Re: R: [newbie-it] Corel draw per Linux

2001-09-16 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

Il 21:50, venerdì 14 settembre 2001, hai scritto :
 Beh, 93 mb non è tantissimo anche se hai un 56k. Potresti resumarlo di
 volta in volta :-) Alla fine però ne vale la pena!


Infatti, ho proprio un 56K. Mi pare interessante, però, la questione di 
resumarlo. Vuoi dire che è possibile continuare lo scaricamento di un file 
dal punto in cui lo si è interrotto la volta precedente ? Come si può fare ? 
(In vari casi, quando ho cliccato Annulla sulla finestra di scaricamento, 
ciò che è stato scaricato di un file viene cancellato, la voce sparisce).

Tu hai Corel Draw per Linux ?


Re: R: [newbie-it] Corel draw per Linux

2001-09-16 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 11:50, sabato 15 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Infatti, ho proprio un 56K. Mi pare interessante, però, la questione di
 resumarlo. Vuoi dire che è possibile continuare lo scaricamento di un
 file dal punto in cui lo si è interrotto la volta precedente ? Come si può
 fare ? (In vari casi, quando ho cliccato Annulla sulla finestra di
 scaricamento, ciò che è stato scaricato di un file viene cancellato, la
 voce sparisce).

Ciao, è semplice: se utilizzi il Konqueror, lo fa da solo. Tu scarica il 
file fin dove vuoi, poi annulli quando vuoi smettere. La volta successiva, 
rifai tutti i passaggi per il download. Quando arrivi a dover indicare dove 
registrare il file e con quale nome, indica la stessa cartella e nome della 
volta precedente. A quel punto il Konqueror si accorgerà della presenza in 
quella posizione di un file di download parziale, e ti chiederà se vuoi 
sovrascrivere, ripristinare o annullare. Clicca su ripristina e il gioco è 
fatto. Ovviamente, a patto che il server da cui stai scaricando supporti il 
resume. Altrimenti, cerca in rete: esistono per Linux dei gestori di 
download analoghi ai vari Go!Zilla o Getright che girano sotto Windows...


[newbie-it] g++ (gcc) e includes

2001-09-16 Per discussione Franco Dorigo

Ciao a tutti.

Dato che sto cercando di usare il compilatore g++ (gcc) e non sono un 
esperto di linux vorrei sapere se qualcuno sa dirmi dove sono le directory 
degli include per le librerie che vengono utilizzate per default e 
dove/come eventualmente si impostano.
Questo lo chiedo perchè il compilatore mi dice che non è in grado di 
trovare io.h quando scrivo #include io.h.
So che si possono definire con l'opzione '-I' ma mi aspetterei che gli 
header standard vengano rovati senza bisogno di dirlo esplicitamente.
Ho provato a cercare con un find /usr -name io.h -print ma me ne trova più 
d'uno, quale è quello giusto?

Qualcuno sa darmi chiarimenti o consigli su dove reperire tali informazioni?

Grazie e ciao 8-)

Re: R: [newbie-it] Corel draw per Linux

2001-09-16 Per discussione CaMiX

Già, come nt downloader che è molto valido.
Se ti serve te lo invio direttamente io via mail (sono appena 600k ca).
Domanda: io su ho trovato e sto scaricando Corel Photo Paint 
9, ma Corel Draw completo dove lo trovo (a parte i negozi ;-).


Re: [newbie-it] aiuto: accesso negato a floppy e cdrom

2001-09-16 Per discussione Fabio Congiu

Andrea Colanicchia wrote:
 Il 18:19, venerdì 14 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Perché non ci mandi il file /etc/fstab?
 Comunque, il supermount si attiva con supemount enable e si disattiva con
 supermount disable.
 Ciao, Andrea.
Non so se il messaggio sia rivolto a me, comunque avendo posto il
problema, vi mando il file /etc/fstab forse qualcuno mi può dare una
Questa è la seconda volta che installo Mandrake ed è la seconda volta
che si pone il problema, come mai?

Grazie Fabio

/dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  supermount   exec,dev,suid,rw,fs=iso9660 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

Re: [newbie-it] aiuto: accesso negato a floppy e cdrom

2001-09-16 Per discussione Andrea Colanicchia

Il 13:12, domenica 16 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount exec,dev,suid,rw,fs=iso9660 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0

Ci sono alcune cose che mi sembrano sbagliate.
P. es. nelle opzioni per il cdrom (exec,dev,suid,rw,fs=iso9660):
- il device file (dev), andrebbe messo così: dev=/dev/cdrom
- l'opzione rw. Su un cdrom non si può scrivere. Andrebbe messo solamente 
- inoltre ci sono altre opzioni che non so se servono (exec,suid)

Comunque, io sul mio fstab ho questa semplice configurazione, che funziona:

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0

Potresti provarla.
Ciao, Andrea.

[newbie-it] Mandrake 8 e ATI Rage 128

2001-09-16 Per discussione Ciro

Un saluto a tutti.

Sono Ciro da Avellino e dopo aver preso un nuovissimo Pc (PIII 1000MhZ 20 
GB HD 128 MB ram scheda audio on Board) ho installato tutto entusuasta il 
nuovo Mandrake 8

: al comando StartX non si avvia la modalita' grafica, e si blocca tutto;

ho una sherda grafica ATI RAGE FURY PRO / Xpert 2000 Procon 32 MB di Ram, 
questo 'e quello che mi dice Windows ME e il manuale della scheda, ho 
installato Linux in modo da avere la linea di comando e poter configurare 
cosi' il server X lanciando XConfigure, ho fatto vari tentativi cambiando 
monitor (ho un Sampo Alfascan 511) cambiando scheda e provando varie 
risoluzioni ma il risultato e' sempre lo stesso. all'avvio di XWindow 
si spegne il monitor e devo resettare .

Qualcuno puo' aiutarmi? gli e' successa la stessa cosa?.



Re: [newbie-it] openoffice da un utente diverso da root.

2001-09-16 Per discussione bellotti

freefred wrote:
 On Saturday 15 September 2001 18:18, GiulioF wrote:
  Star office non l'ho mai provato, quindi non saprei consigliarti...
  Comunque per quanto riguarda openoffice è un programma buono.
  i vantaggi sono : è stabile(anche quando carichi file molto grandi), e
  ha delle funzionalita professionali ed è molto facile da usare.
  gli svantaggi : è pesantissimo !!! Il mio computer ci impiega + di un
  minuto x aprirlo ...
 star office e' pure piu' lento.
 ma sopratutto l'ultima versione che ho visto di open office
 non aveva sil supporto per la stampa.
 ora com'e'?
 Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
 Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
 ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers
Ciao ho da poco installato la versione 6.33 di openoffice su mdk 8.0 e
devo dire che è molto migliorata dalle precedenti e con questa versione
si può stampare benissimo .
Questa versione la include LinuxC sui suoi cdrom , nell'avvio e
leggermente più veloce di StarOffice ed ha una miglior compatibilità con
la suite office di Microsoft.
Con questo spero di esservi stato utile .
Ciao Lele

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[newbie-it] Corel Photo Paint 9

2001-09-16 Per discussione CaMiX

Ciao a tutti. Sentendo qualcuno di voi mi sono incuriosito e ho scaricato 
Corel Photo Paint 9 da Ho eseguito l'installazione (molto 
semplice, stile winzozz), ma quando lancio il programma questo invia un 
messaggio avvertendo che non può essere eseguito mancando FontTastic, server 
di font (tra parentesi, cosa vuol dire font server?). Allora ho provato a 
installare il pacchetto di 'sto FontTastic (che era nella directory del 
programma) ma niente. Il gestore degli rpm dice che FontTastic non può essere 
installato perché in conflitto con initscript-5.82-10mdk. 
Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa? Sapete in genere come risolvere conflitti tra 
pacchetti rpm? E nel caso specifico, qualcuno è riuscito sulla mdk8 a 
installare il suddetto programma?

Grazie in anticipo a chi mi risponderà


Re: R: [newbie-it] Corel draw per Linux

2001-09-16 Per discussione freefred

On Saturday 15 September 2001 11:50, Alberto Zanoni wrote:

 Infatti, ho proprio un 56K. Mi pare interessante, però, la questione di
 resumarlo. Vuoi dire che è possibile continuare lo scaricamento di un
 file dal punto in cui lo si è interrotto la volta precedente ? Come si può
 fare ? (In vari casi, quando ho cliccato Annulla sulla finestra di
 scaricamento, ciò che è stato scaricato di un file viene cancellato, la
 voce sparisce).

ti consiglio di usare un downloader, come nt (downloader for x), o caitoo.
Se hai gia' usato getright sono praticamente uguali.
Altro programma molto interessante e' prozilla (che ora ha pure
un'interfaccia grafica, a parte).
E' un downloader multithreaded, cioe' ti spezza il file in piu' parti e le 
scarica contemporaneamente.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-16 Per discussione Mohammed Arafa

wow u guys are gettin it cheap
dialup for me is about 0.10LE/3 minutes of 6LE/hr at the current exchange
rate of about 4.27Le/USD thats about 1.4USD


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for
email access by volume

  Out of curiosity, I would be interested in having some ideas about:
 * how many people (what regions of the world) have to pay a metered
  rate for their Internet access

 Most people in Europe that do not have access to ADSL or Cable internet
 me). Using a phone line already costs money, local phone calls are charged
 between $0.60 and $1.00 per hour (as far as I know)

  What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
  have such a problem.

 Correct. In the US. I am in the Netherlands, paying an ISDN line (about
 US$ 30 a month), my ISP ($15 a month) and the local phone charges of $.60
 per hour. No charge on the amount of bandwidth I use unless I take things
 extremes. But with these charges, taking the extreme route is not what I
 aiming at. I don't even download things  8 megs. Only downloading my mail
 and usenet messages (offline) costs me around $100 per month, not counting
 the costs of the ISDN line. (I used mailfilter to toss spam etc. off the
 server before downloading, but that took about as long as downloading
 and then let procmail take care of things.)

 Expensive enough, me thinks...  I hope this satisfies part of your

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Re: [newbie] Attention for everybody

2001-09-16 Per discussione PENA FAMILY

I think that IS the funny part Hans N. I got three email directly from the
desk of Ms. Cleo, spam mostly,  and it never mentioned anything about the
attacks especially with two cousins living in Manhattan since January and my
Mother who was suppose to fly this past Wednesday to Michigan to visit and
return with my aging Grandmother in mid October.

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RE: [newbie] apache question .htaccess file and httpd.conf settings relating to it.

2001-09-16 Per discussione Franki

also, do you have the paths to the document root set correctly in

if you are trying to serve pages from the servers root directory, it will
give that result...

if its not set to serve root...

take a look in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

look in the directory listings...

ie Directory

inside them (particularly your html directory), you should have a line like
AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit Options

That will allow your web server to accept htaccess files...

in your .htaccess file, (which goes in the web diectory you want to protect)

you should have something like this:

Options All
AuthType Basic
AuthName Protected Access
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/somedirectory/somefile.access
Limit GET
require valid_user

That will do it,,,

then to add users you do this:

htpasswd somefile.access your_user_name
answer the questions it asks...

Thats it,, you have just protected a directory on your web server via

I use this all the time on many directorys on my servers...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Sherman
Sent: Sunday, 16 September 2001 2:33 AM
To: Mandrake-newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] apache question

On Sat, 2001-09-15 at 12:02, Jon Doe wrote:
 Ok, at one time I had apache up and running and serving pages. For some
 reason now I always just get a:

 You don't have permission to access /index.htm on this server.
 Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.19 Server at Port 443

 error. What am I doing wrong? I want to setup SSL and have usernames and
 passwords for each user. The users are not on my network they will use
 Internet access to get the pages. Any help?

Do you already have SSL installed, and have you generated a digital
certificate? You won't get anywhere without that.


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Re: [newbie] memory buffering and disk defragmenter

2001-09-16 Per discussione civileme

On Sunday 16 September 2001 04:59, Dave Sherman wrote:
 On Sat, 2001-09-15 at 21:41, Lin wrote:
  hi, ever since I upgraded to Mandrake 7.2 I noticed the increase use of
  buffering under KDE, but when I do open a new program such as netscape I
  eventually ran out of memory and need to use disk swap - which the buffer
  really doesn't help... could anyone help me on how to disable the memory
  buffering under KDE?


How do you believe this is happening?  Thiis seems more an interpretation of 
data than the data itself.  What steps did you take to notice this?  If it is 
a memory leak as you tend to describe here, it would be either a bad bug or s 
seriously corrupted install.

But linux uses memory and disk differently, so it may be only an 
interpretation.  Still, I did notice what appeared to be a memory leak which 
was really a bad install not long ago.  The computer involved had a WD and a 
Maxtor on the same chanel and they were killing each other's data with timing 
chatter.  Separating the disks to different channels and reinstalling cured 
the problem which had heretofore persisted through two reinstalls.


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Re: [newbie] freezes on 3d rendering with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-16 Per discussione ddcharles


I am just curious: where do you see the nVidia logo?

David Charles

On 15 Sep 2001, Paul [ISO-8859-1] Rodríguez wrote:

 I have a Hercules Prophet II MX PCI card, after installing the nVidia
 drivers (tarred versions) the system comes up fine (showing the little
 nVidia logo too), but when I try to run a 3d app, even a mesa demo, my
 system freezes.  What's up?

 -Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] Samba printer Fails

2001-09-16 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Hi all, I have finally come very close to getting an HP 712c deskjet printer 
working with my linux computer by using Samba.  The HP is connected to a 
windows box as a local printer. I can send a print command from Kmail and it 
will print most of the header and then fail. Windows ctrl-alt-del tells me it 
is a rundll32 error or something to that effect.  It is strange that it would 
start the printing, in color no less, and then crash on me. Any ideas or 
other info needed for help?  TIA  
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Deleted mail in KMail still there?

2001-09-16 Per discussione skinky

On Sunday 16 September 2001 16:23, you wrote:
  Yes, but I can't say when exactly.  I compact the folders approx every
  2 weeks.  Does that make a difference?

 My impression was that kmail automatically compacted the folders when
 you exited it. Or do you just leave kmail running all the time? :)

 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

No, I only start kmail when I need it.  And I just checked in the settings 
- 'compact all folders on exit' is selected.  But what does compacting 
folders have to do with deleting mail?


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Re: [newbie] StartX-problems

2001-09-16 Per discussione Sebastian

I think that was my fault because I have instaled the XFree3.3.6 server with 3D
Hardware Acceleration. I have reinstalled the system and I have choosen the
XFree4.0.1 detonator. I have shut the power down and than booted new and
everything is all right. My graphic card is RIVA TNT2.

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RE: [newbie] DVD-player

2001-09-16 Per discussione Franki

proprietry dvd players like linDVD (from the makers of winDVD) is capable of
playing DVD's with a slower CPU's.. mostly due to the fact that they have
been doing it for ages and have efficient code for it...

but from what I read, a 450 should do the job ok using xine

give it a shot... whats to lose?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of RahOoh
Sent: Sunday, 16 September 2001 1:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] DVD-player

I have thought about getting a DVD player for my system, but wonder.  I
seen where they advise your processor be at least 300 MHz and I have a 450,
is that really enough?

Rich Buckner wrote:

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RE: [newbie] memory buffering and disk defragmenter

2001-09-16 Per discussione FLYNN, Steve

You don't want to switch buffering off - the kernel will release the buffers
as programs request memory.

Linux also doesn't really need to use a defragmentation program either. If
you do inisist on running it, read the man page VERY carefully and make sure
the drive you are defragging is not mounted anywhere.

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
Sent:   Sunday, September 16, 2001 2:42 AM
Subject:[newbie] memory buffering and disk defragmenter

hi, ever since I upgraded to Mandrake 7.2 I noticed the increase use
buffering under KDE, but when I do open a new program such as
netscape I
eventually ran out of memory and need to use disk swap - which the
really doesn't help... could anyone help me on how to disable the
buffering under KDE? 

My other question is that I tend to use disk defragmenter under
but after I switch over I realize I couldn't find anything like it
KDE... could anyone also help me how to run defragmenter with


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[newbie] Devanagari fonts for Mandrake?

2001-09-16 Per discussione Dr. Evil

I need to be able to display, enter, and maybe even print Devanagari
script with Linux Mandrake 8.  I did some web searching and there are
a bunch of Devanagari links and references, but I am quite confused.
What do I need to install to get Konqueror to display it?  Can I get
my xterms to work with it?  What about Kword, or is that just a silly


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RE: [newbie] Deleted mail in KMail still there?

2001-09-16 Per discussione FLYNN, Steve

As a rule, when you flag a message for deletion, it just get's flagged. It
still physically there. When you compact, all of the flagged for deletion
messages are actually deleted.

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   skinky [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, September 16, 2001 9:31 AM
Subject:Re: [newbie] Deleted mail in KMail still there?

On Sunday 16 September 2001 16:23, you wrote:
  Yes, but I can't say when exactly.  I compact the folders approx
  2 weeks.  Does that make a difference?

 My impression was that kmail automatically compacted the folders
 you exited it. Or do you just leave kmail running all the time? :)

 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.


No, I only start kmail when I need it.  And I just checked in the
- 'compact all folders on exit' is selected.  But what does
folders have to do with deleting mail?


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Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

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Re: [newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script

2001-09-16 Per discussione Ron Bouwhuis


Spaces in filenames are a major pain for shell scripts
for precisely the reason you suggest.  Unfortunately,
I'm currently on a business trip in Korea, so am a
week away from getting back to my Linux box at home to
give you a more definitive answer.  However, first
reaction is to try something with awk as follows:

ls *.wav | awk .

In that way, ls will return one file name per line
(i.e. separated by \n) on which you can then do all
sorts of things in awk (including running commands
like lame).  

Sorry this is vague - it's 13 years since I've written
an awk script.  Have a play, read the man and if
you're still not cutting it, let me know and I'll have
a play next weekend.

Good luck!

p.s. trickier than spaces is to create a file called *
(it's possible!) and then asking a Unix neophyte to
try to delete it (and nothing else in the directory! 
what fun ;-))!

--- bascule [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have also tried the following:
 $ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 $file
 `basename $file 
 i think this is fine apart from the first line, i
 think this is feeding each 
 seperate word in a filename as a filename to the
 lame command, i think that 
 it might actually be complicated to return a list of
 files that have 
 spacenames and assign each whole filename to a
 am i wrong?
 On Thursday 13 September 2001 10:18 pm, I wrote:
  i have used the following to convert some homemade
 wavs into mp3s:
  $ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 $file
 `basename $file
  it works fine except for file names with spaces, i
 can't work out how to
  rectify this, i have also tried:
  $ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0
 $file `basename $file
  $ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0
 $file `basename $file
  as you can see i've tried using  around
 references to file names but this
  hasn't helped, could someone please help me out
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Re: [newbie] freezes on 3d rendering with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-16 Per discussione Jack Betz

Early version of the drivers did not show the splash screen. It is full
screen, white background with nvidia logo in center. I also have the PCI
version and it seems to take forever to load the dirvers when I start X.
Once loaded, there is little difference in 2-D speed between the generic nv
driver and nvidia driver. I tried the latest drivers, but had problems I
don't have time to solve right now. Earlier driver tarballs are still
available from nvidia ftp site.I would recommend the 0.9-769 drivers as I
had success with them. I am back to the generic nv driver. Games are run on
win98SE box.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 3:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] freezes on 3d rendering with my nVidia drivers


I am just curious: where do you see the nVidia logo?

David Charles

On 15 Sep 2001, Paul [ISO-8859-1] Rodríguez wrote:

 I have a Hercules Prophet II MX PCI card, after installing the nVidia
 drivers (tarred versions) the system comes up fine (showing the little
 nVidia logo too), but when I try to run a 3d app, even a mesa demo, my
 system freezes.  What's up?

 -Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] MX numbers

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Can someone provide me a plain-english explanation of mx numbers, who or 
what provides them to me, and how they fit into mail-servers? I keep hearing 
about them, but don't know what they are.


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RE: [newbie] apache question .htaccess file and httpd.conf settings relating to it.

2001-09-16 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

At 05:03 PM 09/16/2001 +0800, Franki wrote:
also, do you have the paths to the document root set correctly in

if you are trying to serve pages from the servers root directory, it will
give that result...

if its not set to serve root...

take a look in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

look in the directory listings...

ie Directory

inside them (particularly your html directory), you should have a line like
AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit Options

That will allow your web server to accept htaccess files...

in your .htaccess file, (which goes in the web diectory you want to protect)

you should have something like this:

Options All
AuthType Basic
AuthName Protected Access
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/somedirectory/somefile.access
Limit GET
require valid_user
Actually, the user file should be somewhere above the html root
directory--otherwise a direct request could be made for it if someone knows
what the filename is, and therefore would then be able to get a list of
valid users.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] xmovie

2001-09-16 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 18:32:52 +0200, Jonas Jacobsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Huh? I run 2.4.3. and xmovie is working fine right out of the RPM that came
  the cd.
  Perhaps you better reinstall xmovie again.
 Hmm... ok. It said so on the homepage so I thought
 that's why it didn't work for me.
 How do you start the movie?
 When I choose the .ifo-file an OK,
 the program crashes with the following info:
 $ xmovie
 XMovie (c) 2001 Adam Williams
 Deleted semaphore 196608
 Deleted Semaphore 229377
 $ _
 What can be wrong? Is there any specific hardware
 that is needed for this program to work?
 I am trying this on my HP Omnibook 4150 with it's
 original DVD-player.

It's probably a problem with playing that particular file. I've found that
Xmovie will crash on some files for no apparent reason. Try using another player
like mplayer or xine.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] Licq

2001-09-16 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 11:12:54 -0400, Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know of a linux-based ICQ-type system that I can install and run 
 on an intranet (ie; only in-house) ? I was able to download and try out the 
 intranet version of ICQ, which worked fine, until I dumped NT4. Now having 
 only Linux-based servers, I'm trying to get everything else back to normal as 
 Thanks in advance

Jabber was designed for that sort of thing, as well as being a potential
replacement for traditional IM systems like ICQ. The best part is that it's open
source. Try these:

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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[newbie] samba functionality query

2001-09-16 Per discussione bascule


as well as authenticating users, can samba be used to restrict what programs 
users can run or install on win clients, i'm thinking win98SE clients but if 
there is a difference with other win clients i would be interested to know?


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Re: [newbie] Licq

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

You Da Man! Thanks! I'll give it a go.

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Re: [newbie] Licq

2001-09-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes

What about a Groupware app like the one that ICQ used to make
available to businesses?  Is that made for *NIX?  I was thinking about
this a while ago, and then got to busy to ask the list.

Maybe I'll send a message to the LICQ list as well to see what they know
about it.

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

 11:49am  up 6 days,  3:35,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Does anyone know of a linux-based ICQ-type system that I can install and run 
| on an intranet (ie; only in-house) ? I was able to download and try out the 
| intranet version of ICQ, which worked fine, until I dumped NT4. Now having 
| only Linux-based servers, I'm trying to get everything else back to normal as 
| well.
| Thanks in advance
| Lanman
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| Go to


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Re: [newbie] samba functionality query

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want to restrict what programs the user 
can run/install, samba could minimize this if you restricted access to any 
folders on your file/archive server which contain the applications. A good 
firewall, running Squid AND SquidGuard, could prevent them from downloading 
programs, as it can be configured to restrict/deny the ability to download. 
That's exactly what I'm using it for on 2 of my firewalls. But I don't 
believe that samba or any other Linux-based program can prevent a windows98 
PC from running a program that is currently installed on that Windows98 
client. Besides, any program that cold prevent it, could easily be 
circumvented by users downoading a password crack . We tried using about 5 or 
6 Security programs for Windows, and they were useless. As soon as someone 
downloaded a cracker program, all security on the Windows98 clients was 

After setting up Mandrake SNF, I cheerily set up Squid and SquidGuard, and 
voila! The downloads stopped, therefore the password cracks stopped. The only 
other option would be a Thin-Client network, where all programs are contained 
on, and run from the server, thus giving you absolute control over what they 
can/can't do on the Clients.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 11:49 am, you wrote:

 as well as authenticating users, can samba be used to restrict what
 programs users can run or install on win clients, i'm thinking win98SE
 clients but if there is a difference with other win clients i would be
 interested to know?


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[newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Angie Wilcox

i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my secondary box i was 
running one cable ip for both computers by way of a router and ethernet 
my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can not figure 
out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux box.
i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several documents on 
it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is that the primary 
computer has to be the linux there any way to set up the windows me 
computer as the server to the linux box??

thanks so much! i appreciate it,

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Re: [newbie] freezes on 3d rendering with my nVidia drivers

2001-09-16 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 16 September 2001 06:27 am, Paul Rodríguez escribió:
 Did the earlier versions supprt 3d acceleration?

 I'm concerned about using the rpms.  I was told that using them would
 make my problem easier to troubleshoot.  However, if they were
 compiled on a different kernel version than the one I am using
 (almost certyainly since I am using Freq 2), can this cause me any
 probelms?  This won't change my kernel will it?

Many people have the mistaken belief that tarballs are always 
source.  The nVidia tarballs are nothin more than archive (.tar), 
compressed (.gz) wrappers around secret, closed source, nVidia binaries.
The src.rpm's are the same, but add in the increased ability to easily 
remove them when/if the nVidia closed binaries break your system. Which 
they will, sooner or later.
Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA
Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
 sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection Sharing. What 
type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though Me will enable 
DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; fixed number. 


On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
 i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my secondary box i
 was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a router and ethernet
 my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can not figure
 out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux box.
 i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several documents on
 it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is that the primary
 computer has to be the linux there any way to set up the windows
 me computer as the server to the linux box??

 thanks so much! i appreciate it,

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Angie Wilcox

i'm using a road runner cable connection.
once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set up the 
connection on my linux box?

Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400

Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection Sharing. 
type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though Me will 
DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; fixed number.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
  i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my secondary box i
  was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a router and 
  my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can not 
  out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux box.
  i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several documents on
  it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is that the 
  computer has to be the linux there any way to set up the 
  me computer as the server to the linux box??
  thanks so much! i appreciate it,
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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Once it's set up, your linux box should be good to go. If not, change the 
network config to allow for DHCP, restart the network (on linux box), and you 
shold be in business. Make sure you enter the gateway Internal Ip of Me 
station, and DNS numbers of your ISP.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:50 pm, you wrote:
 i'm using a road runner cable connection.
 once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set up the
 connection on my linux box?


 Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400
 Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection Sharing.
 type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though Me will
 DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; fixed number.
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
   i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my secondary box
   i was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a router and
   my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can not
   out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux box.
   i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several documents
   on it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is that the
   computer has to be the linux there any way to set up the
   me computer as the server to the linux box??
   thanks so much! i appreciate it,
   Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
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FW: [newbie] Idea for Open Source Developers..

2001-09-16 Per discussione Franki

actually, I didn't mean just anyone doing it.. I meant preferably the writer
of the software in question, or people like Mandrake ie a trusted

Also, since the are already vunerable,,, they are already in the worst
possible scenario

maybe something similiar but different then...

Say there are some servers somewhere, possibly M$, but not necessarily, and
these servers listen for scans from servers with the IIS code red exploit
that are scanning for other servers to infect...

The servers in question (possibly microsoft, or someone like securityfocus),
then these listening servers patch the compromised IIS servers for them

They were not attacking as such, they were responding to an attack,, and if
we look at the last thread, the php script that shutdown the server,
patching it is a much nicer alternative it doesn't take the server down,
and will stop the servers owner from having potentially much worse things
happen later.

I was initially thinking the other day, that I should modify the php hack
that was posted to this list, so that it does a reverse DNS on the attacking
servers IP and then tries to make some (lets say 30 - 50 educated guess's as
to the sysadmin or other email address's on the server,, and send them

They might ignore 1 email, and they might ignore 5 emails, but would they
ignore 50 emails? or say for example, the php script keeps sending emails
until a set time period has passed (say a total of 150 small txt
messages or something)

If the sysadmin still hasn't done anything about it, and the server is still
scanning mine, then it would be shut down via the exploit... I think that is
not only fair, its considerate...

People still think they can just unpack a server, stick it up and forget
it.. (usually business people)

I still know of a company that have NT4 SBS4 servers with only service pack
3 and no updates on them

I try to inform them, they think that it won't happen to them, and that they
would rather worry about it if it happens then beforehand...

That is wrong... and the only way to convince them its wrong, would be to do
something like I described...

Then they would realise that it is necessary to update as part of the cost
of the setup in the first place...

until then, there will always be heaps of exploits out their waiting for
someone to fall over them..

The question to ask yourself for example, if you were running RedHat 6.2,
would you start and run the default Wu-ftp available to the internet???

I very much doubt it,, but these people wouldnt' know or care.



-Original Message-
From: Michel Clasquin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, 16 September 2001 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Idea for Open Source Developers..

On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:03, Franki wrote:

 Not that long ago, a worm was released on the net that looked for a hole
 linux box's,,, and fixed them if it found them..

 Why not do that with all remotely exploitable bugs??


 one question, is writting worms that patch holes on linux servers illegal?
 I mean would I be classed as a blackhat for doing it???

I think this is an extraordinarily bad idea.

The way to fix a bug is to point it out to the development team and let them
deal with it, not to have all sorts of freelance fixes floating around the
net. If you want to be more active, join the team and fix the problem with

What happens if your patch doesn't work in all circumstances, but still
alerts the script kiddies to the existence of the exploit?

What happens if two people write different patches, and put together they
cripple the application?

What happens if a real bad hat takes over your identity and writes a virus
disguised as one of your worms? With a friendly request to please type in
your root password to apply the patch?

Don't do this. Don't talk about it. Don't even THINK about it!

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

An intellectual is someone who has discovered something more
interesting than sex - Aldous Huxley

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RE: [newbie] apache question .htaccess file and httpd.conf settings relating to it.

2001-09-16 Per discussione Franki

yup, thats fair enough, I use a very custom file name and I don't allow
indexing..., so I don't really think I have to much to worry about..

but yes, this is true, the user file really shouldn't be in the html area...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael D. Viron
Sent: Sunday, 16 September 2001 10:08 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] apache question .htaccess file and httpd.conf
settings relating to it.

At 05:03 PM 09/16/2001 +0800, Franki wrote:
also, do you have the paths to the document root set correctly in

if you are trying to serve pages from the servers root directory, it will
give that result...

if its not set to serve root...

take a look in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

look in the directory listings...

ie Directory

inside them (particularly your html directory), you should have a line like
AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit Options

That will allow your web server to accept htaccess files...

in your .htaccess file, (which goes in the web diectory you want to

you should have something like this:

Options All
AuthType Basic
AuthName Protected Access
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/somedirectory/somefile.access
Limit GET
require valid_user
Actually, the user file should be somewhere above the html root
directory--otherwise a direct request could be made for it if someone knows
what the filename is, and therefore would then be able to get a list of
valid users.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] Sat-Modem

2001-09-16 Per discussione The Spider

Thanks Carroll i'll check that.

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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[newbie] Console mode

2001-09-16 Per discussione The Spider

Is there a way or a file that allows to make change to the intro text
and images(the penguin) of console mode terminal?

Thanks guys.

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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Re: [newbie] Bogomips?

2001-09-16 Per discussione Angie Wilcox

bogomips-- measurement provided in the Linux operating system that
indicates in a relative way how fast the computer processor runs
try that page too..has helpful information


From: The Spider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Bogomips?
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 19:21:40 +0200

Does anyone knows what are these?

   Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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[newbie] Mandrake welcome

2001-09-16 Per discussione The Spider

How can i get rid of the welcome multilingual blu screen that appears
at mandrake boot?

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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Re: [newbie] memory buffering and disk defragmenter

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lin

I am not sure where I did wrong... I usually use customized install option
choosing developement settings.  I let it install with most of the
packages except games at the package selection prompt.  At the video
settings I choose the normal 16 color with 600 * 800 without 3D

I changed the file system and operating system option in the bios from
windows 2000/Me to Others.   And I have windowsMe on the first partition
and ext on the second.  I didn't put /boot so installed bootloader in MBR.

I have two IDE one for CDROM and one for my Hardisk, and 128 - 2 mb ram (2
usually for the video card).  I use the KDE - Information - Memory to
tell how much memory I have.  It usually takes about 30mb for buffer and
leaves about 2 ~ 3 mb free.

Would it take less memory if I try to disable some of the startup


On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, civileme wrote:

 On Sunday 16 September 2001 04:59, Dave Sherman wrote:
  On Sat, 2001-09-15 at 21:41, Lin wrote:
   hi, ever since I upgraded to Mandrake 7.2 I noticed the increase use of
   buffering under KDE, but when I do open a new program such as netscape I
   eventually ran out of memory and need to use disk swap - which the buffer
   really doesn't help... could anyone help me on how to disable the memory
   buffering under KDE?
 How do you believe this is happening?  Thiis seems more an interpretation of 
 data than the data itself.  What steps did you take to notice this?  If it is 
 a memory leak as you tend to describe here, it would be either a bad bug or s 
 seriously corrupted install.
 But linux uses memory and disk differently, so it may be only an 
 interpretation.  Still, I did notice what appeared to be a memory leak which 
 was really a bad install not long ago.  The computer involved had a WD and a 
 Maxtor on the same chanel and they were killing each other's data with timing 
 chatter.  Separating the disks to different channels and reinstalling cured 
 the problem which had heretofore persisted through two reinstalls.

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RE: [newbie] gnome VS kde

2001-09-16 Per discussione The Spider

 Find is a bad example - it's got bugger all to do with KDE - it's a
 alone program, which utilises none of KDE's libraries, GUI or much

 You are talking about the console command 'find' aren't you? You
know, 'find
 / -user *.OLD -exec rm -f {} \;' type find aren't you... otherwise
 bets are off.

 Steve Flynn
 NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
 * 01603 687386

If the command find is a bad example (i don't know) ,xine doesn't lie.

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Nope. It won't run on Linux. You shouldn't need it at all. Just make sure you 
put in the other info I mentioned, and you should be fine. The floopy just 
contains the same info you have to put in manually,...Gateway and DNS. But of 
course, Microsoft thinks we're idiots, so that floppy contains a Wizard to 
transpose the info. Think of it as ICS for Dummies who only use Windows. 
Obviously, you don't (just use Windows, that is).

Once the gateway and DNS are set on the linux box, the most you'll have to do 
is restart, but it shouldn't be necessary. Just run the network wizard in 
Mandrake Control center, and it will restart your network connection to the 
Windows box on it's own.

Have fun!

On Sunday 16 September 2001 01:13 pm, you wrote:
 i'm setting up the internet connection sharing on ME and it's asking if i'd
 like to make a setup disk for computers using win95 and98...should i make
 this setup disk (ie will it run on mandrake)?


 Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:59:57 -0400
 Once it's set up, your linux box should be good to go. If not, change the
 network config to allow for DHCP, restart the network (on linux box), and
 shold be in business. Make sure you enter the gateway Internal Ip of Me
 station, and DNS numbers of your ISP.
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:50 pm, you wrote:
   i'm using a road runner cable connection.
   once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set up the
   connection on my linux box?
   From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
   Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400
   Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection
   type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though Me will
   DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; fixed
   On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
 i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my secondary
 i was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a router
 my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can not
 out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux box.
 i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several
 on it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is that
 computer has to be the linux there any way to set up the
 me computer as the server to the linux box??

 thanks so much! i appreciate it,

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Re: [newbie] memory buffering and disk defragmenter

2001-09-16 Per discussione David E. Fox

 packages except games at the package selection prompt.  At the video
 settings I choose the normal 16 color with 600 * 800 without 3D

If you have the resources (i.e., a modern video card with sufficient (2 meg)
video memory, you really should pick a higher resolution. X (and therefore
kde) doesn't run well and looks particularly ugly with only 16 colors to
choose from. KDE is fairly color-intense, which means that there simply
won't be enough colors for all the stuff. (X allocates colors differently
than what you might be used to - if say one app takes a particular shade
of blue, that color is no longer available to any other app that you may
want to run at the same time. 

 tell how much memory I have.  It usually takes about 30mb for buffer and
 leaves about 2 ~ 3 mb free.

Free memory is wasted memory, and you'll find that if you open other apps,
then some of the free memory (and some buffers) will be taken over by the
other app. That there is ca. 30 megs in buffers when you boot into KDE is
likely because the kernel's noticed all the disk activity inherent in
loading up KDE up to the point where you can go to a konsole and type 'free'.

 Would it take less memory if I try to disable some of the startup

Yes. KDE does take a lot of memory resources. You need at least 64megs to
run it well, and 128 megs is desireable.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Samba printer Fails

2001-09-16 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:29, you wrote:
 On Sun, 2001-09-16 at 02:11, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Hi all, I have finally come very close to getting an HP 712c deskjet
  printer working with my linux computer by using Samba.  The HP is
  connected to a windows box as a local printer. I can send a print command
  from Kmail and it will print most of the header and then fail. Windows
  ctrl-alt-del tells me it is a rundll32 error or something to that effect.
   It is strange that it would start the printing, in color no less, and
  then crash on me. Any ideas or other info needed for help?  TIA


 Do you have the same problem printing from other Linux apps? If the
 error is in run32.dll, then it appears to be a Windows issue, and not a
 Linux one. If your printer actually starts printing, then cups and Samba
 have both done their jobs: cups has generated a print file, and samba
 has sent it to the share print queue. At this point, printing the file
 is up to Windows and the printer driver installed on the Windows PC.

 There are other possible issues to be aware of, however. For example, if
 the cups print driver generates a corrupt print file (i.e., one that
 the printer is unable to understand), then you might see printer errors
 on your Windows PC because it doesn't manifest itself until the print
 job has begun.

 Do you run into similar issues (with run32.dll) when printing from
 Windows apps? and again, do other Linux apps cause similar printing

 Let us know.


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I tried printing from kword and got the same thing but also see a message 
that says Hpfbkg13  this program has performed an illigal operation...blah 
blah blah.. So it appears that the rundll is tied to the Hewlet Packard 
software and when it comes to windows I don't know how to fix it other than 
uninstalling and reinstalling the HP software. I may try that.  I agree that 
it doesn't look like a Samba or linux problem. Life is good just don't weaken.
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Samba printer Fails

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Try moving the printer to the Linux box, and printing from the windows box.
Set up printer sharing with Samba, Uninstall the printer software/drivers 
from the windows box and re-install a freshly-updated set of drivers from 
HP's web-site- . 


On Sunday 16 September 2001 01:08 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:29, you wrote:
  On Sun, 2001-09-16 at 02:11, Dennis Myers wrote:
   Hi all, I have finally come very close to getting an HP 712c deskjet
   printer working with my linux computer by using Samba.  The HP is
   connected to a windows box as a local printer. I can send a print
   command from Kmail and it will print most of the header and then fail.
   Windows ctrl-alt-del tells me it is a rundll32 error or something to
   that effect. It is strange that it would start the printing, in color
   no less, and then crash on me. Any ideas or other info needed for help?
  Do you have the same problem printing from other Linux apps? If the
  error is in run32.dll, then it appears to be a Windows issue, and not a
  Linux one. If your printer actually starts printing, then cups and Samba
  have both done their jobs: cups has generated a print file, and samba
  has sent it to the share print queue. At this point, printing the file
  is up to Windows and the printer driver installed on the Windows PC.
  There are other possible issues to be aware of, however. For example, if
  the cups print driver generates a corrupt print file (i.e., one that
  the printer is unable to understand), then you might see printer errors
  on your Windows PC because it doesn't manifest itself until the print
  job has begun.
  Do you run into similar issues (with run32.dll) when printing from
  Windows apps? and again, do other Linux apps cause similar printing
  Let us know.

 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 I tried printing from kword and got the same thing but also see a message
 that says Hpfbkg13  this program has performed an illigal operation...blah
 blah blah.. So it appears that the rundll is tied to the Hewlet Packard
 software and when it comes to windows I don't know how to fix it other than
 uninstalling and reinstalling the HP software. I may try that.  I agree
 that it doesn't look like a Samba or linux problem. Life is good just don't

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Angie Wilcox

is it true that i have to have the server comp. (the windows running one) 
always on? anyway around this?

Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:38:56 -0400

Nope. It won't run on Linux. You shouldn't need it at all. Just make sure 
put in the other info I mentioned, and you should be fine. The floopy just
contains the same info you have to put in manually,...Gateway and DNS. But 
course, Microsoft thinks we're idiots, so that floppy contains a Wizard 
transpose the info. Think of it as ICS for Dummies who only use Windows.
Obviously, you don't (just use Windows, that is).

Once the gateway and DNS are set on the linux box, the most you'll have to 
is restart, but it shouldn't be necessary. Just run the network wizard in
Mandrake Control center, and it will restart your network connection to the
Windows box on it's own.

Have fun!

On Sunday 16 September 2001 01:13 pm, you wrote:
  i'm setting up the internet connection sharing on ME and it's asking if 
  like to make a setup disk for computers using win95 and98...should i 
  this setup disk (ie will it run on mandrake)?
  From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
  Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:59:57 -0400
  Once it's set up, your linux box should be good to go. If not, change 
  network config to allow for DHCP, restart the network (on linux box), 
  shold be in business. Make sure you enter the gateway Internal Ip of Me
  station, and DNS numbers of your ISP.
  On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:50 pm, you wrote:
i'm using a road runner cable connection.
once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set up the
connection on my linux box?
Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400

Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection
type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though Me 
DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; fixed

On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
  i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my 
  i was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a router


  my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can 


  out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux 
  i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several
  on it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is 

  computer has to be the linux there any way to set up 


  me computer as the server to the linux box??
  thanks so much! i appreciate it,
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
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  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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[newbie] CD drive

2001-09-16 Per discussione Angie Wilcox

i have a cd that has several linux apps on it.  i've tried to access the cd 
through the cd drive but it says that i do not have access to this drive (or 
somethign to that effect). how can i access this?
thanks, -angela

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

Yes, the server computer must be running whenever either computer wants to 
connect to the internet. If it's not, the network cards don't work, and the 
tcp/ip protocols on thserver aren't enabled, thereby eliminating the Internet 
coneection. That's one of the big reasons that many people find an old 486 or 
early generation Pentium pc and set it up as the Internet server or 
Gateway/Router. The only way around this is as I suggested or to by an actual 
router and configure it to do the same job as your windows box. One of the 
nice features of using an old PC is that there are a large number of 
linux-based gateway/routers that can also be used to act as a firewall, thus 
protecting you from most types of hacks. You can also run a web-site on many 
of them.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 02:19 pm, you wrote:
 is it true that i have to have the server comp. (the windows running one)
 always on? anyway around this?


 Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:38:56 -0400
 Nope. It won't run on Linux. You shouldn't need it at all. Just make sure
 put in the other info I mentioned, and you should be fine. The floopy just
 contains the same info you have to put in manually,...Gateway and DNS. But
 course, Microsoft thinks we're idiots, so that floppy contains a Wizard
 transpose the info. Think of it as ICS for Dummies who only use Windows.
 Obviously, you don't (just use Windows, that is).
 Once the gateway and DNS are set on the linux box, the most you'll have to
 is restart, but it shouldn't be necessary. Just run the network wizard in
 Mandrake Control center, and it will restart your network connection to
  the Windows box on it's own.
 Have fun!
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 01:13 pm, you wrote:
   i'm setting up the internet connection sharing on ME and it's asking if
   like to make a setup disk for computers using win95 and98...should i
   this setup disk (ie will it run on mandrake)?
   From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
   Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:59:57 -0400
   Once it's set up, your linux box should be good to go. If not, change
   network config to allow for DHCP, restart the network (on linux box),
   shold be in business. Make sure you enter the gateway Internal Ip of
Me station, and DNS numbers of your ISP.
   On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:50 pm, you wrote:
 i'm using a road runner cable connection.
 once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set up
 the connection on my linux box?


 Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400
 Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection
 type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though Me
 DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; fixed
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
   i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my
   i was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a
   router and
   my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i can
   out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) linux
   i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several
   on it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is
   computer has to be the linux there any way to set up
   me computer as the server to the linux box??
   thanks so much! i appreciate it,
   Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
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 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Re: [newbie] CD drive

2001-09-16 Per discussione Lanman

From a root console, type the following command;
mount /mnt/cdrom
when you're done with the cd, re-open a console as root, and type;

When you set up mandrake, you probably didn't enable supermount. That's 
probably your problem. It means that you'll have to use the above procedure 
until you re-install. However, I'm sure that I can help you edit the fstab 
file located in the /etc folder on your linux drive. Locate the file, and 
attach it to an email. Send it directly to me, and I'll see if I can edit it 
for you, then return it to you. Once you get it back, copy it back into your 
/etc folder (make sure you rename and save your existing fstab file first!), 
then type the command ;  mount -a at a root prompt. That will apply your 
new fstab file, and should enable automount-ing.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 02:27 pm, you wrote:
 i have a cd that has several linux apps on it.  i've tried to access the cd
 through the cd drive but it says that i do not have access to this drive
 (or somethign to that effect). how can i access this?
 thanks, -angela

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione Angie Wilcox

sorry i keep asking so many questions..i just want to find the best way to 
go about this! i -do- have an actual router (which i was using before when 
both computers were running windows). my router is linksys Etherfast 
Cable/DSL router. it doesn't provide information about setting it up on a 
linux box...i have my adapter (ie hardware or MAC) address, ip address (and 
alt. ip address), subnet mask ip, dns server ip, authentication ip, gateway 
ip, and domain name. i need (i think) to know how to setup TCP/IP under 
linux. however i'm not positive about any of this..thanks,

Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 14:37:31 -0400

Yes, the server computer must be running whenever either computer wants to
connect to the internet. If it's not, the network cards don't work, and the
tcp/ip protocols on thserver aren't enabled, thereby eliminating the 
coneection. That's one of the big reasons that many people find an old 486 
early generation Pentium pc and set it up as the Internet server or
Gateway/Router. The only way around this is as I suggested or to by an 
router and configure it to do the same job as your windows box. One of the
nice features of using an old PC is that there are a large number of
linux-based gateway/routers that can also be used to act as a firewall, 
protecting you from most types of hacks. You can also run a web-site on 
of them.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 02:19 pm, you wrote:
  is it true that i have to have the server comp. (the windows running 
  always on? anyway around this?
  From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
  Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:38:56 -0400
  Nope. It won't run on Linux. You shouldn't need it at all. Just make 
  put in the other info I mentioned, and you should be fine. The floopy 
  contains the same info you have to put in manually,...Gateway and DNS. 
  course, Microsoft thinks we're idiots, so that floppy contains a 
  transpose the info. Think of it as ICS for Dummies who only use 
  Obviously, you don't (just use Windows, that is).
  Once the gateway and DNS are set on the linux box, the most you'll have 
  is restart, but it shouldn't be necessary. Just run the network wizard 
  Mandrake Control center, and it will restart your network connection to
   the Windows box on it's own.
  Have fun!
  On Sunday 16 September 2001 01:13 pm, you wrote:
i'm setting up the internet connection sharing on ME and it's asking 
like to make a setup disk for computers using win95 and98...should i
this setup disk (ie will it run on mandrake)?
Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:59:57 -0400

Once it's set up, your linux box should be good to go. If not, 
network config to allow for DHCP, restart the network (on linux 
shold be in business. Make sure you enter the gateway Internal Ip 
 Me station, and DNS numbers of your ISP.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:50 pm, you wrote:
  i'm using a road runner cable connection.
  once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set up
  the connection on my linux box?
  From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
  Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400
  Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet Connection


  type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though 
  DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie; 


  On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my

i was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a
router and
my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i 
out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now) 
i was referred to ip masquerading and i've read several


on it...basically what i've gathered from these documents is

computer has to be the linux there any way to set 
me computer as the server to the linux box??

Re: [newbie] Licq

2001-09-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes

To provide a quick update here.

There appears to be something that basically is GroupWare.

There's a link there to the webpage where to download them.  They have
RPMs, but they appear to be source RPMs.  You'll need PostGreSQL
installed.  I didn't have it installed, but I downloaded the MDK RPMs
from my local Linux FTP server.

[root@r2d2 installed]# ls -a postgresql-*

Those are the ones I installed.

Hope that helps you a little.

I have the PostGreSQL stuff installed, but haven't had time to install
or configure the IServerD (ISD) yet.

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

  3:22pm  up 6 days,  7:08,  6 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.04, 0.01
| What about a Groupware app like the one that ICQ used to make
| available to businesses?  Is that made for *NIX?  I was thinking about
| this a while ago, and then got to busy to ask the list.
| Maybe I'll send a message to the LICQ list as well to see what they know
| about it.
| tdh
| -- 
| T. Holmes
| -
| -
| Real Men Use Vi!
| Uptime: 
|  11:49am  up 6 days,  3:35,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| | Does anyone know of a linux-based ICQ-type system that I can install and run 
| | on an intranet (ie; only in-house) ? I was able to download and try out the 
| | intranet version of ICQ, which worked fine, until I dumped NT4. Now having 
| | only Linux-based servers, I'm trying to get everything else back to normal as 
| | well.
| | 
| | Thanks in advance
| | 
| | Lanman
| |
| | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
| | Go to
|   -- 
| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
| Go to


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Re: [newbie] Bogomips?

2001-09-16 Per discussione etharp

it's a made up speed rating
bogo as in the excellent adventures of bill and Ted bogus dude 
MIPS as in Million of Instructions per Second

On Sunday 16 September 2001 13:21, you wrote:
 Does anyone knows what are these?

   Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help

2001-09-16 Per discussione etharp

it is setup, tcp/ip is native to the network OS that linux really is

On Sunday 16 September 2001 14:46, you wrote:
 sorry i keep asking so many questions..i just want to find the best way to
 go about this! i -do- have an actual router (which i was using before when
 both computers were running windows). my router is linksys Etherfast
 Cable/DSL router. it doesn't provide information about setting it up on a
 linux box...i have my adapter (ie hardware or MAC) address, ip address (and
 alt. ip address), subnet mask ip, dns server ip, authentication ip, gateway
 ip, and domain name. i need (i think) to know how to setup TCP/IP under
 linux. however i'm not positive about any of this..thanks,


 Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 14:37:31 -0400
 Yes, the server computer must be running whenever either computer wants to
 connect to the internet. If it's not, the network cards don't work, and
  the tcp/ip protocols on thserver aren't enabled, thereby eliminating the
 coneection. That's one of the big reasons that many people find an old 486
 early generation Pentium pc and set it up as the Internet server or
 Gateway/Router. The only way around this is as I suggested or to by an
 router and configure it to do the same job as your windows box. One of the
 nice features of using an old PC is that there are a large number of
 linux-based gateway/routers that can also be used to act as a firewall,
 protecting you from most types of hacks. You can also run a web-site on
 of them.
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 02:19 pm, you wrote:
   is it true that i have to have the server comp. (the windows running
   always on? anyway around this?
   From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
   Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:38:56 -0400
   Nope. It won't run on Linux. You shouldn't need it at all. Just make
   put in the other info I mentioned, and you should be fine. The floopy
   contains the same info you have to put in manually,...Gateway and DNS.
   course, Microsoft thinks we're idiots, so that floppy contains a
   transpose the info. Think of it as ICS for Dummies who only use
   Obviously, you don't (just use Windows, that is).
   Once the gateway and DNS are set on the linux box, the most you'll
   is restart, but it shouldn't be necessary. Just run the network wizard
   Mandrake Control center, and it will restart your network connection
to the Windows box on it's own.
   Have fun!
   On Sunday 16 September 2001 01:13 pm, you wrote:
 i'm setting up the internet connection sharing on ME and it's
 like to make a setup disk for computers using win95 and98...should
 this setup disk (ie will it run on mandrake)?


 Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:59:57 -0400
 Once it's set up, your linux box should be good to go. If not,
 network config to allow for DHCP, restart the network (on linux
 shold be in business. Make sure you enter the gateway Internal Ip
  Me station, and DNS numbers of your ISP.
 On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:50 pm, you wrote:
   i'm using a road runner cable connection.
   once i set up internet connection sharing on ME, how do i set
   up the connection on my linux box?
   From: Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [newbie] ip masquerading, help
   Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:35:06 -0400
   Angie - No Problem. Me has something called Internet
   type of connection do you have? Keep in mind that even though
   DHCP, you can leave your Ip on the Linux box as Static - ie;
   On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:23 pm, you wrote:
 i'm relatively new to linux..before i set up linux on my
 i was running one cable ip for both computers by way of a
 router and
 my primary box is now still running windows (ME) but i
 out how to get internet connection to my secondary (now)
 i was referred to ip masquerading and 

Re: [newbie] Question with E

2001-09-16 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

ryan_steffes wrote:

 I can't find documentation on what I
 need to do now so my users can actually use epplets.
 I'm assuming I need to add that to my path.

I've never had a problem running Epplets, whether as root or as a user
(well, other than the Epplets menu having more Epplets listed than what
LM actually installed on my machine).  However, I will guess that you
are correct, you need to add the path (and your users need to add it to
their paths).  Also, if it is not already so, make the Epplets directory,
and the Epplets themselves, group executable.

 The scant documentation
 I've seen though indicates each user should have an epplet_data
 directory.  Where does this come from, or should I just mkdir it?

Again, I don't remember having to do this when I ran Epplets as a user,
but go ahead and mkdir it, what's the harm?  :)

BTW, in case you don't already know, Sourceforge now has an E-Users ML,
so that people like me who don't really understand much of what the
people in the E-Devel ML are talking about have a place for QA.  I
think the E web site ( has the link for joining.


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best.  -- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [newbie] Deleted mail in KMail still there?

2001-09-16 Per discussione skinky

On Monday 17 September 2001 01:14, Steve Flynn wrote:
 As a rule, when you flag a message for deletion, it just get's flagged.
 It still physically there. When you compact, all of the flagged for
 deletion messages are actually deleted.

 Steve Flynn

  No, I only start kmail when I need it.  And I just checked in the
  settings - 'compact all folders on exit' is selected.  But what does
  compacting folders have to do with deleting mail?


OH I didn't know that!  Thanks for info, I'll remember that in the future.


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Re: [newbie] Bogomips?

2001-09-16 Per discussione The Spider

 it's a made up speed rating
 bogo as in the excellent adventures of bill and Ted bogus dude
 MIPS as in Million of Instructions per Second

Thanks Et, both simple and accurate, as usual.

  Ragno The Spider Stefano.

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No Subject

2001-09-16 Per discussione Boliver Allmon

Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tyler Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tom Ashton 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tim and Rebecca 
Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thomas A Lott [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sulain Blackburn 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Shields, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sheryl Goulder 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Pricilla  Sheldon Mansfield [EMAIL PROTECTED], Phil 
Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pastor Jack Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED], Parsons 
Technology [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pam Goulder [EMAIL PROTECTED], Orville 
Eaves Orville.Eaves@!, Noel Ann Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Murphy, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED], Marvilene 
Livingston [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mark  Kathy Pritchard 
Borchardt [EMAIL PROTECTED], Karen Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED], John 
Lott [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jo Ann  Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jerry Simmons 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Jennifer Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jean-Francois Borny 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Jean-Francois Borny [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jean-Francois A 
om, Goulder, Drema [EMAIL PROTECTED], Eddie Livingston [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Dixon Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED], Debbie Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
David Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Clayton Lott [EMAIL PROTECTED], civileme 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Charles Massegee [EMAIL PROTECTED], Chapman, 
Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED], Carolyn Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bush, Jennifer 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Bryan and Allmon [EMAIL PROTECTED], Boliver Allmon 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bob=FFand=FFBetty_Bynum?= 
Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED], Beth [EMAIL PROTECTED], Arthur Allmon 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Allmon, Boli!
ver [EMAIL PROTECTED], Allmon, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED], Allen Dunn 
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 16:24:35 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
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X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200
X-Loop: newbie@
X-Sequence: 2079
Precedence: list
Subject: [newbie] Houston Chronicle editorial - an example of stupidity

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

May I suggest that all who subscribe to this so-called newspaper, let them =
of your response to this editorial.


This is a very disturbing editorial that was printed in the Houston Chronic=
The thought that this individual could have such a warped perspective, yet =
is a Texas state employee teaching our young people is most disturbing.=20
This serves as another example of the leftist psychobabble that we will hav=
e to wage a war of truth against, parallel to the war on terrorism that our=
 country must fight.=20
I see that he is in the journalism school. I would presume to find him in t=
he section on fiction.
David Teuscher, MD

Houston Chronicle 9/14/01
U.S. just as guilty of committing own violent acts=20

Sept. 11 was a day of sadness, anger and fear.=20

Like everyone in the United States and around the world, I shared the deep =
sadness at the deaths of thousands.=20

But as I listened to people around me talk, I realized the anger and fear I=
 felt were very different, for my primary anger is directed at the leaders =
of this country and my fear is not only for the safety of Americans but for=
 innocent civilians in other countries.=20

It should need not be said, but I will say it: The acts of terrorism that k=
illed civilians in New York and Washington were reprehensible and indefensi=
ble; to try to defend them would be to abandon one's humanity. No matter wh=
at the motivation of the attackers, the method is beyond discussion.=20

But this act was no more despicable than the massive acts of terrorism -- t=
he deliberate killing of civilians for political 

Re: [newbie] fetchmail pine not receiving (still)

2001-09-16 Per discussione WCBaker


I had good guidance from this list recently and have got fetchmail and pine
both installed and configured (although clearly I'm missing something).  I'm
running Mandrake 8.0.  I can send mail but can't receive from the Linux box.
Out of curiosity last night I tried setting up Mozilla to retrieve mail for
me and it happily retrieves all the mail I want.  However, Pine maintains
that there are 0 messages in the inbox, regardless of how many messages have
piled up . . . It appears to be the same problem that I had before
setting up Mozilla, and Mozilla isn't set to get messages until I tell it to
get them, so it isn't like Mozilla is hoarding all the inbound mail, so that
Pine actually has no mail to report.  Pine gets its chance but just doesn't
seem to find mail.  I assume that fetchmail is not finding mail, somehow.
Could it somehow be looking in the wrong location??

Regarding fetchmail, if I set up a .fetchmailrc and ask it to poll for (I'm on the @Home cable system) it complains bitterly that
this can't be found cannonically on the DNS server.  If I remove the mail.
at the front (which violates all sample .fetchmailrc files I have seen) it
still can't get any mail.   If I use commandline fetchmail it
then asks me for a password for the correct username and but then
it just hangs and never gets back to me after I enter the password.

Does anyone have an idea as to what might be happening here or is my
question too big (ie. too many possibilities to answer anything)?

(I'm definitely closer to my goal than before!)



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Re: [newbie] MODEM

2001-09-16 Per discussione etharp

an external that connects to the serial port

On Sunday 16 September 2001 20:10, you wrote:
 I would appreciate any suggestions as to a suitable modem for a dual boot
 setup. Using Windows 98 and Mandrake 8.
 Thank you


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Re: [newbie] Really Stuck On Internet Sharing

2001-09-16 Per discussione etharp

in a text console type, as root, without the quotes InteractiveBastille
and allow the ports 25 and 110 for mail
On Sunday 16 September 2001 20:24, you wrote:
 I have my internet sharing enable to 2 windows cpu's which does seem to
 work a little.  I can surf no problem but I'm unable to pick up my @home
 mail and net.  I can receive it from the Linux mandrake 8 box.  I have not
 been able to find a config file for it only gui.  any direction would be

 Best Regards


 Get your own free email account from

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Re: [newbie] MODEM

2001-09-16 Per discussione Admin


I am using an internal USRobotics modem model 5610A.


On Sunday 16 September 2001 18:10, you wrote:
 I would appreciate any suggestions as to a suitable modem for a dual boot
 setup. Using Windows 98 and Mandrake 8.
 Thank you


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Re: [newbie] Using fetchmail/postfix/pine on Mandrake 8.0. Can send. Can't receive.

2001-09-16 Per discussione WCBaker

Sorry Mark,  I forgot to include an obviously needed detail -- I am using
fetchmail to retrieve messages.



- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Using postfix  pine on Mandrake 8.0. Can send. Can't

 what are you using to fetch the mail from your ISP to your box?

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Re: [newbie] MODEM

2001-09-16 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

As others have stated, ideally, you would use an external or real internal 
modem (versus a Winmodem).  That said,  either of those options tend to be 
expensive.  I have had very good luck with several several different brands 
of Winmodems that are based on the PCTel chipset.  There are drivers on the 
internet for it, and it's simple to compile and install them.  Being a 
Winmodem, they also work fine with Windows 98.

The best news, is that they are very inexpensive.  I just purchased another 
one for $6 (plus $9 shipping) from  There is a link for 
the drivers on  I believe it is called Jan's PCTel 


On Sunday 16 September 2001 07:10 pm, you wrote:
 I would appreciate any suggestions as to a suitable modem for a dual boot
 setup. Using Windows 98 and Mandrake 8.
 Thank you


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RE: [newbie] Java Development kit

2001-09-16 Per discussione Navin Daryanani

well, JDK and SDK, I suppose, are used synonymously. JDK contains the JRE
plus the compilation and other tools which makes it the JDK.

For linux - the process is same - download the rpm (which probably be a .bin
file). run it from the shell - it will ask you to accept the license and
extract the rpm for you. you can install this rpm then.

the difference between the rpm version and the jdk for win2k is the native
code for the platform.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Siavash Sefidvash
Sent: Monday, 17 September 2001 9:31 AM
Subject: [newbie] Java Development kit

Hi, I have just started a Java course and visited the sun website in order
to download the development kit. I remember the last time I considered
learning java JDK 1.2 was in vogue. Now I notice they have SDK. Can anyone
explain the differences.?  From the learning point of view can I install SDK
while my course is going to be based on JDK?

I am currently using  Win 2000 platform but would like to progress to Linux
when I feel comfortable with it. What is the difference ( from the point of
view of the java toolkit ) in Java development on linux and/or windoz.


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Re: [newbie] Still fighting w Fetchmail Pine to receive

2001-09-16 Per discussione w


-Mandrake 8.0
-Postfix to send
-Fetch to fetch
-Pine to do the other stuff

-Problem: Can send mail, cannot receive
-BTW: I can receive mail by other means, but I need to set up 
fetchmail/postfix/pine so I can serve and filter mail in the near future.

Details of Query:
I think that my problem boils down to permissions (at least for the 
moment). In pine I got a mail that I somehow generated directly (since I 
can't access anything over the Net) and when I try to delete it I get a 
message saying that the folder is read only.  Not good.

However, the folder is something called INBOX.  It maps to a folder and 
file for which I think I have permissions (read and write).  So 
somewhere is the configuration for INBOX.  So far I have not found it 
although I will continue to search via the Pine Config option. . .

In the meantime if anyone has any suggestions I would seriously love to 
hear them, whatever they might be.  At this point I would willingly try 
incantations, magic potions, a bit of Nostril-damus, whatever.


-w (those little blood vessels in my forehead are distended.)

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Re: [newbie] Still fighting w Fetchmail Pine to receive

2001-09-16 Per discussione Paul

 -Mandrake 8.0

 -Postfix to send

 -Fetch to fetch

 -Pine to do the other stuff
 -Problem: Can send mail, cannot receive

1. Did you run fetchmail with the -v parameter? That is the verbose /
blabbermouth option. See if there is mail coming in. -v will tell you.
And also specify keep there, so mail will remain on the server and you can
pull it a second time in case it ends up in the bitbucket on your machine.

2. Fetchmail hands incoming mail to the mail system (Postfix in this case).
Is Postfix set up to handle incoming mail and deliver it properly? I had this
problem also, and decided to switch to enabling SMTP in postfix (/etc/
IIRC.) After changing the config, do a service postfix reload

3. Check for the FAQ. You need to make sure that Postfix is
setup correctly, the localdomain, mydomain etc things are kind of confusing
at times to set up, even when getting it to run should be very simple (it was
for me).

4. If you can't use SMTP in postfix, I suggest you go for getmail, a python
script that pulls mail from as many pop servers you want. It is Really Good,
I use it for several pop-servers that I can't do with SMTP. Find getmail at

 I think that my problem boils down to permissions (at least for the 
 moment). In pine I got a mail that I somehow generated directly (since I 
 can't access anything over the Net) and when I try to delete it I get a 
 message saying that the folder is read only.  Not good.
 However, the folder is something called INBOX.  It maps to a folder and 
 file for which I think I have permissions (read and write).  So 
 somewhere is the configuration for INBOX.  So far I have not found it 
 although I will continue to search via the Pine Config option. . .

Usually mail will arrive in a file called /var/spool/mail/yourname
cd to /var/spool/mail and ls -l to see the owner and permissions there
The pointer to where the mail is _is_ in .pinerc somewhere, I just don't
recall where.
 In the meantime if anyone has any suggestions I would seriously love to 
 hear them, whatever they might be.  At this point I would willingly try 
 incantations, magic potions, a bit of Nostril-damus, whatever.

H. You can try hopping around the PC on your left foot, with a branch
of Yew tree in your right hand. Not that it will help, but the people around
will have a good laugh *grin*
Good luck with the problem and even more with fixing it!!

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Re: [newbie] Still fighting w Fetchmail Pine to receive

2001-09-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Sounds like you don't have fetchmail configured correctly to download
mail.  Did you use fetchmailconf or did you create your
/root/.fetchmailrc (or /etc/fetchmailrc) by hand?  Here's the format I
use in my /root/.fetchmailrc.

# Configuration created Sun Apr 29 13:18:35 2001 by T. Holmes
set postmaster postmaster
set nobouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties 
set daemon 10
poll via
 with proto POP3
user 'userID' there with password 'passwd' is userID here
options fetchall warnings 3600
antispam 571 550 501 554

That's what I have in my /root/.fetchmailrc.  Make sure the permissions
for the file is 0710, then use a command like fetchmail -d 180.  That
will tell fetchmail to run as a daemon, every 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.

From there, you should be downloading mail.

As for your pine problem... personally I would suggest to stop using
pine. :0)  It's a resource hog, and I don't like how it handled mail.
But basically it should be getting your email from $MAIL, which in
Mandrake's case, that is /var/spool/mail/$USER  The permissions for that
should be 0600, and should be owned by the $USER and the group should be
mail.  Check those things out.

That should be a start for ya.

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

  1:51am  up  9:30,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Hi!
| Summary
| -Mandrake 8.0
| -Postfix to send
| -Fetch to fetch
| -Pine to do the other stuff
| -Problem: Can send mail, cannot receive
| -BTW: I can receive mail by other means, but I need to set up 
| fetchmail/postfix/pine so I can serve and filter mail in the near future.
| Details of Query:
| I think that my problem boils down to permissions (at least for the 
| moment). In pine I got a mail that I somehow generated directly (since I 
| can't access anything over the Net) and when I try to delete it I get a 
| message saying that the folder is read only.  Not good.
| However, the folder is something called INBOX.  It maps to a folder and 
| file for which I think I have permissions (read and write).  So 
| somewhere is the configuration for INBOX.  So far I have not found it 
| although I will continue to search via the Pine Config option. . .
| In the meantime if anyone has any suggestions I would seriously love to 
| hear them, whatever they might be.  At this point I would willingly try 
| incantations, magic potions, a bit of Nostril-damus, whatever.
| Cheers!
| -w (those little blood vessels in my forehead are distended.)
| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
| Go to


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