Re: R: [newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-16 Thread Andrea Celli

Casa wrote:
 Il 15:21, gioved 15 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
  Il dd, invece e` un comando che permette di fare tante cose, tra cui una
  fisica, bit per bit, di (un pezzo di) un'unita` fisica.
 Per caso dd riesce anche a copiare certi floppy disk (per winzozz) protetti
 in modo da non poter essere copiati ? Credo che abbiano un errore da qualche
 parte o roba del genere.
 P.S. Sono quelli con dentro le licenze dei programmi ;-)

Mai provato a farlo e non ho nessuna intenzione di provarci.

Io l'ho usato solo per recuperare dati su nastro scritti con formati 
di vecchi unix commerciali, copiare il settore di boot della partizione 
Linux su un file da usare col loader di Nt, copiare su un file una 
partizione formattata per errore in modo da poterci lavorare con un
editor esadecimale e recuperare dei dati, preparare il floppy di
avvio di una distro, ...
E` uno strumento molto duttile e potente pero` e` noto da tempo:
era presente nelle primissime versioni di Unix degli anni ottanta.

Quindi se una ditta volesse proteggere i propri floppy da copiatura
sicuramente prenderebbe precauzioni contro un uso (banale) di dd,
come le prende contro analoghi strumenti dos.
ciao, Andrea

P.S, maggiori informazioni sul sito  ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] SB AWE32

2001-03-16 Thread Andrea Celli

freefred wrote:
 On Wednesday 14 March 2001 18:04, Marc (aka: Verbal) wrote:
  Non riesco a riprodurre suoni con la sb in oggetto. durante
  l'installazione di M7.2 me l'ha vista e installata, ma non c' verso di
  configurarla! Che fare?
 hai provato con il DrakConf?
 In che senso non c'e' verso di configurarla?

Prova a disattivare il riconoscimento automatico del PnP nel BIOS,
tanto non serve a nulla, e poi a lanciare sndconfig da console.

 ehm..25 righe di signature mi sembrano un po' troppe.

Oltretutto, mi sembra che avesse anche postato in html.
Mi sembra di ricordare un post illeggibile con un subject
simile ...

ciao, Andrea

R: [newbie-it] SB AWE32

2001-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Io ho la setssa
scheda sonora,
e lo configurata lanciando sndconfig..senza dare nessun problema.

Ciao Beppe
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] SB AWE32

 freefred wrote:
  On Wednesday 14 March 2001 18:04, Marc (aka: Verbal) wrote:
   Non riesco a riprodurre suoni con la sb in oggetto. durante
   l'installazione di M7.2 me l'ha vista e installata, ma non c' verso
   configurarla! Che fare?
  hai provato con il DrakConf?
  In che senso non c'e' verso di configurarla?

 Prova a disattivare il riconoscimento automatico del PnP nel BIOS,
 tanto non serve a nulla, e poi a lanciare sndconfig da console.

  ehm..25 righe di signature mi sembrano un po' troppe.

 Oltretutto, mi sembra che avesse anche postato in html.
 Mi sembra di ricordare un post illeggibile con un subject
 simile ...

 ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] aurora

2001-03-16 Thread osvaldo

- Original Message -
From: Enrico Mischi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] aurora

La risposta è semplice... non hai installato il pacchetto auorora, oppure
aurora stesso, se installato (controlla con rpmdrake), non è abilitato, ma
sinceramente io non saprei dove andare ad attivarlo.


con rmpdrake trovo aurora tra i pacchetti installati...credo che sia un
problema di grafica, come mi ha suggerito Andrea...
proverò a smanettarci ed eventualmente tornerò a tormentarvi con i miei
grazie mille :-)
salutatemi a bilgheiz

Re: [newbie-it] aurora

2001-03-16 Thread osvaldo

 La grafica di Aurora e` basata sull'utilizzo del framebuffer.
...mi piacerebbe capire cosa  il framebuffer...

 Poi, mi sembra (non ricordo) che durante l'installazione devi dirgli
 di usarlo.
in effetti nella prima installazione (pc di casa) non mi pare che me
l'avesse chiesto...e neanche in ufficio..

 Quindi direi che le cause possono essere due:
 - la grafica non e` configurata bene quindi non riesci ad usare il
 - non gli hai detto che vuoi Aurora.
e qui viene il effetti ho avuto problemi di configurazione di x,
nel senso che non mi riconosceva il monitor e non era presente sulla lista
propostami. si tratta di un digital PCXBV-UD...tra l'altro non ne trovo
traccia su internet (strano)...diciamo che ho provato prima con un generico
svga propostomi da mdrk, poi ho avuto grossi problemi (non partiva startx)
ho reinstallato suggerendogli il monitor Digital PCXBV-KA (simile al mio) ma
di tanto in tanto non si avvia comunque la modalit grafica o meglio, ci
prova ma mi esce una videata a striscie verticali colorate e rimane
bloccato. e anche quando si avvia ho qualche problema (tipo flash bianco
neri ogni volta che digito una lettera ad esempio per scrivere un'e-mail...)
siccome sono sintomi che non mi piacciono ho provato con
rimango spiazzato di fronte a domande tipo "memoria della tua scheda
grafica" potesse servire a qualcosa vi dico che ho un fujitsu siemens
scenic eT, con scheda video integrata (da uindos-sistema mi dice: Intel(r)
82815 Graphics la memoria della scheda dove sta?)
...ho l'impressione di girovagare un poco alla cieca e di non sapere dove
trovare le informazioni che mdrk mi chiede sul mio sistema...peccato...mi
ero esaltato quando sono riuscito a configurare perfino la scheda di rete,
connettermi ad internet tramite LAN, e vedere tutti gli altri pc in
rete...tutto da solo!
grazie per l'attenzione e se dovessero essere necessarie altre
informazioni...fatemelo sapere
salutatemi a bilgheiz

[newbie-it] [LM 7.2] Xfree86 4.0.2, DRI e Matrox G200

2001-03-16 Thread Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

Ieri sera ho provato ad abilitare il DRI per la mia G200 (su Xfree 4.0.2 e 
kernel 2.2.17).
Ho modificato l'XF86Config-4 come da istruzioni trovate dopo varie ricerche 
sulla rete e ho riavviato il pc.
Ora all'avvio di XFree, il monitor mi flasha e poi resta nero per un certo 
periodo, dopodiche' parte normalmnte.
Su alt-f1 mi trovo l'output dell'avvio del server X e in fondo appare un 
messaggio dove dice che non puo' inizializzare il DRI.
Faccendo lsmod, vedo che ha caricato i moduli mge e agpgart (che prima non 
erano caricati) e ho controllato anche la presenza di /dev/proc/0.
Qualcuno e' in grado di darmi qualche dritta a proposito del mio problema?


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re[2]: [newbie-it] aurora

2001-03-16 Thread Test

Hola osvaldo,

En fecha Friday, March 16, 2001, 1:25:57 PM, escribi:

o con rmpdrake trovo aurora tra i pacchetti installati...credo che sia un
o problema di grafica, come mi ha suggerito Andrea...
o prover a smanettarci ed eventualmente torner a tormentarvi con i miei
o problemi
o grazie mille :-)
o salutatemi a bilgheiz
o osva

Ho gi provato a rispondere ma pare che la mail non sia arrivata in
Ora sono al lavoro e non ho modo ti postare un esempio pratico, in
ogni caso devi andare in menu.lst (/boot/grub) e aggiungere alla fine
della riga riguardante linux la stringa "vga=788" (senza virgolette").
E' importante che tu non vada capo, il tutto deve restare sulla stessa
Questo se usi grub, con lilo non ci dovrebbero comunque essere grosse


[newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-16 Thread Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

Ho spulciato la rete su notizie sul midi della SBLive e ho scoperto che gli 
attuali driver forniniti dalla Creative (che poi sono quelli caricati 
automaticamente dalla Mandrake 7.2) non supportano il midi.
Allora ho scoperto dell'esistenza di driver audio ALSA.
Ho trovato un messaggio con un modules.conf che utilizza questi driver per 
la SBLive e cosi' ho inserito nel mio questa configurazione.
Inizialmente tutto sembra funzionare bene.
I moduli emu10k1 e soundcore sono caricati (come prima) e l'audio wave 
funziona bene come prima.
Rispetto a prima noto che facendo #cat /dev/sequencer non mi viene piu' il 
messaggio di periferica non presente.
A questo punto, speranzoso, faccio il cat di un sile midi su /dev/sequencer.
Do un pochino di attesa, appare il maledetto messaggio di periferica non 
Ricontrollo i moduli caricati e in piu' di prima trovo tutti quelli 
dell'emulazione OSS (come dovrebbe essere) ma di ascoltare il midi non c'e' 
I driver ALSA forniti con LM7.2 dovrebbero essere i 0.5.* mentre sul sito 
ho visto che ci sono i 0.9.*beta.
Qualcuno riesce ad ascoltare i midi con la SBLive?


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

[newbie-it] Negozi specializzati

2001-03-16 Thread Daniele Micci

Ciao, scusatemi per questa email che  un po' OT rispetto all'argomento della 
mailing list. Qualcuno saprebbe indicarmi (se esistono) negozi di Roma 
specializzati in software, hardware, libri ed altro per Linux?
Grazie in anticipo a chi vorr rispondermi...


Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-16 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 13:51:53 +0100
"Alessandro \"Sgama\" Amadori" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I driver ALSA forniti con LM7.2 dovrebbero essere i 0.5.* mentre sul sito 
 ho visto che ci sono i 0.9.*beta.
 Qualcuno riesce ad ascoltare i midi con la SBLive?
Ti giro una mail che ho mandato su un' altra ml per lo stesso problema.

Se hai ancora installati gli Alsa metti queste righe nel modules.conf

alias midi snd-synth-emu10k1
below snd-seq-oss snd-synth-emu10k1
post-install snd-synth-emu10k1 /usr/bin/sfxload /usr/share/sfbank/8mbgmsfx.sf2; 
alsactl restore
pre-remove snd-synth-emu10k1 alsactl store

Servono per usare direttamente il synth della Live e per caricare il banco da 8mb dei 
soundfonts, che rende un po' piu' "realistico" il suono.
Controlla di avere installato il pacchetto awesfx (che contiene sfxload) se no lo 
trovi sul 1 cd di mdk.
Se non ti funziona con es. kmidi (che non supporta direttamente Alsa) prova con Melys, 
che trovi sul sito di Alsa (tra le applications).

P.S.: Ora trovi tutto sotto /proc/asound, es. cat /proc/asound/sndstat


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] Xfree86 4.0.2, DRI e Matrox G200

2001-03-16 Thread Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 13.42 16/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
Ieri sera ho provato ad abilitare il DRI per la mia G200 (su Xfree 4.0.2 e 
kernel 2.2.17).
Ho modificato l'XF86Config-4 come da istruzioni trovate dopo varie 
ricerche sulla rete e ho riavviato il pc.
Ora all'avvio di XFree, il monitor mi flasha e poi resta nero per un certo 
periodo, dopodiche' parte normalmnte.
Su alt-f1 mi trovo l'output dell'avvio del server X e in fondo appare un 
messaggio dove dice che non puo' inizializzare il DRI.
Faccendo lsmod, vedo che ha caricato i moduli mge e agpgart (che prima non 
erano caricati) e ho controllato anche la presenza di /dev/proc/0.
Qualcuno e' in grado di darmi qualche dritta a proposito del mio problema?

Mi rispondo da solo.
Ho studiamo meglio le istruzioni del DRI e ho scoperto che per funzionare 
ci vuole un kernel col supporto agpgart, presente nei kernel 2..4.*

Vabbe', se prima ero indeciso, ora sono costretto ad aggiornare il kernel.
Speriamo che vada tutto bene


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-16 Thread Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 20.51 16/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
Se hai ancora installati gli Alsa metti queste righe nel modules.conf
alias midi snd-synth-emu10k1
below snd-seq-oss snd-synth-emu10k1
post-install snd-synth-emu10k1 /usr/bin/sfxload 
/usr/share/sfbank/8mbgmsfx.sf2; alsactl restore
pre-remove snd-synth-emu10k1 alsactl store

Si, attualmente ho gli ALSA forniti dal LM7.2.
Queste sono le righe del mio modules.conf riguardanti l'audio.
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias snd-card-0 emu10k1
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

Eccomi di nuovo qui, reduce da alcuni esperimenti.
Il pacchetto awesfx e' installato, ma al posto di /usr/bin/sfxload ho 
/bin/sfxload e della direcotry /usr/share/sfbank neanche l'ombra, 
tantomento del file 8mbgmsfx.sf2.
Allora ho provato ad aggiungere solo le prime due righe di quelle da te 
Ora al'avvio mi carica una marea di moduli e finalmente mi appare la 
directory /proc/asound, ma di sentire i midi non c'e' verso e se interrogo 
le varie voci di /proc/asound (sndstat, cards, device, etc..) sembra che io 
non abbia schede installate, ne' synth, ne' seq, ne' midi.
Ho provato anche a togliere dal modules.conf le righe "alias 
sound-service-0-*", ma il risultato non cambia.
Sinceramente non so piu' cosa pensare.


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: R: [newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-16 Thread Casa

Il 10:50, venerd 16 marzo 2001, scrivesti:


  Per caso dd riesce anche a copiare certi floppy disk (per winzozz)
  protetti in modo da non poter essere copiati ? Credo che abbiano un
  errore da qualche parte o roba del genere.
  P.S. Sono quelli con dentro le licenze dei programmi ;-)

 Mai provato a farlo e non ho nessuna intenzione di provarci.

 Io l'ho usato solo per recuperare dati su nastro scritti con formati
 di vecchi unix commerciali, copiare il settore di boot della partizione
 Linux su un file da usare col loader di Nt, copiare su un file una
 partizione formattata per errore in modo da poterci lavorare con un
 editor esadecimale e recuperare dei dati, preparare il floppy di
 avvio di una distro, ...
 E` uno strumento molto duttile e potente pero` e` noto da tempo:
 era presente nelle primissime versioni di Unix degli anni ottanta.

 Quindi se una ditta volesse proteggere i propri floppy da copiatura
 sicuramente prenderebbe precauzioni contro un uso (banale) di dd,
 come le prende contro analoghi strumenti dos.

Beh, allora la Siemens non e' al corrente di vecchi programmi dos 
perfettamente funzionanti per scopiazzare le loro licenze. Non mi viene in 
mente il nome del programma, ma deve essere una cosa vecchia, almeno 10 anni.
Mi sa che i floppy non sono una buona protezione!

Grazie, Nicola.

chi va pian va san e va lontan

[newbie-it] Re:netsystem

2001-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 c'e un modo x far funzionare la scheda in questione sotto linux?

[newbie] Anybody got Sane working yet?

2001-03-16 Thread root

I've tried to use Sane under MDK 7.2 but with no luck so far.  It tells
me that no sane devices are detected.

I have a Plustek 9630 parallel port scanner and there appears to be a
Plustek back end. Is there anything I need to configure to get a result?

All advice welcome.

Graham Watkins

[newbie] Migrate RedHat to Mandrake?

2001-03-16 Thread Patrik Nylund

Hi everyone.
I would like to migrate to Mandrake from RedHat but I need to keep all the
qmail,vmailmanager settings and users.
Now I wodner if there is any easy way to do this or do I have to install
Mandrake on a new disk and copy the whole mail system to the new disk?


[newbie] autologin in 7.1

2001-03-16 Thread Quaylar

heyho all

does anybody know whether the autologin-package of 7.2 will also work on 7.1 ?


Re: [newbie] autologin in 7.1

2001-03-16 Thread Thomas Adam


The auto login works for me on 7.1, even though it was
designed for 7.2!!


Thomas Adam

--- Quaylar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  heyho all
 does anybody know whether the autologin-package of
 7.2 will also work on 7.1 ?

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] Migrate RedHat to Mandrake?

2001-03-16 Thread Thomas Adam

Hi Patrik,

Rightwhere to begin??? If you plan to upgrade to
Mandrake from Rehat, and you want to keep
configuration settings, the best thing to do, is to
back up you /etc folder, since this is the folder
which stores those configuration files. You may also
want to copy "/root" and "/home". The folders "/usr"
and all the programs are created when you install
Mandrake anyway.

Does that help?
Let me know if I can be of anymore help,
Kind Regards,

Thomas Adam
--- Patrik Nylund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 I would like to migrate to Mandrake from RedHat but
 I need to keep all the
 qmail,vmailmanager settings and users.
 Now I wodner if there is any easy way to do this or
 do I have to install
 Mandrake on a new disk and copy the whole mail
 system to the new disk?

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] Cups upgrade to 1.1.6

2001-03-16 Thread Jose Ricardo Sabino


I upgraded cups to 1.1.6 yesterday and got the jobs printing again, I dont 
have printpro installed, and no error were reported in software update 
interface. I'm using KDE 2.0.1 yet. I curious stuff, in my system when the 
printer stops working properly, I have to remove any printer configuration 
from cups database and configure again, it starts working, otherwise I just 
got the message "lp is not ready" from a test printer task!

I hope it helps!

On Friday 16 March 2001 04:15, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Has anyone run into the problem of upgrading cups to 1.1.6 and getting the
 error message that it conflicts with printpro.  I thought printpro was part
 of cups or viseversa...  Don't know what to do cause I can't print with
 cups and KDE2.1 ( it wiped out cups printing) and can't upgrade to see if
 that will solve the problem.  Any help?  TIA

Re: [newbie] Just a newbie question

2001-03-16 Thread Jose Ricardo Sabino

at site
  "c/c++"+"sample"+"examples", or add others words, 
"tutorial"+"libraries"+"openGL"+"HOWTO"+"alegro" etc,  any thing related. you 
will be moved to plents of links you will appreciate.

the path to learn c/c++ is not straight foward, some oscillation occur but 
you ever see new things. Try some introductory books yet, some examples and 
look for data structures in, it's cool.

Sorry my questions, whats a schizo?


On Saturday 17 March 2001 00:12, you wrote:

 I've been using Linux exclusively for the past two months and it's
 absolutely given me a new direction.

 My Exploration seems to have ended when I saw that little foot at the
 lower left hand cornerand I saw not a START but a finish.

 $ has become my symbol of control and no longer is anything  (greater
 than) me.


 Before this newbie starts ranting again, I gotta get this out.

 I want to study C/C++. I'm just starting to fool around with gcc.

 I tried using Visual C++ for a start but I think it's too
 self-centered... if a piece of software can have a personality on its own.


 char answer;
 printf("Would you use Visual C++? Enter Y\/N:\n");

 if (answer=y)
 printf("What would you rather use?\n");

 So what "would" you rather use?
 And what stuff "would" you read?
 Which URLs "would" you browse?
 Newsgroups? Mailing Lists?
 Web Communities?

 Or "would" you rather dive head first into Java [w/c is easier as I've

 Any answer would be greatly appreciated..

 Yes I'm a schizo...


Re: [newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-16 Thread Mark Weaver

Dan LaBine wrote:
  I've just downloaded pmfirewall.  I have some pretty bad questions as I am a 
complete newbie.  I want to get this up and running so that I can feel safe about 
getting on the net.  My question is, after I unzip it where should I point the file 
when I untar it as root?
  ie tar -xvf "---"
  When I run the install shell it's saying that it isn't finding the directory or 
  And, does anyone have any general suggestions about out of box security for a 
complete newbie?  I know absolutely nothing about IP chains.
  Get the Latest News at CNN Interactive:
 Chuck; You may not want to keep Pmfirewall (flamers please input
 arrogant denegrating reply/opinion here). For what it's worth, and IMHO,

Sorry Dan...I don't have enough time this morning to flame this message
properly as it deserves, but suffice it to say that PMfirewall is ONLY a
configuration device to setup the RULES to utilize IPchains. Once the
basics are done you MAY have to edit the RULES in order to make sure
that the ports that are left open are closed properly. There is SOME
human intervention necessary. It's Not a windows program, ya know?  ;-)


 I've been using PMfirewall, and found that it leaves some ports open!
 You're better off with IPchains. IPchains should already be installed in
 your system. Please send back more info about your network ie; how many
 PC's what IP's you're using, etc. Depending on your set up, you'l need
 up to 3 lines of text to activate it and I'm sure someone will respond
 with instructions on how to automate the startup procedure for it.
 Dan LaBine
 Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.
 Registered Linux User #190712

RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-16 Thread Kelly, Christopher

I am using tcp/ip. I'm in the process of setting up a proxy server, so I
needed something routable...


-Original Message-
From: Meph Istopheles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT


 That's really good. What about Fat partitions, is it the same

  Sorry, your prompting also reminds me of the stuff needed in
/etc/fstab  a mount point.

  Assuming you've only just recently installed  Linux didn't
create your mount point (RH 6.0  lm7.2 didn't except in my most
recent install), you need to enter something like this for ntfs:

/dev/hda1 /winnt ntfs rw,user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  There are those who've studies the fstab entries  mount point
theory more thoroughly than I, so you may want to wait for
flames to this;-).

  With W98, it looks rather like this:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  Again, I've not studied that stuff heavily -- I just go with
whatever works.  Previous to this recent install, I'd had to make
my own mount points  usually opted for /win as it's easy.
Mandrake chose to create a mount point for my W98 in the /mnt
directory  made the name the full "windows" (s'pose I'll change
that eventually to either /mnt/win or just /win  create the
mount point, but it works).

  Then creating a mount point is just:

# mkdir /winnt
# mkdir /mnt/winnt
or just
# mkdir /win

  Doesn't really matter but /win is less typing.

 Here's my scenario:

 I have two machines. One is running Linux MDK 7.2 and the other
 is Windows 98se. I want the Linux box to have access to the
 Windows drive.

  There are options, here.  Either you can install smbd on the
Linux box  the Windows smb client on the Windows box (or, if you
have access to Reflection software, you may want to use that on
the Windows box -- I've never used either, though, as I've no
need to access Linux from Windows), or you could install (as I
suspect you've been thinking of doing) Linux (even minimally) on
the Windows box.

  Personally, I'd dual-boot the other box, since you've the space,
then you could telnet from one to the other (if it's running
Linux at the time)  then access the Windows partition.  If it's
in Windows at the time, you'd need one of the two apps mentioned
above, as I don't think event the SE version of W98 comes with an
ftp daemon.

 I have the machines set up in Point to Point topology through a
 hub. Not real complex.

  Are you using to tcp/ip or netbui?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Disk usage

2001-03-16 Thread Mark Weaver


You can get the information you're looking for by using this neat little

du -h dir(s) to be listed --max-depth=1


du -h / --max-depth=1

give it a'll love it!


Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been trying to find a way to get, for each sub-directory of a given
 directory, the total amount of disk-space used up by that sub-directory and
 all its sub-sub-directories.
 Is there a way to do this with du ,
 Or any other way ?
 I dont need/want the breakdown with all the sub-sub-directories listed, only
 the total for each first-level sub-dir.
 Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
   Always remember that you are unique.
 Just like everyone else.
   ---  ---

RE: [newbie] USB ethernet vs NIC

2001-03-16 Thread Wilson

Well I haven't been able to get my Dlink USB 10/100 ethernet card to
work in Linux.  It works fine in Windows though.  There is a driver
called Pegasus (I think) that is supposed to work but I haven't been
successful and haven't been able to get any help on it here.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Blaine Owens
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 12:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] USB ethernet vs NIC

Hello, I have installed Mandrake 7.2 on PC #1 and am very pleased. I now
to install Linux on PC #2 but before I do I would like to have it
ready" as I have recently switched to a cable modem ISP.
PC #2 does not have an ethernet card but it does have 2 USB ports. I 
understand that there are USB ethernet adapters but I don't know all the
and cons. Also, I imagine that it could be a chore to get Linux to
the USB ethernet connection.
Would I be better off to just install a ethernet NIC? Any pros and cons
advice using a USB adapter would be appreciated. Thanks.

[newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc-I'Will WO2 onboard controller

2001-03-16 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi all people,

Re Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc

I'Will WO2 onboard controller

 From MSWindows  Settings  Control Panel  System  Device Manger  
Storage Contoller  Resources, following data were found :

a.  Input/Output Range  01F0 - 01F7
b.  Input/Output Range  03F6 - 03F6
c.  Interrupt Request   14
d.  Input/Output Range  0170 - 0177
e.  Input/Output Range  0376 - 0376
f.  Interrupt Request   15
g.  Input/Output Range  F000 - F000F

Is it to make following changes :

linux ide2 = 01F0-01F7, 03F8-03F8ide3 = 0170-0177, 0378-0378

Whether the formula  ide2=a, (b+2)   ide3=c (d+2) are still applicable ?

Thanks in advance.


[newbie] Installation of Mandrake7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc

2001-03-16 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Charles,

Could you please throw me some light re installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 
100 hard disc

I'Will WO2 onboard controller

 From MSWindows  Settings  Control Panel  System  Device Manger  
Storage Contoller  Resources, following data were found :

a.  Input/Output Range  01F0 - 01F7
b.  Input/Output Range  03F6 - 03F6
c.  Interrupt Request   14
d.  Input/Output Range  0170 - 0177
e.  Input/Output Range  0376 - 0376
f.  Interrupt Request   15
g.  Input/Output Range  F000 - F000F

Is it to make following changes :

linux ide2 = 01F0-01F7, 03F8-03F8ide3 = 0170-0177, 0378-0378

Whether the formula  ide2=a, (b+2)   ide3=c (d+2) are still applicable ?

Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness

2001-03-16 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 15 March 2001 12:42 pm, Adam Baxter wrote:
 Yet that's the wierd thing, I shouldn't have SCSI on my computer..the
 commands came with the origional kernel on Madrake 7.2. How would I turn
 the SCSI emulation off?

 Usually the line  append=" hdd=ide-scsi"  is in there to accomodate a 
CD-RW or some CDroms that need scsi emulation.  If you have neither, try 
removing that line from lilo.conf.   You may or may not still need an 
initrd.img.  It's not entirely clear to me, but you may need ram disk 
suppport if you leave scsi emulation in the kernel, or use the fb device 
for Aurora (ie,  vga=788). I believe the safe thing to do would be to go 
ahead and make an initrd.img. I think that's why your kernel can't load 
into ram (ie, black screen)
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

 Subject: Re: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness

   Your lilo conf shows you are using scsi emulation, but the line is
 wrong.  Should be:append=" hdd=ide-scsi"   Also, you must have scsi
 enabled in the kernel, and 'mkinitrd' a ram disk image as per the
 instructions here:

Re: [newbie] Slowly getting there!

2001-03-16 Thread Jeff Davis


The Linux4Win can be installed on your Windows FAT partition by
inserting the CD once ME has booted to the desktop. ME will execute the
autorun file and give you the option to install Lin4Win on a certain part of
your FAT partion. Using a boot disk and the CD will excute an actual LINUX
install that requires its own partions on the hard drive.

- Original Message -
From: "Varun Kumar Verma" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Slowly getting there!

 Hello friends,
 I am facing a problem with my Linux Mandrake 7.2 installation.I have got a
 laptop with 20gb harddisk and windows ME installed on it.I wanted to
 linux using the Linx4win.My comp doesnt boot from the CD so I made a boot
 floppy.When I start installing LINUX on the compI get three
 erase the entire disk(which i dont want to do)2.use the free space for the
 installation(i want to do this) mode(i am not an expert)..

 I want to go do the second option.when I do that it shows that there is
 error in partiting(i have a single C drive on which I have windows ME)
 Can u help me on this!
 From: James carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Slowly getting there!
 Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:41:49 -0800

 Alright, thanks for the help guys, I am now able to get into the
 desktop. I used XFdrake, and was able to access the desktop. The only
 problem is, I can only use it in 256 colors! Whats up with that? All
 the other settings don't work! I really don't want to be stuck with
 only 256. Is there anything I missed here?
 I have a ATI Mach64GX video card. All the settings are available, and
 I can choose them, but all I can get to work is 256. I know my card
 is capable of doing more than that, I have it set to 24bit here in
 (yuck) Window$ and it works flawlessly. Soon, I will stop bugging you
 guys with questions :)

   So am I outta luck? Or is there something I can do?

   Oh ya, also when I boot Mandrake, I get a bug error right away, and
 all my icons disappear!!!   Hmmm



 -- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/15/2001

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Telnet

2001-03-16 Thread Édison Andrés

Telnet don't have this utility.  For this you need have a ftp connection.

Julio Gutierrez escribi:

 does anyone know how I can copy files from a Win2k telnet server to a linux box?
 or is this possible? if anyone knows pls let me know
 Thanks in advance


dison Andrs Rivera Norea
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informtica
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medelln - Colombia

Re: [newbie] Spare partition

2001-03-16 Thread Adrian Smith

howdy -- if i understand you correct, you want to take an existing fat32 and convert 
it to ext2, yes?

i have done this in the following way --

run diskdrake and find out exactly which partition i'm dealing with, such as hda4
then i used diskdrake to change the partition type (fat32 to ext2) then i formated the 
exit diskdrake
open /etc/fstab in my favorite editor
remove the old line for hda4
write a new line for hda4
exit the editor
go to /mnt and delete the folder where hda4 use to mount at.

that worked for me  i'm sure there are other ways.
i don't think MDK has any way to "autodetect" these sort of changes.  if you don't 
change the fstab, i image the system will still try to mount your newly created ext2 
partion as a fat32 partition.  but maybe i'm wrong about that.

hope this helps you some.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 "Wayne Alexander" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3:51:31 PM 3/15/01 
I have a 3 gig partition I would like to give to linux to use (currently 
vfat) and was wondering as it is mounted already as WINDOWS, if I was to 
change it to ext2 would I have to messa round with my fstab or would MDK7.2 
pick it up and make the appropriate changes for me?  Would this cause any 
problems with my system?


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Anybody got Sane working yet?

2001-03-16 Thread Meph Istopheles


 I've tried to use Sane under MDK 7.2 but with no luck so far.
 It tells me that no sane devices are detected.

 I have a Plustek 9630 parallel port scanner and there appears
 to be a Plustek back end. Is there anything I need to configure
 to get a result?

  Though it didn't work for me -- I have the same scanner, but it
won't work in either lm7.2 ~or~ Windows.  I'd wasted the whole of
a weekend trying to get it working.  Anyway, there is an update
for the Plustek backend.  Trouble is, it requires numerous
updates -- at least one of which is an unstable cooker update.
May or may not work for you.

  In the end, I was left with a still unworking scanner  various
minor problems I couldn't figure out.  Doubt it's related, but
eventually, my video wouldn't accept any settings above 16-bit
colour  a very bad refresh rate.  So, I'd reinstalled  got rid
of the whole mess.

  Let me know if you figure it out, though.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] NVIDIA screen brightness

2001-03-16 Thread Tom Badran

Often brightness problems occur because you havent specified the correct 
monitor in setup. Try the similar ones until you get a satisfactory result.

Microsoft is not the answer, its the question.
And the answer is no.

Re: [newbie] autologin in 7.1

2001-03-16 Thread Quaylar

At 02:50 16.03.2001 -0800, you wrote:

The auto login works for me on 7.1, even though it was
designed for 7.2!!


Thomas Adam


hmm..shouldnt autologin install a /etc/sysconfig/autologin file 
?..i installed 1.0.0-3, it had only 8 kB (is this possible ?),
but i dont have a /etc/sysconfig/autologin file.
u have an idea what went wrong ?


Re: [newbie] Anybody got Sane working yet?

2001-03-16 Thread Adrian Smith

i have also messed with SANE a bit.  no luck.
at the moment i'm just letting it slide.
my scanner isn't fully supported by linux yet anyhow, so i still have to use win to 
make full colour scans.
hopefully soon SANE will be more idiot proof and i'll be able to figure it out.=)

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Meph Istopheles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7:27:15 AM 3/16/01 

 I've tried to use Sane under MDK 7.2 but with no luck so far.
 It tells me that no sane devices are detected.

 I have a Plustek 9630 parallel port scanner and there appears
 to be a Plustek back end. Is there anything I need to configure
 to get a result?

  Though it didn't work for me -- I have the same scanner, but it
won't work in either lm7.2 ~or~ Windows.  I'd wasted the whole of
a weekend trying to get it working.  Anyway, there is an update
for the Plustek backend.  Trouble is, it requires numerous
updates -- at least one of which is an unstable cooker update.
May or may not work for you.

  In the end, I was left with a still unworking scanner  various
minor problems I couldn't figure out.  Doubt it's related, but
eventually, my video wouldn't accept any settings above 16-bit
colour  a very bad refresh rate.  So, I'd reinstalled  got rid
of the whole mess.

  Let me know if you figure it out, though.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] RE: Installation of Mandrake7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc

2001-03-16 Thread Charles A Edwards

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Liu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 7:05 AM
 To: Charles A Edwards
 Subject: Installation of Mandrake7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc

 Hi Charles,

 Could you please throw me some light re installation of
 Mandrake 7.2 on ATA
 100 hard disc

 I'Will WO2 onboard controller

  From MSWindows  Settings  Control Panel  System  Device Manger 
 Storage Contoller  Resources, following data were found :

 a.  Input/Output Range  01F0 - 01F7
 b.  Input/Output Range  03F6 - 03F6
 c.  Interrupt Request   14
 d.  Input/Output Range  0170 - 0177
 e.  Input/Output Range  0376 - 0376
 f.  Interrupt Request   15
 g.  Input/Output Range  F000 - F000F

 Is it to make following changes :

 linux ide2 = 01F0-01F7, 03F8-03F8ide3 = 0170-0177, 0378-0378

 Whether the formula  ide2=a, (b+2)   ide3=c (d+2) are still
 applicable ?


  This line of your message has me confused:
 I'Will WO2 onboard controller

When you get the I/O from Windows it leaves out part of the #
My fault for not mentioning it before.

To be sure you are using the proper values, boot the Mandrake installation
and at the
splash screen press F1.
At the boot prompt enter:

lspci -vv | less

Use the space bar to tab down to find the listing for your Promise
You will find 5 sets of heximal # stings giving the I/O address for the
Write down the first 4, (a,b,c, and d) you also need only the the first
listing in each
set not both.
Reboot your system.

When the installation begins enter the I/O adresses for the controller using
the formula:

linux ide2=a, b+2 ise3=c, d+2

 The spaces and comas must be used


   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

[newbie] VICE / X64 (to Paul Rodríguez)

2001-03-16 Thread Gerry

Hi Paul, sorry for this late reply.. Can't find your email-addy, so i send 
this to this list for all the world to see :)

Joystick setup in the vice is very easy. For the unix/linux versions, just 
hold the _right_ mouse-button (the left pops up a load-menu), choose joystick 
setup from the popup-menu, and choose your favourite option. Numpad is great 
if you don't have a joystick, you use the numpad keys for an 8-directional 
joystick, with left ctrl for fire.

I still use the c64, but mainly the real thing, emulators only when 
absolutely neccesarry :) .. It a great machine really :) .. Easy to program 
as well, and fun to try to get it to do things that's impossible on an 1mhz 
machine with 64k of memory, and see it work :) . The c64 scene is still alive!

Btw, check out, there you can find instructions for building (or 
ordering cheap) a X1541-series cable, which allows you to transfer your c64 
disks to and from the pc! :)  (make sure to get the version that works under 


Re: [newbie] Can't access CD drives - even as root

2001-03-16 Thread Andrew Lazarewicz

** Reply to message from Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wed,
14 Mar 2001 09:07:53 +

In the process of following my own instructions and testing how to do this
right, I created the same problems with my Zip drive that you have with your CD
drives.  Still working on it  - Andy

[newbie] KDE 2.1 install

2001-03-16 Thread Eric


I am downloading the Mandrake 7.2 KDE 2.1 rpms from
The rpms are dated 2001-03-05.

I would like to kow if there are any special instructions on how to install 

This is my plan:

1. telinit 3 and su - root
2. rpm -Uvh qt2*.rpm
3. rpm -Uvh lib rpms
4. rpm -Uvh the rest of the rpms
5. rebuilddb
6. rpm --rebuilddb
7. update-menus

Should this work?
Pleae give me any corrections or point me to KDE 2.1 on Mandrake install 
instructions.  I use Mandrake 7.2 at work and do not want to mess up my 


Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine
Computer Specialist - Power Operations

[newbie] Setting up VNC

2001-03-16 Thread Graham Trott

Can anyone explain

a) Why the following messages result when starting up VNC:
   xrdb: No such file or directory
   xrdb: can't open file '/root/.Xresources'
   /root/.vnc/xstartup: xterm: command not found

b) How to start up KDE instead of the default twm.  Using 'startkde' I get a
whole raft of error messages among which is a complaint about KDE already

This is a fresh server installation of Mandrake 7.2; the only thing I've
done so far is set up Samba.


-- GT

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1 install

2001-03-16 Thread Eric


Do I have to uninstall KDE 2.0.1 first?  Do I have to use one --force 

I modified my list:

0. mv .kde .kde_old
 1. telinit 3 and su - root
 2. rpm -Uvh qt2*.rpm
 3. rpm -Uvh lib rpms
 4. rpm -Uvh the rest of the rpms
 5. rebuilddb
 6. rpm --rebuilddb
 7. update-menus
8. telinit 5


On Friday 16 March 2001 12:34, Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine wrote:

 I am downloading the Mandrake 7.2 KDE 2.1 rpms from
 The rpms are dated 2001-03-05.

 I would like to kow if there are any special instructions on how to install

 This is my plan:

 1. telinit 3 and su - root
 2. rpm -Uvh qt2*.rpm
 3. rpm -Uvh lib rpms
 4. rpm -Uvh the rest of the rpms
 5. rebuilddb
 6. rpm --rebuilddb
 7. update-menus

 Should this work?
 Pleae give me any corrections or point me to KDE 2.1 on Mandrake install
 instructions.  I use Mandrake 7.2 at work and do not want to mess up my


Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine
Computer Specialist - Power Operations

[newbie] Question about QT

2001-03-16 Thread Jon Doe

I have QT 1.44 and QT 2.2.1 or whatever it is. How do I direct programs (RPM 
or ./configure) to the QT2? If I try to install an rpm that requires qt2 I 
get unsatisfied dependancies, if I try to build from source I get the can't 
create small programs qt2 not found. I did an rpm -q for qt2 and it is 
installed and so is qt1.44. Any help?

Re: [newbie]To varun, Slowly getting there!

2001-03-16 Thread Robert Pena
I know your feeling. I bought Linux4Windows despite many warnig against it because Linux would run faster on its own partition, which is true, or they are very anit-Windows which is the impression I got from them.  On my laptop the CD boots from the CD drive. I could never get pass the dowloading the KDesktop. It would take half an hour to load HALF of the desktop. I tried a full installation through Mandrake 7.2 suite. It couldn't work with my CyberBlade graphics card. I tried Linux4Windows on my newly built system and it worked this time.  I believe it was harddrive room problem. I would tell Mandrake about 2.5 GB for installation which I didn't quite have on my laptop and on the desktop system with two harddrives the first primary is 4GB drive with nearly 2GB for Windows and programs. The second drive 30GB which is intended for raw video,music, and still phots for my videomedia projects. When installed on the first Kdesktop would not boot up or crash during installation. Second time it put some of the files and folder on the first drive and the other on the second. I tried another installation this time I put Linux on the second with 7B remaining and Linux booted up and worked just fine. Athough, justbefore that I tried doing the graphics card and monitor test during Xconfiguration but Linux kept turning off my Futura monitor. I walked away to answe a phone call when I thought I had click on configuration again but instead I finished installation. When I returned Linux booted up into the Kdesktop and I was there. I could do everything I first configured my HP printer which I had seen was a major problem with CUPS. On the first time I got it worked and printing beautifully.   Current problem now is my modem is a winmodem and although many are helping to get it to work using alternative many others say I should buy a external "hardware" modem for Linux to use.   Keep at it you can do it and Linux4Windows despite what hardcore Linux users will tell you runs quick and nicely through Windows FAT partition. I will get another harddrive and install a complete Linux on it soon.  Hope this helps good luck.Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] Vmware Linux

2001-03-16 Thread marcia

Dear All, I now have vmware running Windows 95 on my LM 7.2 which is
great. Thanks to the help of some of those here. Now, I would like to
share files between the two. Does anyone know how to do this? I am quite
a newbie in this area. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

Re: [newbie] Question about QT

2001-03-16 Thread Eric

I am not completely sure but it might be related to the environmental 
variable KDEDIR.

Eric Indiogine

On Friday 16 March 2001 13:20, Jon Doe wrote:
 I have QT 1.44 and QT 2.2.1 or whatever it is. How do I direct programs
 (RPM or ./configure) to the QT2? If I try to install an rpm that requires
 qt2 I get unsatisfied dependancies, if I try to build from source I get the
 can't create small programs qt2 not found. I did an rpm -q for qt2 and it
 is installed and so is qt1.44. Any help?

Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine
Computer Specialist - Power Operations


2001-03-16 Thread Luis Miguel Contreras

subscribe newbie

RE: [newbie] Vmware Linux

2001-03-16 Thread Esteban Villeda


When you hava vmware running on any Linux platform, is as if you had another
machine.  If you want to share data from Linux to your vmware or viceversa
you need to use SAMBA.  It emulates the protocol used to share data in a Win
network.  If you are also new to samba, you can go to, there
you can download a book called Using Samba.  It is in PDF format and
explains how to connect a Linux machine with a Windows machine.  Good luck.


- Original Message -
From: marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Vmware  Linux

 Dear All, I now have vmware running Windows 95 on my LM 7.2 which is
 great. Thanks to the help of some of those here. Now, I would like to
 share files between the two. Does anyone know how to do this? I am quite
 a newbie in this area. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

RE: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100harddisc-I'Will WO2 onboard controller

2001-03-16 Thread Ton Truong

I dunno, but it should be:

ide2=0x01f0,0x0400 ide3=0x0170,0x0380

Beware, this is from memory, not from fact as I don;t have an IWill board.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Liu
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:05 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100
 harddisc-I'Will WO2 onboard controller
 Hi all people,
 Re Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc
 I'Will WO2 onboard controller
  From MSWindows  Settings  Control Panel  System  Device Manger  
 Storage Contoller  Resources, following data were found :
 a.  Input/Output Range01F0 - 01F7
 b.  Input/Output Range03F6 - 03F6
 c.  Interrupt Request 14
 d.  Input/Output Range0170 - 0177
 e.  Input/Output Range0376 - 0376
 f.  Interrupt Request 15
 g.  Input/Output RangeF000 - F000F
 Is it to make following changes :
 linux ide2 = 01F0-01F7, 03F8-03F8ide3 = 0170-0177, 0378-0378
 Whether the formula  ide2=a, (b+2)   ide3=c (d+2) are still applicable ?
 Thanks in advance.

RE: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100 harddisc-I'Will WO2 onboard controller

2001-03-16 Thread falcaraz

Hello folks,
I have an WO2 mother board, with a Quantum 30 Gb ATA 66 (hda) with two 
windows partition and a second harddrive Seagate ATA 100 (hdb) with two 
mandrake system installed, MDK 7.2 (working fine, including Epson USB 
scanner, CDrwriter, DVD -with xine I could see splendid dvd-movies- 
cable modem, epson stylus 760 printer, avermedia tv) and beta2 MDK 
8.0 (with few problems now). I haven't had any problem but perhaps the 
ATA 100 is not optimized. MDK 7.2 and 8.0 beta1 and now beta2 installed 
both drivers without problems.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: "Ton Truong" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Viernes, Marzo 16, 2001 10:14 pm
Asunto: RE: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100 harddisc-
I'Will WO2 onboard controller

 I dunno, but it should be:
 ide2=0x01f0,0x0400 ide3=0x0170,0x0380
 Beware, this is from memory, not from fact as I don;t have an 
 IWill board.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Liu
  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:05 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100
  harddisc-I'Will WO2 onboard controller
  Hi all people,
  Re Installation of Mandrake 7.2 on ATA 100 hard disc
  I'Will WO2 onboard controller
   From MSWindows  Settings  Control Panel  System  Device 
  Storage Contoller  Resources, following data were found :
  a.  Input/Output Range  01F0 - 01F7
  b.  Input/Output Range  03F6 - 03F6
  c.  Interrupt Request   14
  d.  Input/Output Range  0170 - 0177
  e.  Input/Output Range  0376 - 0376
  f.  Interrupt Request   15
  g.  Input/Output Range  F000 - F000F
  Is it to make following changes :
  linux ide2 = 01F0-01F7, 03F8-03F8ide3 = 0170-0177, 0378-0378
  Whether the formula  ide2=a, (b+2)   ide3=c (d+2) are still 
 applicable ?
  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-16 Thread chuck_495

Hello All, 

Thanks for all of the information.  In response to your question Dan, I'm using the 
internet on one PC.  I have a cable modem.  Running static, not DHCP.  Just got it 
working.  Does this answer your questions?  Let me know.

Thanks for your help!


Get the Latest News at CNN Interactive:

Re: [newbie] Triple boot?

2001-03-16 Thread Romanator

Jon Doe wrote:
 I currently run Win98SE and Linux Mandrake 7.2 and things work just fine, but
 I would like to also run Red Hat. Is triple boot a bad idea? If not what is
 the best way to install all three?
 linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste

Get System Commander 2000. It's a super boot loader and partitioning


Re: [newbie] Triple boot?

2001-03-16 Thread Romanator

michael wrote:
 I was quadribooting for awhile (NT,98SE,RH,MDK7.2).
 Make sure windows is on first.
 Jon Doe wrote:
  I currently run Win98SE and Linux Mandrake 7.2 and things work just fine, but
  I would like to also run Red Hat. Is triple boot a bad idea? If not what is
  the best way to install all three?
  linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste

Windows 95 or Windows 98 first, then WIndows NT4 and any other OS.
