Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Mr Buckner,

This is exactly what I was after -- a _constructive_ rebuttal based on fact, not
hearsay, emotion or experience. As I have tried to make clear, there is never
_one_ view of things, particularly in the social sciences (such as this). You
obviously believe differently to myself, and you have been able to articulate
your views clearly. For that I applaud you. In contrast to what some may think,
it was never my intention to force my view upon others, but rather to convince
people to be more open-minded about such matters. I have reread the portions of
my posts which you have quoted, and I have taken note of some of your
observations so that I may learn from them. While you make some very valid
points (supported by some good evidence), I cannot agree with most of your
argument. Nevertheless, I respect your view, for it is clear that you have
carefully thought it over.



On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 20:33:02 -0700, Rich Buckner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mr. Dhanapalan:
 I have read most if not all of your posts on this topic, and disagree with 
 the vast bulk of what you say.  The post to which I am responding, however, 
 reflects such a far too short-sighted view of history 
 that the temptation to respond is irresistible.
 On Wednesday 12 September 2001 06:38 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  Umm... Have you actually read or seen what's _really_ going on? By this, I
  mean from _credible_ sources like good historians and theorists (e.g. Wade,
  Johnson, Vogel, etc.), not the mass-media, which is notorious for its
  oversimplification of facts. It appears that YOU are the victim of
  mis-representations and hearsay. How can you expect to be truly objective
  when you _live_ in the country? This is simply impossible, because of
  factors like emotional attachments, habits and teachings (e.g. from schools
  and the media). The same would go for any nation that one is attached to. I
  don't expect to be able to be objective about my country, because I like
 No one is truly objective.  Everyone has biases that affect their thoughts 
 and reasoning.  Is a non-resident of the US who hates the US necessarily more 
 unbiased than a US resident who loves his country?  No, not necessarily.  
 Your posts reflect your biases.  This post no doubt reflects mine.  The fact 
 that I have biases (or that the poster to whom you were replying above has 
 biases) does not inevitably mean that the point of view I express is wrong, 
 that the point of view the previous poster expressed is wrong, or that your 
 point of view is incorrect.
  Not so. Your approach is very un-scientific indeed. 
 Any analysis of historic trends, causes, and effects is by its very nature 
 un-scientific because any such analysis ultimately amounts to an expression 
 of the analyst's opinion.  Your posts are full of subjective, qualitative 
 views about whether the US is good or bad, how much harm it has caused, and 
 the like.  Those opinions, with which I disagree with strongly, may be 
 honestly held, but they remain un-scientific opinions.
  Your inflexibility and lack of receptibility to different ideas and
  viewpoints is worrisome. If you read academic political papers over the
  years, you will notice how attitudes and views change with time, as
  situations change and new evidence and theories come to light. The world is
  ever-changing, not static. You need to try to evolve with this or risk
  falling behind and being cast aside as an old relic. Many older people I
  meet tend to be Cold Warriors, that is those who are stuck in the old
  Cold War mentality that communism is all evil and that the USA is the
  bastion of world democracy and hence is all good. Could you be one of those
  Cold Warriors, Jose? Here's a wake-up call: nothing is perfect. Since the
  end of the Cold War, people have been noticing the widening cracks in the
  armour of the Anglo-American neoliberal system, which for so long had
  remained stable due to the constant communist threat.
 You seem to imply that one can read academic political papers and that 
 those papers somehow establish the right answer about whether the US is 
 good or bad, and that events predating the Cold War are now irrelevant to a 
 qualitative evaluation of the US.  I think you are clearly wrong on both 
 First, academic political papers reflect nothing more than the opinions of 
 their authors.  As a colleague of mine likes to say opinions are like 
 a$$holes, everybody has one.  I daresay that, if I wanted to spend the time, 
 I could find academic papers that would support almost any view, even views 
 that are later shown to be demonstrably wrong.  After all, the head of the US 
 Patent Office in the early 1900s expressed the view that everything that 
 could be invented had by that time already been invented, and Bill Gates 
 thought that 64k (not 64m) of memory ought to be enough for anyone.  

Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:07:49 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 God are you full of yourself... 

Sounds more like the other way around. I substantiated my arguments with fact
and reason. If you doubt any of it, try looking it up in something _reputable_.
You, on the other hand, appear to be incapable of articulating yourself in such
a situation, possibly blinded by your emotions and by what you call
experience. I appreciate _constructive_ crriticism, for it is a good way to
learn. However, your brand of criticism is nothing but constructive, as you
offer no reasons as to why you disagree. It is simply a troll.
 I'm quite sure that this will, as is normal for most people, lead to a
 very thoughtful and even tempered adult. For the moment though it really
 sounds like the pot is calling the kettle black.

I try to consider things from different viewpoints, in order to gauge a better
understanding of them. Your xenophobia when it comes to different ideas is
 There is nothing I could do to change your mind on those points you have
 wrong, that you are citing from here-say. Nor do I want or need to, as
 experience is a MUCH better teacher.

I do not wish to necessarily change people's minds, but merely to open them up a
little to consider new viewpoints. Once considered, an informed decision can
hopefully be made, and the view can be either accepted (either in full or in
part) or discarded altogether. You seem to be incapable of doing so.

Experience teaches you ONE viewpoint, grounded in ONE community and ONE culture.
You cannot expect to understand the world with this kind of knowledge. Do _you_
understand the the Taliban (assuming they did it) act the way they do? Your
experience cannot explain Islamic fundamentalism at all.
 I have read in proper academic articles and journals,
 U-huh, this confirms my original statement.

This was merely an example, and your ignorant response only serves to confirm my
original obversations about you. Proper academics are always careful to
reference their work thoroughly, in order to provide evidence supporting their
views. You do no such thing. You don't even offer a view other than the
equivalent of you're a moron. How can you expect anyone to believe you when
you don't state why you think this way?

How old are YOU, anyway? You're starting to sound like an old broken vinyl
record to me. Come back when you actually have something constructive to say
instead of trolls.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:17:37 -0700 (PDT), Jesse C. Chang
 Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
  God are you full of yourself... 
 Like civileme said previously (I think it was him), both sides have a
 kernel of truth in them.  He (Sridhar) is not entirely off-base.  What
 Americans percieve as an act of evil might very well be considered a
 blow against evil by many Muslims, much like the Crusades were by the
 Christians of the Middle Ages.  It's pretty ridiculous the way people
 can justify the atrocities they commit as being in the name of their
 God (I'm not saying that is definitely the case here, but it is a

Exactly. It depends on how you see things. For example, the motives (and hence
the root of the problem) of the Taliban (or whoever did it) _cannot_ be
understood with standard Western neoliberal thinking. They are _not_ Western,
and they are certainly _not_ neoliberal.
 However, I have to agree that his attitude leaves something to be
 desired.  But it's something that every teenager goes through.  I know
 I've been there, thinking I am somehow more knowledgeable than most
 everyone else just because I learned something new.  In a few years,
 real world experience will give him a wake-up call, and he'll realize
 that, as he becomes older and wiser, just how much he doesn't know.

Perhaps this _is_ just something that every teenager goes through. I have
never really disputed that, and I never will. However, I _did_ provide evidence
in support, and I believe it is quite ridiculous when someone posts the
equivalent of you're a moron, without saying why. I never expected everyone to
agree with me. I merely intended to offer an alternate viewpoint from the
standard one put forward by much of the media and by many governments worldwide.
If one disagrees after actually _considering_ it with an open mind, then fine.
But if somebody says I'm older than you, I have more experience, you're wrong
without giving a real reason, I only get the impression that this person has no
independent thought whatsoever, and that they are reacting simply based on
emotion, not on independent thought or reason.

 And I mean beyond just saying, I don't claim to know everything,
 which is absolutely meaningless, especially when immediately followed
 by, but I know more than most people.

Most people don't specialise in government and international relations. Most
people don't read books, articles and journals on these topics very often, if at
all. Therefore, it is difficult for most people to gain a real grasp of the
situation. _This_ is the simple point I was trying to make. Would you argue with
a doctor over medical treatments? No, because doctors generally know much more
than the average person in the field of medicine, due to training.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Rich Buckner

On Thursday 13 September 2001 12:39 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Mr Buckner,

 This is exactly what I was after -- a _constructive_ rebuttal based on
 fact, not hearsay, emotion or experience. As I have tried to make clear,
 there is never _one_ view of things, particularly in the social sciences
 (such as this). You obviously believe differently to myself, and you have
 been able to articulate your views clearly. For that I applaud you. In
 contrast to what some may think, it was never my intention to force my view
 upon others, but rather to convince people to be more open-minded about
 such matters. I have reread the portions of my posts which you have quoted,
 and I have taken note of some of your observations so that I may learn from
 them. While you make some very valid points (supported by some good
 evidence), I cannot agree with most of your argument. Nevertheless, I
 respect your view, for it is clear that you have carefully thought it over.



Sridhar (if I may call you that, and I would like to in light of your 

Thank you for your response.  In my view, and, from your post I believe in 
your view as well, there is no right answer on the issues we have 
discussed.  I am very glad that you are willing to consider the points I have 
tried to make, and have no problem at all if you decide to reject 
them after consideration.  What I really wanted, and want, is to open a 
dialogue with each of us considering the other's point of view, recognizing 
that reasonable minds may differ.  I hope that, as events go forward, you 
will keep in mind the points I have tried to make and continue to evaluate 
and re-evaluate their merits.

Just to provide you with some context, I was actually shocked at the depth of 
feeling that recent events and your posts have evoked in me since I have 
spent most of my life complaining about my government's policies.  I was one 
of the hippies in the streets in the late 1960's protesting my government's 
stance in Viet Nam.  I was one of the happiest people alive when Nixon was 
impeached. In short, I am a very unlikely person to post to a newsgroup a 
defense of my country's policies and actions.

Watching the film of the attack on 9/11, and reading your posts, however, 
have caused me to think very hard on the US and how I feel about my country.  
Doing so reminded me that I truly do love my country.  I doubt that any 
country, other than perhaps the USSR, has ever lived under the constant 
threat of nuclear annihilation, something I have not thought about for a very 
long time.  When I was six, seven, and eight years old (the late 1950s and 
very early 1960s), we used to have drills in school about what to do in the 
event of a nuclear attack (obviously from Russia since, at the time, no one 
else had nuclear weapons).  During those drills, we were to get under our 
desks at school.  Today, we all know that the idea that we would survive a 
nuclear attack if we got under our school desks, but we would not if we 
failed to do so, is ridiculous.  In fact, the whole idea is so silly that it 
led to parody charts setting out all the steps we followed during our drills 
and adding one more step: in the event of nuclear attack, we should follow 
the steps we practiced in school and, after doing so, we should  bend over 
real far and kiss our a$$s goodbye.  That thought -- that we could be 
annihilated by the USSR -- always colored US policy before the end of the 
Cold War.  It also, undeniably, led to some bad choices about who to support 
in certain other countries.  I still do not believe those choices were made 
in bad faith or out of unreasonable selfishness.  I think those choices were 
made out of fear and self-preservation.

In any event, I am delighted by your post.  From a different post, I see that 
you are young.  Being young is the best thing so long as you keep an open 
mind, evaluate new facts as you receive them, and constantly reevaluate your 
views based on information as you receive it.  Please don't formulate 
opinions now and believe that you must defend them as a matter of personal 
honor.  You are obviously an intelligent person; use that intelligence to 
constantly acquire new facts, to evaluate those facts objectively, and to 
modifiy your views, if appropriate, based on new information.  Please 
understand that the people of the United States. like the people of every 
country I have visited, are, individually, well-meaning.  That is why 
indiscriminate terrorist attacks are so bad.

I am glad we had this dialog.  I truly would be interested in citations to 
reading material that you believe supports the viewpoints you have expressed 
as I think consideration of other viewpoints, even if you regard them as 
wrong, is always a useful intellectual exercise.  To be honest, if I disagree 
with those materials, I would enjoy the exercise of reviewing them and 
deciding in my own mind why they are wrong.  Please feel free 

RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Yes. This is exactly the point.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jesse C. Chang
|Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:18 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
|Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
| God are you full of yourself...
|Like civileme said previously (I think it was him), both sides 
|have a kernel of truth in them.  He (Sridhar) is not entirely 
|off-base.  What Americans percieve as an act of evil might 
|very well be considered a blow against evil by many Muslims, 
|much like the Crusades were by the Christians of the Middle 
|Ages.  It's pretty ridiculous the way people can justify the 
|atrocities they commit as being in the name of their God (I'm 
|not saying that is definitely the case here, but it is a possiblity).
|However, I have to agree that his attitude leaves something to 
|be desired.  But it's something that every teenager goes 
|through.  I know I've been there, thinking I am somehow more 
|knowledgeable than most everyone else just because I learned 
|something new.  In a few years, real world experience will 
|give him a wake-up call, and he'll realize that, as he becomes 
|older and wiser, just how much he doesn't know. And I mean 
|beyond just saying, I don't claim to know everything, which 
|is absolutely meaningless, especially when immediately 
|followed by, but I know more than most people.
|   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| [___]
|  `|'   I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
|  /|\   satisfied with the best.  -- Oscar Wilde

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Jose M. Sanchez


I have no desire to debate you as it is pointless  a counterproductive
waste of time. 

Others are going to love to engage you in this and already you've
received rebuttals which encompass both my sentiments and feelings. Rich
did a pretty good job.

This however makes you no less or more than what you are... Full of

Time is a teacher that no one is able to resist.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar 
|Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:40 AM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
|On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:07:49 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez 
| God are you full of yourself...

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Jose M. Sanchez


You are itching for something to rebut, for something to refute.

This does nothing to make your statements or facts correct, appropriate
or thoughtful nor help matters at all.

Let someone else give stroke your ego. I don't care to. 

You simply don't get it.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 08:24:06 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have no desire to debate you as it is pointless  a counterproductive
 waste of time. 

Your above statement is true. It is impossible to argue with someone who is
stuck in their ways and unwilling to even _consider_ alternate viewpoints.

I only wished for people to _consider_ different ideas, not to necessarily
accept them. Your stubbornness makes you appear to be incapable of doing even

 Others are going to love to engage you in this and already you've
 received rebuttals which encompass both my sentiments and feelings. Rich
 did a pretty good job.

He most certainly did, and I have lauded him for it. So why must _you_ be so
incapable of being as civilised and articulate as he?
 This however makes you no less or more than what you are... Full of

I provided a reason for my views. In return, you have called me names, without
providing _any_ reason whatsoever, as if you were three years old. I would say
that _you_ are full of yourself. Once again, I invite you to actually _prove_ me

 Time is a teacher that no one is able to resist.

I never discounted the role of experience; I merely indicated that there are
other factors which must be considered which experience alone cannot address.
Tell me, what experience do _you_ have of Afghanistan or the Taleban? I have
mentioned this before, and you have conveniently sidestepped this (along with
all my other arguments) as if you were some sort of spin doctor.

I shall try to leave things there (I tried before, but you persisted). I do not
wish for Deno to take me off this list for continuing an off-topic thread.
 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar 
 |Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:40 AM
 |Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
 |On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:07:49 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez 
 | God are you full of yourself...

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 20:08:48 -0500, Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:15 pm, Franki escribió:
  There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some
  banks, this could effect the world ecomomy...
  especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were
  on the brink already...
 My Thoughts had nothin to do with money, any denomination. The 
 world runs on people and their thoughts, not just their produce 
 materially.  So I say again.  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk 
 assholes affects the whole world, specially those that deserve it least.
Even this world's most unfortunate children took a big hit today.
 Those in the USA, and specially those suported worldwide by
   I doubt the zealot cowardly asshole mass murders who acted today were 
 thinkin about anybody but themselves, and what they want.  They left 
 many chilren dead, or without parents ... or support.
As much as I feel for today's victims, the children of the world are 
 in greater need.  Please help if you can   God bless

Okay, I'm going to have to speak my mind here. My apologies if I offend anyone.
The basics of life are food, clothing and shelter. I see no reason proselytising
to these poor, vulnerable and impressionable CHILDREN. All these groups do is
destroy the language and culture of these people, and they have little choice in
accepting this if they want to live. It is just cultural imperialism in
disguise. If you REALLY want to help the underprivileged, consider supporting
organisations like PLAN ( and Amnesty
International ( Your support will go towards actually
_helping_ these people, not indoctrination, whether it be religious or

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:03:37 +0800, Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think the terrorists deserver american style justice...

NOBODY deserves american style justice. Do you support capital punishment? The
USA is the only advanced democracy that does, and it has ignored United
Nations pressure to change that. Do you support homophobic laws? The last time I
checked, twenty of fifty US states have laws prohibiting homosexual behaviour.
Do you support companies like Nike and Microsoft, who exploit people worldwide
for their own financial gain? Do you support laws that benefit large capitalist
corporations at the expense of the average citizen, like the DMCA? Civileme has
mentioned in a number of posts that he is afraid to go back to his own country
(the US) for fear of him being persecuted under DMCA-style laws (CMIIW,

Things aint that simple. There is always another viewpoint, and we must try to
view things the way 'they' would see it, in order to understand them and
determine their motives. If your family and community was impoverished and
subject to a brutal authoritarian regime, all thanks to US Foreign Policy,
wouldn't _you_ want revenge?

I am doing a major in Government and International Relations as part of my
university degree (along with Information Systems). The most important thing to
learn is that you cannot impose Western liberal views upon those who haven't had
a Western liberal upbringing. For example, if these guys are Arab, then you have
to think like an Arab in order to understand them. Thinking like an Australian
or an American doesn't help one bit.

Before I get labelled as being callous, let me add that I do _not_ condone such
behaviour, and my heart goes out to the victims' families. It is important,
however, to remain calm and level-headed in such a crisis. This is,
understandably, _very_ difficult to do if you know someone who is involved. We
should try to look objectively at the events, and not just get swept away by all
the media coverage.
 Why give then an anesthetic before killing them (by putting them to
 they didnt' give their victims any choice in the matter...
 They deserve alot more then peaceful sleep, they deserve public torture...
 to serve as a warning...
 It won't happen, but its what they deserver,, and because it won't happen,
 it will one day happen again...
 Geeze, I am such a bastard about this
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lanman
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2001 12:32 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Matt Greer
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
 Matt; My comments regarding possible retribution were directed ONLY at those
 responsible. Didn't mean to give you the wrong impression. And I believe
 - given the chance- President Bush will take extreme pleasure in bringing
 those responsible over to our side of the pond (if at all possible, assuming
 that they're not already here), to face justice American style. The
 American people will expect it. Kind of a slap in the face to those
 murderers. Knowing this, they may choose to take themselves out instead.
 But whether they're Palestinians or Martians, the Americans deserve justice.
 They already paid the bill. Ask any New Yorker!
 Sleep time! Goodnight all.
 On Thursday 13 September 2001 12:17 am, Matt Greer wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 September 2001 23:07, you wrote:
   By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football.
  I'm sorry, but I was/am a bit frustrated at people's reactions to the
  Palestineans sp?. What they're doing is dispicable, but that doesn't
  we should want their deaths.
   I think these terrorists should be feeling the same way right
   about now. I don't think they thought this attack through well enough to
   ponder the response that will surely follow.
  Either they didn't really think of the consequences or they don't care. A
  war could be exactly what they wanted. Who knows.
  Watching the tower crumble to the ground sends chills down my spine
  everytime I see it. I don't think hardly anyone would have thought a plane
  crashing into the upper portion of  a skyscraper could cause it to
  A news channel tonight had an engineer on and even he was surprised.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread John W

At 06:14 PM 9/12/01 +1000, you wrote:
On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:03:37 +0800, Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't think the terrorists deserver american style justice...

NOBODY deserves american style justice.

  I disagree. People hate us because we are successful. (microsoft comes to 
I think that when the individuals responsible are determined that if they 
are in a country such as Afghanistan that would harbor and protect them 
then they the whole of Afghanistan Deserves whatever happens to them. 
Todays occurences are exactly why the USA has to be involved in every 
happening throughout the world. If you claim that the US is the only 
country who selectively chooses what they are involved in then you are 
blind to the workings of the world.

I am doing a major in Government and International Relations as part of my
university degree (along with Information Systems). The most important 
thing to
learn is that you cannot impose Western liberal views upon those who 
haven't had
a Western liberal upbringing. For example, if these guys are Arab, then 
you have
to think like an Arab in order to understand them. Thinking like an Australian
or an American doesn't help one bit.

  So if we are to think like Arabs then we should react like arabs? Go in 
 and destroy the whole country and everyone in it regardless of what and 
 why?  The funny thing is that although we have what 
 esentially  undeniable evidence that it is an arab faction responsible it 
 has not yet been proven for certain but everyone has already in their 
 minds nailed Bin Laden, et al.

Before I get labelled as being callous, let me add that I do _not_ condone 
behaviour, and my heart goes out to the victims' families. It is important,
however, to remain calm and level-headed in such a crisis. This is,
understandably, _very_ difficult to do if you know someone who is involved. We
should try to look objectively at the events, and not just get swept away 
by all
the media coverage.

  Be callous, you should be. 10,000+ people killed in an hour!!! (not fact 
but conceivable) These people had no concern for anything or anyone. Few if 
any of the victims of this really have anything to do with the way the US 
supposedly polices the world. My thoughts are that the US needs to 
obliterate a few countries to get the point across that we will not 
tolerate this type behavior against ourselves or our allies. (assuming we 
actually have any)

John W

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread nathan wainwright

its a way of swearing i supposed.. :P

-- nathan

Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:46:36 -0400

Netstacking rights ?? Huh? Never heard that one before.

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 12:36 am, you wrote:
  netstacking rights.
  i will defend my mother country, and the usa if i could lend a hand.
  -- nathan
  From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
  Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:36:45 -0400
  Hey Nathan, Don't forget that us Moose's are pretty pissed too! Eh?
  On Wednesday 12 September 2001 12:20 am, you wrote:
this is only a start people, there is more to come...
but yes these bastards made the wronb bear angry
and they will pay, be sure of that
i know we should not toss our morals aside
but for the safety of democracy... we might have to
-- nathan
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:07:50 -0400

No Contest there! I agree! But I don't think the US Government 
second that a terrorist gang pulled this one off by themselves. It 
co-ordinated, too organized. There was some serious money, and 
 behind this. Don't be surprised to find out that some radical
 was behind
it. Either that, or I better cut WAY back on those Tom Clancy 

By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football. Your
 Government WILL
make the right decision, Matt. But, unless they come down hard on
 these jerks, it could happen again (God Forbid!). I happen to like
 Americans, and I
wouldn't wish this on them or any other country either. But the 
 to prevent repetition is to Drop The Hammer the first time.
  Obviously I
 mean dropping it only on those actually responsible. The US people
 never been
happy about Collateral Damage - of that I'm sure, and this time 

But if I remember my history right (correct me if I'm wrong), one 
Japanese admirals commanding the attack on Pearl Harbor said it 
 than most. Something like - I believe we have awakened a sleeping
 . They had just finished their attack, and he was already thinking
 changing his diapers! I think these terrorists should be feeling 
 way right about now. I don't think they thought this attack 
 enough to ponder the response that will surely follow.


On Wednesday 12 September 2001 11:45 pm, you wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:42, you wrote:
   Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass 


   is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can


   the U.S. is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess
   dancing and celebrating on the rooftops??
  This isn't a college football rivalry. I hope our government 
  right decisions and minimizes the impact as much as possible as


  the people who did this to justice. War on an entire nation is 
  right response to the actions of a small, extreme group.

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Well you've just proven for all the list to see that you are victim to
mis-representations and hearsay, otherwise you would not how
dramatically untrue your facts are...

Sridhar you are the very voice of in-experience.

I have no desire to waste my time trying to convince or enlighten you,
as to many of your fallacies (which are intermixed with grains of truth
to make then seem correct, as things  often are).

Suffice it to say that you REALLY need to get out more buddy...

In about 20 years I'd love to chat with you about this again and review
how your views have changed with maturity.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar 
|Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 7:07 AM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
|On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 02:12:40 -0700, John W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| At 06:14 PM 9/12/01 +1000, you wrote:
| On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:03:37 +0800, Franki 
| wrote:
|   I don't think the terrorists deserver american style justice...
| NOBODY deserves american style justice.
|   I disagree. People hate us because we are successful. (microsoft 
| comes to
| mind)
|Why did I expect this sort of response? This is so typically 
|American, the kind of thing that you are infused with in 
|American schools and from watching too many American movies. 
|No, I am not making this up, nor am I trying to be 
|deliberately anti-American. I have many American friends who 
|would agree with me. The USA is not the bastion of democracy 
|that it once was. Today it is the bastion of capitalism, which 
|was in turn the child of democracy. Why does the USA have the 
|highest crime rates, the lowest literacy rates, among the 
|lowest life expectancy rates, and the largest income gap 
|between rich and poor (with many going hungry) in the 
|industrialised world? Is this what you call successful? 
|Would you define success by how much you can screw over the 
|world's poor in order to fill your own pockets? I certainly don't.
|There is far greater justice and equality across the 
|Atlantic, in Western Europe. There is even greater equality in 
|some Asian nations, like Japan.
| I think that when the individuals responsible are determined that if 
| they
| are in a country such as Afghanistan that would harbor and 
|protect them 
| then they the whole of Afghanistan Deserves whatever 
|happens to them. 
| Todays occurences are exactly why the USA has to be involved 
|in every 
| happening throughout the world. If you claim that the US is the only 
| country who selectively chooses what they are involved in 
|then you are 
| blind to the workings of the world.
| I am doing a major in Government and International 
|Relations as part 
| of my university degree (along with Information Systems). The most 
| important thing to learn is that you cannot impose Western liberal 
| views upon those who haven't had
| a Western liberal upbringing. For example, if these guys 
|are Arab, then 
| you have
| to think like an Arab in order to understand them. Thinking like an
| or an American doesn't help one bit.
|   So if we are to think like Arabs then we should react like arabs? 
|  Go in
|  and destroy the whole country and everyone in it 
|regardless of what and 
|  why?  The funny thing is that although we have what 
|  esentially  undeniable evidence that it is an arab faction 
|responsible it 
|  has not yet been proven for certain but everyone has 
|already in their 
|  minds nailed Bin Laden, et al.
| Before I get labelled as being callous, let me add that I do _not_ 
| condone
| such
| behaviour, and my heart goes out to the victims' families. 
|It is important,
| however, to remain calm and level-headed in such a crisis. This is,
| understandably, _very_ difficult to do if you know someone 
|who is involved.
| should try to look objectively at the events, and not just 
|get swept 
| away
| by all
| the media coverage.
|   Be callous, you should be. 10,000+ people killed in an 
|hour!!! (not 
| fact
| but conceivable) These people had no concern for anything or 
|anyone. Few if 
| any of the victims of this really have anything to do with 
|the way the US 
| supposedly polices the world. My thoughts are that the US needs to 
| obliterate a few countries to get the point across that we will not 
| tolerate this type behavior against ourselves or our allies. 
|(assuming we 
| actually have any)
|This is yet another stereotype that I had expected. Why are 
|Americans, on the whole, so belligerent? Serving a military 
|career appears to be the best way to get into government in 
|the USA. With presidents like Eisenhower (who was a
|general) and Bush (Snr, who held a high position in the CIA), 
|it is no surprise that US foreign policy has been so 
|confrontational during the past fifty years. What scares me 

Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Richie de Almeida

 The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
  Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
  you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by

Truly, you are the Typical Ugly Canadian, spouting how we're much better 
liked around the world than our neighbours in the States.

Kid, if you had ever travelled around you would know that many people from 
many countries-- do not draw any difference between Canadians and Americans.  

For the matter of never being terrorized, I beg to differ.  We lost some 
400-500 souls when two bombs were planted on different CP Air planes some 
twenty years ago.

To come out with any message suggesting yesterdays events were 'just 
desserts' is to demonstrate not only a lack of compassion but just a lack of 
basic human-ness.  It puts you closer to the people that flew those planes 
than to me.

Richie de Almeida
Brampton, CANADA

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:48:57 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well you've just proven for all the list to see that you are victim to
 mis-representations and hearsay, otherwise you would not how
 dramatically untrue your facts are...

Umm... Have you actually read or seen what's _really_ going on? By this, I mean
from _credible_ sources like good historians and theorists (e.g. Wade, Johnson,
Vogel, etc.), not the mass-media, which is notorious for its oversimplification
of facts. It appears that YOU are the victim of mis-representations and hearsay.
How can you expect to be truly objective when you _live_ in the country? This is
simply impossible, because of factors like emotional attachments, habits and
teachings (e.g. from schools and the media). The same would go for any nation
that one is attached to. I don't expect to be able to be objective about my
country, because I like it.
 Sridhar you are the very voice of in-experience.

Not so. Your approach is very un-scientific indeed. If you wrote an academic
report using your line of argument, it would probably be thrown out.
 I have no desire to waste my time trying to convince or enlighten you,
 as to many of your fallacies (which are intermixed with grains of truth
 to make then seem correct, as things  often are).

What fallacies? You obviously didn't read my post very thoroughly, or you are
grossly misinformed, if you think there are fallacies. I substantiated my
arguments with reason and fact. My comments about what is typically American
were deliberately satirical. Perhaps you misinterpreted that, since sitire
doesn't transfer well in writing.
 Suffice it to say that you REALLY need to get out more buddy...
 In about 20 years I'd love to chat with you about this again and review
 how your views have changed with maturity.

Your inflexibility and lack of receptibility to different ideas and viewpoints
is worrisome. If you read academic political papers over the years, you will
notice how attitudes and views change with time, as situations change and new
evidence and theories come to light. The world is ever-changing, not static. You
need to try to evolve with this or risk falling behind and being cast aside as
an old relic. Many older people I meet tend to be Cold Warriors, that is those
who are stuck in the old Cold War mentality that communism is all evil and that
the USA is the bastion of world democracy and hence is all good. Could you be
one of those Cold Warriors, Jose? Here's a wake-up call: nothing is perfect.
Since the end of the Cold War, people have been noticing the widening cracks in
the armour of the Anglo-American neoliberal system, which for so long had
remained stable due to the constant communist threat.

Just over a decade ago, the US governmental and economic system was under heavy
attack from academics and economists. Conversely, the Japanese model was hailed
as the way of the future. Fast-forward to today, and many people would argue the
opposite. Times change, and so should you. Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar 
 |Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 7:07 AM
 |Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
 |On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 02:12:40 -0700, John W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | At 06:14 PM 9/12/01 +1000, you wrote:
 | On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:03:37 +0800, Franki 
 | wrote:
 |   I don't think the terrorists deserver american style justice...
 | NOBODY deserves american style justice.
 |   I disagree. People hate us because we are successful. (microsoft 
 | comes to
 | mind)
 |Why did I expect this sort of response? This is so typically 
 |American, the kind of thing that you are infused with in 
 |American schools and from watching too many American movies. 
 |No, I am not making this up, nor am I trying to be 
 |deliberately anti-American. I have many American friends who 
 |would agree with me. The USA is not the bastion of democracy 
 |that it once was. Today it is the bastion of capitalism, which 
 |was in turn the child of democracy. Why does the USA have the 
 |highest crime rates, the lowest literacy rates, among the 
 |lowest life expectancy rates, and the largest income gap 
 |between rich and poor (with many going hungry) in the 
 |industrialised world? Is this what you call successful? 
 |Would you define success by how much you can screw over the 
 |world's poor in order to fill your own pockets? I certainly don't.
 |There is far greater justice and equality across the 
 |Atlantic, in Western Europe. There is even greater equality in 
 |some Asian nations, like Japan.
 | I think that when the individuals responsible are determined that if 
 | they
 | are in a country such as Afghanistan that would harbor and 
 |protect them 
 | then they the whole of Afghanistan Deserves

Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 16:16:14 +0200, civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 12 September 2001 15:38, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:48:57 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez
 Sridhar, my friend,
 Please please please don't expect rational argument or openness to different 
 POV from people in shock.
 You do have some very valid, solid, points.  And they have changed not one 
 iota from the time of the Third IndoChina War, wherein we learned that to 
 American Oil Companies, on ocean of offshore oil was really worth an ocean 
 of blood.  I quote American because the ownership is multinational though 
 they effectuate their will through the American government.  The appearance 
 has changed, since it is no longer in vogue to keep the world safe from 
 communism, but the driving forces are more determinist than leader-based.
 I am annoyed by greed in all its manifestations, as you appear to be, whether 
 it is the predatory tactics of a very rich corporation, or the actions of a 
 government that purports to be the scion of democracy and freedom.  I am 
 annoyed that technological advances are suppressed in the name of profit, and 
 I know your point of view well.  I think mine may well enclose yours, though 
 it is more philosophical than governmental.
 It is often useful to believe that each point of view has an element of the 
 truth, and to play a mental game to combine them so that they are reconciled, 
 no matter how improbable the outcome.  Often this is closer to the truth, as 
 was taught in the old legend of three blind men examining an elephant.
 Anyway, don't expect much respoonse on the newbie list to your point of view. 
  People in shock tend to stand and defend their positions.
 Best Wishes,


You are absolutely right. I guess I really struck a nerve here when all I was
trying to do was to place this into a world context in order to make people
realise that the causes for this are not anywhere near as simple as the media
and the US government likes to make it seem. As I said before, I had no
intention of diminishing the plight of the victims or their families. They have
my deepest sympathy.

Anyway, I shall wrap it up there.



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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Linux Newbie

Well spoken, but humans by nature are violent and savage animals

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 06:06 am, so spoke Sridhar Dhanapalan:

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

God are you full of yourself... 

I'm quite sure that this will, as is normal for most people, lead to a
very thoughtful and even tempered adult. For the moment though it really
sounds like the pot is calling the kettle black.

There is nothing I could do to change your mind on those points you have
wrong, that you are citing from here-say. Nor do I want or need to, as
experience is a MUCH better teacher.

I have read in proper academic articles and journals,

U-huh, this confirms my original statement.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread etharp

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 00:20, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 this is only a start people, there is more to come...

 but yes these bastards made the wronb bear angry

 and they will pay, be sure of that

 i know we should not toss our morals aside

 but for the safety of democracy... we might have to

Nope, the moral high ground MUST be where a battle is fought from, other wise 
the winner of the military battle will have lost what the war was over. we do 
not have to fight for God, or Democracy, we DO have to fight for the right to 

lets be honest tho, we in the USA do NOT have democracy, heck it does not 
even qualify as a republic democracy, our President was appointed by the 
court. His Father was head of the CIA during VietNam (ever see Air America 
with Mel Gibson?, research Southern Air, (still in existance and flying C130 
to So. America from Miami) Flying Tigers (merged with Fed-Ex to create fed-ex 
air),  Evergreen air, and see where they got thier money to buy the planes 
and insurance) and might well be one of the people the world court would like 
to try for crimes against humanity, maybe even one of the reasons the US will 
not sign the treaty.

If we ever do get democracy again, I might calm down.

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread etharp

Nope I won't let you wrap it up, just because It bugs me to hear anyone say 
we have an elected president in the USA.
Heck, let us not forget he was appointed, not elected, and let's not ever 
forget it was his father that ran the CIA during the Vietnam war, as well as 
being an vice director of the CIA when the Kennedys and M.L.King were killed.

next time someone asks if you want to live in Russia, ask them if they think 
you like the cold, and then ask them if the want to live in Somolla. it is 
about as relevant.
 Anyway, I shall wrap it up there.



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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Rich Buckner

Mr. Dhanapalan:

I have read most if not all of your posts on this topic, and disagree with 
the vast bulk of what you say.  The post to which I am responding, however, 
reflects such a far too short-sighted view of history 
that the temptation to respond is irresistible.

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 06:38 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:


 Umm... Have you actually read or seen what's _really_ going on? By this, I
 mean from _credible_ sources like good historians and theorists (e.g. Wade,
 Johnson, Vogel, etc.), not the mass-media, which is notorious for its
 oversimplification of facts. It appears that YOU are the victim of
 mis-representations and hearsay. How can you expect to be truly objective
 when you _live_ in the country? This is simply impossible, because of
 factors like emotional attachments, habits and teachings (e.g. from schools
 and the media). The same would go for any nation that one is attached to. I
 don't expect to be able to be objective about my country, because I like

No one is truly objective.  Everyone has biases that affect their thoughts 
and reasoning.  Is a non-resident of the US who hates the US necessarily more 
unbiased than a US resident who loves his country?  No, not necessarily.  
Your posts reflect your biases.  This post no doubt reflects mine.  The fact 
that I have biases (or that the poster to whom you were replying above has 
biases) does not inevitably mean that the point of view I express is wrong, 
that the point of view the previous poster expressed is wrong, or that your 
point of view is incorrect.


 Not so. Your approach is very un-scientific indeed. 


Any analysis of historic trends, causes, and effects is by its very nature 
un-scientific because any such analysis ultimately amounts to an expression 
of the analyst's opinion.  Your posts are full of subjective, qualitative 
views about whether the US is good or bad, how much harm it has caused, and 
the like.  Those opinions, with which I disagree with strongly, may be 
honestly held, but they remain un-scientific opinions.

 Your inflexibility and lack of receptibility to different ideas and
 viewpoints is worrisome. If you read academic political papers over the
 years, you will notice how attitudes and views change with time, as
 situations change and new evidence and theories come to light. The world is
 ever-changing, not static. You need to try to evolve with this or risk
 falling behind and being cast aside as an old relic. Many older people I
 meet tend to be Cold Warriors, that is those who are stuck in the old
 Cold War mentality that communism is all evil and that the USA is the
 bastion of world democracy and hence is all good. Could you be one of those
 Cold Warriors, Jose? Here's a wake-up call: nothing is perfect. Since the
 end of the Cold War, people have been noticing the widening cracks in the
 armour of the Anglo-American neoliberal system, which for so long had
 remained stable due to the constant communist threat.

You seem to imply that one can read academic political papers and that 
those papers somehow establish the right answer about whether the US is 
good or bad, and that events predating the Cold War are now irrelevant to a 
qualitative evaluation of the US.  I think you are clearly wrong on both 

First, academic political papers reflect nothing more than the opinions of 
their authors.  As a colleague of mine likes to say opinions are like 
a$$holes, everybody has one.  I daresay that, if I wanted to spend the time, 
I could find academic papers that would support almost any view, even views 
that are later shown to be demonstrably wrong.  After all, the head of the US 
Patent Office in the early 1900s expressed the view that everything that 
could be invented had by that time already been invented, and Bill Gates 
thought that 64k (not 64m) of memory ought to be enough for anyone.  

Second, I don't think any reasoned, or reasonable, evaluation of the US's 
conduct in the past several decades can be made without considering the 
forces that dictated and drove US foreign policy both before and during that 

You are absolutely right that the US government made some horribly bad 
decisions about who to back in a number of countries over the last several 
decades.  In some cases, I believe the US government was simply fooled by 
those they ultimately backed.  After all, when Castro displaced the prior 
government in Cuba, he was initially hailed as a  hero in the US.  When he 
made known his preference for what he called Communism, the US views changed 
dramatically.  In any event, you are also absolutely correct that the US 
sometimes backed very bad people simply because the US thought it would be 
helpful in the global struggle with Communism.  But I think you ought to 
consider how US views on Communism were formed, and why the US regarded 
resisting its spread as imperative and for the greater global good.

By the 

Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread etharp

my first thought was that they had played a little too much with M$flight 
sim, since when I get bored with it I too fly into the wtc to crash and get 
out of the game. a few too many hours with M$ Flight sim, and they would not 
have that much trouble spotting the target and knowing how to fly (not land 
or takeoff mind you) a passenger Jet. 
I disagree. People hate us because we are successful. (microsoft comes
  to mind)

 My thoughts are that the US needs to
  obliterate a few countries to get the point across that we will not
  tolerate this type behavior against ourselves or our allies. (assuming we
  actually have any)

and that sure did end the problem with Iraq didn't it? no? you mean Ben-Laden 
is mad that we did not get out of Sudi-Arabia after we wooped ass on Iraq 
(and isn't it intersting that IRQ problems have the same constanates and 
IRaQ? and most the hardware problem I run inot are cuased by IRQs? is 
co-inky-dink? I think not.

 This is yet another stereotype that I had expected. Why are Americans, on
 the whole, so belligerent? Serving a military career appears to be the best
 way to get into government in the USA. With presidents like Eisenhower (who
 was a general) and Bush (Snr, who held a high position in the CIA), it is
 no surprise that US foreign policy has been so confrontational during the
 past fifty years. What scares me most is that people actually _vote_ for
 these guys and not for somebody who is more responsible.

 I am being a realist here. If world leaders were as emotional as you are
 here we would have wiped each other out through a global war. I said that I
 sympathise with the victims' families, and that I don't condone such
 violence. I stand by that. However, is 10,000 dead people really that many,
 when you take into account that US foreign policy is responsible for the
 suffering and deaths of many millions worldwide? Read my other posts in
 this thread for details on this.

 Do you really believe that you can fight fire with fire? Violence begets
 violence, and the first to suffer are the innocent. This has been seen time
 and time again in wars worldwide, including the two world wars, the Korean
 War, the Third Indochinese War (often called the Vietnam War), Iraq and
 the Balkans wars. In today's age of guerilla warfare, drug trafficking and
 terrorism, the distinction between soldier and innocent has blurred to the
 stage where traditional military strategy does not work, unless you wish to
 massacre entire villages (as American troops have done in Korea and

 We need to tackle the _root_ of the problem. The main root of crime is poor
 education and poverty. Therefore the best way to tackle crime is to improve
 education and the standard of living. Similarly, the root of these bombings
 is US allowance and support of practices which lead to poverty and brutal,
 authoritarian rule. The US government (not necessarily the people)
 supposedly has ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but
 only for their own people. They couldn't care less about the world's
 underprivileged, because exploiting them can lead to the pursuit of
 happiness for Americans. The United States government gives about 1% of
 its annual budget as foreign aid, far lower than any other industrialised
 nation, despite it having the largest economy in the world. The Bill and
 Belinda Gates foundation donated more money towards world health issues in
 2000 than did the US government.

 The hallmark of over-capitalism is massive inequity, and we are seeing this
 occur both within and outside the USA. Many Americans appear to be afraid
 of mentioning that point, despite the fact that their children cannot
 receive a decent education in government schools. I read recently that the
 education system in a particular state (I forget which one, I think it
 started with P) was bankrupt, and at the same time Microsoft was auditing
 them for software licenses. Of course, with such a cash-strapped system,
 they had been forced to pirate software, and now they owe millions to M$.

 I shall now expect to be labelled as a communist simply because I am
 concerned for my fellow human beings :-)

 Note that while I'm focussing on the USA here (because of the terrorist
 attacks), this hardly means that other nations have a clean sheet. On the
 contrary, all of the advanced democracies (including my own country,
 Australia) are to blame, but the USA is by far the worst of a bad bunch.

 If you wish to know where I'm coming from, I'm writing with several years
 of geography, economics, government and international relations training
 under my belt. There is far more to this than the Anglo-American neoliberal
 standpoint (which is what they usually teach you in schools in nations like
 the US and Australia), and it is important to try to approach the problem
 from different angles in order to understand it properly. I would hardly
 call myself an expert, but I feel that I know 

Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:27:55 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 As I said, you are the consummate voice of inexperience and youth...

In these matters, predetermined views and experience can be more of a hindrance
than a help. I was given a standard Western neoliberal education at school.
However, when I started doing government and international relations, I found
that these views did not fit in well at all with non-Western nations (i.e. most
of the world). I had to un-learn these neoliberal teachings in order to
understand different cultures and societies (kind of like how a newbie should
un-learn their Windows knowledge if they want to leant GNU/Linux well) and to
look at them objectively (i.e. not look at them through a Western lens, which is
a _very_ easy trap to fall into). Consequently, I gained new understanding and
knowledge on most of the world (something which neoliberal teachings _cannot_
do), and acquired fresh perspectives on what I had learnt previously. There _is_
more than one way to look at things, and it is only when you can do this that
you can really _understand_ something (I'm not saying that I truly understand
everything, but I tend to do so better than most people, because of this).

The same applies here. As an American, who is emotionally attached to his
country and who has spent a long period in the neoliberal tradition, you have
been affected in some way (either consciously or even subconsciously) by this
incident. At this moment of time, at least, it is difficult for you to be
objective about things. The general attitude of Americans on online fora such as
this list is one of shock, anger and vengeance. This is perfectly
understandable, given the circumstances. However, one cannot keep one's head in
the sand for too long. There is almost _never_ one view. One of the first things
you learn when you study the social sciences is that monocausal factors are very
rare indeed.
 What are you about 22-26?

Nineteen :-)

Age obviously is not everything. The best international relations lecturer I
ever had is still in her twenties, and she knows a _lot_ (she's got a phD,
written a few books, etc.). As I mentioned above, too much experience in a field
such as this can put you at risk of becoming a dinosaur, unless you evolve and
adapt that experience to changing times and circumstances. This happens all the
time amongst theorists. They may be fashionable for a while, and eventually they
fall out of favour. Nevertheless, some continue writing in support of their
original ideas, and consequently their peers basically ignore them.

 Give it a few years and you will find out which of your preconceptions
 are right and wrong.

The same could go for anyone, including yourself. At least I backed my arguments
with evidence. I am currently writing a research report on a mildly similar
topic, and so I have a good idea of what I am talking about (and probably
explains why I have gotten a little carried away with this thread). I have based
my arguments on what I have read in proper academic articles and journals, not
on what I read in USA Today or see on CNN. On the other hand, you offer no
evidence or proof (or even any real arguments, for that matter), so at present
to me it looks like you're arguing simply for the sake of arguing, perhaps
simply to make yourself look superior when in fact you have nothing. Of course,
I could be totally wrong, and I invite you to prove me wrong.

 I'd love to chat with the older and wiser version of yourself then.
 You'll be far more interesting.

I would like that. Perhaps you can offer an actual argument in the future.
 |-Original Message-
 |From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 |Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:38 AM
 |Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
 |On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:48:57 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez 
 | Well you've just proven for all the list to see that you are 
 |victim to 
 | mis-representations and hearsay, otherwise you would not how 
 | dramatically untrue your facts are...

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread civileme

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 15:38, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:48:57 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez

Sridhar, my friend,

Please please please don't expect rational argument or openness to different 
POV from people in shock.

You do have some very valid, solid, points.  And they have changed not one 
iota from the time of the Third IndoChina War, wherein we learned that to 
American Oil Companies, on ocean of offshore oil was really worth an ocean 
of blood.  I quote American because the ownership is multinational though 
they effectuate their will through the American government.  The appearance 
has changed, since it is no longer in vogue to keep the world safe from 
communism, but the driving forces are more determinist than leader-based.

I am annoyed by greed in all its manifestations, as you appear to be, whether 
it is the predatory tactics of a very rich corporation, or the actions of a 
government that purports to be the scion of democracy and freedom.  I am 
annoyed that technological advances are suppressed in the name of profit, and 
I know your point of view well.  I think mine may well enclose yours, though 
it is more philosophical than governmental.

It is often useful to believe that each point of view has an element of the 
truth, and to play a mental game to combine them so that they are reconciled, 
no matter how improbable the outcome.  Often this is closer to the truth, as 
was taught in the old legend of three blind men examining an elephant.

Anyway, don't expect much respoonse on the newbie list to your point of view. 
 People in shock tend to stand and defend their positions.

Best Wishes,


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Jesse C. Chang

Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 God are you full of yourself... 

Like civileme said previously (I think it was him), both sides have a
kernel of truth in them.  He (Sridhar) is not entirely off-base.  What
Americans percieve as an act of evil might very well be considered a
blow against evil by many Muslims, much like the Crusades were by the
Christians of the Middle Ages.  It's pretty ridiculous the way people
can justify the atrocities they commit as being in the name of their
God (I'm not saying that is definitely the case here, but it is a

However, I have to agree that his attitude leaves something to be
desired.  But it's something that every teenager goes through.  I know
I've been there, thinking I am somehow more knowledgeable than most
everyone else just because I learned something new.  In a few years,
real world experience will give him a wake-up call, and he'll realize
that, as he becomes older and wiser, just how much he doesn't know.
And I mean beyond just saying, I don't claim to know everything,
which is absolutely meaningless, especially when immediately followed
by, but I know more than most people.


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best.  -- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread etharp

On a couple of notes here, as an American who has served in the Military, and 
been in Spec. Forces, and studied a little current events and history, I 
wonder if we could appear to have learned something from WW1 and WW2, in that 
the way to _END_ (regardless of the military outcome) the war is to give hope 
and a future to those whom considered you the enemy. Look at the marshal plan 
and what it did for Europe after WW2. Do you believe the proud German people 
would have not started another war in 20 years if they did not recognize that 
they had more hope with commerce than bullets? I wish we had the sense to 
help the common folks in the countries that will be attacked BEFORE we have 
to attack them. Making a peace that would last with the same people whom are 
still upset about the crusades would not be _easy_, but it might be 
worthwhile. The real problem (as I see it) is that they might have to agree 
that I have as much right to the air to breath as they do. 
On the same but slightly different note, if MY genocide is the only thing 
YOUR religion will allow for ME, then where do I draw the line as far as YOUR 
genocide? If you want to kill me, you are gonna have a bloody mess on your 
hands before one of us is dead, and what happens afterwards with both the 
I see a lot of room for comparison between the Vikings in the first thousand 
years AD and these terrorists. How hard is it to fight a foe that believes 
that by dyeing in order to kill you they get to go to heaven? 
War on any Nation that believes that my children do not have the right to 
exist, and is willing to raise and wage war in order to prevent my children 
from living and sharing the air, is not only justified, it may be the only 
choice other than laying down and dyeing. The real question at some point 
becomes, at what point do we acknowledge that we only have those choices.
I have never wished to killsomeone, but even if the war has questionable 
beginings, (and I don't think to many questions will be asked by history any 
more than we asked if we were correct to battle Japan in WW2) I would not 
hasitate to kill anyone that I believed intend to harm myself or my family.
I would LOVE to see (and the chance of this happening are damn slim) Pres. 
Bush decide to back the world court and allow American and any other head of 
state to be tried for war crimes. I am pretty sure that might give the 
enemy a chance to show themselves, and release some frustrations on the 
proper people in an lawfull and orderly fashion, and not on people considered 
to be innocent. 
I was upset by the Afgan Gov. statement warning the US Gov that if INNOCENT 
AND SINLESS people are killed, more suicide bombings will occur. I am pretty 
sure that some innocent and sinnless peple (as sinless anyway) were killed. I 
do agree that if you protect the people whom want to kill me, you might be 
protecting people whom you do not really have the ability to protect. in 
fact, by my standards, if someone is shooting at me, and hidding behind you, 
and you say, do not shoot in my direction, because the person behind me 
trying to kill you is a friend of My Gods, then if you do not denounce HIS 
right to kill me, I may as well send you both to meet your God.

I want peace as much as anyone, and have more disrespect for my countries 
Goverment than most ex-GIs and I have been out of the Military for 20 some 
years, but if I can not help you to respect me and allow me my peace, then I 
will treat you as equal to how you treat me. If I am not allowed life, then 
neither are you.
No Person should be more important or less allowed life and joy than any 
One Of the greatest problems I am aware of in America, and the point of MY 
hositilty towards my own contry is that I FIRMLY believe that a persons right 
to joy should trump a corporations right to profits, and in America, not only 
have our Courts and Goverments decided that profit is MUCH more important 
than indivduales right to joy, but we have made laws that prevent a 
corporation form being put out of business, even if the intentally kill 
people for the sake of profit, and even if the profit (after expensises 
including exec. salary) is miniscule and not enough to compensate for the 
life taken. 
WE must have accountablility even in OUR leaders.  

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Art Rowe

We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province ..Air
India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my own city and


 Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
 you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread David Park

I apolagise for accidentilly posting this to this list, as it doesn't belong 
On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:13, you wrote:

  Go and stick your head back up the moose' backside where it obviously came
 from.  The USA is not the only country that suffers from terrorist attacks,
 but they are the most powerful nation in the world and does not stand for
 the schoolyard bullying tactics from these extremist groups. The publicity
 from these attacks is what is sort. Get of your soap box and at least show
 a bit of sympathy for all the innocent victims.  How would you feel if one
 of your family were involved?

 The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
  Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
  you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by
  terrorists...of course we -- Canada -- didn't go and
  bomb Afghanastan -- I know I spelled that wrong -- so


  they have no reason to attack us?!

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Maurice Vold

Let me state that as a Canadian I am horrfied by what I see and want to see
these criminals bought to justice.  My prayers and my familoes prayers go
out to the victims.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein

Maurice Vold
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Corporate Information Services
City of Saskatoon
Work Web Page:
Family Web Page:
Work Phone: 306-975-8145

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Park
Sent: September 11, 2001 5:44 PM
Subject: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

Go and stick your head back up the moose' backside where it obviously came
from.  The USA is not the only country that suffers from terrorist attacks,
but they are the most powerful nation in the world and does not stand for
the schoolyard bullying tactics from these extremist groups. The publicity
from these attacks is what is sort. Get of your soap box and at least show a
bit of sympathy for all the innocent victims.  How would you feel if one of
your family were involved?

The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
 Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
 you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by
 terrorists...of course we -- Canada -- didn't go and
 bomb Afghanastan -- I know I spelled that wrong -- so

 they have no reason to attack us?!

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:56 pm, Art Rowe escribió:
 We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province
 ..Air India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my
 own city and community!

  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk assholes affects the whole 
world, specially those that deserve it least.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:15 pm, Franki escribió:
 There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some
 banks, this could effect the world ecomomy...

 especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were
 on the brink already...



My Thoughts had nothin to do with money, any denomination. The 
world runs on people and their thoughts, not just their produce 
materially.  So I say again.  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk 
assholes affects the whole world, specially those that deserve it least.

   Even this world's most unfortunate children took a big hit today.
Those in the USA, and specially those suported worldwide by

  I doubt the zealot cowardly asshole mass murders who acted today were 
thinkin about anybody but themselves, and what they want.  They left 
many chilren dead, or without parents ... or support.

   As much as I feel for today's victims, the children of the world are 
in greater need.  Please help if you can   God bless
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:56 pm, Art Rowe escribió:
  We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province
  ..Air India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my
  own city and community!

   Attacks by misguided cowardly punk assholes affects the whole
 world, specially those that deserve it least.

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Lanman

I don't wish to prolong the existance of this topic on my favorite list, but 
I'd like to say a couple of things. David, you're absolutely right. This 
moron ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) doesn't know what he's talking about. So much of 
Canada's security revolves around our relationship with the U.S., and many 
Canadians (with the exception of a few terrorist cells) are hoping for the 
best, and offering prayers to the victims in New York and Washington.
Anyone who thinks like this twit shold consider leaving,...very soon. While I 
respect his right to have an opinion, most of us are not so psychopathic as 
to agree with him.

And by the way Mr. Clinuxc, we have been victim's of terrorist attacks. Can 
you say FLQ?? You idiot! Before you start offering an opinion, how's about 
checking your facts??

With countrymen like you, who needs enemas!

I'm done.


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:43 pm, you wrote:
 Go and stick your head back up the moose' backside where it obviously came
 from.  The USA is not the only country that suffers from terrorist attacks,
 but they are the most powerful nation in the world and does not stand for
 the schoolyard bullying tactics from these extremist groups. The publicity
 from these attacks is what is sort. Get of your soap box and at least show
 a bit of sympathy for all the innocent victims.  How would you feel if one
 of your family were involved?

 The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
  Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
  you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by
  terrorists...of course we -- Canada -- didn't go and
  bomb Afghanastan -- I know I spelled that wrong -- so


  they have no reason to attack us?!

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Lanman

Good one Tom. Rip him a new one. This guy's a - place index finger and thumb 
at right angles to one another against forehead !


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 08:05 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:56 pm, Art Rowe escribió:
  We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province
  ..Air India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my
  own city and community!

   Attacks by misguided cowardly punk assholes affects the whole
 world, specially those that deserve it least.

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Lanman

Tom; once again, a very good point or two! First, I think that we should 
remember that the IT community probably lost many colleagues today, and that 
also hits home. Regardless of their O/S of choice, we're all people of a 
similar mind. We share a natural curiosity, interest in learning, and passion 
in our craft. I believe that the IT professionals working in the World Trade 
Center are (were?) probably some of the world's best! I hadn't thought about 
it from that angle Tom. Thanks! Sigh! Now I feel even worse about this whole 

But in the long run, I think the terrorists just Shot themselves in the 
foot, because they just gave the U.S. Carte Blanche. A TV announcer on CNN 
( I think ), said today, that this tragedy was this generations' Pearl 
Harbor, and we all know what happened with that one. This time, someone 
really Screwed the Pooch ! Notice how all the Allied Powers AND Germany are 
all denouncing the attacks today?

Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious Suicide is 
going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet that the U.S. 
is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be dancing and 
celebrating on the rooftops??


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 09:08 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:15 pm, Franki escribió:
  There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some
  banks, this could effect the world ecomomy...
  especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were
  on the brink already...

 My Thoughts had nothin to do with money, any denomination. The
 world runs on people and their thoughts, not just their produce
 materially.  So I say again.  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk
 assholes affects the whole world, specially those that deserve it least.

Even this world's most unfortunate children took a big hit today.
 Those in the USA, and specially those suported worldwide by

   I doubt the zealot cowardly asshole mass murders who acted today were
 thinkin about anybody but themselves, and what they want.  They left
 many chilren dead, or without parents ... or support.

As much as I feel for today's victims, the children of the world are
 in greater need.  Please help if you can   God bless

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:42, you wrote:

 Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious Suicide
 is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet that the
 U.S. is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be dancing
 and celebrating on the rooftops??

This isn't a college football rivalry. I hope our government makes the right 
decisions and minimizes the impact as much as possible as they bring the 
people who did this to justice. War on an entire nation is not the right 
response to the actions of a small, extreme group.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread nathan wainwright

we might as well face it...

a drastic action has to be taken..

and they will fight dirty and hide behind childeren, and women, and the old

will we fight thru that?

-- nathan

From: Matt Greer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:45:07 -0500

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:42, you wrote:

  Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious 
  is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet that 
  U.S. is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be 
  and celebrating on the rooftops??

This isn't a college football rivalry. I hope our government makes the 
decisions and minimizes the impact as much as possible as they bring the
people who did this to justice. War on an entire nation is not the right
response to the actions of a small, extreme group.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Matt Greer

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:51, you wrote:
 we might as well face it...

 a drastic action has to be taken..

 and they will fight dirty and hide behind childeren, and women, and the old

 will we fight thru that?

Bush said anyone harboring the suspects is considered equally as guilty, and 
I can agree with that. But if people truly have nothing to do with this, then 
their lives should be spared at all costs.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Lanman

Netstacking rights ?? Huh? Never heard that one before.

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 12:36 am, you wrote:
 netstacking rights.

 i will defend my mother country, and the usa if i could lend a hand.

 -- nathan


 Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
 Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:36:45 -0400
 Hey Nathan, Don't forget that us Moose's are pretty pissed too! Eh?
 On Wednesday 12 September 2001 12:20 am, you wrote:
   this is only a start people, there is more to come...
   but yes these bastards made the wronb bear angry
   and they will pay, be sure of that
   i know we should not toss our morals aside
   but for the safety of democracy... we might have to
   -- nathan
   From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
   Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:07:50 -0400
   No Contest there! I agree! But I don't think the US Government thinks
   second that a terrorist gang pulled this one off by themselves. It was
   co-ordinated, too organized. There was some serious money, and intel
behind this. Don't be surprised to find out that some radical
was behind
   it. Either that, or I better cut WAY back on those Tom Clancy novels!
   By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football. Your
Government WILL
   make the right decision, Matt. But, unless they come down hard on
these jerks, it could happen again (God Forbid!). I happen to like
Americans, and I
   wouldn't wish this on them or any other country either. But the best
to prevent repetition is to Drop The Hammer the first time.
 Obviously I
mean dropping it only on those actually responsible. The US people
never been
   happy about Collateral Damage - of that I'm sure, and this time will
   But if I remember my history right (correct me if I'm wrong), one of
   Japanese admirals commanding the attack on Pearl Harbor said it better
than most. Something like - I believe we have awakened a sleeping
. They had just finished their attack, and he was already thinking
changing his diapers! I think these terrorists should be feeling the
way right about now. I don't think they thought this attack through
enough to ponder the response that will surely follow.
   On Wednesday 12 September 2001 11:45 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:42, you wrote:
  Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious
  is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can
  the U.S. is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess
  dancing and celebrating on the rooftops??

 This isn't a college football rivalry. I hope our government makes
 right decisions and minimizes the impact as much as possible as
 the people who did this to justice. War on an entire nation is not
 right response to the actions of a small, extreme group.

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Franki

Don't bet on it,

if they went through so much effort as to plan an attack of this size and

(ie training terrorists to fly very complex large airplanes like 767's and
757's got them in sequence and full of fuel,)

do you think that they would leave a trail??? the FBI is already chasing
somone they found on the passenger manefest,,,

I bet its a false lead or a dead end. (you don't book a known terrorist
onto a plane and use his real name if you are planing to hijack it... unless
its a false lead...)

It may even be a country that is a US ally, say for example Israel, the US
doesn't give them enough help fighting the palestines (in their mind), so
what better way to make the US wipe them out then to make the US think it
was done by the palestines...

I am not saying thats the case, and I really doubt it is... but it goes to
show my point that there are more then two possible suspects...

The only real hope I think is the black box's and the phone calls from the
planes passangers to relies and emergency services.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lanman
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2001 11:42 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tom Brinkman
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

Tom; once again, a very good point or two! First, I think that we should
remember that the IT community probably lost many colleagues today, and that
also hits home. Regardless of their O/S of choice, we're all people of a
similar mind. We share a natural curiosity, interest in learning, and
in our craft. I believe that the IT professionals working in the World Trade
Center are (were?) probably some of the world's best! I hadn't thought about
it from that angle Tom. Thanks! Sigh! Now I feel even worse about this whole

But in the long run, I think the terrorists just Shot themselves in the
foot, because they just gave the U.S. Carte Blanche. A TV announcer on
( I think ), said today, that this tragedy was this generations' Pearl
Harbor, and we all know what happened with that one. This time, someone
really Screwed the Pooch ! Notice how all the Allied Powers AND Germany
all denouncing the attacks today?

Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious Suicide is
going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet that the
is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be dancing and
celebrating on the rooftops??


On Tuesday 11 September 2001 09:08 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:15 pm, Franki escribió:
  There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some
  banks, this could effect the world ecomomy...
  especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were
  on the brink already...

 My Thoughts had nothin to do with money, any denomination. The
 world runs on people and their thoughts, not just their produce
 materially.  So I say again.  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk
 assholes affects the whole world, specially those that deserve it least.

Even this world's most unfortunate children took a big hit today.
 Those in the USA, and specially those suported worldwide by

   I doubt the zealot cowardly asshole mass murders who acted today were
 thinkin about anybody but themselves, and what they want.  They left
 many chilren dead, or without parents ... or support.

As much as I feel for today's victims, the children of the world are
 in greater need.  Please help if you can   God bless

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread jennifer

The Fbi has already took possession of a car with virgina plates and what 
looks like luggage from logan airport here in Boston. 

On Wednesday 12 September 2001 00:41, Franki wrote:
 Don't bet on it,

 if they went through so much effort as to plan an attack of this size and

 (ie training terrorists to fly very complex large airplanes like 767's and
 757's got them in sequence and full of fuel,)

 do you think that they would leave a trail??? the FBI is already chasing
 somone they found on the passenger manefest,,,

 I bet its a false lead or a dead end. (you don't book a known terrorist
 onto a plane and use his real name if you are planing to hijack it...
 unless its a false lead...)

 It may even be a country that is a US ally, say for example Israel, the US
 doesn't give them enough help fighting the palestines (in their mind), so
 what better way to make the US wipe them out then to make the US think it
 was done by the palestines...

 I am not saying thats the case, and I really doubt it is... but it goes to
 show my point that there are more then two possible suspects...

 The only real hope I think is the black box's and the phone calls from the
 planes passangers to relies and emergency services.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lanman
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2001 11:42 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tom Brinkman
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

 Tom; once again, a very good point or two! First, I think that we should
 remember that the IT community probably lost many colleagues today, and
 that also hits home. Regardless of their O/S of choice, we're all people of
 a similar mind. We share a natural curiosity, interest in learning, and
 in our craft. I believe that the IT professionals working in the World
 Trade Center are (were?) probably some of the world's best! I hadn't
 thought about it from that angle Tom. Thanks! Sigh! Now I feel even worse
 about this whole mess!

 But in the long run, I think the terrorists just Shot themselves in the
 foot, because they just gave the U.S. Carte Blanche. A TV announcer on
 ( I think ), said today, that this tragedy was this generations' Pearl
 Harbor, and we all know what happened with that one. This time, someone
 really Screwed the Pooch ! Notice how all the Allied Powers AND Germany
 all denouncing the attacks today?

 Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious Suicide
 is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet that the
 is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be dancing and
 celebrating on the rooftops??


 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 09:08 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 September 2001 07:15 pm, Franki escribió:
   There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some
   banks, this could effect the world ecomomy...
   especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were
   on the brink already...
  My Thoughts had nothin to do with money, any denomination. The
  world runs on people and their thoughts, not just their produce
  materially.  So I say again.  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk
  assholes affects the whole world, specially those that deserve it least.
 Even this world's most unfortunate children took a big hit today.
  Those in the USA, and specially those suported worldwide by
I doubt the zealot cowardly asshole mass murders who acted today were
  thinkin about anybody but themselves, and what they want.  They left
  many chilren dead, or without parents ... or support.
 As much as I feel for today's victims, the children of the world are
  in greater need.  Please help if you can   God bless

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Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
#include wisdom.h
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Franki

If it happend in an Earthquake prone country like Japan, it probably
wouldn't have collapsed the buildings...

but the design as it was,,, was not capable of handling the weight of the
floors above crashing onto it. and the structures probably were not designed
to handle the amount of flex that the crashes would have produced, so its
likely that the crashs produced massive cracks all through the

the top ten or 15 floors collapsed from the plane damage, and the massive
weight (we are talking about hundreds of thousands of tons) hit the floor
below that one, which naturally collapsed as well, then that floors rubble
added to the weight that hit the floor below that one, and the further down
it got, the faster they collapsed

It seems logical to read it like that, but I must admit that I was surprised
as well, it didn't look like they were going to collapse until they did...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Greer
Sent: Thursday, 13 September 2001 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 23:07, you wrote:

 By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football.

I'm sorry, but I was/am a bit frustrated at people's reactions to the
Palestineans sp?. What they're doing is dispicable, but that doesn't mean
we should want their deaths.

 I think these terrorists should be feeling the same way right
 about now. I don't think they thought this attack through well enough to
 ponder the response that will surely follow.

Either they didn't really think of the consequences or they don't care. A
could be exactly what they wanted. Who knows.

Watching the tower crumble to the ground sends chills down my spine
I see it. I don't think hardly anyone would have thought a plane crashing
into the upper portion of  a skyscraper could cause it to implode. A news
channel tonight had an engineer on and even he was surprised.


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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Franki

I don't think the terrorists deserver american style justice...

Why give then an anesthetic before killing them (by putting them to

they didnt' give their victims any choice in the matter...

They deserve alot more then peaceful sleep, they deserve public torture...
to serve as a warning...

It won't happen, but its what they deserver,, and because it won't happen,
it will one day happen again...

Geeze, I am such a bastard about this


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lanman
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2001 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

Matt; My comments regarding possible retribution were directed ONLY at those
responsible. Didn't mean to give you the wrong impression. And I believe
- given the chance- President Bush will take extreme pleasure in bringing
those responsible over to our side of the pond (if at all possible, assuming
that they're not already here), to face justice American style. The
American people will expect it. Kind of a slap in the face to those
murderers. Knowing this, they may choose to take themselves out instead.
But whether they're Palestinians or Martians, the Americans deserve justice.
They already paid the bill. Ask any New Yorker!

Sleep time! Goodnight all.


On Thursday 13 September 2001 12:17 am, Matt Greer wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 23:07, you wrote:
  By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football.

 I'm sorry, but I was/am a bit frustrated at people's reactions to the
 Palestineans sp?. What they're doing is dispicable, but that doesn't
 we should want their deaths.

  I think these terrorists should be feeling the same way right
  about now. I don't think they thought this attack through well enough to
  ponder the response that will surely follow.

 Either they didn't really think of the consequences or they don't care. A
 war could be exactly what they wanted. Who knows.

 Watching the tower crumble to the ground sends chills down my spine
 everytime I see it. I don't think hardly anyone would have thought a plane
 crashing into the upper portion of  a skyscraper could cause it to
 A news channel tonight had an engineer on and even he was surprised.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 11:55 pm, Franki escribió:
 If it happend in an Earthquake prone country like Japan, it probably
 wouldn't have collapsed the buildings...

   Frank, trust me. I was an construction engineer.  There is NO way a 
building that tall, anywhere, by whatever means, could'a survived. The 
airliner flights were chosen for their long distance flight plans. 
Plenty of jet fuel was the bomb. 10's of thousands of lbs.  

   After the interiors of the buildings burned, accelerated by the 
fuel, the steel skeleton melted and collapsed. The weigth of the 
collapsing floors, was more than those remaining could possibly stand, 
then the whole deal comes down.  

   The coward assholes knew what they were doin.  I suspect tho, 
judging by much lesser building standards in their part of the world, 
they probly died thinking they'd cause even worse disaster.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Michael Spivak

Please let me remind you again, coz i'm sure many
people did it already, this list is about newbies fo linux
and not politic, and not terror. Don't think that i like
what happened there, i was in shock myself. Just
try to think , that people in Israel deals with the situation
every day, all the day, all the week, all the year ...
No, back to the theme of the letter, try not to send 
any letter, that not about the main theme - LINUX.


Michael Spivak

-Original Message-
From: g.sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

As a newcomer to the list, I've hesitated to reply to any of the comments 
I've read today.  However, I must say, Bravo David!

We cannot allow ourselves to sink to the level of the people who perpetrated

these acts. We have a right to vengeance, NOT revenge.


On Wednesday 12 September 2001 01:14, you wrote:

 I feel terrible about what has happened;  I am in Montreal (Canada), and I
 feel very lucky to live here.  I do strongly believe that those
 responsible for today's tragedy SHOULD be held accountable, but I also
 believe that, especially in consideration of the safety of [our]
 democracy, we can NOT toss our morals aside.

 Without our morals, without our democratic ideals of freedom and safety,
 there is NOTHING seperating us from the perpetrators of this act.

 David Charles

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread g.sanders

As a newcomer to the list, I've hesitated to reply to any of the comments 
I've read today.  However, I must say, Bravo David!

We cannot allow ourselves to sink to the level of the people who perpetrated 
these acts. We have a right to vengeance, NOT revenge.


On Wednesday 12 September 2001 01:14, you wrote:

 I feel terrible about what has happened;  I am in Montreal (Canada), and I
 feel very lucky to live here.  I do strongly believe that those
 responsible for today's tragedy SHOULD be held accountable, but I also
 believe that, especially in consideration of the safety of [our]
 democracy, we can NOT toss our morals aside.

 Without our morals, without our democratic ideals of freedom and safety,
 there is NOTHING seperating us from the perpetrators of this act.

 David Charles

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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Lanman

No Contest there! I agree! But I don't think the US Government thinks for one 
second that a terrorist gang pulled this one off by themselves. It was too 
co-ordinated, too organized. There was some serious money, and intel behind 
this. Don't be surprised to find out that some radical government was behind 
it. Either that, or I better cut WAY back on those Tom Clancy novels!

By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football. Your Government WILL 
make the right decision, Matt. But, unless they come down hard on these 
jerks, it could happen again (God Forbid!). I happen to like Americans, and I 
wouldn't wish this on them or any other country either. But the best way to 
prevent repetition is to Drop The Hammer the first time. Obviously I mean 
dropping it only on those actually responsible. The US people have never been 
happy about Collateral Damage - of that I'm sure, and this time will be no 

But if I remember my history right (correct me if I'm wrong), one of the 
Japanese admirals commanding the attack on Pearl Harbor said it better than 
most. Something like - I believe we have awakened a sleeping monster . They 
had just finished their attack, and he was already thinking about changing 
his diapers! I think these terrorists should be feeling the same way right 
about now. I don't think they thought this attack through well enough to 
ponder the response that will surely follow. 


On Wednesday 12 September 2001 11:45 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:42, you wrote:
  Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious Suicide
  is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet that
  the U.S. is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be
  dancing and celebrating on the rooftops??

 This isn't a college football rivalry. I hope our government makes the
 right decisions and minimizes the impact as much as possible as they bring
 the people who did this to justice. War on an entire nation is not the
 right response to the actions of a small, extreme group.


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Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread ddcharles


I feel terrible about what has happened;  I am in Montreal (Canada), and I
feel very lucky to live here.  I do strongly believe that those
responsible for today's tragedy SHOULD be held accountable, but I also
believe that, especially in consideration of the safety of [our]
democracy, we can NOT toss our morals aside.

Without our morals, without our democratic ideals of freedom and safety,
there is NOTHING seperating us from the perpetrators of this act.

David Charles

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, nathan wainwright wrote:

 this is only a start people, there is more to come...

 but yes these bastards made the wronb bear angry

 and they will pay, be sure of that

 i know we should not toss our morals aside

 but for the safety of democracy... we might have to

 -- nathan

 Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK
 Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:07:50 -0400
 No Contest there! I agree! But I don't think the US Government thinks for
 second that a terrorist gang pulled this one off by themselves. It was too
 co-ordinated, too organized. There was some serious money, and intel behind
 this. Don't be surprised to find out that some radical government was
 it. Either that, or I better cut WAY back on those Tom Clancy novels!
 By the way, I'm not comparing this to college football. Your Government
 make the right decision, Matt. But, unless they come down hard on these
 jerks, it could happen again (God Forbid!). I happen to like Americans, and
 wouldn't wish this on them or any other country either. But the best way to
 prevent repetition is to Drop The Hammer the first time. Obviously I mean
 dropping it only on those actually responsible. The US people have never
 happy about Collateral Damage - of that I'm sure, and this time will be
 But if I remember my history right (correct me if I'm wrong), one of the
 Japanese admirals commanding the attack on Pearl Harbor said it better than
 most. Something like - I believe we have awakened a sleeping monster . They
 had just finished their attack, and he was already thinking about changing
 his diapers! I think these terrorists should be feeling the same way right
 about now. I don't think they thought this attack through well enough to
 ponder the response that will surely follow.
 On Wednesday 12 September 2001 11:45 pm, you wrote:
   On Tuesday 11 September 2001 22:42, you wrote:
Someone's in for a world of hurt! Right about now, Mass Religious
is going to start looking pretty good to those idiots. You can bet
the U.S. is about to give them a major Wedgie. Then guess who'll be
dancing and celebrating on the rooftops??
   This isn't a college football rivalry. I hope our government makes the
   right decisions and minimizes the impact as much as possible as they
   the people who did this to justice. War on an entire nation is not the
   right response to the actions of a small, extreme group.
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[newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread David Park

Go and stick your head back up the moose' backside where it obviously came 
from.  The USA is not the only country that suffers from terrorist attacks, 
but they are the most powerful nation in the world and does not stand for 
the schoolyard bullying tactics from these extremist groups. The publicity 
from these attacks is what is sort. Get of your soap box and at least show a 
bit of sympathy for all the innocent victims.  How would you feel if one of 
your family were involved? 

The On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 04:40, you wrote:
 Why is it that terrorists always attack you Americans;
 you do know that Canada has yet to be attacked by
 terrorists...of course we -- Canada -- didn't go and
 bomb Afghanastan -- I know I spelled that wrong -- so

 they have no reason to attack us?!

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RE: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-11 Thread Franki

There were alot of IT companies based in those towers, and some banks, this
could effect the world ecomomy...

especially if the US goes into a rescesion because of it... they were on the
brink already...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2001 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [LINUX_Newbies] USA TERROR ATTACK

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 06:56 pm, Art Rowe escribió:
 We Canadians have had terrorist attacks  ...FLQ in Quebec province
 ..Air India bombing perhaps perpetrated by misguided people from my
 own city and community!

  Attacks by misguided cowardly punk assholes affects the whole
world, specially those that deserve it least.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

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