[newbie-it] Linux e Fastweb

2003-07-27 Thread Andrea Cecagallina
Scusate la domanda...
Sto cambiando casa e vorrei far mettere l'ADSL di Fastweb (se qualcuno 
consiglia altro... faccia pure: non ho ancorafirimato alcun contratto...) e 
vorrei sapere se devo chiedere un modem in particolare o va bene qualunque 
mi vogliano dare.
Vorrei poi, per ragioni di prese del telefono, utilizzare il loro sistema 
Wireless: lo conoscete? Mi sapete dire se con MDK 9.0 ci sono problemi?
Dato che mi vorrei compre l'accrocchio wireless per non noleggiarlo da loro 
(20€ al mese mi sembrano troppini...), avete una marca da consigliare?

Grazie per l'attenzione

Re: [newbie-it] MultiBoot

2003-07-27 Thread artasersec
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 02:47:59 +0200, Alessandro Vitale [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Mi accingo a frmattare il mio disco e con l'occasione vorrei installare 
mandrake 9.1!
Premmetto che attualmente uso WinXpPro.
Volendo installare sia XP che Linux Come fare?Devo partizionare prima il
disco e poi installare in ordine  XP e dopo Linux?Che file system 
si potrebbero installare entrambi nella stessa partizione (Domanda 
ma non si sa mai...)?
Grazie a chi mi aiuta e a chi pu darmi preziosi consigli!!!

Premetto che sono un utente novello di Linux che  passato a Linux proprio 
grazie alla facilit di installazione e uso della distribuzione Mandrake, 
sto iniziando ora a studiare un po', ma per lo pi uso il pc n pi n meno 
come lo usavo quando avevo come sistema operativo Windows XP Professional.

Detto questo ti consiglio se gi devi formattare di fare addirittura due 
partizioni, una per Windows e una per Linux,  il modo pi pulito per 
installare tutti e due i sistemi operativi.
In alternativa puoi installare prima Windows, poi partizionare il disco 
rigido, dopo aver fatto scandisk e deframmetazione.
Tieni conto che durante la procedura di installazione di Mandrake puoi 
partizionare il disco rigido, ridimensionare partizioni NTFS o FAT32 MS- 
Windows, quindi prima fai scandisk e deframmentazione poi parti con 
l'installazione di Mandrake e durante la procedura di installazione poi 
fare una partizione per Linux nello spazio lasciato libero da Windows.
Se hai pazienza e segui con calma e precisione le istruzioni viene fatto 
tutto automaticamente,  il passaggio che ho trovato un po' pi ostico 
perch spiegato in modo non molto chiaro, il resto della procedura 
d'installazione  semplicissima.
Io ti consiglio per di fare due partizioni subito, in una installi Windows 
nell'altra Linux, cos durante la proceduta d'installazione di Mandrake 
devi solo scegliere la partizione e dare il comando di allocare 
automaticamente lo spazio scelto, fa tutto il programma di installazione.

Ciao :)

Se vi ritrovate con un cadavere tra le braccia, mettiamo vostro marito che 
giace al primo piano, e non sapete proprio come uscirvene, la prima cosa da 
fare  prepararvi una tazza di t ben forte.

Anthony Burgess, One hand clapping

[newbie-it] compilazione gcc 3.3

2003-07-27 Thread Alessandrdo cumin
Salve a tutti ho un problema nella compilazione del gcc...

il file configure crea regolarmente il makefile, lanciando però make install 
si blocca poco dopo scrivendo

make[1]: *** no rule to make target '../libiberty/libiberty.a' needed by 
gengenrtl. stop
make[1]: *** error 2

Ho provato ad editare il makefile, però a parte che è immenso, è scritto 
generato da configure, non modificare.

non lo posso allegare viste le dimensioni, qualcuno ha qualche idea?



[newbie-it] Vmware 4.0

2003-07-27 Thread Massimo
Ciao ragazzi, ho installato vmware su win2k, e poi attraverso vmware ho
installato red-hat 9.0, tutto ok se non fosse per il fatto che il mouse
all'interno di red-hat mi funziona a scatti. Qualche soluzione ?


[newbie-it] core.2023

2003-07-27 Thread Giaipur
Salve a tutti

Mi sono andate in crash alcune app e mi sono ritrovato con dei file del tipo 
Che devo fare?
Le mando hai produttori del software?
A cosa sevono?


[newbie-it] gnome+pam-panel-icon

2003-07-27 Thread Giaipur
Salve a tutti

Di recente ho scoperto che il desktop del cuore è gnome.
Ma c'è un piccolo problema che mi sta facendo impazzire.
Il pam-panel-icon, io penso sia quello almeno spero.
Quando guardo la lista dei processi di questo famigerato pam-panel-icon ce ne 
sono una ventina attivi.
Se poi uso il control center e inserisco la password di root nel pannello mi 
escono una ventina di mazzi di chiavi.
Se mi loggo come root da console non succede niente.
Se clicco su una di queste chiavi mi dice se voglio prendere l' autorizzazione 
o dimenticarla, e basta.
Ho cercato ovunque notizie su ste chiavi ma non le trovo.
Ho provato a killare i processi ma ripartono subito e con un consumo maggiore 
di memoria.
Ho trovato l'app pam-panel-icon è sono stato tentato di cancellarla, ma mi è 
sembrata una cosa poco linuxiana e poco elegante.
Oltre tutto se uso KDE non la trovo nella lista dei processi.
Penso che ci sia una sorta di demone che contralla il processo ma non ho 
capito qual' è.
Qualcuno mi può dare qulache consiglio?

[newbie-it] La cache in linux?

2003-07-27 Thread Giaipur
Salve a tutti

Esiste in linux un equivalente della cache internet come in winzozz???
Dove è???

Re: [newbie-it] La cache in linux?

2003-07-27 Thread artasersec
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 17:11:38 +0200, Giaipur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salve a tutti

Esiste in linux un equivalente della cache internet come in winzozz???
Dove ???
Per KDE:
menu  configurazione  centro di controllo  navigazione web  cache menu 
configurazione  centro di controllo  navigazione web  cookie
questo vale solo se usi Konqueror per navigare su internet.

Se usi Mozilla, apri la finestra di Mozilla:
edit  preferences  advanced  cache
edit  preferences  privacy  security  cookies
Per Gnome il percorso  simile, uguale se usi Mozilla, io uso KDE e ora non 
posso riloggarmi per controllare il percorso da seguire :)

ciao :)

Se vi ritrovate con un cadavere tra le braccia, mettiamo vostro marito che 
giace al primo piano, e non sapete proprio come uscirvene, la prima cosa da 
fare  prepararvi una tazza di t ben forte.

Anthony Burgess, One hand clapping

Re: [newbie-it] La cache in linux?

2003-07-27 Thread miKe
Alle Sunday 27 July 2003 17:11,  in merito a [newbie-it] La cache in 
linux?,  Giaipur   ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti

 Esiste in linux un equivalente della cache internet come in
 winzozz??? Dove è???

tutto nella tua home

però dipende da quale browser usi,
konqueror mette tutto in .kde, 
all'interno della stessa trovi tutti i settaggi dei programmi integrati 
in kde, le url dei siti visitati, i file scaricati, ecc..



Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie-it] MultiBoot

2003-07-27 Thread miKe
Alle Sunday 27 July 2003 02:47,  in merito a [newbie-it] MultiBoot,  
Alessandro Vitale   ha scritto:
 Mi accingo a frmattare il mio disco e con l'occasione vorrei
 installare la mandrake 9.1!
 Premmetto che attualmente uso WinXpPro.
 Volendo installare sia XP che Linux Come fare?

se è un pc portatile fai per prima una partizione di ibernazione (ram + 
vram + 10 mb) se partizioni da fdisk dos non riesci a lasciare spazio 
libero, però.. dovresti usare il cd di recupero del sistema, o 
patizionare con fdisk/cfdisk/diskdrake dal cd di installazione;
poi la ntfs per win ixxpì
quindi una fat32 per l'interscambio dei dati (ixxpì non vede ext3 o 
reiser, da GNU/Linux non è il caso di scrivere su ntfs, usare una 
partizione per i documenti è la cosa migliore)

lo spazio libero lo partizionerai durante il setup di mandrake, 
ricordaa di fare una partizione di swap, grande quanto la memoria di 
sistema è un buon compromesso (non meno di 256 mb, comunque)


Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie-it] Linux e Fastweb

2003-07-27 Thread miKe
Alle Sunday 27 July 2003 10:54,  in merito a [newbie-it] Linux e 
Fastweb,  Andrea Cecagallina   ha scritto:
 Scusate la domanda...
 Sto cambiando casa e vorrei far mettere l'ADSL di Fastweb (se
 qualcuno consiglia altro... faccia pure: non ho ancorafirimato alcun
 contratto...) e vorrei sapere se devo chiedere un modem in
 particolare o va bene qualunque mi vogliano dare.

non ho marche particolari,
i modem-bridge ethernet funzionano tutti
alcuni usb danno problemi

 Vorrei poi, per ragioni di prese del telefono, utilizzare il loro
 sistema Wireless: lo conoscete? Mi sapete dire se con MDK 9.0 ci sono
 problemi? Dato che mi vorrei compre l'accrocchio wireless per non
 noleggiarlo da loro (20€ al mese mi sembrano troppini...), avete una
 marca da consigliare?

se intendi il router, sono tutti compatibili con ogni sistema operativo, 
purchè gestibili via browser
quanto alle schede, fai una ricerca in internet,
io con netgear 11 mb vado benissimo

 Grazie per l'attenzione


Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie-it] core.2023

2003-07-27 Thread miKe
Alle Sunday 27 July 2003 17:13,  in merito a [newbie-it] core.2023,  
Giaipur   ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti

 Mi sono andate in crash alcune app e mi sono ritrovato con dei file
 del tipo core.2049.
 Che devo fare?

servono  a individuare eventuali problemi,
puoi rimuoverli dopo averli letti

 Le mando hai produttori del software?

inutile se non mandi anche l'immagine della ram e la lista dei task 
attivi al momento del crash
per quell'analisi usa il tool del tuo DE



Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie] emacs has bash builtins

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 26 July 2003 10:34 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
 I just stumbled on this:

 If you are editing a shell script (ie if it starts with #!/bin/sh) in
 emacs (gnu 21.2),
 it has helper sections for inserting for loops, if statements, etc.
 (insert menu)

 Could be useful when you're getting started with scripts.  So far i have
 just been starting with copies of other scripts, but i'll see if this
 learns me faster...
 EMACs ? you are hard core  : )

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Re: [newbie] Linux frindly printers

2003-07-27 Thread Maureen L. Thomas
Rob Blomquist wrote:

On Saturday 26 July 2003 10:19 am, Aron Smith wrote:

Has anyone had any success setting up multi function  devices?
(eg. printer-fax-copier-scanners with linux)
there are some great deals on refurbished HP equipment around.

Check out www.linuxprinting.org and be ready with the name and model number of 
your device.


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I use a HP OfficeJet G85 and everything works execpt the fax.  I just 
hook the fax to my phone line when I need it.  Otherwise it prints 
great, copies great, and scans great.  Now if there was just a really 
good photo software for pics I would be in nirvana.  Maureen

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Re: [newbie] printing problem

2003-07-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 26 Jul 2003 11:21 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 26 July 2003 05:06 pm, owenb wrote:
  This is a recent development.
  When I try to print I get the following message.
  Catastrophe! - KNotify
  A print error occurred.
  Error message received from system.
  Error while reading filter description for *true.
  *Empty command line received.
  Print KGhost View gives the following:
  Printer HPDeskjet 855c.
  Comment: HP Deskjet 855C, Foomatic + hpijs (recommended)
  Print system currently used  CUPS (common UNIX Print System)
  connected to local host 631
  No matter what printer I designate or what print system is
  designated I get the same error message.
  Until a few days ago the designated printer would print.  I must
  of done something,
  The question is now how to undo it.

 A quick solution may be to just install the printer as a new

I don't think it needs this Derek.  If I understand his problem 
correctly it is very simple to deal with.  When printing from some 
apps (Gimp seems to be the problem on mine), a filter gets left 
behind.  All you have to do when you see this error is to call up 
print again, check the properties and you will see the filter.  
Delete it and print away


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Re: [newbie] Linux frindly printers

2003-07-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 9:12 am, Maureen L. Thomas wrote:

 I use a HP OfficeJet G85 and everything works execpt the fax.  I
 just hook the fax to my phone line when I need it.  Otherwise it
 prints great, copies great, and scans great.  

Could you add this info to the HardwareCompatibility page on the TWiki 
site?  http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/HardwareCompatibility 

If you have not used TWiki before you may find the attached file 

 Now if there was just
 a really good photo software for pics I would be in nirvana. 

What do you want from the software?  There's probably something that 
fits your need, though I think you will not find the 
one-size-fits-all app in Linux - you may need different apps for 
different purposes.

First browse the page


then sign up as a TWiki user.

Once you are signed up you will be able to add to or edit any page on the TWiki web.  
You always view the edits before saving them, so it is easy to go back (browser back 
arrow) and change anything if you make a mistake.

When making additions to a page, look at the previous entries and copy the format you 

Don't forget to copy and past your sig line from the footer of the edit page and put 
it underneath your edit.

Hope that helps

AnneWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT: ad blocking

2003-07-27 Thread magnet
On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 6:41 am, Eric Huff wrote:
 I have been trying out a technique for ad-blocking i saw on slash-dot:
 someone made a huge list of common ad-sites and made a hosts file where
 the names get sent to

 So now, almost always, i am spared the flashes, pictures, etc of ads.
 Less download time and less eye clutter.

 I'll send the hosts file if anyone is interested

I've used the same here for ages and it works a treat. I can't remember the 
last time I saw an advert, although my list is only limited to 15734 
servers/sites for now so I think *comprehensive* is a good description of 
it's abilities ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Installing on a SCSI system

2003-07-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 27 July 2003 12:21 am, Guy Rouillier wrote:

 Well, that is not true for Buslogic (nee Mylex) controllers, at least
 the one I have (BT-948C.)  There is a setting in there for bootable
 CD-ROM, and it must be enabled in order to boot from a CD **if the
 CD-ROM is SCSI**.  Obviously, if the CD-ROM is IDE, this won't matter.
 In my case, I have a SCSI CD-ROM.  The reason is that if the CD-ROM is
 SCSI attached, the motherboard doesn't know about it, only the SCSI
 controller does.

Ditto for my Adaptec 2930u here. If I don't enable a bootable CD in the SCSI 
Bios then I can't boot from my SCSI CD.


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[newbie] File icon for torrents

2003-07-27 Thread Jure Repinc
Hi all

I'm looking for some nice KDE and GNOME icons for torrent files. Does 
anyone know where could i get them?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Wine

2003-07-27 Thread Robin Turner
Lee Wiggers wrote:
All this wine talk made me curious enough to install the latest and try to run the last program keeping me with a windows box.  Act!


I installed the RPM wine-20030618-mdk9.1.i586.rpm without a problem.

Now..How do I configure and use the program?

I know, RTFM.  I am, but it seems like they assume I'm smarter than I am, as usual.  I'm getting a complex.
Try xwine - it's an all-purpose frontend for running and configuring wine.

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Rosegarden install and Yamaha .mid file load

2003-07-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Very many thanks Richard,

Richard Urwin wrote:

On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 3:59 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

I used urpmi to install rosegarden from contrib.
There were a number of additional issues I think I resolved
though I'm not entirely sure.
However on first use I get,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rosegarden
Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

I don't get those

Yes, GLX could refer to my nvida geforce3 driver, I suppose.
So maybe something needs adjusting there .

AudioPluginManager::fetchSampleRate - couldn't fetch sample rate
RosegardenGUIDoc::xmlParse (reader.parse()): 20ms elapsed
AudioFileManager::generatePreviews - for 0 files
then on loading the first yamaha .mid file
doh! ran out of dots
doh! ran out of dots

But I do get those


The GLX seems to be a feature of the screen driver that rosegarden wants 
to use. Don't wory unless there's a graphics problem.
The next three seems to be status stuff, ie not errors.
As a programmer the doh! messages smell like debugging stuff that 
someone has forgotten to remove, nothing to worry about.

At the moment I don't think there is a graphics problem

check out  http://www.mandrakeclub.com/article.php?sid=979

First off I have a via 8233 sound chip on this machine, it's not a sound 
blaster type of PCI device.
Mandrake sets it up under ALSA, and franky I generally don't like to 
mess with it these days, as, touch wood, it seems fairly solid now.

but, according to this,

An ALSA MIDI mapper
(C) 2002 David Given

amidimap is a basic MIDI mapper for the ALSA sound system. It acts as a 
receiving and transforming MIDI events and then outputting them.

For example, I have an elderly and decidedly non-GM Yamaha PSR300 
keyboard. How
can I play GM sound files on it? Like this:

amidimap -f psr300.map   (starts the mapper)
aconnect 128:1 64:0   (connects the mapper's output to the MIDI 
pmidi -p 128:0 thingy.mid (plays a GM file to the mapper)

The psr300.map file contains all the necessary rules to turn GM into
PSR300-speak. It remaps all the instruments, swaps channels 9 and 15, and
remaps the notes on the drum track to match the PSR300's rather limited
but then I also  note,
Step 2. Get a Soundfont
Now you need to find a file, 8MBGMSFX.SF2, on your Soundblaster 
installation disk and move it to your hard drive. The file is in 
/mnt/cdrom/AUDIO/COMMON/SFBANK and it is the wavetable of instrument 
sounds that the Soundblaster needs for its midi sequencer. If you're the 
only user, it's easy to just move it into your home directory, or 
perhaps to /usr/share/midi (which probably already exists). This is the 
largest, and consequently best-sounding, of the soundfonts on the 
Soundblaster disk. It will be loaded into RAM, so if memory is at a 
premium you can use either of the smaller sf2 files. If memory is not at 
a premium, or if you want to experiment with even larger soundfonts, 
please check the section Need Midis or Soundfonts? below. If you dual 
boot, the soundfont is probably already installed in /mnt/win_c/Program 
Files/Creative/sbpci512/SFBank, and if you want you can load it from there.

Step 3. Load the Soundfont
Install awesfx and awesfx-devel from your Mandrake distribution disks or 
from MandrakeClub Downloads (using Mandrake Control Center: Software 
Management or any alternative method). Then open a terminal and enter 
the command

 /bin/sfxload [space] /path to soundfont/8MBGMSFX.SF2

(The /bin is probably not necessary and the path to soundfont is the 
path to where you put it; [space] means hit the spacebar.) If all things 
are well, you will be returned to the prompt and the soundfont has been 
successfully loaded. If you see a message about path or file not found, 
you have probably made a typing mistake. If you see a message about 
cannot find /dev/sequencer than you are using the wrong driver, please 
return to Step 1, or read the note at the bottom.

it looks as though maybe something needs setting up ?

I came across http://www.pdamusic.com/computer/midi-qnd.html You might 
find it useful, but it doesn't bear on your current problem.

I had assumed that there must be soundfonts out there that implemented 
the Yamaha maps, but just now I wasn't able to find any. With more time 
on your hands you may be able to. This would be the ideal way of 
solving the problem.

Otherwise http://www.cowlark.com/amidimap.html supplies a mapping 
utility that will do the job, if you build a configuration file for it. 
There is an example configuration file that goes the other way, so just 
maybe it's just a matter of swapping all the lines around.

I think it would help if I knew where rosegarden stores it's sound fonts 
and to take a look at them and see what if anything in likely to work 
with yamaha 's sound fonts.

If there is nothing suitable installed 

Re: [newbie] emacs has bash builtins

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
  EMACs ? you are hard core  : )

Kinda funny, i guess. I probably only use .01% of it's ability, but i
love it.

I learned emacs way back in undergrad: it was available on the vax in
physics where i worked and the hp unix machines in EE where i studied.
Plus, the local computer guru was an emacs user, so i learned it

I have never gotten over my addiction.  I install it on every windows
computer i have to use, so even at work i feel a little better.  Like
i'm gonna use notepad.  Puhhleease.
There's nothing like the ability to do incremental searches with what i
call forward highlighting of matches.

It's been relatively newbie friendly for awhile.  I hardly use the
pulldowns, but it now has all the most basic functions available in the
pulldown, so non-emacs users can actually exit, save as, etc, w/o having
google to learn C-x C-c, etc.

Whew!  Please no flames.  I'm sure vi is good, too.  :)

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Re: [newbie] Documentation on drakePerm?

2003-07-27 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 5:14 pm, Avi Schwartz wrote:

 I just installed Mandrake Linux 9.1 for the first time (I have used
 other distros for years now) and I am trying to get used to the way to
 do things in Mandrake.

 Anyway, the permissions set on my system currently make /usr/share/doc
 unreadable for regular users and I would like to change this.  I can do
 a chmod and fix it but it seems to me to be the wrong way to do it.  I
 noticed there is a drakeperm module  in the security tab of the control
 center, but I cannot find any documentation on how to use it.  I
 switched to the 'editable' section and changed the permissions on
 /usr/share/doc but the change is not reflected in the file system.  How
 do I get the changes I make in drakeperm to be reflected in the file


Read this
It was written for Mandrake 8.2 but the principle is the same



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Re: [newbie] OT: ad blocking

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
  So now, almost always, i am spared the flashes, pictures, etc of
  ads. Less download time and less eye clutter.
  I'll send the hosts file if anyone is interested
 Do you use it in combination with spaam assassin or procmail? 

I use the hosts file to block ads during web browsing.

I haven't installed any spam stuff yet.  Will probably do it soon. 
Still trying to figure out which is best for me.

Did i misunderstand?


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Re: [newbie] Bin files

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
 I just noticed that this never made it to newbie because tsyko has a
 reply-to set, so I am forwarding it now for future reference.

After i gave up trying to tell everyone about this, i realized that
kmail  sylpheed (at least) have a way to get around this. I set kmail
to reply to list with my normal reply key.  In sylpheed, i set it to
reply to a specific address if you are in a specific folder.

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[newbie] mbr question

2003-07-27 Thread crak600
i know that in order for the mbr to be rewritten properly by linux in a dual 
boot system, the ms-win OS of choice must be installed before doing a linux 
install.  but if i go and format out my ms-win OS and reinstall it (i'm using 
win98), will the mbr be rewritten and i won't be able to get back into linux?  
and if that does happen, how do i get the mbr re-written so i can access 
linux again?  i've been looking for an answer to this but can't seem to find 
it, and win98 needs to be re-installed as i'm having massive problems with 
it.  (and i wish i could make this a microsoft free computer, but currently i 



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RE: [newbie] Logitech Marble Mouse

2003-07-27 Thread Daniel
I tried with the generic wheel mouse and it did not work. Maybe there is
a driver I will tried to search for one.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aron Smith
Sent: 25 juillet 2003 21:52
Subject: Re: [newbie] Logitech Marble Mouse

On Friday 25 July 2003 04:30 pm, Daniel wrote:
 I have a Logitech Marble Mouse and I did not see this hardware in the
 list of the Supported Hardware does anyone installed Mandrake 9.1 with
 this mouse.

 Thank you
Try the generic wheel mouse worked for me;)

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 7.0.148 / Virus Database: 259.9.3 - Release Date: 2003-07-24

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 7.0.150 / Virus Database: 259.9.3 - Release Date: 2003-07-24

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Re: [newbie] mbr question

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
Here was a response i got about this awhile ago. Doesn't help you too
much, but it's a data point.
Hopefully someone else will have a better answer.


  I have also run XP in
  another partition, and crashed it often, then reinstalled it, and it
  has never reworked the MBR, just put itself back in with out
 Is it safe to reinstall 98 and XP?  I was always told it would
 reformat your entire drive (wether you wanted it to or not).

XP seems to understand partitions.  98 likes to take the whole drive..
I've had some luck doing a repair... not much... but some, with 98.  

On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 13:06:11 -0400
crak600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i know that in order for the mbr to be rewritten properly by linux in
 a dual boot system, the ms-win OS of choice must be installed before
 doing a linux install.  but if i go and format out my ms-win OS and
 reinstall it (i'm using win98), will the mbr be rewritten and i won't
 be able to get back into linux?  and if that does happen, how do i get
 the mbr re-written so i can access linux again?  i've been looking for
 an answer to this but can't seem to find it, and win98 needs to be
 re-installed as i'm having massive problems with it.  (and i wish i
 could make this a microsoft free computer, but currently i can't)

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Re: [newbie] Rosegarden install and Yamaha .mid file load

2003-07-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 6:44 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 First off I have a via 8233 sound chip on this machine, it's not a
 sound blaster type of PCI device.
 Mandrake sets it up under ALSA, and franky I generally don't like to
 mess with it these days, as, touch wood, it seems fairly solid now.
 but then I also  note,
 Step 2. Get a Soundfont
 Now you need to find a file, 8MBGMSFX.SF2, on your Soundblaster
 installation disk and move it to your hard drive.

 I think it would help if I knew where rosegarden stores it's sound
 fonts and to take a look at them and see what if anything in likely
 to work with yamaha 's sound fonts.

 If there is nothing suitable installed then I need to try to build a
 yamaha sound font of my own. I suppose there must be some somewhere
 on the yamaha keyboard itself , I wonder where they are and if I
 could access them.Just trying to think of some easy way to get it

 Anyway, the essence of the matter is that I need a workable sound
 font for this yamaha keyboard and  get rosegarden to addopt it.Is
 that it ?

Try the attached file. If that plays OK then you don't need a soundfont 
with your card.

In fact the easiest way is probably to use the rosegarden mapper.
Tracks-Remap Instruments-Instrument
but I couldn't get it to do anything. Maybe you need to conact the 
rosegarden people and ask them

Richard Urwin

Description: MIDI audio
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Re: [newbie] emacs has bash builtins

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
On Sunday 27 July 2003 09:30 am, Eric Huff wrote:
   EMACs ? you are hard core  : )

 Kinda funny, i guess. I probably only use .01% of it's ability, but i
 love it.

 I learned emacs way back in undergrad: it was available on the vax in
 physics where i worked and the hp unix machines in EE where i studied.
 Plus, the local computer guru was an emacs user, so i learned it

 I have never gotten over my addiction.  I install it on every windows
 computer i have to use, so even at work i feel a little better.  Like
 i'm gonna use notepad.  Puhhleease.
 There's nothing like the ability to do incremental searches with what i
 call forward highlighting of matches.

 It's been relatively newbie friendly for awhile.  I hardly use the
 pulldowns, but it now has all the most basic functions available in the
 pulldown, so non-emacs users can actually exit, save as, etc, w/o having
 google to learn C-x C-c, etc.

 Whew!  Please no flames.  I'm sure vi is good, too.  :)
I dunno that would be stephen dept ..unless he has a shrimp on the barbie
both EMACS and Vi are on your distro

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[newbie] IEEE 1394 (FireWire/i.Link) and DVD-RAM/CD-RW

2003-07-27 Thread James Henry Maiewski

My Creative Audigy soundcard has an IEEE 1394 connection, and something about 
it is detected when I boot [ML9.1].  www.linux1394.org (as well as Xconfig) 
tell me that the IEEE 1394 module is experimental, and the list of device 
drivers seems far from exhaustive (although this may just be my ignorance).

I was thinking of getting a DVD/CD reader/(re)writer [the La Cie DVD 
MultiDrive (300568) DVD-RAM/DVD-RW Burner caught my eye].  What is the 
common wisdom about current compatability?  would it be better to wait until 
a new realease/kernel (at which point these things might be cheaper)?

With an advance of thanks,

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[newbie] Reply-to list was [Bin files]

2003-07-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Sunday 27 July 2003 12:41 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
  I just noticed that this never made it to newbie because tsyko has a
  reply-to set, so I am forwarding it now for future reference.

 After i gave up trying to tell everyone about this, i realized that
 kmail  sylpheed (at least) have a way to get around this. I set kmail
 to reply to list with my normal reply key.  In sylpheed, i set it to
 reply to a specific address if you are in a specific folder.

I had just found a reply-to list button myself in the kmail toolbar 
configurator thingamagiggie (is that technical enough terminology for the 
newbie list?).  I didn't use it in this case, but I had already added it to 
my toolbar.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread burns
Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have the technic 



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Re: [newbie] mbr question

2003-07-27 Thread Miark

 ..will the mbr be rewritten and i won't be able to get back into linux?  


 and if that does happen, how do i get the mbr re-written so i can access 
 linux again?  

Pop in your Mandrake CD 1. At boot press F1 for more options. Type rescue
at the prompt. You'll get a list of things you can do, one of which is 
restore LILO. 

Let us know if you need more help from here.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT: ad blocking

2003-07-27 Thread Miark
Isn't it easier to simply suppress popups (Moz) or use smart denial of
popups (Konq)?


On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 22:41:34 -0700, Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been trying out a technique for ad-blocking i saw on slash-dot: 
 someone made a huge list of common ad-sites and made a hosts file where
 the names get sent to
 So now, almost always, i am spared the flashes, pictures, etc of ads. 
 Less download time and less eye clutter.
 I'll send the hosts file if anyone is interested

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Re: [newbie] OT: ad blocking

2003-07-27 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
  Do you use it in combination with spaam assassin or procmail? 
 I use the hosts file to block ads during web browsing.

I'd be interested in this - do you have a URL where I can RTFM?

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
 18:26:06 up 13 days,  8:04,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.06
The truth of a thing is the feel of it, not the think of it.
-- Stanley Kubrick

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] OT: ad blocking

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
  I use the hosts file to block ads during web browsing.
 I'd be interested in this - do you have a URL where I can RTFM?

http://7deadlysins.ath.cx/files.php#hosts is where i got it from.

More similar lists http://www.smartin-designs.com/

Here's the notes that came with the one i got originally. I use

Ad-Blocking hosts File

Compiled by Jim Pocalyko
jimpocalyko at earthlink dot net

Released 12/28/2002
Last Revised 4/26/2003


This file contains a list of common webhosts that serve popup and/or
banner ads on the
Internet. I compiled this list from various sources, and the list is
constantly growing, if
you wish to help, don't hesitate to contact me.

This file can replace or add to your existing hosts file. It redirects
all requests that
appear in the list to localhost ( This will cause the least
browser slowdown and
shouldn't set off any security alerts on properly configured firewalls.
If you are running a
webserver on your localhost, you may wish to change to, or another IP of
your choice, else your webserver error log will fill quickly.

Some UNIX users may notice errors or slowdown if the hosts are
redirecting to localhost
( You may want to replace all the localhost IP's with a
nullhost IP (
This can be easily accomplished by running the following command at a
shell prompt:

% sed -e 's|||g' hosts  hosts

which will globally find and replace all instances of localhost with

If you are running a proxy server, this file will also be of use to your
machines, as less data needs to be downloaded.

Installation Instructions

This file applies to just about any OS made in the past decade.
Installation is fairly

It is recommended that you backup your current hosts file unless you
intend to add the list
to your existing file.


Save the 'hosts' file to your C:\WINDOWS directory


Save the 'hosts' file to C:\WINNT\System32\drivers\etc directory


Save the 'hosts' file to /etc/hosts. I recommend appending to this file
instead of
overwriting it. An easy way to do this at a shell prompt is:

% cat hosts  /etc/hosts


Most browsers will reject the invalid requests with little or no notice.
However, some
banner ads may appear as blank images that did not load. This is
expected to happen.

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 12:23 pm, burns wrote:
 Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have
 the technic right..



Welcome aboard, Larry.  Looks OK to me g


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Rosegarden install and Yamaha .mid file load

2003-07-27 Thread The Other
John Richard Smith wrote:
If there is nothing suitable installed then I need to try to build a 
yamaha sound font of my own. I suppose there must be some somewhere on 
the yamaha keyboard itself , I wonder where they are and if I could 
access them.Just trying to think of some easy way to get it right.
Hello John,

Does your Yamaha keyboard have a user manual that lists the 
instruments being mapped to which patch number?

I've got an old Casio CTX1000 keyboard.  In the user manual was a 
section dealing with MIDI and gave the list of each instrument on the 
keyboard with matching patch number.

I then built up my own patch list for the CTX1000 that I imported into 
Cakewalk (a PC based Midi sequencer).

If you don't have the instrument patch list in the Yamaha user manual, 
then do your best to define each instrument on the keyboard.

for instance:  Patch 0 = Normal Piano   (or the Yamaha may label the 
first patch as Patch 1.  Remember my previous warning about different 
MIDI sequencers using patch numbers 0-127, or 1-128.)

Compile your own list of patches for every instrument on the Yamaha.

Then find a General MIDI patch list and compare instruments.  If your 
trumpet is patch #87 on the Yamaha, and it's #27 on the General MIDI 
(just wild guesses at these patch numbers, don't attempt to use), then 
tell Rosegarden or whatever MIDI sequencer you're using to use Patch 
#27 for the track that is playing Yamaha patch #87.

The only down side to this approach is if you changed Yamaha 
instruments within a track.  For example, track #2 may have started 
with the Yamaha trumpet, then changed to a Yamaha tuba in the middle 
of the song.  (MIDI and a good MIDI sequencer will allow you to do 
this.)  With the approach above you would have the General MIDI 
trumpet playing the entire length of the track and would never be able 
to make the tuba change mid-track.

John, did you hardwire (MIDI Out from Yamaha keyboard to MIDI In on 
computer) the Yamaha keyboard to your computer at one time to get the 
Yamaha MIDI files in the first place, or is this a Yamaha keyboard 
that accepted a 3.5 floppy disk and wrote the music directly to floppy?

Because if you can hardwire the Yamaha to your computer (MIDI Out from 
computer to MIDI In of Yamaha, then place Yamaha in MIDI mode), have 
you ever considered just using Rosegarden or another MIDI sequencer to 
resend the MIDI data back to the Yamaha and let the Yamaha play the 
music?  That would allow the music to be played now for your daughter 
while you're working on the *all* computer solution to playing the 
Yamaha MIDI files.

Something to consider.
The Other
PS:  Sorry I haven't been able to respond to this for a couple weeks. 
 My computer's BIOS eats Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo for lunch, dinner, 
elevensies, and late-night snacks.  I'm on Redhat 9.0 Shrike right 
now to send this to you.  If Shrike is stable on this computer, I'll 
be investigating MIDI and Linux myself in great detail soon.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread burns
On July 27, 2003 07:07 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 12:23 pm, burns wrote:
  Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have
  the technic right..

 Welcome aboard, Larry.  Looks OK to me g


I have a digital camera, (jamcam) which is listed and it seems I have 
activated this camera, but what programs have an *acquire* feature that I can 
download pic's from the camera... I have tried the image viewer programs that 
came with the o/s. So what do I do now?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] mbr question

2003-07-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Sunday 27 July 2003 01:06 pm, crak600 wrote:
 i know that in order for the mbr to be rewritten properly by linux in a
 dual boot system, the ms-win OS of choice must be installed before doing a
 linux install.  but if i go and format out my ms-win OS and reinstall it
 (i'm using win98), will the mbr be rewritten and i won't be able to get
 back into linux? and if that does happen, how do i get the mbr re-written
 so i can access linux again?  i've been looking for an answer to this but
 can't seem to find it, and win98 needs to be re-installed as i'm having
 massive problems with it.  (and i wish i could make this a microsoft free
 computer, but currently i can't)

Assuming you are using lilo, all you will have to do is create a linux boot 
floppy disk prior to installing win98 again.  So go to Mandrake Control 
Center and create a boot floppy and then test it to make sure it works.  Then 
reinstall win98.  Once Windows is reinstalled, reboot with the floppy back 
into linux and then rerun lilo from the command lie as root to restore your 
linux boot loader on the mbr.


Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mozilla and Java

2003-07-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 5:37 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Having installedMozilla1.4 off the texstar site how does on get the full
pluggins as well especially Java ?

Open your Mandrake software manager and type mozilla in the search box.

Now you have texstar defined as a urpmi source you will see the contents of 
his site.


Oh, dear what have I done now ?

I did as instructed, after a long download , I came back to find it had 
refused to install the updates, so I attempted to restart as follows,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi.update -a
urpmi database locked
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi mozilla
One of the following packages is needed:
1- mozillafirebird-0.6-3tex.i586
2- libnspr4-1.4-1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) 2
One of the following packages is needed:
1- mozillafirebird-0.6-3tex.i586
2- libnss3-1.4-1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) 2
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be 
installed (29 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y

where upon it hung, and I'm now without mozilla in M9.1 completely.

Is this going to require a complete wipe off of the OS and a start again 
job ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT: ad blocking

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
 Isn't it easier to simply suppress popups (Moz) or use smart denial of
 popups (Konq)?

For popups that is probably true, assuming you are using moz or konq.

But this was for ads that don't popup.
Some sites i go to have flashy ads that make page scrolling jumpy just
because the animation is running.
Also, it's nicer to read pages w/o the ads cluttering it up.


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Reply-to list was [Bin files]

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
 I had just found a reply-to list button myself in the kmail toolbar 
 configurator thingamagiggie (is that technical enough terminology for
 the newbie list?).  I didn't use it in this case, but I had already
 added it to my toolbar.

When i was using kmail, i actually mapped it to the normal reply letter.
 If you reply-to list on a normal mail, it just goes to the normal
person anyway...

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Bill Winegarden
hi Larry,
It seems that the camera is supported by gphoto2. If you did a multimedia 
install, it should be under Multimedia Graphics. Run the program and it 
should be fairly intuitive setting up the cam. The website is... 
Once the pics are retrieved you can manipulate them with a number of 
progs...all undet Multimedia Graphics
My fave is the GIMP. It is a very powerful graphics editor ala Photoshop.

Good luck,
Bill W.

On Sunday 27 July 2003 08:40 am, burns wrote:
 On July 27, 2003 07:07 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 12:23 pm, burns wrote:
   Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have
   the technic right..
  Welcome aboard, Larry.  Looks OK to me g

 I have a digital camera, (jamcam) which is listed and it seems I have
 activated this camera, but what programs have an *acquire* feature that I
 can download pic's from the camera... I have tried the image viewer
 programs that came with the o/s. So what do I do now?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 27 July 2003 07:40 am, burns wrote:
 On July 27, 2003 07:07 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 12:23 pm, burns wrote:
   Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have
   the technic right..
  Welcome aboard, Larry.  Looks OK to me g

 I have a digital camera, (jamcam) which is listed and it seems I have
 activated this camera, but what programs have an *acquire* feature that I
 can download pic's from the camera... I have tried the image viewer
 programs that came with the o/s. So what do I do now?

Is it usb connected to the computer? or serial connection. If serial the 
gphoto2 should pick it up and allow downloads.. if usb then the system should 
see it as a removable hard drive and let you check out the pics through 
konqueror and the /mnt partition. Let us know what your connection is or if 
you don't understand what I just wrote. It is hard to know what stage a 
newbie is truly at. Welcome to the list.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Reply-to list was [Bin files]

2003-07-27 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 27 July 2003 01:18 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:

 I had just found a reply-to list button myself in the kmail toolbar
 configurator thingamagiggie (is that technical enough terminology for the
 newbie list?).  I didn't use it in this case, but I had already added it to
 my toolbar.

Thanks for the hint. I'm glad one of us knows how to RTFM.
-- cmg

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 21:23, burns wrote:
 Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have the technic 

Did you pay the initial MDK Newbie Email List Fee?
(Payable to ME - either by cheque, money order or credit card)

Mon Jul 28 08:45:00 EST 2003
 08:45:00 up 14 days, 48 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.13, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The pitcher wound up and he flang the ball at the batter.  The batter
swang and missed.  The pitcher flang the ball again and this time the
batter connected.  He hit a high fly right to the center fielder.  The
center fielder was all set to catch the ball, but at the last minute his
eyes were blound by the sun and he dropped it.
-- Dizzy Dean

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many packages 
from mandrake lately?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] mbr question

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 03:06, crak600 wrote:
 i know that in order for the mbr to be rewritten properly by linux in a dual 
 boot system, the ms-win OS of choice must be installed before doing a linux 
 install.  but if i go and format out my ms-win OS and reinstall it (i'm using 
 win98), will the mbr be rewritten and i won't be able to get back into linux?  
 and if that does happen, how do i get the mbr re-written so i can access 
 linux again?  i've been looking for an answer to this but can't seem to find 
 it, and win98 needs to be re-installed as i'm having massive problems with 
 it.  (and i wish i could make this a microsoft free computer, but currently i 

One way around this is to maintain the Windows partition; just format
the partition if you're going to reinstall the Win stuff - that way
you're not hosing up the partition table.

Mon Jul 28 09:00:00 EST 2003
 09:00:00 up 14 days,  1:03,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.06, 0.07
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There's only one kind of woman ...
Or man, for that matter.  You either believe in yourself or you don't.
-- Kirk and Harry Mudd, Mudd's Women, stardate 1330.1

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Gnome recent open documents

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 00:27, DrewMartin wrote:
 Hi all,
 How do remove the list of recently open documents from the Gnome
 start menu?
 I'm using 2.2 with MDK 9.1

It's a One Step process.

1st step: remove Gnome

Mon Jul 28 08:55:00 EST 2003
 08:55:00 up 14 days, 58 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.10, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

A screwdriver will always slip when in the proximity of painted surfaces--Law of 
Centrifugal Malfeasance
-- Assembly General Shefields Corollaries n6

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread burns
gee, I'm terribly sorry, but I didn't see any 'fees', but I might get a few 
'foes' if I don't, eh? So how much are these 'fees' and what was the address 
to send them to?  Will you take cash, all in coin of course, pennies to be 
exact.. LOL


On July 27, 2003 10:49 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 21:23, burns wrote:
  Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have the
  technic right..

 Did you pay the initial MDK Newbie Email List Fee?
 (Payable to ME - either by cheque, money order or credit card)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
On Sunday 27 July 2003 03:49 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 21:23, burns wrote:
  Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have the
  technic right..

 Did you pay the initial MDK Newbie Email List Fee?
 (Payable to ME - either by cheque, money order or credit card)

what'sa matter stephen Nigerian letter not working this week ?
BTW a shrimp on the barbie --why would you put shellfish on a doll ; 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread burns
LOL How new am I?  Just born! I have a USB connected JamCam, and I have 
installed the gtkam through Control center, in multimedia/graphics, I now 
have GTkam.  I have set my JamCam, and gtkam says it has received 4 frames, 
but there are no thumbnail images, nada.

So now I wait for some pablum please, I ain't old enough to chewLOL


On July 27, 2003 09:16 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 27 July 2003 07:40 am, burns wrote:
  On July 27, 2003 07:07 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Sunday 27 Jul 2003 12:23 pm, burns wrote:
Hi, just climbed aboard, wanted to try this out to see if I have
the technic right..
   Welcome aboard, Larry.  Looks OK to me g
  I have a digital camera, (jamcam) which is listed and it seems I have
  activated this camera, but what programs have an *acquire* feature that I
  can download pic's from the camera... I have tried the image viewer
  programs that came with the o/s. So what do I do now?

 Is it usb connected to the computer? or serial connection. If serial the
 gphoto2 should pick it up and allow downloads.. if usb then the system
 should see it as a removable hard drive and let you check out the pics
 through konqueror and the /mnt partition. Let us know what your connection
 is or if you don't understand what I just wrote. It is hard to know what
 stage a newbie is truly at. Welcome to the list.

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[newbie] aumix not working

2003-07-27 Thread Mike Adolf
After I installed 9.1 a while ago, I used aumix to uncheck Mute All, and the 
sound worked.  Next time I booted it was check on again.  I unchecked it, 
saved, quit aumix, started it again and it was ckecked again. Went round and 
round with aumix with no luck. NOW it won't even come up. Run from KDE as 
user the hour glass just spins about 20 times and then goes away. Run from 
konsole as me or as root and the prompt just reappears.

Can I get rid of this POC and use something else to configure sound?


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Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 02:11, burns wrote:
 gee, I'm terribly sorry, but I didn't see any 'fees', but I might get a few 
 'foes' if I don't, eh? So how much are these 'fees' and what was the address 
 to send them to?  Will you take cash, all in coin of course, pennies to be 
 exact.. LOL

$400 USD; payable unto my personal home account; I take VISA/MC and

Mon Jul 28 09:25:00 EST 2003
 09:25:00 up 14 days,  1:28,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.10
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Boob's Law:
You always find something in the last place you look.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 09:05, Aron Smith wrote:

 what'sa matter stephen Nigerian letter not working this week ?
 BTW a shrimp on the barbie --why would you put shellfish on a doll ; 

To make the doll smell more real.

Mon Jul 28 09:30:01 EST 2003
 09:30:01 up 14 days,  1:33,  2 users,  load average: 0.29, 0.13, 0.10
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There is no act of treachery or mean-ness of which a political party
is not capable; for in politics there is no honour.
-- Benjamin Disraeli, Vivian Grey

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Why doesn't msec set directory permissions properly?

2003-07-27 Thread Avi Schwartz
I set my machine's security level to higher (4), however, I want to 
change the privileges for /usr/share/doc to be world browsable and 
readable.  I used drakeperm to set the directory permissions and when I 
look at /etc/security/msec/perm.local I see the following line:


I then run msec but when I check the permissions on the directory I 
still see:

drwxr-x--- 297 admadm

In /var/log/messages I do see that msec is reading the perm.local file.

Any idea why is msec ignoring my permissions?


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Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread burns
Oh No! You don't get off that easy. It's $400 in pennies, and the receiver 
pays the shipping, or no deal... (:)


On July 27, 2003 11:31 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 02:11, burns wrote:
  gee, I'm terribly sorry, but I didn't see any 'fees', but I might get a
  few 'foes' if I don't, eh? So how much are these 'fees' and what was the
  address to send them to?  Will you take cash, all in coin of course,
  pennies to be exact.. LOL

 $400 USD; payable unto my personal home account; I take VISA/MC and


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Lanman
On 7/28/2003 at 9:32 AM Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 BTW a shrimp on the barbie --why would you put shellfish on a doll ; 

To make the doll smell more real.

Man, I saw that one coming! Can't believe you walked into that one Aron!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 02:19, burns wrote:
 LOL How new am I?  Just born! I have a USB connected JamCam, and I have 
 installed the gtkam through Control center, in multimedia/graphics, I now 
 have GTkam.  I have set my JamCam, and gtkam says it has received 4 frames, 
 but there are no thumbnail images, nada.
 So now I wait for some pablum please, I ain't old enough to chewLOL

If you run: kdf

...do you see the camera as a mountable device?

Mon Jul 28 09:35:00 EST 2003
 09:35:00 up 14 days,  1:38,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.10, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried
-- Murphy's Laws on Work n26

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Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Lanman
Why not ship him the equivalent in lead? $400.00 in USD of lead ingots should wiegh in 
at about 280 pounds, and will cost about $1000.00 USD to ship to Australia. Stephen, 
the way I see it, you owe him about $600.00 ! See what you get for not sharing? LOL! 
Man,...what some guys will do to be able to afford new ties! You should never have put 
your picture on your web-site, Stephen! Grin! Grin!



On 7/27/2003 at 4:37 PM burns wrote:

Oh No! You don't get off that easy. It's $400 in pennies, and the
pays the shipping, or no deal... (:)


On July 27, 2003 11:31 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 $400 USD; payable unto my personal home account; I take VISA/MC and


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:58 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many packages
 from mandrake lately?
Do you have texstars rpms loaded as a source?  Could be you don't have his sig 
on file.  Just guessing
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
 BTW a shrimp on the barbie --why would you put shellfish on a doll ; 

Shrimp is stephen's pet name for ken.

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Re: [newbie] aumix not working

2003-07-27 Thread Eric Huff
alsamixergui might save you. If not, i'm not sure what to do about aumix
not running.

Maybe delete ~/.aumixrc ?

Anyway, once you get that sorted out, here is what i did to make my
sound work for my first install (the second time i installed it worked
from the start...):

0. Run and save kmix

1. Run the aumix gui (i just type aumix at the cl)
2. Under Mute, Mute All is checked (despite the sliders being
Click Mute All to uncheck it   (this will actually mute all:
 the sliders all go to zero)
3. Now go back and reselect mute all  (the sliders then all go back to 
 non-zero values)
4. Save settings

5. Sound should now work, try  alsamixergui if not

IF you're running ALSA drivers:

after installing the alsa-utils, i ran alsactl store (as root) 
and rebooted.  Sound worked on bootup w/o fiddling...

On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 17:22:25 -0400
Mike Adolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After I installed 9.1 a while ago, I used aumix to uncheck Mute All,
 and the sound worked.  Next time I booted it was check on again.  I
 unchecked it, saved, quit aumix, started it again and it was ckecked
 again. Went round and round with aumix with no luck. NOW it won't even
 come up. Run from KDE as user the hour glass just spins about 20 times
 and then goes away. Run from konsole as me or as root and the prompt
 just reappears.
 Can I get rid of this POC and use something else to configure sound?

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Re: [newbie] i'm looking for a very good WYSIWYG editor other thanMozilla composer

2003-07-27 Thread Robin Turner
John Wilson wrote:
On July 25, 2003 04:50 am, Robin Turner wrote:

a little snip

The main factor in compatibility both ways is fonts and CSS.  You can
get a much better appearance on Windows by using fonts that Windows
handles well. Tahoma and Verdana are good choices.  You should also
provide a lit of fonts in your CSS, though of course you can't do that
in WYSIWYG editors (well, maybe Amaya?).  Set font sizes as relative,
not absolute.  I find a base font size of 90% gives the best overall
Self-correction - for text, I now prefer ems to percentages.  The tricky 
thing, as I've just found out trying to get a page to display well at 
different resolutions on different OSs and browsers, is making text and 
graphics play nice, since graphic measurement generally goes in pixels.

Actually MS likes Times New Roman and the old non-serif font that was, at one 
point, standard with Winsucks.
I usually have Times New Roman as an option for large chunks of text. 
but it's not actually a very nice font - it was based on newspaper 
fonts, which have rather tight kerning for web display.  Of course you 
can set kerning in CSS2, but how many browsers support that?

I wish Donald Knuth would design some web fonts ;-)

By all means use everything suggested here to test which one you like best.  I 
believe even Web Sphere comes with a kinda stripped down evaluation package 
which gives you an idea of how it works.  No NOT under pain of much torture, 
death and abuse use Front Page or Word as your HTML editor. Just to repeat 
myself DON'T! :-)
Absolutely.  When I first got on the Web, I used to save documents I'd 
written in Word as HTML then upload them. People from all over the world 
took the trouble to e-mail me about it!

Do use relative font sizes.
Yes, and remember that many people have screen resolutions that will 
make your default fault look ridiculously large.  Then there are a few 
people who use Konqueror, which makes everything microscopic.

Do remember to use serif fonts for any text longer than one short paragraph.  
There are valid reasons for this.  The biggest one is that the serifs make it 
easier for the eye to track what the user is reading.  That's why you see 
them everywhere.

Use san serif fonts for headlines, headers and little extractions only.
I agree with this for print, but I'm not sure how much it applies on the 

Read bags of information on just how to design a web site.  Most people 
haven't got a clue, to be honest.  Don't take hint's on this from Portals.  
They are both a crime against sanity and a wonderful example of how not to 
design a site.
Certainly. The same goes for most corporate websites.  As someone said 
on BBC's Click Online programme, The bigger the company, the worse the 

 DO read and absorb everything you find on www.useit.com.  
Jakob Neilsen is kinda cranky but he's usually right about what does and does 
not make a usable web site.  
But his site looks incredibly ugly.  I had to check the source code to 
make sure he was using CSS - he seems to have written a stylesheet 
designed to recall the good old days of Mosaic ;-).  I'd still say the 
best place to start is the W3C (www.w3.org).  It's a bit of a labyrinth, 
but there is a ton of good information and advice there.  Check out the 
CSS Zen Garden for some eye-candy!

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:45 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 27 July 2003 06:58 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many
  packages from mandrake lately?

 You are obviously installing cooker packages.  Hopefully you are installing
 them on your cooker box and not your stable box :-)

 Anyway, this is a known problem with cooker right now.  It is being worked
OOPS you mean that texstar is also cooker !

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Re: [newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:03 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:58 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many
  packages from mandrake lately?

 Do you have texstars rpms loaded as a source?  Could be you don't have his
 sig on file.  Just guessing
** Yes I set up texstar with urpmi

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[newbie] Does mandrakeUpdate really work?

2003-07-27 Thread Avi Schwartz
I currently have on my system kernel- installed.  When I am 
running mandrakeUpdate it tells me there are no updates yet I know that 
kernel is available as a security fix.  Why doesn't 
it tell me there is an update?


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Re: [newbie] Does mandrakeUpdate really work?

2003-07-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Sunday 27 July 2003 11:22 pm, Avi Schwartz wrote:
 I currently have on my system kernel- installed.  When I am
 running mandrakeUpdate it tells me there are no updates yet I know that
 kernel is available as a security fix.  Why doesn't
 it tell me there is an update?

Have you run the sources update utility either in the graphical sources 
manager, or by typing 

urpmi.update update

in a console as root.

Even though packages are available, urpmi won't know about them until you 
refresh the package lists by the above methods.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Greg Meyer
On Sunday 27 July 2003 10:52 pm, Aron Smith wrote:

 OOPS you mean that texstar is also cooker !

No, absolutely not.  You didn't say Texstar in your initial post though.  The 
exact quote was 

 Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many
 packages from mandrake lately?

Texstar is not Mandrake.  He is a guy that makes packages for Mandrake the 
distribution, not Mandrake the company.  He is not affiliated with them in 
any official way, although I think he is working pretty closely with Laurent 
on fixing up the Cooker KDE packages.

You probably just need to import Texstar's public key into your root keyring.  
Get the key from his repository and then type 

gpg --import nameofkeyfile

as root and your problem should go away.

This is a known problem in cooker though as they migrate some of the signature 
authorization tools.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Does mandrakeUpdate really work?

2003-07-27 Thread Avi Schwartz
I did it before via the GUI and I just did it again via the console and 
I still get the same No Update message.   Very puzzling.


On Sunday, July 27, 2003, at 10:27 PM, Greg Meyer wrote:

On Sunday 27 July 2003 11:22 pm, Avi Schwartz wrote:
I currently have on my system kernel- installed.  When I am
running mandrakeUpdate it tells me there are no updates yet I know 
kernel is available as a security fix.  Why doesn't
it tell me there is an update?

Have you run the sources update utility either in the graphical sources
manager, or by typing
urpmi.update update

in a console as root.

Even though packages are available, urpmi won't know about them until 
refresh the package lists by the above methods.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Does mandrakeUpdate really work?

2003-07-27 Thread Dmitri Vassilenko
 I did it before via the GUI and I just did it again via the console and
 I still get the same No Update message.   Very puzzling.


I believe it also depends on the mirror that you're updating from. Some
mirrors get updates several days later, so I'd wait a couple more days and
try it again then ... or just change your mirror to something else :)


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Re: [newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Aron Smith
On Sunday 27 July 2003 08:32 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 27 July 2003 10:52 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  OOPS you mean that texstar is also cooker !

 No, absolutely not.  You didn't say Texstar in your initial post though. 
 The exact quote was

  Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many
  packages from mandrake lately?

 Texstar is not Mandrake.  He is a guy that makes packages for Mandrake the
 distribution, not Mandrake the company.  He is not affiliated with them in
 any official way, although I think he is working pretty closely with
 Laurent on fixing up the Cooker KDE packages.

 You probably just need to import Texstar's public key into your root
 keyring. Get the key from his repository and then type

 gpg --import nameofkeyfile

 as root and your problem should go away.

 This is a known problem in cooker though as they migrate some of the
 signature authorization tools.

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Re: [newbie] Does mandrakeUpdate really work?

2003-07-27 Thread Avi Schwartz
I ftpd into the site and I can see the rpm in there.  However, and be 
warned that I have no clue a to what I am doing, the synthesis.hdlist 
file shows only and not  Can this be the 


On Sunday, July 27, 2003, at 10:49 PM, Dmitri Vassilenko wrote:

I did it before via the GUI and I just did it again via the console 
I still get the same No Update message.   Very puzzling.

I believe it also depends on the mirror that you're updating from. Some
mirrors get updates several days later, so I'd wait a couple more days 
try it again then ... or just change your mirror to something else :)

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RE: [newbie] Intro

2003-07-27 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen

On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 09:05, Aron Smith wrote:

 what'sa matter stephen Nigerian letter not working this
week ?
 BTW a shrimp on the barbie --why would you put shellfish
on a doll ; 

To make the doll smell more real.

FRANKI: Stephen, you sick bastard.. your giving Aussies a
bad name here. :-)

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Re: [newbie] Bad Signutures

2003-07-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 27 July 2003 09:51 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:03 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:58 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
   Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many
   packages from mandrake lately?
  Do you have texstars rpms loaded as a source?  Could be you don't have
  his sig on file.  Just guessing

 ** Yes I set up texstar with urpmi
so then you probably do need to import his key to your computer, but I am 
sorry I can't tell you how to do that, somebody jump in here, I'm going to 
bed. HTH and luck, 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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