Re: [newbie-it] vedere i cdrom

2002-10-26 Thread sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:43, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 16:06, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re:

 [newbie-it] vedere i cdrom, sandro hai scritto:
  Dipende da come intendi masterizzare.
  Mi spiego (o almeno tento):
  Se intendi copiare un cd (copia la volo) da cd-rom a masterizzatore hai
  bisogno che entrambi vengano emulati scsi (tranne un eccezione ma che
  adesso non mi viene in mente).

 Gia' che ci siamo... come si masterizza al volo? E' possibile farlo da
 shell? Ci sono howto da leggere?
 Ho l'emulazione scsi su entrambi i dispositivi, ma non ho ancora fatto
 esperimenti perche' non so da che parte iniziare...

Sinceramente non ho mai masterizzato con comandi da shell (ebbene si, sono 
pigro). Comunque devi vedere gli how-to che riguardano cd-record e cdrdao.
Un'altra possibilità e di lanciare un programma con interfaccia grafica 
(gcombust - x-cd-roast o altri, ad esempio) direttamente da shell, fare tutti 
i passi per masterizzare al volo e vedere nella shell la sintassi che applica 
per le operazioni (questi programmi grafici non fanno altro che richiamare 
cd-record e simili) - così hai una rispondenza diretta tra i quello che 
vuoi fare impostandolo con la gui e i relativi comandi a livello di shell.

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



2002-10-26 Thread Simone_Colombo
povero' e vi faro' sapere
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] PROBLEMA CON MODEM HSF

 Alle 15:28, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re:
 [newbie-it] PROBLEMA CON MODEM HSF, tom hai scritto:

  Alle 06:08, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
   Dopo aver lanciato l'rpm coi driver vai (da shell) su /dev e:
   - cancella il file modem
  xke cancellare? non conviene linkarli?

 Io ho seguito (da pollastrella) le istruzioni datemi, e visto che
 funziavano... meglio non toccare!!!

   - lancia ln -s ttySHSF0 modem
  Scusate la mia gnoranzama a ke lo si fa puntare se modem
  c'è piu??? :-) ( mi spiegate xke? )

 Gia'... se lo ricrea.

  altra cosa...mi era parso di capire che ttySHSF0 non fosse stato
  creato creato dall rpm!

 Neanche nel mio caso era stato creato. Non chiedermi troppi particolari,
 ad un certo punto, da parte mia, c'e' stato un atto di fede... con S.


[newbie-it] Samsung - l'arcano...

2002-10-26 Thread Arwan
Finalmente riesco a stampare. Ho trovato stanotte perche' non andava: io in 
genere stampo a 300 dpi, e con quella risoluzione li' non c'e' verso di farla 
andare. A 600, invece, funziona benissimo.
Non so se l'ho gia' chiesto ma... come imposto per default la stampa di due 
fogli su una pagina sola? E soprattutto, come dico alla stampante che voglio 
i fogli in qualita' _bozza_? Sotto win$ i driver mi permettono di farlo, ma 
qui... ho spulciato sul file .ppd, ma non ho trovato nulla di interessante (a 
parte il discorso della risoluzione, ma anche impostando i 300 dpi da qui la 
Samsung non funzia)


[newbie-it] posta non scaricabile

2002-10-26 Thread Arwan
Ho un problema con il mio account su libero: quando scarico la posta kmail mi 
dice che non puo', e suggerisce possibili problemi di spazio insufficiente. 
Ho controllato da web, e c'e' una sola mail, neanche tanto lunga, in formato 
testo. Tutti gli altri account, invece, vengono scaricati benone. Cosa puo' 


Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?

2002-10-26 Thread guido
a) confermo MDK 9.0 (ho una versione penso standard di 3 disk scopiazzata da
qualche guru) mi ha istallato xine di default. Forse potete provare di nuovo
ad istallare xine dai cd;
b) mplayer: l'ho scaricata da
(ho usato quelli per redhat);  la documentazione in italiano da (è fatta molto
bene e c'è tutto);  occorre fare un pò di attenzione al Win32 codecs (non è
in formato rpm e bisogna decomprimerlo e poi copiarlo, ecc..., ma trovate
tutte le istruzioni), poi a me ha richiesto una libreria:  libpng qualcosa
che ho trovato in formato rpm su rpmfind (si chiama così ??)  e dato che mia
moglie mi ha regalato un lettore DVD (dopo 20 anni di matrimonio è il
secondo regalo) ho cercato le librerie per la navigazione dei dvd (su sito
mplayer o su ogle): tutte le istruzioni sulla documentazione in italiano -
ho provato pure ad istallare le librerie per la riproduzione dei file .vob
da hard disk (libcss ???) ma non ci sono riuscito.Poi ho istallato ogle - il
sito non lo ricordo bene ma anche la ricerca con Virgilio è efficace.
 Conclusione:  con le poche risorse del mio PC vedo i divx benissimo  mentre
lo zio Bill non ce la fa; per contro la visione dei dvd con mdk è un pochino
a scattosa,  mentre il programma offerto  (pagato!!) con il lettore e che
gira su win$x va meglio (dovrei provare altre librerie come è indicato sulla
documentazione in italiano).

scusate la sintassi ma sono al lavoro e mi osservano.


- Original Message -
From: Stefano Sebastiani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?

   Da quando ho istallato MDK 9.0 funziona tutto - sia XINE che MPLAYER -
   per tutti i tipi di filamato (compresi i divx ). Anzi funziona pure la
   navigazione  dei DVD (ho pure caricato ogle.
   consiglio: meglio la MDK 9.0 (non ho toccato, nè configurato niente.
   fatto tutto da sola, salvo mplayer che da rpm è facilissima).

 Invece ho il problema contrario con la 9 ho perso Xine e non riesco a
 re mplayer ne ogle!

 Che rpm hai usato (scaricati da dove!!!)

 Perchè URPMI non mantiene le sue promesse!

Re: [newbie-it] Web con Linux

2002-10-26 Thread Piero Piutti
 No niente del genere (ma Dreamweaver e' in effetti un grande programma).

Io sto usando con successo Dreamweaver 4 sotto la mia Mdk 9.0 utilizzando la 
versione di Wine fornita con la distro. Direi che funziona piuttosto bene a 
parte piccole cose comunque ovviabili - ad esempio non riesco ad usare le 
funzionalità ftp di DW, ma chissene, per quello mi appoggio a gFTP.

E' una gran cosa, da quando lo faccio non sono più costretto a ribootare la 
macchina in Winz quando devo mettere mani alle mie pagine web...

Piero Piutti
Ticket to Ride - The Unofficial Ride Website:

Message mailed with: KMail 1.4.3 ~ KDE 3.0.3 ~ Mandrake Linux 9.0

[newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0

2002-10-26 Thread Mavricijo Babic
Salve a tutti.
Ho download gli file per la instalazione di Linux Mandrake ma pero non 
so come usarli.
Ho questo tipo di file Mandrake 9.0-cd1-int.586.iso COSA DEVO fare per 
aprire questo file?

Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?

2002-10-26 Thread francesco.melo
guido wrote:

a) confermo MDK 9.0 (ho una versione penso standard di 3 disk scopiazzata da
qualche guru) mi ha istallato xine di default. Forse potete provare di nuovo
ad istallare xine dai cd;
b) mplayer: l'ho scaricata da
(ho usato quelli per redhat);  la documentazione in italiano da (è fatta molto
bene e c'è tutto);  occorre fare un pò di attenzione al Win32 codecs (non è
in formato rpm e bisogna decomprimerlo e poi copiarlo, ecc..., ma trovate
tutte le istruzioni), poi a me ha richiesto una libreria:  libpng qualcosa
che ho trovato in formato rpm su rpmfind (si chiama così ??)  e dato che mia
moglie mi ha regalato un lettore DVD (dopo 20 anni di matrimonio è il
secondo regalo) ho cercato le librerie per la navigazione dei dvd (su sito
mplayer o su ogle): tutte le istruzioni sulla documentazione in italiano -
ho provato pure ad istallare le librerie per la riproduzione dei file .vob
da hard disk (libcss ???) ma non ci sono riuscito.Poi ho istallato ogle - il
sito non lo ricordo bene ma anche la ricerca con Virgilio è efficace.
Conclusione:  con le poche risorse del mio PC vedo i divx benissimo  mentre
lo zio Bill non ce la fa; per contro la visione dei dvd con mdk è un pochino
a scattosa,  mentre il programma offerto  (pagato!!) con il lettore e che
gira su win$x va meglio (dovrei provare altre librerie come è indicato sulla
documentazione in italiano).

scusate la sintassi ma sono al lavoro e mi osservano.


- Original Message -
From: Stefano Sebastiani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] DivX ke c' ke nn va?


Da quando ho istallato MDK 9.0 funziona tutto - sia XINE che MPLAYER -
per tutti i tipi di filamato (compresi i divx ). Anzi funziona pure la
navigazione  dei DVD (ho pure caricato ogle.

consiglio: meglio la MDK 9.0 (non ho toccato, nè configurato niente.


fatto tutto da sola, salvo mplayer che da rpm è facilissima).

Invece ho il problema contrario con la 9 ho perso Xine e non riesco a


re mplayer ne ogle!

Che rpm hai usato (scaricati da dove!!!)

Perchè URPMI non mantiene le sue promesse!



io ho sempre fatto cosi' :

vado su http:///
e poi aggiungo la sorgente
e poi basta selezionare mplayer nel pacchetto base e si risolve lui le 
faccio cosi' anch eper l'ottimo aviplay


Re: [newbie-it] Permettere agli utenti di un sistema di connettersi al pc in ssh

2002-10-26 Thread gigi pinna
>Il programma si chiama Exceed ed è a pagamento ma devo dire che è anche
> molto bello, un ciccinino pesante ma molto bello. (Alla fine non solo ho
> fatto pubblicità ma lo ho anche schifosamente lecchinato).
>Ciao, Germano

Noi in facolta` usiamo X-win che da quanto ne so (praticamente niente)
dovrebbe essere free. Poi con l' SSH per windows imposti l'X-tunneling e
sei a cavallo!

Ps. mi scuso con Germano a cui prima ho mandato per sbaglio in privato questa mail...__Vuoi fare a botte? Scarica i nervi su Fight Club!

Re: [newbie-it] Permettere agli utenti di un sistema di connettersial pc in ssh

2002-10-26 Thread Luca
gigi pinna ha scritto:

 Il programma si chiama Exceed ed è a pagamento ma devo dire che è 
anche  molto bello, un ciccinino pesante ma molto bello. (Alla fine non 
solo ho  fatto pubblicità ma lo ho anche schifosamente lecchinato).  
 Ciao, Germano Noi in facolta` usiamo X-win che da quanto ne so 
(praticamente niente) dovrebbe essere free. Poi con l' SSH per windows 
imposti l'X-tunneling e sei a cavallo! Ps. mi scuso con Germano a cui 
prima ho mandato per sbaglio in privato questa mail...

Anch'io, nell'attesa di una risporsta da Germano ho scaricato X-Win e 
sto continuando ad usarlo fino a quando non avrò un po di tempo per 
scaricare Exceed ma NON E' FREE, la versione che ho trovato in rete è 30 
min trial che necessita di essere riavviata ogni mezz'ora!!!


Giannuzzi Luca  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake 9.0 @ Acer TravelMate
Kernel 2.4.19 mdk
R.U. #287353 L.M. #168794
Modena (IT)

Mio Yahoo!: personalizza Yahoo! come piace a te

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0

2002-10-26 Thread carmine de pasquale
prima controlla che la somma di controllo funzioni e poi masterizza tre
cd (i primi due da 700M) con un programma capace di masterizzare da iso
(ahead nero, adaptec cd creator, ecc. su windows, gnometoaster su linux)
- Original Message -
From: Mavricijo Babic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0

 Salve a tutti.
 Ho download gli file per la instalazione di Linux Mandrake ma pero non
 so come usarli.
 Ho questo tipo di file Mandrake 9.0-cd1-int.586.iso COSA DEVO fare per
 aprire questo file?

R: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0

2002-10-26 Thread mailing -
se il controllo lo fai da windows devi scaricare da internet il programmino

il programmino per controllare...

da una sessione dos lo lanci e come parametro passi il nome del file che
vuoi controllare...

il valore che ti restituisce lo controlli con quello che trovi nel file




 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:newbie-it-owner;]Per conto di carmine de
 Inviato: sabato 26 ottobre 2002 19.34
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0

 prima controlla che la somma di controllo funzioni e poi masterizza tre
 cd (i primi due da 700M) con un programma capace di masterizzare da iso
 (ahead nero, adaptec cd creator, ecc. su windows, gnometoaster su linux)
 - Original Message -
 From: Mavricijo Babic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 9:57 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0

  Salve a tutti.
  Ho download gli file per la instalazione di Linux Mandrake ma pero non
  so come usarli.
  Ho questo tipo di file Mandrake 9.0-cd1-int.586.iso COSA DEVO fare per
  aprire questo file?

[newbie-it] Mandrake 9.0 INSTALAZINE !!!

2002-10-26 Thread Mavricijo Babi

Ho masterizzato gli 3 Cd.  Ho sono reusito anche ha fare un boot CD
grazie a Nero.

La instalazione poi parte bene si apre la finestra di instalazine, poi
premo enter per  ma qunado mi va a controlare
 la versione di Linux Mandrake 9.0 mi
dice ce questo CD non sembra un  CD da
instalazione Mandrake Linux???

Non, poso fare niente!!! 

Il upgrade non mi parte neanche da Linux 8.0??? 

Cosa devo fare???

Mavricijo Babiè



2002-10-26 Thread Mavricijo Babi

Ho masterizzato gli 3 Cd.  Ho sono reusito anche ha fare un boot CD
grazie a Nero.

La instalazione poi parte bene si apre la finestra di instalazine, poi
premo enter per  ma qunado mi va a
controlare  la versione di Linux Mandrake
9.0 mi dice ce questo CD non sembra un 
CD da instalazione Mandrake Linux???

Non, poso fare niente!!! 

Il upgrade non mi parte neanche da Linux 8.0??? 

Cosa devo fare???

Mavricijo Babiè


Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 00:57, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, carmine de pasquale ha

  che problemi hai?

 le due schede s3 pci dei 2 pc sono uguali (virge dx gx),
 per cui ho copiato i files da un pc all'altro, cambiando
 solo la parte riguardante la scheda agp (copincollata dal
 file che mi fa funzionare la scheda agp s3 da sola; anche
 i monitors sono uguali), ma non funziona, anzi mi dà
 errore e non parte il modalità grafica

devi dire su quale bus sono collegate le schede
Identifier  Card0
Driver  savage
VendorName  S3
BoardName   Savage/IX-MV
BusID   PCI:1:1:0

per ogni scheda
è l'errore più comune

 è possibile invece (e mi sarebbe molto più utile dello
 xinerama) avere su un monitor il server x e sull'altro
 una consolle testuale, o meglio i logs di quello che
 accade sul server x?

si, è un'opzione sperimentale del kernel,
che non ho mai provato, però..


  ? Say Y here if you have an old MDA or monochrome
Hercules graphics  adapter in your system acting as a
second head ( = video card). You  will then be able to use
two monitors with your Linux system. Do not say Y here if
your MDA card is the primary card in your system; the
normal VGA driver will handle it.This driver is also
available as a module ( = code which can be inserted and
removed from the running kernel whenever you want).  The
module will be called mdacon.o. If you want to compile it
as  a module, say M here and read


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 15:28, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 Alle 06:08, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  Dopo aver lanciato l'rpm coi driver vai (da shell) su
  /dev e: - cancella il file modem

 xke cancellare? non conviene linkarli?

se hai già un link /dev/modem
creato in fase di installazione, ma che magari punta alla 
devi :
- -rimuoverlo prima di dare ln -s
- -dare ln -fs in modo da sovrascriverlo

se usi solo ln -s hai un bell'errore

  ]#ln -s /dev/sstySHSF0 /dev/modem (cosi se lo puoi
 lanciare da qualunque dir in cui ti trovi,sempre da root
 si intende)

  - lancia ln -s ttySHSF0 modem

 Scusate la mia gnoranzama a ke lo si fa
 puntare se modem nn c'è piu??? :-) ( mi spiegate xke? )

modem è un link al dispositivo che astrae il modem vero
siccome kppp non ma modo di impostare i dispositivi diversi 
dalle tty standard [non è proprio verissimo, ma prendiamola 
per  buona]
creando il link 'modem' vai sul sicuro

 Ciao , Tom


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 08:59, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, satellitepazzo ha 
 ti ringrazio. con README a cosa ti riferisci ? dove li
 posso trovare ?  sono alle prime armi ... cerca di
 capirmi  grazie ancora 

in genere nei sorgenti o nei pacchetti che installano 
qualcosa, c'è un file README con alcune informazioni 
nel tuo caso poteva esserci scritto che il device del modem 
aveva determinati min e maj number,
quindi potevi crearlo da solo con mknod
oppure, poteva dirti che il link /dev/modem dovevi farlo a 
mano, ecc..
tutte cose comode alla soluzione del problema


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:29, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, freefred ha scritto:
 On Thursday 24 October 2002 11:41 pm, miKe wrote about S%:

   wrote about S%:

 eh eh
 mai configurare confusi il proprio client di posta...
 non me ne ero nemmeno accorto

he he

a proposito,
che tu sappia, è possibile far passare altre variabili 
oltre a %S, %D e %F ?
magari addirittura esterne a kmail ?
[basterebbe invocarlo con uno script che le esporta prima..]


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] VMWARE 3.2+OT Wordfast

2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 13:05, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, Chiara Bianchi ha 
 Ciao a tutti! Visto che di recente si è parlato di
 abbandono di Finester, mi chiedevo se qualcuno di voi,
 costretto a lavorare sotto il suddetto finestrone, ha già
 provato sulla sua macchina il vmware 3.2. 

non la 3.2 ma l'ho usato pesantemente un paio di anni 

 Potrebbe essere
 la volta buona: tutto il disco per linux, e finalmente
 potrò vedere quei dannati cd dei dizionari zanichelli

con wine non si riesce a vederli?

considera che wmvare è moolto pesante..
e comunque devi avere la licenza dei sistemi host...

 Ciao ciao!!!



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] posta non scaricabile

2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:29, sabato 26 ottobre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:
 Ho un problema con il mio account su libero: quando
 scarico la posta kmail mi dice che non puo', 

controlla con tutti i metodi che kmail supporta
magari negozia con testo in chiaro mentre il server si 
aspetta una connseeione diversa, o viceversa.
kmail ha un'opzione che cerca il miglior metodo supportato 
dal server.


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Web con Linux

2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 08:58, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, sebastiano arrigoni ha 
 salve a tutta la ml,
 qualcuno di voi sa dirmi se esiste per Linux un pacchetto
 Dreamweaver equivalente.

hai openoffice..
genera un bel codice html molto pulito

non è paragonabile a Dreamweaver , comunque,
non gestisce il sito, ma la singola pagina [ma giocando con 
gli stili alla fine fai belle cosette..]



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



2002-10-26 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:03, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:

  altra cosa...mi era parso di capire che ttySHSF0
  non fosse stato creato creato dall rpm!

 Neanche nel mio caso era stato creato. Non chiedermi
 troppi particolari, che ad un certo punto, da parte mia,
 c'e' stato un atto di fede... con S. Tommaso...

..grazie per la 'fiducia'...


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-26 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 00:57, venerdì 25 ottobre 2002, carmine de pasquale ha

   che problemi hai?

  le due schede s3 pci dei 2 pc sono uguali (virge dx gx),
  per cui ho copiato i files da un pc all'altro, cambiando
  solo la parte riguardante la scheda agp (copincollata dal
  file che mi fa funzionare la scheda agp s3 da sola; anche
  i monitors sono uguali), ma non funziona, anzi mi dà
  errore e non parte il modalità grafica

 devi dire su quale bus sono collegate le schede
 Identifier  Card0
 Driver  savage
 VendorName  S3
 BoardName   Savage/IX-MV
 BusID   PCI:1:1:0

 per ogni scheda
 è l'errore più comune

infatti ho messo 1:0:0 e 0:12:0 come viene indicato da xfdrake, che
sull'altro pc indicava 1:0:0 e 0:14:0

  è possibile invece (e mi sarebbe molto più utile dello
  xinerama) avere su un monitor il server x e sull'altro
  una consolle testuale, o meglio i logs di quello che
  accade sul server x?

 si, è un'opzione sperimentale del kernel,
 che non ho mai provato, però..

solo che non so come impostarla.


   ? Say Y here if you have an old MDA or monochrome
 Hercules graphics  adapter in your system acting as a
 second head ( = video card). You  will then be able to use
 two monitors with your Linux system. Do not say Y here if
 your MDA card is the primary card in your system; the
 normal VGA driver will handle it.This driver is also
 available as a module ( = code which can be inserted and
 removed from the running kernel whenever you want).  The
 module will be called mdacon.o. If you want to compile it
 as  a module, say M here and read

cercherò qualcosa. con linux si studia più l'inglese che l'informatica

ciao e grazie


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] posta non scaricabile

2002-10-26 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] posta non scaricabile

 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 10:29, sabato 26 ottobre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:
  Ho un problema con il mio account su libero: quando
  scarico la posta kmail mi dice che non puo',

 controlla con tutti i metodi che kmail supporta
 magari negozia con testo in chiaro mentre il server si
 aspetta una connseeione diversa, o viceversa.
 kmail ha un'opzione che cerca il miglior metodo supportato
 dal server.



la posta su libero puoi scaricarla anche col server imap oltre che col
pop. potresti provare così

 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] Programma per scaricare pagine collegate dal Web

2002-10-26 Thread francesco manini
Cari amici della lista,
sono ancora vivo nonostante la sound blaster che continua a non funzionare in 
barba ai vari tentativi effettuati. Ma sono ancora al lavoro e spero di farvi 
sapere presto qualcosa.

Adesso volevo un consiglio per sapere quale programma mi suggerite per 
scaricare pagine web collegate tra di loro in un sito di mio interesse senza 
dover scaricare pagina per pagina. 
Ricordo che uso Mandrake 8.2 con kernel 2.4.18-6 e KDE 2.2.2. Come navigatore 
utilizzo Konqueror.
Grazie e a risentirci 
Francesco Manini

Re: [newbie] SLIGHT CORRECTION what does it want . . . and why?

2002-10-26 Thread bascule
your parttition scheme has changed and suddenly X can't find /home?
not really a surprise unless of course /home is on the same drive as /
you will need to edit /etc/fstab to change all references to hdd* to hdb*
if you're burner has been detected by hardrake and installed then you will see 
lines in /etc/fstab with hdd in them but they will also have references to 
cdrom in them - leave these alone,
to edit /etc/fstab you will need to logon as root at the command prompt
when you get  root prompt type:
vi /etc/fstab
press return and you should be editing the fstab file, using your cursor keys 
you should be able to move around (unless somehow your vim config is shot), 
using the simplest possible i commands move the cursor to where you wnat to 
edit, press the 'insert' key, notice that 'insert' is now displayed at the 
bottom of the screen, use the backspace key to delete the offending text and 
type the correct text, press the esc. key press shift-; in order to get : at 
the bottom of the screen then press wq and return and if all has gone well 
you should have edited fstab, if your vim config is shot then you will have 
to read the docs for it which don't exist on my system so i can't help you 
i suggest practing with hese vi commands by typing at a prompt
vi test
this will create a file called test in the directory you are in and you can 
delete it after, there are other vi commands but i'm not expert so i don't 
want to steer you wrong, what i've described should work


On Friday 25 Oct 2002 12:52 am, Joe Harkins wrote:
 Correction: I left out the /home.

 xauth: creating new authority for /home/joe/.Xauthority
 xauth: creating new authority for /home/joe/.Xauthority
 xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2) :unable to connect to server
 xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error
 [joelocalhost joe]$
 In other words, it return me to the prompt at which I entered startx.
 I suspect this the new issue arises because I had work done on my computer
 and got it back only yesterday. I run Win on the Primary HD. Before that
 work, the primary drive was (and remains) hda - ALSO CORRECTED - not hdda
 - slave drive was partitioned as hdd1 through hdd6.

'We'll all be killed.'
'Think of it as the lesser of two evils.'
'What's the other one?'
Vimes drew his sword.

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[newbie] flash in konqueror

2002-10-26 Thread Noah Hicks
Could anyone tell me how to enable a flash plugin in Konqueror?  I had no 
problem in Mozilla but I can't figure out how to do it in Konqueror.

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[newbie] 9.0 - KDE3 doesn't start

2002-10-26 Thread Markus Bela
I just installed 9.0 from scratch. When start KDE, I get an error message
that /home/user/.DOCP. list doesnt exist..

What the hell is this? I installed MDK several times but have never seen
such a message.


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[newbie] VNC Port

2002-10-26 Thread Paul Dimitriu
I'm guessing a very simple question (I hope):

How do I set vncserver to listen to a particular port?
 If not, what port does it listen on?

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[newbie] HP ScanJet 3200C

2002-10-26 Thread Maarten Vanraes
I scanned before in mdk8.2 (i had to be root), but since I installed mdk9, i 
can't scan anymore.

I configure it in mandrake control center, but when I use XSane, it says 
scanner not found?

please help me

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Re: [newbie] VNC Port

2002-10-26 Thread Paul Dimitriu
Sorry, all, I was sniffing glue.  I decided to do
something silly and read the manual.

Do you Yahoo!?
Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

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Re: [newbie] HP ScanJet 3200C

2002-10-26 Thread Alice Lafox
On 26 ïËÔÑÂÒØ 2002 13:00, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
 I scanned before in mdk8.2 (i had to be root), but since I installed mdk9,
 i can't scan anymore.

 I configure it in mandrake control center, but when I use XSane, it says
 scanner not found?

 please help me

hm.. I have same problem with Acer ScanPrisa 640s.
it worked fine in 8.2, in 9.0- no :/

 who can help, really?



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[newbie] Permissions

2002-10-26 Thread Jordan Elver
I have a partition on my drive which is purely for all my mp3s, downloads etc.
The partition is FAT32 so that I can access it from Windoze too. The drive is 
automatically mounted on boot as root with full permisions on everything. I 
assume full permisions as it is FAT32 not ext2 etc? 

Although I can copy stuff to the partition as any user, it complains about not 
being able to change the permissions of the file I am copying. Is there 
anyway that I can mount the partition as the user I normally use? Is that a 
good idea?

Thanks for any help,
Jordan Elver
The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children. 
--- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] linux documentation!?

2002-10-26 Thread Angus Auld

 At 07:36 AM 10/25/2002 +1300, you wrote:
 On Friday 25 Oct 2002 11:42 am, Dimitris Adamopoulos wrote:
   Anybody knows where i could find
   linux documentation (pdf or anything else)
   I am trying to make a library of books
   that i can't afford to buy from the stores! has some good stuff.  There's also the Linux
 Cookbook which a google search should find.
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 I have teh cookbook as well as a Linux SysAdmins guide to Linux.
 all online PDF Or Html docs

You can get The Linux Cookbook here:

You can make a link in your browser to the /cookbook/index.html file and you can have 
it handy for browsing when you need it. I have found it helpful. 8-)

All the best.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive

2002-10-26 Thread Technoslick
Dark Lord, here's what my 'fstab' looks like in my 8.2 box, after disabling 
supermount (the dots represent lines broken to fit within the margins of this 

/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660
.iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy vfat 
.0 0
/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip vfat 
.iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,nosuid,user,noauto,nodev,codepage=850  0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

Your comment on how you made a new icon and used 'floppy device' makes me 
wonder why you did that instead of picking 'zip'. You must be using an 
internal zip drive siince your installation sees it as an internal ATAPI zip. 
The internals that I have seen come with an extra jumper settingthat allows 
them to be seen by the BIOS as an ATAPI Floppy Drive. Were you looking to 
maintain that 'look-n-feel' on your Desktop? Mine is an external through the 
parallel port, so it shows up as a SCSI device. One thing that I just did 
that wasn't done before I last posted was to check off permissions for 
execute on the drive icon. That now makes one-click access without mounting 
possible for the zip drive.

I checked the icon properties for the CD-ROM on the Desktop. 'exec' is 
checked off for root, user and others, yet I cannot open a CD without first 
mounting it. So, what makes a CD mount differently than a floppy or zip 
drive? Can you tell by looking at my fstab, and if so, is there a change to 
be made to make it so that I do not have to invoke the mount command, as with 
the floppy and zip drives?


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[newbie] blocking popup windows using Guidescope or Junkbusters

2002-10-26 Thread Steve Jeppesen
Hello list,
I am curious if anybody is using either of these programs to block
popups on a firewall/router? 

I am currently using MD8.2 as a firewall/router to share our cable
connection with clients running MD 9.0, Win98se2 and WinMe and would
like to know if anybody has any prefs or things to watch out for when
installing and setting up either of those programs.

My goal is to set up either of these programs on the firewall/router and
have it block popups for all the clients.

Is there anything else out there that someone would recommend over these


Linux user #280097
Machine #162480

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-26 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 25 October 2002 11:52 pm, you wrote:

 What would I not install if i don't want supermount installed by
 default?  Rather, what package do I need to make sure isn't installed in
 the firstplace, to avoid having supermount on a clean system?


Hi Femme! TBH, I'm not sure - I've always just done a supermount -i disable 
as root, deleted my old icon, right-click on the desktop, create a new icon 
pointing to whatever device I was working on...and this works for me!

HTH's! :-)

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] HP ScanJet 3200C (readme Alice)

2002-10-26 Thread mudder

hm.. I have same problem with Acer ScanPrisa 640s.
it worked fine in 8.2, in 9.0- no :/

 who can help, really?



* From: Colin Rose
* Subject: [newbie] Anybody having problems with 'snapscan' and their
* Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 18:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
The problem is that somehow a typo is introduced in the file
/etc/sane.d/dll.conf. If you get the error 'no devices found' then edit
the above file and change the word 'SnapScan' to 'snapscan' and it
should work.

hope this helps,

Go to

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-26 Thread Spencer
On October 25, 2002 08:55 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Friday 25 October 2002 11:52 pm, you wrote:
  What would I not install if i don't want supermount installed by
  default?  Rather, what package do I need to make sure isn't installed in
  the firstplace, to avoid having supermount on a clean system?

 Hi Femme! TBH, I'm not sure - I've always just done a supermount -i
 disable as root, deleted my old icon, right-click on the desktop, create a
 new icon pointing to whatever device I was working on...and this works for

 HTH's! :-)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but supermount is a kernel module and I 
believe the only way to get rid of it is to recompile the kernel. I can't 
believe how many are having troubles. Mine works perfectly for what I use it 


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RE: [newbie] blocking popup windows using Guidescope or Junkbusters

2002-10-26 Thread dave
Check out Privoxy ( - based on Junkbuster, I use it
currently, works a treat.

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;] On Behalf Of Steve Jeppesen
Sent: 26 October 2002 15:37
Subject: [newbie] blocking popup windows using Guidescope or Junkbusters

Hello list,
I am curious if anybody is using either of these programs to block
popups on a firewall/router? 

I am currently using MD8.2 as a firewall/router to share our cable
connection with clients running MD 9.0, Win98se2 and WinMe and would
like to know if anybody has any prefs or things to watch out for when
installing and setting up either of those programs.

My goal is to set up either of these programs on the firewall/router and
have it block popups for all the clients.

Is there anything else out there that someone would recommend over these


Linux user #280097
Machine #162480

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[newbie] More Sound Issues in M9

2002-10-26 Thread Ed Halter
Greetings all.

This is somewhat related to the recent sound in only 20 out of 4 
speakers thread.

Like that thread's originator, I'm running Mandrake 9, with the ALSA 
sound driver, on a SB Live card. In addition, neither aumix nor Kmix 
seem able to get all 4 of my speakers working in ALSA, though extensive 
fiddling with them got surround working in OSS.

Presumably a competent mixer could solve this for me, and I've 
downloaded the gamix tarball (1.99.p13), but there I run into a 
different problem, one I've noticed for several programs: when running 
./configure, the script eventually stops on the following:

checking for libasound headers version = 0.5.0... not present.
configure: error: Sufficiently new version of libasound not found.

I get the exact same problem trying to configure the alsa-xmms plugin 
for XMMS (0.9.5), except there it's version = 0.9.0 instead of 0.5.0.

Running locate libasound returns


so the stuff is there. I tried delving into the configure scripts, but 
they're way above me -- ie, I can find where the error message gets 
printed, but I couldn't figure out exactly why it prints.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have any ideas? Could 
these programs just be looking for libasound in the wrong place?

Thanks in advance,

Ed Halter

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[newbie] Tamil support

2002-10-26 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have installed tamil language support. But how to type tamil letters.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Jimmy Montague
Hi, Everybody:

I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows environment. 
There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and still can't get it 

System is:

FIC VA503+ mobo
AMD K6-2/350 processor
256 mb Crucial RAM
2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
1 generic 50x CD-ROM
1 fdd
Creative Ensoniqe sound
ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
Compaq V50 monitor
IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
Logitech MouseMan PS2

Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as 
an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit 
color, 800x600 res.

If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30 
seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up, 
what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads X. 
Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI 
Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit, 
for example) the system returns an error when I test it.

The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change 
some parameters. (sic)

So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run 
through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the 
configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory

After install no. 4, I'm whipped.

Ideas, anyone?



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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive

2002-10-26 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 26 October 2002 09:53 am, you wrote:
 Dark Lord, here's what my 'fstab' looks like in my 8.2 box, after disabling
 supermount (the dots represent lines broken to fit within the margins of
 this post):

 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660
 .iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0

and here is mine:

/dev/scd0   /mnt/cdrom  iso9660 
iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,nodev,user0 0

/dev/scd1   /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 
iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,nodev,user0 0

other than nodev,user being user,nodev in yours, they look identical.

 /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip vfat
 .iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,nosuid,user,noauto,nodev,codepage=8500 0

Sorry, I hadn't noticed that yours is an external/parallell. Its supposed to 
show up as SCSI, from my understanding.

 Your comment on how you made a new icon and used 'floppy device' makes me
 wonder why you did that instead of picking 'zip'. You must be using an
 internal zip drive siince your installation sees it as an internal ATAPI
 zip. The internals that I have seen come with an extra jumper settingthat
 allows them to be seen by the BIOS as an ATAPI Floppy Drive. Were you
 looking to maintain that 'look-n-feel' on your Desktop? Mine is an external
 through the parallel port, so it shows up as a SCSI device. One thing that
 I just did that wasn't done before I last posted was to check off
 permissions for execute on the drive icon. That now makes one-click access
 without mounting possible for the zip drive.

Yes, I do have an internal Zip drive (IDE/ATAPI, as master on the 2nd IDE 
channel hdc). When I right-click on the desktop and use create, there is no 
Zip entry, I had to pick either floppy or CDROM. Of course, I changed to the 
icons to show Zip drives, mounted and unmounted.

 I checked the icon properties for the CD-ROM on the Desktop. 'exec' is
 checked off for root, user and others, yet I cannot open a CD without first
 mounting it. So, what makes a CD mount differently than a floppy or zip
 drive? Can you tell by looking at my fstab, and if so, is there a change to
 be made to make it so that I do not have to invoke the mount command, as
 with the floppy and zip drives?


Well, you've got your Zip working like you wanted so at least we're making 
progress! smile

Now about those CDROMs... I didn't do anything different than I did for my 
zip. I used the supermount disable command, deleted my CDROM icons, 
right-clicked and picked CDROM, then made sure they were pointing to the 
correct devices. Also, keep in mind that I have devfs disabled. See above, 
I'll put my CDROM entries below your fstab entry. It will be a little 
different because I use SCSI CDROMs here. (or after looking at your CDROM 
line it looks like you are using SCSI too?)

Look mine over, try deleting your CDROM icons and recreating them, etc, etc. 

HTH's! :-)

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] HP ScanJet 3200C (readme Alice)

2002-10-26 Thread Alice Lafox
On 26 ïËÔÑÂÒØ 2002 17:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hm.. I have same problem with Acer ScanPrisa 640s.
 it worked fine in 8.2, in 9.0- no :/
   who can help, really?

 * From: Colin Rose
 * Subject: [newbie] Anybody having problems with 'snapscan' and their
 * Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 18:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
 The problem is that somehow a typo is introduced in the file
 /etc/sane.d/dll.conf. If you get the error 'no devices found' then edit
 the above file and change the word 'SnapScan' to 'snapscan' and it
 should work.

 hope this helps,

wow! It works!


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Re: [newbie] 9.0 - KDE3 doesn't start

2002-10-26 Thread Joseph Braddock
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:29:05 +0200
Markus Bela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just installed 9.0 from scratch. When start KDE, I get an error message
 that /home/user/.DOCP. list doesnt exist..
 What the hell is this? I installed MDK several times but have never seen
 such a message.

When you installed from scratch, did that include /home?  It's possible that if your 
user directory already existed and you reinstalled Mandrake (any linux) that if the 
/home/username is the same as your user id, you don't have permissions in it.  If you 
think this might be the case, as root you can type chown -R userid /home/userdirectory 
and that will reset the ownership of the home directory.

If that is not the case, if you create another user, can that user get into KDE?


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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Spencer
On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:
 Hi, Everybody:

 I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
 I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
 It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows environment.
 There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and still can't get it

 System is:

 FIC VA503+ mobo
 AMD K6-2/350 processor
 256 mb Crucial RAM
 2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
 1 generic 50x CD-ROM
 1 fdd
 Creative Ensoniqe sound
 ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
 Compaq V50 monitor
 IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
 Logitech MouseMan PS2

 Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
 an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
 color, 800x600 res.

 If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
 seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
 what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads X.
 Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

 So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI
 Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit,
 for example) the system returns an error when I test it.

 The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change
 some parameters. (sic)

 So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run
 through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the
 configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
 execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
 giving up
 xinit: No such file or directory

 After install no. 4, I'm whipped.

 Ideas, anyone?


Mach 64 Utah drivers are correct. I use the same card along with Xfree 4.2.1. 
It may be choking on your monitor. Try using generic settings. I am using 
1024x768  70 and 800x600 at 24 as final. Works perfect


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[newbie] Mouse wheel / third button

2002-10-26 Thread dave
I've been trying to get my mouse (MS IntelliMouse v1.2A (PS/2)) wheel and 
third button working since I installed MDK9.0, but without any luck as of 

I understand there is the 'gpm' mouse driver running the non-X environment 
mouse, and the mouse for X is defined in XF86Config - but I can't figure out 
what I need to do in order to get the wheel and button working.

It's a pretty 'bog standard' old mouse, but solid and feels great to use, so 
i'd rather not give up on it just yet :)

Thanks for any suggestions,
David Gallagher

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Re: [newbie] Permissions

2002-10-26 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 1:08 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
 I have a partition on my drive which is purely for all my mp3s, downloads
 etc. The partition is FAT32 so that I can access it from Windoze too. The
 drive is automatically mounted on boot as root with full permisions on
 everything. I assume full permisions as it is FAT32 not ext2 etc?

 Although I can copy stuff to the partition as any user, it complains about
 not being able to change the permissions of the file I am copying. Is there
 anyway that I can mount the partition as the user I normally use? Is that a
 good idea?

 Thanks for any help,

In your /etc/fstab entry for the FAT32 partition add the option 
quiet . You will then not get that annoying message.


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RE: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Franki
I make two consessions to getting video working..

1. Never do the test suggested in the install.. if it dies you sometimes
have to start again.
2. Never have the system initially boot straight into Xwindows. (at least
not straight after install.)

That way if there is a problem, you can use drakconf to fix it from the
console once the system
is fully installed and running.

its saved me many an install.


-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of shane
Sent: Saturday, 26 October 2002 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 26 October 2002 8:36 am, Jimmy Montague did speak unto the
huddled masses, saying:

 Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
 an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
 color, 800x600 res.

 If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
 seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
 what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads X.
 Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

i would try the recommended video card but use a different monitor setting.
if i run my other machine with too high a refresh rate i get the same

- --
Windows: Where do you want to go today? MacOS: Where do you want to be
tomorrow? Linux: Are you coming or what?

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Re: [newbie] S3 Savage 2000 and XFree86 4.2.1 problems

2002-10-26 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Dissabte 26 Octubre 2002 20:22, en Michael Notforyou va escriure:
 No, that's not what you asked. You asked how you compile the kernel.
 Video (XFree86) is COMPLETELY different from the kernel.
You're right.  I've typed a wrong question (english is my third language)  

The problem I had was that I don't know how to compile source in 
savage-1.1.25t.tgz file ?!  8-?

I've run make, make install with the following results:
- --
[rootquinipt savage]# make
make: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo 
`../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.h', necesario para 
`savage_driver.o'.  Alto.
[rootquinipt savage]#
- --

The error is no rule to build target... , needed for 'savage_driver.o'.  
Stop... any idea?  8-?

Thanks again (and sorry for my last mistake!)  ;)
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Sound in LM9

2002-10-26 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 20:54:41 -0400
Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 22 October 2002 09:30 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
  On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:08:52 -0400
  Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I installed LM9 on a Thinkpad 600.  No sound card was detected.  Running
   sndconfig as root I get:
   No PnP or PCI sound cards were found
   in your system. Please select your
   card type from the following list.
   After trying to manually configure the card and play a sample sound I
   modprobe error
   The following error occurred running the modprobe program:
   init_module: No such device
   modprobe: insmod
   /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz failed
   modprobe: insmod sound-slot-0 failed
   The file /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz exists
   Sound worked fine on this machine using LM 7.x, but I never bothered to
   test in 8.x, and continues to work on Windows.
   What gives.  Any recommendations?
  What soundcard do you have and is it Plug and Play ?
  You can check as root with pnpdump. HTH,
 Good suggestion.
 pnpdump returns No boards found
 Win98 reports that sound is provided by a Crystal PNP card.  The sound 
 continues to work fine under W98.
 The IBM documentation reports a Creative Labs CS4237 (I original 
 message indicates a sound blaster driver, but I get the same general result 
 with the cs4232 driver, which IBM recommends, as well as several other 
 drivers.)  After further reading, I concur with IBM on the hardware, however 
 the IRQ and DMA settings under W are different than those recommended by IBM 
 for the cs4232 driver.
 One obvious difference between LM 7.x (where sound worked) and 8.x and 9.0 is 
 that 7.x used kernel 2.2 where as the more recent distros use 2.4.  Do you 
 know how this might be relevant to my problem?

Check this thread:;
(see about changes in module options naming
in the rc5 release, in ML9.0 you must use the old names).

This site may be helpfull:

Good luck!


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Re: [newbie] S3 Savage 2000 and XFree86 4.2.1 problems

2002-10-26 Thread Michael Notforyou
On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 15:42, Joan Tur wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Es Dissabte 26 Octubre 2002 20:22, en Michael Notforyou va escriure:
  No, that's not what you asked. You asked how you compile the kernel.
  Video (XFree86) is COMPLETELY different from the kernel.
 You're right.  I've typed a wrong question (english is my third language)  
 The problem I had was that I don't know how to compile source in 
 savage-1.1.25t.tgz file ?!  8-?
 I've run make, make install with the following results:
 - --
 [rootquinipt savage]# make
 make: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo 
 `../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.h', necesario para 
 `savage_driver.o'.  Alto.
 [rootquinipt savage]#
 - --
 The error is no rule to build target... , needed for 'savage_driver.o'.  
 Stop... any idea?  8-?
 Thanks again (and sorry for my last mistake!)  ;)

Speak Spanish, do you? I complement your English, it is much better than
my Spanish!

Okay, don't bother with building it from source, download the binary.
It's on the same Website.

*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 - KDE3 doesn't start

2002-10-26 Thread Markus Bela
Hi Joeb,

thanks for the tipps. I fixed it, the problem was an illegal character in
the local machine's host name (é) by typing mistake.

regards... Bela

- Original Message -
From: Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 - KDE3 doesn't start

 On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:29:05 +0200
 Markus Bela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just installed 9.0 from scratch. When start KDE, I get an error
  that /home/user/.DOCP. list doesnt exist..
  What the hell is this? I installed MDK several times but have never seen
  such a message.

 When you installed from scratch, did that include /home?  It's possible
that if your user directory already existed and you reinstalled Mandrake
(any linux) that if the /home/username is the same as your user id, you
don't have permissions in it.  If you think this might be the case, as root
you can type chown -R userid /home/userdirectory and that will reset the
ownership of the home directory.

 If that is not the case, if you create another user, can that user get
into KDE?


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Re: [newbie] Mouse wheel / third button

2002-10-26 Thread Alan Shoemaker
dave wrote:
 I've been trying to get my mouse (MS IntelliMouse v1.2A
 (PS/2)) wheel and third button working since I installed
 MDK9.0, but without any luck as of yet.

 I understand there is the 'gpm' mouse driver running the
 non-X environment mouse, and the mouse for X is defined in
 XF86Config - but I can't figure out what I need to do in
 order to get the wheel and button working.

 It's a pretty 'bog standard' old mouse, but solid and feels
 great to use, so i'd rather not give up on it just yet :)

 Thanks for any suggestions,
 David Gallagher

Davidtry replacing the section concerning the mouse in 
your current /etc/XF86Config-4 file with the below:

Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

save the changed file and then restart your xserver. :)

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-26 Thread Len Lawrence
On 25 Oct 2002 10:22:17 -0500

 On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 05:08, Len Lawrence wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestion but that is a bit advanced for me.  Might try it 
  in the future when I get a better idea of what is going on.  I would not 
  know how to specify the Demon SMTP server.  Although I have used WANs and 
  the Internet for over 25 years I am still clueless about networking of any 
 In Preferences, Basic tab: - SMTP (send):
 (presuming that you are connecting to the internet through
Yes.  tarazed is my POP3 account name at Demon and somewhere I have specified
the Demon gateway address for pppd.  All kppp needs is the telephone number.
It echoes an address something like when it connects.
I have never needed to know the address of the SMTP server.  That is all I know
about how my machine connects to the Internet.

You were suggesting that Sylpheed can be set up to run pppd and dial out and
fetch mail?  In other words it could replace postfix and kppp entirely?
Excuse me if I seem dense, but that's the truth.

Thanks again for your suggestion.
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-26 Thread Len Lawrence
On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:48:46 +0200

 In reply to Len's mail, d.d. Fri, 25 Oct 2002 11:25:15 +0100 (BST):
 Thanks Todd, I was already using None (local).  Have tried 
 and in the server field and sylpheed tries to send;
 sending from tarazed... but always comes back with an error.  There 
 I have used Demon here in Holland before I switched to cable.
 In the Sylpheed entry for sending, I had I guess yours should
 look like (But you can check that at their site, I am
 Login name would be the account that you have with them (tarazed) and your
 POP3 password (in Holland, the POP3 password can be different from the ISP
 general login). But that is for checking mail, which you seem to have
 running through Postfix already.
 For further information, you can look at the documentation project for
 Sylpheed at where we keep working at the
 manual and FAQ.
Thanks for that link.  Will check it later.

It looks like the SMTP business is a red herring.  My connection is already
made, and authenticated via POP3 by the time it comes to sending mail.  Don't
actually know what is doing the sending but I guess it has to be using SMTP.
No clues from the gtop display.

Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-26 Thread FemmeFatale
At 11:55 PM 10/25/2002 -0400, you wrote:

On Friday 25 October 2002 11:52 pm, you wrote:

 What would I not install if i don't want supermount installed by
 default?  Rather, what package do I need to make sure isn't installed in
 the firstplace, to avoid having supermount on a clean system?


Hi Femme! TBH, I'm not sure - I've always just done a supermount -i disable
as root, deleted my old icon, right-click on the desktop, create a new icon
pointing to whatever device I was working on...and this works for me!

HTH's! :-)

  Dark Lord

Simple enough.  Thx DL :)

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Re: [newbie] Mouse wheel / third button

2002-10-26 Thread dave
Many thanks, worked like a charm!
Ironically, I've just ordered a MS Wireless Blue Optical Mouse - hoping that's 
as easy to get working as this turned out to be.
Thanks again,

On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 9:55 pm, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 dave wrote:
  I've been trying to get my mouse (MS IntelliMouse v1.2A
  (PS/2)) wheel and third button working since I installed
  MDK9.0, but without any luck as of yet.
  I understand there is the 'gpm' mouse driver running the
  non-X environment mouse, and the mouse for X is defined in
  XF86Config - but I can't figure out what I need to do in
  order to get the wheel and button working.
  It's a pretty 'bog standard' old mouse, but solid and feels
  great to use, so i'd rather not give up on it just yet :)
  Thanks for any suggestions,
  David Gallagher

 Davidtry replacing the section concerning the mouse in
 your current /etc/XF86Config-4 file with the below:

 Section InputDevice
 Identifier Mouse1
 Driver mouse
 Option Protocol IMPS/2
 Option Device /dev/psaux
 Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 save the changed file and then restart your xserver. :)

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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Nick Adams
Nick Adams wrote:

Spencer wrote:

On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:

Hi, Everybody:

I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows environment.
There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and still can't get it

System is:

FIC VA503+ mobo
AMD K6-2/350 processor
256 mb Crucial RAM
2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
1 generic 50x CD-ROM
1 fdd
Creative Ensoniqe sound
ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
Compaq V50 monitor
IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
Logitech MouseMan PS2

Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
color, 800x600 res.

If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads X.
Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI
Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit,
for example) the system returns an error when I test it.

The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change
some parameters. (sic)

So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run
through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the
configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory

After install no. 4, I'm whipped.

Ideas, anyone?



Mach 64 Utah drivers are correct. I use the same card along with 
Xfree 4.2.1. It may be choking on your monitor. Try using generic 
settings. I am using 1024x768  70 and 800x600 at 24 as final. Works 



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You use Xfree 4.2.1 on a generic monitor -- but do you set Xfree to 3d 
or 2d?


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Been there. Done that. Three times now.

Same result. It doesn't work.

More suggestions, anyone?


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[newbie] XASTIR on 9.0 ?

2002-10-26 Thread Markus Bela
Just by accident, is someone here using XASTIR (amateur radio APRS sw) with
9.0? I have install problems.


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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Spencer
On October 26, 2002 03:37 pm, Nick Adams wrote:
 Nick Adams wrote:
  Spencer wrote:
  On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:
  Hi, Everybody:
  I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
  I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
  It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows
  environment. There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and
  still can't get it right.
  System is:
  FIC VA503+ mobo
  AMD K6-2/350 processor
  256 mb Crucial RAM
  2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
  1 generic 50x CD-ROM
  1 fdd
  Creative Ensoniqe sound
  ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
  Compaq V50 monitor
  IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
  Logitech MouseMan PS2
  Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
  an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
  color, 800x600 res.
  If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
  seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
  what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads
  X. Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.
  So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI
  Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit,
  for example) the system returns an error when I test it.
  The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change
  some parameters. (sic)
  So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run
  through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the
  configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
  execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
  giving up
  xinit: No such file or directory
  After install no. 4, I'm whipped.
  Ideas, anyone?
  Mach 64 Utah drivers are correct. I use the same card along with
  Xfree 4.2.1. It may be choking on your monitor. Try using generic
  settings. I am using 1024x768  70 and 800x600 at 24 as final. Works
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to
  You use Xfree 4.2.1 on a generic monitor -- but do you set Xfree to 3d
  or 2d?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to


 Been there. Done that. Three times now.

 Same result. It doesn't work.

 More suggestions, anyone?

Try to get to runlevel 3. If you can get in as root, try running 
/usr/sbin/ddxinfos. This will give you the EISA ID of your monitor and may 
help you debug this thing.


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Re: [newbie] Dedicated firewall machine

2002-10-26 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 25 October 2002 22:36, RichardA wrote:
 H.J.Bathoorn, Friday 25 October 2002 18:29:
  I've got a P133 running Smoothwall very nicely.
  Smoothwall has a GPL download and even if you decide not to install it:
  their docs and faq's are well written and clear.

 When a GPL project is forked, it's usually for technical reasons. IP-Cop
 was forked from Smoothwall because of the anti-social attitude of the
 Smoothwall founder, Richard Morrell. Search Google groups for his name and
 settle down for an entertaining, if expletive-laden, read.
 Many of us use Linux for moral, as well as technical, reasons. I chose not
 to use Smoothwall.
 That sounds really uptight and moral. Ah well.

All true and proven, but none the less Smoothwall is an excellent product, 
well documented and with no unnescesary frills.

Agreed Morell's attitude and diplomacy does remind me (very loudly) of a 
British Football hooligan but AFAIK IP-Cop stopped fairly short in it's own 
tracks and S-wall(latest version) is still to be gotten GPL-wise.

And because (you're right) it does sound uptight and moral: I don't have to 
like the guy to admit he may be right! It would help though, a bit of 
sympathisoh so what, a little couleur locale!:o)

Good hunting,

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Re: [newbie] blocking popup windows using Guidescope or Junkbusters

2002-10-26 Thread Steve Jeppesen
Thank you for your help Dave,

I now have Privoxy up and running and so far so good!

I did have to update chkconfig and install rpm-helper in order to
install the privoxy rpm you sent me.

I just have to figure out a way of using privoxy without hampering my
daughters web creation process!  I do not feel like adding a new allow
rule everytime she creates a java script popup for her web page.

Back to the books - or rather!

Thanks again

On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 18:32:32 +0100
dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I will privatly send you the rpm i have for Privoxy, Mandrake. I also
 had the same problem with downloading the source from the website.

Linux user #280097
Machine #162480

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Re: [newbie] HP ScanJet 3200C

2002-10-26 Thread ET
On Saturday 26 October 2002 06:30 am, Alice Lafox wrote:
 On 26 ïËÔÑÂÒØ 2002 13:00, Maarten Vanraes wrote:
  I scanned before in mdk8.2 (i had to be root), but since I installed
  mdk9, i can't scan anymore.
  I configure it in mandrake control center, but when I use XSane, it says
  scanner not found?
  please help me

 hm.. I have same problem with Acer ScanPrisa 640s.
 it worked fine in 8.2, in 9.0- no :/

  who can help, really?
alice, in 8.2, with the prisa scan, there was a need to edit a file called 
/etc/sane(.d)/snapscan.conf (replacing the old 
'/the/path/to/your/firmware/file' with the correct path to the *.bin file 
that your scanner used).
you still might need to do that, but also there is a typo in the file 
etc/sane.d/dll.conf you nedd to edit it as root and change Snapscan to 
snapscan (if I remember correctly)

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[newbie] urpmi error

2002-10-26 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have downloaded a rpm from tex site. When doing urpmi I get following error.
[rootlocalhost lvgandhi]# urpmi cdrdao-1.1.6-2tex.i586.rpm 
The following packages have bad signatures:
Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
Whether it is download error or an error in rpm itself?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Advice-Setting up a dedicated server

2002-10-26 Thread - netmaniac -
 Thanks for the reply, netmaniac. I would be interested in you opinion as
 to whether I would be able to successfully be able to access my server
 from the outside, being that I do not have a static IP from my cable
 modem service provider and that I do not want to open up my firewall too
 much. I wouldn't even consider dial-in to the server through the modem.

Look at this site for DNS domain forwarders for dynamic IP's.
This allows you to have connections to your home system without you needing 
get your IP address to connect.
Like or will work for you.

you're welcome!
i'm using the service for almost one year and it seems to work fine. 
Just go to and fill the form with your data. Then, select to 
forward the address you have chosen to your machine's IP. It works very well 
with dynamic IPs.


MSN Messenger: converse com os seus amigos online.

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed - how to send?

2002-10-26 Thread Erik
On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 06:44, Len Lawrence wrote:
 On 25 Oct 2002 10:22:17 -0500
 Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 05:08, Len Lawrence wrote:

 Yes.  tarazed is my POP3 account name at Demon and somewhere I have specified
 the Demon gateway address for pppd.  All kppp needs is the telephone number.
 It echoes an address something like when it connects.
 I have never needed to know the address of the SMTP server.  That is all I know
 about how my machine connects to the Internet.
 You were suggesting that Sylpheed can be set up to run pppd and dial out and
 fetch mail?  In other words it could replace postfix and kppp entirely?
 Excuse me if I seem dense, but that's the truth.
 Thanks again for your suggestion.
 Len Lawrence

Sorry for the misunderstanding:  my suggestions was that you are already
connected to the simply set up the smtp field as I
indicated, and the mail would then send directly through your ISP's smtp
server(the reverse of pop3 reception) need to add the postfix


Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Erik
On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 17:37, Nick Adams wrote:
 Nick Adams wrote:
  Spencer wrote:
  On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:
  Hi, Everybody:
  I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
  I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
  It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows environment.
  There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and still can't get it
  System is:
  FIC VA503+ mobo
  AMD K6-2/350 processor
  256 mb Crucial RAM
  2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
  1 generic 50x CD-ROM
  1 fdd
  Creative Ensoniqe sound
  ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
  Compaq V50 monitor
  IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
  Logitech MouseMan PS2
  Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
  an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
  color, 800x600 res.
  If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
  seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
  what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads X.
  Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.
  So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI
  Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit,
  for example) the system returns an error when I test it.
  The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change
  some parameters. (sic)
  So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run
  through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the
  configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
  execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
  giving up
  xinit: No such file or directory
  After install no. 4, I'm whipped.
  Ideas, anyone?

  Mach 64 Utah drivers are correct. I use the same card along with 
  Xfree 4.2.1. It may be choking on your monitor. Try using generic 
  settings. I am using 1024x768  70 and 800x600 at 24 as final. Works 
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to
  You use Xfree 4.2.1 on a generic monitor -- but do you set Xfree to 3d 
  or 2d?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
 Been there. Done that. Three times now.
 Same result. It doesn't work.
 More suggestions, anyone?


I'm running the same chipset (according to the setup in 9.0).  Do don't
say what OS you ran on this machine before..or what resolution or color
depth.  Without that info, it looks like your card handles the default
settings, but your monitor is choking on them.  I'd suggest dropping
back to 800x600 at 16-bit and see if it will work.  You need to find a
setting that works with your monitor, then you can experiment with the
color depth and resolution to get optimal display.

If you are doing the setup manually, you might also check the frequency
that is being used with the monitor...a freq setting that is too high
(or too low) could be a show-stopper, too.

The default for my card (ATI mach64 Utah) and monitor (Optiquest Q55)
worked fine...XFree 4.2.1, 2D (I also have only 8MB onboard vid ram) and
1024x768, but my monitor will handle the 24-bit color depth.

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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Nick Adams
Spencer wrote:

On October 26, 2002 03:37 pm, Nick Adams wrote:

Nick Adams wrote:

Spencer wrote:

On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:

Hi, Everybody:

I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows
environment. There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and
still can't get it right.

System is:

FIC VA503+ mobo
AMD K6-2/350 processor
256 mb Crucial RAM
2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
1 generic 50x CD-ROM
1 fdd
Creative Ensoniqe sound
ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
Compaq V50 monitor
IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
Logitech MouseMan PS2

Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
color, 800x600 res.

If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads
X. Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI
Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit,
for example) the system returns an error when I test it.

The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change
some parameters. (sic)

So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run
through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the
configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory

After install no. 4, I'm whipped.

Ideas, anyone?



Mach 64 Utah drivers are correct. I use the same card along with
Xfree 4.2.1. It may be choking on your monitor. Try using generic
settings. I am using 1024x768  70 and 800x600 at 24 as final. Works


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You use Xfree 4.2.1 on a generic monitor -- but do you set Xfree to 3d
or 2d?


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Been there. Done that. Three times now.

Same result. It doesn't work.

More suggestions, anyone?


Try to get to runlevel 3. If you can get in as root, try running 
/usr/sbin/ddxinfos. This will give you the EISA ID of your monitor and may 
help you debug this thing.



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I fixed the problem, Spencer. What I did was change the vid card. Took 
out the ATI 3D Rage Pro. Put in a Hercules Terminator 128 3D. System 
installed perfectly and now works like a champ.

New Problem:

I have sound as both root and as user, but can't play music CDs.

How do I mount a CD drive and then get the OS to call CD Player when I 
load in a disk?


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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Sharrea
On Sunday 27 Oct 2002 3:19 pm, Nick Adams wrote:
 I have sound as both root and as user, but can't play music CDs.

 How do I mount a CD drive and then get the OS to call CD Player when I
 load in a disk?

You don't mount the device to play music CDs.  Have you tried kscd?  (K Menu 
 Multimedia  Sound  KsCD).  If it can't find the device you may need to 
edit ~/.kde/share/config/kscdrc and put the correct device in there.  Note 
that if you're using scsi emulation for your CD-ROM/CD-RW drive it may be 
something like:

where X is the 0, 1 or whatever.

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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Spencer
On October 26, 2002 07:19 pm, Nick Adams wrote:
 Spencer wrote:
 On October 26, 2002 03:37 pm, Nick Adams wrote:
 Nick Adams wrote:
 Spencer wrote:
 On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:
 [ major snip ]

 I fixed the problem, Spencer. What I did was change the vid card. Took
 out the ATI 3D Rage Pro. Put in a Hercules Terminator 128 3D. System
 installed perfectly and now works like a champ.

 New Problem:

 I have sound as both root and as user, but can't play music CDs.

 How do I mount a CD drive and then get the OS to call CD Player when I
 load in a disk?

Sorry to hear about the demise of the ATI card but happy the problem is fixed. 
About the sound, at the moment I can't help you because I have the same 
problem. If you call the CD player with an audio CD in, does it play?


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[newbie] Installing 9.0 over NFS

2002-10-26 Thread Brian Parish
I have a couple of 9.0 installations purring away happily now and think
it's about time to stop using the CD's and start installing across the

I gather that the way to do this is to copy the contents of the ISO's to
an exported directory, dd the network image to a floppy, configure
something on that floppy to point it at the NFS export, then just boot
with it.  The bit I'm unclear about is the configure something on that
floppy part.  It seems to be glossed over with words to the effect of
adjust the syslinux.cfg file to reflect your network in all the
guides I have found so far.

Can someone point me at the complete idiot's guide version?  I think all
I need is an example.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi error

2002-10-26 Thread s
On Saturday 26 October 2002 08:24 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I have downloaded a rpm from tex site. When doing urpmi I get
 following error. [rootlocalhost lvgandhi]# urpmi
 cdrdao-1.1.6-2tex.i586.rpm k3b-0.7.1-3tex.i586.rpm
 The following packages have bad signatures:
 Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
 Whether it is download error or an error in rpm itself?

actually neither.  It's a gpg thing.  Download his key and type:
gpg --import pubring.gpg

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Re: [newbie] Apache questions - hopefully simple

2002-10-26 Thread Todd Slater
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 01:36:06 -0400
Ralph M. Los [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's the weird thing, the mime type is there!.and, I don't have a
 /conf/commonhttpd.conf file?

It might be httpd.conf, then. What version of Mandrake are you running?

 I'm more concerned about the file that shows how to play my flash
 buttons :(  Check out  Notice right above the
 horizontal line that there is room where, if you move your mouse over
 and right-click, you'll notice place-holders for shockwave flash
 buttonsbut where are they!?

In Mozilla I'm told that I need to download the Flash plugin, which I
promptly cancel. Have you tested on other browsers/machines?

Also, after you make any changes to Apache config files, be sure you stop
and restart the service.


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RE: [newbie] Apache questions - hopefully simple

2002-10-26 Thread Ralph M. Los
You DO get the option to see the buttons?!  I have
flash plugin installed on my browser(s)...and on my IIS5 box (same
exactly files, etc) I can see the buttons, off my Apache box I can't see
the buttons (same browser).

Any thoughts? is the IIS5 box with the same
exact files on it...strange?

-Original Message-
From: Todd Slater [mailto:todd;] 
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache questions - hopefully simple

On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 01:36:06 -0400
Ralph M. Los [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's the weird thing, the mime type is there!.and, I don't have 
 a /conf/commonhttpd.conf file?

It might be httpd.conf, then. What version of Mandrake are you running?

 I'm more concerned about the file that shows how to play my flash 
 buttons :(  Check out  Notice right above the 
 horizontal line that there is room where, if you move your mouse over 
 and right-click, you'll notice place-holders for shockwave flash 
 buttonsbut where are they!?

In Mozilla I'm told that I need to download the Flash plugin, which I
promptly cancel. Have you tested on other browsers/machines?

Also, after you make any changes to Apache config files, be sure you
stop and restart the service.


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Re: [newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Nick Adams
Erik wrote:

On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 17:37, Nick Adams wrote:

Nick Adams wrote:


Spencer wrote:


On October 26, 2002 08:36 am, Jimmy Montague wrote:


Hi, Everybody:

I downloaded the isos and burned them onto 3 CDs.
I booted from CD1 and ran the install per directions.
It's slick until comes time to configure the video/Xwindows environment.
There I hit a stump. I've installed 4 times, now, and still can't get it

System is:

FIC VA503+ mobo
AMD K6-2/350 processor
256 mb Crucial RAM
2 Maxtor 13 gb hdds
1 generic 50x CD-ROM
1 fdd
Creative Ensoniqe sound
ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card with 8 mb RAM
Compaq V50 monitor
IBM model M keyboard (101 key, US English)
Logitech MouseMan PS2

Problem is that during the install, Xconfigurator sees the vid card as
an ATI Mach 64 with a Utah chipset. Default config is 16 million 24-bit
color, 800x600 res.

If I accept that and run a test, the screen goes black for about 30
seconds and then comes back on. If I then tell it to load X at boot-up,
what happens is that the system reboots and looks good until it loads X.
Then the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

So I reinstall. Tell Xconfigurator that the vid card is really an ATI
Rage Pro 3D. Then, no matter what config I set up (65k colors  16-bit,
for example) the system returns an error when I test it.

The error is: You must specify a keyboard in XF86Config try to change
some parameters. (sic)

So I boot to the command line as root. Issue a command xf86config. Run
through all of THAT. At the end, it tells me it's going to save the
configuration, and then it saves. When I tell it startx, I get
execve failed for /etc/x11/x (errno 2)
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory

After install no. 4, I'm whipped.

Ideas, anyone?



Mach 64 Utah drivers are correct. I use the same card along with 
Xfree 4.2.1. It may be choking on your monitor. Try using generic 
settings. I am using 1024x768  70 and 800x600 at 24 as final. Works 


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You use Xfree 4.2.1 on a generic monitor -- but do you set Xfree to 3d 
or 2d?


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Been there. Done that. Three times now.

Same result. It doesn't work.

More suggestions, anyone?



I'm running the same chipset (according to the setup in 9.0).  Do don't
say what OS you ran on this machine before..or what resolution or color
depth.  Without that info, it looks like your card handles the default
settings, but your monitor is choking on them.  I'd suggest dropping
back to 800x600 at 16-bit and see if it will work.  You need to find a
setting that works with your monitor, then you can experiment with the
color depth and resolution to get optimal display.

If you are doing the setup manually, you might also check the frequency
that is being used with the monitor...a freq setting that is too high
(or too low) could be a show-stopper, too.

The default for my card (ATI mach64 Utah) and monitor (Optiquest Q55)
worked fine...XFree 4.2.1, 2D (I also have only 8MB onboard vid ram) and
1024x768, but my monitor will handle the 24-bit color depth.

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I tried EVERY ATI driver in Drake 9. None of them work with this card.

The card is a 3D Rage Pro. Drake 9 HAS no driver for that card listed, 
and the default (Utah) driver doesn't work.
That monitor and vid card worked fine with a SuSE 7.3 distro for six 
months, before I installed Drake 9. I had them running at 1024x768, 16 
million colors, etc. That card and that monitor have worked with DOS and 
Win 3.x, with Win 95, 98, ME and 2k, with Corel Linux and with SuSE. 
They don't work with Drake 9 -- go figure what's at fault.

Using Drake 9, as I said above, I tried every ATI driver in the 
selection. None worked. I got refresh specs off the Web for that monitor 
and tried plugging them into generic monitor configurations in Drake 
9. It didn't work.

But gee. I swapped the ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card for a Hercules 
Terminator 128 3D and everything works just fine. The monitor monitors 
and the accelerator accelerates. I say Drake 9 DOES do video, but not 
with an ATI 3D Rage Pro vid card.


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RE: [newbie] VNC Port

2002-10-26 Thread Stefano POGLIANI
Could you share your reading?
Thanks a lot in advance. Best regards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Paul Dimitriu
 Sent: 26 October 2002 12:18
 Subject: Re: [newbie] VNC Port
 Sorry, all, I was sniffing glue.  I decided to do
 something silly and read the manual.
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RE: [newbie] VNC

2002-10-26 Thread Stefano POGLIANI

thank a lot for the great hint (and explanation)!
A small question: isn't it possible to:

1.  start vncserver AT BOOT TIME ?
2.  start vncserver without a specific user ? [i.e. having it to display
the Linux Login screen ]

Thanks a lot in advance. Best regards

» -Original Message-
» [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
» Sent: 24 October 2002 23:20
» Subject: Re: [newbie] VNC
» On Thursday 24 Oct 2002 8:15 pm, ivette brusselmans wrote:
»  installed VNC. How do I start up the programme? When I run Console
»  VNCserver, i get the following message:[luc@localhost luc]$ vncserver
»  Warning: is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
»  Remove this file if there is no X server
»  Warning: is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X2
»  Remove this file if there is no X server
»  New 'X' desktop is
»  Starting applications specified in /home/luc/.vnc/xstartup
»  Log file is /home/luc/.vnc/
»  [luc@localhost luc]$
»  Any ideas?
» You have started it. It is running on the next available server
» which is :3
» Look in your running processes and you will see Xvnc is running
» The next step is to open a client which you do on a remote machine with
» vncviewer Hostname:3 username
» where username is the name of the user the server is running
» under ( not root)
» You will probably then see a blank screen with an X in the middle
» because you
» need to put the name of the Window Manager you want to run in
» /home/luc/.vnc/xstartup
» for example
» kde 
» I also recommend starting the server like this :-
» vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 16 :3
» This will force the screen size to something reasonable, or
» otherwise it will
» be the same size as the servers monitor, which can cause lots of awkward
» scrolling on a smaller remote screen.
» Limiting the colour depth is also advisable, because it greatly
» reduces the
» bandwidth needed over the link. And forcing it to a particular
» screen number
» lets you know in advance what screen to ask for in the viewer.
» To close the server use
» vncserver -kill :3
» If you do not you get those files left behind in /tmp/.X11-unix/
» which have
» to be erased before that screen can be used again.
» derek

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[newbie] Drake 9 don't do video

2002-10-26 Thread Nick Adams
Hello, Everyone.

This is to let you know that I solved the vid card problem by swapping vid 
cards. I'm content with the way things are at this point. Everything is fine.  
Problem solved.

Thank you all for your kind responses to what are undoubtedly some pretty dumb 
questions. I appreciate it.

And now, as far as I'm concerned, this thread is dead.

Thanks again.

Nick Adams

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