Re: [newbie-it] Primi passi in MySQL

2003-10-15 Thread Sandro
Alle 00:21, mercoledì 15 ottobre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 finalmente sono riuscito ad installare MySQL!


 mysql CREATE DATABASE prova;
 ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'prova'
 ?!?! Come accesso negato?
 Non posso creare un nuova BD di nome prova?
 Help... thanx
 byebye by Davide
 PS: Sono riuscito a creare un BD chiamato prova ma solo da root!
 Da root sono riuscito anche ad inserire i record... ma da user??
 Se provo a connettermi al DB prova creato ovviamente mi dice che non
 ho i permessi. Dove li salva i DB? Ma soprattutto perchè da user non
 riesco a creare un database?

E' perfettamente normale che mysql permetta solo a root si creare dei 
database, almeno appena installato.
La filosofia di un server, come mysql è, si basa sulla dinamica 
Client-Server e su quella della multiutenza.
In un tale sistema devono per forza esistere privilegi diversi tra chi 
progetta e costruisce la base di dati e chi la utilizza.
In questa ottica chi amministra il database non coincide, solitamente, con chi 
immette i dati dentro le tabelle.
Per permettere ad un ipotetico utente di amministrare i database bisogna 
dargli i permessi.
Dato che, penso stai sperimentando e non stai usando Mysql operativamente per 
lavoro, puoi dare all'ipotetico utente sia i permessi per amministrare i 
database, sia quelli per immettere i dati. Questo lo puoi fare con il comando 
GRANT (guarda il manuale di mysql).
Per dare i permessi a tutti gli utenti, ad esempio, una volta lanciato mysql 
da root, dai questo comando:


A questo punto puoi accedere a Mysql come normale utente.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Problema con l'audio all'avvio.

2003-10-15 Thread tom
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 14:52, Nevermind wrote:
 Come posso fare per far sì che
 mantenga i settaggi?

Salva come valore predefinito
o una dicitura simile

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Leggi di Golub: 2. La realizzazione di un progetto mal pianificato richiede il 
triplo del tempo previsto; quella di un progetto pianificato con la massima 
attenzione solo il doppio.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] Problema con l'audio all'avvio.

2003-10-15 Thread Nevermind
Alle 15:07, mercoledì 15 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto:

 Salva come valore predefinito
 o una dicitura simile

Le uniche diciture che ci sono dall'aumix:

Load, Save, Load From, Save To e Quit.

A questo punto dovrebbe essere Save To, ma dove lo salvo per far sì che sia 
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] Problema con l'audio all'avvio.

2003-10-15 Thread tom
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 15:13, Nevermind wrote:
 Alle 15:07, mercoledì 15 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto:
  Salva come valore predefinito
  o una dicitura simile

 Le uniche diciture che ci sono dall'aumix:

 Load, Save, Load From, Save To e Quit.

 A questo punto dovrebbe essere Save To, ma dove lo salvo per far sì che sia

come finisco riavvio con MDK e ti faccio sapere

cmq se usi KDE prova a settare l'audio con kmix.è semplicissimo e 

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge delle istituzioni: L'opulenza dell'ufficio di rappresentanza e' 
inversamente proporzionale alla solvenza della ditta.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

[newbie-it] Plugger per Netscape

2003-10-15 Thread Nevermind
Qualcuno di voi ha installato il plugin suddetto per Netscape? se si, mi 
sapete dire perchè pur risultandomi nella lista dei plugin non mi fa sentire 
l'audio nè midi nè wave?
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

[newbie-it] kylix 3 MySQL

2003-10-15 Thread kudega
Come ci si connette ad un DB MySQL tramite Kylix ??
Io utilizzo questi componenti..
DB --SQLConnection1 --SQLClientDataSet1 --DataSource1 --DBGrid1

Quando poi mando in esecuzione mi si pianta tutto e sono obbliagto a  
killare Kylix3.. uhmmm ?!?
Help... thanx byebyeby Davide

by Dave,Adde,Kudega,Kua,Zarax,Pichan...
 Se esiste un problema esiste anche la sua soluzione, se invece
 la soluzione non c'è... allora nemmeno il problema sussiste!!!

[newbie-it] Aiuto su installazione MANDRAKE 9.1

2003-10-15 Thread Claudio Callocchia

sono un 'newbie' quindi non meravigliatevi delle 
mie richieste
ho avuto un nuovo PC che consiste in un 'Athlon xp' 
da 2400 Mhz funzionante a 2000 Mhz
un hard disk di 80 Giga Maxtor 6Y080L0 

da 512 Mega di memoria DRam 
undrive CD R-W
un DVD
uno scanner
una stampante
una cam
Radeon 9600SE (scheda grafica)
un TFT (video) da 17 pollici
scheda di rete SIS900 based PCI fast 
UDMA 133 da BIOS
vengo al dunque: quando installo Mandrake 9.1 da 
'CD' l'installazione rileva il disco in maniera corretta 
ma in sede di rilevamento sincronismo su..hda: mi 
appare la dicitura:
hda: lost interrupt
hda: lost interrupt
hda: lost interrupt

hda: host protected area = 1
hda: 1600086528 (8144MB) w 2048 KiB Cache 
chs9964/255/63 (UDMA133)

hda: lost interrupt

hda: lost interrupt
partition check
hda: 4 hda; dma_timer_expiring : dma == 
hda: lost interrupt
Unable handle Kernel NULL pointer dereference of 
virtual address 0024

KERNEL panic AIEE: Killing interrupt 
In interrupt handler not syncing
qui si ferma...e non va + avanti

Re: [newbie-it] Problema con l'audio all'avvio.

2003-10-15 Thread tom
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 15:23, tom wrote:
 come finisco riavvio con MDK e ti faccio sapere

susa per il ritardo,ma visto che c'ero ho aggiornato un po di roba.
allora. l'ho devi fare come hai detto!
Save To
ti crea un file .aumixrc che va a posizzionarsi nella tua home di default (ti 
consiglio di lasciarlo li)...
ogni volta che quell utente si logerà riprenderà quei parametri
non ne sono sicuro,ma se lo fai come root questi saranno predefiniti per tutti 
gli utenti.non ho mai giocato con aumix :)

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Prima legge di Clarke: Quando un illustre ma anziano scienziato sostiene che 
qualcosa e' possibile ha quasi certamente ragione. Quando sostiene che 
qualcosa e' impossibile, molto probabilmente ha torto.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-15 Thread NIC
 Downloader for X 8noto prima come nt ora come D4X) è il migliore; ha
 anche possibilità come limitare la banda relativa al download se nel
 frattempo vuoi anche, per esempio, navigare...
 Lo trovi su rpmfind (scegli la versione per il tuo sistema) o
 naturalmente tramite MandrakeUpdate. L'ultima stabile è la 2.4

Ho scaricato da rpm find la la sono installata 
correttamente, solo he quando tento di aprirla,dopo pochi secondi mi scompare 
senza lasciare traccia e senza nessuna finestra di errore.
Cosa può essere?

...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-15 Thread NIC
 kget, che appare tra gli strumenti di konqueror non va bene?

Mi spiegheresti a me come funziona?



...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

[newbie-it] Cancellazione DB MySQL

2003-10-15 Thread kudega
Scusate la domanda che potrà anche essere stupida ma sono le prime  
volte che metto mano a MySQL...
Una volta creto un DB, che nel mio caso si chiama prova, come cavolo  
faccio ad eliminarlo?
Sono riuscito a cancellare i record contenuti nella tabella pet, che  
appartiene ad DataBase prova, ma non a cancellare il DB!
Grazie ciao ciao Davide

by Dave,Adde,Kudega,Kua,Zarax,Pichan...
 Se esiste un problema esiste anche la sua soluzione, se invece
 la soluzione non c'è... allora nemmeno il problema sussiste!!!

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto su installazione MANDRAKE 9.1

2003-10-15 Thread kudega
On 14.10.2003 17:32, Claudio Callocchia wrote:
sono un 'newbie' quindi non meravigliatevi delle mie richieste
ho avuto un nuovo PC che consiste in un 'Athlon xp' da 2400 Mhz
funzionante a 2000 Mhz
Premetto che non so rispondere alla tua domanda.. l'unica cosa che  
farei in questo caso è tentare di installare la versione 9.2 ma non  
penso che possa risolvere il tuo problema...
Quello che ti volevo chiedere è perchè se hai in 2400 lo fai andare a  
2000 ?!?!?
E poi con 2400 intendi un 2400+ o proprio un 2400Mhz?
Ciao Davide

[newbie-it] Periferiche IDE: problemi assortiti

2003-10-15 Thread Moreno T
Ciao, le ultime discussioni su lettori cd, k3b, icone sul desktop ecc. mi 
hanno portato alla luce una serie di problemini:
premetto che la mia configurazione (un po' stramba) prevede:

hdb = scd0 è il cdrom montato su /mnt/cdrom
hdc è il dvd montato su /mnt/cdrom2
hdd = scd1 è il masterizzatore montato su /mnt/cdwriter

1) Avevo provato  a disabilitare il supermount per queste periferiche, e ho 
creato dei collegamenti ad hoc sul desktop per ognuna di esse. Quando 
accedevo al cd,dvd o al master. mi compariva sul desktop un'ulteriore icona 
del tipo CDROM montato su /mnt/..., che spariva allo smontaggio. E' 
normale? Si può evitare che succeda (e che cambi semplicemente l'icona del 
collegamento fatto a mano,

2) Dopo aver applicato l'emulazione scsi del cdrom non riuscivo più a sentire 
i cd audio con xmms. Ho risolto il problema facendo puntare il collegamento 
simbolico /dev/cdrom a /dev/scd0 (che a sua volta punta a 
Non riesco però a sentire i cd audio inseriti nel dvd. I brani vengono 
caricati e partono regolarmente, ma non si sente niente. E' dovuto al fatto 
che il dvd, a differenza del cdrom, non ha il cavetto di collegamento con la 
scheda audio? (però l'audio dei dvd lo sento perfettamente lo stesso...)

3) ... adesso non mi ricordo più qual'era il terzo problema ;-)

Beh, se qualcuno potesse darmi qualche dritta sui primi due gliene sarei molto 

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-15 Thread Moreno T
Tutto era filato liscio fino alle 22:49, mercoledì 15 ottobre 2003, quando NIC 
ha scritto:
  kget, che appare tra gli strumenti di konqueror non va bene?

 Mi spiegheresti a me come funziona?



Io ogni tanto lo uso, è una specie di Getright e ha l'opzione per integrarsi 
con Konqueror.
Ma io che uso Firebird come browser ho trovato comoda l'opzione modalità auto 
incolla che avvia lo scaricamento automatico di quello che è copiato negli 
appunti (il link al file da scaricare, in questo caso). Certo che se lo lasci 
attivo in background a volte questa opzione rompe un po' le palle quando fai 
copia-incolla su altri file ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Periferiche IDE: problemi assortiti

2003-10-15 Thread tom
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 22:51, Moreno T wrote:
 2) Dopo aver applicato l'emulazione scsi del cdrom non riuscivo più a
 sentire i cd audio con xmms. Ho risolto il problema facendo puntare il
 collegamento simbolico /dev/cdrom a /dev/scd0 (che a sua volta punta a
 Non riesco però a sentire i cd audio inseriti nel dvd. I brani vengono
 caricati e partono regolarmente, ma non si sente niente. E' dovuto al fatto
 che il dvd, a differenza del cdrom, non ha il cavetto di collegamento con
 la scheda audio? (però l'audio dei dvd lo sento perfettamente lo stesso...)

prima li sentivi normalmente? (mi pare strano)
come sai i cd audio non hanno fs,è vengono interpretati direttamente dalla 
sk contrario i dvd devono essere codificati da software sia 
audio che video.
magari credo che tu abbia proprio ragione.

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
7:) Reagan.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] Periferiche IDE: problemi assortiti

2003-10-15 Thread Moreno T
Tutto era filato liscio fino alle 00:23, giovedì 16 ottobre 2003, quando tom 
ha scritto:

 prima li sentivi normalmente? (mi pare strano)

No, hai ragione, li sentivo anche prima solamente nel cdrom. Ho creato 
confusione mettendo assieme il pb del dvd con quello del cdrom emulato scsi.
Grazie comunque per la risposta.

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-15 Thread Corrado
Il mer, 2003-10-15 alle 22:45, NIC ha scritto:

 Ho scaricato da rpm find la la sono installata 
 correttamente, solo he quando tento di aprirla,dopo pochi secondi mi scompare 
 senza lasciare traccia e senza nessuna finestra di errore.
 Cosa può essere?

Ho la stessa identica versione e non da problemi...
Prova ad aprire un terminale e a lanciarlo da li, così puoi leggere i
messaggi di errore.

Re: [newbie-it] Download Manager

2003-10-15 Thread Moreno T
Tutto era filato liscio fino alle 00:39, giovedì 16 ottobre 2003, quando 
Corrado ha scritto:

 Prova ad aprire un terminale e a lanciarlo da li, così puoi leggere i
 messaggi di errore.

Anch'io ho la stessa versione (installata da rpm)
Questi sono i messaggi di errore:

# nt

(nt:2818): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading menu image: Image header corrupt

(nt:2818): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading menu image: Image header corrupt

(nt:2818): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading menu image: Image header corrupt

(nt:2818): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading menu image: Image header corrupt
Floating point exception


Re: [newbie-it] Web-Cam + scanner

2003-10-15 Thread alfredo
Io ho un problema riconducibile alla stessa categoria:
ho una digitale fujifilm ex-10 (non la comprate), che supporta i due 
driver DSC e PC:
ora: attaccata windows e con l'immancabile ausilio dei driver 
proprietari la macchinetta funziona correttamente
PC---macchina digitale

attaccata a Lin Mdk 9.1 invece:
1)per riconoscere la macchina come USB Mass Storage, devo esplicitamente 
settare su PC il driver della fujii prima di attaccarla al computer (sto 
dicendo che se per esempio è già su PC io devo fare PC--DSC---PC), ma 
in compenso non ho bisogno di alcun driver proprietario.

2) Se non setto esplicitamente il driver:
 a) sul desktop appare automaticamente l'icona di una utility grafica 
per l'importazione, ma nei suoi menù la fujii che posseggo non è presente,

 b) nel centro di controllo di MDK al riconoscimento dell'Hardware la 
macchina fotografica viene riconosciuta come uno scanner


Per chi potesse aiutarmi su altri fronti
My Linux History
1) Il root hub non funziona con MDK 9.1, con Suse 8.2 si
2) Il nokia 5510 non è riconosciuto, devo immettere la stringa per 
l'unusual_device e ricompilare il kernel   ho una paura tremenda, 
non l'ho mai fatto

3) Ancora non ho capito di che marca è il modem

Good News:

1) Ho installato i driver nvidia ed ho potuto apprezzare l'accelerazione 3D

2) ho installato nokryptia

Nevermind wrote:
Dunque, ho uno Scanner Mustek 1200 UB Plus, correttamente configurato grazie a 
consigli dati tempo addietro in questa ML, su una porta USB, ed una WEB-CAM 
Creative webcam go plus su un'altra porta USB.
Se lascio staccata la web, lo scanner viene montato regolarmente all'avvio e 
funziona. Se invece la lascio attaccata, lo scanner non viene montato e per 
farglielo vedere devo staccare e riattaccare il cavo.
Come mai mi dà questo problema?
Esiste un modo per configurare anche la go plus della Creative, che al momento 
non mi viene riconosciuta dal sistema?

Re: [newbie-it] Primi passi in MySQL

2003-10-15 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro kudega, perche' ho 
le prove, il mercoledì 15 ottobre 2003, alle 00:21 hai scritto: 

 Ho provato a digitare i primi comandi seguendo la guida mysql tipo  

Iniziai anch'io con i passi della guida, ma ahime', non riuscii a
venirne fuori indenne. Tra l'altro era in inglese: sai se l'ahho
Per imparare ad usare Mysql, almeno per le basi e per l'importazione
di massa dei vecchi dati che avevo gia' catalogato sotto win$, ho
usato alcuni articoli usciti su riviste italiane; in particolare
consiglio caldamente quelli apparsi su LinuxC: credo siano in tutto
tre, un minicorso molto utile e chiaro (ho imparato anche a fare
script che interagiscano con mysql).
Quanto alla tua domanda, mi pare ti abbiano gia' risposto, cmq si',
la prima cosa da fare e' modificare il database che gestisce gli
accessi, tramite grant. Io non ho ancora le idee chiare in merito
(una volta sistemato tutto non me ne sono piu' occupata), ma con
quegli articoletti ne venni fuori.

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie] tax software?

2003-10-15 Thread rikona
Hello Eric,

Tuesday, October 14, 2003, 7:04:08 PM, you wrote:

EH I'm sure it's too late for this year, but now might be a good time
EH to flood turbotax and taxcut with requests for a linux version.
EH They already have mac and windows...

I had several talks with their management last year about the
obnoxious product activation. At that time they said they had NO
interest in a linux version. IF M$ does not buy them out, and pushes a
competing product, the linux version might start to look a lot better
to them.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
 After ca. 6 hrs, I've still only got about 10% downloaded (with DSL).  Only 
 got about 43 hours to go.  Wooo h!!  Not too impressed with Bittorent so 
 far g.

Yes BT is a bit hit and miss. I got 45kb/s no problem with the test but am now getting 
a paulty 4kb/s with the real thing. No tacker errors as yet.

As long as I get it down before 9.3 comes out... :-)

  John Willby
  Registered Linux user number 321644
  ICQ: 92791912
  YIM: vicarofwibley
  Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
  7:59am  up 28 days 21:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.06, 0.07

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Mirrors already deleting 9.1/contrib

2003-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings
Just a heads up. 
Even though Mandrake 9.2 only came out yesterday I have noticed that 
9.1/contrib has **already** been deleted from my favourite mirror 

If anyone has trouble installing packages then check your mirror.

I have also noticed that on 9.2/contrib does not have an 
file so I cannot use it as a urpmi source.
I am not too worried at the moment because I am running Cooker (virtually 
identical to 9.2)

Has anyone got a good mirror for 9.2/contrib ?



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[newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Len Lawrence
Well I am about to shoot myself, again!  Finally made the decision to
go broadband, having been advised on this list that there would be no
difficulty with a Linux system.  Contacted Telewest BlueYonder, and
the technician turned up today, and found he could not install the
modem because there is no Windows machine in the house.  He could not
install the hardware and leave it without it being configured and
presumably talking to base.  All he would do is load a CD into
Windows, if it were available, and let it run.  His supervisor gave
him some story about having to run the Windows setup before the modem
could be used.  I am so completely ignorant about networking that I
could not even begin to suggest how we might go about experimenting
with it to try and get the modem recognised and the connection
working.  All I could give the poor lad was the MAC address of eth0
and all he knew was that the connection needed to be configured under

Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
be initialized by proprietary software?

I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
the relevant parameters.
Len Lawrence
Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip
around the Sun.

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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 18:28:19 -0400
Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 yes  it *did* update...
 I watched it go.

Okay, try this (should've thought of this sooner):

urpmi --texstar gaim

that way it will not go and get from contrib or whatever instead.

if *that* doesn't work, go to Texstar's site and download the RPM

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.
-- Jeannette Rankin

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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:49:33 +0100
Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
 simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
 be initialized by proprietary software?

What type of modem is it? If it is simply an ethernet connection, then
the only software you will need is probably included in Mandrake, ie.
something like KPPPoE, maybe not even that if they are using a direct
connection without PPPoE. In that case you just plug it in and it gets
an IP from the ISP's DHCP server.

If it's a USB modem, the story might be a lot different, maybe not,
depends on the modem.

I would definitely complain like hell that they were not even willing to
*attempt* to help you.

Also, contact your local LUG and see if there are any other customers of
this provider who can give more specific info.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Life is like a sewer.  What you get out of it depends on what you put
into it.
-- Tom Lehrer

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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Oct 2003 10:44 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 18:28:19 -0400

 Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  yes  it *did* update...
  I watched it go.

 Okay, try this (should've thought of this sooner):

 urpmi --texstar gaim

 that way it will not go and get from contrib or whatever instead.

 if *that* doesn't work, go to Texstar's site and download the RPM

I think that should be 

urpmi --media texstar gaim



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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 11:49, Len Lawrence wrote:
 working.  All I could give the poor lad was the MAC address of eth0
 and all he knew was that the connection needed to be configured under

That was all he needed.
The hardware (mac adress) registers itself and gets an IP adress assigned by 
the cable company.
Mdk does that faster...the guy's a nitwit.

Just connect and let MCC do the rest.
It usually takes some time to register the first time up.

Good luck,

Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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Re: [newbie] Gnumeric where is it? How can i call it?

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 22:42:54 -0700 (PDT)
emim limam [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Hi everyone,
 I want to use gnumeric on my old pc. i download it and
 rmp it and it told me it is installed. But i am not
 able to call the program from shell. And it is not on
 my applications list or menu list how could i call
 gnumeric to work with it either from run command,
 shell or if there is anotherway around.
 Thx for help in advance.

If it *is* installed, you should be able to simple call it from the
command line like you tried:

gnumeric (case sensitive remember!)

if it is not coming up, it is either not installed properly or not in
your PATH, most likely the former.

as root, do:


then as regular user do:

locate gnumeric

Post the output here.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.

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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:08:22 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I think that should be 
 urpmi --media texstar gaim

you are correct sir!

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
If you put it off long enough, it might go away.

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[newbie] Asus L3D notebook compatibility

2003-10-15 Thread Carlos Dias

Good morning, 

I would only want to know if this LAPTOP has no problems with LINUX. 

Thanks anyway.
Carlos Dias, 
PowerOn, Lda.
Rua João Pedro Ribeiro, 846
4000-306 Porto
Tel: + 351 225 500 373
Fax: + 351 225 519 214 

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Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 13:55:04 -0700
John Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Eric is right about potential legal issues with respect to this
 article though one is left to wonder about the notion of fair use.
 It would certainly not be my intention to change a dot of the article
 as that would create major problems with both the the publisher and
 the author.  I think it's called plagarism. :-)

One thing I just noticed:

This article is excerpted from the recently published book Linux Power

So it's not Newsforge at all we should be concerned about.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations.

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RE: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Jamie . Kerwick
The windows software you have been given registers the modem on their
network and allows the modem to download the correct software into it to set

the download  upload speeds etc..

Howeveer, you should be able to install the modem manually, it takes a
little effort.

If you go to follow
the instructions under 'Doing without the Broadband Installer you *should*
be able to install it OK.

Hope this helps.



Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Len Lawrence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 October 2003 10:50
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

Well I am about to shoot myself, again!  Finally made the decision to go
broadband, having been advised on this list that there would be no
difficulty with a Linux system.  Contacted Telewest BlueYonder, and the
technician turned up today, and found he could not install the modem because
there is no Windows machine in the house.  He could not install the hardware
and leave it without it being configured and presumably talking to base.
All he would do is load a CD into Windows, if it were available, and let it
run.  His supervisor gave him some story about having to run the Windows
setup before the modem could be used.  I am so completely ignorant about
networking that I could not even begin to suggest how we might go about
experimenting with it to try and get the modem recognised and the connection
working.  All I could give the poor lad was the MAC address of eth0 and all
he knew was that the connection needed to be configured under DHCP.

Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a simple
standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only be
initialized by proprietary software?

I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could badger
Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The dialup
connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all the relevant
Len Lawrence
Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around
the Sun.

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Re: [newbie] Mirrors already deleting 9.1/contrib

2003-10-15 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 04:48, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Just a heads up. 
 Even though Mandrake 9.2 only came out yesterday I have noticed that 
 9.1/contrib has **already** been deleted from my favourite mirror 
 If anyone has trouble installing packages then check your mirror.
 I have also noticed that on 9.2/contrib does not have an 
 file so I cannot use it as a urpmi source.
 I am not too worried at the moment because I am running Cooker (virtually 
 identical to 9.2)
 Has anyone got a good mirror for 9.2/contrib ?

is this deleted? or moved from current
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Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 04:13, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 October 2003 10:01, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:
  i also agree with you, I am not able to get my Bittorrent to work even
  at HOME!, My system is on DMZ host... STILL not working!!!
 I'm not even trying, any more:(
 I finally got logged into club and noticed the 25% price cut on pre-orders for I ordered the PowerPack at MandrakeStore.
 Maybe better that way. I'll have more fun when it gets here:)
 good luck,

I cranked up bit torrent last night, after an hour it told me I have 72
hours left. this morning, I have all 3 isos.
Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] Mirrors already deleting 9.1/contrib

2003-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Oct 2003 11:51 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 04:48, Derek Jennings wrote:
  Just a heads up.
  Even though Mandrake 9.2 only came out yesterday I have noticed that
  9.1/contrib has **already** been deleted from my favourite mirror
  If anyone has trouble installing packages then check your mirror.
  I have also noticed that on 9.2/contrib does not have an file so I cannot use it as a urpmi source.
  I am not too worried at the moment because I am running Cooker (virtually
  identical to 9.2)
  Has anyone got a good mirror for 9.2/contrib ?

 is this deleted? or moved from current

Yes deleted
current still points to 9.1



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Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 07:01, ed tharp wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 04:13, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 October 2003 10:01, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:
   i also agree with you, I am not able to get my Bittorrent to work even
   at HOME!, My system is on DMZ host... STILL not working!!!
  I'm not even trying, any more:(
  I finally got logged into club and noticed the 25% price cut on pre-orders for I ordered the PowerPack at MandrakeStore.
  Maybe better that way. I'll have more fun when it gets here:)
  good luck,
 I cranked up bit torrent last night, after an hour it told me I have 72
 hours left. this morning, I have all 3 isos.

and right after I posted that, I realized I bet I also have to have the
3 cd 'download' edition to get the first 3 cds, as well as the 3
powerpack cds (silver club member), oh well I guess it will run until I
get home from work
Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] tax software?

2003-10-15 Thread Yoel P. Krigsman
Emailed to them...

On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 22:04, Eric Huff wrote:
 As far as i can tell, no one support linux (other than web based).
 I'm sure it's too late for this year, but now might be a good time
 to flood turbotax and taxcut with requests for a linux version. 
 They already have mac and windows...  -- screwed up link
 you have to flounder to to get to feedback

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[newbie] cool toy

2003-10-15 Thread ed tharp
I just used to make thumbnails for a page I was doing, and never
having played with it before, I was pleased as punch, and thought that
anyone else wanting an automated way to create a web page with
click-able thumbnails might like to know about.
requires perl, imagemagick, jhead.

Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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[newbie] Call center

2003-10-15 Thread Kum Gábor
Hi everybody!

I'd like to make a small call center with my Mdk and a fax modem. Is there any 
software that makes this?

Thank you for your help.

Gabor Kum

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Re: [newbie] Genius Wireless Mouse and Keyboard

2003-10-15 Thread stormjumper
i make a few of assumptions, since your mail isn't really clear.

1. wireless usb keyboard works in linux, but not before linux boots up.

there's a setting in BIOs that is pertinent to this.
it's usually called USB Legacy Keyboard or something like that.
turn it on, and see if you can then use it before linux boots up.

2. wireless usb mouse doesn't function in Xwindows

you need relevant settings in XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file, most probably
the 2nd one, usually in your user directory.
i assume your previous mouse is a ps2 mouse, which means there is a section
in XF86Config that looks like this

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Device /dev/mouse
Option  Protocol PS/2

change it to

Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Device /dev/usbmouse
Option Protocol PS/2

and hopefully all is well.
if it doesn't work, post back here with more info, or if it works, drop a
note so that others searching the archives can find it.
- Original Message - 
From: Kyle Hartigan ( Sharpshooter ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 13:37
Subject: RE: [newbie] Genius Wireless Mouse and Keyboard

With my wireless keyboard and mouse I dont get any errors a have 1
receiver for both the keyboard and mouse which go into a USB port when I
come to lilo I cant use them at all I have to plug a keyboard in the ps2
slot then I select mandrake linux the a can only use the keyboard the
mouse dosnt respond and I have tried reconnecting the mouse and keyboard
using the switch on them.

Kyle Hartigan

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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 05:49 am, Len Lawrence wrote:

 Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
 simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
 be initialized by proprietary software?

I went thru something like this when I hooked up with Charter. I simply told 
the tech that I was willing to sign to the effect that I took all 
responsibility for getting the Ambit modem working with my setup. He called 
his supervisor and that was good enough for them.

 I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
 information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
 badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
 dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
 the relevant parameters.

Hmm, once they provisioned my cable modem, all it took was a simple (as 

ifdown eth0


ifup eth0

and it acquired everything that was needed.

I'm assuming that service network restart would do the same thing.

Keep us informed as to how it goes! :-)

PS This link may help some:


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2003-10-15 Thread Kum Gábor

Could you tell me how can I decode DTMF codes with a sound card?



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Re: [newbie] 9.2 VMware

2003-10-15 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:39:24 -0400
Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone use VMware successfully on Mandrake 9.2?  
Works fine.  Remember to install the source for the kernel and
VMware takes it from there.

It's all fresh in my mind after getting the office up on 9.2 last
week, in case you need more info.


User #223705 Linux Counter,

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 03:38 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 On the Mandrake club site there are a few articles on bittorrent and how
 to make it work. They have tried to make this easy and have been letting
 people test the bittorrent set-up's before hand. If you are having
 problems login to the club and read the postings. I had a few errors
 yesterday, and it was going slow. Left it running all night and I have 8
 hours to wait. That's not so bad as I will be at work for 9 so it should
 be finished by the time I get home. Yeah, it may be a bit slower, but it
 means more people get it faster.



I did the testing and opened the suggested ports for port forwarding. Testing 
worked, but not the real deal.  I could connect then but not now. ???   

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread Tony S. Sykes
-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 2:42 PM

On Wednesday 15 October 2003 03:38 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 On the Mandrake club site there are a few articles on bittorrent and
 to make it work. They have tried to make this easy and have been
 people test the bittorrent set-up's before hand. If you are having
 problems login to the club and read the postings. I had a few errors
 yesterday, and it was going slow. Left it running all night and I have
 hours to wait. That's not so bad as I will be at work for 9 so it
 be finished by the time I get home. Yeah, it may be a bit slower, but
 means more people get it faster.



I did the testing and opened the suggested ports for port forwarding.
worked, but not the real deal.  I could connect then but not now. ???   

Dennis M. linux user #180842

I had a few error's last night, but I just left it and went to bed. This
morning when I got up I had 8 hours left to go. 
I was getting more uploaded than downloaded last night but that had
changed by this morning. It is possibly cause it is still newish who
knows. I have used it a few times before on Linux and Windows and had
similar error's on both os's but it does still seem to work. I agree
with others that the speed is not the best. That will hopefully be fixed
in the not to distant future but it does look good for what it is
capable of.


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Re: [newbie] 9.2 VMware

2003-10-15 Thread C. Tresenriter
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 09:20:33 -0400
LW wrote:

|On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:39:24 -0400
|Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Does anyone use VMware successfully on Mandrake 9.2?  
| Paul
|Works fine.  Remember to install the source for the kernel and
|VMware takes it from there.
|It's all fresh in my mind after getting the office up on 9.2 last
|week, in case you need more info.

Does it matter if it's v3 of v4?
I've got v3 but just haven't taken the time yet to get it running on
9.1 yet.
Will it also work on 9.2?

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RE: [newbie] Permissions solution

2003-10-15 Thread linux
Apparently, when you create a FAT32 partition during installation
Linux mounts the partition as readonly. Or more specifically, 
doesn't give permissions for any other user.  This makes sense.
Editing the appropriate line in /etc/fstab adding my userid with
rw permissions, un-mounting, and then remounting seemed to do the

I'm now copying over all my backed up mp3s from CDs to /mp3s.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Permissions solution

On Wednesday 15 October 2003 03:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem is solved.  As far as the reply setting goes, it is blank.

How did you solve that? 
Was it the mounting permissions?

Good luck,
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Re: [newbie] Call center

2003-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 15:53, Kum Gábor wrote:
 Hi everybody!

 I'd like to make a small call center with my Mdk and a fax modem. Is there
 any software that makes this?

 Thank you for your help.

 Gabor Kum
There's a mini howto on callback with linux.

If you don't have it (on CD or system):

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 15:00, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 October 2003 05:49 am, Len Lawrence wrote:
  Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
  simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
  be initialized by proprietary software?

 I went thru something like this when I hooked up with Charter. I simply
 told the tech that I was willing to sign to the effect that I took all
 responsibility for getting the Ambit modem working with my setup. He called
 his supervisor and that was good enough for them.

  I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
  information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
  badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
  dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
  the relevant parameters.

 Hmm, once they provisioned my cable modem, all it took was a simple (as

 ifdown eth0


 ifup eth0

 and it acquired everything that was needed.

 I'm assuming that service network restart would do the same thing.

 Keep us informed as to how it goes! :-)

 PS This link may help some:
Happened likewise here.

There was sheer panic in the eyes of the guy who came to install when he saw 
it was Linux;)
Gave him a cup of coffee, said watch me do it, and yell whoa if you think 
I'll break something.
He was stunned that I had it up and running before he'd even had a chance to 
sip his coffee.

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 13:25, ed tharp wrote:
 and right after I posted that, I realized I bet I also have to have the
 3 cd 'download' edition to get the first 3 cds, as well as the 3
 powerpack cds (silver club member), oh well I guess it will run until I
 get home from work

Huhh?? You need those too to install?  Those PowPack CD's aren't the first 3 
install CD's?

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 22:06:35 -0700
Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 If you thikn it's a good article, then sure, put it on the wiki!

this one, even more depth, about optimizing performance.

from a presentation at a local LUG meeting:

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and
robbers there will be.
-- Lao Tsu

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Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-15 Thread Eric Huff
 One thing I just noticed:
 This article is excerpted from the recently published book Linux
 Power Tools
 So it's not Newsforge at all we should be concerned about.

Yeah, Newsforge said to ask the publisher for permission.  That's
about when i got lazy...

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Re: [newbie] tax software?

2003-10-15 Thread Eric Huff
 EH I'm sure it's too late for this year, but now might be a good
 EH time to flood turbotax and taxcut with requests for a linux
 EH version. They already have mac and windows...
 I had several talks with their management last year about the
 obnoxious product activation. At that time they said they had NO
 interest in a linux version. IF M$ does not buy them out, and
 pushes a competing product, the linux version might start to look
 a lot better to them.

At least turbotax did listen to the backlash about the spyware they
installed.  They even have a way to uninstall last years...


Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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RE: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread linux
 Gave him a cup of coffee, said watch me do it, and yell whoa if you think
 I'll break something.

LOL.  That's great.  When I was setting up 9.1 with my cable service it
was really simple.  I used Comcast and all I needed was the hostname that
Comcast needed to 'see' on my system.  During installation, I selected
DHCP, popped in my hostname and everything has been good to go.

You don't need the proprietary software (in most cases at least) that the
cable company wants to install.  Usually all it is is their custom version
of IE and a bunch of links to go on your desktop. All Windows crap really.

Anyhow, as mentioned you really only need to know how the cable company
authenticates your modem, DHCP or static IP, and probably a hostname.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

On Wednesday 15 October 2003 15:00, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 October 2003 05:49 am, Len Lawrence wrote:
  Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
  simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
  be initialized by proprietary software?

 I went thru something like this when I hooked up with Charter. I simply
 told the tech that I was willing to sign to the effect that I took all
 responsibility for getting the Ambit modem working with my setup. He
 his supervisor and that was good enough for them.

  I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
  information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
  badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
  dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
  the relevant parameters.

 Hmm, once they provisioned my cable modem, all it took was a simple (as

 ifdown eth0


 ifup eth0

 and it acquired everything that was needed.

 I'm assuming that service network restart would do the same thing.

 Keep us informed as to how it goes! :-)

 PS This link may help some:
Happened likewise here.

There was sheer panic in the eyes of the guy who came to install when he saw
it was Linux;)
Gave him a cup of coffee, said watch me do it, and yell whoa if you think
I'll break something.
He was stunned that I had it up and running before he'd even had a chance to
sip his coffee.

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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RE: [newbie] 9.2 is out!

2003-10-15 Thread Duron . Davis
Well, shiznit.   I thought I was ahead of the curve.   That's gottat be
false advertising.   Sorry y'all.

-Original Message-
From: Avi Schwartz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.2 is out!


 I'm in the process downloading from a mirror site.
 -Original Message- 
 On Tuesday 14 October 2003 09:26 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
9.2 is out for club members
 Saw that, but I am not able to connect to a tracker, how bout anyone else?

I am downloading it now via bitTorrent.


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Re: [newbie] cool toy

2003-10-15 Thread Tango Echo
Thanks Ed!  I've actually been needing this, but
haven't had a chance to look...

--- ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just used to make thumbnails for a page I
 was doing, and never
 having played with it before, I was pleased as
 punch, and thought that
 anyone else wanting an automated way to create a web
 page with
 click-able thumbnails might like to know about.
 requires perl, imagemagick, jhead.

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

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Re: [newbie] Mirrors already deleting 9.1/contrib

2003-10-15 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 15, 2003 05:21 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 Oct 2003 11:51 am, ed tharp wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 04:48, Derek Jennings wrote:
   Just a heads up.
   Even though Mandrake 9.2 only came out yesterday I have noticed that
   9.1/contrib has **already** been deleted from my favourite mirror
   If anyone has trouble installing packages then check your mirror.
   I have also noticed that on 9.2/contrib does not have an file so I cannot use it as a urpmi source.
   I am not too worried at the moment because I am running Cooker
   (virtually identical to 9.2)
   Has anyone got a good mirror for 9.2/contrib ?
  is this deleted? or moved from current

 Yes deleted
 current still points to 9.1


I looked for an on every mirror I could reach yesterday, no such 
beast in any of the 9.2 trees. Still none showing now either.

Like you I have this box cooked so it hardly matters, and if I really needed 
to I could sync a 9.2 tree locally and force a genhdlist against that. 
Probably/maybe/could be. (-:

It's what I've done to generate current cooker ISOs to burn to install from 
for friends; with the proviso that it's *cooker* and risky, and they only get 
it if they join the club or buy a box set or at least the Discovery Edition 
from the store. 

Or both. If they want my help they'll play by my rules or find someone else to 
bug. g

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
09:37:55 up 24 days, 23:00, 1 user, load average: 0.06, 0.10, 0.09
Ad astra per aspera.
[To the stars by aspiration.]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Public Library Mandrake HOWTO?

2003-10-15 Thread Tango Echo
Hi all,

I've got a couple 200 Mhz 128 MB Dells that I'd like
to throw Mandrake on for the local Library.  I put 9.1
on it, but I think that's to much for it - even
running IceWM.

Are there any HOWTOs similar to what I'm trying to
accomplish here?  Users will need to be locked down as
not to tamper with configuration or install any
software.  However, tasks such as web browsing,
chatting (multi user?), viewing multimedia, and using
office applications will be standard usage.

If not, what do you suggst I do for these systems? I
still have the MDK 8.2 disks, but Mandrake dropped
support for this version - this could lead to a
comprimised system.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 15, 2003 03:49 am, Len Lawrence wrote:
 Well I am about to shoot myself, again!  Finally made the decision to
 go broadband, having been advised on this list that there would be no
 difficulty with a Linux system.  Contacted Telewest BlueYonder, and
 the technician turned up today, and found he could not install the
 modem because there is no Windows machine in the house.  He could not
 install the hardware and leave it without it being configured and
 presumably talking to base.  All he would do is load a CD into
 Windows, if it were available, and let it run.  His supervisor gave
 him some story about having to run the Windows setup before the modem
 could be used.  I am so completely ignorant about networking that I
 could not even begin to suggest how we might go about experimenting
 with it to try and get the modem recognised and the connection
 working.  All I could give the poor lad was the MAC address of eth0
 and all he knew was that the connection needed to be configured under

That should have been sufficient Len.

 Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
 simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
 be initialized by proprietary software?

No it isn't true. At least here in Canada. The cable company here has the 
usual disclaimer programmed into the hell desk denizens too but they never 
argue about any software required, just a way to configure the hardware. 

The local tel-co told a neighbour of mine last Wednesday that they couldn't 
support 'lienux' (that's how the lad pronounced it) since their ADSL software 
was designed for Windows only. I called customer service for her and told 
them that was crap, since the only requirement they actually have is the 
hardware address of the NIC. They shut up and did it manually and she's 
running a Cooker install. She has since ordered a Discovery Edition of 
Mandrake Linux 9.2 Canicule.

She really likes it. Says Windows sure sucks compared to this, doesn't it?

 I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
 information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
 badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
 dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
 the relevant parameters.

The DHCP servers have to log the MAC address against an assigned IP number 
activate the lease then enable DNS access and response. That is all, as far 
as I've ever been able to determine, any connection to an ISP requires.

Good luck Len.
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
09:48:53 up 24 days, 23:11, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.08, 0.07
The rich get rich, and the poor get poorer.
The haves get more, the have-nots die.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Harv Nelson

Len Lawrence wrote:

Well I am about to shoot myself, again!  Finally made the decision to
go broadband, having been advised on this list that there would be no
difficulty with a Linux system.  Contacted Telewest BlueYonder, and
the technician turned up today, and found he could not install the
modem because there is no Windows machine in the house.  He could not
install the hardware and leave it without it being configured and
presumably talking to base.  All he would do is load a CD into
Windows, if it were available, and let it run.  His supervisor gave
him some story about having to run the Windows setup before the modem
could be used.  I am so completely ignorant about networking that I
could not even begin to suggest how we might go about experimenting
with it to try and get the modem recognised and the connection
working.  All I could give the poor lad was the MAC address of eth0
and all he knew was that the connection needed to be configured under
Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
be initialized by proprietary software?
I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
the relevant parameters.

I had the same sort of arguement with CenturyTel.  My solution was to 
buy a small D-Link DI-604 router (about $20).  The router fights the 
battle with their modem, DHCP/DNS servers, etc.  (It even includes its 
own littlde firewall, so now, I get an extra Linux box for FREE. )

I plug all my Linux machines, Windows machines (via another little 
router) and security cameras into the D-Link router.  Reboot everything, 
and BANG! It all works.  No sweat.  No tears.

Harv / AI9NL

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Re: [newbie] Mirrors already deleting 9.1/contrib

2003-10-15 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, October 15, 2003, 1:48:49 AM, you wrote:

DJ Just a heads up. 
DJ Even though Mandrake 9.2 only came out yesterday I have noticed that 
DJ 9.1/contrib has **already** been deleted from my favourite mirror 
DJ (

This was the topic I brought up a short time ago before 9.2 came out.
I was worried 9.1 code would disappear quickly. The same thing
happened when 9.1 came out (I was till trying to get 9.0 running). I
finally switched to 9.1 because it was too hard to get the 9.0
programs I was looking for.

List members were reassuring me that the 9.1 code would be around for
a while and there would be no problems getting 9.1 code when 9.2 came

Maybe it's not as easy as everyone was suggesting. :-)


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Public Library Mandrake HOWTO?

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 08:53:15 -0700 (PDT)
Tango Echo [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I've got a couple 200 Mhz 128 MB Dells that I'd like
 to throw Mandrake on for the local Library.  I put 9.1
 on it, but I think that's to much for it - even
 running IceWM.

I would recommend XFCE4, it's easy to install, thanks to Todd Slater
there are RPMs on the site, and is extremely light, should run fine on
those machines, I know it did on my P233 with similar memory.

If it is possible, I might recommend picking up some additional RAM,
SDRAM for those boxes is cheaper than duck shit right now, you can pick
up a 128MB stick for about 20 or 30 dollars.

 Are there any HOWTOs similar to what I'm trying to
 accomplish here?  Users will need to be locked down as
 not to tamper with configuration or install any
 software.  However, tasks such as web browsing,
 chatting (multi user?), viewing multimedia, and using
 office applications will be standard usage.

Generally, as long as the individual users do not have the root
password, they will not be able to go beyond what you want them to do.
The only access they will have is to their own dir, and if you set up
only one general user, like a 'guest' account, then you seriously
minimize the admin and maintenance aspects. They *would* need to have
write perms to this home dir, though, even to do simple browsing and
such, as config files are created and changed by the applications in
general use. Most config files, though, are hidden, so unless the user
is fairly savvy, they would not even see these files if they opened a
file manager or terminal. You could very easily hide access to a
terminal window or file manager simply by not having one available
through the GUI.

Set the security level to just higher than standard and you should
have no problems, certainly far less than you would on a Windows box.

 If not, what do you suggst I do for these systems? I
 still have the MDK 8.2 disks, but Mandrake dropped
 support for this version - this could lead to a
 comprimised system.

I would even suggest grabbing the latest 9.2 release, there have been
some enhancements and fixes that are fairly significant.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
No matter where I go, the place is always called here.

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Re: [newbie] Public Library Mandrake HOWTO?

2003-10-15 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 08:53:15 -0700 (PDT)
Tango Echo [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I've got a couple 200 Mhz 128 MB Dells that I'd like
 to throw Mandrake on for the local Library.  I put 9.1
 on it, but I think that's to much for it - even
 running IceWM.

I would recommend XFCE4, it's easy to install, thanks to Todd Slater
there are RPMs on the site, and is extremely light, should run fine on
those machines, I know it did on my P233 with similar memory.

If it is possible, I might recommend picking up some additional RAM,
SDRAM for those boxes is cheaper than duck shit right now, you can pick
up a 128MB stick for about 20 or 30 dollars.

 Are there any HOWTOs similar to what I'm trying to
 accomplish here?  Users will need to be locked down as
 not to tamper with configuration or install any
 software.  However, tasks such as web browsing,
 chatting (multi user?), viewing multimedia, and using
 office applications will be standard usage.

Generally, as long as the individual users do not have the root
password, they will not be able to go beyond what you want them to do.
The only access they will have is to their own dir, and if you set up
only one general user, like a 'guest' account, then you seriously
minimize the admin and maintenance aspects. They *would* need to have
write perms to this home dir, though, even to do simple browsing and
such, as config files are created and changed by the applications in
general use. Most config files, though, are hidden, so unless the user
is fairly savvy, they would not even see these files if they opened a
file manager or terminal. You could very easily hide access to a
terminal window or file manager simply by not having one available
through the GUI.

Set the security level to just higher than standard and you should
have no problems, certainly far less than you would on a Windows box.

 If not, what do you suggst I do for these systems? I
 still have the MDK 8.2 disks, but Mandrake dropped
 support for this version - this could lead to a
 comprimised system.

I would even suggest grabbing the latest 9.2 release, there have been
some enhancements and fixes that are fairly significant.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
No matter where I go, the place is always called here.

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[newbie] Linux Power Tools (WAS Good Article on Linux Filesystems)

2003-10-15 Thread John Wilson
One thing that's a rarity in the part of Canada that I live in is a book that 
acknowledges that Mandrake even exists.  So you can imagine my delight when 
the cover of a recent release by Sybex called Linux Power Tools said it 
covered Mandrake.  Imagine even further my delight to see Mandrake handled on 
a par with Red Hat and SuSe rather than being parked in a deep dark appendix.

The book covers just about everything you want covered in the setup and 
maintenance of a system.  Bear in mind though that it's not going to cover 
everything.  What it does cover, in dizzying array, is hardware tools, user 
tools, system administration tools, networking and server tools.  I say in 
dizzyin array because it covers all differences in the different distros that 
it covers.  No one size fits all here.

Where Mandrake handles things uniquely that is covered.  A notable exception 
is urpmi which, sadly, isn't in any detail.  This seems to be that urpmi has 
no gui to automate updates.  MCC, msec and others are fully covered though.

The writer appears to be very familiar with our favourite bird in the penguin 
flock and has used it to demonstrate the KDE enviornment using a 9.1 beta.

It's targeted at Intermediate/Advanced users, though a newbie might get some 
very good ideas from it.

The reason that this isn't a full review is that I'm still working through it. 

That said I'd recommend it highly.

The author is Roderick W. Smith, a columnist in Linux Magazine and author of 
Linux Samba Server Administration: and Linux+ Study Guide.



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Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-15 Thread John Wilson
On October 15, 2003 08:17 am, Eric Huff wrote:
  One thing I just noticed:
  This article is excerpted from the recently published book Linux
  Power Tools
  So it's not Newsforge at all we should be concerned about.

 Yeah, Newsforge said to ask the publisher for permission.  That's
 about when i got lazy...

That's not a bad idea.  Actually, as the book in question covers Mandrake 
specifically and not as an add on or appendix I can't see the publisher 
denying us the ability to use this on Twiki.  It might spur sales after all. 

I should have recognized it because I have the book and, in a seperate email 
in a new thread, I recommend it with a very high level review.



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Re: [newbie] Public Library Mandrake HOWTO?

2003-10-15 Thread Lanman
Been there, Done that! Can you say LTSP Tango?

IMHO, it's a much better solution than independant installs.

Write me off list if you need to know more.



On 10/15/2003 at 8:53 AM Tango Echo wrote:

Hi all,

I've got a couple 200 Mhz 128 MB Dells that I'd like
to throw Mandrake on for the local Library.  I put 9.1
on it, but I think that's to much for it - even
running IceWM.

Are there any HOWTOs similar to what I'm trying to
accomplish here?  Users will need to be locked down as
not to tamper with configuration or install any
software.  However, tasks such as web browsing,
chatting (multi user?), viewing multimedia, and using
office applications will be standard usage.

If not, what do you suggst I do for these systems? I
still have the MDK 8.2 disks, but Mandrake dropped
support for this version - this could lead to a
comprimised system.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] linux complient notebooks

2003-10-15 Thread Franki
L.V.Gandhi wrote:

On Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 8:48 pm, Franki wrote:

L.V.Gandhi wrote:

I would like to get opinions from those possesing linux compatible
notebooks without any driver problem. Further I would like to ask those
possessing intel centrino based notebooks their usability in linux for
wireless connection. Mine will be general purpose using productivity apps
and also video and audio playing from cds and dvds in addition to
internet oriented jobs.
I have just just gotten a Dell Inspiron 5150,

3.06gig  Mobile Pention 4.
512MB DDR.
Geforce FX5200 go.
60 gig HDD.
TM1300 b/g wireless.
I have not loaded linux on it yet, was waiting for Mandrake 9.2
however I did start the machine with knoppix and it all seemed to work
Didn't try the wireless but some searching on the net shows it is
possible to work, but you have to compile a module to do it. (no biggie).
When mdk9.2 comes out, I will be documenting all the steps I took to get
it working and link it on the Twiki.

Thanks for the response.
After Asus A7N8X deluxe MB and asus v9180SE video card in my desktop, I am 
wary of video system and MB chipsets. knoppix 3.2 works OK even in my desktop 
with fb without dri. Even closed source binary nvidia driver from their site, 
doesn't provide dri support. Further MB chipset nvidia nforce2 is not 
supported by mdk 9.1 stock kernel. I have to download a new kernel without 
source(I have only dial up connection). Now without source, video driver wont 
compile. I will wait for your trial with mdk9.2.
Any opinion on centrino?


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Well since Centrino is not as fast as 3.06 gig mobile P4, I chose to go 
with the later..

Centrino is only of use for those wanting smallest laptop with longest 
battery life.
The 5150  has over 4 hours battery life so its fine for me.

Why get a centrino with 802.11b and limit yourself to 11mb transfers, 
when you can have 802.11b/g in the 5150 and get the full 54mb transfer 

Centrino is ok, but why pay extra for less CPU grunt?



Please sign our petition to encourage notebook manufactures to offer video card 
upgrades just like desktops.
For free scripts, online webmaster tools, HTML, XHTML, Perl  PHP tutorials and stuff, 
visit:, Free web developer resources.

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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread John Wilson
On October 15, 2003 02:49 am, Len Lawrence wrote:
 Well I am about to shoot myself, again!  Finally made the decision to
 go broadband, having been advised on this list that there would be no
 difficulty with a Linux system.  Contacted Telewest BlueYonder, and
 the technician turned up today, and found he could not install the
 modem because there is no Windows machine in the house.  He could not
 install the hardware and leave it without it being configured and
 presumably talking to base.  All he would do is load a CD into
 Windows, if it were available, and let it run.  His supervisor gave
 him some story about having to run the Windows setup before the modem
 could be used.  I am so completely ignorant about networking that I
 could not even begin to suggest how we might go about experimenting
 with it to try and get the modem recognised and the connection
 working.  All I could give the poor lad was the MAC address of eth0
 and all he knew was that the connection needed to be configured under

 Can anybody tell me just what information would be required for a
 simple standalone setup?  And is it true that the cable modem can only
 be initialized by proprietary software?

 I have perused various HOWTOs without seeing exactly what kind of
 information is needed.  IP addresses of course.  Presumably I could
 badger Telewest to give me those in written form, but what else?  The
 dialup connection was simple to configure because Demon provided all
 the relevant parameters.

Ya know I just sit here and giggle at companies that send out alleged techs to 
do this sort of work.  Part timers given a sticker for their car and a 
Winblows CD and off they go.

Funny thing is that in my experience the CD is just about worthless in that it 
doesn't work 50% of the time.

And even funnier is that they assume that all home users will run winblows. all that goes.

For DSL or cable you gave the tech all he needs to know in the MAC address. 
All he should need to do is register that address and you're off.  Some cable 
modems handle this differently in that they have their own MAC address and 
come preconfigured.  For DSL you need the MAC.

So the simple thing at your end to to make sure the provider has, in fact, 
registered your MAC address with your provider against your account.

Now comes the really difficult part. (I'm feeling wicked this morning. :-) )

Pull up MCC then go to your internet/network choice and set up eth0 (or eth1 
if that's where it is) as DHCP client.  Let MCC load whatever packages it 
needs and let it restart the network.  You should now have your IP from your 

Try to surf.   If you're on.  If you can't I'll bet dollars to donuts 
that your provider is having a hissy fit because you're using Linux and 
haven't properly registered your MAC against your account.  Bug the hell out 
of them.

I've been in the telecom business for 30 years and it never ceases to amaze me 
how totally ignorant the MSCE's who run DSL for telecoms are.  The fact that 
I get calls in the field every day about this tends to prove it.  Support 
couldn't tell me how to do this but they said you knew!  Somehow this always 
happens when I'm on top a pole in the pouring rain. Sheesh!

Add this to the fact that the IT people are running all the DSL servers on, ta 
da!!!, Linux or OpenBSD.  Particularly after Slammer the quickest way to get 
fired from our IT department is to deploy a Windows box pointing the the 
network cloud.

The next step is to turn off/decline all firewalling and anti virus at your 
provider and make darn sure they haven't given you a modem with the hardware 
firewall in place.  Those things cause more trouble than they prevent.  Note 
that the provider site firewall/antivirus is a customer option not thier own 

Haywire Mac has the right way to prepare for an oddball way of connecting DSL 
that's often used in Europe and is used by some companies in North America 
(can anyone say S-P-R-I-N-T?).  After that the above should apply.



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Re: [newbie] wallpaper

2003-10-15 Thread Max . Benitz

Ok, we now know which wallpaper this is, but which KDE theme is it?


Liechti [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/12/2003 03:26:24

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Subject:[newbie] wallpaper

does anybody know where to downlaod this wallpaper?


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Re: [newbie] Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread John Wilson
On October 15, 2003 09:22 am, Harv Nelson wrote:

 I had the same sort of arguement with CenturyTel.  My solution was to
 buy a small D-Link DI-604 router (about $20).  The router fights the
 battle with their modem, DHCP/DNS servers, etc.  (It even includes its
 own littlde firewall, so now, I get an extra Linux box for FREE. )

 I plug all my Linux machines, Windows machines (via another little
 router) and security cameras into the D-Link router.  Reboot everything,
 and BANG! It all works.  No sweat.  No tears.

 Harv / AI9NL

You can see my reply to Len and company about what I think of people like 

Don't count on that little firewall.  Slammer got through it.  The DLink is a 
nice piece of hardware but the firewall leaves much to be desired.  It can 
scew up IM or prevent it compeletly.  DCC file transfers on IM or IRC are 
next to impossible in most cases.

Do install tripwire at least on your main Linux box and pay attention to it. 



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[newbie] MDK9.2 Standard vs. Power Pack.

2003-10-15 Thread Lucio_Costa
Hi All,

Can Anyone tell me the difecence between:
- 3 ISOs of the Download Edition,
- The first 3 ISOs of the PowerPack.

Thanks in advance.

Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
Mandrake Club Member.

We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail - o melhor webmail do Brasil

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Re: [newbie] Mirrors already deleting 9.1/contrib

2003-10-15 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 15, 2003 10:25 am, rikona wrote:
 Hello Derek,

 Wednesday, October 15, 2003, 1:48:49 AM, you wrote:

 DJ Just a heads up.
 DJ Even though Mandrake 9.2 only came out yesterday I have noticed that
 DJ 9.1/contrib has **already** been deleted from my favourite mirror
 DJ (

 This was the topic I brought up a short time ago before 9.2 came out.
 I was worried 9.1 code would disappear quickly. The same thing
 happened when 9.1 came out (I was till trying to get 9.0 running). I
 finally switched to 9.1 because it was too hard to get the 9.0
 programs I was looking for.

 List members were reassuring me that the 9.1 code would be around for
 a while and there would be no problems getting 9.1 code when 9.2 came

 Maybe it's not as easy as everyone was suggesting. :-)

Maybe it's a matter of looking for it? The admins of the voluntary mirrors 
have to count cost as well as anyone else so not all are going to keep the 
full tree of older versions. Some will though. Such as

For anyone that wants longer access to contrib directories for non-current 
versions there's always local mirroring with rsync. The entire tree for 
almost any recent Mandrake Linux release, main, contrib and SRPMS is around 
10 GB. If you can afford the bandwidth and the time it might make sense.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
11:44:26 up 25 days, 1:07, 1 user, load average: 0.27, 0.09, 0.05
If there isn't a population problem, why is the government putting cancer in 
the cigarettes?
- -- the elder Steptoe, c. 1970
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Wireless LAN support in Mdk 9.2: Cisco Aironet?

2003-10-15 Thread Mark Kirschner
Hi folks, hope you can help me out with this.  I am running Mdk 9.1 on a Gateway Solo 
9500 laptop.  I have from my office a Cisco Aironet 350 wireless card.  When I 
installed 9.1 on the laptop, I was unable to get the wireless card working (well, I 
was told I could flash it back to a previous firmware to make it work, but being a 
company asset, not my own, I'm leery to mess with it like that).  

Does anyone know if 9.2 will provide support for the Cisco Aironet card?

In previous attempts to get this card working, I downloaded and installed it seems 
like half a dozen different PCMCIA and Cisco drivers, all to no avail.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Mark Kirschner

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Re: [newbie] How to install additional Software(guile=1.6)?

2003-10-15 Thread emim limam
ok, I installed the second degree/prequisites of the
first except guile which is requirement of the first
prequisites but it is asking me guile=1.6 and i
installed guile-1.6.0-1mdk.rpm and this suppose to
provide it but it is still asking me guile=1.6, 
Is there a special different pack guile=1.6 or i did
install the right rpm. 
If not how could i install from guile-1.6.0.tar.gz
If i could install from tar.gz would that be ok or i
still need to find guile=1.6?

thx in advance for any comments and help

--- John Richard Smith
 emim limam wrote:
 This is so annoying but how could i install
 software from installation cd 2? 
 I sent this off list , they are a bit terse there
 these days.
 Put media in drive,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mount /mnt/cdrom
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls /mnt/cdrom
 Boot/  Mandrake/
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrake]# ls
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrake]# cd RPMS2/
 It should list the dependencies
 make a note of them.
 rpm -qa | grep name of package
 like this,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] RPMS2]# rpm -qa | grep gnumeric
 substitute the name of the remaining dependencies.
 if it cannot find the package installed then find
 the package on your 
 discs .
 Use find files ,  it's on Kstart
 enter the name of the package substituting an * for
 the version number  
 and navigate the path to the /mnt/cdrom directory
 and tell it to  find 
 , make a note which disc they are on.
 Then install then one at a time, usually libraries
 followed last my the end package
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] RPMS2]# rpm -i name of package
 [copy and paste the name of package from preferences
 of the icon]
 and rpm will install each package.
 When your done you should have a working gnumeric
 installed from 
 mandrake CD sources.
 Hope this helps.
 Installing software in linux is a more complex
 business than windblows, 
 but nearly always is a better installation.
 If at the end of the day you have no Kstart menu
 entry fir the app then 
 go th MCC and create one.
 John Richard Smith

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

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Re: [newbie] MDK9.2 Standard vs. Power Pack.

2003-10-15 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 15, 2003 11:40 am, Lucio_Costa wrote:
 Hi All,

 Can Anyone tell me the difecence between:
 - 3 ISOs of the Download Edition,
 - The first 3 ISOs of the PowerPack.

Proprietary software like Flash, Acrobat Reader, and various and sundry 
drivers that can't be shipped with a fully GPL compliant download edition.
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
12:01:17 up 25 days, 1:23, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.10, 0.08
Why do we have two eyes?  To watch 3-D movies with.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] rwho

2003-10-15 Thread Max . Benitz
The rwho service is running on my system by default, and it seems that this
is responsible for giving information about my system in the event that
someone finger's this IP.  Only thing is that since I'm using a hardware
firewall, I don't think this will work.  Am I correct in believing that I
might as well turn that service off or does it have some other function?


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[newbie] 9.2 torrent, I was wrong

2003-10-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
This mornin I got up and was readin my email. Much of which was 
down on bittorrent (sux!), much of which was very positive. So 
what'a heck, I started a 9.2 iso torrent after checking here, to see how many givers 
and getters were online. After the first hour, my upload connection 
was maxed out. Making sending email, even surfing very slow. I was 
getting about 5kB/s down, but uploading 12kB/s up.  SOS, seemed as 
bad as my prior experience gettin cooker iso's with torrent.
Many of the positive on torrent posts, gave the links and even 
posted the edits to tweak bittorent to increase performance and not 
kill your connection for other use. I decided to try. During my 
prior cooker experience, I was usin bittorrent on the CL. This time 
I was usin the GUI.  So I stopped the current torrent.

Seems all I had to do was edit...
   and change

defaults = [
('max_uploads', None, 2,
  ^ this was a 4

 .and limit upload.

('max_upload_rate', None, 6,
'maximum kB/s to upload at, 0 means no limit'),

 The 6 was a 0, or unlimited. My adsl connection is only 128 
kilobit up, about 14kB/s upload max. More likely 12 in the real 
world. So I made the upload rate about 50%, or 6kB/s, 2 getters 
instead of 4.

Made a world of difference. My internet connection became 
completely usable, yet in the next hour after restarting (it 
resumed where it had been stopped) bittorrent started going. Took a 
while to ramp up, but then started getting over 300MB/hour (50% of 
my normal speed). About 6 times as fast as when I first tried with 
the default config.

So I was wrong. Bittorrent does make sense for getting Mandrake 
iso's.  Specially since Mandrake depends on donated mirror space 
and bandwidth, and torrent goes easy on both.  And since the 
reduced upload rate makes my connection otherwise completely 
usable, I intend to keep torrent runnin long after my d/l is 
complete. It's only fair to do so.  Thanks,
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] rwho

2003-10-15 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 15, 2003 12:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The rwho service is running on my system by default, and it seems that this
 is responsible for giving information about my system in the event that
 someone finger's this IP.  Only thing is that since I'm using a hardware
 firewall, I don't think this will work.  Am I correct in believing that I
 might as well turn that service off or does it have some other function?


That would depend on the hardware firewall now wouldn't it?

Any service you don't recognize or need (if you need them you are generally 
expected to know it -;) should be turned off.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
12:07:19 up 25 days, 1:29, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.06
The Army needs leaders the way a foot needs a big toe.
-- Bill Murray
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] 9.2 torrent, I was wrong

2003-10-15 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 01:05 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 This mornin I got up and was readin my email. Much of which was
 down on bittorrent (sux!), much of which was very positive. So
 what'a heck, I started a 9.2 iso torrent after checking here, to see how many givers
 and getters were online. After the first hour, my upload connection
 was maxed out. Making sending email, even surfing very slow. I was
 getting about 5kB/s down, but uploading 12kB/s up.  SOS, seemed as
 bad as my prior experience gettin cooker iso's with torrent.
 Many of the positive on torrent posts, gave the links and even
 posted the edits to tweak bittorent to increase performance and not
 kill your connection for other use. I decided to try. During my
 prior cooker experience, I was usin bittorrent on the CL. This time
 I was usin the GUI.  So I stopped the current torrent.
 the default config.

 So I was wrong. Bittorrent does make sense for getting Mandrake
 iso's.  Specially since Mandrake depends on donated mirror space
 and bandwidth, and torrent goes easy on both.  And since the
 reduced upload rate makes my connection otherwise completely
 usable, I intend to keep torrent runnin long after my d/l is
 complete. It's only fair to do so.  Thanks,
Tom, is there anything special one has to do to connect with a tracker? Open a 
port or whatever, I have a Lynksys router with the 688x ports forwarded, but 
have not gotten a tracker since starting yesterday. The folders were  made 
automagically and files for the iso's but they are 0 bits. Any suggestions? 
Grasping at straws to make sure I have this set up right.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Wine

2003-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 15 Oct 2003 8:06 pm, Graham Watkins wrote:
 Jamie Taylor wrote:

 Oh, and don't bother with Crossover - it takes forever to install
 anything and then it doesn't work anyway.  I put it on one day and took
 it off in disgust the day after.

I disagree with that statement.
Crossover-Office is real easy to install in my experience, and works precisely 
as Codeweavers says it does for supported applications. Supported 
applications are just selected from a GUI. You just put in the CDs when 

If you are installing the Crossover-plugin version, then the supported plugins 
are downloaded for you over the Internet and installed for you.

And if you do have problems, their support staff are the most efficient I have 
ever encountered. Really nice people.

Moreover Codeweavers are the single biggest contributor of code to the Wine 



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Re: [newbie] Permissions solution

2003-10-15 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 09:55:57AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm now copying over all my backed up mp3s from CDs to /mp3s.

If you don't have a portable player and space is an issue, you might
look at ogg instead of mp3 to get more quality in less space.


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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 05:44:43 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the second link workd.

the urpmi one did not.

Don't know why.


now to figure out where the hell Harm  HaywireSmack are hiding. :D

Built Femme Tough!

*I even have a JPG of the FORD logo with that on it.*

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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:08:22 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 15 Oct 2003 10:44 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 I think that should be 
 urpmi --media texstar gaim
ty derek :)

Fe Fi Fo FEMME! I smell the blood of a Derelict Derek!

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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 21:07, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 05:44:43 -0400

 HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the second link workd.

 the urpmi one did not.

 Don't know why.


 now to figure out where the hell Harm  HaywireSmack are hiding. :D

 Built Femme Tough!

 *I even have a JPG of the FORD logo with that on it.*

Waiting for the auth request, that's real S-M for ya:)
...hèhehè, logged into into, channel #mandrakeguru:
You won't believe it...there's no guru's there, only I'm ops.
A free channel for the taking:)

Good luck,

Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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[newbie] svg and wmf

2003-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
anybody know a linux app that can save .wmfi.e. convert .fig or .svg to 

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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Re: [newbie] OT, Discovery Edition??, WAS: Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:04:02 -0600
Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 She has since ordered a Discovery Edition of Mandrake Linux 9.2

what is that Discovery Edition thing?


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[newbie] Why torrent is too slow!!!

2003-10-15 Thread Lucio_Costa
Hi guys,

I´m experimenting download 3 mdk 9.2 iso using
torrent, I don't know why but it's too slow. I
accessed this link: and I saw my
infos below. Is it normal?

BitTorrent download info

* tracker version: 3.3
* server time: 2003-10-15 23:05 UTC

info hash   completedownloading downloaded
003b62fea4d3bd301d364feae6bc30604594112596  293 397
4b53fb281276f855dfa991491a64455e563140a4261 712 1024
ce91553fd644781e6f1d5e24103c047d73a169102   0   1562
0 files 335/359 943/10052983/2993

* info hash: SHA1 hash of the info section of
the metainfo (*.torrent)
* complete: number of connected clients with the
complete file (total: unique IPs/total connections)
* downloading: number of connected clients still
downloading (total: unique IPs/total connections)
* downloaded: reported complete downloads (total:
* transferred: torrent size * total downloaded
(does not include partial transfers)

Thanks in advance

Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
Mandrake Club Member.

We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail - o melhor webmail do Brasil

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[newbie] Help with memtest and errors. (a little long)

2003-10-15 Thread Terence J. Golightly

I posted last month message me thinks I got a virus.  Well.. I'm
almost positive that I don't have a virus.  I am still having the
locking up problem and I downloaded memtest ISO burned it to a CD and
ran the standard tests.  It locked up on test 5 with errors in the 5
figures range.  I ran it successfully by starting at 5 but the system
crashed on 8.  According to the documentation on the memtest86 web site,
these are the crucial tests that shouldn't fail. Indicating that I have
a bad DIMM. I read something about setting up memtest as a selection
from the bootloader writing the bad memory blocks to disk and using
another program/module to tell the kernel to not use that memory.  Has
anybody done anything like this?  If not too involved I would like to
try it before I buy new.  In the event that this route is not feasible
for any reason, would someone care to comment on the ram that they use
and who make quality memory.  I know that this has been discussed
before, but I couldn't find them on the newbie mailing list archives. 
The search engine hasn't worked for me yet. If someone remembers the
month I'll go back and check it out, no need to add any more bandwith
like this sentence :).



Terence Golightly   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mandrake 9.1 - 2.4.21-0.13mdk | Gnome 2.0 | Evolution 1.4.5 | Opera 7.11

Soyo Dragon Plus K7VXA-ZBA2 256MB RAM Unknown brand
AMD Athlon(tm) 1250mhz | nVidia Riva TNT Model 64 | Plextor CD-R PX-W1210A
Maxtor 6Y080P0 80GB   | Media Electronices CM8738 5 Channel Sound
VT6102 Rhine II 10/100 Ethernet | Monitor Sony CPD-A200

--Just a Newbieo-

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Re: [newbie] OT, Discovery Edition??, WAS: Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 03:19 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:04:02 -0600
 Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  She has since ordered a Discovery Edition of Mandrake Linux 9.2


 what is that Discovery Edition thing?

It is the newest CD set designed for raw newbies to install Mandrake with a 
minimum of fuss.  I think 2 CDs and you just stick them in with very little 
input and no partitioning required?  
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Can't find a file

2003-10-15 Thread Trey Sizemore
A program references the /etc/network/interfaces file, but I don't see
this in mandrake...where would this file be?  It contains info such as:

iface usb0 inet static


Thieves respect property;
they merely wish the property to become their property
that they may more perfectly respect it.
-- G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday

Description: This is a digitally signed message part


2003-10-15 Thread chmod
Is anyone getting bounces from users on the list when posting?

Aaron is getting a bunch, but i am not getting any.  I assume most people
aren't or there'd be more grousing...


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[newbie] Bounces from newbie

2003-10-15 Thread chmod
Sorry, forgot to fill in the subject.

Is anyone getting bounces from users on the list when posting?

Aaron is getting a bunch, but i am not getting any.  I assume most
people aren't or there'd be more grousing...


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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-15 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 23:42:53 +0200
H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Waiting for the auth request, that's real S-M for ya:)
 ...hèhehè, logged into into, channel
 You won't believe it...there's no guru's there, only I'm ops.
 A free channel for the taking:)
 Good luck,

heh how cool :P


well I was thinking of trying GAIM  Finding you both.


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Re: [newbie] OT, Discovery Edition??, WAS: Telewest broadband connection - nogo

2003-10-15 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 18:08:57 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 15 October 2003 03:19 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
  On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:04:02 -0600
  Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   She has since ordered a Discovery Edition of Mandrake Linux 9.2
  what is that Discovery Edition thing?
 It is the newest CD set designed for raw newbies to install Mandrake
 with a minimum of fuss.  I think 2 CDs and you just stick them in with
 very little input and no partitioning required?  
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

Thx Dennis.  Muc appreciated.  Is it sold retail?


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Re: [newbie]

2003-10-15 Thread John Wilson
On October 15, 2003 08:09 am, Kum Gábor wrote:

 Could you tell me how can I decode DTMF codes with a sound card?



Don't's a public protocol.  Google DTMF and you'll find all 12 
codes, the frequencies they use and the duration.

Signalling is one of the very few things all telcos agree on. :-)



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Re: [newbie] Bounces from newbie

2003-10-15 Thread Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 16:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, forgot to fill in the subject.
 Is anyone getting bounces from users on the list when posting?
 Aaron is getting a bunch, but i am not getting any.  I assume most
 people aren't or there'd be more grousing...
Aaron is  but Aron isn't
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Re: [newbie] Permissions solution

2003-10-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Good point.  I do have a portable mp3 player. And space isn't
an issue as the /mp3s partition is 25GB. ;-p


On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 15:57, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 09:55:57AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm now copying over all my backed up mp3s from CDs to /mp3s.
 If you don't have a portable player and space is an issue, you might
 look at ogg instead of mp3 to get more quality in less space.
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Re: [newbie] 9.2 torrent, I was wrong

2003-10-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday October 15 2003 02:48 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  So I was wrong. Bittorrent does make sense for getting
  Mandrake iso's.  Specially since Mandrake depends on donated
  mirror space and bandwidth, and torrent goes easy on both.  And
  since the reduced upload rate makes my connection otherwise
  completely usable, I intend to keep torrent runnin long after
  my d/l is complete. It's only fair to do so.  Thanks,

 Tom, is there anything special one has to do to connect with a
 tracker? Open a port or whatever, I have a Lynksys router with
 the 688x ports forwarded, but have not gotten a tracker since
 starting yesterday. The folders were  made automagically and
 files for the iso's but they are 0 bits. Any suggestions?
 Grasping at straws to make sure I have this set up right. --
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

   You're not askin an expert ;)  Shortly after I posted the 'I was 
wrong' sentiment, the BT GUI crashed.  Well, it froze anyhow. I 
killed it and restarted. But it wouldn't. Here's the steps I took;

   I used 'rpm -Uvh --force bittorrent-*' to reinstall the 
bittorrent rpms. That didn't do it. Still no go. So

   I did a similar deal with it's deps,  'rpm - Uvh --force' 
   (these are all, 9.2 cooker versions, I'm already runnin)
   Try'd again, still no go. 404. By now I wished I'd never bitched 
about torrent, or said 'I was wrong' and it 'makes sense'.

   Last straw;  I deleted my bittorrent file and re d/l'd it from 
Club. Voila!! (or as we say in TX, walja!!). The damn torrent 
connection started goin again ... right where it left off. So I 
guess when BT GUI froze, an I killed it, my.torrent file got 
screwed. Re-install'n the rpms with --force was probly not needed. 
Re-doin my '' edits was, again, to limit upload, speed 
up d/l and keep my connection otherwise usable.

As I started off with, this bittorBS is new to me, never been a 
fan of p2p anyhow. There's a growin consensus of docs, FAQ's, an 
smart BT people tho. Use the list archives, cooker, expert, an 
newbie, Club links, plus Google for people smarter than me.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] sound volume

2003-10-15 Thread Paul Kaplan
I'm running 9.1/KDE 3.1 on a ThinkPad T40.  Sound works, but the volume is 
very low on KsCD (barely audible) and doesn't seem to go to speakers that are 
integral to an external monitor, even if I set the hardware speaker volume 
control to max.  With the same CD under Win2K I can push the volume and 
distort the sound.  System sounds are audible (and play to the monitor 
mounted speakers), although I would think that I should be able to make them 
louder than I can.
Is there a master volume control hidden somewhere?  Any other suggestions are 

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