[newbie] Getting X to work on an HP n3410 Laptop

2000-11-10 Thread Lance Borden

I'm sending this to both newbie and expert, because I'm having such trouble 
finding the answer, even from the HP people and the Mandrake support...

I'm trying to install Mdk 7.2 on my HP Pavilion n3410 laptop...
K-6II, 550 Mhz
Trident CyberBlade i7 graphics card
Digital 1024x764 lcd display

I've got it installed, but can't get the configuration right for X. The 
installation finds a generic monitor 1024x764, finds Trident CyberBlade 
(generic), but this doesn't work for me. I try all kinds of resolution 
settings with no success. I've also tried several other monitor choices 
(Generic lcd 1024x764, Generic lcd 800x600, and several others). Nothing 
works. I've tried the "define it yourself" monitor, but have no idea what 
the vertical refresh and horizontal refresh rates are for this display (the 
HP technical assistance people don't know, either :(

So, I'm stuck w/o any good ideas or things to try. Have any of y'all gotten 
Mdk up and running on the HP n3410? If so, what settings did you choose to 
get X to work? Or, anyone out there knowledgeable enough to know where to 
direct me? Thanks for the help.



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Re: [newbie] OT: eudora question: German

2000-09-20 Thread Lance Borden

In my Windows days seems like there was a way to access the keyboard settings
and set up international keyboards. I then set it up to do English or German
and it put a little button down by the clock. Clicking on the button would
toggle me between English and German keyboards, and that was a universal deal
that was independent of whatever program was running.

In Linux you have the same thing...
KDE Control center, Input Devices, International Keyboard
Then just set up which languages you want and click the little box to dock the
button in the panel.  Now you can switch between English and German (or
anything else) on the fly.

Regarding email programs for Linux and umlaut characters, I'm using Pronto!,
and here's a line of characters to see if they'll work
We'll see if you and I can read these after this mail is sent!  It works fine
in my composer window.  Before using Pronto! for email, I was using Netscape
w/o problems as well (just that Pronto! is 100x better than Netscape).

So, give Pronto! a try and you can get rid of your Windoze email.  :)


On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 22:29:59 -0400, Doug McGarrett said:

 Does anybody know how to write umlauts and ess-tsets
  in Eudora for windows?  The ALT commands always bring
  up some kind of window having nothing to do with
  fonts.  I don't know where else to ask this, so pardon
  me please.  (If I could get mail to work in Linux,
  I wouldn't be using this.  Maybe when SuSE 7.0 comes.)

[newbie] kernel update

2000-09-18 Thread Lance Borden

Hey, I've been following the thread about updating the kernel, and would like
to update the kernel on my system, but y'all haven't mentioned anything about
the LILO in the emails.  Once you install a new kernel, don't you have to go in
and change a setting somewhere so that the machine will boot the new kernel
instead of the old one?  And, which file is that that needs to be changed? 
Thanks for the help!

Re: [newbie] Printer Epson

2000-07-15 Thread Lance Borden

Edison Gica wrote:

 Hi Gustavo:

 Mine is an Epson Stylus 740 Color.  And yes, I did experience the same
 problem like yours.


Hey y'all,
I've got an Epson SC 740 as well. It works perfectly with a driver that I got from

Y'all might try this page to find the best driver for your specific printers.


Re: [newbie] How to load Zip Module

2000-07-13 Thread Lance Borden

I'm running Mdk 6.1 and the command that works for me (100 Meg zip) is
'modprobe ppa'

Is that what you tried?

Off the top of my head, I can't remember what else (if anything) there is to do.

Hugh wrote:

 I decided to use my old ppa zip instead of buying a new one
 Trouble is I cant find instructions or howto's on how to load the proper
 driver does anyone remember how its done? This is a 250MEG drive if that makes
 a difference.. I have tried modprobe

[newbie] Netscape and .png

2000-05-23 Thread Lance Borden

Hey y'all,

When I'm using Netscape and come across a .png image, I get a stupid error
message that the file type is unsupported or unknown. Anybody know what I need
to do to get Netscape recognizing these? Thanks!


Re: [newbie] watch what you say on this list

2000-05-10 Thread Lance Borden

Apparently so!  :)

Vic wrote:
 Can we say "booger", "poop", "diarrhea", or "fart"?
 On Tue, 09 May 2000, Michael R. Batchelor wrote:
  This "filtering" isn't done by Mandrake, but by someone's site who is
  subscribed to the list. I've gotten a couple back from the same site
  myself, related to some oddball word they considered "forbidden". Just
  blow them off as paranoid. They're free to run their site any way they
  I think the Mandrake site archives all the maillist messages. But not
  all sites archive all their mail. We sure don't. The warning message
  only comes back to the person who originally sent the message, not to
  the list, so they aren't really singling out anyone other than the poor
  sucker on the list who isn't getting these filter messages.

Re: [newbie] Printer newbie help!

2000-05-09 Thread Lance Borden

Sorry to be so long before replying to your email. I've got an Epson 740 running
beautifully on my Mdk 6.1 system. I got a driver for the 740 from
http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~haver/linux/epson.html. If you're still having some
trouble, you might give this driver a shot.

 Andrew Edward McCall wrote:
 I am not so much a Linux newbie, but a printer newbie!
 I have a Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to my parallel port, and I tried
 setting it up on installation, and couldnt get it to print either of the
 example pages. Are there any issues I should be aware of with this? Any
 I also have an Epson Kyocera FS-600 with a little network box attached to my
 network. I have had it working great once under RedHat 5.2 a long time ago, I
 kept the filters and scripts and used them in Slackware for a while, but lost
 them a couple of months ago
 Basically it works as a HP LaserJet 5P, but via an IP address instead of the
 serial port. I don't have a clue how to set this up, I also tried this on
 setup, but it kept asking for a remote print queue, and I am not too sure if
 it even has one!
 Any help at all welcome! Once I can print OK, I can get rid of Windows once
 and for all!
 Andrew Edward McCall
 Be Developer ID : E-16721
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Re: [newbie] HTML Editor

2000-04-28 Thread Lance Borden

Martin Solms wrote:
 Does Mandrake 7 include a default HTML editor (not including Netsape)?
 then, has anyone had any luck installing CoffeeCup
 (http://www.coffeecup.com) on Mandrake?

I tried out a few of the html editors, including coffee cup, and settled on

Re: [newbie] RPM

2000-04-07 Thread Lance Borden

wolfen999 wrote:
 i am downloading the latestest rpms for xwindows 4.0 now i am wondering if they
 can be installed using kpackage or do they have to be installed via console if
 so how do you insatll and rpm from the command prompt ?
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use kpackage

Re: [newbie] Good Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111

2000-04-07 Thread Lance Borden

"Potts, Douglas" wrote:
 This has probably been asked a million times but can anyone recommend a good
 book for a newbie!
 Doug Potts

I really like Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use 2nd Ed., by Kofler

Re: [newbie] zip drive problem

2000-04-04 Thread Lance Borden

Yeah, I tried the mini-HOWTO for the zip drive a couple of months ago when I was
trying to get my parallel port zip going, and I found that the mini-HOWTO is
OUTDATED.  I spent several days trying to do exactly what it said, trying to
recompile the kernel, reinstalling the whole system (mdk 6.1)...over and over
and over.

Then the tip came from this forum that it's no longer 'insmod' but now
Then the tip came, just do 'modprobe ppa', stick in a disk and mount it, so I
tried it and it worked!
All that time, all that frustration, and it could have been so simple!

The problem these guys all seem to be writing about appears TO ME to have more
to do with Mdk 7 than anything else. A bug? Another change of some sort? Who
knows?  Seems like Jon demonstrated this by getting his old zip out and trying
it with mdk7 -- works for him under the older versions, but not under 7 ... hmmm
... what's the difference between the earlier versions and mdk7?  This seems to
be the question.

So, anyone out there have the answer? Anyone have a parallel port zip running
w/mdk7? If you do, seems like there's a lot of people needing your help!

Bruce Hilliker wrote:
 Jon wrote:
  Mani Abreu wrote:
   Nope. Just tried that, here's the result:
   mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sda4 as a block device
   (maybe 'insmod driver'?)
   I read that the problem may be that the kernel is loading the drivers for
   the line printer first, before parport/ppa driver. How do I change the
   order around?
   forstfed wrote:
On Sun, 02 Apr 2000, you wrote:
Well, try just doing the mount now.  See if that does anything.
 Well, I tried that. Here's what I got after typing "insmod ppa":
 /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource

 Any ideas? I really want to get this thing resolved.


 forstfed wrote:

  On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, you wrote:
  This is what worked for me:
  As su in a terminal window:
  mkdir /mnt/zip
  insmod parport
  insmod ppa
  mount -t msdos /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip
  make sure there is a disk in.  You have to umount -t msdos /dev/sda4
  to eject the disk, then  mount -t msdos /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip again when you
  insert another disk.
  Geez, You guys made me dig my old zip drive out of the closet to test this problem
  and you know, it didn't work either.  Tried it on a RedHat 6.1 and a Mandrake
  7.0-2 machine.  Hardware works as I made a DOS boot disk with guest.exe on it.
  Worked fine with Redhat 5.2 and Slackware 3.6 some time ago with the commands
  listed above.  I also looked at modules loaded and tried it without any modules
  and in init 1 hand loading modules.  Since the kernel for Mandrake 7.0 came from
  Redhat 6.1 (Recompiled) I wonder if perhaps lp (or another parallel port using
  service)  support was built into the kernel instead of as a mod.
  Question!  Does anyone out there have a parallel port ZIP working on Mandrake
  7.0-2 or RedHat 6.1?  If so, can you please tell us how you did it?  Give out with
  the port setting in the BIOS, Kernel you used and anything else you think might
  help.  I am going to try recompiling a kernel to see if I can get it working.
 I don't really know if this will help; but check out the attached "text" file.  I
 come from
 the Linux Gazette.
 Bruce :-)
   Zip Drive Mini-HOWTO
   Kyle Dansie,   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   v2.4, 10 January 1999
   This Document provides a quick reference quide on setting up and using
   the Iomega ZIP drive with Linux.

Re: [newbie] zip drive problem

2000-04-01 Thread Lance Borden

Hey Y'all,
I'm running mdk 6.1 with an external zip100, and for me the fstab entry is not
hdd, but 'sda4' and instead of vfat it has 'auto'. This works perfectly for me. 
Not sure if it's different in mdk 7 or if that's really more of an arbitrary
name, but if you haven't tried it yet, might give it a shot?

 I have not gotten my External Parallel Port ZIP Drive to work yet either.
  Will advise you though in your addition to 'fstab' file:
 /dev/hdd   /mnt/zipdiskvfatuser,noauto,rw   0 0
 if your ZIP is an internal external I am not too sure.  The "hdd" is
 telling your system it is the 3rd Hard Drive or in Windows 'D' drive.  In
 Linux your floppy drive is not in the same category as the HD's, in Linux
 it is Identified as 'fpx' (x=1,2,3,4 a digit).  Your first HD is 'a',
 second HD is 'b', third HD is 'c', etcetera.  Most newer systems can
 handle up to 4 HD's with out having to use an additional Controller.  I
 am sure most of you are aware of this, I just want to show I do know
 somthing, even though it may not be of much help.
 I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
 But now I know that what I thought I knew
 Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
 On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:04:39 -0500 (EST) Idris S Hamid
  I am having trouble getting the zip drive recognized in
  Mandrake 7.0. Here is what I get:
  # modprobe ppa
  /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdksecure/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or
  resource busyparport: Device or resource busy
  modprobe imm gives the same message (though I have a 100M drive so
  modpobe ppa should be correct).
  I added the following line to /etc/fstab:
  /dev/hdd   /mnt/zipdiskvfatuser,noauto,rw   0 0
  Please advise, thanks a lot!
  Best wishes
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Re: [newbie] ZIP Not installing...

2000-03-28 Thread Lance Borden

 OK, now for my NEWBY question, I did the 'insmod parport' and 'insmod
 ppa' then 'mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /mnt/ZIP'.  The message comes back as
 "mount: the kernel does not recognize  /dev/sda4 as a block device
 (maybe 'insmod driver'?)"
 Where would I find a driver?

You might first try 'modprobe ppa' instead of 'insmod...'
Seems like when I was setting up my zip drive, they said the command had
changed. I'm running mdk6.1. Also, you can do 'lsmod' after modprobe to get a
list of installed modules -- naturally, you should see them in the list.
Finally, for my purposes, I only need 'modprobe ppa' and not parport (however, I
do notice that doing 'modprobe ppa' will install the parport module -- strange,
huh? Or maybe it's all bundled together now, I don't know!).

Re: [newbie] New Questions

2000-03-27 Thread Lance Borden

Ann Blackburn wrote:
 2)How do I get my computer to recognize my 100MB Iomega Zip
 Drive? (parallel)

Ann, from a root console do  'modprobe ppa' (w/o quotes!) to install the ppa
module (needed for your zip).
Then you can check to see if it was installed by doing 'lsmod' (you should now
see the following in the list: parport_probe, parport_pc, ppa, parport).
If those are there, you're ready to mount the zip drive and use it!
(If not, you'll have to get and install the ppa module -- I don't remember where
I got it, but if you need it I can email it to you directly.)

Before you mount the zip, you need to create a mount point in the directory
(e.g., /mnt/zip). So, create the directory, then put a zip disk in the drive and
do the following
mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 mnt/zip

That should get you going.

Re: [newbie] Problems with PPP Setup.

2000-03-24 Thread Lance Borden

Patrick Dyer wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 6 and  trying to setup ppp to
 dial-up my ISP. I tried using the Kppp client, netcfg
 and the script method but none of then worked. I do
 not know what I am doing wrong. When I use Kppp and
 try to connect I get the message "modem is busy".With
 netcfg it just does not work and with the script
 method I get a message something like "cannot find
 parameters","execution of script failed". So I need
 someone to outline for me exactly what to do when
 setting up ppp.
Thanks Much

For Kppp setup, make sure you have your modem set correctly (/dev/ttyS0 is the
same as com1) -- in the setup choose the device tab and select the correct modem
device ..ttyS0 (or S1 for com2, S2 for com3...). Also, seems like I had to
switch the default flow control setting to xon/xoff.  Otherwise I'm probably not
much help to you.

Re: [newbie] Kppp problem please help!!!!!!!!

2000-03-09 Thread Lance Borden

Mike Koceja wrote:
 Okay here is the problem. I configured kppp without
 any problems and it dials and connects to my ISP just
 fine. Right up until right after it tells me what
 speed I am connected at. At this point it tries to
 logon to a network when it fails so does ppp. I'm sure
 whatever is wrong is minor. PLEASE Someone help me out
 Do You Yahoo!?
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Have you tried this with the log window open? What does it tell you?

Re: [newbie] cannot mount ZIP

2000-03-09 Thread Lance Borden

Claus Atzenbeck wrote:
 I did a clean install of Mandrake 7.0, but I cannot mount my SCSI Zip
 This is the alias in /dev:
 /dev/zip - sda4
 Here one line of fstab:
 /dev/zip /mnt/zip auto user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev 0 0
 This is what happens:
 [root@thor /root]# mount /mnt/zip /dev/zip:
 Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler mount: you must specify the filesystem type
 [root@thor /root]# mount -t vfat /dev/zip /mnt/zip mount: wrong fs
 type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/zip,
or too many mounted file systems
 I would appreciate any help... Thanks a lot!!

Claus, I'm not really sure, but since nobody else has had an answer yet, I'll
give it a shot. Does your alias mean that you can replace '/dev/sda4' with
'/dev/zip'? I figure that's what you mean.
In your first example, shouldn't that be reversed?  That is, isn't the command 
#mount /dev/zip /mnt/zip?
Another thing I checked...my fstab file doesn't have the 'exec' that yours does.
Don't know if it belongs there or if it would make a difference...

Re: [newbie] new to Mandrake 7.0

2000-03-06 Thread Lance Borden


 2.  Also trying to get my Epson 600 printer and Iomega 250 zip drive to
 work...went to their sites and didn't see like a Linux driver for them...I
 though that is probably what they would need...am I right here?

Try http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~haver/linux/epson.html
The site is a printer driver database where you'll find the 600 driver.

Not 100% sure about your zip drive. There is a zip HOW-TO that can get you
started on this. Seems like it's a little outdated, but it will direct you to
web sites that can help.

BTW, I'm finding that you can't search the "outside world" for stuff related to
linux. The best way to find resources, drivers, software, etc. is to use linux
web sites. It's a lot easier and faster (and you find a lot more stuff).


Re: [newbie] Problem with my printer Epson LX-810

2000-03-03 Thread Lance Borden

Audrey Beck wrote:
  Hello, my name wis David and i live in Colombia, actually i'm using
  Mandrake 6 with kernel 2.2.9-27.
  I got two printers, Epson LX-810 and Epson Stylus 300 but i can't work
  with them, the LX-810 only works with pipes... "cat /etc/passwd 
  /dev/lp0" but does not work with lp orders and the stylus 300 does not
  work anyway.
  When i execute lpq i get this...
  [ # /var/spool/lpd/lp SV ] lpq
  Warning: lp is down: printing disabled
  Warning: no daemon present
  Rank Owner Job Files Total Size
  1st root 5 /tmp/Acrob01050 273751 bytes
  2nd root 7 ...  155706 bytes
  3rd root 8 ...  155706 bytes
  4th root 9 ...  155706 bytes
  5th root 10 /root/.micqrc 1678 bytes
  6th root 11 ...  625 bytes
  7th root 12 ...  16407 bytes
  8th root 13 ...  625 bytes
  9th root 16 archivodir.txt ...  654187 bytes
  10th root 20 (standard input)  24157 bytes
  11th root 21 (standard input)  24157 bytes
  [ # /var/spool/lpd/lp  SV ]
  What can i do?... please help me... i really love Mandrake
 Have you tried using printtool to reconfigure and test the printers?
 How is it configured?  Have you tried setting up a printer on lp0 in
 printtool and print a test page?

Just a thought here...have you checked to see if there is a newer or better
driver for your specific printers?  You can look at
http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~haver/linux/ to see if there is a driver for your
models. This is where I got the driver for mine. It also has great installation

Re: [newbie] Favorite references for Redhat/Mandrake

2000-02-28 Thread Lance Borden

I REALLY like 'Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use' by Michael Kofler. It
has clear step-by-steps for many things (e.g., recompiling kernel),
cinfiguration helps, a chapter on the commands (descriptions, examples, etc.), a
Gimp "mini-manual" (as well as for xv). Every problem or question I've had to
now has been answered by this book or this list - often in combination!

"Lisa J. Harris" wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I'm still pretty new to Linux, and have a couple books already, but
 am not completely satisfied with them; I was wondering what books
 you all have found helpful. Thanks.

Re: [newbie] questions

2000-02-26 Thread Lance Borden

Usually the INSTALL file is one that tells you how to install. But clicking it
should just open the text file...strange. You might click on README and see
what's in that file. To install, you would normally open a console and cd into
the directory that untarring created, then type './configure'. When that is
done, type 'make'. When that is done, type 'make install'  (All those commands
w/o quotes). That should get you going.

Re: Bluefish, did you also try just giving the command from a console?  Is your
executable in /usr/bin?

Kit wrote:
 I tried this approach...and clicked the INSTALL file after first
 unzipping with  the tar command...and nothing happens...
 I installed bluefish...but it won't startup after clicking its execution file.
 G_REEPER wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, you wrote:
   Is Star Office on the 7.02 CD?
   How do I get Bluefish editor to comeup...and start after installing
   at a command line type bluefish hit enter
   and is there any good tutorials on setting up apache?
  search linux.com
   also,  how do I install adobe acrobat reader 4.0in linuxusing a
   tar file
  There is already a reader in 7.0  but the normal way is un tar the file with
  tat -xvf Filename
  - --
  "The Linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger!
  Oops, Wrong one `Do it yourself.'
  That's it."
  Version: PGP 6.5.1
 ICQ# 7110071
 (personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

Re: [newbie] no make possible

2000-02-26 Thread Lance Borden

Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
 Since I reinstalled (LM 6.5 on an PI-75mHz, 40M-Ram) the thing is flying (as
 good as scrap can), but there is no "make" command or compiler ( egc++, or
 something simmylar I searched for in /usr/bin, correct place to search for,
 wasn't it?)
 I obviously missed to install the compilers!
 In the main installation where you can choose, wich packets are supposed to
 be Installed, there is no packet called "compilers" in explict, so wich one I
 have to install, to be able, to download and compile files from the net?

As I understand from the people on this list, Mdk 6.5 is the same as 6.1. My Mdk
6.1 uses the gcc compiler, which is called pgcc on the installation disk. So,
look on your installation cd for the rpm packages called pgcc, pgcc-c+, pgcc...
I believe installing these will get you the make command.

Re: [newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....

2000-02-26 Thread Lance Borden

Tell them you know of someone in Austria connecting by ppp using Linux who has
no problems. Tell them, if the Austrians can support Linux, CERTAINLY the
Germans can! You know, appeal to their national pride!

Seriously, though, I've tried a couple of different isp in Austria, and I have
experienced EXACTLY the same problem as you from time to time. With one isp, it
happened so often (95% of the time) that I changed -- and at that time I was
using Windoze and the dial-up software provided by the isp itself. With my new
provider, it still occurs from time to time -- both when I was using Win98 and
now with Linux.

My solution is to log off and dial up again. It seems to be worst just after the
connection rates go down (e.g., 1815), so I think it has to do with traffic.
When I notice that the emails are downloading so slowly, I check the
transmission. When it's bad, I cancel, log off, and dial back up. Often I will
get a normal speed (for me usually 5+K/sec) and then things work fine. It seems
to me that when the transfer is SO slow as you are describing, you aren't kicked
off, rather, something more similar to the connection timing out happens -- so
little data is transferred that the connection is simply lost.

By the way, when I downloaded Star Office, I was having one of those bad
connection days with my provider. I found that the download actually stopped if
I didn't move my mouse every couple of minutes. So, instead of starting the
download and going to watch a movie, I had to sit in front of the computer for 4
hours moving the mouse every couple of minutes. Don't know if that problem is
related, but you might keep your eyes out when doing a big download.


Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
 Doellbachstraße 15
 34127 Kassel
 Joerg Reinhardt
 I'm using the german telecom to come into the net. Datastream-speed is something
 about 1.5K/sec, even less most of the time and they do throw me out the net,
 from Time to time (especially in very long Downloads...)
 I complaint about this redicoulous speed of data-transfer (56,7K baud Modem
 should bring more, I guess, and sometimes it does(up to 5.0), but only for
 seconds or minutes) and about been thrown out the connection after 3h 58min
 downloading Starsoft (now I have 98% of it, but nothing worth at all).
 While complaining, they stayed polite and helpfull till the point I mentioned my
 system is running on Linux! After their opinion, Linux is some
 non-professional freaky-stuff, and so every PROBLEM (even the speed of
 incomming data) is MY PROBLEM!!!
 Can anyone give me a few good arguments for those F-'s, to tell them that
 it is NOT MY problem!! (Modem is working great, so it is not mv Problem, or Is
 They denied, that it can happen, that their System throws someone out. They say
 their is no command for doing it, so I wonder what kind of command they are
 sending me, when I try to dialup with wrong password. I tryed, just to see and
 it was identically (checked it with the ppd-monitor) to that, what I received
 when I was thrown out at this download. I also asked for a second ISP-Adress,
 cause I guess having only one is what causes the trouble, they told me their
 can be only one ISP-Adress per domain (propably what they mean is, that
 their is box in the menue, of THEIR-Internet-entry-windoze-software-CDRom, to
 put a second address in, but what do I care? their is space for two more
 Adresses in my default-route-setup and even Telnet gave me two!)
 My problem is, I'm not a computer expert and if one's questions or mails are not
 cryptically enought written in experts terms, telecom just ignores them and do
 send an answer like (If your Internet isn't working properly, check if plug is
 What to do? Change the Provider? Are the others really faster?
 Is their anything what telecom could do for solving my problem (cause that
 would be the easiest way for me, otherwise I got to skip the contract. If I
 could tell them where THEIR problem is, they couldn't ignore me longer and might
 solve it instead).
 Anyone experienced with telecom that way?

Re: [newbie] Login

2000-02-26 Thread Lance Borden

How are you trying to log in? During the installation you should have set up an
account for "root" w/a password, and at least one user account w/password.  If
you've been trying the user name and password, give it a shot as root:  i.e.,
the username or login name is 'root' (w/o quotes), then the password for root.

 Ok, so I have the installation done, and am able to get to the opening page
 which says:  local host login and right below that, password.  I put the
 information is, and it gets rejected.  How do I get past this point?  Also,
 why do I need a password in the first place?  I got the CD in the mail and
 proceeded to spend 4 hours installing it.  I'd sure like to use it sometime
 to see what all the fuss is about.  I sure don't like Windows, and would
 like to have an alternative that works smoother.
 John Houll

Re: [newbie] KFM is all Funked Up

2000-02-25 Thread Lance Borden

Is this a problem that ONLY happens when you click on the /mnt dir? I had that
problem, and the suggested fix is to open your fstab file and delete all
instances of  well, I can't remember what it was!! Maybe someone else
remembers??  It was posted about 2 weeks ago.  It may be "conv=auto" instances,
but I'm not sure -- just trying to spark someone's memory. You can also look at
the bug fixes on the Mdk site. There's something about it there, too.

Adam Stark wrote:
 I've been having some problems lately getting read/write permissions for
 regular users enabled on my DOS partitions.  One of you told me that all you
 have to do is use kfm to navigate to the /mnt directory, look at the
 properties, and adjust the group permissions to "users".doing this while
 logged in as root.  It didn't work.  Now when I try to access that particular
 partition with kfm the WHOLE system crashes...strange because I thought Linux
 never did this.  The really wierd thing is that ONLY kfm behaves this way.  For
 example, at the command prompt I have no problem accessing it, nor is there a
 problem with KDE Explorer, or the Disk Navigator.
 To make a long story short, I tried changing all kinds of permissions in
 linuxconf -- I even tried renaming the mount points -- in order to correct this
 problem.  I can still access my other DOS partition via any means, it's only
 the one I fanangled with that's giving me problems.
 Please help!

[newbie] Running modprobe as user

2000-02-25 Thread Lance Borden

Hey Y'all,

I want to use modprobe ppa to load the module for my zip100, so I can mount it.
I can do this as root w/o any problems, but I want to give user permission to
run modprobe ppa. This way, I just put 2 icons on my desktop:  click the one for
modprobe ppa, then click the zip icon to mount.

So, I go and give user permission to run modprobe, and it APPEARS to execute the
command. However, it doesn't work. I get the following message:

/lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/scsi/ppa.o: create_module: Operation not permitted
parport: Device or resource busy

Any ideas what this means and how to fix it?  I am pretty sure it is a
permission problem. When I run modprobe ppa as root, I don't get this message,
but I get it every time I do it as user.

I 'know' that user has permission for the modprobe command because I used to get
the 'bash: command not found' message before changing the permissions. I've come
a step closer, but I'm not there yet!

Somehow I think I must be needing to do permissions elsewhere...but now I'm
clueless as to where.

Thanks for the help in advance!

Re: [newbie] Spruce Configuration

2000-02-23 Thread Lance Borden

I'll add those wishes to the wish list, and thanks for the help on the address
book. I'll have to try that this weekend and see if it will work.
(PS: from Ga, using Linux...Braves fan? Boy, that would be a good combination!)

Lane Lester wrote:
 Lance wrote:
  Hey, thanks a lot! Your tip works!!
 Gosh, I actually helped someone! Almost always I'm on the receiving
  Now, since you've been using Spruce, can
  you tell me whether you've been able to set up groups in your address book, or
  queue mail to be sent later (so you can write offline and then log on to send)?
 I think the answer's no to both for now. The author won't be offended
 if you add them to the wish list.
  Or, are these features still in the future?  Finally, do you happen to know how
  to import the addresses and/or mail folders from Netscape? I really like the
  looks of this program!
 Yes, I like it, too, and can hardly wait to get it going again. The
 author told me that there's a .spruce directory in your home dir, and
 one of the files in there contains the addresses. So if you can figure
 a way to export the other addresses to a text file, you could do some
 cutting and pasting.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Re: [newbie] error trying to config sndcard w/ mdk 7.0

2000-02-23 Thread Lance Borden

I'm not real clued in on Lothar Soundconfig, but your error message looks
familiar. When I do 'modprobe ppa' as user to load the module for my zip, I get
an error that looks similar. when I do 'modprobe ppa' as root, no problems. If
you aren't doing your config as root, you might give that a try and see if that
gets you past this error.

"Lawrence G." wrote:
 I'm getting the following error message when I use Lothar Soundconfig
 error in modprobe call!
 /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/misc/ad1848.o: invalid parameter mpu.io
 I also notice that during boot up when mandrake is listing the startup items
 that passed, there is an entry for mpu.io and it falls everytime. I'm using
 win98/linux mdk 7.0 dual boot on k6-2 350 o/c 400 with a cmi8330 soundcard.
 The soundcard is listed in the list of card supported I just can't get it to
 work with mdk, it worked with mdk 6.0  that's the only time it's worked
 with mdk. Thanks in advance.
 Lawrence G.

Re: [newbie] Kmail Kmail Kmail Kmail

2000-02-23 Thread Lance Borden

Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
 my system
 hung up...  but why? What have I done wrong? Why allways me? I guess I'm the
 only one, working with Linux, wich exit's  Linux by power switch each third
 time, cause it hung up. 

No, Joerg, you aren't the only one! I've used the power switch several times
myself. Hang in there!  After a few more days you'll find your Linux system
working better and better. The week before last I must have had to use the power
switch 5 or more times a day for about 4 or 5 days before I got my problem
fixed. Now it's working perfectly. So, hang in there. We've all been there!
There IS light at the end of the tunnel!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake and Different CPUs

2000-02-22 Thread Lance Borden

The documentation claims that K6 processors are Pentium class.  I have a
K6-2/266 that is working beautifully with Linux.

GECOS wrote:
 James Mellema wrote:
  I think it unlikely that your install will succeed. Mandrake is
  optimized for pentium class CPUs, and will not perform adequately on a
  486. My experience has been that in most cases Mandrale will not
  install, and if it does performance is dismal with many problems.
 The above was in response to an inquiry, but it makes me wonder if
 Mandrake is the best distro for my AMD K6-2/400. I don't know much about
 CPUs, so I don't know if my AMD is "pentium class" or not.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Getting where I want to be with Linux...

Re: [newbie] Spruce Configuration

2000-02-22 Thread Lance Borden

Lane Lester wrote:
 Lance Borden said:
  I can send mail without any problem, but when I click on the get mail icon, I
  see the status window pop up: connecting...logging on...sending password, then
  nothing. I know the password is entered correctly, but it stops every time at
  the point of sending the password.
 I'm probably the guy who said nice things about spruce. I had a
 similar problem until I got my username right. My ISP is MindSpring,
 and generally I have to use my entire email address as my username.
 But with spruce, that was not right; I had to use just llester. I
 wonder if spruce tacks on the "@mindspring.com".
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Hey, thanks a lot! Your tip works!!  Now, since you've been using Spruce, can
you tell me whether you've been able to set up groups in your address book, or
queue mail to be sent later (so you can write offline and then log on to send)? 
Or, are these features still in the future?  Finally, do you happen to know how
to import the addresses and/or mail folders from Netscape? I really like the
looks of this program!


Re: [newbie] Kernel compile

2000-02-21 Thread Lance Borden

 Kemal YILMAZ wrote:
 I just subscribed this mailing list. And I have some questions as you may
 I tries to install Linux-Mandrake 7.0 and i did (I hope)
 but i have to compile kernel, I think. but i didn't do that because i have to
 do that commands in /usr/src/linux, but i couldn't find this directory.
 i just found /usr/src/PRM
 First What should I do ?
 and secondly I couldn't install sound card. I think this problem will be
 solved if i can compile kernel.
 Thanks in advance.
I think you have to install the kernel-headers and kernel-source rpm packages,
and then you'll have the /usr/src/linux directory. Use the Kpackage program and
have it search on the installation cd for uninstalled programs (I don't know the
path on Mdk 7.0, but it's probably something like /dev/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMs --
the key is to point to the directory where all the rpms are). Then you can find
these in the list and install them.

BTW, I'm not sure, but the kernel-headers may already be installed during the
installation. You can use the kpackage to look for it, too. Have it list all
packages, then use the find package tool to search for kernel-headers.

Finally, if you are thinking of recompiling the kernel just to get the sound
card working, you might want to try the Xconfig first. I'm not sure how all that
works -- didn't have any sound card problems when I installed, but ask these
guys to guide you through the soundcard setup before going to the trouble to


[newbie] Receiving Faxes with Linux

2000-02-21 Thread Lance Borden

Hey Y'all,

I've got this ksendfax configured to send faxes for me, but how do you receive
faxes in Linux? More specifically, my machine is at home, not part of a network,
I'm the only user. Is there a program for receiving faxes? The fax viewer
appears only to display faxes received somewhere/somehow else.


[newbie] Spruce Configuration

2000-02-21 Thread Lance Borden

Last week someone mentioned that spruce is a really good email program. I've
downloaded it and tried it out, but can't seem to get it working right. All
y'all using that, got any thoughts for the following problem? ...

I can send mail without any problem, but when I click on the get mail icon, I
see the status window pop up: connecting...logging on...sending password, then
nothing. I know the password is entered correctly, but it stops every time at
the point of sending the password. There's no error message or anything. Since I
can send messages, I figure I've got the settings correct, but is that not
necessarily true? I'm at the end of my knowledge and would appreciate any help
y'all have! Thanks in advance,
BTW, I've got it set up for POP3

Re: [newbie] General advice??

2000-02-20 Thread Lance Borden


After browsing through the messages to and from you, I thought I might go ahead
and add a couple of thoughts.

The O'Reilly Running Linux is available in German as well as English.
I also picked up the book Linux fuer Anwender, but didn't find it very helpful.
As a newbie I've found Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use 2nd Ed. (by
Michael Kofler) to be my favorite. Just the other day I was in a bookstore and
noticed that it is also available in German. For me, it gave the best overview,
plus a lot of practical stuff that I've used.
Finally, if you haven't seen it, CHIP published a special Linux Ausgabe in
January, which also provides some useful tips.

Real Player:
No clue on that one

Starting programs:
My first try is to use the command line (right click on the kde desktop and
select Execute Command) or console. From anywhere, just type in the name of the
program. Seems like some programs "don't like" to be started from the icons in
kfm, but will then run from a command line. Not sure why, though.


[newbie] HTML Editor Recommendations

2000-02-19 Thread Lance Borden

Hey y'all,
I'm looking for an HTML Editor for Linux. I used Page Mill in 'doze, but if I
could learn to use a Linux html editor, I might just be able to remove all
traces of M$ from my machine. I would like to know what y'all prefer. I've seen
Webmaker, Bluefish, Coffee Cup, and KDreamsite. Haven't tried anything just yet,
so I would like to get your thoughts...where should I start? Which is the
easiest to use for a guy coming from Page Mill? Which offers the best features?
Thanks in advance for your input!

Re: [newbie] help

2000-02-18 Thread Lance Borden

Kit wrote:
 Will someone please tell me...HOW to fix a problem...I have with 6.1
 everytime I click on HOME (desktop) then go up to the next level...in
 order to MOUNT
 either my CD drive or HDA1 etc...after clicking on /mnt...it starts, but
 then it freezesand at this point, I have to
 shutdown by pressing my power button on the PC.
 I can't mount anythingplease help

Can't tell if your problem is mounting, or looking at the mount directories in
Kfm. However, mounted or unmounted, I was having a problem accessing the /mnt
directory from kfm. Are you saying, every time you click on the /mnt directory
icon, kfm hangs (regardless of whether or not something has been mounted)? That
was my problem...
The solution posted on this list by Denis Havlik is to go into /etc/fstab and
remove all  "conv=auto" entries.
I tried this and it worked for me! :)

Re: [newbie] Red Neck Linux

2000-02-18 Thread Lance Borden

I'm a Texan, and an Aggie, and I LOVE a good Redneck or Aggie joke (or about
I used to watch Dukes of Hazzard all the time, so this joke "hits close to home"
-- it's a great one!
Lance (the Redneck)  :-)

Josh McCaffrey wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, you wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, you wrote:
   I lifted below news release parody out of a Linux-oriented email
   newsletter I subscribe to called CONSOLE :
   New Linux Distro: Red Neck Linux
   Red Neck Computers, Inc., of Chattafoocheeble, Alabama, starting
   shipping version 1.0 CD-ROMs of its new Red Neck Linux
   yesterday. "We feel that RNL is a major step forward in bringing
   cheap, powerful, easy-to-use software to the millions of
   living in the South," Sandy Watkins, PR manager for Red Neck
   said in a
   press release.
   RNL features:
   * The X Winder System
   * DukesOfHazzard command line shell
   * Netscape 4 with preset bookmarks to such sites as The Big
   How to Attract Your Cousins, Bubba's Farm Report, Branson.net,
   Stag Beer Homepage, 101 Recipes for BBQ Sauce, Dukes of Hazzard
   Fan Club, and the Hee Haw Syndication TV Schedule.
   * Deer Hunter, Bass Fishing, and Civil War General games
   * Daisy Duke pin-up preset for root winder
  Guess it's a good thing that those of us from Alabama have a sense of humor.
  Funny I don't seem to be laughing.
   --  LIFE'S LAWS
  Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people is mentally ill. Check three
  friends.  If they're OK, you're it.
 Oh, yeah, I'm in Atlanta, GA.  While I feel that Alabama jokes are
 not in such horrible taste, and there's probably not so many
 Alabama-Linux users, this joke, however funny it may be, is a bit
 stereotypical, if not disrespectful.  Funny none-the-less, however.
 L-M content:
 Just bumped up my RAM to 64MB's.  Proccessor still at 133, graphics @
 2MB's.  Playing around w/ different window mgrs.  KDE still very
 user friendly.  Gnome/Enlightenment a bit harder to figure out.
  Version: PGP 6.5.1

Re: [newbie] uploading web site

2000-02-17 Thread Lance Borden

bluebottle wrote:
 IHas anyone a good suggestion for
 an ftp prog (like Cuteftp) that I can use.

Have you tried gftp or Igloo-FTP. They seem pretty good to me.


Re: [newbie] kfm hangs

2000-02-17 Thread Lance Borden

Dan Ros wrote:
 Edit /etc/fstab and remove the 'conv: auto 0 0' section from the entries
 of each of your drives.

Dan, Thanks! I posted my question at the same time I downloaded this same answer
from you to someone else...already tried it...already works. Thanks for
repeating the answer, though. :)

Re: [newbie] New User Simple Problems

2000-02-14 Thread Lance Borden

craig jameson wrote:
 I have just recently installed Linux on my system (mandrake6.1) and I am
 having a few problems in changing over from Windows (maybe I should not
 have put a capitol at the start of it?) please can anyone help with any
 of the following, bearing in mind that I have only been using Linux for
 a week and I have only dabbled with the console e.g ls and a few other
 basic commands!
 1.  How can I mount my other cd drive (hdb2 I think, secondry IDE
 slave drive) my first one is mounted automatically when I boot up.nbsp;
 Also I have installed Linux on my second hard disk (hda2, primary IDE slave
 drive) but how can Inbsp;access my windows drive (I think it will be hda1,
 primary IDE master drive). I have a dos partition on my Linux drive and
 it is mounted at start up and has a shortcut to it on the desktop as does
 the cd rom writernbsp; on the secondry master ide port. I have tried going
 into Linux Conf-- file systems -- access local drive and adding hdb2 and
 hda1 but cannot get it to work. Any ideas???
Open a console and at the prompt, enter:  su
You will be asked for the root password, so give the password
This will let you work as root (you have to be root to mount/umount)
If you haven't already created a mount point (directory folder) for the cd,
decide what you want to call it and then enter: mkdir /mnt/ (where 
represents the name you choose)
  This creates a place in the directory for the cd drive
  (You can then go into your kfm and view the new directory if you want)
to mount the cd, put a cd in the drive
then enter: mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb2 /mnt/ ( is the chosen name)
This should get your cd mounted. When you want to unmount it, enter: umount

Basically, you do the same for the windoze drive, too. Create the mount point.
Then, when you want to mount it, do: mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/

BTW, I'm just a few weeks "ahead" of you, and I'm learning to trust the console
more and more. The console is our "friend" that we can trust! You might pick up
a magazine or book that has some basic command descriptions (I really find
Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use helpful) and start experimenting some.
It's actually more efficient than I thought.

Re: [newbie] Shootin Blanks

2000-02-14 Thread Lance Borden

Brent Timmer wrote:
 I tried all of the ones for deskjet printers
You might be able to find a new driver for your hp by going to


Re: [newbie] Kernel Configuration

2000-02-13 Thread Lance Borden

Audrey Beck wrote:
 Lance Borden wrote:
  I'm at a dead end here...sure hope y'all have some insight!
  I'm trying to recompile my kernel for my zip100 parallel port drive. When I get
  to the 'make bzImage' step, I get the following error message every time:
  gcc -06 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -pipe -s -mpentium
  -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations -o
  scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
  cc1: Invalid option 'pentium'
  cc1: Invalid option 'cpu=pentium
  cc1: Invalid option 'arch=pentium'
  cc1: Invalid option '-fno-exceptions'
  cc1: Invalid option '-fno-rtti'
  make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
  I used 'make config' to configure the kernel ('make xconfig' also got me an
  error and didn't start, so I just tried the 'make config' which ran fine). I
  followed the directions from the HOW-TO (as well as the instructions found in
  the book Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use) exactly. Nevertheless, I got
  this error.
  Here's what I did in 'make config': I simply hit Enter at every option, except
  where I wanted to make changes (SCSI support Y, SCSI disk support Y...). Then I
  did 'make dep' and 'make clean'. Then...the error when I did 'make bzImage' (I
  also tried 'make zImage', but it got me the same error).
  After it didn't work the first time, I made a couple of other changes to the
  configuration. I DON'T have a pentium machine. It is AMD K6II. So, I entered the
  K6 info into the line that gave me the option for 386, 486, 586, pentium, K6...
  (My thought was, maybe this change would get rid of at least the pentium-related
  invalid options, but the error is exactly the same every time).
  I don't know if there is a problem with my kernel sources, with gcc, with the
  settings I'm entering, or if I'm just too stupid to be doing this!
  Any of y'all have a clue what this error means and how I can fix it? Thanks so
  much for your help!
 I'm no help on the compile problem.  But do you need to recompile the
 kernel for your zip drive?  I thought you just loaded the ppo module for
 parallel port zip?
Audrey, Thanks for the thought...no dice. My problem is when I originally
installed I didn't configure for scsi support at all, and I don't think I set up
printer support as a module - both of these are pre-conditions from what I
understand. Bummer.  Anyone else out there with a clue?? Lance

Re: [newbie] Kernel Configuration

2000-02-13 Thread Lance Borden

Audrey Beck wrote:
 Lance Borden wrote:
  I'm at a dead end here...
[major cutting...]

 I'm no help on the compile problem.  But do you need to recompile the
 kernel for your zip drive?  I thought you just loaded the ppo module for
 parallel port zip?

I just sent a response to this comment a little while ago, then wandered off to
play with my kids. I came back and couldn't resist trying "just one more time"
to see if you weren't right after all. "If it is that easy, why does it look so
complicated in the books?? Why don't they just say, try..., if it could possibly
be so simple?" Wouldn't you know? It is! The mini how-to says to mount .../zip,
but left out the /mnt. Although I thought, "hey, shouldn't there be a /mnt
there?" I just did what it said...nothing.  This time I said, "Why not?" and put
it in. Less than a second later it's working! SO, THANKS AND PRAISES!! That was
"the last step" for me - my Linux system is now up and running 100%! I'm pretty
excited and the wife thinks I'm pretty strange!  Lance

[newbie] Printers

2000-02-13 Thread Lance Borden

Someone was asking yesterday about printers for Linux - sorry, already deleted
that message.
Anyway, there was a discussion about that last week, and the people using Epson
printers were pretty happy with their products. Being in the market for a new
one myself, I took their advice and picked up an Epson Stylus Color 740 (they
were saying that the Photo700 was great). I am VERY PLEASED with it! It is much
better than my old printer was (hp600). The basic rule that the newbies
repeatedly mention is that the hp7xx printers are "winprinters" and will not
work. As I was looking at printers, the "Linux specialist" at the store said
practically all Epsons are supported. I had to download a driver for the 740,
and it is rated as working almost perfectly. There were several printers from
Epson (and other makers) listed as working perfectly. You might check this page
out to help you in your search for a good printer:

[newbie] Kernel Configuration

2000-02-12 Thread Lance Borden

I'm at a dead end here...sure hope y'all have some insight!
I'm trying to recompile my kernel for my zip100 parallel port drive. When I get
to the 'make bzImage' step, I get the following error message every time:

gcc -06 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -pipe -s -mpentium
-mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations -o
scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
cc1: Invalid option 'pentium'
cc1: Invalid option 'cpu=pentium
cc1: Invalid option 'arch=pentium'
cc1: Invalid option '-fno-exceptions'
cc1: Invalid option '-fno-rtti'
make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1

I used 'make config' to configure the kernel ('make xconfig' also got me an
error and didn't start, so I just tried the 'make config' which ran fine). I
followed the directions from the HOW-TO (as well as the instructions found in
the book Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use) exactly. Nevertheless, I got
this error.

Here's what I did in 'make config': I simply hit Enter at every option, except
where I wanted to make changes (SCSI support Y, SCSI disk support Y...). Then I
did 'make dep' and 'make clean'. Then...the error when I did 'make bzImage' (I
also tried 'make zImage', but it got me the same error).

After it didn't work the first time, I made a couple of other changes to the
configuration. I DON'T have a pentium machine. It is AMD K6II. So, I entered the
K6 info into the line that gave me the option for 386, 486, 586, pentium, K6...
(My thought was, maybe this change would get rid of at least the pentium-related
invalid options, but the error is exactly the same every time).

I don't know if there is a problem with my kernel sources, with gcc, with the
settings I'm entering, or if I'm just too stupid to be doing this!

Any of y'all have a clue what this error means and how I can fix it? Thanks so
much for your help!


Re: [newbie] shared libraries?

2000-02-12 Thread Lance Borden

Ron Burns wrote:
  I am
 trying to install an RPM that says it has a dependancy
 on libjpeg.so.6. Is this not a file that is required by alot of KDE
 apps? Please help.. so far this is the second app that requires this
 library  and it remains elusive.

Ron, I had to go hunting for that exact file. I don't remember which package it
is in, but I know how you can find out. Go to http://rpmfind.net. This is a huge
listing of rpms, cross-referenced by name, creation date, etc. Look up the rpm
that is asking for the ..so.6 file...There will be a page that describes that
rpm. Included in the description will be a list of unsatisfied dependencies. 
Your ..so.6 file will be in that list and highlighted as a link. Just click on
that link and it will take you to the rpm that will install that file. I'm not
sure if this is the most efficient way to do it, but it will get the job done.

Re: [newbie] Re: Running PPPDialer/Config (Continuation - Stillned help!)

2000-02-12 Thread Lance Borden

"ChOPpY C. Chipper" wrote:
 it doesn't say "modem is busy or whatever".
 instead now, it just stops when it says "initiliazing modem"
 don't know how to continue, modem dosen't click like when it onrmally starts
 dialing!  I have enabled xon/xoff, which fiex my original problem!
 Thanks a lot, now can anyone solve this problem?
 By the way, this modem is a Rockwell based KFlex Modem by amquest (234kbps
 version) upgraded via firmware to V.90

Are you sure you've got your ttyS_ set on the right one? Or, did you try to
query the modem? Seems like I went through the same process you are going
through, but can't remember what it was that led me to the current setup. Seems
like I just experimented with different ttyS_ setting and flow control settings
until I hit the right combination. Then again...I'm not really up on the modem
thing (all I've ever had was an external), but people on this list are always
talking about winmodems (they won't work in Linux) - is a firmware upgrade
something that makes your modem NOT a winmodem? If it is winmodem... :(

[newbie] Re: Running PPPDialer/Config

2000-02-11 Thread Lance Borden

"ChOPpY C. Chipper" wrote:
 well, anyway, my problem is that I don't have any idea on how to do nearly

 So my 1st task, is to try out the PPP dial-up, so I run KPPP  from the KDE
 desktop.  when I hit connect it says "modem is busy".  How do I go about
 fixing this is my question, 
 Julien Dumoulin-Smith

Make sure you've got the right settings in the kppp setup. Your modem should
probably be on ttys0, ttys1, ttys2 or ttys3 (these correspond to com1, 2, 3,  4
Windoze). My Mdk version (6.1) came with the default on "modem" - which is not
correct. Also, I had to change the default flow control setting from crtscts to
xon/xoff. Then it worked perfectly.

Regarding your other questions, I'm sorry but I don't have the answers.

Re: [newbie] Need some modem help

2000-02-09 Thread Lance Borden

James Luongo wrote:
 Anyway, I am using kPPP to set it up but I have no
 idea which driver to use.  /dev/modem looked nice but
 neither of them worked.  1.) How can I find out all
 these options on my modem?  2.) Is there a better
 program to do this?  (ie Lothar or DrakConf, which I
 don't have because I have LM 6.1)

Try /dev/ttys0 (this would correspond to com1 in 'doze), /dev/ttys1 (com2)...
Also, I had to change the default flow control to xon/xoff
Works perfectly!


[newbie] Scanners

2000-02-09 Thread Lance Borden

I need to get a new scanner, one that will work with my Linux.
Any of y'all have an HP 3200 up and running with Linux.  It wasn't listed on the
Sane site, but it's the right price and easily available for me.

Or, any recommendations from someone using a scanner under $200?



Re: [newbie] libg++272

2000-02-09 Thread Lance Borden

Harold Hartley wrote:
 anyone know where I can find or get the libg++272 so the rvplayer plugin
 for linux will work on my mandrake 7.0...
 I have the realplayer for linux installed on it , but the plugin needs
 the libg++272 in order to install..

Try http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/index.html
That's where I normally look for stuff,and usually find it.

Re: [newbie] and another thing - best printer?

2000-02-07 Thread Lance Borden

Craig wrote:

 dave wrote:

  Craig wrote:
   I am very new to Linux, I'm triple booting with Win2K, Win98,  Linux
   my Epson Stylus Photo 700 works fantastic in all three.
  Photo printing looks good/great???  Really sounds like Epson is the only
  way to go!  I still have on a shelf somewhere an old Epson Stylus Color
  600 I think.  Might be time to get a new one, though.  I can always sell
  the HP880 to a windows user at work :-)

 Photo Printing, well I've scanned pictures of my kids, and printed them out
 on photo quality to blow them up to larger size for framing. Using photo
 quality paper, you can't tell the difference, infact after a little photoshop
 tweaking of the image, the printed ones look to have truer color than the orig.

Okay, I see what y'all are saying...high praise for the Epson S. P. 700!   Since
I'm looking for a new printer right now, I went right out to find me one of those,
and where I live (Austria) I couldn't find one!

Or could I?   I found Stylus Color 740, 750, 860 and numerous others, but none
that were "exactly" 700 or 800 (the 800 was in the Linux-compatible listing).  My
question is this: when y'all are talking about the 700, do you mean "only" 700, or
would the driver include the entire 700 range (i.e., anything between 700-799)?

Thanks for the help!

Re: [newbie] Dial-up networking !

2000-02-04 Thread Lance Borden

vishal bansal wrote:

 How do you set up a dial-up networking connection in  linux?

 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

If you are using KDE, just start kppp, choose setup, supply the needed info
(phone number, name, device, DNS, etc.) and you're ready to go!

Re: [newbie] isdn - german

2000-02-03 Thread Lance Borden

 hi all
 habe gerade linux-mandrake 7.0 installiert ich habhe kein modem sondern isdn (
 was muss ich machen damit ich üver freenet ( 0101901920) online gehen kann?

 bitte um antwort


Ich habe zwar kein ISDN, aber ich habe gesehen, dass es ein ganzes ISDN-Kapitel
in dem Buch "Linux für Anwender" gibt (von Andreas Tikart, Jens Kühnel, Lars
Gentara). Es tut mir leid, dass ich nichts weiteres weiß!
Na ja! Ich bin gerade beim Schicken und ich sehe auf dem Tisch...
Es gibt jetzt eine Linux-Spezial Ausgabe von CHIP.  In dieser Ausgabe gibt es
ausführliche Beschreibungen von ISDN und ein Programm namens kISDN.  Das könnte
Ihre Lösung sein!

Re: [newbie] Books and stuff.

2000-02-03 Thread Lance Borden

Andrew Scotchmer wrote:

 Firstly thanks to all for your help and does anyone know of any good
 books on linux and the KDE.  The ones I've got don't seem to cover
 much and theres no user group in my area.
 Secondly I can't seem to download anything (icq) from the net, or
 rather I can but I keep getting asked what I want to open it with.
 I type in home (just a guess) and it downloads to:
 but then what.
 I don't want to sound like a windoze freak but isn't there any
 install wizards for linux?  As I am totally new to all of this, all these
 .rpm and .tar.gz files, not to mention the home/andrew/kdeetc,etc,
 are doing my head in (hence the need for a good book).
 I am running Mandrake 6.1

Hey, I 've been there!  I was just where you are about 3 weeks ago, but hang in
there!  It all starts to make sense pretty quickly.  I've had trouble finding a
"one book gives the whole picture" solution, but the latest one I've looked at
does a really good job:  Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use, 2nd Ed.   by
Michael Kofler, Addison-Wesley publisher.

Regarding install wizards, those .rpm files are pretty much exactly that!  Use
kpackage, which will install, update and uninstall all the .rpm packages for
you. Open kpackage, have it search for .rpm packages (in the options menu, you
can define which directories to search for packages). It will give you a list of
all the packages (you can view all the installed ones, all the not-installed
ones, or both from the options menu).  Find the one you want to install,
highlight it, and hit install. Coming from Windoze, you'll be amazed at how fast
they install (I sure was!).

The .tar and .tar.gz files are ones you have to compile yourself (manually
install).  It's a little more of a pain. I'm not real good at these, but I'll
see if my memory serves me right.  The others will correct me if I miss it!
If you have a .tar.gz, it is zipped, and you have to unzip it.  I tend to use
the graphical kfm (file manager) to browse the directory. By right clicking on
the file, I get the "archiver" option.  I choose it, which opens the ark program
and I select extract, which unzips the file. (I think you can use the console
and enter the command gunzip foo (foo represents the file name).  In either
case, you end up with a .tar file (which itself is a kind of compressed bundle
of files).

Use the console and cd into the directory where your .tar file is. Then enter
tar -xvf foo

This will unpack your .tar file into many files and even directories. Now you
are ready to install.  I think the commands are as follows:
First, do  ./configure from the directory which was just created by
unpacking .tar
Then, do  make
Finally...  make install

Then your program should be installed.

As you can see, I'm only a step or two ahead of you.  Hope this makes some


2000-02-02 Thread Lance Borden

David Tabachnikov wrote:

 Dan Ferris wrote:

  Oh, by the way
  Turn off the request return receipt.  Since you obviously download the
  list, you will know that your message was received.  Seems kind of
  redundant to me, but then again what do I know? :-)

 How could I tunr it on in Netscape 4.7?

Edit...Preferences...MailNewsgroups...Return Receipts
You can also request receipts for an idividual email by choosing the Options
while typing the email