Re: [newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-28 Thread ku68

Ciao Ferdinando alle 17:48, domenica 26 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Cerca di fare lo stesso test
 anche sotto win e controlla se non vede le stesse locazioni.
Ci sto' provando.
Sempre per quanto riguarda win, c'è da considerare che è lo stesso sistema
 che si incarica di gestire tutta la memoria, e quindi, probabilmente, è il
 sistema che è in grado di riconoscere e saltare le parti difettose.
Uhm, un punticino a favore di win? ;-)
 Se vuoi fare una prova più drastica, leva un banco alla volta (suppongo che
 tu abbia due banchi da 128 M) e vedi come si comporta il sistema.
Nel fine settimana lo faccio, mi serve un amico + esperto. Credo di non aver 
problemi nel togliere le memorie, anche se non l'ho mai fatto, ma se 
capitasse qualche inconveniente è bene avere un pronto intervento vicino.. :-)
Ciao e fammi sapere.
 Ok ciao e grazie 

Re: [newbie-it] [newbie_it]UNSUBSCRIVE

2002-05-28 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 27 May 2002 18:33:40 +0200

Perché ogni tanto qualcuno decide di rompere le scatole a tutta la lista,
sfoggiando un pessimo inglese, per rimuoversi?

E` di per se evidente che ci debba essere un meccanismo separato: se su
una ML grossa, diciamo qualche migliaio di iscritti, chiunque volesse
entrare o uscire lo comunicasse a tutti sarebbe un inferno. ;-)

Per evitarlo sympa (il gestore di questa ML) rinvia immediatamente al mittente
qualunque messaggio in lista che contiene la parola rimuovi l'iscrizione scritta
in inglese corretto. Credo mandi anche un messaggio di istruzioni su
come rimuoversi correttamente.

In ogni messaggio della ML, tra headers completi, che possono essere visualizzati
con qualsiasi mailer, sono spiegate le modalità per rimuoversi correttamente:

- scrivendo la parola innominabile a [EMAIL PROTECTED] e non a

- oppure, andando sulla magina Mailing-Lists del sito Mandrake

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Schede tv

2002-05-28 Thread Mino

Cari amici,

scheda tv mi consigliate per vedere i mondiali con linux,
e poter registrare anche la finale?

Grazie a presto

P.S. Ho una xtreme 98 non riesco a farla funzionare con il

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror

2002-05-28 Thread Germano

Puoi anche rinunciare, tanto dipende dal sito (si vede solo con Explorer).
Prova a fare come ho fatto io, cioè mandagli una e-mail dicendo che non 
esiste solo Explorer e che se vogliono continuare ad avere cienti, in 
generale, è meglio che si tengano aggiornati e non facciano fare i siti a chi 
non li sa fare.

Anzi, invito tutti quelli che si sono iscritti a tale sito ( gli altri è 
meglio di no perchè questi a malapena si caca.. i clienti) di sollecitarli a 
renderlo più decente.

Non è solo una questione di Linux contro Windows ma anche di funzionalità in 
quanto un sito che tratta i tuoi dati personali deve avere maggior sicurezza:
infatti dopo essersi loggati l'unico modo per sloggarsi è di chiudere tutte
le finestre del suddetto browser (scrauser sarebbe meglio!) e cancellare i 
cookies (non me lo sono inventato ma è quello che consigliano onde evitare 
che qualcuno che usi il computer dopo di te riacceda alla tua pagina!)

Ciao a tutti

P.S: l'indirizzo a cui scrivere è [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ve lo dico perchè nella loro infinita intelligenza non ti danno la 
possibilità di vederlo se non sei loggato.

Il 18:51, sabato 25 Maggio 2002, luigi hai scritto:
 ciao ragazzi ho la 8.2
 il mio konqueror ma anche tutti gli altri browser installati non mi
 permettono di visualizzare la parte in alto a sx del sito
 dove praticamente c'e il login
 ho installato anche l'ultimo java 13ecc..
 a voi va?
 grazie ciao
 p.s. a morte bill

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-05-28 Thread Erasmo Palma


[newbie-it] Schede TV

2002-05-28 Thread Mino

Cari amici,

scheda tv mi consigliate per vedere i mondiali con linux(possibilmente
compatibile al 100% con MDK82) , e poter registrare anche la finale?

Grazie a presto

P.S. Ho una xtreme 98 non riesco a farla funzionare con il

[newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-28 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

E' possibile visualizzare al boot di lilo nomi più dettagliati per 
ciascun sistema da avviare senza dover sottostare al limite delle label 
in lilo.config ?

Saluti da Giuseppe.

Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror

2002-05-28 Thread Gennaro Firemi

Il mar, 2002-05-28 alle 10:32, Germano ha scritto:

Puoi anche rinunciare, tanto dipende dal sito (si vede solo con Explorer).
Prova a fare come ho fatto io, cio mandagli una e-mail dicendo che non 
esiste solo Explorer e che se vogliono continuare ad avere cienti, in 
generale,  meglio che si tengano aggiornati e non facciano fare i siti a chi 
non li sa fare.

Anzi, invito tutti quelli che si sono iscritti a tale sito ( gli altri  
meglio di no perch questi a malapena si caca.. i clienti) di sollecitarli a 
renderlo pi decente.

Non  solo una questione di Linux contro Windows ma anche di funzionalit in 
quanto un sito che tratta i tuoi dati personali deve avere maggior sicurezza:
	infatti dopo essersi loggati l'unico modo per sloggarsi  di chiudere tutte 	
	le finestre del suddetto browser (scrauser sarebbe meglio!) e cancellare i 		
	cookies (non me lo sono inventato ma  quello che consigliano onde evitare 		
	che qualcuno che usi il computer dopo di te riacceda alla tua pagina!)

Ciao a tutti

P.S: l'indirizzo a cui scrivere  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
	Ve lo dico perch nella loro infinita intelligenza non ti danno la 			
	possibilit di vederlo se non sei loggato.

Il 18:51, sabato 25 Maggio 2002, luigi hai scritto:
 ciao ragazzi ho la 8.2
 il mio konqueror ma anche tutti gli altri browser installati non mi
 permettono di visualizzare la parte in alto a sx del sito
 dove praticamente c'e il login
 ho installato anche l'ultimo java 13ecc..
 a voi va?
 grazie ciao
 p.s. a morte bill

Io ho installato la Suse 8.0 che include il kde3 e Netscape 6.2. Con Netscape 

 sono riuscito a caricare bene la pagina di Omnitel ma con il nuovo Konqueror non ci 
 sono riuscito . 

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Problemi (grossi) con X

2002-05-28 Thread ENx

Ho cancellato per sbaglio le precedenti mail, qual  il tuo problema?
Da quel che ho potuto capire dal file di log vedi il desktop a 640x480, giusto?

(II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (hsync out of
 (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (hsync out of range) 
 (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (hsync out of range) 
 (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1024" (hsync out of range) 
 (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x512" (hsync out of range) 
   (--) RADEON(0): Virtual size is 640x480 (pitch 640) 
 (**) RADEON(0): Default mode "640x480": 31.5 MHz, 37.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz 
 (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "640x480" 31.50 640 656 720 840 480 481 484
500  -hsync -vsync 
 (--) RADEON(0): Display dimensions: (260, 200) mm 
 (--) RADEON(0): DPI set to (62, 60) 
 (II) Loading sub module "fb" 

Ma il tuo monitor  settato giusto?

(**) |--Screen "screen1" (0) 
 (**) | |--Monitor "Generic|Super VGA estesa, 800x600 a 60 Hz, 640x480
a  72 Hz" 
 (**) | |--Device "ATI Radeon" 

I seguenti messaggi di avviso sono dovuti al fatto che le risoluzioni testate
escono fuori dal range possibile della sincronizzazione orizzontale del monitor:

(II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (hsync out of range) 
  (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (hsync out of range) 
  (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (hsync out of range) 
  (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1600x1024" (hsync out of range) 
  (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "800x512" (hsync out of range)

 possibile che sia questo il tuo problema.

Ciao ENx

[newbie-it] Scheda con tv out

2002-05-28 Thread ENx

Ciao a tutti,
ho una radeon ve con tv out, qualcuno saprebbe dirmi come fare ad usare 
l'uscita tv?
Grazie a tutti ENx

Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-28 Thread freefred

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 11:48, Giuseppe Ferruzzi, talkin' about 
[newbie-it] lilo.conf wrote:
 E' possibile visualizzare al boot di lilo nomi più dettagliati per
 ciascun sistema da avviare senza dover sottostare al limite delle
 label in lilo.config ?

ehm, cambiare le label nel lilo.conf?
(non so se abbiano un limite di lunghezza,
dipende sempre da quanto vuoi dettagliare)


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Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-28 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 17:48, martedì 28 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] 
lilo.conf, Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto:
 E' possibile visualizzare al boot di lilo nomi più
 dettagliati per ciascun sistema da avviare senza dover
 sottostare al limite delle label in lilo.config ?

basta cambiare le label

image = /vmlinuz-2.4.18
 root = /dev/hda3
 label = Slackware

 Saluti da Giuseppe.


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] Voodoo3 3500TV e KVinTV

2002-05-28 Thread TheJack

mi rivolgo nuovamente alla ML per una problema che mi affligge da sempre 
(almeno con Linux), ovvero il non riuscire ad utilizzare il sintonizzatore TV 
con Linux. Come da oggetto la mia sk video e' una Voodoo3 3500TV.

Come posso fare?

Vincenzo TheJack Tiziani

RE: [newbie] subscription

2002-05-28 Thread Jose M. Sanchez
Title: Message


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of alexSent: Monday, May 27, 2002 10:08 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 









  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click 

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Re: [newbie] Quake 3...again

2002-05-28 Thread FemmeFatale

Brian Koppe wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I just reinstalled Linux this past weekend using ext3 and just began to
 reinstall Quake 3 Arena.  So, I open up the manual and so as it says -
 go to /mnt/cdrom and then sh  Now, I know this works because,
 well, I've done it twice before - using ext2 - and I've installed Quake
 3 and played it just fine.  This time however, I type sh and I
 get the following: No such file or directory
 Well, obviously there is a - I've run it twice to install Q3A
 twice.  But this time it doesn't find it.  I open Konqueror to have a
 look at the CD.  Not there.  All that IS there is a bunch of jpegs and
 gifs of the characters and such.  Nothing but image files.
 My only thought on this is that, for some reason, I can't read the D
 fully because I'm using ext3.  Doesn't make sense to me, but I don't
 know what else it could possibly be.  Any ideas?

you have to d/l the file from ID's software site :)

try that ftp site

if thats not it, i'll dig through myother emails  Get the right one.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Digest version of Newbie available

2002-05-28 Thread Michael Adams

On Tue, 28 May 2002 15:12, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Mon, 27 May 2002 20:46:01 -0600 (MDT), Jim Turner

  Someone else here may be better qualified to answer about how big each
  partition should be; but then, it really depends on what you want to do
  anyway.  I believe the rule of thumb for swap is to make it about the
  same size as your physical memory.  As such, I have 128 meg RAM, and a
  128 meg swap.

 The generally accepted rule-of-thumb is to have a swap size of twice your
 RAM. In your case, you would be better off with a swap of 256MB. In general
 practice, there is little to gain from having a swap of over 512MB on a
 standard desktop system (though it may be useful for servers and

Not sure where the subject line came from, is this a piggyback thread? 
Certainly got my attention.

Sounds like the hard drive is already partitioned and you have no qualms 
about wiping one, or more, of the partitions to install Linux on. Mandrakes 
Linux is real user freindly in this respect. The install has a GUI that lets 
you delete existng partitions without molesting others. If you are able to 
make the deletable area contiguous --- big word for the day, WOOHOO! and 
you allow 4Gig or more. then the install will suggest sizes for the various 
partitions. As a first timer, i recommend you accept the  suggestions as they 
stand. You can always reinstall later. Leaving a Fat32 partition even if you 
have NTFS is also good advise as Linux reads and writes well to Fat32. NTFS 
can become troublesome. Ext2 WAS the main Linux partitioning filesystem of 
the past. But it is well dated and now is superceded by several good modern 
journaling filesystems. Mandrake's 'tester' has recommended on this list that 
he has few probs with any of them (ext3 has some iffy's) but that in his 
experience XFS is as close to bulletproof as it gets. This is selectable as 
part of the install during the partitioning phase as well. No flame war on 
that recommend plz.

I recommend you also go for a browse through ZDNet for hardware 

Be prepared to keep a good log of what you do post install that effects your 

Oh... yeah, i say to much sometimes


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[newbie] Power Mac G3 Desktop built in ethernet card help

2002-05-28 Thread Lawrence Bolton

Can someone who is running Mandrake 8.2 PPC on an original Power Macintosh
G3 Desktop tell me whether you have successfully configured the built in
ethernet card?  I am trying to determine whether this ethernet card is
supported or whether I've got an issue with my setup...

The Power Mac G3 driver is not working for me.  I tried the other Apple
drivers, but none of these worked either.

If you were successful in setting up the ethernet card could you please tell
me which driver you used?

Thanks, any help is appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-28 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 02:37, Nicolas VERITE wrote:

 USB is for photos and the MPEG low quality videos,
 FireWire (or iLink) is made for DV video.

Ah, all is now clear!  So I can, in theory, get my camcorder to 
stream crappy video through the USB port, but if I want to do 
anything serious, I should buy a FireWire card.

Sir Robin

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's 
absolutely not. 
It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. - Bill 

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Monday 27 May 2002 10:12 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 I got the same rpm from; it worked fine for me. What KDE
 are you running?
 -- cmg

I am using KDE 2.2.1-7 It installed with my Mandrake 3 CD set.
I found this URL for the rpm, but it won't download.

Does anyone happen to have this RPM?  And can I get it.

Gerald Waugh :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks, Web Site Hosting,  Cobalt 
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States:wq

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[newbie] DosEmulator

2002-05-28 Thread Chris Ames

How do I access the DOD emulator? Or, for that matter, does Mandrake 8.2 even 
COME with one?

On a happier note, I managed to get something to install! Now I get to try it 
again with somethingthat's actually USEFUL. 

I can't wait 'till I can build my dream system!


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Re: [newbie] Tv Card

2002-05-28 Thread et

nope no need to mount anything. do you dual boot? does it work under windows? 
what Mobo and chipset do you have (known problems with Ali and via chipsets, 
and pci tv cards)

On Monday 27 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
 I have already changed this settings but Im unable to watch tv.
 Do I have to mount this divice?
 Any ideas?

 You Wrote:

 left click on the picture box, and turn off overlay, and turn on ntsc
 (not pal) edit channels to suit you, save and close, this assumes the USA

 On Monday 27 May 2002 04:15 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 27 May 2002 10:55 am, Misael M. wrote:
   I have a Brooktree Tv card but I cant watch tv in my linux box.
   xawtv does not found any channel.
   Does anyone know how to fix this?
  try scantv  or look for their site for a config template (~/.xawtv).


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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-28 Thread Nicolas VERITE

Robin Turner wrote:
 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 02:37, Nicolas VERITE wrote:
  USB is for photos and the MPEG low quality videos,
  FireWire (or iLink) is made for DV video.
 Ah, all is now clear!  So I can, in theory, get my camcorder to
 stream crappy video through the USB port, but if I want to do
 anything serious, I should buy a FireWire card.
 Sir Robin

That's how I've seen many camcorders work...

For example, in the Sony line of camcorders,
you have the Memory Stick cards in which
you can store photos, but also low-quality MPEG videos
copied from your DV tape (10 to 15 sec max for around 1 MB).

This can be usefull for video-e-mails...

Read the docs and try... everything !
Everything is not usefull for anybody...


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[newbie] Voodoo3 TV

2002-05-28 Thread Barry Michels

Anyone know if there's drivers for a Voodoo3 3500TV?  Specifically, what
programs would be used to watch TV using the video input feature of that


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Re: [newbie] Canon S200SP

2002-05-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 1:57 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 A friend running LM8.2 has a Canon S200SP printer. PrinterDrake sees
 it as a BJC-240.  It prints fine, but is very grey - like draft quality
 all the time.  Anyone having success with this printer?


I do not have a Canon printer, but there is an article on the Mandrake club 
page which might interest you. If you are not a member here is the relevent 

Canon makes some rather cool Color inkjet printers (S600, S800, ..), which 
produce very fine quality photo printing at affordable price. Both ink and 
printers are fairly priced, and many people are swearing that the quality of 
prints on their S* model is at least as good as on Epsons, for a fraction of 
Unfortunately, free drivers for these printers do not match the quality of 
the drivers offered for HP and Epson models, and the only way to get a 
photo-quality prints on these printers is by using the turbo print drivers.
An RPM with turbo-print drivers is available for download on MandrakeClub. 
Turbo-print drivers are reported to work nicely, but please keep in mind that 
these drivers are neither free software, not propriatery but free of 
charge: they come as a shareware, with special conditions for private use.

Turbo Print is on the commercial CD's of a Mandrake power pack or may be 
downloaded for free for personal use (with slightly degraded performance 
compared to the paid for version) from

I have heard that it is really good :-)


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Re: [newbie] Driver insallation problems with Cisco Aironet 350 PCI wireless network card wth mandrake 8.2

2002-05-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 2:26 am, Gary K Stinnett Jr wrote:
 Looking for help when installing cisco aironet 350 PCI wireless network

 When installing and configuring help page from cisco says to type sh
 ./kpciinstall but I do not see or have that file to my knowledge.  I have
 tried to use the cwinstall file that was a part of the driver download from
 cisco.  It seems to work untill I get to a point where it asks me to enter
 the path to the file pcmicia-cs file.  I have searched for this file but
 have not found it.  I have looked at my installed RPM and it shows that it
 is installed.

 Any sugestions?



Mandrake supports Cisco Aironet out of the box. You should not need to 
install anything. You can see the drivers in /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/pcmcia

All you should need to do is run the network wizard from within Mandrake 
Control centre. It should find your wireless card and prompt you for the 
wireless parameters (encryption key etc)  If your system cannot find your 
pcmcia card check that the file /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia reads PCMCIA=yes



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[newbie] blackhawk digital in linux ?

2002-05-28 Thread Rodney

Could someone tell me how to add/use my Gravis blackhawk digital
joystick in Mandrake 8.2 , it is connected through my Creative 128 sound

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Re: [newbie] DosEmulator

2002-05-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 04:14 am, Chris Ames wrote:
 How do I access the DOD emulator? Or, for that matter, does
 Mandrake 8.2 even COME with one?

 Cut'n paste this line,
 into a browser and hit Enter --or--  on your main menu, 
under Documentation |  Howtos, you should also see the dosemu howto.

My 8.2 install has the dosemu docs installed but not the rpm's. 
Software Manger says there's 3 for dosemu on CD#2 of the D/L Edition.

That's as far as I can go, I've never used/needed to use dosemu.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Quake 3...again

2002-05-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 27 May 2002 08:06 pm, Brian Koppe wrote:
 Ok - weird.  I decided, just going on a limb, to switch the disc
 from my CD-RW to my DVD-ROM.  Now I can read it just fine - with and all.  However, the interesting part is that I don't
 see the files I see when I read it with my CD-RW!  Does anyone have
 any idea why the two are reading the drives differently?


 Do a Google on CD drives and you'll get lot'sa info.  Basically 
tho, CD and DVD and CD-RW drives all use slightly different laser 
wave lengths/widths. Particularly between CD and CD-RW drives. 
Another issue is any drive that spins CD's over 12x are prone to wear 
and the spindle starts wobbling slightly. Specially drives than are 
rated 32x and over. Often enough to make the media hard or impossible 
to read.  Then there's the media itself.  The quality and useability 
varies widely, sometimes even within a brand name spindle of 50 
CDR's.  Same is true for production CD's (ie, manufactured, not 

 Some CD-RW drives (eg, Plextor, Yamaha) are known to work well 
with even poor media.  Other drives (eg, Sony, HP) are know to be 
more fussy. 'Bout all you can do to minimize these situations is thru 
trial'n error, find media that works well with your CD-RW, and never 
burn faster than 8x.  If you still encounter problems, burn at 4x.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Netatalk - compiling

2002-05-28 Thread yvan_linux

Did anybody of you install netatalk on your Mandrake Distro? 

I downloaded the source code from, followed
the instructions and after the first make command I got the following

/usr/lib/libwrap.a(hosts_access.o): In function `host_match':
hosts_access.o(.text+0x209): undefined reference to `yp_get_default_domain'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [afpd] Error 1
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: *** [afpd] Error 2
make[1]: *** [../../etc] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2 

If anybody has an idea or experience installing netatalk please contact me,
or answer here of course.

Thank you

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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Re: [newbie] Driver insallation problems with Cisco Aironet 350 PCIwireless network card wth mandrake 8.2

2002-05-28 Thread Terry S.

I use the Cisco Aironet Wireless card on my laptop here at work, and the
only thing I had to do to get it to work was to simply plug it in .. it
automatically loaded the appropriate drivers and installed the necessary
kernel module to be able to access it.  I didn't even have to go to
Cisco's website and download any drivers.  This was the easiest hardware
install I have ever done, on ANY OS.


On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 21:26, Gary K Stinnett Jr wrote:
 Looking for help when installing cisco aironet 350 PCI wireless network
 When installing and configuring help page from cisco says to type sh
 ./kpciinstall but I do not see or have that file to my knowledge.  I have
 tried to use the cwinstall file that was a part of the driver download from
 cisco.  It seems to work untill I get to a point where it asks me to enter
 the path to the file pcmicia-cs file.  I have searched for this file but
 have not found it.  I have looked at my installed RPM and it shows that it
 is installed.
 Any sugestions?

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[newbie] Latest Nvidia drivers

2002-05-28 Thread Tim Ford

I just downloaded and installed the latest nvidia drivers, but im still 
having problems loading up glx on my computer. Anyone had any similar 
problems with nvidia drivers?

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Re: [newbie] KDE startup question...

2002-05-28 Thread darklord

On Monday 27 May 2002 01:20 pm, you wrote:
 Hey Darklord, Getting ready to have some ribs over here in Gas Fork

You woof-woof, I love bar-b-que ribs grin 3 for me... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Latest Nvidia drivers

2002-05-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 4:18 pm, Tim Ford wrote:
 I just downloaded and installed the latest nvidia drivers, but im still
 having problems loading up glx on my computer. Anyone had any similar
 problems with nvidia drivers?

A few thoughts for you to check out:-

Look in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions if you have a file called 
libGLcore.a  then rename it or else GLX will not load correctly.

I assume you have edited /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 correctly ?
InsertLoad  glx  in the Modules section
EditDriver  nvidia  in the 
Graphics section

You do have Xfree 4.x enabled do you?  Xfree3.x is not going to work.

Try running
glxinfo   in a terminal.  If you get pages of output then glx is working.

Look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log for errors when loading X  post the errors 
here if you do not understand what they mean.



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Re: Re: [newbie] Tv Card

2002-05-28 Thread Misael M.

Yes, it works under windows. what is Mobo?
I think brooktree is the Chipset, and is a pci tv card.

You Wrote:

nope no need to mount anything. do you dual boot? does it work under windows? 
what Mobo and chipset do you have (known problems with Ali and via chipsets, 
and pci tv cards)

On Monday 27 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
 I have already changed this settings but Im unable to watch tv.
 Do I have to mount this divice?
 Any ideas?

 You Wrote:

 left click on the picture box, and turn off overlay, and turn on ntsc
 (not pal) edit channels to suit you, save and close, this assumes the USA

 On Monday 27 May 2002 04:15 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 27 May 2002 10:55 am, Misael M. wrote:
   I have a Brooktree Tv card but I cant watch tv in my linux box.
   xawtv does not found any channel.
   Does anyone know how to fix this?
  try scantv  or look for their site for a config template (~/.xawtv).



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[newbie] x config

2002-05-28 Thread Pupeno

Hash: SHA1

I would like to remove any garbage from my x config file, where should I start
to see what configuratio is actualy used by my computer ?
Bye the way, I'm getting this error: INIT: ld 'x' respawning too fast:
disabled for 5 minutes.
Do you know what does it mean ?
Thank you.
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] Sound Card Configuration

2002-05-28 Thread Spyros Spyropoulos


How do I configure my soundcard on Mandrake 8.0 ?


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Re: [newbie] x config

2002-05-28 Thread shane

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 07:04 am, Pupeno opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Bye the way, I'm getting this error: INIT: ld 'x' respawning too fast:
 disabled for 5 minutes.

any of a number of things.  i have seen that because the default manager 
(usually kdm) was removed, because the font server is broken, because of 
really bad video settings... lots of reasons.  is there another error 
listed before this message?  can you change to runlvl 3 and then start x?  
have you recently removed kde or font or gnome packages?  did x ever work 
on this machine?

-- Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I 
have upped my standards.  So up yours.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] x config

2002-05-28 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 17:19, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Tue, 28 May 2002, Pupeno wrote:
  -pgpenvelope processed message
  I would like to remove any garbage from my x config file, where
  should I start to see what configuratio is actualy used by my
  computer ? Bye the way, I'm getting this error: INIT: ld 'x'
  respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.
  Do you know what does it mean ?
  Thank you.

 Hi Pupeno,

 The error you're getting means that X isn't setup correctly on your
 machine. what version did you install on your machine. X  and your
 vid card and/or the monitor aren't getting along very well.

 as for your X config file goes...once you've got X installed and
 configured correctly for your system leave that puppy alone or bad
 thing can and will happen. there really isn't anything to clean
 out or it.

I got this once I think it was after a power cut resulted in file 
corruption (this was before I switched to a journalling filing 
system).  Try reconfiguring X using xf86config.  If that doesn't 
work, try reinstalling X, then reconfiguring.  

Sir Robin

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's 
absolutely not. 
It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. - Bill 

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Tv Card

2002-05-28 Thread John Richard Smith

On Monday 27 May 2002 21:15, you wrote:
 On Monday 27 May 2002 10:55 am, Misael M. wrote:
  I have a Brooktree Tv card but I cant watch tv in my linux box.
  xawtv does not found any channel.
  Does anyone know how to fix this?

 try scantv  or look for their site for a config template
 (~/.xawtv). -s

Anyone know how to configure Xawtv to work with my modular 
technologies PCTV Tuner with teletext.
I'm in UK we use PAL (Phase Alternating Line)
LM8.1/LM8.2 sees the card a Brooktree,but that's just another name 
for modular technologies, or visa versa.
John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Quake 3...again

2002-05-28 Thread darklord

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 08:55 am, you wrote:


  Some CD-RW drives (eg, Plextor, Yamaha) are known to work well
 with even poor media.  Other drives (eg, Sony, HP) are know to be
 more fussy. 'Bout all you can do to minimize these situations is thru
 trial'n error, find media that works well with your CD-RW, and never
 burn faster than 8x.  If you still encounter problems, burn at 4x.

I can testify to brother burns 800 meg CD's all the time. My 
Plextor CD-RW will read them where my (1 year newer) Toshiba DVD drive 
absolutely refuses to... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] DosEmulator

2002-05-28 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 05:14, Chris Ames wrote:
 How do I access the DOD emulator? Or, for that matter, does Mandrake 8.2 even 
 COME with one?
 On a happier note, I managed to get something to install! Now I get to try it 
 again with somethingthat's actually USEFUL. 
 I can't wait 'till I can build my dream system!

If the dosemu package is installed, you can boot into dosemu with the
command xdos from any term prompt.  Assuming you have made no
modifications to the /etc/dosemu.conf file, this will put you into the
default freedos disk image, and you will then have access to a dos
filesystem and prompt.

The file dosemu.conf can be altered to give you access to your
winblows 9x partition.  You can do this by giving dosemu.conf the
correct device name of your winblows partition.  i.e.:

(dosemu.conf excerpt)

$_hdimage = /dev/hda1 # list of hdimages under /var/lib/dosemu
# assigned in this order such as
# hdimage_c hdimage_d hdimage_e
# If the name begins with '/dev/', then partion
# access is done instead of virtual hdimage such
#  as /dev/hda1 or /dev/hda1:ro for readonly
# Currently mounted devices and swap are   
# Hdimages and devices may be mixed such as
# hdimage_c /dev/hda1 /dev/hda3:ro
# Note: 'wholedisk' is _not_ supported.

You will not be able to access your winblows partition if it is
mounted.  However you can mount it from inside Linux AFTER you boot
dosemu.  I don't recommend that you do this until you gain some

Dosemu is not in and of itself a dos version.  What it does is provide a
compatible interface for any version of dos to run.  What this means is
that if you have a 98r2 installation, you will be booting dos version
7.10, if you tell dosemu where that 98 partition is.  Linux ships a
freedos version for you to play with, but this should not be confused
with what dosemu actually is; it's only providing the mechanisms for
freedos to function.  Or M$ dos 7.10.

One more item; if you boot into 98, you need to deactivate the GUI.  You
do this by editing the msdos.sys file.  This is what mine looks like,
yours is probably much shorter.  Your BootGUI directive will be set to
1, you want it to be set to 0, like below:


;The following lines are required for compatibility with other programs.
;Do not remove them (MSDOS.SYS needs to be 1024 bytes).

Your windir and winbootdir will say Windows instead of

Don't worry about the other directives not being in your msdos.sys file;
it's not unusual.  Some of them are semi-undocumented; I've added many
of them as I've gone along.  They are supported, they just are not
included in the default msdos.sys files.

You should also set Logo to 0 as well.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02

Re: [newbie] Quake 3...again

2002-05-28 Thread darklord

On Monday 27 May 2002 09:39 pm, you wrote:


 Anyone able to help?


Brian, I had that same signal 11 exiting problem with my version of Q3 (full 
commercial Linux version from Loki Software).

I followed this link, d/led this file (its big, like 26-27 megs) installed 
it, and all was fine. (giving credit - got this from our very own Femme 
Fatale!) ;-)

I hope this helps! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] x config

2002-05-28 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 18:05, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Tue, 28 May 2002, Robin Turner wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 May 2002 17:19, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
   On Tue, 28 May 2002, Pupeno wrote:
-pgpenvelope processed message
I would like to remove any garbage from my x config file,
where should I start to see what configuratio is actualy used
by my computer ? Bye the way, I'm getting this error: INIT:
ld 'x' respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.
Do you know what does it mean ?
Thank you.
   Hi Pupeno,
   The error you're getting means that X isn't setup correctly on
   your machine. what version did you install on your machine. X 
   and your vid card and/or the monitor aren't getting along very
   as for your X config file goes...once you've got X installed
   and configured correctly for your system leave that puppy alone
   or bad thing can and will happen. there really isn't anything
   to clean out or it.
  I got this once I think it was after a power cut resulted in file
  corruption (this was before I switched to a journalling filing
  system).  Try reconfiguring X using xf86config.  If that doesn't
  work, try reinstalling X, then reconfiguring.
  Sir Robin

 It might be a wee bit easier for him to use setuptools in a
 terminal then to actually try to use xf86config. I never did like
 that X config tool. My first experience with that monster was
 RedHat 5.2 5 years ago. didn't like it then and I really think it
 stinks now. course then, there wasn't a lot of different ways to
 take care of configuring X in those days.

Heh heh, don't I just remember!  Configuration procedure:

$ xf86config
$ cd /etc/X11
$ emacs XF86Config

I'd not noticed setuptool before - very handy.

Sir Robin
The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's 
absolutely not. 
It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. - Bill 

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] x config

2002-05-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 28 May 2002, Robin Turner wrote:

 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 18:05, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Tue, 28 May 2002, Robin Turner wrote:
   On Tuesday 28 May 2002 17:19, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
On Tue, 28 May 2002, Pupeno wrote:
 -pgpenvelope processed message

 I would like to remove any garbage from my x config file,
 where should I start to see what configuratio is actualy used
 by my computer ? Bye the way, I'm getting this error: INIT:
 ld 'x' respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.
 Do you know what does it mean ?
 Thank you.
Hi Pupeno,
The error you're getting means that X isn't setup correctly on
your machine. what version did you install on your machine. X 
and your vid card and/or the monitor aren't getting along very
as for your X config file goes...once you've got X installed
and configured correctly for your system leave that puppy alone
or bad thing can and will happen. there really isn't anything
to clean out or it.
   I got this once I think it was after a power cut resulted in file
   corruption (this was before I switched to a journalling filing
   system).  Try reconfiguring X using xf86config.  If that doesn't
   work, try reinstalling X, then reconfiguring.
   Sir Robin
  It might be a wee bit easier for him to use setuptools in a
  terminal then to actually try to use xf86config. I never did like
  that X config tool. My first experience with that monster was
  RedHat 5.2 5 years ago. didn't like it then and I really think it
  stinks now. course then, there wasn't a lot of different ways to
  take care of configuring X in those days.
 Heh heh, don't I just remember!  Configuration procedure:
 $ xf86config
 $ cd /etc/X11
 $ emacs XF86Config
 I'd not noticed setuptool before - very handy.
 Sir Robin

man! xf86config + emacs...does _that_ ever bring back memories. scary ones 
at that. which is what took me to the point of finding setuptools. 
although in those days it wasn't called that. IN RedHat it was and is 
called setup. I didn't discover it to be called setuptools till I loaded 
Mandrake 7.0 some years back. t'was a life saver for my sanity.In those 
days the hardware I was running was quite generic and the support for some 
things wasn't what it is now. so configuring X on cheap machines was at 
best quite problematic.


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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-28 Thread Anne Wilson

Derek Jennings wrote:

 On Monday 27 May 2002 4:58 pm, you wrote:
 Have you used webmin to make sure Micky is a 'normal' user and the password 
 is set to the same as the Linux password?
 (Of course it is case sensitive)

Yes - I checked, and I have re-entered a 'new' password, just to make sure.

 IPC$  is part of the Samba service. Not sure what it actually does, but it is 
 not a valid share. It looks like you have not actually got any shares 
 defined. Or if you do they are not browsable and so Network Neighbourhood 
 cannot see them. 

This seems to be what is happening, and I can't see why.  Here are 
settings from Webmin:

Share Name  PathSecurity
All Home DirectoriesRead/write to all known users
Read/write to all known users
Home Directories Share
Available Yes   Browseable Yes
Share Comment   Home Directories
Share name  Anne_Public
Directory to share  /mnt/win_d2/Public
Available Yes   Browseable Yes
Share Comments  Anne_Public
Edit Security for share Anne_Public
Guest AccessNone
Guest Unix user nobody
Limit to possible list  No
Hosts to allow  All
Hosts to deny   None
Revalidate users  No
Valid users Andy Micky ...  (I have now added them into the Possible Users list)
Read/write usersAndy Micky ...

For luck I addedPossible Groups users
and Read/write Groups   users

Any ideas?


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[newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-28 Thread Chris Lynch

Hash: SHA1

Does anyone have any good FAQ links for the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build,
other than the one on Mandrake's site?

Also, I have a problem with the firewall itself. I have the firewall
setup in the diagram attached. I have static routes in the init.rc
startup script, because I am unable to get routed or gated to receive
any RIPv1 or RIPv2 broadcasts from my Cisco 2621 routers. Every time
I try to start routed with the -q or -a switch (whichever switch is
for listening only), routed says it cannot bind to address.

Anyway, I can access the firewall via the web management interface,
and also via SSH. The problem is that my clients on any of the
192.168 networks cannot get out to the Internet. I have allowed DNS
(UDP only), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SFTP, and SFC. Can anyone tell me
what could be going on?
BTW, I can get out to the Internet from the firewall by both pinging
an IP address (both the Internet DNS server and the IP address of, and by running the TEST INTERNET CONNECTION from
the list after logging into the console with admin.

I have not installed any of the security updates, as this causes a
problem when restarting the system as it hangs on bringing up the
ETH2 interface. Can anyone recommend how to install the security



PS.  My apologies to the mod, as I don't have a website to upload the
image (only 20kb).


Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


attachment: winmail.dat
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Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-28 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 12:41 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone have any good FAQ links for the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build,
 other than the one on Mandrake's site?

 Also, I have a problem with the firewall itself. I have the firewall
 setup in the diagram attached. I have static routes in the init.rc
 startup script, because I am unable to get routed or gated to receive
 any RIPv1 or RIPv2 broadcasts from my Cisco 2621 routers. Every time
 I try to start routed with the -q or -a switch (whichever switch is
 for listening only), routed says it cannot bind to address.

 Anyway, I can access the firewall via the web management interface,
 and also via SSH. The problem is that my clients on any of the
 192.168 networks cannot get out to the Internet. I have allowed DNS
 (UDP only), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SFTP, and SFC. Can anyone tell me
 what could be going on?
 BTW, I can get out to the Internet from the firewall by both pinging
 an IP address (both the Internet DNS server and the IP address of, and by running the TEST INTERNET CONNECTION from
 the list after logging into the console with admin.

 I have not installed any of the security updates, as this causes a
 problem when restarting the system as it hangs on bringing up the
 ETH2 interface. Can anyone recommend how to install the security



 PS.  My apologies to the mod, as I don't have a website to upload the
 image (only 20kb).
OOps! hit the mouse button at the wrong moment, so previous message resembles 
the inner workings of my brain.Have you set up the LAN so that all of the 
system knows what the gateway address is?.  You don't mention a gateway 
device.  Just curious and hope to help. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-28 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 12:41 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone have any good FAQ links for the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build,
 other than the one on Mandrake's site?

 Also, I have a problem with the firewall itself. I have the firewall
 setup in the diagram attached. I have static routes in the init.rc
 startup script, because I am unable to get routed or gated to receive
 any RIPv1 or RIPv2 broadcasts from my Cisco 2621 routers. Every time
 I try to start routed with the -q or -a switch (whichever switch is
 for listening only), routed says it cannot bind to address.

 Anyway, I can access the firewall via the web management interface,
 and also via SSH. The problem is that my clients on any of the
 192.168 networks cannot get out to the Internet. I have allowed DNS
 (UDP only), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SFTP, and SFC. Can anyone tell me
 what could be going on?
 BTW, I can get out to the Internet from the firewall by both pinging
 an IP address (both the Internet DNS server and the IP address of, and by running the TEST INTERNET CONNECTION from
 the list after logging into the console with admin.

 I have not installed any of the security updates, as this causes a
 problem when restarting the system as it hangs on bringing up the
 ETH2 interface. Can anyone recommend how to install the security



 PS.  My apologies to the mod, as I don't have a website to upload the
 image (only 20kb).

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Thread okamoto

Hello all,

I'm considering either Mandrake 8.2 or YDL 2.2, and am hoping someone here
can help with some questions.

On YDL's web site, they suggest placing Linux and Mac OS 9 on separate disks,
and making the drive with YDL the master on the IDE bus.

Is this also recommended for Mandrake?

Also, although I can access the Mac drives from Linux, is the reverse true?
If I'm booted in OS 9, can I access the Linux partition(s)?

Thanks much,

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Thread Dwight Hines

These are great basic newby questions and I'd like to know the answers too.
Please keep a notebook of why you're making certain decisions as you go
along and let us all read it as you go along.
What mac system and hardware are you running?
 Hello all,
 I'm considering either Mandrake 8.2 or YDL 2.2, and am hoping someone here
 can help with some questions.
 On YDL's web site, they suggest placing Linux and Mac OS 9 on separate disks,
 and making the drive with YDL the master on the IDE bus.
 Is this also recommended for Mandrake?
 Also, although I can access the Mac drives from Linux, is the reverse true?
 If I'm booted in OS 9, can I access the Linux partition(s)?
 Thanks much,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-28 Thread shane

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 02:04 am, Gerald Waugh opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I am using KDE 2.2.1-7 It installed with my Mandrake 3 CD set.
 I found this URL for the rpm, but it won't download.

 Does anyone happen to have this RPM?  And can I get it.

if you have the 3 cd set the nsplugins rpm should be on your cds.  if you 
don't see it with software manager have a look manually.  it should be 
there.  since i still have the 8.1 cds _somewhere_ here i can get it to you 
if you still can't find it.

I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating system of all 
time. -Bill Gates

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Re: Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Thread okamoto

 What mac system and hardware are you running?

A blue/white G3 currently, but I may trade up to a G4 since my G3 has the
Rev 1 IDE chip and can't support a 2nd drive on the internal IDE bus.
I can't use an IDE card, because I wouldn't be able to boot from the drive
connected to it.


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RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-28 Thread Chris Lynch

Hash: SHA1

Yes.  The ETH interfaces are the gateways for the respected LAN
segments.  I do have RIPv2 running on the network and all of the
routers see the other subnets.  Like I said, I can SSH into the
firewall from the IP Address, do what I need to do on
the firewall, but I cannot get outside the firewall.  Is there a
script or config file you would like me to paste so you can look at
it to see if there is a config problem?  I haven't made any changes
to any of the script files, except the init.rc (or the rc.local,
which ever is the very last script to run during bootup) which I has
to add the static routes to the other networks.  Now, before anyone
else jumps, I did add the static routes manually BEFORE I modified
the init.rc script, and I was able to access the firewall via HTTPS
and SSH, but I was still not able to get out to the Internet.



- -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 12:41 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone have any good FAQ links for the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build,
  other than the one on Mandrake's site?

 Also, I have a problem with the firewall itself. I have the
 firewall  setup in the diagram attached. I have static routes in
 the init.rc  startup script, because I am unable to get routed or
 gated to receive  any RIPv1 or RIPv2 broadcasts from my Cisco 2621
 routers. Every time I  try to start routed with the -q or -a switch
 (whichever switch is for  listening only), routed says it cannot
 bind to address.

 Anyway, I can access the firewall via the web management interface,
  and also via SSH. The problem is that my clients on any of the
 192.168  networks cannot get out to the Internet. I have allowed
 only), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SFTP, and SFC. Can anyone tell me
 what  could be going on? BTW, I can get out to the Internet from
 firewall by both pinging an IP address (both the Internet DNS
 server  and the IP address of, and by running the
 INTERNET CONNECTION from the list after logging into the console
 with  admin.

 I have not installed any of the security updates, as this causes a 
 problem when restarting the system as it hangs on bringing up the
 ETH2  interface. Can anyone recommend how to install the security 



 PS.  My apologies to the mod, as I don't have a website to upload
 the  image (only 20kb).
OOps! hit the mouse button at the wrong moment, so previous message
the inner workings of my brain.Have you set up the LAN so that
all of the 
system knows what the gateway address is?.  You don't mention a
device.  Just curious and hope to help. 
- -- 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


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[newbie] video card replacement/system won't boot

2002-05-28 Thread Joe Sotham

I've been running a dual-boot Mandrake 8.2/Windows system since 8.2 became 
available.  Today, I had to upgrade/replace my old video card because it has 
gone bad (GeForce 2 with an ATI Radeon 8500.) I'm using a stock kernel and 
without the NVIDIA 3GL drivers installed, I do not startx at boot time. 

I can get to lilo and boot in to windows just fine, however, when I try to 
boot in to linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe the system freezes.  I've also 
tried reinstalling from cd#1. 

Any thoughts, any suggestions would be much appreciated. 

The Windows side boots fine and found all the new hardware. 

Joe Sotham


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Re: [newbie] Re: Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Thread Dwight Hines

I'm running Powerbook G3/400, system 9.2.2 with 128 meg ram and 6 gig
internal.  I have a backup of 20 gig on the firewire.
I can add another firewire drive but want to avoid that expense if possible.
My objectives for going to Linux are:
1) It's open source.
2) It's more robust;
3) It is more flexible in what can be customized.
4) It runs SPlus and a number of other good stat routines that were
developed for Unix.
I want to keep my appleworks 5 wordprocessor, my OE email, and my IE and
Opera browsers, or have at least good equivalents.
Right now have narrowed down choices to YDL, Mandrake, and SuSE.
I'm not leaning toward any of them right now, it is too early.
So, anything you post regarding your choice strategy and thinking along the
way would be helpful to me.  The same goes for any others who have been down
this path already.
 What mac system and hardware are you running?
 A blue/white G3 currently, but I may trade up to a G4 since my G3 has the
 Rev 1 IDE chip and can't support a 2nd drive on the internal IDE bus.
 I can't use an IDE card, because I wouldn't be able to boot from the drive
 connected to it.
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Re: [newbie] video card replacement/system won't boot

2002-05-28 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 28 May 2002 13:07:05 -0700
Joe Sotham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been running a dual-boot Mandrake 8.2/Windows system since 8.2
 became available.  Today, I had to upgrade/replace my old video card
 because it has gone bad (GeForce 2 with an ATI Radeon 8500.) I'm using
 a stock kernel and without the NVIDIA 3GL drivers installed, I do not
 startx at boot time. 
 I can get to lilo and boot in to windows just fine, however, when I
 try to boot in to linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe the system freezes. 
 I've also tried reinstalling from cd#1. 

I have made note of this before.

The Radeon 8500 Is Not supported in 8.2.
You can run the installation in text mode and then try dling and
installing the ati2 drivers from gatos and you may be able to get some
usability in X.
The drivers themselves are very buggy as relates to the 8500 and you
will suffer lock-ups and crashes.
This is why support for the 8500 was disabled in 8.2


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-28 Thread Robin

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 17:44, shane wrote:
 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 02:04 am, Gerald Waugh opened a general hailing 
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  I am using KDE 2.2.1-7 It installed with my Mandrake 3 CD set.
  I found this URL for the rpm, but it won't download.
  Does anyone happen to have this RPM?  And can I get it.
 if you have the 3 cd set the nsplugins rpm should be on your cds.  if you 
 don't see it with software manager have a look manually.  it should be 
 there.  since i still have the 8.1 cds _somewhere_ here i can get it to you 
 if you still can't find it.

If that doesn't work you can also use http.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-28 Thread et

boy I don't know if stuff has changed or what, but used to be SINGLE Network 
firewall mean only one lan and one external interface no wonder you have a 
problem with SINGLE NETWORK on MULTIpul eth interfaces... have you ever 
considered useing only eth0 for the inside lan as the gateway  ( 
and eth1 as the (dhcp?) outside lan? and maybe consder a complete distro 
custom setup as a firewall machine to get all these other ETH2, ETH3, 
ppp0,ppp1,ppp2, running at the same time?

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 04:02 pm, you wrote:
 Yes.  The ETH interfaces are the gateways for the respected LAN
 segments.  I do have RIPv2 running on the network and all of the
 routers see the other subnets.  Like I said, I can SSH into the
 firewall from the IP Address, do what I need to do on
 the firewall, but I cannot get outside the firewall.  Is there a
 script or config file you would like me to paste so you can look at
 it to see if there is a config problem?  I haven't made any changes
 to any of the script files, except the init.rc (or the rc.local,
 which ever is the very last script to run during bootup) which I has
 to add the static routes to the other networks.  Now, before anyone
 else jumps, I did add the static routes manually BEFORE I modified
 the init.rc script, and I was able to access the firewall via HTTPS
 and SSH, but I was still not able to get out to the Internet.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
 Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 12:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 12:41 pm, you wrote:
  Does anyone have any good FAQ links for the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build,
   other than the one on Mandrake's site?
  Also, I have a problem with the firewall itself. I have the
  firewall  setup in the diagram attached. I have static routes in
  the init.rc  startup script, because I am unable to get routed or
  gated to receive  any RIPv1 or RIPv2 broadcasts from my Cisco 2621
  routers. Every time I  try to start routed with the -q or -a switch
  (whichever switch is for  listening only), routed says it cannot
  bind to address.
  Anyway, I can access the firewall via the web management interface,
   and also via SSH. The problem is that my clients on any of the
  192.168  networks cannot get out to the Internet. I have allowed
  only), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SFTP, and SFC. Can anyone tell me
  what  could be going on? BTW, I can get out to the Internet from
  firewall by both pinging an IP address (both the Internet DNS
  server  and the IP address of, and by running the
  INTERNET CONNECTION from the list after logging into the console
  with  admin.
  I have not installed any of the security updates, as this causes a
  problem when restarting the system as it hangs on bringing up the
  ETH2  interface. Can anyone recommend how to install the security
  PS.  My apologies to the mod, as I don't have a website to upload
  the  image (only 20kb).

 OOps! hit the mouse button at the wrong moment, so previous message
 the inner workings of my brain.Have you set up the LAN so that
 all of the
 system knows what the gateway address is?.  You don't mention a
 device.  Just curious and hope to help.

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[newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-28 Thread darklord

Just wondering - seems like I read this somewhere there a bug in 
the drag 'n drop filecopy to an open floppy window under KDE with v8.2? The 
reason I'm asking is - I did it, from an window on /home/darklord to an open 
window on /mnt/floppy and I got a complete and total system wide lockup. None 
of the usual control alt's would work, had to power down and backup. Of 
course, then I went thru the time-honored I'm fsck'ed shuck 'n jive... I 
opened a term and did a cp filename.ext /mnt/floppy and it worked just fine.

Thanks in advance! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] video card replacement/system won't boot

2002-05-28 Thread Charlie

May 28, 2002 02:07 pm,Joe Sotham wrote:
 I've been running a dual-boot Mandrake 8.2/Windows system since 8.2 became
 available.  Today, I had to upgrade/replace my old video card because it
 has gone bad (GeForce 2 with an ATI Radeon 8500.) I'm using a stock kernel
 and without the NVIDIA 3GL drivers installed, I do not startx at boot time.

 I can get to lilo and boot in to windows just fine, however, when I try to
 boot in to linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe the system freezes.  I've also
 tried reinstalling from cd#1.

 Any thoughts, any suggestions would be much appreciated.

 The Windows side boots fine and found all the new hardware.

 Joe Sotham
All I know about who/what/when and if regarding Linux driver development for 
ATI products is from this ATI page:

I hope you can find something there that will help you since the links to 
supported developers pages are there.

I often 'march to a different beat' myself, so I can understand buying a 
graphics card from someone other than NVidia, but I don't think I would have 
bought an ATI (even though they're a Canajun company, eh. ;-)) until the 
driver projects have had a bit more time to gel.
Registered user 244963 at
A definition of teaching: casting fake pearls before real swine.
-- Bill Cain, Stand Up Tragedy

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Re: [newbie] video card replacement/system won't boot

2002-05-28 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 23:44, you wrote:
  I've been running a dual-boot Mandrake 8.2/Windows system since 8.2
  became available.  Today, I had to upgrade/replace my old video card
  because it has gone bad

Just for curiosity: How do you recognize a video card going bad? Lines on the 
screen, blank (black) screens every now and then or the monitor screetching 
at a high pitch?
Don't bother about the flames coming out of the rear end of the 
monitor..been there! :o(

Good hunting,


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[newbie] [Fwd: could i ask you to resend this to the newbie-list?]

2002-05-28 Thread FemmeFatale

Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
 hi femme,
again i would like to ask for your help. i already posted this to the
 local LUG but have not received any reply for the past two days and i
 sort of need this while i have the free time. thanks...
 to the list members,
  this is the post that i sent to the Philippine LUG and have not
 received any response which means either the experienced users are not
 yet in or they think this is to simple to be solved by RTFM.
 unfortunately i dont know much about MTAs. i know this is RH specific
 but this is what i have to work on and i have to do this in order to
 start my little 'open source/information-technology awareness campaign'
 and start pushing GNU/Linux (especially Mandrake) to some of my
 '{un|mis}informed' colleagues.
   i will be grateful to any replies that will come my way and ,if i do
 have some questions, i may have to ask you directly because of my
 problems with posting to the list.
 thank you very much!
   since i had no reply from my post yesterday about relaying mail to a
 redhat server, i delved into the Mail-Administrator how-to but still
 cant figure out some things. here is the scenario
 we have a Exchange server here at the office named
 which handles all of our mailing needs (except that it has no
 reverse-lookup capabilities).
 i am setting up a local mailing list on a RedHat 7.2 server (named here
 as gateway) with sendmail-8.11.6-3. i have set-up Mailman with relative
 success. i can send mail to the employees using the exchange server
 by using the commandline mail utility. Mailman could also send
 notifications even to outside accounts. what i cannot do is to have the
 redhat server receive mails for [user] i tried
 sending a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with testuser set in the
 /etc/aliases file as
 but the mail bounces back with exchange saying that the user is not
 Your message
   Subject: test
   Sent:Tue, 28 May 2002 10:19:05 +0800
 did not reach the following recipient(s):
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, 28 May 2002 10:20:35 +0800
 The recipient name is not recognized
 snipped server specific ids
 Unknown Recipient
 now i dont know whats wrong but my theory is that either
 1) the exchange is not relaying the mail to the gateway server (but i
 can access without difficulty so that rules
 out name resolution).
 2) i dont have a receiving application on the RH server's end. can you
 suggest any steps that i have not taken?
 Programming, an artform that fights back.
 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
 Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
 Tel# 637-4634 loc. 75
 Fax# 637-4679


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 5:40 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Monday 27 May 2002 4:58 pm, you wrote:
  Have you used webmin to make sure Micky is a 'normal' user and the
  password is set to the same as the Linux password?
  (Of course it is case sensitive)

 Yes - I checked, and I have re-entered a 'new' password, just to make sure.

  IPC$  is part of the Samba service. Not sure what it actually does, but
  it is not a valid share. It looks like you have not actually got any
  shares defined. Or if you do they are not browsable and so Network
  Neighbourhood cannot see them.

 This seems to be what is happening, and I can't see why.  Here are
 settings from Webmin:

 Share NamePathSecurity
   All Home DirectoriesRead/write to all known users
 Read/write to all known users
 Home Directories Share
 Available Yes Browseable Yes
 Share Comment Home Directories
 Share nameAnne_Public
 Directory to share/mnt/win_d2/Public
 Available Yes Browseable Yes
 Share CommentsAnne_Public
 Edit Security for share Anne_Public
 Guest Access  None
 Guest Unix user   nobody
 Limit to possible listNo
 Hosts to allowAll
 Hosts to deny None
 Revalidate users  No
 Valid users   Andy Micky ...  (I have now added them into the Possible Users
 list) Read/write usersAndy Micky ...

 For luck I added  Possible Groups users
 and   Read/write Groups   users

 Any ideas?


Hmm... Looks OK just like mine...
Here is my /etc/samba/smb.conf file for you to compare.

I know you said you have no firewall installed, but are you running one on 
your Windows computer? With Zone Alarm for example you have to put the Linux 
computer in the 'trusted' zone before you can network to it.  Try 'pinging' 
from each computer to the other.



#=== Global Settings =
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
printing = cups
dns proxy = no
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server %v
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
load printers = yes
max log size = 50

writable = yes
comment = Home Directories

   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = no
# to allow user 'guest account' to print.
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   printable = yes
   create mode = 0700
# =
# print command: see above for details.
# =
   print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r   # using client side printer 

   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   write list = adm root

path = /mnt/windows

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Re: Re: [newbie] Tv Card

2002-05-28 Thread et

mobo= MOtherBOard, chipset is the chip used as controllers on the MoBo, ALi 
Is Acer labs, Via is VIA technoldeges, Intel you know, Brooktree is the 
chipset (and drivers) for the Video card.

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 09:37 am, you wrote:
 Yes, it works under windows. what is Mobo?
 I think brooktree is the Chipset, and is a pci tv card.

 You Wrote:

 nope no need to mount anything. do you dual boot? does it work under
 windows? what Mobo and chipset do you have (known problems with Ali and via
 chipsets, and pci tv cards)

 On Monday 27 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
  I have already changed this settings but Im unable to watch tv.
  Do I have to mount this divice?
  Any ideas?
  You Wrote:
  left click on the picture box, and turn off overlay, and turn on ntsc
  (not pal) edit channels to suit you, save and close, this assumes the USA
  On Monday 27 May 2002 04:15 pm, you wrote:
   On Monday 27 May 2002 10:55 am, Misael M. wrote:
I have a Brooktree Tv card but I cant watch tv in my linux box.
xawtv does not found any channel.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
   try scantv  or look for their site for a config template (~/.xawtv).


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Re: [newbie] Latest Nvidia drivers

2002-05-28 Thread Tim

Derek Jennings wrote:

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 4:18 pm, Tim Ford wrote:

I just downloaded and installed the latest nvidia drivers, but im still
having problems loading up glx on my computer. Anyone had any similar
problems with nvidia drivers?

A few thoughts for you to check out:-

Look in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions if you have a file called 
libGLcore.a  then rename it or else GLX will not load correctly.

I assume you have edited /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 correctly ?
InsertLoad  glx  in the Modules section
EditDriver  nvidia  in the 
Graphics section

You do have Xfree 4.x enabled do you?  Xfree3.x is not going to work.

Try running
glxinfo   in a terminal.  If you get pages of output then glx is working.

Look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log for errors when loading X  post the errors 
here if you do not understand what they mean.



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I had previously put in load glx' into  that config file, but hadn't 
changed the driver name. One other thing i noticed that in my extension 
i don't have a libglcore at all, but i do have a What puzzles 
me is that it has the extension .so which makes it a executable binary, 
instead of being an archive (.a). is that correct and am i wrong?

and when running glxinfo -

xlib: extension glx missing on display :0.0 comes up multiple times. 
anyway, im restarting x, and hoping for the best.

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[newbie] Re: video card replacement/system won't boot

2002-05-28 Thread Joe Sotham

Charlie writes: 

 May 28, 2002 02:07 pm,Joe Sotham wrote:
 I've been running a dual-boot Mandrake 8.2/Windows system since 8.2 became
 available.  Today, I had to upgrade/replace my old video card because it
 has gone bad (GeForce 2 with an ATI Radeon 8500.) I'm using a stock kernel
 and without the NVIDIA 3GL drivers installed, I do not startx at boot time. 

 I can get to lilo and boot in to windows just fine, however, when I try to
 boot in to linux, linux-nonfb, or failsafe the system freezes.  I've also
 tried reinstalling from cd#1. 

 Any thoughts, any suggestions would be much appreciated. 

 The Windows side boots fine and found all the new hardware. 

 Joe Sotham
 All I know about who/what/when and if regarding Linux driver development for 
 ATI products is from this ATI page: 
 I hope you can find something there that will help you since the links to 
 supported developers pages are there. 
 I often 'march to a different beat' myself, so I can understand buying a 
 graphics card from someone other than NVidia, but I don't think I would have 
 bought an ATI (even though they're a Canajun company, eh. ;-)) until the 
 driver projects have had a bit more time to gel.
 Registered user 244963 at
 A definition of teaching: casting fake pearls before real swine.
   -- Bill Cain, Stand Up Tragedy 

Truth is I wasn't even paying attention to what hardware is supported... 

Joe Sotham

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Re: [newbie] Sound Card Configuration

2002-05-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 28 May 2002, Spyros Spyropoulos wrote:

 How do I configure my soundcard on Mandrake 8.0 ?

hmmm...lets see if I can remember that far back. I haven't seen 8.0 for a 
few years, so if I get this wrong, please someone correct me. at any rate 
Spyros, you can do this one of two ways.

(1) open a terinal window and use the setuptools utility. when you 
activate this utility it will either initialize the X gui or will run in 
the terminal itself. on the menu you're presented with there will be a 
menu item that will allow you to configure your sound card. it's a small 
wizard that is simple and straight forward.

(2) open Mandrake Control Center, and go to the Hardware item shown on 
the left of the main panel, click on Hardware, then expand the sound card 
item in the list; you will see a sound card in the right pane as long as 
Mandrake picked up the card upon installation. you should also see the 
card listed as a sub-item in the left pane. click on the sound card in the 
left pane and hit the configure button in the right pane.

a list of drivers will be presented to you with it defaulting to what 
yours should be. hit the OK button and listen for the audio clip to be 
played. if you here it click the yes button and you're done. if you didn't 
hear it and you're sure that you chose the correct driver for your card 
turn up the volume on your speakers and repeat the last procedure. IF you 
still don't hear the audio clip then it's likely you have a bit more 
configuring to do to get your sound working.


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 04:30 pm, Robin wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 17:44, shane wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 May 2002 02:04 am, Gerald Waugh opened a general hailing
  frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
   I am using KDE 2.2.1-7 It installed with my Mandrake 3 CD set.
   I found this URL for the rpm, but it won't download.
  in s-2.2.1-7mdk.i586.rpm
   Does anyone happen to have this RPM?  And can I get it.
  if you have the 3 cd set the nsplugins rpm should be on your cds.  if you
  don't see it with software manager have a look manually.  it should be
  there.  since i still have the 8.1 cds _somewhere_ here i can get it to
  you if you still can't find it.


 If that doesn't work you can also use http.

Thank you Sir Robin
and it works

Gerald Waugh :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-28 Thread jbarron201

- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 13:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was trying to share my cable connection in win2000 sstem(which turns
out I lost my help files acouple of week,s ago) with mandrake 8.2.I
installed to 2 card in the 2000 system went thur the auto shareing dos
promting the system I got the card ad
  DNS  nothing
  IP address 192.168.01
  sub mast
  gateway  nothing
  running auto config in linux I got
  gateway 192.168.01
  ip address 192.168.01
  protocol DHCP
  start on boot yes
  I know there is are thing wrong here because it does seem to work but as
I said I,m missing my help files.Can anyone see what needs changeing.

 Well the ip addresses you list here are not valid, but I assume that's a
 typo and they are really

 That would be your problem as your linux box IP and your W2k IP are the
 same.  There is no need for DHCP to make this work, and it's probably
 more reliable to use a static address.  Just set the the IP address on
 linux to be subnet gateway

 Under DNS server, list the primary DNS of your cable provider.  If it
 doesn't work then, check:


 Should look like this:

 search domain.of.your.provider
 nameserver primary.dns.ip.addr

 You can put the secondary address in there too just by adding another

 search domain.of.your.provider
 nameserver primary.dns.ip.addr
 nameserver secondary.dns.ip.addr

 You'll need to be root to edit /etc/resolv.conf


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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-28 Thread jbarron201

Thank,s Brain,I made the changes still no contection I haven,t got much time
in with linux GREEN-GREEN and you lost me on checking with the
/ect/resolv.config didn,t understand were to do it.
- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 13:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was trying to share my cable connection in win2000 sstem(which turns
out I lost my help files acouple of week,s ago) with mandrake 8.2.I
installed to 2 card in the 2000 system went thur the auto shareing dos
promting the system I got the card ad
  DNS  nothing
  IP address 192.168.01
  sub mast
  gateway  nothing
  running auto config in linux I got
  gateway 192.168.01
  ip address 192.168.01
  protocol DHCP
  start on boot yes
  I know there is are thing wrong here because it does seem to work but as
I said I,m missing my help files.Can anyone see what needs changeing.

 Well the ip addresses you list here are not valid, but I assume that's a
 typo and they are really

 That would be your problem as your linux box IP and your W2k IP are the
 same.  There is no need for DHCP to make this work, and it's probably
 more reliable to use a static address.  Just set the the IP address on
 linux to be subnet gateway

 Under DNS server, list the primary DNS of your cable provider.  If it
 doesn't work then, check:


 Should look like this:

 search domain.of.your.provider
 nameserver primary.dns.ip.addr

 You can put the secondary address in there too just by adding another

 search domain.of.your.provider
 nameserver primary.dns.ip.addr
 nameserver secondary.dns.ip.addr

 You'll need to be root to edit /etc/resolv.conf


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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] subscription

2002-05-28 Thread shane

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 07:22 pm, et opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 On Monday 27 May 2002 11:31 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 27 May 2002 07:07 pm, alex opened a general hailing frequency
  transmitted to all open stations:
   one hell of an attachment mess
  why did you do that to us?  and what is it?

 my bet  spam-a-rama through IncrediMail 2001 and ...
 probly collecting address that reply

i hope so, as i add them to my forward to FTC filter.  i figure if they 
get enough of my spam they will feel my pain.  :)

There are two kinds of security problems. The first kind arises where 
people are too stupid for words. Outlook is a petri dish. I don't know why 
anyone uses it. -- James Gosling, lead engineer and architect of Java at 
Sun Microsystems

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-28 Thread Brian Parish

On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 15:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank,s Brain,I made the changes still no contection I haven,t got much time
 in with linux GREEN-GREEN and you lost me on checking with the
 /ect/resolv.config didn,t understand were to do it.

From a console, type:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

This will show you what's in there (maybe not much).  If you need to add
the nameservers manually, try:

password for root
kwrite /etc/resolv.conf

or use another editor of your choice.

Come back if it's still not clear.


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[newbie] Sound - one door opens...

2002-05-28 Thread Brian Parish

I now have alsa 0.9.rc1 under 8.2 playing nicely with my Delta 66
multi-channel card and XMMS is doing it's thing faultlessly for 16 hours
or so per day.


This seems to have been at the cost of tuxracer, chromium and probably
other apps that use 3d acceleration.  These worked albeit without sound,
before alsa rc1, but now sit on the panel for a while then give up. 
This happens whether another app is using sound at the time or not.

I've tried both with the aRts server on and off.  XMMS works thru either
aRts or OSS emulation, but not the 3d stuff.

Lighter weight games such as tuxpuck work fine (with sound).

Any ideas?


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[newbie] plz help - 8.2 and wine install problem

2002-05-28 Thread mike

When I try installing wine from an rpm, I get the following error:

installing binary packages
file /usr/bin/expand from install of wine-cvs-unstripped-052802-1 conflicts 
with file from package textutils-2.0.17-7mdk.

As a result, wine will not install. 

I am running Mandrake 8.2 download edition and the rpm that I downloaded was 
the right one for Mandrake.  

Any help with this problem would be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] plz help - 8.2 and wine install problem

2002-05-28 Thread mike

mike wrote:
 When I try installing wine from an rpm, I get the following error:
 installing binary packages
 file /usr/bin/expand from install of wine-cvs-unstripped-052802-1 conflicts
 with file from package textutils-2.0.17-7mdk.
 As a result, wine will not install.
 I am running Mandrake 8.2 download edition and the rpm that I downloaded was
 the right one for Mandrake.
 Any help with this problem would be appreciated.

have you tried the latest codeweavers wine? 

I have used their versions for sometime with great success even in 8.2

Mike also

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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-28 Thread jbarron201

I quess this is what it should do but most everthing else ask for root but
konsole,choose root console and does nothing ,logout and login as root
screen turn,s red then warning about this is a bad ideal.I stop and got out
there to unsure.
- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 15:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thank,s Brain,I made the changes still no contection I haven,t got much
  in with linux GREEN-GREEN and you lost me on checking with the
  /ect/resolv.config didn,t understand were to do it.

 From a console, type:

 cat /etc/resolv.conf

 This will show you what's in there (maybe not much).  If you need to add
 the nameservers manually, try:

 password for root
 kwrite /etc/resolv.conf

 or use another editor of your choice.

 Come back if it's still not clear.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Thread Paul Rodriguez

From a reliable source:

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 15:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm considering either Mandrake 8.2 or YDL 2.2, and am hoping someone here
 can help with some questions.
 On YDL's web site, they suggest placing Linux and Mac OS 9 on separate disks,
 and making the drive with YDL the master on the IDE bus.
 Is this also recommended for Mandrake?

This is no longer a requirement for either Yellow Dog or Mandrake.

 Also, although I can access the Mac drives from Linux, is the reverse true?
 If I'm booted in OS 9, can I access the Linux partition(s)?

I don't believe mac os can see GNU/Linux partitions, and GNU/Linux can
view HFS partitions and HFS+ partition support I believe is still
experimental. YMMV

 Thanks much,

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