Re: Klyx 0.9.9 vs. Lyx 1.0.0preX

1999-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Syrus" == Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Syrus Right now, I've got 1.0.0pre6 and klyx installed on a Debian
Syrus (slink: pre2.1) system. I compiled Lyx myself, and the version
Syrus of Klyx claims to be 0.9.9. Anyway, my most important document
Syrus is my thesis. I've managed to painstakingly implement the
Syrus required formatting of my university by embedding red latex
Syrus commands in the early sections. The anomaly is that Lyx
Syrus 1.0.0pre compiles my file without error whereas Klyx chokes
Syrus near a \flushleft block and \vspace command. 

There may be differences between the two programs as far as the LaTeX
output. If you cn pinpoint what the difference is, we might be able to
determine which program is faulty and fix it.

Syrus Anyway, I'm
Syrus wondering if any of you have noticed the differences in using
Syrus Lyx vs. Klyx at this time for your critical documents. (Klyx
Syrus may find further errors as well, but I'm unable to get past the
Syrus first ones. Also, Klyx has done an excellent job on small
Syrus papers and documents such as a journal article that I am
Syrus writing. I find the QT interface to be preferable to xforms,
Syrus although xforms on a fast machine is nice.)

The situation is that KLyX and LyX are slightly different, besides the
obvious GUI: KLyX is based on LyX 0.12.0, and I am not sure all
changes LyX since then have been fold in (I know several have been);
moreover KLyX supports a few thing that LyX does not know about
(paragraph-level line sapcing comes to my mind).


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Re: Abstract in Koma-Script Report

1999-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Ralf" == Ralf Plaenkers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ralf Hi, How can I push LyX (LaTeX) to write the header "Abstract"
Ralf above the abstract in documentclass report (koma-script)?  In
Ralf pure LaTeX I would do \documentclass[abstracton]{scrreprt} and
Ralf everybody would be happy. But how about LyX?

Add abstracton in the Options intput field of Layout-Document. It
will not change anything on screen, though.

Ralf BTW: The doc for Koma-Script in LyX: "Extended Features" is not
Ralf up-to-date.

The current doc is for an earlier textclass you wrote. The current one is
much more complete. Do you think you could update that? It is much
easier for someone who actually uses koma-script classes.


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Re: linebraking

1999-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Achim" == Achim Maldener [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Achim I have got the problem that LyX (or rather LaTeX?) writes
Achim beyond the margin of a page, if the last "word" in a line is a
Achim citation.  The same thing happens if I export the LaTeX file
Achim and view it with xdvi.  Any hints?

This happens when LaTeX cannot make a word fit on a line, but feels
that breaking the line would not produce a nice output. So the word
stands out to show you that you should do something about it...

The quick and dirty fix to this problem is to add \sloppy to your
LaTeX preamble.


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Re: local installation

1999-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Theo" == Theo Veenker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Theo I had the same problem on IRIX 6.2 for lyx-1.0pre6 (I
Theo think). The configure script couldn't find libXpm.a although it
Theo was there and I specified --with-extra-inc/lib (It did find
Theo xpm.h though). Anyway, the compile went well, so the linker
Theo could access libXpm.a after all.  So the script might be bit
Theo wrong.

Could you send me the output of your config.log file? I'd be
interested to see what error you get. It might be fixable before


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Re: Escape cancels the selection

1999-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben I find this annoying (unless I have just made the selection)
Reuben because if I start to type a command to apply to a selection
Reuben and then realise it is wrong and press escape, the selection
Reuben is cancelled and I must make it again. Surely just the command
Reuben should be cancelled?

You mean that if you make a selection, type 'M-x foo Esc', then the
selection is canceled? I do not see this behaviour...


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Re: colors in 'Itemize Bullet Selection' dialog box

1999-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "José" == José Abílio de Oliveira Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

José Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote: [...]  Jerry I am using a Solaris
José system with 256 pseudo-color. I've noticed
Jerry for a long time that dialog box does't work properly when
Jerry nearly all the colors are allocated by X. I tried 'lyx
Jerry -private', it dosen't help a lot. It gives some weird colors,
Jerry or doesn't show any thing.
  What version of LyX is that? -private shold work now.

José   Until this bug report I had never seen the bullet's shapes
José even when trying with -private. I have a 8 bpp screen/graphics
José card, and unless I open lyx first, I will not see the bullets.

José   I started asking myself what were those bullets, that everyone
José was talking about, I couldn't see a thing and I was really
José concerned...

I think the problem is that the bullet forms does not use the right
palette. However, I cannot see where the palette to used is specified
in bmtable.C. Does anybody have hints?


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Re: colors in 'Itemize Bullet Selection' dialog box

1999-01-28 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jerry" == Jerry Yuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jerry Hi, there. Just found that 'Itemize Bullet Selection' dialog
Jerry box uses at least 21 colors(grayscale)! Normally, a similar one
Jerry use only 7 grayscales.

From what I've seen, the xpms use 16 colors. I agree this is too
much. Even 4 can be enough.

Jerry I am using a Solaris system with 256 pseudo-color. I've noticed
Jerry for a long time that dialog box does't work properly when
Jerry nearly all the colors are allocated by X. I tried 'lyx
Jerry -private', it dosen't help a lot. It gives some weird colors,
Jerry or doesn't show any thing.

What version of LyX is that? -private shold work now.

Jerry Is this a bug?

Well, it is at least a misdesign. Note that you can configure with
--with-two-colors to get icons with lower color use.


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Re: xfstt

1999-01-28 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben In a recent message someone said they were using TrueType
Reuben fonts with LyX.  I've just installed xfstt and gave it a
Reuben symbolic link to my Windows partition to look for *.ttf
Reuben fonts. The results in LyX are excellent: no more jaggies at
Reuben large sizes. I use Times New Roman and Arial; for some reason
Reuben at the standard size the "3" character in Courier New has a
Reuben very ugly disconnected pixel, so I stuck with Courier, which
Reuben in any case doesn't suffer as much at the others at large
Reuben sizes.

You might want to try xfsft, which relies on freetype and has a much
better renderer.


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Re: My experience

1999-01-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Dirk" == Dirk Klugmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dirk There is a number of publishers and journals that provide LaTeX
Dirk styles for submissions to them.  May be these institutions can
Dirk be convinced to support LyX by posting LyX templates, too.
Dirk These may be delivered by persons who have submitted
Dirk contributions in that style and have developed a LyX template
Dirk for that case.

Yesm this is recommend way of doing this. LyX already has textclases
for several styles (ams, ieee, aa, revtex and others).  People are
highly encouraged to submit such layout files. Creating new textclass
is not too difficult if it is not too different from the article class.

Dirk In general --- in my opinion --- LyX should support the standard
Dirk LaTeX styles and, maybe, some fancy extras that are very useful.
Dirk I assume that the "ordinary" user of a word processor or text
Dirk setting system will be served well by that.  It might be a good
Dirk idea to maintain a web site where special templates might be
Dirk stored for later use (together with style files necessary for
Dirk that), but I would not recommend to overload the standard LyX
Dirk distribution by catching every case that might be useful for
Dirk someone sometimes in the future.  And, by the way: You will not
Dirk be able to catch all eventualities...

I agree wholeheartedly with that. We need somebody to coordinate this
effort. This is typically an area where LyX users who don't consider
themselves as programmers can help.


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Re: bibtex with LyX problems

1999-01-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Bill" == Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill OK now I am following these instructions.  The first was to set
Bill the BIBINPUTS variable to the value I use. This is done;
Bill everytime I log in my BIBINPUTS is set correctly to
Bill /home/wsimpson/papers/bib.  This directory contains vision.bib
Bill and stats.bib.

This seems good.

Bill In my document I am using the Natbib package and so my preamble
Bill is: \usepackage{natbib} \bibliographystyle{apa}

You do not need to set \bibliographystyle, it is set in the BibTeX
References popup.

Bill I created my own apa.bst and put it in /home/wsimpson/papers/bib
Bill (The "standard" apa style is not correct)

I am not sure that bibtex searches for .bst files in the BIBINPUT
path. You should try to set BSTINPUTS too.

As far as apa.bst is concerned, there exist alternative styles
already. For example (I did not try them):
apa: macros/latex/contrib/other/apa/
apacite: biblio/bibtex/contrib/
mslapa: macros/latex/contrib/supported/mslapa/

Bill I put each citation in the text TeXed, e.g.
Bill \cite[]{Simpson:1994}

Bill At the end of the paper I inserted via
Insert- Lists  TOC -BibTex Reference
Bill and put in the box Database: vision,stats Style: apa Well when I
Bill do view dvi - each ref is (?) in the text. e.g. NOT
Bill Simpson(1994).  - No Reference list appears at the end.

You could try to export your file as LaTeX, run latex by hand and see
whether this fails at some point. Then we'll probably be able to find
a workaround.


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Re: End notes

1999-01-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "root" == root  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

root I don't like to ask y'all a question I haven't fully thought
root about already, but I just don't have time to figure it out and I
root can't find an answer in the helps: how do I do end notes?

You need to find the package endnotes.sty (surprise!). Then, a few
commands in your preamble (explained in the manual of endnotes.sty)
should be enough to get the desried effect. 

You'll find endnotes.sty in CTAN at macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/

Hope this helps.


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Re: Use of the AMSLatex substack command

1999-01-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Eckhard" == Eckhard Hofmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eckhard Hi all, I'am trying to use the special format \substack for
Eckhard an integral in Lyx1.0.0pre2.  I set (use AMS MATH) to on in
Eckhard the Document layout section.  But I'am stuck at the moment
Eckhard when I try to insert the AMS code into an integral placed
Eckhard with LYX: The "official" AMSTEX command is:
Eckhard \[int_{\substack{i=0 \\ j=j+1}} f(i,j)\]


Unfortunately, he support that was in mathed for substack has been
disabled for technical reasons. I don't know what kind of workaround
could be used. Maybe Alejandro could give some hints...


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Re: My experience

1999-01-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Kaare" == Kaare Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kaare This is not a problem report; just some thoughts.  KLyX is very
Kaare nice, but how it's going to develop into a production system
Kaare for people that don't know TeX, I don't know. And if KDE is
Kaare betting on it as the heavy duty word processing tool (as I
Kaare understood from the article in Linux Journal), it has to be
Kaare easier to customize.

Fortunately or us, KDE will use KWord as word processor, while KLyX
will remain the high-level document processor. This means we will not
have to implement a birthday party template in LyX :)

Kaare Now I have my very own kaarebook.sty with my own LaTeX code
Kaare that implements the wishes of my publisher, but I believe there
Kaare should be some thoughts on how to customize this effort.

Kaare For example, what do youd do if you want another . chapter
Kaare style . TOC style . Index style

Kaare - and so on.

There are LaTeX packages that can be used to customize styles (secsty,
tocsty or whatever). We should try to add support for them. However,
getting this to work for in all cases will be *very* tricky.


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Re: n-th root in math mode

1999-01-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Raymond" == Raymond E Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Raymond Look up \sqrt in the Latex manual.  I believe the instruction
Raymond is \sqrt{n}{x} (in TeX mode).

Unfortunately, the right syntax is \sqrt[n]{x}. The fact that it does
not work is an old mathed bug that has still not been corrected :(

As a workaround, you can add to your preamble

and type \nthroot{n}{x} directly in the math editor. It will not be
WYSIWYG, but at least it will work.


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Re: memory problem with view dvi?

1999-01-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Bill" == Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill I have a LyX document (1.0.0pre2) with a number of included
Bill postscript figures taken from Mathematica (Mac version). All
Bill appears fine until I try view dvi or view ps. Then the gears
Bill grind for a while but the view is never produced. When I omit
Bill all the figs except one, view dvi or view ps works OK. So I
Bill think there is some kind of memory problem. How to fix it?  (I
Bill have 64 megs of RAM, I don't think that is the problem)

Ensure that your files have unix end-of-line marker (^J) and not mac
ones (^M).


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Re: Printing with Lyx-1.0.0pre8

1999-01-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Emmanuel" == Emmanuel Dumas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Emmanuel Hi I have this problem with Lyx-1.0.0pre8, when I want to
Emmanuel print my document, the dialog box ask me the instruction for
Emmanuel printing ( "lp" for my station), but Lyx always use
Emmanuel "lpr". Is it a bug ?

In fact, the dialog box asks for the name of the printer, and this is
set to 'lp' by default (not sure why). You can set a different default
printer in lyxrc (\printer myprinter). 

If you want to force LyX to use lpr instead of lp, you should use
something like 
\print_spool_command lpr
\print_spool_printerprefix -P
in your lyxrc.

If you have set up dvips to print to your printer, a safer bet is
\print_spool_command ""
\print_adapt_output true

Hope this helps.


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Re: 1.0.0pre8 - newbie's first reactions

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Joerg" == Joerg Zieren [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joerg ron wrote:
 Some features I'd like to see in LyX search and replace:

Joerg [...]

Joerg Talking about the search function: I don't remember if it was
Joerg with pre2 or pre7 that footnotes and margin notes were not
Joerg searched unless they happened to be open. I guess this is
Joerg rather a bug than a feature ;)

Well, It's a feature, as far as I know. Note that there is a menu
entry to open/close all footnotes.


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Re: 1.0.0pre8 - newbie's first reactions

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Florian" == Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Florian Am Sat, 23.Jan.1999 um 10:50:22 -0500 schrieb Ronald
Florian Florence:
 Some features I'd like to see in LyX search and replace:
 - regular expressions;
 - search multiple files, like all of the chapters of a book
 - initiate a search, find next, search backwards,replace yes/no all
 from the keyboard without having to use the mouse;
 - incremental search (like emacs).

Florian It would also be nice if there were such search/replacement
Florian options for - TeX code - character and paragraph styles
Florian (like: put all regexs foo into noun style if they are
Florian currently set in emphasis style) - environments Would be
Florian handy when switching the document class of a document

Florian Perhaps these issues could be solved with a scripting
Florian interface for LyX (imagine what Perl macros could do in
Florian LyX...).

Something like this is on the todo list. I don't know when this will


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Re: 1.0.0pre8 - newbie's first reactions

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jeff" == Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeff So, I tried 1.0.0pre8 for the first time. It autoconfigured and
Jeff compiled beautifully. It ran beautifully and was intuitive and
Jeff simple. It was easy for me to bang out a document, even though I
Jeff was totally rusty on latex commands. I loved the ease of
Jeff displaying dvi and postscript. I liked the help menu - it was
Jeff very well integrated, easy for me to use, and having "Known
Jeff Bugs" as a pull down menu adds a lot of credibility to the
Jeff software. I thought the menu layout was essentially well chosen,
Jeff and loved the search and replace tool. WYSIWYM worked great, and
Jeff its use of color was brilliant.  I experienced no crashes, and
Jeff was pleased to discover autosave when I killed the process. The
Jeff spell checker was a good bonus.

Ahh, I like to hear such things... :)

Jeff I noticed some things that might be improved for later
Jeff versions. By far the most important thing was screen fonts. My
Jeff screen fonts didn't scale nicely to the sizes they were
Jeff displayed, giving a very blocky look. I did some adjusting until
Jeff I got something that looked ok but it took some fiddling. I'm
Jeff not a font guy and don't pretend to know the nature of the
Jeff configuration issue. 

The secret is to add 
  \screen_font_scalable false
to your lyxrc file. It is somehow described in lyxrc.

Jeff I do suggest, that for the majority of the
Jeff people who try lyx, that the screen fonts shouldn't look blocky
Jeff when lyx is first run. I'm guessing this is something to be
Jeff addressed by the linux distributions or in RPMs or something. I
Jeff want to emphasize that the first impression is actually a big
Jeff deal, and chunkified fonts make a significant (non-positive)
Jeff first impression.

Agreed. I wanted to make this the default, but people who happen to
have a good set of scalable fonts, did not want that (understandably).

Jeff Next, lyx menus suffer a bit from the "radically different
Jeff choices are right next to each other yet look quite similar"
Jeff syndrome. For example, in the File menu, less popular choices
Jeff like "revert to saved..." are identically rendered as the more
Jeff popular choices.  Picking out the common choices requires just a
Jeff bit too much brain power. I read that nuclear power plant
Jeff operators face similar problems problems when are deciding which
Jeff lever to push out of a zillion near identical choices.

Jeff I hate to use Microsoft as an example, but their most recent
Jeff version of Office addresses this problem by putting a just few
Jeff small icons inside the pull down menus, next to the most popular
Jeff choices. This makes popular choices easier to pick out from the
Jeff crowd. I strongly suspect that this depends on the GUI toolkit
Jeff (XForms?), but I thought it was worth mentoning.

That'sa good comment. We'll have to re-think the menu hierarchy at
some point.

Jeff As far as minor quirks, I found it a bit odd that the dialog
Jeff boxes had different key binding than the main editing
Jeff window. Again I assume this is xforms at work, but it was a bit
Jeff wierd. My backspace key was bound differently, and emacs
Jeff bindings were only enabled in the dialog boxes. I guess I'm
Jeff happy everything appears configurable, but I'd have preferred a
Jeff more consistant default.

Agreed, but there is not much we can do here...

Jeff Ok, that's it, have a great 1.0.0 release. Sorry for throwing
Jeff feedback at the list days before it goes out the door. I'm
Jeff totally delighted; lyx makes latex accessable to me for casual
Jeff use. I look forward to using it for years to come.

You're welcome. We *love* this kind of feedback :)


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Re: Printing with Type1 fonts

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Florian" == Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Florian Is there a way/a HowTo how LyX can use Adobe Type 1 fonts as
Florian _printer_ fonts?  Florian

Could you be more specific? What kind of fonts would you like?


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Re: Another BibTeX question

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Ralf" == Ralf Plaenkers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ralf Jean-Marc wrote:
 Until then, you can get it from
 If Bernhard can do a bit of packaging (explanations...) around it,
 we could put it on the ftp site.

Ralf Thanks, I got it and it compiled nicely.  It doesn't work,
Ralf though.  I set up the LyX server (pre6) as explained in a
Ralf previous mail and pushed the lyx-cite-insert button of bibview
Ralf and ... nothing happened!  The lyx server runs fine and
Ralf bibview finds its pipe, otherwise it would yell "Can't open
Ralf pipe, ..."

Ralf Will it work with LyX1.0 or is it due to bibview problems?

I don't know, I never used it myself. You can try to contact Bernhard
Kohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead.


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Re: bib font size and TOC

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Niki" == Niki Afshartous [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Niki I tried playing around with \bibliographystyle, but this seems
Niki to have no affect on font size.
Jean-Marc I am surprised. AFAIK, ams styles are the only ones which
Jean-Marc use a font for references which is smaller than the
Jean-Marc document font.  Are you sure that bibtex has been re-run
Jean-Marc which you changed bibliography style?

Niki I'm not sure if I'm using Bibtex corectly with LyX but here's
Niki what happens:

Niki I have a Latex \bibliography command at the end of my document.
Niki When doing View-dvi there's an entry in the TOC for
Niki Bibliography but the bibliography does not get generated at the
Niki end of the document.

Did you add the command by hand? You can do it directly via the

Niki If I then add a Latex \bibliographysytle{plain} command right
Niki before the \bibliography command, the biblography gets generated
Niki but in the small font which you said is due to AMS.

Niki I finally succeeded in generating a Bibliography with a larger
Niki font by doing Export-LaTex and then running LaTex manually on
Niki exactly the same document.  So the style of the Bibliography
Niki appeared differently depending on whether the dvi file was
Niki generated manually or within LyX.  --

That's strange. Could you send a (short) example file?


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Re: 1.0.0pre8 - newbie's first reactions

1999-01-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeff I do suggest, that for the majority of the people who try lyx,
Jeff that the screen fonts shouldn't look blocky when lyx is first
Jeff run. I'm guessing this is something to be addressed by the linux
Jeff distributions or in RPMs or something. I want to emphasize that
Jeff the first impression is actually a big deal, and chunkified
Jeff fonts make a significant (non-positive) first impression.
  Agreed. I wanted to make this the default, but people who happen
 to have a good set of scalable fonts, did not want that

Reuben You could add the following information to the LyX docs for
Reuben users of XFree86 3.2 and later:

Reuben With the 3.2 and later releases of XFree86, you can add the
Reuben text :unscaled to the end of any directory in the font path to
Reuben turn off scaling of the bitmap fonts in that directory. This
Reuben works in both the XF86Config file and the font server's config
Reuben file.

Well, since you can do it direclty at lyxrc level, I am not sure it is

However, these questions show how much a FAQ is needed... Thsi should
typically go in such a document. However, a FAQ needs a
maintainer... Any taker?


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Re: Another BibTeX question

1999-01-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Michael" == Michael Hanke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Please could you be a little more specific? I am using
Michael barracuda as well as bibview. But i do not know how I can
Michael manage to communicate with LyX.  Thank you.

The patch for barracuda has been written by Alejandro. There is also a
patch for bibview (see at the end of my message). I have used neithe
rof these.

I bet it is. And the maintainer is Roland Krause :)


Date:   Fri, 7 Aug 1998 12:47:29 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernhard Kohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: bibview lyxinser-patch
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So I have made the patch with diff and have attched the file to this
email. To insert a lyx-cite with bibview, you have to open a list-window
of bibview. If you select a entry of the list the card-window will be
opened, where you can find a button called insert-lyx-ref or so.
In order to use this button you must have running lyx with the lyx-server
enabled. The pipe for the lyxserver must be located in the home-directory
(taken from the HOME enviromentvariable) and should be called .lyxpipe
(as suggested in the lyxrc example file). If you press then the button a
reference at the location of the cursor in the lyx-window will be

My patch is not very comfortable, but because I have no knowledge about
x-window programming (athena lib etc.), it was the only solution for me.

Much better it would have been if you could use the second or third
mouse-button in the list-window to insert the cite in lyx. But I don't
know how to do this. If somebody can give me a hint how to do this, it
would be very nice.

so, have fun

Bernhard K.

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="bibviewlyx.patch"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-Description: patch file for bibview 2.2
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bibviewlyx.patch"


Re: lyx-server-question

1999-01-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Etienne" == Etienne Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Etienne   Hello,
 the only thing I can´t do (possibly that´s my fault!? ) is "open a
 file". The only thing I can do is to open the dialog File
 Open. There is no parameter for the file name.  So, what can I do?

Etienne   Sending

Etienne LYXCMD:test:file-open:myfile.lyx

Etienne   to lyxpipe works for me.

Oops, I should check my facts before answering to messages. However, I
still do not understand why we have both buffer-open and file-open...


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Re: lyx-server-question

1999-01-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Sven" == Sven Gustke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sven Hi out there!  I´m working with the lyx-server very well. It is
Sven a wonderfull thing. But the only thing I can´t do (possibly
Sven that´s my fault!? ) is "open a file". The only thing I can do is
Sven to open the dialog File Open. There is no parameter for the
Sven file name.  So, what can I do?  Thank you!

That's something I've been wanting to do for some time: change
functions that query interactively for arguments (to insert insets,
open files...) so that they can take an argument and use that
directly. This is of course an 1.1 job (for example, we could
implement the MRU list of the File menu with a 'menu-open foo'), but
the menu-open part is so important for scripts that I think we should
do it now.

So, I'll add that in 1.0.1.


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Re: Another BibTeX question

1999-01-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Florian" == Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Florian Am Fri, 22.Jan.1999 um 09:15:15 +0100 schrieb Jean-Marc
Florian Lasgouttes:
 The patch for barracuda has been written by Alejandro. There is
 also a

Florian Do you have a download URL at hand?



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Re: Multiple Frames

1999-01-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Thierry" == Thierry Michalowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thierry Well, I should try to answer to that. Actually, I think
Thierry -should be corrected by someone if I'm wrong, I'm currently
Thierry working withe the 0.12 version of Lyx - that there is no
Thierry relashionship between Lyx and Gnome, neither KDE.  

This is indeed the case currently.

Thierry KLyx is
Thierry basically an effort to let Lyx conform to a "standard"
Thierry interface which is defined by KDE. Maybe the developers added
Thierry some functionalities too, but that was not the main purpose
Thierry of Klyx.

Yes, basically, KLyX is LyX with a better interface. There may be a
few constructs that differ between the two (e.g., KLyX has support for
line spacing at paragraph level).

Thierry Maybe the developers will flame me for that, but I'm awaiting
Thierry the "imminent" 1.0 version for at least two months
Thierry now...Still "imminent" though...Much more than two month ago
Thierry I suppose! ;-D (Well, just kidding, guys!)

This time, we have decided that the release date was Feb 1, and we'll
try to stick to this date. So you'd better all test 1.0.0pre8 which is
just out and tell if there are major problems...


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Re: Multiple Frames?

1999-01-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Paul" == Paul L Lussier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul Does KLyX work without KDE?  I currently jump between Solaris
Paul and Linux, and really like having identical environments on the
Paul different platforms.  Switching to KDE isn't really an option
Paul for the Solaris environment, so if KLyX only works under KDE,
Paul I'd rather stick with LyX for the time being.

Well, KLyX does work outside of the KDE environment, but you have to
compile the kde support libraries to use it.


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Re: Multiple Frames

1999-01-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Roger" == Roger Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Roger If you *had* tried it, you would discovered that each instance
Roger of LyX uses a private paste buffer, so you can't use X
Roger clipboard functions to copy between them.  Or were you
Roger suggesting to the development team that this behaviour ought to
Roger be changed?

The clipboard will indeed not work. And multiple frames will probably
happen sooner than shared clipboard.


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Re: Multiple Frames?

1999-01-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Ralph" == Ralph Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ralph I'm peripherally involved in a co-operative effort to get a new
Ralph UK Linux magazine launched. Since the progenitor of this has
Ralph asked for contributions to be submitted in LaTeX format I am
Ralph advocating that contributors should be encouraged to use LyX so
Ralph that a detailed LyX document template can be distributed which
Ralph will allow these authors to send in their articles in an almost
Ralph finished format and thus substantially reduce the amount of
Ralph re-editing required.

That's a nice idea :)

Ralph Anyway, the question I have is this: In outline, what is
Ralph involved in creating such a detailed template for LyX? I note
Ralph that there seem to be two things involved: templates themselves
Ralph which it seems are just normal lyx documents in which you've
Ralph substituted placeholder text, like entering the word 'Title'
Ralph rather than an actual title. 

That's it.

Ralph And document classes, which look
Ralph kind of hard-wired. How difficult is it to create these and
Ralph what do I read to find out how to do it?

You will need two things:

- a LaTeX document class (.cls file) which produces the kind of output
you expect. It will typically be based on article.cls. I guess some
work has already been done in this respect.

- a LyX textclass (.layout file) which describes for LyX what the
document class does. You will find a bunch of these in LyX
distribution, and their format is somewhat described in
Customization.lyx (with errors, unfortunately).

Ralph And how do lyx-0.12 and lyx-1.0 differ in this context?

They are basically the same, but LyX 1.0 has a bunch of small
improvements that make life easier.

Ralph I'm already reading the version 0.12 documentation but having a
Ralph bit of hard time finding what I want. I just need a few
Ralph pointers so I can get high-level answers to these vital
Ralph questions without waiting to become proficent in basic LyX
Ralph usage first.

So the advices are: (1) read the section of Customization.lyx devoted
to textclasses (2) browse in the exisiting textclasses to have a
feeling of what can (and should) be done and (3) ask again here if you
have questions.


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Re: LyX/LaTeX compatibility???

1999-01-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "John" == John Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John So my questions are :

John 1) How do I configure LaTeX to be able to handle a LyX file?

LaTeX cannot handle LyX files, but LyX exports latex files. In fact,
if you do File-Update_DVI, LyX will output a latex file, run latex
and show yu the result on screen. If you want to get a human-readable
latex file, you should use File-Export-LaTeX.

John 2) Where can I find the LaTeX2LyX utility?

If you grab lyx-1.0.0pre8 at, you will have a new menu
option 'Import LaTeX'. This uses the improved reLyX script, which does
a reasonable good job at reading latex files (not perfect, of course).

John I can generate PostScript files from within LyX, so technically
John I could use it as, is to create papers, but that doesn't help my
John goal of being able to work with my advisors documents.

These PS files are generated through latex already. It is just that an
additional step is executed: dvi (latex output format) is converted to


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Re: Character spacing

1999-01-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Kaare" == Kaare Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kaare How can I change the spacing between characters in just one
Kaare paragraph (or for a character choice)?

Kaare I need to add a little space between the letters in a section
Kaare header. Is it possible?

This is not possible directly in LyX (and often horrible to read,
IMNSHO), but the french LaTeX FAQ says that you should look for the packages
'letterspace' and 'trackin' (/macros/latex/contrib/other/tracking).

Hope this helps.


Disclaimer: I know nothing about these packages.

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Re: can't see text when mouse in lyx window, any idea why?

1999-01-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Dominic" == Dominic Barraclough [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dominic I finally able to install lyx v 0.12.0.beta last night after
Dominic some fighting with the xforms. However, when I tried to use
Dominic lyx I found that if I place the mouse cursor over the lyx
Dominic window my text area would go black and I could no longer see
Dominic any text. By contrast if the cursor is over the back ground
Dominic every thing seems to be fine and I can read the tutorial and
Dominic the like. Incidentally, I receive the message "failed to
Dominic share colors. Using private colormap" whenever I start lyx.

Upgrading to a newer version of LyX (1.0.0pre6 from would
be a good idea, since the particular bug you are encountering is fixed


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Re: Keymaps

1999-01-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben I like the new european keymap and I have LyX set up with
Reuben european on keymap 1 and greek on keymap 2. But I'd like it to
Reuben default to no keymap.  Is there a way of doing this?

You can probably set \use_kmap to false in lyxrc and use one of the
following to switch them on:

# Keyboard menu

\bind "M-k 1"   "keymap-primary"
\bind "M-k 2"   "keymap-secondary"
\bind "M-k o"   "keymap-off"
\bind "M-k t"   "keymap-toggle"
\bind "M-k x"   "keymap-off"


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Re: chemtex?

1999-01-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wolfgang Is something like Chemwindow or mdl-isis for drawing
Wolfgang chemical structures available under tex/latex?

Reuben A quick look in the LaTeX Graphics Companion reveals two
Reuben packages which seem to be modern and capable: XYMTeX and
Reuben ppchtex. Both on CTAN, I'll warrant. ChemTeX is said to be
Reuben rather out of date and limited by comparison. (I recently
Reuben investigated the existence of such packages for a geneticist
Reuben friend.)

I guess that people who know what they are talking about seem to give
better answers :) 

 A quick search on (La)TeX navigator shows that this file exists and
 is called... chemtex! You'll find it on CTAN in
 macros/latex209/contrib/chemtex/. I do not know how well this works
 with LaTeX 2.09, though.

Reuben I presume you mean you don't know how well it works with
Reuben LaTeX2e.

You presume well.


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Re: LaTeX2e: A macro package for creating syntax diagrams ?

1999-01-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "HoneyBunny" == HoneyBunny  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

HoneyBunny Maybe someone can help. Tanks in advance.
HoneyBunny I'm working on a SQL Reference pocket guide using the
HoneyBunny syntax macro package of Mark Wooding. Attached is a tex
HoneyBunny file. One command, ALTER DATABASE, has a repeat group,
HoneyBunny which crosses a page, but the vertical lines of the repeat
HoneyBunny group do not get broken. Does someone know how to change
HoneyBunny this ?

It seems that breaking such vertical lines across a page is a very
difficult task in LaTeX. And I think that, if a simple solution
existed, Mark Wooding would have found it :)

Your best bet is probably to contact M. Wooding or to send a message
to comp.text.tex.


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Re: Sorry, german umlauts again...

1999-01-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Thomas" == Thomas Stroese [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thomas Hello Lyx-Users!  Sorry for that question again:

Thomas I have to write german documents on an american keyboard and
Thomas would like to make the singe-quote a deadkey, which produces

Thomas   'a - \"a (in Latex,i.e. umlaut a) 'A - \"A (in
Thomas Latex,i.e. umlaut A) ...  's - \"ss{} (scharfes s)

Thomas Alternativly it would be nice to have

Thomas   Ctrl " a - \"a, ...

Thomas I tried to write a kmod file, but lyx 1.0.0p2 crashes after
Thomas starting with:

Thomas stroese@staufen:~  lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught 

Hmm, could you show us what was in your file?

Thomas And in which file do I have to insert the bindings?

The idea is to create your own ~/.lyx/kbd/mygerman.kmap file (or
whatever name) and add to your lyxrc:
\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary mygerman

You could also try to use kmaps like american2 (I think) or the newly
introduced european.kmap, which support all common european accents.


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Re: how to replace \ with a protected blank

1999-01-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Nabil" == Nabil Hathout [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nabil Hello, is there a mean to replace latex-style protected blanks
Nabil "\ " with lyx ones ?  findreplace does not seem able to do it.

It is not easily possible (other than by modifying directly the .lyx
file). BTW, '\ ' is not really a protected bland, but rather a forced
blank. Protected blank is '~'.

Nabil I also wonder how to parameter the latex exportation : I want
Nabil lyx to use \begin{center} \end{center} for centered paragraphs
Nabil instead of {\centring \par} because when I reimport them, lyx
Nabil is not able to recognize them as centered paragraphs.

Unfortunately, this is not possible yet. I am not sure of the reasons
why centering is output as it is, but reLyX indeed does not like that.


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Re: chemtex?

1999-01-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Engelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wolfgang Is something like Chemwindow or mdl-isis for drawing
Wolfgang chemical structures available under tex/latex?

A quick search on (La)TeX navigator shows that this file exists and is
called... chemtex! You'll find it on CTAN in
macros/latex209/contrib/chemtex/. I do not know how well this works
with LaTeX 2.09, though.


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Re: bib font size and TOC

1999-01-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Niki" == Niki Afshartous [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Niki Hi,

Niki Thanks for any help with these questions:

Niki - How to enlarge the font size of bibliography entries ?

Are these manual entries or bibtex generated ones?

Niki - How to create manual entries in the table of contents
Niki (i.e. for Acknowledgements and Preface) ?

Try to add LaTeX code after the Chapter* like

[or use section if appropriate]


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Re: importing xfig ps/latex combined - fast solution needed

1999-01-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "wollmann" == wollmann  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

wollmann Hi everybody!  I'm trying to import a figure created within
wollmann xfig following the instructions in the userguide. I need
wollmann formulas in the figure so i decided to export
wollmann postscript/latex combined. Then I created the .pstex and the
wollmann .pstex_t files.  When importing .pstex_t with insert-file
wollmann dialog and \input, I get the error message:

wollmann !Undefined control sequence.  recently read \epsfig

wollmann l.2 \epsfig {file=trafo1.pstex}% The control sequence at the
wollmann end of the top line was never defined

wollmann What am I doing wrong? If anybody can give me a fast
wollmann solution I will be very thankful because I have to finish my
wollmann work in a few days.

You are not really doing something wring, it is your xfig version
which uses an older LaTeX method to input graphics files. You might
try to add '\usepackage{epsfig}' to your LaTeX preamble. 

Another solution would be to upgrade to xfig 3.2, but that's more


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Re: Some layout problems

1999-01-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Markus" == Markus Baeurle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Markus The second
Markus one has to do with page layout. I chose the fancy layout in
Markus Layout - Document. As you probably know, it puts the chapter
Markus heading on the left and the section heading on the right of
Markus the top of each page. If these headings are long, they run
Markus into each other and thus become unreadable.  This has
Markus disappointed me quite a bit and led to some jokes from
Markus colleagues in the department ("Are you sure you're using the
Markus right tool?"). How can I correct this? I think the best way
Markus would be if the section heading on the right was simply
Markus truncated to fit.

LaTeX default headers/footers are ugly. If you have the package
fancyhdr installed, you could try the 'fancy' header option in
Layout-Document and add something like the following to your
preamble (untested):

\fancyhead[LE]{\slshape \nouppercase{\leftmark}}
\fancyhead[RO]{\slshape \nouppercase{\rightmark}}

Markus I have two more glitches I'd like to mention.  The first one
Markus is that two spaces are always removed. I frequently want to
Markus replace a whole word, so I delete it (by hitting backspace
Markus several times) to type in the new one. But as soon as the last
Markus letter is deleted, two spaces meet, one is removed and the
Markus cursor is put at the end of the left word. I'd prefer if the
Markus two spaces remained there until the cursor is moved away so I
Markus could insert my new word without further steps.  

Yes, this is a known problem.

Markus Second,
Markus program code typeset in LyX-Code isn't split very
Markus intelligently if it hits the end of page which also
Markus disappointed me quite a bit. In my case, about three lines
Markus were put on the first page, with half of the page empty. On
Markus the next page came a few more lines, an empty line (why wasn't
Markus the page break put here?) followed by a lot of lines which ran
Markus over the end of the page - it seems because no empty line was
Markus found where the page break could be put.  Why won't the page
Markus break be put whereever it is necessary? No problem in program
Markus code IMHO.  I helped myself by putting a protected space in
Markus Standard environment at the place where I want the page break
Markus to occur, which is a very ugly workaround.

If what you include is a real code snippet (i.e. that you have in a
file), then you can use Insert-Include_File (check verbatim) to
include directly the file, with presumably a better result.


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Re: spacing and page breaking [Alejandro, this one is for you]

1999-01-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Niki" == Niki Afshartous [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Niki  Niki In the document (attached below) the spacing between the
Niki  Niki equations is bigger than the spacing between the
Niki equations and  Niki the text.  Is there any way to make the
Niki spacing look more  Niki consistent ?Jean-Marc It
Niki appears that any two consecutive displayed formulas end 
Niki Jean-Marc up being separated by a \n\n, thus creating an
Niki extraneous  Jean-Marc paragraph break. This causes the extra
Niki space seen by Niki.

Niki Can you think of a workaround for this ? 

Yes, I'll try to do something about it today.


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Re: spacing and page breaking

1999-01-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Tony" == Tony Greenwood - ext 4668 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Jean-Marc It appears that any two consecutive displayed formulas
 end  Jean-Marc up being separated by a \n\n, thus creating an
 extraneous  Jean-Marc paragraph break. This causes the extra
 space seen by Niki.
 Can you think of a workaround for this ? Thanks.

Tony Is there any way of defining \n\n to be \n in the preamble
Tony perhaps ???

This kind of trick is not possible in TeX and, besides, we *do* use
\n\n as a paragraph break in a lot of places.


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Re: prevent LyX (LaTeX) from breaking words

1999-01-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Joerg" == Joerg Zieren [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joerg Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes wrote: Guess this is rather a
Joerg LaTeX-related question...  I don't want to have LaTeX break
Joerg (hyphenate? (sp?)) words for me, like "Lin- ux". Where can this
Joerg be turned off? Do I have to enter some mysterious (to me :-)
Joerg LaTeX preamble?
  Yes, you have to :)
 The magic command is \hyphenation{Linux}

Joerg I did enter "\hyphenation{Linux}" as LaTeX preamble, but
Joerg nothing changed, I still get "Lin- ux". Is there something else
Joerg I need to set? (LyX 1.0.0pre6)

I am really surprided that this does not work. Note that you should
have only *one* \hyphenation{} command, containing a space-separated
list of words.

Joerg Also, what I would really like to do is turn off hyphenation
Joerg completely, not just for some words. Is this at all possible?

Try something like this:

(replace T1 with OT1 for cm fonts)

Another solution is to use \sloppy in the preamble to get rid of the
most hyphenation.


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Re: Trouble with koma script letter class

1999-01-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Florian" == Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Florian However, I use none of them in my "opening" line, and neither
Florian can I find any in the LaTeX source code exported from LyX
Florian (see below).

Florian Could this be a LyX bug?

This is a weakness in LyX letter support, which is due to the
brokenness of LaTeX letter document class. The solution is to use the
Send_To_Address layout to define the recipient of the letter. This
field is *required*.


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LyX 1.0.0pre7 990106 snapshot

1999-01-07 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes


Since our fearless leader Lars is not here to make new prereleases of
LyX for everybody's consumption, I decided to make a snapshot of the
current cvs repository available from my own WWW space. It can be
found at

The .bz2 version is somewhat smaller, and you need bzip2 to unpack it.

Here is what the CHANGES file has to say about recent events:

since 1.0.0pre6
- first draft of german translation of Extended.lyx (Pit)
- Fix a bug with spaces in math labels (Alejandro)
- Set the timeout for ispell to 15 seconds instead of 2 (JMarc)
- Make the update button of Insert-Cross_Reference remember what the
  current entry was (JMarc)
- fix bug where bibliography insets were not deleted when switching
  to another layout (JMarc)
- fix the change case functions which did not work (and corrupted
  memory) after footnotes (JMarc)
- fix newly introduced bug which prevented Compose key from working (JMarc)
- Added french menu bindings fr_menus.bind; not yet complete (Emmanuel) 
- Protected spaces are output as plain spaces in LaTeX code (Edmar)
- Better support for Aspell (Kevin Atkinson)

Please test the new changes, especially if you reported a bug which is
supposed to be fixed now.

Have fun.


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Re: LyX executable size

1999-01-07 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben ...more out of interest than anything else: why is my LyX
Reuben 1.0.0pre6 binary 800Kb bigger than pre2? I've checked obvious
Reuben things like it not being stripped (they both are), and they're
Reuben both linked to the same set of shared libraries. The only
Reuben difference I can think of is having upgraded from GCC to EGCS
Reuben between the two compiles, but surely that hasn't changed
Reuben things so much (both binaries were compiled with the default
Reuben compiler options anyway, of -O2).

Reuben I am currently awaiting with interest the compilation of the
Reuben pre7 snapshot I've just downloaded...

Do you have the same set of shared libraries for both? (i.e., is your
libstdc++ shared for egcs?)


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Re: LyX 1.0.0pre7 990106 snapshot

1999-01-07 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Carl" == Carl Ollivier-Gooch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Carl On 07-Jan-99 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Carl I have one complaint:

 - Protected spaces are output as plain spaces in LaTeX code (Edmar)

Carl This is IMO incorrect.  One use of protected spaces is to ensure
Carl that "Figure 1" all ends up on the same line.  I use this
Carl regularly (and in fact have thought about updating the LaTeX
Carl output routines to replace a space before a reference with a
Carl protected space).  For this reason (and no doubt others that I
Carl can't think of off the top of my head), outputing plain spaces
Carl instead of protected spaces is not acceptable, at least as an
Carl unchangeable default.

Note that LaTeX code is the so-called ``Evil Red Text'', that is
explicit LaTeX code. In this mode you can always use ~ to get a
protected space.

The best way to fix this bug is probably to modify the CHANGES entry


Re: How to change the float placement?

1999-01-07 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jitse" == Jitse Niesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jitse Is it possible to change the float placement optins for a
Jitse single float in LyX? I know about the box in the
Jitse Layout|Document menu, but I want to tune the placement of a
Jitse particular float.

It is not possible currently. However, you can try the following
(dirty) trick: put as the first characters of your float (before the
image) the float placement option marked as LaTeX (for ex. [ht]).

Hope this helps.


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Re: First page fancy

1999-01-06 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Ignacio" == Ignacio Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ignacio Hello to all users of lyx!  I would like to know how can I
Ignacio make to get no line at the top of the first page when I say
Ignacio to lyx thispagestyle=fancy. I want the bottom page with style
Ignacio fancy.

You can try to add 
in the LaTeX preamble. However, this will affect all the pages of the
document. For finer effects, you should consult the fancyhdr.sty
documentation. This is fancyhdr.dvi somewhere on your hard disk, or


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