Re: MD: Dropped MZR-900 plays original but not recordable MD

2001-09-25 Thread Graham Baker

 Last night I discovered it still plays original pre-recorded minidiscs

 What do you think might be wrong with it, and should the repair cost
 cheaper, or can I do it myself?

The fact that it plays pre-recorded discs but not recordable ones
indicates to me that the optical assy/lens is out of alignment - it is
far easier for the optical assy to read the (relatively high output)
pits of a pre-recorded disc than it is to read the (very low) polarised
output from a recordable disc...

My old MZ-R2 had the same symptoms and I was able to repair it by
strengthening the plastic lens support and altering a couple of values
in the firmware - it has worked perfectly like this for the last four
Sony wanted $550 to replace the optical block assy


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Re: MD: recording not in realtime?

2001-09-14 Thread Graham Baker

There is a definite problem with increasing the write speed to disc...
This is one of the main reasons (besides poor marketing and excessive
price) that MD data never made it big time - the write speed is limited
due to the physical properties of the disc and/or the limited amount of
laser power...

- Original Message -
From: Gerard Naude [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 14 September 2001 4:31
Subject: RE: MD: recording not in realtime?

 At the end of the day atrac is just a big math algorithm. The speed at
 the algorithm is applied does not matter. Mp3 is also just a big math
 algorithm, but you don't encode your MP3's at 1x do you? :-) The only
 limit I can think of is the speed at which the platter of the actual
 can be spun, but considering most MD players/recorders use a buffer,
 means that they spin the disc faster than 1x anyway.

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Re: MD: Lens Cleaners

2000-12-03 Thread Graham Baker

Yes, the record head sits on the disc surface, lubed by a small drop of
silicon grease...

- Original Message -
From: "las"

 Hi.  Now there is also head cleaner.  Although the lens doesn't not
touch the MD,
 doesn't the head actually make contact?

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Re: MD: MiniDisc recorder timers

2000-11-30 Thread Graham Baker

Yes, the disc does not spin in rec-pause - the unit can stay in that
mode for as long as you like - when it starts recording it uses it's
buffer memory to store the first few millisecs whilst the disc spins
A neat idea that should also apply to *all* home decks - what on earth
were Sony  co thinking of with the early home decks - why have the
write head in constant contact with the spinning disc in rec-pause
(which I assume is what they do?)


- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Jackson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm using the Sharp 722--do you know the details of how it handles


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Re: MD: 722 problem

2000-10-31 Thread Graham Baker

The 702 only has 10 secs and it skips, even when walking briskly - it
seems the quick back/forward change of direction is a problem...
- Original Message -
From: "Richard Lang" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 November 2000 2:43
Subject: RE: MD: 722 problem

 Is the problem that the 722 has insufficient shock protection for

 How much shock protection does the 722 have - 10 or 40 seconds?  I
know my
 Sony E25 has 10 seconds which is heaps for most appications but it
 handle a jog, especially if the point of play is near the end of the

 Anyone have any other experience with MD units that can/can't handle


   My wife uses our Sharp MD MS722 when she goes jogging, but has some
   problems with skipping. Does anyone else have problems with their
  skipping when they run?

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Re: MD: New to the List with a few Mini-disk related questions...

2000-10-29 Thread Graham Baker

the audio data is compressed at a 5:1 ratio to enable it to fit on an
The capacity of a blank disc is 140MB - if it were 650MB there would be
no need for any compression, except that perhaps compression is also
needed to keep the data rate low enough for the (c1991) magneto-optical
format to cope with - the write speed of this format is/was quite slow,
probably one of the reasons for MD's small size - during development the
Sony engineers probably realised that the MO write speed was way too low
to cope with real time audio data and hence ATRAC was born


- Original Message -
 Pardon my ignorance, but what is this talk about 140MB storage I
 that the storage capability of the mini-disk was the same as a
standard 74
 minute CD which would be 650MB?

 Could you please expound on your point?


 Take care...
 Bruce Preudhomme, the SYSOP of The Pursuit of Happiness!

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Re: MD: Etown Sharp MS-722 : $169.50

2000-09-29 Thread Graham Baker

No I think the problem is that the line is wrapped by the sender - no
matter how large I make my read window the link remains wrapped to two
lines and doesn't work...
I think that's a function or 'feature' of Outlook Express - I have the
same problem when sending lng links


- Original Message -
From: Michael Burger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Not really...the people who are getting broken up URLs have their
 windows set smaller, and the line is wrapping.  Usually, if they're
 using higher resolutions and bigger window sizes, or maximize the
 window in question, the link will come through just fine.

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Re: MD: Broken URLs

2000-09-29 Thread Graham Baker

I didn't know that - thanks for the info - I have often wondered how to
include long links...

- Original Message -
From: Dan Frakes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The angle brackets tell your email/web client where the URL starts and
 where it ends. On modern clients, this will allow readers to always
 your URLs, even if they have hard breaks in them.

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Re: MD: MZ-R900 Review up

2000-09-17 Thread Graham Baker

Fantastic in depth review...
Thanks Brian.

- Original Message -
From: Brian Youn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey guys,

 Just want to let you guys that I finished up my R900 review, and have
it up

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Re: MD: Re: MD comes through

2000-09-11 Thread Graham Baker

This is good news!
Whilst it is true that I don't catch up with the MD news as often as I
used to, the last time I raised this issue (a question to MD-L, 12 July
re: any response to the petition) the only reply to it AFAIK, was a link
to Sony's polite (but non-committal) response...

Anyway, I am pleased that those of us who signed the petition were
listened to.

This is a big step in the right direction - now our next petition should
be to suggest that Sony allow record level adjustments whilst recording,

Best regards

 It's sad to think that some of my favorite, old-timer, list members do
 not read the MDCP news! :-) Sony has capitulated and put in a user
 selectable mode ("Rec-pos: From End") wherein the recorder will always
 start recording at the end of existing material (what a *concept*, eh



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Re: MD: MD comes through

2000-09-10 Thread Graham Baker

It seems that nothing can get this through to the arrogant Sony Corp.
The dismal response to our end search petition shows just how much they
Vote with your wallet - buy a Sharp or something, anything but Sony and
you will not have any more end-search problems.
I know it's sometimes difficult to take the step *not* to buy Sony, I am
(or was) not a big enthusiast of Sharp products but my 701 has worked
like a charm - no problems (and no end search!) in 3.5yrs...

- Original Message -
From: J. C. R. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 11 September 2000 11:35
Subject: Re: MD: MD comes through

 - Original Message -

 | Whoever disigned the END SEARCH button should be strung up by his
 | petubies.

 Amen. (I think.)

 | I wish the MD companies would concentrate on m improving one design,
 | getting rid of END SEARCH, and lowering the prices so starving
 | can afford these things.

 Amen again.


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Re: MD: mini disks and mics--oversaturated audio!

2000-09-05 Thread Graham Baker

They all have manual level control, AFAIK.
Slide the record button and hold it for a sec or two - you should see
'manual rec' on the display.
Set the level with thebuttons, before starting to record.
Adjusting the level can only be done in rec-pause mode with Sony's.
Sharp etc allow level adj whilst recording...

- Original Message -
From: Al Kohout

 Have 2 mini disk recorders and love them! The Sony 50 and 37 models.
 till now..all was well.
 Then I purchased a new mic ..the Sony 45 Man what a great mic!  Too

 My audio is much too loud now!  I have realized that there is no
 setting for audio recording on theses mini disk recorders.

 Anyone got ideas?

 Thank you!

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-19 Thread Graham Baker

  The start up costs for manufacturing MDs must have come down, because
3 years
  ago (except for Hi Space) all MDs were made in Japan.  MDs were not
selling well
  enough outside of Japan to invest big bucks in an MD manufacturing

I dug out a receipt dated Nov '94 for AU$190 being for 10 blank 74 min
discs. That was when (if you could find them) they were $22 (or £10) a pop
at major stores.
Now I can buy blanks for $2 each...


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-19 Thread Graham Baker

PS - that's when the (fairly large and low on specs by today's standards)
MZR-2 was AU$1499 or a 'cheap' £450

 I dug out a receipt dated Nov '94 for AU$190 being for 10 blank 74 min
 discs. That was when (if you could find them) they were $22 (or £10) a
 at major stores.
 Now I can buy blanks for $2 each...


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Re: MD: JE640 vs. JB940

2000-08-15 Thread Graham Baker

 On weight - you do seem to view the greater weight spec of the 940 as
 negative, I think weight could be a positive, as it might indicate
 build quality (maybe better reliability e.g. the transport, if not sound
 quality etc

Maybe I'm becoming cynical in my old age but all this 'weight', 'thick
power cable' and 'angled circuit boards'/'centre mechanism' stuff that
Sony gush out on other products is nothing more than total clap-trap...

My JA3-ES boasted a rather heavy weight due to the 'aluminium front panel'
boasted by Sony.
Big deal - it won't even record in mono mode...


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Re: MD: End-Search petition response

2000-08-11 Thread Graham Baker

Thanks for that - I have been wondering (and asking) if there was any
response - nice to see something, although it's not a lot...

- Original Message -
From: Dan Frakes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 11 August 2000 4:07
Subject: MD: End-Search petition response

 I didn't see anyone mention this on the list yet:

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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-05 Thread Graham Baker

 Obviously music is going to be downloaded... whatever format can
 downlaod is going to
 win. Their insistence on not making MDs easily compatible with MP3s is
 the begining
 of the death knoll for the MD. Money is being poured into MP3 and its
 players here in
 the states so that is what people know and will buy.

I agree with you on this. If MD is not made (easily) MP3 compatible it
probably will die, or at least never become a mainstream long term
I think one of the problems with this is that Sony are very much anti-MP3
as such - they have a bit of a dilemma here, having large record
publishing/copyright interests and having at the same time a small, cheap
portable recording device that could easily become an MP3 player as well.
Making an MD player compatible with the Sony proprietary (copyright
protected) MP3 alternative is not really going to save it, they have to
get on the MP3 wave and I think that is very difficult for them to do,
from a corporate POV...

Another possible problem may be a technical one - the main reason (besides
poor marketing) that dataMD failed was the slow write speed of MD. Whilst
MD write speeds have improved over the years, I wonder if they are fast
enough to provide market-acceptable MP3 data transfer speeds, compared to
flash memory devices?
(I would think so, especially as a disc based system has huge cost
benefits (at the moment) over flash memory)


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MD: Fw: Sharp 701 power Supplies

2000-08-04 Thread Graham Baker

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Here's a post of mine from back in Dec'97.

- Original Message -
From: Graham Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 December 1997 12:01
Subject: Re: MD: Sharp 701 power Supplies

 More questions and thoughts regarding the 701/702 and power supplies.

 Page 55 of the manual lists the supply volts required from various

 3.6V - lithium battery
 3V - 2 x AA batteries
 4.5V - car adapter
 5V - mains adapter

 Now, how can the 701 determine the difference between 4.5V from a car
 adapter and the 4.5V coming from a mains adapter?!!
 IMHO, 4.5V should power the 701 OK. It seems to work fine with my Tandy
 Mains adapter, BUT the actual measured voltage varies around 5.02V
 under load (701 playing)
 This adapter is a multi-voltage device with a switch to select from 3V
 12V in 1.5V steps. It is unregulated and rated at only 500ma.
 I guess it supplies the required current (around 800ma) at 4.5V (5.02V)
 because it's rated 500ma would be at 12V, and it is capable of more
 at 4.5V.
 This would explain why an adapter of similar output current (400/500ma)
 only a *fixed output* of 4.5V could go up in smoke, as someone reported.
 The only reason I can see for a 0.5V difference between the car and the
 mains adapter would be to prevent the li-ion batt from charging from a
 battery, to limit the current being drawn. Can anybody confirm that a
 used from a 4.5V car adapter will not recharge the battery?
 If this is the case, maybe regulated adapters that give an exact 4.5V
 actually cause the 701 to think it is being powered from a car adapter
 that the 4.5V will not allow the li-ion batt to recharge, as was

 I hope all this hasn't further confused the issue!!
 Any comments/thoughts welcome.

 Graham Baker

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MD: Fw: Sharp 701 recharge problems (how to build 5V supply)

2000-08-04 Thread Graham Baker

Here's the original post of Renard's that fixes the Sharp charging

- Original Message -
From: Renard A. Dellafave [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 December 1997 8:23
Subject: Re: MD: Sharp 701 recharge problems (how to build 5V supply)

 A 6V 800mA unit will work if a current limiting resistor is inserted
 in the hot lead.

 OK, if you're going to go to THIS much trouble do it right and buy a
 regulator.  Power to the left pin, 5V out on the right pin, and ground
 both in the middle.  Handles up to an ampere with a heatsink (not much
 Better run at least 7V in to be safe, it has a pretty high dropout
 amount the input needs to exceed the output voltage) as regulators go,
 it's cheap, reliable, and puts out an honest-to-goodness five volts.
 Available at Radio Shack, or ANY electronic parts supplier (this is a
 COMMON part).  Ideally you might throw a 100uF capacitor on the input
and a
 few hundred on the output but they work fine without that.

 You can buy a metal project box at RS too and use that as the heatsink,
 a couple grommets...easy project if you have any soldering skills at

 BTW, the input adaptor needs to be able to supply the full 800mA (or
 whatever the portable needs) current.  Input voltage is not that
 Anything from 7V DC on up to, oh, I wouldn't go over 12 V in, would be
 fine.  The reg can handle 30V in I think, but remember that all the
 overvoltage (times current) gets turned into HEAT.

 e.g. with 12V in, 5V out, at 1 ampere it'll dissipate 7 Watts.  I think
 that's within spec for a good heatsink...with 7V in it would only
 2 Watts.

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Re: MD: monauralizing algorithms

2000-08-03 Thread Graham Baker

You guys are way beyond my technical comprehension and I haven't really
followed this thread so my apologies if I am way off the mark...
BUT, AFAIK, (and I haven't made detailed tests, just my observations) my
Sharp 701 portable does not alter the level of tracks when recording mono
compared to recording the same track in stereo...
(I presume you are talking about straight digital copies - ie nothing to
do with AGC/manual record levels)
If this is of any relevance I would say that Sony got something wrong with
their mono mode.
I can't make any direct comparisons as my Sony JA3 does not have a mono
recording mode...


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Re: MD: External MD Power Supply for 722

2000-08-03 Thread Graham Baker

I think you will find that a true, regulated 4.5v will not charge the
A 5.0 regulated supply will...
Maybe some 4.5v supplies are actually closer to 5v?

- Original Message -
 Thats what I thought, but I can charge mine off the same 4.5VDC
 supply.  I did manage to destroy one adaptor during my testing phase,
 but that was because it couldn't supply the necessary current, so it
 fried itself.  Any adaptor with a current output in excess of 600mA
 should work fine, whether it is at 4.5V or 5V.


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Re: MD: External MD Power Supply for 722

2000-08-03 Thread Graham Baker

- Original Message -
From: James S. Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 4 August 2000 11:16
Subject: Re: MD: External MD Power Supply for 722

 Since I asked this question about the Radio Shack "Portable CD Player
 Pack" (23-505) rechargeable lead battery, I have gone ahead and used it
 with the 722. The unit functions quite well except that the "battery
 charging" indicator never goes out. So it would seem that the internal
 battery is not being charged, at least not effectively. So, does that
 that it is possibly being discharged while the external battery (3 - 4.5
 nominal voltage) is attached?

No I don't think so. The connection between the external batteries and the
internal one would at least have a diode in between to stop inter-action
and I suspect it would be far more complex than that, using the voltage
regulator chip to switch between battery supplies.
The Sharp 701/702 voltage regulator chip is quite smart - it recognises
different voltages from different sources (incl car jack) and controls it
I had the same problem with a RS 4.5v power pack - it would drive the
player but not charge the battery.
In the end I built a 5v regulated supply, using an ic and capacitor and
fed this with 7.5v from the RS power pack. The 5v is rock solid and
charges the battery perfectly.
I have a circuit somewhere if you are interested, thanks to another (can't
remember who) MD-L contributor.

 How does the Sharp prioritize battery drain anyway? If, for example, I
 the Sharp battery pack installed and a freshly charged internal battery,
 which is the primary current supplier to the unit?

If you have a charged internal cell and the external battery pack fitted
the (701) recorder uses the internal supply first and then changes to the
external supply, without stopping record or playback.


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Re: MD: topic still!

2000-07-29 Thread Graham Baker

You raise some good points Shawn.
Here's another angle on why I also don't see that I am 'stealing' by using
I don't download any of the recent/popular stuff as IMHO most of it is not
worth listening to and I certainly wouldn't be buying it.
My main use of Napster is to source old long lost 45's and other vinyl
that in some cases has never been released on CD and probably never
Some of it is available on compilation CD's but again I wouldn't buy the
CD just for one or two tracks that I like. Also the record companies
constantly re-release this sort of stuff and don't often vary the mix or
content, just change the cover and hope that the suckers will buy
So many tracks never get released whilst many of them are re-released to
death... depending on the whim of the record execs and on their opinion on
if it will make a buck or not.
IMHO, the record companies do not cater to the customer or their clients,
just to themselves.
Napster has changed all that - here is a source of thousands of long lost
tracks that the record companies are not even interested in releasing.

Just a minor point of disagreement - if I had to pay (someone, preferably
the artist) a *small fee* to copy the master tape recording (rather than a
poor quality free version)  I would be happy to do so

If only the music distributors would get behind this new distribution
technology, they could offer a service at a reasonable fee that might keep
everybody happy - IMHO it would be worth paying for access to the complete
catalogue of EMI or the BBC record library.


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Re: MD: Napster stuff again...

2000-07-28 Thread Graham Baker

But maybe the small bands could bypass the record corporations altogether
if Napster was still around?
They could market their own music, (as many small bands have done) and
then any sales would go direct to the band, insted of 99% of it to the
greedy suits in the greedy record corps...

IMHO, these vultures have had it too good for too long - the sooner they
become redundent to the whole distribution/marketing chain the better...

 But surely this is still going to hurt the bands? I'm not defending the
 corporations here (although it sounds a bit like it), but this is
how i
 understand it...

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Re: MD: Napster R.I.P.?

2000-07-28 Thread Graham Baker



-Original Message-
From: Eric de Fontenay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 July 2000 00:08


August 13, 2000, The Trocadero, 1003 Arch Street


Napster was granted a stay by the Ninth Circuit Court to the
preliminary injunction issued by Federal District Court Judge
Marilyn Patel on Wednesday. "Appellant having raised substantial
questions of first impression going to both the merits and the
form of the injunction, the emergency motions for stay and to
expedite the appeal are GRANTED." The order set August 18 as the
date by which Napster must submit its opening brief, with the
RIAA's consolidated answering brief due on September 8th.

Stay Tuned to Mi2N  MusicDish for more of this breaking news.


Sherman, RIAA Senior Executive Vice President and General

Napster boosts CD sales, but is still illegal

believe that a company should not be able to co-opt other
peoples' copyrights"

RULING; "If the industry is to benefit from the new opportunities afforded
by the Internet, they will need to take a hard look within at their
own business

= NAPSTER INC. FILES APPEAL; Napster Inc. today asked U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for an emergency stay

Hank Barry, CEO if Napster, Inc.

decision helps to pave the way for the future of on-line

NAPSTER RULING; comments on Napster ruling

Rob Reid, Founder  CEO of, on the Temporary
Napster Injunction

Moonshine Music on Napster ruling


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Re: MD: Napster

2000-07-27 Thread Graham Baker

When are the fat-cat suits in the music industry going to realise that
it's too late - the cat's out of the bag.
Sooner or later they will have to stop fighting 'it' and start to use 'it'
as a marketing tool...

On "Why the music industry has nothing to celebrate" ...


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MD: End Search Petition?

2000-07-11 Thread Graham Baker

Any feedback at all from Sony?
Even just an acknowledgment that they received it would be a start


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Re: MD: winamp

2000-06-07 Thread Graham Baker

Has some good features. The free version encodes from CD's at 128k and
searches the www for titles of tracks.
- Original Message -

 Hi guys,

 Does anyone know of a replacement MP3 decoder for WinAmp ?
 The Nitrane one sounds a bit shitty to me, but I find the
 program so easy to use !

 Kind regards,

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MD: Multiple postings Was (end search petition)

2000-06-05 Thread Graham Baker

Sorry for the multiple postings - these were posted on 1 June but just
turned up today!
That's worse than snail mail...
- Original Message -
 From: Graham Baker
 Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2000 8:17
 Subject: Re: MD: end search petition

  Yes, how about the ability to be able to adjust manual record levels
without having
  to pause recording first?
  IMHO, this Sony mis-feature is almost as daft as the end search

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MD: end search petition

2000-06-01 Thread Graham Baker

From: Graham Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2000 8:17
Subject: Re: MD: end search petition

 Yes, how about the ability to be able to adjust manual record levels without having
 to pause recording first?
 IMHO, this Sony mis-feature is almost as daft as the end search button...

 As far as the record-pause before record thing with the Sharp portables - I have a
Sharp 701 and I don't find this function out of place with it, in fact it's necessary
 as you have to set the record levels with the Sharp (no AGC) and it's best to do
 before recording (but very nice to have the option to make small changes on the
 OTOH, with Sony portables and their AGC function I can see where Sony are coming
 from - for (almost) instant (panic) recording in the field, slot in your favourite
 disc, hit record and there's no worrying about having to press play again or adjust
 record levels - you will have an instant (at reasonable levels) recording...

 Ooops, I just forgot to press 'end search' - my panic recording just erased my
 previous one:-)

 - Original Message -
 From: Jonathan Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Any other suggestions (serious ones)?

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Re: MD: end search petition

2000-06-01 Thread Graham Baker

From: Graham Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2000 8:17
Subject: Re: MD: end search petition

 Yes, how about the ability to be able to adjust manual record levels without having
 to pause recording first?
 IMHO, this Sony mis-feature is almost as daft as the end search button...

 As far as the record-pause before record thing with the Sharp portables - I have a
Sharp 701 and I don't find this function out of place with it, in fact it's necessary
 as you have to set the record levels with the Sharp (no AGC) and it's best to do
 before recording (but very nice to have the option to make small changes on the
 OTOH, with Sony portables and their AGC function I can see where Sony are coming
 from - for (almost) instant (panic) recording in the field, slot in your favourite
 disc, hit record and there's no worrying about having to press play again or adjust
 record levels - you will have an instant (at reasonable levels) recording...

 Ooops, I just forgot to press 'end search' - my panic recording just erased my
 previous one:-)

 - Original Message -
 From: Jonathan Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Any other suggestions (serious ones)?

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Re: MD: end search again and again

2000-05-18 Thread Graham Baker

Gaz is OK - he has his own point of view, it's just different from most
other peoples, although there are others on the list who also favour an end
search button (not me..:-)  )

Sony do tune in to this list - I know this for a fact but I don't know just
how much influence they have on the design areas.
Best thing would be to sign Rick's petition and maybe Sony will act on it.
Maybe the petition should include other features to be considered eg:
adjustable manual record levels whilst recording?
It doesn't worry me at all - I'm very happy with my Sharp 701 - it already
has these features (and more)


- Original Message -

 We wouldn't be arguing about end search if Gaz would stop trying to
 defend something so stupid, useless, and ergonomically idiotic, not to
 mention destructive.  I don't understand why he does this, unless he
 just likes calling people stupid and arguing with them.

 But more importantly: does anyone at Sony even KNOW how much people hate
 it, or are we all making a lot of noise in the wilderness?

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Re: MD: question on end search

2000-05-13 Thread Graham Baker

G'day David,
As a long time MD-L contributor you would know how often this thread crops
Almost always, the outcome is that no-one can come up with any valid reason
for the ES button...
I wonder when Sony are finally going to admit to this ridiculously bad
design error and produce a portable with automatic end search, to match all
their MD decks?


- Original Message -
From: David W. Tamkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have just inserted a non-blank disc
 and not played anything nor fast-forwarded, and you press RECORD without
 first pressing END SEARCH, you overwrite from the beginning of track 1.
 is contrary to the operation of other manufacturers' recorders, Sony's
 and recording devices for all other disc media, such as floppies and hard
 disks for computers.

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Re: MD: Track's missing

2000-05-03 Thread Graham Baker

 Sorry, but what's a co-ax RCA connector?  The only thing that came with
 R70 is the optical cable.  And the sony manual says that the recorder
 automatically mark new tracks at the track marks as on the CD (when using
 optical cable) or when there is 2 seconds of silence.

coax connector is the electrical equivalent of the optical digital signal.
I don't think there are any portables that have coax digital in or out,
it's only available on (some) home decks.

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Re: MD: Mains cable as speaker cable

2000-04-13 Thread Graham Baker

I don't think it has ever been scientifically proven that any cable is
better than another...
The main thing is that if you think it has made an improvement then that's
all that matters...
Psychologically, the aim has been achieved.
25 years or so, back in the UK, the hi-fi 'golden ears' brigade discovered
that solid core copper mains wiring that electricians use to wire up
buildings with, was the 'perfect' speaker wire - many of them threw away
their expensive speaker cables and replaced it with solid core mains
I'm not sure if this is still popular - I got pretty much sick and tired of
the whole thing, along with green dye for the edges of CD's
I know some hi-fi nuts that have gold plated mains plugs on their valve
amps etc

FWIW, I have some quite nice heavy duty multi-stranded copper speaker
cables and I love the look of them - and I BELIEVE they make the sound


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Re: MD: Sharp Adaptor Update

2000-04-11 Thread Graham Baker

I think you will find the Sharp 702 will take care of itself rather than
being damaged.
The 6v adaptor I tried on my 702 caused the 702 to stop and display a
warning message - something like 'input volts' came up on the screen.
It sounds as though your 6v adaptor in reality gives something closer to 5v
on load...
Just make sure the adaptor is rated at 800ma as the 702 when recording or
charging does draw a fair bit of current - make sure the adaptor is not

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, 12 April 2000 12:44
Subject: MD: Sharp Adaptor Update

 Hey folks,

 Thanks for all the suggestions during my
 Sharp 702 (non-existent) 5v adaptor

 I purchased a Radio Shack universal adaptor with
 4.5v and 6v. (about $12!)

 The unit plays fine with 4.5v and (seems to)
 charge fine with the 6v setting.

 I just hope this doesn't do the MD player any
 damage over the long term. (crossing fingers)

 But...the risk is still better than shelling
 out $60 to Sharp for a new 5v adaptor. (Thieves!)

 Thanks again,

 -todd a

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Re: MD: Sharp Frustration!

2000-04-06 Thread Graham Baker

If you are handy with a soldering iron there's an easy fix.
Buy a 6v @ 800ma adaptor and a 5 volt regulator...
This little three pin device will hold the 6v at a regulated 5v independent
of load...

This is what I had to do to run my Sharp 702 as the Japanese p/s is n/g in
e-mail me if you want the circuit


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, 6 April 2000 1:57
Subject: MD: Sharp Frustration!

 Dear Mders,

 I've recently had a bad experience
 with my Sharp 702 MD.

 The AC Adaptor burnt out on me.

 I said, no problem go to the local
 electronics store, spend 12 dollars and
 get another.

 Since then I have searched all over NYC
 and all over the US via the internet and
 no one carries a 5v/800ma AC adaptor.
 They have every voltage EXCEPT
 the one I need.

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MD: Need help with MP3 files (OT)

2000-03-26 Thread Graham Baker

Hi all,
I am just discovering the wonderful world of MP3 (not that I will be
deserting MD - I intend to record them on MD from my PC)

Some of the 'alt.binary.mp3' newsgroups have what seems to be an MP3 file
attached but it just reads as a load of unreadable characters in Outlook
I presume this attached, unreadable text is the 'binary' form of an MP3

If that is correct how do I make it playable as an MP3 file using 'Real
Player 7' or similar?

TIA for any help.


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Re: MD: Simple mono question

2000-03-22 Thread Graham Baker

AFAIK, stereo or mono data as laid down as one continuous track, ie there
is no left/right separate tracks - it's all one data stream.
Depending how you look at it, in mono mode it is recording at half speed,
that is, on a blank disc the mono data can be written in one contiguous
track for 150 mins.
This would explain the 'fast play' or 'double speed playback' facility of
some portables when playing back a mono source...

- Original Message -
From: J. C. R. Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 23 March 2000 7:14
Subject: MD: Simple mono question

 In double-play monoaural mode, does the MD recorder record (1) at half
 speed, or (2) does the recorder use the areas that would be marked as
 left and right channels in stereo as separate mono areas?

 (I know that's somewhat difficult to understand, but please do your

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Re: MD: Mono recording compatibility

2000-03-20 Thread Graham Baker

AFAIK, all players/recorders will play back mono recordings but not all
recorders will record in mono.
Neither of my Sony MZ-R2 and Sony JA3-ES will record in mono but they both
play back a mono recording from my Sharp 701...

  I read an article in Radio World which was a review of the Sharp MD-MS
  722.  In it the reviewer commented that the mono recording mode among
  Mini disc recorders are not all compatible.  Has anyone out there had
  and experience with this?

 Only in respect that not all MD units can *record* in mono. I think there
 was an early car unit that objected to mono MDs but that was a hardware
 and was fixed I could be wrong on that though as this was before car
 units were available in the UK.

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Re: MD: MD Sharp Portable Recorders versus Sony Portable Recorders

2000-03-18 Thread Graham Baker

 Secondly, I want to know if during an analog recording, is there any way
 can make it so if there is 2 seconds or more of silence, I dont want the
 recorder to put on a track mark.  Do Sharp's do this?

Yes, you can turn off the auto track mark function, at least you can with
the Sharps - don't know about the Sonys


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Re: MD: Re:Sharp Portable Recorders versus Sony Portable Recorders

2000-03-17 Thread Graham Baker

Everything you say 'end search' is good for is achieved automatically with
all other portables and even with Sony home decks...
End search has no useful function and can be a dangerous feature if you
forget to use it...

(here we go again)   :-)

- Original Message -
From: Ivica Petrovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 there are many misunderstandings about the End Search feature, and it
 to me that many of the guys on this list is against it, but I've found it
 very useful.

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Re: MD: MT20 vs MS7xx vs MZR35 vs AMF70

2000-02-19 Thread Graham Baker

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

mmm, maybe Francisco means that when fading the record level down to zero
there is a momentary 'blank' ie no sound as you fade out, around the mid
point of the fade...

 From: Francisco Jose Montilla

  Sharp MS-701: I have heard they have TOC errors. Don't
  have time-stamping function either. Another anoyance
  common to Sharp for this kind of duties: adjusting
  level while recording produces blanks...

 Wha? Adjusting levels while recording produces blanks? I've never heard
 that...and while I certainly don't do it often, it's never happened to


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Re: MD: Sony

2000-02-05 Thread Graham Baker

You are correct.
'Sony' do monitor this list but they will not post to it, at least not on
behalf of Sony...
Most corporations have a strict 'no comment' policy on lists  newsgroups.
The only active corp that I know of is Panasonic on DV-L and that is only
one person who actually participates - there are probably other Panasonic 
Sony employees who lurk

It's a pity that Sony don't have a contributor to MD-L (and other lists) if
only just to help with technical or sales queries - I think it would
benefit them enormously - they need to loose their arrogant corporate
image - IMHO, it really doesn't help them to be so unreachable and I know
for a fact that their arrogance has cost them sales.

If Sharp were really smart they would jump the gun on Sony and have an
official presence here first.


 I would think that anyone working for Sony would have been expressly told
 not to speak on behalf of the company without it being an official press
 release, which is why I doubt anyone at Sony reading this will reply on
 behalf of Sony.


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Re: MD: Mono Pre-recorded MDs?

2000-02-04 Thread Graham Baker

I don't think you will find any pre-recorded md's like this - the md market
is aimed at youth and the market would be way too small to cater to
FWIW, I have recorded quite a number of mono discs - filled them up with
old mono vinyl and mono radio recordings.
To have almost instant access of around 50 or 60 of my old 45's (complete
with nostalgic snap, crackle  pops) on the one disc is fab


- Original Message -
 I'm just curious whether or not there are any prerecorded MDs in mono
 using the entire 148 minutes available. This could be ideal and a great
 bargain for some oldies from the first part of the 1900s.


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Re: MD: MD Blanks in Australian

2000-01-25 Thread Graham Baker

$4.50 for a TDK is pretty good, I haven't found them any cheaper, down
JB hi-fi sells cheaper blanks but perhaps they are not so good quality.
I picked up some BASF's for about $3.50 each and couldn't get them to play
back reliably in my 701, although they seemed OK in my Sony JA3..


 For you aussies out there...

 As i mentioned just before, i'm new to this whole MD thing. I was
wondering where you buy your MD blanks from?? The best price i've found
anywhere was at a local computer... i paid $22.50 for a box of 5 TDK's
($4.50 each). There has to be better prices in the country doesn't there?
Or is it best to get them over the net from the states or somewhere?


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Re: MD: MiniDisc Buzz

2000-01-21 Thread Graham Baker

There have been similar problems when connecting external mics to Sony
miniDV camcorders, only when a mains adaptor is used for power.
Try using just battery power for the MZ-R50 - do you still get the buzzing


 I'm the producer of a public radio program.  We recently bought a Sony
MZ-R50 and we're using an
 Electrovoice RE50 microphone.

 When doing interviews, we can hear a strange buzz that comes in and out
of our headphones and the
 buzz ends up on the recording.

 Do we have a problem with our Sony that needs to be fixed?  Could it be
the cord?

 I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

 Thanks for your help.

 Bryan Sejvar

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Re: MD: Time to upgrade

2000-01-19 Thread Graham Baker

Well, here's a big bonus of the Sharp over the Sony portables - for lecture
recording the Sharp's are great.
The syncro-start feature works very well, nothing is missed from the start
of the recording thanks to the record/audio buffer.
There's two sensitivity settings so that (hopefully) it doesn't record
ambient noise.
You can also set timed track marks every 3, 5 or 10 mins for easy access
and AFAIK, the later models also have time/date stamp (not my old
...:-(   )

Not sure what features the Aiwa or Panasonics have...


Oh, and how good would you say the Sharp is for recording
 lectures and stuff like that?  Should I consider the (possibly slightly
 sheaper) Aiwa AM-F70?  Cheers!

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Re: MD: Hitachi DVD-RAM Camcorder

2000-01-10 Thread Graham Baker

No more info as yet, but IMHO, this is the way to go - hopefully new DVD
players will accept these DVD discs directly, although, with the plastic
case, it could be difficult
This is exactly what I was asking for in my MD-L post of Nov 11th:

why not develop a smaller DVD disc that would hold (say) an
hour of DV quality and would be about the same size as MD - and would play
back instantly in any DVD player with an adaptor (or maybe with no

As much as I love MD, I do not want an MD camcorder


- Original Message -
From: Rodney Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 8 January 2000 3:36
Subject: MD: Hitachi DVD-RAM Camcorder

 Just read a brief note on E-Town about this product shown at the CES.
 The camcorder is supposed to record up to 2 hours of video on a 3 inch
 DVD-RAM disc enclosed in a plastic case with a shutter, like MiniDisc.
 Anybody have any more specifics, camcorder information, availability
 date, price, etc?

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Re: MD: capable of functioning MZ-R2

2000-01-10 Thread Graham Baker

I think you can find this info somewhere on Rick's MD web page:


- Original Message -
From: brynmore williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 11 January 2000 3:48
Subject: MD: capable of functioning MZ-R2

 I got into service mode and of course i now have a non-functional MD.
 anyone have the default setting for the MZ-R2, or an outline of the
 abbreviations in service mode. Luckily this is my experimentation device
 i can do anything with it.  Thanks for the advice.


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Re: MD: capable of functioning MZ-R2

2000-01-10 Thread Graham Baker

How many default settings are there?
If you get desperate email me and I will check them out on my MZR2
I did change the focus bias to get it working again (disc err) but apart
from that all my settings are at default...


 but inquiring minds have to know.  The minidisc community page was the
 initial demon.  It tells you how to get in, but after that it's a drunken
 free for all.  Anyway, wish me luck.


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Re: MD: Howdy

2000-01-05 Thread Graham Baker

G'day from Melbourne Jason,
Welcome to MD-L.
There's quite a few dedicated Ozzies here.
Been into MD since '94 (MZ-R2) and have seen MD prices tumble dramatically
over the last 5 or 6 years


 PS. are there any other Aussies on here?

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Re: MD: MD Discam

2000-01-03 Thread Graham Baker

Hi Rodney,
If you were not happy with the TRV900's output, as you mentioned earlier, I
would say you would be even less happy with the discam's video quality,
especially on a HDTV

If I were you I would go for the Canon GL1, which, IMHO has better video
than even the TRV900, compared side by side, but it is subjective, they are
very close.

In the not too distant future, tv's and discams (and hi-fi's, maybe even
MD) will have IEEE1394 ports - then it will be a whole new ball game

- Original Message -
From: Rodney Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 3 January 2000 8:00
Subject: MD: MD Discam

 I'm about to take delivery of my Panasonic PT56WXF95 HDTV which I
 partially funded by selling my TRV900. I will be buying at least one
 replacement camcorder. As much as I criticized the Sony MD Discam for
 not having an IEEE1394 Firewire Port and only offering 10 minutes worth
 of MPEG2 quality video per disc, it is the clear front runner for it's
 unique and creative editing possibilities. Thankfully it does have
 S-Video output so images shot on this camcorder will probably appear
 close to TRV900 quality. Mainly because you can only use the S-Video
 output of either camcorder to show images on a television set, except
 for special monitor types of television sets that have various
 computer/VGA/SVGA, etc. inputs or of course IEEE1394 inputs. I know of
 no consumer television that offers these. Anyway, what would defintely
 give the MD Discam the first choice is the ability to shoot 16:9 images,
 especially since the Panasonic is a 16:9 TV. I can't find this
 information on the MD Diiscam website. Does anyone know if it will shoot
 16:9 images? Further, it claims a 1/4 inch CCD with 680k pixels, 340k of
 which are active. Why are half not active, what does this mean? Other
 camcorders in the running are the ultra cool Sony DCR-PC100 (I really
 like the style and I like the Nightshot feature and wish it were on the
 Discam or the TRV900/PD100A even though in reality I probably wouldn't
 use it much) the TRV900/PD100A or the Canon GL1.

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Re: MD: Happy New Year, or Farewell

2000-01-01 Thread Graham Baker

Nearly 12 hours after 'the event' and everything's fine down under.
Neat little show they put on, on the Thames.


 Hi friends,

 Just in cast the net begins crashing and this is one of the last messages
 I get through [to Australia certainly] I'd like to wish you all the best
for the
 new year celebrations and the future.  Don't drink too much :)

 And if its not just the end of the 'net but the end of the world,
farewell- it's
 been fun chatting!

 PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

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Re: MD: Mini DV

1999-12-20 Thread Graham Baker

Hi Rodney,
I understand what you are saying but if you consider the price and size of
the TRV900 it really is an excellent cam.
It is regarded within the TV industry as 'broadcast standard' - but only
To get real broadcast quality you have to spend megabucks on similar MiniDV
or DV format or other digital format cams but with lenses costing anything
from $10K upwards, to give a few dB extra in video s/n...
The TRV900 has upset a lot of the industry - imagine the guys with $20K +
cameras being shown video that is very very close in quality from a $4000
cam (Aus dollars)
FWIW, the images from my (PAL) TRV900 look very close in quality to most of
what I see on TV or even DVD, viewed on a Sony professional 27" monitor...
I do not see the grain you describe, except when shooting under low light
conditions with 'gain up', or shooting ruby red colours - the TRV900 cannot
focus well on reds and the red does come out quite a different shade...
But you do need to get away from the '900's 'auto' mode and set white
balance/iris etc manually to get the best of it

- Original Message -
From: Rodney Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 18 December 1999 11:34
Subject: Re: MD: Mini DV

 Oh, no! That's not what I was saying at all! I watch DVD's through
 component video and they're excellent. What I'm talking about is Mini DV
 tape I shoot on the Sony TRV900 3CCD Mini DV camcorder then play back on
 TV. It never looks as good as even an average DVD. It always has at
 least some graininess-and this is the very best consumer camcorder Sony
 makes. To get really professional results, I guess a person would have
 to invest in much more expensive professional equipment, editing bays
 and so on. Tape shot on the TRV900 comes across looking like good live
 cable at its best (shown on a really topnotch TV)-it's actually pretty
 good but you do see a lot of graininess. Quite frankly, I don't see all
 that much dfference on playback than tapes shot with a one chip Mini DV.
 But I guess I'm asking a lot of the format. Really, it's more than fine
 for traditional consumer camcording-what I'm saying is it is never, ever
 perfect-the colors are not 100% accurate like on a good DVD. If you
 compare the film to the subject you just shot, this is apparent.
 Especially with reds. Playing back tapes on the 3" swivel monitor look
 fantastic, but then again that is LCD and not a CRT. By the time you
 play it back on your CRT television, it adds quite a bit of
 graininess-like all analog TV does. It really is a wonderful format and
 a wonderful camera, but it is not perfect. Or even close. Although you
 occassionally see things like "The Blair Witch Project" that were shot
 on far inferior equipment as films. And a lot of Mini DV and DV Cam
 footage is used in television, especially by news field reporters.

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Re: MD: MD DIscam vs. Sony DCR-PC100 (off topic)

1999-12-20 Thread Graham Baker

I was told by one of the mail order camera stores
 that in reality the PC100 has a 680,000 pixel lens-the 1,070,000 pixels
 applies only to still photos and then only those stored on a Memory
 Stick. I would hope this were not true. Does anybody know?

Unfortunately it is true - and even worse than that - AFAIK, of the 680K
pixels used in video mode, only a % of those are actually used for image
capture - the rest of the 680K are used for image stabilisation.
(I could be wrong here - it's possible that the 680K are used for capture
and 'floated' on the full 1000K for image stabilisation in video mode)

The PC100 will not be able to produce the same quality video as the TRV900
due to limitations of it's single CCD, compared to the three CCD's of the
'900 - colour depth and contrast ratio will suffer.
Also there is some concern (on DV-L) that by squeezing 1000K pixels on to a
1/4" chip the individual pixel size is very small making the PC100 less
sensitive and a poor performer in low light conditions.

 It sounds to me like you don't know that the TRV900 and the DCR-PC100 are
 actually the same camera, only the PC100 has a different coloured
 has the buttons organised more for a more professional user and uses the
 DVCAM tape format (

I think you are mixing up model #'s here - the PC100 is actually a new
version of the single chip PC1/PC3.
It has a 'megapixel' CCD for high quality still capture to memory chip -
resolutions of 1152 x 864 (PAL) are possible, compared to standard DV
stills of 720 x 576 (PAL)

It's the PD100 that is the DV CAM version of the TRV900.
The buttons are exactly the same except for the IRE being two-stage on the
PD100 and replacing the 'start/stop mode' switch.


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Re: MD: Mini DV Cam/md-l-mimedigest V2 #461

1999-12-20 Thread Graham Baker

- Original Message -
From: Rodney Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Graham, could you please post an E-Mail address to
 subscribe to for those of us interested in joining the DV-L list.

All about DV-L:

There is also a very active TRV900 list:

if you want to subscribe send an empty email to -

and a brilliant TRV900 web page that rivals Ricks MDCP (but not

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MD: MD video cam

1999-12-14 Thread Graham Baker

More info about Sony's minidisc based video cam:

Interesting that will also function as an audio recorder, holding four
hours of audio on it's 650MB minidisc.

I wonder when this will filter through to the real MD audio world?


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Re: MD: MD video cam

1999-12-14 Thread Graham Baker

I would bet that future models will have a 1394 port, without it, sales
will be very low - consumer demand will dictate and rule!

- Original Message -
From: Rodney Peterson

 I really think the reason for having no digital input and output on the
 MD Discam is SCMS. Since it is both a digital audio and video device,
 this would be true since you can make unlimited digital copies of
 anything through the IEEE 1394 Firewire Port. But you can already do
 this with Mini DV and DV Cam with near DAT quality, so it makes it seem
 really unfair to leave such an important feature off such an innovative
 video camcorder.

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Re: MD: Skipping on recorded MD's from early model

1999-12-02 Thread Graham Baker

It sounds like maybe the sled that carries the optical block could be
sticking at the inner end of it's travel.
It could also be temperature related - extreme cold or heat causing more
It's probably worth taking  it back to Sony and explain that it is still
not fixed and emphasis the fact that the problem is always with track
IMHO, it's not a compatibility problem



 About a year ago, I purchased a used Sony MDS-302 which worked fine but
 MD's recorded on this model skipped, mostly at the first track, when
 on a new portable player (Sony MZ-E25). The skipping symptoms were
 music (dead spots where silence was heard instead of music), a quick
 movement from one area of the song to another (as if it was sped up
 momentarily) and very slow cueing when play was initiated. Almost all the
 time, MD's recorded on the 302 played fine on itself.  Infrequently, it
 would skip on its own recordings.

 I took the 302 unit to the Sony Service Center and they replaced the
 optics. The problem persisted. I thought it was bad MD stock but tests
 a friend's new MD recorder disproved that theory. The skipping problem
 not occur all the time. I cannot see a pattern. It does seem to be more
 prevalent with certain kinds of MD stock and is related, almost always,
 the first track.

 The only conclusion I can draw is a slight incompatibility between the
 older 302 unit and the newer models. Perhaps something with the Table of

 Had anyone else encountered this phenomena?


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Re: MD: Sony MD discam (OT)

1999-11-29 Thread Graham Baker

Hi Ralph,

 Why is it that I have the idea that a DVD based sollution is going to

 Is it because it's to big. People WILL compare the size of a DVD based
 to the size of a miniDV/D8/MDVideo based camcorder.

Maybe - but why not develop a smaller DVD disc that would hold (say) an
hour of DV quality and would be about the same size as MD - and would play
back instantly in any DVD player with an adaptor (or maybe with no

 Or is it because all major camcorder manufacturers are supporting miniDV?

Yes, but as soon as disc based video becomes a reality, just watch the tape
formats die.

Check this out.

 D8 is an attempt of Sony to give the current Hi8 user a path to upgrade.
 (Hi)8 tapes and records MPEG2 on a Hi8 tape. Since D8 is less expensive
 and since Hi8 tapes are less expensive than miniDV and since D8 the
 less expensive than miniDV camcorders, their might be a big chance that
 to succeed. It could also become the DCC of the camcorders...

I hope it dies a death - it would be just desserts to Sony for being such
pillocks in delaying Digital8 until a lot of us got sucked into DV
Digital8 should have been released first, before DV, then all of us Hi8
users would have supported it - the quality is in theory exactly the same
as DV, but smart (?) Sony marketing have deliberatly kept the optics
quality lower than DV and deliberatly delayed D8 to allow (expensive, non
backward compatible) DV to take the market

I hope more than anything that Sony gets badly burnt with Digital8 and
maybe with MD discam if they insist on developing non-standard formats


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Re: MD: MO technology and MD data usage

1999-11-25 Thread Graham Baker

I think there are a couple of reasons for this:

The write speed is probably the biggest problem (ie I would think the read
speed would be less of a factor) - there is a finite time taken to heat the
metallic substrate to it's Curie Point and also a finite time from that
point for the write magnetic head to align the  substrate.
The factors governing the time taken for these events are probably related
to laser power output and disc groove/spot size. The groove and spot size
is fixed by the MD format and laser power output is probably limited by
cost and physical size in relation to fitting it in a portable recorder.

Computer MO technology may not be as limited by physical disc size or laser

Maybe the playback (read) rate could be increased to acceptable levels by
increasing the speed of the disc when reading, as in computer CD-ROM
readers, but I don't think it would be as easy to do this when writing to

ATRAC would not be used in Data drives - it is a 'lossy' system and would
not be suitable.

It's my opinion that ATRAC is required by the MD (audio) format to reduce
the amount of data to acceptable levels that the format can cope with when
writing ie I doubt that the small size of disc and relatively low power of
the MD laser could cope with raw CD size data of 16 bit x 44.1 Khz
Further to that, it's possible that the small size of MD came about as a
'by product' of the fact that maybe it was (in 1990, when MD was in
development) impossible to write to MO discs at a suitable (raw CD) rate in
real time, hence ATRAC reduced the data rate to acceptable levels but then
Sony found that they only needed a small disc to hold the data

All the above is just IMHO.


What's the difference between MD and computer Magneto-Optical technology
that makes MiniDisc unsuitable for data use? Is it to do with Atrac, or

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Re: MD: History of MD

1999-11-15 Thread Graham Baker

An excellent post Rick - maybe you should include it on the MDCP?
- Original Message - 
From: Eric Woudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, 14 November 1999 5:00
Subject: MD: History of MD

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MD: MD Deals in The US of A...

1999-10-19 Thread Graham Baker

G'day all,
Got a friend going to the US in a week or two - whats the best deals in MD
portables and 'bundles' over there??
Many thanks,

Best wishes from down under


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1999-10-13 Thread Graham Baker

Hi Mike,
It sounds to me as though the optical block is either out of alignment or
about to fail.
It might be worth using a head cleaning disc but as you have already tried
cleaning with compressed air it probably won't fix it.
I also wonder if you accidentaly put the block out of alignment with the
compressed air?
Optical blocks are very fragile and need to be precisely aligned.

There are people on this list (me included) that have had some success in
physically re-aligning or using the firmware settings to cure similar
problems, but there are just as many for whom it hasn't worked.

If it's in warranty take it in for repair.
If it's out of warranty it might be worthwhile buying the workshop manual
(or look on the MDCP) and having a go at aligning it.

If all the above fails it's worth getting a quote from Sony but block
replacements are expensive

FWIW, my Sony MZ-R2 had very similar symptoms and was cured by changing the
focus bias settings in the eprom.
Sony wanted $550 (Aus) to repair it.


 i got no responses on my problem, so i thought i'd post again. here we
 i have a problem with my je 510 i havent seen on the list before. when
 playing back a disc, it gives problems after around the 25  min mark. the
 playback just stops for a second, sometimes longer, then starts again .
 clock will just pause at say, 25:51, and a few seconds later, start again
 and show 25:52. it doesnt seem to lose any time, just pauses on and off

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Re: MD: Analog recording levels for vinyl?

1999-10-13 Thread Graham Baker

Hi Rick,
Good question.
It might affect recording quality by not using all the bits available to
resolve the signal.
In the early days of CD's, the resolution or sound quality of some very
quiet musical passages was spoilt by (quantisation?) noise.
I wonder if it would be the same situation in your case?
(Maybe not as some recorders have some kind of 'floating' sample rate

Whilst you say playback volume is not an issue, even in a top hi-fi system
the very low signal may cause you to run into signal/noise problems,
although the surface noise of the record may be more of a problem than the
background hiss of the amp...:-)

FWIW, I used to record most of my music with levels set to peak at
around -8dB but have found it impossible to get reasonable output out of a
portable with these recordings, so I now record right on or just slightly
over 0dB.

It might be worth experimenting - record a track using normal and low
levels and play them back at the same volume to compare...

How much below 0dB is the peak when you have the level sync functional?



 I'm finally digitizing some vinyl favorites of mine (i.e. recording
 LPs to MD) and I'm puzzling over the recording levels. If I set them
 high enough to peak just under 0dB, the LP surface noise (which seems
 to be about 50dB down) keeps the LEVEL SYNC function from marking
 tracks. I can fix this by just setting the recording level lower, but
 that left me wondering if this might effect recording quality. My
 sense is that it won't, since I'm not giving up any dynamic range,
 just placing the LP's range near the bottom of the MD's, rather than
 near it's top. (Playback volume is not at issue.) Comments?


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Re: MD: end search?

1999-10-12 Thread Graham Baker

Welcome to the MD world Nick.

Your question about 'end search' is just about to start world war three on
Lots of comments are about to be posted - I'll start the ball rolling - end
search is a totally redundant function that Sony (still) use on their
portable recorders to find the end of the recorded section of a disc, from
which point you can start your new recording.

The Sharps and other portables and even the Sony home decks don't require
this function, they 'end search' automatically when the record button is
pressed, although they can 'over-write' if you wish, something the Sony
portables do automatically if you forget to press 'end search' first.

If you can't figure out the logic in the above, don't worry you are not
alone as you are about to find out.:-)


 Hi All,

 I'm new to this MD game, and thinking of getting my first md, the sony
 mz-r90, either that or the Sharp MT-831. Does anyone have any thoughts on
 which they think is better, and why?

 Also, what the hell is 'End Search'?



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Re: MD: JA30ES issues

1999-10-02 Thread Graham Baker

The JA3-ES does have a poor reliability record for optical blocks.
A number of us on MD-L, including me, have had disc content permanently
destroyed by faulty UTOC updates.
My JA3 was less than 12 months old when it started playing up - the block
was replaced under warranty in 1996 and (touch wood) has been fine ever
(FWIW, I think Rick still has the link on the MD web site to shots I took
of my faulty optical block)

Tony, as for the JA-30 block problem, before you toss out the old head just
experiment a little with the Focus Bias and Laser Output settings - this
completely cured my MZ-R2 stuttering/'disc err' problems and Sony wanted
$550 Aus to replace the block..


 Do you know if this also effects the JE3ES (has 2 Mic sockets on the
front)? A
 friends unit has started to regularly trash TOCs when he edits discs, and
I have
 eliminated virtually everything else. Is it cheaper to buy a new unit
 replace the optical block? IF so, can anyone recommend a good Pre-Amp to
 a couple of Hi-Fi mics (the type that take a 1,5v AA cell) to be used
with a
 JB930 ?


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1999-10-01 Thread Graham Baker

They were the good ol days of MD - the MZ-R2 portable was 520 UKP when I
bought it on UK hols
(cheap really, when I could have paid $1500 Aus instead) and blank discs
were just over 10 UKP (or $24 Aus) if I remember correctly.

Nice to see these realistic MD prices.
Now, if we could get the price of DV cams  tapes down to similar levels I
will be a happy chappy..


PS it's a fine  sunny day 'down under' looks like it's gonna be a long hot

I would have had a MZ-R2
 except the blanks were as expensive as a CD then :-P

 PrinceGaz - listening to "Beautiful South" and thinking Australia is
 I should be if awake now

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Re: MD: recording safety?

1999-09-13 Thread Graham Baker

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Thanks for the info - it looks as though they got it right at last.:-)

 I believe that Sony decks after, and including, the 920 differ from older
 units in this respect.In my 920, TM recording is also done from the
 'Record-standby' mode (you press the AMS knob to initiate it).  The MDCP
 page for this model says "Unit does not spin the disc in record-pause
 (as the JE500 and JE510 do). "I'm pretty certain this information is
 accurate because when you start TM, it is accompanied by a very slight
 'knock' which I assume is the disc spinning up and/or the recording head
 moving to the disc surface.  This does not occur in my 510.



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Re: MD: Art Bell MiniDisc use on the air

1999-09-10 Thread Graham Baker

It really depends on the player.
My old MZ-R2 portable plays all tracks with no gaps, even in random play.
My JA3 home deck plays tracks in order with no gaps, but inserts a second
or two gap when playing in shuffle mode.
With the amount of pre-play buffer in these things you would think it would
be a relatively easy task to make them all play with no gaps

 * Keith Rowland [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Thu, 09 Sep 1999
 | Is there a way to keep each of the tracks, tight up against each other,
 | that when the unit is seeking to
 | the next track for playback, there is NO silence gap?

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Re: MD: recording safety?

1999-09-10 Thread Graham Baker

Sorry John I think you are incorrect with your assumptions re 'time
machine' function.
On my JA3 it only works whilst it is in 'record-standby' mode.
In this model and  AFAIK, all Sony home decks, the laser is powered up and
the disc spinning, unlike the 701, where nothing other than the record
buffer is running ie no disc spin or laser power.
Why they do it this way I don't know.
I agree that it would be very easy to have the 'time machine' function in
the portables and if it was implemented as per Sharp's 'rec-pause' mode and
not like the Sony home deck TM mode it would work very well, and much
longer than the Sony two or six second start we have now...

- Original Message -
From: John Chrapowicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 11 September 1999 12:57
Subject: RE: MD: recording safety?

 Ralph wrote:

 | f you just press record on the Sharp 702,
 | the unit goes into
 | record-pause which is in fact a special idle mode. The unit
 | does nothing in this
 | mode. The disc doesn't spin, the laser doesn't warm up and
 | the magnetic head isn't doing anything.

 Presumably the unit is still 'monitoring', and passing data through its
 buffer so it can gain an instant start without having to wait for the
 to power up.  If this is the case, then this is very like the situation
 the Sony decks which allows you to have a 'Time Machine' function.  This
 leads me to ask why this feature is not more common amongst portables.



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Re: MD: recording safety?

1999-09-09 Thread Graham Baker

Good question.
This has been talked about in the past - I remember Rick doing some looong
tests along this line, calculating disc revolutions over a 24hr period etc.
Perhaps he has details on the MDCP.
My 701 stops the disc spinning and goes into a kind of standby mode if left
on rec-pause (or play-pause) for more than a short while - less than 60
secs I think but I haven't checked.
Anyway, in this standby mode it reduces power consumption etc and would
have the laser turned off. When it starts recording it would read data into
the buffer whilst it prepares to write to disc.
I would imagine your '722 does the same thing, so there is no danger, IMO.
As for the home decks - I am not sure if they work in the same way. From
what I remember, the disc does keep spinning, maybe the laser is also
powered up.
OTOH, the 6 sec 'time machine' function on my JA3-ES only works from
'rec-pause' so Sony are kinda saying it's OK to leave it like this.
Personally I don't like leaving my home deck in rec-pause but I don't have
a problem with my 701 in this mode - I know it's basically asleep.

- Original Message -
From: Scott Legg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 9 September 1999 3:37
Subject: MD: recording safety?

 Is it safe to leave a unit in 'record mode' for any amount of time?  I am
 using a Sharp 722 to record a bunch of MP3s with different volumes, and I
 need to press record to hear the output through the MD headphones.  Is
 record head burning a groove in my disks or is this harmless?


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Re: MD: Bad recording with binaural mics. Help???

1999-09-08 Thread Graham Baker

  If anyone has experience with recording live show with Core's cheap
 binaural's I am looking for some help.  I recorded a live show in a
 club(somewhat loud), and the sound that I got was terrible.  It was
 extremely muffled, enormous bass boom, and poor treble.   Things sounded
 pretty good between songs(clapping, talking, ect), but as soon as the
 started it went to hell.  Do I just need a battery box?   Does anybody
 of plans to make one yourself??

 I had the levels set so there was no clipping on the VU meter.  Even
 playback the meter rarely goes above -4db and I don't think ever hit 0
 BTW I am using a Sharp 821.

You could be overloading the mic input stage - no amount of level setting
will correct this as the level control comes after the mic input stages.
I'm not sure that even setting any mic sensitivity switch will fix it - you
might need to attenuate the mic output


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Re: MD: R90 and end search

1999-09-07 Thread Graham Baker

End search adds no additional features and potentially causes lots of
heart-ache from accidentally erased recordings.
AFAIK, all the non Sony machines resume playback from the point they were
stopped but record automatically at the end of the recorded section.
I would say that is smart and the right way to do things - even Sony
agree - they implement the very same features on their home decks, but not
on their portables.
(Well, almost - most of their home decks don't have a 'resume' function
which is also a pain in the a__e, but at least they don't have an 'end

So it seems the 'big S' can't make up it's mind about the end search
function and just to confuse us all it uses it in porties but not in home
Just where the logic is in that escapes me.

(I think this thread is going to be a long repeat of previous


 From: Andy Taylor

I like end search
  I like it too and I'm not weird.

 That's what all the weird ones say. :-)


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Re: MD: Digital Recording: why is volume low?

1999-09-07 Thread Graham Baker

 When digital dubbing, it's important not to record the signal any higher
 than the "0" mark or you'll get clipping and distorion (when making a
 digital recording--analog things like cassette decks let you go over the
 a tad before you start to hear distortion).
 -dave :)

Whilst I agree with this statement totally, in principle, it does seem that
somehow the Sony engineers have allowed for accidental excursions over the
0dB mark.
My JA3-ES is really quite tolerant of user abuse - it accepts peak signals
of well over 0dB without any discernible playback distortion - this is with
the 'red' flickering on most of the time.
Whilst it is generally best to avoid this kind of recording level, it can
be useful if you intend to play your recordings back on a low output
portable player, using good quality but low sensitivity headphones.
As David Tamkin mentions - many early CD's were set with record levels way
down - one that comes to mind is Dire Straits 'Brothers in Arms' - the
loudest bit of this cd peaks at around -6dB and is in general much lower
than this - far too low to reach a reasonable level from a portable
Sometimes the old 'analog' way can give better results.

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Re: MD: R50 youz better read this!

1999-09-07 Thread Graham Baker

 Besides, if they're talking about replacing an optical block, it would be
 because the block is out of spec and is beyond repair/alignment.


Or it could be that that is the easiest way out for Sony - a blanket fix
instead of really diagnosing the problem
My old MZ-R2 was diagnosed by Sony as requiring a new optical block - a
$550 (Aus) repair to a lightly used 18 mth old device.
I declined the repair and spent the $550 on a Sharp 701 (from Nic in
Japan), which (touch wood) still works fine

Then someone on this list came up with a fix for the MZ-R2 by changing the
focus bias (?) in the firmware. I followed his instructions to the letter
and my MZ-R2 now works perfectly.
So Sony missed out on a nice fat profit from a blanket-fix repair job and I
now have two fully operational portables.


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Re: MD: R90 and end search

1999-09-07 Thread Graham Baker

- Original Message -
From: Shawn R. Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think End Search is to do just what someone else mentioned...
 artificially simulate a lesser, more primitive technology: analog
 cassette tape.

Hi Shawn,

Actually End Search is an unnecessary by-product of trying to simulate an
analog cassette tape, to be precise.

What you say may be true but it doesn't explain two things:

1) If ES is supposed to simulate a cassette tape then Sony should have
taken the 'resume' function even further by adding a last position memory
to the disc so that if it is removed and then later re-inserted, it will
commence playing/recording from the previous position - something that a
cassette does. A cassette has a resume memory in effect.

2) Why is it implemented in the portables but not on the home decks?


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Re: MD: R90 and end search

1999-09-07 Thread Graham Baker

 1). How would the MD unit store the position on a write-protected disc,
 alone what a MD playback only could do.

At the time MD was designed they could have perhaps used a chip in the
player to remember the stop point and refer back to it whenever a disc is
re-inserted and the TOC or disc ID was read.
That way write protected or pre-recorded discs would not be a problem.
What would then be a problem is if the disc is edited/recorded on another
m/c and then re-inserted in the original m/c.
Just  a thought and not really of any use now as the format is well and
truly established (thank God) as is.


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Re: MD: memory stick?

1999-08-24 Thread Graham Baker

I agree totally.
I hope it dies a quick and sudden death, along with their recently
introduced digital8 video format.
Both this and memory stick are totally incompatible with any other
manufacturer's products.
Sony are sometimes a right pain in the a**e with their inventiveness,
including 'end search'. :-)

OTOH, if it weren't for the big S we wouldn't have minidisc.


 Yeah, from what I've seen, it is considerably more expensive than CF.

 I believe they were made originally for digital cameras; at least that's
 the first use of the Memory Stick I have seen.  It is ridiculous, IMHO,
 since the very popular, standard and affordable CF is out there.  Who
 another Sony (non) standard.  I can't imagine what they were thinking.


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MD: Digital-8?(Off topic)

1999-08-24 Thread Graham Baker

Hi John,
Sony did develop DV but only after they signed up all the other camcorder
manufacturers, so although it was a totally new, (backward - incompatible)
format the future looked OK as all or most manufacturers were going with
If Sony had only introduced Digi8 back then they would not have got the
S-VHS  S-VHS-C camcorder companies to go with the new format, because for
them there was no backward compatibility, whereas there would have been for
Sony - a big marketing advantage.
So, in a way Sony have sucked us the consumer and the other manufacturers
in, in a big way with DV.
They sell us DV as the (expensive) future and then five years later release
another form of DV, this time cheaper AND backward compatible - which is
the way it should have been in the first place..
If I had known Digital8 was coming I would have not bought DV.

FWIW, Sony have also deliberately kept the optics/mechanics at a lower
quality to limit the video quality to less than that from DV.
The digi8 format is exactly the same digital format as DV and is capable of
the same quality, but not with current models.
I guess you could call it brilliant marketing.
I reckon it stinks.


 Ever considered that mini DV was completely incompatible with the popular
 Hi8 format (or even S-VHS-C)?  People with large 8mm/Hi8 libraries were
 deterred from buying into mini DV because of the lack of backward
 compatibility.   Sony recognised this and have duly delivered.   And very
 popular Digital-8 is too  ;-)

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MD: Memory Stick Headphones

1999-08-23 Thread Graham Baker


OTOH, they are not really designed to be worn whilst walking down the
street, unless you are a trend-setter :-)


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Re: MD: CD-ROM with Digital out

1999-08-11 Thread Graham Baker

My CD Rom (Panasonic?) has 2 small pins on the back of the cct bd for
digital out.
I couldn't find a suitable plug so I soldered a length of coax cable
directly to them and terminated the other end with an RCA plug.
It plugs directly into the coaxial input on my JA3-ES and works great -
track marks are also captured OK.
This does not work with all CD Rom drives - there have been reports of
the start of tracks not being recorded and track marks missing etc.
If you only have an optical input you will need to build a small toslink
convertor - details are on the MD web page.

 Hi everyone!

 I have a Creative 8x CD-ROM which has terminals on the back for some
sort of
 digital out. If I wired those across an RCA socket, would that provide
 kind of SP-DIF digital signal expected by a consumer-grade digital
 or outboard DAC with coaxial sockets. On the other hand, would I need
 make an "interface circuit" in order to couple the CD-ROM to a
 consumer-grade SP-DIF device.

 With regards,

 Simon Mackay

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Re: MD: TOC update, how did it happen?

1999-08-10 Thread Graham Baker

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

The UTOC were held in (non-volatile?) memory until the power was
Actually they were held in memory until you ejected the disc, at that
point the memory contents were written to the disc.

 I was recording a program off the radio with my trusty, Sony 520 deck.
 While the recording was in progress, a storm came up and I lost power
 with the MD in the machine.  Powere was out for 26 hours and I was
 I had lost everything I had recorded.  When pwere came back on, I
 checked the MD and several tracks had been written on it and it played
 back ok.

 Since this was a new blank MD, how did the TOC get updated wehn I lost
 power while the MD was being made?  I thought the TOC only got updated
 when the MD was ejected.

 Jim Coon
 Not just another pretty mandolin picker
 If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

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Re: MD: 80 minute MD's in Oz

1999-08-10 Thread Graham Baker

$9 is expensive when compared to the $4.30 for a normal 75 min disc.
That's over twice the price for an extra 5 mins.

OTOH, when I first got in to MD ('94) blank discs in Oz were $22


 $9 isn't all that expensive for an 80min disc, at least for a new

 Given time, it will get cheaper just like the 74min MD's did. It's
good to
 see that 80min MD's are making their way here. I've been dying to get
 hands on some 80min TDK's but nobody with credit card facilities is
 anything to us Aussies 3#-)

 Any idea what 80min brand(s) Walkman World has?


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Re: MD: Sharp 701, is it starting to fail? -SonyR50

1999-07-24 Thread Graham Baker

I think you will one day regret having made this statement - sooner or
later something you have taken so much care of WILL fail on you.

I am an electronics technician by trade and I can assure you that every
one of my 'toys' are treated with kid gloves and TLC.
Also I do not 'mess around under the hood' with them

This has not had the slightest effect on my failed MZ-R2, JA3ES and
TRV900 DV cam - they have all been to the Sony repair shop for some
pretty serious problems, all less than 18 mths old.

Not to mention my Sony 17" monitor that needed a new tube after 15 mths

Ironically, the only bit of recent kit that hasn't failed on me is my
Sharp 701 - now I would guess that I will be reporting UTOC errors in
the next few days:-)

So, whilst I agree that you should take great care with all this
delicate electronics stuff, it is not always a guarantee that all will
be well.

 But that will teach you not to be careful. As human as we all may be,
 still need to take care of your stuff. And yes, it is possible ...
just take
 a look at my track record. All my devices love me back because I don't
 accidents with them 3#-)


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MD: Slightly OT - MD based Video Coming!!!

1999-01-02 Thread Graham Baker

The start of disc based camcorders!
Or 260 min of audio on one 650 MB MD!


(can't seem to get the link to 'paste' correctly - if it doesn't connect,
go to

and look for the 'Sony debuts'etc link.

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