Re: [newbie-it] ati radeon 9000

2003-07-10 Thread mario
Grazie per la dritta ,adesso ci provo poi ti so dire (va avanti tu,che a me
vien da ridere)
- Original Message -
From: Rev.Ferris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] ati radeon 9000

Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:13, lunedì 7 luglio 2003, mario ha scritto:
 Salute alla lista,avendo un poco di tempo mi diverto al computer,ho
 una scheda grafica ati redon 9000 e mi picerebbe giocare a tuxracer
 ,quando provo mi si oscura lo schermo,sento solo i suoni ma non vedo
 niente ,ho un monitor lcd esiste il modo di giocarci,non che sia
 fondamentale ma insomma uno sfizio ogni tanto
io non ci ho ancora guardato( la devo sistemare anch'io) ma a me han
dato questo link:

Se poi ti va avvertimi che la sistemo anch'io ;-)
- --
- - Qual e' il Santo piu' dotato?
- - San Pietro, perche' sta in Paradiso, ma la sua cappella e' a Roma.
-- Da it.hobby.umorismo
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] Programmatori games

2003-07-10 Thread Sandro
Salve a tutti,
mi permetto di inviarvi questa richiesta che mi è giunta questa mattina, 
sperando che qualcuno possa essere interessato.
Contattare: Egidio Francesco Cipriano [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Salve ragazzi, mi servono urgentemene programmatori per creazioni di
 Videogame di tipo spara e fuggi stile Unreal - TombRaider.

 Richiedo conoscenze Direct-X (Windows, X-Box) e OpenGL (UNIX- PS/2),
 sarà impartita formazione per l'uso di tool rad (è richiesta la
 conoscenza dei linguaggi C e C++).

 La sede di lavoro è a casa propria tranne alcuni incontri (spesati)
 in Taranto e possibili trasferte USA e Francia

 Cari Ragazzi, la cosa anche se ludica è molto seria e ben remunerata,
 se conoscete qualche bravo ragazzino geniale è ben accetto.

 un saluto


 Egidio Francesco Cipriano
 Associazione Informatici Professionisti - Italian Computer Society
 AICA Member
 Linux Certified Professional # Y12A575
 Microsoft Certified Professional # 2080217
 tel.  Fax +39-099-7761284 cell.+39-347-9016042

end forward
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.21 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread Antonello

Ciao, grazie per avermi risposto... Vorrei allora chiederti come posso istallare (Indicami la procedura, passo per passo) istallare Linux sulla seconda ripartizione???
Grazie antonello.

---Original Message---

Date: mercoledì 9 luglio 2003 23.32.51
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

Anche io ho un Asus portatile. Ho installato proprio la Mandrake 9.0 e non mi ha dato alcun problema .
Teoricamente ci dovrebbero essere già 2 partizioni nell'hard disk quindi l'operazione è ancora più facile.
Collega il mouse usb direttamente al momento dell'installazione così lo riconosce subito.
Purtroppo non sono riuscito ad installare la stampante, ma penso che non dovrebbe dare troppi problemi. Semplicemente io non ho tempo di farlo.
Comunque chissenefrega, stampo da windows.

Probabilmente molti mi spareranno da questa mailing list, ma penso che sia, al giorno d'oggi, opportuno sfruttare al meglio tutti e due i sistemi operativi, dato che ciascuno ha i suoi pregi e i suoi difetti!!!


- Original Message - 
From: Antonello 
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 7:37 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

Salve a tutti, sono Antonio dalla Provincia di Bari e ho istallato da poco Linux sul mio Pc. 
Vorrei farvi 2 Domande:
Posso istallare Linux anche sul mio portatile Asus?
Come posso istallare e compilare il software su Linux?

Ciao. Antonio.

P.s.:Ah, ho istallato Mandrake 9.0., the professional e-mail, gratis per te: clicca qui Sponsor:Vuoi cambiare i tuoi interessi ma non la tua banca?Clicca qui 

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Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:24, mercoledì 9 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Mi 
presento...,  Michele De Lorenzi   ha scritto:

 dell'installazione così lo riconosce subito. Purtroppo non sono
 riuscito ad installare la stampante, ma penso che non dovrebbe dare
 troppi problemi. Semplicemente io non ho tempo di farlo. Comunque
 chissenefrega, stampo da windows.

 Probabilmente molti mi spareranno da questa mailing list, ma penso
 che sia, al giorno d'oggi, opportuno sfruttare al meglio tutti e due
 i sistemi operativi, dato che ciascuno ha i suoi pregi e i suoi

non ti spara nessuno,
ma non è un pò scomodo riavviare per una stampa?

- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] speed touch 330

2003-07-10 Thread Carlo Libetucci

sono spiacente di non poter fornire ulteriori informazioni per il
corretto funzionamento dell'alcatel usb.
Anch'io non sono più riuscito a farlo funzionare dopo le prime connessioni
dopo averlo configurato nel modo seguente:
Da "centro di controllo Mandrake 9.1"su Rete e Internet "DrakConnect..." AssistenteUsa riconscimento automatico -avanti
connessione ADSL - rilevato - Avantispunto "Alcatel speedtouch usb - detected - avantiImmetto i dati relativi richiesti - avantiProvo connessione adesso - si - avanti
si è connesso e le successive connessioni con il comando
dashell: # net_monitor

ma gia' da tempo non ne vuol piu' sapere e mi da questo errore:Glib-CRITICAL **: file gmain.c: line 500 (g_source_remove): assertion 'tag  0' failed.SIOCDELRT: No such processstarting ADSL connection: [FALLITO]

Se qualcuno vorra' o potra' darci una mano 
grazie e saluti a tutti

___ IncrediMail - il mondo della posta elettronica si è finalmente evoluto - Clicca Qui

Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread paolo brusasco
l'installazione è guidata e semplicissima. cacci dentro il cd1 e 
riavvii. se hai una seconda partizione fat o nt libera, quando arrivi al 
partizionamento, puoi scegliere di cancellare la seconda partizione e 
nello spazio liberato allocare automaticamente le partizioni linux. se 
non hai particolari esigenze dovrebbe allocarti automaticamente una 
swap, una root ed una home. se vuoi installare molto software fai tu le 
partizioni e stai generoso con la root (una installazione media tiene 
1,5 giga...). la stampante lasciala collegata ed accesa quando installi, 
magari la riconosce...
Antonello wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom]

2003-07-10 Thread tom
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 17:55, syd wrote:
 * tom wrote:

  uhmm mi stai facendo venir voglia di ricompilarmi kde...
  ricordo che c'erano stati parecchi casini a riguardoconfermi?

 Io e il mas6 incontrammo alcuni problemi nella compilazione di
 kdebase ma poi scoprimmo che il problema risiedeva a monte, nella
 compilazione di Xfree. Quindi non dovresti aver nessun problema a meno di
 compilare anche Xfree (in quel caso ti suggerirei un piccolo

è ancora quasi tutto di default qui

 La compilazione di kde ha una sola difficolta': e' un'operazione
 lunga, specie se la tua cpu e' datata (io ho compilato con un celeron
 700 e solo per kdebase ci son volute tre ore).

ho paura!!!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ du -h /home/tom/documenti/trgz-dload/kde-3.1.2/
 e la cpu è un pII 463
ho sempre piu paura!!
ho visto che c'è un dalle dimensioni immani!!
147535694 lug  9 21:48 kde-i18n-3.1.2.tar.bz2

 Non ho compilato kde per avere un incremento di prestazioni che
 d'altra parte credo siano impercettibili ma solo per conoscere un
 _pochino_ piu' a fondo la struttura di kde (e per la stessa ragione
 mi son compilata praticamente tutta la slack.. lo sai gia').
 Infatti, procedendo di compilazione, acquisisci necessariamente una
 visione piu' approfondita della struttura del sistema in generale o
 comunque dei particolari pacchetti.

esatto! lo faccio per capirne un po di piu

 quell'altra (ricorderai sicuramente di quando su oltrelinux ti dissi
 dove si trovava il file rc di k6 che tu cercavi.. e k6 io non l'ho
 mai nemmeno visto).

ricordo.anche se quel programma è ancora troppo per beta tester,troppo 

 Insomma, se vuoi smanettare e, principalmente, se ti piace
 smanettare.. vai di manella; in questo caso ti consiglio fortemente
 di scaricarti i sorgenti della slack[*]. Nelle dir di ogni pacchetto
 trovi gli che sono quanto di piu' istruttivo io abbia
 trovato in rete. 

gli ho dato un ochiata.hai ragione!! sono molto esplicativi

 giorni.. un altro di non piu' di due mesi fa, in cui io postai dei
 links utili e mike dei suggerimenti, aveva il subject con qualcosa del
 tipo -march -mcpu)

spulciero un po l'archivio sen lo trovo nel hd..

 Scherzi a parte.. per qualsiasi problema o chiarimento chiedi senza

prima provo con qualche bel pachetto grosso.vediamo quanto tempo ci 
impiega..altrimenti dovro aspettare l'upgrade della macchina :(

  dai che alla prima occasione porto una bottiglia di canonau solo per
  te :P

 Uhhh mio caro Tom.. qui ti giochi l'onore e la credibilita'. 

azz sto facendo una figura pessima con il pacco x mauro-mike e verbal.
devo spedire al piu presto :(

 Se ti
 scordi la bottiglia ti condannero' a restare _nel dubbio_ in eterno

la porto la porto,promesso,a costo di lasciare la boccia ai Romani !!!
ma in quel caso te la dovrai vedere con loro per il recapito.sempre che 
rimanga indenne alle loro gole :-)
cmq,come dice il saggio:nel dubbio coricati :)

 [*] ti servono solo gli che puoi utilizzare con qualsiasi
 release di kde. Per compilare la 3.1.1a io ho usato quelli con cui
 Volkerding ha compilato la 3.1

quindi le strutture,a meno di starvolgimenti radicali,rimangono inalterate?
bueno bueno.spulcero per bene gli slackbuild

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
UCCS: ufficio complicazioni cose semplici
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom]

2003-07-10 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:56, giovedì 10 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom],  tom   ha scritto:

 è ancora quasi tutto di default qui


 ho visto che c'è un dalle dimensioni immani!!
 147535694 lug  9 21:48 kde-i18n-3.1.2.tar.bz2

non ti conveniva scaricare solo l'internazionalizzazione italiana, 
anzichè tutte le lingue della via lattea?

  giorni.. un altro di non piu' di due mesi fa, in cui io postai dei
  links utili e mike dei suggerimenti, aveva il subject con qualcosa
  del tipo -march -mcpu)

 spulciero un po l'archivio sen lo trovo nel hd..

te lo mando se vuoi

- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread Antonello

Non tutto può essere così facile. Purtroppo per i portatili è tutto diverso. Non hanno un Bios da dove partire...
Quindi, niente di tutto quello che mi hai detto

---Original Message---

Date: giovedì 10 luglio 2003 16.27.18
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...
l'installazione è guidata e semplicissima. cacci dentro il cd1 e riavvii. se hai una seconda partizione fat o nt libera, quando arrivi al partizionamento, puoi scegliere di cancellare la seconda partizione e nello spazio liberato allocare automaticamente le partizioni linux. se non hai particolari esigenze dovrebbe allocarti automaticamente una swap, una root ed una home. se vuoi installare molto software fai tu le partizioni e stai generoso con la root (una installazione media tiene 1,5 giga...). la stampante lasciala collegata ed accesa quando installi, magari la riconosce...Antonello wrote:. 

 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: clicca qui 

Fenomenale!! Da oggi si naviga 7 giorni su 7 senza scatti al minuto. Scopri come...
Clicca qui 

Re: [newbie-it] ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom]

2003-07-10 Thread syd
* tom wrote:

 ho visto che c'è un dalle dimensioni immani!!
 147535694 lug  9 21:48 kde-i18n-3.1.2.tar.bz2

Ma in quante lingue lo vuoi kde? :^)
Come ti ha gia' detto mike, ti serve solo l'italiano. 
 la porto la porto,promesso,a costo di lasciare la boccia ai Romani !!!
 ma in quel caso te la dovrai vedere con loro per il recapito.sempre che 
 rimanga indenne alle loro gole :-)

Non c'e' nemmeno da sperarci! Appena giri l'angolo la stappano.

 cmq,come dice il saggio:nel dubbio coricati :)

 quindi le strutture,a meno di starvolgimenti radicali,rimangono inalterate?


LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom]

2003-07-10 Thread tom
On Thursday 10 July 2003 14:52, miKe wrote:

  ho visto che c'è un dalle dimensioni immani!!
  147535694 lug  9 21:48 kde-i18n-3.1.2.tar.bz2

 non ti conveniva scaricare solo l'internazionalizzazione italiana,
 anzichè tutte le lingue della via lattea?

è che sono curioso di vedere come è la lingua su alfa-centauri

   del tipo -march -mcpu)
  spulciero un po l'archivio sen lo trovo nel hd..

 te lo mando se vuoi

se non ti mangia troppa banda,volentieri.

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Cellacchiotto! Hai cannato i links (La risposta del MaSix a un post su 11/04/03)
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom]

2003-07-10 Thread tom
On Thursday 10 July 2003 17:08, syd wrote:
 * tom wrote:
  ho visto che c'è un dalle dimensioni immani!!
  147535694 lug  9 21:48 kde-i18n-3.1.2.tar.bz2

 Ma in quante lingue lo vuoi kde? :^)
 Come ti ha gia' detto mike, ti serve solo l'italiano.

ho messo a scaricare e poi sono uscito
il bello è che ho scaricato singolarmente anche la lingua IT
cmq meglio cosidi conseguenza il malloppo piu grosso sarà kde-base?

  la porto la porto,promesso,a costo di lasciare la boccia ai Romani !!!
  ma in quel caso te la dovrai vedere con loro per il recapito.sempre
  che rimanga indenne alle loro gole :-)

 Non c'e' nemmeno da sperarci! Appena giri l'angolo la stappano.

l'ho detto io!!! un anello nel collo,come si fa con i cormorani!

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Dialetto di Velletri: Chi arizza 'o cuglio perde 'o posto
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 18:42, giovedì 10 luglio 2003, Antonello ha scritto:

 Il portatile non ha un Bios da cui partire...
 Quindi nulla di quanto detto sotto!!

questo puoi scriverlo un sola volta...

Dubito che i portatili non abbiano bios, comunque forse non c'è bisogno che 
entri nel bios, nel bootsplash iniziale da qualche parte  c'è scritto che con 
un tasto Fx puoi cambiare l'ordine del boot in quella sessione, quindi setti 
cdrom, metti fisicamenmte il cdrom1 mdk e lavori con diskdrake...


Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread mnemonic
Ciao, Guarda che i portatili hanno il bios, altrimenti come farebbero a
riconoscere l'hard disk e le altre periferiche all'avvio?
Appena accendi il portatile guarda se in basso a sinistra (col mio
portatile asus) indica il tasto da premere per entrare nella
configurazione, controlla che come primo drive di avvio ci sia il
lettore cd-rom, salvi riavvii e il gioco è fatto.
Spero di esserti stato di aiuto, in caso fammi sapere.


Il gio, 2003-07-10 alle 18:42, Antonello ha scritto:
 Il portatile non ha un Bios da cui partire...
 Quindi nulla di quanto detto sotto!!
 ---Original Message---
 Date: giovedì 10 luglio 2003 16.27.18
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...
 l'installazione è guidata e semplicissima. cacci dentro il cd1 e 
 riavvii. se hai una seconda partizione fat o nt libera, quando arrivi
 partizionamento, puoi scegliere di cancellare la seconda partizione e 
 nello spazio liberato allocare automaticamente le partizioni linux. se
 non hai particolari esigenze dovrebbe allocarti automaticamente una 
 swap, una root ed una home. se vuoi installare molto software fai tu
 partizioni e stai generoso con la root (una installazione media tiene 
 1,5 giga...). la stampante lasciala collegata ed accesa quando
 magari la riconosce...
 Antonello wrote:
   IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: clicca qui
 Alimentazione biologica, fanghi di Guam, aloe vera,
 prodotti di bellezza Erbolario. Dove? 
 Clicca qui

Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread Alessandro Piaser

- Original Message - 
From: Germano

3)Scarichi un .src.rpm allora dai
rpm --rebuild dopodichè ti dovresti trovare un binario in /usr/src/RPM*/*
(insomma lì dentro) e ti riconduci al punto 2

Detto questo è preferibile il punto 2, casomai 3 (se hai esigenze di
ottimizzazione) al 1 se proprio non hai trovato i primi 2.

 Scusa se mi intrometto può essere il caso di Cpu Athlon?



Re: [newbie-it] ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom]

2003-07-10 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:11, giovedì 10 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
ricompilo kde? era: [cdrom],  tom   ha scritto:

  te lo mando se vuoi

 se non ti mangia troppa banda,volentieri.

sunto del sunto:

Alle 15:11, mercoledì 14 maggio 2003,  in merito a [linux] Compilare 
ottimizzazioni,  Michele   ha scritto:

 no? -mcpu, ecc. ecc.) come si fa, visto che per compilare uso il
 comando make e non direttamente gcc?

export LDFLAGS=-z combreloc
export CFLAGS=-O2 -march=pentium3  -fomit-frame-pointer


Alle 21:07, giovedì 15 maggio 2003,  in merito a Re: [linux] Compilare 
ottimizzazioni,  syd   ha scritto:

 Comunque, ipotizziamo di dover compilare il sorgente di kdenetwork:

 CFLAGS=-O3 -march=pentium3 \
 CXXFLAGS=-O3 -march=pentium3 \
 ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde i686-slackware-linux \

già che ci siamo..

 --enable-final --enable-fast-malloc=full

oltre al flag -z combreloc detto nell'altro post

in pratica, il primo post si riferiva a opzioni che puoi inserire 
direttamente in profile, per averle in via definitiva
le ultime sono da usare per kde in modo da avere  eseguibili più leggeri 

negli archivi di questa lista, trovi un post per la ricompilazione 
completa di kde (era il 2,x mi pare..)

come sempre , se non lo trovi te lo mando di nuovo


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] speed touch 330

2003-07-10 Thread piter
io uso lo Speed Touch USB dell' Alcatel, il cosidetto manta fornito dalla
telecom, la procedura usata è quella da te descritta, solo che devi scaricare
i driver dal sito dell'alcatel. per comodità ti spedisco quelli che ho scaricato
io, nella cartella cè un file chiamato mgmt.o. lo devi copiare in 
all'interno dovresti vederci anche lo script speedtouch
una volta fatto questo puoi provare con #net_monitor  oppure con
#modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o
questo attiva il monitor, e poi
#pppd call adsl
questo ti connette in Internet

in questo modo riesco a connettermi anche meglio di come mi connettevo in
windows, purtroppo più di questo non saprei dirti, sono newbie anche io


°*-- Messaggio originale --
°*Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 15:57:12 +0200 (ora legale Europa occidentale)
°*From: Carlo Libetucci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
°*To: Newbie-Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
°*Subject: Re: [newbie-it] speed touch 330
°*sono spiacente di non poter fornire ulteriori informazioni per il

°*corretto funzionamento dell'alcatel usb.

°*Anch'io non sono più riuscito a farlo funzionare dopo le prime connessioni

°*dopo averlo configurato nel modo seguente:

°*Da centro di controllo Mandrake 9.1

°*su Rete e Internet DrakConnect... Assistente

°*Usa riconscimento automatico -avanti

°*connessione ADSL - rilevato - Avanti

°*spunto Alcatel speedtouch usb - detected - avanti

°*Immetto i dati relativi richiesti - avanti

°*Provo connessione adesso - si - avanti

°*si è connesso e le successive connessioni con il comando

°*da shell: # net_monitor


°*ma gia' da tempo non ne vuol piu' sapere e mi da questo errore:

°*Glib-CRITICAL **: file gmain.c: line 500 (g_source_remove): assertion
°*0' failed.

°*SIOCDELRT: No such process

°*starting ADSL connection: [FALLITO]


°*Se qualcuno vorra' o potra' darci una mano

°*grazie e saluti a tutti

°*Allegato: IMSTP.gif
Description: Zip compressed data

Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento...

2003-07-10 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:16, giovedì 10 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Mi 
presento...,  Antonello   ha scritto:
  Non tutto può essere così facile. Purtroppo per i portatili è tutto
 diverso Non hanno un Bios da dove partire...

beh beh beh

 Quindi, niente di tutto quello che mi hai detto

prima di dire cose del genere...

una letta al manuale del portatile, o a un pdf preso sul sito di asus, 
(che è pure fatto bene..)

poi, in ogni caso, 
come avrebbero fatto a installare il sistema col quale hanno venduto il 


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Eric Huff
Close out of everything else first, in case it causes a crash, but then type

cdrecord --checkdrive dev=0,0,0

at the command line and report back.


On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 00:51:32 -0400
Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto 0 0

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to


2003-07-10 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 23:40, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

  PLEASE, show some prove for your statements.
 I'll have to get back to you as I don't have all of my info bookmarked
 and/or easily available.  It's hard to provide an URL for a paragraph
 in a book.  You can take that statement however you like, but I'd
 prefer you took it as I meant it.


We of the facts and figures would like for it to be that way, but they
can't win by doing that, since the evidence is not on their side. 
Therefore they will not take it like you mean it, and will run away from
the core arguments.

  Some URL like that maybe? Not some racists book...
 Are you kidding me?  How can you apply logic so well when it comes to
 computers but totally fail when it comes to the real world?  Are you
 implying that every single individual that has been associated with
 Lott's publisher is by that mere association a racist?

Brant, he doesn't know who John R Lott is.  In fact none of them on the
wrong side of the issue do, and none of them are studied on the
subject.  (which is why they are on the wrong side of the issue to begin
with.)  He has John R. Lott confused with Senator Trent Lott in the
Congress of the United States, who recently had a run-in with the black
caucus over a poorly worded statement at a party, and was subsequently
dubbed a racist.  John R. Lott has never had any such similar
circumstances even remotely associated with him.  You see, there's not a
clue to be found here.

If there was, and if they were educated enough, they would realize that
Lott was an example set as a trap for them; as was Tammy Bruce.  Both
traps worked out excellently, btw.  In the case of John R. Lott, he is a
former leftist that set out to prove that firearms were a danger to the
populace.  His intent was to find facts, figures and statistics that
would finally, once and for all, put to the sword the idea of the right
to own firearms and the relevance of that to survival and self defense. 
Instead, he found by examination of the actual data that the opposite
was true:  the Bill of Rights was vindicated by the data, as were the
guns rights advocates.  What the guns rights advocates had been saying
all along was right.  And that is what he discovered.  Being an honest
man, he changed his stance and printed the truth.  So their ideology is
damned by one of their own.

Now he stands accused by the ignorant as a racist, by those who have
absolutely no idea what they are talking about or even *who* they are
supposed to be talking about.  I fully expected them to fall into the
trap of accusing John of being a right winger; the racist stuff was
merely an extra bonus.

  The reason why these dogs get outlawed here is exactly the same as why guns 
  are restricted: _look_ at them. I don't want those fucked up people who own a 
  Pit Bull have one. As I don't want those brain-dead alcoholic gun-crazy 
  redneck to have one. 
 You totally missed the point.  I apologize for not making it clearer.

No need to apologize, the point is being danced around because your
demonstration of the failure of their reasoning is close at hand.  To me
it looks to be merely a delaying tactic on their part.

 The point was--you don't mess with a Pit Bull because it's obvious the
 dog is quite capable of hurting you if you try to hurt it.  It is the
 same with humans.  You don't want to mess with a human that is
 obviously capable of hurting you if you try to hurt them.  My
 description of criminals being cowards, but not stupid, reflects that
 When given the choice between attacking a little old lady with a
 thousand dollars in her purse and a very large football player with a
 thousand dollars in his pocket which do you think would be the more
 likely target?
 What if you now gave that old lady a gun, taught her how to use it,
 and informed that same attacker that she had a gun and knew how to use
 it?  Now which one would be the more likely target?  I think, and I'm
 sure you'll disagree, but I think that this is coming very close to a
 lose-lose situation for our attacker.
 Let's sweeten the deal.  The old lady has $10,000.  Still not looking
 good for the attacker.

Excellent essay.

 Only a complete idiot wouldn't get what I'm saying at this point.

Very good point.

  Watch too much TV lately?
 Wow. What did that have to do with anything I said?

Was a delaying tactic.  Throwing you off the trail.

 Brant Fitzsimmons
 All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
 Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
   -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Kudos to you. :)


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Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899


2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
Joe; Let's try this one again. I'm going to reply to your garbage all in one email so 
that you can understand the whole picture without having to run to some bullsh$t 
statistic info. And just for you, I'll try to keep the words small, so that even you 
can understand. While I agree that you can have an opinion about war even if you don't 
have the guts to stand on your convictions and put it on the line for something you 
believe in, I'm also pretty sure that being involved in an actual shooting war would 
give you a distinctly different perspective. I'm also sure that when the fighting 
stopped, you'd be the first person to crawl out of your hidey-hole with an entirely 
new perspective.

It's very easy to have an opinion when you stand on the sidelines, but try to stick to 
your convictions when you're hip deep in the fight of your life.

Next; Please make up your mind. First you insult Frankie because in Australia things 
are not the way you think they should be? Then it's off to the U.S for the same thing? 
Now you have this bullshit notion of how things are in Canada? PUh-Lease! Send me your 
fax number, and I'll be happy to drown you in statistical data from the RCMP, and the 
O.P.P. which clearly demonstrates that you're looking at the wrong info. Are you 
looking at gun-related crimes on a per-capita basis? Are you looking at the budget 
increases to most major police forces in Canada where they increase their budgets on 
violent crimes, and extended firearms training? Do you know anyone on a legitimate 
Police Force (that hasn't tried to put handcuffs on you, that is), that can give you 
the real facts?

One of my best friends works for the Vancouver Police in forensics and the data he has 
is completely different from the drivel you've been spouting. Load that fax machine up 
with paper, Pal. You'll need it. Then come back to this list. Or do the real facts 
scare you? Are you afraid of the truth? Idealism is a great thing, but it must be 
balanced with reality. Give it a try some time.

You'd like to see everyone disarmed, right? Get in line! But since reality seems to 
indicate that this will not happen in our lifetime, then it does make sense to be able 
to defend yourself with equal force. At least that way you have a chance. Think about 
the fact that the government doesn't want you to own an unlicensed/unregistered 
firearm, and the fines that go with it. Then ask yourself why the criminals who get 
caught with guns almost never get any serious prison time for breaking that law. Kind 
of strange don't you think? Since you feel so strongly about it, why don't you do 
something about it? I'm sure that you could start a petition, or contact your MLA or 
something? I admit that most people who legally own firearms should be made to take 
some serious training in crisis situations, and how to hang onto their weapons, and 
maybe they should be held responsible ( at least in part ) for any crimes in which 
their stolen weapons are used, but how are you going to get our government to take 
something like that seriously? In other words, what's your solution? Do you have one, 
or are you just satisfied with sitting on the fence and pronouncing judgement? Must be 
awful safe up there, eh? I think that the fence you're sitting on is a little too 
high, and the air must be pretty thin up there.

Other people on this list have provided facts, and web-sites that prove your theory to 
be completely wrong, but I don't see you replying to them. Their information holds at 
least as much truth as yours. Or are you so arrogant that you refuse to see that fact, 
or to give them the benefit of the doubt? Why would anyone want to believe anything 
you say if you're not prepared to even try to believe them? Guess the air is getting 
thinner upon that fence, HM?

Now let's look at the stats Joe. Canada has about 10 percent of the population that 
the US has. Or did you forget that little fact? Therefore it makes sense that things 
like this would happen more often in the States than in Canada, right? At least 10 
times more often wouldn't you think? That's a real easy leap of logic Joe, so I'm sure 
you can follow along with the rest of us. We have a better system of gun control here, 
but even so it's not your version, so it's not great, right?

Did you also know that the amount of instances where kids in Canada are bringing guns 
to school is also on the increase? Even in Toronto they're installing metal detectors. 
Think they'd be spending the cash if there wasn't a real possibility of it happening? 
And yes, that one incident was about 15 years ago here in Montreal, but it's not the 
first and not the last.

I see you've been rather selective about those items you've responded to. Afraid to 
concede the ones you didn't reply to? Didn't hear a peep out of you about the 
motorcycle gangs here in Montreal, or the gang wars in Vancouver, and you've artfully 
dodged points that others on the list have posted in 


2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
On 7/10/2003 at 2:07 AM Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Let's sweeten the deal.  The old lady has $10,000.  Still not looking
 good for the attacker.


Hey! If she's got 10 grand ( by the way, is that in U.S. dollars?), I say lose the 
gun, and marry her! You get the money without a gun, or a possible conviction, and you 
get to give her a few years of happiness to boot! What's not to like?


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2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 02:41:39 -0400
Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

big snip of bunch of bullshit

whatever. I tried to keep this on the OT list, but I guess some are too
thick to get the hint.

you wasted all that typing on me, to make it simple for me? I'm touched.

 Best Regards,

Fuck you...

End it. 

snip more insipient garble

 Registered Linux user #282046
 02:48:06 up 15 days,  8:29,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.68, 0.74

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[newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread yvan_linux
After upgrading to Mandrake 9.1 I chosed 'Update Software' and got a list of
software that I could update over the network. I selected a few ones but
during the update I got messages that some libraries are needed and can't be
found (it's a large list). I assumed that all the stuff needed for update should
be on the server.

I tried it again a few weeks later and than I got the message that the
server has no files at all for Mandrake 9.1.

Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?

+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging  more +++

Jetzt ein- oder umsteigen und USB-Speicheruhr als Prämie sichern!

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Re: Bastille firewall [was: Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux]

2003-07-10 Thread Anne Wilson
g I can teach you something?  Never!

Right - a community owned and edited web.  Ours is at

You need to sign up as a user to gain editing rights.  There are only 
a few formatting commands that you need to use, and you can get them 
by studying an existing entry.  When you add or amend you copy and 
paste your signature as it appears at the bottom of the edit page.

Anyone can edit or amend, but usually only do so if they have 
additional info.  All changes are tracked.



On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 4:36 am, Lanman wrote:
 Hey Anne; Long time no hear! UM, what's a Twiki? And where is it?

 Take Care!



 On 7/10/2003 at 4:22 AM Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 7:25 pm, Lanman wrote:
  For those needing a work-around for bastille-firewall, I just
  wanted to update you.
 I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record - when you've finished,
 will you put it on the TWiki, please?
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Re: [newbie] Plug-in Not Working

2003-07-10 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 10:28 pm, David Middlebrook wrote:
 I have recently installed my first Linux system, chose Mandrake 9.1 and am
 trying to convert from Windows. I have been using Mozilla as my Web Browser
 but have been running into problems when I get to a site that needs a
 plug-in like Real Player. Have looked at the About Plug-ins in the Mozilla
 Help and it shows this: MIME Type Description
 Suffixes  Enabled audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer
 Plugin Metafile   rpm   Yes

 What is required to get it to work?
 Thanks in advance.

Well you need to install RealPlayer.

If you have the Powerpack CD the RealPlayer RPM is on your commercial CD
alternatively it is available for download from Mandrake Club.

You can also find an RPM from Texstars download site at

There are two packages RealPlayer8 for the player itself and 
mozilla-realplayer for the plugin.

Tip: an easy way to install from an online source like Texstar is this.

In your browser go to
Follow the instructions to define online 'urpmi' sources for 'contrib', 'plf' 
and 'texstar'. It will tell you the commands to paste into a root terminal to 
get the packages from those locations appearing in your Mandrake Control 
CentreSoftwareInstall GUI.  You can then use the Mandrake Software Manager 
to install RealPlayer and hundreds of other online applications in addition 
to the packages on your CDs.
(Note: the plf sources can be pretty slow. I find the 'club-internet' source 
to be the best.)

Tip: The commands have to pasted into a 'root' terminal. To get a root 
terminal open a normal terminal window and type suenter you will be 
prompted for a password enter the root password. You are now operating as 
root user.

Tip: To copy/paste in Linux highlight text with your mouse and press mouse 
wheel/centre button to paste.

Once the RealPlayer RPM is installed restart Mozilla and you will be able to 
use the plugin.



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Re: [newbie] Konqueror doesn't start

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:40:14 +0200 (MEST)

 Any hints?

try running Konqueror from a terminal and post the output.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 03:53:56 up 15 days,  9:35,  4 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.12, 0.05

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:43:08 +0200 (MEST)

 Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?

When you upgraded to 9.1, did you make sure to install all of the same
packages? (I'm assuming you did an upgrade as opposed to a clean

Try urpmi --updates --auto-select

if this doesn't work, make sure that all of your package sources are
pointing to 9.1 sources and not 9.0.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 03:47:38 up 15 days,  9:28,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Derek Jennings
Your fstab and lilo.conf files look fine to me.
My guess would be a hardware problem.
I see the CD-RW is the only device on the secondary IDE interface.
Do you have the 'master' jumper correctly set on the back of the CD drive?
Or perhaps you have it set to 'Cable Select'? (Linux does not work well with 
cable select)
(Obviously the drive is 'capable' of working since I assume you installed 
Mandrake using it.)


On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 5:51 am, Michael wrote:
 been working with few people offlist to try to get my cd-rw drive to work,
 but i thought i'd post it back to the list to try to see if anyone else has

 cd-rw drive was origonally a supermount, it's been changed to automount.
 we've modified fstab.
 i've tried kiwkdisc.

 none of it matters, because when i go to access a cd in my drive, after
 about 30 seconds, the caps lock and scroll lock lights on the keyboard
 start flashing and the computer completely locks up.  the only way to get
 out of it is to hit the restart button on the case.  i've had more hard
 crashes in trying to get this working than i can count at this point.  so
 far i've even gotten an error from Noatun media player (which was running
 during one hard crash) that it had a crash (but didn't tell me what it was)
 and even got an error earlier that KDE had some type of crash (didn't say
 why, just said it had a crash).  so obviously things are NOT working right
 over here.  keep in mind to anyone that can help, i'm a SUPER NEWBIE, so
 saying just change this to this has to be a little bit more specific, if
 you know what i mean (it's my first timerunning command lines, that
 is!).  when it comes to computers i'm a very slow learner, the harder i try
 the worse it gets.  my cd drive is listed as compatible hardwarebecause
 i know that was going to be the first question anyone asked.

 hardware:  Asus KV7-RM, AMD 950, 768mb ram, 20g MDT and 100g MDT hard
 drives, Nvidia video card, soundblaster 16PCI sound card, sony floppy
 drive, Phillips CD-RW driveso it's all modern hardware, nothing
 ancient, except maybe the floppy drive, which i know is probably 5 years

 running Mandrake 9.1
 also running windows 98, and the cd drive is fully functional over there

 here's my fstab:

 /dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
ev 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hdb5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hdb6 /mnt/win_e vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hdb7 /mnt/win_f vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hdb8 /mnt/win_g vfat defaults 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdb9 swap swap defaults 0 0

 here's my lilo.conf

   append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off
   append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off
   append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off
   append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off

 I know a lot of this is trial and error, but i'm praying someone can hit
 the nail on the head and get this one on the first try.  i'm starting to
 get a little worried here because i've had so many hard crashes it's not
 even funny anymore.  we also tried installing a new kernel


 and that didn't work.  btw, anyone have any idea how much damage i could've
 done to the system so far with all the hard crashes i've had?

 thanks to anyone that can help!



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2003-07-10 Thread MWafkowski
Some trap loseryour inability to string together a single thought is

John R. Lott of the American Enterprise Institute.
That's a real lefty org. Get your head out of your ass. I'm well aware of
his good works as a neo fascist.

John R. Lott, Jr. teaches criminal deterrence and law and economics at the
University of Chicago Law School, where he is the John M. Olin Visiting Law
and Economics Fellow. He was the chief economist at the United States
Sentencing Commission during 1988 and 1989. He has published over 70
articles in academic journals.

Yeah he's a lefty all right, law and order and big are an
absolute idiot. I'm amazed that you're allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

If he were any more right he'd have to wear a swastika by law.

You aren't allowed to drive are you?


- Original Message -
From: Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:07 AM

 On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 23:40, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

   PLEASE, show some prove for your statements.
  I'll have to get back to you as I don't have all of my info bookmarked
  and/or easily available.  It's hard to provide an URL for a paragraph
  in a book.  You can take that statement however you like, but I'd
  prefer you took it as I meant it.


 We of the facts and figures would like for it to be that way, but they
 can't win by doing that, since the evidence is not on their side.
 Therefore they will not take it like you mean it, and will run away from
 the core arguments.

   Some URL like that maybe? Not some racists book...
  Are you kidding me?  How can you apply logic so well when it comes to
  computers but totally fail when it comes to the real world?  Are you
  implying that every single individual that has been associated with
  Lott's publisher is by that mere association a racist?

 Brant, he doesn't know who John R Lott is.  In fact none of them on the
 wrong side of the issue do, and none of them are studied on the
 subject.  (which is why they are on the wrong side of the issue to begin
 with.)  He has John R. Lott confused with Senator Trent Lott in the
 Congress of the United States, who recently had a run-in with the black
 caucus over a poorly worded statement at a party, and was subsequently
 dubbed a racist.  John R. Lott has never had any such similar
 circumstances even remotely associated with him.  You see, there's not a
 clue to be found here.

 If there was, and if they were educated enough, they would realize that
 Lott was an example set as a trap for them; as was Tammy Bruce.  Both
 traps worked out excellently, btw.  In the case of John R. Lott, he is a
 former leftist that set out to prove that firearms were a danger to the
 populace.  His intent was to find facts, figures and statistics that
 would finally, once and for all, put to the sword the idea of the right
 to own firearms and the relevance of that to survival and self defense.
 Instead, he found by examination of the actual data that the opposite
 was true:  the Bill of Rights was vindicated by the data, as were the
 guns rights advocates.  What the guns rights advocates had been saying
 all along was right.  And that is what he discovered.  Being an honest
 man, he changed his stance and printed the truth.  So their ideology is
 damned by one of their own.

 Now he stands accused by the ignorant as a racist, by those who have
 absolutely no idea what they are talking about or even *who* they are
 supposed to be talking about.  I fully expected them to fall into the
 trap of accusing John of being a right winger; the racist stuff was
 merely an extra bonus.

   The reason why these dogs get outlawed here is exactly the same as why
   are restricted: _look_ at them. I don't want those fucked up people
who own a
   Pit Bull have one. As I don't want those brain-dead alcoholic
   redneck to have one.
  You totally missed the point.  I apologize for not making it clearer.

 No need to apologize, the point is being danced around because your
 demonstration of the failure of their reasoning is close at hand.  To me
 it looks to be merely a delaying tactic on their part.

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[newbie] Mandrake Install Probs on old Compaq

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill

Gots me here a Compaq (shudder) Pentium 200, no CD.

So I mosey on over and get a network install disk and it works up to the
point where it detects the NIC, fine, asks for DHCP, yup, loads the LAN
info fine, ie. gateway, DNS, get's an IP, etc.

Then when it comes to bringing up interface, it signal 11s, install
exited abnormally (duh).

the logs show the successful loading of the NIC drivers, etc., then

receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling workaround.

it goes through some checks, passes all, then says:

receiver lock-up workaround activated.

then nada.

This is with an Intel Etherexpress Pro/100b NIC.

With the 3Com 100BaseTX (Cyclone), go through the same process, only the
kernel messages are different, it signal 11s right after:

scatter/gather enabled. h/w ckecksums enabled

are both NICs just no good, or is there something else I can eliminate
first? I replaced the cable, just to be sure.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 03:31:26 up 15 days,  9:12,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.02

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Derek Jennings
When you upgraded to 9.1 did you delete your old 9.0 update source?
That would explain why you had trouble with libraries.

You can remove your old source with the source manager GUI in Mandrake control 
Centre, and you can select a new 9.1 source from
Add a source for contrib and plf while you are there:-


On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 8:43 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After upgrading to Mandrake 9.1 I chosed 'Update Software' and got a list
 of software that I could update over the network. I selected a few ones but
 during the update I got messages that some libraries are needed and can't
 be found (it's a large list). I assumed that all the stuff needed for
 update should be on the server.

 I tried it again a few weeks later and than I got the message that the
 server has no files at all for Mandrake 9.1.

 Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?


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Re: [newbie] URPMI error

2003-07-10 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 22:45, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 El mi? 09-07-2003 a las 18:40, Curt Tresenriter escribió:
  Every time I use urpmi lately I get:
  eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
  Can someone tell me why?
 does you cdrom tray get to open?

Only when I do it manually.

 i get it too, but only when my cdrom (which is 
 SOOO crappy and old) fails to open the tray.
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Re: [newbie] Newbie needs install/checksum help

2003-07-10 Thread Curt Tresenriter
A quick google search turned up this
among others

On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 20:35, R. L. Moore wrote:
 Where do I get checksum software and how do I use it on a windows 
 machine? I have got both 8.2 and 9.1 ISO's disks1-3 burned onto cd's. I 
 can't get either installed. On either of two machines where 7.2 were 
 running before. I cheched the hardware list for both version and am in 
 complience. with both. 9.1 installs and setsup KDE. Then when it goes to 
 and initailization screen and hang there with my harddrives working 
 indicator lights on. I've left it there once overnight and still it did 
 not come up. With ver 8.2 I can't get past the first CD. I put the 
 second one in and the CD light comes on but not harddrive activety 
 afterwards. Some time I can move the mouse but most times it just 
 freezes and won't even let me press enter to get it going. I have even 
 written zeros to harddrive before try to install each version and always 
 get same results on two different machines both Pll's w/ 128 RAM.  
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Re: [newbie] Plug-in Not Working

2003-07-10 Thread David Middlebrook
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 10:28 pm, David Middlebrook wrote:

I have recently installed my first Linux system, chose Mandrake 9.1 and am
trying to convert from Windows. I have been using Mozilla as my Web Browser
but have been running into problems when I get to a site that needs a
plug-in like Real Player. Have looked at the About Plug-ins in the Mozilla
Help and it shows this: MIME Type 	Description 	   
   Suffixes 	Enabled audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin 	RealPlayer
Plugin Metafile 	rpm 	  Yes

What is required to get it to work?
Thanks in advance.

Well you need to install RealPlayer.

If you have the Powerpack CD the RealPlayer RPM is on your commercial CD
alternatively it is available for download from Mandrake Club.
You can also find an RPM from Texstars download site at
There are two packages RealPlayer8 for the player itself and 
mozilla-realplayer for the plugin.

Tip: an easy way to install from an online source like Texstar is this.

In your browser go to
Follow the instructions to define online 'urpmi' sources for 'contrib', 'plf' 
and 'texstar'. It will tell you the commands to paste into a root terminal to 
get the packages from those locations appearing in your Mandrake Control 
CentreSoftwareInstall GUI.  You can then use the Mandrake Software Manager 
to install RealPlayer and hundreds of other online applications in addition 
to the packages on your CDs.
(Note: the plf sources can be pretty slow. I find the 'club-internet' source 
to be the best.)

Tip: The commands have to pasted into a 'root' terminal. To get a root 
terminal open a normal terminal window and type suenter you will be 
prompted for a password enter the root password. You are now operating as 
root user.

Tip: To copy/paste in Linux highlight text with your mouse and press mouse 
wheel/centre button to paste.

Once the RealPlayer RPM is installed restart Mozilla and you will be able to 
use the plugin.



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I have looked in directories and it looks like the required files are 
already loaded in  file:/usr/lib/RealPlayer8
the following files and directories are listed:

So what actions do I need to perform to install this as an application 
that will start if I click on a *.ram file, and get the plugins 
registered to the browser?


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Re: [newbie] Plug-in Not Working

2003-07-10 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 10:46 am, David Middlebrook wrote:
 Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 10:28 pm, David Middlebrook wrote:
 I have recently installed my first Linux system, chose Mandrake 9.1 and
  am trying to convert from Windows. I have been using Mozilla as my Web
  Browser but have been running into problems when I get to a site that
  needs a plug-in like Real Player. Have looked at the About Plug-ins in
  the Mozilla Help and it shows this: MIME Type 
  Description Suffixes   Enabled audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer
  Plugin Metafilerpm   Yes
 What is required to get it to work?
 Thanks in advance.
 Well you need to install RealPlayer.
 If you have the Powerpack CD the RealPlayer RPM is on your commercial CD
 alternatively it is available for download from Mandrake Club.
 You can also find an RPM from Texstars download site at
 There are two packages RealPlayer8 for the player itself and
 mozilla-realplayer for the plugin.
 Tip: an easy way to install from an online source like Texstar is this.
 In your browser go to
 Follow the instructions to define online 'urpmi' sources for 'contrib',
  'plf' and 'texstar'. It will tell you the commands to paste into a root
  terminal to get the packages from those locations appearing in your
  Mandrake Control CentreSoftwareInstall GUI.  You can then use the
  Mandrake Software Manager to install RealPlayer and hundreds of other
  online applications in addition to the packages on your CDs.
 (Note: the plf sources can be pretty slow. I find the 'club-internet'
  source to be the best.)
 Tip: The commands have to pasted into a 'root' terminal. To get a root
 terminal open a normal terminal window and type suenter you will be
 prompted for a password enter the root password. You are now operating as
 root user.
 Tip: To copy/paste in Linux highlight text with your mouse and press mouse
 wheel/centre button to paste.
 Once the RealPlayer RPM is installed restart Mozilla and you will be able
  to use the plugin.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

 I have looked in directories and it looks like the required files are
 already loaded in  file:/usr/lib/RealPlayer8
 the following files and directories are listed:

 So what actions do I need to perform to install this as an application
 that will start if I click on a *.ram file, and get the plugins
 registered to the browser?


You need to move into your Mozilla plugin directory which should be
/usr/lib/mozilla-1.3.1/plugins  (if you use a different version of mozilla it 
may be slightly different.)



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Michael Adams
I also recomend throwing disk 1 in the CD-ROM before you urpmi anything.

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:27:57 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When you upgraded to 9.1 did you delete your old 9.0 update source?
 That would explain why you had trouble with libraries.
 You can remove your old source with the source manager GUI in Mandrake control 
 Centre, and you can select a new 9.1 source from
 Add a source for contrib and plf while you are there:-
 On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 8:43 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After upgrading to Mandrake 9.1 I chosed 'Update Software' and got a list
  of software that I could update over the network. I selected a few ones but
  during the update I got messages that some libraries are needed and can't
  be found (it's a large list). I assumed that all the stuff needed for
  update should be on the server.
  I tried it again a few weeks later and than I got the message that the
  server has no files at all for Mandrake 9.1.
  Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Derek Jennings
Once the sources are sorted out the first thing you should update is urpmi 
From the command line
urpmi urpmi
or use the Software install GUI.


On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 11:12 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 I also recomend throwing disk 1 in the CD-ROM before you urpmi anything.

 On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:27:57 +0100

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When you upgraded to 9.1 did you delete your old 9.0 update source?
  That would explain why you had trouble with libraries.
  You can remove your old source with the source manager GUI in Mandrake
  control Centre, and you can select a new 9.1 source from
  Add a source for contrib and plf while you are there:-
  On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 8:43 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   After upgrading to Mandrake 9.1 I chosed 'Update Software' and got a
   list of software that I could update over the network. I selected a few
   ones but during the update I got messages that some libraries are
   needed and can't be found (it's a large list). I assumed that all the
   stuff needed for update should be on the server.
   I tried it again a few weeks later and than I got the message that the
   server has no files at all for Mandrake 9.1.
   Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?


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Re: [newbie] URPMI error

2003-07-10 Thread Damian Gatabria
El jue, 10-07-2003 a las 05:47, Curt Tresenriter escribió:
 On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 22:45, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  El mi? 09-07-2003 a las 18:40, Curt Tresenriter escribió:
   Every time I use urpmi lately I get:
   eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
   Can someone tell me why?
  does you cdrom tray get to open?
 Only when I do it manually.

Right... so urpmi is trying to open your
cd tray but it's not being successful, maybe
your cdrom does not support opening the tray
by software?... try executing this:

eject /dev/??? (what's your cdrom device?)

and see if you get the same error.

Also, did you change any settings (i.e.
SCSI emulation) from the moment you  installed


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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Damian Gatabria
El jue, 10-07-2003 a las 01:51, Michael escribió:
 been working with few people offlist to try to get my cd-rw drive to work, but 
 i thought i'd post it back to the list to try to see if anyone else has 
 cd-rw drive was origonally a supermount, it's been changed to automount.
 we've modified fstab.
 i've tried kiwkdisc.
 none of it matters, because when i go to access a cd in my drive, after about 
 30 seconds, the caps lock and scroll lock lights on the keyboard start 
 flashing and the computer completely locks up.  the only way to get out of it 
 is to hit the restart button on the case.  i've had more hard crashes in 
 trying to get this working than i can count at this point.  so far i've even 
 gotten an error from Noatun media player (which was running during one hard 
 crash) that it had a crash (but didn't tell me what it was) and even got an 
 error earlier that KDE had some type of crash (didn't say why, just said it 
 had a crash).  so obviously things are NOT working right over here.  keep in 
 mind to anyone that can help, i'm a SUPER NEWBIE, so saying just change this 
 to this has to be a little bit more specific, if you know what i mean (it's 
 my first timerunning command lines, that is!).  when it comes to 
 computers i'm a very slow learner, the harder i try the worse it gets.  my cd 
 drive is listed as compatible hardwarebecause i know that was going to be 
 the first question anyone asked.

In win98, are you using DMA for your CDROM?
just for fun, edit your lilo.conf so the append line
looks like this:

append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off ide1=nodma

then, in the command line, run `lilo`, and reboot. See if it
keeps crashing.



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2003-07-10 Thread Rosario Balboa
Just following instructions:
unfortunately, couldn't install MS Outlook Express.
Now my question:

If by any chance you add an echo to your .bashrc like this:
   echo inside .bashrc
and other in .bash_profile,
   echo inside .bash_profile
you will get the echo from .bashrc, but never the one from 
.bash_profile. OK, following someone's comment from the UNABLE TO UPDATE 
THE PATH VARIABLE I copied .bash_profile into .bashrc 'cause one is 
executed when login in and the other every time a term is open. Well, 
you will get a nice crash in your account not being unable lo loggin in 
anymore. Does anybody understand why this happen? Besides, does anybody 
know a good place to learn the insides of the bash shell?



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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 15:33, JoeHill wrote:
 On 10 Jul 2003 14:52:42 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  are at least 50-80 ft...
 but once you *get* the Koala, I've heard they are a hot property,

They're too furry and very hard to shave. I don't like fur, and they're
impatient when you start spreading on the shaving gel.

Thu Jul 10 22:30:00 EST 2003
 22:30:00 up 4 days, 2 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.08, 0.08
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

History repeats itself -- the first time as a tragi-comedy, the second
time as bedroom farce.

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hardware

2003-07-10 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 01:35, JoeHill wrote:
 On Wed, 09 Jul 2003 23:05:00 -0600
 Wade Waldron [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I just need to make the system aware of it and set up the drivers.
 That's what Mandrake Control Center does...if it didn't load them when
 you booted, that is.
yea, but Joe, (I guess you are reading to quickly) he said while
bypassing the Mandrake configuration utility

kinda like, I want to ride the bike, but I don't want to touch the
pedals and I don't know how to balance. where is the bike stored?

Run harddrake as root.

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Re: [newbie] PPC Install

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 15:58, Mike yomcat Welsh wrote:

 I want to know how to partition my drive while retaining all my current data
 without losing anything. Auto allocate gives me an error about no RAM disk
 or something like that. I got 384MB RAM.
 About the single root partition, are you saying that I can run it off my Mac
 partition somehow?
 Last time, I partitioned the drive but lost all my info.

The idea is NOT to use ONE partition.
One partition is for the MacOS
You have actually three partitions (if not more)
So you're going to need a /boot partition and at least a / partition
(aside from the partition where your MacOS lives)

There's information about the PPC installation on the Mandrake site, and
there used to be a few PPC users in here, but they're elsewhere now, or
just playing invisible...

Thu Jul 10 22:30:00 EST 2003
 22:30:00 up 4 days, 2 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.08, 0.08
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

History repeats itself -- the first time as a tragi-comedy, the second
time as bedroom farce.

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror doesn't start

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 17:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using Mandrake 9.1.  When I start Konqueror I get an error message that
 Konqueror crashed and was killed and I'm asked if I want to send an error
 report. No, I don't want. I cancel this window and try to start Konqueror again
 but it doesn't start (no message now). It worked after upgrading to 9.1. 
 With Netscape I know I can delete lockfiles and things like that. But I have
 no idea what I could try with Konqueror. 
 Any hints?

In the /tmp directory, you should have some directories like
/tmp/kde-yournamehere - you can login as root, delete those directories,
then logoff and login as yourself again - THEN try to fire up Konq - you
SHOULD be able to; see how that goes, mate.

Thu Jul 10 22:35:00 EST 2003
 22:35:00 up 4 days, 7 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.10, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The instruments of science do not in themselves discover truth.  And there are
searchings that are not concluded by the coincidence of a pointer and a mark.
-- Fred Saberhagen, The Berserker Wars

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Re: Bastille firewall [was: Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux]

2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
You've already taught me things  in the past Anne. I've found many of your psts to be 
very informative.
This is just another installment we can add to that list.



On 7/10/2003 at 8:45 AM Anne Wilson wrote:

g I can teach you something?  Never!

Right - a community owned and edited web.  Ours is at

You need to sign up as a user to gain editing rights.  There are only
a few formatting commands that you need to use, and you can get them
by studying an existing entry.  When you add or amend you copy and
paste your signature as it appears at the bottom of the edit page.

Anyone can edit or amend, but usually only do so if they have
additional info.  All changes are tracked.



On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 4:36 am, Lanman wrote:
 Hey Anne; Long time no hear! UM, what's a Twiki? And where is it?

 Take Care!



 On 7/10/2003 at 4:22 AM Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 7:25 pm, Lanman wrote:
  For those needing a work-around for bastille-firewall, I just
  wanted to update you.
 I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record - when you've finished,
 will you put it on the TWiki, please?
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Re: [newbie] glibc file is bad on Install CD1, need help to replacethe disk.

2003-07-10 Thread The Other
Kenneth E. Spress wrote:

Hi There,

I saw you said you live in Chicago area. Let me ask why the 28.8 phone
modem? any particular reason why maybe I can help you

Hello Kenneth,

I live in Champaign, IL, which is about 120 miles south of Chicago.

I'm using the 28kps Winmodem because the newer 56kps Winmodem does not 
have Windows NT 4.0 drivers.   Or if you are asking me why I'm not using 
a cable modem or a higher connection to the Internet, there are 2 
reasons:  a) I don't surf the web, but use it as a help resource when 
needed; and b) the expense is not justified for the 15 hours or less a 
month I access the Internet.  I spend $0.03 per local access telephone 
call (with no charge for the length time connected), as opposed to about 
$30 a month for broadband access.

I'm not sure I understand your statement  any particular reason why 
maybe I can help you
I addressed this post to the Newbie List realizing that those 
members unable to assist me would disregard the help request, and that 
those members who could assist would respond to me in a private email 
(of which one person so far has.)

The Other

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Re: Bastille firewall [was: Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux]

2003-07-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 04:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 7:25 pm, Lanman wrote:
  For those needing a work-around for bastille-firewall, I just
  wanted to update you.
 I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record - when you've finished, 
 will you put it on the TWiki, please?

I second that!


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Re: [newbie] URPMI error

2003-07-10 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 06:22, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 El jue, 10-07-2003 a las 05:47, Curt Tresenriter escribió:
  On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 22:45, Damian Gatabria wrote:
   El mi? 09-07-2003 a las 18:40, Curt Tresenriter escribió:
Every time I use urpmi lately I get:

eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

Can someone tell me why?
   does you cdrom tray get to open?
  Only when I do it manually.
 Right... so urpmi is trying to open your
 cd tray but it's not being successful, maybe
 your cdrom does not support opening the tray
 by software?... try executing this:
 eject /dev/??? (what's your cdrom device?)
 and see if you get the same error.
 Also, did you change any settings (i.e.
 SCSI emulation) from the moment you  installed

Yes the error is the same. 

The only files I've edited manually were fstab to recognize my Win disk,
and urpmi sources. Other than that a, number of packages were installed
via both urpmi  rpm -ivh
Until the other day, urpmi *did* eject the cd.
I can't pinpoint exactly when the behavior began - is there a log I
could look at that might give a hint?


Registered Linux User #299730
Registered Machine #204611

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Re: [newbie] Where's Todd Lyons when I need him?

2003-07-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Good for you, Carroll!

re: MRW - I'm with momma :-)


On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 02:11, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 I joined this list several years ago because I needed all the help with Linux 
 that I could get (still do), and this seemed like the best place to get it. I 
 was right -- good advice, good people. As an unexpected bonus, I've made a 
 lot of friends here, too. It's my belief that this list comes as close to 
 being a genuine community as anything that I've seen on the web.
 I did NOT join this list to read great gobs of illiterate political ravings by 
 otherwise very intelligent and likeable people who sadly seem to periodically 
 lose all self control, indulging in the sort of shouting and name calling 
 that would get any of my grandchildren an old-fashioned ass-chewing along 
 with a good solid spanking. Look, if I want to read and discuss political 
 matters, I know lots of places to go for that. If I want to listen to the 
 kind of prattle that I've had to weigh through today, I can go down to the 
 local jail and listen to the buffoons in the drunk tank. In short, as 
 political analysts/proponents, you guys don't hack it. Cease and desist.
 Why the reference to Todd Lyons? Well, late last year one of these episodes 
 broke out on the expert list. It got hot and heavy. Todd stepped in, and sent 
 an off-list mail to all of those who had participated in the discussion that 
 anyone who continued to post to the thread would be banished. End of 
 discussion. FWIW, some of those guys have not been heard from since. On the 
 good side, the various OT lists were formed in response to that action.
 And please don't tell me about filters -- why the hell should I have to do 
 that to kill the drivel that other people are posting?
 (Nasty letter to follow.)
 -- cmg
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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
Shaving Koala's Stephen? Sure you don't want to move this to an X-Rated site? LOL!


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Install Probs on old Compaq

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 18:05, JoeHill wrote:
 Gots me here a Compaq (shudder) Pentium 200, no CD.
 So I mosey on over and get a network install disk and it works up to the
 point where it detects the NIC, fine, asks for DHCP, yup, loads the LAN
 info fine, ie. gateway, DNS, get's an IP, etc.
 Then when it comes to bringing up interface, it signal 11s, install
 exited abnormally (duh).
 the logs show the successful loading of the NIC drivers, etc., then
 receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling workaround.
 it goes through some checks, passes all, then says:
 receiver lock-up workaround activated.
 then nada.
 This is with an Intel Etherexpress Pro/100b NIC.
 With the 3Com 100BaseTX (Cyclone), go through the same process, only the
 kernel messages are different, it signal 11s right after:
 scatter/gather enabled. h/w ckecksums enabled
 are both NICs just no good, or is there something else I can eliminate
 first? I replaced the cable, just to be sure.

Have you tried slamming an IDE CDROM in it and trying the installation
again? Surely you can afford to knick one outta one of your other
machines for 40 minutes, ay?

Thu Jul 10 22:40:01 EST 2003
 22:40:01 up 4 days, 12 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.11, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The wages of sin are death; but after they're done taking out taxes,
it's just a tired feeling:

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2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
Nice reply Joe. So incisive, that I couldn't put it down. A good read ! And I see we 
finally agree on something. You are touched. Perhaps you should seek professional help.
Glad we finally got that dealt with. What say we move on to something that's 
interesting, like, um, I don't know, maybe Linux?

Have a nice Day!


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[newbie] How to install vmware 4 after kernel 2.4.21-0.18mdk update

2003-07-10 Thread Lucio_Costa
Greetings All.

I format my last one Window$ machine and installed
MDK9.1, I updated all bugfix, security updates and
normal updates. After that, I couldn't install my
MVware 4. Did you ha ve any suggestion on how to make

Thanks a lot,

Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail
Mais espaço, mais segurança e gratuito: caixa postal de 6MB, antivírus, proteção 
contra spam.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 17:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After upgrading to Mandrake 9.1 I chosed 'Update Software' and got a list of
 software that I could update over the network. I selected a few ones but
 during the update I got messages that some libraries are needed and can't be
 found (it's a large list). I assumed that all the stuff needed for update should
 be on the server.
 I tried it again a few weeks later and than I got the message that the
 server has no files at all for Mandrake 9.1.
 Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?

You need to update the sources - so in the Mandrake Control Center, go
to Software Management = Software Sources Manager = Update - and
you can update the sources; that way, when you actually try to update
the system, you're getting the proper listing.

You should do this every so often as the update lists change...

Thu Jul 10 22:35:00 EST 2003
 22:35:00 up 4 days, 7 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.10, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The instruments of science do not in themselves discover truth.  And there are
searchings that are not concluded by the coincidence of a pointer and a mark.
-- Fred Saberhagen, The Berserker Wars

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 17:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I want to leave Gnome (using Mandrake 9.1) I get the message if I want
 to log out or shutdown. Doesn't matter what I select, there is neither a
 shutdown nor a logout that happens. I have to do a 'shutdown -h now' from a
 terminal window.

Strange - what if you just type reboot or poweroff - anything happen

Thu Jul 10 22:35:00 EST 2003
 22:35:00 up 4 days, 7 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.10, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The instruments of science do not in themselves discover truth.  And there are
searchings that are not concluded by the coincidence of a pointer and a mark.
-- Fred Saberhagen, The Berserker Wars

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2003-07-10 Thread Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 23:07, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 23:40, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
   PLEASE, show some prove for your statements.
  I'll have to get back to you as I don't have all of my info bookmarked
  and/or easily available.  It's hard to provide an URL for a paragraph
  in a book.  You can take that statement however you like, but I'd
  prefer you took it as I meant it.
 We of the facts and figures would like for it to be that way, but they
 can't win by doing that, since the evidence is not on their side. 
 Therefore they will not take it like you mean it, and will run away from
 the core arguments.
   Some URL like that maybe? Not some racists book...
  Are you kidding me?  How can you apply logic so well when it comes to
  computers but totally fail when it comes to the real world?  Are you
  implying that every single individual that has been associated with
  Lott's publisher is by that mere association a racist?
 Brant, he doesn't know who John R Lott is.  In fact none of them on the
 wrong side of the issue do, and none of them are studied on the
 subject.  (which is why they are on the wrong side of the issue to begin
 with.)  He has John R. Lott confused with Senator Trent Lott in the
 Congress of the United States, who recently had a run-in with the black
 caucus over a poorly worded statement at a party, and was subsequently
 dubbed a racist.  John R. Lott has never had any such similar
 circumstances even remotely associated with him.  You see, there's not a
 clue to be found here.
 If there was, and if they were educated enough, they would realize that
 Lott was an example set as a trap for them; as was Tammy Bruce.  Both
 traps worked out excellently, btw.  In the case of John R. Lott, he is a
 former leftist that set out to prove that firearms were a danger to the
 populace.  His intent was to find facts, figures and statistics that
 would finally, once and for all, put to the sword the idea of the right
 to own firearms and the relevance of that to survival and self defense. 
 Instead, he found by examination of the actual data that the opposite
 was true:  the Bill of Rights was vindicated by the data, as were the
 guns rights advocates.  What the guns rights advocates had been saying
 all along was right.  And that is what he discovered.  Being an honest
 man, he changed his stance and printed the truth.  So their ideology is
 damned by one of their own.
 Now he stands accused by the ignorant as a racist, by those who have
 absolutely no idea what they are talking about or even *who* they are
 supposed to be talking about.  I fully expected them to fall into the
 trap of accusing John of being a right winger; the racist stuff was
 merely an extra bonus.
   The reason why these dogs get outlawed here is exactly the same as why guns 
   are restricted: _look_ at them. I don't want those fucked up people who own a 
   Pit Bull have one. As I don't want those brain-dead alcoholic gun-crazy 
   redneck to have one. 
  You totally missed the point.  I apologize for not making it clearer.
 No need to apologize, the point is being danced around because your
 demonstration of the failure of their reasoning is close at hand.  To me
 it looks to be merely a delaying tactic on their part.
  The point was--you don't mess with a Pit Bull because it's obvious the
  dog is quite capable of hurting you if you try to hurt it.  It is the
  same with humans.  You don't want to mess with a human that is
  obviously capable of hurting you if you try to hurt them.  My
  description of criminals being cowards, but not stupid, reflects that
  When given the choice between attacking a little old lady with a
  thousand dollars in her purse and a very large football player with a
  thousand dollars in his pocket which do you think would be the more
  likely target?
  What if you now gave that old lady a gun, taught her how to use it,
  and informed that same attacker that she had a gun and knew how to use
  it?  Now which one would be the more likely target?  I think, and I'm
  sure you'll disagree, but I think that this is coming very close to a
  lose-lose situation for our attacker.
  Let's sweeten the deal.  The old lady has $10,000.  Still not looking
  good for the attacker.
 Excellent essay.
  Only a complete idiot wouldn't get what I'm saying at this point.
 Very good point.
   Watch too much TV lately?
  Wow. What did that have to do with anything I said?
 Was a delaying tactic.  Throwing you off the trail.
  Brant Fitzsimmons
  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
  Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
  -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
 Kudos to you. :)
 Most Execellant

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RE: [newbie] New Video Card Setup - HELP!!

2003-07-10 Thread Tango Echo

Nevermind!  I spoke too soon!  I had downloaded the ET
file and was planning on installing it the following
night.  I was also thinking that the installation was
complex  (little did I know it was as complex as
typing sh filename ... LOL).  Anyway, installed it
and played for about an hour last night.  Runs like a
dream!  Linux is now one step closer to being a
desktop distro - every game released with native Linux
install packages will continue that direction...

By the way, IIRC you mentioned you had some problems
getting it to work on your son's computer.  Did you
ever get the ET network up??

-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] New Video Card Setup - HELP!!

On Wednesday 09 July 2003 08:45 am, Tango Echo wrote:

 Thanks again to all for the help and to Stephen for
 the vid card recommendation.  Now if I can get Enemy
 Territory to work on Linux: one more nail the XP
 coffin =)

What trouble are you having with ET?


Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-10 Thread Anders Lind
On 10 Jul 2003 22:32:55 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They're too furry and very hard to shave. I don't like fur, and they're
 impatient when you start spreading on the shaving gel.

Don't diss fur my friend, we furry creatures are nice.

/The swedish furry polarbear

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Rosario Balboa
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 17:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After upgrading to Mandrake 9.1 I chosed 'Update Software' and got a list of
software that I could update over the network. I selected a few ones but
during the update I got messages that some libraries are needed and can't be
found (it's a large list). I assumed that all the stuff needed for update should
be on the server.
I tried it again a few weeks later and than I got the message that the
server has no files at all for Mandrake 9.1.
Did you experience similar problems? Any hints?

You need to update the sources - so in the Mandrake Control Center, go
to Software Management = Software Sources Manager = Update - and
you can update the sources; that way, when you actually try to update
the system, you're getting the proper listing.
You should do this every so often as the update lists change...

I ghot the same problem, but in Add a source there's relative path to 
synthesis/hdlist, what is this?Could you give me a couple nice URL with 
their synthesis/hdlist whatever this is?

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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Michael
On Thursday 10 July 2003 04:10 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 I see the CD-RW is the only device on the secondary IDE interface.
 Do you have the 'master' jumper correctly set on the back of the CD drive?
 Or perhaps you have it set to 'Cable Select'? (Linux does not work well
 with cable select)
 (Obviously the drive is 'capable' of working since I assume you installed
 Mandrake using it.)

the cd drive is on master on teh secondary IDE.  i could've SWORN it was 
before, but i actually opened up the computer the other day to make sure and 
it was on cable select!  it's been switched back to master and we've still 
had all the same problems since switching it.  i don't know if i would want 
to put it on the primary IDE cable, as i have 2 hard drives on that cable 

yup, drive sure is capable of working.  i actually think it worked before too.  
i had installed mdk9.1 before, and i think i had used the cd drive.  but then 
i wiped everything out when i installed a 2nd hard drive because i was having 
problems and formatting out seemed to be the easiest way to handle all of it.  


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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Michael
On Thursday 10 July 2003 07:19 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:

 In win98, are you using DMA for your CDROM?

not sure

 just for fun, edit your lilo.conf so the append line
 looks like this:

 append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off ide1=nodma

 then, in the command line, run `lilo`, and reboot. See if it
 keeps crashing.

just for fun?  gee, thanks!  i'm messing with you, btw.

eric is having me run cdrecord command, check that post if you're still in 
this boat.  thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Installing new hardware

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 15:05, Wade Waldron wrote:
 I would like to install hardware while bypassing the Mandrake
 configuration utility.  Can someone give me an idea where to start. 
 Basically the hardware is installed, I just need to make the system
 aware of it and set up the drivers.

Bypassing the GUI or what?
Because hardware detection is going to initiate during the bootup
process, it's almost impossible. Unless you want to bypass logging into
the GUI so that you can tailor the configuration prior to actually
starting XWindows - but you'd have to put your system into runlevel 3 so
that it starts up with all the normal multiuser services and processes;
then you can start the GUI as desired?

Thu Jul 10 22:25:00 EST 2003
 22:25:00 up 3 days, 23:57,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.09, 0.08
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Garbage In -- Gospel Out.

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Re: [newbie] How to install vmware 4 after kernel 2.4.21-0.18mdkupdate

2003-07-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 22:14, Lucio_Costa wrote:
 Greetings All.
 I format my last one Window$ machine and installed
 MDK9.1, I updated all bugfix, security updates and
 normal updates. After that, I couldn't install my
 MVware 4. Did you ha ve any suggestion on how to make

What errors are you getting - or what exactly is going on when you try
to install it?

Thu Jul 10 23:40:00 EST 2003
 23:40:00 up 4 days,  1:12,  3 users,  load average: 0.34, 0.51, 0.60
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Don't compare floating point numbers solely for equality.

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[newbie] Network activity indicator

2003-07-10 Thread Burrows, Scott
Hi all,

I'm using MDK 9.1.  Love it.

Is there any way to have a network activity indicator in the task bar at the
bottom, similar to to the two network computers that turn on/off when
there is network traffic on a Windoz box?

That is one small feature about Windoz that I liked.


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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Michael
On Thursday 10 July 2003 02:04 am, Eric Huff wrote:

 cdrecord --checkdrive dev=0,0,0

here it is

Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schilling
scsidev: '0,0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'IDE-CD  '
Identifikation : 'R/RW 8x4x32 '
Revision   : 'G1.9'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : MMC SWABAUDIO
Supported modes: TAO PACKET RAW/R16

ok, so what does all this tell us about my setup?  thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Install Probs on old Compaq

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On 10 Jul 2003 22:42:07 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Have you tried slamming an IDE CDROM in it and trying the installation
 again? Surely you can afford to knick one outta one of your other
 machines for 40 minutes, ay?

but my uptime... LOL!

actually, I was trying to demonstrate the miracle of a cd-less install
to a customer.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 11:31:05 up 15 days, 17:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: Bastille firewall [was: Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux]

2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
Doug and Anne; As soon as I get some feeling back into my fingertips ( one of my last 
posts was lengthy - to say the least! ), I'll probably forward it to you both, and 
hopefully you can put it on the TWiki site. I'm not sure I'll be able to do it as 
quickly as either of you, and I'm going to be back in the office soon, so if you don't 
mind I'll ask you this one favor?



On 7/10/2003 at 2:06 PM Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 04:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 7:25 pm, Lanman wrote:
  For those needing a work-around for bastille-firewall, I just
  wanted to update you.

 I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record - when you've finished,
 will you put it on the TWiki, please?


I second that!


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Re: [newbie] Network activity indicator

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:50:02 -0500
Burrows, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 That is one small feature about Windoz that I liked.

big slap

never, ever, mention windows features you liked! ever!


anyway, there are many many dockapps, applets, doohickeys and whatnots
to do this for you.

Gkrellm is the most popular, and is on your CDs, but look here for many

 Registered Linux user #282046
 11:37:14 up 15 days, 17:18,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] news fetching script update

2003-07-10 Thread Todd Slater
If you are using the news headlines fetching script I wrote, you've 
undoubtedly noticed that it's broken lately as google has changed the 
format of its news pages. I have updated the script to work with the 
new format.


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RE: [newbie] fix sis900 networkcard to 10 mbit

2003-07-10 Thread Rob van Dam

I tried to put mii-tool in ifup. That doesn't work. I think because
mii-tool need some time to initialize. 

When I do a mii-tool --advertise=10baseT-FD,10baseT-HD  mii-tool I
get a no-link output. 

When I wait a second and rerun mii-tool everything is o.k.


Try putting your mii-tool command in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup
 round about line 329 just before DHCP is configured.


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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 10 July 2003 11:29 am, Michael wrote:

 btw, i've been trying to run that command.  i open up a terminal, su -,
 password, then type append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off
 ide1=nodma, then hit enter, then type lilo, and a bunch of stuff comes
 up that pretty much tells me it's rewriting all the append lines in the
 lilo directory, then i reboot, and nothing in the illo directory has
 changed. what am i doing wrong?

Er, I think that you are supposed to open up /etc/lilo.conf in an editor (like 
vi or kedit) then add those changes.

After that, still as root  or su, from a shell, type in /sbin/lilo (without 
the quotes).

That will cause the changes to work the next time you bootup.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Robin Turner
Rosario Balboa wrote:

I ghot the same problem, but in Add a source there's relative path to 
synthesis/hdlist, what is this?Could you give me a couple nice URL with 
their synthesis/hdlist whatever this is?

Somebody posted a link to an excellent page with a utility that 
calculates the commands you need to add sources for just about anything 
(including Texstar and PLF) - you just have to choose your mirror, then 
paste the result code into a terminal.  Unfortunately the bookmark is on 
my office computer ...

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Curt Tresenriter

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 10:56, Robin Turner wrote:
 Rosario Balboa wrote:
  I ghot the same problem, but in Add a source there's relative path to 
  synthesis/hdlist, what is this?Could you give me a couple nice URL with 
  their synthesis/hdlist whatever this is?
 Somebody posted a link to an excellent page with a utility that 
 calculates the commands you need to add sources for just about anything 
 (including Texstar and PLF) - you just have to choose your mirror, then 
 paste the result code into a terminal.  Unfortunately the bookmark is on 
 my office computer ...
 Sir Robin
Registered Linux User #299730
Registered Machine #204611

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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Michael
On Thursday 10 July 2003 07:19 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 just for fun, edit your lilo.conf so the append line
 looks like this:

 append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off ide1=nodma

 then, in the command line, run `lilo`, and reboot. See if it
 keeps crashing.

btw, i've been trying to run that command.  i open up a terminal, su -, 
password, then type append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off 
ide1=nodma, then hit enter, then type lilo, and a bunch of stuff comes up 
that pretty much tells me it's rewriting all the append lines in the lilo 
directory, then i reboot, and nothing in the illo directory has changed.  
what am i doing wrong?

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[newbie] File fragmentation?

2003-07-10 Thread Brooks Family
How does linux handle file fragmentation and, thus, defragmentation?

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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday July 10 2003 09:30 am, Michael wrote:
 Supported modes: TAO PACKET RAW/R16

 ok, so what does all this tell us about my setup?  thanks!

That last line tells you the drive won't do DAO, so it's 
usefulness is sort'a limited. I'd get a different drive. You should 
see somethin like 
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P 

   (SessionAtOnce, SAO is DiskAtOnce, DAO).
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 10:55, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Thursday 10 July 2003 11:29 am, Michael wrote:
  btw, i've been trying to run that command.  i open up a terminal, su -,
  password, then type append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off
  ide1=nodma, then hit enter, then type lilo, and a bunch of stuff comes
  up that pretty much tells me it's rewriting all the append lines in the
  lilo directory, then i reboot, and nothing in the illo directory has
  changed. what am i doing wrong?
 Er, I think that you are supposed to open up /etc/lilo.conf in an editor (like 
 vi or kedit) then add those changes.

A few weeks ago I'd have still been confused after these directions.


That's vi /etc/lilo.conf
i then puts you into edit mode, then  make your changes then
ESC to get out of edit mode, then 
:wq to write/save and quit.
Your changes will be saved. All w/o quotes, as usual.

 After that, still as root  or su, from a shell, type in /sbin/lilo (without 
 the quotes).
 That will cause the changes to work the next time you bootup.
Registered Linux User #299730
Registered Machine #204611

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 18:56:39 +0300
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Unfortunately the bookmark is on my office computer ...

 Registered Linux user #282046
 12:11:56 up 15 days, 17:53,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 13:22:34 -0400
Rosario Balboa [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Just following instructions:

No, you most certainly are NOT.


Now you will go *nowhere* if you cannot follow the simplest of

 Registered Linux user #282046
 12:47:01 up 15 days, 18:28,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.07

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RE: [newbie] File fragmentation?

2003-07-10 Thread Jonathan Shilling

 -Original Message-
 From: Brooks Family [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:36 AM
 To: Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] File fragmentation?
 How does linux handle file fragmentation and, thus, defragmentation?

Linux and MS windows differ greatly on this.  If you are using a journalized
fileing system such as ext3, jfs, or rieser, then don't even worry about it.
If you are using ext2, fragmentation is virtually noexistant.

Jonathan G. Shilling
Senior LAN Administrator

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Re: [newbie] Where's Todd Lyons when I need him?

2003-07-10 Thread MWafkowski
Doug - I wasn't joking...I was serious about taking this stuff to the OT
list. One begins to think that the list is made up of all the loudmouths
(like myself) and then other people chime in and say hello, I belong to
this list for other reasons and you think, well, time to move it to where
it belongs 8^)

Mike Wafkowski

- Original Message -
From: Douglas Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Beginners' Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Where's Todd Lyons when I need him?

 Good for you, Carroll!

 re: MRW - I'm with momma :-)


 On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 02:11, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  I joined this list several years ago because I needed all the help with
  that I could get (still do), and this seemed like the best place to get
it. I
  was right -- good advice, good people. As an unexpected bonus, I've made
  lot of friends here, too. It's my belief that this list comes as close
  being a genuine community as anything that I've seen on the web.
  I did NOT join this list to read great gobs of illiterate political
ravings by
  otherwise very intelligent and likeable people who sadly seem to
  lose all self control, indulging in the sort of shouting and name
  that would get any of my grandchildren an old-fashioned ass-chewing
  with a good solid spanking. Look, if I want to read and discuss
  matters, I know lots of places to go for that. If I want to listen to
  kind of prattle that I've had to weigh through today, I can go down to
  local jail and listen to the buffoons in the drunk tank. In short, as
  political analysts/proponents, you guys don't hack it. Cease and desist.
  Why the reference to Todd Lyons? Well, late last year one of these
  broke out on the expert list. It got hot and heavy. Todd stepped in, and
  an off-list mail to all of those who had participated in the discussion
  anyone who continued to post to the thread would be banished. End of
  discussion. FWIW, some of those guys have not been heard from since. On
  good side, the various OT lists were formed in response to that action.
  And please don't tell me about filters -- why the hell should I have to
  that to kill the drivel that other people are posting?
  (Nasty letter to follow.)
  -- cmg
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Re: [newbie] Network activity indicator

2003-07-10 Thread Charles-Roberts
Burrows, Scott wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using MDK 9.1.  Love it.

Is there any way to have a network activity indicator in the task bar at the
bottom, similar to to the two network computers that turn on/off when
there is network traffic on a Windoz box?
That is one small feature about Windoz that I liked.



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If you use kppp to start your internet connection there is a ckeckbox 
during setup that make kpp dock to the panel. Then you can see the red 
dots blink.

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed and GPG

2003-07-10 Thread Peter Meyns
On 10 Jul 2003 08:03:34 +1000
Stephen Kuhn wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

  BTW, where would sylpheed - or any other program at that - store its
  system files (I haven't changed any defaults yet)?

 Application specific files should be:
 binaries: /usr/bin
 defaults: /usr/share/sylpheedX
 user specific: ~/home/yournamehere/.sylpheed

Thank you Stephen, I found them. Not that I could do very much with them
right now, but it is good to get a bit of understanding how Linux handles
the files.


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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Michael
On Thursday 10 July 2003 11:55 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Er, I think that you are supposed to open up /etc/lilo.conf in an editor
 (like vi or kedit) then add those changes.

 After that, still as root  or su, from a shell, type in /sbin/lilo
 (without the quotes).

 That will cause the changes to work the next time you bootup.

see, that's the problem.  i'm opening the file in an editor.  i've used kedit, 
kwrite, kate, and kword.  i get into it, if i try to make a change, it 
doesn't work.  i get told i don't have write permission or i'll get told it 
couldn't save or whatever.  so what am i doing wrong?  is there something i'm 
missing about trying to edit these files?  every time i try it's like banging 
my head against the wallnothing happens except i get more confused.

any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] Network activity indicator

2003-07-10 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:50:02 -0500
Burrows, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm using MDK 9.1.  Love it.
 Is there any way to have a network activity indicator in the task bar
 at the bottom, similar to to the two network computers that turn
 on/off when there is network traffic on a Windoz box?
 That is one small feature about Windoz that I liked.

Assuming you're using KDE--I don't know but there should be an applet
for that. If not, gkrellm has network monitoring, or search for dockapp
through rpmdrake.


The Axis of Evil is Bush, Cheney, and Ashcroft.

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Re: [newbie] File fragmentation?

2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 11:36:15 -0500
Brooks Family [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 How does linux handle file fragmentation and, thus, defragmentation?

The file system is just smarter about how it writes and locates on the
drive, so much smarter than something like FAT32 that it is not even on
the same plane of existence. NTFS might be slightly better than FAT32, I
am not sure, but I know I have had to defrag NTFS drives before so it
does happen.

As for the nitty gritty, you would need to do some heavy reading on
Journalised File Systems, Google is your friend there.

Main thing is, don't worry about it, it would take you decades of
haphazard writing and deleting to frag your linux partitions.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 13:06:33 up 15 days, 18:47,  1 user,  load average: 0.03, 0.03, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Michael
On Thursday 10 July 2003 12:31 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday July 10 2003 09:30 am, Michael wrote:
  Supported modes: TAO PACKET RAW/R16
  ok, so what does all this tell us about my setup?  thanks!

 That last line tells you the drive won't do DAO, so it's
 usefulness is sort'a limited. I'd get a different drive. You should
 see somethin like
 Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P

(SessionAtOnce, SAO is DiskAtOnce, DAO).

u, so there's no way to make my cd-rw drive work?  because it worked to do 
the install.  

Tom, my jaw is on the floor right now.  lemme clarify pleaseyou're saying 
there's no way it's going to work?  as in, none at all?  not even with 
different versions of linux, like maybe something other than mandrake 9.1?  

what type of future possibilities do i have for it working?  like, i'd have to 
wait until someone changes the programming to support my (and drives similar 
to mine) to make them work?  

i'm just shocked, because the drive is listed as being a compatible drive.  
the best it's done so far is when i've tried to access a CD in teh drive, a 
window pops up to tell me how much % of the CD has loaded, and it'll lock up 
during that.  

i don't have the money to go buy another drive right now, i'm stuck with what 
i've got.  as far as i can forsee, i wouldn't be able to replace this drive 
for a few months, even though there are some really cheap ones availible 
right now, money is tight.  

is there a possibility that due to maybe an error somewhere that i'm getting 
that TAO PACKET RAW/R16 and it could be corrected?  i had some problems 
during the install with the cd drive, and it kept telling me it couldn't 
access a cd in the drive, came up with options for accessing it (a list of 
them,, scsi-something, things like that).  after about 8 tries to get 
it to access the cd in the drive, it finally did, but i don't remember what 
was picked when it finally accessed it.  and this is strange, because the 
first time i installed mdk9.1 it went w/out a hitch, completely smooth (that 
is, once i got the CDs burned right).  i remember seeing a post maybe last 
week that said install results may vary and i remember reading it, but i'm 
a little fuzzy on the contents of that thread.  like i had previously stated, 
i think the CD drive worked on my first installation of mdk9.1, i can't 
remember exactly.  and the only reason i formatted it out was because i 
installed a 2nd hard drive, moved the first hard drive from the secondary IDE 
to the primary, made it master, put the 2nd hard drive on the same ide 
channel and made it slave, and was having problems with getting into linux.  
i ended up just formatting it out to make my life easy instead of fighting it 
to make it work and started from scratch.  i really havn't done much 
configuring to the current installnothing that i couldn't remember how to 
do again, mostly with the desktop setup, mail, things like that.  is a format 
and re-installation a possibility?  is there ANYTHING else i can do?  rescue 
the installation?  sit and wait for another kernel to be written or modified?  
shout out a few e-mails to those that can write kernels and see if they can 
make a correction or make modifications?  

at this point, i'm trying to find out if there's just a possibility that 
something went wrong on the install of the OS and it could be corrected.  i 
really don't want to believe that this CD drive won't work with linux.  there 
HAS to be a way...right?  i thought that was the beauty of linux.if 
something didn't work you could get your hands dirty and make it work 

i'm rambling, lemme know what you think.  thank you.


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2003-07-10 Thread JoeHill
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 13:22:34 -0400
Rosario Balboa [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 not being unable lo loggin in 

I'm not sure what you mean here, but I would imagine that there is
something in the .bash_profile which is incompatible in .bashrc.

as you noted, .bashrc is run when you log in, if there is something
generating an error, you may not be able to login.

is there some way you could post your current .bashrc?


 Registered Linux user #282046
 13:33:25 up 15 days, 19:14,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Isaac Curtis
On Thursday 10 July 2003 11:56, you wrote:
 Rosario Balboa wrote:
  I ghot the same problem, but in Add a source there's relative path to
  synthesis/hdlist, what is this?Could you give me a couple nice URL with
  their synthesis/hdlist whatever this is?

 Somebody posted a link to an excellent page with a utility that
 calculates the commands you need to add sources for just about anything
 (including Texstar and PLF) - you just have to choose your mirror, then
 paste the result code into a terminal.  Unfortunately the bookmark is on
 my office computer ...

 Sir Robin

Was it this one?

Hope so,

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Re: [newbie] File fragmentation?

2003-07-10 Thread Curt Tresenriter

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 11:36, Brooks Family wrote:
 How does linux handle file fragmentation and, thus, defragmentation?
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Registered Linux User #299730
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RE: [newbie] How to get into BIOS on Compaq Deskpro

2003-07-10 Thread Dennis . R . Myers
Title: RE: [newbie] How to get into BIOS on Compaq Deskpro

try F8

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of JoeHill
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:11 PM
To: Mandrake Newbs
Subject: [newbie] How to get into BIOS on Compaq Deskpro

On boot, I don't see any method for getting into the BIOS.

I tried the usual del, F1, ctrl-F1, etc. I just keyboard error and
it boots anyway.

Anyone else have one of these, uh, fine machines?

Hey, it was free, what can I say?

Registered Linux user #282046
14:08:32 up 15 days, 19:49, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: [newbie] CD Drive REFUSES to work

2003-07-10 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 8:17 pm, Michael wrote:
 On Thursday 10 July 2003 02:34 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Mike - you, as user, can't edit the files.  If you open up File
  Manager Super User Mode you are, in effect, editing the file as
  root, and will be able to save it.

 same thing as Konsole - Super User Mode, correct?  because i've
 tried to use that too.  i'd say half of it is me doing it wrong,
 but who knows what the other half of it is.


OK - then try this.

In super user mode in a console, locate /etc/lilo.conf, and rename it 
to lilo.conf.old.  If this does not work, try to copy it and paste - 
it should give you chance to rename the new copy.  If you have to do 
it that way you will need to delete the original one.  Then, open the 
lilo.conf.old, edit as required, and save as lilo.conf.  That should 
get round the saving problem.

If all that has worked, as root in a console run


which should 'activate' the new lilo configuration for the next 
reboot.  HTH


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Re: [newbie] Installing new hardware

2003-07-10 Thread bascule

to do things manually (is there a specific reason for that by the way?), 
you'll need to specify the hardware you have installed so that folk can tell 
you what needs to be done - assuming we know!


On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 6:05 am, Wade Waldron wrote:
 I would like to install hardware while bypassing the Mandrake configuration
 utility.  Can someone give me an idea where to start.  Basically the
 hardware is installed, I just need to make the system aware of it and set
 up the drivers.


'Somewhere, A Crime Is Happening,' said Dorfl.
(Feet of Clay)

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RE: [newbie] How to get into BIOS on Compaq Deskpro

2003-07-10 Thread Albert Charron
On Compaq Deskpro computers you have to hit the F10 key at boot to go to the BIOS 
(this will work only if you see a white flashing block at boot up).  If this doesn't 
work, go to compaq web site and download the proper F10 utility disk for your system.

Note that Compaq Deskpro uses a partition on the hard drive to store bios 
informations, so if it's not the original hard drive in the system, it is likely you 
do not have this partition and you won't be able to get to the bios without the F10 
utility boot disk.  If the partition is there, you should see the little flashing 
block at boot up (at the POST).

Albert Charron 
System Administrator - Trisotech Inc.

-Original Message-
From: JoeHill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:11 PM
To: Mandrake Newbs
Subject: [newbie] How to get into BIOS on Compaq Deskpro

On boot, I don't see any method for getting into the BIOS.

I tried the usual del, F1, ctrl-F1, etc. I just keyboard error and
it boots anyway.

Anyone else have one of these, uh, fine machines?

Hey, it was free, what can I say?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 14:08:32 up 15 days, 19:49,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: Bastille firewall [was: Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux]

2003-07-10 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 10 Jul 2003 2:20 pm, Lanman wrote:
 Doug and Anne; As soon as I get some feeling back into my
 fingertips ( one of my last posts was lengthy - to say the least!
 ), I'll probably forward it to you both, and hopefully you can put
 it on the TWiki site. I'm not sure I'll be able to do it as quickly
 as either of you, and I'm going to be back in the office soon, so
 if you don't mind I'll ask you this one favor?


OK, Lanman.  I'll be out most of tomorrow, but send it when it's ready 
and I'll put it up as soon as I can.


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Re: [newbie] How to get into BIOS on Compaq Deskpro [solved]

2003-07-10 Thread Lanman
Now that was helpful Joe!

Try using the F10 or F12 key when you see a blinking cursor, probably in the upper 
right-nad corner.
It will only flash for about 3 to 4 seconds maximum so you have to be fast! On older 
systems Compaq
used to use different hotkeys to enter the BIOS.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update not possible

2003-07-10 Thread Robin Turner
Curt Tresenriter wrote:
That was the one.A very useful page.

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] How to install vmware 4 after kernel 2.4.21-0.18mdk update

2003-07-10 Thread Lucio_Costa
Thanks for Your help Stephen;

Like a newbie i forgot to write this important detail,
sory my mistake...

the erro is some thing like this:
Can find /usr/src/include
maybe this is not your default directory...

I tried set this to /usr/src/linux-, and
 the erro change to: your linux directory is ok but
one of this files or directory is not present [net],
[asm] and ...


--- Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:  On
Thu, 2003-07-10 at 22:14, Lucio_Costa wrote:
  Greetings All.
  I format my last one Window$ machine and installed
  MDK9.1, I updated all bugfix, security updates and
  normal updates. After that, I couldn't install my
  MVware 4. Did you ha ve any suggestion on how to
 What errors are you getting - or what exactly is
 going on when you try
 to install it?
 Thu Jul 10 23:40:00 EST 2003
  23:40:00 up 4 days,  1:12,  3 users,  load average:
 0.34, 0.51, 0.60

 |____  |kuhn media australia
 |   /-oo /| |'-.  
 |   |
 |  .\__/ || |   | 
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email:

  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK
 9.1  RH 7.3  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for

  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft
 free computer *
 Don't compare floating point numbers solely for
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Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail
Mais espaço, mais segurança e gratuito: caixa postal de 6MB, antivírus, proteção 
contra spam.

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Re: [newbie] File fragmentation?

2003-07-10 Thread Robin Turner
Brooks Family wrote:
How does linux handle file fragmentation and, thus, defragmentation?
IIRC, I wrote a long explanation of this a couple of weeks ago.  The 
short explanation is:

Linux filesystems don't fragment because they don't put files in stupid 
places.  Unix doesn't either. Nor does MacIntosh. I doubt if BeOS or 
OS/2 do either. Hmmm, who does that leave?

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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