[newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread Paolo Tomiato
Gia'! E lo fa fin nei minimi dettagli!
Sono titolare di un abbonamento @lice 256 e da un po' anche di un dominio
registrato sul quale sto allestendo una lista x me e i miei amici con mdk 9 e
Ieri mi sono accorto che nessuno dei miei server rispondeva + e, dopo aver
verificato che tutti i vari servizi fossero attivi e funzionanti ho lanciato
ifconfig (l'equivalente di ipconfig di winzozz)... INCREDIBILE! Mi avevano
cambiato l'inidirizzo IP!

Nn sapevo che potessero farlo, io pensavo che, restando sempre collegato, il mio
IP sarebbe stato un po' come se fosse statico... e invece no, probabilmente x
tutelare la differenziazione tariffaria di canone delle varie forme di
abbonamento, loro possono cambiare l'indirizzo quando gli pare e cosi' ho dovuto
aggiornare i DNS ed ora devo attendere le 24/48 canoniche prima che l'indirizzo
IP numerico risolva nel nome di dominio.

Credevo che con un po di precauzioni e un buon gruppo di continuita' fosse
possibile aggirare l'assegnazione dinamica dell'IP (x lo meno salvo reboot della
macchina) e invece NADA! Se voglio un indirizzo statico devo pagare.

Re: [newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread Paolo Tomiato
Luigi ha scritto:
| Non capisco, io quando ho chiesto informazioni sulla ADSL ho chiesto 
| esplicitamente che tipo di IP dessero e non vorrei dirti una cazzata 
| (magari li confondo con quelli di Libero) mi hanno detto che davano IP 
| statici! Se sto confondendo vuol dire che Libero ti da IP statici e 
| banda garantita e costa anche meno!

Grazie Luigi, ora verifico sul sito di libero.

Re: [newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:47:16 +0100
luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:18, you wrote:
  Credevo che con un po di precauzioni e un buon gruppo di continuita'
  fosse possibile aggirare l'assegnazione dinamica dell'IP (x lo meno
  salvo reboot della macchina) e invece NADA! Se voglio un indirizzo
  statico devo pagare
 Non capisco, io quando ho chiesto informazioni sulla ADSL ho chiesto 
 esplicitamente che tipo di IP dessero e non vorrei dirti una cazzata 
 (magari li confondo con quelli di Libero) mi hanno detto che davano IP 
 statici! Se sto confondendo vuol dire che Libero ti da IP statici e 
 banda garantita e costa anche meno!

Un IP statico è un bene prezioso. Dubito francamente che ci sia un
qualsiasi provider (in particolare Wind, mi rifiuto di chiamarlo Libero)
che te lo fornisca senza un sovrapprezzo.

In rete mi sembra di aver visto dei trucchi/tool per simularlo. 
Però, siccome non mi interessava, non li ho memorizzati.

A buon senso io proverei a fare così:
- apri un sito su un qualsiasi provider gratuito
- mettigli su una pagina semplicissima che rediriga immediatamente
al tuo IP semistatico
- metti sul tuo pc uno script che controlli periodicamente l'IP e,
quando serve, aggiorni automaticamente la pagina web

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread Paolo Tomiato
Andrea ha scritto:
| Un IP statico è un bene prezioso. Dubito francamente che ci sia un
| qualsiasi provider (in particolare Wind, mi rifiuto di chiamarlo Libero)
| che te lo fornisca senza un sovrapprezzo.
| In rete mi sembra di aver visto dei trucchi/tool per simularlo.
| Però, siccome non mi interessava, non li ho memorizzati.
| A buon senso io proverei a fare così:
| - apri un sito su un qualsiasi provider gratuito
| - mettigli su una pagina semplicissima che rediriga immediatamente
| al tuo IP semistatico
| - metti sul tuo pc uno script che controlli periodicamente l'IP e,
| quando serve, aggiorni automaticamente la pagina web
| ciao, Andrea

Carina come soluzione... solo che potevo fare a meno di registrare un nome di
dominio :(
Credo che cerchero' quei tools di cui parlavi!

Re: [newbie-it] [ot] Help bios

2003-01-15 Thread paolo brusasco
oltre a togliere la batteria è anche possibile, se la mb lo prevede, che 
tu possa resettare il bios spostando i jumper in una determinata posizione.
se non sai che scheda madre sia c'è un'ottimo howto per identificarla 
con vari metodi, un poco prolisso ma mi sembra molto esaudiente, in 
particolare col metodo della stringa visualizzata al power up. l'indirizzo è

Arwan ha scritto:

[newbie-it] dove trovo Mandrake 9.0 su CD?

2003-01-15 Thread Enrico Teotti
vorrei una versione su CD di Mandrake 9.0
Sapete se qualche rivista lo ha già come inserto? Io avevo letto qualcosa del genere 
su Linux Pratico, ma non ho ancora trovato il numero nuovo.
Grazie e ciao!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

[newbie-it] Riviste su Linux

2003-01-15 Thread Enrico Teotti
sapete dei titoli di riviste dedicate a Linux in edicola con cd contenenti 
aggiornamenti interessanti?
Grazie e ciao!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] dove trovo Mandrake 9.0 su CD?

2003-01-15 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 14:55:41 +0100
Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 vorrei una versione su CD di Mandrake 9.0
 Sapete se qualche rivista lo ha gi_ come inserto? Io avevo letto qualcosa del genere 
su Linux Pratico, ma non ho ancora trovato il numero nuovo.
 Grazie e ciao!

attualmente non saprei.
Nei mesi scorsi è stata llegata a diverse riviste.

Oltre che cercare in qualche edicola hai tre strade:
- cerca su groups.google.com i vecchi messaggi di it.comp.os.linux.annunci
relativi a gente che masterizza e spedisce i CD scaricati da internet.
In genere hanno prezzi ragionevoli.

- contatta il Lug della tua citta (www.linux.it/LUG), probabilmente hanno
la possibilità di farti copiare i CD

- se stai a Roma, contattami in privato. Da qualche parte ho sicuramente
un doppione da darti. Però non ho nessuna voglia (ne il tempo) di andare
in posta per spedirlo.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Errori con X

2003-01-15 Thread Matteo Leccardi

MDK 9.0 ( Ma l'errore compariva anche con la 8.2)

e della versione di X che stai usando. Dal messaggio d'errore
 sembra che il server grafico, direi un 4.2,

Ciao Benedetto,

mi e' passato davanti un post in cui ti suggerivano modifiche al kernel.
Onestamente non sono in grado di darti indicazioni in questo senso ma posso
provare a suggerirti una strada alternativa, ovvero provare ad un utilizzare
il server SVGA (e quindi un driver generico SVGA) o l'XF86_FBDev del 3.3.6
(e quindi il FrameBuffer)

Per scoprire quale driver stai usando ora basta che ti sposti nella /etc/X11
e digiti un bel

ls -l X

L'output dovrebbe assomigliare a qualcosa del genere.

X - ../../usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86

Dai CD della MDK installati uno dei due server di cui sopra.

rpm -Uhv nome-de-lpacchetto.rpm

e dopo aver cambiato nome al vecchio X, crea un nuovo collegamento al server
che hai appena installato con il comando.

ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/nome-del-server-X

Un bel startx ti dira' se l'esperimento e' andato a buon fine.


Re: [newbie-it] dove trovo Mandrake 9.0 su CD?

2003-01-15 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 14:55, mercoledì 15 gennaio 2003, Enrico Teotti ha scritto:
 vorrei una versione su CD di Mandrake 9.0
 Sapete se qualche rivista lo ha già come inserto? Io avevo letto qualcosa
 del genere su Linux Pratico, ma non ho ancora trovato il numero nuovo.
 Grazie e ciao!

Ciao, Mandrake è uscita allegata ad alcune riviste ormai qualche mese fa.. 
quindi non credo che ti sarà facile trovarle ancora in giro. Ti è più 
facile cercare di contattare qualche utente della tua città e chiedergli di 
fartene una copia. Ovviamente, accertati che la copia sia gratuita (salvo 
piccolo contributo per rimborso spese): è inutile che siamo tutti qui a 
lodare il software libero e ad arrabbiarci se MandrakeSoft cerca di avviare 
qualche iniziativa commerciale compatibile con lo spirito del free 
software, se poi ci sono i furbi che si rivendono i cd comprati o scaricati 
da internet.. al di là dei profili legali (non è questa la sede), si tratta 
quanto meno di coerenza... ;)
Se sei di Roma, fammi un fischio (virtuale).



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[newbie-it]Corel 9 e fonttastic

2003-01-15 Thread Yddu

Ciao a tutti!
Ho scaricato ed installato Corel photo 9, purtroppo 
però non riesco a farlo andare!!
All'avvio mi da un'errore:
"unable to add FontTastic font server to the font 
path.The font server is probably not installed or not running. Correct the 
problem and try again"
Ho capito che forse il problema è tutto in questo 
fonttastic, ma il fatto è che non so come gestirlo
Se provo ad installare i suoi pacchetti mi da un 
bell'errore, non so se è già installato sulla mia MDK 9 o cosa...
Posso risolvere il problema in qualche 
modo?Grazie a tutti per l'aiuto!

[newbie-it] gforce mx440

2003-01-15 Thread bark

ciao a tutti ho un grosso problema che purtroppo mi 
stà creando intoppi al lavoro sul computer (nuovo) ho installato una scheda 
nividia gforce4 mx440 dopo 10/15 minuti che lavoro mi compaiono come delle righe 
verticali e dei punti
che mi impediscono di proseguire: avendo la 
(purtroppo)di lavorare suggeritemi come fare o al 
limite impostare una scheda diversa per andare avanti

Re: [newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread IL Tecnico
Alle 09:18, mercoledì 15 gennaio 2003, Paolo Tomiato ha scritto:
 Gia'! E lo fa fin nei minimi dettagli!
 Sono titolare di un abbonamento @lice 256 e da un po' anche di un dominio
 registrato sul quale sto allestendo una lista x me e i miei amici con mdk 9
 e mailman.
 Ieri mi sono accorto che nessuno dei miei server rispondeva + e, dopo aver
 verificato che tutti i vari servizi fossero attivi e funzionanti ho
 lanciato ifconfig (l'equivalente di ipconfig di winzozz)... INCREDIBILE! Mi
 avevano cambiato l'inidirizzo IP!

 Nn sapevo che potessero farlo, io pensavo che, restando sempre collegato,
 il mio IP sarebbe stato un po' come se fosse statico... e invece no,
 probabilmente x tutelare la differenziazione tariffaria di canone delle
 varie forme di abbonamento, loro possono cambiare l'indirizzo quando gli
 pare e cosi' ho dovuto aggiornare i DNS ed ora devo attendere le 24/48
 canoniche prima che l'indirizzo IP numerico risolva nel nome di dominio.

 Credevo che con un po di precauzioni e un buon gruppo di continuita' fosse
 possibile aggirare l'assegnazione dinamica dell'IP (x lo meno salvo reboot
 della macchina) e invece NADA! Se voglio un indirizzo statico devo pagare.
Personalmente utilizzo un ottimo servizio.www.zoneedit.com.
Il servizio è gratuito.
Se incontri difficoltà puoi contattarmi privatamente.
IL Tecnico
La conoscenza è nulla...senza la Condivisione

[newbie-it] OT: Bill svela i sorgenti

2003-01-15 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Salve ragazzi,

leggevo in


che la Microsoft svelerà i sorgenti, ma solo ai goveni e alle aziende, sotto 
previo contratto firmato tra le due parti (Msoft ed altri), con il quale 
questi altri si impegnano a tenere segreti i sorgenti in questione.
L'articolo diceva pure che questa mossa è una chiara contromisura contro la 
dilagante (Europa del Nord e credo Canada per lo più) scelta di molti governi 
e aziende di affidare i loro sistemi a Linux per via dei costi contenuti e 
della notevole sicurezza per le reti.

Mumble... Mumble...

Re: [newbie-it] [ot] Help bios

2003-01-15 Thread Paride Desimone
At 19.21 14/01/03 +0100, you wrote:

Ho un vecchio PC (pentium 120) da far ripartire con un disco fisso diverso
dall'originale. Andrebbe tutto benone se sul bios non ci fosse la password
che, ovviamente, non conosco. Qualcuno (uno a caso, ma sono dettagli che per
il momento non interessano ;-) ) mi ha elencato qualche sistema per bypassare
il bios, pero'... o e' rischioso (non vorrei buttar via la scheda madre,
anche se il PC e' piccolo l'ho promesso in regalo ad un amico) o mi vde
completamente impreparata. Ho deciso di affrontarli uno alla volta, sperando
di non fare danni. Il primo e': togliere la batteria. Problemino: come la
riconosco? Io non la vedo... C'e' qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare? Eventalmente
potrei spedire via mail delle foto della scheda ;-)
Accettasi consigli anche per risolvere il problema in altri modi (il meno
rischiosi possibile!)


Allora procediamo con metodo scientifico.

Prima possibilita':
Vai su google e cerca password bios XX. Dove XX e' la marca del bios 
della tua macchina: Phoenix, Award, ecc. Dovresti trovare delle pagine con 
delle sfilze di password  da provare. Questo perche' prima dell'avvento dei 
sistemi P3/4 i produttori di BIOS mettevano delle password di default per 
baipassare la password utente.

Seconda possibilita':
Togli la batteria dal suo vano. La batteria e' generalmente un piccolo 
bottoncino di 2cm di diametro con su scritta la marca e il modello. 
Quest'ultimo e' sempre CR2032.

Terza ed ultima possibilita':
Sulle schede madri di quella generazione c'era un ponticello da chiudere e 
poi riaccendere la macchina. Per questo pero' devi vedere sul manuale della 
scheda madre.

In ultima analisi dicci qual'e' il modello e la marca della scheda madre e 
vedremo cosa poter fare.


Re: [newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread Paride Desimone
At 10.18 15/01/03 +0100, you wrote:

Gia'! E lo fa fin nei minimi dettagli!
Sono titolare di un abbonamento @lice 256 e da un po' anche di un dominio
registrato sul quale sto allestendo una lista x me e i miei amici con mdk 9 e
Ieri mi sono accorto che nessuno dei miei server rispondeva + e, dopo aver
verificato che tutti i vari servizi fossero attivi e funzionanti ho lanciato
ifconfig (l'equivalente di ipconfig di winzozz)... INCREDIBILE! Mi avevano
cambiato l'inidirizzo IP!

Nn sapevo che potessero farlo, io pensavo che, restando sempre collegato, 
il mio
IP sarebbe stato un po' come se fosse statico... e invece no, probabilmente x
tutelare la differenziazione tariffaria di canone delle varie forme di
abbonamento, loro possono cambiare l'indirizzo quando gli pare e cosi' ho 
aggiornare i DNS ed ora devo attendere le 24/48 canoniche prima che 
IP numerico risolva nel nome di dominio.

Credevo che con un po di precauzioni e un buon gruppo di continuita' fosse
possibile aggirare l'assegnazione dinamica dell'IP (x lo meno salvo reboot 
macchina) e invece NADA! Se voglio un indirizzo statico devo pagare.

Vai su www.dyndns.org, ti registri, ti scarichi il client e sei a posto.

Re: [newbie-it] Telecom tutela i suoi interessi

2003-01-15 Thread Paride Desimone
At 10.18 15/01/03 +0100, you wrote:

Gia'! E lo fa fin nei minimi dettagli!
Sono titolare di un abbonamento @lice 256 e da un po' anche di un dominio
registrato sul quale sto allestendo una lista x me e i miei amici con mdk 9 e
Ieri mi sono accorto che nessuno dei miei server rispondeva + e, dopo aver
verificato che tutti i vari servizi fossero attivi e funzionanti ho lanciato
ifconfig (l'equivalente di ipconfig di winzozz)... INCREDIBILE! Mi avevano
cambiato l'inidirizzo IP!

Occhio a Libero, perche' se poi hai dei ripensamenti, cambio forma di 
abbonamento o qualsiasi altro problema, sono dolori seri.
Nell'azienda dove lavoravo, effettuammo un abbonamento Libero verde light, 
dopo una settimana di uso ci accorgemmo che era piu' lento di una isdn e 
decidemmo di passare all'abbonamento di categoria superiore. Da quel 
momento passarono 5 mesi prima che ci decidessimo a chiamarli ai danni, 
perche' non ci allacciarono piu' la linea e non fu possibile mai in nessun 
modo sapere i tempi previsti.

Nn sapevo che potessero farlo, io pensavo che, restando sempre collegato, 
il mio
IP sarebbe stato un po' come se fosse statico... e invece no, probabilmente x
tutelare la differenziazione tariffaria di canone delle varie forme di
abbonamento, loro possono cambiare l'indirizzo quando gli pare e cosi' ho 
aggiornare i DNS ed ora devo attendere le 24/48 canoniche prima che 
IP numerico risolva nel nome di dominio.

Credevo che con un po di precauzioni e un buon gruppo di continuita' fosse
possibile aggirare l'assegnazione dinamica dell'IP (x lo meno salvo reboot 
macchina) e invece NADA! Se voglio un indirizzo statico devo pagare.

Re: [newbie-it] [ot] Help bios

2003-01-15 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 20äìSubject: [newbie-it] [ot] Help bios

 Ho un vecchio PC (pentium 120) da far ripartire con un disco fisso


 dall'originale. Andrebbe tutto benone se sul bios non ci fosse la


 che, ovviamente, non conosco. Qualcuno (uno a caso, ma sono dettagli

che per

 il momento non interessano ;-) ) mi ha elencato qualche sistema per


 il bios, pero'... o e' rischioso (non vorrei buttar via la scheda


 anche se il PC e' piccolo l'ho promesso in regalo ad un amiôîvde
 completamente impreparata. Ho deciso di affrontarli uno alla volta,


 di non fare danni. Il primo e': togliere la batteria. Problemino: come


 riconosco? Io non la vedo... C'e' qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare?


 potrei spedire via mail delle foto della scheda ;-)
 Accettasi consigli anche per risolvere il problema in altri modi (il


 rischiosi possibile!)


in genere le batterie per il bios sono di 2 tipi: o un bottone añdi circa 3
 cm di diametro (e si nota) o, specie in schede AT, come al 99% la tua, da
 una batteria lunga 2 cm di un cm e mezzo di diametro, in genere a fianco
 allo spinotto della tastiera.
quest'ultimo tipo di batteria è saldato, per cui va cortocircuitata per
qualche secondo (pochi, se no si fonde), dopo aver staccato gli spinotti
dell'alimentatore dalla scheda madre.

un altro modo sarebbe quello di provare tutte le password possibili, ma
occorre tanto tempo o tantissimo fondoschiena e noó
se però il pc è olivetti, compaq o ibm occorrono dei programmi esterni
per riprogrammare il bios, che per l'ibm e compaq sono sui siti, per
olivetti ci vuole il centro assistenza (e poi ci lamentiamo che la ditta
italiana che ha brevettato il 286 vende pochissimi pc)

: from leonardo ( by smtp3.cp.tin.it (6.5.029)

id 3E17DD96002437FD for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 12 Jan
 2003 02:11:08 +0100 From: Enrico Viale [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [newbie-it] gforce mx440

2003-01-15 Thread carmine de pasquale
Alle 21:08, mercoledì 15 gennaio 2003, bark ha scritto:
 ciao a tutti ho un grosso problema che purtroppo mi stà creando intoppi al
 lavoro sul computer (nuovo) ho installato una scheda nividia gforce4 mx440
 dopo 10/15 minuti che lavoro mi compaiono come delle righe verticali e dei
 punti che mi impediscono di proseguire: avendo la necessità
 (purtroppo)di lavorare suggeritemi come fare o al limite impostare una
 scheda diversa per andare avanti salvatemi!

righe verticali e punti .  mi ricordano tanto gli overclock che facevo sui 
386 e 486 . se fai ctrl-alt-F1 e dopo qualche secondo ctrl-alt- F7, le 
righe riappaiono subito o dopo qualche secondo/minuto?
nella seconda ipotesi io controllerei la temperatura del chip della scheda 
grafica e penserei ad una ventola, oppure abbasserei la frequenza del chip 
grafico, ma non ho la più vaga idea di quale sia il file da modificare.

RE: [newbie-it] [ot] Help bios

2003-01-15 Thread Di Fresco Marco
 un altro modo sarebbe quello di provare tutte le password possibili, ma
 occorre tanto tempo o tantissimo fondoschiena e non te lo consiglio :-)

Prova ad andare sul sito del produttore del BIOS (o a volte su quello della
scheda madre); in teoria ci dovrebbe essere un set di password di sistema
per bypassare quella impostata.

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

| Spock (Court Martial - TOS): If I let go a hammer on a planet having a   |
| positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact,   |
| fallen.  

[newbie-it] Aggiornare il sistema RPM

2003-01-15 Thread Cosimo Caforio
ho una vecchia mandrake 7 su un 486 dx66. Vorrei sapere se è possibile
aggiornare con una versione nuova (è la 4.0?) il programma rpm (credo di
avere il 3.0) per installare altri
programmi più recenti. Eventualmente esiste un sistema che risolverebbe
senza gravi problemi le dipendenze? Ci sono link dove trovare tutto ciò che
serve tutto insieme? Un grande grazie in anticipo.

Cosimo Caforio

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Colin McElhatton
This is very unsettling news, I really would not want Mandrake to go away any time soon. Of all the Linux flavours I have tried this was the one that I could install without a hitch and whose minor flaws I could fix thanks to this mailing-list among other things. I wish there was more overt support to this distribution as I really think it is work using as a Windows substitute.
The only way this OS is going to gain more support is by having applications that install painlessly all the time, that don't use gzip or tar to unpack them but have proper self-executing installers instead. That the Linux Configuration Centre is streamlined further to allow computer-users vis-a-vis computer professionals to carry out the neccessary day-to-day tweaking without having to know what's happening beneath.
As for me I am happy with what I've got even though I would welcome any improvements...which brings up other considerations to mind, like how about having periodic self-extracting OS improvement packs that take the hassle out of upgrading (say the KDE interface if a newer one comes out). I'm talking off the top of my head here, but I would really like to see the day when opting to go Linux ALL THE WAY will be really easy and full of possibilities even for those who just USE a computer to play games, read email, write a document and maybe use their webcams to communicate with others over the net.
SUPPORT MANDRAKE, IT'S WORTH IT!!- Original Message - From: Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 15 Jan 2003 16:40:53 +1100 To: Mandrake Newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems  On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 13:14, Carroll Grigsby wrote:   Here we go again. According to this article at The Register:   Mandrake _may_ be heading into Chapter 11 or its French equivalent. It is also   considering other options including a merger, another go with the venture   capitalists, whatever. (Chapter 11, for those not conversant in US legalise,   is a form of bankruptcy that allows the company to continue operations under   court supervison. The other common form of bankruptcy, Chapter 7, is used   when they just turn off the lights and lock the doors, and go home.) Evidently the appeal for additional capital last month was not entirely   successful. That's sad, but not entirely unexpected. According to one post I   saw at Newsforge, they're still stuck with some ugly contracts left over from   the ill-fated e-learning project. Without having looked, I expect that there is already a long Slashdot thread   in progress. Duh.   -- cmg   I seem to recall that I made a statement concerning this about 1.5  months ago - that all might not be so well and good in the "Kingdom" as  it were.   Not to say "I told you so", but well, "I told you so".   --  Wed Jan 15 16:35:00 EST 2003  4:35pm up 1 day, 8:16, 4 users, load average: 0.12, 0.13, 0.09  --  | __ __ | kuhn media australia |  | / ,, /| |'-. | http://kma.0catch.com |  | .\__/ || | | |=|  | _ / `._ \|_|_.-' | stephen kuhn |  | | / \__.`=._) (_ | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  | |/ ._/ |"| | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  | |'. `\ | | | icq: 5483808 |  | ;"""/ / | | | |  | smk ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389 |  | ' `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU |  --  * linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting  --   "The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the  pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay."  -- Arthur MillerWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com Colin McElhatton AIMIS 
ICQ#: 3012406
Mob:  79262628
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at  Mail.com
Meet Singles

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] trying to post with postfix

2003-01-15 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 18:51, - netmaniac - wrote:

 Ok, everything now seems to be going fine. The mailserver no longer returns 
 the messages sent to the postfix server. However, I can't find the messages 
 in the linux box. I've searched many /var and ../spool folders and user's 
 home directory but I found nothing.

Have you used Webmin to go into Postfix and check user mailboxes to
see if there are non-0 values for the mailboxes?

Wed Jan 15 19:10:00 EST 2003
  7:10pm  up 1 day, 10:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

only available on a need to know basis

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[newbie] Swap DVD and CD-RW drives

2003-01-15 Thread Mungal Dhanda
Mandrake-Linux experts,

I have Mandrake 8.2 on a PC with one DVD Rom drive and one CD-RW.
Currently, DVD Rom drive is the master (hdc) and CD-RW is slave (hdd).
I want to swap the two CD drives around so that CD-RW is the master and
DVD Rom drive is the slave.

Could someone explain what needs to be done within mandrake-linux for
the DVD and CD-RW to be recognised correctly.

Many thanks.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Swap DVD and CD-RW drives

2003-01-15 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 19:09, Mungal Dhanda wrote:
 Mandrake-Linux experts,
 I have Mandrake 8.2 on a PC with one DVD Rom drive and one CD-RW.
 Currently, DVD Rom drive is the master (hdc) and CD-RW is slave (hdd).
 I want to swap the two CD drives around so that CD-RW is the master and
 DVD Rom drive is the slave.
 Could someone explain what needs to be done within mandrake-linux for
 the DVD and CD-RW to be recognised correctly.
 Many thanks.

The hardware change is the most important. You're going to have to set
the jumpers on the CDRW to master and the DVDROM to slave. Mandrake
SHOULD pick up the pieces and figure it out.

Wed Jan 15 19:20:00 EST 2003
  7:20pm  up 1 day, 11:01,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.13, 0.08
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time.
-- Merrick Furst

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Mandrake Update.

2003-01-15 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

Is it ok to use the KDE Mandrake Update to update KDE? Or do I have to use 
URPMI for that?



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update.

2003-01-15 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 19:30, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 Is it ok to use the KDE Mandrake Update to update KDE? Or do I have to use 
 URPMI for that?

That should work alright - but if you really want to update KDE, you
might want to just grab the latest RPM packages and do an upgrade over
your existing KDE installation.

Wed Jan 15 19:30:00 EST 2003
  7:30pm  up 1 day, 11:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.06, 0.07
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The problem with graduate students, in general, is that they have
to sleep every few days.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update.

2003-01-15 Thread Seedkum Aladeem
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 12:35 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 19:30, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  Is it ok to use the KDE Mandrake Update to update KDE? Or do I have to
  use URPMI for that?

 That should work alright - but if you really want to update KDE, you
 might want to just grab the latest RPM packages and do an upgrade over
 your existing KDE installation.

I thought the KDE Mandrake Update utility does what you are recommending. 
Doesn't it?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] why china likes linux

2003-01-15 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
I had the same issue. My policy drops unwanted traffic already, but it
notifies me every time it does. This is what I want normally. However,
there's SO much coming from Asia, I've added the following rules. This
way, drops from addresses issued from APNIC never show up in my log.

DROP  net:  fw  tcp -   -
DROP  net: fw  tcp -   -
DROP  net: fw  tcp -   -
DROP  net: fw  tcp -   -
DROP  net: fw  tcp -   -
DROP  net:  fw  tcp -   -


On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 18:09, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 15 January 2003 12:29 am, Robin Turner scribbled incoherently:
  Richard Babcock wrote:
   Interesting article in my local paper.
  Looks like we got our user base!
  Sir Robin
 That would certainly explain all the crack attempts at my system over the last 
 few months. Hell! I don't even bother going to the whois query servers any 
 more I've become so familiar with the IP addy's that are showing up in my log 
 files. I just write the owner of the netblock and tell'em to put those dogs 
 on a shorter leash cause I don't like'em screwin around at the doors trying 
 to find a weakness somewhere.
 - -- 
 - ---
 Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
 Linux User Since 1996
 Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
 ICQ# 27816299
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] mplayer gui

2003-01-15 Thread Len Lawrence
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:14:46 -0500
Terry Sheltra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds like you've gotten further with things than I have.  I am not 
 able to get Xine (off the MDK CDs) to work properly with any DVD I own. 
  All I can manage to do is make it crash, even after installing every 
 codec and plugin available from the PLF website.  Pretty much the same 
 for me with Mplayer.  It will run, but does not keep my settings, and 
 trying to play a DVD results in a window full of garbage, again after 
 installing all the plugins available via PLF.  If you happen to come 
 across a way to get either of these two progs working, please let me know.
Sorry to hear that you are having so much difficulty with these applications.
Each newer version of these multimedia programs seems to get more difficult to
install and get running but that is the price you pay for greater functionality
and improved performance.  Ogle always seems to be easier to manage, but its
gui is not fully functional - several dead buttons.

I installed Mandrake's xine from the 8.2 download CDs so kindly provided by Shane
and had endless trouble trying to get it going by downloading RPMs and doing
rpm -ivh installs.  Urpmi certainly makes life easier and so does PLF.  Needless
to say I cannot remember exactly what the prescription was for xine but it
involved libxine, xine-gui, win32 codecs and xine-plugins.  Have you tried
invoking it with the command xine -s DVD dvdnav:// or xine -pq -s DVD
dvdnav:// to play immediately and quit when finished?  There are other things
to check like the settings in ~/.xinerc and the rawdevices service (which
is probably running by default) and /dev/dvd.  
Then there are the skins - haven't sorted that one out yet.

The same goes for mplayer.  Poked around on the PLF site to see what was
available and, like you, downloaded several packages.  Had trouble choosing
a video driver but x11 worked.  If your settings don't stick maybe you need to
create a ~/.mplayer/config file (copy from /etc/mplayer.conf perhaps?).
It works on DVDs for me with mplayer -dvd 1 (or 2 or 3...).
Also, there is a short tutorial on the net about getting DVDs to play under 
one or other of these applications, reported on this list very recently:
Maybe you have already seen that.

Sorry if this does not help.  I have been shooting in the dark a lot lately.
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] mplayer gui

2003-01-15 Thread Len Lawrence
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:45:49 -0500
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 06:05:17 +
 Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Have now got xine, ogle and mplayer installed and running under 8.2 on
  my Athlon 2200 with G-Force 2 card, thanks to urpmi and PLF (urpmi
  really rocks!), the first time ever for mplayer.  One problem, which
  may have been discussed in the list already, is a slight jerkiness in
  the display, which I assume has something to do with using the generic
  video driver rather than Nvidia's own.  
 If DMA is not turned on for your harddrives, it'll cause the picture to
 be really jerky, too. Do a hdparm -d /dev/hda as root to see if it's 
 on. If it's not, do a hdparm -d1 /dev/hda and see if that makes a 
OK, thanks Miark.  Will have to download hdparm I guess.  Hope it is a standalone.
Len Lawrence
On the subject of C program indentation:
In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be indented
 six feet downward and covered with dirt.
-- Blair P. Houghton

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] problem with xcdroast

2003-01-15 Thread John Richard Smith
Josenildo Marques wrote:

Any audio cd I try to copy with xcdroast goes wrong. 

you are writing audio mp3 to disc ?

I also tried to encode 
the audio cd files into wav files with cdda2wav, but the problem persists.

So you were writing mp3 audio files to disc, but now you cannot convert 
them all to wav files,
sounds as though there is a problem with the original mp3 files.

is said there is a kind of mismatch because the program cannot read all the 

If you had been writing wav files to disc and not mp3 my previous comments
would of been applicable plus many audio wav file cd's have video files
which xcdroast/cdrecord cannot handle, but this is not the case.

Sounds(excuse the pun) like you original mp3 sound files are suspect in some way
that xcdroast/cdparanoia/cdrecord has found wanting, you can lower the quality test some
with command line options in cdparanoia/cdrecord but maybe you are not happy with
the command line.I'm not too sure myself without some practice.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] problem with xcdroast

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 11:49 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Josenildo Marques wrote:
 Any audio cd I try to copy with xcdroast goes wrong.

 you are writing audio mp3 to disc ?

 I also tried to encode
 the audio cd files into wav files with cdda2wav, but the problem persists.

 So you were writing mp3 audio files to disc, but now you cannot convert
 them all to wav files,
 sounds as though there is a problem with the original mp3 files.

 is said there is a kind of mismatch because the program cannot read all
  the tracks.

 If you had been writing wav files to disc and not mp3 my previous comments
 would of been applicable plus many audio wav file cd's have video files
 which xcdroast/cdrecord cannot handle, but this is not the case.

 Sounds(excuse the pun) like you original mp3 sound files are suspect in
 some way that xcdroast/cdparanoia/cdrecord has found wanting, you can lower
 the quality test some with command line options in cdparanoia/cdrecord but
 maybe you are not happy with the command line.I'm not too sure myself
 without some practice.


I've only been vaguely following this, so sorry if these comments have already 
been covered.  In my experience, two points come up that could be at issue.  
First, if the source is not impeccable you are likely to get a faulty read.  
Second, the burn speed is fairly important.  Assuming there is no possible 
problem with the first (and if xcdroast took a long time to read any tract 
you can guarantee there is a problem there), have you tried burning at slower 

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Len Lawrence
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:15:01 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Colin - your posts are valued, but do me a favour.  In your browser turn off 
 html and then try to read one of your posts.  It is VERY difficult.  Please 
 try not to use html here.

This is very strange.  Colin's message appears in Sylpheed without the HTML
codes but if saved as the text contains the codes.  The included part of 
your reply also shows up as HTML.  So it looks like Sylpheed takes care of 
HTML automatically for the original message.  Perhaps that is why so few
people complain about HTML postings.  But, obviously, HTML should be avoided.
Len Lawrence
On the subject of C program indentation:
In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be indented
 six feet downward and covered with dirt.
-- Blair P. Houghton

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] UT Errors

2003-01-15 Thread The Joker
Regarding additional maps for UT:

On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 10:31 pm, Trevor Rhodes wrote:
 Dark Lord,

   Thanks my friend.  It worked fine.  Geez, I love this list.

 Burnt them to a CD from a Winblows pooter.

Do you mean that you just copied them from a Windows partition and dropped 
them in you /maps folder?

I have a heap of maps downloaded from the internet - will they work if I just 
whack 'em in the /maps dir, without doing anything else? I'm not too worried 
about playing them on my linux box - I just want to run it as a dedicated 
server for my home LAN.


The Devil's Advocate

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
  But, obviously, HTML should be avoided.

Yes, and I want to download 9.1 with Xmodem. Anybody got mandrake's
modem number? 

Support your local bulletin board, shun the Internet with it's new
fangled formats and protocols. We got as far as we need to go in 1986.
Who needs java, mp3, or avi. We have a dancing ASCII cursor!

I swear, we should just move this list to FIDO. I think I still have a
copy of WildCat! BBS lying around here somewhere. Then we can be done
with all this new fangled mumbo-jumbo.

TradeWars 2002 anyone? ;)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] irc

2003-01-15 Thread pilip
try #linuxhelp on undernet

Anders Lind wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:45:41 +0200
Vahur Lokk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone suggest a good irc channel for quick questions?

#mandrake on irc.freenode.net is a good channel for that

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

the first step is love, the 2nd is mercy

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] [OT] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 23:52, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
   But, obviously, HTML should be avoided.
 Yes, and I want to download 9.1 with Xmodem. Anybody got mandrake's
 modem number? 
KERMIT, man, KERMIT. Where ;you been? Zmodem sucks, Xmodem sucks.
Kermit, dude. And do you want the BBS number, or do you want to download
it in 1.44mb chunks uuencoded and lha'd?

 Support your local bulletin board, shun the Internet with it's new
 fangled formats and protocols. We got as far as we need to go in 1986.
 Who needs java, mp3, or avi. We have a dancing ASCII cursor!

...same with that mouse crap. That's definitely never going to become
popular. Or a monitor that requires more than 256k colors...OR exceeds
14...terrible waste that!

 I swear, we should just move this list to FIDO. I think I still have a
 copy of WildCat! BBS lying around here somewhere. Then we can be done
 with all this new fangled mumbo-jumbo.
VBBS! VBBS version 5! Yeeehaw! I can do all the RIP graphics! I can gate
FIDO into VFIDO! AND gate usenet into both with WAFFLE!

 TradeWars 2002 anyone? ;)
HHGTTG, mate...and PimpWars...

Wed Jan 15 23:55:01 EST 2003
 11:55pm  up 1 day, 15:36,  4 users,  load average: 1.81, 0.64, 0.39
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

I believe that professional wrestling is clean and everything else in
the world is fixed.
-- Frank Deford, sports writer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] We need this in all our schools

2003-01-15 Thread robin
Michael Biddulph wrote:


Loved the picture - I'm sending it to my colleagues who keep saying 
Linux is too difficult!

Sir Robin

A Perl script is correct if it gets the job done before your boss 
fires you.
 - Larry Wall

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Marc
1/14/03 8:51:57 PM, et [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Boy, Carroll Grigsby do you _Like_ to be the bearer of ill 

 I don't know if this is what I would call ill tidings or not.
No I don't think I would call it good news but I am also not 
shure that it is bad news.
   Look at it this way, it could be a chance for Mandrake to 
get out of debt for 50 cents on the dollar maybe 10 cents on 
the dollar.  Wouldent we all like to do that?  Very similar 
stuff happened to Chrysler corperation in the 80s and look at 
them today.
  I have seen similar things happen to other small companys 
and then seen them come out of it smelling like a rose.
   This could be the best thing to happen to Mandrake in a 
long time or it could be a sighn of inpending doom.
   I woud not hazzard a guess eather way, only time will tell.

Just my 2 cents worth


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Latest Mdk updates = no internet :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Angus Auld
Greetings, I did some updating of my Mdk 9.0 system with several of the latest update 
packages from Mandrake Security..now I am accessing the internet from my WinME 
system! :-((
I can't get internet access with kppp, which is what I usually use to connect with my 
conexant hcf winmodem. Something that I updated has hosed my winmodem.

I have tried uninstalling the driver, reinstalling and reconfiguringto no avail. 
When I configure the driver, I get these two unusual lines: 
gawk: cmd. line:1 $2 == 20,00
gawk: cmd. line:1   ^unterminated string

The rest of the configuration goes as normal, and I am informed I should be able to 
access my modem as /dev/ttySHCFO

Kppp will initialize the modem, dial the number, handshake, and then seemingly connect 
and immediately disconnect w/SIGHUP. I have had excellent results with this 
winmodem/driver all along. I can't finish installing the rest of the updates w/o 
internet access.

I tried using wvdial, but it doesn't seem to recognize my modem.

Based on this, I would issue caution to any conexant hcf winmodem users  out there who 
are updating with the latest packages from Mdk.

Anyone have any ideas?



Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Get your free email from http://mymail.operamail.com

Powered by Outblaze

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] We need this in all our schools

2003-01-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 13:04, robin wrote:
 Michael Biddulph wrote:

 Loved the picture - I'm sending it to my colleagues who keep saying
 Linux is too difficult!

 Sir Robin

Do your friends a favour and get the freeduc cd or .iso image.
That'll really make 'm feel stupid once they've seen the ease of that.
Oh yeah, the kids'll love for it!

http://www.ofset.org for more info



for the download-mirrors..it's one CD, debian based and it has it all  
more coming.

Good Hunting,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] [OT] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 12:08 pm, Len Lawrence wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:15:01 +

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Colin - your posts are valued, but do me a favour.  In your browser turn
  off html and then try to read one of your posts.  It is VERY difficult. 
  Please try not to use html here.

 This is very strange.  Colin's message appears in Sylpheed without the HTML
 codes but if saved as the text contains the codes.  The included part of
 your reply also shows up as HTML.  So it looks like Sylpheed takes care of
 HTML automatically for the original message.  Perhaps that is why so few
 people complain about HTML postings.  But, obviously, HTML should be

That's interesting.  I had wondered, as some html messages aren't so bad, but 
others are really awful to read - particularly when you get to layered 
quotes.  I don't want to have to change mail clients for that, if I can help 
it, though.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Latest Mdk updates = no internet :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 1:21 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings, I did some updating of my Mdk 9.0 system with several of the
 latest update packages from Mandrake Security..now I am accessing the
 internet from my WinME system! :-(( I can't get internet access with kppp,
 which is what I usually use to connect with my conexant hcf winmodem.
 Something that I updated has hosed my winmodem.

 I have tried uninstalling the driver, reinstalling and reconfiguringto
 no avail. :-( When I configure the driver, I get these two unusual lines:
 gawk: cmd. line:1 $2 == 20,00
 gawk: cmd. line:1   ^unterminated string

 The rest of the configuration goes as normal, and I am informed I should be
 able to access my modem as /dev/ttySHCFO

 Kppp will initialize the modem, dial the number, handshake, and then
 seemingly connect and immediately disconnect w/SIGHUP. I have had excellent
 results with this winmodem/driver all along. I can't finish installing the
 rest of the updates w/o internet access.

 I tried using wvdial, but it doesn't seem to recognize my modem.

 Based on this, I would issue caution to any conexant hcf winmodem users 
 out there who are updating with the latest packages from Mdk.

 Anyone have any ideas?



Ouch- nasty.  It is probably the update to kdenetwork which hosed you. I took 
a look at the package. It contains kppp, but does not contain any 
configuration files which might have overwritten your own. So maybe it is a 
bug in the new package.

You might like to try going back to the old kdenetwork by CD ing to the 
directory on the Cd where it lives, and typing
rpm -Uvh --oldpackage kdenetwork blah blah

You might also have to use --nodep  It should be OK this RPM being a different 
version to the others.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 1:14 pm, Marc wrote:
 1/14/03 8:51:57 PM, et [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Boy, Carroll Grigsby do you _Like_ to be the bearer of ill


  I don't know if this is what I would call ill tidings or not.
 No I don't think I would call it good news but I am also not
 shure that it is bad news.
Look at it this way, it could be a chance for Mandrake to
 get out of debt for 50 cents on the dollar maybe 10 cents on
 the dollar.  Wouldent we all like to do that?  Very similar
 stuff happened to Chrysler corperation in the 80s and look at
 them today.
   I have seen similar things happen to other small companys
 and then seen them come out of it smelling like a rose.
This could be the best thing to happen to Mandrake in a
 long time or it could be a sighn of inpending doom.
I woud not hazzard a guess eather way, only time will tell.

Can't say that it was totally unexpected.  However, the good side is that at 
least it appears that the new CEO is seriously looking at all options to save 
the company.  We've all had grouses about them recently, but I imagine life 
is very tough for Mandrakesoft's employees right now.


Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] install modem

2003-01-15 Thread Gil Katz
i got new modem rockwell HSF
i downloaded the driver from the site and install it
after wards i run the configuration program and in the end i got a message 
that the modem is ok and i can access it via /dev/ttySHSF0
but when i try to configure kppp i cant see /dev/ttySHSF0 in the device list.
any help?

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror + java + pogo = no good

2003-01-15 Thread Jerry Barton

 Whereas I have exactly the opposite :(
 Registered Linux User No.293302
So i suggest we revolt!  Down with java!  LOL


Registered Linux User #300600
Registered Linux Machine #185855

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Re: [newbie] install modem

2003-01-15 Thread Peter Watson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 14:04, Gil Katz wrote:
 i got new modem rockwell HSF
 i downloaded the driver from the site and install it
 after wards i run the configuration program and in the end i got a
 message that the modem is ok and i can access it via /dev/ttySHSF0
 but when i try to configure kppp i cant see /dev/ttySHSF0 in the device
 list. any help?

Have you tried 

ln -s /dev/ttySHSF0 /dev/modem

then use /dev/modem in kppp, this is what I do in similar circumstances.



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[newbie] rpmnew

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
I have just downloaded and installed a list of security updates, and am left 
with a box regarding cups, in which it says that some configuration files 
were created as .rpmnew.  They concern classes.conf and printers.conf.

It would be catastrophic if anything were to go wrong with printing today, as 
I am in the  middle of a big job in which printing is essential.  Is there 
any risk in accepting these?  It seems odd that I am given the choice of 
deleting them or accepting them as a main configuration file.

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Konqueror + java + pogo = no good

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 14 Jan 2003 2:30 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
  Whereas I have exactly the opposite :(
  Registered Linux User No.293302

 So i suggest we revolt!  Down with java!  LOL

It does seem ridiculously troublesome g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] rpmnew

2003-01-15 Thread David Robertson
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 14:32, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I have just downloaded and installed a list of security updates, and am left 
 with a box regarding cups, in which it says that some configuration files 
 were created as .rpmnew.  They concern classes.conf and printers.conf.
 It would be catastrophic if anything were to go wrong with printing today, as 
 I am in the  middle of a big job in which printing is essential.  Is there 
 any risk in accepting these?  It seems odd that I am given the choice of 
 deleting them or accepting them as a main configuration file.

When I've used MCC to install updates, it has warned me if this happens
and offers the opportunity to compare the old and new config files then
edit as appropriate. You might want to take a look at etc-update which
makes the job easier - for example, it can merge the old and new files.

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Time Setting in KDE

2003-01-15 Thread Rich
Yesterday I noticed that the time setting in KDE was off by 4 hours so I right 
clicked on the clock and adjusted to the correct time setting.  Today, when I 
booted the computer it was once again off by 4 hours.

The other thing that happens is that when I click on the Apply button, the 
monitor shuts off until I hit a key!

Any ideas about why this is happening all of a sudden?  The only new thing 
installed was Opera.


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RE: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marc
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

1/14/03 8:51:57 PM, et [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Boy, Carroll Grigsby do you _Like_ to be the bearer of ill 

 I don't know if this is what I would call ill tidings or not.
No I don't think I would call it good news but I am also not 
shure that it is bad news.
 Look at it this way, it could be a chance for Mandrake to 
get out of debt for 50 cents on the dollar maybe 10 cents on 
the dollar. Wouldent we all like to do that? Very similar 
stuff happened to Chrysler corperation in the 80s and look at 
them today.
 I have seen similar things happen to other small companys 
and then seen them come out of it smelling like a rose.
 This could be the best thing to happen to Mandrake in a 
long time or it could be a sighn of inpending doom.
 I woud not hazzard a guess eather way, only time will tell.

 Just my 2 cents worth


Everybody stay calm and move slowly toward the exits. Just kidding. See the link for more info

Also realize that Chapter 11 is for reorganization and protection from creditors who could make such demands that a company must close the door. Chapter 11 would give MandrakeSoft a chance to get in the clear and attain profitablility. But my bet is on an outside investor. Cheers Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] rpmnew

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 2:30 pm, David Robertson wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 14:32, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I have just downloaded and installed a list of security updates, and am
  left with a box regarding cups, in which it says that some configuration
  files were created as .rpmnew.  They concern classes.conf and
  It would be catastrophic if anything were to go wrong with printing
  today, as I am in the  middle of a big job in which printing is
  essential.  Is there any risk in accepting these?  It seems odd that I am
  given the choice of deleting them or accepting them as a main
  configuration file.

 When I've used MCC to install updates, it has warned me if this happens
 and offers the opportunity to compare the old and new config files then
 edit as appropriate. You might want to take a look at etc-update which
 makes the job easier - for example, it can merge the old and new files.


At first look I could not see the big deal.  The printers.conf file doesn't 
seem to change anything.  The classes file appears to be a skeleton config 
file, with everything hashed out.  I decided to minimise the box while I 
thought about it.  Having thought, I went back to it - or attempted to do so.  
The box had disappeared.  Anyway, it still looks as though there's no big 
deal, so I've made the assumption that I would not have been given the choice 
if it really mattered.  On the basis of this I'm leaving the original files 
active until I've finished this urgent work, then I'll rename them and 
release the new ones onto the system.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 3:00 pm, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marc
 Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 7:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

 1/14/03 8:51:57 PM, et [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Boy, Carroll Grigsby do you _Like_ to be the bearer of ill


  I don't know if this is what I would call ill tidings or not.
 No I don't think I would call it good news but I am also not
 shure that it is bad news.
Look at it this way, it could be a chance for Mandrake to
 get out of debt for 50 cents on the dollar maybe 10 cents on
 the dollar.  Wouldent we all like to do that?  Very similar
 stuff happened to Chrysler corperation in the 80s and look at
 them today.
   I have seen similar things happen to other small companys
 and then seen them come out of it smelling like a rose.
This could be the best thing to happen to Mandrake in a
 long time or it could be a sighn of inpending doom.
I woud not hazzard a guess eather way, only time will tell.

 Just my 2 cents worth


 Everybody stay calm and move slowly toward the exits. Just kidding. See the
 link for more info

 Also realize that Chapter 11 is for reorganization and protection from
 creditors who could make such demands that a company must close the door.
 Chapter 11 would give MandrakeSoft a chance to get in the clear and attain
 profitablility. But my bet is on an outside investor. Cheers  Dennis M.

I don't know much about how it works, but it seems to me that if Chapter 11 
helps them control their creditors, that may be necessary first before a new 
investor checks in.

I read the article up to and including the first reply - then got annoyed 
about that negative one being sign anonymouse.  Looked down the list and 
found the others were too.  Maybe some were not negative - I'll never know 
because on principle I left.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] UT Errors

2003-01-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 07:14 am, The Joker wrote:
 Regarding additional maps for UT:

 Do you mean that you just copied them from a Windows partition and dropped
 them in you /maps folder?

 I have a heap of maps downloaded from the internet - will they work if I
 just whack 'em in the /maps dir, without doing anything else? I'm not too
 worried about playing them on my linux box - I just want to run it as a
 dedicated server for my home LAN.


 The Devil's Advocate

As long as they are already uncompressed, they should work fine.


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Latest Mdk updates = no internet :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Angus Auld

 On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 1:21 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings, I did some updating of my Mdk 9.0 system with several of the
  latest update packages from Mandrake Security..now I am accessing the
  internet from my WinME system! :-(( I can't get internet access with kppp,
  which is what I usually use to connect with my conexant hcf winmodem.
  Something that I updated has hosed my winmodem.
  I have tried uninstalling the driver, reinstalling and reconfiguringto
  no avail. :-( When I configure the driver, I get these two unusual lines:
  gawk: cmd. line:1 $2 == 20,00
  gawk: cmd. line:1   ^unterminated string
  The rest of the configuration goes as normal, and I am informed I should be
  able to access my modem as /dev/ttySHCFO
  Kppp will initialize the modem, dial the number, handshake, and then
  seemingly connect and immediately disconnect w/SIGHUP. I have had excellent
  results with this winmodem/driver all along. I can't finish installing the
  rest of the updates w/o internet access.
  I tried using wvdial, but it doesn't seem to recognize my modem.
  Based on this, I would issue caution to any conexant hcf winmodem users 
  out there who are updating with the latest packages from Mdk.
  Anyone have any ideas?
Derek wrote: 
 Ouch- nasty.  It is probably the update to kdenetwork which hosed you. I took 
 a look at the package. It contains kppp, but does not contain any 
 configuration files which might have overwritten your own. So maybe it is a 
 bug in the new package.
 You might like to try going back to the old kdenetwork by CD ing to the 
 directory on the Cd where it lives, and typing
 rpm -Uvh --oldpackage kdenetwork blah blah
 You might also have to use --nodep  It should be OK this RPM being a different 
 version to the others.
Thanks so much Derek, I did what you said, in addition to uninstalling the updated 
lisa package and reinstalling the old. (There were dependency issues with lisa when I 
was installing the updates, so I thought I better turn it back to the older version 

I am back on the net with my winmodem! I will have to be more careful updating in the 
future to watch for anything that my alter kppp.
Should this be reported as a bug??

What I had to do was this from within the mounted cd2 directory:
su'd and then issued this command:
rpm -Uvh --oldpackage kdenetwork-3.0.3-15mdk.i586.rpm 
(plus the aforementioned lisa change from the updated lisa-3.0.5a-1.1mdk, back to 

Thanks again Derek, you got me out of a jam. :-) 
I really like this list!


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Get your free email from http://mymail.operamail.com

Powered by Outblaze

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] urpmi --auto-select?

2003-01-15 Thread Angus Auld

 On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 18:00, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings, I was just updating my system with the latest bunch of updates from Mdk 
(BIG bunch). I installed a few packages, and then decided it would be simpler to just 
use the urpmi --auto-select command, and go to bed.
  When I issued the command however, urpmi informed me that two packages have to be 
removed in order for others to be updated...Timidity++2.11.3-1mdk and 
  Does this mean I won't be able to install these again?? I need these packages for 
midi output. :-/
  Can anyone tell me what this means?
  TIA for any feedback. :-)
Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 By no means does removing Timidity deny your output of MIDI. It can be
 reinstalled at a later date and time. Nothing to worry about hometeam.
Thanks Stephen, I had some issues with my winmodem concerning these latest updates as 
is outlined in a seperate posting. I'm back on-line with Mdk now tho. :-)

I wonder why urpmi has to uninstall Timidity anyway? Shared dependencies?

All the best. 


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Get your free email from http://mymail.operamail.com

Powered by Outblaze

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread et
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 08:14 am, Marc wrote:
 1/14/03 8:51:57 PM, et [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Boy, Carroll Grigsby do you _Like_ to be the bearer of ill


  I don't know if this is what I would call ill tidings or not.
 No I don't think I would call it good news but I am also not
 shure that it is bad news.
Look at it this way, it could be a chance for Mandrake to
 get out of debt for 50 cents on the dollar maybe 10 cents on
 the dollar.  Wouldent we all like to do that?  Very similar
 stuff happened to Chrysler corperation in the 80s and look at
 them today.
   I have seen similar things happen to other small companys
 and then seen them come out of it smelling like a rose.
This could be the best thing to happen to Mandrake in a
 long time or it could be a sighn of inpending doom.
I woud not hazzard a guess eather way, only time will tell.

 Just my 2 cents worth

Tis so true... I really ment my reply to Carroll as a jest. We are all aware 
of the tough economic times we are in, and we are all aware that Mandrake 
does NOT have so much money that they are looking to hire me or anyone to 
compare web browsers. G
I think it is knida intresting to note tho that this thread has raised almost 
as many please no HTML/ _my_ mail program handles it OK replies as concern 
for the future of our favorite Linux Distro type of replies.

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Re: [newbie] mplayer gui

2003-01-15 Thread Terry Sheltra

Thanks for all of your help.  I now have mplayer working (sort of), AND 
keeping my settings! :-)

What isn't quite working yet is the audio.  I put in a DVD that we have 
lying around here at the office (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), and 
the movie started to play.  I didn't get the DVD navigation menu like I 
had expected (is there a separate package for this? or does mplayer not 
even support it?), and the audio track was that of the director's 
commentary, and not the movie audio track.  How can I go about fixing these?

Thanks again Len! :-)

Len Lawrence wrote:

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:14:46 -0500

Sorry to hear that you are having so much difficulty with these applications.
Each newer version of these multimedia programs seems to get more difficult to
install and get running but that is the price you pay for greater functionality
and improved performance.  Ogle always seems to be easier to manage, but its
gui is not fully functional - several dead buttons.

I installed Mandrake's xine from the 8.2 download CDs so kindly provided by Shane
and had endless trouble trying to get it going by downloading RPMs and doing
rpm -ivh installs.  Urpmi certainly makes life easier and so does PLF.  Needless
to say I cannot remember exactly what the prescription was for xine but it
involved libxine, xine-gui, win32 codecs and xine-plugins.  Have you tried
invoking it with the command xine -s DVD dvdnav:// or xine -pq -s DVD
dvdnav:// to play immediately and quit when finished?  There are other things
to check like the settings in ~/.xinerc and the rawdevices service (which
is probably running by default) and /dev/dvd.  
Then there are the skins - haven't sorted that one out yet.

The same goes for mplayer.  Poked around on the PLF site to see what was
available and, like you, downloaded several packages.  Had trouble choosing
a video driver but x11 worked.  If your settings don't stick maybe you need to
create a ~/.mplayer/config file (copy from /etc/mplayer.conf perhaps?).
It works on DVDs for me with mplayer -dvd 1 (or 2 or 3...).
Also, there is a short tutorial on the net about getting DVDs to play under 
one or other of these applications, reported on this list very recently:
Maybe you have already seen that.

Sorry if this does not help.  I have been shooting in the dark a lot lately.

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] Latest Mdk updates = no internet :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 3:58 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 1:21 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
   Greetings, I did some updating of my Mdk 9.0 system with several of the
   latest update packages from Mandrake Security..now I am accessing
   the internet from my WinME system! :-(( I can't get internet access
   with kppp, which is what I usually use to connect with my conexant hcf
   winmodem. Something that I updated has hosed my winmodem.
   I have tried uninstalling the driver, reinstalling and
   reconfiguringto no avail. :-( When I configure the driver, I get
   these two unusual lines: gawk: cmd. line:1 $2 == 20,00
   gawk: cmd. line:1   ^unterminated string
   The rest of the configuration goes as normal, and I am informed I
   should be able to access my modem as /dev/ttySHCFO
   Kppp will initialize the modem, dial the number, handshake, and then
   seemingly connect and immediately disconnect w/SIGHUP. I have had
   excellent results with this winmodem/driver all along. I can't finish
   installing the rest of the updates w/o internet access.
   I tried using wvdial, but it doesn't seem to recognize my modem.
   Based on this, I would issue caution to any conexant hcf winmodem users
   out there who are updating with the latest packages from Mdk.
   Anyone have any ideas?
 Derek wrote:
  Ouch- nasty.  It is probably the update to kdenetwork which hosed you. I
  took a look at the package. It contains kppp, but does not contain any
  configuration files which might have overwritten your own. So maybe it is
  a bug in the new package.
  You might like to try going back to the old kdenetwork by CD ing to the
  directory on the Cd where it lives, and typing
  rpm -Uvh --oldpackage kdenetwork blah blah
  You might also have to use --nodep  It should be OK this RPM being a
  different version to the others.

 Thanks so much Derek, I did what you said, in addition to uninstalling the
 updated lisa package and reinstalling the old. (There were dependency
 issues with lisa when I was installing the updates, so I thought I better
 turn it back to the older version too).

 I am back on the net with my winmodem! I will have to be more careful
 updating in the future to watch for anything that my alter kppp. Should
 this be reported as a bug??

 What I had to do was this from within the mounted cd2 directory:
 su'd and then issued this command:
 rpm -Uvh --oldpackage kdenetwork-3.0.3-15mdk.i586.rpm
 kdenetwork-devel-3.0.3-15mdk.i586.rpm (plus the aforementioned lisa change
 from the updated lisa-3.0.5a-1.1mdk, back to lisa-3.0.3-15mdk)

 Thanks again Derek, you got me out of a jam. :-)
 I really like this list!


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

Glad you are back in the land of Penguins :)
When I saw your post I was torn between sympathy for having a screwed kppp, or 
sympathy for using Windows Me  It was Win Me that drove me to Linux. I was so 
disgusted when I paid good money for an upgrade from Win98 to WinMe and found 
it was even worse than Win98, that I started trying out Linux distros. After 
a short time I discovered Mandrake 8.0 and was gobsmacked at how good it was 

Couple of points -: 
You only need the kdenetwork-devel RPM if you are planning on compiling any 
KDE applocations. Otherwise you can remove it. (Same goes for any other 
-devel RPMs)

It may be a bug, by all means report it.

An alternative way of dialling is by pressing the Internet icon 
(net_monitor) on your desktop. That opens up net_monitor. Pressing on the 
'Connect' button will dial for you, so long as you completed the networking 
wizard in Mandrake Control Centre. If you want to be able to run net_monitor 
as non root there is a Howto on my web page.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 07:52, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
   But, obviously, HTML should be avoided.
 Yes, and I want to download 9.1 with Xmodem. Anybody got mandrake's
 modem number? 
 Support your local bulletin board, shun the Internet with it's new
 fangled formats and protocols. We got as far as we need to go in 1986.
 Who needs java, mp3, or avi. We have a dancing ASCII cursor!
 I swear, we should just move this list to FIDO. I think I still have a
 copy of WildCat! BBS lying around here somewhere. Then we can be done
 with all this new fangled mumbo-jumbo.
 TradeWars 2002 anyone? ;)

I generally take this in the light spirit that it was posted in.  But
too I think it needs to be understood that on mailing lists and also
quite a few newsgroups HTML is strictly banned.  I think this is just
common courtesy, not only for bandwidth reasons, but also because there
are quite a few people out there who read their mail without having a
feature that strips html out of the text.  Evolution allows me to read
html messages, but the way they are formatted and presented is quite
annoying.  Straight text is much friendlier.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

Follow this link... :-(



 Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Install Mandrake 9.1 problem

2003-01-15 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 01:53 am, Mark Weaver wrote:

   you mean the drive itself couldn't handle the 700MB
   media? thats a new one for me, although I'm not
   saying it can't happen.
   - --
  Exactly, Mark. I repeated the fiasco on my laptop,
  same thing happened. Went back to 8.2, no problem
  there ! It seems Mandrake made the .iso's hit the

 As I recall when 9.0 came out there was quite a lot of
 discussion on the lists as to why this came about, but I
 don't recall as to the why of it all. What speed did you
 burn the iso's at?
 - --
 I didn't burn the iso's myself but got them from a danish, 
but very efficient (and cheap) reseller 
( http://www.linuxpusher.dk )
because I think it is best for Mandrake to support them by 
club membership ( silver, actually ) rather then ordering 
a full box ( thus sparing them the cost ).

However, a quick look at a FTP-mirror tells me that

MDK 9.0 ISO CD1 is 694.6 MB
MDK 8.2 ISO CD1 is 650.0 MB

and I'm pretty convinced that my old CD-reader chokes at 
everything above 650 MB.

Kaj Haulrich
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] trying to post with postfix

2003-01-15 Thread - netmaniac -

 Ok, everything now seems to be going fine. The mailserver no longer 
 the messages sent to the postfix server. However, I can't find the 
 in the linux box. I've searched many /var and ../spool folders and 
 home directory but I found nothing.


Have you used Webmin to go into Postfix and check user mailboxes to
see if there are non-0 values for the mailboxes?

Wed Jan 15 19:10:00 EST 2003
  7:10pm  up 1 day, 10:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

only available on a need to know basis

I was mistaken. After a few hours the messages were returned. I don't know 
why this time they took longer to return. I think I must read some docs. And 
I didn't found any check mailboxes or something similar in webmin.

MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil. http://www.hotmail.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread et

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 11:30 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

 Follow this link... :-(


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Jody Cleveland
 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

So, now what...

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Re: [newbie] My friends don't know better yet (can Mandrake 9 handle a .zip file ?)

2003-01-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday January 14 2003 02:26 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Hmm...is that a new one? I don't recognize that unzip command. 

You won't either  unless you install the unzip rpm ;)

I've got unzip-5.50-4mdk and zip-2.3-9mdk

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Kelley Jernigan
More info

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 4:30 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

 Follow this link... :-(


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:59 am, Jody Cleveland wrote:
  Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

 So, now what...

The article says Chapter 11, so maybe they will be able to pull themselves out 
of this mess


 Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 11:54, et wrote:

Yes, it does suck green donkey.

 On Tuesday 14 January 2003 11:30 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...
  Follow this link... :-(


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] We need this in all our schools

2003-01-15 Thread Robin Turner
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

Do your friends a favour and get the freeduc cd or .iso image.
That'll really make 'm feel stupid once they've seen the ease of that.
Oh yeah, the kids'll love for it!

http://www.ofset.org for more info



It looks promising, though there doesn't seem to be much there at the 
moment which isn't already on Knoppix (I'm also more interested in 
university-level software).  At the moment we have no CD-ROMs in our 
computers, but we should be getting three or four soon, so I can 
impress/annoy people by booting up Knoppix when I'm not on my Linux box!

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Poogle
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 H:30 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

 Follow this link... :-(


And on a more positive note 


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Re: [newbie] mplayer gui

2003-01-15 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:15:16 -0500
Terry Sheltra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for all of your help.  I now have mplayer working (sort of),
 AND keeping my settings! :-)
 What isn't quite working yet is the audio.  I put in a DVD that we
 have lying around here at the office (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon),
 and the movie started to play.  I didn't get the DVD navigation menu
 like I had expected (is there a separate package for this? or does
 mplayer not even support it?), and the audio track was that of the
 director's commentary, and not the movie audio track.  How can I go
 about fixing these?
 Thanks again Len! :-)

There is no DVD navigation with MPlayer, at least not a working one.
They put this project on hold 'cause it contained a lot of bugs.

DVD navigation is done with the console options. I presume you did a
`mplayer -dvd 1` or thereabouts? Try using `mplayer -dvd 2`, or 3 and so
on, as these are the different tracks, like an audio cd. If it's just
your audio that's wrong, you may want to add the option -alang en in
the command to select the english audio track.

Hope this helps,

I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
but I don't always agree with them. - George H. W. Bush

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread John Richard Smith
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

Follow this link... :-(



how much longer will newbie exist I wonder ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] DHCP release/renewal

2003-01-15 Thread Noquar

Hi all, this is my first time posting to this list. The question I had
was this...

I run two computers off a hub/switch in my house on a cable modem, my
ISP will assign a separate IP to both so it doesn't require a router. My
Windows machine has kept the same IP for months, my Mandrake 9.0 machine
seems to get about 2-3 new IP's a DAY. Is there anything I can set to
keep the machine from release/renewing so often? It doesn't matter if
the machine is kept on constantly, sometimes it will renew in the middle
of a console session, it seems so random and it's annoying. I'd prefer
not to get a static IP but it seems I might have to go that route.

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RE: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Its official :-(

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Its official :-(

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:59 am, Jody Cleveland wrote:
  Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

 So, now what...

The article says Chapter 11, so maybe they will be able to pull themselves out 
of this mess

 Dark Lord
If I recall there have been several companies in the past to use chapter 11 to survive, gazillions actually, but Worldcomm and Chrysler to name a couple.

[newbie] Recognition of Todd Lyons

2003-01-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
I want to make an official appeal to the Mandrake management to keep
Todd Lyons securely in the company, in the recent light of current
events regarding the Chapter 11.

Todd Lyons has been an incredible asset to the Expert list, helping
countless users with their problems and concerns.  It would be a
terrible loss to Mandrake and an even more terrible loss to all Mandrake
users were anything to happen that would force him to seek other
employment.  We want him around and we want him to stay.

Civileme was a huge asset to all of us here in North America, as well as
the rest of the world.  We don't want the same thing to happen to Todd
Lyons.  If this concerns you now is the time to make your support known.

Thank you, Todd.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: RE: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Marc
1/15/03 10:59:32 AM, Jody Cleveland 

 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

So, now what...

To me it sounds like business as usual except they have 
the bill collectors off their butt.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] graphic utility

2003-01-15 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie
I'm sure there must be a utility to do this but I don't know what it's
called on linux.  I need to be able to take a screenshot and save it to a
file and have it be viewable by someone who lives on the Windows platform.
Anybody know the name of what I need?



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] External HD's

2003-01-15 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hi there all,

Just wondering if anyone out there is using an external harddrive with
Mandrake? I see an advert here for an external Maxtor 120GB h/d (7200
rpm), which connects via USB (also firewire, but I don't have that).

I tried looking on the LM hardware database, but it wasn't helpful at
all, seeing as I don't see the model-number, and a visit to maxtor.com
didn't help me either.

Maybe someone knows a site with more info on this?


I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
but I don't always agree with them. - George H. W. Bush

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update.

2003-01-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 7:16 pm, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 January 2003 03:21 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 8:30 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
   Is it ok to use the KDE Mandrake Update to update KDE? Or do I have to
   use URPMI for that?
  Mandrake Update is just a GUI front end for urpmi
  There are some security updates to KDE 3.0.5a available in Mandrake
  Update this week. I used urpmi --update --auto-select  to update mine
  last night - no problemo.

 I went an did it this way. There was no problem except that I cannot now
 re-install timidity (the subject of another thread).


Timidity has kdemultimedia as a dependency. You can either install timidity by 
doing 'cd' to the directory containing timidity and then 
rpm -ivh --nodeps timidity-blah blah.rpm

It is possible that Timidity will not work properly, in which case you can 
remove it again, and download the .src RPM and compile it with
rpm --rebuild timidity-blah.blah.src

This will only work if you have the required compiler tools available, and 
-devel versions of the dependent RPMs (such as kdemultimedia-devel-3.0.5a )

Alternatively you may decide to undo the upgrade and reinstall the old version 
of kdemultimedia. My post from this morning re: kdenetwork tells you how to 
go about it.


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Re: [newbie] External HD's

2003-01-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 7:17 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 Hi there all,

 Just wondering if anyone out there is using an external harddrive with
 Mandrake? I see an advert here for an external Maxtor 120GB h/d (7200
 rpm), which connects via USB (also firewire, but I don't have that).

 I tried looking on the LM hardware database, but it wasn't helpful at
 all, seeing as I don't see the model-number, and a visit to maxtor.com
 didn't help me either.

 Maybe someone knows a site with more info on this?




Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update.

2003-01-15 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 19:54:11 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is possible that Timidity will not work properly, in which case you
 can remove it again, and download the .src RPM and compile it with
 rpm --rebuild timidity-blah.blah.src

That will not achieve anything.
kdemultimedia has an explicit Conflicts: TiMidity++ so, even if rebuilt,
you would still need to install it using -ivh --nodeps.

The pkg that would need to be rebuilt, with the Conflict removed, is



Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 9F03
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21-1mdk

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] install modem

2003-01-15 Thread Gil Katz
doesn't help
any more idea's
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 16:33, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 14:04, Gil Katz wrote:
  i got new modem rockwell HSF
  i downloaded the driver from the site and install it
  after wards i run the configuration program and in the end i got a
  message that the modem is ok and i can access it via /dev/ttySHSF0
  but when i try to configure kppp i cant see /dev/ttySHSF0 in the device
  list. any help?

 Have you tried

 ln -s /dev/ttySHSF0 /dev/modem

 then use /dev/modem in kppp, this is what I do in similar circumstances.


 Ardnamurchan  Scotland

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Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 5:37 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...
 Follow this link... :-(

 how much longer will newbie exist I wonder ?

If it doesn't cost much to run it may well be seen as an asset.  Keeping us 
with the company must be a good thing

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 3:40 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  To me it sounds like business as usual except they have
  the bill collectors off their butt.

 Right on.  I was afraid i would get a loonie label in my forehead,
 but that is exactly what i was thinking about.


Right now it's probably the best thing they could do.  I have been expecting 
something of the sort for a long time, and this is definitely not the worst 
that could have happened.

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] scsi emulation

2003-01-15 Thread Josenildo Marques
How can I change the cd-rom so that it works with scsi emulation together with 
the cd-writer ?

The line is lilo.conf is as follows:

append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet

The cd-rom is hdd. It seems stupid, but the fact is that I don't have the 
faintest idea how to add it. Would it be with an ?  :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Miark
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:41:39 -0800
Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The article says Chapter 11, so maybe they will be able to pull themselves
 out of this mess

Damn right. I don't see this as bad news at all. In fact, it's good 
news because 

1) It allows Mandrakesoft to _continue_ working, and
2) Without that immense debt burden, MDK will be able to work better
   than they did before. 

Good for them. Good for us!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] scsi emulation

2003-01-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 05:53 pm, Josenildo Marques wrote:
 How can I change the cd-rom so that it works with scsi emulation together
 with the cd-writer ?

 The line is lilo.conf is as follows:

 append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet

 The cd-rom is hdd. It seems stupid, but the fact is that I don't have the
 faintest idea how to add it. Would it be with an ?  :-)


It should be:

append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi quiet

That should do it.


 Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] ? Looking for modem driver

2003-01-15 Thread mbot
Hello newbie,

Is there anyone here know where to find the driver for my modem as

Prolink Twister Series V.92
VID: x14F1 Conexant System Inc.
DID: x2F00 cx11252-11 HSF 56k HSFi
SubVID: x14F1 Conexant
SubID: x2002 no-name
rev: x01 x5---INTA#

I've been searching the websites (winmodem, linmodem,
conexant) for weeks to find it, and download some. But still my modem not working.
Or ... is it my modem not a winmodem???
Tnx a lot ... and peace.

Best regards,
 mbot  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] scsi emulation

2003-01-15 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
You don't need add scsi emulation for the cd-rom; go to the xcdroast page and 
download the last rpms (alpha-13) for xcdroast and also cdrecord and so on; 
now xcdroast recognized also ide-atapi drives and you can use them as lector 
drive (to read a cd, copy on the fly..). I have this runing under 
Mandrake 9.0 pretty well.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

El Mié 15 Ene 2003 23:53, Josenildo Marques escribió:
 How can I change the cd-rom so that it works with scsi emulation together
 with the cd-writer ?

 The line is lilo.conf is as follows:

 append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet

 The cd-rom is hdd. It seems stupid, but the fact is that I don't have the
 faintest idea how to add it. Would it be with an ?  :-)


Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
I hope you were right.

 1) It allows Mandrakesoft to _continue_ working, and
 2) Without that immense debt burden, MDK will be able to work better
than they did before.

 Good for them. Good for us!


Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread et
I think I will go and buy a bunch of stuff at the Mandrake store, cause if it 
helps, great, and if they (we) disappear, it will be a good collectable.

 On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 5:37 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...
  Follow this link... :-(
  how much longer will newbie exist I wonder ?

 If it doesn't cost much to run it may well be seen as an asset.  Keeping us
 with the company must be a good thing


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] scsi emulation

2003-01-15 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:53 pm, Josenildo Marques 
 How can I change the CD-ROM so that it works with SCSI
 emulation together with the CD-writer ?

 The line is lilo.conf is as follows:

 append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet

 The CD-ROM is hdd. It seems stupid, but the fact is that
 I don't have the faintest idea how to add it. Would it
 be with an ?  :-)


Just swap the hdc=ide-scsi with hdd=scsi in the append 
line, and THEN (as root) run the command *lilo*.

Or, in case you have two CD-drives ( for example a 
CD-reader and a CD-writer ) change it to :

append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi quiet
which is what I have. Works fine in all respects.
And - after editing *lilo.conf* - THEN (as root) run 

You can confirm the changes by watching the output from 
lilo, and then (as root) run *cdrecord --scanbus*.


Kaj Haulrich
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] urpmi --auto-select?

2003-01-15 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 06:04, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  By no means does removing Timidity deny your output of MIDI. It can be
  reinstalled at a later date and time. Nothing to worry about hometeam.
 I faced the same issue as Angus. Urpmi refused to upgrade KDE until it 
 uninstalled timidity. After updateing KDE I tried installing timidity back 
 but urpmi told me that I need to uninstall some of the KDE sound modules. it 
 looks like timidity KDE do not go together any more.

Well, as I've stated before, I think the only way to properly get KDE
installed and/or upgraded is by doing by hand. Seems to be the least
amount of hassle and problem - and unless the inconvenience of
rebuilding the menu structure is a higher priority than an upgraded bit
of the OS, well...

Thu Jan 16 08:30:00 EST 2003
  8:30am  up 2 days, 11 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.43, 0.23, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

How many coming men has one known!  Where on earth do they all go to?
-- Sir Arthur Wing Pinero

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Boot disc creation with Nvidia drivers

2003-01-15 Thread John Richard Smith
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 00:47, John Richard Smith wrote:

But you know the problem with my M9.0 boot floppy is that it hangs on
the nvidia
screen drivers, it doesn't know how to use them, though they are there
in the OS
so why cannot the boot floppy run them ?


Well, because the boot floppy doesn't do them. It just replaces the 
boot-sequence normally initialized through the mbr.

If your normal 9.0 boot from lilo does go into X using the correct drivers 
check whether it is indeed identical to the boot-floppy specs.

As I have just found out (bumping my nose=;o)) vmlinuz in the /boot 
directory on your /dev/hda6 partition is symlinked to a specific kernel 
Check if it's the same one your lilo is using for the usable 9.0 boot.

GOod luck,


What a time I have had making a bootable floppy for M9.0
the MCC method doesn't work,

on the commandline,
dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 bs=8192
does not work,

so I manually copied files from /boot directory to boot floppy and 
amended the script in

syslinux.cfg to read like this,

default linux
prompt 1
display boot.msg
timeout 100
label linux
   kernel vmlinuz
   append initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/hda6 vga=791 devfs=mount read-only

now this runs through to graphical login with nvidia drivers, to dektop.

I have five files in boot floppy,

my /boot partition has the following folders and files
boot]# ls -l
total 1800
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  512 Mar 23  2002 boot.0300
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   11 May 10  2002 boot.b - 
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  728 Feb 22  2002 chain.b
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   19 Jan 15 21:11  config - 
-rw-r--r--  1 root root44145 Sep 20 17:52   
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 1024 Jan 13 20:25grub/
-rw-r--r--  1 root root53117 Oct 30 18:18   
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   23 Jan 15 13:09  initrd.img - 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 Jan 15 21:12   kernel.h - 
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  441 Oct 30 20:32  
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   12 May 10  2002 lilo - 
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 1024 May 10  2002   lilo-bmp/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 1024 May 10  2002   lilo-graphic/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 1024 May 10  2002   lilo-menu/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 1024 May 10  2002   lilo-text/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 1024 Jan 14 17:58lost+found/
-rw---  1 root root   200704 Jan 13 21:58   map
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  512 Feb 22  2002 mbr.b
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   12 May 10  2002 message - 
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   147089 Jan 14 18:01   message-graphic
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  656 Feb 22  2002 os2_d.b
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   23 Jan 13 11:15  System.map - 
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   490852 Sep 20 17:52   
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  256 May 10  2002 uk.klt
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   20 Jan 15 13:03  vmlinuz - 
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   880346 Sep 20 17:52   

Whether everything needs to be there I'm not entirely sure. Looks like a 
few left overs.

I view of developements, is M9.1beta1 worth persueing ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Boot disc creation with Nvidia drivers

2003-01-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 21:45, John Richard Smith wrote:


 now this runs through to graphical login with nvidia drivers, to dektop.

 I have five files in boot floppy,

 my /boot partition has the following folders and files

  snipped yet again

 Whether everything needs to be there I'm not entirely sure. Looks like a
 few left overs.

 I view of developements, is M9.1beta1 worth persueing ?


Glad you got it going, and in answer to yer last query: Yes, 9.1beta1 is worth 
pursueing IMHO.
It's still beta though, never forget!!! 
I'm having fun though, 9.0 was boring me silly.

Even the laptops look gd with it.I'm getting there.=:o)

Good Luck,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Thanx :-)

2003-01-15 Thread Birger
Hi everyone
I never got my Mandrake 9.0 to work, but i downloaded Mandrake 8.2
love at first sight.
in it installed perfect im writing at this moment using Evolution 1.0.2

And hey i can still chat with my friends with amsn

and yes im gonna join the club and buy the box set


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Which file system?

2003-01-15 Thread Adolfo Bello
I have seen some posting regarding file system support on upcoming 9.1.

What is the best file system for the root partition? Ext2, Ext3,
ReinserFS, XFS?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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