Re: [mod_perl] Re: Content compression FAQ

2003-07-11 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
At 04/07/2003 17:29, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

I've just updated the content at .
It's very good Slava. Concise, informative and thorough.

There is a small mistake in the section, Q: How hard is it to implement 
content compression on an existing site?  Change no more that installing 
to no more than installing. Other than that, it looks great.

Jonathan M. Hollin
Digital-Word Ltd: 

Re: [mod_perl] Re: WEb hosting..

2003-02-28 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Some know web hosting providers with mod_perl support...

As usual, if you know of ISPs that aren't listed there (or listed, but not 
providing modperl support any longer), please let us know.
In the UK, provide an excellent package of 
services and fully support mod_perl and LAMP platforms. Customer support 
is exceptional - when you call you talk to a human immediately (remember 
those days guys?)

Jonathan M. Hollin
Digital-Word Ltd. (

Re: [mod_perl] Re: OSCON ideas

2003-01-10 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Matt Sergeant wrote:

I've done a lot on bayes for spam (I had an effective bayesian filter before
Paul Graham wrote his article on the subject), but there's not much in it
for a full talk. Maybe a lightning talk. Hmm...

That would be great Matt.

Funny how Paul Graham has become so synonymous with Bayesian 
probabilities isn't it?  Your work preceeds his, Google Page Rank 
apparently uses Bayesians (pre-Graham) and, here in the UK, Autonomy 
( have been doing ground-breaking work for a 
few years now with Bayesians at the core of their technology.  Despite 
this, Paul Graham is the first person people think of when you start to 
talk Bayesians, I wonder why?

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

[OT] Re: [mod_perl] Re: mod_perl invokation valid?

2003-01-10 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Charlie Smith wrote:


How are things in grand old England?

Well our country's gone to the dogs, our government is corrupt and 
ineffective and it's bloody cold at the moment too.  But the sun is 
shining so a true Englishman won't complain.  ;-)

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

Re: OSCON ideas

2003-01-09 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Perrin Harkins wrote:

(  I'm
thinking about possible talks to submit and I want a little feedback on
what people are most interested in.  Here are two options I'mconsidering:

I would be extremely interested in talks covering any work that our Perl 
gurus have done using Bayesian Rules.  I am particularly interested in 
the usage of Bayesian rules for search-engines, spam management, log 
analysis, firewalling and encryption - has anybody ever covered any of 
these fields?

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

Re: OSCON ideas

2003-01-09 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Perrin Harkins wrote:

Several people have brought up benchmarking in reference to the pet 
store.  I don't think it will possible to do a good benchmark of this 
application, partly because it's so big (it's a reference app that uses 
lots of functionality just to demonstrate it) and partly because it's 
well known that the J2EE pet store performs badly.  It does not 
represent anyone's best efforts to make a high-performance Java store.

An excellent point.

If people are more concerned with seeing something that would dispel 
myths about Perl performance, rather than a talk on feature portability 
from J2EE to Perl, I could look at implementing something that really 
can be benchmarked like the TPC-W spec or the Doculabs Nile Bookstore 
benchmark.  These would be more comparable to existing Java and .NET 
performance tests.

The saliva begins to leak from my lips...

Personally it would warm my heart to help enable a press release saying 
something like Perl blows away previous price/performance leaders on 
TPC-W benchmark, but I don't know if hearing about that would be as 
interesting to people as the other things I proposed.

Oh yes, now this is more like it.

Regardless, I think that posting a good reference implementation of one 
of these specs might get mod_perl some good attention from the 
business-oriented mags that usually focus on Java, and would be a 
valuable marketing tool.

I think I've just had an orgasm.  ;-)

Perrin, you've probably gathered by now that IMHO you've struck gold 
here.  I honestly don't know why this hasn't been done before. 
Obviously it would be great for all mod_perl programmers to be able to 
direct their PHBs and/or clients to a paper that validates and justifies 
the use of mod_perl.  I, for one, really hope you pursue this.

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

[OT] Season's Greetings

2002-12-24 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Just a quick note to wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 

I would like to thank everyone on the list for all the help and support 
you have given me over the past year.  You have my sincere appreciation.

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

Re: How big are your httpd's?

2002-12-14 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
harm wrote:

19019 http   9   0 19844  14M  3884 S 3.9  0.7   0:13
19419 http   9   0 19852  15M  4388 S 2.6  0.7   0:14
19513 http   9   0 19276  13M  3860 S 2.6  0.6   0:13
19277 http   9   0 19360  14M  4144 S 2.1  0.7   0:16
19282 http   9   0 19456  14M  4052 S 2.1  0.7   0:13
19285 http   9   0 19332  14M  4048 S 2.1  0.6   0:15

What command do I use to get this report please?

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

Re: How big are your httpd's?

2002-12-14 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Ged Haywood wrote:

What command do I use to get this report please?

top, and possibly you'd pipe the output through grep, but you'd need
to read the manpage for top first.  Type 'man top' and 'man grep' for
those manpages.

How did you know that your processes were getting big if you didn't
use top?  On second thoughts, don't answer that.  The mod_perl list is
relatively tolerant of off-topic posts, but not of laziness.  Please
don't ask general OS questions here as an alternative to learning
about your operating system.

I am trying to learn about my operating system.  I am trying to learn 
about lots of things.

Did I really need to be criticised for asking?  Now that I know to use 
top, then of course I can RTFM to learn more.  But I didn't know about 
top - I've been trying to get this information with ps (which I have 
learned).  So I asked my harmless (or so I thought) question.  Now I know.

Thank you so very much for your kind help Ged.

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

[OT] Stack Operation

2002-11-23 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin
Can anyone offer me some pointers (pun intended) on how to implement a
stack in Perl with an array?

I need to have an array of elements as follows:

0 - e1
1 - e2
2 - e3

And I need to be able to insert items:

e4 needs to go into $array[1].  1 and 2 need to move down (or up or left
or right - depending on how you visualise arrays) yet retain their contents:

0 - e1
1 - e4
2 - e2
3 - e3

And, you guessed it, I need to be able to remove elements, and have the
others move down...

remove e2, leaving:

0 - e1
1 - e4
3 - e3

How do I implement this in code anyone?

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

[OT] DALnet Explains DDOS

2002-11-08 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Some of you probably know that DAlnet has been subject to a large-scale 
DDOS attack recently.  As a result of this, they (DALnet) have posted a 
series of articles in their ezine to explain to their users what's 

They have a wonderful Plain English explanation of DOS and DDOS that I 
thought some of you might like to read.  Use this when you need to 
explain DOS / DDOS to pointy-haired-bosses and civilians!  :-)

Sorry for the off-topic post.

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

Re: [JOB] Perl / mod_perl programmer in Orem, UT

2002-07-11 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Cahill, Earl wrote:
 Internet Software Engineer (PERL)
 About Web Services is seeking an Internet Software Engineer to maintain and
 develop new applications for it's hosting platform.  About Web Services is a
 division of that provides hosting solutions to more than 4 million
 web sites including and  Job includes a
 competitive salary and benefits (Health and Dental Insurance, 401K, ESPP)  
   -2 years+ Experience developing in PERL / modperl on Unix
   -Solid Understanding of Object Oriented Programming
   -Experience with HTML, JavaScript, and XML
   -Experience with SQL (Oracle and/or MySQL)
   -Experience with writing efficient highly scalable code
   -Experience with Red Hat Linux or equivalent
   -Experience with CVS
   -Experience in working in a team environment

Yet again I ask myself - why don't I emigrate to the US?  :-(

Jonathan M. Hollin

Technical Director:  Digital-Word Co. (
Co-ordinator:  WYPUG (

Re: [JOB] Perl / mod_perl programmer in Sheffield

2002-07-04 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

   I'm currently looking for a Perl / mod_perl programmer to help
   developing our application MKDoc.

Just a quick reminder Jean-Michel - have you posted this on  I only asked because UK jobs are few and far between on 

Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Image manipulation recommendation?

2002-06-30 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

I couldn't get the requisites for the and related modules to work on
Windows.  Although these things apparently have worked great for years on
UNIX, they may have problems on Windows 2000 servers.  I had to go to a
purchased Java product that is accessible via a servlet to get graphs


For clarification, and to encourage others to at least try GD and or
Image::Magick under Windoze, BOTH packages work as advertised with that
operating system.  I have both running quite happily on my development
machine (Windows 2000).  I did encounter some problems installing both, but
these disappeared when I used the PPM's (ActiveState / TheoryX5) as opposed
to trying to compile manually.

You must understand that both packages are complex, you need patience and
persistence - but it's worth it in the end.

Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Problem: Internal redirection of ErrorDocument to mod_perl handler

2002-06-03 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Before I present a detailed description of the problem I thought I'd
just bounce of an intro to see if its a common fault.
I have found, using apache 1.x latest and mod_perl 1.x latest that if I use
internal redirection to a mod_perl handler for ErrorDocument 500
(server_error) then even though I return the perfectly correct data (html
headers etc) to the browser, every browser works fine. Except that is,
Internet Explorer 6 (maybe earlier too but I have no test bed). Internet
Explorer chooses to display the default Microsoft internal server error page
and not the html which is actually returned. If I use a network monitor like
Iris I can see that the data is returned perfectly...but Internet Explorer
refuses to display it. This problem my apply to other error codes. The only
fix I found is to use a fully qualified host redirect for the
ErrorDocument.. but then I lose fancy stuff like previous request analysis.

Yet another example of M$ knowing what her consumers want better than those
consumers themselves.  IE will try to substitute so-called friendly error
messages for all of the browser errors you could experience if the Show
Friendly Error Messages option is selected in IE's Advanced Settings page
(which it is by default I believe).  Now, you can turn this option off in
your own browser, but obviously you can't control your visitor's settings.

However, there is a hack.  Just make sure that your error message is
bigger (in bytes) than than the trigger size that MS uses and your message
will be displayed in place of theirs.  Now, I can't remember what that
trigger size is, so you may need to experiment, search the web, or wait for
some human encyclopeadia to post it here...  :-)

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG

RE: Force a 404 error?

2002-05-17 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

See Chapter 4, Handling Errors, in the Eagle book.

Great Thomas, I have a working handler now.  Thanks very much to Thomas
and everyone else who replied with suggestions.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Force a 404 error?

2002-05-16 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


Is it possible to force a 404-error from within a mod_perl CGI?

I am working on my CMS and I want to generate a 404 if the user hacks
the URI in a certain way: i.e, if the use passes a value in the URI that
does reference a database record.  I can (and have) trapped such an
event and thus I can display the appropriate Not found warning by
using a redirect to my 404 page, but using redirect obviously
updates the URL (as displayed on the browsers address line) to that of
the 404 page, whereas I want the URL to continue to display the users

Can I do this?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: we need mod_perl banners

2002-05-14 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Do we have the source for those banners anywhere?  Preferably 
vector, or 
at least telling us what font the original was in.  I don't 
think anyone 
wants to work from bitmap.

I seem to remember matts doing something with SVG a while 
back, but him 
waiting on the correct font (my memory is a bit vague on this)

Spec's are as follows:

Font:  Trebuchet MS, sans-serif (Trebuchet is available for download
from the M$ website)
Size:  60pt
Grey:  #99
Blue:  #326696

And the text was rendered in Bold.

An SVG version of the new logo is available at:


Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Problem using Perl Modules under mod_perl / PerlSetVar not working

2002-04-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

(By the way: there's a typo at line 1 of the 
script: I think use Apache: should be use Apache;

Good catch!  :-)

But following that guideline resulted in the next problem, I 
could not yet solve on my own:

PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in 
my httpd.conf looks like this:

Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlTaintCheck On
Location /contest
   PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlSendHeader Off
   allow from all

Try putting PerlSetVar AFTER PerlHandler.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Thanks and GoodBye

2002-04-05 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Thanks for all your help, but I am NOT able to
 install mod_perl.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but have you tried the
Apache Toolbox (  Before you give up
completely it might be worth trying.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: cpan hacked or april fools?

2002-04-01 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Anyone looked at CPAN's front page today: It is 
either a pretty amusing April Fools joke or a hack. Fun either way!

It's gotta be an April Fools gag (great one).  The hackers almost always
leave their stamp...

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Problems after an upgrade...

2002-03-26 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

I had mod_perl installed and working in apache well until a few days
ago. I think
that after an upgrade to apache the problems began. This is on the
RedHat 7.2 OS.

Yep - I had the same problem.  What I discovered was that the RH update
had installed a new instance of Apache and started it!

At the prompt, stop httpd with:  apachectl stop

Then restart your original Apache with:  /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl
start (path may be different on your system, although I doubt it with RH

Hope this helps...

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I actually like the logo without the underscore. I don't 
:: think an underscore is very collaborative with art. The _ 
:: has always been irritating me a little.

I don't see any reason why the underscore can't be incorporated
discreetly.  I had an idea that we could have the dp together (like
in the new logo) with a small underscore directly beneath them.

:: I know that there is history and nostalgia involved here but 
:: dropping an underscore at least in the logo is a nice 
:: evolution IMHO. The whole mod_ just happens to be the 
:: original Apache naming convention for modules, I believe, 
:: and let's not forget that the Apache folks never thought 
:: they would get the kind of success they have. Given the 
:: choice, I don't think they would have stuck with this kind 
:: of naming convention.

This doesn't matter.  The simple fact is, the name is mod_perl.  It's
established, known and the author has stated quite clearly that it will
not change.

:: The underscore really belongs to the C/C++ language and 
:: isn't really so much of a standard in Perl. True, Perl, 
:: Apache and mod_perl are all children of C/C++ but they 
:: should have some independence - they are in their 
:: adolescence now (if not even adults). 

If the underscore belongs anywhere, then it also belongs in Perl.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I agree here. But then, TMTOWTDI is a big part of Perl 
:: culture. I suggest a democratic solution: present the logo 
:: and the favorite logo-based button as the logo and button. 
:: Then, also present a page which has some alternate buttons 
:: on it, including the two winners of the present contest. 
:: Make the page with the official logo and button easy to find 
:: so users will see it first.

But an important part of any product is its brand.  I personally
believe that the logo/button/banner should be uniform throughout, with
one font and one colour scheme.  One area where we do have creative
license is with banners - providing that the recognised mod_perl logo
still features within.

:: Since there was a landslide winner I would say there is 
:: probably no need for alternate logos although it may be 
:: interesting for historical reasons (the Google logo archives 
:: do it the right way, in my opinion: 

The logos at will remain
online forever for historical/nostalgic purposes.

:: DRI really like the 
:: new logo, and in fact I voted for it. However, I 
:: DRjust realized that the logo uses modperl, whereas 
:: mod_perl's name 
:: DRis mod_perl, with the underscore. Does anyone else see 
:: this as a 
:: DRproblem?
:: BMIt's a graphic design so I don't see that it needs to follow the 
:: BMApache module naming convention exactly... It's a design -- it 
:: BMdoesn't have to be accurate to the name.
:: I agree with both these statements. I think the issue isn't 
:: that the design must follow the name, but that users often 
:: get confused between the two, and if the design doesn't 
:: follow the name, that confusion will certainly be 
:: exacerbated. Of course, this is probably not a big problem 
:: as long as the conventional term is used in the 
:: documentation and website and as long as modperl on Google 
:: leads to the mod_perl site.

I think the logo should feature an underscore, however it's used.  We
are promoting a brand, a product...  its name needs to be consistent
wherever it's used - how else will we get pointy-haired bosses to
recognise it?

:: I might also point out that any mod_perl hostnames come out 
:: as modperl (since underscores are not allowed in hostnames) 
:: and that modperl is often used as a directory name even 
:: though underscores ARE allowed in filenames.

I don't think that's relevant at all.  People name their files and
directories in whatever way suits them.  And hostnames, well that's just
a convention we can do nothing about and, thus, a non-issue.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: A thought - what about putting the suggestion of an 
:: underscore by putting bars underneath the d and p of 
:: modperl? Just a suggestion to Michael as presumably he is 
:: revisting the design for the buttons.

I had a similar idea - a single bar under the dp yet keeping the dp

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

[ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Fellow mod_perl hackers...

It is with great pleasure that I am able to introduce you to the new
mod_perl logo.  So, without further ado, point your web-browsers at:

The winning logo, designed by Michael Demers (mike [at], won
by a very clear majority.  Congratulations Mike, and thanks for a great

The new mod_perl button vote resulted in a tie between two designs:
Juergen Spechts' (the existing button) and new design by Tyler
Rorabaugh.  Following a brief discussion with Stas (stas [at], I think it might be a good idea to have several mod_perl
buttons, the idea being that a designer can then choose a button that
doesn't conflict with his/her design.

However, I request your comments on this idea:  should we have just one
button (helping to develop a distinct identity for mod_perl) or should
we have several (for choice)?  It's up to you...

Thank you to everyone who participated in this project.  Kudos to the
designers for their efforts.  Thanks to Stas for his input and ideas,
and Eric Cholet for the voting script.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I think that we need one theme of buttons, to ensure 
:: consistent branding.  As per my comments when I voted 
:: stated, I'd love to see some buttons/logos based on the 
:: winning logo.  In particular:
::  - A square button that's just made up of the square cog logo
::  - A square button that's just made up of a grey m and a blue p
::  - A small rectangle version of the words modperl without the cog
:: get the idea, variations around a central design
:: Also, we could do with both a monochrome and a black and 
:: white version of 
:: the logo (for print.)

Personally, I agree.  I'll forward your email on to Michael and we'll
see how he responds.

:: Is the logo available in a vector file format so that we can 
:: easily make 
:: scaled copies of it?  Or are we restricted to the pixel banners that 
:: currently exist?

All I have is non-vector JPEG.  Again, I'll ask Michael.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Was there a button in the same style as the winning logo?  
:: Could Michael be persuaded to create one if not?
:: I'm inclined to think a new logo is little use if you're not 
:: consistent with the imagery it uses.  Tying a button design 
:: into that imagery is, IMO, essential.

I will forward your email on to Michael (who designed the winning logo).

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Was there a button in the same style as the winning logo?  
:: Could Michael be persuaded to create one if not?
:: I'm inclined to think a new logo is little use if you're not 
:: consistent with the imagery it uses.  Tying a button design 
:: into that imagery is, IMO, essential.

Michael Demers (the designer) will submit a few buttons, to match his
logo design, in the near future.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New mod_perl logo - results now in...

2002-03-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I really like the new logo, and in fact I voted for it. 
:: However, I just realized that the logo uses modperl, 
:: whereas mod_perl's name is mod_perl, with the underscore. 
:: Does anyone else see this as a problem? I've always been 
:: annoyed at how often the spelling gets modified, and it 
:: seems that the logo as it is now would add to the confusion. 
:: Am I just picking nits?

This has been a addressed.  A cleaned-up logo will be appearing
shortly.  As will a vector-based version (so we can get t-shirts printed
:-) )...

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  --  Temporarily off-line

[OT] RE: apache for windows/linux

2002-03-11 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Based on my own experience, if you have worked with Unix 
:: machines sometime in your past -- it could be in your 
:: distant past --, choose Apache on Linux or any flavor of 
:: Unix over Windows. Unix is far easier to comprehend than 
:: Windows, the documentation is better, and the help more 
:: readily given and abundant. Oh yeah, and more stable.

Having just migrated my mod-perl software from Win2K to Linux I heartily
agree with Kurt.  With only very limited Unix knowledge, I have managed
to setup my server, secure it, and install and configure all the systems
I needed.  I have found the Linux brigade to be very knowledgeable, very
helpful and very willing to SHARE (thank you #Linux).  The quality and
volume of documentation will surprise you too.

Why did I migrate?  My Windows server (running Microsofts' latest and
greatest) rarely stayed up for longer than 48 consecutive hours.  My
Linux box has not been down since I installed (about 2 weeks ago).
Benchmarks also demonstrate a performance gain in my mod_perl apps of
around 20% over the same apps, in the same setup, under Windows.  I
expect to increase this with a little tweaking in the future.

All the best.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: Where was that success story?

2002-03-06 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: No public story has been written about it, but I would reply to 
:: private questions about the experience.  To summarize, it went 
:: very smoothly and was a great success (and no part of it has 
:: been thrown out for any competing technology).


Would you consider writing a paper describing the project?  Are there
any NDA's (or similar) that would prevent you doing so?  If so, could
you write without disclosing any NDA-breaching details?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

[ANNOUNCE] mod_perl logo competition...

2002-02-28 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Fellow JAPHs,

The closing date for entries for the new mod_perl logo is Monday 4th
March  No further submissions will be accepted after that date

Voting will take place between March 5th and March 11th  You may vote
once for a logo and once for a button (a banner will be designed around
the winning logo) and the winner(s) will be announced on March 12th
Voting instructions will follow in a later post

Reminders:  Send logo entries to: mod_perl [at] digital-wordcom
Review the current submissions at:

Thank you

Jonathan M Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

[OT] New mod_perl logo (revisited)

2002-02-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

I apologise in advance to those of you who receive multiple copies of
this email due to my cross-posting.

Due to the instability of its previous host, I have moved the mod_perl
logo entries to my new Linux box (my apologies to those who were unable
to review the images previously due to the inordinate down-time).

The images are now available at

Also, I have now added html pages to each directory with the images
displayed inline - thanks to Stas Bekman (stas[at] who
contributed his ls2html Perl script for that purpose.

I am still soliciting entries for the new logo (send to
mod_perl[at] so please keep those images coming.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

[OT] RE: Installing Perl::Magick

2002-02-19 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Your question isn't a modperl question.  Please keep that in 
:: mind when posting to this list.  Maybe you're trying to use 
:: Perl::Magick as part of a project that uses modperl, but 
:: that doesn't make this a modperl issue.

I appreciate that.  This is part of a mod_perl project, however I forgot
to include [OT] in the subject line.  The only reason I post here is
that the quality of help, and accuracy of reply that I have experienced
in the past is exactly what I need to get over my initial Linux
confusion.  However, if anyone knows of a _good_ Linux list...

:: Immediately above is the problem.  The file magick/api.h 
:: isn't installed. You may have Imagemagick installed, but you 
:: don't have the development files associated with it installed.


:: Most package-based Linux distributions, like RedHat (or 
:: RedHat/RPM based
:: systems) or Debian (or Debian/DEB based systems) split up 
:: a whole package into parts.  You probably don't have the 
:: FOO-dev or libFOO package that goes along with FOO.

And it's RedHat I'm using.

:: Maybe you use a RPM-based system... check out 
:: in order to track down which :: package 
:: contains the file you need. has already become my best friend!  :-)

Thank you.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: Installing Perl::Magick

2002-02-19 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I don't know anything about your problem. I just wanted to 
:: give you a 
:: hint, as you said, that you were a complete linux newbie:
:: Do not work as root. It is dangerous! The root account should be for 
:: installation, configuration of the system and where it cannot be 
:: avoided. I always have some regular user account for working on my 
:: servers and as soon that I want to change something I do a su. The 
:: best is even to disable root logins on the console and 
:: especially via 
:: ssh / telnet. It gives you some extra security as everyone 
:: knows, that 
:: there must be a root account on a unix box.

Marcel, I was working as root after an su as I couldn't install
Image::Magick under my own account.

As far as security goes - I /think/ I have configured my box with only
the www and ssh services available, everything else is locked down (he
says, hopefully).  
:: Best regards and enjoy linux!

Thank you.  So far I'm enjoying Linux tremendously.  It's really
challenging, but fun and intellectually stimulating.  I only wish I'd
started years ago.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

Image Magick Alternatives?

2002-02-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

The WYPUG migration from Win2K to Linux is progressing very nicely.
However, despite my best efforts, I can't get Perl Magick to work
(Image::Magick compiled successfully and without problems).  All I use
Perl Magick for is generating thumbnails (which seems like a waste
anyway).  So, is there an alternative - a module that will take an image
(gif/jpeg) and generate a thumbnail from it?  I have searched CPAN but
haven't noticed anything suitable.  If not, is there anyone who would be
willing to help me install Perl Magick properly?

Kindest regards,

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

[OT] Moving WYPUG

2002-02-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Hi gang,

After a few months of outrageous instability, I am now moving WYPUG on
to a Linux server (redhat 7.2).  Using ApacheToolbox
( I have managed to get Apache, mod_perl
and MySQL up and running, along with a few Apache modules.  At this
point everything is running perfectly.

I now need to install some Perl modules (DBD-MySql, Image-Magick, etc).
Under ActivePerl on WYPUG's current Win2K box, I would simply use the
Perl Package Manager (PPM) to download and install these modules.  Is
there an equivalent under Unix?  If not, what's the best way to install
modules?  In short, what do I need to know?

A step-by-step guide would be great (I'm a 100% Unix newbie), but I
would also be extremely grateful for pointers to the relevant docs,
URI's, etc.

Thank you all in advance.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: [OT] Moving WYPUG

2002-02-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: what's the best 
::  way to install modules?  In short, what do I need to know?
:: just type
:: perl -MCPAN -eshell
:: this will ask you some simple questions, about the nearest 
:: mirror to you, and so on, if you are on the command-prompt, 
:: type install Your::Module and it will fetch the module from 
:: cpan, and install it...

Nico thank you so much for your prompt reply.  I really appreciate it.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: mod_perl, mod_gzip, incredible suckage

2002-02-14 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

::  Does mod_gzip suck or what?  Some of you claim to use it.  
:: Now is the 
::  time to confess.  How do you get it to work?
:: Compile it.  Install it.  Works brilliantly.

Hell I even got it to work under Win32.  Agree with the other replies,
it works brilliantly.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

[REMINDER] New mod_perl Logo

2002-02-10 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

A growing number of potential candidates for the new mod_perl logo is
available at:

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

[OT] RE: modperl growth

2002-02-04 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: - Install Apache and mod_perl, or use an existing installation.
:: - Install all the needed modules, template files, images, etc.



I too try to automate installations as much as possible.  Within Perl,
I've found it possible to dispense with a separate configuration file
for almost any application, even those with an RDBMS back-end.  Under
*nix it's really easy to automate things, under Win32 it's a little more
difficult (file permissions are a bastard to manipulate).  Perl can
analyse its own environment very accurately, and once it has this
awareness it's really easy to achieve automation.  Anyone can do this,
but most of us are too lazy for such niceties, which is too our
detriment I think.

However, all of my work in this direction requires that Perl and any
required modules/libraries are already installed - I have never
attempted to do an all-in-one install, although I do see this as being
relatively easy to achieve.

I would love to contribute to any efforts towards an out-of-the-box

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: [OT] email attachments - Win32 email reader to replace OE

2002-02-03 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I think, as somebody said, that migrating to Outlook instead 
:: of Outlook Express might be something (though you won't be 
:: free from worms, virii, etc.). 

There is a patch available from Microsoft which prohibits the opening of
certain types of attachments.  This makes Outlook (not Outlook Express)
pretty secure.  In any case, who opens attachments these days anyway?
It's all down to common sense surely.  Use a good virus checker, keep it
up to date (I update my signature files daily), don't open unexpected
attachments and, if you use Outlook or Outlook Express, turn off the
Auto Preview feature - then you're pretty safe, regardless of the email
client you're using.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: email attachments; was modperl growth

2002-02-02 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I'm sorry, but it was a GPG (a free PGP) signed message.
:: Outlook is really lost when it sees that and, since you've 
:: bought it from Microsoft, I think you should send them a 
:: request for them to implement OpenPGP standards in their 
:: mail reader. 

Er, that's not strictly true.  Outlook handles encrypted and/or signed
email as well as any other client.  Outlook displays the signed email
with a unique icon to identify it as such.  The attachment contains the
actual PGP info (in case you want to see it).  I think that's fair
enough isn't it?

I don't know about Outlook Express though (which is a completely
different mailer).

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

New mod_perl logo - revisited

2002-01-31 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Reminder:  A growing collection of new mod_perl logo candidates is
available at:

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

New mod_perl Logo

2002-01-29 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

As many of you are aware, a new mod_perl website is currently being
developed and is near to going live.  To accompany the new site, and
with mod_perl 2.0 development well under way, I have initiated a
competition to find a new mod_perl logo.

Therefore, I am asking any budding artists/designers amongst you to
submit your efforts to myself ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I will make
all submissions available for public review on the web at: (where a few designs are even
now awaiting your perusal).  Once I have accumulated enough variety, I
will run a voting booth so that the winning design can be democratically

The reward for your efforts:  Eternal fame and fortune, glamour,
admiration, kudos, etc...  Well, at the very least, you will get the
pleasure of seeing your design every time you visit the mod_perl
website.  It also possible that you would be credited by name/alias
within the site.

So come on folks, fire up the GIMP/PhotoShop and get to work.  There are
no rules, no preconceived ideas and no restrictions.  You can use the
exisiting icons of mod_perl (the camel, Apache feather, eagle, etc), or
go for something entirely new - it's up to you.

Ideas for logos, banners, powered by-type buttons are all welcome.

Please don't send submissions to the mailing list(s) - send them
directly to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

May the best man win.  :-)

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

NOTE:  The WYPUG webserver is not very stable at the moment.  If the
site is unavailable, then please try again a little later.  We're
working on a solution right now...

RE: New mod_perl Logo

2002-01-29 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Please let's not choose one with an ORA animal as the 
:: official logo. It's very annoying having to include those 
:: stupid copyright notices just because the logo is used on a page.

The final logo will be chosen by majority vote.

:: And since I've now posted to the list anyway, I can as well 
:: link my powered-by-button entry, which is partly based on a 
:: previous mod_perl site redesign that was never used in the 
:: end (sorry, forgot by whom it was):

I have added your button to the gallery, thank you Markus.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: POST_MAX not working

2002-01-04 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Just to see if it actually does limit anything. When I then 
:: try to post a 5MB file to this component, no warning is 
:: generated in the Apache log. I've even tried setting 
:: POST_MAX to 1 byte, still nothing.

Trond, I've encountered the same with both Apache::Request and
Are you on a Windows server???

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: Defeating mod_perl Persistence

2001-12-12 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: You're probably storing it in a global so it never gets cleaned 
:: up.  Don't
:: do that.

No, it's not a global Perrin - I've learnt that lesson!  :-)

Defeating mod_perl Persistence

2001-12-11 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Hey Gang,

When using Mail::Sender only the first email is sent on my mod_perl server.
When I investigated, I realised that the socket to the SMTP server was
staying open after the completion of that first email (presumably mod_perl
is responsible for this persistence).

Is there any way to defeat the persistence on the socket while running my
script under mod_perl, or do such scripts always need to be mod_cgi?

FYI, the script works fine under mod_cgi.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: [modperl site design challenge] please vote

2001-12-04 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2001 09:39:28 GMT Server: 
:: Apache/1.3.23-dev (Unix) PHP/4.0.6 mod_perl/1.26_01-dev 
:: Connection: close Content-Type:
:: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Expires: Tue, 04 Dec 2001 09:39:28 GMT 
:: Double header issue?

Worked fine for me.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: Hi

2001-12-04 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


Yet another virus.

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Christopher Rivera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 04 December 2001 21:18
:: To: mod_perl
:: Subject: Hi
:: How are you ?
:: When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you
:: I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!

RE: [OT] Re: Vhosts + mod_perl

2001-12-03 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Everytime I make a new document root for a different website, say the
:: subdomain loco on, do I need to update the DNS?
:: For and do I need to make new DNS
:: entries for foo and bar subdomains? Surely I don't? Because browsers
:: will ask for it, and get directed to, and my apache will
:: take are of the rest from the HTTP 1.1 Host: field?

If you are adding sub-domains then, of course, you need to update your DNS.
Without a corresponding DNS entry, how could ever be

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Multiple Sites

2001-12-03 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: But but it does not work. But if I put in URL/directory and a
:: forward slash/
:: eg. http://URL/directory/ then it shows the default.htm page.
:: But I know my
:: customers, and they will not put in the directory forward slash. How do I
:: get around this issue?


The best solution is to use sub-domains, if you are able to effect changes
to your DNS.  That way your customers can't fail.



Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

[OT] mod_gzip configuration

2001-12-03 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Hey gang,

I have just installed mod_gzip on my mod_perl server and am very impressed
with its performance.  However, I've noticed that it is only compressing
mod_perl output when parameters are passed to the script in the URL.

E.g: will be compressed, but will not!  :-(

My mod_gzip config follows:


LoadModule gzip_module modules/ApacheModuleGzip.dll
mod_gzip_on Yes
mod_gzip_minimum_file_size  300
mod_gzip_maximum_file_size  0
mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 10
mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
mod_gzip_temp_dir   E:/Apache/temp
mod_gzip_item_include   file \.html$
mod_gzip_item_include   file \.pl$
mod_gzip_item_include   file \.cgi
mod_gzip_item_include   mime ^text/.*
mod_gzip_item_include   mime ^httpd/unix-directory$
mod_gzip_item_include   handler ^perl-script$
mod_gzip_item_include   handler ^server-status$
mod_gzip_item_include   handler ^server-info$
mod_gzip_item_exclude   file \.css$
mod_gzip_item_exclude   file \.js$
mod_gzip_item_exclude   mime ^image/.*


Can anyone advise me as to how to change this configuration so that
compression will work with or without parameters?

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Apache - mod_perl - Windows

2001-11-28 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

::  I have set up several Windows / Apache / mod_perl servers without any
::  problems whatsoever.  I would recommend the following (in order):
:: Alternately:

Nice one Ron.  That's excellent documentation.  Cheers.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group 

RE: Apache - mod_perl - Windows

2001-11-27 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: sorry for bothering you with a question concerning mod_perl under
:: windows (it's not that I like windows so much, it's just because I have
:: to use a windows system ...)

Same here - I'm forced to use Windows because we're a Windows only shop.
Additionally, I don't know Unix so that kind of limits my opportunities.

:: My question is:
:: 1. is there a way to get a precompiled windows version running (I don't
:: want to reset my Apache server to some ancient version!)

I have set up several Windows / Apache / mod_perl servers without any
problems whatsoever.  I would recommend the following (in order):

Download and install the latest non-v2 distribution of Apache
Download ActiveState's ActivePerl ( and
install into the Apache directory
Use PPM (Perl Package Manager) to download and install mod_perl (and any
other module you want).

Note:  You will need to add the following PPD Repository Path to PPM in
order to get mod_perl:

:: 2. is it worth the effort (and likely to be successful) to configure the
:: CPAN module with make- and cc-Utilities (e.g. from cygwin), and is there
:: an *easy* indication how to do it
:: or

It's possible to do it via Cygwin, but not necessary if you follow the steps

As to whether or not it's worth the effort...  YES, YES, YES!!!  You have
got to see the difference between mod_perl and mod_cgi to believe it.  Once
you've worked under mod_perl, you'll will never go back to plain old CGI.

:: 3. is Apache/mod_perl and windows an invalid combination which simply
:: should not be used???

No way.  This combination works very well with some caveats (see the
documentation for details).

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-22 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Thank you everyone for the quality of help I've so far received and your
rapid responses.  However...  :-(

My code now includes:

35:  # Session handler...
36:  my %session; undef my $session_id;
37:  use Apache::Session::MySQL;
38:  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
39:  { DataSource = 'dbi:mysql:sessions', UserName   = 'db_user', Password
= 'secret' };
40:  $session_id = session_id=$session{_session_id};;

I am using Apache-Session v1.54.

The above code generates the following error:

[Thu Nov 22 10:31:38 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't connect(
HASH(0xbdcf54)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env var not set at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36 (in cleanup)
Can't connect(   HASH(0x47e2f14)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN
env var not set at E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 36'

So, as you can see, I've moved on a little - but still don't have a working
session handler.  Any offers?

Note:  I know how boring it is to keep reading the same thread - I'll drop
it if I don't solve this today.

Kindest regards,

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 22 November 2001 04:34
:: Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
:: Subject: Re: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum
:: On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 23:23:33 -
:: Jonathan M. Hollin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
::  42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
::  43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
:: put $sid (session id: undef for fresh) after 'Apache::Session::MySQL'.
:: --
:: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache::Session Problem

2001-11-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Fellow Perl Mongers,

Can anyone help with my latest programming riddle?

I am trying to take advantage of the session-handling features of
Apache::Session.  My program includes the following code (line numbers added
for clarity):

20: # Session handler (I)...
21: use Apache::Session::DBI;


40: # Session handler (II)...
41: my %session;
42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
44: my $session_cookie = session_id=$session{_session_id};;


The variables $db_driver and $db_address are imported from a small
configuration file that defines them as mysql and

My program dies when called (via CGI under mod_perl) with an 500 Internal
Server Error with the following line appended to error.log:

[Wed Nov 21 22:25:12 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't locate object method
TIEHASH via package Apache::Session::DBI at
e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/logon.cgi line 42.'

Platform:  Win2K, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL...

Any suggestions (apart from quit programming and take up farming instead)?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Thanks to Ilya Martynov for his response...

I changed Apache::Session::DBI to Apache::Session::MySQL and tried
again.  The following error graced my error log:

[Wed Nov 21 23:01:13 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Died at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Generate/ line 40.'

Looking at - line 39, 40 and 41 read as follows:

if ($session-{data}-{_session_id} !~ /^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/) {

I adjusted line 40 to read:

die $session-{data}-{_session_id};

The error log now gets:

[Wed Nov 21 23:07:54 2001] [error] PerlRun: `HASH(0x48acc64) at
E:/Apache/site/lib/Apache/Session/Generate/ line 40.'


Any ideas?...

[original email follows...]
Fellow Perl Mongers,

Can anyone help with my latest programming riddle?

I am trying to take advantage of the session-handling features of
Apache::Session.  My program includes the following code (line numbers added
for clarity):

20: # Session handler (I)...
21: use Apache::Session::DBI;


40: # Session handler (II)...
41: my %session;
42: tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
43: {DataSource = dbi:$db_driver:sessions:$db_address};
44: my $session_cookie = session_id=$session{_session_id};;


The variables $db_driver and $db_address are imported from a small
configuration file that defines them as mysql and

My program dies when called (via CGI under mod_perl) with an 500 Internal
Server Error with the following line appended to error.log:

[Wed Nov 21 22:25:12 2001] [error] PerlRun: `Can't locate object method
TIEHASH via package Apache::Session::DBI at
e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/logon.cgi line 42.'

Platform:  Win2K, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL...

Any suggestions (apart from quit programming and take up farming instead)?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group


2001-11-15 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Hi people,

I am currently developing a content management system under mod_perl, with
data stored in an RDBMS (MySQL at present, but Oracle on the production

I would like to add version control to published documents (read pages) and
wondered if anyone has any experience of this who would be willing to offer
me some advice.  I have a CVS server and am curious as to whether there is
some way this can used (bearing in mind that I want to manage DB data, not
files).  I would like to be able to rollback to any previous version (if
possible), and would also like to document the different versions

I'm thinking that I could maybe commit the database files to CVS and then
use a module to communicate with the CVS server (Apache-CVS, VCP, VCS-CVS,
etc).  Is this possible?  Has anyone ever tried anything like this?

I have searched CPAN and used Google to search the web and Usenet but have
so far drawn a blank.

I suspect that I will not be able to use CVS in this manner and that
therefore I am going to have to roll my own.  If this does turn out to be
case - can anyone lend me any guidance as to how I work out what's changed
in a record (between versions)?  Then I can just store the changes in a DB
as required.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

RE: Prototype Mismatch

2001-11-07 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


I appreciate that this is the mod_perl mailing list.  Let me clarify my
initial question by adding...  This behaviour only occurs when I run my
script under mod_perl, no errors are reported when using mod_CGI.

Hence my posting to the mod_perl list.  :-)

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 07 November 2001 03:18
:: Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
:: Subject: Re: Prototype Mismatch
:: Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
::  Platform:
::  Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
::  Perl 5.6 (Active State)
::  mod_perl
::  In my script a simple use Image::Magick; results in the
:: following lines
::  being added to my error.log everytime the script is called:
:: Jonathan, I think you've sent this to the wrong list. We talk about
:: mod_perl here, well mainly. See for the perl lists.
:: And read 'perldoc perlsub' manpage about prototypes.
::  Prototype mismatch: sub
:: Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Transparent
:: vs ($;@) at
::  E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
::   at e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/ line 2
::  Prototype mismatch: sub
::  Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Opaque vs ($;@) at
::  E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
::   at e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/ line 2
::  Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong based on this
:: information?  Is this
::  a known bug (as a colleague suggests) and, if so, is there a patch or
::  work-around?
::  Any help appreciated.
::  Thanks in advance.
::  Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
::  West Yorkshire Perl User Group
:: --
:: _
:: Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
::  mod_perl Guide

RE: Prototype Mismatch

2001-11-07 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Problematic test script attached...

Apache error.log reports the following:

Prototype mismatch: sub
Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Transparent vs ($;@) at
E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
 at e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/ line 2
Prototype mismatch: sub
Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Opaque vs ($;@) at
E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
 at e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/ line 2

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 07 November 2001 13:40
:: Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
:: Subject: Re: Prototype Mismatch
:: Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
::  Stas,
::  I appreciate that this is the mod_perl mailing list.  Let me clarify my
::  initial question by adding...  This behaviour only occurs when I run my
::  script under mod_perl, no errors are reported when using mod_CGI.
::  Hence my posting to the mod_perl list.  :-)
:: OK, that's different :)
:: Can you send a *small* test script that we can reproduce the
:: problem with?
:: I have seen this kind of errors when messing up with globs.
:: _
:: Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
::  mod_perl Guide
Description: Binary data

RE: Prototype Mismatch - and AN APOLOGY

2001-11-07 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


I'm using PerlRun at the moment because I'm still developing the
application; the production server runs under Registry naturally.

I added the parentheses as you suggested and everything is fine, the
error.log is clean - no more problem.  Thank you very much (this has
really been bugging me).

I posted a message to this list with a small Perl script attached (without
ZIP-ing it first).  This has triggered off numerous bounced mail virus
alerts and I apologise for this.  I will avoid repeating that mistake in
future.  Thank you for your patience.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

:: -Original Message-
:: From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:: Sent: 07 November 2001 16:02
:: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mod_perl Mailing List
:: Subject: Re: Prototype Mismatch
::  In my script a simple use Image::Magick; results in the
:: following lines
::  being added to my error.log everytime the script is called:
:: Are you using PerlRun or Registry?
::  Prototype mismatch: sub
:: Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Transparent vs ($;@)
:: at
::  E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
:: I'm not sure why this is complaining, but one thing you can do
:: is not import
:: this function.  You can do a 'use Image::Magick ()' and call it
:: with a full
:: package name instead.
:: - Perrin

Prototype Mismatch

2001-11-06 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Perl 5.6 (Active State)

In my script a simple use Image::Magick; results in the following lines
being added to my error.log everytime the script is called:

Prototype mismatch: sub
Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Transparent vs ($;@) at
E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
 at e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/ line 2
Prototype mismatch: sub
Apache::ROOT::shapeshifter::system::pm_files_2ecgi::Opaque vs ($;@) at
E:/Apache/lib/ line 57.
 at e:/apache/htdocs/shapeshifter/system/ line 2

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong based on this information?  Is this
a known bug (as a colleague suggests) and, if so, is there a patch or

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Unpredictable Effects after Upload...

2001-10-31 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Hello all,

Platform:  Windows 2000, Apache, mod_perl

Problem:  When submitting forms that include files (uploads) my script
becomes very unpredictable - doesn't seem to be able to recognise any
data that's passed as part of the query string (it does still process form
input though) once a file has been uploaded.  Submit the same form but
without attaching a file and everything works perfectly.  There is nothing
in the error logs to indicate what the problem might by (I'm using the -w

Can anyone offer any insight into what might me going on here?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

Re: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-22 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to announce that this problem is now SOLVED.  That is, I can
now access my MySQL database from a Perl script running under mod_perl.

I won't detail the whole sorry affair again, but the rogue line read:

$dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;

I must offer special thanks to Guido Moonen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] who
suggested In the error log is a error code 10061 (Which stands for
connection refused) this means that the application cannot even open a
connection to the mysql server.  Maybe you should also provide the DSN with
a port number.  Or try to use instead of localhost.  I did try
changing localhost to (and also tried the actual IP address of
the computer).  This generated a whole new set of error messages that
finally showed me the light.

Two things were wrong:

1)  I was using localhost when I should have been using an IP address

2)  (you're not going to believe this)  My firewall was dropping all
requests between mod_perl (running on my machine) and the MySQL server (on
my LAN) - yet it was allowing the same request using CGI rather than
mod_perl, we're still trying to figure out why

I adjusted both and got the output I have spent 36 hours seeking.

I would like to thank every single person who took the time to offer their
invaluable advice and help.  I would also like to apologise for the huge
volume of traffic this problem generated within the list.  I'm sorry.

Thanks again Guido.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

Re: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-22 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to announce that this problem is now SOLVED.  That is, I can
now access my MySQL database from a Perl script running under mod_perl.

I won't detail the whole sorry affair again, but the rogue line read:

$dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;

I must offer special thanks to Guido Moonen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] who
suggested In the error log is a error code 10061 (Which stands for
connection refused) this means that the application cannot even open a
connection to the mysql server.  Maybe you should also provide the DSN with
a port number.  Or try to use instead of localhost.  I did try
changing localhost to (and also tried the actual IP address of
the computer).  This generated a whole new set of error messages that
finally showed me the light.

Two things were wrong:

1)  I was using localhost when I should have been using an IP address

2)  (you're not going to believe this)  My firewall was dropping all
requests between mod_perl (running on my machine) and the MySQL server (on
my LAN) - yet it was allowing the same request using CGI rather than
mod_perl, we're still trying to figure out why

I adjusted both and got the output I have spent 36 hours seeking.

I would like to thank every single person who took the time to offer their
invaluable advice and help.  I would also like to apologise for the huge
volume of traffic this problem generated within the list.  I'm sorry.

Thanks again Guido.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

This is driving me crazy...  is there anything special I need to do when
using DBI (DBD::MySQL) with mod_perl.  A script that works just fine sans
mod_perl dies with error 500 (Internal Server Error) when mod_perl is
enabled for that file type:

Web Server:  Apache/1.3.19(Win32) mod_perl/1.24_01 on a Windows 2000
server -- connecting to a MySQL 3.23.38-nt DB-server.

Sample of httpd.conf:

LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
ScriptAlias /perl-bin/ perl-bin/
PerlSendHeader On
Location /perl-bin
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI

Files *.pl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI

Files *.cgi
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI


Error Log entry:

[Tue May 22 00:13:09 2001] nul: DBI-connect failed: Can't connect to MySQL
server on 'localhost' (10061) at e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi
line 29
[Tue May 22 00:13:09 2001] [error] Can't call method prepare on an
undefined value at e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi line 30.

Perl Code:

use DBI();
$driver = mysql;
$dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;
$dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, dbusrname, dbpassword);
my $sth = $dbh-prepare(SELECT * FROM frontpage);
while (my $ref = $sth-fetchrow_hashref()) {
$body .= qq~Found a row: id = $ref-{'serial_number'}, name =

Any help appreciated.  I have RTFMs but I can't reach any conclusions about
contention between mod_perl and MySQL...

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Hmm...  Tried that, it returns nothing!!! :-(

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
::  This is driving me crazy...  is there anything special I need
:: to do when
::  using DBI (DBD::MySQL) with mod_perl.  A script that works
:: just fine sans
::  mod_perl dies with error 500 (Internal Server Error) when mod_perl is
::  enabled for that file type:
::  Web Server:  Apache/1.3.19(Win32) mod_perl/1.24_01 on a Windows 2000
::  server -- connecting to a MySQL 3.23.38-nt DB-server.
::  Sample of httpd.conf:
::  LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
::  ScriptAlias /perl-bin/ perl-bin/
::  PerlSendHeader On
::  Location /perl-bin
::  SetHandler perl-script
::  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
::  Options ExecCGI
::  /Location
::  Files *.pl
::  SetHandler perl-script
::  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
::  Options ExecCGI
::  /Files
::  Files *.cgi
::  SetHandler perl-script
::  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
::  Options ExecCGI
::  /Files
::  Error Log entry:
::  [Tue May 22 00:13:09 2001] nul: DBI-connect failed: Can't
:: connect to MySQL
::  server on 'localhost' (10061) at
:: e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi
::  line 29
::  [Tue May 22 00:13:09 2001] [error] Can't call method prepare on an
::  undefined value at e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi line 30.
::  Perl Code:
::  use DBI();
::  $driver = mysql;
::  $dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;
::  $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, dbusrname, dbpassword);
:: how bout adding a 'or die DBI-errstr' to the above line to find
:: out whats
:: happening.
::  my $sth = $dbh-prepare(SELECT * FROM frontpage);
::  $sth-execute();
::  while (my $ref = $sth-fetchrow_hashref()) {
::  $body .= qq~Found a row: id =
:: $ref-{'serial_number'}, name =
::  $ref-{'position'}BR~;
::  }
::  $sth-finish();
::  $dbh-disconnect();
::  Any help appreciated.  I have RTFMs but I can't reach any
:: conclusions about
::  contention between mod_perl and MySQL...
::  Kindest regards,
::  Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: This indicates that ~something~ should have gone to the error
:: log. Can you tell us what else is there?

Nothing, except:

[Tue May 22 00:44:37 2001] nul: DBI-connect failed: Can't connect to MySQL
server on 'localhost' (10061) at e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi
line 29
[Tue May 22 00:44:37 2001] [error] Can't connect to MySQL server on
'localhost' (10061) at e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi line 29.

:: Can you get a DB connection with regular CGI?

Yes, no problem at all with regular CGI.  But I already like the massive
speed increase I've seen under mod_perl and don't want to lose it.

If I comment out the DBI code the rest of the script works fine.  I have
test the MOD_PERL environment string and mod_perl is definitely running

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: You have several pieces of mod_perl configuration. If you leave it all in
:: place, and try some mod_perl CGI without a DB connection, what happens?

Everything works fine (tested several scripts yet and had no other
problems - none of the others use DBI though).  I am also using in
the script that's failing.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Oh the connect is definitely where it's failing.  If I comment that out then
everything works fine...

I'll try your code though - watch this space.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

:: :: how bout adding a 'or die DBI-errstr' to the above line to find
:: :: out whats
:: :: happening.
:: Hmm...  Tried that, it returns nothing!!! :-(
:: This is suspicious.  The connect() is definitely where the error is
:: happening given what you wrote earlier.  Try making sure, change it to:
:: use DBI();
:: $driver = mysql;
:: $dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;
:: $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, dbusrname, dbpassword)
::   or die Error: $DBI::errstr;
:: (include the whole string there)

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: This is suspicious.  The connect() is definitely where the error is
:: happening given what you wrote earlier.  Try making sure, change it to:
:: use DBI();
:: $driver = mysql;
:: $dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;
:: $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, dbusrname, dbpassword)
::   or die Error: $DBI::errstr;

Done this - failed!

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: JH Yes I also have PHP4 installed and running properly (and am able to
:: connect
:: JH to the MySQL server fine with PHP).  I'll comment out the
:: PHP code from
:: JH httpd.config and see if that helps...
:: Cool, that could be it. If not, I'd get suspicious of anything
:: else that can
:: access Mysql.

Removed PHP from Apache, that didn't help.
Nothing else is connecting to the MySQL server.
Interestingly, the MySQL server error log contains nothing.  No failed
access attempts, no other error codes.  I presume this is significant?

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: JH Yes I also have PHP4 installed and running properly (and am able
:: JH to connect to the MySQL server fine with PHP).
:: Good, that establishes that your DB is working.

Yes the database is working fine.  Let me reiterate:  DB is accessible via
mysqladmin; DB is accessible via PHP; DB is accessible via CGI; DB is NOT
accessible via mod_perl.

:: JH Removed PHP from Apache, that didn't help.
:: JH Nothing else is connecting to the MySQL server.
:: I've never used a non-*NIX Apache. Do you need to restart you
:: machine to get
:: something(s) out of memory? Compile a new binary (I doubt it)?

I don't think I have to restart the machine.  I thought I only had to kill
the Apache process, then restart it.  However, I'll try a reboot...

:: JH Interestingly, the MySQL server error log contains nothing.
:: No failed
:: JH access attempts, no other error codes.  I presume this is
:: significant?
:: My thought would be that this indicates a driver problem. I would suggest
:: creating a terribly minimized configuration that only includes
:: the requisits
:: and mod_perl stuff. Then see if that works.

Yes, I think I should try this.  I'll reboot now, then test.  Then I'll
build minimal script and test that.  Will advise list of results.

I would just like to say thank you to everyone for their help thus far.  I
am completely new to mod_perl, but an old hand with Perl and CGI.  I
appreciate your efforts.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: What does 'failed' mean?  What was the error?  That's the point, you
:: have to see the particular error string, starting with Error:, to find
:: out what's happening.

I appreciate what you were looking for Ken.  But that's the point - I don't
get an error string.  All I get is an Internal Server Error.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious, but that's what you usually see in
:: the browser. The real error message will be in your apache logs,
:: quite often in /var/log/httpd/error_log, but defined in your apache
:: configuration.

I know Tom.  I already posted the error log entry, but here goes anyway:

[Tue May 22 01:39:47 2001] [error] DBI-connect failed: Can't connect to
MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) at
e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi line 33

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I see what Tom is saying. You said that you found this in your error log:
::  [Tue May 22 01:39:47 2001] [error] DBI-connect failed: Can't
:: connect to
::  MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) at
::  e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi line 33
:: But a previous message suggested trying to propogate your own
:: error in the
:: Perl code like this:
::   $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, dbusrname, dbpassword)
:: or die Error: $DBI::errstr;
:: If you use this method, then you should get a record in your error log
:: simular to:
::   Error: some error message
:: Tom is saying that your error message should actually include the string:
:: 'Error: '. I'm wondering the same thing, what did ~that ~ error
:: message say?

That's my point.  I DO have the or die code in my script - it hasn't
changed the message reported in error.log.  Believe me guys, I'm as confused
as you are.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

Still not talking!

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


Rebooting the computer made no difference whatsoever.

So I built a minimal script as follows:


print (Content-type: text/html\n\n);

use strict;
use vars qw($query $dsn $driver $db_username $db_password $dbh);

require 5.006; $| = 1; ($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,)  unshift (@INC, $1); ($0 =~
m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,)  unshift (@INC, $1);

use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
$CGI::POST_MAX = (1024 * 0); $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;
$query = new CGI;

use DBI();
$driver = mysql;
$dsn = DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost;

$db_username = ;
$db_password = ;
warn Before DBI-connect(): [$$];
$dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $db_username, $db_password, {'RaiseError' = 1})
or die sprintf Error: %s.\n, DBI-errstr;
warn After DBI-connect() [$$];
my $sth = $dbh-prepare(SELECT * FROM frontpage);
while (my $ref = $sth-fetchrow_hashref()) {
print qq~Found a row: id = $ref-{'serial_number'}, name =

if ($ENV{'MOD_PERL'}) {
print Mod_perl is installed on this server:
} else {
print Mod_perl is not installed on this serverbrbr\n;

When running this I get a 200 OK message in the browser as follows:

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done
that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/1.3.19 Server at localhost Port 80

The error.log file (Apache) contains the following:

[Tue May 22 02:35:03 2001] nul: Before DBI-connect(): [500] at
e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/db_test.cgi line 20.
[Tue May 22 02:35:03 2001] [error] DBI-connect failed: Can't connect to
MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) at
e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/db_test.cgi line 21

Now I'm completely stumped.  Can anyone spot anything obvious from this?

FYI, I have attached my httpd.conf in its entirety in case that helps.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin


RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Okay, then that's the problem.  It's not running the script you think
:: it's running.  If you don't see 'Error:' in the error log, then you
:: could change that script all day and your changes will never have any
:: effect.

But it is running the script I am requesting - I know this because when I
comment out the DBI-connect it works perfectly.

:: So either you're just running the wrong script, or the script has gotten
:: cached under Apache::Registry and it's not noticing the latest version
:: on disk.

cached under Apache::Registry - well that's outside of my [limited]
knowledge of Apache.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Still not talking!

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: You're probably not getting your error message because you have 
:: RaiseError on.

Have corrected that - but the results haven't changed in any way.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin


:: I propose that you reduce it to:
:: LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
:: Files *.mpl
:: SetHandler perl-script
:: PerlHandler Apache::Registry
:: /Files
:: You'll see that I'm using *.mpl. This will insure that you don't
:: have some
:: other assosiation interfering.

I had already tried .plx to no avail.  I have made the change as you
suggest and I still have the same error.  I'm probably going to have to
forfeit mod_perl after all.  :-(

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

Incidentally, I am using the following module versions:

DBD-MySQL [1.2214];
DBI [1.13]

Does this have any bearing on my problem?

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

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RE: Connection to MySQL DB fails when mod_perl enabled...

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: Okay, last idea: you say you can connect to mysql from the command line,
:: from regular CGI, and from PHP.  I'm guessing that in all of those
:: situations, you're acting as the same user (win2k user, not mysql user).
:: However, under mod_perl you'll be acting as whatever user your web
:: server runs as.  That's probably the only real difference between
:: mod_perl and the other situations.
:: So if you can become that user and try connecting to the database,
:: perhaps you can get more insight into the problem.

I would like to try that (anything to get this working).  Er...  how do I do

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

That annoying DB guy again... ;-)

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

I know you all want me to go away, so I apologise for the noise.  Anyway, at
there is a reference to an Apache::DBI module.  I DON'T have this module
installed - is this the reason why CGI connects work yet mod_perl requests
don't?  I wonder...

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

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http://e-gateway.1-1IT.Net/ for further details...

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