Re: [newbie-it] domandina

2002-04-18 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 21:35, mercoledì 17 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Alle 17:32, mercoledì 17 aprile 2002, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
  Come mai non riesco a fare il Copia e Incolla da Open Office a Mozilla
  Grazie e un saluto.

Prova, quando devi incollare a usare - al posto del pulsante destro e della 
voce incolla/paste - entrambi i pulsanti del mouse. Con alcuni programmi 
questo metodo funziona.


Re: [newbie-it] lettore CD (era problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200)

2002-04-18 Per discussione Marco Forti

 L'ha riconosciuta anche a me così ma nn riesco a sentire il lettore cd

In Mandrake 8.1 avevo lo stesso problema perché mancava un link 
simbolico nella directory /dev
Controlla in /etc/fstab a quale device punta il lettore CD
(ad esempio ammettiamo sia hdc)
dai, in successione, i seguenti comandi:

cd /dev
ln -s hdc cdrom (sostituisci hdc con il tuo device se diverso)

Fammi sapere se così risolvi



Re: [newbie-it] problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200

2002-04-18 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 01:37, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 scusa è mandrake 8.1 ups

Dunque, CUPS è un sistema di stampa abbastanza avanzato che permette di 
configurare e gestire le stampanti in modo facilitato.
Prima di tutto devi verificare se quando hai installato MDK questo è stato 
compreso nell'installazione.
Se utilizzi KDE vai nel menù K, quindi Configurazione e, nel menù che si 
apre vai alla voce Stampa.
Nell'elenco, tra le altre voci, dovresti avere: Configurazione WWW CUPS
E' una gestione che funziona tramite web browser.
Se lo lanci ci sono le opzioni per configurare le stampanti.

Se durante l'installazione CUPS non è stato installato, devi installarlo.
Con i cd di mdk 8.1 a disposizione, manda in esecuzione il Software Manager 
di Mandrake (Menù K - Configurazione - Gestione Pacchetti - Software Manager).
Qui, navigando nell'albero dei pacchetti cerca CUPS e dirgli di installarlo.


Il problema dei cd-audio ancora non sono riuscito a risolverlo, da lo stesso 
problema anche a me. Credo che dipenda dal fatto che il suono dovrebbe essere 
trasmesso, da cd alla scheda, non attraverso il solito cavetto ma attraverso 
un meccanismo software (se mi passi il termine) per cui le tracce 
dovrebbero essere  prima copiate su hd poi suonate dalla scheda.
Ho scoperto questo perchè, quando avevo la versione 8.0 all'inizio ho avuto 
lo stesso probelma, poi mi hanno spiegato l'arcano e ho risolto con 
l'installazione di un programma alsa player che funzionava con tale 
meccanismo. Con la 8.1, purtroppo la cosa non ha funzionato - sto ancora 
Il problema del'audio, comunque, riguarda solo i cd? I suoni di sistema e gli 
mp3 (ad esempio) si sentono bene?

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

[newbie-it] Lukenshiro o altri ?

2002-04-18 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti,
mi sembrava che qualcuno di voi si orientasse tra le schede audio.

Io ho un Acer travelmate730 TE con la Mandrake8.1
Con la 8.0 tutto andava. Con la 8.1 non sono riuscito ad attivare l'audio 
e leggendo gli how-to suggeriti da Lukenshiro qualche settimana fa 

Vado con ordine:

La scheda e' una ESS Technology ES1969 ed e' supportata come si puo' 
leggere negli howto di cui sopra.

Per quello che riguarda l'audio:
output di lspci:
00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1 
Audiodrive (rev 02)

output di lspci -vv:
00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1 
Audiodrive (rev 02)
Subsystem: ESS Technology: Unknown device 8898
Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR-Latency: 32 (500ns min, 6000ns max)
Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 5
Region 0: I/O ports at 7000 [size=64]
Region 1: I/O ports at 7080 [size=16]
Region 2: I/O ports at 70c0 [size=16]
Region 3: I/O ports at 7400 [size=4]
Region 4: I/O ports at 7440 [size=4]
Capabilities: available only to root

Nella 8.0 riuscivo a farla andare con il seguente pezzo del modules.conf:

# ALSA portion
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-es1938

# OSS/Free portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

Attualmente ottengo un orribile fischio con i moduli:
sndcore, snd, esssolo1.

NOTA: il fischio non dipende dal microfono. Il microfono e' a zero.

Lo stesso problema del fischio si presentava con la 8.0 e ispiro' 
Sebastiano Cordiano che trovo' al volo i moduli giusti.

Questioni nell'ordine:
1) Volete piu' info?
2) qualcuno ha la stessa scheda audio? (intendo stesso output di lspci).
   (Se qualcuno c'e': posso scrivergli direttamente?)
3) qualcuno capisce perche' con i moduli sbagliati parte il fischio ma con 
quelli giusti non parte niente?

Grazie , ciao

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] Modifiche a caldo.

2002-04-18 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti,
c'e' un modo di rendere effettive le modifiche al modules.conf senza fare 
il reboot?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-18 Per discussione LukenShiro

Visto che il precedente messaggio dev'essere sparito nei meandri della 
rete, lo rispedisco :-/

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Luca detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Mi sono spostato nella dir /etc/rc5.d ma ho avuto una brutta
 sorpresa: nn 
 esiste alcun file S??smb!!! Come mai? Il numero del file network è 

Probabilmente c'e' qualche anomalia nella gestione degli initscripts 
e/o dei servizi ... niente che non si possa risolvere a mano cmq :) 

 Posso aggiungere manualmente smb? Ho notato ke dentro alle cartelle
 esistono solo link, nel caso volessi aggiungere smb dove devo

ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S**smb
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/K**smb
Al posto degli asterischi ovviamente metti un numero superiore a 10.

In /etc/rc.d/init.d di regola sono contenuti tutti i demoni/servizi 
installati sulla macchina (per ragioni di compatibilita' esiste un link 
simbolico di questa directory come /etc/init.d)
In /etc/rc.d/rcX.d sono contenuti i demoni/servizi (sotto forma di link 
simbolico) che debbano essere attivati in quel runlevel X nell'ordine 
stabilito (per le stesse ragioni di cui sopra esiste un link simbolico 
come /etc/rc5.d)

 Mi scuso con tutti per le email ke sono arrivate, [...]

Nessun problema, era solo un avviso ...

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

Re: [newbie-it] Lukenshiro o altri ?

2002-04-18 Per discussione Luca

Il Thursday 18 April 2002 12:17, Luigi De Pascale ha scritto:

 La scheda e' una ESS Technology ES1969 ed e' supportata come si puo'
 leggere negli howto di cui sopra.

 Per quello che riguarda l'audio:
 output di lspci:
 00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1
 Audiodrive (rev 02)

 output di lspci -vv:
 00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1
 Audiodrive (rev 02)
 Subsystem: ESS Technology: Unknown device 8898
 Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
 ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
 Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort-
 TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR-Latency: 32 (500ns min, 6000ns max)
 Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 5
 Region 0: I/O ports at 7000 [size=64]
 Region 1: I/O ports at 7080 [size=16]
 Region 2: I/O ports at 70c0 [size=16]
 Region 3: I/O ports at 7400 [size=4]
 Region 4: I/O ports at 7440 [size=4]
 Capabilities: available only to root

Ciao Luigi,

 Questioni nell'ordine:
 1) Volete piu' info?
 2) qualcuno ha la stessa scheda audio? (intendo stesso output di lspci).
(Se qualcuno c'e': posso scrivergli direttamente?)

Io ho un travelmate 512T che monta la tua stessa scheda e anche i risultati di 
lspci e lspci-vv sono gli stessi, il problema l'ho risolto con il 
modules.conf che ti ho inviato in privato tempo fa.
Subito dopo la sostituzione del modulo anke a me l'audio fischiava ma è 
bastato abbassare il volume del microfono per eliminare il problema.
Puoi scrivermi direttamente, ma io nn sono molto pratico di linux e quindi + 
di questo nn saprei che dirti, cmq sono disponibile a darti una mano.

 3) qualcuno capisce perche' con i moduli sbagliati parte il fischio ma con
 quelli giusti non parte niente?


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-18 Per discussione Luca

Il Thursday 18 April 2002 12:51, LukenShiro ha scritto:

  Posso aggiungere manualmente smb? Ho notato ke dentro alle cartelle
  esistono solo link, nel caso volessi aggiungere smb dove devo

 ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S**smb
 ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/K**smb
 Al posto degli asterischi ovviamente metti un numero superiore a 10.

 In /etc/rc.d/init.d di regola sono contenuti tutti i demoni/servizi
 installati sulla macchina (per ragioni di compatibilita' esiste un link
 simbolico di questa directory come /etc/init.d)
 In /etc/rc.d/rcX.d sono contenuti i demoni/servizi (sotto forma di link
 simbolico) che debbano essere attivati in quel runlevel X nell'ordine
 stabilito (per le stesse ragioni di cui sopra esiste un link simbolico
 come /etc/rc5.d)

Innanzitutto ti ringrazio per gli aiuti che mi stai fornendo, ma purtroppo il 
problema nn l'ho ancora risolto, dopo aver creato i link mi sono spostato in 
/etc/rc.d/init.d per vedere se esisteva il demone smb, purtroppo di questo 
demone nn c'è traccia!
Mi sembra strano perchè smb dopo l'avvio funziona correttamente, ma come  mai 
nn viene caricato il suo demone all'avvio?
Forse, è anke per questo motivo ke quando provavo a montare smb all'avvio mi 
dava errore.

Grazie, ciao

[newbie-it] programmi audio

2002-04-18 Per discussione tom

Considerando che il pc lo uso per il 50% per la musica..
conoscete programmi per l'elaborazione di fle audio?
principalmente mp3
per il momento avrei bisogno di un programma che mi permettesse
di dividere il brano in piu parti.
conoscete qualche programmino che mi possa essere utile?

se conoscete altri programmi che abbiano a che fare con l'audio
(pulizia suono,mixaggio,etc etc )mi fareste felice.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Lukenshiro o altri ?

2002-04-18 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Luigi De Pascale 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Attualmente ottengo un orribile fischio con i moduli:
 sndcore, snd, esssolo1.

Come ha detto Luca, non escluderei che il fischio di fondo possa essere 
imputabile al volume eccessivo non supportato adeguatamente dagli 
altoparlantini laterali [perlopiu' sottodimensionati in quanto a 
qualita' e che non riescono a sostenere una resa audio ottimale]. Prova 
a mettere la tacca del volume principale a meta' o a 3/4 (con la 
levetta o il tasto funzione apposito).
Poi fai qualche esperimento con il comando aumix, alzando e abbassando 
i livelli.
Mi spiace ma non ho esperienze con quel tipo di scheda ..

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

[newbie-it] gopher

2002-04-18 Per discussione Giovanni

ho installato mandrake 8.1 e vorrei utilizzare un client gopher , i
protocolli necessari sembrano esserci ma non riesco ad installare il client
ne ho scaricati diversi ma nessuno viene compilato correttamente.
Come posso fare oer usare comunque gopher con linux?

grazie in anticipo


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-18 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Luca detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 dopo aver creato i link mi sono spostato in 
 /etc/rc.d/init.d per vedere se esisteva il demone smb, purtroppo di
 questo demone nn c'è traccia!
 Mi sembra strano perchè smb dopo l'avvio funziona correttamente, ma
 come  mai nn viene caricato il suo demone all'avvio?

Urgh, probabilmente l'installazione di samba non e' andata a buon fine 
o inavvertitamente e' stato cancellato. Fai la copia dei file di 
configurazioni di samba (non si sa mai :)) e prova una reinstallazione 
forzata (rpm -Uvh --force) dei pacchetti correlati.

Se hai la 8.1 prova magari ad aggiornare i pacchetti.

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

[newbie-it] kmail configurazione SMTP

2002-04-18 Per discussione giamgax

non riesco a spedire la posta con kmail che, invece, ricevo

con le stesse impostazioni  il client di posta di Netscape 4.51 tutto
funziona. ho fatto tentativi sia con inwind che yahoo.

qualcuno sa darmi qualche dritta?
p.s.: è uscita qualche rivista con MDK 8.2?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie-it] programmi audio

2002-04-18 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

13:54, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, tom:
 Considerando che il pc lo uso per il 50% per la musica..
 conoscete programmi per l'elaborazione di fle audio?
 principalmente mp3
 per il momento avrei bisogno di un programma che mi permettesse
 di dividere il brano in piu parti.
 conoscete qualche programmino che mi possa essere utile?

che edita gli mp3, con un'ottima interfaccia grafica, dovrebbe essere 
wavesurfer, prova in freshmeat.

 se conoscete altri programmi che abbiano a che fare con l'audio
 (pulizia suono,mixaggio,etc etc )mi fareste felice.

guarda a:
e' il paradiso del musicista linux.
Attualmente trovi in libreria tradotto in italiano il libro di Dave Phillips 
sull'audio-musica sotto linux.


Re: [newbie-it] kmail configurazione SMTP

2002-04-18 Per discussione Giovanni Coan

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 non riesco a spedire la posta con kmail che, invece,
 con le stesse impostazioni  il client di posta di
 Netscape 4.51 tutto
 funziona. ho fatto tentativi sia con inwind che
 qualcuno sa darmi qualche dritta?
 p.s.: è uscita qualche rivista con MDK 8.2?
Per quanto riguarda yahoo, ahiomè... credo di aver
capito da una lettura degli help che permetterà di
accedere solo a Explore o Netscape o a software che si
facciano riconoscere come Explorer o Netscape...
Quindi non kmail. Alla faccia della libertà su
Wind non so... spero non sia la stessa ragione (e poi,
magari, ho capito male).
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Nazionale , 77 
23030 Valdisotto (SO)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-18 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 00:54, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco 
fat, tom ha scritto:
 Alle 23:24, mercoledì 17 aprile 2002, miKe ha scritto:
  vediamo il tuo fstab

 la riga di hda5 l'avevo aggiunta a mano!! ma mi pare che sia
 stata modificata

vedi la data e l'ora di modifica

 /dev/hda5 /mnt/archivio vfat umask=0 0 0

prova un pò con 
/dev/hda5 /mnt/archivio vfat defaults,users,noauto,showexec  0 0

   ho provato a copiare alcuni g in /mnt/archivio (l'potetico
   hda5) e mi sie bloccata la copia dopo 2g circa
  ma allora riesci a montarlo...

 magari è solo una cartella in hdb

in questo caso df ti indica lo spazio occupato in ogni partizione..

 questo è il mio di grub
 kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1 nobiospnp devfs=mount

quel devfs...
non sono sicuro che sia lui il 'colpevole'
ma preferisco decisamente non usarlo,
almeno per ora,
voglio deciderli io i permessi in /dev...

 Ciao , Tom


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] modem usb come utente

2002-04-18 Per discussione Augusto

Non riesco ad accedere al modem come utente.Si tratta dell'Aztech um9800 
usb.softmodem,ma con driver della casa madre per la mdk 8.0.Come root 
tutto bene.
/dev/modem punta a /dev/slmdm che penso si sia creata con l'installazione 
dei driver.Ho provato a modificare i permessi di /dev/slmdm in modo da 
consentire l'accesso a tutti,ma non cambia nulla.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi?Sta diventando un'ossessione!!!

[newbie-it] Fwd: [Discussioni] Raccolta di firme per il disegno di legge sul software libero

2002-04-18 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

- --  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: [Discussioni] Raccolta di firme per il disegno di legge 
sul software libero
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:50:42 +0200
From: Associazione software libero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Annunci dell'Associazione Software Libero 
Cc: ILS Consiglio Direttivo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Davide Cerri 

Hash: SHA1

  Raccolta firme
 In appoggio alla proposta di legge sul software libero.

Per informazioni contattare: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Davide Barbieri
Tel. +39 347 11 35 254

A  marzo  il Senatore  Cortiana  (Verdi)  ha  presentato in  Senato
  una proposta  di  legge  con il  nome  ufficiale  di  Norme in 
 materia  di pluralismo  informatico, sulla  adozione  e la 
 diffusione del  software libero  e sulla  portabilità  dei
 documenti  informatici nella  Pubblica Amministrazione.

L'Associazione Software Libero e  Italian Linux Society (ILS)
 propongono una  raccolta  di  firme  a   sostegno  di  questa 
 proposta  di  legge. L'iniziativa  vuole dare  sostegno  e
 supporto  alla  proposta di  legge affinché  questa,  o  altre 
 proposte  analoghe  nei  principi,  vengano approvate dal
 parlamento italiano.

Riteniamo  fondamentale  per  la  cosa pubblica,  promuovere 
 l'uso  di formati  standard  e  l'impiego  di  software  libero 
 per  la  Pubblica Amministrazione--   hadettoSimone  
 Piccardi,presidente dell'Associazione Software Libero -- se
 la proposta di legge diventasse effettiva  i benefici  in termini 
 di riduzione  dei costi,  di apertura all'utenza  e  di  libertà  
 per  la  Pubblica  Amministrazione  saranno notevoli.

L'importanza crescente  che l'informatica e la telematica,  e
 quindi il software, assumono e assumeranno nella società e le
 particolarità che ne rendono spesso difficile  l'inquadramento in
 schemi tradizionali rendono necessaria una  riflessione in
 proposito, -- dice  Davide Cerri, membro del  Consiglio Direttivo
  di  ILS  -- per  cercare  di approfondire  le questioni  non
 solo  economiche ma  anche etiche,  sociali,  legate alla libertà
 e ai diritti del cittadino.  Questo è particolarmente importante
 nel caso della Pubblica Amministrazione.

L'Associazione  Software  Libero  e  Italian Linux  Society 
 promuovono, quindi, una campagna  di raccolta firme e invitano  a
 stampare il modulo su 
 a farlo compilare in tutte le sue parti da chi vuole sostenere la
 proposta di legge e a inviare i moduli completati al seguente

 Associazione Software Libero
 c/o Guidelli Nelli/Piccardi
 via Kyoto 8
 50126 Firenze

Le firme saranno quindi consegnate  al senatore Fiorello Cortiana
 che se ne servirà per sostenere il disegno di legge.

Maggiori  informazioni sul disegno  di legge  sono disponibili  sul
 sito dell'Associazione Software Libero.

A proposito di Associazione Software Libero:
L'Associazione Software Libero è una  entità legale senza scopo di
 lucro che ha come  obiettivo la diffusione del software libero  in
 Italia e di una  corretta  informazione  sull'argomento.  È 
 l'unica  organizzazione italiana affiliata alla Free Software
 Foundation Europe.

A proposito di Italian Linux Society:
La Italian Linux Society è  un'associazione senza scopo di lucro
 che dal 1994  promuove  e  supporta   iniziative  e  progetti  in 
 favore  della diffusione di GNU/Linux e del software libero in

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.6


- --
Lista di annunci dell'Associazione Software Libero
Discussioni mailing list
Totale iscritti: 139

- ---

- -- 

Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] [Forse OT] PHP Nuke

2002-04-18 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-04-18 alle 02:20, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:

 Ciao e grazie mille per i primi consigli.
 Per ora mi ero informato solo sul sito di PHPnuke e su spaghettibrain
 (il mirror italiano).
 1) http://localhost mi risponde con un bel Non ho i firitti per
 se però metto nel browser http://IP della macchina (di rete), ottengo la
 pagina di apache.
 2) Tutte le altre cose non le sapevo e domani le sperimenterò (anzi, mi
 sa subito eheheh).
 3) Grazie infinite per adesso.
 Un saluto.


Ora vedo la pagina anche su localhost: apache era abilitato solo per
l'intranet :))

Una cosa.

E' propio necessario abilitare il virtual hosting? In fondo è solo una
prova qui sulla mia macchina.


ho installato i files html di PHPNuke nella directory che mi avevi

La cosa che non ho ASSOLUTAMENTE chiara è phpMyAdmin: cosa è e a che
serve (e quindi cosa ci devo fare e come lo devo fare).

Per ora ho seguito le guide di spaghettibrain.

Qualcosa ho ottenuto.

alla pagina http:localhost/admin.php mi parte uno pseudo portale con
numerosi messaggi di errore tutti che indirizzano ad un file solo:


Inoltre al primo accesso non dovrei avere la richiesta di userID
epassword dell'amministratore (che la prima volta dovrebbero essere
God e Password)?

Non mi sono state chieste.

Per ora questo è il minestrone che ho creato.

Un grazie di cuore e un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] [Forse OT] PHP Nuke

2002-04-18 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il ven, 2002-04-19 alle 04:22, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:

 alla pagina http:localhost/admin.php mi parte uno pseudo portale con
 numerosi messaggi di errore tutti che indirizzano ad un file solo:

Mi sono scordato di postare il messaggio di errore:

Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in

Grazie e un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] programmi audio

2002-04-18 Per discussione Arwan

Scrive tom:

(Thursday, April 18, 2002, ore 1:54:25 PM, a proposito di [newbie-it] programmi audio)

t Considerando che il pc lo uso per il 50% per la musica..
t conoscete programmi per l'elaborazione di fle audio?
t principalmente mp3

Prima che mi si inchiodasse tutto (ora ho sbloccato, ma non sono
riuscita ancora a ripartire a pieno ritmo) avevo iniziato a usare snd:
e' per i Wav (e non solo, credo) e mi pare fatto benone.


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-18 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Wednesday 17 April 2002 16:04, you wrote:
 On Friday 22 March 2002 04:37, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Monday ,18.03.2003,1300GMT

 This was a question of how to setup sound on the MSI k7t266 pro2
 motherboard which has the onboard ac97 sound controller.

 Mandrake has just updated their status page of this motherboard on their
 hardware site and solved this problem.
 Begin quote:
 in order to get the sound working, you have to modify /etc/modules.conf :
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
 post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss
 End quote

 I just wanted to let all the parties involved know about this fix since it
 worked so well for me and I couldn't find any fix in the archives.
 I am using AMI bios version 3.4, in case that matters.


Hi Narfi,
Seems you have solved the puzzle we are all having with this alsa
sound setup. I went to the website you mentioned above, but none
of the suggestions worked for me. Do you think you could send me your
/etc/modules.conf  file so that I can compare it with mine.
My condigureKDE-info-sound window says:-
Synth device:Not enabled in config
Midi dev:  Not enabled in config
If this means modules.conf then none of the suggested 
unmute aliases have worked for me.
Seems the alsa sound driver is running and,
configure-KDE-System-kernel conf-sound-VIA82c686 
audio codec+Midi are both ticked

None of us here are making much headway, there is something else
not being mentioned, that needs to be configured that you know of
and take for granted , that we do not.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Of interest to all linuxophiles

2002-04-18 Per discussione john rigby

Ha folks,

Little item in Zdnet downunder.



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Re: [newbie] cylinders, sectors and heads

2002-04-18 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Thursday 18 April 2002 02:02, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 17 April 2002 18:04, Narfi wrote:
   Right now, I get the following reports about the (c,h,s) triple:
   DiskDrake: (4865, 255, 63)
   fdisk: (4865, 255, 63)
   bios: (19158, 16, 255)
   Not only do these not agree, but none of them are the same as fdisk
   reported on the old motherboard:
   fisk on old mobo: (77545, 16, 63)
   Motherboard: MSI K7T266 Pro2. Bios: AMI version 3.4
   Hard drive: WD400-BB (Yes, I know it's trash, I bought it before I
   knew) ...
   # cat /etc/lilo.conf
   disk=/dev/hda bios=0x81
   disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
  We share the same Mobo, and I found something similar resulted.
  In my case I had a 40gig Maxtor hard drive, where  all the different
  means of defining hard drive size, came up with different answers,
  no matter which partition tools were employed. I asked the hard drive
  manufacturers, about this problem, and to cut a long story short, it
  turns out there are more than one way of actually measuring hard drive
  sizes, which I did not know. It all depends upon which formular is
  employed. This can mean that bioses can vary the result In the end I
  elected to use one partition tool, PQ Partition Magic, to do all the
  partition work,on all my hard drives, this way at least , the size came
  out equal no matter which means of listing the partition table you chose
  to work with, that is the old dos fdisk, or linux fdisk , and there were
  no missing bits between the partitions, that somehow get created , and
  cyliners head and sectors get rounded off.

 Yes, but one would like consistency in these numbers and that the
 partition boundaries match with the (c,h,s) triple that is used. I have
 read that the only place where linux actually uses the (c,h,s) addressing
 instead of lba32 addressing are in lilo and fdisk (diskdrake as well?), so
 I'm not overly concerned since I'm not sharing the hard drive with any
 other OS. If I were sharing the hard drive with windows, which only uses
 (c,h,s), I would be concerned since windows might think it was writing
 inside a fat32 partition boundary and write in an area that linux thought
 was ext2 area.

 I think I'll end up with adding lines to lilo.conf stating that the
 (c,h,s) count should be what fisk on the old mobo thought it was, i.e.
 (77545, 16, 63). Unless somebody on this list tells me that it wouldn't be
 wise to do so, of course.

  I also notice your lilo.conf  has additional stanzas:-
  disk=/dev/hda bios=0x81
  disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
  I would ask what these entries are there for ?

 Sure, I added the bios-lines this morning and I was finally able to boot
 from hard drive as opposed to only from floppy :-)

Well that's interesting , you see I am tripple booting on one hard drive,
with W2K as my hda1, maybe the installer found this and said better stick to 
the one convention,  or something, whereas in your case you had a more
complex hard drive setup created presumeably at different times, by
different partition tools but without any windows OS, and it decided on
another set of conventions, I don't know, but these inconsistencies do
crop up from time to time, and they are puzzling.

 The ignore-table line came with the installation, I have to look closer at
 that line and why the installer put it there.
 If the bios-lines are not present, LILO tries to guess the code that the
 bios uses for the hard drives. In my case, lilo failed in the first stage
 of booting and it was due to incorrect guesses.
 In short, the whole bios-lilo communication/guessing was a little bit
 messed up and I had to correct the situation by hand. I'm not the only
 one, I had already guessed this to be the case when I found an message on
 the MSI message board where somebody had to do the same thing.

 I don't have raid controllers on my mobo, I have an extra IDE controller
 card in an PCI slot. I've heard so many silly things about these RAID
 controllers that I didn't want them. However, I would have liked the USB
 2.0 controller but I couldn't find the k7t266 pro2-U version for sale any
 where, only the plain pro2 or the pro2-RU.
 At some point, I'll perhaps add linux software raid to my system, just for
 the fun of it but I don't have the time for it right now.

I guess then that you have your raid controllers disabled in bios to get rid
of the unwanted warning signs on boot up.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Spell check Mozilla mail

2002-04-18 Per discussione ivan

Can anyone tell me how to get the spell check to work in mozilla mail.


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Re: [newbie] HardDrake - problem opening it up.

2002-04-18 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Thursday 18 April 2002 02:49, you wrote:

 I am in the process of installing a USB device and am getting
 close, but would like to review progress in HardDrake.  I am quite
 new to Linux and Mandrake and have explored HardDrake in the past
 but it crashes instantly - and crashes my machine in the sense that
 the opening box HardDrake Detection in process, please wait ...
 just stays there till I do a reboot.   So I've never gone back
 there ... but just worked with the CLI directly.

Is yours a total black screen job(with white cursor blob)if so,
I discovered more by accident than design that if you then go
Ctrl-Alt-F7 the window comes back and you can inspect the 
harddrake content.

John Richard Smith
I discovered more by accident t

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Re[2]: [newbie] How do you create a RPM files from Tarball sources

2002-04-18 Per discussione Roman Korcek

Hey John,

 Say, where does the newly created rpm file end up, after checkinstall.

To be honest, I don't know. I haven't yet tried it, just read the docs
after recommendation by others.
But I bet it's configurable. ;-)


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[newbie] enterprise kernel sources

2002-04-18 Per discussione Roman Korcek


 So you have to install the kernel-source RPM for your kernel from
 your CD's.

I am using the enterprise kernel. Is there a difference between the
actual sources?


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Re: [newbie] A real menagerie!

2002-04-18 Per discussione ed Tharp

On Thursday 18 April 2002 04:54 am, you wrote:

 I think I only need Dave if I'm wanting the Mac to
 appear on Window's Network Neighborhood.  For Mac to
 Linux connectivity, I was planning to use NFS / NIS.
 I believe that's all I need (haven't done it yet.
 Haven't bought the Mac yet - just trying to do the
 research before laying down the bucks!!!).

netatalk might be your friend?

 --- K Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Unfortunately, the only way I know of to do this is
  with the Dave
  software from Thursby Systems (,
  which is not free (it's
  priced on the web site at around $150 USD). We've
  used this software at
  work to allow Macs to connect to our Windows-based
  network.  I didn't
  use it with Samba, but I don't see why it wouldn't
  You may not want to pay the money, but I thought I'd
  mention it in case.
  - Kathy
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[newbie] anybody allready tried wineX 2.0 ) [from src]

2002-04-18 Per discussione - hybrid -

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
'We do what we can
We give what we have
Our doubt is our passion
And our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.'

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] How do you create a RPM files from Tarball sources

2002-04-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Thursday 18 April 2002 11:33 am, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Hey John,

  Say, where does the newly created rpm file end up, after checkinstall.

 To be honest, I don't know. I haven't yet tried it, just read the docs
 after recommendation by others.
 But I bet it's configurable. ;-)


The completed RPMs arrive in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586   (or i366,i686 etc)


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[newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione rjgdag

yesterday i installed my first linux program, all went good but when i try to get on 
the net it tells me my modem is busy or it is not responding, the modem is working for 
windows. ty Ron

Download NeoPlanet at

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Re: [newbie] How do you create a RPM files from Tarball sources

2002-04-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes

# rpm -ta gtk-gnutella-0.80.tar.gz
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/SRPMS/gtk-gnutella-0.80-1.src.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/gtk-gnutella-0.80-1.i686.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.84635
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd gtk-gnutella-0.80
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/gtk-gnutella-root
+ exit 0

That's another way of doing it.  So now you could check out the RPM
that's stored at /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/gtk-gnutella-0.80-1.i686.rpm, or

Hope that's what you're looking for.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| Can you help me.
| I need to learn how to create rpm files from tar files.
| I want to experiment with alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9.tar.bz2
| This oneseems to like my system, but it would seem I also
| need  version h  first , what ever that is. 
| I have compiled and installed tar balls before, I downloaded and installed a 
| scanner driver for my mustek scanner, with some supervision,meaning with
| someone to ask, if need be,which works, and I have done a number of simpler 
| things on my own.
| and what is version.h
| I feel that it falls into two parts, preperation and action.
| For instance do I have all necessary software installed to create
| rpm's from tar balls, and if not what do I need to do.
| Thank you,
| John
| -- 
| John Richard Smith
| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
| Go to


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[newbie] Wireless LAN Adapters

2002-04-18 Per discussione Steve Borrett


Has anyone tried to get a Netgear MA101 USB Wireless adapter working in 
If so, how did you do it?
If not, does anyone have any suggestions on things to do?
I haven't given this a try yet, but I will have to in a few days and have 
no idea where to start :-)
ANy suggestions would be most helpful.



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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-18 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Thursday 18 April 2002 14:20, you wrote:
 On Thursday 18 April 2002 04:48, John Richard Smith wrote:
  On Wednesday 17 April 2002 16:04, you wrote:
   On Friday 22 March 2002 04:37, John Richard Smith wrote:
Monday ,18.03.2003,1300GMT
  of the suggestions worked for me. Do you think you could send me your
  /etc/modules.conf  file so that I can compare it with mine.
  My condigureKDE-info-sound window says:-
  Synth device:Not enabled in config
  Midi dev:  Not enabled in config
  If this means modules.conf then none of the suggested
  unmute aliases have worked for me.
  Seems the alsa sound driver is running and,
  configure-KDE-System-kernel conf-sound-VIA82c686
  audio codec+Midi are both ticked
  None of us here are making much headway, there is something else
  not being mentioned, that needs to be configured that you know of
  and take for granted , that we do not.

 I don't know what else needs to be configured. Here's my /etc/modules.conf.

 alias usb-interface usb-uhci
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias eth0 tulip
 # First, remove the association made during installation:
 # alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
 # Then add:
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
 post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss

 # Stuff from sensors-detect
 # I2C module options
 alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
 options adm1021 ignore=0,0x18
 # End of sensors-detect.

Thas lines under 12C module options are nothing to do with
sound are they ?

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] kde icon with console and root

2002-04-18 Per discussione Linux Maniac


How can I make a desktop icon in KDE that will start a console with root
rights and also a program in the console?


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Re: [newbie] operation of sensord

2002-04-18 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 08:13 pm, you wrote:
 Hi, easy to do. Just go to a root console and type in sensors-detect then
 it will go through an interactive configuration and at the end it will tell
 you where to edit some /etc/xxx files. If you use gnome or kde as a desktop
 you can install gkrellm as a visual monitor. HTH
 Dennis M.
I did that. but sensor-detect ask 
Load `i2c-i810'(say NO if built into your kernel)?
How to determine built into kernel or not.?
my lsmod output is as follows
[root@localhost lvgandhi]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
sr_mod 15160   0  (autoclean) (unused)
i810   68280   1
agpgart31552   6  (autoclean)
lm786976   0  (unused)
i2c-proc6496   0  [lm78]
i2c-isa 1252   0  (unused)
i810_audio 20288   1
soundcore   4068   2  [i810_audio]
ac97_codec  9568   0  [i810_audio]
af_packet  12488   0  (autoclean)
ip_vs  65400   0  (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1   2816   3  (autoclean)
nls_cp850   3584   3  (autoclean)
vfat9788   3  (autoclean)
fat31384   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
supermount 62180   2  (autoclean)
tuner   8612   1  (autoclean)
tda7432 2848   1  (autoclean)
bttv   59776   0
i2c-algo-bit7244   1  [bttv]
i2c-core   13568   0  [lm78 i2c-proc i2c-isa tuner tda7432 bttv 
videodev4896   2  [bttv]
ide-scsi8032   0
scsi_mod   92488   2  [sr_mod ide-scsi]
rtc 5912   0  (autoclean)
whether already loaded module is loaded what will be the effect?
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[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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[newbie] This is starting to p!$$ me off.

2002-04-18 Per discussione Charlie

Hi all;

My 'experiment' in too much hard drive space worked out just fine. The only 
problems I have installing Mandrake on any machine (so far) are (minor): 

The time required looking through the packages for install. I can't  do a 
sysadmin/duplicate install from floppy since these (17 and counting) are 
separate stand-alone, no local area network connected, internet/home generic 
user machines. (That's actually a blessing, just time consuming.) Plus a few 
hardware incompatibilities (minor ones that are filed under D'UH! you 
should know better Charlie you twit!) that are the fault of OEMs and the 
hardware manufacturers in general. All resolved.

Add (much more aggravating and still unresolved) the fact that the machines 
that are connected to the local cable network (plus my own) all have a 
problem with NOT being 'networked' when an ethernet card is installed. The 
x-session errors file for the four that I've helped with all say the same 
thing:  Can't get own host name. Your system is severely misconfigured, and 
other related noises. The hell they are; the only problems on any of them are 
those relating to hostname. There was never a hostname applied during 
install on two of them, the other two had the localhost.localdomain 
localhost default used. This is driving me absolutely mad and the cable ISP 
is no help. So far I got an answer about assigning a hostname followed by a 
quickdisclaimer that it may break every 48 hours since the IP addresses are 
dynamic on a 48 hour lease. Even though I've had the same IP address for 3+ 

foaming at the mouth rant
The single most aggravating thing about any of this actually started 
somewhere back during the MDK 7.x days. How the flaming unholy hell do I 
drive a stake through supermount's heart, and have it stay dead? It's one 
of those protocols/utilities with an almost Microsoft score in 
functionality, ease of use, and transparency. None at all in other words, at 
least not for me.
/foaming at the mouth rant

Thanks for the forbearance and for reading. Does anyone have a suggestion on 
how to fix these troubles? Do you need to see .conf scripts/entries? Here or 
off list is fine since I've run out of ideas and the re-install that is my 
(typical newbie) response won't help. I won't learn anything from that.
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
9:16am up 35 min, 2 users, load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] This is starting to p!$$ me off.

2002-04-18 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Charlie wrote:

 foaming at the mouth rant
 The single most aggravating thing about any of this actually started
 somewhere back during the MDK 7.x days. How the flaming unholy hell do I
 drive a stake through supermount's heart, and have it stay dead? It's one
 of those protocols/utilities with an almost Microsoft score in
 functionality, ease of use, and transparency. None at all in other words, at
 least not for me.
 /foaming at the mouth rant

Can't help with anything else (Sorry!) but can't you disable supermount with:

supermount -i disable

I think thats what I did with my first 8.1 might want to check
the man page to make sure...

How this helps! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione Stewart Taylor

Hi there

Over the years I've had AMD CPUs from 386 to Athlon and never had any prolems 
with any OS or hardware caused by the fact I was running AMD. For me there is 
only one CPU of choice, AMD everytime.


On Thursday 18 Apr 2002 09:05 am, you wrote:
 Hi Everyone!

 I'm planning to change my hardware from intel to AMD and I'd like to know
 your experiences. I've seen an AMD system crash because of motherboard
 problems and I do not want any problems (AND I do not want to use M$)

 The configuration I chose is:

 Motherboard: FastFame8VTAA(VIAKT133A,3SD,UDMA100,AGP4x,AC97Sound,ATX)
 CPU: AMD K7 ThunderBird 950MHz SocketA
 RAM: 256 MB SD RAM 133MHz

 I think it should work fine. Does anyone know about the Motherboard?

 Also: With an AMD system, which rpm packages should I use? i386, i586, i686
 (I guess not) and even if they are not optimised, will they work?



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[newbie] Is ATA133 HD working in Linux or only ATA100?

2002-04-18 Per discussione James M K

I am planing to buy HD in a next few days. Is it worth to buy any ATA133? My
MB is supporting it but I do not know about drivers in Linux. I have a Raid
on my MB too. Have a nice day. James.

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RE: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Yes AMD's work fine...

Though it's too bad about the problems  bugs with all of the support

E.G. Via, AliMagik, etc.

This is not AMD's fault though.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Stewart Taylor
|Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 1:19 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] AMD system question
|Hi there
|Over the years I've had AMD CPUs from 386 to Athlon and never 
|had any prolems 
|with any OS or hardware caused by the fact I was running AMD. 
|For me there is 
|only one CPU of choice, AMD everytime.

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Re: [newbie] This is starting to p!$$ me off.

2002-04-18 Per discussione Charlie

Ronald J. Hall's message on April 17, 2002 11:03 am, stated:
 Charlie wrote:
  foaming at the mouth rant
  The single most aggravating thing about any of this actually started
  somewhere back during the MDK 7.x days. How the flaming unholy hell do I
  drive a stake through supermount's heart, and have it stay dead? It's
  one of those protocols/utilities with an almost Microsoft score in
  functionality, ease of use, and transparency. None at all in other words,
  at least not for me.
  /foaming at the mouth rant

  Can't help with anything else (Sorry!) but can't you disable supermount

  supermount -i disable

  I think thats what I did with my first 8.1 might want to 
  the man page to make sure...

  How this helps! ;-)
Thanks Ronald, I'll get reading and stop frothing RSN. :-)
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
11:32am up 2:52, 2 users, load average: 0.03, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Spell check Mozilla mail

2002-04-18 Per discussione Sevatio


ivan wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to get the spell check to work in mozilla mail.
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[newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione Ron Grace

my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k 
data fax pci modem

if this modem will not work with linux,are there 
modems that can work with both linux and window (the wife still likes 
windows) ty Ron

Re: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 18 April 2002 04:05 am, Baka Attila Tams wrote:
 Hi Everyone!

 I'm planning to change my hardware from intel to AMD and I'd like to know
 your experiences. I've seen an AMD system crash because of motherboard
 problems and I do not want any problems (AND I do not want to use M$)

 The configuration I chose is:

 Motherboard: FastFame8VTAA(VIAKT133A,3SD,UDMA100,AGP4x,AC97Sound,ATX)
 CPU: AMD K7 ThunderBird 950MHz SocketA
 RAM: 256 MB SD RAM 133MHz

 I think it should work fine. Does anyone know about the Motherboard?

 Also: With an AMD system, which rpm packages should I use? i386, i586, i686
 (I guess not) and even if they are not optimised, will they work?




There was a poll several months ago at the Mandrake Forum to determine which 
processors Mandrakers were using. Over 4200 persons responded; over 62 per 
cent used AMD processors. You can see the detailed results here:

FWIW, the last time that I used an Intel CPU at home was back in 386 days. At 
work, though, it's been Intel. About the only difference that I ever noted 
was running AutoCAD, where the Intels did do a better job with floating point 
computations that was only apparent when doing solid model displays. That 
difference may have disappeared with the latest Athlon CPUs.

The Thunderbird can run any level code from 386 on up -- no problem. 
According to what I've read on this list, there isn't much advantage to using 
the 686 compiles.

Sorry, but I am not familiar with the motherboard you mention.
-- cmg

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[newbie] weird log...

2002-04-18 Per discussione Damian G


i've just noticed a funny thing on my machine.. i switched
to tty12 to look at the messages being displayed there
and saw something like this:

Apr 18 15:11:15 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Apr 18 15:12:17 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Apr 18 15:13:19 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Apr 18 15:14:21 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Apr 18 15:15:23 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Apr 18 15:16:25 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Apr 18 15:17:27 localhost last message repeated 2 times

all over the screen, every exactly 1 minute 2 seconds. i have no clue about
this.. i've shut down every program except for my wm ( fluxbox ) and sylpheed.
does anyone know what his means? it's the first time i get this...



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Re: [newbie] weird log...

2002-04-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Basically, the system's being lazy with the log.  In some cases this can
almost be seen as a good thing.  It means your don't have much writing
to the log.

All you need to do is find the what it's repeating.  It should be last
line written ABOVE all of those things.  Here's an example from my log.

Apr 16 02:47:32 localhost snort[29743]: [1:477:1] ICMP Source Quench
[Classification: Potentially Bad Traffic] [Priority: 2]: {ICMP}
Apr 16 02:49:04 r2d2 last message repeated 7 times

So it repeated the line from snort 7 times before something interrupted
what it was doing, then made it print again.

All you have to do is find out what's above all of those.  Try this
command, it may give you the line that it's repeating.

grep -B 5 repeated /var/log/messages

So it finds every line that has repeated in it, then prints the 5 lines
BEFORE it as well.  Check the man page for grep for more options.  If
you don't get anything printed with the above command, change the 5 to a

Hope that helps.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| hi..
| i've just noticed a funny thing on my machine.. i switched
| to tty12 to look at the messages being displayed there
| and saw something like this:
| Apr 18 15:11:15 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Apr 18 15:12:17 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Apr 18 15:13:19 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Apr 18 15:14:21 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Apr 18 15:15:23 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Apr 18 15:16:25 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| Apr 18 15:17:27 localhost last message repeated 2 times
| all over the screen, every exactly 1 minute 2 seconds. i have no clue about
| this.. i've shut down every program except for my wm ( fluxbox ) and sylpheed.
| does anyone know what his means? it's the first time i get this...
| thanks.
| Damian
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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Thursday 18 April 2002 01:59 pm, Ron Grace wrote:
 my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k data fax pci modem

 if this modem will not work with linux,are there modems that can work with
 both linux and window  (the wife still likes windows)  ty Ron

Well Ron, it seems your modem is internal. That usually means a winmodem, 
which is nothing but some software emulating the real thing, i.e. an external 

From what I've learnt here on the list, setting up those winmodems is a pain 
in the neck. It's generally wiser to lay down a few bucks for a real modem. 
That way the modem does what it is meant for, thus sparing the CPU. 

I don't recall anyone having problems with an external modem. The setup is 
usually a breeze : just let kppp (the dialer) query for a modem, and it'll 
find it !


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione James M K

Internal modems are not usually winmodems.

- Original Message -
From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] modem

 On Thursday 18 April 2002 01:59 pm, Ron Grace wrote:
  my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k data fax pci modem
  if this modem will not work with linux,are there modems that can work
  both linux and window  (the wife still likes windows)  ty Ron

 Well Ron, it seems your modem is internal. That usually means a
 which is nothing but some software emulating the real thing, i.e. an

 From what I've learnt here on the list, setting up those winmodems is a
 in the neck. It's generally wiser to lay down a few bucks for a real
 That way the modem does what it is meant for, thus sparing the CPU.

 I don't recall anyone having problems with an external modem. The setup is
 usually a breeze : just let kppp (the dialer) query for a modem, and it'll
 find it !


 Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-18 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:00:03 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 18 April 2002 14:20, you wrote:
  On Thursday 18 April 2002 04:48, John Richard Smith wrote:
   On Wednesday 17 April 2002 16:04, you wrote:
On Friday 22 March 2002 04:37, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Monday ,18.03.2003,1300GMT
   of the suggestions worked for me. Do you think you could send me your
   /etc/modules.conf  file so that I can compare it with mine.
   My condigureKDE-info-sound window says:-
   Synth device:Not enabled in config
   Midi dev:  Not enabled in config
   If this means modules.conf then none of the suggested
   unmute aliases have worked for me.
   Seems the alsa sound driver is running and,
   configure-KDE-System-kernel conf-sound-VIA82c686
   audio codec+Midi are both ticked
   None of us here are making much headway, there is something else
   not being mentioned, that needs to be configured that you know of
   and take for granted , that we do not.
  I don't know what else needs to be configured. Here's my /etc/modules.conf.
  alias usb-interface usb-uhci
  probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
  alias eth0 tulip
  # First, remove the association made during installation:
  # alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
  # Then add:
  alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
  post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss
  # Stuff from sensors-detect
  # I2C module options
  alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
  options adm1021 ignore=0,0x18
  # End of sensors-detect.
 Thas lines under 12C module options are nothing to do with
 sound are they ?
 John Richard Smith

No, they have not ;) However you're running ML8.2 I think. It has OSS and 
ALSA 0.5.12a drivers available. What soundcard do you have and what's the
problem? Anyway I don't think sound problems in ML8.2 are solved by using
the latest ALSA 0.9.0beta12 drivers (I remember an earlier mail about trying
that ;) ). 

Installing the ALSA 0.9.0beta12 drivers can be done though there are some 
'tricks' needed with ML8.2. Since ALSA 0.9 has been incorperated in 
the Linux 2.5.x development kernel series audio developers should certainly 
use ALSA 0.9.0beta because it has a different and better API then ALSA 0.5.x.
Also, for _some_ high-end cards (notably the RME Hammerfall) using the latest 
ALSA 0.9.x series drivers is highly recommended. HTH,

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Re: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione James Thomas

I've been running nothing but AMD for years now and I've had no problems 
with it and Linux. Any set of RPMs seems to work fine and without problems.

Don't know about the board specifically but I've been using that chipset and 
it works fine.


I'm planning to change my hardware from intel to AMD and I'd like to know
your experiences. I've seen an AMD system crash because of motherboard
problems and I do not want any problems (AND I do not want to use M$)

The configuration I chose is:

Motherboard: FastFame8VTAA(VIAKT133A,3SD,UDMA100,AGP4x,AC97Sound,ATX)
CPU: AMD K7 ThunderBird 950MHz SocketA
RAM: 256 MB SD RAM 133MHz

I think it should work fine. Does anyone know about the Motherboard?

Also: With an AMD system, which rpm packages should I use? i386, i586, i686
(I guess not) and even if they are not optimised, will they work?



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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione Lyndon Lininger

Sorry James, but most internal PCI modems are winmodems and basically junk

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] modem

 Internal modems are not usually winmodems.

 - Original Message -
 From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] modem

  On Thursday 18 April 2002 01:59 pm, Ron Grace wrote:
   my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k data fax pci modem
   if this modem will not work with linux,are there modems that can work
   both linux and window  (the wife still likes windows)  ty Ron
  Well Ron, it seems your modem is internal. That usually means a
  which is nothing but some software emulating the real thing, i.e. an
  From what I've learnt here on the list, setting up those winmodems is a
  in the neck. It's generally wiser to lay down a few bucks for a real
  That way the modem does what it is meant for, thus sparing the CPU.
  I don't recall anyone having problems with an external modem. The setup
  usually a breeze : just let kppp (the dialer) query for a modem, and
  find it !
  Kaj Haulrich


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Re: [newbie] Is ATA133 HD working in Linux or only ATA100?

2002-04-18 Per discussione James Thomas

I can't speak for ATA133 but I recently had Linux/Windows installed in a 
dual boot system on my ATA66 hard drive. It finally kicked the bucket so I 
bought a new hard drive and reinstalled both OSes. They both run much faster 
on the ATA133 drive I bought (It only runs at ATA100 though as that's my 
motherboard's max).

So if you need a little extra speed, it's an awesome change and I recommend 


Subject: [newbie] Is ATA133 HD working in Linux or only ATA100?
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 13:22:36 -0400

I am planing to buy HD in a next few days. Is it worth to buy any ATA133? 
MB is supporting it but I do not know about drivers in Linux. I have a Raid
on my MB too. Have a nice day. James.

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Re: [newbie] enterprise kernel sources

2002-04-18 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:44:19 +0200
Roman Korcek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So you have to install the kernel-source RPM for your kernel from
  your CD's.
 I am using the enterprise kernel. Is there a difference between the
 actual sources?

Frankly I don't know! Software Manager suggest the enterprise kernel
just has been compiled with different options.

I also sent this to the list, maybe someone knows more about this :)

Also, 'less /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h' says:

#include linux/rhconfig.h
#if defined(__module__smp)
#define UTS_RELEASE 2.4.18-6mdksmp
#elif defined(__module__enterprise)
#define UTS_RELEASE 2.4.18-6mdkenterprise
#elif defined(__module__up)
#define UTS_RELEASE 2.4.18-6mdk
#define UTS_RELEASE 2.4.18-6mdksecure
#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 132114
#define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a)  16) + ((b)  8) + (c))

So kernel-source-2.4.18-6mdk knows about the 2.4.18-6mdkenterprise kernel.


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Re: [newbie] weird log...

2002-04-18 Per discussione Damian G

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:03:46 -0400
Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 grep -B 5 repeated /var/log/messages

thanks a lot., i found what it was and didn't surprise me..
turned out to be some process trying to connect to my port 631
all the time, and being blocked by my firestarter scripts...

( anyway i'll make a new thread about that anytime soon ;oP )



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Re: [newbie] operation of sensord

2002-04-18 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:32:35 +0530
L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 16 April 2002 08:13 pm, you wrote:
  Hi, easy to do. Just go to a root console and type in sensors-detect then
  it will go through an interactive configuration and at the end it will tell
  you where to edit some /etc/xxx files. If you use gnome or kde as a desktop
  you can install gkrellm as a visual monitor. HTH
  Dennis M.
 I did that. but sensor-detect ask 
 Load `i2c-i810'(say NO if built into your kernel)?
 How to determine built into kernel or not.?

[frans@amd frans]$ locate i2c-i810 | grep /lib/modules/
[frans@amd frans]$

So it's not built into the kernel but is compiled as a loadable module.
So I'd say 'yes' to 'Load `i2c-i810' :)

 my lsmod output is as follows
 [root@localhost lvgandhi]# lsmod
 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 sr_mod 15160   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 i810   68280   1
 agpgart31552   6  (autoclean)
 lm786976   0  (unused)
 i2c-proc6496   0  [lm78]
 i2c-isa 1252   0  (unused)
 i810_audio 20288   1
 soundcore   4068   2  [i810_audio]
 ac97_codec  9568   0  [i810_audio]
 af_packet  12488   0  (autoclean)
 ip_vs  65400   0  (autoclean)
 nls_iso8859-1   2816   3  (autoclean)
 nls_cp850   3584   3  (autoclean)
 vfat9788   3  (autoclean)
 fat31384   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
 supermount 62180   2  (autoclean)
 tuner   8612   1  (autoclean)
 tda7432 2848   1  (autoclean)
 bttv   59776   0
 i2c-algo-bit7244   1  [bttv]
 i2c-core   13568   0  [lm78 i2c-proc i2c-isa tuner tda7432 bttv 
 videodev4896   2  [bttv]
 ide-scsi8032   0
 scsi_mod   92488   2  [sr_mod ide-scsi]
 rtc 5912   0  (autoclean)
 whether already loaded module is loaded what will be the effect?
 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042



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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione Miark

That's like saying most computer don't run Winsux.
What makes you think most modems are real modems?


On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:47:37 -0400
James M K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Internal modems are not usually winmodems.
 - Original Message -
 From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] modem
  On Thursday 18 April 2002 01:59 pm, Ron Grace wrote:
   my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k data fax pci modem
   if this modem will not work with linux,are there modems that can work
   both linux and window  (the wife still likes windows)  ty Ron
  Well Ron, it seems your modem is internal. That usually means a
  which is nothing but some software emulating the real thing, i.e. an
  From what I've learnt here on the list, setting up those winmodems is a
  in the neck. It's generally wiser to lay down a few bucks for a real
  That way the modem does what it is meant for, thus sparing the CPU.
  I don't recall anyone having problems with an external modem. The setup is
  usually a breeze : just let kppp (the dialer) query for a modem, and it'll
  find it !
  Kaj Haulrich
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Re: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione Miark

I have _always_ used AMD CPUs. Couldn't be happier.


On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:55:24 -0700
James Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been running nothing but AMD for years now and I've had no problems 
 with it and Linux. Any set of RPMs seems to work fine and without problems.
 Don't know about the board specifically but I've been using that chipset and 
 it works fine.
 I'm planning to change my hardware from intel to AMD and I'd like to know
 your experiences. I've seen an AMD system crash because of motherboard
 problems and I do not want any problems (AND I do not want to use M$)
 The configuration I chose is:
 Motherboard: FastFame8VTAA(VIAKT133A,3SD,UDMA100,AGP4x,AC97Sound,ATX)
 CPU: AMD K7 ThunderBird 950MHz SocketA
 RAM: 256 MB SD RAM 133MHz
 I think it should work fine. Does anyone know about the Motherboard?
 Also: With an AMD system, which rpm packages should I use? i386, i586, i686
 (I guess not) and even if they are not optimised, will they work?
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[newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...

2002-04-18 Per discussione RM. Krijgsman


Two days ago I installed Mandrake 8.2, because I 
read the support for the Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem was better than any other 
During installation, I was delighted, because I 
could choose what kind of internet connection I want to use and suprisingly I 
could select the adsl modem, never seen this on Suse or Redhat, wich I've tried 
After installation, all I had to do was copy the 
mgmt.o file to /usr/share/speedtouch, so I read and I could connect to the 
I started the Mandrake config gui to configure, 
domain, dns, user/pass, the line was tested and for the first time in my life I 
could connect to the net through Linux, wich I wasn't able to do with Suse or 
Redhat, because of the uge install problems
I surfed some on the net, shut down the pc and when 
I restarted it I could not reconnect again.
The modem is loaded I think, because the 2 green 
lights are on and the line is tested no error occur
I use the internet icon on the desktop to connect 
to the net, I click it on, I click on connect, the line is tested, than is says: 
connection failed and something about reconfiguring with mandrake 
configure.Though domain, dns, user and pass are correctly 
Can enyone help me with this problem?

thnx in advance

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...

2002-04-18 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Thursday 18 Apr 2002 10:08 pm, RM. Krijgsman wrote:

 Two days ago I installed Mandrake 8.2, because I read the support for
 the Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem was better than any other distro.
 During installation, I was delighted, because I could choose what
 kind of internet connection I want to use and suprisingly I could
 select the adsl modem, never seen this on Suse or Redhat, wich I've
 tried before. After installation, all I had to do was copy the mgmt.o
 file to /usr/share/speedtouch, so I read and I could connect to the
 net... I started the Mandrake config gui to configure, domain, dns,
 user/pass, the line was tested and for the first time in my life I
 could connect to the net through Linux, wich I wasn't able to do with
 Suse or Redhat, because of the uge install problems I surfed some
 on the net, shut down the pc and when I restarted it I could not
 reconnect again. The modem is loaded I think, because the 2 green
 lights are on and the line is tested no error occur I use the
 internet icon on the desktop to connect to the net, I click it on, I
 click on connect, the line is tested, than is says: connection failed
 and something about reconfiguring with mandrake configure.Though
 domain, dns, user and pass are correctly configured.. Can enyone
 help me with this problem?

The first thing to try (which doesn't actually require any changes to be 
made) is to ignore the Mandrakesoft stuff which, in my experience, 
doesn't quite fit together. Try:

modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o
pppd call adsl

and, hopefully, after about 20 seconds you should be connected.

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...

2002-04-18 Per discussione Chris Slater-Walker
Title: Message

you send the relevant entries from /var/log/messages, which appear when the ADSL 
modem tries to connect?


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of RM. KrijgsmanSent: 18 April 2002 22:09To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having 
  Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...
  Two days ago I installed Mandrake 8.2, because I 
  read the support for the Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem was better than any 
  other distro.
  During installation, I was delighted, because I 
  could choose what kind of internet connection I want to use and suprisingly I 
  could select the adsl modem, never seen this on Suse or Redhat, wich I've 
  tried before.
  After installation, all I had to do was copy the 
  mgmt.o file to /usr/share/speedtouch, so I read and I could connect to the 
  I started the Mandrake config gui to configure, 
  domain, dns, user/pass, the line was tested and for the first time in my life 
  I could connect to the net through Linux, wich I wasn't able to do with Suse 
  or Redhat, because of the uge install problems
  I surfed some on the net, shut down the pc and 
  when I restarted it I could not reconnect again.
  The modem is loaded I think, because the 2 green 
  lights are on and the line is tested no error occur
  I use the internet icon on the desktop to connect 
  to the net, I click it on, I click on connect, the line is tested, than is 
  says: connection failed and something about reconfiguring with mandrake 
  configure.Though domain, dns, user and pass are correctly 
  Can enyone help me with this 
  thnx in 

Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Thursday 18 April 2002 23:08, Miark wrote:
 That's like saying most computer don't run Winsux.
 What makes you think most modems are real modems?


Well, a modem is a modem and a computer a lot of things.
IMHO a real modem is a hardware thing, stuffed with gadgets able to connect 
a PC to a analog phone-line. 

I did not want to start a semantics-thread here, just help a fellow-newbie in 

Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] antivirus

2002-04-18 Per discussione Ron Grace

one more question are most of you runnig antivirus 
with linux? and if so which one 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...

2002-04-18 Per discussione RM.Krijgsman

I hate this modem, I send the first email from my winloze box, now I'm replying on my 
Linux box...I clickt internet and voila a connection was established.very 
weirdBut I will send the log entry when the problem occurs again and I'm sure it 

 Can you send the relevant entries from /var/log/messages, which appear
 when the ADSL modem tries to connect?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of RM. Krijgsman
 Sent: 18 April 2002 22:09
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems,
 can't connect...
 Two days ago I installed Mandrake 8.2, because I read the support for
 the Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem was better than any other distro.
 During installation, I was delighted, because I could choose what kind
 of internet connection I want to use and suprisingly I could select the
 adsl modem, never seen this on Suse or Redhat, wich I've tried before.
 After installation, all I had to do was copy the mgmt.o file to
 /usr/share/speedtouch, so I read and I could connect to the net...
 I started the Mandrake config gui to configure, domain, dns, user/pass,
 the line was tested and for the first time in my life I could connect to
 the net through Linux, wich I wasn't able to do with Suse or Redhat,
 because of the uge install problems
 I surfed some on the net, shut down the pc and when I restarted it I
 could not reconnect again.
 The modem is loaded I think, because the 2 green lights are on and the
 line is tested no error occur
 I use the internet icon on the desktop to connect to the net, I click it
 on, I click on connect, the line is tested, than is says: connection
 failed and something about reconfiguring with mandrake
 configure.Though domain, dns, user and pass are correctly
 Can enyone help me with this problem?
 thnx in advance

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...

2002-04-18 Per discussione RM.Krijgsman

Thanks, I wrote it down, I'll try that first thing next time, I'm sure the problems 
are not over yet..
I'll send some log info next time

 The first thing to try (which doesn't actually require any changes to be 
 made) is to ignore the Mandrakesoft stuff which, in my experience, 
 doesn't quite fit together. Try:
 modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o
 pppd call adsl
 and, hopefully, after about 20 seconds you should be connected.
 Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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RE: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Heh, drop a BT8x8 tuner it in, or many other Bus Mastering controllers
and it will bite you.

Unfortunately I found this out the hard way on 6 different systems I

The famous clock timer problem screws up DMA transfers on Via, 
AliMagik chipsets. 

Abit, Asus, Gigabyte are all plagued by this... 


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tony S. Sykes
|Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 5:02 AM
|Subject: RE: [newbie] AMD system question
|I use an Asus board with amd(xp 1600), no probs, I have always 
|used amd chips for last 5 years, last 2 on linux, and never 
|had a problem, with several motherboards, abit, asus, gigabyte 
|running amd various flavours.

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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-18 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Friday 19 April 2002 00:25, Ron Grace wrote:
 one more question are most of you runnig antivirus with linux? and if so
 which one

Antivirus software is only really necessary for Linux servers which are used 
for sharing MS documents (e.g. Word files) which can be infected.  For normal 
workstation purposes, a good firewall is adequate protection (setting 
Mandrake security to medium will do this).

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-18 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Thursday 18 April 2002 20:47, you wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:00:03 +0100

 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 18 April 2002 14:20, you wrote:
   On Thursday 18 April 2002 04:48, John Richard Smith wrote:
On Wednesday 17 April 2002 16:04, you wrote:
 On Friday 22 March 2002 04:37, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Monday ,18.03.2003,1300GMT
of the suggestions worked for me. Do you think you could send me your
/etc/modules.conf  file so that I can compare it with mine.
My condigureKDE-info-sound window says:-
Synth device:Not enabled in config
Midi dev:  Not enabled in config
If this means modules.conf then none of the suggested
unmute aliases have worked for me.
Seems the alsa sound driver is running and,
configure-KDE-System-kernel conf-sound-VIA82c686
audio codec+Midi are both ticked
None of us here are making much headway, there is something else
not being mentioned, that needs to be configured that you know of
and take for granted , that we do not.
   I don't know what else needs to be configured. Here's my
   alias usb-interface usb-uhci
   probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
   alias eth0 tulip
   # First, remove the association made during installation:
   # alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
   # Then add:
   alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
   post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss
   # Stuff from sensors-detect
   # I2C module options
   alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
   options adm1021 ignore=0,0x18
   # End of sensors-detect.
  Thas lines under 12C module options are nothing to do with
  sound are they ?
  John Richard Smith

 No, they have not ;) However you're running ML8.2 I think. It has OSS and
 ALSA 0.5.12a drivers available. What soundcard do you have and what's the
 problem? Anyway I don't think sound problems in ML8.2 are solved by using
 the latest ALSA 0.9.0beta12 drivers (I remember an earlier mail about
 trying that ;) ).

 Installing the ALSA 0.9.0beta12 drivers can be done though there are some
 'tricks' needed with ML8.2. Since ALSA 0.9 has been incorperated in
 the Linux 2.5.x development kernel series audio developers should certainly
 use ALSA 0.9.0beta because it has a different and better API then ALSA
 0.5.x. Also, for _some_ high-end cards (notably the RME Hammerfall) using
 the latest ALSA 0.9.x series drivers is highly recommended. HTH,

I have a MSI K7T266 Pro2 Mobo which has via 8233 AC97 soundchip built into 
the board.
Upon install LM8.2 seems to configure an OSS driver which works,but only with 
one item, namely the CD player. Nothing else seems connected to the system.
There is no Mandrake sound  for the OS, no Xcdroast , no midi player,
you name it it doesn't work. It does not seem to be anything to do with 
So what am I to do, several suggestions later someone said configure the 
alsa sound driver, instead of the OSS driver,which I think I have achieved.
Certainly kernel configure and KDE sound believe it is running.
It makes no difference whether ARTS is enabled or disabled.
There does not seem to be any sndconfig command line facility.
The website mentioned previously says add 
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss to modules.conf,
but although this does help to bring alsa to live as a driver
It appears in the boot script now,
Nothing including the CD player works.
I don't actually have any sound at all. 
However I think it should work, something is amiss,
but I am fast running out of ideas.
Installing the latest alsa driver was just one idea.
Reconfigure the modules.conf file to include lines about
amixer set Master 22 unmute
amixer set Master Mono 22 unmute
amixer set Input Gain 22 unmute
amixer set Aux 22 unmute
amixer set Line 22 unmute
amixer set PCM 22 unmute   was another,
but when I do this I get lots of failed script at boot time,
with comments about line this and that being unrecognised.
The only clue I can find is in configure KDE-info-sound,
two lines, synth dev:not enabled in config
   midi dev : not enabled in config
possibly modules.conf needs additional lines to achieve this ?
I suspect the alsa sound driver is there and running but no sound
device is connecting with it. 
Is it anything to do with AC97 ?
I don't know ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...

2002-04-18 Per discussione RM. Krijgsman

Ok, so after another windows session, starting 
Linux and trying to connect to the net, wich did not happen, I will send 
attached a piece of the log file, first an older piece, but than the piece from 
login. I tried: modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o
the answer is, driver already running something 
like that.
I tried: pppd call adsl
command unknown...
Oh I have to mention, when I logged on to Linux, 
both the modem lights were out, I pulled the usb connection in and out and both 
lights were on.

Thnx in advance,


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:08 
  Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2, having 
  Alcatel Speedtouch problems, can't connect...
  Two days ago I installed Mandrake 8.2, because I 
  read the support for the Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem was better than any 
  other distro.
  During installation, I was delighted, because I 
  could choose what kind of internet connection I want to use and suprisingly I 
  could select the adsl modem, never seen this on Suse or Redhat, wich I've 
  tried before.
  After installation, all I had to do was copy the 
  mgmt.o file to /usr/share/speedtouch, so I read and I could connect to the 
  I started the Mandrake config gui to configure, 
  domain, dns, user/pass, the line was tested and for the first time in my life 
  I could connect to the net through Linux, wich I wasn't able to do with Suse 
  or Redhat, because of the uge install problems
  I surfed some on the net, shut down the pc and 
  when I restarted it I could not reconnect again.
  The modem is loaded I think, because the 2 green 
  lights are on and the line is tested no error occur
  I use the internet icon on the desktop to connect 
  to the net, I click it on, I click on connect, the line is tested, than is 
  says: connection failed and something about reconfiguring with mandrake 
  configure.Though domain, dns, user and pass are correctly 
  Can enyone help me with this 
  thnx in 

Apr 19 02:20:56 The su(pam_unix)[4949]: session closed for user root 
Apr 19 02:21:06 The gdm(pam_unix)[3000]: session closed for user rolandos 
Apr 19 02:21:06 The gnome-name-server[4250]: input condition is: 0x11, exiting 
Apr 19 02:21:06 The gdm[3000]: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting 
Apr 19 02:21:14 The gdm(pam_unix)[6740]: session opened for user root by (uid=0) 
Apr 19 02:21:15 The su(pam_unix)[6897]: session opened for user nobody by (uid=0) 
Apr 19 02:21:15 The su[6897]: pam_xauth: error creating temporary file 
`/home/.xauthkAZrh4': Permission denied 
Apr 19 02:21:16 The su(pam_unix)[6897]: session closed for user nobody 
Apr 19 02:21:16 The gnome-name-server[6948]: starting 
Apr 19 02:21:16 The gnome-name-server[6948]: name server starting 
Apr 19 02:21:16 The gconfd (root-6961): starting (version 1.0.8), pid 6961 user 'root' 
Apr 19 02:21:20 The xinetd[6970]: warning: can't get client address: Transport 
endpoint is not connected 
Apr 19 02:23:47 The gconfd (rolandos-4259): GConf server is not in use, shutting down. 
Apr 19 02:23:47 The gconfd (rolandos-4259): Exiting 
Apr 19 02:25:10 The net_monitor.real[7516]: ### Program is starting ### 
Apr 19 02:27:20 The gdm(pam_unix)[6740]: session closed for user root 
Apr 19 02:27:20 The gnome-name-server[6948]: input condition is: 0x11, exiting 
Apr 19 02:27:27 The gdm(pam_unix)[6740]: session opened for user rolandos by (uid=0) 
Apr 19 02:27:30 The gnome-name-server[7789]: starting 
Apr 19 02:27:30 The gnome-name-server[7789]: name server starting 
Apr 19 02:27:31 The gconfd (rolandos-7798): starting (version 1.0.8), pid 7798 user 
Apr 19 02:27:31 The xinetd[7810]: warning: can't get client address: Transport 
endpoint is not connected 
Apr 19 02:28:14 The net_monitor.real[7861]: ### Program is starting ### 
Apr 19 02:29:06 The su(pam_unix)[7884]: session opened for user root by 
Apr 19 2:29:09 Starting firewall iptables ... 
Apr 19 2:30:04 Shutting down firewall and masquerading 
Apr 19 02:36:16 The gconfd (root-6961): GConf server is not in use, shutting down. 
Apr 19 02:36:16 The gconfd (root-6961): Exiting 
Apr 19 02:41:31 The pppoa3[3819]: CRC error in an AAL5 frame 
Apr 19 02:41:31 The  last message repeated 3 times
Apr 19 02:46:00 The net_monitor.real[7861]: launched command: /usr/sbin/logdrake 
Apr 19 02:46:00 The logdrake[8607]: ### Program is starting ### 
Apr 19 02:47:18 The su(pam_unix)[7884]: session closed for user root 
Apr 19 02:47:20 The init: Switching to runlevel: 6 
Apr 19 02:47:26 The kernel: Splash status on console 0 changed to on 
Apr 19 02:47:26 The Font Server[2812]: terminating 
Apr 19 02:47:26 The xfs: xfs shutdown succeeded 

Re: [newbie] operation of sensord

2002-04-18 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 17 April 2002 09:02 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 16 April 2002 08:13 pm, you wrote:
  Hi, easy to do. Just go to a root console and type in sensors-detect
  then it will go through an interactive configuration and at the end it
  will tell you where to edit some /etc/xxx files. If you use gnome or kde
  as a desktop you can install gkrellm as a visual monitor. HTH
  Dennis M.

 I did that. but sensor-detect ask
 Load `i2c-i810'(say NO if built into your kernel)?
 How to determine built into kernel or not.?
 my lsmod output is as follows
 whether already loaded module is loaded what will be the effect?
Just go ahead and say yes it should start things up.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0 - Worth the Upgrade

2002-04-18 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 10:42 am, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 16 April 2002 00:03, Pauljames Dimitriu opened a general hailing

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  Anyone here upgrade to KDE 3.0?  Is it worth the
  upgrade or is it like Windows.wait a while after
  it's initial release?

 i used the texstar rpms (link to ftp at i do believe) excet for
 packages he did not have like koffice and pim stuff, in which case i used
 mandrakes rpms.  i have had 2 very minor bugs (konsole, fix posted to the
 list, and splash screen crash, someone posted a fix but i didn't try it.
 never reboot, so...) and it fixed 3 bugs i had in 2.2.2 and is _much_

 the good news is that you can install both, so give it a try.

 i found i could do the rpm install, go to etc/profile.d/ and comment
 out the path line.  (thanks for that fix from a list member!  sorry i
 forget who :( )  then copy my .kde folder into .kde3 (after creating .kde3
 that is) and it works wonderfully.

I've used both texstar and kde site and still can't get konqueror
 to run in su console mode, I'd wait until they get the bugs out. Commenting 
out the line in etc/profile.d/ only messes up the kde3 function for 
me.  It is more trouble than it is worth IMHO.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-18 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 18 April 2002 14:25, Ron Grace opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 one more question are most of you runnig antivirus with linux? and if so
 which one

yes i am, i am running linux, with no MS apps through wine.  nothing beats 

did anyone else read that the lindows release was so MS compatable it 
includes running your most viruses (virii?  something plurel) right there 
in linux?  thanks no..

'Tis some script kidd3z, I muttered, tapping at my server port-  Only 
this, and nothing more.  - Edgar root Poe.

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Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-18 Per discussione H. Narfi Stefansson

On Thursday 18 April 2002 17:38, you wrote:
 Upon install LM8.2 seems to configure an OSS driver which works,but only
 with one item, namely the CD player. Nothing else seems connected to the
 system. There is no Mandrake sound  for the OS, no Xcdroast , no midi
 player, you name it it doesn't work. It does not seem to be anything to
 do with unmuting.
 So what am I to do, several suggestions later someone said configure the
 alsa sound driver, instead of the OSS driver,which I think I have
 achieved. Certainly kernel configure and KDE sound believe it is
 running. It makes no difference whether ARTS is enabled or disabled.
 There does not seem to be any sndconfig command line facility.
 The website mentioned previously says add
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
 post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss to modules.conf,
 but although this does help to bring alsa to live as a driver
 It appears in the boot script now,
 Nothing including the CD player works.
 I don't actually have any sound at all.
 However I think it should work, something is amiss,
 but I am fast running out of ideas.
 Installing the latest alsa driver was just one idea.
 Reconfigure the modules.conf file to include lines about
 amixer set Master 22 unmute
 amixer set Master Mono 22 unmute
 amixer set Input Gain 22 unmute
 amixer set Aux 22 unmute
 amixer set Line 22 unmute
 amixer set PCM 22 unmute   was another,
 but when I do this I get lots of failed script at boot time,
 with comments about line this and that being unrecognised.
 The only clue I can find is in configure KDE-info-sound,
 two lines, synth dev:not enabled in config
midi dev : not enabled in config
 possibly modules.conf needs additional lines to achieve this ?
 I suspect the alsa sound driver is there and running but no sound
 device is connecting with it.
 Is it anything to do with AC97 ?
 I don't know ?

Here are more details on my setup: I have version 3.4 of the AMI bios. I=20
have ac97 enabled in the bios, pnp os off. I boot with nobiospnp in=20
All that I did with regards to sound was to make sure I had these=20
settings, change /etc/modules.conf as detailed before. After I had=20
rebooted, I changed the volumes using kmix.
midi does not seem to work for me, and Configure KDE-info-sound gives=
me the same 2 lines as you get about synth and midi.
I have alsa and sound start as services at boot time. I'm using devfs.

This is all I can think of, wish I could do more to help.


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Re: [newbie] OK I need some sylpheed advice

2002-04-18 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

Sorry it took so long to get back.  The package in LM 8.2 is


On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:16:41 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joseph Braddock wrote:
  I'm using the Sulpheed-claws (0.7.2) that is included with the LM8.2 CDs.  While 
it doesn't pop up a spell check box before sending, it does hi-lite them as you type. 
 Right clicking on the hi-lited word gives a list of suggestions.
 Heyy, thx Joe...whats the package name if you don't mind?
 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.
 - Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-18 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

Is it possible that you are not running devfs?  If you issue the command cat 
/etc/lilo.conf  from a shell, it will display the various boot options that appear on 
the menu when you first boot.  Under your linux entry, there should be a line that 
begins with append=.  On that line, it probably says devfs=mount or it might say 
devfs=nomount.  I'm pretty sure if it says nomount, you will manually need to create 
the entries under /dev.  The devfs=mount should create them automatically.


On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 19:31:45 +1200
Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader, on Wed, 17 Apr 2002 05:25, 
  Bryan Tyson wrote:
 mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/smedia
   There is no /dev/sda1, there is nothing much like it there
  See what happens if you do
  modprobe usb-storage
  before trying to mount the card.
 Thanks Bryan,  output below.
 I still have no /dev/sda1... how do they appear?  There is no sd* 
 device at all in the /dev directory.  I am searching around to try 
 to understand how these files work.  Still lost after a lot of 
 1003 root@psybernet:/dev (07:25:43)
 # modprobe usb-storage
 1004 root@psybernet:/dev (07:26:07)
 # lsmod | grep usb
 usb-storage52528   0  (unused)
 usbmouse2048   0  (unused)
 input   3648   0  [keybdev mousedev hid usbmouse]
 usb-uhci   21232   0  (unused)
 usbcore50752   1  [usb-storage hid usbmouse 
 scsi_mod   91072   4  [usb-storage sd_mod sg sr_mod 
 1005 root@psybernet:/dev (07:26:13)
 # mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/smedia
 mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist
 Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] WinModem problem.

2002-04-18 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

What version of Mandrake are you using?  Also, have you installed the kernel source 
and headers?  I believe you need both installed to compile the driver.  I'm using 
Mandrake 8.2 with 0.8.6 drivers. If you still are having problems, I can email you the 
compiled files.


On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 01:45:28 +
Paul Stutes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using a HSP56 PCTel Micromodem and I got the 0.8.6 Pctel driver for 
 Linux and I can't seem to figure out exactly what I am doing wrong when I am 
 setting it up...First, I got to the part where it said that the modversion.h 
 was missing. But I finally fixed that. Now, I get to where you run the make 
 cmd and it goes and it gives some errors saying [all-recursive] error 1 and 
 [all-recursive] error 2. Also, when I view the modversion.h all it is is a 
 paragraph with error in front of each line...Like instructions (which make 
 no sense after reading them) Can someone tell me how to install it from 
 scratch or what I might be doing wrong?
 Paul S.
 Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-18 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

It sounds like you have a winmodem.  Do you know what type of modem you have?  If you 
are dual booting into windows, you can tell from that.  If you can get the 
Manufacturer and model number, then you can get the right drivers for linux from

Usually the message you are getting is because the dialer can't talk to the modem 
(because the correct driver isn't loaded) and it assumes the modem is busy (wrong) or 
not responding (correct).


On 18 Apr 2002 07:43:45 -0500

 yesterday i installed my first linux program, all went good but when i try to get on 
the net it tells me my modem is busy or it is not responding, the modem is working 
for windows. ty Ron
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Re: [newbie] AMD system question

2002-04-18 Per discussione James R. McKenzie

I have a Systemax AMD XP 1700+ (Gigabyte MoBo, 512MB PC2100 RAM) and so far
have had no problems that can blamed on it.  It's owner can be blame quite a
bit however.  8-{

I've made some dumb mistakes but the board has been very nice.  I do have to
say the on-board sound sux.  It's weak and lack luster.  I'd spring for an
older Sound Blaster Live Value PCI card if I were you.  I don't know how
hard they are to get in Hungary though.  Anyhoo, that's my experience so

- Original Message -
From: Baka Attila Tams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 4:05 AM
Subject: [newbie] AMD system question

 Hi Everyone!

 I'm planning to change my hardware from intel to AMD and I'd like to know
 your experiences. I've seen an AMD system crash because of motherboard
 problems and I do not want any problems (AND I do not want to use M$)

 The configuration I chose is:

 Motherboard: FastFame8VTAA(VIAKT133A,3SD,UDMA100,AGP4x,AC97Sound,ATX)
 CPU: AMD K7 ThunderBird 950MHz SocketA
 RAM: 256 MB SD RAM 133MHz

 I think it should work fine. Does anyone know about the Motherboard?

 Also: With an AMD system, which rpm packages should I use? i386, i586,
 (I guess not) and even if they are not optimised, will they work?



 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.332 / Virus Database: 186 - Release Date: 2002. 03. 06.

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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-18 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 17:25, Ron Grace wrote:
 one more question are most of you runnig antivirus with linux?
and if so which one   

Quoted from Linux Journal, April 2002:


Estimated number of computer viruses in 1990:


Estimated minimum number of computer viruses in 2000:


Total number of reported Linux viruses:


Cost in billions of dollars in virus damages by September 2001:


The punchline is that Microshaft is responsible for all virus damages.  

OK, now that you are fully prepared, go read this:



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Of interest to all linuxophiles

2002-04-18 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 06:04, john rigby wrote:
 Ha folks,
 Little item in Zdnet downunder.
 6. IBM Australia migrating to Linux
 IBM's 10,000 Australian staff are in the process of being moved over to
 Linux for file and print serving, as part of a cost-efficiency drive
 has been in the pipeline since last year.

John, this was actually interesting and encouraging.



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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[newbie] Switching Desktops

2002-04-18 Per discussione Charles Muller

When I installed LM 8.2, I selected Gnome as my desktop. I would now
like to give KDE a try. Can someone tell me the best way to go about
doing this change?


Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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