Re: [newbie-it] X window non parte

2000-12-03 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 03:37:31PM +0100, sim82 wrote:
  Se vedi che i dati sono fuori gamma per il tuo monitor, prova o a
  metterne a mano di più adatti opuure dai tool di configurazione prova a
  schegliere dei monitor più "calmi".
  Sappimi dire cosa succede :-)
 E se il tuo monitor non è un multifrequenza?
Appunto, leggi:

  # HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
  # comma separated list of ranges of values.

Metti i valori fissi, separati da virgole

(45,50, ecc..)

Oppure il singolo valore supportato. Se hai fortuna tra le frequenze già
configurate per la scheda video, xfree ne trova una che va bene e parte.
ALtrimenti riscrivi che vediamo come cavarci i piedi. Comunque, quando le
cose si complicano, c'è sempre un xfree howto :-)

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-03 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Gentili utenti iscritti a questa benedetta 
(maledetta) lista . mi dispiace io ci ho provato con Linux Mandrake 7.1 
(tanto che lo ho comprato in negozio perchè mi dessero il manuale, che alla 
finenon si è dimostrato un gran che, perchè . vabehh)

ma non ci ho capito nulla di come funziona questo 
sistema operativo!

Tanto che penso che ritornerò, quasi sicuramente a 

Prime difficoltà trovate, non riscivo ad 
installarlo neanche sottolnux4win (che mi sono costate un bel dual boot di 
assistenza circa cioè 150 mila lire,con 150 carte me ne compravo una 
cariola di software!)

Poi finito il dual boot provo con kppp come c'è 
scrittoin quel maledetto manuale! Eniente non funziona nulla, zero, 

Vado così dall'assistenza tecnica e mi dicono 
dopo3 settimane!!! Infattipochi lousano e il tecnico ha dovuto 
faticare un sacco per dirmi che devo fare una stringa di inizializzazione che 
non so neanche cosa sia! Che devo andaredentro come root, etc. Insomma 
se voglio che la macchina funzioni per internet devo portargli la macchina con 
relativoFOGLIO DI ASSISTENZA, etc, etc e altri soldi!

Poi leggo sul sito del mio provider che per fare la 
stringa di inizializzazione devo entrare come root dentro il sistema e che se 
anche sbaglio di una riga, da quello che ho capito può succedere il 

Io mi sono già demoralizzato quindi se qualcuno 
fosse interessato gli svendo la mia Mandrke 7.1 con tanto diCD 
eManuale nella confezioneoriginale

Il mio indirzzo di posta elettronica 

Arrivederci anzi a mai più risentirci!

Mi sa tanto che deve scorrerne diacqua sotto 
i ponti prima che Linux diventi a prova di utonti come il 

Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-03 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Vorrei fare una precisazione, io non me la sono 
presa con Linux! Ma con il fatto che non sono ancora risucito dopo 2 mesi che lo 
possiedo a effettuare una connessione internet! Scusa ma qua c'è qualcosa che 
non va; uno come me che sa poco o nulla di computer e che vuole migrare ad un 
altro sistema operativo è impossibilitato a farlo, e con questo si ritorna a 
fare il gioco di MSFT. Tutto qua, ne più ne meno.
Ho provato a cercare su internet ma o ci sono 
istruzioni scritte in inglese  o trovi troppe istruzioni.

Scusa un secondo se tu fossi al posto mio (che non sai 
nulla di computer) e ti dicono (il provider galactica) che devi mettere mano al 
kernel come root (con tutti i disastri conseguenti che si possono creare per chi 
non ha dimestichezza con la faccendoa) e comporre una stringa di 
iniziallizzazione (che non so neanche che cosa sia!) tu che faresti al posto 

Grazie. Se hai una risposta in modo che anche un'ignorante 
come me (in questo campo) può affrontare ti pregherei di 

  - Original Message - 
  "Keyser Soze" Surano 
  Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 5:58 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me 
  che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???
  Se non sei capace non te la prendere con 
  E poi se ti affidi a dei tecnici è ovvio che non 
  funziona,è meglio fare tutto da soli.
  Buoni bloccaggi con win98.
- Original Message - 
Enrico Guidolin 

Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 5:45 
Subject: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che 
non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

Gentili utenti iscritti a questa benedetta 
(maledetta) lista . mi dispiace io ci ho provato con Linux Mandrake 7.1 
(tanto che lo ho comprato in negozio perchè mi dessero il manuale, che alla 
finenon si è dimostrato un gran che, perchè . vabehh)

ma non ci ho capito nulla di come funziona 
questo sistema operativo!

Tanto che penso che ritornerò, quasi 
sicuramente a Windows98.

Prime difficoltà trovate, non riscivo ad 
installarlo neanche sottolnux4win (che mi sono costate un bel dual 
boot di assistenza circa cioè 150 mila lire,con 150 carte me ne 
compravo una cariola di software!)

Poi finito il dual boot provo con kppp come c'è 
scrittoin quel maledetto manuale! Eniente non funziona nulla, 
zero, nada!

Vado così dall'assistenza tecnica e mi 
dicono dopo3 settimane!!! Infattipochi lousano e il 
tecnico ha dovuto faticare un sacco per dirmi che devo fare una stringa di 
inizializzazione che non so neanche cosa sia! Che devo andaredentro 
come root, etc. Insomma se voglio che la macchina funzioni per internet 
devo portargli la macchina con relativoFOGLIO DI ASSISTENZA, etc, 
etc e altri soldi!

Poi leggo sul sito del mio provider che per 
fare la stringa di inizializzazione devo entrare come root dentro il sistema 
e che se anche sbaglio di una riga, da quello che ho capito può succedere il 

Io mi sono già demoralizzato quindi se qualcuno 
fosse interessato gli svendo la mia Mandrke 7.1 con tanto diCD 
eManuale nella confezioneoriginale

Il mio indirzzo di posta elettronica 

Arrivederci anzi a mai più 

Mi sa tanto che deve scorrerne diacqua 
sotto i ponti prima che Linux diventi a prova di utonti come il 

Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-03 Thread Carlo Fresia

From: "Enrico Guidolin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica 
ocme cavolaccio fa???
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 18:12:18 +0100

Scusa un secondo se tu fossi al posto mio (che non sai nulla di computer) e 
ti dicono (il provider galactica) che devi mettere mano al kernel come root 
(con tutti i disastri conseguenti che si possono creare per chi non ha 
dimestichezza con la faccendoa) e comporre una stringa di iniziallizzazione 
(che non so neanche che cosa sia!) tu che faresti al posto mio??

Ciao Enrico, sono un utonto come te, faccio il medico e non ho nessun 
background informatico. Non ho da proporti una ricetta buona per tutti.
Io ho fatto così.
Prima di Linux usavo ed uso ancora adesso come OS principale NT4 
workstation. Linux l'ho cominciato ad usare ed a capire poco per volta
ricorrendo al metodo di installarlo a fianco di NT4 senza usare LILO
ma inserendolo nel bootloader di NT grazie ad una piccola utility
di Gilles Vollant che trovi freeware online che si chiama Bootpart.exe.
Una volta che ce l'hai a fianco di NT, puoi divertirti a cercare di
capirlo, giocherellarci ed eventualmente anche a distruggerlo ;)
perchè, anche in quella eventualità, è sufficiente reinstallarlo nella
posizione precedente senza dover toccare niente altro.
Se però non hai NT potrei essere interessato all'acquisto del tuo manuale 

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Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-03 Thread Enrico Guidolin

Scusa ma bisogna sempre entrare a fare queste modifiche come root?
Ma come si fa?

Ho provato a leggere anche gli appunti di informatica dal sito
ma non ci ho capito un santo! Per non dire una Madaonna.
- Original Message -
From: "Daniele Keyser Soze Surano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica
ocme cavolaccio fa???

 Guarda che Galactica non c'entra niente (anche io uso Galactica),
 il problema è del modem,perchè ogni modem ha una sua stringa di
 inizializzazione (se non lo inizializzi il modem non sa che fare).
 Molti modem hanno una standard ma si vede che il tuo no. Quindi devi
 sul sito o sul manuale e metterla nelle proprietà del modem dove cè
 "stringa di inizializzazione".
 Il kernel non c'azzecca niente.

 Il dom, 03 dic 2000, hai scritto:
  Vorrei fare una precisazione, io non  me la sono presa con Linux! Ma con
il fatto che non sono ancora risucito dopo 2 mesi che lo possiedo a
effettuare una connessione internet! Scusa ma qua c'è qualcosa che non va;
uno come me che sa poco o nulla di computer e che vuole migrare ad un altro
sistema operativo è impossibilitato a farlo, e con questo si ritorna a fare
il gioco di MSFT. Tutto qua, ne più ne meno.
  Ho provato a cercare su internet  ma o ci sono istruzioni scritte in
inglese  o trovi troppe istruzioni.
  Scusa un secondo se tu fossi al posto mio (che non sai nulla di
computer) e ti dicono (il provider galactica) che devi mettere mano al
kernel come root (con tutti i disastri conseguenti che si possono creare per
chi non ha dimestichezza con la faccendoa) e comporre una stringa di
iniziallizzazione (che non so neanche che cosa sia!) tu che faresti al posto
  Grazie. Se hai una risposta in modo che anche un'ignorante come me (in
questo campo) può affrontare ti pregherei di inviarmela.
- Original Message -
From: Daniele "Keyser Soze" Surano
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di
informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???
Se non sei capace non te la prendere con Linux!!
E poi se ti affidi a dei tecnici è ovvio che non funziona,è meglio
fare tutto da soli.
Buoni bloccaggi con win98.
  - Original Message -
  From: Enrico Guidolin
  Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 5:45 PM
  Subject: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica
ocme cavolaccio fa???
  Gentili utenti iscritti a questa benedetta (maledetta) lista .
mi dispiace io ci ho provato con Linux Mandrake 7.1 (tanto che lo ho
comprato in negozio perchè mi dessero il manuale, che alla fine non si è
dimostrato un gran che, perchè . vabehh)
  ma non ci ho capito nulla di come funziona questo sistema operativo!
  Tanto che penso che ritornerò, quasi sicuramente a Windows98.
  Prime difficoltà trovate, non riscivo ad installarlo neanche sotto
lnux4win (che mi sono costate un bel dual boot di assistenza circa cioè 150
mila lire, con 150 carte me ne compravo una cariola di software!)
  Poi finito il dual boot provo con kppp come c'è scritto in quel
maledetto manuale! E niente non funziona nulla, zero, nada!
  Vado così dall'assistenza tecnica e mi dicono  dopo 3 settimane!!!
Infatti pochi lo usano e il tecnico ha dovuto faticare un sacco per dirmi
che devo fare una stringa di inizializzazione che non so neanche cosa sia!
Che devo andare dentro come root, etc. Insomma se voglio che la macchina
funzioni per internet devo portargli la macchina con relativo FOGLIO DI
ASSISTENZA, etc, etc e altri soldi!
  Poi leggo sul sito del mio provider che per fare la stringa di
inizializzazione devo entrare come root dentro il sistema e che se anche
sbaglio di una riga, da quello che ho capito può succedere il pandemonio!
  Io mi sono già demoralizzato quindi se qualcuno fosse interessato
gli svendo la mia Mandrke 7.1 con tanto di CD e Manuale nella confezione
  Il mio indirzzo di posta elettronica è:
  Arrivederci anzi a mai più risentirci!
  Mi sa tanto che deve scorrerne di acqua sotto i ponti prima che
Linux diventi a prova di utonti come il sottoscritto!

 Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-03 Thread Corrado

Enrico, quali sono marca e modello del tuo modem?


Daniele Keyser Soze Surano wrote:

 Guarda che Galactica non c'entra niente (anche io uso Galactica),
 il problema è del modem,perchè ogni modem ha una sua stringa di
 inizializzazione (se non lo inizializzi il modem non sa che fare).
 Molti modem hanno una standard ma si vede che il tuo no. Quindi devi cercarla
 sul sito o sul manuale e metterla nelle proprietà del modem dove cè scritto
 "stringa di inizializzazione".
 Il kernel non c'azzecca niente.

 Il dom, 03 dic 2000, hai scritto:
  Vorrei fare una precisazione, io non  me la sono presa con Linux! Ma con il fatto 
che non sono ancora risucito dopo 2 mesi che lo possiedo a effettuare una connessione 
internet! Scusa ma qua c'è qualcosa che non va; uno come me che sa poco o nulla di 
computer e che vuole migrare ad un altro sistema operativo è impossibilitato a farlo, 
e con questo si ritorna a fare il gioco di MSFT. Tutto qua, ne più ne meno.
  Ho provato a cercare su internet  ma o ci sono istruzioni scritte in inglese  
o trovi troppe istruzioni.
  Scusa un secondo se tu fossi al posto mio (che non sai nulla di computer) e ti 
dicono (il provider galactica) che devi mettere mano al kernel come root (con tutti i 
disastri conseguenti che si possono creare per chi non ha dimestichezza con la 
faccendoa) e comporre una stringa di iniziallizzazione (che non so neanche che cosa 
sia!) tu che faresti al posto mio??
  Grazie. Se hai una risposta in modo che anche un'ignorante come me (in questo 
campo) può affrontare ti pregherei di inviarmela.

Re: [newbie-it] Ma uno come me che non sa niente di informatica ocme cavolaccio fa???

2000-12-03 Thread freefred

Appunti Linux sulle prime puo' spaventare, e va letto con calma.
Ma le ultime versioni dovrebbero contenere anche le ldr
(linux domande e risposte) di utilita' forse piu' immediata.
se non le hai puoi scaricarle per es. qui:


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


RE: [newbie] Mandrake is losing it

2000-12-03 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

The problem are the configuration files created for each user and the master

You could tar off each of the directories, omitting the hidden files, into a
temporary directory... I.E. /home/temp

Then BEFORE installing 7.2 delete the contents of all the other home
directories and subdirectories...

Tell the installer to omit formatting the /home partition (it IS on another
partition right)

After the 7.2 installation let each user log in, so that all the new
configurations are created, the finally restore from the TAR files, skipping
existing files...


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vic
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake is losing it

Uh oh, since it is that, I have 7.0-2

How can I keep from losing my /home/users
directories? I don't have enuf
disks to put it all on.

I have to keep my /home/users
directory I cannot reformat or
erase it in any way.

On Fri, 01 Dec 2000, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 Did you upgrade from 7.x to 7.2 (which is a BAD idea)?

 Did you attempt to retain old 7.x home directories, which can be

Re: [newbie] Mouseman plus

2000-12-03 Thread Carl Kehley


Same problem here.  It seems to be a bug in the software.  Go to level 3, run
mouseconfig, and reboot.  Your mouse will be working properly, but it will
probably still be listed as as a generic.

Carl Kehley

Dale Peterson wrote:

 Here is the problem:  I have a mouseman plus ps/2 that I'm using and works
 fine on my windows setup and in my mandrake 7.2 setup except for just ONE
 thing:  For some reason, when I select mouseman plus hardware
 configuration, and then hit ok, it closes the window but doesn't change
 anything.  It still says that my mouse is just the generic three button
 mouse.  If I double-click on the mouseman plus selection, it closes the
 window and does the same thing.  Why won't it keep my selection and
 actually change the configuration to be that mouse!!?!?  Thanks in


 Luke Peterson
 IC Consultant   UCSB Instructional Computing Lab
 Mechanical Engineering MajorUCSB College of Engineering
 email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: 805.968.2960

 We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.
 -William Osler
 Thought takes man out of servitude, into freedom.
 -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Re: [newbie] Reinstall

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, Riker wrote:

You need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst for that.
Just remove the "offending" entry, and after the next boot you're fine.
Contrary to LILO, you do not need to run anything for the changes to take
effect, the file will be read at boot time.

Good luck


Yes, it was an IDE burner, and I'm really beginning to believe this is
how I screwed things up. In what file/directory can I find the menu.lst
or Grub?



Paul wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, Riker wrote:

 Did you set up an IDE burner? Perhaps the problem then lies in the
 'ide=scsi' line, to fake SCSI on the IDE-bus for the cdrom? The burner
 will need that, but an ordinary cdrom won't eat that, I think.
 Should be in the append line of lilo.conf, or in menu.lst for Grub.

I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, R. Edward McCain wrote:

Create a group "cdwriter" in linuxconf, add yourself to that group, and
then change the group permission on /dev/scd0 (or scd1, whatever the
writer really is) to the group 'cdwriter' (chgrp cdwriter /dev/scd?)

As my machine now shows:

[paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/scd0
brw-rw1 root cdwriter  11,   0 Sep 27 12:31 /dev/scd0


I have the same problem - and no sound :-(
 -- I've just started tho.  I need to hit the man's and rfc's and see why I
got no cd's or sound.

Machine Specs attached.

 On Sat, 02 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 I tried to get my cd-r working in 7.2 and now when I access both
 my reader and writer I get the I don't have permission to access it.
 I've tried creating new icons and everything please help me.


I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] majordomo

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

yes...and one that defies being configured and ran. That much it does

Have you looked at ezmlm ? EaZy MailingListManager?

You should be able to find info through


I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-03 Thread eran . sagi

Well You are wrong

First Windows Kernel is written in (C  Assembly)
Second Windows 2K is Win NT 5, Windows ME is just Win 9X Kernel with

I my self work on both linux and Win 2K. and although it is easy to attack
M$, but I must say that Win 2K is well stable and efficient OS.

So if you want to attack be at least correct with your knowledge!!!

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-03 Thread keldmar

windows 2000 is not that stable it crashed all the time on my system and was
just a heap of shit.  I would rather jsut keep using my linux 7.2 box then
use my windows 2000 box
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

 Well You are wrong

 First Windows Kernel is written in (C  Assembly)
 Second Windows 2K is Win NT 5, Windows ME is just Win 9X Kernel with

 I my self work on both linux and Win 2K. and although it is easy to attack
 M$, but I must say that Win 2K is well stable and efficient OS.

 So if you want to attack be at least correct with your knowledge!!!

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Steven Kinch

Surely you should let ever user have access to thnis stuff.  Log on as root 
and enter chmod  -a+x /mnt/cdrom or whatever the device is.  Hey presto, 
everyone can have a go. 
On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, R. Edward McCain wrote:

 Create a group "cdwriter" in linuxconf, add yourself to that group, and
 then change the group permission on /dev/scd0 (or scd1, whatever the
 writer really is) to the group 'cdwriter' (chgrp cdwriter /dev/scd?)

 As my machine now shows:

 [paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/scd0
 brw-rw1 root cdwriter  11,   0 Sep 27 12:31 /dev/scd0


 I have the same problem - and no sound :-(
  -- I've just started tho.  I need to hit the man's and rfc's and see why
  I got no cd's or sound.
 Machine Specs attached.
  On Sat, 02 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  I tried to get my cd-r working in 7.2 and now when I access both
  my reader and writer I get the I don't have permission to access it.
  I've tried creating new icons and everything please help me.

Re: [newbie] Old wp5 files

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Vic wrote:

Anyone know where I can find
something to convert or read old
wordperfect 5 files?

WordPerfect 8 for linux will read the old files and put them into most
common formats.
I don't know if it can convert things to what you want them to be, since
you did not mention that. RTF will work, older Word formats will work,
plain text will work.


I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] Download manager?

2000-12-03 Thread R. Edward McCain

Salutations List,

I am wondering if there might be a download manager for Linux, something like 
Go!zilla or NetAnts, that will allow recovery of interrupted downloads, etc.
I have not found anything at this point, but I have only searched for about 
15 minutes.

Thank you.


R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread Steven Kinch

 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 Not that I can't recover, but I would like to get some insight to
 what I did wrong. Last night I decided to install mandrake 7.2 on my system
 that has 2 hdds with 3 paritions on each. The last parition on both hdd's
 was a software raid 0 from NT. The first 2 paritions on each hdd had a copy
 of NT 4 that I was duel booting between (acutally one was a backup copy
 just in case). So I had 3G of free hdd space on the second hdd, with the
 boot loader on the 1st hdd, ( so at worst I thought nothing would affect
 the 1st hdd). So in this free space is where I mounted the swap and system
 linux parition. And here is where I think I might of screwed up. I formated
 the linux parition with ext2. From the install guide it said I would
 eventually be given the choice to rewrite the mbr or if there was another
 boot loader then you can choose to install some boot files to the first
 sector of the boot parition. Then you can just add an entry in the boot
 loader for linux. Well this step never came up, it went ahead and just
 installed the lilo/grub. And from there linux is fine but I haven't been
 able to get back into NT( and of course I spaced making a recovery disk) My
 next step was just to reinstall NT back into the first parition on the
 first hdd but basically NT wasn't able to work with my drives anymore to
 reinstall NT. So here is where I need help, as far as I can tell I need to
 go thru the linux install and wipe out everything on my drives, exit, then
 reinstall NT then try reinstalling linux using some other file system than
  I wouldn't have said so.   Ext2 is clearly the right thing to put Linux on 
although the swap file is not usually ext2.  I have heard about issues 
between NT4/2000 and Linux but I missed that lesson having always used the 
easier Windows (95,98 and ME).  What you can do to get Windows back is sstart 
in DOS susing your WinNT boot disk and at the prompt type "fdisk /mbr"  This 
should your old Master Boot Record back and you will get into NT4 because it 
takes over the system wherever possible.

Then try getting on to your Linux Disk with the Linux Boot Disk and go to 
Drakeconf.  Try using the Grub/lilo boot configuration tool there and tell it 
to install to HDA (first hard drive) for both systems.  This ought to work.

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Steven Kinch wrote:

Surely you should let ever user have access to thnis stuff.  Log on as root
and enter chmod  -a+x /mnt/cdrom or whatever the device is.  Hey presto,
everyone can have a go.

I _am_ "every user" on my machine...

But you are correct, everyone should be able to access the cdrom.

I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Steven Kinch

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

  In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  if MS
  ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
  Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.

I am sorry but I don't have the first clue what you are trying to say.  Is a 
MS distro going to be any better than what we have?  My guess is that it 
would introduce to Linux a new concept like AUTOCRSH EVERY FIVE MINUTES

 But, wouldnt we all just download it off the net for free instead of buying
 it in a store. I go out and buy the software to support the cause, I
 wouldnt but a microsoft product if i could download it for free

Yes of course we would.  Are you some sort of idiot?

 ~Lance's $0.02
Well done, you can spell your name.  Unless you were very drunk when you 
posted your note you owe me an apology for boring me and wasting my time.

Content-Type: text/html; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Re: [newbie] Old wp5 files

2000-12-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

WordPerfect 8 for Linux (not Corel Office) is free.
Get it at

BTW, in regards to your CV question, Kword is part of Koffice. Look up 
koffice at

Other viable alternatives include AbiWord (look it up at and 
StarOffice (

On Sun,  3 Dec 2000 18:51, Vic wrote:
 Hello list

 Anyone know where I can find
 something to convert or read old
 wordperfect 5 files?

 thankya thankyaverrimuch

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Download manager?

2000-12-03 Thread Tim Holmes

Have you tried  You can search for software there.
That's where I find most of  my software.

I however do not know of anything off hand.  Personally I can't
stand download managers, but that's mainly due to their pirate
like attitude in Windozs.
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* R. Edward McCain [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001203 04:53]:
 Salutations List,
 I am wondering if there might be a download manager for Linux, something like 
 Go!zilla or NetAnts, that will allow recovery of interrupted downloads, etc.
 I have not found anything at this point, but I have only searched for about 
 15 minutes.
 Thank you.
 R. Edward McCain
 icq: 599146
 Registered Linux User #196613

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread R. Edward McCain

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

 Surely you should let ever user have access to thnis stuff.  Log on as root
 and enter chmod  -a+x /mnt/cdrom or whatever the device is.  Hey presto,
 everyone can have a go.

Doesn't seem to work for me...

# start session
password *

bin   dev  home  lost+found  opt   root  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   mnt proc  sbin  usr

chmod -a+x /mnt/cdrom
chmod: invalid mode

chmod -a+x /mnt/cdrom2
chmod: invalid mode

cd mnt
drom  cdrom2  disk  floppy  windows

chmod -a+x /mnt/cdrom
chmod: invalid mode

# end session

[newbie] Creative PCI128 under Mandrake 7

2000-12-03 Thread falcaraz

Dear Abraham
I have a Creative Lab Sound Blaster PCI 128, the module charged is
Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI and works fine!!!

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

[newbie] Voodoo3 3000 acceleration works!!

2000-12-03 Thread falcaraz

Thanks Eddi Torres and Abe, I gare; finally the Voodoo3 3 has
I have tryed before to do that using page, but I forced
the installation of Glide (the version in this page is older than the
present Mandrake 7.2) and then the X system crashed.

Chmoulin said me that it could be a problem with the motherboard chip
i850e!!! and that I had to wait for new kernels, so I didn't  try any
other installation.

But after read your messages I tryed again; this time I didn't user the
Glide reinstallation, I just used:

rpm -Uvh tdfx_dri-4.0.1-1.¡386.rpm
rpm --rebuild tdfx_drm-1.0-3.src.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/tdfx_drm-1.0-3.i686.rpm

The option --force was absolutly necessary. And it works Quake 3,
Chromium and so one (quake 3 in fact is too speedee, impossible to

It seems that the mandrake 7.2 has a bug about the installtion of 3d
acceleration, in fact, one message talked about somekind fo lint between
Voodoo3 and AGP (Abe, you were true when you said that 3dfx carss are
not real AGP cards, but PCI cards using the advantages of AGP slot. In
fact Harddrake said that my voodoo is a PCI card!!!

I hope this problem will be solved in future Mandrake releases; in fact
most potential home linux user like games using 3d acceleration, this
will be a good base to attract people from windoze!!

Thanks a lot and let me have fun playing for a while!!!

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

Re: [newbie] Download manager?

2000-12-03 Thread R. Edward McCain

I would like to thank everyone for their  prompt and helpful response to my 
inquery - especially the freshmeat tip.

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 Salutations List,

 I am wondering if there might be a download manager for Linux, something
 like Go!zilla or NetAnts, that will allow recovery of interrupted
 downloads, etc. I have not found anything at this point, but I have only
 searched for about 15 minutes.

 Thank you


R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] majordomo

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

Netscape 4.7x in Linux won't do the "above the text" thing for you like it
will in Windows. Mozilla M18, Beonex Communicator, and of course the worst
of the bunch, Netscape 6 will do this. Although I don't suggest using
Netscape 6 since it sucks.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 Romanator had this to say!

 How did you get majordomo configured? I'm supposed to be on the list.
 By the way, since I'm still running Netscrape. How can I get my
 signature to appear above the body of text?
 For some reason it always appears below. I feeling stupid tonight.
 Any ideas?
 Mark Weaver wrote:
  yes...and one that defies being configured and ran. That much it does
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 KompuKit had this to say!
   majordomo is a mailing list manager
   Dennis Myers wrote:
KompuKit wrote:

 hello out anyone seeing me...

 has anyone gotten majordomo working on 7.2yet
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 I see you all the way from over here. Sorry I don't have an answer but
what is majordomo?
Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

Re: [[newbie] Old wp5 files]

2000-12-03 Thread Michael Scottaline

 Hello list
 Anyone know where I can find
 something to convert or read old
 wordperfect 5 files?
 thankya thankyaverrimuch
Doesn't WP 8.0 open old WP formats???

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Benjamin Frankilin

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Mandrake is losing it

2000-12-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

 In a message dated 12/03/2000 3:20:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,
  Tell the installer to omit formatting the /home partition (it IS on another
   partition right)
 I just wanted someones 2 cents on this, what good is it to split it up into
 multiple partitions than have it all on one or two?

Hi Lance. I always split up (at least): swap, /, /usr/, and /home. Others go
even further with /var, etc, etc,. The advantage is that everytime you upgrade
you can retain your .*rc files (user settings), and its so much easier to back
up separate partitions. See, you can have Mandrake NOT format your home
directory during an install/upgrade. ;-)


Re: [newbie] Boot-up Issue 7.1 7.2

2000-12-03 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 03 December 2000 07:46 am, aifusionextreme wrote:
 Right ok, Is there a boot log I could look ?

   look around in /var/log

 I have heard that mandrake use custom kernels. Do you think that
 untouched kernel might work  ?

 All distro's use 'custom' kernels.  Using a plain vanila kernel, 
ie from, or a kernel intended for another 
distro isn't recommended.

 Here is the catch though, I cant install it until I can get in. How
 do I change runlevels in GRUB ? I should be able to get in runlevel
 1, I hope. I coulds do it in LILO. And the grub homepage didnt seem
 to offer an answer ( at least I couldnt find it ) .

  look here:
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

  On Saturday 02 December 2000 07:03 am, aifusionextreme wrote:
   Can anybody tell me how to go about troubleshooting this issue.
   My install of 7.2 goes fine, I do not istall networking. But when
   the system is rebooted it locks up. I had the same issue with
   7.1, and was hoping 7.2 would fix it.
   It's just about got to be a hardware problem.  IIRC, the
  install CD uses a different kernel than the installed kernel.  I
  believe that's where you need to start lookin
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-03 Thread S. Anderson

On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 06:52:52PM +1000, keldmar wrote:
 windows 2000 is not that stable it crashed all the time on my system and was
 just a heap of shit.  I would rather jsut keep using my linux 7.2 box then
 use my windows 2000 box
hehe I agree with your windows statement, But i thought i would let you
know linux is only up to version 2.4.0-test11.


Re: [newbie] Video card question?

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Hmm, okay...I'm a little confused now. I thought that with Xfree 4.01 and
Mandrake v7.2, if your video card is supported, then you get automagically
installed hardware acceleration? Is that not right?

Depends. If you upgrade from 3.3.6. a copy of the old XF86Config is used.
If acceleration is off in there, you need to set it on by hand:

option "accel" or something like that

I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Mike Tetlow wrote:

Thanks for the help but how do I change the permissions of the group.  I
installed yesterday.

Load linuxconf (as root)
Go to user accounts.
Click Group definitions
Click ADD
Name the group. e,g, cdwriter.
No need to do strange things with directories.
Add yourself to the members of the group

Click your way through OK and Accept until you're out of linuxconf.

Then just (still as root) chgrp cdwriter /dev/scd0 (if scd0 is the cdrom)
and that should be it.
That's what i did.


I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] How to reinstall

2000-12-03 Thread Mike Tetlow

Does anyone know a good surefire way to reinstall since it doesn't look like my cdrom permission problem will clear up.

Subject: Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions 
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 11:04:46 +0100 (CET) 
On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Steven Kinch wrote: 
 Surely you should let ever user have access to thnis stuff. Log on as root 
 and enter chmod -a+x /mnt/cdrom or whatever the device is. Hey presto, 
 everyone can have a go. 
I _am_ "every user" on my machine... 
But you are correct, everyone should be able to access the cdrom. 
I would only believe in a god that loves to dance. 
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403 
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30 
Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Roger Sherman

Has anyone tried what they say to do here?

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, R. Edward McCain wrote:

 I have the same problem - and no sound :-(
  -- I've just started tho.  I need to hit the man's and rfc's and see why I 
 got no cd's or sound.
 Machine Specs attached.
  On Sat, 02 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  I tried to get my cd-r working in 7.2 and now when I access both
  my reader and writer I get the I don't have permission to access it.
  I've tried creating new icons and everything please help me.



Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] How to reinstall

2000-12-03 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Mike Tetlow wrote:

 Does anyone know a good surefire way to reinstall since it doesn't look
 like my cdrom permission problem will clear up.

Before you try that, do what they say to do here:

I don't know if it works (it should for both cdroms), but if you're going
to reinstall anyways, what could it hurt?

 From: Paul
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions
 Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 11:04:46 +0100 (CET)
 On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Steven Kinch wrote:
  Surely you should let ever user have access to thnis stuff. Log on as
  and enter chmod -a+x /mnt/cdrom or whatever the device is. Hey presto,
  everyone can have a go.
 I _am_ "every user" on my machine...
 But you are correct, everyone should be able to access the cdrom.
 I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
 (Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30
 Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :



Registered Linux user #190719

RE: [newbie] How to reinstall

2000-12-03 Thread Steven Kinch

Try the command, as root, chmod 777 (name of your cdrom drive)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: 02 December 2000 16:23
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to reinstall

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Mike Tetlow wrote:

 Does anyone know a good surefire way to reinstall since it doesn't look
 like my cdrom permission problem will clear up.

Before you try that, do what they say to do here:

I don't know if it works (it should for both cdroms), but if you're going
to reinstall anyways, what could it hurt?



 From: Paul
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions
 Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 11:04:46 +0100 (CET)
 On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Steven Kinch wrote:
  Surely you should let ever user have access to thnis stuff. Log on as
  and enter chmod -a+x /mnt/cdrom or whatever the device is. Hey presto,
  everyone can have a go.
 I _am_ "every user" on my machine...
 But you are correct, everyone should be able to access the cdrom.
 I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
 (Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

 Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :



Registered Linux user #190719

RE: [newbie] majordomo

2000-12-03 Thread Steven Kinch

Sod Netscape of any description.  Lord Mark is quite right.  Mozilla is
great.  Also have a look at Opera to be found at  They charge
for it in Windows and I have happily paid for it.  In Linux, I am not sure
if it will do the e-mail thing yet.  I will say that Kmail which probably
came with your distribution is excellent for just about anything.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: 03 December 2000 12:48
Subject: Re: [newbie] majordomo

Netscape 4.7x in Linux won't do the "above the text" thing for you like it
will in Windows. Mozilla M18, Beonex Communicator, and of course the worst
of the bunch, Netscape 6 will do this. Although I don't suggest using
Netscape 6 since it sucks.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 Romanator had this to say!

 How did you get majordomo configured? I'm supposed to be on the list.
 By the way, since I'm still running Netscrape. How can I get my
 signature to appear above the body of text?
 For some reason it always appears below. I feeling stupid tonight.

 Any ideas?


 Mark Weaver wrote:
  yes...and one that defies being configured and ran. That much it does
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 KompuKit had this to say!
   majordomo is a mailing list manager
   Dennis Myers wrote:
KompuKit wrote:

 hello out anyone seeing me...

 has anyone gotten majordomo working on 7.2yet
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)
 I see you all the way from over here. Sorry I don't have an answer
what is majordomo?
Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Mike Tetlow

Sweet Merciful crap I got 1 drive working not the cdrw though yeah
woho go me
Got really no clue how I did it however make sure its set on Group cdrom in 
your properties

So now I'm down to getting the CDROM2 working it still says I don't have 

P.S. I did the reinstall and it came up with the same thing
Any Ideas

From: "Mike Tetlow" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 08:39:18 -0500

Thanks for the help but how do I change the permissions of the group.  I
installed yesterday.


Subject: Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 08:27:54 +0100 (CET)

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, R. Edward McCain wrote:

Create a group "cdwriter" in linuxconf, add yourself to that group, and
then change the group permission on /dev/scd0 (or scd1, whatever the
writer really is) to the group 'cdwriter' (chgrp cdwriter /dev/scd?)

As my machine now shows:

[paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/scd0
brw-rw1 root cdwriter  11,   0 Sep 27 12:31 /dev/scd0


 I have the same problem - and no sound :-(
  -- I've just started tho.  I need to hit the man's and rfc's and see 
 got no cd's or sound.
 Machine Specs attached.
  On Sat, 02 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  I tried to get my cd-r working in 7.2 and now when I access both
  my reader and writer I get the I don't have permission to access it.
  I've tried creating new icons and everything please help me.

I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

[newbie] Grub Editing

2000-12-03 Thread Mike Tetlow

Does anyone know of a way or location of a tutorial so I can make grub set 
my windows partition as the one it boots after 5 seconds of no response

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Re: [newbie] Grub Editing

2000-12-03 Thread Mr Monster

Use Linuxconf , and from there its somewhere under default boot options

hope that helps


Reg. User 153258

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Tetlow" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 December 2000 17:58
Subject: [newbie] Grub Editing

 Does anyone know of a way or location of a tutorial so I can make grub set
 my windows partition as the one it boots after 5 seconds of no response

 Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread pablito

Take a look at what happened when MS first tried skinnable software, this
media player of theirs.  Plenty of skinnable windows programs had been out
for a year or more.  MS had the advantage of having the source code for
windows.  Their media player was easily the most incompetent skinning job
available.  The fonts would not adjust to the right size and overran the
buttons, and if one ran a window-frame skinner like windowblinds, the MS
media player would get skinned twice, with a border surrounding a border.

- Original Message -
From: "Steven Kinch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:   In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
:   if MS
:   ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
:   Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.
: I am sorry but I don't have the first clue what you are trying to say.  Is
: MS distro going to be any better than what we have?  My guess is that it
: would introduce to Linux a new concept like AUTOCRSH EVERY FIVE

Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread John Slezak

Thanks for the info.  I've already went crazy deleting
paritions left and right.  I thought I would be able
to just reinstall nt, but it goes thru to doing the
exhaustive examination of the hard drives and then
tells me I need to reboot and start over.  I get to
here everytime.  Then I've gone in with booting off a
win 98 disk and fdisked everything including my linux
paritions(swap was formatted swap).  I did try using
the grub to boot to NT but there it would bring up the
NT boot loader and when I would click on one of the
choices it would say can't find NToskernel.exe (can't
remember the extention).  So now I've deleted
everything on my drives other than one of the original
NT paritions.  And I still get punted trying to
reinstall to a new parition.  I am starting to think
it may be a ata66 issue due to the fact during the NT
install it is calling both the drives disk 0.  I just
got to work, so when I go home I will disconnect one
of the drives and try again.
--- Steven Kinch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  Not that I can't recover, but I would like to get
 some insight to
  what I did wrong. Last night I decided to install
 mandrake 7.2 on my system
  that has 2 hdds with 3 paritions on each. The last
 parition on both hdd's
  was a software raid 0 from NT. The first 2
 paritions on each hdd had a copy
  of NT 4 that I was duel booting between (acutally
 one was a backup copy
  just in case). So I had 3G of free hdd space on
 the second hdd, with the
  boot loader on the 1st hdd, ( so at worst I
 thought nothing would affect
  the 1st hdd). So in this free space is where I
 mounted the swap and system
  linux parition. And here is where I think I might
 of screwed up. I formated
  the linux parition with ext2. From the install
 guide it said I would
  eventually be given the choice to rewrite the mbr
 or if there was another
  boot loader then you can choose to install some
 boot files to the first
  sector of the boot parition. Then you can just add
 an entry in the boot
  loader for linux. Well this step never came up, it
 went ahead and just
  installed the lilo/grub. And from there linux is
 fine but I haven't been
  able to get back into NT( and of course I spaced
 making a recovery disk) My
  next step was just to reinstall NT back into the
 first parition on the
  first hdd but basically NT wasn't able to work
 with my drives anymore to
  reinstall NT. So here is where I need help, as far
 as I can tell I need to
  go thru the linux install and wipe out everything
 on my drives, exit, then
  reinstall NT then try reinstalling linux using
 some other file system than
   I wouldn't have said so.   Ext2 is clearly the
 right thing to put Linux on 
 although the swap file is not usually ext2.  I have
 heard about issues 
 between NT4/2000 and Linux but I missed that lesson
 having always used the 
 easier Windows (95,98 and ME).  What you can do to
 get Windows back is sstart 
 in DOS susing your WinNT boot disk and at the prompt
 type "fdisk /mbr"  This 
 should your old Master Boot Record back and you will
 get into NT4 because it 
 takes over the system wherever possible.
 Then try getting on to your Linux Disk with the
 Linux Boot Disk and go to 
 Drakeconf.  Try using the Grub/lilo boot
 configuration tool there and tell it 
 to install to HDA (first hard drive) for both
 systems.  This ought to work.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

RE: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread Steven Kinch

OK.  Let me know how it goes.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Slezak
Sent: 03 December 2000 20:41
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

Thanks for the info.  I've already went crazy deleting
paritions left and right.  I thought I would be able
to just reinstall nt, but it goes thru to doing the
exhaustive examination of the hard drives and then
tells me I need to reboot and start over.  I get to
here everytime.  Then I've gone in with booting off a
win 98 disk and fdisked everything including my linux
paritions(swap was formatted swap).  I did try using
the grub to boot to NT but there it would bring up the
NT boot loader and when I would click on one of the
choices it would say can't find NToskernel.exe (can't
remember the extention).  So now I've deleted
everything on my drives other than one of the original
NT paritions.  And I still get punted trying to
reinstall to a new parition.  I am starting to think
it may be a ata66 issue due to the fact during the NT
install it is calling both the drives disk 0.  I just
got to work, so when I go home I will disconnect one
of the drives and try again.
--- Steven Kinch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
  Not that I can't recover, but I would like to get
 some insight to
  what I did wrong. Last night I decided to install
 mandrake 7.2 on my system
  that has 2 hdds with 3 paritions on each. The last
 parition on both hdd's
  was a software raid 0 from NT. The first 2
 paritions on each hdd had a copy
  of NT 4 that I was duel booting between (acutally
 one was a backup copy
  just in case). So I had 3G of free hdd space on
 the second hdd, with the
  boot loader on the 1st hdd, ( so at worst I
 thought nothing would affect
  the 1st hdd). So in this free space is where I
 mounted the swap and system
  linux parition. And here is where I think I might
 of screwed up. I formated
  the linux parition with ext2. From the install
 guide it said I would
  eventually be given the choice to rewrite the mbr
 or if there was another
  boot loader then you can choose to install some
 boot files to the first
  sector of the boot parition. Then you can just add
 an entry in the boot
  loader for linux. Well this step never came up, it
 went ahead and just
  installed the lilo/grub. And from there linux is
 fine but I haven't been
  able to get back into NT( and of course I spaced
 making a recovery disk) My
  next step was just to reinstall NT back into the
 first parition on the
  first hdd but basically NT wasn't able to work
 with my drives anymore to
  reinstall NT. So here is where I need help, as far
 as I can tell I need to
  go thru the linux install and wipe out everything
 on my drives, exit, then
  reinstall NT then try reinstalling linux using
 some other file system than
   I wouldn't have said so.   Ext2 is clearly the
 right thing to put Linux on 
 although the swap file is not usually ext2.  I have
 heard about issues 
 between NT4/2000 and Linux but I missed that lesson
 having always used the 
 easier Windows (95,98 and ME).  What you can do to
 get Windows back is sstart 
 in DOS susing your WinNT boot disk and at the prompt
 type "fdisk /mbr"  This 
 should your old Master Boot Record back and you will
 get into NT4 because it 
 takes over the system wherever possible.
 Then try getting on to your Linux Disk with the
 Linux Boot Disk and go to 
 Drakeconf.  Try using the Grub/lilo boot
 configuration tool there and tell it 
 to install to HDA (first hard drive) for both
 systems.  This ought to work.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread jack dugas

John Slezak wrote:

 Thanks for the info.  I've already went crazy deleting
 paritions left and right.  I thought I would be able
 to just reinstall nt, but it goes thru to doing the
 exhaustive examination of the hard drives and then
 tells me I need to reboot and start over.  I get to
 here everytime.  Then I've gone in with booting off a
 win 98 disk and fdisked everything including my linux
 paritions(swap was formatted swap).  I did try using
 the grub to boot to NT but there it would bring up the
 NT boot loader and when I would click on one of the
 choices it would say can't find NToskernel.exe (can't
 remember the extention).  So now I've deleted
 everything on my drives other than one of the original
 NT paritions.  And I still get punted trying to
 reinstall to a new parition.  I am starting to think
 it may be a ata66 issue due to the fact during the NT
 install it is calling both the drives disk 0.  I just
 got to work, so when I go home I will disconnect one
 of the drives and try again.
 --- Steven Kinch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
   Not that I can't recover, but I would like to get
  some insight to
   what I did wrong. Last night I decided to install
  mandrake 7.2 on my system
   that has 2 hdds with 3 paritions on each. The last
  parition on both hdd's
   was a software raid 0 from NT. The first 2
  paritions on each hdd had a copy
   of NT 4 that I was duel booting between (acutally
  one was a backup copy
   just in case). So I had 3G of free hdd space on
  the second hdd, with the
   boot loader on the 1st hdd, ( so at worst I
  thought nothing would affect
   the 1st hdd). So in this free space is where I
  mounted the swap and system
   linux parition. And here is where I think I might
  of screwed up. I formated
   the linux parition with ext2. From the install
  guide it said I would
   eventually be given the choice to rewrite the mbr
  or if there was another
   boot loader then you can choose to install some
  boot files to the first
   sector of the boot parition. Then you can just add
  an entry in the boot
   loader for linux. Well this step never came up, it
  went ahead and just
   installed the lilo/grub. And from there linux is
  fine but I haven't been
   able to get back into NT( and of course I spaced
  making a recovery disk) My
   next step was just to reinstall NT back into the
  first parition on the
   first hdd but basically NT wasn't able to work
  with my drives anymore to
   reinstall NT. So here is where I need help, as far
  as I can tell I need to
   go thru the linux install and wipe out everything
  on my drives, exit, then
   reinstall NT then try reinstalling linux using
  some other file system than
I wouldn't have said so.   Ext2 is clearly the
  right thing to put Linux on
  although the swap file is not usually ext2.  I have
  heard about issues
  between NT4/2000 and Linux but I missed that lesson
  having always used the
  easier Windows (95,98 and ME).  What you can do to
  get Windows back is sstart
  in DOS susing your WinNT boot disk and at the prompt
  type "fdisk /mbr"  This
  should your old Master Boot Record back and you will
  get into NT4 because it
  takes over the system wherever possible.
  Then try getting on to your Linux Disk with the
  Linux Boot Disk and go to
  Drakeconf.  Try using the Grub/lilo boot
  configuration tool there and tell it
  to install to HDA (first hard drive) for both
  systems.  This ought to work.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

linux should be on a computer by itself without be on the same drive or computer for 
that matter.the bios has to see which OS
it is going to boot. Nothing but trouble is going to happen..  jack.

RE: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-12-03 Thread Michael

Wouldn't someone like Linux be able to demand to view suspected parts of
Windows source to see if it has Linux code in it if this were at all
provable? I do believe other companies have done such to Microsoft before
(and in some cases proved their code was indeed in there)..

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Liaw, Andy wrote:

 I also read an article that says Corel is thinking about spinning off the
 Linux OS.
  From:   Kelly, Christopher[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Monday, November 27, 2000 9:26 AM
  Subject:RE: [newbie] gates gets linux
  I read an article that said that they might be using Linux code to fix all
  the bugs that Winblows has...
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:13 AM
  To: patrick
  Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets linux
  Ironicly they now own a Linux OS.  They bought Corel did they not? :)
   u know this is sound rather silly but i have
   thinking this for awhile about microsoft.
   are they using linux code ?
   Love is all u need
  Mike Freeman
  Embrace the Penguin.  Give Bill the cold shoulder! 
  Linux Registered User #190770  (10/02/2000)
  Get your own free email account from

Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-12-03 Thread Michael

I'd tend to be one that'd believe he's using it as his way to jump into
the Linux market without actually supporting Linux until he is in the
position to be the market leader of the Linux market. Something along the
lines of what he did with the last big trend he almost missed -- afterall
who ever heard of people using the Internet?

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, patrick wrote:

 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, you wrote:
  "The Cube" --Corel's email journal for Linux users-- which came
  out just a few days ago says that they are actively working on a
  new Linux release.  For what it's worth, that's what it says.
  At 11:06 AM 11/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
  I also read an article that says Corel is thinking about spinning off the
  Linux OS.
  /snip off the rest/
 try to become gates for a moment. what do u think is his
 motivation. to stop wine or corels emulation of windoes
 what do u think

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver



/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 Eunice Thompson had this to say!

 Couldn't you folks who want to discuss or vent about Windows
 find a Windows mailing list or better yet,
 --start one.
 Can we just do Linux here?
 Mark Weaver wrote:
  it is...but often you'll find that all this venting is good theropy.
  / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
* in order to get the rats up from below decks
* so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!
Technically, WinME is Win98 without any trace of DOS under the
covers. You
won't find autoexec.bat. config.sys, or any of those files on a
system with
WinME preinstalled.
   *Technically*, best I can tell, WinME's relationship to DOS is no different
   from Win95 or Win98. Take it from a guy who's wasted a lot more time
   exploring those relationships than I want to think about...
   Basically Win9x's autoexec.bat/config.sys only affected DOS programs anyway.
   MS chose to leave them out in the newest iteration, assuming (fairly
   reasonably, actually) that nobody buying a new WinME computer would ever
   even think of running a DOS program.
   However, the dirty little secret is that if you ever have to boot off of
   WinME's rescue floppy, you're right back at the DOS prompt!
   BTW, I subscribed to this list under the impression that it was devoted to
   an alternative OS... =)
   - Av -

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

Thats exactly what I said the first time I responded. That the
"kernel" was/is written in C and Assembler. But I guess that part was
overlooked in all the other posts.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] had this to say!

 Well You are wrong
 First Windows Kernel is written in (C  Assembly)
 Second Windows 2K is Win NT 5, Windows ME is just Win 9X Kernel with
 I my self work on both linux and Win 2K. and although it is easy to attack
 M$, but I must say that Win 2K is well stable and efficient OS.
 So if you want to attack be at least correct with your knowledge!!!

Re: [newbie] RE: Windows can't be written in VB

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

thats just the kernel. 7.2 refers to the version of Mandrake that he's


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 S. Anderson had this to say!

 On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 06:52:52PM +1000, keldmar wrote:
  windows 2000 is not that stable it crashed all the time on my system and was
  just a heap of shit.  I would rather jsut keep using my linux 7.2 box then
  use my windows 2000 box
 hehe I agree with your windows statement, But i thought i would let you
 know linux is only up to version 2.4.0-test11.

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Michael

When in doubt do some research into the best apps for your needs, on any
OS, and then clone them or help a programmer you might know (Linux lists
are good places to find them) to clone them for you as opensource. Once
you got the basics of what you need it is much easier to develop
specialized functions and features you might need added. I'm certainly not
above taking ideas from other programs and then making my own
version. Can't be that horrible a sin, afterall look at all the people who
invented mindsweeper and tetris. ;

Winmodems are easy enough to overcome.. just buy a cheap external modem
and your set. I for one switched to highspeed access for both work and
home and am very pleased with it. My biggest complaint is in things like
digital cameras. I recently had the need to buy a few web cams to monitor
a server room with and finding some that were Linux compatible was a
pain. The process was to find one that was compatible and then search
until I found someplace that had it, do a few price/feature comparisons,
verify it is the same thing even though it has the same name, and finally
buy one. It was very frustrating that the majority of supported models
were slightly outdated and so harder to find online. I ended up buying a
couple CUSeeMe (or whatever that is) cams for about $40 each and they
serve my need.

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear friends:
 I would like to add my two cents' worth to this matter of applications.
 [Preliminary Note: I love Linux and especially Mandrake and have been
 supporting it by purchasing its official versions since version LM 6.1
 and continue to do so (in spite of Macmillain's recent LM 72/Wallmart
 fiasco, which I consider a serious setback to Mandrake's professional
 standards and especially reputation among newbies for whom it is meant.
 Let's hope Mandrake/Macmillain never pass off a Beta as an official
 version again.]
 Now to the subject at hand:
 Two years ago I abandoned Windows 95 for good and installed Linux Red
 Hat 5.2. That was followed by Linux-Mandrake, which I have been using
 ever since. I was originally hoping to never again so much as look at
 Windows, and for the first year I was happily and blissfully free of it.
 But then, for professional reasons (broadcasts on Windows Media Player
 and Quicktime), I had no choice but to reinstall Win98 SE as part of a
 dual-boot system. I added an extra hard drive for Windows and this makes
 it much easier to keep the two OS's separate (using Lilo to switch back
 and forth -- thank God for Lilo!). I thought that would pretty much do
 it. But then a funny thing happened: we decided to invest a little money
 in the stock market, and to help my wife with her research, I decided to
 look for stock market analysis and research software programs. Well, I
 found nothing on Linux, so I decided to to go ZDNET's software library
 and see what Windows had to offer. I was astounded to discovere HUNDREDS
 upon HUNDREDS of financial programs of every sort, dozens upon dozens
 specializing in one aspect of stock market trading or another. I was
 overwhelmed, tried out a dozen or so and settle on what I thought were
 the best: SpeedResearch Browser (SRBrowse), EZStock and StockAnalyzer.
 Two of the three are also free (as in beer) and the third costs only
 So, now I am more attached to Windows than ever and I don't like it one
 bit. Win98 SE may be better and more stable than Win95 (which was a
 nightmare) but, still, it's the same old unreliable, unstable Windows
 that crashes at the most inopportune times, crashing the OS along with
 any "misbehaving" application. Furthermore, Windows's multitasking is a
 joke. It can barely handle two or three applications at a time before
 crashing. I use it only when I have to, but, as you can see, I need it
 more and more. 
 Bottom line: Until Linux, which is rich in thousands of applications,
 has an equally vast and varied collection of CONSUMER applications of
 every sort, it won't quite be ready for prime time. And this won't
 happen till Linux is much more popular. The old chicken and egg problem:
 no consumer applications until there is a consumer market for Linux big
 enough to justify it, and no consumer market until there are
 Meanwhile, Linux as an OS, with its great and beautiful and configurable
 new graphical KDE and Gnome desktops (and even xfce and other
 light-weight desktop for those with low-memory) and its thousands upon
 thousands of applications (some for consumers, mostly for professionals)
 and its reliablity, strength, superb multi-tasking, kernel 2.4 (around
 the corner), wealth of browsers (yes -- Netscape 4.75, Netscape 6 --
 when it is fully operational, KDE's Konqueror and, most importantly,
 Mozilla (now at M18 and moving ahead fast), is catching up with (has
 already caught up with?) Windows and 

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver


You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
dependable business workstation platform.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 onepatrick had this to say!

 Mark Johnson wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Benjamin Sher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 6:01 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
  Bottom line: Until Linux, which is rich in thousands of applications,
  has an equally vast and varied collection of CONSUMER applications of
  every sort, it won't quite be ready for prime time. And this won't
  happen till Linux is much more popular. The old chicken and egg problem:
  no consumer applications until there is a consumer market for Linux big
  enough to justify it, and no consumer market until there are
  And this won't happen until it's easy enough for my mom, wife, and brother
  to use and until the elite hacker attitude subsides.
 i cant imagine the elite hacker attitude ever subsiding. there will
 be a place inlinux for hackers. yep, they have those little things
 terminals . they dont need shells or kde's or gnomes. im starting to
 think they dont even need operating systems of any kind.  but...
 linux is moving to include the rest of us that dont want to be
 programmers or hackers or whatever. mandrake 7.2 is very easy to use.
 i bet even your mom could run it.
   Linux is still a
  paradise for coders not users..
 linux will always be a paradise for coders. it it more and more a
 for users too.
 . However, most linux users don't care about
  running Quicken and such, for linux to win they must pull users off of
  Windows and onto linux (these are the only converts, you won't get a lot of
  MAC users to give up their OS).  The intrinsic road block of linux is the
  "cult" personality, like MAC and BSD, us folks are generally emotionally
  tied to the OS.  Most windows users couldn't give a flying flip that they
  are using Windows they just want integrated office products and the facility
  offered by those products (and to be able to run their games). 
 i would agree and disagree. i know many people who wouldnt even think
 of leaving windoes. i know of some that use it because its because
 what most other people use. most people seem to be unaware of just
 dont care that windoes would destroy them as quickly as any one else
 to make a profit. its like they are brainless. that of course is my
 with the relase of kernal 2.4 i believe linux kernal stands superior
 to microsofts. time will tell
 They don't
  want to be system administrators, just like I don't want to be a car
  mechanic.  I want my car to work when I drive it off the lot. I will never
  upgrade the stereo or engine or interior, i'm just not interested in doing
  that.  But this isn't a morally depraved behavior, it's just the way it is.
  Meanwhile, Linux as an OS, with its great and beautiful and configurable
  new graphical KDE and Gnome desktops
  The thing is most ordinary users don't care what the OS is they care about
  the interface and how easy it is to get their job done and how easy it is to
  integrate their favorite apps.  I don't think most folks even mess with
  their Windows settings. (Just showing my wife the "Send To" mechanism in
  Explorer is like pulling teeth!) Having said that, may the gods be praised
  for the efforts of the KDE and Gnome folks but there is still much road to
  The thing that should strike fear into the marrow of our bones is that if MS
  decided to build a flavor of Linux I think it would be a reasonable
  assumption that people like my mom and brother would ditch the Windows
  environment and adopt the linux platform because they don't care out the OS,
 tell them about micosofts behavior to other companies. and if they dont
 care what os they are using why would they care if they had linux. this
 doesnt make any sense to me. i would think that many people in the
 would want linux just because its practically free and get updated on
 a regular basis and because there are people that want to help them with
 i would agree that some people just wouldnt care no matter what.
  they care about the usabilty of the products and the availablity of the
  products.  We laugh about the MS Linux website parody, but really, if MS
  ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
  Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money. 
 if they did that, who would buy 

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Rick Commo

And behind Mark's statement is an even more powerful truth, "if... you can
install it and get it going".  Because a stable operating system that you
can't easily install won't be accepted.  And I am in that league for example
with my Pavilion 3625 - no sound.  Since I don't use it anyway, I've let it
slide, but it is a case in point as are the many questions thrown into
[newbie] and even [expert].

-Original Message-
From: . Mark Weaver
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 2:34 PM
Cc: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux


You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
dependable business workstation platform.

Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread Jo

linux should be on a computer by itself without be on the same drive
or computer for that matter.the bios has to see which OS
it is going to boot. Nothing but trouble is going to happen..

I have 3 OS's on my portable and they boot without interfering with
each other. Nothing bad has happened so far and it won't.

-- Jo, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/3/2000

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

I SERIOUSLY doubt it because;

1) their programmers aren't smart enough to figure out HOW to cause Linux
to crash every time the mouse arrow moves.

2) They would have to convince the rest of the Linux world, AND a lot of
windows users to pay ridiculous amounts of money for virtually the same
product, un-M$-afide, for free.

3) I'm not all that sure any of their programmers really knows a REAL
programming language with which to create an M$-linux distribution. really can't monopolize and leverage something that is open
source and for that reason I don't think Mr. Gates finds Linux all that
interesting. He can't corner the market where the Penguin Lives and keep
it all to himself. 


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] had this to say!

 In a message dated 12/1/00 4:54:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  if MS
  ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
  Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money.  
 But, wouldnt we all just download it off the net for free instead of buying 
 it in a store. I go out and buy the software to support the cause, I wouldnt 
 but a microsoft product if i could download it for free
 ~Lance's $0.02

Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread Jo

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:40:47 -0800 (PST),
Thanks for the info.  I've already went crazy deleting
paritions left and right.  I thought I would be able
to just reinstall nt, but it goes thru to doing the
exhaustive examination of the hard drives and then
tells me I need to reboot and start over.  I get to
here everytime.  Then I've gone in with booting off a
win 98 disk and fdisked everything including my linux
paritions(swap was formatted swap).  I did try using
the grub to boot to NT but there it would bring up the
NT boot loader and when I would click on one of the
choices it would say can't find NToskernel.exe (can't
remember the extention).  So now I've deleted
everything on my drives other than one of the original
NT paritions.  And I still get punted trying to
reinstall to a new parition.  I am starting to think
it may be a ata66 issue due to the fact during the NT
install it is calling both the drives disk 0.  I just
got to work, so when I go home I will disconnect one
of the drives and try again.
--- Steven Kinch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 03 Dec
2000, you wrote:
  Not that I can't recover, but I would like to get
 some insight to
  what I did wrong. Last night I decided to install
 mandrake 7.2 on my system
  that has 2 hdds with 3 paritions on each. The last
 parition on both hdd's
  was a software raid 0 from NT. The first 2
 paritions on each hdd had a copy
  of NT 4 that I was duel booting between (acutally
 one was a backup copy
  just in case). So I had 3G of free hdd space on
 the second hdd, with the
  boot loader on the 1st hdd, ( so at worst I
 thought nothing would affect
  the 1st hdd). So in this free space is where I
 mounted the swap and system
  linux parition. And here is where I think I might
 of screwed up. I formated
  the linux parition with ext2. From the install
 guide it said I would
  eventually be given the choice to rewrite the mbr
 or if there was another
  boot loader then you can choose to install some
 boot files to the first
  sector of the boot parition. Then you can just add
 an entry in the boot
  loader for linux. Well this step never came up, it
 went ahead and just
  installed the lilo/grub. And from there linux is
 fine but I haven't been
  able to get back into NT( and of course I spaced
 making a recovery disk) My
  next step was just to reinstall NT back into the
 first parition on the
  first hdd but basically NT wasn't able to work
 with my drives anymore to
  reinstall NT. So here is where I need help, as far
 as I can tell I need to
  go thru the linux install and wipe out everything
 on my drives, exit, then
  reinstall NT then try reinstalling linux using
 some other file system than
  I wouldn't have said so.   Ext2 is clearly the
 right thing to put Linux on
 although the swap file is not usually ext2.  I have
 heard about issues
 between NT4/2000 and Linux but I missed that lesson
 having always used the
 easier Windows (95,98 and ME).  What you can do to
 get Windows back is sstart
 in DOS susing your WinNT boot disk and at the prompt
 type "fdisk /mbr"  This
 should your old Master Boot Record back and you will
 get into NT4 because it
 takes over the system wherever possible.

 Then try getting on to your Linux Disk with the
 Linux Boot Disk and go to
 Drakeconf.  Try using the Grub/lilo boot
 configuration tool there and tell it
 to install to HDA (first hard drive) for both
 systems.  This ought to work.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

It's a pity you already seem to have deleted your NT-partitions. If
your NT boot partition was FAT you could have edited the boot.ini
file, which is the configuration file for NT's bootloader.
If it is in NTFS you can make an NT rescue boot disk. You would need
to format it using NT, then copy boot.ini, NTLDR and, if
I'm not mistaken. Three files are all it takes.
Then you would experiment changing the numbers in the boot.ini file,
until your system boots to NT once again.


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(8)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(6)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(7)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(9)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(10)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect

As you can see you can have up to 10 entries in this list.

You can make this disk on another NT system. It will work everywhere

I hope this helps.

NT is not one of the more difficult' Windows. Just like with linux,
it's all stuff you need to know...

Re: [newbie] help

2000-12-03 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Monday 04 December 2000 03:04, you wrote:
 i've just installed linux 4 windows! after
 installation i clicked the icon from the desktop and
 then windows boot to linux with a lot of text coming
 then afterwards asked me for the login name then
 password, i entered the username and password then a
 word localhost with my username on bracket and i'm
 wondering if what command to be used so that i can
 enter to the linux desktop


\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-03 Thread erylon hines

On Sunday 03 December 2000 23:35, you wrote:
 I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  The Windows
 boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
 installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from and I said
 /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The problem is
 that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I try to boot
 it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that /dev/hdb5 is not
 bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I won't need
 to use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as
 options in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to make sure that
 the Linux is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.

Thanks. ...Dave

Stop right where you are!!  Don't hose anything--it's not that hard, I dual 
boot NT and W2K with Linux on lots of defferent boxes.  From your 
description, it looks like LILO may be installed exactly where it should 
be--hdb5.  My experience has been that NT/W2K doesn't like to boot from LILO, 
so you'll need to use the NT bootloader to boot and choose your operating 
systems.  So, once you have your system booting W2K perform the following 

Do everything in Linux as root

1.  Boot Linux with your boot disk

2.  Mount your floppy drive (its probably already mounted, but just in case 
it's not the command is   #mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

3.  Put a DOS formatted floppy in the drive and type:

dd if=/dev/hdb5 bs=512 count=1 of=/mnt/floppy/boot.Lnx

Remember, if LILO ain't on hdb5, you'll have to  change the command to 
reflect where it actually is.  What you did is copy LILO to a DOS floppy and 
named the LILO file"boot.Lnx"

4.Close Linux and reboot into W2K

Now you need to write the floppy's boot.Lnx to the W2K "boot.ini"

5.  Open Explorer and copy the boot.Lnx file to the root of your W2K drive

6.  Using Notepad, open the "boot.ini" and add the line
  c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2 "  
to the end of the file

This is what mine looks like:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft 2000 Professional" /fa
c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2"

7.  Right click on "My Computer", click on "properties"--this brings up the 
System Properties window.  Click on the "Advanced" tab and the "Startup and 
Recovery" button at the bottom.  If the first check box is unchecked put a 
check in it and then set the number of seconds to display before booting into 
the Default OS.

8.  With no floppies in the drive, reboot and you should see your operating 
system choices.  

For anyone using WINNT, you might have to write your boot.ini file, because 
your's may be blank.  Then at step #6 you'll need to drop to an MSDOS prompt 
and type:
 C:attrib -s -r boot.ini

Then write your boot.ini file and reset your attributes by typing:
   C:attrib +r +s boot.ini

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

 The Point Linux will never win its way into peoples homes until
 manufacturers decide to start porting their code to linux,  so us people at
 home can use our digicams, scanners etc... just as easy as ever! (without
 even so much as a chmod etc)

why should they wish to do such a thing when they're getting paid by M$
not to do such a thing? I say screw the manufacturers that don't want to
play ball and let  pay those in the Linux community that "can" and want to
write the software we need to run our toys and gadgits. At least that way
we'll be sure that the drivers are written correctly and will work.

Re: [newbie] help

2000-12-03 Thread Jeff Dickman

type startx

On Sunday 03 December 2000 18:04, you wrote:
 i've just installed linux 4 windows! after
 installation i clicked the icon from the desktop and
 then windows boot to linux with a lot of text coming
 then afterwards asked me for the login name then
 password, i entered the username and password then a
 word localhost with my username on bracket and i'm
 wondering if what command to be used so that i can
 enter to the linux desktop

 please help.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] help

2000-12-03 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Marlon Guzman wrote:

 i've just installed linux 4 windows! after
 installation i clicked the icon from the desktop and
 then windows boot to linux with a lot of text coming
 then afterwards asked me for the login name then
 password, i entered the username and password then a
 word localhost with my username on bracket and i'm
 wondering if what command to be used so that i can
 enter to the linux desktop
 please help.

Not 100% sure I understand - do you mean youre seeing this:

[username@localhost username]$

If so, thats the command prompt. Try typing startx and hit return...see
what happens, and let us know...



Registered Linux user #190719

[newbie] Defrag

2000-12-03 Thread Jeff Dickman

This is probably me just being obsessive...

Does Mandrake have a defrag program?


Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

it _has_ an "install-shield". It just doesn't happen to look like the one
thats in windows. Nor should it.  there are some things, I would agree,
that need to change, but one of them isn't becoming windows, or even
Windows-like. Since I became a Linux user two years ago I've watched first
RedHat progress forward with their presentation and the installation
methods employed by their developers and now Mandrake for the past 9
months. I'd say that they've come a long way in a short time. I for one am
glad that they spend more time on making sure that the product that
they're releasing to the public is coded and working correctly rather than
making sure its a hands-off breeze to install and get working. 

Reading is fundamental. that used to be a famous little slogan that
everyone was familiar with on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons
and in the Linux world it is still very true. Linux may not jump out-a the
box and onto your harddrive ready for you to cruise the internet with
"no" effort, but then again it doesn't need rebooted 2-3 times a day and
doesn't cost between $300 and $700 per copy per machine either.

Lets remember that what you've got on your computer is one of the most
stable operating systems that many of us have ever seen and most of us
haven't paid a penny for, but "many" have spent Lng hours
coding, debugging, checking and rechecking...I could go on and on, but I
need to get down off this soap box before I get a nose bleed.

I think these few reasons are more than enough to bring Linux to a place
of world domination. All that is needed is that intelligent folks first
need to stop fearing what they aren't able to readily understand in a few
seconds, and be willing to put in a little time and effort to get
completley configured. What you end up with in the end is a machine that
is as solid as a rock provided the user did a little planning ahead of
time and made sure all their "hardware" ducks are in a row thereby
avoiding any unpleasant surprises. 


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 onepatrick had this to say!

 Mr Monster wrote:
  Right, Ive been reading the mails about the pros and cons of
  Im running Mandrake 7.2 now, with not so much as a hiccup, everything is
  doing what it should, when it should - just the way i like it, and the way i
  suspect most other folks do too.
  I have one little problem.. I have a Primax USB scanner, and on visiting
  their website - have discovered they dont support linux drivers for their
  hardware, which is a little dissapointing to say the least...
  So I went searching, and found another site...probably run by a couple of
  guys in their own time, and unpaid, who are writing source and trying their
  best to get drivers for Primax scanners under Linux - These guys deserve a
  big jug of beer!!!
 and if they dont like beer a big glass of juice :)
  The Point
 and now a drum roll
  Linux will never win its way into peoples homes until
  manufacturers decide to start porting their code to linux,  so us people at
  home can use our digicams, scanners etc... just as easy as ever! (without
  even so much as a chmod etc)
 i would ag4ee. for linux to really take off there must be some sort
 of install shield for it. without it linux will never dominiate the
 world. i cant believe hasnt thought of it before.
  I dunno if this means anything, or indeed if it makes sensebut dont all
  shout at me at once :-)
  And just in case you are all wondering ... yep I had to use M$ to scan my
  pics tonight :(
 ok, there are a few areas where linux is still catching up. there are a
 areas in which linux is ahead. scanners unfortunately for u are one of
 behind places
  Graham Kerr
  Reg. User 153258

Re: [newbie] help

2000-12-03 Thread David Grubb

Try startx, but you may have to run xf86setup first - never having used lin4win before 
I'm not sure if it would have already setup X Windows for you.

Also, have a look at the HOW-TO docs (should be able to find them at if 
you need any reference material for xf86setup, and let us know how it turns out :)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04 1:04 pm 
i've just installed linux 4 windows! after
installation i clicked the icon from the desktop and
then windows boot to linux with a lot of text coming
then afterwards asked me for the login name then
password, i entered the username and password then a
word localhost with my username on bracket and i'm
wondering if what command to be used so that i can
enter to the linux desktop

please help.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. 

Re: [newbie] Hosed my system

2000-12-03 Thread Jeff Dickman

I have MDK and Windows ME on the same system at home, and MDK and Windows 
2000 on the same system at work.  Both run off the same hard drive.  

IMO, The bios doesn't care which OS it's going to boot.  So long as the MBR 
or the first sector of the disk contain a boot loader it doesn't matter.  

My guess as to John's problem would be more along the lines of writing over 
the MBR that defines his stripe set...  But NT is a fickle beast...


On Sunday 03 December 2000 14:57, you wrote:
 linux should be on a computer by itself without be on the same drive
 or computer for that matter.the bios has to see which OS
 it is going to boot. Nothing but trouble is going to happen..

 I have 3 OS's on my portable and they boot without interfering with
 each other. Nothing bad has happened so far and it won't.

 -- Jo, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/3/2000

Re: [newbie] Old wp5 files

2000-12-03 Thread Doug McGarrett

Any modern version of WordPerfect will read them.
Probably MS Word will read them.  (You obviously must
run Windows to do that, or maybe Wine works?)  Try
StarOffice.  I don't know if that works or not, but 
it's free. --doug 

At 01:51 12/03/2000 -0600, you wrote:
Hello list

Anyone know where I can find
something to convert or read old
wordperfect 5 files?

thankya thankyaverrimuch

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver


what "is" a Pavilion? I've never heard of one of
those. Laptop? desktop? what kind of sound card is in it? Mandrake 7.1 has
a lot of support for a lot of hardware, and I'm told that 7.2 has even
more. far as sound cards go RedHat has even better sound card
support then does Mandrake. I came from RedHat to Mandrake. I cut my Linux
teeth on RedHat, but then I saw Mandrake for the first time, (Mandrake
7.02) I fell in love all over again.

I had better printer support in RedHat till I got my Canon Bubblejet. And
that was a little dicey but I'm stuborn and refused to let the
"features" get the best of me. I tricked it into thinking the printer was
something else other then a BJC6000. For a while anyway. The only programs
I can't print from now are Pine and a few of the more generic text editors
that I use. Printing from them though isn't really a necessity and if I
need to print an email I just export it to Netscape Messenger which prints
it just fine.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 Rick Commo had this to say!

 And behind Mark's statement is an even more powerful truth, "if... you can
 install it and get it going".  Because a stable operating system that you
 can't easily install won't be accepted.  And I am in that league for example
 with my Pavilion 3625 - no sound.  Since I don't use it anyway, I've let it
 slide, but it is a case in point as are the many questions thrown into
 [newbie] and even [expert].
 -Original Message-
 From: . Mark Weaver
 Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 2:34 PM
 Cc: Mandrake Newbie List
 Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
 You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
 but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
 incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
 dependable business workstation platform.

Re: [newbie] how do i get off this mailling list

2000-12-03 Thread Jeff Dickman

Which sounds vaguely like "how to become a registered linux user"  :-)


On Sunday 03 December 2000 10:32, you wrote:
 On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
  I liked choice number two...  ;)

 I toyed with the idea of telling him to send each member of this list a
 buck, and we'd take care of it for him ;-)

Re: [newbie] CD-Rom Permissions

2000-12-03 Thread Doug McGarrett

Someone on the SuSE list told me how to solve this:
do ls -l cdrom (or whatever your mnt file is called).
It very likely points to something else.  The output
looks something like this:
ls -l cdrom
cdrom - sdc1

change the permissions on whatever the file that is pointed TO.
I made mine 444, don't know if that's the best, but it seems to work.

At 08:27 12/03/2000 +0100, you wrote:
On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, R. Edward McCain wrote:

Create a group "cdwriter" in linuxconf, add yourself to that group, and
then change the group permission on /dev/scd0 (or scd1, whatever the
writer really is) to the group 'cdwriter' (chgrp cdwriter /dev/scd?)

As my machine now shows:

[paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/scd0
brw-rw1 root cdwriter  11,   0 Sep 27 12:31 /dev/scd0


I have the same problem - and no sound :-(
 -- I've just started tho.  I need to hit the man's and rfc's and see why I
got no cd's or sound.

Machine Specs attached.

 On Sat, 02 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 I tried to get my cd-r working in 7.2 and now when I access both
 my reader and writer I get the I don't have permission to access it.
 I've tried creating new icons and everything please help me.


I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
(Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread R. Edward McCain

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

 You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
 but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
 incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
 dependable business workstation platform

Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on 
numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)

kde control center
look and feel
move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
this causes the application to 'crash'

Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by grabbing a 
email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the subject line 
and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail 
twice before I got the hint.

True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable 
platform without stable applications?



R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Linux v Windows

2000-12-03 Thread David Grubb

I'd just like to add my $0.02 here, at the risk of heading OT and being inundated with 

I whole-heartedly agree Linux is a far-better, quality system than certain other OSs, 
and I have enjoyed many months of learning and working with it, and I look forward to 
many more years of learning. But (there always has to be a 'but', doesn't there :) - 
I'm a computer enthusiast - I work with computers: fixing problems, deploying systems, 
supporting users etc. I go home and I play with my computer - the case is never bolted 
on coz I'm forever pulling out cards and trying different hardware. I have stacks of 
CDs spread across the room coz I'm forever trying new OSs, apps and games - and when 
something breaks I enjoy fixing it.

Trouble is, not everyone out there is an enthusiast like those on this mailing list - 
I've seen this analogy elsewhere many times, but I think it is worth repeating: Most 
people buy a car simply so they can drive around - they don't care what is under the 
hood. A lot add ornaments or extra bits because thats what they like. Very few 
actually care what is under the hood, let alone have any idea how to tinker with it.
Most computer users (note: users, not enthusiests) just want the computer to work - it 
needs to be easy for them to stick their ornaments or extra bits in - but they're not 
interested in "tricky" things like dependancies, command lines etc (personnally I 
would prefer if everyone in the office were forced to use a command line once in a 

At present, Linux is still relatively complex to set up and use, however it is 
progressing at a rapid pace. 

But until it reaches the point that your average Joe Bloggs (sorry Joe, just picking a 
name out of the air :) who works in the bakery down the street, can go home, turn on 
his Linux box that he picked up from his local electrical store, stick in a new game 
and be up and running in 5 minutes - it just isn't going to be popular to the 
mainstream public.

My apologies for the rant peoples, just been seeing red over this sort of thing for a 


David Grubb - Internet / Intranet Developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +61 2 9895-7913
Department of Land  Water Conservation
Sydney,  Australia


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04 2:53 pm 
it _has_ an "install-shield". It just doesn't happen to look like the one
thats in windows. Nor should it.  there are some things, I would agree,
that need to change, but one of them isn't becoming windows, or even
Windows-like. Since I became a Linux user two years ago I've watched first
RedHat progress forward with their presentation and the installation
methods employed by their developers and now Mandrake for the past 9
months. I'd say that they've come a long way in a short time. I for one am
glad that they spend more time on making sure that the product that
they're releasing to the public is coded and working correctly rather than
making sure its a hands-off breeze to install and get working. 

Reading is fundamental. that used to be a famous little slogan that
everyone was familiar with on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons
and in the Linux world it is still very true. Linux may not jump out-a the
box and onto your harddrive ready for you to cruise the internet with
"no" effort, but then again it doesn't need rebooted 2-3 times a day and
doesn't cost between $300 and $700 per copy per machine either.

Lets remember that what you've got on your computer is one of the most
stable operating systems that many of us have ever seen and most of us
haven't paid a penny for, but "many" have spent Lng hours
coding, debugging, checking and rechecking...I could go on and on, but I
need to get down off this soap box before I get a nose bleed.

I think these few reasons are more than enough to bring Linux to a place
of world domination. All that is needed is that intelligent folks first
need to stop fearing what they aren't able to readily understand in a few
seconds, and be willing to put in a little time and effort to get
completley configured. What you end up with in the end is a machine that
is as solid as a rock provided the user did a little planning ahead of
time and made sure all their "hardware" ducks are in a row thereby
avoiding any unpleasant surprises. 


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 onepatrick had this to say!

 Mr Monster wrote:
  Right, Ive been reading the mails about the pros and cons of
  Im running Mandrake 7.2 now, with not so much as a hiccup, everything is
  doing what it should, when it should - just the way i like it, and the way i

Re: [newbie] Old wp5 files

2000-12-03 Thread Vic

Most excellent and cool.
Many thanks and also to those who
answered besides.

Even tho only lasts 30 days,
I just need it for a few days
so it did the trick.

I noticed a funny little oddity,
but I think its just because of the
printer script I am using off of the wp8 will not
print correctly just from the 
wp file, but I can work around it
by converting it to a .ps file
telling it to save as such,
then tell the ps reader to print
it, hehe.

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, Paul wrote:
 On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Vic wrote:
 Anyone know where I can find
 something to convert or read old
 wordperfect 5 files?
 WordPerfect 8 for linux will read the old files and put them into most
 common formats.
 I don't know if it can convert things to what you want them to be, since
 you did not mention that. RTF will work, older Word formats will work,
 plain text will work.
 I would only believe in a god that loves to dance.
 (Zarathustra) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] help

2000-12-03 Thread BobC

Marlon Guzman wrote:
 i've just installed linux 4 windows! after
 installation i clicked the icon from the desktop and
 then windows boot to linux with a lot of text coming
 then afterwards asked me for the login name then
 password, i entered the username and password then a
 word localhost with my username on bracket and i'm
 wondering if what command to be used so that i can
 enter to the linux desktop
 please help.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

maybe try startx?  I'm assuming you installed x windows...  I'm a
newbie, too, to linux...

Re: [newbie] how do i get off this mailling list

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

 it sounds more believable sometimes if you tell'em it costs more.

I know...thats evil.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 Roger Sherman had this to say!

 On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
  I liked choice number two...  ;)
 I toyed with the idea of telling him to send each member of this list a
 buck, and we'd take care of it for him ;-)

[newbie] Crystal 4235

2000-12-03 Thread Jeff Dickman

Does anyone know when the subject sound card will be supported?  It's built 
onto my motherboard.  I'd rather not have to install a second card for 


Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread R. Edward McCain

forwarded as an experiment.  This message was bounced earlier.
--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:26:32 -0600
From: R. Edward McCain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
 You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
 but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
 incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
 dependable business workstation platform

Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)

kde control center
look and feel
move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
this causes the application to 'crash'

Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by grabbing a
email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the subject line
and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail
twice before I got the hint.

True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable
platform without stable applications?



R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613




R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Re: [newbie] Video card question?

2000-12-03 Thread abe

Unfortunately you do not automagically get hardware acceleration w x
4.0.1 and mandrake 7.2.  I had to use the same procedures to make it
work that I used with 7.0 and 7.1.

I've got an A7V (Via KT13) and linux works great on it.


"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
 Hmm, okay...I'm a little confused now. I thought that with Xfree 4.01 and
 Mandrake v7.2, if your video card is supported, then you get automagically
 installed hardware acceleration? Is that not right?
 Another question; I'm thinking about upgrading soon. Any issues with Via 133
 and AMD 751 chipsets? Tyan motherboards? Thanks, all! ;-)

[newbie] Fwd: ScanMail Message: To Sender, action taken by attachment blocking.

2000-12-03 Thread R. Edward McCain

Any clues why Microsoft exchange is bouncing my messages to the Linux list?
I have NOT, repeat, NOT attached any files to the forwarded message in 
question nor the original message.

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: ScanMail Message: To Sender, action taken by attachment blocking.
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 07:10:03 +0200
From: System Attendant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'R. Edward McCain'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has blocked a file attachment(s).

Place = Linux Newbie
Sender = R. Edward McCain
Subject = Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
Delivery Time = December 04, 2000 (Monday) 07:10:02

Action on file attachment(s):
Delete 'ATT00560.txt' at keith

Message from recipient's administrator:
Warning to sender. ScanMail has blocked a file during a real-time scan of
the email traffic.




R. Edward McCain
icq: 599146
Registered Linux User #196613

Title: ScanMail Message: To Sender, action taken by attachment blocking.

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has blocked a file attachment(s).

Place = Linux Newbie
Sender = R. Edward McCain
Subject = Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
Delivery Time = December 04, 2000 (Monday) 07:10:02

Action on file attachment(s):
Delete 'ATT00560.txt' at keith

Message from recipient's administrator:
Warning to sender. ScanMail has blocked a file during a real-time scan of the email traffic.

Re: [newbie] help

2000-12-03 Thread Mark Weaver

the command you're looking for us startx


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 Marlon Guzman had this to say!

 i've just installed linux 4 windows! after
 installation i clicked the icon from the desktop and
 then windows boot to linux with a lot of text coming
 then afterwards asked me for the login name then
 password, i entered the username and password then a
 word localhost with my username on bracket and i'm
 wondering if what command to be used so that i can
 enter to the linux desktop
 please help.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-03 Thread Christopher Trojan

If you're willing to spend $30, you can download Partition Commander 
from the web, and it's got a really nice partitioning/resizing utility 
as well as a bootloader.  It's gotten me out of a lot of trouble.

erylon hines wrote:

 On Sunday 03 December 2000 23:35, you wrote:
 I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  The Windows
 boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
 installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from and I said
 /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The problem is
 that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I try to boot
 it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that /dev/hdb5 is not
 bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I won't need
 to use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as
 options in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to make sure that
 the Linux is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.
Thanks. ...Dave
 Stop right where you are!!  Don't hose anything--it's not that hard, I dual 
 boot NT and W2K with Linux on lots of defferent boxes.  From your 
 description, it looks like LILO may be installed exactly where it should 
 be--hdb5.  My experience has been that NT/W2K doesn't like to boot from LILO, 
 so you'll need to use the NT bootloader to boot and choose your operating 
 systems.  So, once you have your system booting W2K perform the following 
 Do everything in Linux as root
 1.  Boot Linux with your boot disk
 2.  Mount your floppy drive (its probably already mounted, but just in case 
 it's not the command is   #mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
 3.  Put a DOS formatted floppy in the drive and type:
 dd if=/dev/hdb5 bs=512 count=1 of=/mnt/floppy/boot.Lnx
 Remember, if LILO ain't on hdb5, you'll have to  change the command to 
 reflect where it actually is.  What you did is copy LILO to a DOS floppy and 
 named the LILO file"boot.Lnx"
 4.Close Linux and reboot into W2K
 Now you need to write the floppy's boot.Lnx to the W2K "boot.ini"
 5.  Open Explorer and copy the boot.Lnx file to the root of your W2K drive
 6.  Using Notepad, open the "boot.ini" and add the line
   c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2 "  
 to the end of the file
 This is what mine looks like:
 [boot loader]
 [operating systems]
 multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft 2000 Professional" /fa
 c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2"
 7.  Right click on "My Computer", click on "properties"--this brings up the 
 System Properties window.  Click on the "Advanced" tab and the "Startup and 
 Recovery" button at the bottom.  If the first check box is unchecked put a 
 check in it and then set the number of seconds to display before booting into 
 the Default OS.
 8.  With no floppies in the drive, reboot and you should see your operating 
 system choices.  
 For anyone using WINNT, you might have to write your boot.ini file, because 
 your's may be blank.  Then at step #6 you'll need to drop to an MSDOS prompt 
 and type:
  C:attrib -s -r boot.ini
 Then write your boot.ini file and reset your attributes by typing:
C:attrib +r +s boot.ini

Re: [newbie] Multiple XF86 config files. HELP

2000-12-03 Thread S. Anderson

On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 12:49:29PM -0500, John and Marcie Alexander wrote:
 I am a newbie trying to install the Nvidia drivers.  I am trying (as a 
 learning experience) to set everything up via tar balls.  I have quite a 
 few references telling me what I need to do - but in the /etc/lib 
 directory I have two diferent XF86Config files (XF86Config and 
 XF86Config-4) and neither of them contain the Load "gfx" that everyone 
 says there should be.  
 All I really want to know is what is up with the two files?

usually, Xfree86 4.x.x checks /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 for its config.
And Xfree86 3.x.x checks /etc/X11/XF86Config.
see 'man XF86Config' for many other places your XF86Config can hide.


[newbie] video blueing

2000-12-03 Thread phuqwit

Has anyone ever experienced a blueing of the 
monitor colors? When i switch my monitor between boxes (no KVM switch yet) 
I experience a strange problem: The colors that are normally white appear as a 
light/baby blue. This is incredibly infuriating as I have the rest of my 
system configured correctly. If anyone has seen this before let me 

RE: [newbie] Creative PCI128 under Mandrake 7

2000-12-03 Thread Abraham Pinzur

Thanks, Francisco. It seems to be working fine.

- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 05:21
 Subject: [newbie] Creative PCI128 under Mandrake 7
 Dear Abraham
 I have a Creative Lab Sound Blaster PCI 128, the module charged is
 Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI and works fine!!!
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

FN:Abraham P Pinzur
ORG:Crisp Graphics
TITLE:Web Interface Designer
ADR;WORK:;;860 Golden Hollow Road;Dixon Springs;Tennessee;37057;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:860 Golden Hollow Road=0D=0ADixon Springs, Tennessee 37057=0D=0AUSA
ADR;HOME:;;920 Honey Prong Road;Hartsville;Tennessee;37074-3002;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:920 Honey Prong Road=0D=0AHartsville, Tennessee 37074-3002=0D=0AUSA

RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-03 Thread Abraham Pinzur

Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but the apps are
sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express purpose of
getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)

- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
 Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
 Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:

  You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
  but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is
 that Linux is
  incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
  dependable business workstation platform

 Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
 numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)

 kde control center
 look and feel
 move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
 this causes the application to 'crash'

 Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by
 grabbing a
 email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the
 subject line
 and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail
 twice before I got the hint.

 True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable
 platform without stable applications?



 R. Edward McCain
 icq: 599146
 Registered Linux User #196613

FN:Abraham P Pinzur
ORG:Crisp Graphics
TITLE:Web Interface Designer
ADR;WORK:;;860 Golden Hollow Road;Dixon Springs;Tennessee;37057;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:860 Golden Hollow Road=0D=0ADixon Springs, Tennessee 37057=0D=0AUSA
ADR;HOME:;;920 Honey Prong Road;Hartsville;Tennessee;37074-3002;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:920 Honey Prong Road=0D=0AHartsville, Tennessee 37074-3002=0D=0AUSA

RE: [newbie] Grub Editing

2000-12-03 Thread Abraham Pinzur

Mike wrote:
 Does anyone know of a way or location of a tutorial so I can make
 grub set
 my windows partition as the one it boots after 5 seconds of no response

I did this just yesterday in Mandrake 7.2. Open DrakConf from the desktop,
and there should be an icon for boot options, which will let you edit Grub's
list. Simply select the Windows option and check the 'default' box.

Lemme know if you need more help.

- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Tetlow
 Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 11:58
 Subject: [newbie] Grub Editing

 Does anyone know of a way or location of a tutorial so I can make
 grub set
 my windows partition as the one it boots after 5 seconds of no response


 Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

FN:Abraham P Pinzur
ORG:Crisp Graphics
TITLE:Web Interface Designer
ADR;WORK:;;860 Golden Hollow Road;Dixon Springs;Tennessee;37057;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:860 Golden Hollow Road=0D=0ADixon Springs, Tennessee 37057=0D=0AUSA
ADR;HOME:;;920 Honey Prong Road;Hartsville;Tennessee;37074-3002;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:920 Honey Prong Road=0D=0AHartsville, Tennessee 37074-3002=0D=0AUSA

RE: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-03 Thread Abraham Pinzur

 If you're willing to spend $30, you can download Partition Commander 


- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christopher Trojan
 Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 23:12
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual Boot
 If you're willing to spend $30, you can download Partition Commander 
 from the web, and it's got a really nice partitioning/resizing utility 
 as well as a bootloader.  It's gotten me out of a lot of trouble.
 erylon hines wrote:
  On Sunday 03 December 2000 23:35, you wrote:
  I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  
 The Windows
  boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
  installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from 
 and I said
  /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The 
 problem is
  that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I 
 try to boot
  it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that 
 /dev/hdb5 is not
  bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I 
 won't need
  to use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as
  options in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to 
 make sure that
  the Linux is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.
 Thanks. ...Dave
  Stop right where you are!!  Don't hose anything--it's not that 
 hard, I dual 
  boot NT and W2K with Linux on lots of defferent boxes.  From your 
  description, it looks like LILO may be installed exactly where 
 it should 
  be--hdb5.  My experience has been that NT/W2K doesn't like to 
 boot from LILO, 
  so you'll need to use the NT bootloader to boot and choose your 
  systems.  So, once you have your system booting W2K perform the 
  Do everything in Linux as root
  1.  Boot Linux with your boot disk
  2.  Mount your floppy drive (its probably already mounted, but 
 just in case 
  it's not the command is   #mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
  3.  Put a DOS formatted floppy in the drive and type:
  dd if=/dev/hdb5 bs=512 count=1 of=/mnt/floppy/boot.Lnx
  Remember, if LILO ain't on hdb5, you'll have to  change the command to 
  reflect where it actually is.  What you did is copy LILO to a 
 DOS floppy and 
  named the LILO file"boot.Lnx"
  4.Close Linux and reboot into W2K
  Now you need to write the floppy's boot.Lnx to the W2K "boot.ini"
  5.  Open Explorer and copy the boot.Lnx file to the root of 
 your W2K drive
  6.  Using Notepad, open the "boot.ini" and add the line
c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2 "  
  to the end of the file
  This is what mine looks like:
  [boot loader]
  [operating systems]
  multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft 2000 
 Professional" /fa
  c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2"
  7.  Right click on "My Computer", click on "properties"--this 
 brings up the 
  System Properties window.  Click on the "Advanced" tab and the 
 "Startup and 
  Recovery" button at the bottom.  If the first check box is 
 unchecked put a 
  check in it and then set the number of seconds to display 
 before booting into 
  the Default OS.
  8.  With no floppies in the drive, reboot and you should see 
 your operating 
  system choices.  
  For anyone using WINNT, you might have to write your boot.ini 
 file, because 
  your's may be blank.  Then at step #6 you'll need to drop to an 
 MSDOS prompt 
  and type:
   C:attrib -s -r boot.ini
  Then write your boot.ini file and reset your attributes by typing:
 C:attrib +r +s boot.ini

FN:Abraham P Pinzur
ORG:Crisp Graphics
TITLE:Web Interface Designer
ADR;WORK:;;860 Golden Hollow Road;Dixon Springs;Tennessee;37057;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:860 Golden Hollow Road=0D=0ADixon Springs, Tennessee 37057=0D=0AUSA
ADR;HOME:;;920 Honey Prong Road;Hartsville;Tennessee;37074-3002;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:920 Honey Prong Road=0D=0AHartsville, Tennessee 37074-3002=0D=0AUSA

RE: [newbie] Fwd: ScanMail Message: To Sender, action taken by attachment blocking.

2000-12-03 Thread Abraham Pinzur

Dunno, but I got the same error. Maybe it's a passing server anomaly...

- Av -

Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 23:08
To: Linux Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Fwd: ScanMail Message: To Sender, action taken by
attachment blocking.

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has blocked a file attachment(s).
Place = Linux Newbie
Sender = R. Edward McCain
Subject = Fwd: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
Delivery Time = December 04, 2000 (Monday) 07:10:02
Action on file attachment(s):
Delete 'ATT00560.txt' at keith
Message from recipient's administrator:
Warning to sender. ScanMail has blocked a file during a real-time scan of
the email traffic.

FN:Abraham P Pinzur
ORG:Crisp Graphics
TITLE:Web Interface Designer
ADR;WORK:;;860 Golden Hollow Road;Dixon Springs;Tennessee;37057;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:860 Golden Hollow Road=0D=0ADixon Springs, Tennessee 37057=0D=0AUSA
ADR;HOME:;;920 Honey Prong Road;Hartsville;Tennessee;37074-3002;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:920 Honey Prong Road=0D=0AHartsville, Tennessee 37074-3002=0D=0AUSA

Re: [newbie] Defrag

2000-12-03 Thread Paul

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Jeff Dickman wrote:

This is probably me just being obsessive...

Does Mandrake have a defrag program?

Yes and no. The file system is so smartly built that it fixes defragging
by itself, on the fly, in background. You need not do anything for it.


We are Microsoft of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is -

   Fatal exception error in MSBORG32.DLL - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] disk space

2000-12-03 Thread Annuit-Coeptis

Hello guys:

   Hear is my thing, I`m using mandrake 7.2, when i make th installation 
i decide to install everything in the distribution
with out think how big, and how many disk space will use. Now, after 
test a few tools and aplications i have
decide to remove thouse  that I dont use. Using Drakconf I remove thouse 
packages, but when I look to see if
the disk space in use was less, I get the bad news that I was wrong the 
disk space in use is more now.

   So my question is when I  remove a package, the system hold any kind 
of information or back-up of that un-install it
package? If it is so... where the system hold it? It can be delet it?

Thankxxx you guy's.

[newbie] cannot send mail with kmail

2000-12-03 Thread root

Hi all,
does anybody have any idea why the kmail "send" button stopped
i use mandrake7.0.
thanks for any help.

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot

2000-12-03 Thread root

add this lines to your lilo:

map-drive = 0x80
 to =  0x81
map-drive = 0x81
to = 0x80

note that you need to put the right xx in other and table.
this work for me.
good luck.

erylon hines wrote:

 On Sunday 03 December 2000 23:35, you wrote:
  I have a dual boot computer with W2K and Mandrake 7.2 on it.  The Windows
  boots from drive C: and the Mandrake is on /dev/hdb5 .  When it was
  installing I was asked which drive the Linux was booting from and I said
  /dev/hdb5.  I then made a backup boot disk for the Linux.  The problem is
  that my computer will only boot Linux from the floppy and if I try to boot
  it from the Lilo in the MBR I get an error message that /dev/hdb5 is not
  bootable.  How do I make my Linux partition bootable so that I won't need
  to use the rescue diskette to boot it.  Both W2K and Linux show up as
  options in the lilo menu.  I have checked the lilo.conf to make sure that
  the Linux is pointing to /dev/hdb5 and have rerun lilo several times.
 Thanks. ...Dave

 Stop right where you are!!  Don't hose anything--it's not that hard, I dual
 boot NT and W2K with Linux on lots of defferent boxes.  From your
 description, it looks like LILO may be installed exactly where it should
 be--hdb5.  My experience has been that NT/W2K doesn't like to boot from LILO,
 so you'll need to use the NT bootloader to boot and choose your operating
 systems.  So, once you have your system booting W2K perform the following

 Do everything in Linux as root

 1.  Boot Linux with your boot disk

 2.  Mount your floppy drive (its probably already mounted, but just in case
 it's not the command is   #mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

 3.  Put a DOS formatted floppy in the drive and type:

 dd if=/dev/hdb5 bs=512 count=1 of=/mnt/floppy/boot.Lnx

 Remember, if LILO ain't on hdb5, you'll have to  change the command to
 reflect where it actually is.  What you did is copy LILO to a DOS floppy and
 named the LILO file"boot.Lnx"

 4.Close Linux and reboot into W2K

 Now you need to write the floppy's boot.Lnx to the W2K "boot.ini"

 5.  Open Explorer and copy the boot.Lnx file to the root of your W2K drive

 6.  Using Notepad, open the "boot.ini" and add the line
   c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2 "
 to the end of the file

 This is what mine looks like:

 [boot loader]
 [operating systems]
 multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft 2000 Professional" /fa
 c:\boot.Lnx="Mandrake 7.2"

 7.  Right click on "My Computer", click on "properties"--this brings up the
 System Properties window.  Click on the "Advanced" tab and the "Startup and
 Recovery" button at the bottom.  If the first check box is unchecked put a
 check in it and then set the number of seconds to display before booting into
 the Default OS.

 8.  With no floppies in the drive, reboot and you should see your operating
 system choices.

 For anyone using WINNT, you might have to write your boot.ini file, because
 your's may be blank.  Then at step #6 you'll need to drop to an MSDOS prompt
 and type:
  C:attrib -s -r boot.ini

 Then write your boot.ini file and reset your attributes by typing:
C:attrib +r +s boot.ini

Re: [newbie] Defrag

2000-12-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

ext2, which is Linux's standard filesystem, does not need a defrag programme. 
Neither does ReiserFS, which comes with Mandrake as an alternative to ext2. 
Only inefficient filesystems like M$ FAT and NTFS need to be defragged. A 
Linux defragmenter does exist, but it was designed for the older ext 
filesystem, which ext2 replaced. Using this on an ext2 or ReiserFS partition 
will not really prouce much of a performance gain, and may in fact corrupt 
your data.

On Mon,  4 Dec 2000 14:16, Jeff Dickman wrote:
 This is probably me just being obsessive...

 Does Mandrake have a defrag program?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] video blueing

2000-12-03 Thread John Rye

 phuqwit wrote:
 Has anyone ever experienced a blueing of the monitor colors?  When i
 switch my monitor between boxes (no KVM switch yet) I experience a
 strange problem: The colors that are normally white appear as a
 light/baby blue.  This is incredibly infuriating as I have the rest of
 my system configured correctly.  If anyone has seen this before let me

Yup, It infers that your monitor doesn't like having it's input
voltages messed with.

Get a powered switch or a 2nd monitor.


ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)