Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002 22:50:09 +0200
nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Se mi potessi dare ancora una piccola spintina te ne sarei grato. Non
 sono molto pratico, ed ho pensato che la directory migliore per
 installare i sorgenti dei driver fosse
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.8-26mdk/alsa-driver-0.9.0beta10/ inoltre avevo
 pensato di disinstallare per precauzione gli rpm di mdk8.1 che
 contenevano alsa (sono solo due...) ma appena ci provo il software
 manager mi avverte che per soddisfare le dipendenze deve togliere
 un'altro centinaio di pacchetti, tra i quali koffice, chronium,
 kdemultimedia, kdegames, tuxracer, e un'altra quantità di librerie e
 programmi da far paura, ma è normale?
Dei warning non preoccuparti, anche a me escono ma poi funziona tutto (d'
altra parte sono dei beta!). Io metto i pacchetti in /usr/src e li
scompatto li', controlla poi di avere il symlink linux che punta alla dir
dei sorgenti, se non c' e' puoi crearla da /usr/src con il comando ln -s
linux-2.4.8-26mdk linux. Gli rpm DEVI disinstallarli (per evitare casini)
con il comando rpm -e --nodeps nomepacchetto (spero che la sintassi sia
esatta, controlla). Inoltre disattiva (nel caso ci fosse) alsasound (o
alsa, non so come si chiama) tra i servizi al boot. Ciao



Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 09:47:12 +0200
Tommaso Leddi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Arrivato a questo punto, mi viene fuori questo messaggio:
   checking for directory with kernel source... /usr/src/linux
   checking for kernel version... The file
   /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.
   Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your
   distribution  or use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another
   directory with kernel  sources (default is /usr/src/linux).
 Mi sembrava di aver capito che non bisognava ricompilare il kernel, ma
 forse vuole avere lo stesso i sorgenti o almeno la struttura di
 directory. Ma i moduli dove sono? Sono spaesato, devo procurarmi i
 sorgenti del kernel che sto usando?

Forse ti mancano gli headers del kernel, controlla con rpm -q
kernel-headers (e kernel-sources) se non li hai installali dai cd di mdk
e crea il link linux in /usr/src che punta ai sorgenti. Ciao



Re: [newbie-it] Latex

2002-04-04 Per discussione luigi pinna

ciao a tutti qualcuno che usa latex mi sa dire come si
fa ad inserire e ridemensionare un immagine jpg? non
trovo nulla neanche nei manuali online!

Sposati: se trovi una buona moglie sarai felice; se ne trovi una cattiva, diventerai 


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Re: [newbie-it] Latex

2002-04-04 Per discussione luigi pinna

ciao a tutti qualcuno che usa latex mi sa dire come si
fa ad inserire e ridemensionare un immagine jpg? non
trovo nulla neanche nei manuali online!

Sposati: se trovi una buona moglie sarai felice; se ne trovi una cattiva, diventerai 


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Re: [newbie-it] Latex

2002-04-04 Per discussione Germano

Sicuramente ci sarà un modo + intelligente ed economico ma io intanto ti 
consiglio, se non l'avessi ancora provato, di trasformarlo in EPS e poi lo 
aggiusti come vuoi.

Ciao, Germano

Il 11:47, giovedì 04 aprile 2002, luigi pinna hai scritto:
 ciao a tutti qualcuno che usa latex mi sa dire come si
 fa ad inserire e ridemensionare un immagine jpg? non
 trovo nulla neanche nei manuali online!

 Sposati: se trovi una buona moglie sarai felice; se ne trovi una cattiva,
 diventerai filosofo.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

Re: [newbie-it] Latex

2002-04-04 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, luigi pinna wrote:

 ciao a tutti qualcuno che usa latex mi sa dire come si
 fa ad inserire e ridemensionare un immagine jpg? non
 trovo nulla neanche nei manuali online!
Ho paura che non si possa 8cio' non vuol dire che ne sono sicuro). Piu' o 
meno uso il latex per un oretta al giorno.
Quello che puoi fare e prendere la figura jpg trasformarla in eps e poi 
includere la figura eps.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs

2002-04-04 Per discussione mauro

Ragazzi, durante una sessione di KDE con la 8.1 prima è sparito il desktop, 
poi il pannello, poi si è bloccato il mouse... i tre tasti per spegnere non 
funzionavano in nessun modo, allora ho spento tutto sperando che tutto si 
riavviasse, invece all'avvio dopo la schermata di LILO  e dopo una certa 
serie di messaggi soliti compare questo messaggio:

EXT2-fs : ide0 (3,7) : couldn't mount because of unsupported optional feature 
Kernel panic: Unable to mount rootfs on 03:07.

che cosa posso fare?

Il dischetto di riavvio non parte

Magari qualcuno puo' dirmi che cosa è accaduto?
Non vi sono dati importanti nella home e quindi sto meditando una nuova 
installazione, pero' prima mi piacerebbe sentire il vostro parere:  la 
situazione è recuperabile?
Mi piacerebbe sapere cosa cavolo è accaduto.
Grazie per eventuali risposte.

Ps. (aiuto, aiuto aiuto)!

Re: [newbie-it] mp3

2002-04-04 Per discussione psycheye


On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:27 pm, you wrote:
-- Salve,
-- qualcuno conosce un buon programma (Frontend) per la conversione da mp3
-- a wav?
-- Grazie.

Caro amico, tra breve cambierò indirizzo di posta elettronica. Il nuovo 
indirizzo è [EMAIL PROTECTED], è già attivo, quindi puoi aggiornare il tuo 
programma di rubrica.

Gli indirizzi email [EMAIL PROTECTED] e [EMAIL PROTECTED] saranno validi 
fino al 30/04/2002.
A presto. 

[newbie-it] Sorgenti Linux

2002-04-04 Per discussione Massimiliano Violante

Ho da poco installato sul mio computer Linux 
Mandrake 8.1 (ho solo il disco 1 di Installazione uscito allegato ad una 
Ho tuttavia riscontrato non pochi problemi 
nell'utilizzo delle risorse del sistema (la stampante non funge, così come il 
mio Linmodem Connexant HSF).
Mentre per la stampante (Epson Stylus Scan 2000) 
non ho ancora trovato una soluzione (la porta parallela tace, sigh!), per il 
modem ho trovato un driver che dovrebbe funzionare 
Il problema è che andando ad installare il modulo, 
il compilatore non trova i sorgenti del kernel: non esiste la cartella 
Ho trovato qualche sorgente nella directory 
/usr/include/linux tuttavia sembra che non siano quelli giusti.

Domanda: qualcuno mi sa dire se sul disco 1 di 
installazione ci sono i sorgenti ed io non li so riconoscere oppure c'è bisogno 
degli altri due dischi
Non mi consigliate di scaricare il kernel dal web 
perchè x 20 Mb dovrei restare collegato tutta la notte (ricordate che ho un 
linmodem 56K).

Grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto e... scusatemi se ci 
capisco poco!!!
Sono pronto ad imparare! :-)

Re: [newbie-it] java

2002-04-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 Hai ragione, sono stato un po' troppo vago!
 controlla dove in quale directory hai installato java.
 Poi scrivi echo $PATH in console.
 Ti verrà stampato un elenco di diectory sulla stessa linea divise da un
 punto e virgola. Controlla che sia presente il percorso completo alla
 directory dove hai installato java.
 Se non c'è scrivi la seguente riga a console:
 export PATH=percorso dir java/bin
 Così divrebbe funzionare.
 La variabile d'ambiente $PATH serve per dire al sistema dove deve
 cercare i comandi che tu gli impartisci. Se provi a cancellarla (export
 PATH=)non funziona nessun comando. non provarci sennò devi riavviare la

in queste cose ho sempre paura.
Non e` che export PATH=percorso dir java/bin ti sostituisce
l'attuale PATH con percorso dir java/bin ?

Io, a occhio darei
 export PATH=$PATH:percorso dir java/bin

In /etc/profile, dove viene risistemato, la sintassi
e` questa. :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Sorgenti Linux

2002-04-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 Massimiliano Violante wrote:
 Ho da poco installato sul mio computer Linux Mandrake 8.1 (ho solo il
 disco 1 di Installazione uscito allegato ad una rivista).
 Domanda: qualcuno mi sa dire se sul disco 1 di installazione ci sono i
 sorgenti ed io non li so riconoscere oppure c'è bisogno degli altri
 due dischi

dovrebbero essere in un file kernel-sources-bla.bla.rpm
che credo sia nel secondo cd. :-(
puoi controllarlo con il mandrake-software-center

 Non mi consigliate di scaricare il kernel dal web perchè x 20 Mb
 dovrei restare collegato tutta la notte (ricordate che ho un linmodem

puoi sempre scaricare a rate con wget -c -np
blocchi quando vuoi e riprendi da dove hai lasciato.
In pratica lo metti in kppp da lanciare alla connessione.

Pero` ti consiglio di aspettare che le riviste siano piene di

ciao, andrea

PS mi rifiuto categoricamente di andare in posta a fare spedizioni!!!
ma se stai a Roma e passi dal mio istituto ti posso regalare
un doppione del secondo (e forse terzo) CD

R: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-04 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

  varie persone hanno provato a installare MDK 8.2?
  Vorrei sapere dove l'avete trovata: l'avete
  comprata, trovavata in qualche cd di qualche rivista o la avete
 scarivata da internet?

 presa da internet.

 Se non hai un buon collegamento e hai fretta di averla,

Ho un collegamento ISDN, ma credo che per quanto sia veloce, non lo sia
abbastanza per renderlo conveniente.
Non ho una grossissima fretta, posso aspettare che esca in edicola (avendo
visto varie persone parlare della 8.2, credevo che fosse già in edicola)

 puoi cercare tra i  vecchi messaggi di it.comp.os.linux.annunci. C'e`
parecchia gente che
 spedisce a casa, per un prezzo ragionevole, i cd scaricati delle varie

Provo a darci un'occhiata.

 Senti anche il LUG piu` vicino a te.

Scusa, cos'è un LUG?

Grazie dei suggerimenti!

Di Fresco Marco

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R: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-04 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

 Anche se nn 6 interessato alle iso

Effettivamente non ho il masterizzatore! :-/
 ma vuoi i file di installazione lì puoi trovare tutto

Darò un'occhiata!

Grazie mille!

Di Fresco Marco

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R: [newbie-it] [REPOST2] [LUNGA e 1/2 OT] Lettere drive in Win dopo installazione linux

2002-04-04 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

 Hai provato a togliere il caricamento dei driver del cd-rom da dos?
 Win 98 non dovrebbe averne bisogno.

Al momento ho (ri)tolto Linux, ma quando riproverò a installarlo (forse la
8.2) proverò questa soluzione.

 Se utilizzi il dos, cioè il riavvio in modalità ms-dos, dovresti
 immettere le  informazioni per fargli caricare questi driver solo quando
vai in
 modalità ms-dos pura.

Non saprei come fare: per quanto so i vari modi di avvio di win (normale,
modalità provvisoria, dos, ecc.) utilizzano gli stessi config.sys e
autoexec.bat! Per il comando presente nel'autoexec.bat posso eseguirlo a
mano (o creare un altro file .bat), ma per il comando nel config.sys non so
come avviarlo manualmente! :-(

 Ciò dovrebbe risolvere i tuoi problemi.

Grazie mille del suggerimento.

Di Fresco Marco

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R: [newbie-it] [REPOST2] [LUNGA e 1/2 OT] Lettere drive in Win dopo installazione linux

2002-04-04 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

  Se c'è qualche utente che come me tiene tutti e due i sistemi
 operativi e
  che ha avuto lo stesso problema, mi saprebbe dire come ha risolto?

 I sistemi M$ hanno uno strano algoritmo per assegnare le lettere ai
 dispositivi di memoria.

Non hanno solo quello di strano!

 In ogni caso sia da win che da dos c'e` il modo di forzare l'assegnazione.
 Per esempio, puoi dirgli che lo zip sia Z:.

Nel pannello di controllo sotto la voce Sistema ho trovato il modo di
assergnare la lettera ai drive, ma al ravvio non cambiava niente.

 Adesso non frequento piu` certe cattive compagnie :-)

Anch'io sto cercando di uscire dal tunnel, ma credo che mi ci vorrà ancora
un po' di tempo per mollare il maledetto Win!

Di Fresco Marco

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[newbie-it] modem interno

2002-04-04 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

Cari amici,

questo è il mio primo giorno da pinguino, sono molto entusiasta ma 
naturalmente cominciano i problemi per un utente assai inesperto quale sono 

...dunque il problema è che il sistema non legge il modem interno del mio 
pc che fare??

il modello del modem è MOD, MDM, DFAX, V90, GVC, DIM trascrivo ciò che 
leggo nella ricevuta inviatami dalla  DELL

Vi ringrazio di già..


Re: R: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-04 Per discussione tom

Alle 19:24, giovedì 4 aprile 2002, Di Fresco Marco ha scritto:

  Senti anche il LUG piu` vicino a te.

 Scusa, cos'è un LUG?

Linux User Grup
ora non ricordo quale sia l'indirizzo esatto..
ma con una ricerca anche con virgili lo dovresti trovare

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] mp3

2002-04-04 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-04-04 alle 21:55, psycheye ha scritto:
 On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:27 pm, you wrote:
 -- Salve,
 -- qualcuno conosce un buon programma (Frontend) per la conversione da mp3
 -- a wav?
 -- Grazie.

ma come si fa?


Grazie, un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] modem interno

2002-04-04 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Emiliano La Licata wrote:

 Cari amici,
 ...dunque il problema è che il sistema non legge il modem interno del mio 
 pc che fare??
 il modello del modem è MOD, MDM, DFAX, V90, GVC, DIM trascrivo ciò che 
 leggo nella ricevuta inviatami dalla  DELL

io comincerei con il dare la caccia ad alcuni dati:
-Che computer hai? Portatile?
-Che distribuzione hai installato?

Il comando lspci oppure lspci -nn oppure ancora lspci -vv 
dovrebbe darti una lista di componenti del tuo coputer tra cui potrebbe 
esserci anche il modem. Prova e magari spedisci il pezzo di output che lo 

Infine una volta che sai esattamente cosa dice lspci ti puoi collegare a e vedere se ci sono in giro drivers.
Se non li trovi li puoi provare via google.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] modem interno

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 23:58, giovedì 4 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Cari amici,

 questo è il mio primo giorno da pinguino, sono molto entusiasta ma
 naturalmente cominciano i problemi per un utente assai inesperto quale sono

 ...dunque il problema è che il sistema non legge il modem interno del mio
 pc che fare??

 il modello del modem è MOD, MDM, DFAX, V90, GVC, DIM trascrivo ciò che
 leggo nella ricevuta inviatami dalla  DELL

 Vi ringrazio di già..

Dovresti darci più indicazioni su marca e modello. Genericamente i modem 
interni (chiamati anche winmodem) mancano sostanzialmente di una parte 
hardware che viene sostituita dal driver specifico per il modello. I driver, 
il più delle volte sono sviluppati solo per l'ambiente windows. Fanno 
eccezione alcune marche ed alcuni modelli, quali, ad esempio, Lucent con la 
serie LT che è pienamente supportata. Dovresti, inoltre, farti un giro sul 
sito dove si può accedere alle spiegazioni e al download 
dei driver pèer i modelli disponibili.


Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Latex

2002-04-04 Per discussione Leonardo Orazi

luigi pinna wrote:

 ciao a tutti qualcuno che usa latex mi sa dire come si
 fa ad inserire e ridemensionare un immagine jpg? non
 trovo nulla neanche nei manuali online!

Puoi includere quello che vuoi, il problema è il formato dvi che non supporta altre 
immagine che

Alcuni pacchetti commerciali supportano l'inclusione di immagini effettuando una 
conversione al
volo durante la fase di creazione del dvi.

un buona lettura è questo tutorial .

Ciao e buon lavoro.


Re: R: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Di Fresco Marco wrote:
  Senti anche il LUG piu` vicino a te.
 Scusa, cos'è un LUG?

Linux User Group

vedi il telug(Teramo) anche se e` lontano
mi sembra si fossero organizzati per spedire CD (?)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] [REPOST2] [LUNGA e 1/2 OT] Lettere drive in Win dopo installazione linux

2002-04-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Di Fresco Marco wrote:
  In ogni caso sia da win che da dos c'e` il modo di forzare l'assegnazione.
  Per esempio, puoi dirgli che lo zip sia Z:.
 Nel pannello di controllo sotto la voce Sistema ho trovato il modo di
 assergnare la lettera ai drive, ma al ravvio non cambiava niente.

non c'e` anche un'opzione memorizza/rendi permanente/... ?

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] mp3

2002-04-04 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beh,devi selezionare un plugin nella sezione IN/OUT,nelle preferenze,
che si chiama diskwriter, o qualcosa del genere!Segliendo la
configurazione di quel plug-in segli la directory dove memorizzare la
tua musica.
Ciao ENx
 Il gio, 2002-04-04 alle 21:55, psycheye ha scritto:
  On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:27 pm, you wrote:
  -- Salve,
  -- qualcuno conosce un buon programma (Frontend) per la
conversione da mp3
  -- a wav?
  -- Grazie.

 ma come si fa?


 Grazie, un saluto.

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[newbie] RealPlayer

2002-04-04 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne


Where can I find RealPlayer for LM 8.1. I'm having trouble finding it on 
RealNetworks' site, but I remember seeing it there a while back.


Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] how do I keep threaded messages collapsed in Evolution

2002-04-04 Per discussione Robin

I am running the Evolution that come with 8.2. I am trying to keep all
the message collapsed so I can see more messages subject. Right now any
messages with more then 5 reply would take over about half of my message

Also, is there any way to delete a whole thread of messages by just
collapse the thread and hit delete? It seems to me by doing that it just
delete the first message.



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Re: [newbie] how do you...

2002-04-04 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


blackbox has styles - they contain info about colors, fonts, etc. 
The style files are usually in /usr/share/Blackbox/styles
The format is similar to the Xresources files.
You can read about it in the man page of blackbox


* Damian [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020404 09:44]:
 .enlarge blackbox fonts? looks pretty fast, but the menus are so
  small i'm going blind! i can't find the config files/options for

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Re: [newbie] RealPlayer

2002-04-04 Per discussione James Thomas

Using google:

For any Mandrake version I believe as it's RPM.



Where can I find RealPlayer for LM 8.1. I'm having trouble 

Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] Open Source Code (follow-up)

2002-04-04 Per discussione Anthony V Guillen

Thanks to all who sent their response to my question. I have another question, I think 
this is a ridiculous question, but I have nothing to do but to ask this question just 
to know, I know that if we compile a program like an assembly program, it will make 
another file excluding the source code, its either an .exe file or a .com file, 
depending on the structure of the program, or in c programming, when we compile a 
program, I know that it will make an exe file.  If it so, why is it that most of the 
files in Linux has no extension name, particularly no executable file like in windows 
e.g. (scandisk.exe)?


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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code (follow-up)

2002-04-04 Per discussione James Thomas

will make an exe file.  If it so, why is it that most of the files in Linux 
has no extension name, particularly no executable  file like in windows 
e.g. (scandisk.exe)?

The extensions are a Windows thing and don't in any way apply to linux. A 
program (or file) can be executable simply by changing the permissions using 
chmod. I believe (but may be wrong) that the C-compilers in Linux generate 
executable binaries in the ELF format.


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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code (follow-up)

2002-04-04 Per discussione tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 17:15, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 Thanks to all who sent their response to my question. I have another question, I 
think this is a ridiculous question, but I have nothing to do but to ask this 
question just to know, I know that if we compile a program like an assembly program, 
it will make another file excluding the source code, its either an .exe file or a 
.com file, depending on the structure of the program, or in c programming, when we 
compile a program, I know that it will make an exe file.  If it so, why is it that 
most of the files in Linux has no extension name, particularly no executable file 
like in windows e.g. (scandisk.exe)?

Simple, really, file extensions are there for typing files, and there
are other ways to do that in linux/UNIX.  In particular, an _executable_
bit is available in file permissions...  well actually three such bits,
one for owner, one for members of owner's group, and one for the rest of
the universe.  

Open a terminal window.

cd /usr/bin
ls l*

and you will see a list of files.  Those shown in green with an asterisk
following their name are executable.

Executable files are NOT NECESSARILY files which have been compiled to
dynamically linked (like exe) or statically linked (like com) files... 
.bat files are included as well, and something like this will be on the
first line


for shell programs


for perl programs

#!/usr/bin/env python

for python programs--all of those call script interpreters and then run
the script in the file.  Xtart is an example of a python program,
located at /usr/bin/Xtart which executes fast enough that it is unlikely
ever to be recoded into C.

For a real treat, look at

man bash

The shell which executes batch files can do stunningly powerful
things...  Look also at /etc/rc.sysinit for examples of the sort of
analysis programmable.

printerdrake is an example of an extremely powerful perl program


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Re[2]: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-04-04 Per discussione Roman Korcek


  One way to do it is to right-click on the icon and then click on
  properties. A  dialog box will open with the icon on it, so click on the
  icon now and another box will open. There you will see a lot of other
  icons or you can choose a .png or .xpm file. Pick up a new icon and it's
  I've received 3 identical answers, but it doesn't work here!  Nothing
  happens when I click on the icon in the dialog box.  I can change the
  icon by right clicking and then selecting Edit File Type.
  Unfortunately, this also changes all of the other, similar, non-embedded
  icons on the desktop.

 (Sorry for late reply, ISP's mailserver didn't want to send my mail)

 You are supposed to click Properties, not Edit File Type.
 Then click the icon image and choose another one. This really should

 Isn't this a thread from about two months or so ago?

Yes it is, as I said in the mail my ISP's mailserver didn't want to
send mails to the list so I had to wait till they fix it and it took
the two months. I thought it still might help someone.


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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-04 Per discussione tester

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 22:43, john rigby wrote:
 Ha there folks,
 Well, a new machine and same result.
 I purchased the full bottle M8.0 and need to get SOME value back :-)
 Many people complained of it not being very successful and it failed for me
 several times on 3 machines.
 It would seem to install ok to a degree - but only in text mode, despite my
 trying to ensure it would be graphic.
 I have now even bought a Jetway moboard as I was told it was lux friendly.
 SIS 630T chipset
 It has O/b video AGP4x shared mem amount immaterial as I've seen so far.
 O/b sound AC'97
 P3 667 Chip
 No graphics install by M8.0
 No sound
 BTW: I've never been able to get sound working on any prior system.
 Advice requested please:
 1. In the manuals I can find no reference to going GUI from dreaded
 Terminal mode.  Can one?
 I tried F1 and select other options at bootup but it will not accept any
 change from L3 to L5
 2. As I paid for the presentation of 1000's of programs with the retail
 Powerpak, is there a chance that I could use say a 2 disk minimalist set of
 8.1 ( or 2) to get a start and then install the programs I want from the 8.0
 Note: In Australia north of Brisbane we not only put our clocks back, but
 Telecom can't see why I REALLY need to be on the Internet. I average a D/l
 speed of  1.8 overall ( I quit when it often gets to 1.0 or less) and lose
 about one in two of any large (10Megs+) downloads. I've officially been told
 voice capability is good enough and they aren't obliged to demonstrate more
 than 9600 Bd capability unless I want to spend a few hundred per
 week on ADSL or... so using the disks, not to mention the $140 spent
 on them seems a good idea.
 3. What is the vote nowadays - my figures show 50/50 for 8.1 and 8.2 re user
 install/working satisfaction.
 4. If Mandrake can't for some reason detect a graphics card, should it not
 say so? Or will it simply default to a Terminal/text install?
 Thanks and
I have a Jetway 630TCF with the SiS 630 chipset.  Install comes up
Graphic without any effort on my part since the video supports
Framebuffer.  With the 530 and 8.0 there are some problems on some
implementations usually solved by setting options in

  Option sw_cursor
  Option no_bitblt
  Option FastVRam

It makes no sense for the install to come up text without any graphics. 
But if the install does, then your CDs are seriously damaged (at least
one run of the pressed CDs had trouble with a RAMDisk).  It might try to
come up text if you have less than 64M RAM since the 630 shares 8M of
main memory with video memory which makes a 32M setup really offer only
24M to the system.  In that case you would be fortunate to install at

IN any event, 630 from Jetway with the supercheap VIA C3 - 733 processor
and 64M RAM installs just fine here.  And because there is shared video
memory, RAM is VERY relevant.


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Re: [newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-04 Per discussione tester

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 15:15, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Bill Davidson wrote:
  I seriously doubt it. NetBEUI is an old protocol that Microsoft hardly
  supports anymore. If at all.
  On Wednesday 03 April 2002 05:53 pm, Wally wrote:
   Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop
   using NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip
   is assigned via the cable modem.
 Two points:
 To Bill: IMHO, the bigger question is whether Linux can support NetBEUI
 -- I know NetBEUI works in Win95, and I'm fairly certain it works in
 Win98, and is probably still supported in more recent versions.
 To Wally: The fact that the desktop's IP is assigned via the cable modem
 should not necessarily prevent you from seeing the Windows desktop.  I
 think there are ways to assign two IPs to the same network card, and
 there was a post about this not too long ago on either the newbie or
 expert list.
 IIRC, civileme described the setup as the poor man's router (although I
 may have that mixed up with another thread).
 Randy Kramer

There is a thread on the expert list and another on the cooker list
explaining how to assign more than one IP to a single card, but it
really is better to activate connection sharing and use two cards for
security reasons as well as fewer network collisions.

NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) is not a Microsoft exclusive;
it was in fact developed by IBM in the 1980s.  No support nor is ther
likely to be.  Instead of approaching the security problem by creating
an entirely different network, TCP/IP was used locally.  This is secure,
because the IP addresses reserved for local networks will not be relayed
by an internet router.  It is also capable of higher security levels
using ssh connections.  So 

1.  There is no need for NetBEUI in linux.  It is possible of course to
resolve IPs to NEtBEUI names with

nmblookup -U -A   #(Yes install Samba)

And LinPopup is available for WinPopup type apps.

There was an announcement by Network Storage Manufacturer Procom in May
of 2000 that they would have NetBEUI for linux and that it would be
available for download.  A search of does not find
any current news of the product.

2.  There is no impetus to write a WHOLE NEW SET of tools to do
communication across a different network.  Remember the mailbox is used
for the next desk over and Outlook is used for the internet in
Microsoft.  Two mailing systems to learn for the power of one, is what a
so-called secure local network costs in M$.  At least that is how some
Microsoft users explained it to me.  The last time I really worked with
M$ software was about the time NetBEUI matured and was not updated--like
about 1997.


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[newbie] Open Source Code (follow up 2)

2002-04-04 Per discussione Anthony V Guillen

Is there any difference in the syntax and the compiler use in c programming  assembly 
programming in windows and in linux? or the compiler itself?


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[newbie] Cant boot lilo or Grub.. Very strange error.

2002-04-04 Per discussione Frank H

Hi good people..

I have just bought a new 41 gig IBM hard drive for my
old heap of a home server. (IBM 300PL. 233mmx HX
chipset, 160MB ram, TNT2 Video.)

Anyway, I installed the drive, the 300PL saw it as an
8.4 gig drive.. (and thats after I flashed the latest
IBM bios.)
Still, I thougt if it works as an 8.4 that will do..
But the Mandrake 8.2 install saw the full 41 gig and
partitioned and installed accordingly.

All went well, including setting up X and everything
else.. so I had lilo written to the MBR and went to
restart my new install.

No good, it couldn't find the boot record.. kept askin
for a bootable media.

So I tried writing lilo to /dev/hda5 which is my /root
partition, but that resulted in the same thing.. (is
it possible that I can only load lilo to the /root
partition if there is no seperate /boot partition?)
After makin everything XFS and then discovering there
was no way to make a boot disk, I reloaded with
everytyhing as Reiserfs except /boot and /root which
were ext3..  so now the only way to get my system up
and running is via a  boot disk, although it works
perfectly from that point on, including X and all...

How can I got my system to boot from the hard disk???

does anyone know what I could try?

I found some utils on the IBM hard drive site for
this, but they all turned out to be winblows stuff,
even though you could make their disks from linux,
they still wanted to format everything in fat or fat32
and load dos TSR's.. which is not alot of good in a
linux system.

Any help would be wonderful..

many thanks 

kindest regards

Frank Hauptle.

PS.. I apologise for not posting much lately, but I
still have not got a domain that mandrake accepts for
posting mail, and yahoo via the web is a pain in the
tookus.. so I only post now when I'm desperate, at
least until I find a good easy method.. 

thanks again. :-)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-04 Per discussione John Richard Smith

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 23:14:34 +0100
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 17:58, you wrote:
 I didn't realise you were just going to type it in!
 If you do 'cdparanoia --help', one of the things it says is:

 -d --force-cdrom-device   dev : use specified device; disallow autosense

 So (and I'm not quite sure of the syntax) you might neeed something like:

 #cdparanoia -vB -d /dev/cdrom2 1- /root/tmp/name

 I've probably got that a bit wrong, but try variations on it.


Thanks, once again Richard, and so it proved to be. I did :-

 [root@localhost root]# cdparanoia -vB -d /dev/scd0 1- /root/tmp/name
cdparanoia III release 9.8 (March 23, 2001)
(C) 2001 Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Xiphophorus

Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Checking /dev/scd0 for cdrom...
Testing /dev/scd0 for cooked ioctl() interface
/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd is not a cooked ioctl
Testing /dev/scd0 for SCSI interface
generic device: /dev/sg0
ioctl device: /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd

Found an accessible SCSI CDROM drive.
Looking at revision of the SG interface in use...
SG interface version 3.1.22; OK.

CDROM model sensed sensed: MITSUMI CR-48X9TE 1.0C

Checking for SCSI emulation...
Drive is ATAPI (using SCSI host adaptor emulation)

Checking for MMC style command set...
Drive is MMC style
DMA scatter/gather table entries: 256
table entry size: 32768 bytes
maximum theoretical transfer: 3566 sectors
Setting default read size to 13 sectors (30576 bytes).

Verifying CDDA command set...
Expected command set reads OK.

Table of contents (audio tracks only):
tracklength   begincopy pre ch
  1.13012 [02:53.37]0 [00:00.00]no   no  2
  2.13577 [03:01.02]13012 [02:53.37]no   no  2
  3.12682 [02:49.07]26589 [05:54.39]no   no  2
  4.16787 [03:43.62]39271 [08:43.46]no   no  2
  5.15842 [03:31.17]56058 [12:27.33]no   no  2
  6.15922 [03:32.22]71900 [15:58.50]no   no  2
  7. 9299 [02:03.74]87822 [19:30.72]no   no  2
  8.11355 [02:31.30]97121 [21:34.71]no   no  2
  9.13162 [02:55.37]   108476 [24:06.26]no   no  2
 10.18207 [04:02.57]   121638 [27:01.63]no   no  2
 11.13342 [02:57.67]   139845 [31:04.45]no   no  2
 12.13222 [02:56.22]   153187 [34:02.37]no   no  2
 13.16422 [03:38.72]   166409 [36:58.59]no   no  2
 14.33460 [07:26.10]   182831 [40:37.56]no   no  2
 15.19527 [04:20.27]   216291 [48:03.66]no   no  2
 16.15577 [03:27.52]   235818 [52:24.18]no   no  2
 17.11014 [02:26.64]   251395 [55:51.70]no   no  2
 18.12925 [02:52.25]   262409 [58:18.59]no   no  2
 19.12077 [02:41.02]   275334 [61:11.09]no   no  2
 20.11019 [02:26.69]   287411 [63:52.11]no   no  2
TOTAL  298430 [66:19.05](audio only)

Ripping from sector   0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
  to sector  298429 (track 20 [2:26.68])

outputting to /root/tmp/

 (== PROGRESS == [  | 013011 00 ] == :^D * ==)

outputting to /root/tmp/

 (== PROGRESS == [  | 026588 00 ] == :^D * ==)

etc, etc, etc,

outputting to /root/tmp/

 (== PROGRESS == [+   + | 287410 00 ] == :^D * ==)

outputting to /root/tmp/

 (== PROGRESS == [  | 298429 00 ] == :^D * ==)


One further question though, suppose I wanted to cashe only certain audio
tracks rather than the lot, can I select them individually. I'm guessing, but
perhaps you replace the  1-  with a commer seperated list of track

Anyway this proves that cdparanoia and cdrecord are OK.
The original problem seems likely to be with xcdroast.

I wonder whether LM8.1 version of roast would install and work with
LM8.2 cdrecord ?  Any libraries problems ?


 PPS , Thursday 4th April 2002 BST
I guess others have got here a lot sooner than me, but :-

[root@localhost root]# xcdroast -d /dev/scd0

** WARNING **: Installation problem? No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/mkisofs

** WARNING **: Installation problem? No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/readcd

** WARNING **: Installation problem? No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/cdda2wav

** CRITICAL **: file eazel-theme-draw.c: line 1640 (draw_flat_box): assertion
`height = -1' failed.

Question, is this something one can fix , or do you need a complete
new download and 

Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-04 Per discussione ed tharp

On Thursday 04 April 2002 02:43, you wrote:
 Ha there folks,
 Well, a new machine and same result.
 I purchased the full bottle M8.0 and need to get SOME value back :-)
 Many people complained of it not being very successful and it failed for me
 several times on 3 machines.
 It would seem to install ok to a degree - but only in text mode, despite my
 trying to ensure it would be graphic.

 I have now even bought a Jetway moboard as I was told it was lux friendly.
 SIS 630T chipset
 It has O/b video AGP4x shared mem amount immaterial as I've seen so far.
WRONG... THIS is your problem, you need to specify the ram being used video 
as subtracted from the overall ram,ie linux mem=118 (this being a machine 
w/128 ram chip, and 8 meg for video ram and a little extra to be safe.

 O/b sound AC'97
 P3 667 Chip

 No graphics install by M8.0
 No sound
 BTW: I've never been able to get sound working on any prior system.

 Advice requested please:

 1. In the manuals I can find no reference to going GUI from dreaded
 Terminal mode.  Can one?
 I tried F1 and select other options at bootup but it will not accept any
 change from L3 to L5

 2. As I paid for the presentation of 1000's of programs with the retail
 Powerpak, is there a chance that I could use say a 2 disk minimalist set of
 8.1 ( or 2) to get a start and then install the programs I want from the
 8.0 Set?

 Note: In Australia north of Brisbane we not only put our clocks back, but
 Telecom can't see why I REALLY need to be on the Internet. I average a D/l
 speed of  1.8 overall ( I quit when it often gets to 1.0 or less) and lose
 about one in two of any large (10Megs+) downloads. I've officially been
 told voice capability is good enough and they aren't obliged to
 demonstrate more than 9600 Bd capability unless I want to spend a
 few hundred per week on ADSL or... so using the disks, not to
 mention the $140 spent on them seems a good idea.

 3. What is the vote nowadays - my figures show 50/50 for 8.1 and 8.2 re
 user install/working satisfaction.

 4. If Mandrake can't for some reason detect a graphics card, should it not
 say so? Or will it simply default to a Terminal/text install?

 Thanks and


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Re: [newbie] unusual partitioning question

2002-04-04 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 01:44, you wrote:
 Zlatko Savic wrote:
  hey everyone, i have a weird question and i am trying to ask it
  without confusing everyone, even myself.
  I installed my MD 7.1 some time ago with the following setup:
  /(root) on /dev/hda5
  swap on /dev/hda6
  /home on /dev/hda7
  Now I am trying (if it is possible, that is) to separate my /boot
  directory from the /(root) . Basically, without reinstalling,
  formatting or doing anything to my system I want to separate /(root)
  and /boot that are on /dev/hda5 so that I get something like:
  /boot on /dev/hda5
  /(root) on /dev/hda6
  swap on /dev/hda7
  /home on /dev/hda8
  I have played around previously with some ideas and they all lead me
  to a complete reinstall of the system so that is why I am asking for
  your help. The reason for this question is my desire to make a dual
  linux boot without completely deleting my current linux install.
  Thanks in advance,
  Zlatko Savic
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 Well, you can do it if they are ext2 filesystems using ext2resize which
 is available in tarball form (the rpms are unlikely to install on 7.1,
 because rpm has changed versions, and so has glibc and gcc and ...)  You
 would make a new hda patrition FOLLOWING the resized /.

 But for dual-boot you do NOT need a separate /boot

 All you need to do is drag the kernel and the initrd
 (vmlinuz-(kernelnumber)-(buildinfo) and
 initrd.img-(kernelnumber-buildinfo)) from the /boot of the new install
 to the /boot of the old install, then use DrakConf to redo your boot
 (and the drop down lists will include the new kernel and initrds) making
 sure the root identified in the new boot is the root of the new install.
  For luck, run /sbin/lilo as root then reboot and you should have the
 dual-boot established.

 More info on this approach is at

 and I did author that article.


I guess the answer to the question , why dual boot Linux OS's with a seperate
/boot partition, is because that is the way DrakX expects to find it and as
such it is the way DrakX installs everything for you without having to 
go through all the unnecessary  workarounds afterwards. All you have to
do is make sure that your lilo stanzas are correct in the second Linux OS 
install so that they include the kernel/initrd files of the first linux Os 
install, then it's a straight and simple bootup into either Linux OS of your 


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-04 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

 Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop using
 NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip is assigned
 via the cable modem.


I have a similar situation, but with LM on the notebook and W2k on the 
( my notebook doesnt travel alot theough ).

Like someboy here suggested in the theread,I also suggest that you make LM 
your gateway to the internet,you cna do that either by:

1) using internet connection sharing from Mandrake control center.
2) Or by editting the /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg file in case you are 
running bastill ofcourse ( and you can know if you are running bastill or not 
either by looking for a line that says: starting bastille firewall [OK] or by 
running the command ( as root: /etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall status in 
the console ( u should see a set of lines scrolling through the screen if it 
is working ).

read my thread on this where LOTS of this List's Knights helped me out on this 
it was under the name:  [newbie] iptables / ipchains / bastille ??!! you will 
find some of the files that need to be configured and some very usefull info.

but even without making linux your gateway, I belive you can still make win 
your gateway with little effort,( I heard that from somebody , yet I'm not 
aware of how much is this little effort :)

Good Luck.

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 19:12:55 +1200, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sheesh couldnt you have just posted the bleeding link... what a waste of
 bandwidth. Two minutes at the website gave me:

I'm probably going to ruffle a few feathers here but I think it needs to be

Does anybody seriously think this will be a good thing for Linux and free
software? I most certainly don't. Why pay US$99 when you can get CodeWeavers
CrossOver Office for $54.95, which you can install on virtually any modern
distro? CodeWeavers give all of their code back to the community, while Lindows
don't. Lindows is highly insecure: everything runs as root and users are even
discouraged from creating a root password. All we need are a few easily-written
exploit scripts for this poor excuse of an OS and open source as a whole (not
just Lindows) will be given a bad name. GNU/Linux virii will become a widespread
reality (on Lindows, that is), fueling opposition to open source. Antivirus and
security companies will jump on this. People will be duped by their FUD-laden
advertising and will pay big bucks for software they don't even need. I can see
this becoming some sort of vicious cycle.

Until Lindows gains some decent security I shall continue to wish for it to
suffer a horrible, horrible death.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody.
-- Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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AW: [newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

2002-04-04 Per discussione - addy däudsch -

let them try it , let them suffer i say ...

there are alot of m§ widooze user in this world , they suffer every day
w/ their 'great' os ...
let lindows be the same ... i think OSD will distant themself for sure
from lindows in this case

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Sridhar
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. April 2002 09:45
Betreff: Re: [newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 19:12:55 +1200, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sheesh couldnt you have just posted the bleeding link... what a waste 
 of bandwidth. Two minutes at the website gave me:

I'm probably going to ruffle a few feathers here but I think it needs to
be said.

Does anybody seriously think this will be a good thing for Linux and
free software? I most certainly don't. Why pay US$99 when you can get
CodeWeavers CrossOver Office for $54.95, which you can install on
virtually any modern distro? CodeWeavers give all of their code back to
the community, while Lindows don't. Lindows is highly insecure:
everything runs as root and users are even discouraged from creating a
root password. All we need are a few easily-written exploit scripts for
this poor excuse of an OS and open source as a whole (not just Lindows)
will be given a bad name. GNU/Linux virii will become a widespread
reality (on Lindows, that is), fueling opposition to open source.
Antivirus and security companies will jump on this. People will be duped
by their FUD-laden advertising and will pay big bucks for software they
don't even need. I can see this becoming some sort of vicious cycle.

Until Lindows gains some decent security I shall continue to wish for it
to suffer a horrible, horrible death.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody.
-- Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for

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[newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione Steven Spears


What is the best method of installing KDE 3.0. I've got in downloaded and 
want to install it on my 8.2 system, but want to do it in the best possible 
way. Any tips or hints?



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Re: [newbie] Cant boot lilo or Grub.. Very strange error.

2002-04-04 Per discussione Charlie

On Thursday 04 April 2002 03:54 am, Frank H offered these words:
 Hi good people..

 I have just bought a new 41 gig IBM hard drive for my
 old heap of a home server. (IBM 300PL. 233mmx HX
 chipset, 160MB ram, TNT2 Video.)

 Anyway, I installed the drive, the 300PL saw it as an
 8.4 gig drive.. (and thats after I flashed the latest
 IBM bios.)
 Still, I thougt if it works as an 8.4 that will do..
 But the Mandrake 8.2 install saw the full 41 gig and
 partitioned and installed accordingly.

 All went well, including setting up X and everything
 else.. so I had lilo written to the MBR and went to
 restart my new install.

 No good, it couldn't find the boot record.. kept askin
 for a bootable media.

 So I tried writing lilo to /dev/hda5 which is my /root
 partition, but that resulted in the same thing.. (is
 it possible that I can only load lilo to the /root
 partition if there is no seperate /boot partition?)
 After makin everything XFS and then discovering there
 was no way to make a boot disk, I reloaded with
 everytyhing as Reiserfs except /boot and /root which
 were ext3..  so now the only way to get my system up
 and running is via a  boot disk, although it works
 perfectly from that point on, including X and all...

 How can I got my system to boot from the hard disk???

 does anyone know what I could try?

 I found some utils on the IBM hard drive site for
 this, but they all turned out to be winblows stuff,
 even though you could make their disks from linux,
 they still wanted to format everything in fat or fat32
 and load dos TSR's.. which is not alot of good in a
 linux system.

 Any help would be wonderful..

 many thanks

 kindest regards

 Frank Hauptle.

 PS.. I apologise for not posting much lately, but I
 still have not got a domain that mandrake accepts for
 posting mail, and yahoo via the web is a pain in the
 tookus.. so I only post now when I'm desperate, at
 least until I find a good easy method..

 thanks again. :-)
Since all the trouble with the substandard drives IBM produced Iwouldn't buy 
an IBM HDD. But I don't think the drive was the problem. I had a similar 
problem on first boot of a clean install on a 60 GB Maxtor. MDK 8.2 saw the 
drive; the BIOS didn't, and the only way to boot the system was from the 
floppy. Also on 'second' first boot after flashing the BIOS on my BX6 Rev. 2 
so that it could see the new drive.

I did a complete fresh install and used Linux Native for /boot, everything 
else is Reiser. Perfect results since. It ain't a server but the problem was 
remarkably similar. I think I remember reading that ext3 was still buggy in 
some ways, or just not quite there yet.

I have no clue why this happened but the method of install I used the third 
time worked. One of the 'old hands' can probably explain it. In the meantime 
what I have works just fine so.

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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code (follow up 2)

2002-04-04 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Thu, 04 Apr 2002, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 %_Is there any difference in the syntax and the compiler use in c programming  
assembly programming in windows and in linux? or the compiler itself?
As a rule syntax is ANSI 'C'.
Why do you ask?
Linux uses gcc, usually windows uses visualk C++ 

Gerald Waugh
Front Street Networks LLC - 203-785-0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT, 06513-3203

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 06:33:50 -0600, Steven Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the best method of installing KDE 3.0. I've got in downloaded and 
 want to install it on my 8.2 system, but want to do it in the best possible 
 way. Any tips or hints?

It should be simple. Download all the RPMs and put them in their own directory.
Enter the directory and type 'rpm -Uvh *rpm'. KDE3 installs into /opt, so you
can have both KDE3 and KDE2 installed side-by-side.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

You have no privacy. Get over it. -- Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems

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Re: [newbie] Cant boot lilo or Grub.. Very strange error.

2002-04-04 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

FH Hi good people..

FH I have just bought a new 41 gig IBM hard drive for my
FH old heap of a home server. (IBM 300PL. 233mmx HX
FH chipset, 160MB ram, TNT2 Video.)

FH Anyway, I installed the drive, the 300PL saw it as an
FH 8.4 gig drive.. (and thats after I flashed the latest
FH IBM bios.)
FH Still, I thougt if it works as an 8.4 that will do..
FH But the Mandrake 8.2 install saw the full 41 gig and
FH partitioned and installed accordingly.

FH All went well, including setting up X and everything
FH else.. so I had lilo written to the MBR and went to
FH restart my new install.

FH No good, it couldn't find the boot record.. kept askin
FH for a bootable media.

FH So I tried writing lilo to /dev/hda5 which is my /root
FH partition, but that resulted in the same thing.. (is
FH it possible that I can only load lilo to the /root
FH partition if there is no seperate /boot partition?)
FH After makin everything XFS and then discovering there
FH was no way to make a boot disk, I reloaded with
FH everytyhing as Reiserfs except /boot and /root which
FH were ext3..  so now the only way to get my system up
FH and running is via a  boot disk, although it works
FH perfectly from that point on, including X and all...

FH How can I got my system to boot from the hard disk???

FH does anyone know what I could try?

FH I found some utils on the IBM hard drive site for
FH this, but they all turned out to be winblows stuff,
FH even though you could make their disks from linux,
FH they still wanted to format everything in fat or fat32
FH and load dos TSR's.. which is not alot of good in a
FH linux system.

FH Any help would be wonderful..

FH many thanks 

FH kindest regards

FH Frank Hauptle.

FH PS.. I apologise for not posting much lately, but I
FH still have not got a domain that mandrake accepts for
FH posting mail, and yahoo via the web is a pain in the
FH tookus.. so I only post now when I'm desperate, at
FH least until I find a good easy method.. 

FH thanks again. :-)

 First of all, when you are using a journal filesystem, reiser, XFS
 etc. I suggest you have a seperate partition for /boot, and never
 install lilo to the head of / partition. EXT3 is slow, try reiser
 or XFS.

 Your trouble seems to be related to bios, that is not capable of
 defining the size of your disk, which is common for many of the old
 boxes. Still lilo overcomes this usually.

 I suggest you boot from a floppy disk, and not get much deeper on
 this size thing. What may look bad, is the delay caused by the
 floppy. To overcome this, boot your system, put in a fresh floppy,
 open up /etc/lilo.conf, change boot=/dev/hda (or something
 similiar) to boot=/dev/fd0, save, type lilo to make it write lilo
 to the disk. It will make things a lot faster.

 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] x-cdroast broken, non-gui alternatives - HELP !

2002-04-04 Per discussione joe

I've found xcdroast is broken in 8.2 when trying to copy audio cds. Here's 
what happens when you rely on the gui front end to hide the mssy details.

Can someone spell out for me how to duplicate an audio CD using the the 
command line alternatives.  

I won't bore the list with my failed attempts which have resulted in creating 

I would be very greatful.


ps.  If anyone has had an alternate experience with cd roast and audio cds 
please contact me off-list and we can go in to the errors I am getting and 
post a summary to the list resolving this issue.  Thanks again.

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Re: [newbie] x-cdroast broken, non-gui alternatives - HELP !

2002-04-04 Per discussione Paul

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 06:21:13 -0800 joe wrote:

I've found xcdroast is broken in 8.2 when trying to copy audio cds. Here's 
what happens when you rely on the gui front end to hide the mssy details.

Can someone spell out for me how to duplicate an audio CD using the the 
command line alternatives.  

Someone posted this option a few days ago:

cdparanoia -vB 1- ~/tmp/name  cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad 


If you want to be respected by others,
the great thing is to respect yourself.
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione Steven Spears

Thanks! I had forgotten how to do that. 

Interesing that you can run both. How would you start one or the other. Right 
now, of course, I'm running 2 and would like to try three. Once installed how 
would I run 3.0?

Thanks again,


On Thursday 04 April 2002 07:16 am, you wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 06:33:50 -0600, Steven Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  What is the best method of installing KDE 3.0. I've got in downloaded and
  want to install it on my 8.2 system, but want to do it in the best
  possible way. Any tips or hints?

 It should be simple. Download all the RPMs and put them in their own
 directory. Enter the directory and type 'rpm -Uvh *rpm'. KDE3 installs into
 /opt, so you can have both KDE3 and KDE2 installed side-by-side.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

2002-04-04 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 04 April 2002 03:45 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 Does anybody seriously think this will be a good thing for Linux and free
 software? I most certainly don't. Why pay US$99 when you can get
 CodeWeavers CrossOver Office for $54.95, which you can install on

mostly because the average person won't be able to install an RPM of 
codeweavers.  just ask john.  ;-)

 root password. All we need are a few easily-written exploit scripts for
 this poor excuse of an OS and open source as a whole (not just Lindows)
 will be given a bad name. GNU/Linux virii will become a widespread
 reality (on Lindows, that is), fueling opposition to open source.

i say mandrake should write a windows emulation layer in 9.0.  it should 
be easy, when turned on it will choose a random amount of time between 1 
minute and 4 hours, after which it will reboot without warning.  a plugin 
could be made to randomly delete a file after displaying a virus message 
every (random number) of email downloads.

lets start taking windows compatability seriously!

Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open 

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] MP3-ripper

2002-04-04 Per discussione Jesper Nyholm Jensen

What's a good MP3-ripper? One that just takes a cd as input and
outputs the MP3s.
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 downloads sites

2002-04-04 Per discussione John P. Chambers

I am using Road Runner and have downloaded all three disks within about 30
minutes. I think the problem may lay in the connection on your computer or
on the sites you are using and not in the download. I downloaded from
Georgia Tech.

Sender: John P. ChambersBusiness: Discovery Center, Inc.
Hm. Ph. (713) 465-4209   Bus. Ph.: (713) 963-0043
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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Slater
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 downloads sites

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 20:30:56 -0500
Dan Butler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a DSL line and download speeds are usually very
good, but the
 site where I am
 downloading disk one for over 24 hours now, is rediculous!
I know it's
 not me.  I am doing other downloads while waiting that just
speed right
 along... Any suggestions?
 Dan B

I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago--every download site was
either full or really slow. I did manage a download today from
the mirror
in Illinois ( I
got disc 1 in
a little under 2 hours (t1 @ work).


Todd Slater
8:28pm up 7 days, 21:55, 2 users, load average: 0.13, 0.12, 0.14
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find
it within
himself. (Galileo)

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.343 / Virus Database: 190 - Release Date: 3/22/2002

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-04 Per discussione Michael Kovary

I have now done a clean install of 8.2, and most of the problems from before are gone, but while running KDE and Gnome (might in other window managers but not so far) the entire machine will freeze except for my mouse and sound if music was playing at the time. And I'm forced to use the reset button. Is this just a bug in 8.2 that can be fixed? Will I have to update something?

From: Roland Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mandrake Help List Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2 
Date: 03 Apr 2002 19:57:47 -0500 
I am having similar problems after doing the same from LM8.1. The video 
is very flaky and icons do not show up in apps properly and when I click 
the drop down for the different folders evolution just disappears. 
On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 09:22, Blood Slap wrote: 
  I've been using Mandrake 8.1 for a while now, and just upgraded to 8.2. 
 The installation went fine, but the first few times I tried logging on to 
 KDE or Gnome, they would either freeze (forcing me to Crtl+Alt+Backspace), 
 stop loading at the blue desktop, or freeze my entire machine forcing me to 
 reset. I've tried booting to "Old Linux" in Lilo, but I have the same problems. 
 Also, I have'nt had any major display problems with X before, but now whenever 
 I play any 3D games (Tux Racer, GLTron), they are extremely choppy and 
 unplayable. In the installation it detected my video card (ATI Rage 128) 
 just like before, and I chose the newest version of X with 3D acceleration, 
 which I think is the same I have been using. 
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[newbie] divx again ...

2002-04-04 Per discussione - addy däudsch -

good eve to all of you

a divx content question again

i have mplayer , correctly installed . i can play mpeg 1/2 and normal
avis w/o probs ... everything is working

but i can't play divx ... i downloaded divx4linux50-20020304 from the site and installed it with root looked ok 

but if i play divx avi in mplayer onley the sound works

:) help me ! ...

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Re: [newbie] Yamaha ymf724 sound, ML8.2

2002-04-04 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Thursday 04 April 2002 21:46, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I have problems with sound. I have sound when I play a cd, but for
 nothing else. In drakconf it looks like it has found the right sound card,
 but when I run the configuration tool and it plays the 8-bit sample I hear
 nothing. In the shell it outputs

 No volume mixer available. So I'll not be able to adjust volume.

 So what should I do?

Well Jesper, try this : Install Kmix (it's on the CD's somewhere), open it, 
and adjust the rulers. Especially the PCM-one.


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] RealPlayer

2002-04-04 Per discussione Damian

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 06:58, James Thomas escribió:
 Using google:
 For any Mandrake version I believe as it's RPM.
 Where can I find RealPlayer for LM 8.1. I'm having trouble 
 Guilherme Cirne

or you can try

took me a while to find it, they provide no links to it, they do not
support it... you almost feel they can't live without us ;o)


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Damian wrote:

 actually there is a better way.
 last night i installed KDE 3.0 by getting all RPMS, opening a terminal
 and doing a  urpmi ./+ 
 it asked me for the three MDK cd's and got a lot of packages to solve
 dependencies... it worked fine, tho kde 3  has bugs.. :o(

what does opening a term  typing urpmi ./+ do then exactly?  So you
still have to d/l all the RPM's of KDE3 yourself  urpmi just takes care
of the deps?  And if so will it still install KDE3 beside your existing

:)  Tough questions I know, but I'm sure you'll pull through this crisis
for me Damian ;p

I have confidence in your non-Fudding abilities


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] RealPlayer

2002-04-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 03:17, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
 Where can I find RealPlayer for LM 8.1. I'm having trouble finding it on 
 RealNetworks' site, but I remember seeing it there a while back.
 Guilherme Cirne
Making it simple--source for Realplayer:



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
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[newbie] [OT] icecast/ogg

2002-04-04 Per discussione Todd Slater

Has anybody gotten Icecast going to stream mp3 or ogg (which I think is
only possible with Icecast2)? I was able to stream mp3, but the bitrate
was way too high, and I couldn't get lame to encode at 28.8 or 33.6.

Todd Slater
5:38pm up 8 days, 19:06, 2 users, load average: 0.04, 0.08, 0.08
Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent over-education
from happening...The average American [should be] content with their
humble role in life, because they're not tempted to think about any other
role. (William Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Education, 1889)

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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-04-04 Per discussione Michael

Roman Korcek wrote:


  Isn't this a thread from about two months or so ago?
 Yes it is, as I said in the mail my ISP's mailserver didn't want to
 send mails to the list so I had to wait till they fix it and it took
 the two months. I thought it still might help someone.

Damn, and i thought it was an April fools joke

Molecule, n.:
The ultimate, indivisible unit of matter.  It is distinguished
from the corpuscle, also the ultimate, indivisible unit of matter, by a
closer resemblance to the atom, also the ultimate, indivisible unit of
matter ... The ion differs from the molecule, the corpuscle and the
atom in that it is an ion ...
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code (follow up 2)

2002-04-04 Per discussione tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 18:19, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 Is there any difference in the syntax and the compiler use in c programming  
assembly programming in windows and in linux? or the compiler itself?
Yes, there are large differences.  gcc is closer to ANSI compliant, but
has all sorts of add-ons.  f2c translates fortran programs, and p2c does
it for pascal.  Objective-C is embedded, and the switches for
compilation would fill a small volume with their documentation.

To make it look something like the Visual C or some of the other
Windows-compatible compilers, you need to use an integrated development
environment, like kdestudio, or KDevelop (Much better, BTW in KDE3 which
is NOW available for 8.2).  gIDE and wedit are also available and free,
and Kylix is reasonably priced from Borland.

The library functions are much more comprehensive and richer in linux,
mainly because the system is capable of so much more, and the key to
good C programming is as always having a good handle on the library
functions and system calls.


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 03:33, Steven Spears wrote:
 What is the best method of installing KDE 3.0. I've got in downloaded and 
 want to install it on my 8.2 system, but want to do it in the best possible 
 way. Any tips or hints?

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Put all the RPMs in a single directory

Open up a terminal window and su to root and cd to your directory with
the KDE rpms

Now do these

urpmi unixodbc
(and from the reply install every match with urpmi

urpmi postgresql
(same activity again, and include all the -devels)

urpmi MYSQL
(go at it again, installing everything)


rpm -ivh *rpm

Take notes, you will get some instructions.

The procedure will hang on a warning message, refusing to tell you it is
completed.  Hit the Enter key once for the system prompt.

That's it...  It will show up as KDE3 on the kdm login screen and it
will show up as

11 KDE

on the choices Xtart presents from a console.

Unles you save the session, it will ask for styles EVERY time you login
which can be a pain.

The soundserver is, to say the least, flaky.  Programs like xmms will
continue to work but don't bother reporting known bugs about KDE sound.

Some of the login messages and panels may crash with a crash message if
your security is High or Higher.  KDE3 is making too many assumptions
about permissions and open sockets.

About par for the course for a .0 type release from KDE.  Some things
will improve with 3.1, but the new KDE is for the most part, smooth and

Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time.  Some
beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little longer.


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 13:07, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Damian wrote:
  actually there is a better way.
  last night i installed KDE 3.0 by getting all RPMS, opening a terminal
  and doing a  urpmi ./+ 
  it asked me for the three MDK cd's and got a lot of packages to solve
  dependencies... it worked fine, tho kde 3  has bugs.. :o(
 what does opening a term  typing urpmi ./+ do then exactly?  So you
 still have to d/l all the RPM's of KDE3 yourself  urpmi just takes care
 of the deps?  And if so will it still install KDE3 beside your existing
 :)  Tough questions I know, but I'm sure you'll pull through this crisis
 for me Damian ;p
 I have confidence in your non-Fudding abilities
It installs and runs separately.  It is KDE3 on the kdm selection and 

11 KDE

on Xtart from console.

You need about 90 Mb space in / or /opt and if you do not have a
separate /opt and / doesn't have that much room, then do this:

1. Open a terminal
2. su to root

mkdir -p /usr/opt
ln -s /usr/opt /opt

before you install.

It seems to run well as security level 2 and to have problems at 3 or
higher.  Some of the new open sockets do not appear to get the right
permissions for intewrprocess communications at higher security levels.


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[newbie] no subject

2002-04-04 Per discussione Alberto

Salve a tutti.
Ho riscontrato dei gravi problemi con iptables sotto manndrake 8,2 realise.
In sintesi dopo n'istallazione pulita partendo da disco formattato il
servizio iptables non si avvia.
Ho cercato tra i servizi attivi e non ci sta.
Ho provato a farlo partire e non parte.
Ho dato dei comandi per settare il nat alla solita maniera , in 8,1 va da 6
mesi circa, ma nulla!!
Mi dice che devo aggiornare o iptables o il kernel.
Ho anche prvato a disistallare iptabe e a reistallarlo sempre dai cd di
Mandrake 8,2 ma non cambia nulla.
Come posso risolvere? Qualcun'altro ha riscontrato problemi simili?
Anche altri mei amici hanno avuto lo stesso problema.
Io posseggo un Athlon 800 che con Mandrake 8,1 é sempre andato a gonfie

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione FemmeFatale

tester wrote:

  what does opening a term  typing urpmi ./+ do then exactly?  So you
  still have to d/l all the RPM's of KDE3 yourself  urpmi just takes care
  of the deps?  And if so will it still install KDE3 beside your existing
  :)  Tough questions I know, but I'm sure you'll pull through this crisis
  for me Damian ;p
  I have confidence in your non-Fudding abilities
 It installs and runs separately.  It is KDE3 on the kdm selection and
 11 KDE
 on Xtart from console.
 You need about 90 Mb space in / or /opt and if you do not have a
 separate /opt and / doesn't have that much room, then do this:
 1. Open a terminal
 2. su to root
 mkdir -p /usr/opt
 ln -s /usr/opt /opt
 before you install.
 It seems to run well as security level 2 and to have problems at 3 or
 higher.  Some of the new open sockets do not appear to get the right
 permissions for intewrprocess communications at higher security levels.

*laughs* Damian flaked on me, so Civilme to the Bat-Rescue!  Into the
KDE-Mobile my linux comrades!

TY.  I will think about installing it...

I suspect with my record I'll break a lot of things if I do though so...
i'll install it on a separate Linux install on a separate partition.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-04 Per discussione Pascal Goguey

2002 4? 4 ??? 16:43??:
 Ha there folks,
 Well, a new machine and same result.

From your previous mails and also this one, I got the impression
that you are one of the most unlucky person from earth and
its suburbs.


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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

It's included in Mandrake. If you want a GUI frontend for it, Grip is a good

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 21:22:26 +0200 (MEST), Jesper Nyholm Jensen
 Where to get?
 Jesper Nyholm Jensen
 On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Bryan Tyson wrote:
 On Thursday 04 April 2002 11:23, Jesper wrote:
  What's a good MP3-ripper? One that just takes a cd as input and
  outputs the MP3s.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

  Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

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Re: [newbie] divx again ...

2002-04-04 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 04 Apr 2002 19:56:33 +0200, - addy däudsch - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 good eve to all of you
 a divx content question again
 i have mplayer , correctly installed . i can play mpeg 1/2 and normal
 avis w/o probs ... everything is working
 but i can't play divx ... i downloaded divx4linux50-20020304 from the site and installed it with root looked ok 
 but if i play divx avi in mplayer onley the sound works
 :) help me ! ...

There are instructions on how to get Divx5 working on the MPlayer site
( Here's what it says:

DivX5 - MPlayer supports it in two ways: by using the official
binary library available at, or by using the well-known
libavcodec. The latter is the recommended for its speed, simplicity and
stability ! Neither of them supports encoding currently.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

In short: just say NO TO DRUGS, and maybe
you won't end up like the Hurd people.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-04 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Pascal Goguey wrote:
 2002 4? 4 ??? 16:43??:
  Ha there folks,
  Well, a new machine and same result.
 From your previous mails and also this one, I got the impression
 that you are one of the most unlucky person from earth and
 its suburbs.

Pascal... ROFLOL


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RE: [newbie] Lost messages on VC12 - RESOLVED

2002-04-04 Per discussione Jim Fazio

Just in case anyone else is interested.  My problem stemmed from the
fact that I must have chosen LOW as my security level, instead of
MEDIUM.  On msec level 3 or greater the syslog messages are written to
/dev/tty12 by default.  So to solve my problem of the missing messages,
I just ran `msec 3` in a console as root.
Afterward I was able then to figure out that the real fix was adding
the line `*.* /dev/tty12` to the end of my /etc/syslog.conf file.  This
is what redirects all *.* syslog messages to /dev/tty12.


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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-04 Per discussione Blood Slap

It is not mobility or pro, it's just an ATI Expert 2000 Rage 128, but I will
check the config file.
- Original Message -
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

 On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 09:57:44 -0700
 Michael Kovary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have now done a clean install of 8.2, and most of the problems from
before are gone, but while running KDE and Gnome (might in other window
managers but not so far) the entire machine will freeze except for my
mouse and sound if music was playing at the time.  And I'm forced to use
the reset button.  Is this just a bug in 8.2 that can be fixed?  Will I
have to update something?

 Is yours a straight Rage128 card?
 Not a mobility or Pro or some other variation.

 It should not be there but just in case check your /etc/X11/X86Config-4.
 In the module section if there is an entry for v41, either # it out or
remove it.
 Restart X and your problem will be gone.

 If the above was not the cause of your problem please post your


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Re: [newbie] Quicken clone

2002-04-04 Per discussione Dick Mazierski

Lee wrote:
 You might try MyBooks from  I set it up on 8.1 to consider for my
 business package, was impressed with the features, and still haven't switched
 from quickbooks pro.  Looks good though.
 On Monday 25 March 2002 09:50 am, Dick Mazierski wrote:
  I am trying to find a clone for Quicken. Gnucash is said to be one but
  it does not offer the check writing/printing that Quicken does. Does
  anybody know of either a shareware or commercial check printing program
  for Linux, so that I don't have to reformat my disks and re-install that
  dreaded windows??
  Dick Mazierski
 Registered Linux abuser #223705
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Lee - 

I just purchased the download of MoneyDance and it is what I need for
my personal account. Many thanks for the lead. Also, Appgen called and
thanked me for the order - haven't seen this from many software

Thanks again.

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Per discussione Damian

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 19:07, FemmeFatale escribió:
 Damian wrote:
  actually there is a better way.
  last night i installed KDE 3.0 by getting all RPMS, opening a terminal
  and doing a  urpmi ./+ 
  it asked me for the three MDK cd's and got a lot of packages to solve
  dependencies... it worked fine, tho kde 3  has bugs.. :o(
 what does opening a term  typing urpmi ./+ do then exactly?  So you
 still have to d/l all the RPM's of KDE3 yourself  urpmi just takes care
 of the deps?  And if so will it still install KDE3 beside your existing
 :)  Tough questions I know, but I'm sure you'll pull through this crisis
 for me Damian ;p
 I have confidence in your non-Fudding abilities

hi Femme. 

well actually there is a typo in my post. it's urpmi ./* 

urpmi is like  rpm -ivh  ( install package ) but it checks
 dependencies, if a needed package is available in mandrake cd's, it
asks for them to solve deps automatically.

urpmi ./* means install everything in this directory.

you can also use urpmi to install packages that are within MDK cd's
directly. for example, you just open a terminal and type 

urpmi openoffice

it will open your cdrom drive asking for your first cd download
 edition and will install OO.

see ya.


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[newbie] KDE menu

2002-04-04 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All,

I have been running LM8.1 since November on my desktop and just about a week 
ago a new problem presented itself. Whenever I boot into KDE the menu will 
say no entries even though there are many entries that were there before. If 
I reboot then the menu shows all of the entries. In other words I have to 
boot up once then reboot in order to get my menu you to show all of the 
applications that are there. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you for your 



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[newbie] Fwd: KDE menu

2002-04-04 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All, I sent the message below some hours ago but it did not show up yet 
so I am trying again. Thanks.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: KDE menu
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:48:03 -0600

Dear All,

I have been running LM8.1 since November on my desktop and just about a week
ago a new problem presented itself. Whenever I boot into KDE the menu will
say no entries even though there are many entries that were there before. If
I reboot then the menu shows all of the entries. In other words I have to
boot up two or three times in order to get my menu you to show all of the
applications that are there. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you for your




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Re: [newbie] divx again ...

2002-04-04 Per discussione Damian

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 21:33, Sridhar Dhanapalan escribió:
 On 04 Apr 2002 19:56:33 +0200, - addy däudsch - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  good eve to all of you
  a divx content question again
  i have mplayer , correctly installed . i can play mpeg 1/2 and normal
  avis w/o probs ... everything is working
  but i can't play divx ... i downloaded divx4linux50-20020304 from the site and installed it with root looked ok 
  but if i play divx avi in mplayer onley the sound works
  :) help me ! ...
 There are instructions on how to get Divx5 working on the MPlayer site
 ( Here's what it says:
 DivX5 - MPlayer supports it in two ways: by using the official
 binary library available at, or by using the well-known
 libavcodec. The latter is the recommended for its speed, simplicity and
 stability ! Neither of them supports encoding currently.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan

yeah, but latest MPlayer snapshot is very buggy, i've recently joined
the MPlayer mailing list, and there are tons of bug reports being 
teken care of. i did an install myself and i can't even open it if i use
the -framedrop parameter. just segfaults all over the place.
wouldn't be too strange if an older version worked better for addy.


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Re: [newbie] Lost messages on VC12 - RESOLVED

2002-04-04 Per discussione Michael

Thanks Jim, i wanted to know how that worked. Thanks for the update. Paying
attention Femme? 

Jim Fazio wrote:
 Just in case anyone else is interested.  My problem stemmed from the
 fact that I must have chosen LOW as my security level, instead of
 MEDIUM.  On msec level 3 or greater the syslog messages are written to
 /dev/tty12 by default.  So to solve my problem of the missing messages,
 I just ran `msec 3` in a console as root.
 Afterward I was able then to figure out that the real fix was adding
 the line `*.* /dev/tty12` to the end of my /etc/syslog.conf file.  This
 is what redirects all *.* syslog messages to /dev/tty12.

Dear Freshman,
You don't know who I am and frankly shouldn't care, but
unknown to you we have something in common.  We are both rather
prone to mistakes.  I was elected Student Government President by
mistake, and you came to school here by mistake.

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AW: [newbie] divx again ...

2002-04-04 Per discussione - addy däudsch -

¨thx alot ! should read more carefully : blame on me !

so will try with the other lib , and btw : until now mplayer looks very
fine , got no problem , except that o can't view one of the skins  it
freezes , but that's all

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Damian
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. April 2002 05:37
Betreff: Re: [newbie] divx again ...

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 21:33, Sridhar Dhanapalan escribió:
 On 04 Apr 2002 19:56:33 +0200, - addy däudsch - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  good eve to all of you
  a divx content question again
  i have mplayer , correctly installed . i can play mpeg 1/2 and 
  normal avis w/o probs ... everything is working
  but i can't play divx ... i downloaded divx4linux50-20020304 from 
  the site and installed it with root looked ok
  but if i play divx avi in mplayer onley the sound works
  :) help me ! ...
 There are instructions on how to get Divx5 working on the MPlayer site

 ( Here's what it says:
 DivX5 - MPlayer supports it in two ways: by using the official binary library available at, or by 
 using the well-known libavcodec. The latter is the recommended for its

 speed, simplicity and stability ! Neither of them supports encoding 
 Sridhar Dhanapalan

yeah, but latest MPlayer snapshot is very buggy, i've recently joined
the MPlayer mailing list, and there are tons of bug reports being 
teken care of. i did an install myself and i can't even open it if i use
the -framedrop parameter. just segfaults all over the place.
wouldn't be too strange if an older version worked better for addy.


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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-04-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-03-31 at 22:06, dfox wrote:
  This affects everybody unilaterally, and unless people become proactive
  and oppose the Democrats and their apocalyptic police state laws, the
  face of the computer industry will *become* a police state.  
 FWIW there's also other things that may be peripherally involved. One
 that doesn't impact Linux per se, but could have a side impact is the
 licensing of mp3s -- specifically internet radio, for instance
 shoutcast, icecast, (personally I prefer that to local
 FM radio, but that's not really the issue.) Commercial radio (at least
 here in the US) tends to try and monopolize what people listen to in 
 much the same way as the big corporations try and monopolize what people
 can run on their computers. 
 The future of internet radio is at stake as well because of organizations
 like RIAA. They seem to have adopted a licensing structure that 
 threatens the existence of many of these small 'mom  pop' type
 organizations - and favoring the marketing-driven corporate broadcasting
 as the only available choice.
 Stop humming. BMI may be listening.

These points are well taken.  I also found your tar command line for
doing file by file filesystem copies very handy.  Kudos!



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Re: [newbie] Addendum to Previous LICQ Post

2002-04-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-03-31 at 18:23, FemmeFatale wrote:
 This was also accidentally not sent to the list. *sigh*
 I'm batting 0 for... oh n/m. I never understood that stupid saying

I guess it requires that you have an intimate understanding of
baseball; which I never really did; mostly because of lack of interest.
For some reason television sports bores me to tears; so anyway,
FWIW I don't know what the saying is or means either.  :)



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Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
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[newbie] antialiased font under enlightenment

2002-04-04 Per discussione - addy däudsch -

is there antialiased font under enlightenment
when yes , how to activate

 - keep the X in your system -

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: KDE menu

2002-04-04 Per discussione Damian

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 23:21, Marcia escribió:
 Dear All, I sent the message below some hours ago but it did not show up yet 
 so I am trying again. Thanks.
 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: KDE menu
 Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:48:03 -0600
 Dear All,
 I have been running LM8.1 since November on my desktop and just about a week
 ago a new problem presented itself. Whenever I boot into KDE the menu will
 say no entries even though there are many entries that were there before. If
 I reboot then the menu shows all of the entries. In other words I have to
 boot up two or three times in order to get my menu you to show all of the
 applications that are there. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you for your

maybe a misconfiguration/bad file  i'm pretty sure that you can fix it 
by deleting your 

this will reset all your kde configs.
but keep this as a last resort if you had a very customized desktop,
it will leave you with KDE looking like recently-installed.



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[newbie] Dialin in Kppp

2002-04-04 Per discussione Gerard van Winssen


I installed MDK 8.2 on a compter of a bussiness partner of me who wanted to 
get rid of virusses yesterday. (Yeah, anonther one!!  hèhè ;-))
They have an isdn terminal adapter Elsa tango 1000, wich is an external, 
serial device.
As far as I understand this TA should be configured as a normal analog modem 
in for instance Kppp, am I right? 

Next question is; when dialling in, there must be a '0' dialled first to get 
on the external phone network followed by the rest of the phonenumber of the 
How do I configure this in Kppp??


Gerard van Winssen

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