Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Sandro

Il 17:58, sabato 5 gennaio 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti;

 spesso sulle istruzioni di installazione dei driver é scritto: ..
 dare il comando: es. make install

 se io per esempio mi trovo con una certa schermata dove vado a scrivere
 questo comando ?

 ringrazio in anticipo chi mi chiarisce questa cosa banale (non per me).


Per dare questo comando (come altri) devi farlo in modalità testuale, 
Ciò significa, per esempio, che se sei in modalità grafica (tipo kde o Gnome) 
devi aprire un terminale o una shell che ti fa accedere all'ambiente a linea 
di comando. Quindi devi posizionarti all'interno della directory che contiene 
il programma da compilare e dare i comandi appropriati.
Sia in kde che gnome hai l'icona della shell sui rispettivi pannelli.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux Machine: 103048
Linux User: 203143

Re: [newbie-it] bastaaaaaaa

2002-01-06 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:22, giovedì 3 gennaio 2002 hai scritto:
 Vorrei sapere molto gentilmente come si ci disiscrive da questa


Nel solito modo.
Il più semplice è: torna sul sito dove ti sei iscritto e cerca un magico link 
con su scritto disiscriviti o qualcosa del genere. :)


[newbie-it] Apri con....

2002-01-06 Per discussione Milko Ferioli

Ciao A tutti,
a volte capita di ricevere allegati e mentr li si vuole salvare vi è 
anche la possibilità  apri con...
Ma sotto Mandrake 8.1 dove trovo i vari programmi?

grazie e ciao   Milko

Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-06 Per discussione luigi pinna

--- Marco Fortini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salve a tutti;
 spesso sulle istruzioni di installazione dei driver
 é scritto: .. dare il comando: es. make
 se io per esempio mi trovo con una certa schermata
 dove vado a scrivere questo comando ?
 ringrazio in anticipo chi mi chiarisce questa cosa
 banale (non per me).
normalmente i ./configure make make install vanno dati
come utente root da shell all'interno della directory
del programma o del driver che stai installando

I cristiani possono sposare una sola donna. La si chiama monotonia.

Robert Lembke

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Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Marco Fortini

Grazie luigi,
sono riuscito a trovare la shell all'interno della directory da cui lanciare
i commandi, ma scrivo: make (senza virgolette) e non succede niente, la
risposta è: command not found
dentro la directory ci sono i files del driver che ho scaricato da rete tra
cui un file makefile a forma di ingranaggio.
a questo punto cosa può essere che non gli garba ?
- forse perchè il file originario del driver tar.gz lo ho dezippato con
windows anzichè con Linux ?
- oppure non sono l'utente root ? in definitiva non ho mai dovuto mettere

Insomma cos'altro bisogna verificare prima di assaporare la soddisfazione di
eseguire con successo un'altro passo delle laboriose istruzioni di
installazione di un driver ?

ringrazio Maro Fortini

- Original Message -
From: luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

--- Marco Fortini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salve a tutti;

 spesso sulle istruzioni di installazione dei driver
 é scritto: .. dare il comando: es. make

 se io per esempio mi trovo con una certa schermata
 dove vado a scrivere questo comando ?

 ringrazio in anticipo chi mi chiarisce questa cosa
 banale (non per me).

normalmente i ./configure make make install vanno dati
come utente root da shell all'interno della directory
del programma o del driver che stai installando

I cristiani possono sposare una sola donna. La si chiama monotonia.

Robert Lembke

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Manuela
Marco Fortini wrote:
001201c196f8$6c89a3a0$deda22d4@marco1">Grazie luigi,sono riuscito a trovare la shell all'interno della directory da cui lanciarei commandi, ma scrivo: "make" (senza virgolette) e non succede niente, larisposta : "command not found"dentro la directory ci sono i files del driver che ho scaricato da rete tracui un file "makefile" a forma di ingranaggio.
scusa se ti faccio una domanda banale, ma e' che non mi torna la "forma di ingranaggio"
con la shell. Tu stai lavorando da terminale quando dai il comando "make"?
Dovrebbe poi esserci un file tipo "README.txt" o "LEGGIMI.txt" nella directory
"disarchiviata" dei driver: in questo file trovi le istruzioni per compilare il sorgente.
  001201c196f8$6c89a3a0$deda22d4@marco1">a questo punto cosa pu essere che non gli garba ?- forse perch il file originario del driver tar.gz lo ho dezippato conwindows anzich con Linux - oppure non sono l'utente root ? in definitiva non ho mai dovuto metterepassword.Insomma cos'altro bisogna verificare prima di assaporare la soddisfazione dieseguire con successo un'altro passo delle laboriose istruzioni diinstallazione di un driver ?ringrazio Maro Fortini- Original Message -From: "luigi pinna" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 5:00 PMSubject: Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?--- Mar!
co Fortini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Salve a tutti;spesso sulle istruzioni di installazione dei driver scritto: .. dare il comando: es. "makeinstall"se io per esempio mi trovo con una certa schermatadove vado a scrivere questo comando ?ringrazio in anticipo chi mi chiarisce questa cosabanale (non per me).Marco
normalmente i ./configure make make install vanno daticome utente root da shell all'interno della directorydel programma o del driver che stai installando
=I cristiani possono sposare una sola donna. La si chiama monotonia.Robert Lembke__Do You Yahoo!?Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!


Re: [newbie-it] Mouse a 3 tasti

2002-01-06 Per discussione Guido Milanese

On Friday 04 January 2002 18:36, miKe wrote:
 lancia drakxconf
 a questo punto forza il modello, inserendo 3 tasti
 se non dofesse andare, perchè il sistema non ti accetta il
 modello, dovrai editare /etx/X11/XF86Config

Grazie per i suggerimenti; purtroppo nessuno dei sistemi funziona, 
e quindi penso che si tratti di un difetto del mouse.


E-Mail: Guido Milanese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italia

Re: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

2002-01-06 Per discussione mike

- Original Message - 
From: Marco Fortini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mailing list Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 11:58 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Dove si danno i comandi ?

spesso sulle istruzioni di installazione dei driver é scritto: .. dare il 
comando: es. make install

se io per esempio mi trovo con una certa schermata dove vado a scrivere questo 
comando ?

i comandi li dai da shell
o al limite apri un emulatore di terminale 

anche konqueror ti consente di aprire una shell virtuale dalla quale lanciare comandi 
o script di shell




slack8  GNU/Linux  2.4.16-pk @ hp XE3
RU# 219755 - SRU# 705 - RM# 110932

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Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di un driver

2002-01-06 Per discussione mike

- Original Message - 
From: Marco Fortini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mailing list Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 10:21 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Installazione di un driver

Ho scaricato da rete dei file spacciati per driver linux del modem ADSL Speed Touch 
USB dal sito dell'Alcatel;

hai scaricato i sorgenti da compilare!!

2. Kernel Configuration
This driver is only supported on kernel 2.4.1 and higher.
You will need to install this kernel with the following options enabled:

- Code maturity level options / Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers
- USB support / Support for USB
- USB support / Preliminary USB device filesystem
- Networking options / Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) (EXPERIMENTAL)

devi ricompilare il kernel abilitando le voci riportate sopra, è molto chiaro

3. Compiling the module
You will need SARLib-0.2.1 to compile this module.
You can download this library at:

ti avvisa della necessità delle sarlib e ti dice dove scaricarle..

Extract the SARLib in the same directory as this package.
Make sure your new 2.4.1+ kernel is in /usr/src/linux/
If it is not the case, you can also modify the path in the Makefile
Then type:


then become root and type:

  make install

quidi ti dice di decomprimerle e compilarle con i soliti comandi..

4. PPPoE
Installing PPPoE is the easiest.
First, install rfc 2684 Bridged ethernet support. This will allow you to do
Ethernet over ATM.
You can download this software from

poi ti avvisa che ti serve PPPoE

Follow the instructions on this site. (the TUTORIAL file)
If you want this to be included in your startup you can add the appropriate
line in the /etc/hotplug/usb/speedtouch file after the startup of the
management application.

When you have your bridging ethernet interface (nas0) you can install a
PPPoE client. For example, I used roaring penguin PPPoE.
The version 2.8 supports kernel-level PPPoE support too. (see webpage)
Do not forget to provide 'nas0' as interface name to the rp-pppoe config.

e ti spiega da dove e come installare..

..considera che se non esistono rpm precompilati i moduli binari sono il massimo, ma 
richiedono alcune librerie (comunque PPPoE in mdk 8.0 dovrebbe esserci),
il problem(ino) è il kernel,
il supporto a ppp over ethernet non (credo) dovrebbe essere previsto di default (ma 
forse ce l'hai come modulo)
quello all'USB c'è di sicuro ,
non credo invece che tu abbia l'ATM e quindi il ppp over atm...

alle brutte ti basta ricompilare, 

in fondo non era così complicato!!
PS: è una fortuna (per GNU/Linux)  che alcune case rilascino i sorgenti dei drivers e 
dei moduli dei  propri dispositivi,
guarda il caso del mio modem ESS!!
non ci sono i sorgenti, e per navigare devo usare M$ o un secondo PC che mi fa da 
router a da NAT!!




slack8  GNU/Linux  2.4.16-pk @ hp XE3
RU# 219755 - SRU# 705 - RM# 110932

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convenienza su 

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Re: [newbie-it] Apri con....

2002-01-06 Per discussione C.Ch.

Milko Ferioli wrote:

 Ciao A tutti,
 a volte capita di ricevere allegati e mentr li si vuole salvare vi è 
 anche la possibilità  apri con...
 Ma sotto Mandrake 8.1 dove trovo i vari programmi?

 grazie e ciao   Milko 

generalmente in /usr/bin


Su ciò di cui non si può parlare, si deve tacere.
 What we cannot speak about, we must pass over in silence.
 (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

[newbie-it] Simbolo Euro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Gabriele Gardelli

In kmail e anche nelle applicazioni testo in kde se tento di ottenere il 
carattere euro con i tasti altgr+e non ottengo nulla, oppure un anonimo 
pallino tipo °.
Qualcuno ha soluzioni ?


RE: Re[2]: [newbie] Problem with Mouse Freezing.

2002-01-06 Per discussione Roberto Armenteros

I had the same problem and in my case i found a
solution. When you are in linux mouse and keyboard
are working and you want to switch to another box,
before you use the switch to do the switcihng, go to
any of the non-graphical terminals ctr alt F1 and
then use the switch. When you go back to linux, press
enter and then use ctr alt F7 to go back to your X
session. Everything worked fine for me when I did
this. My mouse and keyboard, which used to stop
responding, now work fine.
I hope this works for u too... let me know.

--- Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using a 4 port Linksys switch with a Logitech
 mouse. It work fine
 for me all the time except when I switch between X
 and console mode, but
 it can be fix by turning off gdm. However, I think
 the problem exist
 because of my mouse. HTH.
 Here is the link to that switch
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
 Of Tim Evans
  Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:59 AM
  To: Randy Kramer
  Subject: Re[2]: [newbie] Problem with Mouse
  Hello Randy,
  Friday, January 04, 2002, 1:26:51 AM, you wrote:
  RK Tim Evans wrote:
 I'm a newbie, having just installed Mdk8.1 as
 a dual boot with my
 Win2K machine.
 The problem is I have 3 machines which use a
 switch. If I start Mdk8.1 everything is fine,
 but once I 
  switch to
 one of the other machines and then switch
 back, the Mouse has
 Is there any way to unfreeze the mouse with
 out shutting down?
  RK Tim,
  RK Sorry, I can't answer you're question
 positively, I 
  really wanted to 
  RK ask you a question -- what brand/model of KVM
 are you 
  using, and is 
  RK it set up for PS/2 or AT type ports (or USB)?
  Its a cheap Mechanical one, that has PS/2 Ports
 for both 
  Mouse and keyboard, works fine with Win NT and
  RK I'm still using a mechanical KVM with AT
 ports, with 
  three computers 
  RK that use AT ports and one that uses PS/2
 ports.  The 
  (PS/2) keyboard 
  RK words fine works fine through the KVM to the
 PS/2 computer with 
  RK appropriate adapters, but I had no luck at all
 with the 
  PS/2 mouse 
  RK port, so I set that computer up to use the
 serial port for the 
  RK mouse.  I'd be interested in any experiences
 you've had along 
  RK similar lines.
  RK I had planned to upgrade to an electronic KVM,
 but had trouble 
  RK determining whether it would work properly,
 and, in the end, it 
  RK ain't broke, so I decided not to fix it (for
 the time being).
  RK Thanks,
  RK Randy Kramer
  Best regards,

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RE: Re[2]: [newbie] Problem with Mouse Freezing.

2002-01-06 Per discussione Robin

Thanks for the idea, however, my problem is when in text mode, no
problem with X at all. Since so far I haven't had much need to use mouse
in text mode, I only run gdm when I really need to use mouse.

I was just going to replay to your other mail about switch box. I
thought I will just post my hardware here in case anyone else wants to
get an switch box as well. Anyone else has successful working keyboard,
mouse and switch combo, please add to it.

I am using a 4 port Linksys switch,, Dell
QuietKey keyboard and Logitech MouseMan Wheel mouse. I occasional have
problem with this mouse, the switch seems to work better with standard 3
button wheel mouse (this mouse has an extra button on the side), I have
no problem when using Logitech First Wheel Mouse or MS (yes, MS)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roberto 
 Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 1:34 AM
 Subject: RE: Re[2]: [newbie] Problem with Mouse Freezing.
 I had the same problem and in my case i found a
 solution. When you are in linux mouse and keyboard
 are working and you want to switch to another box,
 before you use the switch to do the switcihng, go to
 any of the non-graphical terminals ctr alt F1 and
 then use the switch. When you go back to linux, press
 enter and then use ctr alt F7 to go back to your X
 session. Everything worked fine for me when I did
 this. My mouse and keyboard, which used to stop
 responding, now work fine.
 I hope this works for u too... let me know.
 --- Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am using a 4 port Linksys switch with a Logitech
  mouse. It work fine
  for me all the time except when I switch between X
  and console mode, but
  it can be fix by turning off gdm. However, I think
  the problem exist
  because of my mouse. HTH.
  Here is the link to that switch
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
  Of Tim Evans
   Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:59 AM
   To: Randy Kramer
   Subject: Re[2]: [newbie] Problem with Mouse
   Hello Randy,
   Friday, January 04, 2002, 1:26:51 AM, you wrote:
   RK Tim Evans wrote:
  I'm a newbie, having just installed Mdk8.1 as
  a dual boot with my
  Win2K machine.

  The problem is I have 3 machines which use a
  switch. If I start Mdk8.1 everything is fine,
  but once I
   switch to
  one of the other machines and then switch
  back, the Mouse has

  Is there any way to unfreeze the mouse with
  out shutting down?
   RK Tim,
   RK Sorry, I can't answer you're question
  positively, I
   really wanted to
   RK ask you a question -- what brand/model of KVM
  are you
   using, and is
   RK it set up for PS/2 or AT type ports (or USB)?
   Its a cheap Mechanical one, that has PS/2 Ports
  for both
   Mouse and keyboard, works fine with Win NT and
   RK I'm still using a mechanical KVM with AT
  ports, with
   three computers
   RK that use AT ports and one that uses PS/2
  ports.  The
   (PS/2) keyboard
   RK words fine works fine through the KVM to the
  PS/2 computer with
   RK appropriate adapters, but I had no luck at all
  with the
   PS/2 mouse
   RK port, so I set that computer up to use the
  serial port for the
   RK mouse.  I'd be interested in any experiences
  you've had along
   RK similar lines.
   RK I had planned to upgrade to an electronic KVM,
  but had trouble
   RK determining whether it would work properly,
  and, in the end, it
   RK ain't broke, so I decided not to fix it (for
  the time being).
   RK Thanks,
   RK Randy Kramer
   Best regards,
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Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Ed Tharp

are you sending (or recieving) the file type as ascii text? ot bininary?

On Sunday 06 January 2002 01:24, you wrote:
 I am signing as user type. When I use FTP it walked to my folder (my
 user name) and I can see this folder but can not up load. I read a book
 about WU-FTP but really don't know much about permission.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mithrilhall2000
 Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 8:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

 Sounds like a permissions problem. What are you signing in as?

 - Original Message -
 From: Tuan Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 12:13 PM
 Subject: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

  Hi all,
  I am setting up FTP and I can not create of up load files to the Linux
  server (RH7.1 Pro version). I use CuteFTP and can log in to the
  server. However, when I tried to upload a file to this server it gave
  me an error. Any thought? Thank you
  PS. I use WU-FTP for this server
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Re: [newbie] Ouch - I cannot install the C/C++/Make packages...

2002-01-06 Per discussione Ed Tharp

boot with cdrom1, choose update, expert (working from bad memory here..) 
chose developer?

On Sunday 06 January 2002 02:16, you wrote:
 During the install I decided I would not need the C/C++ dev system (DOH!).
 Now I
 am trying to get gcc and make onto my system.  ALL installs to GCC and/or
 make are
 failing with dependencies to either themselves or binutils.

 Now I cannot install them (I am actually using urpmi, but have tried

 I tried the GUI tools for packages and they always give an error stating
 that the files
 (make, gcc) are either bad, unreadable or not found packages.

 Other than a complete re-install and try from scratch, any ideas???

 Chris Anderson
 SQA Specialist
 Customer Service Oriented
 Team Player

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[newbie] qtella

2002-01-06 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

I just installed  qtella from the cooker, but I get the same problem that 
I've seen from every gnutella client I've ever tried : it just keeps 
trying to connect but never actually makes it to a host.

Any ideas?
Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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[newbie] Gnumeric crash

2002-01-06 Per discussione Paul

Hi all,

all of a sudden Gnumeric crashes on me.
I use it regularly, even yesterday. Today I want to load it and it crashes.
I uninstalled and installed it again: crash. Rebooted the machine to make
sure that all memory and processes clean: gnumeric crashes.

Anyone have a clue what might be wrong here? Should I try and find a newer
release (running 0.64 now) and upgrade?



Judge a tree from its fruit; not from the leaves.
-Euripedes - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Amish K. Munshi


Thanks a lot but I guess I live a very long way away. I am in Mumbai,
India. I guess you might have heard about this city somwhere atleast.
Also does most of the later version of Linux simiarly slow. I am only
keen on changing from RedHat 7.1 since it is slow. It takes more than 40
sec. to start any application on it. Even the Netscape 4.75 with it takes
more than a minute to start. But on Caldera 2.4 the speed is very fast.
Netscape browser takes less than 10 sec. to start. I wasn't able to start
RedHat 7.0 on my comp. I am planning to buy the 2 Cd pack from Mandrake but
I want to know if it will work (Seems to be a big problem with Linux) I wish
that while buying my Hardware I knew that Windows was so impossible to use.
I would have made sure that I got a good components that are most
compactible with Linux. Most are still compactible except the most common
problem of the modem, for some reason the Dlink support have created the
drivers only for the 2.4 kernel.
Also the speed problem is more in KDE 2.0 mainly the GNOME is fast
enough. but it doesn't have a good email client. I liked the KDE email
client a lot and found it to be the best of all after Outlook Express. I
tried this software called cscmail but couldn't manage to install it.
I also tried to use Ximian but it has some problems with the perl

Thanks a lot for your support.

- Original Message -
From: Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 4:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

 Amish K. Munshi wrote:
  I am a silent observer at all the lists. But I am keen on knowing
  about the Linux distributions you have tried. I just have a Red Hat
  7.0, 7.1 and an Caldera e-Desktop 2.4, the Caldera 2.4 and Red hat 7.0
  have very good speed of working but my modem is supported only on a
  2.4 kernel. So I have to use ResHat 7.1, I do not have a dedicated
  internet connection so I can't download any distibutions for myself.
  Can you tell me if this slow speed of execution is a problem with the
  new 2.4 kernel, since I have a lot of memory(160 MB) and a pretty good
  processor (5000 Mhz K6-2). Also which is your favourite distro and
  Sorry to ask you so many questions right at the first go, but I am
  a newbie and want to enter the world of linux all alone in my friend
  circle, and if I have to get a Linux distro then I have to buy a
  Magazine that has a distro (That means a lot of waiting) or buy a
  boxed product (which is expensive to try distro's for the first go). I
  have been using 7.1 for a long time now.
  Thanks and bye.


 I assume that you found my name on the newbie list, so I am responding

 I tried several Linux distributions about 18 months ago, and they would
 all be considered out-of-date at this point.  (Examples: Mandrake 7.2
 and earlier, RedHat 6.0 and earlier, Caldera 2.4 and earlier, and some
 one ofs that don't come to mind at this time.)  Of those, I liked
 Mandrake 7.2 the best.  One criteria was an installation that worked on
 my hardware, another was software that I liked (and I ended up liking
 KDE more than GNome or anything else).

 Recently I tried RedHat 7.2 because someone donated a server for a
 project with RedHat 7.2 preinstalled.  I tried installing it on one of
 my machines to have a testbed, but was not successful.  I tried
 upgrading to Mandrake 8.0 and troktopel 3 but was not successful, have
 now been somewhat successful with Mandrake 8.1.

 IMHO, if you have a working installation of something like RedHat 7.1,
 stick with it until you find a limitation that requires that you change
 or upgrade.  There is a fair amount of documentation available on RedHat
 (maybe more than any other Linux, but maybe Mandrake is catching up

 What part of the world are you in?  Maybe I can send you Mandrake 7.2 or
 8.1 if it doesn't cost much in postage (or import duties).

 Randy Kramer

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[newbie] Re[2]: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione [ © ª N ª ® i º JØË ]¹

Amish K. Munshi, Mandrake-group:  

Hello  Amish, I just drop a line to greet you from Canary Islands
(centran  east atlantic ocean). There is a very nice email client
from Ximian, the Evolution. It looks great. There are rpms.

Mandrake is a zillion times better than RedHat. As RHat went into
the stock xchange, it became a distribution which made (dead-line
related)  mistakes  which  it  didnt  do before. Bad. Also, it is
turtle^2 slow*slow. Nah, Mandrake is the way to go.

I  dont  know  whether  you could buy Mandrake in India (I *love*
that  country)  but  I  am  sure  you  could  get  a  copy of the
distibution from any indian university (Bangalore, for instance).


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ø©Eªnº - þªT®iª - NØsT®ª]

Sunday, January 06, 2002, 15:30:35 [Islas Canarias, GMT].

Amish K. Munshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió [6/01/2002, 7:54]:

AKM Thanks  a  lot but I guess I live a very long way away. I am
AKM in  Mumbai,  India.  I guess you might have heard about this
AKM city  somwhere  atleast. Also does most of the later version
AKM of  Linux  simiarly  slow.  I  am only keen on changing from
AKM RedHat  7.1  since it is slow. It takes more than 40 sec. to
AKM start  any application on it. Even the Netscape 4.75 with it
AKM takes  more  than  a minute to start. But on Caldera 2.4 the
AKM speed is very fast. Netscape browser takes less than 10 sec.
AKM to start. I wasn't able to start RedHat 7.0 on my comp. I am
AKM planning  to  buy  the 2 Cd pack from Mandrake but I want to
AKM know  if it will work (Seems to be a big problem with Linux)
AKM I wish that while buying my Hardware I knew that Windows was
AKM so  impossible  to  use. I would have made sure that I got a
AKM good  components  that are most compactible with Linux. Most
AKM are  still compactible except the most common problem of the
AKM modem,  for  some  reason the Dlink support have created the
AKM drivers  only  for the 2.4 kernel. Also the speed problem is
AKM more  in  KDE  2.0  mainly  the GNOME is fast enough. but it
AKM doesn't  have  a  good  email  client. I liked the KDE email
AKM client  a  lot  and  found  it  to  be the best of all after
AKM Outlook  Express.  I  tried this software called cscmail but
AKM couldn't  manage  to  install it. I also tried to use Ximian
AKM but it has some problems with the perl installation.

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[newbie] Applications crashing--how to troubleshoot?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Todd Slater

When I try to run ImageMagick, I see the hourglass working in the task
bar, but the program never comes up. When trying to run Tuxracer, my
monitor flickers and when the display reappears, half the display is
off-screen and it freezes. Any idea how to troubleshoot?


Todd Slater

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[newbie] Why does fetchmail see my messages, but skip retrieving them?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Mel Roman


I've recently started working with fetchmail to
download my mail from two pop3 servers.  Everything
was working as advertised until yesterday.  When I
examine the log file, I see that fetchmail is getting
into the accounts and seeing the messages, but then
decides to skip those messages and not flush them.  I
have done nothing to change my fetchmail configuration
recently.  My fetchmail.rc is exactly the same as it
was when everything was working fine.  Does anybody
have any idea what the problem is?  I've included
below 2 excerpts of the log file for comparison (one
when it working, one when it stopped working):

fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying (protocol POP3)
at Thu Jan  3 01:35:53 2002
fetchmail: POP3 +OK InterMail POP3 server ready.
fetchmail: POP3 USER mroman0837 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK please send PASS command
fetchmail: POP3 PASS * 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK mroman0837 is welcome here
fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 12882
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
fetchmail: 1 message for mroman0837 at (12882 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 messages
fetchmail: POP3 1 12882
fetchmail: POP3 .
fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 12882 octets
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 1 (12882 octets)
fetchmail: About to rewrite Return-Path:
Rewritten version is Return-Path:

fetchmail: About to rewrite From: Multex Investor
Rewritten version is From: Multex Investor

fetchmail: About to rewrite To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Rewritten version is To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

fetchmail: about to deliver with: procmail
fetchmail:  flushed
fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK mroman0837 InterMail POP3 server
signing off.

fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying (protocol
POP3) at Sun 06 Jan 2002 10:38:35 AM EST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK hello from popgate
fetchmail: POP3 USER f24012
fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required.
fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
fetchmail: POP3 +OK maildrop ready, 1 message (10286
octets) (357708 6291456)
fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 10286
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1
1 message (1 seen) for f24012 at
(10286 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 message (10286 octets)
fetchmail: POP3 1 10286
fetchmail: POP3 .
skipping message 1 (10286 octets) not flushed
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK server signing off.
fetchmail: not swapping UID lists, no UIDs seen this
fetchmail: Query status=1 (NOMAIL)

Any insights would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Mel Roman

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Re: [newbie] qtella

2002-01-06 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Do you have any hosts configured? Gnutella needs to connect to a server
initially so that it can fetch a current list of client IPs that are online.
Here are some hosts to start you off:

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 16:02:29 +0200, Michel Clasquin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed  qtella from the cooker, but I get the same problem that 
 I've seen from every gnutella client I've ever tried : it just keeps 
 trying to connect but never actually makes it to a host.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Stop re-designing something just because you want to.
-- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Noah Swint

I haven't been able to play a single cd since switching to mandrake a
couple of weeks ago.  I get this error when mounting music cd's (all
other formats work fine)

Could not mount device:
The reported error was:

/dev/hdd: Input/output error
mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and non was specified

Any help?


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Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Mark D'voo

music cd's aren't suppost to be mounted, open up a cd player or xmms and 
point it to /mnt/cdrom or /dev/cdrom

On Sunday 06 January 2002 22:10, you wrote:
 I haven't been able to play a single cd since switching to mandrake a
 couple of weeks ago.  I get this error when mounting music cd's (all
 other formats work fine)

 Could not mount device:
 The reported error was:

 /dev/hdd: Input/output error
 mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and non was specified

 Any help?

 10:18am  up 14:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.57, 1.16, 0.99

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[newbie] MandrakeCampus: unable to login!

2002-01-06 Per discussione ai4a

I registered for MandrakeCampus and started the Basic course. About 10
minutes into the course I lost AC power to my house for about 5 seconds.
Of course my computer powered down. After restarting the system, every
thing works fine, but now I cannot login to MandrakeCampus. I even asked
for my password to be sent to me. Yes, I was using the correct password.
But I still cannot login. Any help would be appreciated.

Have a nice day

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Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

For some reason the symlink /dev/cdrom is not pointing to your cdrom  /dev/hdd

You could try deleting the symlink and adding it again with
ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom

However you might find the devfs system chabges it back again next time you 
boot. In that case edit the file in your home directory  
and where it says 
CDDevice=/dev/cdrom  change that to /dev/hdd

It should be OK then..


On Sunday 06 January 2002 16:10, Noah Swint wrote:
 I haven't been able to play a single cd since switching to mandrake a
 couple of weeks ago.  I get this error when mounting music cd's (all
 other formats work fine)

 Could not mount device:
 The reported error was:

 /dev/hdd: Input/output error
 mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and non was specified

 Any help?

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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Eric McClure

On Saturday 05 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
I uninstalled kaffe and now it works.  I didn't have to do this before.  I 
thought there might be a way of setting a hard pointer to a directory or 
symlink but as they say, you can't have two java versions running on the same 

The major and minor version errors are now fixed.  Just like I said, written 
with sdk1.4.0 and using kaffe's appletviewer caused this error.

But I swear I didn't uninstall kaffe last time and everything worked!

Eric L. McClure

p.s.  I love this stuff!  I must be insane!

 try uninstalling kaffe through mandrake control center.

 then edit your .bashrc and add the full path to your jdk1.4.0 bin dir to
 the PATH env, save .bashrc, and then type source .bashrc command at the

 then type: java -version and see what happens...

 At 20:28 02/01/05 -0500, you wrote:
 For some reason I had to install jre to get konqueror to see my apps.
 but when i type in 'java -version'
 kaffe comes up!  it use to read j2sdk1.4.0
 what gives?
 also I've tried to modify my .bashrc but it seems the changes don't take
 affect.  what is the permissions for .bashrc?  Is it 755?
 eric l. Mcclure
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Re: [newbie] Applications crashing--how to troubleshoot?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Sunday 06 January 2002 15:47, Todd Slater wrote:
 When I try to run ImageMagick, I see the hourglass working in the task
 bar, but the program never comes up.

Run it in a terminal window instead and you will see what the error message 
The command is 'ImageMagick'

 When trying to run Tuxracer, my
 monitor flickers and when the display reappears, half the display is
 off-screen and it freezes. Any idea how to troubleshoot?

Have you installed the OpenGL drivers? If you are using an Nvidia card you 
must download them from the Nvidia site and/or the  site 
if you are using the upgraded kernel.
If you have installed them do you see the Nvidia splash screen when you start 
X? and do you get a page of text when you type glxinfo in a terminal window? 
If the answer to either of these questions is no, then you have installed the 
drivers incorrectly.



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Re: [newbie] Stale Information Left Over From Previous Installations

2002-01-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks for your reply!

Joseph Braddock wrote:
 Assuming you told the installer to format the partitions after you
 re-assigned the names, it should have done just that.  

Yes, but my understanding of a Linux format is that it is very fast, and
my assumption is that it is very fast it because it does not overwrite
all the old data.  (I don't know for sure what Dos/Windows does, but I
know there is a quick format and a regular format, and the quick does
something that definitely does not overwrite all the old data (not sure
whether the old data is readable afterwards or not).

 If what you were
 having problems with related to configuration files in your home directory,
 then when you logged in, you would have received the same home directory and
 configuration files you had before.  

Thanks for reminding me of that, but I don't think that was relevant in
my cases, because, in the end, I usually kept my old /home directory. 
There have been times (not usually at installation) where I've
intentionally wiped out, for example, the .kde confiiguration files to
fix a problem.

 What I do before a new install on an
 existing installation is rename my old home directories to something else.
 That way when I create the users again, they get fresh configuration files.
 I then assign rights to the old directories and can move anything back that
 I want.

That's a good idea that I can use if the case arises.

Thanks again!
Randy Kramer

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[newbie] staroffice

2002-01-06 Per discussione Eric McClure

I found staroffice on disc 4 Commercial applications cd 1

I though I seen this on 8.1 and it doesn't have you do an install when I 
preloaded all my disks unlike 8.0, I just click it and go to work, it does 
ask for registration though.

take care,
eric l. mcclure

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Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

The advice I gave here was for when the CD player kscd reports it cannot find 
an audio disc. On rereading the original post Mark's advice about not 
attempting to mount audio CD's is more appropriate.


On Sunday 06 January 2002 16:23, Derek Jennings wrote:
 For some reason the symlink /dev/cdrom is not pointing to your cdrom 

 You could try deleting the symlink and adding it again with
 ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom

 However you might find the devfs system chabges it back again next time you
 boot. In that case edit the file in your home directory
 and where it says
 CDDevice=/dev/cdrom  change that to /dev/hdd

 It should be OK then..


 On Sunday 06 January 2002 16:10, Noah Swint wrote:
  I haven't been able to play a single cd since switching to mandrake a
  couple of weeks ago.  I get this error when mounting music cd's (all
  other formats work fine)
  Could not mount device:
  The reported error was:
  /dev/hdd: Input/output error
  mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and non was specified
  Any help?

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Re: [newbie] Stale Information Left Over From Previous Installations

2002-01-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks for your response!

Erylon wrote:
 The only comment I have is that I haven't experienced those problems, but
 then, my installations tend to be pretty much trouble-free after I have them
 setup, so, as they say, ymmv.  As far as the SIS card goes--that's weird,
 because I've done a couple of installs (7.2 and 8.0) on a box with an SIS 630
 w/4megs onboard, and never had a problem at all.  Maybe it's only with the
 chips integrated onto the mobo?


Thanks again,
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Applications crashing--how to troubleshoot?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Sunday 06 January 2002 17:47, Todd Slater wrote:
 When I try to run ImageMagick, I see the hourglass working in the task
 bar, but the program never comes up. When trying to run Tuxracer, my
 monitor flickers and when the display reappears, half the display is
 off-screen and it freezes. Any idea how to troubleshoot?

Try to run it from a terminal and see what error messages come up

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] Ouch - I cannot install the C/C++/Make packages...

2002-01-06 Per discussione skinky

On Sunday 06 January 2002 20:16, Chris Anderson wrote:
|  During the install I decided I would not need the C/C++ dev system
| (DOH!). Now I
|  am trying to get gcc and make onto my system.  ALL installs to GCC
| and/or make are
|  failing with dependencies to either themselves or binutils.
|  Now I cannot install them (I am actually using urpmi, but have tried
|  rpmdrake).
|  I tried the GUI tools for packages and they always give an error
| stating that the files
|  (make, gcc) are either bad, unreadable or not found packages.
|  Other than a complete re-install and try from scratch, any ideas???

You could try updating the rpm database. In a terminal as root rpm 
--rebuilddb without the quotes.  That usually fixes the problem for me 
when rpmdrake starts telling me that all my packages are bad.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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RE: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Tuan Tran

I sent(up load) a *.GIF file

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 5:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

are you sending (or recieving) the file type as ascii text? ot bininary?

On Sunday 06 January 2002 01:24, you wrote:
 I am signing as user type. When I use FTP it walked to my folder (my 
 user name) and I can see this folder but can not up load. I read a 
 book about WU-FTP but really don't know much about permission.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mithrilhall2000
 Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 8:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

 Sounds like a permissions problem. What are you signing in as?

 - Original Message -
 From: Tuan Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 12:13 PM
 Subject: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

  Hi all,
  I am setting up FTP and I can not create of up load files to the 
  server (RH7.1 Pro version). I use CuteFTP and can log in to the 
  server. However, when I tried to upload a file to this server it 
  gave me an error. Any thought? Thank you Tuan
  PS. I use WU-FTP for this server
  Do You Yahoo!?
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[newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-06 Per discussione Rich

I'm running Mandrake 8.1 and a couple of the applications that I've
downloaded and intalled (using RPMs) have installed as shell scripts,
rather than binary executables.  Is there a way to convert the script to
an executable that can be launched using an icon from the desktop?


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Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Derek Jennings wrote:
 The advice I gave here was for when the CD player kscd reports it cannot find
 an audio disc. On rereading the original post Mark's advice about not
 attempting to mount audio CD's is more appropriate.


Thanks for posting this -- posts like this will help us newbies to
filter out the best advice from the second best!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Why does fetchmail see my messages, but skip retrieving them?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Lee Roberts

This may not solve your problem but have you considered no keep instead
of flush. According to the man pages flush can cause problems with
retrieving mail if something causes the mail retrieval to hang. 

BTW, the man pages shows nokeep but it's suppose to be no keep (in
other words no and keep are suppose to be separated with a space).
nokeep causes an error.

At 07:55 AM 1/6/2002 -0800, Mel Roman wrote:


I've recently started working with fetchmail to
download my mail from two pop3 servers.  Everything
was working as advertised until yesterday.  When I
examine the log file, I see that fetchmail is getting
into the accounts and seeing the messages, but then
decides to skip those messages and not flush them.  I
have done nothing to change my fetchmail configuration
recently.  My fetchmail.rc is exactly the same as it
was when everything was working fine.  Does anybody
have any idea what the problem is?  I've included
below 2 excerpts of the log file for comparison (one
when it working, one when it stopped working):

fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying (protocol POP3)
at Thu Jan  3 01:35:53 2002
fetchmail: POP3 +OK InterMail POP3 server ready.
fetchmail: POP3 USER mroman0837 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK please send PASS command
fetchmail: POP3 PASS * 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK mroman0837 is welcome here
fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 12882
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
fetchmail: 1 message for mroman0837 at (12882 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 messages
fetchmail: POP3 1 12882
fetchmail: POP3 .
fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 12882 octets
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 1 (12882 octets)
fetchmail: About to rewrite Return-Path:
Rewritten version is Return-Path:

fetchmail: About to rewrite From: Multex Investor
Rewritten version is From: Multex Investor

fetchmail: About to rewrite To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Rewritten version is To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

fetchmail: about to deliver with: procmail
fetchmail:  flushed
fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK mroman0837 InterMail POP3 server
signing off.

fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying (protocol
POP3) at Sun 06 Jan 2002 10:38:35 AM EST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK hello from popgate
fetchmail: POP3 USER f24012
fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required.
fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
fetchmail: POP3 +OK maildrop ready, 1 message (10286
octets) (357708 6291456)
fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 10286
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1
1 message (1 seen) for f24012 at
(10286 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 message (10286 octets)
fetchmail: POP3 1 10286
fetchmail: POP3 .
skipping message 1 (10286 octets) not flushed
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK server signing off.
fetchmail: not swapping UID lists, no UIDs seen this
fetchmail: Query status=1 (NOMAIL)

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Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Noah Swint

Thanks.. Grip Seems To Work With My CDs.  Kscd doesn't allow me to
configure what cd rom device it reads from without crashing.  You're a
life send.

On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 13:12, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 I found that the only program that played my audio Cd's without any 
 special setup was Grip . It was part of the 8.1 power pack.

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Registered Linux User Number 254358

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[newbie] Digest messages?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Carter Lyle

Hey Gang-
I just joined this list earlier today, is there a way to set my subscription 
options to digest?

Carter Lyle

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[newbie] Gpm question

2002-01-06 Per discussione Barbara Pfieffer

I can't get my mouse to work in X unless I su to root, run gpm -m
/dev/psaux, then startx. Is there a way to have this run on bootup?
because of this, I can't boot into X directly either. Thanks!


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[newbie] RESOLVED: Why does fetchmail see my messages, but skip retrieving them?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Mel Roman


I figured out the problem.  I reviewed the man
fetchmail documentation again for the No Keep option
Lee Roberts referred to (Thanks, Lee) and then tried
including the -K switch in my fetchmail invocation. 
This, however did not solve the problem.

While scanning some of the other options, however, I
noticed the -a switch (which says to retrieve all
messages even if they had been marked seen). 
Looking back at the log file, I noticed that the mail
server had indicated that the one message was seen,
so it appeared that the message was being ignored for
that reason.  I then invoked fetchmail with the -a
switch and everything was working fine again.

For some reason, the mail server was marking the
messages as seen, even though I don't think I had ever
had anything to do with those most recent messages
before.  At any rate, I'm going to include the -a
option from now on.

Thanks again to Lee for taking the time to offer your

Have a nice day,

--- Mel Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 07:55:07 -0800 (PST)
 From: Mel Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Why does fetchmail see my messages, but
 skip retrieving them?
 To: Newbie Linux - mandrake Mail Group
 I've recently started working with fetchmail to
 download my mail from two pop3 servers.  Everything
 was working as advertised until yesterday.  When I
 examine the log file, I see that fetchmail is
 into the accounts and seeing the messages, but then
 decides to skip those messages and not flush them. 
 have done nothing to change my fetchmail
 recently.  My fetchmail.rc is exactly the same as it
 was when everything was working fine.  Does anybody
 have any idea what the problem is?  I've included
 below 2 excerpts of the log file for comparison (one
 when it working, one when it stopped working):
 fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying (protocol POP3)
 at Thu Jan  3 01:35:53 2002
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK InterMail POP3 server ready.
 fetchmail: POP3 USER mroman0837 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK please send PASS command
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS * 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK mroman0837 is welcome here
 fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
 fetchmail: POP3 STAT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 12882
 fetchmail: POP3 LAST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
 fetchmail: 1 message for mroman0837 at (12882 octets).
 fetchmail: POP3 LIST 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 messages
 fetchmail: POP3 1 12882
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 12882 octets
 fetchmail: reading message 1 of 1 (12882 octets)
 fetchmail: About to rewrite Return-Path:
 Rewritten version is Return-Path:
 fetchmail: About to rewrite From: Multex Investor
 Rewritten version is From: Multex Investor
 fetchmail: About to rewrite To:
 Rewritten version is To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 fetchmail: about to deliver with: procmail
 fetchmail:  flushed
 fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK
 fetchmail: POP3 QUIT 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK mroman0837 InterMail POP3
 signing off.
 fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying
 POP3) at Sun 06 Jan 2002 10:38:35 AM EST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK hello from popgate
 fetchmail: POP3 USER f24012
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required.
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK maildrop ready, 1 message
 octets) (357708 6291456)
 fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
 fetchmail: POP3 STAT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 10286
 fetchmail: POP3 LAST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1
 1 message (1 seen) for f24012 at
 (10286 octets).
 fetchmail: POP3 LIST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 message (10286 octets)
 fetchmail: POP3 1 10286
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 skipping message 1 (10286 octets) not flushed
 fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK server signing off.
 fetchmail: not swapping UID lists, no UIDs seen this
 fetchmail: Query status=1 (NOMAIL)
 Any insights would be appreciated.
 Thanks in advance,
 Mel Roman
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Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione g.sanders

Hi Noah, 

I was having the same seems kscd wasn't creating a config file 
when it was started. What fixed it for me was to create kscdrc in 
.kde/share/config, start cd player, shut it down, and then edit it as Derek 
stated earlier. (be sure to check what device your cdrom is before changing 
it of course. I noticed that Derek's is different than mine, and yours might 
be different than either of ours.)



On Sunday 06 January 2002 11:38, you wrote:
 Thanks.. Grip Seems To Work With My CDs.  Kscd doesn't allow me to
 configure what cd rom device it reads from without crashing.  You're a
 life send.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Tom wrote:
  I recently sent 8.1 CD's to New Zealand. You'll need to fill out a
 little green US Customs form, and it was about $2 postage. The only
 info the form asks for is sender, receiver, and a contents declaration.
 Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas, USA


Thanks very much!  Some followups -- what value did you declare, how did
you describe the contents, and, to your knowledge, did your declarations
and descriptions cause any problems for the addressee?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Ed Tharp

but was the ftp program set to send a biniary type file? as I understand it, 
there are two types of files ftp can handle when sending to a *nix box,  text 
(plain text like an html or script file, and others that handle the end of 
line and end of file hidden markings differently. it is important to make 
sure the FTP program is set to the type of file you are sending. what ftp 
program are you using?

On Sunday 06 January 2002 14:20, you wrote:
 I sent(up load) a *.GIF file

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
 Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 5:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

 are you sending (or recieving) the file type as ascii text? ot bininary?

 On Sunday 06 January 2002 01:24, you wrote:
  I am signing as user type. When I use FTP it walked to my folder (my
  user name) and I can see this folder but can not up load. I read a
  book about WU-FTP but really don't know much about permission.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mithrilhall2000
  Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 8:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?
  Sounds like a permissions problem. What are you signing in as?
  - Original Message -
  From: Tuan Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 12:13 PM
  Subject: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?
   Hi all,
   I am setting up FTP and I can not create of up load files to the
   server (RH7.1 Pro version). I use CuteFTP and can log in to the
   server. However, when I tried to upload a file to this server it
   gave me an error. Any thought? Thank you Tuan
   PS. I use WU-FTP for this server
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Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 06 January 2002 02:20 pm, Tuan Tran wrote:
 I sent(up load) a *.GIF file

Send it as binary NOY ASCII


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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 06 January 2002 09:29 am, Eric McClure wrote:
 On Saturday 05 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
 I uninstalled kaffe and now it works.  I didn't have to do this before.  I
 thought there might be a way of setting a hard pointer to a directory or
 symlink but as they say, you can't have two java versions running on the
 same computer.

 The major and minor version errors are now fixed.  Just like I said,
 written with sdk1.4.0 and using kaffe's appletviewer caused this error.

 But I swear I didn't uninstall kaffe last time and everything worked!

How did you configure konqueror,
I have the jre installed in /usr/local/j2re1.3/
But I can't seem to get konqueror to use it.
I went to konqueror settings java an entered the location
Any tips?


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RE: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-06 Per discussione Mel Roman


If I understand you correctly, you have a shell script
that you want to invoke from an icon on your desktop. 
There no need to create an executable if the script
does what you want it to do once invoked.  Just create
an icon on your desktop.  In the properties of that
icon, there should be a field where you specify the
command line to be executed when the icon is pressed. 
Fill in that field with the full path and filename of
the script.

I've tried not to be too verbose, but let me know if
any of this requires further clarification.

Have a nice day,


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Re: [newbie] Gnumeric crash

2002-01-06 Per discussione Neville Cobb

have you tried running it from the gnome desktop?

Paul wrote:

Hi all,

all of a sudden Gnumeric crashes on me.
I use it regularly, even yesterday. Today I want to load it and it crashes.
I uninstalled and installed it again: crash. Rebooted the machine to make
sure that all memory and processes clean: gnumeric crashes.

Anyone have a clue what might be wrong here? Should I try and find a newer
release (running 0.64 now) and upgrade?



Judge a tree from its fruit; not from the leaves.
-Euripedes - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws

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Re: [newbie] Environment variables, evolution and bonobo

2002-01-06 Per discussione Dave Sherman

You would be better off modifying the .bash_profile in your home
directory. Otherwise, you are correct in your understanding of
environment variables, how to set them, and how to export them.


On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 12:21, Terry Smith wrote:
 I think this is a prety basic question, but that's why I'm a newbie:-).
 Today's task is upgrading evolution.
 Short version:
 I'd like to add an environment variable. I've never done this but have
 RTFM'd. Am I correct in assuming that I could edit the '/etc/profile'
 file, add a new line such as 'ENVVAR=value' and then add the ENVVAR to
 the 'EXPORT' line?
 Longer version:
 I found a magazine in the local bookstore - LinuxFormat - published in
 the UK. Seems pretty good (and also quite expensive). Anyone have
 experience with the mag? Anyway, when you buy the mag you get a CD with
 lots of software on it, including, in this case, Evolution 1.0 beta 5.
 Now I know I can go to Ximian's site and grab this stuff but I'm trying
 to upgrade my evolution from the CD supplied files.
 I unpacked the tarball and ran ./configure. I got an error to the effect
 that configure couldn't locate the oaf-config file. Well I don't know
 what this is but I did a locate and found an /etc/oaf directory with a
 couple of files in it (oat-config.xml and auto-config.xml.example).
 Configure says I should set my environment variable OAF-CONFIG to the
 full path name of oaf-config.
 So can I modify my /etc/profile file by adding a line, viz.
 and then adding
 OAF-CONFIG to the line in the /etc/profile that EXPORTS environmental
 Terry Smith
 Hatchville, MA, USA

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good
with ketchup.

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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Eric McClure

On Sunday 06 January 2002 15:30, you wrote:
you almost had the path,
try: /usr/local/j2re1.3/bin/java

let me know,

also check the box enable java globally, and there is a java console checkbox 
to check if you want

 On Sunday 06 January 2002 09:29 am, Eric McClure wrote:
  On Saturday 05 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
  I uninstalled kaffe and now it works.  I didn't have to do this before. 
  I thought there might be a way of setting a hard pointer to a directory
  or symlink but as they say, you can't have two java versions running on
  the same computer.
  The major and minor version errors are now fixed.  Just like I said,
  written with sdk1.4.0 and using kaffe's appletviewer caused this error.
  But I swear I didn't uninstall kaffe last time and everything worked!

 How did you configure konqueror,
 I have the jre installed in /usr/local/j2re1.3/
 But I can't seem to get konqueror to use it.
 I went to konqueror settings java an entered the location
 Any tips?


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[newbie] Suggested /home size?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Wes Gregg


I was installing linux to an approximately 8 gig partition (reiserfs) 
and that seemed to give some stability in the case of my numerous 
stabs at the reset switch.  But now I have a somewhat stable system 
but have to reinstall linux due to video driver issues.

It has been suggested that I shrink this partition down a little bit 
in order to create a separate smaller partition for my /home 
directories.  This in case I ever have to reinstall (after this next time) I 
won't lose all of our email/personal files/configuration  settings.

What is a good size for the /home directory?  I know I don't need 
the whole 8 gigs for my main linux partition - I think when I installed 
Mandrake it only took up about 3.5 gigs, maybe even a little bit less.

Does it matter what file system I use for the separate partition?  
Should I just make it reiserfs also?

And while I'm wondering about partitions, somewhere I had the 
option to tell it whether a partition shouold be primary, extended, or 
not pick anything.  Not knowing what I should pick, I didn't pick any 
option.  Does it matter in linux if I choose an option or not?

Wes G.
(Temporarily) from Windows

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Re: [newbie] RE: Zip Drive

2002-01-06 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
 Thanks for the tips.  Civil me was right.  I had to mknod and then it
 was recognized.  I had pointed it to hdd4, but it just wouldn't work.
 Had a little trouple with the modem by got that straighten out too.  I
 did use the dmesg  dmesg.txt.  That confirmed my zip as hdd.  Thanks

Glad you got it working. Civileme is almost always right. I've rarely if ever
seen him be wrong about something. smile

Still, I'm curious about the whole issue because I've never had to do a mknod
from 7.0 thru 8.1, even when my Zip drive would not work and thats installing
it on a pre-existing setup under my orginal 7.0 installation. I know things
have changed with the addition of devfs, and I'm going to have to read up on
that... ;-)

See ya!


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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Eric McClure

On Sunday 06 January 2002 15:30, you wrote:

this is where mine is located, and I just noticed that you said usr/local

make sure that's where the jre is by typing whereis j2re.

take care,
Eric L. McClure

 On Sunday 06 January 2002 09:29 am, Eric McClure wrote:
  On Saturday 05 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
  I uninstalled kaffe and now it works.  I didn't have to do this before. 
  I thought there might be a way of setting a hard pointer to a directory
  or symlink but as they say, you can't have two java versions running on
  the same computer.
  The major and minor version errors are now fixed.  Just like I said,
  written with sdk1.4.0 and using kaffe's appletviewer caused this error.
  But I swear I didn't uninstall kaffe last time and everything worked!

 How did you configure konqueror,
 I have the jre installed in /usr/local/j2re1.3/
 But I can't seem to get konqueror to use it.
 I went to konqueror settings java an entered the location
 Any tips?


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[newbie] changing modules for devices

2002-01-06 Per discussione karthigan srinivasan

I have a 2.2.17 Mandrake 7.2 on my system. I want to change the
module (.o file ) for my sound card.

By default my kernel has the ALSA driver loaded into it.

How do I remove the installed module from the kernel?

When I try insmod with my new driver for the soundcard(ES1989 ESS 
Technology), it saying the resource is busy. And the current kernel
has ALSA driver modules.

Do I have to recompile the kernel? Or can I remove installed modules
and then install new modules dynamically?


Karthigan Srinivasan.

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RE: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Tuan Tran

I use CuteFTP and don't know much about this software. I just dowloaded
it and trying it out.
I will try to figure out with this software.
Thank you all for help

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

but was the ftp program set to send a biniary type file? as I understand
there are two types of files ftp can handle when sending to a *nix box,
(plain text like an html or script file, and others that handle the end
line and end of file hidden markings differently. it is important to
sure the FTP program is set to the type of file you are sending. what
program are you using?

On Sunday 06 January 2002 14:20, you wrote:
 I sent(up load) a *.GIF file

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
 Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 5:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?

 are you sending (or recieving) the file type as ascii text? ot 

 On Sunday 06 January 2002 01:24, you wrote:
  I am signing as user type. When I use FTP it walked to my folder (my

  user name) and I can see this folder but can not up load. I read a 
  book about WU-FTP but really don't know much about permission.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 8:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?
  Sounds like a permissions problem. What are you signing in as?
  - Original Message -
  From: Tuan Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 12:13 PM
  Subject: [newbie] FTP upload; did I miss something?
   Hi all,
   I am setting up FTP and I can not create of up load files to the 
   server (RH7.1 Pro version). I use CuteFTP and can log in to the 
   server. However, when I tried to upload a file to this server it 
   gave me an error. Any thought? Thank you Tuan PS. I use WU-FTP for

   this server
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Re: [newbie] RE: Zip Drive

2002-01-06 Per discussione Marcia

On Sunday 06 January 2002 03:22 pm, you wrote:
 Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
  Thanks for the tips.  Civil me was right.  I had to mknod and then it
  was recognized.  I had pointed it to hdd4, but it just wouldn't work.
  Had a little trouple with the modem by got that straighten out too.  I
  did use the dmesg  dmesg.txt.  That confirmed my zip as hdd.  Thanks

 Glad you got it working. Civileme is almost always right. I've rarely if
 ever seen him be wrong about something. smile

 Still, I'm curious about the whole issue because I've never had to do a
 mknod from 7.0 thru 8.1, even when my Zip drive would not work and thats
 installing it on a pre-existing setup under my orginal 7.0 installation. I
 know things have changed with the addition of devfs, and I'm going to have
 to read up on that... ;-)

 See ya!

Dear All,

I still cannot get my sound working with my printing and both zip drives. I 
have LM8.1 and have been dealing with this for a long while. Could this be a 
devfs problem? Maybe I need to do the mknod for my zip drive, also. How would 
I do that for a zip drive that is sda 4? What would the numbers be at the end 
of the command line for a sda 4?

Thanks for any help.



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Re: [newbie] Gnumeric crash

2002-01-06 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 07 Jan 2002 07:18:40 +1100, Neville Cobb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

have you tried running it from the gnome desktop?

Nope, I am running XFCE which has all the Gnome libraries on board. Nothing
changed in the setup, except the monitor. I doubt this would be the problem
though... Or could it?
I tried running Gnome but that keeps yapping that it can't open display .

Paul wrote:

Hi all,

all of a sudden Gnumeric crashes on me.
I use it regularly, even yesterday. Today I want to load it and it
crashes. I uninstalled and installed it again: crash. Rebooted the machine
to make sure that all memory and processes clean: gnumeric crashes.

Anyone have a clue what might be wrong here? Should I try and find a newer
release (running 0.64 now) and upgrade?



Judge a tree from its fruit; not from the leaves.
-Euripedes - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws

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Judge a tree from its fruit; not from the leaves.
-Euripedes - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws

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[newbie] Sound Printing again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All,

I am still struggling with this sound and printing. My printing works fine 
now because I took my sound module out of /etc/modules but the minute I put 
it back in I lose my printing capabilities. Conflict of some sort but cannot 
figure it out yet. Civileme guessed that it might have something to do with 
the Bios but that was not clear yet and I have not received a complete answer 
about that so far. I do not know if this also could be a devfs problem or not 
and I really do not understand this new devfs sytem yet. Does anyone have any 
ideas or suggestions. Any thoughts or help will be greatly appreciated. Thank 
you very much.



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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Amish K. Munshi

Randy Kramer wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Amish K. Munshi wrote:
  Thanks a lot but I guess I live a very long way away. I am in Mumbai,India. I guess you might have heard about this city somwhere atleast.
Not until now.  Someday I'll enquire at the post office and see how muchit would cost to send some disks there -- I'm curious.

  Thanks a lot for all this help.

  Also does most of the later version of Linux simiarly slow. I am onlykeen on changing from RedHat 7.1 since it is slow. It takes more than 40sec. to start any application on it. 
In general, speed and memory usage have been two of my biggest problemswith Linux compared to Windows (95, which is basically the version I amusing (I've installed Win 98 for a few others, and used it for about ayear on a laptop).  I think (!) speed has generally decreased and memoryuse has increased from Mandrake 7.2 to 8.1 given the same hardware. Mandrake 8.1 is installed on a machine with 256 MB of RAM and is fairlyfast until it starts using swap.I do some tricks in Mandrake 7.2 to speed things up.  (Haven't used 8.1enough to decide if I need to use the same tricks.)  One trick is tokeep several browser windows open, and not "open link in new window" (orwhatever) -- instead, paste the link into an existing open browserwindow -- it avoids the overhead of opening a new window.

I usually have two bowsers open so I just switch between them.

  Even the Netscape 4.75 with it takesmore than a minute to start. But on Caldera 2.4 the speed is very fast.Netscape browser takes less than 10 sec. to start. 
Out of curiosity, are you comparing performance with the same versionsof software?  (Is it  Netscape *4.75* on both Red Hat 7.2 and Caldera2.4?)

On Red Hat 7.1 I have uses 4.77 and mostly Caldera has 4.75. I do not have
the Cd with me right now else I would have got you the exact version.

  I wasn't able to startRedHat 7.0 on my comp. I am planning to buy the 2 Cd pack from Mandrake butI want to know if it will work (Seems to be a big problem with Linux) I wishthat while buying my Hardware I knew that Windows was so impossible to use.I would have made sure that I got a good components that are mostcompactible with Linux. 
You might post a list of your hardware here, perhaps others will commenton compatibility.  ("Officially", what you should do is check thevarious hardware compatibility lists.)

About my hardware I have a AMD K6-2 500 Mhz. 
160 MB of RAM (32+128) 
Dlink 56.6 Kbps internal modem (kernel = 2.4 only supported)
SIS 530 motherboard with the sis 620 graphics card.
Basic keyboard from a local company (Microtek).
And a Logitech mouse.
And the most leftout Printer Lexmark 1100 inkjet. (I did not find the support for it anywhere).
Acer CDRom 50x.
Most of the hardware should be Linux compactible exacpt the problem of Modem and the Printer.
  Most are still compactible except the most commonproblem of the modem, for some reason the Dlink support have created thedrivers only for the 2.4 kernel.
That probably leaves Mandrake 7.2 "out of the box" out of the running,although I'm sure you could update to a 2.4 kernel.  (There might evenbe one included -- I run the 2.2.17-21mdk kernel with 7.2 -- never triedanything else.)

I have never tried upgrading the Kernel it wasn't part of my ability. I have
read the documentation but when I tried to install the new kernel on Red
Hat 7.0 it had some dependencies problems.

  Also the speed problem is more in KDE 2.0 mainly the GNOME is fastenough. but it doesn't have a good email client. I liked the KDE emailclient a lot and found it to be the best of all after Outlook Express. 
You can run kmail under GNome (IIUC -- I've never tried it).  I've heardfrom several people that Sylpheed (sp?) is a good email client.  (Icontinue to use Windows for most email and web browsing, I run a localTWiki on Linux and intend it as my experimentation / learning box.

I tried running the Kmail under GNOME but it would's show me any mails.

  Itried this software called cscmail but couldn't manage to install it.I also tried to use Ximian but it has some problems with the perlinstallation.Thanks a lot for your support.
You're welcome!  Good luck!Randy Kramer


Re: [newbie] Gnumeric crash

2002-01-06 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 07 Jan 2002 07:18:40 +1100, Neville Cobb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

have you tried running it from the gnome desktop?

Better to add this:
The problem is that Gnumeric does not load correctly all of a sudden. It
crashes due to a segmentation fault, shows a dialog and then dies.


Judge a tree from its fruit; not from the leaves.
-Euripedes - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Amish K. Munshi

  It has been such a pleasure talking to all of you. Thanks a lot for your support.


Tom wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">On Sunday 06 January 2002 11:23 am, Randy Kramer wrote:
  Amish K. Munshi wrote:Thanks a lot but I guess I live a very long way away. I am inMumbai, India. I guess you might have heard about this citysomwhere atleast.Not until now.  Someday I'll enquire at the post office and see howmuch it would cost to send some disks there -- I'm curious.
   I recently sent 8.1 CD's to New Zealand. You'll need to fill out a little green US Customs form, and it was about $2 postage. The only info the form asks for is sender, receiver, and a contents declaration.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Music CDs No Longer Mount in Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-06 Per discussione Noah Swint

Thanks.. Kscd works now with the modification.. Thanks

On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 15:10, g.sanders wrote:
 Hi Noah, 
 I was having the same seems kscd wasn't creating a config file 
 when it was started. What fixed it for me was to create kscdrc in 
 .kde/share/config, start cd player, shut it down, and then edit it as Derek 
 stated earlier. (be sure to check what device your cdrom is before changing 
 it of course. I noticed that Derek's is different than mine, and yours might 
 be different than either of ours.)
 On Sunday 06 January 2002 11:38, you wrote:
  Thanks.. Grip Seems To Work With My CDs.  Kscd doesn't allow me to
  configure what cd rom device it reads from without crashing.  You're a
  life send.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione tester

Amish K. Munshi wrote:

 Randy Kramer wrote:
Amish K. Munshi wrote:

Thanks a lot but I guess I live a very long way away. I am in Mumbai,
India. I guess you might have heard about this city somwhere atleast.

Not until now.  Someday I'll enquire at the post office and see how much
it would cost to send some disks there -- I'm curious.

Thanks a lot for all this help.

Also does most of the later version of Linux simiarly slow. I am only
keen on changing from RedHat 7.1 since it is slow. It takes more than 40
sec. to start any application on it. 

In general, speed and memory usage have been two of my biggest problems
with Linux compared to Windows (95, which is basically the version I am
using (I've installed Win 98 for a few others, and used it for about a
year on a laptop).  I think (!) speed has generally decreased and memory
use has increased from Mandrake 7.2 to 8.1 given the same hardware. 
Mandrake 8.1 is installed on a machine with 256 MB of RAM and is fairly
fast until it starts using swap.

I do some tricks in Mandrake 7.2 to speed things up.  (Haven't used 8.1
enough to decide if I need to use the same tricks.)  One trick is to
keep several browser windows open, and not open link in new window (or
whatever) -- instead, paste the link into an existing open browser
window -- it avoids the overhead of opening a new window.

 I usually have two bowsers open so I just switch between them.

Even the Netscape 4.75 with it takes
more than a minute to start. But on Caldera 2.4 the speed is very fast.
Netscape browser takes less than 10 sec. to start. 

Out of curiosity, are you comparing performance with the same versions
of software?  (Is it  Netscape *4.75* on both Red Hat 7.2 and Caldera

 On Red Hat 7.1 I have uses 4.77 and mostly Caldera has 4.75. I do not 
 have the Cd with me right now else I would have got you the exact version.

I wasn't able to start
RedHat 7.0 on my comp. I am planning to buy the 2 Cd pack from Mandrake but
I want to know if it will work (Seems to be a big problem with Linux) I wish
that while buying my Hardware I knew that Windows was so impossible to use.
I would have made sure that I got a good components that are most
compactible with Linux. 

You might post a list of your hardware here, perhaps others will comment
on compatibility.  (Officially, what you should do is check the
various hardware compatibility lists.)

 About my hardware I have a AMD K6-2 500 Mhz.
 160 MB of RAM (32+128)
 Dlink 56.6 Kbps internal modem (kernel = 2.4 only supported)
 SIS 530 motherboard with the sis 620 graphics card.
 Basic keyboard from a local company (Microtek).
 And a Logitech mouse.
 And the most leftout Printer Lexmark 1100 inkjet. (I did not find the 
 support for it anywhere).
 Acer CDRom 50x.
 Most of the hardware should be Linux compactible exacpt the problem of 
 Modem and the Printer.

Most are still compactible except the most common
problem of the modem, for some reason the Dlink support have created the
drivers only for the 2.4 kernel.

That probably leaves Mandrake 7.2 out of the box out of the running,
although I'm sure you could update to a 2.4 kernel.  (There might even
be one included -- I run the 2.2.17-21mdk kernel with 7.2 -- never tried
anything else.)

 I have never tried upgrading the Kernel it wasn't part of my ability. I 
 have read the documentation but when I tried to install the new kernel 
 on Red Hat 7.0 it had some dependencies problems.

Also the speed problem is more in KDE 2.0 mainly the GNOME is fast
enough. but it doesn't have a good email client. I liked the KDE email
client a lot and found it to be the best of all after Outlook Express. 

You can run kmail under GNome (IIUC -- I've never tried it).  I've heard
from several people that Sylpheed (sp?) is a good email client.  (I
continue to use Windows for most email and web browsing, I run a local
TWiki on Linux and intend it as my experimentation / learning box.

 I tried running the Kmail under GNOME but it would's show me any mails.

tried this software called cscmail but couldn't manage to install it.
I also tried to use Ximian but it has some problems with the perl

Thanks a lot for your support.

You're welcome!  Good luck!
Randy Kramer




The speed problem is kernel 2.4.x through 2.4.10 approximately.  The 
virtual memory volume manager slowed things consideraably.  Wait for 8.2 
or load the earlier mandrakes line 8.0 or 8.1 with kernel 2.2 instead of 
2.4 (Our install does give you a choice).  RH has no better solution, 
and neither does SuSE because it is a _kernel_ issue.

This will not reach the apparent speed of Windows loading Office, 
because on an installation of Windows, most of Office is already in 
memory when you call for it.  We could do a similar trick, but folks 
might object to having half their 

Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 06 January 2002 02:11 pm, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Tom wrote:
   I recently sent 8.1 CD's to New Zealand. You'll need to fill
  out a little green US Customs form, and it was about $2 postage.
  The only info the form asks for is sender, receiver, and a contents
  declaration. --
  Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas,


 Thanks very much!  Some followups -- what value did you declare, how
 did you describe the contents, and, to your knowledge, did your
 declarations and descriptions cause any problems for the addressee?

 Randy Kramer

No value IIRC, just a description. I believe I just wrote 'linux 
CD's'. There were no problems, the person I sent 'em too acknowledged 
the successful delivery by email several days later. We're sort'a off 
list email pen pals on' off ;)  BTW, nice people send me CD's too ;~

   Another benefit is pics. NZ is beautiful ;)
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 No value IIRC, just a description. I believe I just wrote 'linux
 CD's'. There were no problems, the person I sent 'em too acknowledged
 the successful delivery by email several days later. We're sort'a off
 list email pen pals on' off ;)  BTW, nice people send me CD's too ;~


Thanks again!

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] Icons and Nautilus 1.0.6

2002-01-06 Per discussione Smiley

I upgraded to Nautilus 1.0.6, latest cooker rpm; all semms okay, all
depndencies are satisfied and *it works*... but the Home and Trash
icons on the desktop are lost as are the images used in Nautilus to show
directories as icons... any way to get these icons back?


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[newbie] do any one know how to unpatch patch.bz2 souce code?

2002-01-06 Per discussione eric

Dear linux mandrake user or programers:

  I bought 8.0 standard edition, no src.rpm, so I download from website.
it  have patch.bz2, which seem need orig source code to dispatch

  I read spec file-it seems it can auto retrieve orig file from some
where of web, and rpm4.0.c file, used   rpm -bp file.spec  but not work
not dispatch them to get any .c or .h file out.  It just reponse a flash
of rpm's option.

  I also read cooker's rpm-howto but still not know how to get source
code from spec or patch.bz2.

  Finally, I think if linux user realy no more sense source code, you
probably should switch to Apple or Microsoft Window platform.


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Re: [newbie] Laying Out Partitions?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 09:35:11 -0500
Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 05 January 2002 02:17, you wrote:
  On Sat, 17 November 2001, Franki wrote:
   I recently stopped using Reiserfs on the server boxes, I swaped to ext3,
   the reason being that recently I have had some data corruption on both
   mdk7.2 and
   mdk8.1 and in both cases, it appears that reiserfs was the problem, for
   one thing, it apparently doesn't like postfix much.
 as I hear, it might have some issues with nfs too. so no reiser for the 
 server partitions where postfix or nfs might write. I hear it aint't to good 
 for the /boot partition either, 

durn! and i switched my boot partition into reiserFS. just read the magic page at 
mandrakesecure and i think i will encounter trouble when updating the kernel. *should 
have stuck with ext3, sheesh*



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] more VI tips (was: Copy Paste)

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 08:51:16 +0200
Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  SKLIM wrote:
  I need help to know the key how to copy and paste in vi command ?
  Can someone help me on this issue
 I'll offer to help a bit.
 From my VI quick ref next to the desk I see that following commands are
 possibly the ones you should play with:
 :yy   copy(:5yy would copy the next 5 lines)
 :d$   deletes from the cursor to the end of the line
 :dd   delete one line at a time
 :xdelete one character (:5x would delete the next 5 characters)
 Hope it helps (Hih)

just to add something usually overlooked...

  :D  - deletes the text from the cursor until the end of the line (same effect :d$)
  :C  - changes the text from the cursor until the end of the line (same effect as :c$)
  :Y  - copies the current line

 also try replacing the dollar sign with 0 (zero) to reverse the effect into the 
beginning of the line.


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] more 8139too...

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 12:44:47 -0500
mooseman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 X-RebelTech Is Here:
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 hi all,
 i don't suppose that anyone can offer help for compiling a newer version of 
 the 8139too netcard driver?
 i have the 0.9.15 version installed on my system. it mostly works but i have 
 been having some flakiness. according to the release notes, version 0.9.22a 
 is the latest and greatest and it fixes a number of things that could be what 
 i am experiencing.
 however, i have no experience at compiling linux drivers.
 i extract all the files that came with the .gz file from sourceforge.
 it has a makefile, but if i cd to the dir that i have extracted to and do a 
 make in that dir, it complains about can't find some linux header files.
 i have all the source installed on my machine. i don't know if i should try 
 to hack the makefile or the 8139too.c file to try and get it to find all the 
 right files and dirs it needs or if there is an easier way.
 setting some ENVs or something.
 i have tried as both my username and as root. no solution to either.
 any thoughts?
 anyone have a pre-build version?

you may have all of the source code but you may be missing some of the devel packages. 
go to rpmdrake (SoftwareManager) and do a search for the file missing. it should turn 
up with something.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Sound Printing again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

It sounds like your sound card and lpt port are using the same IRQ, most 
likely IRQ 7.  It would be best to change the IRQ of the sound card as IRQ 7 
is usually the standard for printer ports.  If the sound card doesn't have 
jumpers (which most don't anymore), then you will need to find a way to do it 
through linux.  I have an SB16 card that I assign the IRQ in modules.conf, 
but each sound card driver is different, so that may not be possible in your 

Another thing to try, in your bios, setting plug and play OS to off if it is 
on or on if it is off and see if that fixes it.  If not, you can try setting 
it to manual and reserving and IRQ such as 5 and see if the sound card will 
then use it.  If it is already set to manual, then try setting it to 

One other thing you may try is to remove the sound card from the computer and 
reboot.  Linux should come up fine and should ask to remove the settings for 
the sound card.  Tell it yes.   Make sure your printer is working, and then 
shut down.  Now, reinstall the sound card (in a different slot if one is 
available) and boot the computer.  Harddrake should detect it and try and 
find a free IRQ for it.


On Sunday 06 January 2002 02:25 pm, you wrote:
 Dear All,

 I am still struggling with this sound and printing. My printing works fine
 now because I took my sound module out of /etc/modules but the minute I put
 it back in I lose my printing capabilities. Conflict of some sort but
 cannot figure it out yet. Civileme guessed that it might have something to
 do with the Bios but that was not clear yet and I have not received a
 complete answer about that so far. I do not know if this also could be a
 devfs problem or not and I really do not understand this new devfs sytem
 yet. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions. Any thoughts or help will
 be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.



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Re: [newbie] Format drive

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 20:08:57 -0800
Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I recently installed a slave drive into my linux computer (the slave drive
 was formatted from windows). When viewing this slave drive from linux, linux
 indicated that the drive was only 2.9 Gigs when in fact it's 20 Gigs. Well,
 I've decided to start from scratch and want to re-format the slave drive and
 was wondering how to do this in linux.
 I would like to re-format the slave drive and partition it as well.

use DiskDrake here especially if you are going to delete the whole drive anyway. The 
exercise would be also be rewarding.

 One more question:
 I have a proftpd server running. I recently took some games I have in zip
 files and burned them to a CD and dumped them on the linux computer. If I
 download the game (via FTP) back to my windows computer and try unzipping
 them they always have some errors and will not work. The games work
 perfectly if I copy them off the CD to my windows computer so the files must
 be getting corrupted when being transferred via FTP.
 Does anyone have any knowledge of proftpd having problems with files that
 are over a certain size? The zip files (which have been make into .exe are
 about 172MB to 400+MB.
 Any help on either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.

how did you download the files? is the transfer set to binary? if by any chance you 
downloaded it using ascii then the zip files will be corrupted during transfer. im 
using a proftpd server here in the office and we are not experiencing transferring 
large files here, YMMV.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 09:29:41 -0500
Eric McClure [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 05 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
 I uninstalled kaffe and now it works.  I didn't have to do this before.  I 
 thought there might be a way of setting a hard pointer to a directory or 
 symlink but as they say, you can't have two java versions running on the same 
 The major and minor version errors are now fixed.  Just like I said, written 
 with sdk1.4.0 and using kaffe's appletviewer caused this error.
 But I swear I didn't uninstall kaffe last time and everything worked!
 Eric L. McClure
 p.s.  I love this stuff!  I must be insane!

its probably just in the ordering of your java directories in your path and the java 
from kaffe was the first java executable that was found. im using 3 versions of java 
sdk and they coexist together as long as i remember to run the script that i made for 
reordering the value of the PATH variable.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Ouch - I cannot install the C/C++/Make packages...

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 01:16:12 -0600
Chris Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 During the install I decided I would not need the C/C++ dev system (DOH!).
 Now I
 am trying to get gcc and make onto my system.  ALL installs to GCC and/or
 make are
 failing with dependencies to either themselves or binutils.
 Now I cannot install them (I am actually using urpmi, but have tried
 I tried the GUI tools for packages and they always give an error stating
 that the files
 (make, gcc) are either bad, unreadable or not found packages.
 Other than a complete re-install and try from scratch, any ideas???

long shot and may sound dumb but are the CDs mounted? check if you could see the 
contents of your CDS. have this happen on me a couple of times. *grin*



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Shell Script

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Sun, 06 Jan 2002 14:22:29 -0500

 I'm running Mandrake 8.1 and a couple of the applications that I've
 downloaded and intalled (using RPMs) have installed as shell scripts,
 rather than binary executables.  Is there a way to convert the script to
 an executable that can be launched using an icon from the desktop?

hi rich,

  the script is an _executable_. just create an icon in your desktop and point it to 
the script of your choice. make sure that you have the proper permissions though as 
some scripts are for administration (root and its equivalent) use only.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] cursor skipping in editors under KDE

2002-01-06 Per discussione Andy Gay

I have recently installed 8.1 on my Dell Inspiron 2500 laptop.  While using
the Staroffice 5.2 word processor or KWord under KDE, the cursor jumps lines
at seeming random while typing - sometimes up, sometimes down.  Anybody else
experience this?  Is it a problem with my X configuration?  Am running
800X600 truecolor as set up by default by Mandrake on installation -- same
mode as runs on Windows ME.

Dell Laptop Inspiron 2500
Intel Celeron
126 MB RAM
Intel 82815 Graphics Controller
   (Intel Graphics Accelelerator/ Video BIOS 2307)
Mandrake 8.1

Appreciate any help.


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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-06 Per discussione Eric McClure

On Monday 07 January 2002 09:43, you wrote:
Thanks Anuerin!

I knew I wasn't crazy about it working fine before.  It makes sense now that 
you explained it.

take care,

eric l. mcclure

 On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 09:29:41 -0500

 Eric McClure [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Saturday 05 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
  I uninstalled kaffe and now it works.  I didn't have to do this before. 
  I thought there might be a way of setting a hard pointer to a directory
  or symlink but as they say, you can't have two java versions running on
  the same computer.
  The major and minor version errors are now fixed.  Just like I said,
  written with sdk1.4.0 and using kaffe's appletviewer caused this error.
  But I swear I didn't uninstall kaffe last time and everything worked!
  Eric L. McClure
  p.s.  I love this stuff!  I must be insane!

 its probably just in the ordering of your java directories in your path and
 the java from kaffe was the first java executable that was found. im using
 3 versions of java sdk and they coexist together as long as i remember to
 run the script that i made for reordering the value of the PATH variable.


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[newbie] gtk+licq

2002-01-06 Per discussione Smiley

I'm trying to run Licq with gtk gui, but then Licq crashes... Now Licq
1.0.4 and gtk+licq-0.51-4 (Mandrake cooker) are installed on my system,
but the same happened months ago with Mandrake 8.0... I had more luck a
year ago :) Anybody managed  to run Licq with gtk gui?


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[newbie] 8.1 Kernel Panic on Boot - new Dell C400 laptop

2002-01-06 Per discussione John O'Shaughnessy


In the past, I've successfully installed Mandrake Linux 7.2, 8.0, and 8.1 on
a different PC.

I recently purchased a new Dell C400 laptop

The installation process went smoothly.  After I restarted the machine, LILO
starts up, and I selected the Linux installation.

I saw one text line with Loading Linux

Followed by the following:

0 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init! e2 03 23 04 95 c0 f6 26 ] [
c0105000 ]

The machine needs to be powered off to get beyond that point.

The Dell C400 has an 866 MHz PIII-M 512 Mb RAM.  It also has Intel 830M
Integrated UMA Graphics (shared with system memory).
Any suggestions?  Any other information that I can provide?



John M. O'Shaughnessy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Laying Out Partitions?

2002-01-06 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

tester wrote:

 Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:


  durn! and i switched my boot partition into reiserFS. just read the magic page at 
mandrakesecure and i think i will encounter trouble when updating the kernel. *should 
have stuck with ext3, sheesh*

 Well you do have XFS and JFS available as well.  JFS might be slightly
 questionable on 8.1 but should be good from that point on, and it is
 fast, though somewhat more wasteful of space and sometimes requirinng

 XFS is primo material, in the same order of magnitusde for speed and
 storage use with ext2 and reiserfs, and good to postfix, nfs and samba
 including the ACLs you have for NT servers. It is quite rapid for most
 operations except massive file deletions, where it is very slow.  The
 other functions make up for that one deficiency rather well.

 ext3 has as its advantage that you can shift from it to ext2 and back on
 the fly.  Its major disadvantage is that the benchmarks I did, emulating
 everyday activity and mailserver activity suggest it is a pig on speed,
 running at about 2/3 ext2.

 Of course if you make your /boot partition anything other than ext2, you
 may have some difficulties keeping several linices on the same machine
 and multi-booting.  Naturally, initrds are very important in mounting /.


and now he tells me... ;-)

well i thought i made a sound decision to convert my boot partition to reiserfs (i was 
just trying journalling file systems and my knowledge about them was next to nil) 
because i heard that reiserfs has
problems with some servers. well it was a good exercise on my part and maybe ill hold 
on upgrading to the new kernel and wait for 8.2 and put my boot partition back to ext2 
or maybe ext3 if it is that
easy to switch back on to ext2.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] missing PostScript fonts

2002-01-06 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Derek Jennings wrote:

 Len.  Search the list archives. This one came up a month or so back. I think
 it was Cilvileme who have a URL for some  neat fonts, and also where to
 find Microsoft fonts on their web site.

 - snip 

Ooops.  Foot in mouth time again.  Sorry, that last comment should have
been phrased as other experts reading this list.

Happy New Year everybody.

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

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