[newbie-it] Gpgp in KMail

2002-10-04 Thread Ivano

Salve ragazzi, sto cercando di inviare email crittografate con KMail, ma non 
funziona. C'è forse qualche procedura che prima va eseguita??


Re: [newbie-it] Gpgp in KMail

2002-10-04 Thread ku68

Ivano wrote:
 Salve ragazzi, sto cercando di inviare email crittografate con KMail, ma non 
 funziona. C'è forse qualche procedura che prima va eseguita??
Impostazioni - configura Kmail - sicurezza - linguetta Openpgp scegli lo 
strumento di cifratura da usare (GnuPG).
Vai su identità - impostazioni avanzate - scegli la chiave openpgp
Se poi vuoi fare in modo di firmare o cifrare i documenti in automatico 
vai su compositore - generale metti il flag su Firma automaticamente i 
msg con openpgp e cifra automaticamente quando possibile
ku68 che ora ha installato rh 7.3 ma vi segue sempre per i preziosissimi 

Re: [newbie-it] mi si ancora piantato Linux!

2002-10-04 Thread sandro

Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:50, giovedì 3 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ho copiato un file su un dischetto floppy difettoso usando il Konqueror, e
 linux si è bloccato completamente.
 Mi era già successo una volta, e in lista mi era stato suggerito di
 modificare l'fstab scrivendo msdos al posto di vfat nella riga del
 floppy. L'avevo fatto, ma evidentemente non serve a evitare il guaio.
 In seguito ho verificato che copiando sul floppy da riga di comando non
 avviene il blocco, anche se la copia non riesce comunque. Poiché dopo
 qualche anno la maggior parte dei dischetti si rovina in parte, la cosa
 rappresenta un problema. Non esiste un equivalente di scandisk sotto linux
 che sia in grado di segnare le zone danneggiate in modo che poi nessun
 programma provi a scriverci sopra?


anche a me era successa la stessa cosa che è successa a te e anche io ho 
seguito il suggerimento di sostituire il vfat con msdos. Ho notato anche 
io che non è servito a niente e, in più, se su un dischetto copiavo dei file 
con nomi lunghi (da windows) questi, quando li leggevo con linux, venivano 
troncati nel nome ai canonici 8+3.
Di fatto ho rimesso vfat e utilizzo la shell per copiare i floppy, fatto che 
non da nessun problema.
Il problema potrebbe essere il supermount, il devfs l'ho disabilitato tempo 

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Gpgp in KMail

2002-10-04 Thread Ivano

Il 11:26, venerdì 4 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
Ok, adesso ha funzionato, ma si è presentato un'altro problema. IOL me l'ha 
rimandata indietro dicendomi che l'indirizzo era sbagliato, praticamante 
impossibile, l'ho mandata all'indirizzo della mia email aziendale. Non è che 
ci sono policy applicte dal gestore???

Ciao e grazie.

 Ivano wrote:
  Salve ragazzi, sto cercando di inviare email crittografate con KMail, ma
  non funziona. C'è forse qualche procedura che prima va eseguita??

 Impostazioni - configura Kmail - sicurezza - linguetta Openpgp scegli lo
 strumento di cifratura da usare (GnuPG).
 Vai su identità - impostazioni avanzate - scegli la chiave openpgp
 Se poi vuoi fare in modo di firmare o cifrare i documenti in automatico
 vai su compositore - generale metti il flag su Firma automaticamente i
 msg con openpgp e cifra automaticamente quando possibile
 ku68 che ora ha installato rh 7.3 ma vi segue sempre per i preziosissimi

Re: [newbie-it] Gpgp in KMail

2002-10-04 Thread Daniele Micci

Alle 08:59, venerdì 4 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve ragazzi, sto cercando di inviare email crittografate con KMail, ma
 non funziona. C'è forse qualche procedura che prima va eseguita??


Devi usare GPG per generare la coppia di chiavi... 'man gpg' per saperne di 
più! Ciao...


Re: [newbie-it] questa

2002-10-04 Thread mario

Grazie Mike ho risolto il problema, mi rimane comunque sempre il problema di 
vedere windows dal desktop  che qualche giorno fa funzionava egreggiamente 
invece adesso sento solo i file musicali... BHA!!!  in parte ho 
risolto il problema andando sul menù di 
KDE/preferenze/informazioni/dispositivi a blocchi/dev hda1/apri file manager 
e allora riesco a wedere windows  quello che francamente mi rompe è non avere 
un icona sul desktop e accedere direttamente a windowsho il 
dubbio che che sia un problema di icona visto che mio figlio a voluto 
cambiarla.possible? un ultima cosa come posso vedere le 
applicazioni aperte sulla barra in bassonel senso che se apro un 
qualsiasi programma non mi rimane nella barra in basso,ma sparisce idem,se 
minimizzo una una finestra poi devo riaprire il tutto per vederla spero di 
essermi spiegato
il solito grazie a tutti per la disponibilità

  qundo avvio linux mi compare la famigerata
  schermata nera local@host .loginetc  cosa che mi era gia
  successa ma che avevo risolto con..init 5 (modalita
  grafica).adesso quando digito init 5 mi dice bash:comando
  inesistente  ...francamente non so cosa

 quando avvii ed entri in runlevel 3 bash ti presenta la richiesta di
 loggarti. a questo punto, per lanciare il desktop environment preferito,
 se entri come root puoi dare
 #init 5
 se entri come utente puoi solo dare
 un utente infatti non è autorizzato a modificare il  runlevel (escludendo 
 ma non necessariamente il 6 e lo 0 )

 se, invece, hai settato il 5 come runlevel di default in inittab, e non
 riesci a entrarci,causa problemi in X, le cose sono diverse, ma  trovi i
 log di errore di X in /var/log/XFree86.0.log, con i quali puoi indagare sul

 resta il fatto che se non riesci a montare una partizione,
 o hai errori in fstab
 o hai la partizione già montata
 o non hai i permessi per accedere

 le info le ottieni con i passi della mia precedente mail


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
qundo avvio linux mi compare la famigerata
  schermata nera local@host .loginetc  cosa che mi era gia
  successa ma che avevo risolto con..init 5 (modalita
  grafica).adesso quando digito init 5 mi dice bash:comando
  inesistente  ...francamente non so cosa

 quando avvii ed entri in runlevel 3 bash ti presenta la richiesta di
 loggarti. a questo punto, per lanciare il desktop environment preferito,
 se entri come root puoi dare
 #init 5
 se entri come utente puoi solo dare
 un utente infatti non è autorizzato a modificare il  runlevel (escludendo 
 ma non necessariamente il 6 e lo 0 )

 se, invece, hai settato il 5 come runlevel di default in inittab, e non
 riesci a entrarci,causa problemi in X, le cose sono diverse, ma  trovi i
 log di errore di X in /var/log/XFree86.0.log, con i quali puoi indagare sul

 resta il fatto che se non riesci a montare una partizione,
 o hai errori in fstab
 o hai la partizione già montata
 o non hai i permessi per accedere

 le info le ottieni con i passi della mia precedente mail


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] questa

2002-10-04 Thread freefred

On Friday 04 October 2002 3:58 pm, mario wrote:
 Grazie Mike ho risolto il problema, mi rimane comunque sempre il problema
 di vedere windows dal desktop  che qualche giorno fa funzionava
 egreggiamente invece adesso sento solo i file musicali...
 BHA!!!  in parte ho risolto il problema andando sul menù di
 KDE/preferenze/informazioni/dispositivi a blocchi/dev hda1/apri file
 manager e allora riesco a wedere windows  quello che francamente mi rompe è
 non avere un icona sul desktop e accedere direttamente a

ahem, confesso di non aver seguito il thread con attenzione.
Una soluzione comunque puo' essere aprire il konqueror,
andare in mnt, e trascinare sul desktop la cartella che contiene
la partizione windows, e dirgli di fare un link.
Avrai una directory sul desktop, cliccandoci sopra ti si aprira'
il konqueror con la partizione windows.
Sempre se ho capito bene.

 un ultima cosa come
 posso vedere le applicazioni aperte sulla barra in bassonel senso
 che se apro un qualsiasi programma non mi rimane nella barra in basso,ma
 sparisce idem,

ma nella barra in basso hai la taskbar?
nel caso, clicca col destro sul panel e aggiungila, e' un' applet.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Errore nel montare i filesystem

2002-10-04 Thread Arwan

Alle 23:22, giovedì 3 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
Errore nel montare i filesystem, Guido Milanese hai scritto: 

 La mia mandrake 8.2 all'improvviso mi dà gli errori seguenti di startup:

 Monto i filesystem locali FALLITO
 Monto gli altri filesystem FALLITO

Guarda un po', Mike... i due errori che da' anche a me... e io pensavo che 
fosse colpa della reistallazione di Win$...

 All'uso del sistema, sembra tutto a posto. 

Anche da me.
E magari non ti mostra piu' le operazioni che fa all'avvio... tutti gli 

 Che cosa può essere successo?

Me lo chiedo da circa quindici giorni...


[newbie-it] Upgrade Scheda Madre e dubbi...

2002-10-04 Thread Nicola

buona sera a tutta la ML, ho intenzione di upgradare il mio povero, ma onesto 
pc, e dotarlo di un nuovo processore e di una nuova scheda madre. Ma mi è 
sorto un dubbio.Come devo comportarmi con la mia installazzione attuale di 
Devo reinstallare tutto? 
Avevo pensato di passare ad una schedra madre Gigabyte e in particolare la 
7vaXP che è fornita di raid scheda audio integrata, sheda di rete 
Ma a questo punto ho pensato che forse linux potrebbe avere dei problemi con 
queste periferiche integrate. Qualcuno sa consigliarmi se conviene avere 
tutto integrato, o cercare qualcosa di più povero...

ringrazio tutti
Ciao Nicola
Il linguaggio di programmazione piu' diffuso sul pianeta e' il Cobol.

Mio Di!

R: [newbie-it] VMWare + Acer TFT 17 + Ati Xpert Work 8Mb

2002-10-04 Thread mailing - Thecma.net

 Sto cercando di installare linux mandrake 8.2 su un sistema windows 200

...2000 era troppo per lui!

ciao ciao


-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di mailing -
Inviato: venerdì 4 ottobre 2002 19.44
A: Com Newbie-It@Linux-Mandrake.
Oggetto: [newbie-it] VMWare + Acer TFT 17 + Ati Xpert Work 8Mb

Ciao a tutta la lista...
Mi sento quasi imbarazzato...la mia prima e-mail rivolta al mondo linux.

Sono un perfetto ignorante di linux...ma chissa che il tempo...

Volevo chiedervi una cosa

Sto cercando di installare linux mandrake 8.2 su un sistema windows 200 con

Tutto ok, fino al momento che mi chiede la configurazione di monitor e
scheda video.

Credo che qualsiasi cosa li dia...non vada bene...da errore...e sono punto a

Ho già installato linux su questo pc in dual boot e li funziona!

Purtroppo ho sempre bisogno (per ora :-) di avere sotto windows...quindi per
volevo provare questa soluzione!

Qualcuno ha idee??

Grazie ancora...


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Piccoli inconvenienti

2002-10-04 Thread Giorgio Griffon

Alle 11:17, lunedì 30 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
 1) In un qualunque file di testo o in StarOffice Writer, o Calc - comunque
 non con kmail - volendo far scorrere leggermente la schermata per avanzare
 solo di tre o quattro righe, se pongo il puntatore sul cursore al margine
 destro della pagina per più di quell'istante necessario ad avanzare di una
 riga soltanto, accade che il testo cominci a scorrere da se', fermandosi
 solo una volta arrivato in fondo al file. Dove sbaglio? Succede anche ad

Sì, succedeva anche a me; ora uso OpenOffice e il problema è ridimensionato,
anche se ogni tanto non si capisce bene dove vada a fermarsi. Perciò
preferisco spostarmi e anche selezionare usando la rotellina del mouse o,
ancor meglio, la tastiera.

2) Capita spesso che richiamando con Konqueror, o direttamente con

 StarOffice (6.0) files di Office dalla partizione Windows del disco rigido,
 ottenga un crash. Compare sul monitor la scritta: Si è verificato un
 errore irrimediabile. Tutti i file modificati sono stati salvati e
 probabilmente verranno recuperati al prossimo avvio del programma.

Questo non l'ho verificato. Però in casi simili ho visto che i file vengono
efettivamente salvati: un guadagno non da poco rispetto a M-Office

 (Domanda come sopra) 3) Se voglio fare un copia-incolla da un file di
 StarWrite a kmail ottengo solo copiature parziali (p.es.: di un file -- un
 paragrafo e mezzo; di un paragrafo -- tre righe e un po'; di una riga due
 parole...). Ciò comporta che se voglio, per es., inviare come Plain Text un
 file .doc, debbo aprirlo con SOffice, richiuderlo salvando come .txt,
 riaprirlo come tale ed infine effettuare il copia-incolla. Esiste un
 sistema più semplice?

E' successo anche a me, incazzature mostruose. Credo (ma forse dico
un'idiozia!) che la faccenda dipenda dal fatto che il copia-incolla tra
programmi diversi funziona bene solo fra programmi creati apposta per lo
stesso ambiente grafico di linux. Gli office sono un po' a parte...

 4) Per riuscire a trasferire un testo da kword a

 soffice non ho trovato di meglio che effettuare un copia-incolla prima su
 kmail, poi da questa ad un editor eppoi finalmente aprire con soffice !!!
 Forse c'e' un sistema piu' pratico... 5) C'è un modo per evitare che
 virgolette ed altri segni di interpunzione mi compaiano sotto forma di
 messaggi cifrati (un#8217;amica, ecc.)? 6) In molti casi (mails o lettura
 di *.doc con SOffice) i tre puntini di sospensione, così come le virgolette
 per evidenziare un termine, mi si trasformano in punti interrogativi. Anche
 scaricando testi da Internet, l'apostrofo è sistematicamente sostituito dal
 punto interrogativo. C'è rimedio?

Boh? Però prova a passare ad OpenOffice, ora c'è la versione 1.0.1,
complessivamente io mi trovo bene.

Re: [newbie-it] Errore nel montare i filesystem

2002-10-04 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 06:16, venerdì 4 ottobre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:

  La mia mandrake 8.2 all'improvviso mi dà gli errori seguenti di
  Monto i filesystem locali FALLITO
  Monto gli altri filesystem FALLITO

 Guarda un po', Mike... i due errori che da' anche a me... e io
 pensavo che fosse colpa della reistallazione di Win$...

domanda, usate tutti e due ntfs?

il modulo dovrebbe essere incluso nel kernelaccio mandrakiano...

..forse (la butto)
non è nel initrd.img
quindi non viene trovato prima del montaggio delle partizioni...

poi, a sistema up, con la / montata
il mount funzia perchè la /lib/modules è accessibile...

la sequenza del montaggio
delle partizioni dipenda dall'ordine nel quale queste ono in fstab,
forse basterebbe mettere prima la root, poi le altre...

(..ho agito di fantasia, se ho sca**ato, sorry :)


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] questa

2002-10-04 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 15:58, venerdì 4 ottobre 2002, mario ha scritto:
 Grazie Mike ho risolto il problema, mi rimane comunque sempre il
 problema di vedere windows dal desktop  che qualche giorno fa
 funzionava egreggiamente invece adesso sento solo i file
 musicali... BHA!!!  in parte ho risolto il problema
 andando sul menù di
 KDE/preferenze/informazioni/dispositivi a blocchi/dev hda1/apri
 file manager e allora riesco a wedere windows  quello che
 francamente mi rompe è non avere un icona sul desktop e accedere
 direttamente a windows...

il tuo problema è di accedere a /mnt/windows???

ma scusa, ti ho detto di vedere  l'output del comando mount
proprio per capire se si trattasse di un errore...

devi solo creare un'icona che punti al disco..
o , se usi supermount, al mountpoint...

è un'opzione di kde..
tasto dx sul desktop, crea nuovo, disco rigido..
poi nei menu, scegli il percorso che punta al mountpoint..

oppure fai un semplice drag'n drop della directory mnt/windows, 
creando un collegamento..

 il solito grazie a tutti per la disponibilità


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] VMWare + Acer TFT 17 + Ati Xpert Work 8Mb

2002-10-04 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:43, venerdì 4 ottobre 2002, mailing - Thecma.net ha scritto:

 Sto cercando di installare linux mandrake 8.2 su un sistema windows
 200 con vmware.

 Tutto ok, fino al momento che mi chiede la configurazione di
 monitor e scheda video.

 Credo che qualsiasi cosa li dia...non vada bene...da errore...e
 sono punto a capo.

non ho mai installato vmware su win$,
ma usata da GNU/Linux, non permetteva ai sistemi ospite (win$ 98 , 95 
ed NT nel mio caso) di accedere alla reale scheda video,
cioè, l'emulatore astraeva una scheda vga standard, e al momento di 
installare win$, questo usava i classici 16 colori.
con l'uso di un modulo apposito, si riusciva a salire a svga, ma mai 
a raggiungere le reali prestazioni  della scheda realmente presente.

 Purtroppo ho sempre bisogno (per ora :-) di avere sotto
 windows...quindi per imparare
 volevo provare questa soluzione!

credo che il dual boot rimanda la soluzione migliore,
e pure pù economica, visto il prezzo di vmware...

 Qualcuno ha idee??

idee si, soluzioni nì..
..prova a vedere su google con
'vmware win2000 linux vga'

o cose del genere..
magari qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso problema e lo ha risolto

 Grazie ancora...



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] mi si ancora piantato Linux!

2002-10-04 Thread Arwan

Alle 09:20, venerdì 4 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: [newbie-it] 
mi si è ancora piantato Linux!, sandro hai scritto: 

 Di fatto ho rimesso vfat e utilizzo la shell per copiare i floppy, fatto
 che non da nessun problema.
 Il problema potrebbe essere il supermount, il devfs l'ho disabilitato tempo

Per evitare di aprire la shell, digitare tutti i percorsi etc etc ho fatto 
una cartella che utilizzo come se fosse il floppy, mettendoci dentro i file 
che voglio salvare su dischetto. Poi ho fatto uno script (quello famoso per 
il quale avevo chiesto info...), linkato al desktop... lo lancio e via... 
finora non mi si e' ancora piantato.


Re: FW: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 i18n ISO

2002-10-04 Thread teddy wl

Hi... i want download Mandrake 9.0 iso too, but I
still did not find the best server that have faster
bandwidh to download it. may you give me, where you
download the iso image of Mandrake 9.0

sorry my english i'm from indonesia.

--- Craig Williamson (ENZ)
 Hi again,
 I'll expand my logic.
 I have downloaded 3 ISO images:
 There is another ISO image there:
 Do I need to download this.  Because I'm
 confused to what I need to
 install Mandrake.  Thanks again.
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig Williamson (ENZ)
 Sent: Friday, 04 October, 2002 11:53 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 i18n ISO
 Hi All, 
 I finally downloaded it.  Do you need to
 download the i18n ISO image
 or can you get away without it.  Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: FW: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 i18n ISO

2002-10-04 Thread teddy wl

Hi... i want download Mandrake 9.0 iso too, but I
still did not find the best server that have faster
bandwidh to download it. may you give me, where you
download the iso image of Mandrake 9.0

sorry my english i'm from indonesia.

--- Craig Williamson (ENZ)
 Hi again,
 I'll expand my logic.
 I have downloaded 3 ISO images:
 There is another ISO image there:
 Do I need to download this.  Because I'm
 confused to what I need to
 install Mandrake.  Thanks again.
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig Williamson (ENZ)
 Sent: Friday, 04 October, 2002 11:53 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 i18n ISO
 Hi All, 
 I finally downloaded it.  Do you need to
 download the i18n ISO image
 or can you get away without it.  Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Help Broke Fstab in MDK 8.2

2002-10-04 Thread Raffaele Belardi


I think the problem is in all those 'none'. I think that keyword goes in
front of the entries which are not real devices, so you should remove it
from the cdrom and floppy entries.
Here is a good fstab, for example:

/dev/hda6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda3 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda9 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/windata ntfs iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Note that there are only 12 lines in the above and they all begin with
/dev, /mnt or none. The mailer program cuts longer lines in two, 
but in your fstab you shouldn't.


  On Wednesday 02 October 2002 10:40 am, you wrote:
  Ralph De Witt wrote:
    Ralph, the above fstab entry appears to be a mite
  fishy. Remove this from this line and all the other places it
  appears like this and see if it works again.
  Ex: from...
  Mark: I modified my fstab as you suggested to the following:
  /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0 none
  /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 /dev/hdb1 /home reiserfs notail 1 2 none
  /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
  0 0 none /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
  0 0 none /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
  r,unmask=0 0 0 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 /dev/hda6 /usr ext3
  defaults 1 2 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/hdb6 swap swap
  defaults 0 0
  How ever the floppy , and cdrom lines are still coming up broken.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] OT - Gnukes

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

I would guess that there is at least one Microsoft spy on every major linux
distro mailing list..

how better to put down the opposition then to exagerate the problems
suffered by people actually using it..

wonder who it is here

anyone care to come forward about microsoft affiliation???   :-)



PS, I mention this because in the ZDNET story, it talks about Ballmers new
linux strategy..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robin Turner
Sent: Friday, 4 October 2002 5:58 AM
Subject: [newbie] OT - Gnukes

Los Alamos National Laboratory is buying a $6 million, 2,048-processor
Linux supercomputer to run its nuclear weapons simulation software, an
effort that will test the limits of these less-expensive megamachines.
( http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-959839.html )

Can't they just play Penguin Command?

Oh well, at least it shows Linux is no longer the OS of LAW-toting Idaho
libertarians and long-haired European commie geeks - we have everything
from the RedFlag Linux in China to the National Security Agency's own
brand of super-secure Linux (which probably has black ice to fry the
neurons of crackers).

Sir Robin

We do not imprison ourselves with laws, or impoverish ourselves with
money - Iain Banks

Robin Tunrer
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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[newbie] FTP server with GUI

2002-10-04 Thread fifner the dragon

Hi, could anyone recommend an easy to use FTP server with graphical user interface?

I also wonder if it is possible to use mounted folders from another machine (not 
linux) for the FTP.

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[newbie] How does one uninstall tarball packages?

2002-10-04 Thread Hesham Khonji

How does one uninstall tarball packages? Does it require any maintenance of 
the actuall tarball? THanks


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Re: [newbie] How does one uninstall tarball packages?

2002-10-04 Thread Derek Jennings

On Friday 04 Oct 2002 12:12 pm, Hesham Khonji wrote:
 How does one uninstall tarball packages? Does it require any maintenance of
 the actuall tarball? THanks


Good question

If you kept the directories you used to install the application then you can 
*sometimes* use
make uninstall to remove all the files.

The bad news is that make uninstall is often not supported by many 
applications, and you probably deleted your installation directory anyway :-(

You are then reduced to hunting around the file structure deleting directories 
and files. The good news is that there is no 'registry' like under Windows 
for you to screw up.

So you will get the idea by now that installing application in RPM form is 
preferable, because then you can do a simple 
urpme application_name  to uninstall it.

If your favourite application is not available in RPM format, you can create 
an RPM using an app called 'checkinstall'.  Just type checkinstall in place 
of the 'make install' command and it will compile the application convert it 
to an RPM, install the RPM and then save the RPM in /usr/src/RPM for you.



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[newbie] How to set up saned under Mandrake 8.2

2002-10-04 Thread Jim Dawson

Does anyone know how to set up saned under Mandrake 8.2?

Thanks in advance.

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[newbie] logrotate doesn't

2002-10-04 Thread Poogle

My log files fill up and I cannot get logrotate to empty them, I have issued 
logrotate -f /var/log/messages (as root) but get a string of errors like this

error: /var/log/messages:20224 unknown option 'Oct' -- ignoring line
error: /var/log/messages:20224 unexpected text
error: /var/log/messages:20225 unknown option 'Oct' -- ignoring line
error: /var/log/messages:20225 unexpected text

my /etc/logrotate.d/syslog looks like this -

snipped the top bit

/var/log/auth.log /var/log/syslog /var/log/user.log /var/log/secure 
/var/log/messages /var/log/boot.log /var/log/mail/errors /var/log/mail/info 
/var/log/mail/warnings /var/log/cron/errors /var/log/cron/info 
/var/log/cron/warnings /var/log/kernel/errors /var/log/kernel/info 
/var/log/kernel/warnings /var/log/lpr/errors /var/log/lpr/info 
/var/log/lpr/warnings /var/log/news/news.err /var/log/news/news.notice 
/var/log/news/news.crit /var/log/daemons/errors /var/log/daemons/info 
/var/log/daemons/warnings /var/log/explanations {
rotate 1
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd #

and my /etc/logrotate.conf looks like this -

# see man logrotate for details
# rotate log files weekly

# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4

# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones

# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed

# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d

# no packages own lastlog or wtmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root utmp
rotate 1

/var/log/lastlog {
rotate 1

# system-specific logs may be configured here


/var/log/messages {
rotate 1


/var/log/syslog {
rotate 1


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[newbie] Now That I've D/L'd Linux 9.0...

2002-10-04 Thread Andre Stevens
How do I install v9.0 on a PC that has WindowsNT on it. I want to blow away the current NT OS. 
Also I'm not sure I downloaded the file correctly (everytime I tried to log onto the FTP site I got a screen asking for a username and password; I gave a username and used the "log in as anonymous user" selection); when I was able to connect to a site, I copyed the ISO files and burned them to a CD.
Can I use this CD to boot from or did I have to expand the files first?


Dre---Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

Re: [newbie] Now That I've D/L'd Linux 9.0...

2002-10-04 Thread Derek Jennings

On Friday 04 Oct 2002 2:03 pm, Andre Stevens wrote:
 How do I install  v9.0 on a PC that has WindowsNT on it. I want to blow
 away the current NT OS.

 Also I'm not sure I downloaded the file correctly (everytime I tried to log
 onto the FTP site I got a screen asking for a username and password; I gave
 a username and used the log in as anonymous user selection); when I was
 able to connect to a site, I copyed the ISO files and burned them to a CD.

 Can I use this CD to boot from or did I have to expand the files first?

There are installation instructions in html format on CD1
If you copied correctly as an ISO image you can boot from CD1

Blowing away NT is dead easy. Just follow the instructions in the install GUI
When you come to the bit about partitions just redefine your NT partitions to 
be Linux ones.
If you do not know what partition sizes are suitable just leave the decision 
to the installer.

Welcome to the Linux community :)


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Re: [newbie] japanese characters input Mandrake 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Chris Spackman

ivo jorris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I installed a fresh Mandrake9.0 and also installed all
 packages that support japanese characters input.
 Can somone help me to input japanese characters in
 my keybord is 106-jp keyboard, n' I'm using gnome.

Well, this is for 8.2 but if it hasn't changed . . .

Did you set the language to Japanese during install? If so, make sure
that the jserver is running and then hit shift-space to input
japanese. (a little box or something similar should popup for input).

If locale is not japanese, you will need to run localedrake. you can
check that jserver is running in the services section of the mandrake
control center.

Chris Spackman
Fri Oct  4 21:15:44 JST 2002

 random quote 
Hi!  I'm Larry.  This is my brother Bob, and this is my other brother
Jimbo.  We thought you might like to know the names of your assailants.

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RE: [newbie] Kernel Panic on boot from Install CD on Athlon

2002-10-04 Thread ravi r

I have tried that. It doesnt work.
I think the problem is with the video card i have.
if that is the case will it work if i phyisically
remove the video card and install linux and then
insert the video card again ? 

--- gerCO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Follow these steps:
 1. Enter to setup
 2. Disable APM in power management
 3. Save and Exit
 4. When it appears the indicator boot: write
 linux text and press Enter
 5. :)
 Greetings !!!
 -Mensaje original-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de
 Enviado el: Lunes, 23 de Septiembre de 2002 05:06
 Asunto: RE: [newbie] Kernel Panic on boot from
 Install CD on Athlon
 Also, what video card is being used? What happens
 when you attempt an
 install in text mode? It would seem that if the
 problem continues across
 multiple distros, then hardware would be the first
 place I would start
 looking. Try a different video card. Also, you may
 want to look into the
 possibility of a bad install CD, I had a similar
 problem installing MDK 8.2,
 and then burned another copy and it worked
 flawless... a lot of research,
 time and effort was wasted on that one. (unlikely
 that this is the case
 since redhat does the same thing, but worth a shot.)
  -Original Message-
 From: ravi r [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:20 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] Kernel Panic on boot from Install
 CD on Athlon
   File: message.footer  Hi,
 I am trying to install Mandrake8.2 on my new
 Athlon(XP1800+) box from the installation CDs
 (downloaded from one of the mirrors).
 The installer interface comes up and when i choose
 install, it fails and issue a kernel panic.
 The following are the first few error msgs:
 vesafb:frame buffer  and some hex numbers
 vesafb:mode is 800X600X16; line length = 1600; pages
 vesafb:protected mode interface at c000:c590
 I would like to know what is the problem and how i
 get around it.
 I had the same problem when i tried to install
 Other info.
 has win2k running( planning to make a dual boot
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[newbie] SMTP port 25

2002-10-04 Thread David Seuferer

I've got a process that is listening to port 25 that is 
owned by /usr/lib/postfix/master.  What is this and do
I need it running?

David Seuferer, CNE
Ames Laboratory
Information Systems
fax: (515) 294-5638
phone: (515) 294-6053

It comes in pints!?Pippin

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Re: [newbie] ps/2 mouse freeze on starting X

2002-10-04 Thread Technoslick

I run 'gpm' and X-Windows together always. I have done this in older 
distros in RH and MDK, right up to versions 7.2 and 8.2, respectively. I 
use PS/2 when I have it, but serial as well. I can't remember ever 
having ever experienced your problem.

A mouse driver is very simple in action at the command prompt since 
video is also relatively simple at this point. I run my MDK 8.2 machine 
at 'vga=768' resolution with 'gpm' running, and easily get into KDE or 
GNOME without problems from my PS/2 mouse (a Belkin three-button 
cheapie!) Once you are in an X-Windows session, it would seem to me that 
your X-server is the driving force with 'gpm' holding its own 
environment space for use in a terminal while X is running. I suspect 
that your problem is in X, not 'gpm'.

Are you sure that you have X-server properly picked out and set 
according to your video card's attributes and capabilities? Are you 
pushing video to its max resolution, color depth and refresh rate? Have 
you tried to check keyboard access when the mouse locks up to see if the 
mouse is really locking up or if its really the X-Windows session? If 
your keyboard is inactive, it seems more probable that you have an 
improperly set-up X-Server (or maybe the wrong one for your video card?)

What's your video, VRAM and brand of mouse you are using? What are the 
setting that you configured with XF86Setup? I am sure that many here 
could help you see where you need to make changes if we knew more about 
your configuration.


Abhijeet Joglekar wrote:
 I have a dual boot system with win2K and Mandrake 9.0. The ps/2 mouse
 works fine under windows and also on the linux console (with gpm). But
 once X starts, the system crashes as soon as I move the mouse a few times.
 (The keyboard and mouse hang and I have to do a hard reboot. Since my
 machine is not on the network, I cant ssh and check it has crashed
 I read on the web that there is some problem with linux kernel for ps/2
 mouses and two fixes were suggested:
 1) dont run gpm and X together.
 2) run gpm with -R option in which it copies mouse movement data to a fifo
which X can read from by configuring Mouse device as /dev/gpmdata in
 (Also, googling revealed that this problem is only there for ps/2 rodents
 and NOT for serial/usb mice, but I havent checked them yet).
 Both solutions did not work. The mouse still causes X to freeze.
 Also, interrupt 12 is not shared by any other device.
 Did others face any such problems?
   - abhijeet
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[newbie] Pan alerts

2002-10-04 Thread Roger Sherman

Does anyone know how to turn off the alerts in Pan? Specifically the ones 
that say this message is mostly quoted text and the even more annoying 
your signature is more than 4 lines long?






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[newbie] Java quirk in Konqueror

2002-10-04 Thread Roger Sherman

I finally figured out how to get java working in konqueror about a month 
ago, when I was still using 8.2. Worked like a charm, except it got going 
a little slow, but I can live with that. 

Now, I have 9.0 running, and it seems real nice. Problem is, when I go to 
a page that has java on it, the area in the browser says loading java 
applet,' and the actual java applet appears as a pop up, in a different 
window. No big deal on a site like nypost.com, but on a page like 
genelake.com, where the applets are the navigation links, it's a real 
drag. Does anyone know why this is happening, and how to get it back the 
way it should be?






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Re: [newbie] Now That I've D/L'd Linux 9.0...

2002-10-04 Thread Andre Stevens
I just did a copy/paste. Was this the correct way to copy the files?
Dre--Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

[newbie] Trying to get GNOME panel to look more like KDE

2002-10-04 Thread Rob Black


I've been a Linux user for all of 5 days now, during which time I've
installed and deleted Red Hat 7.3, Mandrake 8.2, Red Hat 8.0 and Mandrake
9.0 !!

Mandrake 9 is my fave so far, since it's the only one that my soundcard
worked in (SB Live with digital speakers)

Anyway, my problem is this: I've been using KDE everytime I've used Linux,
but after looking at GNOME, it seems faster, plus it has Ximian Evolution,
which I rather like (blows Outlook XP away completely)

But in Mandrake 9, GNOME looks weird, there's a blank (ish) panel at the
bottom of the screen, and another Mac-stylee panel at the top, how to I get
all this stuff to the bottom of the screen (like in Red Hat / Mandrake 8.2)

I really want to sort this out, since I'm so impressed with Linux I can't
tell you.  For instance, I'm an ASP developer by trade, and am used to
Windows NT/2K, IIS, SQL Server etc... But to build a new Windows server from
nothing, getting the database server up and running, and installing, for
instance, an ASP based web forum, would take at least a day, yet I installed
Linux, set-up apache  mySQL, created a virtual host, and installed phpBB2
in about an hour!  (I'm extra impressed with phpBB, it took like 5 minutes
to get going!)

Enough of my rambling, but Linux is pretty damn cool :-)


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[newbie] Pine in 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Roger Sherman

How can there be no Pine included in 9.0? There should be a law that 
states Pine has to be included with every single version of linux.

This is more a rant, than a question - no real need to answer. Sorry if 
you consider this an abuse of bandwidth. ;-)






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Re: [newbie] Can I

2002-10-04 Thread Warren Post

El mié, 02-10-2002 a las 17:41, Edward Reynolds escribió:

 I would like to know if there is a tool that will allow me to resize my
 Windows partition, without loosing the data on that partition.  I have
 about 5 GB of free space on that partition.

Partition Resizer. Free from tucows.com but not open source. DOS based floppy.
Parted. Free from freshmeat.net and open source. Linux based floppy.

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Trying to get GNOME panel to look more like KDE

2002-10-04 Thread Alastair Scott

Rob wrote:

 Anyway, my problem is this: I've been using KDE everytime I've used Linux,
 but after looking at GNOME, it seems faster, plus it has Ximian Evolution,
 which I rather like (blows Outlook XP away completely)
 But in Mandrake 9, GNOME looks weird, there's a blank (ish) panel at the
 bottom of the screen, and another Mac-stylee panel at the top, how to I get
 all this stuff to the bottom of the screen (like in Red Hat / Mandrake 8.2)

This is being recalled from memory as I'm currently using a Windows NT machine ;)

The trick is to use the right mouse button on the existing panels. There's a plethora 
of options in the pop-up menu that appears; you can remove panels completely, move 
them around, change their width or add or remove a variety of applets to or from the 

Probably one of the first things you want to do is add the GNOME Menu to the 
existing panel at the bottom; that gives you a 'foot' icon which pops up a 
near-replica of the Mandrake and Actions menus in the top panel.


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Re: [newbie] Now That I've D/L'd Linux 9.0...

2002-10-04 Thread Derek Jennings

On Friday 04 Oct 2002 3:27 pm, Andre Stevens wrote:

 I just did a copy/paste. Was this the correct way to copy the files?


 I assume you downloaded the 'ISO image'  (One big file per CD) ?

If the CD you created is then 'browsable'  (You can see lots of files inside 
it), then you are probably OK.  If it still looks like one big file, you have 
done it wrong.

Here are burning instructions for popular Windows applications


The crucial test of course is Does it boot


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RE: [newbie] Now That I've D/L'd Linux 9.0...

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

incidently, if you have the iso file on the CD, and not the iso files 
contents, then you did it wrong...
if you want to check the iso files first.. (a good idea) then download md5summer 
(look for it on google) its a windows app for comparing 

so you 
use md5summer to generate an md5 from your downloaded iso, then compare it to 
the one in the md5 file on the server you got the iso from.

luck, and as mentioned, welcome.



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Andre StevensSent: Friday, 4 October 2002 9:03 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Now 
  That I've D/L'd Linux 9.0...
  How do I install v9.0 on a PC that has WindowsNT on it. I want to 
  blow away the current NT OS. 
  Also I'm not sure I downloaded the file correctly (everytime I tried to log 
  onto the FTP site I got a screen asking for a username and password; I gave a 
  username and used the "log in as anonymous user" selection); when I was able 
  to connect to a site, I copyed the ISO files and burned them to a CD.
  Can I use this CD to boot from or did I have to expand the files first?
  Do you Yahoo!?New DSL Internet 
  Access from SBC  Yahoo!

[newbie] file permission

2002-10-04 Thread John Bodden

Hello all.

I looked at the file permissions on the Apache 
server I am running for testing purposes. One of the files, Index.shtml has the 
following permissions


What is the "S" in the group 

RE: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

If I recall, Pine isn't included in 9 due to licensing issues. Pine was included in 
8.1, and I installed that version with no problems.

Brian D. Klar - CVE

Original Message-
From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

How can there be no Pine included in 9.0? There should be a law that 
states Pine has to be included with every single version of linux.

This is more a rant, than a question - no real need to answer. Sorry if 
you consider this an abuse of bandwidth. ;-)






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RE: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

As I understand it, Pine is no longer GPL software.. they changed the

Mandrake has a strict no non GPL software in the download edition.. so no
pine. Netscape4 Qmail etc etc etc...

Its all available in contrib download areas though.. I also put pine on all
my systems, for checking mail over ssh remotely, and for pico which in a
pinch does the job as an editor..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Friday, 4 October 2002 10:22 PM
Subject: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

How can there be no Pine included in 9.0? There should be a law that
states Pine has to be included with every single version of linux.

This is more a rant, than a question - no real need to answer. Sorry if
you consider this an abuse of bandwidth. ;-)






Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Roger Sherman

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN wrote:

  If I recall, Pine isn't included in 9 due to licensing issues. Pine was 
 included in 8.1, and I installed that version with no problems.
Hmmm...I wonder what changed. It was in 8.2 as well, and I was able to get 
a mandrake optimised RPM off rpmfind.net...I wonder why the pine guys 
changed things.

 Brian D. Klar - CVE
 Original Message-
 From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 10:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Pine in 9.0
 How can there be no Pine included in 9.0? There should be a law that 
 states Pine has to be included with every single version of linux.
 This is more a rant, than a question - no real need to answer. Sorry if 
 you consider this an abuse of bandwidth. ;-)






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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

I am wandering around ftp sites looking for it.. like a src rpm that will
build on both??

any ideas people?



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Re: FW: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 i18n ISO

2002-10-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 04 October 2002 12:00 am, teddy wl did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Hi... i want download Mandrake 9.0 iso too, but I
 still did not find the best server that have faster
 bandwidh to download it. may you give me, where you
 download the iso image of Mandrake 9.0

unless you want to join the mandrakeclub for their faster mirror list, you 
are just going to have to use a slow mirror, or wait untill world+dog 
finishes downloading.

...at least we know there is no demand.  ;-)

- -- 
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates, Apache in house.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT - Gnukes

2002-10-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 04 October 2002 3:30 am, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I would guess that there is at least one Microsoft spy on every major
 linux distro mailing list..

 how better to put down the opposition then to exagerate the problems
 suffered by people actually using it..

 wonder who it is here

 anyone care to come forward about microsoft affiliation???   :-)

well you all know i get email from the monkey dance boy

- -- 
Some software money can't buy. For everything else there's Micros~1.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread Paul

In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800:

anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

rpmfind.net ?

A pedestrian suddenly left the sidewalk,
and disappeared under my car without a word.

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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Recall: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread Tony S. Sykes

Tony S. Sykes would like to recall the message, tightvnc (was Re:
[newbie] Pine in 9.0).

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RE: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread Tony S. Sykes

tightvnc is included in 9.

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 5:32 PM
To: newbie
Subject: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800:

anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

rpmfind.net ?

A pedestrian suddenly left the sidewalk,
and disappeared under my car without a word.

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
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Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

tightvnc-1.2.5-2mdk.i586.rpm comes with 9.0.
You should be able to rebuild the source for 8.2


For gin, in cruel
Sober truth,
Supplies the fuel
For flaming youth.
-- Noel Coward
Charles A Edwards

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RE: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

tried it.. first thing actually...

Couldn't find a src rpm.. didn't know which distro the binaries were for.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2002 12:32 AM
To: newbie
Subject: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800:

anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

rpmfind.net ?

A pedestrian suddenly left the sidewalk,
and disappeared under my car without a word.

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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[newbie] preparing to install 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Angus Auld

Greetings everyone,

I have succeeded in downloading the Mdk 9.0 iso's and burning them to cd. :) I did the 
downloading and burning on a WinXP box, and used md5summer.exe to check the iso's. All 
seems to have gone OK.

I've been using 8.2 for a while, but I would like to ask what is my best option to 
install 9.0: should I wipe out my 3 partitions and reinstall 9.0 fresh, or can I 
safely save my /home partition from 8.2 to be used in 9.0? 
I really don't have any valuable data, but it would be nice to save my preferences. I 
do want to do it the way that will insure the best install however.

Also, should I go with the recommended installation, or try the expert mode? I'm 
not too sure about trying anything that requires I be an expert just yet.;)
I want to install everything that is required to build rpms from source.is that 
possible? If I choose to install the development package, will that be close to 
getting me there?

Any thoughts?? 


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[newbie] RE: tightvnc

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

sorry, forgot to set the subject...

is it included in 8.2??  I couldn't find it...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tony S. Sykes
Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2002 12:35 AM
Subject: RE: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

tightvnc is included in 9.

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 5:32 PM
To: newbie
Subject: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800:

anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

rpmfind.net ?

A pedestrian suddenly left the sidewalk,
and disappeared under my car without a word.

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
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Web: http://www.bcpsoftware.com http://www.bcpsoftware.com/ 

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Re: Recall: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 04 October 2002 9:35 am, Tony S. Sykes did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Tony S. Sykes would like to recall the message, tightvnc (was Re:
 [newbie] Pine in 9.0).

rfbdrake is however there, and may do the job you want.

- -- 
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Re: [newbie] preparing to install 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread JM5379

i would suggest installing fresh; upgrading has yet to work for
me on a few tries.  and yes, you can safely keep your user info
in /home/username.

i always use expert mode even though expert is definitely a
relative phrase here *g*.  i'm not sure if recommended will
give you the option of selecting which partitions to overwrite
and which to save (ie /home).  give expert a try; the worst that
can happen is you'll have to kill it and start over, and you've
already indicated you have nothing critical that must be saved. 
it's really not as scary as the name implies *s*.


--- Original Message ---
From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] preparing to install 9.0

Greetings everyone,

I have succeeded in downloading the Mdk 9.0 iso's and burning
them to cd. :) I did the downloading and burning on a WinXP box,
and used md5summer.exe to check the iso's. All seems to have gone OK.

I've been using 8.2 for a while, but I would like to ask what is
my best option to install 9.0: should I wipe out my 3 partitions
and reinstall 9.0 fresh, or can I safely save my /home partition
from 8.2 to be used in 9.0? 
I really don't have any valuable data, but it would be nice to
save my preferences. I do want to do it the way that will insure
the best install however.

Also, should I go with the recommended installation, or try
the expert mode? I'm not too sure about trying anything that
requires I be an expert just yet.;)
I want to install everything that is required to build rpms from
source.is that possible? If I choose to install the
development package, will that be close to getting me there?

Any thoughts?? 


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
awareness.--James Thurber

Reg. Linux User #278931
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Re: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread Stormjumper

hi frank,

i've been using the tightvnc binary rpms from rpmfind.net
on my stock mdk 8.2 system for a couple of months.
was at 1.2.4-1mdk then, probably 1.2.5-x now.

worked outta the box for me.


On Sat, 5 Oct 2002 01:05:00 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 tried it.. first thing actually...
 Couldn't find a src rpm.. didn't know which distro the binaries were
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
 Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2002 12:32 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)
 In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800:
 anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0
 rpmfind.net ?
 A pedestrian suddenly left the sidewalk,
 and disappeared under my car without a word.
 http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
 Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] preparing to install 9.0

2002-10-04 Thread Alastair Scott

On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 22:26:11 +0500 Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Greetings everyone,
 I have succeeded in downloading the Mdk 9.0 iso's and burning them to cd. :) I did 
the downloading and burning on a WinXP box, and used md5summer.exe to check the 
iso's. All seems to have gone OK.
 I've been using 8.2 for a while, but I would like to ask what is my best option to 
install 9.0: should I wipe out my 3 partitions and reinstall 9.0 fresh, or can I 
safely save my /home partition from 8.2 to be used in 9.0? 
 I really don't have any valuable data, but it would be nice to save my preferences. 
I do want to do it the way that will insure the best install however.

Personally, I would back up /home to CD-R or whatever then install 9.0 from scratch by 
reformatting all existing partitions. Unfortunately backwards compatibility of 
initialisation files is far from perfect; Mozilla and OpenOffice.org seem to cause 
particular difficulties.

Then, from the backup, you can put back configuration files (eg Mozilla bookmarks, 
mail directories, and so on).

 Also, should I go with the recommended installation, or try the expert mode? I'm 
not too sure about trying anything that requires I be an expert just yet.;)

I would try recommended. Expert can pop up some rather obscure options, particularly 
at the hardware detection stage.

 I want to install everything that is required to build rpms from source.is that 
possible? If I choose to install the development package, will that be close to 
getting me there?

Yes, as that installs the development libraries and similar. Missing it out means, 
quite often, that you eventually have to load them one by one.


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[newbie] rename my computer

2002-10-04 Thread eric jackson

While installing Linux or setting up my network, I 
gave my linux server the same name as a computer I already had on my network. 
Does anyone here know howI can change the name of my computer so that the 
right name shows up whenI use LinNeighborhood and Samba?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Eric Jackson

[newbie] SNF7.2 cannot access from msie or redhat browser ...

2002-10-04 Thread Bob Bourne

Can't access SNF7.2 box from msie browser. Can't ping SNF7.2 from Win98 SE
box. New Redhat installation could not find eth0.

I run win98se on both boxes - Internet Connection Sharing - so that seems to
prove that the ethernet connections are OK.

I've been running SNF for months now without any real problems, and then I
crashed it. I've installed it many times without major problems.

But now I can't access through a browser.

I'd appreciate answers or clues ...

Bob Bourne.

Version: Linux-Mandrake Firewall Firewall 20010504 19:33

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Re: [newbie] rename my computer

2002-10-04 Thread Erylon Hines

On Friday 04 October 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
 While installing Linux or setting up my network, I gave my linux server the
 same name as a computer I already had on my network. Does anyone here know
 how I can change the name of my computer so that the right name shows up
 when I use LinNeighborhood and Samba?

 Thanks for any help you can give.

 Eric Jackson

Start MenuConfigurationNetconf  [type the root password]acceptHost name 
and IP network devices  {and there you are}.  

Also check your /etc/samba/smb.conf file and change the netbios name there 
and your other machines /etc/samba/lmhosts file should also contain your new 
machine name--so should /etc/hosts.  Also check the text file 
/etc/sysconfig/network and be sure the hostname gets changed there, too.


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[newbie] Can anyone recommend a good media player?

2002-10-04 Thread Rob Black


I've got a few MPG, AVI (VFW  DivX) files from my windows drive that I'd
like to be able to play in Linux, but I can't seem to find anything that
will play them, the built in player (Xine is it?) won't play my files.

I did try and download MPlayer for Linux (http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/)
but it was a lot of hassle, and didn't really want to work (complained that
gcc was the wrong version, suggested I get an older one)

Any suggestions?



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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-04 Thread Brian Meadows

Hi all, 

Baffled by this one, anyone got any ideas? 

I'm trying to upgrade a box currently running Mandrake 8.2
(Pentium 133, 64 MB RAM, one 6.4GB hard drive as the primary
master, a Mitsumi FX240S as the primary slave, and a second 2GB
hard drive as the secondary master). Insert the 9.0 disk 1, with
the PC set to boot from CD-ROM of course, I get the usual POST
and BIOS messages, then the following 

ISOLINUX 1.76 Mandrake Linux isolinux
Loading spec packet failed, trying to wing it
isolinux: Failed to locate CD-ROM drive: boot failed

And that's it - the PC hangs, and a hard reboot is the only way

Yes, the downloaded images did give correct MD5 sums before I
burned them to CD. 

Anyone have any ideas? Obviously the system still knows it has
the CD-ROM there (at least initially), as it would otherwise drop
me into GRUB and my 8.2 startup. I can't believe Mandrake have
removed support for my particular CD-ROM from V9.0. 



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Re: [newbie] Cisco VPN client question update

2002-10-04 Thread Jim Fazio

One more update.  In 8.2 this same client complies just fine.  My 8.2
is using gcc-2.96 where 9.0 is using gcc-3.2.  Could this be a problem? 
And again do I care? sence it seems to be working.

Jim F

On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 20:16, Jim Fazio wrote:
   My original problem/question was that I could not get my Cisco VPN
 client to work on any MDK kernel newer than 2.4.18-6 in MDK 8.2.  When I
 upgraded my kernel in 8.2 it failed to ever work again, even on
 re-install (of vpn client).  In MDK9.0 the vpn client also did not
 work.  After alot of research I found that someone once said that the
 kernel on their RH distro did not appear to be made from the source
 files that accompanied it.  So I did a make dep in my /usr/src/linux,
 then a make bzImage, and nothing else ( I did not even touch the
 .config), so this should be an exact copy? of the stock kernel?  Well my
 vpn client works on this new kernel.  So I guess my problem is solved.
   But...  On compilation of the vpn client I got this stuff;
 Making module
 frag.c: In function `queue_fragment':
 frag.c:55: warning: concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__
 is deprecated
 frag.c:62: warning: concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__
 is deprecated
 frag.c:78: warning: concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__
 is deprecated
 frag.c: In function `have_all_fragments':
 frag.c:122: warning: concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__
 is deprecated
 frag.c: In function `need_reorder_frag':
 frag.c:202: warning: concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__
 is deprecated
 frag.c: In function `handle_fragment':
 frag.c:257: warning: concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__
 is deprecated
 Create module directory /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/CiscoVPN.
 Copying module to directory /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/CiscoVPN.
 Creating start/stop script /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init.
 Creating VPN configuration file
   It seems to work, I get connected, and stay connected.  Is this stuff a
 problem?  Should I still be working on this?  Or .. just be happy :-)  
 P.S. I love 9.0 and think I'm ready to trash my working 8.2.
 Jim F.

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Re: [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good media player?

2002-10-04 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Rob Black wrote:

 I've got a few MPG, AVI (VFW  DivX) files from my windows drive that I'd
 like to be able to play in Linux, but I can't seem to find anything that
 will play them, the built in player (Xine is it?) won't play my files.
 I did try and download MPlayer for Linux (http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/)
 but it was a lot of hassle, and didn't really want to work (complained that
 gcc was the wrong version, suggested I get an older one)
 Any suggestions?

Which version of Mandrake are you using? In 9.0, Xine works fine for me 
for most avi and divx...xmms plays avi, as well.







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[newbie] X-Windows

2002-10-04 Thread Edward Reynolds

Can anyone tell me if 8.2 development enviroment will support
programming in X-Windows?  DOes it come with the required libraries?

Edward Reynolds

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[newbie] Printer stopped working

2002-10-04 Thread Linus Drouhard

Hi all,
I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine until a couple of days ago.  
I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the printer worked under 
9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2 and it still works fine 
with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).

Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS administration

Printer State: processing, accepting jobs. 
USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds... 
Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0 

Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE Control panel printer 
configuration utility can see the printer, but still can't print.  I get the 
same error.

I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me the error...

[root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
WARNING: pinging broadcast address

...could not find printer.  

the module parport is loaded, but why does that matter as I'm using a USB 

Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is welcomed. 



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-04 Thread Technoslick

Your 24X Mitsumi IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM drive (Mfg. date - circa 1997) is
designed to read CD-Rs, BUT is limited to a max storage capacity of 630
MBs in Mode 2 (standard read mode).  You may not be able to read the
Install CD for MDK 9 (~690+ MBs) properly or at all.

Is this burn of MDK 9 from the very same burner you used to make your
MDK 8.2 CDs? Is your CD-RW capable of burning 700 MB CD-Rs? Have you
checked disc number one for complete readability?

It sounds like the size of the first CD of MDK 9 is your problem. Either
your burner cannot accommodate beyond 650 MBs and/or your CD-ROM drive
cannot read beyond that point (as your specs suggest!) Be aware that
using 'over-burning' (Nero offers this feature) may damage your CD-RW
drive if it cannot handle traversing that far inward.

BTW: If you lack the specs on your CD-ROM drive, they are here:
(careful! one very long URL!)

Shane has been able to trick some CD-ROM drives into reading beyond
their mfg. capacity. However, if I understand him correctly, the drives
at least allowed the install to get to the point of picking out the
packages (where you could choose to nix those that were in the nether
regions of your CD-R.) If you aren't able to get the installation to
recognize the drive, it would seem this is a moot technique.

Some things to consider in your hardware setup of drives and CD-ROMs for
the future:

1. It would be best for your setup if you slaved the two drives together
on the primary IDE channel and made the CD-ROM drive the master on the
second IDE channel. It's really not best for the performance of the
drive to have a CD-ROM on the same channel and can cause problems.

2. Use the largest (and usually the fastest because of size) drive as
the master, the other as the slave. Make sure that you have your jumpers
set correctly, per the drive mfg.'s specs.

3. Be aware that slaving one mfg.'s drive to another is always a
crap-shoot. It either works very well, works well most of the time, or
in some cases, just won't slave to the master. Some Conners, Maxtor's
and Seagates will not mate up to each other (speaking specifically of
older, smaller IDEs, now...) and I have seen some that will not even
mate up to themselves (that is, the same mfg.!)

Does any of this help?


Brian Meadows wrote:
  Hi all,
  Baffled by this one, anyone got any ideas?
  I'm trying to upgrade a box currently running Mandrake 8.2
  (Pentium 133, 64 MB RAM, one 6.4GB hard drive as the primary
  master, a Mitsumi FX240S as the primary slave, and a second 2GB
  hard drive as the secondary master). Insert the 9.0 disk 1, with
  the PC set to boot from CD-ROM of course, I get the usual POST
  and BIOS messages, then the following
  ISOLINUX 1.76 Mandrake Linux isolinux
  Loading spec packet failed, trying to wing it
  isolinux: Failed to locate CD-ROM drive: boot failed
  And that's it - the PC hangs, and a hard reboot is the only way
  Yes, the downloaded images did give correct MD5 sums before I
  burned them to CD.
  Anyone have any ideas? Obviously the system still knows it has
  the CD-ROM there (at least initially), as it would otherwise drop
  me into GRUB and my 8.2 startup. I can't believe Mandrake have
  removed support for my particular CD-ROM from V9.0.
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Re: [newbie] ps/2 mouse freeze on starting X

2002-10-04 Thread Abhijeet Joglekar

 Try adding an append statement to lilo to reduce memory usage by the
 amount of shared RAM used for video (your RAM amount less the 32 MB of
 shared video RAM). Your X-Windows session may be trying to tap into the
 very same memory registers that video is using. It is a proper
 precaution, if nothing else. 256 MB - 32 MB then equals 224 MB usable RAM:

 append mem=224

I used the option linux mem=224M while installation. I thought that
would do the trick.

 never realizing that it had an S3 chipset. XF86Config would show you
 what your current setup is, as well as allow you to make changes. I like

I want to find out which of those settings from XF86Config does X actually
pick up when it starts up. i.e. once X is running, how can I find out what
is the settings which it chose?

 it because it allows me to change mouse, keyboard, video and monitor
 settings in one fell swoop. Xconfigurator will work, too, but it will
 only deal with video, resolution, color depth and choice of monitor.
 Whichever program you use, make sure that you check your final settings
 to see if they work. If it allows your settings, you're doing it.

During installation, it did seem to work. Anyway I will try configuring
again and maybe do a manual selection of the chipset.

 Of course, if all is set correctly and you only have this problem in
 Linux, not Windows...you could have weak or bad memory.

What does that mean?


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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working

2002-10-04 Thread yiupun

Hi Linus,

I have the same problem.  The instal  actually
detected my printer and printed a test page, but
haven't worked since.

I tried deleting the printer, but then I couldn't get
printerdrake to work.

Any help I can get on how to properly add and
configure my printer is appreciated.

I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to the USB

Mike K.

--- Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine
 until a couple of days ago.  
 I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the
 printer worked under 
 9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2
 and it still works fine 
 with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).
   Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS
 Printer State: processing, accepting jobs. 
 USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds... 
 Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0 
 Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE
 Control panel printer 
 configuration utility can see the printer, but still
 can't print.  I get the 
 same error.
 I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me
 the error...
 [root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
 cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
 modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
 modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
 rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 ...could not find printer.  
 the module parport is loaded, but why does that
 matter as I'm using a USB 
 Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is
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Re: [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good media player?

2002-10-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 04 October 2002 7:17 pm, Rob Black did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:


 I've got a few MPG, AVI (VFW  DivX) files from my windows drive that I'd
 like to be able to play in Linux, but I can't seem to find anything that
 will play them, the built in player (Xine is it?) won't play my files.

 I did try and download MPlayer for Linux

you might try the mplayer rpms from the PLF at http://plf.zarb.org/ i had it 
running in 8.2 very well with those.  haven't gotten around to it yet for 

- -- 
remember the original 'jimminey cricket'???  no?  he got smashed for telling 
the truth, remember that the next time someone says honestly now, tell me 
what you think

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-04 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 04 October 2002 7:12 pm, Brian Meadows did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 I'm trying to upgrade a box currently running Mandrake 8.2
 (Pentium 133, 64 MB RAM, one 6.4GB hard drive as the primary
 master, a Mitsumi FX240S as the primary slave, and a second 2GB
 hard drive as the secondary master). Insert the 9.0 disk 1, with
 the PC set to boot from CD-ROM of course, I get the usual POST
 and BIOS messages, then the following

did you install from cd boot before?  my older machines (166) simply do not 
boot correctly from cd.  ever.

floppy time..

- -- 
1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by interdimentional teleportation.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Image Conversion

2002-10-04 Thread Michael Adams

On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 09:42, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Andreas Weiss wrote:
  John Richard Smith wrote:
  Does anyone out there know of any programme that can convert black
  and white
  image files to colour.Some years ago I read somewhere that a
  technology using
  computer software had been invented that could do this. I know colour
  can be
  converted to BW in gimp , but I am talking about colourising BW
  i don't know if this question is not OT in this list, but generally:
  - you can always downgrade a picture: less pixel, less color, ...
  - you can not upgrade a picture, at least not with usual programs like
  gimp, photoshop, corel draw, ...

 I guess so, I just thought I read an article somewhere, that's all, it
 was some time
 ago.Thanks anyway.

The tecnique teknique technique --- method is a little slow, but it can be

1. Load the greyscale image into GIMP.
2. Image  Mode  RGB
3. Select the lasso tool
4. Lasso an area to be recoloured
5. Image  Colors  Color Balance
6. Turn Preview ON
7. Play with the sliders until it looks about right
8. Click OK
9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 til done
10. Grab another beer and admire the finished product

Time consumed up to 4 hours depending on fussiness and if you have the mouse
or a graphic tablet for the lasso tool.


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RE: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

2002-10-04 Thread Franki

I guess my question is this...

on the tightvnc site, they offer this download:

now that seems far far newer then anything I have seen available for

which is why i was hoping someone somewhere had rebuilt this rpm so it would
compile on mandrake..

I have a heap of 8.2 and 9.0 boxes I'd like to put this one.. and not all of
them are able to compile code...

I also have the windows server and client and I need to work out if a newer
windows server/client can talk to an older nix server client.

any tips??



-Original Message-
From: Stormjumper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2002 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

hi frank,

i've been using the tightvnc binary rpms from rpmfind.net
on my stock mdk 8.2 system for a couple of months.
was at 1.2.4-1mdk then, probably 1.2.5-x now.

worked outta the box for me.


On Sat, 5 Oct 2002 01:05:00 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 tried it.. first thing actually...

 Couldn't find a src rpm.. didn't know which distro the binaries were



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
 Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2002 12:32 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: tightvnc (was Re: [newbie] Pine in 9.0)

 In reply to Franki's mail, d.d. Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:44:16 +0800:

 anyone know where I can get tightvnc for both 8.2 and 9.0

 rpmfind.net ?

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