[newbie-it] Avviso di sistema

2002-06-01 Thread ku68

Ciao smanettando nel linuxconf ho dato un'occhiata al file di sistema e ho 
visto che ci sono vari log tra cui cron. errors non c'è un modo per 
visualizzare gli errori verificati (tipo il mio crash quotidiano)?
Ho notato che alla fine quando esco da linuxconf mi viene segnalato:
manca il file di configurazione /etc/devsfsd.config per il servizio del fsd
sto eseguendo /etc/rc5.d/s99devfsd stop  è importante?
oltre a una serie di messaggi del tipo che il sistema non è coerente con la 
configurazione attuale e che verranno cambiati il proprietario di alcuni file 
tipo /dev/printers/0.root etc/linuxconf.root  e i permessi per altri file.
Cosa mi consigliate di fare in questi casi? Lascio fare le modifiche o no?
Infine ho visto con - applicazioni - monitoraggio - visualizzatore log di 
sistema che ci sono dei msg di errore. 
Come posso fare a copiarli in una mail? Sono 5/6 messaggi in tutto
tipo: localhost  kernel  hdb: command error  local error: status 0x51
driveready seek complete error  tra parentesi graffe
Grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto
Ps esiste in linux un comando equivalente allo scandisk di win per vedere se 
nell'hd ci sono  dei settori difettosi?

Re: [newbie-it] Gruppi di indirizzi in KMail

2002-06-01 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

Anche io ho un problema simile,  vorrei creare dei gruppi a cui corrispondano 
una trentina di indirizzi al fine di potere, con un solo clik, inviare una 
news letter associativa, ma non sò come operare con kmail.
Chi mi può aiutare?

[newbie-it] SOS

2002-06-01 Thread ku68

Aiuto!!! Ho seguito il consiglio di fare fsck /dev/hdc6
L'ho fatto da root e non riuscivo + a entrare nella home né a fare la
connessione a internet con kde.
Sono uscito per rientrare e un msg avvisa che:
writing to the temp directory (/tmp) failed with the error no such file or
directory kde is unable to start.
+ o - la solita cosa con gnome.
Ho provato a fare l'installazione - aggiornamento ma vengono fuori numerosi
Ho spento e riavviato il boot funziona e win anche se invece provoa a far
partire  linux c'è un msg che mi pare aghiacciante:
Ext3 - fs: journal inode is deleted
Mount: error 22 mounting ext3 flags kernel panic: no init found
try passing it=option kernel

Cosa faccio? Oggi viene un amico ma sembrerebbe intenzionato a rifare
l'installazione ex-novo. Mi scoccia perdere tutte le configurazioni fatte e
le mail ricevute. Si può salvare qualcosa?
In questo caso che consigliate di riprovare mandrake 8.2 o la red hat 7.3?
Quale delle due è più facile da usare?
Grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] Avviso di sistema

2002-06-01 Thread LukenShiro

Il 01.06.02 alle 08:47, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:
 Ciao smanettando nel linuxconf ho dato un'occhiata al file di sistema e ho
 visto che ci sono vari log tra cui cron. errors non c'è un modo per
 visualizzare gli errori verificati (tipo il mio crash quotidiano)?

 Per verificare anche messaggi vecchi:
less /var/log/messages
less /var/log/syslog

 Ho notato che alla fine quando esco da linuxconf mi viene segnalato:
 manca il file di configurazione /etc/devsfsd.config per il servizio del fsd
 sto eseguendo /etc/rc5.d/s99devfsd stop  è importante?

 Se usi il devfs [cosa che _sconsiglio_ vivamente: e' il tipico esempio
di come per far credere di semplificare la gestione dei dispositivi si
incasini molto di piu' la configurazione degli stessi] il file
/etc/devfsd.conf e' indispensabile per il corretto funzionamento del
demone: va da se' che se non lo trova sorgeranno dei problemi.

 Se decidi di non usarlo varrebbe la pena di fermare il demone (con il
secondo comando) e poi disinstallare completamente il pacchetto devfsd.

 oltre a una serie di messaggi del tipo che il sistema non è coerente con la
 configurazione attuale e che verranno cambiati il proprietario di alcuni file
 tipo /dev/printers/0.root etc/linuxconf.root  e i permessi per altri file.
 Cosa mi consigliate di fare in questi casi? Lascio fare le modifiche o no?

Ti consiglio di prendere nota di quello che ti dice e di farlo a
mano: questo perche' a volte ci sono comandi che non vuoi eseguire in
automatico e in blocco per evitare di scombinarti la situazione (p.es.
uno di questi e' lilo, se usi grub ...)

 Infine ho visto con - applicazioni - monitoraggio - visualizzatore log di
 sistema che ci sono dei msg di errore.
 Come posso fare a copiarli in una mail? Sono 5/6 messaggi in tutto
 tipo: localhost  kernel  hdb: command error  local error: status 0x51
 driveready seek complete error  tra parentesi graffe

Dovrebbero essere riportati nei file di log elencati all'inizio. Se si
tratta dell'HD preparati psicologicamente ad un backup forzato dei dati
importanti, tendenzialmente errori di questo tipo non sono mai simpatici
(e possono preludere a problemi gravi fino alla sostituzione fisica
dell'HD), circoscrivi il problema cercando di isolare (e possibilmente
non utilizzare) la partizione in cui ci sono dei dati danneggiati. Se
utilizzi hdparm per migliorare le prestazioni del disco, metti dei
parametri piu' conservativi.

 Ps esiste in linux un comando equivalente allo scandisk di win per vedere se
 nell'hd ci sono  dei settori difettosi?

Te l'ho gia' scritto in una mail precedente ...

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] SOS

2002-06-01 Thread LukenShiro

Il 01.06.02 alle 12:53, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:
 Aiuto!!! Ho seguito il consiglio di fare fsck /dev/hdc6
 L'ho fatto da root e non riuscivo + a entrare nella home né a fare la
 connessione a internet con kde.

 Ma /dev/hdc6 a che directory corrisponde? L'hai smontata prima??
Altrimenti con tutta probabilita' ha distrutto/corrotto qualcosa. Non
bisogna _mai_ lavorare su un dispositivo di disco che sia montato (di
sicuro ti sara' apparso un messaggio di avvertimento cmq): e questo vale
per fsck, fdisk, badblocks, tune2fs, ecc...

 Ho spento e riavviato il boot funziona e win anche se invece provoa a far
 partire  linux c'è un msg che mi pare aghiacciante:
 Ext3 - fs: journal inode is deleted
 Mount: error 22 mounting ext3 flags kernel panic: no init found
 try passing it=option kernel

 Non trova quel ext3 che il tuo /etc/fstab riporta, dato che non esiste
piu' il log di journaling e percio' e' ritornato ext2. E quindi non
riesce a montare il fs di root.

 Cosa faccio? Oggi viene un amico ma sembrerebbe intenzionato a rifare
 l'installazione ex-novo. Mi scoccia perdere tutte le configurazioni fatte e
 le mail ricevute. Si può salvare qualcosa?

 A questo punto vale la pena di installare da zero (anche se riuscissi a
istemare le cose all'avvio, avresti cmq un sistema parzialmente
malfunzionante). Ti consiglio di fare partizioni ne' piccole ne' troppo
grandi: tutto dipende dalla grandezza dell'HD a disposizione e
dall'estensione e collocazione dei settori danneggiati.
 Sarebbe un'ottima idea che riuscissi a creare una partizione
inutilizzabile, in cui includerli (controlla se quegli errori di drive
seek ecc... riguardano l'accesso ad una sola partizione:  quella
diventera' la tua inutilizzata); questo perche' ho notato che lasciare
lavorare l'HD in una zona in cui ci sono settori danneggiati aggrava la
situazione e ne fa aumentare il numero anche nelle zone adiacenti (non
so se e' scientificamente corretto, ma nel mio caso si e' verificato
proprio quello .. o forse era una partita di HD IBM particolarmente
scadente :-// ).

 Tendenzialmente io attribuirei: alla /, circa 4-5 GB; alla /usr,
almeno 5 GB; alla /home, intorno ai 3-4 GB; ad una partizione di backup,
intorno ai 4-5 GB; ad una inutilizzata (vedi sopra), quanto necessario;
a winbluff, vedi tu. Se hai meno spazio riduci proporzionalmente.
 Nella partizione di backup copia senz'altro il contenuto di /etc, i
file di configurazione personali degli utenti, la posta, eventuali file
corposi scaricati; se hai fatto configurazioni particolari in /var (ma
non credo) copia anche quella. Tieni conto che quello che era
memorizzato nei settori danneggiati e' comunque irrecuperabile.

 Poi raserei al suolo tutto (tranne il backup s'intende). Vaglia la
possibilita' di trasferire determinati dati (quelli che non cambiano
spesso) su un cd.

 In questo caso che consigliate di riprovare mandrake 8.2 o la red hat
 7.3? Quale delle due è più facile da usare?

 Anche se sono controcorrente non e' che la MDK 8.2 mi abbia fatto
poi quella gran buona impressione, e la RH non l'ho mai usata: io
personalmente opterei ancora per una MDK 8.1 con gli aggiornamenti
necessari (vedi errata sul sito mdk e 'updates'): l'unico problema e'
il kernel un pochino datato (il 2.4.8)

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

[newbie-it] Open Office 1.0

2002-06-01 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Per Ku 68 e per tutti gli altri naturlamente. Salve.

Ho comprato Internet news perché c'era OO 1.0, come Ku 68...
Dunque, credo che il software debba essere compilato ed installato, cosa 
mai fatta prima nella mia vita
Da manuale ho decompresso il file tar con opzioni xvfz
e invece di visualizzare la directory con fa normalmente, mi visualizza i 
tutti i nomi dei files con la scritta cannot open
è normale??
C'è qualcosa che devo sapere sulla compilazione ed installazione di OO 1.0, 
prima che io combini guai??
Nel sito non trovo nulla e neache in qualche file readme

grazie tante

Ri:Re: [newbie-it] Gruppi di indirizzi in KMail

2002-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anche io ho un problema simile,  vorrei creare dei gruppi a cui corrispondano
 una trentina di indirizzi al fine di potere, con un solo clik, inviare una
 news letter associativa, ma non sò come operare con kmail.
 Chi mi può aiutare?

credo che questa funzione sia stata inserita nella versione di KMail rilasciata 
insieme al KDE 3.0.
Prova a fare un salto sul sito di KDE, troverai sicuramente le informazioni che 


Re: [newbie-it] Open Office 1.0

2002-06-01 Thread LukenShiro

Il 01.06.02 alle 17:07, il notabile Emiliano La Licata proferi' codeste parole:
 C'è qualcosa che devo sapere sulla compilazione ed installazione di OO 1.0,
 prima che io combini guai??
 Nel sito non trovo nulla e neache in qualche file readme

 Non ho idea di cosa la direzione della rivista abbia messo nel cd.
 Se il file che ti ritrovi e' questo:
nei nefasti panni di root :) copialo sul disco fisso, poi decomprimilo
in una directory qualsiasi (anche la tua $HOME); scendi nella directory
di scompattazione ('install') e installalo con il comando ./setup /net
(grafico, consigliato) o con il comando ./install --interactive
(testuale). Non c'e' bisogno di compilare niente.

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Open Office 1.0

2002-06-01 Thread sandro

Alle 17:07, sabato 1 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Per Ku 68 e per tutti gli altri naturlamente. Salve.

 Ho comprato Internet news perché c'era OO 1.0, come Ku 68...
 Dunque, credo che il software debba essere compilato ed installato, cosa
 mai fatta prima nella mia vita
 Da manuale ho decompresso il file tar con opzioni xvfz
 e invece di visualizzare la directory con fa normalmente, mi visualizza i
 tutti i nomi dei files con la scritta cannot open
 è normale??
 C'è qualcosa che devo sapere sulla compilazione ed installazione di OO 1.0,
 prima che io combini guai??
 Nel sito non trovo nulla e neache in qualche file readme

 grazie tante

Guarda che non devi compilare niente. Una volta decompressi i file 
dell'archivio devi solo lanciare l'eseguibile di installazione che si chiama 
setup e seguire le istruzioni.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] SOS

2002-06-01 Thread sandro

Alle 12:53, sabato 1 giugno 2002, hai scritto:

 Ho spento e riavviato il boot funziona e win anche se invece provoa a far
 partire  linux c'è un msg che mi pare aghiacciante:
 Ext3 - fs: journal inode is deleted
 Mount: error 22 mounting ext3 flags kernel panic: no init found
 try passing it=option kernel

Prova a partire con il cd-rom di installazione in modalità ripristino e vedi 
se riesci a cambiare, in fstab, ext3 con ext2.
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Open Office 1.0

2002-06-01 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

 di scompattazione ('install') e installalo con il comando ./setup /net
 Con me non ha funzionato e ho dovuto ricorrere all'antiquato ./setup -net

[newbie-it] UNSUBSCRIVE

2002-06-01 Thread Zambo

Re: [newbie] Digital cameras and Linux

2002-06-01 Thread Bart Salien

Op Thursday 30 May 2002 23:48, schreef u:
 On Thursday 30 May 2002 03:46 pm, Charlie wrote:
  I don't see that specific model on either list (scroll down the pages
  to find cameras) but that doesn't mean you won't find a link (or a
  link to a link; wheels within wheels ya know?) with an answer at one
  of them, does it? :-)

 Or get a card reader. Then you can use any camera you want. In my case
 I use the SanDisk Compact Flash reader (I think Fuji uses smart media).
 All I have to do is

 modprobe usb-storage
 mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/compactflash

 and I can bring my pictures right into Linux. The compact flash looks
 like a drive.

I did some test with a Nikon camera with USB connection and it also could be 
mounted as a SCSII drive and then you don 't need this card reader .

Try it with your camera , it might work ??

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Strange problem with the mouse/screen

2002-06-01 Thread Matt Blake

Thanks for that Kaj, it's been bugging me for ages - and i do indeed
have a Trident Cyberblade.


On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 00:49, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Saturday 01 June 2002 01:05 am, Matt Blake wrote:
  Every now and again using any windows manager - mainly gnome or kde, i
  get a strange problem with the mouse - it is as if the area the mouse
  can move in shifts 2cm to the right but the actual screen stays in the
  same place.  So for example when i want to click on the gnome icon to go
  into the main menu i have to click the mouse about 2cm to the right of
  the actual icon. The only way to stop it is a complete reboot - which is
  obviously pretty annoying!
  For various reasons i reinstalled mandrake 8.2 and the problem is the
  same. Does anybody have any idea why this is happening or how i can
  solve it?
  thanks for any help
 Matt, this is a bug in some Trident chipsets, especially cyberblades.
 The solution is surprisingly simple : pass the option sw_cursor to the file 
 To do that, open a console and become root. Now, fire up a text-editor of 
 your choice, for example type : mcedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (without the 
 quotes, of course).
 Scroll down the file until you find *Section Device*. A few stanzas down 
 that section, remove the hash-mark (#) in front of *Option sw_cursor*.
 Save the file, un-root yourself and restart the X-server (or logout and in 
 Kaj Haulrich

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] mandrakeupdate

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Adams

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 14:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I been trying to use the mandrakeupdate and it seems it is going to good
 i add an source and download it and when i go to get the updates it saids
 what version i have installed and it shows there is an newer version but it
 always said not found can anyone please help and tell me step by step what
 i need to do as i been trying this for the past few days thanks in advance

Are you using PPC 8.2?

Here's the latest from the Newsletter if you are

8.2 PPC Errata:
Error scenario: The 8.2 PPC Software Manager doesn't successfully 
retrieve software updates.
Solution: Manually download and install 'grpmi-8.2-3.1mdk.ppc.rpm' from 
any of the FTP locations (such as 
The next time the Software Manager is run, the ability to download and 
install updates is restored. 

Another suggestion is change the mirror you are pointed at. Also if you are 
on 56K be patient while the database is built. Can't help more than that 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Adams

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 13:50, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Saturday 01 June 2002 02:49 am, shane wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 01:39 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
   Two days ago I posted a question of my own, concerning spam. Maybe
   that's the reason ? - Maybe the list has some filter who react to the
   phrase spam ?
  interestingly i forwarded (to this list) the message you sent me that
  never showed.  my forward failed to appear too.
  ...bad message!  go to /dev/null

 Hmmm Yes, I don't see it either, Shane. Indeed, this IS interesting !

 Firstly, let's look at the bright side : my question was concerning spam
 and how to get rid of it. Accordingly, I mentioned spam quite a few
 times. Furthermore, I complimented some domains for their anti-spam -
 services, amongst them [EMAIL PROTECTED], which belongs to

 Secondly, the dark side : If there's some censor on this list (be it
 automatic or human)  I'm a bit disappointed, to say the least.

 If MandrakeSoft really thinks it's nessecary to censor this list, they
 don't read it ! - I can't imagine any list with more loyal, educated and
 up_to_standards people than this one.

 On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post. Something
 that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???

 In that case, I'm a Mandraker forever !


 Kaj Haulrich


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Adams

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 13:50, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Saturday 01 June 2002 02:49 am, shane wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 01:39 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
   Two days ago I posted a question of my own, concerning spam. Maybe
   that's the reason ? - Maybe the list has some filter who react to the
   phrase spam ?
  interestingly i forwarded (to this list) the message you sent me that
  never showed.  my forward failed to appear too.
  ...bad message!  go to /dev/null

 Hmmm Yes, I don't see it either, Shane. Indeed, this IS interesting !

 Firstly, let's look at the bright side : my question was concerning spam
 and how to get rid of it. Accordingly, I mentioned spam quite a few
 times. Furthermore, I complimented some domains for their anti-spam -
 services, amongst them [EMAIL PROTECTED], which belongs to

 Secondly, the dark side : If there's some censor on this list (be it
 automatic or human)  I'm a bit disappointed, to say the least.

 If MandrakeSoft really thinks it's nessecary to censor this list, they
 don't read it ! - I can't imagine any list with more loyal, educated and
 up_to_standards people than this one.

 On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post. Something
 that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???

 In that case, I'm a Mandraker forever !


 Kaj Haulrich

Woops, trier fingerr... fired that e-mail reply off without my 
ha'pennies worth.

One trap i occasionally strike is a bad reply to feild which sets reply 
to the poster rather than the list. Often we also get dual postings (of 
which this is not one). I am aware that some e-mail clients allow posting as 
HTML and text at the same time.

There are no list monitors but if you get grisly then there may be the odd 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-06-01 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 9:29 pm, shane wrote:

 actually, it gets worse, they bought 30 win 98 copys to install, then
 found it was dog slow on those machines, bought new machines.

 win 98 at $65 a pop times 30 = $1950
 30 new machines to run said software = $33000
 being smart enough to know linux means multiple installs from one
 purchased cd = priceless

One of the machines I'm currently using is one of 40 from a project 
which had some sort of customised configuration of Windows 2000. When 
the project ended and the machines reverted to the general pool it 
turned out that the 'company build' of Windows 95 (!!) wouldn't install 
on them. So they were lying in a corner, unused; I'd say easily £60,000 
worth of kit (then high-end Dell machines).

Now, if they installed Mandrake 8.2 they could have them all working for 
about 30 minutes per machine for no cost except labour; all the 
machines are identical and mine installed straight off from the box 
with everything recognised and working. StarOffice, Evolution and 
Konqueror would reproduce the 'standard desktop'.

(Of course, much of this is down to politics and dogmatism - the IS 
people justifying themselves by having a slightly customised version of 
Windows, jealously guarded and only installable from password-protected 
shares after fussing around with boot floppies, to stop people 
installing it themselves and rendering their job irrelevant).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] abit i845 boards

2002-06-01 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 9:37 pm, Mark Stewart wrote:

  Because I built one system successfully I've become an 'expert'
  and am currently building two P4-based machines for others with
  the i845E chipset (Asus P4B-533 motherboard). All is well under

 Excellent! Thanks for the response. If you don't mind a follow up
 question: do either of these boards include the optional C-Media
 audio and, if so, did it work for you?

Yes and yes, as with the Socket A board (see below).

  There were serious problems (with VIA bugs in the PCI bus
  arbitration, in IRQ assignment, and SoundBlaster Live card
  handling) but these all appear to be fixed in the 2.4.18 kernel
  M8.2 comes with.

 This is good to know although the fact that they still had to work
 around these issues is bothersome. For Socket A platforms I'd been
 looking at the Asus A7S333 which is based on the SiS745 chipset and
 has more or less the same set of options as their KT333 board minus
 USB 2.0 and the option for RAID (no loss).

I just missed that when building the first system; SiS seems to have a 
slightly better reputation than VIA although, with new chipsets being 
churned out like sausages at the moment, there will doubtless be 

En passant the CD that came with the VIA-based board had about 4 or 5 
drivers for Windows; I think Windows would _not_ 'work out of the box' 
with it ;)

  I've just finished building a machine (my own machine :) with an
  Athlon XP 2000+, VIA chipset and 333MHz DDR support (Asus A7V333
  motherboard) and all is OK; there are rather a lot of 'unknown
  controller' messages in the system log but they don't stop things
  working (I presume Linux falls back). I'm working with the 'Linux
  VIA person' in Poland to get 100 per cent support.

 Likewise, hope you don't mind a followup: did you have any of the
 extras that are optional with this board (the C-Media audio or the
 Firewire ports?) If so, were those the things that tripped the
 'unknown controller' messages or were they more fundamental features?

No Firewire, but C-Media which installed flawlessly and sounds excellent 
(once I took a Soundblaster Live! card out; trying to install M8.2 with 
two sound cards enabled caused big confusion ;)

- From what I could tell it's the VIA North and South bridges and a VIA 
USB 2.0 controller which is causing the messages; the board came with a 
strange little adapter which fitted into an expansion slot and gave one 
joystick and two extra USB 2.0 ports.

(That said, the USB 2.0 ports 'just work' although I don't have any USB 
2.0 devices to check whether or not they've fallen back to USB 1.1).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-06-01 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 11:04 pm, shane wrote:

 yes, i have read about the double invention, but i just don't buy the
 cracking pgp idea.  mostly because there are so many good
 mathmaticians who work on things like crypto and so few of them in
 the gov, i would bet it would showup in a university paper before the
 NSA could do it.

 short of a dictionary attack on the passphrase, i just don't buy it. 
 and i use a real passphrase.

 maybe i am not paranoid enough?  :)

Evidently not :)

Actually, in the United Kingdom, a heck of a lot of mathematics and 
computer science people vanish into GCHQ straight from university. A 
friend who teaches in Brighton says roughly 25 per cent per annum of 
his CS course do it!

(I was also amazed to read somewhere that MI5 gets 70 job applications 
on spec _a day_ ...).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-06-01 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 9:46 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 that is some awesome information. thanks for the link. So, it was the
 Brits who did it first?

Just like, inter alia, stored programming (Babbage), general-purpose 
computing (Turing) and the Web (Berners-Lee) :)

En passant there is a _big_ push just now to have Alan Turing honoured, 
largely as an apology for the past methinks; there is talk of putting 
his portrait on a banknote as, apparently, Elgar is getting on a bit in 
banknote terms (of the latest design the £5 has shown George Stephenson 
and Elizabeth Fry, the £10 Dickens and Darwin and the £20 Faraday and 
Elgar, so he would be in fantastic company :)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] permission denied

2002-06-01 Thread jbarron201

The other night I got help 
on here trying to connect the internet in konsole when I type su ,ask password 
(give it ) root comes up give command /etc/resolv.conf ; permission denied. Is 
this te firewall? are root asignment problem?

Re: [newbie] mandrakeupdate

2002-06-01 Thread David M. Kufta

On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 02:16:33AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I been trying to use the mandrakeupdate and it seems it is going to good
 i add an source and download it and when i go to get the updates it saids what 
version i have installed and it shows there is an newer version but it always said 
not found can anyone please help and tell me step by step what i need to do as i been 
trying this for the past few days
 thanks in advance
Hi Bob,
 What version of Mandrake, and what version of MandrakeUpdate are you using
Bob? Please also let me know what mirror source you are using some mirrors
are rather slow to update.

Dave [N3MEQ]
 Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
 Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586
   7:23am  up 6 days,  1:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00

 David M.Kufta (n3meq)
URL: http://n3meq.dynip.com:8080
Wilmington,Delaware USA

My GnuPG Public key is available
  at http://www.keyserver.net/

Key ID: 6038413478BA7657


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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Chris Spackman

On Saturday 01 June 2002 12:35 pm, ollyplaine wrote:
 On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 10:08:41PM -0400, D. Olson wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 09:50 pm, you wrote:(first couple of lines from
   On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post.
   Something that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???
  Well, I can't digest spam myself, so there ya go. ;)

If it is like the expert list, it is a problem with the mail address not 
matching the ip address, or not resolvable, or something like that. an 
overzealous attempt at preventing spam -- it ends up preventing a lot of 
people from posting.


Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie]

2002-06-01 Thread et

I think it is either a spammer collecting address as good if you reply, or 
some one who sends spam and now has a Klez worm that is working with 
Incrudumail. did y0u red the headers?

On Saturday 01 June 2002 01:40 am, you wrote:
 Must be really dim, 3 days ago I sent him a private mail on how to do it,
 including your line!


 On Friday 31 May 2002 11:04 pm, you wrote:
  How did you get on it?
  alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
   How do I get off this list

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Brian Parish

On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 06:39, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Friday 31 May 2002 10:00 pm, shane wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 12:53 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
   Please forgive me for waisting your bandwidth.
   After about - what - half a year on the list, I'm suddenly censored
   out. Don't know why - to many beers and cheers maybe ?
   Makes me kind'a sad, though. I think this list is very unique,
   informative, helpful and - sometimes - amusing.
  i am confused, how are you censored out?
 Well Shane, the last three days I've replied to 2 questions where I had the 
 feeling I could be to some help. None showed up.
 Two days ago I posted a question of my own, concerning spam. Maybe that's the 
 reason ? - Maybe the list has some filter who react to the phrase spam ?
 Well, now that it seems I'm back in business, I'll try to re-post it right 
 away and see what happens.
 Kaj Haulrich
I think you may have experienced the same scenario as me Kaj.  I have
sent the message below twice now, with different subjects and it has
failed to show in either version, while other posts I sent before and
after were showing up as usual.  Can anyone recall seeing this text? 
It's in reply to the recent thread on Quake 3.

I finally got around to doing this (not that I play games of course ;-)
and would like to post a small word of warning about the scenario that
just bit me:

Install Q3 and attempt to run.

Up comes a message saying that the permissions on the GLX device are too
restrictive to allow this and I should go look at the FAQ kindly

The FAQ spells out that the big bad wolf which reads
/etc/security/console.perms is setting some permissions too tough and
the solution is to edit that file, delete the line starting dri then
change some permissions to allow Q3 to have its wicked way.

Did that.

Q3 works.



Critical problem dri not known.  Respawning too fast yada yada yada.

Finally manage to log in as root.  Edit the console.perms and see that
the line removed (I commented it out actually) defines dri, but down
further perms for dri are set.  It doesn't like it when dri ain't

Remove comment and instead change the perms set for dri to the
required values.

Everyone is happy (inc Q3).

This is the first and last time I'll be editing this file on someone
else's say so, without bothering to understand what I'm really doing.


P.S.  Q3 is certainly damn fast on this OS!  Can't play it though -
gives me motion sickness!  Really!

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Re: [newbie] permission denied

2002-06-01 Thread Brian Parish

On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 22:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The other night I got help on here trying to connect the internet in konsole when I 
type su ,ask password (give it ) root comes up give command /etc/resolv.conf ; 
permission denied. Is this te firewall? are root asignment problem?


cat /etc/resolv.conf

The permission denied is caused by the fact that /etc/resolv.conf is not
executable - it's a text file.


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[newbie] Weird lockup

2002-06-01 Thread Paul

Hi all,

I managed a very strange lockup. Now, I have an idea what caused it, but
perhaps I am wrong. I hope someone here can shed some light.

I use mkisofs to create a file cdimage.iso. Wanted to check that out before
baking a cd of it.
So I su'd, mounted the image file and browsed about in it.
Looked okay, I made the CD, and then I wanted to delete the cdimage.iso
Which locked up the xterm.

My idea is that the lockup happened because the iso was still mounted when I
wanted to delete it.

Does that sound credible?


To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
-John Henry Newman

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.7.5
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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Re: [newbie]

2002-06-01 Thread Bill Spatz

No, I didn't :( and it's zapped now anyway.

On Saturday 01 June 2002 05:37 am, you wrote:
 I think it is either a spammer collecting address as good if you reply, or
 some one who sends spam and now has a Klez worm that is working with
 Incrudumail. did y0u red the headers?

 On Saturday 01 June 2002 01:40 am, you wrote:
  Must be really dim, 3 days ago I sent him a private mail on how to do it,
  including your line!
  On Friday 31 May 2002 11:04 pm, you wrote:
   How did you get on it?
   alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
How do I get off this list

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Re: [newbie] This sucks vacuum hard... ;-(

2002-06-01 Thread D. Olson

Gah. I'm glad I am not an American.

But sadly, my government isn't much better and would probably have given in 
long ago.

I should move to Peru... Hmm

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Re: [newbie] mandrakeupdate

2002-06-01 Thread Bill Davidson

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 02:16:33 GMT

 I been trying to use the mandrakeupdate and it seems it is going to
 good i add an source and download it and when i go to get the updates
 it saids what version i have installed and it shows there is an newer
 version but it always said not found can anyone please help and tell
 me step by step what i need to do as i been trying this for the past
 few days thanks in advance

Are you saying that when you try to download the package it's not found?
Or does it say 'not found' next to the package version listed in
software manager? If it's the latter, don't worry. That just means it
can't find the importance of the update. Sometimes it will say not
found, others will say security.


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[newbie] 8.2 install problem

2002-06-01 Thread Scott Wagner

I tried to install 8.2 power pack last night and 
ran into some problems. It gets to the part where it's supposed to install 
the packages and no packages seem to be available. I get error messages 
like "depslist.ordered mismatch against hdlist files".

After 8.2 failedI tried to go back and 
reinstall 8.0. I get "Nothing found while parsing 

I have finally been able to install an old 
7.2. Feeling like I was on a roll, I tried 8.0 again and got something 
"unable to open /mnt/something/something/RPM. When 
I logged out I saw a message something about "can't open the rpm database, if 
you recently upgraded" couldn't catch the rest.
Can anyone help me out?

Appreciate it,
Scott W.

[newbie] 8.2 install problems

2002-06-01 Thread Scott Wagner

I tried to install 8.2 last night and ran into some 
problems. When I got to the part where the packages install, no packages 
seemd to be available. I got an error message like "depslist.ordered 
mismatch against hdlist files" and "Basesystem package not 

After this failed I tried to go back and reinstall 
8.0. This time I got "Nothing found while parsing 

I was then able to able install an old 7.2. 
Feeling like I was on a roll, I tried 8.0 again. I got "Unable to open 

/mnt/something/something/RPM." When I logged 
out I saw a message something about "Unable to open rpom database, if you 
recently upgraded" couldn't catch the rest.

I get that 8.0 and 8.2 can't seem to get at the 
packages, but why and what to do about it?

Appreciate any help,

Re: [newbie] This sucks vacuum hard... ;-(

2002-06-01 Thread Charlie

June 1, 2002 09:27 am, darklord wrote:


 You're welcome, and thank you for taking a stab at explaining it to me. It
 still seems like someone is saying, I have solid evidence that party x did
 break the law, but I can't submit it because it may show they are guilty

 Or maybe I'm oversimplifing... ;-(

Not over simplifying at all in my opinion. But what is one to do?

I tend to agree with you in this case. Microsoft was guilty before the 
Appeals Court stuck their oar in the water, and they're still guilty. But I 
said that two years and more ago, before I stopped using the copy of Windows 
98 SE that is still collecting dust here in a closet somewhere. 

From the perspective of a regular consumer I hate the philosophy practiced by 
many corporations. All the traffic will bear is a risky business model (I 
hate that word) when consumers become educated well enough to vote their 
wallets. Making profits is fine, no problem with that for me. But to gouge 
the entire world and feel that XYZ corporation has a Right to make obscene 
profits just because they're the only game in town; or because they have 
inordinate leverage through market position is, in itself, an obscenity.

Thankfully; the people that develop open source software are happily building 
us a better mouse trap. If MS and their sycophants don't learn to jump out of 
the way the avalanche will bury them. Sooner rather than later. Meanwhile 
I'll be busily and happily installing, and helping to install, my favorite 
operating system for anyone that expresses an interest. To help that 
avalanche build momentum.

Can you say grass roots movement?

I knew ya could. :-)
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
If God had intended Man to Walk, He would have given him Feet.

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[newbie] Re: LM 8.2 Configuration

2002-06-01 Thread 4444 4444


I got Windows XP Pro/Mandrake 8.2 installed on a workstation, the windows 
died meaning it goes doom by showing illegal operations. I decided to 
re-install Windows again.  Is there any faster way of restoring back the LM 
8.2 boot-up screen without re-installing the whole software.

Appreciate all your help

Many thanks


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.

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Re: [newbie] Re: LM 8.2 Configuration

2002-06-01 Thread Paul

In reply to 's mail, d.d. Sat, 01 Jun 2002 16:44:32 +:

I got Windows XP Pro/Mandrake 8.2 installed on a workstation, the windows 
died meaning it goes doom by showing illegal operations. I decided to 
re-install Windows again.  Is there any faster way of restoring back the LM
8.2 boot-up screen without re-installing the whole software.

Boot from MDK cd 1, hit F1, type rescue, hit enter and when all that has
come to rest:  run lilo -v


To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
-John Henry Newman

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.7.5
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install problem

2002-06-01 Thread et

don't upgrade, reformat and install, or f1 and rescue(...etc)

On Saturday 01 June 2002 12:25 pm, you wrote:
 I tried to install 8.2 power pack last night and ran into some problems. 
 It gets to the part where it's supposed to install the packages and no
 packages seem to be available.  I get error messages like depslist.ordered
 mismatch against hdlist files.

 After 8.2 failed I tried to go back and reinstall 8.0.  I get Nothing
 found while parsing /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist

 I have finally been able to install an old 7.2.  Feeling like I was on a
 roll, I tried 8.0 again and got something like unable to open
 /mnt/something/something/RPM. When I logged out I saw a message something
 about can't open the rpm database, if you recently upgraded couldn't
 catch the rest. Can anyone help me out?

 Appreciate it,
 Scott W.

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Re: [newbie] Faxing by e-mail

2002-06-01 Thread Manuel Soto

If you want to use your own box, try with efax and setup /etc/fax.config

You have to change one line like
# The user to be sent mail when a fax is received.

FAXMGR=your email

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 17:22, Miark wrote:
 I'll soon be receiving faxes more regularly, and
 I'm not set up to do so. Is there any way I can
 receive faxes by e-mail?

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install problems

2002-06-01 Thread Scott Wagner

  Sorry for that double post. Anyway, now 
  7.2 won't boot, It says:
  "Warning: Unable to open an initial 
  "Kernel Panic: No init found. Try passing 
  init= option to kernel."
  Geez, all I wanted to do was upgrade.
  Appreciate any help.
  - Original Message - 
  To: newbie 
  Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 12:47 
  Subject: [newbie] 8.2 install 
  I tried to install 8.2 last night and ran into 
  some problems. When I got to the part where the packages install, no 
  packages seemd to be available. I got an error message like 
  "depslist.ordered mismatch against hdlist files" and "Basesystem package not 
  After this failed I tried to go back and 
  reinstall 8.0. This time I got "Nothing found while parsing 
  I was then able to able install an old 7.2. 
  Feeling like I was on a roll, I tried 8.0 again. I got "Unable to open 
  /mnt/something/something/RPM." When I 
  logged out I saw a message something about "Unable to open rpom database, if 
  you recently upgraded" couldn't catch the rest.
  I get that 8.0 and 8.2 can't seem to get at the 
  packages, but why and what to do about it?
  Appreciate any help,

Re:Re: [newbie] mandrakeupdate

2002-06-01 Thread n1uan2

yes it saids not found in the importance  part but it still doesnt download the newer 
version and still list the older one as being installed

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Re:Re: [newbie] mandrakeupdate

2002-06-01 Thread n1uan2

Hi Dave
Good to hear from you
i am using mandrake 8.1 standrad edition the mandrakeupdate i will have to look it up 
well i have try differnt mirrors cant remember which ones now
just try to see what version update i have and cant seem to find it
ok be waiting to hear any info

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[newbie] cvs gui client

2002-06-01 Thread Azrael

I can't seem to find a gui cvs client for mandrake that works... anyone
able to point me to a working rpm for one?

many thanks

-- Azrael

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-06-01 Thread Randy Kramer

Alastair Scott wrote:
 (Of course, much of this is down to politics and dogmatism - the IS
 people justifying themselves by having a slightly customised version of
 Windows, jealously guarded and only installable from password-protected
 shares after fussing around with boot floppies, to stop people
 installing it themselves and rendering their job irrelevant).

Isn't that one (almost) everyone does -- do things in the interest of
keeping their job regardless of the relationship to the basic objective
of the job?

I mean, isn't that what copyright, patents, trade secrets, etc. are all

Isn't that what the RIAA and so forth are fighting about?

Isn't that why there are laws in most american towns about who can be a
barber / hairdresser, and who can and cannot buy hair dressing tools /

Isn't that what Microsoft is trying to do?  And IBM, HP, Sun, Solaris,
Apple, ...?

Isn't that why we have millions of lines (pages?) of laws?

Isn't that what farm subsidies are all about?

Don't welfare workers want to continue to have clients?

Don't drug enforcers want drug traffickers?

Is there an alternate approach?

just today's cynical $.02
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Re: LM 8.2 Configuration

2002-06-01 Thread mycal62

 I got Windows XP Pro/Mandrake 8.2 installed on a workstation, the windows
 died meaning it goes doom by showing illegal operations. I decided to
 re-install Windows again.  Is there any faster way of restoring back the LM
 8.2 boot-up screen without re-installing the whole software.

If you mean you want to have lilo again after an windows re-install,
then it is very simple.

that is if you made a boot disk when you installed mandrake 8.2. If you
did , then all you have to do is use it to startup mandrake. ( it should
boot into your mandrake install with or without win/whatever installed )
once in Mandrake open a terminal type su and enter password
then simply type lilo.

now it will give you the boot list again when you start the box. 


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[newbie] Importing address book and outlook pst settings

2002-06-01 Thread Matt Blake

Now that my linux system is up and running properly and i'm happy with
how everything works i want to use evolution instead of ms outlook for
my calendar/tasks/mail etc. How can i install my outlook .pst files into
evolution? Also how can i import my address book from outlook express -
i have got the mail by importing it into mozilla and then to evolution -
there's probably a simpler way but i couldn't find it.  

Cheers for any help offered

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[newbie] Going cable -- but with which cable?

2002-06-01 Thread Miark

I'm having cable access installed on Tuesday. My
modem allows one to connect to the computer via
USB or ethernet. Which will offer better performance? 

By the way, this'll be plugged into a winsux machine.
At least for the time being :-(


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Re: [newbie] permission denied

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Viron

Actually, you do not need to be root to read resolv.conf (I can read it
just fine as a normal user), you need to be root in order to make changes
to it.


Michael Viron
Core System Administration Team, Simple End User Linux

At 10:37 AM 6/1/2002 -0400, you wrote:
you need a space between the t in cat and the /in /etc. you need to be root.

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Re: [newbie] Going cable -- but with which cable?

2002-06-01 Thread Damian G

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 13:53:15 -0600
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having cable access installed on Tuesday. My
 modem allows one to connect to the computer via
 USB or ethernet. Which will offer better performance? 
 By the way, this'll be plugged into a winsux machine.
 At least for the time being :-(

for internet access, nothing beats the ethernet card.
a 10Mbps ethernet is way faster than a usb link.

( not that you are actually going to connect to
the internet at 10Mbps, tho ;oP )


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[newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread Miark

Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now. 
Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with


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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On 01 Jun 2002 23:18:37 +1000
Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I think you may have experienced the same scenario as me Kaj.  I have
 sent the message below twice now, with different subjects and it has
 failed to show in either version, while other posts I sent before and
 after were showing up as usual.  Can anyone recall seeing this text? 
 It's in reply to the recent thread on Quake 3.
 I finally got around to doing this (not that I play games of course ;-)
 and would like to post a small word of warning about the scenario that
 just bit me:


I searched my inbox and it's not there :)


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install problem

2002-06-01 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Saturday 01 June 2002 06:25 pm, Scott Wagner wrote:
 I tried to install 8.2 power pack last night and ran into some problems. 
 It gets to the part where it's supposed to install the packages and no
 packages seem to be available.  I get error messages like depslist.ordered
 mismatch against hdlist files.

 After 8.2 failed I tried to go back and reinstall 8.0.  I get Nothing
 found while parsing /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist

 I have finally been able to install an old 7.2.  Feeling like I was on a
 roll, I tried 8.0 again and got something like unable to open
 /mnt/something/something/RPM. When I logged out I saw a message something
 about can't open the rpm database, if you recently upgraded couldn't
 catch the rest. Can anyone help me out?

 Appreciate it,
 Scott W.

Scott, your problem seems to indicate a K6 - CPU , right ?

In this case point your browser to the Mandrake homepage and click errata. 
Once there, you'll find the explanation, and the fix : download a small 
patch, copy it to a floppy, re-install 8.2 and, at the splash-screen, press 
F1 and type patch. That's all.

On the other hand : if you don't have a browser yet, I'll be glad to mail 
this patch to you. Just let me know, OK ?


Kaj Haulrich

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 01 June 2002 01:27 pm, Miark did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
 CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
 Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with

got a shot gun?

you could use them for wheels on some wild model car styles.

they make handy reflectors for survival situations.

i used to teach a computer class, and one year we decorated a christas tree 
with them.

take up sewing.  pretend they are _really_ big sequins.  disco is back!

get a dog, teach it it to catch cds they way other dogs catch frisbies.

if they are all burns of linux install cds you could ship them to MS with a 
note don't steal your next OS from apple, they expect it, try this 

serious...but keep the most recent install burns for shipping to third 
world countries.  include spare 'puter parts if you can./serious

invite over 30 of your best friends, ready a camera by pointing it into the 
air, and take pictures of the UFO invasion!

get yourself some targets and become tux-san, linux ninja for a few hours.

redo the bedroom.  hang them on the ceiling.  reflective side down if you 
are into that.

ask AOL what they do.  they must have worked out _something_ by now.

two words.  geek hubcaps.

some wild sunglasses could be possible too.

everyone always says coasters but the whole in the middle kinda makes that 

- -- 
I used to be confused, but now I am not that sure anymore..

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Going cable -- but with which cable?

2002-06-01 Thread civileme

Miark wrote:

I'm having cable access installed on Tuesday. My
modem allows one to connect to the computer via
USB or ethernet. Which will offer better performance? 

By the way, this'll be plugged into a winsux machine.
At least for the time being :-(


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You'd best use ethernet.  Performance will not be noticeably different, 
but platform compatibility will be.  There are USB devices of the 
software-driven sort for modems, ISDN, and ADSL and Cable.  Yes, 
Windevices.  Check linux-usb.org and you will see a host of 
incompatibles.  It won't matter on a winbox, but when you put a real 
gateway computer there, it will make a big-time difference.


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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread Dwight Hines

 Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
 CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
 Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
First, be sure your wife is not at home.  The children will love this but
it is not something you want them doing alone.
Stack 4 or five disks together.  Separate them by a small hard plastic
button in the middle.  Put the stack, and be sure you line the disks up
neatly after you put it on the bottom, in the microwave.
Hit the on button and watch the incredible fireworks.
Be sure to stop the microwave before there is a real stinking meltdown.

Or, you can send the disks to
The United States Coast Guard
in Indiannapolis, Indiana

They will turn them into reflective disks to put into life jackets.

Good thing to do, the latter.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] permission denied

2002-06-01 Thread et

On Saturday 01 June 2002 04:14 pm, you wrote:
 Actually, you do not need to be root to read resolv.conf (I can read it
 just fine as a normal user), you need to be root in order to make changes
 to it.

thank you for the correction.

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Saturday 01 June 2002 10:41 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On 01 Jun 2002 23:18:37 +1000
 Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I think you may have experienced the same scenario as me Kaj.  I have
  sent the message below twice now, with different subjects and it has
  failed to show in either version, while other posts I sent before and
  after were showing up as usual.  Can anyone recall seeing this text?
  It's in reply to the recent thread on Quake 3.
  I finally got around to doing this (not that I play games of course ;-)
  and would like to post a small word of warning about the scenario that
  just bit me:


 I searched my inbox and it's not there :)


Nor is it in mine. 

Now that I've had some time to think about it, maybe I have some sort of 
explanation - well, it's only a theory :

Maybe those mails that never show up contains one - or more - characters that 
the mail-server doesn't like. For example, those of us who live in countries 
with a slightly different character-set, like Scandinavia, Germany, France 
etc. are sometimes a little uncautious : inadvertantly we could type a 
character outside the ASCII-7-bit system. (I won't give an example here, 
'cause that might trigger the anaphylactic reaction, eh ?).

Or, - slightly related : When I reviewed my rejected post concerning spam, I 
noticed that I had used some special characters like dollar-signs, tildes, 
exclamations-marks, brackets etc... 

To clarify, I'll quote from my rejected message as follows :

...6. Yesterday, a danish newspaper (Berlingske Tidende) described a very 
gruesome retaliation : Find some really xx-porn-site on the web who
offers to send you e-mails with xx-pics. Fill in the spammers 
e-mail-address and let him taste his own medicine ! (never tried it - yet).
Will it work ?

In the original post, those x were graphical-special-characters to 
illustrate my disgust. 

I figure the list-server has sentiments equalling mine !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Saturday 01 June 2002 10:53 pm, shane wrote:
 On Saturday 01 June 2002 01:27 pm, Miark did speak unto the huddled masses,

  Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
  CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
  Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with

 got a shot gun?

 you could use them for wheels on some wild model car styles.

 they make handy reflectors for survival situations.

 i used to teach a computer class, and one year we decorated a christas tree
 with them.

 take up sewing.  pretend they are _really_ big sequins.  disco is back!

 get a dog, teach it it to catch cds they way other dogs catch frisbies.

 if they are all burns of linux install cds you could ship them to MS with a
 note don't steal your next OS from apple, they expect it, try this

 serious...but keep the most recent install burns for shipping to third
 world countries.  include spare 'puter parts if you can./serious

 invite over 30 of your best friends, ready a camera by pointing it into the
 air, and take pictures of the UFO invasion!

 get yourself some targets and become tux-san, linux ninja for a few

 redo the bedroom.  hang them on the ceiling.  reflective side down if you
 are into that.

 ask AOL what they do.  they must have worked out _something_ by now.

 two words.  geek hubcaps.

 some wild sunglasses could be possible too.

 everyone always says coasters but the whole in the middle kinda makes
 that pointless.

Shane, ROFLOL !


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install problem

2002-06-01 Thread Scott Wagner

Thank you .

- Original Message -
From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install problem

 On Saturday 01 June 2002 06:25 pm, Scott Wagner wrote:
  I tried to install 8.2 power pack last night and ran into some problems.
  It gets to the part where it's supposed to install the packages and no
  packages seem to be available.  I get error messages like
  mismatch against hdlist files.
  After 8.2 failed I tried to go back and reinstall 8.0.  I get Nothing
  found while parsing /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist
  I have finally been able to install an old 7.2.  Feeling like I was on a
  roll, I tried 8.0 again and got something like unable to open
  /mnt/something/something/RPM. When I logged out I saw a message
  about can't open the rpm database, if you recently upgraded
  catch the rest. Can anyone help me out?
  Appreciate it,
  Scott W.

 Scott, your problem seems to indicate a K6 - CPU , right ?

 In this case point your browser to the Mandrake homepage and click
 Once there, you'll find the explanation, and the fix : download a small
 patch, copy it to a floppy, re-install 8.2 and, at the splash-screen,
 F1 and type patch. That's all.

 On the other hand : if you don't have a browser yet, I'll be glad to mail
 this patch to you. Just let me know, OK ?


 Kaj Haulrich

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] permission denied

2002-06-01 Thread Miark

Actually, whether you can even read the file as a user 
depends on the security level, but more than likely you'll 
be able to read it.



 On Saturday 01 June 2002 04:14 pm, you wrote:
  Actually, you do not need to be root to read resolv.conf (I can read it
  just fine as a normal user), you need to be root in order to make changes
  to it.
 thank you for the correction.

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Re: [newbie] permission denied

2002-06-01 Thread jbarron201

Thank,s guys I got in I couldn,t find anything wrong was hopeing that I was
hope I was going to be make changes
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] permission denied

 On Saturday 01 June 2002 04:14 pm, you wrote:
  Actually, you do not need to be root to read resolv.conf (I can read it
  just fine as a normal user), you need to be root in order to make
  to it.
 thank you for the correction.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] mixing scsi and ide cds with xcdroast

2002-06-01 Thread bascule

is there something i need to do to have xcdroast use an ide cdreader, the 
scsi writer shows up as a device, but the cdrom which is ide isn't an option 
as a reader, on my main box my newer ide writer uses ide-scsi in order to 
write, do i have to do that for a cdreader if xcdroast is to see it?

the scenario is that i have put my old writer in a different box to use over 
the network and to force me to get the hang of X forwarding and stuff, is 
there perhaps a better cd authoring package to use like this?

'Life's like a beach. And then you die.'
(Small Gods)

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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread Robin

Damn, I just threw out about 20 old CDs!

Sir Robin

On Sun, 2002-06-02 at 00:23, Dwight Hines wrote:
  Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
  CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
  Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
 First, be sure your wife is not at home.  The children will love this but
 it is not something you want them doing alone.
 Stack 4 or five disks together.  Separate them by a small hard plastic
 button in the middle.  Put the stack, and be sure you line the disks up
 neatly after you put it on the bottom, in the microwave.
 Hit the on button and watch the incredible fireworks.
 Be sure to stop the microwave before there is a real stinking meltdown.
 Or, you can send the disks to
 The United States Coast Guard
 in Indiannapolis, Indiana
 They will turn them into reflective disks to put into life jackets.
 Good thing to do, the latter.

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 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Going cable -- but with which cable?

2002-06-01 Thread Robin

On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 23:23, Damian G wrote:
 On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 13:53:15 -0600
 Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having cable access installed on Tuesday. My
  modem allows one to connect to the computer via
  USB or ethernet. Which will offer better performance? 
  By the way, this'll be plugged into a winsux machine.
  At least for the time being :-(
 for internet access, nothing beats the ethernet card.
 a 10Mbps ethernet is way faster than a usb link.
 ( not that you are actually going to connect to
 the internet at 10Mbps, tho ;oP )

Sad but true.  On most sites I rarely get near the limit of my 56K
modem.  For FTP it can make a big difference though.  I've done FTP
installs on my office computer from the university server, and packages
installed faster than from my CD-ROM at home.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 01 June 2002 09:24 am, you wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 11:38:49PM +1000, Brian Parish wrote:
  OK, there is something going on here.  I replied to this and attached a
  post that seems to do the same thing.  My reply has not shown up, but a
  later post has.  Seems there is something in the message.
  Would someone like to volunteer to receive it off-list and then try to
  post it (in case it's just Kaj and me)?

 Sat Jun 01 09:22:58 CDT 2002

 Mail it to me Brian, and I will refire it to the list.

It's a heavy dose of gamma rays. They wipe out an electron or two on a server 
cpu and data lost. Just like my brain, a hit of gamma rays and neurons wiped, 
data lost.  It seems to happen more often as I get older. :  )
Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 31 May 2002 08:50 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 01 June 2002 02:49 am, shane wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 01:39 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
   Two days ago I posted a question of my own, concerning spam. Maybe
   that's the reason ? - Maybe the list has some filter who react to the
   phrase spam ?
  interestingly i forwarded (to this list) the message you sent me that
  never showed.  my forward failed to appear too.
  ...bad message!  go to /dev/null

 Hmmm Yes, I don't see it either, Shane. Indeed, this IS interesting !

 Firstly, let's look at the bright side : my question was concerning spam
 and how to get rid of it. Accordingly, I mentioned spam quite a few
 times. Furthermore, I complimented some domains for their anti-spam -
 services, amongst them [EMAIL PROTECTED], which belongs to

 Secondly, the dark side : If there's some censor on this list (be it
 automatic or human)  I'm a bit disappointed, to say the least.

 If MandrakeSoft really thinks it's nessecary to censor this list, they
 don't read it ! - I can't imagine any list with more loyal, educated and
 up_to_standards people than this one.

 On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post. Something
 that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???

 In that case, I'm a Mandraker forever !


 Kaj Haulrich

It was just a stray gamma ray, wiping out a silicon atom on a server chip.  
It was nothing personal on the part of the Universe, these things happen to 
my brain all the time.  Gamma ray hits, data lost. : )

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread Bill Davidson

On 02 Jun 2002 02:48:26 +0300
Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Damn, I just threw out about 20 old CDs!
 Sir Robin
 On Sun, 2002-06-02 at 00:23, Dwight Hines wrote:
   Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
   CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
   Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
  First, be sure your wife is not at home.  The children will love
  this but it is not something you want them doing alone.
  Stack 4 or five disks together.  Separate them by a small hard
  plastic button in the middle.  Put the stack, and be sure you line
  the disks up neatly after you put it on the bottom, in the
  microwave. Hit the on button and watch the incredible fireworks.
  Be sure to stop the microwave before there is a real stinking
  Or, you can send the disks to
  The United States Coast Guard
  in Indiannapolis, Indiana
  They will turn them into reflective disks to put into life jackets.
  Good thing to do, the latter.

This is a bit off the topic at hand, but there's a site call
nomoreaolcds.com I believe it is. Their goal is to collect 1 million aol
cds and mail them straight back to aol. I know I'm rooting for em. ;)


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Re: [newbie] Connection sharing/samba problem

2002-06-01 Thread Stojs

OK I set it back. I do not understand much about networking, but a windows network
skilled friend is coming over. What do I need to tell him to get the configuration
right? And does anyone have a good link explaining stuff för him?

Thanks a lot/

Brian Parish wrote:

 On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 02:07, Stojs wrote:
  I had a linux computer with one nic connected to my windows machine (eth0) and
  one nic connected to the internet (eth1) using dhcp. I could use the windows
  connection for connection sharing or samba, but not both at the same time.
  Now I have another set of nics connecting the two machines, to have one nic for
  connection sharing and one for samba.
  Now I cannot get a working connection sharing.
  Should I set the same ip for the nic used for the sharing (eth0) and the one for
  samba (eth2) or should they be different?
  What else I should keep in mind?
  Thanks in advance/
 You certainly don't need more than three nics - two in the machine
 sharing the connection and one in the client machine.  I suggest you put
 it back the way it was, then ask for help to get it configured
 properly.  Otherwise it's just making it more complicated.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 18:25, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 01 June 2002 09:24 am, you wrote:
  On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 11:38:49PM +1000, Brian Parish wrote:
   OK, there is something going on here.  I replied to this and attached a
   post that seems to do the same thing.  My reply has not shown up, but a
   later post has.  Seems there is something in the message.
   Would someone like to volunteer to receive it off-list and then try to
   post it (in case it's just Kaj and me)?
  Sat Jun 01 09:22:58 CDT 2002
  Mail it to me Brian, and I will refire it to the list.
 It's a heavy dose of gamma rays. They wipe out an electron or two on a server 
 cpu and data lost. Just like my brain, a hit of gamma rays and neurons wiped, 
 data lost.  It seems to happen more often as I get older. :  )
 Dennis M.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Sorry about all the junk messages. I am trying to get set up on
broadband and my ISP  service sees me trying to send on the old
earthlink connection and thinks I am relaying.  I have not figured out
the settings on my SNF (which is working like a champ) to try and get it
to accept the smpt connection.  It shows an SMPT error and something
about relaying and not permitted by the administrator. So I have
resubscribed to the list  on this new account. Have to use the dialup
for a few more days while I sort out this problem and get everyone
notified of the email address change.  So once again, sorry for multiple
messages. They were sitting in que and I thought I had deleted them.  
Dennis M.

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[newbie] libpng.so.2

2002-06-01 Thread Azrael

Why does anything needing libpng.so.2 on my system fail to install?
Ximian's red carpet, on attempting to install opera, claimed that no
source could be foind for libpng.so.2 and when attempting to install
lincvs rpm's they failed on libpng.so.2
yet I can't seem to find any libpng for my system.

running mdk 8.2

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Re: [newbie] libpng.so.2

2002-06-01 Thread Rodrigo

On Saturday 01 June 2002 21:17, you wrote:

Hi, as far as I know, MDK 8.2 comes with libpng3.
Download libpng2 and install it, rpm -ivh libpng2 and then you will have 
both, 2 and 3 installed.
I did this and things are working ok.
Hope it helps you,


 Why does anything needing libpng.so.2 on my system fail to install?
 Ximian's red carpet, on attempting to install opera, claimed that no
 source could be foind for libpng.so.2 and when attempting to install
 lincvs rpm's they failed on libpng.so.2
 yet I can't seem to find any libpng for my system.

 running mdk 8.2

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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Thread FemmeFatale

Miark wrote:
 Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
 CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
 Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with

if they're games/software I donate them to charity


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] libpng.so.2

2002-06-01 Thread Bill Davidson

On 02 Jun 2002 01:17:12 +0100
Azrael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why does anything needing libpng.so.2 on my system fail to install?
 Ximian's red carpet, on attempting to install opera, claimed that no
 source could be foind for libpng.so.2 and when attempting to install
 lincvs rpm's they failed on libpng.so.2
 yet I can't seem to find any libpng for my system.
 running mdk 8.2

The package you need is libpng2. Unfortunately, mdk 8.2 uses libpng3.
I've noticed this libpng thing to a real pain as well when I was trying
to upgrade packages on my 8.1 system. I just caved and did a fresh
install of mdk 8.2.

I think some people have both of these side by side. If you ask me, I
think that could eventually turn into a big sticky mess. It just seems
too likely to cause a dependency nightmare having applications that
require different versions of the same library.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] libpng.so.2

2002-06-01 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 01 June 2002 05:52 pm, Bill Davidson did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 I think some people have both of these side by side. If you ask me, I
 think that could eventually turn into a big sticky mess. It just seems
 too likely to cause a dependency nightmare having applications that
 require different versions of the same library.

nah, that is why we name them different things, to avoid the microsoft my 
dll overwrote your dll so my stuff runs and yours don't problem.

i don't know, maybe it can cause trouble but i have been using 
older/alternate side by side libs since 7.2 for various reasons and no 
trouble yet.. well no trouble from that anyway.  my son keeps 
unplugging the power strip, but his libs are his own doing.

- -- 
How dare the government intervene to stifle innovation in the computer 
industry! That's Microsoft's job, dammit!

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Gnome-Desktop Problems

2002-06-01 Thread Fordy

Im having some trouble putting icons on my desktop. My desktop has no 
icons whatsoever on it, and it doesn't have a pop-up menu when i right 
click on it. In fact there seems to be nothing I can do to change the 
desktop, or add any icons to it. Advice i've tried -

 - Adding shortcuts to ~/.gnome-desktop folder. Nothing Happened
 - Deleting /tmp/orbit-(username), and then adding stuff to my desktop 
folder. Nothinghappened
 - Dragging shortcuts from the panel to the desktop. Failure.
 - Poking around in nautilus menus and gnome configurations, I couldn't 
find anything that related specifically to the icons on a desktop.

In short, 90% of my normal start up screen is inert, and i can only run 
programs via the panel. Does anyone know of a possible solution I have 
not tried yet? 

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Derek Byram

On Friday 31 May 2002 20:53, you wrote:


 Makes me kind'a sad, though. I think this list is very unique, informative,
 helpful and - sometimes - amusing.

I fully agree to all of that :-)

I have followed this list for longer that any other and have enjoyed all of 
the above - if I miss it for a day I'm in trouble because I havn't had my 
daily fix (and there will be the inevitable backlog of mails I just have 
to read) which keep my spare moments occupied  for days after before I catch 
up - haven't had a holiday in months for this reason *G*

 So : if this mail infects your screen, send it to /dev/null. Then I'll be
 happy again !

It infected me :)


 Kaj Haulrich


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Adams

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 16:39, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Friday 31 May 2002 08:50 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 01 June 2002 02:49 am, shane wrote:
   On Friday 31 May 2002 01:39 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled
   masses, saying:
Two days ago I posted a question of my own, concerning spam. Maybe
that's the reason ? - Maybe the list has some filter who react to
the phrase spam ?
   interestingly i forwarded (to this list) the message you sent me that
   never showed.  my forward failed to appear too.
   ...bad message!  go to /dev/null
  Hmmm Yes, I don't see it either, Shane. Indeed, this IS interesting !
  Firstly, let's look at the bright side : my question was concerning spam
  and how to get rid of it. Accordingly, I mentioned spam quite a few
  times. Furthermore, I complimented some domains for their anti-spam -
  services, amongst them [EMAIL PROTECTED], which belongs to
  Secondly, the dark side : If there's some censor on this list (be it
  automatic or human)  I'm a bit disappointed, to say the least.
  If MandrakeSoft really thinks it's nessecary to censor this list, they
  don't read it ! - I can't imagine any list with more loyal, educated and
  up_to_standards people than this one.
  On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post.
  Something that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???
  In that case, I'm a Mandraker forever !
  Kaj Haulrich

 It was just a stray gamma ray, wiping out a silicon atom on a server chip.
 It was nothing personal on the part of the Universe, these things happen to
 my brain all the time.  Gamma ray hits, data lost. : )

Have you been reading BOFH rather than working?


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