[newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Stabilità

2002-06-08 Thread Biss

:oramai un paio di anni che maneggio il pinguino ma ultimamente mi sta
mettendo in crisi: la mdk8.2

Anche per me è stato così, ma in generale ricompilando il kernel con un
2.4.18 puro la situazione mi sembra migliore. Però in genere non utilizzo
mai il kernel mdk e quindi non ho riscontrato grossi problemi.


[newbie-it] Partizione NTFS

2002-06-08 Thread Francesco Speranza

Vorrei cambiare sul secondo HD la partizione di XP 
da FAT 32 a NTFS(ovviamente reinstallando tutto)ma prima vorrei 
trovare la soluzione piu' semplice per aggiornare MDK8.2 per cui vi pogo alcune 
domande : Mi conviene cambiare la partizione direttamente da Linux oppure 
installare direttamente XP e poi configurare GRUB ?( in questo caso non so 
come fare.. ).
GRUB e' capace di far partire una partizione NTFS ? 

Un'ultima soluzione ( quella piu' dispendiosa ...) 
sarebbe quella di installare XP con NTFS e poi fare un rapido 
aggiornamento di MDK .
che mi consigliate ?
Ciao, Francesco

[newbie-it] Isdn4linux

2002-06-08 Thread michele . rossato

Buongiorno a tuti, sono un nuovo utente di mandrake 8.2, alle prese con
i miei piccoli poblemi.
Configurando il mio account internete riesco a vedere il mio modem isdn
usb-trust ma al momento della connessione non riesce a collegarsi sebbene
tutti i parametri (tel, account, dns ecc ) siano correttamente impostati.
Credo ci voglia uno script, ma non sono ancora in grado di crearlo da solo
oppure il mio modem non è compatibile.
Ringrazio chi mi potrà dare un aiuto.

TuttoTISCALI e' il tuo nuovo contratto di telefonia!
Chiami in tutta Italia, giorno e notte, al prezzo di un'urbana
Ti colleghi ad Internet e spendi meno di un'urbana

Re: [newbie-it] Stabilità

2002-06-08 Thread sandro

Alle 18:31, venerdì 7 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao ragazzi. sono all'ultima spiaggia:
 Sono oramai un paio di anni che maneggio il pinguino ma ultimamente mi sta
 mettendo in crisi: la mdk8.2 NON E STABILE
 piantamenti errori strani di ogni tipo, addirittura non posso accedere a
 volte a delle cartelle di root tramite root il floppy non ne vuole sapere,
 devo addirittura resettare.
 poi sulle partizioni fat non ne parliamo:errori di permessi come coriandoli
 a carnevale.. (sempre da root) Ma a voi va tutto???

Sinceramente l'avevo installata sul mio portatile e ha funzionato in maniera 
egragia tutto (tranne il winmodem - ma quello è un caso a parte).
Credo che dovresti verificare se hai dei problemi di hardware.
Hai installato in modo esperto o hai lasciato che facesse tutto da sola?

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Partizione NTFS

2002-06-08 Thread sandro

Alle 10:18, sabato 8 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Vorrei cambiare sul secondo HD la partizione di XP da FAT 32 a NTFS(
 ovviamente reinstallando tutto) ma prima vorrei trovare la soluzione

Non hai bisogno di reinstallare, c'è una utility in xp che fa questo lavoro.

 piu' semplice per aggiornare MDK8.2 per cui vi pogo alcune domande : Mi
 conviene cambiare la partizione direttamente da Linux oppure installare
 direttamente XP e poi configurare GRUB ? ( in questo caso non so come
 fare.. ). GRUB e' capace di far partire una partizione NTFS ?
 Un'ultima soluzione ( quella piu' dispendiosa ...) sarebbe quella di
 installare XP con NTFS  e poi fare un  rapido aggiornamento di MDK . che mi
 consigliate ?
 Ciao,  Francesco

Non ho capito, a questo punto, ma xp ce l'hai già installato o no?

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Isdn4linux

2002-06-08 Thread Junkie

E come hai fatto a farglielo vedere???
Io sono SECOLI che ci provo ma piu di una periferica sconosciuta con bus usb
non riesco a fargli vedere.


At 10.18 08/06/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Buongiorno a tuti, sono un nuovo utente di mandrake 8.2, alle prese con
i miei piccoli poblemi.
Configurando il mio account internete riesco a vedere il mio modem isdn
usb-trust ma al momento della connessione non riesce a collegarsi sebbene
tutti i parametri (tel, account, dns ecc ) siano correttamente impostati.
Credo ci voglia uno script, ma non sono ancora in grado di crearlo da solo
oppure il mio modem non è compatibile.
Ringrazio chi mi potrà dare un aiuto.

TuttoTISCALI e' il tuo nuovo contratto di telefonia!
Chiami in tutta Italia, giorno e notte, al prezzo di un'urbana
Ti colleghi ad Internet e spendi meno di un'urbana

[newbie-it] UNSUBSCRIVE

2002-06-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Guerra Antonio

Re: [newbie-it] Isdn4linux

2002-06-08 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, [EMAIL PROTECTED] esclamo':
 Configurando il mio account internete riesco a vedere il mio modem isdn
 usb-trust ma al momento della connessione non riesce a collegarsi sebbene
 tutti i parametri (tel, account, dns ecc ) siano correttamente impostati.
 Credo ci voglia uno script, ma non sono ancora in grado di crearlo da solo
 oppure il mio modem non è compatibile.


A prescindere dal supporto, isdn4linux non farebbe al caso tuo (dato che
AFAIK serve solo per le schede isdn interne), per un TA USB esterno la
procedura e' diversa (serve un driver perche' venga riconosciuto
correttamente ... ma quel driver non e' disponibile, perche' sembra che
la casa madre supporti solo finestre e cmq pare che mantenga il rigoroso
segreto sulle specifiche). Per concludere non credo che sia supportato,
dato non ho trovato niente a proposito.

 P.S. un consiglio (riprendendo quanto giustamente ha gia' detto Andrea
Celli un po' di tempo fa): contatta il servizio clienti della casa
produttrice e chiedi se linux e' supportato dal loro aggeggio X (facendo
finta di doverlo ancora comprare), se ricevi risposta negativa, simula
una sorpresa sdegnata e fai sapere a questo che hanno appena perso un
cliente, dato che sarai per forza *costretto* a rivolgerti ad un
concorrente. [non servira' a niente .. ma dopo qualche mese qualche vago
dubbio sorgera' anche al piu' grande venditore finestro-dipendente]. Non
sarebbe male far sapere qualcosa anche al rivenditore dove ti servi
normalmente (anche se sara' quello a cui forse importera' meno).
 Per il futuro ovviamente, se conti di restare a linux per piu' di un
mordi e fuggi, controlla prima dell'acquisto la compatibilita' e magari
privilegia produttori piu' seri e piu' aperti.

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

Re: [newbie-it] Stabilità

2002-06-08 Thread luigi

Alle 10:40, sabato 8 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 18:31, venerdì 7 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
  Ciao ragazzi. sono all'ultima spiaggia:
  Sono oramai un paio di anni che maneggio il pinguino ma ultimamente mi
  sta mettendo in crisi: la mdk8.2 NON E STABILE
  piantamenti errori strani di ogni tipo, addirittura non posso accedere a
  volte a delle cartelle di root tramite root il floppy non ne vuole
  sapere, devo addirittura resettare.
  poi sulle partizioni fat non ne parliamo:errori di permessi come
  coriandoli a carnevale.. (sempre da root) Ma a voi va tutto???

 Sinceramente l'avevo installata sul mio portatile e ha funzionato in
 maniera egragia tutto (tranne il winmodem - ma quello è un caso a parte).
 Credo che dovresti verificare se hai dei problemi di hardware.
 Hai installato in modo esperto o hai lasciato che facesse tutto da sola?
 Grazie sandro
ho installato in modo esperto
e il mio hardware va bene perchè con altre versioni va bene ed anche altre 

Re: [newbie-it] Stabilità

2002-06-08 Thread e/io

 Anche io ho avuto lo stesso problema col floppy per due volte di
 seguito provando
La stessa cosa a me se trascino con il mouse il file da copiare.
Va bene se faccio copia F7 ecc.

Re: [newbie-it] MDKe usb

2002-06-08 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, lillo lallo esclamo':
 installato MDK 8.1 [..]
 esco da linux,durante i processi di chiusura si blocca su :
 disconnect usb device 1
 disconnect usb device 2.

Guarda sul sito di MDK, nella sezione riguardante gli 'Errata' della 8.1
(e' un errore noto e c'e' il modo per risolverlo)

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

Re: [newbie-it] Stabilità

2002-06-08 Thread gigi pinna

 la mdk 8.2 NON E STABILE

Mi verrebbe da supporlo anche a me :'-(

 Ma a voi va tutto???

a me non funziona lo scanner... per il resto funziona tutto

No. Ho grossi problemi allo spegnimento della macchina ... non lo fa
sempre ma ogni 5/6 volte si pianta!
E (per me) non c'e' piu' nulla da fare se non resettare! :-

 aggiornamenti sul sito non ce ne sono.. e allora mi devo sparare o
 cambiare distribuzione? o tornare alla 8.1?

anche io avevo quel problema: non si spegnva da solo e tutte le volte doveva
recuperare il filesystem; io ho risolto passando da ext2 a ext3. da quel momento ha
improvvisamente smesso di dare problemi!
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Re: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

2002-06-08 Thread Derek Jennings

Lots of people can try to help you, but we need more information.

What hardware do you have? video card, monitor, motherboard etc

What do you mean by 'freezing? How do you know it's a video card problem?
What are you doing when it happens?

If you are getting random system freezes my first instinct would be a memory 
problem. You are not overclocking or using 'aggressive' memory settings are 

Do not be afraid to give too much info. It is better than too little.


On Saturday 08 June 2002 4:02 am, Rainer wrote:
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:52 PM
 Subject: nvidia and man 8.2

  i'm relatively new to linux and just bought a standard 8.2 box. i was
  extremely surprised when my monitor continuely froze, since my nvidia
  geforce graphic's card worked fine on 8.1. i was told at mandrake experts


  download the latest drivers, which i did, but unfortuanately there were


  for i686 architecture (i was told to install the i586). my monitor is


  freezing. does anyone here have a solution for this problem,

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[newbie] How can I speed up Konqueror?

2002-06-08 Thread Seedkum Aladeem


I am using Konqueror to browse HTML documents on my hard disk and the speed 
is painfully slow, especially when the file is first read. How can I speed it 

I am not out of CPU cycles, I am not out of memory, I am not out of swap and 
the machine is not the problem.

BTW. I am too chicken to try KDE 3.0.1. I am still using KDE 2.2.2.



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Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

2002-06-08 Thread FARSHAD

i don't know what's hsp? micromodem ?
i have a Compaq 56k Modem , and that will support 
and that's PCI and i think that's a software modem 
harware modem but i'm not sure ...

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] problem with 
  install Compaq 56k Modem
  do you have the hsp56k micromodem? 

Re: [newbie] Restoring partition table

2002-06-08 Thread Femme

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 19:07:07 +0300 (EET DST)
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This'll teach me not to mess around with dangerous operating systems.
 I installed Norton Utilities in my Windows partition, and it seems to
 have rewritten my partition table so that my Linux partitions don't
 exist any more.  Rescue mode in the CD won't work (I can get a command
 line, of course, but can't restore LILO or mount any partitions) and
 that old diagnositc favourite, upgrade packages only mode fails to
 find the superblocks and gives me messages about bad magic. Is there
 any way I can recreate my old partition table, either from command
 line or from Windows?
 Sir Robin the Morose

Try partition magic?  


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[newbie] Linux and Non-Free Software

2002-06-08 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Saturday 08 June 2002 02:16, D. Olson wrote:

 However, he wasn't asking about if there was a free program (which
 there was and both had been mentioned already), but why a company
 would charge money for LINUX software...
 At least that's how I read it... But I guess I am the only one.

I think you are correct about what he was asking. It is a natural 
question, I suppose, for someone new to Linux. Your point was that pay 
software and Linux are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and of 
course you are correct. 

Like you, I have observed that there tends to be a mentality in which 
Linux people tend to think everything *must* be free. Well, of course 
that's the goal, and it's what I prefer, but I also realize companies 
and developers need money to survive. You gave some great examples of 
how even in cases when we do pay, it is nowhere near what the price 
would be in the Windows world. In addition to the ones you gave, 
another great example is any typical boxed Linux distro. The system I 
can set up with a $30-80 Linux distro would cost thousands in the 
Windows world.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] run windows executable in Linux ...

2002-06-08 Thread Femme

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 15:07:58 -0600
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cory [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  Silly Goose! 
 What did you call him?! You need to call him an a**hole like
 everybody else. Right now!!
 (Granted--South Park references are probably below most of you :-)
*giggles* Nice Miark.  That was worth reading, you made my week.

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[newbie] Restoring deleted files with MC

2002-06-08 Thread John Richard Smith

Now that I know where Midnight Commander is, I want to use it to 
restore a deleted file that has not been either written over or 
formatted. Some kind soul suggested MC can do this, but how.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

2002-06-08 Thread Jerry

(hsp is host signal processing)



"You know, they're growning mechanical trees? 
They grow to their full height and then they chop themselves 
down." --Laurie Anderson

  - Original Message - 

  Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 2:11 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] problem with 
  install Compaq 56k Modem
  i don't know what's hsp? micromodem 
  i have a Compaq 56k Modem , and that will support 
  and that's PCI and i think that's a software 
  modem no
  harware modem but i'm not sure ...
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:21 
Subject: Re: [newbie] problem with 
install Compaq 56k Modem
do you have the hsp56k micromodem? 

Re: [newbie] Upgrading LM8.2

2002-06-08 Thread Brian Parish

Hi Marcia,

As Randy said, we need to know more about your motherboard before being
able to comment on the maximum memory.

But that aside, it sounds to me like you are going to end up with a
substantial part of a new PC before you're finished here.  I have found
that when upgrading to a significantly higher platform like this, you
tend to get into diminishing returns very quickly - just moving the
bottleneck.  Have you considered keeping the current system intact and
building a new machine?  A 200MHz 128 MB system makes a very nice
server!  Don't need an extra monitor that way and you get a network to
play with :-)


On Sat, 2002-06-08 at 12:47, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 I have been told that I have maximized my memory with 128 MB of ram since I 
 have a Pentium II MMX processor at a littlle over 200 megahertz. I feel like 
 I am either ready for a new computer or upgrading. I want to have 512 MB of 
 ram. Is there anyway that I can add that to my system now or must I upgrade 
 my motherboard and cpu? If I must upgrade I would like to go with the 
 Athlon-maybe one of the motherboard cpu combo kits. Which one is a very good 
 one that can handle at least 512 MB of ram, and of course work well with 
 Linux Mandrake 8.2?
 Also, I would like to have USB and a CD burner. I know that I can add a CD 
 burner with the system I have. What is a good CD burner with Linux?
 I would like USB, too. Do I have to upgrade my motherboard for that or can I 
 add that with the system I have?
 Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

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[newbie] Mplayer message query

2002-06-08 Thread John Richard Smith

At the moment I have an rpm version of MPlayer nearly working, for 
DeCss use.
This is the messages on startup after selecting files:

   | DEMUXER:Too many (4096in826973   |
   | bytes)video packets in the buffer  |  (screen warning )  
Picture is blocked or squared  , and what does Demuxer mean 

MPlayers is invoked in terminal with  , ]#gmplayer

dialogues say :-
@@@ libmpeg2 returned from sig11... (bad file?) @@@
Encrypted VOB file (not compiled with libcss support)! Read file 
@@@ libmpeg2 returned from sig11... (bad file?) @@@  87% 14%  1.0% 40 
0 0%
Encrypted VOB file (not compiled with libcss support)! Read file 
A:  16.0 V:  12.4 A-V:  3.604 ct:  5.176  1580/1581  89% 14%  1.0% 40 
0 0%
*** free_stream() called ***
Successfully enabled DPMS
Segmentation fault

http://plf.zarb.org , these are the packages installed in this order,


Seems like I have to find libmpeg2, and it seems my choice of libcss 
isn't liked , yet for just one oh so brief moment there is a picture 
on immediate startup that then turns to that blocked mush. Sound 
seems to be there briefly too.

Your thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated.
John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Printer stops at half work

2002-06-08 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 12:14 am, Smiley wrote:

 Hello, I own an Epson Stylus Photo 810, connected via USB; my OS is
 LM 8.2: when I try to print both an image or even a simple text file,
 the printer starts but at a certain point it stops (half first page
 of a three pages document, the last try); I heard, but don't remember
 where, I'm not the only one with this kind of trouble... Any
 suggestion, or link?

It does definitely stop permanently?

I ask because my Lexmark Z42 frequently stops for 2 or 3 minutes; it's 
only catching its breath as it suddenly starts up again ...

Not sure why this is, but the Z42 is internally quite feeble and is 
printing at 1200x1200 dpi ...

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] run windows executable in Linux ...

2002-06-08 Thread Stormjumper

sometimes, people many not understand
free as in free of charge and free as in freedom to modify.
likewise, the GPL and all it's variants all have their
little differences.

many, myself included, may only have a vague
idea of what they mean, especially from a legal standpoint,
after going thru all it's revisions.

taking into consideration this is a newbie list...
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] run windows executable in Linux ...

 On Saturday 08 June 2002 01:23 am, you wrote:
  Wow. I really don't think someone asking, on a Linux mailing list, if
  there's free software to do what they want to do is unreasonable. He
  didn't ask if someone had a cracked version of these programs. He didn't
  even say he wasn't willing to pay for something. Just seemed to be
  asking honest question to me. Way to jump down this persons throat.

 Good grief I wasn't trying to jump down anyone's throat...

 I always come across that way, and I don't mean to... I need to learn how
 type or communicate or something.


 However, he wasn't asking about if there was a free program (which there
 and both had been mentioned already), but why a company would charge money
 for LINUX software...

 At least that's how I read it... But I guess I am the only one.


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Re: [newbie] how can i improve vnc responsiveness?

2002-06-08 Thread Stormjumper

okay. thanks, i'll take note of that.
my cards are all 10/100, and my cables all cat5.

i just wanna make sure that spending $$ on the switch
will result in a noticeable performance diff.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] how can i improve vnc responsiveness?

 On Friday 07 June 2002 02:11 am, you wrote:
  i'm remote accessing my Mandrake Linux box thru vnc.
  it's almost unbearably slow.
  the speed doesn't seem to differ much regardless of color depth,
  i've tried 8, 15 and 16, so for now, i'm using 15.
  i'm wondering if upgrading my 10mbps hub to a 100mbps
  switch will make much of a diff,
  since the cpu utilization on both the server/client doesn't
  seem to be much, around 20-30%
  or is my bottleneck somewhere else?
  Mandrake Linux 8.2, default install
  VNCserver run from command line
  vncserver -geometry 900x700
  MS Win98
  VNCclient 3.3.3r9 from http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/
 you right about the hub and netcard speed, for sure that is one
 but just changing the hub does not guaranty that the speed of the
 will change, you might have to setup the cards with their install disk for
 tbase100 also

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] help needed for Java and Konqueror

2002-06-08 Thread Stormjumper

thanks for the advice.

i tried both the sun jre1.4 and 1.3
neither seems to run the applet properly.

guess i'm stuck with dual-booting for the time being.
- Original Message -
From: Carlos Arigós [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help needed for Java and Konqueror

El Jue 06 Jun 2002 01:50, escribió:

 i'm trying to get Java working on Konqueror.
 i'm using Mandrake 8.2, default installation.

 specifically, my younger brother goes to www.games.com
 to play monopoly, and i'd like to be able to set it up.

 right now, i've gone to Konqueror - Settings -
 Configure Konqueror - Konqueror Browser - Java,
 checked enable Java globally,
 but the applet starts loading, but never completes.

 does anyone know what else i've to do?

 thank you.

If installed, uninstall 'kaffe'. Go to
http://wwws.sun.com/software/java2/download.html and D'l

Open a console, log as root and type: ./j2re-1_3_1-linux-i386-rpm.bin

If everything go OK you get a file named jre-1.3.1.i386.rpm

Run: rpm -ivh jre-1.3.1.i386.rpm

Then. open Konqueror and point Konqueror to: /usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java

Buena suerte.
el charlie
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2
--El software es como el sexo:
--Si es gratis es mejor. Linus Torvalds dixit.
10:28pm up 8 min, 2 users, load average: 0.29, 0.50, 0.29

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] how can i have Windows beside Mandrake ..

2002-06-08 Thread poogle

On Friday 07 June 2002 18:02 pm, Damian G wrote:
 On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 20:22:54 -0800

 Windows has to be installed in you primary master drive. ( your first HD )

Unless something has changed with XP, which I wouldn't know as I've never used 
anything newer than 98, this is not quite correct. Windows only needs to 
believe that it is on the primary master.
I still have 98 on a primary slave drive (it's in a caddy and not been in the 
machine in months as since Mandrake 8.2 I have been Windows free) 
Windows does need to be installed as Primary Master, you can then change the 
jumpers and move it to slave and Grub (probably Lilo as well but again I 
don't know as I am a Grub afficionado) can take care of swapping IDE channels 
to make Windows believe it is on Primary Master when it is in fact somewhere 
else. see info Grub for full details if you are interested 

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[newbie] Resize Root Partition for KDE update How?

2002-06-08 Thread Rodney

I would like to update KDE to 3.0.1 but I don't have enough room in root
. However I have 14 gig in home so how do I resize root?

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading LM8.2

2002-06-08 Thread et

On Friday 07 June 2002 11:59 pm, you wrote:
 Marcia wrote:
  I have been told that I have maximized my memory with 128 MB of ram since
  I have a Pentium II MMX processor at a littlle over 200 megahertz.

 It would help to know more about your motherboard.  Do you know the
 manufacturer and model number?  Has somebody told you that you can't put
 more than 128 MB on your motherboard?

 Randy Kramer

  I feel like
  I am either ready for a new computer or upgrading. I want to have 512 MB
  of ram. Is there anyway that I can add that to my system now or must I
  upgrade my motherboard and cpu? If I must upgrade I would like to go with
  the Athlon-maybe one of the motherboard cpu combo kits. Which one is a
  very good one that can handle at least 512 MB of ram, and of course work
  well with Linux Mandrake 8.2?
just remember win9x is limited to 512 megs ram (as I recall) and won't 
install even if you have 540 megs ram.

  Also, I would like to have USB and a CD burner. I know that I can add a
  CD burner with the system I have. What is a good CD burner with Linux?
  I would like USB, too. Do I have to upgrade my motherboard for that or
  can I add that with the system I have?
  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Resize Root Partition for KDE update How?

2002-06-08 Thread Derek Jennings

Since KDE 3.0.1 installs into /opt you might be better off reducing the size 
of /home and creating a new /opt partition. That way you do not have to touch 
'/' and risk screwing it up.

You should be able to do that with diskdrake in Mandrake 
ControlCentreHardware I've not done it myself, but I believe it will resize 
partitions without data loss, but instead of taking my word for it you might 
like to back up your /home first.

BTW: My /opt directory holds kde3,wine,crossover and a few other applications 
and uses 250M of hard drive space.

Also the next version of Mandrake will put kde3 back into /usr so you might 
like to change your partitions again later.



On Saturday 08 June 2002 11:21 am, Rodney wrote:
 I would like to update KDE to 3.0.1 but I don't have enough room in root
 . However I have 14 gig in home so how do I resize root?

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Re: [newbie] Mplayer message query

2002-06-08 Thread Ralph Slooten

Hi there,

Libcss isn't needed any more. Mplayer has it's own built in decoder now. It 
probably wasn't compiled in with the RPM (legal reasons?).

As I have said in previous mails about Mplayer... you will save yourself a 
lot of time just to compile it yourself. DeCss isn't linked, but built in 
afaik .. at least it's support is. By just installing the package will not 
ensure that you can play encrypted DVD's with a pre-built binary.

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, John Richard Smith wrote:

 At the moment I have an rpm version of MPlayer nearly working, for 
 DeCss use.
 This is the messages on startup after selecting files:
| DEMUXER:Too many (4096in826973   |
| bytes)video packets in the buffer  |  (screen warning )  
 Picture is blocked or squared  , and what does Demuxer mean 
 MPlayers is invoked in terminal with  , ]#gmplayer
 dialogues say :-
  libmpeg2 returned from sig11... (bad file?) 
 Encrypted VOB file (not compiled with libcss support)! Read file 
Did you read this? It should explain exactly how to compile DVD support 
into Mplayer.

  libmpeg2 returned from sig11... (bad file?)   87% 14%  1.0% 40 
 0 0%
 Encrypted VOB file (not compiled with libcss support)! Read file 
 A:  16.0 V:  12.4 A-V:  3.604 ct:  5.176  1580/1581  89% 14%  1.0% 40 
 0 0%
 *** free_stream() called ***
 Successfully enabled DPMS
 Segmentation fault
 http://plf.zarb.org , these are the packages installed in this order,

As great it is that people try make RPM's of Mplayer for public use, but I 
still have to see 1 really successful build that works on all systems. In 
my opinion there is none.. Mplayer builds to YOUR system.. depending on 
what software / hardware you have. It's not as simple as a simple binary, 
but a carefully built package designed for performance. You see, they could 
build DeCss supprt in, but what point does that have if a user doesn't even 
have a DVD player?

Go tho the Mplayer site, download the tarball (new release today) and read 
the docs, and there should be no problems. Yes it does take time at first, 
I give you that, but at least then you have a working MPlayer ;-)


Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] can't login as root

2002-06-08 Thread Mark Van Bruggen

  On 8/06/2002,

 The following message was beamed across the Internet:

 On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:46:13 -0700
 Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I rarely ask questions for others but this one has me stumped. My
 colleague running LM8.2 has a default (for his hardware)
 configuration. He created one user. Then, he went to the security
 configuration utility and set it to high. Now he can't get in
 the gui login as root. His user account still works and he can
 'su' in a terminal. This behaviour seems to have started just
 after he changed the security setting to high. My research found a
 possible solution in the /etc/security/access.conf  with a missing
 entry like...
 -:ALL EXCEPT list of accounts:LOCAL
 Am I on the right track here? Has anyone come across this one before?
 Newbie archives don't return anything on this.
 Bill W.

  I too had this problem, whether in command line or GUI login.
  I set security to higher and did not try any other settings as I
  wanted to run mail server...

Mark Van Bruggen


There is always a way, it's just reality that's the problem !!


 Mark Van Bruggen 
  Microsoft OEM Certified  Phone : 07 4926 4900   
   Computer Systems Supplier   Mobile: 04 3886 4900
Internet / Computer Technician E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Rockhampton  QLD  AU  

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading LM8.2

2002-06-08 Thread _nasturtium

  I would like USB, too. Do I have to upgrade my motherboard for that or
  can I add that with the system I have?
You can buy a good PCI card (to slot in your comp) with a few USB
ports, no need to upgrade motherboard, or if you're really rich
you can buy overpriced monitors with a built in hub :-)

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[newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Dan W. Dooley

Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
slower than Windows on the same machine?

An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
(speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here) and
Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the time I
click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control Center, or any
of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is up on screen is
several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel, for
example) under Windows.

Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat on
another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.


Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
   e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
May Goddes love blest ye alle

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] xcdroast and burning CD's.

2002-06-08 Thread darklord

On Friday 07 June 2002 07:53 pm, you wrote:

I ust'a think the same, but lately burnin from the CL is easier,
 quicker, and safer than any GUI.  I recently thought Gcombust to be
 the most reliable, it's since proved me wrong :(  Then I discovered
 how quick and simple it was to burn from the CL.

Its been so odd about GUI frontends for burning here. Under 8.0, I used Koncd 
which worked great. Then, under 8.1, Koncd was broke so I used X-CD-Roast 
which worked great. Now under 8.2, X-CD-Roast won't see any CD in my DVD 
drive (reader) and I've been using Gcombust which (so far) has worked fine. 
What problems did you have with it Tom?

man cdrecord  and read the CD-writing howto.  Unlike most docs,
 they even include examples!!;)

Methinks I better do just that... ;-)

PS Maybe we'll come full circle again under the next release and Koncd will 
start working again! grin


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Re: [newbie] how can i improve vnc responsiveness?

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

Stormjumper wrote:
 okay. thanks, i'll take note of that.
 my cards are all 10/100, and my cables all cat5.
 i just wanna make sure that spending $$ on the switch
 will result in a noticeable performance diff.

I strongly suspect that the hub is *not* a major bottleneck.

How many other computers are on the LAN?

Some things to try (if both computers are on the LAN):

   * Interconnect the two computers you are concerned with by a
crossover cable.

   * Avoid other traffic through the hub by temporarily disconnecting
any computers other than the two you are concerned with.

In my experience, products like VNC (PCAnywhere, etc., etc., etc.) are
just dogs, and very slow.

Randy Kramer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

Dan W. Dooley wrote:
 Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
 slower than Windows on the same machine?
 An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
 integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
 Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
 (speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here) and
 Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the time I
 click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control Center, or any
 of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is up on screen is
 several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel, for
 example) under Windows.
 Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat on
 another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.

I won't try to explain -- that would be a major minefield.

I can confirm that this is not an unexpected result.  I have similar
experiences with Win95 and any Linux I've tried.  

My recommendation is get more RAM -- a lot more RAM -- a minimum of 256
MB.  (My standard motherboards of many years only support 128 MB, so
I've replaced a few so far -- the others mostly still run Windows for
several reasons.)

Another traditional recommendation is to use a lighter weight window
manager than KDE or GNOME, like ICEWM, BlackBox, 

Randy Kramer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how can i improve vnc responsiveness?

2002-06-08 Thread Dan W. Dooley

I had posted some earlier comments on this and never saw the post so perhaps
it got lost.

Anyhow, some time back I tested several of the remote control programs,
needing something fairly high speed on my 100 mbps LAN.  VNC, PCAnywhere,
Remote Administrator (by Famatech), and a couple of freebies I can't recall.
Granted this was on a MS network so I can't speak for Linux results, but of
all of them, VNC was practically unusable.  Between RA and PCA, the speed
differences were slight (a slight edge going to RA) but VNC wasn't even in
the ball park.  This is with everything at 100, CAT5 compliant, and using a
switch rather than a hub.  I would not call PCA and comparable products
dogs.  I WOULD call VNC a dog.

That may not translate to the Linux world, but it does say that presuming
the network is functioning normal for other networking operations, the
remote control software itself needs a second look.  Hopefully there are
choices out there.

Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
   e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
May Goddes love blest ye alle

- Original Message -
From: Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] how can i improve vnc responsiveness?

 In my experience, products like VNC (PCAnywhere, etc., etc., etc.) are
 just dogs, and very slow.

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RE: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Franki

mostly because you are not comparing them in the right light..

real linux has no GUI and doesnt' need one.. all of linux's work is on the

the GUI is eye candy for people that don't know or like the console..

Also, most people don't know exactly whats running on a linux machine..
there are tons of processes that you can kill which will speed things up..
remember that postfix is a full mail server, and there are a ton of

Mostly though, because the GUI is optional, its an addon application, ,so it
won't be as fast.. windows gui is integrated with the OS.. (it is the OS..)
so it is much more in touch with the onderlying hardware.

The other reason I imagine is that most of the window managers are works in
progress and the code changes alot.. once they get a good code base, things
will improve no end..  but, I run 8.2 on a 233mmx with 160mb ram and I run
win2000 (and now XP) on a PII 366, (with 280mb ram) and the linux box seems
to hold its own very well against the higher powered PII machine.

It could be that you need to look into optimising your linux box for
performance.. start with hdparm and your hard disks,, and check top to see
whats chewing your ram and CPU.. and decide if you need it.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan W. Dooley
Sent: Saturday, 8 June 2002 8:19 PM
Subject: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
slower than Windows on the same machine?

An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
(speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here) and
Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the time I
click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control Center, or any
of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is up on screen is
several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel, for
example) under Windows.

Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat on
another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.


Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
   e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
May Goddes love blest ye alle

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Dan W. Dooley

I understand.  It is disappointing, and to me (my humble opinion) counters
the claims of Linux being a good choice on more modest hardware.  At least
that was always the impression I had.

The other machine I had tried it on some months ago is a much faster one and
at the time had 256 meg. of RAM and a much bigger harddrive partition on
which I was dual booting between Linux and Win 2000Pro.

I like the full featured aspect of KDE and though I haven't examined Gnome
that closely, it looks interesting.  I would not want to go to something
severely stripped down.  Not if I'm ever going to think in terms of a
Windows replacement, which I'd like to think of.

Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
   e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
May Goddes love blest ye alle

- Original Message -
From: Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

 Dan W. Dooley wrote:
  Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
  slower than Windows on the same machine?

 I won't try to explain -- that would be a major minefield.

 I can confirm that this is not an unexpected result.  I have similar
 experiences with Win95 and any Linux I've tried.

 My recommendation is get more RAM -- a lot more RAM -- a minimum of 256
 MB.  (My standard motherboards of many years only support 128 MB, so
 I've replaced a few so far -- the others mostly still run Windows for
 several reasons.)

 Another traditional recommendation is to use a lighter weight window
 manager than KDE or GNOME, like ICEWM, BlackBox, 

 Randy Kramer

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Restoring partition table

2002-06-08 Thread ai4a

Robin Turner wrote:
 This'll teach me not to mess around with dangerous operating systems. I
 installed Norton Utilities in my Windows partition, and it seems to have
 rewritten my partition table so that my Linux partitions don't exist any
 more.  Rescue mode in the CD won't work (I can get a command line, of
 course, but can't restore LILO or mount any partitions) and that old
 diagnositc favourite, upgrade packages only mode fails to find the
 superblocks and gives me messages about bad magic. Is there any way I
 can recreate my old partition table, either from command line or from
 Sir Robin the Morose
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


There is a program on Mandrake 8.2 cd1 in /sbin called rescuept. Boot
from cd1, press f1, and follow instrucrtions. But before you do this go
to www.mandrakeuser.org/doc/admin/arecov3.html and read the
instructions. ther are not instructions on the resuce cd (that I could
find). Good luck


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Jon Doe

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 08:39:28 -0500
Dan W. Dooley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I like the full featured aspect of KDE and though I haven't examined
 Gnome that closely, it looks interesting.  I would not want to go to
 something severely stripped down.  Not if I'm ever going to think in
 terms of a Windows replacement, which I'd like to think of.

I am sure I'll get flamed for this, but I don't think Linux is a
replacement for Windows. Linux is a robust *nix clone. I think you can
use Linux instead of Windows.
But I personally hope that Linux is never a replacement for Windows. I
don't like Windows and don't want Linux to be just like Windows.



Contact me:

AIM: LinuxRulezMan
ICQ: 27396393

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

Dan W. Dooley wrote:
 I understand.  It is disappointing, and to me (my humble opinion) counters
 the claims of Linux being a good choice on more modest hardware.  At least
 that was always the impression I had.

Yeah, I feel the same way -- as a nondiscriminating listener, I heard
Linux was more powerful and faster and more stable and ... -- I
sometimes joke that the statements would be more accurate if the word
and was replaced with the word or.  I guess Linux can be a good
choice on more modest hardware if you stick to the CLI.

Nevertheless, I support and advocate Linux, because we (the people)
need to make sure that Microsoft has viable competition.

Randy Kramer

 The other machine I had tried it on some months ago is a much faster one and
 at the time had 256 meg. of RAM and a much bigger harddrive partition on
 which I was dual booting between Linux and Win 2000Pro.
 I like the full featured aspect of KDE and though I haven't examined Gnome
 that closely, it looks interesting.  I would not want to go to something
 severely stripped down.  Not if I'm ever going to think in terms of a
 Windows replacement, which I'd like to think of.

  Dan W. Dooley wrote:
   Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
   slower than Windows on the same machine?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Ralph Slooten

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, Dan W. Dooley wrote:

 Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
 slower than Windows on the same machine?

There you have it... Gnome or KDE. To be honest I haven't had any
experience with KDE the last year or so, but I do know that Gnome is really
becomming dissapointing in terms of speed. I first started using Linux
which Redhat 6.1 or something, and in those days Gnome was a simple but
efficient desktop. These days, especially since Mandrake's encorporation of
Gnome with Nautilus, it has become a sad story.

Sorry if I offend anyone, this is not ment to raise anyone's hair, but 
Nautilus is more usefull as an egg-timer.. damn it's so slow. Yes it looks 
good, just like Gnome does, but speed and efficiency is what I believe 
Linux is about.

I have been using Fluxbox for the last 5 months now or so, and it's so damn 
fast compared to Gnome. Simple and Sweet. This is not an andertisment for 
Fluxbox, as there are many simplified Desktop managers around. Maybe give 
another one a try, and see if your performance increases?

Just my 2.2 Euro-cents ;-)


 An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
 integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
 Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
 (speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here) and
 Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the time I
 click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control Center, or any
 of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is up on screen is
 several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel, for
 example) under Windows.
 Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat on
 another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Printer stops at half work

2002-06-08 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 08 June 2002 05:07 am, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Saturday 08 June 2002 12:14 am, Smiley wrote:
  Hello, I own an Epson Stylus Photo 810, connected via USB; my OS is
  LM 8.2: when I try to print both an image or even a simple text file,
  the printer starts but at a certain point it stops (half first page
  of a three pages document, the last try); I heard, but don't remember
  where, I'm not the only one with this kind of trouble... Any
  suggestion, or link?

 It does definitely stop permanently?

 I ask because my Lexmark Z42 frequently stops for 2 or 3 minutes; it's
 only catching its breath as it suddenly starts up again ...

 Not sure why this is, but the Z42 is internally quite feeble and is
 printing at 1200x1200 dpi ...


Have you tried backing off on the resolution? 600 x 600 works well for me, 
and I've found that 300 x 300 is adequate for text-based material. Less 
pixels, less information, quicker response. Just a thought...
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] WTF?????

2002-06-08 Thread Ralph Slooten

I just got exactly the same returned E-mail. I resent it and it went 
through fine the second time. Something tells me it's a problem with the 

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, D. Olson wrote:

 I get this message when I send some messages to the list:
 This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:
 Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
 The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
 each recipient was rejected.
 Reason:5.7.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Relaying denied. Proper 
 authentication required.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] test

2002-06-08 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 08 June 2002 12:11 am, D. Olson wrote:
 On Friday 07 June 2002 11:50 pm, you wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 23:12:01 -0400
  D. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Friday 07 June 2002 07:33 pm, you wrote:
On Saturday 08 June 2002 00:24, you wrote:
 On Friday 07 June 2002 06:53 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 08 June 2002 00:23, Derek Byram wrote:
   On Friday 07 June 2002 15:03, you wrote:
On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Jay wrote:
Oh tks! ;-)
But as someone has mentioned before... this kind of thread is
only possible due to the subscribers maturity level as well
as nice sense of humor and fellowship!
Ricardo Castanho
I can't help but laugh at what this thread has become

Some file permisions needed fixing and a setting in postfix

 On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Jay wrote:
I was having problems sending to the list, but I fixed it.

 fixed what? ;-)

 On Wednesday 05 June 2002 08:31 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Jun 2002 08:24, D. Olson wrote:
  On Wednesday 05 June 2002 09:47 am, you wrote:
   On Wednesday 05 June 2002 06:32 am, Jay wrote:
   It works.
   -- cmg
  What works?

 Jays test works.

 Jay who?
   What thread???
  Don't push it ;o)

 Don't push what

 Why can't anyone speak coherently?
Why can't you leave my sig in the mail ;p
   What sig???
  i told you, everyone. this thread belongs to the expert list
  now we are all confused..

 What expert list?

New record for posts per byte. Brevity rules.
-- cmg

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Fw: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

2002-06-08 Thread Rainer

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

 sorry, i filled my profile for mandrake experts and totally forgot to
 include it here;
 -qdi advance 10e mobo
 -viewsonic 70e monitor
 -512 mbs ram
 -nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400
 -intel pentium 3 797mhz

 everything works great on my windows partition so. i'm assuming it's a
 thing. usually while manipulating a window, i.e. minimizing, restoring the
 screen locks. i may or may not be able to still move the mouse but i can't
 do anything to the windows that are up or access the command line. which
 forces me to manually reboot. this happens about every 10 minutes. n.b. no
 funky overclocking etc, i assume linux is managing my memory, like i said
 it's running great on the o/s everybody loves to hate. thanks

 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 3:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

  Lots of people can try to help you, but we need more information.
  What hardware do you have? video card, monitor, motherboard etc
  What do you mean by 'freezing? How do you know it's a video card
  What are you doing when it happens?
  If you are getting random system freezes my first instinct would be a
  problem. You are not overclocking or using 'aggressive' memory settings
  Do not be afraid to give too much info. It is better than too little.
  On Saturday 08 June 2002 4:02 am, Rainer wrote:
   - Original Message -
   From: Rainer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:52 PM
   Subject: nvidia and man 8.2
i'm relatively new to linux and just bought a standard 8.2 box. i
extremely surprised when my monitor continuely froze, since my
geforce graphic's card worked fine on 8.1. i was told at mandrake
download the latest drivers, which i did, but unfortuanately there
for i686 architecture (i was told to install the i586). my monitor
freezing. does anyone here have a solution for this problem,


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] xcdroast and burning CD's.

2002-06-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 08 June 2002 08:10 am, darklord wrote:
 On Friday 07 June 2002 07:53 pm, you wrote:
 I ust'a think the same, but lately burnin from the CL is
  easier, quicker, and safer than any GUI.  I recently thought
  Gcombust to be the most reliable, it's since proved me wrong :( 
  Then I discovered how quick and simple it was to burn from the

 Its been so odd about GUI frontends for burning here. Under 8.0, I
 used Koncd which worked great. Then, under 8.1, Koncd was broke so
 I used X-CD-Roast which worked great. Now under 8.2, X-CD-Roast
 won't see any CD in my DVD drive (reader) and I've been using
 Gcombust which (so far) has worked fine. What problems did you have
 with it Tom?

 When I'd try to load up a dir, Gcombust (and eroaster too IIRC) 
would skip one or two files sayin they didn't exist.  'Course they 
did and I could burn a CD of all the files usin the CL. Any of the 
various GUI's froze up at one time or another, usually while 
selecting files, or making the image to burn. I use to like Koncd, 
but haven't had any luck gettin it to run since Mdk7.2.  Now I can 
start to burn a CD in less time than most GUI's take to load just by 
typing 'bdcd' cd_image, 'bacd' (in the dir where the wav's are), or 
'biso' filename.iso   I just got tired of foolin with GUI front 
ends. I suspect most all of 'em just haven't kept up with bleeding 
edge distros like Mandrake.

alias bdcd=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0 -data
 (need to make cd_image first, eg, 'mkisofs -r -o cd_image dir')
alias biso=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0
alias bacd=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0 -pad -audio *.wav
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Dan W. Dooley

Something doesn't have to be just like something else to work the same
way.  What I mean by work the same way is, to be an environment within
which I can run the applications I need to run to fulfill my reasons for
using the computer in the first place.

If my intent is to spend time playing with, tweaking, patching, exploring,
experimenting, etc., then fine, a CLI based OS is probably fine.  If on the
other hand, I want - or need boxes which set there ready and host the
applications I need, and allow me to do so without having to type in a long
string of commands and parameters and whatever each time I want to run one
of the apps, or worse yet, to upgrade a driver or app, I've got to download
some code and go through a compilation process, which may or may not work.

My interest IS looking for a Windows replacement.  Windows (NT, 2000) work
just fine and do everything I want and need them to do.  However, I, like
most if not all of you all have had it up to our ears with MS and their
bull.  I am dead serious in that I think MS needs real competition.  Not
only in the server world but on the desktop as well.  No OS will ever be
serious competition for Windows unless it can be a viable replacement for
Windows.  And no, you can't use Linux instead of Windows unless you can do
with it what you can with Windows.  I've got a well functioning domain
network here at my house running 2000 Server and previously NT Server
hosting several other computers, running 24/7 with none of the claimed MS
crashes.  So, my expectations for a replacement OS are very high.

Sorry for the rant, folks but this has been a sore point for me for a long

Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
   e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
May Goddes love blest ye alle

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

 I am sure I'll get flamed for this, but I don't think Linux is a
 replacement for Windows. Linux is a robust *nix clone. I think you can
 use Linux instead of Windows.
 But I personally hope that Linux is never a replacement for Windows. I
 don't like Windows and don't want Linux to be just like Windows.

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Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

2002-06-08 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 04 December 1999 03:10 pm, FARSHAD wrote:
 i don't know what's hsp? micromodem ?
 i have a Compaq 56k Modem , and that will support DSL
 and that's PCI and i think that's a software modem no
 harware modem but i'm not sure ...

   - Original Message -
   Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:21 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

   do you have the hsp56k micromodem?

It's a pretty good bet that you have a winmodem. There may be a driver for 
it, or you may be out of luck. First, you're going to have to find exactly 
which model you have -- Compaq has offered a number of different products 
which meet the above description. The best way to identify your modem is to 
open up the box and look at the card. Write down the FCC ID number,  chipset 
identification (Lucent, Rockwell, etc), and any other information. If you're 
lucky, you may even find a Compaq model number. You can translate the FCC 
number to manufacturer and model number using the search engine at 
www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid/. If it is not practical to open up your case, then you 
may be able to identify the modem from any literature that accompanied your 
computer, or go to the Compaq site.

When you do have the model number, go to 
www.idir.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html. Part way down the page, there will be a 
link Download the entire table. Do that, and you should be able to learn 
something about your modem. Hint: Use your browser's search function; it 
saves a lot of scrolling.

Another good source of information is at linmodems.org.

Good luck,
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Jon Doe

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 10:13:05 -0500
Dan W. Dooley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Something doesn't have to be just like something else to work the
 same way.  What I mean by work the same way is, to be an environment
 within which I can run the applications I need to run to fulfill my
 reasons for using the computer in the first place.

I'm with you, I know what its like not liking MS. But the point I'm
trying to make is,
1. If you don't like the speed of linux use something else.

This is not a personal attack, so please don't take it that way.
I just get tired of hearing people bashing linux and saying well
I can do it in windows. Great! Then use windows. Linux and windows are
the same OS. They don't work the same way, they don't call on hardware
the same way and therefore can NOT be campared the same way.
Apples are Apples and Oranges are Oranges. Would go to your
grocer and say, hey I don't like these Apples they taste like oranges?
Again Linux is NOT a replacement for Windows. As Linux is NOT a
for Unix or BSD.
You can USE linux, just as you can USE windows or Unix or BSD.
What you can't do, is expect Linux or Unix to work and act
like Windows.
Again, Linux is not a replacement for windows.

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Re: [newbie] run windows executable in Linux ...

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 07 June 2002 11:16 pm, D. Olson did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 On Saturday 08 June 2002 01:23 am, you wrote:
  Wow. I really don't think someone asking, on a Linux mailing list, if
  there's free software to do what they want to do is unreasonable. He
  didn't ask if someone had a cracked version of these programs. He
  didn't even say he wasn't willing to pay for something. Just seemed to
  be asking honest question to me. Way to jump down this persons throat.

 Good grief I wasn't trying to jump down anyone's throat...

 I always come across that way, and I don't mean to... I need to learn how
 to type or communicate or something.

well if it helps it didn't sound like an attack to me, but a well explained 
answer to the question.  maybe we lack (have?) the same communication 
skills... dammit!  ;)

- -- 
My job is bring comfort to the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Restoring partition table

2002-06-08 Thread robin

ai4a wrote:

Robin Turner wrote:

This'll teach me not to mess around with dangerous operating systems. I
installed Norton Utilities in my Windows partition, and it seems to have
rewritten my partition table so that my Linux partitions don't exist any
more.  Rescue mode in the CD won't work (I can get a command line, of
course, but can't restore LILO or mount any partitions) and that old
diagnositc favourite, upgrade packages only mode fails to find the
superblocks and gives me messages about bad magic. Is there any way I
can recreate my old partition table, either from command line or from

Sir Robin the Morose

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There is a program on Mandrake 8.2 cd1 in /sbin called rescuept. Boot
from cd1, press f1, and follow instrucrtions. But before you do this go
to www.mandrakeuser.org/doc/admin/arecov3.html and read the
instructions. ther are not instructions on the resuce cd (that I could
find). Good luck

Tried rescuept to no avail.  Eventually I got so fed up I decided to do 
a clean reinstall.  My partition table was so badly mangled I had to 
remove my Windows partition even to do that.  Fortunately (a) I'd backed 
up a lot of data to my Win partition not so long ago and (b) I'd set up 
my office box with FTP, so I just needed to download an FTP client for 
Windows, then upload my stuff.  Things are now back to normal, except 
that I have no Windows yet, which I can live with, as I'm not in the mod 
for playing games just now.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

Jon Doe wrote:
 I'm with you, I know what its like not liking MS. But the point I'm
 trying to make is,
 1. If you don't like the speed of linux use something else.

Or change Linux.

 This is not a personal attack, so please don't take it that way.
 I just get tired of hearing people bashing linux and saying well
 I can do it in windows. Great! Then use windows. Linux and windows are
 the same OS. They don't work the same way, they don't call on hardware
 the same way and therefore can NOT be campared the same way.
 Apples are Apples and Oranges are Oranges. Would go to your
 grocer and say, hey I don't like these Apples they taste like oranges?
 Again Linux is NOT a replacement for Windows. As Linux is NOT a
 for Unix or BSD.
 You can USE linux, just as you can USE windows or Unix or BSD.
 What you can't do, is expect Linux or Unix to work and act
 like Windows.

There are different levels to consider, but at several of those, yes,
you (or anyone) can expect to Linux to work and act like Windows.  Isn't
this somewhat the point of projects like Wine, Winex, Win4Lin, etc.?

Speaking of levels, I'd like Linux to have all the conveniences and
applications of Windows, but with none of the problems.  (I try not to
ask for too much ;-)

Have a good day!
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread robin

Randy Kramer wrote:

The other machine I had tried it on some months ago is a much faster one and
at the time had 256 meg. of RAM and a much bigger harddrive partition on
which I was dual booting between Linux and Win 2000Pro.

I like the full featured aspect of KDE and though I haven't examined Gnome
that closely, it looks interesting.  I would not want to go to something
severely stripped down.  Not if I'm ever going to think in terms of a
Windows replacement, which I'd like to think of.

So is it a case of comparing apples and pears (i.e. recent versions of 
KDE with old versions of Windows)?  At least KDE will run on my office 
machine, whereas I doubt if XP would (it only has 64MB of RAM). Like it 
or not, desktops and applications that want to be full-featured tend to 
assume that people have at the very least 128MB of RAM on at least a 
500MHz CPU, preferably more and faster.  I'd be interested to see 
performance compared between XP and Mandrake 8.2/KDE, with both boxes 
running the same kinds of services with the same level of security 
(well, to the extent that XP can get the same level of security!).

Sir Robin, now happily back in KDE

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Re: [newbie] xcdroast and burning CD's.

2002-06-08 Thread Todd Slater

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 10:09:36 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 08 June 2002 08:10 am, darklord wrote:
  On Friday 07 June 2002 07:53 pm, you wrote:
  I ust'a think the same, but lately burnin from the CL is
   easier, quicker, and safer than any GUI.  I recently thought
   Gcombust to be the most reliable, it's since proved me wrong :( 
   Then I discovered how quick and simple it was to burn from the
  Its been so odd about GUI frontends for burning here. Under 8.0, I
  used Koncd which worked great. Then, under 8.1, Koncd was broke so
  I used X-CD-Roast which worked great. Now under 8.2, X-CD-Roast
  won't see any CD in my DVD drive (reader) and I've been using
  Gcombust which (so far) has worked fine. What problems did you have
  with it Tom?
  When I'd try to load up a dir, Gcombust (and eroaster too IIRC) 
 would skip one or two files sayin they didn't exist.  'Course they 
 did and I could burn a CD of all the files usin the CL. Any of the 
 various GUI's froze up at one time or another, usually while 
 selecting files, or making the image to burn. I use to like Koncd, 
 but haven't had any luck gettin it to run since Mdk7.2.  Now I can 
 start to burn a CD in less time than most GUI's take to load just by 
 typing 'bdcd' cd_image, 'bacd' (in the dir where the wav's are), or 
 'biso' filename.iso   I just got tired of foolin with GUI front 
 ends. I suspect most all of 'em just haven't kept up with bleeding 
 edge distros like Mandrake.
 alias bdcd=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0 -data
  (need to make cd_image first, eg, 'mkisofs -r -o cd_image dir')
 alias biso=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0
 alias bacd=cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0 -pad -audio *.wav

I'm with you on this one, man. I spent so much time trying to configure
the gui that I hated it. I didn't realize how easy it was to burn from the
CL, now it's all I use. Haven't gotten around to making aliases yet,
though. Good idear!

I used this page to learn CL burning:

Todd Slater
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.
(Bertrand Russell)

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Re: Fw: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

2002-06-08 Thread Derek Jennings

Well I see nothing in your description to indicate it is a video card problem. 
The Geforce2MX is one of the most common cards around and is known to work in 
Linux with either the proprietary 'nvidia' driver or the Opensource 'nv' 
driver. Do not worry about 'i686' RPMs. Your P3 is able to run 
i686,i586,i486,or i386 optimised code.

I would still be suspicious of your hardware. You would be surprised how often 
we get mails like this in which the user says It works fine in Windows, and 
then it turns out there is a hardware fault. This is especially true of 
memory. For some reason Windows seems to be very tolerant of bad memory.

I would suggest
1/ Taking out your memory modules (if you are sufficiently technically 
competent) and cleaning the contacts with a pencil rubber (or eraser 
depending on which country you live in) Ensure your BIOS is using the correct 
memory timings for your memory chips.

2/ Make a memtest86 boot floppy and test the memory thoroughly as described in 
this post 

3/ Another reason could be an IRQ conflict between two devices in your 
computer. If you have any components you can remove such as Ethernet adapters 
try taking them out for a while and see if the freeezes go away.  If you do 
have an IRQ problem we can show you how to fix it.

4/ If you do get a freeze. Try to avoid hitting that reset button. You 
hopefully selected a journalised filesystem when you installed Linux such as 
Ext3, XFS, or ReiserFS which are much more tolerent of resets than the old 
Ext2 system. But all the same the 'graceful' way to kill the system is



  sorry, i filled my profile for mandrake experts and totally forgot to
  include it here;
  -qdi advance 10e mobo
  -viewsonic 70e monitor
  -512 mbs ram
  -nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400
  -intel pentium 3 797mhz
  everything works great on my windows partition so. i'm assuming it's a


  thing. usually while manipulating a window, i.e. minimizing, restoring
  the screen locks. i may or may not be able to still move the mouse but i
  can't do anything to the windows that are up or access the command line.
  which forces me to manually reboot. this happens about every 10 minutes.
  n.b. no funky overclocking etc, i assume linux is managing my memory,
  like i said it's running great on the o/s everybody loves to hate. thanks
  - Original Message -
  From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 3:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2
   Lots of people can try to help you, but we need more information.
   What hardware do you have? video card, monitor, motherboard etc
   What do you mean by 'freezing? How do you know it's a video card


   What are you doing when it happens?
   If you are getting random system freezes my first instinct would be a
   problem. You are not overclocking or using 'aggressive' memory settings
   Do not be afraid to give too much info. It is better than too little.
   On Saturday 08 June 2002 4:02 am, Rainer wrote:
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:52 PM
Subject: nvidia and man 8.2

 i'm relatively new to linux and just bought a standard 8.2 box. i


 extremely surprised when my monitor continuely froze, since my


 geforce graphic's card worked fine on 8.1. i was told at mandrake
 download the latest drivers, which i did, but unfortuanately there
 for i686 architecture (i was told to install the i586). my monitor


 freezing. does anyone here have a solution for this problem,


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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

robin wrote:
 Randy Kramer wrote:

Just for the record, I didn't write what you attributed to me.  I think
Dan W. Dooley wrote it, but I'm not absolutely sure.  

 So is it a case of comparing apples and pears (i.e. recent versions of
 KDE with old versions of Windows)?  

Perhaps.  I've made this comparison / complaint with Win95 vs. Caldera
2.2, 2.4, RedHat 5.2, 6.0, 6.2, Mandrake 6.0, 6.2, 7.0, 7.2, 8.1, and
I'm now installing Mandrake 8.2.  I've never had the need to upgrade
beyond Win95, and don't plan to spend the money to do so.  (I have
worked on a few comparable machines with Win98, and saw no real
difference in speed.)  Win 95 has worked well for me with 32 MB or
less.  (I now have 64 MB installed.)

 At least KDE will run on my office
 machine, whereas I doubt if XP would (it only has 64MB of RAM). Like it
 or not, desktops and applications that want to be full-featured tend to
 assume that people have at the very least 128MB of RAM on at least a
 500MHz CPU, preferably more and faster.  I'd be interested to see
 performance compared between XP and Mandrake 8.2/KDE, with both boxes
 running the same kinds of services with the same level of security
 (well, to the extent that XP can get the same level of security!).
 Sir Robin, now happily back in KDE

I agree, I expect to stay with KDE, perhaps using a few GNOME (and other
non-KDE) applications.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: Fw: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

2002-06-08 Thread robin

Rainer wrote:

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

sorry, i filled my profile for mandrake experts and totally forgot to
include it here;
-qdi advance 10e mobo
-viewsonic 70e monitor
-512 mbs ram
-nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400
-intel pentium 3 797mhz

everything works great on my windows partition so. i'm assuming it's a


thing. usually while manipulating a window, i.e. minimizing, restoring the
screen locks. i may or may not be able to still move the mouse but i can't
do anything to the windows that are up or access the command line. which
forces me to manually reboot. this happens about every 10 minutes. n.b. no
funky overclocking etc, i assume linux is managing my memory, like i said
it's running great on the o/s everybody loves to hate. thanks

- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fw: nvidia and man 8.2

Lots of people can try to help you, but we need more information.

What hardware do you have? video card, monitor, motherboard etc

What do you mean by 'freezing? How do you know it's a video card


What are you doing when it happens?

If you are getting random system freezes my first instinct would be a


problem. You are not overclocking or using 'aggressive' memory settings



Do not be afraid to give too much info. It is better than too little.


On Saturday 08 June 2002 4:02 am, Rainer wrote:

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:52 PM
Subject: nvidia and man 8.2


i'm relatively new to linux and just bought a standard 8.2 box. i


extremely surprised when my monitor continuely froze, since my


geforce graphic's card worked fine on 8.1. i was told at mandrake



download the latest drivers, which i did, but unfortuanately there



for i686 architecture (i was told to install the i586). my monitor



freezing. does anyone here have a solution for this problem,

It seems to be the same problem as I had some time back and posted here. 
 The glitch, whatever it is, is in the kernel.  My solution (well, 
workaround) was to reinstall Mandrake 8.0, then do an upgrade packages 
only upgrade to 8.2, then boot from my old kernel.  A more elegant 
(though still not entirely satisfying) approach would be to install your 
old kernel in addition to the new one (haven't tried it, but it ought to 
work for downgrades just like it does for upgrades).

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 06:39 am, Dan W. Dooley did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 I understand.  It is disappointing, and to me (my humble opinion)
 counters the claims of Linux being a good choice on more modest hardware.
  At least that was always the impression I had.

sadly you are not making the best compare here.  8.x with kde is more like 
the version of windows due out after xp :)

seriously, to windows, cpu rules.  to linux it is RAM.  my wife has a dual 
box with 2000 and 8.2 and if i remove half her RAM it is the same way, but 
with the 158 or so she has, 8.2 with kde3 is much faster than 2000.  enough 
so in fact that she now hates 2000.

also, nt, 2000, 98 and 95 compare to older mandrake versions.  like 7.x, 
depending.  compare nt to 7.1.

the point of modest hardware is that it can be made useful, not that it can 
be made into a powerful machine.  a p75 with low RAM makes a great firewall 
for example, but a poor main computer.  linux is wonderful, but it isn't 

- -- 
Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open 

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 08:54 am, robin did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I'd be interested to see
 performance compared between XP and Mandrake 8.2/KDE, with both boxes
 running the same kinds of services with the same level of security
 (well, to the extent that XP can get the same level of security!).

as i said in another msg, i can compare 8.2/kde3 to 2000 on a dual boot, and 
8.2 is the same or slightly faster, kde3 actually speeds things up in most 
cases.  my wife now curses her (faster cpu, more ram) work machine running 
2000 becausse her slower home linux machine beats it hands down.  if i 
could make her hp scanner run in linux it wouldn't be a dual boot 

- -- 
I do not believe that I am dreaming this life, but I can not prove that I 
am not. -Bertrand Russell

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 07:36 am, Ralph Slooten did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Sorry if I offend anyone, this is not ment to raise anyone's hair, but
 Nautilus is more usefull as an egg-timer.. damn it's so slow. Yes it
 looks good, just like Gnome does, but speed and efficiency is what I
 believe Linux is about.

gnome looks good?  insert evil grin here

- -- 
One of the surest signs of intelligent in outer space is that it hasn't 
contacted us yet.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Printer stops at half work

2002-06-08 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 3:39 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Have you tried backing off on the resolution? 600 x 600 works well
 for me, and I've found that 300 x 300 is adequate for text-based
 material. Less pixels, less information, quicker response. Just a
 thought... -- cmg

There are different 600x600s and 300x300s :)

If printing anything out which isn't for my own use black print with the 
Lexmark is barely OK at 600x600, and unacceptably 'woolly' at 300x300, 
unless I use glossy paper. (Compare a laser printer).

Colour printing is just disastrous, with colours washed out and the 
matching not even remotely near to what it should be :/

That said, with the Lexmark ink cartridges almost £40 a pair I'll 
replace the whole thing with something Linux-friendlier next time they 
run out. (Probably a HP).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 3:36 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:

 There you have it... Gnome or KDE. To be honest I haven't had any
 experience with KDE the last year or so, but I do know that Gnome is
 really becomming dissapointing in terms of speed. I first started
 using Linux which Redhat 6.1 or something, and in those days Gnome
 was a simple but efficient desktop. These days, especially since
 Mandrake's encorporation of Gnome with Nautilus, it has become a sad

 Sorry if I offend anyone, this is not ment to raise anyone's hair,
 but Nautilus is more usefull as an egg-timer.. damn it's so slow. Yes
 it looks good, just like Gnome does, but speed and efficiency is what
 I believe Linux is about.

 I have been using Fluxbox for the last 5 months now or so, and it's
 so damn fast compared to Gnome. Simple and Sweet. This is not an
 andertisment for Fluxbox, as there are many simplified Desktop
 managers around. Maybe give another one a try, and see if your
 performance increases?

 Just my 2.2 Euro-cents ;-)

Have a look at www.gentoo.org; the installation process is brutal but 
the concept - a facilitated build from scratch - is very interesting.

Unlike the usual multi-CD or DVD extravaganza the single distribution CD 
installs a minimal Linux which is then thrown away after it downloads 
and compiles everything _according to your hardware setup_ from 

The fact that everything in Mandrake is generic (installed via prebuilt 
RPMs) and thus compiled defensively is probably why KDE and Gnome (and 
others) are slow. (That said, gentoo would be unacceptable for just 
about every new user; speed is inversely proportional to ease of 
installation ;)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] SmartMedia reader recommendations

2002-06-08 Thread Joseph Braddock

I'm using a PNY Smart Media reader.  Got it from Staples for $19.99.  While it doesn't 
mention Linux (the diskette with the drivers were Windows only), it works like a charm 
under Linux.


On Thu, 6 Jun 2002 00:06:46 -0600
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'd like to get rid of the jungle of wires that's
 passing itself off as a SmartMedia reader. What
 brand is the most Linux-friendly? What models?

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Re: [newbie] run windows executable in Linux ...

2002-06-08 Thread Charlie

June 7, 2002 11:23 pm, Vincent Colombo wrote:
 Wow. I really don't think someone asking, on a Linux mailing list, if
 there's free software to do what they want to do is unreasonable. He
 didn't ask if someone had a cracked version of these programs. He didn't
 even say he wasn't willing to pay for something. Just seemed to be
 asking honest question to me. Way to jump down this persons throat.


Hi Vince;

Firstly, thanks for the link to Bochs since I'd never heard of it before. 
I've never had a need for any of the W32 emulation packages so I probably 
haven't been as vigilant as I should be in keeping abreast of who's doing 

Onward and sideways: 

I wasn't trying to imply anything about the reason for Farshad's asking that 
question, nor was I jumping down his throat; and I probably left out a part 
of the reply that would have better explained why I said what I did. But 
that's just a failure to communicate on my part.

My intent was to try and condense the  answers that I've seen in three years 
of reading to a Reader's Digest Version of what Free as in Free Software 
Foundation means. With emphasis on the fact that it doesn't mean developers 
can't charge for their work, and that these developers are people with real 
lives and real families that live in the same real world as we do. 

I'd like to be able to get everything free too; but since I don't game I 
don't need WineX. Since Open Office fills the need for Office Suite 
functions for me so far I don't need CrossOver Plug Wine. Or whatever they 
call it. 

Mostly it's that since I left Windows behind 27 months ago; I haven't felt a 
need to do anything in Linux that I wasn't able to do, without having to fool 
this system into thinking it's running MS BloatWare. If (when/probably/ 
maybe) I do find something that requires Windows Functionality to run I'll 
search out the developer(s)/company that can deliver it and _BUY_ a copy of 
it. That will satisfy _my_ need; not the Open Source Community's need so I 
should be the one to pay for a copy of what I need.

I meant no offense to anyone, and I don't mean to imply that I thought 
anything that was said was out of line; whether Farshad's question, or the 
responses by anyone else, or your protest of what I said. The way I read his 
question was that he was asking for the definition of free software as it 
relates to the FSF and that's what I answered. He'd already gotten good 
answers to the function question.

But I do mean that I'll gladly pay for something that allows me the 
flexibility to do what I want without being saddled with BillyG and his 
legions of darkness. YMMV.

I don't download MP3s either, I rip tracks from CDs I've bought, but I don't 
share them or trade them; but that's another topic.

And to Farshad; when looking for a software solution to a particular need 
that you have, it's always advisable to do some research since you know 
exactly what you want/need. Whether free or shareware or commercial, I always 
suggest Google. Like this example of a Google search for the words (no quotes 
I typed exactly what you see inside the quotes) free software shareware:

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Man will never fly.  Space travel is merely a dream.  All aspirin is alike.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] test

2002-06-08 Thread D. Olson

On Saturday 08 June 2002 10:46 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 08 June 2002 12:11 am, D. Olson wrote:
  On Friday 07 June 2002 11:50 pm, you wrote:
   On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 23:12:01 -0400
   D. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Friday 07 June 2002 07:33 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 08 June 2002 00:24, you wrote:
  On Friday 07 June 2002 06:53 pm, you wrote:
   On Saturday 08 June 2002 00:23, Derek Byram wrote:
On Friday 07 June 2002 15:03, you wrote:
 On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Jay wrote:

 Oh tks! ;-)

 But as someone has mentioned before... this kind of thread
 is only possible due to the subscribers maturity level as
 well as nice sense of humor and fellowship!

 Ricardo Castanho

 I can't help but laugh at what this thread has become
 Some file permisions needed fixing and a setting in
  On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Jay wrote:
 I was having problems sending to the list, but I fixed
  fixed what? ;-)
  On Wednesday 05 June 2002 08:31 pm, you wrote:
  On Thu, 06 Jun 2002 08:24, D. Olson wrote:
   On Wednesday 05 June 2002 09:47 am, you wrote:
On Wednesday 05 June 2002 06:32 am, Jay wrote:
It works.
-- cmg
   What works?
  Jays test works.
  Jay who?
What thread???
   Don't push it ;o)
  Don't push what
  Why can't anyone speak coherently?


 Why can't you leave my sig in the mail ;p
What sig???
   i told you, everyone. this thread belongs to the expert list
   now we are all confused..
  What expert list?

 New record for posts per byte. Brevity rules.

What record?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 08 June 2002 10:13 am, you wrote:
 Something doesn't have to be just like something else to work the same
 way.  What I mean by work the same way is, to be an environment within
 which I can run the applications I need to run to fulfill my reasons for
 using the computer in the first place.

 If my intent is to spend time playing with, tweaking, patching, exploring,
 experimenting, etc., then fine, a CLI based OS is probably fine.  If on the
 other hand, I want - or need boxes which set there ready and host the
 applications I need, and allow me to do so without having to type in a long
 string of commands and parameters and whatever each time I want to run one
 of the apps, or worse yet, to upgrade a driver or app, I've got to download
 some code and go through a compilation process, which may or may not work.

 My interest IS looking for a Windows replacement.  Windows (NT, 2000) work
 just fine and do everything I want and need them to do.  However, I, like
 most if not all of you all have had it up to our ears with MS and their
 bull.  I am dead serious in that I think MS needs real competition.  Not
 only in the server world but on the desktop as well.  No OS will ever be
 serious competition for Windows unless it can be a viable replacement for
 Windows.  And no, you can't use Linux instead of Windows unless you can
 do with it what you can with Windows.  I've got a well functioning domain
 network here at my house running 2000 Server and previously NT Server
 hosting several other computers, running 24/7 with none of the claimed MS
 crashes.  So, my expectations for a replacement OS are very high.

 Sorry for the rant, folks but this has been a sore point for me for a long

 Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
 May Goddes love blest ye alle

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 9:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

  I am sure I'll get flamed for this, but I don't think Linux is a
  replacement for Windows. Linux is a robust *nix clone. I think you can
  use Linux instead of Windows.
  But I personally hope that Linux is never a replacement for Windows. I
  don't like Windows and don't want Linux to be just like Windows.

I agree with you on all your points, but am not sure what is causing your 
problem.  I have  a home LAN setup with 5 computers and a stand alone 
firewall/router, with two still on windows and the rest Mandrake-linux. The 
fire wall is SNF with all updates and one of the computers is acting as my 
web host server using Apache. The workstations range from intel 166 mhz to an 
AMD Duron 1ghz powered computer.  All run very well and all linux boxes run 
KDE.  Speed differences are barely perceptable to me.  Locally  the 1ghz 
machine is noticebly faster than the others but for internet surfing etc, the 
differences don't seem to be huge.  Maybe if you try drakopt which should 
be on 8.2 download discs.  Or if you are using 8.1, which if I recall had 
some speed issues with some machines due to the kernel version, upgrade to 
8.2.  For me, and this is just my situation, Mandrake-Linux is a replacement 
intotal for Windows.  Oh,  I don't have games on my list of needs so I 
don't use wine or any of those programs. 
Just to close, I have watch Mandrakesoft bring their distribution along for 
nearly three years now and I believe that within the next 1 to 2 years you 
and a  lot of other people will find no reason to have MS installed on your 
computers.  Assuming MS does not change their ways. 
Just my $.02,
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] run windows executable in Linux ...

2002-06-08 Thread D. Olson

On Saturday 08 June 2002 11:37 am, you wrote:
 On Friday 07 June 2002 11:16 pm, D. Olson did speak unto the huddled

  On Saturday 08 June 2002 01:23 am, you wrote:
   Wow. I really don't think someone asking, on a Linux mailing list, if
   there's free software to do what they want to do is unreasonable. He
   didn't ask if someone had a cracked version of these programs. He
   didn't even say he wasn't willing to pay for something. Just seemed to
   be asking honest question to me. Way to jump down this persons throat.
  Good grief I wasn't trying to jump down anyone's throat...
  I always come across that way, and I don't mean to... I need to learn how
  to type or communicate or something.

 well if it helps it didn't sound like an attack to me, but a well explained
 answer to the question.  maybe we lack (have?) the same communication
 skills... dammit!  ;)

Thanks. It's really hard to communicate emotions via text, so people assume 
things that aren't necessarily true. It happens to me all the time... 
Expecially on forums.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Bill Davidson

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 07:19:13 -0500
Dan W. Dooley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so
 much slower than Windows on the same machine?
 An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
 integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server
 4, Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in
 operation(speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise
 MS here) and Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly
 slow.  From the time I click on an icon to do anything, that can be
 running Control Center, or any of the installed apps off of the Linux
 CD until the app is up on screen is several times longer than a
 comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel, for example) under Windows.
 Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red
 Hat on another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.

If you said Windoze98, I could understand this. But not 2000 server. I
have a 300MHz PII machine with 160MB of ram with mandrake8.2 and win98.
KDE runs slower than win98 and xvce runs much faster than either one. I
also have a laptop with a 500MHz PIII and 128MB of ram with win2k and
mandrake8.2. Win2k is a pig. Even kde on either of these machines runs
circles around it.

Now I see you've got a slower machine with less ram. I would suggest
trying one of the lighter desktops like xfce. I definately wouldn't
suggest kde on a machine like that. It just wants too much memory.


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[newbie]network configuration

2002-06-08 Thread Matthias Monreal

Hi to all,

First off, thanks for the help I received so 

The correct detection and installment of my 
ethernet card on boot seems to be a random occurance. More often than not 
do I get the message: cardmgr[449]: get dev info on socket 1 failed: resource 
temporarily unavailable. Sometimes its detected fine though - apparently 
without me having change any of the configuration. 

I know that part of the message is sent by ifup, 
when searching (and not finding the device). Does anybody have a 
suggestion what to change?

Thanks a lot in advance,



Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 07:19:13 -0500, Dan W. Dooley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
 slower than Windows on the same machine?
 An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
 integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
 Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
 (speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here) and
 Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the time I
 click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control Center, or any
 of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is up on screen is
 several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel, for
 example) under Windows.
 Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat on
 another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.

There can be several reasons for this. The first may be that your hardware is
not supported in GNU/Linux as well as it is in Windows. Integrated video
solutions tend to be highly proprietary (making it difficult for open source
developers to make drivers) and of poor quality. Your CPU is quite slow by
today's standards, and you don't have much RAM. Windows may _seem_ fast, but try
loading and using many apps at once. Windows will fall over, while GNU/Linux
should do well. I have a Pentium II 350MHz with 256MB of RAM. With that lowly
machine, I can compile code with gcc while running (and using) Konqueror and
Galeon with thirty or more windows open, all in GNOME. With all that and more
running, I can still use my system.

I don't think your comparison is very fair. KDE and GNOME are far more powerful
than the Windows GUI, and so need some extra power. The Win95/NT4 interface, for
example, would correspond best to IceWM, not to KDE or GNOME. IceWM is very
fast; I suggest you try it. Which versions of KDE and GNOME are you using for
comparison? KDE 3 is much faster than KDE 2 (which is currently found in
Mandrake). GNOME 1 has received little developer attention in the past year, and
most resources are focused on GNOME 2. GNOME 2, due later this month, is far
speedier than its predecessor.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

If the human brain were so simple we could understand it,
we would be so simple that we couldn't.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Franki

I'd just like to say somthing on this subject..

recently I have setup several linux servers in ordinary business's,,
mandrake in all these cases..

I use Mandrake to be a httpd server, samba domain server.. database,  mail
server, and NAT server.. and with the mail all of them scan all emails in
and out for virus's..

All of the business's have declaired their delight at the success.. they all
have servers that have been set and forget the only thing that I do, is
remotely log in once a month and run MandrakeUpdate over ssh remotely and
keep them up to date.. everything else they do themselves. (some of them
have uptimes over 100 days.) and none of them have had any problems. and all
of them would need over 2500 bucks (Australian)of windoze software to
replace them. (exchange server, win2000 server , MsSQL, antivirus like KAV
or something.. etc etc..)

I have also handed my old mandrake disks over to some windows users (7.2 and
8.1), and they all seem to love it..

I showed my sister linux, and she begged me to install it on her computer.

I have been running linux on everything from 486's to AMD XP2100+ and P4's,,
and never had a real speed problem with it..

Things I do for workstations is:
- Tune the hard drives with hdparm. (very important.. in most cases you can
double speed.)
- Remove all unnecessary process's.. (they all chew CPU and RAM, so losing
anything you are not using helps.)
- Choose a fast file system, (usually Reiserfs, but I am playing with XFS as
- Run a window manager that is suited to the PC its running on.. in lower
end cases, icewm runs very very well. KDE3 or 2.1.X is akin to running XP on
a low end PC, it just doesn't happen..

As for real performance. keep in mind that linux canes windoze for many
server tasks like httpd now..

The PC that does all my dialy stuff at home, is an old P233 system.. it
plays MP3's runs httpd, samba, postfix, DNS and alot of other stuff, and KDE
is still bearable on top of that.. but I use Icewm cos its faster.

The newer the kernel, the faster it seems to get, as they improve the vm and
other aspects..

I love linux, I still use windoze for some stuff, (like testing scripts I
write for cross platform compatability) but more and more I am moving to
linux for everything.. soon I will test my scripts for windows compatability
from a linux system. :-)

in summary, tune your system, keep it up to date.. and only use what you
need to.
and get as much ram as you can in your system,, thats a good idea no matter
what OS your running.
the general concensus is that Windoze XP isn't really all that useable
either with only 256MB ram.
but mdk8.2 runs pretty good with 128-196mb.. and it can run a GUI and still
be 5 or 6 different types of server.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Sunday, 9 June 2002 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

On Saturday 08 June 2002 10:13 am, you wrote:
 Something doesn't have to be just like something else to work the same
 way.  What I mean by work the same way is, to be an environment within
 which I can run the applications I need to run to fulfill my reasons for
 using the computer in the first place.

 If my intent is to spend time playing with, tweaking, patching, exploring,
 experimenting, etc., then fine, a CLI based OS is probably fine.  If on
 other hand, I want - or need boxes which set there ready and host the
 applications I need, and allow me to do so without having to type in a
 string of commands and parameters and whatever each time I want to run one
 of the apps, or worse yet, to upgrade a driver or app, I've got to
 some code and go through a compilation process, which may or may not work.

 My interest IS looking for a Windows replacement.  Windows (NT, 2000) work
 just fine and do everything I want and need them to do.  However, I, like
 most if not all of you all have had it up to our ears with MS and their
 bull.  I am dead serious in that I think MS needs real competition.  Not
 only in the server world but on the desktop as well.  No OS will ever be
 serious competition for Windows unless it can be a viable replacement
 Windows.  And no, you can't use Linux instead of Windows unless you can
 do with it what you can with Windows.  I've got a well functioning domain
 network here at my house running 2000 Server and previously NT Server
 hosting several other computers, running 24/7 with none of the claimed MS
 crashes.  So, my expectations for a replacement OS are very high.

 Sorry for the rant, folks but this has been a sore point for me for a long

 Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
 May Goddes love blest ye alle

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 9:09 AM
 Subject: Re: 

Re: [newbie] help needed for Java and Konqueror

2002-06-08 Thread Charlie

June 8, 2002 03:22 am, Stormjumper wrote:

 If installed, uninstall 'kaffe'. Go to
 http://wwws.sun.com/software/java2/download.html and D'l

 Open a console, log as root and type: ./j2re-1_3_1-linux-i386-rpm.bin

 If everything go OK you get a file named jre-1.3.1.i386.rpm

 Run: rpm -ivh jre-1.3.1.i386.rpm

 Then. open Konqueror and point Konqueror to: /usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java

 Buena suerte.

Good instructions but, the site is ...down for maintenance from 6:30 AM to 
3:00 PM Saturday June 8, 2002... 

Or so it says. :-)
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Q:  How do you keep a moron in suspense?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie]network configuration

2002-06-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 08 June 2002 01:18 pm, you wrote:
 Hi to all,

 First off, thanks for the help I received so far!

 The correct detection and installment of my ethernet card on boot seems to
 be a random occurance.  More often than not do I get the message:
 cardmgr[449]: get dev info on socket 1 failed: resource temporarily
 unavailable.  Sometimes its detected fine though - apparently without me
 having change any of the configuration.

 I know that part of the message is sent by ifup, when searching (and not
 finding the device).  Does anybody have a suggestion  what to change?

 Thanks a lot in advance,


Matthias, I was having something of the same problem. I went out and bought a 
new NIC card and all the problems went away. The old card was bugging out on 
me.  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] test

2002-06-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 08 June 2002 01:10 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 08 June 2002 10:46 am, you wrote:
  On Saturday 08 June 2002 12:11 am, D. Olson wrote:
   On Friday 07 June 2002 11:50 pm, you wrote:
On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 23:12:01 -0400
D. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 07 June 2002 07:33 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 08 June 2002 00:24, you wrote:
   On Friday 07 June 2002 06:53 pm, you wrote:
On Saturday 08 June 2002 00:23, Derek Byram wrote:
 On Friday 07 June 2002 15:03, you wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Jay wrote:
  Oh tks! ;-)
  But as someone has mentioned before... this kind of
  thread is only possible due to the subscribers maturity
  level as well as nice sense of humor and fellowship!
  Ricardo Castanho
  I can't help but laugh at what this thread has
  Some file permisions needed fixing and a setting in
   On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Jay wrote:
  I was having problems sending to the list, but I fixed
   fixed what? ;-)
   On Wednesday 05 June 2002 08:31 pm, you wrote:
   On Thu, 06 Jun 2002 08:24, D. Olson wrote:
On Wednesday 05 June 2002 09:47 am, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 05 June 2002 06:32 am, Jay wrote:

 It works.
 -- cmg
What works?
   Jays test works.
   Jay who?

 What thread???
Don't push it ;o)
   Don't push what
   Why can't anyone speak coherently?
  Why can't you leave my sig in the mail ;p

 What sig???
i told you, everyone. this thread belongs to the expert list
now we are all confused..
   What expert list?
  New record for posts per byte. Brevity rules.

 What record?
You guys crack me up! ROTHFL
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Dan W. Dooley

Bill, I may try some of the other interfaces.  Apparently KDE is just too
memory demanding for that machine.

I previously had 8.1 installed on my main computer here (at the time a 533
MHz Celeron with 256 MB of RAM) and it was glaringly slow compared to Win
2000 Pro.  Again, that version of KDE may have been the culprit.

Win 2000Pro on this machine (now upgraded to a 900 Duron) flies.  2000
Server on the old 533 Celeron is quite fast as well.  I've not tried Linux
on either of these machines recently.  Can't tie them down with
experimenting.  That's why I'm using the extra box for playing with Linux.
My comparison for speed had been with that machine on which I had previously
had a Win2k Server install and currently NT 4.  Both NT and W2K run
magnitudes faster than KDE on that machine.  Couldn't stay with W2K on it as
it did not support the old SCSI card I've got in it to run my tape drive.
NT runs it just fine.

MD8.2 has seen this SCSI card so I'm hoping that I can try it out.  See if I
can access that tape drive for backup purposes.

Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
   e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
May Goddes love blest ye alle

- Original Message -
From: Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

 If you said Windoze98, I could understand this. But not 2000 server. I
 have a 300MHz PII machine with 160MB of ram with mandrake8.2 and win98.
 KDE runs slower than win98 and xvce runs much faster than either one. I
 also have a laptop with a 500MHz PIII and 128MB of ram with win2k and
 mandrake8.2. Win2k is a pig. Even kde on either of these machines runs
 circles around it.

 Now I see you've got a slower machine with less ram. I would suggest
 trying one of the lighter desktops like xfce. I definately wouldn't
 suggest kde on a machine like that. It just wants too much memory.


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Re: [newbie] How to set up Apache to host personal web page

2002-06-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 05 June 2002 11:02 pm, you wrote:
My site:  www.barrymichels.com is running under Apache.  I found it
very easy to setup.  Just install and put all your html docs in
/var/www/html. Not much to it.  IIRC, it took about a half-hour to
get up  running. Then another 4 hours to translate all my ASP code
into PHP.  If the OS installs it during setup (like my current
installation), then it's even easier since all you do is place your
files in the published directory.

 Looks, great,
 where did you find those good-looking models?

A kid next door made them for me with his penknife and some old sticks from 
the backyard.  :  )  
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread et

On Saturday 08 June 2002 08:19 am, you wrote:
 Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
 slower than Windows on the same machine?

 An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
 integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
 Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
 (speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here) and
 Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the time
 I click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control Center, or
 any of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is up on screen
 is several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or Control Panel,
 for example) under Windows.

 Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat on
 another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.


 Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
 May Goddes love blest ye alle
error between seat and keyboard during each and every linux install... my 

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Re: [newbie] Printer stops at half work

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

Alastair Scott wrote:
 That said, with the Lexmark ink cartridges almost £40 a pair I'll
 replace the whole thing with something Linux-friendlier next time they
 run out. (Probably a HP).

I recommend you consider Canon.  The big selling point for me is that
the cartridges are usually easy to refill, much easier than HP.

I finally got my Canon BJC 3000 to print under Linux (with the
installation of Mandrake 8.2), but haven't tested it for very long, but
(with the foomatic bjc-600 driver) it looks equivalent to what I see
when printing under Windows.

The cartridges it uses are easy to refill, you just pust a BB out of the
way to create a hole into the ink reservoir, add ink (holding it so the
ink doesn't leak out through the sponge and drip somewhere), then reseal
the hole by some means.  (Like a replacement BB, a small rubber BB, or
package sealing tape -- you do have to seal the hole to be airtight --
I've seen another approach with a set screw and package sealing tape.)

Some Canons (like the portable I used for a number of years, can't
remember the number) can be refilled just by pulling out the ink
cartridge turning it upside down, and dripping ink onto the exposed
sponge, slow enough so that it is absorbed.  That might even work with
the cartridges for my BJC-3000, although it might be a much slower

As always, buyer beware -- look at the cartridges in any printer you
consider buying -- Canon probably makes some cartridges that are not
nearly that easy to refill.

I never had much success with HP cartridges (for example, the HP 51629A
and the color partner to that cartridge) -- the instructions call for
you to get a slight negative air pressure in the cartridge.  Whether
because I wasn't getting the right negative pressure, or the nozzles
were plugging up, or whatever, only about half the cartridges I refilled
worked properly afterwards.

Beware also of Xerox.  My uncle bought a Xerox partly on my
semi-recommendation that the cartridges appeared to be as easy to
refill as the Canon.  They are not.  I don't know if they incorporate
some electronic gizmo to prevent them from being refilled or not, or
what, but I had no luck at all.  Half the time after reinstalling the
cartridge, the printer did not recognize / accept the refilled
cartridge.  In addition, this cartridge looks like it might hold a fair
amount of ink, but when you peel the paper cover off, you see that only
about 1/8 of the possible storage volume is used to contain ink.

I'm going to cut and paste this on to a WikiLearn page: see
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/RefillingInkJetCartridges.  Feel
free to add your own comments and experiences about refilling ink jet
cartridges (or your recommendations on buying ink jet printers, on

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[newbie] Konqueror 2.2.2 (Mandrake 8.2): Lines don't wrap properly in textarea box

2002-06-08 Thread Randy Kramer

I just installed Mandrake 8.2 successfully and it's solved a few
problems I had with Mandrake 8.1.

But, Konqueror 2.2.2 exhibits a new problem.  When I try to edit a
WikiLearn (TWiki) page, the lines (in the textarea box) don't wrap
properly -- they wrap at about 123 characters instead of the width of
the box.  (In addition, there is no horizontal scrollbar on the textarea

Anybody experience anything similar or know how to solve it?  I've tried
looking at the konqueror settings but don't see anything likely to be a

When I remember (or find) exactly what to delete, I'll try deleting the
.kde files and restart kde to see if that helps.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] Attempting to re-compile Mandrake vmlinuz-2.4.18-6mdk

2002-06-08 Thread Mike Pruden

Need some help re-compiling version 2.4.18-6mdk of 
mandrake linux. I installed this version from a cdrom onto my 
laptop. The problem I am encountering is that this version enables 
automatic power management by default. On my laptop SIS630 this causes my 
laptop to power down every few secounds.

I am familiar with using make -e on tar files and 
changing the parameters that I need to change, but since I installed this from a 
cdrom I do not find any tar file in the /usr/src directory, or anywhere else 
that I can think to look. The only kernel that I can identify is in the 
/boot directory, and it is listed as vmlinuz-2.4.18-6mdk. I am not sure 
how to re-compile this to enable me to turn off the automatic power management 

Any help would be appreciated.


Mike Pruden

Re: [newbie] How to set up Apache to host personal web page

2002-06-08 Thread Barry Michels

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to set up Apache to host personal web page

 On Wednesday 05 June 2002 11:02 pm, you wrote:
 My site:  www.barrymichels.com is running under Apache.  I found
 very easy to setup.  Just install and put all your html docs in
 /var/www/html. Not much to it.  IIRC, it took about a half-hour to
 get up  running. Then another 4 hours to translate all my ASP
 into PHP.  If the OS installs it during setup (like my current
 installation), then it's even easier since all you do is place
 files in the published directory.
  Looks, great,
  where did you find those good-looking models?

 A kid next door made them for me with his penknife and some old sticks
 the backyard.  :  )
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

hmm, must've missed the original reply
The first 9 are Gillian Anderson and the last one is Charlize Theron.  All
of them are drawn from either magazines or from printed images downloaded
from the internet.


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Re: [newbie] How to set up Apache to host personal web page

2002-06-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 08 June 2002 03:35 pm, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 3:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How to set up Apache to host personal web page

  On Wednesday 05 June 2002 11:02 pm, you wrote:
  My site:  www.barrymichels.com is running under Apache.  I found


  very easy to setup.  Just install and put all your html docs in
  /var/www/html. Not much to it.  IIRC, it took about a half-hour
  to get up  running. Then another 4 hours to translate all my ASP


  into PHP.  If the OS installs it during setup (like my current
  installation), then it's even easier since all you do is place


  files in the published directory.
   Looks, great,
   where did you find those good-looking models?
  A kid next door made them for me with his penknife and some old sticks


  the backyard.  :  )
  Dennis M. linux user #180842

 hmm, must've missed the original reply
 The first 9 are Gillian Anderson and the last one is Charlize Theron.  All
 of them are drawn from either magazines or from printed images downloaded
 from the internet.

Then you must have the wrong web page.  Check to see if you used cause you ought to see some doll buggys and chairs. 
Hehe.  No other kinds of models used.  
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie]network configuration

2002-06-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 08 June 2002 01:18 pm, you wrote:
 Hi to all,

 First off, thanks for the help I received so far!

 The correct detection and installment of my ethernet card on boot seems to
 be a random occurance.  More often than not do I get the message:
 cardmgr[449]: get dev info on socket 1 failed: resource temporarily
 unavailable.  Sometimes its detected fine though - apparently without me
 having change any of the configuration.

 I know that part of the message is sent by ifup, when searching (and not
 finding the device).  Does anybody have a suggestion  what to change?

 Thanks a lot in advance,


One other thought before replacing the card, take it out , lightly clean the 
contacts with an eraser and reset it.  Worked on a failed to detect sound 
card once. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

2002-06-08 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 09 Jun 2002 10:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 compaqs are compat. with linux

Now there is a broad sweeping statement for you.

Which compaq computer? What model modem? Not all compaq's nor all modems are 


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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Lee

I can testify...That's has always been my problem!


On Saturday 08 June 2002 03:37 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 08 June 2002 08:19 am, you wrote:
  Can someone explain to me why Linux under KDE or Gnome would run so much
  slower than Windows on the same machine?
  An older HP Vectra with a 200 MHz Pent.; 80 meg RAM; two harddrives;
  integrated video.  This machine has had Windows 2000 Server, NT Server 4,
  Linux 8.2, and currently NT and 8.2 on it.  The difference in operation
  (speed wise) between the two MS systems (not trying to praise MS here)
  and Linux is like night and day.  Linux is excruciatingly slow.  From the
  time I click on an icon to do anything, that can be running Control
  Center, or any of the installed apps off of the Linux CD until the app is
  up on screen is several times longer than a comparable app (Explorer or
  Control Panel, for example) under Windows.
  Oh yes, previous installs with 8.1, on this machine and 8.1 plus Red Hat
  on another and much faster machine produced the same comparisons.
  Dan W. Dooley  WB5TKA  Bedford, Texas
 e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Web address: http://www.qsl.net/wb9tka
  May Goddes love blest ye alle

 error between seat and keyboard during each and every linux install... my

Registered Linux user #223705

The best indication that there is intelligent life elsewhere is that they 
haven't contacted us.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance - Derek Bok

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

do i hear an amen brother?  :)

On Saturday 08 June 2002 07:05 pm, Lee did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I can testify...That's has always been my problem!

  error between seat and keyboard during each and every linux install...
  my guess

- -- 
Psychic Convention. If you belong there, you will KNOW when and where.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Konqueror 2.2.2 (Mandrake 8.2): Lines don't wrap properly in textarea box

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 05:47 pm, Randy Kramer did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 PS: With respect to your bank and konq -- I guess you tried the ways to
 let konqueror pretend it's some other browser?  (I don't know how to do
 it, but I understand it can be done.)

it can be done with the hats button if you have it on your bar or in 
config  user agent  :)

indeed i have, and it doesn't seem to be the point, in fact my wife is 
senior VP of tech audit for my bank, and they do everything they can to be 
linux friendly i assure you, but the latest kinq build sends an empty field 
in the form for transfering money.  i can view everything, but can't 
specify any amounts back to them..

- -- 
My job is bring comfort to the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] test

2002-06-08 Thread g

please, children, enough.

once, funny. twice, a grin. 14, ridiculous.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] test

2002-06-08 Thread Michael Viron

been having some problems lately with posts not showing on the list.


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[newbie] cylinders, sectors and heads trouble

2002-06-08 Thread H. Narfi Stefansson

In my previous life, I was young and ignorant and I bought a WD drive! ... 
well, I'm at least not young anymore .-) I installed mdk on this second 
harddrive of mine and the setup was with (cylinders, heads, sectors,) = 
(77545, 16, 63)
However, after I moved the hard drive to a my new motherboard and 
installed mdk 8.2, fdisk and diskdrake report the geometry as
(c,h,s) = (4865, 255, 63) and fdisk warns that partitions do not end on 
cylinder boundaries.

Can I still use diskdrake to create new partitions on this hard drive?

I tried to put a section into lilo.conf:
[this is the disk in question. Nevertheless it is on the primary ide0 
heads = 16
cylinders = 774545

But this didn't change the way fdisk and diskdrake saw the drive geometry.

If I go into the bios, the geometry is listed with heads = 16 and 
cylinders some value 4 thousand something (sorry, forgot to write down!)

I have lba32 in /etc/lilo.conf and I do not share this hard drive with any 
other OS.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Resize the partitions to conform with 
heads = 255 using ext2online perhaps???



mobo: MSI k7t266 pro2
/dev/hde: WD400BB

fdisk -l /dev/hde 

Disk /dev/hde: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hde1   * 164511528+  83  Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:
 phys=(1014, 15, 63) should be (1014, 254, 63)
/dev/hde264  3844  30359448   85  Linux extended
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary:
 phys=(1023, 15, 63) should be (1023, 254, 63)
/dev/hde56496255496+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hde696   478   3071848+  83  Linux
/dev/hde7   478  1116   5119600+  83  Linux
/dev/hde8  1116  2901  14335744+  83  Linux
/dev/hde9  2901  3155   2047720+  83  Linux
/dev/hde10 3155  3206409216+  83  Linux
/dev/hde11 3206  3844   5119600+  83  Linux

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Re: [newbie] test

2002-06-08 Thread D. Olson

On Saturday 08 June 2002 08:42 pm, you wrote:
 please, children, enough.

 once, funny. twice, a grin. 14, ridiculous.



What once?

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Re: [newbie] Tips or Shortcut key in Gnome or KDE ...

2002-06-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 December 2002 11:18 pm, FARSHAD did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 any body have a list of usefuly shortcut key in Gnome or KDE ?
 in windows works with shortcut keys is very quick for example :

in KDE it is easier, go to Configuration  KDE  look and feel  shortcuts.  
make your own.  anything you wish, within reason.

- -- 
When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare at 
you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'. - 
Linus Torvalds

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

2002-06-08 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 04 December 1999 03:10 pm, FARSHAD wrote:
 i don't know what's hsp? micromodem ?
 i have a Compaq 56k Modem , and that will support DSL
 and that's PCI and i think that's a software modem no
 harware modem but i'm not sure ...

   - Original Message -
   Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:21 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] problem with install Compaq 56k Modem

   do you have the hsp56k micromodem?

It's a pretty good bet that you have a winmodem. There may be a driver for
it, or you may be out of luck. First, you're going to have to find exactly
which model you have -- Compaq has offered a number of different products
which meet the above description. The best way to identify your modem is to
open up the box and look at the card. Write down the FCC ID number,  chipset
identification (Lucent, Rockwell, etc), and any other information. If you're
lucky, you may even find a Compaq model number. You can translate the FCC
number to manufacturer and model number using the search engine at
www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid/. If it is not practical to open up your case, then you
may be able to identify the modem from any literature that accompanied your
computer, or go to the Compaq site.

When you do have the model number, go to
www.idir.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html. Part way down the page, there will be a
link Download the entire table. Do that, and you should be able to learn
something about your modem. Hint: Use your browser's search function; it
saves a lot of scrolling.

Another good source of information is at linmodems.org.

Good luck,
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Speed differences between OSs

2002-06-08 Thread Michael Biddulph

On Sun, 9 Jun 2002 12:08 pm, Dave Kufta wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Saturday 08 June 2002 09:21 pm, Femme wrote:
  On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 16:36:04 +0200 (CEST)
  Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, Dan W. Dooley wrote:
   I have been using Fluxbox for the last 5 months now or so, and
   it's so damn fast compared to Gnome. Simple and Sweet. This is
   not an andertisment for Fluxbox, as there are many simplified
   Desktop managers around. Maybe give another one a try, and see if
   your performance increases?
   Just my 2.2 Euro-cents ;-)
  Ralph, would you be willing to email me either off list or on-list
  to help me setup Flux box!?
  I followed the directions precisely on their website for installing
  for newbies.  No joy! :(
  I cannot locate the Executable they tell you to find, nor do i
  understand how to edit the files they want me to edit.  They don't
  exist or I cannot find them. :(
  Any  all help would be a godsend at this point.  I did
  compile/make it correctly I believe...however Im willing to start
  from scratch with better instructions 
  *Is nearly in tears over this ... was supposed to be very simple
  from the Docs I found which are here:
  http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docs/newdoc.starting.php#top *
  Ty Verymuch...and if anyone else can help, Please chime in!
  Sorry if this is piggybacking on another thread... I know its bad
  TIA all,

 I assume here you are running version 8.2 of Mandrake if so from a
 virtual console you should be able to enter the command Xtart and get
 a list of all available window managers. one of which will be

   WELCOME to Sessions Selector

 1 KDE
 2 Gnome
 3 WindowMaker
 4 Enlightenment
 5 blackbox
 6 XFce
 7 IceWM
 9 fvwm2
 10 Fvwm1
 11 KDE
 15 afterstep
 16 fluxbox

 Which do you choose? (number)
 at this point you would enter the number 16 and fluxbox will start

  Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Bluebird) for i586
   10:03pm  up 1 day,  2:22,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.14,

  David M.Kufta (n3meq)
 URL: http://n3meq.dynip.com:8080
 Wilmington,Delaware USA

 My GnuPG Public key is available
   at http://www.keyserver.net/

 Key ID: 6038413478BA7657

 - --
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


I found fluxbox on disc 3 if you have mandrake 8.2. A simple 
#urpmi fluxbox set it up fine

Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia
Registered Linux User #220460

Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia
Registered Linux User #220460

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