Re: [newbie-it] Connessione muta.

2003-03-13 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 22:38:45 +0200
Mauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Saluti alla ML.
 Con molta calma sto entrando nell'ambiente Linux, e questa sera sono
 riuscito a fare la mia prima connessione.
 Ho configurato kppp, lanciato la connessione e.. tutto ok!
 Mi sembrava troppo bello per essere vero, e infatti la sosrpresa è arrivata:
 la connessione c'è, si vede il tempo che scorre e c'è movimento di bytes,
 ma non sono riuscito a fare nulla!!!
 Cioè: niente navigazione (ho provato con Konqueror, Mozilla e Galeon),
 niente chat (KSirc), niente posta (Evolution e KMail).

I casi sono due:
1) non hai impostato correttamente il DNS
te ne accorgi se riesci a raggiungere un sito dando l'IP
numerico, ma non scrivendo

2) hai una scheda di rete e Mandrake-9.0 ha pasticciato un po' con il gateway
in trovi:

Error scenario: You have an ethernet card for the local LAN and a modem for
internet access and you can't reach the internet.
Why: Drakconnect wrongly asks for a gateway, and ppp can't set your modem 
 connection as the default route.
Solution: As root, edit /etc/sysconfig/network and manually remove the GATEWAY entry.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Xine plugins

2003-03-13 Thread Germano
Il 19:28, martedì 11 marzo 2003, francesco.melo ha scritto:
 chiudo la polemica e riprendo il discorso dei codec:


 apro  divx 3.11 divx 4 divx 5 Xvid   mpg rm mov
 non ho modificato nè aggiunto , nè portato codec da mplayer ...

 non so se mi manchino formati
 tu quali non riesci ad aprire?
Sarebbe bello poterti rispondere a questa domanda ma non riuscendo ad aprirli 
non so neanche con che tipo di codifica siano scritti.
Che tu sappia c'è un modo per avere la lista completa di tutti i codecs che 
lui ha riconsciuto? Così almeno capisco se è un problema di codecs o meno.
La cosa strana e che alcuni di quelli che non riuscivo a vedere (l'errore è 
che il demuxer non riconosce la codifica) ho provato ad aprirli con Win**ws 
ed anch'esso falliva con alcuni (da qui il sospetto che fossero criptati).
Il bello è che un programmino stupido stupido che si chiama aviplayer li ha 
letti senza battere ciglio.
Ora aviplayer l'ho trovato su PLF (da qui si capisce che la cosa non sia 
proprio alla luce del sole) che è lo stesso sito da cui ho scaricato i codecs 
per win (gli stessi di Mplayer).
Non posso mandarti il file in questione perchè è grandicello.

Ora è possibile che Xine si basi sull'estensione del file e che quindi se non 
corrisponde al formato reale vada in confusione?
I video che hai tu sono cript*t* ?

 ciao francesco

Ciao, Germano

P.S: con i codecs per win32 dovrei leggere anche i WMV (8 e 9) se vuoi uno te 
lo posso mandare così provi

Re: [newbie-it] Cdrom interfaccia proprietaria: ancora

2003-03-13 Thread tom
On Thursday 13 March 2003 00:06, Alessandro Piaser wrote:

 Le righe in lilo.conf, modules.conf e fstab le lascio giusto?

non so se siano necessarie in modules.conf,
ma in fstab e lilo di sicuro...



Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Xine plugins

2003-03-13 Thread francesco.melo
Germano wrote:

Il 19:28, martedì 11 marzo 2003, francesco.melo ha scritto:

chiudo la polemica e riprendo il discorso dei codec:




apro  divx 3.11 divx 4 divx 5 Xvid   mpg rm mov
non ho modificato nè aggiunto , nè portato codec da mplayer ...
non so se mi manchino formati
tu quali non riesci ad aprire?

Sarebbe bello poterti rispondere a questa domanda ma non riuscendo ad aprirli 
non so neanche con che tipo di codifica siano scritti.
Che tu sappia c'è un modo per avere la lista completa di tutti i codecs che 
lui ha riconsciuto? Così almeno capisco se è un problema di codecs o meno.
La cosa strana e che alcuni di quelli che non riuscivo a vedere (l'errore è 
che il demuxer non riconosce la codifica) ho provato ad aprirli con Win**ws 
ed anch'esso falliva con alcuni (da qui il sospetto che fossero criptati).
Il bello è che un programmino stupido stupido che si chiama aviplayer li ha 
letti senza battere ciglio.
Ora aviplayer l'ho trovato su PLF (da qui si capisce che la cosa non sia 
proprio alla luce del sole) che è lo stesso sito da cui ho scaricato i codecs 
per win (gli stessi di Mplayer).
Non posso mandarti il file in questione perchè è grandicello.

Ora è possibile che Xine si basi sull'estensione del file e che quindi se non 
corrisponde al formato reale vada in confusione?
I video che hai tu sono cript*t* ?


ciao francesco

Ciao, Germano

P.S: con i codecs per win32 dovrei leggere anche i WMV (8 e 9) se vuoi uno te 
lo posso mandare così provi


io uso aviplay per gli avi , lui installa una serie infinita di codec 
win32 che poi vengono in parte riutilizzati da mplayer dopo che è 
avvenuto una specie di gemellaggio per evitare inutili ripetizioni  
nelle distro, nella nuova 9.1 aviplay è anche ufficialmente in distro, 
senza però i codec proprietari come quick .
Io per sapere che file siano cliccko col tasto destro , proprietà , e 
poi (sugli avi) trovo informazioni aggiuntive che mi dice con quale 
codec dovrei vederlo.
diciamo che in generale uso per gli avi aviplayer per gli asf e wmv  
pure, per tutto il resto mplayer , per i real media  realplayer.

Tornando a Xine credo che lui attinga alla dir win32  con i codec di 
aviplay, con l'aggiunta di codec suoi o di systema visto che è lo stesso 
core di noatun e kaboode o come si chiama lui :)
gli wmv  mi funzionano bene :)))


Re: [newbie-it] Xine plugins

2003-03-13 Thread Germano
Il 13:44, venerdì 14 marzo 2003, francesco.melo ha scritto:
 io uso aviplay per gli avi , lui installa una serie infinita di codec
 win32 che poi vengono in parte riutilizzati da mplayer dopo che è
 avvenuto una specie di gemellaggio per evitare inutili ripetizioni
 nelle distro, nella nuova 9.1 aviplay è anche ufficialmente in distro,
 senza però i codec proprietari come quick .
Quando ho installato aviplay non si è portato dietro anche i codec per win, 
quelli erano in un pacchetto a parte.

 Io per sapere che file siano cliccko col tasto destro , proprietà , e
 poi (sugli avi) trovo informazioni aggiuntive che mi dice con quale
 codec dovrei vederlo.
 diciamo che in generale uso per gli avi aviplayer per gli asf e wmv
 pure, per tutto il resto mplayer , per i real media  realplayer.

Che browser usi?
Con konqueror mi dice solo il formato non con la codifica, inoltre Konqueror 
si fida dell'estensione mentre se uso i comando file le info non coicidono.
Aviplay va bene ma devo migliorare qualcosina nel suono visto che si sente 
solo fruscio.

 Tornando a Xine credo che lui attinga alla dir win32  con i codec di
 aviplay, con l'aggiunta di codec suoi o di systema visto che è lo stesso
 core di noatun e kaboode o come si chiama lui :)
 gli wmv  mi funzionano bene :)))

Io con alcuni WMV ho avuto problemi.
Sai come si fa ad avere l'elenco dei codec riconosciuti così mi regolo.


Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Fw: formattare

2003-03-13 Thread mario
Rispondo ad Andrea:formatto perchè ho montato questo computer con vari
pezzi,trovati in giro e il computer va ad una associazione per anziani che
(per motivi loro) vuole win
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Fw: formattare

 On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:07:52 +0100
 francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hai pienamente ragione
  due occhi vedono, ma quattro vedono meglio per non parlare di sei occhi
  8 10  n occhi  

 Se poi consideri che io uso gli occhiali,
 faccio 4 da solo :-))

  ma poi perchè devi tornare a windows?

 Salvo equivoci, non sono io che torno a winbug !!!

 ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] serverx. non vuole più partire

2003-03-13 Thread giamgax
Salve gente,
il serverx della mdk non ne vuole più sapere,
dopo qualche secondo di buio mi propone il login testuale, faccio, startx e ecco una 
schermata di lamentele.
Ho copiato a mano gli errori.

Error loading keymap /var/tmp/server-0.xkm
Couldn't load XBP keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
Could not init found path element unix/:-1, removing from list

Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

XIO: fatal error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0
 after 0 request (0 known pcessed) with 0 events remaing
(perdonate i refusi)

ringraziamenti anticipati

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

[newbie-it] Re: Connessione muta.

2003-03-13 Thread Mauro
Ho risolto il problema, grazie al primo suggerimento arrivato, (quello di
Era il firewall, quello che c'è su Mandrake control center che aveva tutto
disabilitato (ma chi glielo aveva detto?)
Adesso ho selezionato tutte le voci, e sono riuscito a fare il collegamento
10x a tutti per l'aiuto.
(Ma non crediate che sia finita qua.)


Re: [newbie-it] Firewall

2003-03-13 Thread Corrado
Il gio, 2003-03-13 alle 02:55, fabio ha scritto:

  Ho lasciato attivi solo i servivi pop, smtp e http; solo questi
  risultavano closed, infatti...
  Ho anch verificato un'altra cosa, nel frattempo: se attivo i fw e poi
  scarico la posta, tutto bene; se subito dopo (senza aver fatto
  null'altro) ritento di scaricare la posta, non riesco a connettermi al
  servizio ?_?
  La versione di guarddog è la 2.0.0-1mdk
 La versione nel Power Pack è la 2.0.0-2mdk (ho appena verificato), se vuoi 
 possiamo provare a configurare il firewall passo passo. vedi tu.

Sono andato a rileggermi l'articolo apparso su Linux Pratico n.7,
relativo a guarddog; ho seguito passo passo quanto riportato, ma non
così non riesco a scaricare la posta... Ho inserito correttamente i pop
e smtp da una nuova Zona creata ad hoc a questo scopo, sinceramente non
capisco cosa ci sia che non vada :-/


[newbie] RE: [expert] PDF writer

2003-03-13 Thread David Stevenson
- Original message 
From: Eko Budiharto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [expert] PDF writer
Date: 03-13-03 05:37

is there anyone of you know PDF writer for linux?
Thank you.
Eko Budiharto
Web Developer
Hardware  Communication Section
MIS Department
PT. Pelayaran Meratus


ps2pdf, txt2pdf etc, should be on the disks. I use a Samba printer which
pipes the data from a Win PS printer driver through ps2pdf and then dumps
the resultant pdf on a network share.


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Re: [newbie] 'bootstrap' problems ! (Macintosh, Mandrake v8.2)

2003-03-13 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 12 Mar 2003 11:33 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  PS: This is also the first time I use a mailing list...

Which is why I'm adding this :)

 Dont worry No one will flame you for not knowing things here. We are quite

 I do not have a Mac ( if I did I might never have discovered Linux ) but a
 quick search reveals that this problem has occurred before. These links may
 help you.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04102.html

 You might also have luck in the PowerPC forum at Mandrake Club

If you solve the problem, please post again telling us about it.  If you 
don't, ask again.  Persistance pays :)

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 3:53 am, Greg wrote:
 Hi everyone  Has anyone here used win4lin  I just wanted to get some ideas
 on it  I was thinking of buying it  Not really sure how good it works and
 what limits it has   Thanks  Greg

I use it for some lagacy apps with Win98.
It boots up faster than native Windows, and runs my apps perfectly.
No DirectX or OpenGL so gaming is not possible.
I found sharing the printer port with Linux a bit tricky to set up, so I just 
used Samba to network through Linux to the printer.

Documentation is excellent. Installation is real easy. You just download an 
installer, and it will install a patched Mandrake (standard) kernel for you, 
and walk you through Windows installation. If you use a non standard kernel, 
you have to apply the patch and rebuild it yourself.

There is a $20 discount on Win4Lin through MandrakeClub.



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Re: [newbie] 'bootstrap' problems ! (Macintosh, Mandrake v8.2)

2003-03-13 Thread Leendert
I looked at it (at 2 of the 3 links before), there were no answers for me,
but I have a new idea (thanks to one of the messages there): I never had a
part of free space before the installation, I always deleted the mac (or
later, the wrong linux) partitions with diskdrake, but it says that mandrake
makes the bootstrap partition automaticly before (!) diskdrake starts, but
that is not possible before I cleared some partitions before the
installation, so now I try to start the installation again :), thanks for
the help, I'll let you know if it worked!

 Dont worry No one will flame you for not knowing things here. We are quite
 I do not have a Mac ( if I did I might never have discovered Linux ) but a
 quick search reveals that this problem has occurred before. These links may
 help you.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04102.html
 You might also have luck in the PowerPC forum at Mandrake Club
 Good Luck

 This is the first time i use (well, at least tried to use) linux, so
 please don't come with too complicated answers  ;-).
 I own an Apple Macintosh G4/800 (768 megs of Ram, ATI Radeon graphics card)
 and i just  downloaded Mandrake Linux v 8.2. I copied one  partition of 5
 gb to another, restarted, booted  with the c key pressed to boot from CD,
 and i  typed install-radeon.
 All looked nice and worked fine until i let  diskdrake automaticly
 (thought that with  automaticly nothing could go wrong) partition  the
 free 5 gb. Then it showed this error No free  space for 1MB bootstrap. I
 thought Ok, then I'll do it  manually, so i made a 250 mb SWAP partition,
 a linux partition  and a bootpartition of 10 mb. Then the install  started
 and finished, but then it came with this error (connected to the bootstrap
 error I think):
 Please wait, loading kernel...
 hd:13,/vmlinuz-2.4.17-17mdk: Unknown or corrupt  filesystem
 After trying many different things, including  keeping some free
 unpartitioned space (I got also errors about installing the bootloader
 sometimes) i removed my  whole drive from my computer and put in an empty
 old 4 gb drive. I told the installer to format the  entire HD and then
 automaticly partition it, and then again: No free space for 1MB
 bootstrap !!
 So again i set up the partitions manually, 1  linux, 1 swap, 1 boot, and
 then it installed,  after restart exact the same error as mentioned  above
 (Unknown or corrupt filesystem)!! So i tried  installing another 5 times
 with all different  partition methods, no result... Can anyone please  tell
 me what i do wrong?
 PS: This is also the first time I use a mailing list...

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Derek Jennings
There is a setup utility which allows you to configure Com1, com2, printer, 
and 'custom'  for Win4Lin although I have not tried using a serial port.


On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 4:22 am, Greg wrote:
 I use a laptop to program hvacr controllers  The honeywell software will
 only run on windows  I would have to have serial and pc card support Will
 it work with those  And thanks to everyone for the info Greg
 PS  You just have to love Linux and the people who use it

 Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have it, and I use it for work. It doesn't run DirectX, and doesn't
  support USB. Other than that, it's excellent, and less expensive than
 On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 22:53:23 -0500
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg) wrote:
  Hi everyone  Has anyone here used win4lin  I just wanted to get some
  ideas on it I was thinking of buying it  Not really sure how good it
  works and what limits it has


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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 13 March 2003 12:12 am, Miark wrote:
 It should be said that lack of USB is not a problem in the case of USB
 printers connected directly to the computer. _Linux_ sends Windows print
 data to the printer, and obviously Linux has no problem with USB.

 I have a USB printer that I use in Win4Lin and it works perfectly.

Win4Lin is sending print output to the Linux printer that is attached to the 
USB port.  Linux is handling the usb in your case, not Win4Lin.  You cannot 
sync a palm Pilot via usb though.

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[newbie] Could someone please explain Segmentation Fault

2003-03-13 Thread Jerry Barton
I have a couple of programs that will either not run, or, after a while shut down 
giving the error Segmentation Fault
I would mostly just want to know what exactly a Segmentation Fault is... Just off the 
top of my head it seems like a memory issue?

programs that are having problems:
gyach 0.9.1 (built from source - all requirements met) and tuxkart (via urpmi)

Machine specs 320 MB RAM 750 Mhz athlon Asus a7v mobo mdk 9.0


Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] Could someone please explain Segmentation Fault

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 22:53, Jerry Barton wrote:
 I have a couple of programs that will either not run, or, after a while shut down 
 giving the error Segmentation Fault
 I would mostly just want to know what exactly a Segmentation Fault is... Just off 
 the top of my head it seems like a memory issue?
 programs that are having problems:
 gyach 0.9.1 (built from source - all requirements met) and tuxkart (via urpmi)
 Machine specs 320 MB RAM 750 Mhz athlon Asus a7v mobo mdk 9.0

Even though you might have all the requirements met, you might have
either some stale libraries, or bad links to libraries, or not have
certain libraries in your paths. Check your /etc/ and you
might find that you can add a few path statements to that - so that your
searches for libs is at least out of the way. If you make any
modifications, you're going to have to run ldconfig again to rebuild
the lib path cache.

The seg faults can be caused from many different issues - one being that
if a binary is linked against a conflicting library - that is certain to
crash an application.

Thu Mar 13 23:10:01 EST 2003
 23:10:01 up 1 day,  8:33,  4 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.27, 0.25
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Largely because it is so tangible and exciting a program and as such will
serve to keep alive the interest and enthusiasm of the whole spectrum of
society...It is justified because...the program can give a sense of shared
adventure and achievement to the society at large.
- Dr. Colin S. Pittendrigh, in The History of Manned Space Flight

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Re: [newbie] 'bootstrap' problems ! (Macintosh, Mandrake v8.2)

2003-03-13 Thread Leendert
Yes!! Solved it. Here is the solution:
1: Boot from the Mandrake CD and get to DiskDrake
2: Delete the partition you want linux to be installed, leave it FREE
3: Let DiskDrake save the partitionmap, it will now come with 2 errors: No
swap and no linux partition, ignore them, and press the RESET button on your
computer (if you don't have one just plug out the power cable ;-).
4: Boot from the CD again. Now you won't get that not enough free space for
bootstrap error. Open diskdrake to make your partitions. You'll see it has
added the bootloader automaticly now! Now just make your partitions (1 swap,
1 linux) and install.
5: after restart press l to start linux, and you WON'T see this error

Please wait, loading kernel...
hd:13,/vmlinuz-2.4.17-17mdk: Unknown or corrupt  filesystem

If you see it, you've probably not correctly followed the steps above and/or
made a bootstrap yourself...


Anne wrote:

 If you solve the problem, please post again telling us about it.  If you
 don't, ask again.  Persistance pays :)

On 3/13/03 11:54 AM, Leendert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I looked at it (at 2 of the 3 links before), there were no answers for me,
 but I have a new idea (thanks to one of the messages there): I never had a
 part of free space before the installation, I always deleted the mac (or
 later, the wrong linux) partitions with diskdrake, but it says that mandrake
 makes the bootstrap partition automaticly before (!) diskdrake starts, but
 that is not possible before I cleared some partitions before the
 installation, so now I try to start the installation again :), thanks for
 the help, I'll let you know if it worked!

On 3/13/03 12:33 AM, Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dont worry No one will flame you for not knowing things here. We are quite
 I do not have a Mac ( if I did I might never have discovered Linux ) but a
 quick search reveals that this problem has occurred before. These links may
 help you.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04102.html
 You might also have luck in the PowerPC forum at Mandrake Club
 Good Luck

On Wednesday 12 Mar 2003 11:01 pm, Leendert wrote:

 This is the first time i use (well, at least tried to use) linux, so
 please don't come with too complicated answers  ;-).
 I own an Apple Macintosh G4/800 (768 megs of Ram, ATI Radeon graphics card)
 and i just  downloaded Mandrake Linux v 8.2. I copied one  partition of 5
 gb to another, restarted, booted  with the c key pressed to boot from CD,
 and i  typed install-radeon.
 All looked nice and worked fine until i let  diskdrake automaticly
 (thought that with  automaticly nothing could go wrong) partition  the
 free 5 gb. Then it showed this error No free  space for 1MB bootstrap. I
 thought Ok, then I'll do it  manually, so i made a 250 mb SWAP partition,
 a linux partition  and a bootpartition of 10 mb. Then the install  started
 and finished, but then it came with this error (connected to the bootstrap
 error I think):
 Please wait, loading kernel...
 hd:13,/vmlinuz-2.4.17-17mdk: Unknown or corrupt  filesystem
 After trying many different things, including  keeping some free
 unpartitioned space (I got also errors about installing the bootloader
 sometimes) i removed my  whole drive from my computer and put in an empty
 old 4 gb drive. I told the installer to format the  entire HD and then
 automaticly partition it, and then again: No free space for 1MB
 bootstrap !!
 So again i set up the partitions manually, 1  linux, 1 swap, 1 boot, and
 then it installed,  after restart exact the same error as mentioned  above
 (Unknown or corrupt filesystem)!! So i tried  installing another 5 times
 with all different  partition methods, no result... Can anyone please  tell
 me what i do wrong?
 PS: This is also the first time I use a mailing list...

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Re: [newbie] 'bootstrap' problems ! (Macintosh, Mandrake v8.2)

2003-03-13 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 12:20 pm, Leendert wrote:
 Yes!! Solved it. Here is the solution:
 1: Boot from the Mandrake CD and get to DiskDrake
 2: Delete the partition you want linux to be installed, leave it FREE
 3: Let DiskDrake save the partitionmap, it will now come with 2 errors: No
 swap and no linux partition, ignore them, and press the RESET button on
 your computer (if you don't have one just plug out the power cable ;-). 4:
 Boot from the CD again. Now you won't get that not enough free space for
 bootstrap error. Open diskdrake to make your partitions. You'll see it has
 added the bootloader automaticly now! Now just make your partitions (1
 swap, 1 linux) and install.
 5: after restart press l to start linux, and you WON'T see this error

 Please wait, loading kernel...
 hd:13,/vmlinuz-2.4.17-17mdk: Unknown or corrupt  filesystem

 If you see it, you've probably not correctly followed the steps above
 and/or made a bootstrap yourself...


Glad to hear you solved it, Leendert, and your info may help someone else with 
a similar problem.

Just one thing - you might not want to re-install at this stage, but it's 
worth bearing in mind that if you have a separate /home partition you will 
not lose your data if you re-install or update your installation.

Registered Linux User No.293302

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] 'bootstrap' problems ! (Macintosh, Mandrake v8.2)

2003-03-13 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 12:26 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 12:20 pm, Leendert wrote:
  Yes!! Solved it. Here is the solution:
  1: Boot from the Mandrake CD and get to DiskDrake
  2: Delete the partition you want linux to be installed, leave it FREE
  3: Let DiskDrake save the partitionmap, it will now come with 2 errors:
  No swap and no linux partition, ignore them, and press the RESET button
  on your computer (if you don't have one just plug out the power cable
  ;-). 4: Boot from the CD again. Now you won't get that not enough free
  space for bootstrap error. Open diskdrake to make your partitions.
  You'll see it has added the bootloader automaticly now! Now just make
  your partitions (1 swap, 1 linux) and install.
  5: after restart press l to start linux, and you WON'T see this error
  Please wait, loading kernel...
  hd:13,/vmlinuz-2.4.17-17mdk: Unknown or corrupt  filesystem
  If you see it, you've probably not correctly followed the steps above
  and/or made a bootstrap yourself...

 Glad to hear you solved it, Leendert, and your info may help someone else
 with a similar problem.

 Just one thing - you might not want to re-install at this stage, but it's
 worth bearing in mind that if you have a separate /home partition you will
 not lose your data if you re-install or update your installation.


And one last thing Leendert.
Do you realise Mandrake 9.1 for Power PC is due to be released within a few 
It has a *lot* of improvements over 8.2.

Images of the 'Release Candidate' are already available on the mirrors.

Have fun with your new OS :-)


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Re: [newbie] Could someone please explain Segmentation Fault

2003-03-13 Thread Jerry Barton
On 13 Mar 2003 23:15:02 +1100
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even though you might have all the requirements met, you might have
 either some stale libraries, or bad links to libraries, or not have
 certain libraries in your paths. Check your /etc/ and you
 might find that you can add a few path statements to that - so that your
 searches for libs is at least out of the way. If you make any
 modifications, you're going to have to run ldconfig again to rebuild
 the lib path cache.
 The seg faults can be caused from many different issues - one being that
 if a binary is linked against a conflicting library - that is certain to
 crash an application.
Thanks, Stephen, I'll look into the libs.  When I first set up Mandrake 9.0 I remember 
seeing threads about and ldconfig so that was one of the first things that 
I did was to make sure that anywhere I have libs that they are in and tried 
(successfully as far as I can see) to make sure that duplicate libs didn't get 
installed to say /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib (thought there are a few symlinks here 
and there to libs).  Tuxcart I think is definitely a lib issue since it won't run at 
all but immediately exits with Segmentation Fault  gyach, I'm not so sure of since 
it can run sometimes for 2-3 minutes then it happens, or it can run for 5-6 hours 
before it happens.  That was the reason I was wondering if it was a memory issue.  I 
played around with it a bit and I've noticed that it doesn't happen hardly at all 
under IceWM, never under PWM (at least not yet-it was up for 7 hours one day), 
sometimes under fluxbox and WindowMaker... I've been away from KDE/GNOME for a while 
so I don't recall the frequency of crashes there.  
Also when I mentioned all requirements met, I meant that durring the ./configure there 
were no looking for x no (there were at first but i noted these and installed 
them before compling completely.  gyach was a program i wanted to run stably.) though 
possibly it could have been built under a different (probably older) version of a lib 
or ap that I have installed and that may be the problem, yes?
Thanks for your help :-)

Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Jerry Barton
I got it to work with a serial mouse, so the serial support works to that extent 



On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:01:02 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a setup utility which allows you to configure Com1, com2, printer, 
 and 'custom'  for Win4Lin although I have not tried using a serial port.
 On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 4:22 am, Greg wrote:
  I use a laptop to program hvacr controllers  The honeywell software will
  only run on windows  I would have to have serial and pc card support Will
  it work with those  And thanks to everyone for the info Greg
  PS  You just have to love Linux and the people who use it
  Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have it, and I use it for work. It doesn't run DirectX, and doesn't
   support USB. Other than that, it's excellent, and less expensive than
  On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 22:53:23 -0500
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg) wrote:
   Hi everyone  Has anyone here used win4lin  I just wanted to get some
   ideas on it I was thinking of buying it  Not really sure how good it
   works and what limits it has

Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] Help - Can't get printer on lan working

2003-03-13 Thread Technoslick
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 22:37, Greg wrote:
 I did it  I got it to work   It took some fooling around with it but it does work 
 now   I had to delete all of my old printer setups and start over   Thanks very much 
 for your help   I owe you one  

I may have to look into one of those combo router/print servers when it
comes time to replace my Linksys router. I'm glad I could help, Greg. 

T :-)

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Re: [newbie] 'bootstrap' problems ! (Macintosh, Mandrake v8.2)

2003-03-13 Thread Leendert
So that's why it makes a separate /home partition :). At least I have some
experience with those folders because of Mac OS X (also a Unix based

Thanks for the info Anne and Derek!


PS: If a monitor isn't listed in the install menu, and you can't find it on
the companies page either (because it's an old monitor), do a search for it
at, then you'll almost always find the specs. I did this with
a dell D1526TX-HS, I couldn't find it on the Dell page, but I found it with
google (a link to Dell's archives!! Dell has a pretty bad search engine on
it's homepage!).

On 3/13/03 1:26 PM, Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Glad to hear you solved it, Leendert, and your info may help someone else with
 a similar problem.
 Just one thing - you might not want to re-install at this stage, but it's
 worth bearing in mind that if you have a separate /home partition you will
 not lose your data if you re-install or update your installation.

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Re: [newbie] [OT] FYI - SCO sues IBM for $1 billion for 'devaluing Unix'

2003-03-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 01:40:36 +1100, Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 08:43:51 -0500 (EST), Andrei Raevsky
  (-:imagine what RMS would say about this:-)
 SCO's actions are NOT good for Linux or open source, and we the community
 should not stand for it. PCLinuxOnline has decided to respond by boycotting
 SCO and its products. See our front page [] for
 details. We ask that you spread the word on this boycott -- if enough people
 listen to the call and boycott their products, hopefully SCO will realise that
 their actions are doing them more harm than good.

PCLinuxOnline now has a petition up to hopefully convince SCO to drop the
lawsuit. Please sign it:

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama |]

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that character
from Peanuts. -- The Boss, Dilbert

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Peter Pankonin
On Wednesday 12 March 2003 08:53 pm, Greg wrote:
 Hi everyone  Has anyone here used win4lin  I just wanted to get some ideas
 on it  I was thinking of buying it  Not really sure how good it works and
 what limits it has   Thanks  Greg

Works great with Adobe Photoshop 6 and Illustrator 7 (haven't upgraded yet).

Peter Pankonin, digitalcrucible
Registered Linux User 246938

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Re: [newbie] Could someone please explain Segmentation Fault

2003-03-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday March 13 2003 05:53 am, Jerry Barton wrote:
 I have a couple of programs that will either not run, or, after a
 while shut down giving the error Segmentation Fault I would
 mostly just want to know what exactly a Segmentation Fault is...
 Just off the top of my head it seems like a memory issue?

 programs that are having problems:
 gyach 0.9.1 (built from source - all requirements met) and tuxkart
 (via urpmi)

 Machine specs 320 MB RAM 750 Mhz athlon Asus a7v mobo mdk 9.0



 The sig 11 (Segmentation Fault) FAQ,

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Marshall Lake

I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media Center 873n.

I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to co-exist.  I
understand it's better to have Windows already installed when you try to
install Mandrake.  Is this correct?

During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning time I have
three choices (paraphrasing):
1.  Erase entire disk.
2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
3.  Custom partitioning.

Selecting option 2 fails.  If I select option 3 Mandrake installs all
right but trying to boot XP afterwards fails.

From the little investigation I've done it seems that maybe I should be
installing Windows into a small partition to begin with.  But I don't see
that the Windows installation process allows me to do that.  Another
possibility is shrinking the Windows partition before trying to install
Mandrake.  I'm completely Microsoft and Windows ignorant.  Is there a
freeware program that will allow me to shrink the Windows partition?

Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?

Marshall Lake -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Miark
Er... isn't that what I just said, Greg?


On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 06:20:58 -0500
Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 13 March 2003 12:12 am, Miark wrote:
  It should be said that lack of USB is not a problem in the case of USB
  printers connected directly to the computer. _Linux_ sends Windows print
  data to the printer, and obviously Linux has no problem with USB.
  I have a USB printer that I use in Win4Lin and it works perfectly.
 Win4Lin is sending print output to the Linux printer that is attached to the 
 USB port.  Linux is handling the usb in your case, not Win4Lin.  You cannot 
 sync a palm Pilot via usb though.

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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Tsur, Oren

I am no expert so if this look like rubbish to you please ignore...
If you install through 'expert' you should be able to partition your disk
(using diskdrak - or was it the other way around). After resizing your
windows partition you should be able to install mandrake no problems. See
the Demos on the Mandrake-Linux site

They are really helpful!


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Lake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 March 2003 15:06
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0  Windows XP Co-existing

I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media Center 873n.

I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to co-exist.  I
understand it's better to have Windows already installed when you try to
install Mandrake.  Is this correct?

During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning time I have
three choices (paraphrasing):
1.  Erase entire disk.
2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
3.  Custom partitioning.

Selecting option 2 fails.  If I select option 3 Mandrake installs all
right but trying to boot XP afterwards fails.

From the little investigation I've done it seems that maybe I should be
installing Windows into a small partition to begin with.  But I don't see
that the Windows installation process allows me to do that.  Another
possibility is shrinking the Windows partition before trying to install
Mandrake.  I'm completely Microsoft and Windows ignorant.  Is there a
freeware program that will allow me to shrink the Windows partition?

Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?

Marshall Lake -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Email Disclaimer

This email has been sent from KPMG LLP, a UK limited
liability partnership, or from one of the companies within
its control (which include KPMG Audit Plc , KPMG United
Kingdom Plc and KPMG UK Limited). The information in
this email is confidential and may be legally privileged.
It is intended solely for the addressee.  Access to this
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 is prohibited and may be unlawful.  When addressed to
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are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the
governing KPMG client engagement letter.

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Re: [newbie] Could someone please explain Segmentation Fault

2003-03-13 Thread Jerry Barton
Thanks, Tom, going to read now.

Much appreciated :)


On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 08:57:46 -0600
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday March 13 2003 05:53 am, Jerry Barton wrote:
  I have a couple of programs that will either not run, or, after a
  while shut down giving the error Segmentation Fault I would
  mostly just want to know what exactly a Segmentation Fault is...
  Just off the top of my head it seems like a memory issue?
  programs that are having problems:
  gyach 0.9.1 (built from source - all requirements met) and tuxkart
  (via urpmi)
  Machine specs 320 MB RAM 750 Mhz athlon Asus a7v mobo mdk 9.0
  The sig 11 (Segmentation Fault) FAQ,
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Tsur, Oren

I am no expert so if this look like rubbish to you please ignore...
If you install through 'expert' you should be able to partition your disk
(using diskdrak - or was it the other way around). After resizing your
windows partition you should be able to install mandrake no problems. See
the Demos on the Mandrake-Linux site

They are really helpful!


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Lake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 March 2003 15:06
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0  Windows XP Co-existing

I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media Center 873n.

I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to co-exist.  I
understand it's better to have Windows already installed when you try to
install Mandrake.  Is this correct?

During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning time I have
three choices (paraphrasing):
1.  Erase entire disk.
2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
3.  Custom partitioning.

Selecting option 2 fails.  If I select option 3 Mandrake installs all
right but trying to boot XP afterwards fails.

From the little investigation I've done it seems that maybe I should be
installing Windows into a small partition to begin with.  But I don't see
that the Windows installation process allows me to do that.  Another
possibility is shrinking the Windows partition before trying to install
Mandrake.  I'm completely Microsoft and Windows ignorant.  Is there a
freeware program that will allow me to shrink the Windows partition?

Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?

Marshall Lake -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Email Disclaimer

This email has been sent from KPMG LLP, a UK limited
liability partnership, or from one of the companies within
its control (which include KPMG Audit Plc , KPMG United
Kingdom Plc and KPMG UK Limited). The information in
this email is confidential and may be legally privileged.
It is intended solely for the addressee.  Access to this
email by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the
intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution
or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it,
 is prohibited and may be unlawful.  When addressed to
our clients any opinions or advice contained in this email
are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the
governing KPMG client engagement letter.

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Recall: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Tsur, Oren
Tsur, Oren would like to recall the message, [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 
Windows XP Co-existing.

Email Disclaimer

This email has been sent from KPMG LLP, a UK limited
liability partnership, or from one of the companies within
its control (which include KPMG Audit Plc , KPMG United
Kingdom Plc and KPMG UK Limited). The information in
this email is confidential and may be legally privileged.
It is intended solely for the addressee.  Access to this
email by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the
intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution
or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it,
 is prohibited and may be unlawful.  When addressed to
our clients any opinions or advice contained in this email
are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the
governing KPMG client engagement letter.

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin

2003-03-13 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 13 March 2003 10:22 am, Miark wrote:
 Er... isn't that what I just said, Greg?


 On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 06:20:58 -0500

 Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 13 March 2003 12:12 am, Miark wrote:
   It should be said that lack of USB is not a problem in the case of USB
   printers connected directly to the computer. _Linux_ sends Windows
   print data to the printer, and obviously Linux has no problem with USB.
   I have a USB printer that I use in Win4Lin and it works perfectly.
  Win4Lin is sending print output to the Linux printer that is attached to
  the USB port.  Linux is handling the usb in your case, not Win4Lin.  You
  cannot sync a palm Pilot via usb though.

My apologies, yes.  I was scanning and did not read it closely.  Please 
forgive me.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Brian

I am not all that Linux saavy, but I do knwo a thing or two about Windows.

Since it looks like you need to reinstall XP anyways, you may want to start
from there. During XP setup you can delete existing partitions and then
instead of installing XP to an empty unpartitioned hard drive (which will
automatically claim the entire drive for you in a single partition) you can
create a partitoin and specify its size, and then install there. Once you
do that your options when installing Mandrake seem to open up and getting
Mandrake onto the remaining space is quite easy.

This is how I installed Mandrake over XP and it worked fine.


Marshall Lake wrote:

  I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media Center 873n.

I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to co-exist.  I
understand it's better to have Windows already installed when you try to
install Mandrake.  Is this correct?

During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning time I have
three choices (paraphrasing):
1.  Erase entire disk.
2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
3.  Custom partitioning.

Selecting option 2 fails.  If I select option 3 Mandrake installs all
right but trying to boot XP afterwards fails.

From the little investigation I've done it seems that maybe I should be
installing Windows into a small partition to begin with.  But I don't see
that the Windows installation process allows me to do that.  Another
possibility is shrinking the Windows partition before trying to install
Mandrake.  I'm completely Microsoft and Windows ignorant.  Is there a
freeware program that will allow me to shrink the Windows partition?

Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?


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Re: [newbie] Could someone please explain Segmentation Fault

2003-03-13 Thread qhwang

   I have a couple of programs that will either not run, or, after a
   while shut down giving the error Segmentation Fault I would
   mostly just want to know what exactly a Segmentation Fault is...
   Just off the top of my head it seems like a memory issue?

All this Segmentation Fault problem I met when programming is memory
issue, just like you said.
Usually it concerns memory corruption in your programs, such as:
free memory (e.g. pointers) not existing anymore;
out of array bounds;
The latter is easy to check out. In case of the former, you can set a macro
MALLOC_CHECK_=1 then your system will check all the function calls of memory
allocation and free in your program automatically and report the status of
those operations. At this moment you can find out what's g on.


QingHua Wang

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread g

Marshall Lake wrote:

Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?
fips will reduce a fat32. do not know about other oos type.

peace out.

think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] Win4Lin vs. Wine vs. VMWare

2003-03-13 Thread Brian
I guess I don't understand why you would choose one of these over the 
other.  I am familiar with VMWare, and that seems to make the most sense 
if you need to run a particular Windows (or other OS) application within 
Linux.  I know it is a virtual machine and will let you connect back to 
the primary host OS via the network and share ports.

In the conversation about Win4Lin it sounded as if that worked in a very 
similar way.  I only know that Wine and Win4Lin are supposed to provide 
a way to run Windows applications within Linux, but I was wondering why 
you might choose one of these three particular products over another.

I am probably going to invest in one of them (most likely VMWare) but i 
would like to understand the differences before I make a decision.


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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin vs. Wine vs. VMWare

2003-03-13 Thread Preston-Campbell
On Thursday 13 March 2003 10:58 am, Brian wrote:
 I guess I don't understand why you would choose one of these over the
 other.  I am familiar with VMWare, and that seems to make the most sense
 if you need to run a particular Windows (or other OS) application within
 Linux.  I know it is a virtual machine and will let you connect back to
 the primary host OS via the network and share ports.

 In the conversation about Win4Lin it sounded as if that worked in a very
 similar way.  I only know that Wine and Win4Lin are supposed to provide
 a way to run Windows applications within Linux, but I was wondering why
 you might choose one of these three particular products over another.

 I am probably going to invest in one of them (most likely VMWare) but i
 would like to understand the differences before I make a decision.


My use:

Win4Lin on my desktop Mdk box for Photoshop, Illustrator, and any other 
'heavyweight' application that does not work under Wine.

Wine on my laptop for a few applications that I need in the field that work in 
Wine.  These are mostly proprietary video playback apps used in security 
installations.  I test them first, copy a few DLL's if needed and go.  I 
choose not to put Win4Lin on my laptop to keep booting and program loading 
times to a minimum.

I have no experience with VMWare but if I needed anything other than Win98 on 
my desktop machine I would try it.


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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin vs. Wine vs. VMWare

2003-03-13 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 13 March 2003 10:58 am, Brian wrote:
 I guess I don't understand why you would choose one of these over the
 other.  I am familiar with VMWare, and that seems to make the most sense
 if you need to run a particular Windows (or other OS) application within
 Linux.  I know it is a virtual machine and will let you connect back to
 the primary host OS via the network and share ports.

 In the conversation about Win4Lin it sounded as if that worked in a very
 similar way.  I only know that Wine and Win4Lin are supposed to provide
 a way to run Windows applications within Linux, but I was wondering why
 you might choose one of these three particular products over another.

 I am probably going to invest in one of them (most likely VMWare) but i
 would like to understand the differences before I make a decision.


Wine is a compatibility layer that allows one to run Windows programs in 
Linux.  Wine is free software and is not 100% compatible or functional at 
this point.  In other words, try it, but YMMV.

Win4Lin is a set of extensions that allows Windows itself to run as a Linux 
process.  Because of the way it is architected, it can only run the 9x/ME 
versions of Windows.  Cost is $79/user and can run in both local and terminal 
server   It also requires a kernel patch that enables the service.  
Netraverse provides pre-compiled kernels for most distros though and installs 
them automatically.

VMWare creates a virtual machine that allows you to run any guest operating 
system in a host OS.  Can run pretty much any OS on Linux or Windows and 
costs about $300.  VMware requires a specialized kernel module, but I do not 
believe that the kernel itself needs to be patched.

In my mind, the most cost effective sure thing is Win4Lin, assuming one does 
not have to run one of the NT flavors of Windows.  I believe that VMWare is 
really aimed at the developer market so that applications can be easily 
tested for compatibility on different Operating Systems.


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[newbie] Booting up without GUI in Mandrake 9.0

2003-03-13 Thread Brian
I am told that some Linux distributions have a non-GUI mode where you 
can boot the computer and not have it automatically enter into the GUI, 
but simply launch the GUI when i would like to.  Does mandrake have an 
option to do this?  My Mandrake basic installation seems to almost 
require the GUI to be running.  It boots into the GUI, and from the GUI 
there is no exit to a shell.

I was kind of thinking it would be nice to have an option in LILO to 
boot just to the shell or to the full GUI.  But it would be nice to be 
able to enter the GUI from the shell without having to reboot, and exit 
the GUI to a shell without having to reboot.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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RE: [newbie] Firewall logs getting too big

2003-03-13 Thread Peter Lomax
Hey Harm,
As it is an old machine I hope you have a backup.
It could be your disk is also on the way out if it is making
such a racket.
Although I admit I also have polling every 3 seconds from edonkey 4662 port.
It is a real bind.
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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
Sent: 13 March 2003 00:53
Subject: Re: [newbie] Firewall logs getting too big

On Tuesday 11 March 2003 13:34, mycal62 wrote:
 this is what that port does :

 efs 520/tcpextended file name server
 router  520/udplocal routing process (on site);
 #  uses variant of Xerox NS routing
 #  information protocol - RIP

 here's a handy reference to all ports and their use :


I've been there, though I must admit I'm not sure what exactly is meant by

My poblem is how to get rid of all these log entries. Reading the logs isn't
the real problem 'cause filtering out port 520 using grep -v works quit
well. When the (400Mb) HD gets to 100% full everything gets quiet but then I
don't get anymore logs.

Like I said all this logging activity makes a lot of noise as well. My
firewall is an old P133 with smoothwall on it. AL the fans have been removed
leaving only the HD that physically moves/makes noise and I've even packed
that in isolation foam.
Especially early mornings, when I feel lucky if I find the coffee machine
without falling down the cellar-stairs first, I tend to get nerved by the
Frankly, those are the realy serious mornings 'cause we don't even have a
cellar here being below sea-level:o(

I would like to block these scans from my ISP but like I said I'm not sure
what the consequences might be. These boxes are up 24/24 and I'm away quite
often i.e. don't have physical acces so I have to be 100% sure of what I'm
doing. Not logging these scans was a sort of compromise (with maybe a slight
risk)  from my point of view but I don't know how to do that.

Good hunting,

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Re: [newbie] Booting up without GUI in Mandrake 9.0

2003-03-13 Thread Paul
In reply to Brian's mail, d.d. Thu, 13 Mar 2003 12:15:44 -0500:

If you are keen on command line stuff:
as root, edit /etc/inittab and set the initial runlevel to 3. It is
documented inside the file.

When logged in, run startx to start X.

Good luck!

I am told that some Linux distributions have a non-GUI mode where you 
can boot the computer and not have it automatically enter into the GUI, 
but simply launch the GUI when i would like to.  Does mandrake have an 
option to do this?  My Mandrake basic installation seems to almost 
require the GUI to be running.  It boots into the GUI, and from the GUI 
there is no exit to a shell.

A full cup must be carried steadily.
-English proverb - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Anne Wilson

 control-alt-keypad plus

would not have helped here.  It cycles through the possible settings for your 
monitor, once you have it  properly set up.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Leendert
On 3/13/03 8:44 PM, H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks!! I'll try it now :).
Can I also find a command list somewhere online, like how to list a
directory in parts, or how to edit documents?

Thanks again,

 Yes, that would be the command drakxconf without the quotes.
 All commands starting with drak are configuration tools.
 The easiest way to find out is to type drak on the command line and the hit
 the tab key (which is for autocompletion) and as there are mutiple
 possibilities, all of them will be shown.
 drakxconf will be among them.
 tab is your best friend on the CML!:o)
 Good luck,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 06:29, Leendert wrote:
 Ok, I've got all installed with the GRAPHICAL installer, then it restarted,
 displayed lots of text, and then it wanted to launch the GUI: black screen!
 Now I tried to install mandrake with different options, but I still get a
 black screen. 
 At the boot I can also choose for a command line interface/text startup,
 however, I'm new to linux (as I said before) and the only unix commands I
 know are cd, ls and ./ so that's nothing.
 I also viewed into those administrator tools, but I could find everything
 except video settings in there. Anyone knows how to edit the video settings
 (resolution etc) when logged in into a terminal?
 PS: I've already searched the mailing archives, but I only found more
 questions, no solution, control-alt-keypad plus didn't work either.
 I'm on a:
 Apple G4 800 mhz
 ATI Radeon graphics card
 Mandrake v 8.2 PPC

Maybe I've jumped in a little late in this thread, so let me ask you
this: are you able AT ALL to login to any of the options given at the
boot screen? Do any of the options allow for you to have a graphical

Something else to check out as well - on CD3, there is an RPM labelled
as Xtart-blablabla-rpm - install that - it allows you to easily start
XWindows from the terminal/console prompt (by typing Xtart)...

Another thing to do is to make sure you know exactly what your video
card is - and make sure the driver is installed for it - Have you
downloaded any of the graphics drivers for your card as of yet, or did
the installation detect your proper video card already?

Fri Mar 14 06:50:00 EST 2003
 06:50:00 up 1 day, 16:13,  3 users,  load average: 0.75, 0.37, 0.28
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Jerry Barton
Sorry to butting in on this but just out of curiosity I ran drakxconf but when I 
selected Display Configuration it would run the Connection Sharing wizard (how odd!).  
However, Xdrakres is a tool that will let you change your video 
card/resolution/depth/etc.  Open a term and type Xdrakres (without the quotes)


On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 20:44:42 +0100
H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 13 March 2003 20:29, Leendert wrote:
  Ok, I've got all installed with the GRAPHICAL installer, then it restarted,
  displayed lots of text, and then it wanted to launch the GUI: black screen!
  Now I tried to install mandrake with different options, but I still get a
  black screen.
  At the boot I can also choose for a command line interface/text startup,
  however, I'm new to linux (as I said before) and the only unix commands I
  know are cd, ls and ./ so that's nothing.
  I also viewed into those administrator tools, but I could find everything
  except video settings in there. Anyone knows how to edit the video settings
  (resolution etc) when logged in into a terminal?
  PS: I've already searched the mailing archives, but I only found more
  questions, no solution, control-alt-keypad plus didn't work either.
  I'm on a:
  Apple G4 800 mhz
  ATI Radeon graphics card
  Mandrake v 8.2 PPC
 Yes, that would be the command drakxconf without the quotes.
 All commands starting with drak are configuration tools.
 The easiest way to find out is to type drak on the command line and the hit 
 the tab key (which is for autocompletion) and as there are mutiple 
 possibilities, all of them will be shown.
 drakxconf will be among them.
 tab is your best friend on the CML!:o)
 Good luck,

Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 13 March 2003 20:49, Leendert wrote:
 Thanks!! I'll try it now :).
 Can I also find a command list somewhere online, like how to list a
 directory in parts, or how to edit documents?

 Thanks again,

Well about the online list I wouldn't know, I get along quite well with tab 
and the manpages (thats man man on the CML and man woman for a 
snigger;o)) for the available options.

For a dead tree version I'd advise 'Linux in a nutshell' from O'reilly that's 
a fairly complete overview of all the commands and their options.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 7:49 pm, Leendert wrote:
 On 3/13/03 8:44 PM, H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks!! I'll try it now :).
 Can I also find a command list somewhere online, like how to list a
 directory in parts, or how to edit documents?


which should turn up an article called The Linux Terminal - a Beginners' 


Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 13 March 2003 20:58, Jerry Barton wrote:
 Sorry to butting in on this but just out of curiosity I ran drakxconf but
 when I selected Display Configuration it would run the Connection Sharing
 wizard (how odd!).  However, Xdrakres is a tool that will let you change
 your video card/resolution/depth/etc.  Open a term and type Xdrakres
 (without the quotes)


I remember that! The focus wasn't always OK in a terminal, just move down a 
few steps till you get the right one:o)

Oh well, I agree Xdrakres works fine too, forgot about that one.
I can even add XFdrtake to that list and nowadays startx --configure seems 
to do the job as well so I've been told.
That's gnu/linux for you!:o)

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] kernel-headers and VMWARE

2003-03-13 Thread Bart Salien
Op Thursday 13 March 2003 20:37, schreef Frans Ketelaars:
 On Thursday 13 March 2003 19:13, Bart Salien wrote:
  Hi all ,
  I'm trying to install Vmware on my MDK9.0 , i get this message when he
  asks the dir for my C header file /usr/include 
  The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.18) does not match your
  running kernel (version 2.4.19-16mdk).  Even if the module were to
  compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.
  These header files are the ones that are installed by MDK 9.0 , and
  Vmware will not continue the install .
  On the net i found this kernel-headers-2.4.19-7mdk.x86_64.rpm .
  Can i remove the 2.4.18 headers and install this one , or could this
  cause problems for other programs ??
  Thanks ,
  Bart .

 I think you must install the kernel-source RPM corresponding to the
 kernel you are running. It is on your CD's.



Frans ,

i checked that , and kernel-headers-2.4.18-41mdk.i586.rpm is the only one on 
the CDs (Download and ProSuit editions) . Vmware is the only program until 
now which gives problems.

greets ,


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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Paul
In reply to Leendert's mail, d.d. Thu, 13 Mar 2003 20:49:20 +0100:

On 3/13/03 8:44 PM, H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks!! I'll try it now :).
Can I also find a command list somewhere online, like how to list a
directory in parts, or how to edit documents?

If you want to view everything in a directory by scrolling up and down, use

ls | less

Press ESC or q to quit from less.

Editting from the commandline:
vi or emacs.  Better familiarize yourself with some commands in vi:

i insert more
ESC   leave insert mode
:wwrite file
:qquit vi
:wq   write file and quit
:q!   quit, do not save

(I don't speak emacs.)


A full cup must be carried steadily.
-English proverb - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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Re: [newbie] Booting up without GUI in Mandrake 9.0

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 05:24, robin wrote:
 Brian wrote:
  I am told that some Linux distributions have a non-GUI mode where you 
  can boot the computer and not have it automatically enter into the GUI, 
  but simply launch the GUI when i would like to.  Does mandrake have an 
  option to do this?  My Mandrake basic installation seems to almost 
  require the GUI to be running.  It boots into the GUI, and from the GUI 
  there is no exit to a shell.
  I was kind of thinking it would be nice to have an option in LILO to 
  boot just to the shell or to the full GUI.  But it would be nice to be 
  able to enter the GUI from the shell without having to reboot, and exit 
  the GUI to a shell without having to reboot.
  Any thoughts or suggestions?
 You can avoid automatic booting into the GUI through the Mandrake 
 Control Centre (hardware-video card-options).
 There used to be an option to kill X from the login screen, but that 
 hasn't been around for a while.
 If you don't want to kill X completely, you can always start another 
 session in runlevel 3 (i.e. no GUI) by hitting Ctrl, Alt and any F key.
 Sir Robin

As well, you can edit the /etc/inittab file and set the default runlevel
to 3 (console login) as per below:


Once you do that, just reboot the machine. Now keep in mind that if you
want to be able to easily boot into Xwindows, you're going to want to
install the Xtart application that's on CD3 - it allows you to easily
choose different window managers at startup...that's what I use. I don't
MIND using a GUI login, but it's not always suitable for my tastes or
needs - and I like doing things the hard way (ask my wife)

Fri Mar 14 07:25:00 EST 2003
 07:25:00 up 1 day, 16:48,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.19, 0.27
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Planet Claire has pink hair.
All the trees are red.
No one ever dies there.
No one has a head

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Re: [newbie] kernel-headers and VMWARE

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 07:20, Bart Salien wrote:

 Frans ,
 i checked that , and kernel-headers-2.4.18-41mdk.i586.rpm is the only one on 
 the CDs (Download and ProSuit editions) . Vmware is the only program until 
 now which gives problems.
 greets ,

Have you MANUALLY checked out the CD's, or did you use the package
manager to check the available programs? There are heaps of hidden
goodies on the CD's if you look manually...believe me...

Fri Mar 14 07:25:00 EST 2003
 07:25:00 up 1 day, 16:48,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.19, 0.27
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Planet Claire has pink hair.
All the trees are red.
No one ever dies there.
No one has a head

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Re: [newbie] kernel-headers and VMWARE

2003-03-13 Thread mycal62
Hi ,

If all else fails and you can't find the rpm ...

ah-hem try here:


Bart Salien wrote:
Op Thursday 13 March 2003 20:37, schreef Frans Ketelaars:

On Thursday 13 March 2003 19:13, Bart Salien wrote:

Hi all ,

I'm trying to install Vmware on my MDK9.0 , i get this message when he
asks the dir for my C header file /usr/include 

The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.18) does not match your
running kernel (version 2.4.19-16mdk).  Even if the module were to
compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.

These header files are the ones that are installed by MDK 9.0 , and
Vmware will not continue the install .
On the net i found this kernel-headers-2.4.19-7mdk.x86_64.rpm .

Can i remove the 2.4.18 headers and install this one , or could this
cause problems for other programs ??
Thanks ,

Bart .
I think you must install the kernel-source RPM corresponding to the
kernel you are running. It is on your CD's.


Frans ,

i checked that , and kernel-headers-2.4.18-41mdk.i586.rpm is the only one on 
the CDs (Download and ProSuit editions) . Vmware is the only program until 
now which gives problems.

greets ,


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Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA


 Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1
 Registered Linux User #248955 acqua / Keramik Theme
If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin vs. Wine vs. VMWare

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 04:12, Greg Meyer wrote:

 In my mind, the most cost effective sure thing is Win4Lin, assuming one does 
 not have to run one of the NT flavors of Windows.  I believe that VMWare is 
 really aimed at the developer market so that applications can be easily 
 tested for compatibility on different Operating Systems.

I'd tend to say that for HOME users, Win4Lin might be an option worth
exploring - for me, however, especially being in the support/consulting
trade, I NEED to run VMWare as I support all OS's - so in working with
particular issues, or testing particular situations, it's better for me
to be able to actually run the REAL OS in a virtual machine - so cost is
made up by usage.

Rather nice to be able to run heaps of different OS's (or versions
thereof) - without rebooting. Running XP Pro in a 1280x1024 window
whilst running X in a 1600x1200 mode is really cool when people are
sitting around watching (grin).

Fri Mar 14 07:50:01 EST 2003
 07:50:01 up 1 day, 17:13,  3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.21, 0.19
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

They're giving bank robbing a bad name.
-- John Dillinger, on Bonnie and Clyde

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 02:05, Marshall Lake wrote:
 I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media Center 873n.
 I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to co-exist.  I
 understand it's better to have Windows already installed when you try to
 install Mandrake.  Is this correct?

By far, installing Windows and making sure it's on a FAT32 partition is
the best choice for compatibility and sharing data between the two OS's.
By installing XP first (or any version of Winblows thereof) you're at
least making sure that it's not going to frig up your partition tables -
installing XP AFTER you install any distro of linux is going to be a
headache - in a bad bad way.

 During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning time I have
 three choices (paraphrasing):
 1.  Erase entire disk.
 2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
 3.  Custom partitioning.
 Selecting option 2 fails.  If I select option 3 Mandrake installs all
 right but trying to boot XP afterwards fails.
 From the little investigation I've done it seems that maybe I should be
 installing Windows into a small partition to begin with.  But I don't see
 that the Windows installation process allows me to do that.  Another
 possibility is shrinking the Windows partition before trying to install
 Mandrake.  I'm completely Microsoft and Windows ignorant.  Is there a
 freeware program that will allow me to shrink the Windows partition?
 Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?

If you have the ability to install Windows and then move that partition
to the end of the disk (using like Partition Magic or something similar
to do so) you're ensuring that the freespace before the Windows
installation is going to be for your beloved linux. Also, but putting
your linux partitions (or at least the boot partition) in front of the
Windows partition, should you hose up the disk, at least you can access
SOMETHING of your installation...

Fri Mar 14 07:55:00 EST 2003
 07:55:00 up 1 day, 17:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.15
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

It seems there's this magician working one of the luxury cruise ships
for a few years.  He doesn't have to change his routines much as the audiences
change over fairly often, and he's got a good life.   The only problem is the
ship's parrot, who perches in the hall and watches him night after night, year
after year.  Finally, the parrot figures out how almost every trick works and
starts giving it away for the audience.  For example, when the magician makes
a bouquet of flowers disappear, the parrot squawks Behind his back!  Behind
his back!  Well, the magician is really annoyed at this, but there's not much
he can do about it as the parrot is a ship's mascot and very popular with the
One night, the ship strikes some floating debris, and sinks without
a trace.  Almost everyone aboard was lost, except for the magician and the
parrot.  For three days and nights they just drift, with the magician clinging
to one end of a piece of driftwood and the parrot perched on the other end.
As the sun rises on the morning of the fourth day, the parrot walks over to
the magician's end of the log.  With obvious disgust in his voice, he snaps
OK, you win, I give up.  Where did you hide the ship?

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Leendert
Thanks for all the help, Xdrakres even let me choose my monitor again (that
isn't in the list), but it still doesn't work. If I choose TEST still the
same, black screen, but it stays black, doesn't switch back (and I guess it
should, because it's a test button). The computer, however, didn't lock up
when booting normally, I'm sure because after I pressed enter (I have a
default user without password, so I think it logged in when I did that) I
heard a (welcome?) music...

Anyway, this is my configuration:
-ATI Radeon (recognized, driver set to radeon)
-Dell Ultrascan 15TX (old one) configured as Generic VGA monitor (also tried
custom monitor, but the specs of my monitor couldn't be filled in, and tried
some other models that looked like my monitor).

Now I have some other questions:
-Can I look for a driver for my monitor, or make a text document with the
specs or something myself to add it to the list, and will this help?
-Can I also tell linux to use the same video settings as on the
-IS this a monitor problem, or has this to do with my video card?

And things that still bother me:
-on the install it installs GRAPHICAL in 1024x768 and all looked nice!!
-at boot it also switches resolution from 1024x786 to 640x480 and nothing
goes wrong

At least I'm now a little more familiar with the commands ;-)


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[newbie] Win Key kept switching to next tty?: port

2003-03-13 Thread Yoel P. Krigsman

I have one computer that I have, not running XF86, it's in CommandLine
format, Everytime I am using it, if I accidentally hit Win Key, it kept
switching to a new port. I have to hit it again few times to return to
the right port that I was in, HOW can I disable that key? 



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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 13 March 2003 22:12, Leendert wrote:
 Thanks for all the help, Xdrakres even let me choose my monitor again (that
 isn't in the list), but it still doesn't work. If I choose TEST still the
 same, black screen, but it stays black, doesn't switch back (and I guess it
 should, because it's a test button). The computer, however, didn't lock
 up when booting normally, I'm sure because after I pressed enter (I have
 a default user without password, so I think it logged in when I did that) I
 heard a (welcome?) music...

 Anyway, this is my configuration:
 -ATI Radeon (recognized, driver set to radeon)
 -Dell Ultrascan 15TX (old one) configured as Generic VGA monitor (also
 tried custom monitor, but the specs of my monitor couldn't be filled in,
 and tried some other models that looked like my monitor).

 Now I have some other questions:
 -Can I look for a driver for my monitor, or make a text document with the
 specs or something myself to add it to the list, and will this help?
 -Can I also tell linux to use the same video settings as on the
 -IS this a monitor problem, or has this to do with my video card?

 And things that still bother me:
 -on the install it installs GRAPHICAL in 1024x768 and all looked nice!!
 -at boot it also switches resolution from 1024x786 to 640x480 and nothing
 goes wrong

 At least I'm now a little more familiar with the commands ;-)


Did you try lowering the color depth i.e to 16 bits?

To stop the graphical interface anytime during test hit ctrl alt 
backspace simultaneously. That should return you to the CML pronto.

Use your arrow keys (up and down) to scroll through the history of your 
commands, that way you won't have to constantly retype your them.

I don't know your monitor but with older VGA monitors I had some succes by 
trying generic super vga interlaced 

The install runs on the BIOS framebuffer and actally Xfree should've 
configured that in your case.
BTW what version of Xfree86 are running?

Well look at the bright side: You're getting a crashcourse CML and probably a 
working windowmanager to top it off:o)

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Richard Urwin
On Thursday 13 Mar 2003 9:12 pm, Leendert wrote:

 Now I have some other questions:
 -Can I look for a driver for my monitor, or make a text document with the
 specs or something myself to add it to the list, and will this help?

XFree86 Video Timing HOWTO
It hasn't been updated in a year, now, and I don't think it's canon anymore. 
But it tells you how to hack the timings by hand. I used it, (but my problem 
was a video card not good enough for a picky monitor, so it didn't help. YM 
will probably V :-)

Oh, and you're probably using XF86Config-4, not the one without the -4. But 
the HOWTO is too old to tell you that.
Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Booting up without GUI in Mandrake 9.0

2003-03-13 Thread g

Brian wrote:
I am told that some Linux distributions have a non-GUI mode where you

to exit 'X', as it may be your ref to 'gui', pressing 'ctrl+alt+backspace'
drops you to cli, command line input, 'non-gui'.
changing to 'console' from X to cli is by pressing 'ctrl+alt+fn', where
'fn' is function keys f1 thru f6.
changing 'consoles' from cli is by pressing 'alt+fn', where 'fn' is function
keys f1 thru f6, and f7 returns you to X, if previously open. else use 'startx'.
have a look thru 'linux documents', /usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/index.html,
on your desktop. there you will find info for boot process and init files.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
rtfm. :)

peace out.

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 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] How to edit video mode when in failsafe?

2003-03-13 Thread Leendert
I tried 16 bit, also tried the super vga interlaced now, but still no

I think I just download and try 9.1rc tomorrow, ok, it's a rc, beta,
whatever, but maybe that one works :).
Control+alt+backspace didn't work (maybe because that was not implemented in
8.2?) so I had to restart each time.

I also found that HOWTO on the net, that is a little too complicated for me,
but if 9.1 also won't work I'll try it for sure!
On the other side, I need to buy a new monitor anyway, this one sucks...
 BTW what version of Xfree86 are running?

How can I get the version number?

 Well look at the bright side: You're getting a crashcourse CML and probably a
 working windowmanager to top it off:o)

At least I learn how to work with that command line system, will always come
in handy, because I think unix based systems are going to be the future
standard (windows sucks (sorry windows users) and apple already made it's
newest OS on unix), and the basic commands also work in the terminal in
MacOS X :-D


On 3/13/03 10:40 PM, H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you try lowering the color depth i.e to 16 bits?
 To stop the graphical interface anytime during test hit ctrl alt
 backspace simultaneously. That should return you to the CML pronto.
 Use your arrow keys (up and down) to scroll through the history of your
 commands, that way you won't have to constantly retype your them.
 I don't know your monitor but with older VGA monitors I had some succes by
 trying generic super vga interlaced 
 The install runs on the BIOS framebuffer and actally Xfree should've
 configured that in your case.
 BTW what version of Xfree86 are running?
 Well look at the bright side: You're getting a crashcourse CML and probably a
 working windowmanager to top it off:o)
 Good luck,
On 3/13/03 11:33 PM, Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 XFree86 Video Timing HOWTO
 It hasn't been updated in a year, now, and I don't think it's canon anymore.
 But it tells you how to hack the timings by hand. I used it, (but my problem
 was a video card not good enough for a picky monitor, so it didn't help. YM
 will probably V :-)
 Oh, and you're probably using XF86Config-4, not the one without the -4. But
 the HOWTO is too old to tell you that.
 Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Booting up without GUI in Mandrake 9.0

2003-03-13 Thread Terry Smith
Instead of startx try the nice little program that our very own Civileme
wrote - Xtart - this will run a script that allows you to choose which
wm you want to use under X.

Terry Smith

On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 12:39, Paul wrote:
 In reply to Brian's mail, d.d. Thu, 13 Mar 2003 12:15:44 -0500:
 If you are keen on command line stuff:
 as root, edit /etc/inittab and set the initial runlevel to 3. It is
 documented inside the file.
 When logged in, run startx to start X.
 Good luck!
 I am told that some Linux distributions have a non-GUI mode where you 
 can boot the computer and not have it automatically enter into the GUI, 
 but simply launch the GUI when i would like to.  Does mandrake have an 
 option to do this?  My Mandrake basic installation seems to almost 
 require the GUI to be running.  It boots into the GUI, and from the GUI 
 there is no exit to a shell.
 A full cup must be carried steadily.
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Re: [newbie] kernel-headers and VMWARE

2003-03-13 Thread Terry Smith

You need to install the kernel source files for your running kernel. The
old source won't do.

Terry Smith

On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 13:13, Bart Salien wrote:
 Hi all ,
 I'm trying to install Vmware on my MDK9.0 , i get this message when he asks 
 the dir for my C header file /usr/include 
 The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.18) does not match your running
 kernel (version 2.4.19-16mdk).  Even if the module were to compile 
 successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.
 These header files are the ones that are installed by MDK 9.0 , and Vmware 
 will not continue the install .
 On the net i found this kernel-headers-2.4.19-7mdk.x86_64.rpm .
 Can i remove the 2.4.18 headers and install this one , or could this cause 
 problems for other programs ??
 Thanks ,
 Bart .
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Re: [newbie] kernel-headers and VMWARE

2003-03-13 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 13 March 2003 03:20 pm, Bart Salien wrote:
 Op Thursday 13 March 2003 20:37, schreef Frans Ketelaars:
  On Thursday 13 March 2003 19:13, Bart Salien wrote:
   Hi all ,
   I'm trying to install Vmware on my MDK9.0 , i get this message when he
   asks the dir for my C header file /usr/include 
   The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.18) does not match your
   running kernel (version 2.4.19-16mdk).  Even if the module were to
   compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.
   These header files are the ones that are installed by MDK 9.0 , and
   Vmware will not continue the install .
   On the net i found this kernel-headers-2.4.19-7mdk.x86_64.rpm .
   Can i remove the 2.4.18 headers and install this one , or could this
   cause problems for other programs ??
   Thanks ,
   Bart .
  I think you must install the kernel-source RPM corresponding to the
  kernel you are running. It is on your CD's.

 Frans ,

 i checked that , and kernel-headers-2.4.18-41mdk.i586.rpm is the only one
 on the CDs (Download and ProSuit editions) . Vmware is the only program
 until now which gives problems.

 greets ,


The kernel-headers is part of the glibc packages and is required by glibc.

The kernel-source package includes header files also and will be used by the 
GCC if it is installed.  Don't worry about the difference and install the 
kernel-source package

urpmi kernel-source

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[newbie] Running apps as root

2003-03-13 Thread harperkelsie
Hi, when I launch on my Gnome desktop an application like drakconf which
need root privileges, the box in which I can insert root password
doesn't appear anymore... How can I get it back?
Note: if I launch the apps throgh a terminal after becoming root, all
works fine.


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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-13 Thread Eileen Lopp
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marshall Lake
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:06 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0  Windows XP Co-existing

 I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media
 Center 873n.

 I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to
 co-exist.  I
 understand it's better to have Windows already installed when
 you try to
 install Mandrake.  Is this correct?

 During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning
 time I have
 three choices (paraphrasing):
 1.  Erase entire disk.
 2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
 3.  Custom partitioning.

 Selecting option 2 fails.  If I select option 3 Mandrake installs all
 right but trying to boot XP afterwards fails.

 From the little investigation I've done it seems that maybe
 I should be
 installing Windows into a small partition to begin with.  But
 I don't see
 that the Windows installation process allows me to do that.  Another
 possibility is shrinking the Windows partition before trying
 to install
 Mandrake.  I'm completely Microsoft and Windows ignorant.  Is there a
 freeware program that will allow me to shrink the Windows partition?

 Besides the above possibilities, is there something else I can do?

 Marshall Lake -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

The biggest problem here is that you're using an HP-provided disk to
install XP.  HP ships restore or recovery disks, not install disks
with their systems.  You aren't actually installing XP with that disk,
you're copying a drive image, which is why you don't get any options
when running it.  Contact HP support and demand a real install disk --
they'll send one if you insist on it.

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[newbie] Configuring smbfs

2003-03-13 Thread Kou Shan Shan

I have a mdk 9.0 box running but I am facing some problems when trying
to set up samba file sharing

NT servers can be viewed clearly in the Mandrake Control Center under
samba mount points option. I can see the online folder (from a Win NT
workstation) which I want to access as well. However, when I pressed
mount, it always tells me failed. I have chosen user mode in the
mount options.

I doubt that this has to do with my smb.conf file, as I did not do any
configuaration for it. But I am not so sure how to carry on from here as
there are so many options in the smb.conf file.

I appreciate any advice! Many thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Configuring smbfs

2003-03-13 Thread mycal62

have you tried to use LinNeighborhood to mount the share?

It's a very nice tool for getting started. it's on disk two I think.

It makes you go through the password authentication process to mount 
shares and tell you if you are wrong. or that you need a different 
password , etc. it will even search out the address of a share if you 
give it the name of the share, and the domain,
   like :   Name: becky
 Domain : home
  Ip: ( leave blank )

it will query the network find the address an put it in for you !

also , can you send your /etc/samba/smb.conf file to see how it's setup?

It will show if its setup to let you access your nt files or not.

how it's setup makes a difference, but it sounds like your close. ;-)

it sounds like you don't have password authentication for the share.

you will need to do some setup on the smb.conf file to make it run.
you can use swat to setup samba if you have it installed, or webmin.
more info will help to resolve your problem.

the list will be more than happy to help


Kou Shan Shan wrote:

I have a mdk 9.0 box running but I am facing some problems when trying
to set up samba file sharing
NT servers can be viewed clearly in the Mandrake Control Center under
samba mount points option. I can see the online folder (from a Win NT
workstation) which I want to access as well. However, when I pressed
mount, it always tells me failed. I have chosen user mode in the
mount options.
I doubt that this has to do with my smb.conf file, as I did not do any
configuaration for it. But I am not so sure how to carry on from here as
there are so many options in the smb.conf file.
I appreciate any advice! Many thanks!


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Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA


 Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1
 Registered Linux User #248955 acqua / Keramik Theme
If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

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Re: [newbie] Configuring smbfs

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 14:53, Kou Shan Shan wrote:
 I have a mdk 9.0 box running but I am facing some problems when trying
 to set up samba file sharing
 NT servers can be viewed clearly in the Mandrake Control Center under
 samba mount points option. I can see the online folder (from a Win NT
 workstation) which I want to access as well. However, when I pressed
 mount, it always tells me failed. I have chosen user mode in the
 mount options.
 I doubt that this has to do with my smb.conf file, as I did not do any
 configuaration for it. But I am not so sure how to carry on from here as
 there are so many options in the smb.conf file.
 I appreciate any advice! Many thanks!
You're going to have to dig into your smb.conf - the easiest way to do
so is through Webmin and SWAT (which should be installed on your system
by default). Everything has to be just right for a Windows network -
and you WILL have to make direct modifications to your Samba
configuration if you're going to share properly on the network. Take
my word for it - I do THAT bit every day...(and it sucks that you have
to reboot a Windows box, but for a linux box, you just restart the

Fri Mar 14 16:35:00 EST 2003
 16:35:00 up  1:39,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.15, 0.16
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

When one woman was asked how long she had been going to symphony concerts,
she paused to calculate and replied, Forty-seven years -- and I find I mind
it less and less.
-- Louise Andrews Kent

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