Re: [newbie] display problem with X

2000-04-01 Thread Audrey Beck

 Sven Vermeulen wrote:
 I succesfully installed linux mandrake 7.0 on my system last week. But
 now I have a problem with X; the screen goes blank when X starts and
 runs (and it's not a screensaver). I tried cltrl-alt-fkey to switch to
 a text console, but whitout succes.
 What's going wrong here?

At the command line, use Xconfigurator to setup X again.  Test what you
select until you get a display that works.

Re: [newbie] I cant access CDROM and Floppy

2000-04-01 Thread Audrey Beck

 I have a problem with the supermount i cant access my floppy sor CD
 it say is bad mounted or not have any disk., I re-install the system but
 still the same, any help
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Log in as root to command line, then enter:
supermount disable

That should put your /etc/fstab back to the "regular" mounts.  You'll
have to mount and unmount the floppy and cd to use them.

Re: [newbie] window refresh rate or device setting incorrect

2000-03-29 Thread Audrey Beck

Faizel Boorany wrote:
 The contents of xterm are not legible.
 All that shows is the cursor highlight as I type.
 However, if I drag another window over the console window, it refreshes
 and the contents (sometimes) become visible.
 Any suggestions welcome.
Part 1.2Type: application/ms-tnef
Encoding: base64

Check the mail archives for newbie.  I think you need the no_accel
option in XF96Config.  There might be other work arounds tho.

Re: [newbie] mounting disk shares of another linux box

2000-03-28 Thread Audrey Beck

Chadley Wilson wrote:
 hi all i wonder who knows
 i have spent the past few days trying to figure 'mount'  'unmount' out
 without luck
 I have read the man pages but and now am confused.
 Is the file system on another mdk7 box through the eth0 a nfs share
 here are the commands I treid and the errors:
 see attachment
 please could someone tellme howto get rpc working in mdk7.02 if i need
 Unfortunately I dont think mdk7.02 has any howtos so I can only refer to
 the man pages and the are not telling me enough.
 012 333 2276
 [root@amd /root]# mount -t nfs   cyrix:/root /cyrix
 mount: RPC: Program not registered
 [root@amd /root]#
 [root@amd /root]# mount -t ext2  cyrix:/root /cyrix
 mount: special device cyrix:/root does not exist
 [root@amd /root]#

Try samba.  Setup the shares in linuxconf.  Then use smbclient to
connect to them.

Re: [newbie] TCP/IP Problem

2000-03-26 Thread Audrey Beck

John N wrote:
 I switch between Mandrake 7.02 and Win98 SE.  I know, I know...  but I
 have clients who use Windows so I have no choice.
 Under Linux I can reach any website without difficulty,  hell even using
 the floppy disk QNX and it's tiny browser I can do this.
 Under Win98 there are numerous sites which lock up at the "Connecting to
 ..." stage.
 Examples:,, (only 3 of many ...
 It seems to be a TCP/IP parameter problem, beyond my scope.
 Any ideas?

I don't know about the others, but I have the same problem some days
with  To some sites, your traffic just gets lost. 
Stop/reload usually works.  I don't wait a long time for response.  Try
complaining to your ISP.

Re: [newbie]

2000-03-26 Thread Audrey Beck

Altern8 wrote:
 Hi gang,
 I am would like to get a copy of Mandrake, and atm I have the following
 modem and sound card,
 Diamond Supra Express 56e Pro modem, and Creative Labs SB live player 1024
 Are these 2 compatible with mandrake? I looked at the web pages, but dont
 find anything that matches them
   Kevin Hunter #  Altern8 on DALnet
Sop on #IRChelp
  Know your damn role, Jabroni

I think you can get the SB live going.  Some of them are recognised on
install, some of them have to be convinced to work.

For the modem, I don't know.  If it's a winmodem (requires Win) then
maybe not. might have
information.  Or check the diamond site.

Re: [newbie] freeciv

2000-03-26 Thread Audrey Beck

magick wrote:
 anyone know how to run freeciv i installed it from there mandrake rpm and
 everthing went fine but know i don't what the executable file is to actually
 run it anyone know ? --  to the future of linux together let's crush microsoft
 and free our desktops forever

I don't know the answer, but the way I find them (or docs) is to open
the original rpm in the kde desktop as if I were going to install.  Then
click on the files tab and look at the file list.  It's probably
something in a bin directory.

Re: [newbie] Returned Mail?

2000-03-26 Thread Audrey Beck

 I have this returned mail and did not even send it to this person,
 I think someone signed up for access through this group and put in the
 wrong addy.
 I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
 But now I know that what I thought I knew
 Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
 Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
 Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:

Yes!  Me too.  A bunch of them from a week or two ago.  I keep getting
returns and rejects for most of the mail on the list.  The mail posts on
the list also (about 90%).  Could you let Denis know that you are
getting it too?  It has to be a mandrake problem then, not my ISP mail

Re: [newbie] Modelines

2000-03-22 Thread Audrey Beck

bryan pryor wrote:
 I am having trouble setting up the modelines for my monitor for X.  It is a
 Likom Futura 17" monitor, and I have a Trident 975 AGP vid card.  Here are
 the specs.  If anybody can write the modelines from this, I'd really
 appreciate it.
 Vert. Refresh Rates:  50-100
 Horiz Sync Rates: 30-70
 Max Resolution:   1280x1024 @ 65 Hz
 640 x 480 @ 110 Hz
 800 x 600 @ 109 Hz
 1024 x 768 @ 86 Hz
 I don't really know how to set up the mode lines, and XConfigurator and the
 other "automatic" programs don't produce an XF86Config file that works.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Your /etc/X11/XF86Config file probably has the right stuff in it, but
not using it.  Make a backup copy of your current file, then edit it and
remove all the mode lines that don't match what you want.  Also remove
the screen section that has the VGA driver (usually the first one) and
says it does double scan.  See if that helps.

There are programs on (I think it's net) to
make mode lines etc, but they run in X, so...  There is also a HOW-TO to
make your own, but it hurt me, X and my video card, so I figure it's not
something I should do or help anyone to do.

Re: [newbie] My Mandrake Is Loopy... No More!

2000-03-22 Thread Audrey Beck

 I'm trying to fix my screensaver, it does not come on.   I was told to look
 for the Virtual Terminal.  But,
 I looked for the Virtual Terminal, and could not find it...will the Terminal
 Emulator work?  I tried typing in 'kppp' and nothing happened...
 'A Slave To The Drive To Obsession-
 A Spirit With A Vision, Is A Dream With A Mission'
 -Rush 'Mission'

When you are in KDE, if you enter Control+Alt+F1 you should see what was
printed on your terminal when X was started.  Look for errors for the
screensaver.  To use other console windows from KDE, use C+A+F2 (through
F6).  To go back to KDE from one of them, enter Atl+F7.

To start kppp, look in the menus (Like Windows start menus) in internet

Some good places to check for walkthroughs are

Also the mandrake site has the manuals and other information under the
support section.

Re: [newbie] Problem

2000-03-22 Thread Audrey Beck

"Diego González" wrote:
 i decided to install mandrake like a month ago, so i used partition magic.
 in a few words, i had no trouble installing everything, so windows and linux
 worked just fine. but some days ago my installation of staroffice took all
 of my linux disk space, so i used to partition magic again to resize that
 partition. but after partition magic finished doing that, lilo messed up!!
 i reboot my pc, but i just got this:
 (the same lilo message, but incomplete)
 i could enter to linux using a rescue floppy, but i couldn't enter to
 i decided to erase all the linux partitions and restore my hdd, but that
 didn't work either. i can enter to the dos prompt, but when i try to enter
 windows, i get something like this:
 cannot locate VFAT
 what should i do? i have to format my hdd? because i have some files i don't
 want to loose. or could i reinstall windows?
 please help me
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

To get windows back boot with a Dos/win boot floppy that has fdisk on
it.  Then enter:

Re: [newbie] network half way there

2000-03-22 Thread Audrey Beck

 Chadley Wilson wrote:
 I've already sent this to Eugene Grimsdell  to look at.
 The problem is that when I remove my eth0 config completely then kppp
 connection works
 it has some thing to do with routing but when I try to add "route add
 default ppp0" it spits out the error no route to host
 if any one knows what I have not done pse let me know
 thanks in advance
 Chadley Wilson
 Name: networkerror.html
networkerror.htmlType: Hypertext Markup Language (text/html)
 Encoding: base64

Try adding this to your /etc/ppp/options file:

If you look at ifconfig when you have your network and ppp0 going, one
of them has the other's address.  You want ppp to have all it's own inet
addr in ifconfig.  Those settings might not work for you.  Actually,
they don't work for me in 7.0 with kppp.  But they DO work in 6.1 with
kppp.  In 7.0 I have to use ifup ppp0 to get access.  To use ifup, you
have to setup ppp in linuxconf (kind of the same things you do for

Some people have gone back to 6.1 kppp and had better luck.  I haven't
tried that tho.

Re: [newbie] Connection problem

2000-03-20 Thread Audrey Beck

"Antoniou, Stylianos" wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have configured two PCs (Mandrake7.0  RedHat6.1) in my college network.
 When the network cards are connected to the network sockets everything is
 fine,I have access to the www from both and when I ping from one to the
 other I can get a connection. For example:
 # ping
 PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 tt164 time=4.2ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 tt164 time=4.2ms
 However, when I directly connect the two network cards connection is not
 established, i.e.
 # ping
 PING ( 56 bytes of data.
 What am I missing?
 Thanks, in advance

a crossover cable?  I would assume that the wiring in the school goes to
a hub of some type that takes care of "crossing" the wires.  Using the
same cable to connect the two computers won't work.  Pin 1 is connected
to pin 1 in both computers etc which means that transmit is connected to
transmit.  If you can't find a crossover cable, you need a hub.

Re: [newbie] DSL problems

2000-03-19 Thread Audrey Beck

Do you have the addresses for your name servers on your isp?  The
easiest way to enter them is to go into linuxconf, network, client, dns
and put in what they give you.

Re: [newbie] Need Russian TV URL, please!

2000-03-19 Thread Audrey Beck

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Thanks to all the wonderful advice cocerning LInux and Vmware, I was
 able to set up a Win3.1 virtual machine in Vmware and install Windows
 Media Player 3.0.  As I sadly explained yesterday, TV 6 of Moscow has
 chosen to broadcast their LIVE domestic Russian broadcasts on WMP
 instead of our beloved RealPlayer. Well, it is a big event for us
 Russian scholars, students, faculty and translators.
 Configuring my modem as /dev/ttyS1, I was able to immediately connect to
 the Internet via Netscape 3.04 on Win3.1/Vmware.
 WMP 3.0 is dated July, 1999 and is meant to carry audio AND video
 streaming for asf and asx files. My problem is being able to get the URL
 in question.
 For instance, I can usually first connect to a radio or video station on
 RealPlayer and look at the status bar and find the URl address
 (pnm://... ram) or whatever. That way, if I know the URL, I can always
 type it in the Open Location box and connect that way. For instance, to
 listen to Radio Free Europe Live in Russian (24 hours a day), all you
 need to know is their URL, which you can get by going to their home page
 and then clicking on Live Broadcast. Their URL is:
 There must be such an address for TV 6 Moscow ending with asf (or asx).
 TV 6 Moscow's home page is:
 May I ask one of your kind folks who have dual Linux/Windows boot and
 please, if you could,  try to write down the URL for TV 6 of Moscow.
 Turn to their second page and you'll find "Live Broadcasting" at the top
 right of this page. Click on the TV6 icon and you should  be able to
 connect to them with WMP on Win98.
 One very important question: what connection options do they offer: 28k,
 56k, ISDN, broadband? Please let me know.
 This will give you the live broadcast URL. That's all I need. If WMP 3.0
 for Win3.1 can connect, I will be delighted as can be and eternally
 grateful to you.
 If this experiment fails, I may have no choice but to consider Win98 on
 VMware for Linux. I don't like the idea one bit. That's why I am making
 this desperate attempt to do it on Win3.1.
 Thanks so very much, folks.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

I can't get it to give me anything I think is useful, but I got:
Inside that file is:
(I got this from the english side when I clicked live broadcast)

In Russian (can't read it, so just clicked things):
This tried to run real player, but couldn't connect to anything and
didn't give me options to click on anything to pick a channel or url.

Maybe you can find a friend locally that will let you go to the site to
play around until you get the information you need?

Re: [newbie] net problem

2000-03-19 Thread Audrey Beck

stathis gotsis wrote:
 i have mandrake 7.0.when i connect to the internet through kppp,then
 netscape can find no host,the same happens with other applications ,such as
 mail clients.what could be possibly wrong.i would appreciate any help.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

You need to enter the DNS addresses in kppp for your isp.  The addresses
cannot be resolved without them.

Re: [newbie] It's getting really frustrating (was 'error not enough space in partition /')

2000-03-19 Thread Audrey Beck

kiriakos wrote:
 Well thank you all guys, but 7.0-2 didn't do it for me. I did as Alan
 suggested , that is I made a floppy from a cdrom.img of 7.0-2 version
 and I still got the error message that I need 1180 megs and the /
 filesystem is not sufficient. I managed to install the packages by
 reducing the package size slider to like 1001 Megabytes, thinking I
 could add more later if I needed to, and it seemed to work.
 Ok, packages installed and everything, installation says succesfully
 completed. When the system reboots, I CAN'T LOGIN as root!!!. But I CAN
 login as a regular user.
 I'm 100% sure I'm typing the root password right. is the root user named
 anything else than 'root' maybe?
 If it means anything, I've set the security level to paranoid, upon
 installation. Do I have to type something extra? And what about LILO, it
 asked for a password too, which I provided, and upon boot it just works
 without asking a pass or anything. Could these two passwords (root and
 LILO) be related in some way?
 Another problem I'm having is that I set the console to 80x60
 characters, and it still shows 80x25 or something, with the added
 problem that when the prompt reaches the bottom of the screen I cannot
 see what I type, and in fact I have to press Enter 2-3 times and then
 what I typed shows up finally.
 I'm thinking I'm not smart enough for Linux and maybe I should drop it.
 I'm sorry for asking all those questions, but I have no manuals at hand
 to look into for more info. If someone could point out a complete
 comprehensive Linux manual/resource/tutorial online, I would appreciate
 it. I will try looking at the Mandrake web site for more info too.

You can't log in as root with that security setting.  Log in as a user,
then enter:
su - root
and log in as root.  Then go into kde (if it will let you) and set your
security level down until you get going.  There should be something in
the config screens to set your console screen size to what you want. 
You can also try to use Leftshift+pageup/down to scroll on the console

Re: [newbie] Basic Help

2000-03-17 Thread Audrey Beck

 Ronald Brown wrote:
 Hello Group,
 In the install process, it asks the following question.
 What partition and directory on that partition holds the Mandrake/RPMS
 and Mandrake/base directory?
 If you remember from my post yesterday, all my files are on my hard
 drive. Actually: C:\7.0
 I have tried everything I could think of and there is no docs on this
 part of the install. I guess I am just to old and used to a Windows
 enviroment. If you can help, that would be great.

try /hda1/7.0 or hda1/7.0

Re: [newbie] Lexmark Colorjet 2070 Drivers?

2000-03-17 Thread Audrey Beck

John Catral wrote:
 Hi! Has anyone gotten the LExmark Colorjet 2070 drivers to work for Linux?
 Mandrake 7 doesnt seem to recognize it.  I hope someone can help me out
 because I dont want to print my school papers from WindoZe.. =)  Thanks!

If nobody posts the url, check in the mail archives.  I believe that
someone posted a url for lexmark drivers etc.

Re: [newbie] Quick Zip question

2000-03-15 Thread Audrey Beck

"Michael D. Kirkpatrick" wrote:
 I have a 4 gig and a 27 gig hard drive on my web server.  Everything is
 ran off of the 4 gig hard drive.  The 27 gig hard drive is basically for
 storing daily backups (Up to 2 weeks worth).
 Is there a way to tell zip to treat all shortcuts (links) as only links,
 not as files and directories?
 Example, when I go to zip a directory that has multiple links it adds
 all the directories and files under the links as well.  This makes for a
 rather large zip file since I can have 10-20 copies of directories and
 files because of all the links I have.  I basically want to make mirror
 copy of a directory structure in a zip file.  That way I can restore it
 in a directory on my 27 gig hard drive and move the necessary
 directories, sub directories, files, and links to the 4 gig hard drive
 (thus restoring what was messed up or lost).
 When I am done, I will have a zip file for each directory on the root
 level.  That way I only would have to restore what I need.  I need to be
 able to restore all the links as links, not as actual files and
 If this is not possible with ZIP, could you possibly suggest a good free
 utility that I can use to accomplish this.  I just want to use zip since
 I can also open the file on a windows based machine upon need and also
 for the space savings.
 Thanks in advance

Don't know about zip, but you can do this with tar and tell it to
compress so you get a smaller archive (you hope) than the actual data.

Something like:

cd /27gig/week1backupdir
tar --same-owner -czvpf week1.gz /whateverdir /anotherdir /etc

Check out info tar.  I don't remember if man tar has all the switches
and what they do.  I believe p is the switch you want, but check the

Re: [newbie] 82810e driver whitney video card

2000-03-15 Thread Audrey Beck

"Jim Del Cañamo" wrote:
 I have a Soyo SY6WM, it has a intel whitney 82810e chipset
 I am looking for this driver
 help me
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Don't know if it will work, but check intel's site for the 810 drivers
(use the two rpms they have) and follow the installation instructions
for the rpm sections.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Problems

2000-03-14 Thread Audrey Beck

Jack wrote:
   I just installed Mandrake 7.0 a few hours ago by using
 my cdrom to boot the
   installation up.
   When I try to access any of my cds in the /mnt/cdrom,
 it says it can't read the
   I set the thing up properly  in the control panel it
 says it's there, but won't
   read any of the disks, not even the cd I installed
 Mandrake from!
   My floppy drive isn't working either.
   Please help, I love this O/S so far.
   Best Regards,

It's probably a supermount problem.  Supermount doesn't seem to work for
some systems.  Check out I believe they have a
section on supermount.

Re: [newbie] 2 questions for you

2000-03-14 Thread Audrey Beck

Cory Hirano wrote:
 Hello there]
 I have two questions 1st How do I uninstall a desktop replacements? because
 I want to upgrade to the latest version of IceWM but it conflicts with the
 "light" version already installed.  2nd how do I install the isapnp file
 needed to install Lothar so I can upgrade to the latest version?

rpm -e IceWM

Might get rid of it.  You might want to use --replacefiles or
--replacepkgs on an update or install instead.

I think isapnp stuff is installed by default.  You just need to make the
file.  Check for it:

whereis isapnp
whereis isadump

I don't know the name of the rpm, but it should be somewhere on the cd
under the RPMS directory.

rpm -ivh whateverthenameis

Re: [newbie] fs problem

2000-03-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Cory Hirano wrote:
 Hello again
 I checked the error message and this is what it says
 Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs 03:07
 Do I have to reinstall mandrake again?

Does your boot floppy work to boot the hard drive?

If all else fails, you could try to do an upgrade instead of install and
it should rewrite lilo to point at the right boot image.

Re: [newbie]

2000-03-11 Thread Audrey Beck

 Hi all,
 I've been trying (for about a week) to install Mandrake versions 6.1 and 7.02. on
 the following:
 Tyan 1854 motherboard
 pentium PIII-600
 128 meg ram
 IMB 13.Gb HDD
 MATROX G400max
 SB 1024 soundcard
 NE2000 comp. ethernet card
 he problem is as follows:
 After booting up from the CD, I presume the following process is hardware
 detection, what happens is when it gets to IDE0 and IDE1 the system hangs
 for a while and then reports operation timed out and something along the
 lines of IDE0 not found (not responding) and the same for IDE1. Carrying
 on with the installation after this the process cab't get past the formatting of
 the Linxu partition.The same also occurs trying to install Redhat 6.0. I've
 tried the fips  fdisk route as well with no success.
 I've managed to successfully install 7.02 on another machine (only real
 difference being the motherboard)
 Anyone have any ideas
 Steve Greedy
 School of Electrical  Electronic Eng.
 University of Nottingham
 Tel: 0115 9514273
 Fax: 0115 9515616

Do you have an ata66 controller/drive?  I think you need to download a
test kernel to try to get it installed.

Re: [newbie] how do i make WindowMaker open a new window, maximized?

2000-03-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Ryan Drafall wrote:
 The subject pretty much says it all.  Whenever I open a new
 window, whatever the program may be, it always opens in a window that
 is off-center on the screen.  How do I make it automatically
 maximize?  Thanks for your help.
 Ryan Drafall
   gAIM S/N: Twygg1
  Linux 2.2.14-15mdk

I don't think that you can.  The best you can do is maximize the app,
then go into it's settings to see if you can save them.  Then the app
might always remember that it was maximized.

Re: [newbie] Restructuring H/D Allocations

2000-03-10 Thread Audrey Beck

Larry C wrote:
 I started several weeks ago with the idea in my mind that I would
 install this Linux thing to play around with but surely not get serious
 about. Now I find myself dreading the thought of booting back into a dos
 environment (should put some sort of warning about this on the CD
 somewhere). My problem is one of improper disk space allocation for my
 new OS of choice. What I would like to do is change the directory
 structure so as to enable me to add more partitions (I have partition
 magic and can easily reformat from fat32 into ext2) to my existing Linux
 setup while at the same time preserving some sort of logical and
 accepted order without wiping out the last few weeks of work. I have no
 problems juggling things on the dos end to free up more space for Linux
 but on the Linux end I am (obviously) confused. If anyone could point me
 in the right direction (tutorials, how-to's, etc) I will be forever
 Larry C

If you just want to add a new partition, go ahead and make it.  If it's
a primary partition, it's named something like hda1,2,3 or 4.  Extended
partitions start at 5.  Since you are adding the partition after the
fact, you should know that DOS/Win looks at the ORDER of the partitions
on the disk(s) and whether they are primary or extended/logical for
name.  Linux looks at the order they were CREATED on the disk(s) within
the primary and extened/logical.

If you create a new logical partition before another logical partition
on a disk, DOS would name the new one before the old one (C-Z).  If for
example you had primary C and logical D in DOS, then split up D into two
partitions with the new empty one first, your old D would be E.  Messes
up everything in DOS/Win.  DOS/Win can't see linux partitions, so you
wouldn't mess it up adding one.

Linux would name the new one after the ones (5-N) so that any new
partitions have a new name and the old ones aren't changed.  You don't
have the same problem you would in DOS with programs knowing where
something is.  For example, you have C-DOS primary (hda1), Linux Primary
(hda2), D-DOS logical (hda5 if you mount it in linux), linux logical
(hda6), Linux Swap (hda7).  You change D to be two partitions, one linux
first and one DOS.  In DOS you would still have D since it can't see the
linux partition.  In linux, you would have a new hda8 that is the one
before hda5, 6 and 7.

C primary - hda1
linux primary - hda2
D logical - hda5
linux logical - hda6
swap - hda7

C primary - hda1
linux primary - hda2
linux logical - hda8  --new partition
D logical - hda5
linux logical - hda6
swap - hda7

If linux doesn't detect the new partition when you boot, you might have
to use mknod to create the device in /dev and mkdir to create a mount
point.  To find the info you need for mknod, at a command prompt (as
root) enter:

ls -alk /dev/hda*

Look for the major/minor numbers for your partitions on the drive.  For
major = 5 for all partitions.  Minor = 1 for hda1, 2 for hda2 etc.  If
you needed to create a device for hda8, then enter:

cd /dev
mknod hda8 b 5 8

Make the mount point you want:

mkdir /mnt/hda8

Format the partition:

mke2fs -c /dev/hda8

Then mount the partition and use it.  You'll probably want to add it to
fstab, so edit /etc/fstab and copy a line for a partition that is like
it and change it's dev and mnt to what you need.  If you made a primary
partition, then it would be hda1-hda4.  You'll have to change the
names/major/minor to match your system.

Re: [newbie] Binary Applications

2000-03-08 Thread Audrey Beck

If you downloaded .rpm files, you have to install them first.  In KDE,
use the disk navigator to find the rpm, then click on it.  The xrpm
program should come up with the archive so you can install it.  Look at
the second tab in the window so you know where and what it's putting out
to run it afterward.

Charles Sharp wrote:
 I've been having trouble getting some applications to run on my machine.
 I downloaded some apps in compiled binary form already and everytime I
 go to run them it says "cannot execute binary program".  How can I make
 it so these applications will run?  One of them was a mud client,
 another was the game Doom that I downloaded from  I'm
 running Mandrake 7.0.2 (AIR).  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] bz2?

2000-03-08 Thread Audrey Beck

y?  Geez... I must have always fallen asleep before I got to y parameter
in tar docs.  I always did it the long way.  z was impressed onto my
brain when I was young, so I knew that one.

Thanks Tom!  Now I feel I should go to the web site and read more of
your information, but I always end up spending hours because of the
"hey, I didn't know that" stuff you have there.  :)

Tom Berger wrote:
 On 07-Mar-2000 Vidyut Luther wrote:
  there is a utility called bunzip2, use that to unzip it, . tar does
  recognize it, i forgot the switch though. but a simple:
  bunzip2 jre.tar.bz2; tar xvf jre.tar
 Linux isn't easy, but it's not *that* complicated ;-). The command is
 tar xyf [archivename]
 i.e. just replace the 'z' with an 'y'.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Lane Lester" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 4:03 PM
  Subject: [newbie] bz2?
  I said:
   Well, since I don't do any programming, I just need a Java runtime
  called JRE.
   I'm downloading the one from blackdown as Richard suggested, so here's
  Hmm, the file came in as a .tar.bz2, and tar doesn't recognize it. I'm not
  sure I've ever encountered a .bz2 before.
  Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
  Using Linux to get where I want to go...
 "No fun, no gain"
 Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] boot to console

2000-03-06 Thread Audrey Beck

Edit the messages log file in /tmp/log (or something close to that)

Piero Caracciolo wrote:
 At 18:43 05/03/00 -0500, you wrote:
 dmesg | more
 Harald Wolf wrote:
  how can a review the error messages that my new selfcreated kernel
  produces on startup ?
  how avoid start up xdm automatically after boot so i can step back with
  "Shift-Up" to see the exact errormessages ?
 This actually what I usually do. But you don't get ALL boot messages. How
 to get the other ones?
 Piero Caracciolo
 54, rue de Bourgogne
 75007 Paris - France

Re: [newbie] new to Mandrake 7.0

2000-03-04 Thread Audrey Beck

 In a message dated 03/04/2000 6:01:54 PM Central Standard Time,
   Have you run printtool? If not run it at the command prompt.
   John the Nadger
 How do I run that?

Open an Xterm in KDE and type printtool at the prompt.
 'Smash Yr. Head On The Punk Rock'

Couple of good sites for walkthroughs on linux stuff are and  Lots of info there and
step by step.

Re: [newbie] telnet problem

2000-03-03 Thread Audrey Beck

If you can find a site that has the directories from the 6.1 CD instead
of the iso image, then go to the Mandrake/RPMS dir and find
telnet-server rpm.

James wrote:
 Sorry if this has been asked before, but I cannot find the answer on the
 Mandrake web site anywhere.
 I have installed 6.1 (I was having too many problems with the 7.02
 installation) and everything seems to be working great except the telnet.
 It seems I don't have the identd package installed.  Where can I find it
 online to install it?  My 6.1 CD is at a friends house so I'd rather just
 download that one package from the Internet and install it.
 Thanks for any help.

Re: [newbie] Install Mandrake 7.02 - install lockup with a Adaptec 2040u2w (newbie)

2000-03-03 Thread Audrey Beck

Del Craddock wrote:
 I am trying to install 7.02 and it always locks up after it detects my
 Adaptec 2940u2w and tries to install the driver.
 Machine info
 Motherboard - Abit BP6 with 2 400 Celrons
 Adaptec 2940u2w, 400h, interrupt 5, id 7
 256 meg ram
 three scsi drives and jazz drive
 soundblaster live
 ATI 128 w/ 32 meg ram
 Netgear FA310TX ethernet
 all the above works fine under NT4.
 I have tried to go the expert route but I am not sure that I ever got
 all the settings right, since I have not been able to find out where
 the settings are documented.
 The install starts normally, finds the card and identifies it
 correctly, but locks when trying to load the driver for it.  If I
 force it skip loading the driver, the install continues on until it
 comes time to select the location to install and there are no drives
 to load it on. (As would be expected.)
 Thanks in advance for your help  suggestions.

You might have to adjust settings on the card.  I don't remember if they
are on Adaptec's support pages or in a HOW-TO for linux.  You might need
the latest bios for the card too.  Check to see if there is a readme
with info on the CD.

Re: [newbie] Loosing ones partitions

2000-03-03 Thread Audrey Beck

Did you try creating a win98 boot disk, booting from it, and at the
prompt enter fdisk/mbr to see if that fixes the partition table?

condeuser wrote:
 Hi penguinistas,
 Not sure if this is a Linux or Windoze problem. Thoe,I suspect,the user
 needs a thorough debugging.
 Recently installed Mandrake 6.1 dualboot with Win 95 on an IBM deskstar 13.5
 disk- 2.5 for 95 and 4, I think, for Linux. .All seemed fine and bigfun
 seemed assured with trying to coming to terms with Linux.
 Then I had the opportunity to update to Win 98 (it seems a bit more stable)
 and I did a clean install and after 2 days of installing programmes and
 service packs  I tried to boot into Linux without result. Linux will not
 even install as it thinks the whole disk is Fat32;thoe 98 still thinks its
 only 2.5 in size. I ran disk doctor from Norton Utilities 4  and it finds an
 error in the mbr which it tries and fails to correct.  Unfortunately the
 Partition-It I have does not work with disks larger then 8 Gb's so I'm at a
 Is their anything I can try before wiping the disk  and starting afresh with
 hours and hours reinstalling as,doubtless,my well deserved reward.

Re: [newbie] Internet access?

2000-03-01 Thread Audrey Beck

Try and

Lothar Mandrake wrote:
  The other week somebody posted a link to a page with advice on how to
 get connected to the Internet using Linux.  I stupidly clicked on "delete"
 before I realized that I could really use that kind of information.  If
 somebody could please repost that link I would be very grateful.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Problem with my printer Epson LX-810

2000-03-01 Thread Audrey Beck

 Hello, my name wis David and i live in Colombia, actually i'm using
 Mandrake 6 with kernel 2.2.9-27.
 I got two printers, Epson LX-810 and Epson Stylus 300 but i can't work
 with them, the LX-810 only works with pipes... "cat /etc/passwd 
 /dev/lp0" but does not work with lp orders and the stylus 300 does not
 work anyway.
 When i execute lpq i get this...
 [ # /var/spool/lpd/lp SV ] lpq
 Warning: lp is down: printing disabled
 Warning: no daemon present
 Rank Owner Job Files Total Size
 1st root 5 /tmp/Acrob01050 273751 bytes
 2nd root 7 ...  155706 bytes
 3rd root 8 ...  155706 bytes
 4th root 9 ...  155706 bytes
 5th root 10 /root/.micqrc 1678 bytes
 6th root 11 ...  625 bytes
 7th root 12 ...  16407 bytes
 8th root 13 ...  625 bytes
 9th root 16 archivodir.txt ...  654187 bytes
 10th root 20 (standard input)  24157 bytes
 11th root 21 (standard input)  24157 bytes
 [ # /var/spool/lpd/lp  SV ]
 What can i do?... please help me... i really love Mandrake

Have you tried using printtool to reconfigure and test the printers? 
How is it configured?  Have you tried setting up a printer on lp0 in
printtool and print a test page?

Re: [newbie] Ethernet Card Problem...

2000-03-01 Thread Audrey Beck

Michael Haney wrote:
 Hi all!
 I really love Linux-Mandrake, I used to use RedHat 6.1, but this
 distribution is so much better.
 I am having a trouble with my Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter, its a
 10/100Mb ethernet card with a feature that allows a remote server boot
 the system via a cable connected from the NIC to the motherboard.  I
 downloaded the Linux drivers for the card from and
 followed the instructions to install the drivers.
 What I did was...
 Extracted the files...
 Ran make
 Ran isnmod modulename
 Ran make install
 Ran Modprobe modulename
 and got no errors.
 When I boot I get a 'failed' message when eth0 is being initialized.
 The module appears in the config files but so does the other module
 the system ASSUME the card was the first time I install it.
 Can anyone please help?
 So sayth the Zorch!
 The-Zorch Sci-Fi  Fantasy Ezine
Under Development
I Internet  Authors
   Visit the site and  sign up!!!

Check your /etc/conf.modules file.  If it has the other driver in there
too, that could be messing up the card.

Re: [newbie] help

2000-02-29 Thread Audrey Beck

Kit wrote:
 I have an old MOUSE SYSTEMS serial ISA card...
 with jumpers for setting IRQs and COM ports...
 so I assume...I can use this card to install a external modem...
 is this correct?
 if so, HOW do I do this for
 US Robotics  33.6  sportster
 external modem
 ICQ# 7110071
 (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

The external modem knows nothing.  It's just connected to whatever you
set the port up as.  So, check your original system for serial ports. 
Check the bios to find what it has setup for serial ports.  Then, setup
the serial card to NOT use any of those ports or irqs or addresses. 
Once you have it setup, then just connect the modem to the port.  How
come you can't just connect the modem to a serial port already in your

Re: [newbie] help

2000-02-29 Thread Audrey Beck


Doesn't your system have any of it's own serial ports?  Not the ones on
the card you have your mouse in.

Anyway, you don't need a slot.

Plug the modem into the extra serial port on the card your mouse is
plugged into.  However, you'll have to figure out to configure that port
to it can talk to the modem.  You'll have to use irq and address that is
not being used by something else.  Check your bios to see what it thinks
is built into the computer.

Kit wrote:
 Audrey this is why:
 all other slots, be it PCI or ISA are taken up...
 I have a logitech marble mouse connected to com1 ...03f8-03ff IRQ 4
 and on the same card, is a 25 pin female plug
 I have a BestData VW-PCI 56k winmodem hooked up to com2 IRQ 9,
 in windows, and IRQ3 in DOS
 I do have two ISA slots left, that are free...
 Audrey Beck wrote:
  Kit wrote:
   I have an old MOUSE SYSTEMS serial ISA card...
   with jumpers for setting IRQs and COM ports...
   so I assume...I can use this card to install a external modem...
   is this correct?
   if so, HOW do I do this for
   US Robotics  33.6  sportster
   external modem
   ICQ# 7110071
   (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)
  The external modem knows nothing.  It's just connected to whatever you
  set the port up as.  So, check your original system for serial ports.
  Check the bios to find what it has setup for serial ports.  Then, setup
  the serial card to NOT use any of those ports or irqs or addresses.
  Once you have it setup, then just connect the modem to the port.  How
  come you can't just connect the modem to a serial port already in your
 ICQ# 7110071
 (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

Re: [newbie] Boot Error

2000-02-29 Thread Audrey Beck

You need to install lilo to hda in this case.  You need something to
boot from.  hda1 is the actual partition for /.

"Potts, Ross" wrote:
 I get a boot error after configuring the system on a new install.  My system is
 a Compaq Presario 4112 with a P200 for the CPU.  It is maxxed out with 72 Megs
 of memory.  It has a 1.6 Gig HDD.  Previously I had it configured to boot
 FreeBSD, but I decided to try MDK 7.0.
 I went thru the installation with DrakX, and just selected the defaults, well,
 except for partitioning;  I made a boot partition, swap partition, and just the
 / partition to start out.  / of course took up the remainder of the hard Drive.
 All partitions were formatted and checked after creation.
 When I got down to the point where I am asked about using a boot floppy, I
 selected NO.  This I based on being able to dedicate the whole HDD in FreeBSD.
 I figured it should be able to boot native.  I then selected to run from LILO.
 I left all options alone in the LILO section.
 After installation finished, I rebooted and got:
 This is where I am stuck.  I selected /dev/hda1, which is what the boot
 partition was named during the partitioning stage.  Aside from having a Compaq,
 what am I doing wrong?  I was successful in doing this with MDK 6.0 that came
 with the Maximum Linux Magazine that came out last year.

Re: [newbie] Red hat

2000-02-27 Thread Audrey Beck

It can't be the password for root, it must be a user.

 Tom Hicks wrote:
 I have got the SMB to work and am able to see the box on the Windows
 system. But when I try to log on to the box I am getting the IPC$
 command. I have checked all the connections and I have user accounts
 and what not. When I looked at the SMB.CONF file and I have made
 multible changes to the encripted password and size. I even created
 all user section with settings to browse. I still get the IPC$ asking
 for the password. When I put in the password it says it is incorrect.
 Any help?
 Tom H
 Triumph T595
 64 Corvair
 65 Corvair

Re: [newbie] multiple httpd..

2000-02-27 Thread Audrey Beck

James Mellema wrote:
 Audrey Beck wrote:
  vishal bansal wrote:
   Hi all,
   Kindly reply at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   After   starting my linux box, after typing 'ps -aux' I see 12 instances of
   httpd daemon each consuming 3.6% of memory. I could kill them , but is there
   any  permanent fix for this.
   Get Your Private, Free Email at
  If you go into linuxconf, networking, apache server, performance, you
  can setup the number of deamons.
 My setup "only" has 11 running. I am not running Apache or any other
 servers that use http as far as I know. Do I need any running, or can I
 get rid of all of them?
 James Mellema, CRNA MA
 Linux User # 71650
 ICQ # 19685870

You should be able to get rid of them.  In linuxconf, there is a section
on deamons to run on startup.  Uncheck apache/httpd from there.  Then it
shouldn't start any.

Re: [newbie] booting from floppy

2000-02-27 Thread Audrey Beck

toie wrote:
 i recompiled a kernel and everything is problem is booting to
 iti use a boot disk to boot and i need to reinstall lilo after making
 changes to lilo.config correct? how do i reinstall lilo on my bootdisk
 to use the lilo.config i changed?
 thanx in advance..toie

Check out the man page for lilo.  The command is something like
lilo --a floppy

Re: [newbie] DNS problems

2000-02-27 Thread Audrey Beck

Paul Eppley wrote:
 I have my dial-up connection working, but I can't get anywhere in
 Netscape--it keeps saying 'server not found'.  I do have the appropriate DNS
 entries in kppp.  What else must be set?
 Paul Eppley

In an xterm window, enter:
ifconfig ppp

Look to see if your IP address is the one assigned to you for your ppp
connection, and not something local.  If it's not correct, check out the
man pages for pppd.  There are two commands you might need.  One is for
local and one is for remote.  I can't remember them off the top of my
head and the linux system I use them on lost a power supply, so can't
see it.  You add them to the ppp options.

Re: [newbie] Fwd: How to print in a hp 670 c

2000-02-27 Thread Audrey Beck

Fernando Camacho Olmos wrote:
 --  Mensaje Reenviado  --
 Subject: How to print in a hp 670 c
 Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 21:10:01 -0600
 From: Fernando Camacho Olmos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 in economic mode.

Go into printtool (type printtool in an xterm window) and edit the
printer.  On the top right, there is a box that has an option to add if
it's using too much ink.  You add that option to the bottom right or the
window in GS options.  This is if you are using the 500/560/600 HP

Re: [newbie] Help with installing KDE

2000-02-26 Thread Audrey Beck

 Jim Weaver wrote:
 I have just installed Linux-Mandrake 6.1, I am logged in as the root
 user, The cdrom was found in the initial installation. I have no idea
 how to see what's on the cdrom of how to load the kde. I am very new
 at Linux but I am fairly confident in the windows world. I have read
 the site and cannot for the life of me find a simple instruction on
 how to install the kde. Was the kde loaded automatically when I did
 the initial install ?? I AM SOOO CONFUSED. Is there something or
 someone out there that can walk me through without having Unix based
 Any help would be appreciated

KDE is probably there.  Enter startx at the command prompt and see if
you go into KDE.

Re: [newbie] no make possible

2000-02-26 Thread Audrey Beck

Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
 Doellbachstraße 15
 34127 Kassel
 Joerg Reinhardt
 after mixed up my tiny System, by selecting the "install all option" (wich was
 not to much by harddisc-space, but it completely breaks out ma System), and
 trying to compile a few programs without noing what I was doing, I decided to
 reinstall ('nother reason for that, was to change partitions, getting more
 space for all those programs in /usr).
 Since I reinstalled (LM 6.5 on an PI-75mHz, 40M-Ram) the thing is flying (as
 good as scrap can), but there is no "make" command or compiler ( egc++, or
 something simmylar I searched for in /usr/bin, correct place to search for,
 wasn't it?)
 I obviously missed to install the compilers!
 In the main installation where you can choose, wich packets are supposed to
 be Installed, there is no packet called "compilers" in explict, so wich one I
 have to install, to be able, to download and compile files from the net?

Use custom install.  It should have all the development and compilers in
the install list then.  Otherwise, if you can get into KDE, you can look
at the cd rom and install the RPMs there.

Re: [newbie] Part one : Monitor 800x600 Config

2000-02-26 Thread Audrey Beck

Larry C wrote:
 I am having a wonderful X configuration learning experience as I
 continue to be unsuccessful configurng my monitor for 800x600 res.
 Every setting from 1600x1200 32bit through 640x4808bit is great but that
 darn 8x6. I have learned of the awe of Xconfig, the wonder of XF86Setup,
 the thrill of Xvidtune, and how easily entertained I am by the Xmodline
 generator but I have yet to be rewarded with a non flickering 800x600
 video display (I even hacked XF86Config). Using Xvidtune I have found a
 wide range of values that produce a perfect display but I seem to be
 unable to get XF86Config to understand them even though the only
 Modeline values left in there are the ones I have manually entered. I
 even remembered to enter them in the "Display" subsection. Obviously I
 am missing something here (it's a "newbie" thing).
  Here is some info relating to my system, I would be very appreciative
 if any of you have any suggestions.
 Mandrake 7.0  2.2.14-15mdksmp
 Card: Riva TNT2ultra 32meg
 Monitor: ViewSonic GS790
 H 30-95kHz, V 50-180Hz, 0.7Vp-p
 640x480 @ 180Hz to 1600 x 1200 @ 77Hz  NI
 Modeline"800x600"   69.65  800   864928   1052   600
 604610640   -hsync  -vsync
 This looks just great using Xvidtune but flickers every second or so
 when vidtune is not running, every other configuration any of the other
 setup tools has come up with does the same thing. I run a dual boot  and
 800x600 works fine on the evil O.S.
 Thanks !

I can't help with your problem.  But where did you get xmodline?

Re: [newbie] multiple httpd..

2000-02-26 Thread Audrey Beck

vishal bansal wrote:
 Hi all,
 Kindly reply at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After   starting my linux box, after typing 'ps -aux' I see 12 instances of
 httpd daemon each consuming 3.6% of memory. I could kill them , but is there
 any  permanent fix for this.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

If you go into linuxconf, networking, apache server, performance, you
can setup the number of deamons.

Re: [newbie] PartitionMagic won't let me run windows

2000-02-26 Thread Audrey Beck

 Sam Junge wrote:
 Sorry for making this so long, but I wanted to make sure I included
 all the details, so please take the time to read it :
  I bought Mandrake Linux 7.0, which came with a version of
 PartitionMagic as part of the "extra's" cd. I installed Partition and
 BootMagic on my NEW Windows 98 computer, then installed Linux. I felt
 did not do the best job of installing Linux, so I decided to delete
 partition I created. There was an option in the PartitionMagic folder
 to start a dos program that would delete my Linux partition. I did so,
 and when the computer re-booted the program came up, and I followed
 directions to delete the partition.  I assumed it had worked, but when
 the computer came up again, the partition was deleted but it would go
 into that same PartitionMagic dos program and give me a window to
 ok that said "The Linux Parititon could not be deleted. That operating
 system partition was not found." When I click ok it reboots and does
 the same thing. WHAT SHOULD I DO I tried getting fdisk,
 autoexec.bat and a few other things from a different win98 computer
 putting them on a disk. I also did a sys a: from another computer onto
 that disk and put them onto my new computer. This at leasts puts me at
 a dos prompt. I tried typing fdisk/mbr at the c and the a prompts, but
 the computer either doesn't recognize them or it doesn't change
 anything. There is no windows directory at c, so I can't really run
 anything. People have told me to get a win98 boot disk, but I don't
 have one / know how to make one. What should I do ??? I can't run
 windows, so I am really frustrated. If you've had this problem before,
 please give me a detailed solution.

Ok, I think what is happening is that the autoexec.bat or config.sys on
your C: drive have the partition magic running.  If that is not true,
1. Can you get into Safe Mode for windows when booting?
2. If not, the next thing to try is to make a copy of your msdos.sys on
your C drive.  You'll probably need to run attrib -r -s -h msdos.sys to
make it visible in DOS before you can copy it.  Then edit msdos.sys and
change the parameter for bootGUI to 1 (one) (I'm not sure the correct
name of the parameter).  Then try to boot from the hard drive.
3. If it's a brand new system, you should be able to reinstall or
restore Win from a CD included with the system.  This should wipe out
everything.  Then, make the boot disks for Partition magic and boot
magic.  Then try Linux again.

Re: [newbie] Printer setup

2000-02-25 Thread Audrey Beck

Papa wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I'm having problems getting a remote printer to work from my Linux Box.  I can ping
 the Win98SE box both by IP Address and hostname.  However, when I set those items
 up in printtool it does not even appear to access the hub to get to the Win98SE
 box.  Here are some specifics:
 The Win98SE box...
 IP Address :
 Computer name : Hanna
 Work Group : Mama Mert's
 Computer Description : AJ's Celery 400
 Printer : HP Officejet 600
 Shared as : HP600PRINT (no password needed)
 On the Linux box (MDK 6.1)...
 Printtool setup
 Names : lp
 Spool : /var/spool/lpd/lp
 File limit : 0
 Hostname : Hanna
 IP Number :
 Printer Name : HP600PRINT
 User : blank
 Password : blank
 Workgroup : Mama Mert's
 Input Filter : *auto* - Deskjet550C/560C/6xxC series
 Suppress Headers is marked
 in /etc/hosts Hanna
 Hopefully someone out there will have some insight into this problem.  Thanks in
 advance for the help.
 Jerry Merten
 Mama Mert's Embroidery

You need samba and install the printer as a samba printer, not a network

Re: [newbie] Cannot get LILO to intialize Network Adapters

2000-02-24 Thread Audrey Beck

root wrote:
 Please help...I'm about ready to quit Linux and go back to Windows forever.
 I cannot get either of my PCI network adapters to initialize.
 Lothar recognizes both of my adapters and lists them in the following
 3Com Fastnet 3C905B
 Netgear FA310TX as DEC (Tulip)
 I assume the 3Com is eth0 and Netgear is eth1.  The 3Com is connected to
 my DSL modem and Netgear to my LAN.  I put in all of the IP addresses,
 submasks, DNS addresses, and gateways exactly as I have them under
 Windows.  I use the 3c509 module for the 3com adapter and tulip for the
 netgear.  I even used the interupts reported under windows...5 for 3com
 and 11 for netgear.
 No matter what I do, both network adapters fail to inialize when
 rebooted by LILO.
 I've spent many hours trying to figure this out but to no avail.  Any
 help woiuld be greatly appreciated!!!
 Thank you,
 Dennis M. Frisman, M.D.

Log in as root to a console or xterm.  Look at the stuff on your system
cat /proc/interrupts
cat /proc/ioports

Check out the dirs under /proc and cat them to see what it reports.  It
might be that under linux the cards have different irq or io.

Re: [newbie] Lothar..

2000-02-24 Thread Audrey Beck

Ger-Bil Jinn wrote:
 Same here, I just got the 7.0-2 CD and it still can't recognize my
 NE2000 compatible NIC.
 Kyle \"Orange\" Spahn wrote:
  Hey everyone,
  I haven't been able to get my NE2000 compatible network card to work in
  Lothar yet. I can't run the configuration for it. I must be doing something
  totally wrong, so please help me! ;)

On the list somewhere (here or expert) I think Axalon said there are two
tulip drivers.  tulip.o and old_tulip.o (something like that).  So, if
you can find where your current driver is, find the real name for the
other driver and try that one.  Look in your /etc/conf.modules file to
see what you are loading now.  That might fix the problem.

Re: [newbie] KDE resolution, Generic VGA

2000-02-24 Thread Audrey Beck

Rog wrote:
 So I got Mandrake 7.0 up and running, finally (after some Compaq
 generated difficulties), but right now my screen resolution is
 extremely low since I had to select Generic VGA for a vid card. I have
 an integrated motherboard, an Intel 810, which uses an Intel 810
 Chipset Graphics driver.
 So, initially, I thought I was going to have to get a supported video
 card, but then I found a driver for my cheesy 810 thatll make it work
 at (more specifically at So I download the
 readme, and with the exception of no 32bpp support (I generally use 16
 anyways), it looks pretty good. So, the next step is the instructions,
 which are at
 And for me, thats where the bottom falls out. I can't make heads or
 tails out of it. I'm not sure if Im supposed to just install the
 driver RPM, or if Im supposed to do that, install something else and
 download and install another Xserver. If someone else is familiar with
 how to do this (or wouldnt mind taking a look at the instruction
 page), and could walk me through it, I'd be highly appreciative.

Just do the rpm stuff.  Type in the commands as shown.  Don't recompile
the kernel or any of the stuff at the very end of the instructions. 
Intel has the rpm that goes with the instructions (just one file is all
you need), so I don't know if the driver set you have will match those

Re: [newbie] No PPP Support in 6.5?

2000-02-23 Thread Audrey Beck

Lane Lester wrote:
 I just installed Mandrake 6.5, and when I tried to run kppp I was told
 there was no ppp support in the kernel.  I did a custom install, and I
 certainly told it nothing that would imply that I would =not= be using
 a dialup connection to the Internet.
 What should I do differently the next time I install? (arrrgh!)
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

That happened to me when I updated the kernel.  Just ignore the message,
ppp will still work.  If you log in as root first, you won't get the
message at all.

Re: [newbie] Load lilo with rescue disk

2000-02-23 Thread Audrey Beck

"Antoniou, Stylianos" wrote:
 Hi there,
 I caused a kernel panic, I booted with the rescue disks and I want to run
 lilo and to change my fstab file. Unfortunately, I cannot run lilo by simply
 typing /sbin/lilo and vi is not loaded. What am I missing?
 Stelios Antoniou

mount your root drive, then use:
chroot /mnt/thisroot
( change the /mnt/whatever to where you mounted the root drive)

This will make that drive be your /.  Then update your /etc/lilo.conf
and run lilo.

Re: [newbie] problem with VGA

2000-02-23 Thread Audrey Beck

 George Houdek wrote:
 Hi all
 I have problem with Mandrake 6.1 Helios .I have VGA rage fury 128 with
 32 MB memory.
 problem is " canno't open X server and canno't open X win" I make
 configuration with xf86config .
 Pleas help :-))) George

I think there somewhere on the cd there is a driver for this card. 
Check contibs or the rpms.

Re: [newbie] I can't log as root!?!

2000-02-23 Thread Audrey Beck

Louis Paradis wrote:
 I've installed MDK 7.0 in text mode by FTP. After the installation, I've
 tried to log in as root, but it didn't work. Then I've tried as user and it
 worked. But I can't use the startx command to start X windows. Then I've
 used the passwd command under linux single to change my password, but no
 result, I can't still log in. Any ideas?
 Also, I didn't find any monitor compatible with mine when I installed it.
 Even if I try custom!

You can't log in remotely as root.  This is a security feature.  You'll
have to use su - root.

In custom, try the SVGA server.

Re: [newbie] X not starting proplery

2000-02-23 Thread Audrey Beck

 Rajesh A wrote:
 I installed Linux-Manrake 7.0 on my Inter PIII 500 machine.
 Installation, went through, without any problem. During X
 configuration, my adapters and monitors were detected automatically. I
 could able to see the screen on Display test, during this process.
 But, when I reboot, after installation. I am not able to see a proper
 X login screen.
 I returned to init 3 and rebooted my machine and tried to run startx,
 after logging in on char mode. Still it is not working. It tries to
 give me X screen, but I am not able to see any KDE or GNOME
 environment over there. My Desktop itself is missing.
 Can someone, help me on this regard??

Do you get any display?  Have you tried to rerun XConfigurator?  What
video card do you have?

Re: [newbie] Best Data 56K External Linux Modem - KPPP dies constantly

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

 webmaster wrote:
 Hello Linux community,
 I have a problem with my Best Data 56k External Linux Modem
 connecting to the internet.  It connects but the KPPP only lets me
 stay on for 1-10 minutes before kicking me off.  This is the message I
 get back-
 "The remote system does not seem to answer to configuration request."
 I tried the Xon/XOff to the flow control too, no success.  I would
 really appreciate an answer.

What kind of configuration do you need?  Scripted login, PAP, CHAP?  Try
putting noauth in ppp options in kppp.

Re: [newbie] Cirrus Logic 5428 VLB

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

"Ramiro Aceves, EA1ABZ" wrote:
 Hello Linux-fans:
 I can not set my GL5428 Vesa Local Bus video card with more than 256
 colors in X-window (16 bit color).
 Can you help me please?
 Thanks in advance.

What happens, or doesn't happen when you try to set it to a higher
number of colors?

Re: [newbie] Monitor problems

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

Sven Magnus wrote:
 Hi guys!!
 I've installed Mandrake without any problems, my monitor (AOC Spectrum 4Vn)
 is even in the hardware list, but the problem is the driver doesn't work
 right. In the test screen it's OK (because nothing's moving) but when I use
 KDE and I move a window or something, it leaves traces that make a mess of
 my screen and make it unusable ;-(
 Who can help me?!?

What video card do you have and what driver did you pick?  You might
want totry another resolution.

I had this problem with the drivers supplied in 6.1 for the Banshee 3D. 
I downloaded the Creative version of them and don't have the "sprinkles"
with this.

Re: [newbie] Xconfigurator problem...

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

Rich wrote:
 Can't get Xconfigurator to work.  My monitor (Viewsonic A-90) is not in the
 list and neither is my video card (Voodoo2000). Any ideas would be greatly

What version of Mandrake are you using? Voodoo2000 is there in 6.1.  For
the monitor, you'll have to pick one that is close or else do custom and
fill in your refresh rates.

Re: [newbie] Monitor?

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

 powerdiver1000 wrote:
 Having problem setting up Monitor, I think thats why when it promps me
 to start program it goes thru this long list of things then my Monitor
 light turns amber  nothing else happens. Any help would be
 appreciated. Thanks Dewain Narron 757-866-0301

Nothing is wrong with the monitor. I never had this on Mandrake, but did
when I tried Red Hat 6.1.  Then it was that it couldn't find the video
card properly.  Try pressing one of the keys on the keyboard that don't
do anything by themselves.  Like Alt or Control or a Win key.  See if it
wakes up the monitor so you can continue.

Re: [newbie] Permissions to /mnt

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

 I'll give this a shot tonight.
 Can someone point me to information in the man pages about this - I have
 beenthrough everything I can think of and readas much as I could, but I
 guess I must have missed it. How did you guys figure this out? (You're
 going to say "We clicked 'HELP'in LinuxConf" aren't you!)
 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst

I don't know where it's documented.  Maybe in man mount?  I've just been
reading this list for a long time and getting through problems one step
at a time.

Re: [newbie] Cannot Print

2000-02-21 Thread Audrey Beck

Abdoul Da Man wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 6.1 and everything is fine.
 but I cannot print. I have a cannon BJC-2010 and
 a Microtek scanner.
 When I do:
 $lpr filename
 It's said something about connection refused but the
 job is queued. I checked the lpd and it's running.

Try connecting just the printer and see if you can print.  In KDE, open
a console window and type "printtool" (without quotes).  Try using
printtool to reconfigure the printer and print test pages.

Re: [newbie] Hi, everyone

2000-02-19 Thread Audrey Beck

I believe the archive search is on the same page as the subscribe to the
list stuff. 

Oliver Immich wrote:
 I am new to the list as a subscriber and very impressed by the traffic
 here. Therefor I wonder whether the postings could be reduced to really
 new questions (a number of them are asked again and again) by giving
 everybody the opportunity to query the archives for keywords, since is running such a thing and it helped me a lot! As a nice
 side-effect, the time between encountering a prob and gaining knowledge
 to solve it is reduced very much.
 Am Fre, 18 Feb 2000 schrieben Sie:
  I am a new "Mandrake" member, and for the moment I am trying to make sure
  everyone gets a semi-decent answers to his questions. That is, I answer
  the question if noone else does. .-)
  Of coarse, I am extremly lazy person, and prefere it if you do it ;-
  Nay. But it is a HUGE amount of e-mails and I cannot answer them all.
  However, If anyone notices that he (or someone else) did not get an answer
  in 2-3 days, and I have been posting other e-mails in this time, it
  probably means that I have overloked it, so  please remind me.
  cu later
  Mag^H^H^HDr. Denis Havlik
  Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Austria(@ @)   tel: (++431) 4277/51179
  February 17-th 2000: The Linux Demo Y2k Day!!!

Re: [newbie] Linux Networking

2000-02-19 Thread Audrey Beck

Zulfiqar Naushad wrote:
 This might sound weird, but I need to network 4 linux boxes together.
 Basically I already have them in a physical network.  They are all assigned
 IP's and they can ping each other.
 But how do I access the other computer's drives without telnetting into it.
 I would like to mount the other computer's volume in a directory for example
 Where /comp1 would have the entire contents of drive c of comp1.

Samba or NFS.  I'm using Samba to let Windows and Linux systems map each
others drives.

Re: [newbie] Defragging

2000-02-19 Thread Audrey Beck

Yes.  It's the file system, not the OS that allows for more

Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 Would you still have to defrag a FAT32 partition even if linux is the primary OS for 
 -Original Message-
 From: Anthony Huereca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, February 18, 2000 4:24 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Defragging
 Is there any regular maintaince that needs to be done to a linux box like in
 Windows with defrag, scandisk, etc? I know that defragging in Windows can speed
 up a system quite a bit, and I had never heard of anything like defragging in
 Linux, which is why I was wondering if you even have to do it. And if so, how
 exactly would you do it?
 Anthony Huereca
 Press any key to continue and any other key to quit

Re: [newbie] Mounting Logical Drives

2000-02-19 Thread Audrey Beck

Michael C wrote:
 I have a disk with a primary FAT32 partition (C drive) and an extended
 primary partition.
 The extended partition has logical drives d, e, f and g. These drives are
 also FAT32.
 I partitioned these using Partition Magic.
 Linux (on seperate drive) can mount /dev/hdc1. This is mounted using vfat at
 Within LinuxConf I cannot seem to mount my logical drives, I have tried
 /dev/hdc2, with the same
 options as hdc1 but with no joy, it just won't mount. I have tried changing
 settings as well.
 When I exit LinuxConf, it points me to the error log that suggests that I
 have too many fs mounted
 (not true) or that I am trying to mount a logical partition within an
 extended one, which is of
 course what I am trying to do. However, it gives NO solutions, it doesn't
 tell me where I am going wrong.
 I have also unmounted hdc1 prior to attempting to mount hdc2 - again no
 Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong.
 Thank you.

I could be wrong on this, but the first thing I'd check is why you are
mounting hdcX at all.  If your master disk on the first ide bus is your
C drive, then it should be hdaX.  I also think that logical drives in
extended partitions start with the number 5.  So hda5 would be your d
drive.  Post your /etc/fstab.  Install always messed up my logical Win
partitions and might be doing the same thing to you.  That was the
message I'd get.

You could also go into fdisk in linux and display all the partition
information to help you setup your partitions.

Re: [newbie] Permissions to /mnt

2000-02-18 Thread Audrey Beck

 I've been using LinuxConfto set my fstab file up. It all mounts, without
 problems. Even got the CD-burner to mount after working out it was sr0.
 Trouble is, only root has write permissions to everything. 'steve' only has
 read permissions to the vfat mounted partitons. I think I can get around
 this buy mounting them with uid=500 and gid=500 in the mount options in
 fstab. Hwever, suppose this was a "real" system, with say 10 other
 group-id's. Only people in group 500 (my group) would then have write
 access - yes? What about the guys in group 501 or 765?
 There must be another way to permit all users, irrespective of group or
 user id to write to these partitons, but I'll be buggered if I can find it!
 Of course, I'm back at work now, so I can't just have a look! :(
 Steve Flynn
 IBM MVS Operations Analyst
I think the option you are looking for is "user".  That's what I'm using
and I can do everything I need as a user.  mount, unmount, read, write,
execute etc.

Re: [newbie] A question about installation process

2000-02-18 Thread Audrey Beck

 I'd like to install LINUX in my intel-machine. My hard-disk is 9 Gb an I have a
 1 G partition. When I try to do the  a LINUX-NATIVE partition is imposible an
 give me an error "partition too big". l have W95 in my computer too and I dont
 wan't to erase the information.
 What can I do ?
 Thanks !!!
 Kind regards .

You need to create at least a /boot partition (16 meg) within the first
8 gig of the drive.  Then you can use the 1 gig partition at the end of
the drive for everything else.

Re: [newbie] HELP!!! After deleting /tmp

2000-02-16 Thread Audrey Beck

KDE seems to write all over there and NEED it's configuration files it
puts there.  I had to reinstall.  Couldn't ever get it all fixed
properly. :(

Brent Timmer wrote:
 Help!! I deleted the files in /tmp(thinking they were only temporary files).
 Now I can't get into blackbox, cant run simple commands like (xv, setroot,
 imwheel, root, and many other).
 Can someone tell me what I did and how I can fix it, please?!

Re: [newbie] irq's

2000-02-16 Thread Audrey Beck

Log in as root to a console window and enter:
cat /proc/interrupts

 rharvey wrote:
 is there a way to get a list of irq's. in windows you can see what irq
 and dma's and addresses are free so you can set an card up to work
 with the free resources.  where can I find this info at it linux?

Re: [newbie] kfm hangs on reading /mnt/

2000-02-15 Thread Audrey Beck

Dan Ros wrote:
 Any ideas why?
 -- - ICQ: 15212336
 No witty comment or quote required.

Yeah, it's a bug.  You can't go up to "/" root (hangs) and some vfat
partitions, you can't use regular mount (hangs).  If it's a vfat
partition, you can edit the mount portion (right click, properties) and
add a vfat mount.  I haven't found a way to make vfat mount the default,
so you can't just click the icon, have to right click and pick vfat
mount instead of mount.  This is assuming you can ever kill the old

Re: [newbie] help

2000-02-15 Thread Audrey Beck

Kit wrote:
 How do you uninstall a bad install of 7.0 CD...and then re-install 6.1?
 also, I tried a hayes smartmodem 2400 (external) just to see if it would
 connect...and it wouldn't.
 Got any ideas...
 also, WHERE is KPPP on the CD?   what's the RPM  called...?
 isn't the above modem   a 14.400 modem ?
 ICQ# 7110071
 (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

Install 6.x and format the partitions in the install.  The hayes 2400 is
way less than 14.4.  Your isp probably won't let a 2400 connect, if the
modem can figure out how to talk to the higher speed modem at the other
end.  kppp would be under mandrake-rpms somewhere.

Re: [newbie] Sound Card, graphic card

2000-02-14 Thread Audrey Beck

Edwin Chua wrote:
 Hi all,
 Pretty bad at managing a Linux. Here's my questions :
 1.How do you go about to configure ur sound card??
 2.I select a generic graphic card (S3 3D Trio), when I start my netscape, a
 error msg stating that it can only support a mono visual screen. However,
 things get normal after I quit the program.
 3. I find that although Linux appear more stable than Windows, however I
 find that performace wise, Window is faster. Wonder do you guys feel the
 same or is my system slow.
 I use a pentium II 300 Mhz, 64MB SDRAM
 Any idea ???

Edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config file and find the Depth 16 sections. 
Change it to 24.  It might be at 32 which also seems not to work.  24
does work with that video card.

Re: [newbie] ISA detection problems

2000-02-14 Thread Audrey Beck

Ger-Bil Jinn wrote:
 I lost the original message of the guy who did reply to me, but the
 thing is, my soundcard is plug and play and was successfully detected by
 Mandrake 6.1. My old Ethernet card wasn't plug and play but 6.1 was able
 to successfully configure it on its own. Since then I've gotten a new
 motherboard and new Ethernet card and give 7.0 a spin. Manually and
 automatically trying to configure both these hardware does not work at
 Ger-Bil Jinn wrote:
  Neither the installation or Lothar was able to detect my network
  card (NE2000 compatible), and the same goes with my soundcard (Creative
  AWE64), and both are the only ISA devices I have on my computer.
  Can someone please help me? Thanx!

Check out the man pages for pnpdump.  It has references to isapnp etc. 
What you have to do is dump the pnp stuff, edit the file to do what you
need, then read it in to isapnp. (I think that's how it goes.  Been a
while and I don't mess with it)

Re: [newbie] printing problem

2000-02-13 Thread Audrey Beck

In KDE, try playing with printtool.  Make sure that you setup the
printer to the correct thing, local, remote, samba, etc.  You can
reselect the driver and port there to test.

vishal bansal wrote:
 Hi Guys:
 I have just installed linux-mandrake 6.1. I selected the right printer
 during the installation procedure, but whenever I try to print, I get the
 following error.
 lpr: connect: Connection refused
 jobs queued, but cannot start daemon
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] help

2000-02-13 Thread Audrey Beck

 Benjamin Shugar wrote:
 Hello My name is Ben.
 I have a netwrok at home and a print server.  My print que cannot
 start print daemon lpd.  THe jobs go to the que but the que cannot
 start the daemon.  All my other internet services work fine on it.  I
 can ping the print server so I know it is talking.  I installed it
 using printtool .  I have highlighted the remote print que and have
 been using the print ascii file it just sits in the que and is unable
 to start the print daemon.  THe error says lpr refused connection
 because unable to start print daemon. Also,
 I am trying to get mysql working on linux.  I have rpmed it but cannot
 find it on my machine.  I appreciate any help that you can give me

Are you using samba to connect to a Win box for printing?  If so, make
sure that you selected a samba printer not a remote/network printer.

Re: [newbie] ISA detection problems

2000-02-13 Thread Audrey Beck

Ger-Bil Jinn wrote:
 Neither the installation or Lothar was able to detect my network card
 (NE2000 compatible), and the same goes with my soundcard (Creative
 AWE64), and both are the only ISA devices I have on my computer.
 Can someone please help me? Thanx!

If they aren't pnp, then you should be able to just set them up with the
correct irq and addresses.

sndconfig for the sound card, pick the Awe64, set the irq, dma and
Set up the network card in linuxconf under basic network.  There is a
place to put the driver, irq and address.  Both of these will put the
modules into /etc/conf.modules to load.

Re: [newbie] IDE Zip

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Heberto del Rio Guerra wrote:
 Hi I just got Linux Mandrake 7.0 and install it. Everything went fine,
 but... It didn't auto configure my IDE Zip that used to work perfect under
 Windows 95, Linux Red Hat 5.2 and Linux Red Hat 6.1.
 When Mandrake is loading it recognizes de IDE ZIp it sees it at hdd, (as
 Linux Red Hat 5.2 and 6.1 used to see it), but when it tries to check for
 a partition table (I don't know why) it returns a "interrupt lost"
 message, and stays forever in and endless loop of interrupt lost messages.
 What I did is to pass as a parameter in the command line (at boot time)
 hdd=noprobe, so it passes through (it is not probe), but the problem is
 that I can't not access my Zip afterwards.
 Does anyone knows how to fix this problem?

Check your /etc/fstab file to see if it has supermount enabled.  If so,
try changing that to regular mount to see if that helps.

Re: [newbie] The saga continues...update:

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Works fine in Mandrake 6.1.

Audrey Beck wrote:
 Dave wrote:
  I tried changing (in the BIOS), the eth0 to IRQ 3...and when I went back to
  linux, ide0 had changed with there some other way to change IRQs
 I have the same type of thing.  I thought it was just me and
 understanding a new system.  My ethernet card and video card want to
 share the same IRQ no matter what.  I disabled the IRQ for the video
 card and they just both changed to a different IRQ, but both the same
 one (per windows and linux only shows the ethernet card, so no X for
 me).  The video is onboard and ethernet card is PCI (I tried switching
 PCI slots too).  This is on an IBM 300GL system and Red Hat 6.1.  I
 haven't tried Mandrake on the IBM system because I am waiting for my 7.x
 cd.  I'll try Mandrake 6.1 and see what it does with it and report back.
 Your IDE is onboard and the ethernet is PCI.  What system are you
 running this on?  Someone else on the list was reporting a problem with
 video on an IBM 300PL. Maybe it's the same as my problem?

Re: [newbie] file types association in KDE

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Alek wrote:
 I would like to change the default file associations. Ex. I'd like to
 have FreeAmp play/open my mp3/m3u files instead of the KDE Audio Mpeg
 Where/how please.

There is a section on it in the KDE help file.  What I did was to go
into K Explorer and edit it's options.  Set it to use KDE types and
icons, then edit the extensions.  That seemed to work for most things.

Re: [newbie] KDE startup

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck


Do you get errors or?

JP wrote:
 I also have installed linux-mandrake twice and I can't get kde going
 either.  I have xterm and xconsole up but can't get kde to start.  I
 have re-read the installation guide and notice that at one point it
 mentions selecting the components to install, when I have installed the
 software I did not get a chance to select different packages, it appears
 to have installed them all.  I admit to be a very green newbie on linux
 and could use some help in getting started.
 J.P. Cazares
 Rick N wrote:
  Chris wrote:
  I have installed it twice now, Once with out starting into x the
  with..either way i am not getting the kde going...  at this point
  the kde
  and gnome both installed, but I am new and not sure how to activate
  After you login and are at the command prompt, if you type in KDE,
  it should start.
 Rick N
 J.P. Cazares
 Office (317) 248-1093
 Pager (888) 934-6190

Re: [newbie] Mouse/kaudio woes -- Urgent

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends
 (Using Mandrake 6.1)
 My mouse freezes in Netscape and elsewhere in X windows (KDE) and in the
 Console. It was working fine for months and now is constantly breaking
 down (every few minutes -- I hope I can get this message out before it
 breaks down again).
 Here are the messages I got when returning to the console
 (after Cnt+Alt+Backspace):
 "kaudioserver: catching fatal X 10 Error. Cleaning up.
 Xnit connection to server lsot.
 Waiting for X server to shut down."
 What do you all think? Is it a problem with my mouse or with something
 Thanks again.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

The fatal error says it's your sound.  I wish I could help you on this,
especially for all the times you've helped me.  Sorry. :(

Re: [newbie] 2 cd drives linux only finds one???

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Mike wrote:

 H, that is a humungeous amount to read and understand :-(
 Let us assume for a minute that I am a total idiot.
 Its easy really, my wife does it all the time :-(
 How would one such as me go about adding my 2nd EIDE CD type device and then
 setting it up as a burner?
 In newbie terms please as the few grey cells that god gave me have been
 seriously depleted due to rock and roll and too many nights with "the boys"...
 10x in advance:
 Mike Perry...

I don't think that creating a device is a newbie thing, except that's
when you usually NEED to make things.  Be careful and I don't guarantee
this won't hurt your system.

I don't know what the numbers are for your cd rom burners.  I think
you'll have to find that out before you use the command.  There are
different kinds of cdrom device types, but I don't know if they have
different major numbers or not.  Log in as root.

mknod cdrom2 b xx nn

Where xx is the major number (i.e. 22) and nn is minor number (i.e. 0-9
if you have 10 devices of this type).  I know there IS somewhere that
tells you what the major numbers are for devices, but I can't remember
where that is.  If anyone finds it, please post so I can write it down. 
Don't know if it's on the Mandrake CDs or on the web somewhere.

To see examples of device types, cd to /dev and enter:
ls -alk cd*

Or hd* etc.  There are 2 numbers you are concerned with, they are the
two numbers before the date.  For example 22, 0 for my IDE cdrom drive.

Once you make your device, you can create a dir (for example: mkdir
/mnt/cdrom2) to mount it on.  Personally, I would not put an entry in
/etc/fstab until your have rebooted and mounted it manually and used the
device several times.  As far as I can see, if you create a wrong device
that doesn't mess up something else, you can just use "rm" to remove it.

Re: [newbie] 3C905 and IRC

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

sdos wrote:
 Hello, I have recently installed Mandrake 7, and love it, only problem I
 have is I have 2 network cards, one in a linksys ehter16 isa, and the other
 is a 3com 506b isa (which I believe some one has posted about already) I
 can't get either one to work, it sees the 3com for sure, but I don't believe
 it is working, and the linksys I'm using the ne driver for, and I have no
 clue about that one. also, if anyone is using isdn, I could use some help on
 that too, I'm dialing up with my 56k now, but have isdn and would like to
 use it.  Also, can anyone suggest a nice quick small irc client,
 nothing fancy, just something that works.
 Ernie H Kitchen
 Computer Technology
 7 String Superman
 "If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?"
 P.S. That ass that sent the Junk OS email... I'm an MCSE, I know everything
 about windows and NT anyone would want to know... and my systems rarely
 crash here's the difference... my Linux box NEVER crashes... I support
 everything that does what I want it to, I'm here to bash no one. =)

Log in as root and at a console window, enter:

That should show you what networking stuff is currently active.  To see
what modules the network cards are trying to load, look at
/etc/conf.modules  You might have to change parameters for the network
cards.  You can do this in linuxconf.

Re: [newbie] Urgent -- how to get back to KDE

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Using Mandrake 6.1
 I am typing to you from Pine in the Console.
 I have been having endless problems with my mouse.
 I thought I would try testing it in Gnome. Well, it's even worse in Gnome.
 In KDE, my mouse lasts about 5 to 10 minutes. In Gnome, it dies almost
 instantly. And now, when I try in xterm (in Gnome) to switch back and I
 type "switchdesk" to get into KDE, I cannot even do that. After typing
 "switchdesk" and trying to move my mouse over to the Switchdesk utility
 screen, my mouse dies on me before I even have a chance to click on the
 "KDE" or "Another Level" option. I am forever stuck in Gnome.
 How do I get into KDE or Another Level from the console in a situation
 like this. If I type "startx", I am taken right back into Gnome. Sounds
 like a vicious circle.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Try desktopcfg at the console.  That should give you all the choices you
have installed.

Re: [newbie] Kernel Configuration

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

Lance Borden wrote:
 I'm at a dead end here...sure hope y'all have some insight!
 I'm trying to recompile my kernel for my zip100 parallel port drive. When I get
 to the 'make bzImage' step, I get the following error message every time:
 gcc -06 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -pipe -s -mpentium
 -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations -o
 scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
 cc1: Invalid option 'pentium'
 cc1: Invalid option 'cpu=pentium
 cc1: Invalid option 'arch=pentium'
 cc1: Invalid option '-fno-exceptions'
 cc1: Invalid option '-fno-rtti'
 make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
 I used 'make config' to configure the kernel ('make xconfig' also got me an
 error and didn't start, so I just tried the 'make config' which ran fine). I
 followed the directions from the HOW-TO (as well as the instructions found in
 the book Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use) exactly. Nevertheless, I got
 this error.
 Here's what I did in 'make config': I simply hit Enter at every option, except
 where I wanted to make changes (SCSI support Y, SCSI disk support Y...). Then I
 did 'make dep' and 'make clean'. Then...the error when I did 'make bzImage' (I
 also tried 'make zImage', but it got me the same error).
 After it didn't work the first time, I made a couple of other changes to the
 configuration. I DON'T have a pentium machine. It is AMD K6II. So, I entered the
 K6 info into the line that gave me the option for 386, 486, 586, pentium, K6...
 (My thought was, maybe this change would get rid of at least the pentium-related
 invalid options, but the error is exactly the same every time).
 I don't know if there is a problem with my kernel sources, with gcc, with the
 settings I'm entering, or if I'm just too stupid to be doing this!
 Any of y'all have a clue what this error means and how I can fix it? Thanks so
 much for your help!

I'm no help on the compile problem.  But do you need to recompile the
kernel for your zip drive?  I thought you just loaded the ppo module for
parallel port zip?

Re: [newbie] Lilo accidental install on C:\ drive and not mbr...

2000-02-12 Thread Audrey Beck

David Schur wrote:
 I am running a 2 hd computer 1st is all windows ( c ), 2nd is 1/2 linux 1/2
 vfat partition. ( broken into two more drives a primary and a logical - d/e )
 Ok i Did the stupid mistake and installed it to hda1 instead of hda yea
 stupid me, now i don't know how to remove it!
 Any Ideas ? I tried fdisk /mbr but i know that won't work cause I am not trying
 to fix the mbr...sohelp!

Check man lilo.  You can use lilo to uninstall lilo (it says, never
tried it tho).

Re: [newbie] Resolution problem

2000-02-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Daniel Boyd wrote:
 ive just installed mandrake 6.5, and altho i set the resolution to 1280x 960
 ( i think).. i now have what seems to be 4 'screens' which i have to scroll
 through... but its at what seems to be a paultry 640x480.. or mayb even
 can any1 tell me how to change the resolution so i have 'one screen' at
 2180x 960 or whatever it is or higher?
 pls help me.. im a windows oldie desperate to breakout by becoming a linux
 newbie :)

What's happening is that X is using the SVGA driver and putting you in
640x480 or else using double scan.  Try running XConfigurator to
re-detect your video and monitor.  Sometimes even when a card is
supported it does this.  Then you have to manually edit the
configuration file.  What card do you have?

Re: (audrey beck)[newbie] Resolution problem

2000-02-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Daniel Boyd wrote:
  What's happening is that X is using the SVGA driver and putting you in
  640x480 or else using double scan.  Try running XConfigurator to
  re-detect your video and monitor.  Sometimes even when a card is
  supported it does this.  Then you have to manually edit the
  configuration file.  What card do you have?
 i have a 32 meg nvidia tnt agp card
 i also have no idea how to do basially anything in linux but i cant
 really learn at this resolution :)

exit out of KDE.  Log in as root to command prompt.  Enter:

That should let you reconfigure your card.  If you still get the large
screen, backup your XF86Config file (I don't have a linux box here, but
the location is something like /etc/X11/XF86Config) by changing to the
directory where the XF86Config file is and using cp:
cd /etc/X11
ls XF86Config
cp XF86Config

Then use an editor to remove the refreshes that you don't want or that
don't apply.  Toward the bottom, there will be a section for your video
card/display.  Change the order of the "640x480" "800x600" etc lines to
have the resolution you want to start in be the first set of numbers. 
You might want to try different things one at a time and keep multiple
copies that you save as you go along.  Use:
at the command line to go into KDE and see what you get each time.  If
KDE locks up or you can't find a way to get out, then use
Control+Alt+Backspace to kill it and get back to the command prompt.

Someone that has your card working might be nice enough to send you a
copy of the config file that works for them if you can't get it going.

Re: [newbie] Changing mailing address

2000-02-11 Thread Audrey Beck

Go to the page for mailing lists, then unsubscribe
newbie with your old address and subscribe with your new address.

Brian E Popp wrote:
 Hello -
 I'm new at this, having worked on mainframes for years, but would like
 to switch to Linux probably for the same reasons many are using it now. I
 signed up for this newsletter and was swamped with the number of e-mails I
 received in 12 hours.
 Here's a simple question: How do I unsubscribe from my old e-mail
 address and subscribe to one I've set up for Linux?
 I may be dumb, but I'm slow

Re: [newbie] new to the list

2000-02-09 Thread Audrey Beck

 In a message dated 2/8/00 4:28:36 PM Central Standard Time, SpartanTJedi6746
  i'm new to the list and Linux and I have a AMD K62 350 and I have two
 hardrives and i'm running windows 98 and Linux.  I want to mount my other
 harddrive so linux can read it how do you do it?  I'm having trouble setting
 up my sound blaster 16 sound card,  one more thing how do you set up the
 modem. it's a zoom 33.6.
 ps. can someone help me setup my harddrive. how do you mount it?

Look at your /etc/fstab file (cat /etc/fstab) and see if your other
partition is included.  If so, then you would mount it with something
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1  (if this is a fat32 partition)

The SB16 is supported, so you might have some type of conflict.  In
windows, go into the control panel - system - sound - SB16 and click
on properties.  Check the resource tab to find out the addresses for io
and the IRQ being used.  Then set the card up in linux with the same
parameters.  Use "sndconfig" or "soundconfig" depending on the version
of Mandrake you have.

You need to know what irq your modem is assigned to, and that it's not
conflicting with another com port.  At the console, try using minicom
and configuring it to use the com port your modem is on.  See if it can
talk to the modem.

Re: [newbie] Install new programs with files with TAR extensions

2000-02-09 Thread Audrey Beck

Alex wrote:
 I'm a sys admin for NT in a company but I'm just getting around to the Linux
 I would like to know how to install those programs with that extensions I
 have the chance to download a lot of stuff in the net but having trouble
 trying to unzipped and install...
 Thank you for any help giving.
 Pager 213-240-9972

Put the tar file into a directory you want to work in.  Then enter
tar -xvf tarfile.tar

It should untar it into directories for you.  There should be
installation instructions included.  If it's a .gz file, use:
tar -xzvf tarfile.gz

Re: [newbie] Mandrake has BIG BUG Kernel re-build NOT POSSIBLE

2000-02-08 Thread Audrey Beck

I've done it.

Vic wrote:
 Just to announce,
 Mandrake 6.1 has a bug, you cannot, no matter what you do,
 no matter how hard you try, there is NO make menuconfig in
 Mandrake 6.1, they screwed up, you install the kernel headers
 and the sources, and still will not make menuconfig or xconfig,
 it is BROKEN, ie DEFECTIVE, ie NON-Functional.
 It cannot be done.
 Linux Cat

Re: [newbie] When pppd daemon should be launched

2000-02-08 Thread Audrey Beck

Alek wrote:
 I have a strange problem (or at least it seems strange to me ;) :
 If I launch kppp as root, there is no problem (besides Wrong charset!
 witch I have no ideea what should I do about). If I launch kppp as a
 regular user, my user, it tells me that there is no ppp support in my
 kernel nor I have any moddule for that. That is obviously not true since
 I have them as root. I tried to add the pppd location to my path (BTW
 witch is the actual search path :$path or $PATH?), I gave myself execute
 rights in that dir but in vain. The only way to make it work is to
 manually run the pppd daemon in a console before I try kppp.
 What's wrong?

I don't know how to get rid of the message.  For me, it started when I
updated the kernel.  Just click ok on the message to ignore it.

Re: [[newbie] Modem driver?]

2000-02-04 Thread Audrey Beck

Check in the mail archives (beginning to mid January 2000) and try
searching on Phoebe.  Ramon Gandia wrote up a nice tech page on modems
in the expert mailing list.  There were some good discussions and
recommendations on modems.  I don't remember if they were all in expert
or in both expert and newbie.

Paul Derbyshire wrote:
 At 04:54 AM 2/3/00 EST, you wrote:
 I don't think this modem is supported in linux.  HCF, I believe, is a type of
 software or "winmodem".  I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not, try an external.
 You'll be glad you did.
 Can you get 56K's cheap on the net, that have good data quality and stability?
.*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
 -()circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
`*'  straight line."-
 -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _ |  Paul Derbyshire
 Programmer  Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

Re: [newbie] modem woes

2000-02-04 Thread Audrey Beck

Have you tried using setserial to setup the modem first?

Dave Gunter wrote:
 I am having problems with my modem as well, the jumpers are set correctly and I ran 
the query
 in kppp it worked once then I do it again I  get a error message "Sorry the modem is 
 responding" I've tried changing ports and same result. It worked with Winlinux it 
works with
 98, it is also on the list of modems that work. I even reinstalled Linux no luck.

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