Re: [Re: [newbie] what web browser do you all use?]

2000-02-11 Thread Paul Derbyshire

At 05:26 AM 2/10/00 -0600, you wrote:
Agree wholeheartedly with Vic. Windows is "glitzier" than Linux, at least
for now, but
stability is the "driver" for me.

Unfortunately, there do seem to be ease-of-use issues with Linux, X, and
KDE. A few K apps have quirks/warts and a couple have actual bugs;
non-KDE-aware X apps almost invariably have quirks or warts (e.g. the GIMP
is conspicuously missing any online help, and has a few other interface
oddities). Console commands mostly have man pages, but a few do not, and
others are broken/missing information/actually misleading. (E.g., "man
locate" doesn't say anything about what command is used to refresh the
database, which it should; fortunately the command in question was
mentioned in this capacity on this list recently. "man rpm" seems to be
completely muddled/confused/confusing about what command to use to build
stuff from source RPMs. Someone I emailed pretty much implied that one of
the command lines in that man page is simply wrong.)

It is easier (or at least more productive in the long run) to
add features to a stable OS, than it is to try to bring stability to a
feature-rich OS that
verges on being neurotic g with its freezes  crashes.

True. Hopefully improved ease-of-use is top priority with Linux. Certainly
Linux has come a long way in EOU in the last year, and came a long way the
previous year as well. Unfortunately it has a long way to go. KDE certainly
helps, by bringing a modern graphical interface that adheres to the same
familiar behavior Windows and Mac users have gotten used to and which are
now the de facto industry standard behaviors for graphical apps, and by
imposing that interface on KDE-aware apps. Unfortunately, the KDE app base
is still rather small, and the areas of building stuff from sources,
installing, and uninstalling things need a heck of a lot of work -- I've
seen lots of KDE binary packages whose install scripts don't respect the
$KDEDIR environment variable and assume your KDE is in some particular
place, often /opt/kde, when most people appear to have it in /usr... The
only safe way to ensure it works is $KDEDIR. And I've seen a lot of
packages that seem to be incomplete, especially in the case of missing
documentation, or that have broken dependencies. For example, I went to
install Ktranslator for Kdevelop to use. It puked, claiming to need I thought that was odd, being sure I already had libjpeg;
maybe I needed to upgrade libjpeg. I got a libjpeg RPM for version 6 and
tried to install that, and apparently it clashes with a *more recent
version* (6.5mdk, IIRC) on my system. So the KTranslator dependency is
wrong -- it should be *or later*. I forced it to install
without dependency checking, and eventually ran into other KDE apps
(notably the game Kjewel) with the same problem, expecting you to have
EXACTLY version 6 of that very library, and not a newer one... Packages
like that that specify an exact version and not merely a minimum version
for something are very unfriendly, because when a newer version of whatever
it is comes out, as is inevitable especially in the open-source world,
people start having to use --nodeps to install the package, and forcing
newbies to use --nodeps to work around somebody else's shortsightedness is
IMO a very bad idea.

Oh, yes: Did the upgrade from MDK 6.1 to 7.0 without a hitch, except that
I have the
Linux-Mandrake "welcoming" page...What can I edit to get rid of that? :)

Just change Netscrap's home page setting.
   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_ |  Paul Derbyshire
Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Fwd: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: PCI modems with Linux?

2000-02-11 Thread Ron Sinclair

There are a lot of modems out there on the market that are not winmodems and 
run less than $100.  In fact, I just bought one, a Creative Blaster Flash 
56K II, which is an ISA controller-based modem.  All that was written in 
bold letters on the box.essentially says to the user "this isn't a 

Forgot to state that this modem costs less than $60 here.

Ron Sinclair

Re: [newbie] 70-2.iso

2000-02-11 Thread rharvey

I have burned two cd from two different downloads 
using different programs to make sure it was dl'ed in binary.
both cd's error out in the same place I also 
swapped out my key board.
I will try a different program to create the cd 

  - Original Message - 
  Dan LaBine 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 11:58 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 70-2.iso
  Probably the CD. Sounds like the download was 
  corrupted. Only other option is your keyboard ( based on the info in your post 
  ). Download the ISO file again, and burn a new copy. 
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:36 
Subject: [newbie] 70-2.iso

Icreated a install cd from the iso 
It boots i choose any install 
then any choice (recommend custom expert, 
and/or server/develop./whatever).
while it is installing the pkgs it say it does 
not know how to handle an error.
dumpkeys faild at /usr/bin/perl - 
install/ line217

please help. is it my cd or the 

Re: [newbie] what web browser do you all use?

2000-02-11 Thread Michael George

On Feb 08, Paul Derbyshire wrote:

C'mon, Paul, tell us what you *really* think -- don't sugar-coat it...


 it's the fact that they're still using clunky DOS code in their operating
 system that makes it suck.
 Here are the problems.

 major snippage

No, my friend, the way to have good and safe government, is not to trust it
all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly
the functions he is competent to.  It is by dividing and subdividing these
republics from the national one down through all its subordinations, until it
ends in the administration of every man's farm by himself; by placing under
every one what his own eye may superintend, that all will be done for the
-- Thomas Jefferson, to Joseph Cabell, 1816

[newbie] Open Ports (Again, sorry)

2000-02-11 Thread Paul H

After a post saying, open /etc/hosts.deny, and comment out any unwanted
services, I did this and it worked fine.  But I had to do a reinstall and I
again, I find my system open to services I don't want it to be :(
So, I opened /etc/hosts.deny but there are no services listed.  Are there any
other files I can use to close these connections (FTP, POP3, Auth)?
Thanks for any help  

Best Regards,

[newbie] Rage Fury 128 32Mb.

2000-02-11 Thread George Houdek-Viskovska

Please have someone VGA Rage Fury 128 32 MB. and 
work thisVGA card with Linux Mandrake 6.1 or 7.0?
I install Mandrake 6.1 but Linux have problem with 
this card no start X win.
 " Cannot 
start X server " " FATAL error "
Have someone instruction step by stepfor 
configuration thisVGA card ??
Thank you George

[newbie] html email client

2000-02-11 Thread dave

Is there another html- or rich-text-capable email client for linux other
than netscape?  I have a few pieces of mail I get that are fairly
graphical, like Infobeat news and Wired News, and would like to keep
getting them in that format.  But netscape mail is increasingly
irritating and unstable.  A search of linuxberg doesn't come up with
much ...

dave w

Re: [newbie] KDE startup

2000-02-11 Thread Chris

I have installed it twice now, Once with out starting into x the other
with..either way i am not getting the kde going...  at this point the kde
and gnome both installed, but I am new and not sure how to activate them

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE startup

 Have you installed the download...yet?
 you first have to install what you've downloaded...and it must be done
 correctlycheck out the docs available on the mandrake site,for
 installation help

 Chris wrote:

  I downloaded the do I start the kde
  desktop? Chris


 ICQ# 7110071

 (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

Re: [[newbie] dotty desktop images]

2000-02-11 Thread Gina

Thank you to everyone who replied to my query.
It has been fixed using the -16bpp line entry in the XServers file.
Now my images are so clear and sharp.  The quality is incredible!


"Gina" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have got my graphics card setup now and Im using 1024x768.  I thought
 the theme images would be nice a sharp.   Even one I like myself on my
 windows desktop thats nice a sharp I tried.  But they are all dotty.  I
 into the KDE control center and in there saw that even though I am using
 1024x768 is also says 75x75dpi.  Is this why the pictures are so dotty and
 if so is it possible to change that dpi setting?  Ive hunted around and
 find anything on it. Its not the images themselves and th one I used on
 windows is very sharp and clear on the same screen res.


[newbie] Dual Boot with LiLo and other stuff

2000-02-11 Thread Westbrook

Hi All,

I just bought and installed LM 7. I have played with several different
flavors of Linux and have had some sort of problems with them all. One
thing would work in one but not in another, but not all on the same
one, till now..It works (most of it, the important stuff
anyway). Below is a list of what doesn't work and maybe someone can
give me a direction to try. First off, I have a question about

I have Win98se installed on the first partition (3 gig patition of a 5
gig HD). Then Linux made 3 other partitions (1 tiny one, 7 megs I
think, then the root partition and a swap partition). But when I boot,
it goes directly to Windows, what gives?? How do I get LiLo to do the
booting? I am experimenting with this 5 gig. When I get it all figured
out I will be puting it on my 13gig dual booted with windows. I do
have it istalled on my 13gig but it is on the FAT partition. It works
that way but I want it on it's own partition.

Now to the other stuff :-)

Both CD's are recognized (40x and a Yamaha CDR - don't know how well
that one works yet though, but I can access

only one floppy though (I have two, how do I get it to find the

My printer even works this time (Canon BJC-6000). I am using the Canon
600-4000 driver for it though. Does anyone know if there's a better

No sound, nada, zilch, flat lined. I have a Yamaha XG (S-XG50), the
chipset is YMF 724 Windows sees it as OPL3-Sa2/3. Anyone have a clue
if it will work at all?

Memory, I have 128megs, Linux reads 64, how do I change that?

I will say that this is the slickest distribution I've played with
yet..Way to go Mandrake.

Thanks in Advance

[newbie] WINE / Samba Question!

2000-02-11 Thread ChOPpY C. Chipper

my 1st q is: does anybody know what the default 
password for logging into a linux svr running samba from win98, or where I could 
write and what I would write as a script to have no password, or to change the 
p/w to something I know?

alsodoes anybody know how to configure / use 
WINE, I'm just starting and I need some help. I tried creating a wine.conf 
file under /etc/.
but itgave an error when i ran "wine" under 
the console:

No Defined DOS type disks
under wine.conf no[Drive X] 
can't find C:\windows

so could, somebody please send me their wine.conf 
or explain where/how to use wine.conf / run wine, so I don't get this error and 
can run windows appz under linunx!

Thanks So Much!

[newbie] Re: Kmail and B.C.C.

2000-02-11 Thread Jaguar

I see that KMail can do C.C. to people...but is there a way for it to send
Blind C.C.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

RE: [newbie] Supermount for MDK 7.0-2 ... How Do You Get It To Work?

2000-02-11 Thread Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr.

I have a CD-R and running MDK 7.0.  Please post what you did so I can try
setting my to work

Thank you


-Original Message-
From: Richard Yevchak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Supermount for MDK 7.0-2 ... How Do You Get It To

Do you have a CD-R?  If so, I can tell you what I did.  If not, maybe
else can help.


On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, you wrote:

 The Supermount for Mandrake 7.0-2 has never worked for me.  How do you get
it to work?


Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[OT] Re: [newbie] RE: your mail

2000-02-11 Thread David van Balen

vi is probably more powerful than pico (as is emacs, my editor of choice),
you just have to know the right commands. Pico, in my experience is enough
for most, and best for newbies.
vi has two modes: command mode ("read only" mode), the function of which
is self explanatory and insert mode which is invoked by typing "i" while 
in command mode. F1 doesn't usually give help that I'm aware of... at
least it's not the first thing I'd try in order to get help (pico doesn't
give any help through F1 either). I think typing F1 to get help is, for
the most part, a windows thing.
If you're going to do much work with unix, it's a good idea to know vi 
since it's usually the default editor and, if no other editor is 
installed, vi will be.

What it comes down to is personal preference... as with operating systems


On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Paul Derbyshire wrote:

 At 10:08 AM 2/10/00 -, you wrote:
 use vi, type vi filename at a command prompt, useful commands are:
 :write - to save
 :quit - to quit
 :quit! - to force quit
 btw. you will probably hate it :)
 Shame on you, suggesting than a new user use vile and then giving an
 inadequate warning. I stumbled on vile once on some machine or other where
 I had a shell account. Yugh. It doesn't work the way you'd expect (for
 example, you can't open the file, arrow around, and type new text; as near
 as I can tell it opens all files in a read-only mode and expects a command
 to be issued to change it) and there's no help to be had hitting F1 and no
 helpful status line on the screen telling you what key you should hit for
 documentation -- bad interface design, since the interface should work the
 way people are used to (e.g. for an editor, arrow around and type stuff,
 shift-arrows to select, etc.), and shouldn't require a mini-course from
 Algonquin or thorough reading of the manual. Manuals/help files are for
 reference and how-to, not for basic explaining of the interface. I think
 whoever perpetrated vi was the same idiot who perpetrated Lotus Notes (see IIRC -- if that's 404, try just and click the nice icon of a bomb ;-)).
 PICO, on the other hand, is an okay shell editor.
 If it's not on your system, you'll probably find it on
 somewhere under 'p'.
 Kedit, of course, works in a way that should be familiar to users of modern
 graphical systems like 'doze and MacOS. Except for a quirk in that it seems
 to clobber the clipboard spuriously sometimes, especially if you select
 something -- meaning if you do the usual "select in window A, hit ctrl-C,
 switch to window B, select some old crud, and hit ctrl-V to replace the old
 crud with the stuff from window B" it won't work in kedit or the derivative
 kwrite :-(
.*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
 -()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
`*'  straight line."-
 -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _ |  Paul Derbyshire
 Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

RE: [newbie] compiling problem

2000-02-11 Thread Eric Weichmann

Yeah, I came to that same conclusion too.  I downloaded the new libs and their
dependancies, but now kpackage refuses to uninstall my older version of cpp, so 
I can install cpp-2.95.1-3.  It's driving me crazy!  I tried the uninstall
command, just to find out i don't have it.  i've tried uninstalling it from
Kpackage and it gives me the error " 'cpp' specifies multiple packages" and then
just stops.  Can anyone out there help me?  i've also tried the "RPM -e --clean
cpp-1.1.1-3, and it gives me the same error as Kpackage does.  If someone out
there could help me, I'd GREATLY appreciate it!  Just some info.  I'm running
Mandrake 6.0.



On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Family ZOMBIE wrote:
 I had that problem too.
 I found out, that I didn't have all nessessary packages installed.
 Unfortunately I can't remember, whitch RPM package I had to install.
 It was some header/library package nessessary for compiler.
 You can try to install some RPM (library/header) and then ./configure again.
 If error occures again, uninstall that RPM and install another.
 possible RPM's:
 I try to find out the package. Maybe someone else knows it.
 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Weichmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 10. helmikuuta 2000 8:41
 Subject: [newbie] compiling problem
 I've been downloading some things in gzip and tar formatts.  I can get them
 install the files that are waiting to be compiled fine.  the problem is,
 i type in the command "./configure", it goes through and starts compiling or
 whatever, but then it gets to a part where it says:  "Checking whether the
 compiler (g++ -s) works...  no
 Configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot
 create executables."
 I opened up the config.log, and it said:
 ld: cannot open crtbegin.o: Nosuch file or directory
 configure: failed program was:
 #line 1371 "configure"
 #include "confdefs.h"
 Eric Weichmann

[newbie] CDrom Woes

2000-02-11 Thread Darryl Adams

G'day all

[newbie] CDrom Woes

2000-02-11 Thread Darryl Adams

G'day all

[newbie] General Protection Faults = overclocked CPU?

2000-02-11 Thread Steve Leseman

I just attempted to install Mandrake 6.0 and keep getting General 
Protection Fault and Kernel Panic messages. I'm using the CD to boot it on 
a new AMD K6/2 450 MHz which I just had put together almost 2 weeks ago, 
and it's been running Win98 with no problems.

Part way through the boot process It says:
"General Protection Fault: 000"
"CPU: 0"

Then after several more lines it says:
"Kernel Panic: attempted to kill the idle task!"
"In swapper task - not syncing"

Just for comparison I tried ZipSlack, and got exactly the same results!

On another forum I saw a similar discussion where it was suggested this 
type of error could indicate overheating. The clock speed is higher than I 
had expected (was supposed to be 400 MHz), and I just assumed that I got 
lucky with a faster processor. Still, it works fine otherwise, no 
significant Win98 errors (fewer, infact, than I had with my old Pentium 
133). Any ideas? I hate the idea of having to lug it back down to the shop 
again. But the same shop did under clock my 133 to down to 120 when I 1st 
picked it up 4 years ago! Thanks!

[newbie] CDrom Woes

2000-02-11 Thread Darryl Adams

G'day all

Sorry about previous post, damn web-mailer.

Ok, I have installed Mandrake linux on a AMD K6-233 with a Ricoh CR-RW and a
Mitsubishi Diamond 24x CR-Rom. 

The CDroms are master and slave on my second ide cable. These drives at the
moment can not be seen by Linux, yet the bios can see both and Linux acknoledges
hdc (the Ricoh). 

This is not nessisary a Mandrake problem (RH also has this problem), but normally
I can access the CDROM. 

The questions I have are:

1. How does supermount interact wiht mount / umount and fstab?

2. Can I manually get the IDE settings for my CDRoms, so i can force them with

3. Can the hardware detection software be forced to redo these settings?


[newbie] 3com 509 nic problems

2000-02-11 Thread hellbent

Ok I have been trying to access the internet through linux-mandrake for the
last 2 days with no luck. I am using mandrake 7.0 and it refuses to
sense/find my nic. My nic is a 3com 3c509 ISA card. I disabled pnp and linux
still couldnt find it. I have messed with everything I can think of in linux
and still nothing. After disabling pnp for the card it messed up the nic in
win98 so i had to enable pnp again. Does anyone have any idea why a
mainstream card from the number one producer of nics will not work in linux?
This is beyond frustrating because I really hate winbloze and im sick of
using that piece of crap and want to move on to something more stable and
open source. Here are my system specs incase they are needed.
p3 450@602
133 fsb
196 pc-133 ram
20 gig ibm hd
8.4 gig maxtor
56x cdrom
3com 3c509 nic
sound blaster live
hp cdr/rw
dual boot with win982nd edition/linux-mandrake 7

Please help rescue me from a life in Winbloze

- Original Message -
From: Glyn Millington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RE: your mail

 On the other hand, Vi - improved, the glorious Vim , is
 worth learning  because of its staggering flexibility  - and anyone
 using Mandrake 6.1 or 7 gets a natty GTK interface with pretty icons
 and all the things that  those poor souls suckled on Windows need to
 feel right at home.  Try the Vim Homepage [ ]for info and

 The only reason I'm sticking with Mandrake 6.1 is that I couldn't
 persuade 7.0 to compile the latest Vim :-)

 Glyn M.

 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, you wrote:
  At 10:08 AM 2/10/00 -, you wrote:
  use vi, type vi filename at a command prompt, useful commands are:
  :write - to save
  :quit - to quit
  :quit! - to force quit
  btw. you will probably hate it :)
  Shame on you, suggesting than a new user use vile and then giving an
  inadequate warning. I

   "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts"  Douglas Hoftstatder


Re: [newbie] Resolution problem

2000-02-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Daniel Boyd wrote:
 ive just installed mandrake 6.5, and altho i set the resolution to 1280x 960
 ( i think).. i now have what seems to be 4 'screens' which i have to scroll
 through... but its at what seems to be a paultry 640x480.. or mayb even
 can any1 tell me how to change the resolution so i have 'one screen' at
 2180x 960 or whatever it is or higher?
 pls help me.. im a windows oldie desperate to breakout by becoming a linux
 newbie :)

What's happening is that X is using the SVGA driver and putting you in
640x480 or else using double scan.  Try running XConfigurator to
re-detect your video and monitor.  Sometimes even when a card is
supported it does this.  Then you have to manually edit the
configuration file.  What card do you have?

RE: [newbie] Supermount for MDK 7.0-2 ... How Do You Get It To Work?

2000-02-11 Thread Richard Yevchak

This is assuming you have an ide burner.  It seems that during the install of LM
7.0 or the the first time I booted, the system recognized I had a CD-R.  So it
must have set up the CD-R on "/dev/scd0".  Try "cdrecord -scanbus" as root. 
That should show that the systems sees your CD burner.  If that works, edit
"/etc/fstab" and look for the line for your CD drive.  Change it so that the
part where it says "dev=/dev/cdrom" reads "dev=/dev/scd0".  Try and read a
disk, you may have to umount the device by hand first.  I don't know why this
works. I got errors when I tried to mount "/dev/hdc" which I think should have
worked since that is where the kernel identifies it as being at start up.  If
cdrecord doesn't find any drives, you will have to setup SCSI emulation by
hand, although neither the install nor the start up procedure told me it did.

Hope this helps.  If this works, please let me know.


On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, you wrote:
 I have a CD-R and running MDK 7.0.  Please post what you did so I can try
 setting my to work
 Thank you
 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Yevchak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 1:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Supermount for MDK 7.0-2 ... How Do You Get It To
 Do you have a CD-R?  If so, I can tell you what I did.  If not, maybe
 else can help.
 On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, you wrote:
  The Supermount for Mandrake 7.0-2 has never worked for me.  How do you get
 it to work?
 Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: [newbie] KDE startup

2000-02-11 Thread Rick N

Chris wrote:
I have installed it twice now, Once with out starting
into x the other
with..either way i am not getting the kde going... at this point
the kde
and gnome both installed, but I am new and not sure how to activate
After you login and are at the command prompt, if you type in KDE,
it should start.

 Rick N

[newbie] Gnome w/o mount permissions, Where's Gimp, install on 3rd drive lost mouse

2000-02-11 Thread kwf

Following a recommendation I fired up Gnome in addition to KDE.  Floppy and
CDROM won't mount under any user.  Where do I change the authorizations for
root use and user level use of CDROM and Floppy?  I hunted for GIMP, tried to
reinstall from CD, can't mount CD.  Days later gave up and tried installing
again to larger hdc added in meantime.  Install seemed okay, but mouse won't
work using same settings as on hda.  Confused again.  Logitech Marble Mouse
works fine from hda but won't from hdc boot.
Wife tackled me as I was running to throw whole damned thing in ocean, said
needed faith...  (okay, stretchin' a bit)  Strained terribly by the beauty of
Linux, KDE, Enlightenment, and Gnome vs the struggle to find resolutions. 
Feels like the unreachable dream. 
Low on sleep in Alaska

RE: [newbie] RE: your mail

2000-02-11 Thread R_Yeo

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Will Trepanier wrote:
vi is one of those tools that you love to hate.  The NGs are filled
with flames on the pros and cons.
It has a rather steep learning curve and is especially daunting
to newcomers, but if you are serious about learning *nix, it is a good
tool in your arsenal.  I reckon that once you have mastered vi's use,
you have mastered about 15% of *nix, as you will have been introduced
to sed, awk and grep.  Also, you would be able to sit in front of any
*nix box and feel comfortable.
It is most useful for 5-fingered typists.   It's one of those
oldies but goodies.  I even know a guy who refuses to use vi as he
prefers to use ex  Depends on your usage; if you are only editting
small files, and making small edits, any editor will do.  But, if you
are editting text files of about 50Mbs each, and placement of each
digit/character and padding is important, then vi something to keep

My 2 cents.


2000-02-11 Thread R_Yeo

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, vishal bansal wrote:
 Hi folks;
 I am using linux mandrake 6.1. As a user I cannot write to files, but as a 
 root I can. How do I assign permissions for the users to do so?

As a general rule, users are only allowed to write to files within the
$HOME and subdirectories.  This makes good sense from a security point
of view; that is why you seldom see *nix viruses.
To change permissions, "man chmod".  BUT, be aware of the
security implication before going about it blindly.  There are lots of
directories that users SHOULDN'T be allowed write access.  Not only are
there security implications, this should prevent "fingering problems".
Imagine a user issuing "\rm -r *" from /.
End preaching mode.

 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] KDE runs to slow!

2000-02-11 Thread Gina

I have the same chipset.  Download either the rpm or the tar files.  I used
the rpm files.
Follow the instructions in the readme file.  Which basically has three steps
but it can be confusing.

If you get stuck let us know.  I got heaps of support from the list on this
one when installing it onto Mandrake 6.1 and then Mandrake 7, so don't
worry, you'll get it working.  Just work with one issue at a time.  Get the
graphics display right first so you can at least get into the os with a
decent display, and then sort out your modem configuration.


- Original Message -
From: "Homero Borgo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 11 February 2000 07:26: am
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE runs to slow!

 Anyone known how can i install the new XFree86  (run X) that support the
 i810 video card (intel i810 chipset in motherboard)

 I have Linux RedHat 6.1 (Cartman) kernel 2.2.12-20
 but if any one known how run Gnome o KDE with this chipset (or the exact
 configuration of /etc/Xfree86 to run good X)  i install Mandrake again...

 i have Inetel Celeron 500MHz./ 13Gb HD (IDE) /64 Mb RAM (with shared video
 memory = 62)/ in Mainboard ATC 7400M (socket 370)

 and by the way:

 this moderboard have Wake on LAN (WOL) and i have a nic 3Com "3C905C-TX-M"
 ETHERLINK10/100PCI  wish the RedHat and mandrake don't if
 know how can i put to work this card tell me plase...

 Thanks any way!!

 I speak spanish but i try to learn more english  :(  --  :)

 - Original Message -
 From: George Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 1:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE runs to slow!

   Anyone have the dirt on the Evergreen AMD K6-2 upgrade?  I'm running a
   P133 also, and have seen the 333-400mhz AMD upgrades for $100-200US w/
   BIOS upgrade.  And then there's SO MANY motherboards around, I'm having
   a difficult time choosing one.  With all the graphics cards moving from
   PCI to AGP, and ISA being phased out, what should I do?  Testimonials
   would be great! i.e: The best MB you've used and Linux compatibility.
   As much info as I can get b4 I buy.
  Good mobo to get: EPoX MVP3 G2. You can get this Super7 board with up to
  2mb of cache on it! It also has AGP/5PCI/2ISA(1 shared PCI/ISA) slots.
  Check for pricing on it. Other decent boards are the
  Gigabyte 5AX(ATX), Gigabyte 5AA(AT), FIC PA-2013(ATX - 2mb cache), FIC
  VA-503A(AT - 2mb cache/UDMA66), and Asus P5A(ATX). I guarantee you,
  a new mobo, case, and processor will cost you less than $200 and you'll
  get much better performance.

[newbie] Internet HOWTO?

2000-02-11 Thread Lothar Mandrake

 A couple of days ago somebody posted an address to a page with 
instructions on how to get out on the internet with Linux.  I have lost that 
link.  Could you please post it again.  Thank you.  /Ian
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] RE: your mail

2000-02-11 Thread SPECTRE


but vi is installed as default on nearly every *nix box, so if you learn
vi, your made. Its not that hard, I recommend The Vi Quick Reference from

Shouldn't be used by very new users though, as they will probably wreck
there machine :(


 From: Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] RE: your mail
 Date: 10 February 2000 16:45
 At 10:08 AM 2/10/00 -, you wrote:
 use vi, type vi filename at a command prompt, useful commands are:
 :write - to save
 :quit - to quit
 :quit! - to force quit
 btw. you will probably hate it :)
 Shame on you, suggesting than a new user use vile and then giving an
 inadequate warning. I stumbled on vile once on some machine or other
 I had a shell account. Yugh. It doesn't work the way you'd expect (for
 example, you can't open the file, arrow around, and type new text; as
 as I can tell it opens all files in a read-only mode and expects a
 to be issued to change it) and there's no help to be had hitting F1 and
 helpful status line on the screen telling you what key you should hit for
 documentation -- bad interface design, since the interface should work
 way people are used to (e.g. for an editor, arrow around and type stuff,
 shift-arrows to select, etc.), and shouldn't require a mini-course from
 Algonquin or thorough reading of the manual. Manuals/help files are for
 reference and how-to, not for basic explaining of the interface. I think
 whoever perpetrated vi was the same idiot who perpetrated Lotus Notes
(see IIRC -- if that's 404, try just and click the nice icon of a bomb ;-)).
 PICO, on the other hand, is an okay shell editor.
 If it's not on your system, you'll probably find it on
 somewhere under 'p'.
 Kedit, of course, works in a way that should be familiar to users of
 graphical systems like 'doze and MacOS. Except for a quirk in that it
 to clobber the clipboard spuriously sometimes, especially if you select
 something -- meaning if you do the usual "select in window A, hit ctrl-C,
 switch to window B, select some old crud, and hit ctrl-V to replace the
 crud with the stuff from window B" it won't work in kedit or the
 kwrite :-(
.*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are
 -()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
`*'  straight line."   
 -- B. Mandelbrot  |
 _ |  Paul
 Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: [newbie] isapnp

2000-02-11 Thread Alan Sabrosky

Rick N wrote:

   I installed Linux without a problem and love it. But I have one
 little problem with my ISA modem. I would like to run isapnp, but am
 not too sure how to do it. I know I have to create a .conf file and
 then edit it, but I am not sure of the command line I need, to create
 the .conf file.  I know I need to be in ROOT, but what is the correct
 command to create the file?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Thanks   Rick

Hi, Rick!

Just a newbie myself, but with 2 ISA PnP devices (modem, sound card) in
my system, this I have worked out :)=  . Open a terminal window as root,
and do the following, excluding quotation marks -- what comes after ##
on each line is my comment on what/why that is done, so if (e.g.) you
change settings or get a new board later, you can rerun the procedure.

1.Type "/sbin/pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this loads info on your
ISA PnP board(s) into the appropriate .conf file.
2.Type "/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf"  ##this makes your existing
ISA PnP configuration active; you will get 1-2 lines of output per
3.Type "setserial /dev/ttySx port y irq z spd_vhi autoconfig"
##notation is as follows: "x" is your COMport, with 0=COM1, 1=COM2,
2=COM3, 3=COM4; "y" is the standard (or defined) address of that port,
e.g. 0x3e8; "z" is the interrupt used by that port, usually 4 or 3;
thus, if your modem is on COM1 with a standard address  IRQ, the line
would read "setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x3e8 irq 4 spd_vhi autoconfig" .
Oh, yes:"spd_vhi" is optional, I'd advise using it with a 56k modem,
mine runs faster with it, but you could leave it off without a problem.
4.Type "rm /dev/modem"  ##you may get a "not found" message, which
is fine; if a /dev/modem" is found, you'll be asked to confirm this
removal, type "y" to proceed.
5.Type "ln -s /dev/ttySx /dev/modem"  ##this establishes the linkage
needed for your modem, not essential, but conventional; again, "x" here
is the same as "x" in item 3 above.
6.With a text editor, open your "/rc.local" file, add the
"setserial" command defined in item 3 above at the end of the file, save
the file and exit the editor. ##For example, if your editor is xemacs,
you'd type "xemacs /etc/rc.d/rc.local", then add the "setserial" command
7.Exit, logout, and reboot (not just restart Xserver). You should
see a line for ISA PnP devices as you boot up. That should do it :)

Hope this helps -- Alan


2000-02-11 Thread SPECTRE

use the chmod ??? [filename], or the chown [username] [filename], or chgrp

 From: vishal bansal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] FILE PERMISSIONS!
 Date: 10 February 2000 22:43
 Hi folks;
 I am using linux mandrake 6.1. As a user I cannot write to files, but as
 root I can. How do I assign permissions for the users to do so?
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] Trouble installing soundcard under MDK 7.0-2

2000-02-11 Thread Ralf Andersson

Extreme newbie present


Greetings, just installed MDK on my machine and got everything working 
except my soundcard (SB Awe 64 Gold). Tried running sndconfig and heard Linus 
speaking and the MIDI song but after sndconfig was done i still didn't hear 

Can someone helpme with this ? Step by step please since I'm a newbie 
at linux.

Ralf Rangedahl

Re: (audrey beck)[newbie] Resolution problem

2000-02-11 Thread Daniel Boyd

 What's happening is that X is using the SVGA driver and putting you in
 640x480 or else using double scan.  Try running XConfigurator to
 re-detect your video and monitor.  Sometimes even when a card is
 supported it does this.  Then you have to manually edit the
 configuration file.  What card do you have?

i have a 32 meg nvidia tnt agp card

i also have no idea how to do basially anything in linux but i cant
really learn at this resolution :)



RE: [newbie] Rage Fury 128 32Mb.

2000-02-11 Thread Kyle Filipski

need to get XFree86 version 3.3.6 (it handles the new cards, including 

  -Original Message-From: George Houdek-Viskovska 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 1:26 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Rage 
  Fury 128 32Mb.
  Please have someone VGA Rage Fury 128 32 MB. and 
  work thisVGA card with Linux Mandrake 6.1 or 7.0?
  I install Mandrake 6.1 but Linux have problem 
  with this card no start X win.
   " Cannot 
  start X server " " FATAL error "
  Have someone instruction step by stepfor 
  configuration thisVGA card ??
  Thank you George

Re: [newbie] Re: Kmail and B.C.C.

2000-02-11 Thread Michelle Schneider

On Wed, 19 Mar 2036, Jaguar wrote:
 I see that KMail can do C.C. to people...but is there a way for it to send
 Blind C.C.
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

In the composer menu click on view.  There is an option for Bcc.  It is not on
by default.

"Just because kittens are born in the hearth oven, that doesn't make them
muffins."  Kahlan Amnell in _Temple of the Winds_ by Terry Goodkind.

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread steve . flynn

I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

If you have reached the point in your life where you
are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
delete this message now.
The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
**24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
"There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
  voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill

Re: [newbie] Running PPP Dialer / Config

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

"ChOPpY C. Chipper" wrote:

 Hey, I JUST installed Liinux 7.0 - 2
 Been working on getting the damn thing to boot up w/o an LI error(argh!)

 well, anyway, my problem is that I don't have any idea on how to do nearly
 anything, manuals don't help much, because they don't explain how to do
 something in enough detail!

 So my 1st task, is to try out the PPP dial-up, so I run KPPP  from the KDE
 desktop.  when I hit connect it says "modem is busy".  How do I go about
 fixing this is my question, I don't know what the modem config. tool is
 called, so I can't run it (or know the names of any other config. tools)!
 so what is it called and how does work?  Also, is there a help file w/ the
 names of the tools and how to use them?  This would be really helpful,
 becuase then I can run tutorials from the Linux OS, as oppose to switching

 Julien Dumoulin-Smith

OTAY, I can help this one.

FIRST, is the modem an Winmodem, HCF or any brand of "software modem"?  If so
then stand back and prepare to buy another 'cuz it ain't gonna work.  You'll
need one that allows you to set the interupts manually or an external that
plugs into a com port.  BTW, most PCI modems are Winmodems.

Second, now that you've got a modem that works when you go into kppp and set
up the modem you are aware that com ports are numbered rather strangely in the
*nix world ( don't mean to insult your inteligence but you don't indicate
whether or not you're aware of the fact, so no insult intended it's just
easier than assuming too much ).  Com1 = /ttyS0  Com2 =
ttyS1, etc.  Once you select a modem port you'll be able to test it by doing a
modem query ( all this is done from various screens within the kppp dialer ).

The first step is most likely your problem and the second will usually clear
it, there various other settings we can adjust once you get these working to
help speed up your connection but for now one thing at a time.


Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

Re: [newbie] kmix and /dev/mixer* properties

2000-02-11 Thread David van Balen

Have you gotten the OS to recognize your sound card? This is a possible
cause for the error you got (I had the same problem a while back).
Run 'sndconfig' (I think that's the correct command) to configure your


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Ingo Bauer wrote:

 Good afternoon all
 I think I broke my mixer(kmix) this morning and following the instructions 
 [root@firefight /dev]# /usr/bin/kmix
 kmix: Could not open mixer.
 Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device.
 Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access.
 [root@firefight /dev]# chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*
 [root@firefight /dev]# /usr/bin/kmix
 kmix: Could not open mixer.
 Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device.
 Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access.
 [root@firefight /dev]# 
 The error still hangs around .
 what are the properties for the mixer entries in /dev 
 Thank you 

[newbie] IDE Zip

2000-02-11 Thread Heberto del Rio Guerra

Hi I just got Linux Mandrake 7.0 and install it. Everything went fine,
but... It didn't auto configure my IDE Zip that used to work perfect under
Windows 95, Linux Red Hat 5.2 and Linux Red Hat 6.1.

When Mandrake is loading it recognizes de IDE ZIp it sees it at hdd, (as
Linux Red Hat 5.2 and 6.1 used to see it), but when it tries to check for
a partition table (I don't know why) it returns a "interrupt lost"
message, and stays forever in and endless loop of interrupt lost messages.

What I did is to pass as a parameter in the command line (at boot time) 
hdd=noprobe, so it passes through (it is not probe), but the problem is
that I can't not access my Zip afterwards.

Does anyone knows how to fix this problem?


Re: [newbie] Mandrake versions

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Ron Sinclair wrote:

 I believe what is being refered to is a MacMillian version with extra pdf
 versions of some linux books on a third cdrom. for some reason it has the
 moniker 6.5 on the box but seems to be 6.1 in actuality.
  This message is composed and delivered with an MSFreeCE ( Microsoft-free
 Computing Enviroment ).

 On the box, it's referred to as "The Complete Linux OS 6.5", which I take
 to mean that the MacMillian box is considered a flavor of Linux in itself.
 So, it seems to be version 6.5 of version Mandrake's 6.1.  Confusing.

 Ron Sinclair
 AKA NipponDSM

McMillan simply repackages Mandrake and gives it their own revision level.
They do not concider themselves a flavor of linux just a reseller.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside


2000-02-11 Thread Dave Holland

I've install mandrake 7.0 a couple of times. The install seems to go smooth.
However, after boot up I get a generic graphical login box with a desktop
background(without icons blank light blue screen). When I log in two console
screens appear.
I can't seem to get the window manager desktop. I assumed like Mandrake 6.0
that the Graphical log in would allow you to choose a window manager. And
after logging in your desktop would appear.

Does anyone know why my desktop would not appear? Has anyone had this
problem previously with 7.0? (mandrake 6.0 works great)

RE: [newbie] kmix and /dev/mixer* properties

2000-02-11 Thread Ingo Bauer

Hi David ;

It worked well before I changed some settings on /dev/mixer* . I am using OSS. so 
running sndconfig will not really help me  thank you for your suggestion though.


-Original Message-
From:   David van Balen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, February 11, 2000 12:21 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] kmix  and /dev/mixer* properties

Have you gotten the OS to recognize your sound card? This is a possible
cause for the error you got (I had the same problem a while back).
Run 'sndconfig' (I think that's the correct command) to configure your


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Ingo Bauer wrote:

 Good afternoon all
 I think I broke my mixer(kmix) this morning and following the instructions 
 [root@firefight /dev]# /usr/bin/kmix
 kmix: Could not open mixer.
 Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device.
 Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access.
 [root@firefight /dev]# chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*
 [root@firefight /dev]# /usr/bin/kmix
 kmix: Could not open mixer.
 Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device.
 Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access.
 [root@firefight /dev]# 
 The error still hangs around .
 what are the properties for the mixer entries in /dev 
 Thank you 


RE: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread Troy Weir

There's a site you can go to set up SB Live!  It's worth a shot.

Good Luck,

-Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, February 11, 2000 6:14 AM
Subject:[newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now, and I'm enjoying myself
immensely. However, since building myself an SMP machine I've had to change
soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live! The Ensoniq was happily
supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted everything out. Music
poured forth. Everything was wonderful.

With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs me that the SB Live!
supported. Dark days indeed.


I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(

What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in this release, and does
have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

Re: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner


 I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now, and I'm enjoying myself
 immensely. However, since building myself an SMP machine I've had to change my
 soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live! The Ensoniq was happily
 supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted everything out. Music
 poured forth. Everything was wonderful.

 With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs me that the SB Live! isn't
 supported. Dark days indeed.


 I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(

 What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in this release, and does anyone
 have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?

 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst


The SB Live works with 6.1 with a download from Creative Labs.  If you check the
archives from the Mandrake home page I'm sure you'll find MANY msg's giving you the

As for 7.0.  It is supposed to work out of the box and I haven't seen anyone ask
for help yet so I assume it does.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread David van Balen

Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
(at least not that I've noticed).


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
 of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
 Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
 If you have reached the point in your life where you
 are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
 Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
 to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
 so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
 with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
 delete this message now.
 The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
 a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
 but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
 **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
 "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
   voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill

RE: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread steve . flynn

Thanks for that - I had a bit of a search around and found a very helpful site
at which has a section on how to get the SB Live!
working with Linux. I'm at work at the moment, but I've sent the necessary files
to myself back at home, where I'll no doubt be having fun tonight recompiling my
kernel to enable SMP support and getting my soundcard to work! :)

Thanke fot the info - I've bookmarked it for reference if these instructions
don't help.

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

"Troy Weir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 16:54:08

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
Subject:  RE: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

There's a site you can go to set up SB Live!  It's worth a shot.

Good Luck,

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 6:14 AM
Subject:  [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now, and I'm enjoying myself
immensely. However, since building myself an SMP machine I've had to change
soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live! The Ensoniq was happily
supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted everything out. Music
poured forth. Everything was wonderful.

With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs me that the SB Live!
supported. Dark days indeed.


I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(

What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in this release, and does
have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

Re: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread steve . flynn

Typically, found a link about 20 minutes after posting the question. I've got my
EMU drivers now, and will be doing the install tonight. I only put the card in
on Wednesday, so I've not had much of a chance to experiment with it under

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

"Joseph S. Gardner" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 17:13:04

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
Subject:  Re: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0


 I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now, and I'm enjoying myself
 immensely. However, since building myself an SMP machine I've had to change my
 soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live! The Ensoniq was happily
 supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted everything out. Music
 poured forth. Everything was wonderful.

 With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs me that the SB Live! isn't
 supported. Dark days indeed.


 I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(

 What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in this release, and does
 have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?

 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst


The SB Live works with 6.1 with a download from Creative Labs.  If you check the
archives from the Mandrake home page I'm sure you'll find MANY msg's giving you

As for 7.0.  It is supposed to work out of the box and I haven't seen anyone ask
for help yet so I assume it does.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

[newbie] iomega LS-120

2000-02-11 Thread Troy Weir

I have mandrake 6.1 and during bootup, it appears to recognize my LS-120 as
a second floppie(even though it's an IDE interface), but I cazn't seem to
mount it or even find it.  Does anyone out there know about this??


RE: [newbie] kmix and /dev/mixer* properties

2000-02-11 Thread Troy Weir

I am also having the same problem.  OSS is part of the package and
recognizes the card (ES1371).  Still no sound.  I tried sndconfig but to no
avail.  Is there a way to edit the config done by OSS?


-Original Message-
From:   Ingo Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, February 11, 2000 10:53 AM
Subject:RE: [newbie] kmix  and /dev/mixer* properties

Hi David ;

It worked well before I changed some settings on /dev/mixer* . I am using
OSS. so running sndconfig will not really help me  thank you for your
suggestion though.


-Original Message-
From:   David van Balen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, February 11, 2000 12:21 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] kmix  and /dev/mixer* properties

Have you gotten the OS to recognize your sound card? This is a possible
cause for the error you got (I had the same problem a while back).
Run 'sndconfig' (I think that's the correct command) to configure your


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Ingo Bauer wrote:

 Good afternoon all

 I think I broke my mixer(kmix) this morning and following the instructions

 [root@firefight /dev]# /usr/bin/kmix
 kmix: Could not open mixer.
 Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device.
 Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access.
 [root@firefight /dev]# chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*
 [root@firefight /dev]# /usr/bin/kmix
 kmix: Could not open mixer.
 Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device.
 Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access.
 [root@firefight /dev]#

 The error still hangs around .

 what are the properties for the mixer entries in /dev

 Thank you



Re: [newbie] Mandrake versions

2000-02-11 Thread Mark Potochnik

McMillan simply repackages Mandrake and gives it their own revision level.
They do not concider themselves a flavor of linux just a reseller.

From what I remeber they offer a bunch of Sam's Books on the CD  Such as
the $22 KDE book I bought...
They also offer help through Linuxcare


Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Sevatio Octavio

What are some of the ways you can get back at this idiot?


-Original Message-
From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
(at least not that I've noticed).


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
 of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
 Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
 If you have reached the point in your life where you
 are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
 Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
 to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
 so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
 with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
 delete this message now.
 The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
 a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
 but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
 **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
 "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
   voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill

Re: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner


 Thanks for that - I had a bit of a search around and found a very helpful site
 at which has a section on how to get the SB Live!
 working with Linux. I'm at work at the moment, but I've sent the necessary files
 to myself back at home, where I'll no doubt be having fun tonight recompiling my
 kernel to enable SMP support and getting my soundcard to work! :)

 Thanke fot the info - I've bookmarked it for reference if these instructions
 don't help.

 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst


I believe that Mr. Martin's site has info for 6.0 and not 6.1.  ALSA  ( ) appears to have a driver for the SB Live and I'm
certain I still have the copy I d/l from creative labs before they quit posting it
(at least I couldn't find it).  If you like drop me a line privately and I'll send
it to you.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

[newbie] Laptop

2000-02-11 Thread jeff

I have an old 486-100 Laptop that I would like t oload linux-mandrake
7.0 on.

Problem is that I don't have a cd-rom for it. Is there a easy way to do
this ?


Re: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread James Luongo

 I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now,
 and I'm enjoying myself
 immensely. However, since building myself an SMP
 machine I've had to change my
 soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live!
 The Ensoniq was happily
 supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted
 everything out. Music
 poured forth. Everything was wonderful.
 With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs
 me that the SB Live! isn't
 supported. Dark days indeed.
 I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a
 mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(
 What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in
 this release, and does anyone
 have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?

Hi Steve, you currently have my problem.  I have an SB
Live! as well.  It appears that there are no drivers
for it yet, BUT, there are betas for the 2.2.5 version
of the kernel.  Just go to:
and click on beta drivers for SB Live!
Keep checking back with them as they may finally have
some working drivers in the future.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake versions

2000-02-11 Thread Mark Potochnik

McMillan simply repackages Mandrake and gives it 
their own revision level.They do not concider themselves a flavor of 
linux just a reseller.From what I remeber they offer a bunch 
of Sam's Books on the CD Such asthe $22 KDE book I 
bought...They also offer help through Linuxcare
Talking to myself :-)

Complete Linux-Mandrake 7.0 users can immediately begin working within 
Linux with Sun's StarOffice office suite for word processing, spreadsheets, 
presentations, database and more. Complete Linux-Mandrake 7.0 also includes the 
Macmillan Linux Library, over 3,500 electronic pages of 
Linux reference guides, written by Macmillan's Linux experts. LinuxCare provides free 
installation technical support, as part of its partnership with Macmillan. 


Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 What are some of the ways you can get back at this idiot?



 Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
 (at least not that I've noticed).
 On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
  of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
  Steve Flynn
  IBM MVS Operations Analyst

sign him up for a newsgroup


Re: [newbie] Laptop

2000-02-11 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

jeff wrote:

 I have an old 486-100 Laptop that I would like t oload linux-mandrake
 7.0 on.

 Problem is that I don't have a cd-rom for it. Is there a easy way to do
 this ?


Mandrake does not run on a 486. hasn't since pre 6.0 I believe

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

Re: [newbie] Sound card support in 6.1 and 7.0

2000-02-11 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Steveit's actually supported under both.  There's a
(included at the last minute) driver on your 6.1 cd in the
/mnt/cdrom/apps/X-Rage128/ directory.  Version 7 should detect
and install your rage 128 based card pretty much automagically.


 I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now, and I'm enjoying myself
 immensely. However, since building myself an SMP machine I've had to change my
 soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live! The Ensoniq was happily
 supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted everything out. Music
 poured forth. Everything was wonderful.
 With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs me that the SB Live! isn't
 supported. Dark days indeed.
 I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(
 What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in this release, and does anyone
 have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?
 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst

[newbie] RE:

2000-02-11 Thread Dave Holland

I've install mandrake 7.0 a couple of times. The install seems to go smooth.
However, after boot up I get a generic graphical login box with a desktop
background(without icons blank light blue screen). When I log in two console
screens appear.
I can't seem to get the window manager desktop. I assumed like Mandrake 6.0
that the Graphical log in would allow you to choose a window manager. And
after logging in your desktop would appear.

Does anyone know why my desktop would not appear? Has anyone had this
problem previously with 7.0? (mandrake 6.0 works great)

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread hugh

I have a feeling that someone who used to be on this list signed us
up to receive this spam. To bad we couldnt find out who that person is

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, you wrote:
 What are some of the ways you can get back at this idiot?
 -Original Message-
 From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 9:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
 Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
 (at least not that I've noticed).
 On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
  of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
  Steve Flynn
  IBM MVS Operations Analyst
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
  Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
  If you have reached the point in your life where you
  are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
  Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
  to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
  so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
  with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
  delete this message now.
  The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
  a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
  but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
  **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
  "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill
I'm not a nerd -- I'm "socially challenged".

RE: [newbie] compiling problem

2000-02-11 Thread Eric Weichmann

thanks for that help, but.  when i tried it, it only came back to say that it
was already installed, but whenever i try and add some other packages who's
dependancies require cpp 2.95.1-3,  it still shows it as unsatisfied.

  On Fri,
11 Feb 2000, Family ZOMBIE wrote:  Hi!
 Try to update instead of uninstall/install.
 rpm -Uvh cpp??.rpm
 (-U is for update)
 I'm running Mandrake 7.0 and if I wan't to uninstall for example
 I usually have to uninstall first some other packages like
 gcc-c++-2.95.2-3mdk.i586.rpm, gcc-colorgcc-2.95.2-3mdk.i586.rpm or/and some
 To uninstall several packages:
 rpm -e gcc-2.95.2-3mdk.i586 gcc-cpp-2.95.2-3mdk.i586
 (I hope -e is for uninstall)
 for kpackage there is option for multiple selection.
 By the way - I am using win98 right now, so these instructions are based on
 "I think that's the way it is".
 Kari Somby
 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Weichmann [mailto:eweichma@zianet]
 Sent: 11. helmikuuta 2000 8:07
 Subject: RE: [newbie] compiling problem
 Yeah, I came to that same conclusion too.  I downloaded the new libs and
 dependancies, but now kpackage refuses to uninstall my older version of cpp,
 I can install cpp-2.95.1-3.  It's driving me crazy!  I tried the uninstall
 command, just to find out i don't have it.  i've tried uninstalling it from
 Kpackage and it gives me the error " 'cpp' specifies multiple packages" and
 just stops.  Can anyone out there help me?  i've also tried the
 "RPM -e --clean
 cpp-1.1.1-3, and it gives me the same error as Kpackage does.  If someone
 there could help me, I'd GREATLY appreciate it!  Just some info.  I'm
 Mandrake 6.0.

[newbie] unsubscribe

2000-02-11 Thread Eric Martinez

[newbie] text install of 7.0-2

2000-02-11 Thread dave

I know there is a way to do this but I can't find it.  I'd like to be
able to use the old text installer for the new MDK 7.0-2.  Where the
heck is it?

Presumably there is an "install the whole doggone thing" option there
somewhere.  I did a EXPERT / NORMAL install on the most recent machine
and don't seem to have all the libraries I need to install software, and
wanna make sure they're there without post-installation install
sessions, next time.

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread David van Balen

Well, if it were a real address you could mail bomb him. However, it looks
to me like he/she used a relay server (which anyone with an iq over 0
would do) so there probably isn't much you can do... it's probably the
same person(s) sending all the spam to this list for all I know.


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 What are some of the ways you can get back at this idiot?
 -Original Message-
 From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 9:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
 Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
 (at least not that I've noticed).
 On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
  of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
  Steve Flynn
  IBM MVS Operations Analyst
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
  Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
  If you have reached the point in your life where you
  are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
  Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
  to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
  so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
  with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
  delete this message now.
  The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
  a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
  but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
  **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
  "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill


2000-02-11 Thread Phil Thornley

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] unsubscribenewbie

2000-02-11 Thread cleansoul



Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Larry Varney

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, you wrote:
 Well, if it were a real address you could mail bomb him. However, it looks
 to me like he/she used a relay server (which anyone with an iq over 0
 would do) so there probably isn't much you can do... it's probably the
 same person(s) sending all the spam to this list for all I know.

  Am I the only one who thinks that the continuing to quote what was perceived
as spam, is spam as well?

 Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY
Powered by Linux!

Re: (audrey beck)[newbie] Resolution problem

2000-02-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Daniel Boyd wrote:
  What's happening is that X is using the SVGA driver and putting you in
  640x480 or else using double scan.  Try running XConfigurator to
  re-detect your video and monitor.  Sometimes even when a card is
  supported it does this.  Then you have to manually edit the
  configuration file.  What card do you have?
 i have a 32 meg nvidia tnt agp card
 i also have no idea how to do basially anything in linux but i cant
 really learn at this resolution :)

exit out of KDE.  Log in as root to command prompt.  Enter:

That should let you reconfigure your card.  If you still get the large
screen, backup your XF86Config file (I don't have a linux box here, but
the location is something like /etc/X11/XF86Config) by changing to the
directory where the XF86Config file is and using cp:
cd /etc/X11
ls XF86Config
cp XF86Config

Then use an editor to remove the refreshes that you don't want or that
don't apply.  Toward the bottom, there will be a section for your video
card/display.  Change the order of the "640x480" "800x600" etc lines to
have the resolution you want to start in be the first set of numbers. 
You might want to try different things one at a time and keep multiple
copies that you save as you go along.  Use:
at the command line to go into KDE and see what you get each time.  If
KDE locks up or you can't find a way to get out, then use
Control+Alt+Backspace to kill it and get back to the command prompt.

Someone that has your card working might be nice enough to send you a
copy of the config file that works for them if you can't get it going.

Re: [newbie] Changing mailing address

2000-02-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Go to the page for mailing lists, then unsubscribe
newbie with your old address and subscribe with your new address.

Brian E Popp wrote:
 Hello -
 I'm new at this, having worked on mainframes for years, but would like
 to switch to Linux probably for the same reasons many are using it now. I
 signed up for this newsletter and was swamped with the number of e-mails I
 received in 12 hours.
 Here's a simple question: How do I unsubscribe from my old e-mail
 address and subscribe to one I've set up for Linux?
 I may be dumb, but I'm slow

Re: [newbie] Trouble installing soundcard under MDK 7.0-2

2000-02-11 Thread Vic

I did a couple of re-boots and it worked ok, I noticed that too,m
after the sound is set up one needs to do a re-boot, I know,
shoulkd not have to do that in Linux, but after its all setup,
it should work.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Ralf Andersson mewed:
 Extreme newbie present
 Greetings, just installed MDK on my machine and got everything working except my 
soundcard (SB Awe 64 Gold). Tried running sndconfig and heard Linus speaking and the 
MIDI song but after sndconfig was done i still didn't hear anything.
 Can someone help me with this ? Step by step please since I'm a newbie at linux.
 Ralf Rangedahl

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Linux Cat

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Vic

Oh go eat your own boogers and sniff your stinky armpits you stupid spammer

On Wed, 31 Dec 1969, [EMAIL PROTECTED] vomited into thier own soup:
 If you have reached the point in your life where you
 are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
 Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
 to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
 so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
 with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
 delete this message now.
 The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
 a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
 but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
 **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
 "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
   voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill
Linux Cat

Re: [newbie] WINE / Samba Question!

2000-02-11 Thread Tanveer Ehsanur Rahman

  - Original Message - 
  ChOPpY C. 
  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 10:03 
  Subject: [newbie] WINE / Samba 
  my 1st q is: does anybody know what the default 
  password for logging into a linux svr running samba from win98, or where I 
  could write and what I would write as a script to have no password, or to 
  change the p/w to something I know?
  alsodoes anybody know how to configure / 
  use WINE, I'm just starting and I need some help. I tried creating a 
  wine.conf file under /etc/.
  but itgave an error when i ran "wine" under 
  the console:
  No Defined DOS type disks
  under wine.conf no[Drive X] 
  can't find C:\windows
  so could, somebody please send me their wine.conf 
  or explain where/how to use wine.conf / run wine, so I don't get this error 
  and can run windows appz under linunx!
  Thanks So Much!

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Vic

Trace his headers, well mandrake might have to do that from
thier mail servers, then complain to his upstream isp.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Sevatio Octavio mewed:
 What are some of the ways you can get back at this idiot?
 -Original Message-
 From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 9:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
 Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
 (at least not that I've noticed).
 On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
  of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
  Steve Flynn
  IBM MVS Operations Analyst
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
  Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
  If you have reached the point in your life where you
  are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
  Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
  to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
  so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
  with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
  delete this message now.
  The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
  a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
  but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
  **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
  "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill
Linux Cat

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Vic

I think another way to discoourtage spammers is to let them know
that we have no intention of giving them any money

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, hugh mewed:
 I have a feeling that someone who used to be on this list signed us
 up to receive this spam. To bad we couldnt find out who that person is
 On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, you wrote:
  What are some of the ways you can get back at this idiot?
  -Original Message-
  From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 9:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
  Welcome to the internet... no, it doesn't happen very often on this list
  (at least not that I've noticed).
  On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first piece
   of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!
   Steve Flynn
   IBM MVS Operations Analyst
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2000 05:52:38
   Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   cc:(bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
   Subject:  [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success
   If you have reached the point in your life where you
   are ready to have Financial Freedom and a Real
   Opportunity to Retire in 2-3 years, we would like you
   to continue reading. This is not a program for everyone ,
   so if you are not a highly motivated, goal oriented person
   with a burning desire to be successful and wealthy, please
   delete this message now.
   The number below will give you a two minute introduction to
   a business that is not a franchise or MLM. I'm short on time
   but ready to listen if you fit the description above.
   **24 Hour Recorded Message: 1-800-320-9895  ext. 6579**
   "There is no other road to genious and wealth than through
 voluntary self effort."  Napoleon Hill
   I'm not a nerd -- I'm "socially challenged".
Linux Cat

Re: [newbie] Laptop

2000-02-11 Thread Jim Garner

you cant run 7.0 well on a 486, it's made for pentiums, and I hear you need 
at least a 233 for it to run somewhat ok!

Jim Garner
(running mandrake 6.1/win 98)

Get Your Private, Free Email at

RE: [newbie] Laptop

2000-02-11 Thread Michael D. Seymour
Title: RE: [newbie] Laptop

You are correct that it will run bad on a 486 if at all. I however run it on Pentium Pro 200 with 96 MB of ram and it runs apps almost as fast as my 500 Mhz running Winblows 98 SE.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Garner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Laptop

you cant run 7.0 well on a 486, it's made for pentiums, and I hear you need 
at least a 233 for it to run somewhat ok!

Jim Garner
(running mandrake 6.1/win 98)

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Audrey Beck [newbie] Changing mailing address

2000-02-11 Thread Brian Popp

Hello Ms Beck -
Thank you. It worked.

Regards, Brian

--- Audrey Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Go to the page for mailing lists,
 then unsubscribe
 newbie with your old address and subscribe with your
 new address.
 Brian E Popp wrote:
  Hello -
  I'm new at this, having worked on mainframes
 for years, but would like
  to switch to Linux probably for the same reasons
 many are using it now. I
  signed up for this newsletter and was swamped with
 the number of e-mails I
  received in 12 hours.
  Here's a simple question: How do I unsubscribe
 from my old e-mail
  address and subscribe to one I've set up for
  I may be dumb, but I'm slow
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] unsubscribenewbie

2000-02-11 Thread John Catral



2000-02-11 Thread Dave Holland

is there a mandrake version that will run decent on a 486?
or should I stick to redhat 5.x

RE: [newbie] Laptop

2000-02-11 Thread Scott Petersen

I am running 7.0 on a p120 with 64 megs and it runs great. Only slightly
slower than my 500mhz/128meg Win98 machine. Granted I have a Adaptec 2940UW
card and 4 gig UW drive in the Linux machine. Wheee!

Scott Petersen
Pangaea Systems

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Garner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 2:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Laptop
 you cant run 7.0 well on a 486, it's made for pentiums, and I 
 hear you need 
 at least a 233 for it to run somewhat ok!
 Jim Garner
 (running mandrake 6.1/win 98)
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Open Ports (Again, sorry)

2000-02-11 Thread Paul Derbyshire

At 12:18 AM 2/11/00 +, you wrote:
After a post saying, open /etc/hosts.deny, and comment out any unwanted
services, I did this and it worked fine.  But I had to do a reinstall and I
again, I find my system open to services I don't want it to be :(
So, I opened /etc/hosts.deny but there are no services listed.  Are there any
other files I can use to close these connections (FTP, POP3, Auth)?
Thanks for any help  

You sure hosts.deny is the right file? I think it's inetd.conf...

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_ |  Paul Derbyshire
Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: [newbie] Financial Freedom and Success

2000-02-11 Thread Paul Derbyshire

At 04:02 PM 2/11/00 +, you wrote:

I don't believe it. I've been on this list for  4 hours and got the first
of Spam. Please tell me this isn't a regular occurance!

As a matter of fact it is not.
   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."-
-- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_ |  Paul Derbyshire
Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: [newbie] Rage Fury 128 32Mb.

2000-02-11 Thread George Houdek-Viskovska

  Thank you :-)   George

- Original Message -
From: Ingo Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 5:12 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Rage Fury 128 32Mb.

 Good morning George;

 Check out this site and
follow the instructions ...
 That should help you for Mandrake 6.1 . Mandrake 7.0 discovered my
"All in Wonder Rage 128" without a problem.


 -Original Message-
 From: George Houdek-Viskovska [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 2:26 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Rage Fury 128 32Mb.

 Please have someone VGA Rage Fury 128 32 MB. and work this VGA card with
Linux Mandrake 6.1 or 7.0?
 I install Mandrake 6.1 but Linux have problem with this card no start X
   " Cannot  start X server " " FATAL error "
 Have someone instruction step by step for configuration this VGA card ??
   Thank you  George
   File: ATT00032.html 

Re: [newbie] Open Ports (Again, sorry)

2000-02-11 Thread hugh

You just enter this All : All to deny connections you wont find any
services in the file

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, you wrote:
 At 12:18 AM 2/11/00 +, you wrote:
 After a post saying, open /etc/hosts.deny, and comment out any unwanted
 services, I did this and it worked fine.  But I had to do a reinstall and I
 again, I find my system open to services I don't want it to be :(
 So, I opened /etc/hosts.deny but there are no services listed.  Are there any
 other files I can use to close these connections (FTP, POP3, Auth)?
 Thanks for any help  
 You sure hosts.deny is the right file? I think it's inetd.conf...
.*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
 -()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
`*'  straight line."-
 -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _ |  Paul Derbyshire
 Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
I'm not a nerd -- I'm "socially challenged".

[newbie] Re: Running PPPDialer/Config

2000-02-11 Thread Lance Borden

"ChOPpY C. Chipper" wrote:
 well, anyway, my problem is that I don't have any idea on how to do nearly

 So my 1st task, is to try out the PPP dial-up, so I run KPPP  from the KDE
 desktop.  when I hit connect it says "modem is busy".  How do I go about
 fixing this is my question, 
 Julien Dumoulin-Smith

Make sure you've got the right settings in the kppp setup. Your modem should
probably be on ttys0, ttys1, ttys2 or ttys3 (these correspond to com1, 2, 3,  4
Windoze). My Mdk version (6.1) came with the default on "modem" - which is not
correct. Also, I had to change the default flow control setting from crtscts to
xon/xoff. Then it worked perfectly.

Regarding your other questions, I'm sorry but I don't have the answers.

Re: [newbie] KDE startup

2000-02-11 Thread JP

I also have installed linux-mandrake twice and I can't get kde going
either.  I have xterm and xconsole up but can't get kde to start.  I
have re-read the installation guide and notice that at one point it
mentions selecting the components to install, when I have installed the
software I did not get a chance to select different packages, it appears
to have installed them all.  I admit to be a very green newbie on linux
and could use some help in getting started.

J.P. Cazares

Rick N wrote:

 Chris wrote:

 I have installed it twice now, Once with out starting into x the
 with..either way i am not getting the kde going...  at this point
 the kde
 and gnome both installed, but I am new and not sure how to activate

 After you login and are at the command prompt, if you type in KDE,
 it should start.

Rick N

J.P. Cazares
Office (317) 248-1093
Pager (888) 934-6190

Re: [newbie] Re-router

2000-02-11 Thread Kit

Vic...I personally use it's not bad
and it's free

Vic wrote:

 Hi any one know of any decent re-router services for a guy on cablemodem
 wanting to host a webserver?
 Linux Cat


ICQ# 7110071

(personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

[newbie] Enlightenment not starting?

2000-02-11 Thread Dan Ros

What could I have done to stop enlightenment not starting up on my Gnome

And, how do I set it to start again? Or is it best just to create a new


-- - ICQ: 15212336
No witty comment or quote required.


2000-02-11 Thread Tim Rhind

subscribe newbie

Re: [newbie] Junk OS

2000-02-11 Thread Elvis Dieguez

I have been using Linux (Mandrake v7.0) only for about one week.  I must
admit that it does have a steep learning curve and some difficulties in user
friendliness but I am more than happy with it than with Windows 98.
Whenever I use Windows, it crashes every couple of hours.  I run memory
intensive mathematics and data analysis programs but it is a nerve wracking
"adventure" with Windows because I never know if it is going to clunk out a
few seconds before outputting the results of a 30 minute (or hours long)
calculation.  Since I have been running my programs and analysis on Linux,
it has not crashed a single time... not only that but it is easy to "kill"
any program that might be causing trouble without crashing the entire

Linux is not for everyone and it does require much work on the part of the
user.  But Windows is far from perfect.  Windows does not detect my monitor
correctly, nor does the stupid 'Add Hardware Wizard' ever run correctly
without crashing or freezing my entire system (often I have to resort to
complex trickery in order to get new hardware in my system).  Windows is,
frankly, designed for the village idiots.  It manages to make everything so
obscure and difficult in the name of 'user friendliness' that nothing works
correctly.  I would much rather have the complete control that Linux offers
over the pre-packaged and annoying features and defaults of Windows.

It took me 3 days to correctly install Linux on my home PC and I am still
working on setting up my sound card and modem... but I can tell you that
once I get the hang of Linux I will be using Windows only once in a blue
moon when I am absolutely required to do so.  Eventually, Linux will acquire
all the "neat" features that are contained in Windows and make it as simple
to use as Windows (hopefully without sacrificing the stability, speed and
ease of use that it now possesses).

Rome was not built in one day.

Finally (this is getting long), I have found many of the individuals on this
mailing list extremely helpful and courteous.  I would much rather use my
brain and the help of other Linux users when I have a problem than paying
Microsoft outrageous amounts of money in order to get half the assistance
that I have gotten from the people on this list.  I had a problem with LILO
but was able to fix it within an hour because of the assistance of Gene.

Elvis Dieguez

- Original Message -
From: Vincent Dickerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 10:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] Junk OS


  First of all, When you ADVERTISE "free tech support" that means FREE.
 not me having to pay for an internet connection. besides if i am in the
 middle of patitioning my hard drive, How in the hell am i supposed
 to email you(THINK). Secound, Your book is full of inconsistantcies,
 you software(installation) will not even recocgnize a generic monitor.
 Now with all of the problems that i have encountered with "your"
 software, it would take about 6 months to install it if i had to wait 24
 hrs. for every question to be answered. Next, If your going to sell
 something, it would make good sense to spell check your manual. GEEZZZ
 It is easy to see why Microsoft has the major part of this market. I can
 exit your(junk) and repair my SCSI drive(after your OS has completely
 screwed it up) and one hour later it is up and running(network cards and
 all). I guess you are wanting to know what i am getting at here.


 Signed New beleaver in MS windows

Re: [newbie] Junk OS

2000-02-11 Thread surge

   Signed New beleaver in MS windows

  And your telling them to spell check their manual? How can you be so sure YOU
know how to spell. LOL.


Re: [newbie] Junk OS

2000-02-11 Thread surge

   Signed New beleaver in MS windows

 Your telling them to spell check their manual? LOL. 



Re: [[newbie] Junk OS]

2000-02-11 Thread Michael Scottaline

Vincent Dickerson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First of all, When you ADVERTISE "free tech support" that means FREE.
 not me having to pay for an internet connection.

Well how would you like to get support?  An 800#?  But why should you have to
pay for phone service just to get support?  Perhaps they can send a technician
to install the darn thing for you or anyone else w/o the wherewithall to do
for themselves!

 besides if i am in the
 middle of patitioning my hard drive, How in the hell am i supposed
 to email you(THINK). Secound, Your book is full of inconsistantcies,
 you software(installation) will not even recocgnize a generic monitor.
 Now with all of the problems that i have encountered with "your"
 software, it would take about 6 months to install it if i had to wait 24
 hrs. for every question to be answered. Next, If your going to sell
 something, it would make good sense to spell check your manual. GEEZZZ

You should spellcheck your e-mail (see "secound" above).
 It is easy to see why Microsoft has the major part of this market. I can
 exit your(junk) and repair my SCSI drive(after your OS has completely
 screwed it up)
No, after YOU screwed it up in you FAILURE to install it properly.
 and one hour later it is up and running(network cards and
 all). I guess you are wanting to know what i am getting at here.
   Signed New beleaver in MS windows
Hey mr. "beleaver" time to spellcheck again.
I do "believe" windows is you best bet.  But none of us here can give you back
your money.  We're just users (who managed to get the software installed).

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

RE: [newbie] Re-router

2000-02-11 Thread Scott Petersen

1 year is USD24.95
2 years is USD39.95

Check out:

Scott Petersen

-Original Message-
From: Vic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Re-router

How much are their rates?

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Scott Petersen mewed:
 I personally use

 Reasonable rates, clients for everything (including Linux) and I have
 had a problem with them in over a year. Very reliable.

 Scott Petersen
 Pangaea Systems

  -Original Message-
  From: Kit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 3:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Re-router
  Vic...I personally use it's not bad
  and it's free
  Vic wrote:
   Hi any one know of any decent re-router services for a guy
  on cablemodem
   wanting to host a webserver?
   Linux Cat
  ICQ# 7110071
  (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)
Linux Cat

Re: [newbie] Junk OS

2000-02-11 Thread David van Balen

This is blatant flamebait and doesn't deserve any more of a response than
what I'm now giving it. Everyone please stop replying to it and let's get
back to answering people's real questions.


On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Vincent Dickerson wrote:

  First of all, When you ADVERTISE "free tech support" that means FREE.
 not me having to pay for an internet connection. besides if i am in the
 middle of patitioning my hard drive, How in the hell am i supposed
 to email you(THINK). Secound, Your book is full of inconsistantcies,
 you software(installation) will not even recocgnize a generic monitor.
 Now with all of the problems that i have encountered with "your"
 software, it would take about 6 months to install it if i had to wait 24
 hrs. for every question to be answered. Next, If your going to sell
 something, it would make good sense to spell check your manual. GEEZZZ
 It is easy to see why Microsoft has the major part of this market. I can
 exit your(junk) and repair my SCSI drive(after your OS has completely
 screwed it up) and one hour later it is up and running(network cards and
 all). I guess you are wanting to know what i am getting at here.
   Signed New beleaver in MS windows

Re: [newbie] Junk OS

2000-02-11 Thread G_REEPER

Hash: SHA1

Mama said not to feed the troll but... 
  First of all, When you ADVERTISE "free tech support" that means FREE.
 not me having to pay for an internet connection. besides if i am in the
 middle of patitioning my hard drive, How in the hell am i supposed
 to email you
 This list is [users helping users] ,not Mandrake's main support. If
you don't understand how to partition your drive why are you doing it?  (THINK)

 Secound,Your book is full of inconsistantcies, 
 you software(installation) will not even recocgnize a generic monitor.
Ah, let me guess you don't have a manual for you monitor? Find display modes
and pick which ones are close to a match for yours. 

 Now with all of the problems that i have encountered with "your" 
software, it would take about 6 months to install it if i had to wait 24
 hrs. for every question to be answered. 
If you have the power pack you get free phone support for so many days. Like I
said this is a newbie mailing list.  If you have a question ask it. Someone may
answer it if they can. Not everyone lives in the same time zones, or checks
their mail at the same time. So the answer may not come for a few hours, or even

 Next, If your going to sell something, it would make good sense to spell
check your manual. GEEZZZ
 Nice to hear since there was 6 misspelled words in this short rant. That's
just in the first glance. Better check your MS spellchecker.

  It is easy to see why Microsoft has the major part of this market.
Oh is that why they continue to lose market share? Humm... I didn't know.

 I can  exit your(junk) and repair my SCSI drive(after your OS has completely  
screwed it
It isn't the car it's the driver. 

 and one hour later it is up and running(network cards and  all).
Wow it takes me about 20-30 mins to do a everything install of Mandrake.

 I guess you are wanting to know what i am getting at here.
That's the same question we asked Microsoft since their licensing agreement
says they will refund the price if you don't want the OS. Since it comes with
your new PC even if you don't want it.

 Signed New beleaver in MS windows 
Sorry, but I don't think you ever intended to believe anything else.

- --  LIFE'S LAWS  
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Version: PGP 6.5.1


Re: [Re: [newbie] Junk OS]

2000-02-11 Thread Michael Scottaline

surge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Signed New beleaver in MS windows
   And your telling them to spell check their manual? How can you be so sure
 know how to spell. LOL.
I think that's  "YOU'RE"  ;o)
Sorry, couldn't resist.8^)


Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie]Mandrake on a 486 - was Laptop

2000-02-11 Thread Walter C Lucas

Hello I am attempting to instal Linux mandrake onto a 486DX 100mghz. I
low level formatted both brains(c and D) and everything started out fine.
On little light number three, i got an error message that it can't open
/proc/bus/pci/devices. Now this computer had win3.1, win 95, and i even
had win 98 on it(though slow). what can I do. This was a download linux
Maandrake from one of my computer literate coworkers. I however am a
NEWBIE to it all.Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks Luke

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 16:06:22 -0800 John Montgomery
 At 10:10 PM 2/11/00 GMT, you wrote:
 you cant run 7.0 well on a 486, it's made for pentiums, and I hear 
 you need 
 at least a 233 for it to run somewhat ok!
 Jim Garner
 Well, it depends on your needs. I have 6.0 on a P90 with 32 Mb and 
 it does
 just fine as long as you stick to a Window Manager and stay away 
 from KDE
 or Gnome.
 Personally I can't see why anyone who is a refugee from MS would 
 want to
 use KDE anyway. My problem with Win 95 was the arbitrary way in 
 which you
 had to work. In many ways (not all) I find that KDE is even more 
 Gnome seems much more flexible. As far as crashes in Win 95 goes I 
 KDE ties up about as much.
 The great joy of Linux is all of the stuff which you can do without 
 pretty little pictures.
 Try the command line - you may never leave it.
 I too think that a single user version is necessary if Linux is to 
 become a
 household name.
 John Montgomery

Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:

[newbie] partitioning

2000-02-11 Thread Evan Fell

When the setup program is says it is resizing the 
widows partion, is it just using the empty space for a new partion or does it 
actual uninstall applications?
Thank you

[newbie] Mouse woes driving me crazy

2000-02-11 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Using Mandrake 6.1 and KDE.

I have a plain Micro Serial  PS/2 mouse. It's relatively new. Bought it
a few months ago.

Here is what happens:

The mouse freezes or just plain disappears. I do a Cnt+Alt+Esc if the
mouse freezes (e.g. in Netscape). If it disappears, I do a
Cnt+Alt+Backspace. This brings me back to the console. I type startx and
get back in KDE. The mouse is back in operation. But shortly thereafter
(about 10-20 minutes lates), this same scenario is repeated ad nauseam.
I tried another new version of the Micro mouse. Same problem. I don't
think it has anything to do with the mouse. I went into KDE's Control
Center (Input Devices, Mouse) and played with the acceleration option.
Hasn't helped one way or another.

Would appreciate any advice.

Thank you so much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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